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FAQ/Strategy Guide

by tgfcoder

                      _______   ______  __    ________________
                     / ____/ | / / __ \/ /   / ____/ ___/ ___/
                    / __/ /  |/ / / / / /   / __/  \__ \\__ \    _/\_ 
                   / /___/ /|  / /_/ / /___/ /___ ___/ /__/ /  ,  ||  .
                  /_____/_/ |_/_____/_____/_____//____/____/  <===++===>
                  __  ___________  _   ______________  ________` _||_ `
                 /  |/  /  _/ __ \/ | / /  _/ ____/ / / /_  __/   ||
                / /|_/ // // / / /  |/ // // / __/ /_/ / / /      ||
               / /  / // // /_/ / /|  // // /_/ / __  / / /    __,||.__
              /_/  /_/___/_____/_/ |_/___/\____/_/ /_/ /_/    [________]

                              --- ZOMBIE SWARM ---

                               Official FAQ (v1.0)

                           Jordan Trudgett (tgfcoder)

|  TABLE OF CONTENTS                                        Quick Find Code   |
| 1  Intro / About  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTR        |
| 2  Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTRL        |
| 3  How to Play  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLAY        |
| 4  Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GUNS        |
| 5  Types of Zombies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TYPE        |
| 6  Game Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MODE        |
| 7  Medals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEDL        |
| 8  Contact  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONT        |


Hey! So you're reading the FAQ for my game! Sweet. I hope you've purchased (or
otherwise obtained a legit copy) of Endless Midnight: Zombie Swarm and I hope
you're having a lot of fun with it. I started working on this game in early
February and it was published in early May. I'm a full time student so the
little bits of spare time I get here and there are all I have to put into my
indie mini-games. But I hope you like playing it as much as I enjoyed making

Endless Midnight: Zombie Swarm is an Xbox Live Indie Game that retails for
80 Microsoft Points ($1 USD.)

Firstly: you will want to make sure that your television or display brightness
is not too low. Endless Midnight may look too dark on some screens. If this is
a problem, please adjust your display until everything is visible enough.

== Copyright and Usage ==

This FAQ may be freely distributed and displayed (including on any website)
as long as it is a verbatim copy, including this notice. If you're not sure,
or would like permission to publish this FAQ for commercial purposes, send me
an e-mail (see Contact section at the end of this file.)


Endless Midnight uses pretty simple dual-stick shooter controls. They are as

 - Left analog stick: Movement
 - Right analog stick: Pull out weapon and aim
 - Right trigger: Shoot
 - A: Select/Buy
 - Start: Close Intermission/Pause Menu


Aiming brings up your gun, ready to shoot, but also slows you down. You will
need to put it away to escape from faster zombies. When you shoot and kill 
zombies, you will be awarded money according to the health of the zombie, and
your accuracy. If you shoot them right between the eyes, you will score a
critical hit (a headshot) and a shockwave and a ricochet sound will indicate
this. You get extra money for pulling off headshots, which means you should
try to pull this off if you find yourself strapped for cash in later rounds
(where headshots are generally not possible with the amount of zombies and the
speed at which they run.)

Zombies will come at you from all directions and try to rip you to shreds. Aim
at them and fire your gun at them to stop them in their tracks. Aiming may take
a little while to get used to, but you can practice on the earlier rounds to
get it right. With enough practice, you should be able to pull off ironsight
headshots--that is, without a laser sight. Practice with a laser sight first
so you get the feel for where the gun is aiming. Later, you will be better off
saving your money for firepower upgrades, etc.

The golden rule of survival is: DON'T GET MOBBED. If you get trapped even for
a small amount of time, and zombie after zombie starts piling up on you, you
will NOT be able to escape and it's game over. Blast away zombies in your way,
figure out a good path beforehand and stick to it.

== Typical game strategy ==

Generally you will want to avoid zombies as much as possible. To do this, put
away your weapon so you can run faster. Run around the edges if possible and
circle the zombies to herd them into a group. At opportune times, blast them
away, from the edges of the group inwards. Shoot zombies that are in your path
first so they don't stop you causing you to get mobbed.

Depending on your gun, and whether a boss is present, you may need to change
it up a bit. For example, shotguns are great at blasting groups up close and
personal. A magnum is perfect for lining up shots but terrible at mobs due to
its slow fire rate.

For bosses, you would be best off killing the regular zombies that come out
while avoiding the boss. They are only going to get in you way and get you
trapped. Once they're out of your way it's a fairly simple one-on-one fight to
the death. The reason you don't want to get trapped at all in a boss fight is
because bosses will kill you much faster than any other zombie which quickly
leads to death or a lot of money wasted on medkits.

== Intermission ==

Between each wave you get an intermission screen where you may spend your hard
earned cash. There are usually 4 options, of the following kind:

 - Weapon upgrade
 - Laser sight
 - Firepower upgrade
 - Medkit
A weapon upgrade purchases the next weapon in the sequence (which depends on
the game mode you're playing) and drops the current weapon. Laser sight gives
you a visible laser coming from the end of your gun to help with targeting.
Firepower upgrades make your weapons stronger. These upgrades carry from weapon
to weapon, so when you buy the next weapon, it will be at the "upgrade level"
of the previous weapon. Medkit allows you to heal yourself for a price. If you
can afford it, it will heal you to full health. Otherwise it will provide
partial healing proportional to how much money you have remaining.

Once you are good enough at aiming, don't waste your money on the laser sight.
It's cool but you really should use that $800 for a couple of firepower boosts.

Also remember that every time you get hit on the battleground you're going to
need to spend money to heal. As the waves go on, medkits get more and more
expensive, so you're going to have to be increasingly careful not to brush
past zombies.

  4 - GUNS [GUNS]

== Pistol ==
Not a bad choice if you can spam the trigger. Cost effective.

Cost: FREE (Default weapon)
Fire Type: Semi-Auto
Fire Rate: Max. 7.7 shots/sec
Recoil: Low
Damage: Low
Damage per second: Max. 10
Rating: 1/5

== Magnum ==
Great for lining up shots. The only gun that can shoot through zombies.

Cost: $350
Fire Type: Semi-Auto
Fire Rate: 1.4 shots/sec
Recoil: High
Damage: Very High
Damage per second: 14.3
Rating: 2/5

== Shotgun ==
Crowd control. Spread is 35 degrees.

Cost: $900
Fire Type: Semi-Auto
Fire Rate: 1 shot/sec
Recoil: Medium
Damage: Low-Medium (x12 pellets)
Damage per second: 2-26
Rating: 2/5

== MP55 ==
Entry level machine-gun. Needs some firepower upgrades to give it some oomph.
Otherwise fairly useless.

Cost: $1400
Fire Type: Full-Auto
Fire Rate: 12.5 shots/sec
Recoil: Low
Damage: Low-Medium
Damage per second: 21.8
Rating: 2/5

== MAK-47 ==
Higher level machine-gun. A bit more grunt than the MP55.

Cost: $2000
Fire Type: Full-Auto
Fire Rate: 10 shots/sec
Recoil: Low
Damage: Medium-High
Damage per second: 35
Rating: 3/5

== Combat Shotgun ==
A faster, meaner shotgun. Spread is 50 degrees.

Cost: $2800
Fire Type: Semi-Auto
Fire Rate: 1.5 shots/sec
Recoil: Medium
Damage: Low-Medium (x16 pellets)
Damage per second: 3-49
Rating: 5/5

== Minigun ==
Mow down zombies with your minigun blazing. Not worth it unless you have some
decent firepower upgrades.

Cost: $6000
Fire Type: Full-Auto
Fire Rate: 16.6 shots/sec
Recoil: Low
Damage: Low-Medium
Damage per second: 28
Rating: 3/5

== Rocket Launcher ==
Blast damage does not hurt you.

Cost: N/A (available only in Apocalypse mode)
Fire Type: Full-Auto
Fire Rate: 3 shots/sec
Recoil: Medium
Damage: Extremely High (including blast radius)
Damage per second: 62.5
Rating: 5/5


Zombies generally run faster and withstand more damage as the waves progress.
At the start they are fairly slow and weak but they can become a hassle later
on when they have lots of health.

== Minion ==
These guys are your average brainless zombie. Fairly stupid, low damage, low

== Giant ==
Giants are noticeably larger than your normal minions but a fair bit slower.
They'll take extra hits (3 times as much damage) to get rid of and block up
more space on the field. They also do twice as much damage.

== Boss ==
Leaders that come out on waves 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. They have red glowing eyes
and body armour. They'll rip you to shreds if you get within range. Keep your
distance and give 'em all you got. 40 times as much health as a regular zombie.
5 times as much damage. Steer clear.

== Runner ==
A runner can be any of the three zombie types. They will sneak up to you and
when in range, run at you with a sinister snarl. They can ruin your plans to
get out free if you're unlucky. Listen for their growl and you can swiftly
dodge them. Chance of being a runner: 1%.

== Dodger ==
A dodger can be any of the three zombie types, but cannot be a runner. Dodgers
will act as normal but will try to get out of your scopes by walking in a
different direction. This makes them hard to line up in shots but if you're
lucky enough to have a Dodger Boss, this makes him very easy. Chance of being
a dodger: 3%.


== Survival ==
Standard game. Survive for as long as you can before eventually getting over-
whelmed by zombies. Round 5: good effort. Round 10: Getting better. Round 15:
You're good. Round 20: You're *really* good. Round 30: Pics or it didn't happen

== Apocalypse ==
When you just want to blow zombies up. Quickly, and with ease. Watch the gibs
fly as you unload devastation on the zombies. 3x zombie spawn, upgraded Rocket
Launcher, starts on Wave 11.

== Minimum Firepower ==
No firepower upgrades are available. Only the raw power of the gun to help you
here. Stick with the magnum for a bit, and try to skip over the whimpy machine
guns if possible. Get a combat shotgun early.

== Magnum Only ==
Exactly what it sounds like. A unique challenge, better suited for those with
a good eye for accuracy.

== Assault ==
Pistol, machine guns and minigun weapon sequence. It allows you to get the
minigun faster because you skip the magnum and shotguns.

== Close Combat ==
You start with the magnum here. You skip over machine guns so you can get the
combat shotgun faster.

== No Medkit ==
The medic's been eaten, so you're going to have to be *extra* careful. Keep
a watchful eye out for your health.

== Darkness ==
Your vision is limited to a cone in front of you. Other gameplay aspects are
the same as Survival.

== Sudden Death ==
Reckon you're a ninja? This mode's for you. One scratch and you're history.


== Kills Challenges ==

Multi-kill (50 pts): Kill 4 zombies at once. You can use a shotgun or magnum.
Super-kill (50 pts): Kill 5 zombies at once.
Ultra-kill (100 pts): Kill 6 zombies at once.
Mega-kill (150 pts): Kill 7 zombies at once
What The!? (200 pts): Kill 8 or more zombies at once. You will probably need
                      a magnum for this one.
Double headshot (80 pts): Get two headshots with a single magnum bullet.
Triple headshot (80 pts): Get 3 or more headshots with a single magnum bullet.

== Mode Challenges ==

Survivor (100 pts): Get to round 7 in Survival Mode.
Survivor Pro (250 pts): Get to round 15 in Survival Mode.
Cheapskate (100 pts): Get to round 6 in Minimum Firepower.
Miserly (150 pts): Get to round 9 in Minimum Firepower.
Magnum Master (100 pts): Get to round 6 in Magnum Only.
Dirty Harry (150 pts): Get to round 9 in Magnum Only.
Big Man (100 pts): Get to round 10 in No Medkit.
Not Afraid of the Dark (100 pts): Get to round 6 in Darkness.
Ninja (100 pts): Get to round 4 in Sudden Death.
Ninja Pro (150 pts): Get to round 6 in Sudden Death.

== Battle Record Challenges ==

Zombie Killer (50 pts): Kill a total of 200 zombies.
Zombie Slayer (100 pts): Kill a total of 1000 zombies.
Zombie Exterminator (150 pts): Kill a total of 5000 zombies.
Apocalype (300 pts): Kill a total of 10000 zombies.
Sharshooter (50 pts): Get a total of 25 headshots.
Sharpshooter Pro (100 pts): Get a total of 50 headshots.
Deadly Accurate (200 pts): Get a total of 100 headshots.


If you would like to write to me, tell me my game is awesome, or that it sucks,
or suggest ideas for a future game, or anything else really, feel free to!
Send it to:

    jordan_trudgett AT hotmail DOT com
Replace the AT and DOT with the proper symbols.

Thanks for reading the FAQ!