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Duff beer caps in around the world in 80 bites Mexico

Question asked by gamer313 on
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Duff beer caps in around the world in 80 bites Mexico

I'm replaying The Simpsons game and almost finished it. I have gone back to around the world in 80 bits as there are a few duff beer caps I need to get

But I've forgot how to get the duff beer caps in Mexico can anyone please help me

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Weevil answered:

I only recall a Duff beer cap being in an area past razor wire on the ground. To get past it you need to destroy (blast) into the pinata, then bounce on the parasols/umbrellas and grab the chilli. This power up allows ball Homer to be invincible for a short period.

In the Australia area there is a see-saw red rock that Homer & Bart can use to get atop the wall between Australia & Mexico areas (not sure if another Duff beer cap is here).


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