SPLINTER CELL: DOUBLE AGENT THE BLACK PARADE - XBOX ONLY WALKTHROUGH Authored by VampireHorde M MMMM MMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMM MMM MMMMM MMMM MMMM MMM MMM MM M MMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM MM MMMMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMM ++NOTE: This walkthrough only applies to the XBOX version of the game! If you came here looking for inquiries for the XBOX360 version, please refer elsewhere because the walkthrough below is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= What it does, cuz? Welcome back to the Spy Spectrum, super spy! In this walkthrough, I will chronicle EVERY single detail there is to know about SC:DA. Every objective, every alternate path, every decision, and even Co-Op Mode will be explained in detail here and ONLY here! Get your reading glasses on because it's gonna be a bumpy ride, my friends. Ready? LET'S ROCK! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ HOUSE OF WOLVES - THE GAMEPLAY +++ -- NO WEAPON EQUIPPED -- X BUTTON: EQUIP WEAPON Y BUTTON: JUMP/SPLIT-JUMP A BUTTON: INTERACT BUTTON B BUTTON: CROUCH/STAND WHITE BUTTON: REAL-TIME INVENTORY SWITCH (HOLD TO ACCESS MENU) BLACK BUTTON: WHISTLE ++WHITE BUTTON NOTE: If Sam has a weapon equipped, he can do a quick weapon change without having to un-equip it! L-TRIGGER: KNOCKOUT BLOW (press and hold to knock out and carry) R-TRIGGER: LETHAL BLOW LEFT ANALOG STICK: MOVE SAM RIGHT ANALOG STICK: ROTATE CAMERA LEFT ANALOG STICK (CLICK): BACK-TO-THE-WALL RIGHT ANALOG STICK (CLICK): BINOCULARS/EEV (CLICK TO ZOOM) START BUTTON: PAUSE SCREEN BACK BUTTON: OBJECTIVES SCREEN D-PAD LEFT: NIGHT VISION D-PAD RIGHT: THERMAL VISION D-PAD UP: EMF VISION -- WEAPON EQUIPPED -- L-TRIGGER (SC PISTOL): OCP R-TRIGGER (SC PISTOL): PRIMARY FIRE L-TRIGGER (SC-20K): SECONDARY FIRE/HOLD BREATH (WHILE IN SNIPER MODE) R-TRIGGER (SC-20K): PRIMARY FIRE RIGHT ANALOG STICK (CLICK): SNIPER MODE BLACK BUTTON: SWITCH TO FOREGRIP OR SNIPER ATTACHMENT (WHEN SC-20K is equipped) LEFT ANALOG STICK (CLICK): SWITCH CROSSHAIRS --COMPLETING YOUR OBJECTIVES Just like in Chaos Theory, Sam has multiple objectives to complete. Most of them are optional and can affect the Trust Meter. You DO NOT need to finish all the Opportunity objectives but you still need to make an Opposing objective. --HACKING MINI-GAME Unlike previous SC games, Double Agent uses a brand new version of the hacking mini-game. Instead of trying to hack numerical numbers, you are trying to hack digital neuro-waves. Move the Left Analog Stick UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT and try to match the green wavelength to the red one (and vice versa). When the waves look like they match, press the A Button. The light on the console will turn blue if successful (RED if you missed). It's easier as it looks. --BOMB DISPOSAL MINI-GAME This mini-game is exactly like the one seen in Co-Op Mode from Chaos Theory (you've played that mode, right?) When you access the bomb, you'll see four wires above a timer. Move the Analog Stick left or right to highlight a wire. As soon as one of the wires starts rumbling hard, press the A button to cut it. From there, select the remaining wires and wait for the rumble and then cut it. You only have 20 seconds after cutting the first wire to cut the remaining three wires. If one of the wires isn't rumbling, keep selecting the next one until one of them rumbles. BE QUICK! Cut all four wires to disarm the bomb. --ARREST MODE When Sam is in the JBA Headquarters, there is a chance the he will encounter guards that will stop him and try to arrest him. When this happens, a series of buttons appear onscreen for one of two things: KNOCK or GRAB. Press the buttons indicated on the screen IN ORDER and Sam will do the command. It's not really effective but try it! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ DISENCHANTED - STORYLINE PATH +++ As if you didn't already know, SC: DA incorporates a Trust Meter. Sam has certain primary, opposing, and opportunity objectives that he needs to reinforce in every mission. Completing them will either give favor to the NSA or the JBA. --JBA TRUST If the TRUST METER goes all the way to 0% during a mission, Lambert will call in and tell you that you need to access a computer because you've "gone too far". From there, Sam will have less than 90 seconds to access a computer. It might not happen in every mission, but be ready to access a computer when it does. Another way to gain the JBA's trust is to kill enemies and civilians during a mission. Once the mission is done, the total number of enemies killed will increase the JBA's trust in you. --NSA TRUST If the TRUST METER goes all the way to 100%, Emile wall call you and give a certain objective (meet with him in a designated area or access a computer) within a time limit. This also may not happen in every mission but be sure to know the fastest way to an exit or a computer. Another way to gain the NSA's trust is to leave ZERO kills during a mission. The more enemies you use non-lethal force on equals more trust from the NSA. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Now that you know how the game works, it's time to play! The vertigo will leave you dead. +++ FAMOUS LAST WORDS - THE WALKTHROUGH +++ __ __ / /_/ /_ ___ / __/ __ \/ _ \ / /_/ / / / __/ \__/_/ /_/\___/ ____ __ __ __ _ ______ _/ / /__/ /_/ /_ _________ __ ______ _/ /_ | | /| / / __ `/ / //_/ __/ __ \/ ___/ __ \/ / / / __ `/ __ \ | |/ |/ / /_/ / / ,< / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / |__/|__/\__,_/_/_/|_|\__/_/ /_/_/ \____/\__,_/\__, /_/ /_/ /____/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ MISSION 1: ICELAND - THE FROZEN WILDERNESS +++ MISSION OBJECTIVES: [ ] INFILTRATE THE FACTORY [ ] ACQUIRE BUYER'S LIST [ ] EXTRACT THROUGH THE LOADING BAY OPPOSING OBJECTIVES: [ ] NONE OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] PROTECT THE CRATES [ ] NEUTRALIZE THE GUARDS [ ] RETRIEVE WEAPON SCHEMATICS [ ] PLANT EXPLOSIVE CHARGES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As much as you'd like to not believe it, the first mission is actually a TRAINING mission. If you've played SC: Chaos Theory (the XBOX/PC versions), then everything feels just like deja vu. +++ AREA: FROZEN CAVE +++ Welcome back, rogue agent. After the cutscene, do a 180 turn and enter the frozen cave. Halfway through the cave, you'll see a guard behind a thin wall of ice. GRAB him and INTERROGATE him (or don't) and then knock him out. Walk past the overturned snowmobile to the dead end. Use the INIT DYNAMIC HOIST option to boost your partner to the top (he'll grab Sam, so don't panic!). As you make it towards the end of the cave, Lambert calls in and tells you to go BACK to the cave entrance. Do as he says. --OBJECTIVE: NEUTRALIZE THE GUARDS Near the cave entrance will be two guards. GRAB the first one when it's clear and drag him into the cave. For the other guard, use a Sticky Shocker (it's faster than waiting). Once both guards are down, go back to the cave and continue what you were doing. As you enter the next area, you'll see wooden scaffolding and a bright spotlight. You have the option to shoot out the light OR use the planks on top of the scaffolding. Whichever way you choose is the best. As you exit the area, you'll see more weapons crates. Grab the lone guard and knock him out (you can use the PLUNGE method, but it'll count as a KILL). To enter the factory, take the pipelines or use the ladder to find a closed gate. To open the gate, enter the control room just near the ladder and use the OPEN option. Now enter the facility. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: THE FACTORY +++ Have your partner give you a BOOST over the gate. Now look above Sam to see a pipeline that you can shimmy on. Use the pipeline and quietly creep towards the guard and use a chokehold move to knock him out. Hide the body just to make sure. Now stay hanging on the pipeline and continue creeping towards the end and Sam will climb over to the top. Shimmy all the way to the right side but DO NOT climb up yet. A guard will stop by (just because he has to). Wait for him to leave and then go ahead and climb up. Stay in the shadows and wait for him to come back. GRAB him and then knock him out. At the end of the walkway is a CAMERA. Use the OCP on it and creep past it towards the ladder under the large pipes. STAY QUIET because there is another guard on the other side! Climb the ladder up, use the CUT MATERIAL and enter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: INSIDE THE FACTORY +++ Just to Sam's right is the water pressure valve. Use the TURN VALVE option to lower the water. Now climb down the nearby ladder and walk through the murky water to the other side to find a pipe. Climb the pipe up but do not jump over yet! A technician will walk nearby and check the pipes. Let him finish and make sure he walks away. When it's clear, jump over near the dark area and use the OCP on the lamppost above. Now walk around the pipes and GRAB him and knock him out (you can also use the pipeline above him if you want to look stylish). Do the same thing for his friend across the room. Now exit to the next area. In the next area, there is a CAMERA. You can use the OCP or just simply shoot out the lights. Just down from where the camera is located are a set of lasers. Use the OCP on the middle and bottom lasers (don't worry because the lasers won't regenerate for a good minute). Pass through to the next room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: THE TURBINE ROOM +++ --OBJECTIVE: PLANT EXPLOSIVE CHARGE #1 There are three guards here. I suggest eliminating them just to be safe. Across the room you'll see a set of computers with glowing green monitors. Next to the computers is a large metal control panel (it looks like a large server). Use the PLANT CHARGE option. Now head up the stairs and enter the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: COMPUTER LAB +++ --OBJECTIVE: OBTAIN THE WEAPON SCHEMATICS After the cutscene, enter the lab. There is a sleeping guard, so be careful! Knock him out and then head to the large window (you can use the pipeline above him to use a chokehold, if you want). Use the EEV on any of the three computers and HACK it to gain the information needed. Exit the room to a brightly lit hall. DO NOT HEAD THROUGH YET! There is a CAMERA watching the hall, so bust out the OCP and disable it or shoot out all the lights. Now exit this area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: UPPER TURBINE ROOM +++ There are two guards here. There are three ways to get past here: --You can simply whistle to distract them and knock them out (or walk by them unseen) --Jump over the railing and shimmy ALL the way to other side (whistle just near the second guard to get him away from the door) --Jump over the railing and GRAB and toss the guards over to the bottom (DEADLY!) Use the PICK LOCK option to exit this area. Head down the hall and use the OPEN TRAPDOOR option next to the closed gate. As you climb down the ladder, it seems like you're stuck. WHAT DO I DO NOW? Easy, put Sam's back against the wall to the right of the stairs and he'll squeeze and creep through the small space. SIMPLE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: FACTORY ENTRANCE - UPPER FLOOR +++ In this next area is a metal walkway enclosed with a metal fence. Dispatch the two guards here using the GRAB method or by using the SPLIT JUMP attack. Either way works fine. Exit the walkway to a hall with three sets of separate lasers. You can use the OCP on all of them or you can simply use the pipeline above to creep past them. It's your choice. Now enter the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: MAIN TURBINE ROOM #1 +++ --OBJECTIVE: PLACE EXPLOSIVE CHARGE #2 There are two guards in front of you. Squeeze in between the large turbine tanks to Sam's right and creep all the way to the other side. Dispatch the two guards in any way you want, just DO IT. Now climb the ladder up to the top walkway and head to the other side to find another server to PLACE CHARGE. Now go to the switch with the red lights and activate it to open the door below. Take the nearby ladder down and exit the room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: MAIN TURBINE ROOM #2 +++ There is a CAMERA just near the stairs, so disable it and head to the door downstairs. Enter the room to see a guard walking around with a flashlight. You can try to GRAB him and knock him out, but your best bet is to look up and use the pipeline for a chokehold. Once he's down, use the OCP on the nearby light above the door to the right to darken the area. Enter the door and head down the walkway and turn left to a set of large pipes. Squeeze and creep your way all the way to the end where you'll find a pipe to climb. Climb the pipe to the top and shimmy to the one across from you and then slide down to the murky water below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: MAIN TURBINE ROOM #3/BREAK ROOM +++ Cross the water to the other side to see a technician making lots of noise. You can either grab him from the water and drown him or use a simple knockout blow. Hide the body and exit the area. In the next hall, use the OCP on the nearby light. As you turn the corner, you'll see a guard go into the break room. Sneak past the room to the other side BUT WAIT! Use the OCP on the light to avoid the CAMERA and then exit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: FURNACE ROOM +++ --OBJECTIVE: PLANT EXPLOSIVE CHARGE #3 Do not worry about the all the various noises, you're safe in this area. Climb the gate to Sam's left all the way up. Shimmy to the left, climb up and take the ladder up. Walk up to the open metal door and wait for the furnace walkway to come back (or get on it if it's there). Ride it to the other side and exit. Take the nearby stairs and you'll be above the control room (with the large ceiling fan on the roof). Jump down from the roof to the left side of the control room. Use the PICK LOCK option and OPEN the door. You should be able to open the door and not distract the two guards inside. Carefully GRAB the first guy and drag him outside and knock him out. Do the same thing with the second guard. Also, across from the door is a set of steel girders. You can use the SPLIT JUMP maneuver here if you want, but I don't recommend it. Once both guards are down, go to the server in the control room and PLANT CHARGE. Exit the area. Before taking the stairs, shoot the light at the top of the room and climb up. Use the OCP on the light or on the CAMERA and exit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: WORK ROOM/GARAGE +++ --OBJECTIVE: ACQUIRE THE BUYER'S LIST In this area are two guys hammering stuff in the area below. If you want to knock them out, do it. If not, enter the door just near where you came from. Enter the hall to see two lasers. Disable them and go up the stairs. Shoot the light at the corner to darken the area from the CAMERA. Now enter the next room and knockout the lone man inside. Now use the computer on the left side to complete the objective. --OBJECTIVE: EXTRACTION TIME Time to get the hell outta dodge! Go back to the work room and use the DOOR CODE obtained from the previous room (7931) and exit. Make your way through the garage by jumping over the large pipes and shooting out the rest of lights in the area. Dispatch the three remaining guards and then exit the room to EXTRACTION. MISSION COMPLETE! Welcome to Splinter Cell: DOUBLE AGENT! ______ _____ _ _ _____ _____ ______ | ___ \(_____) | | | | (_____) ___ \| ___ \ | | _ | | _ \ \ \ \ _ | | | | | | | | || || | | | \ \ \ \ | || | | | | | | | || || |_| |_ _____) )____) )| || |___| | | | | |_||_||_(_____|______(______(_____)_____/|_| |_| ______ _____ ______ ______ _ _______ _______ _______ / _____) ___ \| ___ \(_____ \| | (_______|_______|_______) | / | | | | | _ | |_____) ) | _____ _ _____ | | | | | | || || | ____/| | | ___) | | | ___) | \____| |___| | || || | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____ \______)_____/|_||_||_|_| |_______)_______)\______)_______) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ MISSION 2: ELLSWORTH PENITENTIARY +++ MISSION OBJECTIVES: [ ] GET THE WALKIE-TALKIE FROM THE SECURITY BOOTH [ ] ESCAPE ELLSWORTH PRISON WITH JAMIE WASHINGTON [ ] FIND AN ADRENALINE SYRINGE [ ] REGROUP WITH JAMIE WASHINGTON OPPOSING OBJECTIVE: [ ] DO NO LET BARNHAM DIE [ ] HELP JAMIE KILL BARNHAM OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] FIND HIDDEN INFORMATION DISK [ ] ALTER DEATH RECORDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++NOTE: For this mission, Sam won't have his Night Vision goggles and other equipment. After speaking to Lambert, Fisher will retrieve his OPSAT and will be able to recover some useful equipment later in the mission. +++ AREA: SAM'S CELL +++ Dude, did you ever watch that movie called "The Shawshank Redemption"? Lots of coincidences here! Anyway, to exit Sam's cell, simply use the CRAWLSPACE located under his bed. CRAWL through and then jump up to the hard to see crawlspace above Sam (it sucks when you don't have Night Vision goggles). Jump over the ledge to meet with Jamie. With only a set of Lockpicks on hand, its gonna be one killer Prison Break! --OBJECTIVE: GET THE WALKIE-TALKIE FROM SECURITY BOOTH Use the INIT DYNAMIC BOOST option and jump to the other side. Climb the ladder to the top and then head to the pipeline. Just near the pipeline is a lamppost and a broken railing. REMEMBER THIS! Climb the pipeline and shimmy to the opposite side. Raise up both feet and shimmy all the way to the end and drop down. Squeeze through the pipes until you reach the locked TRAP DOOR. Use the Lockpicks and then open the TRAP DOOR. Jump down, grab the WALKIE-TALKIE and then bolt out of there! --OBJECTIVE: GO BACK TO YOUR CELL Go back to your cell and use the same method to get back. Retrace your steps QUICKLY because you only have 105 seconds! As soon as you reach the area with the pipeline, shimmy over the fence and then IMMEDIATELY jump down but DO NOT take the ladder down! Remember the broken railing? Jump down the railing and then knockout the patrolling guard and jump your way back to your cell. WOO! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: VISITOR'S AREA +++ --OBJECTIVE: BARNHAM After the cutscene, Sam will have the OPSAT back in his inventory. Run over to the Courtyard to encounter Barnham and Washington. From here you have to make one of two choices: --KILL BARNHAM --CHOKE BARNHAM The choice is up to you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: PRISON HOSPITAL +++ Yup, it's a prison riot! Wait for the cop to come in and then a cutscene will occur. Search the body to get the cop's gun (if you didn't kill Barnham, Jamie will take the gun away from you) and the Lockpicks. Use the PICK LOCK option and exit the cell. --OBJECTIVE: FIND ADRENALINE SYRINGE The syringe is on the shelf just near the beds. Grab it and exit the room. At the end of the hall use the INIT DYNAMIC BOOST option to jump to the top. Go to the other side and jump down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: PRISON CELLS +++ GRAB the first cop and knock him out. If the second cop sees you, run up to him and knock him out. Just near the cells, the INIT DYNAMIC HOIST option will appear. Use it and wait for Jamie to open the door to the stairs (near where you jumped down next to the cop). Go upstairs and run all the way to the end and jump down next to the broken railing. In the next area, a cop will try and stop another prisoner. Quickly sneak up to him and snuff him out and continue down the hallway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: MESS HALL +++ As you turn the corner, you'll see the hall on fire. Enter the Mess Hall and make a quick right to enter through the shadows. Jamie will interfere and shoot one of the patrolling cops. Quickly run up to the second cop and knock him out (or he'll shoot Jamie dead). After that's done, Jamie will exit the mess hall but will be stuck at a locked gate. To open the gate, go back to the mess hall. Just near the exit is a very hard-to-see metal fence. Climb over it and then take the stairs to the top. Go to the end of the walkway and use the CRAWLSPACE to the next room. Jump down and then knock out the guard. Use the Computer to open the gate for Jamie and to get the keycode for the door (3190). Exit the room and then exit the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: CELL BLOCK D +++ This area seems tricky but it's really not. First, knock out the guard on the bottom floor. Now go up the stairs to the second floor and look for the broken railing with a small platform sticking out. Jump that platform to the adjacent walkway across from you and grab the railing (another cop will patrol that area). If the other cop isn't there, you can shimmy all the way to the right side and then climb over. There is a CRAWLSPACE just next to the bright lamppost. Enter through the CRAWLSPACE and then exit to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: WOODSHOP AREA +++ As you jump down, you'll see two Riot guards patrolling the area. Pick up the CARVING KNIFE nearby and then eliminate both guards (or don't). The exit is blocked by a metal detector. If you go underneath it, the alarm will sound and alert the guards. If you're trying to be stealthy, use the pipeline next to the metal detector and climb it up and over the other side and jump down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: GAS CHAMBER +++ Alright, it's time for an alternate path! As Sam works his way down the halls, he'll see two guards conversing inside the Gas Chamber room. --OBJECTIVE: OPEN THE GAS CHAMBER LOCK There are two ways to enter the Gas Chamber room: PATH #1: Sam can BASH the door open to knockout the first guard. From there eliminate the second guard inside the control room. PATH #2: Go back to the hall and enter the adjacent door. You'll be inside a break room with a CRAWLSPACE. Enter the CRAWLSPACE and you'll emerge at the Gas Chamber control room. Listen to the guards and then they'll split up. Exit the crawlspace and knockout the first guard. Enter the control room and use the OPEN CHAMBER option on the console (make sure the light turns GREEN). Now quietly head down to the door near the audience chairs and use the PICK LOCK option and enter. Go down the stairs to the gas chamber but DO NOT open the door! --OBJECTIVE: RELEASE CHAMBER LOCK There is a Riot guard blocking the entrance (behind the door), so use the BASH DOOR option to knock his filthy pig ass out. Now go to the chamber and use the OPEN CHAMBER option to release Jamie. Once he's free, enter the room nearby and you'll see a desk with a computer. Across from the computer is an exit. Exit the room and go down the hallway. A Riot guard will start shooting you (let Jamie take care of him for you). Enter the door the guard was in front of to enter the Morgue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: THE MORGUE +++ --OBJECTIVE: FIND HIDDEN INFORMATION DISK (OPTIONAL) Inside the Morgue, go to one of the open doors and you'll find the information disk that Lambert asked for. Now exit and go back outside. Take the path just near where you entered from the Gas Chamber to a door to the other side. Exit the area and take the stairs to the CHAPEL area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: THE CHAPEL +++ Use the INIT BOOST OVER option to throw Jamie over the fence. He'll open the door for you. Enter the chapel area. In the chapel area are two Riot guards. Eliminate them for safety purposes. Now it's time to escape BUT ONE LAST THING! --OBJECTIVE: ALTER DEATH RECORDS (OPTIONAL) Enter the door at the back of the chapel and use the computer inside to alter the death records. NICE! Once that's done, take the stairs all the way to the top. You'll see a pipeline that goes to the other side. Jump up and shimmy to the other balcony. Walk up to the rope to release it. This will give you a way out of the area. Now shimmy on back to the other side and then climb the rope to the roof. At the top of the chapel, eliminate the lone guard and then use the BREAK LOCK option on the door and exit the roof. Take the stairs down and open the door back to the chapel to get Jamie. Now go back out and head down the stairs to the Parking area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: PARKING LOT +++ Make your way out to the parking lot. The area is clear so no worries! Go to the end of the lot to see a large escape hole on the upper wall. Use the INIT DYNAMIC HOIST to head to the other side. Jump down to the bottom to complete the mission. MISSION COMPLETE! HELL YEAH! ______ _____ _ _ _____ _____ ______ | ___ \(_____) | | | | (_____) ___ \| ___ \ | | _ | | _ \ \ \ \ _ | | | | | | | | || || | | | \ \ \ \ | || | | | | | | | || || |_| |_ _____) )____) )| || |___| | | | | |_||_||_(_____|______(______(_____)_____/|_| |_| ______ _____ ______ ______ _ _______ _______ _______ / _____) ___ \| ___ \(_____ \| | (_______|_______|_______) | / | | | | | _ | |_____) ) | _____ _ _____ | | | | | | || || | ____/| | | ___) | | | ___) | \____| |___| | || || | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____ \______)_____/|_||_||_|_| |_______)_______)\______)_______) ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ MISSION 3: JBA HEADQUARTERS - PART ONE +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: [ ] ADJUST FOUR FUSE BOXES [ ] ACCESS JBA'S SERVER [ ] RETURN TO PUBLIC AREA OPPOSING OBJECTIVE: [ ] SEND INFO TO LAMBERT ABOUT COLE YEAGHER [ ] SEND INFO TO EMILE ABOUT COLE YEAGHER OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] SCAN ENRICA'S FINGERPRINTS [ ] PLANT FALSE INFORMATION ON CARSON MOSS'S COMPUTER ++WALKTHROUGH NOTE: There are various ways to complete this mission and the walkthrough below is just ONE of many different ways to do it! Once you memorize the layout of this level, then you can customize your objectives your own way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: OUTER COMPOUND +++ Looks like Mardi Gras came and went. Bummer. If you killed Barnham in the previous mission, Sam will have less equipment in his inventory. If not, his equipment will be stacked. --OBJECTIVE: ADJUST FUSE BOX #1 There is a ladder nearby and a door at the end of the alley. Go to the door at the end of the alley and enter to find FUSE BOX #1. Use the ADJUST FUSE BOX option and then go BACK outside! Take the nearby ladder to the rooftop. You will see a rooftop with a guard and a CAMERA. Across the camera is a bright lamppost with a CRAWLSPACE underneath. REMEMBER THIS! Use the OCP on the camera and head to the adjacent rooftop. --OBJECTIVE: ADJUST FUSE BOX #2 Eliminate the guard if you want. Look for the glowing fuse box (with yellow lights) on the rooftop and then use the ADJUST FUSE BOX option. Now go to the CRAWLSPACE I mentioned and go inside. Make your way to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: WAREHOUSE #1 +++ --OBJECTIVE: ADJUST FUSE BOX #3 Jump down the CRAWLSPACE and you'll see two conversing guards. Ignore them and jump down. Make a hard left and you'll see two large crates. Jump on top of them and then jump on top of the steel shelves. Jump up to grab the steel girders on the ceiling. From there, Sam can quietly walk across the warehouse unseen. Head to the other side of the warehouse and jump down. You'll see the second fuse box on the wall. Go up to it and use the ADJUST FUSE BOX option. Now jump down and go to the double-door exit but watch out! There is a CAMERA on the right side. Use the OCP and continue to the next area. ++NOTE: if you go to the other side, Sam will be stopped and the mini- game will be triggered. I suggest avoiding this because it just leads to problems. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: WAREHOUSE #2 +++ After you exit, make a hard left. Next to the stairs are some metal panels that Sam can jump on top. Jump on top of them and then climb up to the area above. One of the guards (Carson Moss) will patrol the upper area. GRAB him and then knock him out. There's two more guard on the floor if you want to snuff them out. --OBJECTIVE #1: PLANT FALSE INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) --OBJECTIVE #2: ADJUST FUSE BOX #4 On the other end of the warehouse is a set of stairs leading to Carson Moss's office. Use the OCP on the CAMERA above the door and enter to find a computer and the third fuse box. You need to HACK the computer to plant the information. Once you've planted info, go to the nearby fuse and ADJUST FUSE BOX. With all of that done, exit the room by jumping out the nearby window and jumping down. Look for the panel with the green glowing light to find the door to exit this area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: TRI-CAMERA AREA +++ The next area looks tricky but its cake. Use the OCP on the first tri- camera and then slowly make your way up the stairs. Watch the movement of the second tri-camera while moving up. Use the OCP on the top tri-camera and then head for the door. When you open the door, quickly use the OCP on the above light on the ceiling (the OCP should be fully charged by then). From there, GRAB the patrolling soldier and knock him out. ++NOTE: if the soldier saw you, he'll stop you and trigger the mini- game. Avoid this, won't you? --OBJECTIVE: SCAN ENRICA'S FINGERPRINTS (OPTIONAL) Enter the door that says "ENRICA" and go inside (bring the body inside, too). Equip the Fingerprint Scanner and walk up to Enrica's bed (it's next to the computer). SCAN her hairbrush on the nightstand to complete the objective. Now exit the room. Go to the corner and you'll see a CAMERA. Use the OCP on it and enter the server room with the glass walls. Ignore the door that says "EMILE", there's nothing of use inside. --OBJECTIVE #1: SEND INFO TO LAMBERT/EMILE --OBJECTIVE #2: ACCESS JBA'S SERVERS Inside the server room are two lasers. Disable them and then access the computer and HACK IT. From here you have two options for the info: --SEND TO LAMBERT --SEND TO EMILE After that choice is made, access the computer again to complete the last objective. Now it's time to bail! --OBJECTIVE: EXTRACTION TIME Take the ladder down (to where you started the mission) and head for the other door at the end of the alley. MISSION COMPLETE! ______ _____ _ _ _____ _____ ______ | ___ \(_____) | | | | (_____) ___ \| ___ \ | | _ | | _ \ \ \ \ _ | | | | | | | | || || | | | \ \ \ \ | || | | | | | | | || || |_| |_ _____) )____) )| || |___| | | | | |_||_||_(_____|______(______(_____)_____/|_| |_| ______ _____ ______ ______ _ _______ _______ _______ / _____) ___ \| ___ \(_____ \| | (_______|_______|_______) | / | | | | | _ | |_____) ) | _____ _ _____ | | | | | | || || | ____/| | | ___) | | | ___) | \____| |___| | || || | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____ \______)_____/|_||_||_|_| |_______)_______)\______)_______) ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ MISSION 4: UNDERGROUND SUBWAY STATION +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: [ ] GET THE VAULT'S CODES [ ] GET TO THE FRONT OF THE TRAIN [ ] DISCONNECT COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM OPPOSING OBJECTIVES: [ ] LEAVE STATION CHIEF ALIVE [ ] KILL THE STATION CHIEF OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] ISOLATE REAR TRAIN CARS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: ABANDONED SUBWAY +++ Ooh, looks like Fisher's girlfriend is joining the par-tay! If you gave the info from the previous mission to Emile, you'll get lots of equipment. If not, you'll have a limited supply. Exit your area and turn right. Use the INIT DYNAMIC HOIST to throw the hotster to the top. Make it to the other side and jump down. Exit the area and head down the hall. Use the INIT DYNAMIC BOOST to toss your chick over the fence. Wait for her to turn off the fan and then enter the CRAWLSPACE. Crawl to the other side and jump down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: ELECTRICAL ROOM +++ Stay in the shadows and watch for the civilian. Knock him out or kill him, it's your choice. To get to the next area you have two alternate paths! --PATH #1: Go down the bright hall to see a civilian in the way. Eliminate him and then eliminate his friend in the adjacent room --PATH #2: Instead of going down the short hall, look to the left and you'll see a pipeline to climb. Climb it to the top and then jump down onto the railing. Enter the door and you'll be inside a locker room. Exit this room to emerge on the other side with the two civilians. Use the scaffoldings to get around and then rid them in any way you want. With both guys down, exit the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: ELECTRICAL ROOM - LOWER AREA +++ As you go down the stairs, you'll see another civilian walking down. There are two ways to get to the lower area. #1 - THE HARD WAY Quickly run up and whistle him over to you (it'll save you the trouble of having to wait for him at the bottom of the stairs). Eliminate the civilian on the stairs and then hide his body. #2 - THE EASY WAY Instead of going down the stairs, look above and you'll notice a hidden pipeline that you can shimmy. Look for the pipeline to climb on the wall at the top of the stairs and climb it up. Sam will then ZIP all the way down to the bottom. See how easy that was? Now there are two ways to enter the next area: #1 - THE PORT-A-POTTY WAY You'll find the Port-A-Potty at the bottom of the stairs. Look next to it to find a TRAP DOOR. Open it and jump down (drop the body down there, too). Slowly traverse this area (or the guards above will go apeshit) and make a right turn. Exit to the area above to the Train Repair Area. #2 - THE PIPELINE WAY If you took the pipeline and zipped over the stairs, keep shimmying forward. Sam will then shimmy head over feet past the metal gate next to the Port-A-Potty. Jump down and then exit this room to the Train Repair Area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: TRAIN REPAIR ROOM +++ There are two guards and three bright spotlights here. Eliminate the guards in whichever way you like (or don't) and then exit this room using the PICK LOCK option on the door. Make a left and then use the RAPPEL ON WALL option and go down. Look for the CRAWLSPACE on the wall and emerge to the other side. Go to the large red pipeline and climb it to the top. See that large crack on the wall? Enter through and Enrica will chime in. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: VAULT/SECURITY ROOM +++ Enrica will tell you that the CAMERAS will be offline, so no need to worry about being spotted. Exit the crack into the small room and use the CRAWLSPACE but DO NOT exit out just yet! Wait for the conversation to finish and then exit. Eliminate the guard inside and exit this room. There is another guard outside. Whistle him inside and then snuff him out. As you leave the area, Enrica will chime in and tell you to look for cover. Simply hide in the dark and wait for the incoming guard. Snuff him out the old fashioned way or use the tight quarters that he emerges from for a SPLIT JUMP attack and then snatch his KEYCARD. --OBJECTIVE: GRAB THE VAULT CODES This objective presents you with another decision: --KILL THE STATION CHIEF --DO NOT KILL THE STATION CHIEF It's up to you. DO NOT INTERROGATE THE STATION CHIEF! He will purposely give you the wrong code! Go to the computer console to get the correct door code (2833). Now exit the room. Slowly work your way down this blue hall. You can use the OCP on the lights on the floor. Put Sam's back to the wall and watch the conversation at other room. When the guards disperse, shoot a STICKY SHOCKER at him and then grab his body. Or if you don't want to waste the Sticky Shockers, you can use a SPLIT JUMP ATTACK in this small corridor. It's up to you. Walk through the lasers (with the body in tow) to disable them. For the second guard, I suggest using the BASH DOOR option. Use the OPTIC CABLE and wait for him to approach the door. When he gets there, just WHAM the door open. --OBJECTIVE: GET TO THE BACK OF THE TRAIN Now go up the stairs to enter the train station area. Snuff out the farthest guard (or don't) and then go down the stairs. Quietly sneak past the guards on the bottom floor by turning left and then jumping to the back of the train car. SIMPLE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: MOVING TRAIN +++ This next part can be quite frustrating but stay with me as I explain this next part in detail! Sometimes when reloading this part of the level, the guards will behave differently but the strategy is still the same. --CAR #1: Enter the first car and use the OCP to darken your way to the end of the car. Sneak by the sitting guard (while in darkness) and then exit the car. Or if you're patient enough, stay in the back of the train and the guard will start patrolling. Wait for him to get near and then smack him down. As soon as you enter the second car, you will have 8 minutes to get to the front of the train. --CAR #2: In this car are two guards and a CAMERA. Stay within the back of the car and wait for their conversation to finish. Shoot STICKY SHOCKERS at both of them and then use the OCP on the CAMERA. Now exit the car. --CAR #3: There are no guards here but lots of lasers. Squeeze between the first set of crates and creep past the first laser. Use the OCP on the second laser and then SLIDE open the door and enter. --OBJECTIVE: DETACH TRAIN CAR Use the OCP on the next laser and squeeze through to the back with the quadruple lasers. Use the OCP on the both left laser and then go through the CRAWLSPACE under the gold bars. Exit the car. From there, use the DETACH TRAIN CAR option to complete the objective. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: TRAIN ROOFTOPS +++ Climb the ladder to the roof of the train and make your way to the end of each car. Drop down on the guard between cars to knock them out. If a guard investigates the roof, simply move to the side of the train to hang on. The guard will eventually get smashed (sometimes). Continue until you reach the front of the second-to-last car. Enter inside to see a laser and some gold bars. --OBJECTIVE: DISABLE THE COMMUNICATIONS Use the OCP on the laser and then use the CRAWLSPACE and emerge on the other side. GRAB the nearby guard and eliminate him. Use the OCP on the light on the ceiling and then use a STICKY SHOCKER on the two guards. Now go to the control box near where the guard was sitting and choose the DISABLE COMMUICATIONS option to stop the timer. Now exit the car the same way that you came in and then head for main car. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: CONDUCTOR CAR +++ There are two guards and a train conductor. To eliminate the guards, use the OCP on the light to distract. Grab each one and snuff them out (or use STICKY SHOCKERS if you still have any left). Once both guards are down, head to the conductor's door and open it. MISSION COMPLETE! ______ _____ _ _ _____ _____ ______ | ___ \(_____) | | | | (_____) ___ \| ___ \ | | _ | | _ \ \ \ \ _ | | | | | | | | || || | | | \ \ \ \ | || | | | | | | | || || |_| |_ _____) )____) )| || |___| | | | | |_||_||_(_____|______(______(_____)_____/|_| |_| ______ _____ ______ ______ _ _______ _______ _______ / _____) ___ \| ___ \(_____ \| | (_______|_______|_______) | / | | | | | _ | |_____) ) | _____ _ _____ | | | | | | || || | ____/| | | ___) | | | ___) | \____| |___| | || || | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____ \______)_____/|_||_||_|_| |_______)_______)\______)_______) ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ MISSION 5: COZUMEL, MEXICO - CRUISE SHIP +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: [ ] HELP ENRICA INSTALL COMM RELAY [ ] HELP ENRICA REACH THE COMM ROOM [ ] RECOVER THE BOMB [ ] DELIVER THE BOMB AND HELP ENRICA REACH THE FUEL TANK OPPOSING OBJECTIVES: [ ] DISABLE ENRICA'S CELL PHONE [ ] PROTECT ENRICA'S CELL PHONE OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] OBTAIN PASSENGER MANIFEST [ ] DISABLE THE SHIP'S ENGINES [ ] DELETE THE CAMERA RECORDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: OUTER CABIN +++ If you killed the station chief in the previous mission, Fisher will unlock the Flash Grenades and will have it in his inventory. If not, then too bad. Enter inside the cabin and shoot out the lamp just near the exit. There is a soldier standing nearby. Darken the area and then sneak by him (or eliminate him). Exit the room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: OUTER HALLWAY +++ As you exit the room, you'll see another soldier standing across the door. Make a hard right and go through the hallway (if you want to eliminate that soldier, DO IT). At the end of the hall, another soldier will emerge from the right side. Sneak by him or GRAB and knock him out. On either side of the hall are two EXITS (with a green neon sign). Entering either door is the same thing. As you exit the hall, watch for the CAMERA just next to the large painted glass ceiling. Disable it and go through. Now head for he double doors and exit. Go to the other end of the hall and open the doors but DO NOT GO OUT YET! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: MUSIC LOUNGE +++ Across from the double doors is a CAMERA. Disable it with the OCP and then make a hard left towards the LOUNGE. If the two soldiers on the opposite side see you, eliminate them in the darkness. --OBJECTIVE: GET THE PASSENGER MANIFEST (OPTIONAL) In the area where the two soldiers were sitting is a LAPTOP. Either walk up to it or use your EEV and HACK IT to finish the objective. Now make your way into the LOUNGE area. You'll see a door just across from you. You'll come back to this area, so REMEMBER THAT DOOR! Now creep past the bar and the piano and head for the EXIT but wait! Shoot the light above it for safety first! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: SWIMMING POOL AREA +++ Exit outside to see three guards. Two are located by the poolside and the other walking on the porch area. Eliminate all three (or don't) and then exit at the door on the opposite side to enter the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: MAIN DECK +++ --OBJECTIVE: MEET WITH ENRICA Slowly take the spiral stairs (on either side) to the top. You will see two soldiers standing idly in front of the doors. Use the OCP on the nearby lightpost and the lightpost on the ceiling to darken the area. Sneak past them onto the Main Deck. See that large deck in the middle of Main Deck? Jump to the top of that thing (or use the ladder on the other side) and you'll see Enrica waiting for you. After the cutscene, use the OCP on the light above and then use the INIT SHOULDER BOOST option to allow Enrica to place something on the relay. Now jump down and follow her to the opposite side of the deck. Use the INIT BOOST OVER option to toss her to the other side. Now go back to the MUSIC LOUNGE room from earlier in the level. As you make your way back, sneak past or eliminate whoever gets in the way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: MUSIC LOUNGE/GAMING AREA +++ As you enter the MUSIC LOUNGE, take the door across from the bar. You'll see a set of stairs going down. GO down and then exit on the second set of doors towards the outdoor GAMING AREA. You'll see two soldiers patrolling the deck. To take them out in style, use the pipeline hidden above them for a chokehold or necksnap. Now head for the door at the other end and enter. Jump down to the elevator roof and use the OPEN TRAPDOOR option and then use the GO TO LOWER LEVEL option to go down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: LOWER LEVELS +++ As you enter the hall, a soldier will walk in. Use the hidden pipeline above to grab him. Jump down and make a left turn. You'll see a CAMERA at the corner. Use the OCP on the light (not the CAMERA) to darken the corner. Another soldier will walk by near the CAMERA. Quickly grab him and eliminate him AWAY from the CAMERA. Now continue through the hall until Lambert chimes in with a new objective. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: ENGINE ROOM +++ --OBJECTIVE: DISABLE THE SHIP'S ENGINES (OPTIONAL) As you enter the engine room, you'll see a metal walkway. There's one soldier on each walkway (three total soldiers). The quickest way to get to the bottom is to jump over the railing and jump your way down. The ship's engine is located to the RIGHT side corner of the stairs going down. Go up to the console and use the DISABLE ENGINE option to complete the objective. ++NOTE: Further down from where you disable the engine is a CRAWLSPACE. You'll come back to this area later. Now work your way around the bottom of the room to the metal fence and open it. Exit at the door on the other end. Make a left turn and slowly approach the corner. You'll see a lone soldier and a laptop. Eliminate him and continue down the hall to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: DOCKING BAY +++ --OBJECTIVE #1: RECOVER THE BOMB --OBJECTIVE #2: DELETE THE CAMERA RECORDS (OPTIONAL) You'll be inside a metal gate. HACK the card reader and then enter the Docking Bay. The bomb is located inside the boat docked in the middle of the room. Jump into the water and climb into the boat. Use the PICK LOCK option in the center of the boat to open the hatch. Grab the bomb to complete the objective. If you are going to complete the optional objective, climb the rope that's hanging above the boat (you can't miss it) and climb up. Shoot out all the lights here and head for the control room at the other end. Walk up to the computer and HACK it to delete the camera records. Now leave the room and go back to the area where you disabled the ship's engine. --OBJECTIVE: DELIVER THE BOMB TO ENRICA Farther down from there is a CRAWLSPACE in the Engine Room. Enter it and emerge to the other side to meet Enrica. Give her the bomb and then use the INIT BOOST OVER option to throw her over the pipes. --OBJECTIVE: PROTECT/DISABLE ENRICA'S PHONE Now comes a VERY big turning point in the game. You have the option to either UPLOAD VIRUS into her phone or don't. The choice is yours. The choice you make here will be one of the factors that affect the outcome of the game's ending. Now go back to the crawlspace. --OBJECTIVE: EXTRACTION TIME As you exit back out of the crawlspace, carefully, but quickly, use the OCP on the lights because more soldiers have arrived in the Engine Room. Make your way back to the Docking Bay before the 90-second timer winds down. Use the computer located near the Docking Bay entrance (where the lone soldier had his laptop) to complete the objective. Now make your way back into the Docking Bay area. Snuff out the remaining soldiers and then enter the boat. MISSION COMPLETE! ______ _____ _ _ _____ _____ ______ | ___ \(_____) | | | | (_____) ___ \| ___ \ | | _ | | _ \ \ \ \ _ | | | | | | | | || || | | | \ \ \ \ | || | | | | | | | || || |_| |_ _____) )____) )| || |___| | | | | |_||_||_(_____|______(______(_____)_____/|_| |_| ______ _____ ______ ______ _ _______ _______ _______ / _____) ___ \| ___ \(_____ \| | (_______|_______|_______) | / | | | | | _ | |_____) ) | _____ _ _____ | | | | | | || || | ____/| | | ___) | | | ___) | \____| |___| | || || | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____ \______)_____/|_||_||_|_| |_______)_______)\______)_______) ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ MISSION 6: OKHOTSK, RUSSIA +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] NEUTRALIZE ALL MERCENARIES [ ] DISABLE MERCENARY COMMUNICATIONS [ ] BOARD THE TANKER AND NEUTRALIZE THE CAPTAIN OPPOSING OBJECTIVES: NONE OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] DISARM EXPLOSIVE CHARGES [ ] LOCATE ENCRYPTION KEY [ ] INSTALL TRACKER IN COMMUNICATIONS ROOM [ ] IDENTIFY THE SHIP'S CARGO ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: UPPER HILLS +++ --OBJECTIVE: NEUTRALIZE MERCENARIES (THREE) Turn on Heat Vision and look up to see a soldier patrolling the upper ledge. You have the option to either kill him or incapacitate him, the choice is yours. Sam must eliminate EVERY single guard in the whole area! DO NOT leave any guard alone! A stylish way to eliminate the first soldier is to jump and hang on the nearby ledge. When he gets close, GRAB him and throw him down to the snow below (which is like 10 feet away, not very lethal). Take the path up the hill and you'll encounter another soldier with a flashlight. Sneak up to him and neutralize him. If you turn the corner and look on the right, you'll see a short ledge that you can jump up to the top. Take this path and follow it around to the next corner. From there, you can watch the third soldier from above and then drop and kick him from above to clear this area. Now head to end of the path to a CRAWLSPACE and enter it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: CAMP A +++ --OBJECTIVE #1: DISABLE RADAR #1 OF 5 --OBJECTIVE #2: NEUTRALIZE MERCENARIES (TWO) Before exiting the CRAWLSPACE, watch the guard. When he leaves, exit the crawlspace and take him out. Look down below to see a campfire and a tent. There is a rope that leads down to the area below and there is a RAPPEL point on the other side. I suggest taking the rope down. If you take the RAPPEL point, it leads you to the GROTTO. ++RAPPEL NOTE: If you take the RAPPEL point, the walkthrough below still applies but the locations will be mixed up. TAKE NOTE OF THAT! The walkthrough I use below is if you took the rope down instead of the Rappel point. Climb down the rope to the bottom. Eliminate both guards in the area and then enter the tent to find a COMPUTER. Use it to partially complete the first objective. Now head down the path the other soldier was patrolling and jump down. You'll see an active Wall Mine ahead. Carefully walk up to it and DISABLE it. Slowly walk down the path to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: ICE TRENCHES +++ --OBJECTIVE #1: DISABLE RADAR #2 OF 5 --OBJECTIVE #2: NEUTRALIZE MERCENARIES (TWO) As you emerge from the corner, you'll see two sets of lasers, a guard, and a non-working turret. The guard will walk towards you (stay back to avoid his flashlight). Since his clothing disables the lasers, GRAB him when he turns around and then drag and knock him out near the turret. When you turn right, you'll see the ice wall glowing red and another guard. Neutralize him to clear this area. Walk up to the computer at the end and use it. Now to the next area. Next to the non-working is a hard-to-see path to the next area. Head towards it and you'll see TWO Wall Mines. Disable them both and then continue forward to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: PORT ICE FIELD +++ --OBJECTIVE #1: DISARM EXPLOSIVE CHARGE #1 OF 2 --OBJECTIVE #2: DISABLE RADAR #3 OF 5 --OBJECTIVE #3: NEUTRALIZE MERCENARIES (THREE) You can see a large truck and the Tanker ship in the area. There are also three guards here, so eliminate them please. Just across from the back of the large truck is a detonator. Walk up to it and use the BYPASS CIRCUIT option to disable one of the two detonators. On the other side of the area is the computer to disable the radar. Use it to partially finish the objective. Now, do you see the red flare sparking across from the computer you just hacked? Underneath it is a CRAWLSPACE. Enter through it to emerge to the other side of the Tanker ship. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: STARBOARD ICE FIELD +++ --OBJECTIVE #1: NEUTRALIZE MERCENARIES (THREE) --OBJECTIVE #2: DISARM EXPLOSIVE CHARGE #2 OF 2 There are three soldiers here (but no computer). The second detonator is also in this area so go up to it and use the BYPASS CIRCUIT option to complete the objective! Across from the detonator is a rope to climb onto the Tanker ship. Sam cannot use this until ALL the guards have been neutralized (remember that!). Eliminate the soldiers here in any way you want. To the right of the CRAWLSPACE that you emerged from is a small cave leading to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: CAMP B +++ As you emerge from the cave, you'll see a large truck and three tents. There are also three soldiers here and a large spotlight (that's being powered by a generator that you can switch off). Eliminate the soldiers here in any way you want to clear the area. --OBJECTIVE #1: DISABLE RADAR #4 OF 5 --OBJECTIVE #2: NEUTRALIZE MERCENARIES (THREE) --OBJECTIVE #3: LOCATE ENCRYPTION KEY With all enemies cleared in this area, go to the second tent in the back and use the Computer inside to disable radar #4. After that, make your way to the other tent (with a map on the board). You will find the ENCRYPTION KEY on the table to the right. Now just across from the generator powering the spotlight is a CRAWLSPACE on the upper wall of the mountain. Crawl through and exit to the other side to the last area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: GROTTO +++ As you emerge from the crawlspace, walk up to the nearby generator and PIERCE it to turn off the power completely. Walk up the path to see a swinging lightpost. The nearby guard will investigate the power outage, so neutralize him when he gets near (watch out, he has a flashlight). --OBJECTIVE #1: DISABLE RADAR #5 OF 5 --OBJECTIVE #2: NEUTRALIZE MERCENARIES (FOUR) Now continue up the path to see another generator. PIERCE it and then go up the wooden bridge (make sure it's clear). You'll see the Computer across from you. Use the EEV to access it and to fully complete the objective. Now there are three more guards in this area. You have different traps in this area that you can use to neutralize them. You can use the Water Attack (there's two pools to use) or you can hang on the ledge of the bridge and then whistle and grab and throw them down. Use whatever stylish method you like. Eliminate them all and then go BACK to the Starboard Ice Field area where the second detonator is located. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: STARBOARD ICE FIELD +++ Now climb the rope up to the Tanker ship. WHEW-WEE! I HATE THIS GODDAMNED MOUTAIN! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: TANKER SHIP - MAIN DECK - THIRD FLOOR +++ ++INTERROGATION NOTE: If Sam gets captured, he will be tazered. SKIP the following cutscene and the use the PICK CUFFS option. Move the Analog Stick and uncuff yourself. I suggest that you NOT get caught because it'll screw up the walkthrough below if you do. As soon as you enter the ship, there will be three guards on the deck. For the nearest one, just grab and knock him out. There are two more on the opposite side of the deck. Use the hidden pipeline above and shimmy head over foot and simply use a chokehold or necksnap to eliminate them. This deck should be clear for now. Go to the right side of the ship (starboard). You will see a red door entrance, DO NOT GO IN THERE YET! Shoot out the light next to it to darken this area. --OBJECTIVE: IDENTIFY THE SHIP'S CARGO Let's get this objective out of the way first. You need to go to the ship's Holding area to identify the cargo. The shortest way to get down there is this: Take the stairs all the way down from the starboard side of the ship (the stairs in front of that red door). At the very bottom of the stairs, you will see a CRAWLSPACE just near the open doorway. Can you see it? Enter through the crawlspace to emerge to the ship's Holding area. EASY. When you exit the crawlspace, GRAB the first soldier on the ledge and INTERROGATE him to complete the objective. Now go back to the crawlspace and make your way back to the top of the ship. ++ALTERNATE STRATEGY: Another easier way to find out the ship's cargo is to get caught (as in tazered) by the enemy. After Sam is interrogated, uncuff him and then head for the crate across from where he was sitting to find the contents of the cargo. I URGE you to NOT take this strategy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: CREW'S QUARTERS - THIRD FLOOR +++ --OBJECTIVE: NEUTRALIZE THE CAPTAIN Go back to the top of the ship and enter the ship from either side. You'll be in the Crew's Quarters where the captain is located. I suggest shooting out EVERY light in the area for safety purposes. As you enter the corner, you will see a soldier patrolling just outside the hallway (you'll also see a flashlight sitting on top of an electrical box). There is also a hidden CRAWLSPACE in this room (which you will use after meeting the Captain). Look above to see a red pipeline. Use the pipeline to eliminate the soldier. There are two more soldiers here. Lure them out and then eliminate them one by one. With the area cleared, you can now head to the captain's room. After talking with that dickhead captain, it's time to defuse some bombs. He gives you 10 minutes to disarm four bombs that are planted in the Engine Room. Don't panic! It's more than enough time. But how exactly do you get to the Engine Room without having to go from floor to floor? Read below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: ENGINE ROOM +++ --OBJECTIVE: DISARM FOUR BOMBS Remember that hidden CRAWLSPACE I told you about just near the red pipeline? USE IT! It takes you DIRECTLY to the Engine Room! See how easy that was? Exit the crawlspace and then take the ladder down to the engine room. There are four bombs, three soldiers, and three cameras in this room. Don't worry about the bombs yet. As soon as you come down from the ladder, look to your left to see a Camera above. Use the OCP on it! From your position, you can see the soldiers below (some of them). Use Sticky Shockers on them and then eliminate the third one. Now it's defusal time. There are four bombs: two on the floor (one on each engine), one bomb just across from where you emerged from the ladder, and the last bomb is on the opposite side on the upper ledge. After defusing the first one, the Captain resets the timer to three minutes. That should be more than enough time to defuse them all. Once that's done, go BACK to the Crew's Quarters using the ladder and CRAWLSPACE that you came from. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: CREW'S QUARTERS +++ As you enter back to the Crew's Quarters, exit this floor back outside. The Portside door is locked so you have to go to the Starboard door. Before you open the door to go outside, turn on Thermal Vision to see a soldier behind the door. Use the BASH DOOR option to smack him down the stairs. Two other soldiers will block the way so use the pipeline and sneak past them (or eliminate them). Head on over to the Portside and take the stairs going up to the top. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: TOP DECK - COMMUNICATIONS ROOM +++ At the top of the stairs is a turret. You can disable the turret by jumping from the ledge next to it. There are two doors here: one that leads outside and the other leads into the Communications Room. Let's go to the Comm. Room first, shall we? AREA: COMMUNICATIONS ROOM --OBJECTIVE: INSTALL TRACKER IN COMM. ROOM As you enter the Comm. Room corridor, you'll see a soldier patrolling in a brightly lit area. Wait for him to enter the Comm. Room and then shoot out the lights in the corridor. Head for the Comm. Room and turn on Thermal Vision to see inside. The patrolling soldier will walk back out, so turn around and then smack him from behind. Now enter the Comm. Room and you will see two more soldiers. One will emerge from the room on the right and the other stands idly near the console. Knock out the first guard and then smack the guy standing in front of the console. Access the console to install the TRACKER. Now you only have ONE objective left so head back outside and exit the ship using the door on either side. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: TOP DECK - OUTER AREA +++ When you exit outside, you will see a soldier patrolling the area and a Wall Mine in the corner. In the deck above, there are three soldiers, two turrets, and two more Wall Mines (not in that order). There are various fun ways to eliminate the guards in this area: You can use the good old fashioned trick of jumping over the railing and then GRABBING them and throwing them over, you can be sneak up to the turret (the first one) and HACK it's IFF system, you can shoot the Wall Mine when a soldier gets near, OR you can do neither! It's up to you. --OBJECTIVE: COMMANDEER THE SHIP The door you need to enter is right next to the second turret. Incapacitate the guard that slowly walks by (shoot the Wall Mine for some fun times) and then HACK the Turret from afar or use the OCP on it. Head for the door at the other end and enter. MISSION COMPLETED! ______ _____ _ _ _____ _____ ______ | ___ \(_____) | | | | (_____) ___ \| ___ \ | | _ | | _ \ \ \ \ _ | | | | | | | | || || | | | \ \ \ \ | || | | | | | | | || || |_| |_ _____) )____) )| || |___| | | | | |_||_||_(_____|______(______(_____)_____/|_| |_| ______ _____ ______ ______ _ _______ _______ _______ / _____) ___ \| ___ \(_____ \| | (_______|_______|_______) | / | | | | | _ | |_____) ) | _____ _ _____ | | | | | | || || | ____/| | | ___) | | | ___) | \____| |___| | || || | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____ \______)_____/|_||_||_|_| |_______)_______)\______)_______) ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ MISSION 7: KINSHASA, CONGO - HOTEL +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: [ ] CONFIRM INTENTIONS OF OTHER 2 GROUPS [ ] MEET EMILE IN ROOM 901 [ ] FIND YOUR EQUIPMENT IN MAIN ELEVATOR & GO TO LOBBY [ ] CLEAR EXTRACTION AREA [ ] EXTRACT FROM HOTEL OPPOSING OBJECTIVES: [ ] KILL HISHAM [ ] SAVE HISHAM OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] FIND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT TAFKIR'S GROUP [ ] FIND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT MASSOUD'S GROUP [ ] DISPOSE OF HISHAM'S BODY ++NOTE: Sam will NOT have any weapons or his Goggles with him for the first part of this mission. Once Sam talks to Emile, he will get his equipment back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: PARKING LOT +++ After the cutscene, walk down the driveway slowly. You'll hear an explosion and the car alarm across from you will go off. Stay in the dark to avoid getting spotted. There are three guards patrolling this area. Eliminate them and then exit this area through the brightly lit double doors. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: EMPLOYEE ROOM +++ There are two ways to get through this area: #1 - THE HARD WAY Sneak into the next room and you will see three patrolling guards. Eliminate them all and then exit through the door on the other side. #2 - THE EASY WAY Just near where you entered is another door. Enter inside to a room with shelves and cleaning supplies. In the corner of this room is an open TRAPDOOR. Jump inside and then follow the path all the way to the end. Exit on the other side and then quietly exit the room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: NINTH FLOOR NORTH +++ There are three guards and two CAMERAS on the left side of this floor. You can eliminate them if you want but there are no objectives on this floor. Remember, when the power turns off, the cameras are also turned off. So wait for the explosions to occur so that the power is off! --OBJECTIVE: FIND THE SUITE KEYCARD This objective is NOT listed on the OPSAT but you need the suite keycard in order to enter Tafkir and Massoud's hotel suites without having to HACK the keycard reader. The keycard is located on the TENTH FLOOR in Room 1002. There are two ways to get to the TENTH FLOOR: #1 - THE STAIRS Make a right turn from where you entered the room and go up the stairs to the tenth floor. There is a guard up here, so take him out. Enter Room 1002 and get the keycard on the table. #2 - THE BROKEN ELEVATOR On the NINTH FLOOR, go to the elevator on the left side of the floor. You will see two elevators: one covered in see-thru material and the other is opened but non-operational. Use the CUT MATERIAL option on the sheet and jump down. Jump to the top of the elevator next to it and then jump up to the TENTH FLOOR. Enter Room 1002 and get the keycard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: TENTH FLOOR - MASSOUD'S SUITE +++ With the suite keycard in your possession, you don't have to worry about hacking into Tafkir and Massoud's hotel suites. First, go to Massoud's suite (it says "SUITE DE AMBASSADOR" on top of the door). It's right across from Room 1005. --OBJECTIVE #1: CONFIRM INTENTIONS #1 OF 2 --OBJECTIVE #2: FIND INFO ON MASSOUD (OPTIONAL) Use the keycard and then enter the room. Enter the bedroom area and then look for the filing cabinet on the right side of the bed. Use the SEARCH CABINET option to partially complete the objective. As soon as you leave the bedroom, two soldiers will walk in. Turn off the lights in the bedroom (the switch is on the right side of the doors) and take them both out. In the kitchen area is a laptop. Access the laptop to get the info on Massoud that Lambert needs. Now exit this room and head to Tafkir's suite on the other side of this floor. AS you make your way to Tafkir's suite, there will be two soldiers patrolling the area. Take them out when it's dark so that they don't interfere. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: TAFKIR'S SUITE +++ --OBJECTIVE #1: CONFIRM INTENTIONS #2 OF 2 --OBJECTIVE #2: FIND INFO ON TAFKIR (OPTIONAL) Unlike Massoud's suite, you can enter Tafkir's suite from the ninth or tenth floor (it's a two-story room). Since you're on the tenth floor, why not stay on the tenth floor? When you enter Tafkir's suite, move in and wait near the potted plant. Turn the camera to see a soldier on the left side of the room making a conversation to the soldier downstairs. When the lights go out, make a hard left and GRAB the soldier (DO NOT knock him out yet!) and drag him into the bedroom. Move him towards the Retinal Scanner and use it (knock him out now). When the safe opens up, use the COPY PLANS option to complete the objective for Emile. To get the info on Tafkir for Lambert, go downstairs and eliminate the lone guard. Go to the kitchen and HACK the laptop to get the info for Lambert (and to complete his objective). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: NINTH FLOOR NORTH +++ --OBJECTIVE #1: MEET WITH EMILE --OBJECTIVE #2: GET YOUR EQUIPMENT & GO TO LOBBY Emile is located in Room 901 (just farther down from Tafkir's room). Exit Tafkir's suite from the first floor. A soldier is patrolling this area so eliminate him. When the power turns off, make your way to Emile's room and use the KNOCK ON EMILE'S DOOR option. After the cutscene, make your way to the elevator and go down to the LOBBY area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: LOBBY +++ ++WEAPONS NOTE: Sam will have all his equipment back but he will NOT have the SC-PISTOL. Just a note. As you enter the Lobby area, you'll see half of it on fire. Make your way down the lobby stairs and you'll see three soldiers (and a turret) firing at something. If possible, eliminate all three in darkness to clear the area. If you're quick enough, you can grab one of them while they're still firing their guns (makes it easier). Make your way down the next hall (right side of the burning lobby). Go around the corner and you'll hear a soldier talking on his radio. Hide in the small area with the couch and wait for him to start patrolling. Grab and eliminate him or run past him to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: CUISINE ROOM +++ Open the door on the right and hide in the darkness. You will see two soldiers patrolling this kitchen. Your best bet at taking them both out is the hidden pipeline on the ceiling. Walk towards the middle of the area and then jump up to the pipeline. From there, you can use chokeholds or necksnaps on both guards to clear this room. Exit the room to next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: POOLSIDE AREA +++ Turn right of the hall and enter the door to find Hisham (your partner from the first mission). After the cutscene, you have a choice: --SAVE HISHAM If you decide to save Hisham, let him follow you through the rest of the mission. He won't exactly help you but hey, you saved him! --KILL HISHAM If you decide to kill him, do it after you talk to him. Aim the gun and shoot him dead. From that point on, you have to continue the rest of the mission while hauling his body with you. The choice is yours. Now enter the pool area from either side of the room. You will see two soldiers patrolling the area. Use the WATER ATTACK on them or simply incapacitate them. Now exit the room to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: EAST GARDENS +++ As you exit, make a right turn to the East Gardens area (the door on the farthest end leads to the West Gardens Area). The area has three large garden patios (with one soldier patrolling each one) and a moving spotlight (which doesn't sound an alarm). Make your way through each garden and eliminating the soldiers. Find the exit doors on the other side and then head down to the parking lot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: EAST PARKING LOT +++ In the parking lot area are four cars and two soldiers. One soldier seems to be running around in circles while the other relaxes. Eliminate them in any way you want (there's a very high pipeline on the ceiling that you can access by jumping on the nearby trashcans). --If you killed Hisham, stuff his body into the red SUV and use the PLACE CHARGE option. Get as far away and then DETONATE the vehicle. Rest in peace. --If you did NOT kill Hisham, don't bother with the SUV (you can use one of the soldier's bodies but it won't make a difference). Simply use the INIT DYNAMIC BOOST option to toss him over the gate. Good going. Now it's time to get the hell outta Dodge! Go back to the East Gardens Area and make your way to the West Gardens Area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: WEST GARDENS AREA +++ --OBJECTIVE #1: CLEAR EXTRACTION AREA --OBJECTIVE #2: EXTRACT FROM HOTEL In this area, you've got four soldiers to worry about. Simply incapacitate all of them in the darkness to complete the objective. To extract outta there, walk up to the Tank that's firing missiles in the sky and use the PLACE CHARGE option. Get as far away and then DETONATE it. Now walk up to the tank and extract outta there! MISSION COMPLETE! ______ _____ _ _ _____ _____ ______ | ___ \(_____) | | | | (_____) ___ \| ___ \ | | _ | | _ \ \ \ \ _ | | | | | | | | || || | | | \ \ \ \ | || | | | | | | | || || |_| |_ _____) )____) )| || |___| | | | | |_||_||_(_____|______(______(_____)_____/|_| |_| ______ _____ ______ ______ _ _______ _______ _______ / _____) ___ \| ___ \(_____ \| | (_______|_______|_______) | / | | | | | _ | |_____) ) | _____ _ _____ | | | | | | || || | ____/| | | ___) | | | ___) | \____| |___| | || || | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____ \______)_____/|_||_||_|_| |_______)_______)\______)_______) ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ MISSION 8: JBA HEADQUARTERS - PART TWO +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] ACCESS THE UNDERGROUND BUNKER [ ] STEAL EMILE'S CONTACT LIST [ ] SAMPLE THE RED MERCURY [ ] RETURN TO PUBLIC AREA OPPOSING OBJECTIVES: [ ] STRENGTHEN LAMBERT'S FALSE IDENTITY [ ] REVEAL LAMBERT'S TRUE IDENTITY [ ] DISABLE THE NASHVILLE BOMB [ ] DISABLE THE LA BOMB [ ] PREVENT THE BOMB'S DEFUSAL OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: NONE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++Believe it or not, this mission can actually end up being pretty short if you decide not to complete the last couple of objectives. +++ AREA: OUTSIDE JBA HEADQUARTERS +++ --OBJECTIVE: ACCESS THE UNDERGROUND BUNKER Enter the building (with the open door) and head downstairs to complete the first objective. The next set of areas in this level will mostly be corridors with cameras and lasers (not too many guards). So stealth is the key! You can complete this level in many different ways and the one I will describe is the fastest (and not-so-lethal) way, so read on! Turn the corner to see a green laser and red laser camera. Use the OCP on both of them and then run down to the bottom of the corridor. At the end of the corridor is another red laser camera. Wait patiently in the corner and a guard will walk by. GRAB him and then hide his body. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: SECURITY ROOM #1 CORRIDOR +++ After disposing the first guard, use the OCP on the red laser camera and go down the corridor. Be sure to hug the walls on the LEFT side to stay in darkness. At the bottom of the corridor you will see two guards in an office and ANOTHER red laser camera. DO NOT enter this office from this area. You'll enter it from a different path later in the mission. Did you notice the lights coming from the floor? Under the red laser camera across from the office is a set of lights that you can disable with the OCP. Use the OCP on those lights to darken the area. Walk around the red lasers around to the corner and exit the area. Enter the next door to the Red Mercury Room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: RED MERCURY ROOM +++ --OBJECTIVE #1: STEAL EMILE'S LIST --OBJECTIVE #2: SAMPLE THE RED MERCURY When you enter the room, you'll see a red-glowing glass chamber. There's a guard sitting at a computer desk just above the chamber and a CAMERA to the left. On the right side of the door you entered is a set of stairs that goes up to Emile's office (with another guard inside). Stay in the darkness and wait for the guard above the chamber to walk down the stairs. GRAB him in the darkness and knock him out. Place his body in the cold mist below. But before you access the Red Mercury in the chamber, eliminate the second soldier stationed in the office above. Use the OCP on the green laser (or use one of the soldier's bodies) and head up the stairs (the OTHER stairs). Use the OCP on the light and then enter the office. Eliminate the guard and then access the filing cabinet in the corner. Use the SEARCH CABINET option to complete the objective. Now go down to the red mercury room. To enter the room, you need the KEYCODE (which can be found on the computer station above the red mercury chamber) and the KEYCODE for the sample. The KEYCODE for the door is 1429 and the mercury code is 127. After you access the mercury, Sam will get doused with harmful gas and needs to escape. Use the VENT near the door and open it to get out. Now exit this room and make a right turn. Go around the corner and enter the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: BOMB SHELTER ROOM +++ As you enter this corridor, there will be another door in front of you. When you enter that door, you will see a door and a CAMERA at the end of this hall. Use the OCP on the CAMERA or on the light and enter the other door. Inside this brightly-lit room will be two soldiers looking at computers. Use the Rubber Bullets on them to knock them both out. So what exactly is the significance of this room? Well, there is a TRAPDOOR in this room that leads down to the sewers and into the OTHER JBA Headquarters building (from Mission 3). If you decide to maintain Lambert's cover, then this TRAPDOOR will be of use. I will give more information on this later in the walkthrough. Now exit the room back to the corridor. When you are back in the corridor, there will be another red laser camera above. Use the OCP on it and then enter the room that it was watching over ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: SECURITY ROOM #2 +++ In this room you'll see a brightly-lit map and some security TV's. There is a lone soldier in this room. You can sneak up behind him and knock him out. In the center of the room is a LAPTOP. DO NOT ACCESS THE LAPTOP YET! Instead, exit the room using the other door. Go around the corner and use the OPTIC CABLE on the next door. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: SECURITY ROOM #1 +++ You will see two guards conversing in this room (this is the room that you passed through earlier). Enter the room and turn left. See those servers? Jump on top of them and then listen to the conversation (or don't). Access the computer near where the guard is sitting and HACK it! Now comes the decision: --MAINTAIN LAMBERT'S COVER --BLOW LAMBERT'S COVER Make the right choice. Once the decision has been made, new objectives will come up. You can either do them or ignore them. --OBJECTIVE: DISABLE LOS ANGELES/NASHVILLE BOMB --OBJECTIVE: PREVENT BOMB'S DEFUSAL You have to choose which objective to accomplish. Here's the breakdown: --PREVENT BOMB'S DEFUSAL If you don't want to disarm the bombs (which gives favor to the JBA), go back to the previous Security room and access the LAPTOP (the one I told you not to access) and use it to CANCEL the bomb's defusal. Once that's done, the mission is practically over. Go back up to the area where you started the mission to complete the mission. --DISABLE LOS ANGELES/NASHVILLE BOMB If you decide to disarm the bombs (which gives favor to the NSA), read the walkthrough below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: BOMB SHELTER ROOM You have about 12 minutes to complete this section, but it's more than enough time. Go back to the Bomb Shelter Room with the TRAPDOOR. Enter the trapdoor and you will jump down to the sewers below. Go around the corner and climb the ladder up to the top. You will emerge in the warehouse from Mission 3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: WAREHOUSE #1 The first bomb is located outside this warehouse and the second one is located on the roof. After climbing out the ladder, enter the nearby double doors. Use the OCP on the camera and then head for the dark corner to see a red laser camera watching over the exit. Use the OCP on the red laser camera and then quietly open the door. There are three soldiers here and two cameras outside. Use the OCP on the light above the door and then quietly head outside. Incapacitate the three guards as quickly as possible (in the dark!) and then DEFUSE the first bomb nearby. Once the first bomb is defused, go back into the warehouse and then make your way to the roof (you should know how to get there by now). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: ROOFTOPS When you enter the rooftop, there are two soldiers. Simply knock them both out and then DEFUSE the second bomb. Once that's done, take the ladder going down to the alley to complete the mission. MISSION COMPLETE! ______ _____ _ _ _____ _____ ______ | ___ \(_____) | | | | (_____) ___ \| ___ \ | | _ | | _ \ \ \ \ _ | | | | | | | | || || | | | \ \ \ \ | || | | | | | | | || || |_| |_ _____) )____) )| || |___| | | | | |_||_||_(_____|______(______(_____)_____/|_| |_| ______ _____ ______ ______ _ _______ _______ _______ / _____) ___ \| ___ \(_____ \| | (_______|_______|_______) | / | | | | | _ | |_____) ) | _____ _ _____ | | | | | | || || | ____/| | | ___) | | | ___) | \____| |___| | || || | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____ \______)_____/|_||_||_|_| |_______)_______)\______)_______) ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ MISSION 9: NEW YORK CITY - SNOWBOUND ROOFTOP +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] KILL BJ SYKES AND JAMIE [ ] DEFUSE FIRST BOMB [ ] KILL CARSON MOSS [ ] DEFUSE SECOND BOMB [ ] KILL EMILE DUFRAISNE [ ] DEUFSE THIRD BOMB OPPOSING OBJECTIVES: NONE OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] NEUTRALIZE SYKES'S MEN [ ] NEUTRALIZE MOSS'S MEN [ ] NEUTRALIZE EMILE'S MEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is it! Sam's cover has been blown and now it's time to draw first blood! Williams gives Sam the Fifth Freedom, so if you want to kill all the JBA soldiers, DO IT. AREA: ROOFTOP #1 There are two guards that are across from Sam. Quickly bust out the Pistol and use the OCP on the light source above them. As they move in to investigate, kill them all. GO around the corner to see a red laser beam. Simply sneak underneath it and head to the other side of the roof. In the next area is a lone soldier (or two of them if you didn't eliminate the other ones). Kill him and then go around to the other end of the roof. You'll see another red laser. Simply jump over it and enter the door inside the building to warmer temperatures. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: PIGEON COOP Enter the door and go around the corner to the door. You'll enter a pigeon coop with two bright lights (you'll hear Sam say "AWW, IT STINKS!"). A lone soldier patrols here so use the OCP on one of the lights and then snuff him out. Now there are two ways to get to the next area with BJ and JAMIE: #1 - THE LONG WAY In the room you are in, you'll see a flowing curtain. Go through it and up the walkway. Make a left turn and walk under the red laser and exit to the next area. The next area is a warehouse. DO NOT bother killing the guards in here. Follow this path: as you exit the door, go down the stairs and look to the right. You'll see some metal shelves and a LADDER. Climb over the shelf and then climb the ladder to the top. You will see another soldier patrolling above but he won't see you. The exit for this warehouse is literally next door to the door you came from. Simply jump down to the next exit and head outside to the snowy rooftops. When you exit to the rooftop, you just have to get past three more soldiers and a blood-hungry turret to get to Jamie and BJ. Don't feel like going through all this drama? Then read the one below! #2 - THE SHORTER & MUCH EASIER WAY In the pigeon coop room, there is a locked door to the right side of the room. Use the BREAK LOCK option and enter. You'll see a Wall Mine in the corner, so move back and then shoot it. Go around the corner and you'll enter a room with a CRAWLSPACE in the corner. Use the CRAWLSPACE and then emerge out to the snowy rooftop. Did you see just how EASY that was? Thank god! Oh, if you take this path, you will miss the objective of neutralizing all of Skye's men. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: BILLBOARD AREA --OBJECTIVE #1: KILL BJ SYKES AND JAMIE WASHINGTON --OBJECTIVE #2: DISARM RED MERCURY BOMB #1 OF 2 Believe it or not, there are actually TWO ways to get to BJ and Jamie's area near the billboard: #1: THE STAIRWAY Once you've disposed all of the men in the rooftop area, head for the door that leads to a stairway going down. Go to the door at the bottom and use the PICK LOCK option and pick it open (DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR YET!). Use the OPTIC CABLE and turn on Thermal Vision. Listen to BJ and Jamie's conversation until it ends. BJ will then slowly walk up the ladder and Jamie will patrol back and forth. Wait until BJ has climbed the ladder and that Jamie is walking the other way. With both men facing away, OPEN the door and then shoot the light above it to darken the area. From there, creep up to Jamie and kill him with a knife to the back. BJ will then climb down the ladder and investigate the broken light. Creep up to him and knife him to complete the objective. #2: THE RAPPEL POINT On the rooftop area, you'll notice three soldiers and a blood hungry turret anxious to shoot you down. You can actually AVOID them all! There is a RAPPEL POINT in the rooftop BEFORE the turret area. The RAPPEL POINT is pretty well hidden but nothing a little exploration won't do for you. When you take the RAPPEL POINT down, you'll already be at the billboard area where BJ and Jamie are talking. Rappel down and then go around the corner (hug the opposite wall because a Wall Mine is ticking). Follow the strategy for BJ and Jamie above. Now walk up to the bomb and DISARM it to finish all the objectives for this building. Once that's done, Enrica will call in. Walk up to the ladder to the top (where BJ was) and look for the ZIPLINE in the middle of the billboard. Jump and slide on it to the next building. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++NOTE: This next part of the game will test your skills at patience and absolute stealth. Every enemy here will be equipped with Night Vision so it's time to get smart! The walkthrough below will show you the best possible way to kill them all (including that bastard Moss) without losing a single ounce of health! After you ZIP to the next building, turn right and go all the way up. Climb the ladder up and then turn right. You'll be standing on top of an elevator with a locked TRAPDOOR. Pick it open and then jump down to meet with Enrica. +++ AREA: LOUNGE +++ After speaking with Enrica, exit the elevator and turn right and open the only door on this floor. Slowly enter the room to see TWO Night Vision soldiers walking around. Here's the bulletproof strategy for this room: After you open the door, put your back against the wall NEXT to the door from outside and turn the camera to see one of the soldiers walking nearby. When he turns his back quickly but quietly GRAB him and drag him outside and kill him. For the second guard, enter the room and put your back against the wall. You should be able to peek and see him walking around. When he turns around, go up to him and kill him. Hide the body outside. For the third soldier, he patrols the long hallway up the room. He'll slowly patrol the hallway, so when he turns around, GRAB him and kill him. NO MERCY. With this room cleared, enter the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: OFFICE SPACE +++ There are two soldiers in this office room. One patrols near the doorway and the other patrols the opposite side. At the door, use the OPTIC CABLE and watch the first soldier patrolling left and right. When his back is away from you, quickly open the door, enter the room and GRAB him. Drag him outside and kill him. For the second soldier, stay near the doorway and then rotate the camera to see the other soldier's movements (you can also hide behind the office desk cubicles but I don't recommend it). When he turns around, quickly and quietly approach him and kill him. Now exit this area to the next room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: SERVICE CENTER/BARROOM +++ As you enter this room, there will be a Wall Mine on the wall. Shoot it and then head to the area BEHIND the bar. Patiently wait behind the bar and a Night Vision soldier will slowly emerge from the hallway. Your best and quickest bet to getting him is to use a Sticky Shocker on him. Now go up the stairs into the hall and use the OCP on the red laser. Put your back against the wall on the RIGHT side and then peek around the corner to see another soldier. When he turns around, shoot a Sticky Shocker on his fat ass. Now exit this area to a stairway leading upstairs. SLOWLY head up the stairs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: STAIRWAY/RECEPTION AREA +++ Slowly head up the stairs and turn on THERMAL VISION to see the movements of the soldiers inside the room (DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR YET!). When the soldier patrolling nearby turns around, open the door and shoot a Sticky Shocker. Enter the room, turn around 180 degrees and quickly shoot another Sticky Shocker on the second soldier at the other end. This will clear this area. Now exit this room to enter the final area of this part of the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: MAIN OFFICE +++ The main office has four soldiers, a turret, and Moss himself. As you head down the hall towards the main office, you will encounter a hallway with an annoying turret. This turret can be hacked but it does NOT turn it off. If you use the OCP or an EMP bullet, it creates more problems. Your absolute best bet to getting through this area is to look above. If you look above the turret, you'll notice that there is a glass walkway above. Yup, this means that there is an actual path FROM ABOVE! --OBJECTIVE #1: KILL CARSON MOSS --OBJECTIVE #2: DEFUSE THE SECOND BOMB Go back to the entrance of the room to find the upper ledge of the ceiling. Jump on top and maneuver your way through the gaps (use the back-to-the-wall move) as you quietly enter the main office area. From there, you can see two soldiers on the bottom floor, two on the top office guarding Moss. To kill them all, you'll need to get your sniping skills in check. Bust out the Sniper Rifle and start blasting them DIRECTLY in the head one by one. This will alert all of them, but if you stay in the shadow of the corner above, you can snipe all five men without problems. Once all five are dead, go to the bomb where Moss was patrolling and DEFUSE it to complete the objective. Now it's time for the next part of the game. Exit the room downstairs and enter the door. Place a Charge on the wall and DETONATE it from afar. Exit through the crack to finish this area of the game. WHOOO- WEEE, this section was painful to write. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: VENTILATION AREA +++ --OBJECTIVE: NEUTRALIZE EMILE'S MEN With all of Moss's men dead, you don't have to worry about Night Vision goggle soldiers. THANK GOD! But there is one disadvantage: any lights that you shoot WILL make noise. In this ventilation shaft is a door at the other end that is circuit- locked. To open it, use one of the pipelines (of two) and shimmy to the metal ledge. Go all the way to the end of the walkway and you'll see the circuit box on the wall. Use the BYPASS CIRCUIT to open the door. Once that's done, a guard will walk out. Eliminate him and then exit the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: WATERFALL LOUNGE AREA +++ As you enter the room and turn the corner, you will see a WALL MINE in the way. You can shoot it, disable it or sneak by it using the pipeline above. Before you exit outside, use the SWITCH OBJECT next to the door to darken this room. Use the PICK LOCK or BREAK LOCK option to enter the next area. In this area are two guards and a turret at the other side of the room. You can do one of two things: #1 - THE STEALTHY WAY When you enter the room, turn right and sneak behind the large waterfall contraption. Sneak all the way to the other side. #2 - THE DEADLY WAY Do the same thing mentioned above but instead of leaving the area, HACK the turret and turn OFF its IFF function and it'll shoot both guards down like the buttholes that they are. Once that's done, go around the corner to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: OUTER ROOFTOP +++ DO NOT EXIT THE ROOM YET and DO NOT SHOOT OUT THE LIGHT! Turn on THERMAL Vision to see two guards: one blocking the doorway and one across from him. The best way to eliminate them both without alerting them is to use the pipeline above the hall. Open the door and it'll hit the soldier and get his attention. Jump to the pipeline above to stay hidden. When they both walk in to investigate, use a chokehold or necksnap on them. Hide their bodies OUTSIDE in the snow. Now enter the next building for the finale! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: RECREATION AREA +++ Enter the next area and you will see a WALL MINE on the wall and a guard. Use the pipeline above or the WALL MINE tactic to eliminate him. To the left or right side of this area are identical rooms with two soldiers patrolling each area. Both rooms have some sort of jungle- themed contraptions in the room. If you want to be stealthy in these rooms, you can jump to the TOP of them and sneak to the next area. As you exit these rooms, make one last prayer because it's time to face off against Emile! Exit the room to trigger the boss battle! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ AREA: LASER-FILLED ROOFTOP +++ --OBJECTIVE: KILL EMILE DUFRAISNE After the cutscene, Emile will start blasting caps at you. The only thing in Sam's inventory will be a FRAG, SMOKE, and FLASH GRENADE. Watch Emile's movements and you'll notice that he NEVER leaves his area. He moves left to right but that's it. I think you'll also notice the ton of red lasers, right? Here's the fastest way to kill Emile: As soon as the battle starts, stay where you are. Emile will start blasting and then stop to reload. When he reloads, QUICKLY make your way behind the bench to Sam's left. When Emile moves to the left, the red laser next to the bench will be temporarily disabled. When Emile stops to reload again, quickly move to the bench in FRONT of Sam. Next to the bench is some sort of glass contraption. Hide behind it and equip the FRAG GRENADE. Emile should be standing in the middle of the platform and blasting like crazy. Throw the FRAG grenade towards him and it should successfully kill him. ++EMILE BOSS BATTLE VIDEO: I will have a streaming video of this boss battle soon. Check back here on the next update for the link! --OBJECTIVE: DEFUSE THIRD BOMB Even though Emile is dead, you still have a ton of lasers to deal with. Did you know that you can jump on TOP of the benches and sneak on them? Of course it won't work during the Emile battle but its something nice to know. To disable all the lasers, there is a computer just across from Emile (it's the spot where Sam threw his weapon during the Emile battle). Simply walk above the bench and then access the computer WITHIN the time limit to disable the entire laser grid. Once that's done, walk up to the bomb and DEFUSE it to complete the mission AND the game! Congrats, soldier! MISSION COMPLETE! ______ _____ _ _ _____ _____ ______ | ___ \(_____) | | | | (_____) ___ \| ___ \ | | _ | | _ \ \ \ \ _ | | | | | | | | || || | | | \ \ \ \ | || | | | | | | | || || |_| |_ _____) )____) )| || |___| | | | | |_||_||_(_____|______(______(_____)_____/|_| |_| ______ _____ ______ ______ _ _______ _______ _______ / _____) ___ \| ___ \(_____ \| | (_______|_______|_______) | / | | | | | _ | |_____) ) | _____ _ _____ | | | | | | || || | ____/| | | ___) | | | ___) | \____| |___| | || || | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____ \______)_____/|_||_||_|_| |_______)_______)\______)_______) ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ THE EXTRAS +++ There are a couple of things unlocked once you complete the game: --MISSION SELECT This is actually unlocked after the first mission. Each mission is automatically unlocked after completing the previous one during the game. --CINEMATICS Most cutscenes (but not all) will be available for viewing. To unlock more cutscenes, complete the missions by making different opposing decisions (example: not blowing up the cruise ship). --ELITE MODE Only for the hardcore stealth enthusiast! When you choose to do a mission, you can choose this mode for more frustration! Now for those interested in the Co-Op Mode Walkthrough...look below! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ SEXY TIME! - CO-OP MODE +++ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ / __/ _ \ ___ / _ \| _ \ | \/ |_ _/ __/ __|_ _/ _ \| \| / __| | (_| (_) |___| (_) | _/ | |\/| || |\__ \__ \| | (_) | .` \__ \ \___\___/ \___/|_| |_| |_|___|___/___/___\___/|_|\_|___/ Welcome back to Co-Op Mode! If you've played this mode in Chaos Theory, then everything should be familiar to you. You can pick up where you left off from the last time without any problems. I will give instructions of what to do for both players, which maneuvers to use, and how to complete all the objectives for ALL 14 missions. READY? LET'S ROCK? ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ ICELAND: THE RUINS +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: [ ] FIND A KEYCARD [ ] RESTORE POWER [ ] INFILTRATE WAREHOUSE OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] INTERROGATE THE GUARD [ ] RETRIEVE INVENTORY LISTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: OUTSIDE THE FACTORY --OBJECTIVE #1: FIND A KEYCARD --OBJECTIVE #2: RESTORE POWER --OBJECTIVE #3: INFILTRATE WAREHOUSE Welcome to the training mission! To start off, both of you make your way to the crate in front of the exit door and you'll find TWO KEYCARDS. You can't use them yet until the power is restored so it's CO-OP TIME! CO-OP #1: Look to the left of the warehouse to see a large crate under a metal platform. Walk up to it and use the BOOST MOVE. CO-OP #2: After your partner BOOSTS you to the top platform, walk up to the control box and use the PULL BREAKER 1 option. Back to CO-OP #1: After boosting your partner, look for a red pipeline just across from where you started the mission. Climb the pipeline to the top and shimmy to the opposite platform. Walk up to the control box and use the PULL BREAKER 2 to complete the objective. Now you can both use the keycards on the front door and enter to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: LARGE CHASM As you enter the next area, a large chasm blocks the way. CO-OP #1: Use the TOMOE NAGE move to toss your partner to the other end of the chasm and then standby. CO-OP #2: After your partner throws you over, climb the red pipeline to the top and shimmy to the wooden platform and climb up. Use the INIT RAPPELING option across this platform and pull your partner up. Back to CO-OP #1: Wait for your partner to throw the rope down. When the rope is ready, climb it up to the top. Now exit this area using the wooden scaffoldings to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: UPPER FACTORY As you enter the small room, use the INIT BACK CLIMB option. The both of you need to move the Analog Stick UP at the same time in order to make it to the top. Once you're both at the top, look for the crack on the wall and squeeze through. When you emerge from the crack, look for another crack on the wall to the left. Squeeze through to emerge to the next area. Across from you will be a lone guard. GRAB him and then INTERROGATE him. --OBJECTIVE #1: INTERROGATE GUARD --OBJECTIVE #2: RETRIEVE INVENTORY LISTS To get the guard to talk, CO-OP #2 must walk up to him and use the PERSUADE option. After the guard spills the beans, knock him out. Now it's time to retrieve the missing binders. BINDER #1 is located to the left of where the guard was standing. BINDER #2 is located just below where the guard was standing. To retrieve it, use the INIT HANG OVER option and lower your partner down. At the bottom, use the PICK UP DOCUMENT option and then have your partner pull you back up. BINDER #3 is at the other end of the large metal shelf. To retrieve it, follow these directions: CO-OP #1 & #2: Use the BOOST AND HUMAN LADDER move. This will get you to the top of the shelf faster. Walk down to the end of the area and you'll find BINDER #3 at the bottom of the shelf. Now exit this area through the upper walkway. Traverse through the corners until you reach then end. Use the INIT BACK CLIMB move and work your way to the top. Once you're at the top, the mission is complete! MISSION COMPLETE! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ ICELAND: THE THERMAL BASE +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] ACQUIRE SECURITY CARDS [ ] INFILTRATE THE GEO-THERMAL BASE OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] INTERROGATE SECURITY PERSONNEL ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: FACTORY SECURITY AREA Okay, the both of you should use the RAPPEL POINT and rappel down to the bottom of the factory. Exit the area to the security area. Climb over the fence (in the dark area) and you will see a lone guard behind a control panel. GRAB him and INTERROGATE him. --OBJECTIVE #1: INTERROGATE SECURITY PERSONNEL --OBJECTIVE #2: ACQUIRE SECURITY CARDS After grabbing and interrogating the guard, have your partner use the PERSUADE option to finish the objective. Now it's time to find those keycards. The first keycard is on the control panel next to the brightly lit area. The second keycard is inside the security room. One of you should use the BREAK LOCK option and then shoot out the light in this room. This will alert the guard on the opposite door, so if he comes to investigate the room, just knock him out. Grab the keycard next to the laptop to complete the objective. Access the laptop and HACK it to get the security code (4759). Now exit this room and head for the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: CORRIDORS As you enter this area, turn on EMP Vision to see a CAMERA watching over the corridor. To get through the area, you both have to use the OCP maneuver. --CO-OP #1: Bust out the SC-PISTOL and use the OCP (hold the L-TRIGGER) to disable the CAMERA. When you partner makes it to the other side, standby and wait for his command. --CO-OP #2: While the CAMERA is disabled, run to the other side of the corridor. When you make it there, bust out your SC-PISTOL and use it on the CAMERA and call your partner over. --Back to CO-OP #1: When you partner gives the command, run to the other side to safety. After evading the CAMERA, you now have an assload of lasers to deal with in the next corridor. --CO-OP #1: Use the TOMOE NAGE move and throw your partner across the laser beams to the other side. --CO-OP #2: After your partner flings you over, head to the control panel and use the SECURITY CODE on it to disable the lasers (4759). Now exit this area by using the keycard and entering the next room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: BREAK ROOM Inside this room are two guards. Above them are two separate pipelines. Now, the both of you can either share necksnapping duties or one of you can take care of both guards. Do what you want. Use the pipeline above to GRAB the guards and then exit the room using the keycard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: CORRIDORS 2 Across the corridor is another CAMERA (it's kinda hard to see). Use the OCP Maneuver on it and then enter to next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: BOILER ROOM #1 When you enter this room, you will see a stairway to the left and guard patrolling the upper walkway. Eliminate him if you want. The main objective here is to enter BOILER ROOM #2 without trouble. You can do one of two ways: --#1 - THE LONG WAY Use the PICK LOCK or BREAK LOCK option on the door at the other end. There is a guard in this corridor so eliminate him. Exit the corridor to enter BOILER ROOM #2. --#2 - THE CO-OP WAY There is a CRAWLSPACE just above the exit door in BOILER ROOM #1. Look to the upper left to see what looks like an open doorway. Use the BOOST AND HUMAN LADDER move and then access the CRAWLSPACE to emerge on the upper walkway of BOILER ROOM #2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: BOILER ROOM #2 --OBJECTIVE: ACCESS SECOND FLOOR When you enter BOILER ROOM #2, shoot out both of the ceiling lights. Both of you should access the valves on the boilers below. At the same time, use the TURN VALVE option. Now both of you should go BACK to BOILER ROOM #1 (use the crawlspace). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: BOILER ROOM #1 As you exit the crawlspace, you will see the supervisor exiting the room to go to BOILER ROOM #2. When he's gone enter the elevator and use the KEYCARD to go to the second floor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: SECOND FLOOR CORRIDOR The corridor to the left is guarded by a turret so DO NOT go through there! The corridor in front of the elevator has some lasers. One of you should hide on TOP of the crate on the left side and the other should hide behind that same crate. A guard will pass by the corridor, so grab and knock him out or use a Sticky Shocker. Carry his body past the lasers (or you can use the TOMOE NAGE move) and then use the keypad to disable the lasers for good. Across the corridor is another CAMERA. Use the OCP Maneuver on it and head for the door on the other side. Use the KEYCARD and then enter the next room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: SECURITY ROOM --OBJECTIVE: TURN OFF THE VENTILATION FAN When you enter the security room, you'll see that it's guarded by a CAMERA and a bunch of lasers. To the right side of where you entered is a pipeline. Climb the pipe to the top and then head for the open ceiling pane. --CO-OP #1: Use the INIT HANG OVER option and lower your partner down. --CO-OP #2: When you reach the computer, HACK it to turn off the ventilation fan. --Back to CO-OP #1: Bring your partner back up and then head back to the area with the turret. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: CORRIDOR As you head back to the corridor with the turret, don't forget to use the OCP Maneuver on the CAMERA. When you make it to the corner with the turret, use the OCP Maneuver and then the other should then run to the turret and DISABLE it. Now use the BOOST and HUMAN LADDER move on the nearby ledge to complete the mission! MISSION COMPLETE! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ ICELAND: THE FOUNDRY +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] STEAL THE SECURITY CARD THAT GIVES ACCESS TO THE FOUNDRY [ ] RETRIEVE INFORMATION ABOUT THE ARSENAL FROM THE SERVER OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] RECOVER THE PROTOTYPE PLANS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: ELEVATOR ROOFTOP First thing's first, CO-OP TIME! --CO-OP #1: Walk underneath the orange pipes and use the BOOST move to toss your partner to the pipes above. --CO-OP #2: After your partner boosts you, climb up to the second pipe and then shimmy to the right and climb the pipeline to the top. Once you're at the top, use the INIT RAPPELLING option to toss a rope down. --Back to CO-OP #1: Climb the rope that your partner throws down and then rappel upwards to the upper area. Now enter the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: OFFICE --OBJECTIVE #1: GRAB SECURITY CARDS --OBJECTIVE #2: FIND BLUEPRINT #1 OF 3 As you enter this office area, turn on EMP Vision to see two cameras and a guard sitting at a computer. First, walk up the nearest camera and use the INIT SHOULDER CLIMB and then the CUT WIRE option to disable that camera for good. Walk around the office in the darkness and then jump onto the table (with the camera on top of it) to find the first set of BLUEPRINTS. Now one of you should distract the guard by using the OCP on the lights or on the computer he's using. Eliminate him. The first security card is on the filing cabinet right next to the guard's computer (it's fully lit, so you have to distract him). The second security card is on the shelf next to the exit door. With the guard down, one of you should HACK the computer to get the security code (1985) and then exit the room using the KEYCARD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: CORRIDOR TO FOUNDRY #1 In the corridor, use the pipeline above and shimmy head over feet to the other side. Use the KEYCARD on the door and then enter the Foundry area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: FOUNDRY #1 Even though this area looks like it's bright as HELL, you are actually safe as long as you hug the walls. Move down the walkway and you will see the first guard walk towards you. Eliminate him and then hide the body in the corner. Sneak down to the other side of the walkway and eliminate the second guard and then exit the area (if you want, there's a pipeline in the center of this room that you can use for chokeholds). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: CORRIDOR TO FOUNDRY #2 Go around the corner and then use the PICK LOCK option and enter the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: FOUNDRY #2 In this area are a single guard and two turrets. Eliminate the first guard either by knockout or using the pipeline above. To disable the first turret, one of you should use the pipeline and shimmy towards its area. DISABLE it and then climb above the crates behind the turret. Use the OCP on the second one across the crates and let your partner walk up and DISABLE it. Now use the PICK LOCK option on the door and exit this area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: CORRIDOR TO LABORATORY As you enter this area, you will see a LONG hallway with a CAMERA in the middle and a guard at the other end. Shoot out all the nearby lights to darken this hallway and the guard will investigate. Eliminate the guard and shoot out the remaining lights. At the end of the hallway, another guard will emerge from the laboratory to investigate. Get rid of him and then enter the lab area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: LABORATORY --OBJECTIVE #1: FIND THE INFO ON THE ARSENAL --OBJECTIVE #2: FIND BLUEPRINT #2 OF 3 Enter the lab and you will see a guard looking over something on a desk. Eliminate him and then head for the door leading into the lab office. Use the keycode (1985) and enter inside. One of the consoles will have the second set of blueprints, so get it! Use the Computer and HACK it to retrieve the info on the arsenal. Now go back to the corridor and enter the elevator area (the one with the CAMERA watching over it). --CO-OP #1: Use the OCP on the CAMERA while your partner enters the next area. Once he's inside, standby until he finishes the next part. --CO-OP #2: When your partner uses the OCP on the CAMERA, enter the doorway and hide in the corner. Shoot out the light above to darken the area in front of the CAMERA. A guard will come out to investigate but DO NOT eliminate him yet! When he walks away, walk up the hall and enter the CRAWLSPACE above the large crate. Enter through to emerge through the ceiling of the security room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: SECURITY ROOM --OBJECTIVE: FIND BLUEPRINT #3 OF 3 As you exit the crawlspace, look for the open ceiling and jump down to the office below. You will automatically land on top of the third set of blueprints, so get them! There are two guards in here: one watching TV across from you and one using the computer next to you. Eliminate them both in silence and then access the computer and HACK it to get a security code (5556) for the red lasers outside the office. As you exit the office, you will see a duo of red lasers, which means it's SEXYTIME for CO-OP! --CO-OP #1: Stand in front of the red lasers and use the TOMOE NAGE move. Standby until the lasers are disabled. --CO-OP #2: After your partner throws you over the lasers, DISABLE them using the hard-to-see KEYPAD on the right wall (5556). Now EXTRACT VIA ELEVATOR to complete the mission. MISSION COMPLETE! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= +++ ICELAND: THE SABOTAGE +++ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: [ ] DESTROY COOLING SYSTEM [ ] GET TO EXTRACTION POINT OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES: [ ] INTERROGATE PERSONNEL [ ] AVOID RAISING ALARM TO LEVEL 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: FOUNDRY #3 --OBJECTIVE: INTERROGATE PERSONNEL Stay where you are and a duo of guards will emerge from the walkway across from you. Eliminate one of the guards and then grab and INTERROGATE (and PERSUADE) the other guard. Be careful though, because a CAMERA is watching! There's nothing useful in the area below so don't bother heading down there...yet. Head to the hallway at the other end and you will see a computer. HACK it if you want and then go around the corner BUT WAIT! There is a CAMERA watching the corner of the hallway and it's gotta be disabled! --CO-OP #1: Stand underneath the CAMERA and use the INIT SHOULDER CLIMB option and lift your partner to the camera above. --CO-OP #2: When you are under the CAMERA, use the CUT WIRE option to disable it permanently. Now both of you enter the elevator at the end of the hallway and use the KEYCODE (090980) to ride to the area below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: CORRIDOR TO SECURITY OFFICE/SECURITY OFFICE --OBJECTIVE: OBTAIN SECURITY CARDS Head to the brightly-lit corner and use the OCP Maneuver on the CAMERA across the corridor. As you enter the next area, use the SWITCH OBJECT option to turn off the lights outside the security office. There are two ways to enter the security office: #1 - THE FRONT DOOR Since the lights are off, you can simply enter through the front door and eliminate both guards inside. #2 - THE CRAWLSPACE There is a hidden CRAWLSPACE on the wall just before the security office (it's next to the window). Enter through the CRAWLSPACE to emerge inside the security office. With both guards down, one of you should grab the KEYCARD on the table. The other KEYCARD is located in the area below the security office. Take the ladder to the area below and find the KEYCARD on the ground at the other side. Now exit the office into another corridor. Use the OCP Maneuver on the CAMERA and then enter the elevator going down (use the KEYCARD). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: CORRIDOR TO COOLING ROOM/COOLING ROOM --OBJECTIVE #1: DESTROY COOLING SYSTEM --OBJECTIVE #2: DISABLE CAMERA SYSTEM --OBJECTIVE #3: DISABLE LASER GRID This next area should be done this way: --CO-OP #1: Use the OCP on the CAMERA and let your partner through to the next area and then standby. --CO-OP #2: When your partner is disabling the CAMERA, sneak (don't run) to the other side. As you exit the corridor, you'll enter the Cooling Room. In this room are 2 guards and a turret just across from you (its hard-to-see). Use your OCP on the lights to grab both guards' attention from the area below. Eliminate both guards to clear this area of threats. But before you can call your partner over, I suggest disabling the CAMERA SYSTEM first. Head down the stairs and access the computer at the back of the room. HACK it to DISABLE the Cameras and the green lasers on the floor. Once this is done, call your partner over (all CAMERAS are off, so no more OCP business). Across from the computer you just accessed are two additional computers. Access each one and use the SHUTDOWN CONTROL option on both. There are two more computers to use in the walkway above but they're being guarded by the turret. This is where your partner comes in. --CO-OP #1: Use the OCP on the turret to disable it. When your partner heads over to it and disables it, go BACK to the elevator in the corridor and standby. --CO-OP #2: DISABLE the turret and then access the last two computers (on the left and right side) to finish the objective. Now go back to the area where you started the mission (Foundry #3). Remember, all the cameras are disabled so just floor it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA: FOUNDRY #3 As soon as you enter this area, Lambert tells you that the place will blow up. You have 3 minutes to get outta Dodge! Take the ladder going down and then use a STICKY SHOCKER on the lone soldier below. Enter the open doorway into the hall and you will encounter harmful gas that emit from the pipes. Here's what to do: --CO-OP #1: For the first set of pipes, use the TOMOE NAGE move to toss your partner over the gas. --CO-OP #2: Use the TURN VALVE option to disable them. Head to the metal gate and use the BOOST move to toss your partner over to the other side. --Back to CO-OP #1: After your partner tosses you over the fence, head for the corner and use the TURN VALVE option. Sneak UNDER the next set of gas pipes and then wait for your partner. --Back to CO-OP #2: Use the CRAWLSPACE (wait until he turns the valve OFF) located to the right side of the metal gate and enter through. Emerge on the other side and then sneak UNDER the next set of gas pipes to where your partner is waiting. --CO-OP #1: Use the BOOST move and toss your partner to the pipeline above and then standby. --CO-OP #2: Shimmy head over feet and then jump down and use the TURN VALVE option to turn off the next set of pipes. The last set of gas pipes don't have a valve so the both of you should just run through them and then exit at the door at the end to complete the mission. MISSION COMPLETE! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ELLSWORTH PENITENTIARY: THE INSERTION ELLSWORTH PENITENTIARY: THE BREAK IN ELLSWORTH PENITENTIARY: THE BLACKOUT ELLSWORTH PENITENTIARY: THE RIOT ELLSWORTH PENITENTIARY: THE BREACH COMING SOON! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= KINSHASA: THE FRONT KINSHASA: THE CHEMICAL DEPOT KINSHASA: THE OLD MINE KINSHASA: THE CANYON COMING SOON! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= TANKER ON THE WAY COMING SOON! ======================================================================= ======================================================================= This FAQ is only for use on GameFAQS. You may not copy, link, or reproduce this FAQ on your publication or website without permission. If you want to use this FAQ, e-mail me at [email protected]. I have no problems with anyone who asks. OCTOBER 2006. NAUGHTY NAUGHTY!