Top 10 Video Game CS/Play Movies

04. Uncharted 1: Drake's Fortune

The release of the first game in the series - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - in 2007 established a new and very popular series and hero, as a platform exclusive PlayStation 3 title - the entire series being exclusive to both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.

An action-adventure game of the third-person shooter variety, the game was developed by the studio Naughty Dog, and published by Sony Computer Entertainment - two factors that easily help explain both its wide popularity and deep entertainment value.

Its rich story of the modern-day treasure hunter offers the player a deep plot and sub-plots with lots of exciting game play and action, combining both the action-adventure and platforming genres.

The game follows the journey of protagonist Nathan Drake and his companions as he has what is every bit the Indiana Jones sort of adventure - which begins with following maps and research that he gathered on the historical figure he is supposed to be a descendant of -- the explorer Sir Francis Drake -- and the lost treasure of El Dorado.

Among his companions are a TV journalist named Elena Fisher, and his mentor, pilot and part-ttime adventurer Victor Sullivan.

The story that is told via the cut scenes and game play easily rivals that of action-adventure movies, and that pretty much explains how the game ended up on this list - but don't take our word for it, watch the movie embedded above!

While the game is itself entertaining and fun, its movie form plays like, well, a movie - which is fun and entertaining in its own right.

While the games that follow in the series are all good, the first game in the series had a level of attraction to it that seems to be deeper than the others. But that could just be a matter of opinion. Still, it made our list.

Posted: 20th Nov 2014 by CMBF