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I really need help! 1 how do I give the white grass to mayor Thomas in..

Question asked by Lemon1234 on
Last Modified:

Question for Harvest Moon DS

I really need help!
1 how do I give the white grass to mayor Thomas in winter when I find it??
2 how do I unlock the hot springs?
3 how long on average does it take for animals to get hearts?? My chickens are only on 3 hearts :(

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harvestmoonfanatic101 answered:

Hey Lemon1234 I hope these help!
1.) When Mayor Thomas comes back to collect your stuff from the shipping bin (4:40-5:20)you give him the White Grass. (White Grass can be found in any of the fields near your farm in Winter).

2.)You need to unlock Flora's Yellow heart event. Her favorite gift is rainbow curry (r.curry, o.curry, y.curry, g.curry, b.curry, I.curry p.curry+ pot) but any curry dish will do. She also likes diamonds and lithograph. You need to experience her Black, purple and blue heart events before the yellow one. Black-dig site 10pm-12am Purple- Inn not Tuesday, 1pm-8pm blue- tent area, not Monday, 9pm-11pm Yellow-dig site not Tuesday. In the yellow event you will find the hot spring. By dropping an egg into the spa you will get a spa-boiled egg. (If you are playing cute then you have to get Flora up to 255FP and then trigger the event.

3.)I'm not sure about this one. It all depends on how well you look after your animals. For chickens, if it is at 4 hearts, it's eggs will grow to medium size. With all animals if they are at 9 hearts+ then they will win animal contests.

Again, Hope this helps!
Harvest Moon fanatic Smile

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harvestmoonfanatic101 said: 5th Jul 2013 | REPORT
Sorry! By the way you also need a riceball to make Rainbow curry.
Guest said: 7th Jul 2013 | REPORT
Thanks! I already figured out the first one, but the hot springs one really helped. Smile
Lemon1234 said: 7th Jul 2013 | REPORT
Sorry other comment was me but I forgot to sign in. Thanks again!

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