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Overwatch PlayStation 4 Cheats and Tips

Last Updated: by Dennis

Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter where players are assigned into two teams of six, with each player selecting from a roster of over 30 heroes each with different abilities, weapons, and ultimates. The objecctive then is for the players on a team to work together to secure and defend control points on a map or escort a payload across the map in a limited amount of time. Take a look at our collection of Overwatch cheats and tips PS4 to get some help in the game.

Overwatch Cheats on PS4

Despite us having a cheat code for Overwatch sent to us from visitors to SuperCheats, we don't believe these work, and that there are no tap in cheats for Overwatch on PS4 - Or any other platform. If you do want to try out the cheat code that was sent to us, you can find it here But it's proably fake!

Overwatch PS4 Gameplay
Overwatch PS4 Gameplay

There may well be hacks and over circumvention to real gameplay but we do not support cheating on online multiplayer games such as Overwatch and believe it spoils the enjoyment of the game for everyone involved.

Much better is to try to improve in the game by reading our tips below and head over to our Overwatch Walkthrough to find out some more about the game.

Watching videos on YouTube and Twitch of top players is also a great way to get some insight into the latest and best tactics being used by the top Overwatch players in the world.

Overwatch Tips on PS4

Although we do not have cheats we do have a collection of tips that you will find useful. These include a Heroes/Roles Guide and when to use ultimate attacks.

Heroes/Roles Guide

Our Heroes/Roles Guide[/url] will tell you everything you need to know about the different characters in Overwatch.

Team Compositon

Team compostion is an important factor that cannot be overlooked in Overwatch. A well-rounded team increases your chance of winning. A good type of team composition is two Damage heroes (at least one hitscan), two Tank heroes (at least one shield), and two Support heroes (at least one direct healer).

Play Different Heroes

All of the characters in Overwatch have different abilities, weapons, and ultimates and you will not know which one is best for your playstyle until you have tried them all. A good way to do this is to play Quickplay.

Fire at Everything

Click here to find out why it is beneficial to fire in the general direction of any sign of the enemy.

Low Health

If you are facing overwhelming odds and you are getting low on health during a fight it is in your best interests to disengage and use the health packs that are located around the map to replenish your health.

Don't get Flanked

Always be on the lookout for enemies who are trying to flank you from behind or above. You can easily identify enemies as they have a red outline around their character and a red nameplate above their head.


We have an Overwatch Guide which is filled with useful information about the game, this includes the different game modes and Achievements.

Have a look at our Questions and Answers to get additional help in Overwatch for PS4.

More Overwatch PlayStation 4 Cheats and Tips

We have 5 cheats and tips on PS4. If you have any cheats or tips for Overwatch please send them in here. We also have cheats for this game on : PC : Xbox One

You can also ask your question on our Overwatch Questions & Answers page.

All Overwatch Cheats and Tips - Latest First.

Using Ultimate Attacks

An Ultimate is an ability that will help your team win the fight, there is no point saving it until your entire team has been wiped out. You need to use it effectively during the fight when it will be most beneficial to the team and not hoard it. Remember that most ultimates charge pretty quick.

Fire at Everything

Take advantage of having infinite ammo for bullets, rockets and lasers by not waiting for the perfect shot but firing in the general direction of any sign of the enemy. This is a good tactic because pot shots that dink foes will help build up ultimate charge faster.

2 billion credit cheat

For this cheat to unlock press square triangle circle x

2 million credits

This cheat gives you 2 million credits to unlock press square square triangle triangle circle circle.


Left left right left trianglel r1

Overwatch Trophies

Overwatch FAQs

