Top 10 Final Fantasy Characters of All Time

#9 – Cid Highwind – Various

Cid is present in almost every Final Fantasy video game. He is usually a mechanic, an airport pilot, or a tinkerer of some description. However, in the recent times, he has expanded his skill set and even taken an interest in villainous side of Final Fantasy character life.

Cloud and the others are in their mission to defeat Sephiroth, but Cid gets his moment in the sun as he realizes his dream of going up in the space. Cid is a character that is mean and hard to deal with. However, the fulfillment of his dream to go up the space and the change that happened in his character after the fact showed us that any person can be redeemed as long as their intentions are of no evil deeds.

Posted: 7th Apr 2016 by Team SuperCheats
Final Fantasy XV,