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Post Game Content FAQ

by sakurayule

       |                                                               |
       |                     Author: Sakura Yule                       |
       |                Email: [email protected]                  |
       |                  Star Ocean: The Last Hope                    |
       |                      For the Xbox 360                         |
       |                    Post Game Content FAQ                      |
       |                        Version 1.02                           |

                      Sites permitted to host this guide
                    | GameFAQS         (|
                    | CheatCC           (|
                    | SuperCheats   (|
                    | NeoSeeker       (|
                    | Cheat Planet  (|
                    | Games Radar    (|

 _                                                                           _
/ \_________________________________________________________________________/ \
| |                            Table of Contents                            | |
| |                                                                         | |
| |   Updates                                              [Update1]        | |
| |   Introduction                                         [SakuraY]        | |
| |   Intro to Post Game Content                           [ITPGCNT]        | |
| |   Faize & Arumat                                       [ARUFAZE]        | |
| |   The Undying Dragon                                   [DEDDRAG]        | |
| |   Dispelling Holy Light Barriers                       [LITEBAD]        | |
| |   Post Game Dungeon Equipment Suggestion/Preparation   [POGDESP]        | |
| |   Explanation of the Cave of the Seven Stars           [EOTCOSS]        | |
| |     Seven Star Dungeon Prep                            [SSDUPRP]        | |
| |     Floor 1                                            [FLORR01]        | |
| |     Floor 2                                            [FLORR02]        | |
| |     Floor 3                                            [FLORR03]        | |
| |     Floor 4                                            [FLORR04]        | |
| |     Floor 5                                            [FLORR05]        | |
| |     Floor 6                                            [FLORR06]        | |
| |     Floor 7                                            [FLORR07]        | |
| |     The Star Hunt                                      [FINDME!]        | |
| |     Inner Sanctum                                      [BIGUHOH]        | |
| |     FOL/EXP Trick                                      [LOTOF$$]        | |
| |   Dispelling The Fire Chests                           [FIREPRF]        | |
| |   Explanation of the Wandering Dungeon                 [HWITWKS]        | |
| |     Wandering Dungeon Map / Floor Explaination         [DISSMAP]        | |
| |     Santa                                              [PRSNTS!]        | |
| |     The tri-Emblem / Super-tri-Emblum                  [SUPAPWR]        | |
| |     Treasures in the Wandering Dungeon                 [GREEDYT]        | |
| |     Wandering Dungeon Prep                             [TSISWAR]        | |
| |     Boss Strategies                                    [HW2KILL]        | |
| |                                                                         | |
| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |

| |                           Updates - [Update1]                           | |

                     Jul 30th, 2009: Finished FAQ
                     Jul 31st, 2009: Minor Corrections
                                     A little spring-cleaning
                     Aug 13th, 2009: Revamped FAQ

| |                       Introduction - [SakuraY]                          | |

Hello, and welcome to my Post Game Content FAQ.  

My name is Sakura, and I have created this FAQ for you to enhance your gaming
experience.  Please enjoy it to your heart's content.  Any questions, comments,
or critiques should be sent to the email provided at the top of the page.    

This guide is copyrighted to me, Sakura Yule, and is intended for private use
only.  Alteration of this guide is prohibited.  Duplication and hosting of this
guide is prohibited without my consent.  Fan based sites will not be given 
hosting consent.  


| |                 Intro to Post Game Content - [ITPGCNT]                  | |

Once you beat the game and watch the credits, you are given the chance to save
"Clear Data" to your gamer profile.  This doesn't erase any of your save files,
it sends an 'unlock' command to all of your save files.

You can access the Post Game Content with any of your save files, but the best
choice is to use the save file right before you faced the final boss.  The game
will load up where you were when you saved the file, so you can defeat the 
final boss again if you choose, the only difference is that all Post Game 
Content will be unlocked.

Post Game Content: 

-Allows you to play as Faize in place of Arumat in subsequent playthroughs.
-Allows you to enter the doors in the hallway right before the Final Boss.  
 (Left Door = Boss, Right Door = Portal back to the Calnus)
-Defeating the Boss in the left door grants you the "Darkness Ring".
-The "Darkness Ring" allows entry into the Cave of the Seven Stars.
-Defeating the Seven Star Dungeon's Boss allows entry to the Wandering Dungeon.
-Defeating the Wandering Dungeon's Boss is the final challenge.


| |                       Faize & Arumat - [ARUFAZE]                        | |

Faize & Arumat

The Phantom Ambush is a turning point once you have Clear Data saved to your
gamer profile.  After the Ambush, Arumat would normally join your party.  
Instead, you are given the following text-menu with the option to keep Faize:

|Clear data detected.  You may now keep Faize in your     |
|party in place of Arumat, if you prefer. [This does not  |
|affect the story; Arumat will still appear in cutscenes.]|
|                                                         |
|Would you like to keep Faize in your party               |
|in place of Arumat?                                      |
|   -Keep Faize                                           |
|   -Keep Aruamt                                          |

If you want all 100 of Faize's Battle Trophies, you will have to keep Faize 
during at least one playthrough.  Once you choose, you can not change your
choice for the rest of your current playthrough.


| |                     The Undying Dragon - [DEDDRAG]                      | |

The Undying Dragon

In the final hall of the Palace of Creation are two doors.  The right leads to
a Portal which transports you back to the Calnus.  The left door contains a 
vicious dragon! You must defeat it in order to proceed to further Post Game

BOSS: Undying Dragon

Race-----------: Demon
Hit Points-----: 1,896,572
EXP Given------: 41,365
FOL Given------: 31,189
Resistant To---: Fire
Weak Against---: Water
Drops----------: Darkness Ring

Details: A dragon that has thrashed and twisted on the floor of a room in the
Palace of Creation for an extended period of time.  Believed to be the 
embodiment of a certain man's evil ambition, it decided of its own volition to
hide itself away.

Strategy: This dragon has a huge amount of hitpoints and will take quite a 
          while to kill, but is much easier than Satanail was.  He is able to 
          be juggled and tossed into the air, so take advantage of this and try
          to Critical Hit him whenever you can.  Rush Combos work great, just
          be careful when he goes into Rush Mode.  He can fly into the air and
          drop down creating serious knockdown effects for your party.  All in
          all, this boss is easy but time consuming.  Make sure to keep at 
          least one healer, and always try to keep the dragon juggled in the 
          air with Combos; Avoid him when he goes into Rush Mode, and he will
          eventually fall.   Once you defeat him, he drops the "Darkness Ring".
          Get ready for the Bonus Dungeons! 


| |              Dispelling Holy Light Barriers - [LITEBAD]                 | |

Dispelling Holy Light Barriers

After you obtain the Darkness Ring, you are able to dispel any Holy Barrier.

Here is a list of all of them:

Holy Barrier #01: Chest; Top floor of the Alanaire Citadel on Lemuris.
                  Contains Skill Manual "Trinity Blaze".
Holy Barrier #02: Chest; The Purgatorium, where you fought Tamiel on Roak.
                  Contains Skill Manual "Savage Sparrows".
Holy Barrier #03: Chest; Floor B3 of the Astral Caves on Roak.
                  Contains the equipment 'Burning Claws' for Meracle.
Holy Barrier #04: Chest; Floor B4 of the Miga Insect Warren on Aeos.
                  Contains Skill Manual "Dragon Roar".
Holy Barrier #05: Chest; In the Old Road to Sanctuary on EN II.
                  Contains Skill Manual "Godslayer"
Holy Barrier #06: Chest; In the Halls of Termination on Nox Obscurus.
                  Contains Skill Manual "Plasma Cyclone"
Holy Barrier #07: Chest; Floor 4 of the Cave of the Stars on Roak.
                  Contains Skill Manual "Sunflare"
Holy Barrier #08: Chest; Floor 6 of the Cave of the Stars on Roak.
                  Contains Skill Manual "Scintillant Stream"
Holy Barrier #09: Chest; Inner Sanctum of the Cave of the Stars on Roak.
                  Contains Skill Manual "Max Shockwave"
Holy Barrier #10: Wall of Holy Light; Palace of Creation (Area 6).
                  There is a normal chest beyond the wall, nothing more.
Holy Barrier #11: Door of Holy Light; In the back left area of the Colosseum
                                      in Tatroi on Roak.
                  This door is the entry to the Cave of the Seven Stars.
                  This is the first Post Game Dungeon.


| |     Post Game Dungeon Equipment Suggestion/Preparation - [POGDESP]      | |

Post Game Dungeon Equipment Suggestion/Preparation

Now that you are in Post Game areas, you're going to want to start abusing the
Synthesis ability on your ship, the Calnus.  Before you begin, please hop on
over to my Synthesis FAQ to learn about the basics of Synthesis and how to use
the "Overflow Trick".  

My Synthesis FAQ:

For any help creating items from your Item Creation terminal, please use my
Item Creation Ingredient FAQ:

There are many different pieces of equipment you can use;  Typically, you'll
want to buy your equipment from EN II or create it in your Item Creation 
terminal.  For Item Creation recipes, check the bottom of my Ingredient FAQ.

Here are some of my suggested equipment choices:

Edge                 : Imperial Sword            : 10 Synth Limit Slots
Reimi                : Mediumistic Bow           : 10 Synth Limit Slots
Lymle                : Laser Weapon              : 16 Synth Limit Slots
Bacchus              : Symbol Cannon "Tempest"   : 12 Synth Limit Slots
Meracle              : Laser Weapon              : 16 Synth Limit Slots
Myuria               : Wizard's Staff            : 09 Synth Limit Slots
Sarah                : Trident Harpoon           : 10 Synth Limit Slots
Arumat               : Laser Weapon              : 16 Synth Limit Slots
Anyone               : Laser Weapon              : 16 Synth Limit Slots

Edge, Faize, Arumat  : Universal Armor           : 10 Synth Limit Slots
Reimi, Meracle       : Absolute Protector        : 12 Synth Limit Slots
Myuria, Lymle, Sarah : Seven Star Cloak          : 10 Synth Limit Slots
Bacchus              : Plate of the Lost Monarch : 08 Synth Limit Slots
Anyone               : Laser Suit                : 16 Synth Limit Slots

Imperial Sword            - Item Creation
Mediumistic Bow           - Item Creation
Symbol Cannon "Tempest"   - Item Creation
Wizard's Staff            - Item Creation
Trident Harpoon           - Chest; Wandering Dungeon F09, F13,
Laser Weapon              - Complete quest "Trial of Might" in the Sanctuary
Absolute Protector        - Chest; Wandering Dungeon F11, F13, F16
Universal Armor           - Item Creation
Seven Star Cloak          - Chest; Cave of the Seven Stars; Floor 7, West Room
Plate of the Lost Monarch - Chest; Wandering Dungeon F03, F05
Laser Suit                - Item Creation

If you don't have access to certain items, simply create the best item you can
via your Item Synthesis terminal.  The equipment listed above are the best 
pieces of equipment that have multiple empty Factor Slots and extremely high 
stats.  Factors can be much more effective than stats.

Customizing Synthesis Items

First of all, if you have not done so yet, go read about the Overflow Trick in
my Synthe FAQ.  
For customising Weapons, you'll want to buy some Observer's Swords over at the
weapon shop(s) on EN II in Centropolis. 
For customising Armors, you'll want to get a few Alchemist's Cloaks as drops
from the Cursed Horrors in the Sanctuary and the Old Road to Sanctuary.

There are both Empty Factor pieces of equipment.

Here are a few options/ways to prepare each of them for Customization via the
Overflow Trick:

Suggestion 1) Warning Brooch with 1 Aquaberry Synthed onto it.
Suggestion 2) Warning Brooch with 1 Sacrificial Doll Synthed onto it.
Suggestion 3) Sacrificial Doll with 2 Aquaberries Synthed onto it.
Suggestion 4) Sacrificial Doll with 2 more Sacrificial Dolls Synthed onto it.

1) Sacrificial Doll with 2 Blueberries Synthed onto it.
2) Sacrificial Doll with 2 more Sacrificial Dolls Synthed onto it.

Using any of these suggestions, you are given an accessory that has 3 Factors
which are not transferable to the Weapon or Armor, leaving the 4th Factor Slot
open for Customization.  See the "Overflow Trick" section of my Synthesis FAQ.

Side Section; tri-Emblem stat maxing: 

Please read the [SUPAPWR] section of this FAQ to understand the 
tri-Emblem before you read this section.  Control +F is your friend.

Some of the better weapons and armors have a much higher ATK, INT, and DEF stat
than the Laser Eqiupment,  but a lower number of Synth Limit Slots.  When you 
use them without stat maxing them with tri-Emblems, the other pieces of 
equipment are usually better, but when you stat-max them, the amount of Synth
Limit Slots gives every other stat a much higher boost.   

For example, the Universal Armor VS the Laser Suit.
-Both using 1 Synth Limit Slot for choosing Factors, then maxing the stats with
 tri-Emblems.  The stats are compared as follows:

Original Laser Suit-----: DEF =   900
Original Universal Armor: DEF = 3,300

In this case, the universal armor would be the obvious choice.  But when you 
max the Synth Limit out with tri-Emblems, the stats become this:

--------------   -------------------
| Laser Suit |   | Universal Armor |
| ATK: 3,000 |   |   ATK: 1,800    |
| INT: 3,000 |   |   INT: 1,800    |
| DEF: 2,400 |   |   DEF: 4,200    |
| HIT: 3,000 |   |   HIT:   900    |
| GRD: 1,500 |   |   GRD:   900    |
--------------   -------------------

Notice that while the DEF stat is still much higher, every other stat on the
Laser Suit outdoes the Unviersal Armor.  Every Weapon and Armor is the same;
Weapons with the ATK or INT stat, and Armors with the DEF stat.  The tradeoff
is worth it if your other stats are lacking, but the choice is ultimately 
yours and boils down to the question, "Which stats are more important to you?"

(If you don't have access to tri-Emblems, then Ashlay Bernbeldt Jewels have 
 very nice stats for Synth Stat Maxing.)

The following sections are some Factors and Combinations that I believe to be
the best.  

Notable Equipment Factors:


Adds one hit chance per attack                 - Slayer's Bangle        (wrist)
+20% EXP after each battle                     - Oyakodon/Curry Rice
+40% FOL after each battle                     - Mille-feuille
MP cost -25% in battle                         - Caesar Salad 
HP damage +20%                                 - EM Bomb
HP Damage +35%                                 - Ultimate Bomb
Increases critical hit chance                  - Crystal 
ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +5%                        - Hyper Potion
ATK +18%                                       - Potent Attack Seeds
HIT +25%                                       - Potent Accuracy Seeds
INT +18%                                       - Potent Intelligence Seeds


Increases chance of surviving incap via fury   - Green Talisman          (neck)
Nullifies HP Damage 25% of the time            - Blue Talisman           (neck)
Restores 3% of MP periodically in battle       - Regeneration Symbol     (neck)
Restores 3% of HP periodically in battle       - Healing Band           (wrist)
DEF +20%                                       - Potent Defense Seeds
GRD +25%                                       - Potent Protection Seeds
Maximum HP +20%                                - Potent Health Seeds
Maximum MP +20%                                - Potent Magic Seeds
ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +5%                        - Hyper Potion


Grants immunity to poison                      - Anti-Poison Amulet      (neck)
Grants immunity to stun status                 - Anti-Stun Amulet        (neck)
Grants immunity to frozen status               - Anti-Freezing Amulet    (neck)
Grants immunity to paralysis                   - Anti-Paralysis Amulet   (neck)
Grants immunity to silence                     - Anti-Silence Amulet     (neck)
Grants immunity to fog status                  - Anti-Fog Amulet         (neck)
Grants immunity to curse status                - Anti-Curse Amulet       (neck)
Grants immunity to pumpkin status              - Anti-Pumpkin Amulet     (neck)
Grants immunity to void status                 - Anti-Void Amulet        (neck)
Increases chance of surviving incap via fury   - Green Talisman          (neck)
Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time            - Blue Talisman           (neck)
Restores 2% of MP periodically in battle       - Regeneration Symbol     (neck)
Restores 2% of MP periodically in battle       - Faerie Band            (wrist)
Adds one hit chance per attack                 - Slayer's Bangle        (wrist)
Restores 2% of HP periodically in battle       - Healing Band           (wrist)
Rush Gauge charge rate +2                      - Stallion Snaps         (wrist)
+15% EXP after each battle                     - Oyakodon/Curry Rice
+30% FOL after each battle                     - Mille-feuille
ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +3%                        - Hyper Potion
MP cost -15% in battle                         - Caesar Salad
ATK +10%                                       - Potent Attack Seeds
DEF +12%                                       - Potent Defense Seeds
HIT +15%                                       - Potent Accuracy Seeds
GRD +15%                                       - Potent Protection Seeds
INT +10%                                       - Potent Intelligence Seeds
Maximum HP +10%                                - Potent Health Seeds
Maximum MP +10%                                - Potent Magic Seeds
Increases critical hit chance                  - Crystal

Equipment Suggestions:


EXP  Weapon:
Factor 1: +20% XP
Factor 2: +20% XP
Factor 3: +20% XP
Factor 4: +20% XP

FOL Weapon:
Factor 1: +40% Fol
Factor 2: +40% Fol
Factor 3: +40% Fol
Factor 4: +40% Fol

Low ATK Attack Weapon (Fighters):
Factor 1: ATK +18%
Factor 2: ATK +18%
Factor 3: ATK +18%
Factor 4: ATK +18%

Low ATK/effect Weapon (Fighters):
Factor 1: ATK + 18%
Factor 2: ATK + 18%
Factor 3: Adds Stun effect to weapon
Factor 4: HP Damage + 35%

Low ATK/effect Weapon (Fighters):
Factor 1: ATK + 18%
Factor 2: ATK + 18%
Factor 3: Adds Stun effect to weapon
Factor 4: Increase Critical Hit Chance

Low INT Attack Weapon (Mages):
Factor 1: INT +18%
Factor 2: INT +18%
Factor 3: INT +18%
Factor 4: INT +18%

Low INT/effect Weapon (Mages):
Factor 1: INT + 18%
Factor 2: INT + 18%
Factor 3: INT + 18%
Factor 4: MP Cost -25% in battle

Healer Weapon (Mages):
Factor 1: ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +5%
Factor 2: ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +5%
Factor 3: ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +5%
Factor 4: ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +5%

Healer Weapon 2 (Mages):
Factor 1: MP cost -25% in battle
Factor 2: MP cost -25% in battle
Factor 3: MP cost -25% in battle
Factor 4: MP cost -25% in battle

Effect Weapon (Fighters):
Factor 1: Adds Stun effect to Weapon
Factor 2: Increases critical hit chance
Factor 3: HP Damage +35%
Factor 4: MP cost -25% in battle

Effect Weapon 2 (Fighters):
Factor 1: HP Damage + 35%
Factor 2: Adds Stun effect to weapon
Factor 3: Increase Critical Hit Chance
Factor 4: Adds one hit per attack chance


Low DEF Armor:
Factor 1: DEF + 20%
Factor 2: DEF + 20%
Factor 3: DEF + 20% 
Factor 4: DEF + 20%

Low HP Armor:
Factor 1: HP + 20%
Factor 2: HP + 20%
Factor 3: HP + 20%
Factor 4: HP + 20%

Low DEF/HP Armor:
Factor 1: DEF + 20%
Factor 2: DEF + 20%
Factor 3: HP + 20%
Factor 4: HP + 20%

Regeneration Armor:
Factor 1: Restores 2% of HP periodically
Factor 2: Restores 2% of HP periodically
Factor 3: Restores 2% of HP periodically
Factor 4: Restores 2% of HP periodically

Survival Armor:
Factor 1: Increase chance of surviving incap via Fury
Factor 2: Increase chance of surviving incap via Fury
Factor 3: Increase chance of surviving incap via Fury
Factor 4: Increase chance of surviving incap via Fury

Medium DEF/HP/effect Armor:
Factor 1: Nullifies HP Damage 25% of the time
Factor 2: Increase chance of surviving incap via Fury
Factor 3: DEF + 20%
Factor 4: HP + 20%

Eternal Magic Armor:
Factor 1: Maximum MP +20% 
Factor 2: Maximum MP +20%
Factor 3: Maximum MP +20%
Factor 4: Restores 3% of MP periodically in battle

Eternal Life Armor:
Factor 1: Nullifies HP Damage 25% of the time
Factor 2: Increase chance of surviving incap via Fury
Factor 3: Restores 3% of HP periodically in battle
Factor 4: Restores 3% of HP periodically in battle


EXP Neck Accessory - [Base = Blue Talisman]
Factor 1: Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time
Factor 2: +15% EXP after each battle
Factor 3: +15% EXP after each battle
Factor 4: +15% EXP after each battle

FOL Neck Accessory - [Base = Blue Talisman]
Factor 1: Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time
Factor 2: +30% FOL after each battle
Factor 3: +30% FOL after each battle
Factor 4: +30% FOL after each battle

Anti-Ailment Neck Accessory - [Base = Anti-Paralysis Amulet]
Factor 1: Grants immunity to paralysis
Factor 2: Grants immunity to stun status
Factor 3: Grants immunity to silence
Factor 4: Grants immunity to poison

Warrior's Neck Accessory - [Base = Blue Talisman]
Factor 1: Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time
Factor 2: Increases critical hit chance
Factor 3: Adds one hit chance per attack
Factor 4: Rush Gauge charge rate +2 (or +3)

Eternal Magic Neck Accessory - [Base = Regeneration Symbol]
Factor 1: Restore 2% of MP periodically in battle
Factor 2: Restore 2% of MP periodically in battle
Factor 3: MP Cost -15% in battle
Factor 4: Maximum MP +10%

Eternal Life Neck Accessory - [Base= Green Talisman]
Factor 1: Increases chance of surviving incap via fury
Factor 2: Restores 2% of HP periodically in battle
Factor 3: Restores 2% of HP periodically in battle
Factor 4: Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time

Supportive Neck Accessory - [Base= Anti-Silence Amulet]
Factor 1: Grants immunity to silence
Factor 2: Grants immunity to stun
Factor 3: Restores 2% of MP periodically in battle
Factor 4: Rush Gauge charge rate +2 (or +3)

Supportive Neck Accessory 2 - [Base= Anti-Silence Amulet]
Factor 1: Grants immunity to silence
Factor 2: Grants immunity to stun
Factor 3: Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time
Factor 4: Increase chance of surviving incap via Fury

All-Round Stat Neck Accessory - [Base = Blue Talisman]
Factor 1: Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time
Factor 2: ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +3%
Factor 3: ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +3%
Factor 4: ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +3%

Life-Giving Neck Accessory - [Base = Blue Talisman]
Factor 1: Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time
Factor 2: Maximum HP +10%
Factor 3: Maximum HP +10%
Factor 4: Maximum HP +10%

Defensive Neck Accessory - [Base = Blue Talisman]
Factor 1: Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time
Factor 2: DEF +12%
Factor 3: DEF +12%
Factor 4: DEF +12%

Offensive Neck Accessory  - [Base = Blue Talisman]
Factor 1: Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time
Factor 2: ATK +10%
Factor 3: ATK +10%
Factor 4: ATK +10%

Intellectual Neck Accessory - [Base = Blue Talisman]
Factor 1: Nullifies HP Damage 15% of the time
Factor 2: INT +10%
Factor 3: INT +10%
Factor 4: INT +10%


Arch Spellmaster Jewel - Neck Accessory
MP cost -15% in battle             
DEF -70%                           
INT doubled but maximum MP halved  (Great Factor!)

Spriggan Jewel - Neck Accessory
Increases critical hit chance  
Grants immunity to stun status  
DEF -40%                           
ATK doubled but maximum HP halved (Great Factor!)

Solo Champion Medal - Neck Accessory (Easy Accessory to obtain)
Rush Gauge charge rate +2
ATK +10%
Grants immunity to poison
Mullified HP damage 15% of the time

Team Champion Medal - Neck Accessory (Easy Accessory to obtain)
Nullifies MP damage 15% of the time
Adds one hit chance per attack
MP cost -5% in battle
Nullified light symbols 20% of the time

Ashlay Bernbeldt Jewel - Neck Accessory
Adds one hit chance per attack
(ATK 77, INT -23, DEF 129, HIT 72, GRD 57)

tri-Emblem: - Wrist Accessory
Rush Guage charge rate +3
Grants Immunity to Paralysis
MP cost -15% in battle
Adds two hit chances per attack
(ATK 200, INT 200, DEF 100, HIT 100, GRD 100)

Tri-Emblem - Can be Synthed for its full value onto any weapon, armor, or 
accessory (200 ATK/INT, 100 DEF/HIT/GRD).  Weapons will only get the 
ATK/INT/HIT, however.  Also useful for Rush Gauge charge rate +3

Ultimate Super-tri-Emblum - Wrist Accessory
Hit +2
Rush Gauge charge rate +3
Grants Immunity to Paralysis
MP cost -15% in battle
(ATK 1,602, INT 1,602, DEF 801, HIT 801, GRD 801)
(+20 to All Resistances)



This Accessory has it's own section in this guide.
Control + F the section: [SUPAPWR]
No other Wrist Accessory can hold a candle to it.

For people who do not have access to tri-Emblems, simply use a suggestion from
the Neck Accessory section; those Factors can be put on Wrist Accessories just
as easily.



| |         Explanation of the Cave of the Seven Stars - [EOTCOSS]          | |

In the back of Tatroi's Colosseum is a Holy Light Barrier.  If you use your
Darkness Ring on it, the way to the Cave of the Seven Stars is opened.  

I will refer to this area as the "Seven Star Dungeon" from now forward.

The Seven Star Dungeon has 7 floors, plus an Inner Sanctum.
Each floor in the dungeon has:
- A (broken) elevator that can take you down to the next level
- A symbol that can take you to the surface
- Treasures to collect (including Stone Fragments)
- A boss to defeat [One floor has 2 bosses, one floor has none]
- A mystical Star

Every floor's elevator is, conveniently, broken.  To fix them, you need to 
collect "Stone Fragments" on each floor.  These are typically scattered 
everywhere on the level in random chests.  Once you have all of the Stone 
Fragments on your current floor, you take them back to the walls around the 
elevator in the center of the area, place them where they go, and watch the
elevator activate.  Take the elevator down and do it all over again.  

Once you get to the 7th floor, the boss will drop a "Star Dipper".  This 
allows you to pick up the mystical Stars that you'll be seeing on every floor.
Each floor has one and only 1; You will need to collect all 7 to open the way
to the Inner Sanctum.  The path to the Inner Sanctum is in the South Room of
the 7th Floor.  Beware the Sanctum's Celestial Guardian, Gabriel Celeste.


| |                  Seven Star Dungeon Prep - [SSDUPRP]                    | |

If you can handle yourself in the Palace of Creation, you can handle yourself
in the Seven Star Dungeon.  The enemies are a bit tougher, but they aren't 
anything you can't handle.  For Equipment Preparation, make sure to focus on
Factors that buff your active stats, like DEF (everyone) and ATK (fighters).
Potent Defense & Attack seeds are great for this.  By the time you reach the 
next dungeon, you're going to want to get as close to 9,999ing your stats as
possible.  If you find yourself getting slaughtered in here, go back to your
Item Creation terminal and craft something stronger, and take a look through
the equipment suggestion/preparation section for some Factor ideas.  You're
going to want to be around level 60 or 70 for this dungeon, and around level
100 for the final boss of it.


| |                            Floor 1 - [FLORR01]                          | |

First of all, a reminder: Ignore the ethereal/mystical stars that you can't 
even grab.  You will be able to get these much later.  

This floor, as well as the next 2 floor, have a very annoying, and very deadly
enemy roaming around; The Gust Hornet.  Avoid this bee-creature, as it is 
capable of decimating even a Lv100 party with ease.  If you choose to tackle 
them, just make sure they don't surprise you.  This enemy is designed to fool
you into thinking that the rest of the dungeon's enemies are hard;  Do not be

So onto the hunt for this floor's Stone Fragments; It looks as though the only
one is in a chest in the south room.  You'll rarely find a Stone Fragment alone
without a guard or boss, and this one is no exception either.  You'll be facing
the "Temple Guardian".

BOSS: Temple Guardian

Race-----------: Mech
Hit Points-----: 958,949
EXP Given------: 110,000
FOL Given------: 3,270
Resistant To---: Water
Weak Against---: Thunder
Drops----------: Basil
                 Void Recovery Unit
                 Poison Relief Unit

Details: An ancient robot discovered inside the Cave of the Seven Stars.  The
Cave Guardian was apparently a work in progress after all; this Temple Guardian
is believed to be the final, completed product.  However, parts of it seem to 
remain incomplete, leading some to theorize that this is actually a test model.

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  This guy is a beefed up 
          version of the Cave Guardian.  Being Lv60+ is recommended.  Critical
          Hits will keep him knocked down for a good portion of the battle, so
          be sure to use the Critical Hit Skill or Weapon Factor.  His close
          range attacks are much less dangerous than his ranged attacks, so get
          your fighters up close and personal, and dish out your strongest 
          attacks.  Having a healer stand in a corner away from the action can
          also save your butt if you get in a pickle.  This boss is basically
          a boss to test your survival ability for the following bosses in the
          Cave.  If you can beat this boss easily, you'll do fine the rest of 
          the way down.  If you are having trouble, simply beef up your ATK and
          DEF, then add some good Factors to your equipment that can help you.
          Every boss in the Cave of the Seven Stars is in one of the side rooms
          to the North, South, East, or West, so it's easy to exit the dungeon
          and save before each battle; Take your time, learn the tactics, and
          try, try again.


Once you defeat him, claim your prize chest, and return to the center room to
place the Stone Fragment in the wall around the elevator.  You can now take the
elevator down a level.  This elevator will always stay active and always grant
you entry to any floor that you've already been to, so don't worry about not
being able to get back in a heartbeat, because you can!

[ ] Aquaberries *2
[ ] Platinum
[ ] Bracteate
[ ] Cane
[ ] Stone Fragment


| |                            Floor 2 - [FLORR01]                          | |

Floor 2 introduces the annoying Treants, which block your path, forcing you to
do battle with them.  Be sure to kill the Gust Hornets which accompany them 

You'll be coming across a "Moonstone" in one of the chests here.  Make sure to
save it for the upcoming "Duplication" skill, as they are very hard to come by.

The 2 Stone Fragments are both on the west side; One out in the open, one in
the west room guarded by...


BOSS: Red Eagle Ranger                     BOSS: Black Eagle Ranger

Race-----------: Humanoid                  Race-----------: Humanoid
Hit Points-----: 763,531                   Hit Points-----: 839,884
EXP Given------: 40,000                    EXP Given------: 40,000
FOL Given------: 3,364                     FOL Given------: 3,364
Resistant To---: Fire                      Resistant To---: Dark
Weak Against---: Water                     Weak Against---: Light
Drops----------: Fire Gem                  Drops----------: tri-Emblum

BOSS: White Eagle Ranger                   BOSS: Blue Eagle Ranger

Race-----------: Humanoid                  Race-----------: Humanoid  
Hit Points-----: 839,884                   Hit Points-----: 916,237
EXP Given------: 40,000                    EXP Given------: 40,000
FOL Given------: 3,364                     FOL Given------: 3,364
Resistant To---: Light                     Resistant To---: Water
Weak Against---: Dark                      Weak Against---: Fire
Drops----------: Light Gem                 Drops----------: Ice Gem

Red Eagle Ranger:
Details: The leader of the Mighty Multi-Colored Bald Eagle Rangers, and the 
oldest of the four brothers.  His eagle tattoo is red.  A genius when it comes
to thievery, he prepares intricate plans to steal the treasure he wants and 
executes them with a mix of brilliance and flair.  Also know as "Red the 

Black Eagle Ranger
Details: The youngest of the Mighty Multi-Colored Bald Eagle Rangers.  His 
eagle tattoo is black.  When it's time to make a clean getaway, he takes up the
rear, diverting attention with his bombastic behavior.  Out of the four 
brothers, he is the one seen most often.  Since they all look alike, many 
people believe all of the group's crimes are committed by the Black Eagle. 
Also known as "Black the Baiter."

White Eagle Ranger
Details: The second-youngest of the Mighty Multi-Colored Bald Eagle Rangers.  
His eagle tattoo is white.  The massive cache of large props and small gadgets
he has created has been invaluable in the brothers thieving work.  Also known 
as "White the Sly."

Blue Eagle Ranger
Details: The second-oldest of the Mighty Multi-Colored Bald Eagle Rangers.  
His eagle tattoo is blue.  A master of disguise, he infiltrates locations 
before heists and opens the path for the rest of his brothers.  Also known as
"Blue the Hidden."

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  The key to this battle is to
          focus on one Ranger at a time; It doesn't matter which one you focus
          on, just kill them one at a time.  Blindsides are your key to winning
          this battle.  Critical Hits from Blindsides will keep them on the
          defensive.  They will gang up on you, so try switching between each
          character to lead them away from your main attacker; Switch back to
          your attacker, blindside one of them, then attack like there's no
          tomorrow.  The battle becomes easier once you start killing them each
          off; Make sure you have a good ATK and DEF stat before this battle.
          I recommend being Lv80+ for this battle.


Once you have your Stone Fragments, head back to the middle and travel down a

[ ] Ripe Berries
[ ] Evil Spirit's Bow (Darkness Chest; Need Light Ring)
[ ] Moonstone
[ ] Gnomestone
[ ] Stone Fragment
[ ] Stone Fragment


| |                            Floor 3 - [FLORR01]                          | |

Floor 3 introduces the moving blocks.  These are blocks that can be pushed out
of the way if you touch them from the correct side.  If you are not on the 
correct side, they simply wont move and will block your path.

There is a Stone Fragment in the Southeast area, and one in the north room 
guarded by...

BOSS: Sahariel Shtavim 

Race-----------: Other
Hit Points-----: ??????
EXP Given------: 160,000
FOL Given------: 41,400
Resistant To---: Fire, Wind
Weak Against---: Water, Thunder
Drops----------: No Drops

Details: A stronger version of Sahariel.

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  For this battle, you only 
          truly need one fighter, so feel free to use 3 support characters like
          healers or casters.  Sahariel's weak point is exposed when he leans
          back on his hind legs, so make sure to stand in front of him, and 
          just keep wailing on him until he rears his ugly shiny-spot.  All in
          all, this is not a difficult battle; Just keep your distance until
          you have an opening to inflict serious damage on him.  I recommend
          being Lv90+ for this battle.


Take your Stone Fragments back to the center area, and travel on down to Floor
Number Four.

[ ] Disintegration Stone (2
[ ] 180,000 FOL
[ ] Gold *4
[ ] Sylphstone *2 (Ivy Chest; Need Wind Ring)
[ ] Stone Fragment
[ ] Stone Fragment (Ice Chest; Need Fire Ring)


| |                            Floor 4 - [FLORR01]                          | |

This Floor, as you'll notice, is a bit different.  You have a lot more room to
breathe and outrun enemies.  The floor acts as a sort of hub between two 
elevators.  The elevator that brought you here can only take you between Floors
1 and 4.  The other elevator on the west side can take you between Floors 4 and
7.  There is no boss on this Floor, but you'll need to find 4 Stone Fragments.
There's one in the Northwest area, two in the Northeast area, and one in the
Southwest area.  Grab all of them and head into the west room to take the 
elevator down to Floor 5.

Do note; The enemies on Floor 4 are a bit more dangerous than those on previous
Floors; however, there are no bosses on this floor.  

[ ] Skill Manual "Sunflare" (Holy Light Chest; Need Darkness Ring)
[ ] Basil *2
[ ] Green Beryl
[ ] Bizarre Fruit (Fire Chest; Need Water Ring)
[ ] Poison Relief Unit *2
[ ] Stone Fragment
[ ] Stone Fragment
[ ] Stone Fragment
[ ] Stone Fragment


| |                            Floor 5 - [FLORR01]                          | |

Floor 5 tries to confuse you with the minimap; You must make sure to push all
of the blocks that you see to clear the path around the whole area.

There are Stone Fragments in both the East and West rooms; the West room being
Guarded by a trio of Shadow Doppelgangers...


BOSS: Shadow Reimi                         BOSS: Shadow Arumat

Race-----------: Other                     Race-----------: Other
Hit Points-----: 299,388                   Hit Points-----: 411,658
EXP Given------: 70,000                    EXP Given------: 70,000
FOL Given------: 3,530                     FOL Given------: 3,530
Resistant To---: No Element                Resistant To---: No Element
Weak Against---: No Element                Weak Against---: No Element
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll             Drops----------: No Drops

BOSS: Shadow Sarah

Race-----------: Other
Hit Points-----: 299,388
EXP Given------: 70,000
FOL Given------: 3,530
Resistant To---: No Element
Weak Against---: No Element
Drops----------: No Drops

Details: Shadow doppelgangers of your party...

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  Shadow Reimi can be taken
          care of with a close-range attacker; Shadow Arumat is a beast and 
          should be taken care of with a ranged attacked; Shadow Sarah can be
          taken out with any type of character.   Focus on Sarah first, as her
          Symbology can really hurt, and she has zero casting time;  That makes
          her a very big thread.  Reimi is the next easiest target, though 
          Arumat is the biggest threat.  Take your pick, and focus on one 
          character at a time; They are merely copies of your characters, so
          their abilities should come as no surprise. 


Bring your Stone Fragments back to the center area and move down to Floor 6.

[ ] Unicorn Lance
[ ] Shadow Rose (Darkness Chest; Need Light Ring)
[ ] Fresh Sage *3
[ ] Gold Chalice
[ ] Stone Fragment
[ ] Stone Fragment


| |                            Floor 6 - [FLORR01]                          | |

Floor 6 introduces the Moonlight Lady.  Getting into a fight with her can be
Dangerous, as she boost the DEF of every monster on the field by 300% for every
Moonlight Lady in play.  With multiple Moonlight Ladys, you'll need to score
Critical Hits to do any damage at all.  

Metal Scumbags star appearing frequently; They give a huge deal of EXP, and can
also be used to max out your FOL.  See the "FOL/EXP Trick" section.

There are 3 Stone Fragments around; One in the Northeast area, and two in rooms
gaurded by bosses.  One boss lies in the West room, and the other in the South

BOSS: Custom Newt                          BOSS: Custom Dragoon 

Race-----------: Demon                     Race-----------: Mech
Hit Points-----: 1128848                   Hit Points-----: 1,015,963
EXP Given------: 115,000                   EXP Given------: 115,000
FOL Given------: 3,739                     FOL Given------: 3,739
Resistant To---: No Element                Resistant To---: No Element
Weak Against---: No Element                Resistant To---: No Element
Drops----------: No Drops                  Drops----------: No Drops

Details: A stronger version of a Dragon Newt and a Dragoon.

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  Go for one of these two guys
          at a time.  They aren't very difficult so long as you keep your 
          distance, constantly blindside, and keep a healer in the corner to
          help you stay alive.  Make sure you have a high DEF stat for this 
          fight, as they can potentially hit you very hard.  I recommend being
          Lv95+ for this battle.


BOSS: Wrathful Tamiel

Race-----------: Humanoid
Hit Points-----: 1,505,869
EXP Given------: 210,000
FOL Given------: 51,750
Resistant To---: Fire, Dark
Weak Against---: Water, Thunder
Drops----------: No Drops 

Details: A stronger version of Tamiel.

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  This is actually a pretty 
          tough battle compared to the other bosses on the other levels.  
          Always make sure to take of the Sydonaists that he spawns first.  
          Battling him 4 on 1 is much easier than having a swarm of minions 
          coming after you while you try to focus.  Beware of his Rage 
          Reflection, and always keep a healer or two in each of the corners of
          the battlefield.  Resurrection items will save your butt if you're
          having trouble.  Keep the heat on him, and use Rush Combos at any
          chance you get.  I recommend being Lv95+ for this battle.


[ ] Skill Manual "Scintillant Stream" (Holy Light Chest; Need Darkness Ring)
[ ] Stone Fragment
[ ] Stone Fragment
[ ] Stone Fragment


| |                            Floor 7 - [FLORR01]                          | |

There's no more Stone Fragments to collect; You've opened the elevator for 
continuous travel permanently.  Pat yourself on the back.

For this floor, we have a boss that is guarding the Star Dipper in the East

BOSS: Barachiel Fallen

Race-----------: Other
Hit Points-----: ??????
EXP Given------: 260,000
FOL Given------: 16,221
Resistant To---: Earth, Water
Weak Against---: Fire
Drops----------: No Drops

Details: A stronger version of Barachiel.

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  This boss is simple, but he
          can hit hard, so keep a healer or two in the corners of the battle
          area.  Spam your Rush Combos at every chance, and nail his weak point
          when he reveals it.  Blindsiding this Boss is also very effective.  I
          recommended being Lv100+ for this battle.


Once you defeat the boss and have your Star Dipper, raid the area of it's 
chests to find the (arguably) best skill in the game "Duplication".  For the
cost of 1 - 11 magical clay (at Lv10 maxed), you can Duplicate any item in the
entire game except for Skill Manuals, Celestial Feathers, and Living Creatures.
You can farm Magical Clay in the Sanctuary by taking the teleporter there; 
Simply return to the Calnus on Nox when you need to respawn the Nodes.  Now 
that you can duplicate, you can abuse the Item Creation to it's fullest extent.
Once you have at least 1 of every Ingredient, you effectively have infinite 
Item Creation Ingredients.  Make sure to look over the Ingredient FAQ to find
them all:

Item Creation Ingredient FAQ:

[ ] Skill Manual "Duplication"
[ ] Star Dipper
[ ] Thorstone
[ ] Seven Star Cloak
[ ] Void Recovery Unit


| |                         The Star Hunt - [FINDME!]                       | |

Now that you have the Star Dipper, you need to return to every floor of the 
Seven Star Dungeon and collect the stars that you couldn't touch before.

[ ] Star of Reason  - Floor 1 - East area
[ ] Star of Life    - Floor 2 - East area; By the exit symbol
[ ] Star of Being   - Floor 3 - North area
[ ] Star of Fortune - Floor 4 - Southeast area
[ ] Star of Justice - Floor 5 - North room
[ ] Star of Faith   - Floor 6 - North room
[ ] Star of Ruin    - Floor 7 - North room

Once you have all Seven Stars, return to Floor 7 and head into the South room.
The symbol on the ground is now active and can transport you to the Inner
Sanctum.  Save your game!


| |                         Inner Sanctum - [BIGUHOH]                       | |

The Inner Sanctum is a bit different than the rest of the Dungeon; Perhaps it
even exists on a different plane of existence.  You'll notice a large pillar
of light in the middle;  It contains the Celestial Entity, Gabriel Celeste.  
Head around back behind the platform and nab the two chests for a skill and a 
new Disintegration Ring which you'll need for the next dungeon.  To engage the
fight, simply approach the front of the barrier.  You can exit the dungeon and
Save before the fight, and it is highly recommended to do so.   

Approach the barrier to fight...

BOSS: Gabriel Celeste

Race-----------: Other
Hit Points-----: ??????
EXP Given------: 400,000
FOL Given------: 3,776
Resistant To---: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Light, Dark
Weak Against---: No Element
Drops----------: Gabriel Celeste's Feather

Details: A divine messenger waiting deep inside the Cave of the Seven Stars, 
charged with punishing and destroying the proud and boastful.  He uses his 
spear and variety of hand-to-hand moves to attack.  When he sees his opponent
is among the strongest in the land, he bathes himself in the lightning of the
gods, making himself all the more powerful.  After that, all that remains is
for him to thrust his spear until his adversary is defeated.

Estimated Hit Points:
2 Wing  4,800,000 HP (Galaxy),  6,240,000 HP (Universe),  8,160,000 HP (Chaos)
4 Wing  9,600,000 HP (Galaxy), 12,480,000 HP (Universe), 16,320,000 HP (Chaos)
6 Wing 14,400,000 HP (Galaxy), 18,720,000 HP (Universe), 24,480,000 HP (Chaos)

Strategy: This guy is one tough cookie; He is the second hardest Boss in the 
          entire game.  First of all, go stock up on healing and resurrection
          items.  Resurrection Units are of great use here, as they have a 
          party-revive effect.  Duplicate them if you don't have enough base
          materials to create 20.  You're going to want to Synth some nice gear
          to defeat him, but heed my warning, do not use any weapon that has
          an elemental attack; Gabriel is immune to elements and your weapon
          will do 0(zero) damage if you bring one like that.  Gabriel can be
          defeated without Synthed equipment, but it makes him so much easier.
          Here is my list of equipment suggestions:

Increases critical hit chance
HP Damage +35%
Adds Stun Effect to Weapon
MP cost -25% in battle (or ATK +18% if ATK is not maxed)

Nullifies HP Damage 25% of the time
Increases chance of surviving incap via fury
Restores 3% of HP periodically in battle (or DEF +20% if DEF is not maxed)
Restores 3% of HP periodically in battle (or HP +20% if HP is not maxed)

Grants immunity to paralysis [Base Item: Anti-Paralysis Amulet]
Grants immunity to stun status
Increases chance of surviving incap via fury (or DEF +20% if DEF is not maxed)
Increases critical hit chance (or HP +20% if HP is not maxed)

Adds one hit chance per attack [Base Item: Slayer's Bangle]
Restores 2% of HP periodically in battle
MP cost -15% in battle (or DEF +20% if DEF is not maxed)
Increases critical hit chance (or HP +20% if HP is not maxed)

Strategy: (Continued)
          Gabriel is vulnerable to Stun status; He inflicts Paralysis and Stun.
          Make sure to bring a weapon that inflicts his weakness, and also be
          sure to grant yourself immunity to his ailment attacks.   Make a few
          Otherworldly Cuisines (food), which have the "anti-targeting" effect;
          This prevents Gabriel from targeting you, and is a great thing to 
          feed to your healers.  Bring two healers; In their spell menu, use
          the X button to turn off all offensive spells/symbology except for
          the effective healing spells; This prevents the healers from dashing
          into combat; They instead hang back and just heal you.  
          Stick your healers in the corners of the battlefield, in opposite 
          corners; This way, if most of your party dies, at least one healer 
          will survive, allowing you to resurrect everyone.
          There are two effective ways of killing Gabriel.  The first is just 
          spamming Rush Combos and avoiding his attacks.  During a Rush Combo,
          the enemy can not attack, and you are capable of dishing out damage
          in the millions.  If you're using this strategy, set everyone to 
          BEAT:B to keep your rush gauge filling fast.  
          The other way is using Blindsides and then mercilessly attacking him.
          Meracle is most effective against him, as her blindside animation
          makes her nearly invincible; Her X-claws chained together dish out
          ungodly amounts of damage.  Because he is vulnerable to Stun and 
          Knockdown, getting Critical Hits and Blindsiding him is extremely 
          effective, as he is always taking double damage, being flung around
          in the air, or standing there being stunned.  One player has even 
          solo-ed Gabriel with Meracle at Lv60 with the blindsiding tactic, so
          consider using it during your encounter.  If you are using this 
          tactic, set your blindsiding character to BEAT:S and everyone else to
          When he gets down to critical HP, he goes all out against you, so 
          expect to die; Have your healers ready with resurrection items and 
          just keep dishing out the damage as quickly as you can.  Because you
          can save right before this battle by exiting the dungeon and 
          returning, this battle is easy to learn from.  Try out a strategy,
          and if it doesn't work like you would like, try another.  Fiddle 
          around with your equipment and use what works best for you. 
          Beat him in his 2-winged form, and he becomes a 4-winged Gabriel. 
          Beat him in his 4-winged form, and he becomes a 6-winged Gabriel.
          He remains in 6-winged form for the rest of your playthrough.


[ ] Skill Manual "Max Shockwave"
[ ] Water Ring (Ice Chest; Need Fire Ring)


| |                         FOL/EXP Trick - [LOTOF$$]                       | |

On Floors 6 and 7 of the Seven Star Dungeon roam an enemy called the Metal 
Scumbag.  These enemies offer insane amount of experience if you can defeat 
them, and can be used to trick the game into maxing your fol at 99,999,999 in
under 10 minutes.  You'll want to read the Synth FAQ to understand the Overflow
Trick and how to create customized gear with multiple EXP and/or FOL Factors.

The EXP trick:
This one isn't really a trick; It's merely creating the right Equipment, and
slaughtering Metal Scumbags over and over using Meracle's Ocarina to respawn
them.  You'll want Weapons for everyone with 4 Factors, all being +20% EXP,
and you'll want to same Factors on both of your Accessories (only 3 Factors 
are choosable on ACCs).  This brings a total of 10 Factors granting extra EXP
per character.  Use those on all 4 characters in your party for a total of 40
Factors granting extra EXP.  Go out into an area with weak enemies and get 
Critical Hits (Critical Hit Skill or Blindsides) to get extra Blue Tiles on 
your Bonus Board, which also grant extra EXP.  Once you have these insane 
modifiers, go slaughter the Metal Scumbags for around 5 levels per fight.  Use
Bacchus' "Black Hole Sphere" to keep them from fleeing.

The FOL trick:
This requires gear that grants everyone +40% Fol on all of their Weapon's 
Factors, as well as their Accessories' Factors.  Maxing out the bonus board
with Yellow Tiles (Get Multi-Kills) also helps greatly.  
This trick requires a bit of setup.  You will need:
-To set everyone in your party to "Don't do anything" via the Tactics menu.
-Make sure Bacchus' Black Hole Sphere is set to one of the triggers.
-Wear FOL gear on everyone.
-Have very protective armor on everyone

The basic idea behind this trick is this:  Metal Scumbags have 2 unique skills
that other enemies do not; "Steal" and "Escape".  "Steal" allows them to steal
a certain percentage of your FOL and "Escape" allows them to flee battle with
it.  If you manage to kill a Metal Scumbag after it steals FOL from you, you
get all of the FOL back, but here's the catch- You get it all back, but any
multipliers you have add to the amount you get back.  The more they steal, the
more you get back.  

For this to work, we need to allow the Scumbags to steal from you, we need to 
keep them alive to do so, we need to survive their attacks, and we need to 
prevent them from ever escaping.  

Survival is easily accomplished by wearing your best armor.  Since Armor can 
not have any +FOL Factors, feel free to Synth anything you want to it.  +DEF 
Factors are suggested.

The easiest way to prevent the Scumbags from fleeing battle is to use Bacchus'
Black Hole Sphere skill.  This keeps the Scumbags in a constant attack state
until they hit rush mode.  Since you're using a weak weapon with only +FOL 
Factors on it, you shouldn't be able to kill them very fast, and that is good.
Have Bacchus continue to spam Black Hole Sphere during the entire battle.  Once
a Scumbag reaches Rush Mode, they will be immune to the knockback of the skill,
and will start attacking and/or stealing FOL from you.  They will not try to
escape during Rush Mode.  Whether they steal from you or not is up to pure
luck, so put your hands together and pray.  Once they exit Rush Mode, keep 
spamming Black Hole Sphere until they enter Rush Mode again.  Keep this up
until they have stolen a huge amount of money from you.  Once you're ready to
kill them, switch everyone's tactics to "Fight freestyle!" so they'll begin
the slaughter.  Since you have weak weapons, it may take a few minutes, but
you will prevail.  

The Scumbags steal FOL based on a percentage of your total, so you will need 
to fight around 5 battles, 10 minutes each, to get your FOL up in increments,
enough that they will eventually be stealing 99,999 FOL each attempt.  Once it
reaches that point, a single 10 minute battle will net you around 50 million
FOL.  99,999,999 FOL is the max, so have fun and enjoy!


| |                   Dispelling The Fire Chests - [FIREPRF]                | |

The backside of the platform that Gabriel Celeste resides on in the Inner 
Sanctum of the Cave of the Seven Stars is a chest that contains the Water Ring.
This ring is capable of dousing the Fire Chests so you can claim their prizes.
You do not need to defeat Gabriel to claim this ring; You can simply grab it 
and leave if you choose.

There are only 4 Fire Chests in the game, and here they are:

Fire Chest #01: Palace of Creation (Area 6)
                Contains *2 Intelligence Seeds
Fire Chest #02: Top floor of the Purgatorium in the room sealed with the
                Darkness Barrier.
                Contains a Lightning Sword
Fire Chest #03: Floor 4 of the Cave of the Stars on Roak.
                Contains a Bizarre Fruit
Fire Chest #04: Floor 5 of the Cave of the Stars on Roak.
                Contains a Gold Chalice


| |              Explanation of the Wandering Dungeon - [HWITWKS]           | |

Once you defeat Gabriel Celeste, Bargo will appear in the Old Road to Sanctuary
right next to the elevator.  
Speak to him and he will send you in to the dungeon.

The Wandering Dungeon has a few unique features that set it apart from any 
other dungeon.

- Every floor in the dungeon is randomly generated from a pre-selected group
  of room types
- There are no Save Points in the dungeon
- You can exit the dungeon from any floor, but you can not return to previous
- All treasure chests are randomly placed and contain random items
- Bosses/Santa can spawn in one of five types of rooms; 
  Boss/Santa Map:
- Every odd numbered floor has a quest to complete
- Every even numbered floor has a boss to defeat


| |          Wandering Dungeon Map / Floor Explaination - [DISSMAP]         | |

| Floor 01 - Random Quest - [Assassins - Crystals - Geostones] |
| Floor 02 - BOSS: Prehistoric Psynard                         |
| Floor 03 - Random Quest - [Assassins - Crystals - Geostones] |
| Floor 04 - BOSS: Ring Beast                                  |
| Floor 05 - Random Quest - [Assassins - Crystals - Geostones] |
| Floor 06 - BOSS: Chimera Beast                               |
| Floor 07 - Random Quest - [Assassins - Crystals - Geostones] |
| Floor 08 - BOSS: Imperfect Armaros                           |
| Floor 09 - Random Quest - [Assassins - Crystals - Geostones] |
| Floor 10 - BOSS: Armaros Manifest II                         |
| Floor 11 - Random Quest - [Assassins - Crystals - Geostones] |
| Floor 12 - BOSS: Runaway Dragon                              |
| Floor 13 - Random Quest - [Assassins - Crystals - Geostones] |
| Floor 14 - BOSS: Kakabiel Risen                              |
| Floor 15 - Random Quest - [Assassins - Crystals - Geostones] |
| Floor 16 - BOSS: Shadow Clones (Edge/Myuria/Bacchus)         |
| Floor 17 - Random Quest - [Assassins - Crystals - Geostones] |
| Floor 18 - BOSS: Shadow Clones (Lymle/Meracle/Faize)         |
| Floor 19 - Random Quest - [Assassins - Crystals - Geostones] |
| Floor 20 - BOSS: Ethereal Queen                              |

Even Numbered Floors after Floor 20 repeat Floor 20 exactly, indefinitely.
Odd  Numbered Floors after Floor 20 repeat Floor 19 exactly, indefinitely.

Each floor has an obelisk; This obelisk is the entrance to the next floor.

On Even Numbered floors, the obelisk will give you one only one quest:

"Show us a Seraphic Doll"
-For this quest, you must defeat the Boss of the floor.  The Boss will always
 drop a Seraphic Doll.  Simply defeat the Boss, bring it back to the obelisk,
 and it will transform into the entrance to the next floor.

On Odd Numbered floors, the obelisk will give you one of three quests:

Obelisk Quest #1: "Defeat our assassins" 
-As soon as the obelisk gives you this quest, you are sent into a battle with
 multiple ambushes.  You must survive and defeat all of the enemies to be
 allowed to move on.  Once you win, the obelisk will transform into the 
 entrance to the next floor.

Obelisk Quest #2: "Destroy the abhorrent crystals" 
-For this task, you must go around destroying elemental crystals with your 
 Disintegration Rings until there are none remaining.  You will know that this
 is your quest before you even get to the obelisk because these crystals will
 be in every room.  Lymle's "Charge" skill can recharge your Rings at the cost
 of Disintegration Stones.  Once you destroy every crystal, the obelisk will 
 transform into the entrance to the next floor.  If you run out of Stones to
 recharge your Rings, you can always find them from certain enemies as drops.
 Here is a list of those drops:

Floors Number-:     Monster                 Race         Type of drop       
---------------     ------------------      ------       ---------------------
Floors 01 - 05:     Jade Golem         -    Demon  -     Regular Drop (Common)
Floors 06 - 10:     Ghostkeeper        -    Undead -     Regular Drop (Rare)
Floros 11 - 15:     Damascus Fort      -    Demon  -     Regular Drop (Common)
Floors 16 - 20:     Bloodtail          -    Insect -     Regular Drop (Common)
Floors 16 - 20:     Dominator Dragon   -    Demon  -     Regular Drop (Rare)

Obelisk Quest #3: "Bring us (8-18) Geostones" 
-The task here is to bring back a random number of Geostones (8 through 18) to
 the obelisk.  Every enemy in the Wandering Dungeon (except Hell Clowns) drop
 them as an -ology drop (with the Dominator Dragon being the exception, 
 dropping it as a normal drop).  Every character has a special skill that 
 allows  enemies of certain types to drop their rarest drop.  Once you bring 
 back the required number of Geostones, the obelisk will transform into the 
 entrance to the next floor.  Here is a list of every enemy that drops 
 Geostones, and which character/skill you need to obtain that Geostone drop.

Floors Number-: Monster             Race     Type of drop         Character
--------------- ------------------  ------   -------------------- -------------
Floors 01 - 05: Adephaga Prox     - Insect - Entomology Drop;     Faize/Arumat
Floors 01 - 05: Acid Gerel        - Plant  - Botany Drop;         Reimi
Floors 01 - 05: Trinity Tusk      - Demon  - Demonology Drop;     Myuria 
Floors 01 - 05: Misfortuner       - Undead - Parapsychology Drop; Lymle 
Floors 01 - 05: Jade Golem        - Demon  - Demonology Drop;     Myuria
Floors 01 - 05: Kobold Ranger     - Animal - Zoology Drop;        Sarah 
Floors 01 - 05: Myconid           - Plant  - Botany Drop;         Reimi
Floors 06 - 10: Ghostkeeper       - Undead - Parapsychology Drop; Lymle 
Floors 06 - 10: Arch Spellmaster  - Undead - Parapsychology Drop; Lymle 
Floors 06 - 10: Antlered Tortoise - Animal - Zoology Drop;        Sarah 
Floors 11 - 15: Augmentoid        - Undead - Parapsychology Drop; Lymle 
Floors 11 - 15: Little Mutant     - Demon  - Demonology Drop;     Myuria
Floors 11 - 15: Damascus Fort     - Demon  - Demonology Drop;     Myuria
Floors 16 - 20: Lizard Tyrant     - Animal - Zoology Drop;        Sarah 
Floors 16 - 20: Bloodtail         - Insect - Entomology Drop;     Faize/Arumat 
Floors 16 - 20: Grim Reaper       - Undead - Parapsychology Drop; Lymle 
Floors 16 - 20: Dominator Dragon  - Demon  - Regular Drop (Rare)

Do keep in kind that all monsters appear as dark ghosts on the main map, so you
never know what you'll be facing.  If you find a group/mob of monsters that you
want to fight again, simply use Meracle's Ocarina skill to respawn them.


| |                             Santa - [PRSNTS!]                           | |

Once you get to Floor 08 of the Wandering Dungeon, Santa has a random chance of
appearing in the same types of rooms that the bosses appear in.  Here is the 
map again:

He is always floating on a sled in the middle of the room, and is a character
you can interact with.  When you talk to him, he offers items for sale.   

Here is his shop information:

Area--: Wandering Dungeon
Shop--: Santa Maria
ITEM NAME                      - FOL COST      - ITEM TYPE
------------------------------- --------------- -------------------------------
Binding Sword "Shiho Murasame" - 1,200,000 FOL - Weapon
Fierce Bow "Reppu Shingetsu"   -   980,000 FOL - Weapon
Sky Sword "Ama-no-Murakumo"    - 1,500,000 FOL - Weapon
Nightmare Wand                 -    30,000 FOL - Weapon
Divine Wand "Empyreal Reverie" - 2,000,000 FOL - Weapon
Ogre Cannon "Legion's Howl"    - 1,000,000 FOL - Weapon
Conqueror Scythe "Asurea Vajra"- 1,200,000 FOL - Weapon
Battle Armor "God of Hellfire" -   800,000 FOL - Armor
Electroshock Gear "War Deity"  - 1,300,000 FOL - Armor
tri-Emblem                     - 2,000,000 FOL - Neck Accessory
Skill Manual" ATK Boost"       -     6,000 FOL - Usable Item
Skill Manual "INT Boost"       -     6,000 FOL - Usable Item
Skill Manual "Divine Wave"     - 1,000,000 FOL - Usable Item
Natto                          -       300 FOL - Food
Disintegration Stone           -    30,000 FOL - Other Item
Aramid Fiber                   -       800 FOL - Other Item
Carbon Fiber                   -     1,000 FOL - Other Item
Rivet                          -        20 FOL - Other Item
Laser Oscillator               -     3,000 FOL - Other Item
Sighting Unit                  -       500 FOL - Other Item
Mystery Electronic Circuit     -     1,300 FOL - Other Item

Most of his equipment pieces have incredible stats in one area, but have other
stats that go very far into the negative, so the trade-off is something to 
ponder on.  The two items that he sells that are of note are the Disintegration
Stones, which can charge your Disintegration Rings, and the tri-Emblem, the 
strongest accessory in the entire game.


| |               The tri-Emblem / Super-tri-Emblum -  [SUPAPWR]            | |


    STATS            RESISTANCES                         FACTORS
..............   ..................         ...................................
. ATK: + 200 .   . EARTH----: +00 .         . Rush Gauge charge rate +3       .
. INT: + 200 .   . WATER----: +00 .         . Grants immunity to paralysis    .
. DEF: + 100 .   . FIRE-----: +00 .         . MP cost -15% in battle          .
. HIT: + 100 .   . WIND-----: +00 .         . Adds two hit chances per attack .
. GRD: + 100 .   . THUNDER--: +00 .         ...................................
..............   . LIGHT----: +00 .
                 . DARKNESS-: +00 .
Synth Limit: 3

The tri-Emblem is an accessory that is best used as a Synthesis item, as the
stats can copy over, in full, to any piece of equipment.  At the price of 
2-million FOL, this accessory is the most expensive in the entire game.  It is;
however, worth it.  For FOL maxing, see the FOL/EXP Trick section, so you can
buy 20 of these during every trip into the Wandering Dungeon.  The unfortunate
reason that you must buy them everytime is because the tri-Emblem is one of the
few items in the game that can not be Duplicated via the Duplication skill.

When you have a piece of equipment that already has all four Factor Slots full,
but still has Synth Limit Slots remaining, you can use tri-Emblems to fill the
remaining Synth Slots, as the stats from the Emblems will copy over, and with 
the stats being in the hundreds, it makes the Emblem the absolute best piece of
equipment in the entire game to use as a Synth item.

For Weapons, only ATK, INT, and HIT stats copy over;
For Armor and Accessories, all five stats copy over.

(If you don't have access to tri-Emblems, then Ashlay Bernbeldt Jewels have 
 very  nice stats for Synth Stat Maxing.)

There is another item that can be used for creating an ultimate wrist accessory
that has insane amounts of stats, even greater than the tri-Emblem; It is the
tri-Emblum (with a "U", not an "E").  The tri-Emblum is an Anthropology Drop
from the Thieving Scumbags on Roak.  You must have Edge in the party to get 
this drop.  

Here are it's stats:

    STATS            RESISTANCES                         FACTORS
..............   ..................         ...................................
. ATK: +   2 .   . EARTH----: +00 .         . HIT +2                          .
. INT: +   2 .   . WATER----: +00 .         ...................................
. DEF: +   1 .   . FIRE-----: +00 .
. HIT: +   1 .   . WIND-----: +00 .
. GRD: +   1 .   . THUNDER--: +00 .
..............   . LIGHT----: +00 .
                 . DARKNESS-: +00 .
Synth Limit: 8

The stats and factors on this accessory are absolutely horrible; It is a truly
cheap immitation of the real tri-Emblem, but it has one special trait that no
other accessories in the game;  It has a Synth Limit of 8, instead of the 
normal limit of 3 or 4 that every other accessory in the game has.

If you Synth 8 of the regular tri-Emblems onto a tri-Emblum, you create what I
like to call a "Super-tri-Emblum".  

Here are it's stats:

    STATS            RESISTANCES                         FACTORS
................   ..................       ...................................
. ATK: + 1,602 .   . EARTH----: +00 .       . HIT +2                          .
. INT: + 1,602 .   . WATER----: +00 .       . Rush Gauge charge rate +3       .
. DEF: +   801 .   . FIRE-----: +00 .       . Grants immunity to Paralysis    .
. HIT: +   801 .   . WIND-----: +00 .       . MP cost -15% in battle          .
. GRD: +   801 .   . THUNDER--: +00 .       ...................................
................   . LIGHT----: +00 .
                   . DARKNESS-: +00 .


Notice the stats in the thousands.  Normal accessories have a Synth Limit of 
only 3 or 4, so no other accessory has the ability to gain stats this high; 
Even the normal tri-Emblem has a Synth Limit of only 3, so Synthing together 
regular tri-Emblems wouldn't bring the stats as high as this accessory can.  

When synthing this accessory, you even get the first three factors of the 
original tri-Emblem copied over. 

This accessory can be duplicated for only 1 magical clay for every single
character in your game.  For Ultimate Equipment, this item should definitly be
included in your checklist.

Don't even think about trying to use this Ultimate Accessory as a Synth item
for other items; As the Synth FAQ points out, you can not use Synthed items as
a Synth item.  If you do, only the base stats would copy over to the new item.
Example: If you were to use a Super-tri-Emblum as a Synth item onto another 
         item, only the original stats of the tri-Emblum, before you synthed
         it, would copy over.  ATK 2, INT 2, DEF 1, HIT 1, GRD 1, and the 
         HIT +2 Factor.  That is all.  

Here's another little trick you can do with with Synthesis;
"Adding +20 to all resistances on your Super-tri-Emblum"

This is completely optional, but makes your Super-tri-Emblum truly "Super".
(Side Note- If you are looking to put +20 Resists to other types of Equipment,
 check out my Synthesis FAQ's section about Resistance Maxing.)

Before you Synth your 8 tri-Emblems onto the tri-Emblum, you can 'prepare' them
by adding high resistances to them before you Synth.  Remember, Resistances are
the only thing that can travel down through multiple Synths; Stats can not.  If
you Synth high enough resistances onto your tri-Emblems for you Synth those to
your tri-Emblum, then your final Super-tri-Emblum will have +20 to all resists.

Duplication Skill  - Found on Floor 7 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
(max out at Lv10)
Magical Clay       - To use the Duplication Spell (Farm in the Sanctuary)
Alchemist's Cloak  - Cursed Horrors in the Sanctuary drop them very commonly.
Duel Armor         - Sold on EN II in Centropolis' Armor Shop.
Darkness Charm     - Item Creation; Crafting Section
8 tri-Emblems      - Buy from Santa
1 tri-Emblum       - Drop from Thieving Scumbags (Edge's -ology drop)

Note- The following strategy can be applied to any Armor or Accessory to bump
      up it's resistances, and you can use any accessory besides the tri-Emblem
      that has no negative resistances.  This strategy is explained using 
      specific examples for simplification purposes.

Step 01) Creating an Armor with +20 to all Resistances that can be duplicated
         with only 1 magical clay.

The Duel Armor has +2 to all Resistances except Darkness.  The Darkness
element has -8 (Negative Eight).  We need to bump this up to +2 to match the
other Resistances.  This is where the Darkness Charm comes into play; It has a
+4 to Darkness, and because the Duel Armor and the Darkness Charm both only 
have 4 Synth Limit Slots, we'll need to abuse the Duplication Skill.  
-Take a Darkness Charm, Duplicate it, and Synth it onto the original Darkness 
 Charm. You now have a Darkness Charm with +6 to Darkness.  
-Duplicate this new charm 4 times.  You now have 4 Darkness Charms with +6 to 
-Synth all four of these charms onto your Duel Armor.  You now have a Duel 
 Armor with +2 to all Resistances.
-Duplicate your Duel Armor (the one with +2 to all Resistances) so you have
 two of them.
-Synth both of those Duel Armors onto your Alchemist's Cloak.  The reasons we
 do this instead of using the Duel Armor is because the Duel Armor takes 3 
 Magical Clay to Duplicate, while the Alchemist's Cloak only takes 1.  Once you
 do this, you'll have an Alchemist's Cloak with +2 to all Resistances.
-Duplicate your Alchemist's Cloak (the one with +2 to all Resistances) TWICE.
 You now have 3 Alchemist's Cloaks with +2 to all Resistances.  
-Synth two of those Alchemist's Cloaks onto the third Alchemist's Cloak.  You
 now have an Alchemist's Cloak with +4 to all Resistances.
-Duplicate the +4 Cloak, and Synth it back onto the original +4 Cloak.  You now
 have a Cloak with +6 to all Resistances.
-Duplicate the +6 Cloak, and Synth it back onto the original +6 Cloak.  You now
 have a Cloak with +9 to all Resistances.
-Duplicate the +9 Cloak, and Synth it back onto the original +9 Cloak.  You now
 have a Cloak with +13 to all Resistances. 
-Duplicate the +13 Cloak, and Synth it back onto the original +13 Cloak.  You 
 now have a Cloak with +19 to all Resistances.
-Duplicate the +19 Cloak, and Synth it back onto the original +19 Cloak.  You 
 now have a Cloak with +20 to all Resistances.  Make absolutely sure to create
 a duplicate of this Cloak, as it will be used quite often in this strategy.

Step 02) Synth a bunch of the "+20 Cloak"s to your tri-Emblems. 

The 8 tri-Emblems will be used to power up your tri-Emblum, and since we can
use this to add resistances, we need to change the resistances of them.  Since
Resistances are always cut in half through every Synth, we need to make the 8
tri-Emblems hold a total of +40 to all Resistances; This is because when they
are Synthed onto the tri-Emblum, the Resistances are cut in half, down to +20,
which is the maximum Resistance you can have.  For this, we will need 4 (four)
of the "+20 Cloak"s.  So...
-Duplicate the "+20 Cloak" 4 times.
-Synth one of them onto tri-Emblem #1.  You now have a tri-Emblem with +10 to
 all Resistances.
-Synth one of them onto tri-Emblem #2.  You now have two tri-Emblems with +10
 to all Resistances.
-Synth one of them onto tri-Emblem #3.  You now have three tri-Emblems with +10
 to all Resistances.
-Synth one of them onto tri-Emblem #4.  You now have four tri-Emblems with +10
 to all Resistances.

You now have 8 tri-Emblems to be used as Synth items for your Super-tri-Emblum,
and they all have a combined total of +40 to all Resistances.  

Step 03) Finalize your tri-Emblum

- Synth all 8 tri-Emblems to your tri-Emblum; This includes the four with +10
  to all Resistances.

You now have this:
Super-tri-Emblum w/ Resistances Maxed

    STATS            RESISTANCES                         FACTORS
................   ..................       ...................................
. ATK: + 1,602 .   . EARTH----: +20 .       . HIT +2                          .
. INT: + 1,602 .   . WATER----: +20 .       . Rush Gauge charge rate +3       .
. DEF: +   801 .   . FIRE-----: +20 .       . Grants immunity to Paralysis    .
. HIT: +   801 .   . WIND-----: +20 .       . MP cost -15% in battle          .
. GRD: +   801 .   . THUNDER--: +20 .       ...................................
................   . LIGHT----: +20 .
                   . DARKNESS-: +20 .


Congrats; You now have a Super-tri-Emblum with insane stats and +20 to every
Resistance in the game.  There is much usefulness in this.  Having +20 to
all Resistances grants you immunity to elements.  Not only do you take zero
damage from elemental attacks; Any normal attack with an added elemental to it
will also do zero damage.  In addition to this, the 'mini-knockback-effect' 
that spells usually have on your characters is nullified.  You can be in the 
middle of a huge explosion or elemental attack, and it will be like there is
nothing there; You can just keep on walking or attacking without being hampered
in battle.  This isn't just limited to a Super-tri-Emblum either; You can use
any accessory with a positive Resistance value as your base, and put it on any
Armor or Accessory in the game to max your Resistance.  Neat, eh?

For information on how to apply Max Resistances to any piece of equipment, see
my Synthesis FAQ.


| |               Treasures in the Wandering Dungeon - [GREEDYT]            | |

The chests in the Wandering Dungeon are completely random, and every item in
the entire game is capable of appearing in any chest on any floor.  Some items,
like items from the "Usable Item" and "Other Item" sections, are much more 
common to find, while "Food" items are less common, and Equipment is extremely
rare to find.  

Each floor has a specific item that can only be found in the Wandering Dungeon,
and only on that specific floor. 

Here is the list of Floor Specific Treasures:
| Floor 01: [no floor specific treasure]   |
| Floor 02: [no floor specific treasure]   |
| Floor 03: Plate of the Lost Monarch      |
| Floor 04: Artifact Bow                   |
| Floor 05: Plate of the Lost Monarch      |
| Floor 06: Artifact Bow                   |
| Floor 07: Blazing Wand                   |
| Floor 07: Infinity Saber                 |
| Floor 08: Blazing Wand                   |
| Floor 09: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3     |
| Floor 09: Trident Harpoon                |
| Floor 10: Hidden Claws "Crimson Falcons" |
| Floor 11: Absolute Protector             |
| Floor 11: Infinity Saber                 |
| Floor 12: Hidden Claws "Crimson Falcons" |
| Floor 13: Absolute Protector             |
| Floor 13: Trident Harpoon                |
| Floor 14: Blood Scepter                  | 
| Floor 15: Blood Scepter                  |
| Floor 16: Absolute Protector             |
| Floor 16: Ultimate Cannon                |
| Floor 17: Demon Sword "Levantine"        |
| Floor 18: Ultimate Cannon                |
| Floor 19: Demon Sword "Levantine"        |
| Floor 20: [no floor specific treasure]   |

Note: As stated earlier, the treasures in the Wandering Dungeon are random, so
      it may take multiple runs through the Dungeon to get one of these 
      treasures to appear.


| |                     Wandering Dungeon Prep - [TSISWAR]                  | |

Required items for the Dungeon:

Earth Ring    - Chest; Alternate Earth.  
                Chest; EN II, Centropolis, outside the inn.
                (The 2nd chest only contains it if you miss the first one.)
Water Ring    - Chest; Inner Sanctum of the Cave of the Seven Stars
Fire Ring     - Obtained through normal gameplay
Wind Ring     - Obtained through normal gameplay
Thunder Ring  - Obtained through normal gameplay
Light Ring    - Obtained through normal gameplay
Darkness Ring - Defeat the Undying Dragon (required to get to this point)

Reimi--: Botany Skill          - Buyable skill on ENII in Centropolis
Lymle--: Parapsychology Skill  - Buyable skill on ENII in Centropolis
Myuria-: Demonology Skill      - Buyable skill on ENII in Centropolis
Sarah--: Zoology Skill         - Buyable skill on ENII in Centropolis
Arumat-: Entomology Skill      - Buyable skill on ENII in Centropolis
Faize--: Entomology Skill      - Buyable skill on ENII in Centropolis

You need every one of the Disintegration Rings for one the Crystal-Quests in
the Dungeon, as well as the -ology skills for most of your characters to 
obtain Geostones for the Geostone-Quests.

Recommended Items for the Dungeon & Bosses:

20 Disintegration Stones
   -For recharging your Disintegration Rings via Lymle's Charge skill.
20 Magical Clay
   -To duplicate Disintegration Stones and/or Geostones and/or HP/MP Items
20 Resurrection Elixirs
   -To survive Boss battles
20 Resurrection Units [Party Effect- Most important item when facing EQ]
   -To survive Boss battles
20 Fresh Sage
   -To survive Boss battles
20 Physical Stimulants (or any other HP restorative items)
   -To Restore Hitpoints
20 Mental Stimulants (or any other MP restorative items)
   -To Restore Magicpoints
20 of every Status recovery item (Aquaberries, Red Herbs, etc)
   -To Restore Status-Ailment
10 Otherworldly Cuisines
   -To prevent being targeted in battle (Best used on Healer Mages)
20 of your favorite stat-boosting Food.  
   -Food stat bonuses do not stack, and only 1 bonus is ever active at any 
    given time.  Once a character dies in battle, the bonus wears off.)

Suggested Skills:

Lymle's Charge skill          - To recharge the Disintegration Rings
Arumat's Duplication skill    - To duplicate Disintegration Stones and/or 
                                HP/MP Items
Meracle's Ocarina skill       - To re-summon the same enemy group
Arumat's Dragon Roar skill    - Arumat's strongest attack
Reimi's Savage Sparrows skill - Reimi's strongest attack


| |                        Boss Strategies - [HW2KILL]                      | |

BOSS: Prehistoric Psynard

Race-----------: Bird
Location Found-: Wandering Dungeon; Floor 02
Hit Points-----: 1,504,988
EXP Given------: 230,000
FOL Given------: 20,047
Resistant To---: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Light, Dark
Weak Against---: No Element
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll

Details: An ancestor of the Early Psynard with tremendous fighting power.  
Legends tell of heroes flying through the air on the back of one; many would-be
riders have tried it since, but the Psynard has reduced them to had-beens, 
tearing limb from limb those who would usurp its master's place.  Seeking a 
more tractable variant, scientists performed symbological analysis and 
duplication to create the Early Psynard.

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  After you've beaten Gabriel,
          this Boss should pose almost no threat to you.  The Psynard has a
          couple of deadly attacks, but keep a healer in the corner and you'll
          be good to go.  Dragon Roar him to the great beyond.  I recommend 
          being Lv110+ for this battle.


BOSS: Ring Beast

Race-----------: Demon
Location Found-: Wandering Dungeon; Floor 04
Hit Points-----: 1,582,849
EXP Given------: 260,000
FOL Given------: 12,164
Resistant To---: Light
Weak Against---: Dark
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll

Details: A beast that guards the Wandering Dungeon and crushes invaders with
its superior strength.  Its gleaming metal body and overwhelming skill in 
battle suggest that it guards a great treasure, and many adventurers have met 
an untimely fate attempting to challenge it.  Over the years, it came to be 
called the "Ring Beast" -people believed that defeating it would grant the 
victor the splendor of the ring.  Until a certain band of intrepid adventurers
discovered the truth...

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  This battle is ridiculously
          easy.  The Lizard Tyrants are easy support enemies to kill, and the
          Ring Beast himself enjoys jumping around for half the battle.  Like 
          the Ring Guardian in the Purgatorium, this Boss is a cake-walk.  
          Avoid the jumps, use ranged attackers and Rush Combos to deliver the
          killing blow to this silly beast.  I recommend being Lv115+ for this


BOSS: Chimera Beast

Race-----------: Demon
Location Found-: Wandering Dungeon; Floor 06
Hit Points-----: 1,994,019
EXP Given------: 290,000
FOL Given------: 8,195
Resistant To---: Earth
Weak Against---: No Element
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll

Details: The boss of the Trinity Tusks.  Unlike the other synthesized beasts 
whose lifespans were deliberately set to be very short, the Chimera Beast has a
fairly long life expectancy.  Believed to be part of the first wave of 
experimental creatures created. 

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  This Boss has a couple of 
          Arch Spellmasters (normal enemies) supporting him, so taking them out
          first is a good idea.  Keep the Chimera busy by blindsiding him with
          your main fighter, and have your other support characters wailing on
          him from a distance.  Keep a healer in the corner to keep yourself
          alive and this battle shouldn't give you too much trouble.  I
          recommend being Lv120+ for this battle.


BOSS: Imperfect Armaros

Race-----------: Other
Location Found-: Wandering Dungeon; Floor 08
Hit Points-----: ??????
EXP Given------: 330,000
FOL Given------: 8,276
Resistant To---: Water, Wind
Weak Against---: Earth
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll

Details: A stronger version of Armaros.

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  This Boss can hit hard with
          some nasty effects, and he has some serious armor protecting him.
          You'll want to hit hard and fast with Rush Combos and Chain Combos to
          break open his armored shell; Once his shell is opened, his weak 
          point becomes exposed and he will fall extremely quick.  Having some
          elemental resistances will help in this battle.  Keep a healer in the
          corner and keep your HP topped off so you don't fall prey to the
          nasty attacks.  I recommend being Lv125+ for this battle.


BOSS: Armaros Manifest II 

Race-----------: Other
Location Found-: Wandering Dungeon; Floor 10
Hit Points-----: ??????
EXP Given------: 340,000
FOL Given------: 12,529
Resistant To---: Earth
Weak Against---: Wind
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll

Details: A stronger version of Armaros Manifest.

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  This Boss is the second 
          hardest Boss next to the Ethereal Queen.  He hits hard and fast and
          can kill your party very quickly.  Having maxed out DEF and ATK stats
          will help you immensely.  This boss uses mainly Earth Elemental 
          attacks and abilities, so maxing out your Earth Resistance will help
          you immensely by granting you immunity to 90% of the attacks.  The
          Bloodtail Minions that he summons are also very deadly, but Earth
          Resistance/Immunity will also protect you from them.  The trick to
          defeating this nasty spider is having a high ATK stat, and constantly
          blindsiding him; His tail is his weak point, and attacking it will
          inflict huge damage on him.  Consider leaving the dungeon if you are
          not at least Lv130+, because this boss really can kill you, and you 
          could potentially loose many hours worth of gameplay by dying down
          here.  Keep the minions under control by slaughtering them, as they
          are more dangerous than the actual boss himself.  Make sure you have
          one or two healers in the corners with resurrection items on hand for
          critical moments.  As stated before, Lv130+ is my recommendation for
          this Boss.  Be ready for a hard battle.


BOSS: Runaway Dragon 

Race-----------: Demon
Location Found-: Wandering Dungeon; Floor 12
Hit Points-----: 3,836,566
EXP Given------: 16,852
FOL Given------: 390,000
Resistant To---: Fire, Wind, Thunder
Weak Against---: Earth, Water
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll

Details: A stronger version of a Dragon.

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  The Runaway Dragon is simply
          a beefed up version of the Undying Dragon, so expect a long, drawn
          out battle.  This guy has a lot of life, but isn't too threatening.
          Keep healers in the corners, Critical Hit him at every chance, and
          spam your Rush Combos like there's no tomorrow.  Avoid him when he
          goes into rush mode or when he flies into the air for his earthquake
          attack.  I recommend being Lv135+ for this battle.


BOSS: Kokabiel Risen 

Race-----------: Other
Location Found-: Wandering Dungeon; Floor 14
Hit Points-----: ??????
EXP Given------: 439,972
FOL Given------: 42,480
Resistant To---: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Light
Weak Against---: Dark
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll

Details: A stronger version of Kokabiel.

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  This Boss is child's-play.
          Other than a few boosted stats, this boss is exactly the same as the
          Kokabiel you fought in the Sanctuary.  Use Area-of-Effect spells to
          take out the Kokabiel Spawns, then focus on Blindsiding Kokabiel and
          Critical Hitting him until he falls.  There aren't very many horribly
          damaging attacks that he can use on you, so don't worry too much.  
          Keep a healer in the corner if you need the extra support.  I suggest
          being Lv140+ for this battle.


Location Found-: Wandering Dungeon; Floor 16

BOSS: Shadow Edge                          BOSS: Shadow Myuria

Race-----------: Other                     Race-----------: Other
Hit Points-----: 919,735                   Hit Points-----: 601,969
EXP Given------: 160,000                   EXP Given------: 160,000
FOL Given------: 21,406                    FOL Given------: 21,406
Resistant To---: No Element                Resistant To---: No Element
Weak Against---: No Element                Weak Against---: No Element
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll             Drops----------: No Drops

BOSS: Shadow Bacchus

Race-----------: Other
Hit Points-----: 1,104,061
EXP Given------: 160,000
FOL Given------: 21,406
Resistant To---: No Element
Weak Against---: No Element
Drops----------: No Drops

Details: Shadow doppelgangers of your party...

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  This is a pretty easy battle;
          Your characters should be at a high enough level that these Shadow
          Clones will barely damage you.  They have very low Hit Points, and
          Arumat's Dragon Roar can wipe them out in just over a minute.  If 
          you're having trouble, make sure to kill Shadow Myuria first; Her 
          symbology can be dangerous.  Keep a healer on the sidelines;  I 
          recommend being Lv145+ for this battle.


Location Found-: Wandering Dungeon; Floor 18

BOSS: Shadow Lymle                         BOSS: Shadow Meracle

Race-----------: Other                     Race-----------: Other
Hit Points-----: 617,139                   Hit Points-----: 837,654
EXP Given------: 190,000                   EXP Given------: 190,000
FOL Given------: 21,716                    FOL Given------: 21,716
Resistant To---: No Element                Resistant To---: No Element
Weak Against---: No Element                Weak Against---: No Element
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll             Drops----------: No Drops

BOSS: Shadow Faize

Race-----------: Other
Hit Points-----: 771,174
EXP Given------: 190,000
FOL Given------: 21,716
Resistant To---: No Element
Weak Against---: No Element
Drops----------: No Drops

Details: Shadow doppelgangers of your party...

Strategy: As with every Boss, make sure you stock up on anti-ailment items, 
          healing items, and resurrection items.  As with the previous Shadow
          Clones, these ones are very easy to kill.  These three are the 
          weakest of the bunch, and you should have absolutely no trouble here.
          Rush Combos will typically take out each character as soon as you
          use them.  Blindside them if you need to, just be careful of Lymle's
          symbology; She can be dangerous.  I recommend being Lv150+ for this


BOSS: Ethereal Queen

Race-----------: Other
Location Found-: Wandering Dungeon; Floor 20
Hit Points-----: ??????
EXP Given------: 900,000
FOL Given------: 4,449
Resistant To---: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Light, Darkness
Weak Against---: No Element
Drops----------: Seraphic Doll

Details:  The ultimate angel of destruction, granted absolute, overwhelming 
strength.  The blistering scythe she wields is just the beginning; If she deems
her opponent worthy, she wreaths herself in the flames of destruction and 
begins a devastating run of carnage.  She often unleashes her emotions, making
her destruction all the more complete.  Those explosions of emotion become more
frequent over time, until at last they become permanent...

Estimated Hit Points:
2 Wing 13,000,000 HP (Galaxy), 16,900,000 HP (Universe), 22,100,000 HP (Chaos)
4 Wing 26,000,000 HP (Galaxy), 33,800,000 HP (Universe), 44,200,000 HP (Chaos)
6 Wing 39,000,000 HP (Galaxy), 50,700,000 HP (Universe), 66,300,000 HP (Chaos)

Strategy: This is the hardest battle in the game; and it plays out much the
          same way as the battle with Gabriel does.  She is much more 
          vulnerable to Stun status, and that's a good thing.  Like Gabriel,
          she is immune to elements, so don't use Weapons with elemental
          Factors.  Bring some Otherworldly Cuisines (food) for your healers
          to keep the Queen away from them; Stick your healers in opposite 
          corners so at least one character will always be alive.  Disable all
          offensive spells that your healers have with the X button in your 
          menu; You do not want them rushing in to fight with you instead of 
          healing you when you need it.  Keep a very healthy supply of healing
          and resurrection items on hand, specifically the Resurrection Units.
          As with Gabriel, there are two effective ways of killing her;
          Spamming rush combos and blindside/attack spamming.  
          For rush combo spamming, you'll want to make sure that your healers
          do not have any skills set to their triggers, as that will move them
          into the line of fire when they use them.  Using rush combos stops
          the Queen from attacking, and allows you to dish out serious damage.
          For blindsiding, you'll want to use the great and mighty Meracle, as
          her invincible blindside animation allows for wonderful Queen-kabob.
          Using the blindsiding tactic, set your main character to BEAT:S.
          Using the rush combo tactic, set your characters to BEAT:B.
          The Queen's abilities can mostly be nullified with maxed out DEF and
          protective equipment Factors; however, she has a spell called 
          "Supernova" which will kill everyone within a huge radius around her.
          The area of effect is nearly half the battlefield, so make darn sure
          to have 2 healers, one in each opposite corner.  Many times during
          the battle, 3 of your characters will die, so having a fourth 
          character in an opposite corner able to throw in a Resurrection Unit
          to revive your party is a must.  When she gets down to 50% health, 
          she will start spamming it quite frequently, so be prepared.  
          I suggest the following Battle Skills: Critical Hit, Survive Incap
          via Fury, No Guard, Auto-Healing.  Any combination of those are great
          to use, but I recommend that everyone have Auto-Healing.  
          When the Queen gets to 5% health, she goes into Perma-Rush mode, and
          unleashes her most deadly attacks constantly, so try to keep her in
          a Rush Combo until she dies.  This battle will take a long while to
          finish, so be prepared for a battle that will last, because it won't
          be easy without a lot of practice, and with a 5 hour trip down to 
          just face her, preparation is just as valuable as practice, so Synth
          your best equipment and prepare for the battle of all battles. 
          Here are my suggestions for equipment versus the Queen; take note, 
          that if you aren't using the tri-Emblem stat-maxing method to max
          out your stats, then replace some of my Factors with ATK +18% or 
          DEF +20%.  I very much recommend finding Santa, buying tri-Emblems,
          and maxing your stats before trying to face the Queen.
          My Suggestions:

Increases critical hit chance
HP Damage +35%
Adds Stun Effect to Weapon
MP cost -25% in battle

Nullifies HP Damage 25% of the time
Increases chance of surviving incap via fury
Restores 3% of HP periodically in battle
Restores 3% of MP periodically in battle

Grants immunity to paralysis [Anti-Paralysis Amulet]
Increases chance of surviving incap via fury
Grants immunity to stun status
Rush Gauge charge rate +2

Restores 2% of HP periodically in battle [Base Item: Healing Band]
Increases chance of surviving incap via fury
MP cost -15% in battle 
Increases critical hit chance 


Once you beat the Queen, congratulations! You've truly finished the game!  Now
come back and face her again for an even harder challenge; The second time you
face her, she will have 4 wings instead of 2, and comes buffed up with stronger
attacks and much more life.  Defeat the 4-winged form, and she will grow yet 
another 2 wings, for a total of 6.  This is the ultimate form of the Queen, and
will take a lot more to kill than the 2-winged form.  Try defeating the Queen
on Universe and Chaos difficulty as well for some extra challenge.  



| |                         Copyright - [CpyRght]                           | |

This document is Copyright (c) 2009 Sakura Yule.

This FAQ was written for the intended purpose of aiding people for no cost, any
intention of selling this guide is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with.
This guide is solely to be hosted at GameFAQs ( and all other
websites which have received permission from the author to host this guide.

I encourage people to send me feedback, but only emails regarding this guide or
the game it was written for will be read, all other mail will be deleted upon

Thank you,
Sakura Yule

| |                          Credits - [Creds42]                            | |

Microsoft for creating the Xbox360

Signum7, for helping out as always.  ^___^


| |                        Final Words - [Goodbye]                          | |

Thank you for taking the time to read my FAQ! If you have another spare moment,
please send a quick thank you in my direction.  It really makes the time spent
creating this well worth it.  I appreciate you all and wish you a wonderful 
gaming time and a joy filled life.

-Sakura Yule
-End of Document