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On mission 4, you need to patch up a relationship between two s and..

Question asked by kingrex_2005 on
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Question for Playboy: The Mansion

On mission 4, you need to patch up a relationship between two s and an actor named Blaze. How do I fix this relationship. I've tried getting two to talk then introduce the other one. What do I need to do???

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dravenne answered:

You need to make arguing people make all 3 forms of conversation BUT WAIT: since their relationship bars are fully in the red, they act like enemies and refuse to speak with each other in a civil manner. To cope with this, you need to make the introduction and select "casual" business" and "romantic" each in turn, wait for them to start the shaking hands animation, and then interrupt them by repeatedly clicking on them and telling them to knock it off using the special command that only shows up when peoples' relationship bar is in the red. Click back and forth between the girls telling them to make up until the option goes away. If you check their relationship bar for that relationship (Casual, business or romantic) you will see that it is now at the start of the green colour. For the mission in question involving blaze and 2 staff members, you need to use the above strategy on all 3 but only 1-on-1 conversation works. Relationship levels do not boost during group conversation, interactions between more than 2 people only satisfies the need for that type of conversation. It does not "+" their interest levels, it does not boost their relationship levels. To fix relationships it needs to be 1-on-1 heavily monitored peacemaking between blaze and staff member 1 for all 3 types of relationship, 1-on-1 conversation between blaze and staff member 2 while monitored by Hef, and possibly peacemaking between the 2 staff members too. Oh, if you have the cheat points available, you may want to go to the cheats menu and "add a quirk," select Blaze from the list and remove the quirk "confrontational" and maybe even add "easy going," thus making her easier for your staff to deal with.

Hope this helps.

Guest answered:

E, thank you, but I understand. Do you have one video to I see stpes to do this mission. I watch on You Tube, but it got on Spain, but, I don't speak Spain, so... ;)


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