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Unlock Challenges for Brave Nine

Unlock Challenges

In order to unlock the challenges in Brave Nine you must play through the Campaign levels and reach a certain stage. These challenges will feature new worlds which will give you the opportunity to earn new rewards. Listed below are the various challenges that are available and the level in Campaign mode you need to reach to unlock them.

Rune Temple

Unlocks by completing Level 3-10. You can collect Runes there.

Crystal Cave

Unlocks by completing Level 6-10. You can collect crystals there.

Evil Castle

Unlocks by completing Level 10-10. You can fight enemies for rewards.

World Boss: Terion

Unlocks by completing Level 15-10.

Co-op Raid:

Unlocks by completing Level 12-10. You can team up with others to get Soul Gear.

Event Dungeon

This only unlocks when there are active events in game.

Added By Dennis
Mar 4th 2021, ID#1241| REPORT
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