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Wild Plant Guide

by Aqlex239

            ***This guide is dedicated to Vince and Viet***

                           Wild Plant Guide
                            Version # 1.4
                             By Aqlex239

                     Copyright 2009-2010 Aqlex239

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      ^                               GUIDE
      |                                for
      |                       ToT (Wii HARVEST MOON!)
 (That says HM:ToT, by the way)

                                 Typed By Aqlex239


Table of Contents:                Quick Search

Version History                      V0001

Introduction                         I0002

Vocabulary                           V0003

Why Make This Guide                  W0004

What you can contribute              W0005

Possible Future Updates              F0006

E-mail Information                   E0007

What's New to Harvest Moon?          W0008

What are they useful for?            W0009

The Most Useful Wild Plants  (IMO)   W0010

Wild Plants as Gifts                 G0011

Wild Plant Prices and Stamina        P0012

Plant Growth Times                   R0013

Wild Plant Locations                 L0014

Herbs (And Growing Them)             H0015

Mushrooms                            M0016

Other Wild Forage                    F0017

Cooking With Wild Plants             C0018

Dyeing with Wild Plants              D0019

Wild Plants in Rainbow Recipes       R0020

Growing Fruit Trees                  T0021

In-Game Plant Descriptions           D0022

What do they look like?              L0023

FAQ Section                          F0024

Harvest Moon Art Gallery             A0025

My Other Guides                      G0026

Credits                              C0027

Legal Information                    L0028

The End                              T0029

Version History:     V0001

                 Current Version = 1.4

           (In order from 1st version to current)

V 0.1----04/20/09----I have started a new guide. I can't believe myself.
I have a basic layout idea for this guide and a list of most of the sections
I would like to include. Sections finished:

-Version History
-Why Make This Guide
-What you can contribute
-Possible Future Updates
-E-mail Information
-What's New to Harvest Moon?
-FAQ Section
-Harvest Moon Art Gallery
-My Other Guides
-Legal Information
-The End
(Also finished some art for the top of the guide)

V 0.5----08/06/09----I added in a lot of new sections today. Some are still 
missing a few parts (in the case of "Herbs" and "Plant Regrowth Times", a giant
chunk is still missing). I tweaked some of the sections that were already 
written as well. I think it's time to try and upload this! Sections added:

What are they useful for?
The Most Useful Wild Plants  (IMO)
Wild Plants as Gifts
Wild Plant Prices
Plant Growth Times
Wild Plant Locations
Herbs (And Growing Them)
Other Wild Forage
In-Game Plant Descriptions
What do they look like? (Version REJECTED!)

V 1.0----08/08/09----Lots of minor and major things updated. I fixed a bunch
of words, added 5 missing pieces of information, added the name of the forest
behind the Carpenter's (Praline Forest!), and added 2 more herb growth
locations. Also, I've spellchecked the whole guide. Sections added:

Cooking with Wild Plants
Dyeing with Wild Plants
-Herb Growth Speed Subsection
-How to Grow Herbs Subsection

I have basically added everything that I originally planned to. The only thing
I'm missing from my original idea of the guide are the in-game and personal
coconut descriptions, which I hope someone can help me with. Check the "What you
can help with" and "possible future update" sections for more on that. So, the
guide has reached what I had hoped for. From this point on, we move to an even
better and unimagined guide, version 2.0, if it's even possible. (Version

V 1.1----08/10/09----Yes! My guide was accepted! This update is largely fixing
up old bits of the guide, but there are some new things as well. First of all,
I've gone through and confirmed a bunch of bits of the guide, and I've fixed up
a few spellings and such. Now, the new things include a whole new bunch of notes
in the Cooking section about the quality of your dish. I forgot to include this
the first time around! I've also added notes about 3 new "Wild Plants." There
are some notes about weeds, and I've added Algae and Bamboo Shoot to the wild
plant list. Enjoy, and keep an eye out for new sections that I would like to
release eventually.

V 1.2----08/13/09----A couple days later and I've got a new update! First of
all, I've finally got all the coconut information! I've also added 2 new recipes
and fixed info on 2 other ones. This should now be all the recipes. Also, I
wrote a new section: "Wild Plants in Rainbow Recipes". The cooking section is
now organized alphabetically and by price (from greatest to least) for those
looking for the most profitable wild plant recipes. More to come, hopefully.

V 1.3----09/09/09----This is not a major version update, but I decided to add
seashells, clams, and pearls to the guide for convenience. This meant an update
to the recipes section (6 new recipes), an update to the gifts section, and
updates to the price and descriptions sections. Thanks to Rin for the idea to
add these to my guide. This leaves everything ready for another update when I
feel up to making a new version, but if I leave it here, I'll still be satisfied
that I've got a complete, concise, and helpful guide.

V 1.4----01/14/10----This is a big update (and it's 2010!). I've been putting
off updating this guide for many months now, but a few days ago I received an
e-mail from Honorelle with some information for my guide, and I ended up adding
all of her helpful information as well as adding sections that I've been
planning on adding for some time now. My coconut information is almost complete,
stamina recovery values for wild forage was added to the guide, the new
"Growing Fruit Trees" section is up, the cooking section now has the recipes
ordered by Stamina Recovery, and lots of minor changes to the layout and legal
information section. I'm only expecting another 3 big updates before the guide
is complete, but I guess we'll see about that. Enjoy the new guide!

Introduction         I0002       

	I can't believe I am writing a 5th guide. After the first 4, I decided
that guide writing wasn't for me, so I stopped. Now I got into playing Harvest 
Moon: Tree of Tranquility, and after checking some guides, I realized 2 things!
First of all, there was no wild plant guide. Second of all, all of the guides 
were written by the same guy! That's really cool, but isn't it nice to have a 
bit of diversity. I decided to write one about the Wild Plants of Harvest Moon 
because that was a topic that this DetroitDJ guy had not yet covered. By the 
way, thanks for all that help your guides gave me xD. So, enjoy the guide 
people. I hope you guys can help me make this guide great.

Vocabulary           V0003       

	I went through my guide and noticed a used a few abbreviations
and some internet slang. I decided to include a small vocabulary section
for those who need it.

'em   = Them
(:    = A smiley face
:)    = The same smiley face as above, just reversed
:D    = A wide-mouthed smiley face
AWL   = A Wonderful Life (the title of the boy's GC HM game)
AnWL  = Another Wonderful Life (the title of the girl's GC HM game)
FAQ   = Frequently Asked Questions (I hope you knew THAT one...)
FoMT  = Friends of Mineral Town (the title of the boy's GBA HM game)
Gotta = Got to/Have to
GBA   = Game Boy Advance
GC    = GameCube
HM    = Harvest Moon
IMO   = In My Opinion
intro = Introduction (duh)
Kinda = Kind of
Lol   = Laugh out loud (I use it as a "Haha")
mFoMT = More Friends of Mineral Town (the title of the girl's GBA HM game)
ToT   = Tree Of Tranquility (the title of the Harvest Moon game for the Wii)
w/    = With
xD    = My favorite smiley face. X-eyes and laughing
xP    = My second favorite smiley face. X-eyes and tongue sticking out

Tell me if I'm missing anything!

Why make this guide   W0004

	I made this guide for a few reasons:

1) I love foraging in Harvest Moon Games
2) Wild Plants can be very useful
3) A lot of guides were written by DetroitDJ, so I wanted to change things up
4) The Wild Plant Topic was not covered by any guide up for Hm:ToT
5) To practice my writing skills
6) Some sick, twisted form of fun

What you can contribute    W0005

	Please, contribute any information I need or don't have.
Please send in questions for the FAQ section, and if you find that
anything in this guide is misspelled, please tell me. I don't have
much time anymore to play the game to collect data, so please
help me out with whatever you can. Also, comments are much appreciated.

	Check the section below, the Possible Future Updates section,
for things you can help me on. Currently, I need someone to help me out
by finding these things:

-I need someone with a coconut in their inventory to check the in-game
description and send that to me, because I have 2 different ones. Thanks!

-Check the possible future updates section for other contributable things.

Possible Future Updates    F0006

	Well, this is the section where I list out possible future updates for
the guide that I would like to achieve. I may never be able to do them all, but
we'll see what happens. I could use help with them, and if you have any
suggestions for other additions, please send them in.

   Complete: Spellchecking the guide

   Complete: This guide (100% completion will never actually happen)

   Complete: In-Game Wild Plant Descriptions for Coconuts

   Add: "Wild Plant Recipes as Gifts" Subsection

   Reorganize: The Cooking Section (By Utensil, By Ingredient)

E-mail Information    E0007

	My E-mail address is:


(Without the enters. This is for those that ACTUALLY want to contact me)

If you send me an E-mail, please make the title of the E-mail:

                    "Wild Plant Guide ToT"

If you do not title the e-mail this way, it is likely that it will
be labeled as junk mail and deleted.

Please send in suggestions/comments about my guide (Tips, something
I don't have, misspelled words, if the guide is useful, etc.)
Please, if you have something to tell me about my guide, send
it in. Also, when you send a suggestion or comment in, please 
include your username, or whatever you want your name to be
so you can be included in the credits section.


What's New to Harvest Moon?    W0008

	With every Harvest Moon games, there are some new things and some 
changes to old things. This game is no exception. There are many wild 
plant-related changes that have occurring in this title and in a few previous 
ones. I will list out the changes for you.

-Flowers no longer grow in the wild, so they aren't considered Wild Plants

-Herbs can now be used for dying yarn and wool

-Mushrooms grow outside and in caves

-Since you can't pick up or sell Weeds, they no longer constitute as wild plants

-Wild Plants grow randomly in specific areas

-Wild Plants no longer grow during certain seasons

-You can no longer use wild plants for hybridization

-You can no longer "make" seeds

-You can now play as a boy OR girl. No need to make two versions of this guide!


What Are They Useful For?                    W0009

	The wild plants of Waffle Island are useful for many things. Most
of those uses are discussed in this guide, but here is a quick overview.

Wild Plants useful for:

.Cooking Recipes

.Dying yarns

.Food source

.Gifts for people and animals

.Making money

.Rainbow Recipes



The Most Useful Wild Plants (in my opinion)  W0010

	The game is FULL of wild plants. Here is a list of the MOST
useful wild plants, in my opinion.

The top 3 most useful plants are:



-Shining Bamboo Root

	All of the herbs are the most useful plants. Not only can they
be used in recipes (like good herb fish, needed for a rainbow recipe), not
only can you find more ever day to sell, not only can they be eaten, not
can they be used as gifts (Renee likes the yellow ones), they can also be
used to dye and increase the value of your yarns. Blue and purple ones are
the best for dying.

	Mushroom is probably the next best, at least in my opinion. You can
find TRUCKLOADS of these in the mines, especially on Floor 19 in Ganache mine.
A common load will bring you up to 2,000 G in one day, which I must say isn't
a bad sum. They can also be eaten in the mine, and they provide a nice little
boost which can be very useful if you're low on stamina.

	The Shining Bamboo Root is the 3rd best wild plant in my opinion. I'm
not sure why, but it's worth quite a lot, and it can be used in recipes! Not bad
for a brown cone sticking out of the ground.



Wild Plants as Gifts                         G0011

	Wild Plants can be used as gifts for many villagers. Here is a list I 
compiled of all the villagers that either like or hate wild forage. There are 
so many people and wild plants that I'm not sure if I got them all, so if you 
know something I don't, please tell me!

*Note* Everyone will accept your gift whether they like it or
not. I'm listing the people that LIKE these gifts.

Villager      Gift(s)

Angie         Black Pearl, Cherry, Pearl, Very Berry

Anissa        All Herbs, Black Pearl, Pontata Root, Toadstool

Barbara       Yellow Herb

Bo            All Herbs, Mushroom

Candace       Black Pearl, Pearl

Chloe         Black Pearl, Pearl, Red Herb

Colleen       Pineapple

Dakota        All Herbs, Clam

Dale          Sea Urchin

Elli          Blue Herb, Pearl

Gill          Black Pearl, Clam, Sea Urchin

Hamilton      Blue Herb, Yellow Herb

Hanna         Yellow Herb

Hayden        Clam, Grape

Heath         All Herbs (except Yellow)

Irene         All Herbs, Black Pearl, Pearl, Pontata Root

Jin           All Herbs, Pontata Root

Julius        Black Pearl, Purple Herb

Kathy         Coconut, Red Herb, Sea Urchin

Luke          Banana, Clam

Luna          Black Pearl, Blue Herb, Purple Herb, Red Herb

Matt          Green Herb

Maya          Clam

Mira          Black Pearl, Coral, Purple Herb,

Ozzie         Clam, Sea Urchin

Paolo         Banana, Clam, Sea Urchin

Pascal        Clam, Coconut, Sea Urchin

Perry         All Herbs, Pontata Root

Phoebe        Black Pearl, Coral, Green Herb, Pearl, Pontata Root

Renee         Yellow Herb

Ruth          Black Pearl, Blue Herb

Samson        Black Pearl, Clam, Coconut, Fancy Seashell, Pearl, Pineapple,
              Sea Urchin

Selena        Banana, Coconut, Pineapple

Shelly        All Herbs

Simon         Pearl

Sue           Banana, Black Pearl, Clam, Pearl, Coconut, Pineapple, Sea Urchin

Taylor        Pearl, Red Herb

Toby          Black Pearl, Blue Herb

Van           All Herbs, Pontata Root



Wild Plant Prices And Stamina                P0012

	These are the prices of the foraged wild plants. Interestingly, 
toadstools, the poisonous mushrooms, are worth more than the normal ones again.

-You can grow some of these plants yourself, but these prices are for the 
foraged plants.

-Many of these things can be eaten raw for some Stamina. I have now added
the values.

     Herbs          $      Stamina (Eaten Raw)
[                |        |                   ]
|Blue Herb       |  70 G  |  30               |
|Green Herb      |  30 G  |  20               |
|Purple Herb     |  60 G  |  20               |
|Red Herb        |  50 G  |  20               |
|Yellow Herb     |  40 G  |  20               |

   Mushrooms        $      Stamina (Eaten Raw)
[                |        |                   ]
|Mushroom        |  30 G  |  50               |
|Toadstool       |  40 G  | -100 (decreases)  |

Other Wild Forage   $      Stamina (Eaten Raw)
[                |        |                   ]
|Algae           |  10 G  |  N/A              |
|Apple           | 150 G  |  80               |
|Bamboo Shoot    | 210 G  |  N/A              |
|Banana          | 100 G  |  80               |
|Black Pearl     | 800 G  |  N/A              |
|Blueberry       |  50 G  |  30               |
|Cherry          | 210 G  |  30               |
|Chestnut        |  80 G  |  N/A              |
|Clam            |  90 G  |  N/A              |
|Coconut         | 170 G  |  100              |
|Common Seashell |  70 G  |  N/A              |
|Coral           |  50 G  |  N/A              |
|Fancy Seashell  | 140 G  |  N/A              |
|Grape           | 140 G  |  50               |
|Laver Seaweed   |  40 G  |  N/A              |
|Orange          | 130 G  |  40               |
|Pearl           | 300 G  |  N/A              |
|Pineapple       | 120 G  |  100              |
|Pontata Root    | 150 G  |  20               |
|Sea Urchin      | 700 G  |  100              |
|S. Bamboo Shoot | 560 G  |  N/A              |
|Very Berry      |  50 G  |  20               |



Plant Growth Times                           R0013

   All of the wild plants grow randomly, though it seems to me that the ones
on the Gull Islands and Toucan Island take even longer to grow back. The square
next to Hamilton's house and the spot in front of the hospital produce an
occasional herb, but they are few and far between.

-Eventually, I'm planning on adding the regrowth times for all the wild herbs 
you can grow.

|              Farmed Herb Growth Information             |

	when you grow your own herbs, they take a little while to grow. Here is
the chart I made for my Herb Growing Section, just take a look at the growth
speed section.

                                                  SOIL QUALITY 
======== ======== ========               ======== ======== ========    ========
|Herb  | |Season| |Price | Growth Speed: |Poor  | |Decent| |Good  |    Sale (1)
======== ======== ========               ======== ======== ========    ========

Green     Spring   105                    6        5        5            30
Blue      Summer   120                    6        5        5            70
Purple    Fall     135                    6        5        5            60
Red       Fall     135                    6        5        5            50
Yellow    Winter   120                    8        6        6            40



Wild Plant Locations                         L0014

	Wild plants grow all over the island, but there are specific areas 
where they can be found. I'm also including other wild forage in this section.

-Pontata Roots on your farmland are rare! You can supposedly dig them up with
your hoe, but I've never found one that way myself.
-Algae can only be obtained by fishing it up from the ocean.
-Normal Bamboo Shoots can only be bought for 315G from the Spring and Summer
Flea Markets.

At The Base of Mt. Gelato
-Mushrooms and Toadstools
-Shining Bamboo Shoots

East Gull Island
-Seashells (Common and Fancy)
-Sea Urchins

Next To The Bear Cave on Mt. Gelato
-Mushrooms and Toadstools
-Shining Bamboo Shoots

Next To The Sidewalk In Front Of The Hospital
-All Herbs

Square Next to Hamilton's House
-All Herbs

The Forest Near the Carpenter's (AKA Praline Woods)
-All Herbs
-Very berries and blueberries

The Meadow Behind Brownie Ranch (w/ picnic tables)
-All Herbs
-Very berries and blueberries

The Meadow In Front of Brownie Ranch
-All Herbs
-Very berries and blueberries

The Mines
-Mushrooms and Toadstools
-Pontata Roots

The Waffle Town Beach
-Laver Seaweed
-Seashells (Common and Fancy)

Toucan Island (Behind The Inn)

Toucan Island Beach
-Black Pearl
-Sea Urchins

West Gull Island

Your Farmland
-Pontata Roots



Herbs (And Growing Them)                     H0015

	The game has 5 herbs. They are, in my opinion, the most useful of all 
the wild plants. They can be found in places all over the island, they can make
you money, you can eat them, you can cook with them, you can give them away as
gifts, you can dye them, and you even need some for Rainbow recipes. You can 
even buy their seeds and grow them! I'll be adding the "Growing Wild Herbs" 
subsection here eventually, when I collect all the information and organize it.

     Herbs          $      Stamina (Eaten Raw)
[                |        |                   ]
|Blue Herb       |  70 G  |  30               |
|Green Herb      |  30 G  |  20               |
|Purple Herb     |  60 G  |  20               |
|Red Herb        |  50 G  |  20               |
|Yellow Herb     |  40 G  |  20               |

Herbs can be found growing wild in these 3 locations:

Next To The Sidewalk In Front Of The Hospital

Square Next to Hamilton's House

The Forest Near the Carpenter's (AKA Praline Woods)

The Meadow Behind Brownie Ranch (w/ picnic tables)

The Meadow In Front of Brownie Ranch

                      Growing Herbs

	In Harvest Moon:ToT, you can purchase herb seeds and grow your own herbs
(instead of foraging for them). Seeds are planted in a 1x6 area, and herbs can
only be harvested once. Different herbs grow in different seasons. Since you can
walk on crops now, there is no need to make rows, though it's still simpler to
do so for access reasons. I often grow the crops in rows, such as this:

My low quality diagrams:

|0= Soil                               |
|x= Plant (soil that should be tilled) |






	Anyway, you probably know all about planting crops. I'm just here to
give advice and information about planting herbs. Here are some more lists!

-All herb seeds can be bought at the Flower Festival

                                                  SOIL QUALITY 
======== ======== ========               ======== ======== ========    ========
|Herb  | |Season| |Price | Growth Speed: |Poor  | |Decent| |Good  |    Sale (1)
======== ======== ========               ======== ======== ========    ========

Green     Spring   105                    6        5        5            30
Blue      Summer   120                    6        5        5            70
Purple    Fall     135                    6        5        5            60
Red       Fall     135                    6        5        5            50
Yellow    Winter   120                    8        6        6            40

Herb Seed Sellers
(All can be bought at the Flower Festival)

Green  -  Taylor's Seeds
Blue   -  Taylor's Seeds
Purple -  Taylor's Seeds
Red    -  Spring/Summer Market
Yellow -  Harvest Festival, Taylor's Seeds



Mushrooms                                    M0016

	This game has a disappointingly low amount of mushrooms. There are 
two, and one of them is poisonous. For some reason, the poisonous one is
worth more.

   Mushrooms        $      Stamina (Eaten Raw)
[                |        |                   ]
|Mushroom        |  30 G  |  50               |
|Toadstool       |  40 G  | -100 (decreases)  |

Mushrooms can be found at the following locations:

At The Base Of Mt. Gelato

Next To The Bear Cave On Mt. Gelato

The Mines
-Note: Mushrooms can be found randomly on different floors of both mines.
-Note: Floor 19 of Ganache mine will always have a lot of Mushrooms (one visit
per day only)
-Note: Floor 36 of the Gelato mine will always have lots of mushrooms (one visit
per day only)



Other Wild Forage                            F0017

	This game has a LOT of wild forage that doesn't fall into the Mushroom
or Herb category. Some of the fruits can be grown on your farm. Not all of
these can be eaten. I've also included shells and pearls for convenience.

Other Wild Forage   $      Stamina (Eaten Raw)
[                |        |                   ]
|Algae           |  10 G  |  N/A              |
|Apple           | 150 G  |  80               |
|Bamboo Shoot    | 210 G  |  N/A              |
|Banana          | 100 G  |  80               |
|Black Pearl     | 800 G  |  N/A              |
|Blueberry       |  50 G  |  30               |
|Cherry          | 210 G  |  30               |
|Chestnut        |  80 G  |  N/A              |
|Clam            |  90 G  |  N/A              |
|Coconut         | 170 G  |  100              |
|Common Seashell |  70 G  |  N/A              |
|Coral           |  50 G  |  N/A              |
|Fancy Seashell  | 140 G  |  N/A              |
|Grape           | 140 G  |  50               |
|Laver Seaweed   |  40 G  |  N/A              |
|Orange          | 130 G  |  40               |
|Pearl           | 300 G  |  N/A              |
|Pineapple       | 120 G  |  100              |
|Pontata Root    | 150 G  |  20               |
|Sea Urchin      | 700 G  |  100              |
|S. Bamboo Shoot | 560 G  |  N/A              |
|Very Berry      |  50 G  |  20               |

-Pontata Roots on your farmland are rare! You can supposedly dig them up with
your hoe, but I've never found one that way myself.
-Algae can only be obtained by fishing it up from the ocean.
-Normal Bamboo Shoots can only be bought for 315G from the Spring and Summer
Flea Markets.

This other wild forage can be found at the following locations:

At The Base of Mt. Gelato
-Mushrooms and Toadstools
-Shining Bamboo Shoots

East Gull Island
-Seashells (Common and Fancy)
-Sea Urchins

Next To The Bear Cave on Mt. Gelato
-Mushrooms and Toadstools
-Shining Bamboo Shoots

The Forest Near the Carpenter's (AKA Praline Woods)
-All Herbs
-Very berries and blueberries

The Meadow Behind Brownie Ranch (w/ picnic tables)
-All Herbs
-Very berries and blueberries

The Meadow In Front of Brownie Ranch
-All Herbs
-Very berries and blueberries

The Mines
-Mushrooms and Toadstools
-Pontata Roots

The Waffle Town Beach
-Laver Seaweed
-Seashells (Common and Fancy)

Toucan Island (Behind The Inn)

Toucan Island Beach
-Black Pearl
-Sea Urchins

West Gull Island

Your Farmland
-Pontata Roots



Cooking With Wild Plants                     C0018

	Here is a list of every recipe that I know of and could find containing
any wild forage. Many of these recipes are from DetriotDJ's recipe guide, so
if you want to thank somebody, thank him, not me! They are ordered in
alphabetical order, but I might eventually take some time and order them by
price, stamina, and maybe even utensil. We'll have to see how lazy I am! By the
way, some recipes call for a crustacean and some call for fish. Here are some
small charts showing you which is which.


-Rock Lobster

Fish are everything you can fish up except:


	Also, there are 6 dishes in the game which can be decent, good, perfect,
or shining quality. The quality of the dish depends on the sum of the value
of the ingredients used. This guide has 4 of those dishes, and luckily, they all
need the same value to reach the next level of quality. Also, Herb Fish will
allow for more than one fish to be used. Use this to reach a higher ingredient
value. Here are more charts:

Value of Sum of Ingredients

0G    -  299G       Decent
300G  -  599G       Good
600G  - 1199G       Perfect
1200G and up        Shining

Here are the values of ingredients, copied from DetroitDJ's guide. I don't think
I could do it as well as him, so you get to see his.

Value of Ingredients

|    Angler Fish . . . . . . . 770G       Bonito . . . . . . . . . .280G
|    Carp . . . . . . . . . . .120G       Catfish . . . . . . . . . .80G
|    Char . . . . . . . . . . .120G       Cod . . . . . . . . . . . .80G
|    Conger Eel . . . . . . . .210G       Crawfish . . . . . . . . . 20G
|    Eel . . . . . . . . . . . 600G       Flounder . . . . . . . . .120G
|    Goby . . . . . . . . . . . 40G       Halibut . . . . . . . . . 190G
|    Horse Mackerel . . . . . . 70G       Huchen . . . . . . . . . 1000G
|    King Fish . . . . . . . .1600G       Lobster . . . . . . . . . 600G
|    Mackerel . . . . . . . . . 60G       Mahi-Mahi . . . . . . . . 310G
|    Manta Ray . . . . . . . . 350G       Masu Trout . . . . . . . .110G
|    Octopus . . . . . . . . . 140G       Pond Smelt . . . . . . . . 20G
|    Prawn . . . . . . . . . . 150G       Puffer Fish . . . . . . . .50G
|    Rainbow Trout . . . . . . .70G       Redfin . . . . . . . . . . 30G
|    Rockfish . . . . . . . . .230G       Rock Lobster . . . . . . .240G
|    Rock Trout . . . . . . . .180G       Salmon . . . . . . . . . .240G
|    Sardine . . . . . . . . . .50G       Saury . . . . . . . . . . .70G
|    Sea Bream . . . . . . . . 300G       Seasky . . . . . . . . . 1000G
|    Shark . . . . . . . . . . 700G       Skull Jellyfish . . . . . 950G
|    Squid . . . . . . . . . . 110G       Swordfish . . . . . . . . 750G
|    Tuna . . . . . . . . . . .600G       Wood Fish . . . . . . . . 900G
|    Yellowtail . . . . . . . .300G       Herb (Blue) . . . . . . . .70G
|    Herb (Purple) . . . . . . .60G       Herb (Green) . . . . . . . 30G
|    Herb (Red) . . . . . . . . 50G       Herb (Yellow) . . . . . . .40G
|    Butter (Goat-Perfect) . . 180G       Butter (Cow-Shining) . . .300G
|    Butter (Cow-Decent) . . . 120G       Butter (Cow-Perfect) . . .240G
|    Butter (Goat-Decent) . . .100G       Butter (Goat-Good) . . . .130G
|    Butter (Goat-Shining) . . 260G       Butter (Cow-Good) . . . . 150G
|    Spinach (Shining) . . . . 160G       Spinach (Decent) . . . . . 60G
|    Spinach (Perfect) . . . . 100G       Spinach (Good) . . . . . . 80G
|    Onion (Perfect) . . . . . .80G       Onion (Decent) . . . . . . 60G
|    Onion (Shining) . . . . . 140G       Onion (Good) . . . . . . . 70G
|    Crustacean (Crawfish) . . .20G       Crustacean (Prawn) . . . .150G
|    Crustacean (Rock Lobster) 230G       Crustacean (Lobster) . . .600G
|    Tomato (Good) . . . . . . 110G       Tomato (Decent) . . . . . .90G
|    Tomato (Perfect) . . . . .130G       Tomato (Shining) . . . . .220G
|    Rice (Shining) . . . . . .180G       Rice (Decent) . . . . . . .50G
|    Rice (Perfect) . . . . . .130G       Rice (Good) . . . . . . . .90G

   Okay, here are the recipes, 77 in all. E-mail me if you spot any errors.



|Recipe         |Utensil           |Ingredients              |Stamina/ Price |
|Apple Cocktail |Aging Pot         |Apple, Apple             | 210    230G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Apple Jam      |Pot               |Apple, Apple             | 200    420G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Apple Juice    |Mixer             |Apple                    | 180    170G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Apple Pie      |Oven              |Egg, Apple, Pie Crust    | 350    420G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Bamboo en      |Oven              |Bamboo Shoot             | 200    370G   |
|Papillote      |                  |                         |               |
|Bamboo Rice    |Cutting Board     |Bamboo Shoot, Rice       | 250    520G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Bamboo Stew    |Pot               |Bamboo Shoot             | 100    370G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Banana Milk    |Mixer             |Banana, Milk             | 260    400G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Banana Pudding |Oven              |Milk, Banana, Egg        | 320    560G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Blueberry      |Aging Pot         |Blueberry, Blueberry     | 160    120G   |
|Cocktail       |                  |                         |               |
|Blueberry Jam  |Pot               |Blueberry, Blueberry     | 180    160G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Blueberry Juice|Mixer             |Blueberry                |  80     70G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Bodigizer      |Mixer             |Red Herb, Pontata Root,  | 300    200G   |
|               |                  |Honey (any)              |               |
|Bodigizer XL   |Mixer             |Egg, Honey (any), Pontata| 800    350G   |
|               |                  |Root, Purple Herb        |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280    360G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280    450G   |
|(Good)         |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280    540G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280   1320G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Cheese Fondue  |Pot               |Grape Cocktail, Cheese,  | 230    300G   |
|               |                  |Bread                    |               |
|Chestnut Pie   |Oven              |Pie Crust, Egg, Chestnut | 380    370G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Chestnut Rice  |Cutting Board     |Chestnut, Rice           | 200    200G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Chirashi Sushi |Cutting Board     |Mushroom, Rock Lobster,  | 150    160G   |
|               |                  |Rice, Conger Eel, Egg    |               |
|Chocolate      |Cutting Board     |Cocoa, Banana, Milk      | 320    330G   |
|Banana         |                  |                         |               |
|Clam Soup      |Pot               |Clam                     | 150    320G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Coconut        |Aging Pot         |Coconut, Coconut         | 180    330G   |
|Cocktail       |                  |                         |               |
|Coconut Juice  |Mixer             |Coconut                  | 100    250G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Cold Medicine  |Mixer             |Royal Jelly, Mushroom,   |  10    300G   |
|               |                  |Pontata Root             |               |
|Doria          |Oven              |Milk, Mushroom, Cheese,  | 300    600G   |
|               |                  |Rice                     |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180    280G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180    420G   |
|(Good)         |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180    640G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180   1350G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Grape Cocktail |Aging Pot         |Grape, Grape             | 200    200G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Grape Juice    |Mixer             |Grape                    | 150    160G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Grilled Clam   |Match Set         |Clam                     | 120    130G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Grilled Sea    |Match Set         |Sea Urchin               | 150    550G   |
|Urchin         |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Bread     |Oven              |Breadfruit, Any Herb,    | 300    350G   |
|               |                  |Milk, Butter             |               |
|Herb Cookie    |Oven              |Butter, Egg, Breadfruit, | 320    230G   |
|               |                  |Any Herb                 |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280    260G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280    320G   |
|(Good)         |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280    630G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280   1320G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |                         |               |
|Herbal Tea     |Pot               |Any Herb                 |  80     70G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300    160G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300    310G   |
|(Good)         |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300    620G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300   1240G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated      |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Mushroom       | 100    320G   |
|Mushroom       |                  |                         |               |
|Marmalade Jam  |Pot               |Orange, Orange           | 210    330G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Milk Tea       |Pot               |Milk, Any Herb           | 100    270G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Mont Blanc Cake|Oven              |Butter, Chestnut, Egg,   | 380    580G   |
|               |                  |Breadfruit, Milk         |               |
|Mushroom Gratin|Oven              |Mushroom, Milk, Cheese,  | 280    450G   |
|               |                  |Butter                   |               |
|Mushroom Rice  |Cutting Board     |Rice, Mushroom           | 150    210G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Orange Cake    |Oven              |Milk, Butter, Orange,    | 330    630G   |
|               |                  |Egg, Breadfruit          |               |
|Orange Cookie  |Oven              |Butter, Orange,          | 330    320G   |
|               |                  |Egg, Breadfruit          |               |
|Orange Juice   |Mixer             |Orange                   | 100    150G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Orange Pie     |Oven              |Egg, Pie Crust, Orange   | 350    400G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Pineapple Juice|Mixer             |Pineapple                | 160    270G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Potato Miso    |Pot               |Seaweed, Potato          | 120    210G   |
|Soup           |                  |                         |               |
|Roasted        |Match Set         |Chestnut                 | 120    100G   |
|Chestnuts      |                  |                         |               |
|Sardine Tomato |Pot               |Any Herb, Sardine, Tomato| 180    230G   |
|Stew           |                  |                         |               |
|Saury Tomato   |Pot               |Any Herb, Saury, Tomato  | 180    250G   |
|Stew           |                  |                         |               |
|Sauteed Clam   |Frying Pan        |Butter, Clam             | 220    230G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Sauteed        |Frying Pan        |Butter, Mushroom         | 150    180G   |
|Mushroom       |                  |                         |               |
|Seafood Doria  |Oven              |Cheese, Clam, Crustacean,| 320    820G   |
|               |                  |Milk, Rice               |               |
|Seafood Rice   |Pot               |Clam, Rice, Squid, Onion,| 300    740G   |
|               |                  |Crustacean               |               |
|Seafood Stew   |Pot               |Butter, Clam, Crustacean,| 360    620G   |
|               |                  |Squid, Milk              |               |
|Seaweed Miso   |Pot               |Seaweed                  | 100    170G   |
|Soup           |                  |                         |               |
|Shark Fin Soup |Pot               |Spinach, Any Herb, Shark | 250   1740G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Southern Fried |Frying Pan        |Crustacean, Pineapple,   | 370    510G   |
|Rice           |                  |Spicy Pepper, Rice       |               |
|Southern       |Frying Pan        |Crustacean, Pineapple,   | 400    370G   |
|Omelette       |                  |Spicy Pepper, Rice, Egg  |               |
|Squid Tomato   |Pot               |Tomato, Squid, Any Herb  | 160    200G   |
|Stew           |                  |                         |               |
|Stay Awake     |Mixer             |Spicy Pepper, Pontata    |  10    250G   |
|               |                  |Root, Milk               |               |
|Super Stay     |Mixer             |Spicy Pepper, Pontata    | 200    350G   |
|Awake          |                  |Root, Milk, Red Herb     |               |
|Vegetable Juice|Mixer             |Green Herb, Spinach,     | 300    280G   |
|               |                  |Bell Pepper, Cabbage     |               |
|Very Berry Jam |Pot               |Very Berry, Very Berry   | 150    140G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Very Berry     |Mixer             |Very Berry               |  80     70G   |
|Juice          |                  |                         |               |

PRICE ORDER               [PRI]

|Recipe         |Utensil           |Ingredients              |Stamina/ Price |
|Shark Fin Soup |Pot               |Spinach, Any Herb, Shark | 250   1740G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180   1350G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280   1320G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |                         |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280   1320G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300   1240G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |                         |               |
|Seafood Doria  |Oven              |Cheese, Clam, Crustacean,| 320    820G   |
|               |                  |Milk, Rice               |               |
|Seafood Rice   |Pot               |Clam, Rice, Squid, Onion,| 300    740G   |
|               |                  |Crustacean               |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180    640G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280    630G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |                         |               |
|Orange Cake    |Oven              |Milk, Butter, Orange,    | 330    630G   |
|               |                  |Egg, Breadfruit          |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300    620G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |                         |               |
|Seafood Stew   |Pot               |Butter, Clam, Crustacean,| 360    620G   |
|               |                  |Squid, Milk              |               |
|Doria          |Oven              |Milk, Mushroom, Cheese,  | 300    600G   |
|               |                  |Rice                     |               |
|Mont Blanc Cake|Oven              |Butter, Chestnut, Egg,   | 380    580G   |
|               |                  |Breadfruit, Milk         |               |
|Banana Pudding |Oven              |Milk, Banana, Egg        | 320    560G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Grilled Sea    |Match Set         |Sea Urchin               | 150    550G   |
|Urchin         |                  |                         |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280    540G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Bamboo Rice    |Cutting Board     |Bamboo Shoot, Rice       | 250    520G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Southern Fried |Frying Pan        |Crustacean, Pineapple,   | 370    510G   |
|Rice           |                  |Spicy Pepper, Rice       |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280    450G   |
|(Good)         |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Mushroom Gratin|Oven              |Mushroom, Milk, Cheese,  | 280    450G   |
|               |                  |Butter                   |               |
|Apple Jam      |Pot               |Apple, Apple             | 200    420G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Apple Pie      |Oven              |Egg, Apple, Pie Crust    | 350    420G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180    420G   |
|(Good)         |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Banana Milk    |Mixer             |Banana, Milk             | 260    400G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Orange Pie     |Oven              |Egg, Pie Crust, Orange   | 350    400G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Bamboo en      |Oven              |Bamboo Shoot             | 200    370G   |
|Papillote      |                  |                         |               |
|Bamboo Stew    |Pot               |Bamboo Shoot             | 100    370G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Chestnut Pie   |Oven              |Pie Crust, Egg, Chestnut | 380    370G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Southern       |Frying Pan        |Crustacean, Pineapple,   | 400    370G   |
|Omelette       |                  |Spicy Pepper, Rice, Egg  |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280    360G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Bodigizer XL   |Mixer             |Egg, Honey (any), Pontata| 800    350G   |
|               |                  |Root, Purple Herb        |               |
|Herb Bread     |Oven              |Breadfruit, Any Herb,    | 300    350G   |
|               |                  |Milk, Butter             |               |
|Super Stay     |Mixer             |Spicy Pepper, Pontata    | 200    350G   |
|Awake          |                  |Root, Milk, Red Herb     |               |
|Chocolate      |Cutting Board     |Cocoa, Banana, Milk      | 320    330G   |
|Banana         |                  |                         |               |
|Coconut        |Aging Pot         |Coconut, Coconut         | 180    330G   |
|Cocktail       |                  |                         |               |
|Marmalade Jam  |Pot               |Orange, Orange           | 210    330G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Clam Soup      |Pot               |Clam                     | 150    320G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280    320G   |
|(Good)         |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated      |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Mushroom       | 100    320G   |
|Mushroom       |                  |                         |               |
|Orange Cookie  |Oven              |Butter, Orange,          | 330    320G   |
|               |                  |Egg, Breadfruit          |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300    310G   |
|(Good)         |                  |                         |               |
|Cheese Fondue  |Pot               |Grape Cocktail, Cheese,  | 230    300G   |
|               |                  |Bread                    |               |
|Cold Medicine  |Mixer             |Royal Jelly, Mushroom,   |  10    300G   |
|               |                  |Pontata Root             |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180    280G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Vegetable Juice|Mixer             |Green Herb, Spinach,     | 300    280G   |
|               |                  |Bell Pepper, Cabbage     |               |
|Milk Tea       |Pot               |Milk, Any Herb           | 100    270G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Pineapple Juice|Mixer             |Pineapple                | 160    270G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280    260G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |                         |               |
|Coconut Juice  |Mixer             |Coconut                  | 100    250G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Saury Tomato   |Pot               |Any Herb, Saury, Tomato  | 180    250G   |
|Stew           |                  |                         |               |
|Stay Awake     |Mixer             |Spicy Pepper, Pontata    |  10    250G   |
|               |                  |Root, Milk               |               |
|Apple Cocktail |Aging Pot         |Apple, Apple             | 210    230G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Cookie    |Oven              |Butter, Egg, Breadfruit, | 320    230G   |
|               |                  |Any Herb                 |               |
|Sardine Tomato |Pot               |Any Herb, Sardine, Tomato| 180    230G   |
|Stew           |                  |                         |               |
|Sauteed Clam   |Frying Pan        |Butter, Clam             | 220    230G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Mushroom Rice  |Cutting Board     |Rice, Mushroom           | 150    210G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Potato Miso    |Pot               |Seaweed, Potato          | 120    210G   |
|Soup           |                  |                         |               |
|Bodigizer      |Mixer             |Red Herb, Pontata Root,  | 300    200G   |
|               |                  |Honey (any)              |               |
|Chestnut Rice  |Cutting Board     |Chestnut, Rice           | 200    200G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Grape Cocktail |Aging Pot         |Grape, Grape             | 200    200G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Squid Tomato   |Pot               |Tomato, Squid, Any Herb  | 160    200G   |
|Stew           |                  |                         |               |
|Sauteed        |Frying Pan        |Butter, Mushroom         | 150    180G   |
|Mushroom       |                  |                         |               |
|Apple Juice    |Mixer             |Apple                    | 180    170G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Seaweed Miso   |Pot               |Seaweed                  | 100    170G   |
|Soup           |                  |                         |               |
|Blueberry Jam  |Pot               |Blueberry, Blueberry     | 180    160G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Chirashi Sushi |Cutting Board     |Mushroom, Rock Lobster,  | 150    160G   |
|               |                  |Rice, Conger Eel, Egg    |               |
|Grape Juice    |Mixer             |Grape                    | 150    160G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300    160G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |                         |               |
|Orange Juice   |Mixer             |Orange                   | 100    150G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Very Berry Jam |Pot               |Very Berry, Very Berry   | 150    140G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Grilled Clam   |Match Set         |Clam                     | 120    130G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Blueberry      |Aging Pot         |Blueberry, Blueberry     | 160    120G   |
|Cocktail       |                  |                         |               |
|Roasted        |Match Set         |Chestnut                 | 120    100G   |
|Chestnuts      |                  |                         |               |
|Blueberry Juice|Mixer             |Blueberry                |  80     70G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Herbal Tea     |Pot               |Any Herb                 |  80     70G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Very Berry     |Mixer             |Very Berry               |  80     70G   |
|Juice          |                  |                         |               |

STAMINA ORDER             [STA]

|Recipe         |Utensil           |Ingredients              |Stamina/ Price |
|Bodigizer XL   |Mixer             |Egg, Honey (any), Pontata| 800    350G   |
|               |                  |Root, Purple Herb        |               |
|Southern       |Frying Pan        |Crustacean, Pineapple,   | 400    370G   |
|Omelette       |                  |Spicy Pepper, Rice, Egg  |               |
|Chestnut Pie   |Oven              |Pie Crust, Egg, Chestnut | 380    370G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Mont Blanc Cake|Oven              |Butter, Chestnut, Egg,   | 380    580G   |
|               |                  |Breadfruit, Milk         |               |
|Southern Fried |Frying Pan        |Crustacean, Pineapple,   | 370    510G   |
|Rice           |                  |Spicy Pepper, Rice       |               |
|Seafood Stew   |Pot               |Butter, Clam, Crustacean,| 360    620G   |
|               |                  |Squid, Milk              |               |
|Apple Pie      |Oven              |Egg, Apple, Pie Crust    | 350    420G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Orange Pie     |Oven              |Egg, Pie Crust, Orange   | 350    400G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Orange Cookie  |Oven              |Butter, Orange,          | 330    320G   |
|               |                  |Egg, Breadfruit          |               |
|Orange Cake    |Oven              |Milk, Butter, Orange,    | 330    630G   |
|               |                  |Egg, Breadfruit          |               |
|Banana Pudding |Oven              |Milk, Banana, Egg        | 320    560G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Chocolate      |Cutting Board     |Cocoa, Banana, Milk      | 320    330G   |
|Banana         |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Cookie    |Oven              |Butter, Egg, Breadfruit, | 320    230G   |
|               |                  |Any Herb                 |               |
|Seafood Doria  |Oven              |Cheese, Clam, Crustacean,| 320    820G   |
|               |                  |Milk, Rice               |               |
|Bodigizer      |Mixer             |Red Herb, Pontata Root,  | 300    200G   |
|               |                  |Honey (any)              |               |
|Doria          |Oven              |Milk, Mushroom, Cheese,  | 300    600G   |
|               |                  |Rice                     |               |
|Herb Bread     |Oven              |Breadfruit, Any Herb,    | 300    350G   |
|               |                  |Milk, Butter             |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300    160G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300    310G   |
|(Good)         |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300    620G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated Fish |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Fish, Onion    | 300   1240G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |                         |               |
|Seafood Rice   |Pot               |Clam, Rice, Squid, Onion,| 300    740G   |
|               |                  |Crustacean               |               |
|Vegetable Juice|Mixer             |Green Herb, Spinach,     | 300    280G   |
|               |                  |Bell Pepper, Cabbage     |               |
|Mushroom Gratin|Oven              |Mushroom, Milk, Cheese,  | 280    450G   |
|               |                  |Butter                   |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280    360G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280    450G   |
|(Good)         |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280    540G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Bouillabaisse  |Pot               |Fish, Crustacean, Onion, | 280   1320G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |Tomato, Red Herb         |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280    260G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280    320G   |
|(Good)         |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280    630G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |                         |               |
|Herb Fish      |Oven              |Fish (up to 4), Any Herb | 280   1320G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |                         |               |
|Banana Milk    |Mixer             |Banana, Milk             | 260    400G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Bamboo Rice    |Cutting Board     |Bamboo Shoot, Rice       | 250    520G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Shark Fin Soup |Pot               |Spinach, Any Herb, Shark | 250   1740G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Cheese Fondue  |Pot               |Grape Cocktail, Cheese,  | 230    300G   |
|               |                  |Bread                    |               |
|Sauteed Clam   |Frying Pan        |Butter, Clam             | 220    230G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Apple Cocktail |Aging Pot         |Apple, Apple             | 210    230G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Marmalade Jam  |Pot               |Orange, Orange           | 210    330G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Apple Jam      |Pot               |Apple, Apple             | 200    420G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Bamboo en      |Oven              |Bamboo Shoot             | 200    370G   |
|Papillote      |                  |                         |               |
|Chestnut Rice  |Cutting Board     |Chestnut, Rice           | 200    200G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Grape Cocktail |Aging Pot         |Grape, Grape             | 200    200G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Super Stay     |Mixer             |Spicy Pepper, Pontata    | 200    350G   |
|Awake          |                  |Root, Milk, Red Herb     |               |
|Apple Juice    |Mixer             |Apple                    | 180    170G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Blueberry Jam  |Pot               |Blueberry, Blueberry     | 180    160G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Coconut        |Aging Pot         |Coconut, Coconut         | 180    330G   |
|Cocktail       |                  |                         |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180    280G   |
|(Decent)       |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180    420G   |
|(Good)         |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180    640G   |
|(Perfect)      |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Fish  Meuniere |Frying Pan        |Any Herb, Butter,        | 180   1350G   |
|(Shining)      |                  |Spinach, Fish            |               |
|Sardine Tomato |Pot               |Any Herb, Sardine, Tomato| 180    230G   |
|Stew           |                  |                         |               |
|Saury Tomato   |Pot               |Any Herb, Saury, Tomato  | 180    250G   |
|Stew           |                  |                         |               |
|Blueberry      |Aging Pot         |Blueberry, Blueberry     | 160    120G   |
|Cocktail       |                  |                         |               |
|Pineapple Juice|Mixer             |Pineapple                | 160    270G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Squid Tomato   |Pot               |Tomato, Squid, Any Herb  | 160    200G   |
|Stew           |                  |                         |               |
|Chirashi Sushi |Cutting Board     |Mushroom, Rock Lobster,  | 150    160G   |
|               |                  |Rice, Conger Eel, Egg    |               |
|Clam Soup      |Pot               |Clam                     | 150    320G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Grape Juice    |Mixer             |Grape                    | 150    160G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Grilled Sea    |Match Set         |Sea Urchin               | 150    550G   |
|Urchin         |                  |                         |               |
|Mushroom Rice  |Cutting Board     |Rice, Mushroom           | 150    210G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Sauteed        |Frying Pan        |Butter, Mushroom         | 150    180G   |
|Mushroom       |                  |                         |               |
|Very Berry Jam |Pot               |Very Berry, Very Berry   | 150    140G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Grilled Clam   |Match Set         |Clam                     | 120    130G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Potato Miso    |Pot               |Seaweed, Potato          | 120    210G   |
|Soup           |                  |                         |               |
|Roasted        |Match Set         |Chestnut                 | 120    100G   |
|Chestnuts      |                  |                         |               |
|Seaweed Miso   |Pot               |Seaweed                  | 100    170G   |
|Soup           |                  |                         |               |
|Orange Juice   |Mixer             |Orange                   | 100    150G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Milk Tea       |Pot               |Milk, Any Herb           | 100    270G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Marinated      |Cutting Board     |Any Herb, Mushroom       | 100    320G   |
|Mushroom       |                  |                         |               |
|Coconut Juice  |Mixer             |Coconut                  | 100    250G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Bamboo Stew    |Pot               |Bamboo Shoot             | 100    370G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Very Berry     |Mixer             |Very Berry               |  80     70G   |
|Juice          |                  |                         |               |
|Herbal Tea     |Pot               |Any Herb                 |  80     70G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Blueberry Juice|Mixer             |Blueberry                |  80     70G   |
|               |                  |                         |               |
|Stay Awake     |Mixer             |Spicy Pepper, Pontata    |  10    250G   |
|               |                  |Root, Milk               |               |
|Cold Medicine  |Mixer             |Royal Jelly, Mushroom,   |  10    300G   |
|               |                  |Pontata Root             |               |



Dyeing with Wild Plants                      D0019

	Wild Plants can be used to dye your yarns and raise their values. Not
all wild plants though, just herbs can. The color of the herb determines the
color of the yarn. A dyeing pot comes with your purchase of a yarn maker (4500G,
sold at the General Store).

-Each herb will only dye 1 yarn, and the herb will disappear afterward

-Dyeing yarn removes its quality, so it only sells according to the color

Selling Prices For Normal Yarn

Wool Yarn

250G / 310G / 430G / 620G

Flax Yarn

220G / 360G / 500G / 720G

Silk Yarn

420G / 700G / 980G / 1400G

Selling Prices For Colored Yarn

-In Order From Least Expensive to Most Expensive Color

=============== =============== ===============
   Wool Yarn       Flax Yarn       Silk Yarn
=============== =============== ===============

Yellow : 500G        580G           1120G
Green  : 530G        610G           1190G
Purple : 560G        650G           1260G
Red    : 620G        720G           1400G
Blue   : 930G        1090G          2100G

	Most of the time, you'll end up making money by dyeing your yarn, but
there are a few instances where you should sell the yarn un-dyed!

Dying                Color        Will Lose You

Shining Yarn         Yellow       120G
                     Green        90G
                     Purple       60G
                     Red          0G (no profit or loss)

Shining Silk Yarn    Yellow       280G
                     Green        210G
                     Purple       140G
                     Red          0G (no profit or loss)

Shining Flax Yarn    Yellow       140G
                     Green        110G
                     Purple       70G
                     Red          0G (no profit or loss)

	So basically, as you can see from this chart, if you have any type of
shining yarn, only dye it blue. Any other color will lower (or not change)
its value.



Wild Plants in Rainbow Recipes               R0020

	To complete the story in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility, you need to
collect "ingredients" for rainbow recipes. Most of these recipes need wild
plants in some way, except for Edge's (the last one). I will list all the
recipes here for convenience, along with notes on where to get ingredients.

Daren's Rainbow
Color:    Green

Location: Town Square

***2 Objects require wild plants, and another 1 can be foraged on the beach***

-Good Herb Fish       Cooked food requiring an herb.           Any Season
                      Check the cooking section for more 
                      information "C0018"

-Grilled Yam          Cook a Yam on a fire                     Fall
                                                               (Cook anytime)

-Apple                Can be grown and gathered from an        Fall (for tree)
                      apple tree in Fall OR you might be       (Forage anytime)
                      able to forage one off West Gull Island

-Common Seashell      Forage off the beach                     Any Season

-Carp                 Fish, found in middle and lower river    Any Season
                      and Maple Lake.

Ben's Rainbow
Color:    Blue

Location: Maple Lake

***1 Ingredient can be foraged or grown***

-Grilled Eggplant     Cook an Eggplant on a fire               Fall
                                                               (Cook anytime)

-Plain Omelet         Cook it (Butter + Egg / Frying Pan)      Any Season
                      OR Purchase from Simon at Flea Market    Spring/Summer

-Green Herb           Can be grown                             Spring
                      OR Can be foraged                        Any Season

-Char                 Fish, found in upper river               Any Season

-Good Tomato          Can be grown                             Summer
                      OR purchased at Harvest Festival         Fall

Collin's Rainbow
Color:    Yellow

Location: West Gull Island

***1 Ingredient can be foraged/bought, the other may be dyed using a red herb***

-Blue Wonderful       Found in either mine                     Any Season

-Perfect Spinach      Can be grown                             Fall

-Saury                Fish, found in the ocean                 Fall/Winter

-Red Wool Yarn        Yarn dyed with red herb or flower        Any Season

-Banana               Can be foraged on Toucan Island          Any Season
                      OR Can be purchased on Toucan Island     Any Season

Alan's Rainbow
Color:    Red

Location: Brownie Ranch

***1 Ingredient must be foraged***

-Wood Fish            Fish, found in Goddess Spring at Night   Any Season

-Green Bell           Must be grown                            Winter

-Ostannaise           Ostrich Mayonnaise                       Any Season

-Carrot Cake          Cook it (Butter, Egg, Milk, Carrot(2),   Spring(1) &
                      Breadfruit(1) / Oven)                    Fall(2)

-Toadstool            Must be foraged from mines or Mt. Gelato Any Season

Edge's Rainbow
Color:    Purple

Location: Top of Mt. Gelato

***No Ingredients can be foraged***

-Snowflake            Must be grown                            Winter

-Red Honey            Harvest a red flower when a bee          Spring, Summer,
                      buzzes around it (Red flowers:           Fall, & Winter
                      Tulip, Hibiscus, Rose, & Anemone)

-Tuna                 Fish, found in ocean                     Spring/Fall/

-Perfect Honeydew     Can be grown                             Summer
                      OR purchased from Souffle Farm           Summer

-Lapis Lazuli         Found in mine (Refine blue wonderful     Any Season
                      with 1 sparkle)



Growing Fruit Trees                          T0021

	I've decided that since many wild fruits can be found growing on West
Gull Island, then growing fruit trees counts as growing wild fruit, so I added
this section about growing fruit trees. There are five types of fruit trees that
can be grown, and trees can produce regular or shining fruit. Seedlings can be 
bought in any season from Souffle Farm or Taylor's Seeds.

***If there are 2 values in a category, the first is for the regular version and
the second is for the shining version.***

***Trees can be planted in any season, but they only produce fruit in a certain
season (no trees bear fruit in Winter).***

***Trees will produce shining and regular fruit randomly. There is no way to get
the tree to produce more shining fruit!***


  Type of Tree   Seedling Price   Season    Fruit Value   Recipes    Stamina
[               |              |          |             |          |           ]
|Apple          | 570 G        | Fall     | 150 G/300 G |    4*    |  80/120   |
|Cherry (Mora)  | 450 G        | Spring   | 210 G/420 G |    0     |  30/60    |
|Chestnut       | 525 G        | Fall     | 80  G/150 G |    4     |   N/A     |
|Grape          | 555 G        | Fall     | 140 G/280 G |    2     |  50/90    |
|Orange         | 540 G        | Summer   | 130 G/260 G |    5     |  40/80    |

*A regular Apple is also required for Daren's Rainbow Recipe (Red).


	So, as you can see, most fruits have their advantages and disadvantages.
Cherry (Mora) trees make the most money, but have no recipes that can be made
from their fruit. Chestnuts, on the other hand, make the least money.

	Trees must be planted in the middle of 3x3 squares. Nothing can be in
these squares, or the tree will never mature, and it may not even be able to
drop its fruit, so just keep the square around the tree clean at all times. To
make sure you're planting the tree correctly, just till a 3x3 area of land and
plant the tree in the very center. Here is a diagram!

My low quality diagram:

|0 = Soil                               |
|x = Tilled Soil (keep clean!)          |
|T = Tree                               |

3X3 square


	Trees take about 2 seasons to mature completely. They have 4 stages of
growth, and each one lasts about 2 weeks. They can begin to produce fruit at
only stage 2, but they will produce much more as they get bigger.

	Trees are permanent, unlike crops, so they can make quite a profit. I
would suggest planting some trees if you have the money!



In-Game Plant Descriptions                   D0022

	This section has all the In-Game Plant Descriptions (The ones
actually written in the game) that I've collected. Also, any grammatical 
errors in the descriptions are ones that I found in the game itself,
so I won't be fixing those.

Edible Wild Plants:

The weed of the sea. Useless.
All Herbs:
Used for medicine, tea, and cooking.
For pies, cakes, and juices.
Bamboo Shoot:
Found at the mountain. Can be used in
Wild fruit found on Toucan Island. Nutritious and
very delicious.
Wild berry found in hills and fields.
Ingredient for jams and snacks.
Eat as it is.
For rice dishes and sweet snacks.
Wild fruit found on Toucan Island. (According to Steph224)
Found on Toucan Island. Ingredient for juice and alcohol. (According to 
Mainly used for making juices.
Used most commonly for making juice.
Wild fruit found on Toucan Island.
Pontata Root:
Found in mines and fields. Reduces
drowsiness when used in medicine.
Shining Bamboo Root:
Found at the mountain. Top-quality. Can
be used in cooking.
Very Berry:
Wild berry found in hills and fields.
Ingredient for jams and snacks.


Found in fields and mines. Edible,
but not very nutritious.
Found in fields and mines. Very poisonous.


Black Pearl:
Can be found at the beach. Very rare!
Shellfish found at beaches. Can be cooked.
Common Seashell:
Often found at beaches.
A piece of coral. Found on beaches.
Fancy Seashell:
A nice looking-seashell occasionally
found on beaches.
Laver Seaweed:
Seaweed found around the seashore. Used
in Miso soup.
Can be found at the beach. Jewel grown
inside an oyster.
Sea Urchin:
A delicacy found on beaches. Very delicious.



What do they look like?                      L0023

	This section has all the Plant Descriptions (written by ME!)
If you have a better way to describe how a plant looks, send it in!

Edible Wild Plants:

A surprisingly fish-shaped lump of dark-green seaweed
All Herbs:
A heart shaped leaf with a short stem. Yellow ones look orange, red
ones look crimson, blue ones look blue, green ones look sea foam green,
and purple ones look magenta-pink.
A red apple.
Bamboo Shoot:
A brown cone with scales.
A pair of ripe-looking yellow bananas.
A small group of 3 fat, light-blue blueberries. Some leaves are sticking
The stereotypical pair of red cherries.
A fat brown nut surrounded by lacy brown material
An oblong, light green ball (like a single, green grape).
A stereotypical bunch of purple grapes.
A fat orange spheroid typical of oranges.
A small, stereotypical light-brown pineapple.
Pontata Root:
A fat white turnip or radish-like root.
Shining Bamboo Root:
A brown cone jutting out of the ground with a bright yellow angel-halo
surrounding it.
Very Berry:
A short and fat, stereotypical yellow pineapple.


A stereotypical brown-capped mushroom with a white stem.
A stereotypical orange mushroom with a white stem and light yellow spots.


Black Pearl:
A light gray orb.
A brown, typical shell shaped clam.
Common Seashell:
A stereotypical dull seashell.
A typical piece of coral with a pink color.
Fancy Seashell:
A more intricate, pink and purple, brighter, and swirly seashell.
Laver Seaweed:
Two dark green leaves.
A white orb, with a pinkish & purplish tinge.
Sea Urchin:
A black and spiky ball.



FAQ Section                                  F0024

	Well this is the FAQ section where people ask the questions
and post comments, and I'll try to answer them and write the facts.
Please, if you have any questions that have to do with wild plants or
this guide, send them in and I'll try to answer them (and post them!).
I made up a few of my own just in case! xD

Q= Question
A= Answer
F= Fact
C= Comment


Anticipated FAQs!

	Q: Can you hybrid wild plants in this game?

	A: Nope, you can't hybrid at all! Hybridizing is unique to
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life & Another Wonderful life.

	Q: Aqlex239, write more guides!!!!!11!!11!11113

	A: No.

	Q: Will my name be put in the credits if you put my question
into this guide?

	A: Yes, if you give me your name. I will also remove it or
not put it up if you don't want your name displayed publicly.

	Q: Can you grow wild plants?

	A: Yes. You can grow herbs. I plan to write a section about it

	Q: Why does your guide not include weeds as wild plants?!

	A: I used to include them, but in this Harvest Moon game, they cannot
be picked up or sold or anything. They can only be destroyed, so I didn't
include them in the guide.

	Q: Where do I find a normal Bamboo Shoot?! I can only find Shining ones!

	A: For some reason, only Shining ones grow at the base of Mt. Gelato.
The only way to get your hands on a normal one is to buy one from Simon at the
Spring or Summer Flea Market for 315G.

	Q: Is there a way to get seeds without buying them?

	A: Nope, not other than the free ones you start out with. There is no
seed maker in this game.

	Q: How can I make my tree produce more shining fruit?

	A: Once the tree is fully mature, there is nothing else you can do to
make the tree produce more shining fruit. It doesn't even matter what type of
soil you plant it on.



Questions from public (feel free to send one in)

	Q: Why aren't there any questions from the public here?

	A: I don't know! Care to send one in?



Harvest Moon Art Gallery                     A0025

-If you would like to use any of these pictures, please ask me first!
-I know, these pictures suck. Bleh. I can't even look at them!

                             Royal Fern Art

      MMMMMMMM                    MMMMM                  MMMMM
   MMMMMMMMMMMMMM                 MMMMM                MMMMMMMMMM
      MMMMMMMMM                  MMMMMM             MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
        MMMMM                    MMMMMM                MMMMMMMMMM

                 It's a Royal Fern in case you can't tell

         (This picture sucks. I don't know what I was thinking.)

              ***This is a plant from HM:AWL and HM:AnWL***

                               Wild Plant Guide

_____                  _____ __________________ _____          _________
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My Other Guides                              G0026

	Here is a list of all of my guides in case you want
to check out any others I've written. So far, I have only 5, and
I do not plan to write any more. My guide-writing days are done!

Wild Plant Guide (GBA ---Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Wild Plant Guide (GBA ---Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town)
Wild Plant Guide (GC  ---Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Wild Plant Guide (GC  ---Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life)
Wild Plant Guide (Wii ---Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)

I've also contributed to the guide(s) below:

FAQ/Walkthrough  (GC  ---Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life)
               *Written By: XxstutterflyxX*

Wow. Well that was a long list...anyway, that's the end of this section.


Credits                                      C0027

This is the credits section. You will find your name here if
you contributed something to my guide.


         ***This guide is dedicated to Vince and Viet***

Vince and Viet, two of my friends that showed me GameFAQs. Without
them, there wouldn't be any of my guides, so give them a hand!

Me, Aqlex239, for writing this guide (I don't want to sound conceited,
but I did write the guide with my own time).

My mom and dad, for buying this great game for me for Christmas!

DetriotDJ, for his numerous guides from which I got prices, gifts, and recipes.

Steph224, my sister, for helping me find and confirm lots of information here.

Rin, for pointing out to me that my guide did not have anything about pearls.

Honorelle, for information about coconuts and gathering the amounts of stamina
all of the wild forage restores.

Natsume, for this great game.

GameFAQs, for hosting this guide.

Neoseeker, for also hosting this guide.

SuperCheats, for ALSO also hosting this guide.

Everyone who read this guide, for reading the guide! Thanks to
all of you who did!

All my friends, for being my friends!


Legal Information                            L0028

             Copyright 2009-2010 Aqlex239

	The first thing I have to say is that I DIDN'T MAKE THE
GAME, I'm just telling people about the game. If you want to put
this guide on your website, please ask permission from me FIRST!
If you put this guide up on your site, please make sure to:

1, never change it or alter it in any way.

2, make sure that credit for writing it is given to me and
not yourself.

& 3, keep it updated with the latest version.

	You are allowed to copy this guide to your hard drive or
print it out for your personal use, or maybe for a friend's use, but
not under ANY circumstances are you allowed to use it to make a profit.
That's illegal! If you find out anyone has my guide on their website,
and they are not listed below, please contact me. Well, that's about
it. Enjoy the guide.

Websites allowed to use my guide(s):


The End                                      T0029

	Wow, thanks for checking out my guide and then taking the time to read
this section! This has to be one of easiest guides I've ever written. From the
beginning, I had the majority of my sections planned out. I started working on
it, and I basically finished everything I had hoped for. Now I've just gotta
polish some things up, add a few missing things, and hopefully I'm done!
Please feel free to help out!

                               THE END