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Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams Walkthrough FAQ

by Conquerer

 _____   _   _       _____   _    _   _____    _    _   _   _       _
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                                 |____/ |_|   \___| \__,_||_| |_| |_||___/


|Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams Walkthrough FAQ |
|(c) Copyright 2002-2003  Conquerer             |
|Game Title: Silent Hill 2                      |
|Publisher: Konami                              |
|Developer: Konami TYO                          |
|Platform: Xbox Video Game System               |
|Genre: Action/Adventure/Puzzle/Horror          |
|Origin: Japan                                  |
|Number of Players: 1                           |
|Released Date: 12/21/01                        |
|ESRB Rating: M for Mature                      |

E-mail: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]

FAQ Disclaimer
This FAQ is Copyright by Conquerer 2002-2003. I do not give permission to 
anyone to put this FAQ up anywhere without my permission unless I send it 
in to you or certain sites. Anyone may use this FAQ for the game but I 
will not allow other people taking credit for my work. Thank you.

Sites where my FAQ is posted with my permission:

Since this is a FAQ obviously it will have many major spoilers in it so 
please don't complain about the game being spoiled for you because you 
should already know it has spoilers in it and it is not my fault if you 
don't read this because it is near the top. So I am not responsible for 
any spoilers in this FAQ. Thank you.

Questions and/or Comments
Feel free to e-mail me about any questions or comments about my 
walkthrough. E-mail me at [email protected]. Also, if you want to 
get a certain ending, e-mail me, telling me which ending you want to get, 
and I will tell you the most important requirement/requirements. Or, just 
look at the Ending Requirements part of this FAQ. If I am on MSN, then ask 
or tell me anything about this game or this walkthrough if you wish. But 
please, be absolutely sure that the message subject has SH2 or Silent Hill 
2 in it. If it says something like: Coin Puzzle I will still read it, but 
please, put SH2 or Silent Hill 2 in it because I am having a lot of spam 
it it is a big problem. If I block all of it I will only receive messages 
from a Safe List, but I wouldn't know your e-mail so I couldn't put it in 

If you beat the game in under 2 hours, e-mail me, telling me your time
and user name or e-mail address and I will make a topic on the Silent 
Hill 2 Message Board on GameFAQs, and I will post your user name on 
GameFAQs, and your time. If you don't have an account on GameFAQs, then I 
will post your e-mail address, or tell me your name, what ever you want. 
If you don't have a GameFAQs account, then get one now! Trust me it's 
really worth it! Please don't cheat, telling me a time you didn't get, 
because if you do, you know you didn't get that time, and other people 
might know you didn't get that time too.

Want to Rate My FAQ?
If you feel that this FAQ/Walkthrough has really helped you and you feel
like you want to repay me, please, all I ask is for you to give my FAQ a
good rating. I am not forcing you though, it's your decision.

2.   FAQS

16.  MEMOS

27.  MEMOS



1.      UPDATES
Most Recent Updates:

Added 2 more cool and scary things, 2 more FAQs, and put square brackets
around the dates for the updates. Also added 4 more memos and corrected
Crismon to Crimson throughout the FAQ.

Added 12 more memos to the section and added 2 more cool and scary things
that were forgot about in the last update.

Many updates made. Added strafing to the tips section, updates on memos 
and added 14 more. Added the Hyper Spray part in the ranking section, 
updates on the ranking section for both scenarios, updates on the weapon/
item/map list and added the Dog Key in there. There's now an Available
section in the secret items part of the list. Changed the C.A.S.T so
everything is in order, added more C.A.S.T, updates on the save/load
screen in the tips section. many updates on the PH boss fight - Added a
way better strategy. Updates on weapons, added walk/run control to the
control sections. Updates on the Trick or Treat puzzle, found out that the
Blue Creek Map's name was the West Apt. Building and changed it and added
the 10-Star Ranking to the ranking section. Also changed some more
controls from PS2 to Xbox.

First sent in. Created a FAQ for SH2 RD from my SH2 FAQ, changing certain 
things and added "Restless Dreams" in the ASCII.

2.        FAQS
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this game like Resident Evil?
A: Some may say, but it is VERY different and is amazing in its own way.

Q: How many version are there of Silent Hill 2?
A: 5. For PS2: Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 2 (Greatest Hits) , Silent Hill 
2: Restless Dreams (JPN), Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut, and for Xbox: 
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams.

Q: How many endings are in this game?
A: 6 for the Main Scenario and 1 that's not really an ending for the
Sub Scenario

Q: Would you recommend me to buy this game?
A: Yes, this game can be for many gamers. To tell the truth, I wasn't 
really interested in games like this even close to how I like them now.
I just bought Silent Hill 2 because it was scary. But I realized many
more reasons why this game is good. See my review for more details.

Q: If I have Silent Hill for PlayStation, should I buy this one?
A: If you enjoyed it, yes, definitely. But if you didn't really like it
then I suggest you at least rent it.

Q: About how long do you think it would take for me to beat this game?
A: It actually took me over 8 hours to beat Silent Hill 2. But I
explore a lot. It should take you at least 4 hours your first time,
that is if you're really good in these games. Around 6 hours is
probably average.

Q: I am convinced to buy this game now, what version should I get.
A: If you live in North America, get Greatest Hits, in Europe get 
Director's Cut, in Japan get Restless Dreams. For Xbox, get the only
version which is Restless Dreams.

FAQ/Walkthrough Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do you mean by "examine"?
A: Go up to whatever is mentioned and press A

Q: I can't find a certain item, where can I find it?
A: Check the Weapon/Item/Map List, although every item location and where
you use the item is described in the walkthrough section

Q: I can't solve a certain puzzle, can you help me?
A: Every puzzle is described in detail in the walkthrough but if you are
really having trouble, just e-mail me.

Q: I need to find a place to save but I can't find one, where is one?
A: Check the Save Point Locations section

Q: Do you ever describe where ammo is in this FAQ?
A: In puzzles, yes. But no where else unless I say "If you need ammo, go 

Q: I have the GH Version, how do I load my data from the original version?
A: Your data is recognized but you cannot load you file if you were in the
middle of a game. You won't need to load your game so just start a new
game and save like you normally would. After you beat the game once 
though, load your game and go to New Game to do it safe. Do the same with
the Xbox Version.

Q: When I try to enter Room 109 1F in Blue Creek Apartments, I can't
open it. What's wrong?
A: I get this question all the time, but I have never had a problem with
it. You probably need to see Edie in Room 101 1F of the north Wood Side
Apartment building or you may have to check the note on the Room 209 2F
door, in Blue Creek Apartments.

Q: I can't find the Dog Key. Where is it?
A: First, you need to receive the In Water, Leave, and the Maria Ending
in the same file. Then load your game and start a new one. Then when
you're exiting Rosewater Park, keep going straight and you should enter
and open lot with a Dog House with the key it it. If there's a fence
there, you haven't done it right.

In the future there may be for FAQs. If you have a question, just e-mail 
me and I will gladly answer it. I will probably put it up here and answer 
it too. 

Main Screen
Beginning Video
Is there a beginning video in this game? Yes, but it takes time for it to
come up, around a minute. It is always the same so it won't change when
you beat the game. there are a few scenes which are not in the game
because they were taken out.

New Game
Starting a New Game isn't like continuing from the file you beat the game
in. If you start a new game without loading your game it will be 
overwritten when you save. Try to avoid this a load your game whenever
you want to play again. But if you want to just play a new game you can
use this. And your first time through Silent Hill 2 you will have to start
a New Game.

This option will only work when you have a game saved on your Memory Card
or Hard Drive. If not you won't be able to use it because there is nothing 
to continue from. When you use the Continue option you will start from 
where you last saved. It loads very fast which is a good thing. This loads 
the most recent save from your memory so in order to load another game you 
will need to use the Load option to load the other file. Once you beat 
Silent Hill 2 you can use the Continue option to load your stats and then 
start another game safely.

You you load you game it is just like continue, only you see the load
screen and get to use which file you want to load. So if you want to load
a different file that was saved most recent, you will have to use the Load
option to load the game. This option can also be used for loading games
the not most recent files that are completed. But if the most recent file
has the game cleared you can just use Continue to load it faster.

Yes, it is called Option but they do mean Options. In the Options menu you
can change things like the control style, walk/run control etc. Check out
the Controls section for more info.

Loading and Saving Your Game
After you beat a game of Silent Hill 2 you will see a ranking screen with
all of your stats from the game you just played. When you load your game
after you saved the Clear Data it will go to that same ranking screen. 
Press A and then go to New Game and select the Action and Riddle Mode
(Only Action Mode in Sub Scenario). It is important to do this because
if you just turn on Silent Hill 2 after you beat the game already and just
start a new game it is not the same file and when you save it will 
overwrite your other date, if saved on the same file. So that game will be
lost which is not good. But you can save it on a different file if you
wish, but I recommend getting all the endings on one save file. If you
wish, you can make an alternate save just in case you think you won't beat
some part, if you want to do a certain thing at that part whenever you
want or more things like that. Even right after you beat the game and you
want to play again you still have to load your game and then make a new
game. This happens to many people very often and might happen to you. But
as long as you listen to the above instructions you'll be fine.

Save/Load Screen
When you save or load your game there is your file (if you have one) and
spots for other possible saves. This is only one part of the Save/Load
screen. You can use the D=Pad to go left or right and see your total time
for a file or which endings you have. Below is what each letter means:
(No particular order for this list)
L - Leave
M - Maria
W- In Water
R - Rebirth
D - Dog
X - Sub Scenario

Game Basics
Don't let sounds scare you
The camera angles in Silent Hill 2 may be annoying to some people but I
don't find them at all. But most of the time you can change the camera
angle so it is behind your character like in buildings and sometimes on
the street. But in some angles it will just go a little bit father than
you're current angle and sometimes you won't be able to see your character
but you can just let go of the button. To reposition the camera angle
like mentioned above press and hold the Left Trigger. In buildings it will 
stay behind your character when you hold it for a little but but to see 
further on the streets you will need to hold the Left Trigger to keep the 
view. You can also free-look whenever you want. Hold the Left Trigger and 
move the Right Thumbstick to the direction you want to look at. In large 
area you character's head will just move but it can look cool. But it 
usually shows you the direction that you hold.

Static and Sudden Noises
Yeah, sure they're scary but you don't need to turn around on the long
beginning pathway. Sounds of somewhat similar to a dog's bark will be
heard and may scare you. Other sounds like sudden noises are just to
make you feel scared. You have the Radio for a reason, so when it's on,
there is only a monster near you when you hear the static from the Radio.
But You cannot hear the static when Doormen and near you unless the are
very close to you. But if you hear a sudden crash and the Radio is on,
don't worry about it. The Radio doesn't appear to work in Boss Fights
but you don't really need it, it would probably just annoy you and you
already know the enemy is there. So when you hear a sound don't always
think it's an enemy and keep your Radio on.

Sounds and Subtitles
As you will notice when you watch videos in Silent Hill 2, there is a lot
of sounds and character lines. Subtitles will capture everything said
and will capture what James is thinking and some points. He doesn't talk
out loud always because he is usually alone but he does sometimes. 

Using the Map
Yes, you have a map in this game. It should be your best friend. It guides
you on your journey in Silent Hill. You will get several maps, usually
when you enter a building. For one area, James draws his own map, since
there obviously wouldn't be one hanging around in that area. Your map is
VERY useful. If you are using the FAQ to guide you through Silent Hill 2
then you will need to use the map to figure out where to go in most areas.
But don't worry, I describe every location for all the maps and there's
even a Weapon/Item/Map List in this FAQ, so check out that if you can't
find a map. In dark areas, you will only be able to view your map with
your Flashlight turned on or light spots in dark areas. To view your map
just simply press the Y. You can also go to Map in the Menu but why do 
that when you can just press Y? To be honest, I use my maps a lot. I know 
how to beat the game without this guide or the Strategy Guide but I still 
find the maps very useful and you should too. Without a map for some areas 
you can be completely lost so use it wisely.

Using the Radio and Flashlight
In Silent Hill 2 you will receive a Radio and a Flashlight whether you
like it or not; you have to get them. But why wouldn't you want them? They
are both very excellent devices and can't be turned on or off. You first
find the Radio and it appears to be broken, with a strange message on it
when you get it. But as you find enemies you will notice that it will
create static. This is simply to alert the player that there's an enemy
nearby. The monsters cannot hear this so it is pointless to turn it off.
The Radio is actually very helpful because some enemies can be right in
front of you and you can't hear them, and the camera isn't always on them
so keep the Radio on. You find the Flashlight after the Radio but it is
very useful, too. You don't need it right away because you are outside
and it's light at the time. You will need to use it in dark areas for a 
few reasons: You won't be able to view your map unless you find a light 
spot, you can't unlock doors with keys because it just says they're locked 
and James can't find the keyhole anyway, You can't use other object from 
the menu because it says it can't be used here and you wont be able to 
pick up items unless they are in light spots. So be smart and keep your 
Flashlight on most of the time. Apparently you can turn your Flashlight off 
and just simply walk by enemies but I have tried this and it doesn't seem 
to work. If it has worked for you, e-mail me and tell me what you did. You 
can toggle your Flashlight on and off with the White Button. Keeping it on 
in the day light is pointless but it doesn't waste the battery, so if you 
keep it on it's fine.

You may not think so but these can be useful. Especially for certain
puzzles. Memos are gathered after viewing notes that you find; not all
notes are memos for some reason, though. But in the Memo Section of this
FAQ you will find even some that don't count as Memos.

Yeah, you may not feel so tough running away but the monsters in Silent 
Hill 2 are worth running away from. Especially, on the streets, try not to
waste your time killing demons because it is pretty pointless, unless you
are going for a better Ranking. Running away from demons doesn't make you
a wussie. It is actually quite smart to do this. But if you are trapped
you can't really run so just deal with the enemies.

Ammo Conservation
A very important thing, very important. You don't want to go around Rambo
style shooting everywhere; you will run out of ammo very quickly. Shooting
an enemy on the ground can be pointless on Normal and Hard Action Mode
because they have a lot of health. And remember, shooting an enemy just
makes it prone so James can kick it, always remember to kick enemies to
finish them off. But on easier Action Modes it can be easier to kill
enemies enemies with guns. 

Melee Weapons
You have them for a reason. For ammo conservation. When you're running low
on ammo or don't even have a gun you should use a melee weapon. There is
a few of them. There is Wooden Plank, Steel Pipe and Great Knife. Best
overall would be Steel Pipe, but Wooden Plank is the easiest one to use
and the Great Knife is the most powerful weapon in the game, although it
lacks in speed.

Soft Reset
What is Soft Reset? Well, it is a function so that once you're in the game
you don't have reset the console to get back to the Main Menu. For many
other games you actually do have to reset the console. Once you're in the
game just hold Start and Back for about 3 seconds and you will be 
transported to the Main Menu. You might be wondering, why for 3 seconds? 
Well, would you want it to go back to the main menu when you pressed these 
2 buttons when you were doing good and/or hadn't saved in awhile? I'm sure 
you'd feel frustrated so instead of only pressing them, you hold them, 
which is good enough.

Combat Strategies
Suggested Weapons
Patient Demons
These enemies are easy to find and easy to kill. When you encounter one
on the streets, just simply run by it. Inside buildings the best weapons
would be the Wooden Plank and the Handgun. If low on ammo use the Wooden
Plank but if you're fine the handgun would be the best weapon. One would
think that the Shotgun is good on Patient Demons but it isn't really.
If you are at medium range it takes about the same amount of shots. And
the Shotgun takes longer to ready your aim and the firing rate is too
slow. The Handgun is the best way to deal with patient Demons.

In the Sub Scenario the easiest and best way to deal with Patient Demons
is to use to the Revolver. On the streets, there isn't much of a point to
but it can be fun to use the Chinese Cleaver.

Giant Roaches
Roaches aren't much of a threat but they can really annoy you and lower
your health to red. You want to try to make James step on it with his heel.
If you can't seem to this this and the Roach is really annoying you, you
should only use the Handgun, 1 shot. Shotgun is just ridiculous, although
I don't think they're anywhere when you have the Shotgun, except for the
Roach Trap. 

In the Sub Scenario, try to make Maria step on the Roach with her heel but
if you have trouble just shoot one Revolver shot at it to take care of it.

The enemies won't cause much harm at all if you know what you're doing.
The appear to be on standby when you aren't close to them but the start up
when you move closer. You can just use the Handgun will ease, but you can
also you use Wooden Plank or the Steel Pipe and it can be pretty easy. But
if you're gonna try to use the Great Knife on one, I suggest you use the
Hyper Spray first.

In the Sub Scenario with Maria just use the Revolver with ease or use the
Chinese Cleaver to show it who's boss.

Nurse Demons
Nurse Demons are slightly more strong than Patient Demons. It is best to
only use the Handgun. Probably the best and only weapon to kill Nurses.
They carry Steel Pipe so watch out and keep your distance.

There is no real point in killing Underhangers. You only encounter under
10 and you can dodge them very easily. Just run by them on the opposite
side of them if you can. But if you really feel like killing them use the
Shotgun. It should only take a few shots and since you can't kick the
demon it will just die and fall off the gated floor.

You only encounter 4 of these demons and a Boss version of one. The one
and only suggested weapon is the Shotgun. Usually 2 shots and it will fall
to the ground. You won't always have to kick them once they're prone
unless you're on higher difficulties. For the Boss Doorman, use the
Shotgun and fire only 2 shots each time and it will fall to the ground.
Try to run to the other side of the rom before it gets up and do the same
It only takes about 6 shots to kill the monster, so it isn't that hard.
Never use the Rifle on Doormen, it takes way to long to ready your aim,
firing rate is too slow and it inflicts just about the same power at the
Shotgun at close range. The Handgun is too weak though, so just stick with
the Shotgun.

Pyramid Head
Once word, run. Whenever you encounter this "red pyramid thing" you should
always either run the opposite direction or run past it if you can. But
when you encounter Pyramid Head in a Boss situation use the Handgun for
the first battle. Or you can just not shoot it at all and just run back 
and fourth to each side. I think it does take longer to do this but you
save a lot of bullets. For the Pyramid Head Duo use the Hunting Rifle
because of its power and the Pyramid Heads don't move to fast. Try to fire 
around 1-3 shots but near the end they go slower and you can try to take 
off 4 shots. You can also use the Handgun and fire a lot more shots but 
its power is way weaker and it could take a lot longer. Just stick with 
the Hunting Rifle.

Kicking Enemies
When you use a weapon on a demon it just makes it prone so James can kick
it. Or Maria in the Sub Scenario. So after the enemy falls to the ground
you will have to go up to the demon and kick it to finish it off. This is
why the static doesn't stop once the demon is on the ground, because it
isn't dead yet. Sometimes the demon may already be dead, so you won't
have to kick it. But if the Radio's static stops it is ok.

Pushing Enemies
Yes, you can actually push enemies. In 2 instances near the end of the
game you have to do this but I won't spoil it for you. To push an enemy
just simply run at it and your character will be running on the spot, in
front of the enemy but it will slowly be forced to move and you can get by.
You don't have to do this anywhere else but if an enemy is blocking your
way and you don't feel like killing it just push it out of the way. I
don't think it's possible to push Doormen but I am not sure of it. I
wouldn't try it anyway, it's a risk of being attacked. This will work best
on Mannequins because of their standby function but it can still work well
with Patient Demons and Nurse Demons. There is too much risk with Doormen
and I am sure that you can't push Pyramid Head, who would try it anyway?

Yeah, you've gone and done it, the monsters are now surrounding you, how
will you get out? Well, some rooms you can be ambushed by 2 enemies right
after you enter a room. Your character is vulnerable while the screen
is black, going back to the game. So when you access the menu you enter
and room you will not be able to see you character for a brief amount of
time but you can still move. Anyway, when you're surrounded by enemies,
the best way to go is the Shotgun. It shoots fast enough and is very
powerful at close range. The Handgun is too weak and the Rifle takes way
to long. But you can actually try pushing your way through the enemies
(see Pushing Enemies above) but you risk being attacked. So try to push
your way through if you want and if you can't, use the Shotgun.

Fighting Multiple Enemies
This is not when you're surrounded but simply when you have 2 or more
enemies in your sights and are coming for you. The Handgun is the best
gun to use on the 3 basic enemies (Patient Demon, Mannequin, Nurse Demon)
so use it the most. When you targets aren't really close to you then the
Handgun is really good. At close range try to use the Shotgun, that is if 
they're very close. If they are really far away and you have enough ammo 
for it then try to use the Hunting Rifle. Make sure you don't use it on 
Doormen though, it's horrible. With Doormen, they only come in groups of 2
(besides the boss) but the Shotgun is still the best and only suggested
weapon for them. For the Hangers Boss use the Shotgun also, the Handgun is
too weak for the beginning. But to conserve ammo use the Handgun for the
last Hanger if you want. For the Doorman and Eddie, Shotgun is also the
best but use the Great Knife at the beginning of the Eddie fight to make
him run to the next room. In this room use the Shotgun until he starts
going behind the meat racks. Then use the Handgun, which makes it much
easier to hit Eddie. For the last boss you should only use the Hunting
Rifle, unless you run out of ammo, but you shouldn't.

With 3D Control in Silent Hill 2, you can strafe and sidestep. With normal
Walk/Run Control you can press X or B appropriately, and you will sidestep 
to the direction you wanted to. X is left and B is right. When you do the 
same thing and hold the Black Button, you will strafe in the direction
you wanted to. The directions are the same but you will go faster in that
direction. It is better to switch the Walk/Run Control so you don't have
to hold the Black Button when you want to strafe. And to sidestep with it 
changed, just press the Black Button and X or B appropriately. So when you 
have an enemy right in front of you, just strafe out of the way if you can, 
andcontinue. But if you're using 2D Control, you can't strafe because it's
easy enough to get out of situation like the above with 2D Control.

Reloading can be a big problem in some fights. Especially in Boss Fights
and with multiple enemies. But there is an easier way so that your
character will not have to reload themself in the game. Simply go into
the menu and go to the firearm you're using and put Reload. Now go back
into the game and continue what you were doing. You don't need to do this
to beat bosses but it absolutely makes it easier. Try to use every bullet
before doing this, so count off all the shots in your head. But if you
have time to reload and you have 1 or 2 bullets left then you might as 
well reload. But if yo have 4 or more you should wait until you have 0.

Health Items
On your way through Silent Hill you will find various health items which
will help you get through the game. Without these you would die probably
about 90% more, really. On Beginner Action Level you actually don't need
these at all, though. But on Hard there is probably no way you'd beat the
game without health items because of a certain part. You can find them
on the street, in buildings and other places.

The Health System
This is what colour the little screen in at the top left corner or the
in-game menu:

Green - Great
Normal - Fine
Normal with little static - Ok
Normal with a lot of major static - Pretty Bad
Slightly Red - Very Bad
Colourful Red - Terrible!

Health Drinks
Health Drinks are the easiest to find. But unlike SH1, they are not very 
powerful, you'll need probably 3 to 6 to get from red to green health with 
them, but they are still good. You find a lot of them in Silent Hill 2 but
that doesn't mean that they aren't very important. Without them you would
need to use a full First Aid Kit for a small wound if you wanted full
health. If you get attacked 1-2 times (depends which enemy), 1 Health Drink 
should be enough. But obviously if you receive more hits you will have to
use more Health Drinks. But this is where First Aid Kits come in.

First Aid Kits
First Aid Kits aren't that hard to find and they are really good. It is 
good to use First Aid Kits and Health Drinks together because you don't 
want to waste a First Aid Kit on something minor. A First Aid Kit can
heal you to full health after about 5 hits, which is pretty amazing. it
will take 2-3 to get from red health to green health. Try to not use them
on minor wounds, instead wait until you have lower health and then use one.
But it is very safe to just use a Health Drink every or every other time
you get damaged, although you don't need to.

Ampoules cover your health for long periods of time. But if you have red 
health and you use an Ampoule, after the time is over you will go back to 
red health, so don't count on being safe with just one Ampoule. But they 
are good if you use multiple Ampoules. However, you don't get a lot of
Ampoules so don't count on only using them. You should only use an Ampoule
if you have really low health and saving your health items for bosses or
you have no other health items. If this should ever happen be very
cautious, meaning try to stay away from enemies and run right past them on
the streets and look for health items on the streets.

Recovering Health
Once you have been attacked and your health isn't so great then you should
use a health item. But while you're going to to menu and exiting the menu
you are vulnerable to enemies around you and you can't see for a very 
brief amount of time so in very important fights you should try a faster
way. So instead of going into the menu and using a health item, press the
Left Thumbstick (push it in) and James will use his strongest health item. 
His first choice is the First Aid Kit, then the Health Drink and then the 
Ampoule when you have nothing else left. You might wonder when to know to 
press the Right Thumbstick. Well, you will be able to feel James' 
heartbeat from the vibration of the controller. You will feel the heartbeat 
if has pretty bad, bad or terrible health. The harder you feel it, the 
worse condition James is.

Using Items
On your journey in Silent Hill you will find many items. A lot of them
will be keys so get used to finding many keys. Keys are not usually not
found at very obvious places but they aren't that hard to using. To use a
key all you will need to do is go up to a door that you have a key for and
press A to use it and then go through the door. But not all keys are like
this. The above is for opening doors. For other things like something
stuck to something and you can use a key, you will have to use it in the
menu. For locks on certain items you will need to use them in a menu but
you can save time if there's 2 items (see Combining Items) that are used
on the same thing. Keys are found the most besides health items (which
you don't absolutely always need) but not always you will use a key right
after you get it.

Other Items
There are other items that are not keys but can be just as or more 
important than keys. Items like a Lighter for example can't be used by
just walking up to where you use it, you will have to use it in the menu
Like keys, other items can be combined and sometimes will have to be
combined, but there is more instances where you combine other items.

Combining Items
Combing items can be an easier way to use items so that you don't have to
go back to the menu and use each of the number of items used on the same
thing. But in some instances you will have to combine items. So in order
to combine and use items you must go on one of the items, press A, put 
"Combine", press B, go to the next item and repeat this process until you 
have all the items you're going to use combined and press "Use" Over one 
of the already combined items. But not all items can be combined. So if 
there is a key to a certain room and a key to another room there won't 
even be a "Combine" option for either of them. And some other items that 
can be combined like a ring and a key for example, you won't be able to 
use it because it can't be used, unless there is a keyhole and a spot for 
a ring which there never is in Silent Hill 2.

Before you play a game of Silent Hill 2 you will need to choose 2 levels
of difficulty for gameplay and puzzles. They are:

Action Level
Enemies die after they receive 1 or 2 hits from your weakest Firearm and 
will fall to the ground and die. You don't have to reload any of your 
Firearms. If you are being held by a monster, James shake himself out of 
the attack automatically. Bosses are very easy and move slow and you can 
easily beat the game without receiving any hits. Enemies don't regenerate. 
This is obviously the easiest Action Level and you shouldn't have any 
problems with it. When you first play Silent Hill 2 this Action Level is 
good to start on. But after that you are just being a menace to the 
monsters since it will be even easier. And for the boat stage you use the 
D-Pad to control the boat which is easy.

This Action level is very similar to Beginner but when enemies receive 2
hits they will fall to the ground and you must kick them to finish them
off. Bosses are still easy but aren't as easy and are half as much as 
their usual strength. None or few enemies will regenerate. And for the 
boat stage you use the D-Pad to control the boat which is easy.

For hardcore Silent Hill gamers Normal Action Level is a good way to play
either the first or second time through the game. It is self-explanatory
because it is called "Normal" and this is how Silent Hill 2 is supposed to
be played. Enemies will fall to the ground in 3 to 4 shots from your 
weakest Firearm. You will have to kick enemies after you shoot them to the
ground, unless you took many shots at the enemy and it is already dead.
Enemies tend to regenerate sometimes. If you are grabbed by an enemy you
must use the movement controls and the shoulder buttons to get out of the
attack. You will always have to reload your weapon yourself. And for the 
boat stage you use the D-Pad to control the boat which is easy.

This is obviously the hardest difficulty in Silent Hill 2. Enemies will
take 4 to 5 shots to just fall down and then you will have to kick them.
Bosses have full strength and speed. Enemies regenerate a lot and if you
don't kick an enemy after it's on the ground it will get right back up and
have very close to full strength! James tends be very clumsy like Harry in
SH1. He will somewhat trip over himself when you try to stop or when you
run into wall and hit the wall, causing you to slow down. But unlike SH1,
James will always do this if you're running fast and run to a door, trying
to open it, and then James will James will go through the door. James
aiming won't be as great as in other modes but it isn't that noticeable.
And for the boat stage you will have to use both Thumbsticks to control
the boat which can be hard.

Riddle Level
All puzzles are fairly easy and you are pretty much told the answer by
memos. But this is a good way to start your first journey and to know
what the puzzles are like.

Moderate puzzles but some can be difficult. Others are still pretty easy.
You aren't told the answer but it is described in a riddle.

Puzzles are hard to solve and require maybe brief amounts of thinking. 
Other puzzles can be really hard and one is completely random.

Extra Hard
Puzzles are very hard and require a lot of thinking. Some will even make
you guess and frustration is commonly caused by this mode. You will be
able to play this mode once you beat the game on all 3 Riddle Levels.
There is no Extra Hard Riddle Level option but when you go to Hard Riddle
Level it is the Extra Hard Riddle Level. If you had problems with previous
puzzles than I don't recommend you play this difficulty yet and instead

James Sunderland received a letter from his wife that has been dead for 3 
years. The envelope has his wife's name on it, Mary. It read:

In my restless dreams,
     I see that town.

       Silent Hill.

You promised me you'd take me
    there again someday.

   But you never did.

Well, I'm alone there now...

 In our "special place..."

    Waiting for you...

James says to himself in Silent Hill, but a dead person can't write a 
letter. He talks to himself wondering what their "special place" was.
Then something comes to his mind, Rosewater Park. They spent a whole
day the staring at the lake. And then James sets off his "special place."
But will he find the truth, or something else?

James Sunderland
Age: 29
James is the main character in Silent Hill 2. He has brown eyes and 
apparently brown hair from what looks like blonde. He works as a clerk for 
a small company. James is quiet and doesn't like talking too much. James 
was a proud and loving husband, until his wife, Mary, was stricken 
with a rare and fatal disease, The one he treasured, Mary, was very ill, 
and there was no chance. He hasn't been the same since. 

Mary Sheperd-Sunderland
Age: 25
James' dearly departed wife. She was originally cheerful and kind. In bed,
she cried that she didn't want to die yet she hoped for death at the same
time during her agony. She told James to abandon her because she said she
was ugly and useless, but she also said that she wanted James to be by her
side until she died. Silent Hill was James and Mary's "special place" 
because of their many great memories there. Mary was ill and died 3 years 
ago, but James received a letter that was from Mary. James has decided to 
come to Silent Hill to find her. But could she still be alive?

Angela Orosco
Age: 19
James first meets this woman in the graveyard in East South Vale. She has
dark hair and brown eyes. She seems to be looking for her mother, that she
very dearly misses. She appears to be a regular girl but she isn't. She 
hesitates and doesn't answer some of James' questions. After Angela 
graduated from High School she ran away from home, but her father found 
her and brought her back. Once again, she ran away, but this time she 
wandered off to Silent Hill.

Eddie Dombrowski
Age: 23
James meets Eddie in the apartments and he is puking in a toilet. He has
blonde hair and gray eyes. He worked part-time at a gas station. He is
pretty much like the average guy but he seems to be defensive all of a 
sudden. Eddie seems awfully concerned with exonerating himself for the 
murders that keep cropping his wake. He seems like a murderer but denies 
everything. Eddie is no resident of Silent Hill, but why is he in this 

Age: 8
This young little girl seems to have a sharp grudge against James, 
although James has no idea who she is. She somehow knows things about 
James, including him and Mary. Laura has blonde hair and blue eyes. She 
creates problems for James when he already has other things on his mind. 
Laura has no parents nor siblings; she lived in an orphanage. She was in 
the same hospital as Mary and they became good friends. She is restless 
and doesn't stay put.

Age: 25(?)
A strange woman that James meets in Silent Hill. She could be the twin 
sister of Mary, except for a few physical and behavioral characteristics.
Maria used to work at Heaven's Night before Silent Hill went insane. She 
is cheerful and positive but can be very emotional in certain situations. 
She talks looking straight at the other person's eyes and she does the 
same when listening. Maria seems a little strange and she knows James'
name without him telling her.

7.       ENEMIES
Patient Demons
Locations: Throughout the whole game
This is the first demon James encounters. Patient Demons have 2 attacks 
in different stances. When the demon is standing up, it will attack by 
spitting a yellow acid-like spray at James, which stuns him. When the 
demon face down on the ground, the attack will be scrambling towards 
James and hitting him, which inflicts mild damage. When you encounter 
patient demons use the Wooden Plank or Steel Pipe if your ammo is scarce. 
If not, use the Handgun. Knock the demon down to the ground by hitting it 
with a melee weapon or shooting it down with the Handgun, and then finish 
the demon off by kicking it once. If you do not kick the demon when it is 
on the ground, it will get back up and will have nearly full health, so 
make sure you always kick the demon when it is on the ground. This goes 
for all demons, unless they die before you get a chance to kick them, or 
if you can't kick them at all. If you do not want to fight a patient demon 
just run away. If you are in a dark area, you can simply walk right by
them without them knowing you are there.

Giant Roaches
Locations: Throughout the game but usually on the street
You can hear a roach by listening for a buzzing/cricket like sound. A 
roach has 1 type of attack. It will run towards you and will bite James' 
foot. To deal with a roach, simply run away until it's gone or just run 
at it so that James' heel of his shoe will crush it. But if it is really 
annoying you use the Handgun, 1 shot. If you in an open area, like the 
streets, roaches will try to run away, but if you are in a small area, 
it is very likely that they will try to attack you.

Locations: Throughout the whole game
Mannequins have only one attack. Their attack is at extremely close 
range, so they are pretty easy to get by. Their attack is whacking James 
with one of its arms/legs. This attack is a powerful so stay away from 
mannequins. But do not worry about using a melee weapon on them, but don't 
under-exaggerate them. If you have lots of ammo, use the Handgun to deal 
with them. 

Nurse Demons
Locations: Brookhaven and "Nightmare" Hospital and just outside the 
hospital in Dark South Vale
Nurse Demon's are only in Brookhaven Hospital and on the streets, so you 
don't have to worry much about encountering them. Nurse Demons carry 
steel pipes, very similar to James'. They have one attack. It is whacking 
James with their steel pipe. This inflicts quite a bit of damage. The 
nurses may attack you when you least expect it, so be careful. If there a 
two nurses, in front, and behind each other, there is a very good chance 
that the nurse behind will whack the nurse in the front, just trying to 
hit you if you are near them. To deal with a nurse use the Handgun. But 
if you are extremely low on ammo, use the Steel Pipe.  

Locations: Gate floors - Dark South Vale, The Labyrinth and "Nightmare"
Underhangers are found under gate floors. Their attack is shooting 
tendrils at your feet with their huge arms, if you are above them. This 
will stun James. When you encounter a lair of Underhangers, Just run 
over them, dodging their attacks, and look for safe spots, where they 
can't attack you. Attempting to kill an underhanger is a waste of time, 
so just run away. But if you want to kill it just for fun, use the 

Locations: Lake View Hotel (Boss: The Labyrinth)
The attack range of a Doorman is extreme, so be aware! It's only attack 
is grabbing you a pulling you under its frame this will inflict a lot of 
damage. When you encounter a Doorman, use the Shotgun. After it's on the 
ground, make sure to kick it or might get up and have nearly full health. 
If the Doorman dies before you kick it, you can't kick it. The boss 
Doorman is much stronger than normal doormen, so don't be afraid of them, 
but also make sure to don't let them get to close.

Pyramid Head
Locations: Throughout the whole game
This bizarre pyramid-headed creature is James' worst nightmare! It's 
invincible! James encounters Pyramid Head many times. In a boss 
situation, beware of Pyramid Head's long-range attack with his Great 
Knife or Lightweight Spear. When you encounter Pyramid Head, and it's not 
a boss situation, just run away since Pyramid Head is invincible.

8.       WEAPONS
Melee Weapons
These weapons do not require ammunition. Instead, you have to hit the 
enemy with your melee weapon. If you ever run out of ammunition, or if 
your ammunition is scarce, equip and use a melee weapon.

Wooden Plank
The Wooden Plank is the first weapon James acquires. This is a two-by-
four length of wood with nails at one end. The Wooden Plank is only good 
at extremely close range, but it inflicts a moderate amount of damage, so 
be careful when attacking enemies, and don't worry too much about their 
health. When you find an enemy that you want to defeat with the Wooden 
Plank, hold the Right Trigger to ready your weapon, walk up to the enemy, 
and press or hold the A button to whack the enemy. You can also attack 
when running. Hold forward and the Black Button button (with switched walk/
run control you only have to hold forward), hold the Right Trigger, run up 
to the demon, and press or hold A. Always try to attack from behind with 
the plank, because of the extremely close range. You can find the Wooden 
Plank at the construction site at the north end of Vachss Road

Steel Pipe
A long shaft of bonded steel, which has a greater range than the Wooden 
Plank. To use it, hold the Right Trigger, walk up to an enemy, and press 
or hold A. If you want to swing the Steel Pipe from side to side, press or 
hold A before you reach the enemy. If you want to crouch and stab the 
enemy's midsection, press or hold A when your are close to an enemy. If 
you want to swing the Pipe in an overhead bashing fashion, press and hold 
the Right Trigger and A, tightly at the same time. James can find the 
Steel Pipe at the Texxon Gas Station at the northeast corner of Nathan 
Avenue and Carroll Street stuck in the hood of the car.

Great Knife
Before James acquires the Great Knife, the demon that James refers to 
"Pyramid Head" wields this enormous knife. The Great Knife is an 
incredibly large and heavy blade with a razor-sharp edge. The Great Knife 
will indeed kill almost anything in one hit, but it is very awkward to 
handle and use. James can only drag the Knife across the floor, and slows 
him down a lot, since it is very heavy. To use the Great Knife, walk up to 
an enemy holding the Right Trigger, press or hold A, and James will lift 
the weapon of the weapon of the ground and swing it in a clumsy arc at 
the face height. Enemies have a lot of time to deflect your attack, so be 
careful. James can find the Great Knife in the center room of Pyramid 
Head's Lair.

Only in a replay game, James can acquire the Chainsaw. It is a little 
hefty and awkward to use. Walk up to an enemy holding the Right Trigger, to
start it up, and press or hold A to saw back and fourth at head level. Try 
to attack from behind. If you decide to attack from the front, it is wise 
to use the Hyper Spray first. In a replay game, James can find the 
Chainsaw stuck in the pile of logs across from Silent Hill Ranch. Trust me, 
you'll know where it is. 

Hyper Spray
James can only find this can of aerosol spray in a replay game. The Hyper 
Spray will immobilize one or multiple enemies for only a brief amount of 
time. However, the noxious fumes are also dangerous to James. It will 
drain his health if you use the Hyper Spray too much. To use the Hyper 
Spray as a weapon, hold the Right Trigger, walk near an enemy, press or 
hold A, and the enemy should be immobilized briefly. Now take out any 
other weapon and use it to defeat the enemy. James can on find the Hyper 
Spray in a replay game, in the Motorhome on the south side of the 
intersection of Saul Street and Harris.

Each gun comes loaded with one clip. You will have to collect ammunition 
that is lying around, to keep using the gun. Each gun is different in 
speed and power.

An automatic pistol that holds 10 shots in each clip. Handgun Bullet pick-
ups normally contain 10 bullets. To use the Handgun, hold the Right 
Trigger to target an enemy near you, and press A to fire a shot. To fire 
multiple shots, press A around every half a second, or hold A until the 
enemy falls down. James finds the Handgun in the red shopping cart in the 
center of Room 301 3F, Wood Side Apartments.

The Shotgun holds 6 shells. Shotgun Shells pick-ups normally contain 6 
bullets. To use the Shotgun, walk close to an enemy so you can use the 
Shotgun's wide blast radius, hold the Right Trigger, and press or hold A. 
You should mostly use the Shotgun for boss battles, but you can also use 
it on normal enemies if you have plenty enough ammunition. James can find 
the Shotgun in a locker in the Women's Locker Room 2F, Brookhaven 

Hunting Rifle
The Hunting Rifle has extremely precise aiming with an extremely long 
range. Rifle Shells pick-ups normally contain 4 bullets. To use the 
Hunting Rifle, hold the Right Trigger to target an enemy from a long range 
distance, and press or hold A. You should only use the Hunting Rifle for 
the last two battles of the game. If you don't, it may be very hard to 
beat the game. Only if you know how much ammo you need for the battles, 
and if you have plenty enough ammunition for the Hunting Rifle, you can 
use it, but keep track of your ammunition and beware of its very slow
firing rate.

9.      CONTROLS
Control                         Function
D-Pad/Left Thumbstick           Movement (2D or 3D style), move in Menu/
                                Screen cursor
Right Thumbstick                Press to use health item
START                           Pause game
BACK                            Open Menu, accept, skip scene
A                               Accept, search, attack, stomp or kick
Black Button                    Run, guard
White Button                    Cancel, exit Menu/Puzzle, toggle 
                                Flashlight ON/OFF
Y                               Quick Map
B                               Sidestep right
X                               Sidestep left
Right Trigger                   Ready weapon
Left Trigger + Right Thumbstick Look in all forward directions
Left Trigger                    Position camera behind James
X + B                           Turn 180 degrees
Start + Back (3 sec)            Soft Reset (in game)

3D and 2D Control
The default setting is 3D Control but you may change it in the Options 
Menu if you wish. In 3D Control, in order to move, you will need to make 
the front of James facing the direction you want to travel. In 2D Control 
you can just run whatever way you want to without changing where James is 

Secret Options
To access this menu you need to go to the Options Menu then press either 
the Left or Right Trigger. In this Secret Options Menu you can change 
different things including Noise Filter, which makes the game look all 
fuzzy if it is on, Walk/Run Control which you can make it so you don't 
have to hold the black button to run or if you have to. Others are Weapon 
Control, Map Zoom, Blood Color, and View Control. But in order to change 
the Noise Filter off you need to beat the game at least once. You will also 
receive the ammo multiplying option once you beat the game once so you can 
use normal, x2 or x3 the ammo!

Switching Walk/Run Control
In Silent Hill 2, you will be running for the majority of the game. It is
mostly pointless to not run in some cases, even in very small areas. So
go in the Secret Options menu and switch the Walk/Run Control so you don't
have to hold the Black Button the whole time. This is a lot better for the
whole game and esprecialy the streets and larger areas. And On the normal
Xbox Controller, you have to move one of your fingers all the way to the
Black Button to run with the normal Walk/Run Control. This can be hectic
an annoying so it makes the game a lot better if you switch the control.

|     Legend       |
| ========         |
| New Area         |
| ========         |
| ------           |
| Puzzle           |
| ------           |
| +++++++++++++++  |
| Optional Puzzle  |
| +++++++++++++++  |
| =--=             |
| Boss             |
| =--=             |

     East South Vale
When you start, a video will play. After it's over, exit the washroom. 
Then another video will play. After it's over, run over to the driver's 
side of James' blue car and take the Map of Silent Hill. Then run west, 
until you see some stoned stairs, and run down them. Now keep on 
following the path until you reach a steel gate. Open it, to enter the 
graveyard. Walk forward until it shows a video. Now, James meets Angela. 

From now and on use your map to know where you go. After the video is 
over, exit through the west gates, and keep on following the path, and it 
will eventually turn into Wiltse Road. When you reach Sanders Street, run 
to Lindsey Street, and head North, until you reach Vachss Road. Run until 
you reach a Construction Site, and enter it. A video will play, and James 
finds a Radio inside. Then he sees a Patient Demon, and he takes a Wooden 
Plank from the barricade structure. 

From now and on, use the Wooden Plank, until further notice, for saving 
ammo. Now, hold R2 and walk up to the demon, and whack it, with the X 
button, until it falls down, and James will confirm that the demon is 
killed. Exit the Construction Site, and run to Martin Street and head 
North, until you see a corpse. Go up to the corpse, and take the Apartment 
Gate Key. Then, run to Katz Street, and head West, until you reach the 
Wood Side Apartments Gate, and enter it. Then, enter the double doors 
right in front of you to enter Wood Side Apartments.

  Wood Side Apartments
When you enter, turn left and get the Map of the Apt. Building on the 
bulletin board, and then run up to 2F, and run to Room 205. After you 
enter, you will see a Flashlight on a fashion dummy. Get it, and a 
Mannequin will get up, but you don't have to kill it, so exit, and go up 
to 3F. 

Now try to get the key through the bars, and James will try to grab it, 
but then a young little girl comes, kicks the key away, and steps on James'
hand. Now run to Room 301. After you enter, walk up to the shopping cart 
in the middle of the room, and take the Handgun, exit the room, and run 
back down to 2F. 

Now head East, until you hear a scream. Then head North, and you will see 
a demon glowing red! What is going on here! Enter Room 208, and there is 
someone murdered sitting in a chair. Then go to the shelf and take the Key 
to Room 202. Now, exit the room, and run to Room 202 and use the key. 
Inside Room 202, enter the bedroom, and go up to the hole in the wall, 
with green liquid coming out of it. Examine the hole, to get the Clock 
Key. Exit the room, and run to Room 208 again, and go up to the clock, and 
use the Clock Key on the clock face.

      Clock Puzzle
Now, turn the clock hands, to 9:10, and you should hear a clank. No 
matter what Riddle Mode you are playing, the answer to this puzzle is 
always 9:10. But the hands will start on different times every time.

Now, go to the right side of the clock, and push the clock, and a hole 
in the wall is revealed. Go through the hole, and you are now in Room 209.
Exit the room, and enter the blue door, which is the North stairwell. Go 
up to 3F, and go inside Room 307, and a video will play of a Pyramid Head 
and 2 mannequins.  

After the video is over, get the Courtyard Key in the closet where James 
was hiding. Exit the Room, and head South to the end of the hall and head 
West and get the Fire Escape Key the little girl kicked. Now head East 
down the hall until you reach the end. Enter the Stairway door, on the 
right side of the hall. Go down to the very bottom, and head North on 1F 
through the opened hallway, to the end, and take the Canned Juice, in 
front of Room 107. Go back, and exit through the double doors and run West,
and enter the other double doors. 

Go up to 2F and go in the laundry room beside the stairway door, where you 
just came from, and go up to the garbage shoot and use the Canned Juice to 
knock out the stuck garbage, in the shoot. Now, go back down to 1F and 
exit the lobby doors, and go to the bottom of the garbage shoot, and take 
the Coin [Old Man]. There is also a memo in the garbage. Study the memo, 
because later you will need to know something in it.

Go back through the lobby doors and go through the Courtyard Door. Now is 
a good time to equip the Handgun. Now  go to the pool, and run to the edge, 
and James will fall in. Go up to the baby carriage, and take the Coin 
[Snake]. Now, use the northwest steps to exit the pool. Now enter the east 
door of the courtyard, and enter Room 101. You should hear someone 
vomiting, so enter the washroom, and a video will play. James now meets 

Exit the room, and go back from where you first came from. Go up to 2F, 
head West to the Fire Escape door, and use the Fire Escape Key, to move 
on to Blue Creek Apartments.

  Blue Creek Apartments
You are now in a bedroom of Room 203 of Blue Creek Apartments. Go to the 
washroom and examine the toilet, to find a memo in a wallet. Examine the 
memo, and go to the living room of the apartment room, and go up to the 

 Safe Combination Puzzle
To use the combination, rotate the dial with the D-pad to make it easier, 
until you reach the first number of the memo. Then turn the dial the 
direction it says, until you reach the second number, then turn the dial 
the direction it says, until you reach the third number, and finally, 
turn the direction it says, until you reach the fourth number, which is 
the last number. If you did it right the safe should open. If you don't 
fully understand how this works, I'll show you. Example: 15>>08<<12>>06.
Turn the dial any direction until you reach 15, now turn the dial, by
pressing right, until you reach 8, then turn the dial, by pressing left, 
until you reach 12, and then finally, turn the dial, by pressing  right, 
until you reach 6. Now the safe should open. 

If you are still stuck, e-mail me, and tell me your numbers. Make the 
topic: SH2 Safe Combination. On Hard Riddle Mode, you will have some 
roman numerals, which you have to convert, and/or add. X is 10, V is 5, 
VV is 10, XX is 20, XV is 15, and X2 is 12, V5 is 10, and so on. Example: 
XV>>08<<X2>>06. Turn the dial any direction until you reach 15, now turn 
the dial, by pressing right, until you reach 8, then turn the dial, by
pressing left, until you reach 12, and then finally, turn the dial , by
pressing right, until you reach 6. The only reason to solve this puzzle is 
because there are 4 boxes of Handgun Bullets inside the safe. But you 
don't have to solve this puzzle, but it is easy, so you can solve it 

On Extra Hard Riddle Mode there will be letters like a, j and more. a would 
be 1 and j would be 10. It is the number of what it is in the alphabet. 
Below is what the letter would be as a number. Once you have all the numbers
you can solve the puzzle with the above.

a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

After you finish the safe combination, you will find 4 boxes of Handgun 
Bullets inside the safe. Exit the room, and go through the stairway door,
and beside the 2F door, in the stairway is the Map of the West Apt. 
Building, take it. Go down to 1F, and go inside Room 109. If it won't open 
then you need to see Eddie in Room 101 1F in the north building of Wood 
Side Apartments. When you're inside go through the white door, and a video 
will play. James meets Angela again, and she gives James, her knife. If 
you ever examine the knife during the game, you are more likely to get a 
certain ending. If you do not examine the knife, then you are not more 
likely to get that certain ending. Read the Ending Requirements section of 
this FAQ to figure out which ending you want to get. 

After the video is over, take the Coin [Prisoner] on the nightstand, and 
exit the room. Enter Room 105 and examine the secretarial puzzle desk.

   Old Coin Puzzle
The solution to this puzzle is different based on which Riddle difficulty 
you chose. When you examine the desk, it will tell you how the puzzle 
works. The solutions to this puzzle on Easy, Normal, and Hard Riddle 
modes are listed below.

Easy: Old Man, Empty, Snake, Empty, Prisoner
Normal: Empty, Old Man, Prisoner, Empty, Snake
Hard: Empty, Old Man, Empty, Snake, Prisoner
Extra Hard: Old Man, Empty, Snake, Prisoner, Empty

After you've solved the old coin puzzle, take the Lyne House Key, and go 
back up to 2F and use the Lyne House Key and enter Room 209. Inside, walk 
outside to the balcony and run over to Room 208, and get the Apartment 
Stairway Key on the bed, exit the room, and use the Apartment Stairway 
Key on the stairway door, and you will see Pyramid Head inside.

  BOSS 1: Pyramid Head
Difficulty: Easy
This is pretty easy. You actually don't even have to fire a single shot.
All you have to do is run to the other side of the room when Pyramid Head
gets near you. But he may swipe you with his Great Knife you don't do it
at the right time. So wait in the corner at the beginning until he gets
near you, and let him stop to raise his Great Knife - This is the time
to run to the other side of the room. He will nail his Great Knife right
into the ground where you were and it would definitely kill you if you
were still there. But, you're not so go in the other corner of the room
and wait there until Pyramid Head gets close to you. 

Again, wait for him to stop and lift his Great Knife and then leg it to 
the other corner; where you were before. Just keep repeating this 
strategy for awhile and the will be over. An alarm will sound of and 
Pyramid Head will turn around and head down the stairs. Doing this
strategy will save you a lot of precious bullets so you should always do
this. Remember, the fight is timed, so bullets won't do anything, and
Pyramid Head is invincible. On Hard Action Mode, the fight will actually
be around 5 minutes! So just try to hang in there. 

But if you don't feel safe doing this, there is a strategy with using the 
Handgun below, but the above strategy WILL work.

Immediately raise the Handgun and start firing. To make it more safe, 
count off the shots in your head, and then reload in the menu. Pyramid 
Head wields a mighty blade so heavy that he has to drag it behind him. 
So, that means he will walk pretty slow. Pyramid Head only has two 
attacks. One is lifting up his Great Knife to slay James; the other, he
grab you by your neck and try to strangle you. 

If you see him stop, that means he lifting up his Great Knife, so that he
can take a swing at you, so run to the other side and shoot from there 
until he gets to the edge of the screen, and then run to the other side 
and shoot from there. After you've fired about 35 shots in Normal Mode 
(50 in Hard Mode) a siren will go off in the distance, and Pyramid Head 
will head to the stairs. When he's heading to the stairs, don't go near 
him, or he'll turn around, and very quickly slay James. So, let Pyramid 
Head go down the stairs, and the water will drain. Go down the stairs, 
and exit to West South Vale.

    West South Vale
After you exit the Apartments, head North, and a video will play. James 
sees the little girl again, and she seems to know something about Mary. 

After the video is over, continue going North, and James will finally 
reach Rosewater Park. Keep on heading North, to the waterfront, and head 
West, and a video will play. James meets a strange woman, named Maria, 
whom looks just like Mary. Maria will follow James for the next portion 
of the game. Make sure Maria doesn't get killed, because it will be GAME 
OVER. Even if you shoot Maria once, she will die, so be careful. 

Now, head West to the other side of the park, and then head South, until 
you get to Nathan Avenue. Head West to The Texxon Gas Station, and take 
the Steel Pipe from the running car. Now, head West once again, and enter
the front entrance of Pete's Bowl-A-Rama. 

After you're inside, enter the door on the left, and a video will play, 
after it's over, find the next door, and enter it. Go forward and another 
video will play. James meets Eddie again, and he tells James that the 
little girl's name is Laura. Later, James sees Laura exit the bowling 
alley. After the video is over, exit through the same door as Laura, and 
then exit through the main doors. 

Maria is running back to tell James to go after Laura. Run through the 
side parking lot to the gate in back of Pete's. Head South until Maria 
shows you where Laura went, and the door to get to the other side. Try to 
open the door, that Maria pointed out. It's lock and Maria will unlock it 
with her 3 keys, then try again, and it's open. 

Once you're inside, go up the stairs and open the door on the right, and 
go out the next exit, that leads outside. Once you're outside, go down 
the stairs, and head East until you reach Carroll Street. Now, head South 
until you see Laura enter the hospital. Now, follow Laura and enter 
Brookhaven Hospital.

  Brookhaven Hospital
After you enter Brookhaven Hospital, get the Map of the Hospital on the 
bulletin board on the right side. Now, go to the Reception Office. Once, 
you're inside go through the next door to enter the Document Room, and 
take the Purple Bull Key on the desk, and exit both rooms. 

After you do that, enter the south stairwell and go up to 2F. First, you 
can get the Examination Room Key in the Lab Coat in the Men's Locker Room,
but you do not need it. Now, enter the Women's Locker Room and examine 
the teddy bear on the table to get the Bent Needle. Now, go to the open 
locker and take the Shotgun, and exit the room. 

Enter the patients wing and enter Examination Room 3. When you're inside, 
go to the typewriter and examine it to get a memo that contains a 4-digit 
code. Exit the room, and go to M2, and get the Lapis Eye Key in the small 
nightstand. Exit the room and go up to 3F. 

On 3F, try to open the patients wing hall, and a number keypad will show 
up. On Easy and Normal Riddle Mode, enter the code 7335. On Hard Riddle 
Mode, enter the code 1328. Now, enter the patients wing hall. If you want 
to get rid of Maria, enter S3 and she will lay down on a bed and relax. 
After this happens, she can't join you anymore, so take the Roof Key in 
the nightstand  and exit the room. 

Depending on how much time you spend with Maria, and if you check on her 
often, in S3, you will have a better chance of getting a certain ending. 
Read the Ending Requirements section of this FAQ to figure out what to 
do if you want to get a certain ending. 

Since you just got the Roof Key, go up to the roof. On the roof, look 
around, until you see a green book on the ground. Either look at it or 
just stand near it, or on it for a second. This can also make you have a 
better chance of getting a certain ending. Read the Endings and Ending 
Requirements section of this FAQ. Now go to the Elevator Control Room and 
Pyramid Head will knock you off the roof, and you are now in the Special 
Treatment Room, which was locked before. 

On Normal and Hard Action Mode, James will have Red Stamina after you 
fall, so use a First Aid Kit or two. Now, enter the second room from the 
left and read the blood writing on the wall. Write down or remember the 
4-digit code, because you will need to know it very soon. Exit the room 
and go through the door that was lock, and now it's unlocked. Enter the 
patients wing and enter S14, and examine the weird looking box.

    "Louise" Puzzle 
First, combine the Purple Bull Key and the Lapis Eye Key. Now, on the 
push-button lock, enter the 4-digit code that you found on the Carbon 
Paper, in the typewriter in Examination Room 3. If you forgot the code, 
go to your Memo section in the main menu and see what it was. Now, on the 
turn combination lock, enter the code you got from the Special Treatment 
Room, and the box should open.

Inside the box is a Piece of Hair. Now go to the Shower Room, and combine 
the Bent Needle, and the Piece of Hair, to get the Elevator Key out of 
the drain. Now, use the Elevator Key on the North elevator, and go down 
to 1F. On 1F, Enter C4, and walk forward to see Laura. That little brat, 
locked James inside Examination Room 2. James sees two new enemies that
are called Hangers. Now, you have to kill the Hangers.

    BOSS 2: Hangers
Difficulty: Normal
At the start, make sure you have your Shotgun equipped, keep on shooting 
the Hangers, until the get close to you. When they get close, run to the
other side, or they will grab you. 

The best thing to do is to lure both Hangers to one side of the room, and
then run to the other side and pump rounds into them. The Hangers only 
have one attack. That is coming up to James and grabbing and lifting him 
by his neck. Again, make sure the Hangers don't get too close or they 
grab James and pick him up. If this happens, rapidly press the D-pad and 
the shoulder buttons to get out more quickly, and lose less health. 

If your running low on Shotgun Shells after you kill the first two 
Hangers, equip the Handgun, and shoot around 15-20 shots at the Hanger, 
and it should die.

  "Nightmare" Hospital
After the video plays and it's over, you are in the Garden. Go through 
the door right in front of you to enter the Hospital again. Once inside, 
go through the door on the left side. Now, go up to 2F in the elevator. 

On 2F, go to M6, and take the Dry Cell Battery and the Basement Storeroom 
Key, on a small ledge, above the hands, and exit the room. Now, go up to 
3F exit the patients wing, and enter the South stairwell. Now, go down the 
stairs, until you reach the very bottom, and enter the door.

After you're inside, go up to the shelf and push it. After that, try to 
go down the ladder and Maria opens the door, and a video plays. After 
it's over, Maria will now stay with you and follow you for awhile. 

Go down the ladder to the Basement's Basement. Take the Copper Ring in the
middle of the floor, and go back up the ladder, and exit the door. Now, go 
back up to 3F, and enter the patients wing, and enter the elevator, and go
down to 2F. 

Before the elevator doors open, a strange message from a game show. Three 
questions are asked. After the elevator doors open, and you are on 2F, 
head to the Day Room, and try to open the fallen fridge, and then Maria 
will help you open it. Inside is a Lead Ring. Now go back up to 3F. If you 
want to collect your prize for the Trick or Treat announcement in the 
elevator, exit the patients wing and enter the Storeroom. Inside, go up to 
the blue box on the counter, and examine it.

   Trick or Treat Box 
On the box is a panel with nine buttons and looks like this:

    1 2 3
Q1  o o o
Q2  o o o
Q3  o o o 

In order to get your prize you have to answer the questions correctly. No 
matter Riddle Difficulty, on the top row press the 3 button, on the middle 
row press the 1 button, and on the bottom row press the 3 button, and the 
box will open. Inside the box is Shotgun Shells x5 and 2 Ampoules! Just 
incase you forget the questions and want the answers to the questions here 
they are:

1. The Amusment Park in Silent Hill is called Lake Side Amusment Park.
2. Walter Sullivan killed the innocent kids.
3. Nathan Avenue is the only road you can take to get to Pale Ville.

After you have opened the box and collected the Shotgun Shells x5 and 2 
Ampoules, exit the room, and enter the patients wing for the last time.
Go up to the North stairwell door. There are two 3D arms sticking out of 
the door. Go to the menu and combine use the Copper Ring and the Lead 
Ring, and the door is now unlocked. Go through the door, and go down to
the very bottom of the stairs and enter the door. 

Now go follow the path, and you will see Pyramid Head. He's trying to 
spear Maria to death, so run quickly following the path before she dies. 
On Hard Action Mode, you will have to shoot Pyramid Head or whack him 
with any weapon to slow him down. My weapon of choice for this part is 
the Steel Pipe. When he first appears, whack him once, and walk backwards 
a couple steps, until Pyramid Head come closer, and whack him again. Walk 
backwards a couple more steps, until Pyramid Head comes closer, and whack 
him again. Keep on doing this until you get around the fenced window area, 
and then run for it, and once you get near the elevator, a video will 
play, and James will enter the elevator, but Maria will not make it, and 
Pyramid Head stabs her and kills her. 

Then the elevator goes up to 1F, and the video is over. Now, enter the 
Director's Room. Inside on the desk, James finds a map and the Hospital 
Lobby Key. Exit the room, and use the Hospital Lobby Key on the main 
entrance door to exit the hospital.

    Dark South Vale    
After you exit the Hospital, head South down Carroll Street, and then 
East on Rendell Street. Now, head South on Munson Street, and East on 
Saul Street and open the gate door. Now, run over the gate floor, dodging 
the Underhangers, and watch out for the gaps in the floor. At the end, 
enter the gate door. Now, continue heading East on Saul Street, North on 
Neely Street, until you reach Sanders Street. Now, head East on Sanders
Street, and North on Lindsey Street to the second house to the right of 
Gonzale's Mexican Restaurant. 

On the porch you will find a letter and a Wrench. Take the Wrench and 
continue heading North on Lindsey Street to Katz Street, and head West on 
Katz Street, and go through the gate door, past the Apartments, and 
continue heading West, until you reach Munson Street. Now, head North on 
Munson Street, and West on Nathan Avenue, until you reach the entrance of 
Rosewater Park. Now, head North until you see some steps on the right. Go 
down them, and go down the stairs ahead of you to the left and walk 
forward, and go behind the "praying woman" statue, and dig up the tin box. 

Now, use you Wrench to open the tin box, and take the Old Bronze Key 
inside. Now, go back up the sets of stairs you came down before, and exit 
Rosewater Park. Now, head West on Nathan Avenue, to the Silent Hill 
Historical Society Museum, and use your Old Bronze Key, and enter the

Once inside, head forward, and enter the door on the left. Now go through 
the hole in the wall, and go down the very long walkway, and you will 
finally reach a door, enter it to enter the Unmapped Area.

   The Unmapped Area
Now, enter the door right ahead of you. Now, enter the door near the 
demon. When you enter, you will see a hole in front of you. Jump down it.
Now, you are trapped in well. Search every inch of brickwork, until you 
find an area that feels like James can break it. Take out your Wooden 
Plank or Steel Pipe, and whack the area until it breaks apart, and a door
will be revealed, enter it. 

Now you are in a sewer. Follow the path, until you a door, and enter it. 
Now enter the door on the right, and take the Spiral Writing Key on the 
ground, and your Flashlight will turn off. Now, use your Drycell Battery. 
The room is filled with bugs! Go examine the panel beside the door, since 
the door is locked.

      Roach Trap
Either 2 or 3 random numbers will be highlighted on the panel. The code 
to get out is with those numbers. Try different combinations with those 
numbers, until the door is unlocked. If you're numbers are 3, 6, 8, try 
368, 386, 638, 683, 836, and 863, and the door will unlock, with one of 
those combinations. If your numbers are 6 and 9 then try 669, 699, 669,
996, 966, 969 and the door will unlock.

After you have unlocked the door, exit the room, and go forward to the 
gate floor, and use your Spiral Writing Key, and the gate will open. 
Jump down to enter Toluca Prison.

     Toluca Prison
When you start, a video with Eddie will play. He murdered someone again. 
After he exits, take the Tablet of "Gluttonous Pig" on the table at the 
back of the room. Now exit the room. Since there is no actual compass 
directions in Toluca Prison, I will refer to your map. North is up, East 
is right, South is down, and West is left. 

Now, Head North up the hall, until you reach a desk with the Map of the 
Prison on it, and take it. Now, head South down the hall, and enter the 
first door on the right, according to your map. You are now in the Shower 
Room. In the Shower Room, head North, until you reach a wall, and head 
East, and go through the "no doored" shower, and take the Tablet of "The 
Seductress," and exit the Shower Room. 

Now, head South down the hall, and enter the bottom row of cells. Enter 
the 9th cell from the left, and take the Wax Doll on the bed, and exit 
the cell. Now, enter the east corridor, and head North, and enter the top 
row of cells. Now, enter the 7th cell, and take the Tablet of "The 
Oppressor on the bed. Try to exit the cell, and it won't open! Keep 
trying, and James will force it to open. 

Now, since you have all of the 3 tablets, exit to the east corridor, and 
exit through the Double doors on the right side of the wall, to enter the 
Courtyard. Once outside, walk directly forward until you reach a scaffold.
In the menu, combine the 3 tablets, and use them, and after they're all 
inserted, you should hear a scream/cry. Now head back to the double doors, 
and take the Horseshoe, that suddenly appeared, and enter the door. 

Once inside, enter the top row of cells, and enter the door that leads to
 the east corridor. Now, enter the last door on the left side, and exit 
the door on the other side of the demolished visiting room, to enter the 
civilian side of the Prison. On the civilian side, enter the door on down 
on the right side of the door you just came out of. Inside this visiting 
room, take the lighter on the counter, in front of the glass, and exit 
the room. Now, enter the last door on the right side, before the gate, 
and enter the next room inside. Now, take the Hunting Rifle on the wall. 
You can see another Hunting Rifle above, but it's barrel is busted. Exit 
the room, and enter the west corridor through the other door in the same 

Now, go through the gate. On the floor, you can see a white escape hatch 
on the ground, go on top of it. Since James can't open it, go in the 
menu, and combine The Wax Doll, Horseshoe, and the Lighter, and use them. 
Now, James opens the hatch. Jump down the hole. Now, head North and enter 
the door. Inside James makes funny comments, if you examine some of the 
dead prisoners in the foul corridor. 

Go through, the door on the other side of the room, and jump down the 
hole. After you jump down, walk forward, and open the door. Now jump down 
the hole. Down the hole, enter the large elevator, and go in the corner 
and it should descend. It may seem like a very long time, but it comes to 
the end. 

Do you realize how far down James is right now? He walked down 1 very 
long hallway, that descended, jumped down 5 holes, and just went down 1 
really long elevator ride, that descended very deep. How is James going 
to get out alive? Lets find out later. Enter the light brown door to 
enter the Labyrinth.

     The Labyrinth
As you can see, the door directly across from the entrance to the 
Labyrinth is blocked by wires, and there is a ladder visible. So you will 
need to find a tool to cut the wires. In the Labyrinth, I will tell you 
where to go by using compass directions. North is the top of your map, 
South is the bottom, and so on. Use your map to figure out where to go 
from now on, but make sure your flashlight is on so James can draw the 

Once you've explored the whole room you have found 3 ladders you can go 
down. If you want to get a new weapon go down the Northeast ladder or the 
one directly across from it (They both lead to the same room). Now you 
are in the same room as Pyramid Head so be careful. Once you have have 
the whole area mapped out you should find a room in the center. Enter 
the room on the East side. 

If you encounter Pyramid Head on the way to the room, just turn around 
and head the other direction until you reach the room and enter it. 
Inside you will find the Great Knife that Pyramid Head was carrying to 
start with, on a table, take it and leave the room. Go back up one of the 
ladders and go down the ladder in the Southeast corner. In this area, 
just follow the path and go up the ladder. In this room you will 
find a weird box of faces and an empty room, so examine the box of faces.

 The Box of Faces Puzzle
This puzzle is very easy in Easy and Normal Riddle Difficulties. Keep in 
mind that some faces are upside-down and some are right-side-up. Rotate 
the box upward or downward until the right-side-up face with the red eyes 
is displayed. Now, if you look behind James, the entrance to the empty 
room has completely vanished! Now, with the red eyes right-side-up face 
displayed, rotate the box left or right so that one of the 3 upside-down 
faces is showing. Now, as you can see, there is a staircase in the empty 
room now, so you are done with the box of faces. 

On Hard and Extra Action Mode the solution is randomly selected each time 
so just keep trying it on different faces until it is correct.

Go down the staircase and James will meet Maria. But James in in the 
other side of a Jail Cell and Maria is on the other side. Now, your job 
is to find the other side of the jail cell. After the video, go up 
staircase again and you should hear some spark-like sounds. Go up to the 
open breaker box beside the ladder and take the Wire Cutters that are 
stabbed into a wire. Go down the ladder and follow the path and go up the
ladder at the other end. Now go to the door with wires blocking the 
entrance in the Southwest corner and use the Wire Cutter. Now go down the 
ladder in front of you. Go follow the hallway and go up the South ladder. 
Follow the hallway, on the right and go up the Southwest ladder.

Go clockwise or counter-clockwise until you find an opening to another 
ladder (the ladder is near the middle) and go up it. Go up the South/
Southeast ladder. Follow the path, until you find an opening to a ladder 
and go up it. Pyramid Head is certain to block you way to the exit 
ladder, so lure him to an open area and then go up the East ladder by the 
East opening. Be sure to save your game here because there will be a boss 
fight really soon! 

Look at the paper on the ground if you want, but you can barely read it 
anyway. When your done with the partly-legible newspaper, enter the door. 
Equip the Shotgun and Follow the path, on the way you may notice many 
papers on the ground. Some are from today's date according to James. 
Continue walking the path and you should hear Angela scream and James will 
enter the door and will have to fight a Doorman Boss.

    Boss 3: Doorman
Difficulty: Normal
If you find the 3D Control hard to use in this fight, just go in the menu 
and change it to 2D Control.  Right when the fight starts, start blasting 
Shotgun rounds into the Doorman as fast as you can. If the Doorman is 
close to you and it falls on the ground, use that time to run to the 
other side of the room and reload. 

The Doorman has one attack of lumbering over and lifting its doorframe 
over James's head like a hood. The range of this attack may surprise you 
so stay as far away from the Doorman as possible at all times. You will 
have to fire around 8-10 Shotgun shots on Normal. Then Angela will finish 
off the job and run out of the room.

After the fight, exit the room and continue following the path and go 
through the next door. There is a pair of handcuffs attached to the 
exiting lifting-gate (bars), so you can not go there yet, so investigate 
the 2 doors in the same corridor. 

After investigating the 2 rooms you will find a room with 6 hanged men 
and a room with 6 empty nooses.

  Free the Innocent Man 
The first thing you want to do is examine the 2 signs on the fence in the 
room with the 6 Hanged Men in it. They should give you a clue of what you 
have to do. All of the Hanged Men are positioned in a randomly chosen 
fashion. But on each Riddle Mode it is a certain one. 

Here are the solutions to this puzzle on all Riddle Modes: 
Easy Riddle Mode: The Kidnapper is the innocent man. I basically tells 
Normal Riddle Mode: The Arsonist is the innocent man. There was no proof 
that he did it.
Hard Riddle Mode: The Counterfeiter is the innocent man. He's the one 
speaking about the crimes of all the truly guilty men.
Extra Hard Riddle Mode: The Thief is the innocent man. The man speaking
never mentions him.

Once you determine the Innocent Man in this room (where he is located), 
head to the room with the 6 empty nooses inside. Once inside, find the 
noose that is in the same spot of the Innocent Man in the other room. 
Once it's found, Press A to pull it down. Now, exit this room and head 
back to the other room. If done correctly, you should notice that the 
Innocent Man is gone, and there is something where he was. Go over to 
where his location was and pick up the Key of the Persecuted. 

If you don't do this puzzle correctly each time there will be 2 Patient 
Demons in the corridor each time, so make sure you do the puzzle 

Now follow the hallway to the handcuffed gate and use the Key of the 
Persecuted. Now, go down the ladder follow the path and enter the white 
door since the gate is locked. Inside, a video will play. Maria has died 
again! Could she be real? After the video, you will be outside. Now the 
gate is open, so proceed through the last corridor of the Labyrinth that 
leads outside. 

Outside is a graveyard. If you examine the graves you will find these 
names: Walter Sullivan, Eddie Dombrowski, Angela Orosco, and himself, 
James Sunderland. Now, James must jump down his own grave. Once in his 
grave, it seems to be a long path, so follow it until it comes to and 
end with a door, enter it.

     BOSS 4: Eddie
Difficulty: Hard
As soon as the video is over you should know what you have to do. Eddie 
has gone mad and now you have to kill him before he kills you. In this 
first room there is no strategy. So just pull out either the Shotgun,
Hunting Rifle or the Great Knife. The best choice would be Great Knife.
It is the most powerful weapon in the game and you will only need to 
swipe Eddie 1-2 times, depending on your Action Mode. But don't worry too
much about being hit because Eddie walk move away from James when you
approach him so go up to him with the Great Knife and swipe him and it
should him him because of it's length. 

If not just try again until you can hear him panting and he will run into 
the next room. With the Shotgun and Hunting Rifle just start blasting 
away at him until he runs into the next room. But you should try going 
right up to him with the Shotgun and give him a few blasts. The Hunting 
Rifle should only be used if you decide to stay away from Eddie and fire 
at him and recover your health safely and be sure to use some Health 
Drinks for minor wounds, First Aid Kits for large wounds and the Ampoule 
for a painkiller by pressing R3. After you shoot Eddie a number of times 
he will end the draw and run into the next room. After he leaves be sure 
to get the Rifle Shells and Shotgun Shells. Reload, make sure you have 
good health, then enter the second room. 

In this room, there are giant racks of meat hanging from the roof so you 
can use them to block Eddie's shots. Eddie has 2 attacks. Either raising 
his .44 Magnum Revolver and shooting James or he will run up to James and 
punch him. In this room, it is best to use your Shotgun first because you 
should have plenty of ammo for it and not as much for the Hunting Rifle. 
Try to get close to Eddie so he only gets to punch you and inflict less 
damage and blast him with the Shotgun, but remember to keep your health 
good. When he runs after you just use the strafing buttons and directional 
buttons to get away and hide behind a meat rack and then come out and do 
it again. When he starts hiding behind the meat racks equip the Handgun 
because it is faster and better overall for this part. 

Find him behind the rack that he's behind and let him run, but since the 
Handgun is easy to ready your aim, aim at Eddie and take off some shots 
and repeat this process. Finally he dies in a brief video. If you want to 
there is a different strategy here. After the video, when Eddie 
approaches you, shoot him once, then run away so he can't get you back. 
It is best to try to attack Eddie at close range because he will run up 
to you and try to punch you, which is much better than being shot by his 
gun, which is much more powerful. James' health can still go red after 4 
or 5 punches so be careful and be sure use use health often after contact 
from Eddie. 

Try to sneak up Eddie from behind. To do this simply hide behind the meat 
racks so Eddie can't see you. When he runs somewhere, run out and shoot 
him. After about 8-10 Shotgun blast Eddie should fall to the ground. He 
is dead now. So continue by exiting one of the 2 large doors where you 
haven't been yet.

      Toluca Lake
As soon as you exit through one of the doors, continue along the dock 
until you see a boat when the video plays. Now you have to row the boat 
across Toluca Lake. If you are playing Beginner, Easy or Normal Action 
Mode, it will be much more easier to control the boat. Press the D-Pad 
buttons to go the direction you want to. Hold Up to go forward, left to 
go left, and right to go right. 

But if you are playing Hard Action Mode this could be hard for you. You 
will have to use both Thumbsticks. By rotating both Thumbsticks in a 
clockwise fashion at the same time you will turn to the right. If you 
turn both Thumbsticks in a counter-clockwise fashion at the same time 
you will turn to the left. To move forward simultaneously turn the left 
Thumbstick counter-clockwise and the right Thumbstick clockwise. 

Try to do this very fast because the time you take to complete this will 
count in the final ranking at the end of the game. So at the beginning 
turn your boat until you face the light. Now row forward until you reach 
the dock to your "Special Place," which is the Lake View Hotel.

    Lake View Hotel
Finally! You have reached your "Special Place." The Lake View Hotel. After 
the Boat Stage, equip your Shotgun until near the end of the game if you 
haven't already. Now, run forward to the courtyard of the Hotel. On the 
left fountain you will find the "Little Mermaid" Music Box. Look around 
for the main entrance to the Lake View Hotel and enter through the door. 
You will need to find a map. 

Look to your left and on the wall is the Map of the Hotel (for guests). 
When you look at the map you should notice that in box of Room 312 it 
says "Waiting for You..." Could Mary really be here? Next, enter the 
"Lake Shore" Restaurant and go to the piano. As you see in the video, 
Laura is here. She scared James by playing the piano but James denies it.

This video is pretty important. It tells you many things, including Mary 
saying "Happy 8th Birthday to Laura." Laura says she turned 8 last week. 
So Mary is alive! Laura gives you the letter and claims she lost another 
one and runs out to find it. Go over to the area with the table and grab 
the "Fish" Key on one of the tables. You are done here so go out to the 
main hallway. 

There should be 2 Doormen out here and they are coming after you. Shoot 
them both with the Shotgun until they fall then kick them both. If you 
need or want Rifle Shells and Handgun Bullets x3 then enter the Store 
Room. If not, enter the Lobby and grab the Key to Room 312. Also, you 
can find the letter to James on the desk. It says that his videotape 
that he left is in the safe in the Office on B1F Then go back to the main 
hallway an go down to B1F. Once down here, find the elevator and grab the 
Thinner and go back upstairs. 

You are done on this floor so go up to 2F. Also, don't count on getting
to Room 312 soon. You'll notice that there is a gate blocking the 3F 
hallway. On 2F, enter the Cloak Room to find the Key to Room 204 in a 
briefcase. But it is locked. So use the "Fish" Key to open it. Exit the 
room and if you want ammo and a Health Drink, check out the Reading 

The Next thing to do is West Wing of rooms. Kill the 2 Doormen and enter 
Room 204 which is the only room you can enter right now. Inside on a 
desk you will find the Employee Elevator Key. Continue investigating, 
and you will find that there is a hole in the wall. So you can enter Room 
202. In this room you will find a funny looking briefcase and some 
pictures on the bed.

  The Locked Briefcase
As you can see, this briefcase is locked. You need to enter a combination 
of 4 letters. No, it is not Mary. Now is the time to use your Thinner. Go 
to the bed and investigate it. James will notice that there is one that 
is a picture of the case and the combination but it is crossed out in 
black marker. Go in the menu and use the Thinner. 

Now the combination will be revealed. Go back to the case and enter the 
same combination as in the picture and the case will open. Inside is the 
"Cinderella" Music Box.

Now you want to go to the Employee Elevator Room which is across to the 
east side of 2F since you have the Employee Elevator Key now. Once inside,
go over to the elevator and walk in. An alarm will sound. That means that 
the elevator can't support this much weight. James is not fat. Is is just 
his items. Check the panel on the elevator to find a note about weight 

Just outside of the elevator there is a shelf. Go and investigate it. In 
order to use the elevator you must empty your whole Inventory. Even if 
you have a letter James can't use the elevator. After putting all your 
things in the shelf, go back in the elevator and go down to 1F. You might 
feel scared discarding your weapons now but you will be just fine. 

On 1F, just outside of the elevator, grab the Map of the Hotel (for 
employees) on the corkboard. Now go to the Pantry and grab the hard to 
see "Snow White" Music Box on the shelf. Now you have all the Music 
Boxes. Exit the room and enter the Office. If you remember, this is where 
your videotape should be. Inside grab the Videotape and the Can Opener. 
For ammo, enter the Employee Lounge for Rifle Shells x2. If you go back 
to the elevator you can see that it will not move. So you have to find 
another way back to 2F. 

For a start, enter the blue door in front of the Office. Inside, go down 
the stairs and enter the basement through the door at the bottom. In this 
area. There will be 2 Mannequins that you will have to run past and you 
have no weapon to use on them. So check your map and enter the Boiler 
Room to get the Bar Key then exit the room. 

Check your map again and enter the Kitchen. Inside the Kitchen you should 
find a large tin. Now is the time to use the Can Opener. After you've 
opened the can you will find lightbulbs inside. Who keeps lightbulbs in a 
can? James will take one, then continue on by entering the "Venus Tears" 
Bar. Inside the bar it is dark and James can't see clearly enough to put 
the Bar Key through the key hole to unlock it. 

Behind the door is a lamp on the bar. Use the lightbulb and James will 
put it in. Now exit through the door. Now you are in a familiar place, 
the basement for guests. Go up the stairs to 1F, then go up again to 2F. 

On 2F go to the Employee Elevator Room and reclaim your things from the 
shelf. Exit the room and enter the Lobby. Go down the stairs and examine 
the Music Box Player.

   Music Box Puzzle
On Easy Riddle Mode, just put the 3 Music Boxes in any of the 3 slots. On 
Normal Riddle Mode, you will have to put them in specific places from the 
description of each slot. Cinderella fled at midnight, Snow White woke 
from death, and the Little Mermaid was a mute for time. On Hard Riddle 
Mode they positions are different. The "Little Mermaid" Music Box goes 
in the front. The "Snow White" Music Box on the east side, and the 
"Cinderella" Music Box on the west side. After all 3 Music Boxes are put 
in correctly, examine it once more and make the music play and the Music 
Boxes will rotate and the Hotel Stairway Key is on a Music Box.

Take the Hotel Stairway Key and then head up to 3F and use the Hotel 
Stairway Key and open the gate blocking the way. On 3F, use the Key to 
Room 312 to open it. Inside, walk around until you find a working VCR. 
Put the videotape in. After awhile of the video, Laura will enter the 

After the video James can hear Mary talking on his Radio. She must be in 
the Hotel! Exit the room. 

   "Nightmare" Hotel
If you have the Dog Key, you can enter the Observation Room and end the 
game. If not, head down to 2F. If you enter the Reading Room on 2F there 
are headphones on the desk. If you listen to this you are more likely to 
get a certain ending. It is your choice if you want to listen to it or 
not. For more information, check out the Ending Requirements section of 
this FAQ. Now, enter the west corridor and if you enter certain 
doors you will be warped to a different area. 

Room 207 and Room 204 warp to each other. Room 202 warps you ever to Room 
219. Room 219 warps to Room 220. Room 220 warps you to Room 207. And 
lastly, Room 212 warps over to Room 202. So just enter Room 202 and it 
will warp you to Room 219. From here, just go to the elevator and go down 
to B1F which is the only elevator button that works. 

After going down to B1F, you can see that this floor is completely 
flooded. You will have to work around this floor like this. First, enter 
the "Venus Tears" Bar where you can find 5 Health Drinks with the other 
drinks on display. They camouflage with there surroundings. Once done here,
enter the kitchen. If you need ammo, here is the place. There are Shotgun 
Shells x2 on the Kitchen counter and there are Rifle Shells x2 in the 
back on the shelf. 

Once done here, exit the room and enter the blue door to see a video of 
Angela. If you have not yet examined the knife it will affect the ending. 
Fore more information, check out the Ending Requirements section of this 
FAQ. After the video, you are left with fire in the middle of the stairs. 
Don't try to go through it, James will just lose health. Exit through the 
door and re-enter the room. 

It is different. It is the same as before though. Continue up the stairs 
and go through the door. You are now on 1F again. Go North until you see 
a path that goes east, north, and east again. Follow it and enter the 
door to find a room full of Underhangers under the gate floor. Just run 
through the hallway, dodging them until you come to a door, enter it. 

In here you will find 9 Save Points! Nine Red Squares. I think they are 
trying to tell you to save your game here. After this point, there are 
the 2 last bosses of the game. Equip the Hunting Rifle and keep it ready 
for the rest of the game. Enter the door.

BOSS 5: Pyramid Head Duo
Difficulty: Normal
You've already fought 1 Pyramid Head before, now you are about to fight 
2! Right at the beginning run to a corner, preferably the corner farthest
away from the 2 Pyramid Heads. From there try to take off 2-5 shots on 
Easy and Normal Action Mode then strafe out of the way using either L1 or 
R1 for either direction and run to the next corner or the corner directly 
across from your current location before either Pyramid Head stabs you. 
Don't under-estimate their range. It may surprise you. The 2 Pyramid Heads 
only have one attack that is coming up to James and stabbing him with 
their Spears. On Hard Action Mode try to take only 1-2 shots because the 
Pyramid Heads move much faster. 

It is better to take only 1 shot and get away clean than to take 2 shots 
and get stabbed. But if you are sure you can make it, take 2 shots then 
strafe out of the way by using either L1 or R1 appropriately. After about 
10-12 shots on Normal Action Mode the Pyramid Heads should stop and go 
towards the center and stab their spears through themselves and die. On 
Hard Action Mode you will have to shoot either Pyramid Head more times. 
Also, it doesn't matter which Pyramid Head you shoot because it's like 
they share their health. When you defeat the 2 Pyramid Head continue to 
move on.
Pyramid Head Eggs Puzzle
After you have finally defeated the 2 Pyramid Heads examine their corpses
to find the Rust-Colored Egg and the Scarlet Egg in both of the Pyramid 
Heads' hands. Use them to open the 2 exiting doors by inserting them into
either door, but they must be inserted into different doors.

After you have inserted the 2 eggs go through one of the 2 doors. After
you have done so, find the main entrance and try to exit the hotel. You 
are now in a long hallway. A recording of Mary will start to play. If you 
stay and listen to the whole thing or run quickly and go through the door 
at the end of the hallway, it will most likely effect which ending you will 
receive. So make a decision and go through the door when you're ready. Now 
you are actually outside, it is raining now. 

Find your way to the stairs and go up all the way to the top. It will 
take awhile. When you're at the top a video will play and you now have 
to fight the Final Boss in the game.

BOSS 6: Maria/Mary Demon
Difficulty: Very Hard
This boss is quite similar to the Hangers but is quicker at moving and 
has more attacks. This last boss has 2 attacks. It will spit out a cloud 
of black moths that will swarm around James to prevent you from moving. 
To get out of this attack wiggle the movement controls and the shoulder 
buttons. The other attack is is very lethal so try not to let it happen 
to you. It will try to get close to you, hovering above you, and it will 
snatch James with its long black tail. Beware of the speed of the attack 
because it may surprise you. 

To get out of it wiggle the movement controls and shoulder buttons then 
run away. If the demon is close to you, you should consider strafing in 
either direction to get away. So in order to beat this final boss, try to
stay as far away from the demon as possible and use the Hunting Rifle's 
accuracy to get the job done. After you shoot the boss several times it 
should fall on the ground. Go up to the helpless demon on the ground and 
choose your weapon of choice and finish off the demon... Good Job, you 
have now beaten the game.

|     Legend       |
| ========         |
| New Area         |
| ========         |
| ------           |
| Puzzle           |
| ------           |
| +++++++++++++++  |
| Optional Puzzle  |
| +++++++++++++++  |
| ****             |
| Boss             |
| ****             |
-At the beginning, exit the Restroom, take the Map of Silent Hill from
Jams car and head west to the stoned stairs and go down them
-Follow the path to the Graveyard and enter it
-Find Angela and then exit the Graveyard through the other west exit
-Follow the path and grab the Chainsaw if it's in the log
-Keep heading east, through the next fence door and it will turn into
Wiltse Road
-Head west on Sanders Street and follow the "shadow", by heading north
on Lindsey Street and East on Vachss Road and enter the Construction Site
-James will find a Radio and rip off a Wooden Plank from the structure
-Kill the Patient Demon and exit the Construction Site
-Head west back to Lindsey Street, head south, west on Katz Street and
north up Martin Street
-Take the Apartment Gate Key and head south back down Martin Street
-Head west on Katz Street until you reach the Wood Side Apartments gate, 
and enter it along with Wood Side Apartments

-Grab the Map of the Apt. Building and head up to 2F
-Enter Room 205 and take the Flashlight
-Go up to 3F, try to get the key on the other side of the gate thing, get
Handgun from Room 301 in the shopping cart and go back down to 2F
-Head east until you hear a scream/cry and head north to Room 208
-Grab the Key to Room 202 on the left shelf and exit the room
-Head to Room 202 and enter it with the key
-Enter the left room to find a small hole in the wall
-Investigate the hole to get the Clock Key
-Head back to Room 208 and find the clock in the left room
-Open the Clock Face and set the hands on 9:10
-Push the clock and go through the wall to Room 209
-Exit the room and go up the stairwell to the right to 3F
-Enter Room 307 to find Pyramid Head and James will hid in the closet
until he leaves
-Get the Courtyard Key from the closet and exit the room
- Head south down the hallways and get the Fire Escape Key by the gate 
-Head down to 1F through the east stairwell
-Go down the 1F corridor and get the Canned Juice in front of Room 107
-Exit through the lobby doors and head west to the west entrance, where
you first came in
-Go up to 2F and put the Canned Juice down the garbage shoot, in the
laundry room
-Go back down to 1F and go outside to the incinerator to get the Coin [Old
Man], and head back up to 2F
-Head west down the corridor to last door, in front of you
-Go through the door, and James will use the Fire Escape Key and go over
to Blue Creek Apartments

-Go over to the washroom and get the memo from the toilet
-Go into the main section of the room and examine the safe on the chair
-Use the memo to solve the puzzle
-Turn the dial to the first number
-Turn the dial, pressing right, until you reach the second number
-Turn the dial, pressing left, until you reach the third number
-Turn the dial, pressing right, until you reach the last number
-Take the ammo from the open safe and exit the room
-Enter the east stairwell and take the Map of Blue Creek on the floor
-Go down to 1F and enter Room 109
-Enter the white door near the middle of the room
-James meets Angela again and she gives him a Knife
-If you examine this Knife it may effect which ending you'll receive
-Take the Coin [Prisoner] on the nightstand and exit the room
-Enter Room 105 and examine the secretarial desk
-Solve the puzzle with the Riddle Mode you are on:
-Easy: Old Man, Empty, Snake, Empty, Prisoner
-Normal: Empty, Old Man, Prisoner, Empty, Snake
-Hard: Empty, Old Man, Empty, Snake, Prisoner
-Then you will get the Lyne House Key
-Exit the room and head up to 2F
-Enter Room 209 and use the balcony to go over to Room 208
-Take the Apartment Stairway Key, run back to Room 209 and exit the
-Enter the northeast locked stairwell with your Apartment Stairway Key
-You will now have to fight Pyramid Head
-As soon as you can play, make sure your Handgun is equipped
-Shoot Pyramid Head several times until he gets in the screen
-Run to the far corner and try to empty a full clip or more into Pyramid 
-Run back to the other corner and shoot him ore from there
-Repeat this process until you in the second corner and the alarm sounds
-Pyramid Head will head towards the stairs and go down, don't go near him
-When Pyramid Head is gone, the water in the stairwell will drain
-Go down the stairs and exit to West South Vale

-Go down the stairs and head north to Rose Water Park
-On the way James meets Laura in a video and then she runs off
-Run north, to the Rosewater Park waterfront and meet Maria in the video
-Make sure you do not kill Maria or it is GAME OVER
-Exit the park by heading west and at the steps head south to Nathan 
-Head west to Texxon Gas and take the Steel Pipe in the car hood
-Now continue west to Pete's Bowl-O-Rama and enter it through the front
double doors
-Enter the door on the left and after the video find the other door in 
the room and go through it
-Go up to Eddie for a video
-Enter the double doors where Laura went through and exit the bowling 
alley through the double doors where you came in
-After Maria comes back run south down the area east to the entrance and
enter the gate
-Head south towards the end of the alley for the video and try to enter
the locked door
-Maria will open the door with her 3 keys and then enter Heaven's Night
-Run up the stairs and enter the green door on the right
-Find the exit door and go through it
-Run down the stairs and head south until Maria spots Laura run into the
hospital and enter Brookhaven Hospital

-Grab the Map of the Hospital on the left board and enter the Reception
-Go through the other door and grab the "Purple" Bull key on the table, 
and exit both rooms
-Enter the stairwell nearby and go up to 2F
-Enter the Women's Locker Room to get the Bent Needle in the teddy bear
and the Shotgun in the locker
-Enter the patients' wing, enter the Examination Room 3 and get the code
on the blue carbon paper
-Exit the room, enter M2 and take the "Lapis Eye" Key
-Now go back through the double doors to the other corridor
-Go up to 3F, enter the patients' wing with the code, which is 7335 on 
Easy and Normal Riddle Mode and 1328 on Hard Riddle Mode
-Enter S3 so Maria can have a rest
-Take the Roof Key on the nightstand and go up to RF, using the other
-Run over to the diary (examine it if you want; it may affect which
ending you'll receive) and run to the fence near the Elevator Control
-Pyramid Head will knock you off the roof to the locked Special Treatment
-Enter the 2nd closest door to the camera, get the number on the wall
then run to S14 and enter it
-Combine the "Purple Bull" Key and the "Lapis" Eye Key and use them
-Enter the code you found on the blue carbon paper in the Examination
Room 3 on the push-button lock
-Enter the code you found on the wall in the Special Treatment Room
on the turning lock
-Open the box and take the Piece of Hair
-Now go to the Shower Room in the same corridor and combine the Bent
Needle and the Piece of Hair nd use them by the drain to get the
Elevator Key
-Enter the elevator in this corridor and go down to 1F
-Enter C2 and find Laura for a video; she takes and locks James in the
Examination Room and now you will have to fight a boss
-Equip your Shotgun and blast away at the Hangers
-Try to stay away from them so they can't pick you up or kick you
-Shoot them until they get close to you then run to the opposite 
-Stay away from them while you shoot until they both die and a 3rd
will come out
-Do the same until this one is dead and it is over

-Go through the door beside you and enter the next area through the left
-Go in the elevator and go up to 2F and enter M6
-Take the Dry Cell Battery and the Basement Storeroom Key where the hands
reaching up are
-Go up to 3F via the elevator and enter the east corridor
-Enter the stairwell and go all the way down to the basement and go 
through the door, using the Basement Store Room Key
-Push the shelf and try to go down the ladder
-Maria will come in, go down the ladder and get the Copper Ring
-Go back up to 3F, enter the patients' wing and enter the elevator
-Go down to 2F and a trivia will come up, like a radio, maybe James'
-On 2F enter the Day Room and get the Lead Ring from the hard to open
fridge, with Maria
-Go back up to 3F if you want to answer the trivia and enter the Store
Room after entering the east corridor
-Go up to the weird box and examine it
-For the first row of numbers, press 3
-For the second row of numbers, press 1
-For the last row of numbers, press 3
-If answer incorrectly, yellow spray will come from the room and drop
your health the red
-Take the 4 Shotgun Shell packs and the 2 Ampoules inside the box
-Now go back to the patients wing and examine the stairwell door
-In the menu, combine and use the Copper Ring and the Lead Ring
-Go through the unlocked door and go down the stairs to the door and go
through it
-Run down the hallway and Pyramid Head will come and attack Maria
-Just run quickly down the corridor to the last hallway where Maria
starts running and run down the hallway to the elevator for a video
-Maria wont make it so it was kind of useless protecting her
-Now you are on 1F, enter the Director's Room and get the Hospital Lobby
Key along with the examining the map
-James will see Laura walk by, do the same by going through the lobby
doors with the Hospital Lobby Key

-Head southeast until you get to Saul Street and run on the gated path
with the Underhangers, and dodge them
-On the other side, go through the door
-Run northeast to Lindsey Street and grab the Wrench on the porch of the
second closest house to Gonzale's
-Head north then east on Katz Street and go through the now unlocked
gate door past Wood Side Apartments
-Run up to Rosewater Park and find the Praying Woman Statue
-Go behind it, dig and use the Wrench
-Take the Old Bronze Key in the tin box and run back to Nathan Avenue
-Head northwest up Nathan Avenue and enter the Silent Hill Historical
Society with the Old Bronze Key

-Enter the second room via the door on the right
-Find the hole in the wall and go down the really long descending stairs
until you reach a door, go through it
-Go through the next door and follow the hallway to where the Patient
Demon is and enter the door in front of you
-Jump down the hole and you will be in a well
-Search the well for some "different" and weak bricks, then equip either
the Wooden Plank or the Steel Pipe and whack it 2-3 times
-Enter the door and follow the path to the first door and go through it
-Get the Spiral Writing Key and your Flashlight battery dies
-Use the Drycell Battery to replace the old one
-Examine the keypad in the bug-filled room
-Either 2 or 3 numbers will be illuminated on the keypad
-Use them to solve the puzzle by trying each combination possible
-There is always only 6 possible combinations
-Example - 1,2 - 121, 211, 112, 212, 122, 221
           1,2,3 - 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321
-Exit the room and use the Spiral Writing Key to open the locked gate
door on the floor and jump down the hole

-After the video, get the Tablet of "Gluttonous Pig" and leave the room
-Head upward until you find the Map of the Prison on a table on the left
and head downward and enter the second door on the left
-Head north and then east and enter the open shower room and get the 
Tablet of "The Seductress"
-Enter the south row of jail cells and get the Wax Doll from the second
last cell
-Enter the north row of jail cells from the east side of the prison and
get the Tablet of "The Oppressor"
-Exit to the Courtyard and find the scaffold
-Combine and use the Tablet of "Gluttonous Pig", Tablet of "The Seductress"
and the Tablet of "The Oppressor" on the front of it, where the picture of
the Pyramid Heads are
-Head back to the entrance and get the Horseshoe on the door handle
-Use the north row of jail cells to get to the east side of the prison 
and enter the civilian side of the prison through the last open door on 
the left
-Enter the next door on the left and get the Lighter by the glass
-Enter the last door on the right and enter the next room in the Warden's
Office and take the Hunting Rifle hanging up
-Go through the gate next to the Warden's Office and combine and use the
Wax Doll, the Horseshoe and the Lighter on the hatch to make a handle
-Jump down the hole and go the door directly in front of you
-Go through the other door and jump down the hole
-Open the door and jump down the next hole
-Enter the elevator and go in one of the 2 far corners for the elevator
to start its descent
-After the terribly long elevator ride go through the one and only light 
brown door to enter the Labyrinth

-James draws his own map if you have the flashlight on so do so
-If you want a new weapon, follow the path to the northeast ladder and go 
down it
-Run left down the turning hallway and enter the first room on the left
-Get the Great Knife on the table
-Leave Pyramid Head's lair by going back where you came from, to the main
-Follow the path to the southeast ladder and go down it
-Go down the corridor and go down the next ladder
-Examine the box of faces
-On Easy and Normal Riddle Mode rotate the cube until you get the right-
side-up red face and turn the cube left or to one of the 3 upside-down
-On Hard Riddle Mode there is no set solution, just keep trying until
you get it right
-Run past the box of faces, into the grated room and go down through the 
now doorway stairs to a video
-After the video, get the Wire Cutters from the electrical box near the
box of faces
-Go back to the main area and use the Wire Cutters to cut the wires 
blocking the door across from the entrance to The Labyrinth and go down
the ladder
-You should hear or encounter Pyramid Head in one or two areas in the
low water, just be careful of his attacks
-Go up the first ladder on the right and go down the hallway and go down
the southwest ladder
-Find the other ladder and go up it and follow the path to find another
ladder, go down it
-Find the only other ladder in the area and go up it
-Run forward and go down the ladder and go up the first ladder on the
-Go through the door and go down the hallway of papers for a video and
you will now fight another boss
-If you haven't already, equip you Shotgun and blast the Doorman a few
times until he gets pretty close to you. Always run to the other side 
of this room because it's very small
-Shoot 2-4 times and he should fall down and get up
-Repeat this a few times, using the strafe buttons to get f of some
situations, until the Doorman is dead
-After the video exit the room and go through the next door to find
2 weird rooms, another puzzle
-Run to the first room to figure out the locations of the hanged men
and then run to the other room and pull the noose in the same location
as the body of the wrongfully accused man
-There solutions are:
Easy Riddle Mode: Kidnapper
Normal Riddle Mode: Arsonist
Hard Riddle Mode: Counterfeiter
-Run back to the first room and grab the Key of the Persecuted and go
through the last door in the hallway and use the Key of the Persecuted
to unlock the handcuffs attached to the gate
-Go down the ladder and go through the white door for a video
-Now go through the now opened gate and go up the ladder
-Go in the Catacomb and go down your grave
-Follow the long path and enter the next room for another boss
-As soon as you can play, equip the Great Knife and swing it at Eddie
once on Easy and Normal Action Mode, causing him to go to the next
room, or twice on Hard Action Mode
-If you don't have it, use the Hunting Rifle, a few shots
-In the next room, equip your Shotgun and take off a few shots at 
-Try your best to not let him shoot you, so use the strafe buttons 
when he readies his gun
-After awhile, he will get confused and hide behind the meant racks
-Run up to him to make him move, then shoot him
-If you find it difficult with the Shotgun, use the Handgun, but not
the Hunting Rifle, it takes to long to ready your aim
-Keep shooting him until he dies for a video
-After you've defeated Eddie, exit the area by going through one of
the 2 large doors where you haven't been yet

-Run along the dock to the boat and get in it
-Use the D-pad to move the boat on Easy and Normal Action Mode
-On Hard Action Mode you will have use both the thumbsticks
-Move the left thumbstick counter-clockwise and the right thumbstick 
clockwise simultaneously to move forward
-Move both thumbsticks counter-clockwise simultaneously to turn left
-Move both thumbsticks clockwise simultaneously to turn right
-When you get in the boat, move forward to get going and turn right
until you see the light from the lighthouse
-Continue moving forward until you reach the Lake View Hotel for a 

-Run into the courtyard of the hotel and get the "Little Mermaid" Music 
Box on the fountain
-Enter the Lake View Hotel via the door at the top of the steps
-Take the Map of the Hotel (for guests) on the left corkboard and enter
the "Lake Shore" Restaurant
-Get the "Fish" Key on the set table and go near the piano for a video
-Go down to B1F and get the Thinner in the elevator and go back up to 1F
-Enter the Lobby and then the Reception and get the Key to Hotel Room 312
-Go up to 2F and enter the Cloak Room
-Use the "Fish" Key to open the briefcase and get the Key to Hotel Room 
204 inside
-Enter the west side of 2F and enter Room 204 with the key and take the
Employee Elevator Key on the desk
-Go through the hole in the wall to Room 204 and use the Thinner to erase
the ink over the photo on the bed
-Go over to the briefcase to the right of the bed and use the code you
got from the photo on the bed to open the briefcase
-Get the "Cinderella" Music Box from the now open briefcase and run to
the east side of 2F and enter the Employee Elevator Room
-Go in the elevator and see the note on weight allowance and exit the
elevator and examine the shelf nearby
-Now put every single one of your items in the shelf and go back in the
elevator and go down to 1F
-Get the Map of the Hotel on the left corkboard and enter the Pantry
-Get the  "Snow White" Music Box on the shelf to your right and enter
the Office
-Take the Videotape and the Can Opener in the open safe and enter the
stairwell with the blue door, beside the Office and go down to B1F
-Enter the Boiler Room and get the Bar Key on the generator and enter
the Kitchen
-Use the Can Opener to open the can on the counter and take the Light 
-Enter the Venus Tears Bar and put the Light Bulb in the lamp on the
counter and exit the bar, using the key and go back up to 2F
-Go to the east side of 2F and enter the Employee Elevator Room and get
all of you items back and go exit to the middle of 2F and go down the
stairs to the large music box
-On Easy Riddle Mode just put in the 3 Music Boxes in any of the 3
-On Normal Riddle Mode the "Snow White" Music Box goes in the front, 
the "Cinderella" Music Box goes on the left and the "Little Mermaid" 
Music Box goes on the right
-On Hard Riddle Mode the "Little Mermaid" Music Box goes in the front,
the "Cinderella" Music Box  goes on the left and the "Snow White" Music
Box goes on the right
-Select "yes" to make the music box play when it asks you and it will
play correctly
-The music boxes will turn to the inside and 3 others will be facing you
-Take the Hotel Stairway Key on the middle music box and run up to 3F,
using the key to open the gate
-Enter Room 312, using the key and insert the Videotape into the VCR to
the right of the TV for a video

-Go down to 2F and enter the west side of the floor
-It may effect which ending you'll receive, but if you want to, you can
enter the Reading Room on the same floor and listen to the headphones, 
-Try to enter Room 202 and you will be transported to the east side of 2F
-Go through the double doors to the south and enter the elevator and go
down to B1F
-The basement is now flooded but you can still get around
-Enter the Venus Tears Bar and use the Kitchen as a passageway to the
next corridor and enter the stairwell for a video
-After the video, exit the stairs that are different than before and then
they will be normal again
-Follow the path northeast and go through the door
-Run along the path with Underhangers underneath it, ignoring them, and 
go through the next door
-Equip the Hunting Rifle and go through the double doors to the Lobby
-Right when you can play run into the farthest corner and start shooting
at the Pyramid Heads
-You should be able to take off at least 3-4 shots on Easy Action Mode, 
1-2 shots on Normal Action Mode and 1 on Hard Action Mode
-On Hard Action Mode try to only take off one in each corner you visit
because you may get stabbed
-After you've taken off the appropriate amount of shots using the R1 and
L1 buttons to strafe out of the way, to the next farthest corner
-Keep firing at the two Pyramid Heads, traveling to the farthest corner
each time, and you should find this battle quite easy
-Just make sure the Pyramid Heads don't get close to you so hold L2 to
position the camera on the Pyramid Heads when you're shooting at them
-Keep in mind that it doesn't matter which Pyramid Head you are shooting
each time, they split the damage each one takes
-After about 10 shots on Normal Action Mode the two Pyramid Heads should
head towards the center on the Lobby and they will stab their spears into
their heads, oddly enough, to end the battle
-Examine the Pyramid Heads' corpses to find the Rust-Colored Egg and the
Scarlet Egg in their hands
-Find the 2 exiting lobby doors and insert the Rust-Colored Egg and the
Scarlet Egg into either one of the two doors, but you must put one in each
-Exit through one of the 2 doors and go through the door that you first 
came into the hotel and you will be in a long hallway
-It may change which ending you will receive if you listen to the whole
recorded conversation or not
-Once you've decided what to do and you've done it, go through the door at
the end of the long hallway
-Turn to your left and start running up the many stairs, as it turns, 
follow it to the very top for a video, then the final boss in the game
-Right when you can play run away into a far corner and use your Hunting
Rifle's amazing accuracy to hit the demon
-Make sure that when you see the demon spit out what looks like 
butterflies, you keep running until they fly away because they can harm
-Try not to get to close to the demon or it will try to grab you and hold
you up in the air, inflicting damage
-Keep running into corners, staying away from the demon, and use the
Hunting Rifle to shoot the demon
-Be sure to dodge the demon's attacks and you should do well
-Be sure to hold L2 to position the camera on the demon when you're 
shooting at it to see how close it is to you and run away when it gets 
-If you ever get attacked which will probably happen, use the movement
controls and the shoulder buttons to get out of the attack faster
-The demon will spit out its butterflies several times so stop shooting
when this happens and run until they fly away
-After many shots the demon should fall to the ground and it is now
-Take out your weapon of choice and take out the demon
-If using the Great Knife press A hard so James will do a downward 
attack, hitting the demon
-After you have officially killed the demon you have beat the game,

Maria Ending
-Immediately go where Maria tells you to go. Do not go the opposite 
direction or make her tell you twice
-Make sure Maria suffers none or very little damage
-Spend a long time with Maria before leaving her in Room S3 3F of 
Brookhaven Hospital
-After you leave Maria in Room S3 3F Brookhaven Hospital, return and 
check on her often
-After leaving Maria's cell in the Labyrinth try to re-enter the room
(the white door, not down the stairs)
-At the last long corridor before the Final Boss after the Pyramid Head 
Duel don't listen to the conversation and quickly run forward until you 
reach a door

Avoid the Maria Ending
-Hit Maria with the wooden plank a few times but do not kill her
-In the Inventory Examine the Photo of Mary and the Letter from Mary
-After you meet Maria in Rosewater Park run as fast as you can to room S3 
3F in Brookhaven Hospital

In Water Ending
-Examine Angela's Knife in your Inventory
-Read the Diary on the Hospital Rooftop
-After viewing the videotape go down to the Reading Room on 2F of 
"Nightmare" Hotel (Lake View Hotel) and listen to the recorded conversation 
on the headphones on the desk
-Listen to the entire last corridor conversation of Mary sick in bed 
before the last Boss Fight
-Go through the game with Red health status often

Leave Ending
-Recover your stamina(health) as soon as it drops. Try to keep green 
stamina throughout the whole game 
-After meeting Maria in Rosewater Park do not head east and do not make 
Maria tell James which direction the Hotel lies 
-Listen to the entire sick bed conversation of Mary sick in bed in the 
last long corridor before the last boss fight
-Do everything that is recommended to avoid the Maria Ending

Rebirth Ending
-Collect and have all 4 of the secret items (not including Chainsaw and 
Hyper Spray) in your inventory when you beat the game(have to beat the 
game at least once first)
-The Names and Locations of the secret items are:
-White Chrism- Blue Creek Apartments Room 105 1F
-Lost Memories Book- In newspaper stand at the Texxon Gas Station
-Obsidian Goblet- Silent Hill Historical Society Museum in the smashed 
display case in the second room
-Crimson Ceremony Book- After you view the videotape in Room 312 3F,
"Nightmare" Hotel go down to the Reading Room 2F and 
it's behind the headphones on the bookshelf

DOG Ending
-After you get the Rebirth Ending you can find the DOG Key in the Doghouse 
in the yard a little west of Jacks Inn -After you view the videotape in 
Room 312 3F, "Nightmare" Hotel, use the DOG Key on 
the Observation Room door on the same floor

UFO Ending
After you've beaten the Sub Scenario, pick up the Blue Gem in the 
Restroom at the beginning of the game. It is by the furthest stall from 
James. Once you have it you must use it in these 3 places to receive the 
UFO Ending:
-"Nightmare" Hospital in the Garden 1F after you've beaten the Hangers
-Right in front of the boat on the Labyrinth dock of Toluca Lake, after
you've beaten the Eddie Boss.
-Room 312 3F Lake View Hotel, right in front of the right window beside
TV before you watch the videotape
After you do that the game will end and you will receive the UFO Ending.

13.      RANKING
After you finish a game in Silent Hill 2 with the Letter From Silent 
Heaven Scenario (Main Scenario) you will be ranked on what you have done. 
The things you are ranked on are:

Action Level                The Action Level that you choose at the 
                            beginning of the game
Riddle Level                The Riddle Level that you choose at the 
                            beginning of the game
Ending                      Which Ending you receive
Ending Clear                How many of the endings you've received
Saves                       How many times you saved your game
Total Time                  The total time you play the game
Walking Distance            The total distance you walked in the game
Running Distance            The total distance you ran in the game
Items                       How many items you picked up in the game
Defeated Enemy By Shooting  How many enemies you killed by shooting
Defeated Enemy By Fighting  How many enemies you killed by fighting
Boat Stage Time             The amount of time it took you to complete 
                            the Boat Stage
Boat Max Speed              The max speed you reached during the Boat 
Total Damage                The total damage you received from enemies 
                            in points
Your Rank                   The amount of stars you receive

After you've beaten the game it will show your rank. Save your game and 
next time it will load your Ranking when you try to load your game. So 
load your game press A and go to New Game to start another game with it 
remembering your rank.

10-Star Ranking
It is possible to get a 10-Star Ranking. It requires you to do certain
things. If you want to get a 10-Star Ranking then you should do the

-Play on Hard Action Mode
-Play on Extra Hard Riddle Mode
-Clear all 5 endings
-Save your game 2 times or less
-Finish the game in 3 hours or less
-Collect at least 100 regular items
-Get the Chainsaw, Hyper Spray and the Dog Key
-Kill at least 75 enemies by shooting
-Kill at least 75 enemies by fighting
-Finish the boat stage in under 1m 20s
-Receive 200 points of damage or less

Hyper Spray
The Hyper Spray is a secret weapon that can be used to immobilize enemies
for a brief amount of time. Fore more information on it, check out the
weapons section. After you beat the Main Scenario in Silent Hill 2, you
will receive a ranking. Your ranking can effect the power of you Hyper 
Spray. Here are the following colours that you can get and their power:

White - Start off with this - Not very good but OK
Yellow - Pretty good - Inflicts a moderate immobilization period
Purple - The best - Creates a pretty long immobilization period

In order to get the Purple spray, you'll need to get a very good ranking.
Try your best to get a 10-Star Ranking, using the requirements above.

Weapon Name
Great Knife                
Hunting Rifle              
Hyper Spray                
Wooden Plank               
Steel Pipe                 

Item Name
Apartment Gate Key         
Apartment Stairway Key     
Bar Key                    
Basement Storeroom Key     
Bent Needle                
Can Opener                 
Canned Juice               
Clock Key                  
Coin [Old Man]             
Coin [Snake]               
Coin [Prisoner]            
Copper Ring                
Courtyard Key              
Drycell Battery            
Elevator Key               
Employee Elevator Key      
Examination Room Key       
Fire Escape Key            
"Fish" Key                 
Hospital Lobby Key         
Hotel Stairway Key         
Key of the Persecuted      
Key to Hotel Room 204      
Key to Hotel Room 312
Key to Room 202            
"Lapis Eye" Key            
Laura's Letter             
Lead Ring                  
Letter form Mary           
Light Bulb                 
Lyne House Key             
Music Box "Cinderella"     
Music Box "Little Mermaid" 
Music Box "Snow White"     
Old Bronze Key             
Photo of Mary              
Piece of Hair              
"Purple Bull" Key          
Roof Key                   
Rust-Colored Egg           
Scarlet Egg                
Spiral Writing Key         
Tablet of "Gluttonous Pig" 
Tablet of "The Oppressor"  
Tablet of "The Seductress" 
Wax Doll                   
Wire Cutter                

Secret Item Name
Blue Gem
Crimson Ceremony
Dog Key
Lost Memories
Obsidian Goblet
White Chrism

Map Name
Map of Silent Hill
Map of the Apt. Building
Map of the West Apt. Building
Map of the Hospital
Map of the Hotel (for employees)
Map of the Hotel (for guests)
Map of the Labyrinth
Map of the Prison

Weapon:   | Chainsaw
Location: | Stuck in a pile of logs across from Silent Hill Ranch, after 
          | you beat the game at least once.
Notes:    | Powerful but hard to use; James need to stop and start it up
          | and then you can attack.
Weapon:   | Great Knife
Location: | Pyramid Head's Lair on the table in the Labyrinth.
Notes:    | Possibly the most powerful weapon in the game. James has to
          | raise it first then swing, because it's huge . Awkward to use.
Weapon:   | Handgun
Location: | In the shopping cart in Room 301 3F Wood Side Apartments.
Notes:    | The first firearm James acquires. Holds 10 bullets per clip.
          | Best at close and medium range.
Weapon:   | Hunting Rifle
Location: | In the weapons lock-up just behind the front office in Toluca
          | Prison.
Notes:    | The best weapon in the game. Holds 4 shots. Extreme range, 
          | amazing stopping power, but lacks in firing rate.
Weapon:   | Hyper Spray
Location: | Motorhome at the intersection of Saul Street and Harris after
          | you beat Normal or Hard Action Mode.
Notes:    | Immobilizes enemies when sprayed at, for a brief amount of
          | time. May affect James' is health after many sprays.
Weapon:   | Wooden Plank
Location: | Construction site at north end of Vachss Road.
Notes:    | The first weapon James acquires. Isn't the best weapon but
          | is good at extremely close range.
Weapon:   | Shotgun
Location: | Women's Locker Room 2F Brookhaven Hospital.
Notes:    | High stopping power but lack in range. Holds 6 Shots. Best
          | at close range.
Weapon:   | Steel Pipe
Location: | Texxon Gas station, stuck in a car's hood at the northeast
          | corner of Nathan and Carroll.
Notes:    | Better than the Steel Pipe and swings faster.

Item:     | Apartment Gate Key
Location: | On the corpse, at the North end of Martin Street.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the front gate of Wood Side Apartments.
Item:     | Apartment Stairway Key
Location: | On the bed in Room 208 2F Blue Creek Apartments.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the North stairwell of Blue Creek Apartments, 2F.
Item:     | Bar Key
Location: | Hanging on the boiler in the Boiler Room B1F Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the "Venus Tears" Bar door in Lake View Hotel, B1F.
Item:     | Basement Storeroom Key
Location: | On the ledge above the reaching arms in Room M6 "Nightmare"
          | Hospital.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the B1F Storeroom of the "Nightmare" Hospital.
Item:     | Bent Needle
Location: | Stuck in the teddy bear in the Women's Locker Room 2F.
Purpose:  | One of the 2 items needed to get the key in the drain in the
          | Shower Room 3F, Brookhaven Hospital.
Item:     | Can Opener
Location: | In the safe in the Office 1F Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | Opens the unmarked can on the counter in the Kitchen of Lake
          | View Hotel, on B1F.
Item:     | Canned Juice
Location: | In front the door of Room 107 1F Wood Side Apartments.
Purpose:  | Knocks the stuck garbage out of the garbage shoot on 2F, Wood
          | Side Apartments.
Item:     | Clock Key
Location: | In the hole in the wall in the bedroom in Room 202 Wood Side
          | Apartments.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the face of the clock in Room 208 2F, Wood Side
          | Apartments.
Item:     | Coin [Old Man]
Location: | In the incinerator out Wood Side Apartments, after you knock 
          | the garbage out of the shoot.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 coins needed to solve the Coin Puzzle in Room
          | 105 1F, Blue Creek Apartments.
Item:     | Coin [Snake]
Location: | In the baby carriage in the Wood Side Apartments courtyard 
          | pool.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 coins needed to solve the Coin Puzzle in Room
          | 105 1F, Blue Creek Apartments.
Item:     | Coin [Prisoner]
Location: | On the nightstand in Room 109 1F Blue Creek Apartments.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 coins needed to solve the Coin Puzzle in Room
          | 105 1F, Blue Creek Apartments.
Item:     | Copper Ring
Location: | In the center of the floor in the "Nightmare" Hospital
          | Basement Storeroom.
Purpose:  | One of the 2 rings needed to open the west stairwell door, 
          | "Nightmare" Hospital 3F.
Item:     | Courtyard Key
Location: | In the closet where James was hiding in Room 307 3F Wood Side
          | Apartments.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the door that leads to the courtyard on the east side
          | of Wood Side Apartments 1F.
Item:     | Drycell Battery
Location: | On the ledge above the reaching arms in Room M6 "Nightmare"
          | Hospital.
Purpose:  | Replaces the old battery for the Flashlight when the old one
          | dies.
Item:     | Elevator Key
Location: | In the shower drain in the Shower Room 3F Brookhaven Hospital.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the cover to call the elevator, Brookhaven Hospital
          | 3F.
Item:     | Employee Elevator Key
Location: | On the desk in Room 204 2F Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the Employee Elevator Room on the east side of 2F,
          | Lake View Hotel.
Item:     | Examination Room Key
Location: | In the bloody lab coat pocket in the Men's Locker Room 2F.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the Examination Room on 1F, Brookhaven Hospital.
Item:     | Fire Escape Key
Location: | On the floor on the east side of the bars in Wood Side
          | Apartments 3F Corridor.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the Fire Escape door at the west end on 2F, Wood Side
          | Apartments.
Item:     | "Fish" Key
Location: | On the plate on the table in the Lake Shore Restaurant 1F
          | Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the briefcase in the Cloak Room 2F, Lake View Hotel.
Item:     | Flashlight
Location: | On the fashion dummy wearing Mary's clothes in Room 205 2F 
          | Wood Side Apartments.
Purpose:  | Allows you to see and be able to read your map in dark areas.
Item:     | Horseshoe
Location: | On the handle of the door in the Courtyard in Toluca Prison, 
          | after you solve the scaffold puzzle.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 items needed to create a handle for the floor
          | hatch in Toluca Prison, 1F.
Item:     | Hospital Lobby Key
Location: | On the desk in the Director's Room in "Nightmare" Hospital 1F.
Purpose:  | Opens the lobby doors in the "Nightmare" Hospital, 1F.
Item:     | Hotel Stairway Key
Location: | On the music box after you insert your 3 music boxes to the
          | large music box, Lake View Hotel 1F.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the gate blocking the 3F corridor, Lake View Hotel 3F.
Item:     | Key of the Persecuted
Location: | On the ground where the wrongfully hanged man was, after you
          | pull the right noose in the Labyrinth.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the handcuffs on the valve and the gate to raise the
          | gate in the Labyrinth.
Item:     | Key to Hotel Room 204
Location: | In the briefcase in the Cloak Room 2F in the Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | Unlocks Room 204 Lake View Hotel, 2F.
Item:     | Key to Hotel Room 312
Location: | In one of the key boxes behind the Reception Desk on 1F, Lake
          | View Hotel.
Purpose:  | Unlocks Room 312 Lake View Hotel, 3F.
Item:     | Key to Room 202
Location: | On the bookshelf in Room 208 2F in Wood Side Apartments, 
          | after you get the Handgun.
Purpose:  | Unlocks Room 202 2F, Wood Side Apartments.
Item:     | Knife
Location: | Angela gives it to you in one of the rooms in Room 109 1F
          | Blue Creek Apartments.
Purpose:  | If examined, can change the outcome of the ending you will
          | receive at the end of the game.
Item:     | "Lapis Eye" Key
Location: | In the nightstand drawer in Room M2 2F Brookhaven Hospital.
Purpose:  | One of the two keys needed to solve the "Louise" Puzzle.
Item:     | Laura's Letter
Location: | Laura gives it to you in the Lake Shore Restaurant 1F in the
          | Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | More information about Mary.
Item:     | Lead Ring
Location: | Inside the fallen refrigerator 2F in the Day Room "Nightmare" 
          | Hospital.
Purpose:  | One of the 2 rings need to open the west stairwell door,
          | "Nightmare" Hospital 3F.
Item:     | Letter form Mary
Location: | James has this for the whole game.
Purpose:  | If examined, can change the outcome of the ending you will
          | receive at the end of the game.
Item:     | Light Bulb
Location: | Inside the can on the counter in the Kitchen B1F Lake View
          | Hotel.
Purpose:  | Creates light to open the "Venus Tears" Bar door when screwed
          | into the lamp on the counter, "Nightmare" Hotel B1F
Item:     | Lighter
Location: | On the counter of the civilian side in the Visitor's Room 1F 
          | Toluca Prison.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 items needed to create a handle for the floor
          | hatch in Toluca Prison, 1F.
Item:     | Lyne House Key
Location: | Inside the secretarial desk in Room 105 1F Blue Creek 
          | Apartments.
Purpose:  | Unlocks Room 209 2F, Blue Creek Apartments.
Item:     | Music Box "Cinderella"
Location: | In the locked suitcase in Room 202 2F Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 music boxes needed to solve the Music Box Puzzle.
Item:     | Music Box "Little Mermaid"
Location: | On the edge of the water fountain in the courtyard behind the 
          | Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 music boxes needed to solve the Music Box Puzzle.
Item:     | Music Box "Snow White"
Location: | On the shelf in the Pantry 1F Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 music boxes needed to solve the Music Box Puzzle.
Item:     | Old Bronze Key
Location: | In the buried tin box behind the "praying woman" statue in
          | Rosewater Park.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the Silent Hill Historical Society Museum in Dark
          | South Vale.
Item:     | Photo of Mary
Location: | James has this for the whole game.
Purpose:  | If examined, can change the outcome of the ending you will
          | receive at the end of the game.
Item:     | Piece of Hair
Location: | Inside the Louise's secret box in Room S14 Brookhaven 
          | Hospital.
Purpose:  | One of the 2 items needed to get the key in the drain in the
          | Shower Room 3F, Brookhaven Hospital.
Item:     | "Purple Bull" Key
Location: | On the table beside the typewriter in the Document Room 1F
          | Brookhaven Hospital.
Purpose:  | 
Item:     | Radio
Location: | At the Construction Site, at the north end of Vachss Road East
          | South Vale.
Purpose:  | Makes noise when enemies are nearby.
Item:     | Roof Key
Location: | On the Nightstand in Room S3 3F Brookhaven Hospital.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the Roof door to access, Brookhaven Hospital RF.
Item:     | Rust-Colored Egg
Location: | In one of the Pyramid Head's hands after the Pyramid Head Duo
          | in the Lobby 1F "Nightmare" Hotel.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the the door that you insert it in, after the Pyramid
          | Head Duo, "Nightmare" Hotel 1F.
Item:     | Scarlet Egg
Location: | In one of the Pyramid Head's hands after the Pyramid Head Duo
          | in the Lobby 1F "Nightmare" Hotel.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the the door that you insert it in, after the Pyramid
          | Head Duo, "Nightmare" Hotel 1F.
Item:     | Spiral Writing Key
Location: | On the ground in the Trap Room in the unknown area beneath
          | Silent Hill Historical Society Museum.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the gate door on the ground of the "Unmapped" Area.
Item:     | Tablet of "Gluttonous Pig"
Location: | On a table in the Cafeteria Toluca Prison 1F.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 tablets needed to insert to the scaffold in the
          | courtyard of Toluca Prison on 1F.
Item:     | Tablet of "The Oppressor"
Location: | On the bed in the 7th cell in the top row Toluca Prison 1F.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 tablets needed to insert to the scaffold in the
          | courtyard of Toluca Prison on 1F.
Item:     | Tablet of "The Seductress"
Location: | On the ground in the last shower room on the left side in
          | Toluca Prison 1F.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 tablets needed to insert to the scaffold in the
          | courtyard of Toluca Prison on 1F.
Item:     | Thinner
Location: | On the floor in the open elevator B1F in the Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | Erases the black ink from the photo in Room 204 2F, Lake View
          | Hotel.
Item:     | Videotape
Location: | In the safe in the Office 1F Lake View Hotel.
Purpose:  | Insert into the VCR in Room 312 3F, Lake View Hotel.
Item:     | Wax Doll
Location: | On the bed in the 9th cell in the bottom row in Toluca Prison
          | 1F.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 items needed to create a handle for the floor
          | hatch in Toluca Prison, 1F.
Item:     | Wire Cutter
Location: | In the fuse box in the rotating cube room, after speaking to
          | Maria.
Purpose:  | Cuts the wires over the door in front of you when you enter
          | The Labyrinth.
Item:     | Wrench
Location: | On the ground on the house porch beside Gonzale's Mexican
          | Restaurant Dark South Vale.
Purpose:  | Unscrews the bolts on the tin box behind the "praying woman"
          | in Rosewater Park, Dark South Vale.

Item:     | Blue Gem
Location: | By one of the stalls in the washroom at the beginning of the
          | game.
Available:| After you beat the Sub Scenario.
Purpose:  | Use in the "Nightmare" Hospital Garden, in front of the boat
          | on the Toluca Lake dock and near the Lake View Hotel Room 312 
          | window to receive the UFO Ending.
Item:     | Crimson Ceremony
Location: | On the shelf behind the headphones in the "Nightmare" Hotel
          | Reading Room on 2F
Available:| After you've beatne the game at least once
Purpose:  | One of the 4 items required in your inventory at the end of
          | the game to receive the Rebirth Ending.
Item:     | Dog Key
Location: | Directly across Nathan Avenue when exiting Rosewater Park, to
          | the west of Jack's Inn, inside a Dog House in an open lot. 
Available:| After you've received the 3 regular endings or the Rebirth
          | ending.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the Observation Room after you view the videotape,
          | Lake View Hotel 3F.
Item:     | Lost Memories
Location: | In the newspaper stand at the Texxon Gas Station in West
          | South Vale.
Available:| After you've beatne the game at least once
Purpose:  | One of the 4 items required in your inventory at the end of
          | the game to receive the Rebirth Ending.
Item:     | Obsidian Goblet
Location: | In the smashed display case in the 2nd room of the Silent
          | Historical Society Museum in Dark South Vale.
Available:| After you've beatne the game at least once
Purpose:  | One of the 4 items required in your inventory at the end of
          | the game to receive the Rebirth Ending.
Item:     | White Chrism
Location: | On the kitchenette counter of Room 105 1F.
Available:| After you've beatne the game at least once
Purpose:  | One of the 4 items required in your inventory at the end of
          | the game to receive the Rebirth Ending.

Map:      | Map of Silent Hill
Location: | In James car, inside the open left door, on the seat.
Covers:   | The whole outside of East and West South Vale and Pale Ville.
Map:      | Map of the Apt. Building
Location: | Just inside Wood Side Apartments, on the left corkboard.
Covers:   | Floors 1F, 2F, 3F of the East and West buildings of Wood Side 
          | Apartments and the courtyard linking them both.
Map:      | Map of the West Apt. Building
Location: | On the floor of the middle stairwell, right beside the door.
Covers:   | Floors 1F, 2F and 3F of Blue Creek Apartments (3F is never
          | explored though).
Map:      | Map of the Hospital
Location: | Just inside Brookhaven Hospital, on the left board.
Covers:   | Floors 1F, 2F, 3F and RF of Brookhaven Hospital and
          | "Nightmare" Hospital.
Map:      | Map of the Hotel (for employees)
Location: | Just outside of the Employee Elevator, on the left corkboard
          | on 1F, Lake View Hotel.
Covers:   | Floors 1F, 2F, 3F and B1F of Lake View Hotel and "Nightmare"
          | Hotel.
Map:      | Map of the Hotel (for guests)
Location: | Just inside Lake View Hotel, on the left corkboard.
Covers:   | Floors 1F, 2F, 3F and B1F of Lake View Hotel and "Nightmare"
          | Hotel, including the employee area.
Map:      | Map of the Labyrinth
Location: | James draws his own if your Flashlight is on.
Covers:   | Only the area of The Labyrinth that you explore, since James
          | is drawing it as he goes.
Map:      | Map of the Prison
Location: | On the table on the left side of the wall beside the 3rd door
          | on the right, of the left prisoners' corridor.
Purpose:  | Floors 1F and B1F, including the courtyard on 1F.

East South Vale
1.  In the well near the beginning of the long path on Wiltse Road.
2.  In the fenced area on the table on Vachss Road.
3.  Inside the motorhome on the bed on Saul Street.

Wood Side Apartments
4.  In the West Building lobby and the right, just inside the entrance.
5.  On the cart in Room 209 2F.

Blue Creek Apartments
6.  On the wall in a sort of narrow area, Room 105 1F.
7.  On the wall by the door in Room 208 2F.

West South Vale
8.  On the green car's trunk in the Jack's Inn parking lot.

Brookhaven Hospital
9.  On the left table in the Reception Office 1F.
10. On the left wall in S11 3F.

"Nightmare" Hospital
11. On the wall in the unmarked room 1F,  that you enter from the garden.
12. In the east stairwell on 3F.
13. On the right wall by the exiting lobby doors.

West South Vale
14. On the counter of the Silent Hill Historical Society, when you enter.

Toluca Prison
15. On of of the pillars in the Cafeteria 1F.
16. On the wall by the urinals in the Men's Washroom 1F.
17. On the wall by the door to enter The Labyrinth, after the long 
elevator ride .

The Labyrinth
18. On the wall, after you come up the ladder, before you fight the 
Doorman Boss.
19. On a grave in the Catacomb.
20. On the barrel on Toluca Lake's dock.

Lake View Hotel
21. On one of the chairs in the Lobby, 1F.
22. On the wall in the Employee Elevator Room 2F, on the east side of the

"Nightmare" Hotel
23. On the door of Room 313 3F, after you watch the videotape.
24. Nine Red Squares on the wall before the Pyramid Head Duo, 1F.

16.     MEMOS
Here are the memos in Silent Hill 2. They are not all here but most of
them are. Soon they will all be here, hopefully.

Table of Contents
Swamp Monument
Memo next to corpse #1
Memo next to corpse #2
Memo next to corpse #3
Memo next to corpse #4
Memo next to corpse #5
Memo next to corpse #6
Wall scratches
The scars from the past
Three different sizes, time on the run
Article about murder incident
Wallet in toilet bowl
Dear Tim
To the right is the lady
Three bright coins in five holes be
In memory of the sixty seven who died
"Lost Memories"
Patient record
Doctor's journal
Numbers written on the whiteboard
Imprint on carbon paper
Tern tern tern the numbers
Diary from roof
The basement's basement
She is an angel
I took the direckter's key
There's a letter and a wrench
The key is in the park
Newspaper from shop window
Words written on the wall
Bar Neely's
Jennifer Carroll
Boat Launch note
Waterfront landscape
Pyramid Head painting
Brookhaven Hospital
Prisoner note
Painting 1, from cell
Painting 2, from cell
Painting 3, from cell
Prison guard's diary
Legend of the Lake
Blood-soaked newspaper
Please someone save me
Bodily Injurist
The Felon
Walter Sullivan's Tomstone
Miriam K.'s Tomstone
James Sunderland's Tomstone
Angela Orosco's Tomstone
Eddie Dombrowski's Tomstone
Receptionist memo
Crimson Ceremony
Photos from trunk

Memo Title: Swamp Monument 
Remains of _____ Swamp 
The ____ers of land surroun____ __ is monument was originally swamp, but 
was later fil_____ Fr____ng ago, t__________s nicknamed Blood Swamp 
because the _______ers poured the wat__ _sed to was the ex______ols in 
here. Perhaps it's fo______hat many pe_____m to have s____ ______n the 

Memo Title: Memo next to corpse #1
I'm going to write everything that I've learned so far. Maybe that will 
help you out some how. If you're reading this, it probably means I'm 
already dead.

Memo Title: Memo next to corpse #2
I saw those demons. They were there, I'm certain. But my friend says he 
didn't see anything. If that's true, does that mean that what I saw was 
an illusion? But whether that demon that ate human beings was real, or 
whether it was just some kind of hallucination that my mind dreamed up... 
One thing I know for sure is that I'm beyond all hope.

Memo Title: Memo next to corpse #3
It seems that they're attracted to light. That's why people who need
light to see are their natural prey. They also react strongly to sound.
If you want to go on living, you'd be better off just sitting in the dark 
and staying quiet. But even that probably won't save you.

Memo Title: Memo next to corpse #4
If you're going to try to fight them, the most important thing is to 
relax. It's dangerous to fire a gun while you're all crazy with fear.
Take good aim, and then squeeze the trigger. And don't forget to finish
them off. I think most of those creatures can be killed, even if they are 
tougher than people.

Memo Title: Memo next to corpse #5
Run away.

Memo Title: Memo next to corpse #6
Run away! Run away! Run away!
Run away! Run away! Run away!
Run away! Run away! Run away!

Memo Title: Wall scratches
Henry  |  Mildred  |  Scott 

Memo Title: The scars from the past
The scars from the past shall remove the nail that stops Time.

Memo Title: Three different sizes, time on the run
Three different sizes,
time on the run.
Three young men circlin'
round the sun.
Henry is short and
very, very slow,
Scott can't stop,
he's always on the go.

Memo Title: Article about murder incident 
The police announced today that Walter Sullivan, who was arrested on the 
18th of this month for the brutal murder of Billy Locane and his sister 
Miriam, committed suicide in his jail cell early on the morning of the 

According to the police statment, Sullivan ised a soup spoon to stab 
himself in the neck, severing his carotid artery. By the time the guard 
discovered him, Sullivan was dead from blood loss, the spoon buried two 
inches in his neck.

An old schoolmate of Walter Sullivan's from his 
hometown of Pleasant River said "He didn't look like the type of guy who 
would kill kids. But I do remember that just before they arrested him he 
was blurting out all sorts of strange stuff like "He's trying to kill me. 
He's trying to punish me. The monster... the red devil. Forgive me. I did 
it, but it wasn't me!." 

The schoolmate then added "I guess now that I think of it, he was kinda 

Memo Title: Wallet in toilet bowl (different every time)
## >> ## << ## >> ##           (# - number)

Memo Title: Dear Tim 
Dear Tim, 
I have to run an errand so I'm going out. I left the house key with Uncle 
David (You know where he lives, don't you? The key is in the room near 
the first floor staircase.). I'll be back as soon as I can, so please 
watch the place while I'm gone. 

Memo Title: To the right is the lady (Easy Riddle Mode)
To the right is the lady. To the left is the old one.In the center drwals 
the other. Now just two spaces remain, But fear not for now, The puzzle 
is done. The puzzle is done.

Memo Title: Three bright coins in five holes be (Hard Riddle Mode)
Three bright coins in five holes be
at one end sits the seducer of she
the wind from behind, the woman doth play
the formless one, null, lies furthest from they
the old one beside the serpent sits not
'tis to the prisoner's left that he doth rot

Memo Title: In memory of the sixty seven who died
In memory of the sixty seven who died of illness and now sleep beneath 
the lake.

Memo Title: "Lost Memories"
The name comes from the legend of the people whose land was stolen from 

They call this place "The Place of the Silenced Spirits." By "Spirits,"
they meant not only their dead relatives, but also the spirits that they
believed inhabited the trees, rocks and water around them.

According to legend, this was where the holiest ceremonies took place.

But it was not the ancestors of those who now live in this town that 
first stole the land from these people. There were others who came 

In those days, this town went by another name. But that name is now 
hopelessly lost in the veils of times.

All we know is that there was another name, and that for some reason the 
town was once abandoned by its residents.

Memo Title: Patient record 
[Jack Davis] 
He has attempted suicide three times in the past for reasons unknown. 
Although he is normally a model patient who follows doctor's and nurse's 
orders, he must be watched closely due to his past pattern of sudden and 
violent suicide attempts.

[Joseph Barkin] 
His illness seems to be rooted in the fact that he believes he is guilty 
of causing his daughter's death. His symptoms suggest a psychotic break 
and paranoid delusions. Normally calm, but has a tendency towards 
violence when excited. 

[Joshua Lewis] 
History of hospitalization as well as numerous assault, battery and other 
violent offenses. He has a strong persecution complex and a tendency to 
solve things through violence. Extreme caution necessary. 

Memo Title: Doctor's journal 
The potential for this illness exists in all people and, under the right 
circumstances, any man or woman would be driven, like him, to "the other 
side." The "other side' perhaps may not be the best way to phrase it. 
After all, there is no wall between here and there. It lies on the 
borders where reality and unreality intersect. It is a place both close 
and distant. Some say it isn't even an illness. I cannot agree with them. 
I'm a doctor, not a philosopher or even a psychiatrist. But sometimes I 
have to ask myself this question. It's true that to us his imaginings are 
nothing but the inventions of a busy mind. But to him, there simply is no
other reality. Furthermore he is happy there. So why, I ask myself, why 
in the name of healing him must we drag him painfully into the world of 
our own reality?
(Something else is written by hand.) 
I got the key from Joseph. It's probably the key to that box.

Memo Title: Numbers written on the whiteboard
3rd floor patient wing hall - 7335 (1328 on Hard Riddle Mode)

Memo Title: Imprint on carbon paper (randomly selected ending)
i know it i know the number of the box #### it cant help him anymore the 
button key doesnt scare me so nobody can stop who i am i don't know who i 
am is who i am is who i am is

(# - number)

(Alternate Endings)
me i am and no one can stop me one can stop me no one can stop me can 
stop can stop no no

me i am a genius and no one can stop me and no one can stop me one can 
stop me no one can stop me can stopcan stop no no 

Memo Title: Tern tern tern the numbers 
Tern tern tern the numbers better not forget them So i'll right them down 
here #### The other one, my secret name

(# - number)

Memo Title: Diary from roof 
May 9 
Rain. Stared out the window all day. Peaceful here - nothing to do. Still 
not allowed to go outside.

May 10 Still raining. Talked with the doctor a little. Would they have 
saved me if I didn't have a family to feed? I know I'm pathetic, weak. 
Not everyone can be strong. 

May 11 
Rain again. The meds made me feel sick today. If I'm only better when I'm 
drugged, then who am i anyway? 

May 12 
Rain as usual. I don't want to cause any more trouble for anyone, but I'm 
a bother either way. Can it really be a such a sin to run instead of 
fight? Some people may say so, but they don't have to live in my shoes. 
It may be selfish, but it's what I want. It's too hard like this. It's 
just to hard.... 

May 13 
It's clear outside. The doctors told me I've been released - that I've
got to go home. I ----------

Memo Title: Joseph
If Joseph looks calm, he can be taken out of his cell.

Memo Title: Louise
I'll take care of you four ever. It's my destiny!

Memo Title: The basement's basement 
I was locked up inside the basement's basement. It was so small and dark 
and I was so afraid. I dropped my precious ring. But I will never, ever 
go back there. 

Memo Title: She is an angel 
She is an angel no one knows only I can see the Lady of the Door they 
cannot walk along her Bridge of Thread they fall from the weight of their 
crimes. Like bloated and ugly corpses their sins she devours them sun and 
sinner alike she saves me she is an angel. 

Memo Title: I took the direckter's key 
I took the direckters's key - the one to the mooseum. I hid it behind the 
preying woman when I went out for the day trip. I picked it up but I did 
not steal it. I'm not a krimminal. 

Memo Title: There's a letter and a wrench
[Map with something written on it]
He who is not bold enough to be stared at from across the abyss is not 
bold enough to stare into it himself. The truth can only be learned by 
marching forward. Follow the map. There's a letter and a wrench.

Memo Title: The key is in the park
Or perhaps you are a fool. The truth usually betrays people. A part of 
that abyss is in the old society. The key to the society is in the park. 
At the foot of the praying woman, inside of the ground, inside of a box. 
To open it, I need a wrench. My patient buried it there. I knew, but I 
did nothing. It made me uneasy to have such a thing near. I wasn't 
looking for the truth, I was looking for tranquility. I also saw that 
thing. I fled, but the museum was sealed as well. Now no one dares to 
approach that place. If you still do not wish to stop, James, I pray to 
the Lord to have mercy on your eternal soul.

Memo Title: Newspaper from shop window 
There was a HOLE here. It's gone now. 

Memo Title: Words written on the wall 
If you really want to SEE Mary, you should just DIE. But you might be 
heading to a different place than MARY, James.

Memo Title: Bar Neely's
I'll wait at "BAR" Neely's"

Memo Title: Jennifer Carroll
Victim of persecution by t________ans. Jenni___ Carroll lived with pride
and honor. What happened here shall never be forgotten.

Memo Title: Boat Launch note
Boats to Lake Side Amusement Park and Lakeview Hotel

Memo Title: Waterfront landscape 
"Waterfront landscape" Allen Smith (Date of birth and death unknown) 
A scene of this area from long ago. From the style, it looks like it was 
done sometime around 1820. There were a lot fewer people then, and only a 
handful of buildings.

Memo Title: Pyramid Head painting 
"Misty day, remains of the Judgment" 

Memo Title: Brookhaven Hospital
Brookhaven Hospital (1880)
This hospital was built in response to a great plague that followed a
wave of immigration to this area. It was originally little more than a
shack, but it gradually grew and grew.

Memo Title: Prisoner note
September 11, 1820
Prisoner number: C-221

Memo Title: Painting 1, from cell 
Burning Man 

Memo Title: Painting 2, from cell
Woman in Flight

Memo Title: Painting 3, from cell
436 People at a Recital

Memo Title: Prison guard's diary
Prisoner's do not feel remorse. In fact, they do not feel themselves to
be villans at all. Even the most uneducated brute will use what little 
words he knows to justify himself. In such trifling dreams they have, 
flourishing even in the darkness. Prisoners, too, are no exceptions. No
matter how foul nor loathsome one's own life and existence may be, human 
nature is abiding.

Memo Title: Legend of the Lake 
Toluca Lake, the town's main tourist attraction. This clear, beautiful 
lake has another side as well. It may seem like just a typical ghost 
story that you might find in any number of old towns across the country. 
But in this case, the legend is true. On a fog-bound Novmber day in 1918, 
the Little Baroness, a ship filled with tourists, failed to return to 
port. A newspaper article from back then simply says "It most likely 
sunk for some reason". Despite an extensive police search, not a single 
fragment of the ship nor any of the 14 bodies of passengers or crew has 
ever been recovered to this day. In 1939, an even stranger incident 
(There are many pages torn out)
Many corpses rest at the bottom of this lake. Their bony hands reach up 
towards the boats that pass overhead. Perhaps they reach for their 

Memo Title: Blood-soaked newspaper 
The bo____f a man later identified as Thomas Oro_____Lumberjack, ag_ 39) 
was discovered in the ________________om lying fa_____. The probable
cause of dea____as multiple stab wounds to the front of the neck and the
left side of the torso by a sharp edged weapon. The estimated____e of
death was somewhere between 11:00 p.____nd 12:30 midnight. Due to signs
of struggle in the room and the lack of a murder weapon, police are
cons__ering this a homicide and have opened a murder investigation.
Futhermore, given the fact that the cash in the room was untouched and Mr.
Oro_____ad a history of drunkenness and violence, the polic______ect that
t_____tive was not robbery______________ of crime o______ion. 

Memo Title: Please someone save me (Easy Riddle Mode)
He committed an evil crime. He turned a happy home into a pile of ash. 
For that, he should die. They also committed crimes. They tried to fraud 
and trick others. So their reward too is natural. Even he cannot be 
forgiven, My friend without his hand. And so his death bothers me not. 
And what of him? He also is not sinless. There is only one here who is 
innocent. The missing child was nowhere to be found, And so there was no 
proof of his guilt. His death was a tragedy. That is all I wish to say. 
It was neither justice nor retribution. 

Memo Title: Counterfeiter
This man was hung for the crime of counterfeiting. Justice and revenge
have been served.

Memo Title: Kidnapper
This man was hung for the crime of kidnapping. Justice and revenge have
been served.

Memo Title: Thief
This man was hung for the crime of thievery. Justice and revenge have
been served.

Memo Title: Bodily Injurer
This man was hung for the crime of bodily injury. Justice and revenge
have been served.

Memo Title: Arsonist
This man was hung for the crime of arson. Justice and revenge have been

Memo Title: Swindler
This man was hung for the crime of swindling. Justice and revenge have
been served.

Memo Title: The Felon
This felon drank one last bottle of ale before he was executed and laid
here to his eternal rest.

Memo Title: Walter Sullivan's Tomstone
Walter Sullivan

Memo Title: Miriam K.'s Tomstone
Miriam K. -"Traitor"

Memo Title: James Sunderland's Tomstone
James Sunderland

Memo Title: Angela Orosco's Tomstone
Angela Orosco

Memo Title: Eddie Dombrowski's Tomstone
Eddie Dombrowski

Memo Title: Receptionist memo 
Mr. James Sunderland, The videotape you forgot here is being kept in the 
office on the 1st floor.

Memo Title: Crimson Ceremony
Speak. I am the Crimson One. The lies and the mist are not they but I.
You all know that I am One. Yes, and the One is I. Believers hearken to
me! Twenty score men and seven thousand beasts. Heed my words and
speaketh them to all, that they shall ever be obeyed even under the light
of the proud and merciless sun. I shall bring down bitter vengeance upon
thee and thou shalt suffer my eternal wrath. The beauty of the withering
flower and the last struggles of the dying man, they are my blessings.
Thou shalt ever call upon me and all that is me in the place that is
silent. Oh, proud fragrance of life which flies towards the heart. Oh Cup
which brims with the whitest of wine, it is in thee that all begins.

Memo Title: Photos from trunk 

You are Maria. Maria wakes up in the Heaven's Night Bar and everyone's 
gone. She thinks she are the only one left in the town and she wants to 
find someone. So she decides to fight and live over letting those monster 
get her.

Maria worked at the Heaven's Night Bar until disaster struck in the town 
of Silent Hill. She is all alone after she wakes up and she wants to find 
someone. She Heaven's Night off on a journey to find someone.

Ernest Baldwin
Although you never see Ernest, he is one of the main characters. You 
always encounter him behind doors and Maria has talks with him. He is the 
owner of the Baldwin Mansion. He had a daughter but she died at the age 
of 7 due to reason that only Ernest knows about.

19.     ENEMIES
Patient Demons
Locations: Throughout the whole game
This is the first demon Maria encounters. Patient Demons have 2 attacks in 
different stances. When the demon is standing up, it will attack by 
spitting a yellow acid-like spray at Maria, which stuns her. When the 
demon face down on the ground, the attack will be scrambling towards Maria 
and hitting her, which inflicts mild damage. When you encounter patient 
demons use the Chinese Cleaver if your ammo is scarce. If not, use the 
Revolver. Knock the demon down to the ground by hitting it with a melee 
weapon or shooting it down with the Revolver, and then finish the demon 
off by kicking it once. If you do not kick the demon when it is on the 
ground, it will get back up and will have nearly full health, so make sure 
you always kick the demon when it is on the ground. This goes for all 
demons, unless they die before you get a chance to kick them, or if you 
can't kick them at all. If you do not want to fight a patient demon just 
run away. If you are in a dark area, you can simply walk right by them 
without them knowing you are there.

Giant Roaches
Locations: Throughout the whole game
You can hear a roach by listening for a buzzing/cricket like sound. A 
roach has 1 type of attack. It will run towards you and will bite Maria's 
foot. To deal with a roach, simply run away until it's gone or just run at 
it so that Maria's heel of her shoe will crush it. But if it is really 
annoying you use the Revolver, 1 shot. If you in an open area, like the 
streets, roaches will try to run away, but if you are in a small area, it 
is very likely that they will try to attack you.

Locations: Throughout the whole game
Mannequins have only one attack. Their attack is at extremely close range, 
so they are pretty easy to get by. Their attack is whacking Maria with one 
of its arms/legs. This attack is a powerful so stay away from mannequins. 
But do not worry about using a melee weapon on them, but don't under-
exaggerate them. If you have lots of ammo, use the Revolver to deal with 

20.     WEAPONS
Melee Weapons
These weapons do not require ammunition. Instead, you have to hit the 
enemy with your melee weapon. If you ever run out of ammunition, or if 
your ammunition in scarce, equip and use a melee weapon.

Chinese Cleaver
This weapon is found on the bar in Heaven's Night. It is the only Melee 
weapon in the Born from A Wish Scenario. The Chinese Cleaver has two 
attacks. Down and across. A good strategy is to run with Maria on the 
street and run into an enemy while holding the Right Trigger and A. Repeat 
this strategy until the enemy is one the ground then kick it.

Each gun comes loaded with one clip. You will have to collect ammunition 
that is lying around, to keep using the gun. Each gun is different in 
speed and power.

This weapon belongs to Maria and is what you start off with. It can hold 6 
bullets in each clip. The Revolver does not have a fast firing rate so try 
not to stand too close to your enemies. To shoot it, Hold the Right
Trigger and press or hold A.

21.     CONTROLS
These controls are the very similar to the Main Scenario of Silent Hill 2, 
but they are slightly different. Here they are anyway:

Control                         Function
D-Pad/Left Thumbstick           Movement (2D or 3D style), move in Menu/
                                Screen cursor
Right Thumbstick                Press to use health item
START                           Pause game
BACK                            Open Menu, accept, skip scene
A                               Accept, search, attack, stomp or kick
Black Button                    Run, guard
White Button                    Cancel, exit Menu/Puzzle, toggle 
Y                               Quick Map
B                               Sidestep right
X                               Sidestep left
Right Trigger                   Ready weapon
Left Trigger + Right Thumbstick Look in all forward directions
Left Trigger                    Position camera behind Maria

3D and 2D Control
The default setting is 3D Control but you may change it in the Options 
Menu if you wish. In 3D Control, in order to move, you will need to make 
the front of James facing the direction you want to travel. In 2D Control 
you can just run whatever way you want to without changing where James is 

Secret Options
To access this menu you need to go to the Options Menu then press either 
the Left or Right Trigger. In this Secret Options Menu you can change 
different things including Noise Filter, which makes the game look all 
fuzzy if it is on, Walk/Run Control which you can make it so you don't 
have to hold the black button to run or if you have to. Others are Weapon 
Control, Map Zoom, Blood Color, and View Control. But in order to change 
the Noise Filter off you need to beat the game at least once. You will also 
receive the ammo multiplying option once you beat the game once so you can 
use normal, x2 or x3 the ammo!

Switching Walk/Run Control
In Silent Hill 2, you will be running for the majority of the game. It is
mostly pointless to not run in some cases, even in very small areas. So
go in the Secret Options menu and switch the Walk/Run Control so you don't
have to hold the Black Button the whole time. This is a lot better for the
whole game and esprecialy the streets and larger areas. And On the normal
Xbox Controller, you have to move one of your fingers all the way to the
Black Button to run with the normal Walk/Run Control. This can be hectic
an annoying so it makes the game a lot better if you switch the control.

|     Legend       |
| ========         |
| New Area         |
| ========         |
| ------           |
| Puzzle           |
| ------           |

    West South Vale
After the video exit the room and go through the green door to the left 
on the opposite side of the wall. In this area take the Chinese Cleaver 
stabbed into the counter and exit to outside. Once outside, head South 
down Carroll Street, East on Rendell Street then North on Munson Street. 
Be sure to stay on the right side of Munson Street and you should see a 
blocked off entrance to Blue Creek Apartments with a truck in front of it.
To a little left of blocked off entrance is a door, go through it. Kill 
the or just walk past the Mannequin and enter the mansion

    Baldwin Mansion
Once inside, find and go through the double doors. Enter the door on the 
left, go up the stairs and try to go through the door on the right. Ernest 
Baldwin, the owner of the mansion, is behind the door. After the video go 
through the door directly in front of the stairs, kill or ignore the 
Mannequin and enter the door on the right to access the balcony. Pick up 
the White board, go back through both doors and go down the stairs. On the 
way down you should hear a thump. Go through the main floor door and you 
can see that the cover for the fireplace has fallen. 

Go investigate it to find a ladder, climb up it. Pick up the Black Board 
and the Red Board and examine the grave which appears to be Ernest's 
daughter's, Amy.

    Acacia Key Puzzle
This puzzle is may seem hard at first. But it actually isn't. There is a 
solution where you can figure the puzzle out without my help. Just copy 
the squares on the plates to 3 pieces of paper around equally sized. Then 
cut out the squares and try to find a way that you can put all 3 boards on 
each other so that there is no blue background (on the grave) by with your
3 own paper of what you can call boards.

But if you don't understand what I mean then here is how you solve the 
1. Put in the White Board as it is
2. Put in the Black Board as it is
3. Put in the Red Board 90 Degrees to the left

You may be wondering and no, it doesn't matter which order you put in the 
boards. As long as the White Board and the Black Board are put in as they 
are and the Red Board is put in 90 Degrees to the left you will solve the 

After the puzzle is solved Maria will get the Acacia Key. Head back down 
the ladder, go through the door on the right, the door you came out 
before you went up the ladder, and go up the stairs Up here go through 
the door in front of you, enter the door at the end of the hallway on the 
right and enter through the door and Maria will use the Acacia key. Once 
inside the hallway, go past the Piano Room and enter the Kids Room. Go up 
to the table beside the bed and take the Matches and leave the room. Now 
continue down the hallway to find another door, go through it into the 
attic. Note: There is no map of this area. Go up the sitars and you 
should hear voices. 

You might notice that the room is dark and Maria says she can't see 
anything when you try to examine something. Remembering that you have 
Matches, find the candle on the table and use the Matches. Now go to the 
chair with something underneath it to find the Birthday Card. There is no 
more to do here so go down the stairs and you should hear Amy, she says: 
"Give it..." ... "To my daddy." Exit the attic, go down the stairs and 
exit through the door that you used the Acacia Key for. Go through the 2 
doors so that you are in the where Ernest was behind the door and go 
through the door that he was behind. There is no one in here now, well, 
besides you. 

Enter through the door on the right, go through the only unlocked door to 
the stairs and go down the stairs. Once at the bottom enter the east
hallway beside the Main Kitchen door. Go down the long hallway. Enter 
the Service Room and exit through the other door. Go through the door 
directly in front of you, enter the study and try to open the other door 
to find that Ernest is behind this door now. After Maria and Ernest are 
talking for awhile Ernest asks you to get the White Liquid (which is the 
White Chrism in the Main Scenario) and bring it to him.

After the video exit the room, go back through the door that led you to 
this area, find the stairs and go up them. Exit through the door to lead 
you outside. Now go to the left and enter Blue Creek Apartments. 

 Blue Creek Apartments
In here go through the door in front of you and enter Room 105 on the left.
Grab the White Liquid (White Chrism) on the desk and exit the room along 
with Blue Creek Apartments by going back into the stairwell and exiting 
through the door in front of you. Go back in the Baldwin Mansion. 

Return to Baldwin Mansion
Go down the stairs, go through the Service Room and the door after that 
and enter the Study. Go up to the door and try to go in it. A video will 
play. Maria and Ernest are talking for awhile then Maria opens the door - 
There is nothing there. After the camera is looking around the room 
revealing nothing but the room itself and a table Maria in outside where 
you see Laura in the Main Scenario. She puts her Revolver to her head and 
puts it down. Then she throws it away. She starts walking away and she 
whispers "James..." and the Born From A Wish Scenario is over.

|     Legend       |
| ========         |
| New Area         |
| ========         |
| ------           |
| Puzzle           |
| ------           |

-Exit the room and go through the only other open door and get the Chinese
Cleaver stabbed into the counter and exit Heaven's Night through the next 
-Run south down Carroll Street, east on Rendell Street and north on Munson
Street and go through open door near Blue Creek Apartments on the east 
side, then enter Baldwin Mansion
-Get the Baldwin House Map near the double doors and go through them
-Go up to 2F and try to enter the door on the right for a video
-Go through the next door to the left and enter the balcony through the 
right door to get the White Board
-Go down to 1F and you should hear a noise on the way
-Go up to the fire place and climb the ladder and get the Black Board and
the Red Board on the ground and examine the grave
-Put in the White Board as it is
-Put in the Black board as it is
-Put in the Red Board 90 degrees to the left
-Take the Acacia Key and go down the ladder, then back to 2F
-Go through the door in front of you again and run past the mannequin and
enter the other balcony
-Enter the door, using the Acacia Key and enter the Kids Room and get the
Matches on the table
-Continue to the right and enter the Attic and use the Matches on the
-Get the Birthday Card from under the chair
-Go back and go through the door where Ernest was and go through the
other door and the next
-Go down to 1F and enter the east hallway through the door beside the
Main Kitchen door, go through the other door and down the next hall 
-Go through the Service Room and through the door right ahead
-Enter the Study and try to open the other door in the room
-Maria will give Ernest the Birthday Card and now you'll have to get the
White Oil
-Go back through the other door where you came into this corridor and go
up the stairs and through the next door and then follow the pathway to the
next door and go through it
-Enter Blue Creek Apartments

-Enter Room 105 and get the White Liquid and the desk and exit back to the
Baldwin Mansion

-Run back to the Study on 1F and try to go through the other door again to
complete the scenario

24.     RANKING
After you finish a game in Silent Hill 2 with the Born From A Wish 
Scenario (Sub Scenario) you will be ranked on what you have done. The 
things you are ranked on are:

Action Level                The Action Level you choose at the beginning 
                            of the game
Saves                       How many times you saved your game
Total Time                  The total time you play the game
Walking Distance            The total distance you walked in the game
Running Distance            The total distance you ran in the game
Items                       How many items you picked up in the game
Defeated Enemy By Shooting  How many enemies you killed by shooting
Defeated Enemy By Fighting  How many enemies you killed by fighting
Total Damage                The total damage you received from enemies in 
Your Rank                   The amount of stars you receive

After you've beaten the game it will show your rank. Save your game and 
next time it will load your Ranking when you try to load your game. So 
load your game press A and go to New Game to start another game with it 
remembering your rank.

Weapon Name
Chinese Cleaver            

Item Name
Acacia Key                 
Birthday Card              
Black Board                
Red Board                  
White Board                
White Liquid               

Map Name
Baldwin House Map
Map of West South Vale
Map of the Apt. Building

Weapon:   | Chinese Cleaver
Location: | Stabbed into the counter in the main room of Heaven's Night.
Notes:    | Not much stopping power but it's the only weapon melee weapon
          | in this scenario. It is good for the streets.
Weapon:   | Revolver
Location: | Maria's own weapon that she starts off with.
Notes:    | Moderate stopping power. Holds 6 bullets. Good for inside 
          | areas; close to medium range is good.

Item:     | Acacia Key
Location: | Stuck in the grave of Amy Baldwin at the top of the fireplace 
          | in the Baldwin Mansion.
Purpose:  | Unlocks the Acacia door on the second balcony on 2F, Baldwin
          | Mansion.
Item:     | Birthday Card
Location: | Under the chair in the attic of the Baldwin Mansion.
Purpose:  | Leave for Ernest in the Study 1F, Baldwin Mansion.
Item:     | Black Board
Location: | Near the grave of Amy Baldwin, on the ground at the top of
          | the fireplace.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 boards needed to solve the Acacia Puzzle.
Item:     | Matches
Location: | In the Kid's Room on the table in the Baldwin Mansion on 2F.
Purpose:  | Lights the candle on the table in the attic, Baldwin Mansion.

Item:     | Red Board
Location: | Near the grave of Amy Baldwin, on the ground at the top of
          | the fireplace.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 boards needed to solve the Acacia Puzzle.
Item:     | White Board
Location: | On the ground of the first balcony on 2F from the middle north
          | stairs of the Baldwin Mansion.
Purpose:  | One of the 3 boards needed to solve the Acacia Puzzle.
Item:     | White Liquid
Location: | Room 105 1F on the secretarial desk of the Blue Creek
          | Apartments.
Purpose:  | Leave for Ernest in the Study 1F, Baldwin Mansion.

Map:      | Baldwin House Map
Location: | In the foyer of the Baldwin Mansion, on the desk near the
          | double doors
Covers:   | Floors 1F and 2F of the Baldwin Mansion.
Map:      | Map of the Apt. Building
Location: | On the floor of the middle stairwell, right beside the door.
Covers:   | Floors 1F, 2F and 3F of Blue Creek Apartments (3F is never
          | explored though).
Map:      | Map of West South Vale
Location: | Maria's own map that she starts off with.
Covers:   | The whole outside of West South Vale.

Baldwin Mansion
1.  On the right wall in the Living Room 1F.
2.  On the wall by the stairs door, outside of the Service Room 1F.

27.      MEMOS
Here are all of  the memos in the Sub Scenario of Silent Hill 2.

Table of Contents
White Board
Black Board
Red Board
Inner Garden Tombstone
Birthday Card
Plant Encyclopedia : Acacia
"Lost Memories"
Plate on the floor

Memo Title: White Board
When the White Breath is found, I shall dedicate this thing. Oh Spirit
of the Mist, Grant us fortune eternal."

Memo Title: Black Board
When the Dark Grail is found, I shall dedicate this thing. You who deny
Death, Grant us fortune eternal.

Memo Title: Red Board
When the Crimson Words are found, I shall dedicate this thing. Oh you
Gods deep in slumber, Grant us fortune eternal.

Memo Title: Inner Garden Tombstone
Along with you died joy.
All that remains is despair and a future of meaningless tomorrows
But I will never give up
One, to see your beautiful smile again
One, to beg the blessings of the Gods.
I wait for that day.

When the boards cover all
All sadness too will be covered
But until my dreams return to reality
I will have to swallow all the pain

Memo Title: Birthday Card

Memo Title: Plant Encyclopedia : Acacia
 A genus of evergreen trees of the mimosa tribe of the pea family.
 Its tiny flowers are yellow or white and grow in clusters. Common
varieties include the "gum tree".

 The Acacia Tree is a potent symbol in many religions across the World.
In Christianity it represents eternal life and morality.

 In ancient Egypt it represented purity and rebirth, while in ancient
Babylonia it was thought of as the tree of the Godess Ishtar and was a
symbol of light.

 It was also a holy tree to the Ancient Jews who built the sacred Ark of
the Covenenant from it and for whom it signified a peaceful death and
release from grief.

Memo Title: "Lost Memories"
I have the strongest trust - you may even can it faith - in the miracle
called "Ressurection of the Dead".

Upon the hill where the light descended,
the Beast intoned his song.
With words of blodd,
drops of mist and the vessel of night,
the grave became an open field.

The people wept in fear and joy at the reunion, but my faith in the
salvation of Xuchilpaba did not waver.

It is also spoken of in the ancient legends. The original worshippers
did not believe that death was the end but that it was simply the path
by which the decreased returned to nature. They also believed the
process was reversible.
(There's something imprinted towards the bottom of the page. Did Ernest
write this? What could it mean?)

Memo Title: Plate on the floor
Amy Baldwin

She was loved too much by God.
Seven years was not enough time.

Note: * means you can hear it a lot better with headphones or a Surround 
Sound System

Letter From Silent Heaven
East South Vale
-There are 2 green posters near the Flower Shop on the opposite side wall 
near the dead end at the East - They are probably maps
-Mary says "James, why did you kill me" when he first finds the radio
-The signals to walk and to stop on the streets actually work, and 
properly too, along with the traffic lights
-On the Wood Side Apartment Gate it says "No Trespassing" but James still 
goes through

Wood Side Apartments
-On 2F of the west apartment stairwell the position of James' shadow 
changes position when you walk near the wall near the door, in the corner
-Near the 2F door in the West first stairwell door there are many small 
posters with red marker all over them
-You can see the reflection of James Flashing glowing in windows of doors 
in the stairwells of both apartments
-It says "DRAGON" on the wall in the Laundry Room 2F 
-It says "HEAVY VIPER" on the wall Near the door in the west stairwell 3F 
on the wall
-On 3F you can hear "The Breathing Hallway"
-Pyramid Head is glowing red on the other side of the gate thing on 2F 
 by Room 208
-You can dance in front of Pyramid Head when he is behind the gate on 2F - 
Just go by either wall and keep pressing the strafe buttons so you will 
walk into the wall but not move
-There is red glow coming from the kitchen cabinet and in the bedroom 
coming from a desk cabinet in Room 202 2F - The glow matches the glow of 
Pyramid Head
-There is blood on the floor on the other side of the gate thing by Room 
208 2F, where Pyramid Head was standing before
-In Room 208 2F there is a corpse in the chair in front of the TV after 
you get the Handgun and try to get the key on the other side of the gate 
thing on 3F - It's James' character model
-On a table in Room 303 3F, there is a picture of a man on a cover of a 
magazine that is laying there
-Room 303 has 2 washrooms (can't enter 1)
-There is a face made out of garbage above the book in the "strange piece 
of trash" at the bottom of the garbage shoot after you use the canned 
-The first time you meet Eddie (when he is puking in the toilet) use 
headphones, it sounds real and for some people, disgusting*
-When you cross to Blue Creek Apartments from the Emergency Exit door 
listen to James' hands when he grabs onto the window with both hands*

Blue Creek Apartments
In Room 203 2F, on the wall when you enter the main section of the room,
there is what looks exactly like a map of the United States in front of
you - It matches it perfectly but it could be a coincidence
Room 203 BCA - Map of United States of America(Totally looks like it)
(After you come out to the main section of the room)
-When James tries to open the door where Maria enters Blue Creek Apartments,
he says "I can't get the door to open."
-There is a thick book on the floor in the kitchen of Room 109 1F that 
might be a Child or a Cooking Book
-In Room 109 1F, there is green stuff or blood coming out of the teddy bear 
on the floor (at first I thought it was probably just blood, because I had 
green blood on, but it looks like some kind of liquid, and it is not blood) 
Note: Its not the light green stuff that's in WSA Room 202 2F and in the 
Shower Room 3F in the Hospital
-In Room 109 1F, beside the white door it says "Josa" and a picture beside 
it in red
-Angela changes the subject when James ask some certain questions 
including "Did you mother live in this town?" And others
-There is a pictures of Angela and her mom and dad, but her dad is ripped 
out of the picture in Room 109 1F in the middle of the floor, in the mirror
-In Room 109 1F, there is a map of the United States on the wall in the 
room where James finds Angela
-There is a sideways smile face in red above the save point in Room 105 1F
-You can hear a voice whispering in Room 209 2F near the kitchen*
-You can hear someone running by when you ran past Room 207 2F Blue Creek 
Apartments sometimes by the water near the locked Apartment Stairway where 
you fight Pyramid Head (You can also hear a doorknob turning near there 

West South Vale
-There is a black box on a table in the 2nd room in Pete's Bowl-A-Rama (I 
first thought it was a TV)
-In Pete's Bowl-A-Rama look at the Bowling Alleys during the Eddie eating 
pizza video (James and Eddie, not Laura and Eddie) 
-Laura is doing somewhat of a sitting dance on the table where Eddie is 
sitting and eating pizza
-Eddie literally takes forever to eat one slice of pizza
-There is something on the wall to the left of the stairs when you enter
Heaven's Night that looks like a map
-Brookhaven Hospital isn't labeled on the map

Brookhaven Hospital
-There's at least 4 TVs in the Hospital. The locations are:
2 TVs at the end of the west wing hallway 2F by Room M6
1 TV in Room M3 2F(Its broken)
1 TV in Room C3 1F
-After you exit most rooms with Maria, turn and face her, and she should 
have a huge shadow
-A funny thing to do: Go in the Document Room 1F and go to Maria in the 
corner and strafe towards her - It makes it funier because James is
looking at Maria and Maria is being pushed repetitively
-In the hallway on 1F and some other hallways makes the floor shake a lot 
with a Sub Woofer (It goes MAD)
-You don't need the Examination Room Key - Code is always 7335 (Easy, 
Normal Riddle Mode) or 1328 (Hard Riddle Mode)
-When you examine the Teddy Bear in the Women's Locker Room 2F, James says 
it's a normal stuffed animal, nothing else - But he doesn't take his eyes
off it
-There is a poster of a guy and his name, Jack, on the wall in the Womens'
Locker Room, 2F
-I have noticed 3 different crazy endings of the button combo for the 
"Louise" Puzzle:
*me i am and no one can stop me one can stop me no one can stop me can stop
can stop no no
*nobody can stop who i am i don't know who i am is who i am is who is am is
*me i am a genius and no one can stop me and no one can stop me one can stop 
me no one can stop me can stop can stop no no 
As you can see, the person that wrote the memo most likely went crazy at
the end of it
-There is scary music on 3F Patient's Wing
-There is a pile of bricks at the end of the west wing hallway 3F
-The hair is the box in Room S14 3F is Louise's
-The person who wrote on the wall in Room S14 put the hair in the box to 
always take care of her, like said on the wall
-You have to fall off the Roof of the Hospital and get the code for the 
turning lock before you can open it - Even if you enter the code that it 
-When you first go on the hospital rooftop go to the diary and go back to 
the door, and James says he can't open it no matter how hard he tries, 
but Pyramid Head comes from the opposite side
-On RF (Roof) Brookhaven Hospital go examine the fence where Pyramid Head 
knocks you off - It is old, rusty, and James can probably break it if he 
pushed hard - No wonder it breaks
-On RF, when you examine the old fence where PH knocks you off, it sounds
-There is a ladder on RF near the fence - it has a fixed wood strips over 
it so you can't climb up it
-Pyramid Head comes out of no where (Unless he can fly) - The door cannot 
be opened but he comes from the right when the door on the left and the 
are fences surrounding the whole roof
-There is AMAZING sound effects when Pyramid Head knocks James off the 
Hospital rooftop*
-After PH knocks you off the roof on Hard Action Mode you can feel James' 
heartbeat shaking the Dual Shock Controller because his health is extremely 
-James takes a couple hairs out of the Louise Box but apparently he got "A 
Piece of Hair"

"Nightmare" Hospital
-After you beat the Hangers boss, listen to the siren, it sounds amazing*
-After you beat the Hangers boss, the Hospital is all bloody and has what 
looks like blankets over doors
-The garden is way smaller than it is on the Hospital map
-The creators of Silent Hill love big fans - There is at least one in every 
game - One on 1F Nightmare Hospital in the room after the garden on the 
other side of the fence/wall
-When you try to exit room C2 1F you can hear glass shatter*
-When you enter Room S3 3F when Maria is gone, you can hear someone 
breathing like their watching you (Its not the same song or sound effects 
that's in some Apartment and Hospital hallways)*
-It sounds like there is a screeching pig in the basement's basement BF
-When you go close to the fence in the basement, your map says you're on 
the other side of the fence
-One heck of a long elevator ride when listening to the "Trick or Treat" 
-Hanging Antique Clock in Director's Room (Or should I say direckter's 
room?), "Nightmare" Hospital 1F

Dark South Vale
-There's a Chiropractic And Sports Injury Center beside THE DANCE COMPANY;
I take it the residents of Silent Hill weren't really good dancers
-There is something attached to the wall very close to the northwest 
corner of Katz St. and Martin St. that looks like just like a rusted Steel 
-It looks like there is a First Aid Kit by the broken locked Wood Side 
Apartment fence gate door in dark mode 
-There is graffiti of a skeleton on the Munson St. middle corner wall on 
the east side near Katz St.
-The Praying Woman is supposed to be Jennifer Carroll (Jenni___ Carroll) 
because if you read the front of it it talks about her
-It looks like 2 very large green doors on the right when exiting 
Rosewater Park
-On your way to the Silent Hill Historical Society, you can make it so
when you're running, you step on the grass and then the next step on the
pavement and is sounds cool*
-It says "Obedience Die!" on the wall behind a fence about where Nathan
Avenue starts to curve, on the way to the Silent Hill Historical Society
-When you're running or walking on the right side of the road to the
Silent Hill Historical Society Museum, when you reach the Lake View Hotel 
sign, the camera will look at it
-There's a fallen Lake View Hotel sign near the end of Nathan Avenue,
where the broken bridge is, on the north side
-There's a map of the boat routes near the Silent Hill Historical Society
and it says "Lakeview Hotel" instead of "Lake View Hotel"
-The camera zooms in when you're around the entrance of the Silent Hill
Historical Society

The "Unmapped" Area
-In the picture of Pyramid Head in the Museum, his spear looks like it 
sticks out and its 3D
-There is a weird cry/yell sound when you are in the 2nd Museum Room, 
going further into the Abyss
-It takes 50 seconds to get from the top of the very long, descending
hallway to the bottom.
-After you exit the well James falls down lower into the water of the 
-There is a weird sound when you walk by the first door on the right after 
you come out of the well*
-There is a door in the roof where you jump from when you first enter 
Toluca Prison(where you use the Spiral Writing Key)
-James literally goes down the hallway after using the Spiral Writing Key

Toluca Prison
-Toluca Prison is leaking from the roof, from Toluca Lake probably
-There are 2 Invisible Monsters in Toluca Prison: in the North and South
Jail Cell Corridors - You can kill them both but they sound like humans 
when you shoot them - For some reason the are saying "ritual"
-Music fades away when you enter the 2nd cell from the east in the south 
cell hallway and it starts up again when you exit it
-There is a Book by the name of "Black Magic from the Abyss" In the jail 
cell with the waxed doll on the bed
-It's funny when you walk backwards of the Scaffold in the courtyard
-It sounds like there is a horse running in the courtyard near the 
scaffold (You get a horseshoe, what a coincidence)
-If you knock on the closed door in the Womens' Washroom and go to the 
exit you will hear a loud and sudden noise - It doesn't work everytime, 
but you can it will work if you keep trying
-TV in Warden's Office 1st Room
-The note after the long hallway entering the Abyss was last dated in 
1820; However there is a TV in the Warden's Office - I am saying that 
either the place where the note is couldn't be or wasn't accessed in a 
long time or no one ever found it
-There's a pop can on the Warden's Desk that looks very much like a
Health Drink
-Busted barreled Rifle above the Hunting Rifle you get in 2nd Room in
Wardens Office
-James can't find stairs so he jumps down to B1F
-James says funny things in the unmapped foul-smelling corridor
-After all that jumping they should make a James Sunderland's Pro Jumper 
series - He doesn't die and isn't hurt from landing most likely way more 
than 50-100 feet below!
-When you try to enter the broken-locked door beside the elevator (long 
ride) before The Labyrinth it sounds sweet!*
-It can be fun to strafe around the whole large elevator, not touching
any of the walls on the long ride down sicne you don't have much to do
for the very long ride
-The long elevator ride takes exactly 1 minute to get to the bottom from 
when it starts moving

The Labyrinth
-James' Flashlight reflects in the water of The Labyrinth
-When you find Maria, after the video you can try to shoot her, but of 
course she can't get hit
-Outside the Doorman Boss Room there are papers on the ground and some 
are from today's date as James says
-TV in Doorman Boss Room (Angela breaks it)
-When James is pulling a persecutor's rope you can see his veins
-Eddie probably killed Maria when she's dead in her cell since he is 
-The ground in James grave looks like Apple Pie (Reminds me of it)
-It takes 20 seconds to get to the end of the "pie" hallway before you 
fight Eddie
-It looks like James has a beard from some views in the second room Eddie 
Boss video

Lake View Hotel
-Most hotel doors sound like someone's laughing when you open them
-When you investigate the piano on 1F in the Restaurant, James will talk 
about Mary's hobby and it's quite funny what James says
-Laura never finds the 2nd letter from Mary or she's just lying about it
-When you first enter the Thinner elevator on B1F you can hear someone 
-The Employee Elevator Key on the desk in Room 204 2F is HUGE
-It is possible to put 30 items in the shelf but no more (GH Version) - In
the original version, the max is 29
-There are cookies in the pantry 1F Lake View Hotel which are obviously 
old - There are more foods and may be healthy to eat but he's not hungry; 
after all that walking! C'mon
-James can say 5 different things in the Pantry on 1F, Lake View Hotel
-TV in Employee Lounge 1F
-Room 312 3F of Lake View Hotel is the cleanest room of the whole hotel or
that of that you can access - Someone must have been expecting you...
-TV in Room 312 3F
-The TV in Room 312 3F, Lake View Hotel is huge but has a small screen
-James could've just left with Laura if he said "Ok" when Laura says 
"let's get going already" but he decides to tell her the truth and stays
-The carpet looks very real in Room 312 3F
-Clock on the wall in Room 312 3F Lake View Hotel

"Nightmare" Hotel
-In the Venus Tears Bar on B1F the health drinks match the other drinks 
behind them when they're there
-The stairs are very steep in the Angela stairs on fire video
-James says he'd never kill himself when he's talking to Angela in the 
stairs on fire video B1F, but he does in the In Water Ending
-After the Angela stairs on fire video you can still see her walking up 
the stairs

-If James is tired from running go through a door and he wont be tired 
-Eddie always say "I swear"
-When Laura says "get" it sounds like "git"
-It's funny when James is dragging the Great Knife because it's heavy but
when you pick up items he holds it perpendicular to the ground like it's
weightless, while he picks up the item and then it goes back to normal
-James actually survives jumping down 5 holes + his grave
-At the bottom of the Main Screen in the Greatest Hits Version, it says 
Copyright 1999-2001 by Konami but the Greatest Hits Version was made in 
2003 (Maybe 2002 in Japan)

Born From A Wish
West South Vale
-There is actually gleaming shine coming from the Chinese Cleaver when 
you're running on the streets from certain angles and it looks like 
Maria's gone mad
-The whole idea of items on cars in in the back of a Pick-Up Truck is cool
-The dead body outside of the Baldwin Mansion is probably Ernest's

Baldwin Mansion
-Talking to Ernest behind doors is a cool idea although Ernest is 
-Maria asks Ernest if he's Ernest Hemingway behind the first door but he 
died in 1961 and Silent Hill 1 and 2 are totally past that time - Somehow 
Maria knows about Ernest Hemingway too, in her short life
-The sound of the thump from the fireplace cover when coming back down to 
1F sounds nice*
-Amy says "Give it..." ... "To my Daddy." when you try to leave the attic 
with the Birthday Card
-Maria doesn't stop looking at the present from Amy to Ernest but she 
can't take it
-It says "Beware of Haunted Mansion" on the wall of the mansion when you 
go to Blue Creek Apartments
-Somehow, Ernest knows about James
-The blackness while Maria and James are talking at the end makes that 
part seem better
-In the Credits it only shows scenes with Maria in them

Blue Creek Apartments
-Maria can steal James' map for Blue Creek Apartments
-You can actually access many areas in Blue Creek like you can with

-The "Music of Evil" is a good way to replace the Radio static from the 
Main Scenario since Maria has no Radio
-Maria has no Radio and monsters can be right beside you without you 
hearing them
Patient Demons, Mannequins and Giant Roaches are the only enemies in 
the Sub Scenario
-Maria says that she's never been so scared in her whole life in 
Brookhaven Hospital's basement but her life was probably very short 
because she was most likely born very recently (for James)

Silent Hill 2 is a great game! It is the sequel to Silent Hill. I got the 
game for my birthday for PS2 (I got it on 03/14/02 but my birthday was on 
the 13th). I still remember me playing it for the first time. Demons, dark 
areas, completely messed up monsters, a good set of characters and nice 
weapons. What more could you ask for? Honestly. 

Storyline - 10/10
This game's storyline is one of the best storylines in a game that I have 
played. First of all, I like Resident Evil, just that I like Silent Hill a 
lot more; it's more of my type. Unlike Resident Evil, Silent Hill's 
storyline is actually very interesting. You might find yourself quite 
emotional with the story. It gets you all into the game. Not many 
characters but there is enough to make it scary and lonely. Anyway, here is 
the story. James Sunderland received a letter from his dead wife, Mary, 
which beckons him to Silent Hill, there vacations spot. The letter from 
Mary was:

  In my restless dreams,
     I see that town.

       Silent Hill.

You promised me you'd take me
    there again someday.

   But you never did.

Well, I'm alone there now...

 In our "special place..."

    Waiting for you...

James says to himself in Silent Hill, but a dead person can't write a 
letter. And then you are set off to your "special place." Also there is a 
bizarre creature in the game that my make you want to stop playing when 
you find him; which is multiple times; that's not a good thing. But unlike 
Nemesis in RE3, this enemy is actually really scary. Sure Nemesis can get 
you scared running towards you fast but because he's running is most 
likely why you are scared. And he has a Rocket Launcher which makes him not 
so tough. In Silent Hill 2 this enemy has all the time in the world to get 
you; it has nothing else to do so stay away from it! Another thing about 
Silent Hill compared to Resident Evil. Silent Hill has totally screwed up 
demons that aren't like humans. Resident Evil has Zombies which are not 
really scary. And they are about all the same. In Silent Hill there are 
multiple different demons which is a good thing. However, there are 
different enemies is RE, but they don't really match the game. 

Gameplay - 10/10
Some people may find the gameplay boring, but that's probably because this 
game is not really meant for you. If you like Survival/Horror games, you 
should like it. If you like Resident Evil, either you will like Silent Hill 
better, or Resident Evil better; you probably wont like them the same 
because they are very different. In Silent Hill there is more puzzle and 
not much of combat. This is where Resident Evil comes in. It has a lot of 
combat, but not many puzzle. Silent Hill can have a lot of combat, but it 
is just better to run. And running doesn't make you a wuss; I think 
everyone would run if they saw a Silent Hill like monster. Some people 
say the entire game consists on the streets; that is not true. If you know 
what you're doing you won't be on the streets for long. The game consists 
in many different locations and it is great. But the true quality of Silent 
Hill 2 is that you earn your weapons and they match the game. You don't 
just walk around and ooohhhh!!! A Rocket Launcher just lying on the floor! 
You get weapons like a Wooden Plank then build up to a Handgun and slowly 
get better weapons. 

Graphics - 10/10
Oh yes, the graphics. At first you might think the graphics look somewhat 
"grainy" and you might think the graphics aren't that good. Well, that is 
a feature in Silent Hill 2 that makes a better atmosphere for the game. 
Also, when you beat the game once you can take the "grainy" effect off so 
you can experience Silent Hill 2 at it's best. Once you do this, you will 
most likely think the graphics are amazing. Also the CG Videos are 
stunning! Every character looks great and very detailed. Lighting is great. 
I have beat this game many times but I still watch some of the videos 
because they look great and still interest me. 

Sound - 10/10
The sound in Silent Hill 2 is pretty amazing. Scary sounds in some hallways 
may totally freak you out. No, I am not joking. The sudden and scary sounds 
are stunning! Sometimes when you least expect them! The songs in this game 
are perfect for the storyline, from sad songs to scary songs, this game 
has it all. The songs aren't just randomly played. For example: There is a
 sad video where something sad happens, sad music will play. In a boss 
situation and some hallways there is scary music because maybe something 
scary has happened or will happen. I liked many of these songs so I 
downloaded them. The sounds the monsters make are actually good; how would 
we know if it sounds real or not? Sound is very important in a game like 
this, and Konami did a very good job! 

Control - 9/10
The control in Silent Hill 2 is good. You can change from 3D Control to 2D 
Control. In 3D Control you have to face the way you want to go then hold 
forward which can be difficult to get out of small areas fast, for some 
people. In 2D Control you don't have to face the way you want to go and 
hold forward; you hold whatever direction you want to go and that's where 
you go. It is very easy for newbies but if you don't want it to be as easy, 
try 3D Control. 

Atmosphere - 10/10
This is the awesome thing in Silent Hill 2. Some rooms are so dark it is 
hard to see where you are going. It really adds to the atmosphere. Outside 
there is a lot of fog; which is great in a game like this. Some places in 
Silent Hill 2 may scare you. The rooms in Silent Hill 2 are very detailed. 
There are many cool and scary things to find in this game. If you are 
reading this review from my walkthrough, see the Cool and Scary Things 
section to see what I'm talking about. You may find yourself looking for 
them. Silent Hill 2 might not be as scary in day light. But if you want to 
experience the game at its best, play at night in the dark or with the 
light off in a quiet room with loud volume. If you have a Surround Sound 
System with a Sub Woofer like me it is great! If you don't, headphones are 
amazing for realistic sounds and things like that. 

Replay Value - 9/10
Yes, there is a point to play this game more than once. There are 5 endings 
to get (In the Original Version). In the Greatest Hits Version there are 6 
endings and a new scenario. If you have only beat the game once, I strongly 
suggest you beat it a few more times. The endings are worth the play time. 
And you might learn something new which you may find cool. I would say you 
should at least beat the game 5 times (or 6 with Greatest Hits Version). 
But replaying the game 15 or more times might be too much. But if you 
really like the game, you might do so. In the Greatest Hits Version of 
Silent Hill 2, there is more things to do, so consider buying that. And 
expect to play the game about 6 times, and at least once for the sub 
scenario, that's a lot to do.

Rent or Buy?
BUY! If you're a fan of the genre, then this game is for you. If not, this 
game probably won't interest you. It is different from RE, but in a good 
way. I think it is better. If you want to see what the game is like, but 
your not sure whether to buy it or not, you should rent it. But any true 
fan of Survival/Horror should have this game.

Overall - 10/10 (9.7 but it is closer to 10 so that's what I will give it) 
Silent Hill 2 is awesome! I can't wait for Silent Hill 3! If you don't 
have Silent Hill 2 go buy it now! You'll love it, I guarantee it. But try 
to find the Greatest Hits Version for extra features including a new 
scenario with a new playable character, new weapons, new areas and a new 
ending for the Main Scenario. Trust me, this is a must have game for any 
fan of the genre and it is DEFINITELY one of my all-time favourite games!

30.     CREDITS
1. Thanks to me for writing this FAQ
2. Thanks to Konami TYO for Developing this game
3. Thanks to Konami for Publishing this game
4. Thanks to CJayC for posting this FAQ on GameFAQs
5. Thanks to IGN for accepting this FAQ
6. Thanks to everyone on the GameFAQs Silent Hill 2 Board supporting my 
C.A.S.T. topics

(c) Copyright 2002-2003 Conquerer