/BROTHERS TO THE END\ _____ ____ __ __ __ / ____| / __ \ / _| \ \ / / | | __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ | | | | |_ \ \ /\ / /_ _ _ __ | | |_ |/ _ \/ _` | '__/ __| | | | | _| \ \/ \/ / _` | '__| | |__| | __/ (_| | | \__ \ | |__| | | \ /\ / (_| | | \_____|\___|\__,_|_| |___/ \____/|_| \/ \/ \__,_|_| _______________________________________________________________________________ ______ Guide Type: Full Walkthrough / ___ \ Platform: Xbox 360 \/ \ \ ___) / .-----------------------------------(___ (------------------------------------. | ) \ | | /\___/ / | | Developed By: Epic Games \______/ Author: Jerecaine | | | | Published By: Microsoft Games Studios | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Version 1.00 +Intro & Copyright+ Hello Gears Of War fans, and welcome to my full walkthrough of the most anticipated Xbox 360 game of 2011: Gears Of War 3! Unlike with fighting games, I do have a lot of history (if you call 2006 a long time ago) regarding the Gears of War series. I've played campaign/online in both Gears 1 and 2 for countless hours, so although I'm no expert I've definitely played enough to know my stuff regarding the games. If you have any tips or suggestions or if you want to send your thanks, email me at: [email protected] with 'Gears 3 guide' in the title. Also, recommend me at the top of the page. That would also really be appreciated. (READ!) This walkthrough will have VERY SLIGHT Spoilers for Gears of War 3, but it will have major ones for Gears of War 1 and 2, so IGNORE THAT SECTION IF YOU WANT TO GO BACK AND PLAY THE OTHER GAMES!!!. Also since this is an M rated game with a lot of naughty language and graphic violence, there will be cuss words spread throughout the guide from mostly character quotes. (READ!) This Walkthrough is property of Jeremy Edwards (c) 2011. Gears of War 1, Gears of War 2, and Gears of War 3 is copyright of Epic Games Ltd. ______________ |UPDATES AREA| -------------- NOTE: As long as you ask permission at [email protected], I will allow you to host this guide on your site. But let it be known that the most updated version will always be found on Gamefaqs.com Version 1.00: Full walkthrough done, with included Achievement, Weapon, and Collectibles guide. Version 1.01: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ===========================---TABLE OF CONTENTS---============================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HINT: use CTRL+F to use the shortcuts listed beside each section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION I: HISTORY [HIS00] SPOILERS! FIRST WARNING! .........................................................GEARS OF WAR 1 [HIS03] .........................................................GEARS OF WAR 2 [HIS04] SECTION II: GAMEPLAY [GAM00] ...............................................................CONTROLS [GAM01] ............................................................HOW TO PLAY [GAM02] SECTION III: WALKTHROUGH [WAL00] ..................................................................ACT 1 [WAL10] PROLOUGE - Troubled Past..........................................[WAL1P] CHAPTER 1 - Anchored..............................................[WAL11] CHAPTER 2 - Abandon Ship..........................................[WAL12] CHAPTER 3 - Homecoming............................................[WAL13] CHAPTER 4 - Helping Hand..........................................[WAL14] CHAPTER 5 - MVP...................................................[WAL15] CHAPTER 6 - Hanging by a Thread...................................[WAL16] ..................................................................ACT 2 [WAL20] CHAPTER 1 - Shipwreck.............................................[WAL21] CHAPTER 2 - House of Sand.........................................[WAL22] CHAPTER 3 - Forced Entry..........................................[WAL23] CHAPTER 4 - Trench Run............................................[WAL24] CHAPTER 5 - Hijack................................................[WAL25] CHAPTER 6 - Airborne..............................................[WAL26] CHAPTER 7 - Touchdown.............................................[WAL27] ..................................................................ACT 3 [WAL30] CHAPTER 1 - Unbreakable...........................................[WAL31] CHAPTER 2 - Rescue................................................[WAL32] CHAPTER 3 - Breakneck Run.........................................[WAL33] CHAPTER 4 - Ghost Town............................................[WAL34] CHAPTER 5 - Brothers to the End...................................[WAL35] ..................................................................ACT 4 [WAL40] CHAPTER 1 - Ashes to Ashes........................................[WAL41] CHAPTER 2 - Crater................................................[WAL42] CHAPTER 3 - Hang em High..........................................[WAL43] CHAPTER 4 - Batten down the Hatches...............................[WAL44] CHAPTER 5 - Bon Voyage............................................[WAL45] CHAPTER 6 - Watery Grave..........................................[WAL46] ..................................................................ACT 5 [WAL50] CHAPTER 1 - Home Away from Home...................................[WAL51] CHAPTER 2 - Blackout..............................................[WAL52] CHAPTER 3 - Shattered Paradise....................................[WAL53] CHAPTER 4 - Threshold.............................................[WAL54] CHAPTER 5 - Ascension.............................................[WAL55] CHAPTER 6 - Reckoning.............................................[WAL56] SECTION IV: WEAPONS [WEA00] PISTOLS ...................................................................SNUB [WEA01] .................................................................BOLTOK [WEA02] .................................................................GORGON [WEA03] TWO HAND WEAPONS - BASIC .................................................................LANCER [WEA04] ............................................................HAMMERBURST [WEA05] ...........................................................RETRO LANCER [WEA06] ................................................................GNASHER [WEA07] ...............................................................SAWN OFF [WEA08] TWO HAND WEAPONS - POWER ...............................................................LONGSHOT [WEA09] .............................................................TORQUE BOW [WEA10] ...............................................................BOOMSHOT [WEA11] ...............................................................SCORCHER [WEA12] ........................................................DIGGER LAUNCHER [WEA13] TWO HAND WEAPONS - HEAVY DUTY .........................................................HAMMER OF DAWN [WEA14] .................................................................MORTAR [WEA15] ................................................................MULCHER [WEA16] ..........................................................VULCAN CANNON [WEA17] ...............................................................ONE SHOT [WEA18] GRENADES ...................................................................BOLO [WEA19] .............................................................INCENDIARY [WEA20] ....................................................................INK [WEA21] ..................................................................SMOKE [WEA22] OTHERS .............................................................BOOMSHIELD [WEA23] ........................................................BUTCHER CLEAVER [WEA24] SECTION V: ENEMIES [ENE00] (coming soon) ...........................................................LOCUST HORDE [ENE01] ..........................................................LAMBENT HORDE [ENE02] SECTION VI: COLLECTIBLES [COL00] SECTION VII: ACHIEVEMENTS [ACH00] SECTION VIII: EXTRAS [EXT00] SECTION IX: FINAL _______________________________________________________________________________ S E C T I O N I _ _ _ _ | | | (_)___| |_ ___ _ __ _ _ | |_| | / __| __/ _ \| '__| | | | | _ | \__ \ || (_) | | | |_| | |_| |_|_|___/\__\___/|_| \__, | |___/ [HIS00] =============================================================================== "I shall remain vigilant and unyielding in my pursuit of the enemies of the Coalition. I will defend and maintain the order of life as it was proclaimed by the Allfathers of the Coalition in the Octus Canon. I will forsake the life I had before so I may perform my duty as long as I am needed. Steadfast. I shall hold my place in the machine and acknowledge my place in the Coalition. I am a Gear." ~ Oath of the Coalition, sworn by all Recruits (Gears Of War: Anvil Gate by Karen Travis) [SPOILERS!!!!!] [SPOILERS!!!!!] [SPOILERS!!!!!] ___ ___ __ __ __ / __|___ __ _ _ _ ___ / _ \ / _| \ \ / /_ _ _ _ | (_ / -_) _` | '_(_-< | (_) | _| \ \/\/ / _` | '_|...................[HIS01] \___\___\__,_|_| /__/ \___/|_| \_/\_/\__,_|_| I'm only going to post the basic summary of the story. You start off by meeting the main character of the series: Marcus Fenix right in the first cutscene. He's in a bit of a bind, as he is in jail for abandoning his post to save his father, costing lives. Things are even worse as the prison is being overrun by a frightening menace know as the Locust Horde, an enemy that came from underground many years ago. Luck is on Marcus's side as his good buddy Dominic Santiago comes and busts him out informing him he's basically been left for dead. "Welcome back to the army soldier" ~Dom After escaping the Locust infested prison, Marcus and Dom meet back up with their superior Colonel Victor Hoffman, Delta Team Captain Mihn Young Kim, and gung-ho Private Anthony Carmine who doesn't exactly live long. They learn they need to find the 'resonator' from Alpha Team, which can map out the underground of the Locust home for a future lightmass bomb attack. Eventually they run into Alpha members Augustus 'Cole Train' Cole, who's always ready for a good fight, and Damon Baird, the sarcastic but highly intelligent asshole of the gang. Kim is killed in an ambush from the Locust by General RAAM, the main big bad of this game. "There's Kryll shit everywhere!" ~Baird Once fighting through a Berserker and a stranded camp avoiding flesh eating flying bat things called Kryll, Marcus, Dom, Cole and Baird (the new Delta Squad) run into an abandoned mine which leads to the underground tunnels where the Locust live. A new threat arises in the form of Lambent Wretches, once exposed to imulsion can explode on death. Foreshadowing! After planting the Resonator near an underground imulsion pump station and activating it, our heroes escape. Seems like all of the effort was in vain since they learn the information they received wasn't enough for an attack. Thanks to Baird (and to a behind the scenes thanks to Carmine), they manage to find a device that maps the entire underground. After fighting through East Barricade Academy, The Fenix Estate, and a train station where a train containing the lightmass bomb was, Marcus and Dom finally meet with the murderer of Adam Fenix and Lt. Kim, General RAAM. After finally killing RAAM, Marcus manages to set the bomb to explode as it runs off track into an ocean of Imulsion, being saved by Hoffman just before he joins a grisly fate. This manages to put a big dent in the Locusts horde....or has it? "They do no understand. They do not understand why we rage this war. Why we cannot stop. Will not stop. Why we will fight and fight and fight. Until we win... or we die. And we are not dead yet." ~Myrrah, The Locust Queen [SPOILERS!!!!!] [SPOILERS!!!!!] [SPOILERS!!!!!] ___ ___ __ __ __ ___ / __|___ __ _ _ _ ___ / _ \ / _| \ \ / /_ _ _ _ |_ ) | (_ / -_) _` | '_(_-< | (_) | _| \ \/\/ / _` | '_| / /..............[HIS02] \___\___\__,_|_| /__/ \___/|_| \_/\_/\__,_|_| /___| Gears of War 2 starts off at a hospital, where countless Stranded and COG soldiers are hurt from battle or Rust Lung sickness. We meet our Heroes Marcus and Dom again, along with newcomers Benjamin Carmine, the brother of Anthony, and spiritual Maori warrior Tai Kaliso, an old friend of Marcus. After fighting off an attack on the hospital by Locust, Dom grows increasingly worried about his wife whom he was searching for ever since GOW1. Later on the COG Chairman Richard Prescott rallies up the COG soldiers for an all out attack on the Locust horde as a last stand attempt, whom has come back stronger and with a frightening force that can sink entire cities. Using massive digger trucks called Derricks, The COG and Locust fight an all out epic battle to Landown, the locust overrun town where they will commence with the assault. Along the way Marcus, Dom, Ben, and Tai run into old favorites Cole, Baird, and new guy Dizzy Wallin, a former stranded and the driver of the derrick named Betty. "Don't worry, I got your back like a butt crack!" ~Dizzy At a graveyard, the crew gets overrun by more locusts and the new pain in the butt Leader, Skorge. Marcus and Dom rush to go underground, but before they do, Tai and Dizzy manage to hold off Skorge while Marcus and Dom looks on in rage, being they can't get free from the pod that will take them underground. Once underground and running into Benjamin again, our crew manages to find out the reason behind the city attacks: a GIANT riftworm has been eating holes around the cities. Once running into Baird and Cole once more, Delta Squad manages to find Tai on a torture barge, alive but not doing so well. After fighting through more locust gangs, Delta Squad finally are about to be picked up by a King Raven Helicopter, but before they do they are literally swallowed by the Riftworm. In an epic fail moment, Ben falls out of the Raven's open sides right into the mouth of the riftworm. "I got your back Sarge!" ~Ben Carmine After finding the body of Ben and cutting their way out of the riftworm (yes literally), Delta are assigned to check out an abandoned research facility to find info on the main Locust stronghold, Nexus. It is here where they meet experimental creatures named Sires, which seem to be Human and Locust mixed. After battling up an icy mountain, fighting across multiples lakes, and fighting a giant Leviathan creature, Marcus and Dom finally make it to Nexus intact. After some convincing from Dom, He and Marcus go look for Dom's wife, Maria. They manage to find her alive, but like Tai the discovery is a grim sight as she is too far gone to be saved. Fighting through Nexus some more, Delta squad manages to find the Locust Queen as we are introduced to her for the first time. She reveals her plan to Marcus that she plans to sink Jacinto at a certain time in order to kill the Lambent, imulsion infected locust that has declared war against the other locust for control of the hollow. "THAT'S the Locust Queen?" "I thought she was supposed to be butt ugly!" ~ Baird and Cole after fighting off Skorge but losing Myrrah, Delta hijacks 2 reavers and high tail it back to Jacinto. They are attacked once more by Skorge on his own larger version of a Reaver, the Rhino Reaver. It is here he is damaged enough to fall off it and dies. Once at Jacinto, the Locust is already at work trying to destroy the city, but not without interference from the COG. Fending them off for now, Marcus gets an idea: Sink Jacinto themselves with a lightmass bomb before the normal Locust escape killing two birds with one stone. After fighting down another sinkhole, Marcus and Dom do the impossible and hijack a Brumak. Once blowing an opening for King Ravens to fly into to drop the bomb, the Brumak begins to mutate into an even larger monster due to imulsion. After losing the bomb, Marcus decides to use the Lambent Brumak itself to blow a hole big enough to sink Jacinto, and with a little help from a few Hammer of Dawn strikes the creature finally explodes, sinking Jacinto and ending Gears of War 2. ...until "This is Adam Fenix. Is anyone out there? Can you hear me? This is Adam Fenix. Can you hear me? What have you done?!" _______________________________________________________________________________ S E C T I O N I I ____ _ / ___| __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | | __ _ _ _ | | _ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| |/ _` | | | | | |_| | (_| | | | | | | __/ |_) | | (_| | |_| | \____|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| .__/|_|\__,_|\__, | |_| |___/ [GAM00] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ _ _ / __|___ _ _| |_ _ _ ___| |___ | (__/ _ \ ' \ _| '_/ _ \ (_-< \___\___/_||_\__|_| \___/_/__/.........................................[GAM01] (A Button): Your overall all-in-one move button in Gears of War 3. This is used for going in cover, vaulting over cover, rolling, swat turns and roadie running. - Hold A to roadie run. - Tap A while holding the Left Thumbstick in any direction to roll - Tap A near cover to go into cover - While near the edge of a piece of cover, Hold forward on the Left Thumbstick while holding A to either vault over cover or to roadie run out of it. --- (B Button): Used to melee with any weapon. Only the Heavy Weapons can't be meleed with. If you are holding a grenade of any type, it is possible to tag the environment for proximity mines, or to tag other enemies/players. --- (X Button): Your 'Use' button. Used to open doors, pick up ammo, and press buttons. - In Gears of War 1 and 2, this was also the curb stomp button whenever a human sized locust was downed. In Gears of War 3, this now the Meat Shield button, where you can pick someone up and use them as a shield for incoming fire. Pressing X again will snap their neck. --- (Y Button): At certain points during the campaign, you will need to hold Y for points of interest. Y is also used for your special executions. --- (Left Stick): Used for moving your character. While in a tall piece of cover, pressing Left Stick will make you crouch. *A feature new to Gears of War 3, 'Spotting' is used to mark an enemy for your teammates to attack. Just press Left Stick in while aiming at the enemy to spot it. --- (Right Stick): Used for moving the camera and the aiming reticule while holding Left Trigger. With certain weapons, pressing Right Stick will give you a better zooming sight. --- (Left Button) Your TAC/COM. Used to locate squadmates. --- (Right Button) Reloading you weapons, or to cool down a turret to prevent it from overheating. - A staple ever since Gears of War 1, Active reloading is a feature where if you manage to press RB again at the right moment once the little arrow shows, you can either get a faster reload plus a damage boost, a faster reload, or a jammed reload. _______________________________ | B |W|G | B | ------------------------------- B = Black Area. Pressing RB in either of these sections will cause a jammed longer reload. W = White Area. The best to get, this causes a faster reload and a damage boost. G = Grey Area. Only causes a faster reload, nothing more. --- (Left Trigger): used to aim down the sights of your weapon. --- (Right Trigger): Used for shooting your weapon or throwing grenades. --- (D-pad): Used for switching weapons. Up is for grenades, Left and Right is for your two hand basic weapons, and down is for handguns. _ _ _____ ___ _ | || |_____ __ __ |_ _|__ | _ \ |__ _ _ _ | __ / _ \ V V / | |/ _ \ | _/ / _` | || | |_||_\___/\_/\_/ |_|\___/ |_| |_\__,_|\_, |..........................[GAM02] |__/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | GEAR ACTIONS: EXTENDED | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ____________ |Executions \ ------------+ While not particularly new to the Gears of War series, the way you do them in Gears of War 3 is. To do these, the enemy has to be in a DBNO (Down but Not Out) state where they are crawling on the ground. TAP (Y): Your character will kick the enemy on their back, and then stomp their head in obliterating it completely. This is changed from Gears 1 and 2, where you had to Press X instead. ---- HOLD (Y): These are called 'Extended Executions' and where introduced in Gears of War 2. Each weapon you have has a specific execution. In multiplayer the Snub Pistol and all grenade types each have the same execution, but the execution itself is different with each side. The COG (aka Humans) will slightly lift the opponent off the ground by the collar, and then repeatedly punch them in the face until their heads explode. The Locust will place a foot on the enemy's back, and then they will grab their arm and rip it cleanly out of the socket and bash them in the face with it. Both of these executions can be extended even longer by tapping Y during the animation which also gives you extra XP. Note that you are completely vulnerable to damage. ---- TAP (X): Your character will pick the enemy off the ground and use them as a meat shield. While holding one, you can only use your handgun but you are mostly protected from any shots from the front. Explosives can still kill you regardless, and your head is perfectly visible for a sniper to get you. This was formally the A button in Gears 2, but it could be very easy to roll past your target. Tapping (X) again will make you snap their necks. ---- TAP UP ON D-PAD WITH MEAT SHIELD: Your character will tag the shield with the current grenade you have, and kick them forward. Doing this could be a good distraction method if someone is on your tail. _________________________________ |Taking Cover & Moving From Cover\ ---------------------------------+ The motto of the gears is 'Take Cover or Die'. This is definitely something you should take to heart, as Marcus (or whoever you play as) is no Master Chief here. You can't stand out in cover and expect to take a lot of shots as Marcus will easily fall. HOLD (A): The Roadie Run. This is what you will be using a lot to move. You will run for an unlimited amount of time until you let go of the A button. ---- TAP (A) + LEFT STICK ANY DIRECTION: Rolling. Since you can't jump at all in this game, rolling is your best bet for dodging gunfire when out of cover. ---- TAP (A) NEAR FLAT SURFACE: Take cover. The most important thing to remember, taking cover is the best way to avoid damage in this game. While in cover, depending on conditions you can do various actions If you're near the edge of cover, and there's another piece of cover on the other side of you, holding the left thumb stick in that direction and tapping (A) will cause you to do a swat turn to the other piece of cover. If you're holding forward over a low piece of cover and you tap (A) you will hop over it. If another enemy is taking cover on the other side of you, hopping over the cover will kick him off. _________________ |Down But Not Out\ -----------------+ In single or multiplayer, whenever you are shot enough, you will go into what's known as a DBNO state. If not revived by a teammate in time, you will eventually bleed out and die. LEFT THUMBSTICK ANY DIRECTION + TAP (A): Crawl. If you are near any piece of cover while DBNO, this is a good way to get to cover and revive without being shot. --- RIGHT TRIGGER (WITH GRENADE EQUIPPED): Commit Suicide. If you are downed with any of the grenade types equipped beforehand, pulling Right Trigger will cause the grenade to explode in your hand. This is a really good way to kill a group of people in multiplayer, but the beeping of it can warn them beforehand. _________ |Spotting\ ---------+ New to Gears of War 3 is the ability to 'spot' enemies. What this means is you can now point out to the rest of your team in multiplayer where the last enemy is hiding. Hold (LT), then aim over the enemy and click Left Stick. ___________________________ |Weapon/Ammo/Money Swapping\ ---------------------------+ Another new thing to Gears of War, Swapping are where you can choose to swap weapons with your teammates. Just aim your Crosshair over a person and press the corresponding button of your weapon you want to swap or if you want to give that person money. ____________ |RANDOM TIPS\ ------------+ *There are times whenever a teammate goes down and it's not a good idea to revive them quite yet. This goes for solo, but mostly for multiplayer. Sometimes it's best to go ahead and kill the enemy instead of risking getting both of you killed. *For campaign on the harder difficulties, you never want to use a shotgun. In a close range fight with a Locust drone, they can easily melee or shoot you down in 1 hit, so you always want to take everything out from as far away as possible. *While in cover, it is possible to shoot out of cover without aiming. This works wonders for boomer type enemies, but for regular sized drones, it's much better to actually aim due to their smaller size. *Learn to Perfect Active Reload as fast as possible. This is essential for Campaign and Multiplayer, as it gives damage boosts to get easier kills. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[WAL00]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S E C T I O N I I I __ __ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ / /_ _| | | _| |_| |__ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _| |__ \ \ /\ / / _` | | |/ / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ \ \ V V / (_| | | <| |_| | | | | | (_) | |_| | (_| | | | | \_/\_/ \__,_|_|_|\_\\__|_| |_|_| \___/ \__,_|\__, |_| |_| |___/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to the actual point of this guide! Here, I will discuss the strategies that I found useful for completing this game on Normal difficulty. I will also point any new enemies and new weapons you can use. I'll try my best to keep this as spoiler free as possible, but I will also add little quotes from characters in the game, [WAL10] _ _ _ /_\ __| |_ / | [==============================/ _ \/ _| _| | |==============================] /_/ \_\__|\__| |_| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | P R O L O U G E | | ----------------- | | <T R O U B L E D P A S T> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL1P] Doesn't this cut scene seem familiar? Marcus once again wakes up in a prison cell, infested with a new enemy that you will meet later. Once you regain control, walk forward (Left Stick) out of the cell and follow Anya down the hallway right into another cut scene. Afterwards walk or run forward (Hold A) past the...self-building archway, and take cover along the brick wall (Tap A) along with your teammates. NEW ENEMY --------- - Locust Drone - Locust Grenadier - Locust Boomer these guys are pretty much the same song and dance ever since Gears of War 1. They carry a variety of weapons (Grenadiers carry shotguns and frag grenades), and can take cover just like you. Luckily, you're smarter than they are, and you can easily mow them down as they come up the steps. To pop out of cover, hold Left Trigger to aim, and Right Trigger to shoot. If needed, make sure you let go of Left Trigger to take cover and regain health. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 1 | | ----------------- | | <A N C H O R E D> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL11] [OBJECTIVE: Get Dom] A dream? Anyway, walk out of your room and hold Left Button to find your objective. You can check out the scenery a bit here if you want, but eventually you'll have to get Dom to get the game going. [OBJECTIVE: Get Jace] Walk up the steps down the hall, and hold Y button if you want to look outside at a lambent stalk, a cause of a LOT of problems in Gears of War 3. Walk over by the steps leading up to active a cut scene, now adding a new addition to the squad: Jace Stratton. [OBJECTIVE: Meet Anya] Once again, walk up the steps and out the door here. Make two rights down the hall to complete your objective, or just meddle around for a bit. "You came between Dom and his radishes Lieutenant. This better be good." ~ Marcus [OBJECTIVE: Meet Prescott on the Helipad] Walk back down the hall where you came from, and pull out your weapon when prompted. Take aim, and start firing once the new enemy busts through and kills a random Gear named Nash. NEW ENEMY --------- - Polyps these little guys are basically like a lambent version of a Ticker from Gears of War 2. One shot kills them, and they explode on death but they don't blow themselves up like Tickers do, but they do jump far. The Lancer Assault Rifle is prefect for them since it doesn't waste ammo much, as long as you lightly tap the Right Trigger and hold it down. Continue on up the steps, killing more Polyps along the way until you get outside. NEW ENEMY --------- - Drudge - Lambent Drone once you get outside, you'll run into an entirely new enemy: A Drudge. The Drudges are really no different than a drone (...for now). They will explode on death and they have a close range attack where they will throw up on you, so long range is preferred for them. If you chainsaw one with your Bayonet, your character will automatically kick them away. Rush forward and take cover on the piece of cover directly in front of you and take out the lone Drudge by shooting the glowing spot on its stomach. Turn left and take cover along the short walls here to take on the Drudges and Lambent Drones that hop over the railing. Once done, walk forward and turn right to either Chainsaw or Melee the lone Drudge that hops in front of you for some random reason. Turn around and go into the control room and raise the deck, picking up the ammo here if needed. [OBJECTIVE: Head to the CIC to view Prescott's message] That one Gear was kind of an asshole wasn't he? Anywho, go forward through the small patch of Garden here and take cover (you're going to see that phrase a lot, just so you know) around the sandbags to prepare for another fight. More Drudges and Dark Drones are here, so stay at a distance and shoot them with your Lancer. I should also point out now that you are allowed to pick up any weapon the enemies drop. They mostly carry hammerbursts, so ammo should be plentiful. Once you kill them all, head over to the right of the area in front of you and go up the steps. On the left side of the walkway, there's a dead body with a Longshot Sniper Rifle near it. Personally, I prefer to not pick it up and instead switch your shotgun out with a hammer burst. Ammo tends to be kinda scarce for the Lancer yet I like the one hit kill effect it has, so a Hammerburst on the side can help for firefights. Once upstairs go to the back of the walkway behind you from coming up the steps and open the door here for another cut scene. After that little moment, go back to the broken walkway and kill the enemies below you. The path downwards is the exact same as the way you came up, so fight your way downwards back to the steps leading outside. Getting downstairs you'll see that the doorway is on fire. Directly in front of you is a fire extinguisher. Use it to put out the fires, and then take on the Drudge and two lambent drones around this hallway leading back to where you found Anya. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 2 | | ----------------- | | <A B A N D O N S H I P> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL12] [OBJECTIVE: Get to the Chopper] Down this hallway, some polyps will attack you from the vents, but they are easily killed using your rifle. In the room down the hall, more of the lambent enemies will attack across the room. Use the tables as cover, and work on the Drudges first before killing everything else. Frag grenades are really wonderful here. After getting help from Dom for opening the door, across from you are a Boltok pistol and some ammo. Hop over the soda machine, then head out into the hanger where more lambent will attack. You can choose to either go down below or stay up high, but I would suggest staying up high until all of the current ones below are dead. Work your way around until you see the Chopper that you'll need to help get out, but first you'll need to clear some glowies first. Head upstairs clearing out the lambent, and pull the switch inside the room to release Chopper #1. Go out the door into Hanger Bay #2, and head downstairs to activate another cut scene and a now dead chopper. The tentacle of a Leviathan will come into the bay tearing shit up, and you'll have to constantly shoot it for it to go away. Once that's handled, take out the other lambent near you and head upstairs, just like before, and pull the switch. Riding the helipad up, you'll notice a large cloud of smoke in one direction. At the top you'll see that the whole deck is on fire (well, just part of it). Take out the lone Drudge and Drone, and then go over to the valve to turn on the water. One more to go! Go through the now clear area and take out the lambent, and then turn valve #2. Go over the burnt area to find a COG soldier trying to put out the 3rd and final fire. The gas can next to him will blow up; killing him in the process, but you can pick up his extinguisher to put out the last fire. Another cut scene starts when you make it across the field. Now back inside, go down the path to kick open the door in your way to run into the Leviathan again. He will destroy the middle part, cutting off access across. At the end of the path, more lambent drones will come ot from the door across the gap, and after a few seconds the Leviathan tentacle will spawn polyps behind you. Worry on the polyps until a piece of the deck falls where you get up top and the Leviathan goes away. The Leviathan isn't done with you yet. After going up the double doors and on the top deck, the Leviathan will push crates toward you that WILL crush you if you don't run across as fast as possible. To the right, is a garage with two Silverbacks. The Silverback is a new portable 'turret', with two mulchers on each gun and the ability to roadie run, if you can even call it that. Tap (A) to huddle up to offer cover for your teammates and fire rockets. It's also like turret in the fact it can overheat. [OBJECTIVE: Dislodge the Leviathan] ===========================BOSS: LAMBENT LEVIATHAN============================= It's BBBAACCCKKKKK! The Lambent Leviathan is more of an annoyance than an actual boss, but it is on a time limit. If you don't dislodge it in time, it will eat the deck and you, ending the mission. This fight isn't hard at all however. Use your newly acquired Silverback and constantly shoot it in the giant glowing eye. After a minute or two of shooting, it will pop and spawn polyps, but continues eating away at the deck. Damage it enough again for it to go back underwater. Now you have to fight lambent drones and polyps. If you don't want to risk getting your Silverback damaged, park it behind the wall on the right from where the gate is, and get out the Silverback to handle the small lambent enemies. Knock the Leviathan off three times and you win! ===========================BOSS: LAMBENT LEVIATHAN============================= +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 3 | | ----------------- | | <H O M E C O M I N G> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL13] [OBJECTIVE: Search for Survivors] Woah, you actually take control of the Cole Train for once! Walk forward and inspect the abandoned stranded camp, picking up the Hammerburst or Lancer ammo if you want. Circle around this area and go down the street here. Once you get far enough, a stranded with a spotlight will stop you. "Kinda anti-social aren't they?" "It's pronounced assholes" ~Clay and Baird [OBJECTIVE: Find the Shopping Center] after the cut scene, walk down the alley to the large gate on the other side of the wall in front of you. Kick it down (or go to the right of it and pick up some shotgun ammo), and get ready for a fight with Lambent. It's the same deal with Drudges and Lambent Drones, but with a twist. During the cut scene, the first Drudge will mutate and sprout 2 tentacles that can spit imulsion at you. This makes them VERY dangerous as it does quite a large bit of damage, and it makes then even MORE dangerous at close range since it gains a new grab attack that instantly kills you. Make sure you take him out FIRST, and then worry about the pods on the Lambent stalks that continuously spawns enemies. NEW ENEMY --------- - Lambent Wretches once the gate in the back of the playground opens, you'll run into old friends from Gears of War 1. They're pretty much the same since the last time you've seen them. The Gnasher works wonders for them, but the Lancer/Hammerburst works well too. After killing them off focus on the Drudges, Lambent Drones and the Lambent stalk down the street. Once you finish cleaning up, keep going down the street and hold open the razor wire here. Make sure you let Carmine go in front of you if you want to laugh at a slight nod to Anthony and Benjamin. Once the car goes past you, another lambent stalk across the gap will spawn more enemies for you to fight. Take care of them and the pods, then go around the corner and the door to the grocery store should be right there. [OBJECTIVE: Search for Supplies] Go forward and around the corner and Chainsaw the board blocking your way into the next room. If you dropped your Lancer, melee works too. After the slight convo between Baird and Sam, further down the aisles another Lambent stalk will spawn more enemies. If you need more ammo or a Boomshot (Get it. You will need it in the next chapter so don't use it), on the right way in the back of the area an Ammo box will be hidden behind some rubble. A quick note: One of the drudges might spawn only one tentacle. When he does this, whatever you kill him the single tentacle will still come after you and try to burn you with imulsion. It doesn't take much at all to kill it though. Continue onwards and kill the lambent around the left corner. Go around the shelves and fight off the Lambent around the giant hole in the floor. Once you finish go to the door on the other side of the room to finish this section. "The Cole Train runs on Whole Grain baby, WOOO!" [OBJECTIVE: Clear landing zone of enemies and drop off the supplies] Going to the door, Carmine will be Captain Obvious and point out there's a locker in the way. See the big wooden box on the left? Melee/Chainsaw it and it will reveal a switch. Pull it to open the door next to you and to gain access to a Loader Mech. It controls just like a Silverback without guns. Use it to kick down the locker, but get out of it to go in the slightly hidden room on the right for Boomshot ammo. Use the loader again to pick up the supplies on the floor, and then kick down the door on the left of the room. More stalks will spawn once you get outside, so take care of them before you continue onwards, kicking down the car and van in your way, getting to the green smoke and finally ending this chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 4 | | ----------------- | | <H E L P I N G H A N D> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL14] [OBJECTIVE: Head to the warehouse] Once you regain control, run down the imulsion surrounded path here under the bridge. Once back outside, check behind the truck on your right for some ammo and a Longshot. Remember when I said to keep the Boomshot from the last chapter? Switch out the lancer for the sniper if you want, but keep the boomshot for the new enemy around the building corner. NEW ENEMY --------- - Gunker Gunkers are giant Lambent creatures who can be an extreme pain in the ass. They have a long range attack similar to a Mortar where they will throw a ball of Imulsion at you. Once it hits you, it does a lot of damage. At close range, it has a melee attack that can down you in one hit, so it's best to fight it long range since the Mortar attack is relatively easy to avoid if you're paying attention. Use half of your Boomshot ammo on the first one you see, and save the other half on the second that comes down the street once you defeat the first. Whenever they die, they will cause a huge explosion that shouldn't be a problem if you stayed back. Once you take out the Gunkers and the other enemies running around, go to the stranded base down the street for a cut scene. [OBJECTIVE: Follow the Camp Leader and collect reward] After you stop laughing at Carmine almost getting shot in the head, follow the Camp Leader through the camp. Whenever you pull your guns out, make two right turns and you should see a brownish container. Inside of it is a boomshot if you want it, but in front of you once you go through the door is another container containing Lancer, Hammerburst, and Gnasher ammo. Collect whatever you need, and follow the Camp Leader outside to a huge ammo supply. [OBJECTIVE: Get to Cougars Stadium] Whenever you get past the stranded gate, more Lambent stalks will spawn and will spawn a few drudges and one Gunker. On the right side of the area should be another blue container. Standing on the right side of it should give you ample cover from the Gunker's mortar shots. Take care of the Gunker and other friends it has, and then go over to the far side to the interactive Garage Door. Once you go through this area and across the bridge, after the cut scene take cover behind the barrels on the right. More lambent stalks will spawn 2 Gunkers and a drudge (not all at once, thank goodness). Take them out and continue on passed the locked gate. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 5 | | ----------------- | | <M V P> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL15] Once you regain control, go around the corner and talk to some old fans of yours. Right in the middle of the conversation, some rather rude Lambent will interrupt you and attack inside the stadium. Here you can choose to go either the higher road or the lower. Choose the upper path since it has the least resistance (only about 2 lambent drones), and it gives you a high up advantage on the lambent enemies below. Once you take care of them, a Gunker will spawn under the 'South Gate' sign. If you're out of boomshot ammo, use your frag grenades. [OBJECTIVE: Talk to the leader of the Hanover stranded] Once you take care of him, go under the sign and through the gate and two sets of double doors. Down this hallway is a flashback cut scene of Cole at the highlight of his Thrashball career. You know have to carry a bomb to a lambent stalk, while avoid drudges and using Thrashball (American football) moves! I'm not even sure if you can fail this part, at least I haven't yet, so just keep holding forward while Cole automatically dodges the spawning drudges and score a goal. "Ha, I still got it baby!" ~Cole Train Go up the steps (pick up the boomshot here, you'll need it again!) and into a door for another cut scene. After meeting the obviously COG hating leader, take cover along the elevator as it rides up. If you choose to you don't have to shoot a thing, but at the top is a Gunker. DON'T waste your boomshot on him, but instead shoot the red barrels beside him to instantly kill it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 6 | | ----------------- | | <H A N G I N G B Y A T H R E A D> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL16] [OBJECTIVE: Cross Centennial Bridge] This is a slightly new chance of pace isn't it? Going down the zipline, you can shoot the red barrels on the right or ignore them completely. Whenever you get to the end of your ride, you'll instantly get attacked by drudges and a Gunker so IMMEDIATELY get behind the barricade to the right of you. Use your boomshot for these guys, then go forward around the left of the now dead stalk. NEW ENEMY --------- - Savage Grenadier - Savage Drone - Savage Boomer - Butcher 'Savage' Locusts are basically the stranded version of the Locust Horde, due to being flushed out of their homes. They have slightly more health than the Lambent drones and carry Retro Lancers, but are capable of being executed. Sweet! Anyway, use whatever assault rifle you have and use it to take out the snipers and use the grenades to take out any of the locusts behind the turrets. Once those are taken care of, a small convo will occur. Get ready to get in cover, because afterwards a gate will open revealing two Savage Boomers, a Butcher, and a Savage Grenadier. Stay behind cover and kill the two Savage Boomers first since they will cause the most damage. The Retro Lancer is a strong rifle for them since the retro loses accuracy badly overtime, but Boomers are so fat that and close-mid range the shots will still hit! Go through the now clear path, and down the bridge into another locust fight. If you managed to pick up any incendiary grenades, these are wonderful for those turret bastards! Once you handle the locusts here, go forwards around the corners and....damn...another turret! NEW ENEMY --------- - Tickers Tickers are small tiny creatures from Gears of War 2 that scurry around the ground with explosives on their backs. Whenever they get close, they will blow themselves up. Try your best to not get downed near a ticker fight, as their explosion will kill you no matter the difficulty. Continue on down the path, and up the ladder into another fight with a few Savage locusts and a Savage Boomer. Go up to the razor wire to finally finish dealing with the turrets. Down the walkway, the path breaks away, forcing you to go in the area to the left. You now have another choice of paths to take: the lower deck or the catwalk. The lower deck has only about 3 enemies, one of them on a...turret...yes, I did lie. The catwalk has around the same amount of enemies, but it offers you the chance to sneak behind the turret locust. Most of the time however, Baird and Carmine normally can take care of the turret locust by the time you get up there so it doesn't really matter which path you choose. Going through the door here and down the bridge, a wave of tickers will come out to say hi. Fight them off and go up the broken upper deck bridge ramp...right into a Mortar crew! See the open containers? A row of them along the left side of the highway are all open for cover. Try to rush between them during each reload break, and take out the mortar crew FAST once you get to the end since there is no cover from them then. After they're taken care of, grab one of those mortars and use it to take out the lone Gas Barge that appears. It's kind of hard, but with a full distance shot in the direction it will go should do the trick. Go back down below and watch out for the Leviathan tentacles. It will drop polyps, so use your pistol or assault rifle to handle them with short bursts. Continue onwards into more Savage Locusts. Go out the door on your right and climb the ladder leading back to the upper deck. On this upper area are another turret guy and a Locust with a One Shot. This thing can kill you instantly even on casual, so try to take him out first. Once you get near the ticker crate, some more Savage enemies will spawn behind you but you can avoid them by interacting with the crate and FINALLY ending the first Act! _ _ ___ /_\ __| |_ |_ ) [===========================/ _ \/ _| _| / /===============================] /_/ \_\__|\__| /___| [WAL20] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 1 | | ----------------- | | <S H I P W R E C K> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL21] [OBJECTIVE: Search for the Raven's Nest] NEW ENEMY --------- - Wild Ticker Hey it's Cole again! Walk forward past the flames to meet a new creature: Wild Tickers. They're harmless, but they are a nuisance because they can eat weapons lying on the ground. Killing them makes them drop the weapon, but if they eat a grenade they can explode like regular tickers. Try your best to kill the fast creatures with your slow Boltok, and pick up the Lancer that lies on the ground. Around the corner are a Gnasher, Snub pistol, and an open field. You know what that means! Take cover and take out the grubs that pop from the ground, and go over to the large piece of the ship that more Savage Locusts with knock over. Once that's done and dealt with, hop over the piece of ship (almost slipped there) and go on into another field of Savage Locusts and another cut scene, regaining control of Marcus Fenix. "What we got an echo in here or something? Yeah, Prescott's back, Michealson's dead and my Father's alive. Film at 11." ~Marcus Fenix [OBJECTIVE: Regroup with Anya and Jace] Well, all good things must come to a end I guess. Take cover along second set of sandbags, and take out the Locusts and Savage Boomers that now have Digger Launchers, weapons that can down you from behind cover...oh joy. Way in the background high up is a sniper on the broken bridge, so make sure you look out for him as well. Acquire yourself a new digger launcher if you want, then continue forward towards the siege beast, taking out its crew. The Siege beast is basically a locust catapult, requiring winding back the legs of the beast to lob bombs at others. Use this one to take out the other two Siege beasts and a Brumak that shows up. Only 2 or so hits should kill it easily. Go on down the path after handling that situation, and eventually you'll see Anya and Jace on the other side of some rocks. Look like they will need your help doesn't it? Right behind you is the path that leads to them, so hop to it! Whenever you handle all of the enemies, a cut scene will play. More enemies will attack afterwards, and then your second boss battle of the game will start. =================================BOSS: BRUMAK================================== No siege beast to help you out now huh? You actually have to fight a Brumak, one of the locusts' biggest (literally) threats since Gears of War 1, on foot! Actually, he isn't that hard on Normal. Near the back of the area is an infinite ammo pickup and cover, so that isn't a problem. Most of the time he'll focus on your teammates, so you'll have a lot of chances to shoot the giant rocket launcher on his back. You can also shoot the guns on his arms if they are giving you too much trouble, but make sure you focus your fire on the rocket launcher on its back because that will cause the most damage. Your only other threat are the occasional Savage Drone or Grenadier that pops on from the ground, but since there's 8 of you they are EASILY dispatched. Take care of them and the Brumak to end the chapter. =================================BOSS: BRUMAK================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 2 | | ----------------- | | < H O U S E O F S A N D> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL22] [OBJECTIVE: Find out where the Gas Barges are headed] Continue onwards down the path. Eventually, you get to a grassy field and Dom will point out movement in the background. See that cloud of dirt flying towards you? That isn't a Digger! NEW ENEMY --------- - Savage Corpser A lot smaller than the previous ones from other games aren't they? Anyway, any attack from the front while it's walking at you is useless since the legs are armored. It can also dig underground and try to attack you with one of its legs. So how do you fight it? If it's going for a teammate, go to the side of it and shoot either the butt of it or the side of its head. It will recoil for a bit, then go underground and try to impale one of you. Repeat this process until you finally kill it. NEW ENEMY --------- - Grinder Before you was rudely interrupted, go on down the path to find more Savage locusts, tickers, Savage Boomers, and a Grinder with a Mulcher that's on a far up ledge. He isn't an immediate threat like the Savage Boomers near you, but he can be a pain since he'll add a lot of additional damage if you are already hurting pretty bad. Whenever you take out the Savage Boomers near you, focus on him next, then finally clean up the other enemies running around. Pick up the Mulcher if you want, and go to the gate without making a soun-*Savage drone blows horn*-dammit! NEW ENEMY --------- - Savage Theron Whenever you are seen, behind you Savage locusts will spawn, including Savage Therons. These aren't as fearsome as the regular versions since they carry Butcher Cleavers now, but man, do those swings hurt like hell. Try to keep them away from you during this fight, and then go back over to the gate. After the short cut scene, turn left and roadie run as fast as you can down the cliff. A siege beast will attack you from another cliff, so you have to get down near the turret below as fast as possible. Take out the enemies and go up the ladders, leading to the siege beast. No one controlling the siege beast + locusts coming down the path you need to go = fun time! You only get 3 chances however before the siege beast run out. To the right of this area is another short area you can take to flank the stragglers. Continue past the gate to find a LOT of ammo, some Frag Grenades and a Longshot. Pick up the Longshot and a Hammerburst because you will need them both for the early part of the next chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 3 | | ----------------- | | <F O R C E D E N T R Y> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL23] [OBJECTIVE: Enter the locust stronghold without setting off an alarm] I should point out it's not essential to do this without the alarms, but it is required if you want a collectible. Anyway, pull out your Hammerburst, and shoot the first guy directly around the corner. About this time Wild Tickers will appear, but they aren't a threat if they eat the One Shot lying next to the boxes. The One Shot is too slow at killing one guard before shooting the next, so forget about it. Go forward to the boxes where the One Shot is, and look up to the gate where two Savage Locusts are. Pull out the Longshot, and snipe the one guy walking back and forth. Here comes the important part: make sure your reload are perfect, as it won't take long for the second locust to try to make his way to the horn. Snipe him also. Now the next area is a REAL pain in the ass. You have to be quick, and it can be really hard with the sniper to get both guards. If you couldn't find a Hammberburst, Dom will trade with you since he is normally the teammate that has one. Past the rock, go to the first piece of cover you see and pull out your Hammerburst and watch the movements of the two guards. See the barrels next to the turrets? Look down your Iron sights and quickly shoot both sides with your Hammerburst while the guards are near them. You'll know if you did it right if a cut scene plays of a gate opening that you can go through. Inside this side path on the lower side is ammo and two digger launchers. [OBJECTIVE: Secure the Locust stronghold] Right outside this gate is rather random area containing a turret, lots of corners and ditches, a Sawn off Shotgun wielding Locust, and more. Kill the Sawn off Locust and pick up his gun if you find him, because later it'll make a rather large fight real easy. To take out the turret, look under his little base and you'll see large Gas Barrels cluttered together. You know what that means...shoot it! Whenever all of the Locusts in this area are dead, a side door on the left will open to reveal two Savage Boomers. Take them out and continue down this ditch into another turret area. You'd think they would put a turret right directly at the door since you're doing so well...but hey, they're locusts. Near the turret is a Gate switch. Pull it to end this rather short chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 4 | | ----------------- | | <T R E N C H R U N> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL24] [OBJECTIVE: Find a way out of the bunker system] Once you hop over the sandbags at the end of this path, get ready to pull a Act 1 Chapter 6 moment: A Gas Barge will drop bombs all around the area, and you will need to make sure you're under cover when that happens. Listen to your teammates also, as they will tell you when to run to the next piece of cover. If you get lost, the Tac/Com will point you in the right direction. [OBJECTIVE: Get to the Gas Barge landing tower] Whew! Go through the raised gate and down the path, meeting a rather large group of Savage Locusts and Tickers here that has a lot of cover. Luckily, so do you. If you don't have a Sawn off Shotgun yet, get it now from the Savage Theron. Whenever they're dead, open the door on the other side of where you came from on the right down a ramp. Surprise, more locusts! And you finally get to see the closest you'll get to a Ticker pet shop! They can't do anything to you however, but the other Locusts sure as hell can. Kill them and move on, and you'll see how those darn Locusts strap explosives to Tickers. If you shoot the Tickers while they're hanging, they will drop on the Locusts underneath them, killing them instantly. After quite a bit of cover hopping, continue on right into....another trap. Remember the Savage Corpser from earlier? It's bacccccccckkkkk! Same strategy applies, and you can use the Sawn off to shoot its butt. It will die after about 2-3 close range shots. After he's dead, a Butcher and 2 Savage Locusts will come through the now opened gate. Go to the right, some ammo and Frags will be off to the right. Hopefully this will fill your Sawn off to full because you'll FINALLY need it once you go up this ladder. Corpser Eggs.....sheesh. One tiny baby corpser will hatch and walk around for a bit, minding its own business. Marcus will tell Cole and Baird to shut up, but the baby will still find you eventually. After he alerts mom, a bunch of its little brothers and sisters will hatch. They don't take much to kill, so kill them with your rifle until Mom shows. [OBJECTIVE: Fight off the Mother's brood] ===========================BOSS: CORPSER (AKA MOM)============================= Oh snap, it's mom! She isn't happy that you've been killing her children so you'll have to fight her to continue on. First thing first: Always aim for her eyes whenever she spreads her legs apart. Whenever one pops, she will scream and go back near the back wall to recover. Unarmored Savage Corpsers will spawn now, but now that you have your Sawn Off they will die in one shot in the face! Repeat this process 4 times, avoiding Mom's giant legs, and she's defeated...somewhat. When you pop her last eye, she will begin to freak out and run everywhere, trashing the place. You still have to get to the gate right on the other side of the room, so try to rush if possible since you're also on a time limit. If she runs into you you'll get downed instantly. Getting out of this hellhole ends the chapter. ===========================BOSS: CORPSER (AKA MOM)============================= +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 5 | | ----------------- | | <H I J A C K> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL25] [OBJECTIVE: Get to the Gas Barge landing tower] NEW ENEMY --------- - Shrieker - Elite Theron (not sure on that) Right away, you'll get shot at by new floating enemies: Shriekers. They look like tiny Gas Barges with guns on the side, and living up to their name they shriek...a lot. They go down almost as quick as tickers do, but they can also dodge your shots a lot better. Take them out and the other locusts, then go forward towards the railing and you'll meet a somewhat new enemy dropped from a Gas Barge. Elite Therons are the Queen's best guards. They mostly carry Torque Bows and Lancers, so close range is a big no-no. Still, they can be taken out just like every other enemy so show them whose planet this is. After killing the first wave of Therons, a gate will open that leads directly into a fork in the road. The right offers barely any cover against the turret, while the left has a Savage Boomer and a chance to sneak around turret guy. Take the left, but before you do turn directly right from the gate and kick down the door for ammo and a Boomshot. Yadda Yadda, kill all of the enemies, the go on and open up the gate at the end of the area. Go to the switch elevator at the end of the path, and go up to meet your new ride to Anvil Gate. [OBJECTIVE: Defend against attacking Gas Barge] Shooting the Gas Barge itself wont damage it for it to come to you, so don't even bother. It will drop 1 to 2 Elite Therons for you to fight each pass until it gets tired and rest. The Therons that drop on the towers carry Lancers, so if you want to be billy bad-ass and chainsaw them, kill one first. It can be very easy to die from the second one from a behind chainsaw attack. Whenever the Gas Barge stops, there will be two Therons on the Barge with Torque Bows. Take them out and climb aboard to finish this chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 6 | | ----------------- | | <A I R B O R N E> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL26] [OBJECTIVE: Rescue Dizzy] Welcome to Gasbag Airlines. As you ride on to Anvil Gate, wait until you get a help call from an old friend: Dizzy Wallin. Go to the turret facing the other two barges and shoot them down. Since they're made of Boomshots, aim above them to get the best result. NEW ENEMY --------- - Reaver when you land where Dizzy is, you'll now have to face off against Elite Therons and Reavers. If you've fought Reavers in Gears of War 2, they are really no different here. Its major weakspot is under its belly, but from where it landed it's practically impossible to hit, so the best thing to do is to hit its face with constant gunfire. Once everything is dead, another cut scene will start. [OBJECTIVE: Defend depot from attacking Locusts] Dizzy will open up a weapons cache containing unlimited ammo, a One Shot, Frags, and a Hammer of Dawn. The HOD is easily one of the strongest crowd killing weapons in the game, while the One Shot is the strongest single killer. Pick both up, and go near the Gas Barge to activate another fight with Elite Therons and Reavers. Personally, I like to use the One Shot on Reavers and save the HOD for later since it's very hard to come by, but if you want to use your HOD now then that's ok. Just remember you can't take the One Shot with you. Go back to the Gas Barge to end this short chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 7 | | ----------------- | | <T O U C H D O W N> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL27] [OBJECTIVE: Eliminate incoming Gas Barges] This chapter requires no strategy at all. Remember the turrets right? Use them to take down the Gas Barges that try to take you down. Reavers are also thrown in the mix, but they can be easily shot down with your Lancer. The only Gas Barge you have to worry about is the one you run into near the end. You don't even have to kill the others! Eventually, Queen Myrrah will come in with her new toy: A Tempest. Don't even try to shoot her as this next part is scripted, but she can still hurt you by a highly damaging beam (Dragonball?). If you can find the console with the pink screen on it, to the right of it is the best spot to crouch. She can't hit you at all. Eventually she'll shoot you down and end Act 2. _ _ ____ /_\ __| |_ |__ / [===========================/ _ \/ _| _| |_ \==============================] /_/ \_\__|\__| |___/ [WAL30] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 1 | | ----------------- | | <U N B R E A K A B L E> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL31] [OBJECTIVE: Defend the Front Gate] Now you'll see why I like to save my weapons between chapters. Go up the steps and follow all around until you get to the Front Gate. You'll find quite a lot of weapons on the way, including a One Shot at the front. A ton of grubs and Reavers will try their damndest to break through. Use the Hammer of Dawn on the little guys, and the One Shot on the Reavers and Grinders. [OBJECTIVE: Defend the Second Gate] After a few minutes a siege beast will destroy the first gate. Retreat back to the second walkway where everyone else is, and pick up your first taste of the Vulcan Cannon. I. LOVE. THIS. GUN. It will turn everything into mincemeat, but it requires two people to operate it and you can't take cover with it, so expect to get shot a lot. After a few minutes Maulers will indefinitely spawn until you let them get the second gate. [OBJECTIVE: Defend the Inner Courtyard] Same song and dance as Gate 2, except Boomers will take the place of Maulers. No matter how many you kill, eventually they will break the door of the garage where you first started the chapter. Once you fight them off long enough, Hoffman and Bernie will tell you of 'Last Resort': Shooting a gas tank near Gate 2 that will completely block off the Locust. Follow your marker and shoot the Gas Tank to end this chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 2 | | ----------------- | | <R E S C U E> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL32] [OBJECTIVE: Rescue Sam and Anya] Another choice of paths moment. The left trigger path involves you and Cole providing cover fire from above, while Dom and Bernie ride the truck near to where Sam and Anya are. The right trigger path is vise versa. Here, I'll describe the right trigger path since it requires more work. The left path only involves staying in cover and picking off enemies with a One Shot. Whenever the truck crashes, go over to where Sam and Anya is and take cover. Take out the locust quick, because in a minute or two a lambent stalk will appear behind you, spawning Drudges. Further down the side of the fort, a second stalk will appear, and even further down the fort, ANOTHER stalk will appear spawning a Lambent Berserker. [OBJECTIVE: Defeat the Lambent Zerker] =============================BOSS: LAMBENT ZERKER============================== Yep. A LAMBENT Berserker. You remember the Berserkers right? If you don't, that is one enemy you did NOT want to screw it. Now it's a lambent version....damn. After the cut scene, don't walk forward. After the car stops moving, run around avoiding the Berserker Charges until Baird mentions the firing sequence has started. Get ready to run because in a few seconds the Hammer of Dawn will come down in your area. Go to the way point on your screen. "Did we fry that bitch?" ~Cole No we didn't. Now we have to fight her on foot. Every time she (yes, she) gets ready to charge you, her ribcage will open up. Get your rifle out and shoot the glowing spot inside her chest, then roll out of the way when she's close. Sometime she'll stop and clutch her chest, and others she'll keep on going. You'll have to do this quite a lot since she has a ton of health. When her health is halfway, she will begin to leak imulsion every time she charges. This hurts you and if you're trapped against a wall you won't be able to get out without damaging yourself. The bigger the cloud of imulsion, the closer she is to death. =============================BOSS: LAMBENT ZERKER============================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 3 | | ----------------- | | <B R E A K N E C K R U N> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL33] [OBJECTIVE: Escort the fuel truck to Mercy] This is another one of those chapters that requires no strategy except to shoot things. You're on the back of a truck with unlimited ammo for the Vulcan Cannon. Throughout this whole chapter, you'll constantly get attacked by Reavers. Everyone once in a while, you'll have to shoot one that lands on the road. After shooting the pipes out of the way, you'll run into Savage Corpsers with a regular Corpser about halfway. Since you have the Vulcan Cannon now, she's no problem for you at all. Revenge is a dish best served cold, right? On the last leg of this chapter, you'll meet Locusts on turrets, mixed in with Savage Corpsers and Reavers. At the end, you'll run into a Brumak. He's the only thing that lies between you and Mercy, are you going to take that? Hell no! Whenever you get close enough, get ready to watch one of the funniest Brumak kills you'll ever see. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 4 | | ----------------- | | <G H O S T T O W N> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL34] [OBJECTIVE: Follow the Pipeline and Investigate the Town] It's quiet...too quiet. Not a good thing. Go inside of the Imulsion station and pick up the Ammo behind the counter. You don't have to worry about any sneak attacks yet, so go forward down the street. However, whenever Sam tells you to stop, stop. To the left of you is a bomb on the pipeline and if it explodes, goodbye Marcus Fenix. When the icon appears, go over to the bomb and press X to deactivate it. Continue down the road, and you'll run into two more bombs one the pipeline. Wonder who could have done this? After the third one, a cut scene will activate. Obviously the crazy old man was the one who set the bombs to prevent it from getting free, but what? Go down the stairs in front of you, and on the right is a scorcher. It'll help a lot for what's to come. Whenever you come out of the Deli, get that scorcher out because you'll need it for what's inside the sewers. You'll come across the old man's dead body, but something obviously killed him (don't worry; it's coming just around the corner). A cut scene will start with a lady in distress in the corner. Marcus will try to help her, but she won't need it.... [OBJECTIVE: Find a way out of the sewer] NEW ENEMY --------- - Lambent Humans the imulsion has not only gone to locusts, but to humans also! This spells big trouble for the human race now doesn't it? Lambent Humans are easy to kill, yet they are highly aggressive and come in very large packs. Use the scorcher to kill the ones that attack you because it slows them down for a second, and since you're in a tight area, they bunch up rather well. "Kill me!" ~Lambent Human Further down in the sewer, more will attack you. Eventually you'll run out of scorcher ammo since there's so many, so pick up the Gnasher you may have passed to replace it. Once they're all FINALLY dead, turn the value to drop the ramp that leads out of this hellhole. [OBJECTIVE: Search for the fuel pump] Once you get outside, you'll see a large building with a Vulcan Cannon on the steps. Pick it up and use it on the second giant wave of Lambent Humans until you run out of ammo. Switch to your Lancer and stand near the door and take out the remaining ones that hop over the sandbags. Whenever they're dead, the stranded at the top balcony will lower the ladders for you. On the balcony the stranded was on is a Retro Lancer. Swap it out with your shotgun. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 5 | | ----------------- | | <B R O T H E R S T O T H E E N D> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL35] [OBJECTIVE: Search for the fuel pump] After the beginning cut scene, more Lambent Humans will attack. The Retro Lancer imo is the best weapon for these things due to its high power and wide spread. On the right of the door is an infinite supply of Retro Lancer and Hammerburst ammo. Continue down the road to another gate you have to open. Finally, you'll get to the church where the fuel pump is. After the cut scene, turn around and get ready for another wave of Lambent Humans. [OBJECTIVE: Regroup at the Gas Station] After that's done and dealt will, go inside of where the first group of Lambent Humans came out of. To the left are boards you'll have to melee/chainsaw to get out. Go right down the path and to the elevator to get back to the imulsion station. Get ready, because you'll be in a large fight right after you regroup with Dizzy and Jace. Down the tunnel, a lot of Locusts and Boomers will spawn, and some will try to climb up where you are. Always try to watch your back just in case. After about 3 minutes of fighting normal Drones and Boomers, Lambent Humans and Drones will appear behind you. If you still have it, use the Retro Lancer for these guys. Now, sit back and watch for what is possibly the most emotional and best cut scene that has every appeared in a Gears of War game. "And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had, I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take, When people run in circles its a very, very....Mad world, mad world" ~ 'Mad World' by Gary Jules _ _ _ _ /_\ __| |_ | | | [==========================/ _ \/ _| _| |_ _|==============================] /_/ \_\__|\__| |_| [WAL40] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 1 | | ----------------- | | <A S H E S T O A S H E S> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL41] [OBJECTIVE: Search for Local Inhabitants] Now you'll see why the stranded are not the biggest fan of COGs. Those ash bodies are what are left of people caught in the Hammer strikes. If you want, you can rush past this first area without worrying about the bodies, but if you want to follow Marcus's comment about showing respect, get a achievement, or unlock a secret weapon stash, don't hold A to walk faster and slowly ease your way around the bodies. Eventually you'll get to where a piano will almost fall on you. Obviously someone doesn't want you there. Down the steps and over the cement cover, a turret trap will be lying in wait for you. It will destroy some of the bodies, but don't fret. As long as YOU don't destroy any of the bodies, you'll get the achievement. Onwards throughout the chapter at various points, the mysterious stranger will let polyps loose on your squad. To handle them, aim at the ground about mid distance. You don't want to risk a stray bullet hitting an ash body while aiming upwards right? When you get to the building, a couple of stranded will fire at you from hidden turrets. You can't shoot back so all you can do is take cover. After a minute, a Lambent Stalk will spawn in the middle with its Drudge and Lambent Drone buddies. Take them out, and then follow your attacker to Griffin's office. If you managed to avoid all of the ash bodies, a cell door on the right of the hallway will open for you, containing unlimited Torque Bow, Boomshot, Incendiary grenades, and a chicken statue with a nice little pirate hat. Take what you want, then follow the rest of the hall to meet Griffin, then go through the small armory to finish this chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 2 | | ----------------- | | <C R A T E R> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL42] [OBJECTIVE: Get to Griffin's Refinery] Onwards to get fuel! Down this road, two lambent stalks will spawn some drones, mutating drudges, polyps, and lambent wretches. On the left side of where they spawn is a path behind the stalks containing frag grenades. You know the deal ladies. As you continue onwards to a set of stairs that goes into a subway, more lambent stalks will spawn. Inside the subway car on the left is a mulcher, which helps a lot for the drudge mutations. Once they're dead, quickly run forward up the steps and into the cave before the entire place falls on you. Finally, you're at your destination after fighting more polyps in the subway, but getting inside is another story. A lambent stalk will appear near the front door, and even after you kill the first set of pods, more will appear. This fight is tough not only because of that, but the pods are at an angle where you may expose yourself to fire and you barely have any cover at all. Adding to it, lambent wretches and drudges will ALWAYS rush you. If you have the Torque Bow, use it now on the pods and drudges until you run out of ammo, then pick up a rifle to replace it if you have the Boomshot also. [OBJECTIVE: Get to the Cable Car] Inside the lobby from where you came in, turn right to find a door with a authorized sign. Inside of the room is a switch to power up the elevators in the lobby. It doesn't matter which one you choose to try, but get ready to get in cover behind the lobby desk across form where you came in. Lambent Humans will spawn from every door in waves. The Boomshot can be useful, but it will be hard to not kill yourself since they're such close range enemies. Eventually more will spawn on both sides of the lobby desk, signaling this is the last wave. Once on the elevator up after pushing the car for counterweight, stand as far back in one of the corners as you can. About halfway up a Gunker will fall on top then crash through right in the middle. If you have your Boomshot still, use that sucker! Don't worry, as long as you're in the corner the Gunker death explosion won't get you. Making it to the top will end this chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 3 | | ----------------- | | <H A N G E M H I G H> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL43] [OBJECTIVE: Disable the safety release] Directly in front of you on the ground is a Cleaver. Don't even bother with it because it is not a good weapon for lambent. Besides, if you go in the empty pool with it to get the incendiary grenade, you're not getting it back. In this first area, a rather small wave of Lambent Humans will attack. On the other side of the area where you came from is a Retro Lancer next to a dead body. You'll need it because the entire way to the Cable Car line is nothing but Lambent Humans. Follow your teammates inside the building, and follow them around fighting Lambent Humans the entire way. Once you make your way to the secure line, melee it if you don't have the regular lancer anymore. After it breaks, a door on the other side of you will open up with even more Lambent Humans. When you escape them you'll end up right back at the Cable Car. How convenient! [OBJECTIVE: Rescue Dizzy] While you were busy getting fuel for Griffin, Queen Myrrah managed to attack his building. Now, he and Dizzy are under fire from more grubs and you'll need to go save them since...it's the right thing to do. Whenever you're on the car going to the first tower, Gas Barges with 3-4 Elite Therons will appear on both sides. Each side has a Theron with a Torque Bow, so those are first priority. Whenever you kill enough, eventually they will fly off and leave you alone until you get to the end. When you get to the end and get inside the tower, it appears all hell has broken loose. Random stranded is dying (you can't save them), and Elite Therons and Shreikers is just tearing the place apart. As usual as you fight up to Dizzy, most are carrying Torque Bows and Lancers which makes close range a bad idea. Too bad you don't have much room to move around eh? After killing the few Therons at the top near Dizzy and Griffin, the chapter ends. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 4 | | ----------------- | | <B A T T E N D O W N T H E H A T C H E S> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL44] Like in Act 2, right away you'll be shot at by Shriekers and Elite Therons with a Boomer and Turret on the left. Take cover on the cover in front of you and handle the Shriekers first. The Boomer is behind the turret, so you won't have to worry about him right this second. Once they're taken care of, handle the turret and Boomer, and then go to the other side of the turret to find more Therons and Boomers. The Boomer is way in the back on the steps leading to the way out, so occasionally he'll take pop shots at you. Take care of the immediate threats near you, and then rush near the hangar door to kill the boomer and move on. This section is pretty straight forward as there are no enemies to kill. In this first hanger, the submarine is clearly unusable, so onwards we go to Hanger #2. Whenever you get outside, to the right of the steps before going across the wooden makeshift bridge is an ammo box. When you get across, an Elite Theron will spot you and release a new enemy for you to fight. NEW ENEMY --------- - Giant Serapede Giant Serepades is one of those monsters that you have to depend on it to attack your teammates to really get a good shot on its weak point. If it attacks you, it hurts like hell, so don't even worry about trying to shoot it until it goes to another teammate and focus on getting away. On the back is a light spot that will break each section of the serapede until it dies. During this fight, two snipers and the Elite Theron will shoot you from high up positions, and another serapede will attack you after the first dies. Well that was fun....go up the ramp and to the left to open the door and end the chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 5 | | ----------------- | | <B O N V O N Y A G E> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL45] Hooray, you've found the submarine, now it needs fuel and a rotor. Another choice of paths moment, but it really doesn't matter which one you choose first since you'll have to do both anyway. [OBJECTIVE: Find fuel for the submarine] The path I chose my first time through. After kicking in the door, follow this path around and as soon as you get in the hanger a turret, a sniper, a few Elite Therons, and a Kantus way in the back will constantly be shooting at you. NEW ENEMY --------- - Kantus Kantus locusts are a returning enemy from Gears of War 2. They will stand in the back of an area usually, shooting with a Gorgon and chucking Ink Grenades. If a Savage Drone or Theron goes down, it can revive them. It takes a few seconds to do it completely, so if you happen to have a lancer on you, chainsawing it now is the best way to kill it. For the Kantus itself, it can't take cover but it can roll to the side like a champ. If you get close to it, its scream can stun you, but it is easier to chainsaw than in Gears of War 2. NEW ENEMY --------- - Bloodmount After that whole shebang, go in the next area right into another onslaught of Elite Therons. A couple will even be riding on Bloodmounts, another Gears of War 2 returning enemy. These things get around by walking on their arms and attack you with their feet. They're pretty fast and aggressive, and an Elite Theron is always riding on their backs. If you follow Sam's advice, to the right of the area is a small garage containing a Silverback. You'll need it because the next area is flooded with Elite Therons, Grenadier Elites, and Two Kantus locust on the ship containing fuel. Take out the aggressive Bloodmounts and their riders first, and then take care of any locust that's on the turret on the ship. Since the Silverback is a huge slow target, the turret can make quick work of you. Use the Silverback to quickly rush over to the switch that moves the ramp to its side, then go on the ship and grind up some locust meat. Once they're dead, go to the little office behind the ship to pull the switch that moves the fuel. After that, a Gas Barge will come by and drop more enemies for you to fight. The Barge can easily take out your Silverback, so use the gun turret on the ship instead, being careful of the rockets it shoots out. Eventually, Reavers and more Bloodmounts will join in the fun. You don't have any cover at all once you're on the turret, and Bloodmounts can easily rush to where you are, so use that Silverback when they do! After that annoying battle, go out of the doors next to the office to get back to the submarine. No, you can't take the Silverback with you :(. [OBJECTIVE: Find the sub rotor] Immediately to your right, you'll see you'll have an unlimited ammo supply. Fill up your weapons, and then go in the next area to fight Wretches and Tickers. The Chainsaw works WONDERS for Wretches, and just meleeing the Tickers then shooting them on the grounds works too. Whenever you kill all of the Wretches and Tickers, the garage doors to the right will open up, revealing more random Locusts and Shriekers. Way in the far end, two are on turrets. You'll also notice that there are carts containing fuel tanks that you can push. After handling the locusts near you, rush over and quickly push the carts down the rail (the turrets can explode the tanks) to destroy each turret. If they happen to get destroyed, you'll either have to borrow a sniper from Jace or Sam, or quickly rush below under the turrets without getting shot to death. The borrowing option sounds better. After going back inside and up the elevator and then back outside, across the port is more Elite Therons, a Boomer on the left, a Grinder on the right, and even more Shriekers. I also wouldn't dare try to chainsaw anything here because at the top of the ship is a Kantus that continually shoots at you from far range, stunning you (I died by a Theron with a Chainsaw here because of that). Take care of the Therons and Shriekers first, and then work on the Grinder on the right next. Finally, kill the Kantus at the top of the ship before working on the Boomer (He's kinda far back). After a few minutes, another Gas Barge across the ship will drop off quite a lot of Therons, but you can handle it right? NEW ENEMY --------- - Mauler Inside of the maintenance bay, Another Kantus will have its ugly self at the top of the area, while two Elite Therons and a Mauler will have the bottom. Maulers are strictly close range Boomers that can't do anything far away. When they do get close, they will swing at you with their lances with an explosive tip. Let's not let that happen, so take him out first. He will try to cover himself with a Boom-Shield, but you can still hit his back and feet. Continue on inside the area killing locusts along the way, and eventually you'll get to the rotor. Yay! Look behind you when you get upstairs for the loader to move this thing, then step on the pressure points to open the hanger doors back outside. You've got to admit Locusts are determined aren't they? A couple of Elite Therons, Grenadiers, Wretches, a Mauler, and a Reaver will attack. Hide the loader behind the first cover you see, then get out and take care of them. FIANNLY, stepping on the last two switches ends the chapter. [OBJECTIVE: Escort the submarine to the water deck] Nah just kidding with ya. In this first area, Elite Therons will attack up top near you, while a Grinder and Boomer will attack down below near Anya and Jace. Kill the Theron and pick up his Torque Bow (you'll need it), and then help out your other teammates without using the Torque yet. Area #2 involves you on the bottom while Anya and Jace are up top. You'll have to deal more Therons and a Boomer will little cover near the door. Effective use of your spotting move can make this section easier that it sounds. Once the bottom crew is dead, head up top, but don't go downstairs yet. Inside the office in front of you are a Vulcan Cannon and a lot of Boomers, Grinders, Therons, and Shriekers down below. Have fun! NEW ENEMY --------- - Armored Kantus going downstairs into the area where the previous locust group came through, you'll get attacked by an Armored Kantus. Get that Torque out and start wailing on him, because regular bullets are ineffective against him. He's mostly fights like a regular Kantus, but he also has a new rolling attack (Anyone up for Sonic 3?). Once he's dead, another Armored Kantus will come in through the back area with an Elite Theron that has a Torque Bow. Maybe asking him politely for more ammo will work this time? Nope! Kill him and the second Armored Kantus, and then be prepared to fight another Armored Kantus helped out by an Elite Theron and two serapedes. There are four doors in this area, and which one an Armored Kantus and a Theron will spawn from appears to be random. When everything is finally dead, go to the value marked on your Tac/Com, and turn it to end this really long ass chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 6 | | ----------------- | | <W A T E R Y G R A V E> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL46] [OBJECTIVE: Travel to Azura] Another on rails segment. If you have a chance to play on a HDTV, check out the scenery. It's nice to look at! Anyway, you're now inside of the submarine from the earlier chapter. To get some practice with your flechette turrets, shoot the boards blocking your path when prompted. Eventually you'll pass through a mine field (they can't hurt you yet), and a sea creature that Dizzy follows. He may seem friendly, but in a second he and his little buddies will attack your sub. If you're familiar with games that has enemy fire notifications (like Halo), the blue marks on your screen tells you which direction they're hitting you from. They'll follow you into a seaweed field, eventually losing them in the dark. Now, you'll have a new threat to worry about: A Leviathan! I'm not sure it can kill you quite yet since I've never died on this part, but always shoot it in the face until you get to another minefield. Shoot every mine you see, and then the Leviathan will chase you inside a cave and get stuck a few times. Every time is does shoot it in the mouth until you escape. Your sea creature friend is back, but he'll get swept up in the current. Whenever the same happens to you, shoot all of the mines that follow you. When you escape, underwater turrets will continually fire torpedoes at you. You'll have to deal with 4 turrets in this area, then after shooting down the door, two more at the end of the tunnel with be there. Once they're destroyed, you'll finish this chapter and Act 4. _ _ ___ /_\ __| |_ | __| [============================/ _ \/ _| _| |__ \==============================] /_/ \_\__|\__| |___/ [WAL50] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 1 | | ----------------- | | <H O M E A W A Y F R O M H O M E> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL51] [OBJECTIVE: Secure the arrival terminal area] Alright, the last act in the game! Now it's time to finally finish this and score a win for humanity. When Dizzy drops you off, go forward and take cover along the bench to see a group of Elite Therons walking across from you. They won't notice you, but since you need to kill them to move on go ahead and do it. When you get near the steps, more Elites will attack along with a wave of wretches and on one guy on a turret. Depending on how close you are to the turret, worry about the other enemies first then take him out. Upstairs are more Elites and a train that comes down the tracks. The train WILL mess you up if you stay out of cover too long because it has two turret users, but luckily at the back is an explosive tank. Shoot it to kill everyone on board, and finally clean up the rest of the enemies running around. [OBJECTIVE: Follow the Maintenance tunnel] Whenever you get to the point where the path goes left and right, the left contains A Silverback, while the right is the way out. Outside is a cave you can go through with a Reaver at the end. Hopefully you took that Silverback with you. Past the Reaver, you'll now get to a beach....in the middle of a hellish rainstorm. From every which way Elite Therons and Boomers will pester you until you get to the other side of the beach, and it's quite the walk for a big slow moving target like yourself. You'll know you're about halfway whenever you duck in a cave from mortar fire. When you get to a dead end, turn around and go back the way you came. A gate will open revealing two Boomers. Now, you're inside the train station. Across the tracks are more Elites, and a train will pass by once. If your Silverback is still kicking, it IS possible to make it down the tracks in this next section before the next train comes, but you'll really have to rush as fast as possible to get there. Across the tracks from where you went to are Elites and Boomers. Follow this linear path all around until you can get around the Elite Therons, but you'll be in the line of sight of the Boomers. I managed to still have my Silverback at this point, but if you don't then take out the Therons first from behind the sandbags. When everyone in this area is dead, the chapter ends. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 2 | | ----------------- | | <B L A C K O U T> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL52] [OBJECTIVE: Find Service ladder] Congrats to anyone who made it this far with the Silverback. Give yourself a pat on the back. Going up the lift at the beginning of the chapter, it will suddenly stop at one of the open floors. Down the hallway with the number 1 on the wall, a wretch will notice you, and then his little wretch buddies will attack you along with a Flame Grenadier. They'll come at you from all four directions, so never turn your back on one direction for long. The #1 path is the way out, but the other paths offer some hidden goodies. [OBJECTIVE: Find Maelstrom Facility] When you fight the 3 Elites going upstairs, this is where the Silverback fun ends. Climb the ladders up into a warehouse of sorts. When you go outside, a Reaver will drop down on the helipad in front of you. Take him out with your Lancer or Torque, the move on to find more Elite Therons waiting for you carrying Lancers and Torque Bows. This area is also dark, so it can be kind of hard to see some of them if you have a low resolution TV. Whenever the Therons are dead, another Reaver will land near you. The best position to fight it is back on the heliport where the first one was. Pick up one of the Torque Bow weapons also. Around this U-turn after the Reaver fight, up ahead is finally the Maelstorm Facility. But will the Locust let you in if they have anything to say about it? Nope! At the front steps are an Armored Kantus, a few Shriekers and a few Therons. Make sure Shriekers are first priority, follow by the Therons and finally the Kantus. The Armored Kantus can't do much at all far range with two gorgon pistols on Normal (he sure as hell can on Insane!). Save him for last. [OBJECTIVE: Locate generator room] Inside once the lift stops, a Theron or two will attack. Whenever they die, a door will open and a Flame Grenadier will also go after you. Go in the room from wince he came to activate a cut scene. This close quarter's hall will spawn 3 Elite Theron and 3 Flame Grenadiers: Two Flame Grenadiers and a Theron will be down this first part, while the rest are around the corner down the hall. At the end of the whole thing is the generator room. It has three switches that you need to pull, and along the way a Flame Grenadier and some Wretches will attack. Don't let a little bit of fire stop you, so pull the easy to find switches, then go inside the office at the other side of the generator room for a cut scene. [OBJECTIVE: Close coolant values] Well, that plan went to hell. Shutting off the generators did nothing, so now you'll have to shut off coolant values. There are five you need to get on 3 different floors in the middle area. Once you get inside, the entire time you'll get swarmed by Elite Therons that are on the floor with you and shooting from different rooms that line this area. To easily find the values, each one has a green light over it, and turns red whenever pulled. On the second floor, an Armored Kantus joins the fight. Near the steps leading to the third floor, a Boomshot lays. You'll need that sucker, because two Armored Kantus will attack you. After the last coolant value is switched, a 1 minute countdown will start. Once you gain control again, roadie run to each waypoint as fast as possible. Don't screw around at all. Getting to the end of this race ends the chapter...after you kill the one Grinder in your way....GRRRIIIIINNNNNNDDDDDDDDDD! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 3 | | ----------------- | | <S H A T T E R E D P A R A D I S E> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL53] [OBJECTIVE: Get to Azura tower] Gearheads, you remember Jack right? Well he's back, and ready to kick ass. Once you get up top, KR-06 will provide cover fire while you fight your way up this winding path. Wretches, Elite Therons, a Grinder and a few Butchers will pester you the whole way, but Jack now has the ability to stun enemies for a short few seconds. The only problem is it appears to be random which enemy he goes after, and the stun won't work on any of the Boomer types. Eventually, you come to a siege beast area that has Elite Therons and a Mauler. Take care of the Mauler first since he's the biggest threat, and then finish up the other guys. Take control of the siege beast and use it to kill off the 3 gas barges that attack you, and then take out the few Elites that come up from behind you. [OBJECTIVE: Locate and destroy the remaining Siege Beast crews] Now inside of a hotel of sorts, down this hallway is a large room with tree in the middle containing...a rather disturbing 'keep out' sign. But it won't work will it? You're Gears! In the area where the tree is, a few spare ammo boxes and a longshot lies in wait. Right outside and to the right is another Siege Beast surrounded by Elite Therons. They don't see you yet, but it's really no use to sneak around. Fight your way around to the Siege Beast, and use it to take out the Dam. At this point, Reavers will attack. Ignore them and just focus on breaking the Dam to end this part. [OBJECTIVE: Eliminate the final Siege Beast crew] Nice Statue. Go around it to pick up a longshot if you want, then head out the door to find a lobby area containing Elite Therons, A Boomer and a Mauler. To the right of this area you'll notice steps leading up to a high up vantage point. Stay here because after this group is dead, another will burst through the doors down the hall in front of you, being lead by two bloodmounts. These are enemies you dont want to be on the same level with at all, so up high is going to be your best bet. Don't forget to pick up the Boomshot on the way out. Outside from where they came, the final Siege Beast awaits! But unfortunately, it's guarded really well by a few elites and two Armored Kantus. Use that Boomshot and Frag Grenades son! Another final group will attack, so kill them first and use the Siege Beast to take out the lone gas barge in front of you, afterwards pushing the Siege Beast off the ledge and ending the chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 4 | | ----------------- | | <T H E R S H O L D> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL54] [OBJECTIVE: Reach the Tower] Yes, Baird actually felt sympathetic for something. Down this large hallway and across the large lobby area is the elevator you need to go up to. At the top, head outside and you'll see an Elite Theron across the lake from you with a Mortar. Not only do you have to REALLY watch for him, but fighting around this path are Elite Therons, 2 Bloodmounts, AND two Armored Kantus near the top. For the Bloodmount, I highly suggest using a Retro Lancer or Sawn Off at close range since it does the most damage and kills it the quickest. If you didn't find a Sawn Off, Baird always has one so trade with him. Your biggest issue is going to be the Mortar, but you can't do a damn thing about it until you get up the path. Use the strongest weapons you can find (and any explosive for the Kantus enemies), and try to kill everything as quickly as you can. Whenever you do get to the Mortar, he only has a Boltok on hand. Go to the door at the front of the building to activate two lambent stalk spawns, one including a Gunker. You have two choices: Staying where you are and fighting off the lambent involves less cover, but a quicker revive from your teammates if you go down. It also has a Mulcher. Going to where the Mortar is involves more cover and a Mortar, and the only way the Gunker can get you is with its Lambent Mortar. It also means your teammates take longer to get to you if you go down. Either way is fine. Take out the Lambent and their spawn pods, and then clean up the stragglers and go to the door to end the chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 5 | | ----------------- | | <A S C E N S I O N> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL55] [OBJECTIVE: Reach the top of the tower] 'Surprise bitches, We Back!' ~Cole Down this hallway, a group of locust will walk across a doorway not noticing you. You're not just gonna sneak past them are you? Take them out! Fight your way upstairs, and when you get there two bloodmounts will attack. There's also a Mortar behind the desk up here, but don't use it yet. When the locust down the upstairs path are dead, about halfway down it a Reaver will bust through the large window in front of you. Rush back behind the desk and grab that Mortar, but don't use it right in cover. There's a good chance the Mortar shell will hit the plank above you and come back to hit you. You only get one shot also, because the Reaver is quick at getting where you are. Whenever he's dead, I would highly suggest picking up a Torque Bow and stocking up, then a Lancer/Hammerburst before going to activate the elevator. Before you can go in however the lambent will attack with 3 stalks and infinite respawning pods. You don't have to kill all of them, just until the elevator gets here. When you ride up, a locust or two will use grappling hooks to get where you are. Those are the only enemies you'll have to worry about as long as you stay in cover. At the top after jumping onto Cole and Baird's elevator (you wont get crushed), you'll run into more locusts while heading up. One of them is a regular Kantus, so take him out first. When you get to the second set of stairs heading up, The Tempest will attack again. Your one and only focus now should be getting upstairs while avoiding the Tempest blasts. Go behind any UNBREAKABLE cover you see in short runs (a.k.a don't be fast and rush upstairs as much as possible, you'll get downed constantly). Take your time with this part and you should be fine. At the top, you'll have to cut 3 cables while avoiding Tempest blasts. I highly recommend the regular lancer, as the chainsaw cuts the cord in one attack. Go into cover after each slice 3 times until the above globe falls down. [OBJECTIVE: Find Adam Fenix] At the top of the elevator is a dark room. Follow Jack to the end, and open the door to find a couple of locusts waiting for the elevator. Little do they know you're right behind them. When Marcus says so, attack them with all your might. Work on the Grinder first obviously, and then focus on the Mauler across the way. Down the long hallway is a turret, but this can easily be avoided by going through the rooms, starting on the first right door and following around. Frag grenades are in the first pair of rooms you see, so use those on the turret at the end. Now, you have to shut off the laser grid. Each room on both sides of you has a switch you need to pull that' guarded, so kill the enemies and pull each switch to open the way to Adam's office. After that huge plot twist, go outside the office and get on the turret. a lambent stalk will spawn at the end, but they should be no match for you on the turret with unlimited ammo. Once everything is dead, head to the elevator on the right to end this chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | C H A P T E R 6 | | ----------------- | | <R E C K O N I N G> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [WAL56] [OBJECTIVE: Secure the rooftop] Alrighty then, are you ready for the final chapter in the game? All of your work has led up to this point, from the Lambent Leviathan to Mercy, it all comes down to this. Getting off the elevator, you'll be right in the middle of a firefight between Elite Therons and Drudges. You don't take sides here, so kill them all! About halfway, Clayton will come by on a King Raven offering support fire from above. ================================BOSS: TEMPEST================================== Once everything is dead, the final fight between you and the Tempest will occur. This asshole is the reason why I may not do an insane difficulty guide, since this is probably the hardest thing I've done in a really long time. Luckily, we're on Normal for now. Right away, get behind cover to avoid the tempest blast. Now it becomes a game of 'Ring around the Rosie'. As you go around the pole avoiding its attacks, constantly shoot it in the mouth to damage it. Eventually it will go down, and now you have to pick up a Hammer of Dawn to hurt it in this state. Drop the hammer on its head until it starts to back off, and it will do a game of 'peek a boo', meaning it will occasionally pop up from below and fire a blast and quickly go under again. After the third time of doing this, it will repeat the first part all over again. When it falls again, Elite Therons will join in the fray with the few Shriekers in between. No matter what, focus fire on the downed Tempest with your Hammer first. If you run out of ammo, ammo boxes around the middle structure and the Hammer of Dawn will occasionally respawn during the fight. After the 3rd Hammer drop, it will start to attack the middle structure. Use your rifle to shoot the glowing spots on its back in order to get it off, and now it becomes a repeat of earlier. At least for me, the next Hammer drop is the final one, and you'll finally beat Gears of war 3! Huzzah! Sit back and relax, and pat yourself on the back. ================================BOSS: TEMPEST================================== 'We finally have a tomorrow' ~Anya _______________________________________________________________________________ S E C T I O N I V __ __ \ \ / /__ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ \ \ /\ / / _ \/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \/ __| \ V V / __/ (_| | |_) | (_) | | | \__ \ \_/\_/ \___|\__,_| .__/ \___/|_| |_|___/ |_| [WEA00] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here we will go over the various weapons you can use in Gears of War 3. The only types of weapons not included are non portable ones, a.k.a turrets. __________________________________ | UNLOCKING EXECUTIONS FOR VERSUS \ ----------------------------------+ In Gears of War 3, the Extended executions has to be unlocked by getting a certain number of kills with that specific weapon. This goes across all versus modes, although they are already unlocked in Campaign. Any weapon that you can select at the start of a match requires 200 kills. This includes: Lancer, Hammerburst, Retro Lancer, Gnasher, and Sawn-Off Shotgun Any weapon that you have to collect from any of the maps or an enemy in campaign require only 40 kills. This includes: Boltok, Gorgon, Longshot, Torque Bow, Boomshot, Digger Launcher, Scorcher, Hammer of Dawn, Mulcher, Mortar, One Shot, and the Butcher Cleaver. The Vulcan Cannon is the only portable weapon in the game that doesn't have an execution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++ | S N U B |[WEA01] +++++++++++ *note: these ratings are out of 5 _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Zoom-In ------------------------------------------------------------- The standard issue COG pistol. By default this is a single shot weapon, but if you want to maximize the strength of this gun, rapidly tap RT to increase the rate of fire. The way this weapon should be used in multiplayer is for getting that one last shot on someone close to death. Want to get that last little bit of damage done on that one annoying Grenadier Elite player that won't go down? Use this. As expected from a pistol like this one, it's the weakest weapon in the game. Unless you're playing campaign or horde where you could pick up ammo boxes, a lot of the time you won't get that much ammo for it online because other people will hardly ever use it. If conservative, you won't ever need to use this gun since you have much better pressuring tools (lancer, hammerburst, retro lancer). +++++++++++++++ | B O L T O K |[WEA02] +++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 1, 3 with perfect reload ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 2, 1 if failed reload ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Zoom-In ------------------------------------------------------------- This thing could be really mean in the right hands. Stronger than the snub but slower than the other two, this is the middle guy of the group. It only holds 6 shots per clip, but it could kill/down any drone or player with 2-3 shots. The active on this gun makes it more powerful AND it shoots faster. It does have faults though. 6 shots isn't a lot, and the accuracy isn't that great because of recoil, so first time users will probably waste ammo a lot. It's clearly the only thing this weapon is good for is pure damage and nothing else. It also suffers from the same problems as all of the pistols: finding a sufficient ammo supply online. (Although it isn't as bad with the Boltok/Gorgon since they have weapon pickups). +++++++++++++++ | G O R G O N |[WEA03] +++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 2, 1 if failed reload ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Zoom-In ------------------------------------------------------------- Formally the Gorgon Burst Pistol in Gears 2 was a 4 shot weapon that was REALLY strong but highly inaccurate and slow. It rarely saw the light of day, and was a bitch to handle under lag. In Gears of war 3, this has changed to a Gorgon SMG. It's still highly powerful but not to the level it was in Gears 2, and probably one of the best pistols in the game for assisting a teammate. Used with a Boom-Shield, this thing is hands down the best pistol to use due to the fact it's fully automatic and can create constant pressure on someone while moving with cover. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++ | L A N C E R |[WEA04] +++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- The overall main weapon of the series, the Lancer is an automatic assault rifle. A lot of the time this will be your weapon of choice in most situations. Surprisingly the accuracy isn't as bad as you would expect it to be, and its one of the best weapons to use against players online and any locust for 2 reasons: Number Uno is the stopping power is great since you have bunch of bullets hitting at once, and number 2 is the melee. Hold B to rev your chainsaw and anything that isn't a Ticker or fatter than a Boomer enemy will instantly die. Sadly, it's not perfect. The chainsaw, whenever you're shot while holding it, will sputter and cause you to not use it for a good 3-5 seconds. This will put you in a REALLY bad spot if your enemies are feeling aggressive. Other than that I can't really say much else on the faults of this gun. If it does have more, the chainsaw one overshadows all of them. It is the weakest of the 3 assault rifles in Gears of War 3. [NOTE] If you rev your chainsaw facing the front of another player who's also holding a lancer, you'll be put into what's called a Chainsaw Duel. Both of the characters will slam their chainsaws against each other in order to overpower the other. Tap B as fast as possible to win. Keep in mind that other enemies can kill you while you're doing this though. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ | H A M M E R B U R S T |[WEA05] +++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Iron Sight ------------------------------------------------------------- Not as fast as the Lancer, but definitely outdoes it in power and accuracy. The stopping power on this gun is incredible, and new to Gears of War 3 is the fact you can actually aim down the sight of this weapon helping out your aiming greatly. Like the snub, if you tap RT quickly you can dish out more locust-made pain at a higher rate. Here's also where one of its main problems comes in (and one of the main reasons I don't use it much): The fact you constantly have to pull the (RT) can make this weapon a chore to handle. Plus, it lacks the other two rifles biggest strength: instant melee power. Although it totally avoids the nasty stun you get for getting shot while trying to melee up close. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | R E T R O L A N C E R |[WEA06] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- New to Gears, the Retro Lancer is a throwback to what the COGS used to have before Tai came around (props to the serious gear head that gets that reference!). Instead of a Chainsaw attachment, it is replaced by a regular bayonet. One thing this thing has over the others is sheer power, even stronger than the hammerburst! On an active reload the amount of time it takes to down an enemy or human player is borderline insanity, and is a REALLY good counter for shotgun rushers. With all of that power, it comes at a huge cost. The kickback of this gun is terrible, so you will need to CONSTANTLY readjust your aim on the enemy so short bursts are needed for this weapon. There's also the fact you lose your quick one hit kill melee attack but gaining another in its place. If you are far enough from your enemy, holding (B) will cause you to charge with the bayonet. If it connects it's an instant kill, but it's hard to aim directly at your intended target. +++++++++++++++++ | G N A S H E R |[WEA07] +++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- People came for the chainsaw, but stayed for the shotgun. This is the most used weapon online, and for good reason too. Its fun, pretty quick, has decent ammo capacity, and (if you're REALLY lucky) can take out a whole team with one clip! Expect to find a lot of ammo from dead players :D. For single player, it could tear any lambent drone to shreds (considering if you're on casual and normal). Like any other shotgun from most games, the power of this thing is pretty much shot if you're far away. If you're playing on insane in single player, getting close is a very bad thing to do so definitely switch this out for something else. Online it's a LOT more improved from the previous games, as it's noticeably much more consistent at gaining kills. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | S A W N O F F S H O T G U N |[WEA08] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- Another new one to Gears, the Sawn-Off is one of those 'high risk, high reward' weapons. Power is in no way shape or form an issue, as ANYTHING up close to you will just get destroyed without even having to aim it. It's highly possible to gain a triple kill at once with this baby online. Now, the 'high risk' part, and man does it have some risks. Everything else about this weapon is BAD. Reload speed, range, accuracy, and the fact you only get one shot before reloading doesn't help at all. The opponent has to be at least 3-4 feet in front of you for it to do any real damage, and god help you if you miss since the reload is SLLLLOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW. You thought the Gnasher sucked on insane? This is even worse. Stay away from it as much as possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++ | L O N G S H O T |[WEA09] +++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Long Distance Zoom-In ------------------------------------------------------------- The sniper of the game, this is a highly accurate gun. It has a longer zoom in than the handguns and is a lot more powerful. 2 body shots (active or not) to a player or one body shot to a locust drone on casual will kill it. For best results, aim for the head for instant high powered death. Now for the bad news: The reload speed on this gun is horrendous. Having only one shot in the chamber, missing an active reload in close range is very bad news for you. Then again you shouldn't even be in close range with the gun. It's strictly a long distance weapon only. +++++++++++++++++++++++ | T O R Q U E B O W |[WEA10] +++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Laser sight ------------------------------------------------------------- This is an explosive mid/long distance weapon. Lacking a scope, it's replaced by a somewhat accurate aiming sight. This weapon will instant-kill any player or drone, no matter where it hits them. It's also the only weapon that can headshot a Boomer without any prior damage done to it, being that its an active reload. Being a bow, you have to hold RT to charge up your shot to full power before it will penetrate an enemy. Although the wait isn't AS long as the Longshot whenever you mess up a reload, it can still put you in a pickle if you mess up a charged shot and you have to reload/charge again. Another thing to look out for is don't be too close to cover when you aim. Even if the aiming reticule shows you aiming past the wall, it's possible the bow can hit the wall beside you and cause you to kill yourself from explosive damage. +++++++++++++++++++ | B O O M S H O T |[WEA11] +++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- The main weapon of a Boomer. A Grenade Launcher at heart, this gun has a larger splash damage area than the torque bow. A pretty much guaranteed kill :). Keep in mind that the shot 'arcs', so you'll have to aim a little higher than your target to actually hit them. This can be a little troubling sometimes. Although it has extra splash damage, I personally don't see any difference in this gun and the Torque Bow in terms of effectiveness. Either one will kill on impact the same way. +++++++++++++++++++ | S C O R C H E R |[WEA12] +++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- Burn Sucka Burn! As it wasn't obvious enough, this is the weapon that shoots fire. It's basically a Gnasher and a Lancer mixed since it's only really effective at close/mid range, yet it fires continuously. It does incredible damage to players (if you hit them head on), taking them out in at least 3-4 seconds. A popular strategy used online is to down a person, then lie in wait until his teammate comes and revives him. 2 locusts with one stone baby! The thing with this weapon is it's very hard to hit a mobile opponent since the flames are extremely slow at going side to side. Plus, ammo can go quick, so you're going to have to very selective on how you use it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | D I G G E R L A U N C H E R |[WEA13] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Replaced with Arc sight ------------------------------------------------------------- You wanted an underground grenade? You got one! The Digger Launcher is a underground mine weapon that can dig under certain cover that your enemy is hiding behind. This is a good alternate to a grenade, since on hit it will kill an opponent. If you manage to hit someone directly with the Digger, it will quite literally eat them inside out before exploding. Alas, it's very easy to see coming since it leaves an obvious trail of dirt flying everywhere and it has a distinctive sound to it. Anyone paying attention can easily dodge it. In a way this can be viewed as a good thing too since the opponent HAS to get out of cover to avoid death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | H A M M E R O F D A W N |[WEA14] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | None ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Replaced with Laser sight ------------------------------------------------------------- For those who've played Unreal Championship on Xbox will probably notice this reverts back to the T.A.G Rifle/Ion Cannon. Sucks the splash damage is nowhere near as devastating. Anyway, this marker is basically the "pointer" for the real weapon, which is in the atmosphere above earth. Another charge weapon, you have to hold RT over where you want to shoot and wait until the laser forms and blows enemies to hell. If you keep it held down, you can add even MORE damage to that stubborn Boomer or Kantus that didn't go down the first hit. Alas, there are a lot of faults with this weapon. One is the laser wont hit anyone inside a building. That's right: Outside only my dear reader! The only way to hit them in a building is if their standing right near a door and the splash damage from outside gets them. Fault #2 is after the first blast, you have to wait for about 5 seconds for the lasers to recharge. The whole 'not being able to pick up ammo for it' thing isn't a problem since the damage more than makes up for it. +++++++++++++++ | M O R T A R |[WEA15] +++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Replaced with Distance meter ------------------------------------------------------------- You'd think a laser beam from the sky would be stronger, but this big mama of a weapon will pretty much demolish anything, even a Brumak in 2 shots! Whoever this thing hits, you won't have to worry about him much at all anymore. How this gun works is you have to hold down LT and RT, just like the torque bow. But unlike the torque bow you can let go anytime and it would still hit at full force. Holding it down just measures how far you want the shot to go out, at max 150m. Like I mentioned above, don't be ridiculous and carry this around in a real match. The blind fire on this gun is terrible, and after shooting off a load in the sky while standing out in the open, you'll get stuck in the reload animation and...well...goodbye to you. Oh, and like the Hammer of Dawn, this is an outside only weapon unless you want to shoot the ceiling and potentially kill yourself. +++++++++++++++++ | M U L C H E R |[WEA16] +++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | None ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- This is the portable turret of the game. You can blind fire it, but it will overheat, so constantly tap that (RB) button to cool it down. The best way to use this monster is to go to low cover and hold (LT). When you want to drop it quickly, just select any weapon you're currently holding using d-pad. This fault goes with both heavy duty weapons: when you're holding them you walk INCREDIBLY slowly. Unless you get surprised and have no choice, it's very dumb to walk around the whole match while holding one of these and will get you killed very quickly. It's worst to do it with the Mortar, and I'll explain why in a bit. Another thing is you have to hold down (RT) for a second to give the barrels time to wind up. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | V U L C A N C A N N O N |[WEA17] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | Ammo Box ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- The Mulcher not quite getting the job done for you? The Vulcan Cannon can easily remedy that. The way it shoots is just like a Mulcher, yet it does WAY more damage. Boomers and other huge enemies don't stand a chance against this mother of a gun. Since it's so fast, the ammo goes QUICK. It requires two people to operate it: One holding the gun, and another with the ammo box constantly tapping (A) to feed ammo into the Vulcan Cannon. Since it is a two person machine, both of you need to go in one direction. You can't split off into a different direction or you may have to deal with a pissed off co-op partner. +++++++++++++++++++ | O N E S H O T |[WEA18] +++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Long Distance Zoom-In ------------------------------------------------------------- If you thought the Longshot was a Danger at long range, then the One Shot would like to have a word with you. Like the Mulcher and Mortar, this is a heavy duty weapon. Whenever you aim with it, it automatically makes you look down the scope and once you get a good lock on an enemy, it will make a beeping noise. Fire whenever it does this and it's an instant kill no matter what. One thing to note is since you automatically aim down the scope, someone rushing you at close range can easily go out of sight. Since you can't switch to another weapon quick like you can with a Longshot, the One Shot can easily get you killed fast in a tight area. In multiplayer, the other player you're aiming at can see a laser sight of where the person holding the One Shot is aiming at. This gives them ample warning to get back behind cover. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + = The longer you stay in the field of effect, the more damage it does +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | B O L O G R E N A D E |[WEA19] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | None ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Replaced with Arc sight ------------------------------------------------------------- The Gears version of a Frag Grenade, luckily Epic Games was kind enough to give you an aiming sight for accurate grenade throwing. Chuck that sucker behind an online camper, and laugh at his attempts to get away before he explodes. Laugh even more if you manage to melee him with it since they will explode after a few seconds, just like a Torque Bow. ...until he can follow you and catch you in the resulting explosion. It can be very easy to kill yourself with this since the grenade bounces. Also be aware of aiming upwards if there's a ceiling above you. It can be VERY easy for the grenade to hit the ceiling and come back at you! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | I N C E N D I A R Y G R E N A D E |[WEA20] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 4+ ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | None ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Replaced with Arc sight ------------------------------------------------------------- A mix of the Bolo Frag and the Ink, the Incendiary grenade can kill instantly if the opponent is nearby the initial explosion, yet it has a lingering effect on the ground for a few seconds afterwards similar to the Ink Grenade. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ | I N K G R E N A D E |[WEA21] +++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | 4+ ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | None ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Replaced with Arc sight ------------------------------------------------------------- The basic idea of an ink grenade is to add additional damage while you mow someone down with gunfire. The burning damage can add up to be really powerful if combined with a Retro or Hammerburst fire. Tagging someone with this wouldn't kill them, but it will down them. It's also funny seeing someone try to run away from the gas cloud even though they can't shake it off. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | S M O K E G R E N A D E |[WEA22] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | None ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | Replaced with Arc sight ------------------------------------------------------------- Only available in multiplayer in your starting weapon set, the smoke grenade is only meant for a distraction. If the opponent is turned another way, throwing this out of sight can disorient them and they can lose track of where you might come from. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++ | B O O M - S H E I L D |[WEA23] +++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | None ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- Like the smoke grenade, this is only used to make your life easier and to not do damage to enemies. For a piece of portable cover, it can take on any hit, even a direct Boomshot...shot! You can only use handguns with it though, but once you get this and a gorgon you can be really hard to take down at times. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | B U T C H E R C L E A V E R |[WEA24] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____________________________________________________________ DAMAGE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RANGE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- ACCURACY | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RATE OF FIRE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- MELEE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- RELOAD SPEED | None ------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE | None ------------------------------------------------------------- This weapon marks the very first time a 'true' melee combat weapon has been introduced in the Gears of War video game series. One swing of this can ruin someone's day since it does a LOT of damage per hit. Like any of the Heavy Duty weapons you move kind of slow, and it's not like you can shoot back at enemies. It is fun on casual difficulty or Casual Horde slicing enemies while you barely take damage at all! _______________________________________________________________________________ S E C T I O N V _____ _ | ____|_ __ ___ _ __ ___ (_) ___ ___ | _| | '_ \ / _ \ '_ ` _ \| |/ _ \/ __| | |___| | | | __/ | | | | | | __/\__ \ |_____|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|_|\___||___/ [ENE00] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COMING SOON] _______________________________________________________________________________ S E C T I O N V I ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ / ___|___ | | | ___ ___| |_(_) |__ | | ___ ___ | | / _ \| | |/ _ \/ __| __| | '_ \| |/ _ \/ __| | |__| (_) | | | __/ (__| |_| | |_) | | __/\__ \ \____\___/|_|_|\___|\___|\__|_|_.__/|_|\___||___/ [COL00] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will describe all of the Collectibles (including COG Tags) in Gears of War 3. Obtaining these will net you the 'Collector', 'Pack Rat', 'Hoarder', and 'Remember the Fallen' achievements. ==================================PROLOUGE===================================== __________ Cog Tag #1 ---------- As soon as you can move, go outside of your cell but DON'T go down the hallway just yet. On the right of you is another cell. Kick open the door to get the first COG tag. ====================================ACT 1====================================== ____________ | CHAPTER 1 \ ------------- ________ 20$ Bill -------- Once you wake up from your sleep, turn left and pick up the $20 bill lying on the table. __________________ Dom's Psych Report ------------------ Going outside your room, go to the room across the hall from yours. It should be lying on a table in the back. ________________ Requisition Form ---------------- Down the hall, pass Dom's room and you should see another room on the left near the steps. The form is lying on the table in here. __________ COG Tag #2 ---------- Once after the battle in the garden (after the Prescott cutscene), in front of you near the ship railing should be a noticeable red COG symbol on a container. Behind that container, look up on the scaffold here and you should see a dead lambent locust just 'hanging out'. Shoot it and he should drop your next COG tag. ____________ | CHAPTER 2 \ ------------- _________________ Silverback Manual ----------------- Whenever you get outside and to the garage that holds the Silverback, look on the left side of garage and you should see it flashing on top of some boxes. ____________ | CHAPTER 3 \ ------------- _______ Journal ------- During the conversation between Baird and Sam about living in a house together, Focus on the left side of the street. Eventually you'll come to a door that you can kick down next to a 'Best Breakfast in Town!' sign. The journal should be lying in plain sight. _____________ Child's Diary ------------- After the Lambent fight in the Playground area, go over to the structure with the slide connected to it. Climb up the back and it should be on the left. ____________ Grocery List ------------ Once inside the Grocery Store, continue on as normal intil the first fight with the Lambent. To the right side, all the way in the back should be checkout counters. One of them should contain the Grocery list. _______ Cog Tag ------- Whenever you kick down the locker with the Loader Mech, go to the right of this area and you should see an open door behind some boxes. Go to the back of the room and it's lying on a table. ____________ | CHAPTER 4 \ ------------- _______________________ Clipping, Times-Tribune ----------------------- Once inside the stranded camp, Follow the woman until you get to the point where you pull your guns out. Directly right should be a blue shipping container. On the other side of it should be another shipping container and the collectible on the other side of that. _______ Cog Tag ------- Directly after coming out of the stranded gate after going through the camp, go left. There should a dock here with a dead body at the end and a COG tag next to it. ____________ | CHAPTER 5 \ ------------- ______________________ Cougars Season Program ---------------------- Whenever you are given the choice of taking the upper or lower path, take the upper one. Down the hall past the metal gate and on the right, this collectible should be behind a counter next to some ammo and grenades. _______________________ Cougars Player Handbook ----------------------- Immediately under the South Gate sign, turn right and you will see a blue vending machine. Beside it lays your collectible. ________________________ Cole's Championship Ring ------------------------ After the Thrashball flashback scene, go forward until you see a UXO sign. Right under it should be a collectible next to a dead body. ____________ | CHAPTER 6 \ ------------- _________________ Toll Booth Tokens ----------------- After the toll booth bridge fight, go to the middle one and look behind it on the right. Hello tokens! _______ Bayonet ------- Once after the gate, look for a open shipping container on the right with a large wooden box in it. Break it with melee attacks and it's lying in plain sight behind it. _______ Cog Tag ------- After the first Locust fight under the destroyed bridge, look left for a Van and a Gear symbol painted on the bridge beam here. In front of it should be a ladder you can climb down. Go down this path and it should be around the small cover here. ________________ Sightseeing Book ---------------- Once you take care of the Mortar Crew and fight down the lower deck, after climbing up the ladder turn right once you get outside. The book ====================================ACT 2====================================== ____________ | CHAPTER 1 \ ------------- ____________________________ Tomatoes: A Beginner's Guide ---------------------------- Once you start the level, go to the container right in front of you. Kick open the door and you will see it flashing on the ground. ___________________ Octus Medal Diploma ------------------- Once you get to the second wide open area, look to the right from a crashed helicopter and 3 shipping containers. Behind them is your collectible next to a broken piece. _____________ Captain's Log ------------- Once after taking care of the Brumak with the Siegebeast, go down the path, staying to the right. It's kinda hard to see, but look up and you should see a wooden box above an area with a Longshot. Shoot it to make the collectible fall to where you are. _______ Cog Tag ------- After the Prescott cutscene, look for a container with the usual gears logo on the side. Behind it is your COG Tag. ____________ | CHAPTER 3 \ ------------- _______ Cog Tag ------- At the beginning of the chapter, take out all 5 guards without them sounding the alarm. A door will open up containing 3 Savage Locusts that shouldn't be a problem to handle. Continue inside, and down the lower path a COG tag should be near an ample supply of ammo and Digger Launchers. ____________ | CHAPTER 4 \ ------------- _____________ Locust Hammer ------------- After avoiding the Bomb rain from the Gas Barge, make a u-turn right once you get to the path leading to the gate. The Locus Hammer should be right behind some boxes. ____________ | CHAPTER 5 \ ------------- ______________ Queen's Symbol -------------- Immediately after the first gate, turn right and you'll see a tower with a door you can kick in. Inside is the Queen's symbol lying next to a Boomshot. ____________ | CHAPTER 6 \ ------------- ________ Manifest -------- After picking up the ammo you need from Dizzy and the locusts destroys the gate, go over to the left of the next area next to a fire. The collectible will be next to a truck. _______ Cog Tag ------- In the same area, go up the steps next to a yellow container and turn right. See the wooden roof building? Inside is your COG tag on the left. ====================================ACT 3====================================== ____________ | CHAPTER 1 \ ------------- _________________ Anvil Gate Plaque ----------------- As the chapter starts, turn around and you'll easily see it on the wall flashing behind you. ___________________ Watercolor Painting ------------------- Where you found the first collectible, go up the right set of stairs. Eventually you'll see a room on the right. It's set up on the wall next to a desk. _____________________ Sam's Father's Medals --------------------- Continue down the same path and you'll come to another room containing a collectible. ____________ | CHAPTER 2 \ ------------- _______ Journal ------- In the area where you fight the Lambent Berserker, look around the circular structure for it. _______ Cog Tag ------- In the same area, walk along the left wall from the door. You should see it behind some drum barrels. ____________ | CHAPTER 4 \ ------------- _____________ Panicked Note ------------- After meeting the crazed old man, go down the steps in front of you. On the right side near the windows, is a note left by the same man next to a scorcher. _______ Cog Tag ------- Inside the Deli, go out the door behind the curved counter, and it should be behind the sandbags in a blood puddle. _______ Message ------- After fighting off the giant wave of Lambent Humans, the stranded will drop down the ladders for you to climb. Climb up the left one, and go down the hallway on your left at the end. ____________ | CHAPTER 5 \ ------------- _____________________ Air Raid Shelter Sign --------------------- When inside the church and going to meet Jace and Dizzy, turn left instead of right when you break the boards. Your collectible is hanging on a wall ====================================ACT 4====================================== ____________ | CHAPTER 1 \ ------------- _______ Cog Tag ------- Whenever you get to the door that requires two people to lift, look over to the left and you will see a building with a Gears logo at the top. Next to the burning barrel is flipped over crate with a dead cog and a cog tag on the inside. ____________ | CHAPTER 2 \ ------------- _______ Journal ------- At the very start, look right for a wooden door and a broken building. Inside of it is your collectible. ____________ | CHAPTER 3 \ ------------- __________ Fuel Order ---------- After fighting off the small Lambent Human horde and going past the swimming pool, stick to the left of the area while going forward. Eventually you'll get to a metal shack on the left and a dead body/collectible on the right. ____________ Old Magazine ------------ Once you get to the roof, you'll come across a room with a burning wall, two couches, and a desk. Next to the couch on the way is, the Old Magazine is lying on the floor on a paper pile. ____________ | CHAPTER 4 \ ------------- _______ Tabloid ------- Whenever you fight the two serapedes, on the right of the lower area is a staircase next to a blue shipping container. Is this little hidden area is Frag Grenades and a collectible. ____________ | CHAPTER 5 \ ------------- _______ Cog Tag ------- On the fuel path after the first locust fight, go across the boat and make a u- turn right. Behind a small stack of boxes and next to an orange container is a COG tag. ________ Bulletin -------- On the rotor path where you meet the Mauler for the first time, to the left of the lower area is a room containing the bulletin next to a wall. _________________ Contractor Report ----------------- When escorting the submarine, in the office with the 1 beside the opening is your collectible next to a pile of ammo boxes. ====================================ACT 5====================================== ____________ | CHAPTER 1 \ ------------- ________ Pamphlet -------- Upstairs at the train platform, look all the way left at the end to find the collectible flashing on the ground. _____________ Assault Plans ------------- Take the Silverback and head down the beach area until you get to the point where you need to go in the cavern to avoid mortar fire. Hang around the left wall until you get to a fenced off area. Kick it down and the collectible should be in the back right corner. ____________ | CHAPTER 2 \ ------------- _______ Cog Tag ------- This one requires that you manage to get the Silverback all the way to the lift at the start of this chapter. When the ambush happens, go down the pathway with the number 3 along the walls. When you see the open area, there is a door that you can't get through without the Silverback. Kick it down and it's on the ground on the right. __________ Schematics ---------- Inside of the Facility after going up the elevator, on the other side of the desk in front of you is a switch. Press it, and to your right a hidden compartment on the wall will open containing your collectible. ____________ | CHAPTER 3 \ ------------- ___________ Money Stack ----------- When you get inside of the building, go down the hall as normal. Before the first right turn however, to the left is a door with a hidden 'X' prompt in front of it on the floor. Press it to find the collectible. _____ Diary ----- After breaking the dam, inside the next building is a white statue. Go up near it, and on one of the couches surrounding is your collectible. _______ Cog Tag ------- In the room right after the white statue, way at the opposite end is another door. In the front of it on your right (the door's left), lying on the ground is a dead body and a COG Tag. ____________ | CHAPTER 4 \ ------------- _____________________ Memorial Announcement --------------------- When Baird is asking you a question going down the hall, directly at the end is a bust (head only statue) of a woman. Go up to it and press X. ____________ Announcement ------------ After going up the elevator and exiting, call the elevator again and the one next to the one you came from will open. The collectible is on the wall in plain sight. ____________ | CHAPTER 5 \ ------------- ________ Brochure -------- Whenever you get to the point where you come off the elevator, instead of going upstairs like normal, continue around heading downstairs. Across the large window is a couch, and to the right behind the pillar is your collectible. _______ Cog Tag ------- After handling the tempest, get off the elevator and head right. Next to a Gears logo in this dark room are some wooden boxes. Destroy them and pick up the final COG tag in the game. ______________ Fenix Research -------------- After rescuing Adam Fenix, turn around and look on the table next to the large telescope to pick up your last collectible in the game! _______________________________________________________________________________ S E C T I O N V I I _ _ _ _ / \ ___| |__ (_) _____ _____ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ ___ / _ \ / __| '_ \| |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __/ __| / ___ \ (__| | | | | __/\ V / __/ | | | | | __/ | | | |_\__ \ /_/ \_\___|_| |_|_|\___| \_/ \___|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|___/ [ACH00] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++ | CAMPAIGN RELATED | ++++++++++++++++++++ .--------------------------------. | 5 G | Marcus, It's Your Father | .--------------------------------. Story Progression in Prologue (Standard or Arcade) .---------------------------------. | 10 G | Swimmin' in Glowie Gravy | .---------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 2 (Standard or Arcade) .-----------------------------. | 10 G | We Struck Gold, Son! | .-----------------------------. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 3 (Standard or Arcade) .------------------------------------. | 10 G | My Turf! Cougars Territory! | .------------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 5 (Standard or Arcade) .-----------------------------------. | 10 G | Putting it Scientifically? | .-----------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 6 (Standard or Arcade) .----------------------------------. | 10 G | Okay, Now We Find Hoffman | .----------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 1 (Standard or Arcade) .----------------------------------. | 10 G | Oh Yeah, It's Pirate Time | .----------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 5 (Standard or Arcade) .-----------------------------------------. | 10 G | Thanks For Flying GasBag Airways | .-----------------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 7 (Standard or Arcade) .---------------------------------. | 10 G | Anvil Gate's Last Resort | .---------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 1 (Standard or Arcade) .-----------------------------. | 10 G | Was it Good For You? | .-----------------------------. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 2 (Standard or Arcade) .---------------------------------------. | 10 G | Lost Your Good Driver Discount | .---------------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 3 (Standard or Arcade) .----------------------------. | 10 G | Brothers to the End | .----------------------------. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 5 (Standard or Arcade) .-----------------------------------. | 10 G | Think You Can Handle That? | .-----------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 3 (Standard or Arcade) .-------------------------------------. | 10 G | Baird's Favorite Kind of Toy | .-------------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 5 (Standard or Arcade) .------------------------------. | 10 G | Welcome To -redacted- | .------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (Standard or Arcade) .--------------------------------------. | 10 G | Look at That, Instant Summer. | .--------------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 2 (Standard or Arcade) .---------------------------------. | 10 G | Ok. Faith. Yeah. Got It. | .---------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (Standard or Arcade) .--------------------------------------. | 10 G | We've Finally Got a Tommorrow | .--------------------------------------. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 6 (Standard or Arcade) [TIP] Just complete campaign as normal. If you're having trouble at a certain chapter, check in the walkthrough for advice that hopefully will help you get past it. --- .-----------------------. | 50 G | Ready for More | .-----------------------. Complete all campaign Acts on Casual or Normal Difficulty (Standard or Arcade) [TIP] Just complete campaign as normal. If you're having trouble at a certain chapter, check in the walkthrough for advice that hopefully will help you get past it. .-----------------------------. | 50 G | Ain't My First Rodeo | .-----------------------------. Complete all campaign Acts on Hardcore Difficulty (Standard or Arcade) [Refer to 'That's Just Crazy' for tips] .--------------------------. | 75 G | That's Just Crazy | .--------------------------. Complete all campaign Acts on Insane Difficulty (Standard or Arcade) [TIP] Hardcore and Insane are your 'Hard' and 'Very Hard' difficulties of Gears of War 3. Both are similar in tactics, just note that Insane you take a rather big difference of damage compared to any of the lower difficulties, so you will need to stay in cover a LOT more and pop out to shoot periodically. * For Hardcore and Insane, Long distance is the best distance. In a close range fight with a Locust drone, they can easily melee or shoot you down in 1 hit, so stay at long range as much as possible and definitely drop your shotgun for a rifle. * To add to the above, the Lancer is the best weapon to use on Insane due to its high ammo count, good speed, and one hit kill attack at close range. The Hammerburst is also good for longer range shooting, plus you'll find ammo for it more. The Retro Lancer is more for mid-close range encounters, so you probably wont use it as much as the other two. * I warn you, there are 3 parts that is just pure unfair on Hardcore/Insane and can be extremely frustrating solo: The beginning of Act 1 Chapter 6, the first encounter with the Armored Kantus on Act 4 Chapter 5, and the final fight. I VERY HIGHLY suggest getting 4 people co-op and doing arcade mode with easy mutators active. They take a while to unlock, but it's seriously worth it. +++++++++++++++ | MULTIPLAYER | +++++++++++++++ .----------------------------------. | 0 G | Welcome to the Big Leagues | .----------------------------------. Demonstrate your skill in Casual Versus multiplayer. [TIP] Just play a match in Casual Versus multiplayer. .-------------------------------. | 10 G | Wait, What Time is it? | .-------------------------------. Earn the maximum Consecutive Match Bonus in Versus multiplayer (Standard or Casual) [TIP] To gain this achievement, you have to play a certain amount of matches in Versus in a row. You can switch gametypes, but you can't go to Horde, Campaign, or Beast. I'm not sure if that this can also be done in private matches with bots. .-----------------. | 50 G | Lambency | .-----------------. Execute an Epic employee, or someone who already has Lambency, in Versus multiplayer (any mode) [TIP] A viral achievement, meaning you have to EXECUTE (not just shoot) someone who works for Epic Games or EXECUTE someone who has. The easiest way is to use the Lancer Chainsaw randomly until you get it, since there's no way to tell which is which. .------------------. | 70 G | Socialite | .------------------. Earn the Onyx "War Supporter" medal [TIP] Participate in 30 Events. Check the Event Calendar on the main menu daily to see what even is being hosted, and make sure you play in that event at least once. .--------------------------. | 10 G | Welcome to Versus | .--------------------------. Kill 10 enemies in Team Deathmatch (Standard or Casual) [TIP] This can only be done in Versus mode online. Since you're fighting actual people, there is no 'easy' way of going about this. 10 kills should come in no time however since it's not really a lot. .-----------------------------------. | 10 G | The Versus Sampler Platter | .-----------------------------------. Complete one match of all six Versus game modes (Standard or Casual) [TIP] Another online only achievement. Play at least one match in Team Deathmatch, Wingman, Warzone, Execution, Capture the Leader and King of the Hill. +++++++++ | Co-Op | +++++++++ .------------------------. | 50 G | My Fellow Gears | .------------------------. Complete all Campaign Acts in Co-op (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade) [Refer to 'We Few, We Happy Few...' for tips] .---------------------------------. | 50 G | We Few, We Happy Few... | .---------------------------------. Complete all Campaign Acts in 4 Player Co-op (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade) [TIP] What these 2 achievements require is you that you go through the entire campaign with a friend (or friends). These achievements stack, meaning that you can do 'We Few, We Happy Few...' and still obtain 'My Fellow Gears' so it's best to get a 4 player session going at the start. ++++++++++++++++++++++ | Arcade/Beast/Horde | ++++++++++++++++++++++ .-------------------------------. | 10 G | Welcome to Arcade Mode | .-------------------------------. Complete 5 Arcade Campaign chapters in co-op (any difficulty) [TIP] Just do the Prologue all the way to Chapter 4 in Act 1 with a friend. It can be either online or local. .------------------------------. | 10 G | Welcome to Beast Mode | .------------------------------. Survive all 12 waves of Beast mode (any difficulty, any map) [TIP] Not really time consuming, but you can't heal on your own (depends on the creature) and you have to deal with defenses by the Humans. *Once again, get a full room of people to help out on Casual. The humans die relatively easy early on if you know to work together. *Have someone be the designated Kantus type if they have gained enough experience. The Kantus is the only creature that can heal other enemies so he is essential for waves 6-12. *Watch out for when the Heroes start to show up a lot. They are smarter than the stranded, and have much better defenses on guard and dodge more. The worse ones to fight are Prescott and his Guards on the final wave since they can carry Vulcan Cannons and One-Shots *Berserker = Win. Only one is allowed, but any attack it does can clear defenses out like *snaps fingers 3 times* that! If you have a Berserker on your team, have him destroy all of the defenses while you go after the humans. .------------------------------. | 10 G | Welcome to Horde Mode | .------------------------------. Survive the first 10 waves of Horde mode (any difficulty, any map) [TIP] Extremely easy. If you have a group of friends, this can easily be done with 3 to 5 people on casual difficulty. .-------------------------------. | 10 G | Enriched and Fortified | .-------------------------------. Complete all 50 waves of Horde mode (any difficulty, any map) [TIP] Time consuming, but not mind numbingly hard to gain. This requires you to complete every single wave of Horde. *Get 4 other people to help on Casual. 5 is much better than one after all, and on casual enemies die really quick on the earlier waves. *Pick a map that has a good cover for you to make a stand on the later waves. My personal choices are Overpass, Sandbar and Thrashball. On Overpass, the steps in the middle of the map that leads up high only have one way up so enemies can easily funnel right into your defenses, the only problem being enemies that can shoot you from long range. Thrashball has only 2 entryways to the up top area, so having two guys watch each side is a good strategy. Sandbar is a HUGE map, and going to the middle area where the Scorcher spawns offers the best cover. *Every 10th wave brings something new to Horde mode: Bosses. Bosses from the main story are mixed in with the normal enemies. They can range from Savage Corpsers, Reavers, A Group of Gunkers, Lambent Berserkers, regular Berserkers, and even a Brumak! *The most annoying bosses to deal with is any Berserker type because of 3 reasons: One is because they don't die fast at all from far range, so it's much better to take them on close range. Two is the fact since they put you down in one hit, having you and their large body in a small area is suicide. So whenever they go through your defenses (and they will) you need to run out of your safezone. And finally, three is the fact that running out can easily get you killed by the various Grinders and Maulers that lie in wait to pick you off. *If you die on a boss wave a certain number of times, the bosses may switch to something else. For example, if you find the berserkers too frustrating to deal with, die and restart the wave until you can get a boss you can easily deal with. * Hopefully one of you has a Silverback. This thing is quite essential for boss waves. .----------------------------------. | 10 G | Wreaking Locust Vengeance | .----------------------------------. Get a kill with every Locust monster in Beast mode (any difficulty) [TIP] Get a kill with every locust type in Beast mode. Even on casual, this is hard because of the fact you can die so easily with the earlier types. ++++++++++++++++ | Collectibles | ++++++++++++++++ .-----------------. | 5 G | Collector | .-----------------. Recover 5 Campaign Collectibles (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade) [Refer to Collectibles section] .-----------------. | 10 G | Pack Rat | .-----------------. Recover 20 Campaign Collectibles (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade) [Refer to Collectibles section] .----------------. | 15 G | Hoarder | .----------------. Recover all 42 Campaign Collectibles (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade) [Refer to Collectibles section] .----------------------------. | 15 G | Remember The Fallen | .----------------------------. Recover all 15 COG Tags during the Campaign (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade) [Refer to Collectibles section] ++++++++++ | Others | ++++++++++ .---------------. | 5 G | Level 5 | .---------------. Reach level 5 [Refer to 'Seriously 3.0' for tips] .-----------------. | 10 G | Level 10 | .-----------------. Reach level 10 [Refer to 'Seriously 3.0' for tips] .-----------------. | 15 G | Level 15 | .-----------------. Reach level 15 [Refer to 'Seriously 3.0' for tips] .----------------. | 25 G |Level 25 | .----------------. Reach level 25 [Refer to 'Seriously 3.0' for tips] .-----------------. | 50 G | Level 50 | .-----------------. Reach level 50 [Refer to 'Seriously 3.0' for tips] .------------------------------------. | 10 G | Judge, Jury and Executioner | .------------------------------------. Get a kill with every possible execution finishing move (any mode) [TIP] This achievement requires you get EVERY execution possible in the game. Below is a list of executions available. - Curb Stomp (Tap Y) - Lancer Chainsaw (Hold B) - Retro Lancer Bayonet (gain some distance, then hold B) - Neck Snap (Tap X for meatshield, then tap X again) HOLD Y ------ - Face Bash (Human, Snub/Grenade) - Arm Rip (Locust, Snub/Grenade) - Shield Bash (Boomshield) - Lancer - Retro Lancer - Hammerburst - Gnasher - Sawn-Off - Boltok - Gorgon - Torque Bow - Longshot - Boomshot - Digger Launcer - Scorcher - Hammer of Dawn - OneShot - Mulcher - Mortar - Cleaver It's best to do these in campaign mode (except the Arm Rip obviously), as it will take a while to unlock them in Versus. .---------------------------------. | 25 G | It's All About the Loot! | .---------------------------------. Earn the Bronze "Loot Courtesan" medal [TIP] What this means is you have to complete 10 horde challenges. In Horde, you gain a specific Bonus challenge every certain number of waves. They can range from gaining a certain number of headshots, shooting the gas tanks on a flame grenadier, or getting 6 kills with a Lancer Chainsaw/Retro Bayonet Charge. The easiest way is to play with a group of friends on Casual mode, and work together on the same goal instead of leaving it to one person. .---------------------------------. | 10 G | All for One, One for All | .---------------------------------. Earn the Bronze "Force Multiplier" medal [TIP] In Arcade mode, whenever you gain a certain amount of points in a row, you'll see in the top left corner a 'multiplier' bar. Get this up to 10x multiplier TEN times on different chapters (or repeat the same one), and you should get the achievement. * Here is a video link to the strategy I used for this achievement, uploaded by NikkeSWE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1H2XjxA0do .---------------------------. | 25 G | First Among Equals | .---------------------------. Earn the Silver "Number 1" medal [TIP] Gain the highest amounts of points in a Campaign Arcade session 60 times. This can easily be boosted with a second controller. Just let it sit idle while you kill everything. .------------------------------. | 25 G | Award Winning Tactics | .------------------------------. Earn at least one Onyx medal [TIP] New to Gears of War, medals are basically mini-achievements for doing various actions over and over again. The Onyx rank is the highest (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Onyx). All you need is one Onyx medal to get the achievement. Although it's tough as hell, the one that will take the shortest amount of time is beating campaign on Insane. .-----------------------. | 100 G | Seriously 3.0 | .-----------------------. Reach level 100 and earn every Onyx medal [TIP] Alright, here's the big one here. A LOT of time and effort is gonna go into this as you have to max out EVERY medal in the game. Also, you have to reach level 100 by doing well in Versus, Arcade, Horde, and Beast. Some medals you'll get overtime, others you will have to grind a LOT with AI bots in local multiplayer if you want the easiest way, and finally there are some that have to play against other players to get. Hope you like Gears of War 3 enough to play for months! .----------------------------. | 5 G | Respect for the Dead | .----------------------------. Your respect for the dead earned you access to Griffin's special weapons stash [TIP] During Act 4 Chapter 1, you'll notice that various people has been turned to ashes. Get through this section without shooting or touching the ash people and you will unlock the achievement. _______________________________________________________________________________ S E C T I O N V I I I _____ _ | ____|_ _| |_ _ __ __ _ ___ | _| \ \/ / __| '__/ _` / __| | |___ > <| |_| | | (_| \__ \ |_____/_/\_\\__|_| \__,_|___/ [EXT00] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________ | WEAPON SKINS UNLOCK LIST \ ---------------------------+ This will describe all of the unlockable customizable skins for your starting weapons in Gears of War 3. DLC items are not included since not everyone has Xbox Live. ____________ GOLD WEAPONS ------------ GOLD LANCER Have the Gold Lancer from Gears of War 2, or play a multiplayer match of Gears of War 3 in the first week GOLD HAMMERBURST Have the Gold Hammerburst from Gears of War 2, or play a multiplayer match of Gears of War 3 in the first week GOLD RETRO LANCER Unlocked in Gears of War 3 beta for getting 100 kills with the Gold Retro Lancer GOLD GNASHER Unlock the Veteran Gear achievement in Gears of War 2 GOLD SAWED-OFF Unlock the Commando achievement in Gears of War 1 GOLD OMEN WEAPON SET Reach level 100 ______________ CHROME WEAPONS -------------- CHROME LANCER Earn 'Don't Hate The Player' achievement in Gears of War 1 CHROME HAMMERBURST Earn 'Dirty, Dirty Horde' achievement in Gears of War 2 CHROME RETRO LANCER Earn 'Domination' achievement in Gears of War CHROME GNASHER SHOTGUN Complete the campaign in all three Gears of War games CHROME SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN Earn 1 achievement from Gears of War 1 PC _____________ FLAME WEAPONS ------------- FLAMING LANCER Unlocked for playing in the second week of the Gears of War 3 beta FLAMING HAMMERBURST Unlocked for playing in the first week of the Gears of War 3 beta FLAMING GNASHER Unlocked for playing in the fourth week of the Gears of War 3 beta FLAMING SAWED-OFF Unlocked for playing in the third week of the Gears of War 3 beta ____________________ CRIMSON OMEN WEAPONS -------------------- CRIMSON OMEN HAMMERBURST Earn 'Welcome to Beast Mode' achievement in Gears of War 3 CRIMSON OMEN RETRO LANCER Earn 'Welcome to Horde Mode' achievement in Gears of War 3 CRIMSON OMEN GNASHER Earn 'Welcome to Versus' achievement in Gears of War 3 CRIMSON OMEN SAWED-OFF Earn 'Welcome to Arcade Mode' achievement in Gears of War 3 _____________________ TEAM INSIGNIA WEAPONS --------------------- TEAM INSIGNIA RETRO LANCER Earn Bronze Veteran medal in Gears of War 3 TEAM INSIGNIA LANCER Earn Silver Veteran medal in Gears of War 3 (Play 250 multiplayer matches) TEAM INSIGNIA HAMMERBURST Earn Gold Veteran medal in Gears of War 3 TEAM INSIGNIA SHOTGUN SET Earn Onyx Veteran medal in Gears of War 3 ____________ ONYX WEAPONS ------------ ONYX LANCER Earn Onyx Lancer medal in Gears of War 3 ONYX HAMMERBURST Earn Onyx Hammerburst medal in Gears of War 3 ONYX RETRO LANCER Earn Onyx Retro Lancer medal in Gears of War 3 ONYX GNASHER Earn Onyx Gnasher medal in Gears of War 3 ONYX SAWED-OFF Earn Onyx Sawed-Off medal in Gears of War 3 ________________________ | CHARACTER UNLOCK LIST \ ------------------------+ This will describe all of the unlockable Characters for multiplayer in Gears of War 3. ______ HUMANS ------ COG GEAR Reach level 2 SAMANTHA BYRNE Reach level 4 DIZZY WALLIN Reach level 7 JACE STRATTON Reach level 10 CLAYTON CARMINE Reach level 14 CLASSIC DOM Reach level 17 CLASSIC COLE Reach level 23 CLASSIC BAIRD Reach level 30 BENJAMIN CARMINE Reach level 34 CIVILIAN ANYA Reach level 45 COLONEL HOFFMAN Reach level 50 ANTHONY CARMINE Reach level 75 CLASSIC MARCUS Earn Silver 'Veteran' medal SUPERSTAR COLE Earn Gold 'MVP' medal GOLDEN GEAR Earn Bronze 'War Supporter' medal CHAIRMAN PRESCOTT Earn Silver 'Allfathers' medal UNARMORED MARCUS Finish the campaign AARON GRIFFIN Earn the onyx Big Money medal, or like the Gears of War 3 facebook page before launch and download a code. COLE TRAIN Played 100 matches in the "Gears of War 3" beta ____________ LOCUST HORDE ------------ MINER Reach level 3 BEAST RIDER Reach level 5 HUNTER Reach level 8 THERON GUARD Reach level 12 SPOTTER Reach level 20 FLAME GRENADIER Reach level 26 GRENADIER Reach level 39 HUNTER ELITE Reach level 60 GOLDEN MINER Earn the Gold 'Rifleman' medal GOLDEN HUNTER Earn the Gold 'Master-at-Arms' medal SNIPER Earn the Bronze 'Headshot' medal KANTUS Earn the Gold 'Medic' medal SAVAGE THERON GUARD Complete 12 waves of Beast, all difficulties. ______________ | EASTER EGGS \ --------------+ Hidden in Gears of War 3 are certain Easter Eggs, aka little humorous things meant to be there for humor or nods to other things from the past games. ________________ Anthony/Benjamin ---------------- - Act 1, Prolouge Not much of an egg, but if you manage to use your Tac/Com to look at the other soldiers with you and Dom, you'll see that they are the fan favorite Carmine brothers whom died in Gears of War 1(Anthony, the original) and 2 (Benjamin). ______________________ Golden Lambent Chicken ---------------------- - Act 1, Chapter 1 whenever you talk to Prescott and fight off the lambent that attacks afterward, on the left area you'll see two pipes. Look down both of them until Marcus says 'Helllooooooo'. Under the above walkway across from you are two more pipes. Do the same thing to these two, and a chicken will hop out. Shoot it enough with your rifle and it will suddenly grow larger than you and breathe fire! Killing it in Arcade mode wields almost a 3x Multiplier! _______________________________ Cole's Hat/Gears of War 2 quote ------------------------------- - Act 1, Chapter 3 inside the shopping center, go behind the counters on the right around the corner form the first Lambent fight. On the bench should a special hat only Cole can wear backwards or forwards. Right next to it is a standee of Cole promoting 'Thrashies' cereal that you can press. Press it enough times though, and you'll hear the quote of Cole trash talking the Locust Queen from Gears of War 2! __________ Ticker Pit ---------- - Act 2, Chapter 2 whenever everyone is dead at the Ticker 'pet store', to the right of the area a light will come on in a window. Go up to it and press (X) to watch a couple of Drones chillin' and watching two wild tickers fight in a pit. The first rule of fight club.... ________________ Sawn Off Chicken ---------------- - Act 4, Chapter 1 - Insane Difficulty You don't have to worry about the bodies here. Go onwards until you get pass the first machine gun trap. Go around and on the left you'll see a building with some red writing on the wall. Look through the window on the left and you can barely see the edge of a COG helmet sticking out. Shoot it with whatever you want (I suggest using the Longshot from Jace or Sam), and around the front a hidden door will open. Kick it down and inside you'll find a Hammer of Dawn and an Arcade machine you'll have to kick 3 times. When it starts up, you'll now have control of a chicken wearing a COG helmet and two Sawn Off shotguns on the side....let me repeat that: A chicken, wearing a COG helmet, holding two Sawn Off shotguns. You only get to play for a few seconds however. _________ Cluckshot --------- - Act 4, Chapters 1 through 3 - Insane Difficulty this one is the hardest of the lot, since you actually have to fight enemies on insane. > Step 1 < Avoid the ash bodies until you get to Griffin's first tower. A room will open containing Torque Bows, Boomshots, and a chicken statue with a pirate hat. Press (X) on it for it to explode in flowers > Step 2 < In Chapter 2, near the beginning you'll see an ammo box on top of a car. Go up near it to make it fall over the edge. > Step 3 < Still in Chapter 2, whenever you get to the subway area before the big fight in front of the second tower, look left on the broken train tracks to see another ammo box. Go to it for it to fall over. > Final Step < In Chapter 3, clear out the wave of Lambent Humans outside, then go around until you see another ammo box on top of some stacked barrels. Kick them over, and then the pirate chicken from earlier will carry up an ammo box shaped like a Chicken. After a few seconds it will poop out 4 'cluckshots' that you can use. Other than the fact it shoots out chickens instead, it's no different from a regular Boomshot. ______________ Dancing Wretch -------------- - Versus - Map: Checkout if you're doing this alone without a second controller (like me), I suggest going to King of the Hill with one casual bot and starting with the Hammerburst, set on the highest score count. I would also suggest being on the COG team. > Step 1 < On the left wall in the Home Goods spawn (COG) is a fire alarm that you can press. Whenever you do, the alarm will go off. > Step 2 < Go right and head into the electronics section. A door with a box behind it will be there. Shoot the box open and you'll find an extinguisher on the ground. Pick it up. > Step 3 < Head around the right into the Pharmacy spawn (Locust), and in the back is a fire alarm switch on fire. Use you extinguisher to put it out (it takes a while). Outside the metal bars a cart will roll by with a Red top hat. Shoot it with your Hammberburst until it explodes. > Step 4 < Carry your extinguisher around to the pair of windows on the right outside of this spawn. Stand in front of the left one and aim into it in order for another Red Hat to appear. This one if tough to hit through the tiny crack in the window without a accurate gun like a hammberburst. Shoot it until it explodes again. > Step 5 < Head into the checkout area, and a truck will catch on fire. Use your extinguisher again to put the fire out. Your character will make a comment about 'Throwing Smoke'. > Step 6 < Still hanging on to that extinguisher? Go across to the right of your spawn into the bathroom. In the ceiling you'll notice Griffin's cane is hanging down. Shoot it until it bleeds and retreats back up. > Final Step < Go into the Electronics area again and look for a microwave on fire on the left of the door in the back. Put it out, and a smoke grenade will go off behind the doors. Look inside of the window and you'll see a Wretch wearing a top hat and cane dancing to some old time music! __________ Crying Dom ---------- - Versus - Map: Mercy same settings as above, but starting weapons doesn't matter. Play on this map as normal, and then head inside the church and go up to where the boomshot and bigger launcher spawn once you hear the church bells play (should start around 6 minutes in). On top of the altar, a picture of Dom and his wife Maria will appear. Shoot it and you'll hear Dom crying, taken from Gears of War 2. _______________________________________________________________________________ S E C T I O N V I I I _____ _ _ | ___(_)_ __ __ _| | ___ | |_ | | '_ \ / _` | |/ _ \ | _| | | | | | (_| | | __/ |_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|_|\___| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooooooooooooo, man that was a tough one! For my very first full on guide I didn't think I would make it through. First I would like to get out of the way the thank you for anyone involved in this FAQ - Gamefaqs for hosting the first and most updated version of this guide - Epic Games/Cliff Blenzinki for creating Gears of War 3 and the Unreal Tournament series - Ice-T, Carlos Ferro, and Fred Tatasciore for voicing my favorite characters: Griffin, Dom, and Tai - http://network-science.de/ascii/ for the ASCII art - The Readers - Omegamustard here on Gamefaqs for his helpful Collectible/Achievement guide - Gary Jules for 'Mad World': Listening to the same song since Donnie Darko and Gears of War 1. - Karen Travis for the Gears of War Novels and Script of Gears of War 3. SUGGESTIONS? ------------ Am I missing something you guys would like to see? Multiplayer, Beast Mode, Horde, etc? Send in those suggestions and I'll see what I can do!