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Tekken 5 Lei Wulong - Get Lei'd FAQ

by Tekkenomics

              Tekken 5 Lei Wulong - Get Lei'd FAQ
                          Version 1.1

       ---------  -------  |  /  |  /  -------  |\     |  5
           |      |        | /   | /   |        | \    |
           |      |---     |/    |/    |---     |  \   |
           |      |        |\    |\    |        |   \  |
           |      |        | \   | \   |        |    \ |
           |      -------  |  \  |  \  -------  |     \|

             Written by: Kenneth Walton (Wild Man X)
                  Written on: February 23, 2006
                 E-mail: [email protected]
             Website: Tekkenomics 0.6 (Listed below)
                       AIM: Tekkenomics

              This FAQ version will be available at:
            Tekkenomics 0.6 (
                 GameFAQs (
                Neoseeker (
                     IGN (

                          Table of Contents

 1.    Version Updates
 2.    FAQ Description
 3.    Legal Stuff
 4.    Legend
 5.    Definitions
 6.    Story
 7.    Taunts
 8.    Customizations <UPDATED>
 9.    Move List <UPDATED>
10.    The Art of Juggling (AOJ) <UPDATED>
11.    Combo List <UPDATED>
12.    Strategy & Move Analysis
13.    Lei's Stances
14.    Questions
15.    Special Thanks
16.    About Tekkenomics
17.    About The Author
18.    Closing

                          1. Version Updates

1.0 - (02-20-06)  First release
      - Included Lei-related info from my other FAQs:
        "Combo FAQ v3.02", "Customization v3.02", "Hidden Moves v3.02",
        "Taunts v2.02"
      - Added a list of my most used Lei combos and costumes
      - Updated "AOJ" section specifically for Lei
      - Added a lot of other stuff

1.1 - (02-23-06)  Added more websites where to find this FAQ,
       Added more "FUFA 3+4" combos, added more launcher options,
       Updated "Lei's Common Juggle Enders" in AOJ section,
       Updated "Move List" for BT, FUFA and FUFT stances,
       Updated "Customizations" section

<NEW>  Whenever new info is added to this FAQ, the words <NEW> will
       appear after the new addition.

<UPDATED>  Things that have been changed, edited, or have been added to.

                          2. FAQ Description

This FAQ is a Tekken 5 guide for Lei Wulong.  The purpose of this FAQ
is to provide you with info on Lei Wulong, and to let you know the
different techniques and strategies that I have learned and use.
There are different ways of using Lei, and this FAQ will mainly
cover the way that I use him.  I will provide a list of combos and
different strategies for Lei, among other things.

This FAQ covers the PS2 Tekken 5 (U.S. Version).  These combos and
strategies should work in the Arcade and other PS2 Versions of Tekken 5,
but I only tested these in the U.S. Version.  However, some things may
not work on Tekken 5.1, which is an updated version of Tekken 5 for the

All combos in this FAQ were tested in the Tekken 5 Practice Mode.
They have been confirmed by me, so they should work.  However, not
all combos can be pulled off 100% of the time.

The "Character Strategy & Combos" Forums at Tekken Zaibatsu is also a
great place to find combos and strategies, but some of the threads can
be a pain to go through and read.

I have written four other General FAQs for Tekken 5.  This is my fifth
Tekken 5 FAQ, but my first Character FAQ, and most likely will be my
last.  I hope you enjoy it.

Lei Wulong is my main fighter, and has been since Tekken 3.  If you
ever play Tekken 5 in Riverside, California, I have a Lei IC Card
named "Get Leid".

For more info on Lei, check out the info provided on Tekken Zaibatsu:

                            3. Legal Stuff

You can download and print this FAQ, but under no circumstances can you
put this FAQ on your web page without my permission.  You MAY NOT ALTER
IT IN ANY WAY or claim it as your own.

                              4. Legend

This is a list of the notations that I will be using for this FAQ.


 Notation     Meaning
 --------     -------

  1           Left Punch (Square)
  2           Right Punch (Triangle)
  3           Left Kick (X)
  4           Right Kick (Circle)


 Notation     Meaning
 --------     -------

  f           Press Forward (Towards opponent)
  F           Hold Forward (Towards opponent)
  F#          Hold Forward until next D-Pad command
  b           Press Backward (Away from opponent)
  B           Hold Backward (Away from opponent)
  B#          Hold Back until next D-Pad command
  u           Press Up
  U           Hold Up
  U#          Hold Up until next D-Pad command
  d           Press Down
  D           Hold Down
  D#          Hold Down until next D-Pad command
  D/B#        Hold Down/Back until next D-Pad command
  D/F#        Hold Down/Forward until next D-Pad command
  qcb         Quarter Circle Backward; Down to Back (d, d/b, b)
  QCB         Quarter Circle Backward; Down to Back (d, d/b, B)
  qcf         Quarter Circle Forward; Down to Forward (d, d/f, f)
  QCF         Quarter Circle Forward; Down to Forward (d, d/f, F)
  hcf         Half circle Forward (b,d/b,d,d/f,f)
  HCF         Half circle Forward (b,d/b,d,d/f,F)

Note1: D-pad represents the arrows (up, down, left, right) on the
       PS2 controller or Arcade stick

Note2: "F#" requires you to hold forward for a longer period of time
       than "F".

FAQ Notations:

 Notation     Meaning
 --------     -------

  #           Hold; Hold indicated button(s) until that move is executed
                 or until N (Neutral)
  ( _ )       Or; Choose one of the moves within the parenthesis to do
  ~           Press button immediately after
  /           Press indicated directional buttons at the same time
  +           Press buttons at same exact time
  N           Leave joy pad neutral
  *           Short pause between button presses
  **          Medium pause between button presses
  ***         Long pause between button presses
  [ ]         Optional command(s)
  { }         Action within these must be completed in order for the command
                 to be executed correctly
  :           The command following this requires "just frame" input
  ( )...      Repeat the pattern within the brackets
  ,           Separates commands
  <           Delayed input
  =           Next in sequence

Action Notation:

 Notation     Meaning
 --------     -------

  BLK         Attack must be blocked by opponent
  BT          Back Towards Opponent
  cd          Crouch Dash (f,N,d,d/f)
  CD          Crouch Dash (f,N,d,D/F)
  CH          During Counter Hit/Attack
  CL          Clean Hit
  FC          Full Crouch; While Crouching
  GRAB        Opponent must be grabbed from the front
  HIT         While opponent is being hit (damaged)
  HIT*        After opponent is hit (damaged)
  OBT         Opponent's Back Turned
  OCR         Crouching Opponent
  OGR         Grounded Opponent (Opponent on ground)
  Parry       Move is parried
  RevL        While opponent is reversing your left attack
  RevR        While opponent is reversing your right attack
  SS          Side Step
  SSL         Side Step Left
  SSR         Side Step Right
  SSW         Side Step Walk
  TAC         Tackle
  WR          While your fighter is running; While running
  WS          While standing from a crouch; While Rising

Grounded Positions

 Notation     Meaning
 --------     -------

  GRND        While lying on ground
  FUFA        Face up & feet away
  FUFT        Face up & feet towards
  FDFA        Face down & feet away
  FDFT        Face down & feet towards
  KNDW        Right after the opponent knocks to you the floor

Every Fighter Legend

 Notation / Meaning             Commands
 ------------------             --------

  FC (While Crouching)          D
  SS (Side Step)                (u,N _ d,N)
  SSL (Side Step Left)          u,N on left side
                                d,N on right side
  SSR (Side Step Right)         u,N on right side
                                d,N on left side
  SSW (Side Step Walk)          (u,U _ d,D)
  WR (While Running)            (f,f,f _ f,F)
  WS (While Rising)             FC, N

Lei Wulong Specific Legend

In this section, you will find some of the different ways to
get into Lei's stances.  (See "Lei's Stances" for more info)

 Notation / Meaning             Commands
 ------------------             --------

  AOP (Phoenix Illusion)        b+1+4 <or> PAN 3,B
  BT (Back Turn)                b+3+4 <or> f,f+3~b
  CRA (Crane)                   (u _ u/f _ u/b)+3 <or> b+4,f <or>
                                   f,N+1,2,1,2,4,(u_d) <or> f+1+2,F
  DGN (Dragon Stance)           f,N+1,2,(u_d)
  DRU (Drunken Master)          f+3+4 <or> SS+2,2,f <or> b,b+1,F
  FDFA (Sidewind)               d+1+2
  FDFT (Reverse Sidewind)       BT d+1+2 <or> 4~3
  FUFA (Play Dead)              d+3+4
  FUFT (Reverse Play Dead)      BT d+3+4
  PAN (Panther Stance)          f,N+1,2,1,(u_d) <or> f+1+2,(u_d)
  SNA (Snake Stance)            SS+1+4 <or> SS+2+3 <or> f+2+3 <or>
  TGR (Tiger Stance)            f,N+1,2,1,2,(u_d) <or> d/f+1+2,f

Combo Specific Legend

These are commands that relate to the combo section.

All combos will be written in the format:
 move; move; ... (damage)

 Notation     Meaning
 --------     -------

  {}          The stance that you should be in after executing the
                previous move
  ( )         For the combo to work, this move will not hit the
  [+/- dmg]   The amount of damage that the launcher adds to or
                subtracts from the total
  ;           Separates different moves used within a combo
  *           Possibility of escape from full damage
  WALL        Your opponent must hit a wall
  BIG         Combos that will only work on large opponents
  CC          Crouch Cancel
  iWS         Instant While Standing

                           5. Definitions

"Clean Hit" and "Juggle" definitions taken from the "Still Standing"
website (
"okizeme" and "Tech roll" definition by sithlord

Clean Hit
    Hitting your opponent from very close range.  Clean hits inflict
    more damage than a normal hit.  However, not all attacks will be
    able to become a clean hit

Counter Hit
    Occurs when you hit an opponent that is getting ready to attack
    or is in the process of attacking.  Counter hits inflict more
    damage than a normal hit.

Ground roll
    To roll around while lying down on the ground (not instantly after
    hitting the ground like "tech roll").

    An event that occurs when a character is thrusted into the air by an
    attack followed by a series of combos, punches or kicks while falling
    down to the ground. The juggling process stops once the character has
    hit the ground.

    A move that makes it possible for your opponent to be juggled.
    (Also known as "Juggle Starter")

Okizeme (often called "oki")
    Japanese for "wake-up". In other words, the art of hitting someone on
    the ground or as they try to get up.

Tech roll
    To instantly roll away and then stand up the moment your body impacts
    the ground.

    An attack that does not touch the opponent.  The attack misses the
    opponent completely.

                           6. Story

Lei Wulong.
A Hong Kong police detective.
Lei became famous after breaking up the
Syndicate in the previous tournament.

Once home, Lei begins looking into who
is destroying dojos throughout China.

Many of Lei's close friends had been
attacked, so he had to do something.

He devoted himself to finding the person
responsible, but the suspect disappeared.

Lei hears of similar crimes in Japan.
The next likely target: The King of Iron
Fist Tournament 5. Now's his chance...

                             7. Taunts

These are taunts that can be done before the match begins (Pre-Match),
and after the match ends (Post-Match).

Pre-Match Taunts

?: Moves hands around
?: Goes into a stance, then says "Come on."
?: Puts hands together and takes a bow, then says "Let's go!"

Post-Match Taunts

1: Looks into camera, says "You're not good enough.", then walks away.
2: Leans back, acts like he's drunk while yelling "Humph!", then
   steps backward.
3: Goes through different stances, ending in the Crane stance
4: Goes through different stances, starting in the Crane stance
?: Goes through different stances, ending in the Tiger stance
   (Dragon, Snake, Crane, Tiger)
?: Takes a deep breath, then goes into a stance
?: Does a jump kick, throws several punches, then ends in a stance
?: Walks forward with hands in front of him (similar to Tiger), then
   steps back, puts hands by side and stands up straight.
?: Begins slightly leaning back with arms in front while yelling "Haaa!",
   moves arms around, then leans down slightly and stretches arms out in
   a straight line, oppostie eachother.

                      8. Customizations <UPDATED>

Default Costumes

1_2: Martial arts outfit
Outfit: Punch
Color 1: Blue
Color 2: Black
Color 3: Orange

3_4: Police outfit
Outfit: Kick
Color 1: Blue
Color 2: Pink
Color 3: White

Custom Outfits

Angel Lei  (156k)
Outfit: Kick
Upper Body: No Necktie  (120k)
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: White  (18k)
Color 2: White  (18k)
Color 3: DEFAULT
By: Wild Man X

Detective  (526k-696k) *(26k-196k)
Outfit: Kick
Head: Hat  (500k)*
Face: DEFAULT or Glasses  (0k-50k)
Upper Body: DEFAULT or No Necktie  (0k-120k)
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: DEFAULT
Color 2: White  (18k)
Color 3: Brown  (8k)
By: Wild Man X

Jackie Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures)  (216k)
Outfit: Kick
Head: Natural Hairstyle  (80k)
Upper Body: No Necktie  (120k)
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: DEFAULT
Color 2: Blue  (8k)
Color 3: Yellow  (8k)
By: Wild Man X

Jackie Chan (Medallion)  (266k)
Outfit: Kick
Head: Natural Hairstyle  (80k)
Upper Body: No Necktie  (120k)
Lower Body: Handcuffs  (30k)
Color 1: DEFAULT
Color 2: Black  (18k)
Color 3: Black  (18k)
By: kennetth_julian / Wild Man X

LAPD Officer  (366k)
Outfit: Kick
Upper Body: Sheriff Badge  (300k)
Lower Body: Radio or Handcuffs  (30k)
Color 1: DEFAULT
Color 2: Black  (18k)
Color 3: Black  (18k)
By: Wild Man X

Lei's Tekken 2 Kick Outfit  (234k-244k)
Outfit: Kick
Head: Natural Hairstyle  (80k)
Upper Body: No Necktie  (120k)
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: Black or Brown  (8k-18k)
Color 2: White  (18k)
Color 3: Brown  (8k)
By: mishimazama

Lei's Tekken 3 Punch Outfit  (34k)
Outfit: Punch
Upper Body: DEFAULT
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: Green  (8k)
Color 2: Red  (8k)
Color 3: Black  (18k)
By: mishimazama

Lei's Tekken 3 Kick Outfit  (176k)
Outfit: Kick
Upper Body: No Necktie  (120k)
Lower Body: Handcuffs  (30k)
Color 1: DEFAULT
Color 2: White  (18k)
Color 3: Brown  (8k)
By: mishimazama

Lei's TTT Punch Outfit  (24k)
Outfit: Punch
Upper Body: DEFAULT
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: Purple  (8k)
Color 2: Green  (8k)
Color 3: Red  (8k)
By: Wild Man X

Leonardo Style (TMNT)  (76k)
Outfit: Punch
Upper Body: Rare Sword  (60k)
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: DEFAULT
Color 2: Blue  (8k)
Color 3: Blue  (8k)
By: Wild Man X

Mousse (Ranma 1/2)  (86k-176k)
Outfit: Punch
Face: Glasses  (50k)
Upper Body: DEFAULT or Rare Sword  (0k-60k)
Lower Body: DEFAULT or Sai (0k-30k)
Color 1: White  (18k)
Color 2: DEFAULT
Color 3: Black  (18k)
By: Darklightjg

Mr. Vampire  (524k) *(24k)
Outfit: Punch
Head: Chinese Wizard Hat  (500k)*
Upper Body: DEFAULT
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: Yellow  (8k)
Color 2: Yellow  (8k)
Color 3: Yellow  (8k)
By: su Car Yama / Wild Man X

NYPD Officer  (546k-706k)
Outfit: Kick
Head: Police Cap  (200k)
Face: DEFAULT or Sunglasses  (0k-150k)
Upper Body: Sheriff Badge  (300k)
Lower Body: Radio or Handcuffs  (30k)
Color 1: DEFAULT
Color 2: Blue  (8k)
Color 3: Blue or Black  (8k-18k)
By: Wild Man X

Pink Panther Lei  (16k-136k)
Outfit: Kick
Upper Body: DEFAULT or No Necktie  (0k-120k)
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: Pink  (8k)
Color 2: DEFAULT
Color 3: Pink  (8k)
By: Wild Man X / Jeremy

Police Chief  (36k-416k)
Outfit: Kick
Face: DEFAULT or Glasses  (0k-50k)
Upper Body: DEFAULT or Sheriff Badge  (0k-300k)
Lower Body: DEFAULT or Handcuffs  (0k-30k)
Color 1: DEFAULT
Color 2: White  (18k)
Color 3: Black  (18k)
By: Wild Man X

Raphael Style (TMNT)  (54k)
Outfit: Punch
Upper Body: DEFAULT
Lower Body: Sai  (30k)
Color 1: Red  (8k)
Color 2: Red  (8k)
Color 3: Red  (8k)
By: Wild Man X

Reno 911 Officer  (316k)
Outfit: Kick
Face: Sunglasses  (150k)
Upper Body: No Necktie  (120k)
Lower Body: Radio or Handcuffs  (30k)
Color 1: DEFAULT
Color 2: Brown  (8k)
Color 3: Brown  (8k)
By: Wild Man X

Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Default Kick Costume  (34k)
Outfit: Kick
Upper Body: DEFAULT
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: Green  (8k)
Color 2: White  (18k)
Color 3: Brown  (8k)
By: Wild Man X

Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Default Punch Costume  (16k)
Outfit: Punch
Upper Body: DEFAULT
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: Green  (8k)
Color 2: Red  (8k)
Color 3: DEFAULT
By: Wild Man X

Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Default Kick Costume  (24k) <NEW>
Outfit: Kick
Upper Body: DEFAULT
Lower Body: DEFAULT
Color 1: Green  (8k)
Color 2: White  (8k)
Color 3: Brown  (8k)
By: Wild Man X

My favorite costumes to use are:
Punch Outfits:
Mr. Vampire
Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Default Punch Costume
Kick Outfits:
Angel Lei
LAPD Officer
NYPD Officer

                            9. Move List

This movelist is a modified version of the Tekken 5 Movelist created
by Drake the Demon. If you would like to see the online movelists,
it is available on the Tekkenomics website.

For Lei's frame data, check out Tekken Zaibatsu:

Throw Types:
F     Front throw
B     Back throw
L     Left side throw
R     Right side throw

Move Properties:
BT    back turned
FF    face forward
RC    recovers crouching initially
RCj   RC joystick modifier (hold D or D/B)
CH    major counter hit
OC    forces opponent to crouch
OS    forces opponent's side to face you
OB    forces opponent's back to face you
JG    juggle starter
BN    bounce juggle starter
BS    block stun - attacking character has huge disadvantage if blocked
GB    guard break - defending character takes a step back, or his hands
       are in the air
SH    stagger hit - opponent may recover KND in some cases
DS    double over stun - opponent can tap f to escape
MS    minor stun - animations vary, but usually nothing is guaranteed after
FS    fall back stun - opponent can tap f to escape
KS    kneel stun - opponent falls to one knee, free hits are sometimes
CFS   crumple fall stun - opponent slowly falls down, free hits are usually
CF    crumple fall - opponent quickly falls down, free hits are usually
CS    crumple stun - opponent falls down, free hits are usually possible
[x]   hit modifier (ex. CFS[1,2])
#     see footnote (ex. #2)
b     block modifier (ex. BTb - character is BT on block)
c     counter hit modifier (ex. BNc - BN on counter hit)
co    crouching opponent modifier (ex. SHco - SH on crouching opponent)
cco   CH on crouching opponent �(ex. JGcco)
cl    clean hit modifier (ex. JGcl - JG on a clean hit)
ccl   CH clean hit modifier (ex. FSccl)
bt    back turned opponent modifier (ex. JGbt - JG on a BT opponent)

Hit Ranges:
h     high (block B or duck)
H     high, hits grounded
m     mid (block B)
M     mid, hits grounded
l     low (block D/B or jump over)
L     low, hits grounded
Sm    special mid (block B or D/B)
SM    special mid, hits grounded
!     unblockable
<!>   unblockable, can be ducked
[!]   unblockable, hits grounded
T     throw (duck or input escape command)


Command:         Name:             Type:   Damage:   Escape:   Properties:
[F+]1+3          Sky Kick          F       35        1         #1 #5
[F+]2+4          Sleeper Hold      F       35        2         #5
f,f+1+2          Tripping          F       38        1+2
u/f+1+2          Dragon Falls      F       35        1+2       FDFA
(DGN,1_SNA,1+3)  Out of Control    F       33        1
 = 1+2            = Tiger Sip      -       -         none      DRU #2
[F+](1+3_2+4)    Sailboat Stretch  L       40        1         #5
[F+](1+3_2+4)    Closing Fan       R       5,10,25   2         #5
[F+](1+3_2+4)    Windmill          B       50        none      #5
BT,(1+3_2+4)     Back Turn Grab    -       -         -         #3 #4

#1/ Lei will suffer 2 points of damage and recover grounded if he flips
    back into a wall.
#2/ Lei will regain 10 points of energy, but the throw damage will be
    reduced to 23.
#3/ Will perform one of Lei's (1+3_2+4) grabs, depending on where the
     opponent was grabbed.
#4/ Will remain in BT if grab doesn't connect.
#5/ The [F+] version of the throw has more range.

                         Basic Arts
Command:       Name:               Stance:  Damage:   Range:  Properties:
1              Jab                          5         h
f+1            Forward Jab                  6         h
(d/f_WS)+1     Quick Upper                  (10_12)   m
(d_d/b)+1      Low Jab             RC       5         Sm
 = ~f           = Crouch Cancel             -         -       #1
FC+1           Crouch Jab          RC       5         Sm
2              Straight                     12        h
f+2            Forward Straight             12        h
d/f+2          Uppercut                     12        m       JG JGcco
(d_d/b)+2      Low Straight        RC       8         Sm
WS+2           Uppercut                     15        m       JGc JGbt
FC+2           Crouch Straight     RC       8         Sm
u+2            Weighted Punch               18        M
3              Crescent Kick                28        h
f+3            Advancing Crescent           30        h       MS
b+3            Retreating Crescent          25        h       MS
d/f+3          Lateral Kick                 18        m
d/b+3          Spin Sweep                   15        L
D/F,3          Crouch Spin Kick    RC       12        L
FC+3           Crouch Spin Sweep   RC       12        L
4              Roundhouse                   16        h       JGc
(d/f_WS)+4     Front Kick                   (15_16)   m
D/F,4          Crouch Shin Kick    RC       10        L
FC+4           Crouch Kick         RC       7         L
d/f_FC,d/f     Low Parry                    -         -       OC #2

#1/ Will go straight into normal fighting stance instead of WS.
#2/ Can parry opponent's low or special mid attack.

                         Special Arts
Command:        Name:                Stance:  Damage:   Range:   Properties:
(1_f+1),1       Serpent Strikes               (5_6),5   h,h
 = ~f            = Snake             SNA      -         -
(1_f+1),2       One-Two Punch                 (5_6),12  h,h
(U_u/f_u/b)+1   Jumping Left Punch            12        m
f,N+1<2<1<2     Razor Rush                 (7_9),7,5,3  m,m,m,m  #1 #2
 = u_d           = Stance Transition [SNA_DGN_PAN_TGR]  -        #1
 = 3             = Low Kick                   12        l        JGc
 = <4            = Middle Kick                12        m        FUFT
  = (u_d)         = Crane            CRA      -         -
b,b+1           Drunken Tiger Lash            24        h        FUFT
 = ~f            = Drunken Master    DRU      -         -
SS+1            Snake Palm Fist               18        h        SH
 = ~f            = Tiger             TGR      -         -
 = (~u_~d)       = Dragon            DGN      -         -
1+2             Hook Punch           BT       18        h        JGc
 = ~1            = Spinning Back     BT       18        h
 = 2             = Spiral Upper               24        m        JG
f+1+2           Twin Snake Strikes            13,10     h,h      SH[2]
 = ~f            = Crane             CRA      -         -
 = (~u_~d)       = Panther           PAN      -         -
d/f+1+2         Tiger Fang           RC       21        m        OC OCb KSc
 = ~f            = Tiger             TGR      -         -
b+1+2           Cannonball                    25        m        MS FUFTc
f,N+2,1,2,1     Defense Breaker             0,12,25,30  h,m,m,m  GB[4] BTb[4]
 (opponent guarding)                                             JG[3] #3
f,N+2<1<2       Breaking Rush                 10,12,8   h,m,m    #4
 = 3             = Low Kick                   12        l        JGc
 = <4            = Middle Kick                15        m        FUFT
  = [u_d]         = Crane            CRA      -         -
f,f+2           Mauling Dragon                21        m        BN OCb
(u/f_u/b)+2     Falling Tree         FUFA     15        M        OC
SS+2            Drunken Rapid Fist            12        m        OC OCb FUFTc
 = ~b            = Back Turn         BT       -         -
 = 2             = Drunken Fist               18        h        SH GB
  = ~f            = Drunken Master   DRU      -         -
3,3             Crescent Trip        BT[2]    28,17     h,L      FUFT[2]
(f_b)+3,3       Forward Crescent     BT[2]  (30_25),17  h,L      MS[1] FUFT[2]
(N_F)+3~4,u,u   Tornado Kicks        BT[all]  30,30,30  m,m,m    FUFT[all]
 = ~D            = Reverse Play      FUFT     -         -        #5
f,N+3           Razor Kick                    35        h        GB FUFT
 = 4             = Middle Stun Kick           20        m        FS
 = d+4           = Trip Kick                  10        L        JG
f,f+3           Reverse Lotus                 20        m        JG
 = ~b            = Back Turn         BT       -         -
 = 4             = Floating Lotus             22        h        GB FUFT
d+3             Ankle Kick                    15        l
(u/f_u_u/b)+3   Searing Crane Wing   CRA    (25_21_17)  m        JGc GB
u/f,N+3         Left Jump Kick                25        m        FUFT
U/F,N+3         Jumping Stun Kick             25        m        FS
U/F * 3         Jumping Low Kick              15        L
WS+3            Toe Kick                      25        M
(u_u/b)+3+4     Jumping Side Kick             25        m        FUFT
u/f+3+4         Asteroid Kick        BT       10,16     m,m      OC[1] JG[2]
 = 4             = Comet Kick                 12        m        FUFT OCb
SS+3+4          Falling Blade        BT       15        M        FUFT OCb
4~3             Clean Sweep          FDFT     25        m        FUFT
4~4,3,3         Lift Up Cannon      FUFT[1,2] 7,7,24    L,L,m    JG[3]
FC+4~4,3,3      Lift Up Cannon      FUFT[1,2] 7,7,20    L,L,m    JG[3]
f+4,2,1<2       Beating Rush                30,12,12,8  h,m,m,m  CSc[1] FUFT[1]
 = 3             = Low Kick                   12        l        JGc
 = <4            = Middle Kick                15        m        FUFT
  = u_d           = Crane            CRA      -         -
f,N+4,1,2       Wolf Fang Rush                15,12,5   h,m,m
 = 2             = Snake Bite                 10        m
  = ~f            = Dragon           DGN      -         -
   = 1+3           = Tiger           TGR      -         -        #6
  = 2            �= Twin Snake Bite  RC       15        l
   = ~f            = Panther         PAN      -         -
� = 4,3,3        �= Lift Up Cannon  FUFT[1,2] 7,7,24    L,L,m    JG[3]
 = 3             = Razor Kick                 17        h        GB FUFT
�= 4             = Middle Stun Kick           20        m        FS
�= d+4           = Trip Kick                  10        L        JG
f,f+4,3+4       Basho Whirlwind               21,21     h,h      OSc[1] OSb[2]
d+4             Low Kick                      10        l
 = ~d            = Snake             SNA      -         -
d/b+4           Rave Sweep                    7         L        MS BS JGcl
 = (u_d)         = Snake             SNA      -         -
 = 4             = Rave Spin                  21        h        FUFT
b+4             Scythe Kick                   18        m        FUFT
 = ~f            = Crane             CRA      -         -
u/f+4           Hop Kick                      13        m        JG
u+4             Vertical Hop Kick             15        m        FUFT
u/b+4           Retreating Hop Kick           11        m
u/f,N+4         Jumping Hop Kick              25        m        JG
U/F,4           Jumping Front Kick            25        m
U/F * 3         Jumping Mid Kick              15        m        FUFTc
WS+4            Rising Mid Kick               16        m
SS+4            Crane Cannon                  16        m        JG
(d_FC)+1+2      Sidewind             FDFA     -         -
(d_FC)+3+4      Play Dead            FUFA     -         -
 = (:b_~qcb)     = Quick Back Roll            -         -        RCj
 �= 3,4           = Rolling Rave     RC[1]    15,21     L,h      JG[1] FUFT[2]
� = 4             = Reverse Kick              12        m        FUFTc FUFTcl
b+3+4           Back Turn            BT       -         -
 = ~b            = Cancel                     -         -
f+3+4           Drunken Master Walk  DRU      -         -        OS #7
                (High & Mid Punch Parry)
b+1+4           Art of Phoenix       AOP      -         -
(SS+1+4_SS+2+3  Art of Snake         SNA      -         -
1+2+3+4         Supercharger                  -         -        #8
b,b,u/b         Wall Jump Flip Kick  BT       25        m        GB FUFT

#1/ SNA after the 1st hit, DGN after the 2nd, PAN after the 3rd and
    TGR after the 4th.
#2/ Damage on the first hit will be 7 if the second hit is inputted
#3/ Opponent has to block the first punch.
#4/ The first punch must hit the opponent.
#5/ Tap D to go into FUFT after the first, second or third kick.
#6/ There is a small window that you can press "1+3" to enter the
     Tiger stance.  Lei will transition himself from Dragon to Tiger.
#7/ DRU only after a missed punch parry.
#8/ For a short period of time, your hits will be counted as counter hits.

                         Back Turned
            Moves from Back Turned only - BT - b+3+4
Command:        Name:                Stance:  Damage:   Range:  Properties:
1               Spinning Back Blow   BT       12        h
2               Spiral Upper                  20        m       JG
3               Reverse High Kick             25        h       FUFT
4               Reverse Mid Kick              18        m
(d_FC)+1        Low Back Spin        BT RC    8         l       JG
(d_FC)+2        Reverse Poke         RC       10        l
(d_FC)+3        Reverse Low Kick     RC       12        l
(d_FC)+4        Reverse Rave Sweep   RC       10        L       MS BS JGcl
 = u_d           = Snake             SNA      -         -
 = 4             = Rave Spin                  35        h       FUFT
(d_FC)+4:4      Triple Hit Rave Spin          10,10,35  L,L,h   MS[1] BS[1]
                                                                JGcl[1] FUFT[3]
(d_FC)+1+2      Face Down Position   FDFT     -         -
(d_FC)+3+4      Knock Down Position  FUFT     -         -
 = :b_~qcb       = Quick Back Roll            -         -       RCj
� = 3  �          = Sweep            RC       7         L       FUFTc FUFTcl BS
� = 4             = Mid Kick                  12        m       FUFTc FUFTcl
(u/f_u/b)+2     Falling Tree         FUFA     15        M       OC
u/f+3           Reverse Side Kick             25        m       FUFT
u/f+4           Reverse Hop Kick              21        m       JG
3+4,3+4,3+4     Flit Flip Flop       BT[all]  15,15,15  M,M,M   FUFT[all] #1
 = ~f            = Face Forward               -         -
1+2+3+4         Supercharger         BT       -         -        #2

#1/ Tap f to go into FF after the first, second or third flip.
#2/ For a short period of time, your hits will be counted as counter hits.

                         Play Dead
            Moves from Play Dead only - FUFA - d+3+4
Command:        Name:               Stance:  Damage:   Range:   Properties:
~ (d/f _ d/b    Instant Cancel      -        -         -
 _ u/f _ u/b _ u)
(1_d+1)         Side Roll           -        -         -        #2
 = ~D            = Sidewind         FDFA     -         -
3               Rave Sweep          RC       7         L        MS BS JGcl #1
 = 4             = Rave Spin                 21        h        FUFT #1
4               Mid Kick                     10        m        FUFTc #1
3+4             Spring Kick                  21        m        JG #1
f               Forward Roll        -        -         -        #1
 = 3             = Rolling Rave     RC       10        L        MS BS JGcl #1
  = 4             = Rave Spin                25        h        FUFT #1
 = 4              = Mid Kick                 10        m        FUFTc FUFTcl #1
 = N+3           = Toe Kick                  25        M        #1
 = N+4           = Rising Mid Kick           16        m        #1
b               Backward Roll       -        -         -        #1
 = 3             = Rolling Rave     RC       15        L        JG #1
  = 4             = Rave Spin                21        h        FUFT #1
 = 4              = Mid Kick                 10        m        FUFTc FUFTcl #1
 = N+3           = Toe Kick                  25        M        #1
 = N+4           = Rising Mid Kick           16        m        #1
(u_1_d+1),N+3   Rave Sweep          RC       15        L        MS BS JGcl
 = 4             = Rave Spin                 21        h        FUFT
(u_1_d+1),N+4   Quick Mid Kick               10        m        FUFT

#1/ Move can be performed after "Side Roll"
#2/ Can perform Forward or Backward Roll after Side Roll

                       Reverse Play Dead
     Moves from Reverse Play Dead only - FUFT - BT,d+3+4
Command:       Name:                Stance:  Damage:   Range:   Properties:
~ (d/f _ d/b   Instant Cancel       -        -         -
 _ u/f _ u/b _ u)
(1_d+1)        Side Roll            -        -         -        #2
 = ~D           = Reverse Sidewind  FDFT     -         -
3              Low Kick                      7         L        BS JGcl #1
4              Mid Kick                      12        m        FUFTc #1
3+4            Spring Up                     20        m        FUFT RCj #1
d+(3_4)        Grounded Ankle Kick  RC       5         l
f              Forward Roll         -        -         -        #1
 = 3            = Low Kick          RC       7         L        MS BS JGcl #1
 = 4            = Mid Kick                   13        m        FUFTc FUFTcl #1
 = N+3          = Toe Kick                   25        M        #1
 = N+4          = Rising Mid Kick            16        m        #1
b              Backward Roll        -        -         -        #1
 = 3            = Low Kick          RC       7         L        MS BS JGcl #1
 = 4            = Mid Kick                   12        m        FUFTc FUFTcl #1
 = N+3          = Toe Kick                   25        M        #1
 = N+4          = Rising Mid Kick            16        m        #1

#1/ Move can be performed after "Side Roll"
#2/ Can perform Forward or Backward Roll after Side Roll

             Moves from Sidewind only - FDFA - d+1+2
Command:        Name:               Stance:  Damage:   Range:   Properties:
1               Lei on Back         FUFA     -         -
3               Low Kick                     7         L        FUFTc FUFTcl
4               Mid Kick                     15        m        FUFT
4~3             Sliding Kick        FUFA     15        L        FUFT #1
3+4             Bicycle Kicks       FUFT     5,21      m,m      FUFT[2]
f              Forward Roll         -        -         -
 = 3            = Low Kick          RC       7         L        MS BS JGcl
 = 4            = Mid Kick                   13        m        FUFTc FUFTcl
 = N+3          = Toe Kick                   25        M
 = N+4          = Rising Mid Kick            16        m
b              Backward Roll        -        -         -
 = 3            = Low Kick          RC       7         L        MS BS JGcl
 = 4            = Mid Kick                   12        m        FUFTc FUFTcl
 = N+3          = Toe Kick                   25        M
 = N+4          = Rising Mid Kick            16        m

#1/ You will end in FUFT position on block.

                     Reverse Sidewind
      Moves from Reverse Sidewind only - FDFT - BT,d+1+2
Command:        Name:                Stance:  Damage:   Range:   Properties:
1               Lei on Back          FUFT     -         -
3               Low Kick             RC       15        L        JG
4               Mid Kick                      10        m        FUFT
4~3             Clean Sweep          FDFT     18        m        FUFT
3~4             Rave Sweep           FUFA     10        L        MS BS FUFTcl
 = 4             = Rave Spin                  25        h        FUFT
3+4             Bicycle Kicks        FUFA     5,21      m,m      FUFT[2]
f               Forward Roll         -        -         -
 = 3             = Rolling Rave      RC       10        L        MS BS JGcl
  = 4             = Rave Spin                 25        h        FUFT
 = 4              = Mid Kick                  10        m        FUFTc FUFTcl
 = N+3           = Toe Kick                   25        M
 = N+4           = Rising Mid Kick            16        m
b               Backward Roll        -        -         -
 = 3             = Rolling Rave      RC       15        L        JG
  = 4             = Rave Spin                 21        h        FUFT
 = 4              = Mid Kick                  13        m        FUFTc FUFTcl
 = N+3           = Toe Kick                   25        M
 = N+4           = Rising Mid Kick            16        m

                       Drunken Master Walk
        Moves from Drunken Master Walk only - DRU - f+3+4
Command:      Name:                 Stance:  Damage:   Range:   Properties:
(f_b)         Drunken Step          DRU      -         -
1             Drunken Tiger Lash             25        m        FUFT
 = ~f          = Drunken Master     DRU      -         -
1+2           Tiger Sip             DRU      -         -        #1
2             Drunken Rapid Fist             12        m        OC OCb FUFTc
 = ~b          = Back Turn          BT       -         -
 = 2           = Drunken Fist                18        h        SH GB
  = ~f          = Drunken Master    DRU      -         -
3             Drunken Fox Kick               13        L
 = ~f          = Drunken Master     DRU      -         -
 = 2           = Drunken Fox Combo           22        m        OC OCb JGc
3+4           Staggering Slide      FDFT     22        L        FDFA
f+3+4         High & Mid Punch      DRU      -         -        OS #2
4             Drunken Tiger Kick             17        m        JG GB
 = ~f          = Drunken Master     DRU      -         -

Drunken Master Walk will automatically end after a period of time if no
 move is inputted.
Lei can block normally during DRU.
#1/ Lei regains 10 points of energy.
#2/ DRU only after a missed punch parry.

                         Art of Snake
              Moves from Art of Snake only - SNA
Command:      Name:                Stance:    Damage:     Range:   Properties:
(f_b)         Snake Step           SNA        -           -
1~1~1~1~1     Rushing Snake                  13,10,8,6,5  h,h,h,h,h
 = ~f          = Snake             SNA        -           -        #1
1+2           Angry Viper                     25          m        FUFT
2             Snake Bite                      15          m        FSc OC
 = ~f          = Dragon            DGN        -           -
  = 1+3         = Tiger            TGR        -           -        #2
 = 2           = Twin Snake Bite              10          m
  = ~f           = Dragon          DGN        -           -
   = 1+3         = Tiger           TGR        -           -        #2
  = <2           = Triple Snake    RC         15          l
   = ~f           = Panther        PAN        -           -
 = 4,3,3       = Lift Up Cannon    FUFT[1,2]  7,7,24      L,L,m    JG[3]
3             Rattlesnake          FDFT       30          m        JG
4             Snake Kick           SNA        11          l
(D/F_D_D/B)   Snake Cancel                    -           -
SSL           Art of Dragon        DGN        -           -
SSR           Art of Panther       PAN        -           -

Lei auto blocks high and mid attacks during Art of Snake.
#1/ Cancel to Snake from the second hit on.
#2/ There is a small window that you can press "1+3" to enter the
     Tiger stance.  Lei will transition himself from Dragon to Tiger.

                         Art of Dragon
              Moves from Art of Dragon only - DGN
Command:        Name:                Stance:    Damage:   Range:   Properties:
(f_b)           Dragon Step          DGN        -         -
1+2             Dragon Spark                    32        m        FUFT OCb
 = ~f           Tiger                TGR
2               Dragon Roar                     18        m        GB FUFT JGc
 = ~f           Tiger                TGR        -         -
3,3             Crescent Trip        BT[2]      28,17     h,L      FUFT[2]
d+3+4           Play Dead            FUFA       -         -
4,1,2           Wolf Fang Rush                  15,12,5   h,m,m
 = 2             = Snake Bite                   10        m
  = ~f            = Dragon           DGN        -         -
   = 1+3           = Tiger           TGR        -         -        #1
 �= 2             = Twin Snake Bite  RC         15        l
   = ~f            = Panther         PAN        -         -
 �= 4,3,3         = Lift Up Cannon   FUFT[1,2]  7,7,24    L,L,m    JG[3]
 = 3             = Razor Kick                   17        h        GB FUFT
�= 4             = Middle Stun Kick             20        m        FS
�= d+4           = Trip Kick                    10        L        JG
(D/F_D_D/B)     Dragon Cancel                   -         -
SSL             Art of Tiger         TGR        -         -
SSR             Art of Snake         SNA        -         -

Lei auto blocks high and mid attacks during Art of Dragon.
#1/ There is a small window that you can press "1+3" to enter the
     Tiger stance.  Lei will transition himself from Dragon to Tiger.

                         Art of Panther
              Moves from Art of Panther only - PAN
Command:        Name:                Stance:  Damage:   Range:   Properties:
(f_b)           Panther Step         PAN      -         -        #1
1~2             Panther's Scratch    RC[1]    10,28     l,h      JG[1] OC[2]
2               Panther's Paw                 21        M        JG
(OGR) 2,1,2,1   Guard Melting Punches       0,12,25,30  m,m,m,m  GB[4] JG[3]
                                                                 BTb[4] #2
3               Panther's Tail                18        L
 = ~b           Phoenix              AOP      -         -
4,2,1<2         Beating Rush                26,12,12,8  h,m,m,m  CSc[1] FUFT[1]
 = 3             = Low Kick                   12        l        JGc
 = <4            = Middle Kick                15        m        FUFT
  = (u_d)         = Crane            CRA      -         -
(D/F_D_D/B)     Panther Cancel                -         -
SSL             Art of Snake         SNA      -         -
SSR             Art of Crane         CRA      -         -

Lei auto blocks low and special mid attacks during Art of Panther.
#1/ Stepping forward in Panther Stance will auto parry low attacks.
#2/ Opponent has to block the first punch.

                        Art of Tiger
             Moves from Art of Tiger only - TGR
Command:        Name:                Stance:  Damage:     Range:   Properties:
(f_b)           Tiger Step           TGR      -           -        #1
1               Tiger Strike         RC       22          m        OC OCb BNc
2               Tiger's Claw Palm             28          m        MS CFSc
3               Razor Kick                    32          h        FUFT
 = 1<2<1<2       = Razor Rush                (7_9),7,5,3  m,m,m,m  #2 #3
  = (u_d)        = Stance Transition [SNA_DGN_PAN_TGR]    -        #3
� = 3            �= Low Kick                  12          l        JGc
�  = <4        �   = Middle Kick              12          m        FUFT
    = (u_d)         = Crane          CRA      -           -
 = 4             = Middle Stun Kick           20          m        FS
 = d+4           = Trip Kick                  10          L        JG
4               Tiger's Tail         RC       15          L        BS JG
(D/F_D_D/B)     Tiger Cancel                  -           -
SSL             Art of Snake         SNA      -           -
SSR             Art of Dragon        DGN      -           -

Lei auto blocks high and mid attacks during Art of Tiger.
#1/ Stepping forward in Tiger Stance will auto parry high and mid attacks.
#2/ Damage on the first hit will be 7 if the second hit is inputted
#3/ SNA after the 1st hit, DGN after the 2nd, PAN after the 3rd and
     TGR after the 4th.

                        Art of Crane
             Moves from Art of Crane only - CRA
Command:        Name:              Stance:  Damage:      Range:   Properties:
(f_b)           Crane Step         CRA      -            -
1               Crane's Bill                32           m        GB FUFT BTb
2               Wing of Crane      BT       30           h        OB
3<4<2<3         Crane Dance                 21,10,10,15  M,l,m,M  JG[4]
4               Crane Kick                  20           L        FDFA
u/f+4           Leaping Crane      CRA      25           m        JG GB
(D/F_D_D/B)     Crane Cancel                -            -
SSL             Art of Panther     PAN      -            -
SSR             Art of Snake       SNA      -            -

Lei automatically jumps over low and special mid attacks during Art of
Crane (also during Crane Step). Note that this will not cancel the stance.
He also auto blocks high and mid if you press (u_d) simultaneously with
the incoming attack.

                         Art of Phoenix
              Moves from Art of Phoenix only - AOP
Command:         Name:             Stance:   Damage:      Range:   Properties:
3,3,3,3          Hopping Phoenix   AOP[all]  15,15,15,15  m,m,m,m  FUFT[all]
                 Kicks                                             CSc[all]
4                Phoenix Illusion            70_90        [!]      FUFT #3
b+4,u,u          Tornado Kicks     BT[all]   30,30,30     m,m,m    FUFT[all] #1
 = ~D             = Reverse Play   FUFT      -            -
(u/f_d/f_d       Phoenix Cancel              -            -
(u_d)+(1+4_2+3)  Art of Snake      SNA       -            -        #2

Art of Phoenix will automatically end after a short period of time if no
 move is inputted. No movement or blocking is possible during AOP.
#1/ Tap D to go into FUFT after the first, second or third kick.
#2/ Cannot be done after entering AOP from any Hopping Phoenix Kick.
#3/ Damage will be 90 from close range and 70 when hitting from distance.

                       String Hit Arts

Command:                    Hits:  Damage:                 Hit Range:
b+1,2,1,3+4,2,1,4,1,2,3     10     5,8,7,8,6,6,10,6,6,30   h,h,l,M,m,m,h,m,m,h
b+1,2,1,3+4,2,1,4,1,4,4     10     5,8,7,8,6,6,10,6,7,35   h,h,l,M,m,m,h,m,L,h
b+1,2,1,3+4,3+4,3+4,1,1,2   9      5,8,7,8,9,10,11,12,21   h,h,l,M,M,M,l,l,m

                   10. The Art of Juggling (AOJ)

This section covers a few of the basics of juggling, and some things
that you may find useful if new to juggling.

NOTE: This is a modified version of the "AOJ" that I added to my
      "Tekken 5 Combo FAQ", made to specifically fit Lei.


1.  100% of health is about 145 health points.

2.  If the opponent can safely tech roll, then the combo is not a
    complete combo.  If the combo only seems to work if the opponent
    tech rolls, this is called a "tech trap", "tech catch", or

3.  You may be able to attack or juggle opponents if they attempt to
    tech roll.  This is harder to do in Tekken 5.1.

4.  There are a few combos that only work correctly if you are at the
    side, very close, or not too close to your opponent.

5.  Dashing (f,f,N) may make it possible to get in a few extra hits
    in a juggle.  Mostly, dashing will be used for jabs "f,f,N+1"
    and "f,f,N+2".

6.  For most fighters, a normal right jab does more damage than a
    normal left jab, but the right jab usually pushes the opponent
    back a little bit further away during the juggle.

7.  The Ki Charge (1+2+3+4) makes all attacks count as a counter hit
    for a short period of time.

8.  Some juggles may require for some of the attacks to not hit the
    opponent during the juggle or to launch the opponent.
    For example, with Lei:
    (f,N+3),4; f,f+3~b; {BT} u/f+4; f+1,2; f+3
     = The "f,N+3" part of "f,N+3,4" must not hit

9.  For some fighters, doing "FC d/f+3" or "FC d/f+4" instead of "FC+3"
    or "FC+4" may allow you to get in another hit during some juggles,
    or allows you to hit a grounded opponent.

                      Advanced Techniques

1.  iWS (While Rising moves without crouching or jumping)

    Normally, WS moves can be executed using the following methods:
    1. You crouch down with (D _ D/F _ D/B), then release the button
       and when you are about to get back into standing position, you
       input (1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 1+2 _ 3+4) for the WS move.
    2. You use (u/f _ u _ u/b) to jump and input (1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 1+2 _ 3+4)
       for WS moves AFTER you have landed.

    However, there's a quicker way to do WS moves. You need to input
    d,(d/f_d/b),N+(any WS input). To make this easier, you can also do
    (qcf_qcb)+(any WS input), but only with certain characters, since
    many of them have regular qcf+(1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 1+2 _ 3+4) moves.

    * Info provided by Drake the Demon

2.  CC (Crouch Cancel)

    After some moves, your character recovers in crouching (FC) position.
    A good example is Lei's "BT d+4".  Since the sweep floats the opponent,
    Lei will want to use some juggles, but he's in FC, so he cannot really
    do any damaging moves to follow up...  Unless he quickly cancels the
    crouch and does normal moves.  To do that, he needs to press "u" right
    after the sweep animation is over. Doing this, he can do:
    {CL} BT d+4; CC; SS+2~b; {BT} D+1,1; {BT} 3

    Few more things to know about CC:
    - You can also use f,f to cancel crouch (maybe even b,b, but I'm unsure)
    - On paper, a CC takes 1 frame. but in reality, probably no one is able
      to do cc that fast.

    * Info provided by Drake the Demon

                  Launcher / Combo Properties

1.  Some launchers are only possible after a counter hit or clean
    hit, some launchers won't work if a counter hit occurs, and some
    launchers may let you get in a few extra hits during a counter hit.

2.  Some launchers or attacks are guaranteed after a low parry or after
    blocking certain low attacks.
    After a low parry, Lei can use "f,f+3" or "u/f+4", depending on the
    * Info from TheDinosaur

3.  Some attacks have such a long recovery or execution time that
    will make you vulnerable to being juggled.

4.  Some launchers will not work on the opponent's side or back that
    would normally work from the opponent's front.

5.  Launching an opponent with their back or side facing you may require
    you to use a different juggle than you would normally use.

6.  Some launchers will not work when an opponent's back is turned,
    and some launchers are actually easier to get off in this situation.
    For example, Lei's "WS+2" doesn't require a counter hit on a
    back turned opponent.

7.  Even though it may not register as part of the combo, some attacks
    are guaranteed when an opponent is hit with certain attacks.  For
    example, Lei can do: CRA 2; {BT} D+1,1; {BT} 3

                     Universal Launchers

1.  "BT u/f+4" is a launcher that can be used by everyone except
    Steve.  This may come in handy if you ever end up with your back
    towards the opponent.

2.  "U/F,3" is a combo starter that stuns the opponent.  It can be
    used by everyone except Steve.  Damage isn't guaranteed if the
    opponent escapes the stun by holding "F".  To do this move, hold
    "U/F", then press "3" at the peak of the jump.

3.  "{CL} FUFT f,3" and "{CL} FDFT f,3" are launchers for can be used by
    everyone.  "{CL} FDFT f,3" recovers faster, and you can usually get
    a larger variety of combos from it.  These can be useful if you are
    on the ground and your opponent is close.  An example with Julia is:
    {CL} FUFT f,3; FC d/f+4,3

4.  In addition to the grounded launchers described in #3, you can also
    perform launchers from the ground by connecting "3" on a clean
    hit in any grounded position, while you are stationary or rolling

5.  "{OBT} U/F,1" is a universal launcher that works on BT opponents.
    To do this move, hold "U/F", then press "1" on the way down from
    the peak of the jump.

6.  Every fighter has the ability to juggle an opponent that jumps
    in the air.  The most common way to begin the combo is by hitting
    the airborne opponent with a "1" or "2" jab.

                        Juggle Damage

1.  The way that combo damage works is that the first hit counts
    as the normal 100%.  The second hit is reduced to 70% of
    its normal damage.  Every hit after that will be only 50%
    of its normal damage.  However, if you attack an opponent
    that is already airborne, damage begins at 70% instead of 100%.

2.  Counter hits can do up to 120% normal damage.
    Clean hits can do up to 150% normal damage.
    It is possible to get both a Clean and Counter Hit.

3.  More hits in a combo doesn't necessarily mean more damage.
    Take the following Lei combos for example:
    u/f+3+4; {BT} 3 (43)
    u/f+3+4; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (43)
    This occurs because of "Juggle Damage #1".

4.  The order of attacks in a combo may change the amount of damage.
    For example, with Lei:
    d/f+2; f+1; f+2; f+3 (37)
    d/f+2; f+2; f+1; f+3 (38)
    This occurs because of "Juggle Damage #1".

5.  Damage after hitting a wall is reduced to 70% for all hits
    against the wall.  However, there are some special cases where
    the last hit of a combo against the wall will do 50% or 100%
    of the normal damage for that hit.  Also, the opponent hitting
    the wall does add extra damage to the combo.

                       Extra Damage

1.  For some fighters, doing "f+1", "f+2", "f+3", or "f+4" instead
    of "1", "2", "3" or "4" will add extra damage to the juggle.
    For example, with Lei:
    d/f+2; 3 (31)
    d/f+2; f+3 (33)

2.  For the following basic attacks, Lei can add extra damage:

    Basic Left Punch (Extra Damage)
    ("1" = 5 dmg, "f+1" = 6 dmg)

    Basic Left Kick (Extra Damage)
    ("3" = 28 dmg, "f+3" = 30 dmg)

3.  Most extra damage attacks may also get you a little bit closer to
    the opponent than the normal version, but it also may take a few
    extra frames to execute these attacks.  Because of this, it may not
    always be possible to do the extra damage moves in juggles.

4.  Lei's "f+2 Left Punch" doesn't do more damage than his "2 Left
    Punch", but "f+2" does get you closer to the opponent while
    juggling than just pressing "2".

5.  If you connect an escapable stun on the opponent (see "Escapes &
    Recovery #1"), you may be able to do more damage if you attack
    immediately after stunning your opponent.  Immediate attacks may
    also launch the opponent higher.

6.  Even though it may not register as part of the combo, some attacks
    are guaranteed after a combo.  Sometimes, less damage is inflicted
    on an opponent that attempts to move.

                       Fighter Weight

1.  The Tekken fighters can be split into three weight groups:
    Big = Craig, Jack-5, Kuma, Panda, Jinpachi
    Small = All females (including Roger Jr.) except Panda
    Medium = Everyone else not listed above (including Eddy Gordo)

2.  Some combos may be difficult or not possible to do on certain
    fighter weight groups.  Some combos that work for one weight class
    may not work for another weight class.
    For example, this combo for Ganryu works only on small and
    medium opponents: WS+1+2; 1; 2,1; 1+2

3.  Adding more complexity to weight classes, some combos may only
    work for a specific fighter of a weight class.
    For example, the following combo for Ganryu seems to only work
    against Kuma/Panda, Roger Jr, and Wang if the opponent is launched
    from the front and from close up: d/f+2,(1),2; 2,1; 1+2

4.  There seems to be some special weight classes:
    - Ganryu and King seem to be between Big and Medium
    - King has really long legs, so some combos may only work for him.
    - Roger and Wang seem to be grouped together between Medium and Small.
    - Craig, Jack-5, Kuma/Panda may have combos that only work specically
      for them.

5.  With all of the info above, I believe that the Weight Classes are:

        Craig, Jack-5, Kuma/Panda, Jinpachi

        Ganryu, King

        Baek, Bruce, Bryan, Devil Jin, Feng, Heihachi, Hwoarang, Jin,
        Kazuya, Lee, Lei, Marshall, Paul, Raven, Steve, Yoshimitsu,

        Roger Jr., Wang

        Anna, Asuka, Christie, Julia, Ling, Nina

                       Natural Combos

1.  Fighters can perform some combos from just doing one of their
    normal attacks.  This goes by the name "natural combo".
    For example, Lei can do: d/b+4,4

2.  Also under the name "natural combo", fighters have some attacks
    that can guarantee damage if the attack connects.  Some of these
    attacks require a counter hit (CH) for the damage to be guaranteed.
    For example, Lei can do: {CH} 3,3

3.  Many fighters are very vulnerable when their back is facing you.
    Some attacks are inescapable when hitting an opponent in this

                          Wall Game

1.  Tekken 5 doesn't have tech rolls for walls like Tekken 4, which
    opens up a lot of different wall combo possibilities.

2.  A wall might ruin the combo that you were planning on doing.  You
    will most likely have to adjust the combo, or stop it entirely, if
    your opponent hits a wall.

3.  Attacks that knock the opponent away and knocks them to the ground
    may also be used for starters of wall combos.

4.  Hitting an opponent near a wall (but not hitting the wall) may
    open up new combo possibilities that weren't possible before.
    For example, with Lei:
    b,b+1 {NEAR WALL}; d/f+1+2,[f] (45)
5.  Many attacks react differently depending on how far or close you
    are to the wall.  For example,  Lei's "Drunken Tiger Lash" (b,b+1)
    will cause an opponent to become stunned when hitting a wall
    from very close range.  However, from farther back, the opponent
    will immediately fall to the floor when hitting a wall.

6.  For practicing wall combos, the stages that I like to use
    are "Burning Temple" and "Poolside".

                      Escapes & Recovery

1.  You have a few ways of getting up quickly when hitting the ground:
    - Quick Roll (Background)
           KNDW (1 _ 2)
    - Quick Roll (Foreground)
           KNDW (3 _ 4)
    - Quick Roll Back
           KNDW B
    - Spring Forward
           KNDW F

2.  Some moves that stun the opponent can be escaped by holding "F"
    These moves are indicated in the "Combo List" section with an "*"
    next to the damage.  The damage is guaranteed only if the
    opponent doesn't escape the stun.

3.  Some moves that knock the opponent to the ground may create a combo
    opportunity, but the opponent can perform the "Spring Forward" by
    holding "F".  The damage is usually only guaranteed only if the
    opponent doesn't perform this move.
    For example, these attacks can be followed by a "Spring Board":
    Bryan's "f,f+2" and Feng Wei's "{CH} b+1"

4.  King's ground grab "d/b+(1+3 _ 2+4)" and throws following the
    crouching air grabs "d+(1+3 _ 2+4),(1+2,1+2 _ 2,1,3,4)" can be
    escaped, so the damage done by these are not guaranteed in juggles
    if an escape occurs.  The escapes are:

    Throw                Escape
    d+(1+3 _ 2+4)
      = 1+2,1+2            1
      = 2,1,3,4            2

5.  King's Giant Swing throw can be tech rolled to reduce the damage.
    The Giant swing used in juggles is performed by pressing:
    {Opponent in Air} d+2+4, 2,1,3,4
    Upon hitting the ground, press any attack button.

6.  Most grabs can be escaped by pressing "1", "2" or "1+2".  However,
    back throws and regular air grabs cannot be escaped.  For info
    about throw escapes, check out the "Tekken 5 Move Lists", created
    by Drake the Demon, on the Tekkenomics website.
    The direct link is:

7.  The "Grounded Ankle Kick" is a good move to perform if you're lying
    on the ground and your opponent is about to attack.  With this
    attack, you may be able to avoid your opponent's okizeme.
    Grounded Ankle Kick = FUFT d+(3 _ 4)

8.  The "Recovery Auto-Guard" (FUFT u,N) can be used to get out of
    some tech traps.  You will be able to guard high and mid attacks
    while standing up.  For example, you can guard Nina's "Leaping
    Axe Kick" (U/F+4) with this method.

9.  The "Ground roll" (GRND 1 or GRND 1,D) can avoid some attacks,
    but since you are moving around on the ground, you may be hit by
    some attacks that would not have hit you if you remained still.

10. You can block Jinpachi's "Super Stun" (b+1+2) by pressing either
    (d/b _ d _ d/f _ FC,d/f _ FC,D _ FC,d/b) right when he does his stun.
    Basically, you have to try to enter the FC position, or already be in
    that position.  Your player will shrug off the effects of the stun.
    Blocking the stun does seem to require exact timing, except when
    you're already in the full crouch position.  However, I don't know if
    there is a way to block after you have been stunned.

              While Standing / While Rising Moves

1.  There are many moves within the game that when performed, causes
    your fighter to enter a crouched position.  If you leave the
    controller neutral, you can perform any "WS" move.  There are also
    a few moves that also has this property if you block or are hit by
    your opponent's attack.

    An example can be seen with Lei:
    Right Punch Poke to While Rising
         d+2; WS (Any WS Move)

    More examples include:

    Being hit with Steve's "Wildman attack" (WS+1,2) forces you to

    Being hit by or blocking Marduk's "Dunk Elbow" (d+1) also forces
    you to crouch.

2.  There are other ways to go into "WS".  Most of these attacks are
    universal.  Here are a few:

    Grounded Ankle Kick to While Rising
         FUFT d+(3 _ 4), WS (Any WS move)

    Jump to While Rising
         (u/f _ U/F _ U _ U/B), WS (Any WS move)

    Wake-up Low Kick to While Rising
         GRND 3, WS (Any WS move)

    Wake-up Rolling Low Kick to While Rising
         GRND (b _ f), 3, WS (Any WS move)

3.  There are some cases where you can just perform a Rising Kick.
    Most of these attacks are universal.  Some of those moves are:

    FDFA Rising Kick
    All except Steve
         FDFA u, (Any WS Kick)

    Standing While Rising Kick
    All except Steve
         GRND (b _ f) ** (Any WS Kick)


1.  Practice Mode is the best way to practice combos.  If you're not
    practicing wall combos, infinite stages are best, such as:
    Moonlit Wilderness, Polar Paradise, Final Stage, and Final Stage 2.
    During a match, it is best to perform the juggles that you have

2.  After learning a new juggle, practice playing against the computer
    in "Practice Mode" -> "VS CPU Training" so that you can get a feel
    of how to work the combo into your playing style.

3.  For a good all-around game, it is best to mix different launchers
    into a match.  Performing the same launcher may become predictable.
    Performing the same combo for a launcher is okay, because once
    the opponent is airborne, there is nothing they can do.

4.  The "Hit Analysis" option in Practice mode can be useful when
    practicing combos.  Brightness indicates that the fighter is able
    to block or attack.  Gray means that the fighter is unable to do
    anything.  A flash of brightness means that the fighter is able to
    escape or tech roll at that slight moment.

5.  Don't feel like you have to learn the difficult or most damaging
    combos for a fighter, because you don't.  Learn the combos that
    feel comfortable to you, and the ones that you will actually
    remember during gameplay.

6.  Watching other people play can be extremely helpful.  This has
    helped me to learn a lot of different combos and strategies.

7.  If there is a certain stance that you like to use, you might
    want to choose your combo based on what stance or position
    that you'll end up in.  Some optional stances are written
    within [ ] brackets at the end of a combo.

8.  Experiment and mix-up different combos.  Not all possible combos
    for each launcher is listed in this Combo FAQ.  Some combos can be
    interchanged with different launchers.  Also, there are some combos
    for launchers listed that can give even more damage.  You can check
    the "Character Strategy & Combos" Forums at Tekken Zaibatsu for
    more info:

9.  You might find it helpful to assign button combinations to the
    shoulder buttons on the controller.  I like to use the following
    L2 = LP+RP (1+2) or LP+LK (1+3)
    L1 = LK+RK (3+4) or RP+RK (2+4)
    R2 = LP+RK (1+4)
    R1 = RP+LK (2+3)

10. Pay close attentio nto the way that I write the combos.  It may
    help if you're having trouble performing the combos.

                         Other Stuff

1.  If you are hit while doing an attack/launcher, but you are still
    standing, you may be able to get in some hits that you wouldn't
    have normally.

2.  The FDFA position is difficult to safely get up from.  So, if your
    opponent is ever in this position, you may be able to get in a
    grounded hit or a tech hit.  Be careful, because Craig, Kuma, and
    Lei can attack while in this position.

4.  It is important to not hold the buttons longer than you need to,
    because you might end up doing a move that wasn't what you were
    planning to do.

5.  Lei and Christie have a side-step motion in their fighting stance
    that may make it a little harder to get complete combos off on them.
    This is because you might launch them from their side instead of
    from their front.

6.  Some of Yoshimitsu's stances can be made into a juggle by hitting
    him with a regular jab (or another attack) to start the juggle.
    This includes the Flea (1+2) and Dragonfly (u+1+2).

                   Practice Mode Positions

This section is to aid those who have problems getting their fighter
or their opponent in certain situations while practicing combos.

After Low Parry
One of the best methods to try out combos after a low parry is to go
to "Defensive Training" and have Bryan perform his "Snake Edge" (d/f+3).
You can also try out different low attacks, but the results may vary.

Counter Hit (CH)
Set the "Counter Hit" option to "ON", or you can either perform the
Ki Charge (1+2+3+4) every time.  Counter Hit on a back turned opponent
will only work in practice mode if you perform the Ki Charge. Otherwise,
you will make the opponent attempt to hit you.

BT Opponent (OBT)
You can sidestep around you opponent until their back is towards you,
or you can select the opponent to be either Lei, Ling, or Raven, and
have them perform "b+3+4" under "Defensive Training".

Crouching Opponent (OCR)
Set "Training Dummy" to "Crouch" or "Crouch Guard".

Grounded Opponent (OGR)
Knock the opponent to the ground, then set "Training Dummy" to "Controller".
This is the only way to make the opponent stay on the ground.

FUFT = With Lei, do "4~4" or "BT,d+3+4"
FDFT = With Lei, do "BT,d+1+2"

Opponent in Air
You can go to "Defensive Training" and have the opponent do any jumping
attack, or have Yoshimitsu do "Flea" (1+2) or "Dragonfly" (u+1+2).

                   Lei's Common Juggle Enders

NOTE: Not all juggle enders are possible for every launcher.

Normal Juggle Ender     Info / Comments
-------------------     ---------------
f+3                     Gives decent damage and has a high connection rate.
f,f+3,4                 Usually gives you the most damage.  You should use
                         this if you can consistently connect both kicks.
d+4,[d]                 When doing this ender, I always go into the Snake
                         stance after.
d/f+1+2,[f]             You can usually get in "TGR 4" after this ender.
f,f+2                   (No info yet)
f,N+1,2,1,2,4,[u_d]     May be able to connect "CRA 4" if opponent doesn't
                         do a Quick Roll.
f,N+4~1,2,3             (No info yet)
f,N+4~1,2,2,2,[f]       Enter the Panther stance for okizeme possibilities.
4~4,3,3                 You might be able to get in "FDFT 3~4" after, if the
                         opponent doesn't get up right away.
FC+4~4,3,3              You might be able to get in "FDFT 3~4" after, if the
                         opponent doesn't get up right away.
WS+3                    Lei's strongest WS attack.
WS+4                    (No info yet)
BT 3                    Lei's strongest attack from BT.
BT d+1                  I usually do "BT d+4,[d]" after this ender, which
                         will hit the opponent if they remain on the ground.
BT d+4,[d]              (No info yet)
CRA 2                   I usually do "BT d+4,[d]" after this ender, which
                         will hit the opponent if they remain on the ground.
PAN 1,2                 (No info yet)
SNA 1,1,1,1,1,[f]       (No info yet)
TGR 4                   (No info yet)
DRU 1,[f]               (No info yet)
FC d/f+3                (No info yet)
FC d/f+4                (No info yet)

Wall Juggle Ender       Info / Comments
-----------------       ---------------
f+3,3                   Overall, the best attack to end a wall combo.
d+4,[d]                 (No info yet)
b+1+2                   (No info yet)
f,N+3                   (No info yet)
d/f+1+2                 If you're close enough, you should be able to
                         connect "WS+3" after.
WS+3                    If you're close enough to the opponent, this
                         ender should connect.  Does good damage.
CRA 3,4,2,3             Does a lot of damage against the wall.
SNA 1,1,1,1,1,[f]       Does a lot of damage against the wall.

                           11. Combo List

NOTE: For most launchers, the guaranteed damage total doesn't begin until
      the opponent is launched.  Not all of the hits are guaranteed to hit
      the opponent, so the actual damage may be less.  The damage after
      each combo below assumes that the opponent isn't blocking during the
      combo (unless indicated).  It was easier for me to write it this way.

(1+2),2 _ 1+2,2
- f+1,2; d/f+1+2,[f] (44)
- f+2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (45)
- f+2; 4~4,3,3 (50)
- f+2; f+2;; f+3 (53)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (56)
- f+2; f+1; f,f+3,4 (56)

- f+1; f+3+4 ~ {DRU} 1 (28)
- f+1,2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (35)
- f,N+3 (36)
- f,f+4,3+4 (36)
- f+1; f,N+2,1,2,4,[u_d] (38)
- 1+2~1; {BT} d+4,[d] (38)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,(2),2,[f] (38)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,3 (39)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 4 (39)
- f+2; f,N+1; f+1; f+3 (42)
- f,N+4~1; f+3 (43)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (44)
- f+2; f+1; f,f+3,4 (44)
- 1+2~1; {BT} 3 (45)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f+3 (47)
- f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (47)
- f,N+4~1; f,f+3,4 (49)

- f,f; d+4,[d] (34)
- u/f+2 (39)
- u+2 (42)
- f,f+2 (45)
- f,f; d/f+1+2,[f] (45)
- 4~3 (49)

f,f+2 _ f,N,f+2
- 4; d+4,[d] (37)
- f+1; f+3+4 ~ {DRU} 1,[f] (37)
- SS+2,2,[f] (38)
- SS+2~b; {BT} D+1,1,1 (41)
- f+1,2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (44)
- f+1,2; f+1; d/f+1+2,[f] (44)
- f+2; f+2; d/f+1+2,[f] (45)
- f+1,2; f+3 (46)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,(2),2,[f] (47)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,3 (48)
- SSR+3+4; {BT} D+1,1,1; {BT} d+4,[d] (48)
- SS+2~b; {BT} D+1,1; {BT} 3 (49)
- f+1; f+1,2; f+3 (49)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,(2),2,[f] (51)
- f,N+4~1; f+3 (52)
- f+2; f+1; f,f+3,4 (53)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (53)
- f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (56)
- f,N+4~1; f,f+3,4 (58)
- f+2; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (59)

f,f+3 _ f,N,f+3
- f,N+3 (44)
- f,f+3,4 (45)
- d/f+1+2,[f] (46)
- 1+2~1; {BT} D+1,1 (49)
- f,N+4~1; f+3 (51)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 2 (52)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (52)
- u/f+4; f+1,2; f+3 (53)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f+3 (55)
- f,N+4~1; f,f+3,4 (57)
- f+2; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (58)

f,f+3~b _ f,N,f+3~b
- {BT} 1; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (44)
- {BT} u/f+4; f+1; d/f+1+2,[f] (47)
- {BT} u/f+4; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (47)
- {BT} u/f+4; f,N+4,(1),2,3 (51)
- {BT} u/f+4; f+1; f+3 (52)
- {BT} u/f+4; 4~4,3,3 (52)
- {BT} u/f+4; f+1,2; d/f+1+2,[f] (53)
- {BT} u/f+3; f+1; f+3 (55)
- {BT} U/F,4; f+1; f+3 (55)
- {BT} u/f+4; f+2; f+3 (55)
- {BT} u/f+4; f+1,2; f+3 (58)
- {BT} U/F,4; f+1; f,f+3,4 (61)
- {BT} u/f+4; f+2; f,f+3,4 (61)
- {BT} u/f+4; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (64)

f,N+2 {BLK}, 1 {BLK}, 2 _ PAN 2 {BLK}, 1 {BLK}, 2
- f+2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (46)
- f+1,2; f+3 (50)
- f,N+4~1; f+3 (56)
- f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (56)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (57)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f+3 (60)
- f+2; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (63)

(f,N+3),d+4 _ (TGR 3),d+4 _ (f,N+4~1,2,3),d+4 _ (DGN 4~1,2,3),d+4
- d+2; WS+4 (23)
- f,f+2 (24)
- d+2; WS+3 (27)
- 4~4,3,3 (29)
- f,f+3,4 (35)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} D+1,1,1 (36)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (40)

(f,N+3),4 _ (TGR 3),4 _ (f,N+4~1,2,3),4 _ (DGN 4~1,2,3),4
- d/b+4,4 (44*)
- * f,f+3,4 (45*)
- SS+3+4; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (46*)
- u/f+4; u/f+3; {CRA} 4 (60*)
- f,f+3; u/f+3; {CRA} 2 (72*)
- f,f+2; f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (73*)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} u/f+4; f+1,2; f+3 (78*)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} u/f+4; f+2; f,f+3,4 (81*)

- {BT} f; d+4,[d] (33)
- {BT} d+4,[d] (36)
- {BT} D+1,1,1,1 (43)
- {BT} 3 (43)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (43)
- {BT} d+2; WS+3 (45)
- {BT} f; 4~4,3,3 (45)
- {BT} 1; {BT} 3 (46)
- {BT} 1; {BT} D+1,1,1 (46)
- {BT} D+1,1; {BT} 3 (47)
- {BT} 3; d+4,[d] (48)
- {BT} d+2; FC+4~4,3,3 (49)
- {BT} 1; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (50)

u/f+4 _ BT u/f+4 [+8 dmg]
- 4; f,N+1,2,1,(2),4,[u_d] (37)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,(2),2,[f] (39)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,3 (40)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 4 (40)
- f,N+4~1; f+3 (44)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (45)
- 1+2~1; {BT} 3 (46)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f+3 (48)
- f,N+4~1; f,f+3,4 (50)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (54)

- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,3 (52)
- f,N+4~1; f,N+1,2,(1),2,SSL; {TGR} 4 (53)
- f,N+4~1; f+3 (56)
- f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (56)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (57)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f+3 (60)
- f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (60)
- f+2; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (63)

U/F,3 (Kick at the peak of the jump)
- f,f+2 (39*)
- f+3 (46*)
- d/f+1; f+3 (47*)
- f,f+3,4 (50*)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} D+1,1,1 (51*)
- * f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (57*)

- 4~4,3,3 (35)
- f+1,2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (39)
- f+1,2; f+3 (41)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,(2),2,[f] (42)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,3 (43)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 4 (43)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (48)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f+3 (51)
- f+2; f+2; f+1; f,f+3,4 (54)
- f+2; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (54)

BT 2
- f+1; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (38)
- f+1,2; d/f+1+2,[f] (40)
- f+1,2; f+3 (45)
- f+1; f,f+3,4 (45)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,(2),2,[f] (46)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,3 (47)
- f+1; f+1,2; f+3 (48)
- f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (51)

BT d+1
- {BT} f; d+4,[d] (15)
- {BT} d+4,[d] (18)
- {BT} 3+4 (18)
- {BT} d+2; FC+4~4,3 (21)
- {BT} 2 (22)
- {BT} f; 4; d+4,[d] (24)
- {BT} d+2; WS+3 (27)
- {BT} f; 3 (27)
- {BT} f; 4~4,3,3 (27)
- {BT} 1; {BT} 3 (28)
- {BT} 3; d+4,[d] (30)
- {BT} f; 4; f+1; d/f+1+2,[f] (32)
- {BT} f; 4; f+1; f+3 (37)
- {BT} f; 4; f+2; f+3 (40)
- {BT} f; 4; f+1; f,f+3,4 (43)
- {BT} f; 4; f+2; f,f+3,4 (46)

BT D+1,1
- {BT} d+3 (19)
- {BT} 1; {BT} d+1 (23)
- {BT} d+2; FC d/f+4 (23)
- {BT} d+2; FC d/f+3 (24)
- {BT} 3 (25)
- {BT} 1; {BT} 3 (31)

BT D+1,1,1
- {BT} d+2 (22)
- {BT} d+3 (23)
- {BT} 1 (23)
- {BT} 3 (29)

FUFA 3+4 _ FUFA 1,3+4 _ FUFA d+1,3+4
- b+1+2 (38)
- f+2; f+1,2; d/f+1+2,[f] (48) <NEW>
- f+2; f+2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (48)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 4 (48)
- u/f+3; {CRA} u/f+4 (50)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 2 (53)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (53) <NEW>
- u/f+4; f+1,2; f+3 (54) <NEW>
- U/F,4; 4~4,3,3 (56)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f+3 (56)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 3; d/f+1+2,[f] (58)
- f+2; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (59) <NEW>
- u/f+4; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (60) <NEW>
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (62)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 3; f+3 (63)

- f+1,1,[f] (23)
- f+1,2; d+4,[d] (32)
- 2; f+1; d+4,[d] (33)
- f+1; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (34)
- 2; d/f+1; f,f; d+4,[d] (35)
- 1; f+3 (35)
- f+1; f+3 (36)
- 2; f+1; d/f+1+2,[f] (38)
- 2; f+1; f+3 (43)
- 2; f+1; f,f+3,4 (49)

- {BT} d+1; {BT} d+4,[d] (48)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} 4 (50)
- {BT} D+1,1,1,1 (51)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} 2 (52)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} f; 4; d+4,[d] (54)
- {BT} D+1,1,1,1,1 (55)

- {BT} d+1; {BT} 2 (52)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} f; 4; d+4,[d] (54)
- {BT} D+1,1,1,1,1 (55)
- {BT} D+1,1; {BT} 3 (55)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} d+2; WS+3 (57)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} 3; d+4,[d] (60)

CRA 3,4,2,3 _ CRA (3,4,2),3 [-41 dmg]
- f+2; f+2; d/f+1+2,[f] (80)
- f+1,2; f+3 (81)
- f+2; f+2; f+3 (85)
- f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (91)

CRA u/f+4
- {CRA} u/f+4 (42)
- {CRA} 3,4,2 (49)
- {CRA} 3; f+1,2; d/f+1+2,[f] (58)
- {CRA} 3; f+1,2; f+3 (63)
- {CRA} 3; f+1; f,f+3,4 (63)
- {CRA} 3; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (69)

- FC+4 (14)
- FC d/f+4 (17)
- FC+3 (18)
- WS+4 (21)
- WS+3 (27)

- f,N+3 (45)
- f+2; f+2; d/f+1+2,[f] (45)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 4 (48)
- f,N+4~1; f+3 (52)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 2 (53)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (53)
- f+2; f+1; f,f+3,4 (53)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f+3 (56)
- f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (56)
- f,N+4~1; f,f+3,4 (58)
- f+2; f+2; f+1; f,f+3,4 (59)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (62)

- FDFT 4 (37)
- FDFT 3 (40)

- FC+2; WS+4 (25)
- WS+4; d+4,[d] (28)
- WS+3 (29)
- FC+2; WS+3 (29)
- u/f+3 (29)
- FC+4~4,3,3 (29)
- WS+4; d+3 (30)
- 4~4,3,3 (31)
- f,f+3,4 (37)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} D+1,1,1 (38)
- WS+1; f+2; f+3 (41)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (42)
- WS+1; f+2; f,f+3,4 (47)

{CL} d/b+4 _ b+1,2,1,3+4,2,1,4,1,4 [+47 dmg]
- d+4,[d] (17)
- d/b+4,[d] (17)
- d+3 (20)
- d/b+3 (20)
- f,N; b+4,[f] (22)
- d/f+1+2,[f] (24)
- d/f+1; d/f+1+2,[f] (27)
- SS+2,2,[f] (27)
- 4~4,3,3 (29)
- SS+2~b; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (34)
- f,f+3,4 (35)
- SS+2~b; {BT} D+1,1; {BT} 3 (38)
- d/f+1; f,N+4~1,2,3 (40)
- d/f+1; f+1,2; f+3 (41)
- d/f+1; f+1; f,f+3,4 (41)
- d/f+1; f+2; f,f+3,4 (44)

{CL} d/b+4~d _ {CL} d/b+4~u
- {SNA} SSR; {PAN} 3,[B] (27)
- {SNA} 2,2~f,[1+3] (23)
- {SNA} 1+2 (27)
- {SNA} 1,1,1,[F] (28)
- {SNA} SSR; {PAN} 2; d+4,[d] (29)
- {SNA} 2,2,4,3 (31)
- {SNA} 1,1,1,1,[F] (31)
- {SNA} SSR; {PAN} 1,2 (31)
- {SNA} 4; {SNA} 1,1,1,[F] (32)
- {SNA} 1,1,1; d+4,[d] (33)

{CL} BT d+4
- d/f+1+2,[f] (24)
- f,f+2 (29)
- WS+3 (32)
- FC+4~4,3,3 (32)
- 4~4,3,3 (34)
- f,f+3,4 (40)
- CC; SS+2~b; {BT} D+1,1; {BT} 3 (43)

{CL} BT d+4~d _ {CL} BT d+4~u _ {CL} BT D+4
- {SNA} SSR; {PAN} 3,[B] (27)
- {SNA} 2,2~f,[1+3] (30)
- {SNA} 1+2 (32)
- {SNA} 1,1,1,[F] (33)
- {SNA} SSR; {PAN} 2; d+4,[d] (34)
- {SNA} 1,1,1,(1),1,[F] (35)
- {SNA} 1,1,1,1,[F] (36)
- {SNA} 2,2,4,3 (36)
- {SNA} SSR; {PAN} 1,2 (36)
- {SNA} 4; {SNA} 1,1,1,[F] (37)
- {SNA} 1,1,1; d+4,[d] (38)

{CH} 1+2
- {BT} d+4,[d] (28)
- {BT} 4 (33)
- {BT} 3 (38)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (38)
- {BT} D+1,1,1,1 (38)

{CH} 1+2~1
- {BT} D+1,1 (41)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} d+4,[d] (42)
- {BT} 1; {BT} d+1 (43)
- {BT} D+1,1,1 (45)
- {BT} D+1,1; {BT} d+4,[u_d] (46)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (49)

{CH} 3,3 _ {CH} DGN 3,3
- {BT} d+4,[u_d] (57)
- {BT} D+1,1,1 (63)
- {BT} D+1,1; {BT} d+4,[u_d] (64)

{CH} 4
- f,f; d+4,[d] (26)
- f,f+2 (33)

{CH} 4 (After a small sidestep left)
- f,f; d+4,[d] (26)
- f,f+2 (33)
- f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (33)
- f,N+1,2,(1),2,SSL; {TGR} 4 (35)
- 4~4,3,3 (38)
- f+3 (40)

{CH} f+4
- f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (50)
- SS+3+4 (51)
- 4; d+4,[d] (52)
- f+1,2; d/f+1+2,[d] (56)
- f+2; f,N+1,2,SSR; {DGN} 2,[f] (59)
- f+2; f+2; d/f+1+2,[f] (60)
- f+1,2; f+3 (61)
- f,f+3,4 (61)
- f+2; f+2; f+3 (65)
- f,N+4~1; f+3 (67)
- f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (71)
- f,N+4~1; f,f+3,4 (73)

{CH} u/f+3
- {CRA} 1 (52)
- {CRA} 3,4,2 (54)
- {CRA} b; {CRA} 2; {BT} D+1,1 (59)
- {CRA} b; {CRA} 2; {BT} d+4,[d] (60)
- {CRA} 3; f+1; f,N+1,2,(1),2,SS; {TGR} 4 (60)
- {CRA} 3; 4~4,3,3 (62)
- {CRA} 3; f+2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (63)
- {CRA} b; {CRA} 2; {BT} D+1,1,1 (63)
- {CRA} b; {CRA} 2; {BT} 3 (63)
- {CRA} b; {CRA} 2; {BT} 1; {BT} D+1,1 (65)
- {CRA} 3; f+2; f+3 (65)
- {CRA} 3; f+1; 1+2,2 (67)
- {CRA} 3; 4; f+3 (67)
- {CRA} 3; f+1,2; f+3 (68)
- {CRA} 3; f+1; f,f+3,4 (68)
- {CRA} 3; f+2; f+2; f+3 (71)
- {CRA} 3; f+2; f,f+3,4 (71)
- {CRA} 3; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (74)

{CH} (f,N+1,2,1,2),3 _ {CH} (TGR 3,1,2,1,2),3 _ {CH} f,N+2,(1),2,3
- d+4,[d] (21)
- d/b+4,[u_d] (21)
- d/b+3 (24)
- 4~4,3,3 (33)

{CH} SS+2~b _ {CH} DRU 2~b
- {BT} D+1,1,1,1 (31)
- {BT} D+1,1; {BT} 3 (35)
- {BT} 3; d+4,[d] (36)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} 3; d+4,[d] (36)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} 1; {BT} 3 (37)

{CH} WS+2
- f+1,2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (41)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,(2),2,[f] (44)
- f+1; f,N+4~1,2,3 (45)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 4 (45)
- f+2; f+2; f+3 (47)
- f,N+4~1; f+3 (49)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (50)
- f+2; f+1; f,f+3,4 (50)
- f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (53)
- f,N+4~1; f,f+3,4 (55)

{CH} AOP 3
- FC+4 (22)
- d/b+4,[u_d] (25)
- FC+3 (26)
- d/b+3 (28)
- {AOP} 3 (28)

{CH} DGN 2
- f+2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (42)
- f+1,2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (44)
- f+1,2; f+3 (46)
- f+2; 4~4,3,3 (47)
- f+2; f+1,2; d/f+1+2,[f] (48)
- f+2; f+2; f+3 (50)
- f+2; f,f+3,4 (50)
- f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (52)
- f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (53)
- f+2; f+2; f+2; f+3 (56)
- f+2; f+2; f,f+3,4 (56)

{CH} DRU (3),2
- d+4,[d] (33)
- d/b+3 (36)

{CH} SNA 2
- 4~4,3,3 (37*)
- d/b+4,4 (42*)
- f,f+3,4 (43*)
- SS+3+4; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (44*)
- d/b+4~d; {SNA} 1+2 (45*)
- f+3 (48*)
- d/b+4~d; {SNA} SSR; {PAN} 1,2 (49*)
- u/f+4; u/f+3; {CRA} 4 (58*)
- f,f+3; u/f+3; {CRA} 2 (70*)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} u/f+4; f+1,2; f+3 (76*)

{CH} SNA 2~f
- {DGN} 4,[f] (33*)
- {DGN} 2,[f] (36*)
- {DGN} 3,[f] (46*)
- {DGN} 1+2,[f] (50*)

{CH} TGR 1
- f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (42)
- 4~4,3,3 (45)
- f+2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (47)
- f,f+3,4 (51)
- f+1,2; f+3 (51)
- f+2; f+2; f+3 (52)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 4 (53)
- u/f+3; {CRA} u/f+4 (55)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 3; 4~4 (56)
- f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (57)
- f+2; f+1; f,f+3,4 (58)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 2 (58)
- u/f+3; {CRA} 3; f,f; d+4,[d] (58)

{CH} TGR 2
- f,f+2 (47)
- d/f+1+2,[f] (47)
- d/b+4,4 (50)
- 4~4,3,3 (52)
- (u/f+3); {CRA} 3; d+4,[d] (52)
- f+3+4; {DRU} 3,2 (53)
- 3~4 (54)
- b+3+4; {BT} D+1,1; {BT} 3 (54)
- b+3+4; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3; d+4,[d] (55)
- SSL+3+4; {BT} 3 (55)
- SS+2~b; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (57)
- f,f+3,4 (58)
- SSL+3+4; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (59)
- d/f+1; f+2; f+3 (61)
- d/f+1; f+1,2; f+3 (64)
- d/f+1; f+1; f,f+3,4 (64)
- (u/f+3); {CRA} 3; f+1,2; f+3 (71)
- (u/f+3); {CRA} 3; f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (77)

{OBT} (f,N+1,2,1,2),3 _ {OBT} f,N+1,2,(1),2,3 [+17 dmg]
 _ {OBT} f,N+2,(1),2,3 [+8 dmg]
- d/b+4,[d] (16)
- d/b+3 (22)

{OBT} WS+2
- f+2; d+4,[d] (28)
- f,f+4 (29)
- f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (29)
- d/f+1+2,[f] (29)
- f,f+2 (29)
- f+3 (36)
- f+2; f+3 (38)
- f,N+1,(2),1,SSL; {PAN} 1,2 (40)
- f,f+3,4 (40)
- f+2; f,f+3,4 (44)
- f+2; f,N+1,(2),1,SSL; {PAN} 1,2 (47)

{Backrolling opponent} u/f+3+4
- {BT} f; d+4,[d] (16)
- {BT} 4 (20)
- {BT} 1; {BT} d+1 (21)
- {BT} 3 (23)
- {BT} D+1,1,1 (23)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (27)

{Opponent in Air} f+1 _ {Opponent in Air} f+2 [+4 dmg]
 _ {Opponent in Air} 1 [-1 dmg] _ {Opponent in Air} 2 [+4 dmg]
- f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (17)
- f+3 (19)
- f+1; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (20)
- f+2; d/f+1+2,[f] (20)
- f+1; f+3 (22)
- f+2; f+3 (25)
- f+1,2; f+3 (28)
- f+1; f,f+3,4 (28)
- f+2; f,f+3,4 (31)
- f+1,2; f,f+3,4 (34)

{Opponent in Air} f+1,2 _ {Opponent in Air} 1,2 [-1 dmg]
- f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (23)
- f+1; d/f+1+2,[f] (23)
- f+3 (25)
- f+1; f+3 (28)
- f+2; f+3 (31)
- f+1; f,f+3,4 (34)
- f+2; f,f+3,4 (37)

{Opponent in Air} f,N+1 _ {Opponent in Air} f,N+2 [+1 dmg]
- f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (19)
- f+3 (21)
- f+2; d/f+1+2,[f] (22)
- f+1; f+3 (24)
- f+2; f+3 (27)
- f+1,2; f+3 (30)
- f+1; f,f+3,4 (30)
- f+2; f,f+3,4 (33)

{Opponent in Air} u/f+3+4
- {BT} f; d+4,[d] (20)
- {BT} d+4,[d] (22)
- {BT} D+1,1 (23)
- {BT} 4 (24)
- {BT} 1; {BT} d+1 (25)
- {BT} 3 (27)
- {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (31)

{CL} FUFA 3 _ {CL} FUFA 1,3 _ {CL} FUFA d+1,3
- FC+4 (14)
- FC+3 (18)
- WS+1; d+4,[d] (23)
- f,f+2 (24)
- CC; d/f+1+2,[f] (24)
- WS+4; d+4,[d] (26)
- WS+3 (27)
- 4~4,3,3 (29)
- f,f+3,4 (35)
- CC; d/f+1; f+1; f+3 (35)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} D+1,1,1 (36)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (40)

{CL} FUFA f,3 _ {CL} FUFA u~3 [+7 dmg]
- FC+4 (19)
- FC+3 (23)
- WS+1; d+4,[d] (28)
- f,f+2 (29)
- d/f+1+2,[f] (29)
- WS+4; d+4,[d] (31)
- WS+3 (32)
- b+1+2 (32)
- d/b+4,4 (32)
- 4~4,3,3 (34)
- f,f+3,4 (40)
- d/f+1; f+1,2; f+3 (46)
- d/f+1; f+1; f,f+3,4 (46)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} D+1,1; {BT} 3 (49)

{CL} FUFT f,3
- FC+4 (14)
- CC; d/b+4,[u_d] (17)
- FC+3 (18)
- CC; d/b+3 (20)
- WS+3 (27)

- FC+4 (19)
- FC+3 (23)
- WS+4; d+4,[d] (31)
- WS+3 (32)
- FC+4~4,3,3 (32)
- FC+2; FC+4~4,3,3 (36)
- f,f+3,4 (40)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} D+1,1,1 (41)
- f,f+3~b; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (45)

{CL} FDFT f,3
- FC+4 (19)
- FC+3 (23)
- WS+1; d+4,[d] (28)
- f,f+2 (29)
- d/f+1+2,[f] (29)
- WS+4; d+4,[d] (31)
- WS+3 (32)
- 4~4,3,3 (34)
- FC+1; FC+4~4,3,3 (34)
- f,f+3,4 (40)
- d/f+1; f+1,2; f+3 (46)
- d/f+1; f+1; f,f+3,4 (46)

b,b+1 {NEAR WALL}
- d+4,[d] (34)
- d/b+4,[d] (34)
- SS+2,[b] (36)
- u/f+2 (39)
- f,f+2 (45)
- d/f+1+2,[f] (45)
- 4~3 (49)

Other Combos
{CL} FDFT 3~4; FUFA 3,4 (29)
(3),3; {BT} d+4,[u_d] (24)
{CH} 1+2,2; f,f; d+4,[d] (42)
u/f+3+4,4 (34)
PAN 1,2 (29)
b+1,2,1,3+4,3+4,3+4,1,1,2; d+4,[d] (98)
d/b+4,4 (24)
BT d+4,4 (34)
BT d+4:4 (39)
BT D+1,1,1,1,1 (25)
FUFA 3,4 (21)
FUFA 3:4 (24)
(FUFA _ FDFT) f,3,4 (27)
(FUFA _ FDFT) b,3,4 (29)
FDFT 3~4,4 (27)
FDFT 3~4:4 (32)
{CL} FUFA u,3,4 (36)
{CH} SS+2,2,[f] (26)
{CH} DRU 2,2,[f] (26)
{CH} DGN 2~f; {TGR} 4 (29)
{CH} SNA 2~f,1+3; {TGR} 4 (26)
{OBT} U/F,1; d+4,[d] (22)
{OBT} BT d+1; {BT} 3 (25)
{OBT} BT D+1,1,1,1 (21)
{Backrolling opponent} u/f+3+4,4 (17)
{Opponent in Air} f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (14)
{Opponent in Air} f,N+2,1,(2),4,[u_d] (20)

Wall Combos
3~4 {WALL}; {BT} d+2 {WALL}; WS+3 (63)
3~4~D {WALL}; {FUFT} 3+4; 3 (58)
3~4~D {WALL}; {FUFT} 3+4; 3 {WALL},3 (71)
3~4~D {WALL}; {FUFT} 3+4 {WALL}; f+3,3 (84)
4~3 {WALL}; {FDFT} 3 (36)
d/f+2 {WALL}; 1,2 {WALL}; 3,3 (63)
d/f+2 {WALL}; 1,2 {WALL}; f+3,3 (65)
f,N+3 {WALL}; f+1,2 {WALL}; d+4,[d] (59)
f,N+3 {WALL}; f,N+3 (60)
f,N+3 {WALL}; f+3,3 (69)
f,N+3 {WALL}; d+4~d {WALL}; {SNA} 1,1,1,1,1,[f] (76)
f,N+3 {WALL}; 1,2 {WALL}; 3,3 (82)
b,b+1 {WALL}; b+1+2 (42)
b,b+1 {WALL}; f+3,3 (63)
b,b+1~f {WALL}; {DRU} 1 (42)
b,b+1~f {WALL}; {DRU} 3,2 (50)
f,f+2; f+2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,SS {WALL}; {CRA} 4 (58)
f,f+2; f+2; f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,SS {WALL}; {CRA} 1 (66)
f,f+3 {WALL}; 1+2,2 (51)
f,f+3 {WALL}; d+4~d {WALL}; {SNA} 1,1,1,1,1,[f] (62)
f,f+3 {WALL}; f+3 {WALL}; 1,2 {WALL}; d+4,[d] (66)
f,f+3 {WALL}; 1+2 {WALL}; {BT} d+2 {WALL}; WS+3 (67)
f,f+3 {WALL}; f+1,2 {WALL}; f+3,3 (74)
f,f+3 {WALL}; 1+2~1; {BT} d+2 {WALL}; WS+3 (80)
f,f+3; u/f+3 {WALL}; {CRA} 1 (61)
f,f+3~b {WALL}; {BT} u/f+4 {WALL}; f+1,2 {WALL}; d+4,[d] (60)
f,f+3~b {WALL}; {BT} U/F,4 {WALL}; f+1,2 {WALL}; d+4,[d] (63)
u/f+3+4 {NEAR WALL}; {BT} d+2 {WALL}; WS+3 (59)
u/f+4; f+2; f+1,2 {WALL}; f+3,3 (70)
u/f,N+4 {WALL}; 1,2 {WALL}; 3,3 (76)
BT d+1 {NEAR WALL}; {BT} d+2 {WALL}; WS+3 (41)
BT d+4~d {NEAR WALL}; {SNA} 1,1,1,1,1,[f] (48)
SS+3+4 {WALL}; {BT} 3 (33)
SS+3+4 {WALL}; {BT} d+2 {WALL}; WS+3 (48)
FUFA 3+4 {WALL}; 1,2 {WALL}; f+3,3 (74)
FUFA 3+4 {WALL}; 1+2~1 {WALL}; {BT} d+2 {WALL}; WS+3 (81)
DRU 1 {WALL}; f+1,2 {WALL}; d+4,[d] (49)
PAN 2 {WALL}; f+1,2 {WALL}; b+1+2 (61)
PAN 2 {WALL}; 2 {WALL}; f+3,3 (70)
PAN 2 {WALL}; f+1,2 {WALL}; f+3,3 (75)
PAN 2; f+1; f+2; f+1 {WALL}; f+3,3 (74)
TGR 3 {WALL}; WS+3 (50)
{CH} u/f+3 {WALL}; {CRA} 3; f+1,2; d+4,[d] (70)
{CH} u/f+3 {WALL}; {CRA} 3,4,2,3 (73)
{CH} u/f+3 {WALL}; {CRA} 3 {WALL}; f+3,3 (85)
{CH} u/f+3; {CRA} 3 {WALL}; f+3,3 (84)

Combos That I Like To Use
This is a list of combos that I usually use during a match.
I usually like to stick to the simple combos.
d/f+2; f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (44)
b,b+1; 4~3 (49)
f,f+2; f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (53)
f,f+3; u/f+3; {CRA} 2 (52)
f,f+3~b; {BT} u/f+4; f+1; f+3 (52)
f,N+2 {BLK}, 1 {BLK}, 2; f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (57)
u/f+3+4; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (43)
u/f+3+4,4 (34)
u/f+4; f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (45)
BT d+1; {BT} 3; d+4,[d] (30)
FUFA 3+4; b+1+2 (38)
FUFA 3+4; f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (53)
CRA 2; {BT} D+1,1,1,1,1 (55)
PAN 2; f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (53)
TGR 4; 4~4,3,3 (31)
TGR 4; f,f+3,4 (37)
{CL} d/b+4~d; {SNA} SSR; {PAN} 1,2 (31)
{CL} BT d+4~d; {SNA} SSR; {PAN} 1,2 (36)
{CH} 1+2~1; {BT} D+1,1; {BT} d+4,[u_d] (46)
{CH} 3,3; {BT} d+4,[u_d] (57)
{CH} u/f+3; {CRA} 1 (52)
{CH} SS+2~b; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3; d+4,[d] (36)
{CH} WS+2; f+2; f+1,2; f+3 (50)
{CH} TGR 1; f+1,2; f+3 (51)
d/b+4,4 (24)
PAN 1,2 (29)
FUFA 3,4 (21)
(FUFA _ FDFT) f,3,4 (27)
(FUFA _ FDFT) b,3,4 (29)
(3),3; {BT} d+4,[u_d] (24)
{CL} FDFT 3~4; FUFA 3,4 (29)
u/f+4; f+2; f+1,2 {WALL}; f+3,3 (70)
f,f+3 {WALL}; f+1,2 {WALL}; f+3,3 (74)
BT d+1 {WALL}; {BT} d+2 {WALL}; WS+3 (41)
PAN 2; f+1; f+2; f+1 {WALL}; f+3,3 (74)
{Backrolling opponent} u/f+3+4; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (27)
{Opponent in Air} f+1,2; f+3 (25)
{Opponent in Air} f,N+1,2,(1),2,4,[u_d] (14)

                    12. Strategy & Move Analysis

This section covers strategies for Lei, and analyzes some of his moves.


Starting the Match
Most opponents like to throw out jabs at the beginning of a match.
Here are a few different ways that I like to begin a match:
1) A backdash (b,b) will cause some of your opponent's attacks to miss,
   which leaves them vulnerable.
2) Go straight into "Play Dead" (d+3+4).  You have a few options from
   this position.  If your opponent throws out a high or mid attack, your
   opponent is at a disadvantage to your "Play Dead" attacks.  But, be
   aware that you may be vulnerable to some mid and low attacks.
3) Go straight into "Back Turn" (b+3+4).  Doing this move puts a little
   bit more space between you can your opponent. While in this position,
   I like to immeditely do "BT d+1" or "BT d+4,[d]", which sets you up
   for a juggle opportunity.  This isn't very useful if your opponent
   doesn't attack or approach you.
4) Throw out a quick "Left Right Punch" (1,2)
5) Start of by doing a right jump kick (u/f+4)
6) Perform the "Rave Spin" (d/b+4,4)

Drunken Master Auto-Punch Parry
If you think your opponent will throw out some jabs, perform the
Drunken Master Auto-Punch Parry (f+3+4).  You will parry the attack,
and the opponent's side will be facing you.  This will make the
opponent have to guess what your next attack will be.  Here, I usually
do "u/f+4" or "d/b+4,4".

Bull Fighter
My favorite thing to do with Lei is to go into the Snake stance, then SSR
into the Panther stance when the opponent is about to attack, then do
"PAN 1,2" or "PAN 2". Doing this will sidestep most of your opponent's
attacks and will leave them open for a counter-attack. This strategy sort
of resembles a bull-fighter.

While in the FUFT position, do the "Spring Up" (FUFT 3+4), then go
immediately into "Play Dead" (d+3+4).  If your opponent throws out a
high or mid attack, you might be at an advantage to execute your
"Play Dead" attacks.  But, be aware that some mid attacks might hit you.
Also, if your opponent does a low attack, this strategy won't work.

Up and Over
If you do an attack that leaves your opponent lying on the ground, run
up and jump over them.  This will put you in the Back Turn position (BT).
If you think your opponent will try to get up or attack at this point,
do a "BT d+1".  If you think they'll stay on the ground, you can do
"BT d+4,[d]", or jump over the grounded opponent again to try to bait
them into moving.  You can also use this strategy to jump over an
opponent who is just getting up after being knocked down.  Some of their
attacks will miss if they attempt to attack you right away.

Tiger's Rear End
Do the "Tiger Fang to Tiger Stance" (d/f+1+2~f), then start backing up.
If the opponent comes after you or tries to attack, do "TGR 4", which
gives you a juggle opportunity.

If there is some distance between you can the opponent, run up then
do one of the following moves:
- u/f+4 (go into a juggle)
- Any grab (my favorite is the "2+4" grab)
- b+4,[f] (see "Scythe Kick" info)
- d/b+4,4 (can also do "d/b+4,[d]" into a juggle)
- d+4,[d] (can go into "Bull Fighter" strategy)
- d+3+4 (see "Play Dead" info)
"WR+3" is not a good move to use in this situation, because the opponent
can sidestep your attack, which leaves you wide open for an attack.

Kamikaze Okizeme
If there is some distance between you can the a grounded opponent, run
up then do one of the following moves:
- b+4,[f] (May hit opponent if they attempt to attack from the ground)
- d/b+4,[d] (Will hit grounded opponents)
- d+4,[d] (Will hit the opponent if they attempt to move)
- 3~4 (Will evade low attacks and hit the opponent)
- WR+4 (May hit ground rolling and backrolling opponents)
- U/F (see "Up and Over" strategy)
"WR+3" may hit backrolling opponents, but I wouldn't recommend it in this
situation.  If the opponent misses, you will be vulnerable to an attack.

                   Move Analysis

Play Dead (d+3+4)
"Play Dead" is one of the main reasons why I decided to learn how to
play with Lei back in Tekken 3.  It was a great evasive move back then,
and it still is in Tekken 5.  You will go into the "FUFA" position and
can avoid all high, most mid, and some low attacks.  In this position,
you can force the opponent to guess whether you're going mid or low.

Sidewind (d+1+2)
The addition of the "Bicycle Kicks" (FDFA 3+4) makes the "Sidewind" a
lot more useful.  The "Bicycle Kicks" can be used against opponents
that pressure you while in the FDFA position.  You can also keep them
guessing with the "Sliding Kick" (FDFA 4~3).  Be carful, because if
any of the two above attacks are blocked, the opponent can get in
free hits.

Back Turn (b+3+4)
"Back Turn" is another great evasive more.  It puts some distance
between you and the opponent, so some of your opponents attacks may
miss.  From the "BT" position, I mostly use "BT d+1" "BT 2", "BT d+2",
and "BT d+4,[u_d]". You should mix these moves up to keep the opponent
guessing.  Sometimes I use "BT 1" and "BT 3", but mostly just in combos.

Razor Rush (f,N+1<2<1<2,(3_<4))
The "Razor Rush" is one of Lei's trademark moves.  No other fighter
has a move quite like this.  Directly from this move, you have an
opportunity to go into 5 of Lei's stances by sidestepping after one
of the attacks.  You should mix up the "3" and "4" for the last
attack to keep the opponent guessing.  The "4" can be sidestepped,
and the "3" can easily be low parried, but if you mix things up, this
move can be useful.

One Two Kick (f,N+3,(4_d+4))
This move can be very useful.  If blocked, the "One Two Kick" causes a
guard stun, which when followed by "4" (escapable stun on normal hit) or
"d+4" (trip juggle starter on CH) forces the opponent to guess whether
they should block mid or low.  The "d+4" can be low parried, but neither
"4" or "d+4" can be sidestepped.  If the "f,N+3" is ducked or whiffs, you
are vulnerable to being attacked.

Rush Combo (f,N+4~1,2,3,(4_d+4))
This move is pretty much the same as the "One Two Kick", but this is a
little safer if the first misses, since the second attack is mid.  However,
it is easy to get poked out of this move if the first hit whiffs.  The
"Rush Combo" also has a few other options, which can be found in the

If everything up to the "3" is blocked, this move causes a guard stun,
which when followed by "4" (escapable stun on normal hit) or "d+4"
(trip juggle starter stun on CH) forces the opponent to guess whether they
should block mid or low.  The "d+4" can be low parried, but neither "4" or
"d+4" can be sidestepped.  However, some of the other options may from the
"Rush Combo" may useful (such as "f,N+4~1,2,2,2") since the the "3" can be
ducked, which leaves you open for attack.

Rising Mid Kick (WS+3)
This is a very useful move.  If you're close enough, you can hit
grounded opponents.  Also, it is guaranteed after blocking certain
low attacks, like the universal "GRND 3" low attack, and Bryan's
"Snake Kick" (d/f+3).

Scythe Kick (b+4,[f])
This is a good evasive attack.  You can use this move if you feel
like getting some distance between you can the opponent.  You can
do this move multiple times to try to bait your opponent.  If they
whiff an attack while you perform a "Scythe Kick", you may be able
to connect "f,f+2".

Twin Snake Strikes to Panther Stance (f+1+2,(U_D))
After doing this move, you will in the Panther Stance.  Some
opponents may not see the transition into the Panther stance
and will attempt to attack right away.  If they do a high attack,
they will be open for a "PAN 1,2" or "PAN 2".  However, you are
vulnerable to mid attacks.

Drunken Master Punch Parry (f+3+4 _ DRU f+3+4)
This move parries high/mid punches and will end with your opponent's
side facing you.  If they don't attempt to attack right away, then
you're able to make them have to guess what you're going to do.
After the parry, I will usually do "u/f+4" into a combo, or "d/b+4,4".

Low Kick to Snake Stance (d+4~d)
"d+4" is one of Lei's fastest low attacks.  With this move, I like to
use the "Bull-Fighter" strategy right after going into the Snake stance.
This is the best move to hit an opponent rolling on the ground.

Spring Up (FUFT 3+4)
If your opponent is not to far away, "Spring Up" can be used as bait.
I usually attack right after doing this move, using either "d/f+2",
"d/b+4,4", "d+(1_2)" or go right into "Play Dead" (d+3+4).  This move
can evade some low attacks, and may hit your opponent if they're close
enough. However, this move is kind of risky to use, because you are
vulnerable to mid and low attacks.

Mauling Dragon (f,f+2)
The "Mauling Dragon" is a great move to punish whiffed attacks.
For example, you can punish "FUFT 3" and "FUFT 4".  You can also
use the "Mauling Dragon" to punish moves with a long recovery time.

               Strategy for Grabs

Double Foot Stomp (1+3 _ f+1+3)
This grab will put a lot of distance between you and your opponent.
You can do the normal running attacks "WR+4", "WR+1+2", "WR+3", and
also the "Kamikaze" strategy if your opponent gets up right away.
Don't do this grab if your back is close to a wall, because you will
hit the wall and receive 2 points of damage.

Sleeper Hold (2+4 _ f+2+4)
This is my favorite grab to do with Lei.  After the grab, you can get
in a "d/b+3" if the opponent stays still or attempts to get up.  If
the opponent tries to ground roll, you can do "d+4,[d]"

Dragon Falls (u/f+1+2)
If the opponent attempts to get up after this grab, you can usually
get in a "FDFA 3+4" if the opponent attempts to get up, but if the
opponent doesn't attempt to get up at this time, you will miss the
attack, and your opponent can get in a free hit.  However, if you
think that your opponent will backroll or remain on the ground, you
can do "FDFA 4~3".

Out of Control (SNA 1+3 _ DGN 1)
With this grab, Lei can enter the "Drunken Master Walk" (DRU) by
pressing "1+2" after grabbing the opponent.  Doing this, Lei
will receive 10 points of health and will deal 23 damage to the
opponent, instead of the normal 33 damage.

Tripping (f,f+1+2)
If the opponent attempts to backroll or stand up after the grab,
then you should be able to get in a "d+4,[d]".  You can do "d/b+3"
if they stay on the ground.


Hitting Grounded Opponents
There are several moves that you can use to hit an opponent that
remains still on the ground:
FC d/f+3
FC d/f+4
BT 3+4,3+4,3+4
BT u/f+2
BT d+4,[u_d]
PAN 3,[B]
CRA 3 {Must be very close}
CRA (3),4
DGN (3),3
DGN (4~1,2,3),d+4
DGN (4~1,2,2),4
DGN (4~1,2,2,4),3
SNA (2,2),4
SNA (2,2,4),3
FDFA 4~3
FDFT 3~4
GRND f,3

Hitting Ground Rolling Opponents
BT d+1
BT d+4,[d]

Hitting Backrolling Opponents
There are some moves that you can use to hit an opponent that tries
to get up from the ground by backrolling (some attacks have better
range than others):
PAN 1,2

Asteroid Kick (U/f+3+4) on Backrollers
If an opponent attempts to backroll after hitting the ground, I
like to do the "Asteroid Kick" (u/f+3+4), which will catch the
opponent, and gives you a juggle opportunity.  The combo I usually
use in this situation is:
{Backrolling opponent} u/f+3+4; {BT} d+1; {BT} 3 (27)
More combos can be found in the "Combo List" section

Crane Kick (CRA 4)
If "CRA 4" connects, you should be able to connect "4~4" on the
grounded opponent, or you can try other okizeme possibilities, like
running up and doing "d+4,[d]" if they try to get up.

Staggering Slide (DRU 3+4)
If "DRU 3+4" connects, you may be able to connect "FDFT 3~4" on
the grounded opponent, or maybe even "FDFT 3~4,4" if they try
to get up.

                     Other Info

- I like to play Lei with a mix between bulldog and turtle strategies.
  Bulldog = Strategies like Kamikaze
  Turtle = Moves like Play Dead
- No other fighter has the ability to effectively attack
  from any position quite like Lei (BT, Grounded, etc.)
- "DRU 1+2" and "b+1+2" evade high attacks
- The Snake, Dragon, Panther, Tiger, and Crane stances automatically
  faces you towards your opponent when the opponent is behind you.

                          13. Lei's Stances

In this section, you will find the different ways to get into
Lei's stances, or moves that will keep him in that stance.
You will also find Stance related info here.

AOP (Phoenix Illusion)

AOP 3,[3],[3],[3]

BT (Back Turn)

f+3~4 ???????? varies
BT 1
BT d+1
BT 3+4,[3+4],[3+4]
(DRU _ SS) 2~B
f,N+2 {BLK}, 1 {BLK}, 2 {BLK}, 1
PAN 2 {BLK}, 1 {BLK}, 2 {BLK}, 1
u/f {Jump over grounded opponent}
BT u/f {Jump over grounded opponent}
AOP [3],[3],[3],[3],b+4,[u],[u]
{Back towards wall} b,b,u/b ???????? varies

CRA (Crane)

(u _ u/f _ u/b)+3
f,N+1,2,1,2,4,(u _ d)
f,N+2 {HIT}, 1, 2, 4, (u _ d)
f+4,2,1,2,4,(u _ d)
CRA u/f+4
PAN 4 * 2,1,2,4,(u _ d)
TGR 3,1,2,1,2,4,(u _ d)

DGN (Dragon Stance)

f,N+1,2,(u _ d)
TGR 3,1,2,(u _ d)
SNA 2,[2]~F
SS+1,(U _ D)

DRU (Drunken Master)

DRU 1+2
(DRU _ SS) 2,2~F
(SNA 1+3 _ DGN 1), 1+2

FDFA (Sidewind)


FDFT (Reverse Sidewind)

BT d+1+2
BT FC+1+2
FDFT 4~3
DRU 3+4

FUFA (Play Dead)

DGN d+3+4
(u/f _ u/b)+2
BT (u/f _ u/b)+2
FDFT 3~4
FDFT 3+4
FDFA 4~3 {HIT}
WR+4 {HIT}

FUFT (Reverse Play Dead)

BT d+3+4
BT FC+3+4
FDFA 3+4
FDFA 4~3 {BLK}
WR+4 {BLK}
AOP [3],[3],[3],[3],b+4,[u],[u]~D
DGN 4~1,2,2,4,[3]
SNA 2,2,4,[3]

PAN (Panther Stance)

f,N+1,2,1,(u _ d)
TGR 3,1,2,1,(u _ d)
f+1+2,(u _ d)
DGN 4~1,2,2,2~f
SNA 2,2,2~F

SNA (Snake Stance)

f,N+1,(u _ d)
TGR 3,1,(u _ d)
BT d+4~(u _ d)
d/b+4~(u _ d)
AOP (u _ d)+(1+4 _ 2+3)
SNA 1,1,[1],[1],[1],[1] ~ F

TGR (Tiger Stance)

f,N+1,2,1,2,(u _ d)
TGR 3,1,2,1,2,(u _ d)
DGN 1+2~F
DGN 4~1,2,2~f,1+3
SNA (2 _ 2,2)~f,1+3

Stance Guarding

Crane High/Mid Guard
     CRA (u _ d) {Opponent High/Mid Attack}

Drunken Master Low Guard
     DRU D/B {Opponent Low Attack}

Drunken Master Mid/High Guard
     DRU B {Opponent Mid/High Attack}

Panther Low Auto-Guard
(While in auto-guard, normal low attacks will
 automatically be blocked.)
     PAN N

Stance Mid/High Auto-Guard
(While in auto-guard, normal high and mid attacks will
 automatically be blocked.)
     (DGN _ SNA _ TGR) N

Stance Parry

Drunken Master Auto-Parry
     f+3+4 {Parry Mid/High Punch}

Drunken Master Punch Parry
(Lei can parry punches after entering Drunken Master)
     DRU f+3+4 {Opponent Mid/High Punch}

Panther Stance Low Parry
     PAN f {Opponent Low/Special Mid Attack}

Tiger Stance Mid/High Parry
     TGR f {Opponent Mid/High Attack}

Other Info

Crane Low Auto-Hop
(Lei will automatically hop over any normal low attacks.
 However, another attack after the first low attack may hit Lei.)
     CRA (N _ B _ F), {Opponent Low Attack}

Phoenix Illusion Cancel
     AOP (u _ d)

Stance Advance
     (Any Stance) f

Stance Cancel
     (CRA _ DGN _ PAN _ SNA _ TGR), (D _ D/B)

                            14. Questions

I've received some questions through e-mail, so in this section,
you can read my response to those questions.

Question 1 - Semicolon

Q:  "I haven't seen anyone else use a semicolon while writing combos.
    Is that a special symbol in your FAQ?"

A:  I'm one of the only people that uses a semicolon for writing combos.
    I use it to clearly separate the different commands used within a
    combo.  The way that some people write their combos, using only
    commas make it unclear exactly what is going on.  I thought that
    it would be a good symbol to use since nobody uses it for anything

Question 2 - Weapons in matches?

Q:  Can Lei use his gun in a match?

A:  No, he cannot use his gun, or any other weapon in a match.

Question 3 - Lei's Dragon to Tiger

Q:  "I can't seem to do lei's f,N+4~1,2,2~f DRG, 1+3 into tiger...
    it comes out as the drunken throw."

A:  Press "1+3" right after entering DRG from "f,N+4,1,2,2~f".
    There's a small window when the move can be done,
    which can be seen with "Hit Analysis" in Practice Mode.
    During this window, "1+3" into TGR is the only possible move.

                          15. Special Thanks

Name                       Reason
----                       ------

Namco                      Creating another incredible game

UCR Tekken Players         (See further below)

Drake the Demon            - Providing info to add to "AOJ"
                           - Explanation of "CC" and "iWS"
                           - Creating a movelist for Lei, which I used
                             to make my list

n8nmonster                 Letting me know about strategies, combos, and
                           info for Lei, and for all those fun Lei vs Lei

"Still Standing"           Creating a dictionary of Tekken related terms

sithlord                   Posting definitions of Tekken terms

Sikender Ali               For writing the first Tekken 5 Combo List

EagleJin and Redhawk       Various combos for different fighters

FiGi (Skopje,MKD)          Providing wall combos

TheDinosaur                Providing info about "Juggling After Low Parry"

Most importantly, special thanks to all of the UCR Tekken players
(University of California, Riverside):
Paulinstein, n8nmonster, Luis, Jeff, Jose, Marc, Billy, AJ,
and everyone else :)

Thanks to all of these people who I have borrowed a few combos from:
Blood Red, Eagle's Shadow, Guylon, motoJOHNSON, n8nmonster, Random_Punk,
shauno, tobi, Tony-T

Thanks to everyone who have provided customizations for Lei:
Darklightjg, Jeremy, kennetth_julian, mishimazama, su Car Yama

                         16. About Tekkenomics

"Tekkenomics" is the name of the website created by Paulinstein
and me (Wild Man X).

"Tekkenomics" is guaranteed to contain some material that has never
been seen on any other Tekken website.  The site will contain
exclusive articles, original FAQ files, move lists, combos/juggles,
combo movies, in-game matches, ending movies, and fan-based material.

Initially, the website will only cover Namco's latest installments
in the Tekken series: Tekken Tag, Tekken 4, and Tekken 5.  We are
currently working on the template.  Hopefully it will be up and
running sometime in 2006.

But, for now you can check out "Tekkenomics 0.6", which is the
temporary website until the final website is complete.

If you're having problems visiting the "Tekkenomics" website at, then you can also visit it at the link below:

If you were wondering how we came up with the name "Tekkenomics":
Back in my high school days in the year 2000, Paulinstein, me, and
some other high school friends would get together to play Tekken 3.
At the time, we were also taking Economics class.  So, whenever we
would get together to play, we would say that we were going to study
some "Tekkenomics".
So, basically "Tekken" + "Economics" = "Tekkenomics".

There are a few references on the web about the name "Tekkenomics"
that isn't related to us or our website.  There are some members
on the Tekken Zaibatsu forums that are known as Tekkenomics,
Tekkenomics_101, and TekkenNomics Jr. that aren't related to us.
On Tekken Zaibatsu, we go by the names Wild Man X and Paulinstein.
The things that are related to us are at: GameFAQs, Neoseeker, IGN,, Gamerhelp, Gamespot, AIM, MSN Messenger, Hotmail, and Gmail

                      17. About The Author

I have been a fan of the Tekken series since 2000.  A few of my friends
got me into the series with Tekken 3.

My first FAQ was "Hidden Moves" for Tekken 4.  Writing this FAQ, I've
learned some new things about Tekken along the way that I probably
wouldn't have learned otherwise.  My FAQs are a way for me to share
what I have learned.

When I bought Tekken Tag for the PS2, I decided to learn how to play
with all of the fighters, and this has carried over to Tekken 4 and
Tekken 5.  So, you can rest assured that I do atleast know a little
bit about what I'm talking about :)

Lei Wulong is my main fighter, and has been since Tekken 3.  If you
ever play Tekken 5 in Riverside, California, I have a Lei IC Card
named "Get Leid".

I hope that you've enjoyed my FAQs.  If you do, please visit my website
( and join the forum.

                            18. Closing

Feel free to e-mail me any questions or comments about this FAQ or
the Tekkenomics website.  Also, feel free to e-mail me any material
that can be put on the website (such as Fan Art).  When sending
e-mail, please make sure that "Tekken" or "Soul Calibur" is
somewhere in the e-mail subject name.

* Please let me know if you are confused about any part of this FAQ.
  I will do my best to clarify any part that may seem confusing.

REMINDER: When sending an e-mail, please put something about "Tekken",
"FAQ", or "Soul Calibur" somewhere in the e-mail topic, or the e-mail
most likely will be deleted.  P.S. I only speak English.

I hope you find this FAQ helpful.  Thanks for your time.

              And one more thing, YOU'VE JUST BEEN LEI'D!!!

                      Class is now in session!!!

                  Copyright 2000-2006 - Tekkenomics