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Rare Fossils and Minerals

by Scorchy99

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			   Rare Fossils and Minerals
			         By: Scorchy99

This is a in-depth guide as to obtaining all of the rare fossils and minerals 
available in Spectrobes. All of the spots should prove accurate, and have been
tested extensively.

In the table of contents there are codes. To jump straight to a particular 
section, what you want to do is copy the entire symbol to the left of the 
section name, press Ctrl+F and paste it into the text box, and press enter. 
You will jump directly to the section.

Note that, only the following sections of the guide will work before you beat 
the game (these sections will continue to work after completing the game)  

- Getting evolve minerals before beating the game
- Danapod
- Mossapod, Messapod and Emerald Locations 
- Inkapod 
- Finding Rubies and Sapphires

The other sections require you to finish the game before the spawns will 
appear, and are labelled within the guide.

Table of Contents { TOC }

{ TOC } Table of Contents
{ VER } Versions
{EVVOR} Getting evolve minerals before beating the game
{ DAN } Danapod
{ MME } Mossapod, Messapod and Emerald Locations
{ INK } Inkapod
{RUBYS} Finding Rubies and Sapphires
{GOLD } The Gold Mineral
{EXCEV} Excavating evolve minerals 
{CHROM} The Chromas
{T/U/C} Titanium, Uranium and Chrome Minerals
{CREDI} Credits, Disclaimer etc. 

Versions { VER }

Version 1.01:
 - Updated the list of sites this guide can be found on.

Version 1.0:
 - Current

Getting evolve minerals before beating the game {EVVOR}

This works before, and after beating the game. However, after beating the game
excavating evolve minerals is much faster than this. Evolve minerals will 
automatically evolve any spectrobe, unless it is already in the evolved stage.
This mineral can not be sold for Garu.

|Mineral    |                    Effect 		       | Value |
|Evolve     |Evolves your Spectrobe(no effect on evolved stage)| N/A   |

The following map is Nessa Area 2, on the final screen. What you will be 
looking for is a large purple vortex, in the south west corner of the area.
		    ____          /   \__________________
        _____      /**  \________/      x                \
       /     \____/ o **                              !!!\
      |                           **                x     \__
       \                         **         o               |
	\                                                   |
	|             *****                                 |
Screen                 ***                                 _|
   Change   o             !!!                             |
        \        x                                       |
         \             o                               __|
          \_                                      oo/\/
            |                                     xx|
            |    __                            ____/
            |   /  \                               \
            \___\   |                               \
                    |                                \
                   /oo               o           x     \
	         /  ox                                   \_
               /                                            \
             / o                                             |
           /                                                 |
         / **                                           o    |
         | o**               __        ***                 __|
         |                  /  \     ******               /
         |                 |   |     !!!***              /
        /     1        x  /    \_                       /
       /    _____       /        \/\                 __/
      /    /     \ o   /            \               |
     /   /    ^   \___/              \             |
    /__/      |                       \           |
   	      |			       \          |
	1: Large black vortex;		\     xo  /
	   is found here	         \____xx_/
To get to the large black vortex, simply follow the wall directly south of you
all the way down to the bottom where you see a giant purple vortex that does 
not move. This is where you want to be.

Step into the vortex and you are automatically thrown into a 30 consecutive 
round battle. If you can complete all of the rounds, you will be awarded with 
an evolve mineral. If not, you do not get anything.

If you win, or lose the vortex will dissappear, and all of your HP will be 
healed. To get it to return all you need to do is excavate something, or 
change screens. You do not have to go all the way back to the ship.

Danapod { DAN }

This works both before and after beating the game. 

Danapod has the longest scan range capable of finding both fossils, and 
minerals in the game, and as such is a major asset to your party. You can get 
Danapod as soon as you have access to Nessa Area 3 (which is also where you 
find it). 

 Spectrobe Evolution Line 19
|Name: Danawa   |Alignment: Corona | Base Stats: 55 HP  65 ATK   |
|Fossil: Danapod|Incubation: 45 min|             50 DEF          |
|Stage: Baby    |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: N/A           |
|Scan: R6 F & M |           180 HP |                             |
|Name: Danapix  |Alignment: Corona | Base Stats: 211 HP  100 ATK |
|Fossil: Danapod|Incubation: 2.5hrs|             124 DEF         |
|Stage: Adult   |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: Daglob        |
|Scan: N/A      |            500 HP|               Dagflare      |
|Name: Danaphant|Alignment: Corona | Base Stats: 521 HP  230 ATK |
|Fossil: Danapod|Incubation: N/A   |             318 DEF         |
|Stage: Evolved |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: Danilob       |
|Scan: N/A      |            N/A   |               Danitusk      |

There is only about a 40% chance that Danapod will appear in the designated 

The map displayed below is the first screen of Nessa Area 3 (the blue desert!)

                         Screen Change
                      _____|     |
                     /            \
                     \             \    _____      ___
                      \             \  /     \____/   \
                       |             \/                \
                      |                                 \
                     |                                   \
                    |                                     \___
                   |                                          |
                   |     **                                   |
                   |      **         _________________________|
                  /     ***!!!      |                          |
                 /                  |!!!                        |
            ____/                ___|                            |
           |                o    \                                |
           |________               \  o                            |
                    \________        \____                          |
                             |xo                         Ship       |
                             |oo            x        x              | 
         ____________________\                                     /
        /                                         ________________/
       /      ***     o                          / 
      /        ***                               | 
      \       !!!                                | 
       \ 					 |
        \                       **               | 
         \           x         oo**              | 
         |                      o1               | <---- The 1 is in the middle
         |                                        \      from the arrow.
         |                                       oo|
         |                                      oo|
	 |		 _/ \                    /
	 |		/    \                   /
	 |	      /       \                  |
	 |	     /         \         /\      |
	 \    !!!   /           \       /  \     |
	  \________/             \_____/    \___/

1- Danapod Fossil Spawn

There is a 1 on the above map, and it is the location of said spawn point. 
Danapod fossils will appear about 40% of the time, the other times it will be 
a different fossil. So, you may have to try several times to find a Danapod.

To find the spawn, you start by taking the south wall from your ship. Follow 
it all the way through two recessions. At the top of the second recession you 
should see some large blue stones on the top screen. Walk up to them, then 
scan the area in between the two southern rocks. The fossil in the top right 
corner has a 40% chance of being a Danapod.

To reset the spot so you can find the Danapod again, use the jet pack to go 
back to the ship, step into the ship, then go back to the spot.

Mossapod, Messapod and Emerald Locations { MME }

This works both before, and after beating the game. The only difference being
there is a black vortex at the top of the tree trunk after beating the game.

You can only find these things in the Table Top Mountains of Daichi Area 1,
the map that follows is the final screen; where you find the diamond mineral
for Cyrus, (or the Geo tournament vortex after beating the game). You need to 
go all the way through Daichi Area 1, past the danger sign and up to here to 
get to this location.

All three of these items only have about a 15% chance of appearing, so it may
take several tries to get them to show up. If you do not see the fossils or
the mineral, simply walk back out the screen change and come back into the
area to refresh it.

Stats on the emerald are as follows:
|Mineral    |Power Increase |Defence Increase |Health increase | Value |
|Emerald    |      +36	    |	    +36	      |	      +36      | 20,000|

Some basic info on the Mossapod evolution line:

 Spectrobe Evolution Line 21
|Name: Mossari  |Alignment: Flash  | Base Stats: 40 HP  50 ATK   |
|Fossil:Mossapod|Incubation: 15 min|             35 DEF          |
|Stage: Baby    |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: N/A           |
|Scan: R4 M & F |            LV15  |                             |
|Name: Mossarito|Alignment: Flash  | Base Stats: 77 HP  108 ATK  |
|Fossil:Mossapod|Incubation: 1 hr  |             77 DEF          |
|Stage: Adult   |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: Mossajabot    |
|Scan: N/A      |            LV50  |               Mossaflap     |
|Name: Mossax   |Alignment: Flash  | Base Stats: 310 HP  275 ATK |
|Fossil:Mossapod|Incubation: N/A   |             260 DEF         |
|Stage: Evolved |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: Mostealth     |
|Scan: N/A      |            N/A   |               Mosphan       |

And some information on the Messapod evolution line:

 Spectrobe Evolution Line 22
|Name: Mesa     |Alignment: Corona | Base Stats: 80 HP  75 ATK   |
|Fossil:Messapod|Incubation: 1 hr  |             70 DEF          |
|Stage: Baby    |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: N/A           |
|Scan: R4 M & F |            LV15  |                             |
|Name: Mesabone |Alignment: Corona | Base Stats: 145 HP  143 ATK |
|Fossil:Messapod|Incubation: 2.5hrs|             113 DEF         |
|Stage: Adult   |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: Mesapuna      |
|Scan: N/A      |            LV50  |               Mesadome      |
|Name: Mesathorn|Alignment: Corona | Base Stats: 405 HP  304 ATK |
|Fossil:Messapod|Incubation: N/A   |             263 DEF         |
|Stage: Evolved |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: Mesabre       |
|Scan: N/A      |            N/A   |               Mesacutter    |

  /      \
 /        \     Key
|          | o : mineral
|          | x : fossil
|          |
 \        /
  \      /
   |    /
   |    |
   /     \
  /__     \
     \     \                     ___
      \     \                   | x |
       \     \     ____________ | o |________
         \    \___/            \| xo       oo|
          \             x           3        |
           |_____ oo                  _______|
                | xo                  /
           _____|                  /
          |oo                    /
         _|xo                  /
        /                      |
       |                     2 \
      /                         \
     /                           |
    /   o                        |
    |       1                    \
    |                o           /
    |        __________         /
    |     x /          \ o      \
    |      |            \        |
    |      |            |        /
    |x_____|            |_  o  _/
                          |   |
                       Screen Change

1- Messapod fossil location
     You can find this fossil by going to the number one, and scanning the
     area just before the ground turns purple. It will appear about 2 widths
     of Aopods scan away from blue wall at the bottom of your screen.

2- Mossapod fossil location
     This one is a little more difficult to find. you will want to head to
     the number two, go to the place where the purple ground dissipates into
     the blue ground, then walk to the left about 2 widths of Aopods scan
     range. There you will find Mossapod fossils, if you are lucky enough.

3- Emerald Mineral location
    To find the emerald mineral, go to the number three. You should see the
    change from blue ground to purple ground. If the Emerald mineral appeared,
    You will find it directly below the little plant on the top wall right
    before the ground starts to turn purple.

Inkapod { INK }

I have had a bit of trouble finding this Spectrobe myself, and it seems to give
a lot of others a bit of grief, so I've found a pretty good spawn of Inkapod.
This map is Genshi Area 2, the same area you are in after you exit from your 
ship. Before the map is a summary of Inkapods evolutions, base stats and what 

 Evolution Line 6
|Name: Inkana   |Alignment: Corona | Base Stats: 40 HP  70 ATK   | 
|Fossil: Inkapod|Incubation: 45 min|             95 DEF          |
|Stage: Baby    |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: N/A           |
|Scan: R5 F & M |           140 DEF|                             |
|Name: Inkanapa |Alignment: Corona | Base Stats: 72 HP  119 ATK  | 
|Fossil: Inkapod|Incubation: 2.5hrs|             168 DEF         |
|Stage: Adult   |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: Inscron       |
|Scan: N/A      |           350 DEF|               Ingaurd       |
|Name: Inkaflare|Alignment: Corona | Base Stats: 279 HP  242 ATK | 
|Fossil: Inkapod|Incubation: N/A   |             417 DEF         |
|Stage: Evolved |Evolve Stats:     | Custom Parts: Inkalade      |
|Scan: N/A      |           N/A    |               Inkascrew     |

              /               o\
             |                  |
             |   ship           | Key
             |               x /  o : mineral
	     \__________x_/\   \  x : fossil
                            \   \
            		     \   \
           		      \   \
                               \   \                 
                                \   \_______
                                /x         x\
                         ______ |     oo     |
                        |   xo ||     xx     |
                        |   oo \|            |
                         \      \\_____o_  o |
                          \     /        \    \    The 1 is below here
                          |    /___   |\  \    \                   
A- is a screen change,    |    o   \__| \  \    \_______________
   it connects like normal|         x    | /                   x1\
1- Inkapod spawn (25%)  /                |/                     oo\
2- Lava flow            |                 |                       |
                __      |           o     | xx                    |
               /  \      \                |oo                    x|
              |    |      \___             \                     /
__________    |    |         |           o  \_________    ______/
A  2      \   |    |         |                     / |    |
__    ____ \  |     \        |                x   /  |    |
  |  |    \ \/        \     /      x             | __|    |___
  |  |     \           |    \                  __|/  x       o\
  |  |      \          |_____\  x    x        /                |
  |  |       |                           ____/                 |
  |__|       |        _______                    o             |
       _____/              /             ____                  |
      |xx                 /               \  \                x/
     / oo                |_______          \  \______o________/
    |                 ___|       \ox        \
     \___            /            \oo________\
         \__   _____/

Inkapod spawns at the 1 on the map.

To get to the spawn you need to walk down two ramps. If you walk down a set of
stairs you have gone too far. When you are on the plateau before the stairs,
you will want to go to the top right hand corner. Here you will see two fossils
and two minerals upon scanning. Inkapod has a 25% chance of spawning from the 
top right fossil.

The fastest way to reset the spot so you can get another inkapod, or try again
is to use your jetpack to head back to the ship and walk back.

Finding Rubies, and Sapphires {RUBYS}

Before you beat the game this is the easiest and fastest way to do many things.
First, it is the fastest way to train your Spectrobes and it is the best 
mineral farming spot in the game before and after beating it. Third, it is 
the easiest guaranteed way to get Rubies and Sapphires. Finally, it is the 
fastest way to make Garu before you can get the gold mineral.

Their stats are as follows:

|Mineral    |Power Increase |Defence Increase |Health increase | Value |
|Sapphire   |      +24	    |	    +24	      |	      +24      | 15,000|
|Ruby	    |      +50	    |	    +50	      |	      +50      | 25,000|

To get to the spawning points, you need to go to Genshi Area 2. All the way to
the final screen where you found the Flame Geo.

All spawning points seem to have about a 30% chance of giving you the desired 
mineral, be it a Sapphire or a Ruby. The best way to use this place is to 
check all the spots and then run back through the screen change and return, 
then search the places again.

      /x               x\
     /  ______   ______  \
    /  /      |  |     \  \
   /  /     o       x   \  \
  /  /                   \  \
 / x/                     \R2\
 |  |        x o x    S1  |  |
 |  |__ R1   o   o      __|  |
 |           o 4 x           |
 |   __      o o S3     __   |
 |  |                 S2  |R3|
 |  |                     |  |
 \o \   o                 /  /
  \  \               x   /  /
   \  \                 /  /
    \  \_______________/  /
     \ x               x /
      \_______   _______/
             | o | 
             |   |
         Screen Change   

S1, S2, S3 - Sapphire spawn points
R1, R2, R3 - Ruby spawn points
4 - Table you found the Flame Geo on

To find this Ruby spawn you need to go to the left side of the where you can 
walk up and down from. You should see some red lava on the ground and when 
you scan above that lava you should see one or two (depends on your scan range)
minerals. You will want to touch the top one.

To find this spawn follow the outside around to the right and scan after you 
are above the ramp that leads you down into the lake.

This spawn is almost directly below R2, and can be found in between two little
'puddles' of lava that are below the ramp leading into the lake.

Going down the right ramp into the lake, you can find this spawn by scanning 
standing straight off the bottom of the ramp, in around where the ground 
starts to change from the darker blue/purple color to the lighter color.

This spawn is easily found by scanning off the end of one of the farthest 
lava 'vein' directly right of the Flame Geo table where the ground starts to 
change from the lighter blue/purple to the darker blue/purple.

Standing next to the bottom right corner of the Flame Geo table you should be 
able to scan and see a mineral spawn or several of them (depending on scan 
range) the one you want will appear below the fossil and lines up almost 
perfectly with the table leg on the bottom right.

The Gold Mineral {GOLD } 


You know, they say gold is enough to drive anyone mad... And it did, it drove 
a lot of people on the internet mad. But here I am, explaining the mysteries 
of finding the gold mineral!

|Mineral    |Power Increase |Defence Increase |Health increase | Value |
|Gold       |      -15	    |	   -15 	      |	      -15      |100,000|

Gold decreases all disciplines of minergy by 15, but it can be sold for 
a hefty 100,000 Garu. You'll need to go to Himuro to find this mineral.

This area is Himuro Area 1. To get to this particular location, you need to go
through the first screen of Himuro until you find the 3 green rectangular 
teleport pads. You will want to take the one on the right to get to this 
               /       \                
              /    3    \                
              |         |      
              |         | 
               \       \  
                / \_/\  \ 
	      /  /    \_/ 
            /  /          
           |  |                           
           | o|                           
           |  |                           
           |  |                           
           | 2| <--- The 2 is here                         
           |  |                                            
            \x \                                            
             \  \        ___                            
              \  \  __  /  /                           
               \  \/  \/  /                            
               /          \				
              |     ox     |				
               \    oo     |     			
               /          /				
    _______    \  /\    /				
   |       \___ \/  |  |     __				
   |         oo|    |  |    |  \___		  	
    \        ox|    |  |    |!!!   \
     \         |____|  |____|       \
      |             |  |    x       \
      |  x          |  |       **   |
    __/                        o   /
   /!!!                            |
   \                     o         |
    \              __         ____/__
     |           _|  |__  ___/ /     |
     |          /     \ \/    |   x  |
     \   ___   /       \      /      |
      \     \ |         |    /       |
       \   o \| 1  !!!  |___/__      |
        /     |                      |   
       /oo    |         ______       |
      |xx      \       /       \  o  |
         \   x  \_____/        \     |
          \__       \______    |     /
             |             \/\/     /
             \      ___       x  oo/
              \____/   \_______ xx/

O : fossil
x : mineral
!!! : Cube spot
1- You teleport to here
2- Gold mineral spot is here
3- Teleport into east temple

Alright, so all you really need is a spectrobe that is capable of finding 

Head over to where the 2 is on the map and scan the area of the bridge just 
after you turn the corner onto a straight section. You should see a mineral. 
Touch it, there is about a 20% chance that it will be a gold mineral.

If it is something else, follow the path you are on up to the teleport into 
the temple (3 on the map) and go inside. Once you are inside step off the 
teleport circle and then step back on, you will be teleported back to the 
same area and the mineral spot will have come back! Excavate it again, it may 
be the gold mineral. Rinse and repeat until you find all the gold you want 
(or need!).

Excavating evolve minerals {EXCEV}


This is without a doubt the fastest way to get evolve minerals. All you need 
is a search spectrobe capable of finding minerals, and a bit of patience. 
Head over to Nessa Area 2.

Evolve minerals will automatically evolve your spectrobes to the next stage 
(Be aware that a fully evolved spectrobe will still eat an evolve mineral, 
but it will not do anything). They cannot be sold for Garu.

|Mineral    |                    Effect 		       | Value |
|Evolve     |Evolves your Spectrobe(no effect on evolved stage)| N/A   |

This is a map of Nessa Area 2, the place where you will find the evolve mineral

		          ________  Key:
                          \   !!! \ o : fossil    x : mineral  !!! : cube   
             _____________/        \    ______
            /             \         \   \     \
           /               \         \___\     \
          /                         ox    \     \________
         /           x              ox     \___       !!! \
	|                x                                 \_____
	|                            o        o      o           \
	|	                       **                          Screen 
	|   Ship                       **       **                 Change 
	|                              !!!     ox**    x      x   /
	 \             ___ 1     x             xo ** ____________/
  	   \          /   \    ___        ______    /
  	     \_____  /     !!!/   \       |     \  /
		  | /     ^ \/     \      |      \/
		  \/      |         \  ox |
		        1 up is here \_ox/

After you are on Nessa Area 2, simply exit the ship and follow the instructions.

What you want to do is head to where the 1 is. It can be easily found by 
following the south wall east, until you get to the part where it starts going
back down. On the corner of the wall where it starts to decline to the right, 
use your search Spectrobe. You will see one of two things; either a fossil or 
a mineral. If it is a mineral, it is always going to be an evolve mineral. 
It seems to have about a 25% chance of appearing. To reset this spot, simply 
head back to the ship, exit the ship again and return to the spot.

The Chromas {CHROM}


Chromas are minerals used to change the color of your Spectrobe to its first 
custom color (Chroma 2) is second custom color (Chroma 3) and change it back 
to its original color (Chroma 1). Chromas do not have any effect on your 
spectrobes minergy levels, and cannot be sold.

|Mineral    |                    Effect 		       | Value |
|Chroma 1   |Changes a Spectrobe into its original color scheme| N/A   |
|Chroma 2   |Changes a Spectrobe into its 1st custom color     | N/A   |
|Chroma 3   |Changes a Spectrobe into its 2nd custom color     | N/A   |

This following map is Nessa Area 2. The same place where you can find the 
evolve mineral through excavation after beating the game. 

Other notable minerals you can find here are sapphires and pearls, but they 
seem to appear rather randomly.

                          \   {}x \    
             _____________/    x3  \    ______
            /             \         \   \     \
           /                         \___\     \
          /                         ox    \     \________
         /           x              ox     \___        xo\   
	|                x                              {}1\_____
	|                            o        o      o           \
	|	                       **                          Screen 
	|   Ship                       **       **                 Change 
	|                              !!!     ox**    x      x   /
	 \             ___ o     x             xo ** ____________/
  	   \          /   \    ___        ______    /
  	     \_____  /     !!!/   \       |     \  /
		  | /       \/     \      |      \/
		  \/                \  3x |
Key:				     \_2x/
o - fossil
x - mineral		                     
{}- Cube

1 - Chroma 1 spawn

Head to the far right side of the screen to where you would find the screen 
change in between two large rocks. a few steps north of the top rock, you will
see two more smaller rocks with a cylindrical shaped rock laying on top of 
them. Scan here, and you should see a cube, excavate the mineral that is to 
the right of the cube to possibly find a Chroma 1.

2 - Chroma 2 spawn

Follow the south sand wall directly from your ship until is goes into a third,
larger recession. Where the sand wall disappears and the edge becomes a cliff
If you scan the middle of this area you should see two fossils and two minerals
Excavate the bottom mineral and there is about a 65% chance it will be a Chroma

3 - Chroma 3 spawn

Follow the south sand wall directly from your ship until is goes into a third,
larger recession. Where the sand wall disappears and the edge becomes a cliff.
If you scan the middle of this area you should see two fossils and two minerals
Excavate the top mineral and there is about a 65% chance it will be a Chroma 3.
Follow the North sand wall until you see an area with a rectangular grey stone 
that you can step on.  There should be two angled sand walls, and one that 
appears perpendicularly to the rock. Move Rallen a little south from this grey
stone and scan. You will see a cube, two minerals and a fossil. Excavate the 
right mineral for another possible Chroma 3 spawn.

All of the mentioned spots have around a 65% chance to spawn the listed chroma.

All noted Chroma spawns also have a 35% chance of producing one other chroma; 
every spot except the Chroma 1 spawn have Chroma 1 as their alternative. The 
Chroma 1 spawn has a Chroma 3 as its alternative.

Titanium, Uranium and Chrome Minerals {T/U/C}


These are quite powerful minerals, and it is actually quite a good way to make
money, if you can't get any luck with the gold minerals as they sell for a 
fair price. They are also the only mineral that has the guaranteed effect of 
levelling up your Spectrobe by filling up your entire minergy bar for a 
particular discipline. They do have a drawback... They decrease the other two 
disciplines of minergy by 16...  

|Mineral    |Power Increase |Defence Increase |Health increase | Value |
|Uranium    |   +1 level    |	   -16        |	      -16      | 3,950 |
|Titanum    |      -16	    |	+1 level      |	      -16      | 3,750 |
|Chrome     |      -16	    |	   -16 	      |	   +1 level    | 4,150 |

It is beneficial to have a spectrobe that can find both minerals and fossils 
for this spot.

The area you will find the spawn on is Ziba Area 2. That is the map featured 
below. This is the final room where you would find the large black vortex, 
and the same area where you found out the boss was on the other moon. To get 
here, you need to head from the ship all the way through the world.

              |             |
              |             |
              \            /   ____  
               \     2    /   /    \/\___
                \         \  /       *
                /          \/        *
1 is here _____/            \         A
      -->|x1                /       
         |o{}             /         *
     ____|       xo ***   /         _*___
    /            xo****  |         /
  /   o                  |        /
 |                       |        |
|  ***             |     |        |
\  ***            |      |         |
 \  !!!          |  __  /          |
  \__    |\   x   \/  \/           |
     |   | \                  x     |
     |   |  \                       |
     |___|   \                      |
             /                      |
            /                       /
           /                       /
           |         ____    ____/
           |        /   |___|
            \      /
o - fossil
x - mineral
{}- is a symbol used to represent a cube
A - Is a screen change
1-  is the mineral you want to excavate. It will always be titanium, chrome or
2-  is the place you would find a giant black vortex, and during the story 
    where you found out the boss was on the other moon.

You can find the mineral spawn for these minerals by going straight up from 
the left of the ramp/hill you need to walk up to get to the higher area. 
Follow this all the way to the wall, and you should be in a 90 degree corner. 
When you scan the area you should see two minerals a fossil and a cube. 
Excavate the mineral spot in the top right corner and it will always be one 
of the three minerals. Your chances of finding one mineral over another look 
something like this: 55% Titanium, 35% Uranium, 10% Chrome.

To reset the mineral spot, all you need to do is walk through the screen 
change, and come back onto this screen.

Credits, Disclaimer Etc. {CREDI}

If you have any suggestions, questions, comments or tidbits of information, 
complaints (etc.) feel free to email me at [email protected]

Just refrain from emailing me things such as this:

"Hey!!! lik u didt put the attac mineralz in ur guid!!!!"

Everything is in fact looked at, even if I do not respond. Although, because I
am only human I may miss emails...

Disclaimer and Copyright 
This In-depth guide is copyright to Bradley Nixon (AKA Scorchy99) 2007,

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, 
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed 
publicly without advanced written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a 
violation of copyright.

This guide can be found on:

Credit is given where credit is due. If you would like your name removed from 
this section, or would like me to remove your information from the guide 
contact me through email at [email protected]

Name: OHJOY90           
Accessed: April 6th 2007
Credit: Messa/Messopod and emerald locations

Name: OHJOY90
Accessed: April 2007
Credit: Ruby/saphire spawns

Name: Icychocobo
Location: Gamefaqs Message Boards
Accessed: May 9th 2007
Credit: Evolve mineral location

Name: Fastair101
Accessed: May 19th 2007
Credit: Location of a spawn for Titanium, Uranium, and Chrome

                             That's all for now