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Sektor FAQ

by Shadow.

   __   __  ___  ____ _____  _    _       _  _____  __   __ ____    _  _____
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This FAQ is for the character Sektor
I hope it may be helpful in some way.

If you have anything to add, contact me.

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I. Introduction
II. Table of Contents
III. Contacting Me
IV. Version History
V. BIO/History
VI. Moves
VII. Credits
VIII. Legal Stuff
IX. The End

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    \/_____/\/_/\/_/\/_/ \/___/ 

You may contact me at [email protected] but only for the 
following things.

*Errors in my guide
*Spelling Mistakes
*Constructive Criticism
*Asking if you can use this FAQ on your site

Things you should not email to me:

*Things that have nothing to do with Mortal Kombat
*Hate Mail/Flames

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Version Number: 1.0
Date Added: 10/12/06
What's New: Everything

Version Number: 1.01
Date Added: 11/03/06
What's New: added to sites that can
use this guide.

Version Number: 1.02
Date Added: 07/02/07
What's New: Updated legal stuff

Version Number: 1.03
Date Added: 07/03/07
What's New: Added to sites that can use this guide.

 ____  ____  _____   _   _   _  ____  ___  ____  _____  ____  _  _ 
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 ) _ < _)(_  )(_)((_   _)) _ (  _)(_ \__ \  )(   )(_)(  )   / \  / 
(____/(____)(_____) |_| (_) (_)(____)(___/ (__) (_____)(_)\_) (__) 


Place of Origin - Earthrealm

Mortal Kombat 3
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Mortal Kombat Advance
Mortal Kombat Gold
MK: Tournament Edition
MK: Armageddon

Species - Cyborg (formaly Human)
Fighting Styles-Kenpo, Pulse Blades


Sektor is a cyborg created by the Lin Kuei much like Cyrax but they
are very different. Sektor represents the closest thing to evil a
cyborg can become, he combines both the traits of a stealthy ninja
and a ruthless killing machine for modern warfare. Unlike Cyrax,
Sektor never cared to recover his human side and now may be unable
too. While he is capable of independent thought like Cyrax and Smoke,
he shows no signs of emotion.

When the Lin Kuei can decided to automate their ninja, Sektor, out
of loyalty, was the first member to volunteer to undergo the proces.
He was designated LK-9T9 and immediatly after sent to find and kill
Sub-Zero. He attempted to complete his mission twice but failed. After
all of these events he became the only active cybrog remaining out of
the three created. Smoke had been captured and shut down in an Outworld
prision and Cyrax joined the Outer World Investigation Agency after his 
soul was restored.

Sometime when Sektor was traveling Edenia looking for Sub-Zero and Cyrax,
his circuits became corrupt which made him unstable. Sektor returned to the
Lin Kuei and killed the Grandmaster and claimed the Dragon Medallion along
with the posistion as leader for himself. Sub-Zero then returned to battle
him. Sektor was defeated by Sub-Zero and then left to Japan to form the
Tekunin, his own clan of Ninja.

::::    ::::   ::::::::  :::     ::: :::::::::: ::::::::  
+:+:+: :+:+:+ :+:    :+: :+:     :+: :+:       :+:    :+: 
+:+ +:+:+ +:+ +:+    +:+ +:+     +:+ +:+       +:+        
+#+  +:+  +#+ +#+    +:+ +#+     +:+ +#++:++#  +#++:++#++ 
+#+       +#+ +#+    +#+  +#+   +#+  +#+              +#+ 
#+#       #+# #+#    #+#   #+#+#+#   #+#       #+#    #+# 
###       ###  ########      ###     ########## ########  



Button              Number     PS2        Xbox
Attack #1           1          Square     X
Attack #2           2          Triangle   Y
Attack #3           3          X          A
Attack #4           4          Circle     B

Change Style        CS         L1         L
Block               BL         R2         R
Throw               TH         R1         Black
Pick-Up Weapon      PW         L2         White

Back                 B          L/R        L/R
Forward              F          L/R        L/R
Up                   U          Up         Up
Down                 D          Down       Down


  /\ /\___ _ __  _ __   ___  
 / //_/ _ \ '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ 
/ __ \  __/ | | | |_) | (_) |
\/  \/\___|_| |_| .__/ \___/ 


Throat Chop --------------1
Spinning Elbow -----------B+1
Leaping Strike -----------U+1
Low Knife Strike ---------D+1
Shoulder Chop ------------2
Double Handed Push -------B+2
Upwards Uppercut ---------U+2
Uppercut -----------------D+2
Reverse Side Kick --------3
Scorpion Sting -----------B+3
Painful Knee -------------F+3
Knee Bruiser -------------D+3
Axe Kick -----------------4
Trip Attack --------------B+4
Low Kick Attack ----------D+4
White Tiger --------------1,1
Leopard Paws -------------1,3
Kicky Klicky -------------3,3
Tiger Strikes ------------1,1,U+1
Red Robot ----------------1,1,2
Bad Robo -----------------1,3,3
Dark Shadow --------------1,1,4 
Red Metal ----------------1,1,CS

--While in the Air--
Ambush -------------------1
Danger Swipe -------------2
Psycho Spin --------------3
Over Head Air Toss -------4
Downward Swat ------------1,1
Tornado Twist ------------3,3
Take Off -----------------1,1,1
Tear Down ----------------1,1,2
Monsoon ------------------1,1,3
Down Slash ---------------3,3,1
Flying Human -------------3,3,2
Whipcrack ----------------1,1,4
Air Sails ----------------3,3,3
Flicker ------------------3,3,4
Throwdown ----------------1,1,3,4
Splashdown ---------------3,3,1,1
Sailing Away -------------1,1,3,3
Sinking Hero -------------3,3,1,4 


 _____       _            ____  _           _           
|  __ \     | |          |  _ \| |         | |          
| |__) |   _| |___  ___  | |_) | | __ _  __| | ___  ___ 
|  ___/ | | | / __|/ _ \ |  _ <| |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \/ __|
| |   | |_| | \__ \  __/ | |_) | | (_| | (_| |  __/\__ \
|_|    \__,_|_|___/\___| |____/|_|\__,_|\__,_|\___||___/


Light Beam Strike --------1
Turning Saber ------------B+1
Crouching Stomach Attack -D+1
Face Kut -----------------2
Junkyard -----------------B+2
Double Bladed Uppercut ---D+2
Cybernetic Stab ----------3
Leg Slash ----------------B+3
Low Blade Slash ----------D+3
Chest Attack -------------4
Twisting Lazers ----------B+4
Crouching Double Blades --D+4
Double Trouble -----------1,1
Ketchup's Revenge --------3,1
Saber Impact -------------3,B+2
Cyber Skillz -------------1,1,3
Pulse Swings -------------3,1,1
The Monster --------------1,1,4

--While in the Air--

Powerhouse ---------------1
Lucky Change -------------2
Long Legs ----------------3
Spinning Feet Grab -------4
Face Kicked --------------1,1
Wind Kick ----------------3,3
Vicious Boots ------------1,1,1
Back Flip Kick -----------1,1,2
Licky Wind ---------------1,1,3
Flip Back ----------------3,3,2
Foot Grab ----------------1,1,4
Boot to the Face ---------3,3,3
Heel Toss ----------------3,3,4
Guiding Light ------------1,1,3,3
Foot Assault -------------1,1,3,4

 ____                  _       _   __  __                     
/ ___| _ __   ___  ___(_) __ _| | |  \/  | _____   _____  ___ 
\___ \| '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ _` | | | |\/| |/ _ \ \ / / _ \/ __|
 ___) | |_) |  __/ (__| | (_| | | | |  | | (_) \ V /  __/\__ \
|____/| .__/ \___|\___|_|\__,_|_| |_|  |_|\___/ \_/ \___||___/

Elbow Bash - TH -

Upward Missle - D,B+2 - Sektor launches a missile from his chest into
the air in which it then comes down atop his enemy.

Flame On - B,F+3 - Sektor shoots flames from his chest foward much like
a flamethrower.

Chest Missile - D,B+1 - Sektor shoots out a missile from his chest foward.

Rocket Punch - F,F+4 - Sektor punches foward with great force

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#       #    # #      #    # #   #   #      
#       #    # #####  #    # #   #    ####  
#       #####  #      #    # #   #        # 
#     # #   #  #      #    # #   #   #    # 
 #####  #    # ###### #####  #   #    ####  

Thanks to Midway for creating this great game.
Thanks to Wikipedia for some help with his bio and history
Thanks to GameFAQs for hosting this.
Thanks to Neoseeker for hosting this.
Thanks to Supercheats for hosting this.
Thanks to Cheat Happens for hosting this.

#                                       #####                             
#       ######  ####    ##   #         #     # ##### #    # ###### ###### 
#       #      #    #  #  #  #         #         #   #    # #      #      
#       #####  #      #    # #          #####    #   #    # #####  #####  
#       #      #  ### ###### #               #   #   #    # #      #      
#       #      #    # #    # #         #     #   #   #    # #      #      
####### ######  ####  #    # ######     #####    #    ####  #      #      

This guide is Copyright (c) 2007 ShadowDragon777

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.
Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.


please notify me at [email protected] if you see it elsewhere 

 ::::::::::: :::    ::: ::::::::::       :::::::::: ::::    ::: ::::::::: 
     :+:     :+:    :+: :+:              :+:        :+:+:   :+: :+:    :+: 
    +:+     +:+    +:+ +:+              +:+        :+:+:+  +:+ +:+    +:+  
   +#+     +#++:++#++ +#++:++#         +#++:++#   +#+ +:+ +#+ +#+    +:+   
  +#+     +#+    +#+ +#+              +#+        +#+  +#+#+# +#+    +#+    
 #+#     #+#    #+# #+#              #+#        #+#   #+#+# #+#    #+#     
###     ###    ### ##########       ########## ###    #### #########       


This is the end of the FAQ, thank you for reading it 
and hopefully it was helpful.
