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Weapons/Equipment FAQ

by Tibby Kid

                  America's Army: Rise Of A Soldier Weapons FAQ

Hi, this is only my first FAQ, this one is intended to be short and to the
point.  This is for the Xbox version, but I see no reason why this shouldn't
work with any other platforms.

This FAQ is only hosted on GameFAQs and far, but will always be
up to date on here.  If any other sites want to host this guide email me and
ask me and I will most likely agree as long as it isn't changed in any way.

Contributed by: Chad Thomas TibbyKid
Email for questions, comments, suggestions, or submissions at [email protected]

Version History:
Version 1.00 - Just started this FAQ.  Almost completed primary weapons, thrown
weapons and equipment are finished.

Version 1.10 - Added two entries to FAQ, including one walkthrough.

-------------------------------Table of Contents-------------------------------

	W1  Primary Weapons
	W2  Secondary Weapons
	W3  Thrown Weapons
	M1  Modifications
		M1.1  Main Rail
		M1.2  Bottom Rail
		M1.3  Barrel
		M1.4  Pattern
	E1  All Equipment
Frequently Asked Questions
	F1  FAQs
	C1  Thanks, credits.

To search quickly between sections, press Ctrl+f then type in the letter and
number next to the section you are looking for and press enter.

W1------------------------------Primary Weapons--------------------------------

America's Army: Rise of A Soldier is a great game overall.  It isn't one of
those games where you just run into a room blind and mow everyone down.  You
need to plan ahead, take it slow, and work with your fireteam to succeed.  This
game may not have a whole arsenal of weapons, but these are actual authentic
weapons used by the U.S. Army, Army Rangers, and Special Forces.  I will try to
cover them as best as I can.


Fire modes:  Semiautomatic/three-round burst
Effective range:  550m
Rate of fire:  800 RPM
Reload time:  4.9 seconds
Ammo:  5.56mm ball
Magazine Capacity:  30 rounds
Weight 8.79 lbs./3.9 kgs (loaded)

The M16 is the standard-issue rifle for the United States Army, so get familiar
with it.  It can fire either single shots or three-round bursts.  Use the
single-shot option for long-range targets and use the burst shots for enemies
who are close up (such as in urban settings).  The M16 is your starting weapon
in this game, you will use it for all of the Rifleman missions.  There isn't
anything wrong with this gun in my opinion, except maybe for the reload times.
Just remember that there are lean controls (left/right on d-pad) and pull the
left trigger to bring up your ironsights and you can pick them off like you
are using a sniper rifle.

My Rating:  7/10  A great all around weapon, the only downside is the
reload time.

-----------------------------M203 Grenade Launcher-----------------------------

Fire modes:  Single shot
Effective range:  350m
Rate of fire:  N/A
Reload time:  3.3 seconds
Ammo:  40mm grenade
Magazine Capacity:  6 rounds
Weight 3.5 lbs./1.58 kgs (loaded)

The M203 grenade launcher attaches under your weapon so you can quickly
switch from firing normail bullets to firing grenades.  Fire your grenades
over a long distance to do some major damage and help suppress enemy fire.
You must reload after you fire each grenade, so make every shot count.  The
M203 really does have a good range on it, just remember to aim a little above
your target so you can hit it and the same goes for ordering your fireteam,
aim just a little above the target.

My Rating:  9/10  This has good range and does the most damage of any weapon
that I have yet to use.  Doesn't take too long to reload, I just wish you
could carry more grenades.

-----------------------------------M249 SAW------------------------------------

Fire modes:  Full auto
Effective range:  0-1,000m
Rate of fire:  850 RPM
Reload time:  9.9 seconds
Ammo:  5.56mm ball
Magazine Capacity:  200 rounds
Weight 15.6 lbs./6.87 kgs (loaded)

The M249 SAW is a high-powered weapon designed to cut through your enemies.
Use this weapon when you have to suppress enemies so other team members can
get into better positions without fear of getting hit.  While the SAW is
extremely powerful, it does have its downsides.  To use it effectively, you
must deploy the bipod, and that means you have to be close to the ground (such
as in the prone position).  It also has the slowest reload time, so make sure
you are out of harm's way when you reload.

My Rating:  7/10 Well, full auto, 200 rounds, but an eternity to reload.

-------------------------------M24 Sniper Rifle--------------------------------

Fire modes:  Single shot
Effective range:  800m
Rate of fire:  N/A
Reload time:  N/A
Ammo:  7.62 x 51mm
Magazine Capacity:  5 round internal magazine
Weight 14 lbs./6.35 kgs (loaded)

The M24 is one of the most commonly used sniper rifles.  Snipers are used for
surveillance and recon missions, so they usually stay as far away from enemies
as possible.  The sniper rifle and its powerful scope let the you zoom in on
the action without getting too close.  The M24 is perfect for getting
long-range kills.  The sniper rifle is not a good weapon for close combat, so
snipers usually carry a pistol for close-range attacks.  Here's some important
info for both sniper rifles.  On the sniper missions I know that sometimes
you start the mission with limited amounts of ammo, so take your time when
firing, you can't afford to miss much.  Also, take down your targets quickly;
otherwise, they just take off.  A moving target is a lot more difficult to hit
than a stationary one.

My rating:  5/10  Good all around rifle, but small capacity and long reload
times make the M82 much better.

-------------------------------M82 Sniper Rifle--------------------------------

Fire modes:  Semiautomatic
Effective range:  1,800m
Rate of fire:  N/A
Reload time:  5.5 seconds
Ammo:  .50 caliber ball
Magazine Capacity:  10 rounds
Weight 32 lbs./14.51 kgs (loaded)

The M82 is another popular sniper rifle because it is more powerful than other
rifles.  You can hit from farther away while delivering a more powerful punch.
The downside is that because of its power, it has bad recoil.  Make sure you
are accurate with your first shot, because after you fire, your gun won't be
pointing in the same place.  Here's some important info for both sniper rifles.
On the sniper missions I know that sometimes you start the mission with limited
amounts of ammo, so take your time when firing, you can't afford to miss much.
Also, take down your targets quickly; otherwise, they just take off.  A moving
target is a lot more difficult to hit than a stationary one.

My Rating:  10/10  Insane range and stopping power, what else do you need?


Fire modes:  Semiautomatic
Effective range:  500m
Rate of fire:  700-900 RPM
Reload time:  4.9 seconds
Ammo:  5.56mm ball
Magazine Capacity:  30 rounds
Weight 7.5 lbs./3.40 kgs (loaded)

This weapon is reserved for the best of the best, and that means members of
Specials Forces and Rangers.  This weapon combines the best of all the weapons
into one design and is a perfect combination of firepower and compactness.  It
is highly customizable, so you can put together the best weapon for each
mission.  The Rangers use the standard M4A1 and the Special Forces use the M4A1

My Rating:  9/10  Awesome weapon, very accurate and great customization.

W2------------------------------Secondary Weapons------------------------------

Secondary weapons are mostly used under special circumstances.  You don't use
them all the time because your primary weapon is much better suited for the
conditions you fight in.


The M870 shotgun is an extrememly powerful weapon and is great for close
combat, especially when moving through buildings.  Its range is short, so
don't use it outside in open spaces.  It is also slow to reload, so use it
only in situations where you engage one enemy at a time.  This shotgun also
comes in handy when you need to breach locked doors.

My Rating:  10/10  Who couldn't love a shotgun, blow a door open or someone's
leg off, either way I love this gun.


The M9 sidearm is a handy weapon for a sniper.  SInce a sniper rifle is good
only at long range, use the M9 to take down close targets that get too close.
While not the most impressive weapon on its own, it is good to have as a last
resort if you run into trouble.

I don't know if you can use this weapon or not in the game, let me know if you
can use this weapon.


The RPG (rocket propelled grenade) is a very powerful weapon.  It is great for
hitting long-range targets while doing massive damage.  Just make sure your
targets are far enough away or you will get hurt in the explosion.

I don't know if you can use this weapon or not in the game, let me know if you
can use this weapon.

W3-------------------------------Thrown Weapons--------------------------------

----------------------------------Frag Grenade---------------------------------

The frag grenade is a very useful tool to quickly dispose of your enemies.
After you throw the grenade, it blows up and damages or kills anything too
close.  It is great for clearing out rooms full of enemies.

My Rating:  7/10  Very useful in many situations, but sometimes hard to throw
through a small window and sometimes can kill your fireteam.

----------------------------------Stun Grenade---------------------------------

The stun grenade is helpful for clearing out rooms that have both hostile and
nonhostile people inside.  After you throw the stun grenade, it blows up and
stuns anyone close by, making them harmless long enough for you to take them

My Rating:  8/10  A very fun weapon and really makes enemies easy to kill.

---------------------------------Smoke Grenade---------------------------------

Use the smoke grenade to conceal your movement.  Toss this grenade into alleys
rooms into which you want to move without the enemy seeing you or your
fireteam.  After the smoke releases, you can move to wherever you want without
fear of being killed.

My Rating:  8/10  This is a must in some difficult situations, very helpful.



The M4A1 SOPMOD is the weapon of choice for Special Forces only.  The standard
M4A1 is also used by Rangers, but the customized weapon SOPMOD is only
available to use in Special Forces missions.

My personal favorite combination of upgrades to the M4A1 goes like this.
I use the M4QD suppressor, Harris Bipod, and the ACOG 4x.  This really does
make your M4 an accurate and deadly sniper rifle so you can get those far away
targets, while still allowing for rapid target acquisition using the Focus
feature and the ACOG iron sight for aiming.  This is probably the best design
for use in about every mission.

M1.1-------------------------------Main Rail-----------------------------------

Iron Sight:  Front-sight post aligned with rear sight post allows accurate

ACOG 4x:  4-power scope, which assists in target acquisition.

M68 Aimpoint:  Scope with an illuminated dot for rapid target acquisition.

Reflex:  Red dot holographic sight that allows quick target acquisition.

M1.2------------------------------Bottom Rail----------------------------------

Harris bipod:  Legs on front of weapon provide added stability and accuracy.

M203A1:  Grenade launcher that fires 40mm explosive rounds.


M4QD Suppressor:  Attached to front, reduces noise and muzzle flash from


Forest:  The M4 is painted in black for camouflage in forrest terrain.

Arctic:  The M4 is painted in white for camouflage in arctic terrain.

Desert:  The M4 is painted in tan for camouflage in desert terrain.


Along with your weapons, you also carry special equipment.  This equipment
can be just as vital to your success on a mission as the weapons you carry.

---------------------------------Health Packet---------------------------------

Health packets are extremely important during a mission.  If you take a hit
that warrants treatment and you have a health packet, a little first aid icon
appears at the bottom of the screen.  Press and hold the A button until the
health meter above the First-Aid icon fills up.  After the health meter fills,
you can continue fighting without the worry of dying from the wound.

My Rating:  10/10  Well, what did you expect?

------------------------------Night Vision Goggles-----------------------------

If you are on a night mission, you must use the NVG.  The NVG gives you the
ability to see in the dark so you can avoid trouble and attack enemies who
aren't expecting it.

My rating:  10/10  Once again, you just need this stuff, a major help.


If you are not using the sniper rifle with a high-powered scope, binocs are a
great way to see faraway enemies.  The binocs are used to find enemy locations
and to call in a long-range air strikes.  Make sure you are in a safe area when
you use them, though, because you can't move when looking through them.

My rating:  9/10  You do need them and they're great, but a scope will work.

F1--------------------------Frequently Asked Questions-------------------------

Well, come on ask me something...all this empty space.

Q:  Here's a question that you could probably put into your America's Army FAQ
    on gamefaqs and one that i would like to know; Can you put a suppressor on
    your pistol?  (Blaze)

A:  Well, unfortunately, no you cannot put a suppressor on your pistol.  That
    would be a nice addition though, since the M9 is carried by snipers, the
    suppressor would be excellent for keeping up the stealth.

Q:  Hey, I read your FAQ about america's army weapons and it was very accurate.
    But I can't get through the sniper training, not the shooting one, but the
    one were you sneak around. So if you could either reply back or post that
    on your faq it would be most appreciated. Thanks, and keep up the good
    work =)  (mlangenh)

A:  Keep in mind the best you can do on the fieldcraft training is advanced,
    then you do a major extension to this mission where you must wait about 48
    hours, yes in real hours, to complete with expert.  But, here it goes.

    Talk to Hurt for a second time to start the missions and a 30 minute clock.
    Walk into the valley behind Hurt; follow the gold star indicating where you
    must go.  It's okay to walk at this point because there is no one around to
    spot you.  When you reach a fork in the road; head down the right path
    where you see the star down the way.

    Move along this narrow valley's left side until you see a watchtower in the
    distance.  Get on your belly in the prone position and bring up your
    binocs.  Aim them at the tower to identify your first target.  Continue
    forward, crawling along the valley's left side and past a large gray
    boulder.  After you pass the first rock, you see two more boulders in front
    of you.  Crawl up the hell to the left of the boulders to find a secret
    path out of harm's way.

    At the hill's top, you can see another tower in the distance to the
    northwest; acquire it with your binocs.  After you identify the subject,
    crawl down the hillside and head for the cliff wall on the valley's other
    side, near the bridge.  Stay out of the light on the ground nearby so you
    don't get spotted.  Crawl a little ways up the hill on the valley's other
    side, then turn around to see another lookout tower.  Use your binocs and
    identify that target.

    Continue to head northwest along the cliff wall until you see a bridge and
    ravine below you.  Crawl down the hillside and slip into the dark ravine
    below.  Move along the ravine toward the yellow star to the north; follow
    the path as it wraps around to the east and then back to the north.  Use
    your binocs again when you sport another tower in the distance.

    Continue along the ravine until it ends.  Crawl up the bank to get back to
    the road.  Look around to make sure that nobody is near, then run for the
    hillside on the road's other side.  Climb up the hill and head west,
    following the road.  Stop and get down if you see anyone coming.

    After a short ways, you see another tower ahead.  Acquire it with your
    binocs and that is the checkpoint that you are heading for.  There's a
    guard patrolling the road; wait for him to head back the other way,
    then continue forward.  Stay to the path's right among the trees to help
    give you cover.  When you reach the large boulder, crawl into your
    destination without being seen.  You are automatically taken back to camp
    where you can talk to Vincent to leave the area or you can then attempt
    for the grueling 48-hour expert training mission.


This concludes my FAQ on America's Army: Rise of A Soldier. I hope this
guide was helpful to you and will help you with many missions and training.
If any part of the guide is unclear or you have more information regarding
anything I've talked about, please email me at [email protected]

I will post your submission verbatim and give you full credit for the


Blaze and mlangehn for asking questions, I hope I have helped out.

Copyright 2005 Chad Thomas