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by ieatdirttoo

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                    T H E  F A L L  O F  M A X  P A Y N E

                    |Faq/Walkthrough Version 1.1        |   
                    |By David "ieatdirttoo" Donaldson   |
                    |Microsoft Xbox- English Version    |
                    |Copyright 2004-2005 David Donaldson|


1) General Information [01GIN]
      1.1- Introduction                   [11INT]         
      1.2- Max Payne 2                    [12MP2]         
      1.3- Legal Information              [13LGI]    
      1.4- Contact Information            [14CIN] 
      1.5- Version History                [14VHT]    

2) Game Information [02GAI]
      2.1- Basics                         [21BSC]              
      2.2- Characters                     [22CHA]        
      2.3- Enemies                        [23ENE]             
      2.4- Equipment                      [24EQU]         
      2.5- Controls                       [25CON]    
3) Walkthrough  [03WAK]

      3.01- Prologue                      [301PL] 
      3.02- Elevator Doors                [302ED]
      3.03- A Criminal Mastermind         [303CM]
      3.04- The Depths of my Brain        [304DB]
      3.05- No "Us" In This               [305NU]
      3.06- A Sign of Her Passage         [306SP]
      3.07- A Linear Sequence of Scares   [307LS]
      3.08- Prologue 2                    [308P2]
      3.09- The Things that I want        [309TI]
      3.10- In the Middle of Something    [310MS]
      3.11- Blowing Up                    [311BU]
      3.12- Routing Her Synapses          [312RS]
      3.13- Out of The Window             [313OW]
      3.14- The Genious of the Hole       [314GH]
      3.15- Prologue 3                    [315P3] 
      3.16- To Stubborn to Die            [316SD]
      3.17- On a Crash Course             [317CC]
      3.18- A Mob-War                     [318MW]
      3.19- Dearest of all my Friends     [319DF]
      3.20- A Losing Game                 [320LG]
      3.21- There are no Happy Endings    [321NE]
      3.22- Love Hurts                    [322LH]
      3.23- That Old Familar Feeling      [323FF]
4) Credits [04CRE] 

|1) General Information |[01GIn]|                                            |

|1.1- Introduction |[11INT]|                                                 |

|1.1- Introduction | [11INT] |                                                 |

Welcome to my walkthrough for Call of Duty. You probably don't want to know too
much about me, but I have some free time so I might as well write a small
introductions. Besides, what's the harm? You don't have to read it if you don't
want to. Anyway, my gamefaqs contributor name is ieatdirttoo. Don't laugh, as
there are MUCH worse names I could have picked.

My real name is David Donaldson. I live in Hazelwood Missouri, in Saint Louis
County. Im fourteen years old (Laugh if you want too, ha ha ha). I am currently
in my freshman year of highschool. My first console was a Genesis, which I 
recieved way back in 1998. At first I didn't really grasp the concept. Sure, I
played usually an hour day the most, but I never really got into it. 

Three years later, in August of 2001, I bought the new slim version of the 
Playstation. This is what really got me into playing. I absolutly loved the 
thing, and I played up till late 2002. Around Christmas I got my Playstion 2,
which threw me further into the video game phenomon. I have at least 50 games
for it, though I have traded in quite a bit. 

For a year and half I played the crap out of my Playstation 2. I was actually
what some would call a fanboy to Sony. This all changed in July of 2004 when
I bought the mighty Xbox. THIS, is what really fine tuned my intreset in 
gaming. I have five faq/walkthroughs, three of them being for Xbox games. 
Finally, in late April, I bought my Gamecube along with Resident Evil 4. 

I have a total of nine contributions currently posted. Five full walkthroughs
and four in depth guides. My full guides are for the following games: Manhunt,
Max Payne 2, Call of Duty, Call of Duty United Offensive, and The Chronicles
of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. My other guidese are for LOS: Vietnam, 
MOH: Allied Assault and Riddick (three contributions for that game).

|1.2- Max Payne 2 |[12M2]|                                                   |
Max Payne 2 takes off right where the original left off. Max is a gritty 
depressed cop back to Work at the NYPD. After losing his family and his lover
Mona Sax he is an emotianal wreck. Doused up to the eyeballs on painkillers
and Anti-Depressing pills, he thinks that nothing is left in his life. During
a bust at a Vladamir Len warehouse he finds Mona Sax, alive. Thus starts the

While this game isnt a Halo, its a pretty good game. Its set in 3rd person,
meaning you can see Max's Entire Body. Max Payne himself has been changed.
He no longer carrys his scrunched up constapation face. He is now much older
and darker looking. His cloths have changed as well. While he still wears his
black leather jacket, he has ditched the Leather skin undershrit and now 
wears a tie. His voice has also been slightly changed, but it is still a good


When compared to the PC version the Xbox version is blasted away. Not to say
that the graphics are bad, but they lack a certain polish. The character 
models are all decent and so are faces. Max's face looks very real. The
enviornments are all highly detailed but very bland. Many objects are missing
from the PC Version, which is why the enviornments look so plain. 

Ragdoll's are also lessened on the Xbox version, which is a big dissapointment 
considering how awesome they are on PC.If you have an HDTV you can take 
advantage of the option to make this run in 480p. This improves texture 
resolution and color balance. Overall the graphics look like the medium setting
on the PC Version. The game looks decent, but could have easily been better. 


Like with most games, the PC version of Max Payne 2 looks much better than the
Xbox version. Not to say that the Xbox version looks bad, but the lack of 
detail and bland enviornments bring it down. One thing I must say about the
PC version is that its is scalled well. My friend has a computer that barely
meets the minimum requirments yet he still gets a constant 25fps on 800x600 
Medium-High. Personally I play it on 1027x768 on high and it looks awesome.

The enviornments are so sharp and detailed. All the character models look like
they are real. The animations are all smooth and look great despite a litte
stiffness. The ragdoll physics on PC are simply amazing. Almost any object
will move when you hit it. If you shoot someone with a Desert Eagle they will
fly back and hit a box or something. Overall I give this a 10/10. 

The sound in this game is definitally top-notch. All the voice acting and 
death crys sound realistic and intense. During key moments the music will
swell up to further intensify the situation. All of the gune fire and weapons
sound authentic. Almost every gun has a different sound, including the 
grenades and rocket launchers. Overall the sound is awesome, and much better
than the original. 

|1.3- Legal Information | [12LIN] |

Listed below are the current sites that can use my faqs. If you find them on
any other sites(make sure its not affiliated with a site listed here) please
email me.

This faq was published and is owned by David "ieatdirttoo" Donaldson. This may
be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use.
It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without
advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a 
part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and violation of copyright

|1.4- Contact Information | [13INT] |                                          |

If you have a question or comment about the game, or just spot a mistake in 
the guide, please drop me an email at [email protected]. I must insist,
however, that you DO NOT send me emails with common questions that are answered
in the guide. For instance, don't ask me how to beat a level that is already
covered in the walkthrough..

I've recieved tons of emails like "Im stuck at X, how do you get past it".
This kind of thing really annoys me especially when people send flame emails
back at me. I have answered a few of them, but NO MORE. If you REALLY cannot
find a clear way through, I will send a new stradegy to you. I may also 
rewrite that section if it's sloppy.

Also, please do not send me hate emails. When you consider that I do this in 
my spare time for free and recieve almost no thanks, it really does piss me
off when someone decides to be rude. Yes, you may have had a bad day, but you
are not paying for this guide, it is offered for free from me, so please respect
that. Respect is everything, as quoted by Rarusk.

Finally, I must ask that you include the subject "FAQ HELP" in your email so
that I do not mistake it as being SPAM. Also, do not sign me up for any damn
pornography sites! I get at least 20 emails a day from sites that I would never
go to! Please respect me as a person and don't be rude jackass.

|1.5- Version History |[15VHT]|                                              |

V. 1.00 December 4th, 2004

This is the first version to include the Version History section. In this
version the walkthrough is done all the way up to Part III, chapter 8. The 
weapons, characters, controls, and the "Max Payne 2" section are all 
completed. The enemies section is partially completed. 

V. 1.01 December 22nd, 2004

I changed all the sub headings from the underscore to the "=" and the other 
headings to "-". This makes things easier to find, and I would like to thank 
everyone for their cooperation. I  am sorry that this was so unorganized. I
also rewrote the entire characters section.

V. 1.2 April 17, 2005

Whoa its been a heck of a long time since the last update. Anyway, Ive made the
subsection headers larger therefoure making things easier to spot. This in 
turn added 8kb. 

| 2) Game Information |[02GAI]|                                              |
|2.1- Basics |[21BSC]|                                                       |

Bullet Time

At first glance, "bullet time" may present itself as being nothing more than
another cheap slo-motion effect. If that were true then this game would not even
be worth picking up. Bullet time actually slows down the world around yet still
allowing you to aim and shoot in real time. Max will still move in slow motion
but thats a small price to pay considering the advantage that it gives you. 

Bullet time is measured in a rectangular bar next to your health display. 
Whenever you activate it [Default "B"] the bar will pulse yellow and start going
down. When it reaches the bottom then you will go back into real time. When 
in bullet time mode enemies will fly all over the place when you shoot them. 
Use bullet time whenever possible and don't worry about running out. 

The game is built around bullet time so avoiding using it can be both difficult
and frustrating. Every time you cause damage to an enemy the bar will raise, 
even if you are in bullet time when the damage occurs. This means that if your
low on health but high on bullet time you can come out of a fight alive while
still having some bullet time left. 


This is the position shown in most screenshots for this game. Max essentially 
dodges bullets while performing a low horizontal jump. This uses little bullet
time while still having all of the effects. When you are "shootdodging" the
world around you will go into slow motion while still allowing you to shoot
and aim in real time, just like in bullet time. 

Shootdodging can be performed at any time [As long as you have just a sliver
of bullet time left]. Max can shootdodge in any direction. In addition if Max
lands on a table he will slide across it while still staying in shootdodge
mode therefore giving you extra time. Shootdodging is required to jump over
several gaps during the course of the game.  


Unlike in most games Max will absorb damage very quickly. Even on detective 
difficulty Max can only stand up to about one clip or less of bullets. Your
health is displayed in the bottom left corner of your screen next to the bullet
time meter. An outline of Max's body will be there. If you are at full health
Max will be completely white. If you take damage a red bar will start rising up
to the top of Max's head. 


When you recieve damage you will need to heal. Your healing source is found in
little Painkiller Bottles scattered through out the levels. They will usually
be found in groups. Painkillers restore only 1/4 of your health and it will
take time before you are completely healed. The amount of painkillers you have
is displayed near your bullet time meter. You can have a maximum of eight. 

The Graphic Novel

A very unique feature in Max Payne. Its graphic novel scenes tell the story in
Max Payne 2 just as they did in the original. Almost all of the paintings are
actual pictures that were digitally changed into and oil painting. Reading the
graphic novel scenes is like reading a comic book, or a graphic novel. As you
will alot of the people in the graphic novel scenes look alot different from
there rendered counterparts [Most naimly Vinniie Gognitti and Mona Sax]. 
You will here the music and sound effects just as they would be in a movie
|2.2- Characters |[22CHA]|                                                   |

Max Payne


Ever since the tragic loss of his wife and daughter in 2001, Max Payne has been
a walking deathtrap. Death, he believes, will relieve him off all of the 
physical and emotional pain he has been enduring for the past two years. 

Despite his dissaproval, Max has been cheated from death several times. In the
original game Max was framed for the murder of his partner Alex who worked in
the NARC department. After taking out an entire army of underworld thugs and
running from the cops for a few nights, Max finally get's his revenge by killing
the establisher of the "V" drug. 

Now he has returned in Max Payne 2: the Fall of Max Payne for another round with
death. As a cop working for the NYPD, Max has always been known for being rather
brutal in his methods. Max, himself, is the shy lonely tough guy type, kinda
like Tommy Vercetti. He constantly blends his emotional life with his work, so
he is constantly in trouble. 

Mona Sax


Description: Mona Sax has built up her reputation as a hired hitman (or woman)
on the streets. She has a sister who was formerly married to the leader of
the Punchinello crime family. Mona is a mysteriously soft deja vou type of
person. Max and Mona first meet in shortl after Jack Lupino is murdered by 
Max in his own nightclub. Since then they have had an on/off relationship, 
despite the fact that Mona has almost gotten Max killed a few times. This
game is mostly about her, and you actually get to play as her. Max and Mona
seem much more envolved in this game, so expect to see them engaged with 
each other several times.

Vladamir Lem

Description: Vlad is first introduced to you in the original Max Payne
as a black arms dealer. Since then he has mended his ways (or so he says).
He bought out the old nightclub RagnaRock, and proclaims it will be the best
resturant in the entire city of New York. He is currently at war with Vinnie
Gognitti (he he he. If youve played the first game you know why I am laughing.)
His former girlfriend is Annie Finn, the liscensed gunsmith that dies in the
first chapter. After that he finds a new mysterious girlfriend. Something is
not right about him, as Max puts it, its all connected.

Vinnig Gognitti

Description: This guy defines the term "loser". He use to work for Jack
Lupino, a crazy Viking worshiper who tried to kill you. He now runs his own
used car lot near his apartment. This guy really is out of it. He calls vlad
the "****ing Russian". His real buisness however is black arms, which is
why he wants Vlad out of the picture. He also loves the Captain Baseball Bat
franchise, which ultimitly leads to his death. For the time you know him in
this game he is pitifull, and you even help but just because your a cop and
he tells you that he will help you.
|2.3- Enemies |[23ENE]                                                       |

Description: These are the weakest and most common enemy in the game. You will
meet up with these guys from  the first chapter. Throuhg the first part of the
game they are dressed in "The Squeky Cleaning Company" jumpsuits. When you
eventually make it to their hide out in the second part of the game, they 
show their true colors. These men are really supplied by Vladamir Lem, your
so called "friend" in the game. They don't show up much after Part II, mainly
because they are replaced by the more intelligant and dangerous commando's.


Description: Unlike their cleaner buddies, Commandos pack some very serious
fire power and know how to use it. They are also extremely intelligant, which
makes them even more deadly. Unlike cleaners who mostly just shoot at you, 
commandos will flank you and seek you out. They carry the more advanced and
deadly weapons in the game (MP5, Deagle, M4, ect.) The commandos are found in 
the second half of the game. They dress in blue and black tactical clothing
and wear ski-masks to hide their faces.


Descriptions: These men are supplied by Vinnie Gognitti. They are basically 
the same as commandos, only less proffesional. They carry more deadly weapons
then the cleaners. There are a few variations of these men, but they are 
pretty much all the same. Like commandos they are smart, and will not let you
get away without a serious firefight. They in general look like Italian Mafia
thugs from GTAIII. Mafia thugs appear only in the beggining of the third
pard of the game.


Description: Agents are basically more intelligant and deadly versions of the
commandos. They dress in slick buisness suits and tactical clothing. They 
carry the most advanced weapons in the game, and definitally know how to use
them. No matter what situation your in, adding a bunch of agents can make it
much worse. They are found only in the last two chapters of the game, so you
won' have to deal with them to much. 
|2.4- Equipment |[24EQU]                                                     |

Damage        - **        
Rate of Fire  - ***
Accuracy      - ***

Damage        - ****       
Rate of Fire  - ******
Accuracy      - *

Description: Rapid Firing Handguns deadly at close range. These weapons are 
used the entire game and remain good all the way up to the end. You can choose
to weild one or dual handguns, but in this case dual is better. They dont fire
as fast as ingrams but they still fire pretty fast. This gun also has a clip
size of 16, meaning that you can shoot 32 bullets at an enemy in avout 5 


Damage        - *****       
Rate of Fire  - *
Accuracy      - *****

Damage        - *****       
Rate of Fire  - ***
Accuracy      - ***

Description: The desert eagle is like a sniper in pistol form. The accuracy
of this gun is superb. It also is extremly powerful, usually making targets
fly backswards. Although it is extremly powerful it still might take 2 shots
to kill someone, but not likely. It has the accuracy of an MP5, so use that
to your advantage. However, it does have a slow rate of fire. When you weild 
dual Desert Eagles it reduces the accuracy but greatly inproves the rate of 


Damage        - ****        
Rate of Fire  - ****
Accuracy      - **

Damage        - *****        
Rate of Fire  - *******
Accuracy      - *

Description: This is one of the more famous weapons. It delivers fully
automatic fire with high damage and low accuracy. This is personally my 
favorite weapon to use. It sacrafices accuracy to deliver automatic fire 
second to none. When using dual Ingrams accuracy if further decreased but rate
of fire doubles. This is definitally best suited for short-med range combat.
All in all this is a great weapon.


Damage        - *******      
Rate of Fire  - *****
Accuracy      - *

Damage        - N/A      
Rate of Fire  - N/A
Accuracy      - N/A

Description: The striker is basically just an Automatic shotgun. It serves
its purpous very well. You can take this into a room of 20 guys and pretty
much shread them in 10 seconds. Like other shotguns its bullets spread making
it more deadly. Since its Automatic its rate of fire is pretty decent, about
5 shells per second. Also like the other shotguns becaues it's made for short 
range combat, not long range. 


Damage        - *******     
Rate of Fire  - *
Accuracy      - *

Damage        - N/A      
Rate of Fire  - N/A
Accuracy      - N/A

Description: This is you standerd police issue shotgun. It is very deadly at
close range but unnacurate. It fires 7 buckshots at a decent rate. While 
this weapon is ideal for close combat your gonna look like an idiot if your
sniping with it. It also spreads out for area damage thus making it easy to 
hit two targets. However, this weapon is a bit underpowered so you may have
to shoot your target twice before he will die.


Damage        - ********     
Rate of Fire  - ***
Accuracy      - *

Damage        - N/A      
Rate of Fire  - N/A
Accuracy      - N/A

Description: This weapon is basically a shortened double barreled shotgun 
with its handle sawed off. Like the shotgun this weapon excells in in close
range combat, but is even more unnacurate in long range combat due to its
shortened barrel. However this weapon also fires 2 shots almost at the same
time, which makes it much more usefull than the shotgun. Also it is not 
underpowered so you dont have to worry about that.


Damage        - ******     
Rate of Fire  - *****
Accuracy      - ******

Damage        - N/A      
Rate of Fire  - N/A
Accuracy      - N/A

Description: New to the series the MP5 deliveres a fast firing rate with high 
damage and a scope. While it mostly shows up later in the game it is still 
very uselfull for taking out multiple opponents at range. To use the scope 
press X. If you want to zoom hold down X. This weapon can be used for either 
close or long range combat, but I reccomend using it for long range since its 
really accurate and may not hit your target unless your crosshairs are exactly
on it.

M4 Carbine

Damage        - *********      
Rate of Fire  - ******
Accuracy      - *********

Damage        - N/A      
Rate of Fire  - N/A
Accuracy      - N/A

Description: This magnificant weapon is found later in the game. High rate 
of fire, super high damage and accuracy matched to the sniper rifle make this
one of the best weapons in the game. This weapon is suited for any kind of 
combat, including sniping. ITs high damage make it extremly usefull, and the
fact that its an automatic rifle further increase its usefulness. Believe it
or not there is on problem, the M4 is simply too accurate. With most machine 
guns you can aim anywher close the tagret and it will hit them, but this 
gun crosshair's need to be right on the target to hit it.


Damage        - ******     
Rate of Fire  - ****
Accuracy      - ****

Damage        - N/A      
Rate of Fire  - N/A
Accuracy      - N/A

Description: While not as good as the M4 this weapon certainly isnt crap. 
Almost every modern fps has this too, because it is the most popular gun ever
to be manufactured. It fires at a decent semi-auto rate and can kill a man 
easily. Its accuracy is also pretty good, but not comparable to the M4. I
reccomend this from short to med-long combat because thats what its good for.
Accuracy isnt reliable after the first shot so remember that. Overall this
weapon is a great addition.


Damage        - ********     
Rate of Fire  - *
Accuracy      - ********

Damage        - N/A      
Rate of Fire  - N/A
Accuracy      - N/A

Description: This is you standard video game sniper rifle. Extremly high 
damage and perfect accuracy make this weapon very usefull. This is better then
its Dragunov counterpart. It makes up for its low rate of fire with the 
ability to instant kill anyone. Enemys dont use this weapon either(except for
cutscenes). Its accuracy is also perfect, meaning no matter what the distance
the bullet will go exactly where you point it.


Damage        - *******      
Rate of Fire  - ****
Accuracy      - ******

Damage        - N/A      
Rate of Fire  - N/A
Accuracy      - N/A

Description: This weapon is a variation of the sniper rifle with imprved rate 
of fire but decreased accuracy. Only Mona gets to use this, so Max doesn't 
need to bother with it. It has the Accuracy of an MP5, and the rate of fire
of a Desert Eagle. I guess this weapon is somewhat usefull, but Its made to
snipe, and the other sniper rifle does it better. It will most likely kill 
your target in one hit, but sometimes you will have to hit your target twice.
Overall its a decent weapon, but for sniping the normal sniper is much better.


Description: These weapons are exactly what you think they are. Throw one and
it will bounce around for a second then blow up killing anything near it. You
can bounce them off walls, floors, whatever to get it to your target. They 
deliver an explosive radious of 5 feet from wherever it lands. These are best
suited for short range combat since it is rather difficult to throw the 
grenade where you want to it go if your far away. Also it may explode before
it gets there. 


Description: This weapon is basically a Bottle of flammable liquid with a rag
in it set on fire. When you throw it it will explode on impact, not bounce 
like the grenade. Just chuck it an enemy and watch them burn to a crisp. Like
the grenade its best in short range, but dont throw it to short or you will
set yourself on fire.

|2.5- Controls |[25CON]|                                                     |


Move/Strafe       - Left Thumbstick
Aim               - Right Thumbstick
Crouch            - Click Left Thumbstick
Aim Fast          - Click Right Thumbstick
Shoot             - Right Trigger
Shoot-Dodge Only  - Left Trigger
Jump              - A button
Bullet Time Only  - B button
Use/Sniper Zoom   - X button
Secondary Attack  - Y button
Reload            - Black button
Use Painkillers   - White Button
Pause             - Start Button
Main Menu         - Back Button
Weapons Menu      - Directional Pad
Bullet Time Combo - Unassigned


Forward           - W
Back              - S
Left              - A
Right             - D
Aim               - Mouse
Crouch            - Left Alt
Shoot             - Left Mouse Button
Shoot-Dodge Only  - Shift Key
Jump              - Space Bar
Bullet Time Only  - Right Mouse Button
Use/Sniper Zoom   - E/Enter
Secondary Attack  - Middle Mouse button/F
Reload            - R Button
Use Painkillers   - Tab Key
Pause             - "P" key
Main Menu         - Escape Key
Weapons Menu      - Middle Mouse button Scroll
Bullet Time Combo - MB 2

|3) Walkthrough |[03WAK]                                                     |

|3.01- Prologue |[301PL]|                                                    |

After that rather lengthy graphic novel scene your view will transfer inside of
the hospital where Max is located. 

Once the cut scene is over you will be given control of Max. Use this time to 
get a feel for the game [Even if you have already played Max Payne before]. It
has the standard controls for an Xbox TPS [Third Person Shooter]. 

When you are ready to continue head outside of the room and into the hallway. 
Go through the double doors on the right and head over to the left side of the
room. A cut scene will ensue once you reach the doors in which Max and Mona 
will make out. By the way, the game is full of odd cut scenes like this. Get
used to it, because thats partly why people like the Max Payne storyline. 

Also, Max will constantly hear voices inside his head. Later you will find out 
who the voices belong to and why Max is hearing them. 

Head through the green double doors and into the hall. Head to the right and
go inside the set of teal doors on the left side of the hallway. Walk in to 
trigger a cut scene. 

A corpse is lying on the ground [Dressed in a cleaner uniform]. Max walks over
and searchs the body onlt to find a Beretta. Suddenly a Commando will pop in
from the door in the corner of the room and holds you at gun fire. Shoot him 
to death [Like with other shooters, one shot to the head= Instant Kill]. He will
be thrusted backwards into a pile of boxes. Notice the awesome Rag Doll physics
here [Especially if your running the PC version]. 

Run into the next room and you will view a very short cut scene in which Max 
blacks out. Slowly he regains his strength and gets back on his feet. 

Go through the teal doors next to the lockers on the left side of the room. Run
down the hallway to the right and you will come to a lobby. Go inside the 
elevator on the left and press the button [X on Xbox, E on PC].

The elevator will start going down. When it comes to a stop the elevator doors
will open to reveal Chief Bruvura. A cut scene will commense. Bravura starts
asking several questions. Max has no time to answer however because several
Commandos ambush you. Bravura goes down in a hail of gunfire while you escape
back into the elevator. The Commandos shoot a gas tank will rolls into the 
elevator just as the doors close. 

The gas tank will then explode and blows a whole inside the wall. Max falls
down the elevator shaft and lands on top of the elevator. 

When you are back in control jump off the elevator and go through the  shaft 
entrance on the right. Head down the hallway to the left. Go inside the door at
the end of the hall and you will trigger a cutscene. 

A women [Detective Winterson, who you will meet later] is lying on the examining
table. Out of her chest is a large oozing blood stain. Max sits down and begins
to recall what happened the night before, and why he murdered her. The prologue
will end here [I know your confused, just wait]. 

|3.02- Elevator Doors |[302ED]|                                              |
Once the graphic novel scene is over a cut scene will be displayed. Max drives
up through some warehouse gates in a white car. The door pops open and out 
steps Max. You hear the sound of a woman screaming and gunshots being fired.
Max picks up the dispatcher radio in his car and calls for back up. When you 
are in control head right around the car and through the small opening in the

Go all the way down the alleyway then head left. Ahead of you is a small set
of stairs and a single green door. Head down the path then through the door. 
You are now in a large storage room with several boxes stacked on high shelves.
Make your way around them and a cut scene will be displayed near the small 
cubical. Max uses the wall as cover then pops out and looks inside the cubical.

The noise that was ammiting from it turns out to be nothing more than a TV
show. When you are back in control head along the shelves and you will come to
two garages. The one on the left side has a red keypad. This is the only keypad
openable that is red. Use the pad to open the door. The cut scene will start 
off with the garage rising up. Out of it steps a strange man wearing a cleaning
compayn jumpsuit.

These men will be referred to as "Cleaners" from now on. Max jumps out from
hiding and questions the guy. He says that there is a gun workshop up stairs,
and that he will lead you there. When you are back in control you have two
choices. You can shoot the cleaner now nad get it over with, or you can wait
until additional ones ambush you with the help of the original.

Shoot him now to save you the trouble then continue through the next room. Go
through the small maze of boxes and you will come to another garage with a 
green keypad. Use the keypad to open up the garage and you will reveal a small
hallway. Go through the small hallway and into the next room. Take out all of
the cleaners in here then go through the maze of boxes and supplies and you
qill come to another room. 

This room has two doors but only one opens. Find it then head on through and
you will come to a staircase. Climb up the staircase and you will come to a 
guard chatting with someone through a door way. Shoot him in the head for an
instant kill then grab his ammo. Go through the room and into the hallway.
Use the door directly ahead of yout to advance. In the back of this room is
a door with angry voices coming from it.

Go over to the door and a cut scene will be displayed. The cleaners are 
forcefully talking to her before they decide to kill her. One of the cleaner
points a gun to the womans head but is interrupted by Max who walks in on them.
The other cleaner pulls out an Ingram and fires away at Max who finds cover in
the form of a wall. The cleaner with the pistol shoots the woman in the head.

Once the cut scene is over turn on bullet time and head in the room. Take out 
the two cleaners then head back through the room. Hide behind the boxes and 
wait for two cleaners to show up. When both of them are in the room pop out and
kill'em. Take their ammo then head in the hallway and go right. Go through the
door and find some cover. Three cleaners, one with a shotgun will come out of
a door on the other side of the room.

Turn on bullet time and pop out of cover. Take down all three of them then go
collect their ammo. Go in the door they came of. Stroll down the balcony and
go into the door on the left. The game will switch here to cut scene mode. 
Three cleaners are waiting for an elevator to come to their level. Once it does
the door opens to reveal Mona Sax [SPOILERS! Mona was supposed to have taken
a bullet in the original game]. 

After the slow motion cameo Mona shoots all three of the cleaners in the head.
This is where Max walks in. After the very short reunion Mona steps back into
the elevator and takes it up. When you are back in control head over to the 
doors and press the button to make the elevator come down. When it comes to
your level step inside and use the button to go up. 

When the elevator stops head out and you will be in another storage room. 
Quickly kill the cleaner on the forklift then head right through the opening in
the shelves. Take out the handfull of cleaners here then head in the grey door
on the left side of the room. A cut scene shows Max shooting a a black van.
He is almost hit by the Van but is pulled back by another detective. The game
will now show the graphic novel. 
|3.03- A Criminal Mastermind |[303CM]|                                       |

Once the graphic novel scene has ended your view will switch to Max who is 
approaching "Vodka", the new resturant being made out of the old Ragnarok 

After banging on the door a few times gun shots can be heard. Vlad, your friend,
will scream out for some help from Max, who willingly responds. Max will run 
around the side of the building and enter the resturant through the back door.
Once you are back in control head past the pillars and up the staircase. At the
top of the stairs you will find a room that is almost identical to the previous

Take out the three or so Mafia Thugs then grab their ammo. Now head up the 
staircase on the left wall. Gun down the Mafia Thug in here then head through
the wooden door.

As you enter the door a cutscene will be displayed. Mike the Cowboy, is taking
out several thugs with the help of his trusty AK-47. 

When it is all over Max and Mike will start talking. They decide to join up in
order to lessen the pain of finding and rescuing Vlad. Go up the stairs that
he was shooting from and into the wooden door. Inside this room, which is like
the previous three, are several dead Mafia thugs. Mike jokingly tells you that
he killed them. Instead of going up another set of stairs, head over to the 
hallway in the upper righthand corner. Go inside the opened door. 

Ahead of you are two Mafia Thugs on the other side of the doorway. Don't bother
shooting, they close the door to fast. Head up the stairs to the left and you 
will emerge at the top next to a door. Go through the door and take out the
Mafia Thugs.

To the left is a very small ditch that leads into a skinny  hallway. Jump down
into the ditch and take the painkillers. Use them if needed then head through 
the door to the left. You are on top of an incredably tall balcony with 
scafolding going down to the right. Run down the scafolding and take out the
two Mafia Thugs near the bottom. When you reach the second to last staircase
break off over to the balcony. Head through the door then into the one on the

Kill all of the Mafia Thugs in here then head into the small door to the right.
You are now in what appears to be a banquet room. On the other side of the room
are several enemeis firing at you.

Immediatly run to the left and use the pillars as cover. Peek out to the left 
and blast a few of them away with your shotgun. Now head around the balcony and
shoot up the rest of them. When the entire room is clear head down the staircase
located on the exact opposite side of the room from where you started. Now head
right and go over to the double door. 

Another cutscene will occur showing Vinni Gognittie (I thought he died...) and
his goons firing at Vladamir Lem, yor buddy. Max will knock on the door and
make contact with Vlad. He decides to find an alternate route and help Vlad 
get out of this mess. Vinnie hears this, and decides to send some thugs around
to take care of Payne. Pfft! Is he actually that stupid! Anyway, they will
come out through door to the left near the bar. Blast them away with the
shotgun then head through the door from which they came. 

Run through this small area and out of the door to the right. Another cutscene
will occur. Vinnie, who is out of men decides to bail when he hears the sirens.
After providing cover for himself he rushs over to the door and echoes the 
words "You ****ing pay for this Russian! You ****ing Pay!". After that the
game will switch to the graphic novel. 

|3.04- The Depths of my Brain |[304DB]|                                      |

When the graphic novel scene ends you will start out in your apartment with
everything blurry. A voice will be telling a story very similar to your dream.
You will hear a knock at the door. Go through the door and you will see a
picture of Mona Slipped under your door. Got through the door and then follow
the Hallway to the left all the way until it ends. Go right down the hallway
then left and down the very long stairs. 

Go into the room and look at the lockers to your left. One of them will be 
open, go over to it and a body will come sliding out on a table. Wait a sec
and Mona Sax will appear on one of the tables in the room. Then the phone
on the table will ring. GO over and pick it up. You hear Vlad assuring his
girlfriend everything is going to be alright. Next you hear the cops talking
to you. All of the sudden your body will appear in a street near a cops 
blockade. Run down the street and into the darkness.

You will now appear to be in a Interigation room. Winterson and Bravura will
be talking to you. Once your back into control go over to the desk and pick up
the pistol. Shoot Winterson and Bravura then everything will go white. The
game will now go into Graphic Novel Mode.

|3.05- No "Us" In This |[305NU]|                                             |

After the graphic novel scene the game will start up in cutscene mode. It
will show a sniper on the other side of Max's apartment complex shooting at
him from out of a window. Mona says it was a mistake coming here and leaves
the apartment. Once your back in controls head out of your apartment and into
the hallway. Travel down the hallway and you will see the trail left by Mona.
Turn right when you come to the junction then continue down till you get to
the end of the hallway. There is a broken window leading out onto a ledge.
Jump out of the window and onto the edge. Walk along the edge and then jump
over to the next platform. Go around the corner and into the Window.

Go through the room and into the door to your right. Go through this room
and out of the window on the other side. Jump on the ledge and go right then
jump in the window. Go down the hallway and kill the three cleaners at the 
junction then turn left. Follow the hallway to the end and a door will open. 
Go into the apartment and then through the room. Go into the door on  your 
right then go through the window on your left. Go left on the bacony then jump 
on the scafold. Climb up the scafold and then jump in the window. Max explains
how theyve been watching him. 

Grab the Sniper rifel then go through the door. Go down the hall and into a 
room with a tall spiral staircase. Head up the stairs and kill the three
cleaner then take their ammo. Continue up to the next floor then  keep going 
up the stairs. Continute up until you come to the floor with  the opening 
ahead and the letter 7 on the side. Go in the Elevator on your  left then push
the button to make it go. When you get out of the elevator you will be 
ambushed by cleaners. Kill them all then go down the hallway with a huge 
sign marked BASEMENT<. GO down the hallway then down the stair case to your 
right. Max will ask the Janitor the access code to the seventh  floor, he 
replies "667". 

Go back up the stairs and into the hallway. Kill the guys here then go back
to the elevator and take it up. Enter the access code then got thrrough the 
door. Go down the hallway slightly to your right and kill all the cleaners
in here. Go left in the door to your left and kill the guy in here. Jump
out of the window on the other side of the room and onto the ledge. Follow 
ledge all the way around the building until you come to the edge. Jump down 
turn around and jump onto the other ledge. Go into the window and then to 
your left. Walk up to the door to complete the chapter.

|3.06- A Sign of Her Passage |[306SP]|                                       |

Continue down the hall and go strait ahead through the door. Kill them two
guards in this room then go down the stairs. Keep gong past the dead bodys
and down the staircase. When you get to the next room continue strait ahead.
Keep going and you will come to agas pipe that fueling the flames. Go back
to the stair case room and go down. When you get to the bottom go down the 
normal stair case to your left. You will hear a scream for help. There is 
an exit door behind you, open it up. A girl will be in there and tells you
that you can get out from the third floor window, but you need to shut off
the gas first. 

Go down the hallway and kill the cleaners that come out of a door at the
end of the hallway. Go in the door and down the stair case. Go down the 
hallway and into the utility room. Turn off the gas valve then head back up 
the stairs. Kill the cleaners in your way then go back into the hallway.
Head down the hallway. Make your way up the two stair cases and down the 
hallway until you come to the gas pipe that used to be leaking. GO left and
then out of the window. Somec;eaners will come out of a door. Kill them and 
then continue around ledges until you come to a scafold. Climb up the scafold
then across the ledge then down on other scafold. You will fall down then jump
on the ground. 

A van will pull up and 6 guys will come out. Bring out your shotgun and
blast all of them. Once there all dead the game will go into a short cutscene
then switch over to graphic novel.  
|3.07- A Linear Sequence of Scares |[307LS|                                  |

Mona's current residence is an abandoned funhouse. This level is basically
walking through the funhouse until you get to Mona's room. I really don't 
think that you would need a walkthrough for this, so Im just gonna breifly
explain how to through. Right away walk into the door and then go up the
stairs. Follow the hallyway then go down the fake street then into the 
garage. Go up the stairs and into the next room. Go past the girl with her
head chopped off then into the street. Hed down the street then into the cage
and it will shut automatically.

When the cage has stopped jump out and go across the room. Go through all the
tunnels and you will come to a  cage. The cage will go up and then you will
be in a room with a big needle. It  will swing forward then push back when it 
hits the cage. Go right and through the room and then into street. Go down the
street and you will come to a telephone booth. Go in and answer the phone
and the boothe will come apart and reveal a staircase. GO up it and then 
through the hallway.

Continue through the tunnels and you will some to the stage backdrop. Go left
and then up the stairs. Go up the staircase here and you will be at Mona's 
apartment. The door is locked, so go to the other side of the huge staircase.
Go through the door and you will be on a staicase. Jump onto the roof next to
you and then go in the window. Go through her apartment area and then into her
bathroom. The game will now go into cutscene mode. Mona will be standing with
her back to you in the shower partially nude. Max gives her a towel and she
walks into the other room. The game now starts theg graphic novel scene.

|3.08- The Million Dollar Question |[308MQ]|                                 |

When the graphic novel scene ends the game will show a cutscene. Max decides
that he should go up to see the Inner Circle member. You start off in an 
elevator thats heading up. When the elevator stops walk out into the lobby.
Go right through the hallway and into the next room. Kill the 2 cleaners  
next to the door then try to get in the door. Its locked, so you need to find
another way through. Go out and go through the hallway to your left. Turn
left once more and then go through the door. Kill the cleaners in here.
Go outside on the balcony and turn your left. Jump through the fence and then
go into the apartment to your left.

You are now inside the apartment of the Inner Circle member. On the far left
of the room is a staircase. Go up the staircase and kill all the cleaners. Go
in the room next to the bathroom to discover the dead member. Mona tells you 
that you need to get out now. Go back to the staircase and there is a door to 
you right. Open it up and kill the enemies in the lobby.  Go in the door to 
your right and kill the guys in here. Go down the staircase and kill all of 
the cleaners. Go out on the balcony. All around the balcony there is a 
skinny ledge. Go to your right then jump down on the ledge.   Follow the ledge
and jump onto the Tent thing.

Jump down on the balcony and kill the two cleaners. Go in the door and
clear out the room of all the enemies then head into the lobby. Kill all the 
guards that are on the other side of the lobby then walk over to the 
elevators. Go through the door to your right and into the apartment. Go down
the stairs and kill all of the cleaners. Go out the window onto the cleaners
lift. Take the cleaners lift down and then make your way down the scafold.
When you get to the bottom go into the window and kill the cleaner. Go 
through the apartment and out the door into the lobby.

Kill all of the cleaners in here then proceed to the next lobby. Kill all the
cleaners in here then the game will go into cutscene mode. Out of the Elevator
will come Kaufman, and a handful of cleaners. Get behind cover then jump out 
and kill everyone. An elevator will come up and a cleaner will step out.
Kill the cleaner and then take his elevator down. When you get down you will
see a cutscene in which Winterson finds Mona. She also sees Max, and repetadly
asks him "What are you doing?".

|3.09- Prologue 2 |[309P2]|                                                  |

After the graphic novel scene you will star off in the office section of the
police station. Go to the cubical in the far right with the American Flag. 
Go near your computer and press action. Max will sit down and talk to himself
about his case. All of the sudden Winterson's phone rings. Max picks it up
and the other end hangs up. An officer tells you to go get Winterson from the
Interigation room.  Go in the door ahead of you and wait until Winterson is
done interrigating the witness. When shes comes out she will ignore you. Go
inside the witness booth and Max will talk to the witness. He tells you that
he saw Mona and the Cleaners get into a fight, but Winterson wasnt to keen on
listining. Go out the door and into the office rooms. 

When Max walks out you hear Winterson talking to someone on the phone. Max
asks her who it is but instead of answering him she yells at him to mind his
own buisness. When your back in control walk over to Bravuras office. To the
right is a double door with a green sign above it. Go through it and then
down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs is a door, go in it. Go down the
stairs and then down the hallway. Press the button next to the door then go
in the room. Press the buzzer and he will open it. Go down the hallway and to 
your right will be Mona Sax in a cell.

Max and her will talk for a minute. She thinks that she will die in here, and
that Max needs to get her out. She also says the Alfred Woden will verify 
everything she has told you so far. Max decides to give him a call. Go back to
the desk and a door will open to your right. Go in and use the phone on the 
desk. Wodens answering machine will play, Max leaves a message. All the sudden
you will hear a large boom sound. The desk officer says that its a bomb. She 
opens a cabinet and takes out a couple of guns. You then see some cleaners 
coming in with guns. They start theyre search for Mona, who hiding in her 
cell. She slips up from out of the bed and takes the dead guards keys. She 
then proceeds to pick the lock then runs out the back door. 

When your back in control go over to the cabnit and take the pistols. Go out
in the hallway and kill the cleaners. Go down the hall and go out the door
and into the parking lot. Kill all of the cleaners here then take their
ammunition. Another Van will pull up and out will come some cleaners. Turn
on bullet time and kill them all. Go right down the parking garage and up
the ramp. The game will start the graphic novel sequence.

|3.10- The Things that I want |[310TI]|                                      |

After the graphic novel you will see Mona and Max running down a blackny to
her apartment. Halfway there part of the balcony collapses and Max falls down.
Mona coninues running. You will star off as Max behind some boxes. Kill the
cleaner above you then jump out from behind the box's and kill the other 
cleaner. Turn around and head halfway up the stairs. Kill the two cleaners
and take their guns. Go in the door with the red tinted light. Go left and
press the switch to give the cleaners a little surprise. Go back up the stairs
and into the door. Kill all the cleaners below and then walk around the edge
to the right. Halfway around the room you will come to a doorway. Go in it and
press the switch. A giant hammer thing will bash into the wall creating an

Shoot all of the cleaners that come out then jump down. Kill all of remaining
cleaners then walk through the door. Kill all the cleaners on the stairs then 
go up. Kill the cleaner on the balcony and then go back down. Follow the path 
until you come to a door. Open it up and you will see a cutscene. The cutscene
shows Mona Sniping ssome cleaners. When your back in control help her by 
killing the cleaners. She will then dissapear. Facing the building she was on
go left through the garage with the fake red car. Kill the cleaners in here 
then go up the stairs. Go through this room and kill the cleaner. Keep going 
and you will some to another fake street. Mona is providing fire from the 
top of a building. Kill the cleaners here then follow the street. When you 
come to a fake van turn left. Go through the door.

Keep going down the hall and you will come to a huge pipe. Kill the cleaners
on the other side then coninue. Go right and through the black door. You 
will see a cutscene in which Max jumps into a cleaner van. After talking to
himself about the situation the graphic novel will come up.

|3.11- In the Middle of Something|[311MS]|                                   |

When the cutscene ends you will be in a parking garage. Go right and then up 
the stairs. Go into the next room and kill the cleaners on the stairs. Keep
going up the stairs. You will some to a room with 2 closed off elevators and
a door to the left. Go through the door and you will be in a very tall dome
shaped room. Kill the guards in here than head up the stairs. Follow the
catwalk and you will come to a room with several explosives. On the right
side of the room is an elevator shaft with a stuck elevators. Jump down in the

Push the door out of your way and go into the next room. Go right and through 
the door then into the hallway. Open the door to your left and go outside.
Kill the cleaners near the van and then go right across the yard. Some 
cleaners will come out of a door. Kill them all and then go inside. You will
be presented with a junction. Go strait adn then go to the left side fo the
room. Go through the door then go right then down the hallway. Kill the 
cleaners in your way and then go through the door in the middle of the 
hallway. Go left up the stairs and into the next room. Carfully walk across 
the beam and then go into the open doorway. GO up the stairs and into the
next room.

Kill the cleaner in the door way then walk across the beam. Kill all the 
cleaners and then go left. Kill the cleaner then go in the door to your right.
Go through this room and out the door. Turn left and kill the cleaners then
head down the hallway. Keep following the hallway killng any cleaners that
come in your way. Go through the door and then left. Go through the big 
hole in the wall on turn right. GO in the door and kill all of the cleaners
then jump over the hole and go in the door. Turn left and go in the door.

Go throught he room of firearms then in one of the clear doors. GO up the 
stairs and into the next room. Go through this room and you will be in dome
room. GO across the catwalk and up the stairs. Go across another catwalk and
into the next room. Kill the swat guys and then go into the clear door to your
far right. Go up the stairs and into the next room. GO up the stairs again and
you will come to a room with an unmaksed cleaner. Kill him then go in the
door to the far right. Go across the catwalk and into the next door. Kill all 
the cleaners in here then go through the clear door. GO left to end the 

|3.12- Blowing Up |[312BU]|                                                  |

You will see a cutscene in which Max runs through a room and finds some 
cleaners. They all fire at him so he takes cover behind a pillar. All of the
sudden another cleaner comes from behind the three cleaners that were firing
at you and says to stop shooting that the room is filled with explosives. The
cleaners run away and the explosives start blowing up. One of the blasts knocks
you over a table. Mona phones in asking whats wrong, Max relpies,"The buildings
blowing up!". When you are back in control jump over the table that you flew
over. Go through the door the cleaners came out of.

Do right down the hallway then take a left. Be carfull and go down the hallway
until you come to the huge fire. The floor underneath the fire will collapse
and a door will open to your right. You wil here the word "Payn" then a loud
blast. Go in this room and through the huge whole created in the wall. Inside
the next room is a huge cross shaped hole in the wall. In front of it is a 
table with explosives. Shoot the table to make them explode thus creating 
another hole in the wall. Go face the hole and you will quickly see that you
are on the top floor of a very large construction site. Look to your left and
you will see some beams leading in a square over to a door. CAREFULLY jump 
on a beam and walk over to the next door. 

Go through this room and into the hallway with the teal barrels on fire. They
won't blow up, so don't worry. Continue down the hallway and the floor ahead
of you will collapse. Jump down in the debree then turn 180 degrees from the
fire and go down the hallway. You will come to a room with 2 elevators and a 
sandy colered door. Kill the two cleaners then continue through the door. Go
down the hallway and you will come to an area where the ceiling has collapsed
and everythings on fire. Jump up onto the table then jump over the fire(easier
said then done). Follow the hallway and then go into the next room.

Kill all of the cleaners in here then take their ammo. To your right are 
several barrels of explosives. Shoot them to create a hole in the floor, but
don't go down yet. Wait until all the explosions finish then jump down into the 
holw. Take everyone's ammo and then jump down the hole that was created by the
explosions. Go through the door then left down the hallway. Jump over the 
box of explosives then quickly go left into the room. Go over to the end of 
the room. The game will now show you a cutscene in which Max jumps out of the
window and onto the balcony. He slips and falls then hits some wooden supports,
then falls and hits some more, and some more. Finally when he reachs the 
bottom, one of the wooden supports fall on him.

|3.13- Routing her Synapses |[313RS]| (You will now play as Mona)            |

You start out in a room that seems to be under construction. There are 2 doors
leading out of this room. The one on your right leads to a dead end. The one
on your left leads to a staircase. Go left and into the room. Go up the 
staircase a few floors and you will come to a door on the balcony. GO inside 
then kill the cleaner on the overhangin balcony ahead of you. Walk out and you
will be fired at from behind. Kill the cleaner above you. Head into the door
directly across from where you came out. Go up the wooden stairs and kill any
cleaners that come in your way. When you get to the top you will be in a room
similar to the one before the stairs. Kill the cleaner and then take the 
elevator down. 

Go into the hallway to your right and through one of the doors. You are now in
a room with a plywood walkway running through it. Kill all the enemy's in this
room(easier said then done) then go to the far right side of the room. You will
see a long peice of wood acting as a stairway. GO up it and kill the cleaners
here. Get to the back of the hallway for some cover. About 6 cleaners will rush 
down from the overhanging balcony. Take them all out, then go up the ramp. Kill
all the cleaners then go into the room that opens up from the balcony. Kill all
the cleaners in here then hang around for a bit. Some cleaner commando's will
come, kill'em. Go through the door they came out of. Go around the corner and 
then into the door in the hallway. Kill all of the cleaners in here then jump
down the elevator shaft.

|3.14- Out of the Window |[314OW]|                                           |

You will see a cutscene in which Max tells Mona to call the cops. Violently
she refuses, calling Max a bastard. When you get back in control go out of the
elevator shaft. You will hear some voices, then a cleaner will appear behind 
you. Kill him then look around. You are in a long hallway with several doors
and structures. GO right and follow the hallway until you come to a wooden 
door in the wall. You will hear an explosion. Out of the door will come some
cleaners, kill them all. Go inside the door they came out of and kill
the remaining cleaners. 

Go across the room and into the wooden door. You will hear some more explosions
and Mona will radio for Max but with no reply. Go down the hallway and out the
door. You are now on top of a courtyard. Grab the druganov . The game will
now show a cutscene. Max has fallen out of a window and a heavy object has
fell on him. Some cleaners will now run up trying to shoot Max. He asks you
to take them out. Once your back in control kill the cleaner that breaks 
through the door. Snipe all of the guys that come up to Max. Max will get up
and proceed down the courtyard.

Go through the door that the cleaner came out of and through the small room. 
Kill the cleaner behind the barrel. Go up to the ledge and provide cover for
Max. When he gets to the first door its locked, so he asks you to cover him
while he goes for the other door. After a few seconds a cutscene will show
Max jump behind some cover because some trigger happy cleaners are trying to
kill him. Mona can't get a shot, so she has to go through the building. Go 
back through the rooms and into the building. Go through the first room and 
into the room with the catwalk. 

Go through this room and back into the huge hallway. To your left is and 
opening in the wall that leads to the balcony. Kill all the cleaners you meet
and then go to the balcony. Snipe the cleaners that have Max pinned down. He
tries to make a run for it, but Is pinned down once again. In order to kill
the cleaners, you must go around the building until you get to the scafold.
Go down the hallway and kill the cleaners. Go through the door and into the
next room. Kill all of the cleaners and go into the door on your right. Go down
the hallway and kill the cleaners. GO out on the balcony and snipe the rest
of the cleaners. 

The game will now show a cinimatic in which Max runs to another door. He says 
that he found something that will lead him to another courtyard, your job is
to go around the building so you can privide cover. GO through the previous 
rooms and you will come to a hole in the floor. Jump down to end the chapter.

|3.15- The Genious of the Hole |[315GH]|                                     |

You will first see the entire construction yard in a cutscene. Mona then hears
sirens, and calls Max a bastard because of her previous protests. When your 
back in control you will be in front of a balcony. Snipe the guard then run
up to the balcony. Below you to your right is a building with several ledges.
Shoot the gas canisters to kill the cleaners. Once Max is free of fire, he will 
make a run to the other side of the yard in attempt to open the door. Once 
again its locked, meaning that Max will try one more door. However, he needs
some cover first. Mona tells him to stay put and she will go to the other
side of the building to give him some cover. 

GO back through this room and then down the hallway. Kill all the commandos 
that come out of the door then go through it. Go around the walk and into the
next door. You are now in a room simar to that of the rooms in the previous 
chapter. On the far right is a walkway. This is the position from where you 
need to cover Max. Look down to your right. Snipe the sniper and Max will make
a run for it. Near the sniper is a door. Several cleaners will come out, kill
them all. When Max reach's the door he finds out its locked, but there is still
one last chance. 

Go up the ramp next to you and kill all the cleaners. Go into the next room 
and follow it to the right until you come to a wooden door. Kill the commando 
the comes out then go in. Kill the commando and then jump down onto the wooden
platform. Kill the cleaner here then go down the hallway. Go across the bridge 
abd kill the commando. Grab all of the painkillers in here and THEN kill the
6 cleaners. Go right down the huge hallway. Kill the commandos then go down the 
catwalk. Kill all the cleaners in this room then go to the left and down
the catwalk.

Kill the cleaners on the ground first then kill the commandos on the balcony.
Take there ammo and then go down the ramp located under the catwalk. Kill
the two commandos and then continue down the stairs. When you get to the
bottom you will be right outside of the yard. Grab the druganov and snipe all 
the commandos and cleaners outside. Go across the yard and kill and commandos
you meet. On the other side of the yard is a elevator. Go in and press the 
button to go up.

You will now see a cutscene in which Winterson pops out from behind a crate.
She silently points her gun at Monas head.

|3.16- Prologue 3 |[316P3]|                                                  |

You start back of in the hospital. The screen is blurry and constantly moving,
making it a little dissorienting. Mona is waiting at the door, teasing you.
Go out the door and down the hallway to your right. Go left and into the
darkness. All of the sudden you will start out in a cell at Police HQ. Max
in insanly muttering to himself, creepy. When your back in control go forward.
GO down the cellblock and then to your right. Follow the hallway to be 
transported back to another cell block.

Go down the block then right. Go through this room and then into the stairway
room. Go up the stairs. Bravora will now be lying on the groung bleeding. Go
down the hall and then into the next room. Go up the stairs and then down the
hallway. Go into the door and then into the office area. Go over to your office
to find Mona and Winterson. Answer her phone to hear Vlad's voice. The game 
will now go dark and show the graphic novel.

|3.17- Too Stubborn to Die |[317SD]|                                         |

You will start out in a hospital room with a commando trying to get in. Once
your back in control run out the door to knock the commando down. Quickly run
to the left and go up the stairs. Go up the various staircases and you will 
eventually come to a locked chain gate. Next to it is a red door, go in it. 
Go through the room and left down the hallway. Go in the first door to your
right then into the room. Go right into the next room and then through the
room and out the door. Run into the door with the huge sign marked "Recovery" 
in it. Go back into the office cubical's. Wait a second and the commando's will
show up.

A security guard will run in the room. He is shot by the commando's. Run out 
and take the guards gun. Kill the commando's and take their MP5's. Go to the
right and into the hallway. Go into the first door on your left. Go through the
room and go through the door. Kill all of the commando's and then go through
the door on your right. Go down the hallway to your left then around the 
corner. Go in the first door to your left and kill the commando's. Go back 
outside and go down the hallway. Kill all the commando's here. Go in the door
ahead of you.

Kill the commando in here and take his ammo. Go through the room and around the
corner. Keep going until you get to the hallway. Go in the green door and kill
the commando's on the stairs. Go down the stairs until you come to the red 
double door with the exit sign. Go out the door and into the underground 
parking area. Kill all of the commandos in here then walk to the other side
of the lot. The game will show a small cutscene and then end the chapter.

|3.18- On a Crash Course |[318CC]|                                           |

This level is basically a reproduction of the level "A Criminal Mastermind", 
only this time your fighting Vlad rather than trying to save him. When your
in control go forward up the stairs and kill the cleaners. You will hear
Mike the Cowboy's voice(damn him). He tells the cleaners and workers that 
Max Payne is coming, and to get ready. Out of a door the right comes a couple
of cleaners. Kill them all then go in the room from wince they came. Go through
the kitchen and into the wooden door on the right side of the room. Remember 
this room? Kill all of the commandos and then go up the scafold.

Go around the room and into the double wooden door tucked back in the left 
corner. Go through the two doors and into the next room. Go around the room 
once again and into the hallway all the way on the right. Kill the cleaners
that come to kill you then go up the stairs. Go the cement room and into 
round dome shaped room. Go up the small stairs and into the door to you left.
Kill the cleaners in here then take their ammo. Go in the door on the right 
side of the room. 

Ignore the dummy strapped to the explosives. Go to the other side of the room
and kill the commando's. You will now hear and explosion. Go back to where the
dummy was to find a huge hole. Outside of the hole is a huge room with several
staircases. Snipe all of the cleaners with your MP5 then go on the staircase 
thats close to the hole. Go up a little ways and some cleaners on the very 
bottom of the room will start shooting you. Kill them and proceed to the other
side of the room via the the catwalk. GO down the stairs and then across the
room. Go in the door that the cleaners came out.

Go to the end of the room and kill the coommando. Go in the door on the right 
side of the room. Go down the staircase and into the parking lot. Kill all
of the cleaners and take their ammo. On the right side of the garage is a
door. Go through and up the stair case. Kill the cleaner then go up the stairs
to your left. Kill the cleaners on the step then go into the next room. Kill 
all the cleaners and go in the hallway to the right. Go inside Vlad's office
and kill the cleaner and Mike. The game will now go into cutscene mode and
show Max looking at Vlad's plans to kill Vinnie. He also looks at the message
and to his suprise hears Winterson's confession. 

|3.19- A Mob-War |[319MW|                                                    |

The chapter starts out with a cutscene. It shows Max driving a cleaners van
down a road. Some Mafia Thugs see the van and shoot at it. Max spins out of
control and runs through a brick wall. The Mafia Thugs decide to go in and
waste him. When you are back in control go forward. Go through the room with
several boxes and up the stairs. Kill the commando and then wait a sec. Some
more commandos will come, kill them all. Go up the stairs and go down the 
hallway. GO up the next set of stairs and then go half way down the hallway.
To your left is a plastered up hole in the wall. Walk into it to destroy 
the plaster. 

Go through the door on your left. You are now in a room with a hole in the 
wall to your right. It has several boards nailed in front of it, preventing you
from getting through. Not to far down the wall is another uncovered hole in the
wall. Jump through it. There are thee doors in this room. The one directly in
front of you contains a tenant watching tv. The one to the left of you is
locked. The one to the far left of you is open. Go through the door on the 
far left and out onto the balcony. You should see a huge sign saying "Vincents
Sweet Deals on wheels", lol. Go in the door to your right. 

Go down the hallway and a cleaner will come down the stairs. Shoot him then
wait for the rest of the Thugs and Cleaners to show up. Kill all of them. Go
down the two staircase and you will see two Mafia Thugs running by. Follow them
until you come to a green door. Once your inside the room kill all of the 
thugs. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE QUICKSAVE! There is a huge hole in the wall
with a few suspended boards leading to a window. Across the alley their are 
some commandos shooting at you. Kill them and then carefuly walk across the

Once your in the room go through the blue door in the corner. Go left and then
out the door. Go up the stairs, Go through the door nearest to where you came 
up. From this room go in the door to your left. The room you are now in has a
hole in wall. Kill the thugs then CAREFULLY go across the boards to safety. 
Go through this room and into the next door. The game will now go into a 
cutscene. Max walks out to find a couple of Thugs. They mistake him for the
reinfircments Vinnie promised them. Max plays along. In the end they decide 
one gun is better than nothing, and let you tag along.

When your back in control the Mafia thugs should run ahead of you. Follow them
down the flights of staircases and into the lot. They will start walking down 
the street, follow them. Kill all of the cleaners that pop out(This is where
the game starts to get harder). Continue down the street and you will come to
a wall on your right. Kill all of the cleaners that jump over it then continue 
down the street. Kill all of the cleaners you meet. Finally a mafia thug will
show up and identify you. Kill the thugs then go down the street. You need to 
find a door on the right side. It has a huge sign above it stating "All Trucks
keep right". Go in it. 

Go through the door and then find some cover. Ahead of you is Vinnies car
lot. A cleaners Van shows up to ruin your passing, so take them out. When they
are all dead go near the van and a cutscene will start. Max jumps over the
wall and goes into the car lot's main building. There he finds Vinnie, dressed
in a captain baseball batboy costume? Yep. The chapter will now end. 

|3.20- Dearest of All My Friends |[320DF]|                                   |

A cutscene will show in which some commando's surround the building. Vinnie
is having a fit, will Max is ready to blow someone's head off. When Vinnie is
finally done yelling, you will gain control of Max. Get behind some cover and
kill the three commandos that come in. Go through this room and down the 
into the hallway. Go in the white door to your left. Go outside into the car
lot. Kill the cleaners that jump over the wall. Go back inside the building
and protect Vinnie from the waves of cleaners. Vinnie will signal you to follow 
him. Follow him into the hallway.

He leads you to a storage room, but some commandos fly through the window to 
crash your party. Kill them then follow Vinnie to the back door. Ironically he
cant fit his head through. Some cleaners come through the windows, so Vinnie
retreats into a small room. Defend him from the cleaners. Once they're all
dead Vinnie tells you to follow him. Do as he requests, and follow him. When 
you get to the elevator Vinnie will rush in and start the elevator. Don't pay
any attention to him and just kill the cleaners that come. Go up the stairs 
located next to the elevator. 

When you reach the top of the stairs you will find Vinnie in the elevator. He 
quickly runs into his apartment and leaves the cleaners to you. Once their
dead go inside and go down the hall. You will come to a pateo type room. Go
out the clear doors. Shoot the metal paneling and a commando will pop up in
front of you. Kill him then look down. You are facing the back of Vinnies
Car lot. Kill the commandos then jump down. 

Vinnie will be yelling about being home free, but a van pulls up. Shoot the 
cleaners then go back through the  small alleyway. Go down the parking lot and
a van will show up. Kill all the guards while listening to vinnie yelling 
about the door not closing. Go in the garage and the door will close. Vinnie
jumps on the car and tells you to hoist him up. Go up the stairs and use the
controls to get him up there.  Kill the cleaners that come then follow him down
the hallway and down the stairs. Go into the room and kill the remaining 
cleaners. A cutscene will show in which Max gets in and drives. The chapter 
now ended. 

|3.21- A Losing Game |[321LG]|                                               |

A cutscene will show Mona rushing into the burning funhouse. She jumps through
the door and over the fire. When your in control head down the hallway and
to your right. Go down the stairs partially. Jump into the hole on top of the
wooden trailer. Go down the hallway to your right and then go up the ramp.
The wood in front of you will fall down. Jump down out of the hole and to the
left. Wait for some of the barrels to explode and they will reveal an opening
in the wall. Jump in and go through the door on the right side of the hallway.

A cinderblock will fall in the hallway ahead of you. Walk up it then jump down
to the right. Go down the hallway then left into the hole created by the faqe
psyco. Go across the room and into the doorway on the far right. Go through 
this hallway and into the next room. Quickly jump back into the room and wait
for the rolling cylinder to stop. Go around it then jump over the fallen 
cinderblock. Use the switch next to the painkillers to stop the fire. Go 
through the ashs and into the door to your left.

Go through the rooms and you will find a generator. Switch it off then go back
to the room with the huge fire. Go through the electric serge area and up the
stairs. Go through the hallway and you will come to the remains of Vinnie 
Gognitti. He is now nothing more then a huge hole in the ground. Go up the 
stairs on the other side of the room. Go into Monas apartment and you will 
find Max, bleeding and near death.

|3.22- There are No Happy Endings |[322NE]|                                  |

A cutscene will show Max being shot by Vlad. He will go into a dream state. He
is an astro-projection type being. You start off in the slums near Vinnies
Car Lot. Walk in the doorway to your left and you will find yourself lying on
the ground with Bravura talking to you.  The game will transport you to the 
hospital, with Bravura lying on the operating table. Bravura silently dies, but
the nurses try to revive him. Go into the lineup room(oddly the hospital is
mixed with the police station). You see Max tshooting himself. Go left and 
follow him. 

Go down the slum hallway then you will see Max shooting at you. Follow him and 
go through the door to your right. You will now hear Vinnie begging for his 
life. Go through the door ahead of you then left down the strange hallway. 
Go into the last door on your right, and then through the room into another
strange looking hallway. Go left and then take a right. Go into the first door
on your left then through the door ahead of you. Go right and into the 
blackness. Keep going down the hallway adn you will see a cutscene in which 
Mona kisses Max. The game will now show the graphic novel.  

|3.23- Love Hurts |[323LH]|                                                  |

The chapter will start out with a cutscene. Mona helps Max up a ledge. The 
camera shows both of them standing side-by-side, looking really badass. Max
steadily starts to jump down a ledge, but is forced down to take cover from
enemy fire. When your back in control you will be behind a van with several
enemies shooting at you. Kill them all (watch out for the rooftop commandos).
Go in the front door to Wodens mansion. Kill the commando in here then back
up to the doorway. A bomb will go off and the cieling will fall. When all the
pieces are down go up the stairs and in the door.

Kill the cleaners then go through the clear glass room on the right. Kill all 
the commandos in here. Mona will radio you and then a commando will fly out
one of the walls. Max and Mona decide that he will take the 1st floor, and she
will take the 2nd. But before they can finish planning their party is crashed
by some commandos. Kill all the commandos that come out of the steel windows.
Go in the hallway behind the steel windows and go in the door all the way to
your left. 

Go indside this room then through the door on the left. Kill the commandos in
here. Mona will take out the ones on the balcony. Max tells her to make her
way deeper into the building. Go in the huge door on the far left. Kill the
commandos then head through the door directly ahead of you. The room you have
just entered is full of marble scupltures and several paintings. Walk forward
and two guards will come out of the door ahead of you. Kill both of them (watch
out, one of them has a striker). Commandos above will start throwing grenades,
so be mindfull. Go in the door the commandos came out of. 

Make your way down the hallway and take out the commando on the stairs. Go
up the stairs and kill the cleaner with the striker. Kill the Agent shooting
at you then head around the hallway and go into the last door on the right. Go 
through this room then into the door in the left corner. Go into the
door on your left and into the hallway. Kill the cleaners that come for you
then go through the door from wence they came. You are now in a small
courtyard. Kill all the commandos and cleaners in here then go back up onto 
balcony and go right through the door. 

Go left and kill the guy then go down the hallway. Go through door ahead of
you. Go left then down the hallway and into the door ahead of you. Kill the 
agent and then the game will go into cutscene mode. Mona and Max will go 
through the door. 

|3.24- That Old Familar Feeling |[324FF]|                                    |

Here we are, the chapter of the game. This is where it all ends. As seen with
the previous graphic novel scene, Vlad is not holding back. The game will start
with a cutscene. Woden will tell Vlad to stop, then trys to force him. Vlad
kills woden. Max then starts to strangle Vlad, only to find the vlad detonates
the bomb and makes the floor collapse. When Max and Vlad get up, Vlad cannot
find his gun and runs off. Max stands up and takes the gun from under his 
stomech and decides to finish Vlad once and for all. 

Go in the door ahed of you and kill the agent. Go left quickly and then kill 
the agents you see. A panic room(large silver trailer will crash in the room 
behind a huge explosion. All the barrels that were scattered around the
area have exploded. Go back out of the panic room and go down the ruined
hallway. There will be two huge holes in the wall, go in the one on the left 
and jump down. Kill the agent here and go quickly into the door in the right
corner. Go up the stairs and across the balcony. Jump over the gap and 
continue down the balcony. Go in the door ahead of you.

Go down the hallway and kill the agent. Go left and through the door to 
continue the chapter. Go up the stairs and kill the agents you find. At the 
top of the stairs is an entrance to another hallway, but its blocked by a huge
plastic barrier. Vlad is behind it talking to you. After a while he will run
away like a little ****ie and leave his agents to guard. Once the barrier 
breaks go into the door ahead of you and kill the agents. Stock up on all the 
guns and ammo in here before you go inside the elevator. 

When you get to the top run out of the elevator and kill the agents. Facing 
out of the elevator run towards the door in the far right corner. The next 
part of this chapter is kinda hard, so prepare yourself. Press the elevator 
button and wait for it to come down. Kill and commandos at the top of the 
elevator. Vlad will run out occasionally, just lay down some fire and he 
should leave you alone. Once the left gets down jump in and press up. Lay down
cover for anyone in your way. When you get to the top head in the door ahead of
you for the final showdown. 

Keep moving around the square platform to avoid Vlads molitovs. Shoot the 
small orange supports holding up the platform to make it fall. Vlad will not
die however, you will need to shoot yet another set of small orange supports
on the pointy thing right above the glass down Vlad is on. When it falls, Vlad
will dodge it. Vlad will not start shooting at you. Whenever he appears, pump
lead in him till he dies. The game will show a cutscene in which Vlads 
platform falls and he flies off to a painfull death. Congratulations, you have
beaten Max Payne 2. Sit back and watch the credits roll. 

|04) Credits |[04CRE]                                                        |

-Rockstar Games, an already great developer and publisher
-Remedy, for Developing one of few flawless games
-Microsoft, the company that made Xbox
-Kao Megura who inspiring me to make faqs
-Rarusk, for also inspiring me to make faqs
-Jonathen Matthews software for the ASCII Generator. 

Copyright 2004-2005 David Donaldson