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Vergil's Downfall Walkthrough

by Berserker

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________________ |___/ ________________________________________________________

--------------------------------- - D m C - -----------------------------------
X                      V e r g i l ' s  D o w n f a l l                       X

                           Authored by: Berserker
            This document Copyright 2013 Kevin Hall (Berserker)
                DmC: Devil May Cry Copyright 2013 Capcom Ltd.

X                                   D m C                                     X
-------------------- - V e r g i l ' s  D o w n f a l l - ---------------------

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

   Section I:  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [IN00]

  Section II:  Vergil Move List and Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . .  [VE00]

      - Abilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [VE01]
      - Yamato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [VE02]
      - Yamato (Angel Mode)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [VE03]
      - Yamato (Demon Mode)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [VE04]
      - Sword Illusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [VE05]
      - Doppelganger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [VE06]

 Section III:  Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MN00]

      - Mission 01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MN01]
      - Mission 02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MN02]
      - Mission 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MN03]
      - Mission 04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MN04]
      - Mission 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MN05]
      - Mission 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MN06]

  Section IV:  Collectibles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CO00]

   Section V:  Enemy Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [EW00]

  Section VI:  Everything Else . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [EE00]


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                          I N T R O D U C T I O N

Beaten, Broken, Betrayed.  Vergil stands at his mother's grave and looks at the 
picture of his father and mother along with his brother.  What happened?  Why 
did his brother betray him?  Vergil collapses and awakens in front of his old 
home.  His mother speaks to him and tells him to follow the light and go back 
to the world of the living.  Vergil reaches the gates of Paradise but is 
approached by a shadowy figure that fuels his rage for vengeance against those 
that betrayed him.  And so begins the path to Vergil's Downfall...

Welcome to my Vergil's Downfall portion of my DmC Devil May Cry guide.  Within 
this guide, you will find a full detailed walkthrough that tears through every 
mission and boss with extreme detail.  Similar to my DMC4 guide, all of the 
main characters are listed and covered with detail.  All collectibles and enemy 
waves for each difficulty are in their own separate section below the 
walkthrough.  Please enjoy this guide and email me if you have any questions, 
comments, or anything else that you want to contact me about.

                      __     __                 _  _ 
                      \ \   / /___  _ __  __ _ (_)| |
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                   M O V E  L I S T  &  A B I L I T I E S

                             ___________________                         [VE01]
____________________________/ A B I L I T I E S \______________________________
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > v < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

-- Jump ----------------------------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: X |
                                                              | XBOX INPUT: A |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil leaps into the air.

Jump is the standard jump that allows Vergil to leap to a high platform or leap 
across a gap.  This can also be used to follow enemies into the air after 
knocking them up with a melee attack.  Vergil's jump can be used to avoid enemy 
attacks as well.  While melee attacking another enemy, if you notice an enemy 
to the side that is preparing an attack, quickly jump out of the way of the 
attack.  Unlike his brother Dante, Vergil cannot double jump.
-- Enemy Step ------------------ |  PS3 INPUT: X (in the air, above an enemy) |
                                 | XBOX INPUT: A (in the air, above an enemy) |
DESCRIPTION: Jump off enemy while in the air.  Doing so resets aerial abilities 
such as Trick Up/Down and Aerial Evade.

Vergil puts his feet on an enemy and skips off the enemy then leaps back into 
the air.  This move must be done while Vergil is slightly above and near an 
enemy while Vergil is in the air. This move can be performed against grounded 
enemies and enemies that are in the air.  Enemy stepping off a foe will allow 
Vergil to perform a Trick Up/Down or aerial evade after the enemy step even if 
Vergil performed one or both before the enemy step.
-- Evade --------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: R1 or L1 + direction |
                                           | XBOX INPUT: RB or LB + direction |
DESCRIPTION: Evade enemy attacks with dashes and rolls. (Can be used on the 
ground, and in the air)

By pressing either of the top shoulder buttons, Vergil will perform a quick 
evade that can be used to avoid enemy attacks.  Vergil is completely invincible 
during the middle of the evade.  Be sure to take advantage of this to dodge 
enemy attacks that are about to hit Vergil.  Evading can be performed on the 
ground or in the air.  An aerial evade can be used to lengthen a jump slightly.
-- Trick Up ------------------------------------------------ |  PS3 INPUT: L1 |
                                                             | XBOX INPUT: LB |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil teleports directly up.

Pressing the left dodge button without holding a direction will make Vergil 
teleport into the air.  This technique can be used to instantly go airborne and 
get the drop on an enemy with a Helmbreaker or other aerial attacks.  Trick Up 
also allows Vergil to make a higher jump.  Trick Up can be perform after a jump 
to make Vergil go even higher.  This move can be substituted for Vergil's lack 
of a double jump when trying to reach a high ledge.  Just like the normal 
evade, there is a slight frame of invincibility when Vergil teleports.
-- Trick Down ---------------------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: R1 |
                                                             | XBOX INPUT: RB |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil teleports directly down.  If Vergil is on the floor he will 
phase in and out on the spot.

Pressing the right dodge button without holding a direction will make Vergil 
teleport to the ground.  This is best performed while in the air since Vergil 
will only disappear and then reappear while he is on the ground.  This can be 
used to get below an air enemy faster in order to prepare a ground attack 
against the enemy as it falls.  There is a slight frame of invincibility when 
Vergil teleports with this move - while on the ground, Vergil can actually time 
a Trick Down to simply avoid an oncoming attack instead of performing an evade.
-- Angel Boost -------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold L1 then tap X (in air) |
                                    | XBOX INPUT: Hold LT then tap A (in air) |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil channels angel power to fly a short distance.

Vergil dashes forward while in the air.  This skill is often used to gain extra 
distance after a jump.  It can also be used to escape from an enemy attack or 
crowd.  While a Butcher is preparing to explode after being defeated, quickly 
angel boost in the opposite direction to avoid his explosion.

NOTE: After an angel boost, a player can hold down on the L1/LT button to make 
Vergil slowly glide toward his destination.
-- Vergil Angel Lift ------------------ |  PS3 INPUT: Hold L2 then tap Square |
                                        | XBOX INPUT: Hold LT then tap X      |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil fires an angel sword and teleports to the embedded target.

Unlike Dante, Vergil fires out an angel sword and teleports toward the enemy 
that his sword hits.  Angel lift is often used for platforming.  Vergil can 
grapple onto blue grapple points and propel himself forward to reach the top of 
a platform.  While holding down the angel button, the grapple point will glow 
an even brighter blue.

Angel lift can also be used in combat to bring Vergil close to an enemy.  
During an air combo or any type of combo where Vergil knocks an enemy away from 
him, follow that attack up with an angel lift to grapple the enemy and pull 
Vergil toward the enemy so he can perform some follow-up attacks.  Grappling an 
enemy is sometimes used in platforming, but not often - it's basically just 
like grappling a grapple point.

NOTE: If an enemy already has a Summoned Sword embedded in its chest, that 
sword will be the sword used for Vergil to angel lift with, so no sword will be 
fired out when performing the angel lift and Vergil will automatically teleport 
toward the impaled enemy.
-- Vergil Demon Pull ------------------ |  PS3 INPUT: Hold R2 then tap Square |
                                        | XBOX INPUT: Hold RT then tap X      |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil fires a demon sword and teleports the embedded target to 

Vergil fires out a demon sword and teleports the targeted enemy toward him with 
his demon pull.  Like the angel lift, the demon pull is another grapple skill 
that is used for platforming.  Vergil can grapple orange grapple points and 
then pull on them to rotate an object or tear an object out of the wall.  While 
holding the demon button down, the grapple point will glow an even brighter 

Demon pull is extremely useful during combat as well.  This skill can be used 
to pull away shields from flying Bathos and Pathos and it can be used stun 
Shielded Knights by pulling at their shields to daze them.  Demon pull can be 
used to snatch a weaker enemy and teleport that enemy toward Vergil while in 
the air or on the ground.  Vergil can grapple an enemy with demon pull and then 
perform an enemy step afterward then follow up with an attack or another demon 
pull - that second demon pull can be followed by another enemy step to get even 
higher into the air.  This is where the concept of jump canceling comes into 
play, as discussed in the advanced techniques section.

NOTE: If an enemy already has a Summoned Sword embedded in its chest, that 
sword will be the sword used for Vergil to demon pull with, so no sword will be 
fired out when performing the demon pull and Vergil will automatically teleport 
the impaled enemy toward him.

                                 _____________                           [VE02]
________________________________/ Y A M A T O \________________________________
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > v < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

Like in Devil May Cry 3, Vergil starts out with his Yamato sword.  In DmC, this 
is the only weapon that Vergil gets throughout the game.  His other moves come 
from using this sword with angel and demon powers.  Yamato's basic attacks are 
fast but they are often only useful for single enemies.  Yamato resembles 
Dante's Rebellion with some attacks, but there is a lot of difference with 
-- Slasher ----------------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: /\, /\, /\ |
                                                     | XBOX INPUT: Y, Y, Y    |
MAX LEVEL:   2 + Embed
DESCRIPTION: A succession of two slashes and a powerful final strike.

Slasher is the basic attack combination of Yamato and it is a total of three 
slashes.  The first two slashes are very quick and performed with Yamato's 
sword case then the final hits is a forward strike with Yamato as Vergil 
unsheathes the sword.  The first two hits of Slasher are so fast that they are 
the recommended way to reflect projectile attacks with Vergil - they are both 
so fast that it's like one prolonged slash that has more possibility to 

NOTE: The ending strike of this move will embed an enemy with a Summoned Sword 
when it is fully leveled.
-- Crosscut ------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: /\, /\, pause, /\, /\, /\ |
                                      | XBOX INPUT: Y, Y, pause, Y, Y, Y      |
DESCRIPTION: A set of multiple striking attacks with a powerful finishing 

Crosscut has the same two starting swings of the Slasher combination.  The 
third swing is a multi-hitting forward stab that hits multiple times.  The 
fourth swing is an overhead slice that hits two times as Vergil steps forward. 
The final swing is a forward swing with Yamato that will send smaller enemies 
flying backwards if it hits them.
-- Upperslash --------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Tap O or hold O |
                                                | XBOX INPUT: Tap B or hold B |
DESCRIPTION: A powerful upward strike that launches enemies skyward.  Hold 
Circle/B to follow the enemy into the air.

Upperslash is Vergil's launcher move with Yamato and it's very similar to 
Dante's Hightime with Rebellion.  This upward sword swing will send weaker 
enemies into the air after the hit.  A player can tap the button for the quick 
uppercut that leaves Vergil grounded or a player can press and hold the button 
to make Vergil follow the enemy up into the air.  Either way, Dante can juggle 
the enemy while the enemy is above him or up in the air with him.  Vergil can 
interrupt Slasher and Crosscut with a Upperslash at any point during the 
combination - this can help to open the enemy up so that Vergil will hit the 
enemy with the Upperslash for sure.
-- Judgement Cut ------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold then release /\ |
                                           | XBOX INPUT: Hold then release Y  |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil strikes an enemy into a slash vortex.

Vergil unsheathes Yamato then strikes forward with a slice that will send a 
normal enemy flying backwards and the sword strike creates a slash vortex of 
energy slash marks in front of Vergil that continue to hit the falling enemy. 
Vergil must charge this move up fully before it can be performed.  He will 
sheathe his sword and the sword case will flash when it is fully charged. This 
move is a great way to end combos of Slasher and Crosscut early.  A player can 
hold down the attack button during the slashes and buffer Judgement Cut in 
order to perform it slightly faster.
-- Perfect Slice -------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold then release /\ during the flash |
                          | XBOX INPUT: Hold then release Y during the flash  |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil strikes an enemy into a massive slash vortex with great 
damage.  To execute, release the attack button at the exact moment Vergil's 
sword is charged.

This move is an upgraded move for Vergil's Judgement Cut.  Vergil unsheathes 
Yamato then strikes forward with a slice that creates a massive orange slash 
all around Vergil.  This slice will send a normal enemy flying backwards and 
the sword strike creates a slash vortex of energy slash marks in front of 
Vergil that continue to hit the falling enemy.  The ending of the slash vortex 
creates a small explosion.  In order to perform this, let go of the attack 
button the exact moment the flash of Vergil's sword case appears.  Timing is 
everything for this move.
-- Aerial Rave ------------------------ |  PS3 INPUT: /\, /\, /\, /\ (in air) |
                                        | XBOX INPUT: Y, Y, Y, Y (in air)     |
DESCRIPTION: A multistrike combo that juggles airborne enemies.

Aerial Rave is a three hit combination of slices that Vergil can perform in the 
air.  This can be performed after an Upperslash or after meeting an enemy in 
the air while it is hovering above Vergil.  The final hit of Aerial Rave will 
send the enemy flying away from Vergil.
-- Helmbreaker ------------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: O (in air) |
                                                     | XBOX INPUT: B (in air) |
DESCRIPTION: A devastating overhead strike that slams an enemy into the ground.

Helmbreaker is an aerial overhead sword strike where Vergil will fall to the 
ground and hit the enemy overhead with his sword.  This move can be used by 
itself or a player can cancel a few hits of Aerial Rave or another Yamato mode 
attack into the Helmbreaker.  This is a great move to end an air combo with 
while enemies are below Vergil.  Vergil can quickly stop his aerial assault and 
bring the enemy to the ground with him while he hits enemies below him.

NOTE: This is a GREAT move to use with Jump Canceling (discussed in the 
Advanced basics section).  When used after a jump cancel, Vergil can perform a 
Helmbreaker while an enemy falls to the ground and then enemy step off that 
enemy and perform another Helmbreaker then repeat.

                      ___________________________________                [VE03]
_____________________/ Y A M A T O  (A N G E L  M O D E) \_____________________
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > v < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

Vergil's Nephilim soul imbues the Yamato to perform unique angel attacks.  
Vergil's angel mode attacks with Yamato are a combination of speed and crowd 
control attacks.  Many of angel mode attacks are capable of hitting multiple 
enemies at once.  The main flaw with angel mode is that it's not as damaging as 
Yamato's other modes.
-- Rapid Slash ------------------------------------ |  PS3 INPUT: Hold L2, /\ |
                                                    | XBOX INPUT: Hold LT, Y  |
DESCRIPTION: A dashing move that allows Vergil to pass through enemies leaving 
a trail of strike behind.

Vergil rushes toward the enemy and then turns while unsheathing Yamato and 
performing a slice.  The trail behind Vergil will be filled with a path full of 
energy slices as he turns.  This attack is mainly used for overall crowd 
control and a means of escape.  The attack does not hit until Vergil passes by 
the enemy and turns.  The strikes are light damaging, but they are capable of 
hitting all enemies that are caught in the trail of energy strikes.  If an 
enemy is about to attack Vergil or Vergil simply needs to escape from a 
surrounding crowd, he can perform this can zip right by them without getting 
hit and damage some in the process.
-- Flare ------------------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold L2, O |
                                                     | XBOX INPUT: Hold LT, B |
DESCRIPTION: A spiraling attack that strikes all enemies surrounding Vergil.

Vergil unsheathes Yamato and spins toward the enemy while holding his blade 
outward.  This move can hit multiple surrounding enemies while Vergil is in the 
middle of a crowd.  Flare is your main crowd control attack for being 
aggressive against a crowd rather than escaping it.  The best part about Flare 
is that the recovery animation at the end of the attack can be cancelled in any 
of Vergil's other moves, so he can start up his full Slasher or Crosscut combo 
on the enemy in front of him after hitting a surrounding crowd with Flare.  The 
worst part about this move is that it has a long start-up animation.
-- Rising Star ------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold L2, hold O then release |
                                   | XBOX INPUT: Hold LT, hold B then release |
DESCRIPTION: A charge move that launches Vergil and surrounding enemies into 
the air.

In order to perform this move, the button must be held down until the flash of 
light is seen and the sound of a full charge is heard from Vergil's sword.  
Vergil charges Yamato with angel energy shortly before he unsheathes the blade 
and performs a spinning uppercut into the air.  This move is capable of 
knocking up all enemies that surround Vergil.
-- Solar Flare ------ |  PS3 INPUT: Hold L2, hold O then release during flash |
                      | XBOX INPUT: Hold LT, hold B then release during flash |
DESCRIPTION: A charge move that launches Vergil and surrounding enemies into 
the air.

Solar Flare is an upgraded version of Rising Star.  In order to perform this 
move, the button must be held down and released the exact moment that the flash 
of light is about to appear and the sound of the Yamato blade is heard.  Vergil 
charges Yamato with angel energy shortly before he unsheathes the blade and 
performs a spinning uppercut into the air - the spinning blade strikes hit much 
harder the first time and all strikes are surrounded with a fire aura.  Besides 
knocking up crowds, this move can also knock up bigger enemies such as Tyrants, 
Butchers and Imprisoners.
-- Orbit --------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold L2, /\ (in air) |
                                           | XBOX INPUT: Hold LT, Y (in air)  |
MAX LEVEL: 2 + Embed
DESCRIPTION: Vergil juggles enemies in the air before striking them into the 
ground floor.

Vergil performs spinning slashes with Yamato then strikes the enemy down to the 
ground while in the air.  The first hit of this move is a great overall air 
juggle move.  The entire combination is the best way to juggle a crowd after a 
Rising Star attack.  When Orbit is a perfect setup for Drive and Stomp with 
Yamato demon's mode.

NOTE: This move will embed an enemy with a Summoned Sword when it is fully 
-- Aerial Flush -------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold L2, O (in air)  |
                                           | XBOX INPUT: Hold LT, B (in air)  |
MAX LEVEL: 2 + Embed
DESCRIPTION: Vergil launches a heavy sword at nearby enemies.

Similar to Dante's Aerial Flush with Arbiter where Dante shoots out the blade 
of the axe, Vergil will slice to the side with his sword and shoot out a 
spinning blade at an angle down toward his enemies.  The blade will lock-on to 
the closest enemy in front of Vergil while he is in the air above that enemy. 
This move is one of the more damaging moves for angel mode and the blade can 
hit multiple enemies.  One of the best parts about this attack is that it can 
be used to hit long range enemies that go berserk after being damage.  Enemies 
such as Tyrants, Butchers, Rages and Wisps can all be hit from a safe distance 
with this attack, even when they go berserk!

NOTE: This move will embed an enemy with a Summoned Sword when it is fully 

                      ___________________________________                [VE04]
_____________________/ Y A M A T O  (D E M O N  M O D E) \_____________________
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > v < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

Vergil's Nephilim soul imbues the Yamato to perform unique demon attacks.  
Vergil's demon mode attacks with Yamato are a combination of power and 
knockdown attacks.  Demon mode Yamato is good for knocking enemies to the 
ground and damaging through or breaking enemy shields.  The main flaw with 
demon mode is that is that some of its attacks are quite slow.
-- Divorce -------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold R2, /\, /\, /\ |
                                            | XBOX INPUT: Hold RT, Y, Y, Y    |
DESCRIPTION: A powerful succession of slashes.

Vergil steps forward with three demon-infused slashes of Yamato.  These slashes 
hit much harder than a standard slash and are capable of breaking shields in a 
few hits.  The main downside to Divorce is that will only hit a single enemy 
and it is overall a VERY long combination of attacks so Vergil is left open for 
quite a while when performing this combo.
-- Volcano ----------------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold R1, O |
                                                     | XBOX INPUT: Hold RT, B |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil strikes the ground pushing enemies away. (Hold O/B to 
increase damage and cause the ground wave to knock the enemy into the air when 
Volcano Charge has been purchased).

Vergil charges his sword with demonic energy then slams it into the ground 
creating a shockwave around him.  When this move is performed without charging, 
the shockwave around Vergil will stagger surrounding enemies that are in range. 
If this move is fully charged until after the blade flashes and makes a sound, 
the sword will create a bigger shockwave that will launch small surrounding 
enemies.  This move is quite useful when Vergil is surrounded by a crowd of 
small enemies, but the start-up animation can be long whether charged or not. 
Keep in mind that the Volcano Charge must be purchased in order to charge this 
-- Atomic ----------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold R1, hold O then release during flash |
                      | XBOX INPUT: Hold RT, hold B then release during flash |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil strikes the ground launching all enemies into the air.  To 
execute, release the attack button at the exact moment Vergil's sword is 

Vergil charges his sword with demonic energy then slams it into the ground 
creating a slightly bigger shockwave when compared to a standard Volcano Charge 
shockwave.  The main difference with Atomic is that it is capable of launching 
bigger enemies such as Tyrants, Butchers and Imprisoners.  To perform this 
move, let go of the attack button right as Vergil is about to charge his blade 
and the sound effect for charging it is about to be heard.
-- Killer Bee ---------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold R1, /\ (in air) |
                                           | XBOX INPUT: Hold RT, Y (in air)  |
DESCRIPTION: With demon energy Vergil launches down towards enemies.

While up in the air, Vergil charges with demon power then flies downward at the 
enemy with a flying kick.  This attack is not very useful until it is upgraded 
to level 2.  Once this move has been upgrades, it is capable of breaking enemy 
shields after a few hits.  A combination of Divorce and Killer Bee is really 
the safest way to break shields with Vergil.  Divorce by itself takes too long.
-- Drive ---------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold R1, O (in air) |
                                            | XBOX INPUT: Hold RT, B (in air) |
MAX LEVEL: 2 + Embed
DESCRIPTION: Vergil slashes down sending an enemy slamming into the ground.

Vergil performs a downward slash and sends a wave of fire to the ground below 
him.  This is a good air combo ender and also it will hit enemies that are 
directly below Vergil.  Drive has one hell of a follow-up listed below.

NOTE: This move will embed an enemy with a Summoned Sword when it is fully 
-- Stomp ---------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold R1, O (in air after Drive) |
                                | XBOX INPUT: Hold RT, B (in air after Drive) |
DESCRIPTION: Following a Drive attack, Vergil charged his sword and crashes 
down on top of the fallen enemy.  This move is more powerful from greater 

Vergil performs a downward stab as he crashes down to the ground following a 
Drive.  Stomp is by far one of the most useful moves in Vergil's arsenal of 
attack because it can multiple enemies and it takes off a great deal of damage. 
This is a great move to end air combos with and to raise the style gauge.

                         ___________________________                     [VE05]
________________________/ S W O R D  I L L U S I O N \_________________________
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > v < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

Vergil's only projectile attacks are mystical swords that he fires and embeds 
into enemies with the power of his mind.
-- Summoned Swords ------------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Square |
                                                         | XBOX INPUT: X      |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil launches sword images into his enemies causing damage from 
range.  The sword embeds into the enemy allowing Vergil to perform demon pulls 
and angel lifts at a later moment.

A sword appears near one of Vergil's shoulder and he fires it forward to impale 
an enemy.  Once an enemy is impaled, the sword will stay embedded into that 
enemy until another sword is fired.  While a sword is embedded into an enemy, 
Vergil can instantly demon pull that enemy toward him or angel lift toward the 
enemy without firing another sword - the sword inside the enemy will glow.

Summoned Swords are Vergil's basic projectile attack and his only means of 
range attacks without using his devil trigger gauge.  These swords take light 
damage, but can help to juggle an enemy or extend a combo much like Dante's 
Ebony & Ivory handguns.
-- Spiral Swords -------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Hold, then release Square |
                                      | XBOX INPUT: Hold, then release X      |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil summons swords to spiral around him protecting him from 
many enemy attacks.  This attack consumes three devil trigger orbs.

Vergil can summon up to six swords (depending on the level) that will spiral 
around him until broken by hitting an enemy.  While these swords spiral around 
him, they will hit and damage any enemy that gets close to him.  Spiral Swords 
are a great way to spam a crowd of multiple enemies while Vergil hits the whole 
crowd or a single enemy.  The style gauge will raise quickly while using Spiral 
Swords against unshielded enemies.  The problem comes with enemies that have 
shields - the Spiral Swords will simply break on the shield and not cause any 
damage to the enemy.  This move costs a total of three devil trigger orbs, so 
use it wisely!
-- Blistering Swords ------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Square + X |
                                                     | XBOX INPUT: X + A      |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil quickly summons a series of swords that instantly launches 
out in succession at his enemy.  This attack consumes one devil trigger orb.

Vergil summons a total of six swords around him and they all fire in succession 
toward his currently targeted enemy.  Blistering Swords is a great move for 
spamming an enemy with damage while attacking it or for spamming another enemy 
in a crowd while Vergil attacks an enemy.  Blistering Swords works great for 
dewinging Harpies, exposing Wisps to damage and breaking Witches shields.
-- Storm Swords ------------------ |  PS3 INPUT: Forward, Forward, Square + X |
                                   | XBOX INPUT: Forward, Forward, X + A      |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil summons a series of swords that spiral around an enemy 
before all firing into the enemy launching him up high.  This attack consumes 
one devil trigger gauge.

Vergil summons a circular set of swords around his currently targeted foe then 
makes them all stab that enemy at once.  Smaller enemies that live through this 
attack will fly up into the air.  Storm Swords is Vergil's most damaging 
Summoned Sword attack.  This is a great move to use for killing off Wisp that 
try to remain at a distance.  Distance does not matter with this attack so long 
as Vergil is currently targeting an enemy.

                           _________________________                     [VE06]
__________________________/ D O P P E L G A N G E R \__________________________
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > v < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

Doppelganger is Vergil's devil trigger.  While doppelganger is activated, 
Vergil will summon a shadow image of himself to fight beside him while he 
attacks.  While Doppelganger is active, Vergil will regain his health slowly. 
Doppelganger drains devil trigger orbs while using it.
-- Doppelganger ---------------------------------------- |  PS3 INPUT: L3+R3  |
                                                         | XBOX INPUT: LS+RS  |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil summons a Doppelganger to fight beside him.

A black shadowy image of Vergil appears beside Vergil.  From default, the image 
will mimic whatever attack that Vergil performs.  This will cause Vergil's 
attacks to take twice as much damage with each strike.

NOTE: The Doppelganger will always spawn with whatever mode or delay it was 
currently set to the last time Vergil used it.  So, if it was set to demon mode 
Yamato with delay, it will spawn with those same properties the next time.

-- Doppelganger Mode Switch ---------------------------------------------------
   | Directional pad left                     | Yamato (Angel Mode) [blue] |
   | Directional pad right                    | Yamato (Demon Mode) [red]  |
   | Directional pad up                       | Yamato [gray]              |
   | Directional pad double tap one direction | Mimic [black]              |

DESCRIPTION: Allows Vergil to force the doppelganger into a specific attack 
mode allowing the doppelganger's attacks to be asynchronous with Vergil.  Full 
copy mode can be re-enabled if the doppelganger's current attack is selected 

As shown by the D-pad direction listed above, Vergil can switch his 
doppelganger to where it performs angel, demon or basic Yamato attacks while he 
performs whatever attack he wants to.  Basically, when the doppelganger is set 
to blue, Vergil can perform the first hit of Slasher with Yamato and the 
doppelganger will perform a Rapid Slash.  While the doppelganger is gray, 
Vergil can perform the first hit of Divorce and the doppelganger will perform 
the first hit of Slasher.  When the doppelganger is set to black with a D-pad 
double tap in any direction, it will fully mimic whatever Vergil does.  Vergil 
has a limited control over his doppelganger while switching modes.
-- Doppelganger Delay Switch ------------- |  PS3 INPUT: Directional pad down |
                                           | XBOX INPUT: Directional pad down |
DESCRIPTION: Vergil can adjust the delay between himself and the doppelganger 
between short and long delays.

By pressing D-pad down, Vergil can delay his doppelganger's attacks for a few 
seconds.  The doppelganger will attack to whatever mode it is set to a few 
seconds after Vergil's attacks.  Press D-pad down to switch the delay on and 
press D-pad down again to switch the delay off.

The delay can create some very interesting combinations on the screen.  It will 
look as if two characters are attacking at once or one right after the other.  
When the mode switch is used in combination with delay, Vergil and his 
doppelganger can cover MUCH more of the surrounding area.

    __        __      _  _     _    _                                _     
    \ \      / /__ _ | \| | __| |_ | |__   _ __  ___   _   _   __ _ | |__  
     \ \ /\ / // _` || || |/ /| __|| '_ \ | '__|/ _ \ | | | | / _` || '_ \ 
      \ V  V /| (_| || ||   < | |_ | | | || |  | (_) || |_| || (_| || | | |
       \_/\_/  \__,_||_||_|\_\ \__||_| |_||__\  \___/  \__,_| \__, ||_| |_|
                     N E P H I L I M  M O D E  G U I D E       __/ |        
============================================================= |___/ ===========

This walkthrough covers Nephilim difficulty mode of Vergil's Downfall.  Even 
though this walkthrough is written for the Xbox version, I included the 
controls for the PS3 version as well.

EXTRA TIPS  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

-------------------------------------------------------------- TIME SAVING TIPS
o If you want to make the best time for each mission, be sure to skip ALL 
  cutscenes by pressing the Select/Back button when they trigger.  Cutscenes 
  take up total mission time as they play.

o Jumping and angel boosting and air evading can help Vergil to move through a 
  stage quicker.  Normal running is slower.

----------------------------------------------------------------- GAMEPLAY TIPS
o After Vergil gets access to Yamato (demon mode) be sure to buy Stomp and 
  level it up all the way.  Drive + Stomp is by far the most damaging 
  combination of attacks that Vergil has.

o Do not rely only on Divorce with Yamato (demon mode) to break shields.  It's 
  best to use a combination of Divorce, Killer Bee and Drive + Stomp to break 
  shields.  Killer Bee will only break shields when powered up to level 2.

o Aerial Flush can be used to hit berserking enemies from a distance - such as 
  a Wisp, Tyrant or Butcher.

o Vergi's angel boost, Trick Up and air evade can be used to extend a jump.

o Be sure to use the delay mode with Vergil's doppelganger when fighting bigger 
  enemies.  The delay in his doppelganger can make it to where the doppelganger 
  hits an enemy when it attacks, after Vergil hits it, and stagger the enemy 
  allowing Vergil time to hit the enemy again.  You can nearly trap an enemy 
  with a good choice of mode and delay.

o Vergil can jump cancel off an enemy just like Dante by using enemy step and 
  Helmbreaker.  Knock an enemy into the air with Upperslash then jump off the 
  enemy with enemy step.  Quickly perform a Helmbreaker then enemy step, 
  Helmbreaker and enemy step then keep repeating.  The timing is strict, so try
  this in training mode to perfect the timing.  Vergil can also use enemy step 
  to link other attacks.

-------------------------------------------------------------------- STYLE TIPS
o Drive followed by Stomp increases the style gauge quickly when fighting 

o Spiral Swords can raise the style gauge quickly when fighting in crowds.


---                                                                         ---
    __  ___                                                        ___   _
   /  |/  /                                                       / _ \ / |
  / /|_/ /                                                       | | | || |
 / /  / / ------------------------------------------------------ | |_| || | ---
/_/  /_/ I S S I O N  1 -- P E R S O N A L  H E L L               \___/ |_|
              | Crosses = 00  Fragments = 04  Lost Souls = 04 |          [MN01]
As expected, Vergil starts out with the most basic of moves.  He is extremely 
weak from the start and only has access to a few moves.  His blue amulet from 
his mother is missing and he just got the shit beat out of him by his brother 
Dante.  I'm sure you would be rather weak as well.  Anyway, here is a list of 
all the abilities and moves that Vergil starts out with.

| Vergil Ability Starting Moves                                             |
| Jump        | X                           | A                             |
| Evade       | Direction + L1 or R1        | Direction + LB or RB          |
| Evade (air) | Direction L1 or R1 (in air) | Direction + LB or RB (in air) |
| Trick Up    | L1                          | LB                            |
| Trick Down  | R1                          | RB                            |
| Angel Boost | Hold L1, press X (in air)   | Hold LB, press A (in air)     |
| Angel Lift  | Hold L1, press Square (air) | Hold LB, press X (in air)     |
| Demon Pull  | Hold R1, press Square (air) | Hold RB, press X (in air)     |
| Yamato Starting Moves                                               |
| Slasher          | /\, /\, /\                | Y, Y, Y              |
| Crosscut         | /\, /\, pause, /\, /\, /\ | Y, Y, pause, Y, Y, Y |
| UpperSlash       | O                         | B                    |
| UpperSlash (air) | press and hold O          | press and hold B     |
| Aerial Rave      | /\, /\, /\ (in air)       | Y, Y, Y (in air)     |
| Helmbreaker      | O (in air)                | B (in air)           |
| Sword Illusion Starting Moves   |
| Summoned Swords | Square | X    |

Move on ahead and the building near Vergil will crumble.  Leap up to the higher 
walkway then hop across the platforms ahead.  Vergil does not have a double 
jump, so don't try tapping that jump button twice.  Vergil never gets a double 
jump, so he will only have his basic jump and angel boost (hold L1/LT then 
press X/A while in the air) to use for platforming.  He also has his Trick Up 
(L1/LB) that can be used to teleport up into the air - this is mainly used for 
reaching an extremely high area rather than basic platforming however.  After 
passing by the platform with the fountain, Vergil will have to leap across 
another platform and then he will leap over to an area in front of a building. 
Enemies will spawn shortly.

_ FIGHT 1 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Lesser Stygian x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Lesser Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Lesser Stygian x4

Vergil does not have any really good moves for fighting groups of enemies at 
this time.  Even multiple enemies can be a problem for him with the way he is 
now.  Fight off the Lesser Stygians with a few hits from Slasher then 
immediately perform an Upperslash (hold the button) to take a Stygian into the 
air when another Stygian is about to hit Vergil then perform an Aerial Rave or 
Helmbreaker.  Since Vergil cannot fight off crowds well, it's best to take 
enemies to the air and deal with them in the air for now.

Vergil's angel lift and demon pull work well for following enemies that are not 
killed by his air attacks.  Vergil can angel lift after an enemy that he knocks 
away with Aerial Rave and then finish that enemy off with another attack.  
Summoned Swords are not really that useful at the moment since Vergil can only 
shoot them out at such a slow pace.  Any sword that impales an enemy 
automatically sets it up for an angel lift and demon pull however - keep this 
in mind.

Do not perform Crosscut that often on the Lesser Stygians since they will often 
try to hit Vergil from the side and Vergil's recovery can be slow.  Be ready to 
evade when a Lesser Stygian is near Vergil as Vergil attacks another Stygian.  
Environmental kills can work well here - knock a Stygian into the air then 
knock it off the side of the cliff.  Since Vergil is weak right now, it will 
take many hits to kill even the Lesser Stygians for the moment.  After the 
battle, move up the stairs and enter the building.

A cutscene will trigger as Vergil steps down the corridor.  A Lost Soul can be 
heard up ahead.  Check out the alcove to the left to find **LOST SOUL (1/20)** 
on the left wall of that alcove.  Move on down the hall and check behind the 
debris at the end of the hall to find a **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (1/20)**.  Once 
Vergil finds four of these, his health gauge will be extended.

There is a section of corridor up ahead with an orange grapple point on it.  
Demon pull the corridor over to Vergil.  Vergil's demon pull is an orange 
summoned sword that sticks in a target and teleports the target close to him, 
so it's a bit different than Dante's demon pull.  Jump and angel boost over to 
the corridor.  Angel boost over to the platform with the tree.  Look to the 
right while on this platform to spot another platform to the right.  Jump and 
angel boost over to that platform then find the ledge beside the mansion with a 
**HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (2/20)** on it.  Get back to the tree with the 

While on the platform with the tree, hop over to the platform below the blue 
grapple point up ahead.  Don't angel lift up to the ledge just yet.  Look to 
the left and make an extended jump then angle boost over to the platform off to 
the left.  **LOST SOUL (2/20)** will be on the right wall of the mansion.  Hop 
back over to the platform below the blue grapple point then angel lift up to 
the ledge near the next mansion corridor.  Vergil will teleport during the 
angel lift.

There is a gap up ahead that leads below the corridor.  Ignore the area below 
and hop to the other side of the gap.  Find the boarded wall to the right and 
break it with a few slashes from Yamato and another **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT 
(3/20)** is in the alcove behind it.  Fall into the hole in the floor 

Follow the corridor into the room up ahead where the sunlight is pouring in.  
The corridor with the Divinity Statue up ahead will seal off.  A cutscene will 
trigger shortly.  This cutscene will show off a new enemy.

_ FIGHT 2 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Wisp
This new enemy is known as a "Wisp".  A Wisp is a type of bird demon that will 
fly and attack.  It will remain transparent until it is hit with a projectile 
weapon.  Wisps must be shot with Vergi's Summoned Swords in order to make them 
show their true form in order to damage them.  They can be damaged just like 
any other creature afterwards.

It's best to hit a Wisp with an uppercut attack that will knock it into the air 
then hit it while it is in the air.  The uppercut attack will knock it out of 
most of its attacks and stun it while it is up in the air.  Summoned Swords 
work well to stagger it also.  Hit it with the first two slices of Slasher then 
knock it into the air with an Upperslash and follow it then perform an Aerial 
Rave or Helmbreaker (or a mixture of both).  It's best to remain aggressive 
against Wisp and DO NOT allow them to attack much.  Their attacks are very 
delayed and home in on Vergil so they can be hard to dodge.

If a Wisp ever swoops back and dives toward Vergil, jump to avoid its oncoming 
attack - evading will likely cause Vergil to get hit unless the evade is 
perfect.  A Wisp will always go berserk as it flashes when it is near death.  
When this happens, it will often stay up in the air more.  Jump into the air 
and hit it with Aerial Raves and Helmbreakers to finish it off.  The Wisp is at 
very low health when it finally berserks, so be even more aggressive at that 
point to finish it off.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Lesser Stygian x6
o Wisp
The Wisp will not show up in this wave until one of the Lesser Stygians is 
defeated.  When the Wisp spawns, immediately start to attack it.  It is too 
dangerous to leave around while fighting the Stygians so focus only on it.  
Spam it constantly with Summoned Swords to keep it busy and jump up toward it 
to hit it often if it stays airborne.  After the Wisp is defeated, cleaning up 
the rest of the mess should be no trouble at all.
Enter the corridor with the Divinity Statue after the entrance unseals.  Look 
to the left while stepping down the corridor to see an alcove with a **LOST 
SOUL (3/20)** on the back wall.  Run toward the Divinity Statue and use it if 
needed.  If you upgrade Vergil, buy the Judgement Cut for Yamato - this can 
help a bit for crowds, but it's still far from the best move for crowds that 
Vergil will get.  It is a powerful move that would be good to go ahead and 
unlock though.  Step out the doorway to the right to trigger a cutscene.

Look to the left to see a boarded up portion of the mansion.  There is an item 
behind those boards.  Stand next to the board then jump and Trick Up then angel 
boost over the boards.  Collect the **SMALL VITAL STAR** from the secret area 
then repeat the same maneuvers to get out of the room.

_ FIGHT 3 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Stygian x2
Follow the path up ahead and two Stygians will attack along the way.  These 
enemies are hardly a problem since they spawn in singles.  Hop across the 
platforms.  Angel lift to the second Stygian after it spawns to get to the 
first floating platform rather easily.  Demon pull the platform with the orange 
grapple point on it to pull it over in front of Vergil.  Hop over to that 
platform then angel boost to the piece of corridor up ahead.  Angel boost to 
the next section of corridor.

This next section of corridor has a window along the right wall.  Jump through 
the window of the wall off to the side then collect the **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT 
(4/20)** from behind the wall.  Hop back through the window of the wall then 
hop over to the next section of the corridor up ahead.  Demon pull the next 
section of the corridor then hop over to it.  Angel lift to the overhead 
chandelier then angel lift to the ledge in front of the next corridor.

While up on the ledge, drop to the lower ledge to find a **LOST SOUL (4/20)** 
on the lower wall below.  To get back to the higher platform, tilt the camera 
up then jump and angel lift to the high blue grapple point.  Vergil can also 
Trick Up to it as well.  Either way, enter the corridor at the top.

Step through the doorway then angel boost to the courtyard below.  Enemies will 
spawn as soon as Vergil hits the piece of floating courtyard.

_ FIGHT 4 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Pathos x6
o Lesser Stygian x8
Demon pull the Pathos out of the air and then hit them with Yamato's Slasher 
combo.  They do not carry shields, so it's very easy to kill them off quickly. 
If they start to hit Vergil then leap into the air and demon pull them then hit 
them with Aerial Rave.  Either way, Vergil will likely have to evade their 
arrows. Even though, the Summoned Swords are likely not that fast right now, 
Vergil can also fire Summoned Swords at the Pathos to damage them.  Lesser 
Stygians will start to spawn after the Pathos are nearly cleared out.  Focus on 
defeating the Pathos first however.  If you have Judgement Cut, try using it on 
the Lesser Stygians. Judgement Cut is nearly a single kill only type of move 
though - it doesn't work that well for close crowds.
Following the battle, a platform will crash into the current piece of courtyard 
that Vergil is on.  The courtyard platform will start to crumble, so Vergil 
needs to get his ass in gear.  Run directly ahead then hop over to the platform 
to the right at the end of the current courtyard platform.  DO NOT jump while 
moving on the big platform or it might move out from under Vergil and cause him 
to fall.

The bridge of the right platform will crumble as Vergil moves ahead.  Angel 
boost to the smaller platform past the bridge.  Run to the end of that platform 
then angel lift to the blue grapple point on the higher platform in the 
distance.  Move to the end of the next platform with the wall off to the right. 
Find the high rock with a tree root on it.  It's hard to see, but there is blue 
grapple point on the bottom portion of that rock.  Angel lift to the blue 
grapple point then angel lift to the next three grapple points.  The final 
grapple point will take Vergil to the area in front of the courtyard gate.

Run toward the gate to trigger a cutscene - this is the gate to paradise.  Such 
irony!  Especially since Vergil is denied access to the other side of the gate.

_ FIGHT 5 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Stygian x6
o Wisp
The Wisp in the first wave will not spawn until four Stygians have been killed. 
Once the Wisp appears, focus on killing him off before the remaining Stygians. 
Judgement Cut does not work well against a Wisp, so stick to the same method as 
before to kill him - hit him with Summoned Sword to make him appear then hit 
him with Slasher, Upperslash and Aerial Rave or Helmbreaker while the creature 
is in the air.  Jump into the air and hit him if he tries to float above 
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Stygian x3
o Wisp x2
The second wave of enemies has two Wisps right from the start.  Pick one Wisp 
and focus on damaging that Wisp with Aerial Raves and Helmbreaker until it is 
defeated.  Continue to hit it even while it berserks to get rid of quickly. 
Spam it with Summoned Swords to make it show itself and to interrupt its 
attacks.  The second Wisp shouldn't be much of a problem by itself and the 
Stygians are just the same as they always are - your little playthings.  Once 
the final enemy is defeated, the gate to paradise will open to Vergil during a 
cutscene that ends this mission.
---                                                                         ---
    __  ___                                                       ___   ____  
   /  |/  /                                                      / _ \ |___ \
  / /|_/ /                                                      | | | |  __) |
 / /  / / ----------------------------------------------------- | |_| | / __/ -
/_/  /_/ I S S I O N  2 -- H O L L O W                           \___/ |_____|
              | Crosses = 01  Fragments = 03  Lost Souls = 03 |          [MN02]
Following the cutscene, Vergil will receive ++ANGEL MODE++ for Yamato.  This 
infuses his Yamato blade with angelic power and allows him to perform new moves 
with it.  Hold down the L2/LT button and attack with Yamato to perform angel 
moves with the sword.  The starting moves for Yamato in angel mode are listed 

| Yamato (Angel Mode) Starting Moves      |
| Rapid Slash  | /\          | Y          |
| Flare        | O           | B          |
| Orbit        | /\ (in air) | Y (in air) |
| Aerial Flush | O (in air)  | B (in air) |

All of the moves listed above are quite useful for crowds and general quick 
hits on enemies.  Rapid Slash works well for escaping enemies and hitting them 
while doing so, Flare is good for overall crowd control, Orbit is much like an 
Aerial Rave that can hit multiple enemies and Aerial Flush fires out a sword 
projectile that flies toward whatever enemy or group of enemies that are 
directly in front of Vergil.  Aerial Flush has a slight autotracking to it, but 
Vergil must have an enemy somewhere in front of him for the blade to autotrack. 
Aerial Flush works GREAT against enemies that berserk - Vergil can stay a 
distance then spam them with Aerial Flush blades without having to worry about 
them hitting him.

_ FIGHT 1 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Lesser Stygian x4
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Lesser Stygian x2
o Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Stygian x5
Test out Yamato (angel mode) on the Stygians during the opening fight for this 
mission.  Flare works well for overall crowd control when they group.  One of 
the best moves for angel mode is Aerial Flush.  Aerial Flush causes heavy 
damage to any single enemy in front of Vergil while Vergil is up in the air.  
This can be used to end air combos or it can be used to spam damage on one 
enemy or a group of grounded enemies.  Orbit works well after for continuing to 
juggle enemies after a Upperslash and Aerial Rave.  Vergil can continue to 
juggle the enemy a bit longer with Orbit and then end the combo with Aerial 
The seal on the archway up ahead will be broken after the fight.  There is 
nothing along the street to the side so run under the archway.  A cutscene will 
trigger.  After passing up under the archway, turn to the right and look up.  
There is a higher ledge above Vergil and he must get on that ledge.  Stand back 
a bit from the high ledge then jump and Trick Up and then angel boost toward 
the ledge.  While on the high ledge, look to the ledge across the street to see 
a **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (5/20)**.  Jump and angel boost toward the ledge it 
is on then collect it and drop back down.

While standing on the street near the archway, demon pull the closest rock to 
the right.  Vergil will flip it over in front of him and make a platform out of 
it.  Hop on top of the platform then angel boost up to the high platform ahead. 
Look off in the distance and to the right to see a piece of stairway with an 
orange grapple point on it.  Demon pull that stairway toward Vergil then hop 
onto it and then angel boost toward the next platform with the trees.  Angel 
lift to the light pole further ahead then quickly angel lift to the higher 
platform.  Run toward the doorway up ahead and some enemies will attack.

_ FIGHT 2 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Bathos x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Bathos x3
o Lesser Stygian x4
o Wisp
The only enemy that might be a problem for Vergil in these waves of enemies is 
the Wisp.  After exposing the Wisp to damage with Summoned Swords, jump into 
the air and hit the Wisp with Orbit and Aerial Flush.  Helmbreaker and Aerial 
Rave still work well, but Aerial Flush takes the most damage from him.  The 
rest of the enemies shouldn't be much of a problem.  Hit the Bathos with Aerial 
Flushes to instantly kill them.  As usual, kill the Wisp when it spawns.
After the battle, Vergil must enter the portal through the doorway.  To enter 
the portal, walk up against it and press the evade button.  A player must hold 
toward the portal and press the evade button.  The in-game tutorial is a bit 
vague and makes it seem like you only have to stand in front of it and press 

Vergil will have a Divinity Statue on the street ahead of him along with two 
paths on each side.  Be sure to power up angel mode of Yamato at the Divinity 
Statue.  I'd highly recommend powering up Aerial Flush.  Orbit is another good 
choice to power up.  Rising Star is only a slightly better Upperslash that can 
knock up multiple enemies but the start-up animation for Rising Star is slow.

The right path holds one item that Vergil needs to collect, but the left path 
holds more and Vergil will have to take that path eventually.  For now, walk 
over to the right of the Divinity Statue and demon pull the closest platform to 
Vergil. Jump and angel boost over to the platform then angel lift to the higher 
platform.  Hop over to the area with the archway.  Walk to the left of the 
archway and hop up on the higher area then collect the **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT 
(6/20)** from beside the archway.  Go back the way that Vergil came from, 
jumping and angel boosting to the platforms behind him, and then fall back to 
the platform with the Divinity Statue.

It's best to take the left path if you want to retrieve all the collectibles in 
this area.  Angel lift to the two blue grapple points off to the left.  Vergil 
will teleport up to a street platform.  Demon pull the big rock off to the 
right up ahead to rotate it and make a platform out of it.  Hop over to the 
platform then angel lift to the overhead rock and angel boost to the platform 
below.  Look off to the left while on the current platform before hopping to 
the bigger platform to see a corridor with a doorway and a health cross 
fragment nearby.

Hop over to the bigger platform then angel boost over to the outside portion of 
the corridor to the left then collect the **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT(7/20)**.  
Check out the right side of the big platform and find the stairway that leads 
downward.  Follow that stairway and there will be a platform at the bottom and 
a **LOST SOUL (5/20)** on the side of the bottom portion of the stairway.  Run 
back to the top of the stairway and get back up on the platform.

Fall back to the lower platform then angel boost over to the corridor with the 
glowing door at the end of it.  Run to the end then enter the doorway.  Vergil 
will teleport to a high platform with a **LARGE VITAL STAR** on a small 
platform across from it.  Jump then angel boost and then air evade over to that 
platform to collect the item.  Vergil MUST air evade to gain more distance with 
his jump to reach it.

Look below.  Vergil is above the big platform that he was near earlier.  Angel 
lift to the rock with the boost ring below then bounce off the boost ring.  
**LOST SOUL (6/20)** is on the archway above Vergil right now.  To get to the 
Lost Soul, walk under the archway then look up from behind it to see a blue 
grapple point on the side of it.  Angel lift to that grapple point to get up on 
the archway and then hit the Lost Soul.

There are two blue grapple points with boost rings on the sides of the 
buildings up ahead of Vergil.  Leap toward the first then angel lift and jump 
off the boost ring then prepare to jump off the next boost ring.  Vergil will 
fly up toward another platform with an archway.  Check out the area behind the 
rock wall to the left to find **LOST SOUL (7/20)** on the rock wall.

Angel lift to the higher platform up ahead.  There is another glowing doorway 
with a portal off to the left.  There is nothing of importance along the right 
path, so don't try to backtrack - no enemies or items are that way since we've 
already retrieved the health cross fragment on that side.  When Vergil 
approaches the glowing doorway, he will get attacked by enemies.

_ FIGHT 3 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Ravager
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Lesser Stygian x2
o Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Stygian x3
o Ravager
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 4 -
o Ravager x2
The Ravagers are the only new enemies that Vergil hasn't fought before in these 
enemy waves.  Vergil does not have a move that can stop their berserk attacks 
at the moment, so he must dodge to the side or jump over the berserk attacks 
when the Ravagers perform them.  Either focus on the Ravager in each group or 
take the Stygians up into the air so Vergil can damage them while avoiding the 
Ravager's berserk attacks.  It may be in your best interest to try to knock the 
Ravagers off the side of the platform for an environmental kill for now.  
Aerial Flushes can really put the hurt on Ravagers along with any type of move 
that takes them into the air followed by some aerial attacks.  Enter the portal 
once the fight is finished.

Vergil must angel lift to a total of three blue grapple points up ahead.  The 
first two are along the sides of the surrounding buildings and the final 
grapple point is on an overhead light below the archway further ahead.  Angel 
boost to the circular platform after angel lifting to the third grapple point. 
A cutscene will trigger when Vergil leaps onto the platform.

_ FIGHT 4 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Shielded Bathos x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Shielded Bathos x2
o Wisp
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Wisp x2
The platform around Vergil will crumble along the sides as he fights the 
enemies listed above, but the majority of the platform will remain.  It's best 
to stay near the middle of the platform to avoid falling off the side.  The 
Bathos all have shields, so demon pull their shields away from them and then 
hit them with an Aerial Flush.  Aerial Flush spam the Wisp or hit them with air 
attacks after using Summoned Swords to expose them to damage.  It's a good idea 
to constantly fire Summoned Swords at the Wisps to cancel their attacks.  Enter 
the doorway after the battle.

There is a Divinity Statue off to the left.  Power up if needed.  This area has 
falling meteorites, so be sure to watch out for them or Vergil will take damage 
from the explosion as they hit the ground.  Angel lift to the rock up ahead 
then angel boost over to the platform.  Jump and angel boost over to the 
monolith stone on the right side of the area and there will be a **HEALTH CROSS 
(1/1)** to the left of it to extend Vergil's health.  This is the only full 
Health Cross that be found in the environment in Vergil's campaign.

Jump and angel boost across the main platforms up ahead and be sure to watch 
out for falling meteors.  Eventually, a meteor will hit a stairway ahead of 
Vergil and break the top portion of it.  Move up the stairway and then angel 
lift to the higher area.  Vergil will teleport up to a graveyard outside a 
building with open doors.  Move toward the open doors and enemies will attack.
_ FIGHT 5 _____________________________________________________________________

---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Lesser Stygian x3
o Ravager x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Stygian x5
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Stygian x3
o Wisp
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 4 -
o Ravager x2
o Wisp
Rapid Slash works well for maneuvering between the crowds of the first two 
waves of this battle.  Stick to spamming air moves after using Summoned Swords 
to reveal the Wisps in each of the final waves.  Keep in mind that the Ravagers 
can all be knocked off the sides of the platform to deal with them easily.  As 
usual, the Wisps will be the main problems but at least none of them will spawn 
in pairs.  A cutscene that will end this mission will trigger after the battle.
---                                                                         ---
    __  ___                                                       ___   _____
   /  |/  /                                                      / _ \ |___ /
  / /|_/ /                                                      | | | |  |_ \
 / /  / / ----------------------------------------------------- | |_| | ___) |-
/_/  /_/ I S S I O N  3 -- P O W E R  S T R U G G L E            \___/ |____/
              | Crosses = 00  Fragments = 04  Lost Souls = 04 |          [MN03]
Vergil will start out on a small platform beside the area where Dante was 
during the cutscene.  Jump and angel boost to the platforms ahead.  When Vergil 
arrives at the split, take the right side.  Jump and angel boost under the 
archway then walk to the other side of the archway.  Turn around and look up to 
spot a blue grapple point on the archway.  Angel lift up to the top of the 
archway then slash the **LOST SOUL (8/20)** on the right wall.

Angel lift to the higher area on the other side of the archway.  There is 
nothing along the left side, so don't bother going that direction.  Move under 
the archway ahead and stay along the right side.  Move under the archway off to 
the right in the big open area.  Angel boost over to the gap on that side then 
hop up to the **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (8/20)** and grab it.  Move back down to 
the open area.  When Vergil tries to approach the other archway, an enemy will 
spawn from the ground and Vergil will gain ++YAMATO (DEMON MODE)++.

| Yamato (Demon Mode) Starting Moves    |
| Divorce    | /\, /\, /\  | Y, Y, Y    |
| Volcano    | O           | B          |
| Killer Bee | /\ (in air) | Y (in air) |
| Drive      | O (in air)  | B (in air) |

Yamato Demon Mode is Vergil's hard-hitting attacks activated by holding the 
R2/RT button while attacking.  These attacks can be used to break shields or to 
put some massive hurt on an enemy or group of enemies.  Divorce is a hard-
hitting slow combo that can break shields.  Volcano is a standing ground pound 
with Yamato - this can be charged once upgraded.  Killer Bee is a diving kick.  
Drive is an aerial fire wave that shoots below Vergil while he is in the air - 
Drive needs to be leveled up through a Divinity Statue to unlock its true 
potential.  Drive is honestly the best move with demon mode Yamato once Stomp 
is unlocked for it.

_ FIGHT 1 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Death Knight
o Lesser Stygian x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Lesser Stygian x2
o Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Death Knight x3
o Stygian x4
The three waves of enemies that Vergil fights has a few Death Knights in them. 
As you know from Dante's game, Death Knights carry shields.  Vergil can stun a 
Death Knight by demon pulling its shield or he can break its shield with demon 
mode Yamato attacks once they are fully leveled.  Divorce is the only demon 
mode attack that will break a shield at the moment, but it's bad to use the 
full combination since it leaves Vergil SO open to attack with how slow it is, 
so try to stick with demon pull to stun the Death Knights for now.  Once 
Vergil's Yamato demon mode is leveled up more, it's best to hit a Death Knight 
with a mixture of Divorce and Killer Bee to break its shield since Divorce is 
so slow.
Dante will speak to Vergil from the top of the platform past the archway up 
ahead.  Run over to the ledge below Dante and look on the train cart in the 
wall to the left - it has an orange grapple point on it.  Demon pull the train 
cart to trigger a cutscene.  Ha!  Got that wise-cracking ass that time!

Find the pipe with the blue grapple point above Vergil then angel lift to it.  
Angel lift to the lower pipe quickly afterwards then angel lift to the top of 
the train cart.  The train cart in the tunnel up ahead has an orange grapple 
point on it, so demon pull it out of the tunnel.  There is a blue grapple point 
on the opposite high wall of the tunnel.  Angel lift to the ledge above the 
grapple point.  Follow the tunnel then take a left and grab the **SMALL VITAL 
STAR** in the alcove.  Move out onto the next ledge while following the tunnel 
on the opposite side.

There is a transparent train cart below the ledge that Vergil is on.  Shoot the 
train cart with a Summoned Sword to make it solid then hop over to it and get 
on the second train cart.  The first train cart will turn back transparent 
eventually, so be sure to hop off of it quickly.  While on the second train 
cart, look to the right to see a rock ledge.  Jump and angel boost over to that 
ledge then jump to the higher right side of it.  Follow the ledge around the 
corner and there will be a **LOST SOUL (9/20)** along the left rock wall.  Get 
back to the train cart that Vergil was previously on.

There is a blue grapple point on the bottom of the overhead train up ahead.  
Angel lift to that grapple point then angel boost to the next platform.  
Dante's white blood continues into the tunnel ahead, so hop on over to the next 
railway tunnel.  Look out the hole in the wall to the left then tilt the camera 
up to see an orange grapple point on the overhead train cart.  Demon pull that 
train cart to break it and expose a tunnel with a blue grapple point up above. 
Angel lift to the higher tunnel.

Follow the tunnel with burn marks to the left.  There is a Divinity Statue off 
to the left while following that tunnel.  Be sure to stop by the Divinity 
Statue and upgrade Yamato's Demon Mode.  It's really best to buy both levels of 
Stomp for Yamato's Demon Mode if you can.  Stomp is a HIGHLY useful move for 
demon mode - it's powerful and can greatly increase style quickly.  Step into 
the open area.  Dante can be seen in the corridor on the other side, so run 
toward him.  The corridor in front of Vergil will seal and enemies will spawn. 
Vergil will gain his ++DEVIL TRIGGER++ before the battle starts.

| Vergil's Devil Trigger Starting Moves   |
| Spiral Swords  | Hold Square  | Hold X  |

Vergil's Devil Trigger gauge is shown below his health bar on the upper left-
hand portion of the screen.  Unlike Dante, Vergil's devil trigger gauge is 
shown with blue blocks.  Every special move that Vergil performs with Summoned 
Swords takes a certain amount of devil trigger blocks away from his devil 
trigger gauge.  Vergil can recharge the gauge by attacking enemies.  Vergil's 
only starting move with devil trigger is Spiral Swords for the moment, which 
takes three devil trigger blocks to perform.

_ FIGHT 2 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Lesser Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Ravager
o Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Death Knight x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 4 -
o Tyrant
The first two waves of enemies are enemies that Vergil has fought many times 
before, so they shouldn't be much of a problem.  Activate Spiral Swords to help 
damage them and this will increase the style meter greatly.  Spiral Swords can 
cancel some of the Ravager's berserk attacks, but DO NOT rely on them to cancel 
his attacks since he can hit through Spiral Swords.  If you have Stomp with 
demon mode Yamato, be sure to use it on the enemies to increase style by 
hitting multiple enemies at once.

The Death Knight wave will be a bit easier if Vergil has Stomp by now.  Volcano 
and Stomp can both hit Death Knights through their shields.  Vergil will have 
to rely on Divorce once again to break the shields or stagger the Death Knights 
with demon pull before hitting them.  The Tyrant is new for Vergil.  This enemy 
will be a bit tougher to take out for right now since Vergil does not have his 
full arsenal of moves just yet.  Wait for the Tyrant to ram then angel boost 
behind him and demon pull him from the back to knock him over.  Activate Spiral 
Swords then hit him with constant Aerial Stomps from behind - Divorce can work 
also.  This will heavily damage him.  Be sure to run when he berserks and hit 
him in the back from long range with Aerial Flushes - spam him from long range 
with this move when he berserks to get some extra damage on him.
Step toward the doorway of the corridor that Dante was in after the battle.  
Angel boost over the gap then move up the stairs ahead.  Dante can be seen at 
the top of the next area.  This area has two transparent train carts sticking 
out of the left and right wall.  Hit the left transparent train cart with a 
Summoned Sword to make it solid then hop over to it and quickly shoot the right 
train cart with a Summoned Sword to make it solid.  Hop over to the right train 
cart then quickly look over to the left and demon pull the orange grapple point 
in the rock wall.  Vergil will pull a platform out of the wall.  Hop up the 
ledge in front of Vergil and step into the tunnel off to the right in the back 
of the area then grab the **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (9/20)** from inside.  Return 
to the transparent rail cart.

After leaping to the second rail cart on the wall, look ahead to see a blue 
grapple point up above Vergil.  Angel lift to the overhead grapple point then 
bounce off the green boost ring on it to trigger a cutscene.  Ah yeah, that 
felt good!  Following the cutscene, look to the left and go back outside the 
tunnel then hop up on the raised area to the left and grab the **HEALTH CROSS 
FRAGMENT (10/20)**.  While back inside the tunnel, run directly ahead and look 
off to the right while moving.  Watch for an alcove with a fence then step 
behind the fence and clobber **LOST SOUL (10/20)** on the right wall.  Follow 
the tunnel to the end.  There is a Divinity Statue off to the left before 
stepping into the next area.  If you have a skill upgrade point buy Blistering 
Swords for Summoned Swords - they work well for spamming enemies (especially 
flying enemies).

_ FIGHT 3 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Shielded Pathos x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Shielded Pathos x2
o Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Wisp
o Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 4 -
o Wisp x2
o Shielded Pathos x3
Vergil will fight several waves of enemies after stepping out of the tunnel.  
The majority of them are enemies that Vergil has already fought.  Shielded 
Pathos are much like Bathos really, except they fire out electric arrows. Demon 
pull their shields away then demon pull the Pathos toward Vergil and hit it.  
They are just as weak as Bathos.  Use Yamato's demon mode Stomps against Wisp 
from now on.  Stomps will put some major hurt on Wisp.  All of Vergil's other 
aerial moves can still come in handy against them too - it's best to make Wisps 
vulnerable to damage with Summoned Swords then leap into the air and hit them 
with a few Yamato strikes then end it with a Drive followed by a Stomp.
NOTE: While Vergil stands below the tunnel on the left side, he can jump and 
Trick Up then angel lift to the blue grapple point up above him to save a bunch 
of time!  It's best to go the long way around the first time since there is a 
collectible that can be gained on the long route.

Once the area is clear, angel boost over to each platform on the left side.  
Enter the tunnel in the back of the area.  Run to the far end of the current 
tunnel then stop once Vergil reaches the gap.  The moaning of a Lost Soul can 
be heard.  Stand against the left wall then jump diagonally outward and to the 
left and then angel boost to the ledge on the outside portion of the left wall. 
Clobber the **LOST SOUL (11/20)** then angel boost over to the next side of the 
tunnel from the current ledge.

Follow the next tunnel then angel lift to the floating truck past the hole to 
the right.  Look on the wall above the city metro words to see two blue grapple 
points on some light poles.  Angel lift to each of them then angel boost to the 
catwalk area with railing.  Angel lift to the rooftop of the tunnel off to the 
right.  A cutscene will trigger.  Run toward the doorway with the portal up 
ahead and enemies will spawn.

_ FIGHT 4 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Stygian x4
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Death Knight
o Stygian x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Stygian x2
o Ravager
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 4 -
o Death Knight x2
o Ravager x2
All of these waves of enemies can be so easy if Vergil has Stomp.  Simply jump 
into the air and perform a Drive followed by a Stomp to send the majority of 
each wave off the sides of the narrow walkway and to their doom.  The Death 
Knights and Ravagers can be a bit of a problem, but they will all be sent 
flying off the sides easily with a Stomp.  These are all enemies that Vergil 
has already fought before, so they shouldn't be much or a problem.  The final 
wave can be annoying with the Death Knight and Ravager mix.  It's a good idea 
to kill off the Ravagers first then go after the Death Knights.  Step into the 
portal once the fight is over.

Vergil will emerge in an area with a giant angel statue.  Assiel?  Dante will 
be making his way to the top of it.  Fire Summoned Swords at each of the 
transparent metal platforms ahead of Vergil and then angel boost to them when 
they turn solid.  Angel lift to the third metal platform.  Fire another 
Summoned Sword at the next transparent metal platform then hop over to it.  Hop 
over to the longer metal platform.  There is a **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT 
(11/20)** on the lower platform to the left below the current long metal 
platform so hop down to it and grab it.  In order to get back up, Vergil must 
face the long platform and jump then Trick Up and angel boost back over to it.

While standing at the end of the long platform, angel lift to the angel wing 
piece with the blue grapple point then angel lift to the metal platform up 
above.  Demon pull the set of metal feathers to the right and then hop on top 
of the next platform.  Angel lift to the next higher platform to trigger a 
cutscene.  Hit the transparent metal platform with a Summoned Sword to make it 
solid then hop over to it.  Quickly angel lift to the metal angel feather to 
trigger a cutscene that will end this mission.

---                                                                         ---
    __  ___                                                      ___   _  _ 
   /  |/  /                                                     / _ \ | || |
  / /|_/ /                                                     | | | || || |_
 / /  / / ---------------------------------------------------- | |_| ||__   _|-
/_/  /_/ I S S I O N  4 -- H E A R T L E S S                    \___/    |_|
              | Crosses = 00  Fragments = 04  Lost Souls = 04 |          [MN04]
_ FIGHT 1 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Harpy
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Stygian x4
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Stygian x2
o Harpy x2
This mission starts with enemy waves.  The Harpies will be new enemies to 
Vergil, but they are not too much of a problem so long as Vergil has Blistering 
Swords.  Activate Blistering Swords to spam their wings with Summoned Swords 
and make them fall to the ground fast.  While a Harpy is grounded, it can be 
treated just like a Stygian for defeating it.  Blistering Swords will dewing a 
Harpy in two hits on Nephilim difficulty and the swords alone take off quite a 
bit per hit, so they work extremely well for Harpies.
After the battle, move up the stairs further ahead.  Vergil will hear his 
mother scream out and he will respond in a very sadistic and crazy tone.  Don't 
worry, mother, we're coming for you!  Hop over to the first platform up ahead. 
Vergil can take two ways to go further.  He can shoot a Summoned Sword at the 
transparent platform to the right and then hop on it and angel boost over to 
the larger platform then continue or he can angel boost to the lower platform 
with the small pillar nearby then angel lift to the next three grapple points. 
It's best to take the left path, if this is your first time, since Vergil will 
pull up to a platform with a **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (12/20)** on it and the 
angel lifting.

Move up the stairs past the big platform.  Don't enter the portal through the 
doorway just yet.  Move along the ledge that extends to the right of the 
doorway then angel boost over to the platform further ahead and pound on the 
**LOST SOUL (12/20)**.  Return to the doorway then step into the portal.

A waterfall will be flowing horizontally to Vergil's left.  Move forward and go 
through the rock archway to the right.  If you look straight up and to the left 
a small vital star can be seen up on the wall, but it cannot be retrieved just 
yet - Vergil will have to go through another portal further ahead to get to it. 
Move forward then angel lift to the next three blue grapple points and Vergil 
will teleport to a large platform with another portal doorway on it.  Approach 
the portal and enemies will attack.

_ FIGHT 2 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Elite Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Elite Stygian x2
o Death Knight
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Death Knight x2
o Wisp
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 - 
o Wisp x2
o Elite Stygian
This is Vergil's first time to run into Elite Stygians.  They are really easier 
than normal Stygians since they don't block.  The only new move is that they 
can send a flame wave toward Vergil from a distance, so try to stay in close 
range to them.  Elite Stygians take more hits when compared to normal Stygians, 
so be sure to kick their asses even harder!  The final two waves have Wisps in 
them.  Use Blistering Swords on the Wisps to stagger them and keep them from 
attacking then attack them with aerial attacks and Drive + Stomp to finish them 
off quickly.  Once the battle is over, step into the portal.

Run up the stairs and there will be a Divinity Statue off to the left up ahead. 
If you haven't started upgrading Summoned Swords yet, now would be a good time 
to start since many of the enemies in the stages ahead will require the use of 
Summoned Swords more often.  Don't enter the tunnel just yet.

Look to the right of the Divinity Statue to see some transparent platforms.  
Shoot them with Summoned Swords then hop up to each of them.  Leap up to the 
platform with two pillars above them then angel lift to the grapple point on 
the ceiling directly ahead.  Angel boost while falling from the grapple point 
then grab the **SMALL VITAL STAR** on the ledge along the other side.  This is 
the small vital star that was on the wall earlier - the wall has become the 
floor in this area.  Make your way back down then enter the tunnel near the 
Divinity Statue.

NOTE: While up on the ledge with two pillars above the transparent platforms, 
Vergil can just jump and angel boost back down instead of shooting the 
transparent platforms.

The tunnel entrance behind Vergil will cave in and seal off as he enters the 
tunnel.  Use Yamato to break the wooden boards that cover the alcove to the 
right and then retrieve the **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (13/20)** off to the left 
in the hidden alcove.  Back in the tunnel, hop over the debris further ahead, 
then use Yamato to break the boards up ahead.  Step out to the open area and a 
cutscene will trigger.  Move toward the small tunnel up ahead and enemies will 

_ FIGHT 3 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 - 
o Harpy x2
o Ravager
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Harpy
o Elite Stygian x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Tyrant
These enemy waves are a mix of the old and the newer enemies basically.  Use 
Blistering Swords to instantly ground the Harpies then deal with them from the 
start in each wave they are in.  Allow the Tyrant to shoulder ram then get 
behind him and demon pull him to the ground then activate Spiral Swords and hit 
him with Drive and Stomp or Divorce.  When he berserks, stay at a distance and 
hit him with Aerial Flush from behind.
After the battle, move through the opening in the rock wall up ahead.  While 
stepping out on the path with ledges past the rock wall, look up and to the 
left and find the blue grapple point on the high ledge above Vergil.  Angel 
lift to that platform.  Look off to the right and jump then angel boost over to 
the platform with the **LOST SOUL (13/20)**.  Hop back down to the bridge 
platform afterwards then angel lift to the overhead grapple point in front of 
the doorway further ahead and then angel boost over to the door and enter the 

Follow the bridge through the opening in the rock wall in front of Vergil then 
angel boost to the platform ahead - there are is a transparent platform in 
front of Vergil, but ignore it for now.  Look off to the right and find the two 
platforms off in the distance.  Angel boost over to the first then hop to the 
second platform.  There are two collectibles that can be found while on the 
second platform.  Look around the right side of the wall to the right and hop 
over to that platform then pick up the **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (14/20)**.  Hop 
back over to the last platform and face the upside-down portal to the side.  
There is a Lost Soul on the ledge above that platform.  Jump toward the ledge 
then Trick Up and then angel boost toward the ledge.  Evade in the air to gain 
extra distance if needed.  Clobber the **LOST SOUL (14/20)** on the wall 
afterwards then get back down to the platform in front of the transparent 

Shoot the first transparent platform with a Summoned Sword to make it solid 
then jump over to it.  Quickly run across it then angel boost to the next 
platform.  There is a rotating transparent platform on the other side of the 
next platform. Move toward the transparent platform and wait for it to rotate 
to where its bigger side is facing upwards then shoot it with a Summoned Sword. 
Quickly hop on top of the flat platform then angel lift to the higher ledge.

_ FIGHT 4 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Shielded Bathos x5
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Shielded Bathos x2
o Elite Stygian x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Death Knight
o Elite Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 4 -
o Elite Stygian x3
o Wisp x2

These battles are nothing that Vergil hasn't fought before.  He can knock the 
grounded enemies off the sides of the current ledge very easily with a Drive 
followed by a Stomp.  The last wave has two Wisps in it, so use Blistering 
Swords to reveal them and stagger them then hit them with aerial attacks and 
Drive and Stomp to easily take care of them.  Step into the portal after the 

When Vergil starts out in this area, step behind the doorway of the portal and 
find the ledge on the side of the rock wall to the left of the portal then 
angel boost over to it and slash the **LOST SOUL (15/20)** on the rock wall to 
the side.  Back in front of the portal, find the rock with the orange grapple 
point off to the left while looking up then demon pull it.  Vergil will move 
the rock to the right and it will have a blue grapple point on the bottom of it 
once moved.  Angel lift up to it then angel boost to the platform with two 
pillars up ahead.

Step out onto the bridge past the two pillars then look to the right.  Fire a 
Summoned Sword at the transparent platform to make it solid then angel boost 
over to it and angel lift to the ledge on the other side of the area.  Step 
into the portal on the ledge.

Run across the bridge ahead.  Don't even think about hopping to any of the 
platforms below since Vergil has already been down there (through previous 
portals).  Move up the stairs on the other side.  There is a Divinity Statue up 
ahead.  Check off to the right side of that Divinity Statue to find a **HEALTH 
CROSS FRAGMENT (15/20)** on a lower platform to the right of the Divinity 
Statue.  Stand in between the two pillars to the left of the Divinity Statue 
then angel lift to the higher ledge.  Run toward the top of the stairs and 
angel lift to the graveyard above then move forward to trigger a cutscene.

_ FIGHT 5 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Witch
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Elite Stygian x3
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Elite Stygian x2
o Wisp x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 4 -
o Elite Stygian x2
o Wisp
o Witch
This will be Vergil's first time to face off against a Witch and let me tell 
you one thing about Vergil and Witches - Vergil can beat the shit out of them 
compared to Dante.  To break their shield, fire Summoned Swords at their 
shields or use Blistering Swords to launch several swords at them.  Blistering 
Swords will tear up their shields in seconds.  Once the Witch is exposed, run 
up to it and hit it a few times then knock it into the air with Upperslash then 
follow it and hit it in the air then end the combination with a Drive and Stomp 
to put some major hurt on the Witch, if not kill it.

The final wave has a mixture of a Wisp and a Witch in it.  Kill off the Witch 
first and then focus on killing the Wisp.  The Witch should not be much of a 
problem at all compared to a Wisp.  If the Witch ever tries to fire her swords 
at Vergil, reflect them back at her with the first two hits of Yamato's Slasher 
(/\, /\ or Y, Y).

Vergil will start out on the stairway below the grave after the cutscene 
following the last battle.  Follow the stairway to the bottom then step toward 
the creature on the other side of the bridge with statues when Vergil reaches 
the bottom.  A cutscene will trigger.

_ FIGHT 6 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Imprisoner
This is the second new normal enemy of Vergil's Downfall known as an 
"Imprisoner".  This enemy is nearly like a mini-boss with how tough he is.  He 
likes to stand at a distance and send out a wave of fire branches toward 
Vergil.  Do not step into the fire branches or they will damage Vergil.  The 
Imprisoner can break the branches by stepping through them.  The Imprisoner 
will pick up part of the ground and toss it at Vergil from a distance as well - 
this attack has to be carefully evaded by evading right before it hits Vergil. 
The Imprisoner's main attack is to ram forward and try to hit Vergil.  Quickly 
jump into the air and angel boost over him when he does this.  From up close, 
he has a close range punch that he can use as well.

It's best to be just as aggressive as the Imprisoner when fighting him.  Stay 
right next to him and spam him with Drive followed by Stomp and use either 
Blistering Swords or Spiral Swords to gain some extra hits while attacking him. 
The Stomp will instantly stagger him out of whatever move he is doing.  Right 
after performing a Stomp, perform another Drive and Stomp.  You need to 
basically trap him and he won't be a problem.  If he is allowed to move around 
much, this battle can be hard.  Aerial Flush is a good move to hit him from 
long range but try to NOT get long range from him.  A cutscene that will end 
this mission will trigger shortly after the battle.
---                                                                         ---
    __  ___                                                       ___   ____
   /  |/  /                                                      / _ \ | ___|
  / /|_/ /                                                      | | | ||___ \
 / /  / / ----------------------------------------------------  | |_| | ___) |-
/_/  /_/ I S S I O N 5 -- O W N  S H A D O W                     \___/ |____/
              | Crosses = 00  Fragments = 00  Lost Souls = 00 |          [MN05]
------------------------------ - BOSS BATTLE - --------------------------------

                          H O L L O W  V E R G I L
                         - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Close Range Attacks

o Judgement Cut - Hollow Vergil teleports and holds his sword handle then 
  slashes forward with a vortex of energy.

o Stomp - Hollow Vergil teleports into the air and then falls with a ground 
  smash while holding Yamato downwards.  This attack does area damage.

o Helmbreaker - Hollow Vergil teleports into the air and then falls with an 
  overhead Yamato slice.

o Teleport Crosscut combo - Hollow Vergil teleports and performs three hits of 
  the Crosscut combo after a teleport.  He teleports three times and performs 
  three slashes.

o Blistering Swords - Hollow Vergil forms a set of swords around him and then 
  fires them forward shortly after.  He fires them one at a time.

Extra Close Range Attacks (second battle)

o Rapid Slash - Hollow Vergil dashes forward and unsheathes Yamato then slashes 
  and creates energy waves of slices behind him.  He will sometimes perform an 
  Upperslash after this Rapid Slash.

o Upperslash - Hollow Vergil performs an upward slice with Yamato.  He will 
  always do this after a Rapid Slash if he is going to do it.

o Aerial Flush - Hollow Vergil slashes with Yamato and sends an energy sword 
  downward.  He will always perform this after an Upperslash if he is going to 
  do it.

o Killer Bee - Hollow Vergil teleports into the air and charges a kick attack 
  then falls diagonally toward the ground with a kick.  He will sometimes 
  perform this after an Aerial Flush - sometimes he will perform this move by 
  itself though.

Background Attacks

o Storm Swords - Hollow Vergil sends a group of rotating swords around Vergil. 
  The swords rotate around him then eventually move outward shortly before they 
  stab him.  The stabbing of the swords will become faster the second time 
  Hollow Vergil moves to the background.

o Giant Sword - Hollow Vergil makes the ground illuminate below Vergil and a 
  giant energy sword falls to the ground like a lightning bolt.  He will only 
  do one of these from the start, but later he will do four in a row.

I'm not going to lie - Hollow Vergil is a hard boss and you have to know him 
well to keep from getting hit by him.  Let's start with his attacks first.  
Read over the attacks listed above.  Hollow Vergil can perform several of 
Vergil's standard attacks and you need to evade away the moment after he starts 
the attack to avoid it.  Always delay an evade and don't perform it right after 
he teleports - evade a second before he appears in order to fully avoid his 
attack.  His Judgement Cut attack requires a delay in your evasion in order to 
dodge for sure.  It's hard to tell whether he will perform a Stomp or 
Helmbreaker when he teleports into the air, so it's best to evade away from 
him.  The Stomp does area damage all around him.

NEVER fire Summoned Swords at Hollow Vergil or he will perform his Blistering 
Swords attack that is very hard to dodge.  Evade to the side the moment a sword 
shoots forward or you will get hit!  His Blistering Swords can be reflected to 
stun him, but this requires some PRECISE timing with the first two hits of 
Slasher or another attack in order to reflect a sword.  His teleport combo must 
be evaded after each portion of the teleport.  Be sure to watch him carefully 
and be ready to evade after every teleport that he does.

The best time to attack Hollow Vergil is after his Helmbreaker - he will take a 
few seconds to sheath his sword and that is when you can strike.  Vergil can 
also be hit out of his other moves as well.  During his teleport combo, evade 
TOWARD him before the third attack and you'll be next to him while he recovers. 
Once Hollow Vergil is hit, start a long combination in order to damage him a 
bunch while he is staggered.  Hit him with the first two hits of Slasher then 
perform Upperslash and jump into the air with him.  Perform the first two hits 
of Aerial Rave then perform all of Orbit and finished with Drive followed by a 
Stomp.  This will all hurt him badly!

You can hit Hollow Vergil with Aerial Flush and Rapid Slash while avoiding his 
moves, but it's hard to string together attacks with these.  He can be hit 
quite often with Summoned Swords to damage him a good bit, BUT he will counter 
with Blistering Swords and his Blistering Swords are HARD to evade.  Always be 
ready to evade just in case Hollow Vergil is not stunned by your attack - if he 
ever teleports into the air while your Vergil attacks him, evade IMMEDIATELY!

Once Hollow Vergil has taken enough damage, he will teleport to the dark heart 
in the background.  While he is in the background, he cannot be hit and his 
attacks must be dodged.  He will perform Storm Swords - Summoned Swords will 
float around Vergil then stab him all at once.  These are hard to avoid, but 
they can be avoided by evading the second the swords move outward around Vergil 
to stab him - the timing requires a PRECISE press of the evade button at that 
exact time to avoid the swords.  Hollow Vergil will also stab the ground with a 
giant sword.  Evade, run or jump out of the way when the ground glows blue to 
avoid the giant sword.  Hollow Vergil will eventually stop his attacks and move 
back toward the battle area to attack from close range.

Hollow Vergil will always teleport toward the dark heart a second time and his 
attacks will be even harder to avoid that second time.  His Storm Swords attack 
will be much faster and you'll need to evade faster to avoid them.  His giant 
sword attack will hit in four places, so evade several times to the side to 
escape them as the ground glows or jump and angel boost out of the way.  The 
way he mixes up his attacks can make the second set of background attacks 
really hard to avoid.

After Hollow Vergil returns from teleporting to the heart one time, he will 
start to perform a new combination of attacks along with his other attacks.  He 
likes to perform a Rapid Slash, Upperslash, Aerial Flush and Killer Bee all in 
that order, but sometimes he won't do the full combination.  He might only 
perform a Rapid Slash or teleport into the air and perform a Killer Bee.  He 
tries to trick you into evading at the wrong second so he can hit you.  Evade 
to avoid all of his attacks except for the Killer Bee.  When he teleports into 
the air and charges a kick (Killer Bee) prepare to jump to the side to avoid 
it.  After avoiding the Killer Bee, hit him with a combination of attacks since 
he will be left wide open.

------------------------- - BOSS BATTLE COMPLETE! - ---------------------------

---                                                                         ---
    __  ___                                                       ___    __ 
   /  |/  /                                                      / _ \  / /_  
  / /|_/ /                                                      | | | || '_ \
 / /  / / ----------------------------------------------------- | |_| || (_) |-
/_/  /_/ I S S I O N  6 -- A N O T H E R  C H A N C E            \___/  \___/
              | Crosses = 00  Fragments = 05  Lost Souls = 05 |          [MN06]
Congrats to you!  Your Vergil has now gone Super Saiyan!  Vergil still controls 
the same, but he has a spiffy new look.  I bet his power level would break 
Dante's scouter by now.  Move along the path ahead to trigger a cutscene. 
Enemies will attack Dante.  Press in on the left and right thumbsticks to 
activate Vergil's ++DOPPELGANGER++ and trigger another cutscene.

_ FIGHT 1 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Elite Stygian x4
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Elite Stygian x2
o Death Knight x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Wisp x2
o Elite Stygian x3
Vergil can only allow his doppelganger to mimic his current attacks for the 
moment (it will remain black), but it can be upgraded to perform demon, angel 
or plain Yamato attacks while he does other attacks and its attacks can be 
delayed by upgrading it at a Divinity Statue.  The only wave here that might be 
a problem is the second and final wave of enemies.  Use Drive and Stomp to 
knock the Death Knights off the side of the cliff if they ever become a 
problem.  After exposing the Wisps with Summoned Swords, hit them with the 
usual aerial attacks including Drive and Stomp.
The side of the mansion will crumble up ahead as Vergil continues forward after 
the battle.  Hop up to the raised area then leap over to the first floating 
platform up ahead.  While on the first floating platform, turn around and look 
to the right to see a **LOST SOUL (16/20)** on a ledge behind the wall of the 
mansion - angel boost over to it and clobber it.

Angel boost over to the ledge with the fountain then hop over to the platform 
with the tree.  The mansion up ahead will crumble.  Wait for the transparent 
platform up ahead to turn over on its big flat side then shoot it with a 
Summoned Sword and hop over to it.  Shoot the second transparent platform with 
a Summoned Sword and hop over to it then angel boost over to the stairs in 
front of the mansion.  There is a **LOST SOUL (17/20)** on the wall above the 
entrance to the side corridor.  To get to it, stand on the piece of railing 
across from the corridor entrance then jump and Trick Up and then angel boost 
toward it and hit it with Aerial Rave.  There is also a **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT 
(16/20)** on a lower ledge below the right set of stairs in front of the 
corridor entrance.  Enter the mansion corridor when ready.

Follow the corridor to the gap up ahead.  Jump and angel boost over to the 
alcove on the left side of the corridor and look up on the left wall to see 
another **LOST SOUL (18/20)**.  Trick Up to it and hit the Lost Soul then angel 
boost over to the other side of the corridor.  Turn right at the end of the 
corridor then step outside.

Demon pull the corridor ahead and Vergil will move it in front of him.  Hop 
over to the new platform and move ahead then some enemies will attack.

_ FIGHT 2 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Witch
o Harpy x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Shielded Bathos x4
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Harpy x3
o Witch
This fight can be kind of annoying because of the surroundings where Vergil 
must fight the enemies.  Hop over to the platform with the tree for the biggest 
battle area.  It's really good to use Blistering Swords to destroy the Witch's 
shield and to dewing the Harpies during this fight.  None of the enemies really 
pose much of a threat so long as Vergil uses Blistering Swords to weaken them 
before fighting them.  The Shielded Bathos should be demon pulled to remove 
their shields and then brought to Vergil with a demon pull before killing them 
off as usual.
Once the battle is finished, hop over to the platform below the blue grapple 
point.  Don't angel lift up to it just yet.  Make a very extended jump and 
angel boost over to the ledge with the **SMALL DEVIL TRIGGER STAR** on it off 
to the left.  Hop back over to the platform afterwards and then angel boost up 
to the blue grapple point then enter the corridor ahead.

The other side of the corridor is blocked this time, so fall into the hole in 
the floor.

Enter the big room up ahead.  This is the area where Vergil first ran into the 
Wisp enemy.  A cutscene will play as Vergil gets close to that area.  The 
ground will split apart in two sections during the cutscene.  Enemies will 
attack afterwards.

_ FIGHT 3 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 - 
o Elite Stygian x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Shielded Pathos x4
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Elite Stygian x2
o Death Knight
Once again we have another fight that can get hard simply because of the 
surroundings.  Vergil can literally stand on one side of the area and knock the 
enemies into the pits below with his Drive and Stomp moves if you want to kill 
them easily.  The Shielded Pathos are probably the most annoying since they 
need to be demon pulled before they can be beaten and Vergil can't knock them 
into a pit.  A few Summoned Swords fired at them will do the job though.
Once the battle is finished, enter the corridor up ahead.  There is a Divinity 
Statue off to the left while passing down the corridor.  Doppelganger can be 
upgraded here, but I wouldn't recommend it for now if you have something better 
to upgrade.  Doppelganger is more complex when it can be delayed or changed to 
another mode (demon, angel or Yamato) and it's harder to control.  Step outside 
the mansion corridor at the end of the next hallway to trigger a cutscene and 
an enemy battle.

_ FIGHT 4 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Rage
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Stygian x2
o Elite Stygian x3
o Ravager
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Death Knight
o Elite Stygian x2
o Ravager
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 4 -
o Rage x2
While fighting the enemies, there is a **LOST SOUL (19/20)** on the high wall 
above the entrance to the corridor that Vergil just exited from.  While 
battling the enemies, get one to stand in front of the corridor then knock it 
up with Upperslash and enemy step off of it then Trick Up and angel boost 
toward the Lost Soul then hit it with Aerial Rave.  Vergil can also Upperslash 
an enemy then enemy step off of it and demon pull, enemy step then demon pull 
and continue that combination until high enough then hit the Lost Soul with an 
Aerial Rave - angel boost toward it if needed.

This is Vergil's first time to fight a Rage.  It's best to be aggressive 
against them and kill them quickly with melee attacks.  Run up to them and 
attack them then knock them into the air with Upperslash and hit them with the 
first two hits of Aerial Rave, first hit of Orbiter then Drive and Stomp them. 
This will take massive damage from them.  If they ever form a glow over their 
bodies then quickly fire Summoned Swords at them to get rid of their projectile 
before they fire it.  Use Spiral Swords to help out for the two waves of 
Stygians and Ravagers.  With the two Rages, try to damage them both equally so 
that the one that berserks will not have much health left.
After the battle, move over to the boarded up wall to the left of the entrance 
doors to the corridor then jump and Trick Up and then angel boost through the 
open space above the boards.  There is a **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (17/20)** off 
to the left on the other side of the wall.  Jump and Trick Up then angel boost 
back out.  Before angel lifting to the higher platform across from the corridor 
entrance doors, look to the right of that platform to see a health cross 
fragment on a lower ledge below it.  Go ahead and angel lift to the platform.

The platform will start to break apart.  Be sure to fall off the right side of 
the platform quickly and collect the **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (18/20)** 
mentioned above. You might fall, but if so, Vergil will only lose some health. 
Quickly jump then angel boost to the platform with the tree up ahead.  Demon 
pull the platform up ahead to make it revolve around then jump to the piece of 
corridor when it turns.  Run forward then fire a Summoned Sword at the 
transparent platform up ahead.  Hop over to that platform then angel lift to 
the higher platform.

_ FIGHT 5 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Elite Stygian x2
o Wisp x2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Elite Stygian x3
o Witch
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Wisp x2
o Witch
o Elite Stygian x3
Look off to the left at the start of this battle and then tilt the camera 
upwards.  There is a very high small platform.  You can't see it, but this 
platform has a health cross fragment on it.  Work a Wisp over toward that 
platform then knock it up with Upperslash, enemy step off of it, demon pull it, 
enemy step, demon pull and keep doing this combination until Vergil gets high 
enough to see the **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (19/20)** then angel boost over to 
that platform and grab it.

The waves of enemies have four Wisps in them total.  Be sure to kill off the 
Wisps quickly with aerial attacks and Drives followed by Stomps.  Do not let up 
on them.  When they berserk do nothing but Drive followed by Stomps on them to 
kill them off quickly.  Kill off the Witch first in each wave she is in - fire 
Blistering Swords at her shield then combo her into the air and Drive then 
Stomp her.  The last wave can get pretty crazy.  It's kind of hard to focus on 
one enemy because of the amount of enemies.
After the battle, a wall will fall up ahead and reveal an orange grapple point. 
Demon pull the wall and then jump and angel boost over to the platform when the 
wall flips over.  There is nothing on the lower floor up ahead, so angel lift 
to the next ledge.  There is a **HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT (20/20)** off to the 
left after angel lifting up to the mansion floor.  Step through the doorway up 
ahead then look on the wall to the right - there is a **LOST SOUL (20/20)** 
above the closed door off to the right.  Jump and Trick Up to the Lost Soul 
then hit it.  Angel boost to the courtyard platform below.

The courtyard platform will start to break apart.  Run directly ahead toward 
the two pillars then angel lift to the higher platform.  Fire a Summoned Sword 
at the transparent rock up ahead then leap on top of it and angel lift to the 
high ledge up above.  Run toward the crumbling bridge off to the right.  Fire a 
Summoned Sword at the transparent rock to make it solid then leap over to it.  
Do the same for the next transparent rock then leap over to it and demon pull 
the platform to the left.  Quickly angel boost over to the next platform.  
Angel boost to the next platform with the tree off to the right.  Fire a 
Summoned Sword at the transparent rock up ahead then angel boost over to it.  
Quickly angel lift to the ledge with the gate and approach the gate.

_ FIGHT 6 _____________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 1 -
o Ravager x2
o Tyrant
Turn the camera away from the Tyrant so it won't attack then kill off the 
Ravagers first during this battle.  Take them into the air and combo them then 
end the combination with a Drive and Stomp to put some major hurt on them.  
They can also be knocked off a ledge easily.  The Tyrant should be demon pulled 
from behind and then hit with Divorce or constant Drive and Stomps while he is 
down. To speed up the battle, hit him with Aerial Flushes from behind while he 
goes berserk.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 2 -
o Elite Stygian x3
o Rage x2
Try to knock the Rages off the sides of the ledge quickly.  The second Rage 
will berserk, but he can be knocked off just as easily once he goes back to 
normal status.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 -
o Imprisoner
o Elite Stygian x3
It's been quite a while since the last Imprisoner and this one spawns with some 
buddies to help him out.  It's best to focus on the Imprisoner and be 
aggressive.  Stay next to him then hit him with constant Drive and Stomp 
combinations.  Activate Spiral Swords, Blistering Swords or Doppelganger to 
help out with this battle.  This is the final battle of the game, so go all out 
if needed.  The ending cutscene will play after this battle.

          ____        _  _              _    _  _      _            
         / ___| ___  | || |  ___   ___ | |_ (_)| |__  | |  ___  ___ 
        | |    / _ \ | || | / _ \ / __|| __|| || '_ \ | | / _ \/ __|
        | |___| (_) || || ||  __/| (__ | |_ | || |_) || ||  __/\__ \
         \____|\___/ |_||_| \___| \___| \__||_||_.__/ |_| \___||___/
        L O S T  S O U L S,  F R A G M E N T S,  A N D  C R O S S E S
|_| Lost Soul (1/20)
Location: Mission 1 - Mansion Corridor

As Vergil first enters the Mansion Corridor, following the fight with the many 
Stygians outside, a cutscene will play where he will see young Vergil and Dante 
fighting.  After the cutscene, check out the alcove to the left up ahead to 
find this Lost Soul on the left wall.  Step down the right corridor until 
Vergil reaches a gap.
|_| Lost Soul (2/20)
Location: Mission - Floating Corridor

When Vergil reaches the area where he must angel lift up to a blue grapple 
point, ignore that blue grapple point and make an extended jump and angel boost 
over to the ledge off to the left.  There is a Lost Soul on the right side of 
the mansion wall up ahead.
|_| Lost Soul (3/20)
Location: Mission 1 - Bottom Corridor

After fighting the Wisp and other enemies that follow, move into the corridor 
with the Divinity Statue up ahead and look off to the left to see a corridor. 
This Lost Soul is on the back wall of that corridor.
|_| Lost Soul (4/20)
Location: Mission 1 - Path to Courtyard

After angel lifting to the chandelier and then to the ledge in front of the 
corridor there is a lower corridor below Vergil.  The Lost Soul can be heard 
yelling.  Drop to that corridor and this Lost Soul will be on the wall of that 
lower corridor.
|_| Lost Soul (5/20)
Location: Mission 2 - Street Intersection

After moving through the first flowing doorway, Vergil will have a Divinity 
Statue and a split path in front of him.  Take the left path and angel lift and 
demon pull your way to the other side.  When Vergil has to angel lift and then 
angel boost to reach a smaller platform in front of a bigger platform, get on 
top of the bigger platform and find the stairway on the right side of that 
platform.  Follow the stairway to the bottom and there will be a Lost Soul on 
the left side of the bottom portion of that stairway.
|_| Lost Soul (6/20)
Location: Mission 2 - Street Intersection

While taking the left path in the street intersection area, Vergil will have to 
bounce off a boost ring.  After bouncing off that boost ring, move to the other 
side of the overhead archway up ahead.  Turn around and look up at the other 
side of the archway to see a blue grapple point on the top of the archway.  
Jump and then angel lift up to the top of the archway then walk over and 
clobber the Lost Soul on the wall of the building to the right.
|_| Lost Soul (7/20)
Location: Mission 2 - Street Intersection

While moving along the left path in the Street Intersection area, after Vergil 
leaps off two boost rings to reach the platform with the second archway, find 
the rock wall off to the left.  Look behind the rock wall to find a Lost Soul 
on the wall.
|_| Lost Soul (8/20)
Location: Mission 3 - Floating Platforms

When Vergil starts in the mission, hop onto the two platforms up ahead.  Vergil 
will arrive at a path split.  Take the right path and move up under the archway 
along that path.  Turn around and face the archway and look up to see a blue 
grapple point on the archway.  Angel lift to the top and this Lost Soul will be 
on the right wall.
|_| Lost Soul (9/20)
Location: Mission 3 - Rail Tunnel Area

After Vergil makes it to the tunnel in the area where he smacks Dante with the 
side of a train cart, run out the right end of that tunnel.  There is a 
transparent train cart below the next ledge.  Shoot that transparent cart with 
a Summoned Sword to make it solid then hop onto it and get up on the second 
train cart ahead.  Look to the right to see a rock ledge.  Jump then angel 
boost over to that rock ledge then hop up to the higher area on the right.  
This Lost Soul is on the rock wall to the left on that ledge.
|_| Lost Soul (10/20)
Location: Mission 3 - Railway Corridor

After the cutscene where Vergil slams into Dante following the area with the 
two transparent train carts that are stuck to the sidewalls, follow the tunnel 
up ahead and look off to the right while moving down the tunnel.  Watch for an 
alcove with a fence and then step behind that fence and this Lost Soul will be 
on the right wall of that alcove.
|_| Lost Soul (11/20)
Location: Mission 3 - Train Station Entrance

While Vergil is in the Train Station Entrance area that he gets to after moving 
up the corridor following the cutscene where he slammed into Dante, fight off 
the enemy waves then hop across the platforms on the left side of the area.  
Jump into the tunnel ahead and follow it to the right until Vergil reaches a 
gap.  There is a ledge on the other side of the left wall, so jump diagonally 
to the left then angel boost back to the left to get on that ledge.  The Lost 
Soul will be on the wall to the left.
|_| Lost Soul (12/20)
Location: Mission 4 - Forest Platform Area

Once Vergil reaches the stairs in front of the first doorway with a portal, 
look off to the right and follow the ledge near the stairs.  Angel boost over 
to the platform further ahead and there is a Lost Soul on the left rock wall of 
that platform.
|_| Lost Soul (13/20)
Location: Mission 4 - Past the Tunnel

Shortly after Vergil exits the tunnel that collapse in on him from behind, he 
will fight several enemy waves in an open area.  After the battle, move through 
the opening in the rock wall ahead.  Vergil will step out to a bridge platform. 
Look up and to the left to see a very high platform with a blue grapple point 
on it.  Angel lift up to that platform.  Look to the right and jump then angel 
boost over to the platform with this Lost Soul on it.
|_| Lost Soul (14/20) 
Location: Transparent Platform Area

After Vergil enters the tunnel that collapses behind him, he will get in a 
fight with an enemy wave afterwards and then enter a portal.  After entering 
the portal, step through the opening in the rock wall ahead.  Hop over to the 
platform up ahead and there will be two transparent platforms in front of 
Vergil.  Look off to the left to spot two platforms along a rock wall.  Angel 
boost over to the first platform then hop onto the second platform.  While on 
the second platform, look to the left to see an upside-down portal doorway.  
The ledge above that portal has a Lost Soul on the wall beside it.  To reach 
the ledge, jump toward the ledge then Trick Up and then angel boost toward the 
|_| Lost Soul (15/20)
Location: Mission 4 - Path With Bridge

After Vergil makes it through the area where he must shoot a transparent 
rotating platform and then hop over it, he will step through a portal following 
an enemy fight.  When he starts out on the other side of the portal, step 
behind that portal and jump then angel boost over to the ledge behind the rock 
wall to the side of the portal and there will be a Lost Soul on the rock wall 
near the platform.
|_| Lost Soul (16/20)
Location: Mission 6 - Outside the Mansion

After the first set of enemy waves, hop over to the first of the floating 
platforms then turn around and look to the right.  There is a Lost Soul on the 
on the wall above the ledge behind the mansion wall that Vergil just passed by. 
Angel boost over to it then slash it.
|_| Lost Soul (17/20)
Location: Mission 6 - Outside the Mansion

After Vergil hops along the beginning platforms, including the last few 
transparent platforms, he will come to the first corridor of the mansion. There 
is a Lost Soul on the wall up above the entrance corridor and to the right.   
To get to it, stand on the piece of railing across from the entrance corridor 
then jump and Trick Up then angel boost toward the Lost Soul and hit with 
Aerial Rave.
|_| Lost Soul (18/20)
Location: Mission 6 - Mansion Corridor

After Vergil hops along the beginning platforms, including the last few 
transparent platforms, he will come to the first corridor of the mansion.  
Enter the corridor and Vergil will eventually come to a gap in the floor.  
Angel boost over to the left alcove to find this Lost Soul high up on the left 
wall of that corridor - Trick Up to it and hit it with Aerial Rave.
|_| Lost Soul (19/20)
Location: Mission 6 - Path to Courtyard

While fighting the enemies outside the corridor with the Divinity Statue, there 
is a Lost Soul on the high wall above the entrance to the corridor that Vergil 
just exited from.  While battling the enemies, get one to stand in front of the 
corridor then knock it up with Upperslash and enemy step off of it then Trick 
Up and angel boost toward the Lost Soul then hit it with Aerial Rave.  Vergil 
can also Upperslash an enemy then enemy step off of it and demon pull, enemy 
step then demon pull and continue that combination until high enough then hit 
the Lost Soul with an Aerial Rave - angel boost toward it if needed.
|_| Lost Soul (20/20)
Location: Mission 6 - Path to Courtyard

After the battle with the many enemies once Vergil hops across the crumbling 
platform, he will have to demon pull a wall to make a platform then angel lift 
to a higher area of the mansion.  There is a health cross fragment off to the 
left.  Step through the doorway up ahead then look off to the right to find a 
Lost Soul above the closed door to the right.  Jump and Trick Up to it then hit 

|_| Health Cross Fragment (1/20)
Location: Mansion Corridor

As Vergil first enters the Mansion Corridor, following the fight with the many 
Stygians outside, a cutscene will play where he will see young Vergil and Dante 
fighting.  After the cutscene, move all the way down the current corridor and 
check behind the debris at the end to find this fragment.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (2/20)
Location: Floating Corridor

After Vergil exits the first corridor of the mansion, he will have to demon 
pull a section of the corridor toward him.  He will leap over to a platform 
with a tree afterwards.  Look to the right while on this platform to spot 
another platform to the right.  Jump and angel boost over to that platform then 
find the ledge beside the mansion with the Health Cross Fragment on it then 
angel boost over to it.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (3/20)
Location: Mission 1 - Second Corridor

When Vergil angel lifts up to the corridor of the Mansion from the outside 
floating corridor, there will be a gap in the floor up ahead.  Hop to the other 
side of the gap and then use Yamato to break open the boarded up wall to the 
right to find a hidden alcove containing this health cross fragment.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (4/20)
Location: Mission 1 - Path to Courtyard

After demon pulling the platform and hopping over to the floating corridor in 
the Path to the Courtyard, Vergil will hop over to a platform with a wall to 
the right that has a window on it.  Hop through the window to find a ledge on 
the other side of the wall.  This ledge has the health cross fragment on it.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (5/20)
Location: Mission 2 - Street Ruins

After the opening fight, Vergil will have to pass under an archway.  After 
passing up under the archway, turn to the right and look up.  There is a higher 
ledge above Vergil and he must get on that ledge.  Stand back a bit from the 
high ledge then jump and Trick Up and then angel boost toward the ledge.  While 
on the high ledge, look to the ledge across the street to see this Health Cross 
Fragment.  Jump and angel boost toward the ledge it is on then collect it.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (6/20)
Location: Mission 2 - Street Intersection

When first arriving at the intersection with the Divinity Statue, take the 
right path.  Demon pull the first platform then hop on top of it and angel 
boost to the higher platform.  Jump on top of the platform with the archway.  
Walk to the left of the archway and hop on top of the raised area to the left 
of it.  The health cross fragment is on that raised area.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (7/20)
Location: Mission 2 - Street Intersection

After moving through the first flowing doorway, Vergil will have a Divinity 
Statue and a split path in front of him.  Take the left path and angel lift and 
demon pull your way to the other side.  When Vergil has to angel lift and then 
angel boost to reach a smaller platform in front of a bigger platform, get on 
top of the bigger platform and look to the left.  There is a health cross 
fragment beside the corridor with the glowing door off to the left.  Hop over 
to that platform and collect it.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (8/20)
Location: Mission 3 - Floating Platforms

Near the beginning of the stage, Vergil will have a choice of paths after 
hopping to the beginning platforms - move past that area and angel lift to the 
next big area.  Move under the archways ahead then stay along the right side.  
Run under the archway to the right and angel boost across the gap then grab the 
health cross fragment on the high area.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (9/20)
Location: Mission 3 - Railway Corridors

After Dante fights the enemy wave that ends with the Tyrant, step into the 
tunnel that Dante was in and angel boost across the gap.  Move up all the sets 
of stairs.  Dante will be on the high ledge in the next area.  Fire Summoned 
Swords at the two transparent rail carts that stick out of the side wall to 
make them solid while hopping across them.  When Vergil stands on the second 
rail cart, quickly look to the left and demon pull the orange grapple point on 
the left wall.  Hop onto the platform that Vergil pulls out then leap up the 
ledge and get into the back tunnel on the right to see this health cross 
|_| Health Cross Fragment (10/20)
Location: Mission 3 - Railway Corridors

After angel lifting from the second train cart in the area with two transparent 
train carts that are stuck to walls, a cutscene will play where Vergil will 
slam into Dante.  Following the cutscene, turn to the left then go back outside 
the tunnel.  Hop up to the raised area to the left to find this health cross 
|_| Health Cross Fragment (11/20)
Location: Angel Statue Area

While moving along the metal platforms below the angel statue, Vergil will hop 
across two transparent platforms and then a single transparent platform.  He 
will leap over to a long metal platform and this health cross fragment will be 
on a lower platform off to the left below that long metal platform.  Jump down 
to it and grab it.  In order to get back up, Vergil must face the long platform 
and jump then Trick Up and angel boost back over to it.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (12/20)
Location: Mission 4 - Forest Platform Area

After the beginning fight, move up the stairs and hop onto the first platform. 
Jump to the smaller platform with the small pillar on it.  Look to the right 
and angel lift across the blue grapple points off to the right.  Vergil will 
pull up to a platform with this health cross fragment on it.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (13/20)
Location: Mission 4 - Forest Tunnel Area

After Vergil enters the tunnel that seals off behind him, look to the right and 
use Yamato to break the boards that cover an alcove on the wall to the side.  
Step into the hidden alcove and fetch the health cross fragment from off to the 
|_| Health Cross Fragment (14/20)
Location: Transparent Platform Area

After Vergil enters the tunnel that collapses behind him, he will get in a 
fight with an enemy wave afterwards and then enter a portal.  After entering 
the portal, step through the opening in the rock wall ahead.  Hop over to the 
platform up ahead and there will be two transparent platforms in front of 
Vergil.  Look off to the left to spot two platforms along a rock wall.  Angel 
boost over to the first platform then hop onto the second platform.  While on 
the second platform, look around the right side of the rock wall to find a 
hidden ledge.  Angel boost over to that ledge to find this health cross 
|_| Health Cross Fragment (15/20)
Location: Mission 4 - Path to the Graveyard

When Vergil moves across a bridge and then runs up some stairs after exiting 
the last portal, he will find a Divinity Statue above the stairs.  Look to the 
right of the Divinity Statue to find a lower platform with this health cross 
fragment piece on it.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (16/20)
Location: Mission 6 - Outside the Mansion

After Vergil hops along the beginning platforms, including the last few 
transparent platforms, he will come to the first corridor of the mansion.  This 
health cross fragment is on the lower ledge below the right set of stairs that 
lead up to the mansion corridor.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (17/20)
Location: Mission 6 - Path to Courtyard

After fighting the enemies in the outside area just outside the corridor with 
the Divinity Statue, face the corridor doors then look to the left to see a 
boarded up wall.  Walk over to it then jump and Trick Up then angel boost 
through the open space in the wall at the top.  There is a health cross 
fragment in the room behind the wall.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (18/20)
Location: Mission 6 - Path to Courtyard

After fighting the enemies in the outside area just outside the corridor with 
the Divinity Statue, angel lift to the higher platform.  The platform will 
start to break apart.  Quickly run to the right side of the platform and drop 
to the lower ledge on that side then grab the health cross fragment.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (19/20)
Location: Mission 6 - Path to Courtyard

After moving across the crumbling platforms while headed away from the first 
mansion corridor, Vergil will have to fight a wave of enemies after angel 
lifting.  The waves should start out with two Wisps on Nephilim difficulty.  
Look off to the left of the platform then tilt the camera upwards to see a very 
high small platform.  This platform has a health cross fragment on it.  To get 
to it, lure a Wisp over toward it then knock the Wisp up with Upperslash.  
Enemy step off the Wisp then demon pull it, enemy step again then demon pull it 
again and keep repeating this pattern until Vergil is high enough to see the 
health cross fragment then angel boost over to it and grab it.
|_| Health Cross Fragment (20/20)
Location: Mission 6 - Path to Courtyard

After the battle with the many enemies once Vergil hops across the crumbling 
platform, he will have to demon pull a wall to make a platform then angel lift 
to a higher area of the mansion.  Look off to the left after angel lifting to 
find this health cross fragment.
|_| Health Cross (1/1)
Location: Mission 2 - Graveyard

When Vergil first arrives in the area with falling meteors, there will be a 
Divinity Statue off to his left.  Run ahead and angel lift to the floating rock 
then angel boost over to the next platform.  There is a platform with a stone 
monolith (pointed object) on the far right platform.  Jump and angel boost over 
to that platform then collect the health cross to the left side of it.
|_| We Have an Uninvited Guest

Requirement: Defeat a Wisp
Extra Info:  The first Wisp is fought in Mission 1.
|_| You Don't Belong Here

Requirement: Defeat an Imprisoner
Extra Info:  The first Imprisoner is fought at the end of Mission 4.
|_| Out Souls Are at Odds Brother

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall
Extra Info:  Finish the Vergil's Downfall on any difficulty level (only Human, 
             Devil Hunter and Nephilim are available from the start).
|_| I've Come to Retrieve My Power

Requirement: Acquire all of Vergil's health, devil trigger and combat upgrades
Extra Info:  Find all health cross fragments/health crosses in each stage, buy 
             all health crosses, devil trigger crosses and upgrades for Vergil.
|_| Might Controls Everything

Requirement: Gain a 100% completion rank on all missions in Vergil's Downfall 
             (difficulty doesn't matter)
Extra Info:  Find all health cross fragments, health crosses and Lost Souls in 
             all of the six mission in Vergil's Downfall on any difficulty.
|_| I'll Try it Your Way for Once

Requirement: Complete all of Vergil's Downfall on the Nephilim difficulty with 
             an SSS rank.
Extra Info:  Finish all of the six missions on Vergil's Downfall with a total 
             ranking of SSS.
|_| I Need More Power!

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall on Son of Sparda difficulty
|_| This is the Power of Sparda!

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall on Vergil Must Die difficulty
|_| Now I'm a Little Motivated!

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall on Heaven or Hell difficulty
|_| You're Not Worthy as my Opponent

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall on Hell and Hell difficulty

|_| Son of Sparda difficulty

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall on any difficulty
|_| Vergil Must Die difficulty

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall on Son of Sparda difficulty
|_| Heaven or Hell difficulty

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall on Son of Sparda difficulty
|_| Hell and Hell difficulty

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall on Heaven or Hell difficulty
|_| Weak Vergil skin (costume)

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall on any difficulty
|_| Super Vergil perk

Requirement: Complete Vergil's Downfall on Vergil Must Die difficulty

    _____                                 __        __                      
   | ____| _ __    ___  _ __ ___   _   _  \ \      / /__ _ __   __ ___  ___ 
   |  _|  | '_ \  / _ \| '_ ` _ \ | | | |  \ \ /\ / // _` |\ \ / // _ \/ __|
   | |___ | | | ||  __/| | | | | || |_| |   \ V  V /| (_| | \ V /|  __/\__ \
   |_____||_| |_| \___||_| |_| |_| \__, |    \_/\_/  \__,_|  \_/  \___||___/
              E N E M Y  W A V E S  P E R  D I F F I C U L T Y

The following is a list of enemy waves per mission.  Each difficulty has a 
separate listing.  Basic includes Human, Devil Hunter and Nephilim.  Son of 
Sparda and Heaven or Hell and Hell and Hell all have the same enemy setups.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - MISSION 1 - PERSONAL HELL - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Lesser Stygian x2
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Lesser Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x2, Elite Stygian
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x2, Elite Stygian
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Lesser Stygian x4
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x2, Death Knight, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Death Knight x2, Elite Stygian x2

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Wisp
Son of Sparda   - Wisp
Vergil Must Die - Wisp
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Lesser Stygian x6, Wisp
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x4, Wisp
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x4, Death Knight, Wisp

Basic           - Stygian x2
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x2

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Pathos x6, Lesser Stygian x8
Son of Sparda   - Harpy x2
Vergil Must Die - Harpy x2, Ravager
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - N/A
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x3, Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x3, Ravager
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - N/A
Son of Sparda   - Harpy x2, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x3, Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - N/A
Son of Sparda   - N/A
Vergil Must Die - Harpy x2, Elite Stygian x2

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Stygian x6, Wisp
Son of Sparda   - Rage x2
Vergil Must Die - Rage Spawn x5, Rage
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Wisp x2, Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x2, Elite Stygian, Wisp
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x3, Wisp x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - N/A
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x2, Wisp x2
Vergil Must Die - Rage x2, Wisp x2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MISSION 2 - HOLLOW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Lesser Stygian x4
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x4
Vergil Must Die - Death Knight x2, Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Lesser Stygian x2, Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Death Knight x2, Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x3, Death Knight, Ravager
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Stygian x5
Son of Sparda   - Tyrant x1
Vergil Must Die - Butcher

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Bathos x3
Son of Sparda   - Shielded Bathos x3
Vergil Must Die - Shielded Bathos x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Bathos x3, Lesser Stygian x4, Wisp
Son of Sparda   - Shielded Bathos x3, Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Shielded Bathos x3, Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - N/A
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x2, Harpy x2
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x2, Harpy x2

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Ravager
Son of Sparda   - Butcher
Vergil Must Die - Wisp, Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Lesser Stygian x2, Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Wisp, Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Wisp x2, Elite Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Stygian x3, Ravager
Son of Sparda   - Wisp x2, Stygian x2, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Tyrant x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - Ravager x2
Son of Sparda   - N/A
Vergil Must Die - N/A

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Shielded Bathos x3
Son of Sparda   - Shielded Bathos x3
Vergil Must Die - Shielded Bathos x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Shielded Bathos x2, Wisp
Son of Sparda   - Shielded Bathos x2, Harpy x2
Vergil Must Die - Shielded Bathos x2, Harpy x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Wisp x2
Son of Sparda   - Harpy x3
Vergil Must Die - Harpy x3

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Lesser Stygian x3, Ravager x2
Son of Sparda   - Rage Spawn x5
Vergil Must Die - Butcher
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Stygian x5
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x2, Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x2, Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Stygian x3, Wisp
Son of Sparda   - Rage Spawn x4, Elite Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Death Knight x2, Elite Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - Ravager x2, Wisp
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x2, Rage x2
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x2, Rage x2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - MISSION 3 - POWER STRUGGLE - - - - - - - - - - - - -

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Death Knight, Lesser Stygian x2
Son of Sparda   - Wisp
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x2, Wisp
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Lesser Stygian x2, Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x4
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian, Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Death Knight x3, Stygian x4
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x2, Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x2, Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - N/A
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x2, Wisp x2
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x2, Wisp x2

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Lesser Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Rage x2
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x3, Tyrant
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Ravager, Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x3, Ravager
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x3, Ravager
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Death Knight x3
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x2, Butcher
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x2, Rage x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - Tyrant
Son of Sparda   - N/A
Vergil Must Die - Butcher x2

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Shielded Pathos x3
Son of Sparda   - Rage Spawn x5
Vergil Must Die - Rage Spawn x5, Elite Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Shielded Pathos x2, Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Rage Spawn x3, Elite Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Death Knight, Elite Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Wisp, Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Harpy x2, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Rage Spawn x4, Elite Stygian x2, Ravager x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - Wisp x2, Shielded Pathos x3
Son of Sparda   - Harpy x2, Rage Spawn x5
Vergil Must Die - N/A

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Stygian x4
Son of Sparda   - Witch
Vergil Must Die - Witch, Wisp x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Death Knight, Stygian x2
Son of Sparda   - Death Knight, Elite Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Death Knight, Elite Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Stygian x2, Ravager
Son of Sparda   - Rage x2, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Death Knight, Elite Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - Death Knight x2, Ravager x2
Son of Sparda   - Witch, Death Knight x2
Vergil Must Die - Rage x2, Witch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MISSION 4 - HEARTLESS - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Harpy
Son of Sparda   - Wisp x2
Vergil Must Die - Rage Spawn x3, Wisp x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Stygian x4
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x4
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x4, Rage Spawn x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Stygian x2, Harpy x2
Son of Sparda   - Wisp x2, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x2, Wisp x2

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Elite Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x4
Vergil Must Die - Stygian x4
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Elite Stygian x2, Death Knight
Son of Sparda   - Stygian x3, Ravager x2
Vergil Must Die - Ravager x2, Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Death Knight x2, Wisp
Son of Sparda   - Death Knight, Ravager, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Death Knight, Ravager, Elite Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - Wisp x2, Elite Stygian
Son of Sparda   - Tyrant, Elite Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Tyrant, Elite Stygian x3

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Harpy x2, Ravager
Son of Sparda   - Harpy x3
Vergil Must Die - Rage Spawn x4, Harpy x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Harpy, Elite Stygian x2
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x2, Harpy x2
Vergil Must Die - Rage Spawn x3, Death Knight x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Tyrant
Son of Sparda   - Butcher, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Rage x2, Harpy x2

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Shielded Bathos x5
Son of Sparda   - Shielded Bathos x4
Vergil Must Die - Shielded Pathos x4
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Shielded Bathos x2, Elite Stygian x2
Son of Sparda   - Shielded Bathos x2, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Shielded Pathos x2, Elite Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Death Knight, Elite Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Rage Spawn x3, Elite Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Rage Spawn x3, Elite Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - Elite Stygian x3, Wisp x2
Son of Sparda   - Rage Spawn x3, Rage
Vergil Must Die - Rage Spawn x4, Rage x2

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Witch
Son of Sparda   - Witch
Vergil Must Die - Witch, Wisp x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Elite Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x3, Rage Spawn x5
Vergil Must Die - Wisp x2, Elite Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Elite Stygian x2, Wisp x2
Son of Sparda   - Rage Spawn x4, Wisp x2
Vergil Must Die - Wisp x2, Ravager x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - Elite Stygian x2, Wisp, Witch
Son of Sparda   - Rage x2, Witch
Vergil Must Die - Butcher, Witch

Basic           - Imprisoner
Son of Sparda   - Imprisoner, Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Imprisoner, Stygian x3

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MISSION 5 - OWN SHADOW - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - MISSION 6 - ANOTHER CHANCE - - - - - - - - - - - - -

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Elite Stygian x4
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x4
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x4
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Elite Stygian x2, Death Knight x2
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x2, Ravager x2
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x3, Death Knight x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Wisp x2, Elite Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x3, Rage
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x3, Rage x2

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Witch, Harpy x2
Son of Sparda   - Wisp x2
Vergil Must Die - Wisp x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Shielded Bathos x4
Son of Sparda   - Shielded Bathos x4
Vergil Must Die - Shielded Bathos x4
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Harpy x3, Witch
Son of Sparda   - Wisp x2, Witch
Vergil Must Die - Wisp x3, Witch

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Elite Stygian x2
Son of Sparda   - Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Shielded Pathos x4
Son of Sparda   - Shielded Bathos x3
Vergil Must Die - Shielded Pathos x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Elite Stygian x2, Death Knight
Son of Sparda   - Ravager, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Death Knight x2, Elite Stygian

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Rage
Son of Sparda   - Rage Spawn x4
Vergil Must Die - Rage Spawn x4, Ravager
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Stygian x2, Elite Stygian x3, Ravager
Son of Sparda   - Rage Spawn x3, Elite Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Ravager x2, Elite Stygian x3
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Death Knight, Elite Stygian x2, Ravager
Son of Sparda   - Death Knight x3
Vergil Must Die - Death Knight x3, Rage Spawn x4
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - Rage x2
Son of Sparda   - Butcher, Witch
Vergil Must Die - Butcher x2, Witch

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Elite Stygian x2, Wisp x2
Son of Sparda   - Rage x2
Vergil Must Die - Rage x2, Death Knight
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Elite Stygian x3, Witch
Son of Sparda   - Harpy x2, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Harpy x2, Elite Stygian x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Wisp x2, Witch, Elite Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Harpy x3, Elite Stygian x2
Vergil Must Die - Harpy x2, Elite Stygian x2, Death Knight

------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 1
Basic           - Ravager x2, Tyrant
Son of Sparda   - Tyrant x2
Vergil Must Die - Tyrant x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 2
Basic           - Elite Stygian x3, Rage x2
Son of Sparda   - Harpy x2, Ravager x2
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x2, Wisp x2, Ravager
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 3
Basic           - Imprisoner, Elite Stygian x3
Son of Sparda   - Ravager, Death Knight, Elite Stygian x3
Vergil Must Die - Elite Stygian x3, Ravager x2
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAVE 4
Basic           - N/A
Son of Sparda   - Harpy x3, Imprisoner
Vergil Must Die - Wisp x3, Imprisoner

                              _____       _   
                             | ____| ___ | |_ 
                             |  _|  / __|| __|
                             | |___| (__ | |_  _
                             |_____|\___| \__|(_)
                         E V E R Y T H I N G   E L S E

                               VERSION HISTORY                           [VH00]

-- March 7, 2013

Walkthrough is finished for Vergil's Downfall.  I still need to read over the 
majority of this guide, so ignore the errors for right now and I'll collect 
them in a few days.  A full DmC Devil May Cry will be coming up soon!  This 
guide is just a little appetizer for the main course.

                                 CONTACT INFO                            [CI00]

I can be reached at my email address, which is berserker_kev(at), so 
please contact me if you have any questions, comments, etc.  Replace the (at) 
with @.  I don't mind receiving emails at all.  Don't add me to your Yahoo 
Messenger though; I use Yahoo Messenger only for close friends.

You can contact me through Xbox or PSN.  I'm online nearly all the time.  Don't 
send a friend request though.

Xbox LIVE Gamertag: Berserker Kev
PSN:                Berserker_Kev

I do have a few guidelines however:

1) Give me a subject in the email, preferably one including the name of the 
   game.  An actual subject looks damn sexy in my inbox compared to an 
   unattractive blank subject line.
2) Read the guide over and make sure that your question is not already 
3) Please speak in English and attempt to use some correct grammar.  This is in
   no way meant to offend those that cannot speak English well.  I have spoken 
   with some readers that claim they cannot speak English when, in fact, they 
   speak better English then some Americans.  So basically if you "try" to talk
   to me then that is good enough. :)

And last, but not least, if you found this walkthrough helpful, an email would 
be most appreciated.  It is very true that I write these guides as a hobby, but 
just that little email that lets me know that I have helped someone always 
makes me feel special for about five minutes.  Don't worry, I won't tell anyone 
on the gaming boards that you used a guide. ;)

If you have a youtube account, you could also give me a subscription on 
youtube.  I promise to keep you entertained with plenty of Chris Redfield 

                                   ABOUT ME                              [AM00]

My name is Kevin Hall.  I'm 33 years old (starting March 8th 2013!) and live in 
the US, in a small town in Mississippi.  Ever since I was really young, I have 
been a huge fan of video games since I was first introduced to them via the 
Atari 2600 and NES 8-bit.  My favorite gaming series is the Resident Evil 
series followed closely by the Castlevania series.  I'm a complete horror 
gaming junkie - survival horrors are my main cup of tea.  Capcom is my favorite 
video game company.  They hardly ever let me down when it comes to games with 
plenty of replay value.

                    "Want intense detail?  Go Berserk(er)!"

I try my best to put as much detail as I can in all my guides.  I have had 
remarks that I get ridiculously detailed or come across as long-winded, but 
that's just the way I write.  When I write, I type out what I would want if I 
was looking for an online strategy guide or FAQ/Walkthrough - I would want a 
guide that gave all the details for a game.  I would want an encyclopedia... or 
a wiki in my guide!

My known aliases are Berserker or Berserker Kev.  Many people call me "Kev" and 
I've also gained the nickname "Kevo" from the RE Mercs community.


--> My Youtube page:

Videos with RE5 Mercs Chris Redfield gameplay and videos for plenty of other 
games that I have worked on can be found on my youtube page.

--> Berserker: Tear Through the Game (My Gaming Blog)

My own site with game reviews, discussions of my guides (some), and random 
thoughts about video games.  Feel free to post up some comments on the blog.  I
don't bite... well not that much... and not too viciously...

--> IGN FAQ Writer of the Month interviews:

July 2005     -
December 2008 -

--> My other work can be found at both IGN and GameFAQs.

IGN      -
GameFAQs -


This document Copyright 2013 Kevin Hall (Berserker)

DmC Devil May Cry Copyright 2013 Capcom Ltd.

This document is for private and personal use only.  Do not try to sell this 
document for profit.  This is a free document and should remain free.  Do not 
try to reproduce this document in any way, shape, or form.  Do not alter this 
FAQ in any way.  Use of this guide on any other web site, besides the sites 
that have contacted me, or as a part of any public display is strictly 
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

If you want to use this FAQ on your site, then contact me for permission first. 
This FAQ can only be found on a few sites as of now and I am keeping a list of 
those sites.  Contact me if you want to use it.

                               SPECIAL THANKS

- My parents.

- All of the friends that I've gained from the RE5 Mercs community.  Truly too 
  many to list!

- God for helping me get through the past several months of stress problems.

- for the ASCII art.

- All the readers that took time to read this guide and email me.  Thank you 

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