Top 10 Most Bizarre Ways to Die in a Video Game

01. Death by Blender (Resident Evil 6)

Here at SuperCheats we like our blender. The Bullpen kitchen has one, and those of us who know the secret of the blender know that only four ingredients are ever allowed to be placed in its wonderful glass pitcher: Ice, Lime Juice, Cointreau, and Blue Agave Tequila. Pay special attention to that last one because if the bottle just says Tequila it is a frankenbrew called “Mixto” and not real Tequila.

In Resident Evil 6 they use their blender for an entirely different purpose: blending meat.

You know, you have to blend pork and beef to make sausage, and there are different grades of meat used to make hot dogs, special beef patties, and the like.

Agent Leon Kennedy, the protagonist of the story, discovers another use for the blender though, when he is attacked by a monster and he - and the monster - end up passing through that blender in what may very well be the most bizarre and disgusting death method in a video game ever.

What's red and green and goes round and round? Leon Kennedy!


Obviously there are a lot of ways to die in video games - it is fair to say that there are supposed to be a lot of ways to die - but as you see above, some of them are not really what come to mind as a typical death.

Do you know of a death method in a game that you think is more bizarre? Share it in the comments section below!

Posted: 1st Oct 2014 by CMBF
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3,