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by bluefairy421

 _____                 _                               _    _____ 
/  __ \               | |                             | |  / __  \
| /  \/ ___  _ __   __| | ___ _ __ ___  _ __   ___  __| |  `' / /'
| |    / _ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \/ _` |    / /  
| \__/\ (_) | | | | (_| |  __/ | | | | | | | |  __/ (_| |  ./ /___
 \____/\___/|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| |_|_| |_|\___|\__,_|  \_____/

______ _                 _     _           _   
| ___ \ |               | |   | |         | |  
| |_/ / | ___   ___   __| |___| |__   ___ | |_ 
| ___ \ |/ _ \ / _ \ / _` / __| '_ \ / _ \| __|
| |_/ / | (_) | (_) | (_| \__ \ | | | (_) | |_ 
\____/|_|\___/ \___/ \__,_|___/_| |_|\___/ \__|


Copyright 2008 by Claire Terry

This walkthrough is for the Xbox360 version of the game, however, it is no
different from the PS3 version except for the controls. Next to each section 
name below is a quick letter guide you can use to find the section you are
looking for.

Version 1: Original Guide
Version 1.1: Added a FAQ question and corrections
Version 1.2: More corrections and added a starting the game tip 
Version 1.3: Added another FAQ question

  Section List

Section 1: Controls [CON1]
Section 2: Weapons [WEA2]
Section 3: Basics [BAS3]
Section 4: Walkthrough [WAL4]
Section 5: Bonus/Extras [BON5]
Section 6: FAQ [FAQ6]
Section 7: Copyright and thanks [COP7]


  Section 1: Controls [CON1]

The controls with a * next to them means there is more than one button you can
press to do this action.

Direction Button               Game Controls

Normal controls:

A ---------------------- Pick up weapon, open door and perform other actions
B ---------------------- Toggle flashlight on/off
X ---------------------- Display forensic tools
Y ---------------------- Check health, ammo, and stun gun
Analog L --------------- Move
Analog R --------------- Look/turn
LT --------------------- Attack, zoom, finishing kill (incapacitate)
RT --------------------- Attack, fire, finishing kill
RT (double-pull) ------- Activate attack chain
LT (double-pull) ------- Activate attack chain
LT + RT ---------------- Grab opponent during dazed state and perform kill
LB --------------------- Sprint
RB --------------------- Throw weapon
Up directional pad ----- Fire stun gun (unlockable) 
Down directional pad --- Access firearm holster (unlockable)
Analog R (click) ------- Kick
Analog R (swivel) ------ Adjust antennas, knobs, etc.
Analog L (click) ------- Medium attack modifier
Back button ------------ Show objectives screen
Start button ----------- Field Kit/Pause menu

Evidence Mode:

Analog L --------------- Zoom in and out
A ---------------------- Select/swap evidence tools
B ---------------------- Exit evidence mode
LB + RB* --------------- Cycle through tabs
Up or down analog L* --- Cycle through evidence choices

GPS Tool:

LT (hold) -------------- Interact mode
RT --------------------- Zoom in/out
Analog L --------------- Pan left, right, up, down
RB --------------------- Cycle up through floors
LB --------------------- Cycle down through floors
A ---------------------- Place waypoints
B ---------------------- Lower tool


   Section 2: Weapons Types [WEA2]

This is just a basic introduction of the weapons in the game. I will not list
every weapon but I will give a little bit of a description of each weapon 

# Stun Gun #

This unlockable item allows you to stun enemies when pressing up on the 
directional pad. It does not charge automatically, however, and you must
find batteries in SCU lockers to recharge them. The number of shots in
a battery depends on the upgrade level of the Stun Gun:

Bronze = Two shots
Silver = Three shots
Gold = Five shots

# Light melee #

These are one-handed weapons that you can swing quickly and are plentiful
throughout the game. The don't have a lot of power but are easy to find
and can include: 2x4s, conduits, braces, batons, etc.

# Heavy melee #

These are slower to swing but are much more powerful then the light melee 
weapons. The are less plentiful and can include: sledgehammers, shovels,
and baseball bats.

# Exotic melee #

These are usually specific to the chapter you are in and can be 
extremely powerful. They are both one and two-handed and can include:
prosthetic arm, deer antler, and gumball machine.

# Pistols #

Handguns are great because they can shoot from a longer distance than
such weapons such as the shotgun. The pistols include: .44, 9mm, .38,
and the .22.

# Shotguns #

Shotguns are extremely powerful but only at close range. They do not
hold much ammo so make sure to aim carefully. The shotguns include:
riot shotgun, double barrel, sawed off shotgun, and the pump shotgun.

# Rifles #

Rifles have great firepower, distance, rate of fire, and accuracy. 
They will be ultra-rare in some places, but abundant in others.
The rifles include: Lever rifle, sub-machine gun, and the assault


   Section 2: Basics [BAS3]

This is a section to just tell you the basics of the game so you are not
plunged into a game you have no idea how to play. Even though that can 
be fun in itself. :)


Ethan has the magnificent ability to sense when he needs to use his forensic
tools. It is your job to collect samples, examine the evidence, and send
it back to the lab where the expert lab technician Rosa will decipher it for 
you. Your Field Kit will be the main way that you and Rosa will communicate.
When clues are nearby, a symbol will show up in the middle of the screen
and in order to search for clues you will need to press A. 

You will be asked to identify certain details about the body or evidence you
find and will be graded on it so be careful. Use the directional pad while 
holding the left trigger to cycle through the different choices you can
make. Once you have selected what you need, press Y to submit it to Rosa
for analysis. 

You can be attacked while finding clues and evidence so watch out!

Forensic tools:

# Field Kit GPS #

You can navigate through streets with this GPS. See the controls section
for instructions on how to use it.

# Field Kit Spectrometer #

You can track down gases and audible sources with this.

# Field Kit UV Light #

This can illuminate things like blood and certain wiring invisible to
the naked eye.

# Field Kit Camera #

Digitally photograph evidence and transmit it back to the lab.
Press the A button to take a photo.

# Flashlight #

This puny flashlight will be a godsend during your game. Press
B to toggle the flashlight on and off. 


Here are some very important things to know about the game! Read these 
before starting it!!

^ Auto-Restoring Health ^

When you are damaged and your top health bar is not completely depleted, it 
will be restored after a short period of time. It can be just barely over 
the empty line and if you wait about 6 or so seconds, it will restore 
completely. If you deplete one completely, however, it will not restore and 
it will be the next bar that replenishes. 

^ Alcohol Gauge ^

Drinking from a liquor bottle steadies Ethan's hand so he can shoot with 
more accuracy. After you drink one, an orange bottle will appear at the 
right side of the screen and will empty after awhile. When it is flashing,
the alcohol effects have almost worn off. 

^ Optional Objectives ^

Optional objectives are "sidequests" you can fulfill to achieve a higher
rating at the end of the chapter. You cannot achieve a gold level if
you do not complete the optional objectives. The objectives can be such
tasks as taking pictures of objects, destroying machines or labs, etc. 
You can check the number of labs, objects destroyed, etc by pressing the
"back" button.

^ Melee Weapons ^

No matter what melee weapon Ethan grabs, it WILL break. Keep this in mind
and don't rely on one weapon too much without having a backup. Guns do not
break, however they can run out of ammo and be useless. 

^ Sprint Tackle ^

This is one of the most forgotten but useful attacks in the game. To do a 
sprint tackle, sprint forward and press LT (it may work with RT also). This
will knock the enemy back and they usually won't recoil with a quick 
counterattack. If you are in a tight situation or facing a tough enemy, use
this technique.

^ Flashlight off ^

There are two parts to this:

1) If you can't see evidence very well (such as a wallet or memo), turn 
off you flashlight. The glare can cause some evidence to be pretty much 

2) When you start a new chapter, your flashlight will automatically be
off so make sure to turn it on.

^ Holstering a weapon ^

To holster a firearm, press down on the D-pad with a gun. It will be stored 
for later. What is cool is when you are in a level with a lot of assault 
rifles. Why you ask? Well, holster one that is fully loaded, grab another 
one, and you will have a backup!

^ Help! I'm blind! ^

If you find an area is just too dark to see where the heck you are going,
try adjusting the brightness in the options. It worked miracles for me.

^ Burn baby burn! ^

If you throw an alcohol bottle at an enemy then taser him, it catches him on
fire. It's a pretty easy kill so use it when you can.


  Section 4: Walkthrough [WAL4]


The life of a street drunk is hell- but that's just the start of your 

Serial killer SKX is back and has been leaving a bloody trail. That,
and the fact that half of the city population has gone insane are 
enough to sober even a mean drunk like you.

You are Ethan Thomas, ex-special investigator of violent crimes for
the Serial Crimes Unit. As you past begins to catch up with you, you
have no choice but to fight your way back toward sanity, and help
your old unit solve a mystery that threatens to destroy the city.

You're no hero with most of our old colleagues, but you're all the 
help they've got, and things are quickly moving from bad to worse. 
With the help of a few friends still inside the agency, you must use 
whatever you can find to battle a path through the madness that is
gripping the city, and help piece together clues to stop it from
spreading beyond anyone's control.


I will try to avoid big spoilers but if there are a few, don't yell
at me. Also, I will not list every save point because that will be
a waste of time because you will find them automatically. 

# Rock Bottom #

After the cutscene and your surprise of how badass Ethan has gotten,
press B to toggle your flashlight and when it prompts, press A to 
give a response to the back-talking bum. 

- Response 1/4 - 

The bum will then lead you to a area you must press A to squeeze 
through. Go up the stairs, and to the gate the bum is working on, 
and press A to go through the gate. Head to the TV where you will 
see a few health packs and after some dialogue, you will be prompted 
to fight. Remember to use LT and RT to swing your fists. 

You will next be taught to parry which can be done by holding down
LT and RT at the same time. Follow up next with a punch and repeat
this until the next bum is gone. The next lesson will be a One-Two 
Combo so in order to do one, hit LT then RT (or vice versa) and you
will be prompted to do a simple combo. Then a parry combo will be 
next so parry, then punch. The bum doesn't die easily until you do 
the combo so be prepared.


Remember there are two health packs on the TV if you need them.

Next is melee combat. Grab a 2x4 Nails from the trash can to the left
of you and swing away to kill another bum. Next you will have to defeat
3-4 enemies which can be difficult but just keep blocking and swinging
your weapon. If it breaks, you can either grab another one or grab
one that is held by an enemy. 

A cutscene will play and you will be back in the area you were. Before 
heading out, grab a 2x4 Nails out of the trash can where you picked 
one up before. Then head to a lighted area to open a gate and see
some shutters blow off the windows. A window will pop up right when you
come to a TV, so read and dismiss it, then check the TV with A and 
adjust the antenna using the analog stick.

# Antenna location 1/5 #

After the nasty cutscene (looks like Vanhorn had to much to drink...), 
continue forward and turn left into a door with a blue sign. Grab the 
Conduit in front of you if you want or continue forward and grab the
stronger Pipe on a shelf. Wind around until you see an open door and 
don't be scared by the dog suddenly barking at you, he can't get to 
you. hehe 

You will see some stairs leading up and down, so take the ones leading
upstairs. You cannot enter the door here but there will be a TV.

# Antenna location 2/5 #

Go back down the stairs and the game will save. Go down the next flight
and someone will throw something at you. Continue forward and an enemy 
will sneak up from behind you if you turn left so be careful. Soon,
a screen will pop up telling you about Sonic Emitters. Go left-ish
toward the buzzing sound and you will see some device on the wall. 
It is your choice whether you want to throw your weapon at it or 
just walk up and smack it. 

$ Sonic Emitter location 1/3 $

There will be a TV right by there so make sure to check that too.

# Antenna location 3/5 # 

Walk straight forward from the TV and turn left to find a Health
Kit on the wall. Go back to the stairs you came front and watch 
out because a bum will throw items at you that you can't block. 
Go upstairs when he is done and you will see an enemy running
toward you, so defeat him. Be careful, he's a little tougher than 
the others. Go back up the stairs where the second TV was and go 
through the open door. Your path will be blocked from behind so
go forward and push the shelf. Continue on to get a window up that
says how to do a more devastating combo. Defeat the next bum with
the combo and another window will pop up with info on how to do 
an environmental kill. An enemy will pop out so when you punch or
hit him and he goes on his knees, go toward one of the TVs with a 
skull icon and Ethan will automatically do the kill. Another enemy
will come through the window so you can defeat him in the same way.

After all the enemies are gone, you can use the Health Kits on the 
wall if you need to. Otherwise, climb through the window and be 
prepared to press A.

- Response 2/4 -

Make a left and jump down, be prepared to be attack by a dog. If it 
latches on to your arm, follow the prompt on the screen to defeat it
without swinging your weapon. Look behind you for a Health Kit spot.
Continue forward and turn left and try to open the gate. RUN AWAY NOW 
because the tank that tipped over will explode soon and you don't 
want to be in the way.

Next, ignore the stairs to the right of you and go down a long path to 
see some black creatures running away. When you come to a body covered
in black goo, turn right to see a glowing TV. 

# Antenna location 4/5 # 

Look up to the right of the TV to see a Sonic Emitter above you. If you 
still have a weapon, throw it at it using LB. If not, go back a little
ways to find a pile of Bricks on the ground. Now you can destroy the
Sonic Emitter. 

$ Sonic Emitter 2/3 $


A good way to aim is to center the light of your flashlight right over
the Sonic Emitter. 

Continue through the door (make sure to grab a brick if you have no
weapon) and go up a ramp on the right. Ignore the half open door to your
right and go straight to the door on the other side. You will see a bunch
of black stuff and will hear a noise. Open the door in front of you and 
turn left to see another door. Be prepared to do the next response.

- Response 3/4 -

Once through the door, go right and towards a fire in the distance. There 
will be two enemies attacking you so watch out. After the battle, walk 
toward a fence and when a barrel falls over, back up NOW! Another 
explosion will happen so be prepared. There is a health kit in a red box
around behind a dumpster in case you get hurt. After waiting (you were patient
right?) black monsters will attack you as soon as you walk forward. There
will be about 4 so defeat them and go forward. There will be more monsters
that will ambush you so defeat them and find a small ladder leading up. 
Go forward, right, and you will see a long straight path so go down it. 
You will fall down and end up in another area. Go straight ahead and up 
the ladder and jump down on the LEFT side of the fence (if you look in 
the distance you will see a place where you can pick up a Conduit). It 
doesn't really matter what side of the fence you end up, however, but 
the left side is quicker and more direct. If you are on the right side, 
just walk to the left one.

Walk past the Conduit area and kill the monster coming toward you. Go 
down the stairs and use the Health Kits if needed. Go back up the stairs
because it is a dead end and turn a direct left and follow the path. 
You will go past a "no trespassing" door and grab the Conduit if you need
it. Turn left and a window will pop up telling you how to throw weapons.
Look up and you will see a red ladder cover so throw whatever weapon you
have at it. 


There are bricks here if you need them.

The ladder will come down and press A to climb it. At the top, enemies 
will surround you so kill them and use the Health Kit in the orange-ish
case if you need to. There is a Sonic Emitter on the wall so hit that with
a brick or two. 

$ Sonic Emitter 3/3 $

Then check on the ground and move the boards and 
jump down. Grab the Prosthetic Arm if you want and turn around, opposite
of the dead end. Turn left and go straight past a wheelchair or two and 
grab the Brace leaning against the table. Go left, past the table, and 
go into an open door you will see when you turn a slight left. 

You will see a Prosthetic Arm on the table so turn left to see a TV. 

# Antenna location 5/5 #

Turn opposite of the TV, and go straight and left to a door with a red 
light inside. Pull the lever and use the Health Kit quickly and turn 
around. An enemy or two will come where you are so watch out. Go straight
and turn left at the open door and cut through the shelves, and keep an 
eye on the enemy about ready to attack you (he could be hiding). After the
shelves, turn left in the open double doors and you may see an enemy 
running away. Turn left at a big shelf and go toward the green light
(go towards the liiight! Okay, bad joke). Turn right, then left, down 
some stairs and be prepared for a response.

- Response 4/4 -

Climb through the window. 


There is an optional event here. You can destroy all 15 ceiling sacks on 
the ceiling. To do this, you can easily walk around, they attack you, and
press LT and RT to take minimal damage and destroy them. Or you can walk 
up to them, look up, and hit them there.

Explore the area, and find all 15 ceiling sacks. It is too difficult to 
write instructions for where they all are but just count and you will find
them. I will let you know when to turn around if you missed any so you won't
have to restart the chapter. For now, I will just take you right to where 
you need to go.

Go straight and turn right and continue down, eventually turning left. You 
will soon come to an area with two tables so walk forward and destroy the 
slow-walking black creature coming toward you. From the big white spot on 
the floor, turn a slight right and toward a lighted area. Continue on to 
see some Health Kits on the wall. You should have 11 destroyed sacks right
now. If you continue on, you will see three ways you can go: left, right,
and straight. Turn right to find a pipe on the table, there is nothing
to the left, so go straight. You will come to a wall where you can turn 
right or left. Both will get you to the same area, but right will have you
find another sack. When you get to the area with some tables, grab the 
Shotgun off the shelf and continue forward until you get to an area 
where there is a light area to the right. Go there and past the tables, 
watching out for monsters. On the left you will see two tables, pass them
and continue down the path. You will eventually see Vanhorn in front of 


If you haven't gotten all 15 ceiling sacks, DO NOT use the ledge! This is
the end of the chapter so if need be, it is possible to go all the way 
back to the window where you first climbed through. 

Press A to use the ledge to finish the chapter. 

# Preston Hotel #

Right when you start out, you will have a response.

- Response 1/5 -

Walk forward, turn right, and some dialogue will start. Walk back past
La Rue and turn right and you will see a narrow path. Dorland should 
say that he is located on the opposite end of the billboard. So head 
through the narrow path and follow Dorland down a ledge. He will open
a door so follow him and a screen will pop up telling you about SCU
Lockboxes. Go to the SCU blue lockbox, open it, look at the ammo, and
hold A to reload your weapon.

You will see some stairs so go down all of them, and Ethan will 
automatically jump over a hole. You now can't go back. EVER! Muahahaha!
Okay, anyway, head toward the door with the red light and turn right,
then left down the path Dorland is looking toward. Explore the area at
the end and walk back and Dorland will say, "Okay, let's keep moving."
So follow La Rue and Dorland and you will see a bluish room and La Rue
will tell you to destroy the meth lab. Shoot it once and back up 
because it will explode. 

* Meth Lab 1/4 *


This is another optional objective. I will list where all the meth labs

Exit the room and go to where La Rue and Dorland are and go straight ahead. 
Wait a minute and Dorland will move a board and reveal a space where you 
can duck under. 

When you duck under, be prepared because an enemy will attack you
instantly. Take a slight left and go around the tables, in a sort
of U-shape until you see a large opening. Be careful because there
is an enemy to your right with a shotgun so peek around and shoot him a 
few times. Take the ammo from him if need be and turn around and you will
see a half open door on the right so if you need health, go in it. Head 
to the bathroom and open the medicine cabinet for a Health Kit.

Otherwise, go down the hall and turn right and into 507 where Dorland
is standing. In the room, you will see a large gap so duck under it and
check the TV. 

# Antenna location 1/4 #

Go to the open door to the right of the TV and you will be in the bathroom.
You will see an opening so jump down and don't worry because you won't take 
any damage. Go through the open door and a direct left and go through 
another door. Take a right and go down the hallway and don't shoot Dorland
because he will walk right in front of you. :P  Rosa will ask you some 
questions and the answers are:

1) Any officer's reported in the area during the time of the call?
2) Is there a commuter train that passes near the hotel?

You will get a perfect score if you give these answers. Turn toward Dorland
and you will be prompted for a response. 

- Response 2/5 -

After Dorland jumps down, wait for him to tell you to follow, and jump down.
Another response will happen so be prepared.

- Response 3/5 - 

QUICKLY pry open the doors because the elevator car will fall down. It 
may kill you, I haven't hung around to find out. hehe  As soon as you
get out, you will notice that you have "lost" your gun.


Ethan dropped his gun here and it should be around either on the floor, 
or in the elevator shaft. If it is in the elevator shaft, grab it 
quickly and run out. If you can't find it, grab a bedpost in the room.
Thanks to Chris Hegeman for this info.

After grabbing your weapon, turn around and go straight, then right and 
head toward a lighted area. Turn right of the lighted area and go down 
the hallway and be prepared, a tough enemy will attack you. Just use the 
bedpost to attack him and finish him off with your fists. Make sure to 
block a lot.

When the battle is finished, go to where he pushed the table over and 
turn right and a window will pop up about your spectrometer. Go 
straight, left, left, and look up on the wall near a shelf to see 
a Sonic Emitter so destroy it.

$ Sonic Emitter 1/3 $

From the emitter, turn around and go a slight left around a table, right,
straight, and right to see an open doorway. Go through it to hear some 
dialogue. There is a SCU lockbox with two Health Kits and a meth lab 
to the left so use the bricks nearby to destroy it. 

* Meth Lab 2/4 * 

Exit the room and make three lefts and a right to get back to the entrance.
Go straight (it will save), make a left and a right and quickly grab the
baseball bat on the table and be prepared for battle. What helped for me 
here is to back up against the chairs piled on a table and the wall and
fight there because no enemies should sneak up behind you. There will 
be three enemies and if you need an environmental kill, use the table
right next to you. 

After they are dead, head to the right of the room to some small stairs 
and go up them. Go into the open door and open the double doors to a new
area. Turn right and a small dialogue will happen. Continue down the 
hall and look left to see a double door so open it. Go up some small 
stairs and a window will pop up about using liquor to calm your nerves.
Pick up the shotgun and hold A when you are near the liquor bottle to
drink it.


If you tap A, you will pick up the bottle instead of using it. 

When up the stairs, make 2 rights and you will see a SCU lockbox. Open it
and take the riot gun if you want to, there are also two Health Kits 
here also. Continue on and be careful because there are two enemies with
guns. I recommend you use the shotgun for this and go back to grab the 
riot gun after. After killing the enemies, turn right and you will see 
some double doors. WAIT!!! There is a Sonic Emitter above here so shoot
it first!

$ Sonic Emitter 2/3 $

Then go through the double doors and there will be a response in a second.

- Response 4/5 -

Go straight to the glowing TV (this is not an antenna one) and turn left. 
Go forward until you need to press A to slide through an area, so go ahead.
A window will pop up about forensic investigation, then Ethan will talk to
Rosa and you will get a small tutorial about how to investigate (after you
press A). 

1) Press LT to zoom in on the face and select: Adult Male. 
2) Then, zoom in on the clothes and select: Police Uniform.
3) Zoom in on the badge near his hand and select: Police Badge #46

After you submit your info using Y, you will be prompted for the cause
of death.

4) Zoom in on the gunshot wound and select: Torso Area
5) On the same area select: Gunshot Wound
6) On the same area select: Exit Wound 

Now you have to use your UV light (by pressing X and hitting left on the 
analog stick) and examine the blood leading away from the body.

7) Select: Blood Trail
8) Select: Victim Crawled 

Now, get out your UV light again and follow the blood trail until you are
prompted to press A to move a couch out of the way. Do that, and follow 
the trail until it turns left but go RIGHT instead. You will see a 
scrawled message on the wall so examine it. You can't use this as evidence
but it is a good thing to remember. 

"Gun in 106"

So follow the blood trail again but put down your light because an enemy 
will be nearby. Continue to follow the trail until you hear a laugh that
sounds like it should be out of a Beavis and Butthead movie. :P  
Continue down the hall and you will hear a Sonic Emitter so continue
on down the hall until you an enemy breaks through the wall. Defeat him
and when you see a large break in the wall enter here and find the TV.

# Antenna location 2/4 #

Leave the room and turn left, right, and left into a greenish bathroom.
The medicine cabinet in here has two Health Kits. Go straight ahead to 
the door ahead of you and walk a little ways and back up and go behind 
the left wall. An enemy will be shooting at you so throw things or run
up to him to defeat him.


If you want to use the gun and want it to have ammo, you can always do 
a "kamikaze" run up to him and beat the tar out of him in order to 
keep some ammo left. Otherwise, just let him use it up so he uses melee
attacks instead. 

There is a sonic emitter here on the wall so break that. You can use the
nearby bedposts if you are weaponless.

$ Sonic Emitter 3/3 $

After this, go back to the greenish bathroom and go outside again. Turn 
left and go down the hall turn right and go toward the glowing TV again.
Go straight through to the next room and go right back outside. Go left,
and down the reddish hallway until you get to room 106 and go inside.
Go straight, left, and another left into the bathroom to find a radio.

# Antenna location 3/4 # 

Exit the bathroom and turn a direct left and you will see a chair with a 
gun on it, so grab it already! It only has 6 shots but it's better than 
nothing. Go straight, and right out the door you originally came from. 
Once outside, turn left and go through the room with the glowing TV and 
back out in the hallway again. Go a little ways forward, left, and down
the left hall before the greenish bathroom. Turn right and into the 
Service Elevator room and grab the gun, then press A to examine the 

1) Examine the blood and select: Outward Pattern
2) Examine the same area and select: Vic dropped from above

After submitting this, go to the elevator and press A to pry it open. 
Ethan will automatically climb up the ladder so exit through the only
door when he's upstairs. Use your UV light to follow the blood trail 
and you will see:

"203 stay away"

Go back past the elevator door and go right. You will see a gap in the 
wall but DON'T ENTER IT!!!


If you enter the room, you will be trapped and a gun-toting enemy will
shoot you. It is really hard to kill him and you will have no reward
for doing so, except the gun (which is not worth it, trust me.) So 
go past the room and turn into the reddish hallway and go all the way
down to the end. Kill the two enemies here and grab the submachine gun
if you need it. 


Do not destroy the meth lab here, it will hurt you. Instead, go down
the reddish hallway and turn left where there are stairs and no door.
Look through the window on the left where you can safely blow up the 
meth lab. If you do this first, you can also blow up the skinny nude
druggie bum which is pretty fun. hehe

* Meth Lab 3/4 *

Go back the way you came from to the hallway and turn left and go down 
and turn left again until you get to the end of the hallway (past the
gap in the wall) and go into room 201. Go into the bathroom and use 
the Health Kits if you want and turn around because there will be an
enemy right behind you soon. Go straight through the open door and 
turn left at the gap in the wall go straight and turn right at the 
wall where there are a few signs of room numbers. Turn left and hug
the right wall and go into room 208. Open the locker and use the Health
Kits if you need to then turn right and head toward the TV. 

# Antenna location 4/4 #

Head directly opposite of the TV and turn left to go back outside. 
Turn left, right, and into an open door where the screen will turn
black and white for a second. Keep going forward and straight through
to the other side and leave. Turn left and go straight until once again
the screen turns black and white and you hear a voice. Two enemies will
attack you (it could be one at a time) so defeat them and turn right 
into a reddish hallway. At the end, look down and you will see a 
board covering an opening above the floor. Press A to move it and 
quickly move left to avoid gunfire. 


To quickly kill the enemy, throw an item at the meth lab in here and 
back up quickly. It should take him out instantly.

* Meth Lab 4/4 *

Leave where you came out and go all the way down the hall until you see
where an evidence area is. Press A to start some short dialogue. You 
will have to zoom in on two areas now and pick the correct answers.

1) Zoom in on the hat on the chair and select: Policeman's Cap
2) Zoom in on the blood spatter on the door and select: Exit Splatter

After this, open the door and go forward, right, and you will see a 
hole in the ground. Be prepared for a response and don't jump down 
before it!

- Response 5/5 -

After the response, jump down for a nasty sight. You will next be 
ordered to tell your location so do this:

1) Find the telephone and zoom in on it. Select: Room #119


There are couple of items you can look at such as the keychain or the
outside of the door. However, the only visible part is the 1 which is
not good enough. You can also go outside and look at the room next to
you to determine the room number. Thanks to Chris Hegeman for this info.

Now you have to take a picture of the body. Press A to go into evidence
mode again and hold X and up on the analog stick to access the digital 
camera. Get as close to the body as you can and try to photograph the 
chest area with the head in the shot too. Zoom in correctly because
if it is blurry you will not get a perfect rating.

Now Rosa will ask you to zoom in and take a picture of the face. Just
remember the tips I told you and you will be fine. After the cutscene 
it is the end of the chapter.   

# Commuter Tracks #

As soon as the chapter starts, you will be prompted for a response 
soon so be prepared. 

- Response 1/3 -


There will be enemies here and they will just respawn if you kill 

Run forward and turn left to run across a board to a room. Be 
careful because enemies may throw bricks at you. Grab the track light
on the chair if you want and turn around and go right. Go through the
door ahead of you (don't turn left yet) and walk around to find a 
Sonic Emitter on a wall.

$ Sonic Emitter 1/3 $

After destroying it, exit the room and turn a direct right into a new
area. Turn left and head down the hall to see a radio at the end.

# Antenna 1/2 #

From the radio, turn around and head left into the first door. Take
another hard left and you will come to a door you can't enter. Kick 
it and RUN AWAY! Behind the door is a meth lab and it will explode 
because you kicked the door. If you die, it is no big deal because
there was a saving point recently. You should be safe if you run into
the nearby closet. 

* Meth Lab 1/2 *

After that, turn around from the door and
go through the door with the mannequin staring at you. Oooo creepy!
No don't shoot it silly! :) When in front of the mannequin, turn 
right into another door you will hear a sound. Look behind you if 
you dare! Muahahaha! They're alive! 

Anyway, turn left and go up the stairs and kick the chair in front of 
the door. You should only have to kick it once, then open the door. 
Walk all the way down the hall and kick the chair in front of one of
the doors, then turn around. Go forward and turn into the next door on
the left and use the Health Kits in the SCU locker nearby if you need 
them. Next, walk toward the other open door in the room and you will 
see a glowing area far in front of you- this is the other meth lab.

Go straight and you will see an enemy either run away or attack you.
If he runs away, throw something at the lab and back up and wait.

* Meth lab 2/2 *

Go into the area where the meth lab was if you want to pick up the item
you threw but the enemy earlier will probably attack you. He is pretty
tough so make sure to block and find a decent weapon. Remember that the 
Health Kits in the locker are nearby if you haven't used them already.
Leave the area where the meth lab was and you will see OBEY THEM 
written on a wall and a gap in the wall to the left of it. Go in front
of the gap and grab a brick and throw it at the chair in front of the

When the chair is moved, turn right and go through the closed door on
the other side. In here is the second antenna, you can also go outside
to access a saving point.

# Antenna Location 2/2 # 

Then turn around and go straight and follow the blood trail outside 
again. Go to the end of the hallway to the closed door on the very end 
and go through it.


You probably figured this out, but you couldn't go through the door 
earlier because the chair was blocking it from the other side.

Once through the door, go upstairs and through the door at the top. 
Go straight to find some liquor bottles you can drink, or go through
the door on the left to continue. There will be two enemies that will 
attack you so finish them off and grab one of their weapons if you don't 
already have one. When in the room, go straight and right to a gap in 
the wall and you will see a Sonic Emitter above the sink.

$ Sonic Emitter 2/3 $

From there, leave the bathroom and go straight across to the open door on
the other side. Enter the room and turn left, then right into another open
door. This will look a lot like the room you started in after the railroad
tracks but don't worry, you didn't go around in a circle. :) Exit the room 
and you will end up outside. Head to the right and use the zip line to go 
where you need to be. 


Be careful walking around near the lamp on the ground and the gas pipe 
because when I was, something exploded and caused serious damage. 

Turn around and go up the ladder and when it saves, go back down. 


Going up the ladder does pretty much nothing except gives you a saving
point. There are bricks you can throw at enemies, but they will shoot
at you and it will not help much. Correction: According to an email by
Michael Bolton, there is a window you can jump down in and kill the 
enemy in the room easily. 

Go through the door in front of you and watch out for the enemy here.
I was able to kill him while aiming through the window with a melee
weapon. In this small room, drink the liquor bottle on a crate and go
to the locker between some shelves. There are two Health Kits here and 
a shotgun which you probably should reload. Leave and be prepared 
because there are respawning enemies out here so ignore them and move
the boards in front of you. The is a .44 here with a scope so choose 
either that or the shotgun, it's your choice. 

Jump down and quickly head to the left and run toward the fire, not 
the electricity. Look on the right wall and you will see a gate and
you will be prompted for a response. 

- Response 2/3 -

Turn around and run next to the wall (now on your left) and you will 
soon see a gap in the gate. 


Don't run forward when you enter the gap or you can fall off the edge.
The game will save if you walk away from the ledge but if you back up 
and fall off while it is saving, you will not be able to continue the
chapter without automatically falling off. See my FAQ (glitches question)
to remedy this. 

While walking AWAY from the ledge, the game will save so walk forward.
You will see an Emitter on the wall and if you look down, you will see
a long board you can cross. Walk across the board and destroy the 

$ Emitter 3/3 $

Keep going forward and you will be prompted for another response.

- Response 3/3 - 

Go up the ladder quickly because an enemy will be throwing things at 
you. Jump down off the ledge (facing the opposite direction of the
ladder and enemies will attack you. Defeat them and go forward and an
explosion will occur. Look around to the right of the explosion and 
you will see a board leading up. Walk across it and a cutscene will 

# Doll Factory #

As soon as the chapter starts, you will be prompted to examine some
evidence to let La Rue know where you are. Don't examine the container
of doll heads, that won't get you a perfect score. Instead, look left
and you will see a poster on the wall. 

1) Zoom in and select: Walker Doll Factory

After that, grab the gas pipe near the bucket o' dolls (haha) and leave
through the nearest door. Go all the way down the stairs and once 
again you will be prompted for finding evidence. Press A to start some
dialogue, then look at the tank right in front of you (opposite of 
the stairs). 


Every tank with pipes coming out of it is a mixing tank. The tanks without
pipes are settling tanks. There are six tanks in all and if you select a
tank type and nothing is added to the list, you have already found that 

1) The tank you looked at is a 80-7A mixing tank. 

2) From that tank, turn right and the tank there is a 80-7B settling tank. 
3) From that tank, turn right and the tank lying down is a 80-7B settling

4) While facing away from the lying down tank, go straight until you go 
between two reddish poles. Look left and you will see a tank right next
to you. That is a 80-7A mixing tank. 

5) Pass that tank by continuing to go straight and look left, this tank
is a 80-7A mixing tank. 

6) Turn around and go to where you are right in front of the two reddish
poles. Turn right and when you see a tank with a table with buckets on it,
this tank is a 80-7A mixing tank.

So, the order is: 

80-7A Mixing tank 
80-7B Settling tank
80-7B Settling tank
80-7A Mixing tank
80-7A Mixing tank
80-7A Mixing tank

If the order is off, it shouldn't matter as long as you have the correct
types and numbers. Now go past the table with the buckets, and turn right.
Go forward, and another right and you will see a staircase so ascend it. 
Follow the catwalk until you see a panel on the railing and press A. After
La Rue tells you that the combo is on the wall of the office, walk right 
and follow the catwalk some more until you see some short stairs leading
up to a building. Enter the room and access your UV light and look on the
right wall (while facing away from the door) and you will see:

17, 23, 10

Exit the room and go down the small stairs and turn left. Go back to the
panel and press A to examine it closer. Zoom in on the left side and 
select the combo numbers:


Then press A to open the rollup door and watch the man near the door 
be rudely introduced to Blowup Tommy. Wow...

Go back down the original stairs you came from and the game will save. 
Go right, left, and forward toward the broken stairs. 


Dolls will start attacking you now by walking toward you then blowing
up. To defeat them, kick them TWICE. Once to knock them over, and twice
to actually destroy them. If you kick them once they will get up again.
You can kick them once, pick them up, and throw them to watch them 
explode if you want, just make sure you are a safe distance away. 

Walk past the broken stairs and to the rollup door that is partly open.
Press A to duck under it and move a slight left to see a container of 


You can pick these up and throw them at enemies or objects and they will 
explode. Do not keep them too long or they will explode while you are 
holding them!

At the doll container, turn right and walk forward and La Rue will talk
to you. Soon will be your first response.

- Response 1/3 -

Continue going forward and make a slight left when you see a doll 
container to bypass all the cardboard boxes. Directly left of you
is a door you can enter and there is a 2x4 burnt and a locker with 
a Health Kit and a stun gun battery. There are also useless liquor bottles
here so ignore them. Leave the room if you entered it and go straight
across and a slight right to see some stairs leading down. Go right 
into the next room and go to the shelf blocking your way and press A to
move it. Go into the ventilation shaft and Ethan will automatically 
crawl through it. In this new room will be your first antenna in the 
form of a radio (which if you listen to it, is pretty funny.)

# Antenna location 1/2 #

Grab the pipe wrench off the table if you want and exit through the 
door on your right. Be careful because two enemies will attack you as soon
as you are through the door. And yes, the music here does sound like
something you would hear out of a warped children's movie. *shiver*

Exit this room through the door by the fire and ignore the pipe lever in
front of you. Instead, go right around the shelves and you will see 
two Health Kits on the wall so use them if you need to. Also, grab the 
pipe wrench off the table, then turn left and go through the door.
Creeped out by the music yet?

Once through, take a slight left and then go forward until you come to a
dead end. Turn left and press A to open the flap of the conveyer belt and
go through. Close it behind you also.


Try not to dawdle because dolls will sneak up on you. Closing the conveyer
belt is necessary but will not stop the dolls. 

From the conveyer belt, turn left and run right and you will come to an 
open area. Run forward until you see a door and turn right and you will
see a locker. Inside are two Health Kits so use them if needed. Chances
are you will have been blown up by now. :P

Go in front of the door you can't enter and run forward and a slight 
right and you will come to an enclosed area. Look around to find 
another flap you can open on the left, then close it again. If you went 
to the correct area, you will be where a green light is so walk up to it 
and press the button to start the conveyer belt. 


If you did not close the flaps, the conveyer belt will not work and you
will have to close them and press the button again. 

Now turn around and quickly run forward, then right and follow the path
around until you see a stream of fire. This will take some good timing 
so keep your view centered on the box that is heading toward the fire. 
Keep your eye out for dolls while you are waiting. Then, when the box
is in front of the fire, RUN past to avoid the flames. If you get hit,
you die instantly. 


If you take too long the conveyer belt will stop and you will have to 
restart it again.

When you are past, walk forward through a narrow passage and turn left
to go down a hall. Enter the door on the right and go right, left, and
you will see a locker on the right so use the two Health Kits if you 
need them and then turn around opposite of the locker. Go straight and
you will see an Emitter on the wall unless a doll already blew it up 
which happened to me. lol

$ Sonic Emitter 1/3 $

Turn left and exit through the door ahead of you and enter in the other
door in the hallway. Turn left to grab a conduit if you need it and 
slowly walk forward and inch around the shelves to see an enemy. Defeat
him and go forward. 


This enemy is pretty stupid. I went to grab the conduit and I heard 
screaming and went to check it out. Turns out he had accidentally set 
himself on fire and died without me even having to make a hit! 
Also, if you are morbid like me and want to see a nasty environmental 
kill, grab the enemy and take him toward the strange device on the 
left to crush his head. Yay! Of course, that's only if he doesn't kill 
himself first. haha

After he is dead in whatever way you chose, walk forward to the TV to 
obtain the next antenna.

# Antenna location 2/2 #

Then turn left and go into the door on the right. Careful, a flaming 
enemy will attack you so dodge then hit him to kill him almost instantly.
Then another enemy will attack you so defeat him then walk forward and
turn the valve using A. Walk through the area where the darn hot enemy 
came through (heehee) and go up the stairs all the way. 


Poor Ethan will start coughing but there is nothing you can do about 
it... yet. Also, if you dodge the flaming enemies and they fall down, 
they are not dead yet! They can get up and attack you so hit them soon.
Luckily they only take one hit to kill them. 

Once upstairs, head right near the door to see a bucket o' dolls. Pick 
one up and throw it toward the shelves on the other side. Be careful where 
you throw it because if it hits a wall and bounces back you're pretty 
much screwed because there are few places to run. You will see a big 
explosion and an area will be cleared. Walk forward and enter the room
and you will be prompted for a response.

- Response 2/3 -

Pick up the pipe wrench off the table next to you and walk forward, then
turn left. If you look closely you will see some white writing on a 
cabinet that says "masks" so open the drawer. Press A to get the next

- Response 3/3 -

From here, look behind you and open the green drawer near you if you want
(it will be empty), then walk past the desk. Walk between the desk and the
flaming wall and look down to see another drawer you can open. Open it
and put on the mask. A flaming enemy will attack you so hit him before he
hits you.  


Yes, I'm aware the vision in the mask sucks. However, there is really nothing
you can do about it now. 

Walk down the hallway again and kill the flaming enemy again. Make a left,
and then another left at the bucket o' dolls and go through the door. Go 
around the wall and head straight until you can press A to move the board
off the injured person. You could have entered this room earlier, but you
couldn't have done anything without the gas mask. After the person somehow
musters up the strength to run away, go forward and into the door on the left.
Go straight, right, and left to enter an open door and the game will save.
In this new area there are two places you can jump. One is on some stairs 
which will kill you, and the other is safely down to the next area. Just look
down to determine which to jump down. 

Once down, go through the open doorway and go to the door on the right. Go
through and go straight across until you see some shelving and some propane
tanks. Throw something at the propane tanks to have access to the next area.


Do not kick or hit this area or you will be burned to a crisp. Instead, run 
to the back wall and look for a plank you can throw at it. Plus this is a 
safe distance to not get hit. If you miss, just pick up the plank and do
it again.

Go through the newly opened area and go straight to the back wall, then 
left and look on the wall for an Emitter.

$ Sonic Emitter 2/3 $

Be careful because flaming dolls (everyone's worst nightmare) will come
out at you. Use them to your advantage and let THEM blow up the Emitter!
Grab the pipe wrench near the Emitter, then turn around. Go forward then
right and look in the corner to see a valve, so turn it. From the valve, 
walk forward and turn right into the area where you blew up and walk to 
where the plank was. Turn right and look down near the railing to see a 
ladder. Go down and another flaming enemy will attack you.

The flaming enemy somehow died before I finished descending the ladder. 
Maybe he crashed into a wall or maybe I landed on him. Who knows? ^_^
To avoid him, just stop while descending the ladder and he will die.

Turn around away from the ladder and open the door that you see. Be 
careful because the ground will break around you. Head right from the
liquor bottle in front of you, through the open door, and make a direct
left and turn the valve. You will see the stream of flames stop so go
through that area. Once through, turn right and into an open area. A
flaming enemy will be running toward you so kill him and go forward.
If you look right, there will be a locker with two Health Kits so use
them if you want to. Then, run forward and turn left at the wall. 

Kill the flaming enemy coming toward you and you will hear an explosion.
If you look behind you, the path is now blocked by fire. Oooo, I wonder
what THAT means?? Look to the right of the fire and you will see four
Health Kits on the wall, and if you walk a little in the opposite 
direction, the game will save. Come on, it doesn't take a rocket scientist
to figure this out!

Walk opposite of the health area and toward a strange tube in the ceiling,
and note the bucket o' dolls to the left of you. Now see that green
conveyer button in the distance? Let's go press it! After pressing it,
you will hear a little yell and the freakiest lady that looks like
she should be out of House of the Dead will attack you. 

Boss Battle - Lollipop Saw Lady

The first part is pretty basic. Grab the hammer off the table because 
this is most likely stronger than anything you have. She will use her
lollipop saw to attack you so block or dodge her, and strike. The hammer
broke really soon after using it for me, but it did some serious damage.
She is really easy if you hit, back up, hit, back up, and she won't hit 
you. Just don't walk forward while she is swinging. Remember: patience
is a virtue. This will last a short period, even with your fists. 

After she runs away is the tricky part. Remember the bucket o' dolls 
earlier? Well now is the time to use them. Wait until the game saves
and you see Miss Ugly-as-sin-doll-face throw a doll at you. This will
now be her attack. The trick is to grab a doll close to when she throws
a doll at you and wait for her doll to explode. Then RUN and throw your
doll at her! The timing is a little tricky but not impossible. Also, 
there are Health Kits we saw earlier right around the corner if you 
need them.

You can also run to the right side, wait until she throws the doll and 
run and pick up one of your dolls. By the time you are done, her doll will 
probably have already exploded and you can run close and throw it at her.

Be careful because the dolls can bounce off the conveyer belt (or 
stick on to it, yes you heard right) and blow up in your face. 

Or the best way, is to grab a doll and WALK really close to her and throw
the doll easily up on the ledge. Most likely she will have thrown the 
doll already and it will blow up behind you. This can backfire though
and she will throw the doll near you, just run backwards and 
hope that you are far enough. The closer you are to the ledge where she 
is at, the higher you will have to throw so make sure to look way up, 
THEN throw! It is important to walk because if you run she will not
have thrown the doll yet and will throw it right at you! Last thing, try
to throw at the left side of the ledge where there is no railing. 


When it is done, walk to the far left of the room (near the back), and 
walk up the path. Walk down past the writing on the wall and the game 
will save. Also, be careful not to fall down from the gap in the 
railing on the left side. Walk forward and look on the ground to grab
the stupidly weak lollipop saw. It look cool though doesn't it?

Enter the double door, turn right, then left, and turn left again to 
find a locker with two Health Kits. From there, go straight across and
two flaming enemies will attack you so kill them to continue forward. 


Stay away from the elevator right now. You will miss the investigation 
opportunity and an Emitter if you investigate the broken control switch.

Examine the sign to the right of the elevator and zoom in on it. Don't
select Service elevator 4C, for some reason Service elevator 3B is 
the correct answer. Next, grab a brick next to the stairs and go up
to see an Emitter on the far wall. This will take some tries, but
throw the brick and smash it.

$ Sonic Emitter 3/3 $

A flaming enemy will attack you right after so kick him to kill him
safely. Now go into the elevator and press A while facing the control
box to start the elevator. It will stop so now press A to examine the
wires on the OTHER side of the elevator. You will see this:

1) Bare wire
2) Thick wire
3) Striped wire

Now go back to the original side and:

1) Zoom in on the top connector and select: Bare wire
2) Zoom in on the middle connector and select: Thick wire
3) Zoom in on the bottom connector and select: Striped wire

If you did this correct, the elevator will move... then stop again.
Man, does this thing have problems or what? Go to the three
bucket o' dolls and look up to the right corner and press A to
climb through. Once through, you will have a choice to go up some
stairs or down, so go up. There is nothing down the stairs so don't
waste your time. A flaming enemy will attack you so kill him and go
up the stairs, left, and right. Press A to duck under some boards
and turn right to go through the door. 

Use the Health Kits on the back wall if you need to, the grab a 
fuse off the desk and leave the room. A doll will be right there
(what?? I thought they were gone!!) and after it explodes, duck 
under the boards again. The ground will shake and you will fall
into a new area with guess who looking at you- Miss Ugly-as-sin-

Boss Battle- Lollipop Saw Lady (again)

Grab the steam pipe if you need it, this can be a pretty hard battle.
You can block her with whatever weapon you have, but you
can't block her with your fists because you will still take damage.
Now would be a great time to use up your stun gun completely
because it is almost the end of the chapter. If she drops her 
lollipop saw, it is a good thing to grab because then she will be
weaponless. However, she still deals plenty of damage but at least
you can block now that she doesn't have her saw. 

So mainly the trick is to hit, back up, run, hit, back up, run.
If she gets on her knees, look for the machine head crusher and
finish her off there. When I did that, she died with her butt up
in the air which gives a nasty view to poor Ethan. Yuck!! haha


After the battle, go to the away where she jumped down and duck 
under the boards. Go up the stairs and you will see the place where
you came out of the elevator. So jump down (technically fall down), 
go to the fuse box, and press A. Wow... it's finally over.

# SCU Building #

When you start out, you will be prompted for a response.

- Response 1/10 -


The optional objective here is to photograph the X-rays.

As soon as you can, turn around and examine the chest X-rays on the
wall. Take a decent picture of it (you will see "photo received" if 
you took the right picture).

* Photograph 1/2 *

After that, turn facing Rosa and look to the right where you will see
an antenna in the form of a radio. 

# Antenna location 1/3 #

Try to ignore Rosa shifting around and looking bored when you are 
listening to the radio. hehe  
After that, walk to the X-ray table and press A to lie down. While
in the machine, you will be prompted for two responses.

- Response 2/10 -
- Response 3/10 -


If you didn't get the radio, it's too late now so you will have to 
start over. 

When you can walk again, walk towards the table with Vanhorn's missing
body and turn right. Go through the door to be prompted for another 

- Response 4/10 -

Go straight down the hallway (don't turn left) and enter the first door
on the right. Walk toward the other side and you will be prompted for
yet another response.

- Response 5/10 -

Go left into the double doors and turn left into the double doors leading
into the lit up hallway. Go straight, then right at the open double doors
(that was where you started) and you will hear some creepy sounds. Continue
down and turn right when the doors to the elevator open. 


There is a radio here but you can't use it yet, so just keep going.

Continue right and when you head to the double doors in front of you, the
lights will go out and you will be in darkness for a few seconds. Wait
for the lights to come back on, then go through the double doors. In here,
turn right and another right into an open room. Go forward then left and 
you will see some closed double doors, so go through them. Head straight 
across to the other doors and walk forward in this new room. 


Try not to get freaked out by the black enemies that appear unless your
phone happens to ring at the same time. That scared me pretty badly. ^_^

Walk through the closed door to your left, then make two rights past some
lockers. Go through the door in front of you and when you can, turn left,
then another left and you will be facing a whiteboard. Go around it (past
some tipped over stools) and look into the door to the right of you for
a creepy cutscene. Walk forward and you will be attacked which can't be
prevented. Don't worry, your health will recover. Continue forward and 
through the double doors near the walkie-talkie, then turn right and another
right, ignoring the two doors on the left. You will go down some very short
stairs and you will see a gurney being pushed in front of you. 


If you walk past the gurney and check the men's bathroom, the door will be 
closed in your face.

If you are at the men's bathroom, turn around and walk to a slight right and
go through the double doors. Go right and into the second door on the right,
it will be slightly lit up. Immediately you will be prompted to examine
for evidence so get out your camera and take a picture of the X-rays on
the wall. 

* Photograph 2/2 *

Leave and walk toward the lit up double doors and it will get
REALLY blurry here. Go toward the doors and some lights will go on in the
hallway so turn right and continue into the darkness. Eventually, things
will clear up and you know you have gone the right way. 

Once you can see clearly again, turn into the copy room, which is lit up
brightly. Go through and turn right down a long hallway. BEFORE you get
to an area with the orange locker, turn right into some open double doors
and you will be prompted for the next response.

- Response 6/10 -


If you walk too far and the game saves, run back and into the open room. 
You hopefully will be able to get the sixth response before you are 
prompted for the response to Pennington. 

Now walk into the area with the orange locker and you will soon be 
prompted for the next response.

- Response 7/10 -

Press A to try the door and when the cutscene ends and Pennington says
something like "Search team come in!" turn around and grab the gun
out of the locker. Follow Pennington and you come to some stairs so 
go up them and into the open double doors in front of you.
Follow Pennington left until he has a shootout with the ceiling, then
follow him some more and wait until he moves again. He will turn 
around and turn left to kick open some doors. In this new room there
will be a SCU locker with another gun so hide near it and you will 
see enemies shooting at you. Aim and fire and when Pennington runs
forward you can follow him because it's safe. 

Follow Pennington and look at the ground and you will see a dead body.
Grab the assault rifle off the body and you will hopefully have shots
left. Follow Pennington left, and left, then the game will save. 
Soon enough, more enemies will be shooting at you so hide and zoom in
(hopefully you have the assault rifle to do this) and aim. Two
enemies will attack you and follow Pennington when he goes forward. 
You can also run really close and shoot because when I did that, both
enemies were in the same area. 


Be careful because a black monster will attack you so shoot him, and
THEN grab the ammo from the bodies. 

Carefully look left because there will be many enemies here. There is
also an SCU locker nearby with a riot gun if you want that weapon
instead- I don't recommend it though. After killing all the enemies,
following Pennington forward and keep an eye out for a SCU locker on
the right. There are no Health Kits here but there is an assault rifle
with ammo in it. Eventually, you will follow Pennington to a black
goo-covered room. This part is TOUGH so bare with me here. It took me
a long time to pass this part. Look down and you will see a wooden board
leading up so cross it.


This is where my Pennington glitch happened so read my FAQ to know more.

Jump down off the ledge and follow Pennington and when he starts talking
RUN and find the SCU locker opposite of the door he is standing and stand
by it. This will be your savior trust me. I will give you the best advice
I can but you will need both luck and skill to get past this. After the 
screen turns black and you get your senses back, back up to the locker 
(you are facing away from it). This is so no enemies can hit you from behind. 
Lots of black monsters will attack you so be prepared. The battle will end 
eventually and the screen will go dark so don't think you died. 


Do NOT do like I did the first time: stand in the middle, and shoot in a
complete circle hoping to kill every enemy around me. This is a waste of 
ammo and you will most likely miss every one of them. lol

The enemy will first come from the left, then right, then left, and may 
vary from there. They will MOSTLY COME FROM THE LEFT so aim there, 
I was able to easily beat this part by aiming in one spot! 


After the part is over and you end up in the original room with the X-ray
Or you will be forced to do that part all over again and I know you don't 
want to do that. :)

When you can walk again, head to the double doors near where Rosa is 
standing. Also, if you missed the radio before, you can get it now.
Turn right when outside the doors, and check the radio antenna on the 
right of the elevator. 

# Antenna location 2/3 #

Next, enter the elevator.


There is something rather interesting here. Look on the back wall on the
yellow flyer and it will basically say there is a memorial service for
both Miller and Pennington. Remember Miller was the one that fell out of
the ceiling during your dark exploration of the office. Then, Pennington
died from the black monsters. So... maybe Ethan isn't crazy after all and
those WEREN'T hallucinations!

Turn right and press the button to start the elevator. OMG!!! Elevator 
music!! Ahem... anyway, once out of the elevator, turn left, then right
into the door almost directly across from you. You will be in a room with 
a picture frame on the wall and you will hear an Emitter. Go to the 
picture frame and hit it, then when it falls down, destroy the Emitter.

$ Sonic Emitter 1/1 $

Now leave and turn left, then right at the wall, and you will see a lit up
door in the distance. Enter the door and turn a direct right to see the
last antenna.

# Antenna location 3/3 #

Now you can walk forward toward the chair. Be prepared to be prompted for 
your next response. During your questioning with Farrell, you will have
two more responses.

- Response 8/10 -
- Response 9/10 - 
- Response 10/10 - 

The correct answers to the questions are as follows:

1) We carried Vanhorn's Body away from the Hotel.  
2) Yes 
3) Dorland shot a Power Transformer, causing a small explosion.
4) I was in an apartment complex next door.
5) The helicopter was taking fire.
6) Dorland.

Now, this annoying chapter will end.

# City Museum #

After the cop at the scene finishes talking, you will be prompted to
examine for evidence. Press A and zoom in on the tire mark next to the
wheelbarrow and select:

Tire trail to door

You will soon be prompted for a response.

- Response 1/4 -

Follow the officer and he will lift you over the wall. You will be 
prompted for a second response.

- Response 2/4 -


The optional objective here is to NOT kill any guards. This isn't hard
if you follow my instructions.

A window will pop up telling you how to incapacitate guards. Basically, 
grab them with LT and RT after hitting them with your fists and press 
LT NOT RT! If you press RT you will break their neck and will have to 
start over if you want to get this objective.

Go forward and turn right to go out the door. Use your UV light to follow
the blood trail to some double doors. Go through and you will be 
prompted for another response.

- Response 3/4 -

From here, turn left and walk down the narrow path and turn right at the
blinking light and another right and go forward. You will have a window
pop up telling you how to sneak. Go through the nearest door and then 
turn left. You will be in a large room so use your UV light to follow the
blood trail. 


There is a can on your path so don't kick it or you will alert the guards!

When you get to a pool of blood a cutscene will play. You will be prompted
to ask questions. The correct answers are:

1) Did you find any fingerprints on the paper?
2) Do you think Vanhorn nursed his nephew back to health?

After that, press A to examine evidence and bring out your camera. Take
a picture of the saw and make sure it is clear. Then, take a picture of 
the left side (the handle) and you will get a perfect score if you
did it correctly. Then Rosa will ask you one more question and the 
answer is:

3) What about the saw? You said it look medieval?

After this, walk up the stairs next to you and examine the security 
camera pointed at the blood. 


If you examine any other cameras you will get a bad rating, even if 
you get the number right.

The camera you want to examine has a label on it that says 1501. So 
zoom in on that camera and select: 1501
Look a little above the stairs and chose to climb the ledge. Walk 
SLOWLY forward, left, right, right (up some short stairs), make a U-shape
around, right, and you will eventually come to a pile of bricks. Look 
left and jump down. You will see a TV if you look around.

# Antenna location 1/2 #

Go past the TV and go left into the door next to you. Go down the hall a 
little ways and look left and you will see a guard sitting in a chair. 
Incapacitate him to make things easier, leave, then walk forward. Turn 
right, then right again into a dark room. Grab the baton off the table and
use the Health Kit on the wall if you need it. Leave, then turn right and
go straight ahead into the door with a sign that says "surveillance office"
next to it. 

Look at the bright machinery and examine the one that says 1501 on it. 
Watch the video if you want then leave and turn right. Go to the end 
of the hall and turn left. There will be a sign near the door that says
"exit to public galleries." Turn left, then another left, then go through
the open doorway. Turn right and go straight and explore the area. An 
enemy will attack you so watch out. Look next to the stairs and you will
have to examine evidence. Look at the sign and select: 

1) Medieval Tools

Go up the stairs and slowly walk forward but be careful because there is 
a guard here. Wait a bit and they will die because a bum will kill them. 
Wait until they are off screen and walk forward and check the TV.

# Antenna 2/2 #

Then walk forward and break the glass on one of the displays. Look for 
a broadsword and pick it up. Then turn right and walk forward down a 
narrow path and you will see an Emitter on the wall to the left. Ignore
it and walk forward, a strong enemy will attack you so use the broadsword
to your advantage. After he is dead, now you can use whatever weapon you
have to throw it at the Emitter on the wall.

$ Sonic Emitter 1/3 $

Continue forward and turn a slight right and walk around until you come 
to a single war hammer in a case. Turn right from there and go straight
across and jump down from the ledge (on the left side). There will be 
broadswords right near you so break the glass and grab one. Go past that
display and an enemy may attack you so defeat him. Walk toward the right
wall and be careful because there might be a guard here. 


If you run into a guard, run away and hide because he most likely won't
live thanks to the enemies running around. DO NOT try to save the guard,
he will just try to kill you afterwards. :P

While hugging the right wall, you will see a statue in a glass case standing
against the same wall. Stay here and kill all the bums you see around
you. Make sure you don't kill any guards in the process! Explore the area
if you haven't killed three enemies, because it will be too hard to get the
Emitter if they are still around. Anyway, you should back at the glass case 
with the armored statue. Stand in FRONT of it and you will see a pillar 
straight ahead of you. Walk forward and to the other side of it and look up 
to see your next Emitter.

$ Sonic Emitter 2/3 $ 

Next, walk back to the armored statue and face away from it again. Now walk
past the pillar you saw the Emitter on and all the way to the back wall 
where you will pass some stairs and see a glowing walkie-talkie. A room 
will be on the left so enter it now. Turn left and go near the right wall
and walk up to a broken statue. You will be prompted to check evidence so
take a clear picture of the statue's face.


Remember, it will say "photo received" in the corner if it is the correct

* Statue photo 1/3 *

Continue past the statue and turn right into the gallery again. Walk
forward and left until you see some stairs leading up. Go up the stairs
and the game will save. You will see a guard running and an enemy so let
them duke it out until the enemy runs at you. 


On the enemies with the armor, the sprint attack is very effective. 

When he is dead, walk forward and turn right. Go all the way down until
you can go through a glass door. When through, grab a brick from the
pile near you, and turn left, then another left. Walk forward and take
a picture of the face of the statue.

*Statue photo 2/3 *

Next, turn around and go back to the pile of bricks. This Emitter is very
hard to find but if you look closely, you will see it. Take a right from
the pile of bricks and go toward the statue. Face the closest wall and 
back up until you see a tiny dot that looks like it is moving. You may 
have to move right to see it. There you go, that's the last Emitter.

$ Sonic Emitter 3/3 $

From here, turn left toward what looks like a blocked door. Open the
door to the left of the chunk of wood and walk forward, the game will
soon save. Walk toward the blood and you will be prompted to collect
evidence. Take a clear photograph of the metal saw pieces to get a 
perfect score. Then aim down on the table and zoom in and press A, then
Y to collect the blood sample. Do the same thing with the metal pieces:
zoom, then press A and Y. Rosa will start talking and the correct 
answer to her question is:

1) Any evidence that the metal pieces came from Rachael Mar's body?

After this, the next response will occur. 

- Response 4/4 - 

After that, turn around and exit the section of the building. Two enemies
will attack you so defeat them and continue forward. Pass the pile of
bricks and slowly walk forward toward the stairs leading down. You will
see a guard run up and be attacked by two enemies. Poor guy... 
Anyway, two enemies will attack you so kill them and go down the stairs.
There is a locker here with two stun gun batteries and three Health Kits.
After healing your wounds, go back upstairs and turn left. Go past the
statue and open the door that you originally couldn't go through. 

Make a left and press A to climb through the board and a cutscene will 
play. Run like hell forward and left, and you will come to a wooden 
plank you can cross. Run across it and the Knight will fall down and 
remain on the lower level. 

Do NOT jump down yet! Instead, continue forward, turn left, and defeat 
the enemies in the way. There will be quite a few. Go straight across
and a little bit to the right and you will see another statue you can 

* Statue photograph 3/3 *


Right next to the statue is a SCU locker so use it if you need to.

Now turn around and you will see some crossbows in a display case. Run
up to them, smash the glass, and grab one. Turn left, then another 
slight left to see some boards on the ground. Press A and step over 

Boss Battle- Knight

Okay, there are two ways you can do this battle. The quick and difficult
way, or the looong but sometimes easier way. I will list both.

First of all, your crossbow is the weapon of choice here. When Ethan walks
around he will automatically grab ammo so don't worry about that. There
is a locker here with Health Kits so use that if you need to (it will be
in the middle of the room). 

The quick way:

The Knight will attack you by either swinging his ax at you while you are
close to him, or he will swing it and get it stuck in the ground. THAT is
your time to strike! When he has it stuck in the ground, run behind him
and kick him in the back to reveal an unarmored area. Now, when he gets 
his ax stuck again, use the crossbow to shoot him in the back. This isn't 
as hard as it sounds and is the recommended way because it is so quick.

The loooong way:

Basically, run and continue shooting him with the crossbow wherever. Takes 
a while, but it works. 

When he falls to his knees, press A to kill him. 


If you missed the first Emitter, now is the time to get it. If the boss 
dies, then you have missed your chance.


# Black Lake Lodge #

When you are able to move, turn a slight left and walk forward. Continue
down the path and you will be prompted for the next two responses over
the walkie-talkie.

- Response 1/6 -
- Response 2/6 -

Continue on and go up a path covered with boards. The path will be very
straight forward, and when you come to some signs on the left, turn 
right. You will come to a bridge which will you will fall through which
is normal. Turn around and walk toward the bloodstains. You will be
prompted to examine evidence.

1) Zoom in on the bloody chunk and select: Arm 
2) Zoom in on watch and select: February 24 then 0003
3) Zoom in on the arm and press A and Y

After that, walk past the arm and follow the path until you see a tree
in the middle of the snow. Walk to the right (left is a dead end) and 
when you come to another area where you can go right or left, head left.


Both paths lead to the same area but left is quicker.

Go a slight right and you will notice a small ledge leading down. Don't 
jump down or you will have to go around again.


You have probably noticed the Emitter symbol on your screen. It's a dud so
pay it no mind. There are no Emitters in this level.

From the ledge, look right to see some wood leading the way across a ditch. 
Walk forward and you will have a short conversation with Rosa and she will 
ask you a question. The answer is:

1) Dehydration? With all this snow?

Continue forward and follow the path until you come to a clearing with a 
building in view. Go right and enter the building and you will be prompted
yet again to search for evidence. 

1) Zoom in on the eyes and select: Male 
2) Zoom in on the badge and select: SCU
3) Collect the wallet and select: D. Payant

The next response will happen so be prepared.

- Response 3/6 -

From the body, turn right and continue down a path. I will not
tell you exactly where to go because the path is one way and you cannot 
get lost. When you come to an area with a light bulb suspended on the 
ceiling and two ways to go, just choose one because they lead to the
same place. If you come to a half-eaten dead body, you are going in the 
right direction. When you come to a room with blood everywhere, turn left.


When you come to an area where there is a box marked "fragile" right
in front of you, look right. If you look closely, you will see a person
dragging themselves off screen. Weird...

Continue down until you find a hole in the ground so go ahead and jump 
down in it. Walk forward slowly and let the game save. Then continue
forward. As soon as you see a bear, the instructions will be: Run for 
your life! I will give you quick instructions to get you through this.
Sprint for the whole thing!!

1) Go forward and turn a direct left 
2) Make a U-turn and turn right
3) Go down the hall, turn into a punched-out hole in the wall
4) Turn and wait as far back as you can go

The bear now should knock over boards to block your path backwards. Wait
and the path in front of you will open.

5) Run forward past the bear 
6) Go left when you can into the kitchen and quickly find the 1st 

# Antenna location 1/3 #

7) Exit back out and go up the stairs in front of you 

Ethan will stop and look around.

8) Run left and follow the path into the bathroom
9) Run forward and into the bedroom
10) Move the dresser to the other side of the door
11) Open the door and run left 
12) Take a left again and QUICKLY hang a right when the guy speaks
    and push the dresser in front of the door.


If you continue to run forward, you will never make it and die.

13) Run to the man and press A to respond.

- Response 4/6 - 

14) Grab the shotgun and wait until the man says NOW! Then shoot the 

Whew! It's over.

You will be prompted for another response so press A when you can.

- Response 5/6 - 

After Rosa is through talking, walk in between two trees and down the 
path. Continue along the path and when you get to what looks like a 
small shack, enter it. You are now in the lodge. Go forward and you 
will see an enemy facing away from you. You can either ram him and punch,
or grab him and disable/kill him. 


In this room is the antler, which is crucial for getting the achievement
Big-Game Hunter. However, you might want to take out most of the enemies 
before you use this thing or you won't stand a chance.

Grab the assault rifle from the enemy and continue on until you see a 
device on the wall. You will be prompted to check for evidence.

1) Zoom in on the cover and select: DETM-12x

So, basically the goal is to find the blast points and destroy them. 
I will lead you around to find them so follow closely.

Blast point 1: 

Turn around away from the detonator and open the double doors. There is
an enemy here so take him out and grab the ammo. Take a slight right
near the stairs and go down them. Drink the liquor bottle on the table
and look in the corner (to your right if you are facing where the bottle


If you ever get lost, just use your UV light to find the blast point.

Look up and you will see the first blast point. Shoot the window next
to it, grab it, aim quickly, and throw it through the window. 

Blast point 2:

Grab the lever rifle off the table if you somehow lost your assault 
rifle like I did, and go past the stairs entrance across from the
blast point. Go to the counter and drink the liquor bottle and use 
the Health Kits behind the counter if you need them. Go past the counter
and turn right and into an open doorway. Turn left and continue forward
and you will be in a bar area. Go behind the counter (on the right side)
and open the door and go through. 

You will go down some stairs and there are Health Kits behind you and to 
the left. Go forward and drink some liquor if you need to, and go forward.
Be careful, there are lots of enemies here. 


If you get stuck with the crappy lever rifle, run forward to where the 
enemy is blocking an open doorway and use a sprint attack. Shoot him
and turn into the area where there will be a locker you can use. Make
sure to grab the assault rifle and reload it. 

From the locker area, go straight ahead and go into the open doorway and
turn right. Go through the door ahead of you and walk forward to see the
blaster point right in front of you. This is gonna be tough, but practice
makes perfect right? BEFORE grabbing it, look left and know that the tiny
little window is where you need to throw it. Plus you STILL need to back 
up or you will die!


Remember the flashlight trick when aiming! Wherever your flashlight goes,
so will the blaster. Take your time and don't rush too much. However, if 
you take too much time you will die too.

So grab the blaster and rush to the area and take about 2 seconds at most
aiming. Then throw and back up!

Blast point 3:

After that, exit the area and turn left. Turn right into a yellowish room
and press A to examine evidence. Take a picture of the wall and Rosa will 
talk to you but you won't have to answer anything. Continue forward through
the door on the right and you will soon see some stairs. Go up and you will
be in a room with a locker so use whatever you need in there (especially the
liquor bottle). Then go through the door on the left and soon you will see
a door. Unlock it and go through to be back in the area you started in. Go 
up the stairs nearby and go straight ahead into a narrow passage. There will
be signs next to the area you are supposed to enter. 

Go through this short hallway and turn left when you see lots of tables and
chairs. Make another left at the end of the area and you will be in what 
looks like a large dining room. Walk forward and you will see a blaster in 
front of you near the left. Walk up to it and turn right, there you will
see the windows you need to throw it at. Be careful because an enemy 
randomly appeared when I was walking to throw it. 

Blast point 4:

After it explodes, there will be enemies around so kill them and go left 
(when facing the window). Then make two more lefts and you will be facing
a double door. Open it and you will be in the main area again. Walk along
the path, passing any open doors, and you will be at an area with a double
door that is closed to the left of you. Enter and go up some stairs and 
continue to follow the path. There will be a closed wooden door so open it
and turn a direct left into some double doors, ignoring the staircase for 

There will be an enemy shooting at you from the right so blast him before 
continuing. Turn right from the door and run into a dead end, hiding behind
the wall. An enemy will jump down from the ceiling so kill him, then head 
straight. Turn right to some double doors and go through. Head upstairs and
through some more double doors. 


There are more antlers here so if you missed them in the beginning and still
want to reach that achievement, pick them up here.

Go up the stairs and go into the next room. Sneak up on the enemy that
doesn't see you and blow his head off before he turns around. There is 
one more enemy here so kill him before continuing. If you need health,
make a left from the door and head to the bar where there will be Health
Kits on the wall. Go back to the door if you aren't already there, and go
forward and up the nearest staircase. Make a slight right around the 
pillar and continue along the path (drink some liquor along the way). When
you hear beeping you will be near the blast point, however, enemies will 
start attacking you. Kill them and THEN throw the blaster out the nearby

Blaster point 5:

While facing the blaster spot, turn right and continue down the path 
until you see an open doorway on the right. Go in and head into the
first door on the left. You will be in a bedroom so walk forward and 
into the door on the other side that leads to the patio. Turn right and 
press A to jump over the ledge. Enter the room and you will see a blaster
right in front of you. So throw it out the window! 


It may be smarter to run outside THEN throw it out. Duh factor there.

Blast point 6:

After that, don't leave the room yet and walk forward and to the right
is your second antenna.

# Antenna location 2/3 #

Now leave the room through the open door and jump over to the other side
again. Leave this room, turn left, and jump down the hole in the floor.
The game will save here. Turn into the nearest door and go toward the 
bed and to the right where you will see the last antenna.

# Antenna location 3/3 #

Leave the room from where you came and turn right. Go all the way down 
the hall into the double doors on the right. Turn left out into the 
main lobby area and make a right behind some bookcases. You will now
be back where the short staircase and deer antlers are. Go down the 
staircase and turn right down a hallway.


If you have no gun or are low on stun gun power and health, enter in 
the first room on the left to find a SCU locker. 

Otherwise, continue forward and drop down the hole at the end of the
hallway. Enter in the open double door right in front of you and make
a right. Continue on the path and go down some stairs. Now you will be
in the greenish lobby area and enemies will be here so be careful. When
they are dead, turn right, follow the path, and go down the nearest 
staircase. Face the staircase and move right, go straight, then turn
right to go down a lighted hallway with a boarded up door at the end.

Turn left at the boards and go straight until you get to a picture of
a bear. Turn left here and go to the path left of the bear on the wall.
This is probably the hardest blaster to throw because you have to run
around some corners to throw it. Practice beforehand and go past it,
turn right, and you will see a window. When you grab the blaster, go 
close to the window, throw it, and back up.

Now, to return to the detonator. While next to the pool table (facing the
windows), turn right. Go through the path here and into the bar room and
pass the bar counter. Go straight ahead and you will be out in the 
greenish lobby area again. Go up the nearest staircase and look for the
double doors with the yellowish light behind them (they should already 
be open.) Run through and examine the detonator.


You have a short time limit for this so enter in these answers QUICKLY!

1) Examine the canisters and select: 2 canisters
2) Examine the wires and select: 2 long, 1 short
3) Examine the keypad and select: 16 button keypad
4) Examine the blinking lights and select: 3 blinking lights
5) Examine the power source and select: 120v/12v

Now cut the wire on the right side (Rosa doesn't have to finish talking).
A response will soon happen.

- Response 6/6 -

Walk into the newly opened library and turn right. Follow the path 
until you see a broken staircase so jump down at the gap. 


There is a liquor bottle near the fireplace so I recommend you drink it
now. You may not have time later. 

Turn a hard right from the staircase and you will see a computer. Examine
the evidence and zoom in on the computer and select:

1) Vocal chords

Now Vanhorn will go on and tell you all the juicy details about the Oro.


Don't rely on the subtitles here because they go too slow and don't keep

The game will save and the computer will blow up. Run and hide, the goal 
here is to survive until La Rue comes to rescue you. One of the
bookshelves has a Health Kit on it so use it if you need it. This isn't
too hard if you manage to get headshots and hide a lot. Enemies shouldn't
overwhelm you if you take care of them one by one. Try to kill enemies
somewhat near you so you don't have to run too far for ammo.

You will hear a rumble and will see the wall break. Run like mad over
to La Rue and jump into the vehicle to end the chapter.

# Trenton District #

After the cutscene, make a sharp left and slowly walk toward the guard
facing away from you. Press LT and RT when close to him, then press
LT to incapacitate.


Don't press RT or you will kill them!

Then, turn to the right and take out the guard there. Now only La Rue
will be left. Make a left into the bus and incapacitate the guard here.
If you did it right, no guards should be dead. In the bus, turn left and
open the gate, then press A to talk to SKX.

After the cutscene, get out of the bus (the exit is on the right side), 
and you will be prompted for the first response.

- Response 1/4 -

Grab the assault rifle next to La Rue. Drink the liquor bottle next
to you on the right side and run all the way back to a lighted area. You
will be in a small open room and can shoot enemies pretty well here. 


If you run out of ammo, walk forward and use the bowling pin on the ground
as your weapon.

There will be three enemies attacking you so kill them and grab the .22
if you ran out of ammo for the rifle. Go forward and walk a slight
right and you will see an open door leading to a bowling alley. Turn left
until you see a foosball table.


If you want the GOOOAAAALLLL! achievement then grab the foosball rod and
kill the next 5 enemies with it. 

While facing the foosball table, go around it and continue down the first
lane. Turn right when you can and go across the lanes toward a door where 
you will see an enemy standing. Walk left to go near the door and you will
be prompted for a response.

- Response 2/4 -

Enter through the open door (if you chose to shoot the enemy once beforehand,
he will be gone). There are a ton of weapons here but if you walk forward and
look left, you will see a gumball machine which is strongest. If you still 
have a gun, look on the table next to the gumball machine and use the liquor


You probably have noticed (or not) that all the pool balls that you can use
as a weapon, are 8-balls. I wonder why? Just look on the same table as the
liquor bottle if you don't believe me. 

Continue forward past the arcade machines and an enemy will attack you. Kill 
him and go left and right into the next room. Walk forward and look right 
to see some Health Kits on the wall. Go into the next room and go forward
until you see a gumball machine standing in front of a shelf. Go a little
bit to the left of it and look right/up to see your first Emitter.

$ Sonic Emitter 1/3 $

Go left from the Emitter and into the area where an ugly as sin bum will be
blocking you. 


If you walk up super close, his head disappears and you can see through him.

Kick him to get him out of the way (because Ethan doesn't know how to say 
excuse me), and walk forward. Many enemies will attack you so let's hope you
still have a gun. There is also a liquor bottle nearby where the ugly bum was
standing so use it if you need to. Go straight from the bum and turn left to
see an enemy standing behind a counter in the kitchen. Ask him for the leftover
frozen burrito you left in the fridge and blow his head off. LOL

Okay, bad joke. Anyway, walk past the pool table with only 8-balls on it (see
I told you so), and turn left at the counter. Turn right when the counter
ends and go all the way back to a locker and grab the lever rifle if you
want it and the Health Kit. 


If you go into the men's bathroom, an enemy will attack you and it's pretty
pointless to go in there. 

Go back to the counter and face forward with the two champagne bottles to
the right of you. Go straight forward, moving around items, and you will
be facing the back wall with a "3" in front of you (lane 3). Turn right 
until you get to some railing, then turn right again. If you go forward in
the right direction, you will be prompted to examine for evidence. If
you can find it, just look for a lit spot and a list on a table. Zoom in
on the list and select:

1) Uncle = Vanhorn
2) Mayor = Mars
3) Director = Farrell
4) Magicman = Unknown

After that, wait until the voices stop and you will see some bowling lanes
light up. Walk toward them until you are prompted to examine evidence again.

1) Zoom in on the head and select: Female head
2) Zoom in on the bad and select:
Bowling bag
Filled with blood

Now take a clear picture of the face portion of the head for a perfect 
score. Look in the distance past the head and you will see a blinking 
light at the end of the lane. Go to that area and press A to climb 
through. Walk forward and turn right at the wall to use a liquor bottle,
otherwise turn left. Continue forward and go right, then left and another
left into a small room. If you look closely you will see a female enemy
waiting behind the door so if you still have a gun (sounds impossible
but I did), blow her head off. Go into the room and if you want, flip
the lever on the right wall to turn on the lights.

Look toward the left of the room to find an antenna.

# Antenna location 1/3 #

Exit the room and make two lefts until you get to a place that appears to
be the area you started in. Walk forward and keep in eye on the bottom
left because an enemy got up from the ground when I walked by. Continue
on until you get to a gap in a brick wall and walk through. Turn left
down the alleyway and then right into a room. Do not go through the
door yet, instead grab a brick from the right and throw it at the Emitter
in the distance (here is where I used up the rest of my bullets lol). 

You may have to knock the boxes down to get to it.

$ Sonic Emitter 2/3 $

Exit through the door on the right and walk forward, then left between
the lockers. Make a left, then a right, and go through the open door
straight ahead. Once through, look to the right and grab the next 

# Antenna location 2/3 #

Turn around from the radio and go forward then right. There is a 
locker here so use it if you need it. Leave the room and turn left
as soon as you can and look up. Press A to climb up into the hole above
and walk straight forward. Look down and to the right and you will see
a hole you can jump into, so jump down. You will be prompted for a 
response as soon as you jump down.

- Response 3/4 -


The optional objective here is to take pictures of all the torture
devices. There are three devices you need to photograph. 

While facing the bloody table and your back to the closest dog in
the cage, turn right. You will see a guy's head sticking into a 
cage and your evidence mode will pop up so take a picture of that
device. While facing the device, head right and through the narrow
passage. Be careful because an enemy will jump at you. Follow the 
path and turn right into a new area. Walk straight forward until
you are prompted to examine evidence again. Take a picture of the
man in the wire cage, bending over again and again. Back up and 
turn right and an enemy will attack you so kill him. Then take a 
picture of the skinny barred cage with the man instead to complete
the optional objective.

Go past the cage and make a slight right, then go through an open 
door. Go all the way down and when you hear a dog barking loudly
turn around because there will be a dog running to attack you. After
that, turn left to find another antenna (radio) to the right side
of the room.

# Antenna location 3/3 #

Turn around from the radio and go right, then left into a hole in
the wall. Turn left into the laundry room and turn right. Go down
and a mini-cutscene will play where things will get blurry and you
will take some minor damage. After this, turn right and go straight
until you see some stairs leading up to a door. Turn right and
look at the garbage pile to see the next Emitter.

$ Sonic Emitter 3/3 $

Now turn around and walk up to the punching bag closest to you on
the far right. Look down and right to see some boards leading up.
Walk on them and jump down to the right when you come to a dead
end. You will see an open doorway so go through it and turn left. Go 
down the hall and turn right when you can, then open the door. Walk
in just a bit to trigger another response.

- Response 4/4 -

Go straight forward and turn right at the wall into an open door. In
this room, continue forward and you will see a body on a table.


If you have played the first Condemned, this area should strike some
fear in you. hehe

You will be prompted to examine evidence when looking at Farrell so
press A. If you look at his chest, you will see that he is still
breathing so he is still alive.

1) Zoom in on him and select: He's still alive.

After that, he will start talking so stop and listen to him. He will 
want you to find something sharp so look far to your left.


Something REALLY weird happened to me here. I looked at the butcher
lady and there was a shelf there. Then, when Farrell said to find
something sharp and she started moving, the shelf just disappeared.
I couldn't get it to happen again. Did this happen to anyone else?   

Anyway, walk up to the crazy cafeteria lady and a monster will soon
attack you so kill it, then grab the cleaver. Go back to Farrell and
press A to cut the left straps, then do that for the right ones. He will
get up and you are to follow him until he stops. 


Farrell will not continue until he uses his "spidey senses" and knows 
that all the enemies are gone. 

Walk into the room Farrell is standing in front of, and there will be
three monsters that will attack you. Kill them and go straight and yet
another monster will attack you. Kill him too and turn right to be 
attacked by an enemy bum. When you finish him off, Farrell will start
to walk again so follow him to the next area. He will stop to the
side so continue forward and make two lefts to see a long hallway. 
Continue down and you will attacked by a few monsters so kill them.

If you need health, go toward the door to the left of the boards 
leaning up, make a left, then a right and open the door. There will
be a locker here with two Health Kits. Otherwise, go up the boards
leaning against a ledge and head through the door. 

Go forward between the benches and the railing and a small cutscene
will play. You will be pushed off the edge and will be forced to fight.
If you are weaponless, there is a toilet seat that you can grab along
with a few other things. 

There will be a lot of enemies but keep using your sprint attack and
you should be okay. Try to let the enemies fight each other when 
you can because it will make your job easier. Plus it's fun to watch. lol
After you are done, the screen will turn black and white and a cutscene 
will play. The chapter is now over.

# Magic Theater #

You will be thrown into battle at the start of the chapter. You can
drink the liquor bottle in front of you or use it as a weapon. It doesn't
really matter. 

 Mini boss- Alcohol demon

There are no weapons here except for the one the enemy has. If he throws
it you can pick it up or you can use your fists/sprint attack. What worked
for me is wait until he swings TWICE in succession, then sprint attack him
and back up. His main attack with his fists is that he swings once, walks 
forward, then swings once more. After that, then tackle him with your sprint


You can also use the alcohol bottle on the table to your advantage. Throw it
at him and then taser him to set him on fire. So his alcohol demon got killed
by alcohol, now THAT'S irony! hehe  Thanks to Chris Hegeman for this info.


After that, you will be back to normal and in the magic theater. 


If you are lucky, you will find the baseball bat that the alcohol demon used
lying on the ground. A dream huh?

Walk to the right stairs and grab the stanchion from the ground because it 
is much stronger than the bat. Walk up the stairs and when you get to a 
straightaway, look left to find an area you can turn into. A small cutscene
will play and you can choose to wait or move. Whatever your choice, turn right
and walk past the skewered lady and to the door on the right.


You won't be able to enter the door until the crackly music plays. 

Enter into the door and pull the lever straight ahead of you and you will
go down in the elevator. You will be prompted to ask a question so ask:

1) See anything about the Oro's purpose, their objective?

After that, go straight out and turn left to be face to face with an Emitter.

$ Sonic Emitter 1/1 $

Go past the Emitter and follow the path until you see a lever that you can 
pull. It will be at the very end of the path. Press A to pull it, then turn
around and walk back to the elevator on the right. Pull the lever in the 
elevator to go up again and exit into the outside area. Turn left and watch
in horror as the skewered ladies come to life. These chicks are tough, so 
be careful. One will attack from behind so walk forward so they are both 
behind you. 


If you are lucky they will fight each other. GIRL FIGHT!! :P

Continue along the top area until you see more skewered girls- they will 
come alive too. Kill them and go into the familiar door on the left and
pull the lever. Exit and turn right, then go forward. Keep an eye on the
right side because there will be a Health Kit in a magic chest. When you
get to the end, pull the lever near the whirly thing and it will stop. Turn 
around and turn left around some magic chests to see the first and only 

# Antenna location 1/1 #

Run all the way back to the elevator and pull the lever to go up. Exit and
walk right until you see the stairs to the left of you that were originally
blocked off. 


It might be good to grab another stanchion if you don't already have a new

Go down the stairs and press A to push all three swords in. Now comes the 
hard part. Remember all those monsters that attacked you and Pennington?
Well... they're heeeere! I found the easiest way to kill them all is to stand
with your back near the swirling part and swing repeatedly. Don't stop
swinging at all and turn a slight left and right if you want to. This worked
pretty well for me. 

Ignoring that the poor ticketmaster is still alive, exit through the only way
out. Rosa will talk to you and it is now your turn to ask questions.

1) Are you suggesting this organization is responsible for all that's wrong 
   in the city?
2) Does he describe how Sonic Generation works?

After this, turn right and then left when you can into a theater area. Walk 
slowly and wait a little bit for the next two response points that come up.

- Response 1/2 -
- Response 2/2 -

Then walk up the stairs and face the magic chests and note that there is a 
Health Kit you will need for later. After the lights dim, you will see the
curtain roll back so walk into the new area. In the distance you will see
another skewered lady so kill her quickly. 

Boss fight- Magicman

This boss is crazy hard when you don't know what to do. The object is to grab
one of the liquor bottles from the open magic chest and throw it at the 
platform where the Magicman is at. Do this for the other two platforms he
stands on and he will eventually he will be trapped at the spike table in the
middle of the room. Then pull the lever to impale and kill him. 

You have unlimited liquor bottles so don't worry about using them up. The
Magicman's attack consists of a sonic wave that disables you for a short
period of time. It happens every 15 seconds or sooner so move quickly because 
it does take a fair amount of life away. First he will appear on the 
platform in front of you, then on the stage platform, then on the platform
opposite of the first one. 


You have a limited time to throw the bottles at him before it all resets and
you have to start at the beginning platform again. 

Don't walk toward him, SPRINT! After all three platforms are on fire, then
pull the lever near the spike table to end the battle. If you are quick, 
this battle can end in less than a minute.


# Junk Barge #

As soon as you are able to move, a response point will happen so be prepared.

- Response 1/8 - 

Turn right and follow the railing on the left edge of the barge. When you see
a rope, follow it by turning right, left, and straight until you see the rope 
just stop. Go toward the pipe with steam coming out of it and turn left down
into a new area. Turn left and go down the hall and follow the path outside. 
Make another left and look next to a machine to see a small red button and 
press it with A. After you walk forward a bit, you will be prompted for two

- Response 2/8 -
- Response 3/8 -

Look down to see a path created by the dragging of the anchor. Follow it 
until it stops, then look down and to the right to see a hole you can
jump down in. Jump down, then turn around and go down a narrow hallway to
the right and the first Emitter will be there for you to destroy. 

$ Sonic Emitter 1/6 $

Pick up the drive shaft off the ground and go down the short stairs and look
forward. Walk straight ahead and walk a slight left between two large metal
blocks and continue forward, staying toward the left. Eventually, you will 
have to go right around a metal block so continue down the path. A monster
or two may attack you so kill them and take a right when you see a locker
door on the ground. You will fall off the edge and may take a small amount 
of damage.


You can avoid the damage by sticking close to the wall when you jump and 
you will slide off a metal block.

From here, walk left and the game will save. Continue following the path 
and hug the left walls and follow them. You will get to your destination
this way and shouldn't get as lost. ^_^ While following the walls you may
see an enemy run and hide behind a chunk of metal. 


If your weapon breaks, there are rebars sticking out everywhere. 

Eventually, you will see a nasty looking enemy attack you so grab a weapon
and swing away! The rebars are weak but they are plentiful so grab one if
your drive shaft breaks. Once again, the sprint attack works well here. Be
careful because he may throw something at you unexpectedly so make sure to
parry. When he is finished, turn left at the reddish wall and check to the
right of you. There will be a door you can open and find a Health Kit, a 
stun gun battery, and a lever rifle. 


Keep two shots in the lever rifle, trust me. You'll need them.

Leave and make another left and go under a large metal crate. Then turn
right and you will soon see a ladder. So go up and you will have the forth

- Response 4/8 -

Go left and through the door. Make a left and go all the way down the path. 
Turn left and crawl through the open area, then walk forward. Look to the 
left of you and walk over some metal blocks to get to a red ramp. An enemy 
will attack you when you are across so be careful and kill him. Then climb 
through the opening and turn right, and go through the end door. Jump down 
the path here (I couldn't get Ethan to climb down for some reason) and walk 

In this new room, turn right and then turn left at the door to find an 

# Antenna location 1/1 # 

Now continue past the radio and enter into an open doorway. Walk to the 
right and you will see a red button next to a cargo door. Press it and go
through the newly opened door. Walk a little bit forward and new 
instructions will be on the screen: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
I will give you quick instructions here like for the rabid bear part.

1) Run forward and do the response. 

- Response 5/8 -

2) Continue forward and go a slight right
3) You will see red lights so make a U-turn around some metal
4) Run forward and look right and go up the ramp
5) Run across some boards above the metal enemy
6) Go across a skinny rail across the left side
7) Press the button on the remote to open the cargo door
8) Jump down and go into the open door and go a slight right
9) Follow the path and you will see a ramp
10) Go up it and follow the path 
11) Continue on (ignoring any doors) and go across the narrow rail
12) Turn right when you get to the top and go up the ladder
13) Press A at the control panel to operate the crane


Be careful walking outside before the crane is finished because the 
enemy will throw stuff at you. Also, ONLY jump to the bus when it 
is right in front of you, otherwise you will jump to your death!

14) Jump to the bus by turning right outside and pressing A
15) Jump down the first hole and run and grab the crossbow 
16) Exit through the other door and back up against the wall
17) Aim carefully at the metal enemy and shoot him with your ONLY shot!


If you miss, you die. 'nuff said.

After he is dead, go left when you can and you will be prompted to 
examine for evidence. Take a picture of the news van door, then turn
right and go back to the railing. Turn left and turn another left, then
go through the door. Go straight and left, then go into the last door on 
the left. Go down the stairs until you come to a room with a body hanging
on the railing. 


Kick the body off the railing, you might even be able to make it go over
the edge! ^_^

Follow the wall until you see a gap in the railing, fall on the metal 
chunks THEN on the ground for a safe landing. Grab the driveshaft
and turn left into the open door. Turn right down the hall and into the 
closed door. Follow the catwalk until a response point comes up.

- Response 6/8 -

When you get to a gap in the railing, don't jump down yet. Look right 
past the dead end railing to see an Emitter. 


Remember when I said to keep two shots in your rifle? Well the shots are
for the next two Emitters. Also, it will be easier to get the next two
Emitters AFTER you kill all the enemies. 

$ Sonic Emitter 2/6 $

Jump down and go past the metal enemy banging on the door to where Rosa 
is. There is a narrow alley where you need to look up QUICKLY and shoot
the Emitter in the distance. You can also use the crossbow in this area.

$ Sonic Emitter 3/6 $

Run around to the left until you can go up a ramp, up a ladder, and you 
will be at the crane controls and will be safe.

Grab a pipe fitting off the ground and throw it at the three Emitters
on the walls.

$ Sonic Emitter 4/6 $

$ Sonic Emitter 5/6 $

$ Sonic Emitter 6/6 $

Now turn and operate the magnet by pressing A. What you need to do is 
get the light over the metal enemy, press A, then when the enemy gets 
lifted up, move him to the far crusher on the left and drop him.
A response will happen after the first enemy.

- Response 7/8 -


If you have trouble getting an enemy into the area you need to go, 
run down into the pit with the ladder. You will see it as soon as
you descend from the magnet area. Inside this area is a crossbow and
a locker with two Health Kits. You can use the crossbow to kill one
of the metal enemies. Or you can use it to destroy one of the Emitters.
When you get back to the magnet area, the enemies will hopefully be 
back in their original positions. 

After they are all dead, jump down, go left, and head down the large
ramp. Go right and straight forward into where Rosa is and you will
have a response coming up.

- Response 8/8 -

Climb up the ladder near you and go through the open door. Follow the 
catwalk and you will be attacked by an enemy. Now for the hard part.

You will only have a nail gun now so shoot at the enemies coming 
toward you. Do not stop shooting because your ammo is infinite. 
Hold down the trigger button to make shooting fast and effective.
When you hear a voice, look up and you will see an enemy on the 
upper catwalk. Shoot him to end the chapter.


# The Peninsula #

After the game saves and you can move, you will find out you are trapped.
Use your voice attack by pressing LT and RT together repeatedly to open
to the door. Walk forward and pick up the assault rifle from the dead
enemy, it should still have 30 shots in it. Walk forward and a radio 
antenna will be in front of you. 

# Antenna location 1/2 #


Look behind you while near the antenna because an enemy may start to shoot
at you. You can still take damage while listening to the radio.

From the radio, turn around and use the Health Kits in the locker if you
need to. Then follow the blue power lines shortly until one makes a sharp
left. Go straight and turn right at the wall where two blue power lines are
at. When you come to an area where you are forced to turn right, be careful
because an enemy will start shooting at you as soon as you turn. 

What you can do here is walk run forward then sidestep left into an area 
where you will be protected. SLOWLY peek around the edge and look up to see
an enemy shooting at you from a building. Snipe him down and continue forward
until another enemy shoots at you, then sidestep right. Peek out and headshot
the enemy.


You should know this by now, but press LT to zoom in. Try to get headshots, 
they are efficient and won't waste a lot of ammo.

Walk forward until you see two propane tanks to your right.


Do not shoot these unless there are enemies around and you are far away.
They will explode and do devastating damage. 

Jump down the large hole and follow the blue power lines again until you
come to a machine on the left. This is an optional objective- to destroy
all Oro devices. To do this, walk up to it and press A when it prompts
to grab the antenna. Rotate it so you see the white red turn red. Keep 
doing this to destroy the machine.

* Oro device 1/5 *

Continue along the power lines and destroy the monster that will attack
you. You will see a ladder so climb up it and quickly walk to the corner
next to the ladder. Wait until the enemies stop shooting at you and walk 
quickly toward the antenna and pick up ammo from the rifle in front of you.
Now you can check the antenna.

# Antenna location 2/2 #

While facing the radio, turn right and go down a small hallway to find the
first Emitter.

$ Sonic Emitter 1/2 $

Head back outside and go up a small ramp. Be careful, a monster probably
will attack you from behind. Head forward and enemies will be all around
you. Kill them all but watch your back because more enemies will attack
you from behind. 


There are propane tanks you can blow up if you get overwhelmed. Just make
sure you aren't in the way!

Turn left into a little shack and use the two Health Kits and ammo if you
need them. Then, follow the power lines again and kill the enemy the will 
start attacking you. You will come to another Oro device so destroy it.

* Oro device 2/5 *

Continue following the power lines until you see another small shack. Enter
it and walk toward the area where the power lines meet, then turn right. 
Go down the hall and use the locker's Health Kits and ammo. Make sure to 
fill up here, you'll need it. Go back the way you came and go into the 
open area opposite of you. Continue down and you will be attacked by 
enemies on all sides. Kill them and go forward.


It might not be a bad idea to go back and pick up the rest of the ammo 
you didn't use from the locker.

Walk forward and you will fall into the hull of a large ship. You can't 
walk out of it, but you can fall through the holes. So walk forward until
you see a hole you can fall into. It will be very large and have to 
boards blocking the way. Once through, run toward the nearest corner and
have your gun ready because enemies will attack you here.

After the enemies are dead, run forward on the left side of the ship, 
and into the left corner.


If you are too slow, the ship could fall on top of you.

A strong enemy will attack you so hopefully you still have some bullets
left, otherwise grab the pipe wrench that he may throw at you. Turn right
and another right and continue along the wall, watching for monsters that
will attack you. Take out your spectrometer and when it gets to the 80s 
or 90s, turn around and look above you (facing the way you came). You can
throw a the wrench at the Sonic Emitter here or shoot it, it's up to you.

$ Sonic Emitter 2/2 $ 

Turn right again and go up some stairs and when you go through an open 
door, turn right and go up the ladder. Once up the ladder, turn right
and follow the blue pipes again. Make a right at the end and the game
will save.


It may be wise to restart from the last save point after the game 
finishes saving. This way your health will be full. Also, if you don't
have your gun and left it below the ship, go grab it. 

When you come to an open door with two blue power lines merging together,
turn right, go straight, and look right to see a locker. Take the ammo,
all of it. 
Go straight across and through the double door. Continue past the stairs
and turn left and you will be on a small ledge.


Zoom in and look for a couple enemies on the ground in front of you and
shoot them. It will be easier this way.

Jump down and go forward and a slight left. Grab the assault rifle quickly
if you need it and reload it. You will be shot at by Dorland's helicopter
so take cover under the metal plates. Your job here is to shoot as many
bullets as you can at Dorland's helicopter and not die. Walk around and
look up and shoot through the gaps in the ceiling. The game will save
when you finished that "level" so walk up a ramp toward the left side 
(reload if you need to) and enter through the now open door. 

An enemy or two will be shooting at you so finish him quickly. Then Dorland's
helicopter will be shooting at you again. Use the same tactics and look up
and shoot. There is a SCU locker nearby where you came in so use it to your
advantage. When he flies away, go near a ramp and kill the enemies that are
shooting at you and reload at the locker periodically. 

Jump off the ramp and shoot at Dorland until the helicopter crashes. Walk
forward and an Oro sonic will be walking toward you.


Oro sonics are deadly and require a special technique to kill them. You 
can either shoot them from a distance or use your voice attack to destroy
their mask and kill them with melee/fists. Do not get too close to them
or your head will explode!

Kill the Oro sonic and walk into an open area and turn left to follow the
blue power lines. Look left at a dead end and you will see a ladder so 
go down it. The lights will go out and it will be super dark and hard to
navigate soon so just keep that in mind. 

Make two lefts and you will be in an open area. Follow the path and turn
right on to the elevator. Then press the button to start it. 


I recommend you stand in a corner because it will get super dark and enemies
will climb over the sides. If you are in a corner, then can't attack you from

Hopefully you still have your gun, but if you don't, grab the rebar on the
side opposite of the button. As I said, after you start the elevator,
run back to the corner with the rebar near you. The lights will go out and
enemies will crawl over the edges so just keep swinging your weapon when 
they attack. Soon the elevator will stop so exit to the right and walk 
around three rights and you will see a lever. Pull it and walk back to
the elevator (killing a monster in the process) and pull the lever on the

Only one enemy attacked me here. After the elevator stops, leave and go
straight. In this dark area, turn right and go through the door.


For some reason, you are not prompted to press A to open the next two doors. 
You can still open them though by pressing A.

Go straight ahead and through the next door. You will see a locker in front 
of you so use the Health Kits and grab the fire ax. It is a strong weapon
and will be useful. Turn right and follow the blue power lines and STOP when 
you see a hanging enemy in front of you! Keep a good distance away from this
enemy because it is a Oro sonic that hangs on walls. Use your voice attack
to disable/kill them.  


You can't use your voice attack if you have a gun in your hand so holster 

Turn left to where the wall Oro sonic was, and slowly walk forward. As soon
as a screen pops up about Oro sonics, back up because one will be walking
right toward you! Use your voice attack to disable it, then kill it. 
Follow the cables forward and make two rights. Walk slowly forward and 
you will another Oro sonic walking toward you so kill him. 

Turn left from where the power line ends and go through a double door. 
Turn right and slowly walk ahead then left and continue on. An enemy will
leap toward you so take him out quickly with the fire ax. 


This enemy is really weird. He just kept jumping back and forth looking 
like he was dancing for about 6 seconds. THEN he attacked me! 0_0

Turn right and go to the locker if you need health. Otherwise, go left
and continue forward until you go down some small stairs. Look left to 
see some more stairs and wait there. Most likely, an Oro sonic has seen
you and is walking toward you. The safest thing to do is to turn around, 
go back up the stairs, and wait for him to come to you. If you attack him
where he is, another Oro sonic may attack you too. 

In my case, BOTH of them were following me! So wait until they both get 
close and blast them with your voice attack. If you only hit one, walk
away (because you can't run directly after a voice attack), and eventually
run away. The disabled one will run after you and you can freely attack him
without his slow buddy coming after you too.

Now you can attack the other one. After he is dead, run all the way back 
to the stairs where I told you to stop at. Go down and turn left and go
around to the machine with the antenna (NOT the one emitting waves!) 
After you destroy it, two enemies will attack you so kill them quickly.

Now go straight across to the other side and grab the antenna on the device
there. More enemies will attack you after destroying it so be careful. Walk
past the machine and turn right to see a locker with THREE Health Kits. 
Go straight across and drop in the hole in the floor. 


There is a hole on the other side of the room too. I don't think it matters
which hole you jump into. 

Follow the power lines forward and left.


Now would be a good time to adjust your brightness. This part is very dark.

Creep forward  but don't turn left yet because a ceiling Oro sonic will 
be right in front of you. Blast him and continue a few steps forward until 
you see another ceiling Oro sonic lurking in the dark. After killing him, an
enemy will attack you. If you need a weapon, there are pipe fittings around 
here and an electric conduit but it is hidden pretty well in the darkness.


Watch out to the left of you because a gas pipe broke and it was shooting
out flames randomly. lol

Follow the power lines and turn left if you need health, but turn right
to continue forward. Kill the ceiling Oro sonic and continue forward- 
ignoring the second right turn. There are enemies there and it is a dead
end anyways so make the first right. Go forward and then right to drop 
down the hole. Turn a direct left to find a locker with three Health Kits.

Walk forward and listen to Dorland's speech because the first response is
coming up.

- Response 1/2 -

After the response, go up to the machine and an Oro sonic will be right 
behind you. Take him out and another one will come to say hello. Well, don't
be rude, kill him too!!

After that, follow the blue power lines until you see them lead down the
catwalk, go down it. Go in the open door (turn left if you need health), 
and turn right up the path. Now for the fun part! Grab the antenna of the 
Oro device and swing it around baby! Destroy that thing once and for all.

Once it is destroyed (it will take awhile), go back down the stairs and 
turn left. Follow the catwalk and it will break and soon a small cutscene
will play. After you wake up, the second response will happen.

- Response 2/2 -

End boss- Dorland

First of all, if you had a weapon, it's gone now! So long assault rifle. :(
Use the stun gun on the enemy so not to kill him because another one will 
spawn quickly if you do. The enemy will wake up soon but it will give you
some time to work on Dorland. 

When you see Dorland walking toward you (he will have black smoke around him)
use your voice attack and aim well! If he grabs his head, you hit him so 
continue doing this. 

There will be monsters attacking you so find a weapon quick. There is a pipe
and a drive shaft around and maybe more. 

After awhile, his helmet will break and Dorland will be reduced to using his
fists to fight. Hey, it's only right he should be at your level hmmm? Now
you have to do a combo attack to kill him so watch what is on the screen
carefully! You only have one chance or you die! It's quick so be prepared
to do the combat one attack after it saves. 

There is no health around so basically, you have to live with what you have.

OMG you are done! Now it wasn't that hard was it? ^_^  Make sure to keep
the game on past the credits for a mini-cutscene. 


 Section 5: Bonuses/Extras [BON5]

Bonuses in the game are always fun so here are the things you can unlock.

* = Gold rating
$ = Silver rating
@ = Varies on rating


You can unlock the ones with the asterisk without the gold rating but it won't
be as good.

*Bonus items*

|   Unlockable                 |     How to get it    |
| Brass Knuckles               | Complete Mission 1@  |
| Silver Brass Knuckles        | Complete Mission 1$  |
| Punch Dagger                 | Complete Mission 1*  |
| Bullet Proof Vest            | Complete Mission 2@  |
| Gold Taser with 5 shots      | Complete Mission 3*  |
| Holster                      | Complete Mission 4@  |
| Rubber Soles                 | Complete Mission 5@  |
| Drop waypoints in your GPS   | Complete Mission 6@  |
| Steel toe boots              | Complete Mission 7@  |
| Health Kit (adds health)     | Complete Mission 8@  |
| Gun Efficiency               | Complete Mission 9@  |
| Voice Attack                 | Complete Mission 10@ | 


This is the basic form I will use:

How to get:
Single or multiplayer: 

Thanks to Death_By_Monkey for his FAQ on this.

        ~Anger Management (10GP)~

How to get: Complete 10 emotional responses

Advice: Just keep up with your responses and you should get this easily.

Single or Multiplayer: Both. In multiplayer, if an enemy gets behind you, 
press A when it prompts to and turn around. Punch the enemy 10 times to get
this achievement. 

        ~Beat Cop (10GP)~

How to get: Complete a mission

Advice: You will get this just by completing the first mission.

Single or Multiplayer: Single 

        ~Big-Game Hunter (10GP)~

How to get: Take out 10 enemies with the Deer Antler

Advice: You can get this in the Black Lake Lodge, just make sure to kill
some the enemies first with the gun so you don't have to worry 
about being killed as often. You can also get this in the Bloodshot Fight
Club with "exotic combat" where you can steal the Deer Antler away from 
an enemy. 

Single or Multiplayer: Single. 

        ~Self Medicated (25GP)~

How to get: Heal yourself for 1000 points of health

Advice: Heal yourself a number of times throughout the game. It is pretty 
easy to get and unless you are an expert, you WILL need to heal. :)

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Can You Hear Me Now? (30GP)~

How to get: Destroy all Oro speakers

Advice: You have to destroy every Sonic Emitter in every single level.
You can also do this more easily in FPS mode.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Chain Gang (30GP)~

How to get: Successfully execute each attack chain 5 times. 

Advice: Just keep initiating attack chains and you will be fine. You can
also do this in the practice arena.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Chief Investigator (50GP)~

How to get: Complete all missions in hard mode.

Advice: This is really tough and I have to advice but good luck. 

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Decisive Restraint (25GP)~

How to get: Do not kill any museum guards

Advice: I've found that rarely do you have to confront any museum 
guards if you wait for them to be killed by an enemy. Do not 
throw items at them and if you do have to fight them, make sure to 
use your fists and press LT (NOT RT or you will kill them) to 
incapacitate them. 

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Detective (30GP)~

How to get: Complete a mission in FPS mode

Advice: This is super easy because you will have infinite ammo. It 
can also be any mission too.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Detective-First Grade (50GP)~

How to get: Complete all missions in FPS mode.

Advice: Once again, this is easy to. No advice should be needed.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~EPA (Environmental Pwnage Area) (25GP)~

How to get: Successfully execute 25 environmental finishing moves. 

Advice: All you have to do is punch or hit an enemy with a somewhat
weak melee weapon and have them go on their knees. Grab them with
LT and RT and take them to a spot with a skull on it.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Bloodshot (25GP)~

How to get: Complete up to mission 8 to unlock the Bloodshot Fight 

Advice: This automatically gives you the achievement.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Final Word (10GP)~

How to get: Complete first environmental finishing move.

Advice: No advice here, it should be pretty easy.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Flambe (25GP)~

How to get: Take out 10 enemies with the flask/taser attack.

Advice: First, through an alcohol bottle at an enemy, then use
your taser attack to light them on fire. Do this 10 times and
you will unlock this achievement. You can also do this in the 
practice arena.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Gold-Plated (50GP)~

How to get: Get the gold badge in every level for any difficulty.

Advice: Just follow my walkthrough and you will get this.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~GOOOAAAALLLL! (10GP)~

How to get: Take out five enemies with the foosball piece.

Advice: The foosball stick appears in the bowling alley. You can also 
get this achievement in the practice arena by choosing "exotic combat"
and stealing the foosball stick from an enemy.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Investigator (25 GP)~

How to get: Beat a mission on hard mode

Advice: Obviously, the more early the mission the easier it will be 
because it will have less enemies (usually). 

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~Master Investigator (50 GP)~

How to get: Earn the maximum amount of points during all forensics 

Advice: Basically, if you follow my walkthrough to get perfect on 
every forensics question, you will get this.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

         ~Sleuth (10 GP)~

How to get: Get a perfect score in a forensics event.

Advice: Once again, follow my walkthrough to get this.

Single or Multiplayer: Single

        ~The Plumber (25 GP)~

How to get: Take out 50 enemies with the pipe.

Advice: You can do this easily by selecting "light melee" in the 
practice arena. The pipe will be against the wall so this will be 
easy to get. 

Single or Multiplayer: Both. You can get this in the Multiplayer Death
Match by using the pipe too.

       ~Trooper (30 GP)~

How to get: Complete all missions

Advice: This can be on any difficulty. 

Single or Multiplayer: Single

       ~Tune in Tokyo (30 GP)~

How to get: Find all the TVs in each mission.

Advice: I will list all the TVs so just follow along with my walkthrough.
Remember, if you miss one, you can always restart the mission. 


These next achievements are for multiplayer games only. Most of the tactics
come from Death_By_Monkey.

       ~Ala Mode (25 GP)~

How to get: Play every game mode five times apiece. 

Advice: This includes Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Crime Scene, and 
Bum Rush.

       ~Brick Wall (10 GP)~

How to get: Block an enemy attack 5 times in an online game.

Advice: Easy to get so no advice here.

       ~Bum King (30 GP)~

How to get: Play as a SCU and do NOT shoot from the gun you start with. 

Advice: Use melee weapons instead and make sure to holster your gun. 
You must have a ranked game and a minimum of 4 players at the end of 
the game.

       ~Collector (10 GP)~

How to get: Scan the evidence 5 times as SCU in a Crime Scene Match to 
get this.

Advice: The easiest way to do this (once again I can't take credit for 
this info) is to start a "System Link" match in the Multiplayer menu.
Create a match, choose Crime Scene, and play as a SCU. Run to the other
side and scan the boxes 5 times to get this achievement.

      ~Cut-throat (30 GP)~

How to get: Perform 25 finishing moves in online games. 

Advice: You do not have to bring the enemy to an environmental kill
location to get this. Just go to a Deathmatch and kill kill kill! 

      ~Defender (25 GP)~

How to get: Defend the evidence 10 times in Crime Scene mode. 

Advice: You can kill SCU while they are scanning the evidence 
to get this easily.

      ~Just the Facts (25 GP)~

How to get: Scan the evidence 10 times as SCU in a Crime Scene Match
to get this.

Advice: You can use the Collector cheat and just scan 10 times 
instead of 5.

       ~Magellan (25 GP)~

How to get: Play each multiplayer map 5 times.

Advice: If you have to, make your own.

       ~MP Overachiever (50 GP)~

How to get: Get 15 kills in a Deathmatch game without dying for the
duration of it.

Advice: When you get 15 kills, it is best that you avoid enemies by 
hiding or if you have to, RUN! 

      ~Punch Drunk (10 GP)~

How to get: Kill 10 players with only your fists.

Advice: Just swing wildly and you'll get it.

      ~Restraint...Not (30 GP)~ 

How to get: Win Crime Scene matches as SCU without firing from 
any guns. 

Advice: Rely on your teammates plus you can still use a melee weapon.

      ~Rush Champ (25 GP)~

How to get: Kill the SCU player 5 times as the Influenced in a Bum 
Rush game.

Advice: You do not have to deliver the final blow, a teammate can.

      ~Serial Killer (50 GP)~

How to get: Get 1000 kills total in online matches.

Advice: Play Deathmatch games or do the Bum Rush one as SCU to get this
achievement somewhat quickly.

      ~SKX (50 GP)~ 
How to get: Kill 9 players with the Serial Killer status in online games.

Advice: If you are trying to get the Serial Killer achievement, then
you will hopefully get this too.

      ~Survivor King (30 GP)~

How to get: Survive as SCU in a Bum Rush game 5 times. 

Advice: Play on a wide-open map and this shouldn't be too hard.


  Section 6: FAQ [FAQ6]

This is a section where you can ask question and if I think they are
appropriate for the FAQ, I will post them. Feel free to contact me with
a question or two you have.

Q: Will there be another sequel added to the series?

A: It seems so. I can't say for certain, but they definitely left the 
end open for another game. Plus there are still more "demons" that
Ethan has to face.

Q: Sometimes when I press a button during a combo nothing happens and Ethan
just lets go! Why is this?

A: This has happened to me too. Either you are pressing the wrong button,
pressing it at the wrong time, or from what I've seen, sometimes it just
doesn't work. I've found that combos starting with LR don't usually
work very well no matter how many times I press the button.

Q: I can't get past _____ area because my health is too low/it's too hard! 
What do I do?

A: First of all, if you saved recently, then just restart the game again.
Ethan's health will be back to normal so you will not be stuck in a part
you can't beat. If it is too hard such as enemies keep spawning or
something else, try looking for a way around the enemies. Perhaps you are
not supposed to fight them and there is a way out such as a wooden 
plank you are supposed to walk on. Sometimes, enemies just don't stop
spawning so you are doomed if you choose to fight them.

Q: Will I lose a lot of information if I play the second game before the

A: Well... not really. It would be best to play the first one beforehand
but it is not necessary. Rosa will explain who SKX is to you again 
because you need to know who he is. I recommend playing the first game
because not only is it fun, but a real asset to the storyline.

Q: What's the goriest environmental death?

A: I figured someone might ask this. :)
Well, I believe it would be when Ethan rams his enemy's head into some 
sort of pressing machine and crank the wheel, then... pop! There goes
your enemies head. hehehe

Q: Is this game appropriate for my young daughter/little brother/etc?

A: NO!! This is not a game for kids and they should be kept away as
far as possible. I am a strong believer that video game violence 
does not cause aggression in children, however, that does not mean 
they won't be scared of it. Look at the rating reasons on the game
if you don't believe me.

Q: Are there any allusions to the first game in the second one?

A: The main one I saw is that you revisit the school and even take
the butcher knife away from the crazy cafeteria lady. lol 

Q: Is there more than one ending you can get?

A: Nope, there is only one.

Q: Are there any glitches in the game?

A: Yes, there is. I've encountered three so far, one I couldn't even 
play my game without restarting it.

1) The enemies can accidentally die standing up, so they look like
they are still alive.

2) When you follow Agent Pennington around in the SCU building and 
get into the area where the screen goes dark, it is possible and 
can happen he actually gets stuck on one of the cabinets and can't
move. Basically he just runs in place and you can push him or 
anything and you can wander around without any enemies attacking 
you. Of course, that also means you can't progress farther into the
game without restarting.

3) In the Commuter Tracks, there is an area after you try the gate and 
area prompted for the second response, where you can back up and fall 
off a ledge and die (by the railroad tracks and the third Emitter.) The game
saves at that point and if you fall off while it is saving and continue your
game, you automatically fall off and die. To remedy this, hold the analog 
stick forward and Ethan will not fall off if you are careful and continue 

4) In the Trenton district, when you walk into the kitchen you revisited 
from Condemned: Criminal Origins, there was a shelf blocking the butcher
lady. But when she started moving, it disappeared. It never happened again...

Q; Why doesn't Ethan drink from the champagne bottles like he does from
the liquor ones?

A: Darned if I know. Maybe he just doesn't like champagne. :P

Q: I started playing before I read it and missed some of the Gold Mission 
perks. Is it worth going back for? -Nick Baldwin

A: Depends on what mission. Some gold mission bonuses are practically useless 
such as the gold sneaking ability. Some are good, however, such as the firearm 
upgrade to the gold level. If you want to get all the achievements though, you
will have to get all the gold levels.

Q: When you start a level and it gives you your rating, in the bottom right it 
shows you 3 things, one is your medal (gold, silver or bronze) another is the 
weapon you have unlocked, what is the other one? It doesn't seem to be 
highlighted like the others. It looks like a target with some 
ammo. -Stuart Buxton

A: Both Stuart and I figured this one out. This is for when you complete a 
level in FPS mode, which you get from finishing the game. 


  Section 11: Copyright and thanks

You are welcome to contact me by email with questions, concerns, updates, 
etc. However, there are some things I DON'T want. I will list them now:

What I do want


What I don't want

Anything regarding the PS3 version (I don't have that)
In depth questions about multiplayer/online mode because
   I am not too familiar about them.
Missed Health Kits/Weapons
Tiny grammatical/spelling mistake corrections

Please don't write me with:

"u r rele kool and ur guide waS kool 2"

I understand this (barely) but it is hard to read and not worth my time. 
If you are lucky I will send you an email asking you to rewrite your email 
in standard English. Otherwise I will just ignore you. Also, don't insult 
me for missing something. 

My email address is:

[email protected]

*** IMPORTANT!!! ***

THROUGH EMAIL!!! I will NOT add you unless I know you!

These sites have permission to use my Walkthrough/FAQ:


Thanks to:

Death_By_Monkey------ for his great achievement guide
Chris Hegeman  ------ for various corrections
Michael Bolton ------ for a correction and adding info
Sega of America------ for making the game   ------ for having their great picture walkthrough   ------ for posting this walkthrough/FAQ
YOU            ------ for reading it. ^_^

Thanks for reading!
