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by DarkTyranitar18

               XXXX  XXXX               XXXX          XXXX  XXX'             
 XXXX          XXXX                XXX  XXXX         XXXX   XXXX             

                    J E T    S E T    R A D I O    F U T U R E


                           JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future
                              By: DarkTyranitar18 
                            [email protected]
                            Version 2.0. - 12.03.05
                        Copyright (c)2005 DarkTyranitar18


Search Navagation
To quickly find a section you are looking for, hold the CTRL key and press
the F key to bring up a search string and type in any key words in the Table
of Contents (listed above). For Mac users, use the command key in place of the
control key. It should help you navigate your way through this guide a lot 

     I.    Version History.........................................(0100)
     II.   Controls................................................(0200)
     III.  Moves...................................................(0300)
     IV.   Main Chracters..........................................(0400)
     V.    Main Enemies............................................(0500)
     VI.   Walkthrough.............................................(0600)
              6.01 Chapter 01......................................(0601)
              6.02 Chapter 02......................................(0602)
              6.03 Chapter 03......................................(0603)
              6.04 Chapter 04......................................(0604)
              6.05 Chapter 05......................................(0605)
              6.06 Chapter 06......................................(0606)
              6.07 Chapter 07......................................(0607)
              6.08 Chapter 08......................................(0608)
     VII.  Chapter 09..............................................(0700)
     VIII. Secret Tape Locations...................................(0800)
     IX.   How to get all the Characters...........................(0900)
     X.    Test Runs Times.........................................(1000)
     XI.   Transcript of DJ Prof. K................................(1100)
     XII.  The Music...............................................(1200)
              12.1 Song Listing....................................(1201)
              12.2 What songs are played when......................(1202)
              12.3 Lyrics for Selected Songs.......................(1203)
     XIII. Items in Vs. Mode.......................................(1300)
     XIV.  FAQ.....................................................(1400)
     XV.   Finishing Comments......................................(1501) 
              15.1 Contact Info....................................(1502) 
              15.2 Credits.........................................(1503)
              15.3 Copyright.......................................(1504)

| I. Version History                                                 (0100) |

Version 0.2 - September 30, 2005
Okay, so I started this FAQ/Walkthrough. I completed the art, table of 
contents. Completed every section in the walkthrough, so it's is also known as
complete. I did everything you see in this version, basically. So this is 
a complete FAQ/Walkthrough! 23 KB

Version 1.0 - October 4th, 2005
The lastest version. I added sections, How to get all the characters, secret 
tape locations, and test runs. Corrected some errors and made minor changes to
the faq. I also expanded more on the table of contents. Also added a FAQ 
section. Changed some of the headings as well and added the song listing 
section, too. 42 KB

Version 1.2 - October 11th, 2005
Just reformatted the table of contents, alot. Also changed the headings and
added the codes. Changed minor mistakes of spelling and grammar. Overall this
is the final version, unless I change some more crap around. 44 KB

Version 1.4 - October 29th, 2005
Maybe the last version. Well, anyways made minor changes to the faq and 
corrected some mistakes. Added two new questions to the FAQ section. Changed
the art on top. 44 KB

Version 1.6 - November 20th, 2005
Changed art on top. Made it more "Graphical". Also expanded or detailed things
in the walkhtrough, for more help. Added two new sections. A Items in Vs.
section and a music section. The music section has three sub section with
all you need to know about the songs. Almost Thanksgiving! =) 86 KB

Version 1.8 - November 30th, 2005
Another minor update. Added a new website that this faq can be found at: 
HonestGamers <>. Made minor spelling mistakes and
changed the copyright from the beginning of the faq to the end. 88 KB

Version 2.0 - December 10th, 2005
Again a minor update. Added a new website that this faq can be found at: 
Super Cheats <>. 88 KB.

| II. Controls                                                       (0200) | 

These are the controls for jet set radio. They can also be found in your 
instruction booklet. But if your to lazy to get it or just lost the booklet,
then look at this list.

                          S  -  C O N T R O L L E R
                Left Trigger ---|           |--- Right Trigger
                         ___    |           |    ___
                       ,'   `.__|___________|__,'   `.
                      /                               \
  Left Thumbstick -----|_                          __,-------- Y Button 
                    | .' `.                     __(__)__ |
                   /  `._,'      X Button ----(__)__(__)------- B Button
                   |  _         _                (__)---------|
Back Button -------- (_) _    _| |_        _        _     |   |--A Button
                   |    (_)  |_   _|     .' `.   _ (_)--------- Black Button
                   |     |   | |_|       `._,'  (_)-------- White Button
                   |     |   |_____________|____          |
    Start Button --------|   |             |    \         |
                    \      .'|             |     `.      /
                     `.__,'  | Right Thumbstick    `.__,'
                       Directional Pad

A Button
~ Jump
~ Select during menus

B Button
~ Turbo boost (You need 10 cans at least)
~ Cancel 

Y Button 
~ Tricks while grinding
~ Tricks while in air

X Button
~ Tricks while grinding
~ Tricks while air

L Trigger
~ Spray graffiti
~ Lock On

R Trigger
~ Fix Cramera
~ Talk to people

~ Moves skater

Left Control Stick
~ Moves Skater

Right Control Stick
~ Looks around in skaters view

| III. Moves                                                          (0300) |

| IV. Main Characters                                                (0400)  |

These are just the main characters in the game, overall. So these characters
are only the main ones. There is more characters in the game but i'll do the
main ones only.

|+| NAME of CHARACTER  | PROFILE                                             |
|C| CORN               | He is the founder and leader of the GG's            |
|A| GUM                | Is the co-leader of the GG's, also a member         |
|A| YOYO               | A new comer to the GG's, you start out being him    |
|T| BEAT               | Member of the GG's, he began the rumors of the GG's | 
|R| DJ PROFESSOR K     | A DJ for a underground pirate radio, Jet set radio  |
|*| ROBOY              | A robot build by corn, is a member of GG's as well  |

| V. Main Enemies                                                     (0500) |

These are the main enemies you will encounter during the game, overall. There
is more enemies but i'll just put the main ones. Now to defeat the regular
police cops, hayashi, and the golden rhinos you just ram into them and 
then tag them. For the one's with the black armor you boost dash ram them and
then tag them. Let's begin...

|*| NAME of ENEMY      | PROFILE                                             |
|E| ROKKAKU POLICE     | They are just police men, they go down with a ram   |
|E| HAYASHI            | The commander of the rakkaku police and he has a gun|
|I| ROKKAKU POLICE V2  | Look the same as police men but with black armor    |
|S| GOLDEN RHINOS      | A shady looking private police force, with guns     | 

| VI. Walkthrough                                                     (0600) |

So just to remind you this a Spoiler free walkthrough, for people who don't 
want the game spoiled. If you want in depth, look at another faq. I will list 
the main objectives, where to go next, stuff like that. Now on to the 

|                         --- 6.01 Chapter 01 ---                     (0601) |

- Hear the cool song! 8)
- Select new game, duh.


- Talk to gum, cross the bride.
- Complete her challenges, the challenges are self explanitory.
- Now hear DJ Professor K
- Head to Dogenzaka hill (Unlocked) 


- Complete the graffiti challenge
  4 Super Small, 3 - Small , 4 - Medium,  4 - Large,  1 - Extra Large
- Now Find beat, follow him every time you talk to him  
- Defeat beat at city rush, in dogenzaka hill
- Defeat the the rokkaku police
  10 In-Total

- Head to Shibuya terminal (Unlocked)


- Complete the graffiti challenge
  10 - Super Small, 15 - Small , 8 - Medium, 2 - Large , 0 - Extra Large
- Find poison jam, follow them every time you talk to him
- Find combo, and complete his easy chalenge
- Defeat the rokkaku police and hayashi
- Now head to chuo street (Unlocked)
- Chuo street is accessible through shibuya terminal

| Chapter 01 | COMPLETE |                                                  

|                       --- 6.02 Chapter 02 ---                       (0602) |


- Defeat the rokkaku police, two times
- Defeat Hayashi
- Complete the graffiti challenge
  6 - Super Small , 3 - Small , 7 - Medium, 6 - Large , 3 - Extra Large
- Locate, then talk to poison jam
- Defeat poison jam at city rush, in chuo street
- Head to Rokkaku-dai Heights (Unlocked)
- Rakkaku-dai heights is accessible through the garage


- Find poison jam, follow them every time you talk to them
  They will only appear when you complete chuo street
- Defeat the rokkaku police, three times in total
- Complete the graffiti challenge
  10 - Super Small , 9 - Small , 3 - Medium, 6 - Large , 3 - Extra Large
- Head to 99th street (Unlocked)
- 99th street is accessible through the garage


- Defeat the rokakku police, two times in total
- Complete the graffiti challenge
  11 - Super Small , 12 - Small , 7 - Medium, 3 - Large, 1 - Extra Large
- Find Rapid 99 and talk with them
  They will only appear if Chuo st and rokkaku levels are complete
- Defeat the rapid 99 at a Flag battle, in 99th street
  You need at least 25 graffiti souls

- Head to the tokyo underground sewage facilty (Unlocked)
- Tokyo underground sewage facility is accessible by rokkaku-dai heights

| Chapter 02 | COMPLETE |

|                        --- 6.03 Chapter 03 ---                      (0603) |


- Complete garham's lesson or challenge
- Tag all the door swithches for the door to open

- Head to the bottom point of the sewage facility (Unlocked)
- Bottom point is accessible through the tokyo underground sewage facility


- Locate the poison jam
- Defeat the poison jam at graffiti tag, in bottom piont of the sewage facility

- Now head to Hikage street (Unlocked)
- Hikage street is accessible through shibuya terminal

| Chapter 03 | COMPLETE |

|                        --- 6.04 Chapter 04 ---                      (0604) |


- Defeat the Rokkaku Police, three times in total
- Complete the Graffiti Challenge
  7 - Super Small, 7 - Small, 9 - Medium, 4 - Large, 2 - Extra Large
- Now head to Kibogaoka Hill (Unlocked)
- Kibogaoka hill is accessible through the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility


- Defeat the Rokkaku Police
- Complete the Graffiti Challenge
  3 - Super Small, 8 - Small, 2 - Medium, 4 - Large, 4 - Extra Large
- Go to the Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park (Unlocked)
- Skyscraper district and pharaoh park is accessible through 99th Street


- Defeat the Rokkaku Police, two times in total
- Complete the Graffiti Challenge
  1 - Super Small, 3 - Small, 4 - Medium, 6 - Large, 2 - Extra Large
- Locate the Immortals 
+ They will only appear if you complete Hikage Street, Kibogaoka Hill, and the
  Skyscraper District 
- Defeat the Immortals at Graffiti Tag, in skyscraper district

- Head to highway zero (Unlocked)
- Highway zero is accessible through 99th street


- Defeat the Immortals at Graffiti Tag, in highway zero

- Head to the future site of the rokkaku expo stadium (Unlocked)
- The future site of the rokkaku expo stadium through 99th street

| Chapter 04 | COMPLETE |

|                       --- 6.05 Chapter 05 ---                       (0605) |


- Practice death ball with jazz for a while
- Defeat the doom riders at death ball
- Defeat the Immortals at death ball
- Defeat the love shockers at death ball
- Defeat th rokkaku police's drome

| Chapter 05 | COMPLETE |

|                       --- 6.06 Chapter 06 ---                       (0606) |

- Now you have to destroy 200 noise tanks
- You can find noise tanks at these places:
  * Dogenzaka Hill - 102 in this area
  * Shibuya Terminal - 71 in this area
  * Chuo Street - 84 in this area
  * Rokkaku-Dai Heights - 69 in this area
  * 99th Street - 85 in this area

- Head to skyscraper distric and pharaoh park


- Locate poison jam and talk to him for info

- Head to sky dinosaurian square (Unlocked)
- Sky dinosaurian square is accessible through Skycraper district


- Defeat the noise tanks at graffiti tag, in sky dinosaurian square

- You'll be in the garage automatically

| Chapter 06 | COMPLETE |

|                      --- 6.07 Chapter 07 ---                        (0607) |


- You will talk to clutch 
+ You'll need 40 graffiti souls, to help you
- Find Clutch in the area given by Professor K and talk to him. The area 
  alternates between these areas:
  * Kibogaoka Hill
  * The Skyscraper Districk and Pharaoh Park
  * Chuo Street

Clutch Glitch - To avoid this glitch, note that Clutch's appearance is 100%
predictable. He starts off at Kibogaoka Hill (near the beginning graffiti stop)
and stays there for about 90 secs.  He then moves to the skyscraper district
and stays under the gate for about 2 mins. Finally he goes to Chuo street (near
the headless dinosaur) and stays there for over 3 minutes. The pattern then
repeats. It doesn't matter what you do, he still follows this pattern. If you
look at the spot where he is supposed to appear (when he's supposed to appear)
you'll see that Clutch just pops onto the screen!! He doesn't skate in. So in
summary just wait in one of the 3 places until he decides to appear right in
front of you. (People only get this glitch if they start to repaint the
graffiti tags and ignore what DJ Professor K has to say)

- Head to Fortified Residential Zone (Unlocked)
- Fortified Residential Zone is accessible through the tokyo underground 
  sewage facility


- Tag all the Blue Switches
  4 on ground floor 1 each in "section" 1 - 4
- Tag all the Red Switches
  You're suppose to tag 16 switches but I only count 11. I think some of them
  are "false".
- Defeat any Golden Rhinos that gets in your way
- Find Yoyo, talk to him
- Defeat the Golden Rhinos helicopters

- Head to 99th street (Again)

| Chapter 07 | COMPLETE |

|                       --- 6.08 Chapter 08 ---                       (0608) |


- Head to 99th Street and defeat the Immortals at Graffiti Tag
- Head to Highway Zero and defeat the golden Rhino with the flamethrower
- Head to Chuo Street and defeat the Golden Rhino with the mechanical arm
- Go to the Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park
- Find Zero Beat and talk to him

- Head to the site of the tokyo line (Unlocked)
- The site of the tokyo line is accessible through the skyscraper district

- Defeat the Golden Rhinos train thing

+ All areas are locked execpt SHIBUYA TERMINAL 
+ The Tokyo Line never becomes accessible again after this

- Head to shibuya terminal


- Defeat the two zero beats at graffiti tag, in shibuya terminal
- Defeat A.KU.MU at graffiti tag, in the machine...thing 
- Watch the ending and the credits, YOU MUST! 

          You just past the main story of the game, congratulations! =) 

|----------------------- BE THE MASTER OF THE STREET ------------------------|
               _______ _              _______           _ 
              (_______)_|            (_______)         |_|
                  _    ____   ____    _____   ____   ____
                 | |  |  _ \ / _  )  |  ___) |  _ \ / _  |
                 | |  | | | ( (/ /   | |_____| | | ( (_| |
                 |_|  |_| |_|\____)  |_______)_| |_|\____|

| VII. Chapter 09                                                     (0700) |

So now that you beat the chapter 8, chapter 9 is next. This chapter is last and
is the endless chapter. All you have to do is get all the characters
and that's when you really beat the game! So i'll list the characters you can
get in the storyline and where to get them.

- Talk Rhyth a few times in Rokkakudai Heights to unlock her in Chapter 2
- Talk to Boogie at Kibogaoka Hill to unlock her in Chapter 4
- Defeat Jazz at City Rush, in Future Site of the Rokkaku Expo Stadium to 
  unlock her in Chapter 6
- Defeat Soda at City Rush, in Highway Zero to unlock him in Chapter 6
- Defeat Cube at City Rush, in the Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility to 
  unlock her in Chapter 7

Now to get all the hidden characters you have to play the Test Runs; you'll be
allowed to play only on the stages in which you've completed all the Street 
Challenges.  Get JET rankings to unlock characters in Chapter 9. It's hard, 
that's all I can say, well sorta semi hard...yah.

Now when you got all the characters, what else is there to do? Well here is
a list of things you could do after...

- Find 100 more Graffiti Souls in addition to the 40 you needed to show Clutch
- Defeat Love Shockers at Flag Battle in Hikage Street in Chapter 6
- Defeat the Doom Riders at City Rush in Dogenzaka Hill in Chapter 6
- Tag all the new Police/Zero Beat markers in chapter 7
- Tag the new graffitti in the Fortified Residential Zone in Chapter 8

| VIII. Secret Tape Locations                                         (0800) |

Secret Tapes are needed for beating the game 100%.  When you get a Secret 
Tape, look in the GG Notebook for some challenges.  For each challenge you do, 
a Graffiti Soul appears.  If you find every possible Graffiti Soul in a level 
after the story is done, you get to take Test Runs in that level, which 
unlocks characters.  Complicated, isn't it?  So here are the locations.

Dogenzaka Hill: It's located in a little pit area near where Beat shows up.  
(before the convention area)

Shibuya Terminal: The tape's on the platform above the save point.  Grind the 
stairway rail near the front of Dogenzaka Hill's entrance around and jump over 
to reach it.

Chuo Street: In the area with the dinosaur statue, look for it between his 

Rokkaku-dai Heights: It's in the shack with the two mine tracks.

99th Street: look for it under the central tower.

Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility: After you make it through the entrance, 
it's right in the middle with all the spray cans.

Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility: It's in the corner of the first room.  
Don't miss it!

Hikage Street: It's near the overpass area in the western section.  Take the 
deviating path that comes right before it.

Kibogaoka Hill: In the area with the two long sets of telephone wires, jump 
and skate across the bottom-inner left wire all the way to the bottom 
platform.  The tape is on that platform.

Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park: In the Pharaoh area, look around for a 
safe place to drop down, then when you?re under the pharaoh, skate towards the 
big pit; the tape's on the bottom of it.

Highway Zero: It's hidden amongst the food stands in the area with all the 
telephone wires.

Sky Dinosaurian Square: Ride the green rail that goes down the dinosaur's back 
to get to it.  From the entrance, start off on the red rail, and grind until 
you come to a green rail on the left that runs parallel to the red one.  This 
is the rail that leads to the dinosaur's back.  Just keep going and you'll 
eventually reach the end of the track.  Jump forward into an area full of 
spray cans and the tape.

The Fortified Residential Zone: Skate up the "Giant of Metal" in the middle of 
the second level to get to where you rescued Yoyo.  From there, search the 
wall for a gap with a hole to drop down into.  Fall into it, and keep falling 
down to eventually reach the platform with the tape.

| IX. How to get all of The Characters                                (0900) |

This the section that tells you how to get each character.

A.KU.MU.(Gouji's robot form) = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in 
Fortified Residential Zone

Beat = Race in Dogenzaka Hill

Boogie = Find her within a time limit in Kibogaoka Hill

Clutch = Use Professor K?s directions to find him

Combo = Do exactly what he does

Cube = Race in Bottom Point of Sewage Facility after Chapter 7

Doom Riders = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in Dogenzaka Hill

Garam = Follow his directions in Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility

Gouji = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in Rokkaku-dai Heights

Immortals = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in Skyscraper District and 
Pharaoh Park

Jazz = Race in Future Site of Rokkaku Expo Stadium

Love Shockers = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in Hikage Street

Noise Tanks = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in Highway Zero

NT-3000(fake Yoyo) = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in Sky 
Dinosaurian Square

Poison Jam = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in Tokyo Underground 
Sewage Facility and Bottom Point of Sewage Facility

Pots (GG's dog) = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in Kibogaoka Hill

Rapid 99 = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in 99th Street

Rhyth = On top of the train station in Rokkaku-dai Heights.  Follow her a 
couple of times and she?ll join you

Roboy = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in Chuo Street

Soda = Race in Highway Zero

Zero Beat = Get Jet Rankings in all three Test Runs in Shibuya Terminal

| X. Test Runs                                                        (1000) |

I wrote all the times your supposed to get jet, nitro, etc. So look for your
subject then check the time. I've made a search system, just type the first 
letter in the subject. EX: JET GRAFFITI just type in the search system JG. 
(Crtl + F) Then it will take you to that subject, easy.

) JET GRAFFITI  / --- JG ---  /                                              (

Dogenzaka Hill

Shibuya Terminal

Chuo Street

Rokkaku-dai Heights

99th Street

Tokyo Underground  Sewage Facility

Bottom point of sewage Facility

Hikage Street

Kibogaoka Hill

Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park

Highway Zero

Sky Dinosaurian Square

Fortified Residential Zone

) JET TECHNIQUE  / --- JT ---  /                                             (

Dogenzaka Hill

Shibuya Terminal

Chuo Street

Rokkaku-dai Heights

99th Street

Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility

Bottom point of Sewage Facility

Hikage Street

Kibogaoka Hill

The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park

Highway Zero

Sky Dinosaurian Square

Fortified Residential Zone

) JET DASH   / --- JD ---  /                                                 (

Dogenzaka Hill

Chuo Street

Bottom point of sewage Facility

Kibogaoka Hill

Highway Zero

Sky Dinosaurian Square

) JET FLAG   / --- JF ---  /                                                 (

Shibuya Terminal

Rokkaku-dai Heights

99th Street

Tokyo Underground Facility

Hikage Street

The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park

Fortified Residential Zone

| XI. Transcript of DJ Porf. K                                        (1100) |

MAJOR credits to immortals_jsrf for allowing me to use this info!

SHOW #1 [At the beginning of the game]
Yeah!! This is DJ Professor K,baby, the master of mayhem, you know what I'm
sayin' - bringing you another Tokyo under- grouund pirate radio broadcast from
- Jet Set Radio! I'm gonna bust into your head through your cute lil' ears and
blow your minds with my sexy voice and out-of-sight sounds! Those of you prone
to nose bleeds should keep those tissues handy, suckas!

Tokyo is bein' oppressed by the Rokkaku Group, a mega-enterprise headed by
Rokkaku Gouji. Rokkaku is using his money and influence to mess with every-
thing: industry, society, and even our culture. And he's even got his eyes set
on city hall.

Lately, Rokkaku's been shaking down the government passin' that "Rokkaku
Law" crap, and even buying off the police department. This law ain't nothin'
but garbage. It's just some selfish little punk's way of trying to show he's a
big man. Rokkaku and his gang are tryin' to stomp out our culture left and
right. They don't give a rip about our rights; all they care about is profit.
And some spineless fools have already become flunkies in their diabolical
scheme. You'd better believe they're listening in on this broadcast. But even
in all this heat, there's a group of young kids who've been tearin' up the
streets - I'm talking about the Rudies. These kids have set out to bury Tokyo
in graffiti. And now they're all wrapped up in their own little territorial

Lately, Tokyo's been on one baaad trip. The attack on the record store in chuo
street, prowlers in Dogenzaka Hill, low-lifes spreading vicious rumors, the
mysterious blackout on 99th street. And who should be following them around but
the Rokkaku Group's watchdog, the Rokkaku Police! With the Rokkaku Expo just
around the corner, the crackdowns are only getting tighter.

My heart ain't pounded like this since my first date and i was so nervous, I
forgot to wear my underwear, baby!

This ain't the time to be sitting arounnd sipping afternoon tea! The game's
gonna start soon and y'all are gonna be the ones making the plays!

SHOW #2 [Upon completion of Shibuya Terminal]
The station both feared and revered by man and RAAAR beast, Jet Set Radio!
Citizens of the underworld, this is your king speaking! So stop what you're
doing and listen up!

Seems tthat Poison Jam's graffiti contains a lethal poison that makes people
laugh themselves to death! They've followed up their performance at Shibuya
Terminal with encores at Chuo Street and in Rokkaku-Dai Heights. Those Poison
Jam punks got as much attitude as they are ugly. And Poison Jam has been
heating up the streets with their rivalry with the queens of 99th Street, Rapid
99! These ladies hate seafood with a passion, and fight with those fish-faced
Poison Jam, like cats and dogs. If you find them out there on the streets, they
might slip you some information.

And then...there's Hayashi. The Rokkaku police force's own personal version of
hell on earth. Even his own partner is afraid of him, 'cause when he loses it,
there ain't no no tellin' who he'll shoot at! I mean, he's crazy! Check this
out! Just the other day, he freaked out and trashed a patrol car!

And why, may you ask?

Because one of his subordinates went to buy him his favorite mint candy, and
came back with coffee-flavored instead. What's up with this fool?

SHOW #3 [After defeating Rapid 99 in a Flag Battle]
Adding a new dimension to your lifestyle in a stylish and funky way- Jet Set
Radio! The GG's defeated Rapid 99 and forced them to fess up about the
whereabouts of Poison Jam's hideout. And wouldn't you know it, it's in the
Underground Sewage Facility. I hear the entrance is in Rokkoku-Dai Heights. The
sewers are a tricky and twisted as my ex-girlfriend, and twice as smelly. Who's
funky, y'all!

Careful not to lose track of of the exit, or you'll be lunch for the Master!


You don't know what the Master is? Oh, no hurry. You'll be meeting him soon
enough, whether you like it or not. Well, from what I heard, Poison Jam's got a
boss. And anyone who could organize those fellas has gotta be one mean dude.

Probably loves fish, too.

SHOW #4 [After defeating Poison Jam in Tagger's Tag]

The station that's so smooth, your ears won't know what hit 'em- Jet Set Radio!
The GG's have penetrated into the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility, and
Poison Jam's little sewer party. Their boss, Cube, got away, but it was
obviously Poison Jam who kidnapped the statue. Now why'd they go and do a thing
like that?

Woah! This just in! GG's member, Yoyo, has just dissepeared! No ransom note, no
threatening phone calls, nothin'! I mean, what's goin' on here!

In other news today, the new team, the Noise Tanks, just arrived on the scene
and are flexing some serious muscle! Word is the Noise Tanks are a bunch of
cyborgs! They all got mechanical bodies and whatnot. And the Immortals, who
to control the skyscraper district, just got their butts handed to them by the
Noise Tanks and had to give up their turf. The Noise Tanks are bringing one
street team after another under their control, and pretty soon, they're gonna
runnin' wild all over the city. You gotta be a fool to think this ain't got
nothin' to do with Yoyo's little dissepearing act. Rough up those Immortals a
little, and they might help you..."unravel" this mystery!

SHOW #5 [Upon defeating the Immortals at Highway Zero]
The radio show that your parents, the PTA, and the FBI don't want you to hear!
Jet Set Radio!

The GG's fell for the Immortals' trap hook, line, and sinker, baby! The
Immortals sure played it smooth! I mean, who woulda thought that Yoyo would
on his friends? Guess maybe they are royalty after all! Ha ha ha ha!

The GG's have been hauled off to the future site of the Rokkaku Expo Stadium,
located just off 99th Street. The members of the Noise Tanks have just jacked
into the power supply of the stadium, which is being built for Rokkaku Expo. I
got a baaaad feeling something wicked's about to go down...

SHOW #6 [After defeating the Doom Riders, the Immortals, and the Love Shockers
at Death Ball]
The station that'll teach you the things your parents and teachers are too
afraid to! Jet Set Radio! Now class, open your books to page 32.

Yoyo's gutsy plans have been messed up by those idiot Rokkaku Police. Has that
back-stabber Yoyo been tryin' to take down the GG's from the get go? The Noise
Tanks look pissed! They musta fried some circuits 'cuz now they're rioting in
the streets! Is there anyone out there who could stop those rampaging machines?

SHOW #7 [After defeating the Noise Tanks at Sky Dinosuarian Square]
Super-bass outer space IN YO FACE bay-bee! Jet Set Radio! We're kickin' it live
even in the furthest reaches of the galaxy! And to all you aliens out there...
know you plannin' to invade us! Whenever you're ready, just bring it on,

Yoyo's real identity was nothing but a Noise Tank in disguise. And check this
out- those Noise Tanks were nothing but cyborgs created by Rokakku. It seems
they kidnapped Yoyo and built a fake one to try and destroy the GG's.

And since the Rokkaku Police couldn't take care of the Rudies on their own, the
Rokkaku Group has sent in the Golden Rhinos, their own little secret special
forces, to tear up the streets! The Golden Rhinos are a group of highly-trained
assassins brought together by Rokkaku Gouji, the ringleader of the Rokkaku
and Tokyo's current mayor.

Hayashi has been kicked out of his useless police organization. He's gotta be
freakin' out by now!

The Noise Tanks have been wiped out.  But now, the gang that got implanted with
Noise Tanks' brain-washing chip is after the GG's. Where in the world could the
real Yoyo be?

Defeat the Golden Rhino goons, and find Yoyo!

SHOW #8 [After rescuing Yoyo from the fortified residential zone]
Jet Set Radio! Whether you're chillin' on your couch or in your coffin, don't
forget to tune us in to keep you company!

The GG's finally found and rescued the real Yoyo! ..uh, I think! He had heard 
rumor on the streets about the Golden Rhinos and tried to find them by himself,
and ended up getting caught.

Now I'm the star at the top of their blacklist because I gave you low down on
them. This is the first time I've been on top since... since... the burping
contest in elementary school! This time I've got nothin' to say except- it's
time to get my running shoes on.

And now, I hear some freak that looks a lot like Beat is showin' his face all
over Tokyo. Even for someone who likes to play a little dress up, ain't that a
bit wierd? He's runnin' around sprayin' some crazy graffiti.  Does he any
connection to the Golden Rhinos?

If the Golden Rhinos are allowed to romp through the streets like this, Tokyo
done for! Somebody stop 'em!

ABDUCTION [After defeat of Golden Rhinos at Chuo Street and Highway Zero]
From the direction of the skyscraper district...Golden
fading quick... Who the hell are you, sucka?! Argh... help me! Hey! Don't touch
that! Get your hands off- Stop! That's my stuff! Sucka, I'm-I'm warning you!
Agh.. help me! Help me!


Coming soon.....

Level Introductions (Thilo Kreibich)

Dogenzaka Hill

Yo yo yo yo, alright! Let's get this party started! I'll be your audience so
let see what you've got. Someone had stolen the Goddess of the Streets, the
statue in Dogenzaka Hill. I bet the punks who did this are the same who spread
those nasty rumours. Cover Dogenzaka Hill with graffiti and flush out those
rumours spreading scumbags!

Shibuya Terminal

This is Shibuya Terminal, the city's biggest non-stop dance party. Let's hit
this joint and cover up those freaky lookin' graffiti!

Rokkaku - Dai Heights

This is Rokkaku - Dai Heights, an abandoned hill that time forgot. Poison Jam
always prowlin' around here. Bury in graffiti and put the smackdown on Poison

99th Street

This is 99th Street, the city's hottest nightlife scene, centering around
Bendon Tower. Here's just one play showdown after another 'cause it's where the
mafia kingpins keep their offices. There's been some baaaad stuff going down
lately ever since the mysterious power outage. And Rapid 99 have to made this
their home. And now people, it's time to get 99th Street a new paint job!

Chou Street

This is Chou Street, the heart of Tokyo's entertainment district. Get up there
and bury Poison Jam's nasty graffiti in paint!

The Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility

This is The Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility. And remember, this is Poison
Jam's hideout and I don't think they like strangers up in their house, you know
what I'm sayin'?

The Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility

Smells like Poison Jam, alright? Their hideout should be around here somewhere.

Hikage Street

I'm just out of date. The Love Shockers of Hikage Street are mixing up with the
Noise Tanks and their toys, the Immortals. Let's go and do something with that
ugly Immortals graffiti

Kibogaoka Hill

With the Noise Tanks controlling the Immortals they've manage to spread their
turf all the way I hear. Bury all the Immortals' graffiti in your own paint!

The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park

This right here is The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park. An open-air garden
built by some rich dude living in Tokyo. And the holy sanctuary of the
Immortals. Do me a favour and give the Immortals' nasty graffiti a face lift

Sky Dinosaurian Square

The roars of the ancient dragon still echo throughout the playground of the
heavens, Sky Dinosaurian Square! Now according the Poison Jam's info, Yoyo is
biding his time up there. Go find him!

The Fortified Residential Zone

Soon, when the timer runs out, this building will go...Kaboom!!! Hahahaha!
Fools! You continue to cling to the sad notions of "camaraderie" and
"friendship". And because of it, your pitiful little lives will end in a grand
display of fireworks!

The Golden Rhinos planted a time bomb somewhere in The Fortified Residential
Zone! First, spray that blue device and stop that timer!

The Site of the Tokyo Line

Hey! Listen up! The Golden Rhinos are here! They're here! Listen up folks, I'm
gonna keep broadcastin' as long as I can! The Golden Rhinos brought in some
strange sort of machine! What is that thing? Shut that damn thing off!

| XII. The Music                                                      (1200) |

This section is dedicated to the music in jsrf. I like the music in this so
I included this section to show my appreciation for putting these song in the

|                       --- 12.1 Song Listing ---                     (1201) |

These are all the songs that are in this game, 30 in total.
1. Humming the Baseline (DS Mix) - Hideki Naganuma remixed by Deavid Soul
2. Aisle 10 - Scapegoat Wax
3. The Answer (LB Mix) - Bran Van 3000 remixed by The Latch Brothers
4. Baby T - Guitar Vader
5. Birthday Cake - Cibo Matto
6. Bokfresh - Richard Jacques
7. The Latch Brother Bounce - Latch Brothers
8. Fly Like A Butterfly - Hideki Naganuma
9. The Concept Of Love - Hideki Naganuma
10. Funky Dealer - Hideki Naganuma
11. Shape Da Future - Hideki Naganuma
12. Statement Of Intent - BIS
13. Koto Stomp - Latch Brothers
14. Count Latchula - Latch Brothers
15. Let Mom Sleep (No Sleep Remix) - Hideki Naganuma remixed by Richard 
16. I Love You Love You (Love Love Super Dimension Mix) - Guitar Vader 
    remixed by Hideki Naganuma
17. Rockin The Mic (Latch Brothers Remix) - The Prunes remixed by The Latch 
18. I'm Not A Model - Russell Simins
19. Oldies But Happies - Hideki Naganuma
20. Me Likey The Poom Poom - Latch Brothers
21. Rock It On (DS Mix) - Hideki Naganuma remixed by Deavid Soul
22. The Scrappy (Latch Bros Remix) - BS2000 remixed by The Latch Brothers
23. Sneakman (Toronto Mix) - Hideki Naganuma remixed by Toronto
24. Ill Victory Beat - Latch Brothers
25. What About The Future - Richard Jacques
26. Teknopathetic - Hideki Naganuma
27. Like It Like This Like That - Hideki Naganuma
28. Sweet Soul Brother (BB Rights Mix)- Hideki Naganuma remixed by BB Rights
29. That's Enough (BB Rights Mix) - Hideki Naganuma remixed by BB Rights
30. Grace And Glory (BB Rights Mix) - Hideki Naganuma remixed by BB Rights

|                  --- 12.2 What songs are played when ---            (1202) |

THANKS to immoratals_jsrf!

You can pick your garage music by talking to Roboy. Only one song at a time
though.  This also serves as your test run music. During the game the music is
dependent on what chapter you are on (with the exception of the sewer levels
and the garage)

Here is the list...  Please feel free to correct me if you think I'm wrong
A single dotted line means a different set. Every time you enter/exit the
garage or the sewer system (For music treat the Bottom of Sewage Facility and
Tokyo Underground as the same level) a new set is played. The set played
alternates depending on which set was played first last time you entered a
"normal" (not garage or sewer level).  For example in Chapter 1 if you enter a
level it will play "Funky Dealer". Enter/exit the garage and it will play Fly
like a butterfly. Between sets a guy will say "Jet set , Jet set , Jet set
radioooooooo". Once it finishes with one set it will go onto to the next set
and only then repeat. I.e. Chapter 1 has a six song rotation. The songs are
listed in order so "Funky Dealer" is always the first song played.

Sewer set (Chapter independent)
The scrappy
Koto Stomp
Rockin the Mic
Latch Brothers Bounce
The Answer
Aisle 10

Concept of love

Prologue (and most of Professor K's dialogue
Ill Victory Beat

Chapter 1
Funky Dealer
I love love you
Let mom sleep
Fly like a butterfly
What about the future
Rock it on

Chapter 2
Statement of Intent
My Likey the Poom Poom
Aisle 10
Rockin the MIC
Oldies but Happies
Birthday Cake
Like this, Like that
Sweet soul Brother

Chapter 3
Shape da future
Like this like that
Let mom sleep
Baby T

Chapter 4
baby t
I'm not a model
That's enough
like this like that
Sweet soul brother
Birthday cake
Latch brothers bounce
Oldies but goodies

Chapter 5 (Confined to stadium)
Count Latchula (Practice/idle time)
Sneakman (Round 1)
Technopathetic(Round 2)
Fly like a butterfly (Round 3 / Boss)

Chapter 6
What about the future
Fly like a buttefly
Shape Da future
Rock it on

Chapter 7
Concept of Love
I'm not a model
Koto stomp
That's enough
Shape da future
Count Latchula

Chapter 8
Funky Dealer
Fly like a butterfly
I Love love you
The Scrappy
Statement of Intent
Concept of love

Grace and Glory (Bosses)

Chapter 9
Same as Chapter 8

|                    --- 12.3 Lyrics to selected songs ---            (1203) |

Lyrics from the songs presently listed are from the full version from either
the JSRF soundtrack CD or the albums that the songs originally appeared on.
Some lines have been cut out of the JSRF game soundtrack probably because of
time restrictions and their explicit/suggestive language. Some songs have been
transcribed so if you have a different interpretation of the song you can write

Birthday Cake (Submitted by Silus Arrawnt)
Shut up and eat!
Too bad, no bon appetit!
Shut up and eat!
You know my love is sweet!

Yes, I'm cooking for my son and his wife.
It's his thirtieth birthday.
Pour berries into my bowl
And milk from two months ago
It's moldy, mom, isn't it?
I don't give a flying fuck though!

Shut up and eat!
Too bad, no bon appetit!
Shut up and eat!
You know my love is sweet!

Shut up and eat!
Too bad, no bon appetit!
Shut up and eat!
You know my love is sweet!

It's food nouveau
It's food nouveau
The shape of love.

Beat it! Beat it up!
Beat it! Beat it up!


Shut up and eat!
Too bad, no bon appetit!
Shut up and eat!
You know my love is sweet!

Shut up and eat!
Too bad, no bon appetit!
Shut up and eat!
You know my love is sweet!

You were born in the sixties
We made a war with the Vietnamese
We loved LSD, we die easily!
Can we just say, c'est la vie?

So what, say what, for your own sake!
Do you have a headache, or a heartbreak?
Are you made or broken by the birthday cake?
You may be slow on the uptake.

I pour pot in the birthday cake.
So what, say what, for my own sake.
Watch out, yo! Here I come, yo!
I'm gonna change into a rattlesnake!

Turn up the TV, do you agree, ya?
I'm talking turkey, take it from me!
I'm gonna show my love for my dove
But it's moldy mom, isn't it?


Shut up and eat!
Too bad, no bon appetit!
Shut up and eat!
You know my love is sweet!

Shut up and eat!
Too bad, no bon appetit!
Shut up and eat!
You know my love is very sweet!

Statement of Intent (Submitted by Silus Arrawnt)

*You gotta make a statement of intent!
You gotta make a statement of intent!
You gotta make a statement of intent!
You gotta make a statement of intent!

If we're careless children
The monuments you're building
Are subject to reclaim
And are ours to disclaim

**Making discos of your castles
We are tearing up your plans
We won't be xeroxed for the future
Filed by beaurocratic man

Hot Damn!

(repeat *)

If we're your misplaced youth
And your lies are the truth
Then mistakes are illusions
A simple yes is confusion

(repeat **)

***We don't need a history lesson
Museums are made to lie
We won't be xeroxed for the future
Careless children never die, Hot Damn!

Thinly veiled as national interest
With cold hearts paid to lie
Be made a happy xerox
Be a number four or five

(repeat *, then **, then ***)

(repeat *)

If we're your misplaced youth
And your lies are the truth
Then mistakes are illusions
A simple yes is confusion

(repeat ** and ***)

Thinly veiled as national interest
With cold hearts paid to lie
Be made a happy xerox
Be a number four or five

(repeat *, **, and ***)

(repeat *)

Aisle 10 (variety of sources including LockeVanish and from
Ooh, ooh
Yeah, heh
(We need some help on aisle ten)

(Scapegoat Wax)

I see you at my job (uh-huh)
You carrying yourself so well (so well)
I made myself a promise (what's that?)
Not to get emotional (uh-huh)
As I remain stable (stable)
I take another glance at you (at you)
If we were at the disco, whoa-whoa
Then I would have to dance with you
This isn't cool (not cool)

And in my lonely eyes
I see myself in eloquent strides (eloquent strides)
In a sharp tuxedo
Here goes, nothing to her (what-what?)

*Hello, Allison, I wanna hold your hand
I haven't been the same man
Since I saw you comin' in
Let's have a toast to the girl in aisle ten
(We need some help in aisle ten)

Hello, Allison, I wanna hold your hand
I haven't been the same man
Since I saw you comin' in
Let's have a toast to the girl in aisle ten
(Check it out)

I seen you, about a quarter after nine (after nine)
You shine in the neon sign
Where are you from? (from)
You float in like an angel of the night
Until the light (light)
And leave me with this song to write
And now I'm loaded, holding my sack
and wonderin where she is at
With a line of customers getting mad
They didn't see what I seen (nuh-uh)
The store queen made everything easier
For one fine eve

And in my bloodshot eyes
All I can see is everything's fine (everything's fine)
With a turning stomach
Running thoughts through my head


Hello, Allison, I wanna hold your hand
I haven't been the same man
Since I saw you comin' in
Let's have a toast to the girl in aisle ten

You came in here again (wha-what?)
I'm drinking by the copier (copier)
I made myself a promise (now what was that?)
That I would finally talk to her (haha)
As I remain stable (stable)
I take another drink for you (for you)
I set it on the table, whoa-whoa
I'm sure I look a drunken fool
I'm seeing two (whoa)

And in my lonely eyes
I see myself in eloquent strides
In a sharp tuxedo
Ego's nothing to her (wha-wha-wha-whoa)

*Repeat (x2)

Hello, Allison
aisle ten, aisle ten, aisle ten
Yeah-heh, yeah-heh, aisle ten
We need some help on aisle ten
Hello, Allison
Ooh, whoa-oh-oh, ooh, yeah-e-yeah
Ooh, whoa-oh-oh
Hello, Allison
Hello, Allison
I wanna hold your hand
I haven't been the same man
(Hello, Allison)
Since I saw you comin' in
Hello, Allison!
Ooh, whoa-oh-oh...
Hello, Allison!!!

What About the Future (Submitted by LockeVanish)

I have faith that there is a future for us
Here, as we are, or somewhere else

...Or somewhere else

The future...
The future...
The future...

The future...

I invented all you can acquire in the future

The future isn't what it used to be

I have faith that there is a future for us
Here, as we are, or somewhere else

I want to raise to the future

The future...
The future!

Jet Set Radio

The future...
What about the future

The future...
What about the future

What about the future

The future...
What about the future

What about the future

The future...

III Victory Beat (Submitted by LockeVanish)

This is not recess!

(Coming out)
In your most challenging role yet...
(Coming out)
In your most challenging role yet...

This is not-not-not r-r-r-recess!

This is not recess!
This is not-not-not r-r-r-recess!
This is
This-this-this-this this is-not-re-cess!

He's a human being and he wants to wipe everyone out...
He's a human being and he wants to wipe
And he wants to wipe...
He's a human being and he wants to wipe
And he wants to wipe everyone, wipe everyone out...

This is not recess!
This is not-not-not r-r-r-recess!
This is
This is not recess!
This-this-this-this this is-not-re-cess!

Listen and listen
Listen and listen
Listen and listen...

I'm Not a Model (Submitted by LockeVanish)

Another introduction in the swelling act of sex
There's little one can do to prepare for the unknown

Get down on the floor
Gotta get down on the floor
Gotta get down...
I wanna see something I've never seen before

Get down on the floor
Gotta get down on the floor
Gotta get down...
I wanna see something I've never seen before

Get down on the floor
Gotta get down on the floor
Gotta get down...
I wanna see something I've never seen before

Get with the program, get with the program
Get with the program, gotta get with the program
Get with the program, get with the program
Get with the program, gotta get with the program

Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world
Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world
(Mom, Dad)
Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world
I bet they can't even talk to you in this world

I am a woman, a sensous woman
Who loves and loves to be loved

Get down on the floor
Gotta get down on the floor
Gotta get down...
I wanna see something I've never seen before

Get down on the floor
Gotta get down on the floor
Gotta get down...
I wanna see something I've never seen before

Get down on the floor
Gotta get down on the floor
Gotta get down...
I wanna see something I've never seen before

Get with the program, get with the program
Get with the program, gotta get with the program
Get with the program, get with the program
Get with the program, gotta get with the program

Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world
Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world
(Mom, Dad)
Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world
I bet they can't even talk to you in this world

When I stimulate him orally,
I move down with my tongue to his balls
The testicle is an egg,
And I'm extremely careful not to crack his shell

I wanna get down!
I wanna get down!
I wanna get down!
(Something I've never seen before)
I wanna get down!
I wanna get down!

I am a woman, a sensous woman
Who loves and loves to be loved

Koto Stomp (Submitted by LockeVanish)

Music, shake that!
Like you've never heard it before
Music, shake that!
Like you've never heard it before
Music, shake that!
Like you've never heard it before
Music, shake that!
Like you've never heard it before

Don't sleep, sleep
Don't sleep, sleep
Don't sleep
Don't sleep, sleep-sleep
Sleep, sleep-sleep, sleep
Do-d-d-d-don't sleep

Let's all get together and move some
Move some
Let's all get together and move some
And move some
Let's all get together and move some
And move some
Let's all get together and move some
And move some
Let's all get together (let's all get together)
Let's all get together (let's all get together)
Let's all get together (let's all get together)
And move some

Music, don't sleep
Like you've never heard it before
Shake that!
Music, don't sleep
Like you've never heard it before
Music, don't sleep
Like you've never heard it before
Music, don't sleep
Like you've never heard it before

Latch Brother Bounce (Submitted by LockeVanish)

This is summer camp
The Latch Brothers are through playing games with you

Each Latch Bounce'll make you scream and shout
Latch Brothers gonna turn it out
Each Latch Bounce'll make you scream and shout
Latch Brothers gonna turn it out

Each Latch Bounce...
Turn it out...
Each Latch Bounce...
Turn it out...
Each Latch Bounce...
T-t-t-turn it out...
T-t-t-t-turn it out...

Each Latch Bounce'll make you scream and shout
Latch Brothers gonna turn it out

Each Latch Bounce...
Turn it out...
Each Latch Bounce...
Turn it out...

Hello... hello...

The Latch Brothers!
The Latch Brothers!

You'll like it or you'll love it

Each Latch Bounce...
Turn it out...
T-t-t-t-turn it out...

Why don't we do it again?
(Listen, I thought we'd agreed, right?
You're done, no more vocals, you've got enough, alright?)
(And no laughing, alright?)

The Concept of Love (Submitted by LockeVanish)

Printable Version

Understand, understand
Understand, understand the concept of love
Understand, understand
Understand, understand
Understand, understand the concept of love

Uh! Uh!

What is love? What is free love?
What is love? Ah... is free, free

Understand, understand the concept of love, uh!
Understand, understand the concept of love, uh!
Understand, understand, uh! Understand, understand the concept
The concept of love

Uh! The concept of love
Uh! Uh! The concept of love

Free love is too tame for him

Love... What is love? What is free love?
What is free for? What is for?
What is girls? What is free girls?
What is...

Love is free
Love is free
Love is free
Love is free

Ready to kick some ass

Free love is too tame for him
Free love is too tame for him
Free love, free love, is too, is too tame for him
Tame for him
Free love is too tame for him
Free love is too tame for him
Free l-l-love is too, too, too tame for him
Tame for him

Understand, under-derstand the concept, the concept of
Understand-derstand, under- the concept, the concept of
Understand, under-derstand the concept, the concept of
Understand-derstand, under- the concept, the concept of
Of love, uh!

Understand, understand the concept of love, uh!
Understand, understand
Understand, understand the concept of love

Love, lo-love, love, love
Free love is too tame for him
Of love, uh!
Tame for him, tame for him
Of love, uh!
Free love is too tame for him
Of love, uh!
Concept, the concept of love

What is love? What is free love?
Love is free, love is free
Free, free, free...Contributed by LockeVanish <[email protected]>

Count Latchula (Submitted by LockeVanish)

Ladies and Gentlemen, represent...
We've got all this and more in store...

Hook it up hot beat
Hook it up hot beat
Hot beat
Hoo-hoo-hook it up hot beat
Hook it-up hot-be-be-beat
Hook it up hot beat

Bubble it till it goes pop like...

Hot beat hot
Hot beat hot
Hot beat

Hook it-up hot-beat

Bubble it till it goes pop like...
Bubble it till it goes pop like...
Bubble it till it goes pop-pop-pop...

We've got blow-up beats
We've got blow-up beats
We've got blow-up, blow-up, we've got
Bubble it till it goes pop like...
We've got blow-up beats
B-b-b-b-low - up - beats-beats...

Causing this to sound like...
Causing this to sound like...
Causing this to sound like...
Sound like
Causing this to sound-

Hook it up hot beat

We've got blow-up beats
Blow-up beats
Blow, blow, blow-up beats
Blow, b-b-b-blow-up beats
Bubble it till it goes pop like...
Bubble it till it goes pop-pop-pop...

Blow-up beats, blow-up beats
Bubble it till it goes-

Fly Like a Butterfly   (Submitted by LockeVanish)

Like a butterfly
Like a butterfly*
Like a butterfly
Like a butterfly

(That's nice)
(Why hold it - wonderful)

Felt like a, felt like a
Felt like a-a-a
Felt like a, fly
Like a butterfly

(But it's so easy)
Like a butterfly
(And you're ready to fly)

**Felt like a-a, felt like a-a fly
Felt like a fly
Like a butterfly**
Felt like a-a, felt like a-a fly
Felt like a fly
Like a butterfly
Felt like a-a, felt like a-a fly
Felt like a fly
Like a butterfly

Felt like a, felt like a
Felt like a-a-a
Felt like a, butter-butter-fly

Felt like a fly
Felt like a-
Felt like a-a, felt like a-a
Felt like a, fly
Like a butterfly


I felt like a bulldozer
(Why hold it, why hold it)
Trying to catch a butterfly
(Why hold it - wonderful - monster)

Felt like a-a-a-a-a-a
(That's nice)
Felt like a-a-a-a-a-a
Like a butterfly
Like a butterfly
(And you're ready to fly)


Felt like a-a, felt like a-a
Like a butterfly
(But it's so easy)

Felt like a, felt like a
Felt like a-a-a
Felt like a-a-a
Felt like a-a-a

Like a butterfly
Like a butterfly
Like a butterfly
(That's nice)

Felt like a-a, felt like a-a fly
Like a butterfly

Teknopathetic  (Submitted by LockeVanish)

Playing games
Till I'm done
Exchanging names

Playing games
Till I'm done
Exchanging names

Stop playing games
Done exchanging names
Stop playing games
Done exchanging names

Stop playing games till I'm done exchanging names
I've been dead, I've been shot, and you know I'm the reason why
You've got to know it now, girl, I've got to win you back
But I know I'm not the man, the man who thinks is making more


**Stop playing games

Done exchanging names
Stop playing games
Done exchanging names

Stop playing games till I'm done exchanging names

You have taken much too long trying to find what's going on
Wasting all my precious time, why you make him know you're mine
You think you're really in the know, waiting for the sight of gold
I've been waving back the flag, and just doing movement



Stop playing games till I'm done exchanging names

Stop playing games
Done exchanging names
Stop playing games
Done exchanging names

Stop playing games
Done exchanging names
Dead, I've been shot
Know I'm the reason why
Taken much too long
To find what's going on
All my precious time
Make him know you're mine

Playing games
Till I'm done
Exchanging names

Like It Like This Like That (Submitted by LockeVanish)

*Like this, like that
Like this-this, like that
Like this, like that
Like this-this, like that

**Make me feel so good
Make me feel so good, good
Make me feel so good
Make me feel so good, good


Like this, like that
Like this-this, like that
Like this - like that
Like-like that, that

I like it, I like it
I don't like it, not at all
I don't like it, not at all, not at all
I don't like it, not at all
I don't like-like-like
I don't like it

Take it easy


Make me feel so
Make me feel so
Make me feel so good, good
Make me feel so
Make me feel so

Just feel good
Just feel good
Just feel-feel good
Just feel good
Just feel-feel good


Like this, like that
Like this-this, like that
Like this - like that
Like-like-like that

I don't like it, not at all

Make me feel so good
Feel so good, good
Make me feel so
Make me feel so
Make me feel so good, good


Like this, like that
Like this-this, like that
Like that - like this
Like this-this, like that
Like-like that-that

I like it, I like it

Oldies But Happies (Submitted by LockeVanish)

Come along, children
Now we're gonna have a little music
Like old times, like old times
Look now I'll start the melody on the organ

*Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Oldie but a goodie
Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
That's just plain poppy-talk

Ooh-ooh, ooh

Yeah, yeah...

Ooh-ooh, ooh

Let me hear ya say, yo! (yo!)
Yo! (yo!), Yo! (yo!), Yo! (yo!)...

Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Bop-dop-a-do-wop do-wop-bam-boom

Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop
Wop-bop-a-do-bop do-wop-bam-boom

Yeah, yeah...

Ooh-ooh, ooh
Let me hear ya say, yo! (yo!)
Yo! (yo!)...
Bop-dop-a-do-wop do-wop-bam-boom


That's very nice, thank you!

Shape Da Future (Submitted by LockeVanish)

*Look... the future...
Shape... the future...
Look... the future...
Shape... the future...

Look the future
Shape the future
Look the future
Shape the future

Look the-look the-look the
Shape the-look the-shape the

Know you gonna dig this

Here we go now
On the offense
Here we go now
On the offense
Here we go now
On the offense
Here we go now, now, now, now

**What makes you money
What makes you money
What makes you money...

Here we go, here we go
Here we go, go, go, go



Look look... the
Look look... the
Look look... the
The future

Here we go now
On the offense
Here we go now
On the offense
Here we go now
On the offense
Here we go now
On the offense
Here we go-
On the off-
Here we go-
On the off-
Here we go, go, go, go

Know you gonna dig this



Look the future
Shape the future
Look the future
Shape the future
Look the-look the-look the
Shape the-look the-shape the
Look, look, look, look
Look the-shape the-look the
Shape the-look the-look the
Look the-look the-shape the
Look the-shape the

| XIII. Items in Vs. Mode                                             (1300) |

These are the items that are available to use in the vs. mode of this game.
Not that many but it's good to know what they do, so that you don't need be
suprised when you used them. You know how and when to use them. For strategy
and crap.

Can.............................................Gives you a can of spray paint

Cans..........................................Gives you 20 cans of spray paint

Bomb........................................Flies directly to a targeted enemy

Invisibility......................This item makes you invisible for 10 seconds

Proximity Mine...............This item will explode if ANYONE gets close to it

Three Bombs.............................Allows you to throw a bomb three times

Speed Up...............This item will give you maximum speed. In addition, you
                                                 will be invincible from items

| XIV. FAQ                                                            (1400) |

These are the questions I have been asked before, so don't ask these again.

Q: How do you perform a grind combo?
A: Go to a rail and grind, next press X or Y and you'll perform a grind combo,
   easy, no?

Q: Is this game for xbox only?
A: Yes, this game is only for xbox. Don't ask this question again!

Q: How do you do a handplant?
A: Get on a half pipe. Then go from side to side, not grinding. Then before 
   hitting the edge, press X and you'll do it. You may need to pratice.

Q: Why won't the grafitti soul for "Platform x 13" appear?
A: A lot of time has been spent on various people trying to find SOME reason 
   why the challenge often doesn't register, and while avoiding the ramps on 
   those two platforms does seem to be a factor, on the whole, it seems to boil
   down to the ugly fact that sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

Q: I beat the game, completed all the Street Challenges, got all the souls,
   finished all the remaining tags, got a Jet ranking in all the Test Runs,
   and unlocked all the characters.  Is there anything else to find?
A: Short answer: No. Long answer: No.

Q: Who is the best character to play as?
A: Well, it depends on what stat you like. If you want a person with excellent
   grind, then the best charcter for you is the Doom Riders. like that, so you

Q: What does it say when you collect all the grafitti souls?

Q: How can I change the control buttons? If possible...
A: Not 100% sure but 95% sure you can't change the buttons. Why would you do 
   that anyways, they're perfect how they are!

Q: Will you be my freind?
A: ..........................................................................
   ........... yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh...... *Runs*

| XV. Finshing Comments                                               (1500) |

Hopefully this FAQ/Walkthrough has helped you and it will when I update it. 
This was my second FAQ/Walkthrough with me so I really hoped it helped you.
I would like to personally thank you the reader. Without you what's the point
of writing this good FAQ/Walkthrough. I hope you enjoyed it!

|                      --- 15.1 Contact Info ---                      (1501) |

You can contact me at [email protected].  These are the do send and 
don't send list if you are going to e-mail me. You can also find me on the 
message boards as: DarkTyranitar 18. Messenger MSN, DarkTyranitar18.

Do Sends- If you want to use this faq in your site. If you want to submit a 
section or a ACSII art. If you might want to report a mistake. Thanking me 
for the faq. Give me a idea to make the guide better. Any question thing that
is not in the walkthrough. You'll get full credit if you submit something or 
something that you thing is right to send.

Don't sends- A virus, or spam. Ask me a question that's in the faq. Insult 
me and/or the faq.

If your going to email me something, put on the subject line "JSRF FAQ". That
way I could know what faq your asking me a question about. If you don't do this
your email will be ignored! I'm not kidding!

That's basically all for now. I think.

For a list of all my work, please visit the following URL:

|                        --- 15.2 Credits ---                         (1502) |

These are the people that I would like to thank and I couldn't have done it 
without some. So I hope you enjoyed this FAQ/Walkthrough and I hope you read
another of my faqs again.

-> JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future manual booklet:
   For the controls, main characters and moves
-> ALL of gamefaqs:
   For hosting this faq and for being a great site

-> Smilebit and Sega:
   For making this GREAT game, and others as well

-> immortals_jsrf:
   Everything in music section. 
-> :
   For the ASCII art on top

-> Scurty:
   Major thanks for his Art he let me use on top.

-> Me: 
   duh, of course!

-> You, the Reader
   For reading this faq

|                         --- 15.3 Copyright ---                     (1503) |

Version: 1.8
Author:  DarkTyranitar18 
E-Mail:  [email protected]

This FAQ and any text included in this FAQ cannot be reproduced in any way,
shape or form, unless you have my permission in either a written letter or an
e-mail. The FAQ may not be used for any profitable ways. This includes, but
is not limited to money, gifts, and favors. It may not be used for promotion
purposes, commercial transaction, or any transaction at all. This FAQ cannot
be used in any type of published text. This includes, but is not limited to
books, magazines, and strategy guides. This guide may not be used in any
electronic text at all, including software guides, software, or any type of
electronic media, unless you have written permission from the author, myself.
This guide is for personal use only! This FAQ was written by and is owned by
me, DarkTyranitar18.

This guide was written for It was not written specifically
for any other site. However, I will allow your site to use this guide as long
as you have my permission, so long as it stays in its original form; no
modifications of any kind are permitted. This FAQ is protected by
international copyright Laws. Remember, plagiarism is stealing and is against
the law. Using/stealing this guide for your own selfish purposes is a crime
and any violator is at risk! You have been warned.

Websites with my permission to use this FAQ:
Honest Gamers....<>
Super Cheats......<>

I give you full permission to print out this guide, or any part of this guide
for your own benefit. Once the guide, or any part of the guide is printed, do
not do anything questionable with it. You know what I am talking about.

Jet Set Radio Future is (c)2004-2005 Xbox.
Jet Set Radio Future and all related terms are trademarks of Xbox.

/ Copyright 2005 (c) DarkTyranitar18 (DT18)                       End of File \
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                                 --= DT18 =--