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Switch-Axe Guide

by Hexecho

////////////////////////////// Switch-Axe Guide\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\By Hexecho//////////////////////////////////
Version: 1.2
Last Revised: 4/26/2010
Revision History:
Version 1.1 -4/26/2010- Updated charts to be more format friendly.
Version 1.2 -4/28/2010- Updated some information that came in through e-mail
and credited the senders of those e-mails, as well as updated the Table of

*******************************About this Guide******************************

	This is an In-Depth Guide about the Switch Axe weapon in Monster
3 (~Tri). It will contain damage information, controls, combos and a brief
summary of what the weapon mechanics. It will NOT contain a strategy for
killing every enemy; I encourage you to create your own tactics and
strategies as you learn and play. If you see anything wrong or wish to ask me
a question regarding Switch Axes contact me at: [email protected]
If you are curious as to a Switch Axe damage guide look at Lord Grahf and
Bvanwulfen's Damage Formula Guide, and for a good Switch Axe building guide
look at VioletKIRA's Switch Axe Weapon Tree.

I collected a majority of Switch Axe data from playing the demo you received
by pre-ordering Monster Hunter Tri

Another thing you will not find in this guide is a single "Proper way" to use
Switch Axe's. In order to fend off any questions such as "how much should I
use Axe mode compared to sword mode, 70/30 or what?"  I will tell you right
now THERE IS NO ONE WAY TO USE A THIS WEAPON. Monsters are different so you
should use your weapon differently for whatever the situation calls, even if
that means not using a switch axe, maybe you can kill a Jaggi better with a
hammer. So don't limit yourself, you'll just make things harder for yourself.

Why do I like Switch Axe's?
I find Switch Axe's an incredibly unique and interesting weapon that gives
the player a ton of different fighting options compared the other weapons of
Monster Hunter.  Let's take the Long Sword for example, though an awesome and
powerful weapon, which I also enjoy using. Your options are to three-four hit
combo with a sweep here until your spirit gauge is up, and then start
smashing down the R button doing nothing other than your spirit blade combo
until you are knocked out of it or the monster runs away. Whereas with SA's
you can switch between modes mid-combo and use a completely different attack
style, I find this useful considering how monsters can act incredibly
different between low stamina, normal and rage modes.
P.S. Sorry LS users, the weapon was easy to make an example of because I used
to use them.

Table of Contents------------------(to search for a section include the *'s)
To search (using a PC) Ctrl + F
Chapter 1: Intro

*1-1* - What is a Switch Axe?
*1-2* - Pros and Cons
*1-3* - Differences between Sword mode and Axe mode
*1-4* - Coatings
*1-5* - Controls & Attacks
-*1-5a* - Controls & Attacks
-*1-5b* - Hit Chain Chart
*1-6* - Underwater Combat

Chapter 2: Handy Info

*2-1* - Repeating Combos
*2-2* - Armor Selection
*2-3* - General Strategies -Coming Soon-

FAQS section (please read before asking any questions, could save us both
some time).


*********************************Chapter 1***********************************

*1-1*:  What is a Switch Axe?

The Switch Axe (abbreviated SA) or as it was originally titled the "Slash
Axe" was first introduced in Monster Hunter 3(~tri). It is a unique weapon in
that it has "Modes" you can switch between, Axe mode and Sword mode. We'll
get into the differences about the two modes later in section 1-3.

*1-2*:  pros and cons to the Switch Axe

-SAs Boast a high attack power
-Two Modes offer an easy way to adapt to new strategies or scenarios.
-Phials can turn a battle around, giving you attack or element boost or
	even giving your weapon an element/attribute.
-In Sword mode, attacks will not bounce off the enemy (also known as
	ESP). This is true UNLESS your sharpness is in the red.
-Only one SA series (Barroth Series) has negative Affinity percentage.
-Fun to use!

-Sharpness typically sucks.
-Not the fastest weapon and can feel clumsy at times.
-Can't Block.
-Easy to spam attacks can distract less-experienced players from more
	useful attacks.
-Switching between modes may be confusing, annoying or inconvenient to
-Can't get offline beginning of game.

*1-3*: Differences between Axe and Sword mode

Simply for the fact that you might not know already - and to make the guide
more complete - I will briefly cover the differences between Axe mode and
Sword mode.

1.	Movement style

-Axe mode -Movement style is most closely related to a Lance/LS.
You may be asking "How is it related to a lance Hex?" Really I
only said that because with SA (sword or axe mode), after you
attack, you can do a side-hop dodge unique to only two melee
weapons, SA and Lance, but I digress. In Axe mode you will move
at a decent walking speed and roll to dodge, just like a LS.
-Sword mode- Movement style is practically identical to the GS
movement style (aside from the side-hop dodge). You walk very
slowly, and you will probably be rolling 70% of the time you're
not swinging.

2.	Attack style and power

-Axe mode- Has what I consider a good move-set it can attack
vertically using both an upswing or overhead blow, it has the
somewhat sweeping side hit, and also has a continuous slash combo
that drains 20 stamina with each swing after the initial swing.
Axe mode has a decent attack percentage typically dealing 23-35%
of its base attack power, though the overhead swing deals an
impressive 54%.
-Sword mode- Has a surprisingly effective move-set, I expected
very slow, difficult to hit things. Sword mode delivers a decent
hit range, thanks to its dash slash (Down) while moving using
classic control 2). You also get a good vertical slashing combo
by using an upswing and an overhead hit, but wait there's more.
You will also receive a side slash, which can be chained with the
overhead swing. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!!  You get the incredibly
powerful burst thrust attack!  Did I forget to mention you gain
ESP while in sword mode? Well I did now, whilst in sword mode
your attacks will NOT bounce.

3.	Phials

-Axe mode- Phials only apply to sword mode, sorry.
-Sword mode- Phial enabled. Phials vary from SA to SA, though
most have a Power (Red) or an Element (blue) enhancement. What
does this mean? Your attack power, or element/attribute power
will increase, (details on that later in section 1-5). There are
also unique Phials on some SAs, such as the Barroth (Assault Axe)
series of SAs which, when in sword mode, gains the Paralysis/stun
attribute. The variety of SA Phials make these a unique, and in
my opinion interesting weapon-type.

*1-4*: Phials

Most SAs have one of two Phials, Power or Element, but there are some SA
series that have a unique Phial. So here's a list of all the SA series and
their respective Phials.
SA series with Power Phials: Bone Axe, Hi-Volt Axe, Fire/Flame Tempest, Naval
Tusk, Pirate J Axe.

SA series with Element Phials: Thunder/Bolt Axe, Amber Slash, Demon Chain,
Alatreon series.

SA series that have Unique Phials:
Barroth Series - Paralysis Phial
Crystal Series - Dragon Phial

So what does it mean if your SA has a certain type of Phial? Well I was
getting to that.

Power Phials: Adds a x1.25 boost to raw damage based on your attack power.
Simply put, take 25% of your attack power (element not included) and add it
to your damage.  This explanation doesn't quite do the damage calculation
justice, but if you want all the inner workings go to Lord Grahf's and
Bvanwulfen's guide.

Element Phial (also known as Elemental Enhance): Adds a x1.25 boost to raw
damage based on your element power. Simply put, take 25% of your elemental
power (attack not included) and add it to your damage.  This explanation
doesn't quite do the damage calculation justice, but if you want all the
inner workings go to Lord Grahf's and Bvanwulfen's guide.

Paralysis Phial: Gives your weapon Paralysis attribute.

Dragon Phial: Gives your weapon Dragon attribute.

*1-5a*: Controls

	Controls for SA's are pretty straight forward, and make it easy to
chain combos. I personally prefer the classic control 2, for the sake of not
reproducing the same charts you can easily find and the Monster Hunter Wikia
I will use classic control 2 commands for this. Afterwards I will provide a
few combos and little tricks I find useful. ( )'s indicate buttons being
pressed at the same time.
Command				Attack			Additional Description
X				Kick			Kicks low forward with
							right leg, not that
							complicated. Note:Cannot
							do a kick with weapon
						       drawn in classic control2.
Any direction while 	  Unsheathe weapon 		Draws weapon in Axe mode
standing still
Y or A with 		weapon Sheathe weapon 			Puts weapon away.
R with weapon drawn 		Change mode 		  Changes modes from Axe
				OR Reload 	       to Sword, or Sword to Axe
			(if sword meter is red).       OR Increases Sword meter
						                   if it is red.
Up/down/left/right 	  Draw side slash [Axe] 	 Draws weapon and does a
while moving 						 sweeping slash from the
							       right in Axe mode.
R + (X + A) 	      Draw overhead slash [Sword]        Note: This is not the
				OR 			  dashing overhead slash,
			Reload - If sword energy 	   you have to have your
				     bar is red.  	  weapon drawn to do the
							  dashing overhead slash.
up [Axe mode]		    Overhead slash [Axe]	 Swings Axe overhead and
						       slashes down and slightly
								     to the left.
up [Axe mode]+ holding     Running Thrust [Axe]       Runs 3 steps and thrust
a movement direction 				       forward with the Axe head.
R after Running Stab    Axe-Sword Overhead Slash	    switches from Axe to
[Axe] 							  Sword while performing
							   Overhead Slash [Sword]
left OR right [Axe mode]    Side slash [Axe]         Swings Axe from right to
down [Axe mode]			Upswing [Axe]          Does a rising slash with
up OR down 	     Alternating Slashes [Axe]      Slashes from side-to-side,
immediately after 			  	     the more you hit up OR down						the more
Upswing [axe] 					   the more hits you do, minimum
*See notes at bottom of Chart*	                of two will be done if the move
		                             is performed. Every hit drains 20
stamina per swing.
up stalled after 	  Overhead Slash [Axe]    Swings Axe overhead, slashes
Upswing [Axe]  					   down and slightly to the left.
*See notes at bottom of chart*
up [Sword mode]		Side Slash [Sword]          Slashes from left to right
								      with Sword.
R after Side Slash 	Sword-Axe Side Slash         switches to Axe mode while
[Sword]							  doing Side slash [Axe].
left OR right 		    Upswing [Sword]           Slashes upward from lower
[Sword mode] 						     left to upper right.
down [Sword mode]	Overhead Slash [Sword]       Swings Sword over head and
							    downward to the left.
down [Sword mode]   Dashing Overhead Slash [Sword]   Jumps forward and swings
while holding a                                  Sword over head and downward
movement direction 						     to the left.
X				Thrust [Sword]        Thrust Sword forward, and
	                                           draws back to the left.

Any attack multiple         Burst Motion [Sword]    Raises Sword after Thrust
times after Thrust[Sword]                        while bursting getting up to
{Most people just keep tapping X}	        6 hits. Can be cancelled almost
						 any time if you stop hitting an
							          attack command.
If you don't cancel 	   Finisher Burst [Sword]          Fires burst from tip
during Burst Motion 			      	           of Sword and switches
[Sword]								     to Axe mode.
**Notation: After the Upswing [Axe] you can do two moves, either Alternating
Slashes [Axe] OR Overhead Slash [Axe]. The difference between doing one or
the other is timing OR holding a direction on the left analog stick. If you
start tapping Up or Down immediately after you do the Upswing [Axe], you
will do the Alternating Slashes [Axe]. If you wait approximately one FULL
second after doing the Upswing [Axe] you will do the Overhead Slash [Axe]. A
good way to visualize/practice the timing is to stand in a location that will
create a dust cloud from your character's LEFT foot when you do the Upswing
[Axe]. If you chain before that dust cloud disappears you will do the
Alternating Slashes [Axe], but you hit Right after that dust cloud
disappears, you will do the Overhead Swing [Axe]. Of course the much easier
alternative is to hold a direction while chain. I would recommend left or
right so that you don't accidentally do the thrust attack if you hold up for
too long.**

SPECIAL TIP: You can shorten the time of Burst Motion [sword] and quick fire
the Finishing Burst [sword] by holding the movement stick downward.

*1-5b*: Hit Chain Chart
I've put together a list of what hits will chain into and from others. Feel
free to develop your own combos from it. I added a few simple combos to help
get you started. Check section 2-1 for more details.
Attack 				Chained From			Followed by
Draw Side Slash        	Walking or Running while    Overhead Slash [Axe]
[Axe] 					 Sheathed                  Upswing [Axe]
							     Running Thrust [Axe]
Side Slash [Axe] 	     Overhead Slash [Axe]  		    Upswing [Axe]
		             Running Thrust [Axe]          Running Thrust [Axe]
			    Sword-Axe Side Slash
Overhead Slash [Axe]		Draw Side Slash [Axe]           Side Slash [Axe]
				Side Slash [Axe]
				Upswing [Axe]
				Running Thrust [Axe]
Upswing [Axe]		     Draw Side Slash [Axe]          Overhead Slash [Axe]
				Side Slash [Axe]        Alternating Slashes[Axe]
			    Sword-Axe Side Slash
Alternating 			Upswing [Axe]          Nothing, not even a roll
Slashes [Axe]                                      properly chains from this.
	                                             Additionally, this is the
	                                            only Axe attack you CANNOT
	                                                        side-hop after.
Running Thrust [Axe]		Side Slash [Axe]            Overhead Slash [Axe]
			     Sword-Axe Side Slash 		 Side Slash [Axe]
							Axe-Sword Overhead Slash
Axe-Sword Overhead 	    Running Thrust [Axe] 		  Upswing [Sword]
Slash 							       Side Slash [Sword]
						                   Thrust [Sword]
Side Slash [Sword]	   Axe-SwordOverheadSlash         Overhead Slash [Sword]
			          Upswing [Sword]   DashingOverheadSlash[Sword]
				   Thrust [Sword]                 Thrust [Sword]
	    		     Burst Motion [Sword]          Sword-Axe Side Slash
			   Overhead Slash [Sword]
		      Draw overhead slash [Sword]
Sword-Axe Side Slash		Side Slash [Sword]		    Upswing [Axe]
								 Side Slash [Axe]
							     Running Thrust [Axe]
Upswing [Sword]		    Overhead Slash [Sword] 	   Overhead Slash [Sword]
			Draw overhead slash [Sword] DashingOverheadSlash[Sword]
			DashingOverheadSlash[Sword] 		   Thrust [Sword]
				     Thrust [Sword] 	       Side Slash [Sword]
Overhead Slash [Sword] 	 Side Slash [Sword] 		  Upswing [Sword]
				    Upswing [Sword] 	       Side Slash [Sword]
								   Thrust [Sword]
DashingOverheadSlash 		   Upswing [Sword] 		  Upswing [Sword]
[Sword] 			 Side Slash [Sword] 	       Side Slash [Sword]
								   Thrust [Sword]
Thrust [Sword]		    Axe-Sword Overhead Slash 	       Side Slash [Sword]
				    Upswing [Sword] 	     Burst Motion [Sword]
			         Side Slash [Sword]
			      Overhead Slash [Sword]
		          Draw overhead slash [Sword]
Burst Motion [Sword]		Thrust [Sword] 		       Side Slash [Sword]
							   Finisher Burst [Sword]
Finisher Burst		     Burst Motion [Sword]       Nothing..., not even a
[Sword]	                                             roll properly chains from
						        this. Additionally, this
			                               is the only Sword attack
						       you CANNOT side-hop after.

*1-6* Underwater Combat
Aside from the normal movement changes, all commands and hits stay the same,
and yes, Sword mode still moves slower than Axe mode underwater.

********************************Chapter 2************************************

*2-1* Combos

This is a list of combos you can do that can be repeated indefinitely,
trusted you don't get hit, mess up or you're interrupted for some other
reason. As long as you avoid being hit, messing up or other interruptions.

1.) Two-hit Repeaters: Two-hit combos that can be repeated.

1a.) Running Thrust [Axe] - Side Slash [Axe]

Repeat combo any number of times. You can start this combo from any of its

1st hit: Running Thrust [Axe] Up  while moving
2nd hit: Side Slash [Axe] Left /Right  OR Up /Down /Left /Right
	while moving+sheathed for DrawSideSlash[Axe]

1b.) Side Slash [Sword] - Overhead Slash [Sword]

Repeat combo any number of times. You can start this combo from any of its

1st hit: Side Slash [Sword] Up
2nd hit: Overhead Slash [Sword] Up  (if after Side Slash [Sword])/Down  OR
	Dashing    Overhead Slash [Sword] Up  (if after Side Slash [Sword])/?
	down  while moving OR Draw overhead slash [Sword] R + (X + A)

1c.) Overhead Slash [Sword] - Upswing [Sword]

Repeat combo any number of times. You can start this combo from any of its

1st hit: Overhead Slash [Sword] Left /Right  (if after Upswing [Sword])/?
	down  OR Dashing Overhead Slash [Sword] Left /Right  (if after
	Upswing [Sword])/Down  while moving OR Draw overhead slash [Sword] R
	+ (X + A)
2nd hit: Upswing [Sword] Down  (if after Overhead Slash [Sword], Dashing
	Overhead Slash [Sword] or Draw Overhead Slash [Sword]/Left /Right

1d.) Side Slash [Sword] - Thrust [Sword]

Repeat combo any number of times. You can start this combo from any of its

1st hit: Side Slash [Sword] up
2nd hit: Thrust [Sword] X

2.) Three-hit repeaters: Three-hit combos that can be repeated.

2a.) Overhead Slash [Axe] - Side Slash [Axe] - Upswing [Axe].

Repeat combo any number of times. You can start this combo from any of its
hits; you can also transition into Alternating Slashes [Axe] from the Upswing
of this combo.

1st hit: Overhead Slash [Axe] Up
2nd hit: Side Slash [Axe] Up (if after Overhead Slash [Axe])/Left /Right
	OR Up /Down /Left /Right  while moving+sheathed for
3rd hit: Upswing [Axe] Up /Down

2b.) Running Thrust [Axe] - Overhead Slash [Axe] - Side Slash [Axe].

Repeat combo any number of times. You can start this combo from any of its

1st hit: Running Thrust [Axe] Up  while moving
2nd hit: Overhead Slash [Axe] Up
3rd hit: Side Slash [Axe] Up /Left /Right  OR Up /Down /Left /?
	right  while moving+sheathed for DrawSideSlash[Axe]

2c.) Overhead Slash [Sword] - Upswing [Sword] - Side slash [Axe]

Repeat combo any number of times. You can start this combo from any of its

1st hit: Overhead Slash [Sword] Left /Right  (if after Upswing [Sword])/?
	down  OR Dashing 	Overhead Slash [Sword] Left /Right  (if after
	Upswing [Sword])/Down  while moving OR 	Draw overhead slash
[Sword] R
	+ (X + A)
2nd hit: Upswing [Sword] Down  (if after Overhead Slash [Sword], Dashing
	Overhead 	Slash [Sword] or Draw Overhead Slash [Sword]/Left /?
3rd hit: Side Slash [Sword] Up

2d.) Thrust [Sword] - Burst Motion [Sword] - Side Slash [Sword]
Repeat combo any number of times. You can start this combo from either Thrust
[Sword] or Side Slash [Sword]

1st hit: Thrust [Sword] X
2nd hit: Burst Motion [Sword] X/Up /Down /Left /Right  after Thrust
3rd hit: Side Slash [Sword] Up

3.) Four-hit Repeaters: Four-hit combos that can be repeated.

3a.) Running Thrust [Axe] - Axe-Sword Overhead Slash - Side Slash [Sword] -
Sword-Axe Side Slash.

Repeat Combo any number of times. You can start this combo from any from any
of its hits.

1st hit: Running Thrust [Axe] Up  while moving
2nd hit: Axe-Sword Overhead Slash R after Running Thrust [Axe]
3rd hit: Side Slash [Sword] Up
4th hit: Sword-Axe Side Slash R after Side Slash [Sword]

3b.) Overhead Slash [Sword] - Upswing [Sword] - Thrust [Sword] - Side Slash

Repeat combo any number of times. You can start this combo from any of its

1st hit: Overhead Slash [Sword] Left /Right  (if after Upswing [Sword])/?
	down  OR Dashing Overhead Slash [Sword] Left /Right  (if after
	Upswing [Sword])/Down  while moving OR Draw overhead slash [Sword] R
	+ (X + A)
2nd hit: Upswing [Sword] Down  (if after Overhead Slash [Sword], Dashing
	Overhead Slash [Sword] or Draw Overhead Slash [Sword]/Left /Right
3rd hit: Thrust [Sword] X
4th hit: Side Slash [Sword] Up

4.) Five-hit Repeater: There is only one, but you can do a five-hit combo
that will chain back into itself.

1.) Overhead Slash [Sword] - Upswing [Sword] - Thrust [Sword] - Burst Motion
[Sword] - Side Slash [Sword]

Repeat combo any number of times. You can start this combo from any hit,
except Burst Motion [Sword]

1st hit: Overhead Slash [Sword] Left /Right  (if after Upswing [Sword])/?
	down  OR Dashing Overhead Slash [Sword] Left /Right  (if after
	Upswing [Sword])/Down  while moving OR Draw overhead slash [Sword] R
	+ (X + A)
2nd hit: Upswing [Sword] Down  (if after Overhead Slash [Sword], Dashing
	Overhead Slash [Sword] or Draw Overhead Slash [Sword]/Left /Right
3rd hit: Thrust [Sword] X
4th hit: Burst Motion [Sword] X/Up /Down /Left /Right  after Thrust
5th hit: Side Slash [Sword] Up

*2-2* Armor Selection

This section will briefly cover some of the things your armor can help with
while using an SA, aside from protecting you. Essentially, we're trying to
compensate for all the cons of using an SA by using armor abilities.

The easiest problem to tackle is Sharpness. Obtaining abilities such as
"Sharpness + 1," "Sharp Sword" and "Sharpening Skl Inc" all help with this.
"Sharpness + 1" is, in my opinion, the most useful of these skills.

ESP, while it is useful, doesn't actually affect sharpness, it affects
bouncing. It is also a bit redundant since you already have ESP when you are
in Sword mode. On the flipside, any abilities that count against your
sharpness are going to be even worse with a SA equipped.

Another thing to consider while selecting an armor set is your SA's Phial.
Let's say you're using a SA with a Power Phial, it will likely be more
beneficial to use armor with an Attack boost over an Elemental boost.
For help with armor specifics visit:

*2-3* General Strategies

---Coming Soon---

Q: Why can't I make a Switch Axe Offline?
A: The offline blacksmith can't make Switch Axes early game, you have to get
to the three-star quests first, but if you go online you can get one made
right once you get the materials and money.

Q: Where can I get Monster Fluid?
A: From any bug or bug quest. If you wait for Altaroth to eat something and
they swell up, then kill them, you should have no problem getting some.
Otherwise you could get a bowgun and poison Bnahabra. You can get Monster
Fluid from Gigi as well, you can find them in any dark cave. Special Thanks
to Sieg for the Gigi tip.

Q: Where can I get Killer Beetles?
A: Flooded Forest, areas 4 and 7 are usually pretty good for it.

Guide written by Hexecho, I don't really care if you quote me or claim this
as your own... but I would definitely appreciate if you consulted me before
doing so.
I do not own Monster Hunter, as you could probably guess from the large
Capcom logo you see when you start the game, nor did I have a hand in making
the game.
If you have any questions about Switch Axe's/want some tips or something
Monster Hunter related e-mail me:  [email protected]
Special Thanks to:
Neo- Proof reading/suggestions
Monsteer Hunteer- Correction on Sword mode�s bouncing in when sharpness is