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Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution - Wolf character FAQ

by DuelMasterNG

                           Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
                Wolf Hawkfield Movelist, Series and Combos v1.0 
                                by DuelMasterNG

Unpublished work Copyright 2002-2005 Nicholas NG

This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright 
Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal use only--it cannot 
be reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any 
form, written or otherwise. 

It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial
transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. This FAQ 
cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anybody (including webmasters, 
publishers, and magazine staff) without my express written permission. 
This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Nicholas NG (a.k.a DuelMasterNG, 

All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not 
specifically mentioned herein.

Plagiarism is a crime and is punishable by law. 

|                                 Contents                                   |

- Contents

- Preface

- Background

- Legends

- Movelist

- Training

  Reward for completing the exercises

- Miscellaneous

|                                 Preface                                    |

First of all, I would like to clarify that I am not an expert player of 
Virtua Fighter series... I just like this game a LOT :) This reference 
material is free for personal use and I hope you'll find it useful.

Please do not hesitate to email to me at [email protected] should you
have any suggestion.

Cheers :)

P/s. Don't forget to send USD1 to my paypal account, [email protected]
     ... just joking (but I don't mind if you really do so :p)

|                              Wolf Hawkfield                                |

|                                Background                                  |

Country        : Canada
Gender         : Male
Blood Type     : O
Job            : Wrestler
Hobby          : Karaoke
Stature        : 181 cm
Weight         : 101 kg
B/W/H          : 123/93/98
Fighting Style : Pro Wrestling

The reason Wolf took part in the Third World Tournament was a recurring
nightmare of the apocalypse. These nightmares ceased when the tournament
ended, and Wolf returned home. He spent his time travelling from one
fighting arena to another, training rigorously. Unfortunately, the
nightmares soon returned. Wolf visited the shamen of his settlement
once again and was told that the tournament organizers planned to turn
Wolf's nightmare into a reality. Not wanting to witness such a terrible
event, Wolf resolved to enter the next tournament and prevent such a thing
from happening.

|                                  Legends                                   |

Directions and Movements
[lowercase] indicate player should only TAB the directional pad/stick towards 
the specific 
direction, whereas [UPPERCASE] indicate a player should HOLD the 

pad/stick towards the specific direction.

[u]  = tab direction UP                [U]  = hold direction UP 
[d]  = tab direction DOWN              [D]  = hold direction DOWN
[f]  = tab direction FORWARD           [F]  = hold direction FORWARD
[b]  = tab direction BACK              [B]  = hold direction BACK
[df] = tab direction DOWN+FORWARD      [DF] = hold direction DOWN+FORWARD
[db] = tab direction DOWN+BACK         [DB] = hold direction DOWN+BACK
[uf] = tab direction UP+FORWARD        [UF] = hold direction UP+FORWARD
[ub] = tab direction UP+BACK           [UB] = hold direction UP+BACK

[n]    = Neutral
[BF]   = Buffered, input the command during the execution of previous move
[QCB]  = quarter circle backward, same as [d,db,b]
[QCF]  = quarter circle forward, same as [d,df,f]
[HCB]  = half circle backward, same as [f,df,d,db,b]
[HCF]  = half circle forward, same as [b,db,d,df,f]
[270B] = 3/4 circle backward, same as [u,uf,f,df,d,db,b] or [d,df,f,uf,u,ub,b]
[270F] = 3/4 circle forward, same as [u,ub,b,db,d,df,f] or [d,db,b,ub,u,uf,f]
[FC]   = Rising from crouching position

7 8 9  There are also some FAQ uses the numbers on a keypad as shown at the
 \|/   left to indicate movement direction.
 /|\   Since the numbering system is more for advanced player and
 not so 

1 2 3  suitable to be used on this FAQ, I would use the direction abbreviation.

[f,f]   = Forward dash
[b,b]   = Backward dash
[df,df] = Crouch dash forward
[db,db] = Crouch dash backward

[f,F]   = Run forward

Movement Substitution
[D,f,...] can be substitude by [df,df,f,...] and [db,db,f,...].

H    = High                             P    = Punch
M    = Mid                              K    = Kick
L    = Low                              G    = Guard

EL   = Elbow                            KN   = Knee
SH   = Shouder                          SK   = Sidekick
HD   = Head                             SS   = Summersault / Back-flip Kick

DH   = Double Hand                      BT   = Back-turned
DL   = Double Leg                       
CK   = Circular Kick                    
BC   = Body-check (Akira only)          

PFUH = Player down, Face-Up, Head       OFUH = Opponent down, Face-up, Head
PFDH = Player down, Face-down, Head     OFDH = Opponent down, Face-down, Head
PFUL = Player down, Face-Up, Leg        OFUL = Opponent down, Face-up, Leg
PFDL = Player down, Face-Down, Leg      OFDL = Opponent down, Face-down, Leg
PFUS = Player down, Face-Up, Side       OFUS = Opponent down, Face-up, Side
PFDS = Player down, Face-Down, Side     OFDS = Opponent down, Face-down, Side

PBKW = Player back near wall            OBKW = Opponent back near wall

|                                 MoveList                                   |

Striking Attacks                   Command          Hit        Damage
------------                   -------          ---        ------

Straight Hammer                    P                H          14

Jab Straight                       P,P              H,H        14,14

One Two Upper                      P,P,P            H,H,M      14,14,19

Elbow Smash                        P,P,f,P          H,H,H      14,14,16

Combo Elbow Butt                   P,P,f,P,b,P      H,H,H,H    14,14,16,20

Combo Double Arm Suplex            P,P,f,P,db,P+K+G L          60

Hammer Kick                        P,K              H,H        14,20

Low Hammer                         d,P              L          9

Body Blow                          f,P              M          18

Dragonfish Blow                    f,P,P            M,M        18,20

Reverse Sledgehammer               D,df,f,P         M          25

Axe Lariat                         f,f,P            H          35

Screw Hook                         HCB,P            M          20

Screw Lariat                       HCB,P,P          M,H        20,22

Elbow Butt                         b,P              H          20

Shoulder Attack                    b,f,P            M          29
  ~Charged                                          M          45
     ~Shoulder Feint               [,d]

Arrow Knuckle Real                 b,df,P           M          35

Arrow Knuckle                      df,P             M          20

Vertical Smash                     D,df,P           M          22

Comet Hook                         db,P             M          19

Tomahawk Chop                      uf,P             M          15
  ~Flying Meyer              (hit) [,f,P+G]         H          40

High Kick                          K                H          25

Doube High Kick                    K,K              H,H        25,16(20)

Standing Low Kick                  d,K              L          18

Low Smash                          D/db,K           L          17

Knee Lift                          f,K              M          30

Low Drop Kick                      f,d,K            L          20

Face Lift Kick                     df,K             M          28

Drop Kick                          uf,K             M          30

Level Back Crush                   P+K              H          30
  ~Charged                                          M          30

Running Shoulder Attack            run,F,P+K        M          20~35

Push Up                            f,P+K            H          5

Short Shoulder                     b,f,P+K          M          30

Grizzly Lariat                     df,P+K           L          20

Neck Cut Kick                      K+G              H          30

Rolling Savate                     f,K+G            M          30

Tornado Savate                     f,f,K+G          H          35

Heavy Toe Kick                     b,K+G            M          17
  ~Toe Kick Stunner          (hit) [,P+G]           H          45

Toe Kick Side                      b,K+G,K          M,M        17,17

Front Roll Kick                    b,f,K+G          M          30

Thrust Kick                        df,K+G           H          25,BT

Flying Zero                        uf,K+G           H          35

Reject Wall                        P+K+G            HP,MP,EL   Reject
  ~Level Back Chop       (Success) [,P]             H          20
  ~Low Drop Kick         (Success) [,K]             L          20
  ~Catch                 (Success) [,P+G]           H          
  ~Reject Wall           (Success) [,P+K+G]         HP,MP,EL   Reject

Side Step Catch                    evade,P+K+G      H          50

Jumping Lariat                     run,F,P+K+G      H          35

Back-Turned Attack                 Command          Hit        Damage
------------------                 -------          ---        ------
Rolling Hammer                     P                H          12

Back Low Hammer                    d,P              L          20

Back Kick                          K                H          30

Back Drop Kick                     d,K              L          20

Reversal                           Command          Hit        Damage
--------                           -------          ---        ------
Capture                            b,P+K            HK         53

Capture                            db,P+K           MK         53

Dragon Screw                       db,P+K           SK         54

Low Punch Cut                      d,P+K            LP,right   0

Low Punch Cut                      d,P+K            LP,left    15
  ~Shining Wizard            (hit) [f,P+G]                     45

Throw                              Command          Hit        Damage
-----                              -------          ---        ------
Face Crush Chop                    P+G              H          40

Giant Swing                        HCF,P+G          H          80~100

KS                                 270F,P+G         H          80

Wrist Lock Throw                   HCB,P+G          H          70

Pendulum Lariat                    HCB,P+G,P+G      H          45

DDT                                b,P+G            H          60

Smash Down Bottom                  b,df,P+G         H          65

Excalibur                          df,P+G           H          50

Wall Body Slam                     OBKW,df,P+G      H          70

Vertical Drop Brain Buster         df,df,P+G        H          70

Jackhammer                         df,df,P+G,P+G    H          70

Swing Through                      db,P+G           H          0

Arm Whip                           f,f,P+G          H          50

Frankensteiner                     uf,P+G           H          50

Low Sway Tackle                    b,b,P+G          H          Change

Catch                              f,P+G            H          Catch

Sliding Leg Scissors               side,P+G         H          50

Cyclone Whip                       side,b/f,f/b,P+G H          60

German Suplex                      back,P+G         H          70

Dragon Suplex                      back,d,P+G       H          80

Frankensteiner                     back,uf,P+G      H          60

Side Suplex                        d,P+K+G          L          50

Reverse Tiger Driver               df,P+K+G         L          70

Big Bridge Bomb                    df,df,P+K+G      L          75

Double Arm Suplex                  db,P+K+G         L          60

Cross Arm Breaker                  side,d,P+K+G     L          70

German Suplex                      back,P+K+G       L          80

From Catch Position                Command                     Damage
-------------------                -------                     ------
Change                             f,P+G                       Change

Push                               df,P+G                      Push

Quebradora Slam                    P+G                         45

Schwein                            db,P+G                      55

Spiral Bomb                        b,P+G                       50

From Change Position               Command                     Damage
--------------------               -------                     ------
Puch                               f,P+G                       Push

One and Only                       P+G                         60

Calf Branding                      df,P+G                      65

Double German                      b,P+G                       70

Down Attack                        Command                     Damage
-----------                        -------                     ------
Elbow Drop                         df,P                        

Elbow                              u,P                         25

Guillotine Drop                    u,K                         18

Piercing Elbow                     df,P+K                      26

Front Roll Kick                    b,f,K+G                     18

Double Claw                        d,P+G                       0

Stomping                           OFUL,df,P+G                 35

Throwing German                    OFUH,df,P+G                 35

Armbar                             OFUS,df,P+G                 35

STF                                OFDL,df,P+G                 35

Grand Sword                        OFDH,df,P+G                 35

Cross Face Lock                    OFDS,df,P+G                 35

|                                 Training                                   |
                              | Trial - Series |

Series 1 - [d,P] -> [HCB,P]
Exercise: After [d,P] hits, use [HCB,P] to stop the interruption!

After [d,P] hits, use [HCB,P] to stop your opponent's [d,P]. Succeed 3 times
to complete the exercise.

Series 2 - [f,K] -> [d,P] -> High throw
Exercise: Interrupt the opponent's counterattack with [d,P], then throw!

After hitting with [f,K], use [d,P] to interrupt the counterattack, then
follow immediately with a throw. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Series 3 - [D,df,P] -> [P+K+G,P]
Exercise: Use [P+K+G] to reverse the counterattack, then follow with

After your [D,df,P] has been blocked, the opponent will attack with [f,P,P].
Use [P+K+G,P] to intercept the attack. Succeed 3 times to complete the

Series 4 - 
[f,K] -> [b,K+G,K] -> [b,f,P]
Exercise: Attack a face down recover with [b,f,P]!

Your [f,K] will counter hit, and then following with [b,K+G,K], attack the in
place recovery with [b,f,P]. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Series 5 - [d,P] -> [f,K]
Exercise: After using [f,K], follow with the correct action for the 

After following [d,P] with [f,K], get a counter hit, and follow with 
[b,K+G,K]. If the opponent guards, use the [P+G] throw escape to defend
yourself. Succeed 5 times in a row to complete the exercise.

Series 6 - [d,P] -> [D,df,P] -> [HCB,P,P]
Exercise: After [D,df,P], follow with the correct action for the situation!

After following [d,P] with [D,df,P], if you get a counter hit, follow with
[HCB,P,P]. If the opponent guards, use an evade to defend yourself. Succeed
5 times in a row to complete the exercise.

                              | Trial - Combos |

Combo 1 - [b,P] -> [HCB,P,P]
Exercise: Make a combo with [b,P] -> [HCB,P,P]!

After using [b,P] for a beatdown, follow with [HCB,P,P] to make a combo.
Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Combo 2 - [f,K] -> [f,P,P]
Exercise: Make a combo with [f,K] -> [f,P,P]!

Your [f,K] will couner hit, and the opponent will go into vital point 
collapse. Follow with [f,P,P] to make a combo. Succeed 3 times to complete
the exercise.

Combo 3 - [f,K] -> [b,K+G,K]
Exercise: Make a combo with [f,K] -> [b,K+G,K]!

Your [f,K] will counter hit, and the opponent will go into vital point 
collapse. Follow with [b,K+G,K] to make a combo. Succeed 3 times to complete
the exercise.

Combo 4 - [b,f,P+K] -> [F,P] -> [HCB,P,P]
Exercise: Use [b,f,P+K] -> [F,P] -> [HCB,P,P] to make a powerful combo!

After floating the opponent with [b,f,P+K], follow with [F,P], then finish
the combo with [HCB,P,P]. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Combo 5 - [b,f,P+K] -> [d,P] -> [D,df,f,P]
Exercise: Use [b,f,P+K] -> [d,P] -> [D,df,f,P] to make a combo against

After floating the opponent with [b,f,P+K], follow with [d,P], then finish
the combo with [D,df,f,P]. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Combo 6 - [b,f,P+K] -> [F,P] -> [HCB,P] -> [D,df,f,P]
Exercise: Make a powerful combo with [b,f,P+K] -> [F,P] -> [HCB,P] 
          -> [D,df,f,P]!

After floating the opponent with [b,f,P+K], next use [F,P], then continue
the combo with [HCB,P] followed by [D,df,f,P]. Succeed 3 times to complete
the exercise.

Combo 7 - [b,f,P+K] -> [F,P] -> [F,K,K]
Exercise: [b,f,P+K] -> [F,P] -> [F,K,K]!

After your [b,f,P+K] counter hits, use [F,P], then finish the combo with 
[F,K,K]. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Combo 8 - [P+K] (charge) -> [f,P] -> [270F,P+G]
Exercise: Make a combo with [P+K] (charge) -> [f,P] -> [270F,P+G]!

After the opponent guards your [P+K] (charge), they will stagger. Use [f,P]
to hit the opponent, the quickly perform a throw with [270F,P+G]. Keep in
mind that depending on the range, not all throws will connect. Succeed 3
times to complete the exercise.

Combo 9 - [Change,b,P+G] -> [b,f,P+K] -> [d,P] -> [b,K+G,K]
Exercise: Make a combo using [Change,b,P+G] -> [b,f,P+K] -> [d,P]
          -> [b,K+G,K]!

After [Change,b,P+G], use [b,f,P+K] to float the opponent, then hit with 
[d,P] followed by [b,K+G,K]. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Reward for completing the exercises
Long Hair

|                              Miscellaneous                                 |

Website          :

E-mail           : [email protected]

GameFAQ User ID  : ngcheechong