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Gift Guide

by DetroitD / Jmister_jmp


               Current Completion Count : 25920 / 25920 (100.00%)



                     If you find this guide useful, please
                    remember to click on 'Recommend' above!


                       .   .                         .
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                       |  Copyright 2009 -- DetroitDJ  |
                       |   with substantial aid from   |
                       |    contributor mister_jmp.    |
                       |                               |
                       |        Version - 2.0.1        |
                       |      Updated: 07/28/2009      |
                       |          Gifts Guide          |
                       |                               |
                       |  Note: the latest version of  |
                       |  this file will ALWAYS be at  |
                       |   |
                       |     wii/file/933022/55357     |
                       |                               |
                       | Other places are permitted to |
                       | show this FAQ - however, most |
                       |  don't automatically update,  |
                       |  and I only update my FAQ on  |
                       |  GameFAQs - so, if you don't  |
                       |   see something, check that   |
                       | URL to see if there's a newer |
                       |     version of this file.     |
                       |                               |
          `|`                                                     `|`
       ````|`                    File Contents                    `|````
       ````|`1> Introduction .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . [INT]`|````
          `|`                                                     `|`
          `|`2> Gifts By Recipient .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . {GBR}`|`
          `|`                                                     `|`
          `|`3> Recipients by Gift .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . {RBG}`|`
          `|`                                                     `|`
          `|`4> Gift Preference Rankings .  .  .  .  .  .  . {GPR}`|`
          `|`                                                     `|`
          `|`5> Complete Animal Preferences .  .  .  .  .  . {CAP}`|`
          `|`                                                     `|`
          `|`6> The Three C's   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . [CCC]`|`
          `|`                                                     `|`
          `|`   A> Copyright .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . [COP]`|`
          `|`   B> Credits   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . [CRD]`|`
       ````|`   C> Contact Information   .  .  .  .  .  .  . [CON]`|````
  `|                     The Ultimate Quick-Find Search                    |`
  `|                                                                       |`
  `|   Considering how long this guide is, below are Quick-Find codes to   |`
  `|   jump straight to the listings for a particular character or item.   |`
  `|                                                                       |`
  `|                              Characters                               |`
  `| Angie        [ANGIE]  |  Hamilton    [HAMIL]  |  Paolo        [PAOLO] |`
  `| Anissa       [ANISS]  |  Hanna       [HANNA]  |  Pascal       [PASCA] |`
  `| Barbara      [BARBA]  |  Hayden      [HAYDE]  |  Perry        [PERRY] |`
  `| Bo           [BO---]  |  Heath       [HEATH]  |  Phoebe       [PHOEB] |`
  `| Cain         [CAIN-]  |  Irene       [IRENE]  |  Ramsey       [RAMSE] |`
  `| Calvin       [CALVI]  |  Jake        [JAKE-]  |  Renee        [RENEE] |`
  `| Candace      [CANDA]  |  Jin         [JIN--]  |  Ruth         [RUTH-] |`
  `| Chase        [CHASE]  |  Julius      [JULIU]  |  Samson       [SAMSO] |`
  `| Chloe        [CHLOE]  |  Kathy       [KATHY]  |  Selena       [SELEN] |`
  `| Colleen      [COLLE]  |  Luke        [LUKE-]  |  Shelly       [SHELL] |`
  `| Craig        [CRAIG]  |  Luna        [LUNA-]  |  Simon        [SIMON] |`
  `| Dakota       [DAKOT]  |  Matt        [MATT-]  |  Sue          [SUE--] |`
  `| Dale         [DALE-]  |  Maya        [MAYA-]  |  Taylor       [TAYLO] |`
  `| Elli         [ELLI-]  |  Mira        [MIRA-]  |  Toby         [TOBY-] |`
  `| Gill         [GILL-]  |  Owen        [OWEN-]  |  Van          [VAN--] |`
  `| Gray         [GRAY-]  |  Ozzie       [OZZIE]  |  Yolanda      [YOLAN] |`
  `|                                                                       |`
  `|                                 Items                                 |`
  `| Algae                    [ALG01]  |  Honeydew Juice           [HON11] |`
  `| Amber                    [AMB01]  |  Honeydew Milk            [HON12] |`
  `| Amethyst                 [AME01]  |  Horse Mackerel           [HOR01] |`
  `| Anemone                  [ANE01]  |  Hot Cocoa                [HOT01] |`
  `| Angler Fish              [ANG01]  |  Hot Milk                 [HOT02] |`
  `| Apple                    [APP01]  |  Huchen                   [HUC01] |`
  `| Apple (Shining)          [APP02]  |  Hyacinth                 [HYA01] |`
  `| Apple Cocktail           [APP03]  |  Iron                     [IRO01] |`
  `| Apple Jam                [APP04]  |  Jade                     [JAD01] |`
  `| Apple Juice              [APP05]  |  Kimchi                   [KIM01] |`
  `| Apple Pie                [APP06]  |  King Fish                [KIN01] |`
  `| Aquamarine               [AQU01]  |  Lapis Lazuli             [LAP01] |`
  `| B. Noodles with Egg      [B. 01]  |  Lavender                 [LAV01] |`
  `| Bamboo en Papilote       [BAM01]  |  Laver Seaweed            [LAV02] |`
  `| Bamboo Rice              [BAM02]  |  Lily                     [LIL01] |`
  `| Bamboo Shoot             [BAM03]  |  Limestone                [LIM01] |`
  `| Bamboo Shoot (Shining)   [BAM04]  |  Lobster                  [LOB01] |`
  `| Bamboo Stew              [BAM05]  |  Mackerel                 [MAC01] |`
  `| Banana                   [BAN01]  |  Mahi-Mahi                [MAH01] |`
  `| Banana Milk              [BAN02]  |  Manta Ray                [MAN01] |`
  `| Banana Pudding           [BAN03]  |  Marinated Fish (Decent)  [MAR01] |`
  `| Begonia                  [BEG01]  |  Marinated Fish (Good)    [MAR02] |`
  `| Bell Pepper (Decent)     [BEL01]  |  Marinated Fish (Perfect) [MAR03] |`
  `| Bell Pepper (Good)       [BEL02]  |  Marinated Fish (Shining) [MAR04] |`
  `| Bell Pepper (Perfect)    [BEL03]  |  Marinated Mushrooms      [MAR05] |`
  `| Bell Pepper (Shining)    [BEL04]  |  Marmalade                [MAR06] |`
  `| Big-Scaled Redfin        [BIG01]  |  Mashed Potato            [MAS01] |`
  `| Black Pearl              [BLA01]  |  Masu Trout               [MAS02] |`
  `| Blue Mist                [BLU01]  |  Mayonnaise (Decent)      [MAY01] |`
  `| Blueberry                [BLU02]  |  Mayonnaise (Good)        [MAY02] |`
  `| Blueberry Cocktail       [BLU03]  |  Mayonnaise (Perfect)     [MAY03] |`
  `| Blueberry Jam            [BLU04]  |  Mayonnaise (Shining)     [MAY04] |`
  `| Blueberry Juice          [BLU05]  |  Milk (Cow) (Decent)      [MIL01] |`
  `| Bodigizer                [BOD01]  |  Milk (Cow) (Good)        [MIL02] |`
  `| Bodigizer XL             [BOD02]  |  Milk (Cow) (Perfect)     [MIL03] |`
  `| Boiled Corn              [BOI01]  |  Milk (Cow) (Shining)     [MIL04] |`
  `| Boiled Spinach           [BOI02]  |  Milk (Goat) (Decent)     [MIL05] |`
  `| Bonito                   [BON01]  |  Milk (Goat) (Good)       [MIL06] |`
  `| Bouillabaisse (Decent)   [BOU01]  |  Milk (Goat) (Perfect)    [MIL07] |`
  `| Bouillabaisse (Good)     [BOU02]  |  Milk (Goat) (Shining)    [MIL08] |`
  `| Bouillabaisse (Perfect)  [BOU03]  |  Milk Tea                 [MIL09] |`
  `| Bouillabaisse (Shining)  [BOU04]  |  Mont Blanc Cake          [MON01] |`
  `| Box Lunch (Decent)       [BOX01]  |  Moondrop                 [MOO01] |`
  `| Box Lunch (Good)         [BOX02]  |  Moonlight Stone          [MOO02] |`
  `| Box Lunch (Perfect)      [BOX03]  |  Morning Glory            [MOR01] |`
  `| Box Lunch (Shining)      [BOX04]  |  Mushroom                 [MUS01] |`
  `| Bread                    [BRE01]  |  Mushroom Gratin          [MUS02] |`
  `| Breadfruit (Decent)      [BRE02]  |  Mushroom Rice            [MUS03] |`
  `| Breadfruit (Good)        [BRE03]  |  Octopus                  [OCT01] |`
  `| Breadfruit (Perfect)     [BRE04]  |  Omelet Rice              [OME01] |`
  `| Breadfruit (Shining)     [BRE05]  |  Onion (Decent)           [ONI01] |`
  `| Buckwheat (Decent)       [BUC01]  |  Onion (Good)             [ONI02] |`
  `| Buckwheat (Good)         [BUC02]  |  Onion (Perfect)          [ONI03] |`
  `| Buckwheat (Perfect)      [BUC03]  |  Onion (Shining)          [ONI04] |`
  `| Buckwheat (Shining)      [BUC04]  |  Onion Bread              [ONI05] |`
  `| Buckwheat Chips          [BUC05]  |  Orange                   [ORA01] |`
  `| Buckwheat Cocktail       [BUC06]  |  Orange (Shining)         [ORA02] |`
  `| Buckwheat Noodles        [BUC07]  |  Orange Cake              [ORA03] |`
  `| Butter (Cow) (Decent)    [BUT01]  |  Orange Cookie            [ORA04] |`
  `| Butter (Cow) (Good)      [BUT02]  |  Orange Juice             [ORA05] |`
  `| Butter (Cow) (Perfect)   [BUT03]  |  Orange Pie               [ORA06] |`
  `| Butter (Cow) (Shining)   [BUT04]  |  Ore (Copper)             [ORE01] |`
  `| Butter (Goat) (Decent)   [BUT05]  |  Ore (Gold)               [ORE02] |`
  `| Butter (Goat) (Good)     [BUT06]  |  Ore (Iron)               [ORE03] |`
  `| Butter (Goat) (Perfect)  [BUT07]  |  Ore (Silver)             [ORE04] |`
  `| Butter (Goat) (Shining)  [BUT08]  |  Ostonnaise               [OST01] |`
  `| Cabbage (Decent)         [CAB01]  |  Pancake                  [PAN01] |`
  `| Cabbage (Good)           [CAB02]  |  Pansy                    [PAN02] |`
  `| Cabbage (Perfect)        [CAB03]  |  Pearl                    [PEA01] |`
  `| Cabbage (Shining)        [CAB04]  |  Perfume (Blue)           [PER01] |`
  `| Carp                     [CAR01]  |  Perfume (Decent)         [PER02] |`
  `| Carrot (Decent)          [CAR02]  |  Perfume (Green)          [PER03] |`
  `| Carrot (Good)            [CAR03]  |  Perfume (Purple)         [PER04] |`
  `| Carrot (Perfect)         [CAR04]  |  Perfume (Red)            [PER05] |`
  `| Carrot (Shining)         [CAR05]  |  Perfume (Shining)        [PER06] |`
  `| Carrot Cake              [CAR06]  |  Perfume (Yellow)         [PER07] |`
  `| Carrot Juice             [CAR07]  |  Peridot                  [PER08] |`
  `| Catfish                  [CAT01]  |  Pickled Cabbage          [PIC01] |`
  `| Char                     [CHA01]  |  Pickled Eggplant         [PIC02] |`
  `| Cheese (Cow) (Decent)    [CHE01]  |  Pickled Turnip           [PIC03] |`
  `| Cheese (Cow) (Good)      [CHE02]  |  Pie Crust                [PIE01] |`
  `| Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)   [CHE03]  |  Pineapple                [PIN01] |`
  `| Cheese (Cow) (Shining)   [CHE04]  |  Pineapple Juice          [PIN02] |`
  `| Cheese (Goat) (Decent)   [CHE05]  |  Pinkcat                  [PIN03] |`
  `| Cheese (Goat) (Good)     [CHE06]  |  Pizza                    [PIZ01] |`
  `| Cheese (Goat) (Perfect)  [CHE07]  |  Plain Omelet             [PLA01] |`
  `| Cheese (Goat) (Shining)  [CHE08]  |  Pond Smelt               [PON01] |`
  `| Cheese Fondue            [CHE09]  |  Pontata Root             [PON02] |`
  `| Cheese Omelet            [CHE10]  |  Potato (Decent)          [POT01] |`
  `| Cheese Risotto           [CHE11]  |  Potato (Good)            [POT02] |`
  `| Cheesecake               [CHE12]  |  Potato (Perfect)         [POT03] |`
  `| Cherry                   [CHE13]  |  Potato (Shining)         [POT04] |`
  `| Cherry (Shining)         [CHE14]  |  Potato Gratin            [POT05] |`
  `| Chestnut                 [CHE15]  |  Potato Miso Soup         [POT06] |`
  `| Chestnut (Shining)       [CHE16]  |  Potato Pancake           [POT07] |`
  `| Chestnut Pie             [CHE17]  |  Potato Stew              [POT08] |`
  `| Chestnut Rice            [CHE18]  |  Pudding                  [PUD01] |`
  `| Chirashi Sushi           [CHI01]  |  Puffer Fish              [PUF01] |`
  `| Chocolate Banana         [CHO01]  |  Pumpkin (Decent)         [PUM01] |`
  `| Chocolate Bar            [CHO02]  |  Pumpkin (Good)           [PUM02] |`
  `| Chocolate Cake           [CHO03]  |  Pumpkin (Perfect)        [PUM03] |`
  `| Chocolate Cookie         [CHO04]  |  Pumpkin (Shining)        [PUM04] |`
  `| Chocolate Fondue         [CHO05]  |  Pumpkin Cake             [PUM05] |`
  `| Chocolate Pie            [CHO06]  |  Pumpkin Croquette        [PUM06] |`
  `| Chocolate Pudding        [CHO07]  |  Pumpkin Pie              [PUM07] |`
  `| Chrysanthemum            [CHR01]  |  Pumpkin Pudding          [PUM08] |`
  `| Clam                     [CLA01]  |  Pumpkin Stew             [PUM09] |`
  `| Clam Soup                [CLA02]  |  Rainbow Trout            [RAI01] |`
  `| Cocoa (Decent)           [COC01]  |  Rare Metal               [RAR01] |`
  `| Cocoa (Good)             [COC02]  |  Ratatouille              [RAT01] |`
  `| Cocoa (Perfect)          [COC03]  |  Rice (Decent)            [RIC01] |`
  `| Cocoa (Shining)          [COC04]  |  Rice (Good)              [RIC02] |`
  `| Coconut                  [COC05]  |  Rice (Perfect)           [RIC03] |`
  `| Coconut Cocktail         [COC06]  |  Rice (Shining)           [RIC04] |`
  `| Coconut Juice            [COC07]  |  Rice Ball                [RIC05] |`
  `| Cocoon (Decent)          [COC08]  |  Rice Cocktail            [RIC06] |`
  `| Cocoon (Good)            [COC09]  |  Roasted Chestnut         [ROA01] |`
  `| Cocoon (Perfect)         [COC10]  |  Roasted Corn             [ROA02] |`
  `| Cocoon (Shining)         [COC11]  |  Rock Lobster             [ROC01] |`
  `| Cod                      [COD01]  |  Rock Trout               [ROC02] |`
  `| Cold Medicine            [COL01]  |  Rockfish                 [ROC03] |`
  `| Common Seashell          [COM01]  |  Rose                     [ROS01] |`
  `| Conger Eel               [CON01]  |  Rose Stone               [ROS02] |`
  `| Conger Eel Bowl          [CON02]  |  Royal Jelly              [ROY01] |`
  `| Cookie                   [COO01]  |  Rubber Boot              [RUB01] |`
  `| Copper                   [COP01]  |  Ruby                     [RUB02] |`
  `| Coral                    [COR01]  |  Salmon                   [SAL01] |`
  `| Corn (Decent)            [COR02]  |  Salmon Cream Stew        [SAL02] |`
  `| Corn (Good)              [COR03]  |  Salmon Fried Rice        [SAL03] |`
  `| Corn (Perfect)           [COR04]  |  Sapphire                 [SAP01] |`
  `| Corn (Shining)           [COR05]  |  Sardine                  [SAR01] |`
  `| Corn Bread               [COR06]  |  Sardine in Oil           [SAR02] |`
  `| Corn Soup                [COR07]  |  Sardine Tomato Stew      [SAR03] |`
  `| Cosmos                   [COS01]  |  Sashimi (Decent)         [SAS01] |`
  `| Crawfish                 [CRA01]  |  Sashimi (Good)           [SAS02] |`
  `| Croquette                [CRO01]  |  Sashimi (Perfect)        [SAS03] |`
  `| Crystal                  [CRY01]  |  Sashimi (Shining)        [SAS04] |`
  `| Diamond                  [DIA01]  |  Saury                    [SAU01] |`
  `| Doria                    [DOR01]  |  Saury Tomato Stew        [SAU02] |`
  `| Duckonnaise              [DUC01]  |  Sauteed Clam             [SAU03] |`
  `| Eel                      [EEL01]  |  Sauteed Mushroom         [SAU04] |`
  `| Eel Bowl                 [EEL02]  |  Sauteed Potato           [SAU05] |`
  `| Egg (Chicken) (Decent)   [EGG01]  |  Sauteed Spinach          [SAU06] |`
  `| Egg (Chicken) (Good)     [EGG02]  |  Scrap Iron               [SCR01] |`
  `| Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)  [EGG03]  |  Sea Bream                [SEA01] |`
  `| Egg (Chicken) (Shining)  [EGG04]  |  Sea Urchin               [SEA02] |`
  `| Egg (Duck) (Decent)      [EGG05]  |  Seafood Doria            [SEA03] |`
  `| Egg (Duck) (Good)        [EGG06]  |  Seafood Fried Rice       [SEA04] |`
  `| Egg (Duck) (Perfect)     [EGG07]  |  Seafood Gratin           [SEA05] |`
  `| Egg (Duck) (Shining)     [EGG08]  |  Seafood Pizza            [SEA06] |`
  `| Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)   [EGG09]  |  Seafood Risotto          [SEA07] |`
  `| Egg (Ostrich) (Good)     [EGG10]  |  Seafood Stew             [SEA08] |`
  `| Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)  [EGG11]  |  Seasky Fish              [SEA09] |`
  `| Egg (Ostrich) (Shining)  [EGG12]  |  Seasoned Egg             [SEA10] |`
  `| Egg Rice                 [EGG13]  |  Seaweed Miso Soup        [SEA11] |`
  `| Egg Salad                [EGG14]  |  Shark                    [SHA01] |`
  `| Egg Sandwich             [EGG15]  |  Shark Fin Soup           [SHA02] |`
  `| Egg Soup                 [EGG16]  |  Shark Fin Stew           [SHA03] |`
  `| Eggplant (Decent)        [EGG17]  |  Shining Baumkuchen       [SHI01] |`
  `| Eggplant (Good)          [EGG18]  |  Shortcake                [SHO01] |`
  `| Eggplant (Perfect)       [EGG19]  |  Silk Yarn (Blue)         [SIL01] |`
  `| Eggplant (Shining)       [EGG20]  |  Silk Yarn (Decent)       [SIL02] |`
  `| Emerald                  [EME01]  |  Silk Yarn (Good)         [SIL03] |`
  `| Empty Can                [EMP01]  |  Silk Yarn (Green)        [SIL04] |`
  `| Failed Dish              [FAI01]  |  Silk Yarn (Perfect)      [SIL05] |`
  `| Failed Soup              [FAI02]  |  Silk Yarn (Purple)       [SIL06] |`
  `| Fancy Seashell           [FAN01]  |  Silk Yarn (Red)          [SIL07] |`
  `| Feed                     [FEE01]  |  Silk Yarn (Shining)      [SIL08] |`
  `| Fish Meuniere (Decent)   [FIS01]  |  Silk Yarn (Yellow)       [SIL09] |`
  `| Fish Meuniere (Good)     [FIS02]  |  Silver                   [SIL10] |`
  `| Fish Meuniere (Perfect)  [FIS03]  |  Skull Jellyfish          [SKU01] |`
  `| Fish Meuniere (Shining)  [FIS04]  |  Snowflake                [SNO01] |`
  `| Fish Soup                [FIS05]  |  Southern Fried Rice      [SOU01] |`
  `| Flax (Decent)            [FLA01]  |  Southern Omelet          [SOU02] |`
  `| Flax (Good)              [FLA02]  |  Spicy Pepper (Decent)    [SPI01] |`
  `| Flax (Perfect)           [FLA03]  |  Spicy Pepper (Good)      [SPI02] |`
  `| Flax (Shining)           [FLA04]  |  Spicy Pepper (Perfect)   [SPI03] |`
  `| Flax Yarn (Blue)         [FLA05]  |  Spicy Pepper (Shining)   [SPI04] |`
  `| Flax Yarn (Decent)       [FLA06]  |  Spicy Seafood Soup       [SPI05] |`
  `| Flax Yarn (Good)         [FLA07]  |  Spicy Stew               [SPI06] |`
  `| Flax Yarn (Green)        [FLA08]  |  Spinach (Decent)         [SPI07] |`
  `| Flax Yarn (Perfect)      [FLA09]  |  Spinach (Good)           [SPI08] |`
  `| Flax Yarn (Purple)       [FLA10]  |  Spinach (Perfect)        [SPI09] |`
  `| Flax Yarn (Red)          [FLA11]  |  Spinach (Shining)        [SPI10] |`
  `| Flax Yarn (Shining)      [FLA12]  |  Spinach Cake             [SPI11] |`
  `| Flax Yarn (Yellow)       [FLA13]  |  Spinach Risotto          [SPI12] |`
  `| Flounder                 [FLO01]  |  Spinel                   [SPI13] |`
  `| Fodder                   [FOD01]  |  Squid                    [SQU01] |`
  `| French Fries             [FRE01]  |  Squid Tomato Stew        [SQU02] |`
  `| Freshwater Prawn         [FRE02]  |  Stay Awake               [STA01] |`
  `| Fried Egg                [FRI01]  |  Steamed Egg              [STE01] |`
  `| Fried Rice               [FRI02]  |  Steamed Turnip           [STE02] |`
  `| Garnet                   [GAR01]  |  Stew                     [STE03] |`
  `| Glass                    [GLA01]  |  Stir Fry                 [STI01] |`
  `| Goby                     [GOB01]  |  Strawberry (Decent)      [STR01] |`
  `| Gold                     [GOL01]  |  Strawberry (Good)        [STR02] |`
  `| Grape                    [GRA01]  |  Strawberry (Perfect)     [STR03] |`
  `| Grape (Shining)          [GRA02]  |  Strawberry (Shining)     [STR04] |`
  `| Grape Cocktail           [GRA03]  |  Strawberry Jam           [STR05] |`
  `| Grape Juice              [GRA04]  |  Strawberry Milk          [STR06] |`
  `| Green Bell               [GRE01]  |  Sunflower                [SUN01] |`
  `| Grilled Angler Fish      [GRI01]  |  Super Stay Awake         [SUP01] |`
  `| Grilled Bonito           [GRI02]  |  Sushi (Decent)           [SUS01] |`
  `| Grilled Carp             [GRI03]  |  Sushi (Good)             [SUS02] |`
  `| Grilled Catfish          [GRI04]  |  Sushi (Perfect)          [SUS03] |`
  `| Grilled Char             [GRI05]  |  Sushi (Shining)          [SUS04] |`
  `| Grilled Clam             [GRI06]  |  Sweet Potato Rice        [SWE01] |`
  `| Grilled Cod              [GRI07]  |  Sweet Potato Stew        [SWE02] |`
  `| Grilled Conger Eel       [GRI08]  |  Sweet Yam Cake           [SWE03] |`
  `| Grilled Crawfish         [GRI09]  |  Swim Shorts              [SWI01] |`
  `| Grilled Eel              [GRI10]  |  Swordfish                [SWO01] |`
  `| Grilled Eggplant         [GRI11]  |  Tempura Buckwheat Noodles[TEM01] |`
  `| Grilled Flounder         [GRI12]  |  Toadstool                [TOA01] |`
  `| Grilled Goby             [GRI13]  |  Tomato (Decent)          [TOM01] |`
  `| Grilled Halibut          [GRI14]  |  Tomato (Good)            [TOM02] |`
  `| Grilled Horse Mackerel   [GRI15]  |  Tomato (Perfect)         [TOM03] |`
  `| Grilled Huchen           [GRI16]  |  Tomato (Shining)         [TOM04] |`
  `| Grilled King Fish        [GRI17]  |  Tomato Juice             [TOM05] |`
  `| Grilled Lobster          [GRI18]  |  Tomato Omelet            [TOM06] |`
  `| Grilled Mackerel         [GRI19]  |  Tomato Risotto           [TOM07] |`
  `| Grilled Mahi-Mahi        [GRI20]  |  Tomato Soup              [TOM08] |`
  `| Grilled Manta Ray        [GRI21]  |  Topaz                    [TOP01] |`
  `| Grilled Masu Trout       [GRI22]  |  Tulip                    [TUL01] |`
  `| Grilled Octopus          [GRI23]  |  Tuna                     [TUN01] |`
  `| Grilled Pond Smelt       [GRI24]  |  Tuna Bowl                [TUN02] |`
  `| Grilled Prawn            [GRI25]  |  Turnip (Decent)          [TUR01] |`
  `| Grilled Puffer Fish      [GRI26]  |  Turnip (Good)            [TUR02] |`
  `| Grilled Rainbow Trout    [GRI27]  |  Turnip (Perfect)         [TUR03] |`
  `| Grilled Redfin           [GRI28]  |  Turnip (Shining)         [TUR04] |`
  `| Grilled Rock Lobster     [GRI29]  |  Vegetable Juice          [VEG01] |`
  `| Grilled Rock Trout       [GRI30]  |  Vegetable Pizza          [VEG02] |`
  `| Grilled Rockfish         [GRI31]  |  Vegetable Salad          [VEG03] |`
  `| Grilled Salmon           [GRI32]  |  Vegetable Sandwich       [VEG04] |`
  `| Grilled Sardine          [GRI33]  |  Very Berry               [VER01] |`
  `| Grilled Saury            [GRI34]  |  Very Berry Jam           [VER02] |`
  `| Grilled Sea Bream        [GRI35]  |  Very Berry Juice         [VER03] |`
  `| Grilled Sea Urchin       [GRI36]  |  Watermelon (Decent)      [WAT01] |`
  `| Grilled Seasky Fish      [GRI37]  |  Watermelon (Good)        [WAT02] |`
  `| Grilled Shark            [GRI38]  |  Watermelon (Perfect)     [WAT03] |`
  `| Grilled Skull Jellyfish  [GRI39]  |  Watermelon (Shining)     [WAT04] |`
  `| Grilled Squid            [GRI40]  |  Weird Dish               [WEI01] |`
  `| Grilled Swordfish        [GRI41]  |  Wonderful (Blue)         [WON01] |`
  `| Grilled Tuna             [GRI42]  |  Wonderful (Green)        [WON02] |`
  `| Grilled Wood Fish        [GRI43]  |  Wonderful (Purple)       [WON03] |`
  `| Grilled Yam              [GRI44]  |  Wonderful (Red)          [WON04] |`
  `| Grilled Yellowtail       [GRI45]  |  Wonderful (White)        [WON05] |`
  `| Halibut                  [HAL01]  |  Wonderful (Yellow)       [WON06] |`
  `| Herb (Blue)              [HER01]  |  Wood Fish                [WOO01] |`
  `| Herb (Green)             [HER02]  |  Wool (Decent)            [WOO02] |`
  `| Herb (Purple)            [HER03]  |  Wool (Good)              [WOO03] |`
  `| Herb (Red)               [HER04]  |  Wool (Perfect)           [WOO04] |`
  `| Herb (Yellow)            [HER05]  |  Wool (Shining)           [WOO05] |`
  `| Herb Bread               [HER06]  |  Wool Yarn (Blue)         [WOO06] |`
  `| Herb Cookie              [HER07]  |  Wool Yarn (Decent)       [WOO07] |`
  `| Herb Fish (Decent)       [HER08]  |  Wool Yarn (Good)         [WOO08] |`
  `| Herb Fish (Good)         [HER09]  |  Wool Yarn (Green)        [WOO09] |`
  `| Herb Fish (Perfect)      [HER10]  |  Wool Yarn (Perfect)      [WOO10] |`
  `| Herb Fish (Shining)      [HER11]  |  Wool Yarn (Purple)       [WOO11] |`
  `| Herbal Tea               [HER12]  |  Wool Yarn (Red)          [WOO12] |`
  `| Hibiscus                 [HIB01]  |  Wool Yarn (Shining)      [WOO13] |`
  `| Honey (Blue)             [HON01]  |  Wool Yarn (Yellow)       [WOO14] |`
  `| Honey (Decent)           [HON02]  |  Yam (Decent)             [YAM01] |`
  `| Honey (Green)            [HON03]  |  Yam (Good)               [YAM02] |`
  `| Honey (Purple)           [HON04]  |  Yam (Perfect)            [YAM03] |`
  `| Honey (Red)              [HON05]  |  Yam (Shining)            [YAM04] |`
  `| Honey (Yellow)           [HON06]  |  Yam Cake                 [YAM05] |`
  `| Honeydew (Decent)        [HON07]  |  Yam Cocktail             [YAM06] |`
  `| Honeydew (Good)          [HON08]  |  Yellowtail               [YEL01] |`
  `| Honeydew (Perfect)       [HON09]  |  Yogurt                   [YOG01] |`
  `| Honeydew (Shining)       [HON10]  |  Yogurt Drink             [YOG02] |`
  `|                                                                       |`
          `|`                                                     `|`
          `|`                                                     `|`

   \ \  \ \__________________________________________________________/ /  / /
    \ \  \|                                                          |/  / /
     \ \  |                       Introduction                       |  / /
      \ \ |                                                          | / /
       \ \|         "Luck favors the mind that is prepared."         |/ /
        \ |                      -Louis Pasteur                      | /
         \|    ______________________________________________________|/
 _________|   |
|  ___________|
| /
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Why This Guide Exists
| Initially, the information contained within this guide was featured in both
| my main guide and in my Relationship Guide. But updating both was a pain, and
| it alone comprised about a third of my main guide's size and two-thirds of
| the size of my Relationship Guide, when most people really weren't interested
| in all this. So, I spun it off into its own guide. It's really intended as a
| supplement to those guides.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| What You'll Find
| Here, you'll find a list of every villager's opinion on every item in the
| game. Yes, every single one. All 25,920 of them.
| There are 540 gift-able items in the game, and every villager has an opinion
| on each item - Loves, Likes, Neutral, Dislikes or Hates. You can
| differentiate them based on the visible reaction, and the dialogue.
| My Relationship Guide has information on what each character says to each
| type of gift, as well as more thorough mechanics for how each type of gift
| raises the character's heart level. To read this, see my Relationship Guide,
| located at:
| If you need to find out how to get any of the items for gifting, refer to my
| main guide, located at:
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Version History
| 2.0.1 (07/28/2009): Several new animal gift preferences from mister_jmp.
| 2.0.0 (06/29/2009): The new section here is the Animal Gift Preferences
| section. mister_jmp has been testing a sample of animal gift preferences, so
| the full results are included here.
| 1.8.1 (05/15/2009): Had a little extra time, so I went ahead and implemented
| the main feature I wanted - combining duplicate listings. So now, any items
| that have the same villager set of preferences are listed together under the
| first one's name. The search codes will still all work, and if you look up
| one alphabetically that was listed with a duplicate earlier, you'll see a
| note telling you what item to look under instead.
| 1.8.0 (05/15/2009): IT'S DONE! After months of hard work and testing, the
| Gift Guide is finally complete! All 25,920 listings! Special thanks to all
| that helped with this huge process - it really is quite an accomplishment
| to finish something of this size. And extra special thanks to mister_jmp, who
| did as much of the testing as I did, if not more. I'm not done updating this
| guide - there are going to be some formatting changes (combining identical
| listings, reducing the size a bit, other changes), and maybe some interesting
| statistics (gifts with the most variation, etc.). But the point is, the
| listings are done. Done done done done done. DONE.
| 1.7.1 (05/08/2009): 400 new ones on the dot. Weird, that wasn't planned that
| way.
| 1.7.0 (05/07/2009): 891 new ones, from mister_jmp and I. Gems and metals are
| all done - all that remains are recipes, crops, animal products and a few
| ores, wonderfuls and flowers.
| 1.6.9 (05/06/2009): 585 listings, mostly gems and metals. We've pass the 75%
| mark, though, woo! Almost there! That also means we've gotten 14% done in the
| past nine days. Not bad at all.
| 1.6.8 (05/05/2009): 799 new listings, all grilled fish. By far the most
| boring, tedious listings in the game to test. And yes, I've done 799 of them.
| Today. In case it wasn't obvious, my semester ended yesterday. Hoping to get
| these all done before I leave town next week. But I digress. Quite frequently
| really.
| 1.6.7 (05/04/2009): 888 new listings, taking us over 70% complete. All the
| fish are done now. Grilled fish is next.
| 1.6.6 (05/01/2009): 548 more entries from mister_jmp and I combined. Most of
| the fish are done, and the rest will be finished soon.
| 1.6.5 (04/30/2009): 166 more. Hoped for more, but got distracted. I'll finish
| this batch of items tomorrow.
| 1.6.4 (04/29/2009): 257 (almost exactly 1%) more listings, on the same items
| I was working on yesterday. Almost done, just 295 more on this batch.
| 1.6.3 (04/28/2009): 465 more from me, all from fish and grilled fish.
| 1.6.2 (04/21/2009): 234 more, all from mister_jmp. We're almost to having
| less than 10,000 left.
| 1.6.1 (04/20/2009): 600 or so new entries, I believe. And the indispensible
| mister_jmp is back testing. Woo!
| 1.6.0 (04/13/2009): 800 new entries. Woo. I'm working on Animal Festival
| items now, then I'll probably freeze my game for a while and start really
| plowing through some.
| 1.5.9 (03/30/2009): Over 500 new entries from me - I'd write down what
| exactly I tested this time around, but... well, I can't remember. Perfect
| Butter and Cheese among other things.
| 1.5.8 (03/26/2009): A couple hundred new listings from yours truly - most
| of the non-Shining Yam and Pumpkin listings are now complete.
| 1.5.7 (03/23/2009): Back in town after a long absence - with 235 new
| additions I believe, 138 from g_knightley and 97 from me. Copper, Silver and
| Gold are now done, as well as lots of other stuff that was already tested on
| everyone except the villagers' kids.
| 1.5.6 (03/11/2009): 50 new entries from first-time contributor and screen
| name connoisseur Scribblykakuloo
| 1.5.5 (03/04/2009): All from g_knightley and mister_jmp. In fact, that's
| probably the updates for the next three weeks in a nutshell. I'm going to be
| out of town and Wii-less, so I'll still be posting updates, but nothing of my
| own doing.
| 1.5.4 (03/02/2009): 109 from g_knightley, 1 from me. Mine's more important
| though. If you give the one I listed, you get a billion gold and a thousand
| of every item, and after that you can split stacked items, and your spouse
| starts to actually have a personality. I'm not telling you which listing it
| is though. You'll just have to find it yourself!
| 1.5.3 (02/27/2009): Mostly additions from g_knightley, a handful from me as
| well.
| 1.5.2 (02/25/2009): More additions, mostly villagers' kids on items that were
| already tested for everyone else.
| 1.5.1 (02/23/2009): We've hit 50%! Half down, half to go. In the coming days
| I'm going to be categorizing the items so we can tell not only what we're
| missing specifically, but generally too. I know we're missing most of the
| gems and metals which account for around 1000 and the fish which account for
| 4,000 when you factor in Grilled versions. Beyond that, most of what's left
| is crops and recipes - we have the animal products done for the most part.
| 1.5.0 (02/20/2009): More additions, Beach Festival items and some other items
| that didn't get tried on the villagers' children. Also, added in the
| Completion listings in the leaderboard seciton - if you want to see what
| items or villagers have the least and most work done on them without
| scrolling all around the big listing, that should come in handy. Might help
| you choose a mostly-untested item to test out, hint hint.
| 1.4.1 (02/19/2009): More additions, I'm tying up some loose ends on items
| that weren't tested on the villagers' children and testing some items that I
| just randomly had enough of to test.
| 1.4.0 (02/16/2009): Around 1000 additions, and a new section - I've ranked
| all the gifts according to how loved/liked/favored/disliked/hated/disfavored
| each is, as well as each villager according to how many gifts they each
| love/like/favor/dislike/hate/disfavor. Pretty cool to see what comes up. In
| the future I'm going to go back and put in the version history what the
| completion was at each update so we can see how fast we're progressing.
| 1.3.0 (02/13/2009): Almost 500 additions, 180 or so from Mizushimo and the
| rest from me. I've started testing Decent, Good, and all Dyed yarns, which'll
| account for 1,000 total entires. It's about a third done now.
| 1.2.9 (02/11/2009): 215 more from me. Damn, I have got to get a life.
| 1.2.8 (02/10/2009): 151 new listings from yours truly.
| 1.2.7 (02/09/2009): Lots and lots from mister_jmp and I - we've crossed the
| 10,000 milestone!
| 1.2.6 (02/06/2009): In case it wasn't obvious, mister_jmp is really good at
| this. Another few hundred from him in this update.
| 1.2.5 (02/06/2009): A couple hundred, all from mister_jmp - non-buyable pies
| and pizzas. Also, starting with this update, the version number display on
| GameFAQs will actually be the completion percentage instead of the version
| number - just because I think that'll be cool.
| 1.2.4 (02/05/2009): A bit less than a hundred from mister_jmp and I, and a
| bunch of corrections on Selena - basically, she Dislikes freshwater fish, not
| all fish.
| 1.2.3 (02/04/2009): Exactly 100 more, from mister_jmp, g_knightley and I.
| 1.2.2 (02/03/2009): 50 or so more preference from g_knightley. Thanks!
| 1.2.1 (02/02/2009): A third of the way there! Almost a thousand new additions
| in this release, I think around 300 apiece from Mizushimo, mister_jmp and I
| with a big handful more from Everblue. We're almost done with the buyable
| dishes, and mister_jmp is getting a start on recipes. I'll probably be
| looking at gems and fish next. If you're interested in helping, I think the
| biggest area of need is in the area of wool and cocoons, yarns and dyed yarns
| - mister_jmp and I have been using these as our main source of income, so we
| haven't been hoarding them like we've been hoarding everything else.
| 1.2.0 (01/29/2009): No new additions, but added in the quick-find guide. Hope
| it helps!
| 1.1.8 (01/28/2009): A few more additions from g_knightley.
| 1.1.7 (01/27/2009): Quick update, contributions from everblue, mister_jmp and
| g_knightley. Nothing from me. Blame graduate school.
| 1.1.6 (01/26/2009): A fix on the Contact Information, and a crapton of
| additions courtesy of mister_jmp, Kaelorian, Shionite, g_knightley and Jeff.
| mister_jmp alone is responsible for almost 1000 contributions for this
| update, while Shionite has tested every Box Lunch on every character.
| Additionally, it was discovered that there is no no-sparkle Rare Ore, so
| there is no reason to have that item listed, lowering our item total to 540
| items and the total preference count back down to 25920.
| 1.1.5 (01/23/2009): A modest update, 63 more and mostly courtesy of Kaelorian
| - for those interested, the next items I'll be testing are Feed, Grilled
| Mackerel, Grilled Saury, Green Herb, Southern Omelette and Tomato Risotto.
| Additionally, tomorrow I'll be fixing some of the recipe names that have been
| wrong for a while - early thanks to mister_jmp for pointing these out to me.
| 1.1.4 (01/22/2009): Another 160, from Kaelorian and I. Also experimenting
| with a little thing at the bottom of the listings showing how each villager's
| items are distributed, as well as how each item's villagers are distributed.
| I'm going to try to move it to the tops of the columns instead of the
| bottoms, or maybe have them at the bottoms but aligned. But for now, there's
| this. I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm also pondering adding a
| contributions leaderboard, but that would involve going back and counting
| who's submitted the 5000 contributions we have thusfar, so that might not
| happen.
| 1.1.3 (01/21/2009): Another 150 additions, half from Kaelorian and half from
| me. Special thanks to Kaelorian too for the daily updates - even when I don't
| get a chance to play, we still have some daily progress on this.
| 1.1.2 (01/20/2009): 416 more additions, only a few from me - thanks go out to
| mister_jmp for 81, Kaelorian for 40, g_knightley for 172, and Nerikia for 1.
| I guess the other 122 are mine, but I don't remember testing that many today
| - so if anyone else has submitted that I forgot to credit, let me know. For
| those interested in helping, don't bother with these items: Cookies, Herb
| Cookies, Banana, Pineapple Juice, Pineapples, Banana Milk, Coconut Juice and
| Fancy Seashell - I'll be testing these next, so no need to duplicate.
| 1.1.1 (01/19/2009): And this is the update where I actually add in some gift
| preferences. There are 437 new preferences listed in this update, courtesy of
| g_knightley (100 or so flower listings), Kaelorian (80 or so listings),
| Shionite (47 listings) and myself (250 listings). And yes, that adds up to
| more than 437 - Kaelorian and I did Blueberry Juice at the same time, oops.
| Anyway, special, special, extra special thanks to Shionite. She had a save
| file that had the elusive Limestone item in it; considering how rare it is,
| there was no real chance of getting all the listings unless a single person
| with a save file with Limestone reset their game 47 times and tested it on
| every single villager, one at a time... so Shionite did. As a result, we have
| our first completed item - and yes, it's Limestone, the rarest item in the
| game. Thanks a ton, Shionite!
| 1.1.0 (01/19/2009): As major an update as this guide is ever going to
| experience, I've gone ahead and ensured that there is one preference listed
| for every item, and that every item is listed by only one name. In the
| process, I identified seven recipes that were previously listed under
| multiple names: Seafood Risotto/Seafood Rice, Spicy Seafood Soup/Spicy
| Seafood Stew, Steamed Clam/Clam Soup, Shortcake/Strawberry Shortcake, Sweet
| Potato Rice/Yam Rice, Sweet Potato Stew/Yam Stew, and Yam Rice/Potato Rice.
| In some of these occasions, I randomly picked one or the other, so if I
| picked the wrong one, let me know. Additionally, I discovered several items
| that were previously unlisted altogether: Bamboo en Papilotte, Corn Bread,
| Croquette, Doria, Onion Bread, Sauteed Spinach, Seafood Doria, Seafood
| Gratin, Yam Cake and Steamed Turnips. These have been added in. And finally,
| I discovered that when we neglected to include the elusive Limestone anywhere
| in the original count of 540, so there are actually 541 unique items in the
| game. Essentially now, the list should be accurate and include every item.
| 1.0.6 (01/16/2009): Another 86 from me - Grape Cocktail, Coconut Cocktail and
| Pontata Root are mostly done now. Next up are Rice Cocktails and Yam
| Cocktails, as well as a couple other purchase-ables.
| 1.0.5 (01/15/2009): 70 or so new additions from myself, including nearly all
| the listings for Ostonnaise and about half the ones for Orange.
| 1.0.4 (01/14/2009): All the credit to Mizushimo for this update, 245
| submissions all herself. Included in that is nearly every listing for Spicy
| Pepper, Blue Honey, Morning Glory and Blue Mist. Thanks, Mizushimo!
| 1.0.3 (01/13/2009): New submissions, and this time I think all of them were
| mine. Nifty. Plus, a new Contact Info section - the old note was scaring too
| many people off.
| 1.0.2 (01/12/2009): New submissions, courtesy of mister_jmp, g_knightley,
| IceCake and yhibiki. Special thanks to g_knightley and yhibiki for actively
| testing flowers. And as always, special thanks to mister_jmp for just being
| all-around awesome. We're up to 4057 listings, over 15% complete.
| 1.0.1 (01/07/2009): New submissions, courtesy of Kairi_Tsubasa, mister_jmp
| and g_knightley. Special thanks to g_knightly for testing all the Pansy,
| Sunflower and Pinkcat preferences.
| 1.0.0 (01/06/2009): This guide exists now, which it didn't use to do. All
| great FAQs start out this way.
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Future Plans
| I plan to make a few changes even now that the guide listing is done. I plan
| to:
|  - Reformat the Gifts by Recipient listing a bit, putting Neutral items in
|    the middle.
|  - Combine identical listings, so that all the items with the exact same
|    combination of preferences will be listed together.
|  - Consolidate item qualities so that listing four qualities doesn't take
|    four lines.
|  - Some more interesting stats, like which items have the most variance in
|    opinions.
|  - Create a real chart to display this information. And then, somehow make
|    that chart readable.
|  - Use this information to write gift recommendations for every villager in
|    my main guide.
| \___________________________________________________________________________

   \ \  \ \__________________________________________________________/ /  / /
    \ \  \|                                                          |/  / /
     \ \  |                    Gifts by Recipient                    |  / /
      \ \ |                                                          | / /
       \ \|    "One man gives freely yet gains even more; another    |/ /
        \ | withholds unduly, but comes to poverty." -Proverbs 11:24 | /
         \|    ______________________________________________________|/
 _________|   |
|  ___________|
| /
|/Below is a list of gifts available in the game, sorted by recipient and each
| recipients' attitude (loves, likes, neutral, dislikes or hates) towards that
| item. Use this list when you need to find the right gift for a certain
| villager.
| For details on each type of gift's effect on a villager's heart level, see
| the 'Making Friends' section (search for < MFR > without the spaces) of my
| main guide, located at
| Please note one thing: for Ores and Wonderfuls, any unrefined Ore or
| Wonderful that has no sparkles will be Disliked by every villager - however,
| it won't actually impact the villager's heart points. Listings below for
| Ores and Wonderfuls are only for no-sparkle items; there is no reason to
| test, list or give unrefined Ores and Wonderfuls with any sparkles on them.
| Total Completion: 25920 / 25920
| - - -                                                                 [ANGIE]
| Angie     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Blueberry Jam         Amber                 Anemone
|           Blueberry Juice       Amethyst              Apple
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Apple (Shining)       Apple Cocktail
|           Very Berry Jam        Apple Jam             B. Noodles with Egg
|                                 Apple Juice           Bamboo Stew
|           4/540 (0.7407%)       Apple Pie             Banana
|                                 Aquamarine            Begonia
|                                 Baked Potato          Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Bamboo en Papilote    Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Bamboo Rice           Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Banana Milk           Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Banana Pudding        Blue Mist
|                                 Bell Pepper (Shining) Blueberry
|                                 Black Pearl           Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Boiled Spinach        Bodigizer
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Decent)Bodigizer XL
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Boiled Corn
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Bonito
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Bread                 Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Cheesecake            Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Cherry                Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Cherry (Shining)      Carp
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Carrot (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Carrot Juice
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Catfish
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Char
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Clam Soup             Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Chestnut
|                                 Coconut Juice         Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Cocoon (Perfect)      Chirashi Sushi
|                                 Cocoon (Shining)      Chrysanthemum
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Clam
|                                 Cookie                Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Corn Bread            Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Cosmos                Coconut
|                                 Croquette             Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Crystal               Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Diamond               Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Doria                 Cod
|                                 Eel Bowl              Cold Medicine
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Common Seashell
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Coral
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Corn (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Corn (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Corn Soup
|                                 Egg Rice              Crawfish
|                                 Egg Salad             Duckonnaise
|                                 Egg Sandwich          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Emerald               Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Fish Soup             Egg Soup
|                                 Flax (Shining)        Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Perfect)   Fancy Seashell
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Feed
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Shining)   Flax (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Flax (Good)
|                                 French Fries          Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Fried Rice            Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Garnet                Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Grape Juice           Flounder
|                                 Green Bell            Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Grilled Clam          Fried Egg
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Glass
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Grape
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Grape (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Grape Cocktail
|                                 Herb Bread            Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Herb Cookie           Grilled Bonito
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Grilled Carp
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Grilled Catfish
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Grilled Char
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Grilled Cod
|                                 Herbal Tea            Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Grilled Eel
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Grilled Flounder
|                                 Hot Milk              Grilled Goby
|                                 Jade                  Grilled Halibut
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Marmalade             Grilled Huchen
|                                 Mashed Potato         Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Grilled Octopus
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Milk Tea              Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Grilled Redfin
|                                 Moondrop              Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Grilled Salmon
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Grilled Sardine
|                                 Omelet Rice           Grilled Saury
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Onion Bread           Grilled Squid
|                                 Orange (Shining)      Grilled Swordfish
|                                 Orange Cake           Grilled Tuna
|                                 Orange Cookie         Grilled Yam
|                                 Orange Juice          Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Orange Pie            Halibut
|                                 Pancake               Herb (Blue)
|                                 Pansy                 Herb (Green)
|                                 Pearl                 Herb (Purple)
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Herb (Red)
|                                 Peridot               Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Hibiscus
|                                 Pinkcat               Honey (Blue)
|                                 Pizza                 Honey (Decent)
|                                 Plain Omelet          Honey (Green)
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Honey (Purple)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Honey (Red)
|                                 Potato Pancake        Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Pudding               Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Horse Mackerel
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Huchen
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Hyacinth
|                                 Ratatouille           Lavender
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Laver Seaweed
|                                 Rose Stone            Lily
|                                 Ruby                  Lobster
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Mackerel
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Sapphire              Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Marinated Mushrooms
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Masu Trout
|                                 Seafood Doria         Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Shortcake             Morning Glory
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Mushroom
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Octopus
|                                 Silk Yarn (Perfect)   Onion (Decent)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Onion (Good)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)       Onion (Perfect)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Shining)   Orange
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Ostonnaise
|                                 Snowflake             Perfume (Blue)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Perfume (Decent)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Perfume (Green)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Perfume (Purple)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Perfume (Red)
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                 Spinel                Pickled Cabbage
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Pickled Eggplant
|                                 Steamed Egg           Pickled Turnip
|                                 Stew                  Pie Crust
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Pineapple
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Pond Smelt
|                                 Strawberry Jam        Pontata Root
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Potato (Decent)
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Potato (Good)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Potato (Perfect)
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Potato Miso Soup
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Potato Stew
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Puffer Fish
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                 Topaz                 Pumpkin (Good)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Pumpkin Stew
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Rainbow Trout
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Rice (Decent)
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Rice (Good)
|                                 Very Berry            Rice (Perfect)
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Rice Ball
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Rice Cocktail
|                                 Wool (Perfect)        Roasted Chestnut
|                                 Wool (Shining)        Roasted Corn
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Rock Lobster
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Rock Trout
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Rockfish
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Rose
|                                 Wool Yarn (Shining)   Royal Jelly
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Salmon
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Sardine
|                                 Yogurt                Sardine in Oil
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                 216/540 (40%)         Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Saury
|           Angler Fish           Algae                 Sea Bream
|           Bamboo Shoot          Kimchi                Sea Urchin
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Spicy Seafood Soup    Seasky Fish
|           Conger Eel            Spicy Stew            Seasoned Egg
|           Copper                                      Seaweed Miso Soup
|           Eel                   4/540 (0.7407%)       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|           Empty Can                                   Silk Yarn (Good)
|           Failed Dish                                 Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|           Failed Soup                                 Spinach (Decent)
|           Fodder                                      Spinach (Good)
|           Goby                                        Spinach (Perfect)
|           Gold                                        Squid
|           Grilled King Fish                           Stay Awake
|           Grilled Seasky Fish                         Steamed Turnip
|           Grilled Shark                               Stir Fry
|           Grilled Skull Jell...                       Strawberry (Decent)
|           Grilled Wood Fish                           Strawberry (Good)
|           Iron                                        Sunflower
|           King Fish                                   Super Stay Awake
|           Limestone                                   Sushi (Decent)
|           Manta Ray                                   Sushi (Good)
|           Ore (Copper)                                Sushi (Perfect)
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Sushi (Shining)
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Sweet Potato Stew
|           Ore (Silver)                                Tempura Buckwheat N...
|           Rare Metal                                  Tomato (Decent)
|           Rubber Boot                                 Tomato (Good)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Tomato (Perfect)
|           Shark                                       Tomato Juice
|           Shark Fin Soup                              Tomato Soup
|           Shark Fin Stew                              Tulip
|           Silver                                      Turnip (Decent)
|           Skull Jellyfish                             Turnip (Good)
|           Spicy Pepper (Good)                         Turnip (Perfect)
|           Spicy Pepper (Perfect)                      Watermelon (Decent)
|           Spicy Pepper (Shining)                      Watermelon (Good)
|           Swim Shorts                                 Watermelon (Perfect)
|           Swordfish                                   Wonderful (Blue)
|           Toadstool                                   Wonderful (Green)
|           Tuna                                        Wonderful (Purple)
|           Vegetable Juice                             Wonderful (Red)
|           Weird Dish                                  Wonderful (White)
|           Wood Fish                                   Wonderful (Yellow)
|           Yellow Tail                                 Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|           44/540 (8.1481%)                            Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       272/540 (50.3704%)
| - - - -                                                               [ANISS]
| Anissa    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Herb (Blue)           Apple Juice           Amber
|           Herbal Tea            Banana Milk           Amethyst
|           Perfume (Blue)        Black Pearl           Anemone
|           Perfume (Shining)     Blue Mist             Angler Fish
|           Pickled Cabbage       Blueberry Juice       Apple
|           Pickled Eggplant      Bodigizer             Apple (Shining)
|           Pickled Turnip        Bodigizer XL          Apple Jam
|           Pontata Root          Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Apple Pie
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Butter (Cow) (Shining)Aquamarine
|           Yogurt                Butter (Goat) (Per... B. Noodles with Egg
|           Yogurt Drink          Butter (Goat) (Shi... Baked Potato
|                                 Carrot Juice          Bamboo en Papilote
|           11/540 (2.037%)       Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bamboo Rice
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bamboo Stew
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Banana
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Banana Pudding
|                                 Cherry (Shining)      Begonia
|                                 Coconut Juice         Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cold Medicine         Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Crystal               Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Diamond               Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Grape Juice           Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Green Bell            Blueberry
|                                 Herb (Green)          Blueberry Jam
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Boiled Corn
|                                 Herb (Red)            Boiled Spinach
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Bonito
|                                 Herb Cookie           Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Honey (Decent)        Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Honey (Green)         Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Red)           Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Bread
|                                 Hyacinth              Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Lavender              Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Milk Tea              Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Orange Cookie         Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Orange Juice          Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Decent)      Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Perfume (Green)       Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Perfume (Red)         Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Yellow)      Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Potato Miso Soup      Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Royal Jelly           Carp
|                                 Seaweed Miso Soup     Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Shortcake             Carrot (Good)
|                                 Snowflake             Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Stay Awake            Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Carrot Cake
|                                 Strawberry (Decent)   Catfish
|                                 Strawberry (Good)     Char
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Toadstool             Cheese Fondue
|                                 Tomato Juice          Cheese Omelet
|                                 Turnip (Perfect)      Cheese Risotto
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Cheesecake
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Cherry
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Chestnut
|                                                       Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 72/540 (13.3333%)     Chestnut Pie
|                                                       Chestnut Rice
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Chocolate Banana
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 Chocolate Bar
|           Bamboo Shoot          Empty Can             Chocolate Cake
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Failed Soup           Chocolate Cookie
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Rubber Boot           Chocolate Fondue
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Sashimi (Decent)      Chocolate Pie
|           Chirashi Sushi        Sashimi (Good)        Chocolate Pudding
|           Coconut Cocktail      Sashimi (Perfect)     Chrysanthemum
|           Failed Dish           Sashimi (Shining)     Clam
|           Feed                  Swim Shorts           Clam Soup
|           Fodder                                      Cocoa (Decent)
|           Grape Cocktail        9/540 (1.6667%)       Cocoa (Good)
|           Marinated Fish (De...                       Cocoa (Perfect)
|           Marinated Fish (Good)                       Cocoa (Shining)
|           Marinated Fish (Pe...                       Coconut
|           Marinated Fish (Sh...                       Cocoon (Decent)
|           Rice Cocktail                               Cocoon (Good)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Cocoon (Perfect)
|           Sushi (Decent)                              Cocoon (Shining)
|           Sushi (Good)                                Cod
|           Sushi (Perfect)                             Common Seashell
|           Sushi (Shining)                             Conger Eel
|           Weird Dish                                  Conger Eel Rice
|           Yam Cocktail                                Cookie
|                                                       Copper
|           23/540 (4.2593%)                            Coral
|                                                       Corn (Decent)
|                                                       Corn (Good)
|                                                       Corn (Perfect)
|                                                       Corn (Shining)
|                                                       Corn Bread
|                                                       Corn Soup
|                                                       Cosmos
|                                                       Crawfish
|                                                       Croquette
|                                                       Doria
|                                                       Duckonnaise
|                                                       Eel
|                                                       Eel Bowl
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg Rice
|                                                       Egg Salad
|                                                       Egg Sandwich
|                                                       Egg Soup
|                                                       Eggplant (Decent)
|                                                       Eggplant (Good)
|                                                       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                                       Eggplant (Shining)
|                                                       Emerald
|                                                       Fancy Seashell
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|                                                       Fish Soup
|                                                       Flax (Decent)
|                                                       Flax (Good)
|                                                       Flax (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Fried Rice
|                                                       Garnet
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Gold
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Shining)
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Salmon Fried Rice
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Fried Rice
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seafood Pizza
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seafood Stew
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice
|                                                       Southern Omelet
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Tuna Rice
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       425/540 (78.7037%)
| - - - -                                                               [BARBA]
| Barbara   Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Marmalade             Amber                 Amethyst
|           Orange Cake           Apple Jam             Anemone
|           Orange Cookie         Apple Pie             Angler Fish
|           Orange Juice          Bamboo Stew           Apple
|           Orange Pie            Banana Milk           Apple (Shining)
|           Pickled Cabbage       Banana Pudding        Apple Cocktail
|           Ratatouille           Bell Pepper (Perfect) Apple Juice
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bell Pepper (Shining) Aquamarine
|           Vegetable Juice       Blueberry Jam         B. Noodles with Egg
|                                 Bodigizer XL          Baked Potato
|           9/540 (1.6667%)       Boiled Spinach        Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Bamboo Rice
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Banana
|                                 Bread                 Begonia
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Black Pearl
|                                 Cabbage (Perfect)     Blue Mist
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Blueberry
|                                 Carrot Cake           Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Blueberry Juice
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bodigizer
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Boiled Corn
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bonito
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Cheesecake            Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cherry (Shining)      Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Cold Medicine         Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Cookie                Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Corn Bread            Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Croquette             Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Diamond               Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Doria                 Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Carp
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Carrot (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Fried Rice            Carrot Juice
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Catfish
|                                 Grilled Char          Char
|                                 Grilled Clam          Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Eel           Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Masu Trout    Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Cheese Risotto
|                                 Grilled Saury         Cherry
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Chestnut
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Herb Bread            Chestnut Rice
|                                 Herb Cookie           Chocolate Banana
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Chocolate Bar
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Chrysanthemum
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Clam
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Clam Soup
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Coconut
|                                 Mashed Potato         Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Coconut Juice
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Milk Tea              Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Cod
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Common Seashell
|                                 Omelet Rice           Conger Eel
|                                 Onion Bread           Coral
|                                 Orange (Shining)      Corn (Decent)
|                                 Ostonnaise            Corn (Good)
|                                 Pancake               Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Pansy                 Corn (Shining)
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Corn Soup
|                                 Perfume (Yellow)      Cosmos
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Crawfish
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Crystal
|                                 Pizza                 Duckonnaise
|                                 Plain Omelet          Eel
|                                 Potato Gratin         Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Potato Pancake        Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Potato Stew           Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Pudding               Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Egg Rice
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Egg Salad
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Egg Sandwich
|                                 Royal Jelly           Egg Soup
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Emerald
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Fancy Seashell
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Fish Soup
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Flax (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Flax (Good)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Shortcake             Flax (Shining)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Flounder
|                                 Stew                  French Fries
|                                 Stir Fry              Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Strawberry Jam        Fried Egg
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Garnet
|                                 Sunflower             Glass
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Goby
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Gold
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Grape
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Grape (Shining)
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Grape Cocktail
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Grape Juice
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Green Bell
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Grilled Bonito
|                                 Topaz                 Grilled Carp
|                                 Tuna Rice             Grilled Catfish
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Grilled Cod
|                                 Very Berry Jam        Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Wonderful (Yellow)    Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                 146/540 (27.037%)     Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Grilled Horse Mackerel
|           Algae                 Bamboo Shoot          Grilled Huchen
|           Copper                Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Grilled King Fish
|           Feed                  Empty Can             Grilled Mackerel
|           Fodder                Failed Dish           Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|           Iron                  Failed Soup           Grilled Manta Ray
|           Ore (Copper)          Grilled Octopus       Grilled Pond Smelt
|           Ore (Iron)            Grilled Squid         Grilled Prawn
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Grilled Puffer Fish
|           7/540 (1.2963%)       Marinated Fish (Good) Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Octopus               Grilled Redfin
|                                 Rubber Boot           Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Scrap Iron            Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Squid                 Grilled Salmon
|                                 Swim Shorts           Grilled Sardine
|                                 Toadstool             Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Weird Dish            Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                 16/540 (2.963%)       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       362/540 (67.037%)
| - -                                                                   [BO---]
| Bo        Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bamboo en Papilote    B. Noodles with Egg   Amber
|           Bamboo Rice           Banana Milk           Amethyst
|           Bamboo Stew           Bell Pepper (Shining) Anemone
|           Doria                 Boiled Spinach        Angler Fish
|           Green Bell            Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple
|           Sauteed Mushroom      Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple (Shining)
|           Sauteed Spinach       Bouillabaisse (Shi... Apple Cocktail
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Breadfruit (Shining)  Apple Jam
|           Spinach Cake          Buckwheat (Shining)   Apple Juice
|           Spinach Risotto       Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Apple Pie
|           Vegetable Juice       Butter (Cow) (Shining)Aquamarine
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Baked Potato
|           11/540 (2.037%)       Butter (Goat) (Shi... Banana
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Banana Pudding
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Begonia
|                                 Carrot Juice          Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Blue Mist
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Blueberry
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Blueberry Jam
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Blueberry Juice
|                                 Clam Soup             Bodigizer
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Bodigizer XL
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Boiled Corn
|                                 Cosmos                Bonito
|                                 Croquette             Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Bread
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Egg Rice              Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Soup             Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Fried Rice            Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Grilled Clam          Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Herb (Green)          Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Herb (Red)            Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Bread            Carp
|                                 Herb Cookie           Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Carrot (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Herbal Tea            Carrot Cake
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Catfish
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Char
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Lavender              Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Cheesecake
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Cherry
|                                 Marinated Mushrooms   Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Chestnut
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Chestnut Pie
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Chocolate Cake
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Chocolate Pie
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Chocolate Pudding
|                                 Moondrop              Chrysanthemum
|                                 Morning Glory         Clam
|                                 Mushroom              Coconut
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Coconut Juice
|                                 Omelet Rice           Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Pansy                 Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Perfume (Green)       Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Pinkcat               Cod
|                                 Pizza                 Cold Medicine
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Common Seashell
|                                 Potato Gratin         Conger Eel
|                                 Potato Stew           Cookie
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Coral
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Corn (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Corn (Good)
|                                 Ratatouille           Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Corn Bread
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Corn Soup
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Crawfish
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Crystal
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Diamond
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Duckonnaise
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Eel
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Egg Salad
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Egg Sandwich
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Egg Soup
|                                 Snowflake             Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Emerald
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Fancy Seashell
|                                 Spicy Stew            Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Spinach (Perfect)     Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Flax (Decent)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Flax (Good)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Stew                  Flax (Shining)
|                                 Stir Fry              Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Flounder
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      French Fries
|                                 Tomato Juice          Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Fried Egg
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Garnet
|                                 Tuna Rice             Glass
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Goby
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Grape
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Grape (Shining)
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Grape Cocktail
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Grape Juice
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Grilled Bonito
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                 139/540 (25.7407%)    Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Grilled Conger Eel
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Grilled Crawfish
|           Cocoa (Decent)        Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Grilled Eel
|           Cocoa (Good)          Chocolate Banana      Grilled Eggplant
|           Cocoa (Perfect)       Chocolate Bar         Grilled Flounder
|           Cocoa (Shining)       Chocolate Fondue      Grilled Goby
|           Copper                Empty Can             Grilled Halibut
|           Failed Dish           Failed Soup           Grilled Horse Mackerel
|           Feed                  Hot Cocoa             Grilled Huchen
|           Fodder                Rubber Boot           Grilled King Fish
|           Gold                  Swim Shorts           Grilled Lobster
|           Iron                  Toadstool             Grilled Mackerel
|           Limestone                                   Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|           Ore (Copper)          11/540 (2.037%)       Grilled Manta Ray
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Grilled Masu Trout
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Grilled Octopus
|           Ore (Silver)                                Grilled Pond Smelt
|           Scrap Iron                                  Grilled Prawn
|           Silver                                      Grilled Puffer Fish
|           Weird Dish                                  Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|           19/540 (3.5185%)                            Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       360/540 (66.6667%)
| - - -                                                                 [CAIN-]
| Cain      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Apple Cocktail        Amber
|           Milk (Goat) (Shining) Banana Milk           Amethyst
|           Salmon Cream Stew     Blueberry Cocktail    Anemone
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bodigizer             Angler Fish
|           Spicy Stew            Bodigizer XL          Apple
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple (Shining)
|           5/540 (0.9259%)       Bouillabaisse (Shi... Apple Jam
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Apple Juice
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Apple Pie
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Aquamarine
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... B. Noodles with Egg
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Baked Potato
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bamboo Rice
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Bamboo Shoot
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bamboo Stew
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Banana
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Banana Pudding
|                                 Cocoon (Shining)      Begonia
|                                 Cold Medicine         Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Corn Soup             Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Doria                 Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Black Pearl
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Blue Mist
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Blueberry
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Blueberry Jam
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Blueberry Juice
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Boiled Corn
|                                 Egg Salad             Boiled Spinach
|                                 Egg Sandwich          Bonito
|                                 Egg Soup              Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Fried Rice            Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Hot Milk              Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Bread
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Good)     Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Good)    Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Milk Tea              Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Onion (Perfect)       Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Orange (Shining)      Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Pizza                 Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Plain Omelet          Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Carp
|                                 Seafood Stew          Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Carrot (Good)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Carrot Cake
|                                 Stay Awake            Carrot Juice
|                                 Stew                  Catfish
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Char
|                                 Sunflower             Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Tomato Soup           Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Cheese Fondue
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Cheese Risotto
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Cheesecake
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Cherry
|                                 Yogurt                Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Chestnut
|                                                       Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 76/540 (14.0741%)     Chestnut Pie
|                                                       Chestnut Rice
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Chocolate Banana
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Algae                 Chocolate Bar
|           Marinated Fish (Pe... Chirashi Sushi        Chocolate Cake
|           Marinated Fish (Sh... Empty Can             Chocolate Cookie
|           Sashimi (Decent)      Failed Dish           Chocolate Fondue
|           Sashimi (Good)        Failed Soup           Chocolate Pie
|           Sashimi (Perfect)     Rubber Boot           Chocolate Pudding
|           Sashimi (Shining)     Swim Shorts           Chrysanthemum
|           Scrap Iron            Toadstool             Clam
|           Sushi (Decent)        Weird Dish            Clam Soup
|           Sushi (Good)                                Cocoa (Decent)
|           Sushi (Perfect)       9/540 (1.6667%)       Cocoa (Good)
|           Sushi (Shining)                             Cocoa (Perfect)
|           Tuna Rice                                   Cocoa (Shining)
|                                                       Coconut
|           13/540 (2.4074%)                            Coconut Juice
|                                                       Cocoon (Decent)
|                                                       Cocoon (Good)
|                                                       Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                                       Cod
|                                                       Common Seashell
|                                                       Conger Eel
|                                                       Cookie
|                                                       Copper
|                                                       Coral
|                                                       Corn (Decent)
|                                                       Corn (Good)
|                                                       Corn (Perfect)
|                                                       Corn (Shining)
|                                                       Corn Bread
|                                                       Cosmos
|                                                       Crawfish
|                                                       Croquette
|                                                       Crystal
|                                                       Diamond
|                                                       Duckonnaise
|                                                       Eel
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                                       Egg Rice
|                                                       Eggplant (Decent)
|                                                       Eggplant (Good)
|                                                       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                                       Eggplant (Shining)
|                                                       Emerald
|                                                       Fancy Seashell
|                                                       Feed
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|                                                       Fish Soup
|                                                       Flax (Decent)
|                                                       Flax (Good)
|                                                       Flax (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       Fodder
|                                                       French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Garnet
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Gold
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Shining)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       437/540 (80.9259%)
| - - - -                                                               [CALVI]
| Calvin    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Amber                 Amethyst              Anemone
|           B. Noodles with Egg   Apple Cocktail        Angler Fish
|           Cheese Omelet         Aquamarine            Apple
|           Crystal               Bell Pepper (Perfect) Apple (Shining)
|           Egg Sandwich          Bell Pepper (Shining) Apple Jam
|           Egg Soup              Blue Mist             Apple Juice
|           Grape Cocktail        Blueberry Cocktail    Apple Pie
|           Seasoned Egg          Bodigizer             Baked Potato
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bodigizer XL          Bamboo en Papilote
|           Spicy Seafood Soup    Buckwheat Chips       Bamboo Rice
|           Spicy Stew            Buckwheat Cocktail    Bamboo Stew
|           Steamed Egg           Buckwheat Noodles     Banana
|           Tomato Omelet         Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Banana Milk
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Begonia
|           13/540 (2.4074%)      Butter (Goat) (Per... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Blueberry
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Blueberry Jam
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Blueberry Juice
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Boiled Corn
|                                 Cold Medicine         Boiled Spinach
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Bonito
|                                 Diamond               Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Egg Rice              Bread
|                                 Egg Salad             Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Emerald               Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Decent)Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Fried Egg             Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Fried Rice            Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Garnet                Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Green Bell            Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Eel           Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Huchen        Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Carp
|                                 Grilled Shark         Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Carrot (Good)
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Huchen                Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Jade                  Carrot Cake
|                                 King Fish             Carrot Juice
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Catfish
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Char
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Peridot               Cheese Risotto
|                                 Plain Omelet          Cheesecake
|                                 Rare Metal            Cherry
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Rose Stone            Chestnut
|                                 Royal Jelly           Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Ruby                  Chestnut Pie
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Chestnut Rice
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Chirashi Sushi
|                                 Sapphire              Chrysanthemum
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Clam
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Clam Soup
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Seasky Fish           Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Skull Jellyfish       Coconut
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Coconut Juice
|                                 Southern Omelet       Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Perfect)Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Spinel                Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Stay Awake            Cod
|                                 Stew                  Common Seashell
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Conger Eel
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Cookie
|                                 Topaz                 Copper
|                                 Tuna Rice             Coral
|                                 Wood Fish             Corn (Decent)
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Corn (Good)
|                                                       Corn (Perfect)
|                                 92/540 (17.037%)      Corn (Shining)
|                                                       Corn Bread
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Corn Soup
|           Algae                 Banana Pudding        Cosmos
|           Bamboo Shoot          Chocolate Pudding     Crawfish
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Failed Dish           Croquette
|           Chocolate Banana      Failed Soup           Doria
|           Chocolate Bar         Pudding               Duckonnaise
|           Chocolate Cake        Pumpkin Pudding       Eel
|           Chocolate Cookie      Weird Dish            Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|           Chocolate Fondue                            Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|           Chocolate Pie         7/540 (1.2963%)       Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|           Empty Can                                   Egg (Duck) (Good)
|           Rubber Boot                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|           Swim Shorts                                 Eggplant (Decent)
|                                                       Eggplant (Good)
|           13/540 (2.4074%)                            Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                                       Eggplant (Shining)
|                                                       Fancy Seashell
|                                                       Feed
|                                                       Fish Soup
|                                                       Flax (Decent)
|                                                       Flax (Good)
|                                                       Flax (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       Fodder
|                                                       French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Gold
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Shining)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seafood Pizza
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sushi (Shining)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Toadstool
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       415/540 (76.8519%)
| - - - -                                                               [CANDA]
| Candace   Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Cocoon (Shining)      Apple Juice           Amber
|           Flax Yarn (Shining)   Black Pearl           Amethyst
|           Herb Fish (Perfect)   Blue Mist             Anemone
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   Blueberry Juice       Angler Fish
|           Herbal Tea            Bodigizer             Apple
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bodigizer XL          Apple (Shining)
|           Silk Yarn (Shining)   Bread                 Apple Jam
|           Wool (Shining)        Butter (Cow) (Shining)Apple Pie
|           Wool Yarn (Shining)   Butter (Goat) (Shi... Aquamarine
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)B. Noodles with Egg
|           9/540 (1.6667%)       Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Baked Potato
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Coconut Juice         Bamboo Rice
|                                 Cocoon (Good)         Bamboo Shoot
|                                 Cocoon (Perfect)      Bamboo Stew
|                                 Cold Medicine         Banana
|                                 Cookie                Banana Milk
|                                 Corn Bread            Banana Pudding
|                                 Flax (Perfect)        Begonia
|                                 Flax (Shining)        Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Good)      Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Perfect)   Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Blueberry
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Blueberry Jam
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Boiled Corn
|                                 Grape Juice           Boiled Spinach
|                                 Green Bell            Bonito
|                                 Herb Bread            Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Hyacinth              Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Lavender              Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Milk Tea              Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Onion Bread           Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Orange Cookie         Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Orange Juice          Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Pearl                 Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Perfume (Green)       Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Rose Stone            Butter (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Good)      Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Butter (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Perfect)   Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)       Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Snowflake             Carp
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Carrot (Good)
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Wool (Good)           Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Wool (Perfect)        Carrot Cake
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Carrot Juice
|                                 Wool Yarn (Good)      Catfish
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Char
|                                 Wool Yarn (Perfect)   Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 70/540 (12.963%)      Cheese (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Cheese Fondue
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Cheese Omelet
|           Algae                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Cheese Risotto
|           Apple Cocktail        Coconut Cocktail      Cheesecake
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Failed Soup           Cherry
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Scrap Iron            Cherry (Shining)
|           Empty Can                                   Chestnut
|           Failed Dish           4/540 (0.7407%)       Chestnut (Shining)
|           Grape Cocktail                              Chestnut Pie
|           Grilled King Fish                           Chestnut Rice
|           Grilled Seasky Fish                         Chirashi Sushi
|           Grilled Shark                               Chocolate Banana
|           Grilled Skull Jell...                       Chocolate Bar
|           Grilled Wood Fish                           Chocolate Cake
|           King Fish                                   Chocolate Fondue
|           Limestone                                   Chocolate Pie
|           Ore (Copper)                                Chocolate Pudding
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Chrysanthemum
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Clam
|           Ore (Silver)                                Clam Soup
|           Rice Cocktail                               Cocoa (Decent)
|           Rubber Boot                                 Cocoa (Good)
|           Seasky Fish                                 Cocoa (Perfect)
|           Shark                                       Cocoa (Shining)
|           Skull Jellyfish                             Coconut
|           Stay Awake                                  Cocoon (Decent)
|           Super Stay Awake                            Cod
|           Swim Shorts                                 Common Seashell
|           Toadstool                                   Conger Eel
|           Weird Dish                                  Conger Eel Rice
|           Wood Fish                                   Copper
|           Yam Cocktail                                Coral
|                                                       Corn (Decent)
|           30/540 (5.5556%)                            Corn (Good)
|                                                       Corn (Perfect)
|                                                       Corn (Shining)
|                                                       Corn Soup
|                                                       Cosmos
|                                                       Crawfish
|                                                       Croquette
|                                                       Crystal
|                                                       Diamond
|                                                       Doria
|                                                       Duckonnaise
|                                                       Eel
|                                                       Eel Bowl
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg Rice
|                                                       Egg Salad
|                                                       Egg Sandwich
|                                                       Egg Soup
|                                                       Eggplant (Decent)
|                                                       Eggplant (Good)
|                                                       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                                       Eggplant (Shining)
|                                                       Emerald
|                                                       Fancy Seashell
|                                                       Feed
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|                                                       Fish Soup
|                                                       Flax (Decent)
|                                                       Flax (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       Fodder
|                                                       French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Fried Rice
|                                                       Garnet
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Gold
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Shining)
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Salmon Fried Rice
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Fried Rice
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seafood Pizza
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seafood Stew
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice
|                                                       Southern Omelet
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sushi (Shining)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Tuna Rice
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       427/540 (79.0741%)
| - - -                                                                 [CHASE]
| Chase     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bouillabaisse (Shi... Apple (Shining)       Amber
|           Fish Meuniere (Shi... Apple Pie             Amethyst
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   Banana Milk           Anemone
|           Marmalade             Banana Pudding        Angler Fish
|           Orange Cake           Bodigizer             Apple
|           Orange Juice          Bodigizer XL          Apple Cocktail
|           Orange Pie            Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple Jam
|           Shark Fin Stew        Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple Juice
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Breadfruit (Good)     Aquamarine
|                                 Breadfruit (Perfect)  B. Noodles with Egg
|           9/540 (1.6667%)       Breadfruit (Shining)  Baked Potato
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bamboo Rice
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Bamboo Stew
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Banana
|                                 Carrot Cake           Begonia
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheesecake            Black Pearl
|                                 Chestnut (Shining)    Blue Mist
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Blueberry
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Blueberry Jam
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Blueberry Juice
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Boiled Corn
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Boiled Spinach
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Bonito
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cocoa (Good)          Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Perfect)       Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cold Medicine         Bread
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Cookie                Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Doria                 Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Eel                   Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Conger Eel    Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Halibut       Carp
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Carrot (Good)
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Carrot Juice
|                                 Grilled Shark         Catfish
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Char
|                                 Grilled Tuna          Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Halibut               Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Cheese Omelet
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cheese Risotto
|                                 Herbal Tea            Cherry
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Chestnut
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Chirashi Sushi
|                                 Lobster               Chrysanthemum
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Clam
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Clam Soup
|                                 Mashed Potato         Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Coconut
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Coconut Juice
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Milk Tea              Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Orange (Shining)      Cod
|                                 Orange Cookie         Common Seashell
|                                 Pancake               Conger Eel
|                                 Pie Crust             Coral
|                                 Pinkcat               Corn (Decent)
|                                 Pizza                 Corn (Good)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Pudding               Corn (Shining)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Corn Bread
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Corn Soup
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Cosmos
|                                 Ratatouille           Crawfish
|                                 Rock Lobster          Croquette
|                                 Salmon                Crystal
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Diamond
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Duckonnaise
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Sea Bream             Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Egg Rice
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Egg Salad
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Egg Sandwich
|                                 Seafood Stew          Egg Soup
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Shortcake             Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Emerald
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Fancy Seashell
|                                 Stay Awake            Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Fish Soup
|                                 Stew                  Flax (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry (Good)     Flax (Good)
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Flax (Shining)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Tuna                  Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                 128/540 (23.7037%)    French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Fried Egg
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Garnet
|           Copper                Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Glass
|           Gold                  Empty Can             Goby
|           Iron                  Failed Dish           Grape
|           Limestone             Failed Soup           Grape (Shining)
|           Ore (Copper)          Feed                  Grape Cocktail
|           Ore (Gold)            Fodder                Grape Juice
|           Ore (Iron)            Rubber Boot           Green Bell
|           Ore (Silver)          Silver                Grilled Angler Fish
|           Perfume (Blue)        Swim Shorts           Grilled Bonito
|           Perfume (Decent)      Weird Dish            Grilled Carp
|           Perfume (Green)                             Grilled Catfish
|           Perfume (Purple)      11/540 (2.037%)       Grilled Char
|           Perfume (Red)                               Grilled Cod
|           Perfume (Shining)                           Grilled Crawfish
|           Perfume (Yellow)                            Grilled Eel
|           Pickled Cabbage                             Grilled Eggplant
|           Pickled Eggplant                            Grilled Flounder
|           Pickled Turnip                              Grilled Goby
|           Pontata Root                                Grilled Horse Mackerel
|           Rare Metal                                  Grilled Huchen
|           Scrap Iron                                  Grilled Mackerel
|           Toadstool                                   Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|           23/540 (4.2593%)                            Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Southern Omelet
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       369/540 (68.3333%)
| - - -                                                                 [CHLOE]
| Chloe     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Banana Milk           Amber                 Angler Fish
|           Chocolate Banana      Amethyst              Apple
|           Chocolate Cake        Anemone               Apple (Shining)
|           Chocolate Cookie      Apple Jam             B. Noodles with Egg
|           Chocolate Fondue      Apple Juice           Bamboo en Papilote
|           Chocolate Pie         Apple Pie             Bamboo Stew
|           Chocolate Pudding     Aquamarine            Banana
|           Honeydew Milk         Baked Potato          Big-Scaled Redfin
|           Sardine Tomato Stew   Bamboo Rice           Blue Mist
|           Saury Tomato Stew     Banana Pudding        Blueberry
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Begonia               Boiled Spinach
|           Squid Tomato Stew     Black Pearl           Bonito
|           Strawberry Milk       Blueberry Jam         Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|           Tomato Juice          Blueberry Juice       Box Lunch (Decent)
|           Tomato Omelet         Boiled Corn           Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Box Lunch (Perfect)
|           15/540 (2.7778%)      Bouillabaisse (Per... Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Bread                 Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Carrot Juice          Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Carp
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Carrot (Good)
|                                 Cheesecake            Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Catfish
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Char
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Clam Soup             Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Coconut Juice         Cheese Risotto
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Cherry
|                                 Cookie                Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Chestnut
|                                 Corn Bread            Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Croquette             Chrysanthemum
|                                 Crystal               Clam
|                                 Diamond               Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Doria                 Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Coconut
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Cod
|                                 Egg Rice              Common Seashell
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Conger Eel
|                                 Emerald               Coral
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Corn (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Corn (Good)
|                                 Fish Soup             Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Corn Soup
|                                 Fried Rice            Cosmos
|                                 Garnet                Crawfish
|                                 Grape Juice           Duckonnaise
|                                 Grilled Clam          Eel
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Yam           Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Herb (Red)            Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Bread            Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Egg Salad
|                                 Hibiscus              Egg Sandwich
|                                 Honey (Red)           Egg Soup
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Jade                  Fancy Seashell
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Flax (Decent)
|                                 Marmalade             Flax (Good)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Flax (Shining)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Milk Tea              Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Flounder
|                                 Mushroom Rice         French Fries
|                                 Omelet Rice           Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Fried Egg
|                                 Onion Bread           Glass
|                                 Orange Cake           Goby
|                                 Orange Cookie         Grape
|                                 Orange Juice          Grape (Shining)
|                                 Orange Pie            Green Bell
|                                 Pancake               Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Pearl                 Grilled Bonito
|                                 Peridot               Grilled Carp
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Grilled Catfish
|                                 Pinkcat               Grilled Char
|                                 Pizza                 Grilled Cod
|                                 Plain Omelet          Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Potato Gratin         Grilled Eel
|                                 Potato Pancake        Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Pudding               Grilled Flounder
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Grilled Goby
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Grilled Halibut
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Grilled Huchen
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Grilled King Fish
|                                 Rare Metal            Grilled Lobster
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Roasted Corn          Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Rose                  Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Ruby                  Grilled Octopus
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Grilled Prawn
|                                 Sapphire              Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Grilled Redfin
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Seafood Doria         Grilled Salmon
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Grilled Sardine
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Grilled Saury
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Seafood Stew          Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Grilled Shark
|                                 Shortcake             Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)       Grilled Squid
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Grilled Swordfish
|                                 Southern Omelet       Grilled Tuna
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Grilled Wood Fish
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Spinach Cake          Halibut
|                                 Spinel                Herb (Blue)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Herb (Green)
|                                 Stew                  Herb (Purple)
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry Jam        Herb Fish (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Herbal Tea
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Honey (Blue)
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Honey (Decent)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Honey (Green)
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Honey (Purple)
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Tomato (Perfect)      Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Tomato Soup           Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Topaz                 Horse Mackerel
|                                 Tulip                 Hot Milk
|                                 Tuna Rice             Huchen
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Hyacinth
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       King Fish
|                                 Very Berry Jam        Lavender
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Laver Seaweed
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Lily
|                                 Wonderful (Blue)      Lobster
|                                 Wonderful (Green)     Mackerel
|                                 Wonderful (Purple)    Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Wonderful (Red)       Manta Ray
|                                 Wonderful (White)     Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                 Wonderful (Yellow)    Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Masu Trout
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                 180/540 (33.3333%)    Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 Milk (Goat) (Good)
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Bamboo Shoot          Moondrop
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Morning Glory
|           Coconut Cocktail      Bell Pepper (Decent)  Mushroom
|           Copper                Bell Pepper (Good)    Octopus
|           Failed Dish           Bell Pepper (Perfect) Onion (Decent)
|           Feed                  Bell Pepper (Shining) Onion (Good)
|           Fodder                Bodigizer             Onion (Perfect)
|           Gold                  Bodigizer XL          Orange
|           Grape Cocktail        Cold Medicine         Orange (Shining)
|           Iron                  Empty Can             Ostonnaise
|           Kimchi                Failed Soup           Pansy
|           Limestone             Ratatouille           Perfume (Blue)
|           Ore (Copper)          Rubber Boot           Perfume (Decent)
|           Ore (Gold)            Scrap Iron            Perfume (Green)
|           Ore (Iron)            Stay Awake            Perfume (Purple)
|           Ore (Silver)          Super Stay Awake      Perfume (Red)
|           Rice Cocktail         Swim Shorts           Perfume (Shining)
|           Silver                Toadstool             Perfume (Yellow)
|           Spicy Seafood Soup    Vegetable Juice       Pickled Cabbage
|           Spicy Stew                                  Pickled Eggplant
|           Weird Dish            20/540 (3.7037%)      Pickled Turnip
|           Yam Cocktail                                Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|           23/540 (4.2593%)                            Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       302/540 (55.9259%)
| - - - -                                                               [COLLE]
| Colleen   Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Apple Pie             Apple (Shining)       Amber
|           Chestnut Pie          Apple Cocktail        Amethyst
|           Orange Cake           Apple Jam             Anemone
|           Orange Cookie         Apple Juice           Angler Fish
|           Orange Pie            Bamboo en Papilote    Apple
|           Perfume (Red)         Banana Milk           Aquamarine
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Banana Pudding        B. Noodles with Egg
|                                 Blueberry Cocktail    Baked Potato
|           7/540 (1.2963%)       Blueberry Jam         Bamboo Rice
|                                 Blueberry Juice       Bamboo Stew
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Banana
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Begonia
|                                 Bread                 Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Breadfruit (Perfect)  Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Black Pearl
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Blue Mist
|                                 Carrot Cake           Blueberry
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bodigizer
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bodigizer XL
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Boiled Corn
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Boiled Spinach
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Bonito
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Cheesecake            Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cherry (Shining)      Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Clam Soup             Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Coconut Juice         Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Cookie                Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Corn Bread            Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Croquette             Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Doria                 Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Carp
|                                 Emerald               Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Carrot (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Soup             Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Carrot Juice
|                                 French Fries          Catfish
|                                 Fried Rice            Char
|                                 Grape (Shining)       Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Grape Juice           Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Green Bell            Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Cherry
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Chestnut
|                                 Herb Bread            Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Chestnut Rice
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Chrysanthemum
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Clam
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Coconut
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Hyacinth              Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Jade                  Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Lavender              Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Lily                  Cod
|                                 Marmalade             Cold Medicine
|                                 Mashed Potato         Common Seashell
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Conger Eel
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Coral
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Corn (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Corn (Good)
|                                 Milk Tea              Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Corn (Shining)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Corn Soup
|                                 Omelet Rice           Cosmos
|                                 Onion Bread           Crawfish
|                                 Orange (Shining)      Crystal
|                                 Orange Juice          Diamond
|                                 Pancake               Duckonnaise
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Eel
|                                 Perfume (Green)       Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Egg (Chicken) (Shining)
|                                 Perfume (Yellow)      Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Peridot               Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Pineapple             Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Pizza                 Egg Rice
|                                 Plain Omelet          Egg Salad
|                                 Potato Gratin         Egg Sandwich
|                                 Potato Pancake        Egg Soup
|                                 Pudding               Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Fancy Seashell
|                                 Ratatouille           Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Rose                  Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Flax (Decent)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Flax (Good)
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Flax (Shining)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Flounder
|                                 Shortcake             Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Fried Egg
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Garnet
|                                 Southern Omelet       Glass
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Goby
|                                 Spicy Stew            Grape
|                                 Spinach Cake          Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Grilled Bonito
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Grilled Carp
|                                 Steamed Egg           Grilled Catfish
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Grilled Char
|                                 Stew                  Grilled Cod
|                                 Stir Fry              Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Grilled Eel
|                                 Strawberry Jam        Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Grilled Flounder
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Grilled Goby
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Grilled Halibut
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Grilled Huchen
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Grilled King Fish
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Grilled Lobster
|                                 Very Berry Jam        Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Yogurt                Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 151/540 (27.963%)     Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Grilled Rainbow Trout
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Grilled Redfin
|           Chirashi Sushi        Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Grilled Rock Lobster
|           Copper                Empty Can             Grilled Rock Trout
|           Feed                  Failed Dish           Grilled Rockfish
|           Fodder                Failed Soup           Grilled Salmon
|           Gold                  Rubber Boot           Grilled Sardine
|           Iron                  Scrap Iron            Grilled Saury
|           Limestone             Swim Shorts           Grilled Sea Bream
|           Marinated Fish (De... Toadstool             Grilled Seasky Fish
|           Marinated Fish (Good) Weird Dish            Grilled Shark
|           Marinated Fish (Pe...                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|           Marinated Fish (Sh... 10/540 (1.8519%)      Grilled Squid
|           Ore (Copper)                                Grilled Swordfish
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Grilled Tuna
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Grilled Wood Fish
|           Ore (Silver)                                Grilled Yam
|           Sashimi (Decent)                            Grilled Yellow Tail
|           Sashimi (Good)                              Halibut
|           Sashimi (Perfect)                           Herb (Blue)
|           Sashimi (Shining)                           Herb (Green)
|           Silver                                      Herb (Purple)
|           Sushi (Decent)                              Herb (Red)
|           Sushi (Good)                                Herb (Yellow)
|           Sushi (Perfect)                             Herbal Tea
|           Sushi (Shining)                             Hibiscus
|           Tuna Rice                                   Honey (Blue)
|           Vegetable Juice                             Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|           27/540 (5%)                                 Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       345/540 (63.8889%)
| - - -                                                                 [CRAIG]
| Craig     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Grilled Eggplant      Apple Cocktail        Amber
|           Pickled Cabbage       Baked Potato          Amethyst
|           Pickled Eggplant      Bamboo en Papilote    Anemone
|           Ratatouille           Bamboo Rice           Angler Fish
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bamboo Stew           Apple
|           Spicy Seafood Soup    Blue Mist             Apple (Shining)
|           Spinach Risotto       Blueberry Cocktail    Apple Jam
|           Stir Fry              Boiled Corn           Apple Juice
|           Vegetable Sandwich    Boiled Spinach        Apple Pie
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Aquamarine
|           9/540 (1.6667%)       Buckwheat Cocktail    B. Noodles with Egg
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Banana
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Banana Pudding
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Begonia
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cabbage (Perfect)     Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Carrot Juice          Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Black Pearl
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Blueberry
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Blueberry Jam
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Blueberry Juice
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Bodigizer
|                                 Corn Bread            Bodigizer XL
|                                 Croquette             Bonito
|                                 Eel Bowl              Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Egg Rice              Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Egg Salad             Bread
|                                 Egg Sandwich          Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Eggplant (Perfect)    Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 French Fries          Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Fried Rice            Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Lily                  Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Limestone             Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Carp
|                                 Onion Bread           Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Pansy                 Carrot (Good)
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Potato Miso Soup      Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Potato Stew           Catfish
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Char
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Cherry
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Rice (Perfect)        Chestnut
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Chocolate Banana
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Chocolate Bar
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Chocolate Cake
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Chocolate Pie
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Chocolate Pudding
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Chrysanthemum
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Clam
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Clam Soup
|                                 Seafood Stew          Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Perfect)Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Coconut
|                                 Spicy Stew            Coconut Juice
|                                 Spinach Cake          Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Stew                  Cod
|                                 Sunflower             Cold Medicine
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Common Seashell
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Conger Eel
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Cookie
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Copper
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Coral
|                                 Tomato Juice          Corn (Decent)
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Corn (Good)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Corn (Shining)
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Cosmos
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Crawfish
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Crystal
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Diamond
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Duckonnaise
|                                                       Eel
|                                 97/540 (17.963%)      Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|           Banana Milk           Algae                 Egg (Duck) (Good)
|           Cheese (Cow) (Decent) Bamboo Shoot          Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|           Cheese (Cow) (Good)   Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|           Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Cheese Fondue         Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|           Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Cheese Omelet         Eggplant (Decent)
|           Cheese (Goat) (Decent)Cheese Risotto        Eggplant (Good)
|           Cheese (Goat) (Good)  Cheesecake            Emerald
|           Cheese (Goat) (Per... Empty Can             Fancy Seashell
|           Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Failed Dish           Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|           Corn Soup             Failed Soup           Fish Meuniere (Good)
|           Doria                 Hot Milk              Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|           Egg Soup              Rubber Boot           Fish Soup
|           Feed                  Scrap Iron            Flax (Decent)
|           Fodder                Swim Shorts           Flax (Good)
|           Honeydew Milk         Toadstool             Flax (Perfect)
|           Hot Cocoa             Weird Dish            Flax (Shining)
|           Milk (Cow) (Decent)   Yogurt                Flax Yarn (Blue)
|           Milk (Cow) (Good)     Yogurt Drink          Flax Yarn (Decent)
|           Milk (Cow) (Perfect)                        Flax Yarn (Good)
|           Milk (Cow) (Shining)  18/540 (3.3333%)      Flax Yarn (Green)
|           Milk (Goat) (Decent)                        Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|           Milk (Goat) (Good)                          Flax Yarn (Purple)
|           Milk (Goat) (Perfect)                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|           Milk (Goat) (Shining)                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|           Milk Tea                                    Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|           Mushroom Gratin                             Flounder
|           Pizza                                       Freshwater Prawn
|           Potato Gratin                               Fried Egg
|           Seafood Doria                               Garnet
|           Seafood Gratin                              Glass
|           Seafood Pizza                               Goby
|           Strawberry Milk                             Gold
|           Tomato Soup                                 Grape
|           Vegetable Pizza                             Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Juice
|           34/540 (6.2963%)                            Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       382/540 (70.7407%)
| - - - -                                                               [DAKOT]
| Dakota    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Chestnut Pie          Amethyst              Amber
|           Chocolate Banana      Anemone               Angler Fish
|           Herb Bread            Apple Juice           Apple
|           Herb Cookie           Apple Pie             Apple (Shining)
|           Mont Blanc Cake       B. Noodles with Egg   Apple Cocktail
|           Perfume (Shining)     Baked Potato          Apple Jam
|           Pumpkin Cake          Bamboo Rice           Aquamarine
|           Pumpkin Croquette     Banana Milk           Bamboo en Papilote
|           Pumpkin Pie           Banana Pudding        Bamboo Stew
|           Pumpkin Pudding       Bell Pepper (Shining) Banana
|           Roasted Chestnut      Blue Mist             Begonia
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Blueberry Juice       Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Boiled Corn           Bell Pepper (Good)
|           12/540 (2.2222%)      Bouillabaisse (Decent)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Black Pearl
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Blueberry
|                                 Bread                 Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Breadfruit (Perfect)  Blueberry Jam
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Boiled Spinach
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Bonito
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Cheesecake            Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Chestnut (Shining)    Carp
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Carrot (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Carrot Juice
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Catfish
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Char
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Clam                  Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Clam Soup             Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Cherry
|                                 Coconut Juice         Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Chestnut
|                                 Cookie                Chrysanthemum
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Corn Bread            Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Croquette             Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Doria                 Coconut
|                                 Eel Bowl              Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Cod
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Common Seashell
|                                 Egg Rice              Conger Eel
|                                 Egg Salad             Coral
|                                 Egg Sandwich          Corn (Decent)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Corn (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Corn Soup
|                                 Fish Soup             Cosmos
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Crawfish
|                                 French Fries          Crystal
|                                 Fried Rice            Diamond
|                                 Grape Juice           Duckonnaise
|                                 Green Bell            Eel
|                                 Grilled Clam          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Yam           Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Herb (Green)          Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Herb (Red)            Egg Soup
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Herbal Tea            Emerald
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Fancy Seashell
|                                 Honey (Red)           Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Flax (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Flax (Good)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Hot Milk              Flax (Shining)
|                                 Lavender              Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Flounder
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Fried Egg
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Garnet
|                                 Milk Tea              Glass
|                                 Moondrop              Goby
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Grape
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Grape (Shining)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Grape Cocktail
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Onion Bread           Grilled Bonito
|                                 Orange Cake           Grilled Carp
|                                 Orange Cookie         Grilled Catfish
|                                 Orange Juice          Grilled Char
|                                 Orange Pie            Grilled Cod
|                                 Pancake               Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Pansy                 Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Grilled Eel
|                                 Perfume (Decent)      Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Perfume (Green)       Grilled Flounder
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Grilled Goby
|                                 Perfume (Red)         Grilled Halibut
|                                 Perfume (Yellow)      Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Grilled Huchen
|                                 Pinkcat               Grilled King Fish
|                                 Pizza                 Grilled Lobster
|                                 Plain Omelet          Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Potato Gratin         Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Potato Pancake        Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Pudding               Grilled Octopus
|                                 Pumpkin (Perfect)     Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Grilled Prawn
|                                 Ratatouille           Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Roasted Corn          Grilled Redfin
|                                 Rose                  Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                 Royal Jelly           Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Grilled Salmon
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Grilled Sardine
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Grilled Saury
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Grilled Shark
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                 Seafood Doria         Grilled Squid
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Grilled Swordfish
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Grilled Tuna
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Grilled Wood Fish
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Seafood Stew          Halibut
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Herb Fish (Good)
|                                 Shortcake             Hibiscus
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Honey (Blue)
|                                 Snowflake             Honey (Decent)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Honey (Green)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Horse Mackerel
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Huchen
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Hyacinth
|                                 Steamed Egg           Jade
|                                 Stew                  Kimchi
|                                 Stir Fry              King Fish
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Lapis Lazuli
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Laver Seaweed
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Lily
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Lobster
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Mackerel
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Manta Ray
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Marinated Mushrooms
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Marmalade
|                                 Tomato Juice          Masu Trout
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Moonlight Stone
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Morning Glory
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Mushroom
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Octopus
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Onion (Decent)
|                                 Yogurt                Onion (Good)
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Orange
|                                 193/540 (35.7407%)    Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Pearl
|           Bodigizer             Algae                 Peridot
|           Bodigizer XL          Bamboo Shoot          Pickled Cabbage
|           Cold Medicine         Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Pickled Eggplant
|           Copper                Empty Can             Pickled Turnip
|           Failed Soup           Failed Dish           Pie Crust
|           Feed                  Rubber Boot           Pineapple
|           Fodder                Scrap Iron            Pond Smelt
|           Gold                  Swim Shorts           Pontata Root
|           Iron                  Toadstool             Potato (Decent)
|           Limestone             Vegetable Juice       Potato (Good)
|           Ore (Copper)          Weird Dish            Potato (Perfect)
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Potato Miso Soup
|           Ore (Iron)            11/540 (2.037%)       Potato Stew
|           Ore (Silver)                                Puffer Fish
|           Silver                                      Pumpkin (Decent)
|           Stay Awake                                  Pumpkin (Good)
|           Super Stay Awake                            Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|           17/540 (3.1481%)                            Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       307/540 (56.8519%)
| - - -                                                                 [DALE-]
| Dale      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Buckwheat Cocktail    Apple Cocktail        Amber
|           Coconut Cocktail      B. Noodles with Egg   Amethyst
|           Doria                 Bamboo Rice           Anemone
|           Kimchi                Bell Pepper (Shining) Angler Fish
|           Onion Bread           Blueberry Cocktail    Apple
|           Rice Cocktail         Bouillabaisse (Decent)Apple (Shining)
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple Jam
|           Spicy Seafood Soup    Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple Juice
|           Spicy Stew            Bouillabaisse (Shi... Aquamarine
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Baked Potato
|           9/540 (1.6667%)       Buckwheat (Shining)   Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bamboo Stew
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Banana
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Banana Milk
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Begonia
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Blue Mist
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Blueberry
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Blueberry Jam
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Blueberry Juice
|                                 Chestnut (Shining)    Bodigizer
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Bodigizer XL
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Boiled Corn
|                                 Clam Soup             Boiled Spinach
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Bonito
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Bread
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Egg Rice              Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Fish Soup             Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 French Fries          Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Fried Rice            Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Shark         Carp
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Carrot (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Carrot Juice
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Catfish
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Char
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Marinated Mushrooms   Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Cherry
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Chestnut
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Chrysanthemum
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Clam
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Onion (Perfect)       Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Coconut
|                                 Pizza                 Coconut Juice
|                                 Plain Omelet          Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Ratatouille           Cod
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Cold Medicine
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Common Seashell
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Conger Eel
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Coral
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Corn (Decent)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Corn (Good)
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Corn Bread
|                                 Sea Urchin            Corn Soup
|                                 Seafood Doria         Cosmos
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Crawfish
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Croquette
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Crystal
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Diamond
|                                 Seafood Stew          Duckonnaise
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Eel
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Perfect)Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Egg Salad
|                                 Steamed Egg           Egg Sandwich
|                                 Stew                  Egg Soup
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Emerald
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Fancy Seashell
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Flax (Decent)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Flax (Good)
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Flax (Shining)
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 117/540 (21.6667%)    Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Flax Yarn (Shining)
|           Algae                 Apple Pie             Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|           Bamboo Shoot          Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Flounder
|           Carrot Cake           Banana Pudding        Freshwater Prawn
|           Cheesecake            Chestnut Pie          Fried Egg
|           Chocolate Banana      Chocolate Pie         Garnet
|           Chocolate Bar         Chocolate Pudding     Glass
|           Chocolate Cake        Failed Dish           Goby
|           Chocolate Cookie      Failed Soup           Grape
|           Cookie                Orange Pie            Grape (Shining)
|           Copper                Pudding               Grape Juice
|           Empty Can             Pumpkin Pie           Green Bell
|           Feed                  Pumpkin Pudding       Grilled Angler Fish
|           Fodder                Toadstool             Grilled Bonito
|           Gold                  Weird Dish            Grilled Carp
|           Herb Cookie                                 Grilled Catfish
|           Iron                  14/540 (2.5926%)      Grilled Char
|           Limestone                                   Grilled Cod
|           Mont Blanc Cake                             Grilled Conger Eel
|           Orange Cake                                 Grilled Crawfish
|           Orange Cookie                               Grilled Eel
|           Ore (Copper)                                Grilled Eggplant
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Grilled Flounder
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Grilled Goby
|           Ore (Silver)                                Grilled Halibut
|           Pumpkin Cake                                Grilled Horse Mackerel
|           Rubber Boot                                 Grilled Huchen
|           Scrap Iron                                  Grilled Lobster
|           Shortcake                                   Grilled Mackerel
|           Silver                                      Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|           Spinach Cake                                Grilled Manta Ray
|           Sweet Potato Cake                           Grilled Masu Trout
|           Swim Shorts                                 Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|           32/540 (5.9259%)                            Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       368/540 (68.1481%)
| - - -                                                                 [ELLI-]
| Elli      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Carrot Cake           Apple Juice           Amber
|           Cheesecake            Apple Pie             Amethyst
|           Chocolate Cake        Aquamarine            Anemone
|           Mont Blanc Cake       B. Noodles with Egg   Angler Fish
|           Orange Cake           Baked Potato          Apple
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bamboo en Papilote    Apple (Shining)
|           Shortcake             Bamboo Stew           Apple Cocktail
|           Spinach Cake          Banana Milk           Apple Jam
|           Strawberry Milk       Banana Pudding        Bamboo Rice
|           Sweet Potato Cake     Bell Pepper (Shining) Banana
|           Wool Yarn (Blue)      Blue Mist             Begonia
|                                 Blueberry Juice       Bell Pepper (Decent)
|           11/540 (2.037%)       Bodigizer             Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Bodigizer XL          Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Boiled Corn           Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Black Pearl
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Blueberry
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Bread                 Blueberry Jam
|                                 Breadfruit (Perfect)  Boiled Spinach
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Bonito
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Carrot Juice          Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Carp
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Carrot (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Catfish
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Char
|                                 Clam Soup             Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Coconut Juice         Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Cold Medicine         Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Cheese Risotto
|                                 Cookie                Cherry
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Corn Bread            Chestnut
|                                 Croquette             Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Doria                 Chestnut Rice
|                                 Eel Bowl              Chrysanthemum
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Clam
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Coconut
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Soup             Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Flax (Shining)        Cod
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Common Seashell
|                                 French Fries          Conger Eel
|                                 Fried Rice            Coral
|                                 Grape Juice           Corn (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Corn (Good)
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Corn Soup
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Cosmos
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Crawfish
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Crystal
|                                 Grilled Shark         Diamond
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Duckonnaise
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Eel
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Yam           Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Bread            Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Egg Rice
|                                 Herbal Tea            Egg Salad
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Egg Sandwich
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Egg Soup
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Emerald
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Fancy Seashell
|                                 Mashed Potato         Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Flax (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Flax (Good)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Milk Tea              Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Moondrop              Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Onion Bread           Flounder
|                                 Orange Cookie         Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Orange Juice          Fried Egg
|                                 Orange Pie            Garnet
|                                 Pancake               Glass
|                                 Pearl                 Goby
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Grape
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Grape (Shining)
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Grape Cocktail
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Green Bell
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Grilled Bonito
|                                 Pinkcat               Grilled Carp
|                                 Pizza                 Grilled Catfish
|                                 Plain Omelet          Grilled Char
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Grilled Cod
|                                 Potato Gratin         Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Potato Pancake        Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Potato Stew           Grilled Eel
|                                 Pudding               Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Grilled Flounder
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Grilled Goby
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Grilled Halibut
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Grilled Huchen
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Ratatouille           Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Roasted Corn          Grilled Octopus
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Grilled Prawn
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Grilled Redfin
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Grilled Salmon
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Grilled Sardine
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Grilled Saury
|                                 Seafood Doria         Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Grilled Squid
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Grilled Tuna
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Seafood Stew          Halibut
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Herb (Green)
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Herb (Purple)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Herb (Red)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Snowflake             Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Herb Fish (Good)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Hibiscus
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Honey (Decent)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Honey (Green)
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Honey (Purple)
|                                 Stew                  Honey (Red)
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Horse Mackerel
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Hot Milk
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Huchen
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Hyacinth
|                                 Tomato Juice          Jade
|                                 Tomato Omelet         King Fish
|                                 Tuna Rice             Lapis Lazuli
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Lavender
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Laver Seaweed
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Lily
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Limestone
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Lobster
|                                 Wool (Perfect)        Mackerel
|                                 Wool (Shining)        Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Manta Ray
|                                 Wool Yarn (Perfect)   Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                 Wool Yarn (Shining)   Marmalade
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Masu Trout
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                 Yogurt                Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                 191/540 (35.3704%)    Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Morning Glory
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Mushroom
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Empty Can             Mushroom Rice
|           Copper                Failed Dish           Octopus
|           Feed                  Failed Soup           Onion (Decent)
|           Fodder                Kimchi                Onion (Good)
|           Gold                  Rubber Boot           Onion (Perfect)
|           Iron                  Spicy Seafood Soup    Orange
|           Ore (Copper)          Spicy Stew            Orange (Shining)
|           Ore (Gold)            Swim Shorts           Ostonnaise
|           Ore (Iron)            Weird Dish            Pansy
|           Ore (Silver)                                Perfume (Decent)
|           Rare Metal            10/540 (1.8519%)      Perfume (Green)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Perfume (Purple)
|           Silver                                      Perfume (Red)
|           Toadstool                                   Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|           15/540 (2.7778%)                            Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice
|                                                       Southern Omelet
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       313/540 (57.963%)
| - - -                                                                 [GILL-]
| Gill      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Ratatouille           Angler Fish           Amber
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Black Pearl           Amethyst
|           Tomato Juice          Bodigizer             Anemone
|           Tomato Omelet         Bodigizer XL          Apple
|           Tomato Risotto        Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple (Shining)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple Jam
|           5/540 (0.9259%)       Bouillabaisse (Shi... Apple Juice
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Apple Pie
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Aquamarine
|                                 Carrot Juice          B. Noodles with Egg
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Baked Potato
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Bamboo Rice
|                                 Cherry (Shining)      Bamboo Stew
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Banana
|                                 Clam                  Banana Milk
|                                 Cocoon (Shining)      Banana Pudding
|                                 Cold Medicine         Begonia
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Diamond               Blue Mist
|                                 Eel Bowl              Blueberry
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Blueberry Jam
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Blueberry Juice
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Boiled Corn
|                                 Emerald               Boiled Spinach
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Decent)Bonito
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Gold                  Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Bread
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Lavender              Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Lobster               Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Butter (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Ore (Gold)            Butter (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Rare Metal            Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Ruby                  Carp
|                                 Sapphire              Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Carrot (Good)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Carrot Cake
|                                 Sea Urchin            Catfish
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Char
|                                 Silver                Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Skull Jellyfish       Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Stay Awake            Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Cheese (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Tomato (Perfect)      Cheese Fondue
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Cheese Risotto
|                                 Tuna Rice             Cheesecake
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Cherry
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Chestnut
|                                 Wool (Shining)        Chestnut (Shining)
|                                                       Chestnut Pie
|                                 72/540 (13.3333%)     Chestnut Rice
|                                                       Chocolate Banana
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Chocolate Bar
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 Chocolate Cake
|           Bell Pepper (Decent)  Bamboo Shoot          Chocolate Cookie
|           Bell Pepper (Good)    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Chocolate Fondue
|           Bell Pepper (Perfect) Empty Can             Chocolate Pie
|           Bell Pepper (Shining) Failed Dish           Chocolate Pudding
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Failed Soup           Chrysanthemum
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Rubber Boot           Clam Soup
|           Coconut Cocktail      Stir Fry              Cocoa (Decent)
|           Feed                  Swim Shorts           Cocoa (Good)
|           Fodder                Toadstool             Cocoa (Perfect)
|           Grape Cocktail        Vegetable Juice       Cocoa (Shining)
|           Kimchi                Weird Dish            Coconut
|           Rice Cocktail                               Coconut Juice
|           Scrap Iron            12/540 (2.2222%)      Cocoon (Decent)
|           Shark                                       Cocoon (Good)
|           Yam Cocktail                                Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                                       Cod
|           16/540 (2.963%)                             Common Seashell
|                                                       Conger Eel
|                                                       Cookie
|                                                       Copper
|                                                       Coral
|                                                       Corn (Decent)
|                                                       Corn (Good)
|                                                       Corn (Perfect)
|                                                       Corn (Shining)
|                                                       Corn Bread
|                                                       Corn Soup
|                                                       Cosmos
|                                                       Crawfish
|                                                       Croquette
|                                                       Crystal
|                                                       Doria
|                                                       Duckonnaise
|                                                       Eel
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg Rice
|                                                       Egg Salad
|                                                       Egg Sandwich
|                                                       Egg Soup
|                                                       Eggplant (Decent)
|                                                       Eggplant (Good)
|                                                       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                                       Eggplant (Shining)
|                                                       Fancy Seashell
|                                                       Fish Soup
|                                                       Flax (Decent)
|                                                       Flax (Good)
|                                                       Flax (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Fried Rice
|                                                       Garnet
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Shining)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Salmon Fried Rice
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Fried Rice
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seafood Pizza
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seafood Stew
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice
|                                                       Southern Omelet
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       435/540 (80.5556%)
| - - -                                                                 [GRAY-]
| Gray      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Baked Potato          Apple Juice           Amber
|           Cheese Omelet         Bamboo en Papilote    Amethyst
|           Croquette             Bamboo Stew           Anemone
|           French Fries          Banana Milk           Angler Fish
|           Omelet Rice           Bell Pepper (Shining) Apple
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Blue Mist             Apple (Shining)
|           Yogurt Drink          Blueberry Juice       Apple Cocktail
|                                 Boiled Corn           Apple Jam
|           7/540 (1.2963%)       Boiled Spinach        Apple Pie
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Decent)Aquamarine
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  B. Noodles with Egg
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Bamboo Rice
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Banana
|                                 Bread                 Banana Pudding
|                                 Breadfruit (Perfect)  Begonia
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Black Pearl
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Blueberry
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Blueberry Jam
|                                 Carrot Juice          Bodigizer
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bodigizer XL
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bonito
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Corn Bread            Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Doria                 Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Flax (Shining)        Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Fodder                Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Grape Juice           Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Bread            Carp
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Carrot (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Carrot Cake
|                                 Herbal Tea            Catfish
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Char
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Hot Milk              Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Cheese Fondue
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Cheese Risotto
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Cheesecake
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Cherry
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Chestnut
|                                 Milk Tea              Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Chestnut Pie
|                                 Onion Bread           Chestnut Rice
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Chocolate Cake
|                                 Pinkcat               Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Pizza                 Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Plain Omelet          Chocolate Pie
|                                 Potato (Perfect)      Chocolate Pudding
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Chrysanthemum
|                                 Potato Gratin         Clam
|                                 Potato Stew           Clam Soup
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Ratatouille           Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Coconut
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Coconut Juice
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Cod
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Cold Medicine
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Common Seashell
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Conger Eel
|                                 Seafood Stew          Cookie
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Coral
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Corn (Decent)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Corn (Good)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Corn Soup
|                                 Spicy Stew            Cosmos
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Crawfish
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Crystal
|                                 Steamed Egg           Diamond
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Duckonnaise
|                                 Stew                  Eel
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Tomato Juice          Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Egg Rice
|                                 Tuna Rice             Egg Salad
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Egg Sandwich
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Egg Soup
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Emerald
|                                                       Fancy Seashell
|                                 114/540 (21.1111%)    Feed
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Fish Meuniere (Good)
|           Chocolate Banana      Algae                 Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|           Chocolate Bar         Bamboo Shoot          Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|           Copper                Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Fish Soup
|           Gold                  Empty Can             Flax (Decent)
|           Iron                  Failed Dish           Flax (Good)
|           Ore (Copper)          Failed Soup           Flax (Perfect)
|           Ore (Gold)            Ore (Iron)            Flax Yarn (Blue)
|           Perfume (Blue)        Ore (Silver)          Flax Yarn (Decent)
|           Perfume (Decent)      Rubber Boot           Flax Yarn (Good)
|           Perfume (Green)       Swim Shorts           Flax Yarn (Green)
|           Perfume (Purple)      Weird Dish            Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|           Perfume (Red)                               Flax Yarn (Purple)
|           Perfume (Shining)     11/540 (2.037%)       Flax Yarn (Red)
|           Perfume (Yellow)                            Flax Yarn (Shining)
|           Rare Metal                                  Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Flounder
|           Shark Fin Stew                              Freshwater Prawn
|           Silver                                      Fried Egg
|           Toadstool                                   Garnet
|                                                       Glass
|           19/540 (3.5185%)                            Goby
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Cocktail
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       389/540 (72.037%)
| - - - - -                                                             [HAMIL]
| Hamilton  Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Baked Potato          Apple Pie             Amber
|           Croquette             B. Noodles with Egg   Amethyst
|           Mashed Potato         Bamboo en Papilote    Anemone
|           Potato Gratin         Bamboo Stew           Angler Fish
|           Potato Miso Soup      Banana Pudding        Apple
|           Potato Pancake        Bodigizer             Apple (Shining)
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bodigizer XL          Apple Jam
|           Stew                  Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple Juice
|           Tempura Buckwheat ... Bouillabaisse (Shi... Aquamarine
|                                 Bread                 Bamboo Rice
|           9/540 (1.6667%)       Buckwheat Chips       Bamboo Shoot
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Banana
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Banana Milk
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Begonia
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Blue Mist
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Blueberry
|                                 Cheesecake            Blueberry Jam
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Blueberry Juice
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Boiled Corn
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Boiled Spinach
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Bonito
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Clam Soup             Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cocoon (Shining)      Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Cold Medicine         Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cookie                Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Corn Bread            Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Doria                 Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg Salad             Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg Sandwich          Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Fish Soup             Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 French Fries          Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Gold                  Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Carp
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Herb Bread            Carrot (Good)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Carrot Juice
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Catfish
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Char
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Cheese Fondue
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cheese Risotto
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Cherry
|                                 Moondrop              Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Chestnut
|                                 Omelet Rice           Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Onion Bread           Chestnut Rice
|                                 Orange Cake           Chocolate Banana
|                                 Orange Cookie         Chocolate Bar
|                                 Orange Pie            Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Ore (Gold)            Chrysanthemum
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Clam
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Pizza                 Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Plain Omelet          Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Potato (Perfect)      Coconut
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Coconut Juice
|                                 Potato Stew           Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Pudding               Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Cod
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Common Seashell
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Conger Eel
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Copper
|                                 Ratatouille           Coral
|                                 Royal Jelly           Corn (Decent)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Corn (Good)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Corn (Shining)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Corn Soup
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Cosmos
|                                 Seafood Doria         Crawfish
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Crystal
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Diamond
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Duckonnaise
|                                 Seafood Stew          Eel
|                                 Seaweed Miso Soup     Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Shortcake             Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Egg Rice
|                                 Steamed Egg           Egg Soup
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Emerald
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Fancy Seashell
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Feed
|                                 Tuna Rice             Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Flax (Decent)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Flax (Good)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Flax (Shining)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Shining)   Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 123/540 (22.7778%)    Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Flax Yarn (Purple)
|           Algae                 Apple Cocktail        Flax Yarn (Red)
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Blueberry Cocktail    Flax Yarn (Shining)
|           Empty Can             Buckwheat Cocktail    Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|           Failed Dish           Coconut Cocktail      Flounder
|           Failed Soup           Grape Cocktail        Fodder
|           King Fish             Rice Cocktail         Freshwater Prawn
|           Rubber Boot           Yam Cocktail          Fried Egg
|           Scrap Iron                                  Garnet
|           Swim Shorts           7/540 (1.2963%)       Glass
|           Toadstool                                   Goby
|           Weird Dish                                  Grape
|           Wood Fish                                   Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Juice
|           12/540 (2.2222%)                            Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       389/540 (72.037%)
| - - -                                                                 [HANNA]
| Hanna     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) B. Noodles with Egg   Apple Pie             Amber
|           Egg Rice              Bamboo en Papilote    Amethyst
|           Egg Salad             Banana Milk           Anemone
|           Egg Sandwich          Banana Pudding        Angler Fish
|           Omelet Rice           Bodigizer             Apple
|           Pickled Cabbage       Bodigizer XL          Apple (Shining)
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple Jam
|           Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple Juice
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Aquamarine
|           8/540 (1.4815%)       Bread                 Baked Potato
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Bamboo Rice
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bamboo Shoot
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bamboo Stew
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Banana
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Begonia
|                                 Cabbage (Perfect)     Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Blue Mist
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Blueberry
|                                 Cheesecake            Blueberry Jam
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Blueberry Juice
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Boiled Corn
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Boiled Spinach
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Bonito
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Cocoon (Shining)      Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Cold Medicine         Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Cookie                Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Corn Bread            Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Croquette             Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Doria                 Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg Soup              Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Decent)Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Carp
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Carrot (Good)
|                                 Fried Egg             Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Fried Rice            Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Carrot Juice
|                                 Herb Bread            Catfish
|                                 Herb Cookie           Char
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Herbal Tea            Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Cheese Fondue
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Cheese Risotto
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Cherry
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Chestnut
|                                 Mashed Potato         Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Chestnut Rice
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Chocolate Bar
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Chrysanthemum
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Clam
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Clam Soup
|                                 Milk Tea              Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Moondrop              Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Morning Glory         Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Coconut
|                                 Onion Bread           Coconut Juice
|                                 Orange Cake           Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Orange Cookie         Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Orange Pie            Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Pancake               Cod
|                                 Pansy                 Common Seashell
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Conger Eel
|                                 Pizza                 Coral
|                                 Plain Omelet          Corn (Decent)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Corn (Good)
|                                 Potato Pancake        Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Pudding               Corn (Shining)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Corn Soup
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Cosmos
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Crawfish
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Crystal
|                                 Ratatouille           Diamond
|                                 Royal Jelly           Duckonnaise
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Eel
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Emerald
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Fancy Seashell
|                                 Shortcake             Feed
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Fish Soup
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Flax (Decent)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Flax (Good)
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Flax (Shining)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Stay Awake            Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Stew                  Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Stir Fry              Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Sunflower             Flounder
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Fodder
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       French Fries
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Garnet
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Glass
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Goby
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Gold
|                                 Tuna Rice             Grape
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Grape (Shining)
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Grape Juice
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Green Bell
|                                 Wool (Perfect)        Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Wool (Shining)        Grilled Bonito
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Grilled Carp
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Grilled Catfish
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Grilled Char
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Grilled Clam
|                                 Wool Yarn (Shining)   Grilled Cod
|                                 Yogurt                Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                 143/540 (26.4815%)    Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Grilled Goby
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 Grilled Halibut
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Empty Can             Grilled Horse Mackerel
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Failed Dish           Grilled Huchen
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Failed Soup           Grilled King Fish
|           Coconut Cocktail      Rubber Boot           Grilled Lobster
|           Copper                Scrap Iron            Grilled Mackerel
|           Grape Cocktail        Swim Shorts           Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|           Iron                  Weird Dish            Grilled Manta Ray
|           Ore (Copper)                                Grilled Masu Trout
|           Ore (Iron)            8/540 (1.4815%)       Grilled Octopus
|           Rice Cocktail                               Grilled Pond Smelt
|           Toadstool                                   Grilled Prawn
|           Yam Cocktail                                Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|           13/540 (2.4074%)                            Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       368/540 (68.1481%)
| - - - -                                                               [HAYDE]
| Hayden    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Blueberry Cocktail    Apple (Shining)       Amber
|           Cheese Fondue         Apple Cocktail        Amethyst
|           Cheese Omelet         Bamboo Rice           Anemone
|           Pizza                 Bell Pepper (Shining) Angler Fish
|           Rice Cocktail         Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple
|           Seafood Pizza         Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple Juice
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bouillabaisse (Shi... Aquamarine
|           Vegetable Pizza       Breadfruit (Shining)  B. Noodles with Egg
|                                 Buckwheat (Perfect)   Baked Potato
|           8/540 (1.4815%)       Buckwheat (Shining)   Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Bamboo Stew
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Banana
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Banana Milk
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Begonia
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Good)   Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Blue Mist
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Good)  Blueberry
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Blueberry Juice
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bodigizer
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Bodigizer XL
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Boiled Corn
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Boiled Spinach
|                                 Clam                  Bonito
|                                 Clam Soup             Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Doria                 Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Bread
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Egg Rice              Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Fish Soup             Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 French Fries          Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Grape                 Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Grape (Shining)       Carp
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Carrot (Good)
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Carrot Juice
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Catfish
|                                 Grilled Shark         Char
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cherry
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Chestnut
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Chrysanthemum
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Coconut
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Coconut Juice
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Cod
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Cold Medicine
|                                 Omelet Rice           Common Seashell
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Conger Eel
|                                 Plain Omelet          Coral
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Corn (Decent)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Corn (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Ratatouille           Corn Bread
|                                 Rice (Perfect)        Corn Soup
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Cosmos
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Crawfish
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Croquette
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Crystal
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Diamond
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Duckonnaise
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Eel
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Egg Salad
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Egg Sandwich
|                                 Southern Omelet       Egg Soup
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Emerald
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Fancy Seashell
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Stew                  Flax (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Flax (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Flax (Shining)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Yam (Perfect)         Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Flounder
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                 114/540 (21.1111%)    Fried Egg
|                                                       Garnet
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Glass
|           Algae                 Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Goby
|           Apple Jam             Failed Dish           Grape Juice
|           Apple Pie             Failed Soup           Green Bell
|           Bamboo Shoot          Toadstool             Grilled Angler Fish
|           Banana Pudding        Weird Dish            Grilled Bonito
|           Blueberry Jam                               Grilled Carp
|           Carrot Cake           5/540 (0.9259%)       Grilled Catfish
|           Cheesecake                                  Grilled Char
|           Chestnut Pie                                Grilled Cod
|           Chocolate Banana                            Grilled Conger Eel
|           Chocolate Bar                               Grilled Crawfish
|           Chocolate Cake                              Grilled Eel
|           Chocolate Cookie                            Grilled Eggplant
|           Chocolate Fondue                            Grilled Flounder
|           Chocolate Pie                               Grilled Goby
|           Chocolate Pudding                           Grilled Halibut
|           Cocoa (Decent)                              Grilled Horse Mackerel
|           Cocoa (Good)                                Grilled Huchen
|           Cocoa (Perfect)                             Grilled Lobster
|           Cocoa (Shining)                             Grilled Mackerel
|           Cookie                                      Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|           Copper                                      Grilled Manta Ray
|           Empty Can                                   Grilled Masu Trout
|           Feed                                        Grilled Octopus
|           Fodder                                      Grilled Pond Smelt
|           Gold                                        Grilled Prawn
|           Herb Cookie                                 Grilled Puffer Fish
|           Iron                                        Grilled Rainbow Trout
|           Limestone                                   Grilled Redfin
|           Marmalade                                   Grilled Rock Lobster
|           Mont Blanc Cake                             Grilled Rock Trout
|           Orange Cake                                 Grilled Rockfish
|           Orange Cookie                               Grilled Salmon
|           Orange Pie                                  Grilled Sardine
|           Ore (Copper)                                Grilled Saury
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Grilled Sea Bream
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Grilled Squid
|           Ore (Silver)                                Grilled Swordfish
|           Pudding                                     Grilled Tuna
|           Pumpkin Cake                                Grilled Yam
|           Pumpkin Pie                                 Grilled Yellow Tail
|           Pumpkin Pudding                             Halibut
|           Rubber Boot                                 Herb (Blue)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Herb (Green)
|           Shortcake                                   Herb (Purple)
|           Silver                                      Herb (Red)
|           Spinach Cake                                Herb (Yellow)
|           Strawberry Jam                              Herb Bread
|           Sweet Potato Cake                           Herb Fish (Decent)
|           Sweet Yam Cake                              Herb Fish (Good)
|           Swim Shorts                                 Herbal Tea
|           Very Berry Jam                              Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|           52/540 (9.6296%)                            Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       361/540 (66.8519%)
| - - -                                                                 [HEATH]
| Heath     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Egg Salad             Amethyst              Algae
|           Egg Sandwich          Apple Juice           Amber
|           Omelet Rice           Apple Pie             Anemone
|           Pancake               B. Noodles with Egg   Angler Fish
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Baked Potato          Apple
|           Southern Omelet       Banana Milk           Apple (Shining)
|           Steamed Egg           Banana Pudding        Apple Cocktail
|                                 Blueberry Juice       Apple Jam
|           7/540 (1.2963%)       Bodigizer XL          Aquamarine
|                                 Boiled Corn           Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Boiled Spinach        Bamboo Rice
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Bamboo Shoot
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Bamboo Shoot (Shining)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Bamboo Stew
|                                 Bread                 Banana
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Begonia
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Black Pearl
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Blue Mist
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Blueberry Jam
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Bodigizer
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Bonito
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Cheesecake            Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Clam Soup             Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Coconut Juice         Carp
|                                 Cold Medicine         Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Carrot (Good)
|                                 Cookie                Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Carrot Juice
|                                 Corn Bread            Catfish
|                                 Croquette             Char
|                                 Doria                 Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Duckonnaise           Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Cheese Risotto
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cherry
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Chestnut
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Egg Rice              Chestnut Rice
|                                 Egg Soup              Chrysanthemum
|                                 Eggplant (Perfect)    Clam
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Soup             Coconut
|                                 French Fries          Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Fried Egg             Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Grape Juice           Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Green Bell            Cod
|                                 Grilled Clam          Common Seashell
|                                 Grilled Eggplant      Conger Eel
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Copper
|                                 Grilled Yam           Coral
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Corn (Decent)
|                                 Herb (Green)          Corn (Good)
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Herb (Red)            Corn Soup
|                                 Herb Bread            Cosmos
|                                 Herb Cookie           Crawfish
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Crystal
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Diamond
|                                 Herbal Tea            Eel
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Decent)        Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Honey (Green)         Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Honey (Red)           Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Emerald
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Empty Can
|                                 Hot Milk              Fancy Seashell
|                                 Hyacinth              Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Lavender              Flax (Decent)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Flax (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Flax (Shining)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Milk Tea              Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Flounder
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Onion Bread           Garnet
|                                 Orange Cake           Glass
|                                 Orange Cookie         Goby
|                                 Orange Juice          Gold
|                                 Orange Pie            Grape
|                                 Ostonnaise            Grape (Shining)
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Grape Cocktail
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Grilled Bonito
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Grilled Carp
|                                 Pizza                 Grilled Catfish
|                                 Plain Omelet          Grilled Char
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Grilled Cod
|                                 Potato Gratin         Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Potato Pancake        Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Pudding               Grilled Eel
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Grilled Flounder
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Grilled Goby
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Grilled Halibut
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Grilled Huchen
|                                 Rare Metal            Grilled King Fish
|                                 Ratatouille           Grilled Lobster
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Roasted Corn          Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Royal Jelly           Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Grilled Octopus
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Sapphire              Grilled Prawn
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Grilled Redfin
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Seafood Doria         Grilled Salmon
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Grilled Sardine
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Grilled Saury
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Seafood Stew          Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Grilled Shark
|                                 Shortcake             Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                 Snowflake             Grilled Squid
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Grilled Swordfish
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Grilled Tuna
|                                 Spicy Stew            Grilled Wood Fish
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Spinach Cake          Halibut
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Stay Awake            Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                 Stew                  Herb Fish (Good)
|                                 Stir Fry              Hibiscus
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Horse Mackerel
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Huchen
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Iron
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Jade
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Kimchi
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      King Fish
|                                 Tomato Juice          Laver Seaweed
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Lily
|                                 Tuna Rice             Limestone
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Lobster
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Mackerel
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Manta Ray
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Marinated Mushrooms
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Marmalade
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Masu Trout
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                 Yogurt                Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                 187/540 (34.6296%)    Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Moondrop
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Bell Pepper (Decent)  Moonlight Stone
|           Coconut Cocktail      Bell Pepper (Good)    Morning Glory
|           Failed Soup           Bell Pepper (Perfect) Mushroom
|           Feed                  Bell Pepper (Shining) Mushroom Rice
|           Fodder                Failed Dish           Onion (Decent)
|           Perfume (Blue)        Marinated Fish (De... Onion (Good)
|           Perfume (Decent)      Octopus               Onion (Perfect)
|           Perfume (Green)       Weird Dish            Orange
|           Perfume (Purple)                            Orange (Shining)
|           Perfume (Red)         8/540 (1.4815%)       Ore (Copper)
|           Perfume (Shining)                           Ore (Gold)
|           Perfume (Yellow)                            Ore (Iron)
|           Rice Cocktail                               Ore (Silver)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Pansy
|           Vegetable Juice                             Pearl
|           Yam Cocktail                                Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|           16/540 (2.963%)                             Pineapple
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Rubber Boot
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swim Shorts
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Toadstool
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       322/540 (59.6296%)
| - - -                                                                 [IRENE]
| Irene     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Herb Bread            Amethyst              Amber
|           Pumpkin Cake          Apple Jam             Anemone
|           Pumpkin Croquette     Apple Pie             Angler Fish
|           Pumpkin Pie           Bamboo en Papilote    Apple
|           Pumpkin Stew          Bamboo Rice           Apple (Shining)
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bamboo Stew           Apple Cocktail
|           Sweet Yam Cake        Black Pearl           Apple Juice
|                                 Blue Mist             Aquamarine
|           7/540 (1.2963%)       Blueberry Jam         B. Noodles with Egg
|                                 Bodigizer XL          Baked Potato
|                                 Boiled Spinach        Banana
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Banana Milk
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Banana Pudding
|                                 Bread                 Begonia
|                                 Breadfruit (Perfect)  Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Blueberry
|                                 Carrot Cake           Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Carrot Juice          Blueberry Juice
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bodigizer
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Boiled Corn
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Bonito
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Cheesecake            Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Cold Medicine         Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Cookie                Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Corn Bread            Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Croquette             Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Egg Rice              Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Fried Rice            Carp
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Carrot (Good)
|                                 Herb (Green)          Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Herb (Red)            Catfish
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Char
|                                 Herb Cookie           Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Herbal Tea            Cheese Fondue
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Cheese Risotto
|                                 Lavender              Cherry
|                                 Lily                  Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Chestnut
|                                 Marmalade             Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Chocolate Banana
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Chocolate Bar
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Chocolate Pudding
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Chrysanthemum
|                                 Milk Tea              Clam
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Clam Soup
|                                 Omelet Rice           Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Onion Bread           Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Orange Cake           Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Orange Cookie         Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Orange Pie            Coconut
|                                 Pancake               Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Pearl                 Coconut Juice
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Cod
|                                 Pontata Root          Common Seashell
|                                 Potato Pancake        Conger Eel
|                                 Potato Stew           Conger Eel Rice
|                                 Pumpkin (Perfect)     Coral
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Corn (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Corn (Good)
|                                 Ratatouille           Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Royal Jelly           Corn (Shining)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Corn Soup
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Cosmos
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Crawfish
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Crystal
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Diamond
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Doria
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Duckonnaise
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Eel
|                                 Seafood Stew          Eel Bowl
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Shortcake             Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Egg Salad
|                                 Steamed Egg           Egg Sandwich
|                                 Stew                  Egg Soup
|                                 Stir Fry              Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry Jam        Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Emerald
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Fancy Seashell
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Tomato Juice          Fish Soup
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Flax (Decent)
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Flax (Good)
|                                 Very Berry Jam        Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Flax (Shining)
|                                 Yogurt                Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 124/540 (22.963%)     Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Green)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Flax Yarn (Red)
|           Copper                Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Flax Yarn (Shining)
|           Feed                  Empty Can             Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|           Fodder                Failed Dish           Flounder
|           Gold                  Failed Soup           French Fries
|           Iron                  Marinated Mushrooms   Freshwater Prawn
|           Limestone             Mushroom              Fried Egg
|           Ore (Copper)          Mushroom Rice         Garnet
|           Ore (Gold)            Rubber Boot           Glass
|           Ore (Iron)            Sauteed Mushroom      Goby
|           Ore (Silver)          Scrap Iron            Grape
|           Rare Metal            Swim Shorts           Grape (Shining)
|           Silver                Toadstool             Grape Juice
|                                 Weird Dish            Green Bell
|           13/540 (2.4074%)                            Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 14/540 (2.5926%)      Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seafood Pizza
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice
|                                                       Southern Omelet
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Tuna Rice
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       382/540 (70.7407%)
| - - -                                                                 [JAKE-]
| Jake      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Apple Juice           Apple (Shining)       Amber
|           Apple Pie             Apple Cocktail        Amethyst
|           Baked Potato          Bamboo en Papilote    Anemone
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Bamboo Rice           Angler Fish
|           French Fries          Banana Milk           Apple
|           Mashed Potato         Banana Pudding        Apple Jam
|           Perfume (Red)         Blue Mist             Aquamarine
|           Potato Gratin         Boiled Spinach        B. Noodles with Egg
|           Potato Pancake        Bouillabaisse (Per... Bamboo Stew
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bouillabaisse (Shi... Banana
|                                 Bread                 Begonia
|           10/540 (1.8519%)      Buckwheat Cocktail    Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Carrot Cake           Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Blueberry
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry Jam
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Blueberry Juice
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Boiled Corn
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Bonito
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Cheesecake            Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Clam Soup             Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Cookie                Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Corn Bread            Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Croquette             Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Doria                 Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Carp
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Fish Soup             Carrot (Good)
|                                 Fried Rice            Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Grape Juice           Carrot Juice
|                                 Green Bell            Catfish
|                                 Grilled Clam          Char
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Herb Bread            Cherry
|                                 Herb Cookie           Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Chestnut
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Chocolate Banana
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Chocolate Bar
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Chrysanthemum
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Clam
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Hyacinth              Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Lavender              Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Coconut
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Coconut Juice
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Milk Tea              Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Cod
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Common Seashell
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Conger Eel
|                                 Omelet Rice           Coral
|                                 Onion Bread           Corn (Decent)
|                                 Orange Cake           Corn (Good)
|                                 Orange Cookie         Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Orange Pie            Corn (Shining)
|                                 Pancake               Corn Soup
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Cosmos
|                                 Perfume (Green)       Crawfish
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Crystal
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Diamond
|                                 Perfume (Yellow)      Duckonnaise
|                                 Pizza                 Eel
|                                 Plain Omelet          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Potato (Perfect)      Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Potato Miso Soup      Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Potato Stew           Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Pudding               Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Egg Rice
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Egg Salad
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Egg Sandwich
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Egg Soup
|                                 Ratatouille           Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Rose                  Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Emerald
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Fancy Seashell
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Flax (Decent)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Flax (Good)
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Flax (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Shortcake             Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Snowflake             Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Flounder
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Spicy Stew            Fried Egg
|                                 Spinach Cake          Garnet
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Glass
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Goby
|                                 Steamed Egg           Grape
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Grape (Shining)
|                                 Stew                  Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Stir Fry              Grilled Bonito
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Grilled Carp
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Grilled Catfish
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Grilled Char
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Grilled Cod
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Grilled Eel
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Grilled Flounder
|                                 Tuna Rice             Grilled Goby
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Grilled Halibut
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Yogurt                Grilled Huchen
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                 147/540 (27.2222%)    Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Grilled Masu Trout
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Grilled Octopus
|           Bodigizer             Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Grilled Pond Smelt
|           Bodigizer XL          Empty Can             Grilled Puffer Fish
|           Cold Medicine         Failed Dish           Grilled Rainbow Trout
|           Copper                Failed Soup           Grilled Redfin
|           Feed                  Rubber Boot           Grilled Rock Trout
|           Fodder                Scrap Iron            Grilled Rockfish
|           Gold                  Swim Shorts           Grilled Salmon
|           Iron                  Vegetable Juice       Grilled Sardine
|           Ore (Copper)          Weird Dish            Grilled Saury
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Grilled Sea Bream
|           Ore (Iron)            10/540 (1.8519%)      Grilled Seasky Fish
|           Ore (Silver)                                Grilled Shark
|           Silver                                      Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|           Stay Awake                                  Grilled Squid
|           Super Stay Awake                            Grilled Swordfish
|           Toadstool                                   Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|           17/540 (3.1481%)                            Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       356/540 (65.9259%)
| - -                                                                   [JIN--]
| Jin       Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bamboo Rice           Apple Juice           Amber
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   B. Noodles with Egg   Amethyst
|           Herbal Tea            Bamboo en Papilote    Anemone
|           Pickled Eggplant      Bamboo Stew           Angler Fish
|           Pontata Root          Banana Milk           Apple
|           Royal Jelly           Blueberry Juice       Apple (Shining)
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bodigizer             Apple Jam
|           Tempura Buckwheat ... Bodigizer XL          Apple Pie
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Aquamarine
|           8/540 (1.4815%)       Buckwheat Chips       Baked Potato
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Banana
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Banana Pudding
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Begonia
|                                 Carrot Juice          Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Chrysanthemum         Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Clam Soup             Black Pearl
|                                 Coconut Juice         Blue Mist
|                                 Cold Medicine         Blueberry
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Blueberry Jam
|                                 Doria                 Boiled Corn
|                                 Eel Bowl              Boiled Spinach
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Bonito
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Eggplant (Good)       Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Eggplant (Perfect)    Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Fish Soup             Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Grape Juice           Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Eggplant      Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Bread
|                                 Herb (Green)          Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Herb (Red)            Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Herb Bread            Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Butter (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Honey (Decent)        Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Green)         Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Butter (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Honey (Red)           Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Carp
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Milk Tea              Carrot (Good)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Orange Juice          Carrot Cake
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Catfish
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Char
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Potato Miso Soup      Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Seaweed Miso Soup     Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Stir Fry              Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Cheese (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Tomato Juice          Cheese Fondue
|                                 Tuna Rice             Cheese Omelet
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Cheese Risotto
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Cheesecake
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Cherry
|                                                       Cherry (Shining)
|                                 70/540 (12.963%)      Chestnut
|                                                       Chestnut (Shining)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Chestnut Pie
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 Chirashi Sushi
|           Bamboo Shoot          Blueberry Cocktail    Chocolate Banana
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Empty Can             Chocolate Bar
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Failed Dish           Chocolate Cake
|           Cocoa (Decent)        Failed Soup           Chocolate Cookie
|           Cocoa (Good)          Rubber Boot           Chocolate Fondue
|           Cocoa (Perfect)       Swim Shorts           Chocolate Pie
|           Cocoa (Shining)       Weird Dish            Chocolate Pudding
|           Coconut Cocktail                            Clam
|           Copper                8/540 (1.4815%)       Coconut
|           Duckonnaise                                 Cocoon (Decent)
|           Feed                                        Cocoon (Good)
|           Fodder                                      Cocoon (Perfect)
|           Grape Cocktail                              Cocoon (Shining)
|           Iron                                        Cod
|           Mayonnaise (Decent)                         Common Seashell
|           Mayonnaise (Good)                           Conger Eel
|           Mayonnaise (Perfect)                        Cookie
|           Mayonnaise (Shining)                        Coral
|           Ore (Copper)                                Corn (Decent)
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Corn (Good)
|           Ore (Silver)                                Corn (Perfect)
|           Ostonnaise                                  Corn (Shining)
|           Rice Cocktail                               Corn Bread
|           Scrap Iron                                  Corn Soup
|           Silver                                      Cosmos
|           Spicy Pepper (Decent)                       Crawfish
|           Spicy Pepper (Good)                         Croquette
|           Spicy Pepper (Perfect)                      Crystal
|           Spicy Pepper (Shining)                      Diamond
|           Yam Cocktail                                Eel
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|           31/540 (5.7407%)                            Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg Rice
|                                                       Egg Salad
|                                                       Egg Sandwich
|                                                       Egg Soup
|                                                       Eggplant (Decent)
|                                                       Emerald
|                                                       Fancy Seashell
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|                                                       Flax (Decent)
|                                                       Flax (Good)
|                                                       Flax (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Fried Rice
|                                                       Garnet
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Gold
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Salmon Fried Rice
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Fried Rice
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seafood Pizza
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seafood Stew
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice
|                                                       Southern Omelet
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sushi (Shining)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Toadstool
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       423/540 (78.3333%)
| - - - -                                                               [JULIU]
| Julius    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Chestnut Pie          Amber                 Apple
|           Mont Blanc Cake       Amethyst              Apple (Shining)
|           Perfume (Shining)     Anemone               Apple Jam
|           Pumpkin Cake          Apple Cocktail        Apple Juice
|           Pumpkin Croquette     Apple Pie             B. Noodles with Egg
|           Pumpkin Pie           Aquamarine            Bamboo en Papilote
|           Pumpkin Pudding       Banana Pudding        Bamboo Rice
|           Pumpkin Stew          Black Pearl           Bamboo Stew
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Blue Mist             Banana
|                                 Blueberry Cocktail    Banana Milk
|           9/540 (1.6667%)       Bodigizer XL          Begonia
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Carrot Juice          Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Cheesecake            Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Chestnut (Shining)    Blueberry
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Blueberry Jam
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Blueberry Juice
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Bodigizer
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Boiled Corn
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Boiled Spinach
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Bonito
|                                 Chrysanthemum         Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Clam Soup             Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Cocoon (Perfect)      Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Cocoon (Shining)      Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 Cookie                Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Crystal               Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Diamond               Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Bread
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Emerald               Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Fish Soup             Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Flax (Perfect)        Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Flax (Shining)        Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Flax Yarn (Shining)   Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Garnet                Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Grilled Octopus       Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Squid         Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Yam           Carp
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Carrot (Good)
|                                 Hibiscus              Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Honey (Green)         Catfish
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Char
|                                 Honey (Red)           Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Hyacinth              Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Jade                  Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Cheese (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Lavender              Cheese Fondue
|                                 Lily                  Cheese Omelet
|                                 Mashed Potato         Cheese Risotto
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Cherry
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Milk Tea              Chestnut
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Chirashi Sushi
|                                 Octopus               Chocolate Bar
|                                 Orange Cake           Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Orange Cookie         Clam
|                                 Orange Pie            Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Pancake               Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Perfume (Red)         Coconut
|                                 Peridot               Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Pinkcat               Coconut Juice
|                                 Potato Pancake        Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Potato Stew           Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Pudding               Cod
|                                 Pumpkin (Good)        Cold Medicine
|                                 Pumpkin (Perfect)     Common Seashell
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Coral
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Corn (Decent)
|                                 Rose                  Corn (Good)
|                                 Ruby                  Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Sapphire              Corn (Shining)
|                                 Shortcake             Corn Bread
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Corn Soup
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Cosmos
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Croquette
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)       Doria
|                                 Silk Yarn (Shining)   Duckonnaise
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Snowflake             Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                 Spinel                Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Squid                 Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry (Good)     Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Egg Rice
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Egg Salad
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Egg Sandwich
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Egg Soup
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Tomato Juice          Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Topaz                 Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Tulip                 Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Fancy Seashell
|                                 Wool (Shining)        Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Flax (Decent)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Shining)   Flax (Good)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Yogurt                Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 119/540 (22.037%)     Flounder
|                                                       French Fries
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Freshwater Prawn
|           Angler Fish           Algae                 Fried Egg
|           Butter (Cow) (Decent) Baked Potato          Fried Rice
|           Butter (Cow) (Good)   Bamboo Shoot          Glass
|           Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Goby
|           Butter (Cow) (Shining)Conger Eel            Gold
|           Butter (Goat) (Decent)Conger Eel Rice       Grape
|           Butter (Goat) (Good)  Eel                   Grape (Shining)
|           Butter (Goat) (Per... Eel Bowl              Grape Juice
|           Butter (Goat) (Shi... Empty Can             Green Bell
|           Copper                Failed Dish           Grilled Bonito
|           Crawfish              Failed Soup           Grilled Carp
|           Feed                  Grilled Conger Eel    Grilled Catfish
|           Fodder                Grilled Eel           Grilled Char
|           Grilled Angler Fish   Rubber Boot           Grilled Clam
|           Grilled Crawfish      Sauteed Clam          Grilled Cod
|           Grilled King Fish     Sauteed Mushroom      Grilled Eggplant
|           Grilled Seasky Fish   Sauteed Spinach       Grilled Flounder
|           Grilled Shark         Scrap Iron            Grilled Goby
|           Grilled Skull Jell... Stay Awake            Grilled Halibut
|           Grilled Wood Fish     Super Stay Awake      Grilled Horse Mackerel
|           Iron                  Swim Shorts           Grilled Huchen
|           King Fish             Toadstool             Grilled Lobster
|           Ore (Copper)          Weird Dish            Grilled Mackerel
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|           Puffer Fish           23/540 (4.2593%)      Grilled Manta Ray
|           Seasky Fish                                 Grilled Masu Trout
|           Shark                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|           Skull Jellyfish                             Grilled Prawn
|           Wood Fish                                   Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|           29/540 (5.3704%)                            Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Shining)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Salmon Fried Rice
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Fried Rice
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seafood Pizza
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seafood Stew
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice
|                                                       Southern Omelet
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sushi (Shining)
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Tuna Rice
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       360/540 (66.6667%)
| - - -                                                                 [KATHY]
| Kathy     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Anemone               Amber
|           Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Apple (Shining)       Amethyst
|           Cheese Fondue         Apple Cocktail        Angler Fish
|           Cheese Omelet         Blueberry Cocktail    Apple
|           Cheese Risotto        Buckwheat (Perfect)   Apple Jam
|           Perfume (Red)         Buckwheat (Shining)   Apple Juice
|           Rice Cocktail         Buckwheat Cocktail    Apple Pie
|           Seafood Doria         Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Aquamarine
|           Seafood Gratin        Butter (Cow) (Shining)B. Noodles with Egg
|           Seafood Pizza         Butter (Goat) (Per... Baked Potato
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Carrot (Perfect)      Bamboo Rice
|           11/540 (2.037%)       Carrot (Shining)      Bamboo Shoot
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bamboo Stew
|                                 Carrot Juice          Banana
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Decent) Banana Milk
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Good)   Banana Pudding
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Begonia
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Decent)Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Good)  Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheesecake            Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Clam Soup             Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Coconut               Black Pearl
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Blue Mist
|                                 Corn (Decent)         Blueberry
|                                 Corn (Good)           Blueberry Jam
|                                 Corn (Perfect)        Blueberry Juice
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Bodigizer
|                                 Fish Soup             Bodigizer XL
|                                 French Fries          Boiled Corn
|                                 Garnet                Boiled Spinach
|                                 Grape (Shining)       Bonito
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Grilled Eggplant      Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 Herb (Red)            Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Hibiscus              Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Bread
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Pizza                 Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Rice (Perfect)        Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Roasted Corn          Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Ruby                  Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Sea Urchin            Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Carp
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Carrot (Good)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Catfish
|                                 Tomato Juice          Char
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Cherry
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Chestnut
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Chestnut (Shining)
|                                                       Chestnut Pie
|                                 67/540 (12.4074%)     Chestnut Rice
|                                                       Chirashi Sushi
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Chocolate Pie
|           Chocolate Banana      Algae                 Chrysanthemum
|           Chocolate Bar         Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Clam
|           Chocolate Cake        Doria                 Coconut Juice
|           Chocolate Cookie      Empty Can             Cocoon (Decent)
|           Chocolate Fondue      Failed Dish           Cocoon (Good)
|           Chocolate Pudding     Failed Soup           Cocoon (Perfect)
|           Cocoa (Decent)        Marinated Mushrooms   Cocoon (Shining)
|           Cocoa (Good)          Mushroom              Cod
|           Cocoa (Perfect)       Mushroom Gratin       Cold Medicine
|           Cocoa (Shining)       Mushroom Rice         Common Seashell
|           Feed                  Rubber Boot           Conger Eel
|           Hot Cocoa             Sauteed Mushroom      Conger Eel Rice
|                                 Scrap Iron            Cookie
|           12/540 (2.2222%)      Swim Shorts           Copper
|                                 Toadstool             Coral
|                                 Weird Dish            Corn Bread
|                                                       Corn Soup
|                                 16/540 (2.963%)       Cosmos
|                                                       Crawfish
|                                                       Croquette
|                                                       Crystal
|                                                       Diamond
|                                                       Duckonnaise
|                                                       Eel
|                                                       Eel Bowl
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg Rice
|                                                       Egg Salad
|                                                       Egg Sandwich
|                                                       Egg Soup
|                                                       Eggplant (Decent)
|                                                       Eggplant (Good)
|                                                       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                                       Eggplant (Shining)
|                                                       Emerald
|                                                       Fancy Seashell
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|                                                       Flax (Decent)
|                                                       Flax (Good)
|                                                       Flax (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       Fodder
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Fried Rice
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Gold
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Shining)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sushi (Shining)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Tuna Rice
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       434/540 (80.3704%)
| - - -                                                                 [LUKE-]
| Luke      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Banana Pudding        Apple (Shining)       Amber
|           Boiled Spinach        Apple Cocktail        Amethyst
|           Carrot Cake           Apple Juice           Anemone
|           Chocolate Banana      Baked Potato          Angler Fish
|           Mayonnaise (Shining)  Bamboo Rice           Apple
|           Sauteed Spinach       Bamboo Stew           Apple Jam
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Banana                Apple Pie
|           Spinach Cake          Blueberry Cocktail    Aquamarine
|           Spinach Risotto       Blueberry Juice       B. Noodles with Egg
|           Sushi (Shining)       Boiled Corn           Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Bamboo Shoot
|           10/540 (1.8519%)      Butter (Cow) (Shining)Banana Milk
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Begonia
|                                 Carrot (Perfect)      Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Carrot Juice          Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Clam                  Black Pearl
|                                 Clam Soup             Blue Mist
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Blueberry
|                                 Coconut Juice         Blueberry Jam
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Bodigizer
|                                 Eel Bowl              Bodigizer XL
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Bonito
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Egg Rice              Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Soup             Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 Fried Rice            Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Grape Juice           Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Carp          Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Catfish       Bread
|                                 Grilled Char          Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Eel           Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Grilled Huchen        Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Masu Trout    Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Pond Smelt    Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Grilled Rainbow Trout Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Redfin        Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Salmon        Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Grilled Shark         Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Butter (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Butter (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Honey (Red)           Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Cabbage (Good)
|                                 King Fish             Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Good)     Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Carp
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Orange Cake           Carrot (Good)
|                                 Orange Juice          Catfish
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Char
|                                 Potato Stew           Cheese Fondue
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Cherry
|                                 Rare Metal            Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Rice Ball             Chestnut
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Chestnut Pie
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Chocolate Bar
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Chocolate Cake
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Seasky Fish           Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Chocolate Pie
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Chocolate Pudding
|                                 Skull Jellyfish       Chrysanthemum
|                                 Southern Omelet       Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Spinach (Decent)      Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Spinach (Good)        Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Spinach (Perfect)     Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Coconut
|                                 Stir Fry              Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Sushi (Good)          Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Cod
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Common Seashell
|                                 Tulip                 Conger Eel
|                                 Tuna Rice             Cookie
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Copper
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Coral
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Corn (Decent)
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Corn (Good)
|                                 Wood Fish             Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Corn (Shining)
|                                                       Corn Bread
|                                 91/540 (16.8519%)     Corn Soup
|                                                       Cosmos
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Crawfish
|           Algae                 Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Croquette
|           Cheese (Cow) (Decent) Cheese Risotto        Crystal
|           Cheese (Cow) (Good)   Empty Can             Diamond
|           Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Failed Soup           Duckonnaise
|           Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Feed                  Eel
|           Cheese (Goat) (Decent)Fodder                Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|           Cheese (Goat) (Good)  Rubber Boot           Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|           Cheese (Goat) (Per... Scrap Iron            Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|           Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Swim Shorts           Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|           Cheese Omelet         Toadstool             Egg (Duck) (Good)
|           Cheesecake            Tomato Juice          Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|           Cold Medicine                               Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|           Doria                 11/540 (2.037%)       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|           Failed Dish                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|           Mushroom Gratin                             Egg Salad
|           Perfume (Blue)                              Egg Sandwich
|           Perfume (Decent)                            Egg Soup
|           Perfume (Green)                             Eggplant (Decent)
|           Perfume (Purple)                            Eggplant (Good)
|           Perfume (Red)                               Eggplant (Perfect)
|           Perfume (Shining)                           Eggplant (Shining)
|           Perfume (Yellow)                            Emerald
|           Pizza                                       Fancy Seashell
|           Potato Gratin                               Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|           Pumpkin Cake                                Fish Meuniere (Good)
|           Seafood Doria                               Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|           Seafood Gratin                              Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|           Seafood Pizza                               Flax (Decent)
|           Southern Fried Rice                         Flax (Good)
|           Stay Awake                                  Flax (Perfect)
|           Super Stay Awake                            Flax (Shining)
|           Vegetable Pizza                             Flax Yarn (Blue)
|           Weird Dish                                  Flax Yarn (Decent)
|           Yogurt                                      Flax Yarn (Good)
|           Yogurt Drink                                Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|           35/540 (6.4815%)                            Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Garnet
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Gold
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Shining)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seafood Stew
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       393/540 (72.7778%)
| - - -                                                                 [LUNA-]
| Luna      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Apple Pie             Amethyst              Amber
|           Chestnut Pie          Apple Jam             Anemone
|           Chocolate Pie         Banana Milk           Angler Fish
|           Cocoon (Shining)      Banana Pudding        Apple
|           Flax Yarn (Shining)   Black Pearl           Apple (Shining)
|           Orange Pie            Blue Mist             Apple Juice
|           Pumpkin Cake          Blueberry Jam         Aquamarine
|           Pumpkin Pie           Bread                 B. Noodles with Egg
|           Pumpkin Pudding       Butter (Cow) (Shining)Baked Potato
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bamboo en Papilote
|           Silk Yarn (Shining)   Carrot Cake           Bamboo Rice
|           Sweet Yam Cake        Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bamboo Stew
|           Wool (Shining)        Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Banana
|           Wool Yarn (Shining)   Cheesecake            Begonia
|                                 Cherry (Shining)      Bell Pepper (Decent)
|           14/540 (2.5926%)      Chocolate Banana      Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Blueberry
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Blueberry Juice
|                                 Cocoa (Good)          Boiled Corn
|                                 Cocoa (Perfect)       Boiled Spinach
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Bonito
|                                 Cocoon (Perfect)      Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Cookie                Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Corn Bread            Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Diamond               Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Flax (Perfect)        Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Flax (Shining)        Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Decent)    Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Good)      Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Perfect)   Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Herb (Red)            Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Herb Bread            Butter (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Butter (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Marmalade             Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Milk Tea              Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Carp
|                                 Onion Bread           Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Orange Cake           Carrot (Good)
|                                 Orange Cookie         Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Pancake               Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Perfume (Red)         Carrot Juice
|                                 Pinkcat               Catfish
|                                 Potato Pancake        Char
|                                 Pudding               Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin (Good)        Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin (Perfect)     Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Cheese (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Rose                  Cheese Fondue
|                                 Ruby                  Cheese Omelet
|                                 Sapphire              Cheese Risotto
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Cherry
|                                 Shortcake             Chestnut
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Good)      Chestnut Rice
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Chirashi Sushi
|                                 Silk Yarn (Perfect)   Chrysanthemum
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Clam
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)       Clam Soup
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Snowflake             Coconut
|                                 Spinach Cake          Coconut Juice
|                                 Strawberry (Good)     Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Cod
|                                 Strawberry Jam        Common Seashell
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Conger Eel
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Conger Eel Rice
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Coral
|                                 Tulip                 Corn (Decent)
|                                 Very Berry Jam        Corn (Good)
|                                 Wool (Perfect)        Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Corn (Shining)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Corn Soup
|                                 Wool Yarn (Perfect)   Cosmos
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Crawfish
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Croquette
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Crystal
|                                                       Doria
|                                 96/540 (17.7778%)     Duckonnaise
|                                                       Eel
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Eel Bowl
|           Algae                 Bamboo Shoot          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|           Apple Cocktail        Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Empty Can             Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|           Bodigizer             Failed Dish           Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|           Bodigizer XL          Failed Soup           Egg (Duck) (Good)
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Rubber Boot           Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|           Coconut Cocktail      Scrap Iron            Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|           Cold Medicine         Spicy Seafood Soup    Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|           Copper                Spicy Stew            Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|           Feed                  Swim Shorts           Egg Rice
|           Fodder                Vegetable Juice       Egg Salad
|           Glass                 Weird Dish            Egg Sandwich
|           Gold                                        Egg Soup
|           Grape Cocktail        12/540 (2.2222%)      Eggplant (Decent)
|           Iron                                        Eggplant (Good)
|           Limestone                                   Eggplant (Perfect)
|           Ore (Copper)                                Eggplant (Shining)
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Emerald
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Fancy Seashell
|           Ore (Silver)                                Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|           Rare Metal                                  Fish Meuniere (Good)
|           Rice Cocktail                               Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|           Silver                                      Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|           Spicy Pepper (Decent)                       Fish Soup
|           Spicy Pepper (Good)                         Flax (Decent)
|           Spicy Pepper (Perfect)                      Flax (Good)
|           Spicy Pepper (Shining)                      Flounder
|           Stay Awake                                  French Fries
|           Super Stay Awake                            Freshwater Prawn
|           Toadstool                                   Fried Egg
|           Yam Cocktail                                Fried Rice
|                                                       Garnet
|           31/540 (5.7407%)                            Goby
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Shining)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Salmon Fried Rice
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Fried Rice
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seafood Pizza
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seafood Stew
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice
|                                                       Southern Omelet
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Tuna Rice
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       387/540 (71.6667%)
| - - -                                                                 [MATT-]
| Matt      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Apple Juice           Apple (Shining)       Amber
|           Apple Pie             B. Noodles with Egg   Amethyst
|           Chirashi Sushi        Baked Potato          Anemone
|           Fish Meuniere (Shi... Bamboo en Papilote    Angler Fish
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   Banana Milk           Apple
|           Orange Cake           Banana Pudding        Apple Jam
|           Orange Cookie         Bell Pepper (Shining) Aquamarine
|           Orange Juice          Blueberry Juice       Bamboo Rice
|           Orange Pie            Boiled Spinach        Bamboo Stew
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bouillabaisse (Decent)Banana
|           Strawberry Milk       Bouillabaisse (Good)  Begonia
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|           11/540 (2.037%)       Bouillabaisse (Shi... Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Bread                 Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Black Pearl
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Blue Mist
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Blueberry
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Blueberry Jam
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Boiled Corn
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Bonito
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Cheesecake            Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Carp
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Clam Soup             Carrot (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Coconut Juice         Carrot Juice
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Catfish
|                                 Cookie                Char
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Corn Bread            Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Croquette             Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Doria                 Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Eel                   Cheese Risotto
|                                 Eel Bowl              Cherry
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Chestnut
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Chestnut Rice
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Chrysanthemum
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Clam
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Decent)Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Coconut
|                                 Fish Soup             Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Flax (Shining)        Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 French Fries          Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cod
|                                 Grape Juice           Common Seashell
|                                 Green Bell            Conger Eel
|                                 Grilled Carp          Coral
|                                 Grilled Char          Corn (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Corn (Good)
|                                 Grilled Crawfish      Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Eel           Corn Soup
|                                 Grilled Huchen        Cosmos
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Crawfish
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Crystal
|                                 Grilled Masu Trout    Diamond
|                                 Grilled Pond Smelt    Duckonnaise
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rainbow Trout Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Redfin        Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Salmon        Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Egg Rice
|                                 Grilled Shark         Egg Salad
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Egg Sandwich
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Egg Soup
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Yam           Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Herb (Green)          Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Bread            Emerald
|                                 Herb Cookie           Fancy Seashell
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Flax (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Flax (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Herbal Tea            Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Honey (Green)         Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Hot Milk              Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Huchen                Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Flounder
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Fried Egg
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Garnet
|                                 Mashed Potato         Glass
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Goby
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Gold
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Grape
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Grape (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Grilled Bonito
|                                 Milk Tea              Grilled Catfish
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Grilled Cod
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Omelet Rice           Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Grilled Flounder
|                                 Onion Bread           Grilled Goby
|                                 Orange (Shining)      Grilled Halibut
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Pizza                 Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Plain Omelet          Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Potato Gratin         Grilled Octopus
|                                 Pudding               Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Grilled Sardine
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Grilled Saury
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Ratatouille           Grilled Squid
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Grilled Tuna
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Roasted Corn          Halibut
|                                 Salmon                Herb (Blue)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Herb (Purple)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Herb (Red)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Hibiscus
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Honey (Blue)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Honey (Decent)
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Honey (Purple)
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Honey (Red)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Horse Mackerel
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Hyacinth
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Jade
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        King Fish
|                                 Shortcake             Lapis Lazuli
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Lavender
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Laver Seaweed
|                                 Spinach Cake          Lily
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Lobster
|                                 Steamed Egg           Mackerel
|                                 Stew                  Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Manta Ray
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Marmalade
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Masu Trout
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Moondrop
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Moonlight Stone
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Morning Glory
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Octopus
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Onion (Decent)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Onion (Good)
|                                 Yam (Perfect)         Onion (Perfect)
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Orange
|                                 Yogurt                Ore (Gold)
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                 180/540 (33.3333%)    Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Perfume (Blue)
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 Perfume (Decent)
|           Bamboo Shoot          Empty Can             Perfume (Green)
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Failed Dish           Perfume (Purple)
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Kimchi                Perfume (Red)
|           Bodigizer             Marinated Mushrooms   Perfume (Shining)
|           Bodigizer XL          Mushroom              Perfume (Yellow)
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Mushroom Rice         Peridot
|           Coconut Cocktail      Rubber Boot           Pickled Cabbage
|           Cold Medicine         Sauteed Mushroom      Pickled Eggplant
|           Copper                Spicy Seafood Soup    Pickled Turnip
|           Failed Soup           Spicy Stew            Pie Crust
|           Feed                  Swim Shorts           Pineapple
|           Fodder                Toadstool             Pinkcat
|           Grape Cocktail        Weird Dish            Pond Smelt
|           Iron                                        Pontata Root
|           Limestone             14/540 (2.5926%)      Potato (Decent)
|           Ore (Copper)                                Potato (Good)
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Potato (Perfect)
|           Ore (Silver)                                Potato Miso Soup
|           Rice Cocktail                               Potato Pancake
|           Scrap Iron                                  Potato Stew
|           Silver                                      Puffer Fish
|           Southern Fried Rice                         Pumpkin (Decent)
|           Southern Omelet                             Pumpkin (Good)
|           Spicy Pepper (Decent)                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|           Spicy Pepper (Good)                         Pumpkin Stew
|           Spicy Pepper (Perfect)                      Rainbow Trout
|           Spicy Pepper (Shining)                      Rare Metal
|           Stay Awake                                  Rice (Decent)
|           Super Stay Awake                            Rice (Good)
|           Yam Cocktail                                Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|           31/540 (5.7407%)                            Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       304/540 (56.2963%)
| - - -                                                                 [MAYA-]
| Maya      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bouillabaisse (Shi... Apple Pie             Amber
|           Cheese (Cow) (Shining)B. Noodles with Egg   Amethyst
|           Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bamboo Rice           Anemone
|           Grilled Yam           Banana Milk           Angler Fish
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   Banana Pudding        Apple
|           Marinated Fish (Sh... Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple (Shining)
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple Cocktail
|           Sushi (Shining)       Buckwheat Chips       Apple Jam
|           Sweet Potato Cake     Buckwheat Noodles     Apple Juice
|           Sweet Potato Rice     Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Aquamarine
|           Sweet Yam Cake        Butter (Cow) (Shining)Baked Potato
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Bamboo en Papilote
|           11/540 (2.037%)       Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bamboo Stew
|                                 Cabbage (Good)        Banana
|                                 Cabbage (Perfect)     Begonia
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Carrot (Perfect)      Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Good)   Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Good)  Blue Mist
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Blueberry
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Blueberry Jam
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Blueberry Juice
|                                 Cheesecake            Bodigizer
|                                 Cherry (Shining)      Bodigizer XL
|                                 Chestnut (Shining)    Boiled Corn
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Boiled Spinach
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Bonito
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Bread
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Clam                  Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Clam Soup             Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Cookie                Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Croquette             Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Doria                 Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Duckonnaise           Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Eel Bowl              Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg Rice              Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Decent)Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Carp
|                                 Fish Soup             Carrot (Decent)
|                                 French Fries          Carrot (Good)
|                                 Fried Rice            Carrot Juice
|                                 Grape (Shining)       Catfish
|                                 Grilled Clam          Char
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Puffer Fish   Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Cherry
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream     Chestnut
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Chrysanthemum
|                                 Grilled Tuna          Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Coconut
|                                 Honey (Green)         Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Coconut Juice
|                                 Honey (Red)           Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew (Good)       Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Cod
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Cold Medicine
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Common Seashell
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Conger Eel
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Corn (Decent)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Corn (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Corn (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Corn Bread
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Corn Soup
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cosmos
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Crawfish
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Crystal
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Diamond
|                                 Omelet Rice           Eel
|                                 Orange Cake           Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Orange Cookie         Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Orange Juice          Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                 Orange Pie            Egg (Chicken) (Shining)
|                                 Ostonnaise            Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Pancake               Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Pansy                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Egg (Duck) (Shining)
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Pinkcat               Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                 Pizza                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shining)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Egg Salad
|                                 Potato Miso Soup      Egg Sandwich
|                                 Potato Pancake        Egg Soup
|                                 Potato Stew           Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Pudding               Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Emerald
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Fancy Seashell
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Flax (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Flax (Good)
|                                 Ratatouille           Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Rice Ball             Flax (Shining)
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Roasted Corn          Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Flounder
|                                 Seafood Doria         Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Fried Egg
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Garnet
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Glass
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Goby
|                                 Seafood Stew          Grape
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Grape Cocktail
|                                 Seaweed Miso Soup     Grape Juice
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Green Bell
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Shortcake             Grilled Bonito
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Grilled Carp
|                                 Southern Omelet       Grilled Catfish
|                                 Spicy Stew            Grilled Char
|                                 Spinach Cake          Grilled Cod
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Steamed Egg           Grilled Eel
|                                 Stew                  Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Strawberry (Good)     Grilled Flounder
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Grilled Goby
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Grilled Halibut
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Sushi (Decent)        Grilled Huchen
|                                 Sushi (Good)          Grilled King Fish
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Grilled Octopus
|                                 Tuna Rice             Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Grilled Prawn
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Grilled Redfin
|                                 Yam (Decent)          Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Yam (Good)            Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Yam (Perfect)         Grilled Salmon
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Grilled Sardine
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Grilled Saury
|                                 Yogurt                Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                 164/540 (30.3704%)    Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Grilled Wood Fish
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Grilled Yellow Tail
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Empty Can             Halibut
|           Copper                Failed Dish           Herb (Blue)
|           Coral                 Failed Soup           Herb (Green)
|           Feed                  Rubber Boot           Herb (Purple)
|           Fodder                Scrap Iron            Herb (Red)
|           Gold                  Swim Shorts           Herb (Yellow)
|           Iron                  Weird Dish            Herb Bread
|           Limestone                                   Herb Fish (Decent)
|           Ore (Copper)          8/540 (1.4815%)       Herbal Tea
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Hibiscus
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Honey (Decent)
|           Ore (Silver)                                Honey (Yellow)
|           Pie Crust                                   Honeydew (Decent)
|           Pontata Root                                Honeydew Juice
|           Rare Metal                                  Horse Mackerel
|           Silver                                      Hot Milk
|           Toadstool                                   Huchen
|           Wonderful (Blue)                            Hyacinth
|           Wonderful (Green)                           Jade
|           Wonderful (Purple)                          Kimchi
|           Wonderful (Red)                             King Fish
|           Wonderful (White)                           Lapis Lazuli
|           Wonderful (Yellow)                          Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|           24/540 (4.4444%)                            Lily
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       333/540 (61.6667%)
| - - -                                                                 [MIRA-]
| Mira      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Amethyst              Amber                 Anemone
|           Grape Cocktail        Apple (Shining)       Angler Fish
|           Orange Cake           Apple Cocktail        Apple
|           Orange Cookie         Apple Jam             B. Noodles with Egg
|           Orange Pie            Apple Juice           Bamboo en Papilote
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Apple Pie             Banana
|                                 Aquamarine            Begonia
|           6/540 (1.1111%)       Baked Potato          Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Bamboo Rice           Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Bamboo Stew           Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Banana Milk           Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Banana Pudding        Blueberry
|                                 Bell Pepper (Shining) Bodigizer
|                                 Black Pearl           Bodigizer XL
|                                 Blue Mist             Boiled Spinach
|                                 Blueberry Cocktail    Bonito
|                                 Blueberry Jam         Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Blueberry Juice       Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Boiled Corn           Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Decent)Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Bread                 Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Cabbage (Perfect)     Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Carp
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Carrot (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Carrot Juice
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Catfish
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Char
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Cheesecake            Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Cherry
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Chestnut
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Chrysanthemum
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Clam
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Clam Soup
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Coconut Juice         Coconut
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Cookie                Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Coral                 Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Corn Bread            Cod
|                                 Croquette             Cold Medicine
|                                 Crystal               Common Seashell
|                                 Diamond               Conger Eel
|                                 Doria                 Copper
|                                 Eel Bowl              Corn (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Corn (Good)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Corn Soup
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cosmos
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Crawfish
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Eel
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Emerald               Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Fried Rice            Egg Rice
|                                 Garnet                Egg Salad
|                                 Grape Juice           Egg Sandwich
|                                 Green Bell            Egg Soup
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Herb Bread            Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Fancy Seashell
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Herbal Tea            Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Fish Soup
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Flax (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Flax (Good)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Flax (Shining)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Hyacinth              Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Jade                  Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Lavender              Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Flounder
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... French Fries
|                                 Marmalade             Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Mashed Potato         Fried Egg
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Glass
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Goby
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Gold
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Grape
|                                 Milk Tea              Grape (Shining)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Grilled Bonito
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Grilled Carp
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Grilled Catfish
|                                 Omelet Rice           Grilled Char
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Grilled Clam
|                                 Onion Bread           Grilled Cod
|                                 Orange (Shining)      Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Orange Juice          Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Pancake               Grilled Eel
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Grilled Flounder
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Grilled Goby
|                                 Peridot               Grilled Halibut
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Pizza                 Grilled Huchen
|                                 Plain Omelet          Grilled King Fish
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Grilled Lobster
|                                 Potato Gratin         Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Potato Pancake        Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Potato Stew           Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Pudding               Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Grilled Octopus
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Grilled Prawn
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Grilled Redfin
|                                 Ratatouille           Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Grilled Salmon
|                                 Ruby                  Grilled Sardine
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Grilled Saury
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Sapphire              Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Grilled Shark
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Grilled Squid
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Grilled Swordfish
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Grilled Tuna
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Grilled Yam
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Halibut
|                                 Seafood Stew          Herb (Blue)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Herb (Green)
|                                 Shortcake             Herb (Red)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                 Snowflake             Herb Fish (Good)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Hibiscus
|                                 Southern Omelet       Honey (Blue)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Honey (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Honey (Green)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Honey (Red)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Spinel                Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Horse Mackerel
|                                 Steamed Egg           Hot Milk
|                                 Stew                  Huchen
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Iron
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Kimchi
|                                 Strawberry Jam        King Fish
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Laver Seaweed
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Lily
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Limestone
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Lobster
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Mackerel
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Manta Ray
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Marinated Mushrooms
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Masu Trout
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Topaz                 Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Moondrop
|                                 Very Berry Jam        Morning Glory
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Mushroom
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Octopus
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Onion (Decent)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Onion (Good)
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Onion (Perfect)
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Orange
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                 197/540 (36.4815%)    Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Pansy
|           Algae                 (none listed)         Pearl
|           Bamboo Shoot                                Perfume (Decent)
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)0/540 (0%)            Perfume (Green)
|           Duckonnaise                                 Perfume (Red)
|           Empty Can                                   Perfume (Yellow)
|           Failed Dish                                 Pickled Cabbage
|           Failed Soup                                 Pickled Eggplant
|           Feed                                        Pickled Turnip
|           Fodder                                      Pie Crust
|           Mayonnaise (Decent)                         Pineapple
|           Mayonnaise (Good)                           Pinkcat
|           Mayonnaise (Perfect)                        Pond Smelt
|           Mayonnaise (Shining)                        Pontata Root
|           Ostonnaise                                  Potato (Decent)
|           Rubber Boot                                 Potato (Good)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Potato (Perfect)
|           Swim Shorts                                 Potato Miso Soup
|           Toadstool                                   Puffer Fish
|           Weird Dish                                  Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|           19/540 (3.5185%)                            Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       318/540 (58.8889%)
| - - -                                                                 [OWEN-]
| Owen      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Buckwheat Cocktail    Amber                 Anemone
|           Coconut Cocktail      Amethyst              Angler Fish
|           Conger Eel Rice       Apple Cocktail        Apple
|           Corn Bread            Aquamarine            Apple (Shining)
|           Corn Soup             Bamboo Rice           Apple Juice
|           Eel Bowl              Blueberry Cocktail    B. Noodles with Egg
|           Omelet Rice           Boiled Corn           Baked Potato
|           Rice Cocktail         Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bamboo en Papilote
|           Salmon Fried Rice     Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bamboo Stew
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Banana
|           Silver                Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Banana Milk
|           Southern Fried Rice   Cheese (Goat) (Per... Begonia
|           Southern Omelet       Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|           Sushi (Shining)       Cheese Fondue         Bell Pepper (Good)
|           Tuna Rice             Cheese Risotto        Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|           Yam Cocktail          Chestnut Rice         Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Big-Scaled Redfin
|           16/540 (2.963%)       Clam Soup             Black Pearl
|                                 Copper                Blue Mist
|                                 Corn (Perfect)        Blueberry
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Blueberry Juice
|                                 Crystal               Bodigizer
|                                 Diamond               Bodigizer XL
|                                 Doria                 Boiled Spinach
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Bonito
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Egg Rice              Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Emerald               Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 Fish Soup             Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 French Fries          Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Fried Rice            Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Garnet                Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Gold                  Bread
|                                 Grape (Shining)       Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Jade                  Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Kimchi                Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Ore (Gold)            Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Ore (Silver)          Butter (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Peridot               Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Pizza                 Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Butter (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Rare Metal            Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Rice (Perfect)        Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Rice Ball             Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Roasted Corn          Carp
|                                 Ruby                  Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Sapphire              Carrot (Good)
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Catfish
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Char
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Spinel                Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Sunflower             Cheese Omelet
|                                 Sushi (Good)          Cherry
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Chestnut
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Topaz                 Chrysanthemum
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Clam
|                                                       Coconut
|                                 72/540 (13.3333%)     Coconut Juice
|                                                       Cocoon (Decent)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Cocoon (Good)
|           Algae                 Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Cocoon (Perfect)
|           Apple Jam             Carrot Juice          Cocoon (Shining)
|           Apple Pie             Chocolate Banana      Cod
|           Bamboo Shoot          Chocolate Cake        Cold Medicine
|           Banana Pudding        Chocolate Cookie      Common Seashell
|           Blueberry Jam         Chocolate Pie         Conger Eel
|           Carrot Cake           Chocolate Pudding     Coral
|           Cheesecake            Failed Dish           Corn (Decent)
|           Chestnut Pie          Scrap Iron            Corn (Good)
|           Chocolate Bar         Swim Shorts           Cosmos
|           Chocolate Fondue      Vegetable Juice       Crawfish
|           Cocoa (Decent)        Weird Dish            Croquette
|           Cocoa (Good)                                Duckonnaise
|           Cocoa (Perfect)       12/540 (2.2222%)      Eel
|           Cocoa (Shining)                             Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|           Cookie                                      Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|           Empty Can                                   Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|           Failed Soup                                 Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|           Feed                                        Egg (Duck) (Good)
|           Fodder                                      Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|           Herb Cookie                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|           Hot Cocoa                                   Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|           Marmalade                                   Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|           Mashed Potato                               Egg Salad
|           Mont Blanc Cake                             Egg Sandwich
|           Orange Cake                                 Egg Soup
|           Orange Cookie                               Eggplant (Decent)
|           Orange Pie                                  Eggplant (Good)
|           Pancake                                     Eggplant (Perfect)
|           Pudding                                     Eggplant (Shining)
|           Pumpkin Cake                                Fancy Seashell
|           Pumpkin Pie                                 Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|           Pumpkin Pudding                             Fish Meuniere (Good)
|           Rubber Boot                                 Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|           Shortcake                                   Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|           Spinach Cake                                Flax (Decent)
|           Strawberry Jam                              Flax (Good)
|           Sweet Potato Cake                           Flax (Perfect)
|           Sweet Yam Cake                              Flax (Shining)
|           Toadstool                                   Flax Yarn (Blue)
|           Tomato Juice                                Flax Yarn (Decent)
|           Very Berry Jam                              Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Green)
|           42/540 (7.7778%)                            Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Shining)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Stew
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       398/540 (73.7037%)
| - - -                                                                 [OZZIE]
| Ozzie     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bouillabaisse (Shi... Angler Fish           Amber
|           Chirashi Sushi        B. Noodles with Egg   Amethyst
|           Clam Soup             Bamboo en Papilote    Anemone
|           Fish Meuniere (Shi... Bell Pepper (Shining) Apple
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   Bonito                Apple (Shining)
|           Salmon Fried Rice     Bouillabaisse (Decent)Apple Cocktail
|           Sardine Tomato Stew   Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple Jam
|           Sashimi (Shining)     Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple Juice
|           Saury Tomato Stew     Breadfruit (Shining)  Apple Pie
|           Seafood Doria         Buckwheat (Perfect)   Aquamarine
|           Seafood Fried Rice    Buckwheat (Shining)   Baked Potato
|           Seafood Gratin        Buckwheat Chips       Bamboo Rice
|           Seafood Pizza         Buckwheat Cocktail    Bamboo Stew
|           Seafood Stew          Buckwheat Noodles     Banana
|           Shark Fin Stew        Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Banana Milk
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Butter (Cow) (Shining)Banana Pudding
|           Sushi (Shining)       Butter (Goat) (Per... Begonia
|           Tempura Buckwheat ... Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|           Tuna Rice             Cabbage (Shining)     Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|           19/540 (3.5185%)      Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Blue Mist
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Blueberry
|                                 Clam                  Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Blueberry Jam
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Blueberry Juice
|                                 Conger Eel            Bodigizer
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Bodigizer XL
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Boiled Corn
|                                 Cosmos                Boiled Spinach
|                                 Croquette             Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Eel                   Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Bread
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Egg Salad             Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Egg Sandwich          Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Decent)Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Fish Soup             Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Carp
|                                 Grilled Bonito        Catfish
|                                 Grilled Carp          Char
|                                 Grilled Catfish       Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Char          Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Cod           Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Conger Eel    Cheese Risotto
|                                 Grilled Crawfish      Cheesecake
|                                 Grilled Eel           Cherry
|                                 Grilled Flounder      Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Goby          Chestnut
|                                 Grilled Halibut       Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Horse MackerelChestnut Pie
|                                 Grilled Huchen        Chestnut Rice
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Chocolate Banana
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Chocolate Bar
|                                 Grilled Mackerel      Chocolate Cake
|                                 Grilled Mahi-Mahi     Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Grilled Manta Ray     Chocolate Pie
|                                 Grilled Masu Trout    Chocolate Pudding
|                                 Grilled Octopus       Chrysanthemum
|                                 Grilled Pond Smelt    Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Grilled Puffer Fish   Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Rainbow Trout Coconut
|                                 Grilled Redfin        Coconut Juice
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rock Trout    Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Grilled Rockfish      Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Salmon        Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Sardine       Cod
|                                 Grilled Saury         Cold Medicine
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream     Common Seashell
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Cookie
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Coral
|                                 Grilled Shark         Corn (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Corn (Good)
|                                 Grilled Squid         Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Corn Bread
|                                 Grilled Tuna          Corn Soup
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Crawfish
|                                 Grilled Yellow Tail   Crystal
|                                 Halibut               Diamond
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Doria
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Duckonnaise
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Huchen                Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 King Fish             Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Lobster               Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Mahi-Mahi             Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Manta Ray             Egg Rice
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Egg Soup
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Emerald
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Fancy Seashell
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Flax (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Flax (Good)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Flax (Shining)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Plain Omelet          Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Flounder
|                                 Rice Cocktail         French Fries
|                                 Rock Lobster          Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Rock Trout            Fried Egg
|                                 Rockfish              Garnet
|                                 Salmon                Glass
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Goby
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Grape
|                                 Sashimi (Decent)      Grape (Shining)
|                                 Sashimi (Good)        Grape Cocktail
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Grape Juice
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Green Bell
|                                 Sea Bream             Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Sea Urchin            Grilled Yam
|                                 Seasky Fish           Herb (Blue)
|                                 Seaweed Miso Soup     Herb (Green)
|                                 Shark                 Herb (Purple)
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Herb (Red)
|                                 Skull Jellyfish       Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Herb Bread
|                                 Southern Omelet       Herb Cookie
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Herbal Tea
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Hibiscus
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Honey (Blue)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Honey (Decent)
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Honey (Green)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Honey (Purple)
|                                 Sushi (Decent)        Honey (Red)
|                                 Sushi (Good)          Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Swordfish             Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Honeydew Juice
|                                 Tuna                  Honeydew Milk
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Horse Mackerel
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Hot Cocoa
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Hot Milk
|                                 Wood Fish             Hyacinth
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Jade
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Kimchi
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                 160/540 (29.6296%)    Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Lily
|           Cheese Fondue         Algae                 Mackerel
|           Chocolate Fondue      Bamboo Shoot          Marinated Mushrooms
|           Copper                Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Marmalade
|           Failed Dish           Carrot (Decent)       Mashed Potato
|           Feed                  Carrot (Good)         Masu Trout
|           Fodder                Carrot (Perfect)      Mayonnaise (Decent)
|           Gold                  Carrot (Shining)      Mayonnaise (Good)
|           Iron                  Carrot Cake           Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|           Limestone             Carrot Juice          Milk (Cow) (Good)
|           Ore (Copper)          Empty Can             Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|           Ore (Gold)            Failed Soup           Milk (Goat) (Good)
|           Ore (Iron)            Rubber Boot           Milk Tea
|           Ore (Silver)          Swim Shorts           Mont Blanc Cake
|           Scrap Iron            Toadstool             Moondrop
|           Silver                Vegetable Juice       Moonlight Stone
|           Spicy Seafood Soup    Weird Dish            Morning Glory
|           Tomato Juice                                Mushroom
|                                 16/540 (2.963%)       Mushroom Gratin
|           17/540 (3.1481%)                            Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       328/540 (60.7407%)
| - - -                                                                 [PAOLO]
| Paolo     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Banana Milk           Angler Fish           Amber
|           Chirashi Sushi        Apple Pie             Amethyst
|           Chocolate Banana      B. Noodles with Egg   Anemone
|           Conger Eel Rice       Baked Potato          Apple
|           Corn Soup             Bamboo en Papilote    Apple (Shining)
|           Eel Bowl              Bamboo Rice           Apple Jam
|           Marinated Fish (Sh... Banana                Apple Juice
|           Roasted Corn          Banana Pudding        Aquamarine
|           Sashimi (Shining)     Bell Pepper (Shining) Bamboo Stew
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Boiled Corn           Begonia
|           Sushi (Shining)       Bonito                Bell Pepper (Decent)
|           Tuna Rice             Bouillabaisse (Decent)Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|           12/540 (2.2222%)      Bouillabaisse (Per... Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Black Pearl
|                                 Bread                 Blue Mist
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Blueberry
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Blueberry Jam
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Blueberry Juice
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bodigizer
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bodigizer XL
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Boiled Spinach
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Clam                  Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Clam Soup             Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Conger Eel            Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Cookie                Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Corn (Perfect)        Carp
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Corn Bread            Carrot (Good)
|                                 Croquette             Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Duckonnaise           Carrot Juice
|                                 Eel                   Catfish
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Char
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Cherry
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Chestnut
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Chrysanthemum
|                                 Egg Rice              Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Egg Salad             Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Egg Sandwich          Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Coconut
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Coconut Juice
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Fish Soup             Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Bonito        Cod
|                                 Grilled Carp          Cold Medicine
|                                 Grilled Catfish       Common Seashell
|                                 Grilled Char          Coral
|                                 Grilled Clam          Corn (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Cod           Corn (Good)
|                                 Grilled Conger Eel    Cosmos
|                                 Grilled Crawfish      Crawfish
|                                 Grilled Eel           Crystal
|                                 Grilled Flounder      Diamond
|                                 Grilled Goby          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Halibut       Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Horse MackerelEgg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Huchen        Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Mackerel      Egg Soup
|                                 Grilled Mahi-Mahi     Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Manta Ray     Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Grilled Masu Trout    Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Pond Smelt    Emerald
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Fancy Seashell
|                                 Grilled Puffer Fish   Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rainbow Trout Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Grilled Redfin        Flax (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Flax (Good)
|                                 Grilled Rock Trout    Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Rockfish      Flax (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Salmon        Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Grilled Sardine       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Saury         Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream     Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Grilled Shark         Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Squid         Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Flounder
|                                 Grilled Tuna          French Fries
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Grilled Yam           Fried Egg
|                                 Grilled Yellow Tail   Garnet
|                                 Halibut               Glass
|                                 Herb Bread            Goby
|                                 Herb Cookie           Grape
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Grape (Shining)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Grape Juice
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Green Bell
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Grilled Octopus
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Herb (Blue)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Herb (Green)
|                                 Huchen                Herb (Purple)
|                                 King Fish             Herb (Red)
|                                 Lobster               Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Mahi-Mahi             Herbal Tea
|                                 Manta Ray             Hibiscus
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Honey (Blue)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Honey (Decent)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Honey (Green)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Honey (Purple)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Honey (Red)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Honeydew Juice
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Horse Mackerel
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Hot Milk
|                                 Omelet Rice           Hyacinth
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Jade
|                                 Onion Bread           Kimchi
|                                 Orange Cake           Lapis Lazuli
|                                 Orange Cookie         Lavender
|                                 Orange Pie            Laver Seaweed
|                                 Ostonnaise            Lily
|                                 Pancake               Mackerel
|                                 Plain Omelet          Marinated Mushrooms
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Marmalade
|                                 Potato Pancake        Masu Trout
|                                 Pudding               Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Ratatouille           Milk Tea
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Moondrop
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Moonlight Stone
|                                 Rock Lobster          Morning Glory
|                                 Rock Trout            Mushroom
|                                 Rockfish              Octopus
|                                 Salmon                Onion (Decent)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Onion (Good)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Onion (Perfect)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Orange
|                                 Sashimi (Decent)      Orange (Shining)
|                                 Sashimi (Good)        Orange Juice
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Pansy
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Pearl
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Perfume (Blue)
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Perfume (Decent)
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Perfume (Green)
|                                 Sea Bream             Perfume (Purple)
|                                 Sea Urchin            Perfume (Red)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Perfume (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Perfume (Yellow)
|                                 Seasky Fish           Peridot
|                                 Seaweed Miso Soup     Pickled Cabbage
|                                 Shark                 Pickled Eggplant
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Pickled Turnip
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Pie Crust
|                                 Shortcake             Pineapple
|                                 Skull Jellyfish       Pineapple Juice
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Pinkcat
|                                 Southern Omelet       Pond Smelt
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Pontata Root
|                                 Spicy Stew            Potato (Decent)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Potato (Good)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Potato (Perfect)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Potato Miso Soup
|                                 Steamed Egg           Potato Stew
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Puffer Fish
|                                 Stir Fry              Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Pumpkin (Good)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                 Sushi (Decent)        Pumpkin Stew
|                                 Sushi (Good)          Rainbow Trout
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Rare Metal
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Rice (Decent)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Rice (Good)
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Rice (Perfect)
|                                 Swordfish             Rice Ball
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Rose
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Rose Stone
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Royal Jelly
|                                 Tuna                  Ruby
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Sapphire
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Sardine
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Sardine in Oil
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Saury
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Seasoned Egg
|                                 Wood Fish             Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                 206/540 (38.1481%)    Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Silk Yarn (Red)
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 Silk Yarn (Shining)
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Bamboo Shoot          Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Snowflake
|           Cheese (Cow) (Decent) Cheese Fondue         Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|           Cheese (Cow) (Good)   Cheese Omelet         Spicy Pepper (Good)
|           Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Cheese Risotto        Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|           Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Cheesecake            Spicy Seafood Soup
|           Cheese (Goat) (Decent)Doria                 Spinach (Decent)
|           Cheese (Goat) (Good)  Empty Can             Spinach (Good)
|           Cheese (Goat) (Per... Failed Soup           Spinach (Perfect)
|           Coconut Cocktail      Mushroom Gratin       Spinel
|           Copper                Pizza                 Squid
|           Failed Dish           Potato Gratin         Stay Awake
|           Feed                  Rubber Boot           Stew
|           Fodder                Seafood Doria         Strawberry (Decent)
|           Gold                  Seafood Gratin        Strawberry (Good)
|           Grape Cocktail        Seafood Pizza         Strawberry (Perfect)
|           Iron                  Swim Shorts           Strawberry Jam
|           Limestone             Toadstool             Sunflower
|           Ore (Copper)          Vegetable Juice       Super Stay Awake
|           Ore (Gold)            Vegetable Pizza       Sweet Potato Stew
|           Ore (Iron)            Weird Dish            Tomato (Decent)
|           Ore (Silver)                                Tomato (Good)
|           Rice Cocktail         22/540 (4.0741%)      Tomato (Perfect)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Tomato Juice
|           Seafood Risotto                             Tomato Soup
|           Silver                                      Topaz
|           Spinach Risotto                             Tulip
|           Tomato Risotto                              Turnip (Decent)
|           Yam Cocktail                                Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|           30/540 (5.5556%)                            Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       270/540 (50%)
| - - - -                                                               [PASCA]
| Pascal    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bamboo en Papilote    Angler Fish           Amber
|           Bamboo Rice           Apple (Shining)       Amethyst
|           Fish Meuniere (Shi... Apple Cocktail        Anemone
|           Fish Soup             B. Noodles with Egg   Apple
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   Baked Potato          Apple Jam
|           Sauteed Clam          Bell Pepper (Shining) Apple Juice
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Blueberry Cocktail    Apple Pie
|                                 Boiled Spinach        Aquamarine
|           7/540 (1.2963%)       Bonito                Bamboo Stew
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Decent)Banana
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Banana Milk
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Banana Pudding
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Begonia
|                                 Bread                 Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Black Pearl
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Blue Mist
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Blueberry Jam
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Blueberry Juice
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Bodigizer
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Bodigizer XL
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Boiled Corn
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Clam                  Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Clam Soup             Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Coconut               Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Conger Eel            Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Corn Bread            Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Cosmos                Carp
|                                 Croquette             Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Doria                 Carrot (Good)
|                                 Eel                   Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Carrot Cake
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Carrot Juice
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Catfish
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Char
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg Rice              Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Cheese Risotto
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Decent)Cheesecake
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Cherry
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Flax (Shining)        Chestnut
|                                 French Fries          Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Fried Rice            Chestnut Pie
|                                 Grape (Shining)       Chocolate Cake
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Chocolate Pie
|                                 Grilled Bonito        Chocolate Pudding
|                                 Grilled Carp          Chrysanthemum
|                                 Grilled Catfish       Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Char          Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Cod           Coconut Juice
|                                 Grilled Conger Eel    Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Crawfish      Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Grilled Eel           Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Flounder      Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Goby          Cod
|                                 Grilled Halibut       Cold Medicine
|                                 Grilled Horse MackerelCommon Seashell
|                                 Grilled Huchen        Cookie
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Coral
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Corn (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Mackerel      Corn (Good)
|                                 Grilled Mahi-Mahi     Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Manta Ray     Corn Soup
|                                 Grilled Masu Trout    Crawfish
|                                 Grilled Octopus       Crystal
|                                 Grilled Pond Smelt    Diamond
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Duckonnaise
|                                 Grilled Puffer Fish   Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rainbow Trout Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Redfin        Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Rock Trout    Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rockfish      Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Salmon        Egg Salad
|                                 Grilled Sardine       Egg Sandwich
|                                 Grilled Saury         Egg Soup
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream     Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Shark         Emerald
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Fancy Seashell
|                                 Grilled Squid         Flax (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Flax (Good)
|                                 Grilled Tuna          Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Grilled Yellow Tail   Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Halibut               Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Herb Bread            Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 King Fish             Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Lobster               Flounder
|                                 Mahi-Mahi             Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Manta Ray             Fried Egg
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Garnet
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Glass
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Goby
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Grape
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Grape Juice
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Green Bell
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Grilled Yam
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Herb (Blue)
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Herb (Green)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Herb (Purple)
|                                 Onion (Perfect)       Herb (Red)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Onion Bread           Herb Cookie
|                                 Pizza                 Herbal Tea
|                                 Plain Omelet          Hibiscus
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Honey (Blue)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Honey (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Honey (Green)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Honey (Purple)
|                                 Ratatouille           Honey (Red)
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Rock Lobster          Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Rock Trout            Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Rockfish              Honeydew Juice
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Honeydew Milk
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Horse Mackerel
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Hot Cocoa
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Hot Milk
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Huchen
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Hyacinth
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Jade
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Kimchi
|                                 Sea Bream             Lapis Lazuli
|                                 Sea Urchin            Lavender
|                                 Seafood Doria         Laver Seaweed
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Lily
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Limestone
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Mackerel
|                                 Seafood Stew          Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                 Seasky Fish           Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Marinated Mushrooms
|                                 Shark                 Marmalade
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Mashed Potato
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Masu Trout
|                                 Skull Jellyfish       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Milk Tea
|                                 Steamed Egg           Mont Blanc Cake
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Moondrop
|                                 Stew                  Moonlight Stone
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Morning Glory
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Mushroom
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Octopus
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Onion (Decent)
|                                 Swordfish             Onion (Good)
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Orange
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Orange (Shining)
|                                 Tuna                  Orange Cake
|                                 Tuna Rice             Orange Cookie
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Orange Juice
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Orange Pie
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Ostonnaise
|                                 Wood Fish             Pancake
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Pansy
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                 188/540 (34.8148%)    Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Perfume (Purple)
|           Chocolate Fondue      Algae                 Perfume (Red)
|           Copper                Bamboo Shoot          Perfume (Shining)
|           Failed Soup           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Perfume (Yellow)
|           Feed                  Empty Can             Peridot
|           Fodder                Failed Dish           Pickled Cabbage
|           Gold                  Rubber Boot           Pickled Eggplant
|           Iron                  Swim Shorts           Pickled Turnip
|           Ore (Copper)          Weird Dish            Pie Crust
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Pineapple
|           Ore (Iron)            8/540 (1.4815%)       Pineapple Juice
|           Ore (Silver)                                Pinkcat
|           Rare Metal                                  Pond Smelt
|           Scrap Iron                                  Pontata Root
|           Silver                                      Potato (Decent)
|           Toadstool                                   Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|           15/540 (2.7778%)                            Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       322/540 (59.6296%)
| - - -                                                                 [PERRY]
| Perry     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bamboo Rice           Apple Pie             Amber
|           Chestnut Rice         Aquamarine            Amethyst
|           Chirashi Sushi        Bamboo en Papilote    Anemone
|           Doria                 Bamboo Stew           Angler Fish
|           Herb Bread            Banana Milk           Apple
|           Herb Cookie           Banana Pudding        Apple (Shining)
|           Herbal Tea            Bodigizer XL          Apple Jam
|           Mushroom Rice         Boiled Spinach        Apple Juice
|           Omelet Rice           Bouillabaisse (Per... B. Noodles with Egg
|           Pontata Root          Bouillabaisse (Shi... Baked Potato
|           Seafood Doria         Bread                 Banana
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Butter (Cow) (Good)   Begonia
|           Southern Omelet       Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Decent)
|           Sushi (Shining)       Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Good)
|           Sweet Potato Rice     Butter (Goat) (Per... Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|           Tuna Rice             Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Big-Scaled Redfin
|           16/540 (2.963%)       Carrot Juice          Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Blue Mist
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Blueberry Jam
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Blueberry Juice
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Bodigizer
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Boiled Corn
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Bonito
|                                 Cheesecake            Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Cold Medicine         Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Cookie                Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Corn Bread            Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Croquette             Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Egg Rice              Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Fried Rice            Carp
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Herb (Green)          Carrot (Good)
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Herb (Red)            Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Catfish
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Char
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Honey (Decent)        Cherry
|                                 Honey (Green)         Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Chestnut
|                                 Honey (Red)           Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Chocolate Banana
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Chocolate Bar
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Chrysanthemum
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Lavender              Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Coconut
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Milk Tea              Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Cod
|                                 Onion Bread           Common Seashell
|                                 Orange Cake           Conger Eel
|                                 Orange Cookie         Coral
|                                 Orange Pie            Corn (Decent)
|                                 Pancake               Corn (Good)
|                                 Pizza                 Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Plain Omelet          Corn (Shining)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Corn Soup
|                                 Potato Pancake        Cosmos
|                                 Potato Stew           Crawfish
|                                 Pudding               Crystal
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Diamond
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Duckonnaise
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Eel
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Ratatouille           Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Rice (Perfect)        Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Rice Ball             Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Royal Jelly           Egg Salad
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Egg Sandwich
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Egg Soup
|                                 Sapphire              Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Emerald
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Fancy Seashell
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Flax (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Flax (Good)
|                                 Shortcake             Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Flax (Shining)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Stew                  Flounder
|                                 Stir Fry              French Fries
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Fried Egg
|                                 Sushi (Good)          Garnet
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Glass
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Goby
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Grape
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Grape (Shining)
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Grape Juice
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Green Bell
|                                 Tuna                  Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Grilled Bonito
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Grilled Carp
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Grilled Catfish
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Grilled Char
|                                 Yogurt                Grilled Cod
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                 137/540 (25.3704%)    Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Grilled Flounder
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 Grilled Goby
|           Bamboo Shoot          Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Grilled Halibut
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Clam                  Grilled Horse Mackerel
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Clam Soup             Grilled Huchen
|           Coconut Cocktail      Empty Can             Grilled King Fish
|           Coconut Juice         Failed Dish           Grilled Lobster
|           Copper                Failed Soup           Grilled Mackerel
|           Feed                  Fish Soup             Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|           Fodder                Grilled Clam          Grilled Manta Ray
|           Gold                  Grilled Sea Urchin    Grilled Masu Trout
|           Grape Cocktail        Rubber Boot           Grilled Octopus
|           Iron                  Sauteed Clam          Grilled Pond Smelt
|           Laver Seaweed         Scrap Iron            Grilled Prawn
|           Ore (Copper)          Swim Shorts           Grilled Puffer Fish
|           Ore (Gold)            Weird Dish            Grilled Rainbow Trout
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Grilled Redfin
|           Ore (Silver)          15/540 (2.7778%)      Grilled Rock Lobster
|           Rice Cocktail                               Grilled Rock Trout
|           Sea Urchin                                  Grilled Rockfish
|           Seaweed Miso Soup                           Grilled Salmon
|           Silver                                      Grilled Sardine
|           Toadstool                                   Grilled Saury
|           Yam Cocktail                                Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|           23/540 (4.2593%)                            Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       349/540 (64.6296%)
| - - - -                                                               [PHOEB]
| Phoebe    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bamboo Rice           Amber                 Anemone
|           Buckwheat Chips       Amethyst              Angler Fish
|           Eel Bowl              Aquamarine            Apple
|           Rare Metal            B. Noodles with Egg   Apple (Shining)
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Black Pearl           Apple Cocktail
|           Tempura Buckwheat ... Bodigizer             Apple Jam
|                                 Bodigizer XL          Apple Juice
|           6/540 (1.1111%)       Buckwheat (Perfect)   Apple Pie
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Baked Potato
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bamboo Shoot
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bamboo Stew
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Banana
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Banana Milk
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Banana Pudding
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Begonia
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Cold Medicine         Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Blue Mist
|                                 Coral                 Blueberry
|                                 Cosmos                Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Crystal               Blueberry Jam
|                                 Diamond               Blueberry Juice
|                                 Egg Rice              Boiled Corn
|                                 Emerald               Boiled Spinach
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Bonito
|                                 Garnet                Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Gold                  Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Herb (Green)          Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Jade                  Bread
|                                 King Fish             Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Limestone             Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Ore (Gold)            Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Pearl                 Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Perfume (Green)       Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Peridot               Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Pontata Root          Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Rice (Perfect)        Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Rice Ball             Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Ruby                  Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Sapphire              Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Carp
|                                 Spinel                Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Stay Awake            Carrot (Good)
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Carrot Cake
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Carrot Juice
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Catfish
|                                 Topaz                 Char
|                                 Tuna Rice             Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Wonderful (Blue)      Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Wonderful (Green)     Cheese Fondue
|                                 Wonderful (Purple)    Cheese Omelet
|                                 Wonderful (Red)       Cheese Risotto
|                                 Wonderful (White)     Cheesecake
|                                 Wonderful (Yellow)    Cherry
|                                                       Cherry (Shining)
|                                 67/540 (12.4074%)     Chestnut
|                                                       Chestnut (Shining)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Chestnut Pie
|           Algae                 Failed Dish           Chocolate Banana
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Failed Soup           Chocolate Bar
|           Bouillabaisse (Decent)Fish Soup             Chocolate Cake
|           Bouillabaisse (Good)  Grilled Sea Urchin    Chocolate Cookie
|           Bouillabaisse (Per... Sauteed Clam          Chocolate Fondue
|           Bouillabaisse (Shi... Sea Urchin            Chocolate Pie
|           Clam                  Seafood Fried Rice    Chocolate Pudding
|           Clam Soup             Seafood Gratin        Chrysanthemum
|           Feed                  Seafood Risotto       Cocoa (Decent)
|           Fodder                Weird Dish            Cocoa (Good)
|           Grilled Clam                                Cocoa (Perfect)
|           Perfume (Red)         10/540 (1.8519%)      Cocoa (Shining)
|           Seafood Doria                               Coconut
|           Seafood Pizza                               Coconut Cocktail
|           Seafood Stew                                Coconut Juice
|                                                       Cocoon (Decent)
|           15/540 (2.7778%)                            Cocoon (Good)
|                                                       Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                                       Cocoon (Shining)
|                                                       Cod
|                                                       Common Seashell
|                                                       Conger Eel
|                                                       Cookie
|                                                       Copper
|                                                       Corn (Decent)
|                                                       Corn (Good)
|                                                       Corn (Perfect)
|                                                       Corn (Shining)
|                                                       Corn Bread
|                                                       Corn Soup
|                                                       Crawfish
|                                                       Croquette
|                                                       Doria
|                                                       Duckonnaise
|                                                       Eel
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Duck) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                                       Egg (Ostrich) (Shining)
|                                                       Egg Salad
|                                                       Egg Sandwich
|                                                       Egg Soup
|                                                       Eggplant (Decent)
|                                                       Eggplant (Good)
|                                                       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                                       Eggplant (Shining)
|                                                       Empty Can
|                                                       Fancy Seashell
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|                                                       Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|                                                       Flax (Decent)
|                                                       Flax (Good)
|                                                       Flax (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Fried Rice
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Cocktail
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Shining)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Shining)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Rubber Boot
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Salmon Fried Rice
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Scrap Iron
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice
|                                                       Southern Omelet
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swim Shorts
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Toadstool
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       442/540 (81.8519%)
| - - - -                                                               [RAMSE]
| Ramsey    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) B. Noodles with Egg   Apple Cocktail        Amber
|           Chirashi Sushi        Bamboo Rice           Amethyst
|           Sashimi (Shining)     Bell Pepper (Shining) Anemone
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Blueberry Cocktail    Angler Fish
|           Sushi (Shining)       Breadfruit (Shining)  Apple
|           Tempura Buckwheat ... Buckwheat (Perfect)   Apple (Shining)
|           Tuna Rice             Buckwheat (Shining)   Apple Jam
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Apple Juice
|           7/540 (1.2963%)       Buckwheat Cocktail    Apple Pie
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Aquamarine
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Bamboo Stew
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Banana
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Banana Milk
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Banana Pudding
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Begonia
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Clam Soup             Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Black Pearl
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Blue Mist
|                                 Eel Bowl              Blueberry
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Blueberry Jam
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Blueberry Juice
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Boiled Corn
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Boiled Spinach
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Bonito
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Egg Rice              Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Soup             Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 French Fries          Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Gold                  Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Eggplant      Bread
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Herbal Tea            Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Carp
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Carrot (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Carrot Cake
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Carrot Juice
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Catfish
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Char
|                                 Milk Tea              Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Ore (Gold)            Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Ore (Silver)          Cheese Risotto
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Cheesecake
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Cherry
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Chestnut
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Rare Metal            Chestnut Pie
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Chocolate Cake
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Sashimi (Decent)      Chocolate Pie
|                                 Sashimi (Good)        Chocolate Pudding
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Chrysanthemum
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Clam
|                                 Silver                Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Spinach (Perfect)     Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Coconut
|                                 Steamed Egg           Coconut Juice
|                                 Stir Fry              Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Decent)        Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Sushi (Good)          Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Cod
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Cold Medicine
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Common Seashell
|                                 Turnip (Perfect)      Conger Eel
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Cookie
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Copper
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Coral
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Corn (Decent)
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Corn (Good)
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Corn (Perfect)
|                                                       Corn Bread
|                                 89/540 (16.4815%)     Corn Soup
|                                                       Cosmos
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Crawfish
|           Bodigizer             Algae                 Croquette
|           Bodigizer XL          Baked Potato          Crystal
|           Butter (Cow) (Decent) Bamboo Shoot          Diamond
|           Butter (Cow) (Good)   Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Doria
|           Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Empty Can             Duckonnaise
|           Butter (Cow) (Shining)Failed Soup           Eel
|           Butter (Goat) (Decent)Rubber Boot           Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|           Butter (Goat) (Good)  Sauteed Clam          Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|           Butter (Goat) (Per... Sauteed Mushroom      Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|           Butter (Goat) (Shi... Sauteed Spinach       Egg (Duck) (Good)
|           Cheese Fondue         Swim Shorts           Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|           Cheese Omelet         Toadstool             Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|           Chocolate Banana                            Egg Salad
|           Chocolate Bar         12/540 (2.2222%)      Egg Sandwich
|           Chocolate Fondue                            Egg Soup
|           Failed Dish                                 Eggplant (Decent)
|           Feed                                        Eggplant (Good)
|           Fish Meuniere (Decent)                      Eggplant (Perfect)
|           Fish Meuniere (Good)                        Emerald
|           Fish Meuniere (Per...                       Fancy Seashell
|           Fish Meuniere (Shi...                       Flax (Decent)
|           Fodder                                      Flax (Good)
|           Perfume (Blue)                              Flax (Perfect)
|           Perfume (Decent)                            Flax (Shining)
|           Perfume (Green)                             Flax Yarn (Blue)
|           Perfume (Purple)                            Flax Yarn (Decent)
|           Perfume (Red)                               Flax Yarn (Good)
|           Perfume (Shining)                           Flax Yarn (Green)
|           Perfume (Yellow)                            Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|           Plain Omelet                                Flax Yarn (Purple)
|           Southern Omelet                             Flax Yarn (Red)
|           Stay Awake                                  Flax Yarn (Shining)
|           Super Stay Awake                            Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|           Tomato Omelet                               Flounder
|           Weird Dish                                  Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|           35/540 (6.4815%)                            Fried Rice
|                                                       Garnet
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Carp
|                                                       Grilled Catfish
|                                                       Grilled Char
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eel
|                                                       Grilled Flounder
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled Halibut
|                                                       Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Salmon Fried Rice
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Scrap Iron
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Fried Rice
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seafood Pizza
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seafood Stew
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       397/540 (73.5185%)
| - - -                                                                 [RENEE]
| Renee     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bouillabaisse (Shi... Amber                 Amethyst
|           Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Angler Fish           Anemone
|           Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Apple Pie             Apple
|           Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Banana Milk           Apple (Shining)
|           Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Banana Pudding        Apple Cocktail
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   Bell Pepper (Shining) Apple Jam
|           Perfume (Yellow)      Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple Juice
|           Salmon Cream Stew     Bouillabaisse (Per... Aquamarine
|           Salmon Fried Rice     Breadfruit (Perfect)  B. Noodles with Egg
|           Seafood Doria         Breadfruit (Shining)  Baked Potato
|           Seafood Stew          Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bamboo en Papilote
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bamboo Rice
|           Steamed Egg           Butter (Goat) (Per... Bamboo Stew
|           Strawberry Milk       Butter (Goat) (Shi... Banana
|           Sushi (Shining)       Cabbage (Shining)     Begonia
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Bell Pepper (Decent)
|           15/540 (2.7778%)      Carrot Cake           Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Blue Mist
|                                 Cheesecake            Blueberry
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Blueberry Jam
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Blueberry Juice
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Bodigizer
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Bodigizer XL
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Boiled Corn
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Boiled Spinach
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Bonito
|                                 Eel Bowl              Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Bread
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Grilled Bonito        Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Carp          Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Grilled Catfish       Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Char          Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Cod           Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Grilled Conger Eel    Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Grilled Eel           Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Grilled Flounder      Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Goby          Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Halibut       Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Horse MackerelButter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Huchen        Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Grilled Mackerel      Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Mahi-Mahi     Carp
|                                 Grilled Manta Ray     Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Masu Trout    Carrot (Good)
|                                 Grilled Pond Smelt    Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Puffer Fish   Carrot Juice
|                                 Grilled Rainbow Trout Catfish
|                                 Grilled Redfin        Char
|                                 Grilled Rock Trout    Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rockfish      Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Salmon        Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sardine       Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Saury         Cheese Fondue
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream     Cheese Risotto
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Cherry
|                                 Grilled Tuna          Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Yam           Chestnut
|                                 Grilled Yellow Tail   Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Chestnut Rice
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Chocolate Banana
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Chocolate Bar
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Chrysanthemum
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Clam
|                                 Hot Milk              Clam Soup
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Coconut
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Coconut Juice
|                                 Milk Tea              Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Orange Cake           Cod
|                                 Orange Juice          Cold Medicine
|                                 Orange Pie            Common Seashell
|                                 Pancake               Conger Eel
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Cookie
|                                 Plain Omelet          Copper
|                                 Potato Gratin         Coral
|                                 Potato Pancake        Corn (Decent)
|                                 Pudding               Corn (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Corn Bread
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Corn Soup
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Cosmos
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Crawfish
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Croquette
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Crystal
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Diamond
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Doria
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Duckonnaise
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Eel
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Shortcake             Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Egg Rice
|                                 Spinach Cake          Egg Salad
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Egg Sandwich
|                                 Stew                  Egg Soup
|                                 Sunflower             Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Sushi (Good)          Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Emerald
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Fancy Seashell
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Feed
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Topaz                 Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Fish Soup
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Flax (Decent)
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Flax (Good)
|                                 Wonderful (Yellow)    Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Flax (Shining)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Shining)   Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 136/540 (25.1852%)    Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Flounder
|           Algae                 Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Fodder
|           Bamboo Shoot          Empty Can             French Fries
|           Failed Dish           Failed Soup           Freshwater Prawn
|           Scrap Iron            Rubber Boot           Fried Egg
|           Toadstool             Swim Shorts           Fried Rice
|                                 Weird Dish            Garnet
|           5/540 (0.9259%)                             Glass
|                                 6/540 (1.1111%)       Goby
|                                                       Gold
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Cocktail
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Clam
|                                                       Grilled Crawfish
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                                       Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       378/540 (70%)
| - - -                                                                 [RUTH-]
| Ruth      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Boiled Spinach        Apple Pie             Amber
|           Sauteed Spinach       Aquamarine            Amethyst
|           Shining Baumkuchen    B. Noodles with Egg   Anemone
|           Spinach Cake          Baked Potato          Angler Fish
|           Spinach Risotto       Bamboo en Papilote    Apple
|                                 Bamboo Rice           Apple (Shining)
|           5/540 (0.9259%)       Bamboo Stew           Apple Cocktail
|                                 Banana Milk           Apple Jam
|                                 Banana Pudding        Apple Juice
|                                 Black Pearl           Banana
|                                 Boiled Corn           Begonia
|                                 Bread                 Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Breadfruit (Perfect)  Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Blue Mist
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Blueberry Jam
|                                 Carrot Cake           Blueberry Juice
|                                 Carrot Juice          Bodigizer
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bodigizer XL
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bonito
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Cheesecake            Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Perfect)       Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Cookie                Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Corn Bread            Carp
|                                 Croquette             Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Doria                 Carrot (Good)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Catfish
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Char
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg Rice              Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg Salad             Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Egg Sandwich          Cherry
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Cherry (Shining)
|                                 French Fries          Chestnut
|                                 Fried Rice            Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Eggplant      Chirashi Sushi
|                                 Grilled Yam           Chrysanthemum
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Clam
|                                 Herb Bread            Clam Soup
|                                 Herb Cookie           Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Coconut
|                                 Kimchi                Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Coconut Juice
|                                 Limestone             Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Cod
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Cold Medicine
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Common Seashell
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Conger Eel
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Coral
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Corn (Decent)
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Corn (Good)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Onion (Perfect)       Corn (Shining)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Corn Soup
|                                 Onion Bread           Cosmos
|                                 Orange Cake           Crystal
|                                 Orange Cookie         Diamond
|                                 Orange Juice          Duckonnaise
|                                 Orange Pie            Eel
|                                 Pancake               Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Pansy                 Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Pinkcat               Egg Soup
|                                 Pizza                 Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Plain Omelet          Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Potato Pancake        Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Potato Stew           Emerald
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Fancy Seashell
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Fish Meuniere (Shining)
|                                 Ratatouille           Fish Soup
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Flax (Decent)
|                                 Roasted Corn          Flax (Good)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Flax (Shining)
|                                 Sapphire              Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Flounder
|                                 Shortcake             Fried Egg
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Garnet
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Glass
|                                 Southern Omelet       Goby
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Gold
|                                 Spicy Stew            Grape
|                                 Spinach (Perfect)     Grape (Shining)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Grape Cocktail
|                                 Steamed Egg           Grape Juice
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Green Bell
|                                 Stew                  Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Stir Fry              Grilled Bonito
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Grilled Carp
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Grilled Catfish
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Grilled Char
|                                 Sunflower             Grilled Clam
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Grilled Cod
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Grilled Eel
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Grilled Flounder
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Grilled Goby
|                                 Tomato Juice          Grilled Halibut
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Grilled Huchen
|                                 Tuna Rice             Grilled King Fish
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Wool Yarn (Shining)   Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Yogurt                Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                 150/540 (27.7778%)    Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Grilled Salmon
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Grilled Sardine
|           Bouillabaisse (Decent)Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Grilled Saury
|           Bouillabaisse (Good)  Empty Can             Grilled Sea Bream
|           Bouillabaisse (Per... Failed Dish           Grilled Sea Urchin
|           Bouillabaisse (Shi... Failed Soup           Grilled Seasky Fish
|           Copper                Grilled Crawfish      Grilled Shark
|           Crawfish              Grilled Lobster       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|           Feed                  Grilled Octopus       Grilled Swordfish
|           Fodder                Grilled Prawn         Grilled Tuna
|           Freshwater Prawn      Grilled Rock Lobster  Grilled Wood Fish
|           Iron                  Grilled Squid         Grilled Yellow Tail
|           Lobster               Marinated Fish (Pe... Halibut
|           Octopus               Rubber Boot           Herb (Green)
|           Ore (Copper)          Scrap Iron            Herb (Purple)
|           Ore (Iron)            Seafood Gratin        Herb (Red)
|           Rock Lobster          Squid Tomato Stew     Herb (Yellow)
|           Seafood Pizza         Swim Shorts           Herb Fish (Decent)
|           Squid                 Weird Dish            Herb Fish (Good)
|           Toadstool                                   Herb Fish (Perfect)
|                                 18/540 (3.3333%)      Herb Fish (Shining)
|           19/540 (3.5185%)                            Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sushi (Shining)
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       348/540 (64.4444%)
| - - - -                                                               [SAMSO]
| Samson    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Blueberry Cocktail    Apple Cocktail        Amber
|           Chocolate Banana      Apple Jam             Amethyst
|           Chocolate Bar         Apple Juice           Anemone
|           Chocolate Cake        Apple Pie             Angler Fish
|           Chocolate Cookie      Baked Potato          Apple
|           Chocolate Pie         Banana Milk           Apple (Shining)
|           Chocolate Pudding     Banana Pudding        Aquamarine
|           Grilled Skull Jell... Bell Pepper (Shining) B. Noodles with Egg
|           Seafood Stew          Black Pearl           Bamboo en Papilote
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Blueberry Jam         Bamboo Rice
|           Southern Fried Rice   Blueberry Juice       Bamboo Stew
|           Southern Omelet       Boiled Corn           Banana
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Decent)Begonia
|           12/540 (2.2222%)      Bouillabaisse (Good)  Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Bread                 Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Blue Mist
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Blueberry
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Bodigizer
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bodigizer XL
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Boiled Spinach
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Bonito
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Cheesecake            Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Clam                  Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Cocoa (Perfect)       Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Coconut               Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Coconut Juice         Carp
|                                 Cookie                Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Carrot (Good)
|                                 Corn Bread            Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Croquette             Carrot Juice
|                                 Doria                 Catfish
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Char
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Cherry
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Fancy Seashell        Chestnut
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Chestnut Rice
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Chirashi Sushi
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Chrysanthemum
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Clam Soup
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Shining)   Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Grape Juice           Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Cod
|                                 Grilled Crawfish      Cold Medicine
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Common Seashell
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Conger Eel
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Conger Eel Rice
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Coral
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Corn (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Corn (Good)
|                                 Grilled Shark         Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Corn Soup
|                                 Herb Bread            Cosmos
|                                 Herb Cookie           Crawfish
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Crystal
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Diamond
|                                 Herbal Tea            Duckonnaise
|                                 Hibiscus              Eel
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Eel Bowl
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Egg Rice
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Egg Salad
|                                 Marmalade             Egg Sandwich
|                                 Mashed Potato         Egg Soup
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Good)    Emerald
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Milk Tea              Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Fish Soup
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Flax (Decent)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Flax (Good)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Onion Bread           Flax (Shining)
|                                 Orange Cake           Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Orange Cookie         Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Orange Pie            Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Pancake               Flounder
|                                 Pearl                 French Fries
|                                 Pineapple             Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Fried Egg
|                                 Pizza                 Garnet
|                                 Plain Omelet          Glass
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Goby
|                                 Potato Gratin         Grape
|                                 Potato Pancake        Grape (Shining)
|                                 Pudding               Green Bell
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Grilled Bonito
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Grilled Carp
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Grilled Catfish
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Grilled Char
|                                 Ratatouille           Grilled Cod
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Grilled Eel
|                                 Roasted Corn          Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Rose                  Grilled Flounder
|                                 Rose Stone            Grilled Goby
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Grilled Halibut
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Grilled Huchen
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Grilled Octopus
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Sea Urchin            Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Seafood Doria         Grilled Redfin
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Grilled Salmon
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Grilled Sardine
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Grilled Saury
|                                 Shortcake             Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Perfect)Grilled Squid
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Grilled Swordfish
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Grilled Tuna
|                                 Spicy Stew            Grilled Yam
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Spinach Cake          Halibut
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Herb (Blue)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Herb (Green)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Herb (Purple)
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Herb (Red)
|                                 Stew                  Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry Jam        Herb Fish (Good)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Honey (Blue)
|                                 Sunflower             Honey (Decent)
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Honey (Green)
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Honey (Purple)
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Honey (Red)
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Horse Mackerel
|                                 Very Berry Jam        Hot Milk
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Huchen
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Hyacinth
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Jade
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Kimchi
|                                 Yam Cocktail          King Fish
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                 176/540 (32.5926%)    Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Lobster
|           Algae                 Failed Soup           Mackerel
|           Bamboo Shoot          Potato Miso Soup      Mahi-Mahi
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Seaweed Miso Soup     Manta Ray
|           Copper                Toadstool             Marinated Mushrooms
|           Empty Can                                   Masu Trout
|           Failed Dish           4/540 (0.7407%)       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|           Feed                                        Mayonnaise (Good)
|           Fodder                                      Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|           Gold                                        Milk (Cow) (Good)
|           Iron                                        Milk (Cow) (Shining)
|           Limestone                                   Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|           Ore (Copper)                                Milk (Goat) (Shining)
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Moondrop
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Moonlight Stone
|           Ore (Silver)                                Morning Glory
|           Pickled Cabbage                             Mushroom
|           Pickled Eggplant                            Mushroom Rice
|           Pickled Turnip                              Octopus
|           Rubber Boot                                 Onion (Decent)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Onion (Good)
|           Silver                                      Onion (Perfect)
|           Swim Shorts                                 Orange
|           Weird Dish                                  Orange (Shining)
|           Wool (Decent)                               Orange Juice
|           Wool (Good)                                 Ostonnaise
|           Wool (Perfect)                              Pansy
|           Wool (Shining)                              Perfume (Blue)
|           Wool Yarn (Blue)                            Perfume (Decent)
|           Wool Yarn (Decent)                          Perfume (Green)
|           Wool Yarn (Good)                            Perfume (Purple)
|           Wool Yarn (Green)                           Perfume (Red)
|           Wool Yarn (Perfect)                         Perfume (Shining)
|           Wool Yarn (Purple)                          Perfume (Yellow)
|           Wool Yarn (Red)                             Peridot
|           Wool Yarn (Shining)                         Pie Crust
|           Wool Yarn (Yellow)                          Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|           36/540 (6.6667%)                            Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sushi (Shining)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Tuna Rice
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       312/540 (57.7778%)
| - - - -                                                               [SELEN]
| Selena    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bouillabaisse (Shi... Amber                 Anemone
|           Coconut               Amethyst              Angler Fish
|           Coconut Cocktail      Apple Cocktail        Apple
|           Diamond               Aquamarine            Apple (Shining)
|           Perfume (Red)         Banana                Apple Jam
|           Ruby                  Blue Mist             Apple Juice
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Blueberry Cocktail    Apple Pie
|           Southern Fried Rice   Bouillabaisse (Good)  B. Noodles with Egg
|           Southern Omelet       Bouillabaisse (Per... Baked Potato
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Bamboo Stew
|           9/540 (1.6667%)       Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Banana Milk
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Banana Pudding
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Begonia
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Black Pearl
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Blueberry
|                                 Clam Soup             Blueberry Jam
|                                 Coconut Juice         Blueberry Juice
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Bodigizer
|                                 Crystal               Bodigizer XL
|                                 Emerald               Boiled Corn
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Decent)Boiled Spinach
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Bonito
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Fish Soup             Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Garnet                Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Grape (Shining)       Bread
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Jade                  Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 King Fish             Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Lily                  Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Lobster               Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Perfume (Green)       Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Perfume (Yellow)      Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Peridot               Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Pineapple             Carrot (Good)
|                                 Potato (Perfect)      Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Carrot Cake
|                                 Rock Lobster          Carrot Juice
|                                 Rose                  Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Sapphire              Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Cheese Fondue
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Cheese Omelet
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Cheese Risotto
|                                 Seafood Doria         Cheesecake
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Cherry
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Chestnut
|                                 Seafood Stew          Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Seasky Fish           Chestnut Pie
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Chestnut Rice
|                                 Spinel                Chocolate Banana
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Chocolate Bar
|                                 Tomato (Perfect)      Chocolate Cake
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Topaz                 Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Tuna Rice             Chocolate Pie
|                                 Wonderful (Red)       Chocolate Pudding
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Chrysanthemum
|                                                       Clam
|                                 78/540 (14.4444%)     Cocoa (Decent)
|                                                       Cocoa (Good)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Cocoa (Perfect)
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Cocoa (Shining)
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Bamboo en Papilote    Cocoon (Decent)
|           Big-Scaled Redfin     Bamboo Rice           Cocoon (Good)
|           Carp                  Empty Can             Cocoon (Perfect)
|           Catfish               Failed Dish           Cocoon (Shining)
|           Char                  Failed Soup           Cod
|           Copper                Feed                  Cold Medicine
|           Crawfish              Fodder                Common Seashell
|           Eel                   Rubber Boot           Conger Eel
|           Gold                  Scrap Iron            Cookie
|           Grilled Carp          Swim Shorts           Coral
|           Grilled Catfish       Weird Dish            Corn (Decent)
|           Grilled Char                                Corn (Good)
|           Grilled Crawfish      12/540 (2.2222%)      Corn (Perfect)
|           Grilled Eel                                 Corn (Shining)
|           Grilled Flounder                            Corn Bread
|           Grilled Halibut                             Corn Soup
|           Grilled Horse Mackerel                      Cosmos
|           Grilled Huchen                              Croquette
|           Grilled Lobster                             Doria
|           Grilled Mackerel                            Duckonnaise
|           Grilled Mahi-Mahi                           Eel Bowl
|           Grilled Masu Trout                          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|           Grilled Octopus                             Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|           Grilled Pond Smelt                          Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|           Grilled Puffer Fish                         Egg (Chicken) (Shining)
|           Grilled Rainbow Trout                       Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|           Grilled Redfin                              Egg (Duck) (Good)
|           Grilled Salmon                              Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|           Grilled Sardine                             Egg (Duck) (Shining)
|           Grilled Saury                               Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|           Grilled Squid                               Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|           Grilled Tuna                                Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|           Huchen                                      Egg (Ostrich) (Shining)
|           Iron                                        Egg Rice
|           Limestone                                   Egg Salad
|           Masu Trout                                  Egg Sandwich
|           Ore (Copper)                                Egg Soup
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Eggplant (Decent)
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Eggplant (Good)
|           Ore (Silver)                                Eggplant (Perfect)
|           Pond Smelt                                  Eggplant (Shining)
|           Pontata Root                                Fancy Seashell
|           Puffer Fish                                 Flax (Decent)
|           Rainbow Trout                               Flax (Good)
|           Rare Metal                                  Flax (Perfect)
|           Salmon                                      Flax (Shining)
|           Sea Urchin                                  Flax Yarn (Blue)
|           Silver                                      Flax Yarn (Decent)
|           Toadstool                                   Flax Yarn (Good)
|           Vegetable Juice                             Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|           51/540 (9.4444%)                            Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Fried Rice
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                                       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|                                                       Grilled Cod
|                                                       Grilled Conger Eel
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Goby
|                                                       Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Manta Ray
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Sea Bream
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Shining)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Omelet Rice
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Onion Bread
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sushi (Shining)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       390/540 (72.2222%)
| - - - -                                                               [SHELL]
| Shelly    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Chestnut Pie          Anemone               Amber
|           Chestnut Rice         Apple Pie             Amethyst
|           Mont Blanc Cake       B. Noodles with Egg   Angler Fish
|           Moondrop              Bamboo en Papilote    Apple
|           Pickled Eggplant      Bamboo Rice           Apple (Shining)
|           Pickled Turnip        Bamboo Stew           Apple Jam
|           Pinkcat               Banana Pudding        Apple Juice
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Begonia               Aquamarine
|                                 Bell Pepper (Shining) Baked Potato
|           8/540 (1.4815%)       Boiled Corn           Banana
|                                 Boiled Spinach        Banana Milk
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Bread                 Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Black Pearl
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Blue Mist
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Blueberry Jam
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Blueberry Juice
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Bonito
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bouillabaisse (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Cheesecake            Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Chestnut (Shining)    Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Chrysanthemum         Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Clam Soup             Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Cocoon (Perfect)      Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Cocoon (Shining)      Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Carp
|                                 Cookie                Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Carrot (Good)
|                                 Corn Bread            Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Cosmos                Carrot Juice
|                                 Croquette             Catfish
|                                 Eel Bowl              Char
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Cheese Fondue
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Cheese Risotto
|                                 Egg Rice              Cherry
|                                 Eggplant (Perfect)    Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Chestnut
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Clam
|                                 Fish Soup             Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Decent)    Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Good)      Coconut
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Coconut Juice
|                                 Flax Yarn (Perfect)   Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Cod
|                                 Flax Yarn (Shining)   Cold Medicine
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Common Seashell
|                                 Fried Rice            Conger Eel
|                                 Green Bell            Coral
|                                 Grilled Eggplant      Corn (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Yam           Corn (Good)
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Herb (Green)          Corn Soup
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Crawfish
|                                 Herb (Red)            Crystal
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Diamond
|                                 Herb Bread            Doria
|                                 Herb Cookie           Duckonnaise
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Eel
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Herbal Tea            Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Hibiscus              Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Hyacinth              Egg Salad
|                                 Lavender              Egg Sandwich
|                                 Lily                  Egg Soup
|                                 Marinated Mushrooms   Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Emerald
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Fancy Seashell
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Feed
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Flax (Decent)
|                                 Milk Tea              Flax (Good)
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Flax (Shining)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Flounder
|                                 Onion Bread           French Fries
|                                 Orange Cake           Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Orange Cookie         Fried Egg
|                                 Orange Pie            Garnet
|                                 Pancake               Glass
|                                 Pansy                 Goby
|                                 Perfume (Green)       Grape
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Grape (Shining)
|                                 Plain Omelet          Grape Juice
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Potato Pancake        Grilled Bonito
|                                 Potato Stew           Grilled Carp
|                                 Pudding               Grilled Catfish
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Grilled Char
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Grilled Clam
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Grilled Cod
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Grilled Eel
|                                 Ratatouille           Grilled Flounder
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Grilled Goby
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Grilled Halibut
|                                 Rose                  Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Grilled Huchen
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Grilled King Fish
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Grilled Lobster
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Shortcake             Grilled Octopus
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Silk Yarn (Decent)    Grilled Prawn
|                                 Silk Yarn (Good)      Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Silk Yarn (Perfect)   Grilled Redfin
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Grilled Rock Lobster
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Silk Yarn (Shining)   Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Grilled Salmon
|                                 Snowflake             Grilled Sardine
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Grilled Saury
|                                 Spinach Cake          Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Steamed Egg           Grilled Sea Urchin
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                 Stir Fry              Grilled Shark
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                 Sunflower             Grilled Squid
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Grilled Swordfish
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Grilled Tuna
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Grilled Wood Fish
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Halibut
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Herb Fish (Good)
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Honey (Blue)
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Honey (Decent)
|                                 Tulip                 Honey (Green)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Honey (Purple)
|                                 Turnip (Perfect)      Honey (Red)
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Honeydew Juice
|                                 Wool (Perfect)        Honeydew Milk
|                                 Wool (Shining)        Horse Mackerel
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Hot Milk
|                                 Wool Yarn (Decent)    Huchen
|                                 Wool Yarn (Good)      Jade
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     King Fish
|                                 Wool Yarn (Perfect)   Lapis Lazuli
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Laver Seaweed
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Lobster
|                                 Wool Yarn (Shining)   Mackerel
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                 179/540 (33.1481%)    Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Marinated Fish (Shi...
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 Marmalade
|           Bamboo Shoot          Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Masu Trout
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Empty Can             Mayonnaise (Decent)
|           Bodigizer             Failed Soup           Mayonnaise (Good)
|           Bodigizer XL          Rubber Boot           Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Southern Fried Rice   Milk (Cow) (Good)
|           Coconut Cocktail      Southern Omelet       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|           Copper                Spicy Seafood Soup    Milk (Goat) (Good)
|           Failed Dish           Spicy Stew            Moonlight Stone
|           Fodder                Swim Shorts           Morning Glory
|           Gold                  Toadstool             Mushroom
|           Grape Cocktail                              Mushroom Gratin
|           Iron                  11/540 (2.037%)       Octopus
|           Kimchi                                      Onion (Decent)
|           Limestone                                   Onion (Good)
|           Ore (Copper)                                Onion (Perfect)
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Orange
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Orange (Shining)
|           Ore (Silver)                                Orange Juice
|           Rice Cocktail                               Ostonnaise
|           Scrap Iron                                  Pearl
|           Silver                                      Perfume (Blue)
|           Spicy Pepper (Decent)                       Perfume (Decent)
|           Spicy Pepper (Good)                         Perfume (Purple)
|           Spicy Pepper (Perfect)                      Perfume (Red)
|           Spicy Pepper (Shining)                      Perfume (Shining)
|           Stay Awake                                  Perfume (Yellow)
|           Super Stay Awake                            Peridot
|           Vegetable Juice                             Pie Crust
|           Weird Dish                                  Pineapple
|           Yam Cocktail                                Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pizza
|           31/540 (5.7407%)                            Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Salmon Cream Stew
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sardine Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Saury Tomato Stew
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Doria
|                                                       Seafood Gratin
|                                                       Seafood Pizza
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seafood Stew
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Squid Tomato Stew
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       311/540 (57.5926%)
| - - -                                                                 [SIMON]
| Simon     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Rare Metal            Apple Pie             Amber
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Aquamarine            Amethyst
|           Sweet Potato Cake     B. Noodles with Egg   Anemone
|           Tempura Buckwheat ... Bamboo Stew           Angler Fish
|                                 Banana Milk           Apple
|           4/540 (0.7407%)       Banana Pudding        Apple (Shining)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Decent)Apple Cocktail
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple Jam
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple Juice
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Baked Potato
|                                 Bread                 Bamboo en Papilote
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Bamboo Rice
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Banana
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Begonia
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Blue Mist
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Blueberry
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Blueberry Jam
|                                 Cheesecake            Blueberry Juice
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Bodigizer
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Bodigizer XL
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Boiled Corn
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Boiled Spinach
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Bonito
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Cookie                Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Corn Bread            Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Croquette             Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Doria                 Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Gold                  Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Grilled Clam          Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Conger Eel    Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Eel           Carp
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Carrot (Good)
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream     Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Tuna          Carrot Juice
|                                 Grilled Yam           Catfish
|                                 Herb Bread            Char
|                                 Herb Cookie           Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Cheese Risotto
|                                 Herbal Tea            Cherry
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Chestnut
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Chestnut Rice
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Chocolate Banana
|                                 Mashed Potato         Chocolate Bar
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Chrysanthemum
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Clam
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Clam Soup
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Milk Tea              Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Morning Glory         Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Coconut
|                                 Omelet Rice           Coconut Juice
|                                 Onion Bread           Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Orange Cake           Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Orange Cookie         Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Orange Pie            Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Ore (Gold)            Cod
|                                 Ostonnaise            Cold Medicine
|                                 Pansy                 Common Seashell
|                                 Pearl                 Conger Eel
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Copper
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Coral
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Corn (Decent)
|                                 Pizza                 Corn (Good)
|                                 Plain Omelet          Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Corn (Shining)
|                                 Potato Pancake        Corn Soup
|                                 Potato Stew           Cosmos
|                                 Pudding               Crawfish
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Crystal
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Diamond
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Duckonnaise
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Eel
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Ratatouille           Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Roasted Corn          Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Rock Lobster          Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Royal Jelly           Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Egg Rice
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Egg Salad
|                                 Sapphire              Egg Sandwich
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Egg Soup
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Emerald
|                                 Sea Bream             Fancy Seashell
|                                 Seafood Doria         Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Fish Soup
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Flax (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Flax (Good)
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Shortcake             Flax (Shining)
|                                 Silver                Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Steamed Egg           Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Stew                  Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Flounder
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        French Fries
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Tuna                  Fried Egg
|                                 Tuna Rice             Garnet
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Glass
|                                 Wonderful (Blue)      Goby
|                                 Yam (Perfect)         Grape
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Grape (Shining)
|                                 Yogurt                Grape Cocktail
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Grape Juice
|                                                       Green Bell
|                                 143/540 (26.4815%)    Grilled Angler Fish
|                                                       Grilled Bonito
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Grilled Carp
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Grilled Catfish
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Grilled Char
|           Coconut Cocktail      Empty Can             Grilled Cod
|           Feed                  Failed Dish           Grilled Crawfish
|           Fodder                Failed Soup           Grilled Eggplant
|           Rice Cocktail         Kimchi                Grilled Flounder
|           Spicy Pepper (Decent) Rubber Boot           Grilled Goby
|           Spicy Pepper (Good)   Scrap Iron            Grilled Halibut
|           Spicy Pepper (Perfect)Southern Fried Rice   Grilled Horse Mackerel
|           Spicy Pepper (Shining)Southern Omelet       Grilled Huchen
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Grilled King Fish
|           10/540 (1.8519%)      Spicy Stew            Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Swim Shorts           Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Toadstool             Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Weird Dish            Grilled Masu Trout
|                                                       Grilled Octopus
|                                 15/540 (2.7778%)      Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                                       Grilled Prawn
|                                                       Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                                       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Grilled Redfin
|                                                       Grilled Rock Trout
|                                                       Grilled Rockfish
|                                                       Grilled Salmon
|                                                       Grilled Sardine
|                                                       Grilled Saury
|                                                       Grilled Seasky Fish
|                                                       Grilled Shark
|                                                       Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|                                                       Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Rice
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seafood Risotto
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Rice
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Juice
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       368/540 (68.1481%)
| - -                                                                   [SUE--]
| Sue       Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Banana Milk           Angler Fish           Amber
|           Banana Pudding        Apple Cocktail        Amethyst
|           Coconut Juice         Apple Juice           Anemone
|           Grilled Skull Jell... Apple Pie             Apple
|           Ratatouille           Baked Potato          Apple (Shining)
|           Sardine Tomato Stew   Banana                Apple Jam
|           Saury Tomato Stew     Bell Pepper (Shining) Aquamarine
|           Seafood Stew          Black Pearl           B. Noodles with Egg
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Blueberry Cocktail    Begonia
|           Southern Fried Rice   Blueberry Juice       Bell Pepper (Decent)
|           Southern Omelet       Bodigizer XL          Bell Pepper (Good)
|           Squid Tomato Stew     Boiled Corn           Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Bonito                Big-Scaled Redfin
|           12/540 (2.2222%)      Bouillabaisse (Decent)Blue Mist
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Blueberry
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Blueberry Jam
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Bodigizer
|                                 Bread                 Boiled Spinach
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Carrot Juice          Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Cheesecake            Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Carp
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Carrot (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Catfish
|                                 Clam                  Char
|                                 Clam Soup             Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Coconut               Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Conger Eel            Cheese Fondue
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Cherry
|                                 Cookie                Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Chestnut
|                                 Corn Bread            Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Croquette             Chestnut Rice
|                                 Eel                   Chocolate Banana
|                                 Eel Bowl              Chocolate Bar
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Chrysanthemum
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Fish Soup             Cod
|                                 Flax (Shining)        Cold Medicine
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Common Seashell
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Coral
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Corn (Decent)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Corn (Good)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Shining)   Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Corn Soup
|                                 Fried Rice            Cosmos
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Crawfish
|                                 Grape Juice           Crystal
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Diamond
|                                 Grilled Bonito        Doria
|                                 Grilled Clam          Duckonnaise
|                                 Grilled Cod           Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Conger Eel    Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Crawfish      Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Flounder      Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Goby          Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Halibut       Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Horse MackerelEgg Rice
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Egg Salad
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Egg Sandwich
|                                 Grilled Mackerel      Egg Soup
|                                 Grilled Mahi-Mahi     Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Manta Ray     Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Grilled Octopus       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Emerald
|                                 Grilled Puffer Fish   Fancy Seashell
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rock Trout    Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Grilled Rockfish      Flax (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Salmon        Flax (Good)
|                                 Grilled Sardine       Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Saury         Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream     Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Flounder
|                                 Grilled Shark         French Fries
|                                 Grilled Squid         Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Fried Egg
|                                 Grilled Tuna          Garnet
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Glass
|                                 Grilled Yellow Tail   Goby
|                                 Halibut               Grape
|                                 Herb Bread            Grape (Shining)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Green Bell
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Grilled Carp
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Grilled Catfish
|                                 Herbal Tea            Grilled Char
|                                 Hibiscus              Grilled Eel
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Grilled Huchen
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 King Fish             Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Lobster               Grilled Redfin
|                                 Mahi-Mahi             Grilled Yam
|                                 Manta Ray             Herb (Blue)
|                                 Marinated Fish (De... Herb (Green)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Herb (Purple)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Herb (Red)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Herb Fish (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Honey (Blue)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Honey (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Honey (Green)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Honey (Purple)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Honey (Red)
|                                 Milk Tea              Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Onion Bread           Horse Mackerel
|                                 Orange Cake           Hot Milk
|                                 Orange Cookie         Huchen
|                                 Orange Juice          Hyacinth
|                                 Orange Pie            Jade
|                                 Pancake               Kimchi
|                                 Pearl                 Lapis Lazuli
|                                 Perfume (Red)         Lavender
|                                 Pineapple             Laver Seaweed
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Lily
|                                 Pizza                 Mackerel
|                                 Plain Omelet          Marinated Mushrooms
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Marmalade
|                                 Potato Gratin         Masu Trout
|                                 Potato Pancake        Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                 Pudding               Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Moondrop
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Moonlight Stone
|                                 Rice Ball             Morning Glory
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Mushroom
|                                 Roasted Corn          Mushroom Gratin
|                                 Rock Lobster          Mushroom Rice
|                                 Rock Trout            Octopus
|                                 Rockfish              Onion (Decent)
|                                 Rose Stone            Onion (Good)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Onion (Perfect)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Orange
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Orange (Shining)
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Ostonnaise
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Pansy
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Perfume (Blue)
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Perfume (Decent)
|                                 Sea Bream             Perfume (Green)
|                                 Sea Urchin            Perfume (Purple)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Perfume (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Perfume (Yellow)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Peridot
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Pie Crust
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Pinkcat
|                                 Seasky Fish           Pond Smelt
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Pontata Root
|                                 Shark                 Potato (Decent)
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Potato (Good)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Potato (Perfect)
|                                 Shortcake             Potato Miso Soup
|                                 Skull Jellyfish       Potato Stew
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Puffer Fish
|                                 Spicy Stew            Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Pumpkin (Good)
|                                 Spinach Cake          Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Pumpkin Stew
|                                 Steamed Egg           Rainbow Trout
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Rare Metal
|                                 Stew                  Rice (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Rice (Good)
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Rice (Perfect)
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Roasted Chestnut
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Rose
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Royal Jelly
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Ruby
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Salmon
|                                 Swordfish             Sapphire
|                                 Tomato (Perfect)      Sardine
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Sashimi (Decent)
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Sashimi (Good)
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Saury
|                                 Tuna                  Sauteed Mushroom
|                                 Tuna Rice             Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Wood Fish             Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Yogurt                Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                 220/540 (40.7407%)    Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Spicy Seafood Soup
|           Algae                 Bamboo en Papilote    Spinach (Decent)
|           Bamboo Shoot          Bamboo Rice           Spinach (Good)
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Bamboo Stew           Spinach (Perfect)
|           Copper                Failed Soup           Spinel
|           Empty Can                                   Squid
|           Failed Dish           4/540 (0.7407%)       Stay Awake
|           Feed                                        Stir Fry
|           Fodder                                      Strawberry (Decent)
|           Gold                                        Strawberry (Good)
|           Iron                                        Strawberry (Perfect)
|           Limestone                                   Strawberry Jam
|           Ore (Copper)                                Sunflower
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Sushi (Decent)
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Sushi (Good)
|           Ore (Silver)                                Sweet Potato Rice
|           Pickled Cabbage                             Sweet Potato Stew
|           Pickled Eggplant                            Tempura Buckwheat N...
|           Pickled Turnip                              Tomato (Decent)
|           Rubber Boot                                 Tomato (Good)
|           Scrap Iron                                  Tomato Juice
|           Silver                                      Tomato Soup
|           Swim Shorts                                 Topaz
|           Toadstool                                   Tulip
|           Weird Dish                                  Turnip (Decent)
|           Wool (Decent)                               Turnip (Good)
|           Wool (Good)                                 Turnip (Perfect)
|           Wool (Perfect)                              Vegetable Juice
|           Wool (Shining)                              Vegetable Salad
|           Wool Yarn (Blue)                            Vegetable Sandwich
|           Wool Yarn (Decent)                          Very Berry
|           Wool Yarn (Good)                            Very Berry Jam
|           Wool Yarn (Green)                           Watermelon (Decent)
|           Wool Yarn (Perfect)                         Watermelon (Good)
|           Wool Yarn (Purple)                          Wonderful (Blue)
|           Wool Yarn (Red)                             Wonderful (Green)
|           Wool Yarn (Shining)                         Wonderful (Purple)
|           Wool Yarn (Yellow)                          Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|           37/540 (6.8519%)                            Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       267/540 (49.4444%)
| - - - -                                                               [TAYLO]
| Taylor    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Cheese Risotto        Apple Pie             Amber
|           Chocolate Cake        Bamboo Rice           Amethyst
|           Chocolate Cookie      Bamboo Stew           Anemone
|           Chocolate Fondue      Banana Milk           Angler Fish
|           Chocolate Pie         Banana Pudding        Apple
|           Chocolate Pudding     Boiled Corn           Apple (Shining)
|           Hot Cocoa             Boiled Spinach        Apple Jam
|           Pizza                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple Juice
|           Seafood Pizza         Bouillabaisse (Per... Aquamarine
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bouillabaisse (Shi... B. Noodles with Egg
|           Vegetable Pizza       Bread                 Baked Potato
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bamboo en Papilote
|           11/540 (2.037%)       Butter (Cow) (Shining)Banana
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Begonia
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Black Pearl
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Blue Mist
|                                 Cheesecake            Blueberry
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Blueberry Jam
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Blueberry Juice
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Bonito
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cocoa (Perfect)       Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cookie                Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Corn (Perfect)        Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Corn Bread            Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Corn Soup             Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Croquette             Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Doria                 Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Egg Rice              Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Egg Salad             Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Egg Sandwich          Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Carp
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Catfish
|                                 French Fries          Char
|                                 Fried Rice            Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Garnet                Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Gold                  Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Yam           Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Herb (Red)            Cherry
|                                 Herb Bread            Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Chestnut
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Chrysanthemum
|                                 Honey (Red)           Clam
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Clam Soup
|                                 Hot Milk              Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Limestone             Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Coconut
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Coconut Juice
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cod
|                                 Milk Tea              Common Seashell
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Conger Eel
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Copper
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Coral
|                                 Omelet Rice           Corn (Decent)
|                                 Onion Bread           Corn (Good)
|                                 Orange Cake           Cosmos
|                                 Orange Cookie         Crawfish
|                                 Orange Pie            Crystal
|                                 Ore (Gold)            Diamond
|                                 Ostonnaise            Duckonnaise
|                                 Pancake               Eel
|                                 Pearl                 Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Plain Omelet          Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Potato Gratin         Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Potato Pancake        Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Potato Stew           Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Pudding               Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Egg Soup
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Eggplant (Shining)
|                                 Rare Metal            Emerald
|                                 Ratatouille           Fancy Seashell
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Roasted Corn          Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Ruby                  Fish Soup
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Flax (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Flax (Good)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Flax (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Shortcake             Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)       Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Spicy Seafood Soup    Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Spicy Stew            Flounder
|                                 Spinach Cake          Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Fried Egg
|                                 Spinel                Glass
|                                 Steamed Egg           Goby
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Grape
|                                 Stew                  Grape (Shining)
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Grape Juice
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Green Bell
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Grilled Bonito
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Grilled Carp
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Grilled Catfish
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Grilled Char
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Grilled Clam
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Grilled Cod
|                                 Tulip                 Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Tuna Rice             Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Grilled Eel
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Grilled Flounder
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Grilled Goby
|                                 Yogurt                Grilled Halibut
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Grilled Huchen
|                                 135/540 (25%)         Grilled King Fish
|                                                       Grilled Lobster
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Grilled Mackerel
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|           Bamboo Shoot          Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Grilled Manta Ray
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Buckwheat Cocktail    Grilled Masu Trout
|           Bodigizer             Carrot Cake           Grilled Octopus
|           Bodigizer XL          Carrot Juice          Grilled Pond Smelt
|           Carrot (Decent)       Coconut Cocktail      Grilled Prawn
|           Carrot (Good)         Empty Can             Grilled Puffer Fish
|           Carrot (Perfect)      Failed Dish           Grilled Rainbow Trout
|           Carrot (Shining)      Failed Soup           Grilled Redfin
|           Cold Medicine         Rice Cocktail         Grilled Rock Lobster
|           Feed                  Rubber Boot           Grilled Rock Trout
|           Fodder                Scrap Iron            Grilled Rockfish
|           Grape Cocktail        Swim Shorts           Grilled Salmon
|           Salmon Cream Stew     Vegetable Juice       Grilled Sardine
|           Sardine Tomato Stew   Weird Dish            Grilled Saury
|           Saury Tomato Stew     Yam Cocktail          Grilled Sea Bream
|           Squid Tomato Stew                           Grilled Sea Urchin
|           Stay Awake            16/540 (2.963%)       Grilled Seasky Fish
|           Super Stay Awake                            Grilled Shark
|           Toadstool                                   Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Grilled Squid
|           20/540 (3.7037%)                            Grilled Swordfish
|                                                       Grilled Tuna
|                                                       Grilled Wood Fish
|                                                       Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                                       Halibut
|                                                       Herb (Blue)
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Huchen
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       King Fish
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Lavender
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per...
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi...
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Onion (Good)
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)
|                                                       Onion (Shining)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Pansy
|                                                       Perfume (Blue)
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)
|                                                       Perfume (Green)
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)
|                                                       Perfume (Red)
|                                                       Perfume (Shining)
|                                                       Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pickled Cabbage
|                                                       Pickled Eggplant
|                                                       Pickled Turnip
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice (Shining)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sashimi (Shining)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Clam
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)
|                                                       Sushi (Shining)
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       358/540 (66.2963%)
| - - -                                                                 [TOBY-]
| Toby      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bouillabaisse (Shi... Angler Fish           Amber
|           Chirashi Sushi        Bamboo Rice           Amethyst
|           Eel Bowl              Black Pearl           Anemone
|           Fish Meuniere (Shi... Bonito                Apple
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   Bouillabaisse (Good)  Apple (Shining)
|           Marinated Fish (Sh... Bouillabaisse (Per... Apple Cocktail
|           Onion Bread           Butter (Cow) (Shining)Apple Jam
|           Sashimi (Shining)     Butter (Goat) (Shi... Apple Juice
|           Seafood Stew          Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Apple Pie
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Aquamarine
|           Sushi (Shining)       Chestnut (Shining)    B. Noodles with Egg
|           Tuna Rice             Chestnut Rice         Baked Potato
|                                 Clam Soup             Bamboo en Papilote
|           12/540 (2.2222%)      Conger Eel Rice       Bamboo Stew
|                                 Cosmos                Banana Pudding
|                                 Eel                   Begonia
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Egg Rice              Bell Pepper (Shining)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Blue Mist
|                                 Fish Soup             Blueberry
|                                 Green Bell            Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Blueberry Jam
|                                 Grilled Bonito        Blueberry Juice
|                                 Grilled Carp          Bodigizer
|                                 Grilled Catfish       Bodigizer XL
|                                 Grilled Char          Boiled Corn
|                                 Grilled Clam          Boiled Spinach
|                                 Grilled Cod           Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Conger Eel    Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Crawfish      Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Grilled Eel           Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Flounder      Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Goby          Bread
|                                 Grilled Halibut       Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Horse MackerelBreadfruit (Good)
|                                 Grilled Huchen        Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Breadfruit (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Mackerel      Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Grilled Mahi-Mahi     Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Manta Ray     Buckwheat (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Masu Trout    Buckwheat Chips
|                                 Grilled Octopus       Buckwheat Noodles
|                                 Grilled Pond Smelt    Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Puffer Fish   Butter (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Rainbow Trout Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Redfin        Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Butter (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Rock Trout    Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Rockfish      Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Grilled Salmon        Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Sardine       Cabbage (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Saury         Carp
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream     Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Carrot (Good)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Shark         Carrot (Shining)
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Carrot Cake
|                                 Grilled Squid         Carrot Juice
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Catfish
|                                 Grilled Tuna          Char
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Yellow Tail   Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Halibut               Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cheese (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                 Huchen                Cheese Fondue
|                                 King Fish             Cheese Omelet
|                                 Lavender              Cheese Risotto
|                                 Lobster               Cheesecake
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Cherry
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Chestnut
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Chestnut Pie
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Chocolate Banana
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Chocolate Bar
|                                 Omelet Rice           Chocolate Cake
|                                 Onion (Good)          Chocolate Cookie
|                                 Onion (Perfect)       Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Chocolate Pie
|                                 Pansy                 Chocolate Pudding
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Chrysanthemum
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Clam
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Rice (Perfect)        Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Rice Ball             Cocoa (Shining)
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Rock Lobster          Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Salmon                Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Cod
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Cold Medicine
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Common Seashell
|                                 Sashimi (Good)        Conger Eel
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Cookie
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Copper
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Coral
|                                 Sea Bream             Corn (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Corn (Good)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Corn (Shining)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Corn Bread
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Corn Soup
|                                 Seasky Fish           Crawfish
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Croquette
|                                 Seaweed Miso Soup     Crystal
|                                 Shark                 Diamond
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Doria
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Duckonnaise
|                                 Skull Jellyfish       Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Snowflake             Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                 Sushi (Good)          Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Egg (Duck) (Perfect)
|                                 Swordfish             Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Tuna                  Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                 Wood Fish             Egg Salad
|                                                       Egg Sandwich
|                                 125/540 (23.1481%)    Egg Soup
|                                                       Eggplant (Decent)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Eggplant (Good)
|           Algae                 Banana                Eggplant (Perfect)
|           Bamboo Shoot          Coconut               Eggplant (Shining)
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Coconut Cocktail      Emerald
|           Banana Milk           Failed Dish           Fancy Seashell
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Perfume (Blue)        Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|           Coconut Juice         Perfume (Decent)      Flax (Decent)
|           Empty Can             Perfume (Green)       Flax (Good)
|           Failed Soup           Perfume (Purple)      Flax (Perfect)
|           Feed                  Perfume (Red)         Flax (Shining)
|           Fodder                Perfume (Shining)     Flax Yarn (Blue)
|           Rice Cocktail         Perfume (Yellow)      Flax Yarn (Decent)
|           Rubber Boot           Pineapple             Flax Yarn (Good)
|           Southern Fried Rice   Pineapple Juice       Flax Yarn (Green)
|           Southern Omelet       Swim Shorts           Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|           Toadstool             Weird Dish            Flax Yarn (Purple)
|           Yam Cocktail                                Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 15/540 (2.7778%)      Flax Yarn (Shining)
|           16/540 (2.963%)                             Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Flounder
|                                                       French Fries
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn
|                                                       Fried Egg
|                                                       Fried Rice
|                                                       Garnet
|                                                       Glass
|                                                       Goby
|                                                       Gold
|                                                       Grape
|                                                       Grape (Shining)
|                                                       Grape Cocktail
|                                                       Grape Juice
|                                                       Grilled Eggplant
|                                                       Grilled Yam
|                                                       Herb (Green)
|                                                       Herb (Purple)
|                                                       Herb (Red)
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)
|                                                       Herb Bread
|                                                       Herb Cookie
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Herbal Tea
|                                                       Hibiscus
|                                                       Honey (Blue)
|                                                       Honey (Decent)
|                                                       Honey (Green)
|                                                       Honey (Purple)
|                                                       Honey (Red)
|                                                       Honey (Yellow)
|                                                       Honeydew (Decent)
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)
|                                                       Honeydew Juice
|                                                       Honeydew Milk
|                                                       Horse Mackerel
|                                                       Hot Cocoa
|                                                       Hot Milk
|                                                       Hyacinth
|                                                       Iron
|                                                       Jade
|                                                       Kimchi
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli
|                                                       Laver Seaweed
|                                                       Lily
|                                                       Limestone
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms
|                                                       Marmalade
|                                                       Mashed Potato
|                                                       Masu Trout
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)
|                                                       Milk Tea
|                                                       Mont Blanc Cake
|                                                       Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                                       Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin
|                                                       Octopus
|                                                       Onion (Decent)
|                                                       Orange
|                                                       Orange (Shining)
|                                                       Orange Cake
|                                                       Orange Cookie
|                                                       Orange Juice
|                                                       Orange Pie
|                                                       Ore (Copper)
|                                                       Ore (Gold)
|                                                       Ore (Iron)
|                                                       Ore (Silver)
|                                                       Ostonnaise
|                                                       Pancake
|                                                       Pearl
|                                                       Peridot
|                                                       Pie Crust
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pizza
|                                                       Plain Omelet
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato (Shining)
|                                                       Potato Gratin
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Potato Pancake
|                                                       Potato Stew
|                                                       Pudding
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Shining)
|                                                       Pumpkin Cake
|                                                       Pumpkin Croquette
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie
|                                                       Pumpkin Pudding
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Ratatouille
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Scrap Iron
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Shortcake
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Silver
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spicy Stew
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinach (Shining)
|                                                       Spinach Cake
|                                                       Spinach Risotto
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Steamed Egg
|                                                       Steamed Turnip
|                                                       Stew
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry (Shining)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Strawberry Milk
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Super Stay Awake
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew
|                                                       Sweet Yam Cake
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N...
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Tomato Omelet
|                                                       Tomato Risotto
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)
|                                                       Vegetable Pizza
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam (Shining)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       372/540 (68.8889%)
| - -                                                                   [VAN--]
| Van       Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Baked Potato          Apple Pie             Amber
|           Croquette             B. Noodles with Egg   Amethyst
|           French Fries          Bamboo en Papilote    Anemone
|           Herbal Tea            Bamboo Rice           Angler Fish
|           Mashed Potato         Bamboo Stew           Apple
|           Milk Tea              Banana Pudding        Apple (Shining)
|           Potato Stew           Bell Pepper (Shining) Apple Jam
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bodigizer XL          Apple Juice
|                                 Boiled Corn           Aquamarine
|           8/540 (1.4815%)       Boiled Spinach        Banana
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Begonia
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Per... Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Bread                 Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Black Pearl
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Blue Mist
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Blueberry
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Blueberry Jam
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry Juice
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Bodigizer
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Bonito
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Bouillabaisse (Decent)
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Carrot Cake           Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Carrot Juice          Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Cheesecake            Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Carp
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Carrot (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Clam Soup             Catfish
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Char
|                                 Cold Medicine         Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Cheese (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Cookie                Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Cheese (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Corn Bread            Cherry
|                                 Doria                 Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Chestnut
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Chestnut (Shining)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Chrysanthemum
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Clam
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Egg Rice              Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Egg Salad             Coconut
|                                 Egg Sandwich          Coconut Juice
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Shi... Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Fish Soup             Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Fried Rice            Cod
|                                 Grilled Clam          Common Seashell
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Conger Eel
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Coral
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Corn (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Corn (Good)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Shark         Corn Soup
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Cosmos
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Crawfish
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Crystal
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Diamond
|                                 Herb (Green)          Duckonnaise
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Eel
|                                 Herb (Red)            Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Egg (Chicken) (Good)
|                                 Herb Bread            Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Honey (Green)         Egg (Ostrich) (Good)
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Egg Soup
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Hot Milk              Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Lily                  Emerald
|                                 Marinated Fish (Good) Fancy Seashell
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Fish Meuniere (Decent)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Fish Meuniere (Good)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Flax (Decent)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Flax (Good)
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Flax (Shining)
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Omelet Rice           Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Onion Bread           Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Orange Cake           Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Orange Cookie         Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Orange Pie            Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Pancake               Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Perfume (Decent)      Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Pizza                 Flounder
|                                 Plain Omelet          Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Pontata Root          Fried Egg
|                                 Potato (Perfect)      Garnet
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Glass
|                                 Potato Gratin         Goby
|                                 Potato Miso Soup      Grape
|                                 Potato Pancake        Grape (Shining)
|                                 Pudding               Grape Juice
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Green Bell
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Grilled Angler Fish
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Grilled Bonito
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Grilled Carp
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Grilled Catfish
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Grilled Char
|                                 Ratatouille           Grilled Cod
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Royal Jelly           Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Grilled Eel
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Grilled Flounder
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Grilled Goby
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Grilled Halibut
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Grilled Huchen
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Sauteed Spinach       Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Seafood Doria         Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Grilled Octopus
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Grilled Prawn
|                                 Seafood Stew          Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Shortcake             Grilled Redfin
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Southern Omelet       Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Grilled Salmon
|                                 Spicy Stew            Grilled Sardine
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Grilled Saury
|                                 Spinach Cake          Grilled Sea Bream
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Grilled Squid
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Grilled Tuna
|                                 Stay Awake            Grilled Yam
|                                 Steamed Egg           Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Steamed Turnip        Halibut
|                                 Stew                  Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Herb Fish (Good)
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Hibiscus
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Honey (Blue)
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Honey (Decent)
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Honey (Purple)
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Honey (Red)
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Honeydew Juice
|                                 Tomato Juice          Honeydew Milk
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Horse Mackerel
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Huchen
|                                 Tuna Rice             Hyacinth
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Jade
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Kimchi
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       King Fish
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Lapis Lazuli
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich    Lavender
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Laver Seaweed
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Lobster
|                                                       Mackerel
|                                 175/540 (32.4074%)    Mahi-Mahi
|                                                       Manta Ray
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Marinated Fish (Decent)
|           Algae                 (none listed)         Marinated Mushrooms
|           Apple Cocktail                              Marmalade
|           Bamboo Shoot          0/540 (0%)            Masu Trout
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)                      Mayonnaise (Decent)
|           Banana Milk                                 Mayonnaise (Good)
|           Blueberry Cocktail                          Moondrop
|           Buckwheat Cocktail                          Moonlight Stone
|           Coconut Cocktail                            Morning Glory
|           Copper                                      Mushroom
|           Empty Can                                   Octopus
|           Failed Dish                                 Onion (Decent)
|           Failed Soup                                 Onion (Good)
|           Feed                                        Onion (Perfect)
|           Fodder                                      Orange
|           Gold                                        Orange (Shining)
|           Grape Cocktail                              Orange Juice
|           Iron                                        Ostonnaise
|           Limestone                                   Pansy
|           Milk (Cow) (Decent)                         Pearl
|           Milk (Cow) (Good)                           Perfume (Blue)
|           Milk (Cow) (Perfect)                        Perfume (Green)
|           Milk (Cow) (Shining)                        Perfume (Purple)
|           Milk (Goat) (Decent)                        Perfume (Red)
|           Milk (Goat) (Good)                          Perfume (Shining)
|           Milk (Goat) (Perfect)                       Perfume (Yellow)
|           Milk (Goat) (Shining)                       Peridot
|           Ore (Copper)                                Pickled Cabbage
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Pickled Eggplant
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Pickled Turnip
|           Ore (Silver)                                Pie Crust
|           Rare Metal                                  Pineapple
|           Rice Cocktail                               Pineapple Juice
|           Rubber Boot                                 Pinkcat
|           Scrap Iron                                  Pond Smelt
|           Silver                                      Potato (Decent)
|           Strawberry Milk                             Potato (Good)
|           Swim Shorts                                 Puffer Fish
|           Toadstool                                   Pumpkin (Decent)
|           Weird Dish                                  Pumpkin (Good)
|           Yam Cocktail                                Pumpkin (Perfect)
|           Yogurt Drink                                Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|           41/540 (7.5926%)                            Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Roasted Chestnut
|                                                       Roasted Corn
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sardine in Oil
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seasoned Egg
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect)
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Soup
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt
|                                                       316/540 (58.5185%)
| - - - -                                                               [YOLAN]
| Yolanda   Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (540/540) Bamboo Stew           Apple Pie             Amber
|           Fish Meuniere (Shi... B. Noodles with Egg   Amethyst
|           Herb Bread            Bamboo en Papilote    Anemone
|           Potato Stew           Bamboo Rice           Angler Fish
|           Pumpkin Stew          Banana Milk           Apple
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Banana Pudding        Apple (Shining)
|           Spicy Seafood Soup    Bell Pepper (Shining) Apple Cocktail
|           Steamed Egg           Bodigizer XL          Apple Jam
|           Sweet Potato Stew     Bouillabaisse (Decent)Apple Juice
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Good)  Aquamarine
|           9/540 (1.6667%)       Bouillabaisse (Per... Baked Potato
|                                 Bouillabaisse (Shi... Banana
|                                 Bread                 Begonia
|                                 Breadfruit (Shining)  Bell Pepper (Decent)
|                                 Buckwheat (Shining)   Bell Pepper (Good)
|                                 Buckwheat Chips       Bell Pepper (Perfect)
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Big-Scaled Redfin
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Black Pearl
|                                 Butter (Cow) (Shining)Blue Mist
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Per... Blueberry
|                                 Butter (Goat) (Shi... Blueberry Cocktail
|                                 Cabbage (Shining)     Blueberry Jam
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Blueberry Juice
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bodigizer
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Good)   Boiled Corn
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Boiled Spinach
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bonito
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Good)  Box Lunch (Decent)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Box Lunch (Good)
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Box Lunch (Perfect)
|                                 Cheese Fondue         Box Lunch (Shining)
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Breadfruit (Decent)
|                                 Cheese Risotto        Breadfruit (Good)
|                                 Cheesecake            Breadfruit (Perfect)
|                                 Chestnut (Shining)    Buckwheat (Decent)
|                                 Chestnut Pie          Buckwheat (Good)
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Buckwheat (Perfect)
|                                 Chirashi Sushi        Buckwheat Cocktail
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Butter (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Butter (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Butter (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Cookie      Butter (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Cabbage (Decent)
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Cabbage (Good)
|                                 Chrysanthemum         Cabbage (Perfect)
|                                 Clam Soup             Carp
|                                 Cocoa (Shining)       Carrot (Decent)
|                                 Cold Medicine         Carrot (Good)
|                                 Conger Eel Rice       Carrot (Perfect)
|                                 Cookie                Carrot Juice
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Catfish
|                                 Corn Bread            Char
|                                 Corn Soup             Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Croquette             Cheese (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Doria                 Cherry
|                                 Duckonnaise           Cherry (Shining)
|                                 Eel Bowl              Chestnut
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Good)  Chocolate Fondue
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Clam
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Cocoa (Decent)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  Cocoa (Good)
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Cocoa (Perfect)
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Good)  Coconut
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Coconut Cocktail
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Coconut Juice
|                                 Egg Rice              Cocoon (Decent)
|                                 Egg Salad             Cocoon (Good)
|                                 Egg Soup              Cocoon (Perfect)
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Cocoon (Shining)
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Decent)Cod
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Common Seashell
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Per... Conger Eel
|                                 Fish Soup             Coral
|                                 French Fries          Corn (Decent)
|                                 Fried Rice            Corn (Good)
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Corn (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Bonito        Cosmos
|                                 Grilled Clam          Crawfish
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Crystal
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Diamond
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Eel
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Egg (Chicken) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Salmon        Egg (Duck) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream     Egg (Duck) (Good)
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Egg Sandwich
|                                 Grilled Shark         Eggplant (Decent)
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Eggplant (Good)
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Eggplant (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Tuna          Emerald
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Fancy Seashell
|                                 Grilled Yam           Flax (Decent)
|                                 Herb Cookie           Flax (Good)
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Flax (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Flax (Shining)
|                                 Herbal Tea            Flax Yarn (Blue)
|                                 Honeydew (Shining)    Flax Yarn (Decent)
|                                 Honeydew Milk         Flax Yarn (Good)
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Flax Yarn (Green)
|                                 Kimchi                Flax Yarn (Perfect)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Pe... Flax Yarn (Purple)
|                                 Marinated Fish (Sh... Flax Yarn (Red)
|                                 Mashed Potato         Flax Yarn (Shining)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Flax Yarn (Yellow)
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Flounder
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Freshwater Prawn
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Fried Egg
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Garnet
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Glass
|                                 Milk Tea              Goby
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake       Grape
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Grape (Shining)
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Grape Cocktail
|                                 Omelet Rice           Grape Juice
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Green Bell
|                                 Onion Bread           Grilled Carp
|                                 Orange Cake           Grilled Catfish
|                                 Orange Cookie         Grilled Char
|                                 Orange Pie            Grilled Cod
|                                 Ostonnaise            Grilled Conger Eel
|                                 Pancake               Grilled Crawfish
|                                 Perfume (Shining)     Grilled Eel
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Grilled Eggplant
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Grilled Flounder
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Grilled Goby
|                                 Pizza                 Grilled Halibut
|                                 Plain Omelet          Grilled Horse Mackerel
|                                 Potato (Shining)      Grilled Huchen
|                                 Potato Gratin         Grilled Mackerel
|                                 Potato Pancake        Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Pudding               Grilled Manta Ray
|                                 Pumpkin (Shining)     Grilled Masu Trout
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Grilled Octopus
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Grilled Pond Smelt
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Grilled Puffer Fish
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Grilled Rainbow Trout
|                                 Ratatouille           Grilled Redfin
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Grilled Rock Trout
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Grilled Rockfish
|                                 Roasted Corn          Grilled Sardine
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Grilled Saury
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Grilled Squid
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Grilled Yellow Tail
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Halibut
|                                 Sashimi (Perfect)     Herb (Blue)
|                                 Sashimi (Shining)     Herb (Green)
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Herb (Purple)
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Herb (Red)
|                                 Seafood Doria         Herb (Yellow)
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Herb Fish (Decent)
|                                 Seafood Gratin        Herb Fish (Good)
|                                 Seafood Pizza         Hibiscus
|                                 Seafood Risotto       Honey (Blue)
|                                 Seafood Stew          Honey (Decent)
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Honey (Green)
|                                 Shark Fin Soup        Honey (Purple)
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Honey (Red)
|                                 Shortcake             Honey (Yellow)
|                                 Southern Fried Rice   Honeydew (Decent)
|                                 Southern Omelet       Honeydew (Good)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Perfect)Honeydew (Perfect)
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)Honeydew Juice
|                                 Spicy Stew            Horse Mackerel
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Hot Milk
|                                 Spinach Cake          Huchen
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Hyacinth
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Jade
|                                 Steamed Turnip        King Fish
|                                 Stew                  Lapis Lazuli
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Lavender
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Laver Seaweed
|                                 Super Stay Awake      Lily
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Lobster
|                                 Sushi (Shining)       Mackerel
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Mahi-Mahi
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Manta Ray
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                 Tempura Buckwheat ... Marinated Fish (Good)
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Marinated Mushrooms
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Marmalade
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Masu Trout
|                                 Tomato Soup           Mayonnaise (Decent)
|                                 Tuna Rice             Mayonnaise (Good)
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Milk (Cow) (Decent)
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Milk (Cow) (Good)
|                                 Watermelon (Shining)  Milk (Goat) (Decent)
|                                 Yam (Shining)         Milk (Goat) (Good)
|                                 Yogurt                Moondrop
|                                                       Moonlight Stone
|                                 188/540 (34.8148%)    Morning Glory
|                                                       Mushroom
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Octopus
|           Bamboo Shoot          Algae                 Onion (Decent)
|           Copper                Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Onion (Good)
|           Feed                  Empty Can             Onion (Perfect)
|           Fodder                Failed Dish           Orange
|           Gold                  Failed Soup           Orange (Shining)
|           Iron                  Rubber Boot           Orange Juice
|           Limestone             Scrap Iron            Pansy
|           Ore (Copper)          Swim Shorts           Pearl
|           Ore (Gold)            Weird Dish            Perfume (Blue)
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Perfume (Decent)
|           Ore (Silver)          9/540 (1.6667%)       Perfume (Green)
|           Silver                                      Perfume (Purple)
|           Toadstool                                   Perfume (Red)
|           Vegetable Juice                             Perfume (Yellow)
|                                                       Peridot
|           14/540 (2.5926%)                            Pie Crust
|                                                       Pineapple
|                                                       Pineapple Juice
|                                                       Pinkcat
|                                                       Pond Smelt
|                                                       Pontata Root
|                                                       Potato (Decent)
|                                                       Potato (Good)
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)
|                                                       Potato Miso Soup
|                                                       Puffer Fish
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Good)
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)
|                                                       Rainbow Trout
|                                                       Rare Metal
|                                                       Rice (Decent)
|                                                       Rice (Good)
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)
|                                                       Rice Ball
|                                                       Rice Cocktail
|                                                       Rock Lobster
|                                                       Rock Trout
|                                                       Rockfish
|                                                       Rose
|                                                       Rose Stone
|                                                       Royal Jelly
|                                                       Ruby
|                                                       Salmon
|                                                       Sapphire
|                                                       Sardine
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)
|                                                       Saury
|                                                       Sauteed Mushroom
|                                                       Sauteed Spinach
|                                                       Sea Bream
|                                                       Sea Urchin
|                                                       Seasky Fish
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup
|                                                       Shark
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Skull Jellyfish
|                                                       Snowflake
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)
|                                                       Spinach (Good)
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)
|                                                       Spinel
|                                                       Squid
|                                                       Stay Awake
|                                                       Stir Fry
|                                                       Strawberry (Decent)
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)
|                                                       Strawberry (Perfect)
|                                                       Strawberry Jam
|                                                       Sunflower
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)
|                                                       Sushi (Good)
|                                                       Swordfish
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)
|                                                       Tomato (Good)
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)
|                                                       Tomato Juice
|                                                       Topaz
|                                                       Tulip
|                                                       Tuna
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)
|                                                       Turnip (Good)
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)
|                                                       Vegetable Salad
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich
|                                                       Very Berry
|                                                       Very Berry Jam
|                                                       Very Berry Juice
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)
|                                                       Wonderful (Blue)
|                                                       Wonderful (Green)
|                                                       Wonderful (Purple)
|                                                       Wonderful (Red)
|                                                       Wonderful (White)
|                                                       Wonderful (Yellow)
|                                                       Wood Fish
|                                                       Wool (Decent)
|                                                       Wool (Good)
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Blue)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Green)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Purple)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Red)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Shining)
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Yellow)
|                                                       Yam (Decent)
|                                                       Yam (Good)
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)
|                                                       Yam Cocktail
|                                                       Yellow Tail
|                                                       Yogurt Drink
|                                                       320/540 (59.2593%)
| \___________________________________________________________________________

   \ \  \ \__________________________________________________________/ /  / /
    \ \  \|                                                          |/  / /
     \ \  |                    Recipients by Gift                    |  / /
      \ \ |                                                          | / /
       \ \|              "Every gift from a friend is a              |/ /
        \ |          wish for your happiness." -Richard Bach         | /
         \|    ______________________________________________________|/
 _________|   |
|  ___________|
| /
|/Below is a list of gifts available in the game, sorted by gift with each
| recipients' attitude (loves, likes, neutral, dislikes or hates) towards that
| item. Use this list when you want to find the best person to give a
| particular item to - or to avoid giving a gift to someone who'll hate it.
| For details on each type of gift's effect on a villager's heart level, see
| the 'Making Friends' section (search for < MFR > without the spaces) of my
| main guide, located at
| Please note one thing: for Ores and Wonderfuls, any unrefined Ore or
| Wonderful that has no sparkles will be Disliked by every villager - however,
| it won't actually impact the villager's heart points. Listings below for
| Ores and Wonderfuls are only for no-sparkle items; there is no reason to
| test, list or give unrefined Ores and Wonderfuls with any sparkles on them.
| Total Completion: 25920 / 25920
| - - -
| Algae                                                                 [ALG01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Heath      Barbara    Angie
|                           listed)    listed)              Calvin     Anissa
|                                                1 - 2%     Candace    Bo
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%                Dale       Cain
|                                                           Hamilton   Chase
|                                                           Hayden     Chloe
|                                                           Luke       Colleen
|                                                           Luna       Craig
|                                                           Mira       Dakota
|                                                           Owen       Elli
|                                                           Phoebe     Gill
|                                                           Renee      Gray
|                                                           Samson     Hanna
|                                                           Sue        Irene
|                                                           Toby       Jake
|                                                           Van        Jin
|                                                                      Julius
|                                                           16 - 33%   Kathy
|                                                                      Matt
|                                                                      Maya
|                                                                      Ozzie
|                                                                      Paolo
|                                                                      Pascal
|                                                                      Perry
|                                                                      Ramsey
|                                                                      Ruth
|                                                                      Selena
|                                                                      Shelly
|                                                                      Simon
|                                                                      Taylor
|                                                                      Yolanda
|                                                                      31 - 65%
| - - -
| Amber                                                                 [AMB01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Chloe      Cain
|                                     Julius     Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Owen       Colleen
|                                     Phoebe     Craig
|                                     Renee      Dakota
|                                     Selena     Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                     9 - 19%    Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - -
| Amethyst                                                              [AME01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Mira       Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Chloe      Bo
|                                     Dakota     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Heath      Candace
|                                     Irene      Chase
|                                     Julius     Colleen
|                                     Luna       Craig
|                                     Owen       Dale
|                                     Phoebe     Elli
|                                     Selena     Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                     11 - 23%   Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - -
| Anemone                                                               [ANE01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chloe      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Dakota     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Kathy      Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Shelly     Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                     5 - 10%    Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - -
| Angler Fish                                                           [ANG01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Gill       Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Barbara    Julius      listed)
|                                     Paolo      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Cain       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Renee      Calvin
|                                     Sue        Candace
|                                     Toby       Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                     7 - 15%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - -
| Apple                                                                 [APP01]
|   (also: Blueberry)                                                   [BLU02]
|   (also: Box Lunch (Decent))                                          [BOX01]
|   (also: Box Lunch (Good))                                            [BOX02]
|   (also: Box Lunch (Perfect))                                         [BOX03]
|   (also: Box Lunch (Shining))                                         [BOX04]
|   (also: Breadfruit (Decent))                                         [BRE02]
|   (also: Buckwheat (Decent))                                          [BUC01]
|   (also: Buckwheat (Good))                                            [BUC02]
|   (also: Cabbage (Decent))                                            [CAB01]
|   (also: Chestnut)                                                    [CHE15]
|   (also: Cocoon (Decent))                                             [COC08]
|   (also: Cod)                                                         [COD01]
|   (also: Common Seashell)                                             [COM01]
|   (also: Egg (Chicken) (Decent))                                      [EGG01]
|   (also: Egg (Duck) (Decent))                                         [EGG05]
|   (also: Egg (Duck) (Good))                                           [EGG06]
|   (also: Egg (Ostrich) (Decent))                                      [EGG09]
|   (also: Eggplant (Decent))                                           [EGG17]
|   (also: Flax (Decent))                                               [FLA01]
|   (also: Flax (Good))                                                 [FLA02]
|   (also: Flounder)                                                    [FLO01]
|   (also: Honeydew (Decent))                                           [HON07]
|   (also: Horse Mackerel)                                              [HOR01]
|   (also: Mackerel)                                                    [MAC01]
|   (also: Onion (Decent))                                              [ONI01]
|   (also: Orange)                                                      [ORA01]
|   (also: Potato (Decent))                                             [POT01]
|   (also: Potato (Good))                                               [POT02]
|   (also: Pumpkin (Decent))                                            [PUM01]
|   (also: Rice (Decent))                                               [RIC01]
|   (also: Rice (Good))                                                 [RIC02]
|   (also: Sardine)                                                     [SAR01]
|   (also: Saury)                                                       [SAU01]
|   (also: Tomato (Decent))                                             [TOM01]
|   (also: Tomato (Good))                                               [TOM02]
|   (also: Turnip (Decent))                                             [TUR01]
|   (also: Turnip (Good))                                               [TUR02]
|   (also: Watermelon (Decent))                                         [WAT01]
|   (also: Watermelon (Good))                                           [WAT02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                48 - 100%
| - - - - - - - -
| Apple (Shining)                                                       [APP02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Chase      Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Colleen    Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Hayden     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Jake       Calvin
|                                     Kathy      Candace
|                                     Luke       Chloe
|                                     Matt       Craig
|                                     Mira       Dakota
|                                     Pascal     Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                     10 - 21%   Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - -
| Apple Cocktail                                                        [APP03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Cain       Angie      Anissa     Hamilton
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara    Candace
|                                     Colleen    Bo         Chloe      1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Craig      Chase      Gill
|                                     Dale       Dakota     Hanna
|                                     Hayden     Elli       Jin
|                                     Jake       Gray       Luna
|                                     Julius     Heath      Matt
|                                     Kathy      Irene      Paolo
|                                     Luke       Maya       Perry
|                                     Mira       Ozzie      Shelly
|                                     Owen       Phoebe     Taylor
|                                     Pascal     Renee      Van
|                                     Ramsey     Ruth
|                                     Samson     Simon      13 - 27%
|                                     Selena     Toby
|                                     Sue        Yolanda
|                                     17 - 35%   17 - 35%
| - - - - -
| Apple Jam                                                             [APP04]
|   (also: Strawberry Jam)                                              [STR05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Hayden     (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo         Owen        listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Calvin     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Irene      Candace
|                                     Luna       Chase
|                                     Mira       Craig
|                                     Samson     Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     8 - 17%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - -
| Apple Juice                                                           [APP05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Jake       Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                          Matt       Anissa     Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          2 - 4%     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Chase
|                                     Dakota     Craig
|                                     Elli       Dale
|                                     Gray       Gill
|                                     Heath      Hamilton
|                                     Jin        Hanna
|                                     Luke       Hayden
|                                     Mira       Irene
|                                     Samson     Julius
|                                     Sue        Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                     14 - 29%   Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                32 - 67%
| - - - - -
| Apple Pie                                                             [APP06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Colleen    Angie      Anissa     Hayden     Dale
|                          Jake       Barbara    Bo         Owen
|                          Luna       Chase      Cain                  1 - 2%
|                          Matt       Chloe      Calvin     2 - 4%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                          4 - 8%     Elli       Craig
|                                     Hamilton   Gill
|                                     Hanna      Gray
|                                     Heath      Jin
|                                     Irene      Kathy
|                                     Julius     Luke
|                                     Maya       Ozzie
|                                     Mira       Pascal
|                                     Paolo      Phoebe
|                                     Perry      Ramsey
|                                     Renee      Selena
|                                     Ruth       Toby
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly     17 - 35%
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - -
| Aquamarine                                                            [AQU01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Candace
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Owen       Colleen
|                                     Perry      Craig
|                                     Phoebe     Dakota
|                                     Ruth       Dale
|                                     Selena     Gill
|                                     Simon      Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                     12 - 25%   Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| B. Noodles with Egg                                                   [B. 01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Bo         Angie      (none      (none
|                          Hanna      Dakota     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                          Ramsey     Dale       Barbara
|                                     Elli       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Hamilton   Candace
|                                     Heath      Chase
|                                     Jin        Chloe
|                                     Matt       Colleen
|                                     Maya       Craig
|                                     Ozzie      Gill
|                                     Paolo      Gray
|                                     Pascal     Hayden
|                                     Phoebe     Irene
|                                     Ruth       Jake
|                                     Shelly     Julius
|                                     Simon      Kathy
|                                     Van        Luke
|                                     Yolanda    Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                     18 - 38%   Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                27 - 56%
| - - - - - - -
| Baked Potato                                                          [BAK01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Gray       Angie      Anissa     (none      Julius
|                          Hamilton   Chloe      Barbara     listed)   Ramsey
|                          Jake       Craig      Bo
|                          Van        Dakota     Cain       0 - 0%     2 - 4%
|                                     Elli       Calvin
|                          4 - 8%     Heath      Candace
|                                     Luke       Chase
|                                     Matt       Colleen
|                                     Mira       Dale
|                                     Paolo      Gill
|                                     Pascal     Hanna
|                                     Ruth       Hayden
|                                     Samson     Irene
|                                     Sue        Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                     14 - 29%   Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                28 - 58%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Bamboo en Papilote                                                    [BAM01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Bo         Angie      Anissa     (none      Selena
|                          Pascal     Colleen    Barbara     listed)   Sue
|                                     Craig      Cain
|                          2 - 4%     Elli       Calvin     0 - 0%     2 - 4%
|                                     Gray       Candace
|                                     Hamilton   Chase
|                                     Hanna      Chloe
|                                     Irene      Dakota
|                                     Jake       Dale
|                                     Jin        Gill
|                                     Matt       Hayden
|                                     Ozzie      Heath
|                                     Paolo      Julius
|                                     Perry      Kathy
|                                     Ruth       Luke
|                                     Shelly     Luna
|                                     Van        Maya
|                                     Yolanda    Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                     18 - 38%   Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                26 - 54%
| - - - - - -
| Bamboo Rice                                                           [BAM02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Bo         Angie      Anissa     (none      Selena
|                          Jin        Chloe      Barbara     listed)   Sue
|                          Pascal     Craig      Cain
|                          Perry      Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%     2 - 4%
|                          Phoebe     Dale       Candace
|                                     Hayden     Chase
|                          5 - 10%    Irene      Colleen
|                                     Jake       Elli
|                                     Luke       Gill
|                                     Maya       Gray
|                                     Mira       Hamilton
|                                     Owen       Hanna
|                                     Paolo      Heath
|                                     Ramsey     Julius
|                                     Ruth       Kathy
|                                     Shelly     Luna
|                                     Taylor     Matt
|                                     Toby       Ozzie
|                                     Van        Renee
|                                     Yolanda    Samson
|                                                Simon
|                                     20 - 42%
|                                                21 - 44%
| - - - - - - -
| Bamboo Shoot                                                          [BAM03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Cain       Angie      Barbara
|                           listed)    listed)   Candace    Anissa     Chloe
|                                                Hamilton   Bo         Craig
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Hanna      Calvin     Dakota
|                                                Heath      Chase      Gill
|                                                Kathy      Colleen    Gray
|                                                Luke       Dale       Julius
|                                                Phoebe     Elli       Luna
|                                                           Hayden     Ozzie
|                                                8 - 17%    Irene      Paolo
|                                                           Jake       Pascal
|                                                           Jin        Ramsey
|                                                           Matt
|                                                           Maya       12 - 25%
|                                                           Mira
|                                                           Owen
|                                                           Perry
|                                                           Renee
|                                                           Ruth
|                                                           Samson
|                                                           Selena
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Simon
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Taylor
|                                                           Toby
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           28 - 58%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bamboo Shoot (Shining)                                                [BAM04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Heath      Angie      Barbara
|                           listed)    listed)              Anissa     Bo
|                                                1 - 2%     Cain       Chase
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%                Calvin     Chloe
|                                                           Candace    Colleen
|                                                           Elli       Craig
|                                                           Hamilton   Dakota
|                                                           Hanna      Dale
|                                                           Jin        Gill
|                                                           Matt       Gray
|                                                           Maya       Hayden
|                                                           Mira       Irene
|                                                           Phoebe     Jake
|                                                           Samson     Julius
|                                                           Selena     Kathy
|                                                           Sue        Luke
|                                                           Toby       Luna
|                                                           Van        Owen
|                                                                      Ozzie
|                                                           18 - 38%   Paolo
|                                                                      Pascal
|                                                                      Perry
|                                                                      Ramsey
|                                                                      Renee
|                                                                      Ruth
|                                                                      Shelly
|                                                                      Simon
|                                                                      Taylor
|                                                                      Yolanda
|                                                                      29 - 60%
| - - - - - -
| Bamboo Stew                                                           [BAM05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Bo         Barbara    Angie      (none      Sue
|                          Yolanda    Craig      Anissa      listed)
|                                     Elli       Cain                  1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Gray       Calvin     0 - 0%
|                                     Hamilton   Candace
|                                     Irene      Chase
|                                     Jin        Chloe
|                                     Luke       Colleen
|                                     Mira       Dakota
|                                     Perry      Dale
|                                     Ruth       Gill
|                                     Shelly     Hanna
|                                     Simon      Hayden
|                                     Taylor     Heath
|                                     Van        Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                     15 - 31%   Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Toby
|                                                30 - 62%
| - - - -
| Banana                                                                [BAN01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Luke       Angie      (none      Toby
|                           listed)   Paolo      Anissa      listed)
|                                     Selena     Barbara               1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Sue        Bo         0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - -
| Banana Milk                                                           [BAN02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Calvin     Craig      (none
|                          Paolo      Anissa     Candace    Toby        listed)
|                          Sue        Barbara    Dale       Van
|                                     Bo         Gill                  0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Cain       Hamilton   3 - 6%
|                                     Chase      Hayden
|                                     Colleen    Irene
|                                     Dakota     Julius
|                                     Elli       Kathy
|                                     Gray       Luke
|                                     Hanna      Owen
|                                     Heath      Ozzie
|                                     Jake       Pascal
|                                     Jin        Phoebe
|                                     Luna       Ramsey
|                                     Matt       Selena
|                                     Maya       Shelly
|                                     Mira
|                                     Perry      17 - 35%
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Simon
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - - - -
| Banana Pudding                                                        [BAN03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Luke       Angie      Anissa     Hayden     Calvin
|                          Sue        Barbara    Bo         Owen       Dale
|                                     Chase      Cain
|                          2 - 4%     Chloe      Candace    2 - 4%     2 - 4%
|                                     Colleen    Craig
|                                     Dakota     Gill
|                                     Elli       Gray
|                                     Hamilton   Irene
|                                     Hanna      Jin
|                                     Heath      Kathy
|                                     Jake       Ozzie
|                                     Julius     Pascal
|                                     Luna       Phoebe
|                                     Matt       Ramsey
|                                     Maya       Selena
|                                     Mira       Toby
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Perry      16 - 33%
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     26 - 54%
| - - - -
| Begonia                                                               [BEG01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chloe      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Shelly     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                46 - 96%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bell Pepper (Decent)                                                  [BEL01]
|   (also: Bell Pepper (Good))                                          [BEL02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Gill       Chloe
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa                Heath
|                                                Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo                    2 - 4%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Bell Pepper (Good): see Bell Pepper (Decent)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bell Pepper (Perfect)                                                 [BEL03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      Gill       Chloe
|                           listed)   Calvin     Anissa                Heath
|                                                Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Cain                  2 - 4%
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bell Pepper (Shining)                                                 [BEL04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Gill       Chloe
|                           listed)   Barbara    Cain                  Heath
|                                     Bo         Candace    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Calvin     Chase                 2 - 4%
|                                     Dakota     Colleen
|                                     Dale       Craig
|                                     Elli       Hamilton
|                                     Gray       Hanna
|                                     Hayden     Irene
|                                     Matt       Jake
|                                     Mira       Jin
|                                     Ozzie      Julius
|                                     Paolo      Kathy
|                                     Pascal     Luke
|                                     Ramsey     Luna
|                                     Renee      Maya
|                                     Samson     Owen
|                                     Shelly     Perry
|                                     Sue        Phoebe
|                                     Van        Ruth
|                                     Yolanda    Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                     21 - 44%   Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                24 - 50%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Big-Scaled Redfin                                                     [BIG01]
|   (also: Carp)                                                        [CAR01]
|   (also: Catfish)                                                     [CAT01]
|   (also: Char)                                                        [CHA01]
|   (also: Masu Trout)                                                  [MAS02]
|   (also: Pond Smelt)                                                  [PON01]
|   (also: Rainbow Trout)                                               [RAI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa                 listed)
|                                                Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - -
| Black Pearl                                                           [BLA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gill       Chase
|                                     Irene      Colleen
|                                     Julius     Craig
|                                     Luna       Dakota
|                                     Mira       Dale
|                                     Phoebe     Elli
|                                     Ruth       Gray
|                                     Samson     Hamilton
|                                     Sue        Hanna
|                                     Toby       Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                     14 - 29%   Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - -
| Blue Mist                                                             [BLU01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Craig      Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Chase
|                                     Elli       Chloe
|                                     Gray       Colleen
|                                     Irene      Dale
|                                     Jake       Gill
|                                     Julius     Hamilton
|                                     Luna       Hanna
|                                     Mira       Hayden
|                                     Selena     Heath
|                                                Jin
|                                     13 - 27%   Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - -
| Blueberry: see Apple
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Blueberry Cocktail                                                    [BLU03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hayden     Cain       Angie      Anissa     Hamilton
|                          Jake       Calvin     Barbara    Candace    Jin
|                          Samson     Colleen    Bo         Chloe
|                                     Craig      Chase      Gill       2 - 4%
|                          3 - 6%     Dale       Dakota     Hanna
|                                     Julius     Elli       Luna
|                                     Kathy      Gray       Matt
|                                     Luke       Heath      Paolo
|                                     Mira       Irene      Perry
|                                     Owen       Maya       Shelly
|                                     Pascal     Ozzie      Taylor
|                                     Ramsey     Phoebe     Van
|                                     Selena     Renee
|                                     Sue        Ruth       12 - 25%
|                                                Simon
|                                     14 - 29%   Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                17 - 35%
| - - - - - - -
| Blueberry Jam                                                         [BLU04]
|   (also: Very Berry Jam)                                              [VER02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Angie      Barbara    Anissa     Hayden     (none
|                                     Chloe      Bo         Owen        listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Colleen    Cain
|                                     Irene      Calvin     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Luna       Candace
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Samson     Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                     7 - 15%    Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - -
| Blueberry Juice                                                       [BLU05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Angie      Anissa     Barbara    (none      (none
|                                     Candace    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Chloe      Cain
|                                     Colleen    Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Chase
|                                     Elli       Craig
|                                     Gray       Dale
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                                     Jin        Hamilton
|                                     Luke       Hanna
|                                     Matt       Hayden
|                                     Mira       Irene
|                                     Samson     Jake
|                                     Sue        Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                     14 - 29%   Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                33 - 69%
| - - - - -
| Bodigizer                                                             [BOD01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      Dakota     Chloe
|                           listed)   Cain       Barbara    Jake
|                                     Calvin     Bo         Luna       1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Candace    Colleen    Matt
|                                     Chase      Craig      Ramsey
|                                     Elli       Dale       Shelly
|                                     Gill       Gray       Taylor
|                                     Hamilton   Hayden
|                                     Hanna      Heath      7 - 15%
|                                     Jin        Irene
|                                     Phoebe     Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                     11 - 23%   Luke
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                29 - 60%
| - - - - - - -
| Bodigizer XL                                                          [BOD02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      Dakota     Chloe
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo         Jake
|                                     Cain       Colleen    Luna       1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Calvin     Craig      Matt
|                                     Candace    Dale       Ramsey
|                                     Chase      Gray       Shelly
|                                     Elli       Hayden     Taylor
|                                     Gill       Kathy
|                                     Hamilton   Luke       7 - 15%
|                                     Hanna      Maya
|                                     Heath      Mira
|                                     Irene      Owen
|                                     Jin        Ozzie
|                                     Julius     Paolo
|                                     Perry      Pascal
|                                     Phoebe     Renee
|                                     Sue        Ruth
|                                     Van        Samson
|                                     Yolanda    Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                     19 - 40%   Toby
|                                                21 - 44%
| - - - - - -
| Boiled Corn                                                           [BOI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chloe      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Craig      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Dakota     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gray       Cain
|                                     Heath      Calvin
|                                     Luke       Candace
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Owen       Colleen
|                                     Paolo      Dale
|                                     Ruth       Gill
|                                     Samson     Hamilton
|                                     Shelly     Hanna
|                                     Sue        Hayden
|                                     Taylor     Irene
|                                     Van        Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                     16 - 33%   Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                32 - 67%
| - - - - - - - -
| Boiled Spinach                                                        [BOI02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Luke       Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Ruth       Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Calvin
|                          2 - 4%     Craig      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gray       Chase
|                                     Heath      Chloe
|                                     Irene      Colleen
|                                     Jake       Dakota
|                                     Matt       Dale
|                                     Pascal     Elli
|                                     Perry      Gill
|                                     Shelly     Hamilton
|                                     Taylor     Hanna
|                                     Van        Hayden
|                                                Jin
|                                     14 - 29%   Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                32 - 67%
| - - - -
| Bonito                                                                [BON01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Paolo      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Pascal     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Sue        Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Toby       Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                     5 - 10%    Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bouillabaisse (Decent)                                                [BOU01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Phoebe     (none
|                           listed)   Dakota     Barbara    Ruth        listed)
|                                     Dale       Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Gray       Cain       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Matt       Calvin
|                                     Mira       Candace
|                                     Ozzie      Chase
|                                     Paolo      Chloe
|                                     Pascal     Colleen
|                                     Samson     Craig
|                                     Simon      Elli
|                                     Sue        Gill
|                                     Yolanda    Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                     13 - 27%   Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                33 - 69%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bouillabaisse (Good)                                                  [BOU02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Phoebe     (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara    Ruth        listed)
|                                     Chase      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Calvin     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Dale       Colleen
|                                     Elli       Craig
|                                     Gill       Hamilton
|                                     Gray       Irene
|                                     Hanna      Jake
|                                     Hayden     Jin
|                                     Heath      Julius
|                                     Matt       Kathy
|                                     Maya       Luke
|                                     Mira       Luna
|                                     Ozzie      Owen
|                                     Paolo      Perry
|                                     Pascal     Ramsey
|                                     Renee      Shelly
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena     19 - 40%
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bouillabaisse (Perfect)                                               [BOU03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Phoebe     (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Calvin     Ruth        listed)
|                                     Bo         Candace
|                          0 - 0%     Cain       Craig      2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Chase      Jin
|                                     Chloe      Julius
|                                     Colleen    Kathy
|                                     Dakota     Luke
|                                     Dale       Luna
|                                     Elli       Owen
|                                     Gill       Ramsey
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton   11 - 23%
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bouillabaisse (Shining)                                               [BOU04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chase      Angie      Anissa     Phoebe     (none
|                          Maya       Barbara    Calvin     Ruth        listed)
|                          Ozzie      Bo         Candace
|                          Renee      Cain       Jin        2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                          Selena     Chloe      Julius
|                          Toby       Colleen    Kathy
|                                     Craig      Luke
|                          6 - 12%    Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Owen
|                                     Elli       Ramsey
|                                     Gill
|                                     Gray       10 - 21%
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Matt
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     30 - 62%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Box Lunch (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - -
| Box Lunch (Good): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Box Lunch (Perfect): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Box Lunch (Shining): see Apple
| - - -
| Bread                                                                 [BRE01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Chase
|                                     Dakota     Craig
|                                     Elli       Dale
|                                     Gray       Gill
|                                     Hamilton   Hayden
|                                     Hanna      Jin
|                                     Heath      Julius
|                                     Irene      Kathy
|                                     Jake       Luke
|                                     Luna       Maya
|                                     Matt       Owen
|                                     Mira       Ozzie
|                                     Paolo      Phoebe
|                                     Pascal     Ramsey
|                                     Perry      Renee
|                                     Ruth       Selena
|                                     Samson     Toby
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon      21 - 44%
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Breadfruit (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - -
| Breadfruit (Good)                                                     [BRE03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Breadfruit (Perfect)                                                  [BRE04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Colleen    Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Dakota     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gray       Cain
|                                     Irene      Calvin
|                                     Renee      Candace
|                                     Ruth       Chloe
|                                                Craig
|                                     8 - 17%    Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Breadfruit (Shining)                                                  [BRE05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chase      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Candace
|                                     Dakota     Craig
|                                     Dale       Gill
|                                     Elli       Hamilton
|                                     Gray       Hanna
|                                     Hayden     Jake
|                                     Heath      Jin
|                                     Irene      Julius
|                                     Matt       Kathy
|                                     Mira       Luke
|                                     Ozzie      Luna
|                                     Paolo      Maya
|                                     Pascal     Owen
|                                     Ramsey     Perry
|                                     Renee      Phoebe
|                                     Ruth       Selena
|                                     Samson     Simon
|                                     Shelly     Taylor
|                                     Sue        Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda    23 - 48%
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Buckwheat (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - -
| Buckwheat (Good): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Buckwheat (Perfect)                                                   [BUC03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Hayden     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Kathy      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Phoebe     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Ramsey     Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                     5 - 10%    Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Buckwheat (Shining)                                                   [BUC04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Gray       Colleen
|                                     Hayden     Craig
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                                     Jin        Hamilton
|                                     Kathy      Hanna
|                                     Matt       Irene
|                                     Mira       Jake
|                                     Ozzie      Julius
|                                     Paolo      Luke
|                                     Pascal     Luna
|                                     Phoebe     Maya
|                                     Ramsey     Owen
|                                     Samson     Perry
|                                     Shelly     Renee
|                                     Sue        Ruth
|                                     Van        Selena
|                                     Yolanda    Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                     23 - 48%   Toby
|                                                25 - 52%
| - - - - - - - -
| Buckwheat Chips                                                       [BUC05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Phoebe     Calvin     Angie      (none      (none
|                                     Dakota     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Elli       Barbara
|                                     Hamilton   Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Hanna      Cain
|                                     Heath      Candace
|                                     Jin        Chase
|                                     Matt       Chloe
|                                     Maya       Colleen
|                                     Ozzie      Craig
|                                     Paolo      Dale
|                                     Pascal     Gill
|                                     Ramsey     Gray
|                                     Ruth       Hayden
|                                     Simon      Irene
|                                     Van        Jake
|                                     Yolanda    Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                     17 - 35%   Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                30 - 62%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Buckwheat Cocktail                                                    [BUC06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dale       Cain       Angie      Anissa     Candace
|                          Owen       Calvin     Barbara    Chloe      Hamilton
|                                     Craig      Bo         Gill       Taylor
|                          2 - 4%     Hayden     Chase      Hanna
|                                     Jake       Colleen    Heath      3 - 6%
|                                     Kathy      Dakota     Jin
|                                     Luke       Elli       Luna
|                                     Mira       Gray       Matt
|                                     Ozzie      Irene      Paolo
|                                     Pascal     Julius     Perry
|                                     Ramsey     Maya       Shelly
|                                     Samson     Phoebe     Simon
|                                     Selena     Renee      Toby
|                                     Sue        Ruth       Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                     14 - 29%              14 - 29%
|                                                15 - 31%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Buckwheat Noodles                                                     [BUC07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Dakota     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Elli       Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Hamilton   Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Jin        Cain
|                                     Matt       Candace
|                                     Maya       Chase
|                                     Ozzie      Chloe
|                                     Phoebe     Colleen
|                                     Ramsey     Craig
|                                     Ruth       Dale
|                                     Simon      Gill
|                                     Van        Gray
|                                     Yolanda    Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                     14 - 29%   Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Cow) (Decent)                                                 [BUT01]
|   (also: Butter (Goat) (Decent))                                      [BUT05]
|   (also: Butter (Goat) (Good))                                        [BUT06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Julius     (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa     Ramsey      listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                46 - 96%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Cow) (Good)                                                   [BUT02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Perry      Angie      Julius     (none
|                           listed)              Anissa     Ramsey      listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Cow) (Perfect)                                                [BUT03]
|   (also: Butter (Goat) (Perfect))                                     [BUT07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Candace    Julius     (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Gill       Ramsey      listed)
|                                     Barbara    Jin
|                          0 - 0%     Bo         Luke       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Cain       Luna
|                                     Calvin     Owen
|                                     Chase      Toby
|                                     Chloe
|                                     Colleen    7 - 15%
|                                     Craig
|                                     Dakota
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Cow) (Shining)                                                [BUT04]
|   (also: Butter (Goat) (Shining))                                     [BUT08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      (none      Julius     (none
|                           listed)   Anissa      listed)   Ramsey      listed)
|                                     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Bo         0 - 0%     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Cain
|                                     Calvin
|                                     Candace
|                                     Chase
|                                     Chloe
|                                     Colleen
|                                     Craig
|                                     Dakota
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gill
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Luke
|                                     Luna
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     46 - 96%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Goat) (Decent): see Butter (Cow) (Decent)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Goat) (Good): see Butter (Cow) (Decent)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Goat) (Perfect): see Butter (Cow) (Perfect)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Goat) (Shining): see Butter (Cow) (Shining)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Cabbage (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - -
| Cabbage (Good)                                                        [CAB02]
|   (also: Honeydew (Good))                                             [HON08]
|   (also: Yam (Decent))                                                [YAM01]
|   (also: Yam (Good))                                                  [YAM02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Maya       Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Cabbage (Perfect)                                                     [CAB03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Craig      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Hanna      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Maya       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Mira       Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     5 - 10%    Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Cabbage (Shining)                                                     [CAB04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Craig      Chase
|                                     Dakota     Colleen
|                                     Dale       Gill
|                                     Elli       Hamilton
|                                     Gray       Irene
|                                     Hanna      Jake
|                                     Hayden     Jin
|                                     Heath      Julius
|                                     Matt       Kathy
|                                     Maya       Luke
|                                     Mira       Luna
|                                     Ozzie      Owen
|                                     Paolo      Perry
|                                     Pascal     Phoebe
|                                     Ramsey     Ruth
|                                     Renee      Selena
|                                     Samson     Simon
|                                     Shelly     Taylor
|                                     Sue        Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda    23 - 48%
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - -
| Carp: see Big-Scaled Redfin
| - - - - - - - -
| Carrot (Decent)                                                       [CAR02]
|   (also: Carrot (Good))                                               [CAR03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Taylor     Ozzie
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa
|                                                Barbara    1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                46 - 96%
| - - - - - - -
| Carrot (Good): see Carrot (Decent)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Carrot (Perfect)                                                      [CAR04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Kathy      Angie      Taylor     Ozzie
|                           listed)   Luke       Anissa
|                                     Maya       Barbara    1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%                Bo
|                                     3 - 6%     Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Carrot (Shining)                                                      [CAR05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Taylor     Ozzie
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara
|                                     Chloe      Cain       1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Calvin
|                                     Dale       Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Gray       Colleen
|                                     Hayden     Craig
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                                     Kathy      Hamilton
|                                     Luke       Hanna
|                                     Matt       Irene
|                                     Maya       Jake
|                                     Mira       Jin
|                                     Paolo      Julius
|                                     Pascal     Luna
|                                     Ramsey     Owen
|                                     Renee      Perry
|                                     Samson     Phoebe
|                                     Shelly     Ruth
|                                     Sue        Selena
|                                     Van        Simon
|                                     Yolanda    Toby
|                                     23 - 48%   23 - 48%
| - - - - - -
| Carrot Cake                                                           [CAR06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Elli       Angie      Anissa     Dale       Ozzie
|                          Luke       Barbara    Bo         Hayden     Taylor
|                                     Chase      Cain       Owen
|                          2 - 4%     Chloe      Calvin                2 - 4%
|                                     Colleen    Candace    3 - 6%
|                                     Craig      Gill
|                                     Dakota     Gray
|                                     Hamilton   Jin
|                                     Hanna      Pascal
|                                     Heath      Phoebe
|                                     Irene      Ramsey
|                                     Jake       Selena
|                                     Julius     Toby
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Luna       13 - 27%
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - - - - -
| Carrot Juice                                                          [CAR07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      Owen
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)   Ozzie
|                                     Chloe      Cain                  Taylor
|                          0 - 0%     Craig      Calvin     0 - 0%
|                                     Elli       Candace               3 - 6%
|                                     Gill       Chase
|                                     Gray       Colleen
|                                     Irene      Dakota
|                                     Jin        Dale
|                                     Julius     Hamilton
|                                     Kathy      Hanna
|                                     Luke       Hayden
|                                     Perry      Heath
|                                     Ruth       Jake
|                                     Sue        Luna
|                                     Van        Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                     16 - 33%   Mira
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                29 - 60%
| - - - -
| Catfish: see Big-Scaled Redfin
| - - -
| Char: see Big-Scaled Redfin
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Cow) (Decent)                                                 [CHE01]
|   (also: Cheese (Goat) (Decent))                                      [CHE05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Kathy      Angie      Craig      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa     Luke        listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara    Paolo
|                          0 - 0%                Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Cain       3 - 6%
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Cow) (Good)                                                   [CHE02]
|   (also: Cheese (Goat) (Good))                                        [CHE06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Hayden     Angie      Craig      (none
|                           listed)   Kathy      Anissa     Luke        listed)
|                                     Maya       Barbara    Paolo
|                          0 - 0%     Yolanda    Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Cain       3 - 6%
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)                                                [CHE03]
|   (also: Cheese (Goat) (Perfect))                                     [CHE07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Candace    Craig      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Gill       Luke        listed)
|                                     Barbara    Jin        Paolo
|                          0 - 0%     Bo         Julius                0 - 0%
|                                     Cain       Luna       3 - 6%
|                                     Calvin     Toby
|                                     Chase
|                                     Chloe      6 - 12%
|                                     Colleen
|                                     Dakota
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Cow) (Shining)                                                [CHE04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Kathy      Angie      (none      Craig      (none
|                          Maya       Anissa      listed)   Luke        listed)
|                          Renee      Barbara               Paolo
|                                     Bo         0 - 0%                0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Cain                  3 - 6%
|                                     Calvin
|                                     Candace
|                                     Chase
|                                     Chloe
|                                     Colleen
|                                     Dakota
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gill
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin
|                                     Julius
|                                     Luna
|                                     Matt
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     42 - 88%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Goat) (Decent): see Cheese (Cow) (Decent)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Goat) (Good): see Cheese (Cow) (Good)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Goat) (Perfect): see Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Goat) (Shining)                                               [CHE08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Kathy      Angie      (none      Craig      (none
|                          Maya       Anissa      listed)   Luke        listed)
|                                     Barbara
|                          2 - 4%     Bo         0 - 0%     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Cain
|                                     Calvin
|                                     Candace
|                                     Chase
|                                     Chloe
|                                     Colleen
|                                     Dakota
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gill
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin
|                                     Julius
|                                     Luna
|                                     Matt
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     44 - 92%
| - - - - - - -
| Cheese Fondue                                                         [CHE09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hayden     Angie      Anissa     Ozzie      Craig
|                          Kathy      Barbara    Cain       Ramsey     Paolo
|                                     Bo         Candace
|                          2 - 4%     Calvin     Gill       2 - 4%     2 - 4%
|                                     Chase      Gray
|                                     Chloe      Hamilton
|                                     Colleen    Hanna
|                                     Dakota     Irene
|                                     Dale       Jin
|                                     Elli       Julius
|                                     Heath      Luke
|                                     Jake       Luna
|                                     Matt       Phoebe
|                                     Maya       Renee
|                                     Mira       Selena
|                                     Owen       Shelly
|                                     Pascal     Sue
|                                     Perry      Toby
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson     18 - 38%
|                                     Simon
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - - -
| Cheese Omelet                                                         [CHE10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Angie      Anissa     Luke       Craig
|                          Gray       Barbara    Candace    Ramsey     Paolo
|                          Hayden     Bo         Chase
|                          Kathy      Cain       Jin        2 - 4%     2 - 4%
|                                     Chloe      Julius
|                          4 - 8%     Colleen    Luna
|                                     Dakota     Owen
|                                     Dale       Phoebe
|                                     Elli       Selena
|                                     Gill       Toby
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna      10 - 21%
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     30 - 62%
| - - - - - - - -
| Cheese Risotto                                                        [CHE11]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Kathy      Angie      Anissa     (none      Craig
|                          Taylor     Bo         Barbara     listed)   Luke
|                                     Colleen    Cain                  Paolo
|                          2 - 4%     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Candace               3 - 6%
|                                     Hayden     Chase
|                                     Jake       Chloe
|                                     Maya       Elli
|                                     Mira       Gill
|                                     Owen       Gray
|                                     Perry      Hamilton
|                                     Ruth       Hanna
|                                     Samson     Heath
|                                     Sue        Irene
|                                     Van        Jin
|                                     Yolanda    Julius
|                                                Luna
|                                     16 - 33%   Matt
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Toby
|                                                27 - 56%
| - - - - - -
| Cheesecake                                                            [CHE12]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Elli       Angie      Anissa     Dale       Craig
|                                     Barbara    Bo         Hayden     Paolo
|                          1 - 2%     Chase      Cain       Luke
|                                     Chloe      Calvin     Owen       2 - 4%
|                                     Colleen    Candace
|                                     Dakota     Gill       4 - 8%
|                                     Hamilton   Gray
|                                     Hanna      Jin
|                                     Heath      Ozzie
|                                     Irene      Pascal
|                                     Jake       Phoebe
|                                     Julius     Ramsey
|                                     Kathy      Selena
|                                     Luna       Toby
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya       14 - 29%
|                                     Mira
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - -
| Cherry                                                                [CHE13]
|   (also: Very Berry)                                                  [VER01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)              Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Bo
|                          0 - 0%                Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Cherry (Shining)                                                      [CHE14]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Bo         (none      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Cain        listed)    listed)
|                                     Barbara    Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gill       Chase
|                                     Luna       Chloe
|                                     Maya       Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                     7 - 15%    Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - -
| Chestnut: see Apple
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Chestnut (Shining)                                                    [CHE16]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Dakota     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Dale       Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Julius     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Maya       Cain
|                                     Shelly     Calvin
|                                     Toby       Candace
|                                     Yolanda    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     8 - 17%    Craig
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - -
| Chestnut Pie                                                          [CHE17]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Colleen    Angie      Anissa     Hayden     Dale
|                          Dakota     Barbara    Bo         Owen
|                          Julius     Chase      Cain                  1 - 2%
|                          Luna       Chloe      Calvin     2 - 4%
|                          Shelly     Craig      Candace
|                                     Elli       Gill
|                          5 - 10%    Hamilton   Gray
|                                     Hanna      Jin
|                                     Heath      Kathy
|                                     Irene      Luke
|                                     Jake       Ozzie
|                                     Matt       Pascal
|                                     Maya       Phoebe
|                                     Mira       Ramsey
|                                     Paolo      Selena
|                                     Perry      Toby
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth       16 - 33%
|                                     Samson
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - - -
| Chestnut Rice                                                         [CHE18]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Perry      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Shelly     Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chase      Cain
|                          2 - 4%     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Craig      Candace
|                                     Dakota     Colleen
|                                     Dale       Elli
|                                     Hayden     Gill
|                                     Irene      Gray
|                                     Jake       Hamilton
|                                     Jin        Hanna
|                                     Julius     Heath
|                                     Luke       Kathy
|                                     Maya       Luna
|                                     Mira       Matt
|                                     Owen       Ozzie
|                                     Paolo      Renee
|                                     Pascal     Samson
|                                     Phoebe     Selena
|                                     Ramsey     Simon
|                                     Ruth       Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby       21 - 44%
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - - - -
| Chirashi Sushi                                                        [CHI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Matt       Barbara    Angie      Anissa     Cain
|                          Ozzie      Bo         Calvin     Colleen
|                          Paolo      Chloe      Candace               1 - 2%
|                          Perry      Craig      Chase      2 - 4%
|                          Ramsey     Dakota     Jin
|                          Toby       Dale       Julius
|                                     Elli       Kathy
|                          6 - 12%    Gill       Luna
|                                     Gray       Ruth
|                                     Hamilton   Samson
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden     10 - 21%
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Luke
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Renee
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Banana                                                      [CHO01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Anissa     Calvin     Bo
|                          Dakota     Chase      Barbara    Dale       Owen
|                          Luke       Colleen    Cain       Gray
|                          Paolo      Elli       Candace    Hayden     2 - 4%
|                          Samson     Hanna      Craig      Kathy
|                                     Heath      Gill       Ramsey
|                          5 - 10%    Julius     Hamilton
|                                     Luna       Irene      6 - 12%
|                                     Matt       Jake
|                                     Maya       Jin
|                                     Mira       Ozzie
|                                     Pascal     Perry
|                                     Ruth       Phoebe
|                                     Shelly     Renee
|                                     Taylor     Selena
|                                     Van        Simon
|                                     Yolanda    Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                     17 - 35%
|                                                18 - 38%
| - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Bar                                                         [CHO02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Samson     Angie      Anissa     Calvin     Bo
|                                     Chase      Barbara    Dale
|                          1 - 2%     Chloe      Cain       Gray       1 - 2%
|                                     Colleen    Candace    Hayden
|                                     Dakota     Craig      Kathy
|                                     Elli       Gill       Owen
|                                     Heath      Hamilton   Ramsey
|                                     Luna       Hanna
|                                     Matt       Irene      7 - 15%
|                                     Maya       Jake
|                                     Mira       Jin
|                                     Paolo      Julius
|                                     Pascal     Luke
|                                     Ruth       Ozzie
|                                     Shelly     Perry
|                                     Taylor     Phoebe
|                                     Van        Renee
|                                     Yolanda    Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                     18 - 38%   Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                21 - 44%
| - - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Cake                                                        [CHO03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Anissa     Calvin     Owen
|                          Elli       Barbara    Bo         Dale
|                          Samson     Chase      Cain       Hayden     1 - 2%
|                          Taylor     Colleen    Candace    Kathy
|                                     Dakota     Craig
|                          4 - 8%     Hamilton   Gill       4 - 8%
|                                     Hanna      Gray
|                                     Heath      Jin
|                                     Irene      Luke
|                                     Jake       Ozzie
|                                     Julius     Pascal
|                                     Luna       Phoebe
|                                     Matt       Ramsey
|                                     Maya       Selena
|                                     Mira       Toby
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Perry      15 - 31%
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Cookie                                                      [CHO04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Anissa     Calvin     Owen
|                          Samson     Barbara    Bo         Dale
|                          Taylor     Candace    Cain       Hayden     1 - 2%
|                                     Chase      Craig      Kathy
|                          3 - 6%     Colleen    Gill
|                                     Dakota     Gray       4 - 8%
|                                     Elli       Jin
|                                     Hamilton   Julius
|                                     Hanna      Luke
|                                     Heath      Ozzie
|                                     Irene      Pascal
|                                     Jake       Phoebe
|                                     Luna       Ramsey
|                                     Matt       Renee
|                                     Maya       Selena
|                                     Mira       Toby
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Perry      16 - 33%
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Fondue                                                      [CHO05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Anissa     Calvin     Bo
|                          Taylor     Barbara    Cain       Hayden
|                                     Chase      Candace    Kathy      1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Colleen    Craig      Owen
|                                     Dakota     Dale       Ozzie
|                                     Elli       Gill       Pascal
|                                     Heath      Gray       Ramsey
|                                     Julius     Hamilton
|                                     Luna       Hanna      7 - 15%
|                                     Matt       Irene
|                                     Maya       Jake
|                                     Mira       Jin
|                                     Paolo      Luke
|                                     Perry      Phoebe
|                                     Ruth       Renee
|                                     Samson     Selena
|                                     Simon      Shelly
|                                     Van        Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                     18 - 38%   Yolanda
|                                                20 - 42%
| - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Pie                                                         [CHO06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Anissa     Calvin     Dale
|                          Luna       Barbara    Bo         Hayden     Owen
|                          Samson     Chase      Cain
|                          Taylor     Colleen    Candace    2 - 4%     2 - 4%
|                                     Dakota     Craig
|                          4 - 8%     Elli       Gill
|                                     Hamilton   Gray
|                                     Hanna      Jin
|                                     Heath      Kathy
|                                     Irene      Luke
|                                     Jake       Ozzie
|                                     Julius     Pascal
|                                     Matt       Phoebe
|                                     Maya       Ramsey
|                                     Mira       Selena
|                                     Paolo      Toby
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee      16 - 33%
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Pudding                                                     [CHO07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Anissa     Hayden     Calvin
|                          Samson     Barbara    Bo         Kathy      Dale
|                          Taylor     Chase      Cain                  Owen
|                                     Colleen    Candace    2 - 4%
|                          3 - 6%     Dakota     Craig                 3 - 6%
|                                     Elli       Gill
|                                     Hamilton   Gray
|                                     Hanna      Irene
|                                     Heath      Jin
|                                     Jake       Luke
|                                     Julius     Ozzie
|                                     Luna       Pascal
|                                     Matt       Phoebe
|                                     Maya       Ramsey
|                                     Mira       Selena
|                                     Paolo      Toby
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee      16 - 33%
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - - -
| Chrysanthemum                                                         [CHR01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Jin        Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Julius     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Shelly     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Yolanda    Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - -
| Clam                                                                  [CLA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Dakota     Angie      Phoebe     Perry
|                           listed)   Gill       Anissa
|                                     Hayden     Barbara    1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Luke       Bo
|                                     Maya       Cain
|                                     Ozzie      Calvin
|                                     Paolo      Candace
|                                     Pascal     Chase
|                                     Samson     Chloe
|                                     Sue        Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     10 - 21%   Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - - -
| Clam Soup                                                             [CLA02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Ozzie      Angie      Anissa     Phoebe     Perry
|                                     Bo         Barbara
|                          1 - 2%     Chloe      Cain       1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                                     Colleen    Calvin
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Dale       Chase
|                                     Elli       Craig
|                                     Hamilton   Gill
|                                     Hayden     Gray
|                                     Heath      Hanna
|                                     Jake       Irene
|                                     Jin        Luna
|                                     Julius     Mira
|                                     Kathy      Renee
|                                     Luke       Ruth
|                                     Matt       Samson
|                                     Maya       Simon
|                                     Owen       Taylor
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal     18 - 38%
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - -
| Cocoa (Decent)                                                        [COC01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Bo         (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa     Hayden      listed)
|                                                Barbara    Jin
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Cain       Kathy      0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin     Owen
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase      5 - 10%
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - -
| Cocoa (Good)                                                          [COC02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      Bo         (none
|                           listed)   Luna       Anissa     Hayden      listed)
|                                                Barbara    Jin
|                          0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Cain       Kathy      0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin     Owen
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chloe      5 - 10%
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - - -
| Cocoa (Perfect)                                                       [COC03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      Bo         (none
|                           listed)   Luna       Anissa     Hayden      listed)
|                                     Ruth       Barbara    Jin
|                          0 - 0%     Samson     Cain       Kathy      0 - 0%
|                                     Taylor     Calvin     Owen
|                                                Candace
|                                     5 - 10%    Chloe      5 - 10%
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - -
| Cocoa (Shining)                                                       [COC04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Bo         (none
|                           listed)   Chase      Barbara    Hayden      listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain       Jin
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Calvin     Kathy      0 - 0%
|                                     Elli       Candace    Owen
|                                     Heath      Colleen
|                                     Luna       Craig      5 - 10%
|                                     Matt       Dale
|                                     Mira       Gill
|                                     Ozzie      Gray
|                                     Paolo      Hamilton
|                                     Pascal     Hanna
|                                     Ramsey     Irene
|                                     Renee      Jake
|                                     Ruth       Julius
|                                     Samson     Luke
|                                     Shelly     Maya
|                                     Sue        Perry
|                                     Taylor     Phoebe
|                                     Van        Selena
|                                     Yolanda    Simon
|                                                Toby
|                                     21 - 44%
|                                                22 - 46%
| - - - -
| Coconut                                                               [COC05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Selena     Kathy      Angie      (none      Toby
|                                     Pascal     Anissa      listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Samson     Barbara               1 - 2%
|                                     Sue        Bo         0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Coconut Cocktail                                                      [COC06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dale       Cain       Angie      Anissa     Candace
|                          Owen       Calvin     Barbara    Chloe      Hamilton
|                          Selena     Craig      Bo         Gill       Taylor
|                                     Hayden     Chase      Hanna      Toby
|                          3 - 6%     Jake       Colleen    Heath
|                                     Kathy      Dakota     Jin        4 - 8%
|                                     Luke       Elli       Luna
|                                     Mira       Gray       Matt
|                                     Ozzie      Irene      Paolo
|                                     Pascal     Julius     Perry
|                                     Ramsey     Maya       Shelly
|                                     Samson     Phoebe     Simon
|                                     Sue        Renee      Van
|                                                Ruth
|                                     13 - 27%   Yolanda    13 - 27%
|                                                15 - 31%
| - - - - - - -
| Coconut Juice                                                         [COC07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Sue        Angie      Barbara    Perry      (none
|                                     Anissa     Bo         Toby        listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Candace    Cain
|                                     Chloe      Calvin     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Chase
|                                     Dakota     Craig
|                                     Elli       Dale
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                                     Jin        Gray
|                                     Luke       Hamilton
|                                     Matt       Hanna
|                                     Mira       Hayden
|                                     Samson     Irene
|                                     Selena     Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                     14 - 29%   Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                31 - 65%
| - - - - - - - -
| Cocoon (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - -
| Cocoon (Good)                                                         [COC09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Candace    Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Cocoon (Perfect)                                                      [COC10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius     Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Luna       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Shelly     Calvin
|                                                Chase
|                                     5 - 10%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Cocoon (Shining)                                                      [COC11]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Candace    Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Luna       Cain       Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Gill       Bo
|                          2 - 4%     Hamilton   Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Hanna      Chase
|                                     Julius     Chloe
|                                     Shelly     Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     7 - 15%    Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - -
| Cod: see Apple
| - - - - - - -
| Cold Medicine                                                         [COL01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      Dakota     Chloe
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo         Jake
|                                     Cain       Colleen    Luke       1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Calvin     Craig      Luna
|                                     Candace    Dale       Matt
|                                     Chase      Gray       Taylor
|                                     Elli       Hayden
|                                     Gill       Julius     6 - 12%
|                                     Hamilton   Kathy
|                                     Hanna      Maya
|                                     Heath      Mira
|                                     Irene      Owen
|                                     Jin        Ozzie
|                                     Perry      Paolo
|                                     Phoebe     Pascal
|                                     Van        Ramsey
|                                     Yolanda    Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                     17 - 35%   Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                24 - 50%
| - - - - - - - -
| Common Seashell: see Apple
| - - - - - -
| Conger Eel                                                            [CON01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Anissa     Angie      Julius
|                           listed)   Paolo      Barbara
|                                     Pascal     Bo         1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Sue        Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                     4 - 8%     Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - - - -
| Conger Eel Rice                                                       [CON02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Owen       Angie      Anissa     (none      Julius
|                          Paolo      Barbara    Candace     listed)
|                                     Bo         Irene                 1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Cain       Kathy      0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Luna
|                                     Chase      Samson
|                                     Chloe
|                                     Colleen    6 - 12%
|                                     Craig
|                                     Dakota
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gill
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin
|                                     Luke
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     39 - 81%
| - - - -
| Cookie                                                                [COO01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Dale       (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo         Hayden      listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain       Owen
|                          0 - 0%     Chase      Calvin                0 - 0%
|                                     Chloe      Craig      3 - 6%
|                                     Colleen    Gill
|                                     Dakota     Gray
|                                     Elli       Jin
|                                     Hamilton   Kathy
|                                     Hanna      Luke
|                                     Heath      Ozzie
|                                     Irene      Pascal
|                                     Jake       Phoebe
|                                     Julius     Ramsey
|                                     Luna       Renee
|                                     Matt       Selena
|                                     Maya       Toby
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo      17 - 35%
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - -
| Copper                                                                [COP01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Owen       Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)              Cain       Barbara     listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Calvin     Bo
|                          0 - 0%                Candace    Chase      0 - 0%
|                                                Craig      Chloe
|                                                Gill       Colleen
|                                                Hamilton   Dakota
|                                                Heath      Dale
|                                                Kathy      Elli
|                                                Luke       Gray
|                                                Mira       Hanna
|                                                Phoebe     Hayden
|                                                Ramsey     Irene
|                                                Renee      Jake
|                                                Simon      Jin
|                                                Taylor     Julius
|                                                Toby       Luna
|                                                           Matt
|                                                17 - 35%   Maya
|                                                           Ozzie
|                                                           Paolo
|                                                           Pascal
|                                                           Perry
|                                                           Ruth
|                                                           Samson
|                                                           Selena
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           30 - 62%
| - - -
| Coral                                                                 [COR01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Mira       Angie      Maya       (none
|                           listed)   Phoebe     Anissa                 listed)
|                                                Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - -
| Corn (Decent)                                                         [COR02]
|   (also: Corn (Good))                                                 [COR03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Kathy      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - -
| Corn (Good): see Corn (Decent)
| - - - - - - - -
| Corn (Perfect)                                                        [COR04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Kathy      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Owen       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Paolo      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Taylor     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - -
| Corn (Shining)                                                        [COR05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Gray       Colleen
|                                     Hayden     Craig
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                                     Kathy      Hamilton
|                                     Matt       Hanna
|                                     Mira       Irene
|                                     Owen       Jake
|                                     Ozzie      Jin
|                                     Paolo      Julius
|                                     Pascal     Luke
|                                     Ramsey     Luna
|                                     Renee      Maya
|                                     Samson     Perry
|                                     Shelly     Phoebe
|                                     Sue        Ruth
|                                     Taylor     Selena
|                                     Van        Simon
|                                     Yolanda    Toby
|                                     24 - 50%   24 - 50%
| - - - - - -
| Corn Bread                                                            [COR06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Owen       Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Candace    Cain
|                                     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Chase
|                                     Craig      Dale
|                                     Dakota     Gill
|                                     Elli       Hayden
|                                     Gray       Jin
|                                     Hamilton   Julius
|                                     Hanna      Kathy
|                                     Heath      Luke
|                                     Irene      Maya
|                                     Jake       Ozzie
|                                     Luna       Phoebe
|                                     Matt       Ramsey
|                                     Mira       Renee
|                                     Paolo      Selena
|                                     Pascal     Toby
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth       19 - 40%
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - - -
| Corn Soup                                                             [COR07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Owen       Cain       Angie      Craig      (none
|                          Paolo      Taylor     Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Yolanda    Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%                Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - -
| Cosmos                                                                [COS01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Phoebe     Candace
|                                     Shelly     Chase
|                                     Toby       Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     7 - 15%    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - -
| Crawfish                                                              [CRA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Julius     (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa     Ruth        listed)
|                                                Barbara    Selena
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Cain       3 - 6%
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - -
| Croquette                                                             [CRO01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Gray       Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Hamilton   Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          Van        Bo         Calvin
|                                     Chloe      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Colleen    Chase
|                                     Craig      Dale
|                                     Dakota     Gill
|                                     Elli       Hayden
|                                     Hanna      Jin
|                                     Heath      Julius
|                                     Irene      Kathy
|                                     Jake       Luke
|                                     Matt       Luna
|                                     Maya       Owen
|                                     Mira       Phoebe
|                                     Ozzie      Ramsey
|                                     Paolo      Renee
|                                     Pascal     Selena
|                                     Perry      Toby
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson     19 - 40%
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     26 - 54%
| - - - -
| Crystal                                                               [CRY01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                                     Anissa     Bo          listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Chloe      Cain
|                                     Julius     Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Owen       Colleen
|                                     Phoebe     Craig
|                                     Selena     Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     8 - 17%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - -
| Diamond                                                               [DIA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Selena     Angie      Bo         (none      (none
|                                     Anissa     Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Barbara    Candace
|                                     Calvin     Chase      0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Chloe      Colleen
|                                     Gill       Craig
|                                     Julius     Dakota
|                                     Luna       Dale
|                                     Mira       Elli
|                                     Owen       Gray
|                                     Phoebe     Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                     11 - 23%   Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - -
| Doria                                                                 [DOR01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Bo         Angie      Anissa     Craig      Kathy
|                          Dale       Barbara    Calvin     Luke       Paolo
|                          Perry      Cain       Candace
|                                     Chase      Gill       2 - 4%     2 - 4%
|                          3 - 6%     Chloe      Irene
|                                     Colleen    Julius
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Elli       Ozzie
|                                     Gray       Phoebe
|                                     Hamilton   Ramsey
|                                     Hanna      Renee
|                                     Hayden     Selena
|                                     Heath      Shelly
|                                     Jake       Sue
|                                     Jin        Toby
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya       15 - 31%
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Simon
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     26 - 54%
| - - - - - -
| Duckonnaise                                                           [DUC01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Heath      Angie      Jin        (none
|                           listed)   Maya       Anissa     Mira        listed)
|                                     Paolo      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Yolanda    Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                42 - 88%
| - -
| Eel                                                                   [EEL01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Anissa     Angie      Julius
|                           listed)   Matt       Barbara    Selena
|                                     Ozzie      Bo                    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Cain       2 - 4%
|                                     Pascal     Calvin
|                                     Sue        Candace
|                                     Toby       Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     7 - 15%    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - -
| Eel Bowl                                                              [EEL02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Owen       Angie      Anissa     (none      Julius
|                          Paolo      Barbara    Candace     listed)
|                          Phoebe     Bo         Irene                 1 - 2%
|                          Toby       Cain       Kathy      0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Luna
|                          4 - 8%     Chase      Samson
|                                     Chloe      Selena
|                                     Colleen
|                                     Craig      7 - 15%
|                                     Dakota
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gill
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin
|                                     Luke
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     36 - 75%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Chicken) (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Chicken) (Good)                                                  [EGG02]
|   (also: Egg (Ostrich) (Good))                                        [EGG10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Yolanda    Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)                                               [EGG03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Candace     listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Gill
|                          0 - 0%     Cain       Jin        0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Julius
|                                     Chase      Kathy
|                                     Chloe      Luke
|                                     Colleen    Luna
|                                     Craig      Maya
|                                     Dakota     Owen
|                                     Dale       Phoebe
|                                     Elli       Selena
|                                     Gray       Toby
|                                     Hamilton   Van
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden     14 - 29%
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Matt
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Chicken) (Shining)                                               [EGG04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Renee      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Barbara    Candace     listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Bo         Colleen
|                                     Cain       Kathy      0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Maya
|                                     Chase      Phoebe
|                                     Chloe      Selena
|                                     Craig
|                                     Dakota     7 - 15%
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gill
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin
|                                     Julius
|                                     Luke
|                                     Luna
|                                     Matt
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Duck) (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Duck) (Good): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Duck) (Perfect)                                                  [EGG07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Candace     listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Craig
|                          0 - 0%     Cain       Gill       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Jin
|                                     Chase      Julius
|                                     Chloe      Kathy
|                                     Colleen    Luke
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Maya
|                                     Elli       Owen
|                                     Gray       Phoebe
|                                     Hamilton   Ruth
|                                     Hanna      Selena
|                                     Hayden     Toby
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene      15 - 31%
|                                     Jake
|                                     Matt
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     33 - 69%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Duck) (Shining)                                                  [EGG08]
|   (also: Egg (Ostrich) (Shining))                                     [EGG12]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Renee      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Barbara    Candace     listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Bo         Kathy
|                                     Cain       Maya       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Phoebe
|                                     Chase      Selena
|                                     Chloe
|                                     Colleen    6 - 12%
|                                     Craig
|                                     Dakota
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gill
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin
|                                     Julius
|                                     Luke
|                                     Luna
|                                     Matt
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     41 - 85%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Ostrich) (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Ostrich) (Good): see Egg (Chicken) (Good)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)                                               [EGG11]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Candace     listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Gill
|                          0 - 0%     Cain       Jin        0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Julius
|                                     Chase      Kathy
|                                     Chloe      Luke
|                                     Colleen    Luna
|                                     Craig      Maya
|                                     Dakota     Owen
|                                     Dale       Phoebe
|                                     Elli       Selena
|                                     Gray       Toby
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna      13 - 27%
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Matt
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Ostrich) (Shining): see Egg (Duck) (Shining)
| - - - - -
| Egg Rice                                                              [EGG13]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hanna      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Calvin     Cain
|                                     Chloe      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Craig      Chase
|                                     Dakota     Colleen
|                                     Dale       Elli
|                                     Hayden     Gill
|                                     Heath      Gray
|                                     Irene      Hamilton
|                                     Luke       Jake
|                                     Maya       Jin
|                                     Owen       Julius
|                                     Paolo      Kathy
|                                     Pascal     Luna
|                                     Perry      Matt
|                                     Phoebe     Mira
|                                     Ramsey     Ozzie
|                                     Ruth       Renee
|                                     Shelly     Samson
|                                     Taylor     Selena
|                                     Toby       Simon
|                                     Van        Sue
|                                     Yolanda
|                                                23 - 48%
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - -
| Egg Salad                                                             [EGG14]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hanna      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Heath      Cain       Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Calvin     Bo
|                          2 - 4%     Craig      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Chase
|                                     Hamilton   Chloe
|                                     Ozzie      Colleen
|                                     Paolo      Dale
|                                     Ruth       Elli
|                                     Taylor     Gill
|                                     Van        Gray
|                                     Yolanda    Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                     12 - 25%   Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - -
| Egg Sandwich                                                          [EGG15]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Hanna      Cain       Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                          Heath      Craig      Bo
|                                     Dakota     Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Hamilton   Chase
|                                     Ozzie      Chloe
|                                     Paolo      Colleen
|                                     Ruth       Dale
|                                     Taylor     Elli
|                                     Van        Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                     10 - 21%   Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - -
| Egg Soup                                                              [EGG16]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Cain       Angie      Craig      (none
|                                     Hanna      Anissa                 listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Heath      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                                     Yolanda    Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Candace
|                                     4 - 8%     Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Eggplant (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - -
| Eggplant (Good)                                                       [EGG18]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Jin        Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Eggplant (Perfect)                                                    [EGG19]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Craig      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Heath      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Jin        Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Shelly     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Eggplant (Shining)                                                    [EGG20]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Craig      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Dale       Chase
|                                     Elli       Colleen
|                                     Gray       Gill
|                                     Hayden     Hamilton
|                                     Heath      Hanna
|                                     Jin        Irene
|                                     Matt       Jake
|                                     Mira       Julius
|                                     Ozzie      Kathy
|                                     Paolo      Luke
|                                     Pascal     Luna
|                                     Ramsey     Maya
|                                     Renee      Owen
|                                     Samson     Perry
|                                     Shelly     Phoebe
|                                     Sue        Ruth
|                                     Van        Selena
|                                     Yolanda    Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                     23 - 48%   Toby
|                                                25 - 52%
| - - - -
| Emerald                                                               [EME01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gill       Candace
|                                     Julius     Chase
|                                     Mira       Craig
|                                     Owen       Dakota
|                                     Phoebe     Dale
|                                     Selena     Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                     10 - 21%   Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - -
| Empty Can                                                             [EMP01]
|   (also: Rubber Boot)                                                 [RUB01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Heath      Angie      Anissa
|                           listed)    listed)   Phoebe     Calvin     Barbara
|                                                           Candace    Bo
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Dale       Cain
|                                                           Hamilton   Chase
|                                                           Hayden     Chloe
|                                                           Mira       Colleen
|                                                           Owen       Craig
|                                                           Samson     Dakota
|                                                           Sue        Elli
|                                                           Toby       Gill
|                                                           Van        Gray
|                                                                      Hanna
|                                                           12 - 25%   Irene
|                                                                      Jake
|                                                                      Jin
|                                                                      Julius
|                                                                      Kathy
|                                                                      Luke
|                                                                      Luna
|                                                                      Matt
|                                                                      Maya
|                                                                      Ozzie
|                                                                      Paolo
|                                                                      Pascal
|                                                                      Perry
|                                                                      Ramsey
|                                                                      Renee
|                                                                      Ruth
|                                                                      Selena
|                                                                      Shelly
|                                                                      Simon
|                                                                      Taylor
|                                                                      Yolanda
|                                                                      34 - 71%
| - - - - - -
| Failed Dish                                                           [FAI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      (none      Angie      Barbara
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Anissa     Cain
|                                                           Bo         Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Candace    Chase
|                                                           Chloe      Colleen
|                                                           Hamilton   Craig
|                                                           Luke       Dakota
|                                                           Mira       Dale
|                                                           Ozzie      Elli
|                                                           Paolo      Gill
|                                                           Ramsey     Gray
|                                                           Renee      Hanna
|                                                           Samson     Hayden
|                                                           Shelly     Heath
|                                                           Sue        Irene
|                                                           Van        Jake
|                                                                      Jin
|                                                           16 - 33%   Julius
|                                                                      Kathy
|                                                                      Luna
|                                                                      Matt
|                                                                      Maya
|                                                                      Owen
|                                                                      Pascal
|                                                                      Perry
|                                                                      Phoebe
|                                                                      Ruth
|                                                                      Selena
|                                                                      Simon
|                                                                      Taylor
|                                                                      Toby
|                                                                      Yolanda
|                                                                      32 - 67%
| - - - - - -
| Failed Soup                                                           [FAI02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      (none      Angie      Anissa
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Dakota     Barbara
|                                                           Hamilton   Bo
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Heath      Cain
|                                                           Matt       Calvin
|                                                           Mira       Candace
|                                                           Owen       Chase
|                                                           Pascal     Chloe
|                                                           Toby       Colleen
|                                                           Van        Craig
|                                                                      Dale
|                                                           10 - 21%   Elli
|                                                                      Gill
|                                                                      Gray
|                                                                      Hanna
|                                                                      Hayden
|                                                                      Irene
|                                                                      Jake
|                                                                      Jin
|                                                                      Julius
|                                                                      Kathy
|                                                                      Luke
|                                                                      Luna
|                                                                      Maya
|                                                                      Ozzie
|                                                                      Paolo
|                                                                      Perry
|                                                                      Phoebe
|                                                                      Ramsey
|                                                                      Renee
|                                                                      Ruth
|                                                                      Samson
|                                                                      Selena
|                                                                      Shelly
|                                                                      Simon
|                                                                      Sue
|                                                                      Taylor
|                                                                      Yolanda
|                                                                      38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - -
| Fancy Seashell                                                        [FAN01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Samson     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - -
| Feed                                                                  [FEE01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Anissa     Chase
|                           listed)    listed)   Cain       Barbara    Luke
|                                                Calvin     Bo         Selena
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Candace    Chloe
|                                                Gray       Colleen    3 - 6%
|                                                Hamilton   Craig
|                                                Hanna      Dakota
|                                                Renee      Dale
|                                                Shelly     Elli
|                                                           Gill
|                                                9 - 19%    Hayden
|                                                           Heath
|                                                           Irene
|                                                           Jake
|                                                           Jin
|                                                           Julius
|                                                           Kathy
|                                                           Luna
|                                                           Matt
|                                                           Maya
|                                                           Mira
|                                                           Owen
|                                                           Ozzie
|                                                           Paolo
|                                                           Pascal
|                                                           Perry
|                                                           Phoebe
|                                                           Ramsey
|                                                           Ruth
|                                                           Samson
|                                                           Simon
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Taylor
|                                                           Toby
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           36 - 75%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Fish Meuniere (Decent)                                                [FIS01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Angie      Ramsey     (none
|                           listed)   Gill       Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Hanna      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Matt       Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Maya       Cain
|                                     Ozzie      Candace
|                                     Pascal     Chase
|                                     Selena     Chloe
|                                     Yolanda    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     9 - 19%    Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Fish Meuniere (Good)                                                  [FIS02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Ramsey     (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara                listed)
|                                     Chase      Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Gill       Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Hanna      Candace
|                                     Matt       Chloe
|                                     Maya       Colleen
|                                     Ozzie      Craig
|                                     Pascal     Dakota
|                                     Selena     Dale
|                                     Toby       Elli
|                                     Yolanda    Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                     12 - 25%   Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Fish Meuniere (Perfect)                                               [FIS03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Ramsey     (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Cain                   listed)
|                                     Bo         Candace    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Calvin     Craig                 0 - 0%
|                                     Chase      Gray
|                                     Chloe      Hamilton
|                                     Colleen    Jin
|                                     Dakota     Julius
|                                     Dale       Kathy
|                                     Elli       Luke
|                                     Gill       Luna
|                                     Hanna      Owen
|                                     Hayden     Phoebe
|                                     Heath      Ruth
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake       14 - 29%
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     33 - 69%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Fish Meuniere (Shining)                                               [FIS04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chase      Angie      Anissa     Ramsey     (none
|                          Matt       Barbara    Cain                   listed)
|                          Ozzie      Bo         Candace    1 - 2%
|                          Pascal     Calvin     Gray                  0 - 0%
|                          Toby       Chloe      Hamilton
|                          Yolanda    Colleen    Jin
|                                     Craig      Julius
|                          6 - 12%    Dakota     Kathy
|                                     Dale       Luke
|                                     Elli       Luna
|                                     Gill       Owen
|                                     Hanna      Phoebe
|                                     Hayden     Ruth
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene      13 - 27%
|                                     Jake
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - - -
| Fish Soup                                                             [FIS05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Pascal     Angie      Anissa     (none      Perry
|                                     Bo         Barbara     listed)   Phoebe
|                          1 - 2%     Chloe      Cain
|                                     Colleen    Calvin     0 - 0%     2 - 4%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Dale       Chase
|                                     Elli       Craig
|                                     Hamilton   Gill
|                                     Hayden     Gray
|                                     Heath      Hanna
|                                     Jake       Irene
|                                     Jin        Luna
|                                     Julius     Mira
|                                     Kathy      Renee
|                                     Luke       Ruth
|                                     Matt       Samson
|                                     Maya       Simon
|                                     Owen       Taylor
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo      18 - 38%
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - - -
| Flax (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - -
| Flax (Good): see Apple
| - - - - - - - -
| Flax (Perfect)                                                        [FLA03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Candace    Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Julius     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna       Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - -
| Flax (Shining)                                                        [FLA04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Elli       Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Gray       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Calvin
|                                     Luna       Chase
|                                     Matt       Chloe
|                                     Pascal     Colleen
|                                     Sue        Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                     9 - 19%    Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Blue)                                                      [FLA05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Elli       Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Julius     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Luna       Calvin
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Perry      Chloe
|                                     Ruth       Colleen
|                                     Samson     Craig
|                                     Shelly     Dakota
|                                     Sue        Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                     11 - 23%   Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Decent)                                                    [FLA06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Luna       Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Shelly     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                46 - 96%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Good)                                                      [FLA07]
|   (also: Silk Yarn (Good))                                            [SIL03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Candace    Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Luna       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Shelly     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Green)                                                     [FLA08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Chase
|                                     Luna       Chloe
|                                     Matt       Craig
|                                     Phoebe     Dakota
|                                     Samson     Dale
|                                     Shelly     Elli
|                                     Sue        Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                     11 - 23%   Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Perfect)                                                   [FLA09]
|   (also: Silk Yarn (Perfect))                                         [SIL05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna       Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Shelly     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin
|                                     4 - 8%     Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Purple)                                                    [FLA10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Dakota     Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Irene      Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Calvin
|                                     Luna       Chase
|                                     Mira       Chloe
|                                     Samson     Colleen
|                                     Shelly     Craig
|                                     Sue        Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                     10 - 21%   Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Red)                                                       [FLA11]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Julius     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Luna       Calvin
|                                     Samson     Chase
|                                     Selena     Colleen
|                                     Shelly     Craig
|                                     Sue        Dakota
|                                     Taylor     Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                     10 - 21%   Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Simon
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Shining)                                                   [FLA12]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Candace    Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Luna       Julius     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Samson     Bo
|                          2 - 4%     Shelly     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Sue        Calvin
|                                                Chase
|                                     5 - 10%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Yellow)                                                    [FLA13]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Hanna      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Chase
|                                     Luna       Chloe
|                                     Samson     Colleen
|                                     Shelly     Craig
|                                     Sue        Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     9 - 19%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - -
| Flounder: see Apple
| - - - -
| Fodder                                                                [FOD01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Gray       Cain       Angie      Chase
|                           listed)              Calvin     Anissa     Luke
|                                     1 - 2%     Candace    Barbara    Selena
|                          0 - 0%                Hamilton   Bo
|                                                Hanna      Chloe      3 - 6%
|                                                Kathy      Colleen
|                                                Renee      Craig
|                                                           Dakota
|                                                7 - 15%    Dale
|                                                           Elli
|                                                           Gill
|                                                           Hayden
|                                                           Heath
|                                                           Irene
|                                                           Jake
|                                                           Jin
|                                                           Julius
|                                                           Luna
|                                                           Matt
|                                                           Maya
|                                                           Mira
|                                                           Owen
|                                                           Ozzie
|                                                           Paolo
|                                                           Pascal
|                                                           Perry
|                                                           Phoebe
|                                                           Ramsey
|                                                           Ruth
|                                                           Samson
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Simon
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Taylor
|                                                           Toby
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           37 - 77%
| - - - - - - -
| French Fries                                                          [FRE01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Gray       Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Jake       Colleen    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                          Van        Craig      Bo
|                                     Dakota     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Dale       Calvin
|                                     Elli       Candace
|                                     Hamilton   Chase
|                                     Hayden     Chloe
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                                     Kathy      Hanna
|                                     Matt       Irene
|                                     Maya       Jin
|                                     Owen       Julius
|                                     Pascal     Luke
|                                     Ramsey     Luna
|                                     Ruth       Mira
|                                     Taylor     Ozzie
|                                     Yolanda    Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                     18 - 38%   Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Freshwater Prawn                                                      [FRE02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Ruth       (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa                 listed)
|                                                Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - -
| Fried Egg                                                             [FRI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Hanna      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Heath      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Cain
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - -
| Fried Rice                                                            [FRI02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Candace     listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Gill
|                          0 - 0%     Cain       Jin        0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Julius
|                                     Chase      Kathy
|                                     Chloe      Luna
|                                     Colleen    Phoebe
|                                     Craig      Ramsey
|                                     Dakota     Renee
|                                     Dale       Selena
|                                     Elli       Toby
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton   12 - 25%
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Luke
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     36 - 75%
| - - - -
| Garnet                                                                [GAR01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Julius     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Kathy      Candace
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Owen       Colleen
|                                     Phoebe     Craig
|                                     Selena     Dakota
|                                     Taylor     Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                     10 - 21%   Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - -
| Glass                                                                 [GLA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Luna       (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa                 listed)
|                                                Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - -
| Goby                                                                  [GOB01]
|   (also: Yellow Tail)                                                 [YEL01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Barbara                listed)
|                                                Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - -
| Gold                                                                  [GOL01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Gill       Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Hamilton   Barbara    Bo          listed)
|                                     Owen       Cain       Chase
|                          0 - 0%     Phoebe     Calvin     Chloe      0 - 0%
|                                     Ramsey     Candace    Colleen
|                                     Simon      Craig      Dakota
|                                     Taylor     Hanna      Dale
|                                                Heath      Elli
|                                     7 - 15%    Jin        Gray
|                                                Julius     Hayden
|                                                Kathy      Irene
|                                                Luke       Jake
|                                                Matt       Luna
|                                                Mira       Maya
|                                                Renee      Ozzie
|                                                Ruth       Paolo
|                                                Toby       Pascal
|                                                           Perry
|                                                17 - 35%   Samson
|                                                           Selena
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           24 - 50%
| - - -
| Grape                                                                 [GRA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Hayden     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - -
| Grape (Shining)                                                       [GRA02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Colleen    Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Hayden     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Kathy      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Maya       Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Owen       Cain
|                                     Pascal     Calvin
|                                     Selena     Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                     7 - 15%    Chloe
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - - -
| Grape Cocktail                                                        [GRA03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Cain       Angie      Anissa     Hamilton
|                          Mira       Colleen    Barbara    Candace
|                                     Craig      Bo         Chloe      1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Dale       Chase      Gill
|                                     Hayden     Dakota     Hanna
|                                     Irene      Elli       Jin
|                                     Jake       Gray       Luna
|                                     Julius     Heath      Matt
|                                     Kathy      Maya       Paolo
|                                     Luke       Ozzie      Perry
|                                     Owen       Phoebe     Shelly
|                                     Pascal     Renee      Taylor
|                                     Ramsey     Ruth       Van
|                                     Samson     Simon
|                                     Selena     Toby       13 - 27%
|                                     Sue        Yolanda
|                                     16 - 33%   16 - 33%
| - - - - - -
| Grape Juice                                                           [GRA04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Chase
|                                     Dakota     Craig
|                                     Elli       Dale
|                                     Gray       Gill
|                                     Heath      Hamilton
|                                     Jake       Hanna
|                                     Jin        Hayden
|                                     Luke       Irene
|                                     Matt       Julius
|                                     Mira       Kathy
|                                     Samson     Luna
|                                     Sue        Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                     16 - 33%   Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                32 - 67%
| - - - - - -
| Green Bell                                                            [GRE01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Bo         Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                                     Anissa     Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Calvin     Chase
|                                     Candace    Chloe      0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Craig
|                                     Dakota     Dale
|                                     Heath      Elli
|                                     Jake       Gill
|                                     Matt       Gray
|                                     Mira       Hamilton
|                                     Shelly     Hanna
|                                     Toby       Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                     12 - 25%   Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Angler Fish                                                   [GRI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      Julius     (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Gill       Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Ozzie      Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Paolo      Candace
|                                     Pascal     Chase
|                                     Renee      Chloe
|                                     Sue        Colleen
|                                     Toby       Craig
|                                     Yolanda    Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     10 - 21%   Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Bonito                                                        [GRI02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Paolo      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Pascal     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Renee      Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Sue        Cain
|                                     Toby       Calvin
|                                     Yolanda    Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                     7 - 15%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Carp                                                          [GRI03]
|   (also: Grilled Pond Smelt)                                          [GRI24]
|   (also: Grilled Rainbow Trout)                                       [GRI27]
|   (also: Grilled Redfin)                                              [GRI28]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Luke       Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Matt       Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Pascal     Cain
|                                     Renee      Calvin
|                                     Toby       Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                     7 - 15%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Catfish                                                       [GRI04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Luke       Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Paolo      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Renee      Cain
|                                     Toby       Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     6 - 12%    Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Char                                                          [GRI05]
|   (also: Grilled Masu Trout)                                          [GRI22]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Luke       Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Matt       Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Ozzie      Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Paolo      Calvin
|                                     Pascal     Candace
|                                     Renee      Chase
|                                     Toby       Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     8 - 17%    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Clam                                                          [GRI06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Phoebe     Perry
|                           listed)   Barbara    Cain
|                                     Bo         Candace    1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Calvin     Craig
|                                     Chase      Gray
|                                     Chloe      Hamilton
|                                     Colleen    Hanna
|                                     Dakota     Irene
|                                     Dale       Jin
|                                     Elli       Julius
|                                     Gill       Luke
|                                     Hayden     Luna
|                                     Heath      Mira
|                                     Jake       Owen
|                                     Kathy      Renee
|                                     Matt       Ruth
|                                     Maya       Shelly
|                                     Ozzie      Taylor
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal     18 - 38%
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - - - -
| Grilled Cod                                                           [GRI07]
|   (also: Grilled Goby)                                                [GRI13]
|   (also: Grilled Manta Ray)                                           [GRI21]
|   (also: Grilled Rock Trout)                                          [GRI30]
|   (also: Grilled Rockfish)                                            [GRI31]
|   (also: Grilled Yellow Tail)                                         [GRI45]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Paolo      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Pascal     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Renee      Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Sue        Cain
|                                     Toby       Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     6 - 12%    Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Conger Eel                                                    [GRI08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      (none      Julius
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa      listed)
|                                     Paolo      Barbara               1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Bo         0 - 0%
|                                     Renee      Cain
|                                     Simon      Calvin
|                                     Sue        Candace
|                                     Toby       Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     8 - 17%    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Crawfish                                                      [GRI09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Matt       Angie      Julius     Ruth
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa     Selena
|                                     Paolo      Barbara               1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Bo         2 - 4%
|                                     Samson     Cain
|                                     Sue        Calvin
|                                     Toby       Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                     7 - 15%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - -
| Grilled Eel                                                           [GRI10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      Selena     Julius
|                           listed)   Calvin     Anissa
|                                     Luke       Bo         1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Matt       Cain
|                                     Ozzie      Candace
|                                     Paolo      Chase
|                                     Pascal     Chloe
|                                     Renee      Colleen
|                                     Simon      Craig
|                                     Toby       Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     10 - 21%   Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Eggplant                                                      [GRI11]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Craig      Heath      Angie      (none      (none
|                                     Jin        Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Kathy      Barbara
|                                     Ramsey     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Ruth       Cain
|                                     Shelly     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     6 - 12%    Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Flounder                                                      [GRI12]
|   (also: Grilled Horse Mackerel)                                      [GRI15]
|   (also: Grilled Mackerel)                                            [GRI19]
|   (also: Grilled Mahi-Mahi)                                           [GRI20]
|   (also: Grilled Sardine)                                             [GRI33]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Paolo      Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Pascal     Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Renee      Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Sue        Cain
|                                     Toby       Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     6 - 12%    Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Goby: see Grilled Cod
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Halibut                                                       [GRI14]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Paolo      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Renee      Cain
|                                     Sue        Calvin
|                                     Toby       Candace
|                                                Chloe
|                                     7 - 15%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Horse Mackerel: see Grilled Flounder
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Huchen                                                        [GRI16]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Luke       Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Matt       Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Ozzie      Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Paolo      Cain
|                                     Pascal     Candace
|                                     Renee      Chase
|                                     Toby       Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     8 - 17%    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled King Fish                                                     [GRI17]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Chase      Barbara    Candace     listed)
|                                     Dale       Bo         Julius
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Gill       Chloe      3 - 6%
|                                     Hayden     Colleen
|                                     Luke       Craig
|                                     Matt       Dakota
|                                     Ozzie      Gray
|                                     Paolo      Hamilton
|                                     Pascal     Hanna
|                                     Phoebe     Heath
|                                     Renee      Irene
|                                     Samson     Jake
|                                     Sue        Jin
|                                     Toby       Kathy
|                                     Van        Luna
|                                     Yolanda    Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                     18 - 38%   Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Lobster                                                       [GRI18]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Selena     Ruth
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo
|                                     Chase      Cain       1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Calvin
|                                     Gill       Candace
|                                     Jake       Chloe
|                                     Matt       Colleen
|                                     Maya       Craig
|                                     Ozzie      Dakota
|                                     Paolo      Dale
|                                     Pascal     Gray
|                                     Samson     Hamilton
|                                     Simon      Hanna
|                                     Sue        Hayden
|                                     Toby       Heath
|                                     Van        Irene
|                                     Yolanda    Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                     17 - 35%   Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Taylor
|                                                29 - 60%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Mackerel: see Grilled Flounder
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Mahi-Mahi: see Grilled Flounder
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Manta Ray: see Grilled Cod
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Masu Trout: see Grilled Char
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Octopus                                                       [GRI23]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Julius     Angie      Selena     Barbara
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa                Ruth
|                                     Pascal     Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Sue        Cain                  2 - 4%
|                                     Toby       Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     5 - 10%    Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Pond Smelt: see Grilled Carp
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Prawn                                                         [GRI25]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      Ruth
|                           listed)   Jake       Barbara     listed)
|                                     Matt       Bo                    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Ozzie      Cain       0 - 0%
|                                     Paolo      Calvin
|                                     Pascal     Candace
|                                     Samson     Chase
|                                     Sue        Chloe
|                                     Toby       Colleen
|                                     Yolanda    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                     10 - 21%   Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Puffer Fish                                                   [GRI26]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Maya       Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Paolo      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Renee      Cain
|                                     Sue        Calvin
|                                     Toby       Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                     7 - 15%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Rainbow Trout: see Grilled Carp
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Redfin: see Grilled Carp
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Rock Lobster                                                  [GRI29]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      Ruth
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo          listed)
|                                     Chase      Cain                  1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Calvin     0 - 0%
|                                     Jake       Candace
|                                     Matt       Chloe
|                                     Maya       Colleen
|                                     Ozzie      Craig
|                                     Paolo      Dakota
|                                     Pascal     Dale
|                                     Samson     Gill
|                                     Selena     Gray
|                                     Simon      Hamilton
|                                     Sue        Hanna
|                                     Toby       Hayden
|                                     Van        Heath
|                                     Yolanda    Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                     17 - 35%   Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Taylor
|                                                30 - 62%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Rock Trout: see Grilled Cod
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Rockfish: see Grilled Cod
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Salmon                                                        [GRI32]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Luke       Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Matt       Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Pascal     Cain
|                                     Renee      Calvin
|                                     Sue        Candace
|                                     Toby       Chase
|                                     Yolanda    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     9 - 19%    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Sardine: see Grilled Flounder
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Saury                                                         [GRI34]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Paolo      Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Renee      Calvin
|                                     Sue        Candace
|                                     Toby       Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                     7 - 15%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Sea Bream                                                     [GRI35]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Maya       Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Paolo      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Renee      Cain
|                                     Simon      Calvin
|                                     Sue        Candace
|                                     Toby       Chase
|                                     Yolanda    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     9 - 19%    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Sea Urchin                                                    [GRI36]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      Perry
|                           listed)   Barbara    Cain        listed)   Phoebe
|                                     Bo         Candace
|                          0 - 0%     Calvin     Craig      0 - 0%     2 - 4%
|                                     Chase      Gray
|                                     Chloe      Hamilton
|                                     Colleen    Hanna
|                                     Dakota     Irene
|                                     Dale       Jin
|                                     Elli       Julius
|                                     Gill       Luke
|                                     Hayden     Luna
|                                     Heath      Mira
|                                     Jake       Owen
|                                     Kathy      Renee
|                                     Matt       Ruth
|                                     Maya       Shelly
|                                     Ozzie      Taylor
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal     18 - 38%
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Seasky Fish                                                   [GRI37]
|   (also: Grilled Shark)                                               [GRI38]
|   (also: Grilled Wood Fish)                                           [GRI43]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Chase      Barbara    Candace     listed)
|                                     Dale       Bo         Julius
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Hayden     Chloe      3 - 6%
|                                     Luke       Colleen
|                                     Matt       Craig
|                                     Ozzie      Dakota
|                                     Paolo      Gill
|                                     Pascal     Gray
|                                     Samson     Hamilton
|                                     Sue        Hanna
|                                     Toby       Heath
|                                     Van        Irene
|                                     Yolanda    Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                     15 - 31%   Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                30 - 62%
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Shark: see Grilled Seasky Fish
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Skull Jellyfish                                               [GRI39]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Samson     Calvin     Anissa     Angie      (none
|                          Sue        Chase      Barbara    Candace     listed)
|                                     Dale       Bo         Julius
|                          2 - 4%     Elli       Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Hayden     Chloe      3 - 6%
|                                     Luke       Colleen
|                                     Matt       Craig
|                                     Ozzie      Dakota
|                                     Paolo      Gill
|                                     Pascal     Gray
|                                     Toby       Hamilton
|                                     Van        Hanna
|                                     Yolanda    Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                     13 - 27%   Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                30 - 62%
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Squid                                                         [GRI40]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Julius     Angie      Selena     Barbara
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa                Ruth
|                                     Paolo      Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Cain                  2 - 4%
|                                     Sue        Calvin
|                                     Toby       Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                     6 - 12%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Swordfish                                                     [GRI41]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Elli       Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Matt       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Pascal     Cain
|                                     Renee      Calvin
|                                     Sue        Candace
|                                     Toby       Chase
|                                     Van        Chloe
|                                     Yolanda    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     10 - 21%   Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Tuna                                                          [GRI42]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Maya       Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Pascal     Cain
|                                     Renee      Calvin
|                                     Simon      Candace
|                                     Sue        Chloe
|                                     Toby       Colleen
|                                     Yolanda    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                     10 - 21%   Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Wood Fish: see Grilled Seasky Fish
| - - - - - -
| Grilled Yam                                                           [GRI44]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Maya       Chloe      Angie      (none      (none
|                                     Dakota     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Elli       Barbara
|                                     Heath      Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Cain
|                                     Matt       Calvin
|                                     Paolo      Candace
|                                     Renee      Chase
|                                     Ruth       Colleen
|                                     Shelly     Craig
|                                     Simon      Dale
|                                     Taylor     Gill
|                                     Yolanda    Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                     13 - 27%   Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Yellow Tail: see Grilled Cod
| - - - -
| Halibut                                                               [HAL01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Paolo      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Sue        Cain
|                                     Toby       Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     6 - 12%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - -
| Herb (Blue)                                                           [HER01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Anissa     Bo         Angie      (none      (none
|                                     Dakota     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Elli       Cain
|                                     Hamilton   Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Heath      Candace
|                                     Irene      Chase
|                                     Jin        Chloe
|                                     Luna       Colleen
|                                     Perry      Craig
|                                     Ruth       Dale
|                                     Shelly     Gill
|                                     Toby       Gray
|                                     Van        Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                     13 - 27%   Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - -
| Herb (Green)                                                          [HER02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Dakota     Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Heath      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Irene      Candace
|                                     Jin        Chase
|                                     Matt       Chloe
|                                     Perry      Colleen
|                                     Phoebe     Craig
|                                     Shelly     Dale
|                                     Van        Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                     11 - 23%   Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - - - -
| Herb (Purple)                                                         [HER03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Dakota     Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Heath      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Irene      Candace
|                                     Jin        Chase
|                                     Julius     Chloe
|                                     Luna       Colleen
|                                     Mira       Craig
|                                     Perry      Dale
|                                     Shelly     Elli
|                                     Van        Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                     12 - 25%   Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Jake
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - - - -
| Herb (Red)                                                            [HER04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Heath      Candace
|                                     Irene      Chase
|                                     Jin        Colleen
|                                     Kathy      Craig
|                                     Luna       Dale
|                                     Perry      Elli
|                                     Shelly     Gill
|                                     Taylor     Gray
|                                     Van        Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                     13 - 27%   Hayden
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - - - -
| Herb (Yellow)                                                         [HER05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Hamilton   Chase
|                                     Hanna      Chloe
|                                     Irene      Colleen
|                                     Jin        Craig
|                                     Perry      Dale
|                                     Renee      Elli
|                                     Shelly     Gill
|                                     Van        Gray
|                                                Hayden
|                                     12 - 25%   Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - - - -
| Herb Bread                                                            [HER06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dakota     Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Irene      Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          Perry      Bo         Calvin
|                          Yolanda    Candace    Chase      0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Chloe      Craig
|                          4 - 8%     Colleen    Dale
|                                     Elli       Gill
|                                     Gray       Hayden
|                                     Hamilton   Julius
|                                     Hanna      Kathy
|                                     Heath      Luke
|                                     Jake       Maya
|                                     Jin        Owen
|                                     Luna       Ozzie
|                                     Matt       Phoebe
|                                     Mira       Ramsey
|                                     Paolo      Renee
|                                     Pascal     Selena
|                                     Ruth       Toby
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly     19 - 40%
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - -
| Herb Cookie                                                           [HER07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dakota     Angie      Cain       Dale       (none
|                          Perry      Anissa     Calvin     Hayden      listed)
|                                     Barbara    Gill       Owen
|                          2 - 4%     Bo         Gray                  0 - 0%
|                                     Candace    Kathy      3 - 6%
|                                     Chase      Luke
|                                     Chloe      Ozzie
|                                     Colleen    Pascal
|                                     Craig      Phoebe
|                                     Elli       Ramsey
|                                     Hamilton   Renee
|                                     Hanna      Selena
|                                     Heath      Toby
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake       13 - 27%
|                                     Jin
|                                     Julius
|                                     Luna
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     30 - 62%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Herb Fish (Decent)                                                    [HER08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gray       Chase
|                                     Jake       Chloe
|                                     Jin        Craig
|                                     Matt       Dakota
|                                     Ozzie      Dale
|                                     Paolo      Elli
|                                     Pascal     Gill
|                                     Perry      Hamilton
|                                     Simon      Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                     13 - 27%   Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Herb Fish (Good)                                                      [HER09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chase      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Chloe
|                                     Gray       Craig
|                                     Hanna      Dakota
|                                     Irene      Dale
|                                     Jake       Elli
|                                     Jin        Gill
|                                     Matt       Hamilton
|                                     Maya       Hayden
|                                     Ozzie      Heath
|                                     Paolo      Julius
|                                     Pascal     Kathy
|                                     Perry      Luke
|                                     Renee      Luna
|                                     Selena     Mira
|                                     Simon      Owen
|                                     Toby       Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                     20 - 42%   Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                28 - 58%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Herb Fish (Perfect)                                                   [HER10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Candace    Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Bo         Calvin
|                                     Chase      Craig      0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Chloe      Gill
|                                     Colleen    Julius
|                                     Dakota     Kathy
|                                     Dale       Luna
|                                     Elli       Owen
|                                     Gray       Phoebe
|                                     Hamilton   Ruth
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden     11 - 23%
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin
|                                     Luke
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     36 - 75%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Herb Fish (Shining)                                                   [HER11]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Candace    Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Chase      Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          Jin        Bo         Calvin
|                          Matt       Chloe      Gill       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          Maya       Colleen    Julius
|                          Ozzie      Craig      Kathy
|                          Pascal     Dakota     Luna
|                          Renee      Dale       Owen
|                          Toby       Elli       Phoebe
|                                     Gray       Ruth
|                          9 - 19%    Hamilton
|                                     Hanna      10 - 21%
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Luke
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - - - - -
| Herbal Tea                                                            [HER12]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Anissa     Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                          Candace    Bo         Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          Jin        Chase      Calvin
|                          Perry      Dakota     Chloe      0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          Van        Elli       Colleen
|                                     Gray       Craig
|                          5 - 10%    Hanna      Dale
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                                     Irene      Hamilton
|                                     Matt       Hayden
|                                     Mira       Jake
|                                     Ramsey     Julius
|                                     Samson     Kathy
|                                     Shelly     Luke
|                                     Simon      Luna
|                                     Sue        Maya
|                                     Yolanda    Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                     17 - 35%   Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                26 - 54%
| - - - - -
| Hibiscus                                                              [HIB01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chloe      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Julius     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Kathy      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Samson     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Shelly     Cain
|                                     Sue        Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     6 - 12%    Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - - -
| Honey (Blue)                                                          [HON01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Elli       Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Gill       Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Heath      Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Jin        Calvin
|                                     Julius     Candace
|                                     Luke       Chase
|                                     Maya       Chloe
|                                     Perry      Colleen
|                                     Ruth       Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                     10 - 21%   Dale
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - -
| Honey (Decent)                                                        [HON02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Heath      Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Jin        Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Perry      Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin
|                                     4 - 8%     Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - -
| Honey (Green)                                                         [HON03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Heath      Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Jin        Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Julius     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Matt       Calvin
|                                     Maya       Candace
|                                     Perry      Chase
|                                     Van        Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     8 - 17%    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - -
| Honey (Purple)                                                        [HON04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Dakota     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Gill       Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Heath      Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Irene      Calvin
|                                     Jin        Candace
|                                     Julius     Chase
|                                     Maya       Chloe
|                                     Mira       Colleen
|                                     Perry      Craig
|                                                Dale
|                                     10 - 21%   Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Jake
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - -
| Honey (Red)                                                           [HON05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Chloe      Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Dakota     Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Heath      Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Jin        Calvin
|                                     Julius     Candace
|                                     Luke       Chase
|                                     Maya       Colleen
|                                     Perry      Craig
|                                     Taylor     Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                     10 - 21%   Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - -
| Honey (Yellow)                                                        [HON06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Craig      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Hanna      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Heath      Candace
|                                     Jin        Chase
|                                     Julius     Chloe
|                                     Perry      Colleen
|                                     Renee      Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     9 - 19%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Honeydew (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - -
| Honeydew (Good): see Cabbage (Good)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Honeydew (Perfect)                                                    [HON09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Bo         Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Colleen    Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Gill       Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Jake       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Maya       Calvin
|                                     Mira       Candace
|                                     Samson     Chase
|                                     Shelly     Chloe
|                                     Simon      Craig
|                                     Van        Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     10 - 21%   Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Honeydew (Shining)                                                    [HON10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Dale       Chase
|                                     Elli       Craig
|                                     Gill       Hamilton
|                                     Gray       Hanna
|                                     Hayden     Irene
|                                     Heath      Jin
|                                     Jake       Julius
|                                     Matt       Kathy
|                                     Maya       Luke
|                                     Mira       Luna
|                                     Ozzie      Owen
|                                     Paolo      Perry
|                                     Pascal     Phoebe
|                                     Ramsey     Ruth
|                                     Renee      Selena
|                                     Samson     Taylor
|                                     Shelly     Toby
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue        22 - 46%
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     26 - 54%
| - - - - - - - -
| Honeydew Juice                                                        [HON11]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Cain       (none      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Calvin      listed)    listed)
|                                     Barbara    Craig
|                          0 - 0%     Bo         Dale       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Candace    Gill
|                                     Chase      Hamilton
|                                     Chloe      Hanna
|                                     Colleen    Hayden
|                                     Dakota     Irene
|                                     Elli       Julius
|                                     Gray       Kathy
|                                     Heath      Luna
|                                     Jake       Maya
|                                     Jin        Owen
|                                     Luke       Ozzie
|                                     Matt       Paolo
|                                     Mira       Pascal
|                                     Samson     Perry
|                                     Sue        Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                     19 - 40%   Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                29 - 60%
| - - - - - - -
| Honeydew Milk                                                         [HON12]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Calvin     Craig      (none
|                                     Anissa     Candace                listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Barbara    Dale       1 - 2%
|                                     Bo         Gill                  0 - 0%
|                                     Cain       Hamilton
|                                     Chase      Hayden
|                                     Colleen    Irene
|                                     Dakota     Julius
|                                     Elli       Kathy
|                                     Gray       Luke
|                                     Hanna      Owen
|                                     Heath      Ozzie
|                                     Jake       Pascal
|                                     Jin        Phoebe
|                                     Luna       Ramsey
|                                     Matt       Selena
|                                     Maya       Shelly
|                                     Mira       Toby
|                                     Paolo      Van
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee      19 - 40%
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - -
| Horse Mackerel: see Apple
| - - - - -
| Hot Cocoa                                                             [HOT01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Taylor     Angie      Anissa     Craig      Bo
|                                     Barbara    Calvin     Kathy
|                          1 - 2%     Cain       Candace    Owen       1 - 2%
|                                     Chase      Dale
|                                     Chloe      Gill       3 - 6%
|                                     Colleen    Hamilton
|                                     Dakota     Hayden
|                                     Elli       Irene
|                                     Gray       Jin
|                                     Hanna      Luke
|                                     Heath      Ozzie
|                                     Jake       Pascal
|                                     Julius     Phoebe
|                                     Luna       Ruth
|                                     Matt       Selena
|                                     Maya       Simon
|                                     Mira       Toby
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Perry      17 - 35%
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     26 - 54%
| - - - - -
| Hot Milk                                                              [HOT02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      Craig
|                           listed)   Cain       Barbara     listed)
|                                     Dakota     Bo                    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Gray       Calvin     0 - 0%
|                                     Heath      Candace
|                                     Matt       Chase
|                                     Renee      Chloe
|                                     Taylor     Colleen
|                                     Van        Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                     9 - 19%    Gill
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - -
| Huchen                                                                [HUC01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Matt       Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Toby       Cain
|                                                Candace
|                                     5 - 10%    Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - -
| Hyacinth                                                              [HYA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Colleen    Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Heath      Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Jake       Calvin
|                                     Julius     Chase
|                                     Mira       Chloe
|                                     Shelly     Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                     8 - 17%    Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - -
| Iron                                                                  [IRO01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Cain       Barbara     listed)
|                                                Calvin     Bo
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Candace    Chase      0 - 0%
|                                                Craig      Chloe
|                                                Gill       Colleen
|                                                Hamilton   Dakota
|                                                Heath      Dale
|                                                Kathy      Elli
|                                                Luke       Gray
|                                                Mira       Hanna
|                                                Owen       Hayden
|                                                Phoebe     Irene
|                                                Ramsey     Jake
|                                                Renee      Jin
|                                                Simon      Julius
|                                                Taylor     Luna
|                                                Toby       Matt
|                                                           Maya
|                                                18 - 38%   Ozzie
|                                                           Paolo
|                                                           Pascal
|                                                           Perry
|                                                           Ruth
|                                                           Samson
|                                                           Selena
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           30 - 62%
| - - -
| Jade                                                                  [JAD01]
|   (also: Peridot)                                                     [PER08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Candace
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Owen       Craig
|                                     Phoebe     Dakota
|                                     Selena     Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                     9 - 19%    Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - -
| Kimchi                                                                [KIM01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dale       Owen       Anissa     Chloe      Angie
|                                     Ruth       Barbara    Gill       Elli
|                          1 - 2%     Yolanda    Bo         Shelly     Matt
|                                                Cain                  Simon
|                                     3 - 6%     Calvin     3 - 6%
|                                                Candace               4 - 8%
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - -
| King Fish                                                             [KIN01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Luke       Barbara    Candace     listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Bo         Hamilton
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Cain       Julius     0 - 0%
|                                     Pascal     Chase
|                                     Phoebe     Chloe      4 - 8%
|                                     Selena     Colleen
|                                     Sue        Craig
|                                     Toby       Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     9 - 19%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - - - -
| Lapis Lazuli                                                          [LAP01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Heath      Chase
|                                     Julius     Colleen
|                                     Mira       Craig
|                                     Owen       Dakota
|                                     Perry      Dale
|                                     Ruth       Elli
|                                     Selena     Gill
|                                     Simon      Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                     12 - 25%   Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - - -
| Lavender                                                              [LAV01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Chase
|                                     Gill       Chloe
|                                     Heath      Craig
|                                     Irene      Dale
|                                     Jake       Elli
|                                     Julius     Gray
|                                     Mira       Hamilton
|                                     Perry      Hanna
|                                     Shelly     Hayden
|                                     Toby       Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                     14 - 29%   Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - -
| Laver Seaweed                                                         [LAV02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Perry      (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa                 listed)
|                                                Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - -
| Lily                                                                  [LIL01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Colleen    Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Craig      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Irene      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Julius     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Selena     Cain
|                                     Shelly     Calvin
|                                     Van        Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                     7 - 15%    Chloe
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - -
| Limestone                                                             [LIM01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Craig      Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Phoebe     Barbara    Bo          listed)
|                                     Ruth       Cain       Candace
|                          0 - 0%     Taylor     Calvin     Chase      0 - 0%
|                                                Elli       Chloe
|                                     4 - 8%     Gill       Colleen
|                                                Gray       Dakota
|                                                Hamilton   Dale
|                                                Hanna      Hayden
|                                                Heath      Irene
|                                                Jake       Luna
|                                                Jin        Matt
|                                                Julius     Maya
|                                                Kathy      Ozzie
|                                                Luke       Paolo
|                                                Mira       Samson
|                                                Owen       Selena
|                                                Pascal     Shelly
|                                                Perry      Sue
|                                                Ramsey     Van
|                                                Renee      Yolanda
|                                                Simon
|                                                Toby       21 - 44%
|                                                23 - 48%
| - - - -
| Lobster                                                               [LOB01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      Ruth       (none
|                           listed)   Gill       Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Pascal     Cain
|                                     Selena     Calvin
|                                     Sue        Candace
|                                     Toby       Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     8 - 17%    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - -
| Mackerel: see Apple
| - - - - -
| Mahi-Mahi                                                             [MAH01]
|   (also: Rock Trout)                                                  [ROC02]
|   (also: Rockfish)                                                    [ROC03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Paolo      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Pascal     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Sue        Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - -
| Manta Ray                                                             [MAN01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Paolo      Barbara                listed)
|                                     Pascal     Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Sue        Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin
|                                     4 - 8%     Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Marinated Fish (Decent)                                               [MAR01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Dakota     Angie      Anissa     Barbara
|                           listed)   Dale       Bo         Colleen    Heath
|                                     Matt       Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Maya       Calvin     2 - 4%     2 - 4%
|                                     Mira       Candace
|                                     Ozzie      Chase
|                                     Paolo      Chloe
|                                     Ramsey     Craig
|                                     Samson     Elli
|                                     Sue        Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                     10 - 21%   Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Marinated Fish (Good)                                                 [MAR02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Dakota     Angie      Anissa     Barbara
|                           listed)   Dale       Bo         Colleen
|                                     Heath      Cain                  1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Matt       Calvin     2 - 4%
|                                     Maya       Candace
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Ozzie      Chloe
|                                     Paolo      Craig
|                                     Ramsey     Elli
|                                     Samson     Gill
|                                     Sue        Gray
|                                     Toby       Hamilton
|                                     Van        Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                     13 - 27%   Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                32 - 67%
| - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Marinated Fish (Perfect)                                              [MAR03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      Anissa     Ruth
|                           listed)   Bo         Calvin     Cain
|                                     Chase      Candace    Colleen    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Craig
|                                     Dakota     Jin        3 - 6%
|                                     Dale       Julius
|                                     Elli       Kathy
|                                     Gill       Luke
|                                     Gray       Luna
|                                     Hamilton   Owen
|                                     Hanna      Perry
|                                     Hayden     Phoebe
|                                     Heath      Renee
|                                     Irene      Selena
|                                     Jake       Shelly
|                                     Matt       Taylor
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira       16 - 33%
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Samson
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Marinated Fish (Shining)                                              [MAR04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Maya       Barbara    Angie      Anissa     (none
|                          Paolo      Bo         Calvin     Cain        listed)
|                          Toby       Chase      Candace    Colleen
|                                     Chloe      Irene                 0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Craig      Jake       3 - 6%
|                                     Dakota     Jin
|                                     Dale       Julius
|                                     Elli       Kathy
|                                     Gill       Luke
|                                     Gray       Luna
|                                     Hamilton   Owen
|                                     Hanna      Perry
|                                     Hayden     Phoebe
|                                     Heath      Ruth
|                                     Matt       Selena
|                                     Mira       Shelly
|                                     Ozzie      Simon
|                                     Pascal     Taylor
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee      18 - 38%
|                                     Samson
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Marinated Mushrooms                                                   [MAR05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Bo         Angie      (none      Irene
|                           listed)   Dale       Anissa      listed)   Kathy
|                                     Shelly     Barbara               Matt
|                          0 - 0%                Cain       0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Calvin                3 - 6%
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - -
| Marmalade                                                             [MAR06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Barbara    Angie      Anissa     Hayden     (none
|                          Chase      Chloe      Bo         Owen        listed)
|                                     Colleen    Cain
|                          2 - 4%     Irene      Calvin     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Luna       Candace
|                                     Mira       Craig
|                                     Samson     Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     7 - 15%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - - - -
| Mashed Potato                                                         [MAS01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hamilton   Angie      Anissa     Owen       (none
|                          Jake       Barbara    Cain                   listed)
|                          Van        Bo         Calvin     1 - 2%
|                                     Chase      Candace               0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Chloe      Dale
|                                     Colleen    Gill
|                                     Craig      Gray
|                                     Dakota     Hayden
|                                     Elli       Jin
|                                     Hanna      Kathy
|                                     Heath      Luke
|                                     Irene      Luna
|                                     Julius     Ozzie
|                                     Matt       Pascal
|                                     Maya       Phoebe
|                                     Mira       Ramsey
|                                     Paolo      Renee
|                                     Perry      Selena
|                                     Ruth       Toby
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly     19 - 40%
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - -
| Masu Trout: see Big-Scaled Redfin
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Mayonnaise (Decent)                                                   [MAY01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Jin        (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa     Mira        listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                46 - 96%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Mayonnaise (Good)                                                     [MAY02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Luke       Angie      Jin        (none
|                           listed)              Anissa     Mira        listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Mayonnaise (Perfect)                                                  [MAY03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Jin        (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara    Mira        listed)
|                                     Cain       Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Candace    2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Craig      Chase
|                                     Dakota     Colleen
|                                     Dale       Gill
|                                     Elli       Gray
|                                     Hamilton   Irene
|                                     Hanna      Jake
|                                     Hayden     Julius
|                                     Heath      Kathy
|                                     Luke       Luna
|                                     Matt       Maya
|                                     Ozzie      Owen
|                                     Paolo      Perry
|                                     Pascal     Phoebe
|                                     Ramsey     Renee
|                                     Ruth       Selena
|                                     Samson     Simon
|                                     Shelly     Toby
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor     21 - 44%
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Mayonnaise (Shining)                                                  [MAY04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Luke       Angie      Barbara    Jin        (none
|                                     Anissa     Calvin     Mira        listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Bo         Candace
|                                     Cain       Chase      2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Chloe      Colleen
|                                     Craig      Irene
|                                     Dakota     Jake
|                                     Dale       Julius
|                                     Elli       Kathy
|                                     Gill       Luna
|                                     Gray       Perry
|                                     Hamilton   Selena
|                                     Hanna      Simon
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath      13 - 27%
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     32 - 67%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Cow) (Decent)                                                   [MIL01]
|   (also: Milk (Goat) (Decent))                                        [MIL05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Craig      (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa     Van         listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                46 - 96%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Cow) (Good)                                                     [MIL02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Cain       Angie      Craig      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa     Van         listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Cow) (Perfect)                                                  [MIL03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Calvin     Craig      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Candace    Van         listed)
|                                     Barbara    Gill
|                          0 - 0%     Bo         Gray       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Cain       Jin
|                                     Chase      Julius
|                                     Chloe      Luke
|                                     Colleen    Luna
|                                     Dakota     Owen
|                                     Dale       Phoebe
|                                     Elli       Selena
|                                     Hamilton   Toby
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden     12 - 25%
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Cow) (Shining)                                                  [MIL04]
|   (also: Milk (Goat) (Shining))                                       [MIL08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Cain       Angie      Candace    Craig      (none
|                                     Anissa     Luke       Van         listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Barbara    Phoebe
|                                     Bo         Samson     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Selena
|                                     Chase
|                                     Chloe      5 - 10%
|                                     Colleen
|                                     Dakota
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gill
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin
|                                     Julius
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Luna
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Goat) (Decent): see Milk (Cow) (Decent)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Goat) (Good)                                                    [MIL06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Cain       Angie      Craig      (none
|                           listed)   Samson     Anissa     Van         listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Goat) (Perfect)                                                 [MIL07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Calvin     Craig      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Candace    Van         listed)
|                                     Barbara    Gill
|                          0 - 0%     Bo         Jin        2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Cain       Julius
|                                     Chase      Luke
|                                     Chloe      Luna
|                                     Colleen    Owen
|                                     Dakota     Phoebe
|                                     Dale       Selena
|                                     Elli       Toby
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton   11 - 23%
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Goat) (Shining): see Milk (Cow) (Shining)
| - - - - -
| Milk Tea                                                              [MIL09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Van        Angie      Bo         Craig      (none
|                                     Anissa     Calvin                 listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Barbara    Dale       1 - 2%
|                                     Cain       Gill                  0 - 0%
|                                     Candace    Hamilton
|                                     Chase      Hayden
|                                     Chloe      Kathy
|                                     Colleen    Luke
|                                     Dakota     Maya
|                                     Elli       Owen
|                                     Gray       Ozzie
|                                     Hanna      Paolo
|                                     Heath      Pascal
|                                     Irene      Phoebe
|                                     Jake       Ruth
|                                     Jin        Selena
|                                     Julius     Toby
|                                     Luna
|                                     Matt       17 - 35%
|                                     Mira
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - - - - - - -
| Mont Blanc Cake                                                       [MON01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dakota     Angie      Anissa     Dale       (none
|                          Elli       Barbara    Bo         Hayden      listed)
|                          Julius     Chase      Cain       Owen
|                          Shelly     Chloe      Calvin                0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Candace    3 - 6%
|                          4 - 8%     Hamilton   Craig
|                                     Hanna      Gill
|                                     Heath      Gray
|                                     Irene      Jin
|                                     Jake       Kathy
|                                     Luna       Luke
|                                     Matt       Ozzie
|                                     Maya       Pascal
|                                     Mira       Phoebe
|                                     Paolo      Ramsey
|                                     Perry      Selena
|                                     Renee      Toby
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson     17 - 35%
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - -
| Moondrop                                                              [MOO01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Shelly     Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Dakota     Cain
|                                     Elli       Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Hamilton   Candace
|                                     Hanna      Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                     6 - 12%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - - -
| Moonlight Stone                                                       [MOO02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Calvin     Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Julius     Colleen
|                                     Mira       Craig
|                                     Owen       Dakota
|                                     Phoebe     Dale
|                                     Selena     Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                     10 - 21%   Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - -
| Morning Glory                                                         [MOR01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Bo         Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Hanna      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Simon      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - -
| Mushroom                                                              [MUS01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Bo         Angie      (none      Irene
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)   Kathy
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara               Matt
|                          0 - 0%                Cain       0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin                3 - 6%
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - -
| Mushroom Gratin                                                       [MUS02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Craig      Kathy
|                           listed)   Barbara    Calvin     Luke       Paolo
|                                     Bo         Candace
|                          0 - 0%     Cain       Gill       2 - 4%     2 - 4%
|                                     Chase      Irene
|                                     Chloe      Julius
|                                     Colleen    Luna
|                                     Dakota     Ozzie
|                                     Dale       Phoebe
|                                     Elli       Ramsey
|                                     Gray       Renee
|                                     Hamilton   Selena
|                                     Hanna      Shelly
|                                     Hayden     Sue
|                                     Heath      Toby
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin        15 - 31%
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Simon
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - - - - - -
| Mushroom Rice                                                         [MUS03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Perry      Angie      Anissa     (none      Irene
|                                     Bo         Barbara     listed)   Kathy
|                          1 - 2%     Chloe      Cain                  Matt
|                                     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Candace               3 - 6%
|                                     Hayden     Chase
|                                     Jake       Colleen
|                                     Jin        Craig
|                                     Luke       Elli
|                                     Maya       Gill
|                                     Mira       Gray
|                                     Owen       Hamilton
|                                     Paolo      Hanna
|                                     Pascal     Heath
|                                     Phoebe     Julius
|                                     Ramsey     Luna
|                                     Ruth       Ozzie
|                                     Shelly     Renee
|                                     Taylor     Samson
|                                     Toby       Selena
|                                     Van        Simon
|                                     Yolanda    Sue
|                                     22 - 46%   22 - 46%
| - - - -
| Octopus                                                               [OCT01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Julius     Angie      Ruth       Barbara
|                           listed)              Anissa                Heath
|                                     1 - 2%     Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%                Cain                  2 - 4%
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - -
| Omelet Rice                                                           [OME01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Gray       Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Hanna      Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          Heath      Bo         Candace
|                          Owen       Calvin     Chase      0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          Perry      Chloe      Jin
|                                     Colleen    Julius
|                          5 - 10%    Craig      Luke
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Phoebe
|                                     Elli       Ramsey
|                                     Gill       Selena
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hayden     11 - 23%
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     32 - 67%
| - - - - - - - -
| Onion (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - -
| Onion (Good)                                                          [ONI02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Toby       Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - -
| Onion (Perfect)                                                       [ONI03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Cain       Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Dale       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Pascal     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Ruth       Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Toby       Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     5 - 10%    Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - -
| Onion (Shining)                                                       [ONI04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Cain       Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Chase
|                                     Dale       Colleen
|                                     Elli       Craig
|                                     Hayden     Gill
|                                     Heath      Gray
|                                     Matt       Hamilton
|                                     Mira       Hanna
|                                     Ozzie      Irene
|                                     Paolo      Jake
|                                     Pascal     Jin
|                                     Ramsey     Julius
|                                     Renee      Kathy
|                                     Ruth       Luke
|                                     Samson     Luna
|                                     Shelly     Maya
|                                     Sue        Owen
|                                     Toby       Perry
|                                     Van        Phoebe
|                                     Yolanda    Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                     23 - 48%   Taylor
|                                                25 - 52%
| - - - - - -
| Onion Bread                                                           [ONI05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dale       Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Toby       Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          2 - 4%     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Chase
|                                     Craig      Gill
|                                     Dakota     Hayden
|                                     Elli       Jin
|                                     Gray       Julius
|                                     Hamilton   Kathy
|                                     Hanna      Luke
|                                     Heath      Maya
|                                     Irene      Owen
|                                     Jake       Ozzie
|                                     Luna       Phoebe
|                                     Matt       Ramsey
|                                     Mira       Renee
|                                     Paolo      Selena
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry      18 - 38%
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - -
| Orange: see Apple
| - - - - - - - - -
| Orange (Shining)                                                      [ORA02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Cain       Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Chase      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Chloe
|                                     Matt       Craig
|                                     Mira       Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     7 - 15%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - -
| Orange Cake                                                           [ORA03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Barbara    Angie      Anissa     Dale       (none
|                          Chase      Chloe      Bo         Hayden      listed)
|                          Colleen    Dakota     Cain       Owen
|                          Elli       Hamilton   Calvin                0 - 0%
|                          Matt       Hanna      Candace    3 - 6%
|                          Mira       Heath      Craig
|                                     Irene      Gill
|                          6 - 12%    Jake       Gray
|                                     Julius     Jin
|                                     Luke       Kathy
|                                     Luna       Ozzie
|                                     Maya       Pascal
|                                     Paolo      Phoebe
|                                     Perry      Ramsey
|                                     Renee      Selena
|                                     Ruth       Toby
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly     16 - 33%
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     23 - 48%
| - - - - - - -
| Orange Cookie                                                         [ORA04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Barbara    Angie      Bo         Dale       (none
|                          Colleen    Anissa     Cain       Hayden      listed)
|                          Matt       Candace    Calvin     Owen
|                          Mira       Chase      Craig                 0 - 0%
|                                     Chloe      Gill       3 - 6%
|                          4 - 8%     Dakota     Gray
|                                     Elli       Jin
|                                     Hamilton   Kathy
|                                     Hanna      Luke
|                                     Heath      Ozzie
|                                     Irene      Pascal
|                                     Jake       Phoebe
|                                     Julius     Ramsey
|                                     Luna       Renee
|                                     Maya       Selena
|                                     Paolo      Toby
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth       16 - 33%
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - - -
| Orange Juice                                                          [ORA05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Barbara    Angie      Bo         (none      (none
|                          Chase      Anissa     Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          Matt       Candace    Calvin
|                                     Chloe      Craig      0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Colleen    Dale
|                                     Dakota     Gill
|                                     Elli       Gray
|                                     Heath      Hamilton
|                                     Jin        Hanna
|                                     Luke       Hayden
|                                     Maya       Irene
|                                     Mira       Jake
|                                     Renee      Julius
|                                     Ruth       Kathy
|                                     Sue        Luna
|                                                Owen
|                                     15 - 31%   Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                30 - 62%
| - - - - - -
| Orange Pie                                                            [ORA06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Barbara    Angie      Anissa     Hayden     Dale
|                          Chase      Chloe      Bo         Owen
|                          Colleen    Dakota     Cain                  1 - 2%
|                          Luna       Elli       Calvin     2 - 4%
|                          Matt       Hamilton   Candace
|                          Mira       Hanna      Craig
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                          6 - 12%    Irene      Gray
|                                     Jake       Jin
|                                     Julius     Kathy
|                                     Maya       Luke
|                                     Paolo      Ozzie
|                                     Perry      Pascal
|                                     Renee      Phoebe
|                                     Ruth       Ramsey
|                                     Samson     Selena
|                                     Shelly     Toby
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue        17 - 35%
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     22 - 46%
| - - - - - - -
| Ore (Copper)                                                          [ORE01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Cain       Barbara     listed)
|                                                Calvin     Bo
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Craig      Candace    0 - 0%
|                                                Gill       Chase
|                                                Hamilton   Chloe
|                                                Heath      Colleen
|                                                Kathy      Dakota
|                                                Luke       Dale
|                                                Mira       Elli
|                                                Owen       Gray
|                                                Phoebe     Hanna
|                                                Ramsey     Hayden
|                                                Renee      Irene
|                                                Simon      Jake
|                                                Taylor     Jin
|                                                Toby       Julius
|                                                           Luna
|                                                17 - 35%   Matt
|                                                           Maya
|                                                           Ozzie
|                                                           Paolo
|                                                           Pascal
|                                                           Perry
|                                                           Ruth
|                                                           Samson
|                                                           Selena
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           31 - 65%
| - - - - - -
| Ore (Gold)                                                            [ORE02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Gill       Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Hamilton   Barbara    Bo          listed)
|                                     Owen       Cain       Candace
|                          0 - 0%     Phoebe     Calvin     Chase      0 - 0%
|                                     Ramsey     Craig      Chloe
|                                     Simon      Hanna      Colleen
|                                     Taylor     Heath      Dakota
|                                                Jin        Dale
|                                     7 - 15%    Julius     Elli
|                                                Kathy      Gray
|                                                Luke       Hayden
|                                                Matt       Irene
|                                                Mira       Jake
|                                                Renee      Luna
|                                                Ruth       Maya
|                                                Toby       Ozzie
|                                                           Paolo
|                                                16 - 33%   Pascal
|                                                           Perry
|                                                           Samson
|                                                           Selena
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           25 - 52%
| - - - - - -
| Ore (Iron)                                                            [ORE03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Anissa     Angie      Gray
|                           listed)    listed)   Cain       Barbara
|                                                Calvin     Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Craig      Candace
|                                                Gill       Chase
|                                                Hamilton   Chloe
|                                                Heath      Colleen
|                                                Kathy      Dakota
|                                                Luke       Dale
|                                                Mira       Elli
|                                                Owen       Hanna
|                                                Phoebe     Hayden
|                                                Ramsey     Irene
|                                                Renee      Jake
|                                                Simon      Jin
|                                                Taylor     Julius
|                                                Toby       Luna
|                                                           Matt
|                                                17 - 35%   Maya
|                                                           Ozzie
|                                                           Paolo
|                                                           Pascal
|                                                           Perry
|                                                           Ruth
|                                                           Samson
|                                                           Selena
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           30 - 62%
| - - - - - - -
| Ore (Silver)                                                          [ORE04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Owen       Anissa     Angie      Gray
|                           listed)   Ramsey     Barbara    Bo
|                                                Cain       Candace    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Calvin     Chase
|                                                Craig      Chloe
|                                                Gill       Colleen
|                                                Hamilton   Dakota
|                                                Hanna      Dale
|                                                Heath      Elli
|                                                Julius     Hayden
|                                                Kathy      Irene
|                                                Luke       Jake
|                                                Mira       Jin
|                                                Phoebe     Luna
|                                                Renee      Matt
|                                                Ruth       Maya
|                                                Simon      Ozzie
|                                                Taylor     Paolo
|                                                Toby       Pascal
|                                                           Perry
|                                                19 - 40%   Samson
|                                                           Selena
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           26 - 54%
| - - - - - -
| Ostonnaise                                                            [OST01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      Jin        (none
|                           listed)   Heath      Anissa     Mira        listed)
|                                     Maya       Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Cain       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Simon      Calvin
|                                     Taylor     Candace
|                                     Yolanda    Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                     7 - 15%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - -
| Pancake                                                               [PAN01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Heath      Angie      Anissa     Owen       (none
|                                     Barbara    Bo                     listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Chase      Cain       1 - 2%
|                                     Chloe      Calvin                0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Candace
|                                     Dakota     Craig
|                                     Elli       Dale
|                                     Hanna      Gill
|                                     Irene      Gray
|                                     Jake       Hamilton
|                                     Julius     Hayden
|                                     Luna       Jin
|                                     Maya       Kathy
|                                     Mira       Luke
|                                     Paolo      Matt
|                                     Perry      Ozzie
|                                     Renee      Pascal
|                                     Ruth       Phoebe
|                                     Samson     Ramsey
|                                     Shelly     Selena
|                                     Sue        Simon
|                                     Taylor     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda    22 - 46%
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - -
| Pansy                                                                 [PAN02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Craig      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Chase
|                                     Hanna      Chloe
|                                     Maya       Colleen
|                                     Ruth       Dale
|                                     Shelly     Elli
|                                     Simon      Gill
|                                     Toby       Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                     11 - 23%   Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - -
| Pearl                                                                 [PEA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Irene      Calvin
|                                     Phoebe     Chase
|                                     Samson     Colleen
|                                     Simon      Craig
|                                     Sue        Dakota
|                                     Taylor     Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                     10 - 21%   Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Blue)                                                        [PER01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Anissa     Candace    Angie      Chase      Toby
|                                     Colleen    Barbara    Gray
|                          1 - 2%     Dakota     Bo         Heath      1 - 2%
|                                     Elli       Cain       Luke
|                                     Gill       Calvin     Ramsey
|                                     Jake       Chloe
|                                     Julius     Craig      5 - 10%
|                                     Mira       Dale
|                                     Ruth       Hamilton
|                                     Selena     Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                     10 - 21%   Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                31 - 65%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Decent)                                                      [PER02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      Chase      Toby
|                           listed)   Dakota     Barbara    Gray
|                                     Van        Bo         Heath      1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%                Cain       Luke
|                                     3 - 6%     Calvin     Ramsey
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chloe      5 - 10%
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Green)                                                       [PER03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      Chase      Toby
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara    Gray
|                                     Candace    Cain       Heath      1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Calvin     Luke
|                                     Dakota     Chloe      Ramsey
|                                     Jake       Craig
|                                     Phoebe     Dale       5 - 10%
|                                     Selena     Elli
|                                     Shelly     Gill
|                                                Hamilton
|                                     9 - 19%    Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                33 - 69%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Purple)                                                      [PER04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      Chase      Toby
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara    Gray
|                                     Colleen    Bo         Heath      1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Cain       Luke
|                                     Irene      Calvin     Ramsey
|                                     Jake       Chloe
|                                     Julius     Craig      5 - 10%
|                                     Mira       Dale
|                                     Selena     Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                     9 - 19%    Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                33 - 69%
| - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Red)                                                         [PER05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Colleen    Anissa     Angie      Chase      Toby
|                          Jake       Dakota     Barbara    Gray
|                          Kathy      Julius     Bo         Heath      1 - 2%
|                          Selena     Luna       Cain       Luke
|                                     Sue        Calvin     Phoebe
|                          4 - 8%                Candace    Ramsey
|                                     5 - 10%    Chloe
|                                                Craig      6 - 12%
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                32 - 67%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Shining)                                                     [PER06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Anissa     Angie      Bo         Chase      Toby
|                          Dakota     Barbara    Cain       Gray
|                          Julius     Calvin     Candace    Heath      1 - 2%
|                                     Colleen    Chloe      Luke
|                          3 - 6%     Elli       Craig      Ramsey
|                                     Gill       Dale
|                                     Hanna      Hamilton   5 - 10%
|                                     Irene      Hayden
|                                     Jake       Jin
|                                     Kathy      Luna
|                                     Mira       Matt
|                                     Renee      Maya
|                                     Ruth       Owen
|                                     Selena     Ozzie
|                                     Yolanda    Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                     15 - 31%   Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                24 - 50%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Yellow)                                                      [PER07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Renee      Anissa     Angie      Chase      Toby
|                                     Barbara    Bo         Gray
|                          1 - 2%     Colleen    Cain       Heath      1 - 2%
|                                     Dakota     Calvin     Luke
|                                     Jake       Candace    Ramsey
|                                     Selena     Chloe
|                                                Craig      5 - 10%
|                                     6 - 12%    Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - -
| Peridot: see Jade
| - - - - - - - -
| Pickled Cabbage                                                       [PIC01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Anissa     Candace    Angie      Chase      (none
|                          Barbara    Elli       Bo         Samson      listed)
|                          Craig      Hamilton   Cain       Sue
|                          Hanna      Heath      Calvin                0 - 0%
|                                     Irene      Chloe      3 - 6%
|                          4 - 8%     Jin        Colleen
|                                     Maya       Dakota
|                                     Ozzie      Dale
|                                     Ramsey     Gill
|                                     Ruth       Gray
|                                     Shelly     Hayden
|                                     Simon      Jake
|                                     Toby       Julius
|                                     Yolanda    Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                     14 - 29%   Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Pickled Eggplant                                                      [PIC02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Anissa     Barbara    Angie      Chase      (none
|                          Craig      Candace    Bo         Samson      listed)
|                          Jin        Elli       Cain       Sue
|                          Shelly     Hamilton   Calvin                0 - 0%
|                                     Heath      Chloe      3 - 6%
|                          4 - 8%     Irene      Colleen
|                                     Maya       Dakota
|                                     Ozzie      Dale
|                                     Ramsey     Gill
|                                     Ruth       Gray
|                                     Simon      Hanna
|                                     Toby       Hayden
|                                     Yolanda    Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                     13 - 27%   Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                28 - 58%
| - - - - - - - -
| Pickled Turnip                                                        [PIC03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Anissa     Barbara    Angie      Chase      (none
|                          Shelly     Candace    Bo         Samson      listed)
|                                     Craig      Cain       Sue
|                          2 - 4%     Elli       Calvin                0 - 0%
|                                     Hamilton   Chloe      3 - 6%
|                                     Heath      Colleen
|                                     Irene      Dakota
|                                     Jin        Dale
|                                     Maya       Gill
|                                     Ozzie      Gray
|                                     Ramsey     Hanna
|                                     Ruth       Hayden
|                                     Simon      Jake
|                                     Toby       Julius
|                                     Yolanda    Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                     15 - 31%   Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                28 - 58%
| - - - - -
| Pie Crust                                                             [PIE01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      Maya       (none
|                           listed)              Anissa                 listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%                Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                46 - 96%
| - - - - -
| Pineapple                                                             [PIN01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Colleen    Angie      (none      Toby
|                           listed)   Samson     Anissa      listed)
|                                     Selena     Barbara               1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Sue        Bo         0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - -
| Pineapple Juice                                                       [PIN02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Barbara    (none      Toby
|                           listed)   Anissa     Bo          listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain                  1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Chase
|                                     Dakota     Craig
|                                     Elli       Dale
|                                     Gray       Gill
|                                     Heath      Hamilton
|                                     Jin        Hanna
|                                     Luke       Hayden
|                                     Matt       Irene
|                                     Mira       Jake
|                                     Samson     Julius
|                                     Sue        Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                     15 - 31%   Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                32 - 67%
| - - - -
| Pinkcat                                                               [PIN03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Shelly     Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Chase      Cain
|                                     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Elli       Colleen
|                                     Gray       Craig
|                                     Julius     Dale
|                                     Luna       Gill
|                                     Maya       Hamilton
|                                     Ruth       Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                     11 - 23%   Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - -
| Pizza                                                                 [PIZ01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hayden     Angie      Anissa     Craig      Paolo
|                          Taylor     Barbara    Calvin     Luke
|                                     Bo         Candace               1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Cain       Gill       2 - 4%
|                                     Chase      Irene
|                                     Chloe      Jin
|                                     Colleen    Julius
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Ozzie
|                                     Elli       Phoebe
|                                     Gray       Ramsey
|                                     Hamilton   Renee
|                                     Hanna      Selena
|                                     Heath      Shelly
|                                     Jake       Toby
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Matt       15 - 31%
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - - - - -
| Plain Omelet                                                          [PLA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Ramsey     (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo                     listed)
|                                     Cain       Candace    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Calvin     Chase                 0 - 0%
|                                     Chloe      Craig
|                                     Colleen    Gill
|                                     Dakota     Irene
|                                     Dale       Jin
|                                     Elli       Julius
|                                     Gray       Kathy
|                                     Hamilton   Luke
|                                     Hanna      Luna
|                                     Hayden     Maya
|                                     Heath      Owen
|                                     Jake       Phoebe
|                                     Matt       Selena
|                                     Mira       Toby
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo      17 - 35%
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     30 - 62%
| - - - - - -
| Pond Smelt: see Big-Scaled Redfin
| - - - - - - -
| Pontata Root                                                          [PON02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Anissa     Irene      Angie      Chase      (none
|                          Jin        Phoebe     Barbara    Maya        listed)
|                          Perry      Van        Bo         Selena
|                                                Cain                  0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     3 - 6%     Calvin     3 - 6%
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - -
| Potato (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - -
| Potato (Good): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - -
| Potato (Perfect)                                                      [POT03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Gray       Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Hamilton   Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Jake       Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Selena     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Van        Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                     5 - 10%    Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Potato (Shining)                                                      [POT04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Gray       Colleen
|                                     Hamilton   Craig
|                                     Hayden     Gill
|                                     Heath      Hanna
|                                     Jake       Irene
|                                     Matt       Jin
|                                     Mira       Julius
|                                     Ozzie      Kathy
|                                     Paolo      Luke
|                                     Pascal     Luna
|                                     Ramsey     Maya
|                                     Samson     Owen
|                                     Selena     Perry
|                                     Shelly     Phoebe
|                                     Sue        Renee
|                                     Van        Ruth
|                                     Yolanda    Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                     23 - 48%   Toby
|                                                25 - 52%
| - - - - - - -
| Potato Gratin                                                         [POT05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hamilton   Angie      Anissa     Craig      Paolo
|                          Jake       Barbara    Calvin     Luke
|                                     Bo         Candace               1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Cain       Gill       2 - 4%
|                                     Chase      Irene
|                                     Chloe      Jin
|                                     Colleen    Julius
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Ozzie
|                                     Elli       Phoebe
|                                     Gray       Ramsey
|                                     Hanna      Selena
|                                     Hayden     Shelly
|                                     Heath      Toby
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Matt       14 - 29%
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Potato Miso Soup                                                      [POT06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hamilton   Anissa     Angie      (none      Samson
|                                     Craig      Barbara     listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Jake       Bo                    1 - 2%
|                                     Jin        Cain       0 - 0%
|                                     Maya       Calvin
|                                     Van        Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                     6 - 12%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - -
| Potato Pancake                                                        [POT07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hamilton   Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Jake       Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          2 - 4%     Colleen    Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Hanna      Craig
|                                     Heath      Dale
|                                     Irene      Gill
|                                     Julius     Gray
|                                     Luna       Hayden
|                                     Maya       Jin
|                                     Mira       Kathy
|                                     Paolo      Luke
|                                     Perry      Matt
|                                     Renee      Owen
|                                     Ruth       Ozzie
|                                     Samson     Pascal
|                                     Shelly     Phoebe
|                                     Simon      Ramsey
|                                     Sue        Selena
|                                     Taylor     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda    22 - 46%
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - -
| Potato Stew                                                           [POT08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Van        Barbara    Angie      (none      (none
|                          Yolanda    Bo         Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Craig      Cain
|                          2 - 4%     Elli       Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gray       Candace
|                                     Hamilton   Chase
|                                     Irene      Chloe
|                                     Jake       Colleen
|                                     Julius     Dakota
|                                     Luke       Dale
|                                     Maya       Gill
|                                     Mira       Hanna
|                                     Perry      Hayden
|                                     Ruth       Heath
|                                     Shelly     Jin
|                                     Simon      Kathy
|                                     Taylor     Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                     17 - 35%   Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                29 - 60%
| - - - -
| Pudding                                                               [PUD01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Hayden     Calvin
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo         Owen       Dale
|                                     Chase      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Candace    2 - 4%     2 - 4%
|                                     Colleen    Craig
|                                     Dakota     Gill
|                                     Elli       Gray
|                                     Hamilton   Irene
|                                     Hanna      Jin
|                                     Heath      Kathy
|                                     Jake       Luke
|                                     Julius     Ozzie
|                                     Luna       Pascal
|                                     Matt       Phoebe
|                                     Maya       Ramsey
|                                     Mira       Ruth
|                                     Paolo      Selena
|                                     Perry      Toby
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson     18 - 38%
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     26 - 54%
| - - - - - -
| Puffer Fish                                                           [PUF01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Julius     (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa     Selena      listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                46 - 96%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin (Good)                                                        [PUM02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Julius     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Luna       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                46 - 96%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin (Perfect)                                                     [PUM03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Dakota     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Irene      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Luna       Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin (Shining)                                                     [PUM04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Gray       Colleen
|                                     Hayden     Craig
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                                     Irene      Hamilton
|                                     Julius     Hanna
|                                     Luna       Jake
|                                     Matt       Jin
|                                     Maya       Kathy
|                                     Mira       Luke
|                                     Ozzie      Owen
|                                     Paolo      Perry
|                                     Pascal     Phoebe
|                                     Ramsey     Ruth
|                                     Renee      Selena
|                                     Samson     Simon
|                                     Shelly     Taylor
|                                     Sue        Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda    23 - 48%
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin Cake                                                          [PUM05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dakota     Angie      Anissa     Dale       (none
|                          Irene      Barbara    Bo         Hayden      listed)
|                          Julius     Chase      Cain       Luke
|                          Luna       Chloe      Calvin     Owen       0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Candace
|                          4 - 8%     Craig      Gill       4 - 8%
|                                     Elli       Gray
|                                     Hamilton   Jin
|                                     Hanna      Kathy
|                                     Heath      Ozzie
|                                     Jake       Pascal
|                                     Matt       Phoebe
|                                     Maya       Ramsey
|                                     Mira       Selena
|                                     Paolo      Toby
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee      15 - 31%
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin Croquette                                                     [PUM06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dakota     Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Irene      Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          Julius     Bo         Calvin
|                                     Chloe      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Colleen    Chase
|                                     Craig      Dale
|                                     Elli       Gill
|                                     Gray       Hayden
|                                     Hamilton   Jin
|                                     Hanna      Kathy
|                                     Heath      Luke
|                                     Jake       Owen
|                                     Luna       Phoebe
|                                     Matt       Ramsey
|                                     Maya       Renee
|                                     Mira       Selena
|                                     Ozzie      Toby
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal     17 - 35%
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - - - -
| Pumpkin Pie                                                           [PUM07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dakota     Angie      Anissa     Hayden     Dale
|                          Irene      Barbara    Bo         Owen
|                          Julius     Chase      Cain                  1 - 2%
|                          Luna       Chloe      Calvin     2 - 4%
|                                     Colleen    Candace
|                          4 - 8%     Elli       Craig
|                                     Hamilton   Gill
|                                     Hanna      Gray
|                                     Heath      Jin
|                                     Jake       Kathy
|                                     Matt       Luke
|                                     Maya       Ozzie
|                                     Mira       Pascal
|                                     Paolo      Phoebe
|                                     Perry      Ramsey
|                                     Renee      Selena
|                                     Ruth       Toby
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly     17 - 35%
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin Pudding                                                       [PUM08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dakota     Angie      Anissa     Hayden     Calvin
|                          Julius     Barbara    Bo         Owen       Dale
|                          Luna       Chase      Cain
|                                     Chloe      Candace    2 - 4%     2 - 4%
|                          3 - 6%     Colleen    Craig
|                                     Elli       Gill
|                                     Hamilton   Gray
|                                     Hanna      Jin
|                                     Heath      Kathy
|                                     Irene      Luke
|                                     Jake       Ozzie
|                                     Matt       Pascal
|                                     Maya       Phoebe
|                                     Mira       Ramsey
|                                     Paolo      Selena
|                                     Perry      Toby
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth       16 - 33%
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin Stew                                                          [PUM09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Irene      Barbara    Angie      (none      (none
|                          Julius     Bo         Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                          Yolanda    Craig      Cain
|                                     Elli       Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Gray       Candace
|                                     Hamilton   Chase
|                                     Luke       Chloe
|                                     Luna       Colleen
|                                     Maya       Dakota
|                                     Mira       Dale
|                                     Perry      Gill
|                                     Ruth       Hanna
|                                     Shelly     Hayden
|                                     Simon      Heath
|                                     Taylor     Jake
|                                     Van        Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                     16 - 33%   Matt
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                29 - 60%
| - - - - - - -
| Rainbow Trout: see Big-Scaled Redfin
| - - - - - -
| Rare Metal                                                            [RAR01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Phoebe     Calvin     Anissa     Angie      (none
|                          Simon      Chloe      Barbara    Chase       listed)
|                                     Gill       Bo         Elli
|                          2 - 4%     Heath      Cain       Gray       0 - 0%
|                                     Luke       Candace    Irene
|                                     Owen       Colleen    Luna
|                                     Ramsey     Craig      Maya
|                                     Taylor     Dakota     Pascal
|                                                Dale       Selena
|                                     8 - 17%    Hamilton   Van
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden     10 - 21%
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                28 - 58%
| - - - - - -
| Ratatouille                                                           [RAT01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Barbara    Angie      Anissa     (none      Chloe
|                          Craig      Bo         Cain        listed)
|                          Gill       Chase      Calvin                1 - 2%
|                          Sue        Colleen    Candace    0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Jin
|                          4 - 8%     Dale       Julius
|                                     Elli       Kathy
|                                     Gray       Luke
|                                     Hamilton   Luna
|                                     Hanna      Owen
|                                     Hayden     Ozzie
|                                     Heath      Phoebe
|                                     Irene      Ramsey
|                                     Jake       Renee
|                                     Matt       Selena
|                                     Maya       Toby
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo      16 - 33%
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - - -
| Rice (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - -
| Rice (Good): see Apple
| - - - - - - - -
| Rice (Perfect)                                                        [RIC03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Craig      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Hayden     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Kathy      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Owen       Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Perry      Cain
|                                     Phoebe     Calvin
|                                     Toby       Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                     7 - 15%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - - -
| Rice (Shining)                                                        [RIC04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Craig      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Gill       Colleen
|                                     Gray       Dale
|                                     Hayden     Hamilton
|                                     Heath      Hanna
|                                     Kathy      Irene
|                                     Matt       Jake
|                                     Mira       Jin
|                                     Owen       Julius
|                                     Ozzie      Luke
|                                     Paolo      Luna
|                                     Pascal     Maya
|                                     Perry      Renee
|                                     Phoebe     Ruth
|                                     Ramsey     Selena
|                                     Samson     Simon
|                                     Shelly     Taylor
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby       22 - 46%
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     26 - 54%
| - - - - -
| Rice Ball                                                             [RIC05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Luke       Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Maya       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Owen       Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Perry      Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Phoebe     Cain
|                                     Sue        Calvin
|                                     Toby       Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                     7 - 15%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - -
| Rice Cocktail                                                         [RIC06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dale       Cain       Angie      Anissa     Hamilton
|                          Hayden     Calvin     Barbara    Candace    Taylor
|                          Kathy      Craig      Bo         Chloe
|                          Owen       Jake       Chase      Gill       2 - 4%
|                                     Luke       Colleen    Hanna
|                          4 - 8%     Mira       Dakota     Heath
|                                     Ozzie      Elli       Jin
|                                     Pascal     Gray       Luna
|                                     Ramsey     Irene      Matt
|                                     Samson     Julius     Paolo
|                                     Selena     Maya       Perry
|                                     Sue        Phoebe     Shelly
|                                                Renee      Simon
|                                     12 - 25%   Ruth       Toby
|                                                Yolanda    Van
|                                                15 - 31%   15 - 31%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Roasted Chestnut                                                      [ROA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Dakota     Chloe      Angie      (none      (none
|                                     Elli       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Heath      Barbara
|                                     Julius     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Kathy      Cain
|                                     Matt       Calvin
|                                     Maya       Candace
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Paolo      Colleen
|                                     Ruth       Craig
|                                     Shelly     Dale
|                                     Simon      Gill
|                                     Taylor     Gray
|                                     Toby       Hamilton
|                                     Yolanda    Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                     15 - 31%   Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Van
|                                                32 - 67%
| - - - - - - -
| Roasted Corn                                                          [ROA02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Paolo      Chloe      Angie      (none      (none
|                                     Dakota     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Elli       Barbara
|                                     Heath      Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Kathy      Cain
|                                     Matt       Calvin
|                                     Maya       Candace
|                                     Owen       Chase
|                                     Ruth       Colleen
|                                     Samson     Craig
|                                     Simon      Dale
|                                     Sue        Gill
|                                     Taylor     Gray
|                                     Yolanda    Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                     14 - 29%   Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                33 - 69%
| - - - - - - -
| Rock Lobster                                                          [ROC01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      Ruth       (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Paolo      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Selena     Cain
|                                     Simon      Calvin
|                                     Sue        Candace
|                                     Toby       Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                     8 - 17%    Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - -
| Rock Trout: see Mahi-Mahi
| - - - - -
| Rockfish: see Mahi-Mahi
| - - -
| Rose                                                                  [ROS01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chloe      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Colleen    Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Dakota     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Jake       Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Cain
|                                     Luna       Calvin
|                                     Samson     Candace
|                                     Selena     Chase
|                                     Shelly     Craig
|                                                Dale
|                                     9 - 19%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - -
| Rose Stone                                                            [ROS02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Samson     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Sue        Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                     5 - 10%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - -
| Royal Jelly                                                           [ROY01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Jin        Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                                     Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Calvin     Cain
|                                     Dakota     Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Hamilton   Chase
|                                     Hanna      Chloe
|                                     Heath      Colleen
|                                     Irene      Craig
|                                     Perry      Dale
|                                     Simon      Elli
|                                     Van        Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                     11 - 23%   Hayden
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - - - -
| Rubber Boot: see Empty Can
| - - -
| Ruby                                                                  [RUB02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Selena     Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Chloe      Bo
|                                     Gill       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Candace
|                                     Kathy      Chase
|                                     Luna       Colleen
|                                     Mira       Craig
|                                     Owen       Dakota
|                                     Phoebe     Dale
|                                     Taylor     Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                     11 - 23%   Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - -
| Salmon                                                                [SAL01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      Selena     (none
|                           listed)   Matt       Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     Toby       Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                     5 - 10%    Candace
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Salmon Cream Stew                                                     [SAL02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Cain       Angie      Anissa     Taylor     (none
|                          Renee      Barbara    Candace                listed)
|                                     Bo         Gill       1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Calvin     Jin                   0 - 0%
|                                     Chase      Julius
|                                     Chloe      Luke
|                                     Colleen    Luna
|                                     Craig      Owen
|                                     Dakota     Phoebe
|                                     Dale       Ramsey
|                                     Elli       Shelly
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton   11 - 23%
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Salmon Fried Rice                                                     [SAL03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Owen       Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Ozzie      Barbara    Candace     listed)    listed)
|                          Renee      Bo         Gill
|                                     Cain       Jin        0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Calvin     Julius
|                                     Chase      Luna
|                                     Chloe      Phoebe
|                                     Colleen    Ramsey
|                                     Craig
|                                     Dakota     8 - 17%
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Luke
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     37 - 77%
| - - - - -
| Sapphire                                                              [SAP01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Gill       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Heath      Candace
|                                     Julius     Chase
|                                     Luna       Colleen
|                                     Mira       Craig
|                                     Owen       Dakota
|                                     Perry      Dale
|                                     Phoebe     Elli
|                                     Ruth       Gray
|                                     Selena     Hamilton
|                                     Simon      Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                     14 - 29%   Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - -
| Sardine: see Apple
| - - - - - - - -
| Sardine in Oil                                                        [SAR02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Colleen    Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Elli       Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Irene      Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Jake       Cain
|                                     Maya       Candace
|                                     Ozzie      Chase
|                                     Renee      Chloe
|                                     Samson     Craig
|                                     Simon      Dakota
|                                     Sue        Dale
|                                     Toby       Gill
|                                     Yolanda    Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                     13 - 27%   Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Sardine Tomato Stew                                                   [SAR03]
|   (also: Saury Tomato Stew)                                           [SAU02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Anissa     Taylor     (none
|                          Ozzie      Barbara    Cain                   listed)
|                          Sue        Bo         Calvin     1 - 2%
|                                     Chase      Candace               0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Colleen    Hamilton
|                                     Craig      Jin
|                                     Dakota     Julius
|                                     Dale       Kathy
|                                     Elli       Luke
|                                     Gill       Luna
|                                     Gray       Owen
|                                     Hanna      Phoebe
|                                     Hayden     Ramsey
|                                     Heath      Shelly
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake       14 - 29%
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Simon
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     30 - 62%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Sashimi (Decent)                                                      [SAS01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Angie      Cain       Anissa
|                           listed)   Paolo      Barbara    Colleen
|                                     Ramsey     Bo                    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%                Calvin     2 - 4%
|                                     3 - 6%     Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - - - -
| Sashimi (Good)                                                        [SAS02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Angie      Cain       Anissa
|                           listed)   Paolo      Barbara    Colleen
|                                     Ramsey     Bo                    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Toby       Calvin     2 - 4%
|                                                Candace
|                                     4 - 8%     Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Sashimi (Perfect)                                                     [SAS03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      Cain       Anissa
|                           listed)   Bo         Calvin     Colleen
|                                     Chase      Candace               1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Craig      2 - 4%
|                                     Dakota     Gill
|                                     Dale       Jin
|                                     Elli       Julius
|                                     Gray       Kathy
|                                     Hamilton   Luke
|                                     Hanna      Luna
|                                     Hayden     Owen
|                                     Heath      Phoebe
|                                     Irene      Ruth
|                                     Jake       Selena
|                                     Matt       Taylor
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira       15 - 31%
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     30 - 62%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Sashimi (Shining)                                                     [SAS04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Ozzie      Barbara    Angie      Cain       Anissa
|                          Paolo      Bo         Calvin     Colleen
|                          Ramsey     Chase      Candace               1 - 2%
|                          Toby       Chloe      Jin        2 - 4%
|                                     Craig      Julius
|                          4 - 8%     Dakota     Kathy
|                                     Dale       Luke
|                                     Elli       Owen
|                                     Gill       Phoebe
|                                     Gray       Ruth
|                                     Hamilton   Selena
|                                     Hanna      Taylor
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath      12 - 25%
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Luna
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - -
| Saury: see Apple
| - - - - - - - - -
| Saury Tomato Stew: see Sardine Tomato Stew
| - - - - - - -
| Sauteed Clam                                                          [SAU03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Pascal     Angie      Anissa     (none      Julius
|                                     Barbara    Cain        listed)   Perry
|                          1 - 2%     Bo         Candace               Phoebe
|                                     Calvin     Chase      0 - 0%     Ramsey
|                                     Chloe      Craig
|                                     Colleen    Gray                  4 - 8%
|                                     Dakota     Hanna
|                                     Dale       Irene
|                                     Elli       Jin
|                                     Gill       Luna
|                                     Hamilton   Renee
|                                     Hayden     Ruth
|                                     Heath      Taylor
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy      13 - 27%
|                                     Luke
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     30 - 62%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Sauteed Mushroom                                                      [SAU04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Bo         Angie      Anissa     (none      Irene
|                                     Chloe      Barbara     listed)   Julius
|                          1 - 2%     Craig      Cain                  Kathy
|                                     Dale       Calvin     0 - 0%     Matt
|                                     Elli       Candace               Ramsey
|                                     Luke       Chase
|                                     Mira       Colleen               5 - 10%
|                                     Paolo      Dakota
|                                     Pascal     Gill
|                                     Ruth       Gray
|                                     Samson     Hamilton
|                                     Shelly     Hanna
|                                     Van        Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                     13 - 27%   Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                29 - 60%
| - - - - - - - -
| Sauteed Spinach                                                       [SAU05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Bo         Angie      Anissa     (none      Julius
|                          Luke       Chloe      Barbara     listed)   Ramsey
|                          Ruth       Craig      Cain
|                                     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%     2 - 4%
|                          3 - 6%     Elli       Candace
|                                     Heath      Chase
|                                     Matt       Colleen
|                                     Mira       Dale
|                                     Paolo      Gill
|                                     Pascal     Gray
|                                     Samson     Hamilton
|                                     Sue        Hanna
|                                     Van        Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                     13 - 27%   Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                30 - 62%
| - - - - - -
| Scrap Iron                                                            [SCR01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Phoebe     Angie      Barbara
|                           listed)    listed)   Ramsey     Anissa     Candace
|                                                Toby       Bo         Chloe
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%                Cain       Colleen
|                                                3 - 6%     Calvin     Craig
|                                                           Chase      Dakota
|                                                           Dale       Hanna
|                                                           Elli       Irene
|                                                           Gill       Jake
|                                                           Gray       Julius
|                                                           Hamilton   Kathy
|                                                           Hayden     Luke
|                                                           Heath      Luna
|                                                           Jin        Maya
|                                                           Matt       Owen
|                                                           Mira       Perry
|                                                           Ozzie      Ruth
|                                                           Paolo      Selena
|                                                           Pascal     Simon
|                                                           Renee      Taylor
|                                                           Samson     Yolanda
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Sue        21 - 44%
|                                                           Van
|                                                           24 - 50%
| - - - - -
| Sea Bream                                                             [SEA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Paolo      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Simon      Cain
|                                     Sue        Calvin
|                                     Toby       Candace
|                                                Chloe
|                                     7 - 15%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - -
| Sea Urchin                                                            [SEA02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Dale       Angie      Perry      Phoebe
|                           listed)   Gill       Anissa     Selena
|                                     Kathy      Barbara               1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Ozzie      Bo         2 - 4%
|                                     Paolo      Cain
|                                     Pascal     Calvin
|                                     Samson     Candace
|                                     Sue        Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                     8 - 17%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - - - -
| Seafood Doria                                                         [SEA03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Kathy      Angie      Anissa     Craig      Paolo
|                          Ozzie      Barbara    Calvin     Luke
|                          Perry      Bo         Candace    Phoebe     1 - 2%
|                          Renee      Cain       Gill
|                                     Chase      Irene      3 - 6%
|                          4 - 8%     Chloe      Jin
|                                     Colleen    Julius
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Mira
|                                     Elli       Ramsey
|                                     Gray       Shelly
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna      11 - 23%
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Jake
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Owen
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Seafood Fried Rice                                                    [SEA04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Ozzie      Angie      Anissa     (none      Phoebe
|                                     Barbara    Candace     listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Bo         Gill                  1 - 2%
|                                     Cain       Jin        0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Julius
|                                     Chase      Luna
|                                     Chloe      Ramsey
|                                     Colleen
|                                     Craig      7 - 15%
|                                     Dakota
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Luke
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - -
| Seafood Gratin                                                        [SEA05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Kathy      Angie      Anissa     Craig      Paolo
|                          Ozzie      Barbara    Calvin     Luke       Phoebe
|                                     Bo         Candace               Ruth
|                          2 - 4%     Cain       Gill       2 - 4%
|                                     Chase      Irene                 3 - 6%
|                                     Chloe      Jin
|                                     Colleen    Julius
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Mira
|                                     Elli       Ramsey
|                                     Gray       Shelly
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna      11 - 23%
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Jake
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Owen
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     30 - 62%
| - - - - - - -
| Seafood Pizza                                                         [SEA06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hayden     Angie      Anissa     Craig      Paolo
|                          Kathy      Barbara    Calvin     Luke
|                          Ozzie      Bo         Candace    Phoebe     1 - 2%
|                          Taylor     Cain       Gill       Ruth
|                                     Chase      Irene
|                          4 - 8%     Chloe      Jin        4 - 8%
|                                     Colleen    Julius
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Ramsey
|                                     Elli       Shelly
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton   10 - 21%
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Heath
|                                     Jake
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - - - - - - -
| Seafood Risotto                                                       [SEA07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Paolo      Phoebe
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara
|                                     Colleen    Cain       1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Craig      Calvin
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Dale       Chase
|                                     Hayden     Chloe
|                                     Jake       Elli
|                                     Kathy      Gill
|                                     Maya       Gray
|                                     Mira       Hamilton
|                                     Owen       Hanna
|                                     Perry      Heath
|                                     Ruth       Irene
|                                     Samson     Jin
|                                     Sue        Julius
|                                     Taylor     Luke
|                                     Toby       Luna
|                                     Van        Matt
|                                     Yolanda    Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                     20 - 42%   Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                26 - 54%
| - - - - - - -
| Seafood Stew                                                          [SEA08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Ozzie      Angie      Anissa     Phoebe     (none
|                          Renee      Barbara    Candace                listed)
|                          Samson     Bo         Gill       1 - 2%
|                          Sue        Cain       Jin                   0 - 0%
|                          Toby       Calvin     Julius
|                                     Chase      Luke
|                          5 - 10%    Chloe      Luna
|                                     Colleen    Owen
|                                     Craig      Ramsey
|                                     Dakota     Shelly
|                                     Dale
|                                     Elli       10 - 21%
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Selena
|                                     Simon
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     32 - 67%
| - - - - - -
| Seasky Fish                                                           [SEA09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Angie      Candace    (none
|                           listed)   Luke       Anissa     Julius      listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Pascal     Cain
|                                     Selena     Chase
|                                     Sue        Chloe
|                                     Toby       Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     8 - 17%    Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - -
| Seasoned Egg                                                          [SEA10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Cain       Angie      (none      (none
|                                     Chloe      Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Dakota     Barbara
|                                     Elli       Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gray       Candace
|                                     Hanna      Chase
|                                     Heath      Colleen
|                                     Irene      Craig
|                                     Matt       Dale
|                                     Maya       Gill
|                                     Pascal     Hamilton
|                                     Ruth       Hayden
|                                     Simon      Jake
|                                     Sue        Jin
|                                     Taylor     Julius
|                                     Toby       Kathy
|                                     Yolanda    Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                     17 - 35%   Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Van
|                                                30 - 62%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Seaweed Miso Soup                                                     [SEA11]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      Perry      Samson
|                           listed)   Hamilton   Barbara
|                                     Jin        Bo         1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Maya       Cain
|                                     Ozzie      Calvin
|                                     Paolo      Candace
|                                     Toby       Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                     7 - 15%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - -
| Shark                                                                 [SHA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Paolo      Barbara    Candace     listed)
|                                     Pascal     Bo         Gill
|                          0 - 0%     Sue        Cain       Julius     0 - 0%
|                                     Toby       Calvin
|                                                Chase      4 - 8%
|                                     5 - 10%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - -
| Shark Fin Soup                                                        [SHA02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Elli       Barbara                listed)
|                                     Gray       Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Luke       Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Matt       Calvin
|                                     Maya       Candace
|                                     Ozzie      Chloe
|                                     Paolo      Colleen
|                                     Pascal     Craig
|                                     Renee      Dakota
|                                     Sue        Dale
|                                     Toby       Gill
|                                     Yolanda    Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                     13 - 27%   Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - -
| Shark Fin Stew                                                        [SHA03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chase      Bo         Anissa     Angie      (none
|                          Ozzie      Calvin     Barbara    Gray        listed)
|                                     Colleen    Cain
|                          2 - 4%     Dakota     Candace    2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Chloe
|                                     Elli       Craig
|                                     Gill       Heath
|                                     Hamilton   Irene
|                                     Hanna      Jin
|                                     Hayden     Julius
|                                     Jake       Kathy
|                                     Luke       Luna
|                                     Matt       Owen
|                                     Maya       Perry
|                                     Mira       Phoebe
|                                     Paolo      Ruth
|                                     Pascal     Selena
|                                     Ramsey     Simon
|                                     Renee      Taylor
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly     19 - 40%
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Shining Baumkuchen                                                    [SHI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Angie      (none      (none      (none      (none
|                          Anissa      listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)
|                          Barbara
|                          Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          Cain
|                          Calvin
|                          Candace
|                          Chase
|                          Chloe
|                          Colleen
|                          Craig
|                          Dakota
|                          Dale
|                          Elli
|                          Gill
|                          Gray
|                          Hamilton
|                          Hanna
|                          Hayden
|                          Heath
|                          Irene
|                          Jake
|                          Jin
|                          Julius
|                          Kathy
|                          Luke
|                          Luna
|                          Matt
|                          Maya
|                          Mira
|                          Owen
|                          Ozzie
|                          Paolo
|                          Pascal
|                          Perry
|                          Phoebe
|                          Ramsey
|                          Renee
|                          Ruth
|                          Samson
|                          Selena
|                          Shelly
|                          Simon
|                          Sue
|                          Taylor
|                          Toby
|                          Van
|                          Yolanda
|                          48 - 100%
| - - - - -
| Shortcake                                                             [SHO01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Elli       Angie      Bo         Dale       (none
|                                     Anissa     Cain       Hayden      listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Barbara    Calvin     Owen
|                                     Chase      Candace               0 - 0%
|                                     Chloe      Craig      3 - 6%
|                                     Colleen    Gill
|                                     Dakota     Gray
|                                     Hamilton   Jin
|                                     Hanna      Kathy
|                                     Heath      Luke
|                                     Irene      Ozzie
|                                     Jake       Pascal
|                                     Julius     Phoebe
|                                     Luna       Ramsey
|                                     Matt       Selena
|                                     Maya       Toby
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo      16 - 33%
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     28 - 58%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Blue)                                                      [SIL01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Elli       Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Julius     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Luna       Calvin
|                                     Mira       Chase
|                                     Perry      Chloe
|                                     Ruth       Colleen
|                                     Shelly     Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                     9 - 19%    Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Decent)                                                    [SIL02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Shelly     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Good): see Flax Yarn (Good)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Green)                                                     [SIL04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Chase
|                                     Luna       Chloe
|                                     Matt       Craig
|                                     Shelly     Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     8 - 17%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Perfect): see Flax Yarn (Perfect)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Purple)                                                    [SIL06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Dakota     Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Irene      Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Calvin
|                                     Luna       Chase
|                                     Mira       Chloe
|                                     Shelly     Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     8 - 17%    Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Red)                                                       [SIL07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Julius     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Luna       Calvin
|                                     Shelly     Chase
|                                     Taylor     Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     7 - 15%    Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Shining)                                                   [SIL08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Candace    Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Luna       Julius     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Shelly     Bo
|                          2 - 4%                Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Calvin
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Yellow)                                                    [SIL09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Hanna      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Chase
|                                     Luna       Chloe
|                                     Shelly     Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     7 - 15%    Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - -
| Silver                                                                [SIL10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Owen       Gill       Anissa     Angie      Chase
|                                     Ramsey     Barbara    Bo
|                          1 - 2%     Simon      Cain       Chloe      1 - 2%
|                                                Calvin     Colleen
|                                     3 - 6%     Candace    Dakota
|                                                Craig      Dale
|                                                Hamilton   Elli
|                                                Hanna      Gray
|                                                Heath      Hayden
|                                                Julius     Irene
|                                                Kathy      Jake
|                                                Luke       Jin
|                                                Mira       Luna
|                                                Phoebe     Matt
|                                                Renee      Maya
|                                                Ruth       Ozzie
|                                                Taylor     Paolo
|                                                Toby       Pascal
|                                                           Perry
|                                                18 - 38%   Samson
|                                                           Selena
|                                                           Shelly
|                                                           Sue
|                                                           Van
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                           25 - 52%
| - - - - - - - -
| Skull Jellyfish                                                       [SKU01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Gill       Barbara    Candace     listed)
|                                     Luke       Bo         Julius
|                          0 - 0%     Ozzie      Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Paolo      Chase      3 - 6%
|                                     Pascal     Chloe
|                                     Sue        Colleen
|                                     Toby       Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                     8 - 17%    Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - -
| Snowflake                                                             [SNO01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Cain        listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Candace    Chase      0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Chloe
|                                     Elli       Colleen
|                                     Heath      Craig
|                                     Jake       Dale
|                                     Julius     Gill
|                                     Luna       Gray
|                                     Mira       Hamilton
|                                     Shelly     Hanna
|                                     Toby       Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                     13 - 27%   Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Southern Fried Rice                                                   [SOU01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Owen       Angie      Anissa     Luke       Shelly
|                          Samson     Barbara    Candace    Matt       Simon
|                          Selena     Bo         Elli       Toby
|                          Sue        Cain       Gill                  2 - 4%
|                                     Calvin     Irene      3 - 6%
|                          4 - 8%     Chase      Jin
|                                     Chloe      Julius
|                                     Colleen    Luna
|                                     Craig      Phoebe
|                                     Dakota     Ramsey
|                                     Dale
|                                     Gray       10 - 21%
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - - - - - - -
| Southern Omelet                                                       [SOU02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Heath      Angie      Anissa     Matt       Shelly
|                          Owen       Barbara    Candace    Ramsey     Simon
|                          Perry      Bo         Chase      Toby
|                          Samson     Cain       Elli                  2 - 4%
|                          Selena     Calvin     Gill       3 - 6%
|                          Sue        Chloe      Irene
|                                     Colleen    Jin
|                          6 - 12%    Craig      Julius
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Phoebe
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton   10 - 21%
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Luke
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Spicy Pepper (Decent)                                                 [SPI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Jin        (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa     Luna        listed)
|                                                Barbara    Matt
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo         Shelly     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain       Simon
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace    5 - 10%
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Spicy Pepper (Good)                                                   [SPI02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Barbara    Jin         listed)
|                                                Bo         Luna
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Cain       Matt       0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin     Shelly
|                                                Candace    Simon
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe      6 - 12%
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Spicy Pepper (Perfect)                                                [SPI03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Craig      Barbara    Jin         listed)
|                                     Dale       Bo         Luna
|                          0 - 0%     Samson     Cain       Matt       0 - 0%
|                                     Yolanda    Candace    Shelly
|                                                Chase      Simon
|                                     5 - 10%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen    6 - 12%
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Spicy Pepper (Shining)                                                [SPI04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Bo         Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara    Jin         listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain       Luna
|                          0 - 0%     Craig      Candace    Matt       0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Chase      Shelly
|                                     Dale       Colleen    Simon
|                                     Elli       Gill
|                                     Gray       Hamilton   6 - 12%
|                                     Hayden     Hanna
|                                     Heath      Irene
|                                     Mira       Jake
|                                     Ozzie      Julius
|                                     Paolo      Kathy
|                                     Pascal     Luke
|                                     Ramsey     Maya
|                                     Samson     Owen
|                                     Sue        Perry
|                                     Van        Phoebe
|                                     Yolanda    Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                     19 - 40%   Selena
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                23 - 48%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Spicy Seafood Soup                                                    [SPI05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Barbara    Anissa     Chloe      Angie
|                          Craig      Bo         Cain       Ozzie      Elli
|                          Dale       Colleen    Candace               Luna
|                          Yolanda    Hanna      Chase      2 - 4%     Matt
|                                     Hayden     Dakota                Shelly
|                          4 - 8%     Irene      Gill                  Simon
|                                     Jake       Gray
|                                     Perry      Hamilton              6 - 12%
|                                     Ruth       Heath
|                                     Samson     Jin
|                                     Selena     Julius
|                                     Taylor     Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                     12 - 25%   Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                24 - 50%
| - - - - - -
| Spicy Stew                                                            [SPI06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Cain       Barbara    Anissa     Chloe      Angie
|                          Calvin     Bo         Candace               Elli
|                          Dale       Chase      Gill       1 - 2%     Luna
|                                     Colleen    Jin                   Matt
|                          3 - 6%     Craig      Julius                Shelly
|                                     Dakota     Luke                  Simon
|                                     Gray       Owen
|                                     Hamilton   Ozzie                 6 - 12%
|                                     Hanna      Phoebe
|                                     Hayden     Ramsey
|                                     Heath      Renee
|                                     Irene      Selena
|                                     Jake       Toby
|                                     Kathy
|                                     Maya       13 - 27%
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     25 - 52%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Spinach (Decent)                                                      [SPI07]
|   (also: Spinach (Good))                                              [SPI08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Luke       Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - -
| Spinach (Good): see Spinach (Decent)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Spinach (Perfect)                                                     [SPI09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Bo         Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Luke       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Ramsey     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Ruth       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin
|                                     4 - 8%     Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Spinach (Shining)                                                     [SPI10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Gray       Colleen
|                                     Hayden     Craig
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                                     Luke       Hamilton
|                                     Matt       Hanna
|                                     Mira       Irene
|                                     Ozzie      Jake
|                                     Paolo      Jin
|                                     Pascal     Julius
|                                     Ramsey     Kathy
|                                     Renee      Luna
|                                     Ruth       Maya
|                                     Samson     Owen
|                                     Shelly     Perry
|                                     Sue        Phoebe
|                                     Van        Selena
|                                     Yolanda    Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                     23 - 48%   Toby
|                                                25 - 52%
| - - - - - - -
| Spinach Cake                                                          [SPI11]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Bo         Angie      Anissa     Dale       (none
|                          Elli       Barbara    Cain       Hayden      listed)
|                          Luke       Chase      Calvin     Owen
|                          Ruth       Chloe      Candace               0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Gill       3 - 6%
|                          4 - 8%     Craig      Gray
|                                     Dakota     Jin
|                                     Hamilton   Kathy
|                                     Hanna      Ozzie
|                                     Heath      Pascal
|                                     Irene      Phoebe
|                                     Jake       Ramsey
|                                     Julius     Selena
|                                     Luna       Toby
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya       14 - 29%
|                                     Mira
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - -
| Spinach Risotto                                                       [SPI12]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Bo         Angie      Anissa     Paolo      (none
|                          Craig      Barbara    Cain                   listed)
|                          Luke       Colleen    Calvin     1 - 2%
|                          Ruth       Dakota     Candace               0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Chase
|                          4 - 8%     Hayden     Chloe
|                                     Jake       Elli
|                                     Maya       Gill
|                                     Mira       Gray
|                                     Owen       Hamilton
|                                     Perry      Hanna
|                                     Phoebe     Heath
|                                     Samson     Irene
|                                     Sue        Jin
|                                     Taylor     Julius
|                                     Van        Kathy
|                                     Yolanda    Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                     17 - 35%   Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Toby
|                                                26 - 54%
| - - - -
| Spinel                                                                [SPI13]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Calvin     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Julius     Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Mira       Candace
|                                     Owen       Chase
|                                     Phoebe     Colleen
|                                     Selena     Craig
|                                     Taylor     Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     9 - 19%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - -
| Squid                                                                 [SQU01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Julius     Angie      Ruth       Barbara
|                           listed)              Anissa
|                                     1 - 2%     Bo         1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Squid Tomato Stew                                                     [SQU02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Anissa     Taylor     Ruth
|                          Sue        Barbara    Calvin
|                                     Bo         Candace    1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Cain       Hamilton
|                                     Chase      Jin
|                                     Colleen    Kathy
|                                     Craig      Luke
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Owen
|                                     Elli       Phoebe
|                                     Gill       Ramsey
|                                     Gray       Shelly
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden     12 - 25%
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Julius
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Samson
|                                     Selena
|                                     Simon
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     32 - 67%
| - - - - - -
| Stay Awake                                                            [STA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      Candace    Chloe
|                           listed)   Cain       Barbara    Dakota     Julius
|                                     Calvin     Bo         Jake
|                          0 - 0%     Chase      Colleen    Luke       2 - 4%
|                                     Gill       Craig      Luna
|                                     Hanna      Dale       Matt
|                                     Heath      Elli       Ramsey
|                                     Phoebe     Gray       Shelly
|                                     Van        Hamilton   Taylor
|                                                Hayden
|                                     9 - 19%    Irene      9 - 19%
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                28 - 58%
| - - - - - -
| Steamed Egg                                                           [STE01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Heath      Barbara    Cain        listed)    listed)
|                          Renee      Bo         Candace
|                          Yolanda    Chase      Gill       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Chloe      Jin
|                          4 - 8%     Colleen    Kathy
|                                     Craig      Luke
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Owen
|                                     Elli       Phoebe
|                                     Gray       Selena
|                                     Hamilton   Toby
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden     12 - 25%
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Julius
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     32 - 67%
| - - - - - - - -
| Steamed Turnip                                                        [STE02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Colleen    Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Craig      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gray       Calvin
|                                     Hamilton   Candace
|                                     Hanna      Chase
|                                     Jake       Chloe
|                                     Ozzie      Dakota
|                                     Paolo      Dale
|                                     Pascal     Gill
|                                     Perry      Hayden
|                                     Phoebe     Heath
|                                     Ruth       Irene
|                                     Samson     Jin
|                                     Shelly     Julius
|                                     Simon      Kathy
|                                     Sue        Luke
|                                     Taylor     Luna
|                                     Van        Matt
|                                     Yolanda    Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                     21 - 44%   Owen
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Toby
|                                                27 - 56%
| - - -
| Stew                                                                  [STE03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hamilton   Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Barbara    Candace     listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Bo         Gill
|                                     Cain       Jin        0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Calvin     Julius
|                                     Chase      Kathy
|                                     Chloe      Luke
|                                     Colleen    Luna
|                                     Craig      Owen
|                                     Dakota     Ozzie
|                                     Dale       Paolo
|                                     Elli       Phoebe
|                                     Gray       Ramsey
|                                     Hanna      Selena
|                                     Hayden     Shelly
|                                     Heath      Toby
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake       16 - 33%
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     31 - 65%
| - - - - -
| Stir Fry                                                              [STI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Craig      Barbara    Angie      (none      Gill
|                                     Bo         Anissa      listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Colleen    Cain                  1 - 2%
|                                     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%
|                                     Hanna      Candace
|                                     Heath      Chase
|                                     Irene      Chloe
|                                     Jake       Dale
|                                     Jin        Elli
|                                     Luke       Gray
|                                     Paolo      Hamilton
|                                     Perry      Hayden
|                                     Ramsey     Julius
|                                     Ruth       Kathy
|                                     Shelly     Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                     15 - 31%   Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                31 - 65%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Strawberry (Decent)                                                   [STR01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)              Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Bo
|                          0 - 0%                Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                47 - 98%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Strawberry (Good)                                                     [STR02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Chase      Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius     Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Luna       Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Maya       Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     5 - 10%    Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Strawberry (Perfect)                                                  [STR03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Chase      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Candace
|                                     Elli       Craig
|                                     Julius     Dakota
|                                     Luna       Dale
|                                     Matt       Gill
|                                     Maya       Gray
|                                     Mira       Hamilton
|                                     Ruth       Hanna
|                                     Taylor     Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                     13 - 27%   Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Strawberry (Shining)                                                  [STR04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Cain        listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Candace    Craig      0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Chase      Gill
|                                     Chloe      Hamilton
|                                     Colleen    Hanna
|                                     Dakota     Irene
|                                     Dale       Jake
|                                     Elli       Jin
|                                     Gray       Kathy
|                                     Hayden     Luke
|                                     Heath      Owen
|                                     Julius     Perry
|                                     Luna       Phoebe
|                                     Matt       Renee
|                                     Maya       Selena
|                                     Mira       Simon
|                                     Ozzie      Toby
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal     19 - 40%
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - - - - - - -
| Strawberry Jam: see Apple Jam
| - - - - - - - -
| Strawberry Milk                                                       [STR06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Angie      Calvin     Craig      (none
|                          Elli       Anissa     Candace    Van         listed)
|                          Matt       Barbara    Dale
|                          Renee      Bo         Gill       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Cain       Hamilton
|                          4 - 8%     Chase      Hayden
|                                     Colleen    Irene
|                                     Dakota     Julius
|                                     Gray       Kathy
|                                     Hanna      Luke
|                                     Heath      Owen
|                                     Jake       Ozzie
|                                     Jin        Pascal
|                                     Luna       Phoebe
|                                     Maya       Ramsey
|                                     Mira       Selena
|                                     Paolo      Shelly
|                                     Perry      Toby
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson     18 - 38%
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - -
| Sunflower                                                             [SUN01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Cain       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Craig      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Hanna      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Owen       Candace
|                                     Renee      Chase
|                                     Ruth       Chloe
|                                     Samson     Colleen
|                                     Shelly     Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     9 - 19%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Super Stay Awake                                                      [SUP01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      Candace    Chloe
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo         Dakota     Julius
|                                     Cain       Colleen    Jake
|                          0 - 0%     Calvin     Craig      Luke       2 - 4%
|                                     Chase      Dale       Luna
|                                     Gill       Elli       Matt
|                                     Hanna      Gray       Ramsey
|                                     Heath      Hamilton   Shelly
|                                     Irene      Hayden     Taylor
|                                     Perry      Jin
|                                     Phoebe     Kathy      9 - 19%
|                                     Sue        Maya
|                                     Van        Mira
|                                     Yolanda    Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                     14 - 29%   Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Toby
|                                                23 - 48%
| - - - - - - - -
| Sushi (Decent)                                                        [SUS01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Maya       Angie      Anissa     (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Barbara    Cain        listed)
|                                     Paolo      Bo         Colleen
|                          0 - 0%     Ramsey     Calvin                0 - 0%
|                                                Candace    3 - 6%
|                                     4 - 8%     Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                41 - 85%
| - - - - - - -
| Sushi (Good)                                                          [SUS02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Luke       Angie      Anissa     (none
|                           listed)   Maya       Barbara    Cain        listed)
|                                     Owen       Bo         Colleen
|                          0 - 0%     Ozzie      Calvin                0 - 0%
|                                     Paolo      Candace    3 - 6%
|                                     Perry      Chase
|                                     Ramsey     Chloe
|                                     Renee      Craig
|                                     Toby       Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     9 - 19%    Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - - - - - -
| Sushi (Perfect)                                                       [SUS03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      Anissa     (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Calvin     Cain        listed)
|                                     Chase      Candace    Colleen
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Craig                 0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Gill       3 - 6%
|                                     Dale       Jin
|                                     Elli       Julius
|                                     Gray       Kathy
|                                     Hamilton   Luna
|                                     Hanna      Ruth
|                                     Hayden     Samson
|                                     Heath      Selena
|                                     Irene      Taylor
|                                     Jake
|                                     Luke       13 - 27%
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Ramsey
|                                     Renee
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Toby
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     32 - 67%
| - - - - - - - -
| Sushi (Shining)                                                       [SUS04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Luke       Barbara    Angie      Anissa     (none
|                          Maya       Bo         Calvin     Cain        listed)
|                          Owen       Chase      Candace    Colleen
|                          Ozzie      Chloe      Jin                   0 - 0%
|                          Paolo      Craig      Julius     3 - 6%
|                          Perry      Dakota     Kathy
|                          Ramsey     Dale       Ruth
|                          Renee      Elli       Samson
|                          Toby       Gill       Selena
|                                     Gray       Taylor
|                          9 - 19%    Hamilton
|                                     Hanna      10 - 21%
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake
|                                     Luna
|                                     Matt
|                                     Mira
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     26 - 54%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Sweet Potato Cake                                                     [SWE01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Elli       Angie      Anissa     Dale       (none
|                          Maya       Barbara    Bo         Hayden      listed)
|                          Simon      Chase      Cain       Owen
|                                     Chloe      Calvin                0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Colleen    Candace    3 - 6%
|                                     Craig      Gill
|                                     Dakota     Gray
|                                     Hamilton   Jin
|                                     Hanna      Kathy
|                                     Heath      Ozzie
|                                     Irene      Pascal
|                                     Jake       Phoebe
|                                     Julius     Ramsey
|                                     Luke       Selena
|                                     Luna       Toby
|                                     Matt
|                                     Mira       15 - 31%
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Sweet Potato Rice                                                     [SWE02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Maya       Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                          Perry      Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          2 - 4%     Craig      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Dale       Chase
|                                     Hayden     Colleen
|                                     Irene      Elli
|                                     Jake       Gill
|                                     Jin        Gray
|                                     Julius     Hamilton
|                                     Luke       Hanna
|                                     Mira       Heath
|                                     Owen       Kathy
|                                     Paolo      Luna
|                                     Pascal     Matt
|                                     Phoebe     Ozzie
|                                     Ramsey     Renee
|                                     Ruth       Samson
|                                     Shelly     Selena
|                                     Taylor     Simon
|                                     Toby       Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda    22 - 46%
|                                     24 - 50%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Sweet Potato Stew                                                     [SWE03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Yolanda    Barbara    Angie      (none      (none
|                                     Bo         Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Craig      Cain
|                                     Elli       Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gray       Candace
|                                     Hamilton   Chase
|                                     Irene      Chloe
|                                     Julius     Colleen
|                                     Luke       Dakota
|                                     Maya       Dale
|                                     Mira       Gill
|                                     Perry      Hanna
|                                     Ruth       Hayden
|                                     Shelly     Heath
|                                     Simon      Jake
|                                     Taylor     Jin
|                                     Van        Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                     17 - 35%   Matt
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                30 - 62%
| - - - - - - - -
| Sweet Yam Cake                                                        [SWE04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Irene      Angie      Anissa     Hayden     (none
|                          Luna       Barbara    Cain       Owen        listed)
|                          Maya       Bo         Calvin
|                                     Chase      Candace    2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Chloe      Dale
|                                     Colleen    Gill
|                                     Craig      Gray
|                                     Dakota     Jin
|                                     Elli       Kathy
|                                     Hamilton   Luke
|                                     Hanna      Ozzie
|                                     Heath      Pascal
|                                     Jake       Phoebe
|                                     Julius     Ramsey
|                                     Matt       Selena
|                                     Mira       Toby
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Perry      16 - 33%
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - -
| Swim Shorts                                                           [SWI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Heath      Angie      Anissa
|                           listed)    listed)   Phoebe     Calvin     Barbara
|                                                           Candace    Bo
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Dale       Cain
|                                                           Hamilton   Chase
|                                                           Hayden     Chloe
|                                                           Mira       Colleen
|                                                           Samson     Craig
|                                                           Sue        Dakota
|                                                           Van        Elli
|                                                                      Gill
|                                                           10 - 21%   Gray
|                                                                      Hanna
|                                                                      Irene
|                                                                      Jake
|                                                                      Jin
|                                                                      Julius
|                                                                      Kathy
|                                                                      Luke
|                                                                      Luna
|                                                                      Matt
|                                                                      Maya
|                                                                      Owen
|                                                                      Ozzie
|                                                                      Paolo
|                                                                      Pascal
|                                                                      Perry
|                                                                      Ramsey
|                                                                      Renee
|                                                                      Ruth
|                                                                      Selena
|                                                                      Shelly
|                                                                      Simon
|                                                                      Taylor
|                                                                      Toby
|                                                                      Yolanda
|                                                                      36 - 75%
| - - - - -
| Swordfish                                                             [SWO01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Ozzie      Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Paolo      Barbara                listed)
|                                     Pascal     Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Sue        Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Toby       Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     5 - 10%    Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Tempura Buckwheat Noodles                                             [TEM01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hamilton   Barbara    Angie      (none      (none
|                          Jin        Bo         Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                          Ozzie      Calvin     Cain
|                          Phoebe     Chloe      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                          Ramsey     Colleen    Chase
|                          Simon      Dakota     Craig
|                                     Dale       Gill
|                          6 - 12%    Elli       Gray
|                                     Hanna      Hayden
|                                     Heath      Irene
|                                     Jake       Julius
|                                     Matt       Kathy
|                                     Maya       Luke
|                                     Paolo      Luna
|                                     Pascal     Mira
|                                     Ruth       Owen
|                                     Shelly     Perry
|                                     Van        Renee
|                                     Yolanda    Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                     19 - 40%   Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                23 - 48%
| - - - - -
| Toadstool                                                             [TOA01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Calvin     Angie      Barbara
|                           listed)              Heath      Candace    Bo
|                                     1 - 2%     Jin        Chase      Cain
|                          0 - 0%                Phoebe     Elli       Chloe
|                                                           Gray       Colleen
|                                                4 - 8%     Hamilton   Craig
|                                                           Hanna      Dakota
|                                                           Jake       Dale
|                                                           Luna       Gill
|                                                           Maya       Hayden
|                                                           Mira       Irene
|                                                           Owen       Julius
|                                                           Pascal     Kathy
|                                                           Perry      Luke
|                                                           Renee      Matt
|                                                           Ruth       Ozzie
|                                                           Selena     Paolo
|                                                           Sue        Ramsey
|                                                           Taylor     Samson
|                                                           Toby       Shelly
|                                                           Van        Simon
|                                                           Yolanda
|                                                                      21 - 44%
|                                                           22 - 46%
| - - - - - - - -
| Tomato (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - -
| Tomato (Good): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - -
| Tomato (Perfect)                                                      [TOM03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chloe      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Gill       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Selena     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Sue        Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Tomato (Shining)                                                      [TOM04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Gill       Colleen
|                                     Hayden     Craig
|                                     Heath      Gray
|                                     Matt       Hamilton
|                                     Mira       Hanna
|                                     Ozzie      Irene
|                                     Paolo      Jake
|                                     Ramsey     Jin
|                                     Renee      Julius
|                                     Samson     Kathy
|                                     Selena     Luke
|                                     Shelly     Luna
|                                     Sue        Maya
|                                     Van        Owen
|                                     Yolanda    Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                     21 - 44%   Phoebe
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                27 - 56%
| - - - - - - -
| Tomato Juice                                                          [TOM05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Chloe      Anissa     Angie      Owen       Luke
|                          Gill       Bo         Barbara    Ozzie
|                                     Craig      Cain                  1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Dakota     Calvin     2 - 4%
|                                     Elli       Candace
|                                     Gray       Chase
|                                     Heath      Colleen
|                                     Irene      Dale
|                                     Jin        Hamilton
|                                     Julius     Hanna
|                                     Kathy      Hayden
|                                     Ruth       Jake
|                                     Van        Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                     13 - 27%   Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                30 - 62%
| - - - - - - -
| Tomato Omelet                                                         [TOM06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Calvin     Angie      Anissa     Ramsey     (none
|                          Chloe      Barbara    Candace                listed)
|                          Gill       Bo         Chase      1 - 2%
|                                     Cain       Craig                 0 - 0%
|                          3 - 6%     Colleen    Jin
|                                     Dakota     Julius
|                                     Dale       Kathy
|                                     Elli       Luke
|                                     Gray       Luna
|                                     Hamilton   Owen
|                                     Hanna      Phoebe
|                                     Hayden     Selena
|                                     Heath      Toby
|                                     Irene
|                                     Jake       13 - 27%
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Ozzie
|                                     Paolo
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     31 - 65%
| - - - - - - - -
| Tomato Risotto                                                        [TOM07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Gill       Angie      Anissa     Paolo      (none
|                                     Bo         Barbara                listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Colleen    Cain       1 - 2%
|                                     Craig      Calvin                0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Dale       Chase
|                                     Hayden     Chloe
|                                     Jake       Elli
|                                     Kathy      Gray
|                                     Maya       Hamilton
|                                     Mira       Hanna
|                                     Owen       Heath
|                                     Perry      Irene
|                                     Ruth       Jin
|                                     Samson     Julius
|                                     Sue        Luke
|                                     Taylor     Luna
|                                     Van        Matt
|                                     Yolanda    Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                     19 - 40%   Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Toby
|                                                27 - 56%
| - - - - - -
| Tomato Soup                                                           [TOM08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Cain       Angie      Craig      (none
|                           listed)   Chloe      Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Yolanda    Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%                Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - -
| Topaz                                                                 [TOP01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Barbara    Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Calvin     Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Chase
|                                     Mira       Colleen
|                                     Owen       Craig
|                                     Phoebe     Dakota
|                                     Renee      Dale
|                                     Selena     Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                     10 - 21%   Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - -
| Tulip                                                                 [TUL01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chloe      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Julius     Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Luke       Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Luna       Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Shelly     Cain
|                                     Taylor     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                     6 - 12%    Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - -
| Tuna                                                                  [TUN01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chase      Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Ozzie      Barbara                listed)
|                                     Paolo      Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Pascal     Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                     Perry      Calvin
|                                     Simon      Candace
|                                     Sue        Chloe
|                                     Toby       Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     8 - 17%    Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                39 - 81%
| - - - - -
| Tuna Rice                                                             [TUN02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Owen       Angie      Anissa     Cain       (none
|                          Ozzie      Barbara    Candace    Colleen     listed)
|                          Paolo      Bo         Irene
|                          Perry      Calvin     Julius     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                          Ramsey     Chase      Kathy
|                          Toby       Chloe      Luna
|                                     Craig      Samson
|                          6 - 12%    Dakota
|                                     Dale       7 - 15%
|                                     Elli
|                                     Gill
|                                     Gray
|                                     Hamilton
|                                     Hanna
|                                     Hayden
|                                     Heath
|                                     Jake
|                                     Jin
|                                     Luke
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Phoebe
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Selena
|                                     Shelly
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     33 - 69%
| - - - - - - - -
| Turnip (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - -
| Turnip (Good): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - -
| Turnip (Perfect)                                                      [TUR03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Anissa     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Ramsey     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Shelly     Bo
|                          0 - 0%                Cain       0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Turnip (Shining)                                                      [TUR04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Cain        listed)    listed)
|                                     Bo         Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Chase
|                                     Dale       Colleen
|                                     Elli       Craig
|                                     Gray       Gill
|                                     Hayden     Hamilton
|                                     Heath      Hanna
|                                     Matt       Irene
|                                     Mira       Jake
|                                     Ozzie      Jin
|                                     Paolo      Julius
|                                     Pascal     Kathy
|                                     Ramsey     Luke
|                                     Samson     Luna
|                                     Shelly     Maya
|                                     Sue        Owen
|                                     Van        Perry
|                                     Yolanda    Phoebe
|                                                Renee
|                                     21 - 44%   Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                27 - 56%
| - - - - - - - -
| Vegetable Juice                                                       [VEG01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Barbara    Anissa     Cain       Angie      Chloe
|                          Bo         Candace    Calvin     Colleen    Dakota
|                                     Craig      Chase      Heath      Gill
|                          2 - 4%     Elli       Dale       Selena     Jake
|                                     Gray       Hamilton   Shelly     Luna
|                                     Irene      Hanna      Yolanda    Owen
|                                     Jin        Hayden                Ozzie
|                                     Julius     Kathy      6 - 12%    Paolo
|                                     Luke       Matt                  Taylor
|                                     Ramsey     Maya
|                                     Ruth       Mira                  9 - 19%
|                                     Toby       Pascal
|                                     Van        Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                     13 - 27%   Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                18 - 38%
| - - - - - - - -
| Vegetable Pizza                                                       [VEG02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hayden     Angie      Anissa     Craig      Paolo
|                          Taylor     Barbara    Calvin     Luke
|                                     Bo         Candace               1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Cain       Gill       2 - 4%
|                                     Chase      Irene
|                                     Chloe      Jin
|                                     Colleen    Julius
|                                     Dakota     Luna
|                                     Dale       Ozzie
|                                     Elli       Phoebe
|                                     Gray       Ramsey
|                                     Hamilton   Selena
|                                     Hanna      Shelly
|                                     Heath      Toby
|                                     Jake
|                                     Kathy      14 - 29%
|                                     Matt
|                                     Maya
|                                     Mira
|                                     Owen
|                                     Pascal
|                                     Perry
|                                     Renee
|                                     Ruth
|                                     Samson
|                                     Simon
|                                     Sue
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     29 - 60%
| - - - - - - - -
| Vegetable Salad                                                       [VEG03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Cain       Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     Craig      Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Chase
|                                     Gill       Chloe
|                                     Hamilton   Colleen
|                                     Hanna      Dale
|                                     Heath      Elli
|                                     Paolo      Gray
|                                     Ruth       Hayden
|                                     Shelly     Irene
|                                     Van        Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                     13 - 27%   Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Vegetable Sandwich                                                    [VEG04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Craig      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                                     Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Cain       Calvin
|                                     Dakota     Candace    0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Gill       Chase
|                                     Hamilton   Chloe
|                                     Hanna      Colleen
|                                     Heath      Dale
|                                     Paolo      Elli
|                                     Ruth       Gray
|                                     Shelly     Hayden
|                                     Taylor     Irene
|                                     Van        Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                     13 - 27%   Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - -
| Very Berry: see Cherry
| - - - - - - - -
| Very Berry Jam: see Blueberry Jam
| - - - - - - - - -
| Very Berry Juice                                                      [VER03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Barbara    (none      (none
|                           listed)   Anissa     Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Chloe      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Colleen    Chase
|                                     Craig      Dale
|                                     Dakota     Gill
|                                     Elli       Hamilton
|                                     Gray       Hanna
|                                     Heath      Hayden
|                                     Jin        Irene
|                                     Luke       Jake
|                                     Matt       Julius
|                                     Mira       Kathy
|                                     Samson     Luna
|                                     Sue        Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                     16 - 33%   Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                32 - 67%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Watermelon (Decent): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - -
| Watermelon (Good): see Apple
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Watermelon (Perfect)                                                  [WAT03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Craig      Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Dale       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Heath      Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Luke       Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Maya       Cain
|                                     Ozzie      Calvin
|                                     Paolo      Candace
|                                     Perry      Chase
|                                     Phoebe     Chloe
|                                     Ramsey     Colleen
|                                     Samson     Dakota
|                                     Sue        Elli
|                                     Taylor     Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                     13 - 27%   Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Watermelon (Shining)                                                  [WAT04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Craig      Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Dale       Chase
|                                     Elli       Colleen
|                                     Gray       Gill
|                                     Hayden     Hamilton
|                                     Heath      Hanna
|                                     Luke       Irene
|                                     Matt       Jake
|                                     Maya       Jin
|                                     Mira       Julius
|                                     Ozzie      Kathy
|                                     Paolo      Luna
|                                     Pascal     Owen
|                                     Perry      Ruth
|                                     Phoebe     Selena
|                                     Ramsey     Simon
|                                     Renee      Toby
|                                     Samson
|                                     Shelly     21 - 44%
|                                     Sue
|                                     Taylor
|                                     Van
|                                     Yolanda
|                                     27 - 56%
| - - - - - -
| Weird Dish                                                            [WEI01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      (none      Angie      Barbara
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Anissa     Cain
|                                                           Bo         Calvin
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Candace    Chase
|                                                           Chloe      Colleen
|                                                           Hamilton   Craig
|                                                           Luke       Dakota
|                                                           Mira       Dale
|                                                           Ramsey     Elli
|                                                           Samson     Gill
|                                                           Shelly     Gray
|                                                           Sue        Hanna
|                                                           Van        Hayden
|                                                                      Heath
|                                                           13 - 27%   Irene
|                                                                      Jake
|                                                                      Jin
|                                                                      Julius
|                                                                      Kathy
|                                                                      Luna
|                                                                      Matt
|                                                                      Maya
|                                                                      Owen
|                                                                      Ozzie
|                                                                      Paolo
|                                                                      Pascal
|                                                                      Perry
|                                                                      Phoebe
|                                                                      Renee
|                                                                      Ruth
|                                                                      Selena
|                                                                      Simon
|                                                                      Taylor
|                                                                      Toby
|                                                                      Yolanda
|                                                                      35 - 73%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Wonderful (Blue)                                                      [WON01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chloe      Angie      Maya       (none
|                           listed)   Phoebe     Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Simon      Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%                Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Wonderful (Green)                                                     [WON02]
|   (also: Wonderful (Purple))                                          [WON03]
|   (also: Wonderful (White))                                           [WON05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chloe      Angie      Maya       (none
|                           listed)   Phoebe     Anissa                 listed)
|                                                Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wonderful (Purple): see Wonderful (Green)
| - - - - - - - -
| Wonderful (Red)                                                       [WON04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Chloe      Angie      Maya       (none
|                           listed)   Phoebe     Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Selena     Barbara    1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%                Bo                    0 - 0%
|                                     3 - 6%     Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Wonderful (White): see Wonderful (Green)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wonderful (Yellow)                                                    [WON06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Barbara    Angie      Maya       (none
|                           listed)   Chloe      Anissa                 listed)
|                                     Phoebe     Bo         1 - 2%
|                          0 - 0%     Renee      Cain                  0 - 0%
|                                                Calvin
|                                     4 - 8%     Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                43 - 90%
| - - - - -
| Wood Fish                                                             [WOO01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Calvin     Anissa     Angie      (none
|                           listed)   Luke       Barbara    Candace     listed)
|                                     Ozzie      Bo         Hamilton
|                          0 - 0%     Paolo      Cain       Julius     0 - 0%
|                                     Pascal     Chase
|                                     Sue        Chloe      4 - 8%
|                                     Toby       Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     7 - 15%    Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                37 - 77%
| - - - - - - -
| Wool (Decent)                                                         [WOO02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      (none      Angie      Samson     (none
|                           listed)    listed)   Anissa     Sue         listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     0 - 0%     Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                46 - 96%
| - - - - - -
| Wool (Good)                                                           [WOO03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Candace    Angie      Samson     (none
|                           listed)              Anissa     Sue         listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - -
| Wool (Perfect)                                                        [WOO04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Samson     (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara    Sue         listed)
|                                     Elli       Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Hanna      Cain       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Luna       Calvin
|                                     Shelly     Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                     6 - 12%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                40 - 83%
| - - - - - - - -
| Wool (Shining)                                                        [WOO05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Candace    Angie      Anissa     Samson     (none
|                          Luna       Elli       Barbara    Sue         listed)
|                                     Gill       Bo
|                          2 - 4%     Hanna      Cain       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Calvin
|                                     Shelly     Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                     6 - 12%    Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                38 - 79%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Blue)                                                      [WOO06]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Elli       Angie      Anissa     Samson     (none
|                                     Candace    Barbara    Sue         listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Hamilton   Bo
|                                     Hanna      Cain       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Calvin
|                                     Luna       Chase
|                                     Mira       Chloe
|                                     Perry      Colleen
|                                     Renee      Craig
|                                     Ruth       Dakota
|                                     Shelly     Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                     11 - 23%   Gray
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Decent)                                                    [WOO07]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Shelly     Angie      Samson     (none
|                           listed)              Anissa     Sue         listed)
|                                     1 - 2%     Barbara
|                          0 - 0%                Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                45 - 94%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Good)                                                      [WOO08]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Candace    Angie      Samson     (none
|                           listed)   Shelly     Anissa     Sue         listed)
|                                                Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     2 - 4%     Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                                Calvin
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Green)                                                     [WOO09]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Samson     (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara    Sue         listed)
|                                     Candace    Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Colleen    Calvin     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Hamilton   Chloe
|                                     Hanna      Craig
|                                     Julius     Dakota
|                                     Luna       Dale
|                                     Matt       Gill
|                                     Renee      Gray
|                                     Shelly     Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                     12 - 25%   Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Perfect)                                                   [WOO10]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Candace    Angie      Samson     (none
|                           listed)   Elli       Anissa     Sue         listed)
|                                     Luna       Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Shelly     Bo         2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                42 - 88%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Purple)                                                    [WOO11]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Samson     (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara    Sue         listed)
|                                     Dakota     Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Cain       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Hamilton   Calvin
|                                     Hanna      Chase
|                                     Irene      Chloe
|                                     Julius     Colleen
|                                     Luna       Craig
|                                     Mira       Dale
|                                     Renee      Gill
|                                     Shelly     Gray
|                                                Hayden
|                                     12 - 25%   Heath
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Red)                                                       [WOO12]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     Samson     (none
|                           listed)   Candace    Barbara    Sue         listed)
|                                     Chloe      Bo
|                          0 - 0%     Elli       Cain       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Hamilton   Calvin
|                                     Hanna      Chase
|                                     Julius     Colleen
|                                     Kathy      Craig
|                                     Luna       Dakota
|                                     Renee      Dale
|                                     Shelly     Gill
|                                     Taylor     Gray
|                                                Hayden
|                                     12 - 25%   Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                34 - 71%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Shining)                                                   [WOO13]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Candace    Angie      Anissa     Samson     (none
|                          Luna       Elli       Barbara    Sue         listed)
|                                     Hamilton   Bo
|                          2 - 4%     Hanna      Cain       2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Julius     Calvin
|                                     Renee      Chase
|                                     Ruth       Chloe
|                                     Shelly     Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                     8 - 17%    Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Yellow)                                                    [WOO14]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Hanna      Angie      Anissa     Samson     (none
|                                     Barbara    Bo         Sue         listed)
|                          1 - 2%     Candace    Cain
|                                     Elli       Calvin     2 - 4%     0 - 0%
|                                     Hamilton   Chase
|                                     Julius     Chloe
|                                     Luna       Colleen
|                                     Renee      Craig
|                                     Shelly     Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                     9 - 19%    Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hayden
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Matt
|                                                Maya
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Selena
|                                                Simon
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                36 - 75%
| - - - - - - -
| Yam (Decent): see Cabbage (Good)
| - - - - - -
| Yam (Good): see Cabbage (Good)
| - - - - - - -
| Yam (Perfect)                                                         [YAM03]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Hayden     Angie      (none      (none
|                           listed)   Matt       Anissa      listed)    listed)
|                                     Maya       Barbara
|                          0 - 0%     Simon      Bo         0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                                Cain
|                                     4 - 8%     Calvin
|                                                Candace
|                                                Chase
|                                                Chloe
|                                                Colleen
|                                                Craig
|                                                Dakota
|                                                Dale
|                                                Elli
|                                                Gill
|                                                Gray
|                                                Hamilton
|                                                Hanna
|                                                Heath
|                                                Irene
|                                                Jake
|                                                Jin
|                                                Julius
|                                                Kathy
|                                                Luke
|                                                Luna
|                                                Mira
|                                                Owen
|                                                Ozzie
|                                                Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                                Perry
|                                                Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Ruth
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Sue
|                                                Taylor
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                44 - 92%
| - - - - - - -
| Yam (Shining)                                                         [YAM04]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          (none      Angie      Anissa     (none      (none
|                           listed)   Bo         Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Cain
|                          0 - 0%     Dakota     Calvin     0 - 0%     0 - 0%
|                                     Dale       Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Gray       Colleen
|                                     Hayden     Craig
|                                     Heath      Gill
|                                     Matt       Hamilton
|                                     Maya       Hanna
|                                     Mira       Irene
|                                     Ozzie      Jake
|                                     Paolo      Jin
|                                     Pascal     Julius
|                                     Ramsey     Kathy
|                                     Renee      Luke
|                                     Samson     Luna
|                                     Shelly     Owen
|                                     Simon      Perry
|                                     Sue        Phoebe
|                                     Van        Ruth
|                                     Yolanda    Selena
|                                                Taylor
|                                     23 - 48%   Toby
|                                                25 - 52%
| - - - - - - -
| Yam Cocktail                                                          [YAM05]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Owen       Cain       Angie      Anissa     Hamilton
|                                     Calvin     Barbara    Candace    Taylor
|                          1 - 2%     Craig      Bo         Chloe
|                                     Dale       Chase      Gill       2 - 4%
|                                     Hayden     Colleen    Hanna
|                                     Jake       Dakota     Heath
|                                     Kathy      Elli       Jin
|                                     Luke       Gray       Luna
|                                     Maya       Irene      Matt
|                                     Mira       Julius     Paolo
|                                     Ozzie      Phoebe     Perry
|                                     Pascal     Renee      Shelly
|                                     Ramsey     Ruth       Toby
|                                     Samson     Simon      Van
|                                     Selena     Yolanda
|                                     Sue                   14 - 29%
|                                                15 - 31%
|                                     16 - 33%
| - - - - - -
| Yellow Tail: see Goby
| - - - -
| Yogurt                                                                [YOG01]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Anissa     Angie      Barbara    Luke       Craig
|                                     Cain       Bo
|                          1 - 2%     Colleen    Calvin     1 - 2%     1 - 2%
|                                     Dakota     Candace
|                                     Elli       Chase
|                                     Hanna      Chloe
|                                     Heath      Dale
|                                     Irene      Gill
|                                     Jake       Gray
|                                     Julius     Hamilton
|                                     Matt       Hayden
|                                     Maya       Jin
|                                     Perry      Kathy
|                                     Ruth       Luna
|                                     Simon      Mira
|                                     Sue        Owen
|                                     Taylor     Ozzie
|                                     Yolanda    Paolo
|                                                Pascal
|                                     18 - 38%   Phoebe
|                                                Ramsey
|                                                Renee
|                                                Samson
|                                                Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                                Toby
|                                                Van
|                                                27 - 56%
| - - - - - - -
| Yogurt Drink                                                          [YOG02]
|                          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
|                          Anissa     Angie      Barbara    Luke       Craig
|                          Gray       Bo         Calvin     Van
|                                     Cain       Candace               1 - 2%
|                          2 - 4%     Chloe      Chase      2 - 4%
|                                     Colleen    Dale
|                                     Dakota     Gill
|                                     Elli       Hamilton
|                                     Hanna      Hayden
|                                     Heath      Irene
|                                     Jake       Julius
|                                     Jin        Kathy
|                                     Matt       Luna
|                                     Maya       Owen
|                                     Mira       Ozzie
|                                     Paolo      Pascal
|                                     Perry      Phoebe
|                                     Samson     Ramsey
|                                     Simon      Renee
|                                     Sue        Ruth
|                                     Taylor     Selena
|                                                Shelly
|                                     20 - 42%   Toby
|                                                Yolanda
|                                                23 - 48%
| \___________________________________________________________________________

   \ \  \ \__________________________________________________________/ /  / /
    \ \  \|                                                          |/  / /
     \ \  |                  Gift Preference Rankings                |  / /
      \ \ |                                                          | / /
       \ \|     "We make a living by what we get, but we make a      |/ /
        \ |         life by what we give." -Winston Churchill        | /
         \|    ______________________________________________________|/
 _________|   |
|  ___________|
| /
|/This section might not be that interesting to the majority of readers, but I
| find it pretty interesting. Below are rankings for both gifts and villagers
| in six different categories.
| For items, they're ranked by how many villagers 'love', 'like', 'dislike' and
| 'hate' that gift. They're also ranked by how many villagers 'favor' and
| 'disfavor' that gift - 'favor' is the sum of villagers that 'love' and 'like'
| that item, while 'disfavor' is the sum of villagers that 'dislike' and 'hate'
| that item.
| For villagers, they're ranked by how many items that villager 'loves',
| 'likes', 'dislikes' and 'hates'. Again, 'favors' is the sum of 'loves' and
| 'likes', while 'disfavors' is the sum of 'dislikes' and 'hates'.
| \___________________________________________________________________________
|                                                                             |
| By Villager Rankings                                                        |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By Numbers
| Most 'Loved' Items       Most 'Liked' Items       Most 'Favored' Items
| Ozzie           19       Sue            220       Sue            232
| Owen            16       Angie          216       Angie          220
| Perry           16       Paolo          206       Paolo          218
| Renee           15       Mira           197       Dakota         205
| Chloe           15       Dakota         193       Mira           203
| Luna            14       Elli           191       Elli           202
| Calvin          13       Pascal         188       Yolanda        197
| Paolo           12       Yolanda        188       Pascal         195
| Dakota          12       Heath          187       Chloe          195
| Sue             12       Matt           180       Heath          194
| Samson          12       Chloe          180       Matt           191
| Toby            12       Shelly         179       Samson         188
| Bo              11       Samson         176       Shelly         187
| Kathy           11       Van            175       Van            183
| Anissa          11       Maya           164       Ozzie          179
| Matt            11       Ozzie          160       Maya           175
| Maya            11       Colleen        151       Colleen        158
| Elli            11       Ruth           150       Jake           157
| Taylor          11       Jake           147       Ruth           155
| Jake            10       Barbara        146       Barbara        155
| Luke            10       Hanna          143       Perry          153
| Dale             9       Simon          143       Renee          151
| Yolanda          9       Bo             139       Hanna          151
| Hamilton         9       Perry          137       Bo             150
| Candace          9       Renee          136       Simon          147
| Selena           9       Taylor         135       Taylor         146
| Craig            9       Chase          128       Toby           137
| Barbara          9       Toby           125       Chase          137
| Julius           9       Irene          124       Hamilton       132
| Chase            9       Hamilton       123       Irene          131
| Shelly           8       Julius         119       Julius         128
| Hayden           8       Dale           117       Dale           126
| Hanna            8       Hayden         114       Hayden         122
| Van              8       Gray           114       Gray           121
| Jin              8       Craig           97       Luna           110
| Ramsey           7       Luna            96       Craig          106
| Heath            7       Calvin          92       Calvin         105
| Pascal           7       Luke            91       Luke           101
| Irene            7       Ramsey          89       Ramsey          96
| Colleen          7       Selena          78       Owen            88
| Gray             7       Cain            76       Selena          87
| Phoebe           6       Gill            72       Anissa          83
| Mira             6       Anissa          72       Cain            81
| Ruth             5       Owen            72       Candace         79
| Cain             5       Candace         70       Kathy           78
| Gill             5       Jin             70       Jin             78
| Angie            4       Phoebe          67       Gill            77
| Simon            4       Kathy           67       Phoebe          73
| Most 'Disliked' Items    Most 'Hated' Items       Most 'Disfavored' Items
| Hayden          52       Julius          23       Selena          63
| Selena          51       Paolo           22       Hayden          57
| Angie           44       Chloe           20       Owen            54
| Owen            42       Ruth            18       Paolo           52
| Van             41       Craig           18       Craig           52
| Sue             37       Ozzie           16       Julius          52
| Samson          36       Kathy           16       Angie           48
| Luke            35       Taylor          16       Ramsey          47
| Ramsey          35       Barbara         16       Dale            46
| Craig           34       Toby            15       Luke            46
| Dale            32       Simon           15       Matt            45
| Luna            31       Perry           15       Luna            43
| Shelly          31       Dale            14       Chloe           43
| Matt            31       Irene           14       Shelly          42
| Jin             31       Matt            14       Sue             41
| Paolo           30       Luna            12       Van             41
| Candace         30       Ramsey          12       Samson          40
| Julius          29       Gill            12       Jin             39
| Colleen         27       Owen            12       Perry           38
| Maya            24       Selena          12       Ruth            37
| Anissa          23       Shelly          11       Colleen         37
| Perry           23       Dakota          11       Taylor          36
| Chloe           23       Bo              11       Candace         34
| Chase           23       Luke            11       Chase           34
| Taylor          20       Gray            11       Ozzie           33
| Ruth            19       Chase           11       Anissa          32
| Bo              19       Jake            10       Maya            32
| Mira            19       Phoebe          10       Toby            31
| Gray            19       Colleen         10       Bo              30
| Jake            17       Elli            10       Gray            30
| Dakota          17       Cain             9       Dakota          28
| Ozzie           17       Anissa           9       Gill            28
| Heath           16       Yolanda          9       Kathy           28
| Gill            16       Heath            8       Jake            27
| Toby            16       Pascal           8       Irene           27
| Phoebe          15       Maya             8       Phoebe          25
| Pascal          15       Hanna            8       Elli            25
| Elli            15       Jin              8       Simon           25
| Yolanda         14       Hamilton         7       Heath           24
| Cain            13       Calvin           7       Pascal          23
| Irene           13       Renee            6       Yolanda         23
| Hanna           13       Hayden           5       Barbara         23
| Calvin          13       Angie            4       Cain            22
| Kathy           12       Sue              4       Hanna           21
| Hamilton        12       Samson           4       Calvin          20
| Simon           10       Candace          4       Hamilton        19
| Barbara          7       Mira             0       Mira            19
| Renee            5       Van              0       Renee           11
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By Percentages
| Most 'Loved' Items       Most 'Liked' Items       Most 'Favored' Items
| Ozzie            4%      Sue             41%      Sue             43%
| Owen             3%      Angie           40%      Angie           41%
| Perry            3%      Paolo           38%      Paolo           40%
| Renee            3%      Mira            36%      Dakota          38%
| Chloe            3%      Dakota          36%      Mira            38%
| Luna             3%      Elli            35%      Elli            37%
| Calvin           2%      Pascal          35%      Yolanda         36%
| Paolo            2%      Yolanda         35%      Pascal          36%
| Dakota           2%      Heath           35%      Chloe           36%
| Sue              2%      Matt            33%      Heath           36%
| Samson           2%      Chloe           33%      Matt            35%
| Toby             2%      Shelly          33%      Samson          35%
| Bo               2%      Samson          33%      Shelly          35%
| Kathy            2%      Van             32%      Van             34%
| Anissa           2%      Maya            30%      Ozzie           33%
| Matt             2%      Ozzie           30%      Maya            32%
| Maya             2%      Colleen         28%      Colleen         29%
| Elli             2%      Ruth            28%      Jake            29%
| Taylor           2%      Jake            27%      Ruth            29%
| Jake             2%      Barbara         27%      Barbara         29%
| Luke             2%      Hanna           26%      Perry           28%
| Dale             2%      Simon           26%      Renee           28%
| Yolanda          2%      Bo              26%      Hanna           28%
| Hamilton         2%      Perry           25%      Bo              28%
| Candace          2%      Renee           25%      Simon           27%
| Selena           2%      Taylor          25%      Taylor          27%
| Craig            2%      Chase           24%      Toby            25%
| Barbara          2%      Toby            23%      Chase           25%
| Julius           2%      Irene           23%      Hamilton        24%
| Chase            2%      Hamilton        23%      Irene           24%
| Shelly           1%      Julius          22%      Julius          24%
| Hayden           1%      Dale            22%      Dale            23%
| Hanna            1%      Hayden          21%      Hayden          23%
| Van              1%      Gray            21%      Gray            22%
| Jin              1%      Craig           18%      Luna            20%
| Ramsey           1%      Luna            18%      Craig           20%
| Heath            1%      Calvin          17%      Calvin          19%
| Pascal           1%      Luke            17%      Luke            19%
| Irene            1%      Ramsey          16%      Ramsey          18%
| Colleen          1%      Selena          14%      Owen            16%
| Gray             1%      Cain            14%      Selena          16%
| Phoebe           1%      Gill            13%      Anissa          15%
| Mira             1%      Anissa          13%      Cain            15%
| Ruth             1%      Owen            13%      Candace         15%
| Cain             1%      Candace         13%      Kathy           14%
| Gill             1%      Jin             13%      Jin             14%
| Angie            1%      Phoebe          12%      Gill            14%
| Simon            1%      Kathy           12%      Phoebe          14%
| Most 'Disliked' Items    Most 'Hated' Items       Most 'Disfavored' Items
| Hayden          10%      Julius           4%      Selena          12%
| Selena           9%      Paolo            4%      Hayden          11%
| Angie            8%      Chloe            4%      Owen            10%
| Owen             8%      Ruth             3%      Paolo           10%
| Van              8%      Craig            3%      Craig           10%
| Sue              7%      Ozzie            3%      Julius          10%
| Samson           7%      Kathy            3%      Angie            9%
| Luke             6%      Taylor           3%      Ramsey           9%
| Ramsey           6%      Barbara          3%      Dale             9%
| Craig            6%      Toby             3%      Luke             9%
| Dale             6%      Simon            3%      Matt             8%
| Luna             6%      Perry            3%      Luna             8%
| Shelly           6%      Dale             3%      Chloe            8%
| Matt             6%      Irene            3%      Shelly           8%
| Jin              6%      Matt             3%      Sue              8%
| Paolo            6%      Luna             2%      Van              8%
| Candace          6%      Ramsey           2%      Samson           7%
| Julius           5%      Gill             2%      Jin              7%
| Colleen          5%      Owen             2%      Perry            7%
| Maya             4%      Selena           2%      Ruth             7%
| Anissa           4%      Shelly           2%      Colleen          7%
| Perry            4%      Dakota           2%      Taylor           7%
| Chloe            4%      Bo               2%      Candace          6%
| Chase            4%      Luke             2%      Chase            6%
| Taylor           4%      Gray             2%      Ozzie            6%
| Ruth             4%      Chase            2%      Anissa           6%
| Bo               4%      Jake             2%      Maya             6%
| Mira             4%      Phoebe           2%      Toby             6%
| Gray             4%      Colleen          2%      Bo               6%
| Jake             3%      Elli             2%      Gray             6%
| Dakota           3%      Cain             2%      Dakota           5%
| Ozzie            3%      Anissa           2%      Gill             5%
| Heath            3%      Yolanda          2%      Kathy            5%
| Gill             3%      Heath            1%      Jake             5%
| Toby             3%      Pascal           1%      Irene            5%
| Phoebe           3%      Maya             1%      Phoebe           5%
| Pascal           3%      Hanna            1%      Elli             5%
| Elli             3%      Jin              1%      Simon            5%
| Yolanda          3%      Hamilton         1%      Heath            4%
| Cain             2%      Calvin           1%      Pascal           4%
| Irene            2%      Renee            1%      Yolanda          4%
| Hanna            2%      Hayden           1%      Barbara          4%
| Calvin           2%      Angie            1%      Cain             4%
| Kathy            2%      Sue              1%      Hanna            4%
| Hamilton         2%      Samson           1%      Calvin           4%
| Simon            2%      Candace          1%      Hamilton         4%
| Barbara          1%      Mira             0%      Mira             4%
| Renee            1%      Van              0%      Renee            2%
| \___________________________________________________________________________
|                                                                             |
| By Gift Rankings                                                            |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By Numbers
| Most-Loved Items          Most-Liked Items          Most-Favored Items
| Shining Baumkuchen    48  Butter (Cow) (Shining)46  Shining Baumkuchen    48
| Sushi (Shining)        9  Butter (Goat) (Shi... 46  Cheese (Goat) (Shi... 46
| Herb Fish (Shining)    9  Cheese (Goat) (Shi... 44  Butter (Cow) (Shining)46
| Bouillabaisse (Shi...  6  Cheese (Cow) (Shining)42  Butter (Goat) (Shi... 46
| Orange Cake            6  Egg (Duck) (Shining)  41  Cheese (Cow) (Shining)45
| Tuna Rice              6  Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... 41  Egg (Duck) (Shining)  42
| Chirashi Sushi         6  Milk (Cow) (Shining)  40  Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... 42
| Southern Omelet        6  Egg (Chicken) (Shi... 40  Milk (Cow) (Shining)  41
| Fish Meuniere (Shi...  6  Milk (Goat) (Shining) 40  Conger Eel Rice       41
| Tempura Buckwheat ...  6  Seafood Fried Rice    39  Egg (Chicken) (Shi... 41
| Orange Pie             6  Cheese (Goat) (Per... 39  Milk (Goat) (Shining) 41
| Chestnut Pie           5  Conger Eel Rice       39  Seafood Fried Rice    40
| Chocolate Banana       5  Butter (Cow) (Perfect)39  Salmon Fried Rice     40
| Omelet Rice            5  Butter (Goat) (Per... 39  Eel Bowl              40
| Seafood Stew           5  Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)39  Cheese (Goat) (Per... 39
| Herbal Tea             5  Salmon Fried Rice     37  Tuna Rice             39
| Bamboo Rice            5  Fried Rice            36  Butter (Cow) (Perfect)39
| Mont Blanc Cake        4  Herb Fish (Perfect)   36  Butter (Goat) (Per... 39
| Seafood Doria          4  Eel Bowl              36  Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)39
| Spinach Risotto        4  Milk (Goat) (Perfect) 35  Herb Fish (Shining)   38
| Rice Cocktail          4  Egg (Ostrich) (Per... 35  Omelet Rice           37
| Seafood Pizza          4  Bouillabaisse (Per... 35  Seafood Stew          37
| Perfume (Red)          4  Egg (Chicken) (Per... 34  Herb Fish (Perfect)   37
| Orange Cookie          4  Salmon Cream Stew     34  Bouillabaisse (Shi... 36
| Spinach Cake           4  Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  34  Fried Rice            36
| Ratatouille            4  Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  33  Steamed Egg           36
| Chocolate Cake         4  Tuna Rice             33  Salmon Cream Stew     36
| Chocolate Pie          4  Fish Meuniere (Per... 33  Milk (Goat) (Perfect) 35
| Southern Fried Rice    4  Mayonnaise (Shining)  32  Sushi (Shining)       35
| Apple Pie              4  Squid Tomato Stew     32  Egg (Ostrich) (Per... 35
| Sashimi (Shining)      4  Omelet Rice           32  Bouillabaisse (Per... 35
| Strawberry Milk        4  Sushi (Perfect)       32  Chirashi Sushi        35
| Pickled Eggplant       4  Seafood Stew          32  Squid Tomato Stew     34
| Baked Potato           4  Steamed Egg           32  Tomato Omelet         34
| Steamed Egg            4  Tomato Omelet         31  Egg (Chicken) (Per... 34
| Spicy Seafood Soup     4  Stew                  31  Fish Meuniere (Shi... 34
| Herb Bread             4  Bouillabaisse (Shi... 30  Cheese Omelet         34
| Pickled Cabbage        4  Seafood Gratin        30  Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  34
| Eel Bowl               4  Sauteed Clam          30  Seafood Doria         33
| Pumpkin Pie            4  Plain Omelet          30  Mayonnaise (Shining)  33
| Cheese Omelet          4  Saury Tomato Stew     30  Seafood Pizza         33
| Pumpkin Cake           4  Sardine Tomato Stew   30  Egg (Duck) (Perfect)  33
| Pontata Root           3  Herb Cookie           30  Southern Fried Rice   33
| French Fries           3  Sashimi (Perfect)     30  Sashimi (Shining)     33
| B. Noodles with Egg    3  Cheese Omelet         30  Saury Tomato Stew     33
| Perfume (Shining)      3  Seafood Doria         29  Sardine Tomato Stew   33
| Spicy Stew             3  Mushroom Gratin       29  Southern Omelet       33
| Marinated Fish (Sh...  3  Seafood Pizza         29  Fish Meuniere (Per... 33
| Pumpkin Pudding        3  Strawberry (Shining)  29  Seafood Gratin        32
| Orange Juice           3  Potato Gratin         29  Stew                  32
| Tomato Omelet          3  Southern Fried Rice   29  Sushi (Perfect)       32
| Most-Disliked Items       Most-Hated Items          Most-Disfavored Items
| Fodder                37  Failed Soup           38  Failed Soup           48
| Feed                  36  Swim Shorts           36  Failed Dish           48
| Ore (Copper)          31  Weird Dish            35  Weird Dish            48
| Ore (Iron)            30  Empty Can             34  Algae                 47
| Iron                  30  Rubber Boot           34  Bamboo Shoot (Shining)47
| Copper                30  Failed Dish           32  Empty Can             46
| Bamboo Shoot          28  Algae                 31  Rubber Boot           46
| Ore (Silver)          26  Bamboo Shoot (Shining)29  Swim Shorts           46
| Silver                25  Scrap Iron            21  Scrap Iron            45
| Ore (Gold)            25  Toadstool             21  Toadstool             43
| Gold                  24  Bamboo Shoot          12  Bamboo Shoot          40
| Scrap Iron            24  Vegetable Juice        9  Fodder                40
| Toadstool             22  Spicy Stew             6  Feed                  39
| Limestone             21  Spicy Seafood Soup     6  Ore (Copper)          31
| Bamboo Shoot (Shining)18  Sauteed Mushroom       5  Ore (Iron)            31
| Algae                 16  Sauteed Clam           4  Iron                  30
| Failed Dish           16  Kimchi                 4  Copper                30
| Rice Cocktail         15  Coconut Cocktail       4  Ore (Silver)          27
| Yam Cocktail          14  Carrot Juice           3  Silver                26
| Buckwheat Cocktail    14  Seafood Gratin         3  Ore (Gold)            25
| Grape Cocktail        13  Mushroom Rice          3  Gold                  24
| Weird Dish            13  Mushroom               3  Limestone             21
| Coconut Cocktail      13  Cheese Risotto         3  Rice Cocktail         17
| Apple Cocktail        13  Marinated Mushrooms    3  Coconut Cocktail      17
| Empty Can             12  Buckwheat Cocktail     3  Buckwheat Cocktail    17
| Rubber Boot           12  Fodder                 3  Yam Cocktail          16
| Blueberry Cocktail    12  Feed                   3  Vegetable Juice       15
| Failed Soup           10  Chocolate Pudding      3  Grape Cocktail        14
| Rare Metal            10  Stay Awake             2  Apple Cocktail        14
| Swim Shorts           10  Rice Cocktail          2  Blueberry Cocktail    14
| Stay Awake             9  Mushroom Gratin        2  Stay Awake            11
| Super Stay Awake       9  Super Stay Awake       2  Super Stay Awake      11
| Bodigizer XL           7  Grilled Sea Urchin     2  Rare Metal            10
| Bodigizer              7  Pumpkin Pudding        2  Bodigizer XL           8
| Chocolate Bar          7  Chocolate Pie          2  Bodigizer              8
| Chocolate Fondue       7  Cheese Fondue          2  Chocolate Banana       8
| Perfume (Red)          6  Southern Fried Rice    2  Chocolate Bar          8
| Vegetable Juice        6  Yam Cocktail           2  Spicy Seafood Soup     8
| Cold Medicine          6  Bell Pepper (Shining)  2  Chocolate Fondue       8
| Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 6  Chocolate Banana       2  Perfume (Red)          7
| Chocolate Banana       6  Banana Pudding         2  Spicy Stew             7
| Spicy Pepper (Shining) 6  Octopus                2  Cold Medicine          7
| Spicy Pepper (Good)    6  Pudding                2  Kimchi                 7
| Perfume (Decent)       5  Marinated Fish (De...  2  Perfume (Decent)       6
| Cocoa (Decent)         5  Bell Pepper (Good)     2  Perfume (Yellow)       6
| Perfume (Yellow)       5  Cheesecake             2  Perfume (Blue)         6
| Cocoa (Perfect)        5  Grilled Squid          2  Perfume (Shining)      6
| Spicy Pepper (Decent)  5  Sauteed Spinach        2  Perfume (Purple)       6
| Perfume (Blue)         5  Baked Potato           2  Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 6
| Perfume (Shining)      5  Doria                  2  Cheesecake             6
| Perfume (Purple)       5  Bell Pepper (Decent)   2  Spicy Pepper (Shining) 6
|\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By Percentages
| Most-Loved Items          Most-Liked Items          Most-Favored Items
| Shining Baumkuchen  100%  Butter (Cow) (Sh...  96%  Shining Baumkuchen  100%
| Sushi (Shining)      19%  Butter (Goat) (S...  96%  Cheese (Goat) (S...  96%
| Herb Fish (Shining)  19%  Cheese (Goat) (S...  92%  Butter (Cow) (Sh...  96%
| Bouillabaisse (S...  12%  Cheese (Cow) (Sh...  88%  Butter (Goat) (S...  96%
| Orange Cake          12%  Egg (Duck) (Shining) 85%  Cheese (Cow) (Sh...  94%
| Tuna Rice            12%  Egg (Ostrich) (S...  85%  Egg (Duck) (Shining) 88%
| Chirashi Sushi       12%  Milk (Cow) (Shining) 83%  Egg (Ostrich) (S...  88%
| Southern Omelet      12%  Egg (Chicken) (S...  83%  Milk (Cow) (Shining) 85%
| Fish Meuniere (S...  12%  Milk (Goat) (Shi...  83%  Conger Eel Rice      85%
| Tempura Buckwhea...  12%  Seafood Fried Rice   81%  Egg (Chicken) (S...  85%
| Orange Pie           12%  Cheese (Goat) (P...  81%  Milk (Goat) (Shi...  85%
| Chestnut Pie         10%  Conger Eel Rice      81%  Seafood Fried Rice   83%
| Chocolate Banana     10%  Butter (Cow) (Pe...  81%  Salmon Fried Rice    83%
| Omelet Rice          10%  Butter (Goat) (P...  81%  Eel Bowl             83%
| Seafood Stew         10%  Cheese (Cow) (Pe...  81%  Cheese (Goat) (P...  81%
| Herbal Tea           10%  Salmon Fried Rice    77%  Tuna Rice            81%
| Bamboo Rice          10%  Fried Rice           75%  Butter (Cow) (Pe...  81%
| Mont Blanc Cake       8%  Herb Fish (Perfect)  75%  Butter (Goat) (P...  81%
| Seafood Doria         8%  Eel Bowl             75%  Cheese (Cow) (Pe...  81%
| Spinach Risotto       8%  Milk (Goat) (Per...  73%  Herb Fish (Shining)  79%
| Rice Cocktail         8%  Egg (Ostrich) (P...  73%  Omelet Rice          77%
| Seafood Pizza         8%  Bouillabaisse (P...  73%  Seafood Stew         77%
| Perfume (Red)         8%  Egg (Chicken) (P...  71%  Herb Fish (Perfect)  77%
| Orange Cookie         8%  Salmon Cream Stew    71%  Bouillabaisse (S...  75%
| Spinach Cake          8%  Milk (Cow) (Perfect) 71%  Fried Rice           75%
| Ratatouille           8%  Egg (Duck) (Perfect) 69%  Steamed Egg          75%
| Chocolate Cake        8%  Tuna Rice            69%  Salmon Cream Stew    75%
| Chocolate Pie         8%  Fish Meuniere (P...  69%  Milk (Goat) (Per...  73%
| Southern Fried Rice   8%  Mayonnaise (Shining) 67%  Sushi (Shining)      73%
| Apple Pie             8%  Squid Tomato Stew    67%  Egg (Ostrich) (P...  73%
| Sashimi (Shining)     8%  Omelet Rice          67%  Bouillabaisse (P...  73%
| Strawberry Milk       8%  Sushi (Perfect)      67%  Chirashi Sushi       73%
| Pickled Eggplant      8%  Seafood Stew         67%  Squid Tomato Stew    71%
| Baked Potato          8%  Steamed Egg          67%  Tomato Omelet        71%
| Steamed Egg           8%  Tomato Omelet        65%  Egg (Chicken) (P...  71%
| Spicy Seafood Soup    8%  Stew                 65%  Fish Meuniere (S...  71%
| Herb Bread            8%  Bouillabaisse (S...  62%  Cheese Omelet        71%
| Pickled Cabbage       8%  Seafood Gratin       62%  Milk (Cow) (Perfect) 71%
| Eel Bowl              8%  Sauteed Clam         62%  Seafood Doria        69%
| Pumpkin Pie           8%  Plain Omelet         62%  Mayonnaise (Shining) 69%
| Cheese Omelet         8%  Saury Tomato Stew    62%  Seafood Pizza        69%
| Pumpkin Cake          8%  Sardine Tomato Stew  62%  Egg (Duck) (Perfect) 69%
| Pontata Root          6%  Herb Cookie          62%  Southern Fried Rice  69%
| French Fries          6%  Sashimi (Perfect)    62%  Sashimi (Shining)    69%
| B. Noodles with Egg   6%  Cheese Omelet        62%  Saury Tomato Stew    69%
| Perfume (Shining)     6%  Seafood Doria        60%  Sardine Tomato Stew  69%
| Spicy Stew            6%  Mushroom Gratin      60%  Southern Omelet      69%
| Marinated Fish (...   6%  Seafood Pizza        60%  Fish Meuniere (P...  69%
| Pumpkin Pudding       6%  Strawberry (Shining) 60%  Seafood Gratin       67%
| Orange Juice          6%  Potato Gratin        60%  Stew                 67%
| Tomato Omelet         6%  Southern Fried Rice  60%  Sushi (Perfect)      67%
| Most-Disliked Items       Most-Hated Items          Most-Disfavored Items
| Fodder               77%  Failed Soup          79%  Failed Soup         100%
| Feed                 75%  Swim Shorts          75%  Failed Dish         100%
| Ore (Copper)         65%  Weird Dish           73%  Weird Dish          100%
| Ore (Iron)           62%  Empty Can            71%  Algae                98%
| Iron                 62%  Rubber Boot          71%  Bamboo Shoot (Sh...  98%
| Copper               62%  Failed Dish          67%  Empty Can            96%
| Bamboo Shoot         58%  Algae                65%  Rubber Boot          96%
| Ore (Silver)         54%  Bamboo Shoot (Sh...  60%  Swim Shorts          96%
| Silver               52%  Scrap Iron           44%  Scrap Iron           94%
| Ore (Gold)           52%  Toadstool            44%  Toadstool            90%
| Gold                 50%  Bamboo Shoot         25%  Bamboo Shoot         83%
| Scrap Iron           50%  Vegetable Juice      19%  Fodder               83%
| Toadstool            46%  Spicy Stew           12%  Feed                 81%
| Limestone            44%  Spicy Seafood Soup   12%  Ore (Copper)         65%
| Bamboo Shoot (Sh...  38%  Sauteed Mushroom     10%  Ore (Iron)           65%
| Algae                33%  Sauteed Clam          8%  Iron                 62%
| Failed Dish          33%  Kimchi                8%  Copper               62%
| Rice Cocktail        31%  Coconut Cocktail      8%  Ore (Silver)         56%
| Yam Cocktail         29%  Carrot Juice          6%  Silver               54%
| Buckwheat Cocktail   29%  Seafood Gratin        6%  Ore (Gold)           52%
| Grape Cocktail       27%  Mushroom Rice         6%  Gold                 50%
| Weird Dish           27%  Mushroom              6%  Limestone            44%
| Coconut Cocktail     27%  Cheese Risotto        6%  Rice Cocktail        35%
| Apple Cocktail       27%  Marinated Mushrooms   6%  Coconut Cocktail     35%
| Empty Can            25%  Buckwheat Cocktail    6%  Buckwheat Cocktail   35%
| Rubber Boot          25%  Fodder                6%  Yam Cocktail         33%
| Blueberry Cocktail   25%  Feed                  6%  Vegetable Juice      31%
| Failed Soup          21%  Chocolate Pudding     6%  Grape Cocktail       29%
| Rare Metal           21%  Stay Awake            4%  Apple Cocktail       29%
| Swim Shorts          21%  Rice Cocktail         4%  Blueberry Cocktail   29%
| Stay Awake           19%  Mushroom Gratin       4%  Stay Awake           23%
| Super Stay Awake     19%  Super Stay Awake      4%  Super Stay Awake     23%
| Bodigizer XL         15%  Grilled Sea Urchin    4%  Rare Metal           21%
| Bodigizer            15%  Pumpkin Pudding       4%  Bodigizer XL         17%
| Chocolate Bar        15%  Chocolate Pie         4%  Bodigizer            17%
| Chocolate Fondue     15%  Cheese Fondue         4%  Chocolate Banana     17%
| Perfume (Red)        12%  Southern Fried Rice   4%  Chocolate Bar        17%
| Vegetable Juice      12%  Yam Cocktail          4%  Spicy Seafood Soup   17%
| Cold Medicine        12%  Bell Pepper (Shi...   4%  Chocolate Fondue     17%
| Spicy Pepper (Pe...  12%  Chocolate Banana      4%  Perfume (Red)        15%
| Chocolate Banana     12%  Banana Pudding        4%  Spicy Stew           15%
| Spicy Pepper (Sh...  12%  Octopus               4%  Cold Medicine        15%
| Spicy Pepper (Good)  12%  Pudding               4%  Kimchi               15%
| Perfume (Decent)     10%  Marinated Fish (...   4%  Perfume (Decent)     12%
| Cocoa (Decent)       10%  Bell Pepper (Good)    4%  Perfume (Yellow)     12%
| Perfume (Yellow)     10%  Cheesecake            4%  Perfume (Blue)       12%
| Cocoa (Perfect)      10%  Grilled Squid         4%  Perfume (Shining)    12%
| Spicy Pepper (De...  10%  Sauteed Spinach       4%  Perfume (Purple)     12%
| Perfume (Blue)       10%  Baked Potato          4%  Spicy Pepper (Pe...  12%
| Perfume (Shining)    10%  Doria                 4%  Cheesecake           12%
| Perfume (Purple)     10%  Bell Pepper (Decent)  4%  Spicy Pepper (Sh...  12%
| \___________________________________________________________________________

   \ \  \ \__________________________________________________________/ /  / /
    \ \  \|                                                          |/  / /
     \ \  |                Complete Animal Preferences               |  / /
      \ \ |                                                          | / /
       \ \| "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be |/ /
        \ |   judged by the way its animals are treated." -Gandhi    | /
         \|    ______________________________________________________|/
 _________|   |
|  ___________|
| /
|/The ridiculously awesome mister_jmp has undertaken the unenviable task of
| testing a large sample of items on the different animals around the island,
| in order to find some of the best gifts to give each animal. Given that the
| animals don't really give useful feedback on how much they like particular
| gifts, he's been establishing how many friend points you receive with each
| animal for each item.
| In the lists below, each gift he's tested is listed for each animal.
| Alongside each item is the number of affection points you gain from giving
| that animal that item. Remember, the maximum you can gain with a particular
| animal on a given day is 14 points, and a gift with a negative number listed
| will actually hurt your relationship with that animal.
| Gift preferences are the same for all animals within a particular category;
| for example, the 'Dog (Small)' rankings apply to both the dog in the Town
| Square and the dog by the lighthouse.
| _ _ _ _ _ _                           _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bear Cub                              Boar
|    Gift               Gift Bonus         Gift               Gift Bonus
|    Eel                        10         Banana                      8
|    Apple                       8         Blueberry                   8
|    Honey (Decent)              8         Chestnut                    8
|    King Fish                   8         Mushroom                    8
|    Blueberry                   6         Very Berry                  8
|    Catfish                     6         Yam (Perfect)               8
|    Cherry                      6         Apple                       6
|    Grape                       6         Cherry                      6
|    Milk (Cow) (Perfect)        6         Coconut                     6
|    Orange                      6         Grape                       6
|    Very Berry                  6         Milk (Cow) (Perfect)        6
|    Banana                      5         Orange                      6
|    Chestnut                    4         Pineapple                   6
|    Coconut                     4         Honey (Decent)              5
|    Crawfish                    4         Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     4
|    Mushroom                    4         Pontata Root                4
|    Pineapple                   4         Catfish                     2
|    Pontata Root                4         Crawfish                    2
|    Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     2         Eel                         2
|    Herb (Green)                2         Herb (Green)                2
|    Mayonnaise (Perfect)        2         King Fish                   2
|    Saury                       2         Laver Seaweed               2
|    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1         Saury                       2
|    Laver Seaweed               1         Sea Urchin                  2
|    Sea Urchin                  1         Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1
|    Yam (Perfect)               1         Mayonnaise (Perfect)        1
|    Coral                      -1         Coral                      -1
|    Toadstool                  -1         Toadstool                  -1
| _ _ _ _ _ _                           _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cat                                   Dog (Big)
|    Gift               Gift Bonus         Gift               Gift Bonus
|    Saury                       8         Milk (Cow) (Perfect)       10
|    Catfish                     6         Banana                      6
|    Crawfish                    6         Coconut                     6
|    Eel                         6         Pineapple                   6
|    King Fish                   6         Yam (Perfect)               6
|    Milk (Cow) (Perfect)        6         Blueberry                   4
|    Laver Seaweed               5         Coral                       4
|    Sea Urchin                  5         Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     4
|    Apple                       2         Mushroom                    4
|    Banana                      2         Very Berry                  4
|    Blueberry                   2         Apple                       3
|    Cherry                      2         Catfish                     3
|    Chestnut                    2         Cherry                      3
|    Coconut                     2         Chestnut                    3
|    Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     2         Eel                         3
|    Grape                       2         Grape                       3
|    Herb (Green)                2         King Fish                   3
|    Honey (Decent)              2         Orange                      3
|    Mushroom                    2         Saury                       3
|    Orange                      2         Honey (Decent)              2
|    Pineapple                   2         Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1
|    Very Berry                  2         Laver Seaweed               1
|    Yam (Perfect)               2         Mayonnaise (Perfect)        1
|    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1         Pontata Root               -1
|    Coral                       1         Sea Urchin                 -1
|    Mayonnaise (Perfect)        1         Herb (Green)               -2
|    Pontata Root               -1         Crawfish                   -4
|    Toadstool                  -1         Toadstool                  -4
| _ _ _ _ _ _                           _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dog (Small)                           Monkey
|    Gift               Gift Bonus         Gift               Gift Bonus
|    Milk (Cow) (Perfect)       10         Banana                     10
|    Yam (Perfect)               6         Apple                       8
|    Coral                       4         Coconut                     8
|    Banana                      3         Yam (Perfect)               8
|    Blueberry                   3         Blueberry                   6
|    Coconut                     3         Cherry                      6
|    Mushroom                    3         Chestnut                    6
|    Pineapple                   3         Grape                       6
|    Very Berry                  3         Honey (Decent)              6
|    Apple                       2         Orange                      6
|    Catfish                     2         Pineapple                   6
|    Cherry                      2         Pontata Root                6
|    Chestnut                    2         Sea Urchin                  6
|    Eel                         2         Very Berry                  6
|    Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     2         Mushroom                    5
|    Grape                       2         Catfish                     2
|    Honey (Decent)              2         Coral                       2
|    King Fish                   2         Crawfish                    2
|    Orange                      2         Eel                         2
|    Saury                       2         Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     2
|    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1         Herb (Green)                2
|    Laver Seaweed               1         King Fish                   2
|    Mayonnaise (Perfect)        1         Laver Seaweed               2
|    Sea Urchin                 -1         Mayonnaise (Perfect)        2
|    Herb (Green)               -2         Milk (Cow) (Perfect)        2
|    Toadstool                  -2         Saury                       2
|    Pontata Root               -3         Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1
|    Crawfish                   -4         Toadstool                  -5
| _ _ _ _ _ _                           _ _ _ _ _ _
| Panda                                 Penguin
|    Gift               Gift Bonus         Gift               Gift Bonus
|    Chestnut                    8         Saury                      10
|    Coconut                     8         Catfish                     6
|    Pontata Root                8         Crawfish                    6
|    Apple                       6         Eel                         6
|    Banana                      5         King Fish                   6
|    Blueberry                   5         Sea Urchin                  6
|    Mushroom                    5         Laver Seaweed               5
|    Pineapple                   5         Apple                       1
|    Very Berry                  5         Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1
|    Cherry                      4         Banana                      1
|    Grape                       4         Blueberry                   1
|    Herb (Green)                4         Cherry                      1
|    Orange                      4         Chestnut                    1
|    Yam (Perfect)               4         Coconut                     1
|    Milk (Cow) (Perfect)        3         Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     1
|    Honey (Decent)              2         Grape                       1
|    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1         Herb (Green)                1
|    Catfish                     1         Honey (Decent)              1
|    Crawfish                    1         Milk (Cow) (Perfect)        1
|    Eel                         1         Mushroom                    1
|    Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     1         Orange                      1
|    King Fish                   1         Pineapple                   1
|    Laver Seaweed               1         Very Berry                  1
|    Mayonnaise (Perfect)        1         Yam (Perfect)               1
|    Saury                       1         Coral                      -1
|    Sea Urchin                  1         Mayonnaise (Perfect)       -1
|    Coral                      -1         Pontata Root               -1
|    Toadstool                  -1         Toadstool                  -1
| _ _ _ _ _ _                           _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rabbit                                Raccoon
|    Gift               Gift Bonus         Gift               Gift Bonus
|    Apple                       8         Apple                       8
|    Blueberry                   8         Chestnut                    8
|    Pontata Root                8         Yam (Perfect)               8
|    Very Berry                  8         Cherry                      6
|    Yam (Perfect)               8         Grape                       6
|    Cherry                      6         Honey (Decent)              6
|    Chestnut                    6         Milk (Cow) (Perfect)        6
|    Grape                       6         Orange                      6
|    Orange                      6         Blueberry                   3
|    Mushroom                    5         Mushroom                    3
|    Banana                      4         Very Berry                  3
|    Coconut                     4         Banana                      2
|    Herb (Green)                4         Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     2
|    Pineapple                   4         Herb (Green)                2
|    Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     2         Mayonnaise (Perfect)        2
|    Honey (Decent)              2         Pontata Root                2
|    Milk (Cow) (Perfect)        2         Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1
|    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1         Catfish                     1
|    Mayonnaise (Perfect)        1         Coconut                     1
|    Catfish                    -1         Crawfish                    1
|    Coral                      -1         Eel                         1
|    Crawfish                   -1         King Fish                   1
|    Eel                        -1         Laver Seaweed               1
|    King Fish                  -1         Pineapple                   1
|    Laver Seaweed              -1         Saury                       1
|    Saury                      -1         Sea Urchin                  1
|    Sea Urchin                 -1         Coral                      -1
|    Toadstool                  -1         Toadstool                  -1
| _ _ _ _ _ _                           _ _ _ _ _ _
| Squirrel                              Turtle
|    Gift               Gift Bonus         Gift               Gift Bonus
|    Blueberry                  10         Crawfish                   10
|    Very Berry                 10         Catfish                     6
|    Cherry                      8         Eel                         6
|    Grape                       8         Saury                       4
|    Orange                      8         King Fish                   2
|    Pontata Root                8         Laver Seaweed               2
|    Yam (Perfect)               8         Apple                       1
|    Apple                       6         Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1
|    Chestnut                    6         Banana                      1
|    Mushroom                    6         Blueberry                   1
|    Banana                      4         Cherry                      1
|    Coconut                     4         Chestnut                    1
|    Herb (Green)                4         Coconut                     1
|    Pineapple                   4         Grape                       1
|    Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     2         Herb (Green)                1
|    Honey (Decent)              2         Honey (Decent)              1
|    Milk (Cow) (Perfect)        2         Mayonnaise (Perfect)        1
|    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1         Mushroom                    1
|    Mayonnaise (Perfect)        1         Orange                      1
|    Catfish                    -1         Pineapple                   1
|    Coral                      -1         Sea Urchin                  1
|    Crawfish                   -1         Very Berry                  1
|    Eel                        -1         Yam (Perfect)               1
|    King Fish                  -1         Coral                      -1
|    Laver Seaweed              -1         Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)    -1
|    Saury                      -1         Milk (Cow) (Perfect)       -1
|    Sea Urchin                 -1         Pontata Root               -1
|    Toadstool                  -1         Toadstool                  -1
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Weasel
|    Gift               Gift Bonus
|    Cherry                      8
|    Grape                       8
|    Orange                      8
|    Pontata Root                8
|    Apple                       6
|    Blueberry                   6
|    Catfish                     6
|    Chestnut                    6
|    Crawfish                    6
|    Eel                         6
|    Herb (Green)                6
|    King Fish                   6
|    Mushroom                    6
|    Saury                       6
|    Very Berry                  6
|    Yam (Perfect)               6
|    Banana                      4
|    Coconut                     4
|    Pineapple                   4
|    Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)     2
|    Honey (Decent)              2
|    Laver Seaweed               2
|    Milk (Cow) (Perfect)        2
|    Sea Urchin                  2
|    Bamboo Shoot (Shining)      1
|    Mayonnaise (Perfect)        1
|    Coral                      -1
|    Toadstool                  -1
| \___________________________________________________________________________

   \ \  \ \__________________________________________________________/ /  / /
    \ \  \|                                                          |/  / /
     \ \  |    The Three C's: Copyright, Credits and Contact Info    |  / /
      \ \ |                                                          | / /
       \ \|    "Only one thing is impossible for God: to find any    |/ /
        \ |  sense in any copyright law on this planet." -Mark Twain | /
         \|________________________________________    ______________|/
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                                                   |  |
                   __________________________[COP]_|  |_____
                   \ \ \ __________________________|  |/ / /
                    \ \ |                             | / /
                     \ \|          Copyright          |/ /
                      \ |                             | /
                       \|   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/This FAQ is the exclusive property of David Joyner, DetroitDJ. All rights
| reserved. This FAQ may be freely distributed on any site, in whole or part,
| as long as this last section remains intact (all three C's). That means no
| changing 'GameFAQs' to any other site name. You know who you are.
| The latest version of this FAQ will ALWAYS be at:
| Other sites are permitted to show this FAQ; however, most do not
| automatically update, and I only update my FAQs on GameFAQs - so, if you
| don't see something, check that URL to see if there's a newer version.
| Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility is copyright 2008 Natsume and Marvelous
| Interactive. All rights reserved.
| \___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________[CRD]_|  |_____
                   \ \ \ __________________________|  |/ / /
                    \ \ |                             | / /
                     \ \|           Credits           |/ /
                      \ |                             | /
                       \|   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/Marvelous Interactive, Natsume and Nintendo, for this game and system.
| CJayC and GameFAQs, for the site.
| God, for everything.
| The following users have contributed to the list of gift preferences:
| mister_jmp, Kmdstoddard, Mizushimo, Musicalgal25, uofdoom, missypearl,
| Drouge87, wonnyluv, AshleyTX, voku0247, Mothership1953, HausKat,
| Kairi_Tsubasa, Shionite, g_knightley, Kaelorian, Nerikia, and Everblue.
| Extra special thanks to mister_jmp, g_knightley, Stormfeather, Mizushimo,
| Shionite and Kaelorian who not only observed gift preferences in their
| regular play, but also actively searched for several preferences. Shionite
| even went as far as resetting her game 47 times just to gather preferences
| on Limestone. Y'all are awesome.
| And extra, extra special thanks to mister_jmp again, who's done as much work
| in data gathering for this (and all my guides) as I have.
| \___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________[CON]_|  |_____
                   \ \ \ __________________________|  |/ / /
                    \ \ |                             | / /
                     \ \|      Contact Information    |/ /
                      \ |                             | /
                       \|   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/GameFAQs ID: DetroitDJ
| E-Mail: [email protected] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  READ THIS!
| AIM: StarsHallelujah                                         |
|                                                              V
| To e-mail me, PLEASE preface your e-mail subject line with [ToT] in
| brackets. I get a lot of spam, so that will help me sort through it and
| find your e-mail. If possible, IM me instead of e-mailing me if you have a
| question, but e-mail me if you have a contribution or correction.
| If you are submitting a tip or correction, please include how you would
| like to be credited. Otherwise I'll credit you by your e-mail address or
| screenname.
| I'd hoped not to have to do this, but I also need to make a disclaimer about
| the type of communication I'll accept. But my old note scared people off, so
| let me make it more succinct.
| I'm more than happy to answer any questions about Harvest Moon: Tree of
| Tranquility, via e-mail or IM. However, please note the
| following:
|  - I am not interested in just chatting about Harvest Moon: Tree of
|    Tranquility. That means, don't ask me who I married, if I've finished the
|    game, how much money I have, etc. And I'm not all that interested in
|    hearing every detail about your farm either. Sorry.
|  - I am not interested in chatting about any other game, nor am I qualified
|    to answer questions about any game except for Harvest Moon: Tree of
|    Tranquility. That means, don't ask me about Spore, Gears of War,
|    Kingdom Hearts, Animal Crossing or Age of Empires. Don't ask me what other
|    video game systems I have. Don't list yours for me. I'm really not
|    interested in hearing about it. Sorry.
|  - If you ask me a question that is clearly stated somewhere in this guide,
|    I'll tell you how to find it. I won't look up the answer for you. I didn't
|    write this guide just so people could scroll to the bottom and find my
|    e-mail address. Don't be afraid to ask, but don't be upset if I respond
|    with a search code.
|  - Please type communicably. I'm not obsessed with proper grammar/spelling,
|    but if I can't understand what you're saying I just won't respond. And
|    this one is just a pet peeve of mine: I have no idea what any of these
|    "smileys" mean: ^^ ^^; -_- >> << <<; >>;; <_> >_< n-n n.n - and I have no
|    desire to know. So don't say anything that's dependent on me understanding
|    what these devilspawn illegitimate children of lolspeak and anime mean.
|  - I am not interested in just chatting. That means, do not send me videos
|    of sneezing pandas. Do not ask me what I look like. Do not ask me what
|    "IMing" is. Do not ask me if I know a good cheat site. Do not send me the
|    "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" video. Do not send me a "Kiwee Emoticon." Do
|    not ask me if I like Naruto. And do NOT write DetroitDJ fanfiction.
|    Seriously, creepy.
| And yes, every single thing I've listed above has actually happened.
| Basically, if you contact me and I don't answer, ask yourself one question:
| Am I asking a question about Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility? If the answer
| is no, then now you know why I'm not responding. If you have a question,
| don't hesitate to ask.
| \___________________________________________________________________________