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Achievement Guide

by MajorBlackout

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                         XBOX 360 ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE
                             By: MajorBlackout
                          Gamertag: Maj0r_Black0ut
                        E-Mail: [email protected]


The following Cars: Mater-National Achievement Guide can be posted on the 
websites listed below.


This includes all their associates. If you do happent to NOT be listed on the
above list and really want to, then PLEASE E-Email at the above E-Mail. However
please put the heading "Your Cars: MN Achievement Guide..." That could help me
identify you MUCH quicker. 

If you also come across a website that is hosting my guide WITHOUT permission,
please notify me. It will help me out a lot. After all, I'm just one kid. I 
can't be everywhere all the time (or can I?).

The Cars: Mater-National Achievement Guide, like TONS of others on the Internet
contains SPOILERS so if you want to resolve the ending of the game (which is
nothing), do NOT continue. Also, if you could possibly offended by this guide
then do not continue.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
To search MUCH quicker, following better results, please press / after clicking
anywhere on the screen in front of you.

	A. Contact Information

	B. Introduction

	C. Achievements (In order of appearance)

		1. Stick it to McQueen------25GS
		2. Rust Bust----------------75GS
		3. Golden Gas Can-----------75GS
		4. Frank Slash--------------75GS
		5. High Draulics------------75GS
		6. Ghost Light-------------100GS
		7. James P. Sullivan Cup----75GS
		8. Race 'n' Chase Victor----75GS
		9. Unlock Tailfin Pass------25GS
	       10. Find all Paintjobs-------25GS
	       11. Find all wheel sets------35GS
	       12. Build Monster McQueen----25GS
	       13. Build Monster Mater------40GS
	       14. Win all Stadium Races----50GS
	       15. Win all Road Races-------75GS
	       16. Beat the Game!----------150GS

	D. Conclusion

	                   A. CONTACT INFORMATION
Yo people, I'm Hunter. If you have any questions regarding my guide, which you
shouldn't, then don't hestitate and send me an E-Mail or (preferably) a message
over Xbox LIVE with your question. I will most often respond to you as quick as
I can.

                              B. INTRODUCTION
Yeah, well this is the second game of Cars. And personally I like this game a
lot more fun than the original Cars game. It's just a landslide more fun to
play. Whether you like it or not, it's still a fun game to work towards
Achievements on as they're easy to get and not a problem. You're mostly
Lightning McQueen most of the time, and (obviously) Mater. Hence, the name:
Mater-National. I highly reccomend reading taking a look at my Overall Rating
of this game, it could determine whether you rent/buy (rent!) or not.

Hunter's Overall Ranking of Cars: Mater-National:
8.5/10- A good game if you love those "racing" type of games. A good challenge
        to get into racing games. All the races are easy so you don't have to
        worry about spinning out or running off the track. This campaign will,
        however, keep you busy and entertained to the end. I give it an 8.5
        instead of a 10 because the races are actually TOO easy. That, and the
        mini-games are pretty un-original. Beat your opponent to the rings,
        collect the canister before your opponent does, yeah yeah.

                            C. ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE
1. Stick it to McQueen (25GS)
Beat the three Radiator Springs road races and the Relay Race, then place in
the first Stadium Race.

When you unlock the road races, play them, beat them. Then finally, when you
get the Relay Race beat that too. Try to get first in all these races. You will
unlock the first Stadium Race, a sticker, and Ornament Valley.

2. Rust Bust (75GS)
Qualify in the first three Rustbucket Series races, then win the final.

After unlocking Ornament Valley, search around for the Rustbucket stadium.
After completing all three Rustbucket series, winning first place each time,
you will go to the finals. Play that, win first, and you will unlock a sticker
along with this Achievement.

3. Golden Gas Can (75GS)
Win each of the nine levels of Fillmore's Fuel Frenzy.

You will unlock each of the nine levels of this minigame through playing the
game. When you get to one, race around collecting gas cans to prevent losing
your gas. When you have one, try purposely running out of gas to finish the
race. Oh, and pick up gas cans wisely. Try not to pick up a 3 gas can after
only losing a small amount of gas.

4. Frank Slash (75GS)
Tip all tractors before the time limit in each of the six levels of Tractor

This is like the overall best minigame in the game. Funny, but it kind of
reminds me of Splinter Cell. Standing in the open and still not being seen.
Okay, well anyways, simply unlock these as you play, play it, and beat it.

5. High Draulics (75GS)
Score well playing along with each of the seven songs in Ramone's Rhythimic

Very simple and fun to get along the way. Simply press the button as they come
onto the screen. Do this with all seven of this minigame and voila!

6. Ghost Light (100GS)
Scare Mater home in each of the seven Ghosting Mater levels.

Drive along the roads as Mater and when you slow down, try to run into a beacon
to speed you up again. Please take note that the X-Axis (left and right) is
inverted so press left to go right and press right to go left.

7. James P. Sullivan Cup (75GS)
Qualify in the first two Waypoint Race Series races, then finish in the top
three of the final.

Just another one of those racing Achievements. Win the first two Waypoint races
then when you get to the final finish in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

8. Race 'n' Chase Victor (75GS)
Tag your opponent then zoom to your goal without being tagged in all nine Race
'n' Chase levels.

As soon as the minigame starts, quickly drive to your opponent, run into him,
and do a U-turn. Quickly go to your goal without him tagging you back. If it
occurs that he does, restart. All nine of these will unlock as you play your
way through the game.

9. Unlock Tailfin Pass (25GS)
Beat the three Ornament Valley road races and the Relay Race, then place in the
second Stadium race.

Same thing as the "Stick it to McQueen" Achievement except in this one your in
Ornament Valley and the races will be a little more challenging. Simply beat
them, play the Stadium Race, and you will get this Achievement along with
Tailfin Pass.

10. Find all Paintjobs (25GS)
Find all 8 new paintjobs for Lightning McQueen.

These can be found in the world of Cars: Mater-National. Use the URL below to
be linked to a map to find these paintjobs. The Paintjobs are the purple dots.

Radiator Springs:

Ornament Valley: 

Tailfin Pass:

These maps [could] be missing a few paintjobs so USE THESE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

11. Find all wheet sets (35GS)
Find all 8 new wheel sets for Lightning McQueen.

See "Find all Paintjobs" Achievement (above). This time, the wheel sets are the
yellow dots.

These maps ARE missing some wheels sets so USE THESE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

12. Build Monster McQueen (25GS)
Find two monster truck pieces, plus a new horn, so Luigi can build Monster

You have to ask Luigi for this task or you won't find these items. After you
do, the items can be found at the below URL. The Monster McQueen parts are the


13. Build Monster Mater (40GS)
Find six monster trucks parts in Radiator Springs so Luigi can build Monster

Use the URL from "Build Monster McQueen." This time the Monster Mater parts are

14. Win all Stadium Races (50GS)
Finish first in all four races conducted in Lightning McQueen's new Racing

All you have to do is race in Lightning's new stadium he is building. After you
finish the third race you will see creits. Simply hit a button and race this
final race.

15. Win all Road Races (75GS)
Radiator Springs, Ornament Valley, Tailfin Pass -- win all three races in each

Road Races are marked with a white star on the map. There are three Road Races
in each location. Simply win them all.

16. Beat the Game! (150GS)
Collect every Bolt Banner and earn every sticker in the game.

You will need to win every mini-game, evey race, and earn every sticker in
winning first in all races getting you the maximum amount of bolt banners same
with the mini-games. Win them to get the max. amount of bolt banners. There
are seven stickers that are awarded for winning each of the following events:

- Monster Waypoint Races
- Ramone's Rhythimic Rumble
- Fillmore's Fuel Frenzy
- Ghosting Mater
- Tractor Tipping
- Rustbucket Race Circuit
- Radiator Springs Race Circuit

                               D. CONCLUSION
Well, I hope you enjoyed my Achievement Guide. It literally took me about 3
hours to do only 16 Achievements. If you had the choice of renting/buying one
or the other: Cars or Cars: Mater-National, I would pick Mater-National. It's
Achievements are easier to get and it's a lot more fun than the original one.
But that's your choice. Anyways, you can STILL send me an E-Mail at
[email protected] or (preferably) a message on Xbox LIVE to Maj0r_Black0ut.
Well, cya!

Version 1.00: Achievement Guide created, edited, and posted to GameFAQS.

                             CREDITS & COMMENTS
1. Rainbow Studios- Good game, still following the good ol' movie. Still could
                    have been a little bit better, though.
2. ASCII Generator ( Your work is
   amazing! Keep that website up!
3. Awesome website. Use it as a reference to all my
   Achievement Guides. Keep that baby awesome!
4. Unbelievable site, people. Couldn't be better!

Copyright Hunter Webb 2008