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Achievement Guide

by neeker


                 XBOX 360 ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE V. 1.00

                | |__   ___  _   _ _ __ _ __   ___ 
                | '_ \ / _ \| | | | '__| '_ \ / _ \
                | |_) | (_) | |_| | |  | | | |  __/
                |_.__/ \___/ \__,_|_|  |_| |_|\___|
           ___ ___  _ __  ___ _ __ (_)_ __ __ _  ___ _   _ 
          / __/ _ \| '_ \/ __| '_ \| | '__/ _` |/ __| | | |
         | (_| (_) | | | \__ \ |_) | | | | (_| | (__| |_| |
          \___\___/|_| |_|___/ .__/|_|_|  \__,_|\___|\__, |
                             |_|                     |___/ 

                             By: neeker
                      Gamertag: Optimus Neeker


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on your site if you are not from the above. It's getting too difficult 
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If you happen to see anyone other than the above hosting this, please 
let me know so that I can feed them to the sharks, torture their feet 
with a feather and throw them into a mall infested with zombies. 

Also, please note that, as with most gaming guides:


If you can get offended by spoilers, please don't use a guide.

1.  Contact Information
2.  Introduction
3.  Story-Related Achievements
4.  Takedown Achievements
5.  Accuracy Achievements
6.  Passports Achievements
7.  Conclusion

Version history

Hi, I'm Lestor Wong. I post on by the 
username "neeker". 

Feedback for this document can be directed to lestor underscore wong 
at yahoo dot com. You may check out my other works here:

The Bourne Conspiracy is an action shooter featuring scenes from the 
Bourne Trilogy. This game is rather "old", and I've actually written 
this some two months ago. It's just that I've forgotten all about it, 
so it went online much later. I believe there are still people who're 
stuck at unlocking the full 1K for the game though, so I hope the 
guide can help them achieve that goal. 

I'll write this guide in four categories:

-  Story-Related
-  Takedown
-  Accuracy
-  Passports

There's varying difficulties for all the achievements. Some are skill-
based, some require persistence. But they're never too tough that it 
becomes frustrating. Add to the fact that the game is pretty a fun 
shooter, you should find yourself enjoying it while going for the 
gamerscore as well.

There are 11 missions in Bourne Conspiracy. Each of them has an 
accompanying achievement that you can unlock upon completion. These 
unlock regardless of which difficulty you're playing on. I'd suggest 
doing them on the Trainee difficulty first to get yourself familiarized 
with the game.

For these achievements, I'll include a summary of these missions 
without providing too much details. For a detailed walkthrough of the 
game, please use Straxus_D's guide on

Description: Completed Dangerous Beginning

This is the introductory mission, so it's understandably straight-
forward. During this chapter, you'll learn the basic moves of the 
game (hand-to-hand combat/ takedown), for example. There are also 
some context-based mini-games at some points you'd need to do to 
advance the story, which include a Multiple Takedown tutorial.

The chapter ends with a boss fight against O'Connor. Take note of your 
own health, and land combos quickly to build up your adrenaline. Once 
you get the chance to do a takedown, do so. You can monitor O'Connor's 
HP at the bottom left corner of the screen. I find that a good combo to 
use is XYY, but you can also consider spamming X and Y together to 
rain some random combos. As long as you keep mashing X and Y together, 
O'Connor (or any other human boss) will find it impossible to even 

Description: Completed Shipyard Infiltration 

In this chapter, you get to shoot. The going may get a little tough 
as the aiming in this game takes a little getting used to. The early 
part of the mission sees you trying to escape some helicopter. The 
trick to do so is not attacking it. Instead, at appropriate moments, 
you'll find propane tanks around that you can shoot to distract the 
chopper. Eventually, you'll destroy the chopper with a well-placed 
shot to the last available gas tank. 

Some time into the level, you'll get a shooting takedown tutorial. 
Remember this point as it'll help you get other achievements later.

There are a couple of boss fights against Solomon in this mission. 
Shouldn't be much of a problem. The second one is slightly trickier 
since you'll have to fight some minions before him. Just keep your 
X+Y combo up and you should have no problems with the fights.

Since your intention is to feign death, you'll be thrown into the sea 
afrer you "win" the fight. You survive, obviously.

Description: Completed Assassinate Wombosi

You've to get past several guards en route to Wombosi. The early part 
of the mission has you in the quarters of his ship, and you'll have to 
disable the ship's alarm system and a submarine. Just use cover 
appropriately and line up head shots to down those guards around so 
that you get the opportunity to do the above, and you should be fine.

As you continue, you'll reach the helicopter pad. You'll need to dis-
able this as well. The shooting sequence after this may be a little 
challenging. As usual, stay in cover and try to send in some shots 
when you get the chance. 

You'll reach the swimming pool soon, and thereafter, into a room. 
You'll need to download some stuff from a laptop, which you can find 
by simply walking straight into the next room. As you progress, you'll 
end up with a boss fight against some military-looking dude in this 
area. Notice he doesn't exactly have a HP bar, so technically he isn't 
a "boss". But it does take a few takedowns to finish him, so just keep 
X+Y up, earn adrenaline, and do takedowns whenever you can to end the 

Take the guy's gun after this, and you'll have to find your way up to 
Wombosi. You'll bump into the irritating Solomon again, so do the 
usual to dispose him to end the level.

Description: Completed Eliminate Divandelen 

Super-duper long mission that's best done on Trainee! The airport 
sequence reminds me of the airport mission in Army of Two, and it's 
always fun to have an airport shoot-out.

In the first part of the mission, you'll need to find your way to the 
first floor of the garage. You can sneak up on the policemen patrolling 
in the garage and do a takedown on them easily, or you can fist-cuff 
your way through. Towards the end of this sequence, a group of masked 
men appear to rescue Divandelen.

The shooting begins now, and you'll have to kill all those masked men 
still lingering in the garage. As they don't tend to crowd around, 
you may consider simply running up to one of them and fight them 
unarmed. Beats trying to shoot them as most of them are nicely tucked 
behind cover. 

Once you reach the entrance, get outside to the streets. It's rather 
tricky to get across the street here, since masked men are like, 
everywhere. Hiding behind cars does't work that well, since they explode 
upon repeated shots by the enemies. I'd suggest quickly shooting the 
one in front of the first police car you see, and then head right to 
fist-cuff two others. From here, use the pillars as cover to finish 
off the rest. 

Go into the airport now and go through the very, very long shoot-out. 
You've about 30 (?) enemies to kill. Try your best to build some 
adrenaline, and unleash shooting takedowns whenever you can to clear 
the path. Try your best not to die here, since there are no checkpoints 
in between.  

The shoot-out soon brings you to a line of duty-free shops. Continue 
using the same strategy (cover, earn adrenaline, shooting takedowns) 
until you finally reach the tram station. Do the mini-game to jump 
into the tram, and work your way from cabin to cabin. Use the seats 
as cover and shoot those enemies ahead. If you're careful enough, you 
shouldn't have much problems with this part of the mission.

Towards the end of the tram, you'll get a "boss" (no HP bar) fight. 
Keep doing takedowns on him and you'll eventually wrestle him down 
the tram. Sweet - this is one of my favorite parts of the game.

You're down on the tracks. There are enemies shooting at you. At the 
same time, trams come rushing towards your direction from time-to-time. 
Stay clear of the tracks, and finish off all the enemies as best as 
you can. You'll soon reach a flight of stairs, so use it to leave the 

From here, it's a straightforward cover-and-attack sequence that 
eventually brings you to Divandelen's plane. As usual, fight the guards 
and move forward. You'll need to dodge a tank's (yes) attack by going 
through one of those mini-games before you finally fight Divandelen. 

Divandelen has a hell lot of health, so keep doing the usual until you 
reduce his HP to zero. You'll get a checkpoint here and another mini-
game will come up. Press the correct buttons to avoid his final attack. 

You now a time limit to run to the end of the plane after this. Sprint 
there and grab the parachute on the right to end the mission.

Description: Completed Escape the Embassy 

I love this level. It really sends the adrenaline pumping due to all 
those time limits.

The level begins with a fight sequence against three enemies. Remember 
this part because it'll help you get a couple of achievements really 

You can't do any shooting in this mission since the "enemies" are all 
governmental officers. Just do your best to get past the enemies 
(sprinting past them much recommended) to beat the time limits. It's 
slightly harder if you're trying to find the passports, but overall 
it's not too difficult. 

You'll get a no-HP bar boss fight against some officer. This one 
shouldn't be much of a problem at all.

Once you're out, do the mini-games to escape the snipers. Soon, you'll 
find yourself in another building. Continue as usual. In one of the 
areas, three enemies will enter a room on the left, which is your 
destination. Sneak into the room and hide behind cover, and wait for 
them to leave before you proceed. Otherwise, you'll be minced.

You'll soon be flash-banged in a cut-scene. After this, there's a last 
2:00 time limit as you approach a hall previously blocked by a gate. 
This is also the last checkpoint of the game, so just sprint all the 
way to the destination to escape from the embassy. 

Description: Completed Silence Rurik 

This mission begins with a sniper sequece. You'll need to do a mini-
game to snipe a couple of goons. This is trickier than any of the 
previous mini-games, since you've to press a face button to engage and 
switch targets, and then RT to shoot. 

After killing these people, it's time to run.  I won't go through the 
details so just do the usual cover and attacking to get out of here. 
Eventually, you'll reach a plaza-like area. Opposite you are about 
six-seven enemies. You can use walls ahead of you as cover to line up 
some shots to dispose them. Once done, jump into the plaza to trigger 
a boss fight. 

This "boss" is actually a tank! It appears to have no weakness, but if 
you use Bourne Instinct (press Y), you'll find glowing parts on it 
that you can shoot to weaken it. Use the statue in the middle of the 
plaza as cover, and shoot those portions repeatedly until the tank is 

Next, the library. It's the usual cover-and-gun here. Be careful though 
since the bookshelves are aren't very helpful in providing cover - 
they break too easily.

After you leave the library, it's another tedious journey to the 
destination. You'll need to reach the distillery, so just do your best 
to take out the enemies along the way until you reach the place. You'll 
get the last checkpoint of this level here.

Once you enter, stay put for a while. Someone will throw some stuff 
into the windows here, which can reduce your health if you're near. 
Continue on after that and use the pipes as cover to take out the two 
enemies here. One of them is on the balcony above, another runs in and 
out of a room. 

Go into the room and pull the handle there. The place will now be on 
fire, and you've a really short time limit to escape. Two enemies rush 
in, so kill them. Run towards the top right corner of this area 
(assuming you're facing the area from where you pulled the handle). 
Two more enemies are here. Quickly dispose them and go up the stairs. 

You'll find an enemy soon on top, but he gets killed by an explosion 
so you won't need to fight him. From here, just sprint all the way (it's 
a big round turn along the balconies) to the end to escape and end the 

Description: Completed Castel Fight

Shortest level in the game? Guess so. You get a boss fight against 
Castel right away. Just do the usual. Midway through the fight, he 
pulls out a knife. If you manage to do a takedown on him with the pen 
on the nearby table, he drops the knife, which makes the fight much 

After his health is reduced to zero, you'll get a checkpoint and 
another mini-game. Press the correct buttons to end the level, and the 
achievement is unlocked.

Description: Completed Paris Chase 

This is a driving level. I don't understand why people are complaining 
about the driving. I find it easy to master, and it's handles smoother 
than GTA IV. Moreover, you car will never be destroyed and its engine 
will never stall, regardless of how badly you drive, making this 
mission a blast to play. 

There's no trick to completing this level. Just drive from checkpoint to 
checkpoint within the time limits, and you're done. There are, however, 
two other achievements you can get while doing this mission, so I'd 
include them under this section.

Description: Use three full bars of Adrenaline while driving through the 
streets of Paris

After you get into the tunnel, you'll start earning adrenaline as you 
drive. Earn adrenaline is like earning boost in Burnout. There are some 
confusions about what constitutes one "full bar" of adrenaline. I've 
done some experiments and can confirm that one "full bar" of adrenaline 
means all three portions of the meter are filled. Meaning, to get this
achievement, you'd need to use an amount of adrenaline that's equal to 
nine portions of adrenaline filled.

You don't need to fill up all three portions to start using adrenaline 
though, since this achievement is accumulative. You can fill up one 
portion of it, use the adrenaline, and it'll count towards the required 
portions needed. I'd recommend not to even take stock of how much 
you've used, and simply drive, earn adrenaline, and use it. You should 
earn enough to unlock the achievement while playing through the mission 
on your first playthrough. 

And, if you're wondering what adrenaline does during driving, it 
basically slows time down so that you can avoid obstacles easier.

Description: Rampage through Paris: Destroy the cafe, china shop, and 
200 props

As you drive through the streets of Paris, you're bound to hit other 
cars and stuff. All these are added to the count for 200 props, so 
you don't even need to bother about this.

The china shop is a required objective in the game. Just check the map 
and drive towards it. You should drive right through the shop while 
destroying those stuff in the shop without even knowing it (and they 
add towards your 200 props count!).

The cafe is slightly trickier. It's found in the first part of the 
mission. As you reach the tunnel, you'll find a bus blocking the path. 
The cafe is just around the corner. It has a sigh above it that says 
"hotel". Just drive around the tunnel to find it, and drive into it 
to smash the places into bits.

Again, the requirements for this achievement are accumulative. You 
can miss the cafe and return to smash it later and still unlock the 

Description: Completed Disarm Renard 

This level has one of the hardest shoot-out sequences in my opinion. 
I'd strongly suggest that you take cover to heal whenever you can. I'll 
explain further.

The early part of the mission has you sneaking into the museum. You'll 
then be on the trails of an assassin. Follow the linear path until you 
get to fight him. He's not tough. It just takes the usual X+Y combo 
and some takedowns to defeat him.

Continue on and eventually you'll reach a cut-scene in which Renard is 
downed by Azar and Company. You'll get a gun too, finally. So it's 
time to shoot some baddies. Before that, however, you'll need to search 
the four crates (marked on the map) in this area to find the bomb. 
The location of the bomb is random as far as I remember.

Carry on killing the enemies and to the next areas, and you'll end up 
fighting another sub-boss. Easy meat... as long as you're not badly 
hurt before the fight. 

There are a few more soldiers to kill. I strongly suggest that you do 
hand-to-hand combat on them to earn adrenaline, and DO NOT use take-
downs at all here. 

Once you leave the room, you'll get that very hard shoot-out sequence 
that I mentioned earlier. You've a four-minute timer to chase after 
Azar. If you don't get to him before that, he leaves via a helicopter. 
Meanwhile, there are many enemies around, including five-six snipers. 
Also, there are no checkpoints in between. If you die, you start from 
the beginning of the four-minute timer. It's a nightmare doing this on 
assassin difficulty - and you'll have to do this if you're trying to 
get the full 1K for this game.

I'll explain how to get past this hellish part under the "Treadstone 
Assassin" achievement.

Once you reach the helipad, the mission ends.

Description: Completed Survive the Professor

A lot of people have problems fighting the professor, but if you're 
doing this on trainee, you shouldn't really. 

From the beginning, go through three windows by pushing shelves to the 
ground to block the snipers. Marie is safe now, and she tells you the 
location of a shotgun. Go up the stairs to take it, and leave the 
house next. 

Go out and sprint past the sniper's shots. You'll need to shoot a 
propane tank ahead to progress the level.

Next area, and continue on sprinting past sniper's fire. You'll soon 
find a truck with a gas tank on it. I'd suggest that you run behind 
the truck to take cover, and then walk some steps backwards until 
you're not that close to the gas tank before shooting it to progress 
the story.

Continue on for a mini-game to escape the sniper's shots. You'll reach 
a barn. Climb up to trigger the boss fight. The first part of the fight 
is pretty frustrating, since it's all about shooting and you know how 
difficult aiming can be in this game. To make matters worse, you've a 
time limit. I'd suggest Waiting for the professor to stay still before 
spamming a few shots in.

Once you earn enough adrenaline from the shooting, you'll get the 
chance to do a shooting takedown. Doing so will lead to the next part 
of the fight.

You need to defeat the professor in hand-to-hand combat within two 
minutes. The X+Y spam is best against him. He'll have no reply to your 
senseless button-mashing. Use takedown whenever you can and his HP 
will drop like a fly. I manage to reduce his health to zero with more 
than a minute to go.

You'll get a checkpoint after this, and another mini-game pops up. 
Press the correct button to end the fight and the mission.

Description: Completed Treadstone Safehouse 

Pretty straightforward if you ask me. The hardest part of the mission 
is right after you get into the safehouse. You'll need to travel from 
the top floor to the lowest floor. Enemies keep spawning just when you 
think that you've killed everyone (there's a total of about 40 of 
them). They also tend to "flank" you by taking the elevator to the 
floor above you as you go down the stairs, thus sandwiching you as 
you attempt to deal with the goons below. There's also a sniper at the 
basement whom you can never reach.

The general tip here is to go slow. After killing a batch, run back 
up to heal (also in case some enemies go up by elevator to flank you). 
The railings along the stairs are not really helpful for cover, since 
they break easily. Try to take out enemies by hiding at the turning 
corner of the stairs, and then adjusting the camera until you can line 
up the shot. 

After killing the whole bunch, you'll finally reach the bottom floor. 
Here, you fight another no-HP bar boss. Avoid getting too close to 
the edge of the balcony as the sniper will continue to try his luck 
from the basement. When you succesfully defeat this boss, you'll throw 
his body down to take out the sniper as well (you must do a mini-game 
to do this).

Continue on and eventually you'll fight the final boss, Manheim. The 
first part is a gunshoot sequence. There's no time limit, but beware 
of those propane tanks nearby. Manheim will periodically shoot at them 
to hurt you. Steer clear as much as you can. 

Take cover and shoot him. He'll retreat once he gets shot a few times, 
so follow him and use the pews in the church to take cover. Keep 
shooting him until you get a cut-scene. If you happen to get enough 
adrenaline to do a shooting takedown, do so to make things easier.

Once his health is depleted to a certain level, you'll get a hand-to-
hand combat sequence. You know the drill.

Once his HP is down to zero, you'll hit a checkpoint. Complete the 
mini-game to end the level and complete the game.

Description: Completed all campaign missions on Trainee

Once you complete all 11 missions on Trainee difficulty, this will 
unlock during the end scenes.

Description: Completed all campaign missions on Agent

You don't need to do this difficulty level at all. Just complete 
assasin and this will unlock. 

Description: Completed all campaign missions on Asssasin

These difficulty achievements are stacked. So, if you complete the 
game on Assassin difficulty during your first playthrough, you'll 
unlock all three achievements at one go.

The assassin difficulty is pretty tough, but there's an easy way to 
complete this mode. This method is commonly known as the "assassin 
trick" on the forums. 

This is how the trick works. First, you'd need to start a new game. 
Choose trainee as your difficulty level, and continue playing the game 
until you reach the final checkpoint of the mission. After the final 
checkpoint is saved, quit the game.

You'll now be back at the start menu. Choose to continue campaign, and 
the game will load the last checkpoint, which is the final checkpoint 
of the mission you've just played. You'll get to choose the difficulty 
level every time you load a checkpoint. Choose assassin now. The game 
will load that checkpoint, with the difficulty level now changed to 

From here, just complete the level.

When the game loads the next chapter, quit again. Continue campaign 
again, but select trainee as your difficulty level again. Play through 
this chapter on trainee until, yes, you guess it, the last checkpoint. 
Quit and load it on assasin and complete the level. 

Continue to do this for all the missions. Each time you complete a 
mission this way, the game will register that you've complete the 
entire mission on assassin, even though you've only done one part of 
it on assassin. Once you complete the last mission like this, this 
achievement will unlock.

It also means that you can do this from the onset, and get all the 
difficulty achievements by playing through the game only once.

The last checkpoints for each mission are listed below.

  The checkpoint is saved after you jump through the window when 
  fighting O'Connor. Quit, and reload to assassin here. You'll need to 
  engage the second part of the O'Connor fight on assassin, but it's 
  not difficult to defeat him with the usual X+Y = Takedown formula.

  The checkpoint is when you're alone on the boat. Quit and reload 
  here, and then fight the bunch of goons that appear before disposing 
  Solomon. This is just slightly tougher than the O'Connor fight. Use 
  blocks liberally to prevent from being hit too much, and counter with 
  bouts of X+Y and takedowns.

  The checkpoint is right when you bump into Solomon. Quit and reload, 
  and then defeat him to end the chapter.

  This one is easy. The checkpoint saves right after Divandelen's HP is 
  down to zero. He pulls a gun out and you'll get a mini-game. Quit 
  and reload on assassin, and simply complete the button sequence to 
  defeat him. Then, beat the time limit to the parachute to end the 

  The checkpoint is when the final 2:00 timer comes out (after the 
  flash-bang cut-scene). There's no need to fight at all. Just sprint 
  all the way to the end to finish the level.

  This is the second toughest final checkpoint in my opinion. It saves 
  after you enter the distillery. Stop to avoid the explosive attack 
  from the windows, and then take out the two enemies. I'd suggest 
  shooting the one on the balcony, and then engaging the other one 
  with hand-to-hand. Defeat him without using takedown so as to store 
  the adrenaline for later use. 

  Now, go into the room to lower the handle. The tough part here is 
  having to take out the two enemies here. One's on the left, and the 
  other's on the right. With the adrenaline saved from earlier, do a 
  shooting takedown to quickly dispose off one of them, and then shoot 
  the other. Run to the stairs now and hand-to-hand/ shoot the next  
  two enemies. 

  From here, just go up the stairs and sprint to the end of the level. 
  There's a time limit once you pull the handle, as you may already 
  know, so speed is key here.

  Very easy. The checkpoint is right after Castel's HP is down to zero 
  and when the mini-game loads. Quit and return to press the buttons 
  correctly, and you'll get the level over and done with.

  The checkpoint is after the cut-scene when Marie tells you to get in 
  front of the train. But you can probably do the entire level on 
  assassin since it's all about driving, and the difficulty doesn't 
  seem to alter that much. I didn't bother quitting after the Castel 
  fight, and completed this level wholly on assassin with no problems.

  The hardest of them all. This one comes at the four-minute timer. 
  Step-by-step walkthrough below. This walkthrough is written assuming 
  you didn't save enough adrenaline from before the checkpoint.

  1.  Shoot the guy right in front (he comes in from the right).

  2.  Shoot the sniper far ahead in front.

  3.  Take cover behind the next wall, and quickly aim left (LT out from 
      cover). One enemy will run out from the left wall. You should head 
      shot him if possible. If not, spam bullets till he dies.

  4.  Still on the same cover, move right this time. At the 10-11 
      o'clock direction, there's a sniper. You should be able to adjust 
      the camera until his infra-red sensor doesn't hit you, while you 
      can still hit him. Kill him.

  5.  Now, run out and hide behind the wall that's to the left of the 
      left flight of stairs. Two enemies will run towards your 
      direction. If you wait a while (I know there's a timer, but just 
      wait), one of them will run towards where you started. One will 
      hide just on top of the stairs. Head shot the one on the top of 
      the stairs. Somehow, the one who ran away won't hear the shot and 
      won't return to fight you. 

  6.  Run up the stairs quickly and hug the left wall. As you approach 
      the top left corner of the area, stop. One guy will run in to 
      fight you from the left. For this one, if you can shoot him, do 
      so. If not, hand-to-hand him to earn some adrenaline. I managed 
      to finish this level by shooting him, but there's no harm earning 
      some juice.

  7.  Run down the stairs on the left. There's a sniper ahead. If you've 
      enough adrenaline, you may want to use shooting takedown on him. 
      But I'd suggest saving the juice and simply run past him. It 
      saves time and he won't be able to shoot you once you run past 
      the area.

  8.  After you run past the sniper, you reach a right turn. Three 
      enemies appear. Two are without weapons, one is with a shotgun. 
      You'd need to position yourself back to the first area (where you 
      just ran past the sniper) so that the shotgun dude can't shoot 
      you. Hand-to-hand the two to death. Hopefully you can earn some 
      adrenaline here by not using takedowns, but I'd agree it's tough.

  9.  Go on and finish off the shotgun dude. 

  10. Final area. Hug the right wall. If you've enough adrenaline, do 
      a shooting takedown on the TWO snipers in front (very high above) 
      to save time. If not, just do your best to kill them. Your view 
      may be obstructed by trees.

  11. Once you get rid of the snipers, run. Run out to the open area, 
      to the right, and then up one flight of stairs. Immediately take 
      cover to the right - you should see one passport to the right of 
      the next flight of stairs if you still haven't pick it up. 

  12. From cover, aim at the top of the stairs where the helicopter is. 
      There's a sniper there. Kill him. There may be other enemies 
      running around but don't even be bothered with them.

  13. Run up to the helicopter to end the level. 

  I managed to do this part in about 2:40 after much practice. Try not 
  to worry too much about the time limit, and concentrate on the kills. 
  If you die, the time limit doesn't matter anyway.

  This one saves after the professor's HP is down to zero. Quit and 
  reload, and then complete the mini-game to finish this. Easy.

  Another easy one. The checkpoint is again after the boss' HP is down 
  to zero. Quit and reload, complete the mini-game, and you're done.

A whole chunk of achievements in Bourne Conspiracy is dedicated to 
takedowns. It's hardly a surprise, since takedowns is one of the core 
gameplay of the game. See below for details.

Description: Defeat 50 opponents in hand-to-hand without performing a 

See "Heavyweight".

Description: Defeat 100 opponents in hand-to-hand without performing a 

See "Heavyweight".

Description: Defeat 200 opponents in hand-to-hand without performing a 

To successfully defeat an opponent without using a takedown, you'll 
have to keep attacking him until he falls. Ignore the "B" (takedown) 
prompt even when adrenaline is filled, and keep spamming attacks. Some 
enemies take longer to defeat, while others go down with a few punches.

As you proceed with the missions, you're bound to chalk up some kills 
in this way. The good thing about this game is that when you pause the 
game, you can access the "Achievements" menu to find out your achieve-
ment progress. After you're done with the missions, use this feature 
to find out how many more you need, and load the "Escape the Embassy" 

At the beginning of the mission, you're surrounded by three enemies. 
You're prompted to perform takedowns on them (your adrenaline meter is 
full). Ignore the prompt, and choose to fight them all without using 
takedowns. The enemies here are really weak, and two of them will go 
down with just a couple of punches. The third one isn't that strong as
well. You should be able to get three kills without using takedown in 
about 40-50 seconds each time. 

Once you're done, reload the checkpoint and repeat until you get all 
the kills. This can be done once you unlock this mission, and you may 
want to start right away to get the "Brawler" and "Pugilist" achieve-
ments out of the way first. The choice is up to you, of course. 

Description: Finish a mission without using any hand-to-hand takedowns

This is pretty self-explanatory. You can do this on any mission, but you 
may want to do this on a shorter mission to minimize the ordeal. I 
don't really have a recommendation on which chapter to do this on though.
I guess "Shipyard Infiltration" is the logical choice, since the enemies 
are weaker here.

Take note that to unlock this, you cannot use hand-to-hand takedowns even 
during boss fights. This is why I wouldn't recommend doing this on 
levels that have multiple bosses ("Assassinate Wombosi") or have time 
limits on bosses ("Survive the Professor"). 

I also read on it's possible to do this on the first mission, "Dangerous 
Beginning", even though there's a mandatory multiple takedown tutorial 
in it. It seems that the game doesn't recognize it as a "takedown" for 
some reason (yet you can use that tutorial to rack up some kill counts for 
"Living Weapon" and "30 Million Dollar Man"). Simply fight through the 
other battles without using takedowns (including the boss fight against 
O'Connor), and this should unlock. I've not tried this though, so if 
you got this by doing so, please confirm that it works.

Description: Finished a mission without using a shooting takedown

Again, you can do this on any mission. I'd recommend doing it in 
"Survive the Professor" though. You won't get any chance to do a 
shooting takedown on anyone prior to the professor fight. During the 
professor fight, when adrenaline is filled, DO NOT use a shooting 
takedown. Instead, keep shooting at him as per usual to trigger the 
fist-fight cut-scene. Finish the level and you'll get the achievement.

Description: Finish off 50 opponents using shooting takedowns

See "Bullet Master".

Description: Finish off 200 opponents using shooting takedowns

In the mission "Shipyard Infiltration", there's a tutorial on shooting 
takedowns. You can't skip the tutorial, and each time you complete it, 
you get three kills. There's also a checkpoint just before this, so you 
can just reload the checkpoint after you get the three kills, and then 
repeat the tutorial until you get the required number. 

Note that the third kill you get in this tutorial also adds one kill 
to your "Explosive Kills" count. You can make use of this to get the 
"Collateral Damage" and "Massive Collateral Damage" achievements as 
well. Talk about convenience.

Description: Finish off 50 opponents using using hand-to-hand 

See "30 Million Dollar Weapon".

Description: Finish off 200 opponents using using hand-to-hand 

Load "Escape the Embassy". You get full adrenaline by default, with 
which you can do hand-to-hand takedowns on all three enemies right 
there and then. Reload and repeat until you get the achievements 

Description: Take out multiple opponents with one takedown 3 times

If you want this quickly, simply reload the checkpoint after the 
bar fight in "Dangerous Beginning". You'll get a tutorial on multiple 
takedowns after avoiding O'Connor's shots, in which you can do a take-
down on two enemies at one go. 

This should be one of the earliest achievements you'll get.

Description: Take out multiple opponents with one takedown 30 times

You should get this while doing "Living Weapon" and "30 Million Dollar 
Weapon" using the "Escape the Embassy" checkpoint. Don't even have to 

Description: Defeat 20 opponents with contextual takedowns

A contextual takedown is achieved when you finish off an enemy by using 
an object in the environment. For example, if you're near a chair and 
you press B to do a hand-to-hand takedown, you'll end up lifting the 
chair and striking it hard against the enemy. There are so many chances 
to do contextual takedowns, you should end up getting this on your 
first playthrough without even trying. Just make sure that you engage in 
hand-to-hand takedowns very often and you'd have no problems.

Description: Defeat 100 opponents with contextual takedowns

Getting 100 contextual kills needs more persistence. You can reload 
the bar checkpoint from "Dangerous Beginning" to help with the 
numbers. Once you enter the bar, the first enemy you kill will always 
be a contextual takedown (smashing his head against the jukebox). You 
can continue fighting the rest of the enemies (three more). Try to 
position yourself near bar counters, so that you can smash their heads 
onto the counters for more contextual kills. Reload the checkpoint 
repeatedly when you're done until you unlock the achievement.

There are a couple of achievements involving shooting not relating to 
takedowns. Some of them are directly related to shooting accuracy, 
while others are basically accumulating registered shots.

Description: Finished a mission with an accuracy below 10%

You can pause your game at any time to check on your accuracy under 
the "Achievements" menu. Getting this achievement is a matter of simply 
firing as badly as you can. I got this by redoing "Shipyward Infilt-
ration". Before the boss fight checkpoint, you've a checkpoint where 
you've to beat a timer to escape the shipyard. Unload all your bullets 
into the skies, and reload the checkpoint again to repeat the process. 
After a while, your accuracy will go below 10%. From here, simply 
don't use the gun anymore till the end of the chapter, and you should 
get the achievement.

Alternatively, you can also chalk up your misfiring the first time you 
find an ammo crate in the same mission. Kill the enemy in the ammo shed, 
and then keep firing in the ground. With an ammo crate around, you'll 
have unlimited ammo to shoot badly to your heart's content.

Description: Finished a mission with an accuracy of at least 75%

See "Eye on the Target".

Description: Finished a mission with an accuracy of at least 90%

The easiest way to get this is on the "Survive the Professor" mission.

After escorting Marie to the basement, go up stairs to pick up the 
shotgun. Leave the house now and follow the linear path until you see 
a blue propane tank. Shoot it (it's required to progress the level). 

Accuracy: 100%.

Follow on the linear path until you find a truck. Shoot the gas tank 
on it to progress the level. 

Accuracy: 100%.

Continue on and there will be a mini-game to escape the sniper.

You reach the outside of the barn now. Run towards the barn and then 
climb up to the roof.

Complete the mini-game to escape an explosion, and you'll have four 
minutes to shoot the professor. Make sure you be careful with your 
shooting here. Shoot him only when he stops running around. As long as 
you land a hit on him, your accuracy will remain at 100%. 

Once you build enough adrenaline to do a shooting takedown, do it. 
This sends a crate onto him. 

After the cut-scene, fight him hand-to-hand. Keep spamming X and Y 
together to wear down his health fast and build adrenalin fast. Once 
you can takedown, do so. Rinse and repeat until the final mini-game.

Complete the mini-game to end the mission, and both "Good Shot Cluster-
ing" and "Eye on the Target" will be unlocked. 

Description: Finished 3 missions with an accuracy of at least 90%

Repeat the process in "Eye on the Target" two more times to unlock 

Description: Destroy 10 explodables

See "Massive Collateral Damage".

Description: Destroy 50 explodables

Explodables are things like propane tanks, gas tanks, etc. As you 
progress in the game, shoot these items whenever you've the chance, 
and you should get both these achievements without even trying, or 
you'd at least be very close to getting your 50.

If you want to rack up the scores quicker, consider redoing the 
shooting takedown tutorial checkpoint tutorial. As I mentioned earlier, 
the third shot you do in that tutorial will always be shooting at an 
explodable, so you can add some numbers to your count when doing the 
"Fancy Shooter" and "Bullet Master" achievements.

Description: Kill 25 enemies with headshots

See "Laser Aim".

Description: Kill 150 enemies with headshots

You should get "Lucky Shot!" when playing through the game without 
even trying. Getting 150 headshots, however, takes more effort simply 
because lining up a headshot is not an easy task. An easy place to get 
an (almost) guaranteed headshot is in "Shipyard Infiltration". There's 
a checkpoint right after you enter the factory, when an enemy will 
come rushing into the room. Aim for the head and kill him, and then 
reload the checkpoint as many times as you need to get the required 

I know this sounds a little tedious, so if you've a better place to 
rack up more headshots at a short time, please let me know.

Passports are collectibles that are scattered all over the missions. 
By collecting them, you unlock bonus features like movie clips in the 

The passports are not difficult to find, but it's rather hard to pin-
point their exact locations. There are plenty of guides that provide 
the exact location of them, and I find Straxus_D's walkthrough on to be the most detailed of them. I'd suggest you refer 
to that guide for unlocking them.

If you still can't find these passports when you think you're in the 
location where they are, consider using Bourne Instinct (Y button) - 
the passports will show up in yellow when this is activated.

I'd also recommend that you get all these passports on your first 
run through the game, and in sequence. It gets difficult to pinpoint 
which ones you've missed if you just pick up whichever you find. Trust 
me, I've been through that, and just finding the remaining few were 

Note also that the passports are saved into your records once you 
find them. If, after picking one up, you fail the mission, you do 
not need to pick them up again since they won't be there. With this, 
you can take your time finding the passports, and redo the mission 
from the last checkpoint if you somehow fail it when finding pass-
ports. The "Escape the Embassy" mission, for example, may be tricky 
because the entire mission is on time limits.

Description: Collected All Passports in Dangerous Beginning 

There are five passports in this mission. Please check Straxus_D's 
guide on for locations of them.

Description: Collected All Passports in Shipyard Infiltration

There are ten passports in this mission. Please check Straxus_D's 
guide on for locations of them.

Description: Collected All Passports in Assassinate Wombosi

There are ten passports in this mission. Please check Straxus_D's 
guide on for locations of them.

Description: Collected All Passports in Eliminate Divandelen

There are ten passports in this mission. Please check Straxus_D's 
guide on for locations of them.

Description: Collected All Passports in Escape the Embassy

There are five passports in this mission. Please check Straxus_D's 
guide on for locations of them.

This one is trickier because there's a time limit throughout the 
entire level. As suggested, you can always go for the passport, 
fail the mission, and then redo the mission from last checkpoint. 

Description: Collected All Passports in Silence Rurik

There are ten passports in this mission. Please check Straxus_D's 
guide on for locations of them.

Description: Collected All Passports in Disarm Renard

There are ten passports in this mission. Please check Straxus_D's 
guide on for locations of them.

Description: Collected All Passports in Surive the Professor

There are five passports in this mission. Please check Straxus_D's 
guide on for locations of them.

Description: Collected All Passports in Treadstone Safehouse

There are five passports in this mission. Please check Straxus_D's 
guide on for locations of them.

Description: Collected 5 Passports

You'll get this if you find all passports in the first mission, 
"Dangerous Beginning".

Description: Collected 30 Passports

If you find all passports leading up to the fourth mission, "Eliminate 
Divandelen", and find five more in the mission itself, you'll unlock 
this achievement.

Description: Collected all passports

This one takes more patience than anything. As mentioned, my advice is 
to pick them up in sequence on your first run through, or they'll come 
back to haunt you later when you forget which ones you had.

I consider the guide complete at this point in time. I hope it's a 
good help for people who're stuck, and a good read for those who just 
wanted to read something. Feedback/ better ways to do achievements are 
welcomed at the usual email address. 

Version 1.00: Guide completed (8/20).

ASCII Generator (@

I'd like to say that I've done better than Prima/ Bradygames/ anyone 
else that publishes game guides, but I know that a text document can 
never look as appealing as a thick book with colorful pages. Neverthe-
less, if you like this guide, and would like to contribute to my 
continued existence in this world, you may send Paypal to the following

lestor underscore wong at yahoo dot com

Copyright Lestor Wong 2008-2009.