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How do you complete the Hamlet and Brit betrothal (for Independence for..

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Guest asks, ID #399005

Question for Elsinore

How do you complete the Hamlet and Brit betrothal (for Independence for Peace, without Laertes killing Hamlet)?

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Guest answered: , ID #711063

In order to get the Independence for Peace ending, the Hamlet/Brit betrothal cannot happen. You need to get Spoiler:

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then make sure you don't romance Hamlet yourself.

I feel the best method to get this ending is as follows:

- Get Laertes to stay, then tell him some time that morning that Brit Spoiler:
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You can watch him investigate, or not; either way it will get her out of the way.
- Then get Claudius killed, preferably on that first day, though I suppose it could happen on the second. The easiest and most satisfying way is if you know about the poison stash in his room.
- You can learn about the poison stash (if you haven't) either through the Innocence for Power route, OR just by being an observer: doing a full cycle of simply following Hamlet/Claudius around and watching the plot unfold as it would in the play without influencing anything. (Obviously this can't happen until after you've found a way to prevent Ophelia's death on Saturday.)
- Tell Gertrude after dinner of the first day, or really any time before dinner on the second, that Claudius has the poison stash. You could also tell Hamlet if you prefer. Whichever one you tell will take action.
- With Brit and Claudius taken care of, Hamlet will offer to rekindle your romance. If you say yes, it will lead to the Family for Legacy ending; what you want here is Independence for Peace, so you must say NO and do not romance him.
- Hamlet needs to receive advice from one or two (I believe at least two) sensible characters: I'd suggest Polonius, then Gertrude.
- You may wish to hang out in the dungeons to see what happens to it's occupant.
- Finally, hang out in the Great Hall on Sunday, and you will watch the end play out.


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