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by ResidentEvilFL

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|                3 6 0   V E R S I O N   W A L K T H R O U G H               |
|                   Author: Brett Battle (XxPibblesxX)                       |
|                   Began: June 19th, 2007                                   |
|                   Completed: June 26th, 2007                               |
|                   Email: Brett.Battle(at)gmail(dot).com                    |
|                   Intro by: A I e x (Thanks)                               |
|		    Boss Layout: Xiamut (Thanks)                             |
- {T00} -\                        - Table -                         /=========
|									      |
|		- Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{IN0}        |
|		- Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{WH0}	      |
|			- Prison Fortress . . . . . . . . . . . .{WH1}	      |
|			- Port Royal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{WH2}	      |
|			- Dutchman Encounter. . . . . . . . . . .{WH3}	      |
|			- Tortuga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{WH4}	      |
|			- Isla Cruces . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{WH5}	      |
|			- Kraken. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{WH6}        |
|			- Singapore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{WH7}        |
|			- Davy Jones Locker . . . . . . . . . . .{WH8}	      |
|			- Sea Battle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{WH9}        |
|			- Shipwreck City. . . . . . . . . . . . .{WH!}        |
|			- Maelstrom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{WH@}        |
|		- Collectibles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{CS0}	      |
|		- Calypso Pieces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{CP0}	      |
|		- Jackanism Chests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{JC0}        |
|		- Achievements List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{AL0}        |
|		- Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{CI0}        |

- {IN0} -\                        - Intro -                         /=========

Hey there, thanks for clicking on my Pirates guide for the Xbox 360. In this, 
I will walk you through the first level of the game, telling you where all the 
things you need to know are and sorts. So sit down, load up the game, and enjoy
your stay.

- {WH0} -\                       - Walkthrough -                    /=========

       _______      ________) 
      (, /   )     (, /       
       _/__ /        /___,    
       /          ) /         
+-- )_/ RISON    (_/ ORTRESS ------------------------------------ WH1 -------+

As the game sets in, we find our beloved Captain Jack Sparrow breaking out 
of his cell. Walk forward towards Teague's cell to get some tutorial tips.

| The object on the floor can be picked up and used to open a locked door.   |
| Press Left Bumper to pick it up, then press it again to use it.            |

Do so and break Teague out of jail. Your new objective it to release the 
remaining prisoners from their cells. Turn around and run up the staris. 
There are bars placed next to each cell that needs to be opened. Run forward 
to release the first prisoner, then run the opposite direction up the next 
set of stairs to free the next one. A short cutscene happens and the new 
objective is to go to the prison gate and defeat the guards.

Run back down all the stairs and approach the gate and watch it fall. 
You get a new tip. There is a chest to the left of the stairs but you cannot 
open it at this moment. 

| You have entered into melee combat with an enemy.                          |
| Press A to attack them.                                                    |

Very simple fight. Just press A 3 times for each enemy to kill them. As more 
approach you get another tip.

| When an enemy is about to attack, a red highlight appears beneath their    |
| feet. To counter, move the Left Thumbstick in the direction of the enemy   |
| and press A.                                                               |

You can practice countering, but it is very easy to master. 
Another tip appears.

| You can also use your non-sword hand to attack enemies. Press X to punch   |
| them when attacking.                                                       |

Big hint: What I've found to be the easiest and fastest way to kill en enemy 
is to combine a combo with A, X, A. It makes the enemies drop like flies.

| Try combining your punch and sword attacks to create combos.               |

After they all fall, follow Teague. If you ever get lost, just use your 
compass to point you in the right direction. Press Left Bumper to open the 
door and continue on.

| To sprint, pull and hold Right Trigger while moving.                       |

Sprint to catch up with Teague and move up the stairs.

| Your health is displayed on the Hud by a ring around a skull. Each block   |
| of the ring is a section of health. Movitor this, and look for health      |
| pickups around the levels.                                                 |

Pick up the health hearts here if you need it and defeat the guards here as 
well. There is nothing in the room at the very end, so enter the last door on 
the left hall. Run up the stairs after Teague.

| Look out for chests as they contain useful and special items. Open the     |
| chest by pressing Left Bumper while standing in front of it.		     |

Open the chest here to find 1 of 7 letters for 100 points. Continue on and 
defeat the prison guards. There are health hearts here if you need them.

| Enemies can be grabbed by pressing Y. You can also press Y as a response   |
| to an attack.								     |

Move up to the guard on the left and grab him.

| WHen you have someone in a grab hold, move LS in the direction you wish to |
| throw them. Try throwing this enemy over the ledge.			     |

Go ahead and try it out. Note that for every person you throw over an edge or 
into another enemy, you get 50 points. I was able to throw every enemy here 
over the edge.

| When you have someone in a grab hold you can cause damage by punching.     |
| Press X to do this.							     |

Run through the door after Teague. Make a left as soon as you enter to find a 
chest with another letter. Run down the hallway.
| There are a number of ways you can increase your notoriety score.          |
| Collect money bags and experiment in combat to earn the most points.       |

Collect the 3 bags that contain 25 points each. 
Continue on to the Gunpowder Store. 

| You can use explosive barrels to unblock your path. Press LB to pick up a  |
| barrel and place it by the locked door.				     |

Pick up the barrel and move forward to the door. Press LB to put it down.

| To make the barrel explode, you need to light it. Swipe at it with your    |
| sword by pressing A and the fuse will light. Then run for cover!           |

Blow it up and then defeat the guards that run through it. After you defeat 
them, continue on. Make a right at the wall and follow the stairs down for 
some bags and a chest that contains another letter. Now go back up the stairs 
and continue through the door on the other side. Pick up the bags here and run
up the stairs and through the door to the armory.

Pick up the flintlock on the table.

| You can carry up to 3 shots as displayed on the HUD. Shoot by pressing RB. |

You don't really have to be precise, just be in the general direction of the 
sheilds to knock them down. Behind the far right shield is a lever. But before
pressing it, get the chest to the left of the sheilds for yet another letter, 
then run up the stairs next to it and get the 2 bags. Now to cross this gap, 
hold RT and press B at the edge of the ground to jump. If you miss, just try 
it again till you get it. Get this chest for 4 bags.

Now drop down and get the chest to the right of the lever for a flintlock and 
get the 2 bags to the right of Teague. When you are ready, pull the lever to 
continue. 3 guards will come out at you. Shooting them is worth 50 points and 
since the chest has unlimited flintlocks, go ahead and do it.

Head through the gate they came through and get all the bags along the way.

| Pull and hold RT to sprint at the gap, then press B at the edge to perform |
| a Sword-Assisted Jump. 						     |

This is almost the same thing you just did. If you fall, you can navigate your
way back up here. Directly after you jump, go to your right across the narrow
walkway to find a chest with a letter. Continue on. 

Make a left at the fork to find a bag and a chest. Open it for 2 more bags. 
Go back and take the right path.

| Daggers can be found lying around. Pick them up with LB, then press LB to  |
| throw them at your enemies.						     |

| Pull and hold LT to lock on to enemies. This is useful for throwing melee  |
| combat and throwing weapons.						     |

Killing an enemy with a dagger gets you 50 points, so try using them all up. 
After they all die, you see Teague above you.

| To climb the life shaft, pull and hold RT to sprint up the side of walls   |
| and continue to climb by pressing B to jump betweens them.		     |

Pick up the hearts here if you need them and get the chest to the right of the
lift shaft. More daggers if you need them. Now climb the shaft. Enter the left
hall and get the 2 bags. Gather the other ones around and enter the door on the

| Drag large boxes to reach higher ledges. Pull and hold RT to stab a box    |
| and then use LS to move them. 					     |

Collect the 2 bags from the chest and then use the box to move it to the wall
in front of you. Note that when you stab a box, it can ONLY be moved forward 
or backwards, NOT side to side. Climb the box then the wall to get a bag and 
a letter from the chest. Now enter the door to Cliffside.

First, follow the left side of the wall to a chest. Open it to get a letter. 
That is all 7 for this level, you get the Achievement "Seven Letters" for it. 
Now go forwards.

| To cut a rope, just swipe your sword at it by pressing A.		     |

Stand next to the ropes and press A to get to drop the log.

| Balance yourself by moving LS left and right. IF you start to fall, save   |
| yourself by pressing RT quickly.

Go across and then collect the 3 bags and jump up. Pick up this bag and then 
go against the wall.

| Walk towards the ledge and Jack will hug the wall. Then move with LS.      |

Move left along the wall a little.

| Some ledges are unsafe and cause you to fall. Save yourself by pressing RT |

The ledge will fall so press RT to save yourself. Keep moving.

| Press B to grab a ledge above you. If one is below you, press LS down.     |

Press B when you reach the end to jump and grab a ledge. Then continue along 
and press LS down when you see one below you. When you reach the end, get the 
bag and continue past the log. Watch the scene about Calypso chests. Jump up 
to get it. There is one Calypso piece on every level. Jump back down then 
climb up the wall. Grab the ledge above you then shimmy across. Drop down at 
the end. Defeat the guards and continue on to Vista.

Enter the room directly on your left and grab the 2 bags. Approach the barrel.

| Explosvies can be trhown at enemies with A or X. Try throwing one then try |
| shooting it as it rolls away.						     |

Doing this will net you 100 points plus whatever the guards drop. Continue on.

| Someone enemies cannot be beaten by standard moves. Speical moves are      |
| required to finish them off.						     |

| Finishing moves are unlocked over the course of the game. Pull and hold LT |
| and press on of the buttons on screen to perform a move.		     |

The only move you have right now is Y, so test it out. Now to kill the new 
ninja looking guy. Build up the meter to a quarter and use the move on him. 
Pick up all the items you see. then proceed forward to my favorite part.

You should automatically obtain an achievement.

 |                              - Prison Guard -                             |
 | When entering a duel, your LS is now your battle stick. Use it to defend  |
 | and attack. There are 3 main places an attacker can go, high, medium, and |
 | now. If you see a grey pulse on the top of the 3 circles, move the LS up  |
 | to counter, and the same for the other 2. The white indicator will change |
 | colors depending on a successful or unsuccessful defense. Each time you   |
 | defend, you get an increase in your special move bar. When it reaches     |
 | halfway, you can counter your attacker. To counter you press either X, Y, |
 | or B, after a SUCCESSFUL defend. Countering not only gets you points, but |
 | it puts you on the offensive. Now attacking is the same as defending, for |
 | high attack, move the LS up. For a low attack, move the LS down, and the  |
 | same for a mid attack. YOu can chain your attacks by moving the LS BEFORE |
 | the swords clash. Be careful of attacking too many times because your     |
 | opponent can counter you too. A thrust attack, or mid attack, is a hard   |
 | move to defend and it cannot be countered, by it ends your chain. Think   |
 | before using it. That's pretty much it.				     |
 |                              - Prison Guard -                             |

Watch the amusing scene after defeating the Prison Guard, then you enter 
another duel.

 |                               - Mordillah -                               |
 | Now you are on your own. If you and your opponent get into a clash, press |
 | LB and RB alternating to overpower him. Special attacks are very powerful |
 | and dangerous attacks and can ONLY be used during a combo. Instead of     |
 | pressing LS in a direction, you press A. Now defeat your opponent.        |
 | Much like the prison guard, I find that usually alternating between high  |
 | then low attacks and thrusting at the end works pretty easy. Trying the   |
 | different specials to get points and see what they do. Mordillah will     |
 | never thrust, at least not that I have seen. 			     |
 |                               - Mordillah -                               |

Watch the scene after you win the duel.

        _____      _____   
       (, /   )   (, /   ) 
        _/__ /      /__ /  
        /        ) /   \_  
+--  )_/ ORT    (_/      OYALE --------------------------------------- WH2 --+

Head down the pier, make a left and at the end make a right and head up the 
stairs. Talk to Tia Dalma to activate the Poster Collect mission, which 
requires you to remove five posters of Will Turner. After you talk to Tia 
Dalma, climb the rope up to the roof and collect the first of the periwigs. Now
go over to the chest to the far left area of Port Royal, take out the bone, and 
open the locked door in the middle of the three in front of the pier, grabbing 
the second periwig.

Two posters are located at the end of the pier. One is located immediately 
after you get off the pier in front of you. The other is at the left-most side 
of the dock after you exit the pier. The third one is located by going straight 
after you leave the pier and you will see it on the wall just pass the stairs. 
THe last 2 are located on the pier you started on by going down the ramp and 
making a 180 degree turn. When you find the one on the wall, go to the right of 
it to find the other one. For doing this you get the next objective. Climb 
up the ladder near the bridge to main street where you found the poster just 
after the stairs to open the chest and collect money bags. From here, jump up 
and shimmy to the other rooftop for more money bags and the third periwig. 
After you've collected the posters, fight the guards located across the bridge 
and go into the next town area.

Here there are 5 more posters, I will try my best to explain where they are. It 
is best to return to the entrance of the main street for these directions to 
work best.

1: As soon as you enter, turn the camera left and you will spot it.
2: Again, turn the camera around you and you will spot it behind you.
3: On the wall to your right just past the rope.
4: Go forward some and you will see stairs on your left and the poster on the 
5: After the third poster, you can just about spot it in the dark place on the 
right. It is past the third poster.

Climb the rope here that you passed for the third poster to find the third 
periwig. Now go to the end of Main street and find the man leaning on the wall. 
Talk to him and then go forward to enter the bar. 

Here you will have to fight Vasquez's men. After defeating them, you will fight 
some Redcoats. Well all that is said and done, talk to the bartender at the 
end. There are 2 posters to be collected here. One is on the wall to your left 
that you can spot as soon as you enter. The other is located on the wall 
adjacent to the one where you climb the stairs. Now continue to the back wall 
after climbing the stairs and shimmy across. Go next to the hangman's noose and 
press A to sabotage it. Now to get to the blacksmith, exit here the same way 
you entered, and it is forward and to your left right where the rope is 
hanging. Go through here to enter a duel.

 |                                 - Vasquez -                               |
 | Vasquez is not that hard. Much like all the duels from here on out that   |
 | you will be fighting, I have a very simple method that works. Defend. Now |
 | you make think that sound easy and dumb, but believe me, it works. I will |
 | defend until I have a full bar, then go on the offensive. I do one attack |
 | followded by a special. Do that twice then defend again. After you defeat |
 | him once, he will drop down and you will have to fight him again. Use the |
 | same tactics and you will defeat him. Vasquez will usually chain 3 or 4   |
 | hit combos, but if you know what you are doing then this is very easy.    |
 |                                 - Vasquez -                               |

When you enter here, go straight down until you reach the donkey, make a 90 
degree left turn, and follow this to the end to find a chest with the fifth 
periwig. Now I will tell you the location of the last 3 posters. 

1: To the left of the fruit cart, on the wall under the grass shed.
2: On the wall right opposite the donkey.
3: After fighting the marines, it's on the wall right past the door you broke 

Talk to the gentlemen to the left of the stone path you just walked down at the 
beginning to activate the next task. Go down a little bit more and then fight 
the marines. After this, grab the crowbar from the chest at the end of the 
pier. Take this crowbar to break the lock on the gate at the far right side of 
the dock. Fight more marines and then go back to check on Montanari's health. A 
sixth periwig can be found at the top of the short staircase during this fight 
with the marines.

After a short cut-scene, proceed to kill more marines. To grab the last of the 
periwigs, climb up the rope by the eastern wall to the platform. Now run and 
jump off of the platform to the next one, and climb up to grab the ledge on the 
wall and shimmy over to the high platform to grab the seventh periwig. You will 
have to switch between Jack and Will in this zone, and it's best to just 
control one of them to pull each of the levers located on either side of this 
plaza, and keep an eye on the health gage on the uncontrolled player. If the 
uncontrolled player's health gets too low, switch back and dispatch the 
marines. You can open a Jackanism chest located below the stairwell. MAKE SURE 

After you've pulled each of the levers, they will open more gates to the 
prisoner area. Proceed down to the recently opened area and fight more marines. 
You'll find two levers in the eastern section, pull them to open up your exit. 
Pick up the Calypso puzzle piece in the western section of this prison area. 
Now run up the stairs all the way at the top to the canons, dip your sword in 
the oil, and set off one of the canons, signaling the Black Pearl. Guide Jack 
and Will to the exit, which you opened up only moments ago, to end the level.

       ______             _____) 
      (, /    )          /        
        /    /          )__      
      _/___ /_         /          
+-- (_/___ / UTCHMAN  (_____) NCOUNTER -------------------------------- WH3 --+

Note: There is no Jackanism chest here.

When the level starts, kill as everyone that you see. If any of the crew dies, 
your mission is over. So make sure to keep switching people and watch their 
back. Now make your way to the rigging and climb up to the mast and walk across 
the narrow mast towards the Dutchman. The rigging is located in the middle 
section near a set of stairs. It is a large net-like rig.There, slide down the 
rope and kill all the seaweed men. Put your sword into the barrel of oil and 
use it on the seaweed door to enter. You'll find the first of seven nautilus 
shells as soon as you walk in the door.

Go down the stairs, stopping all the cannons from firing. Just walk up to them 
to trigger a fight and stop the firing. The second nautilus shell is under the 
stairwell you just came down, and the third shell will be in the middle of the 
next room. The fourth nautilus shell one in the final cannon room. Go through 
the door and stop the rest of the cannons. After you stop all the cannons go 
down the only available stairwell and pick up the Calypso Piece. Continue down 
the spiral staircase towards the organ room. The fifth nautilus shell is under 
the spiral staircase.

Once in the organ room, walk up to it to start a cut-scene and activate the 
next objective, collect two music sheets. The sixth nautilus shell is located 
in the far left corner of the organ room, next to the candle stand. These music 
sheets are on the bodies of Davey Jones' most trusted minibosses. You can find 
them in each of the lower sections below the organ room. Kill them with a 
special move to find a piece of music left behind.

Once you have the sheets, go back up to the organ and activate the 
corresponding note with the sheet music. Hover over the note long enough and it 
will show the note. After the 4 notes the key show up in the middle of the 
room, grab it and then run out the door. The last nautilus shell is hiding. 
After playing the organ and getting the key, go back down to the lower level 
and engage in a fight with the boss guy again. Kill him to retrieve a sheet of 
music from his body. Go back up to the organ, play the new music sheets and the 
seventh nautilus shell will appear. Now exit the level.

      (, /     
     ) /       
+-- (_/ ORTUGA -------------------------------------------------------- WH4 --+

At the beginning of the level, there is a Jackanism chest straight ahead of 
your starting location, and there are more than enough heads around this level 
for you to come back and open this chest. Start off my climbing the ladders 
here and killing the riflemen. After the first two, go around and climb the 
ladder. Jump across the balcony to grab the first flag.

Follow your compass to each location in the town of Tortuga, dispatching the 
pirates who attack you. When you come across the big farm, blow up the small 
hut next to the pig's enclosure to grab the second flag. Near the pig pen area, 
you must blow apart the gate entrance, or use a pipe on the ground to bust 
apart the gate's lock, in order to save Will.

Once you catch up with Will, you now fight where you have to switch between 
characters in order to survive the fight. Once this fight is over, Will runs 
off again, and you'll have to catch up to him. Climb the rope up to the 
platform and grab the third flag. Now that you're on this platform, jump up and 
grab the ledge of the building, shimmying to the other side of the courtyard, 
to open the chest and to grab the fourth flag. Now go to the alleyway and pull 
out the box with your sword, so it's under the walkway. Jump up onto this 
walkway and grab the Calypso Piece. There will also be a locked door down the 
narrow alley guarded by two pirates. Blow this door and grab the fifth flag.

Once inside the bar, you'll switch between Will and Elizabeth while you fight 
off various drunken pirates in the bar. After this battle, you'll switch to 
Jack as you chase Villanueva. You'll find yourself back at your starting 
location, but now you can run up the vine covered wall with your sword assist 
ability. Shimmy over to your right and drop down, where you'll see a treasure 
chest next to your drop location. Open it to grab the sixth flag.

During the chase, Villanueva tosses explosive barrels your way. Run away from 
them until they blow themselves up before you continue your pursuit. When you 
enter the area called Scarlet's House, run up and grab the wall with the and 
then run over the balancing beams. Go into the small light room underneath this
wooden platform to pick up the seventh flag. Continue down the pathways, 
following where your compass directs you. Climb the rope to the left of the 
stairs, and then jump across the platforms to the zip line. Duel time.

 |                                - Villanueva -                             |
 | Like most of the other duels you have had, just keep using the same stuff |
 | that you have always been using. Defend, counter, special. He chains 4 or |
 | 5 hits together, but doesn't lunge that I have seen.	Has 2 stages.        |
 |                                - Villanueva -                             |

Now for another duel with Mistress Ching.

 |                              - Mistress Ching -                           |
 | Just keep what you do for your duels. Nothing special with her.           |
 |                              - Mistress Ching -                           |

         _____   )   ___   
        (, /    (__/_____) 
          /       /        
      ___/__     /         
+-- (__ / SLA   (______) RUCES ---------------------------------------- WH5 --+
As you start the level, the Jackanism chest is on the far right of the beach, 
under the palm tree. Climb up the rope to the very left of your starting point 
to go up the ledge, then go into the cave and pick up the first Paprika tin. 
Now, pull the lever in this cave to open up the wooden gate outside. Quickly 
run out, and down the rope and run into the small cave that is located behind 
the rope before the wooden gate closes. Climb up the vine wall to go outside 
and open the chest to grab the Calypso puzzle piece. Go down the dirt path, 
making sure you walk behind the dart traps. If you walk in front of it, then 
one hit and you're dead.

Navigate through the traps section by either staying away from the dart traps, 
or walking behind them. You want to make your way to the vine wall on the far 
left side. If you stick to the right, you will find the cave, remember that 
location. Now climb up, go down the dirt path and pull the lever to rotate all 
of the dart traps. Now go back to the traps section, and head towards the cave 
entrance that you saw before.  Grab the second Paprika in front of the cave 
entrance. Run through the cave, and then jump over to the ledge. Shimmy over to 
your right and head towards pirate's pass.

Run through this area until you come up to the cliffside. Pull the lever and 
then run back towards the beginning of this area, run up the vine wall then 
balance beam walk across the fallen tree, jump over to the opposite Cliffside 
and shimmy past the boulders before they pop back out and push you down into 
the ravine. 

Once inside the cave, you have a minor puzzle to solve.  Each of the levers 
controls 2 of the wheels. Pull them until they each look like a _|_ or 
something. THen pull the lever to release the bomb. Open the chest in this area 
to grab the third Paprika. Continue through to the clearing. In the next area 
there are a bunch of chests. To find the right one, just open each. A wrong one 
will deploy a bomb that you can run from. The right one will trigger a cut-

Now you are Elizabeth. But before you start chasing the pirates, turn around 
and open the chest to grab the fourth Paprika. Chase after the pirates to the 
cliffside and defeat the sea pirates. After the short cut-scene, drop down the 
cliffside, and jump across the stone platforms to your right until you get to 
the vine wall, then head towards the beach. After you've climbed up the vine 
wall, open the chest and grab the fifth Paprika. Once you arrive at the beach, 
defeat all of the Dutchmen crew to end your play through as Elizabeth.

Now it's time for a duel. First with Will, and then with Norrington. After the 
cut-scene, you'll be back in control of Jack. Pick up the sixth Paprika on the 
front of the Cliffside, it's past the bushes on the little hill. Run over to 
the tribesman throwing coconuts and climb up the vine wall below him to get up 
to the cliffside. Go into the small cave to your left of this section to grab 
the seventh Paprika. Light the fuse on the explosive barrel to destroy the rock 
wall. Go into the cave and jump over to the stone platform, and then balance 
beam walk through to the next cave entrance towards coconut cliff.

Run up over to your left, and up the vine wall. Drop down the ledge to the 
right of the wooden door and attack the palm tree so that it creates a 
balancing beam. Walk across this palm tree to the control switch and pull it. 
Now, walk back across the palm tree, jump up to the ledge and through the door 
before it closes. Run through the cave towards the beach. Zip line down to the 
beach and fight off all of the Flying Dutchman's crew to end the level. 
Remember to grab the Jackanism chest if you haven't already.

       __   __) 
      (, ) /    
     ) /  \_    
+-- (_/     RAKEN --------------------------------------------------- WH6 ----+
Starting on the deck of the Black Pearl, you must past the Flying Dutchman's 
guards, firing off each canon on the deck of the ship. Quickly run to either 
end of the ship to open up the chests, and to grab the first and second bottles 
of rum. First, get rid of the invading pirates and then go up the stairs to the 
front of the ship and set your sword on fire. Go down to the deck and set one 
of the canons off. Repeat this pattern of fighting pirates, setting your sword 
on fire, firing canons until the next objective shows up. Open the chest at the 
rear of the ship to grab a grenade, throwing it at the tentacle. Now place the 
gunpowder barrel next to the rest of the barrels on the cargo net. A cut-scene 
will take over.

Now it's time for a little platforming. Toss two grenades at the tentacle. 
These are found in the chest located next to you and they respawn if you miss. 
Now time your movements to get by it, and into the doorway. Grab the third 
bottle of rum from the chest right past this tentacle. Find the barrel of oil, 
set your sword on fire, and activate the canon which just happens to be aiming 
at the next tentacle. Navigate through the corridors and toss grenades at this 
last tentacle, where more Flying Dutchman pirates will attack you. Grab the 
fourth bottle of rum located under the ladder. You can also find the Jackanism 
chest in this last section. Now go up the ladder into the more annoying part.

Just like before, you must navigate through these tentacles, while keeping your 
balance on the beams. So, balance on the first beam. For the second beam drop 
down and shimmy under the tentacle in the center part of the hold. Hoist 
yourself back up and balance walk across another beam to the Black Pearl's gun 
deck. After you cross this last balance beam, open the chest next to the 
tentacle to pick up the fifth bottle of rum.

Now, on the gun deck, jump across the gap in the floor towards the pile of 
boxes. Grab the ledge and shimmy over to your left and hoist yourself up to the 
walkway. After you hoist yourself back up, jump across the large hole in the 
floor and open up the chest to grab the Calypso puzzle piece. Now that you've 
jumped around a bit, go up the ladder to the deck of the Black Pearl.

Before you do anything, get the last of the bottles of rum. The sixth bottle of 
rum is at the back of the ship in a chest, and the seventh bottle of rum is 
under the stairwell, next to the doorway to the captain's quarters. Dip your 
sword into the barrel of oil, then go up and around the stairwells, and fire 
the canon at the tentacle to free up some navigation room. 

Now take the explosive barrel by the captain's quarters, bring it up the 
staircase, and place it next to the tentacle at the front of the ship, setting 
it on fire. Make your way up the stairwell and around to the other side of the 
deck, so you can climb up to the mast. Now walk across the beam, keeping your 
balance, to each destination. The cut-scene will finish the level.

      (__/  ) 
     ) /      
+-- (_/ INGAPORE ------------------------------------------------------ WH7 --+

Note: There is no Jackanism chest here.
For starters, take out the riflemen, which isn't hard. Just run up to the 
ladder where they are, climb said ladder and kill said riflemen. Repeat. Jump 
across the gap between the catwalks to grab the first Sea Chart. As you make 
your way through the streets, you'll take control of Elizabeth, Barbossa and 
Will, fighting in a large brawl. Keep an eye on everyone's health meter so 
they're not killed.

Now you have to find an alternate route. First, climb the ladder located to the 
south of the fight that just occurred, climb the ladder and follow the catwalks 
over to the courtyard. Once in the courtyard, cut down the planks holding the 
bridge up, so you can walk across the water stream and fight the guards. As 
soon as you cross the bridge, open the chest to your left to grab the second 
Sea Chart. Now stick your sword into the large box under the catwalk, and move 
it over to the ledge connected by the zip line. Jump on the box, and then jump 
up to the ledge to open the chest, and to grab the third Sea Chart. Jump up to 
the catwalk and continue to Market Street.

Once you get to Market Street, drop down to street level and follow the pathway 
around until you come across the large locked doors. Pull the lever to let 
Barbossa and Elizabeth join you. Follow them, then go up the ladder and 
immediatly to the right is a little ledge to shimmy on, jump across to the next 
ledge, and go through the shimming process to get to the other side of the 
building and jump to the ledge where the fourth Sea Chart is in the chest 
waiting for you. Escort them through the streets until another a large fight 
occurs. Fight the attackers, then cue the cut-scene. Climb the ladder near the 
location of the fight, jump over to the other catwalk, and through the street 
towards the Shrine. After your jump over to the other catwalk, drop down to 
street level to open the chest, and grab the fifth Sea Chart.

As soon as you enter the shrine, cut the rope holding the bell, dropping it on 
one of the bad guys. This will distract everyone else and save you from some 
needless sword fighting on the catwalks. Now just jump, balance on the beams, 
and shimmy to the other side of the Shrine. Drop down to ground level in the 
Shrine where the bell was dropped, move the large movable crate under the 
catwalk, revealing the chest with the sixth Sea Chart. Now, before you jump 
across the adjacent catwalk, near the zip line to the Bath House, drop to 
ground level. Open the chest to grab the seventh Sea Chart. Now, run over to 
the large gate and pull the lever to open it up. Run inside this small area to 
beach up the Calypso puzzle piece. Run down the alleyway, jump across to the 
adjacent catwalk, then climb the ladder and use the zip line to go inside the 
Bath House.

Inside the Bath House, fight off the guards, then head out outside, fighting 
even more enemies. Continue running along the catwalks towards the end of the 
level, where the boat lies in dock.

       ______            _____       _    
      (, /    )         (, /     ___/__)  
        /    /            /     (, /      
      _/___ /_        ___/__      /       
+-- (_/___ /  AVY   /___/ ONES   (_____OCKER -------------------------- WH8 --+

Well this sucks. Purgatory and no way to get out...or is there? Go to each 
skeleton statue and activate them by pressing the A button. Open the chest next 
to the ship mast jutting partially out of the ground to grab the first skull. 
See where they're all pointing? That's your way out of the dunes of delirium 
expanse and into the Liars' Graveyard. Once you're in Liars' Graveyard, open 
the chest underneath the whale rib cage to the right for the second skull.

Now, activate all the skeletons again in this section, but don't listen to 
them. Remember, Liar's Graveyard. Run in the direction that none of them are 
pointing in, to rendezvous with the crazy guy steering the Stormy Ship. Open 
the chest in front of this crazy boat captain and pick up the third skull. 
Fight off the pirates, and then take over the boat wheel to arrive at Canyon of 
Forsaken Ships. 

Navigate through the Cliffside using all of your acrobat and fighting skills. 
Once you arrive by the anchor, run to the far right and pick up the fourth 
skull. Then, follow the balancing beams to another zip line to grab the Calypso 
puzzle piece. Your objective is the large door at the end of one of the 
balancing beams, which will lead you to Fiddler's Green. You can find the 
Jackanism chest at the left-most section of your starting location on Fiddler's 

Enter the tavern by going straight and talk to the bartender, who gives you a 
quest to find five bottles. Go outside of the tavern and open the chest next to 
the doorway you entered when you first came to this area. It will spawn a few 
other chests. Quickly run towards the end of this treasure chest to pick up the 
first bottle. Active this chest again to spawn more treasure chests, then run 
to the end of the line of chests to pick up the fifth skull. You can find two 
more bottles on either side of the tavern outside. Another behind the rock 
formation past the tavern, and another behind the rock formation in front of 
the tavern. Once you have them, go inside the tavern and talk to the bartender.

Interact with the drunk outside of the tavern and he will give you a stein. You 
have to mix the beer from the barrels to create the drink he wants. The correct 
mixture consists of one sample from the barrel located directly to the 
bartenders right, and one from the barrel located right next to the rope you 
climbed down to get in here. Take the mixture to the drunk outside, and he'll 
give you access to his special chest with the sixth skull. You can find it to 
the left of the entrance to the tavern.

Leave the tavern and stand in the doorway that you entered this area with, then 
press LB. You'll duel against Black Bart. After you beat him, you'll be back on 
the Black Pearl, where you'll fend off the drifting dead from taking over your 
ship. Run to the rear of the ship and open the chest for the seventh skull. 
Switch between your active characters so that none of them get killed. Once you 
defeat all of the intruders, the level is over.

          __     _______   
      (__/  )   (, /    ) 
        /         /---(   
     ) /       ) / ____)  
+-- (_/ EA    (_/ (  ATTLE -------------------------------------------- WH9 --+
As soon as the level starts, fight against the opposing crew until the cut-
scene kicks in. Just make sure you switch between your characters, so none of 
them are killed. After the cut-scene, you'll duel and when you win another cut-
scene will take place where you'll find yourself in a prison cell. 

Get out of the prison cell by opening the prison door and heading through the 
door to your left. Free the prisoner on the wall. Open the chest underneath the 
spiral staircase to get the first taro card. Go up the staircase and free 
another prisoner from the wall. Climb the ladder up into the organ room. Open 
the chest on the left side of the room and pick up the second taro card. Pick 
up the sword in the middle of the room, dip it in the barrel of oil, and light 
the desk on the right corner of the room, revealing the organ sheet music. Take 
the sheet music to the organ at the far end of the room, and play the correct 
notes, which unlocks the prison door downstairs. Defeat Maccus and his mates 
and then head downstairs to the recently unlocked door.

Use the combination of an explosive barrel and an iron bar to pry the lock open 
on the prison gate near the doorway, then open the chest and pick up the third 
taro card. Now that you're in the Dutchman hold, you must free all the 
prisoners here by either using the iron bars to pry the locks, or by setting an 
explosive barrel in front of the locked door and then pry the lock open with 
one of the iron bars. Pick up the fourth and fifth taro cards in the Dutchman 
hold by prying all the locks, and picking up the cards hidden in the chests 
behind these locked gates. In this area, you will also find Jericho, in one of 
the cells, holding onto the Calypso puzzle piece. He wants his mug of rum back, 
found in the room after the seaweed blocked door and the location of the 
seventh taro card. Pry it from the hands from one of the Dutchman crew stuck on 
the walls. Bring it back to him and he'll give you the puzzle piece.

Continue through the hold and then up the stairs to the Dutchman gun deck. 
Follow the path around to the large crate. Move it out of the way to reveal the 
barrel of oil. Set your sword on fire and then light up the seaweed door, so 
you can continue through the level. Pick up the sixth taro card from the chest 
on the gun deck. 

In the next room will be a large scale battle and a lot of sailors who must be 
freed from the walls. Switch between your active characters so none of them are 
killed in this section. Open the chest on the left side of this room to pick up 
the seventh taro card. Once everyone is dead, continue through the open doorway 
and up the ladder to the Dutchman deck. 

Now that you're on the deck, it's another series of battles to fend off the 
attack. After all the minibosses are dead, free your men tied up on the sail 
masts, then grab the rope, located at the front of the ship, to swing to 

          __         )   ___   
      (__/  )       (__/_____) 
        /             /        
     ) /             /         
+-- (_/ HIPWRECK    (______) ITY -------------------------------------- WH! --+ 
Run through the south docks towards the tavern square. Turn around from your 
starting location to locate the Jackanism Chest. If you don't have enough skull 
heads yet, don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to collect them throughout 
this level since you'll be ending this section at this exact same spot. Go down 
the path and interact with Sri Sumbhajee to activate his quest, retrieving his 
piece of eight. Keep on going and go into the Cutless bar and talk to the 
bartender, who tells you to talk to 'Stupid' Barnaby, the thief who stole the 
piece of eight. But before that, you have to take Ammand to the conclave 
because he decides that he is not going.

Run through the tavern square towards the west docks. Drop down the ladder, and 
jump onto the raft towards the boat in dock. Pick up the first gold bar in the 
chest right after you jump off the raft. Jump onto the boat and cut the ships 
mast to create a balancing beam. Walk across beam, and then climb the netting 
up to the birds nest, and then zip down the line. After the cut-scene, you'll 
get into a duel with Ammand the Corsair.  After the duel, run down the pier to 
the rope and climb up towards the market area. Pick up the second and third 
gold bars in the chests around the market area.

Head towards the east docks, and use the rafts to navigate the docks. Run to 
the end of the pier and cut the rope to move the raft. Jump onto the recently 
moved raft, then jump onto the boat and cut the ships mast, then walk across 
the balance beam. Head towards the cliffs and jump onto the side of the boat. 
Shimmy across the side of the boat and drop down onto the walkway. Run down the 
end of the pier, where you'll see a barrel of oil, then go back to the cannon 
and set it off, destroying another ships mast. Jump onto the boat and walk 
across the balance beam. Open the chest to the right of the balance beam to 
pick up the Calypso Puzzle Piece. Run to the ship in dock, and shimmy all the 
way to the right, then climb the ladder and proceed towards the slums to meet 
'Stupid' Barnaby. On the way to this rendezvous, open the chest to reveal the 
fourth gold bar. Talk to 'Stupid,' fight his guards, and then take the piece of 
eight back to Sri in the market area.

Before you go talk to Sri, return to the inlets section of the east docks, the 
one with the rafts. Talk to the drunken sailor at the end of the pier, where 
you cut the first rope to move the raft. He'll activate the remaining quest for 
you to pick up the last of the gold bars. The fifth gold bar is next to the 
spot where you cut the second rope to move the raft. You can find the sixth 
gold bar near where you fired the canon earlier, by shimmying over to the large 
hole in the side of the boat. Finally, the seventh gold bar is behind the large 
pile of crates, opposite of the ladder you climbed earlier for 'Stupid' 
Barnaby's location. 

After the cut-scene, there are a series of escort missions about keeping your 
brand new pirate friends alive. It's the exact same procedure you'd done 
before, switch between three different characters during the fight, so you can 
find health when needed. Once you've saved the day and your new pirate buddies, 
head back towards the black pearl to end the level, becoming one step closer to 
concluding your adventure.

       __     __) 
      (, /|  /|   
        / | / |   
     ) /  |/  |_  
+-- (_/   '     AELSTROM ---------------------------------------------- WH@ --+
The level starts off with a large scale skirmish on the deck of the Black Pearl 
with a whole bunch of foes. Just like before, keep an eye on the health of the 
other members in your party. If their health gets too low, switch to them and 
get their health restored. After the cut scene, you'll be in control of Captain 
Jack as you go searching for Davy Jones' locker on the Dutchman gun deck.

Proceed down the staircase and through the deck until you come across the room 
full of crates. There is an enemy firing a canon down a narrow passage. Run 
over to the left side of the room, and interact with the large crate. Push it 
into the passageway, blocking the soldier from firing the canon. Run down the 
narrow passage, interact with a separate crate to your right and push it so you 
will now be able to flank the canon soldier. Pick up the first liar's dice next 
to the unmanned cannon, and then in the next room pick up the second liar's 
dice which is floating in the middle of the room. Proceed into the next room 
and go down the ladder into the Dutchman hold. 

Ducking in and out of the prison holds in-between his shots, making your way 
closer to his location until you're able to put a sword through him. Grab the 
third liar's dice in the second to last prison cell to the left of the cannon. 
Continue through the rest of this area, towards the spiral staircase. Pull the 
crate out, to the left of the spiral staircase, to reveal the chest which 
contains the last Calypso piece. Follow the staircase up to the next level. 
Defeat the enemies so the ceiling passage will open up. Pick up the fourth 
liar's dice located to the left of your entrance into this area. Go up the 
ladder into the organ room. In the organ room, you can find the Jackanism Chest
located right in front of the organ. Defeat all of the enemies in the organ 
room to reveal the chest of Davy Jones' heart, pick it up and then duel with 
Mr. Jones himself.

After the duel, you'll be back on the deck of the Black Pearl. Fend off the 
first round of attacks by the Endeavour's crew. Pick up the five, six and 
seventh liar's dice on the deck of the Pearl. After you take out the first 
round of attackers, riflemen will show up. Take cover from their shots from any
of the boxes on the deck of the Pearl. Counter their rifle attacks by going up 
to the barrel of oil located at the rear of the ship, set your sword on fire 
and then fire the canons on the deck of the Pearl to kill off some of the 

You'll have to take out the last batch of riflemen with a grenade toss over to 
their general direction, located in the chest at the front of the ship. Another 
round of attacks by the Endeavour crew will occure. Just keep yourself and your 
crew alive long enough for the cut scene to kick in. 

Congrats on beating the game. d-=(o.0)-=b
- {CS0} -\                      - Collectibles -                    /=========

			     - Prison Fortress -            
| Number         |                        Location		             |
| First		| When chasing Teague up the stairs, it's on your left.      |
| Second	| After learning about grabbling, it's through the door.     |
| Third         | After the gunpowder room, go right and down the stairs.    |
| Fourth        | Found in the Flintlock room on the bottom floor.           |
| Fifth         | After the sword jump, walk directly to your right when you |
|               | land and you will see it.                                  |
| Sixth         | After the box push tutorial, it's on top of the ledge.     |
| Seventh       | When you enter the door for the cliffs, walk to your left  |
|               | around the bend and you will see it.                       |

				- Port Royale -
| Number        |                        Location		             |
| First		| After Tia Dalma, climb up the rope to find it.             |
| Second	| Break open the middle of 3 doors right after the pier.     |
| Third         | Climb up the rope right next to the bridge to main street  |
|               | and shimmy across to the other side.                       |
| Fourth        | Climb the rope in main street a little right and forward   |
|               | of the entrance.                                           |
| Fifth         | After the duel, walk down the path to the donkey, make a   |
|               | 90 degree tuen left and follow the wall to the end.        |
| Sixth         | After breaking the door down, it's up the little flight of |
|               | stairs where you fight the Redcoats.                       |
| Seventh       | Inside the prisoner cells after you pull the levers.       |

			     - Dutchman Encounter -
| Number        |                        Location		             |
| First		| Right after you burn the door down sith your sword.        |
| Second	| Under the stairs you go down to the cannons.               |
| Third         | Middle of the room right after the second shell.           |
| Fourth        | Located in the final cannon room.                          |
| Fifth         | Under the spiral staircase toward the organ room.          |
| Sixth         | Located in the far left corner of the organ room.          |
| Seventh       | Found by playing the secret sheet music after getting the  |
|               | key.                                                       |

				     - Tortuga -
| Number        |                        Location		             |
| First		| Jump across the catwalk after the first 2 riflemen.        |
| Second	| When you hit the pig pen, blow up the tiny farm house.     |
| Third         | When chasing after Will, climb up the rope to find it.     |
| Fourth        | Do some acrobats after you find the third to end up here.  |
| Fifth         | At the end of a narrow hallway guarded by 2 pirates.       |
| Sixth         | When chasing Villanueva, after the vine at the beginning   |
|               | and shimmying, after you drop down it is behind you.       |
| Seventh       | When Villanueva is thorwing explosives at you, past the    |
|               | balancing beams there is a small light room. It is here.   |

				     - Isla Cruces -
| Number        |                        Location		             |
| First		| After pulling the level, go through the cave to get it.    |
| Second	| In front of the cave entrance where the traps are.         |
| Third         | Where the bomb mini puzzle is.                             |
| Fourth        | Before you start chasing the pirates, turn around.         |
| Fifth         | When you get to the vine wall that go towards the beach.   |
| Sixth         | Past the bushes in front of the guy thorowing coconuts.    |
| Seventh       | Right past the guy with coconuts, there is a small cave.   |

				     - Kraken -
| Number        |                        Location		             |
| First		| On the deck of the Black Pearl.                            |
| Second	| On the deck of the Black Pearl.                            |
| Third         | In the chest right past the first tentacle.                |
| Fourth        | Under the ladder where the Jackanism chest is.             |
| Fifth         | After the shimmy on the top floor, it's on your right.     |
| Sixth         | On the back when you are on the ship again.                |
| Seventh       | On the front when you are on the ship again.               |

				   - Singapore -
| Number        |                        Location		             |
| First		| ump across the gap between the catwalks.                   |
| Second	| As soon as you cross the bridge open the chest to the left |
| Third         | Jump on the box, and then jump up to the ledge.            |
| Fourth        | After the skirmish, perform some acrobats to get it.       |
| Fifth         | After your jump over to the catwalk, drop down to street   |
|               | level.                                                     |
| Sixth         | Drop down to ground level in the Shrine, move the large    |
|               | movable crate under the catwalk.                           |
| Seventh       | On the ground level near the bath house.                   |

				   - Davy Jones' Locker -
| Number        |                        Location		             |
| First		| Open the chest next to the ship mast sticking out a little |
| Second	| pen the chest underneath the whale rib cage.               |
| Third         | In front of this crazy boat captain.                       |
| Fourth        | Once you arrive by the anchor, run to the far right.       |
| Fifth         | Activeate this chest again to spawn more treasure chests.  |
| Sixth         | Take the mixture to the drunk outside.                     |
| Seventh       | Run to the rear of the ship and open the chest.            |

				   - Sea Battle -
| Number        |                        Location		             |
| First		| Open the chest underneath the spiral staircase.            |
| Second	| Open the chest on the left side of the organ room.         |
| Third         | Prison gate near the doorway.                              |
| Fourth        | In the Dutchman Hold.                                      |
| Fifth         | In the Dutchman Hold.                                      |
| Sixth         | Chest on the Gun Deck.                                     |
| Seventh       | Room where you control all characters.                     |

				   - Shipwreck City -
| Number        |                        Location		             |
| First		| After you jump off the middle raft in West Docks.          |
| Second	| Around the Market Area.                                    |
| Third         | Around the Market Area.                                    |
| Fourth        | Found near 'Stupid' Barnaby on the way back to Sri.        |
| Fifth         | Next to the spot where you cut the second rope to move the |
|               | raft. Found after you got his piece back.                  |
| Sixth         | Near where you fired the canon earlier, by shimmying over  |
|               | to the large hole in the side of the boat.                 |
| Seventh       | Behind the large pile of crates opposite of the ladder you |
|               | climbed earlier for 'Stupid' Barnaby's location.           |

				   - Maelstrom -
| Number        |                        Location		             |
| First		| Next to the unmanned cannon where the guy is firing.       |
| Second	| Floating in the middle of the room after the cannon.       |
| Third         | Second to last prison cell to the left of the cannon.      |
| Fourth        | Left of the entrance into this area before the organ room. |
| Fifth         | On the deck of the Black Pearl.                            |
| Sixth         | On the deck of the Black Pearl.                            |
| Seventh       | On the deck of the Black Pearl.                            |

- {CP0} -\                      - Calypso Pieces -                  /=========

Calypso pieces are found in each level and are always in a chest. There are 11 
total and unlock the most points for achievements. They are easy to find for 
the most part.

| Level              | Where it is found                                     |
| Prison Fortress    | There is a tutorial so you can't miss it.             |
| Port Royale        | Pull the levers on the two top sections to open the   |
|                    | prison area and open the chest in the western area.   |
| Dutchman Encounter | After stopping all the cannons, go down the only case |
|                    | of stairs and you will see it laying there.           |
| Tortuga            | After the 4th flag, you go down an alleyway and pull  |
|                    | the box out with your sword and then jump on it.      |
| Isla Cruces        | After the 1st paprika can, pull the lever and enter   |
|                    | the cave and then go outside to find the chest.       |
| Kraken             | After getting the 5th bottle of rum and jumping the   |
|                    | large gap, turn around and you will see it.           |
| Singapore          | After the 7th Sea Chart, run over to the large gate   |
|                    | and pull the lever. Go inside and open the chest.     |
| Davy Jones' Locker | After the 4th skull, follow the balancing beams to a  |
|                    | zip line to grab it.				     |
| Sea Battle         | Get it from Jericho by finding his rum. You need to   |
|		     | kill one of the wall henchmen to find it.             |
| Shipwreck City     | In the east docks, after you blow up the mast using   |
|                    | the cannon, it is to the right of the balance beam.   |
| Maelstrom          | Pull the crate out, to the left of the staircase to   |
|                    | reveal the chest that has the final piece.            |

- {JC0} -\                      - Jackanism Chests -                /=========

Jackanism chests are found throughout the game. There are 8 in total and each 
unlocks something in the Treasure Trove.

| Level              | Where it is found                                     |
| Prison Fortress    | In the beginning section, on the bottom floor left of |
|                    | the stairs. Can only get after beating Port Royale.   |
| Port Royale        | Tutorial about how to get when fighting with Will.    |
| Tortuga            | Straight ahead of starting location. Collect heads in |
|                    | the level and than come back here to open it.         |
| Isla Cruces        | From the starting location, it is all the way on the  |
|                    | right, under the palm tree.                           |
| Kraken             | Right near the 4th bottle of rum near the ladder.     |
| Davy Jones' Locker | When you enter Fiddler's Green, it is toward the left |
|                    | most section of where you start.                      |
| Shipwreck City     | Turn around from your starting location to find it.   |
|                    | Wait to get it because you finish the level here.     |
| Maelstrom          | Located right in front of the organ. Get it before    |
|                    | getting the chest because you cannot come back here.  |

- {AL0} -\                     - Achievement List -                 /=========

|       Unlockable        |  Score  |              How to unlock it           |
| Eleven Calypso Pieces   | 150     | Find all 11 Calypso pieces in the game  |
| Seven Letters           | 25      | Find all 7 in the Prison Fortress       |
| Seven Periwigs          | 25      | Find all 7 in Port Royale               |
| Seven Nautilus Shells   | 25      | Find all 7 in Flying Dutchman           |
| Seven Pirate Flags      | 25      | Find all 7 in Tortuga                   |
| Seven Paprika Tins      | 25      | Find all 7 in Isla Cruces               |
| Seven Bottles of Rum    | 25      | Find all 7 in Kraken                    |
| Seven Sea Charts        | 25      | Find all 7 in Singapore                 |
| Seven Skulls            | 25      | Find all 7 in Davy Jones' Locker        |
| Seven Tarot Cards       | 25      | Find all 7 in Sea Battle                |
| Seven Gold Bars         | 25      | Find all 7 in Shipwreck City            |
| Seven Pirate's Dice     | 25      | Find all 7 in Maelstrom                 |
| Fortress Tresure        | 25      | Open the Jackanism chest in Prison      |
|                         |         | Fortress.                               |
| Port Royale Treasure    | 25      | Open the Jackanism chest in Port Royale |
| Tortuga Treasure        | 25      | Open the Jackanism chest in Tortuga     |
| Isla Cruces Treasure    | 25      | Open the Jackanism chest in Isla Cruces |
| Kraken Treasure         | 25      | Open the Jackanism chest in Kraken      |
| Davy Jones' Treasure    | 25      | Open the Jackanism chest in the Locker  |
| Shipwreck City Treasure | 25      | Open the Jackanism chest in Shipwreck   |
| Maelstrom Treasure      | 25      | Open the Jackanism chest in Maelstrom   |
| Jack's Second Move      | 25      | Finish Prison Fortress                  |
| Jack's Third Move       | 25      | Finish Kraken                           |
| Jack's Fourth Move      | 25      | Finish Davy Jones' Locker               |
| Will's Second           | 25      | Finish Port Royale                      |
| Will's Third            | 25      | Finish Dutchman Encounter               |
| Will's Fourth           | 25      | Finish Isla Cruces                      |
| Elizabeth's Second      | 25      | Finish Tortuga                          |
| Elizabeth's Third       | 25      | Finish Isla Cruces                      |
| Elizabeth's Fourth      | 25      | Finish Singapore                        |
| Collect 100 souls       | 150     | Collection 100 souls killing enemies    |
|                         |         | using Jackanism.                        |

- {CI0} -\                    - Contact Information -               /=========

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Copyright (C) Brett Battle (ResidentEvilFL) 2007