The Unofficial SuperCheats Top 10 Games So Bad they are actually Good...

04. Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust

If you were not around when the first games in the genre came out you probably never heard of LSL or this title -- because the games in the series were pretty much what we would have to call an acquired taste anyway... But the creepy quality of the horn-dog soul that is Larry is such that we cannot really say more than that as an introduction.

What made this game bad is its sleaze factor. That and the intentionally bad toilet humor and lowest-common-denominator hump jokes combined with the fact that for a bloke who thinks of himself as a major player, Larry really does not do well with the girls...

Now take that and mix in a horribly hypnotic graphics engine and world view, mix in equal parts of elementary school humor, really bad puns, and a quest system that quite literally defines the worse sort of repetitive fetch-based game play, and you should have a pretty good idea of how bad this one is!

But here is the thing - as bad as it is, it appeals to the small, sex-focused elementary school kid hidden away in all of us. You know, that part of our mind that thinks things we shouldn't and that the little voice in our head constantly throttles? That part?

Now consider this: this game is perhaps the sole offering in the puerile, pull-my-finger, juvenile humor gaming experience available, and the reasons for it being so bad it is good are written right on its sleeves!

Posted: 19th May 2014 by CMBF