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Play the Roulette Minigame to Farm Gold cheats for Miitopia

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Play the Roulette Minigame to Farm Gold


The Roulette minigame in Miitopia is accessible through the Inn and requires 1 Game Ticket to play. The prizes you get when you spin the wheel are determined on the color where the Roulette lands. Listed below are the colors and what you can expect to get as a prize if the Roulette lands on them.


- Grub

- Experience


- HP Banana

- MP Candy


- Outing Tickets

- Jolly Jaunt Tickets


- Equipment (Clothing or Weapons)

- HP Banana x10

The actual prizes and EXP you receive from the Roulette minigame are random, but it is important to remember that they are determined by how high your level is. Basically, the higher your level, the more valuable the prizes become. Therefore, it is recommended that you save your Game Tickets for when you reach the later parts of the game in order to win better prizes.

The Yellow Prizes contain the most valuable items in Miitopia, so the best Roulette arrangement is when Yellow takes up most of the Roulette. You can improve your chances of more expensive equipment appearing by having an ally equip their next-to-best equipment and play the Roulette. Equipment that you win from the Roulette can be sold for Gold which makes playing the Roulette minigame a good way to farm Gold.

More tricks, tips and cheats for this game are right here - Miitopia cheats

Added By Dennis
ID#2482 | REPORT..
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