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Items Guide

by Gundam4fun

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=                                                                             =
=                       VALKYRIE PROFILE 2: SILMERIA                          =
=                           Items Reference Guide                             =
=                        April 4, 2007 - Version 2.2                          =
=         Created by Carlos M. (Gundam4Fun - [email protected])         =
=                                                                             =

=  1. TABLE OF CONTENTS                                              [C0100]  =

      1. Table of Contents ......................................... [C0100]

      2. Disclaimer ................................................ [C0200]

      3. Version History ........................................... [C0300]

      4. Introduction .............................................. [C0400]

      5. Weapons Runes ............................................. [C0500]

         - Swords: Red Slashing Rune ............................ [C0501]
         - Broadswords: Blue Slashing Rune ...................... [C0502]
         - Bows: Red Piercing Rune .............................. [C0503]
         - Staves: Blue Bludgeon Rune ........................... [C0504]
         - Spears: Green Piercing Rune .......................... [C0505]
         - Knuckles: Green Bludgeon Rune ........................ [C0506]
         - Special: Green Bludgeon Rune ......................... [C0507]

      6. Equipment Runes ........................................... [C0600]

         - Helmets .............................................. [C0601]
         - Crowns ............................................... [C0602]
         - Armors ............................................... [C0603]
         - Clothing ............................................. [C0604]
         - Armbands ............................................. [C0605]
         - Gloves ............................................... [C0606]
         - Leggings ............................................. [C0607]
         - Shoes ................................................ [C0608]

      7. Accessory ................................................. [C0700]

         7.1 - Blue Runes .......................................... [C0701]

         - Blue Slashing Rune ................................... [C0702]

           - Dragon's Talon ................................. [BSR1]
           - Busted Greatsword .............................. [BSR2]
           - Blade Claw ..................................... [BSR3]

         - Blue Bludgeon Rune ................................... [C0703]

           - Mace Head ...................................... [BBR1]
           - Busted Staff ................................... [BBR2]

         - Blue Activation Rune ................................. [C0704]

           - Raptor's Talon ................................. [BAR1]
           - Indigo Plume ................................... [BAR2]
           - Stone Bullet ................................... [BAR3]

         - Blue Healing Rune .................................... [C0705]

           - Beetle Shell ................................... [BHR1]
           - Golen Eye ...................................... [BHR2]
           - Lamb's Horn .................................... [BHR3]
           - Dragon Gallstones .............................. [BHR4]
           - Vision Orb ..................................... [BHR5]
           - Antique Pendant ................................ [BHR6]

         - Blue Strengthening Rune .............................. [C0706]

           - Beetle Horn .................................... [BST1]
           - Ram's Horn ..................................... [BST2]
           - Bone Mace ...................................... [BST3]
           - Little Devil Heart ............................. [BST4]

         - Blue Weakness Rune ................................... [C0707]

           - Bat Ear ........................................ [BWR1]
           - Koboldapult .................................... [BWR2]
           - Insect Stinger ................................. [BWR3]
           - Eyeball ........................................ [BWR4]

         - Blue Resistance Rune ................................. [C0708]

           - Monster Scales ................................. [BRR1]
           - Tough Fin ...................................... [BRR2]

         - Blue Training Rune ................................... [C0709]

           - Dragon Sapphire ................................ [BTR1]
           - Copper Coin .................................... [BTR2]
           - Gremlin Core ................................... [BTR3]
           - Giant Amber .................................... [BTR4]
           - Augite of Life ................................. [BTR5]
           - Celadon Chick .................................. [BTR6]

         - Blue Creation Rune ................................... [C0710]

           - Wisdom Jewel ................................... [BCR1]
           - Tri-Emblem Alpha ............................... [BCR2]

         - Blue Fire Rune ....................................... [C0711]

           - Teal Spinel .................................... [BFR1]
           - Blazebreath Core ............................... [BFR2]
           - Blue Soul Flame ................................ [BFR3]
           - Eternal Flame .................................. [BFR4]
         - Blue Ice Rune ........................................ [C0712]

           - Indigo Quartz .................................. [BIR1]
           - Hail Jewel ..................................... [BIR2]
           - Geist Core ..................................... [BIR3]
           - Indigo Wing .................................... [BIR4]
           - Fish Scales .................................... [BIR5]

         - Blue Earth Rune ...................................... [C0713]

           - Immense Incisor ................................ [BER1]
           - Skull Receptacle ............................... [BER2]
           - Polished Blue Ore .............................. [BER3]
           - Poisonbreath Core .............................. [BER4]
           - Blue Bubblr Core ............................... [BER5]
           - Blue Apple ..................................... [BER6]

         - Blue Lightning Rune................................... [C0714]

           - Cerulean Alloy ................................. [BLR1]
           - Thunderbreath Core ............................. [BLR2]
           - Electric Bone .................................. [BLR3]

         - Blue Holy Rune ....................................... [C0715]

           - Dragon's Horn .................................. [BHL1]
           - Pact Chain ..................................... [BHL2]
           - Sacred Spinel .................................. [BHL3]
           - Holybreath Core ................................ [BHL4]
           - Blue Bronze Mirror ............................. [BHL5]
         - Blue Darkness Rune ................................... [C0716]

           - Jet Black Wing ................................. [BDR1]
           - Demon Blaze .................................... [BDR2]
           - Goblin Tooth ................................... [BDR3]
           - Darkbreath Core ................................ [BDR4]
           - Bat Cloak ...................................... [BDR5]
           - Blue Doll ...................................... [BDR6]
           - Demon Horn ..................................... [BDR7]

         7.2 - Red Runes ........................................... [C0701]

         - Red Slashing Rune .................................... [C0718]

           - Swordfish Snout ................................ [RSR1]
           - Walkflower Blade ............................... [RSR2]
           - Cutting Claw ................................... [RSR3]
           - Busted Sword ................................... [RSR4]
           - Insect Claw .................................... [RSR5]
           - Scythe Claw .................................... [RSR6]

         - Red Piercing Rune .................................... [C0719]

           - Dragon's Fang .................................. [RPR1]
           - Scarlet Fang ................................... [RPR2]
           - Battering Ram's Horn ........................... [RPR3]
           - Big Needle ..................................... [RPR4]
           - Drilling Ram's Horn ............................ [RPR5]
           - Busted Bow ..................................... [RPR6]
           - Spiked Claw .................................... [RPR7]

         - Red Activation Rune .................................. [C0720]

           - Crimson Feather ................................ [RAR1]
           - Red Ejector .................................... [RAR2]
           - Ammunition Shell ............................... [RAR3]
           - Aura Force ..................................... [RAR4]
           - Falcon Imprint ................................. [RAR5]
           - Griffon Talon .................................. [RAR6]
           - Red Cherry ..................................... [RAR7]

         - Red Healing Rune ..................................... [C0721]

           - Red Flower Petal ............................... [RHR1]
           - Evil Eye Gem ................................... [RHR2]
           - Warped Horn .................................... [RHR3]
           - Dragonmaggots .................................. [RHR4]
           - Sabertooth ..................................... [RHR5]
           - Ruby-Eyed Bee .................................. [RHR6]

         - Red Strengthening Rune ............................... [C0722]

           - Monstrous Molar ................................ [RST1]
           - Red Fang ....................................... [RST2]
           - Black Pearl .................................... [RST3]
           - Baraka ......................................... [RST4]
           - Thick Bone ..................................... [RST5]
           - Symbol of Might ................................ [RST6]

         - Red Weakness Rune ................................... [C0723]

           - Poison Seed .................................... [RWR1]
           - Gas Ejector .................................... [RWR2]
           - Armor Piercer .................................. [RWR3]
           - Piercing Imprint ............................... [RWR4]
           - Assault Missile ................................ [RWR5]

         - Red Resistance Rune ................................. [C0724]

           - Rainbow Scales ................................. [RRR1]
           - Copper Splint .................................. [RRR2]
           - Vermillion Scales .............................. [RRR3]
           - Banshee Scales ................................. [RRR4]
           - Red Copper Mirror .............................. [RRR5]

         - Red Training Rune ................................... [C0725]

           - Silver Coin .................................... [RTR1]
           - Crimson Wasp ................................... [RTR2]
           - Amber Core ..................................... [RTR3]
           - Mithril Ore .................................... [RTR4]
           - Ouroboros Symbol ............................... [RTR5]

         - Red Creation Rune ................................... [C0726]

           - Wind-up Screw .................................. [RCR1]
           - Tri-Emblem Beta ................................ [RCR2]

         - Red Fire Rune ........................................ [C0727]

           - Fuchsia Spinel  ................................ [RFR1]
           - Dragon Ruby .................................... [RFR2]
           - Firebreath Core ................................ [RFR3]
           - Hot Plate ...................................... [RFR4]
           - Red Soul Flame ................................. [RFR5]
           - Flare Ore ...................................... [RFR6]
           - Noblewoman's Phosphor .......................... [RFR7]
           - Crimson Scales ................................. [RFR8]
           - Cursed Soul .................................... [RFR9]

         - Red Ice Rune ........................................ [C0728]

           - Rose Quartz .................................... [RIR1]
           - Icebreath Core ................................. [RIR2]
           - Hollow Shell ................................... [RIR3]
           - Vermillion Cartilage ........................... [RIR4]
           - Core Ruby ...................................... [RIR5]

         - Red Earth Rune ...................................... [C0729]

           - Skeleton Goblet ................................ [RER1]
           - Polished Red Ore ............................... [RER2]
           - Gasbreath Core ................................. [RER3]
           - Toxic Seed ..................................... [RER4]
           - Walkflower Tendril ............................. [RER5]
           - Warped Teeth ................................... [RER6]
           - Red Dragon Bile ................................ [RER7]
           - Undead Dragon Bone ............................. [RER8]
           - Insect Blade ................................... [RER9]
           - Prancing Horse ................................. [RER0]

         - Red Lightning Rune .................................. [C0730]

           - Scarlet Alloy .................................. [RLR1]
           - Charged Tailfeather ............................ [RLR2]
           - Electricbreath Core ............................ [RLR3]
           - Orientation Scales ............................. [RLR4]
           - Lightning Stone ................................ [RLR5]

         - Red Holy Rune ....................................... [C0731]

           - Red Horn ....................................... [RHL1]
           - Copper Signet .................................. [RHL2]
           - Spectral Wing .................................. [RHL3]

         - Red Darkness Rune ................................... [C0732]

           - Black Wing Skin ................................ [RDR1]
           - Scissorhand .................................... [RDR2]
           - Abyss Cloak .................................... [RDR3]
           - Demon's Parabola ............................... [RDR4]
           - Dark Votive Cup ................................ [RDR5]

         7.3 - Green Runes ......................................... [C0733]

         - Green Piercing Rune .................................. [C0734]

           - Emerald Horn ................................... [GPR1]
           - Narwhal Tooth .................................. [GPR2]
           - Lance Needle ................................... [GPR3]
           - Tailbanger ..................................... [GPR4]
           - Busted Spear ................................... [GPR5]
           - Drilling Beak .................................. [GPR6]

         - Green Bludgeon Rune .................................. [C0735]

           - Koboldriver .................................... [GBR1]
           - Petrified Ash .................................. [GBR2]
           - Busted Hammer .................................. [GBR3]
           - Pulverizing Bone ............................... [GBR4]

         - Green Activation Rune ................................ [C0736]

           - Dragon's Wingbone .............................. [GAR1]
           - Pentachrome Breath Core ........................ [GAR2]
           - Jet Ejector .................................... [GAR3]
           - Chaos Force .................................... [GAR4]
           - Verdigris Scales ............................... [GAR5]
           - Raising Dragon Talon ........................... [GAR6]

         - Green Healing Rune ................................... [C0737]

           - Evergreen Feather .............................. [GHR1]
           - Vampire Heart .................................. [GHR2]
           - Green Gallblader ............................... [GHR3]
           - Core Emerald ................................... [GHR4]
           - Phosphate Ore .................................. [GHR5]
           - Dragon Palm .................................... [GHR6]

         - Green Strengthening Rune ............................. [C0738]

           - Colossal Canine Tooth .......................... [GSR1]
           - Gargoyle's Wings ............................... [GSR2]
           - Bonafide Bone .................................. [GSR3]
           - Axe Crust ...................................... [GSR4]
           - Beryl Bracelet ................................. [GSR5]

         - Green Weakness Rune .................................. [C0739]

           - Crown .......................................... [GWR1]
           - Rotted Scales .................................. [GWR2]
           - Bullets of Evil ................................ [GWR3]

         - Green Resistance Rune ................................ [C0740]

           - Evergreen Scales ............................... [GRR1]
           - Damascus Ore ................................... [GRR2]

         - Green Training Rune .................................. [C0741]

           - Dragon Emerald ................................. [GTR1]
           - Gold Coin ...................................... [GTR2]
           - Vortex Crest ................................... [GTR3]
           - Eternal Silver ................................. [GTR4]
           - Green Kittens .................................. [GTR5]

         - Green Creation Rune .................................. [C0742]

           - Scarlet Exhalation ............................. [GCR1]
           - Pentachrome Scales ............................. [GCR2]
           - Arc-in-Ciel .................................... [GCR3]

         - Green Fire Rune ...................................... [C0743]

           - Chartreuse Spinel .............................. [GFR1]
           - Flamebreath Core ............................... [GFR2]
           - Pyrothecnic Ore ................................ [GFR3]
           - Solar Jewel .................................... [GFR4]
           - Noblewoman's Fire .............................. [GFR5]

         - Green Ice Rune ....................................... [C0744]

           - Sage Quartz .................................... [GIR1]
           - Verdigris Cartilage ............................ [GIR2]
           - Core Spinel .................................... [GIR3]
           - Soul Pearl ..................................... [GIR4]
           - Ymir's Tears ................................... [GIR5]

         - Green Earth Rune ..................................... [C0745]

           - Black Skull .................................... [GER1]
           - Polished Green Ore ............................. [GER2]
           - Toxicbreath Core ............................... [GER3]
           - Green Bubble Core .............................. [GER4]
           - Desolation Gem ................................. [GER5]
           - Dead Man's Gem ................................. [GER6]
           - Fool's Gem ..................................... [GER7]
           - Rotten Dragon Liver ............................ [GER8]
           - Deep Doom ...................................... [GER9]

         - Green Lightning Rune ................................. [C0746]

           - Verdigris Alloy ................................ [GLR1]
           - Windswept Tailfeather .......................... [GLR2]
           - Bolt Coin ...................................... [GLR3]
           - Boltbreath Core ................................ [GLR4]
           - Thor's Rage .................................... [GLR5]
           - Sprinter Cell .................................. [GLR6]

         - Green Holy Rune ...................................... [C0747]

           - Emerald Heart Core ............................. [GHL1]
           - Transparent Wing ............................... [GHL2]
           - Shiningbreath Core ............................. [GHL3]
           - Orichalcum ..................................... [GHL4]

         - Green Darkness Rune .................................. [C0748]

           - Dark Amulet .................................... [GDR1]
           - Cask of Offering ............................... [GDR2]
           - Sharp Scissor Heart ............................ [GDR3]
           - Blackbreath Core ............................... [GDR4]
           - Dark Carapace .................................. [GDR5]
           - Dark Matter .................................... [GDR6]

         7.4 - Colorless Accessories ............................... [C0749]

           - Goddess Pendant ................................ [A001]
           - Tri-Emblem ..................................... [A002]
           - Black Crystal .................................. [A003]
           - Dragonlord's Nerves ............................ [A004]
           - Dragon Scales .................................. [A005]
           - Worn Shield .................................... [A006]
           - Sharp Spearhead ................................ [A007]
           - Bat Umbrella ................................... [A008]
           - Great Eagle Heart .............................. [A009]
           - Wing Feather ................................... [A010]
           - Beast's Fang ................................... [A011]
           - Beast Pelt ..................................... [A012]
           - Koboldriller ................................... [A013]
           - Gargoyle's Arch ................................ [A014]
           - Pure White Plume ............................... [A015]
           - Beak ........................................... [A016]
           - Garnet ......................................... [A017]
           - White Flower Petal ............................. [A018]
           - Walkflower Root ................................ [A019]
           - Vegetable Seed ................................. [A020]
           - Mask Fragment .................................. [A021]
           - Bone Mask ...................................... [A022]
           - Bone Relief .................................... [A023]
           - Tome of Necromancy ............................. [A024]
           - Golem Heart .................................... [A025]
           - METH Seal ...................................... [A026]
           - Headless Doll .................................. [A027]
           - Mirror Fragment ................................ [A028]
           - Evil Mirror .................................... [A029]
           - Diablo Horn .................................... [A030]
           - Wing of Darkness ............................... [A031]
           - Vampire Fang ................................... [A032]
           - Bloodsucking Fang .............................. [A033]
           - Vampire Claw ................................... [A034]
           - Sharp Scissor Wing ............................. [A035]
           - Citrine ........................................ [A036]
           - Rose Imprint ................................... [A037]
           - Giant Pincers .................................. [A038]
           - Stonecutting Pincers ........................... [A039]
           - Tail Armor ..................................... [A040]
           - Snakebelly Armor ............................... [A041]
           - Empty Shell .................................... [A042]
           - Spiral Arrowhead ............................... [A043]
           - Heart Core ..................................... [A044]
           - Tentacles ...................................... [A045]
           - Monsters Canine Tooth .......................... [A046]
           - Drainwing ...................................... [A047]
           - Steelwing ...................................... [A048]
           - Trickster Imprint .............................. [A049]
           - Legion ......................................... [A050]
           - Big Bugeye ..................................... [A051]
           - Insect King's Wing ............................. [A052]
           - Shell Shade .................................... [A053]
           - Protection Shade ............................... [A054]
           - Accuracy Imprint ............................... [A055]
           - Wyvern's Wingbone .............................. [A056]
           - Draconic Gallstone ............................. [A057]
           - Brilliant Peacemaker ........................... [A058]
           - Trade Card ..................................... [A059]
           - Sacred O Part .................................. [A060]
           - Adamantite ..................................... [A061]
           - Dragon Skull ................................... [A062]
           - Blackened Scales ............................... [A063]
           - Black Dragon Gallstone ......................... [A064]
           - Sable Dragonscales ............................. [A065]
           - Platinum Fly ................................... [A066]
           - Noblewoman's Ball .............................. [A067]
           - Crystal Mask ................................... [A068]
           - White Loincloth ................................ [A069]
           - Full-color Lenneth ............................. [A070]
           - Curse Check .................................... [A071]
           - Freeze Check ................................... [A072]
           - Stun Check ..................................... [A073]
           - Stone Check .................................... [A074]
           - Paralyze Check ................................. [A075]
           - Poison Check ................................... [A076]
           - Silence Check .................................. [A077]
           - Confuse Check .................................. [A078]
           - Frailty Check .................................. [A079]
           - Power Bangle ................................... [A080]
           - Magic Bangle ................................... [A081]
           - Ring of Healing ................................ [A082]
           - G Seed ......................................... [A083]
           - Fairy-in-the-box ............................... [A084]
           - Dipan Pennant .................................. [A085]
           - Tuning Wing .................................... [A086]
           - Ray Force ...................................... [A087]
           - Sight Stone .................................... [A088]
           - Bloody Patch ................................... [A089]
           - Evil Eyebrow Ring .............................. [A090]
           - Steel Horseshoe ................................ [A091]
           - Obsidian Claw .................................. [A092]
           - Dragon Rib ..................................... [A093]
           - Dragon Meat Paste .............................. [A094]
           - Evil Eye of Death .............................. [A095]
           - Magic Dragon Horn .............................. [A096]
           - Unladen Swallow Scales ......................... [A097]
           - Homing Scales .................................. [A098]
           - Ghibli Scales .................................. [A099]
           - Bora Scales .................................... [A100]
           - Khamsin Scales ................................. [A101]
           - Blood Jewel .................................... [A102]
           - Firefly Fire ................................... [A103]
           - Demon's Right Arm .............................. [A104]
           - Demon's Left Arm ............................... [A105]
           - Demon's Hoof ................................... [A106]
           - Kraken Fang .................................... [A107]
           - Metabolizer .................................... [A108]
           - Moon Pearl ..................................... [A109]
           - Sylphide's Arrowhead ........................... [A110]
           - Lucky Tail ..................................... [A111]
           - Empty Box ...................................... [A112]
           - Firemouse Fur .................................. [A113]
           - Mirror of the Lake ............................. [A114]
           - Fatal Seed ..................................... [A115]
           - Tiny Flower .................................... [A116]
           - Lily ........................................... [A117]
           - Weeping Lily ................................... [A118]
           - Gladiolus ...................................... [A119]
           - Amber Lenneth .................................. [A120]
           - Metallic Lenneth ............................... [A121]
           - Crystal Lenneth ................................ [A122]
           - Truthade ....................................... [A123]
           - Incense ........................................ [A124]
           - Allfather Kobold Shirt ......................... [A125]
           - Double-sided Tape .............................. [A126]
           - Wisdom Wig ..................................... [A127]
           - Gungnear ....................................... [A128]
           - Push-up Thingamajig ............................ [A129]
           - Freya's Cap .................................... [A130]
           - Crystal Ball ................................... [A131]
           - Valkyrie Kobold Mail ........................... [A132]
           - Die-cast Lance ................................. [A133]
           - Self-help Manual ............................... [A134]
           - Ham-Star ....................................... [A135]
           - Sunflower Seed ................................. [A136]
           - Afro Puffs ..................................... [A137]
           - Radish ......................................... [A138]
           - Steel Hairband ................................. [A139]
           - Depressing Kobold Shirt ........................ [A140]
           - Third Proof .................................... [A141]
           - Winded Bandanna ................................ [A142]
           - New Item Catalog ............................... [A143]
           - Wigged-out Wig ................................. [A144]
           - Purple Mirror .................................. [A145]
           - Tiny Bugs ...................................... [A146]
           - Philosopher's Pebble ........................... [A147]
           - Homunculus Seed ................................ [A148]
           - Hunted Mouse ................................... [A149]
           - Tailless Lizard ................................ [A150]
           - Misfortubate Bird .............................. [A151]
           - Cat Poop ....................................... [A152]
           - Sucked Bone .................................... [A153]
           - Chewed-up Shoes ................................ [A154]
           - Squalid Cloth .................................. [A155]
           - Dog Poop  ...................................... [A156]
           - Chicken Feed ................................... [A157]
           - Vegetable Debris ............................... [A158]
           - Clamshell Chum ................................. [A159]
           - Bird Poop ...................................... [A160]
           - Cat Ring ....................................... [A161]
           - Dog Ring ....................................... [A162]
           - Bird Ring ...................................... [A163]
           - Solomon's Ring ................................. [A164]

      8. Items ..................................................... [C0800]

         - Healing Items ........................................ [C0801]
         - Attack Items ......................................... [C0802]
         - Support Items ........................................ [C0803]
         - Stats Increase Items ................................. [C0804]
         - Materials ............................................ [C0805]
         - Precious Item ........................................ [C0806]

      9. Sealstones ................................................ [C0900]

         - Serdberg Mountain Ruins .............................. [C0901]

           - Black Anchor Wrath ............................. [SS01]
           - Masochist Wrath ................................ [SS02]
           - Fog Wrath ...................................... [SS03]
           - Sword Blessing ................................. [SS04]

         - Ancient Forest ....................................... [C0902]

           - Manacles Wrath ................................. [SS05]
           - Poison Pin Blessing ............................ [SS06]
           - Sheathed Power Wrath ........................... [SS07]
           - Treasure Blessing .............................. [SS08]

         - Turgen Mines ......................................... [C0903]

           - Fetters Wrath .................................. [SS09]
           - Brimstone Law .................................. [SS10]
           - Alarm Blessing ................................. [SS11]
           - Gold Grubber Law ............................... [SS12]

         - Audoula Temple on the Lake ........................... [C0904]

           - Gold Blessing .................................. [SS13]
           - Ice Blessing ................................... [SS14]
           - Chasm Wrath .................................... [SS15]

         - Surts Volcano Caverns ................................ [C0905]

           - Lifeforce Blessing ............................. [SS16]
           - Cotton Dust Wrath .............................. [SS17]
           - Achromatic Law ................................. [SS18]
           - Fire Blessing .................................. [SS19]
           - Barrier Blessing ............................... [SS20]
           - Iceberg Law .................................... [SS21]

         - Chateau Obsession .................................... [C0906]

           - Soul-Carver Wrath .............................. [SS22]
           - Somber Light Wrath ............................. [SS23]
           - Shield Blessing ................................ [SS24]
           - Experience Pig Law ............................. [SS25]

         - Crawsus Forest Ruins ................................. [C0907]

           - Earth Blessing ................................. [SS26]
           - Lightning Blessing ............................. [SS27]
           - Mudbank Law .................................... [SS28]
           - Thundecloud Law ................................ [SS29]

         - Palace of the Venerated Dragon ....................... [C0908]

           - Experience Friend Law .......................... [SS30]
           - Powerless Cap Wrath ............................ [SS31]
           - Wrath of Bread Alone ........................... [SS32]
           - Wrath of Forcefulness .......................... [SS33]
           - Stone Hurler Wrath ............................. [SS34]

         - Forest of Spirits .................................... [C0909]

           - Hunter Blessing ................................ [SS35]
           - Sleipnir Blessing .............................. [SS36]
           - Confuse Pin Blessing ........................... [SS37]

         - Ravine Caverns ....................................... [C0910]

           - Chaos Law ...................................... [SS38]
           - Lawbreaker's Law ............................... [SS39]
           - Burst Light Blessing ........................... [SS40]
           - Dark Night Law ................................. [SS41]
           - Silent Pin Blessing ............................ [SS42]
           - Secluded Valley Law ............................ [SS43]
           - Elusive Air Law ................................ [SS44]

         - Yggdrasil ............................................ [C0911]

           - Magical Light Blessing ......................... [SS45]
           - Dancing Light Blessing ......................... [SS46]
           - Paper Tiger Blessing ........................... [SS47]
           - Great Shield Law ............................... [SS48]
           - Sharp Sword Law ................................ [SS49]
           - Darkness Blessing .............................. [SS50]

         - Valhalla ............................................. [C0912]

           - Gem Blessing ................................... [SS51]
           - Holy Light Law ................................. [SS52]
           - Ore Blessing ................................... [SS53]
           - Law of Consistency ............................. [SS54]
           - Strongman Blessing ............................. [SS55]
           - Holy Blessing .................................. [SS56]

         - Tower of Lezard Valeth ............................... [C0913]

           - Desperated Soilder Law ......................... [SS57]
           - Unprepared Castle Law .......................... [SS58]
           - Six Elements Blessing .......................... [SS59]

         - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor ............................. [C0914]

           - Soul Wringer Wrath ............................. [SS60]

         - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor ............................. [C0915]

           - Yggdrasil Blessing ............................. [SS61]
           - Transvestal Law ................................ [SS62]
           - Festive Light Blessing ......................... [SS63]

         - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor ............................. [C0916]

           - Rust Wrath ..................................... [SS64]
           - Trade Law ...................................... [SS65]

     10. Initial Equipment ......................................... [C1000]

         - Main Characters ...................................... [C1001]

           - Alicia ......................................... [MC01]
           - Rufus .......................................... [MC02]
           - Dylan .......................................... [MC03]
           - Lezard Valeth .................................. [MC04]
           - Leone .......................................... [MC05]
           - Arngrim ........................................ [MC06]
           - Brahms ......................................... [MC07]
           - Hrist .......................................... [MC02]
           - Lenneth ........................................ [MC09]
           - Silmeria ....................................... [MC10]
           - Valkyrie ....................................... [MC11]
           - Freya .......................................... [MC12]

         - Einherjar ............................................ [C1002]

           - Mithra ......................................... [EI01]
           - Richelle ....................................... [EI02]
           - Sylphide ....................................... [EI03]
           - Jessica ........................................ [EI04]
           - Kraad .......................................... [EI05]
           - Roland ......................................... [EI06]
           - Celes .......................................... [EI07]
           - Tyrith ......................................... [EI08]
           - Alm ............................................ [EI09]
           - Wolmar ......................................... [EI10]
           - Chrystie ....................................... [EI11]
           - Sha-Kon ........................................ [EI12]
           - Khanon ......................................... [EI13]
           - Phyress ........................................ [EI14]
           - Ehrde .......................................... [EI15]
           - Millidia ....................................... [EI16]
           - Lylia .......................................... [EI17]
           - Zunde .......................................... [EI18]
           - Aaron .......................................... [EI19]
           - Dyn ............................................ [EI20]
           - Arcana ......................................... [EI21]
           - Sophalla ....................................... [EI22]
           - Psoron ......................................... [EI23]
           - Farant ......................................... [EI24]
           - Seluvia ........................................ [EI25]
           - Circe .......................................... [EI26]
           - Rasheeka ....................................... [EI27]
           - Fraudir ........................................ [EI28]
           - Adonis ......................................... [EI29]
           - Falx ........................................... [EI30]
           - Lydia .......................................... [EI31]
           - Atracia ........................................ [EI32]
           - Lwyn ........................................... [EI33]
           - Crescent ....................................... [EI34]
           - Ehlen .......................................... [EI35]
           - Guilm .......................................... [EI36]
           - Gerald ......................................... [EI37]
           - Xehnon ......................................... [EI38]
           - Masato ......................................... [EI39]
           - Aegis .......................................... [EI40]

     11. Enemy Drops ............................................... [C1100]

         - Lost Forest .......................................... [C1101]
         - Royal Underground Path ............................... [C1102]
         - Dipan Castle ......................................... [C1103]
         - Kythena Plains ....................................... [C1104]
         - Serdberg Mountain Ruins .............................. [C1105]
         - Ancient Forest ....................................... [C1106]
         - Turgen Mines ......................................... [C1107]
         - Audoula Temple on the Lake ........................... [C1108]
         - Sahma Desert ......................................... [C1109]
         - Surts Volcano Caverns ................................ [C1110]
         - Chateau Obsession .................................... [C1111]
         - Crawsus Forest Ruins ................................. [C1112]
         - Dragonscript ......................................... [C1113]
         - Palace of the Venerated Dragon ....................... [C1114]
         - Sukavia Gorge ........................................ [C1115]
         - Royal Underground Path (Chapter 4) ................... [C1116]
         - Dipan Castle (Chapter 4) ............................. [C1117]
         - Forest of Spirits .................................... [C1118]
         - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5) ............................. [C1119]
         - Ravine Caverns ....................................... [C1120]
         - Bifrost .............................................. [C1121]
         - Yggdrasil ............................................ [C1122]
         - Valhalla ............................................. [C1123]
         - Tower of Lezard Valeth ............................... [C1124]
         - Seraphic Gate ........................................ [C1125]
         - Seraphic Gate - 1st Floor ............................ [C1126]
         - Seraphic Gate - 2nd Floor ............................ [C1127]
         - Seraphic Gate - 3rd Floor ............................ [C1128]
         - Seraphic Gate - 4th Floor ............................ [C1129]
         - Seraphic Gate - 5th Floor ............................ [C1130]
         - Seraphic Gate 2-5th Floor - Dog Kennels .............. [C1131]

     12.  Small News: Spoilers, Hints and Tips .................. [C1200]

         - Leone and Arngrim: End of Chapter 3 Rewards .......... [C1201]

         - Dylan and Lezard: End of Chapter 4 Rewards ........... [C1202]

         - Tri-Emblem: The Poem Event ........................... [C1203]

         - Villnore Flower Girl Shop ............................ [C1204]

         - Accessories and Skills ............................... [C1205]

           - Blue Skills ...................................... [BS00]

            - Iron Fist ..................................... [BS01]
            - Mental Boost .................................. [BS02]
            - Fortify Physique .............................. [BS03]
            - Resist Magic .................................. [BS04]
            - Might Blow .................................... [BS05]
            - Break Up ...................................... [BS06]
            - Survival ...................................... [BS07]
            - Reflex Movement ............................... [BS08]
            - Magic Mail .................................... [BS09]
            - Cure Condition ................................ [BS10]
            - Force Field (100) ............................. [BS11]
            - First Aid ..................................... [BS12]
            - Free Item ..................................... [BS13]
            - Force Field (5000) ............................ [BS14]
            - Beast Bludgeon ................................ [BS15]
            - Unholy Purifier ............................... [BS16]
            - Descaling Might ............................... [BS17]
            - Counter Attack ................................ [BS18]

           - Red Skills ....................................... [BS00]

            - Adversity ..................................... [RS01]
            - Heroism ....................................... [RS02]
            - Psychosoma .................................... [RS03]
            - Training ...................................... [RS04]
            - Spirit Control ................................ [RS05]
            - Heat Up ....................................... [RS06]
            - Double Edge ................................... [RS07]
            - Overload ...................................... [RS08]
            - Regenerate Health ............................. [RS09]
            - Guard Motion .................................. [RS10]
            - Reduce Magic .................................. [RS11]
            - Missile Protection ............................ [RS12]
            - True Seeing ................................... [RS13]
            - Weed Whacker .................................. [RS14]
            - Bug Swatter ................................... [RS15]
            - Magician Slayer ............................... [RS16]
            - Ghost Buster .................................. [RS17]
            - Giant Killer .................................. [RS18]
            - Demon Destroyer ............................... [RS19]
            - Desperate Measures ............................ [RS20]
            - Precision Parry ............................... [RS21]
            - Scramble Attack ............................... [RS22]

           - Green Skills ..................................... [BS00]

            - Toughness ..................................... [GS01]
            - Observation ................................... [GS02]
            - Solitary Struggle ............................. [GS03]
            - Triple Edge ................................... [GS04]
            - Force Field (1000) ............................ [GS05]
            - Victorius Vitality ............................ [GS06]
            - Mind Lock ..................................... [GS07]
            - Dragon Slayer ................................. [GS08]
            - God Destroyer ................................. [GS09]
            - Dismantle ..................................... [GS10]

         - Solomon's Ring Optional Items ........................ [C1206]

         - Early Soul Crush Power Up Trick ...................... [C1207]

         - Quick Rune Reference Guide ........................... [C1208]

         - How to Unlock Sidequest #1: Ancient Forest ........... [C1209]

         - How to Unlock Sidequest #2: Turgen Mines ............. [C1210]

         - How to Unlock Sidequest #3: Chateau Obsession ........ [C1211]

         - Animal Event: The Cat, The Bird and The Dog Rings .... [C1212]

         - How to Unlock Sidequest #4: Ancient Forest #2 ........ [C1213]

         - How to Unlock Sidequest #5: Turgen Mines #2 .......... [C1214]

         - Gem Blessing Sealstone: How it does work? ............ [C1215]

         - Enemy Race List ...................................... [C1216]

         - Unique Items ......................................... [C1217]

         - Release Setups and Stats Increase:
           Data and Calculations ................................ [C1218]

            - Perfect Release Setups ........................ [RD01]
            - Alternate Release Setup#1 ..................... [RD02]
            - Alternate Release Setup#2 ..................... [RD03]

         - Simple Level Up Trick ................................ [C1219]

         - How to be Invincible? ................................ [C1220]

         - Reward for Completing Dungeons and Sidequests ........ [C1221]

     13. Special Thanks ............................................ [C1300]


=  2. DISCLAIMER                                                     [C0200]  =

   Now for the legal stuff.

   This FAQ is copyrighted (c) 2006 Carlos M. ([email protected]) 
and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, under any circumstances except 
for personal private use.

   It was written specifically for the following websites: 

            - WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM 
            - WWW.NEOSEEKER.COM
            - WWW.IGN.COM

   Those are the only Internet sites that have permission to post this guide 
and also those are the only 3 sites that I will send updates.

   It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly 
without advance written permission. In another words, this document may not be
redistributed in any form unless you have obtained permission from the creator
(namely, me).

   Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display
is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

   If you find any mistakes or see any information that may be wrong or 
missing, contact me at [email protected]. Angry e-mails will not be 
responded to, so it would basically be a waste of time.


=  3. VERSION HISTORY AND UPDATES                                    [C0300]  =

   Version 1.0 - December 20, 2006.

    - Weapons Data section is complete, with stats and information for all
      weapons available in the game.

    - Armor Data section is also complete with all data and information for
      the armor available in the game.

    - Blue Rune Accessories Data is also complete. 

   Version 1.1 - December 21, 2006.

    - Added Elemental Damage Multipler to Weapons.

    - Added " % chance of bloacking attacks " to all Armbands items, in 
      section [C0605] Armbands.

   Version 1.2 - December 25, 2006.

    - WWW. SUPERCHEATS.COM, also have permission to host this FAQ.

    - Added Enemy Drops Section, for information about the breakable enemy
      parts; all items dropped by enemies up to Bifrost is complete.

    - Added the Initial Equipment Section, for information on the initial
      equipment and skills that Main Characters and Einherjars may have when
      they join your group.

    - Added information for the Sealstones found in Serdberg Moutain,
      Ancient Forest, Turgen Mines, Audoula Temple, Surts Volcano and
      Chateau Obsession, in the Sealstones Section.

   Version 1.3 - December 28, 2006.

    - Added new information to Enemy Drops Section [C1100], all items 
      dropped by enemies up to Seraphic Gate: 1st Floor is now complete.

    - Added Healing Items [C0801] and Materials [C0805] to the Items Section.

    - Added a New Section for Spoilers, Hints and Tips [C1200].

   Version 1.4 - January 2, 2007.

    - I Started my 3rd playthrough and now checking all the enemies drops for 
      the right names and part drops, as i did found some mistakes on my 
      earlier notes, so far all the information up to Crawsus Forest should be

    - Added new information to Accessories section: all Red Rune Accessories 
      Data is now complete. 

   Version 1.5 - January 4, 2007.

    - Using a party of all Archer characters has been a lot of fun, the group
      is very powerful and farming for items has also been a breeze, even
      without using the Blue Gale + Dismantle, i have collected 85-90% of
      all items available between the Lost Forest and Dragronscript.

      In Crawsus Forest, I did just equip my archers with Aiming Wisp when
      fighting the Unclean Glob (Evil Eye Gem [Head]) and Vampire Bat (Demon's
      Parabola [Ear]).
      Standing right in front of the Unclean Glob or Vampire Bat and making
      all characters attack at the same time, did reward me with 5x Evil Eye
      Gems and 3 Demon's Parabolas in a little more than 1 hour.

    - Added new information to Accessories section: all Green Rune Accessories 
      Data is now complete. 

   Version 1.6 - January 8, 2007.

    - Added the Sealstones for Crawsus Forest Ruins and Palace of the 
      Venerated Dragon.

    - Added "Accessories and Skills Information" [C1205], with rune links and 
      skill training, list of all skills (organized by rune color) with 
      CP Cost and necessary runes to create the Skill Runeword.

    - Also did discover that Desperate Measures Skill, even so work just like
      the Dismantle Skill, does not need a critical skill to work and can be
      used with any weapon in the game.

      Desperate Measures + Force Field (5000) seems to be a good setup for
      alternate item farming.

    - Added "Solomon's Ring optional items" [C1206], for those that want to
      have the benefit of the Solomon's Ring in more than one character or 
      just want an item with better effects or attributes.

   Version 1.7 - January 11, 2007.

    - Completed the Enemy Drops Section, complete list for all enemies drops
      from the Lost Forest all the way to Seraphic Gate 5th floor.

   Version 1.8 - January 15, 2007.

    - Added All 164 Colorless Accessories.

    - Added "Quick Rune Reference Guide" [C1208], that have information to 
      when runes become available (or accessible) by Rune Color, Chapter, 
      location and enemies that drop the runes.

    - Added "Early Soul Crush Power Up Trick" [C1207], that a quick setup to
      increase the Special Attack power early in the game.

    - Added How to Unlock Sidequest #1: Ancient Forest [C1209], Sidequest #2: 
      Turgen Mines [C1210], Sidequest #3: Chateau Obsession [C1211].

    - Animal Event: The Cat, The Bird and The Dog Rings [C1212], with some
      information on the items to feed the animals and some other basic

    - Added How to Unlock Sidequest #4: Ancient Forest #2 [C1213], and How to 
      Unlock Sidequest #5: Turgen Mines #2 [C1214].

    - Added Valhalla Online Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria Shrine board to the 
      credits section. Thanks for all the support and help.

   Version 1.9 - January 22, 2007.

    - Added information for the Sealstones found in Forest of Spirits,
      Ravine Caverns, Yggdrasil and  Valhalla, in the Sealstones Section.

    - Finished the information for all starting equipment for all Einherjar,
      it includes starting weapon, equipment and starting skills.

    - Added information on how the Gem Blessing Sealstone does work and
      what items you get. 

    - With the help of RPGirl27, start working in an Enemy Race List [C1216], 
      for a quick evaluation of the enemies in a given location. We made it 
      as a quick reference only (Location/Enemy/Race), since the walkthroughs 
      have (or will have) more detailed information on the enemies.
      All enemies from Lost Forest up to Seraphic Gate, 5th floor, are listed. 
      Also added some information about the rare enemy encounters.

   Version 2.0 - January 31, 2007.

    - Last week I got an Email from, asking to host this
      guide, making it 5 sites that have permission to host this FAQ.

    - Added information for the Sealstones found in the Tower of Lezard Valeth
      and Seraphic Gate 1st-3rd Floors, in the Sealstones Section.

    - Added Precious Items [C0806] to the Items Section.

    - Added a List of Unique Items [C1217] in the game, with the basic info to
      where to find the items.

    - Added all Main Characters starting equipments, section [C1001].

   Version 2.1 - February 6, 2007.

    - Added Release Setups and Stats Increase: Data and Calculations [C1218],
      with all the data to how much Boosting Items you can acquire when 
      Perfect Releasing your characters. Also added some data if you use
      alternate Armor and Weapons.

    - Added Simple Level Up Trick [C1219], an easy setup to level up using
      the Will-o-the Wisp Trick.

    - Added How to be Invincible? [C1220], a setup with skills, items and
      Sealstones that can make your characters near immortals.

    - Added Reward for Completing Dungeons and Sidequests [C1221], a list of
      locations where you can acquire some items, after you clear some
      dungeons or sidequests.

   Version 2.2 - April 4, 2007.

    - Some corrections have been made to some information, thanks to 
      GhosT (Gamefaqs Board) for correcting the information for the Dragon
      in Chateau Obsession, the lower body drops the Holybreath Core not the
      Dragon Ruby; and also for pointing out that the Lotus Slicer has the 
      added effect Weed Whacker.  

    - Some corrections have been made and some reorganization in the Enemy
      Drops section

    - Added Support Items [C0803] to the Items Section.

    - And I also added the final Stats for my Archer party in section [C1218],
      after 16 Alternate Releases and farming amost 850 Golden Eggs. Too bad
      at this point there isn't nothing in the game that even stand a chance
      to survive more than one turn against this party... Big Smile!!!!


=  4. INTRODUCTION                                                   [C0400]  =

      First of all, thanks for reading my guide. As you read this guide, be 
  aware that the information you will find here IS NOT completely spoiler 

      This guide was written for the North American Version of Valkyrie 
   Profile 2: Silmeria.

      I start working in this FAQ basically to help any one that need to find
   an item, weapon or armor, more specifically the accessory runes. Also to 
   help those that want to acquire the rare items (Valued Customer Item) and 
   have problems find the items.

      Also have in mind that some sections might have "SPOILERS", the 
   information that have "heavier spoilers" will be in the Spoilers, Hints 
   and Tips section, and will be clearly marked.

   So before you continue reading this guide....





=  5. WEAPONS                                                        [C0500]  =

   Weapons are listed by ATK power, except for staves that are listed by
   MAG power.

   Note: The Travelling Merchant appears at different locations at different
         points in the game:

         - Chapter 3: Coriander Village and Kalstad
         - Chapter 4: Dipan Castle Courtyard
         - Chapter 5: Dipan Entrance (when you return for the Ghoul Powder)
         - Chapter 6: Coriander Village

         Also note that, the Merchant in Asgard is not the Travelling 
         Merchant, since his Inventory and Valued Customer Items, can only 
         be found in Asgard.


  / Weapon Name \

   Performance: Weapon Stats ( ATK, HIT, MAG,.... )

       Attacks: How many attacks the weapon can perform (1, 2 or 3)

    Sp. Attack: If Yes, means you can use Soul Crusher with this weapon.

     Attribute: Elemental attribute multiplier (Fire, Ice, Earth, Holy, ...)

    Add Effect: Other effects that the weapon might have ( Descaling Might,
                Giant Killer, Ghost Buster, ...)

      Buy/Cost: As in where you can get it and how much the it costs (OTH).

     Materials: Necessary materials to create the weapon.

     Find/Drop: As in where it is found, like: Treasure Chest, Character 
                Starting Weapon or Enemy [Body Part, Leader Item].

         Notes: Other comments.


   [C0501] Swords: Red Slashing Rune

  / Long Sword \
   Performance: ATK 6
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Solde (500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Skeleton Soldier [Weapon] - Royal Underground Path
                Skeleton Soldier [Weapon] - Dipan Castle
         Notes: --


  / Crest Estoc \
   Performance: ATK 8
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Increase Combo Gauge by x1.5
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Dipan Castle [Unique Item]
         Notes: Only Alicia can equip this weapon.


  / Shamshir \
   Performance: ATK 10
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Solde (3500) - Chapter 2, After Dipan Castle
                Travelling Merchant (3500) - Chapter 3
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Royal Underground Path
         Notes: --


  / Rapier \ 
   Performance: ATK 12, HIT 5
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Dipan (2200)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Viking Sword \
   Performance: ATK 15
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Lizard Man [Leader Item] - Audoula Temple on the Lake
         Notes: --


  / Karsnaut \ 
   Performance: ATK 16, RST 5
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: 0.2 Holy
    Add Effect: Ghost Buster
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Crust Golem [Drop Item, 100%] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Lizard Man [Weapon] - Audoula Temple on the Lake
         Notes: --


  / Falchion \
   Performance: ATK 18
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant Valued Customer Item (200)
     Materials: Black Crystal (2), Empty Shell (2), Pact Chain (1),
                Sharp Spearhead (2)
     Find/Drop: Treasure Serdberg Mountain Ruins
         Notes: --


  / Hildr's Sword \
   Performance: ATK 25, HIT 5
       Attacks: 1
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.3 Holy
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Dipan Castle Escape Event [Unique Item]
         Notes: --


  / Walloon Sword \
   Performance: ATK 25, HIT 10, AVD 10
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Villnore (7000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Sabertooth Saber \
   Performance: ATK 30
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Beast Bludgeon
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (7500)
     Materials: Long Sword (1), Beast Pelt (3), Iron Ore (3)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Pallasch \
   Performance: ATK 30
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Surts Volcano Caverns
         Notes: --


  / Frostbane \
   Performance: ATK 32, MAG 15
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: 0.2 Ice
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [After Audoula Temple] (15000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Sinclair Saber \
   Performance: ATK 38
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne (20000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Lightning Edge \
   Performance: ATK 40, RST 5
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.2 Lightning
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne (30000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Icicle Sword \
   Performance: ATK 52, HIT 10
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: 0.2 Ice
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne [After Crawsus Forest] (40000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Harpe \
   Performance: ATK 55
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Descaling Might
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Berserker [100% Drop Item] - Chateau Obsession
                Berserker [Body Right Side] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: Unique Item.


  / Spider Fighter \
   Performance: ATK 58
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Bug Swatter
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Surts Volcano Caverns
                Land Kraken [Head (Upper part)] - Crawsus Forest
         Notes: --


  / Flare Baselard \
   Performance: ATK 65, MAG 50
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.2 Fire
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon [Unique Item]
         Notes: --


  / Runeslayer \
   Performance: ATK 90, RST 20
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Magician Slayer
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (50000)
     Materials: Falchion (1), Black Crystal (4), Piercing Imprint (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Holy Sword \
   Performance: ATK 95, MAG 30
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.1 Holy
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [Dipan, Chapter 4] (70000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Lotus Slicer \
   Performance: ATK 110
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Weed Whacker
      Buy/Cost: Solde [Chapter 4] (65000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Sun Shower \
   Performance: ATK 130, MAG 20
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Attacks hit twice
      Buy/Cost: Solde Valued Customer Item (76000)
     Materials: Spider Fighter (1), Hrunting (1), Adamantite (2),
                Scarlet Fang   (3)
     Find/Drop: Chapter 6, boy in Kalstad, if during chapter 3 you talk to
                him and give 110 - 290 OTH (10 OTh each time you talk
                to him).
         Notes: --


  / Sword of Silvans \
   Performance: ATK 150, MAG 20
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.1 Holy
    Add Effect: Paralyze enemies
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Yggdrasil [Unique Item]
         Notes: --


  / Arondight \
   Performance: ATK 170
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Increased damage against females (damage x2).
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (120000)
     Materials: Busted Greatsword (2), Blood Jewel (1), Rose Imprint (1),
                Mirror Fragment (1)
     Find/Drop: Treasure Forest of Spirits
         Notes: --


  / Slashing Sword "Farewell" \
   Performance: ATK 210, HIT 30
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Soul Crush damage +30%
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: End Chapter 3, when Leone leaves the party at Level 35 
                or higher.
         Notes: Unique Item.


  / Ascalon \
   Performance: ATK 220
       Attacks: 1
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Always Critical
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Red Dragon [Tail] - Valhalla
         Notes: --


  / Gram \
   Performance: ATK 240
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.1 Darkness
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Valhalla [Unique Item]
         Notes: --


  / Vampire Sword \
   Performance: ATK 275, RDM -20, RST -20
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Has set chance of converting damage to HP.
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Vampire Lord [Drop Item] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: --


  / Moonflax \
   Performance: ATK 280, RST 10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.3 Holy
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (700000)
     Materials: Busted Sword (2), Sabertooth (1), Giant Pearl (1),
                Holy Crystal (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Glance Reviver \
   Performance: ATK 350
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Lenneth's Initial Weapon [Unique Item]
         Notes: --


  / Helgi's Sword \
   Performance: ATK 380
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: 100% Resistance to Confusion
                When attacking, 10% chance of confusing the enemy
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Nymph [Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: --


  / Randgrid's Blade \
   Performance: ATK 450, HIT 10
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Valkyrie Initial Weapon [Unique Item]
         Notes: Only Alicia, Hrist, Silmeria, Lenneth and Valkyrie can
                equip this weapon.


  / Valkyrie Favor \
   Performance: ATK 500, HIT 50, ATK +5%
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: End Chapter 3, when Leone leaves the party at Level 40
                 or higher.
         Notes: Unique Item.


  / Demon Sword "Levantine" \
   Performance: ATK 500, MAG 1000
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 1.0 Fire
    Add Effect: Lower HP but raises stats parameters
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor [Unique Item]
         Notes: --


  / Dainslef \
   Performance: ATK 750
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.2 Holy
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor [Unique Item]
         Notes: --


  / Angel Slayer \
   Performance: ATK 10000, MAG 10000
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Damage doubles against Divine enemies.
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor [Unique Item]
         Notes: Any character can equip the weapon, regardless of weapon 
                class. Have great variations on damage output (might do 
                20000+ or 10 dmg / hit).
                Collect the 9 Oracle Books and complete the Seraphic gate 
                10 times in one play through, a chest will appear next to
                Iseria Queen's location, enter the Seraphic Gate for the 
                11th time to recover it.



   [C0502] Broadswords: Blue Slashing Rune

  / Bastard Sword \

   Performance: ATK 8
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Solde (1000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Two-Handed Sword \
   Performance: ATK 14
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Solde (2500), Dipan (2500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Striking Sword \
   Performance: ATK 25
       Attacks: 1
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant (4500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Screp \
   Performance: ATK 30
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Villnore (1000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Ancient Forest
         Notes: --


  / Elemental Edge \
   Performance: ATK 32
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Soul Crush damage +30%
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (6000)
     Materials: Raptor's Talon (1), Sharp Spearhead (2), Iron Ore (2)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Claymore \
   Performance: ATK 42
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [After Audoula Temple] (18000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Chateau Obsession
         Notes: --


  / Dragon Slayer \
   Performance: ATK 80
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Dragon Slayer
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Dragon [Tail] - Chateau Obsession 
         Notes: --


  / Hrunting \
   Performance: ATK 85
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne [After Crawsus Forest] (45000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Unclean Glob [Upper Right/Left Arm] - Crawsus Forest Ruins.
                Muscular Stalker [Lower R/L Arm] - Palace of the V. Dragon
         Notes: --



  / Vainslayer \
   Performance: ATK 95
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: 0.3 Darkness
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [Chapter 4] (75000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Flamberge \
   Performance: ATK 100
       Attacks: 1
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.2 Fire
    Add Effect: May inflict Frailty on enemy
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Evolver [Drop Item] - Surts Volcano Caverns
                Adonis and Guilm's Initial Weapon.
         Notes: --


  / Zweihander \
   Performance: ATK 100, HIT 10, RDM -10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Giant Killer
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (30000)
     Materials: Busted Greatsword (2), Troll Clay (2), Rotted Bludgeon (2)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Grand Sting \
   Performance: ATK 120
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.5 Lightning
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (115000)
     Materials: Screp (1), Charged Tailfeather (5), Lightning Stone (2)
     Find/Drop: Arngrim [Drop Item] - Dipan Castle, Chapter 4.
         Notes: --


  / Kraadicator \
   Performance: ATK 130, HIT 20, RST 10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Kraad - Release Item
         Notes: You must go to Villnore and talk to him before the end of
                Chapter 4. [Unique Item]


  / Caliburn \

   Performance: ATK 180
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: May inflict Doom on enemies
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Divine Slave [Lower arms] - Valhalla
         Notes: --


  / Improved Dragon Slayer \

   Performance: ATK 200
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Dragon Slayer
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: End Chapter 3, when Arngrim leaves the party at Level 35 
                or higher.
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Arectaris \
   Performance: ATK 220
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Arectaris [Drop Item] - Forest of Spirits
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Durandal \
   Performance: ATK 240
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Asgard (200000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Arngrim's Weapon, upon rejoining your group.
         Notes: --


  / Hauteclaire \
   Performance: ATK 250, HIT 10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.3 Lightning
    Add Effect: Soul Crush Damage +30%
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Chapter 6, Dipan Castle, examine the body on top of the
                execution platform.
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Undead Sword \
   Performance: ATK 260
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Has a set chance of converting damage to HP.
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: End Chapter 4, when Dylan leaves the party at Level 40 
               or higher.
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Gjallarhorn \
   Performance: ATK 280
       Attacks: 1
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Heimdall [Drop Item, 100%] - Bifrost
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Ignite Sword \
   Performance: ATK 300, RDM -20
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.5 Fire
    Add Effect: Soul Crush Damage +30%
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant Valued Customer Item (1000000)
     Materials: Caliburn (1), Chartreuse Spinel (3), Eternal Flame (1), 
                Dark Amulet (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Claiohm Solais \
   Performance: ATK 350
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure: Tower Lezard Valeth
         Notes: Chapter 6, boy in Kalstad, if during chapter 3 you talk to
                him and give 300+ OTH (10 OTh each time you talk to him). 


  / Bahamut Tear \
   Performance: ATK 600
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Dragon Slayer
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: End Chapter 3, when Arngrim leaves the party at Level 40 or 
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Demon Sword "Nefarious" \
   Performance: ATK 700
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.3 Ice
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Heimdall [Drop Item, Leader Item] - SG, 2nd Floor
         Notes: --


  / Sword of the Meek \
   Performance: ATK 850
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: End Chapter 4, when Dylan leaves the party at Level 45 
                or higher.
         Notes: Brahms can equip this sword. Unique Item.


  / Tyrfing \
   Performance: ATK 2200, RDM -500, RST -200
       Attacks: 1
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.3 Earth
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Tiamat [Leader Item, Drop Item] - SG, 4th Floor
         Notes: --



   [C0503] Bows: Red Piercing Rune

  / Short Bow \
   Performance: ATK 6, HIT 2
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Solde (400)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Crossbow \
   Performance: ATK 11, HIT 10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Solde [After Dipan Castle] (2000), Dipan (2000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Dipan Castle 
         Notes: --


  / Long Bow \
   Performance: ATK 17
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Travelling Merchant (4000), Villnore (4000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Gandeeva \
   Performance: ATK 24
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Serdberg Mountain Ruins
          Note: Unique Items


  / Heavy Crossbow \
   Performance: ATK 24, HIT 10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Goat Man [Weapon] - Ancient Forest
         Notes: --


  / Supreme Crossbow \
   Performance: ATK 32, HIT 10
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.5 Holy
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (5500)
     Materials: Koboldapult (1), Feather (3)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Strength Bow \
   Performance: ATK 34, HIT -10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Audoula Temple on the Lake
                Sha-kon's Initial Weapon.
         Notes: --


  / Composite Long Bow \
   Performance: ATK 50, HIT -5
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [After Audoula Temple] (17000), 
                Crell Monferaigne (17000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Doublecross \
   Performance: ATK 95, HIT 10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Attacks hit twice.
      Buy/Cost: --

     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Ull [Drop Item, 100%] - Royal Underground Path (Chapter 4).
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Arbalest \
   Performance: ATK 96, HIT -10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Dragonscript
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Greenery Slayer \
   Performance: ATK 110, RST -10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Weed Whacker
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (25000)
     Materials: Spiral Arrowhead (1), Piercing Imprint (2), Nightshade (2)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Serstine-lock-gun \
   Performance: ATK 110
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Gigantic Claws [Head] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
         Notes: --


  / Mage Slayer \
   Performance: ATK 125, HIT -10, RST 20
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Magician Slayer
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (50000)
     Materials: Strength Bow (1), Piercing Imprint (1), Evil Eye Jewel (1), 
                Mirror Fragment (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Elvenbow \
   Performance: ATK 130, HIT 20, RST 10
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Forest of Spirits
                Aesir (Archer) [Weapon] - Ravine Caverns
                Aesir (Rescuers) [Weapon] - Bifrost

         Notes: --


  / Blue Gale \
   Performance: ATK 180, HIT 100
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Always Critical Hits.
      Buy/Cost: Asgard (130000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Ravine Caverns
                Aesir (Commander) [Weapon] - Valhalla
         Notes: --


  / Shiny Rupture \
   Performance: ATK 200, MAG 80
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.5 Earth
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (100000)
     Materials: Arbalest (1), Ammunition Shell (1), Wing Feather (2), 
                Toxic Seed (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Misteltein \
   Performance: ATK 250, MAG 100
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Valhalla
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Soulslayer \
   Performance: ATK 270, HIT 70
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Drains enemy HP.
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (900000)
     Materials: Armor Piercer (1), Steelwing (1), Wing Feather (2), 
                Sylphide's Arrowhead (1)
  Find/Drop: --
      Notes: --


  / Tathlum \
   Performance: ATK 280
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Demon Slayer
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Baphomet [Weapon] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: --


  / Crescent Arrow \
   Performance: ATK 300, RST 10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Silmeria's Initial Weapon.
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Elhanan's Fingertips \
   Performance: ATK 300
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Giant Killer
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Tower Lezard Valeth
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Wild Chalice \
   Performance: ATK 340
       Attacks: 1
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Unholy Purifier
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Pyrohydra [Leader Item] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: --


  / Soothsayer Bow \
   Performance: ATK 620
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Ull [Leader Item, Drop Item (15%)] - SG, 2nd Floor
         Notes: --


  / Sylvan Bow \
   Performance: RDM 100, RST 100
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: --
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: ATK damage = Character Level x20
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Arectaris Returned [Leader Item] - SG, 4th Floor
                Arectaris Returned [Drop Item (15%)] - SG, 4th Floor    
         Notes: --



   [C0504] Staves: Blue Bludgeon Rune

  / Ruby Mace \
   Performance: MAG 8, RST 1
    Sp. Attack: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Dipan (600), Villnore (600)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Lezard Valeth, Mithra, Alm and Wolmar's Initial Weapon
         Notes: --


  / Crystal Wand \
   Performance: MAG 15, RST 2
    Sp. Attack: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Villnore (2500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Ancient Forest
                Farant and Seluvia's Initial Weapon.
         Notes: --


  / Mystic Cult Staff \
   Performance: MAG 22, RST 3
    Sp. Attack: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Khanon's Initial Weapon
                Deep One [Weapon] - Audoula Temple on the Lake
         Notes: --


  / Infinity Rod \
   Performance: MAG 35, RDM 2, RST 4
    Sp. Attack: Yes
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [After Audoula Temple] (18000), 
                Crell Monferaigne (18000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Lotus Wand \
   Performance: MAG 42, RDM 1, RST 3
    Sp. Attack: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne [After Crawsus Forest] (30000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Greater Demon [Weapon] - Chateau Obsession
                Phantom Lurker [Middle R/L Mirrors] - Crawsus Forest
                Abyssinian Demon [Leader Item] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor
         Notes: --


  / Mithril Wand \
   Performance: MAG 55, RDM -10, RST 10
    Sp. Attack: Yes
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (20000) 
     Materials: Busted Staff (2), Mace Head (1), Golem Eye (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Alchemy Wand \
   Performance: MAG 60, RDM 2, RST 5
    Sp. Attack: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Phantom Lurker [Main Body] - Crawsus Forest Ruins
         Notes: --


  / Holy Rod \
   Performance: MAG 70, RDM 12, RST 15
    Sp. Attack: Yes
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant Valued Customer Item (83000)
     Materials: Ruby Mace (1), Sacred Spinel (1), Copper Signet (2)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Dragonlore \
   Performance: MAG 80, RDM 4, RST 10
    Sp. Attack: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Deluge Scepter \
   Performance: MAG 110, RDM 5, RST 12
    Sp. Attack: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Walther [Drop Item] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 4).
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Unicorn's Horn \
   Performance: MAG 180, RDM 8, RST 15
    Sp. Attack: Yes
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Yggdrasil
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Ether Scepter \
   Performance: MAG 250, RDM 15, RST 30
    Sp. Attack: Yes
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Valhalla
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Caduceous \
   Performance: MAG 340, RDM 10, RST 20
    Sp. Attack: Yes
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Type 44 Demon [Weapon] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: --


  / Oreichalkos Staff \
   Performance: MAG 360, RDM 10, RST 30
    Sp. Attack: Yes
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: Asgard Valued Customer Item (600000)
     Materials: Lotus Wand (1), Dark Amulet (1), Evil Eye Gem (3), 
                Steelwing (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Monster Manifesto \
   Performance: MAG 800, RDM 10, RST 30
    Sp. Attack: Yes
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Lezard's Weapon, upon rejoining your group.
         Notes: Lezard Only. Unique Item.


  / Wand of Apocalypse \
   Performance: MAG 1000, RDM 20, RST 40
    Sp. Attack: Yes
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Gabriel Celeste [Leader Item] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor
         Notes: Enables the Great Magic Pale Flare.


  / Holy Wand of Telos \
   Performance: MAG 1800, RDM 30, RST 80
    Sp. Attack: Yes
    Add Effect: All Elemental resistances -100%
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Ethereal Queen [Learder Item, Drop Item] - SG, 5th Floor
         Notes: Enables the Great Magic Phantom Destruction.



   [C0505] Spears: Green Piercing Rune

  / Saint's Halberd \
   Performance: ATK 160, RST 20
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.2 Holy
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Hrist's Initial Weapon.
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Spear "Basilisk" \
   Performance: ATK 340, HIT 50, RDM -10
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: May inflict Stone on enemies.
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant Valued Custome Item (700000)
     Materials: Saint's Halberd (1), Piercing Imprint (3), 
                Tome of Alchemy (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Lunar Bardiche \
   Performance: ATK 350, MAG 50
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: --


  / Great Spear "Dinosaur" \
   Performance: ATK 750, RDM 20
       Attacks: 2
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Descaling Might
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor 
                Ethereal Queen [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor
         Notes: --


  / Gungnir \
   Performance: ATK 1000, Hit 100, MAG 1200
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: 0.5 Lightning
    Add Effect: --
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Obsessed Ex [Leader Item, Drop Item] - SG, 3rd Floor
         Notes: --



   [C0506] Knuckles: Green Bludgeon Rune

  / Bloody Knuckle \
   Performance: ATK 150
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: May transform inflicted damage into HP
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Brahms' Initial Weapon.
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Bloody Nails \
   Performance: ATK 320
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: May transform inflicted damage into HP
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Bloody Claw \
   Performance: ATK 340, RDM -10, RST 10
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: May transform inflicted damage into HP
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (600000)
     Materials: Raptor's Talon (2), Insect Claw (2), Vampire Claw (2),
                Demon's Right Arm (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  /  Bloody Duster  \
   Performance: ATK 600
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: May transform inflicted damage into HP.
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Bloody Murder \
   Performance: ATK 1350
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: May transform inflicted damage into HP.
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor 
         Notes: Unique Item



   [C0507] Special: Green Bludgeon Rune

  / Ether Laser \
   Performance: ATK 1400, HIT 50
       Attacks: 3
    Sp. Attack: Yes
     Attribute: --
    Add Effect: Giant Killer
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Freya's Initial Weapon.
         Notes: Unique Item



=  6. EQUIPMENT RUNES                                                [C0600]  =

   Helmets, Crowns, Armors, Clothing, Armbands, Gloves, Leggings and Shoes
   are listed by RDM (Defense power).

   Note: The Travelling Merchant appears at different locations at different
         points in the game:

         - Chapter 3: Coriander Village and Kalstad
         - Chapter 4: Dipan Castle Courtyard
         - Chapter 5: Dipan Entrance (when you return for the Ghoul Powder)
         - Chapter 6: Coriander Village

         Also note that, the Merchant in Asgard is not the Travelling 
         Merchant, since his Inventory and Valued Customer Items, can only 
         be found in Asgard.


  / Equipment Name \

          Rune: Type [Head, Body, Arm, Leg] and Color [Blue, Red, Green]

   Performance: Armor Stats (RDM, RST, AVD,....)

     Resistance: Elemental Defense (Fire, Ice, Earth, Holy, ...)

         Class:  What Class or specific Characters, may wear the equipment:

                  - LW - Light Warrior
                  - HW - Heavy Warrior
                  - AR - Archers
                  - MG - Magic Users

      Buy/Cost: As in where you can get it and how much the it costs (OTH).

     Materials: Necessary materials to create the armor.

     Find/Drop: As in where it is found, like: Treasure Chest, Character 
                Starting equipment or Enemy [Body Part, Leader Item].

         Notes: Other comments.


   [C0601] Helmets

  / Sallet \
          Rune: Head (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 1
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Solde (160)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Royal Underground Path
         Notes: --


  / Silver Sallet \
          Rune: Head (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 2, RST 2
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Dipan (1000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Kobold Knight [Helmet] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Kobold Knight [Helmet] - Ancient Forest
         Notes: --


  / Iron Helm \
          Rune: Head (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 5
    Resistance: --
         Class: HW
      Buy/Cost: Villnore (4500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Ancient Forest 
                Troll [Leader Item] - Ancient Forest
         Notes: --


  / Duel Helm \
          Rune: Head (Red)
   Performance: RDM 8
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [After Audoula Temple] (7000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Crystal Helm \
          Rune: Head (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 10, RST 5
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (8000)
     Materials: Iron Helm (1), Beetle Horn (1), Goblin tooth (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Phylactic Helm \
          Rune: Head (Red)
   Performance: RDM 10, RST 25
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (9000)
     Materials: Polished Red Ore (1), Lamb's Tooth (1), Bat Wing (2)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Silver Helm \
          Rune: Head (Red)
   Performance: RDM 12, RST 5
    Resistance: Darkness -10%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Crawsus Forest Ruins 
                Circe and Crescent's Initial Equipment.
         Notes: --


  / Valor Helm \
          Rune: Head (Red)
   Performance: RDM 15
    Resistance: Darkness -20%
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [Chapter 4] (35000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Golem Headwear \
          Rune: Head (Red)
   Performance: RDM 18, HIT -20
    Resistance: --
         Class: HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Iron Golen [Head] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
         Notes: --


  / Valiant Helm \
          Rune: Head (Green)
   Performance: RDM 20
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Brahms and Hrist's Initial Equipment
         Notes: --


  / Rune Helm \
          Rune: Head (Green)
   Performance: RDM 30, MAG 30
    Resistance: Silence +30%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (800000)
     Materials: Crown (1), Sabertooth (1), Red Horn (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Mithril Helm \
          Rune: Head (Green)
   Performance: RDM 50
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Lenneth and Valkyrie's Initial Equipment.
                Black Pain [Leader Item, Drop Item (15%)] - SG, 4th Floor
         Notes: --


  / Ether Helm \
          Rune: Head (Green)
   Performance: RDM 100
    Resistance: --
         Class: HW, Freya
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor 
         Notes: Unique Item



   [C0602] Crowns

  / Metal Crown \
          Rune: Head (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 3, MAG 3
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant (2500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Olive Crown \
          Rune: Head (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 4, MAG 8
    Resistance: Curse +50%
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [After Audoula Temple] (4500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Queen Wasp [Drop item, 100%] - Turgen Mine
         Notes: --


  / Anointed Crown \
          Rune: Head (Red)
   Performance: RDM 6, MAG 103
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne (5000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Magician Hat \
          Rune: Head (Red)
   Performance: RDM 8, MAG 12
    Resistance: --
         Class: MG
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Kobold King [Drop Item] - Ancient Forest
                Kobold Lord [Head] - Forest of Spirits
         Notes: --


  / Empress Coronet \
          Rune: Head (Red)
   Performance: RDM 10, MAG 15
    Resistance: --
         Class: Female Characters only.
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Hrist [Drop Item, 100%] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 4)
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Tiara of the Holy Empress \
          Rune: Head (Red)
   Performance: RDM 15
    Resistance: Holy +50%, Frailty +100%
         Class: Female Characters only
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (5000)
     Materials: White Flower Petal (2), Core Ruby (1), Evil Eye Gem (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Rune Crown \
          Rune: Head (Green)
   Performance: RDM 15, MAG 20
    Resistance: Silence +30%
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant Valued Customer Item (25000)
     Materials: Crown (1), Sacred Spinel (1), Mirror Fragment (2)
     Find/Drop: Silmeria's Initial Equipment.
                Aesir (Commander) [Hat] - Valhalla
         Notes: --


  / Supreme Crown \
          Rune: Head (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 20, MAG 40
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Mithril Crown \
          Rune: Head (Red)
   Performance: RDM 40, MAG 80
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor
                Homunculus Copy [Leader Item, Drop Item] - SG, 3rd Floor
         Notes: --


  / Ether Crown \
          Rune: Head (Green)
   Performance: RDM 80, MAG 120
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor 
                Walther [Drop Item (15%)] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor
                Gyne [Drop Item (15%)] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor
         Notes: --



   [C0603] Armors

  / Leather Mail \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 4
    Resistance: Lightning +20%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Solde (240), Dipan (240)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Chainmail \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 6
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Dipan (1200)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Ballistic Rhino [Leader Item] - Royal Underground Path
         Notes: --


  / Cuirass \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 9
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant (3000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Giant Skeleton [Leader Item] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: --


  / Crystal Chainmail \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 15, RST 5, AVD 20
    Resistance: Paralysis +50%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Villnore (4000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Turgen Mines, Audoula Temple
         Notes: --


  / Silver Cuirass \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 20
    Resistance: Lightning -20%, Earth +50%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (4500)
     Materials: Cuirass (1), Iron Ore (2), Silver Sallet (2)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Flame Armor \
          Rune: Body (Red)
   Performance: RDM 28, AVD -10
    Resistance: Fire +50%, Ice -50%, Frozen +100%
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Skeletal Soldier [Armor] - Surts Volcano Caverns
         Notes: --


  / Duel Armor \
          Rune: Body (Red)
   Performance: RDM 30
    Resistance: Lightning +20%
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [After Audoula Temple] (9000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Silver Scales \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 40, HIT 10, AVD 10
    Resistance: Lightning -20%, Earth +50%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Chateau Obsession
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Kraadmail \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 52, RST 10, AVD 10
    Resistance: --
         Class: HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Einherjar Release: Circe
         Notes: You must go to Kalstad and talk to her before the end of 
                Chapter 4. Unique Item


  / Silver Mail \
          Rune: Body (Red)
   Performance: RDM 55, RST 10
    Resistance: Lightning -20%, Earth +20%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne (16000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Crawsus Forest Ruins 
         Notes: --


  / Icicle Plate \
          Rune: Body (Red)
   Performance: RDM 60, RST 5
    Resistance: Fire -50%, Ice +50%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant Valued Customer Item (17000)
     Materials: Worn Shield (2), Garnet (1), Hail Jewel (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Dragon Armor \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 62
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon 
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Valor Armor \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 65
    Resistance: Confusion +50%
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [Chapter 4] (50000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Rotting Demon [Leader Item] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: --


  / Full Plate \
          Rune: Body (Red)
   Performance: RDM 70, AVD -20%
    Resistance: Lightning -20%, Stone +30%
         Class: HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Aesir (Rescuers) [Leader Item] - Bifrost
                Dimension Beast [Leader Item, Drop Item] - Bifrost.
                Arngrim's Equipment, upon rejoining your group.
         Notes: --


  / Valiant Armor \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 85
    Resistance: Frailty +50%
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Yggdrasil 
                Brahms' Initial Equipment.
         Notes: --


  / Mithril Plate \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 90, RST 40
    Resistance: Fire +20%, Ice +20%, Lightning +20%, Earth + 20%, Holy +50%
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Guardian Diva [Body] - Valhalla
                Hrist's Initial Equipment.
         Notes: --


  / Silver Plate \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 100, RSt 20
    Resistance: Lightning -20%, Earth + 20%,
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Valhalla
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Reflect Armor \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 120, RST 30
    Resistance: Darkness -20%, Holy +50%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Lenneth's Initial Equipment
         Notes: --


  / Armor of Aleph \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 200, RST 40
    Resistance: Earth +100%, Poison +100%
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor
                Backpacker [Drop Item] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor
                Sword Master [Right Body side] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor
         Notes: --


  / Alvitr's Armor \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 200, RST 80
    Resistance: Confusion +50%
         Class: Alicia, Hrist, Silmeria, Lenneth and Valkyrie only.
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Valkyrie's Initial Equipment.
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Conqueror's Armor \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 280, RST 50, ATK 100, MAG 100, HIT 50, AVD 50
    Resistance: All Elements -20%, Doom +80%, Frailty +80%, Transfer +80%
         Class: HW
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (800000)
     Materials: Silver Mail (1), Firemouse Fur (1), Sage Quartz (1),
                Windswept Tailfeather (1), Deep Doom (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Infinite Admiration \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 500, RST 100
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor
                Bahamut [Leader Item, Drop Item (15%)] - SG, 5th Floor
         Notes: --



   [C0604] Clothing

  / Cloak \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 2
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: Solde (200), Dipan (200)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Alicia's Robe \
          Rune: Body (Red)
   Performance: RDM 3
    Resistance: Fire +30%
         Class: Alicia and Valkyrie only.
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Alicia's Initial Equipment.
                Dog Alicia [Upper Body] - SG, 2nd/3rd/4th Floor
         Notes: --


  / Silver Cloak \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 7, RST 2
    Resistance: --
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant (3500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Noble Cloak \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 10
    Resistance: --
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Villnore (4500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Anointed Cloak \
          Rune: Body (Red)
   Performance: RDM 18
    Resistance: Curse +50%
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Turgen Mines, Treasure Audoula Temple 
                Psoron and Seluvia's Initial Equipment
         Notes: --


  / Leather Cloak \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 22, RST 5
    Resistance: Lightning +50%
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant Valued Customer Item (3500)
     Materials: Beast Pelt (1), Bat Wing (2)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Supreme Garb \
          Rune: Body (Red)
   Performance: RDM 25, RST 4
    Resistance: Curse +50%
         Class: AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: Solde [After Audoula Temple] (9000), Travelling Merchant 
                [After Audoula Temple] (9000), Crell Monferaigne (9000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Mirage Robe \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 32, RST 6, AVD 20
    Resistance: Lightning -20%, Earth +50%, Transfer +100%
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Crawsus Forest Ruins 
                Aegis and Xehnon's Initial Equipment.
         Notes: --


  / Crystal Garb \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 50, RST 15
    Resistance: Fire -20%, Ice +50%
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon 
                Gyne [Drop Item (100%)] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 4)
         Notes: --


  / Elfin Taffeta \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 55, RST 10
    Resistance: Lightning +20%, Earth +20%
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Solde Valued Customer Item (25000)
     Materials: Polished Red Ore (1), Orientation Scales (1), 
                Monster Scales (2)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Flame Mist \
          Rune: Body (Red)
   Performance: RDM 60, RST 20
    Resistance: Ice -100%, Lightning -100%, Earth -100%, Dark -100%, 
                Holy -100%, Freeze +100%
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Yggdrasil 
         Notes: It gives the character the "GHOST" attribute, making the
                character immune to Physical Attacks.
                Unique Item.


  / Fairy Garb \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 75, RST 30, AVD -5
    Resistance: Fire +30%, Ice +30%, Lightning +30%, Earth +30%, 
                Dark -30%, Holy -30%, Frailty +100%
         Class: Only female characters can equip.
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (50000)
     Materials: Supreme Garb (1), Scarlet Alloy (1), Flamebreath Core (1),
                Ymir's Tear (1), Toxic Seed(1)
     Find/Drop: Silneria's Initial Equipment.
         Notes: --


  / Phoenix Garb \
          Rune: Body (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 80
    Resistance: Fire +50%, Ice -20%
         Class: AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Aesir (Commander) [Body] - Valhalla
                Aesir (Guards) [Body] - Valhalla
         Notes: Health Regeneration Effect


  / Robe of Bryttain \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 90, RST 40
    Resistance: Dark -20%, Holy +50%
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Tower of Lezard Valeth 
                Release Einherjar: Sha-kon
         Notes: You must visit and talk to her in Kythena Plains, after the
                Seraphic Gate is unlocked.


  / Sylphan Robe \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 160, RST 80, AVD 100
    Resistance: Dark -50%, Holy +20%
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor
                Woden [Leader item, Drop Item (100%)] - SG, 2nd Floor
         Notes: --


  / Dark Cleric Robes \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 200, RST 100, AVD 50
    Resistance: Lightning +50%, Holy +50%
         Class: Lezard only.
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Lezard's Equipment, upon rejoining your group.
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Floral Garb \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 350, RST 150, AVD 50
    Resistance: Lightning +50%, Earth -20%
         Class: AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Eternal Shine \
          Rune: Body (Green)
   Performance: RDM 450, RST 200, AVD 100
    Resistance: Dark +50%
         Class: Freya only.
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Freya's Initial Equipment.
         Notes: Unique Item



   [C0605] Armbands

  / Miracle Guard \
          Rune: Arm (Green)
   Performance: RDM 1, 80% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: --
         Class: HW, Freya
      Buy/Cost: Asgard Valued Customer Item (1)
     Materials: Brilliant Peacemaker (1), Trade Card (1), Sacred O Part (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Gauntlet \
          Rune: Arm (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 2, 5% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Dipan (800)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Metal Buckler \
          Rune: Arm (Red)
   Performance: RDM 6, HIT -2, AVD 5
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Serdberg Mountain Ruins 
                Wyvern/Upper Lizard [Leader Item] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
         Notes: --


  / Duel Guarder \
          Rune: Arm (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 10, HIT -10, AVD -10, 15% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [After Audoula Temple] (7000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Silver Buckler \
          Rune: Arm (Red)
   Performance: RDM 12, RST 4, HIT -2, AVD 5, 10% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure: Chateau Obsession 
                Fraudir, Crescent, Adonis, Ehlen and Gerald's Initial
         Notes: --


  / Sacred Guarder \
          Rune: Arm (Red)
   Performance: RDM 15, HIT -5, 15% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: Holy +20%, Faint +10%
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customes Item (3000)
     Materials: Bonemeal (1), Raptor's Talon (2), Feather (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Valor Gauntlet \
          Rune: Arm (Red)
   Performance: RDM 25, 5% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Brahm's Initial Equipment.
         Notes: --


  / Holy Gauntlet \
          Rune: Arm (Green)
   Performance: RDM 40, RST 5, 5% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Asgard (50000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Circe's Initial Equipment; Arngrim's Equipment, upon
                rejoining your party.
         Notes: --


  / Mithril Gauntlet \
          Rune: Arm (Red)
   Performance: RDM 55, RST 10, 5% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Valhalla 
                Hrist, Lenneth and Valkyrie's Inital Equipment.
         Notes: --


  / Ether Shield \
          Rune: Arm (Green)
   Performance: RDM 75, HIT -20, AVD -20, 20% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: --
         Class: HW, Freya
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Freya's Initial Equipment
         Notes: --


  / Thrud's Gauntlet \
          Rune: Arm (Red)
   Performance: RDM 80, HIT 30, AVD 10, 5% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: Dark +20%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Asgard Valued Customer item (500000)
     Materials: Damascus Ore (2), Obsidian Claw (3), Bloody Patch (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Extreme Guard \
          Rune: Arm (Green)
   Performance: RDM 100, HIT -10, AVD -10, 15% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor
         Notes: Unique Item


  / Star Guard \
          Rune: Arm (Green)
   Performance: RDM 200, HIT -120, AVD -10, 15% change of blocking attacks.
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Frigga [Leader Item, Drop Item (100%)] - SG, 4th Floor
         Notes: --



   [C0606] Gloves

  / Leather Glove \
          Rune: Arm (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 1
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: Solde (200), Dipan (200)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Royal Glove \
          Rune: Arm (Red)
   Performance: RDM 20, AVD -10
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne (8000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Surts Volcano Caverns
         Notes: --


  / Magic Glove \
          Rune: Arm (Red)
   Performance: RDM 30, RST 20, AVD -15
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (7000)
     Materials: Unladen Swallow Scales (2), Hot Plate (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Wind Glove \
          Rune: Arm (Green)
   Performance: RDM 35, HIT 20, AVD 20
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne Valued Customer Item (20000)
     Materials: Bat Wing (1), Bone Mace (1), Ghibli Scales (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --



   [C0607] Leggings

  / Cloth Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Red)
   Performance: RDM 2
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Solde (180), Dipan (180)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Metal Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Red)
   Performance: RDM 4, RST 2, 
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: Solde (180), Dipan (180)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Serdberg Mountain Ruins 
                Celes, Tyrith, Fraudir, Aaron and Dyn's Initial Equipment
         Notes: --


  / Duel Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Red)
   Performance: RDM 8
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant [After Audoula Temple] (6500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Knight Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Red)
   Performance: RDM 10, AVD 5
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Crell Monferaigne (5000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Silver Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Green)
   Performance: RDM 13
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Crawsus Forest Ruins 
                Circe and Crescent's Initial Equipment.
         Notes: --


  / Vein Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Green)
   Performance: RDM 15
    Resistance: Earth +10%, Poison +30%
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: Villnore Valued Customer Item (3000)
     Materials: Alligator Skin (1), Dragon Gallstones (1)
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Valor Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Green)
   Performance: RDM 15
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon 
                Holy Order [Leader Item] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
         Notes: --


  / Valiant Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 25
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Yggdrasil 
                Brahms and Hrist's Initial Equipment
         Notes: --


  / Rune Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 30
    Resistance: Silence +30%
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: Solde Valued Customer Item (60000)
     Materials: Knight Greaves (1), Obsidian Claw (2), Crimson Scale (1)
     Find/Drop: Vampire Lord [Leg] - Tower Lezard Valeth
                Elder Vampire [Leg] - Tower Lezard Valeth
                Homunculus Lezard [Drop Item (100%)] - Tower Lezard Valeth
         Notes: --


  / Mithril Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 50
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor 
                Homunculus Hrist [Leader Item, Drop Item] - SG, 3rd Floor
                Lenneth and Valkyrie's Initial Equipment
         Notes: --


  / Ether Greaves \
          Rune: Leg (Red)
   Performance: RDM 100
    Resistance: --
         Class: HW, Freya
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor
                Freya's Initial Equipment
         Notes: --



   [C0608] Shoes

  / Leather Boots \
          Rune: Leg (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 1
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: Solde (160), Dipan (160), Travelling Merchant (160)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Living Armor [Leader Item] - Dipan Castle
                Living Armor [Leader Item] - Kythena Plains
                Treasure Royal Underground Path, Dipan Castle
         Notes: --


  / Suede Boots \
          Rune: Leg (Blue)
   Performance: RDM 3
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG
      Buy/Cost: Travelling Merchant (1000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Work Boots \
          Rune: Leg (Red)
   Performance: RDM 8, RST 2
    Resistance: --
         Class: HW, AR (Except Silmeria), MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: Villnore (2500)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --


  / Red Boots \
          Rune: Leg (Red)
   Performance: RDM 8, RST 10, AVD 20
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Dryad [Lower Body] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
         Notes: --


  / Elfin Boots \
          Rune: Leg (Green)
   Performance: RDM 18, AVD 20
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: --
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: Treasure Forest of Spirits 
                Silmeria's Initial Equipment
         Notes: --


  / Magic Boots \
          Rune: Leg (Green)
   Performance: RDM 20, RST 10
    Resistance: --
         Class: LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya
      Buy/Cost: Asgard (40000)
     Materials: --
     Find/Drop: --
         Notes: --



=  7. ACCESSORIES                                                    [C0700]  =


  / [###] Rune Name \

        Effect: Rune description.

     Find/Drop: As in where it is found, like:

                Enemy [Body Part, Leader Item] - Location

         Notes: Other comments.


    Note: Detailed Information on how to use Runes to form Runewords to
          learn new Skills and how to learn skill faster plus how to link 
          the Runes and the bonuses given when linking the Runes can be 
          found in Accessories and Skills [C1205].

   [C0701] Blue Runes 

   [C0702] Blue Slashing Rune 

  / [BSR1] Dragon's Talon \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Lower Lizard [Back Legs] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Wild Lizard [Tail] - Surts Volcano Caverns
                Dragon [Right/Left Arm] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --


  / [BSR2] Busted Greatsword \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Giant Skeleton [Weapon] - Chateau Obsession
                Berserker [Both Upper Arms] - Chateau Obsession
                Lizard King [Weapon] - Forest of Spirits
                Highlander [Both Upper Arms] - Yggdrasil
                Sword Master [Right Upper Arm] - SG, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [BSR3] Blade Claw \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Crust Golen [Tail] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Elven Wolf [Leg] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --



   [C0703] Blue Bludgeon Rune 

  / [BBR1] Mace Head \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Kraken [R/L Mace Tentacles] - Audoula Temple 
                Green Coral [Right/Left Tentacles] - Dragonscrypt
                Dimension Beast [Right/Left Mace Tentacles] - Bifrost
                Damp Clay Man [Upper R /Lower L Tentacles] - SG, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [BBR2] Busted Staff \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Skeletal Soldier [Weapon] - Surts Volcano Caverns
                Trash Demon [Weapon] - Chateau Obsession
                Kobold King [Weapon] - Ancient Forest (Chapter 4)
                Kobold Lord [Weapon] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --



   [C0704] Blue Activation Rune 

  / [BAR1] Raptor's Talon \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Giant Hawk [Right/Left Wing] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Thunderbird [Right/Left Wing] - SG, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [BAR2] Indigo Plume \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Owlbear [Head Feather] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Owlbear [Head Feather] - Ancient Forest
                Paragriffon [Head Feather] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [BAR3] Stone Bullet \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Giant Snail [Right/Left Back Shell] - Turgen Mine
                Kraken [Back R/L Tentacles] - Audoula Temple 
                Giant Scarab [Right/Left Body] - Sahma Desert
                Giant Scarab [Right/Left Body] - Surts Volcano Caverns
                Land Kraken [Back R/L Tentacles] - Crawsus Forest Ruins 
                Veil Kraken [Back Righ/Left Tentacles] - SG, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0705] Blue Healing Rune 

  / [BHR1] Beetle Shell \
        Effect: Increases RDM by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Bullet Beetle [Outer Shell] - Lost Forest
                Bullet Beetle [Outer Shell] - Royal Underground Path
                Giant Scarab [Outer Shell] - Sahma Desert
                Giant Scarab [Outer Shell] - Surts Volcano Caverns

         Notes: --


  / [BHR2] Golem Eye \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Poison during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Crust Golem [Head] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Giant Crab [Head] - Audoula Temple 

         Notes: --


  / [BHR3] Lamb's Horn \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Silence during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Goat Man [Horn] - Ancient Forest
                Satyr [Horn] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --


  / [BHR4] Dragon Gallstones \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Poison during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Wyvern/Upper Lizard [Body] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Lizard Lord [Lower Half Body] - Turgen Mine
                Lizard Man [Lower Half Body] - Audoula Temple
                Lizard Lord [Lower Half Body] - Audoula Temple 

         Notes: --


  / [BHR5] Vision Orb \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Spectral Knight [Head] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Holy Order [Head] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)

         Notes: --


  / [BHR6] Antique Pendant \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Event Royal Underground Path - Chapter 1.

         Notes: --



   [C0706] Blue Strengthening Rune 

  / [BST1] Beetle Horn \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Faint during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Giant Scarab [Head] - Sahma Desert
                Giant Scarab [Head] - Surts Volcano Caverns
                Armor Beetle [Head] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [BST2] Ram's Horn \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Ballistic Rhino [Horn] - Royal Underground Path
                Beast Fort [Horn] - Royal Underground Path 

         Notes: --


  / [BST3] Bone Mace \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Frailty during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Primordial Ooze [R/L Lower Tentacles Tips] - Dipan Castle
                Clay Man [Right/Left Lower Tentacles Tips] - Turgen Mine
                Kraken [Central Tentacles] - Audoula Temple
                Unclean Glob [Upper Tentacle Base] - Crawsus Forest Ruins
                Green Coral [Both Tentacles] - Dragonscrypt

         Notes: --


  / [BST4] Little Devil Heart \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Confusion during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Goblin [Upper Body] - Royal Underground Path
                Goblin [Upper Body] - Dipan Castle
                Goblin [Upper Body] - Kythena Plains
                Deep One [Upper Body] - Audoula Temple
                Trash Demon [Upper Body] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --



   [C0707] Blue Weakness Rune 

  / [BWR1] Bat Ear \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Faint during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Giant Bat [Ear] - Kythena Plains
                Fire Bat [Ear] - Surts Volcano Caverns

         Notes: --


  / [BWR2] Koboldapult \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Kobold [Weapon] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins

         Notes: --


  / [BWR3] Insect Stinger \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Bullet Beetle [Head] - Lost Forest
                Bullet Beetle [Head] - Royal Underground Path

         Notes: --


  / [BWR4] Eyeball \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Primordial Ooze [Head] - Dipan Castle
                Damp Clay Man [Head] - Turgen Mine
                Idisi [Upper Body] - Yggdrasil
                Damp Clay Man [Head] - SG, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0708] Blue Resistance Rune 

  / [BRR1] Monster Scales \
        Effect: Increases RDM by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Lizard Lord [Lower Body/Tail] - Turgen Mine
                Lizard Man [Lower Body] - Audoula Temple
                Lizard Lord [Lower Body/Tail] - Audoula Temple

         Notes: --


  / [BRR2] Tough Fin \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Stone during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Skull Fish [Tail Fin] - Audoula Temple
                Giant Crab [Right/Left Tail Fin] - Audoula Temple
                Dryad [Right/Left Fin] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon

         Notes: --



   [C0709] Blue Training Rune 

  / [BTR1] Dragon Sapphire \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Hydra [Back Body] - Crawsus Forest Ruins
                Dragon [Upper Body] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --


  / [BTR2] Copper Coin \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Kobold Knight [Upper Body] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Kobold Knight [Upper Body] - Ancient Forest
                Dog Hrist [Lower Body] - SG, 2nd/3rd/5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [BTR3] Gremlin Core \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Paralysis during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Gigantic Claws [Body] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Type 22 Demon [Body] - SG, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [BTR4] Giant Amber \
        Effect: Increases RST by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Sand Flower [Lower Body] - Sahma Desert
                Queen Wasp [Upper Body] - Turgen Mine

         Notes: --


  / [BTR5] Augite of Life \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Spectral Knight [Upper Body] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Castle Cannon [Lower Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Slight Devil [Lower Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Rotting Demon [Lower Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Kill Bone [Lower Body] - SG, 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [BTR6] Celadon Chick \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Poison during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Villnore (5000)

         Notes: --



   [C0710] Blue Creation Rune 

  / [BCR1] Wisdom Jewel \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone.

     Find/Drop: ???

         Notes: --


  / [BCR2] Tri-Emblem Alpha \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Gabriel Celest [Back Booster] - SG, 1st Floor
                Stray Gods (Pure) [Body] - SG, 2nd Floor
                Sword Master [Body Left Side] - SG, 5th Floor
                Ethereal Queen [Back Booster] - SG, 5th Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0711] Blue Fire Rune 

  / [BFR1] Teal Spinel \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Fire damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Berserker [Lower Left Hand Weapon] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: --


  / [BFR2] Blazebreath Core \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Fire damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Giant Skeleton [Upper Body] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: --


  / [BFR3] Blue Soul Flame \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Freeze during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Warning Jewel [Center] - Dipan Castle
                Warning Jewel [Center] - Kythena Plains
                Ghost [Center] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Will-o-Wisp [Center] - Chateau Obsession
                Lady Cleo [Spirit] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: --


  / [BFR4] Eternal Flame \
        Effect: Fire damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Phantom Guardian [Left Side] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Human Sacrifice [Left Side] - Yggdrasil
                Phentom Flame [Center, Left Side] - SG, 1st Floor
         Notes: --



   [C0712] Blue Ice Rune 

  / [BIR1] Indigo Quartz \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Freeze damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Berserker [Upper Left Hand Weapon] - Chateau Obsession
                Ice Troll [Weapon] - Sukavia Gorge
                Prince of Hell [Upper Body] - Forest of Spirits
         Notes: --


  / [BIR2] Hail Jewel \
        Effect: When attacking, 3% chance of draining foe's health with 
                freeze damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Skeletal Soldier [Right/Left Arm] - Surts Volcano Caverns

         Notes: --


  / [BIR3] Geist Core \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Freeze during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Crust Golem [Body] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Giant Crab [Body] - Audoula Temple
         Notes: --


  / [BIR4] Indigo Wing  \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Gluttonous Bug [Upper Right/Left Feather] - Yggdrasil
                Queen Wasp [Upper R/L Feather] - Turgen Mine (Chapter 3)
                Gigantic Wasp [Upper R/L Feather] - Turgen Mine (Chapter 4)
         Notes: --


  / [BIR5] Fish Scales \
        Effect: Freeze damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Flying Fish [Leader Item, Body] - Kythena Plains
                Skull Fish [Body] - Audoula Temple
                Gun Fish [Body] - Dragonscript
         Notes: --



   [C0713] Blue Earth Rune 

  / [BER1] Immense Incisor \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Troll [Head] - Ancient Forest
         Notes: --


  / [BER2] Skull Receptacle \
        Effect: Earth damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Skeleton [Head] - Lost Forest
                Skeleton [Head] - Royal Underground Path
                Skeleton Soldier [Head] - Royal Underground Path
                Skeleton [Head] - Dipan Castle
                Skeleton Soldier [Head] - Dipan Castle
         Notes: --


  / [BER3] Polished Blue Ore \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Earth damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Berserker [Upper Right Hand Weapon] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: --


  / [BER4] Poisonbreath Core \
        Effect: When attacking, 3% chance of draining foe's health with 
                Earth damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Hydra [Left Outer Head] - Crawsus Forest Ruins
         Notes: --


  / [BER5] Blue Bubble Core \
        Effect: When attacking, 3% chance of draining foe's health with 
                Earth damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Gun  Fish [Body] - Dragonscript 
         Notes: --


  / [BER6] Blue Apple \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Solde (1000)
         Notes: --



   [C0714] Blue Lightning Rune 

  / [BLR1] Cerulean Alloy \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Lightning damage is inflicted when attacking. 

     Find/Drop: Greater Demon [Left Arm] - Chateau Obsession
                Berserker [Lower Right Hand Weapon] - Chateau Obsession
                Shaman Chief [Right/Left Mantle] -  Crawsus Forest Ruins
                Necromancer [Right/Left Mantle] -  Palace of the V. Dragon
         Notes: --


  / [BLR2] Thunderbreath Core \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Faint during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Thunder Hawk [Body Left Side] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Thunder Hawk [Body Left Side] - Ancient Forest
                Pyrohydra [Right/Left Outer Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: --


  / [BLR3] Electric Bone \
        Effect: Lightning damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Clayman [Upper Tentacle Base] - Turgen Mine
                Strobila [Body] - Audoula Temple
                Dryad [Head] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
         Notes: --



   [C0715] Blue Holy Rune 

  / [BHL1] Dragon's Horn \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Holy damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Dragon [Horn] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: --


  / [BHL2] Pact Chain \
        Effect: Increases RST by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Ballistic Rhino [Horn Base] - Royal Underground Path
                Living Armor [Right/Left Arm] - Dipan Castle
                Holy Order [Lower Body] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
         Notes: --


  / [BHL3] Sacred Spinel \
        Effect: Holy damage is reduced by 3%. 

     Find/Drop: Tear Soul [Candlestick] - Crawsus Forest Ruins
                Phantom Lurker [Spirit] - Crawsus Forest Ruins
                Kobold King [Head] - Ancient Forest (Chapter 4)
         Notes: --


  / [BHL4] Holybreath Core \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone. 

     Find/Drop: Dragon [Lower Body] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: --


  / [BHL5] Blue Bronze Mirror \
        Effect: Increases RST by 3%.  

     Find/Drop: Dragon [Lower Body] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: Travelling Merchant - 6000 Oth.



   [C0716] Blue Darkness Rune 

  / [BDR1] Jet Black Wing \
        Effect: Darkness damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Greater Demon [Right/Left Wing] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: --


  / [BDR2] Demon Blaze \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Curse during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Greater Demon [Lower Body] - Chateau Obsession
                Type 44 Demon [Lower Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
         Notes: --


  / [BDR3] Goblin Tooth \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Goblin [Head] - Royal Underground Path
                Goblin [Head] - Dipan Castle
                Goblin [Head] - Kythena Plains
         Notes: --


  / [BDR4] Darkbreath Core \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Darkness damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Hydra [Middle Head] - Crawsus Forest Ruins
                Kill Bone [Upper Body] - SG, 1st Floor
         Notes: --

  / [BDR5] Bat Cloak \
        Effect: Darkness damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Vampire Bat [Right/Left Wing] - Crawsus Forest Ruins
         Notes: --


  / [BDR6] Blue Doll \
        Effect: Increase RST by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Travelling Merchant - 6000 Oth.
         Notes: --


  / [BDR7] Demon Horn \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Greater Demon [Horn] - Chateau Obsession
         Notes: --



   [C0717] RED Runes 

   [C0718] Red Slashing Rune 

  / [RSR1] Swordfish Snout \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Gun Fish [Antennae] - Dragonscript

         Notes: --


  / [RSR2] Walkflower Blade \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Earth damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Carnivorous Plant [R/L Tentacles] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --


  / [RSR3] Cutting Claw \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Dryad [Right/Left Arm] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Nymph [Right/Left Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [RSR4] Busted Sword \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Berserker [Lower Right/Left Hand] - Chateau Obsession
                Muscular Stalker [Upper R/L Hand] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Aesir (Guards) [Weapon] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)
                Life Stealer [Weapon] - Forest of Spirits
                Life Stealer [Weapon] - Ravine Caverns
                Aesir (Patrol) [Weapon] - Ravine Caverns
                Persistent Pursuer [Upper Right/Left Arm] - Ravine Caverns
                Aesir (Defender) [Weapon] - Bifrost
                Aesir (Security) [Weapon] - Yggdrasil
                Divine Slave [Lower Right/Left Arm] - Valhalla

         Notes: --


  / [RSR5] Insect Claw \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Earth damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Queen Wasp [Arms] - Turgen Mine
                Gigantic Wasp [Middle/Lower Arms] - Turgen Mine (Ch4)
                Giant Scarab [Right/Left Front Leg] - Sahma Desert
                Giant Scarab [Right/Left Front Leg] - Surts Volcano
                Armor Beetle [Right/Left Front Leg] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [RSR6] Scythe Claw \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Bahamut [Right/Left Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0719] Red Piercing Rune 

  / [RPR1] Dragon's Fang \
        Effect: Holy damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Dragon [Head] - Chateau Obsession
                White Dragon [Head] - Valhalla

         Notes: --


  / [RPR2] Scarlet Fang \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone.

     Find/Drop: Winter Wolf [Head] - Sukavia Gorge

         Notes: --


  / [RPR3] Battering Ram's Horn \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Desert Beast [Horn] - Sahma Desert

         Notes: --


  / [RPR4] Big Needle \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Queen Wasp [Tail] - Turgen Mine

         Notes: Unique Item.


  / [RPR5] Drilling Ram's Horn \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Castle Cannon [Horn] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [RPR6] Busted Bow \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Satyr [Weapon] - Chateau Obsession
                Capricorn [Weapon] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Sagittarius [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor
                Dog Rufus [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RPR7] Spiked Claw \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Silence during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Wild Lizard [Right/Left Back Leg] - Surts Volcano
                Dragon [Right/Left Wing] - Chateau Obsession
                Tyrannosaurus Rex [Right/Left Wing] - Dipan Castle (Ch5)
                Silver Dragon [Right/Left Wing] - Valhalla

         Notes: --



   [C0720] Red Activation Rune 

  / [RAR1] Crimson Feather \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Hresvelgr [Right/Left Wing] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [RAR2] Red Ejector \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Disgusting Shell [Body] - Crawsus Forest
                King Slug [Body] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [RAR3] Ammunition Shell \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Kraken [Right/Left Back Tentacles] - Audoula Temple
                Disgusting Shell [Right/Left Shell] - Crawsus Forest
                Gigantic Moth [R/L Shell] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)

         Notes: --


  / [RAR4] Aura Force \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Vampire [Lower Body] - Crawsus Forest
                Gigantic Claws [Head*] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Strayer [Right/Left Arm] - Yggdrasil
                Guardian Dive [Head] - Valhalla

         Notes: *after breaking the Horn


  / [RAR5] Falcon Imprint \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Goat Man [Left Arm] - Ancient Forest
                Satyr [Left Arm] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --


  / [RAR6] Griffon Talon \
        Effect: Increases RST by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Griffon [Right/Left Back Wing Tip] - Ancient Forest
                Paragriffon [R/L Back Wing Tip] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Hell Driver [Right/Left Back Wing Tip] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RAR7] Red Cherry \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Travelling Merchant (7000)

         Notes: --



   [C0721] Red Healing Rune 

  / [RHR1] Red Flower Petal \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Poison during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Fatal Vermin [Petal] - Yggdrasil
                Round and Sticky [Petal] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RHR2] Evil Eye Gem \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Confusion during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Unclean Glob [Head] - Crawsus Foerest
                Dryad [Upper Body] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon 
                Nymph [Upper Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Slop [Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Slop [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RHR3] Warped Horn \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Stone during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Capricorn [Horn] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Horn] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Horn] - Ravine Caverns
                Baphonet [Horn] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Sagittarius [Horn] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RHR4] Dragonmaggots \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Dragon Zombie [Chest] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Abyss Dragon [Chest] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [RHR5] Sabertooth \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Paralysis during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Deep Man [Head] - Audoula Temple
                Sky Lizard [Head] - Forest of Spirits
                Wild Wolf [Head] - Yggdrasil
                Deathdog [Head] - Valhalla
                Hound of Tindalos [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RHR6] Ruby-Eyed Bee \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Travelling Merchant - Chapter 3, after Audoula Temple (1000)

         Notes: --



   [C0722] Red Strenghening Rune 

  / [RST1] Monstrous Molar \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Troll Chief [Head] - Chateau Obsession
                Ice Troll [Head] - Sukavia Gorge

         Notes: --


  / [RST2] Red Fang \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Red Dragon [Head] - Valhalla

         Notes: --


  / [RST3] Black Pearl \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Giant Snail [Shell (Front section)] - Turgen Mine
                Disgusting Shell [Front Shell] - Crawsus Forest

         Notes: --


  / [RST4] Baraka \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Ballistic Rhino [R/L Shield Back] - Royal Underground Path
                Desert Beast [Lower Body] - Sahma Desert
                Beast Fort [Lower Body] - Royal Underground Path (Chapter 4)
                Capricorn [Body (Back)] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)

         Notes: --


  / [RST5] Thick Bone \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Frailty during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Primordial Ooze [Lower Tentacle Base] - Dipan Castle
                Clay Man [Lower Tentacle Base] - Turgen Mine
                Unclean Glob [Lower Tentacle Base] - Crawsus Forest
                Land Kraken [Right/Left Mace Tentacle] - Crawsus Forest

         Notes: --


  / [RST6] Symbol of Might \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Holy Order [Right/Left Arm] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Slight Devil [Right/Left Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --



   [C0723] Red Weakness Rune 

  / [RWR1] Poison Seed \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Poison during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Toxic Flower [Body] - Ancient Forest

         Notes: --


  / [RWR2] Gas Ejector \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Giant Snail [Lower Body] - Turgen Mine

         Notes: --


  / [RWR3] Armor Piercer \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Land Kraken [R/L Back Tentacle Tips] - Crawsus Forest
                Dimension Beast [R/L Back Middle Tentacles] - Bifrost
                Armor Beetle [Outer Shell] - Yggdrasil
                King Slug [Right/Left Shell] - Yggdrasil
                Escargone [Right/Left Shell] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RWR4] Piercing Imprint \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Goat Man [Right Arm] - Ancient Forest
                Lizard Lord [Weapon] - Turgen Mine
                Lizard Lord [Weapon] - Audoula Temple
                Lizard Lord [Weapon] - Surts Volcano
                Satyr [Right Arm] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --


  / [RWR5] Assault Missile \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Beast Fort [Frontal R/L Shield Blade] - Royal U. Path (Ch4)
                Capricorn [Left Arm] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Left Arm] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Left Arm] - Ravine Cavern
                Castle Cannon [Front R/L Shield Blade] - Tower of Lezard V.

         Notes: --



   [C0724] Red Resistance Rune 

  / [RRR1] Rainbow Scales \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Curse during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Cosmic Visitor [Head, Body, Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RRR2] Copper Splint \
        Effect: Lightning damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Iron Golen [R/L 2nd Shield] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Lizard Knight [Shield] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)

         Notes: --


  / [RRR3] Vermillion Scales \
        Effect: Increases RDM by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Cybersaur [Upper Body] - Ancient Forest
                Red Lizard [Upper Body] - Surts Volcano
                Lizard Knight [Tail] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)
                Lizard King [Tail] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --


  / [RRR4] Banshee Scales \
        Effect: Increases RDM by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Queen Wasp [Tail Base] - Turgen Mine (Chapter 3)
                Gigantic Wasp [Tail Base] - Turgen Mine (Chapter 4)
                Gluttonous Bug [Tail Base] - Yggdrasil
                Hammer Beetle [Tail Horn] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RRR5] Red Copper Mirror \
        Effect: Increases RST by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Crell Monferaigne (5000)

         Notes: --



   [C0725] Red Training Rune 

  / [RTR1] Silver Coin \
        Effect: In battle, 5% chance of draining foe's health with Freeze 
                damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Kobold Warrior [Body] - Ancient Forest (Chapter 4)*
                Kobold Warrior [Body] - Forest of Spirits
                Dog Lenneth [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: * with Kobold King [Boss]


  / [RTR2] Crimson Wasp \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Walla Walla [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2 Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RTR3] Amber Core \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Poison during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Gigantic Wasp [Upper Body] - Turgen Mine (Chapter 4)
                Gluttonous Bug [Upper Body] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [RTR4] Mithril Ore \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone.

     Find/Drop: Beast Fort [R/L Shield Back] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)
                Kobold Lord [Helmet] - Forest of Spirits
                Guardian Diva [Right/Left 3rd Shield] - Valhalla 
                EMETH [Right/Left 3rd Shield] - Tower of Lezard Valeth 
                Castle Cannon [R/L Shield Back] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [RTR5] Ouroboros Symbol \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone.

     Find/Drop: Palace of the Venerated Dragon Treasure Chest

         Notes: --



   [C0726] Red Creation Rune 

  / [RCR1] Wind-up Screw \
        Effect: In battle, 5% chance of draining foe's health with Lightning
                damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Mechanical Major [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RCR2] Tri-Emblem Beta \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Ethereal Queen [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0727] Red Fire Rune 

  / [RFR1] Fuchsia Spinel \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Fire damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Muscular Stalker [Lower Left Hand Weapon] - PVD*

         Notes: * Palalce of the Venerated Dragon


  / [RFR2] Dragon Ruby \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Red Dragon [Upper Body] - Valhalla
                Pyrohydra [Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [RFR3] Firebreath Core \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Fire damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Hellhound [Body] - Surts Volcano Caverns

         Notes: --


  / [RFR4] Hot Plate \
        Effect: Fire damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Desert Beast [Right/Left Shield Back] - Sahma Desert

         Notes: --


  / [RFR5] Red Soul Flame \
        Effect: Fire damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Phantom Guardian [Candlestick] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Human Sacrifice [Candlestick] - Yggdrasil
                Ghost in the Mirror [Body] - Seraphic Gate 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RFR6] Flare Ore \
        Effect: In battle, 3% chance of draining foe's health with Fire
                damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Hellhound [Tail] - Surts Volcano
                Evolver (1) [Right Arm] - Surts Volcano
                Invasive Arsonist [Right Arm] - Yggdrasil
                Sunspot Visitor (1) [Right Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor
                Sunspot Visitor (1) [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RFR7] Noblewoman's Phosphor \
        Effect: Fire damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Arectaris [Right/Left Tentacles] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: Unique Item.


  / [RFR8] Crimson Scales \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Red Dragon [Right/Left Leg] - Valhalla
                Red Dragon [Tail Tip] - Valhalla
                Pyrohydra [Neck Base] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [RFR9] Cursed Soul \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Curse during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Ghost [Left Candlestick] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Giant Skeleton [Left Arm] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --



   [C0728] Red Ice Rune 

  / [RIR1] Rose Quartz \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Freeze damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Muscular Stalker [Upper Left Hand Weapon] - PVD*
                Ice Devil [Weapon] - Sukavia Gorge

         Notes: * Palalce of the Venerated Dragon


  / [RIR2] Icebreath Core \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Ice Devil [Upper Body] - Sukavia Gorge
                Winter Wolf [Body] - Sukavia Gorge

         Notes: --


  / [RIR3] Hollow Shell \
        Effect: Increases RST by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Beast Fort [Back Shell] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)
                Castle Cannon [Back Shell] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [RIR4] Vermillion Cartilage \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Freeze during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Kraken [Head] - Audoula Temple
                Land Kraken [Head] - Crawsus Forest
                Green Coral [Body] - Dragonscript
                Dimension Beast [Head] - Bifrost
                Idisi [Head] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [RIR5] Core Ruby \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Red Jewel [Body] Surts Volcano
                Black Jewel [Body] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --



   [C0728] Red Earth Rune 

  / [RER1] Skeleton Goblet \
        Effect: Earth damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Giant Skeleton [Head] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --


  / [RER2] Polished Red Ore \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Earth damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Wild Troll [Weapon] - Crawsus Forest
                Muscular Stalker [Upper Right Hand Weapon] - PVD*

         Notes: * Palalce of the Venerated Dragon


  / [RER3] Gasbreath Core \
        Effect: In battle, 3% chance of draining foe's health with Earth
                damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Hydra [Inner Right Head] - Crawsus Forest

         Notes: --


  / [RER4] Toxic Seed \
        Effect: In battle, 5% chance of draining foe's health with Earth
                damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Mimetic Flower [Body] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --


  / [RER5] Walkflower Tendril \
        Effect: Earth damage is reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Strobila [Middle Tentacles] - Audoula Temple

         Notes: --


  / [RER6] Warped Teeth \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Earth damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Wild Troll [Head] - Crawsus Forest
                Capricorn [Head] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Head] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Head] - Ravine Caverns
                Sagittarius [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RER7] Red Dragon Bile \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Poison during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Lower Lizard [Tail] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Cybersaur [Lower Body] - Ancient Forest
                Sky lizard [Body] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --


  / [RER8] Undead Dragon Bone \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Earth damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Abyss Dragon [Head] - Yggdrasil
                Black Pain [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RER9] Insect Blade \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Earth damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Gigantic Wasp [Upper Arms] - Turgen Mine (Chapter 4)
                Gluttonous Bug [Arms] - Yggdrasil
                Hammer Beetle [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor
                Insect King [Lower Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RER0] Prancing Horse \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Solde (1000)

         Notes: --



   [C0730] Red Lightning Rune 

  / [RLR1] Scarlet Alloy \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Lightning damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Greater Demon [Right Arm] - Chateau Obsession
                Shaman Chief [Front Mantle] - Crawsus Forest
                Necromancer [Front Mantle] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Muscular Stalker [Lower Right Hand Weapon] - PVD*

         Notes: * Palace of the Venerated Dragon


  / [RLR2] Charged Tailfeather \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Thunderhawk [Right/Left Tail] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Thunderhawk [Right/Left Tail] - Ancient Forest

         Notes: --


  / [RLR3] Electricbreath Core \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Paralysis during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Electrical Chip [Main Body] - Crawsus Forest
                Elven Hawk [Body Left Side] - Forest of Spirits
                Pyrohydra [Inner Right Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [RLR4] Orientation Scales \
        Effect: Lightning damage reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Wyvern/Upper Lizard [Head] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Bolt Dragon [Head] - Crawsus Forest
                Dragon Bat [Head] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon

         Notes: --


  / [RLR5] Lightning Stone \
        Effect: In battle, 3% chance of draining foe's health with Lightning
                damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Skeletal Soldier [Body] - Surts Volcano
                Disgusting Shell [Head] - Crawsus Forest

         Notes: --



   [C0731] Red Holy Rune 

  / [RHL1] Red Horn \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Holy damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Tyrannosaurus Rex [Horn] - Ravine Caverns
                Red Dragon [Horn] - Valhalla

         Notes: --


  / [RHL2] Copper Signet \
        Effect: Extra 3% of Holy damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Spectral Knight [Right/Left Arm] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Muscular Stalker [Body Right Side] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Aesir (Guards) [Drop Item] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)
                Holy Order [Upper Body] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Aesir (Defenders) [Drop Item] - Bifrost
                Divine Slave [Body Right Side] - Valhalla
                Slight Devil [Upper Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [RHL3] Spectral Wing \
        Effect: Increases RST by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Dragon Zombie [Right/Left Wing] - Palace of the V. Dragon

         Notes: --



   [C0732] Red Darkness Rune 

  / [RDR1] Black Wing Skin \
        Effect: Darkness damage reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Elder Bat [Right/Left Wing] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [RDR2] Scissorhand \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Sharp Scissors [Right/Left Arm] - Forest of Spirits
                Sharp Scissors [Right/Left Arm] - Ravine Caverns

         Notes: --


  / [RDR3] Abyss Cloak \
        Effect: Darkness damage reduced by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Shaman Chief [Back Mantle] - Crawsus Forest
                Necromancer [Back Mantle] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Staryer [Right/Left Back Mantle] - Yggdrasil
                Undead Master [Front/Back Mantle Tips] - Tower of L. Valeth
                Soul Summoner [Back Mantle] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RDR4] Demon's Parabola \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Vampire Bat [Ear] - Crawsus Forest
                Elder Bat [Ear] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Lord Bat [Ear] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Umbrella [Ear] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [RDR5] Dark Votive Cup \
        Effect: Darkness damage reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Asgard (10000)

         Notes: --



   [C0733] Green Runes 

   [C0734] Green Piercing Rune 

  / [GPR1] Emerald Horn \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone.

     Find/Drop: Silver Dragon [Horn] - Valhalla

         Notes: --


  / [GPR2] Narwhal Tooth \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Flyinhg Killer [Antennae] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)
                Fish & Chips [Antennae] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GPR3] Lance Needle \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Gigantic Wasp [Tail] - Turgen Mine (Chapter 4)
                Gluttonous Bug [Tail] - Yggdrasil
                Insect King [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GPR4] Tailbanger \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: White Dragon [Tail] - Yggdrasil
                Gigantic Dragon [Tail] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [GPR5] Busted Spear \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Spectral Knight [Weapon] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Holy Order [Weapon] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Slight Devil [Weapon] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Gabriel Celest [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor
                Sword Master [Upper Left Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GPR6] Drilling Beak \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Paragriffon [Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --



   [C0735] Green Bludgeon Rune 

  / [GBR1] Koboldriver \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Kobold Warrior [Weapon] - Ancient Forest (Chapter 4)
                Kobold Warrior [Weapon] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --


  / [GBR2] Petrified Ash \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Curse during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Giant Troll [Weapon] - Yggdrasil
                Gigantic Troll [Weapon] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [GBR3] Busted Hammer \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Abyssinian Demon [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor
                Lightning Kobold [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor
                Sword Master [Lower Left Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GBR4] Pulverizing Bone \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Faint during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Idisi [Right/Left Fin] - Yggdrasil
                Roper [Middle Tentacles] - Yggdrasil
                Slop [Upper R/L Tentacles Tips] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Damp Clayman [Right Tentacle Base] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0736] Green Activation Rune 

  / [GAR1] Dragon's Wingbone \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Red Dragon [Right/Left Wing] - Valhalla
                Bahamut [Right/Left Wing] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GAR2] Pentachrome Breath Core \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone.

     Find/Drop: Tiamat [Inner Left/Outer Right Head] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GAR3] Jet Ejector \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Gigantic Moth [Body] - Royal Underground Path (Chapter 4)
                Escargone [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GAR4] Chaos Force \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Strayer [Body Left Side] - Yggdrasil
                Undead Master [Body Right Side] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Undead Master [Right/Left Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Soul Summoner [Body Right Side] - SG, 1st Floor
                Soul Summoner [Right/Left Arm] - SG, 1st Floor 
                Type 22 Demon [Head*] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor
                Mechanical Major [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: * after broking the Horn]


  / [GAR5] Verdigris Scales \
        Effect: Increases RDM by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Hydra [Neck Base] - Crawsus Forest
                Tyrannosaurus Rex [Lower Body] - Ravine Caverns
                Tyrannosaurus Rex [Tail] - Ravine Caverns
                Silver Dragon [Lower Body] - Valhalla
                Gigantic Dragon [Right/Left Back Leg] - Tower of L. Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [GAR6] Raising Dragon Talon \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Idisi [Right/Left Arm] - Yggdrasil
                Slop [Right/Left Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0737] Green Healing Rune 

  / [GHR1] Evergreen Feather \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Paragriffon [Right/Left Back Wing Base] - Tower of L. Valeth
                Hell Diver [Front Wing] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GHR2] Vampire Heart \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Elder Vampire [Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Vampire Lord [Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [GHR3] Green Gallblader \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Stone during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Lizard Knight [Lower Body] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)
                Lizard King [Lower Body] - Forest of Spirits
                White Dragon [Upper Body] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [GHR4] Core Emerald \
        Effect: Increases MAG by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Green Jewel [Body] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon

         Notes: --


  / [GHR5] Phosphate Ore \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Evolver (1) [Right/Left Hand] - Surts Volcano
                Invasive Arsonist [Right/Left Hand] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [GHR6] Dragon Palm \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone.

     Find/Drop: Tyrannosaurus Rex [Right/Left Arm] - Ravine Caverns
                Abyss Dragon [Front Legs] - Yggdrasil
                Red Dragon [Right/Left Arm] - Valhalla
                Silver Dragon [Right/Left Arm] - Valhalla

         Notes: --



   [C0738] Green Strengthening Rune 

  / [GSR1] Colossal Canine Tooth \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Elven Wolf [Head] - Forest of Spirits
                Giant Troll [Head] - Yggdrasil
                Gigantic Troll [Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [GSR2] Gargoyle's Wings \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Paragriffon [Right/Left Front Wing] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Hell Diver [Right/Left Back Wing Base] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GSR3] Bonafide Bone \
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Roper [Right/Left Tentacle] - Yggdrasil
                Nymph [Fin] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Slop [Lower/Upper Tentacle Base] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Slop [Right/Left Lower Tentacle Tip] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Veil Kraken [Right/Left Tentacle] - SG, 2nd Floor
                Damp Clayman [Left Tentacle Tip] - SG, 2nd Floor
                Slop [Right/Left Fin] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GSR4] Axe Crust \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Frailty during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Gigantic Claws [Shell, Right/Left Tail] - PVD*
                Type 22 Demon [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: * Palace of the Venerated Dragon


  / [GSR5] Beryl Bracelet \
        Effect: Increases ATK by 3%.

     Find/Drop: Travelling Merchant (2500) - After Serdberg Mountain Ruins

         Notes: --



   [C0739] Green Weakness Rune 

  / [GWR1] Crown \
        Effect: Holy damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Kobold King [Upper Body] - Ancient Forest (Chapter 4)
                Lizard King [Head] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --


  / [GWR2] Rotted Scales \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone.

     Find/Drop: Dragon Zombie [Tail] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Abyss Dragon [Tail] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [GWR3] Bullets of Evil \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Dimension Beast [Right/Left Back Tentacle] - Bifrost
                Veil Kraken [Right/Left Back Tentacle] - SG, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0740] Green Resistance Rune 

  / [GRR1] Evergreen Scales \
        Effect: Increases RDM by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Lizard Knight [Upper Body] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)
                Lizard Knight [Upper Body] - Forest of Spirits
                Tyrannosaurus Rex [Right/Left Leg] - Ravine Caverns
                Silver Dragon [Right/Left Leg] - Valhalla
                Gigantic Dragon [Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [GRR2] Damascus Ore \
        Effect: Darkness damage reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Iron Golem [Right/Left 3rd/5th Shield] - PVD*
                Beast Fort [Right/Left Arm Shield] - Royal U. Path (Ch4)
                Lizard Knight [Shield] - Forest of Spirits
                Guardian Diva [Right/Left 2nd/4th Shield] - Valhalla
                Mechanical Major [Right/Left 2nd Shield] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: * Palace of the Venerated Dragon



   [C0741] Green Training Rune 

  / [GTR1] Dragon Emerald \
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Tyrannosaurus Rex [Upper Body] - Ravine Caverns
                White Dragon [Lower Body] - Yggdrasil
                Silver Dragon [Upper Body] - Valhalla

         Notes: --


  / [GTR2] Gold Coin \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Paralysis during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Kobold King [Leader Item] - Ancient Forest (Ch4)
                Kobold King [Lower Body] - Ancient Forest (Ch4)
                Kobold Lord [Upper Body] - Forest of Spirits
                Dog Silmeria [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GTR3] Vortex Crest \
        Effect: Increases HIT by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Capricorn Leader [Right Arm] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Upper Body (Front)] - Dipan Castle (Ch5)
                Capricorn Leader [Right Arm] - Ravine Caverns
                Capricorn Leader [Upper Body (Front)] - Ravine Caverns
                Baphonet [Right Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Sagittarius [Right Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GTR4] Eternal Silver \
        Effect: Holy damage reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Kobold King [Helmet] - Ancient Forest (Chapter 4)
                EMETH [Right/Left 4th Shield] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Paragriffon [Lower Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Castle Cannon [Tail] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Sagittarius [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GTR5] Green Kittens \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Poison during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Asgard (10000)

         Notes: --



   [C0742] Green Creation Rune 

  / [GCR1] Scarlet Exhalation \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Fire damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Tyrannosaurus Rex [Head] - Ravine Caverns
                Silver Dragon [Head] - Valhalla
                Hound of Tindalos [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor
                Tiamat [Outer Left/Inner Right/ Center Head] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GCR2] Pentachrome Scales \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone.

     Find/Drop: Tiamat [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor
                Lower Saurian [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GCR3] Arc-in-Ciel \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Holy damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Black Pain [Right/Left Wing] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0743] Green Fire Rune 

  / [GFR1] Chartreuse Spinel \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Fire damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Persistent Pursuer [Lower Left Hand Weapon] - Ravine Cavern
                Highlander [Lower Left Hand Weapon] - Yggdrasil
                Invasive Arsonist [Body] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [GFR2] Flamebreath Core \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Fire damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Dragon Bat [Body] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Red Dragon [Lower Body] - Valhalla

         Notes: --


  / [GFR3] Pyrothecnic Ore \
        Effect: When attacking, 5% chance of draining foe's health with Fire 
                damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Wild Lizard [Body] - Surts Volcano
                Evolver (1) [Left Arm] - Surts Volcano
                Invasive Arsonist [Left Arm] - Yggdrasil
                Sunspot Visitor (1) [Left Arm, Left Lava Arm] - SG, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GFR4] Solar Jewel \
        Effect: Fire damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Shaman Chief [Body Left Side] - Crawsus Forest
                Necromancer [Body Left Side] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Capricorn [Upper Body (Front)] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Invasive Arsonist [Head] - Yggdrasil
                Divine Slave [Lower Left Hand Weapon] - Valhalla
                Sunspot Visitor (1) [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor
                Sword Master [Lower Left Hand Weapon] - SG, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GFR5] Noblewoman's Fire \
        Effect: When attacking, 5% chance of draining foe's health with Fire 
                damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Arectaris [Back Right/Left Tentacles] - Forest of Spirits
                Arectaris Returned [Back R/L Tentacles] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0744] Green Ice Rune 

  / [GIR1] Sage Quartz \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Freeze damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Persistent Pursuer [Upper Left Hand Weapon] - Ravine Caverns
                Highlander [Upper Left Hand Weapon] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [GIR2] Verdigris Cartilage \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Freeze during a battle.

     Find/Drop: Veil Kraken [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor
                Slop [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GIR3] Core Spinel \
        Effect: Freeze damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Arectaris [Upper Right/Left Tentacles] - Forest of Spirits
                Wild Wolf [Body] - Yggdrasil
                Magic Mirror [Spirit Body] - Valhalla

         Notes: --


  / [GIR4] Soul Pearl \
        Effect: When attacking, 3% chance of draining foe's health with 
                Freeze damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Prism Jewel [Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Slop [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GIR5] Ymir's Tears \
        Effect: When attacking, 5% chance of draining foe's health with 
                Freeze damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Ice Troll [Lower Body] - Sukavia Gorge
                Divine Slave [Upper Left Hand Weapon] - Valhalla
                Hell's Cannon [Weapon] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Release Jessica and talk to her after starting Chapter 5 but
                before unlocking the Seraphic Gate.

         Notes: --



   [C0745] Green Earth Rune 

  / [GER1] Black Skull \
        Effect: Earth damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Rotting Demon [Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Kill Bone [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GER2] Polished Green Ore \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Earth damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Persistent Pursuer [Upper Right Hand Weapon] - Ravine Cavern
                Highlander [Upper Right Hand Weapon] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [GER3] Toxicbreath Core \
        Effect: When attacking, 5% chance of draining foe's health with 
                Earth damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Deathdog [Body] - Valhalla

         Notes: --


  / [GER4] Green Bubble Core \
        Effect: When attacking, 5% chance of draining foe's health with 
                Earth damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Flying Killer [Head, Body] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)
                Fish & Chips [Head, Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor
                Damp Clayman [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GER5] Desolation Gem \
        Effect: Earth damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Life Stealer [Lower Body] - Forest of Spirits
                Sharp Scissors [Lower Body] - Forest of Spirits
                Prince of Hell [Lower Body] - Forest of Spirits
                Life Stealer [Lower Body] - Ravine Caverns
                Sharp Scissors [Lower Body] - Ravine Caverns

         Notes: --


  / [GER6] Dead Man's Gem \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Doom caused by a foe's attack.

     Find/Drop: Greater Demon [Upper Body] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --


  / [GER7] Fool's Gem \
        Effect: When attacking, 5% chance of draining foe's health with 
                Earth damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Type 44 Demon [Upper Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Hell's Cannon [Upper Body] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GER8] Rotten Dragon Liver \
        Effect: When attacking, 5% chance of draining foe's health with 
                Earth damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Black Pain [ Right/Left Wing] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GER9] Deep Doom \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Earth damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Divine Slave [Upper Right Hand Weapon] - Valhalla
                Rotting Demon [Upper Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Sword Master [Upper Right Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0746] Green Lightning Rune 

  / [GLR1] Verdigris Alloy \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Lightning damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Persistent Pursuer [Lower Right Hand Weapon] - Ravine Cavern
                Highlander [Lower Right Hand Weapon] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [GLR2] Windswept Tailfeather \
        Effect: Increases AVD by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Eleven Hawk [Right/Left Tail] - Forest of Spirits
                Hresvelgr [Tail] - Yggdrasil
                Thunderbird [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GLR3] Bolt Coin \
        Effect: When attacking, 5% chance of draining foe's health with 
                Lightning damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Lightning Kobold [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor
                Dog Odin [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Freya [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GLR4] Boltbreath Core \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Lightning damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Bolt Dragon [Body] - Crawsus Forest
                Hresvelgr [Leg] - Yggdrasil
                Pyrohydra [Middle/Inner Left Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [GLR5] Thor's Rage \
        Effect: When attacking, 5% chance of draining foe's health with 
                Lightning damage and adding it to own HP.

     Find/Drop: Shaman Chief [Body Right Side] - Crawsus Forest
                Necromancer [Body Right Side] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Divine Slave [Lower Right Hand Weapon] - Valhalla
                Baphonet [Upper Body (Front)] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Thunderbird [Body Left Side] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor
                Lightning Kobold [Upper Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor
                Sword Master [Lower Right Weapon] - SG, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GLR6] Sprinter Cell \
        Effect: Lightning damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Tear Soul [Right/Left Candlestick] - Crawsus Forest
                Spectral Knight [Lower Body] - Palace of the V. Dragon

         Notes: --



   [C0747] Green Holy Rune 

  / [GHL1] Emerald Heart Core \
        Effect: In battle, 40% chance of negating Poison, Paralysis, Faint,
                Confusion, Silence, Freeze or Stone.

     Find/Drop: Idisi [Tail]  - Yggdrasil
                Roper [Body]  - Yggdrasil
                Nymph [Lower Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Slop [Body]  - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Round and Sticky [body] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GHL2] Transparent Wing \
        Effect: Holy damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Abyss Dragon [Right/Left Wing] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [GHL3] Shiningbreath Core \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Holy damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Bahamut [Upper Body] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GHL4] Orichalcum \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Holy damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Guardian Diva [Right/Left 1st Shield] - Valhalla
                EMETH [Right/Left 1st/2nd Shield] - Tower of L. Valeth
                Sagittarius [Lower Body] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor
                Lightning Kobold [Vines] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0748] Green Darkness Rune 

  / [GDR1] Dark Amulet \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Darkness damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Undead Master [R/L Back Mantle] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Soul Summoner [Front/Back Mantle Tips] - SG, 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GDR2] Cask of Offering \
        Effect: Darkness damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Divine Slave [Body Left Side] - Valhalla
                Baphonet [Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [GDR3] Sharp Scissor Heart \
        Effect: Has a 40% chance of negating Doom caused by a foe's attack.

     Find/Drop: Sharp Scissors [Upper Body] - Forest of Spirits
                Sharp Scissors [Head] - Ravine Caverns

         Notes: --


  / [GDR4] Blackbreath Core \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Darkness damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Hydra [Outer Right Head] - Crawsus Forest
                Rotting Demon [Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [GDR5] Dark Carapace \
        Effect: Darkness damage is reduced by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Bahamut [Right/Left Leg] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [GDR6] Dark Matter \
        Effect: Extra 5% of Darkness damage is inflicted when attacking.

     Find/Drop: Kill Bone [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor
                Hell's Cannon [Lower Body] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor 
                Soul Summoner [Front Mantle] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

         Notes: --



   [C0749] Colorless Accessories 

   Note: When you equip Colorless Items the PERFORMANCE stats will stack with
         the same items or items with the same performance.

         The EFFECT stats will not stack, except for items where the info on
         items say: "Equipping more will have a cumulative effect.". like:
         Lucky Tail, Wyvern's Wingbone and Sharp Spearhead. 

         Equipping 2x Great Eagle Hearts (increases ATK by 15%), for example, 
         will not increase your ATK by 30% or equipping the 2x Heart Core
         (Increases maximum HP value by 10%) will not increase the MAX HP 
         value by 20%, not even if you equip one Heart Core and a Tiny Flower,
         as only one effect will take place, since both items have the same

  / [A001] Goddess Pendant \

   Performance: RDM +20%

    Resistance: Dark +50%
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Travelling Merchant (300000) - Valued Customer Item
                Core Spinel (1), Mirror Fragment (1), Pact Chain (1),
                Rose Imprint (1)

         Notes: For Male characters only.


  / [A002] Tri-Emblem \

   Performance: AVD +30%, RDM +50%, RST +30%

    Resistance: Fire +90%
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Solde, Chapter 6 - Poem Event
                After reading all 3 parts of the Poem. For information of
                how to complete the Poem Event, see section [C1203].

         Notes: Unique Item.


  / [A003] Black Crystal \

   Performance: --

    Resistance: Dark +5%
        Effect: All status levels go up when striken by any ailment.
                Effect only occurs in battle.

     Find/Drop: Skeleton [Lower Body] - Lost Forest
                Skeleton [Lower Body] - Royal Underground Path
                Skeleton Soldier [Lower Body] - Royal Underground Path
                Ballistic Rhino [Lower Body] - Royal Underground Path
                Skeleton Soldier [Lower Body] - Dipan Castle
                Living Armor [Upper Body] - Dipan Castle
                Living Armor [Upper Body] - Kythena Plains
                Desert Beast [Upper Body] - Sahma Desert
                Giant Skeleton [Lower Body] - Chateau Obsession
                Beast Fort [Upper Body] - Royal Underground Path (Chapter 4)

         Notes: --


  / [A004] Dragonlord's Nerves \

   Performance: ATK +10%

    Resistance: --

        Effect: Critical attack power doubles. However, if attack fails to
                defeat enemy, damage is inflicted upon character as well.

     Find/Drop: Bahamut [Tail Base] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A005] Dragon Scales \

   Performance: RDM 3

    Resistance: --
        Effect: When suffering from Poison in a battle, MAG goes up. 
                Critical Rank also increases.

     Find/Drop: Dragon [Right/Left Leg, Tail] - Chateau Obsession
                Hydra [Inner Left Head] - Crawsus Forest
                Silver Dragon [Tail Base] - Valhalla

         Notes: --


  / [A006] Worn Shield \

   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Improves chance of performing a guard.

     Find/Drop: Ballistic Rhino [Right/Left Arm Shield] - Royal U. Path
                Cybersaur [Shield] - Ancient Forest
                Lizard Lord [Shield] - Turgen Mine
                Lizard Man [Shield] - Audoula Temple
                Lizard Lord [Shield] - Audoula Temple
                Desert Beast [Right/Left Arm Shield] - Sahma Desert
                Red Lizard [Shield] - Surts Volcano
                Iron Golem [Right/Left 1st Shield] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Mechanical Major [Right/Left 1st Shield] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A007] Sharp Spearhead \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases chance of a critical attack.
                Equipping more will have a cumulative effect.

     Find/Drop: Living Armor [Weapon] - Dipan Castle
                Living Armor [Weapon] - Kythena Plains
                Lizard Knight [Weapon] - Royal Underground Path (Chapter 4)

         Notes: --


  / [A008] Bat Umbrella \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Dark +30%
        Effect: In Battle, fortune smiles upon you when all digits in your HP
                Value are the same. The Higher the digit, the luckier.

     Find/Drop: Umbrella [Right/Left Wing] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: Solomon's Ring optional Item.


  / [A009] Great Eagle Heart \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases ATK 15%.

     Find/Drop: Giant Hawk [Right Body Side] - Serdberg Mountains Ruins
                Thunder Hawk [Right Body Side] - Serdberg Mountains Ruins
                Owlbear [Upper Body (lower)] - Serdberg Mountains Ruins 
                Thunder Hawk [Right Body Side] - Ancient Forest
                Owlbear [Upper Body (lower)] - Ancient Forest
                Griffon [Body] - Ancient Forest 
                Elven Hawk [Right Body Side] - Forest of Spirits
                Hresvelgr [Body] - Yggdrasil
                Thunderbird [Right Body Side] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor 
                Hell Diver [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor 

         Notes: --


  / [A010] Wing Feather \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 20%.

     Find/Drop: Griffon [Right/Left Head Wing] - Ancient Forest
                Elven Hawk [Right/Left Wing] - Forest of Spirits
                Dog Hrist [Helmet] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd-5th Floor
                Dog Lenneth [Helmet] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd-5th Floor
                Dog Silmeria [Helmet] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A011] Beast's Fang \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases HIT by 15%.

     Find/Drop: Dire Wolf [Head] - Lost Forest
                Dire Wolf [Head] - Royal Underground Path
                Dire Wolf [Head] - Kythena Plains
                Hellhound [Head] - Surts Volcano

         Notes: --


  / [A012] Beast Pelt \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Ice +10%
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Dire Wolf [Torso] - Lost Forest
                Dire Wolf [Torso] - Royal Underground Path
                Dire Wolf [Torso] - Kythena Plains
                Kobold [Head] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Kobold Knight [Head] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Kobold Knight [Head] - Ancient Forest
                Kobold Warrior [Head] - Ancient Forest (Chapter 4)
                Hellhound [Leg] - Surts Volcano
                Vampire Bat [Body] - Crawsus Forest
                Elven Wolf [Torso] - Forest of Spirtis
                Kobold Warrior [Head] - Forest of Spirtis
                Lord Bat [Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Hound of Tindalos [Leg] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor
                Umbrella [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor
                Dog Hrist [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd-5th Floor
                Dog Freya [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd-5th Floor
                Dog Silmeria [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A013] Koboldriller \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May Break foe's guard.
                Equipping more will NOT have a cumulative effect.

     Find/Drop: Kobold Knight [Weapon] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Kobold Knight [Weapon] - Ancient Forest

         Notes: --


  / [A014] Gargoyle's Arch \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Faint on the target.

     Find/Drop: Griffon [Back Wing Base] - Ancient Forest

         Notes: Unique item.


  / [A015] Pure White Plume \
   Performance: AVD +10%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: When suffering from Poison in a battle, MAG goes up. 
                Critical Rank also increases.

     Find/Drop: Griffon [Right/Left Head Feather] - Ancient Forest
                Hell Diver [Horn] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A016] Beak \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: On very rare occassions, will inflict Doom on target.

     Find/Drop: Owlbear [Head] - Serdberg Mountain Ruins
                Owlbear [Head] - Ancient Forest

         Notes: --


  / [A017] Garnet \
   Performance: ATK 10

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Causes normal attacks to miss, but critical attacks and 
                certain special attacks will strike home.

     Find/Drop: Griffon [Head] - Ancient Forest
                Troll Chief [Upper Body] - Chateau Obsession
                Wild Troll [Upper Body] - Crawsus Forest
                Ice Troll [Upper Body] - Sukavia Gorge
                Giant Troll [Upper Body] - Yggdrasil
                Gigantic Troll [Upper Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [A018] White Flower Petal \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Poison on the target.

     Find/Drop: Toxic Flower [Head] - Ancient Forest
                Sand Flower [Head] - Sahma Desert
                Carnivorous Plant [Flower] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --


  / [A019] Walkflower Root \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Poison +30%
        Effect: May inflict Frailty on the target.

     Find/Drop: Strobila [Right/Left Tentacles] - Audoula Temple
                Carnivorous Plant [Middle Tentacles] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --


  / [A020] Vegetable Seed \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Poison damage actually heals the victim, but only in battle.

     Find/Drop: Strobila [Body] - Audoula Temple
                Carnivorous Plant [Body] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --


  / [A021] Mask Fragment \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May negate magic damage.

     Find/Drop: Shaman Chief [Head] - Crawsus Forest
                Necromancer [Head] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon

         Notes: --


  / [A022] Bone Mask \
   Performance: MAG +10%, RST +10%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: When suffering from Frailty in a battle, attack damage 
                against foes increases. Critical attack odds also increase.

     Find/Drop: Strayer [Head] - Yggdrasil
                Undead Master [Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Soul Summoner [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

         Notes: Increase Attack Power output [Damage] by 50%


  / [A023] Bone Relief \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Curse +50%
        Effect: May inflict Frailty on a target.

     Find/Drop: Strayer [Right/Left Front Mantle] - Yggdrasil
                Undead Master [R/L Front Mantle] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [A024] Tome of Necromancy \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May transform inflicted damage into HP.

     Find/Drop: Strayer [Body Right Side] - Yggdrasil
                Undead Master [Body Left Side] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Soul Summoner [Body Left Side] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A025] Golem Heart \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: When character is on the verge of dying, entire party is 
                given First Aid, except for the dying character him/herself.

     Find/Drop: Iron Golem [Body] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon

         Notes: --


  / [A026] METH Seal \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Doom +100%
        Effect: May inflict Doom on the target.

     Find/Drop: EMETH [Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [A027] Headless Doll \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Dark +20%
        Effect: May inflict Confusion on the target.

     Find/Drop: Will-o-the-Wisp [Right/Left Candlestick] - Chateau Obsession
                Human Sacrifice [Right Candlestick] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [A028] Mirror Fragment \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May reflect magic.

     Find/Drop: Lady Cleo [Both Front Mirrors] - Chateau Obsession
                Lady Cleo [Both Back Mirrors] - Chateau Obsession
                Phantom Lurker [Both Back Mirrors] - Crawsus Forest
                Phantom Lurker [Both Front Mirrors] - Crawsus Forest
                Mirror Fragment [Armor] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon

         Notes: --


  / [A029] Evil Mirror \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Silence on the target.

     Find/Drop: Holy Order [Armor] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Magic Mirror [Both Back Mirrors] - Valhalla
                Slight Devil [Armor] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [A030] Diablo Horn \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Stone on the target.

     Find/Drop: Type 44 Demon [Horn] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Hell's Cannon [Horn] - Seraphic Gate - 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A031] Wing of Darkness \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Dark +30%, Curse +100%
        Effect: When character is on the verge of dying, entire party is 
                given First Aid, except for the dying character him/herself.

     Find/Drop: Type 44 Demon [Right/Left Wing] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Elder Vampire [Right/Left Wing] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Lord Bat [Right/Left Wing] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Vampire Lord [Right/Left Wing] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Hell's Cannon [Right/Left Wing] - Seraphic Gate - 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A032] Vampire Fang \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Part of the damage inflicted on the enemy is transformed
                into HP.

     Find/Drop: Vampire [Head] - Crawsus Forest

         Notes: --


  / [A033] Bloodsucking Fang \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May transform inflicted damage into HP.

     Find/Drop: Elder Vampire [Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Vampire Lord [Head] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Dog Brahms [Vines] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A034] Vampire Claw \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Damage inflicted on enemy increases, but each attack reduces
                Maximum HP by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Vampire [Right/Leg Arm] - Crawsus Forest
                Elder Vampire [Right/Leg Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Vampire Lord [Right/Leg Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [A035] Sharp Scissor Wing \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Holy -30%
        Effect: May inflict Stone on the target.

     Find/Drop: Sharp Scissors [Right/Left Wing] - Forest of Spirits
                Sharp Scissors [Right/Left Wing] - Ravine Caverns

         Notes: --


  / [A036] Citrine \
   Performance: RST +10%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: When character is on the verge of dying, entire party is 
                given First Aid, except for the dying character him/herself.

     Find/Drop: Vampire [Right/Leg Leg] - Crawsus Forest
                Sharp Scissors [Legs] - Forest of Spirits
                Sharp Scissors [Legs] - Ravine Caverns

         Notes: --


  / [A037] Rose Imprint \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Frailty on the target.

     Find/Drop: Vampire [Upper Body] - Crawsus Forest
                Sharp Scissors [Head] - Forest of Spirits
                Sharp Scissors [Upper Body] - Ravine Caverns
                Elder Vampire [Upper Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Vampire Lord [Upper Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [A038] Giant Pincers \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Faint on the target.

     Find/Drop: Crust Golem [R/L Arm and Scissors] - Serdberg Mountain
                Giant Crab [Right/Left Scissors] - Audoula Temple

         Notes: --


  / [A039] Stonecutting Pincers \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: During a battle, Special Attack power improves as HP falls.

     Find/Drop: Giant Crab [Right/Left Arm] - Audoula Temple
                Gigantic Claws [R/L Arm and Scissors] - PVD*
                Type 22 Demon [R/L Arm and Scissors] - SG, 2nd Floor

         Notes: * Palace of the Venerated Dragon


  / [A040] Tail Armor \
   Performance: RST +5%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases RDM by 15%.

     Find/Drop: Goat Man [Lower Body (Back)] - Ancient Forest
                Satyr [Body (Back)] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --


  / [A041] Snakebelly Armor \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Faint +30%
        Effect: May negate magic damage.

     Find/Drop: Desert Beast [Tail] - Sahma Desert
                Beast Fort [Tail] - Royal Underground Path (Chapter 4)

         Notes: --


  / [A042] Empty Shell \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Stone +30%
        Effect: ATK increases when inflicted with Silence.
                Critical attack odds also increase.

     Find/Drop: Ballistic Rhino [Upper Body] - Royal Underground Path
                Living Armor [Lower Body] - Dipan Castle
                Living Armor [Lower Body] - Kythena Plains
                Desert Beast [Back Shell] - Sahma Desert

         Notes: Increases ATK by 20%


  / [A043] Spiral Arrowhead \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases HIT by 15%.

     Find/Drop: Ballistic Rhino [Frontal R/L Shield Blade] - Royal U. Path
                Desert Beast [Frontal R/L Shield Blade] - Sahma Desert

         Notes: --


  / [A044] Heart Core \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Poison +30%, Frailty +30%
        Effect: Increases Maximum HP value by 10%.

     Find/Drop: Primordial Ooze [Body] - Dipan Castle
                Troll [Upper Body] - Ancient Forest
                Clay Man [Body] - Turgen Mine
                Troll Chief [Lower Body] - Chateau Obsession
                Unclean Glob [Body] - Crawsus Forest

         Notes: --


  / [A045] Tentacles \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Confusion +30%
        Effect: Doubles HIT during battle.

     Find/Drop: Primordial Ooze [Right/Left Upper Tentacles] - Dipan Castle
                Clay Man [Right/Left Upper Tentacles] - Turgen Mine
                Kraken [Feet] - Audoula Temple
                Unclean Glob [Lower R/L Tentacle Tips] - Crawsus Forest
                Land Kraken [Feet] - Crawsus Forest
                Dimension Beast [Feet] - Bifrost
                Veil Kraken [Feet] - Seraphic Gate - 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A046] Monsters Canine Tooth \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases MAG by 15%.

     Find/Drop: Trash Demon [Head] - Chateau Obsession
                Ice Devil [Head] - Sukavia Gorge
                Life Stealer [Head] - Forest of Spirits
                Prince of Hell [Head] - Forest of Spirits
                Life Stealer [Head] - Ravine Caverns
                Abyssinian Demon [Head] - Seraphic Gate - 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A047] Drainwing \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May transform inflicted damage into HP.

     Find/Drop: Ice Devil [Right/Left Wing] - Sukavia Gorge

         Notes: --


  / [A048] Steelwing \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Part of the damage inflicted on the enemy is transformed
                into HP.

     Find/Drop: Life Stealer [Right/Left Wing] - Forest of Spirits
                Prince of Hell [Right/Left Wing] - Forest of Spirits
                Life Stealer [Right/Left Wing] - Ravine Caverns
                Abyssinian Demon [Right/Left Wing] - SG - 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A049] Trickster Imprint \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Fire -20%, Ice -20%, Lightning -20%, Earth -20%, Dark -20%,
                Holy -20%.
        Effect: In battle, HP recovery spells and items work on the entire
                party, but the amount of HP restored is greatly reduced.

     Find/Drop: Life Stealer [Upper Body] - Forest of Spirits
                Life Stealer [Upper Body]  - Ravine Caverns
                Abyssinian Demon [Upper Body]  - SG - 1st Floor

         Notes: HP recovery = 1/4.


  / [A050] Legion \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Earth +30%
        Effect: May inflict Paralysis on the target.

     Find/Drop: Wasp Nest [Main Body] - Turgen Mine
                Meteoric Swarm [Main Body] - Turgen Mine (Chapter 4)
                Meteoric Swarm [Main Body] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)

         Notes: --


  / [A051] Big Bugeye \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Faint +50%
        Effect: May inflict Faint on the target.

     Find/Drop: Queen Wasp [Head] - Turgen Mine (Chapter 3)
                Gigantic Wasp [Head] - Turgen Mine (Chapter 4)

         Notes: Unique Item, only those 2 bosses drop it.


  / [A052] Insect King's Wing \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: When character is on the verge of dying, entire party is 
                given First Aid, except for the dying character him/herself.

     Find/Drop: Insect King [Right/Left Lower Wing] - SG - 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A053] Shell Shade \
   Performance: RDM 1, RST 1

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May negate magic damage.

     Find/Drop: Goat Man [Upper Body (Lower)] - Ancient Forest
                Satyr [Upper Body (Front)] - Chateau Obsession

         Notes: --


  / [A054] Protection Shade \
   Performance: RDM +5%, RST +5%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: ATK increases when inflicted with Silence.
                Critical attack odds also increase.

     Find/Drop: Capricorn [Body] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Body] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Body] - Ravine Caverns
                Sagittarius [Upper Body] - Seraphic Gate - 3rd Floor

         Notes: Increases ATK by 20%


  / [A055] Accuracy Imprint \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Critical attack power doubles. However, if attack fails to
                defeat enemy, damage is inflicted upon character as well.

     Find/Drop: Capricorn [Right Arm] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Left Arm] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Left Arm] - Ravine Caverns

         Notes: --


  / [A056] Wyvern's Wingbone \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases chance of a critical attack.
                Equipping more will have a cumulative effect.

     Find/Drop: Wyvern/Upper Lizard [Right/Left Wing] - Serdberg Mountain

         Notes: --


  / [A057] Draconic Gallstone \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: In battle, HP recovery spells and items work on the entire
                party, but the amount of HP restored is greatly reduced.

     Find/Drop: Cosmic Visitor [Leg] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor
                Tiamat [Neck Base] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: HP recovery = 1/4.


  / [A058] Brilliant Peacemaker \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: During a battle, character parameters improve as HP falls.

     Find/Drop: Sack Mimic [Body] - Serdberg Mountain
                Sack Mimic [Body] - Ancient Forest

         Notes: At HP 1 parameters will increase x1.5


  / [A059] Trade Card \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Curse +30%, Silence +30%, Confusion +30%, Faint +30%,
                Paralysis +30%, Poison +30%, Freeze +30%, Stone +30%,
                Frailty +30%
        Effect: In battle, HP recovery spells and items work on the entire
                party, but the amount of HP restored is greatly reduced. 

     Find/Drop: Gentleman [Body] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Gentleman [Body] - Ravine Caverns

         Notes: HP recovery = 1/4.
                The item description says " All except Frailty, Doom and
                Transfer +30%", but in reality, it gives All Status Ailments
                +30%, except Doom and Transfer.


  / [A060] Sacred O Part \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: In Battle, fortune smiles upon you when all digits in your HP
                Value are the same. The Higher the digit, the luckier.

     Find/Drop: Sacred Sack [Body] - Valhalla

         Notes: Solomon's Ring optional item.


  / [A061] Adamantite \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Holy +30%
        Effect: Increased damage inflicted on the enemy as long as HP is at
                maximum. Once hurt, the effect ceases.

     Find/Drop: Iron Golem [R/L 4th Shield] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Kobold Warrior [Helmet] - Ancient Forest (Chapter 4)*
                Kobold Warrior [Helmet] - Forest of Spirits
                Invasive Arsonist [Right/Left Leg] - Yggdrasil
                Deathdog [Tail] - Valhalla
                Guardian Dive [Right/Left 5th Shield] - Valhalla
                EMETH [Right/Left 5th Shield] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Castle Cannon [Right/Left Shield] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Sunspot Visitor [Right/Left Leg] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor
                Mechanical Major [Right/Left 3rd Shield] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: * With Kobold King Boss.


  / [A062] Dragon Skull \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Earth +30%
        Effect: Critical attack power doubles. However, if attack fails to
                defeat enemy, damage is inflicted upon character as well.

     Find/Drop: Dragon Zombie [Head] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon

         Notes: --


  / [A063] Blackened Scales \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Dark +15%
        Effect: May inflict Poison, Confusion, Silence, Freeze, Paralysis,
                Faint or Stone on the target.

     Find/Drop: Abyss Dragon [Right/Left Back Leg] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [A064] Black Dragon Gallstone \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Curse +100%, Silence +100%, Confusion +100%, Faint +100%,
                Paralysis +100%, Poison +100%, Freeze +100%, Stone +100%,
                Frailty +100%
        Effect: May inflict Poison, Confusion, Silence, Freeze, Paralysis,
                Faint or Stone on the target. 

     Find/Drop: Mystical Saurian / Upper Saurian [Body] - SG, 5th Floor

         Notes: The item description says " All except Frailty, Doom and
                Transfer +100%", but in reality, it gives All Status Ailments
                +100%, except Doom and Transfer.


  / [A065] Sable Dragonscales \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Dark +30%, Holy -30%, Curse +50%, Silence +50%, 
                Confusion +50%
        Effect: Damage inflicted on enemy increases, but each attack 
                reduces maximum HP by 5%.

     Find/Drop: Black Pain [Right/Left Back Leg, Tail] - SG, 4th Floor
                Lower Saurian [Right/Left Back Leg] - SG, 5th Floor
                Bahamut [Lower Body, Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A066] Platinum Fly \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Dark +20%, Stone +80%
        Effect: May inflict Paralysis on the target.

     Find/Drop: Dragon Zombie [R/L Back Leg] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Black Pain [Right/Left Front Leg] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A067] Noblewoman's Ball \
   Performance: MAG +10%

    Resistance: Stone +50%
        Effect: May inflict Freeze on the target.

     Find/Drop: Arectaris [Main Body] - Forest of Spirits
                Arectaris Returned [Back R/L Tentacles] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A068] Crystal Mask \
   Performance: RST +10

    Resistance: Frailty +50%
        Effect: May inflict Paralysis on the target.

     Find/Drop: Arectaris [Head] - Forest of Spirits
                Arectaris Returned [Head] - SG, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A069] White Loincloth \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Holy +30%
        Effect: Inflicts heavy damage against female characters.

     Find/Drop: Gabriel Celeste [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

         Notes: For Male characters only. 
                Increase Attack Power output by x1.5


  / [A070] Full-color Lenneth \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: ATK Increases with each miss. Effect ceases when the attack
                mode ends.

     Find/Drop: Obsessed Ex [Near Head or Chest] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: Lezard Only.


  / [A071] Curse Check \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Dark +30%, Curse +100%
        Effect: Completely negates Curse.

     Find/Drop: Travelling Merchant (4000) - Valued Customer Item
                Beetle Horn (3), Little Devil Heart (1), Geist Core (1)

         Notes: --


  / [A072] Freeze Check \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Ice +30%, Frozen +100%
        Effect: Completely negates Freeze.

     Find/Drop: Villnore (3000) - Valued Customer Item
                Sight Stone (2), Cursed Soul (1), Ray Force (1)

         Notes: --


  / [A073] Stun Check \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Fire +30%, Faint +100%
        Effect: Completely negates Faint.

     Find/Drop: Solde (1500) - Valued Customer Item
                Amber (2), Stagnant Water (2), Broken Amulet (2)

         Notes: --


  / [A074] Stone Check \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Earth +30%, Stone +100%
        Effect: Completely negates Stone.

     Find/Drop: Crell Monferaigne (5000) - Valued Customer Item
                Mask Fragment (2), Bone Mace (2), Adhesive (2)

         Notes: --


  / [A075] Paralyze Check \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Lightning +30%, Paralysis +100%
        Effect: Completely negates Paralysis.

     Find/Drop: Travelling Merchant (2500) - Valued Customer Item
                Bat Wing (5), Empty Shell (1), Amber (1)

         Notes: --


  / [A076] Poison Check \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Earth +30%, Poison +100%
        Effect: Completely negates Poison.

     Find/Drop: Solde (1500) - Valued Customer Item
                Skull Receptacle (3), Black Crystal (2), Broken Amulet (2)

         Notes: --


  / [A077] Silence Check \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Holy +30%, Silence +100%
        Effect: Completely negates Silence.

     Find/Drop: Crell Monferaigne (5000) - Valued Customer Item
                Nightshade (2), Little Devil Heart (3), Demon's Hoof (1)

         Notes: --


  / [A078] Confuse Check \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Holy +30%, Confusion +100%
        Effect: Completely negates Confusion.

     Find/Drop: Villnore (3000) - Valued Customer Item
                Nightshade (1), Monster Scales (3), Broken Claw (1) 

         Notes: --


  / [A079] Frailty Check \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Dark +30%, Frailty +100%
        Effect: Completely negates Frailty.

     Find/Drop: Crell Monferaigne (5000) - Valued Customer Item
                Bat Ear (2), Bat Wing (2), Nightshade (3)

         Notes: --


  / [A080] Power Bangle \
   Performance: ATK +30%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Palace of the Venerated Dragon Treasure
                Yggdrasil Treasure
                Valhalla Treasure

         Notes: --


  / [A081] Magic Bangle \
   Performance: MAG +30%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Dragonscript Treasure
                Valhalla Treasure
                Tower of Lezard Valeth Treasure

         Notes: --


  / [A082] Ring of Healing \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Holy +15%
        Effect: May recovery half of the damage inflicted by an enemy attack.

     Find/Drop: Villnore (30000) - Valued Customer Item
                Hail Jewel (1), Great Eagle Heart (3), Iron Ore (3)

         Notes: --


  / [A083] G Seed \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Curse +100%, Silence +100%, Confusion +100%, Faint +100%,
                Paralysis +100%, Poison +100%, Freeze +100%, Stone +100%,
                Frailty +100%
        Effect: Critical attack power doubles. However, if attack fails to
                defeat enemy, damage is inflicted upon character as well. 

     Find/Drop: Maneater [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: The item description says " All except Frailty, Doom and
                Transfer +100%", but in reality, it gives All Status Ailments
                +100%, except Doom and Transfer.


  / [A084] Fairy-in-the-box \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: In battle, time needed to recover from status ailments is
                halved. The Cure Condition effect.

     Find/Drop: Lizard Lord [Belt] - Turgen Mine
                Lizard Lord [Belt] - Audoula Temple
                Lizard Knight [Belt] - Royal Underground Path (Chapter 4)
                Lizard King [Belt] - Forest of Spirits
                Cosmic Visitor [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A085] Dipan Pennant \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Holy +30%
        Effect: In Battle, fortune smiles upon you when all digits in your HP
                Value are the same. The Higher the digit, the luckier.

     Find/Drop: Backpacker [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: Solomon's Ring optional item.


  / [A086] Tuning Wing \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Confusion +70%
        Effect: May inflict Confusion on the target.

     Find/Drop: Queen Wasp [Right/Left Lower Feathers] - Turgen Mine (Ch3)
                Gigantic Wasp [Right/Left Lower Feathers] - Turgen Mine (Ch4)
                Meteoric Swarm [Task Force] - Turgen Mine (Ch4)
                Tuning Wing [Lower Feather] - Yggdrasil
                Walla Walla [Task Force] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A087] Ray Force \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May break foe's guard.
                Equipping more will NOT have a cumulative effect.

     Find/Drop: Crust Golem [Head Horn] - Serdberg Mountain
                Giant Crab [Head Horn] - Audoula Temple
                Shaman Chief [Right/Left Arm] - Crawsus Forest
                Necromancer [Right/Left Arm] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Vampire Lord [Red Gem]* - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: * After head is destroyed.


  / [A088] Sight Stone \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases AVD by 20%.

     Find/Drop: Living Armor [Head] - Dipan Castle
                Living Armor [Head] - Kythena Plains
                Skeletal Soldier [Head] - Surts Volcano

         Notes: --


  / [A089] Bloody Patch \
   Performance: ATK 5

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Damage inflicted on enemy increases, but each attack 
                reduces maximum HP by 5%. 

     Find/Drop: Muscular Stalker [Body Left Side] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Highlander [Body Left Side] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: Increase Attack Power output by x1.5


  / [A090] Evil Eyebrow Ring \
   Performance: HIT 50

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May launch a counterattack when evading.

     Find/Drop: Berserker [Body Left Side] - Chateau Obsession
                Persistent Pursuer [Body Left Side] - Ravine Carverns
                Audoula Temple Treasure

         Notes: --


  / [A091] Steel Horseshoe \
   Performance: ATK +5%, HIT +10%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Faint on the target.

     Find/Drop: Capricorn Leader [Body (Back)] - Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)
                Capricorn Leader [Body (Back)] - Ravine Caverns
                Baphonet [Body (Back)] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Castle Cannon [Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [A092] Obsidian Claw \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: ATK Increases with each miss. Effect ceases when the attack
                mode ends.

     Find/Drop: Dragon Zombie [R/L Front Leg] - Palace of the V. Dragon
                Winter Wolf [Leg] - Sukavia Gorge
                Wild Wolf [Leg] - Yggdrasil
                White Dragon [Right/Left Front Leg] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: --


  / [A093] Dragon Rib \
   Performance: ATK +10%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: During a battle, character parameters improve as HP falls.

     Find/Drop: Dragon Zombie [Neck Base] - Palace of the Venerated Dragon
                Abyss Dragon [Body] - Yggdrasil
                Black Pain [Neck Base] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: At HP 1 parameters will increase x1.5


  / [A094] Dragon Meat Paste \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Paralysis +50%, Poison +50%, Doom +50%, Frozen +50%,
                Stone +50%, Faint +50%, Frailty +50%
        Effect: May inflict Doom on the target.

     Find/Drop: Black Pain [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A095] Evil Eye of Death \
   Performance: MAg +30%, RST +30%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Doom on the target.

     Find/Drop: Mystical Saurian/Upper Saurian [Head] - SG, 5th Floor
                Bahamut [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A096] Magic Dragon Horn \
   Performance: ATK +30%, RDM +30%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Inflicts heavy damage against Divine enemies.
                God Destroyer Critical Skill effect.

     Find/Drop: Bahamut [Horn] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A097] Unladen Swallow Scales \
   Performance: ATK 3

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Doubles HIT during battle.

     Find/Drop: Lower Lizard [Right/Left Front Leg] - Serdberg Mountain
                Wild Lizard [Right/Left Front Leg] - Surts Volcano

         Notes: --


  / [A098] Homing Scales \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Boosts Special Attack damage by 20%.

     Find/Drop: Gigantic Dragon [R/L Front Leg] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Lower Saurian [Right/Left Front Leg] - SG, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A099] Ghibli Scales \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Causes normal attacks to miss, but critical attacks and
                certain special attacks will strike home.

     Find/Drop: Bolt Dragon [Right/Left Wing] - Crawsus Forest
                Dragon Bat [Right/Left Wing] - Palace of the V. Dragon

         Notes: --


  / [A100] Bora Scales \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: ATK Increases with each miss. Effect ceases when the attack
                mode ends.

     Find/Drop: Sky Lizard [Right/Left Wing] - Forest of Spirits

         Notes: --


  / [A101] Khamsin Scales \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Chance of a Critical Attack increases with each miss. Effect 
                ceases when the attack mode ends.

     Find/Drop: White Dragon [Right/Left Wing] - Yggdrasil
                Mystical Saurian/Upper Saurian [R/L Wing] - SG, 5th Floor
                Lower Saurian [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A102] Blood Jewel \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Frailty +50%
        Effect: Chance of a Critical Attack increases with each miss. Effect 
                ceases when the attack mode ends.

     Find/Drop: Vampire [Core] - Crawsus Forest
                Giant Troll [Lower Body] - Yggdrasil
                Gigantic Troll [Lower Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [A103] Firefly Fire \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: In Battle, fortune smiles upon you when all digits in your HP
                Value are the same. The Higher the digit, the luckier.

     Find/Drop: Phantom Flame [Right Candlestick] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

         Notes: Solomon's Ring optional item.


  / [A104] Demon's Right Arm \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Poison, Paralysis, Faint, Confusion, Silence,
                Freeze or Stone on the target.

     Find/Drop: Rotting Demon [Right Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Type 44 Demon [Right Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Kill Bone [Right Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor
                Hell's Cannon [Right Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor
                Veil Kraken [Middle Tentacles] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor
                Round and Sticky [Right Tentacle] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A105] Demon's Left Arm \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Doom on the target.

     Find/Drop: Rotting Demon [Left Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Type 44 Demon [Left Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Kill Bone [Left Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor
                Hell's Cannon [Left Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor
                Round and Sticky [Left Tentacle] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A106] Demon's Hoof \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Silence +60%
        Effect: May inflict Silence on the target.

     Find/Drop: Greater Demon [Right/Left Leg] - Chateau Obsession
                Type 44 Demon [Right/Left Leg] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Hell's Cannon [Right/Left Leg] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A107] Kraken Fang \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Freeze on the target.

     Find/Drop: Land Kraken [Right/Left Middle Tentacles] - Crawsus Forest
                Dimension Beast [Right/Left Middle Tentacles] - Bifrost

         Notes: --


  / [A108] Metabolizer \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May restore half of the damage inflicted by an enemy attack.

     Find/Drop: Hydra [Tail] - Crawsus Forest
                Green Coral [Stalk] - Dragonscript
                Gigantic Moth [Insides*] - Royal Underground Path (Ch4)
                King Slug [Head, Insides*] - Yggdrasil
                Scargone [Mouth, Insides*] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: * After breaking the shell.


  / [A109] Moon Pearl \
   Performance: MAG +30%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: When character is on the verge of dying, entire party is 
                given First Aid, except for the dying character him/herself.

     Find/Drop: Scargone [Front Shell] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A110] Sylphide's Arrowhead \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Chance of teleporting enemy target out of the battlefield.

     Find/Drop: Baphonet [Left Arm] - Tower of Lezard Valeth
                Sagittarius [Left Arm] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A111] Lucky Tail \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases chance of a critical attack.
                Equipping more will have a cumulative effect. 

     Find/Drop: Kobold Knight [Tail] - Serdberg Mountain
                Kobold Knight [Tail] - Ancient Forest
                Kobold King [Tail] - Ancient Forest (Chapter 4)
                Kobold Warrior [Tail] - Ancient Forest (Chapter 4)
                Kobold Warrior [Tail] - Forest of Spirits
                Kobold Lord [Tail] - Forest of Spirits
                Lightning Kobold [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor
                Dog Alicia [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Rufus [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Brahms [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Arngrim [Tail] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A112] Empty Box \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: ATK increases when inflicted with Silence.
                Critical attack odds also increase.

     Find/Drop: Lizard Man [Belt] - Audoula Temple

         Notes: Increases ATK by 20%


  / [A113] Firemouse Fur \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Fire +10%
        Effect: Increases RST by 20%.

     Find/Drop: Fire Bat [Body] - Surts Volcano
                Elder Bat [Body] - Tower of Lezard Valeth

         Notes: --


  / [A114] Mirror of the Lake \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Stone +50%
        Effect: May inflict Stone on the target.

     Find/Drop: Magic Mirror [Both Front Mirrors] - Valhalla
                Ghost in the Mirror [R/L Front Mirrors] - SG, 5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A115] Fatal Seed \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Poison +100
        Effect: When suffering from Frailty in a battle, attack damage
                against foes increases. Critical attack odds also increase.

     Find/Drop: Mimetic Flower [Flower] - Forest of Spirits
                Fatal Vermin [Flower] - Yggdrasil

         Notes: Increase Attack Power output [Damage] by 50%


  / [A116] Tiny Flower \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases maximum HP by 10%.

     Find/Drop: Villnore Flower Girl (10) - Chapter 3

         Notes: --


  / [A117] Lily \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases maximum HP by 10%.

     Find/Drop: Villnore Flower Girl (10) - Chapter 4

         Notes: --


  / [A118] Weeping Lily \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases maximum HP by 10%.

     Find/Drop: Villnore Flower Girl (10) - Chapter 5

         Notes: --


  / [A119] Gladiolus \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases maximum HP by 10%.

     Find/Drop: Villnore Flower Girl (10) - Chapter 6

         Notes: --


  / [A120] Amber Lenneth \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: ATK Increases with each miss. Effect ceases when the attack
                mode ends.

     Find/Drop: Obsessed Ex [Mantle] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: Lezard Only.


  / [A121] Metallic Lenneth \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: ATK Increases with each miss. Effect ceases when the attack
                mode ends.

     Find/Drop: Obsessed Ex [Right/Left Leg] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: Lezard Only.


  / [A122] Crystal Lenneth \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: ATK Increases with each miss. Effect ceases when the attack
                mode ends.

     Find/Drop: Obsessed Ex [Right/Left Hand] - Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

         Notes: Lezard Only.


  / [A123] Truthade \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: The official figures are in!

     Find/Drop: Determined Dirna [Drop Item] - Seraphic Gate Entrance

         Notes: When equipped by Female Characters, will display their
                measurements in the Status Screen.


  / [A124] Incense \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Inflicts heavy damage against Demon enemies.
                Demon Destroyer Critical Skill effect.

     Find/Drop: Damp Clayman [Right Tentacle Tip] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A125] Allfather Kobold Shirt \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May restore half of the damage inflicted by an enemy attack.

     Find/Drop: Dog Odin [Chest] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A126] Double-sided Tape \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: When character is on the verge of dying, entire party is 
                given First Aid, except for the dying character him/herself.

     Find/Drop: Dog Alicia [Vines] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Rufus [Vines] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Arngrim [Vines] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Odin [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A127] Wisdom Wig \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Critical attack power doubles. However, if attack fails to
                defeat enemy, damage is inflicted upon character as well.

     Find/Drop: Dog Odin [Helmet] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A128] Gungnear \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May Break foe's guard.
                Equipping more will NOT have a cumulative effect.

     Find/Drop: Dog Odin [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A129] Push-up Thingamajig \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: In battle, HP recovery spells and items work on the entire
                party, but the amount of HP restored is greatly reduced.

     Find/Drop: Dog Freya [Chest] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: HP recovery = 1/4.


  / [A130] Freya's Cap \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Improves chance of performing a guard.

     Find/Drop: Dog Freya [Hat] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A131] Crystal Ball \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May reflect damage.

     Find/Drop: Dog Freya [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A132] Valkyrie Kobold Mail \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May negate magic damage.

     Find/Drop: Dog Lenneth [Chest] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Silmeria [Chest] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A133] Die-cast Lance \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Chance of a Critical Attack increases with each miss. Effect 
                ceases when the attack mode ends.

     Find/Drop: Dog Hrist [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Lenneth [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Silmeria [Weapon] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A134] Self-help Manual \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Curse +100%, Silence +100%, Confusion +100%
        Effect: In Battle, fortune smiles upon you when all digits in your HP
                Value are the same. The Higher the digit, the luckier.

     Find/Drop: Dog Hrist [Chest] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: Solomon's Ring optional item.


  / [A135] Ham-Star \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Paralysis +100%, Poison +100%, Frozen +100%, Stone +100%,
                Faint +100%, Frailty +100%
        Effect: In Battle, fortune smiles upon you when all digits in your HP
                Value are the same. The Higher the digit, the luckier.

     Find/Drop: Hamster [Drop Item, 100%] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: Solomon's Ring optional item.


  / [A136] Sunflower Seed \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: In battle, HP recovery spells and items work on the entire
                party, but the amount of HP restored is greatly reduced.

     Find/Drop: Hammy [Drop Item, 100%] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: HP recovery = 1/4.


  / [A137] Afro Puffs \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: Doom +100
        Effect: In Battle, fortune smiles upon you when all digits in your HP
                Value are the same. The Higher the digit, the luckier.

     Find/Drop: Lightning Kobold [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A138] Radish \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: In battle, time needed to recover from status ailments is
                halved. The Cure Condition effect.

     Find/Drop: Dog Alicia [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A139] Steel Hairband \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Increases RDM by 15%.

     Find/Drop: Dog Alicia [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A140] Depressing Kobold Shirt \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: ATK increases when inflicted with Silence.
                Critical attack odds also increase.

     Find/Drop: Dog Rufus [Chest] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: Increases ATK by 20%


  / [A141] Third Proof \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: ATK Increases with each miss. Effect ceases when the attack
                mode ends. 

     Find/Drop: Dog Rufus [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A142] Winded Bandanna \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May launch a counterattack when evading.

     Find/Drop: Dog Rufus [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A143] New Item Catalog \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: During a battle, character parameters improve as HP falls.

     Find/Drop: Dog Arngrim [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: At HP 1 parameters will increase x1.5


  / [A144] Wigged-out Wig \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May Break foe's guard.
                Equipping more will NOT have a cumulative effect.

     Find/Drop: Dog Brahms [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor
                Dog Arngrim [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A145] Purple Mirror \
   Performance: RDM +30%

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May reflect magic.

     Find/Drop: Dog Brahms [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 2-5th Floor

         Notes: --


  / [A146] Tiny Bugs \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Part of the damage inflicted on the enemy is transformed
                into HP.

     Find/Drop: --

         Notes: Complete all dog events in the Seraphic Gate.


  / [A147] Philosopher's Pebble \
   Performance: MAG 100

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Chance of teleporting enemy target out of the battlefield.

     Find/Drop: End Chapter 4, when Lezard leaves the party at level 40.

         Notes: Unique Item


  / [A148] Homunculus Seed \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: All Elemental resistances +20%
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: End Chapter 4, when Lezard leaves the party at level 45.

         Notes: Unique Item


  / [A149] Hunted Mouse \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the cat, in Solde, 1 time.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Cat Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A150] Tailless Lizard \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the cat, in Solde, Seafood 5 times.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Cat Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A151] Misfortubate Bird \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the cat, in Solde, Seafood 10 times.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Cat Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A152] Cat Poop \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the cat, in Solde, Seafood 15 times.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Cat Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A153] Sucked Bone \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the dog, in Villnore, Meat Chops 1 time.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Dog Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A154] Chewed-up Shoes \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the dog, in Villnore, Meat Chops 5 times.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Dog Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A155] Squalid Cloth \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the dog, in Villnore, Meat Chops 10 times.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Dog Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A156] Dog Poop \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the dog, in Villnore, Meat Chops 15 times.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Dog Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A157] Chicken Feed \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the chicken, in Coriander, Bonemeal 1 time.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Bird Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A158] Vegetable Debris \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the chicken, in Coriander, Bonemeal 5 times.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Bird Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A159] Clamshell Chum \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the chicken, in Coriander, Bonemeal 10 times.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Bird Ring.
                Unique Item.


  / [A160] Bird Poop \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --

     Find/Drop: Feed the chicken, in Coriander, Bonemeal 15 times.

         Notes: Animal event. Item necessary for the Bird Ring.
                Unqiue Item.


  / [A161] Cat Ring \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: May inflict Faint on the target.

     Find/Drop: Solde (1) - Valued Customer Item
                Hunted Mouse (1), Tailless Lizard (1), Misfortunate Bird (1),
                Cat Poop (1)

         Notes: Item necessary for the Solomon's Ring. Unique Item.


  / [A162] Dog Ring \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: During a battle, Special Attack power improves as HP falls.

     Find/Drop: Crell Monferaigne (1) - Valued Customer Item
                Sucked Bone (1), Chewed-up Shoes (1), Squalid Cloth (1),
                Dog Poop (1)

         Notes: Item necessary for the Solomon's Ring. Unique Item.


  / [A163] Bird Ring \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: Doubles HIT during battle.

     Find/Drop: Travelling Merchant (1) - Valued Customer Item
                Chicken Feed (1), Vegetable Debris (1), Clamshell Chum (1),
                Bird Poop (1)

         Notes: Item necessary for the Solomon's Ring. Unique Item.


  / [A164] Solomon's Ring \
   Performance: --

    Resistance: --
        Effect: In Battle, fortune smiles upon you when all digits in your HP
                Value are the same. The Higher the digit, the luckier.

     Find/Drop: Asgard (900000) - Valued Customer Item
                Chicken Ring (1), Dog Ring (1), Cat Ring (1)

         Notes: Can talk to the animals to obtain information about the
                Seraphic Gate. Unique Item.



=  8. ITEMS                                                          [C0800]  =

   [C0801] Healing Items

  / Item Name \
    Effect: What the item effect is.

       Buy: Where you can buy or create the item.
      Cost: How much OTH.

  Treasure: Location where you can find the item in treasure chests.

      Drop: What enemies drop the item [Leader item or Break body part]

     Notes: Other comments.


   Note: The Travelling Merchant appears at different locations at different
         points in the game:

         - Chapter 3: Coriander Village and Kalstad
         - Chapter 4: Dipan Castle Courtyard
         - Chapter 5: Dipan Entrance (when you return for the Ghoul Powder)
         - Chapter 6: Coriander Village

         Also note that the Merchant in Asgard is not the Travelling 
         Merchant, since his Inventory and Valued Customer Items, can only 
         be found in Asgard.

   Note(2): Where It says that an Item is at a certain location and it's not 
            there, you will have to proceed with the storyline further. 
            As shops get updates for their inventory at certain points in the 
            game, like:

            For example, Apothecary's Arcanum  listed in Solde, but you can
            only buy it in Solde after Audoula Temple in Chapter 3.

  / Warrior's Arcanum \
    Effect: Heals 300 HP (1 Ally).

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, 
      Cost: 150

  Treasure: Solde, Royal Underground Path

      Drop: Skeleton, Kobold, Kobold Knight, Lizard Lord, Strobila

     Notes: --


  / Apothecary's Arcanum \
    Effect: Heals 1500 HP (1 Ally).

       Buy: Solde, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, Asgard
      Cost: 800

  Treasure: Crawsus Forest, Dragonscript, Palace of the Venerated Dragon,
            Ravine Caverns

      Drop: Sack Mimic, Troll, Troll Chief, Bolt Dragon, Green Coral, 
            Spectral Knight, Kobold Warrior, Kobold Lord

     Notes: --


  / Witch's Arcanum \
    Effect: Heals 5000 HP (1 Ally).

       Buy: Solde, Asgard
      Cost: 5000

  Treasure: Yggdrasil, Valhalla

      Drop: Ice Troll, Aesir (Patrol), Aesir (Security), Aesir (Imperial G.),
            Magic Mirror, Type 44 Demon, Phantom Flame

     Notes: Valued Customer Item
            Poison Seed (1), Augite of Life (2), Troll Clay (2)


  / Sage's Arcanum \
    Effect: Heals Full HP (1 Ally).

       Buy: --
      Cost: --

  Treasure: Chateau Obsession*, Valhalla, Tower Lezard Valeth, 
            SG (2nd Floor), Rasheeka (after release, talk to her before 
            Chapter 5)

      Drop: Idisi, Gigantic Troll, Castle Cannon

     Notes: * After completing Chateau Obsession, go back to Crell 
            Monferaigne and talk to the guy in the INN, answer "MONSTER" to
            his question and he will reward you with a Sage's Arcanum.


  / Dwarf Tincture \
    Effect: Heals 300 HP (Whole Party).

       Buy: Solde, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, Asgard
      Cost: 800

  Treasure: Royal Underground Path, Dipan Castle, Serdberg Mountain Ruins,
            Ancient Forest, Turgen Mine, Audoula Temple, Surts Volcano,
            Chateau Obsession, Crawsus Forest, Dragonscript

      Drop: Skeleton Soldier, Red Lizard, Wild Lizard, Capricorn

     Notes: --


  / Fairy Tincture \
    Effect: Heals 1500 HP (Whole Party).

       Buy: Solde, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, Asgard
      Cost: 3600

  Treasure: Palace of the Venerated Dragon, Forest of Spirits, Yggdrasil,
            Ravine Caverns

      Drop: Hydra, Gentleman, Dimension Beast, Sacred Sack, Nymph

     Notes: --


  / Spirit Tincture \
    Effect: Heals 5000 HP (Whole Party).

       Buy: Solde, Asgard
      Cost: 40000

  Treasure: Valhalla, Seraphic Gate (1st/2nd/3rd Floor) 

      Drop: Aesir (Archers), Aesir (Rescuers), Type 22 Demon, Slop

     Notes: Valued Customer Item
            Augite Of Life (2), Giant Pearl (1), Metabolizer (2)


  / Goddess Tincture \
    Effect: Heals Full HP (whole Party).

       Buy: --
      Cost: --

  Treasure: Tower Lezard Valeth, Seraphic Gate (1st/2nd/4th/5th Floor)
            Lwyn (after release, talk to her during Chapter 5 and 6, but
            before unlocking the Seraphic Gate)
            Crell Monferaigne*

      Drop: Backpacker, Hamster, Hammy, Dog Lenneth

     Notes: * Pass the Armory and keep going right to the next screen.
            You will see a woman with a black dog, feed the dog 10 times and
            you will get a Goddess Tincture.


  / Elixir \
    Effect: Cures Poison, Silence, Confusion, Freeze, Paralysis, Stone and
            Faint (1 Ally).

       Buy: Solde, Asgard
      Cost: 800

  Treasure: Royal Underground Path, Serdberg Mountain Ruins, Turge Mine, 
            Audoula Temple, Crawsus Forest, Palace of the V. Dragon, Forest
            of Spirits, Yggdrasil

      Drop: Wild Troll, Dryad, Gigantic Moth, Carnivorous Plant, Highlander,
            Roper, Baphomet, Walla Walla 

     Notes: Valued Customer Item
            Fish Scales (2), Beast's Flesh (1), Shrine Chronicles (1)


  / Prime Elixir \
    Effect: Cures Poison, Silence, Confusion, Freeze, Paralysis, Stone and 
            Faint. Also restores 50% HP (1 Ally).

       Buy: Travelling Merchant, Asgard
      Cost: 10000

  Treasure: Serdberg Mountain Ruins, Turge Mine, Forest of Spirits, 
            Yggdrasil, Seraphic Gate (1st/3rd/4th Floor)
            Masato (after release, talk to him before Chapter 5)

      Drop: Wild Troll, Gigantic Moth, Arectaris, Vampire Lord, Dog Hrist.
            Sunspot Visitor (2nd form), Dog Odin, Escargone, Dog Freya,
            Dog Silmeria

     Notes: Valued Customer Item
            Elixir (1), Royal Jelly (1), Great Eagle Heart (1), 
            Metabolizer (1)


  / Noble Elixir \
    Effect: Cures Poison, Silence, Confusion, Freeze, Paralysis, Stone and 
            Faint. Also restores 99% HP (1 Ally).

       Buy: --
      Cost: --

  Treasure: Yggdrasil, Valhalla, Tower of Lezard Valeth, SG (1st/2nd Floor)
            Khanon (after release, talk to him before Chapter 5)
            Crescent (after release, talk to her during Chapter 5 and 6, 
            but before unlocking the Seraphic Gate)

      Drop: Determined Dirna, Odin

     Notes: --


  / Union Plume \
    Effect: Revive from Unconscious and heals 20% HP.

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, 
      Cost: 800

  Treasure: Lost Forest, Royal Underground Path, Dipan, Dipan Castle,
            Audoula Temple, Surts Volcano, Crawsus Forest, Palace of the
            V. Dragon, Yggdrasil, Valhalla, SG (3rd/4th floor)

      Drop: Owlbear, Giant Snail, Vampire Bat, Disgusting Shell, Phantom
            Guardian, Kobold Lord, Lizard King, Aesir (Patrol), Gluttonous
            Bug, Giant Troll, Aesir (Commander), Undead Master, Hell's Cannon,

     Notes: --


  / Holy Water \
    Effect: Cures Curse.

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, 
      Cost: 150

  Treasure: --

      Drop: Giant Scarab, Phantom Guardian, Armor Beetle

     Notes: --


  / Holy Grail \
    Effect: Cures Curse (It has Unlimited uses).

       Buy: Solde
      Cost: 20000

  Treasure: --

      Drop: --

     Notes: Valued Customer Item
            Desolation Gem (2), Gold Coin (1), Silver Coin (1), 
            Copper Coin (1)


  / Idun's Apples \
    Effect: Cures Frailty.

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, 
      Cost: 150

  Treasure: --

      Drop: Goat Man, Ice Devil, Paragriffon

     Notes: --


  / Soft Stone \
    Effect: Cures Frailty (It has Unlimited uses).

       Buy: Solde
      Cost: 20000

  Treasure: Palace of the Venerated Dragon

      Drop: --

     Notes: Valued Customer Item
            Fairy-in-the Box (3), Augite of Life (1), Blood Jewel (1)


  / Aspect Stone \
    Effect: Cures the entire party of the Transfer status ailment.

       Buy: Solde, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, Asgard
      Cost: 200

  Treasure: --

      Drop: EMETH, Cosmic Visitor, Hound of Tindalos

     Notes: --


  / Horoscope Tablet \
    Effect: Cures the entire party of the Transfer status ailment.
            It has Unlimited uses.

       Buy: Solde
      Cost: 20000

  Treasure: Seraphic Gate (3rd Floor)

      Drop: --

     Notes: Valued Customer Item
            Orientation Scales (3), Wing Feather (2), Pact Chain (2)


  / Dead Ashes \
    Effect: Cures Poison (can't be used in battle).

       Buy: --
      Cost: --

  Treasure: --

      Drop: Skeleton Soldier

     Notes: --


  / Meat Chops \
    Effect: Heals 100 HP (1 Ally, can't be used in battle).

       Buy: --
      Cost: --

  Treasure: --

      Drop: Dire Wolf, Giant Bat

     Notes: --


  / Honeysuckle Dew \
    Effect: Cures Poison.

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, 
      Cost: 80

  Treasure: Turgen Mine

      Drop: Giant Snail, Electrical Chip, Gigantic Moth

     Notes: --


  / The Cosmic Order \
    Effect: Cures Confusion.

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, 
      Cost: 80

  Treasure: --

      Drop: Clay Man, Skeleton Soldier, Satyr, Vampire Bat 

     Notes: --


  / Bragi's Song \
    Effect: Cures Silence.

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, 
      Cost: 150

  Treasure: --

      Drop: --

     Notes: --


  / Thaw Water \
    Effect: Cures Freeze.

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, 
      Cost: 80

  Treasure: --

      Drop: --

     Notes: --


  / Pearl Grass \
    Effect: Cures Paralysis.

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, 
      Cost: 80

  Treasure: --

      Drop: Tear Soul, Flying Killer

     Notes: --


  / Cockatrice Egg \
    Effect: Cures Stone.

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne, Travelling Merchant, 
      Cost: 150

  Treasure: --

      Drop: --

     Notes: --



   [C0802] Attack Items

  / Item Name \
    Effect: What the item do (effects).

       Buy: Where you can buy or create the item (Cost).

  Treasure: Location where you can find the item in treasure chests or
            other locations like, a NPC might give it to you as a reward.

      Drop: What enemies drop the item [Leader item or Break body part]

     Notes: Other comments.


   Note: The Travelling Merchant appears at different locations at different
         points in the game:

         - Chapter 3: Coriander Village and Kalstad
         - Chapter 4: Dipan Castle Courtyard
         - Chapter 5: Dipan Entrance (when you return for the Ghoul Powder)
         - Chapter 6: Coriander Village

         Also note that the Merchant in Asgard is not the Travelling 
         Merchant, since his Inventory and Valued Customer Items, can only 
         be found in Asgard.

   Note(2): Where It says that an Item is at a certain location and it's not 
            there, you will have to proceed with the storyline further. 
            As shops get updates for their inventory at certain points in the 
            game, like:

            For example, Apothecary's Arcanum  listed in Solde, but you can
            only buy it in Solde after Audoula Temple in Chapter 3.

  / Flare Crystal \
    Effect: This crystal release an area Fire attack.

       Buy: Asgard (3500)

  Treasure: Valhalla
            Crell Monferaigne (feed the Black dog 5 times).

      Drop: Evolve (1), Evolve (2), Greater Demon, Sky Lizard, Gentleman

     Notes: --


  / Ice Crystal \
    Effect: This crystal release an area Ice attack.

       Buy: Asgard (3500)

  Treasure: Surts Volcano, Crell Monferaigne.

      Drop: Elder Vampire

     Notes: --


  / Earth Crystal \
    Effect: This crystal release an area Earth attack.

       Buy: Asgard (3500)

  Treasure: Valhalla

      Drop: Dragon Zombie, Deathdog

     Notes: --


  / Thunder Crystal \
    Effect: This crystal release an area Lightning attack.

       Buy: Asgard (3500)

  Treasure: Audoula Temple

      Drop: Strayer, Lightning Kobold

     Notes: --


  / Holy Crystal \
    Effect: This crystal release an area Holy attack.

       Buy: Solde - Valued Customer Item (6000)
            Copper Signet (1), Sacred Spinel (1)

  Treasure: Valhalla, Seraphic Gate (4th Floor)

      Drop: Dragon Bat, Hersvelgr

     Notes: --


  / Shadow Crystal \
    Effect: This crystal release an area Shadow attack.

       Buy: Travelling Merchant - Valued Customer Item (6000)
            Cursed Soul (1), Black Crystal (2)

  Treasure: Valhalla, Seraphic Gate (3rd Floor)

      Drop: Sharp Scissors, Human Sacrifice, Sacred Sack

     Notes: --


  / Prism Crystal \
    Effect: This crystal randomly targets part of an enemy.

       Buy: --

  Treasure: --

      Drop: White Dragon, Silver Dragon, Prism Jewel, Type 22 Demon

     Notes: --


  / Flare Gem \
    Effect: This gem releases a magic fire attack (one enemy).

       Buy: Crell Monferaigne (2000), Travelling Merchant (2000), 
            Asgard (2000)

  Treasure: Dipan Castle, Ancient Forest

      Drop: Ghost, Cybersaur, Red Jewel

     Notes: --


  / Ice Gem \
    Effect: This gem releases a magic Ice attack (one enemy).

       Buy: Crell Monferaigne (2000), Travelling Merchant (2000), 
            Asgard (2000)

  Treasure: Serdberg Mountain

      Drop: Gun Fish, Fish & Chips

     Notes: --


  / Earth Gem \
    Effect: This gem releases a magic Earth attack (one enemy).

       Buy: Crell Monferaigne (2000), Travelling Merchant (2000), 
            Asgard (2000)

  Treasure: Coriander Village Chest.
            Lylia - Release Item, you must talk to her during Chapter 5,
                    but before unlocking the Seraphic Gate in Chapter 6.
            Dyn - Release Item, you must talk to him during Chapter 5,
                  but before unlocking the Seraphic Gate in Chapter 6.
            Atracia - Release item, you must talk to her after the Seraphic
                      Gate is Unlocked.

      Drop: Primordial Ooze, Ghost, Sand Flower

     Notes: --


  / Thunder Gem \
    Effect: This gem releases a magic Lightning attack (one enemy).

       Buy: Crell Monferaigne (2000), Travelling Merchant (2000), 
            Asgard (2000)

  Treasure: Royal Underground Path, Audoula Temple

      Drop: Sack Mimic, Skull Fish, Trash Demon

     Notes: --


  / Holy Gem \
    Effect: This gem releases a magic Holy attack (one enemy).
            May inflict Silence on the enemy.

       Buy: Crell Monferaigne (2000), Travelling Merchant (2000), 
            Asgard (2000)

  Treasure: Crawsus Forest

      Drop: Lower Lizard, Phantom Lurker, Lizard Knight

     Notes: --


  / Shadow Gem \
    Effect: This gem releases a magic Dark attack (one enemy).
            May inflict Confuse on the enemy.

       Buy: Crell Monferaigne (2000), Travelling Merchant (2000), 
            Asgard (2000)

  Treasure: --

      Drop: Will-o-the-Wisp, Vampire

     Notes: --


  / Prism Gem \
    Effect: This gem randomly targets part of an enemy.

       Buy: Crell Monferaigne (4000), Travelling Merchant (4000), 
            Asgard (4000)

  Treasure: Turgen Mine Chest
            Sha-Kon - Release item, You must talk to her before the end of 
                      Chapter 4.
            Guilm - Release Item, you must talk to him during Chapter 5,
                    but before unlocking the Seraphic Gate in Chapter 6.

      Drop: Desert Beast, Green Jewel, Tyrannosaurus Rex

     Notes: --


  / Holy Water of Mithra \
    Effect: Specially purified water.
            Inflicts 10000 points of damage on a monster.

       Buy: --

  Treasure: Mithra - Release item, you must talk to him before the end of 
                     Chapter 4 and after the Seraphic Gate is Unlocked.

      Drop: --

     Notes: --


  / Tome of Anarchy \
    Effect: May inflict Confuse upon an enemy.

       Buy: --

  Treasure: Palace Of The Venerated Dragon

      Drop: Clay Man, Skeletal Soldier

     Notes: --


  / Tome of Alchemy \
    Effect: Converts enemies in range to magic crystals.

       Buy: --

  Treasure: Yggdrasil, Valhalla, Seraphic Gate (2nd/4th floor)
            Seluvia - Release item, you must talk to him after the Seraphic
                      Gate is Unlocked.
            Masato - Release item, you must talk to him after the Seraphic
                     Gate is Unlocked.
            Aegis - Release Item, you must talk to him during Chapter 5,
                    but before unlocking the Seraphic Gate in Chapter 6.

      Drop: Lezard Valeth, Dog Lezard

     Notes: --



   [C0803] Support Items

  / Item Name \
    Effect: What the item effect is.

       Buy: Where you can buy or create the item.
      Cost: How much OTH.

  Treasure: Location where you can find the item in treasure chests.

      Drop: What enemies drop the item [Leader Item or Break body part]

     Notes: Other comments.


   Note: The Travelling Merchant appears at different locations at different
         points in the game:

         - Chapter 3: Coriander Village and Kalstad
         - Chapter 4: Dipan Castle Courtyard
         - Chapter 5: Dipan Entrance (when you return for the Ghoul Powder)
         - Chapter 6: Coriander Village

         Also note that the Merchant in Asgard is not the Travelling 
         Merchant, since his Inventory and Valued Customer Items, can only 
         be found in Asgard.

   Note(2): Where It says that an Item is at a certain location and it's not 
            there, you will have to proceed with the storyline further. 
            As shops get updates for their inventory at certain points in the 
            game, like:

            For example, Apothecary's Arcanum  listed in Solde, but you can
            only buy it in Solde after Audoula Temple in Chapter 3.

  / Fireproof Trinket \
    Effect: Temporarily increases resistance to fire-element magic.

       Buy: Solde, Asgard, Travelling Merchant

      Cost: 1200

  Treasure: Serdberg Mountain

      Drop: Crust Golem, Meteoric Swarm

     Notes: --


  / Iceproof Trinket \
    Effect: Temporarily increases resistance to ice-element magic.

       Buy: Solde, Asgard, Travelling Merchant

      Cost: 1200


      Drop: Deep One

     Notes: --


  / Earthproof Trinket \
    Effect: Temporarily increases resistance to earth-element magic.

       Buy: Solde, Asgard, Travelling Merchant

      Cost: 1200

  Treasure: Crawsus Forest

      Drop: Capricorn Leader

     Notes: --


  / Lightningproof Trinket \
    Effect: Temporarily increases resistance to lightning-element magic.

       Buy: Solde, Asgard, Travelling Merchant

      Cost: 1200

  Treasure: Crawsus Forest

      Drop: Goat Man

     Notes: --


  / Foolproof Trinket \
    Effect: Protects wearer from any attack one time only.

       Buy: Asgard

      Cost: 5000

  Treasure: Crawsus Forest

      Drop: Sack Mimic, Capricorn Leader, Stray Gods, Dog Brahms

     Notes: Valued Customer Item
            Worn Shield (1), Thick Bone (1), Beetle Shell (1)


  / Fireproof Talisman \
    Effect: Temporarily increases party's resistance to fire-element magic.

       Buy: --

      Cost: --

  Treasure: Valhalla

      Drop: Aesir (Security), Invasive Arsonist

     Notes: --


  / Iceproof Talisman \
    Effect: Temporarily increases party's resistance to ice-element magic.

       Buy: --

      Cost: --

  Treasure: Audoula Temple, Valhalla

      Drop: Elven Wolf, Veil Kraken, Umbrella

     Notes: --


  / Earthproof Talisman \
    Effect: Temporarily increases party's resistance to earth-element magic.

       Buy: --

      Cost: --

  Treasure: Valhalla

      Drop: Land Kraken, Insect King 

     Notes: --


  / Lightningproof Talisman \
    Effect: Temporarily increases party's resistance to lightning-element 

       Buy: --

      Cost: --

  Treasure: Valhalla

      Drop: Unclean Glob, Damp Clayman, Thunderbird

     Notes: --


  / Foolproof Talisman \
    Effect: Protects each party member from any attack one time only.

       Buy: --

      Cost: --

  Treasure: Forest of Spirits, Yggdrasil, Valhalla, Tower of Lezard Valeth

      Drop: Hell Diver, Scargone 

     Notes: Return the Charm to the adventurer at the entrance in Kalstad.


  / Nectar Potion \
    Effect: A potion that temporarily protects the entire party from status

       Buy: Asgard

      Cost: 2500

  Treasure: Palace of the Venerated Dragon, Ravine Caverns, Valhalla

      Drop: Gigantic Claws, Beast Fort, Life Stealer, Slop, Berserk Warrior,
            Ghost in the Mirror

     Notes: Nectar Potion will protect the party against all status 
            ailments, including Transfer and Doom.


  / Charge Break \
    Effect: Restores AP at the cost of party's HP.

       Buy: Asgard

      Cost: 2500

  Treasure: Audoula Temple, Palace of the Venerated Dragon, Yggdrasil
            Valhalla, Seraphic Gate 1st Floor

      Drop: Griffon 

     Notes: Will consume 1/3 HP from each member from the party. It will
            activate even if HP is 1.


  / Might Potion \
    Effect: Temporarily increases ATK.

       Buy: Asgard

      Cost: 2000

  Treasure: Serdberg Mountain, Suts Volcano, Palace of the Venerated Dragon, 
            Seraphic Gate 2nd Floor

      Drop: Muscular Stalker

     Notes: ATK increases by 50%.


  / Guard Potion \
    Effect: Temporarily increases RDM and RST.

       Buy: Asgard

      Cost: 2000

  Treasure: Palace of the Venerated Dragon, Valhalla

      Drop: Iron Golem, Armor Beetle, Gigantic Dragon, Mechanical Major

     Notes: RDM and RST increases by 50%.


  / Spell Potion \
    Effect: Temporarily increases ATK.

       Buy: Asgard

      Cost: 2000


      Drop: Necromancer

     Notes: MAG increases by 50%.


  / Overdrive \
    Effect: Temporarily reduces AP consumption by 20%

       Buy: Asgard

      Cost: 2000


      Drop: Kraken, Dirna Hamilton, Dog Arngrim, Dog Freya

     Notes: --


  / Double Check \
    Effect: Doubles experience and OTH acquired when used during a battle.

       Buy: --

      Cost: --

  Treasure: Dipan Castle, Chateau Obsession, Dragonscript, Forest of Spirits,
            Valhalla, tower of Lezard Valeth, Seraphic Gate 1st Floor,
            Seraphic Gate 4th Floor

      Drop: Abyss Dragon

     Notes: --


  / Spectacles \
    Effect: Allows the wearer to discern the foe's abilities and weak 

       Buy: Solde, Dipan, Travelling Merchant, Villnore, Crell Monferaigne.

      Cost: 150

  Treasure: --

      Drop: Wasp Nest, Elven Hawk, Elder Bat

     Notes: --


  / Gem of Illusions \
    Effect: Allows the wearer to discern the foe's abilities and weak 
            points. Unlike the spectacles, it can be used many times.

       Buy: Solde

      Cost: 10000

  Treasure: --

      Drop: --

     Notes: Valued Customer Item
            Desolation Gem (1), Evil Eye Gem (2), Mirror Fragment (2),
            Adamantite (1)


  / Tome of Godspeed \
    Effect: Extricates party from battle

       Buy: --

      Cost: --

  Treasure: Yggdrasil

      Drop: Giant Bat, Winter Wolf, Mimetic Flower, Sagittarius,
            Thunder Hawk

     Notes: --



   [C0804] Status Increase Items

  / Item Name \
    Effect: What the item do (effects).

       Buy: Where you can buy or create the item (Cost).

  Treasure: Location where you can find the item in treasure chests or
            other locations.

      Find: How to acquire this item. Location where you can find the item 
            other than treasure chests, or a NPC might give it to you as 
            a reward.

     Notes: Other comments.


  / Rose Gem \
    Effect: STR +20, DEX +20

       Buy: --

      Find: Einherjar Release, if ATK is the highest Stats.

     Notes: Combined ATK from Armor and Weapons.


  / Azure Gem \
    Effect: INT +20, CON +20

       Buy: --

      Find: Einherjar Release, if MAG is the highest Stats.

     Notes: Combined MAG from Armor and Weapons.


  / Jade Gem \
    Effect: Max HP +200, AGL +20

       Buy: --

      Find: Einherjar Release, if RDM is the highest Stats.

     Notes: Combined RDM from Armor and Weapons.


  / Expert's Experience \
    Effect: Experience +300000

       Buy: --

  Treasure: Yggdrasil, Valhalla.

      Find: Released Einherjar.
            Richelle - Talk to her, before the end of Chapter 4. 
            Falx - Talk to him, after unlocking the Seraphic Gate.

            When Leone leave your group at the end of Chapter 3 (lv 20+).

            When Arngrim leave your group at the end of Chapter 3 (lv 20+).

            When Dylan leave your group at the end of Chapter 4 (lv 25+).

            When Lezard leave your group at the end of Chapter 4 (lv 25+).

            Chapter 4, after defeating the Kobold Lord, return to Coriander, 
            talk to the guy with the fishing pole.

            Dipan Chapter 4, speak with the fallen guard.

     Notes: If Leone or Arngrim are between level 25-27 when they leave the
            group, you will receive two Expert's Experience.

            If Dylan or Lezard are between level 30-32 when they leave the
            group, you will receive two Expert's Experience.


  / Ambrosia \
    Effect: Max HP +100

       Buy: --

  Treasure: Ravine Caverns, Valhalla(*), Seraphic Gate (1st Floor)

      Find: Einherjar Release. Total RDM/25.

            When Dylan leave your group at the end of Chapter 4 (lv 33+).

            Chapter 6, return to Valhalla, to the same location where you 
            fought Freya.

     Notes: (*) Chapter 6, return to Valhalla, to the same location where
                you fought Freya.


  / Fencer's Familiarity \
    Effect: STR +5

       Buy: --

   Tresure: Ravine Caverns, Valhalla(*), Seraphic Gate (4th Floor).

      Find: Einherjar Release. Total ATK/20.

     Notes: (*) Chapter 6, return to Valhalla, to the same location where 
                you fought Freya.


  / Sorcerer's Savvy \
    Effect: INT +5

       Buy: --

  Treasure: Ravine Caverns, Valhalla(*), Seraphic Gate (2nd Floor).

      Find: Einherjar Release. Total MAG/10.

            When Lezard leave your group at the end of Chapter 4 (lv 33+).

     Notes: (*) Chapter 6, return to Valhalla, to the same location where
                you fought Freya.


  / Archer's Aptitude \
    Effect: DEX +5

       Buy: --

  Treasure: Ravine Caverns, Valhalla (*), Seraphic Gate (3rd Floor).

      Find: Einherjar Release. Total HIT/5.

     Notes: (*) Chapter 6, return to Valhalla, to the same location where
                you fought Freya.


  / Thief's Thoughts \
    Effect: AGL +5

       Buy: --

  Treasure: Ravine Caverns, Valhalla(*), Seraphic Gate (2nd Floor).

      Find: Einherjar Release. Total AVD/10.

            When Leone leave your group at the end of Chapter 3 (lv 28+).

     Notes: (*) Chapter 6, return to Valhalla, to the same location where
                you fought Freya.


  / Warrior's Wits \
    Effect: CON +5

       Buy: --

  Treasure: Ravine Caverns, Valhalla(*), Seraphic Gate (3rd Floor).

      Find: Einherjar Release. Total RST/5

            When Arngrim leave your group at the end of Chapter 3 (lv 28+).

            Also go to Villnore and talk to Adonis, before the end Chapter 4.

     Notes: (*) Chapter 6, return to Valhalla, to the same location where
                you fought Freya.


  / Golden Egg \
    Effect: Randomly raises STR, INT, DEX and AGL by 1 to 10 points.

       Buy: Solde Valued Customer Item (50000)
            Burgundy Flask (2)        Royal Jelly (1)
            Seafood (3)               Sunflower Seed (1)

  Treasure: Chateau Obsession, Palace of the Venerated Dragon, Valhalla,
            Seraphic Gate (4th Floor)

      Find: Einherjar Release. Go to Solde (Church) and talk to Phyress, 
            before the end of Chapter 4.
            Heimdall [Leader Item] - Bifrost
            Chapter 3 - Chicken in Coriander Village
            Chapter 4 - Chicken in Kalstad
            Chapter 5 - Chicken in Coriander Village
            Chapter 6 - Chicken in Coriander Village

     Notes: --



   [C0805] Materials

 |         Material           |   Sell   |          Enemy Type               |

    Troll Clay                     480       Troll
                                             Troll Chief
                                             Wild Troll  [Mini-Boss]
                                             Ice Troll
                                             Giant Troll
                                             Gigantic Troll [Mini-Boss]

    Rotted Budgeon                1200       Troll Chief

    Bonemeal                        40       Skeleton
                                             Skeleton Soldier
                                             Giant Skeleton
                                             Rotting Demon
                                             Kill Bone

    Broken Blade                  4000       Aesir (Guards)
                                             Dog Arngrim

    Broken Sword                  4000       Cybersaur [Mini-Boss] 
    Alligator Skin                4000       Lizard Man
                                             Lizard Lord
                                             Cybersaur [Mini-Boss]
                                             Red Lizard
                                             Lizard Knight

    Bat Wing                       400       Goblin
                                             Giant Bat
                                             Fire Bat
                                             Trash Demon                      

    Beast's Flesh                   80       Dire Wolf
                                             Winter Wolf
                                             Elven Wolf
                                             Wild Wolf

    Iron Ore                       280       Goblin
                                             Ballistic Rhino [Boss]
                                             Prince of Hell [Mini-Boss]

    Feather                          4       Giant Hawk   
                                             Thunder Hawk
                                             Griffon [Boss]

    Nightshade                       4       Toxic Flower 
                                             Sand Flower
                                             Mimetic Flower

    Seafood                        120       Flying Fish
                                             Primordial Ooze [Boss]
                                             Skull Fish
                                             Giant Crab
                                             Kraken [Boss]
                                             Gun Fish
                                             Green Coral
                                             Gigantic Claws
                                             Flying Killer

    Adhesive                       200       Giant Snail
                                             Disgusting Shell
    Wax Clump                      200       Strobila
                                             Carnivorous Plant

    Burgundy Flask                 792       Solde (Treasure)
                                             Deep One
                                             Trash Demon
                                             Ice Devil
                                             Abyssinian Demon

    Platinum Eye                  4000       Electrical Chip
                                             Gluttonous Bug
                                             Insect King

    Royal Jelly                   1200       Wasp Nest
                                             Queen Wasp [Boss]
                                             Gigantic Wasp [Boss]
                                             Gluttonous Bug

    Lamb's Tooth                   480       Goat Man

    Silverwork Orchid            40000       Lady Cleo [Boss]

    Keg                            200       Satyr

    Stagnant Water                 200       Bullet Beetle
    Broken Amulet                  200       Skeleton

    Shrine Chronicles              200       Warning Jewel

    Amber                         1200       Bullet Beetle
    Broken Claw                    400       Owlbear
                                             Crust Golem [Mini-Boss]

    Giant Pearl                  20000       Gigantic Moth
                                             King Slug

    Silver Vine Frame           360000       Magic Mirror 



   [C0806] Precious Items

  01. Map of the West Lands

       Info: A map of the west featuring Villnore in the center.
             Enables shortcuts to destinations.
       Find: Villnore Armory and Crell Monferaigne Armory (1000).

  02. Map of the East Lands

       Info: A map of the east featuring Crell Monferaigne in the center.
             Enables shortcuts to destinations.
       Find: Crell Monferaigne Armory (5000)

  03. Map of the North Lands

       Info: A map of the north featuring Dipan and Solde in the center.
             Enables shortcuts to destinations.
       Find: Solde Armory [Chapter 4] (10000).

  04. Key of the Mines

       Info: The key to the door that lies within Turgen Mine.
       Find: Treasure Turgen Mines

  05. Sunlight Stone

       Info: Keystone used in the Palace of the Venerated Dragon to operate
             the transfer device.
       Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  06. Eclipse Stone

       Info: Keystone used in the Palace of the Venerated Dragon to operate
             the transfer device.
       Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  07. Halo Stone

       Info: Keystone used in the Palace of the Venerated Dragon to operate
             the transfer device.
       Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  08. Painted Cloud Stone

       Info: Keystone used in the Palace of the Venerated Dragon to operate
             the transfer device.
       Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  09. Dark Moon Stone

       Info: Keystone used in the Palace of the Venerated Dragon to operate
             the transfer device.
       Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  10. Crimson Flame Stone

       Info: Keystone used in the Palace of the Venerated Dragon to operate
             the transfer device.
       Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  11. Sun and Moon Stone

       Info: Keystone used in the Palace of the Venerated Dragon to operate
             the transfer device.
       Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  12. Ghoul Powder

       Find: Dipan Castle Event (Chapter 5).

  13. Divine Time Giver

      Info: Grants bearer a greater number of attacks than normally possible.
      Find: Kraken [B] drop, Audoula Temple.

  14. Jade Sealpouch

      Info: A mysterious treasure that allows one to carry more sealstones.
      Find: Griffon [B] drop, Ancient Forest.

  15. Azure Sealpouch

      Info: A mysterious treasure that allows one to carry more sealstones.
      Find: Lady Cleo [B] drop, Chateau Obsession.

  16. Rose Sealpouch

      Info: A mysterious treasure that allows one to carry more sealstones.
      Find: Gigantic Wasp [B] drop, Turgen Mine (Chapter 5).

  17. Dragon Orb

       Info: One of the Four Treasures. It protects Midgard.
       Find: Tower of Lezard Valeth Event

  18. Water Mirror

       Info: A shard of the water mirror from the Hall of Valhalla, With it,
             you can travel to any place in the world.
       Find: Tower Lezard Valeth Event

  19. Rebellious Truth

       Info: Text that teaches Silmeria the normal attack Rebellious 
       Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

  20. Blood Rain

       Info: Text that teaches Brahms the normal attack Blood Rain.
       Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

  21. Thunder Break

       Info: Text that teaches Rufus the normal attack Thunder Break.
       Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor.

  22. Dead End

       Info: Text that teaches Arngrim the normal attack Dead End.
       Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor.

  23. Dismember Legion

       Info: Text that teaches Dylan the normal attack Dismember 
       Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor.

  24. Second Rain

      Info: Text that teaches Leone and Einherjar Light Warriors the 
            normal attack Second Rain.
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor.

  25. Furious Advance

      Info: Text that teaches Hrist the normal attack Furious Advance.
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor.

  26. Code Break

      Info: Text that teaches Lenneth the normal attack Code Break.
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor.

  27. Sky-high Edge

      Info: Text that teaches Alicia and Valkyrie the normal attack 
            Sky-high Edge.
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor.

  28. Sonic Edge

      Info: Text that teaches Einherjar Heavy Warriors the normal 
            attack Sonic Edge.
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor.

  29. Smashing Shot

      Info: Text that teaches Einherjar Archers the normal attack 
            Smashing Shot.
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor.

  30. 1st Oracle

      Info: The enemies get stronger as you go round and round. Good
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor, 2nd run. First drop area.

  31. 2nd Oracle

      Info: Peace would come, if only Odin weren't around.
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor, 3rd run. From the entrance, 
            go Left, Down, Down.

  32. 3rd Oracle

      Info: If no one stirred up trouble, Ragnarok would never come.
      Find: Seraphic Gate Treasure, 3rd Floor, 4th run. From the entrance, 
            go Left.

  33. 4th Oracle

      Info: Can Rufus and Freya ever be friend?
      Find: Seraphic Gate treasure, 3rd Floor, 5th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, the chest is up in this room.

  34. 5th Oracle

      Info: Brahms' transfer draws unwanted attention from the undead.
      Find: Seraphic Gate Treasure, 4th Floor, 6th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, Right.

  35. 6th Oracle

      Info: With or without Odin, Lezard would still become evil
      Find: Seraphic Gate Treasure, 4th Floor, 7th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, Right, Left.

  36. 7th Oracle

      Info: Silmeria and her sisters have not changed. The Sovereign's
            Rite will summon them as always.
      Find: Seraphic Gate Treasure, 5th Floor, 8th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, Down, Left.

  37. 8th Oracle

      Info: I don't think Surt and Hel would Change. The mystery is 
            Loki... and why he did what he did.
      Find: Seraphic Gate Treasure, 5th Floor, 9th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, Right.

  38. 9th Oracle
      Info: You are strong. I lose. Give it another round; your prize 
      Find: Seraphic Gate Treasure, 5th Floor, 10th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, Down, Down.


=  9. SEALSTONES                                                     [C0900]  =

   Sealstones are spheres of concentrated energy that emit a status effect to
the area around it. It's possible to place those stones in various locations 
within a dungeon to create an area-wide status effect that cripples every 
enemy within the region. 

   Some areas in a dungeon map are marked in grey. Those areas are called
Divinity Void and they cancel the power of the sealstones. Also when you 
enter a Divinity Void area you can't use photons.

   When a sealstone is held, it's enchantment affects the entire party.

   Restoring a dungeon sealstone to the spring will enable you to use that 
sealstone in another dungeon. To restore sealstones to the spring you will 
need Magic Gems. Those can be acquired during battle. When performing Direct 
Assaults, you immediately earn 30 Magic Gems at the end of the battle. Also 
attack combos and a combination of Skills and Sealtones can increase the 
amount of gems substancially, like aerial combos, Double/Triple Edge and 
Ore Blessing Sealstone. 

   But keep in mind that you can only gain 80 gems/battle.

   Some sealstones are more important than others, as their effect will
greatly benefit your characters, that being said, restoring some of the more
important sealstones early in the game can make a big difference, when 
entering some dungeons and trying to defeat the enemies within. Some worth
seastones that are recommended to restore are:

   - Sword Blessing (150) [Serdberg Mountain]: ATK increases by 1.2

   - Poison Pin Blessing (300) [Ancient Forest]: Attack with Poison. Slowly
     the enemy will lose HP.

   - Lifeforce Blessing (2000) [Surts Volcano]: HP recovery 200%. When used
     with First Aid, Metabolizer and Survival can make you near immortal, for
     more information, see How to be Invincible? [C1221].

   - Experience Pig Law (1200) [Chateau Obsession]: Experience x2. When 
     combined with Training Skill, it can greatly speed up the level up
     proccess for the characters.

   - Experience Friend Law (4000) [Palace of the Venerated Dragon]: It will
     give 1/6 of the total experience to all characters that are not in your 
     main party. Is an excellent way to level up Einherjars to the required
     level to release.

   - Confuse Pin Blessing (400) [Forest of Spirits]: Attack with Cofusion. An
     enemy afflicted with this effect will not attack.

   [C0901] Serdberg Mountain Ruins

  / [SS01] Black Anchor Wrath \
         Effect: Increased Mass

   Restore Cost: 100

          Notes: Negates forced movement in field. In battle, subject is
                 thrown less when launched.


  / [SS02] Masochist Wrath \
         Effect: Reversed Damage

   Restore Cost: 3000

          Notes: Activated in Battle. Portion of attack damage is 
                 reflected back at subject.


  / [SS03] Fog Wrath \
         Effect: Detectability Down

   Restore Cost: 200

          Notes: Activated in field. When held, foes do not show in the
                 mini map. Affected enemies do not give chase.


  / [SS04] Sword Blessing \
         Effect: ATK 120%

   Restore Cost: 150

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's ATK increases to 120%.



   [C0902] Ancient Forest

  / [SS05] Manacles Wrath \
         Effect: No Guarding

   Restore Cost: 400

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject cannot guard.


  / [SS06] Poison Pin Blessing \
         Effect: Attcak with Poison.

   Restore Cost: 300

          Notes: Activated in battle. Small chance targeted enemy may be
                 inflicted with Poison.


  / [SS07] Sheathed Power Wrath \
         Effect: Inflicted Damage 1/4

   Restore Cost: 30000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Damage inflicted by subject is
                 reduced to 1/4.


  / [SS08] Treasure Blessing \
         Effect: Bigger Bonus

   Restore Cost: 400

          Notes: Activated in battle. When held, Extension Gauge reduction 



   [C0903] Turgen Mines

  / [SS09] Fetters Wrath \
         Effect: No Evade/Counter

   Restore Cost: 2000

          Notes: Activated after victory. Subject cannot evade or counter


  / [SS10] Brimstone Law \
         Effect: Turn to Fire

   Restore Cost: 20000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's physical attack becomes 
                 fire attack. Absorbs fire, but loses all ice resistance.


  / [SS11] Alarm Blessing \
         Effect: Guaranteed Initiative

   Restore Cost: 600

          Notes: Activated at fight start. When held prevents enemy ambush.
                 When used by enemies, assures ambush.

  / [SS12] Gold Grubber Law \
         Effect: Acquired OTH x3
                 Experience = 0

   Restore Cost: 1200

          Notes: Activated after victory. When held, money triples, but
                 experience is not acquired.


   [C0904] Audoula Temple on the Lake

  / [SS13] Gold Blessing \
         Effect: More Money

   Restore Cost: 500

          Notes: Activated after victory. When held, money acquired 
                 increases to 150%.


  / [SS14] Ice Blessing \
         Effect: Ice Attack 150%
                 Fire Attack 1/2

   Restore Cost: 600

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's Ice Elemental Attack power
                 upped to 150%. Fire Elemental Attack power is halved.


  / [SS15] Chasm Wrath \
         Effect: RDM 1/2
                 RST 1/2

   Restore Cost: 4000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's RDM and RST reduced to 1/2.



   [C0905] Surts Volcano Caverns

  / [SS16] Lifeforce Blessing \
         Effect: HP Recovery 200%

   Restore Cost: 2000

          Notes: Activated in battle. HP recovery doubles when subject is
                 healed by items or magic.


  / [SS17] Cotton Dust Wrath \
         Effect: Decreased Mass

   Restore Cost: 200

          Notes: Increases forced movement in the field. In battle, subject
                 is thrown more when launched.


  / [SS18] Achromatic Law \
         Effect: No Tolerance

   Restore Cost: 4000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Reduces subject's resistance to all
                 elements to zero.


  / [SS19] Fire Blessing \
         Effect: Fire Attack 150%
                 Ice Attack 1/2

   Restore Cost: 600

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's Fire Elemental Attack power 
                 upped to 150%. Ice Elemental Attack power is halved.


  / [SS20] Barrier Blessing \
         Effect: Negate Light Damage

   Restore Cost: 1000

          Notes: Activated in battle. When held, damage less than 50 points 
                 is nullified.


  / [SS21] Iceberg Law \
         Effect: Turn to Ice

   Restore Cost: 20000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's physical attack becomes 
                 Ice attack. Absorbs ice, but loses all fire resistance.



   [C0906] Chateau Obsession

  / [SS22] Soul-Carver Wrath \
         Effect: Gradual HP Loss

   Restore Cost: 2500

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject suffers damage periodically.


  / [SS23] Somber Light Wrath \
         Effect: Reflect Photons -3

   Restore Cost: 100

          Notes: Activated in field. Number of photon reflections
                 decreases by 3.


  / [SS24] Shield Blessing \
         Effect: RDM 120%

   Restore Cost: 400

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's RDM increases to 120%.


  / [SS25] Experience Pig Law \
         Effect: Experience x2
                 Acquired OTH =0

   Restore Cost: 1200

          Notes: Activated after victory. When held, Experience doubles, 
                 but money is not acquired.



   [C0907] Crawsus Forest Ruins

  / [SS26] Earth Blessing \
         Effect: Earth Attack 150%
                 Lightning Attack 1/2

   Restore Cost: 600

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject Earth Elemental Attack power 
                 upped to 150%. Lightning Elemental Attack power is halved.


  / [SS27] Lightning Blessing \
         Effect: Lightning Attack 150%
                 Earth Attack 1/2

   Restore Cost: 600

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject Lightning Elemental Attack 
                 power upped to 150%. Earth Elemental Attack power is halved.


  / [SS28] Mudbank Law \
         Effect: Turn to Earth

   Restore Cost: 20000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's physical attack becomes 
                 Earth attack. Absorbs Earth, but loses all Lightning


  / [SS29] Thundecloud Law \
         Effect: Turn to Lightning

   Restore Cost: 20000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's physical attack becomes 
                 Lightning attack. Absorbs Lightning, but loses all Earth



   [C0908] Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  / [SS30] Experience Friend Law \
         Effect: Experience for All

   Restore Cost: 4000

          Notes: Activated after victory. Distributes 1/6 of experience to
                 allies not fighting (when held).


  / [SS31] Powerless Cap Wrath \
         Effect: Slower Fall
                 Cannot Acquire Items

   Restore Cost: 200

          Notes: Activated in field. Push up after jump to glide. No item
                 from treasure chests or breaking enemies.


  / [SS32] Wrath of Bread Alone \
         Effect: HP Drain Enabled
                 Battle Menu Disabled

   Restore Cost: 1200

          Notes: Activated in battle. 1/8 of the damage inflicted added to 
                 subject's HP, byt cannot use menu.


  / [SS33] Wrath of Forcefulness \
         Effect: Weapon Break 1/5
                 ATK 300%

   Restore Cost: 500

          Notes: Activated in battle. ATK triples, but weapon breaks 1/5
                 of the time.


  / [SS34] Stone Hurler Wrath \
         Effect: Projectile ATK 200%
                 Speed Reduced

   Restore Cost: 2500

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's projectile attack power 
                 doubles, but movement speed is slowed.



   [C0909] Forest of Spirits

  / [SS35] Hunter Blessing \
         Effect: Hit Rate Up

   Restore Cost: 400

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's hit percentage is greatly


  / [SS36] Sleipnir Blessing \
         Effect: Evasion Up

   Restore Cost: 1500

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's evasion percentage is
                 greatly increased.


  / [SS37] Confuse Pin Blessing \
         Effect: Attack with Confusion

   Restore Cost: 400

          Notes: Activated in battle. Small chance targeted enemy may be
                 afflicted with Confusion.



   [C0910] Ravine Caverns

  / [SS38] Chaos Law \
         Effect: Random Effect

   Restore Cost: 400

          Notes: Activated in battle. Unknown effect applies to subject.
                 This will change with each battle.


  / [SS39] Lawbreaker's Law \
         Effect: Negate Sealstones

   Restore Cost: 10000

          Notes: Activated in field, battle. Nullifies other sealstone 
                 effects applied to target.


  / [SS40] Burst Light Blessing \
         Effect: Photons Scatter

   Restore Cost: 200

          Notes: Activated in field. Fire photons three directions at once. 
                 No repeat firing (when held).


  / [SS41] Dark Night Law \
         Effect: Turn to Dark

   Restore Cost: 30000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's physical attack becomes 
                 Dark attack. Absorbs dark, but loses all holy resistance.


  / [SS42] Silent Pin Blessing \
         Effect: Attack with Silence

   Restore Cost: 500

          Notes: Activated in battle. Small chance targeted enemy may be
                 afflicted with Silence.


  / [SS43] Secluded Valley Law \
         Effect: Received Damage 1/4
                 No HP Recovery

   Restore Cost: 20000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Damage suffered by subject reduced to
                 1/4. All Healing effects nullified.


  / [SS44] Elusive Air Law \
         Effect: Negate Encounters

   Restore Cost: 2500

          Notes: Activated in field. Touching enemy does not cause battle.
                 Can enter battle by hitting with weapon.



   [C0911] Yggdrasil

  / [SS45] Magical Light Blessing \
         Effect: Photons Break Pillars

   Restore Cost: 100

          Notes: Activated in field. Photons can break Yggdrasil's pillars
                 (when held).


  / [SS46] Dancing Light Blessing \
         Effect: Reflect Photons +4

   Restore Cost: 150

          Notes: Activated in field. Photons reflect four additional times
                 (when held).


  / [SS47] Paper Tiger Blessing \
         Effect: Attack UP at Max HP

   Restore Cost: 800

          Notes: Activated in battle. When subject is at maximum HP, ATK and
                 MAG increase by 120%.


  / [SS48] Great Shield Law \
         Effect: RDM 200%
                 ATK 3/4

   Restore Cost: 2000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's RDM doubles, but ATK is 
                 reduced to 3/4.


  / [SS49] Sharp Sword Law \
         Effect: ATK 150%
                 RDM 1/2

   Restore Cost: 2000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's ATK increases to 150%, but 
                 RDM is halved.


  / [SS50] Darkness Blessing \
         Effect: Dark Attack 150%
                 Holy Attack 1/2

   Restore Cost: 1000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's Dark Element Attack power 
                 upped to 150%. Holy Element Attack power is halved.



   [C0912] Valhalla

  / [SS51] Gem Blessing \
         Effect: Items Appear?
                 No Purple Gems

   Restore Cost: 1000

          Notes: Activated in battle. No purple and bright gems, get items
                 instead (when held)

        Note(2): See Gem Blessing Sealstone: How it does work? [C1215], for
                 more information on the effects of the sealstone and 
                 what items will appear.


  / [SS52] Holy Light Law \
         Effect: Turn to Holy

   Restore Cost: 30000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's physical attack becomes 
                 Holy attack. Absorbs holy, but loses all dark resistance.


  / [SS53] Ore Blessing \
         Effect: More Purple Gems

   Restore Cost: 4000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Increases amount of purple gems that
                 appear after an attack.


  / [SS54] Law of Consistency \
         Effect: No Status Change
                 No Support Magic

   Restore Cost: 10000

          Notes: Activated in field, battle. All long term ailment and 
                 support magic effects are nullified.
                 It does not prevent Transfer from falling of the battle 
                 field during a battle.

  / [SS55] Strongman Blessing \
         Effect: Negate Critical

   Restore Cost: 400

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject becomes immune to Critical


  / [SS56] Holy Blessing \
         Effect: Holy Attack 150%
                 Dark Attack 1/2

   Restore Cost: 1000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's Holy Element Attack power 
                 upped to 150%. Dark Element Attack power is halved.



   [C0913] Tower of Lezard Valeth

  / [SS57] Despearte Soldier Law \
         Effect: ATK 150%
                 No HP Recovery

   Restore Cost: 1500

          Notes: Activated in battle. ATK of subject increases to 150%. All
                 HP Recovery effects nullified.


  / [SS58] Unprepared Castle Law \
         Effect: RDM 200%
                 Battle Menu Disable

   Restore Cost: 1500

          Notes: Activated in battle. RDM of subject doubles, but menu 
                 cannot be used.


  / [SS59] Six Elements Blessing \
         Effect: All Tolerances UP

   Restore Cost: 2000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Resistance to all elements increases 
                 to 120% for subject.



   [C0914] Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

  / [SS60] Soul Wringer Wrath \
         Effect: Rapid HP Loss

   Restore Cost: 30000

          Notes: --



   [C0915] Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

  / [SS61] Yggdrasil Blessing \
         Effect: All Status UP

   Restore Cost: 4000

          Notes: Activated in battle. ATK, MAG, HIT, AVD, RST and RDM 
                 increase to 120%.


  / [SS62] Transvestal Law \
         Effect: Gender Switch

   Restore Cost: 150

          Notes: Activated in battle. Reverses the gender of the subject.


  / [SS63] Festive Light Blessing \
         Effect: Reflect Photons +20

   Restore Cost: 500

          Notes: Activated in field. Number of photon reflections increases
                 by 20.



   [C0916] Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

  / [SS64] Rust Wrath \
         Effect: ATK 3/4
                 RDM 1/2

   Restore Cost: 4000

          Notes: Activated in battle. Subject's ATK is reduced to 3/4 and
                 RDM to 1/2.


  / [SS65] Trade Law \
         Effect: Switch Stone Effects

   Restore Cost: 800

          Notes: Activated in battle. Effects of ally and enemy sealstones
                 are exchanged



=  10. EINHERJAR                                                     [C1000]  =

   This section will be for the Initial Equipment and Startingh Skills for
the Main Characters (MC) and Einherjars (EI). Since almost all FAQ or Guides
give information on the characters, I will just give a brief information about
the character and concentrate on their initial equipment and skills.

   [C1001] Main Characters

  / [MCxx] Main Character Name \
      Class: Light Warrior / Heavy Warrior / Archer / Sorcerer

      Gender: Male / Female [Female measurements: B/W/H]

         Age: How old [Born (C.C) / Died (C.C)]

    Location: When the character will join your group.

   Equipment: Starting Weapon
              Starting Head Armor
              Starting Body Armor
              Starting Arm Armor
              Starting Leg Armor

  Equipment2: Equipment that a character may have upon rejoining your group
              during the Main Story.
       Skill: Starting Skill
             [Necessary Runes to teach the skill to other characters]

        Note: --


  / [MC01] Alicia \
       Class: Light Warrior (Dipan Princess)

      Gender: Female [B/W/H]

         Age: 18 [923/---]

    Location: Main Initial Character.

   Equipment: Long Sword
              Alicia's Robe
       Skill: --

        Note: --


  / [MC02] Rufus \
       Class: Archer

      Gender: Male

         Age: 24 (appearance) [???/---]

    Location: Main Initial Character.

   Equipment: Short Bow
              Leather Mail
              Leather Gloves
       Skill: --

        Note: --


  / [MC03] Dylan \
       Class: Heavy Warrior (Knight of Dipan)

      Gender: Male

         Age: 28 [772/880]

    Location: Royal Underground Path (Chapter 1).

   Equipment: Bastard Sword
              Leather Mail
       Skill: --

        Note: --


  / [MC04] Lezard Valeth \
       Class: Sorcerer

      Gender: Male

         Age: ?? [???/---]

    Location: Dipan Castle (Chapter 2).

   Equipment: Ruby Mace
              Leather Glove
              Suede Boots

  Equipment2: Monster Manifest (Lezard Only)
              Dark Cleric Robes (Lezard Only)
       Skill: --

        Note: --


  / [MC05] Leone \
       Class: Light Warrior (Mercenary)

      Gender: Female [ ]

         Age: 25 [???/---]

    Location: Serdberg Mountain Ruins (Chapter 3).

   Equipment: Rapier
              Silver Sallet
              Leather Boots
       Skill: Spirit Control
              [Red Rune: Arm + Slashing + Lightning]

        Note: --


  / [MC06] Arngrim \
       Class: Heavy Warrior (Mercenary)

      Gender: Male

         Age: 26 [915/---]

    Location: Serdberg Mountain Ruins (Chapter 3).

   Equipment: Striking Sword
              Silver Sallet
              Cloth Greaves  

  Equipment2: Durandal
              Valor Helm
              Full Plate
              Holy Gauntlet
              Valor Greaves
       Skill: Survival
              [Blue Rune: Body + Healing + Training]

        Note: --


  / [MC07] Brahms \
       Class: Lord of the Undead

      Gender: Male

         Age: ?? [???/???]

    Location: Tower of Lezard Valeth (Beginning of Chapter 6).

   Equipment: Bloody Knuckle
              Valiant Helm
              Valiant Armor
              Valor Gauntlet
              Valiant Greaves
       Skill: Victorious Vitality
              [Green Rune: Body + Earth + Healing]

              Mind Lock
              [Green Rune: Head + Ice + Holy]

              God Destroyer
              [Green Rune: Piercing + Bludgeon + Weakness + Holy]

        Note: Brahms also will start with all skills learned by Dylan before
              the events at the end of chapter 4.


  / [MC08] Hrist \
       Class: Battle Maiden

      Gender: Female [85/57/84]

         Age: 25 (in human years) [???/???]

    Location: Tower of Lezard Valeth (Beginning of Chapter 6).

   Equipment: Saint's Halberd
              Valiant Helm
              Mithril Plate
              Mithril Gauntlet
              Valiant Greaves
       Skill: Heat Up 
              [Red Rune: Body + Slashing + Strengthening]

              Cure Condition
              [Blue Rune: Body + Healing + Earth + Resistance]

        Note: Hrist also will start with all skills learned by Leone before
              the events at the end of chapter 3.


  / [MC09] Lenneth \
       Class: Battle Maiden

      Gender: Female [84/56/83]

         Age: 23 (in human years) [???/???]

    Location: Tower of Lezard Valeth (Chapter 6).

   Equipment: Glance Reviver
              Mithril Helm
              Reflect Armor
              Mithril Gauntlet
              Valiant Greaves
       Skill: Heroism 
              [Red Rune: Body + Fire + Strengthening]

              Force Field (1000) 
              [Green Rune: Body + Head + Healing + Holy]


  / [MC10] Silmeria \
       Class: Battle Maiden

      Gender: Female [80/54/80]

         Age: 21 (in human years) [???/???]

    Location: Tower of Lezard Valeth (Chapter 6).

   Equipment: Crescent Arrow
              Rune Crown
              Elfin Boots
       Skill: Regenerate Health
              [Red Rune: Body + Earth + Healing]

              True Seeing
              [Red Rune: Piercing + Fire + Strengthening]

        Note: --


  / [MC11] Valkyrie \
       Class: Battle Maiden

      Gender: Female [ ]

         Age: ?? [???/???]

    Location: Tower of Lezard Valeth (Chapter 6).

   Equipment: Randgrid's Blade
              Mithril Helm
              Alvitr's Armor
              Mithril Gauntlet
              Mithril Greaves
       Skill: Toughness
              [Green Rune: Body + Leg + Fire]

              [Green Rune: Body + Strengthening + Fire]

              Mind Lock
              [Green Rune: Head + Ice + Holy]

        Note: Valkyrie will start with all skills learned by Alicia.


  / [MC12] Freya \

      Gender: Female [88/58/87]

         Age: 21 (in human years) [???/???]

    Location: Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor (Defeat Frigga, Chapter 6).

   Equipment: Ether Laser 
              Eternal Shine
              Ether Shield
       Skill: Heroism 
              [Red Rune: Body + Fire + Strengthening]

              True Seeing
              [Red Rune: Piercing + Fire + Strengthening]

              Giant Killer
              [Red Rune: Slashing + Weakness + Training + Holy]

        Note: Freya does not join duirng the Main Story.



   [C1002] Einherjars

  / [EIxx] Einherjar Name \
      Class: Light Warrior / Heavy Warrior / Archer / Sorcerer

     Gender: Male / Female [Female measurements: B/W/H]

        Age: How old [Born (C.C) / Died (C.C)]

   Location: Initial Materialization Point / Location After Release

  Equipment: Starting Weapon, Starting Armor
      Skill: Starting Skill [necessary Runes to learn skill]

      Items: What items the character will give, if you talk to them after
             release. The item a character(s) will give you, depend on when 
             you talk to them, you can release the character at any point in 
             the game, but to get the items:

             Item 1: You must talk to a released character before the end 
                     of Chapter 4.

             Item 2: You must talk to a released character during Chapter 5,
                     but before unlocking the Seraphic Gate.

             Item 3: You must talk to a released character after the
                     Seraphic Gate is Unlocked.


  / [EI01] Mithra \
      Class: Sorcerer

     Gender: Male

        Age: 34 [112-146]

   Location: Lost Forest / Lost Forest

  Equipment: Ruby Mace, Cloak
      Skill: Break Up 
             [Blue Rune: Arm + Slashing + Activation + Strengthening]

      Items: (1) Holy Water of Mithra
             (2) --
             (3) Holy Water of Mithra


  / [EI02] Richelle \
      Class: Light Warrior

     Gender: Female [86/60/85]

        Age: 27 [550-577]

   Location: Royal Underground Path / Coriander Village

  Equipment: Long Sword, Leather Mail
      Skill: Reflex Movement
             [Blue Rune: Body + Leg + Lightning]

      Items: (1) Expert's Experience
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI03] Sylphide \
      Class: Light Warrior

     Gender: Female [79/55/80]

        Age: 34 [565-599]

   Location: Royal Underground Path / Coriander Village

  Equipment: Long Sword, Leather Mail, Gauntlet
      Skill: Free Item 
             [Blue Rune: Arm + Head + Activation + Resistance]

      Items: (1) 50,000 Oth
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI04] Jessica \
      Class: Light Warrior

     Gender: Female [82/58/84]

        Age: 23 [445-468]

   Location: Royal Underground Path / Coriander Village

  Equipment: Long Sword, Leather Mail
      Skill: Heat Up 
             [Red Rune: Body + Slashing + Strengthening]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) Ymir's Tears
             (3) --


  / [EI05] Kraad \
      Class: Heavy Warrior

     Gender: Male

        Age: 32 [630-662]

   Location: Royal Underground Path / Villnore

  Equipment: Bastard Sword, Leather Mail, Leather Boots
      Skill: Iron Fist 
             [Blue Rune: Body + Fire]

      Items: (1) Kraadicator
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI06] Roland \
      Class: Heavy Warrior

     Gender: Male

        Age: 29 [548-577]

   Location: Royal Underground Path / Villnore

  Equipment: Bastard Sword, Leather Mail, Leather Boots
      Skill: Spirit Control 
            [Red Rune: Arm + Slashing + Lightning]

      Items: (1) 50,000 Oth
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI07] Celes \
      Class: Light Warrior

     Gender: Female [87/61/85]

        Age: 27 [556-583]

   Location: Serdberg Mountain Ruins / Solde

  Equipment: Falchion, Silver Sallet, Cuirass, Metal Buckler, Metal Greaves
      Skill: Dismantle 
             [Green Rune: Arm + Darkness + Strengthening + Training]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) --
             (3) 300,000 Oth


  / [EI08] Tyrith \
      Class: Light Warrior

     Gender: Female [86/60/84]

        Age: 23 [636-659]

   Location: Serdberg Mountain Ruins / Solde 

  Equipment: Rapier, Cuirass, Metal Greaves
      Skill: Adversity
             [Red Rune: Body + Fire + Ice + Earth + Lightning]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) Foolproof Trinket
             (3) --


  / [EI09] Alm \
      Class: Sorcerer

     Gender: Male

        Age: 38 [563-601]

   Location: Serdberg Mountain Ruins / Chateau Obsession

  Equipment: Ruby Mace, Silver Cloak
      Skill: Overload 
             [Red Rune: Head + Ice + Darkness + Activation]

      Items: (1) 50,000 Oth
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI10] Wolmar \
      Class: Sorcerer

     Gender: Male

        Age: 28 [724-752]

   Location: Serdberg Mountain Ruins / Chateau Obsession

  Equipment: Ruby Mace, Leather Cloak
      Skill: Weed Whacker 
             [Red Rune: Slashing + Weakness + Fire]

      Items: (1) Foolproof Talisman
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI11] Chrystie \
      Class: Archer

     Gender: Female [83/57/84]

        Age: ?? [583-???]

   Location: Ancient Forest / Kythena Plains 

  Equipment: Long Bow, Silver Sallet, Silver Cloak, Leather Gloves, 
             Leather Boots
      Skill: Magic Mail
             [Blue Rune: Head + Bludgeon + Ice + Resistance]

      Items: (1) 50,000 Oth
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI12] Sha-Kon \
      Class: Archer

     Gender: Female [80/56/81]

        Age: 23 [627-650]

   Location: Ancient Forest / Kythena Plains 

  Equipment: Strength Bow, Leather Mail
      Skill: Mind Lock
             [Green Rune: Head + Ice + Holy]

      Items: (1) Prism Gem
             (2) --
             (3) Robe of Bryttain


  / [EI13] Khanon \
      Class: Sorcerer

     Gender: Male

        Age: 42 [539-581]

   Location: Audoula Temple on the Lake / Sukavia Gorge

  Equipment: Mystic Cult Staff, Noble Cloak
      Skill: Solitary Struggle 
             [Green Rune: Body + Resistance + Fire]

      Items: (1) Noble Elixir
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI14] Phyress \
      Class: Archer

     Gender: Female [83/57/84]

        Age: 17 [564-622 (actually 58)]

   Location: Audoula Temple on the Lake / Solde (Church)

  Equipment: Long Bow, Silver Sallet, Silver Cloak, Leather Gloves, 
             Leather Boots
      Skill: Psychosoma
             [Red Rune: Head + Arm + Activation + Ice]

      Items: (1) Golden Egg
             (2) --
             (3) 300,000 Oth


  / [EI15] Ehrde \
      Class: Archer

     Gender: Male

        Age: 26 [555-581]

   Location: Audoula Temple on the Lake / Solde (Church)

  Equipment: Crossbow, Leather Mail, Gauntlet , Leather Boots
      Skill: Magician Slayer
             [Red Rune: Slashing + Weakness + Activation]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI16] Millidia \
      Class: Archer

     Gender: Female [79/54/78]

        Age: 29 [773-802]

   Location: Turgen Mines / Crell Monferaigne

  Equipment: Short Bow, Noble Cloak
      Skill: Demon Destroyer
             [Red Rune: Piercing + Weakness + Darkness + Training]

      Items: (1) 50,000 Oth
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI17] Lylia \
      Class: Archer

     Gender: Female [84/58/85]

        Age: 22 [730-752]

   Location: Turgen Mines / Crell Monferaigne

  Equipment: Short Bow, Silver Cloak, Leather Boots
      Skill: Victorius Vitality
             [Green Rune: Body + Earth + Healing]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) Earth Gem
             (3) --


  / [EI18] Zunde \
      Class: Heavy Warrior

     Gender: Male

        Age: 22 [754-776]

   Location: Sahma Desert / Coriander (Inn)

  Equipment: Screp
      Skill: Giant Killer
             [Red Rune: Slashing + Weakness + Training + Holy]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) --
             (3) Goddess Pendant


  / [EI19] Aaron \
      Class: Heavy Warrior

     Gender: Male

        Age: 28 [553-581]

   Location: Sahma Desert / Coriander (Inn)

  Equipment: Striking Sword, Iron Helm, Crystal Chainmail, Metal Buckler,
             Metal Greaves
      Skill: Mighty Blow
             [Blue Rune: Slashing + Lightning + Strengthening]

      Items: (1) 50,000 Oth
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI20] Dyn \
      Class: Heavy Warrior

     Gender: Male

        Age: ?? [582-???]

   Location: Sahma Desert / Coriander (Inn)

  Equipment: Striking Sword, Iron Helm, Cuirass, Gauntlet, Metal Greaves
      Skill: Regenerate Health
             [Red Rune: Body + Earth + Healing]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) Earth Gem
             (3) --


  / [EI21] Arcana \
      Class: Archer

     Gender: Female [81/57/83]

        Age: 19 [705-724]

   Location: Surts Volcano / Kalstad

  Equipment: Crossbow, Sallet, Leather Cloak, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots
      Skill: Heroism 
             [Red Rune: Body + Fire + Strengthening]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) 50,000 Oth
             (3) --


  / [EI22] Sophalla \
      Class: Archer

     Gender: Female [88/62/86]

        Age: 24 [772-796]

   Location: Surts Volcano / Kalstad

  Equipment: Long Bow, Noble Cloak, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots
      Skill: Cure Condition
             [Blue Rune: Body + Healing + Earth + Resistance]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI23] Psoron \
      Class: Sorcerer

     Gender: Male

        Age: 27 [423-450]

   Location: Surts Volcano / Turgen Mines

  Equipment: Lotus Wand, Anointed Cloak
      Skill: Mental Boost
             [Green Rune: Body + Ice]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) Overdrive
             (3) --


  / [EI24] Farant \
      Class: Sorcerer

     Gender: Male

        Age: 27 [554-581]

   Location: Surts Volcano / Turgen Mines

  Equipment: Crystal Wand, Silver Sallet, Silver Cloak, Leather Gloves,
             Leather Boots
      Skill: Resist Magic 
             [Blue Rune: Body + Lightning]

      Items: (1) Overdrive
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI25] Seluvia \
      Class: Sorcerer

     Gender: Male

        Age: ?? [573-???]

   Location: Chateau Obsession / Audoula Temple on the Lake

  Equipment: Crystal Wand, Anointed Cloak, Leather Boots
      Skill: God Destroyer
             [Green Rune: Piercing + Bludgeon + Weakness + Holy]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) --
             (3) Tome of Alchemy


  / [EI26] Circe \
      Class: Light Warrior

     Gender: Female [79/55/78]

        Age: 24 [634-658]

   Location: Crawsus Forest / Kalstad

  Equipment: Pallash, Silver Helm, Duel Armor, Holy Gauntlet, 
             Silver Greaves
      Skill: Fortify Physique
             [Blue Rune: Body + Earth]

      Items: (1) Kraadmail
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI27] Rasheeka \
      Class: Light Warrior

     Gender: Female [83/59/84]

        Age: 20 [704-724]

   Location: Crawsus Forest / Kalstad

  Equipment: Falchion, Crystal Chainmail, Metal Buckler, Leather Boots
      Skill: Missile Protection
             [Red Rune: Head + Arm + Resistance]

      Items: (1) Sage's Arcanum
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI28] Fraudir \
      Class: Light Warrior

     Gender: Female [82/57/82]

        Age: 25 [556-581]

   Location: Crawsus Forest / Kalstad

  Equipment: Walloon Sword, Silver Sallet, Duel Armor, Silver Buckler, 
             Metal Greaves
      Skill: Guard Motion
             [Red Rune: Arm + Resistance + Strengthening]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) 50,000 Oth
             (3) --


  / [EI29] Adonis \
      Class: Heavy Warrior

     Gender: Male

        Age: 28 [553-581]

   Location: Crawsus Forest / Kalstad

  Equipment: Flamberge, Duel Helm, Duel Armor, Silver Buckler, Duel Greaves
      Skill: Observation
             [Green Rune: Body + Strengthening + Fire]

      Items: (1) Warrior's Wit
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI30] Falx \
      Class: Heavy Warrior

     Gender: Male

        Age: 25 [350-375]

   Location: Crawsus Forest / Kalstad

  Equipment: Claymore, Duel Armor, Duel Greaves
      Skill: Ghost Buster
             [Red Rune: Slashing + Weakness + Ice + Resistance]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) --
             (3) Expert's Experience


  / [EI31] Lydia \
      Class: Archer

     Gender: Female [83/58/85]

        Age: 21 [748-769]

   Location: Dragonscript / Crell Monferaigne

  Equipment: Composite Longbow, Supreme Garb, Leather Boots
      Skill: True Seeing
             [Red Rune: Piercing + Fire + Strengthening]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI32] Atracia \
      Class: Archer

     Gender: Female [87/61/85]

        Age: 25 [308-333]

   Location: Dragonscript / Crell Monferaigne

  Equipment: Composite Longbow, Leather Mail, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots
      Skill: Beast Bludgeon
             [Blue Rune: Slashing + Weakness + Fire]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) --
             (3) Earth Gem


  / [EI33] Lwyn \
      Class: Light Warrior

     Gender: Female [83/60/85]

        Age: 22 [324-346]

   Location: Palace of the Venerated Dragon / Forest of Spirits

  Equipment: Karsnaut, Silver Sallet, Leather Mail, Leather Gloves,
             Leather Boots
      Skill: Unholy Purifier
             [Blue Rune: Slashing + Weakness + Holy]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) Goddess Tincture
             (3) --


  / [EI34] Crescent \
      Class: Light Warrior

     Gender: Female [81/57/83]

        Age: ?? [562-???]

   Location: Palace of the Venerated Dragon / Forest of Spirits

  Equipment: Pallasch, Silver Helm, Crystal Chainmail, Silver Buckler, 
             Silver Greaves
      Skill: Survival
             [Blue Rune: Body + Healing + Training]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) Noble Elixir
             (3) --


  / [EI35] Ehlen \
      Class: Heavy Warrior

     Gender: Male

        Age: 32 [549-581]

   Location: Palace of the Venerated Dragon / Ancient Forest

  Equipment: Hrunting, Silver Helm, Silver Mail, Silver Buckler, 
             Silver Greaves
      Skill: Double Edge
             [Red Rune: Slashing + Piercing + Arm + Training]

      Items: (1) 50,000 Oth
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI36] Guilm \
      Class: Heavy Warrior

     Gender: Male

        Age: 35 [546-581]

   Location: Palace of the Venerated Dragon / Ancient Forest

  Equipment: Flamberge, Duel Helm, Duel Armor, Duel Guarder, Duel Greaves
      Skill: Toughness
             [Green Rune: Body + Leg + Fire]

             First Aid
             [Blue Rune: Body + Healing + Holy}

      Items: (1) --
             (2) Prism Gem
             (3) --


  / [EI37] Gerald \
      Class: Heavy Warrior

     Gender: Male

        Age: 25 [464-489]

   Location: Palace of the Venerated Dragon / Ancient Forest

  Equipment: Hrunting, Duel Armor, Silver Buckler, Duel Greaves
      Skill: Dragon Slayer
             [Green Rune: Piercing + Weakness + Lightning + Activation]

      Items: (1) 50,000 Oth
             (2) --
             (3) Goddess Tincture


  / [EI38] Xehnon \
      Class: Sorcerer

     Gender: Male

        Age: 24 [562-586]

   Location: Palace of the Venerated Dragon / Sahma Desert

  Equipment: Lotus Wand, Anointed Crown, Mirage Robe, Leather Boots
      Skill: Reduce Magic
             [Red Rune: Body + Head + Ice + Activation]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) --
             (3) --


  / [EI39] Masato \
      Class: Sorcerer

     Gender: Male

        Age: 23 [658-681]

   Location: Palace of the Venerated Dragon / Sahma Desert

  Equipment: Infinity Rod, Leather Cloak, Leather Boots
      Skill: Bug Swatter
             [Red Rune: Piercing + Weakness + Earth]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) --
             (3) Tome of Alchemy


  / [EI40] Aegis \
      Class: Sorcerer

     Gender: Male

        Age: 28 [390-418]

   Location: Sukavia Gorge / Solde

  Equipment: Infinity Rod, Mirage Robe
      Skill: Descaling Might
             [Blue Rune: Slashing + Weakness + Lightning]

      Items: (1) --
             (2) Tome of Alchemy
             (3) --



=  11. ENEMY DROPS                                                   [C1100]  =

   Every part of an enemy's body can be damage, when enough damage is 
delivered to a body part, it will be destroyed and will "break off". Breaking
off the enemy's body parts have some advantages, as it can completely 
eliminate the enemy's ability to attack, like when breaking off an enemy's arm
that hold a weapon will eliminate the enmey ability to delivery it's attacks or
when you break off the enemy's legs, completely eliminating it's abilities to 
do anything.

   Many attacks will hit specifically certain enemy's body parts, so when 
looking to eliminate an enemy's ability to attack, you should look to use
attacks that will target the right body parts. It's important and a good
strategy to find attacks that hit the right enemy' body parts, not only when
trying to defeat an enemy but also when looking for the various types of items
that can be dropped by an enemy. 

   The items dropped by breaking off the enemy's body parts are not random; 
there is a certain percentage chance to receive a particular item  when 
destroying a particular body part, like when breaking off parts from the
Sack Mimic (Ancient Forest) there is a 15% chance of getting the Brilliant 
Peacemaker when breaking off the body.

   The following is a list of some attacks that target specific enemy body 

        Body Part                           Attack

          Head          Cutting Edge (Alicia), Sweep Dive (Heavy Warriors),
                        Aiming Wisp (Archers), Absolute Glance (Dylan)

          Body          Mirage Pierce (Alicia), Spiral Pierce (Alicia), Mist 
                        Phantom (Light Warriors), Stardust (Archers)

        Left Arm        Dreaded Radius (Heavy Warriors)

        Right Arm       Holy Smite (Light Warriors)

          Leg           Turnaround (Alicia), Gale Winds (Alicia), Raising 
                        Wisp (Archers), Flame Shot (Archers)

   The following list organize the enemies by area, along with their drops for
each location on their body, as well as the item they drop if you perform a
Direct Assault (Leader Item).


    Seems to have some variation in the information about the correct 
  location for some dropped items, like the Lizards correct location for 
  Dragon Gallstones or Kobolds Upper/Lower Body correct dropped items, since 
  the list of dropped items information in this guide is based on my personal 
  experience with the game, it should not be taken as a rule written in stone,
  but as a reference. I did use some information from Japanese sites 
  [ and] as my reference when 
  I was hunting for items and it almost always felt that the locations were 


  / Enemy Name \
    Leader Item: The item you get if you DA (Direct Assault) the leader.
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     List of Breakable Body Parts            List of dropped items

     Notes: Other information, if any.


   [C1101] Lost Forest

   / Skeleton \
    Leader Item: Broken Amulet              Race: Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Skull Receptacle 
     Upper Body                              Warrior's Arcanum
     Lower Body                              Black Crystal
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Bonemeal

     Notes: --


   / Bullet Beetle \
    Leader Item: Stagnant Water             Race: Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Outer Shell [Right/Left]                Beetle Shell
     Body [Right/Left]                       Amber
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Stagnant Water
     Tail Horn                               Insect Stinger

     Notes: --


   / Dire Wolf \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Beast's Fang 
     Body                                    Beast Pelt
     Leg [Front/Back]                        Beast's Flesh 
     Tail                                    Meat Chops

     Notes: --



   [C1102] Royal Underground Path

   / Skeleton \
    Leader Item: Broken Amulet              Race: Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Skull Receptacle
     Upper Body                              Warrior's Arcanum
     Lower Body                              Black Crystal
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Bonemeal

     Notes: --


   / Bullet Beetle \
    Leader Item: Stagnant Water             Race: Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Outer Shell [Right/Left]                Beetle Shell
     Body [Right/Left]                       Amber
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Stagnant Water
     Tail Horn                               Insect Stinger

     Notes: --


   / Dire Wolf \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Beast's Fang
     Body                                    Beast Pelt
     Leg [Front/Back]                        Beast's Flesh
     Tail                                    Meat Chops

     Notes: --


   / Skeleton Soldier \
    Leader Item: Dead Ashes                 Race: Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Skull Receptacle
     Upper Body                              Dwarf Tincture
     Lower Body                              Black Crystal
     Left Arm                                Bonemeal
     Right Arm                               Long Sword

     Notes: --


   / Goblin \
    Leader Item: Leather Glove              Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Goblin Tooth
     Upper Body                              Little Devil Heart
     Lower Body                              Burgundy Flask
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Bat Wing
     Weapon                                  Iron Ore

     Notes: --


   / Ballistic Rhino [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Chainmail                  Race: Giant/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Ram's Horn
     Head                                    Pact Chain
     Upper Body                              Empty Shell
     Lower Body                              Black Crystal
     Tail                                    Iron Ore
     Shield Blade [Front Right/Left]         Spiral Arrowhead
     Arm {Middle Shield Right/Left]          Worn Shield
     Shield [Back Right/Left]                Baraka 
     Notes: --



   [C1103] Dipan Castle

   / Skeleton Soldier \
    Leader Item: Dead Ashes                 Race: Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Skull Receptacle
     Upper Body                              Dwarf Tincture
     Lower Body                              Black Crystal
     Left Arm                                Bonemeal
     Right Arm                               Long Sword

     Notes: --


   / Goblin \
    Leader Item: Leather Glove              Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Goblin Tooth
     Upper Body                              Little Devil Heart
     Lower Body                              Burgundy Flask
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Bat Wing
     Weapon                                  Iron Ore

     Notes: --


   / Warning Jewel \
    Leader Item: Shrine Chronicles          Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Core]                             Blue Soul Flame

     Notes: --


   / Living Armor \
    Leader Item: Leather Boots              Race: None
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Sight Stone
     Upper Body                              Black Crystal
     Lower Body                              Empty Shell
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Pact Chain
     Weapon                                  Sharp Spearhead

     Notes: --


   / Primordial Ooze [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Earth Gem                  Race: Giant/Plant/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Eyeball
     Upper Tentacle Base                     Seafood 
     Body                                    Heart Core 
     Lower Tentacle Base                     Thick Bone
     Tentacles [Upper Right/Left]            Tentacles    
     Tentacles [Lower Right/Left]            Bone Mace

     Notes: --



   [C1104] Kythena Plains

   / Goblin \
    Leader Item: Leather Glove              Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Goblin Tooth
     Upper Body                              Little Devil Heart
     Lower Body                              Burgundy Flask
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Bat Wing
     Weapon                                  Iron Ore

     Notes: --


   / Warning Jewel \
    Leader Item: Shrine Chronicles          Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Core]                             Blue Soul Flame

     Notes: --


   / Dire Wolf \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Beast's Fang
     Body                                    Beast Pelt
     Leg [Front/Back]                        Beast's Flesh
     Tail                                    Meat Chops

     Notes: --


   / Living Armor \
    Leader Item: Leather Boots              Race: None
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Sight Stone
     Upper Body                              Black Crystal
     Lower Body                              Empty Shell
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Pact Chain
     Weapon                                  Sharp Spearhead

     Notes: --


   / Giant Bat \
    Leader Item: Tome of Godspeed           Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Bat's Ear 
     Body                                    Meat Chops
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Bat's Wing

     Notes: Bat's Ear has a 40% drop rate, but is one of the most difficult
            items to get in the game. Proper timing and placement of your
            party are the most important factors to get this item. Having
            your party in front of the bat (slightly to the right or left)
            and timing your attacks to hit when the wings flip down and 
            using attacks that will hit the head (Aiming wisp, Sweep Dive,
            Cutting Edge or Absolute Glance) plus equipping the proper 
            slayer skill may increase your chances to acquire this item.


   / Flying Fish \
    Leader Item: Fish Scales                Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                    Fish Scales
     Tail Fin                                Seafood

     Notes: --



   [C1105] Serdberg Mountain Ruins

   / Kobold \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                  Iron Ore
     Head                                    Beast Pelt
     Upper Body                              Iron Ore
     Weapon                                  Koboldapult
     Lower Body                              Warrior's Arcanum
     Tail                                    Lucky Tail

     Notes: --


   / Kobold Knight \
    Leader Item: Warrior's Arcanum          Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                  Silver Sallet
     Head                                    Beast Pelt
     Upper Body                              Copper Coin
     Weapon                                  Koboldriller
     Lower Body                              Warrior's Arcanum
     Tail                                    Lucky Tail

     Notes: --


   / Giant Hawk \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                       Great Eagle Heart
     Body [Left Side]                        Feather
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Raptor's Talon 

     Notes: --


   / Thunder Hawk \
    Leader Item: Tome of Godspeed           Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                       Great Eagle Heart
     Body [Left Side]                        Thunderbreath Core
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Feather
     Tail [Right/Left]                       Charged Tailfeather

     Notes: --


   / Owlbear \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Beast/Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head Feather                           Indigo Plume
     Head                                   Beak
     Upper Body [Top]                       Broken Claw
     Upper Body [Lower]                     Great Eagle Heart
     Lower Body [Back]                      Feather

     Notes: --


   / Ghost \
    Leader Item: Earth Gem                  Race: Ghost/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Candlestick [Center]                   Blue Soul Flame
     Candlestick [Right]                    Flare Gem
     Candlestick [Left]                     Cursed Soul

     Notes: --


   / Sack Mimic \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Brilliant Peacemaker
     Bond                                   Apothecary's Arcanum [100%]
     Defeat                                 Thunder Gem [100%]

     Notes: In Serdberg Mountain, they only appear as reinforcement. 


   / Crush Golem [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Fireproof Trinket          Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head Horn                              Ray Force
     Head                                   Golem Eye
     Body                                   Geist Core
     Arm, Scissors [Right/Left]             Giant Pincers
     Legs [Right/Left]                      Broken Claw
     Tail [Right/Left]                      Blade Claw
     Defeat                                 Karsnaut [100%]

     Notes: --


   / Wyvern [Boss] / Upper Lizard \
    Leader Item: Metal Buckler              Race: Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Orientation Scales
     Body                                   Dragon Gallstone
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Wyvern's Wingbone

     Notes: After the Wyvern max HP reach around 1/2, the it will separate 
            into 2 monsters: Upper Lizard and Lower Lizard.


   / Lower Lizard \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Holy Gem
     Front Leg [Right/Left]                 Unladen Swallow Scales
     Back Leg [Right/Left]                  Dragon's Talon
     Tail                                   Red Dragon Bile

     Notes: --



   [C1106] Ancient Forest

   / Kobold Knight \
    Leader Item: Warrior's Arcanum          Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                 Silver Sallet
     Head                                   Beast Pelt
     Upper Body                             Copper Coin
     Weapon                                 Koboldriller
     Lower Body                             Warrior's Arcanum
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail

     Notes: --


   / Thunder Hawk \
    Leader Item: Tome of Godspeed           Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                      Great Eagle Heart 
     Body [Left Side]                       Thunderbreath Core
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Feather
     Tail [Right/Left]                      Charged Tailfeather

     Notes: --


   / Owlbear \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Beast/Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head Feather                           Indigo Plume
     Head                                   Beak
     Upper Body [Top]                       Broken Claw
     Upper Body [Lower]                     Great Eagle Heart
     Lower Body [Back]                      Feather

     Notes: --


   / Sack Mimic \
    Leader Item: Foolproof Trinket          Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Brilliant Peacemaker
     Bond                                   Apothecary's Arcanum [100%]
     Defeat                                 Thunder Gem [100%]

     Notes: -- 


   / Goat Man \
    Leader Item: Lightningproof Trinket     Race: Deamon/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                   Lamb's Horn
     Head                                   Lamb's Tooth
     Body [Upper, Front]                    Idun's Apples
     Body [Lower, Front]                    Shell Shade
     Body [Back]                            Tail Armor
     Weapon                                 Heavy Crossbow 
     Right Arm                              Piercing Imprint
     Left Arm                               Falcon Imprint 

     Notes: -- 


   / Toxic Flower \
    Leader Item: Lily                       Race: Plant/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Petal                                  Nightshade
     Head                                   White Flower Petal
     Body                                   Poison Seed 

     Notes: -- 


   / Troll \
    Leader Item: Iron Helm                  Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Immense Incisor
     Upper Body                             Heart Core
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Lower Body                             Apothecary's Arcanum
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay

     Notes: Using Frailty against the Troll will stop it's ability to
            Regenerate Health. Arngrim's Wild Break attack is perfect to 
            inflict this condition in the troll.

   / Cybersaur [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Flare Gem                  Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Upper Body                             Vermillion Scales
     Lower Body                             Red Dragon Bile
     Weapon                                 Broken Sword
     Shield                                 Worn Shield
     Belt                                   Flare Gem
     Tail                                   Alligator Skin
     Defeat                                 Flare Gem [100%]

     Notes: The use of the proprer Slayer skill and good Dashing technique, 
            plus the fact that the Cybersaurs are weak to Ice atacks and can 
            be Poisoned, can easily increase your chances of defeating them. 
            Also since they  have a very high rate of guarding from attacks, 
            is advised to put the Manacles Sealstone in one of the dias in 
            this dungeon.


   / Griffon [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Charge Break               Race: Giant/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Garnet
     Head Feather [Right/Left]              Pure White Plume
     Head Wing [Right/Left]                 Wing Feather
     Body [Front]                           Great Eagle Heart
     Body [Back]                            Feather
     Wing [Back, Right/Left]                Griffon Talon
     Wing Base [Back, Right/Left]           Gargoyle's Arch
     Defeat                                 Jade Sealpouch [100%]

     Notes: Coriander Village Sidequest, Chapter 3. 


   / Kobold King [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Gold Coin                  Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                 Eternal Silver
     Head                                   Sacred Spinel
     Upper Body                             Crown
     Weapon                                 Busted Spear
     Lower Body                             Gold Coin
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail
     Defeat                                 Magician Hat [100%]

     Notes: Coriander Village Sidequest, Chapter 4. 


   / Kobold Warrior \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                 Adamantite
     Head, Upper Body                       Beast Pelt
     Weapon                                 Koboldriver
     Lower Body                             Silver Coin
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail

     Notes: Coriander Village Sidequest, Chapter 4. 
            Kobold King Reinforcemnet group (5-6 Kobold Warriors). 



   [C1107] Turgen Mines

   / Wasp Nest \
    Leader Item: Spectacles                 Race: Ghost/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Main Body                              Legion
     Task Force                             Royal Jelly 

     Notes: -- 


   / Giant Snail \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Mouth                                  Honeysuckle Dew 
     Shell [Front Section]                  Black Pearl
     Shell [Right/Left]                     Stone Bullet 
     Inside [After breaking the shell]      Adhesive
     Lower Body                             Gas Ejector

     Notes: -- 


   / Lizard Lord \
    Leader Item: Warrior's Arcanum          Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Upper Body                             Monster Scales
     Lower Body                             Dragon Gallstones
     Weapon                                 Piercing Imprint
     Shield                                 Worn Shield
     Belt                                   Fairy-in-the-Box
     Tail                                   Alligator Skin

     Notes: -- 


   / Clay Man \
    Leader Item: Tome of Anarchy            Race: Giant/Plant/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Eyeball
     Upper Tentacle Base                     Electric Bone
     Body                                    Heart Core
     Lower Tentacle Base                     Thick Bone
     Tentacles [Upper Right/Left]            Tentacles
     Tentacles [Lower Right/Left]            Bone Mace

     Notes: -- 


   / Queen Wasp [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Royal Jelly                Race: Giant/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Big Bugeye
     Upper Body                             Giant Amber
     Arms [Right/Left]                      Insect Claw
     Upper Feathers [Right/Left]            Indigo Wing
     Lower Feathers [Right/Left]            Tuning Wing
     Lower Body                             Royal Jelly
     Tail Base                              Banshee Scales
     Tail                                   Big Needle 
     Defeat                                 Olive Crown [100%]

     Notes: Villnore, Sidequest Chapter 3. 


   / Gigantic Wasp [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Royal Jelly                Race: Giant/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Big Bugeye
     Upper Body                             Amber Core
     Upper Arms [Right/Left]                Insect Blade
     Middle/Lower Arms [Right/Left]         Insect Claw
     Upper Feathers [Right/Left]            Indigo Wing
     Lower Feathers [Right/Left]            Tuning Wing
     Lower Body                             Royal Jelly
     Tail Base                              Banshee Scales
     Tail                                   Lance Needle
     Defeat                                 Rose Seal Pounch [100%]

     Notes: Villnore, Sidequest Chapter 5. 


   / Meteoric Swarm \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Ghost/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Main Body                              Legion
     Task Force                             Tuning Wing

     Notes: Villnore, Sidequest Chapter 5. 
            Gigantic Wasp reinforcement and Mini Boss in various locations
            in this dungeon. 



   [C1108] Audoula Temple on the Lake

   / Lizard Lord \
    Leader Item: Warrior's Arcanum          Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Upper Body                             Monster Scales
     Lower Body                             Dragon Gallstones
     Weapon                                 Piercing Imprint 
     Shield                                 Worn Shield 
     Belt                                   Fairy-in-the-Box
     Tail                                   Alligator Skin

     Notes: -- 


   / Lizard Man \
    Leader Item: Viking Sword               Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Upper Body                             Monster Scales
     Lower Body                             Dragon Gallstones 
     Weapon                                 Karsnaut
     Shield                                 Worn Shield
     Belt                                   Empty Box 
     Tail                                   Alligator Skin 

     Notes: -- 


   / Skull Fish \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Antennae                               Thunder Gem
     Head                                   Seafood
     Body                                   Fish Scales
     Tail Fin                               Tough Fin

     Notes: -- 


   / Strobila \
    Leader Item: Warrior's Arcanum          Race: Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Flower                                 Electric Bone
     Body                                   Vegetable Seed
     Tentacles [Right/Left]                 Walkflower Root
     Tentacles [Middle]                     Walkflower Tendril
     Stalk                                  Wax Clump

     Notes: -- 


   / Deep One \
    Leader Item: Iceproof Trinket           Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Sabertooth
     Upper Body                              Little Devil Heart 
     Lower Body                              Burgundy Flask 
     Weapon                                  Mystic Cult Staff

     Notes: Sometimes will drop Spell Potion as the Leader Item.


   / Giant Crab \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head Horn                              Ray Force 
     Head                                   Golem Eye 
     Body [after breaking the Shell]        Geist Core 
     Scissors [Right/Left]                  Giant Pincers 
     Arm {Right/Left]                       Stonecutting Pincers
     Leg, Shell [Right/Left]                Seafood
     Tail [Right/Left]                      Tough Fin

     Notes: --


   / Kraken [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Overdrive                  Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head [Upper]                           Seafood
     Head                                   Vermillion Cartilage
     Mace Tentacles [Right/Left]            Mace Head
     Middle Tentacles [Right/Left]          Bone Mace 
     Back Tentacles [Right/Left]            Ammunition Shell
     Leg                                    Tentacles
     Defeat                                 Divine Time Giver [100%]

     Notes: --



   [C1109] Sahma Desert

   / Giant Scarab \
    Leader Item: Holy Water                 Race: Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Outer Shell [Right/Left]                Beetle Shell 
     Body [Right/Left]                       Stone Bullet
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Insect Claw
     Tail Horn                               Beetle Horn

     Notes: --


   / Sand Flower \
    Leader Item: Earth Gem                  Race: Plant/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Petal                                  Nightshade
     Head                                   White Flower Petal
     Body                                   Giant Amber 

     Notes: -- 


   / Desert Beast \
    Leader Item: Prism Gem                  Race: Giant/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Battering Ram's Horn
     Upper Body                              Black Crystal
     Lower Body                              Baraka
     Back Armor                              Empty Shell
     Tail                                    Snakebelly Armor
     Shield Blade [Front Right/Left]         Spiral Arrowhead
     Arm [Middle Shield Right/Left]          Worn Shield
     Shield [Back Right/Left]                Hot Plate
     Notes: --



   [C1110] Surts Volcano Caverns

   / Giant Scarab \
    Leader Item: Holy Water                 Race: Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Outer Shell [Right/Left]                Beetle Shell 
     Body [Right/Left]                       Stone Bullet
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Insect Claw
     Tail Horn                               Beetle Horn

     Notes: --


   / Skeletal Soldier \
    Leader Item: Tome of Anarchy            Race: None
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Sight Stone 
     Upper Body                              Flame Armor 
     Lower Body                              Lightining Stone
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Hail Jewel 
     Weapon                                  Busted Staff 

     Notes: --


   / Giant Bat \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Bat's Ear 
     Body                                    Firemouse Fur
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Bat's Wing

     Notes: Bat's Ear has a 40% drop rate, but is one of the most difficult
            items to get in the game. Proper timing and placement of your
            party are the most important factors to get this item. Having
            your party in front of the bat (slightly to the right or left)
            and timing your attacks to hit when the wings flip down and 
            using attacks that will hit the head (Aiming Wisp, Sweep Dive,
            Cutting Edge or Absolute Glance) plus equipping the proper 
            slayer skill may increase your chances to acquire this item.


   / Hellhound \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Beast's Fang
     Body                                    Firebreath Core
     Leg [Front/Back]                        Beast Pelt
     Tail                                    Flare Ore 

     Notes: --


   / Red Jewel \
    Leader Item: Flare Gem                  Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Core]                             Core Ruby

     Notes: --


   / Red Lizard \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Upper Body                             Vermillion Scales
     Lower Body                             Dwarf Tincture
     Weapon                                 Piercing Imprint
     Shield                                 Worn Shield
     Belt, Tail                             Alligator Skin

     Notes: -- 


   / Wild Lizard \
    Leader Item: Dwarf Tincture             Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Pyrotechnic Ore
     Front Leg [Right/Left]                 Unladen Swallow Scales
     Back Leg [Right/Left]                  Spiked Claw
     Tail                                   Dragon's Talon

     Notes: --


   / Evolver 1 [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Flare Crystal              Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Right Arm                              Flare Ore
     Left Arm                               Pyrotechnic Ore
     Hand [Right/Left]                      Flamberge or Phosphate Ore 

     Notes: --


   / Evolver 2 [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Flare Crystal              Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Notes: Evolver 2 does not drop any items.



   [C1111] Chateau Obsession

   / Will-o-the-Wisp \
    Leader Item: Shadow Gem                 Race: Ghost/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Candlestick [Center]                   Blue Soul Flame
     Candlestick [Right/Left]               Headless Doll

     Notes: --


   / Satyr \
    Leader Item: Keg                        Race: Demon/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                   Lamb's Horn
     Head                                   Lamb's Tooth
     Body [Upper, Front]                    Shell Shade
     Body [Lower, Front]                    The Cosmic Order
     Body [Back]                            Tail Armor
     Weapon                                 Busted Bow
     Right Arm                              Piercing Imprint
     Left Arm                               Falcon Imprint 

     Notes: -- 


   / Giant Skeleton  \
    Leader Item: Cuirass                    Race: Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Skeleton Goblet
     Upper Body                              Blazebreath Core
     Lower Body                              Black Crystal
     Left Arm                                Cursed Soul
     Right Arm                               Busted Greatsword
     Leg [Right/Left]                        Bonemeal

     Notes: --


   / Trash Demon \
    Leader Item: Thunder Gem                Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Monsters Canine Tooth 
     Upper Body                              Little Devil Heart
     Lower Body                              Burgundy Flask
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Bat Wing
     Weapon                                  Busted Staff

     Notes: --


   / Troll Chief \
    Leader Item: Apothecary's Arcanum       Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Monstrous Molar
     Upper Body                             Garnet
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Lower Body                             Heart Core 
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Weapon                                 Rotted Bludgeon 

     Notes: Using Frailty against the Troll will stop it's ability to
            Regenerate Health. Arngrim's Wild Break attack is perfect to 
            inflict this condition in the troll.

   / Dragon [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Dragon/Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Dragon's Horn
     Head                                    Dragon's Fang 
     Upper Body                              Holybreath Core
     Lower Body                              Dragon Sapphire
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Dragon's Talon
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Spiked Claw
     Tail Base                               Dragon Slayer
     Tail, Leg [Right/Left]                  Dragon Scales

     Notes: --


   / Greater Demon [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Flare Crystal              Race: Demon/Scaled/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Demon Horn
     Upper Body                              Dead Man's Gem
     Lower Body                              Demon's Blaze
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Jet Black Wing
     Right Arm                               Scarlet Alloy
     Left Arm                                Cerulean Alloy
     Weapon                                  Lotus Wand
     Leg [Right/Left]                        Demon's Hoof 

     Notes: --


   / Berserker [Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                       Harpe
     Body [Left Side]                        Evil Eyebrow Ring 
     Weapon [Upper Right]                    Polished Blue Ore 
     Weapon [Lower Right]                    Cerulean Alloy 
     Weapon [Upper Left]                     Indigo Quartz
     Weapon [Lower Left]                     Teal Spinel
     Arm [Upper, Right/Left]                 Busted Greatsword 
     Arm [Lower, Right/Left]                 Busted Sword
     Defeat                                  Harpe [100%]

     Notes: Lady Cleo Reinforcement.


   / Lady Cleo [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Supreme Garb               Race: Unholy/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Spirit, Upper]                    Blue Soul Flame
     Body [Altar, Lower]                     Silverwork Orchid 
     Mirror [Front, Right/Left]              Mirror Fragment
     Mirror [Middle, Right/Left]             Silverwork Orchid
     Mirror [Back, Right/Left]               Mirror Fragment
     Defeat                                  Azure Seal Pouch [100%]

     Notes: --



   [C1112] Crawsus Forest Ruins

   / Vampire Bat \
    Leader Item: The Cosmic Order           Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Demon's Parabola
     Body                                   Beast Pelt 
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Bat Cloak

     Notes: (1) Demon's Parabola has a 40% drop rate (same as Bat's Ear), 
            but is one of the most difficult items to get in the game. 
            Proper timing and placement of your party are the most important 
            factors to get this item. Having your party in front of the bat
            (slightly to the right or left) and timing your attacks to hit 
            when the wings flip down and using attacks that will hit the 
            head (Aiming wisp, Sweep Dive, Cutting Edge or Absolute Glance) 
            plus equipping the proper slayer skill may increase your chances 
            to acquire this item.

     Notes: (2) Sometimes will drop Union Plume as Leader Item.


   / Disgusting Shell \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Mouth                                  Lightning Stone
     Shell [Front Section]                  Black Pearl
     Shell [Right/Left]                     Ammunition Shell
     Inside [After breaking Fr. Shell]      Adhesive
     Inside [After breaking R/L Shell]      Black Pearl
     Lower Body                             Red Ejector 

     Notes: -- 


   / Tear Soul \
    Leader Item: Pearl Grass                Race: Ghost/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Candlestick [Center]                   Sacred Spinel
     Candlestick [Right/Left]               Sprinter Cell 

     Notes: --


   / Electrical Chip \
    Leader Item: Honeysuckle Dew            Race: Ghost/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Main Body                              Electricbreath Core
     Task Force                             Platinum Eye

     Notes: -- 


   / Phantom Lurker \
    Leader Item: Holy Gem                   Race: Unholy/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Spirit, Upper]                    Sacred Spinel
     Body [Altar, Lower]                     Alchemy Wand
     Mirror [Front, Right/Left]              Mirror Fragment
     Mirror [Middle, Right/Left]             Lotus Wand
     Mirror [Back, Right/Left]               Mirror Fragment

     Notes: --


   / Vampire \
    Leader Item: Shadow Gem                 Race: Unholy/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Vampire Fang
     Upper Body                             Rose Imprint
     Lower Body                             Aura Force
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Vampire Claw
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Bat Wing
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Citrine
     Core                                   Blood Jewel

     Notes: --


   / Bolt Dragon \
    Leader Item: Apothecary's Arcanum       Race: Dragon/Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Orientation Scales
     Body                                   Boltbreath Core
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Ghibli Scales

     Notes: --


   / Unclean Glob \
    Leader Item: Lightningproof Talisman    Race: Giant/Plant/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Evil Eye Gem
     Upper Tentacle Base                     Bone Mace 
     Body                                    Heart Core 
     Lower Tentacle Base                     Thick Bone
     Tentacles [Upper Right/Left]            Hrunting   
     Tentacles [Lower Right/Left]            Tentacles

     Notes: For the Evil Eye Gem, equipping your characters with attacks
            that can hit the head from a high point like Aiming Wisp and 
            Sweep Dive plus the necessary slayer skills, will increase your 
            chances to breaking the head, also attacking from behind will 
            give a clear target for your attacks to hit the head.


   / Land Kraken \
    Leader Item: Earthproof Talisman        Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head [Upper]                           Spider Fighter
     Head                                   Vermillion Cartilage
     Mace Tentacles [Right/Left]            Thick Bone 
     Middle Tentacles [Right/Left]          Kraken Fang 
     Back Tentacles [Right/Left]            Stone Bullet
     Back Tentacles [Tips, Right/Left]      Armor Piercer
     Leg                                    Tentacles

     Notes: Will only appear if you set the Mudbank Law or Earth Blessing 
            Sealstone on one of the dais.


   / Shaman Chief [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Mask Fragment
     Body [Right Side]                      Thor's Rage
     Body [Left Side]                       Solar Jewel
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Ray Force
     Mantle [Front]                         Scarlet Alloy
     Mantle [Right/Left]                    Cerulean Alloy
     Mantle [Back]                          Abyss Cloak

     Notes: --


   / Wild Troll [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Prime Elixir               Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Warped Teeth
     Upper Body                             Garnet
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Lower Body                             Elixir
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Weapon                                 Polished Red Ore

     Notes: Using Frailty against the Troll will stop it's ability to
            Regenerate Health. Arngrim's Wild Break attack is perfect to 
            inflict this condition in the troll.

   / Hydra [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Fairy Tincture             Race: Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head [Outer Right]                     Blackbreath Core
     Head [Inner Right]                     Gasbreath Core
     Head [Inner Left]                      Dragon Scales
     Head [Outer Left]                      Poisonbreath Core
     Neck Base                              Verdigris Scales 
     Body                                   Dragon Sapphire
     Tail                                   Metabolizer

     Notes: --


   [C1113] Dragonscript

   / Gun Fish \
    Leader Item: Ice Gem                    Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Antennae                               Swordfish Snout
     Head                                   Fish Scales
     Body                                   Blue Bubble Core
     Tail Fin                               Seafood

     Notes: -- 


   / Green Coral \
    Leader Item: Apothecary's Arcanum       Race: Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Flower                                 Seafood
     Body                                   Vermillion Cartilage
     Tentacles [Right/Left]                 Bone Mace
     Tentacles [Middle]                     Mace Head
     Stalk                                  Metabolizer

     Notes: -- 



   [C1114] Palace of the Venerated Dragon

   / Phantom Guardian \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Ghost/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Candlestick [Center]                   Red Soul Flame
     Candlestick [Right]                    Eternal Flame
     Candlestick [Left]                     Holy Water

     Notes: --


   / Iron Golem \
    Leader Item: Guard Potion               Race: None
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Golem Head
     Body                                   Golem Heart
     Shield [1st, Right/Left]               Worn Shield
     Shield [2nd, Right/Left]               Copper Splint
     Shield [3rd/5th, Right/Left]           Damuscus Ore
     Shield [4th, Right/Left]               Adamantite

     Notes: --


   / Spectral Knight \
    Leader Item: Apothecary's Arcanum       Race: None
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Vision Orb 
     Upper Body                              Augite of Life 
     Armor                                   Mirror Fragment
     Lower Body                              Sprinter Cell
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Copper Signet 
     Weapon                                  Busted Spear 

     Notes: --


   / Green Jewel \
    Leader Item: Prism Gem                  Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Core]                            Core Emerald

     Notes: --


   / Dragon Bat \
    Leader Item: Holy Crystal               Race: Dragon/Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Orientation Scales
     Body                                   Flamebreath Core
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Ghibli Scales

     Notes: --


   / Gigantic Claws \
    Leader Item: Nectar Potion              Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head Horn                              Serstine-lock-gun 
     Head                                   Aura Force
     Body [after breaking the Shell]        Gremlin Core
     Arm, Scissors [Right/Left]             Stonecutting Pincers 
     Shell [Right/Left], Leg [Right/Left]   Seafood
     Shell [Back], Tail [Right/Left]        Axe Crust

     Notes: --


   / Necromancer \
    Leader Item: Spell Potion               Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Mask Fragment
     Body [Right Side]                      Thor's Rage
     Body [Left Side]                       Solar Jewel
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Ray Force
     Mantle [Front]                         Scarlet Alloy
     Mantle [Right/Left]                    Cerulean Alloy
     Mantle [Back]                          Abyss Cloak

     Notes: --


   / Dryad \
    Leader Item: Elixir                     Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head [Parasol]                         Electric Bone
     Body {Upper]                           Evil Eye Gem
     Body [Lower]                           Red Boots
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Cutting Claw
     Fin [Right/Left]                       Tough Fin

     Notes: --


   / Muscular Stalker [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Might Potion               Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                       Copper Signet
     Body [Left Side]                        Bloody Patch
     Weapon [Upper Right]                    Polished Red Ore 
     Weapon [Lower Right]                    Scarlet Alloy 
     Weapon [Upper Left]                     Rose Quartz
     Weapon [Lower Left]                     Fuchsia Spinel
     Arm [Upper, Right/Left]                 Busted Sword
     Arm [Lower, Right/Left]                 Hrunting

     Notes: --


   / Dragon Zombie [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Earth Crystal              Race: Dragon/Giant/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Dragon Skull
     Neck Base                              Dragon Rib
     Chest                                  Dragonmaggots
     Leg [Front, Right/left]                Obsidian Claw
     Leg [Back, Right/Left]                 Platinum Fly
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Spectral Wing
     Tail                                   Rotted Scales

     Notes: --



   [C1115] Sukavia Gorge

   / Winter Wolf \
    Leader Item: Tome of Godspeed           Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Scarlet Fang
     Body                                    Icebreath Core
     Leg [Front/Back]                        Obsidian Claw
     Tail                                    Beast's Flesh

     Notes: --


   / Ice Devil \
    Leader Item: Idun's Apples              Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Monsters Canine Tooth
     Upper Body                              Icebreath Core
     Lower Body                              Burgundy Flask
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Drainwing
     Weapon                                  Rose Quartz

     Notes: --


   / Ice Troll \
    Leader Item: Witch's Arcanum            Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Monstrous Molar
     Upper Body                             Garnet
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Lower Body                             Ymir's Tears
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Weapon                                 Indigo Quartz

     Notes: Using Frailty against the Troll will stop it's ability to
            Regenerate Health.


   [C1116] Royal Underground Path (Chapter 4)

   / Gigantic Moth \
    Leader Item: Elixir                     Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Mouth                                  Honeysuckle Dew
     Shell [Front Section]                  Giant Pearl
     Shell [Right/Left]                     Ammunition Shell
     Inside [After breaking Fr. Shell]      Prime Elixir
     Inside [After breaking R/L Shell]      Metabolizer
     Lower Body                             Jet Ejector 

     Notes: -- 


   / Flying Killer \
    Leader Item: Pearl Grass                Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Antennae                               Narwhal Tooth
     Head, Body                             Green Bubble Core
     Tail Fin                               Seafood

     Notes: -- 


   / Meteoric Swarm \
    Leader Item: Fireproof Trinket          Race: Ghost/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Main Body                              Legion
     Task Force                             Tuning Wing

     Notes: --

   / Lizard Knight \
    Leader Item: Holy Gem                   Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Upper Body                             Evergreen Scales
     Lower Body                             Green Gallbladder
     Weapon                                 Sharp Spearhead
     Shield                                 Copper Splint
     Belt                                   Fairy-in-the-Box
     Tail                                   Vermillion Scale
                                            Alligator Skin (?)

     Notes: -- 


   / Beast Fort \
    Leader Item: Nectar Potion              Race: Giant/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Ram's Horn
     Upper Body                              Black Crystal
     Lower Body                              Baraka
     Back Armor                              Hollow Shell
     Tail                                    Snakebelly Armor
     Shield Blade [Front Right/Left]         Assault Missile
     Arm [Middle Shield Right/Left]          Damascus Ore
     Shield [Back Right/Left]                Mithril Ore 
     Notes: --


   / Ull [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Foolproof Talisman         Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Doublecross [100%]

     Notes: -- 


   / Aesir (Guards) \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Weapon                                 Busted Sword
     Defeat                                 Copper Sugnet [40%]

     Notes: -- 



   [C1117] Dipan Castle (Chapter 4)

   / Gyne [Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Crystal Garb [100%]

     Notes: -- 


   / Walther [Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Deluge Scepter [100%]

     Notes: -- 


   / Arngrim [Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: None
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Grand Sting [100%]

     Notes: -- 


   / Hrist [Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Empress Coronet [100%]

     Notes: -- 



   [C1118] Forest of Spirits

   / Carnivorous Plant \
    Leader Item: Elixir                     Race: Plant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Flower                                 White Flower Petal
     Body                                   Vegetable Seed 
     Tentacles [Right/Left]                 Walkflower Blade
     Tentacles [Middle]                     Walkflower Root
     Stalk                                  Wax Clump 

     Notes: -- 


   / Mimetic Flower \
    Leader Item: Tome of Godspeed           Race: Plant/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Petal                                  Nightshade
     Head                                   Fatal Seed
     Body                                   Toxic Seed  

     Notes: -- 


   / Elven Hawk \
    Leader Item: Spectacles                 Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                       Great Eagle Heart
     Body [Left Side]                        Electricbreath Core
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Wing Feather
     Tail [Right/Left]                       Windswept Tailfeather

     Notes: --


   / Elven Wolf \
    Leader Item: Iceproof Talisman          Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Colossal Canine Tooth
     Body                                    Beast Pelt
     Leg [Front/Back]                        Blade Claw
     Tail                                    Beast's Flesh

     Notes: --


   / Sky Lizard \
    Leader Item: Flare Crystal              Race: Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Sabertooth
     Body                                   Red Dragon Bile
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Bora Scales

     Notes: --


   / Kobold Lord \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                 Mithril Ore
     Head                                   Magician Hat
     Upper Body                             Noble Cloak
     Weapon                                 Busted Spear
     Lower Body                             Gold Coin
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail

     Notes: --


   / Kobold Warrior \
    Leader Item: Apothecary's Arcanum       Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                 Adamantite
     Head, Upper Body                       Beast Pelt
     Weapon                                 Koboldriver
     Lower Body                             Silver Coin
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail

     Notes: --


   / Lizard King \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Crown
     Upper Body                             Evergreen Scales
     Lower Body                             Green Gallbladder
     Weapon                                 Busted Greatsword 
     Shield                                 Damascus Ore
     Belt                                   Fairy-in-the-Box
     Tail                                   Vermillion Scale

     Notes: -- 


   / Life Stealer \
    Leader Item: Nectar Potion              Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Monsters Canine Tooth
     Upper Body                              Trickster Imprint
     Lower Body                              Desolation Gem
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Steelwing
     Weapon                                  Busted Sword

     Notes: --


   / Sharp Scissors \
    Leader Item: Shadow Crystal             Race: Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Rose Imprint
     Upper Body                             Sharp Scissor Heart
     Lower Body                             Desolation Gem
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Scissorhand
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Sharp Scissor Wing
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Citrine

     Notes: --


   / Prince of Hell [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Silent Check               Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Monsters Canine Tooth
     Upper Body                              Indigo Quartz
     Lower Body                              Desolation Gem
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Steelwing
     Weapon                                  Iron Ore

     Notes: --


   / Arectaris [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Prime Elixir               Race: Giant/Plant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Crystal Mask
     Body                                   Noblewoman's Ball
     Tentacles [Upper, Right/Left]          Core Spinel
     Tentacles [Side, Right/Left]           Noblewoman's Phosphor
     Tentacles [Back, Right/Left]           Noblewoman's Fire
     Defeat                                 Arectaris [100%]

     Notes: --



   [C1119] Dipan Castle (Chapter 5)

   / Holy Order \
    Leader Item: Valor Greaves              Race: None
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Vision Orb 
     Upper Body                              Copper Signet 
     Armor                                   Evil Mirror 
     Lower Body                              Pact Chain
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Symbol of Might
     Weapon                                  Busted Spear 

     Notes: --


   / Capricorn \
    Leader Item: Dwarf Tincture             Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                   Warped Horn
     Head                                   Warped Teeth
     Body [Upper, Front]                    Solar Jewel
     Body [Lower, Front]                    Protection Shade
     Body [Back]                            Baraka
     Weapon                                 Busted Bow
     Right Arm                              Accuracy Imprint
     Left Arm                               Assault Missile

     Notes: -- 


   / Capricorn Leader \
    Leader Item: Foolproof Trinket          Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                   Warped Horn
     Head                                   Warped Teeth
     Body [Upper, Front]                    Vortex Crest
     Body [Lower, Front]                    Protection Shade
     Body [Back]                            Steel Horseshoe
     Weapon                                 Assault Missile
     Right Arm                              Vortex Crest
     Left Arm                               Accuracy Imprint

     Notes: -- 


   / Gentleman \
    Leader Item: Flare Crystal              Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Trade Card
     Bond                                   Fairy Tincture [100%]
     Defeat                                 Flare Crystal [100%]

     Notes: Usually, there is 2 enemies in the first roon, the floating
            enemy almost always spawn a group of 4-5 gentleman.
            Thanks to RPGirl27 for this information. 



   [C1120] Ravine Caverns

   Note: Until you complete Yggdrasil (defeat the boss), every time you
         enter Ravine Caverns you will get an 8:00 minutes countdown, if
         the countdown reachs zero, it will be Game Over.

   / Life Stealer \
    Leader Item: Nectar Potion              Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Monsters Canine Tooth
     Upper Body                              Trickster Imprint
     Lower Body                              Desolation Gem
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Steelwing
     Weapon                                  Busted Sword

     Notes: --


   / Sharp Scissors \
    Leader Item: Shadow Crystal             Race: Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Rose Imprint
     Upper Body                             Sharp Scissor Heart
     Lower Body                             Desolation Gem
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Scissorhand
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Sharp Scissor Wing
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Citrine

     Notes: --


   / Capricorn Leader \
    Leader Item: Foolproof Trinket          Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                   Warped Horn
     Head                                   Warped Teeth
     Body [Upper, Front]                    Vortex Crest

     Body [Lower, Front]                    Protection Shade
     Body [Back]                            Steel Horseshoe
     Weapon                                 Assault Missile
     Right Arm                              Vortex Crest
     Left Arm                               Accuracy Imprint

     Notes: -- 


   / Gentleman \
    Leader Item: Flare Crystal              Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Trade Card
     Bond                                   Fairy Tincture [100%]
     Defeat                                 Flare Crystal [100%]

     Notes: --


   / Persistent Pursuer \
    Leader Item: Might Potion               Race: God/Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right/Left Side]                  Evil Eyebrow Ring
     Weapon [Upper Right]                    Polished Green Ore
     Weapon [Lower Right]                    Verdigris Alloy
     Weapon [Upper Left]                     Sage Quartz
     Weapon [Lower Left]                     Chartreuse Spinel
     Arm [Upper, Right/Left]                 Busted Sword
     Arm [Lower, Right/Left]                 Busted Greatsword

     Notes: --


   / Aesir (Archers) \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Hat                                    Runic Crown
     Weapon                                 Elven Bow
     Defeat                                 Spirit Tincture

     Notes: Female Archers.


   / Aesir (Patrol) \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Weapon                                 Busted Sword
     Defeat                                 Witch's Arcanum

     Notes: Male Swordsman.


   / Tyrannosaurus Rex [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Prism Gem                  Race: Dragon/Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Red Horn 
     Head                                    Scarlet Exhalation
     Upper Body                              Dragon Emerald
     Lower Body                              Verdigris Scales
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Dragon Palm
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Spiked Claw
     Tail Base                               Dragon Slayer
     Tail, Leg [Right/Left]                  Verdigris Scales

     Notes: The Tyrannosaurus Rex holds the "Negate Encounter" Sealstone, you
            need to find the "Negate Sealstone Effects" sealstone and put
            it in a dais close to the location of the Tyrannosaurus Rex to
            be able to fight it.



   [C1121] Bifrost

   / Aesir (Rescuers) [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Full Plate                 Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Hat                                    Runic Crown
     Weapon                                 Elven Bow
     Defeat                                 Spirit Tincture

     Notes: --


   / Aesir (Defenders) [Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Weapon                                 Busted Sword
     Defeat                                 Copper Signet

     Notes: --


   / Dimension Beast [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Full Plate                 Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head [Upper]                           Fairy Tincture
     Head                                   Vermillion Cartilage
     Mace Tentacles [Right/Left]            Mace Head
     Middle Tentacles [Right/Left]          Kraken Fang 
     Back Tentacles [Right/Left]            Bullet of Evil
     Back Tentacles [Tips, Right/Left]      Armor Piercer
     Leg                                    Tentacles
     Defeat                                 Full Plate [100%]

     Notes: --

   / Heimdall [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Golden Egg                 Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Gjallarhorn [100%]

     Notes: --



   [C1122] Yggdrasil

   / Aesir (Security) \
    Leader Item: Fireproof Talisman         Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Weapon                                 Busted Sword
     Defeat                                 Witch's Arcanum

     Notes: --


   / Hresvelgr \
    Leader Item: Holy Crystal               Race: God/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                       Great Eagle Heart
     Body [Left Side]                        Boltbreath Core 
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Crimson Feather
     Tail [Right/Left]                       Windswept Tailfeather

     Notes: --


   / Wild Wolf \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Sabertooth
     Body                                    Core Spinel
     Leg [Front/Back]                        Obsidian Claw
     Tail                                    Beast's Flesh

     Notes: --


   / Armor Beetle \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Outer Shell [Right/Left]                Armor Piercer
     Body [Right/Left]                       Guard Potion
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Insect Claw
     Tail Horn                               Beetle Horn

     Notes: --


   / King Slug \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Mouth                                  Metabolizer
     Shell [Front Section]                  Giant Pearl
     Shell [Right/Left]                     Armor Piercer
     Inside [After breaking R/L Shell]      Metabolizer
     Lower Body                             Red Ejector

     Notes: -- 


   / Idisi \
    Leader Item: Sage's Arcanum             Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head [Parasol]                         Vermillion Cartilage
     Body {Upper]                           Eyeball
     Body [Lower]                           Emerald Heart Core
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Rising Dragon Talon
     Fin [Right/Left]                       Pulverizing Bone

     Notes: --


   / Roper \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Plant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Flower                                 Elixir
     Body                                   Emerald Heart Core
     Tentacles [Right/Left]                 Bonafide Bone
     Tentacles [Middle]                     Pulverizing Bone
     Stalk                                  Wax Clump 

     Notes: -- 


   / Fatal Vermin \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Plant/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Petal                                  Red Flower Petal
     Head                                   Fatal Seed
     Body                                   Might Potion 

     Notes: -- 


   / Black Jewel \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Core]                            Core Ruby

     Notes: --


   / Human Sacrifice \
    Leader Item: Shadow Crystal             Race: Ghost/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Candlestick [Center]                   Red Soul Flame
     Candlestick [Right]                    Headless Doll
     Candlestick [Left]                     Eternal Flame

     Notes: --


   / Strayer \
    Leader Item: Thunder Crystal            Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Bone Mask
     Body [Right Side]                      Tome of Necromancy
     Body [Left Side]                       Chaos Force
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Aura Force
     Mantle [Front, Right/Left]             Bone Relief
     Mantle [Side, Right/Left]              Abyss Cloak
     Mantle [Back, Right/Left]              Abyss Cloak

     Notes: --


   / Gluttonous Bug \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Giant/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Platinum Eye
     Upper Body                             Amber Core
     Arms [Right/Left]                      Insect Blade
     Upper Feathers [Right/Left]            Indigo Wing
     Lower Feathers [Right/Left]            Tuning Wing
     Lower Body                             Royal Jelly
     Tail Base                              Banshee Scales
     Tail                                   Lance Needle

     Notes: --


   / Giant Troll \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Colossal Canine Tooth
     Upper Body                             Garnet
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Lower Body                             Blood Jewel
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Weapon                                 Petrified Ash 

     Notes: Using Frailty against the Troll will stop it's ability to
            Regenerate Health.

   / Highlander [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Dragon Slayer              Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                       Elixir
     Body [Left Side]                        Bloody Patch
     Weapon [Upper Right]                    Polished Green Ore
     Weapon [Lower Right]                    Verdigris Alloy
     Weapon [Upper Left]                     Sage Quartz
     Weapon [Lower Left]                     Chartreuse Spinel
     Arm [Upper, Right/Left]                 Busted Greatsword
     Arm [Lower, Right/Left]                 Busted Sword

     Notes: --


   / Invasive Arsonist [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Fireproof Talisman         Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Solar Jewel
     Body                                   Chartreuse Spinel
     Arm [Right]                            Flare Ore
     Arm [Left]                             Pyrotechnic Ore 
     Hand [Right/Left]                      Phosphate Ore
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Adamantite

     Notes: --


   / Abyss Dragon [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Double Check               Race: Dragon/Giant/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Undead Dragon Bone
     Neck Base                              Dragon Rib
     Chest                                  Dragonmaggots
     Leg [Front, Right/left]                Dragon Palm
     Leg [Back, Right/Left]                 Blackened Scales
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Transparent Wing
     Tail                                   Rotted Scales
     Defeat                                 Golden Egg [15%]

     Notes: --


   / Odin [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Noble Elixir               Race: God/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Notes: --


   / White Dragon [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Prism Crystal              Race: Dragon/Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Dragon's Fang
     Upper Body                             Green Gallblader
     Lower Body                             Dragon Emerald
     Leg [Front, Right/Left]                Obsidian Claw
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Khamsin Scales
     Tail                                   Tailbanger

     Notes: --



   [C1123] Valhalla

   / Aesir (Commander) \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Hat                                    Runic Crown
     Body                                   Phoenix Garb
     Weapon                                 Blue Gale

     Notes: Female Archers.


   / Aesir (Guards) \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Phoenix Garb
     Weapon                                 Broken Blade
     Defeat                                 Witch's Arcanum

     Notes: Male Swordsman.


   / Deathdog \
    Leader Item: Earth Crystal              Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Sabertooth
     Body                                    Toxicbreath Core
     Leg [Front/Back]                        Beast's Flesh
     Tail                                    Adamantite

     Notes: --


   / Guardian Diva \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Aura Force
     Body                                   Mithril Plate
     Shield [1st, Right/Left]               Orichalcum
     Shield [2nd/4th Right/Left]            Damuscus Ore
     Shield [3rd, Right/Left]               Mithril Ore
     Shield [5th, Right/Left]               Adamantite

     Notes: --


   / Magic Mirror \
    Leader Item: Witch's Arcanum            Race: Magic 
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Spirit, Upper]                    Core Spinel
     Body [Altar, Lower]                     Silver Vine Frame
     Mirror [Front, Right/Left]              Mirror of the Lake
     Mirror [Middle, Right/Left]             Witch's Arcanum
     Mirror [Back, Right/Left]               Evil Mirror

     Notes: --


   / Sacred Sack \
    Leader Item: Fairy Tincture             Race: God/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Sacred O Part [15%]
     Bond                                   Fairy Tincture [100%]
     Defeat                                 Shadow Crystal [100%]

     Notes: --


   / Red Dragon \
    Leader Item: Flare Crystal              Race: Dragon/Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Red Horn 
     Head                                    Red Fang 
     Upper Body                              Dragon Ruby
     Lower Body                              Flamebreath Core
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Dragon Palm
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Dragon's Wingbone
     Tail Base                               Ascalon
     Tail, Leg [Right/Left]                  Crimson Scales

     Notes: --


   / Divine Slave \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: God/Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                       Copper Signet
     Body [Left Side]                        Cask of Offering
     Weapon [Upper Right]                    Deep Doom
     Weapon [Lower Right]                    Thor's Rage
     Weapon [Upper Left]                     Ymir's Tears
     Weapon [Lower Left]                     Solar Jewel
     Arm [Upper, Right/Left]                 Caliburn
     Arm [Lower, Right/Left]                 Busted Sword

     Notes: --


   / Silver Dragon [Mini-Boss] \
    Leader Item: Prism Crystal              Race: Dragon/Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Emerald Horn
     Head                                    Scarlet Exhalation
     Upper Body                              Dragon Emerald
     Lower Body                              Verdigris Scales
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Dragon Palm
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Spiked Claw
     Tail Base                               Dragon Scales
     Tail                                    Verdigris Scales
     Leg [Right/Left]                        Evergreen Scales

     Notes: --


   / Freya [Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Notes: --



   [C1124] Tower of Lezard Valeth

   / Rotting Demon \
    Leader Item: Valor Armor                Race: Demon/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Black Skull
     Upper Body                              Deep Doom
     Armor                                   Blazebreath Core
     Lower Body                              Augite of Life
     Left Arm                                Demon's Left Arm
     Right Arm                               Demon's Right Arm
     Leg [Right/Left]                        Bonemeal

     Notes: --


   / Elder Bat \
    Leader Item: Spectacles                 Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Demon's Parabola
     Body                                    Firemouse Fur
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Black Wing Skin

     Notes: Demon's Parabola has a 40% drop rate (same as Bat's Ear), but 
     is one of the most difficult items to get in the game. Proper timing 
     and placement of your party are the most important factors to get this
     item. Having your party in front of the bat (slightly to the right or 
     left) and timing your attacks to hit when the wings flip down and using
     attacks that will hit the head (Aiming Wisp, Sweep Dive, Cutting Edge or
     Absolute Glance) plus equipping the proper slayer skill may increase 
     your chances to acquire this item.


   / Gigantic Dragon \
    Leader Item: Guard Potion               Race: Dragon/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                    Evergreen Scales
     Leg [Front, Right/left]                 Homing Scales
     Leg [Back, Right/Left]                  Verdigris Scales
     Tail                                    Tailbanger

     Notes: --


   / Undead Master \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Bone Mask
     Body [Right Side]                      Chaos Force
     Body [Left Side]                       Tome of Necromancy
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Chaos Force
     Mantle [Front, Right/Left]             Bone Relief
     Mantle [Side, Right/Left]              Dark Amulet
     Mantle [Back, Right/Left]              Abyss Cloak

     Notes: --


   / Prism Jewel \
    Leader Item: Prism Crystal              Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Core]                            Soul Pearl

     Notes: --


   / EMETH \
    Leader Item: Aspect Stone               Race: None
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   METH Seal
     Body                                   Eternal Silver
     Shield [1st/2nd, Right/Left]           Orichalcum
     Shield [3rd, Right/Left]               Mithril Ore
     Shield [4th, Right/Left]               Eternal Silver
     Shield [5th, Right/Left]               Adamantite

     Notes: --


   / Baphonet \
    Leader Item: Elixir                     Race: Demon/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                   Warped Horn
     Head                                   Lamb's Tooth
     Body [Upper, Front]                    Thor's Rage
     Body [Lower, Front]                    Cask of Offering
     Body [Back]                            Steel Horseshoe
     Weapon                                 Tathlum 
     Right Arm                              Vortex Crest
     Left Arm                               Sylphide's Arrowhead

     Notes: -- 


   / Paragriffon \
    Leader Item: Idun's Apples              Race: Giant/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Drilling Beak
     Head Feather [Right/Left]              Indigo Plume 
     Head Wing [Right/Left]                 Gargoyle's Wings
     Body [Front]                           Feather
     Body [Back]                            Eternal Silver
     Wing [Back, Right/Left]                Griffon Talon 
     Wing Base [Back, Right/Left]           Evergreen Feather 

     Notes: -- 


   / Nymph \
    Leader Item: Fairy Tincture             Race: magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head [Parasol]                         Vermillion Cartilage
     Body {Upper]                           Evil Eye Gem 
     Body [Lower]                           Emerald Heart Core 
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Cutting Claw
     Fin [Right/Left]                       Bonafide Bone

     Notes: --


   / Type 44 Demon  \
    Leader Item: Witch's Arcanum            Race: Demon/Scaled/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Diablo Horn
     Upper Body                              Fool's Gem 
     Lower Body                              Demon's Blaze
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Wing of Darkness
     Right Arm                               Demon's Right Arm
     Left Arm                                Demon's Left Arm
     Weapon                                  Caduceus
     Leg [Right/Left]                        Demon's Hoof 

     Notes: --


   / Elder Vampire \
    Leader Item: Ice Crystal                Race: Unholy/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Bloodsucking Fang
     Upper Body                             Rose Imprint 
     Lower Body                             Vampire Heart 
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Vampire Claw
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Wing of Darkness
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Rune Greaves

     Notes: --


   / Pyrohydra \
    Leader Item: Wild Chalice               Race: Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head [Outer Right/Left]                Thunderbreath Core
     Head [Inner Right]                     Electricbreath Core
     Head [Middle, Inner Left]              Boltbreath Core 
     Head [Outer Left]                      Poisonbreath Core
     Neck Base                              Crimson Scales
     Body                                   Dragon Ruby
     Tail                                   Wild Chalice

     Notes: --

   / Lord Bat [Mini-Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Unholy/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Demon's Parabola
     Body                                    Beast Pelt
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Wing of Darkness

     Notes: Demon's Parabola has a 40% drop rate (same as Bat's Ear), but 
     is one of the most difficult items to get in the game. Proper timing 
     and placement of your party are the most important factors to get this
     item. Having your party in front of the bat (slightly to the right or 
     left) and timing your attacks to hit when the wings flip down and using
     attacks that will hit the head (Aiming Wisp, Sweep Dive, Cutting Edge or
     Absolute Glance) plus equipping the proper slayer skill may increase 
     your chances to acquire this item.


   / Vampire Lord [Mini-Boss] \
    Leader Item: Prime Elixir               Race: Unholy/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Bloodsucking Fang
     Core (*)                               Ray Force
     Upper Body                             Rose Imprint 
     Lower Body                             Vampire Heart 
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Vampire Claw
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Wing of Darkness
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Rune Greaves
     Deafeat                                Vampire Sword

     Notes: (*) Red Gem, after breaking the head.


   / Slight Devil [Mini-Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Rune Helm
     Upper Body                             Copper Signet
     Lower Body                             Augite of Life 
     Armor                                  Evil Mirror
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Symbol of Might
     Weapon                                 Busted Spear

     Notes: --


   / Gigantic Troll [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Sage's Arcanum             Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Colossal Canine Tooth
     Upper Body                             Garnet
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Lower Body                             Blood Jewel
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Troll Clay
     Weapon                                 Petrified Ash
     Defeat                                 Rune Helm 

     Notes: Using Frailty against the Troll will stop it's ability to
            Regenerate Health.

   / Slop [Mini Boss] \
    Leader Item: Nectar Potion              Race: Giant/Plant/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Evil Eye Gem
     Upper/Lower Tentacle Base               Bonafide Bone
     Body                                    Heart Core 
     Tentacles [Upper Right/Left]            Pulverizing Bone  
     Tentacles [Lower Right/Left]            Bonafide Bone

     Notes: For the Evil Eye Gem, equipping your characters with attacks
            that can hit the head from a high point like Aiming Wisp and 
            Sweep Dive plus the necessary slayer skills, will increase your 
            chances to breaking the head, also attacking from behind will 
            give a clear target for your attacks to hit the head.


   / Castle Cannon [Mini-Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Giant/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Drilling Ram's Horn
     Head [Horn Base]                        Sage's Arcanum 
     Upper Body                              Steel Horseshoe
     Lower Body                              Augite of Life
     Back Armor                              Hollow Shell
     Tail                                    Eternal Silver
     Shield Blade [Front Right/Left]         Assault Missile
     Arm [Middle Shield Right/Left]          Adamantite
     Shield [Back Right/Left]                Mithril Ore 
     Notes: --


   / Homunculus Silmeria [Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: God/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item
     Notes: --


   / Homunculus Lezard [Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: God/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Rune Greaves [100%]
     Notes: --


   / Lezard Valeth [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Tome of Alchemy            Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item
     Notes: --


   / Transcendental Being [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Noble Elixir               Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item
     Notes: --


   / Anarchic Entity [Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item
     Notes: --



   [C1125] Seraphic Gate

   / Dirna Hamilton [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Overdrive                  Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item
     Notes: --


   / Determined Dirna [Boss]  \
    Leader Item: Noble Elixir               Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Truthade [100%]     
     Notes: --


   / Demishadow [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Tome of Alchemy            Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Foolproof Talisman [100%]     

     Notes: Determined Dirna [Boss] reinforcemnet.



   [C1126] Seraphic Gate - 1st Floor

   / Phantom Flame \
    Leader Item: Witch's Arcanum            Race: Ghost/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Candlestick [Center, Left]             Eternal Flame
     Candlestick [Right]                    Firefly Fire

     Notes: --


   / Kill Bone \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Black Skull
     Upper Body                             Darkbreath Core
     Lower Body                             Augite of Life
     Armor                                  Dark Matter
     Left Arm                               Demon's Right Arm
     Right Arm                              Demon's Left Arm 
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Bonemeal

     Notes: --


   / Berserk Warrior \
    Leader Item: Nectar Potion              Race: None
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Notes: --


   / Hell's Cannon \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Demon/Scaled/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                   Diablo Horn 
     Upper Body                             Fool's Gem 
     Lower Body                             Dark Matter 
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Wing of Darkness
     Right Arm                              Demon's Right Arm 
     Left Arm                               Demon's Left Arm 
     Weapon                                 Ymir's Tears
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Demon's Hoof 

     Notes: --


   / Abyssinian Demon \
    Leader Item: Lotus Wand                 Race: Demon
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Monsters Canine Tooth 
     Upper Body                             Trickster Imprint
     Lower Body                             Burgundy Flask
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Steelwing
     Weapon                                 Busted Hammer

     Notes: --


   / Soul Summoner [Mini-Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Bone Mask
     Body [Right Side]                      Chaos Force
     Body [Left Side]                       Tome of Necromancy
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Chaos Force
     Mantle [Front, Right/Left]             Dark Matter
     Mantle [Side, Right/Left]              Dark Amulet
     Mantle [Back, Right/Left]              Abyss Cloak

     Notes: --


   / Gabriel Celeste [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Wand od Apocalypse         Race: God/Demon/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   White Loincloth
     Wing [Back Booster]                    Tri-Emblem Alpha 
     Weapon                                 Busted Spear 
     Defeat                                 Wand od Apocalypse [100%]

     Notes: --



   [C1127] Seraphic Gate - 2nd Floor

   / Stray Gods (Pure) \
    Leader Item: Foolproof Trinket          Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Weapon                                 Busted Sword
     Body                                   Tri-Emblem Alpha 

     Notes: Male Swordsman.


   / Walla Walla \
    Leader Item: Elixir                     Race: Ghost/Scaled/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Main Body                              Crimson Wasp
     Task Force                             Tuning Wing

     Notes: -- 


   / Fish & Chips \
    Leader Item: Ice Gem                    Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Antennae                               Narwhal Tooth 
     Head, Body                             Green Bubble Core
     Tail Fin                               Seafood

     Notes: -- 


   / Hammer Beetle \
    Leader Item: Fireproof Talisman         Race: Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right/Left]                      Insect Blade
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Beetle Shell
     Tail Horn                              Banshee Scales

     Notes: --


   / Type 22 Demon \
    Leader Item: Spirit Tincture            Race: Demon/Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head Horn                              Prism Crystal
     Head                                   Chaos Force
     Body [after breaking the Shell]        Gremlin Core
     Arm, Scissors [Right/Left]             Stonecutting Pincers
     Shell [Right/Left], Leg [Right/Left]   Seafood
     Shell [Back], Tail [Right/Left]        Axe Crust

     Notes: --


   / Cosmic Visitor \
    Leader Item: Aspect Stone               Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head, Upper Body, Tail                 Rainbow Scales
     Lower Body                             Draconic Gallstone
     Belt                                   Fairy-in-the-Box 
     Notes: --


   / Veil Kraken  \
    Leader Item: Iceproof Talisman          Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head [Upper]                           Seafood
     Head                                   Vermillion Cartilage
     Mace Tentacles [Right/Left]            Bonafide Bone
     Middle Tentacles [Right/Left]          Demon's Right Arm
     Middle Tentacles [Back, Right/Left]    Seafood
     Back Tentacles [Right/Left]            Bullets of Evil
     Leg                                    Tentacles

     Notes: --


   / Damp Clayman \
    Leader Item: Lightningproof Talisman    Race: Giant/Plant/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                    Eyeball
     Upper Tentacle Base                     Mace Head
     Body                                    Green Bubble Core 
     Lower Tentacle Base                     Pulverizing Bone
     Tentacles [Upper/Lower Right]           Incense    
     Tentacles [Upper/Lower Left]            Bonafide Bone
     Notes: --


   / Heimdual! \
    Leader Item: Demon Sword "Nefarious"    Race: God 
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Demon Sword "Nefarious" [15%]
     Notes: --


   / Ull in Highsocks \
    Leader Item: Soothsayer Bow             Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Soothsayer Bow [15%]
     Notes: --


   / Round and Sticky [Mini-Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Plant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Flower                                 Red Flower Petal
     Body                                   Emerald Heart Core
     Tentacle [Right]                       Demon's Right Arm
     Tentacle [Left]                        Demon's Left Arm
     Tentacles [Middle]                     Bone Mace
     Stalk                                  Seafood

     Notes: -- 


   / Woden [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Sylphan Robe               Race: God/Magic

          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Sylphan Robe [100%]
     Notes: --



   [C1128] Seraphic Gate - 3rd Floor

   / Thunderbird \
    Leader Item: Lightningproof Talisman    Race: God/beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                      Great Eagle Heart
     Body [Left Side]                       Thor's Rage
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Raptor's Talon 
     Tail [Right/Left]                      Windswept Tailfeather

     Notes: --


   / Hound of Tindalos \
    Leader Item: Aspect Stone               Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Sabertooth
     Body                                   Scarlet Exhalation
     Leg [Front/Back]                       Beast Pelt
     Tail                                   Beast's Flesh

     Notes: --


   / Sagittarius \
    Leader Item: Tome of Godspeed           Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                   Warped Horn
     Head                                   Warped Teeth
     Body [Upper, Front]                    Eternal Silver
     Body [Lower, Front]                    Protection Shade
     Body [Back]                            Orichalcum 
     Weapon                                 Busted Bow
     Right Arm                              Vortex Crest
     Left Arm                               Sylphide's Arrowhead

     Notes: -- 


   / Reject No. 666 \
    Leader Item: Sage's Arcanum             Race: Ghost/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Notes: -- 


   / Homunculus Copy \
    Leader Item: Mithril Crown              Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Mithril Crown [15%]    

     Notes: -- 


   / Homunculus Hrist \
    Leader Item: Mithril Greaves            Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Mithril Greaves [15%]    

     Notes: -- 


   / Insect King \
    Leader Item: Earthproof Talisman        Race: Giant/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Platinum Eye
     Upper Body                             Amber Core
     Arms [Right/Left]                      Insect Blade
     Feathers [Upper/Lower, Right/Left]     Insect King's Wing 
     Lower Body                             Royal Jelly
     Tail Base                              Banshee Scales
     Tail                                   Lance Needle

     Notes: --


   / Sunspot Visitor [Mini-Boss] \
    Leader Item: Sage's Arcanum             Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Solar Jewel
     Body                                   Flare Ore
     Arm, Lava Arm [Right]                  Flare Ore
     Arm, Lava Arm [Left]                   Pyrotechnic Ore
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Adamantite

     Notes: --


   / Sunspot Visitor (Lava Form) \
    Leader Item: Prime Elixir               Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Notes: --


   / Obsessed Ex [Boss]) \
    Leader Item: Gungnir                    Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Full-color Lenneth [100%]
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Crystal Lenneth [100%]
     Mantle                                 Amber Lenneth [100%]
     Leg [Right/Left]                       Metallic Lenneth [100%]
     Defeat                                 Gungnir [100%]

     Notes: --



   [C1129] Seraphic Gate - 4th Floor

   / Umbrella \
    Leader Item: Iceproof Talisman          Race: Beast/Unholy
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Demon's Parabola
     Body                                   Beast Pelt
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Bat Umbrella

     Notes: Demon's Parabola has a 40% drop rate (same as Bat's Ear), but 
     is one of the most difficult items to get in the game. Proper timing 
     and placement of your party are the most important factors to get this
     item. Having your party in front of the bat (slightly to the right or 
     left) and timing your attacks to hit when the wings flip down and using
     attacks that will hit the head (Aiming Wisp, Sweep Dive, Cutting Edge or
     Absolute Glance) plus equipping the proper slayer skill may increase 
     your chances to acquire this item.


   / Hell Diver \
    Leader Item: Foolproof Talisman         Race: Giant/Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Drilling Beak
     Head Feather [Right/Left]              Pure White Plume
     Head Wing [Right/Left]                 Evergreen Feather 
     Body [Front]                           Great Eagle Heart
     Body [Back]                            Feather
     Wing [Back, Right/Left]                Griffon Talon 
     Wing Base [Back, Right/Left]           Gargoyle's Wings 

     Notes: -- 


   / Lightning Kobold \
    Leader Item: Thunder Crystal            Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Afro Puffs
     Upper Body                             Thor's Rage
     Armor                                  Orichalcum
     Weapon                                 Busted Hammer
     Lower Body                             Bolt Coin
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail

     Notes: --


   / Mechanical Major \
    Leader Item: Guard Potion               Race: None
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Chaos Force
     Body                                   Wind-up Screw
     Shield [1st, Right/Left]               Worn Shield
     Shield [2nd, Right/Left]               Damascus Ore
     Shield [3rd, Right/Left]               Adamantite
     Shield [4th/5th, Right/Left]           Orichalcum

     Notes: --


   / Scargone \
    Leader Item: Foolproof Talisman         Race: Giant 
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Mouth                                  Metabolizer
     Shell [Front Section]                  Moon Pearl
     Shell [Right/Left]                     Armor Piercer
     Inside [After breaking Fr. Shell]      Metabolizer
     Inside [After breaking R/L Shell]      Elixir
     Lower Body                             Jet Ejector 

     Notes: -- 


   / Maneater \
    Leader Item: Union Plume                Race: Plant/Insect
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Petal                                  Nightshade
     Head                                   White Flower Petal
     Body                                   G Seed

     Notes: -- 


   / Backpacker \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: God/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Dipan Pennant
     Bond                                   Goddess Tincture [100%]
     Defeat                                 Armor of Aleph [15%]

     Notes: -- 


   / Tiamat \
    Leader Item: Tyrfing                    Race: Dragon/Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head [Inner Right, Outer Left]         Scarlet Exhalation
     Head [Inner Left, Outer Right]         Pentachrome Breath Core
     Head [Middle]                          Scarlet Exhalation
     Neck Base                              Draconic Gallstone
     Body, Tail                             Pentachrome Scale
     Defeat                                 Tyrfing [15%]

     Notes: --

   / Black Pain \
    Leader Item: Mithril Helm               Race: Dragon/Giant/ Unholy 
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Undead Dragon Bone
     Neck Base                              Dragon Rib
     Body [Front]                           Dragon Meat Paste 
     Body [Back]                            Rotten Dragon Liver
     Leg [Front, Right/left]                Platinum Fly
     Leg [Back, Right/Left]                 Sable Dragonscales
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Arc-en-ciel
     Tail                                   Sable Dragonscales
     Defeat                                 Mithril Helm [15%]

     Notes: --


   / Arectaris Returned \
    Leader Item: Sylvan Bow                 Race: Giant/Plant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Crystal Mask
     Tentacles [Upper, Right/Left]          Noblewoman's Ball
     Tentacles [Side, Right/Left]           Noblewoman's Fire 
     Tentacles [Back, Right/Left]           Noblewoman's Ball
     Defeat                                 Sylvan Bow [15%]
     Notes: --


   / Hamster \
    Leader Item: Goddess Tincture           Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Ham-Star [100%]
     Notes: --


   / Hammy \
    Leader Item: Goddess Tincture           Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Sunflower Seed [100%]
     Notes: --


   / Frigga [Boss]  \
    Leader Item: Star Guard                 Race: God
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Star Guard [100%]
     Notes: --



   [C1130] Seraphic Gate - 5th Floor

   / Norn  \
    Leader Item: Spirit Tincture            Race: Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Verdigris Cartilage
     Body                                   Evil Eye Gem
     Arm [Right/Left]                       Raising Dragon Talon
     Fin[Right/Left]                        Bonafide Bone
     Tail                                   Soul Pearl
     Notes: --


   / Ghost in the Mirror \
    Leader Item: Nectar Potion              Race: Unholy/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Spirit, Upper]                    Red Soul Flame
     Body [Altar, Lower]                     Silver Vine Frame
     Mirror [Front, Right/Left]              Mirror of the Lake
     Mirror [Middle, Right/Left]             Silver Vine Frame
     Mirror [Back, Right/Left]               Silverwork Orchid

     Notes: --


   / Mystical Saurian / Upper Saurian \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Giant Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Evil Eye of Death
     Body                                   Black Dragon Gallstone
     Wing [Right/Left]                      Khamsin Scales

     Notes: --


   / Lower Lizard \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Khamsin Scales
     Front Leg [Right/Left]                 Homing Scales
     Back Leg [Right/Left]                  Sable Dragonscales
     Tail                                   Pentachrome Scales

     Notes: --


   / Walther  \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Ghost/Unholy/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Ether Crown [15%]
     Notes: --


   / Gyne  \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Ghost/Unholy/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Defeat                                 Ether Crown [15%]
     Notes: --


   / Sword Master [Mini-Boss] \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Giant
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body [Right Side]                       Armor of Aleph
     Body [Left Side]                        Tri-Emblem Alpha
     Weapon [Upper Right]                    Deep Doom
     Weapon [Lower Right]                    Thor's Rage
     Weapon [Upper Left]                     Ymir's Tears
     Weapon [Lower Left]                     Solar Jewel
     Arm [Upper Right]                       Busted Greatsword
     Arm [Upper Left]                        Busted Spear
     Arm [Lower Right]                       Busted Sword
     Arm [Lower Left]                        Busted Hammer

     Notes: --


   / Bahamut [Mini-Boss] \
    Leader Item: Infinite Admiration        Race: Dragon/Giant/Scaled
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Horn                                    Magic Dragon Horn
     Head                                    Evil Eye of Death 
     Upper Body                              Shiningbreath Core
     Lower Body                              Sable Dragonscales
     Arm [Right/Left]                        Scythe Claw
     Wing [Right/Left]                       Dragon's Wingbone
     Tail Base                               Dragonlord's Nerves
     Tail                                    Sable Dragonscales
     Leg [Right/Left]                        Dark Carapace
     Defeat                                  Infinite Admiration [15%]

     Notes: --


   / Ethereal Queen [Boss] \
    Leader Item: Holy Wand of Telos         Race: God/Demon/Magic
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Body                                   Tri-Emblem Beta
     Wing [Back Booster]                    Tri-Emblem Alpha
     Weapon                                 Great Spear "Dinosaur" 
     Defeat                                 Holy Wand of Telos [100%]

     Notes: --



   [C1131] Seraphic Gate 2-5th Floor - Dog Kennels

   / Dog Alicia \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Steel Hairband
     Body [Upper]                           Alicia's Robe
     Body [Lower]                           Radish
     Armor [Vines]                          Double-sided Tape
     Weapon                                 Busted Sword
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail
     Notes: --


   / Dog Hrist \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                 Wing Feather
     Head                                   Beast Pelt
     Body [Upper]                           Self-help Manual
     Body [Lower]                           Copper Coin 
     Weapon                                 Die-cast Lance
     Tail                                   Prime Elixir
     Notes: --


   / Dog Rufus \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Winded Bandanna
     Body [Upper]                           Depressing Kobold Shirt
     Body [Lower]                           Third Proof
     Armor [Vines]                          Double-sided Tape
     Weapon                                 Busted Bow
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail
     Notes: --


   / Dog Brahms \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Wigged-out Wig
     Body [Upper]                           Foolproof Trinket
     Body [Lower]                           Purple Mirror
     Armor [Vines]                          Bloodsucking Fang
     Weapon                                 Meat Chops
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail
     Notes: --


   / Dog Arngrim \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head                                   Wigged-out Wig
     Body [Upper]                           Overdrive
     Body [Lower]                           New Item Catalog
     Armor [Vines]                          Double-sided Tape
     Weapon                                 Broken Blade
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail
     Notes: --


   / Dog Odin \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                 Wisdom Wig
     Head                                   Double-sided Tape
     Body [Upper]                           Allfather Kobold Shirt
     Body [Lower]                           Bolt Coin
     Weapon                                 Gungnear
     Tail                                   Prime Elixir 
     Notes: --


   / Dog Freya  \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Hat                                    Freya's Cap
     Head                                   Beast Pelt
     Body [Upper]                           Push-up Thingamajig
     Body [Lower]                           Bolt Coin
     Weapon                                 Crystal Ball
     Tail                                   Prime Elixir 
     Notes: --


   / Dog Freya  \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                 Wing Feather 
     Head                                   Overdrive
     Body [Upper]                           Valkyrie kobold Mail
     Body [Lower]                           Silver Coin
     Weapon                                 Die-cast Lance
     Tail                                   Goddess Tincture
     Notes: --


   / Dog Silmeria \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Helmet                                 Wing Feather 
     Head                                   Beast Pelt
     Body [Upper]                           Valkyrie kobold Mail
     Body [Lower]                           Gold Coin
     Weapon                                 Die-cast Lance
     Tail                                   Prime Elixir
     Notes: --


   / Dog Lezard \
    Leader Item: --                         Race: Beast
          Breakable Body Parts                       Drop Item

     Head, Body [Upper]                     Beast Pelt
     Body [Lower]                           Iron Ore
     Weapon                                 Tome of Alchemy
     Tail                                   Lucky Tail
     Notes: --



=  12. SMALL NEWS: SPOILERS, HINTS AND TIPS                          [C1200]  =

   This sections is for other information that i couldn't fit anywhere else 
in the guide. It contains information collected from different sources, 
including the Brady Strategy Guide, Japanese Sites and Message Boards.

   This section may be full of spoilers, so read at your own risk.

   [C1201] Leone and Arngrim: End of Chapter 3 Rewards

   Spoiler: Leone and Arngrim will leave your group at the end of Chapter 3.
            The reward items is based on the levels Leone and Arngrim have
            achieved by the chapter's end.

            The items and weapons will appear in the inventory.
            You will not get any in-game messages about acquiring those items.

         Leone Level                       Item Received
       ---------------        ------------------------------------------

         19 or lower           Might Potion

           20-24               Expert's Experience, Might Potion

           25-27               Expert's Experience x2

           28-34               Expert's Experience x2, Thief's Thoughts

           35-39               Expert's Experience, Thief's Thoughts,
                               Slashing Sword "Farewell"

        40 or higher           Expert's Experience, Thief's Thoughts,
                               Slashing Sword "Farewell", Valkyrie Favor

        Arngrim Level                       Item Received
       ---------------        ------------------------------------------

         19 or lower           Guard Potion

           20-24               Expert's Experience, Guard Potion

           25-27               Expert's Experience x2

           28-34               Expert's Experience x2, Warrior's Wits

           35-39               Expert's Experience, Warrior's Wits,
                               Improved Dragonslayer

        40 or higher           Expert's Experience, Warrior's Wits,
                               Improved Dragonslayer, Bahumut Tear


   [C1202] Lezard and Dylan: End of Chapter 4 Rewards

   Spoiler: Lezard and Dylan will leave your group at the end of Chapter 4.
            The reward items is based on the levels Lezard and Dylan have
            achieved by the chapter's end.

            The items and weapons will appear in the inventory.
            You will not get any in-game messages about acquiring those items.

        Lezard Level                       Item Received
      ----------------       ------------------------------------------

        24 or lower           Spell Potion

          25-29               Expert's Experience, Spell Potion

          30-32               Expert's Experience x2

          33-39               Expert's Experience x2, Sorcerer's Savvy

          40-44               Expert's Experience, Sorcerer's Savvy,
                              Philosopher's Stone

       45 or higher           Expert's Experience, Sorcerer's Savvy,
                              Philosopher's Stone, Homunculus Seed

         Dylan Level                       Item Received
       ---------------       ------------------------------------------

        24 or lower           Charge Break

          25-29               Expert's Experience, Charge Break

          30-32               Expert's Experience x2

          33-39               Expert's Experience x2, Ambrosia

          40-44               Undead Sword, Expert's Experience, 

       45 or higher           Undead Sword, Sword of the Meek, Ambrosia
                              Expert's Experience


   [C1203] Tri-Emblem: The Poem Event

   Different parts of a poem can be read at different locations as you 
advance the story. All parts must be read by the time you finish Chapter 3.
As you enter Chapter 4 and try to read the poems it will say that the text
have changed. Poem #2 must be read the first time you enter Dipan Town.

   Chapter 1

   Location: Solde, Chapel Square, Western House, left wall.

    Poem #1: Time's goddess spins the thread,
             Round and round the spiral loom.

   Chapter 2

   Location: Dipan, House next to Armory, right wall

    Poem #2: In sweep the waves of the moon,
             Away flow the tides of time.

     Note: Dipan Tavern, talk 2 times with the adventurer:

           "Say, have you ever heard about the scattered poem?
            I hear that if you find all three parts, it forms some kind of 
            crest, but there is no guessing where the parts are or what the 
            crest is."

   Chapter 3

   Location: Crell Monferaigne, House west from INN, right wall

    Poem #3: Carving their trail in time,
             Emotions revisit an age gone by.

   At the start of Chapter 6, go back to Solde, same house where you read the
first part of the poem, and read it again, after that walk to the right wall
and check the shelf, you will acquire the TRI-EMBLEM.

       Tri-Emblem: AVD +30% / RDM +50% / RST +30% / Fire +90%


   [C1204] Villnore Flower Girl Shop

   A different type of flower can be bought as new chapters start.

   Chapter       Flower           Price           Effect
  ---------  --------------      -------   -----------------------------

      3       Tiny Flower           10      Increase Maximum HP by 10%.

      4       Lily                  10      Increase Maximum HP by 10%.

      5       Weeping Lily          10      Increase Maximum HP by 10%.

      6       Gladiolus             10      Increase Maximum HP by 10%.  


   [C1205] Accessories and Skills Information

   Accessories can be use to customize your party characters for battle using
powerful combination of effects that can make your characters extremely
lethal and powerful.

   Accessories have a special property, that by linking them together you can
multiply their effect and boost the power of each accessory that's the same 

    For example, if a character is equipped with Blue Head armor, Blue Body
armor, Blue Arm armor and the Blue Leg armor and you add two blue accessories
you create a six-part link setup. The benefit to creating links is to enhance
a given accessory's effects; with the maximum amount of links possible, any
given accessory would gain a 4x multiplier to it's numeric effect, like the
green accessory Busted Hammer that have +5% ATK, that in a 9-part link setup
would give a 20% boost to ATK.

   Link Multipliers:

      Links     |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  | 
      Multipler | 1.50 | 2.00 | 2.50 | 3.00 | 3.25 | 3.50 | 3.75 | 4.00 | 

   Colorless accessories do not contribute to a link, nor do they contribute
to forming Runewords to create skills; but generally they have strong (and
many times) unique effects to compensate for their inability to form links.

   Another use for the accessories is also to form Runewords necessary to
create new skills.

   Skills are formed by combining the runes from equipments, weapons and
accessories into Runewords. To learn new skills all that is necessary is to
equip the necessary equipment to form the Runeword for the new skill and then
go and fight battles. After a battle, the average level of the party is
compared to the average level of the enemies you just battled. Based on that,
a certain percentage increase is given to the skills your party members are
trying to learn. For this reason having low level characters in the party can
increase the speed characters learn their skills.

   For example, a party fighting the Hydra Boss Lv 29, in Crawsus Forest:
   Party #1: Phyress Lv 35 (trying to learn Double Edge)
             Sha-kon Lv 38
             Arcana LV 35
             Millidia Lv 32

     Average party level is 35, after the battle with the Hydra, Double Edge
     gains 2% experience increase, which will take at least 50 battles to 
     learn the Double Edge Skill.

   Party #2: Phyress Lv 35 (trying to learn Double Edge)
             Sha-kon Lv 38
             Mithra Lv 4
             Lezard Lv 5

     Average party level is 20 (20.5), after the battle with the Hydra, Double 
     Edge gains 45% experience increase, that means you can learn Double Edge 
     Skill in 3 battles.

   So keeping low levels characters around is a good deal to speed up the
process of learning skills. Also using the Experience Pig Law Sealstone or
the Training skill will not have any effect in the rate you gain experience 
towards learning a skill, in really it slows the rate you gain experience
towards learning skills since your party average will raise as you gain levels
faster, that also should be take in consideration when trying to learn new

   Also is possible to teach all skills to low level characters using the Gold
Grubber Law Sealstone, in which case you will learn the skills without gaining
any levels. Even a level 1 character can have the best skills using this 
method and never gain one level.

   Early in the game is recommended to learn the following skills as soon as 
possible: Iron Fist, Mental Boost, Fortify Physique, Health Regeneration, 
First Aid, Resist Magic; next you should give priority to learn Survival, 
Phychosoma, Spirit Control, Double Edge and finally Slayer Skills, Training, 
Toughness and Triple Edge. 

   [BS00] Blue Skills

  / [BS01] Iron Fist \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Body + Fire

        Effects: Increase ATK +20% during battle.

          Notes: --


  / [BS02] Mental Boost \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Body + Ice

        Effects: Increase MAG +20% during battle.

          Notes: --


  / [BS03] Fortify Physique \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Body + Earth

        Effects: Increase RDM +20% during battle.

          Notes: --


  / [BS04] Resist Magic \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Body + Lightining

        Effects: Increase RST +50% during battle.

          Notes: --


  / [BS05] Mighty Blow \
    Skill Class: Attack

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Slashing + Lightning + Strengthening

        Effects: Makes attacks cause enemy to Faint. Further attacks are
                 more like to break enemy guard.

          Notes: --


  / [Bs06] Break Up \
    Skill Class: Attack

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Arm + Slashing + Activation + Strengthening

        Effects: Increases chances of entering Break Mode when parts of the 
                 enemy are broken off.

          Notes: --


  / [BS07] Survival \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Body + Healing + Training

        Effects: Leaves 1 HP after an otherwise fatal attack if the character
                 has at least 10% of the Maximum HP to start with.

          Notes: It will not work if you get hit by an attack that have 
                 multiple hits.


  / [BS08] Reflex Movement \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Body + Leg + Lightning

        Effects: Enables blocking and evading of enemy attacks when knocked

          Notes: --


  / [BS09] Magic Mail \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Head + Bludgeon + Ice + Resistance

        Effects: Enables guarding against and evading Special and Magic-based

          Notes: --


  / [BS10] Cure Condition \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Body + Healing + Earth + Resistance

        Effects: Enables quick recovery than usual from status ailments
                 during battle.

          Notes: --


  / [BS11] Force Field (100) \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Body + Leg + Resistance

        Effects: Protects user with a force field that can withstand 100

          Notes: --


  / [BS12] First Aid \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Body + Healing + Holy

        Effects: May restore half of the damage inflicted by an enemy attack

          Notes: --


  / [BS13] Free Item \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Head + Arm + Activation + Resistance

        Effects: Enables you to use items at no AP cost.

          Notes: --


  / [BS14] Force Field (5000) \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 6
          Runes: Body + Healing + Resistance + Creation

        Effects: Protects user with a force field that can withstand 5000

          Notes: --


  / [BS15] Beast Bludgeon \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Slashing + Weakness + Fire

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against beast enemies.

          Notes: x1.5 damage increase.


  / [BS16] Unholy Purifier \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Slashing + Weakness + Holy

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against Unholy enemies.

          Notes: x1.5 damage increase.


  / [BS17] Descaling Might \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Slashing + Weakness + Lightning

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against Scaled enemies.

          Notes: x1.5 damage increase.


  / [BS18] Counter Attack \
    Skill Class: Reaction

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Slashing + Weakness + Lightning

        Effects: Displays icon after character is attacked. Press the button
                 when you see it to counter attack.

          Notes: --



   [RS00] Red Skills

  / [RS01] Adversity \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Body + Fire + Ice + Earth + Lightning

        Effects: Increases ATK, MAG, HIT, AVD, RDM and RST for each extra
                 enemy, when they outnumber the party.

          Notes: 20% increase for each enemy that outnumber the party.


  / [RS02] Heroism \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Body + Fire + Strengthening

        Effects: Increases ATK by +20% for each enemy that dies during 

          Notes: --


  / [RS03] Psychosoma \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Head + Arm + Activation + Ice

        Effects: Combines ATK and MAG values for attacks during battle.

          Notes: Light Warriors and Archers will benefit the most from this
                 skill; Magic Users will not get any benefit from this.


  / [RS04] Training \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Foot + Strengthening + Weakness

        Effects: Reduces ATK, MAG, HIT, AVD, RDM and RST by 20% in battle,
                 but increase experience received by +50%.

          Notes: --


  / [RS05] Spirit Control \
    Skill Class: Attack

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Arm + Slashing + Lightning

        Effects: Increases the amount of purple gems that appear after an

          Notes: --


  / [RS06] Heat Up \
    Skill Class: Attack

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Body + Slashing + Strengthening

        Effects: Increases the amount your special attack gauge rises after
                 an attack.

          Notes: --


  / [RS07] Double Edge \
    Skill Class: Attack

        CP Cost: 5
          Runes: Slashing + Piercing + Arm + Training

        Effects: Deals damage twice in a single attack.

          Notes: --


  / [RS08] Overload \
    Skill Class: Attack

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Head + Ice + Darkness + Activation

        Effects: Increase power of magic attacks to +50%. However, magic
                 attacks will also strike allies.

          Notes: --


  / [RS09] Regenerate Health \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Body + Earth + Healing

        Effects: Restores HP at fixed intervals during battle.

          Notes: Recover 75% of your current level as HP every 1-2 sec (a 
                 level 99 character will recover 74 HP every 1-2 sec).


  / [RS10] Guard Motion \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Arm + Resistance + Strengthening

        Effects: Reduces damage received by 20%. However, prohibits blocking
                 and evading. Renders user susceptible to status ailments.

          Notes: --


  / [RS11] Reduce Magic \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 6
          Runes: Body + Head + Ice + Activation

        Effects: Halves efficacy of all magic received, whether damage or

          Notes: --


  / [RS12] Missile Protection \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 5
          Runes: Head + Arm + Resistance

        Effects: Guards against all projectiles frontally.

          Notes: --


  / [RS13] True Seeing \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Piercing + Fire + Strengthening

        Effects: Increases the occurrence of critical attacks.

          Notes: --


  / [RS14] Weed Whacker \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Slashing + Weakness + Fire

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against Plant type

          Notes: x1.5 damage increase.


  / [RS15] Bug Swatter \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Piercing + Weakness + Earth

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against Insect type

          Notes: x1.5 damage increase.


  / [RS16] Magician Slayer \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Slashing + Weakness + Activation

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against Magic type 

          Notes: x1.5 damage increase.


  / [RS17] Ghost Buster \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Slashing + Weakness + Ice + Resistance

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against Ghost type

          Notes: It does not increase the attack power against Ghost type
                 enemies, however it makes any attack that use (even if not
                 an elemental attack) hit the ghost type enemies.


  / [RS18] Giant Killer \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Slashing + Weakness + Training + Holy

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against Giant type

          Notes: x1.5 damage increase.


  / [RS19] Demon Destroyer \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 5
          Runes: Piercing + Weakness + Darkness + Training

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against Demon type

          Notes: x1.5 damage increase.


  / [RS20] Desperate Measures \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 6
          Runes: Arm + Darkness + Creation

        Effects: Splits an enemy in two with an attack. However, the bearer
                 of this skill's maximum HP is set to 1.

          Notes: --


  / [RS21] Precision Parry \
    Skill Class: Reaction

        CP Cost: 3
          Runes: Arm + Ice + Resistance

        Effects: Performs guard when the button of the attacked character
                 is pressed at the moment of the attack.

          Notes: --


  / [RS22] Scramble Attack \
    Skill Class: Reaction

        CP Cost: 2
          Runes: Head + Leg + Slashing + Resistance

        Effects: Set special input for normal attack, to be performed by
                 pressing a button while holding the directional button.

          Notes: --



   [GS00] Green Skills

  / [GS01] Toughness \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 5
          Runes: Body + Leg + Fire

        Effects: Doubles current HP and maximum HP during battle.

          Notes: --


  / [GS02] Observation \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 5
          Runes: Body + Strengthening + Fire

        Effects: ATK, MAG, HIT, AVD, RDM and RST values increase slightly
                 per fixed interval during battle.

          Notes: --


  / [GS03] Solitary Struggle \
    Skill Class: Status

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Body + Resistance + Fire

        Effects: ATK, MAG, HIT, AVD, RDM and RST values are raised based on
                 the number of allies that have been killed.

          Notes: 20% increase for each ally killed.


  / [GS04] Triple Edge \
    Skill Class: Attack

        CP Cost: 6
          Runes: Piercing + Bludgeon + Training + Creation

        Effects: Triples the damage dealt in a single attack.

          Notes: --


  / [GS05] Force Field (1000) \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 4
          Runes: Body + Head + Healing + Holy

        Effects: Protects user with a force field that can withstand 1000

          Notes: --


  / [GS06] Victorius Vitality \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 5
          Runes: Body + Earth + Healing

        Effects: Restores HP to 100% when victory is achieved.

          Notes: --


  / [GS07] Mind Lock \
    Skill Class: Defense

        CP Cost: 6
          Runes: Head + Ice + Holy

        Effects: Render the spirit impermeable to outside spiritual

          Notes: --


  / [GS08] Dragon Slayer \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 5
          Runes: Piercing + Weakness + Lightning + Activation

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against Dragon type

          Notes: x1.5 damage increase.


  / [GS09] God Destroyer \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 5
          Runes: Piercing + Bludgeon + Weakness + Holy

        Effects: Enables attacks with massive effects against God type

          Notes: x1.5 damage increase.


  / [GS10] Dismantle \
    Skill Class: Critical

        CP Cost: 6
          Runes: Arm + Darkness + Strengthening + Training

        Effects: Splits an enemy in two with a critical attack.

          Notes: --



   [C1206] Solomon's Ring Optional Items

   We all know the benefits of using the Solomon's Ring when using the
HP 7,777 Trick. In Battle, fortune smiles upon you when all digits in your HP
Value are the same. The Higher the digit, the luckier. But you can only get
one Solomon's Ring in the game, and it's secondary effect [talking with the
animals], is more a novelty than something you can take advantage of it.

  But the game has other items that have the same effect of the Solomon's Ring
with far better secondary effects.

  Below is the list of items [plus the location and enemies that drop those 
items], that can be used in the same way as the Solomon Ring.

1. Bat Umbrella 

   Effect: Darkness +30%
     Drop: Umbrella [Right/Left Wing] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

2. Firefly Fire

   Effect: --
     Drop: Phantom Flame [Candlestick Right Side] - Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

3. Sacred O Part

   Effect: --
     Drop: Sacred Sack [Body] - Valhalla

4. Dipan Pendant

   Effect: Holy +30%
     Drop: Backpacker [Body] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

5. Self-Help Manual

   Effect: Curse +100%, Silence +100%, Confusion +100%
     Drop: Dog Hrist [Chest] - Seraphic Gate, 2nd-5th Floor

6. Ham-Star 

   Effect: Paralysis +100%, Poison +100%, Frozen +100%, Stone + 100%, 
           Faint +100%, Frailty +100
     Drop: Hamster [Drop Item 100%] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

7. Afro Puffs

   Effect: Doom +100%
     Drop: Lightning Kobold [Head] - Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor


   [C1207] Early Soul Crush Power Up Trick

   This is a good way for all the people that would like to have at least one 
character with a more powerful Soul Crusher, try this setup:

   1. In Serdberg Mountain make sure you get the Blade Claw [Blue Slashing] 
       from Crust Golem [Tail], in Serdberg Mountain, it has the Special 
       Attack damage +5% effect.

   2. When you get to the Griffon Boss in Ancient Forest, make sure you get 
      the Wing Feather [Right/Left Head Wing] (even if you have to reload and 
      fight it again a few times, it is well worth the time). 

      Wing Feather has the Special Attack damage +20% effect and you only 
      will see this item again in Chapter 5.

   3. I honest advise for getting this 2 items, as it make a big difference 
      when fighting most early bosses.

      For Heavy Warriors you can equip the Wing Feather and make an 8 blue 
      runes link using the Blade Claw. The Special Attack power will get a 
      20% increase from Wing Feather + 18.75% from the 8-rune links.

      For Archers and Light warriors the max number the links will be able to 
      make is 7, since their weapons have a Red rune, but still it is 20% 
      increase from Wing Feather + 17.5% from 7-rune links.


   [C1208]  Quick Rune Reference Guide

   This is a list of Runes and when they first become accessible by Chapter, 
   location and enemies that drop them.

   1. Blue Runes

      Chapter 1

      Solde Armory

       - Sallet [Head]
       - Cloak [Body]
       - Leather Glove [Arm]
       - Leather Boots [Leg] 

      Lost Forest

       - Beetle Shell [Healing] - Bullet Beetle [Outer Shell]
       - Insect Stinger [Weakness] - Bullet Beetle [Head]
       - Skull Receptacle [Earth] - Skeleton [Head]

      Royal Underground Path

       - Little Devil Heart [Strengthening] - Goblin [Upper Body]
       - Pact Chain [Holy] - Ballistic Rhino [Horn Base]
       - Goblin Tooth [Darkness] - Goblin [Head]

      Chapter 2

      Dipan Castle

       - Blue Soul Flame [Fire] - Warning Jewel [Center]

      Kythena Plains

       - Fish Scales [Ice] - Flying Fish [Leader Item, Body]

      Chapter 3

      Serdberg Mountains

       - Blade Claw [Slashing] - Crust Golen [Tail]
       - Dragon's Talon [Slashing] - Lower Lizard [Back Legs]
       - Raptor's Talon [Activation] - Giant Hawk [Right/Left Wing]
       - Copper Coin [Training] - Kobold Knight [Upper Body]
       - Thunderbreath Core [Lightning] - Thunder Hawk [Body Left Side]

      Turgen Mine

       - Monster Scales [Resistance] - Lizard Lord [Lower Body, Tail]

      Audoula Temple

       - Mace Head [Bludgeon] - Kraken [Right/Left Mace Tentacles]
       - Monster Scales [Resistance] - Lizard Man [Lower Body]

      Chapter 6

      Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor

      - Tri-Emblem Alpha [Creation] - Gabriel Celest [Back Booster]

   2. Red Runes

      Chapter 1

       - Alicia's Robe [Body] - Alicia early equipment, Alicia only.

      Solde Armory

       - Cloth Greaves [Leg]
       - Ruby-Eyed Bee [Healing]
       - Prancing Horse [Earth]

      Royal Underground Path

       - Baraka [Strengthening] - Ballistic Rhino [Horn Base]

      Chapter 3

       - Red Cherry [Activation] - Coriander Village
       - Duel Armor (LW, HW) [Body] - Kalstad
       - Duel Helm (LW, HW) [Head] - Kalstad
       - Anointed Crown (LW, HW, AR, MG) [Head] - Crell Monferaigne

      Serdberg Mountain

       - Meatl Buckler [Arm] - Treasure
       - Cursed Soul [Fire] - Ghost [Left Candlestick]
       - Charged Tailfeather [Lightning] - Thunderhawk [Right/Left Tail]

      Ancient Forest

       - Piercing Imprint [Weakness] - Goat Man [Right Arm]
       - Vermillion Scales [Resistance] - Cybersaur [Upper Body]

      Turgen Mine

       - Anointed Cloak (AR, MG) [Body] - Treasure
       - Piercing Imprint [Weakness] - Lizard Lord [Weapon]
       - Insect Claw [Slashing] - Queen Wasp [Arms]*
       - Big Needle [Bludgeon] - Queen Wasp [Tail]*

         * This is the first time you can have access to those Runes, but 
           Queen Wasp is an one time Boss fight, meaning that you might not 
           get none of those items; optional items for those are in 
           Sahma Desert.

      Audoula Temple

       - Anointed Cloak (AR, MG) [Body] - Treasure
       - Piercing Imprint [Weakness] - Lizard Lord [Weapon]
       - Vermillion Cartilage [Ice] - Kraken [Head]

      Sahma Desert

       - Insect Claw [Slashing] - Giant Scarab [Right/Left Front Leg]
       - Battering Ram's Horn [Bludgeon] - Desert Beast [Horn]

      Crawsus Forest

       - Abyss Cloak [Darkness] - Shaman Chief [Back Mantle]

      Palace of the Venerated Dragon

       - Ouroboros Symbol [Training] - Treasure
       - Copper Signet [Holy] - Spectral Knight [Right/Left Arm]

      Chapter 6

      Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

       - Wind-up Screw [Creation] - Mechanical Major [Body]

   3. Green Runes

      Chapter 3

       - Wind Glove (LW, HW, AR, MG) [Arm] - Crell Monferaigne (Create)
       - Vein Greaves (LW, HW) [Leg] - Villnore (Create)
       - Beryl Bracelet [Strengthening] - Travelling Merchant
                                          (after Serdberg Mountain Ruins)

      Surts Volcano

       - Pyrothecnic Ore [Fire] - Wild Lizard [Body]
       - Phosphate Ore [Healing] - Evolver (1) [Right/Left Hand]

      Chateau Obsession

       - Dead Man's Gem [Earth] - Greater Demon [Upper Body]

      Crawsus Forest

       - Mirage Robe (AR, MG) [Body] - Treasure
       - Silver Greaves (LW, HW, AR) [Leg] - Treasure
       - Verdigris Scales [Activation] - Hydra [Neck Base]
       - Thor's Rage [Lightning] - Shaman Chief [Body Right Side]
       - Blackbreath Core [Darkness] - Hydra [Outer Right Head]

      Palace of the Venerated Dragon

       - Dragon Armor (LW, HW) [Body] - Treasure
       - Busted Spear [Piercing] - Spectral Knight [Weapon]
       - Damascus Ore [Resistance] - Iron Golem [Right/Left 3rd/5th Shield]
       - Rotted Scales [Weakness] - Dragon Zombie [Tail]

      Chapter 4

      Sukavia Gorge

       - Ymir's Tears [Ice] - Ice Troll [Lower Body]

      Ancient Forest

       - Eternal Silver [Training] - Kobold King [Helmet]
       - Gold Coin [Training] - Kobold King [Leader Item, Lower Body]
       - Koboldriver [Bludgeon] - Kobold Warrior [Weapon]

      Chapter 5

      - Rune Helm (LW, HW, AR) [Head] - Villnore (Create)
      - Rune Crown (LW, HW, AR, MG) [Head] - Travelling Merchant

     Forest of Spirits

      - Elven Boots (LW, HW, AR, MG, Freya) [Leg] - Treasure

     Ravine Caverns

      - Scarlet Exhalation [Creation] - Tyrannosaurus Rex [Head]


      - Emerald Heart Core [Holy] - Roper [Body] or Idisi [Tail]


   [C1209] How to Unlock Sidequest #1: Ancient Forest

   This dungeon is completely optional; the boss, is one time only battle.

   After defeating the Wyvern Boss in Serdberg Mountain Ruins go back to 
Coriander Village. Interact with the chicken standing in front of the first
house, you will get a Golden Egg. Now go right and talk to the man with the 
fishing pole, he will talk about a mysterious giant bird. After finishing 
talking to him, leave Coriander and Ancient Forest will appear on the World 

   Ancient Forest Main Attractions:

   - Sha-Kon (89%) or Chrystie (11%) Materialization Relic.

   - Sealstones: Manacles Wrath (No Guarding), Poison Pin Blessing (Attack 
     with Poison), Treasure Bonus (Bigger Bonus) and Sheathed Power
     Wrath (Inflicted damage 1/4).

   - Cybersaurs: Mini Boss.

     The Sheathed Power Wrath is guarded by 4 Cybersaurs (Lizard Men with 
     very high Attack and Defense ratings).
   - Griffon: The Ancient Forest Boss.

     When you deafeat the Griffon you will get the Jade Sealpouch [Drop 100%],
     which will enable you to carry one more sealstone.

     The Sheathed Power Wrath Sealstone is the key to defeat the Griffon, 
     when used in the dais, as it will cut the damage you receive to 1/4.
     The Griffon also have the unique item: Gargoyle's Arch.

     Another good item drop from the Griffon is the Wing Feather [Head Wings], 
     that increase Soul Crusher attack power by 20%, which at this point in 
     the game can be very useful against some early bosses.

   After defeating the Griffon boss, return to Coriander Village and talk to 
the man with the fishing pole again, and he will reward you with a Might


   [C1210] How to Unlock Sidequest #2: Turgen Mines

   This dungeon is completely optional; the boss, is one time only battle.

   In Villnore Tavern, talk to the men standing around the table and they will
speak of the many horrors taking plave in the Turgen Mines. Leave town and the
Turgen Mines will appear in the World Map.

   Turgen Mines Main Attractions:

   - Lylia (50%) or Millidia (50%) Materialization Relic.

   - Sealstones: Fetters Wrath (No Evade/Counter), Brimstone Law (Turn to
     Fire), Alarm Blessing (Guaranteed Iniciative) and Gold Grubber Law 
     (Acquired Oth x3, Experience = 0).

   - Queen Wasp: Turgen Mines Boss

     When you defeat the Queen Wasp you will get the Olive Crown [Drop 100%].

     The Queen Wasp have the unique item: Big Bugeye. There is only two 
     Big Bugeyes in the game, the second can be acquired from Gigantic Wasp 
     Boss, in the second Turgen Mines sidequest, later in the game.

   After defeating the Queen Wasp, return to Villnore Tavern and talk to the
men there, they will send you to look for the guy with the bandana. Leave
the Tavern and go right, talk to the guy with the bandana and he will reward
you with 10000 Oth.


   [C1211] How to Unlock Sidequest #3: Chateau Obsession

   This dungeon is completely optional; the boss, is one time only battle.

  Go to the Inn in Crell Monferaigne, and talk to the man standing there, he
talks about an abandoned camp. Leave Crell Monferaigne and Chateau Obsession
will appear on the World Map.

   Chateau Obsession Main Attractions:

   - Seluvia (100%) Materialization Relic.

   - Sealstones: Soul-Carver Wrath (Gradual HP Loss), Somber Light Wrath
     (Reflect Photons -3), Shield Blessing (RDM 120%) and Experience Pig Law 
     (Acquired Oth = 0, Experience x2).

   - Mini Boss: Dragon and Greater Demon

   - Boss: Lady Cleo

     When you defeat Lady Cleo, you will get the Azure Sealpouch [Drop 100%],
     which will enable you to carry one more sealstone, to a total of 3.

   After defeating the boss, return to the Inn in Crell Monferaine and talk
to the man again, he will ask what kind of creature was the boss: Ghost or 

   If you say Ghost, he will talk about it, the owner of the Inn will make a 
   comment, and you don't get nothing.

   If you say Monster, he will make a comment and give you a Sage's Arcanum.


   [C1212] Animal Event: The Cat, The Bird and The Dog Rings

   The Animal Event let you collect 3 Rings from three different animals in
three different locations (Solde, Coriander and Vilnore), so when you get to
Asgard you can make the Solomon's Ring.

   The Solomon's Ring main use is to increase the drop rate of items from
enemy parts when used with HP 7777 Trick. The Solomon's Ring also let you
talk to the animals and get information about the Seraphic Gate, that is more
a novelty than useful, since the animals don't say nothing really important,
one animal say: "Do you know there is a boss in the Seraphic Gate 
called Woven?"

   Is important to keep in mind that, if you want the Solomon's Ring, you
should collect the 3 rings before the end of Chapter 3, since the animals will
disappear during chapters 4 and 5, and even so the Dog and Chicken come back
again in Chapter 6, the Cat most the times will not reappear.

   Since breaking enemy parts from earlier dungeons becomes easier as you get
stronger, is a good strategy to collect the items necessary for the rings,
either before completing the Palace of the Dragon or after completing Crawsus
Forest, since you wouldn't have to back track through the Palace of the Dragon
and Dragonscript to return to earlier dungeons.

   As for collecting the items the best strategy is to stay behind of the 
Flying Fish / Dire Wolf, in front of the Giant Bat or directly on the side of 
the Skeletons and then attacking it, don't use attacks like Firestorm, 
Flame Shot or attacks that kick the enemy in the air.
   I did manage to collect items easy, with a party of 4 archers using just 
Single Shot or Dual Tasks, as those attacks track straight ahead.

    The Cat Ring

     Where: Cat, Solde (Church Square).

     Food: Seafood

           Flying Fish [Tail Fin] - Kythena Plains
           Skull Fish [Head] - Audoula Temple
           Giant Crab [Leg, Shell] - Audoula Temple
           Gun Fish [Tail Fin] - Dragonscript

    Items: Hunted Mouse - Feed the cat 1 time.
           Tailless Lizard - Feed the cat 5 times.
           Misfortubate Bird - Feed the cat 10 times.
           Cat Poop - Feed the cat 15 times. 

    Shop (Cost): Solde (1) - Valued Customer Item
                 Hunted Mouse (1), Tailless Lizard (1), Misfortunate Bird (1),
                 Cat Poop (1)

    The Bird Ring

     Where: Chicken, Coriander Village

     Food: Bonemeal

           Skeleton [Right/Left Arm] - Lost Forest
           Skeleton [Right/Left Arm] - Royal Underground Path
           Skeleton Soldier [Left Arm] - Royal Underground Path
           Skeleton Soldier [Left Arm] - Dipan Castle
           Giants Skeleton [Right/Left Leg] - Chateau Obsession

    Items: Chicken Feed - Feed the chicken 1 time.
           Vegetable Debris - Feed the chicken 5 times.
           Clamshell Chum - Feed the chicken 10 times.
           Bird Poop - Feed the chicken 15 times. 

    Shop (Cost): Travelling Merchant (1) - Valued Customer Item
                 Chicken Feed (1), Vegetable Debris (1), Clamshell Chum (1),
                 Bird Poop (1)

    The Dog Ring

     Where: Dog, Villnore.

      Food: Meat Chops

            Dire Wolf [Tail] - Lost Forest
            Dire Wolf [Tail] - Royal Underground Path
            Dire Wolf [Tail] - Kythena Plains
            Giant Bat [Body] - Kythena Plains

     Items: Sucked Bone - Feed the dog 1 time.
            Chewed-up Shoes - Feed the dog 5 times.
            Squalid Cloth - Feed the dog 10 times.
            Dog Poop - Feed the dog 15 times. 

    Shop (Cost): Crell Monferaigne (1) - Valued Customer Item
                 Sucked Bone (1), Chewed-up Shoes (1), Squalid Cloth (1),
                 Dog Poop (1)


   [C1213] How to Unlock Sidequest #4: Ancient Forest #2

   You can only do this quest if you did complete the Griffon sidequest in
   Chapter 3.

   This dungeon is completely optional; the boss, is one time only battle.

   This quest is available on Chapter 5, but sometimes it will unlock in
Chapter 4, so pay a visit to Coriander and talk to the man with the fishing
pole, and he will tell about the appareance of a new monster in the
Ancient Forest.

   Ancient Forest Main Attractions:

   - There is no change in the Normal Enemy encounters.

   - Sha-Kon (89%) or Chrystie (11%) Materialization Relic.
     Most like, you already materialize one of those Einherjars.

   - Sealstones: Sheathed Power Wrath (Inflicted damage 1/4). 
     You should already have restore the Manacles Wrath (No Guarding), 
     Poison Pin Blessing (Attack with Poison), Treasure Bonus (Bigger

   - Cybersaurs: Mini Boss.

     The Sheathed Power Wrath will again be guarded by the 4 Cybersaurs 
     (Lizard Men with very high Attack and Defense ratings). But this time
     around you will have a much easier time defeating them, since you
     become stronger and they still the same as before.
   - Kobold King: the Boss in Ancient Forest

     The Sheathed Power Wrath Sealstone still the key to defeat the Kobold
     King and company (you also will have 5-6 Kobold Warriors to deal with)
     when used in the dais, as it will cut the damage you receive to 1/4.

     The Kobold King most interesting drops are: Magician Hat [Defeat Item, 
     drop 100%], Crown, Gold Coin [Leader Item, Lower Body], Eternal 
     Silver [Helmet].

     The Kobold Warriors most interesting drops are: Koboldriver [Weapon],
     Silver Coin [Body], Adamantite [Helmet].

   After defeating the Kobold Lord boss, return to Coriander Village and 
talk to  the man with the fishing pole again, and he will reward you with
an Expert's Experience.


   [C1214] How to Unlock Sidequest #5: Turgen Mines #2

   This dungeon is completely optional; the boss, is one time only battle.

   You can only do this quest if you did complete the Queen Wasp sidequest
   in Chapter 3.

   This quest is available on Chapter 5, but sometimes it will unlock in
Chapter 4, so return to Villnore, and look for the guy with the Bandana, he
will be in the far east of town, talking to an old woman. Talk to him, he 
will tell, he is looking for assistance again, choose "Go for it" as 
answer, to start the quest.

   Turgen Mines Main Attractions:

   - There is no change in the Normal Enemy encounters.

   - Lylia (50%) or Millidia (50%) Materialization Relic.
     Most like, you already materialize one of those Einherjars.

   - Sealstones: If you already have restored the Fetters Wrath (No Evade/
     Counter), Alarm Blessing (Guaranteed Iniciative) and Gold Grubber 
     Law (Acquired Oth x3, Experience = 0) sealstones, the only sealstone
     available is the Brimstone Law (Turn to Fire).

   - Gigantic Wasp: Turgen Mines Boss

     When you defeat the Gigantic Wasp you will get the Rose Sealpouch,
     which will enable you to carry one more sealstone, now you can carry
     a total of 4 sealstones.

     The Gigantic Wasp have the unique item: Big Bugeye. There is only two 
     Big Bugeyes in the game, the other could be acquired from Queen Wasp 
     Boss, in Chapter 3.

     Gigantic Wasp drop Royal Jelly, that is one of items for making Golden

   After defeating the Gigantic Wasp, return to Villnore and talk to the
guy with the bandana and he will reward
you with a Metabolizer.


   [C1215] Gem Blessing Sealstone: How it does work?

    When you held the Gem Blessing Sealstone, you stop gaining Purple/Golden 
gems when you keep attacking a fallen enemy, instead you have a random chance
to get a random item from a list of items.

    You will get the GET ITEM message the same way as you get from normal 
drops, so do not think that is a normal drop for that particular enemy. The
rate in which you get those items is very random, you will not get an item
from every enemy, not even in every battle.

    I did tested it, in Valhalla with the Aesir, since I already know exactly
what they normally drop:

   - Flare Gem        - Ice Gem        - Earth Gem       - Thunder Gem  
   - Flare Crystal    - Ice Crystal    - Earth Crystal   - Thunder Crystal
   - Teal Spinel         - Fuchsia Spinel        - Chartreuse Spinel  
   - Scarlet Alloy       - Verdigris Alloy	 - Cerulean Alloy   
   - Indigo Quartz       - Rose Quartz           - Sage Quartz 
   - Polished Blue Ore   - Polished Red Ore      - Polished Green Ore	

   Note: You increase your chances of getting items (and sometimes even 
         more than one), during Break Mode, in two different battles i got
         3-4 items during break mode, including a Sage Quartz.


   [C1216] Enemy Race List

   Reference list that allow for quick evaluation of the enemies in a given
   dungeon, that will help, the player to bring the appropriate slaying
   weapons and skills, to make the battles much easier. Enemies with "None" 
   as their species are not susceptible to any particular slaying weapons 
   or skills.


           [MB] Mini Boss
           [B]  Boss
           [R]  Rare Enemy Encounters

 |   Location       |         Enemies            |      Race (Species)      |

                       Skeleton                     Unholy
   Lost Forest         Dire Wolf                    Beast
                       Bullet Beetle                Insect


   Royal               Skeleton                     Unholy
   Underground         Dire Wolf                    Beast
   Path                Bullet Beetle                Insect
                       Ballistic Rhino [B]          Giant/Beast


                       Skeleton Soldier             Unholy
   Dipan               Warning Jewel                Magic
   Castle              Living Armor                 None
                       Goblin                       Demon
                       Primordial Ooze [B]          Giant/Plant/Unholy


                       Flying Fish                  Scaled
                       Giant Bat                    Beast
   Kythena             Warning Jewel                Magic
   Plains              Living Armor                 None
                       Goblin                       Demon
                       Dire Wolf                    Beast


                       Kobold                       Beast
                       Kobold Knight                Beast
                       Sack Mimic                   Magic
   Serdberg            Giant Hawk                   Beast
   Mountain            Ghost                        Ghost/Unholy
   Ruins               Thunder Hawk                 Beast
                       Owlbear                      Beast/Giant
                       Crust Golem [MB]             Giant
                       Wyvern/Upper Lizard [B]      Giant/ Scaled
                       Lower Lizard [B]             Scaled


                       Toxic Flower                 Plant/Insect
                       Thunder Hawk                 Beast
                       Owlbear                      Beast/Giant
   Ancient             Kobold Knight                Beast
   Forest              Sack Mimic                   Magic
                       Goat Man                     Demon/Beast
                       Troll                        Giant
                       Cybersaur [MB]               Scaled
                       Griffon [B]                  Giant/Beast

                       Kobold Warrior [B]           Beast
                       Kobold King [B]              Beast

   Note: Kobold Warrior [B] and Kobold King [B] will appear when the second
         sidequest is unlocked either in chapter 4 or 5.


                       Lizard Lord                  Scaled
                       Clay Man                     Giant/Plant/Unholy
   Turgen              Giant Snail                  Giant
   Mines               Wasp Nest                    Ghost/Insect
                       Queen Wasp [B]               Giant/Insect

                       Meteoric Swarm [B]           Ghost/Insect
                       Gigantic Wasp [B]            Giant/Insect

   Note: Meteoric Swarm [B] and Gigantic Wasp [B] will appear when the 
         second sidequest is unlocked either in chapter 4 or 5.


                       Lizard Lord                  Scaled
                       Lizard Man                   Scaled
   Audoula             Skull Fish                   Scaled
   Temple              Deep One                     Scaled
                       Giant Crab                   Giant
                       Strobila                     Insect
                       Kraken [B]                   Giant


                       Giant Scarab                 Insect
   Sahma               Sand Flower                  Plant/Insect
   Desert              Desert Beast                 Giant/Beast


                       Giant Scarab                 Insect
                       Fire Bat                     Beast
                       Hellhound                    Beast
   Surts               Red Lizard                   Scaled
   Volcano             Wild Lizard                  Scaled
   Caverns             Red Jewel                    Magic
                       Skeletal Soldier             None
                       Evolver [B]                  Giant
                       Evolver(2) [B]               Giant


                       Will-o-the-Wisp              Ghost/Unholy
                       Satyr                        Demon/Beast
                       Giant Skeleton               Unholy
   Chateau             Trash Demon                  Demon
   Obsession           Troll Chief                  Giant
                       Dragon [MB]                  Dragon/Giant/Scaled
                       Greater Demon [MB]           Demon/Scaled/Magic
                       Berserker [B]                Giant
                       Lady Cleo [B]                Unholy/Magic


                       Vampire Bat                  Beast
                       Disgusting Shell             Giant
                       Tear Soul                    Ghost/Unholy
                       Electrical Chip              Ghost/Insect
   Crawsus             Phanton Lurker               Unholy/Magic
   Forest              Vampire                      Unholy/Magic
                       Bolt Dragon                  Dragon/Giant/Scaled
                       Unclean Glob                 Giant/Plant/Unholy
                       Land Kraken                  Giant
                       Shaman Chief [MB]            Magic
                       Wild Troll [MB]              Giant
                       Hydra [B]                    Giant/Scaled

   Note: The Land Kraken only will appear if either of the Earth related
         sealstones, is set on one of the Dais, in the dungeon.


   Dragonscript        Gun Fish                     Scaled
                       Green Coral                  Insect


                       Phantom Guardian             Ghost/Unholy
                       Iron Golem                   None
   Palace              Spectral Knight              None
   of the              Gigantic Claws               Giant
   Venerated           Green Jewel                  Magic
   Dragon              Dragon Bat                   Dragon/Giant/Scaled
                       Necromancer                  Magic
                       Dryad                        Magic
                       Muscular Stalker [MB]        Giant
                       Dragon Zombie [B]            Dragon/Giant/Unholy


                       Ice Devil                    Demon
   Sakavia Gorge       Ice Troll                    Giant
                       Winter Wolf                  Beast


                       Gigantic Moth                Giant             
   Royal               Flying Killer                Scaled
   Undergorund         Meteoric Swarm               Ghost/Insect
   Path                Lizard Knight                Scaled
                       Beast Fort                   Giant/Beast
   (Chapter 4)         Aesier (Guard) [B]           God
                       Ull [B]                      God


                       Gyne [B]                     Magic
   Dipan Castle        Walther [B]                  Magic
   (Chapter 4)         Arngrim [B]                  None
                       Hrist [B]                    God


                       Mimetic Flower               Plant/Insect
                       Elven Hawk                   Beast
                       Elven Wolf                   Beast
   Forest              Kobold Warrior               Beast
   of Spirits          Kobold Lord                  Beast
                       Lizard King                  Scaled
                       Maneater                     Plant
                       Sky Lizard                   Giant/Scaled
                       Life Stealer                 Demon
                       Prince of Hell [MB]          Demon
                       Arectaris [B]                Giant/Plant

                       Holy Order                   God
   Dipan Castle        Capricorn                    Beast
   (Chapter 5)         Capricorn Leader             Beast
                       Gentleman                    Magic

   Note: In the first room, where there is an Humanoid and a Ghost type enemy,
         the ghost type almost always spawn a group of 4-5 Gentleman. (Thanks
         to RPGirl27 for the information)


                       Life Stealer                 Demon
                       Persistent Pursuer           God/Giant
   Ravine              Aesir (Archers)              God
   Caverns             Aesir (Patrol)               God
                       Sharp Scissors               Unholy
                       Gentleman                    Magic
                       Capricorn Leader             Beast
                       Tyrannosaurus Rex [MB]       Dragon/Giant/Scaled


                       Aesir (Rescuers) [B]         God
   Bifrost             Aesir (Defenders) [B]        God 
                       Dimension Beast [B]          Giant
                       Heimdall [B]                 God


                       Aesir (Security)             God
                       Hresvelgr                    God/Beast
                       Wild Wolf                    Beast
                       Armor Beetle                 Insect
                       King Slug                    Giant
                       Idisi                        Magic
                       Fatal Vermin                 Plant/Insect
   Yggdrasil           Roper                        Plant
                       Black Jewel                  Magic
                       Human Sacrifice              Ghost/Unholy
                       Strayer                      Magic
                       Gluttonous Bug               Giant/Insect
                       Giant Troll                  Giant
                       Highlander [MB]              Giant
                       Invasive Arsonist [MB]       Giant
                       Abyss Dragon [MB]            Dragon/Giant/Unholy
                       Odin [B]                     God/Magic
                       White Dragon [B]             Dragon/Giant/Scaled


                       Aesir (Commander)            God
                       Aesir (Guard)                God
                       Deathdog                     Beast
                       Guardian Diva                God
   Valhalla            Sacred Sack                  God/Magic
                       Magic Mirror                 Magic
                       Red Dragon                   Dragon/Giant/Scaled
                       Divine Slave                 God/Giant
                       Silver Dragon [MB]           Dragon/Giant/Scaled
                       Freya [B]                    God


                       Rotting Demon                Demon/Unholy
                       Elder Bat                    Beast
                       Gigantic Dragon              Dragon/Scaled
                       Undead Master                Magic
                       Prism Jewel                  Magic
                       EMETH                        None
                       Baphonet                     Demon/Beast
                       Paragriffon                  Giant/Beast
                       Nymph                        Magic
   Tower               Type 44 Demon                Demon/Scaled/Magic
   of Lezard           Elder Vampire                Unholy/Magic
   Valeth              Pyrohydra [R]                Giant/Scaled
                       Lord Bat [MB]                Unholy/Beast
                       Vampire Lord [MB]            Unholy/Magic
                       Slight Devil [MB]            Demon
                       Gigantic Troll [MB]          Giant
                       Slop [MB]                    Giant/Plant/Unholy
                       Castle Cannon [MB]           Giant/Beast
                       Homunculus Silmeria [B]      God/Unholy
                       Homunculus Lezard [B]        God/Unholy
                       Lezard Valeth [B]            Magic
                       Transcendental Being [B]     Magic
                       Anarchic Entity [B]          Magic  


                       Dirna Hamilton [B]           Magic
   Seraphic Gate       Demishadow [B]               Magic
                       Determined Dirna [B]         Magic


                       Phantom Flame                Ghost/Unholy
                       Kill Bone                    Unholy
                       Berserk Warrior              None
   Seraphic Gate       Hell's Cannon                Demon/Scaled/Magic
    (1st Floor)        Abyssinian Demon             Demon
                       Soul Summoner [MB]           Magic
                       Gabriel Celeste [B]          God/Demon/Magic

   Note: Berserker Warrior has resistance to Instant Death, it's body parts
         can't be broken and it also has no racial weakness.


                       Stray Gods (Pure)            God
                       Walla Walla                  Ghost/Scaled/Beast
                       Fish & Chips                 Scaled
                       Hammer Beetle                Insect
                       Type 22 Demon                Demon/Giant 
   Seraphic Gate       Cosmic Visitor               Scaled
    (2nd Floor)        Veil Kraken [R]              Giant 
                       Damp Clayman [R]             Giant/Plant/Unholy
                       Heimdual! [R]                God
                       Ull in Highsocks [R]         God
                       Round and Sticky [MB]        Plant
                       Woden [B]                    God/Magic

   Note: There is a high probability that the Type 22 Demon will appear as 
         Leader when starting battles with the Insect type enemies in this 
         floor. Type 22 Demons drop the Spirit Tincture (heals whole party 
         5000HP) when DA'ed, especially since they don't have resistance to 
         Instant Death, making it a good way to farm Spirit Tinctures fast
         snd easy using the Blue Gale or Ascalon with Dismantle.


                       Thunderbird                  God/Beast
                       Hound of Tindalos            Beast
                       Sagittarius                  Beast
                       Reject No. 666               Ghost/Unholy
   Seraphic Gate       Homunculus Copy [R]          Magic
    (3rd Floor)        Insect King [R]              Giant/Insect
                       Homunculus Hrist [R]         God
                       Sunspot Visitor [MB]         Giant
                       Sunspot Visitor(2) [MB] [R]  Giant
                       Obsessed Ex [B]              Magic

   Note: There is a high probability that the Reject No. 666 will appear as 
         Leader when starting battles with the Human type enemies in this 
         floor. Reject No. 666 enemies drop the Sage's Arcanum (fully restore
         all HP for one ally) when DA'ed. Make sure you can defeat it, in one 
         attack turn, if you cannot defeat it in your turn, it will 
         Heal to Max HP again.

   Note: Sometimes when Homunculus Copy appear as leader, she will, most the
         times escape the battle, so if you want the leader item (Mithril 
         Crown), make good use of your Dashing skills.

   Note: Look out for Sunspot Visitor and Round of Tindalos, as their long
         range attacks cause Transfer Status, like Round of Tindalos'
         Dimensional Breath attack.


                       Umbrella                     Beast/Unholy
                       Hell Diver                   Giant/Beast 
                       Lightning Kobold             Beast
                       Mechanical Major             None
                       Scargone                     Giant
   Seraphic Gate       Maneater                     Plant/Insect
    (4th Floor)        Backpacker                   God/Magic
                       Tiamat [R]                   Dragon/Giant/Scaled
                       Black Pain [R]               Dragon/Giant/Unholy
                       Arectaris Returned [MB]      Giant/Plant
                       Hamster [MB]                 Beast
                       Hammy [MB] [R]               Beast
                       Frigga [B]                   God


                       Norn                         Magic
                       Ghost in the Mirror          Unholy/Magic
                       Mystical Saurian             Giant/Scaled
                       Upper Saurian                Giant/Scaled
   Seraphic Gate       Lower Saurian                Scaled
    (5th Floor)        Walther [R]                  Ghost/Unholy/Magic
                       Gyne [R]                     Ghost/Unholy/Magic
                       Sword Master [MB]            Giant
                       Bahamut [MB]                 Dragon/Giant/Scaled
                       Ethereal Queen [B]           God/Demon/Magic


   Rare Enemy Encounters locations:

   Tower of Lezard Valeth
   - Pyrohydra: Human type enemy passing the last save point.

   Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

   - Veil Kraken: Has a chance of appearing when starting battles with Insect 
                  type enemies.

   - Dump Clay Man : Has a chance of appearing when starting battles with
                     Insect type enemies.

   - Heimdall: Has a chance of appearing when starting battles with Human
               type enemies.

   - Ull in High Sockes: Has a chance of appearing when starting battles 
                         with Human type enemies.

   Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor

   - Sunspot Visitor (Lava Form) - Has a chance of appearing with Sunspot 
                                   Visitor [Mini Boss].

   - Insect King - Has a chance of appearing when starting battles with
                   Insect and bird type enemies.

   - Homunculus Hrist - Has a chance of appearing when starting battles with 
                        Human type enemies.

   - Homunculus Copy - Has a chance of appearing when starting battles with 
                       Human type enemies.

   Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

   - Hammy - Has a chance of appearing with Hamster [Mini Boss].

   - Tiamat - Has a chance of appearing when starting battles with Insect 
              type enemies

   - Black Pain - Has a chance of appearing when starting battles with Insect 
                  type enemies

   - Arectaris Returned - Will appear when you start a battle with the ghost 
                          enemy in the room with all the shining platforms and
                          a chest in the middle of the room. You have to warp
                          around with the bird enemy and another enemy to get
                          the ghost to an area where you can actually strike 
                          it to start the battle. (Thanks to Hayato Nekketsu 
                          for the correct info).

   Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

   - Walther and Gyne - Has a chance of appearing when starting battles with
                        Spirit/Ghost type enemies


   [C1217] Unique Items

   This is a list for all the unique items in the game. Unique Items are those
items you can only acquire one in the whole game, either as a Treasure, an 
Event, an Enemy Drop or a Creation Item.

   But there some exceptions, like Big Bugeye. There is only 2 in  the game, 
that can be acquired from the Queen Wasp Boss, in Turgen Mine (Chapter 3) and 
the Gigantic Wasp Boss, in Turgen Mine (Chapter 4), in both cases you can only
fight those bosses one time. But the Queen Wasp also have the Unique Item Big 
Needle, meaning that Big Bugeye is not the primary drop objective from Queen 
Wasp, in another words aim to  get Big Needle from Queen Wasp and Big Bugeye 
from Gigantic Wasp.

   Another exception is the Harpe [Sword], acquired from the Berserker [B] in
Chateau obsession, it is possible to acquire 2 of those weapons, one is
acquired when you defeat the Berserker [B] and another can be acquired if you
"break off" the Body Right Side, what is not always possible. Still an unique
item, since it can only be acquire through this boss.

   1. Crest Estoc [Sword]
      Find: Treasure Dipan Castle.

   2. Hildr's Sword [Sword]
      Find: Dipan Castle Escape Event.

   3. Harpe [Sword]
      Find: Beserker [B] drop, Chateau Obsession.

   4. Flare Baselard [Sword]
      Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon.

   5. Sword of Silvans [Sword]
      Find: Treasure Yggdrasil.

   6. Slashing Sword "Farewell" [Sword]
      Find: End Chapter 3, when Leone leaves the party at Level 35 or higher.

   7. Gram [Sword]
      Find: Treasure Valhalla.

   8. Glance Reviver [Sword]
      Find: Lenneth's Initial Weapon.

   9. Randgrid's Blade [Sword]
      Find: Valkyrie's Initial Weapon.

  10. Valkyrie Favor [Sword]
      Find: End Chapter 3, when Leone leaves the party at Level 40 or higher.

  11. Demon Sword "Levantine" [Sword]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor

  12. Dainslef [Sword]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor

  13. Angel Slayer [Sword]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor. Collect the 9 Oracle Books and 
            complete the Seraphic gate 10 times in one play through, then a 
            chest will appear next to Iseria Queen's location, enter the 
            Seraphic Gate for the 11th time to recover it.

  14. Kraadictor [Broadsword]
      Find: Kraad Release. You must go to Villnore and talk to him before the
            end of Chapter 4.

  15. Improved Dragon Slayer [Broadsword]
      Find: End Chapter 3, when Arngrim leaves the party at Level 35 or higher.

  16. Arectaris [Broadsword]
      Find: Arectaris [B] drop, Forest of Spirits.

  17. Hauteclarie [Broadsword]
      Find: In Chapter 6, Dipan Castle, examine the body on top of the 
            execution platform.

  18. Undead Sword [Broadsword]
      Find: End Chapter 4, when Dylan leaves the party at Level 40 or higher.

  19. Gjallarhorn [Broadsword]
      Find: Heimdall [B] drop, Bifrost.

  20. Bahamut Tear [Broadsword]
      Find: End Chapter 3, when Arngrim leaves the party at Level 40 or higher.

  21. Sword of the Meek [Broadsword]
      Find: End Chapter 4, when Dylan leaves the party at Level 45 or higher.

  22. Gandeeva [Bow]
      Find: Treasure Serdberg Mountain Ruins.

  23. Doublecross [Bow] 
      Find: Ull [B] drop, Royal Underground Path (Chapter 4).

  24. Arbalest [Bow] 
      Find: Treasure Dragonscript.

  25. Shiny Rupture [Bow] 
      Find: Create in Crell Monferaigne (need Arbalest).

  26. Misteltein [Bow] 
      Find: Treasure Valhalla.

  27. Crescent Arrow [Bow] 
      Find: Silmeria's Initial Weapon.

  28. Elhanan's Fingertips [Bow] 
      Find: Treasure Tower of Lezard Valeth.

  29. Dragonlore [Staff]
      Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon.

  30. Deluge Scepter [Staff] 
      Find: Gyne [B] drop, Dipan Castle (Chapter 4).

  31. Unicorn's Horn [Staff] 
      Find: Treasure Yggdrasil.

  32. Ether Scepter [Staff] 
      Find: Treasure Valhalla.

  33. Monster Manifesto [Staff] 
      Find: Lezard Only Weapon, upon rejoining the party.

  34. Saint's Halberd [Spear] 
      Find: Hrist's Initial weapon.

  35. Spear "Basilisk" [Spear] 
      Find: Create, Travelling Merchant (need Saint's Halberd).

  36. Lunar Bardiche [Spear] 
      Find: Treasure Tower of Lezard Valeth.

  37. Bloody Knuckle [Knuckles]
      Find: Brahm's Initial weapon.

  38. Bloody Nails [Knuckles] 
      Find: Treasure Tower of Lezard Valeth.

  39. Bloody Duster [Knuckles] 
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor.

  40. Bloody Murder [Knuckles] 
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor.

  41. Ether Laser [Special]
      Find: Freya's Initial Weapon.

  42. Ether Helm [Head] 
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor.

  43. Empress Coronet [Head]
      Find: Hrist [B] drop, Dipan Castle (Chapter 4).

  44. Supreme Crown [Head]
      Find: Treasure Tower of Lezard Valeth.

  45. Silver Scales [Body]
      Find: Treasure Chateau Obsession

  46. Kraadmail [Body]
      Find: Circe Release. You must go to Kalstad and talk to her before the 
            end of Chapter 4.

  47. Dragon Armor [Body]
      Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon.

  48. Silver Plate [Body]
      Find: Treasure Valhalla.

  49. Alvitr's Armor [Body]
      Find: Valkyrie's Initial Equipment.

  50. Flame Mist [Body]
      Find: Treasure Yggdrasil.

  51. Dark Cleric Robes [Body]
      Find: Lezard Only Equipment, upon rejoining the party.

  52. Floral Garb [Body]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor.

  53. Eternal Shine [Body]
      Find: Freya's Initial Equipment.

  54. Extreme Guard [Arm]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor.

  55. Gargoyle's Arch [Accessory]
      Find: Griffon [B], Back Wing Base drop, Ancient Forest.

  56. Big Needle [Accessory]
      Find: Queen Wasp [B], Tail drop, Turgen Mine (Chapter 3).

  57. Big Bugeye [Accessory]
      Find: Gigantic Wasp [B], Head drop, Turgen Mine (Chapter 4).
            [Queen Wasp [B], Head drop, Turgen Mine (Chapter 3).]*
      * Since Queen Wasp also have the Unique Item Big Needle, the Big Bugeye
        item is not the primary drop objective from Queen  Wasp if you want 
        to collect all the unique items in the game.

  58. Noblewoman's Phosphor [Accessory]
      Find: Arectaris [B], Right/Left Tentacles drop, Forest of Spirits.

  59. Tri-Emblem [Accessory]
      Find: Poem Event

  60. Hunted Mouse [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the cat, in Solde, Seafood 1 time.

  61. Tailless Lizard [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the cat, in Solde, Seafood 5 times.

  62. Misfortubate Bird [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the cat, in Solde, Seafood 10 times.

  63. Cat Poop [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the cat, in Solde, Seafood 15 times.

  64. Sucked Bone [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the dog, in Villnore, Meat Chops 1 time.

  65. Chewed-up Shoes [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the dog, in Villnore, Meat Chops 5 times.

  66. Squalid Cloth [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the dog, in Villnore, Meat Chops 10 times.

  67. Dog Poop [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the dog, in Villnore, Meat Chops 15 times.

  68. Chicken Feed [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the chicken, in Coriander, Bonemeal 1 time.

  69. Vegetable Debris [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the chicken, in Coriander, Bonemeal 5 times.

  70. Clamshell Chum [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event. Feed the chicken, in Coriander, Bonemeal 10 times.

  71. Bird Poop [Accessory]
      Find: Animal Event.Feed the chicken, in Coriander, Bonemeal 15 times.

  72. Cat Ring [Accessory]
      Find: Create in Solde Armory. Need Hunted Mouse, Tailless Lizard, 
            Misfortunate Bird, Cat Poop.

  73. Dog Ring [Accessory]
      Find: Create in Crell Monferaigne Armory. Need Sucked Bone, Chewed-up 
            Shoes, Squalid Cloth, Dog Poop.

  74. Bird Ring [Accessory]
      Find: Create with Travelling Merchant. Need Chicken Feed, Vegetable 
            Debris, Clamshell Chum, Bird Poop.

  75. Solomon's Ring [Accessory]
      Find: Create in Asgard. Need Bird Ring, Dog Ring, Cat Ring.

  76. Antique Pendant [Accessory]
      Find: Royal Underground Path Event (Chapter 1).
  77. Philosopher's Pebble [Accessory]
      Find: End Chapter 4, when Lezard leaves the party at Level 40 or higher.

  78. Homunculus Seed [Accessory]
      Find: End Chapter 4, when Lezard leaves the party at Level 45 or higher.

  79. Charm [Material]
      Find: After the battle with Evolver, in Surts Volcano, move to right 
            and inspect the Dragon Dais.

  80. Map of the West Lands [Precious Item]
      Find: Villnore Armory and Crell Monferaigne Armory (1000).

  81. Map of the East Lands [Precious Item]
      Find: Crell Monferaigne Armory (5000)

  82. Map of the North Lands [Precious Item]
      Find: Solde Armory [Chapter 4] (10000).

  83. Key of the Mines [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Turgen Mines

  84. Sunlight Stone [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  85. Eclipse Stone [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  86. Halo Stone [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  87. Painted Cloud Stone [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  88. Dark Moon Stone [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  89. Crimson Flame Stone [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  90. Sun and Moon Stone [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Palace of the Venerated Dragon

  91. Ghoul Powder [Precious Item]
      Find: Dipan Castle Event (Chapter 5).

  92. Divine Time Giver [Precious Item]
      Find: Kraken [B] drop, Audoula Temple.

  93. Jade Sealpouch [Precious Item]
      Find: Griffon [B] drop, Ancient Forest.

  94. Azure Sealpouch [Precious Item]
      Find: Lady Cleo [B] drop, Chateau Obsession.

  95. Rose Sealpouch [Precious Item]
      Find: Gigantic Wasp [B] drop, Turgen Mine (Ch 4).

  96. Dragon Orb [Precious Item]
      Find: Tower of Lezard Valeth Event

  97. Water Mirror [Precious Item]
      Find: Tower Lezard Valeth Event.

  98. Rebellious Truth [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

  99. Blood Rain [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor

 100. Thunder Break [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor.

 101. Dead End [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor.

 102. Dismember Legion [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor.

 103. Second Rain [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor.

 104. Furious Advance [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor.

 105. Code Break [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor.

 106. Sky-high Edge [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor.

 107. Sonic Edge [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor.

 108. Smashing Shot [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor.

 109. 1st Oracle [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 1st Floor, 2nd run. First drop area.

 110. 2nd Oracle [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 2nd Floor, 3rd run. From the entrance, 
            go Left, Down, Down.

 111. 3rd Oracle [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor, 4th run. From the entrance, 
            go Left.

 112. 4th Oracle [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 3rd Floor, 5th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, the chest is up high in a ledge in this room.

 113. 5th Oracle [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor, 6th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, Right.

 114. 6th Oracle [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 4th Floor, 7th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, Right, Left.

 115. 7th Oracle [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor, 8th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, Down, Left.

 116. 8th Oracle [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor, 9th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, Right.

 117. 9th Oracle [Precious Item]
      Find: Treasure Seraphic Gate, 5th Floor, 10th run. From the entrance, 
            go Right, Down, Down.


   [C1218] Release Setups and Stats Increase: Data and Calculations

   Below is the Data for all classes Perfect and Alternate Releases, using the
best items and the less commom items, in some cases items are not so easy to 
get and in others you have them just in your inventoy, if you consider that 
some have just 15% change of dropping and you have other items that are given
to you for free, the alternate method could be less time farming for items.  
Some items will require the use of the HP 7777 trick and the use of items like
the Solomon's Ring, to increase your item drop rate.

    I will not go into the details about releasing the characters and 
collecting the necessary items, as for all this information is already in 
other FAQs. I will just cruch up the numbers, to show a different way to 
acquire more Stats Boosting Items. Since I did use a Archers party the whole 
game, i had all those weapons and armors that have no utility for them, so i 
did release characters with the Dainslef, Demon Sword "Levantine", Sword of 
the Meek and so on...


       FFa - Fencer's Familiarity (ATK/20)
       SSa - Sorcerer's Savvy (MAG/10)
       AAp - Archer's Aptitude (HIT/5)  
       ThT - Thief's Thoughts (AVD/10)  
       Amb - Ambrosia (RDM/25)  
       WaW - Warrior's Wits (RST/5)
        RG - Rose Gem [+20 STR/+20 DEX], if ATK is the highest stats.
        AG - Azure Gem [+20 STR/+20 DEX], if MAG is the highest stats.
        JG - Jade Gem [+200 HP/+20 AGL], if RDM is the highest stats.

       STR+INT = IS the ATK Power using Psychosoma.

    Stats Boosting Items:

       - Fencer's Familiarity => +5 STR 
       - Sorcerer's Savvy => +5 INT
       - Archer's Aptitude => +5 DEX 
       - Thief's Thoughts => +5 AGL 
       - Ambrosia => +100 HP  
       - Warrior's Wits => +5 CON

   [RD01] Perfect Release Setups: Data and Calculations

   I will start with the most popular Perfect Release Setups posted in deng17's
Einherjar Perfect Release FAQ, using the best possible items.

       Light Warriors
   Perfect Release Equipment    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Helgi's Sword               380					
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Infinite Admiration                                         500     100
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                     380     120      20      40     623     110

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   JG
       Qty. of Items/release       19    12     4     4    24    22    1
       Total 4x L. Warriors        76    48    16    16    96    88    4

         Heavy Warriors
   Perfect Release Equipment    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Tyrfing                    2200                            -500    -200
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Conqueror Armor             100     100      50      50     280      50  
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                    2300     220      70      90       0       0

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   RG
       Qty. of Items/release       99    22    14     9     0     0    1
       Total 4x H. Warriors       396    88    56    36     0     0    4

   Perfect Release Equipment    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Soothsayer Bow              620					
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Sylphan Robe                                        100     160      80  
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                     620     120      20     140     283      90

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   JG
       Qty. of Items/release       31    12     4    14    11    18    1
       Total 5x Archers           155    60    20    70    55    90    5

   Perfect Release Equipment    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Holy Wand of Telos                 1800                      30      80
    Mithril Crown                        80                      40	
    Sylphan Robe                                        100     160      80  
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                            1880      20     140     273     170

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   AG
       Qty. of Items/release        0    99     4    14    10    34    1
       Total 7x Mages               0   693    28    98    70   238    7

 Totals for all 20 Einherjar Perfect Releases:

     9x Rose Gem [STR +20 / DEX +20]
     4x Jade Gem [HP +200 / AGL +20]
     7x Azure Gem [INT +20 / CON +20]

                                   FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   
        Total 4x L. Warriors        76    48    16    16    96    88    
        Total 4x H. Warriors       396    88    56    36     0     0  
        Total 5x Archers           155    60    20    70    55    90  
        Total 7x Mages               0   693    28    98    70   238    
              Total                627   889   120   220   221   416

                                STR     INT     DEX     AGL      HP     CON
     Stats Increase Boost      3135    4445     600    1100    22100   2080

     9x Rose Gem                180             180      
     7x Azure Gem                       140                             140
     4x Jade Gem                                         80      800

    Total Stats Boost          3315    4585     780    1180    22900   2220 

        STR + INT                  7900  

   [RD02] Alternate Release Setup#1: Data and Calculations

    I think that the most useful Alternate Release, will be, not releasing 
Light Warriors with the Infinite Admiration armor (RDM 500, RST 100), as it 
will make the Light Warriors RDM be higher than ATK Power that the Helgi's 
Sword (380 ATK) give to your Light Warriors, meaning that upon releasing the 
Light Warriors you will get Jade Gems [HP +200 / AGL +20] in the place of 
getting Rose Gems [STR +20 / DEX +20].

    One easy way to change that is to replace the Infinite Admiration with
the Armor of Aleph and replace the Wind Glove with Thurd's Gauntlet, that will
bring your RDM to just below the ATK Power value, upon releasing your 
Light Warriors, you will get Rose Gems.

        Light Warriors
    Alternate Release Equip.    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Helgi's Sword               380					
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Armor of Aleph                                              200      40
    Thurd's Gauntlet                             30      10      80	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                     380     120      30      30     368      50

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   RG
       Qty. of Items/release       19    12     6     3    14    10    1
       Total 4x L. Warriors        76    48    24    12    56    40    4

   Now the calculation for the Stats Increase for all 20 Einherjar Releases
will be:

    13x Rose Gem [STR +20 / DEX +20]
     7x Azure Gem [INT +20 / CON +20]

                                   FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   
        Total 4x L. Warriors        76    48    24    12    56    40     
        Total 4x H. Warriors       396    88    56    36     0     0  
        Total 5x Archers           155    60    20    70    55    90  
        Total 7x Mages               0   693    28    98    70   238    
              Total                627   889   128   216   181   368

                                STR     INT     DEX     AGL      HP     CON
     Stats Increase Boost      3135    4445     640    1080    18100   1840

     13x Rose Gem               260             260      
      7x Azure Gem                      140                             140

    Total Stats Boost          3395    4585     900    1080    18100   1980 

        STR + INT                  7980 


   [RD03] Alternate Release Setup#2: Data and Calculations

   Now for the real setups for all classes using weapons and armors, that are
on your inventory, this is a good setup if you plan to Power Boost your 
characters and don't plan to use some of those items. Is also i good way to
eliminate some of item hunting for perfect releases.

   For Light Warriors alternate release I will use the Valkyrie Favor, the
Dainslef and the Demon Sword "Levantine". Since there is no other high ATK
swords I will also make an Alternate Release#1 for the Helgi's Sword and the 
Valkyrie Favor, I will replace the Infinite Admiration with Armor of Aleph and
the Wind Glove with Thrud's Gauntlet.

        Light Warriors
    Alternate Release Equip.    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Helgi's Sword               380					
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Armor of Aleph                                              200      40
    Thurd's Gauntlet                             30      10      80	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                     380     120      30      30     368      50

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   RG
       Qty. of Items/release       19    12     6     3    14    10    1

       Light Warriors
    Alternate Release Equip.    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Valkyrie Favor              500              50 	
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Armor of Aleph                                              200      40
    Thurd's Gauntlet                             30      10      80	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                     500     120      80      30     368      50

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   RG
       Qty. of Items/release       25    12    16     3    14    10    1

       Light Warriors
    Alternate Release Equip.    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Dainslef                    750 					
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Infinite Admiration                                         500     100
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                     750     120      20      40     623     110

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   RG
       Qty. of Items/release       37    12     4     4    24    22    1

       Light Warriors
    Alternate Release Equip.    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Demon Sword "Levantine"     500    1000		
    Mithril Helm                                                 50	
    Infinite Admiration                                         500     100
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                     500    1000      20      40     593     110

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   AG
       Qty. of Items/release       25    99     4     4    23    22    1

 Totals for all 4 Einherjar Light Warrior Release:

     3x Rose Gem [STR +20 / DEX +20]
     1x Azure Gem [INT +20 / CON +20]

                                   FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   
        Total w/ Helgi's Sword      19    12     6     3    14    10      
        Total w/ Valkyrie Favor     25    12    16     3    14    10 
        Total w/ Dainslef           37    12     4     4    24    22  
        Total w/ Levantine          25    99     4     4    23    22    
              Total                106   135    30    14    75    64

    Since Heavy Warriors are the back bone to acquire Fencer's Familiarity, I
will make 2 Perfect Releases, since using the Tyrfing completely cancels 
the RDM and RST bonus for the Conqueror Armor, I will use the Sword of the 
Meek and Demon Sword "Nefarious" for the other 2 releases, and try to gain 
some items from the Conqueror's Armor.

         Heavy Warriors
   Perfect Release Equipment    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Tyrfing                    2200                            -500    -200
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Conqueror Armor             100     100      50      50     280      50  
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                    2300     220      70      90       0       0

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   RG
       Qty. of Items/release       99    22    14     9     0     0    1
       Total 2x H. Warriors       198    44    28    18     0     0    2

         Heavy Warriors
    Alternate Release Equip.    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Demon Sword "Nefarious"     700 				
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Conqueror Armor             100     100      50      50     280      50  
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                     800     220      70      90     403      60

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   RG
       Qty. of Items/release       40    22    14     9    16    12    1

         Heavy Warriors
    Alternate Release Equip.    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Sword of the Meek           850 				
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Conqueror Armor             100     100      50      50     280      50  
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                     950     220      70      90     403      60

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   RG
       Qty. of Items/release       47    22    14     9    16    12    1

 Totals for all 4 Einherjar Heavy Warrior Release:

     4x Rose Gem [STR +20 / DEX +20]

                                   FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   
        Total w/ 2x Tyrfing        198    44    28    18     0     0     
        Total w/ Nefarious          40    22    14     9    16    12  
        Total w/ Sword of Meek      47    22    14     9    16    12    
              Total                285    88    56    36    32    24

    There is no much that can be done to alternate the setup for Archers, so
I just replaced the Wind Glove with the Thurd's Guantlet to get a few more
bonus items from RDM and HIT.  

    Alternate Release Equip.    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Soothsayer Bow              620					
    Ether Crown                         120                      80	
    Sylphan Robe                                        100     160      80  
    Thurd's Gauntlet                             30      10      80	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                     620     120      30     130     328      90

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   RG
       Qty. of Items/release       31    12     6    13    13    18    1
       Total 5x Archers           155    60    30    65    65    90    5

    With mages there is no much that can be done, same as with Archers, but 
since there is a Floral Garb in the inventory that is not being used, I will 
give that away for one Mage release, in exchange for some RDM and RST items.

    Alternate Release Equip.    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Holy Wand of Telos                 1800                      30      80
    Mithril Crown                        80                      40	
    Floral Garb                                          50     350     150  
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                            1880      20      90     463     240

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   AG
       Qty. of Items/release        0    99     4     9    18    48    1

   Perfect Release Equipment    ATK     MAG     HIT     AVD     RDM     RST

    Holy Wand of Telos                 1800                      30      80
    Mithril Crown                        80                      40	
    Sylphan Robe                                        100     160      80  
    Wind Glove                                   20      20      35	
    Red Boots                                            20       8      10

      Total                       0    1880      20     140     273     170

                                  FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   AG
       Qty. of Items/release        0    99     4    14    10    34    1
       Total 6x Mages               0   693    28    98    70   238    6

       Total 7x Mages               0   693    28    93    78   252    7

 Totals for all 20 Einherjar Alternate Releases:

     12x Rose Gem [STR +20 / DEX +20]
      8x Azure Gem [INT +20 / CON +20]

                                   FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   
        Total 4x L. Warriors       106   135    30    14    75    64    
        Total 4x H. Warriors       285    88    56    36    32    24 
        Total 5x Archers           155    60    30    65    65    90   
        Total 7x Mages               0   693    28    93    78   252    
              Total                546   976   144   208   250   430

                                STR     INT     DEX     AGL      HP     CON
     Stats Increase Boost      2730    4880     720    1040    25000   2150

     12x Rose Gem               240             240      
      8x Azure Gem                      160                             160

    Total Stats Boost          2970    5040     960    1040    25000   2310

        STR + INT                  8010   

  Finally adding the items collected from Treasure Chests:

                                   FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW 
           Treasure Items            3     4     3     4     4     5

  Will give the Final Total for Stats Boosting:

                                STR     INT     DEX     AGL      HP     CON
    Total Stats Boost          2985    5060     975    1060    25400   2335

        STR + INT                  8045  

  So, in conclusion, the Perfect Release Setups will give you  +3315 STR,
+4585 INT (STR+INT = 7900), if you change just the release items for the
Light Warriors you will get  +3395 STR, +4585 INT (STR+INT = 7980). Now if you
completely change the setups and give away all those weapons and armors that
you will not use, you will get  +2970 STR, +5040 INT (STR+INT = 8010), the
total increase in INT stats could make a character like Rufus that uses MAG as
the main damage factor, do an incredible amount of damage.

  Now for my final party on my 3rd play through.

  Characters at level 99, at the start of the Seraphic Gate. Those are the
  base stats with no weapons, equipment or any boosting stats items.

     Archers            HP      STR    INT    DEX    AGL    CON    STR+INT
 ----------------    --------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ---------

     Phyress          19123     207    175    249    139    115      382

     Sha-Kon          21093     216    139    225    145    133      355
     Arcana           18634     200    141    220    125    140      341

     Atracia          18623     203    128    186    142    155      331

 Totals for 16 Einherjar Alternate Releases:

      8x Rose Gem [STR +20 / DEX +20]
      8x Azure Gem [INT +20 / CON +20]

                                   FFa   SSa   AAp   ThT   Amb   WaW   
        Total 4x L. Warriors       106   135    30    14    75    64    
        Total 4x H. Warriors       285    88    56    36    32    24 
        Total 1x Archer             31    12     6    13    13    18   
        Total 7x Mages               0   693    28    93    78   252    
              Total                422   928   108   154   196   356

  Characters Stats after distributing the items between all 4 characters:

     Archers            HP      STR    INT    DEX    AGL    CON    STR+INT
 ----------------    --------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ---------

     Phyress          24423     837   1655    454    344    645      2502

     Sha-Kon          24593     836   1409    430    345    663      2255

     Arcana           24234     710   1186    355    325    580      1896

     Atracia          24223     708   1173    336    327    595      1881

  And finally the characters Base Stats after farming 838 Golden Eggs + 9 in 
  the inventory for a total of 847 Golden Eggs

         Phyress x250, Sha-kon x230, Arcana x184, Atracia x183.

     Archers            HP      STR    INT    DEX    AGL    CON    STR+INT
 ----------------    --------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ---------

     Phyress          24423    2054   2970   1724   1575    645      5024

     Sha-Kon          24593    1981   2617   1627   1552    663      4598

     Arcana           24234    1568   2051   1207   1200    580      3619

     Atracia          24223    1653   2084   1190   1182    595      3737

  And I believe I'm more than done with the game, i was pretty satisfied with
  the final attack power for this party, too bad there isn't nothing in the 
  game at this point worth using all this power...


   [C1219] Simple Level Up Trick

   Will-o-the-Wisp trick

   1. Get one Prism Gem
   2. Set the Training Skill
   3. Carry the Experience Pig Law
   4. Go to Chateau Obsession, set the Soul Carver and the Alarm Blessing on 
      two dais.
   5. Go back to the 2nd room, where there is two ghost type enemies.
   6. Enter battle with one character, wait until the enemy HP drops down to
      65-70%, dash behind the Will-o-the Wisp Leader, use the Prism Gem, 
      it will kill the leader, collect a Shadow Gem + Experience + Oth.
   7. Now repeat the process, wait until the enemy HP drop to around 65-70%, 
      dash behind it,but now use the Shadow Gem you just acquired, it will 
      bring the leader HP down to 1, attack and finish the leader.

      You can collect 38000 - 50000/battle + 50% from training skill.


   [C1220] How to be Invincible?

   With the proper use of items, skills and sealstones, is possible for any 
character to acquire near immortality, making it possible to characters with 
low HP,  able to survive even the toughest battles.

   Now for the setup, give your characters the following Skills, Items and 

   1. First Aid - May restore half of the damage inflicted by an enemy attack
      afterwards. This skill activates after the enemy complete its attack.

   2. Survival - Leaves 1 HP after an otherwise fatal attack if the character
      has at least 10% of the Maximum HP to start with. Survival will not work 
      if you get hit by an attack that have multiple hits.

   3. Metabolizer or Ring of Healing - May recovery half of the damage 
      inflicted by an enemy attack. In reality, this effect may activate for
      every hit during an enemy attack, so you might recover half damage 
      received in every hit, as long as the effect activates.

   4. Lifeforce Blessing Sealstone - HP recovery doubles when subject is
      healed by items or magic. If First Aid, Metabolizer or Ring of Healing
      effects are activated, you will double the effect, in another words you
      will get an equal amount of HP recovery to the damage inflicted.

   Note: First Aid + Metabolizer (or Ring of Healing) + Survival + Lifeforce
         Blessing is a good setup when fighting Hamsters in Seraphic Gate, 4th


   [C1221] Reward for Completing Dungeons and Sidequests

   After you complete a dungeon or sidequest, return to the town and talk to
the person gave you the information about a dungeon or sidequest.

   - Serdberg Mountain Ruins - Return to Coriander Village, talk to the girl,
     answer no to her question to receive a Royal Jelly.

   - Ancient Forest - Return to Coriander, speak with the man holding the
     fishing pole and you will receive a Might Potion.

   - Ancient Forest (2nd Time) - Return to Coriander, speak with the man 
     holding the fishing pole and you will receive an Expert's Experience.

   - Turgen Mine - Return to Villnore and speak with the man wearing a blue
     bandanna to receive 10000 Oth.

   - Turgen Mine (2nd Time) - Return to Villnore and speak with the man 
     wearing a blue bandanna to receive a Metabolizer.

   - Audoula Temple - Return to Villnore and speak with the man in green and
     receive a Prism Crystal.

   - Surts Volcano - After defeating the boss, return to dragon dais to get
     a Charm. Now return to Kalstad and talk to the adventurer at the 
     entrance to receive a Foolproof Talisman.

   - Chateau Obsession - Return to Crell Monferaigne Inn, speak with the man
     standing there and answer Monster, he will give you a Sage's Arcanum.


=  13. SPECIAL THANKS                                                [C1300]  =

   I would like to give a special thanks to:

   - Tri-Ace for making Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria and Equare Enix for 
     publishing it!

   - my wife [RPGirl27], for her support and putting the Enemy Race List 
     together and for the help organizing the Enemy Drop list.

   - the GameFAQs Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria board and all its members for
     all the valuable information they have posted, for the help and  support 
     they have provided.

   - to the Japanese Sites and,
     who's information was the base for my Enemy Drop List and some other 
     general information in the Small News section.

   - To tri-Ace Fanboy for providing the Elemental Damage Modifier to 
     Karsnaut, Hildr's Sword, Frostbane, Lightning Edge, Icicle Sword, Flare 
     Baselard, Holy Sword, Sword of Silvans, Gram, Moonflax, Levantine, 
     Dainslef, Vainslayer, Flamberge, Grand Sting, Ignite Sword, Nefarious, 
     Tyrfing, Hauteclaire, Supreme Crossbow, Shiny Rupture, Saint's Halberd, 

     Also for the % chance of blocking attacks for Miracle Guard, Gauntlet, 
     Duel Guarder, Silver Buckler, Sacred Guarder, Valor Gauntlet, Holy 
     Gauntlet, Mithril Gauntlet, Ether Shield, Thrud's Gauntlet, Extreme 
     Guard, Star Guard.

   -,, and, for accepting 
     and hosting this FAQ.

   - Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria Shrine board and all its members for all the
     support and help.
     Valhalla Online:

   -, for the ascii title.

   -, for the ascii art.

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=         Copyrighted (c) 2006 Carlos M. ([email protected])            =