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Can your pets get a job?

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Question for The Sims 3 Pets

Can your pets get a job

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Guest answered:

Yes, Your pet can get a job at three places the Hospital as a pet therapist, at the police station as a police dog, and at the criminal handout as a bad dog. The Jobs are only part time jobs and your pets work Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3.00 p.m to 6.00 p.m. (as far as I know. My pets are only at lever 3.) It seems that your pet make the same amount of money where ever they work and when they get a promotion.They make a little more money with they get a promotion. Also you only have to worry about getting your pet in a good mood for work. There doesn't seem to be any skills you need you pet to have or relationships with co-workers.

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Guest said: 5th May 2014 | REPORT
If you use testingcheatsenabled true, shift click the mailbox and set courier to anything, I don't have ambitions so I cant choose all xx
Guest said: 25th May 2014 | REPORT
When i click on the rustlers den with my dog it just says no interactions available ?
Guest said: 7th Dec 2014 | REPORT
Guest said: 2nd May 2015 | REPORT
Tip in learning skills, buy the most expensive stove, cook on it, when the learning quickly moodlet appears, go to different area in town and the moodlet will not disappear even he is not cooking anymore, using it with upgraded stroke of genius karma, learning skill will be insanely fast, like from level 0 to level 3 in just 3 seconds xD
pixie516 answered:

Your pets can also hunt for gems(if that counts as a job.) the higher their level, the more valuable the gems will be!!!

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Guest said: 25th May 2014 | REPORT
It also says pets cant have jobs
kankake answered:

Also cats can work in the museme (something that starts with a "m") but ONLY cats, no dogs.

Guest answered:

Police Station(City Hall)
Lobster Blues Cafe(Criminal Hideout)
22$ hr. 3-6PM starting out
Lobster Blues Cafe (criminal hideout)
22$ hr 3-6PM starting out

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Guest said: 18th Jan 2020 | REPORT
I can't get my pet a job
Guest answered:

If you go the place you want your pet to work as your pet there is a opshon to get part time jod hope thats enough!

Guest answered:

Yes they can!!it is easy just click on a place on the map then click get part time job!


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