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The Urbz: Sims in the City FAQ/Walkthrough

by Princess of Darkness

The Urbz: Sims in the City
Playstation 2 version
Walkthrough by Princess of Darkness @ Al-Fez


Version Updates

Version 1.0	Main Faq

Version 2.0	Added Preferred Social Moves 
		Reputation Points Summary

Version 3.0	Added Buying and Selling Guide
		Updated Legal Info

Version 4.0	Added Some Useful Tips
		Questions and Answers Section
		Updated Legal Info

Version 5.0	Made some changes to the Tips
	 	Improved to where to obtain 
		Power Socials section

Version 6.0	More questions added
		Updated Legal Info

Version 7.0	Updated some info
		More tips added
		More questions added

Version 8.0	More tips added
		Added some Cheats submitted by user

Version 9.0     Added section on Game Completion



1.0	Legal Stuff
2.0	Introduction
3.0	Getting Started
3.1 	Districts and Apartments
3.2 	Needs
3.3 	Career
3.4	Reputation
3.5	Fashion Sense 
3.6	Socialising
3.7 	The XAM
3.8	Buying and Selling Guide
3.9	Some Useful Tips
4.0	Walkthrough
4.1	Apartments
4.2	The Districts
4.21	Skyline Beach
4.22 	Gasoline Row
4.23	Central Station
4.24	Kicktail Park
4.25	The Foundry
4.26	Neon East
4.27	Cozmo Street
4.28	Diamond Heights
4.29	South Side Bridge
5.0	Items in the Inventory
6.0	Summary
7.0	Credits
8.0 	Questions & Answers 
9.0	Cheats


1.0 Legal Stuff

Ok this is boring stuff but rather important!
This walkthrough is copyright of Al-Fez and only for personal use. 
No part of this FAQ may be reproduced in any form, shape, or 
transmitted, in any ways, or any forms by any means (electronic, 
mechanical, recording, or otherwise) without prior permission from 
the author. This means no copying, no publishing, or any other illegal 

The following sites have permission to use this guide: 

If you wish to post this guide on your site you must e-mail me and be 
granted permission, and you must give credit to me. 

My e-mail: [email protected]


2.0 Intoduction

This is a 100% walkthrough for the game The Urbz: Sims in the City for 

Welcome to my Faq its my first one. Since I'm an amateur, please forgive 
me if I make any mistakes during typing. If you have something I don't 
know (tips, secrets, etc), please e-mail them to me. I'll update it here 
and give you the credit. Please give me logical ones though, since I'll 
be testing and once it's approved, it'll be here for people to read. 
Thanks for reading this faq by the way.

I've been receiving a lot of e-mails from people who find my faq useful.
Thank you very much for appreciating my work. I'll keep on improving my 
faq and hopefully will write another faq during college vacation. *_*
Please continue to send tips and questions if you have any. I'll try 
to answer them as soon as possible.  



3.0 Getting Started

Here are some basics you need to know before playing the game. The main 
purpose of this game is to complete goals and you need to do various 
tasks in order to complete the goals.


3.1 Districts and Apartments

In the Urbz: Sims in the City, there is a total of 9 districts. Each 
district has its own unique style and a set of goals which you must 
complete. Goals include building reputation, socialising with people, 
getting in the VIP room, completing 3 job levels etc. I will 
elaborate later in the walkthrough.

There are also 3 apartments which you will be staying in. You will 
first start with 98th Ave 3rd Floor. Others will be unlocked when you 
gain enough reputation as the game progresses. Just like your own home, 
you get to customise the apartment with decor and furnishings you like. 
There is also a unique pet that comes with each apartment (but you 
need to unlock it). The pet can be annoying as it always dirties the 


3.2 Needs

Just like any Sims game, your Sims have their needs. However in this game 
there are only 5 needs. The needs affect your mood which in turn affects 
your social interaction.

1) Hunger: You need to eat in order to survive. Food at be found in 
refrigerators, vending machines or almost everywhere be it in the 
district or your own apartment. You can even call for pizza if you want. 
If the hunger bar turns Red, then your Sim is hungry. Green is a good sign 
which means your Sims is full.

2) Bladder: You will need to go to the toilet!! The more you eat, the more 
frequent you will need to use the toilet. Every district has its own toilet 
and if you do not go to the toilet in time, your sims will wet themselves. 
Eeekss... you may be fined too!

3) Fun: Everyone needs to have fun even your Sims. So please do fun things 
like dancing to the Stereo or watching TV or watever that is FUN. 

4) Hygiene: Your Sims wants to live in a clean environment including their 
body. So take regular showers, and clean up the mess made by your pet and 
also clean up used plates.

5) Energy: This is important as your Sims need to rest. There is a bed in 
every district so sleep tight when needed. You can also take a nap on a 
sofa or buy an isotonic drink. Remember that if your Sim is too tired, 
he/she may fall asleep on the floor. Bad mood!!!


3.3 Career & Items Needed 

You will need money in this game and getting a job is the only way to get 
money. Simply heed to any Simolian sign found in every district. Each 
district has a unique job. There are 3 levels for each job which you need 
to fulfil. Everytime you complete a job level you will be awarded with a 
social move. 

Jobs start at 4am and closes at 11pm. If you come anytime other than that 
you cannot do the job. One observation is that if you finish your job after
11pm, you will NOT GET PAID! This is confirmed correct. So make sure you
start on your job early.

To progress in job levels 2 and 3, you will need certain skills. They are 
'Artistic','Physical' and 'Mental' skills. To increase your skills (up to 
30), you will need to purchase skill building items which will be unlocked 
as you gain reputation. Each item can increase your skill up to 10 the max. 
To further increase your skill you will need to buy an upgrade from the 
shop. Upgrades can be unlocked as you gain more reputation

Artistic Skill = Schnizzalator
Physical Skill = Exer-cycle
Mental Skill   = Mental Machination Station
						each has 2 upgrades!

Reputation Pts:

45 - Unlocks a new skill building device.
70 - Unlocks a new skill building device.
95 - Unlocks a new skill building device.

75 - Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
110 - Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
150 - Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
200- Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
260 - Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
320 - Unlocks a skill building upgrade.


3.4 Reputation

So much has been mentioned about reputation. So what is it actually. Your 
reputation depends highly on relationship made with other Sims. Sometimes 
you gain reputation from completing goals. Note that reputation is needed 
to enter the VIP room or to unlock other district or aparments. With 
higher reputation, you gain higher rankings and make it easier for you to 

Highest ranking is the Urb Fanatic!!! You'll need a minimum 650 rep 
points with title perfectionist. You'll get this when your relationship
with each Urb is 100. You can also get the Urb Fanatic if you have 100
relationship points with 3 of the Urb characters you can create.
Courtesy of Mistfall. 


3.5 Fashion Sense

Each district has its own style of dressing and you will need to follow it. 
You can purchase clothes from at a clothing shop located in each district. 
The shop will sell clothes according to the District's fashion style. The 
right clothes makes socialising easier and gaining reputation needed to 
enter VIP rooms and unlocking other districts. Any clothes bought will be 
sent to your wardrobe so you can change your style any time you want to. 
In each clothing shop you can customise the head and body. Tatoos and 
piercings can only be found in certain districts.  


3.6 Socialising

You will need to interact and make friends here. In order to socialise, 
simply select the Sim you wish to interact with and pick a social move. 
There are 3 color codes to each move according to your relationship with 
that particular Sim.
Green - Move might work to your advantage
Red - Move may not turn out well
Yellow - Move that might turn out either way

There are different categories of moves:


Ice Breakers

Back Slap
Euro Kiss
Fake Punch
Game On
Head Butt
High Five
Knuckle Up
Party Shout
Snippy Snap

Act Friendly
Air Guitar
Artsy Dance
Blow Flame
Body Bonk
Bust A Move
Compare Phones
Give Back Rub
Pub Song
Skate Trick
Snap Shot
Spit Trick
Join Crew

Act Mean
Firecracker Dance
Hyper Shock
Paparazzi Pop
Sign Language
Tag Face
Throw Signs

Act Romantic
Grab Booty
Lounge Lure
Smoke Trick
Suck Face
Tuck N' Hug 360

Power Socials
BlastiKiss - 	The Foundry
Chug A Lug -	Gasoline Row
Mug -		South Side Beach
Party Bomb -	Skyline Beach
Power Chord -	Cozmo Street
Sk8R TriiQx -	Kicktail Park
Stink Bomb -	Central Station
Strobe -	Neon East
XAMShot -	Diamond heights

courtesy of Elvor


3.7 The XAM

The XAM functions as a PDA or as a cellphone. Press Square button to open it.

Phone: 		Use it to call the other Sims or invite them over to your 
		current location. You can use it to order food, call the Fire 
		Department, the Police or even throw a party.
       		Explore the function

Messages: 	Its like the SMS system where you can receive text messages 
		from your friends.
	  	Darius constantly messages you once you have unlocked a new 
		location. Messages on additional missions will also be sent 
		to you as a reminder.
	  	It can store about 20 latest messages.

Goals: 		This is an important function. View all your goals according 
		to district and apartment. Once you've completed a goal, it 
		will be ticked.

Inventory: 	Use this to view the items your Sims have bought from the 
		shop. Items stored here can be placed anywhere in your 
		apartment and district. Use it also when you want to remove 
		or even sell any of your items. 

Relationships: 	Shows you your progress with each Urbz in the city. A friend 
		is indicated with a positive number while an enemy is marked 
		with a negative number. It is advised to have many friends 
		as they help you gain reputation points and also teach you 
		certain social moves.

Customise: 	Collect different skins and ringtones to customise your XAM 
		to your favourite color and ringtone. 

3.8 Buying and Selling Guide


Here is a guide to how you can go about buying and selling your items in your 

Buying Guide

You can only buy items in the 9 districts. Look for a cash register. That 
symbolises the shop. Take note that not all items are available for
you to use as they will be unlocked as you increase your reputation. 

Once you are in the shop, select any item you wish to purchase and click (X)
The item will be transferred to your inventory in your XAM.
To insert the item to whichever place you like, simply go to your XAM,
select inventory, select the item and then proceed to placing the item.

If you wish to remove the item, go to grab-mode. Enter into your inventory. 
Press square button. Select the item to be removed by pressing (X). Then 
press on the square button. The item will be removed and placed into your 

You are also able to move items in the neighbourhood although you did not buy
them. You can move food and drink machines closer to your job area so they 
can be used easily. However, you are unable to sell them as they are public
property. If you choose to remove them, you can do it but you will not get
any money. Also, you are not allowed to move anything in the VIP rooms!

Selling Guide

Alright, now supposing you do not want the item anymore and you wish to sell.
Simply go to the shop marked by the cash register. Once you are at the shop,
notice that 2 inventories will be opened. On your left is the shop inventory
while to your right is your own inventory (as in which items you have 
purchased from the shop). Move to your inventory by pressing on the circle
button. Automatically, your inventory will become active. Select the item
you wish to sell. Press (X). Item will be sold. To return to the shop's
inventory, press circle button again.

NOTE: The item will be sold AT A CHEAPER PRICE that what you originally
      bought if you have placed it in the game before. SO you make a LOSS!
      Also, take note that items that are originally in the game are 
      considered PUBLIC PROPERTY. You cannot move them to your inventory
      much less try to sell them.

      You also cannot overbuild as you may infringe on some fire safety law.

Removing Walls, Wallpaper and Floortiles

To remove walls, go to your inventory. Press R1 once. Press square. 
To remove wallpaper, press circle instead of square.
To remove floor tiles, press circle twice instead.


3.9 Some Useful Tips

Here is a list of some tips which I think might be useful.

1) Pet pee pee: 

   Okay I know that this is simply annoying but there is a way
   to reduce the mess. Simply select the pet and choose the 
   option: "Follow Me". Amazingly, the pet would not make a 
   mess. Try it.

2) Vending Machine: 
   If you want to get free supply of food and drinks,
   then KICK on the vending machines. Most of the time
   some food item will drop down and you will get free food. 
3) Free Food: 
   There are also other sources of free food. One is the Sushi counter 
   at Neon East. After you've completed your work there, select on the 
   sushi on the table to eat. There are also bars around in the districts. 
   Just go over there, you might be able to get some free drinks. In Cozmo 
   Street do the bar tending shop. Generally the BBQ grill food is also 
   free of charge.

4) Cop Fines: 

   Try not to use the 'gamble' social when the cop is around. I know that 
   the 'gamble' social is a friendly social move in Southside Bridge. 
   However, the cop does not like it. He will Fine you for gambling. 
   Sometimes, he will even fight with you and beat you up. Another thing 
   is peeing in the districts. He will fight and fine you if he sees you. 
   Avoid such a situation if possible.

5) Dumpster Dive: 

   In every district there is a dumpster. Make your Sim dumpster dive 
   there. If you are lucky, you may get a power social. This may take many
   tries for those unlucky and will get your Sim dirty. But it is useful 
   for finding extra power socials instead of going to another district 
   and waiting for the midnight party to come.
   Courtesy of Hash Poppy

6) Fire Safety Code: 

   You can ignore the fire safety code warning and place a shower in each 
   Urbz neighbourhood squat room preferably the the Utili Shower that 
   gives 5 hygiene. Make sure you clean up trash and puddles as they count 
   towards the fire code overload which will cause fire. 
   Courtesy of Will Affleck-Asch

This is something interesting about J.J.

You need to complete level 3 of any of your jobs. Notice that you get to 
control J.J when you are at the job. After you've JUST completed it, you 
can actually socialise with him! Really! Select him and well socialise. 
I did some socialising and he actually changed CLOTHES! From the normal 
light blue outfit that the janitor wears, he changes into a darker blue 
outfit wearing a purple T-shirt inside... something like that. So 
whenever you are at level 3, the J.J. will always wear that new outfit. 
Interestingly, there will be another janitor once J.J. is in his new 


4.0 Walkthrough

In this section, I will elaborate in detail about the different apartments 
and districts and their respective goals. I will also cover the different 
residents in each disrict and how to go about completing your goals.


4.1 Apartments

As mentioned earlier, there are 3 apartments each with its unique goals and 
pets to unlock.They have to be completed in order.

1. 98th Ave, 3rd floor

You will start from this apartment when you play the game. Firstly, you will 
meet Will who introduces you to Darius. He will also teach you how to use 
Power Socials. Here, you will receive $300 cash and a refigerator, a shower 
and a couch all found in your inventory. 
Check you XAM (press square button).

Resident: You and your pet bulldog (after you've unlocked it)

Goals: Add $750 worth of furniture to 98 Ave, 3rd Floor to unlock a pet 
       Add your free furniture and buy a few extra things from the district 
       to unlock your first pet.
       You will receive an acknowledgement once you've completed your goal.

2. Blankwood Towers

To unlock Blankwood Towers, you require 80 reputation points.
You can move your furniture from 98th Ave to this apartment. Simply return 
the furniture to you inventory in your XAM. Select the furniture X button, 
and click on the square button. The object will return to your inventory. 
Then move house.

Note: I've received a lot of questions regarding the wardrobe or secret 
closet in Blankwood Towers. Now please get this info straight. There is
no secret closet if you are using the PS2 version. The secret closet can
only be found in the GameCube version. Please refer to the GameCube faq
for this game if you want to find the closet. This faq is written only
for the PS2 version. 

Resident: You and your pet cat (after you've unlocked it)

Goals: Add $3000 worth of furniture to Blankwood Towers to unlock a pet Cat. 
       Again buy furniture.

3. Darius' Penthouse

To unlock Darius' Penthouse, you will need to defeat all the villians and 
create Darius Secret Machine. Darius will take you to his apartment and 
give you his chain. Its a pretty plush apartment I must say. Check it out 
yourself. You will also gain access to his secret machine which can 
generate lots of $$$ for you! Bling Bling!

Resident: You and your pet Monkey (after you've unlocked it)

Goals: Add $5000 worth of furniture to unlock a pet Monkey.
       Again buy furniture.


4.2 The Districts

There are 9 districts and you can do them in any order. My walkthrough is 
according to the order of the districts I did. 


4.21 Skyline Beach


Residents: S.A. Loco - Involved in Paparazzi Pop mission
	   Lil' Bit - You will get "Bust A Move" from her
	   Ridiculous D.O.G. - Teaches you Rap 
	   Toots Sweet - Gives Anger Management (An Additional Mission)
	   Isis Ice - Teaches you "Back Slap","Sign Language" and "Tag Face" 

Preferred Social Moves: 'Bust a Move'
                        'Grab Booty'
                        'Knuckle Up'
                        'Throw Signs'


* Build enough reputation to unlock Gasoline Row *

  Get 20 reputation pts and you'll be invited to Gasoline Row.

* Get past the Bouncer to enter The Red Room *
  Get 10 reputation pts and you'll learn the Power Social 'Party Bomb' at 
  the midnight party. Change your clothes to enter!

* Beat the Ferret Wrassler job *
  Tame the ferrets. Four buttons will appear on the screen which you must 
  press on your controller. Simply follow the buttons as shown. 
  You will need to watch your energy and your bladder by using the toilet. 
  Make sure the ferret bar is not red or you will be fired.

* Beat the Ferret Tamer job *
  You need 10 Mental Skill points. Buy the Mental skill building item.
  Again, you need to tame ferrets, watch your energy bar, your bladder and 

* Beat the Ferret Master job *
  You need 30 Mental Skill points and 20 Physical Skill points. Buy the 
  respective skill building items. You need to keep socialising for the 
  physical skill building item to be unlocked. Upgrade is needed. You need 
  to buy the upgrade from the cash register. So take note that you have to 
  unlock the upgrade by doing some moves. I got my upgrade after gaining 
  some reputation points.

  Again, you need to tame ferrets, watch your energy bar, your bladder and 
  socialize. Make sure J.J. (the janitor) does not get hungry.

* Unlock a Skyline Beach Social Move from Ridiculous D.O.G *
  Make friends with Ridiculous D.O.G. and you will learn the 'Rap' move.

* Unlock a Skyline Beach Social Move from Lil' Bit *
  Make friends with Lil'Bit and you will learn the 'Bust a Move' move.

* Beat a job to learn a Gasoline Row Social Move *
  Complete level one of the Ferret Taming Job and you will learn the 'Back 
  Slap' move from Isis.

* Beat a job to learn a Central Station Social Move *
  Complete level two of the Ferret Taming Job and you will learn the 'Sign 
  Language' move from Isis.

* Beat a job to learn a Kicktail Park Social Move *
  Complete level three of the Ferret Taming Job and you will learn the 
  'Tag Face' move from Isis.

* Defeat the villian Harry Snivel*

  You must use the Power Social 'Party Bomb' on him. U get the party bomb 
  from Darius by visiting him at the midnight party at the Red room.

* Tag an object for Rolanda Skye *
  You must find the Graffiti wall and tag it with Rolanda Skye's tag.

* Use a XAMShot on someone here for Cash Monet *
  You must use the Power Social 'XAMShot' on S.A. Loco.

Additional Mission: Anger Management gained from Toots Sweet (You need to be 
                    good friends with her) You must use the Social Move 
		    'Tag Face' on Fergie in Cozmo Street, Neo Flange 
                    in The Foudry, and Ally Stile in Kicktail Park.


4.22 Gasoline Row


Residents:  Pork Chop - Teaches Body Bonk
	    Duke Headbutt - Teaches Head Butt, Tuck N' Hug 360, and Mock 
	    Suzie Mack - Teaches Blow Flame
	    Sharky Splitz - Involved in Paparazzi Pop mission
	    Jet Rockit - Involved in Mug People mission

Preferred Social Moves: 'Back Slap'
                        'Blow Flame'
                        'Body Bonk'
                        'Body Slam'
                        'Suck Face'


* Build enough reputation to unlock Central Station *
  Get 40 reputation pts and you will be invited to The Central Station

* Get past the Bouncer to enter The Back Room *
  Get 35 reputation pts and you will learn the Power Social 'Chug A Lug' 
  at the midnight party.

* Beat the Chop Shop Flunky job *
  This is the level one of the job in this district.
  You are required to strip bikes and at the same time grill sausages for 
  customers. Three buttons will appear on the screen and simply press 
  accordingly. Watch your hunger by eating sausages.

* Beat the Bike Stripper job *
  Job level 2. You must have 10 Mental Skill points. You must strip bikes, 
  grill sausages, watch your hunger and socialize.You will need to buy the 
  Mental Skill building item if you have not. Work on it!

* Beat the Chop Shop Master job *
  Job level 3. You must have 20 Mental Skill points and 20 Physical Skill 
  points. Again you will need the respective skill building items and 
  upgrades to fulfill this goal. Unlock through reputation and buy them 
  at the shop. Again, you need to strip bikes, grill sausages, watch your 
  hunger, socialize.
  Make sure J.J. the janitor does not get tired.

* Unlock a Gasoline Row Social Move from Pork Chop *
  Make friends with Pork Chop and you will learn the 'Body Bonk' move.

* Unlock a Gasoline Row Social Move from Suzie Mack *
  Make friends with Suzie Mack and you will learn the 'Blow Flame' move.

* Beat a job to learn a Central Station Social Move *
  Complete level one of the Chop Shop job and you will learn the 'Head Butt' 
  move from Duke.

* Beat a job to learn a Kicktail Park Social Move *
  Complete level two of the Pork Chop job and you will learn the 'Tuck N' 
  Hug 360' move from Duke.

* Beat a job to learn a Foundry Social Move *
  Complete level three of the Pork Chop job and you will learn the 'Mock' 
  move again from shopkeeper Duke.

* Defeat the villian Harry Snivel *
  You must use the Power Social 'Chug A Lug' on him. You can obtain this 
  by visiting the Back room when Darius invites you over. Both Harry 
  Snivel and you will be drinking some greenish thing and then he pukes. 
  Something like that. Duh!

* Mug someone here for Luke Laruffle *
  Simply use the 'Mug' power social on Jet Rockit.

* Use a XAMShot on someone here for Cash Monet *
  You must use the Power Social 'XAMShot' on Sharky Splitz.

Additional Mission: None


4.23 Central Station


Residents:   Scary Mary - Teaches High Five, Smoke Trick, and Hyper 
	     Frag Grrl - Teaches Panhandle
             Beelzebob Jones - Teaches Spit Trick
	     Genghis Lincoln - Gives Stink Bomb (An additional mission)
	     Kidd Chaos - Involved in Mug People mission

Preferred Social Moves: 'Bite'
                        'Head Butt'
                        'Sign Language'
                        'Spit Trick' 


* Build enough reputation to unlock Kicktail Park *
  Get 65 reputation pts and you will be invited to Kicktail Park

* Get past the Bouncer to enter The Cage *
  Get 55 reputation pts and you will learn the Power Social 'Stink Bomb' 
  at the midnight party when Darius invites you.

* Beat the Junior Piercer job *
  This is level one of the job Here you have to make piercings. Watch 
  your hygiene and energy levels! To carry out piercings, simply press the 
  button appearing on the screen before it reaches the bin at the end 
  of the machine.
* Beat the Piercer job *

  This is level 2 of the job. You need 10 physical skill points for this 
  job. Buy the physical skill building item. Again, you are required to 
  carry out piercings. watch your hygiene, energy level and socialize!

* Beat the Master Piercer job *
  This is the level 3 of the job. You need 30 Physical Skill points and 
  20 Artistic Skill points. Buy the respective skill building items and 
  unlock and purchase their upgrades. Again, you will carry out 
  piercings. Watch your hygiene, energy and socialize. 
  Also make sure J.J. the janitor socializes.

* Unlock a Central Station Social Move from Beelzebob Jones *
  Make friends with Beelzebob Jones and he will teach you the 'Spit Trick' 

* Unlock a Central Station Social Move from Frag Grrl *
  Make friends with Frag  Grrl and she will teach you the 'Panhandle' 

* Beat a job to learn a Kicktail Park Social Move *
  Complete level one of Piercer job and you will learn the 'High Five' 
  move from Scary Mary.

* Beat a job to learn a Foundry Social Move *
  Completel level two of Piercer job and you will learn the 'Smoke Trick' 
  move from Scary Mary.

* Beat a job to learn a Neon East Social Move *
  Complete level three of Piercer job and you will learn the 'Hyper 
  Shock' move from Scary Mary.

* Defeat the villain Urangoo McBain *
  When he visits the district, you must defeat him with the Power Social 
  'Stink Bomb' obtained from Darius when he invites you to the Cage at 
   the midnight party.

* Mug someone here for Luke Laruffle *
  Simply use the 'Mug' power social on Kidd Chaos.

* Tag an object here for Rolanda Skye *
  Simply find the Graffiti wall and tag it with Rolanda Skye's tag.

Additional Mission: Stink Bomb obtained from Genghis Lincoln (again you 
		    will only get this if you're good friends)
                    You are given 3 stink bombs to use on 3 people.
		    The 3 people are Sara Tonin from Neon East, Polo in 
		    Cozmo Street and Diva Roma in Diamond Heights.

Tip: One way of getting free food is to kick the vending machines as there is 
     no BBQ grill for u to get free food. Try kicking a few times if you did 
     not get food.


4.24 Kicktail Park


Residents:   Ally Stile - Teaches Party Shout
             Rolanda Skye - Gives Tag Line (An additional mission)
	     Trang Hang - Teaches Skate Trick
             Skid Mark - Teaches: Snippy Snap, Techno, and Deafen 
	     String Bean - Involved in Style and Substance mission

Preferred Social Moves: 'High Five'
                        'Party Shout'
                        'Skate Trick'
                        'Tag Face'
                        'Tuck N' Hug 360'


* Build enough reputation to unlock The Foundry *
  Get 100 reputation pts and you will be invited to The Foundry.

* Get past the Bouncer to enter Floaters *
  Get 90 reputation pts and you will learn the Power Social 'Sk8R TriiQx' at 
  the midnight party when Darius invites you.

* Beat the Amateur Skater job *
  This is the level one of the job. This job requires you to perform tricks.
  Simply press the four buttons that appear on the screen. You must press 
  these before they reach the top of the pipe. Watch your energy and hunger 
  levels. There is a bench nearby.

* Beat the Trick Skater job *
  This is the level two of the job. It requires you to have a 10 Physical 
  Skill level. Buy the Exer-cycle skil item. Again you need to perform 
  tricks. Watch your energy, hunger and socialize.

* Beat the Pro Skater job *

  This is the level three of the job. It requires you to have a 20 Physical 
  Skill level and a 20 Mental Skill level. Buy the respective items and their 
  upgrades. Again, you must perform tricks, watch your energy, hunger and 
  socialize. Make sure J.J. the janitor maintains his energy level.

* Unlock a Kicktail Park Social Move from Ally Stile *
  Make friends with Ally Stile and she will teach you the 'Party Shout' move.

* Unlock a Kicktail Park Social Move from Trang Hang *
  Make friends with Trang Hang and you will learn the 'Skate Trick' move.

* Beat a job to learn a Foundry Social Move *
  Complete level one of Skater job and you will learn the 'Snippy Snap' move 
  from Skid.

* Beat a job to learn a Neon East Social Move *

  Complete level two of Skater job and you will learn the 'Techno' move 
  from Skid.

* Beat a job to learn a Cozmo Street Social Move *
  Complete level three of Skater job and you will learn the 'Deafen' move 
  from Skid.

* Defeat the villian Kiki Blunt *
  Simply defeat her using the Power Social 'Sk8R TriiQx' obtained from 
  Darius when he invites you to the midnight party.

* Use Tag Face on someone here for Toots Sweet *
  Simply use the 'Tag Face' Social Move on Ally Stile.

* Change String Bean's style for Roxanna Hardplace *

  Firstly get String Bean to join your crew. Then go to The Foundry and 
  call him. Once he's at The Foundry, switch to his character and go 
  change his style so that he dress like Roxanna.

* Tag an object here for Rolanda Skye *
  Simply find the Graffiti wall and tag it with Rolanda Skye's tag.

Additional Mission: Tag Line obtained from Rolanda Skye
		    Find the graffiti walls located in Skyline Beach, 
		    Central Station and Kicktail Park. 
                    Tag them with Rolanda's tag.


4.25- The Foundry


Residents: Bella Ciao - Teaches Compare Phones
	   Arthur Pop - Teaches Artsy Dance
	   Crispin Black - Teaches Buzz, Lounge Lure and Paparazzi Pop 
           Neo Flange - Involved in Anger Management mission
	   Roxanna Hardplace - Gives Style and Substance 
			       (An additional mission)

Preferred Social Moves: 'Artsy Dance'
                        'Compare Phones'
                        'Smoke Trick'
                        'Snippy Snap'


* Build enough reputation to unlock Neon East * 
  Get 140 reputation pts and you will be invited to Neon East.

* Get past the Bouncer to enter The Gearbox *
  Get 125 reputation pts and you will learn the Power Social 'BlastiKiss' 
  at the midnight party when Darius invites you.

* Beat the Amateur Sculptor job *

  This is the level one of the job.
  You are required to make sculptures. Simply press the four buttons that 
  appear on the screen. You must press these before they reach the pit at 
  the bottom. Watch your heat level by sitting on a bench or drinking 
  something. Also, watch your energy level.

* Beat the Sculptor job *
  This is the level two of the job and you require a 10 Artistic Skill Level. 
  Buy the Artistic skill building item. Again, you must make sculptures. 
  Watch your heat level, energy level and socialize.

* Beat the Master Sculptor job *
  This is the level three of the job and you require a 30 Artistic Skill 
  Level and a 20 Physical Skill Level. Buy the respective skill building 
  item and their upgrades. Again, you must make sculptures. Watch your 
  heat level, energy level and socialize. 
  Make sure that J.J. the janitor does not get bored.

* Unlock a Foundry Social Move from Bella Ciao *

  Make friends with Bella and you will learn the 'Compare Phones' move.

* Unlock a Foundry Social Move from Arthur Pop *
  Make friends with Arthur and you will learn the 'Artsy Dance' move.

* Beat a job to learn a Neon East Social Move *
  Complete level one of Sculptor job and you will learn the 'Buzz' move 
  from Crispin.

* Beat a job to learn a Cozmo Street Social Move *
  Complete level two of Sculptor job and you will learn the 'Lounge Lure' 
  move from Crispin.

* Beat a job to learn a Diamond Heights Social Move *
  Complete level three of Sculptor job and you will learn the 'Paparazzi Pop' 
  move from Crispin.

* Defeat the villain Kiki Blunt *
  Simply use the Power Social 'BlastiKiss' on her obtained from Darius at 
  the midnight party.

* Use Tag Face on someone here for Toots Sweet *
  Simply use the Act Mean Move 'Tag Face' on Neo Flange.

Additional Mission: Style and Substance obtained from Roxanna Hardplace
		    Get Sting Bean and Loop D Loop to join your crew. Switch 
		    to their character and change their style to dress like 
		    Loop D Loop - Neon East and String Bean - Kicktail Park


4.26- Neon East


Residents: Professor Chewy - Teaches Game On
	   Mazuiko Jackson - Teaches Hug, Striptease and Slap
	   Venus Moonflower - Teaches HoloXam
	   Loop D. Loop - Involved in  Style and Substance mission
	   Sara Tonin - Involved in Stink Bomb mission

Preferred Social Moves:  'Buzz'
                         'Game On'
                         'Hyper Shock'


* Build enough reputation to unlock Cozmo Street *
  Get 190 reputation pts and you will be invited to Cozmo Street.

* Get past the Bouncer to enter The Pulse *
  Get 185 reputation pts and you will learn the Power Social 'Strobe' at 
  the midnight party when Darius invites you.

* Beat the Assistant Chef job *
  This is the level one of the job. You will need to make sushi herel. 
  Simply press the 4 buttons that move along the counter before they reach 
  you. You must also keep the resteraunt clean by putting old sushi in the 
  bins. Watch your hygiene using the sink.

* Beat the Sushi Chef job *

  This is the level two of the job. You require 10 Artistic Skill points. 
  Buy the skill building item. You need to make sushi and keep the restaurant 
  clean. Watch your hygiene and socialize.

* Beat the Master Chef job *

  This is the level three of the job. You require 20 Artistic Skill points 
  and 20 Mental Skill points. Again you need upgrades and the respective 
  skill building items if you don't already have them. Make sushi and 
  keep the restaurant clean. Watch your hygiene and socialize. 
  Make sure J.J. has his hygiene taken cared off.

* Unlock a Neon East Social Move from Professor Chewy *
  Make friends with the Professor and you will learn the 'Game On' move.

* Unlock a Neon East Social Move from Venus Moonflower *
  Make friends with Venus Moonflower and you will learn the 'HoloXam' move.

* Beat a job to learn a Cozmo Street Social Move *
  Complete level one of Chef job and you will learn the 'Hug' move from 

* Beat a job to learn a Diamond Heights Social Move *
  Complete level two of Chef job and you will learn the 'Striptease' move 
  from Jackson.

* Beat a job to learn a South Side Bridge Social Move *
  Complete level three of Chef job and you will learn the 'Slap' move 
  from Jackson.

* Defeat the villain Harry Snivel *

  Simply use the Power Social 'Strobe' on Harry Snivel given to you by 
  Darius at the midnight party.

* Mug someone here for Luke Laruffle *
  Use the 'Mug' social move on Professor Chewy.

* Use a Stink Bomb on someone here for Genghis Lincoln *
  Simply use the 'Stink Bomb' move on Sara Tonin.

P.S. Do not forget Roxanna's Additional Mission   
     Change Loop D. Loop's style for Roxanna Hardplace. Get Loop D. Loop 
     to join your crew. Then goto The Foundry and call him. Once he's at 
     The Foundry switch to his character and change his style to Roxanna's.

Additional Mission: None


4.27- Cozmo Street


Residesnts:   Fergie - Teaches Pub Song - Teaches Euro Kiss, Tango and Throw Signs - Teaches  Air Guitar
	      Taboo - Gives Love Triangle (An additional mission)
	      Polo - Involved in Stink Bomb mission

Preferred Social Moves: 'Air Guitar'
                        'Lounge Lure'
                        'Pub Song'


* Build enough reputation to unlock Diamond Heights *
  Get 240 reputation pts and you will be invited to Diamond Heights.

* Get past the Bouncer to go Back Stage *
  Get 220 reputation pts and you will learn the Power Social 'Power Chord' 
  from Darius at the midnight party.

* Beat the Drink Slinger job *
  This is level one of the job. You are required to make drinks. Simply 
  press the four buttons moving on the screeen. You must also keep the bar 
  clean and watch your energy bar.

* Beat the Bartender job *
  You require 10 Mental Skill points. Again, You must make drinks and keep 
  the bar clean. Watch your energy level and socialize.

* Beat the Mixmaster job *
  You require 20 Mental Skill points and 20 Artistic Skill points. You must 
  make drinks and keep the bar clean. Watch your energy level and socialize. 
  Also, make sure J.J. the janitor uses the bathroom regularly.

* Unlock a Cozmo Street Social Move from Fergie *
  Make friends with Fergie and he will teach you the'Pub Song' move.

* Unlock a Cozmo Street Social Move from Apl *
  Make friends with Apl and you will learn the 'Air Guitar' move.

* Beat a job to learn a Diamond Heights Social Move *
  Complete level one of the Bar Tender Job and you will learn the 'Euro Kiss' 
  move from Will.

* Beat a job to learn a South Side Bridge Social Move *
  Complete the level two of the Bar Tender Job and you will learn the 'Tango' 
  move from Will.

* Beat a job to learn a Skyline Beach Social Move *
  Complete level three of the Bar Tender Job and you will learn the 
  'Throw Signs' move from Will.

* Defeat the villain Urangoo McBain *
  Simply use the Power Social 'Power Chord' obtained from Darius at the 
  midnight party once he invites you over.

* Use Tag Face on someone here for Toots Sweet *
  Use the Act Mean move 'Tag Face' on Fergie.

* Use a Stink Bomb on someone here for Genghis Lincoln *
  Simply use the 'Stink Bomb' move on Polo.

Additional Mission: Love Triangle obtained from Taboo
		    Obtain high relationship points with Babbette Couture 
		    or Cash Monet in Diamond Heights and then kiss one of 


4.28- Diamond Heights


Residents: Pootie Fads - Teaches  Snap Shot
	   Sophie Couture - Teaches Vogue
	   Diva Roma - Teaches Fake Punch, Grab Booty and Body Slam 
	   Cash Monet - Gives Paparazzi Panic (An additional mission). Also, 
                        involved in Love Triangle mission.
	   Babbette Couture - Involved in Love Triangle mission

Preferred Social Moves:  'Euro Kiss'
                         'Paparazzi Pop'
                         'Snap Shot'


* Build enough reputation to unlock South Side Bridge *
  Get 300 reputation pts and you will be invited to South Side Bridge.

* Get past the Bouncer to enter The Catwalk *
  Get 280 reputation pts and you will get the Power Social 'XAMShot' at 
  the midnight party from Darius.

* Beat the Amateur Model job *
  This is level one of the job. To become a model, simply press a button 
  that appears over each camera. You must watch your hygiene level using the 
  sink and watch your fun level using the catwalk.

* Beat the Fashion Model job *
  This is level two of the job. You require 10 Physical Skill points. 
  You also need to take pictures. Watch your hygiene, fun level and 
  also socialize.

* Beat the Super Model job *
  This is level three of the job. You require 20 Physical Skill points and 
  20 Artistic Skill points. You need to take pictures. Watch your hygiene, 
  fun level and socialize. 
  Also, make sure J.J. maintains his energy.

* Unlock a Diamond Heights Social Move from Pootie Fads *
  Make friends with Pootie Fads and you will learn the 'Snap Shot' move 
  from her.

* Unlock a Diamond Heights Social Move from Sophie Couture *
  Make friends with Sophie Couture and you will learn the 'Vogue' move 
  from her.

* Beat a job to learn a South Side Bridge Social Move *

  Complete level one of the Model job and you will learn the 'Fake Punch' 
  move from Diva.

* Beat a job to learn a Skyline Beach Social Move *
  Complete level two of the Model job and you will learn the 'Grab Booty' 
  move from Diva.

* Beat a job to learn a Gasoline Row Social Move *

  Complete level three of the Model job and you will learn the 'Body Slam' 
  move from Diva.

* Defeat the villain Urangoo McBain *

  Simply defeat him by using the Power Social 'XAMShot' obtained from Darius 
  from the midnight party he invites you to.

* Use a Stink Bomb on someone here for Genghis Lincoln *

  Use the 'Stink Bomb' move on Diva Roma.

P.S. Do not forget Taboo's additional mission.
     You must romance and kiss either Cash Monet or Babette Couture
     You require about 80 relationship points. Make sure you guys
     are in love before kissing because they make not like it.

Additional Mission: Paparazzi Panic obtained from Cash Monet
		    Use the Power Social 'XAMShot' on S.A. Loco - Skyline 
		    Beach, Sharky Splitz - Gasoline Row and 
		    Babs Margarita - South Side Bridge


4.29 - South Side Bridge


Residents: Jimmy Two-Shoes - Teaches Firecracker Dance
	   Louie Bricks - Teaches  Knuckle Up, Suck Face and Bite 
           Pamela Sneer - Teaches Gamble
	   Babs Margarita - Involved In Paparazzi Panic mission
	   Luke Laruffle - Gives Mug People (An additional mission)

Preferred Social Moves: 'Fake Punch'
                        'Firecracker Dance'


* Build enough Reputation to unlock Skyline Beach *

  Get 320 reputation pts and you will be invited to Skyline Beach.

* Get past the Bouncer to enter The Lucky Six *
  Get 340 reputation pts and you will get the Power Social 'Mug' at the 
  midnight party from Darius.

* Beat the Junior Pyro job *
  This is the level one of the job. You will need to make fireworks. 
  Simply press the four buttons moving down the machine. You must press 
  them before they reach the bottom. You must also keep you machine 
  in good condition and sabotage the competitor's machine.

* Beat the Pyrotechnician job *
  This is level two of the job. You require 10 Artistic Skill points. 
  Again, you must make fireworks, repair your machine and sabotage the 
  competitor's machine. Also, you need to socialize.

* Beat the Master Pyro job *

  This is level three of the job. You require 20 Artistic Skill points 
  and 20 Mental Skill points. Again, you need to make fireworks, repair 
  your machine and sabotage the competitor's machine. Also, socialize and 
  make sure J.J. has enough fun.

* Unlock a South Side Bridge Social Move from Pamela Sneer *
  Make friends with Pamela Sneer and you will learn the 'Gamble' move 
  from her.

* Unlock a South Side Bridge Social Move from Jimmy Two-Shoes *

  Make friends with Jimmy and you will learn the 'Firecracker Dance' move 
  from him.

* Beat a job to learn a Skyline Beach Social Move *
  Complete level one of the Pyro job and you will learn the 'Knuckle Up' 
  move from Louie.

* Beat a job to learn a Gasoline Row Social Move *

  Complete level two of the Pyro job and you will learn the 'Suck Face' 
  move from Louie.

* Beat a job to learn a Central Station Social Move*
  Complete level three of the Pyro job and you will learn the 'Bite' 
  move from Louie.

* Defeat the villian Kiki Blunt *
  Simply use the Power Social 'Mug' on her obtained from  Darius at 
  the midnight party.

* Use a XAMShot on someone here for Cash Monet*
  Use the Power Social 'XAMShot' on Babs Margarita

Additional Mission: Mug People obtained from Luke Laruffle
		    Mug Jet Rockit - Gasoline Row, Kidd Chaos - Central 
		    Station and Professor Chewy - Neon East


There is no ending to this game! After completing all the missions, the
rest is up to you. Here are some suggestions:

Urb Fanatic: 

This is a title you get when your popularity with all the urbs are 100, 
includeing your 3 roomates.

Makeover Master: 

Make all non-player urbs join your crew and send them to the clothing 
store to make them dress into one culture.

City Designer: 

Delete ugly stuff in the Districts and add stuff in them to customise 
each district according to your needs and tastes.

Money Bags: 

Make 100,000 simoleons. It can be through work or using Darius' secret 

World's greatest Playah: 

Have everyone fall in love with you.

Mean Putdown: 

Make your relationship with everyone negative 100.

Party Host/Hostess: 

Decorate your apartments and have successfull parties. 
Success is defined as guests staying the maximum 6 hours which means 
you need to meet all their needs. 


5.0 Items in the Inventory

Skill Building Items: 

Mental Machination 
	Level 2 upgrade - Mental Machination Chess Upgrade
	Level 3 upgrade - Mental Machination Matrix Upgrade

	Level 2 upgrade - Exer-Cycopter Alpha Mod kit
	Level 3 upgrade - Exer-CycloVortex Bravo Mod Kit

	Level 2 upgrade - Schnizzalator DanceAm Mod Kit
	Level 3 upgrade - Schnizzalator SpinPro Mod Kit

More will be added to this list...still compiling.


6.0 Summary

Reputation Points:

      10 - Gets you past the first bouncer.
      20 - Unlocks the first new district.
      30 - You get a poster around town with your picture on it.
      35 - Gets you past the second bouncer.
      40 - Unlocks the second district.
      45 - Unlocks a new skill building device.
      55 - Gets you past the third bouncer.
      65 - Unlocks the next district.
      70 - Unlocks a new skill building device.
      75 - Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
      80 - Unlocks a new apartment in Blankwood Towers.
      85 - The posters in Central Station have you on them.
      90 - Gets you past the fourth bouncer.
      95 - Unlocks a new skill building device.
      100 - Gets you into the fourth district.
      110 - Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
      125 - Gets you past the fifth bouncer.
      140 - Unlocks the fifth district.
      150 - Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
      160 - You can tag a graffiti wall with your own tag.
      185 - Gets you past the sixth bouncer.
      190 - Unlocks a sixth district.
      200- Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
      220 - Gets you past the seventh bouncer.
      240 - Unlocks the seventh district.
      260 - Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
      270 - You get your picture on T-shirts and fancy paintings.
      280 - Gets you past the eighth bouncer.
      300 - Unlocks an eighth district.
      320 - Unlocks a skill building upgrade.
      340 - Gets you past the ninth bouncer.


7.0 Credits

Creators of The Urbz: Sims in the City for the game

Gamespot and Gamefaqs for having such a great site for all gamers

Sony Playstation2 for the great gaming experience

Elvor for listing all the different categories of Social Moves in his faq.

My family for letting me use our Television (I hog it!)


8.0 Questions & Answers 


This are some of the things that people have e-mailed me about.
Only useful ones will be posted.

Qn 1  The City is always TOO crowded! How to invite my crew over?

Ans   Every district can have only 2 visitors or outsiders at one time.
      Your Sim is considered as one visitor. Other visiors include J.J.,
      the cop, Darius and other Sims from the other districts. Try to 
      monitor to see if there are any visitors before calling your Sim
      friend over. 

Qn 2  How to sell items?

Ans   Read my buying and selling guide please!!! Note that you have to 
      hit on CIRCLE button to move to your own inventory.

Qn 3  How do I pay rent?

Ans   Honestly I do not understand why some people are so keen about 
      paying rent. 
      The answer is you WILL be ASKED TO PAY when it is time for rent
      collection. Its a standard $1000/- paid to Henry. But you can
      REFUSE to pay him. However, he will reposses your items!!!
      Unless there is nothing in your apartment.. then you might be
      safe. Not sure about that.

Qn 4  Can I kill my pet? It's annoying...

Ans   Well I have not tried killing my pet. But what you can do is to 
      surround it by building walls. Then its trapped for good.
      I know the pet pee pee thingy is simply annoying. As mentioned
      in my TIPS section, select "FOLLOW ME" option and your pet is
      less likely to make a mess. It works try it. 
      Also, for me once I've achieved my goal in the apartment I do
      not go back to see my annoying pet. Just live in the districts. 

Qn 5  Why should I make someone join my Crew?

Ans   Okay... there are 2 members whom you must recruit. They are String 
      Bean and Loop D Loop as given is your mission. However, you can also
      recruit other characters. The thing is you get to control your crew.
      Simply press L2 and you get to control them. Ta daa!!
      However I don't think they can take jobs. I tried but failed. Maybe 
      someone can tell me if there is a way. 

Qn 6  How do I create the Darius Secret Machine? I've completed all my 

Ans   You need not create the Machine. Once you have unlocked Darius
      Penthouse, the machine is available for you to use. Look around
      in the hall of the apartment. There is a grey table. Once you click
      on it, you will see the "Mint Simoleons" option. Ta daa.. thats the
      secret machine. Its very profitable... try it and you'll know why.
      Good Luck!

Qn 7  Where is the secret closet in Blankwood Towers? I can't find it.

Ans   There is no secret closet in Blankwood Towers if you are using 
      PS2. The closet can only be found when you play using GameCube.

Qn 8  If tried tagging Ally Stile's face numerous times but unsuccessful.
      Everytime I try, she will grab the spray can from me and tag my Sims
      face instead. Please help!

Ans   Lower your relationship points with her. Its best to get 0 
      relationship points. Try using the Stink Bomb or Mug power socials 
      to lower the relationship points. However, lowering relationship 
      points alone may not be enough. Its persistence that will enable 
      you to tag her face. Go talk to someone else, try and tag Ally, fill 
      a need, try and tag Ally. Sooner or later it will work. But it may 
      take a LOT of tries. Good Luck!

Qn 9  How come the Villian does not appear?

Ans   In each district, there is a villian whom you must use a power 
      social on so that they will never return to the district again. 
      Villians usually appear around 1-2pm. Do not do any jobs at that 
      time. The villian will also not appear if the cop is in the district.
      Furthermore, if there are too many people visiting the district then
      the villian will not appear. There can only be 2 visitors at a time.
      Just wait patiently and the villian should appear within an hour. 
      The villian usually leaves at 3pm.
Qn 10 How to use the power social bar?

Ans   When you use a power social, a semi-circle appears with a white 
      section and a "X" button. To use the power social, simply press the
      X button to start. Let it go to its end and when it comes back, 
      quickly press X again. To get the best results, press X in the grey

Qn 11 I have completed all goals and I have gotten everybody to join my crew. 
      Is there a way to beat the game or does it keep on going??

Ans   This game is a little different from the other Sims games. There is no 
      exact ending, no cut scene or movie. After completing all your goals, 
      most people tend to build up their reputation points to very high levels, 
      get people to join your crew and control n customise them. Basically you 
      can do whatever you like. Have Fun!!
Qn 12 How do I collect more skins for my XAM and more ringtones.

Ans   Each time you complete an additional mission like Mug people for Luke or
      tag someone's face for Toots Sweet, you get a skin for your XAM. Collect
      more ringtones as you enter the VIP room in the various districts. For 
      example for the first time you enter the Catwalk in Diamond Heights, you
      will be given the Diamond Heights ringtone.


9.0 Cheats

This is such an easy game to play!! For heavens sake, why do you  
want to use cheats!!! I did not use any Cheats to beat this game. 
Took me only a few days to complete it. Honestly, I do not know of 
any cheats. Sorry...if you were looking for one.
Its not that I do not want to include it but I do not know of any. OK.
So there's no need to e-mail me about Cheats. I DO NOT KNOW OF ANY.

Hey guys... Valeria Pereda, one of the readers of my faq has e-mailed
me. She has given me some cheat codes so as to make my faq sort
of more 'complete'. I've never tried them before so DO NOT e-mail me
regarding the cheats okay! Try at your own RISK!

1) Get Shorty - Reveals The Cheat Gnome
   Perform this cheat first, then perform any other cheats you'd 
   like available. Wander around the district until you find the gnome 
   and then choose the cheats you'd like to use in the game.

2) Mad Skillz - Acquire Skill Object
   L1+R2+ Right Arrow + Square+L3

3) Beefcake - Max Physical Skill
   L1+R1+Down Arrow+ x+L3
4) Brainiac - Max Mental Skill
   L1+R1+x+Circle+Up arrow
5) Art Damaged - Max Artistic Skill
6) Power Hungry - Get Power Socials
7) Nerd Herd - View The Urbz Team Photo On Credits Screen
   Perform this cheat from the credits screen to see a photo of 
   The Urbz Team
   Up arrow+down arrow+ circle+up arrow+ down arrow

That's all from Valerie Pereda. Thank you. 


    		 	    THE END!!!


Al-Fez @ Princess of Darkness
1 Jan 2005