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Complete Sub-Quests to Earn Rewards for Tales of Arise

Complete Sub-Quests to Earn Rewards

Complete Sub-Quests to Earn Rewards

Sub-Quests in Tales of Arise are basically side quests you can complete to earn useful rewards such as gold, XP, and loot. They are indicated on the Map menu by a letter icon, and they are well worth completing. There is no rush to do Sub-Quests as they are always available, and you can easily fast-travel to previous regions to complete them. You will never know what rewards you will receive from a Sub-Quest, so you should aim to eventually complete them all as some of them will give you rare materials used for crafting weapons.

One Sub-Quest you should complete immediately when you arrive in the Menancia Region is the 'Pharia Ranch' Sub-Quest which you can start by finding and talking to the resting NPC on the Tralida Highway. This Sub-Quest gives you access to the Pharia Ranch, a facility you can use to raise animals for harvesting. This will allow you to earn constant items, and you can manage the farm from literally any camp merchant.

Added By Dennis
Sep 13th 2021, ID#2374| REPORT

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