Top 10 F2P Massive Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Games

01. Everquest 2‎

Right, you might be thinking hey, wait a minute! This is not a new free-to-play MMO WTH?! Except yes, it is...

There are paid levels of access, but that is not required for you to play through all of the game areas, quests, and adventures... What paying does is add to the number of characters you can have, gives access to the upper tier levels for magic spells, and grants send access to the in-game mail system (free players can only receive).

The thing that pushed EQ2 to the top of the list for Free MMO's has more to do with its history and well-established massive quest system that largely carries over from the period when it was a pay-to-play game.

Add to that the expansive and amazing player housing and the advanced guild system, the solid event support, and the balance between solo and group play and what you end up with is a game that stands out as first among equals. Seriously.

A sort of mixture exists in the game between ambiance music and action music that really adds to the feel for the game, but it is the large player base of mostly friendly players that makes this special. Special in the sense that even if you don't show up to start playing with a bunch of mates chances are very good that you will find a bunch of new mates once you do show up and start playing!

With that in mind though, playing with a bunch of mates is really the way to go - particularly if you can manage a regular play group, since you can form your own guild and, once you level that up enough, obtain guild housing as well as personal housing, and how cool is that? Very cool!

Rest In Peace AOE Online

You know what sucks? I will tell you what sucks - it sucks when there is a free-to-play MMO that you already KNOW you want to play AND that you will enjoy immensely, but due to work, life, and other commitments, you just never find the time to play it. Until one day you do.

You download the client, you even spend that first day playing and unlock an Achievement. Then the next day when you log in to play you get a pop-up message informing you that the game is no longer being supported, or expanded, and it will shut down in a few months.


Such was my experience with Age of Empires Online. A game that I desperately wanted to play and then realized, what was the point? It would soon be gone. Sadly I closed the client, waved my rubber chicken over the monitor, and invoked a blessing on that game. Sigh.

Well that pretty much covers the Top 10 F2P MMO's. If you feel that I missed a game -- or that you have a better list, please feel invited to share that list in the comments -- but do be nice about it right mates? There is no reason to go all snarky just because you think that anime-inspired games are for girl gamers (Hah! Last month you said there was not such THING as girl gamers!).

Posted: 17th Jan 2014 by CMBF
Free to play MMO Games