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by rebexster


Gamefaqs User ID: 5585050	
Author: Rebecca Ann Evans ([email protected])

First of all, I would like to thank Disney&Pixar for creating this unique 
movie and game.  I got the ?Up!? movie on DVD for Christmas 2009 and also the 
game PS/2 game of ?Up!?.   Up! has already given me several hours of 
enjoyment.  Conveniently, I can play these both on my PS2.

I love Disney!  My first Disney movie was Bambi!  I was so little; I couldn?t 
believe his mother died in first five minutes, and it sent me running from 
the theater!!!  But I digress.

Of course, I like puzzles a lot which there are a lot of in the game, but the 
movie itself shows a lot about human character, and the plot itself (in the 
movie) is very thought-provoking.  If you haven?t yet seen the movie Up!, I 
can?t recommend seeing this enough for major plot details, although things 
happen a *bit* differently in the game.  The first big example of this is 
when they immediately lose the house and have to chase it for a while before 
getting it back? and then we have to go rafting often to get the house back 
which does not exactly happen in the movie.  

I am writing this FAQ because I was already on Gamefaqs in Chapter 1 when it 
was frustrating my sister and me to no end, and I thought I could get help 
from this site.  Alas, no FAQ was there for a change; I fear that maybe all 
the dedicated gamers that would normally write this FAQ have moved on to 
higher platforms like PS3 or Wii?

So, I thought I would return the favor to others and share what I have 
learned.  It is no fun to play a game that frustrates you and no matter what 
you do, you seem stuck.  I have never played a game where the FAQ was not 
available at all yet on gamefaqs (or for sale), so I am writing the kind of 
FAQ I always wanted, with all the details you could want at the time you want 
them.  My chapters also list things you cannot finish until later.  

Feel free to play the game on your own and only consult this guide if you get 
stuck, or you can print this and use it to prevent frustration for personal 
use, especially when it comes to figuring out what you finished so far and 
what you so need to (or can) do still.  

You do NOT have permission to sell my work in any way, shape, or form.  You 
have permission, and are even encouraged, to use and print this for fun.  I 
am hoping this will let kids enjoy this game more.  

I am about to tell you every detail from every chapter that I know of in a 
SINGLE passthrough of walk-through but YOU have to figure out if you need to 
come back or not ever?  This will save paper and frustration, for me anyways, 
when I want to play this again at some point in the future, and will help 
others actually enjoy this game if they have not been able solve (or  
tolerate continuing to attempt to solve) this game themselves?

I am about to completely ruin this game (and movie) for people who don?t like 
spoilers and haven?t seen movie, and yet come to this site anyway and enter 
the Walkthrough that follows.  Again, you?ve been warned, if you don?t like 
spoilers at all, then just go to another FAQ NOW.
This guide contains
--Controls you need while playing
--Chapters in Walkthrough
--the Walkthrough
--Things that hurt you
--Things I?ve leared
--The Cheats Menu
--Misc Comments and Existing Q&A

It looks like people threw up their hands in frustration in June 2009 and 
just stopped playing?  Chapter 15 is HARD and I may have stopped playing 
without the help that others attempted to give.  

This is my gift to the community of gamers that has ENDED so MANY hours of 
endless searching and frustration with no success in getting the game to 
advance to the next level.

My goal here is to enhance your enjoyment in playing ?Up!? and remove 
frustration if you and your family or friends want to play.  And if you are a 
parent, you are going to look SO SMART if you give this game (&movie?) to 
your child and are actually willing to STEP IN AND HELP them play and/or STEP 
IN AND SOLVE PROBLEMS if they get suck!!!  I am encouraging you, and making 
it somewhat EASY for you, to help the gamers in your life have fun.  (you 
could always just help child and friend with info to solve this if you don?t 
like to play games yourself).

Russell:  	Can you tell a secret?
MrF:		NO!
Russell:	OK, here is goes?


IF you are the only player, you can switch back and forth with square ( [] ).
For defense, use triangle ( /\ )
       Russell?s basic weapon is his mirror. 
       MrF?s basic weapon is his hearing aid.  
JUMP           = ( X )    	(hold down if moving house)
ACTION/COLLECT = ( o )		(circle)

L2             => Check health, butterfly, and pix status.

(I recommend that you use L2 to check health status every time you pass a 
flower or fruit tree and you are aware that you have made a mistake recently; 
you need this if you are ?low? in health; you will not be able to make jumps 
at some point)
Start      => Pause  (leave and go elsewhere; turn on cheats) 
Select     => Check status of Butterflies and Momentos collected

If a ?quit/re-start? is required/desired, you can ?Quit? and start level 
but be aware that you will lose any items you have already collected (such as 
any Butterflies, Momentos, and/or Bug Trophy you had so far on this run) if 
do this, and you will need to re-collect them.

Don?t forget to turn ?Cheats? ON or OFF using the ?Start / Cheats? option 
you want or don?t want them in use every time that you ?Load? a profile; the 
cheats always start turned OFF when the game is first loaded.  You can 
turn these on and off (in battle) if you can access the Start / Cheats menu 
the time.

EXAMPLE of CHAPTER PROGRESS section at end of each chapter in walkthrough to 
help you track progress.  Record progress when this information is given in 
the summary page at the end of the level. ?Select? will show you which 
Butterflies and/or Momentos that you do or do not yet have.  This is from 
Chapter 1.

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   4:20  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

*gasp*   And now, a list of all the Chapters you will have to complete and 
items you will not find until you get there; and then, more walkthrough 
details than you could ever imagine.

Stop reading NOW if you don?t like *spoilers*.  
***                    CHAPTERS IN WALKTHROUGH           ***

You receive items in RIGHT COLUMN after completing this chapter.

1. Crash Landing                             ROPE
2. Rowing Buddies                         
3. Welcome to the Jungle                     LANTERN
4. Jungle Traps
5. A Snipe Snared (Kevin!)
6. Tally Ho! 
7. Ambush                                    PICK-AXE
8. House Bound
9. The Voice (Doug!)
10. A New Master
11. Where the Water Falls Twice
12. River Rafting                            GOLF CLUB
13. Never, Never, Never
14. Up-lift
15. The Way Through the Wind
16. Reunion
17. Fetch!                                   GRAPPLE
18. River Persuit
19. Fetch Part II
20. Spirit of Adventure
21. Dogs Fight Better Than People
22. Hunting Down the Spirit of Adventure
23. Release Russell
24. Operation Freebird                       MAGNIFYING GLASS
25. Adventure is Here
26. Muntz Bunch
27. Skies Over Paradise

If I say ?swing-branch? or ?swing-rope? for the items you swing on and you 
reach the ?other kind?, assume I made a typing mistake and go forward (and 
let me know, please)

Abbreviations I sometimes use in this FAQ 
MrF=Mr Carl Fredrickson

BF=Butterfly          aka, Russell?s Butterflies			
MO=Momento            aka, Carl?s Momentos, aka MrF?s ?Pictures?

*** THE WALKTHROUGH       ***
WARNING:  There are game spoilers, movie spoilers, and ?movie references as 
to where we are in the game? in this walkthrough.  Don?t read this FAQ if you 
have not yet seen the movie or don?t like ?spoilers?.    If you like to be 
?surprised?, stop reading now.

Seriously, if you like to solve the puzzles yourself, don?t read this until 
you get stuck.  I am trying to make this guide so it?s hard not to follow and 
so you can easily find everything you might want to find or be missing.

*    1. CRASH LANDING                       *
Unlike the movie, we lose the house and we do not get it back right away.  
When we land we are at the end of scene #12 in movie.  In the movie, the 
initial cutscene is when Russell says ?woo, I thought you were DEAD? in the 
movie (but they don?t say that here).

Personally, I would have left the house where it initially landed (in the 
movie).  What a view!

1a).  Get past first water pond.
--Russell gets his Butterfly #1 all by himself before you even get to the 
--When you get to the rocks, there should be a circle.  (If there isn?t a 
circle, delete the profile and start over again; this probably means you left 
the game you started earlier before making any progress and are now back 
trying again).  
--After rocks are IN the water, cross rocks, and climb ledge.
--MrF finds Momento #1
--Russell finds Butterfly #2
--Bug competition #1; the gold trophy shows up by the character that is going 
to win if you finish and changes if other character pulls ahead.

1b)  First&Second Cliffs that Russell can?t climb by himself
--Mr F has to jump up, turn around and press ?o? to help Russell up.  If he 
ever forgets and walks away, Russell screams ?HELP!?.
--more bugs.

1c)  First Swing-rope (or hanging vine) 
--You can see BF, but can?t get until you cross the rope.
--Both Russell and MrF can go TOGETHER (at least when playing alone) to get 
on the swing-ropes or -branches AND off the swing-ropes or branches, so wait 
and to dismount, hold X down.  Or they can go one at a time.
--Russell finds Butterfly #3 (up after rope, this is one you saw before 
--Russell also finds Butterfly #4.  

1d)  Second Swing-rope (or hanging vine) 
--MrF finds Momento #2 in side area to left w/ red bug thing 
--MrF finds Momento #3 (in middle of water in corner before getting to TT).

1e)  Teeter-totter
--MrF is going to springboard Russell to top, but Russell can eat first (use 
F2 to see if you need it, and then look behind Russell if you do before MrF 
makes the jump)
--Russell needs to press the ?o? on rocks to knock down for MrF.  He can 
collect bugs on ledge first (only a few) or be nice and wait for MrF to smash 
--After they are up top, MrF finds Momento #4, and Russell finds Butterfly #5

The cut-scene is about to prevent you from going backwards on this attempt at 
the level.  Russell should have 5 BF and MrF should have 4 Momentos at this 

1f)  After house breaks through rocks
--MrF finds Momento #5
--Russell (or MrF) needs to push box that says Muntz.
--MrF goes up and helps Russell up.

1g) 3 more swing ropes (or sets of swing-ropes)
--After first 2 (sets) of swing-ropes, go left.
--MrF finds Momento #6 behind the net.  They say to press X really fast, but 
I could not make this work.  What does work is get Russell to help as Player 
2.  MrF needs to be right at the net corner nearest picture (Momento); when 
Russell walks into net, MrF can *quickly* get his picture.  You may have to 
try this more than once; I was not able to do this myself and had to have 
Player 2 plug in, start game, and help for 1 minute and then you can remove 
the player 2 controller again whenever you want.
--This is also where the area is that requires a MAGNIFYING GLASS that you do 
not get until Chapter 24.  Here is where we locked the game up in our first 
run of Chapter 1 because we attempted to blow up the dynamite with our 
mirror; I advise against this too this unless you have time to re-start and 
re-do the chapter.  If you get Momento #6 now, you don?t need to do this 
--Do third swing-rope.
--Russell finds Butterfly #6 

1h) large crate on ledge and then teeter-totter
--Boost MrF using Russell, and then MrF pushes box down for Russell so he can 
get up
--MrF finds Momento #7
--Russell finds Butterfly #7 on a rock going across the water
--more bugs
--MrF sees Momento #8, but you can not get this until you have the PICK-AXE 
that you won?t have until you finish Chapter 7
--Help MrF up, and have Russell stand on back of TT.  MrF vaults Russell up 
and Russell pushes rocks to make them fall.
--Russell finds Butterfly #8

Item(s) obtained when chapter is completed (shows on map): 	ROPE

Item(s) needed to ?really finish? the chapter; come back:  	
  MAGNIFYING GLASS; for Momento #6 behind net if you don?t have; after Ch 24.
  PICK-AXE for last Momento #8; after Ch 7.

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   4:20  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

*    2.  ROWING BUDDIES     *
In the movie, they don?t use a raft at all, but we need to in order to get 
the house back.  You need to steer to raft.

X to speed up; pull back to slow down.

If you touch an alligator or orange plant, you have to go back to last ?check 

Some alligators (rare) require planning because they will come after you if 
they see you at all; wait until they start swimming and then go other way to 
avoid them.

Avoid the monkey that throws things.  Hide behind rock if you can IF he is 
throwing already; otherwise, try to paddle past it quickly before he sees 

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   5:30  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	

*    3.  WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE              *
We found the house!  Now we just have to get to it! 

3a) House has finally landed and now we have to figure out how to get to it.
--Russell finds Butterfly #1
--More bugs at very beginning of level
--As a rule, you are staying away from orange plants.  They will hurt you on 
land and make raft tip over if rafting.  These orange plants are different 
and they will eat you and damage you.  Later we will be able to buy #4 
Feather Weight to make this stop.
--Animals that have a little ?circle? on them need to be ?caught? to make the 
animal drop MrF?s Momento; either character can make drop with ?o?, but make 
sure MrF picks it up if you get it to drop!  First attempt to pick-up doesn?t 
always get the picture, but he will make a statement when he does get it and 
counter will increase...  MrF finds Momento #1 this way.  
Later, when we have #7 Momentos Detector, there will normally be a noise when 
you are near a Momento; HOWEVER, there is no noise for the ?hopping momento 
thieves? until you make the animal drop the Momento.  I especially don?t like 
the birds that fly and fly and fly that you will run into later; they are 
very hard to catch?
--Russell finds Butterfly #2
--Russell kills snake w/ his mirror (triangle) from the dark brown rocks (ie, 
don?t get to close).  Later, #6 DeterrentPower can be used by MrF to get rid 
of snakes and also porcupines, big cats, and dogs.  When he has this, it is 
best to let him walk first.

3b) Now we cross the pond islands.
--Jump across to island where snake was and then to right of where snake was 
for Momento #2.   Jump back to where snake was and forward.
--Jump further across pond to Momento #3

3c) Use the swing-rope to porcupine & bug island.
--Use MrF hearing aid on Porcupines (or Russell?s mirror, but that doesn?t 
work as well).  Of course my favorite answer here is DeterrentPower, but you 
don?t have that initially.
--MrF finds Momento #4 lying next to a rock

3d) Proceed forward and ultimately up and across and up again
--Tree with fruit can drop multiple fruits at once if L2 says you need it
--MrF needs to go up and then help Russell up.  
--Russell finds Butterfly #3 in 2 more jumps. Then keep jumping forward.
--Before you go up all the way, look to the right in a dark cave.  WHEN you 
have the LANTERN after finishing the chapter, go back for Russell?s 
butterfly.  You can try to send Russell into the dark, but that just got him 
beat up when I tried it; poor dear; I got his butt kicked royally and it was 
hard to get out of cave.  This is Butterfly #4 (come back for this when MrF 
can help with the new lantern, which bats don?t like, and then this is a 

3e)  The ROPE and the wall that we need to help MrF across.
--MrF falls (in a cartoon) and we need to help him across using the rope 
acquired earlier.  Russell throws down rope with ?o? and then moves sideways.
--MrF needs to ?stay in the rock path? or you have to start over.  MrF 
doesn?t get to come all the way to top until end of wall.  You are basically 
--After rope, go backwards on ledge first for Momento #5 that is IN the 
hopping frog.  If you miss the frog, back off a bit and try again.  I had to 
go back for this because I missed this on trip 1.  I think this mistake cost 
me 100 points at the time, but you can go back and get it later, I think.

3f) Cross stream on top and then on bottom
--Cross stream.  You will be able to get the BF you spot in just a minute.
--Swing on branch and double-back across stream on lower level.
--Now Russell can get Butterfly #5 and MrF can get Momento #6 by jumping left 
from middle of stream.  
--Cross tight-rope.
--Jump back to pillar and jump down until you get to tree log.  

3g)  MrF and Russell have to cross the log.
--I think the log is much easier if there is only one person playing at that 
time (unplug and replug/restart when you are done if 2 are having problems 
with this).  
--Follow the ?yellow path? on the log.  The second person has to avoid a 
bird; timing is everything here.
--Russell finds Butterfly #6 on the hill
--proceed across a set of swing-branches.
3h) Now we are at a teeter-totter again
--First boost MrF up so he can get Momento #7.  
Russell can?t get to the butterfly via shiny-white-and-pink-things until he 
gets the PICK-AXE after Chapter 7.  (you have to come back for Butterfly #7)
(so now we are missing 2 butterflies on initial run that we cannot get now.. 
that is why you are going to wind up with only 6 total on first trip)

3i) Almost there
--MrF springboards Russell up.  Russell pushes box down (holding ?o?).
--Cross 2 ropes, and use hearing aid on the porcupines.
--MrF finds Momento #8
--Russell finds Butterfly #8
--Finally!  We have the house.

Item(s) obtained when chapter is completed (shows on map): LANTERN
(come back anytime for Russell?s last BF after you have the LANTERN, but 
other BF not until after Ch7)

Item(s) needed to ?really finish? the chapter:
   PICK-AXE for Butterfly #7 near end
   LATERN for Butterfly #4 in cave

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   3:35  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

At this point, you should have 800 Points by following walk-through.   

Choose how to spend your points well if you want to go unlock one or more 

You only get additional points in a chapter once; if you don?t get everything 
initially, you can get the rest later, but you don?t get any credit that you 
have already received previously.

The Chapter summary after each Chapter still shows you ?total points ever 
earned?, even after you buy stuff, so you have to do your own math when 
trying to earn more points for super-hero like abilities (aka, Cheats).  

There is a page at the end of this document that lists names, descriptions, 
and cost of the Cheats that I know of.

*** end of level 3.  I am 7% complete at this point ***

*    4.  JUNGLE TRAPS                       *
Finally, we have the house.  We start by seeing Kevin & Russell wants to help 
the bird.  In the movie, we meet the Kevin in Scene 15.  Again, not quite the 
same things unfold.

4a) After deciding to save Kevin (the colorful bird),
--Use MrF?s hearing aid to back to mean dog into the net (or water).  Or 
--back up and get Momento #1  
--Russell gets Butterfly #1
--move forward and there are a few more bugs before a giant ledge.

4b)  The big jump you and Russell have to make
--MrF can do the big jump even though it looks like he won?t make it.  Then 
he needs to help Russell up too.
--Look to the right side and go get Momento #2
--Jump and get rid of porcupines.  Russell is better from distance; MrF is 
better from close range and DeterrentPower of MrF is best option period if 
purchased and available.

4c)  Get past monkey throwing things
--Russell can use his mirror here to only temporarily stun, but the monkey 
doesn?t stay down for long.  Stun and run.  
--However,  Momento #3 is in front of a rock here is, so have MrF get it if 
he doesn?t yet have it before you run.  

4d) Once we get past monkey at top of hill
--Russell gets Butterfly #2
--You can?t hit the golf balls yet to get to Momento #4 until after Chapter 
12 when you get a Golf Club, but you will see it and you will see a pile of 
golf balls up on pillar.  The orange flowers will hurt you and you won?t make 
it, so I advise against trying this too.

4e) Cross the log
--MrF goes first this time
--Russell goes second and he has to avoid 2 birds this time.
--MrF goes up and finds Momento #5.

4f) By the fruit tree
--more bugs and Russell gets Butterfly #3
--battle more porcupines
--push mean dog into water or net
--ugh.  Another monkey and Butterfly #4 is in the path.  Good luck.

4g)  Once past 2nd monkey
--walk the tightrope
--Russell gets Butterfly #5 and he can use mirror on porcupines from ledge or 
MrF can go take care of them.
--more bugs, Butterfly #6, and get that hoping animal with a ?o? on it to 
drop MrF?s  Momento #6

4h)  By the big cage
--Momento #8 is under the big cage.  
--Scare the dog off the cliff and lower cage.	
--You cannot use the ?shiny pink things? to get Butterfly #7 and Momento #7
until you have the GRAPPLE which you will not have until after Chapter 17.
--Climb over cage and get Butterfly #8.
--Kevin is rescued!

Minigame obtained when chapter is completed the first time:  RAFT RACE 

Item(s) needed to ?really finish? the chapter:
    GRAPPLE    come back for Russell?s last BF after Ch 17
    GOLF CLUB  come back for MrF MO #4 after Ch 12

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   2:50  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    5.  A SNIPE SNARED                     *
We saved Kevin, but it runs off!

5a)  At the beginning of level
--there are a few bugs and PICK-AXE hooks (come back after Ch7 for BF#1).
--Russell gets the snake with mirror if you don?t have MrF DeterrentPower
--MrF gets Momento #1 (Ellie w/ Butterflies; oh look Russell likes these 
--cross the ropes
--kill snake
--MrF gets Momento #2
--Russell gets Butterfly #2

5b) Move forward
--Swing-rope; stand on semi-circle to jump
--Dark cave #1; MrF goes first with LANTERN.  Watch your step or you will 
fall or walk into orange plants
--Rock that rises and falls #1; wait til it comes up then jump and jump again 
to grass

5c) Russell needs help up a ledge area 
--If you already have MO#3, then just help Russell up.  
--However, if you don?t yet have MO#3, MrF should chase the bird first to get 
his photo back; you may be jumping up and down for a while first.  MrF gets 
Momento #3; then help Russell up.
--Russell gets Butterfly #3 after getting rid of porcupines

5c) The door with light (a one-way trip)
--Go through door.  
--Push gray box to get Momento #4
--Russell gets Butterfly #4

5d) Go through door behind the gray box (another one-way trip)
--Exit by fruit tree and check F2
--If you don?t have DeterrentPower on, have Russell get porcupines with 
mirror from the ledge before jumping across.
--Russell gets Butterfly #5

5e) The rock that rises and falls accessed by swing-branch
--cross the swing-branch and swing until rock rises before jumping and then 
immediately jump to grass

5f)  At high ledge with ?o?
--Boost MrF up; Russell isn?t going.
--MrF gets Momento #5 first
--Russell aims mirror at bats so MrF can cross (they are only gone a few 
--MrF can swing rope over
--MrF needs to push crate down for Russell and then help him up so they are 
together again.
--Russell gets snake
--Both head into dark cave.  Watch your step or you will fall.  Russell gets 
Butterfly #6

5g) Walking on the ledge
--At dead-end, go down and forward.
--Start walking past the nook w/ the photo and then run into nook to get the 
photo when the rock starts to come.
--MrF gets Momento #6 first
--Chase down the hoping frog on hill with either, and then MrF gets Momento 
#7.  If you miss the first time, go back down hill and try again when it 
comes back out.  Repeat until you get it, and then don?t forget to pick it 

5h)  The swing-rope
--Have Russell get the snake
--Swing across from the little semi-circle
--Go up, then forward, then down again.
--Get ready to run into nook again.
--more bugs and Russell gets Butterfly #7
--pass a MAGNIFYING GLASS area.  Come back when you have after Chapter 24.  
This is Momento #8.

5i) The dog on the pillar
--Jump up and use weapon on dog and then back it into the net so you can 
-- Russell gets Butterfly #8

5j)  The red ants (final step)
--Get MrF on top pillar (Russell stands on bottom of TT, and then MrF can 
jump up)
--Russell carries the fruit (looks like orange basketball, not regular fruit) 
to the TT.
--Springboard the fruit across and red ants go for it
--Go through the door and find the bird that Russell ?just named Kevin?.
--You can also get through with #8 Insecticide, but that is $600, and only if 
you have already purchased this and have in turned ON in the Start / Cheat 

Minigame obtained when chapter is completed the first time:  ROCK CLIMBING 

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   5:10  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

Item(s) needed to ?really finish? the chapter:	
	MAGNIFYING GLASS to get Momento #8
      PICK-AXE to get Butterfly#1

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    6.  A TALLY HO!                        *

This can be done by one person if you are the BIRD Kevin (that is, you should 
be able to make the bird jump).  Press the square quickly if this is not 

Please note that if you have the RussellHeavyWeight on, you are going to SLOW 
DOWN your bird Kevin.  Turn it OFF using Start / Cheats / Deactivate.  You 
might make the run, but probably not best time with this on.  

Avoid any areas that start to develop ?shadows?.  The rocks warn you where 
they are going to fall, especially when you leap through a single jump area 
surrounded by pillars and get a little breathing room.  Veer immediately to 
the right bank of large area and then run like the wind while avoiding 
shadows that you see falling.  

There are ?check points? in the ?birdruns?, so you run using Kevin for 3 or 4 
?segments?, much like when you go rafting.  

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

       Time Needed: 2:15   Time Have: ____   Do you have the timing run?  NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    7. AMBUSH                              *

7)   This is a boss fight.  Round 1, 2, and 3 are all similar.  Repeat 3 

--1, 2, or 3 Minion dogs attack.  Use weapons or DeterrentPower.
--Russell puts rock on bottom of TT. (3rd rock appears up on platform)
--Catapult rock using jump from high up or ?Heavy? form of Russell or Carl.

Item(s) obtained when chapter is completed (shows on map): PICK-AXE

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

       Time Needed: 1:35   Time Have: ____   Do you have the timing run?   NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    8.  HOUSE BOUND                        *

Hop canyons to end.  It is possible to complete this with one person.

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

       Time Needed: 2:18   Time Have: ____   Do you have the timing run?   NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    9.  THE VOICE                          *
Here is where we hear ?I can smell you, but I cannot see you!??

9a)  When level starts 
--Russell gets Butterfly #1 right away.
--Before we cross, Russell with Insecticide activated can help MrF get 
Momento #1.  
--Get Kevin to push rock into water so you can cross water (use ?o?).

9b)  Cross water
--Russell gets Butterfly #2.
--MrF gets Momento #2 in grassy area across from flower.

9c)  Near the PICK-AXE area
--First turn around and jump off end to another platform.  This has Butterfly 
--Go across the PICK-AXE hook and branch.

9c)  Move ahead to TT area and then across stream
--lift MrF and spring Russell up.
--Russell can jump ?backwards? to ledge with Butterfly #4.
--Russell should ?jump back? and move forward over stream (on upper 
Here, MrF ALSO needs to cross stream with Russell (on bottom path).

9d)  Use rope to get MrF across the platform, and then:
--Russell gets Butterfly #5.
--MrF goes back to start of ledge to get Momento #3. 
--Forward, MrF gets Momento #4.

9e)  Before crossing the moving (up/down) rocks,
--Go down pink steps and find flying-bird w/ Momento #5.
--Cross and get Momento #6.

9f)  Push large gray box down and across into pit.
--Use ?o? to push gray box off ledge
--Use ?o? to push to end of sidewalk and into pit
--Jump across and deal w/ Rolly-Polly (off edge of platform, or preferably, 
into net)
--Creature near end of platform near fruit-tree has Momento #7.
--Behind net (or behind where net was if full), jump across and get big fruit 
from ledge (remember, avoid orange) and drop fruit near ants, allowing you 
both to pass.
--Russell gets Butterfly #6.

9g)  Walk past cage and then gets Russell to cage lever
--Russell gets Butterfly #7.
--Momento #8 is in a flying-bird.
--MrF pushes box on and off of steam vents while Russell jumps across.
--Russell gets Butterfly #8.
--Russell runs and gets lever.  Then they cross under the cage and find Dug!  
Hi There!

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   4:35  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    10.  A NEW MASTER                      *
10a)  Both cross the log at the start
--Russell gets Butterfly #1.
--Boost MrF & he gets Momento #1.

10b)  Now they are on separate paths
--After snake, Russell gets Butterfly #2.
--MrF gets Momento #2 from flying-bird.

10c)  On same ledge again
--MrF ges Momento #3.
--swing across and get Momento #4 from flying-bird.

***&&&***There is a place for the GRAPPLE that we do not yet have.  This is 
Butterfly #3 which you will be missing initially.

10d)  On final ledge, 
--get Rolly-Polly into net or off ledge
--Russell gets Butterfly #4.
--Lift MrF, and he gets Momento #5.

10e)  Use TT
--TT Russell up
--MrF comes over to Kevin the bird
--Kevin the bird and Russell push gray box, then both Russell and MrF come 
--Russell gets Butterfly #7.

10f)  Go back to TT
--Russell gets Butterfly #5.
--Take 1st floating (up/down) rock backwards for Butterfly #6 and Momento #6 
from a Hopping-Frog.  Be careful to not get this too close to pillars.

10g)  Push large gray box down again and jump across.
-- Russell gets Butterfly #8.
--Up on ledge, find Momento #7 and Momento #8 is in a flying-bird.

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   4:30  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

Item(s) needed to ?really finish? the chapter:  	GRAPPLE

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***


11a)  Start near golf balls
--you will not have GOLF  CLUB until after Chapter 12.  This is Momento #1.
--Hopping-frog has Momento #2.

11b)  Use Dug to open the gate
--across from where Dug opened the gate, jump left of lever for Butterfly #1.

11c)  Swing across near the GRAPPLE message (you will not have this until 
after Chapter 17). Get Butterfly #2 and Momento #3
--Jump down, go across, and go down for Butterfly #3.

11d)  TT Russell up and then get MrF across Rock-wall.
--Either have MrF get this before rope or after, but get Momento #4 from the 
start of the ledge.  You cannot spring them both up at once, so ultimately, 
this needs to be Russell.
--Have Russell hold rope to get MrF across the wall.  Kick away from wall 
with ?x?.

11e)  Have both MrF and Russell cross another log
--Russell gets Butterfly #4.

11f)  The cage with the lever
--Using cage, get Momento #5 with MrF and Butterfly #5 with Russell from 
right platform.
--Go up to left and cross wall.  Then cross tight rope.
--Russell gets Butterfly #6.

11g)  Use the Pick-Axe.  Russell has to use, but MrF can come for ride.
--Using PICK-AXE, get Momento #6 and Butterfly #7.
--Use PICK-AXE again from raised rock to go up near waterfall.
--HOWEVER, get the flying-bird with Momento #7 before you go under waterfall 
with LATERN.
--After going under water, find Momento #8 and Butterfly #8.

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   4:20  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

Item(s) needed to ?really finish? the chapter:  	GRAPPLE and GOLF CLUB 

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    12.  RIVER RAFTING                     *

More rafting.  Don?t touch orange plants or alligators.


Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

       Time Needed: 5:55   Time Have: ____   Do you have the timing run?   NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    13.  NEVER, NEVER, NEVER               *
The bulldog says ?Tell me where the bird is? and Russell says ?Never, Never, 
Never!?.  This is a boss fight with the bulldogs and his minions.  You need 
the golf club that you just received in Chapter 12 to complete this.  You 
have to figure out how to get MrF up to hit the balls 3 times.  

13a)  Round 1
--Minion dogs attack.  If you HAVE purchased DeterrrentPower already but do 
not currently have it turned on, by all means hit Start/Cheats and activate 
it! This eliminates the small dog problem almost instantly.  
--After a few seconds(?), rocks will allow us to move forward.
--Have MrF go hit boss with a golf ball.  He can do this part by himself.

13b)  Round 2
--Minion dogs fall into water right away if you have powers turned on.  
Otherwise, figure out how to get rid of the dogs if you don?t use the 
-- You would think Russell could boost MrF here, but alas, no.  After a few 
seconds (?),  the crate on top falls.  Push it over so MrF can hit the boss 
dog again.  I think either character can push the crate here.  

13c)  Round 3
--Minion dogs, blah, blah, blah
--Here is what we need to do.  HeavyWeight Russell can push the crate all by 
himself.  If you don?t have this ability (and activated), then I think both 
of them can push.  It is a ?lesser crate?, but you have to push w/ two if 
Russell does not have this ability yet because there is an obstacle in the 
way that needs to be crushed...
--Now, MrF needs to stand on circle and Russell needs to push crate on top of 
?steam? to make circle rise.  MrF can now end the battle.

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

   Time Needed: 2:30   Time Have: __2:20__  Do you have the timing run?   NO

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    14.  UP-LIFT                           *
More house jumping.


Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

   Time Needed: 4:05   Time Have: ____      Do you have the timing run?   NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    15.  THE WAY THROUGH THE WIND          *
Here, Russell has to carry the entire house which is attached to a single 
rock.  You can set this down, but you cannot move forward too far without it.

15a)  Get initial MOs, BFs, and then move rock up to top of cliff
--Pick up rock
--MrF should go first and make big cat go off ledge (also for purpose of 
avoiding snakes).
--Get bird on ropes for MrF.  This is Momento #1.
--Go to rope on right of screen and go across (both).  Butterfly #1 is here.  
--At end of platform, MrF goes up and helps Russell up too.  Go into dark 
cave w/ MrF LANTERN and get Butterfly #2. 
--Move house up w/ cage and lever.
--Get bird w/ Momento #2 on the ropes.
--Move forward until there is a flower and a turning point and Butterfly #3.

15b)  Get rid of Rolly-Polly and move rock up a platform.
--Get the Rolly-Polly into the net if you can.  Then move forward.
--Move rock to platform behind the gray box.  Let MrF lead to stop the snake.
--Push gray box over steam to raise platform with rock.
--MrF finds Momento #3 on side ropes near gray box.
--Russell and MrF both need to go to top platform using ropes to get 
Butterfly #5 and Momento #4.
--When they both go up to get rock from platform, Russell also finds 
Butterfly #4.

15c)  Move rock forward with Russell and then get MrF up to have Kevin the 
bird move boxes (Here we received a Q&A answer that was quite helpful).
--MrF needs to activate the bird.  
--Bird needs to jump from ?pink landing pads? to ?pink landing pads?.  Bird 
can move boxes using ?o? to push or pull just like Russell and MrF. 
--Have bird move a box to steamvent on left and another over the middle 
--Have Russell move rock over 2 raised platforms and stop.
--Have bird move box on far left to vent on far right.  Now Russell can 
finish going across.
--Release the bird and have Carl go across the tight rope, although it sounds 
like he can also jump across.

15d)  Get past monkey
--Run behind platform with golfballs and boost MrF up.  Hit monkey with golf 
balls until gone.  
--Russell can help slow down monkey with his mirror (optional, but helpful).
--Now we can move forward; bird on right has Momento #5.

15d)  TT and bats
--Now we need to get MrF up to use his Golf Club and/or Russell needs to use 
his mirror on bats.
--Springboard Russell up.  If he has ?PrimeOfLife? activated, then he can 
move the crate by himself.
--Otherwise, he needs to get MrF across a Rockwall to help.  Ultimately, both 
need to go up with the GRAPPLE after Chapter 17.  This is where we get 
Momento #6 and Butterfly #6.
--Rusell uses his PICK-AXE to swing on the wall over to where he needs to go.  
If Russell has ?Prime Of Life? activated, this allows you to push big crates 
with Russell ONLY eliminating the need to do that hideous wall.

15e) another monkey 
--if you can get to the golf balls, there is another monkey to take out.  
--Russell may be able to help with mirror.
--After monkey is gone, get Momento #7 and Butterfly #7.

15f) box at end of path.
--then there is a box at the end of the path. Put ball on box. Not only can 
Kevin pull, but Russell can too! Move the box to ledge and move forward just 
a bit and put ball down again. 
--look across the canyon to find Momento #8 up on the cliff ahead.

15g)  Have Dug push the crate down to move forward.
--Now you get to use Dug! Use MrF to activate (Russell needs to defend the 
--look for the "pink floral landing/take-off pads" and make dog jump to 
--After defending with Russell?s mirror, jump the dog to cage and open with 
--go in with dog and have him push the crate off.
--Russell gets Butterfly #8 

15g) Teeter Totter
--Now there is one last teeter-tooter. Place ball on end. Spring rock across. 
--Now you are done! 

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   11:30  Time Have: ____    Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO
Item(s) needed to ?really finish? the chapter:  	
	GRAPPLE; come back after Ch 17.

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    16.  REUNION                           *
16a)  Get MrF and Russell down separate paths.
--MrF gets Momento #1.
--Russell gets Butterfly #1 

16b)  Stop before jump where snake was
--Russell gets Butterfly #2 

16c)  MrF golfs away bats for Russell (time I).
--MrF is near a snake; Russell gets Butterfly #3.
--bird on side has Momento #2
--Before getting on TT, MrF gets Momento #3.
--MrF on end of TT; Russell climbs up to Kevin the bird
--Kevin the bird jumps and then springs MrF on the TT (one-way trip).

16d) in area for MAGNIFYING GLASS
--MrF gets Momento #4 (after Chapter 24)
--golf more bats away (time II)
--Russell gets Butterfly #4.

16e) swing-rope to Dug and gate
--MrF gets Momento #5.
--Dug goes through gate

16f)  golf more bats away (time III)
--MrF gets Momento #6 from bird

16g)  Another Rock-wall
--Russell gets Butterfly #5
--MrF gets Momento #7.

16h)  Russell near snake
--Russell gets Butterfly #6.
--Russell gets Butterfly #7.
--golf more bats (time IV); MrF gets Momento #8 from bird.
--Russell gets Butterfly #8.  Russell and MrF are now back together!

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   5:06  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

Item(s) needed to ?really finish? the chapter: 	MAGNIFYING GLASS

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    17.  FETCH!                            *
Item(s) obtained when chapter is completed (shows on map):   GRAPPLE 

17a)  We are chasing the house
--Back dog off cliff
--Swing-rope across
--Russell gets Butterfly #1.

17b)  Swing-rope again
--Russell gets Butterfly #2.
--MrF gets Momento #1 from the flying-bird.

17c) Cross Log (if 2 are playing, player #2 should ?drop out?)
--golf bats away
--swing across 
--Bird has Momento #2.

17d) go past snake
--golf monkey away
--run up ramp and swing past where monkey was standing
--tight-rope w/ MrF b/c of snake
--catch bird and get Momento #3.

17e)  house moves again
--Rolly-Polly.  (We have discovered that sometimes you can just run past 
these if there is no net.)
--Russell gets Butterfly #3.

17f)  Switch to Dug.
--Dug jumps across and then pushes crate.
--Jump across w/ MrF b/c of snake
--Russell gets Butterfly #4.
--catch bird and get Momento #4.

17g)  Swing-rope then tight-rope
--use mirror first on bats
--avoid falling rocks
--MrF finds Momento #5.
--MrF finds Momento #6.
--Russell gets Butterfly #5.

17h)  Swing-rope to platform
--avoid Rolly-Polly and rocks
--tight-rope to Momento #7 (on right side).
--Russell gets Butterfly #6 and jumping again he gets Butterfly #7.

17i)  Swing-rope 
--kill bats
--MrF finds Momento #8.
--Russell gets Butterfly #8.


Item(s) obtained when chapter is completed (shows on map):  GRAPPLE

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   6:18  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    18.  RIVER PERSUIT                                              *
More rafting.


Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

    Time Needed: 5:10   Time Have: _____   Do you have the timing run?   NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    19.  FETCH PART II                     *
19a)  Get off raft
--have MrF lead; pass the snake
--jump down to left using rocks in water to get Momento #1.
--pass some boulders; avoid black spots; have MrF get rid of big cat
--back up to get Momento #2 at beginning of platform
--Russell gets Butterfly #1

19b)  jump to next ledge at flower take-off point
--cross swing-rope; you may need to scare bats first
--left is a ledge with a bird that has Momento #3.

19c) jump up to next platform
--get Momento #4 (down rocks off the main path)

19d) jump down to next platform
--scare big cat
--run to end, jump up and up & then go backwards w/ MrF around orange hedges 
to get Momento #5.
--back where we jumped up, run forward avoiding black where rock falls
--Russell gets Butterfly #2 and Butterfly #3 on this ledge.
--Golf the bats away.

19e) use Russell?s GRAPPLE to go across
--MrF should lead then b/c of snake and porcupine
--Russell gets Butterfly #4; bird has Momento #6.

19f) Use swing-branch
--Russell gets Butterfly #5.
--Bird has Momento #7.

19g)  Cross log
--go back to cliff and have MrF use swing-branch to get Momento #8.
--dark cave behind the swing-branch has Russell?s Butterfly #6.

19h)  move forward
--avoid RollyPolly
--swing-branch across
--Russell gets Butterfly #7.
--avoid snake

19i) go up hill 
--run to end and hop right to avoid the rock
--Russell gets Butterfly #8.
--Run to end to Alpha.  Now you meet Muntz.

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   4:18  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***
*    20.  SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE               *
From the movie:
   MrF:  Great, we are now running from our childhood hero!  What a joke.
   Dug:  Want to hear a joke?  A squirrel is dead because he did not store 
provisions for the winter.  It is funny because a squirrel is dead!  :)

This is another birdrun with Kevin.  Turn off HeavyWeightRussell.


Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

   Time Needed: 1:50   Time Have: ____  Do you have the timing run?  NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

So, we successfully escape with the Kevin the bird.  The bird is now injured, 
and we are going to help her because she just save us.  Now we get into a dog 
fight.  Again, this is not like the movie here.

Boss fight (repeat this 3 times).
1) chase minion dogs off of cliff
2) have Russell get the rock and then place on TT; stay away from ?black 
3) TT the rock to hit Alpha


Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

   Time Needed: 2:30   Time Have: ____  Do you have the timing run?  NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

More house jumping.  Turn off ?heavy cheats?.  Move house to Paradise Falls.


Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

   Time Needed: 4:45   Time Have: ____  Do you have the timing run?  NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    23.    RELEASE RUSSELL                 *
23a)  Move house to Spirit of Adventure
--Dug jumps and lowers ramp.  There are no Butterflies in this level
--go down to find Momento #1; later, we will just go UP for timing runs.
--go up and across panels that open periodically
--use switch to lower the plane and then cross it

23b)  move forward
--jump to wooden platforms
--have Dug jump to metal to lower

23c)  advance past swinging yellow object
--use golf balls to get Momento #2.
--now go left and jump on platform
--bird here has Momento #3; make sure you get this before going down cartoon 

23d)  After down hole
--get Momento #4.
--Dug goes on separate path.  Needs to hit switch to lower plane for MrF
--MrF needs to hit a switch for Dug

23e)  At end of path, they join
--MrF gets Momento #5.
--Push gray box, jump up, and then go down cartoon hole.

23f)  Both MrF and Dug need to run to avoid barrels and then hop right.
--Dug goes thru and hits the door switch
--MrF gets Momento #6.
--Bird on the platform has Momento #7.
--switch opens gate; go down cartoon hole again.

23g)  Proceed forward
--In lit room, there is a bird with Momento #8.
--In dark room, have Dug move box so MrF can get on it.
--Dug pushes/pulls box to other ledge.  Get Russell.

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   3:35  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    24.   OPERATION FREEBIRD               *
Item obtained when chapter is completed (shows on map):  MAGNIFYING GLASS

24a)  Start in big room
--lever gets ramp down
--Momento #1 is on floor in corner behind lever
--Butterfly #1 is on platform w/ lever

24b)  Go up ramp
--avoid steam
--Russell gets Butterfly #2.
--Russell uses GRAPPLE to swing over steam; MrF follows

24c)  Run down ramp into big room
--Momento #2 is on floor near back railing
--Scare dogs into big hole in center
--spring MrF up using TT for Momento #3.
--spring someone up on other side of TT for switch #1
--push box to other ledge for Butterfly #3 and 2nd switch; go through cartoon 

24d)  Russell & MrF both go down lift
--Russell gets Butterfly #4 and goes back up
--Now use rope to get MrF across steam and electicity
--Russell comes down when lever is used
--Russell gets Butterfly #5
--MrF comes up for Momento #4 and then goes back down.

24e)  hop across electricity ramp
--use golf balls to lower ramp
--first get bird with Momento #5
--Russell gets Butterfly #6; go across and into hole

24f)  cut scene
--Russell gets Butterfly #7
--MrF gets Momento #7 up on boxes in room
--MrF gets Momento #6 on the floor
--Russell gets Butterfly #8
--go up and across and into red room
--get hoping frog for Momento #8; you may have to try more than once to 
--leave room and find Kevin

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   4:00  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    25.   ADVENTURE IS HERE                *

25a)  Run through red room
--first, get Butterfly #2
--use MAGNIFYING GLASS and get Butterfly #1
--move gray box at end of path and follow Kevin
--cross tight-wire and get bird with Momento #1
--jump right for Russell?s Butterfly #3.
--at end swing-rope, send ONLY Russell across & then jump back to get 
Butterfly #4 and then send MrF to get Momento #2 in similar manner; if you 
aren?t careful, they will exit the room.

25b)  Cross chain-ropes
--Russell gets Butterfly #5
--bird has Momento #3
--2nd bird has Momento #5
--Russell gets Butterfly #6
--Momento #4 is on top of boxes
--go forward to window

25c)  after window
--MrF gets Momento #6
--spring someone up on TT & use switch to raise bridge
--go up for Momento #7
--Russell gets Butterfly #7 on boxes
--activate Dug and hop up boxes
--activate Kevin and hop up
--both Kevin and Dug push the box off the ledge
--Russell and MrF go up
--bird has Momento #8
--go up and get Butterfly #8 between the steam blasts
--have one go all the way through and the other will follow

Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

Time Needed:   4:50  Time Have: ____     Do you have the timing run?     NO	
Butterflies:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO
Momentos:     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8     Do you have 8/8 (use Select)?   NO 
Bug Trophy:	If you have it, you don?t need to redo; have the Bug Trophy? NO

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    26.   MUNTZ BUNCH                      *
Run to avoid the planes chasing you.  There are 3 separate ?levels?.


Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

   Time Needed: 1:50   Time Have: ____  Do you have the timing run?  NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

*    27.   SKIES OVER PARADISE              *

Dog Fight;  this is the final chapter, but then you can go back and finish 
other chapters if you want to finish checkmark items on the map.  Otherwise, 
you are done now.  We could not get chapter to show as ?finished? and never 
got last 100 points that we didn?t need anyway?

Shoot planes.  Use R1 to speed up.  Use ?o? to shoot.  Third phase is to 
shoot the motors on the blimp.


Needed to complete chapter (circle don?t haves; cross out NO when done):

   Time Needed: 4:45   Time Have: ____  Do you have the timing run?  NO	

*** end of level.  X% complete at this point ***

I finished this with all items and was at 99%.  If you don?t get the timing 
run on the first try, I don?t think it ever records it.  We could beat the 
time, but not make it show as completed.


--Falling, missing a jump, not jumping to swing-ropes, swing-branches, 
getting caught in nets, etc.  duh.  Get some fruit if you get ?sloppy?.
--Any ORANGE PLANT.   Avoid them.  That last Momento you want on level 1, you 
won?t get it initially; don?t try.  Cheat #4 for $400 makes this stop, but 
there are better things to spend your money on.
--SNAKES.  Use Russell mirror which is easy from the distance; MrF can NOT do 
this initially, but later can w/ cheat #6 for $500.
--PORCUPINES; either Russell or MrF can use weapon; Russell is better from 
far away (the plan ahead approach); MrF better from close-range if they 
surprise you.
--Nasty MONKEY THAT THROWS THINGS AT YOU; avoid this; so far, Russell can 
very, very temporarily *stun* the monkey, but that doesn?t last long, so run 
fast! Here is where 2 players are very nice to have, but not necessary;  
Russell can defend while Mr-I?m-pokey-and-I?ll-make-you-go-back-too can be 
hard to get through the onslaught.  If you are in the raft, stop behind rocks 
if he is already throwing; paddle like crazy and steer straight if he hasn?t 
seen you.  Later, we are able to permanently get rid of some of these monkeys 
after we have the Golf Club (after Chapter 12) whenever the game is nice 
enough to give you a pile of golf balls too.
--BATS are similar in that the Golf Club can take them out IF they give you 
golf balls.  Otherwise, Russell can temporarily get rid of them, but they 
come back.  When ?scaling a wall?, the answer lies in TIMING your moves 
--Most DOGS and BIG CATS.  DUG is the only nice dog in this game, at least 
initially.  Back these things up into a net if present OR back them off a 
cliff OR back them into some water.  You are pretty much not moving forward 
until you pull this off.
--the ROLLY-POLLY (ugh)  If these things start to go ?puff-puff?, be prepared 
to jump out of the way (and fill health often).  Much like mean dogs and big 
cats, you need to trick these things into a net if present OR back them off a 
cliff OR back them into some water.  You are pretty much not moving forward 
until you pull this off.
--the RED ANT (ugh)  If these things are blocking your path, you definitely 
need to figure out how to distract them with a big piece of fruit.  This 
looks like a yellow ball that is larger than the fruit you eat and Russell 
can pick it up and carry it near them and drop it or sometimes we put on end 
of TT and launch it over where it needs to be.  The Insecticide cheat also 
works sometimes.
--BATS.  They hang out in dark places and they will basically beat the living 
daylights out of you if you do NOT have MrF and the LANTERN with you.

I?ve learned that I am SO GRATEFUL for all the FAQ ?solutions to problems? 
and ?help finding all the items and bonuses?, etc for other PS/2 games that I 
got from this site that I am willing to write a FAQ because none existed.  
There are few things worse than having a cool new game and not being able to 
get out of level 1.  Not fun.  Or you find something that you won?t be able 
to use for many levels to come.

I?ve learned there are at least 3 game slots, but you are only playing ONE 
game at any time.  If you start games for 2 people at the same time, you are 
ONLY playing THE ONE Profile that you initially ?Load? when you start the 

The game SAVES AUTOMATICALLY for you.  There is no way to save anything 
yourself, I think, when you are ready to quit.  It ?temporarily? saves when 
you get to a ?check-point?, and then permanently on your memory card when you 
FINISH A CHAPTER.  This is when you see the ?balloons?.  I want to say the 
only way to keep the game the way it looked at the time that  you started if 
you are about to finish a Chapter is to switch the memory card BEFORE you get 
to the end of the chapter (before balloons show up at all).  I haven?t tried 
this yet, but I think will work.

I?ve learned that if you ?setup? a 2nd profile but did nothing at that time 
(but Russell catches his Butterfly first?), the circle on the very first rock 
that needs to be pushed into the water may be ?missing? when you go back in 
and try to play, and then you can?t go anywhere on this game.  Delete the bad 
profile and start over.

I?ve learned that the MAGNIFYING GLASS is NOT in Chapter 1 at all, and you 
don?t get it until after Chapter 24.  If you attempt to use Russell?s mirror 
here, you may very well lock the game up and have to start over; I advise 
against this move.

I?ve learned that some ?cheats? are more useful than others, so be careful to 
buy the one you really need if ?points? that you have are limited.  #2 and #3 
are visual or sound ?effects? only, and I find, not too useful.  You can only 
BUY a ?cheat? after you acquire enough ?points? to buy it.  At some point, 
you will have nothing left that you can buy, but some cheats are better to 
buy sooner than some of the other options because you will need them.

I?ve learned that if you are running on the bird (Ch 6. Tally Ho! OR Chapter 
20. Persuit),  that you want to turn ?HeavyRussell? OFF if it is on or it 
WILL hurt you completion time.  This is also true for the ?house moving? 

I?ve learned that there is a Cheat (#1) that you only get by winning all bug 
trophies.  This is very cool to have if you are trying to complete the timing 
runs because it gives Full Life which means you never need to stop to get 
fruit.  There are also 4 ABC codes that are in the ?Cheats? section of 
Gamefaqs (listed with other cheats in Cheats section).

You acquire 100 points for (1) finishing a chapter, (2) getting 8/8 
butterflies or 8/8 momentos, (3) getting a bug trophy, (4) getting a timing 
run.  There are over 10,800 possible points, but you really only need 3,700 
of them to get all of the Cheats.  Then, it is just a matter of personal 

You acquire new Cheats in the ?Profile? section of the game.  Go into 
?Bonuses? to acquire new cheats with your remaining points.  You can do this 
after finishing a chapter and before starting a new one.

Once acquired, you have to turn acquired cheats on EVERY time you load the 
profile.  You can also instantly turn them ON or OFF as needed using the 
?Start / Cheats? options.

You don?t get to see Dug often.  You don?t get to see Kevin often.  When you 
do run into them, figure out how they want you to use them.

Both MrF and Russell can swing together at the same time on vines and 
branches, and later, from the PICK-AXE and GRAPPLE which only Russell has.  
If you do this right, they can both dismount at once too if playing as a 
single person.

Not only can the bird ?pull?, but so can Russell and MrF.  To push or pull, 
stand next to crate and press ?o? and move in desired direction.

You have to finish the entire level or you don?t get credit for anything you 
have found or won.

Sometimes bugs are accessible by any player, and other times both characters 
are required to start a bug competition.  The trophy shows by the person 
currently winning, and you have to finish the level to get the trophy.  You 
only need to get the trophy once.  If Player 2 beats you, you do not get the 

You have to go all the way to the END of a level to keep any butterflies, 
Momentos, or Bug Trophy that you have completed!  So, you can?t just go back 
in, get item, and leave; you have to finish the level again if you want to 
keep what you found (but you don?t get more points on a replay).  Once you 
have any of the 8 butterflies or 8 Momentos saved, you no longer have to get 
the item if played again (no longer there).  If you quit before finishing 
level, you will have to get the item(s) again?  Use Select to see which 
Butterflies or Momentos you have.

When near a flower, quickly check F2 to see if you need any fruit before you 
bother to pull it out of ground.  You won?t be able to do certain things if 
this runs too low.  I don?t know how long you can ignore before the send you 
back to start of level.  

If Russell attempts to move the ball by himself in Chapter 15, it makes you 
stop and figure out what you did wrong before you can move again.  They scold 
you and send you back to try again.

If you can?t get to a Butterfly Russell wants or a Momento that MrF wants 
when you see it, that means you NEED something that you do NOT currently have 
(if you get close, they tell you what you need in text).  This means that you 
cannot get 8/8 items at the end on this trip, but you will save the ones you 
found when finishing the level.  

In a Timing Run, ignore any bugs and run as mistake-free as possible through 
the level.  This is next to impossible to achieve on some levels without 2 
people because the second character is slow on a Timing Run when you are ?on 
the bird?, for goodness sakes, turn Russell?s HeavyWeight Cheat OFF when you 
attempt to do this or the bird is carrying a LOT of extra weight (hello?).  
This is also true for ?house moving? chapters.

Abbreviations I sometimes use in this FAQ (but often spell out) 
MrF=Mr Carl Fredrickson
BF=Butterfly         aka, Russell?s Butterflies
MO=Momento           aka, Carl?s Momentos, aka MrF?s ?Pictures?




CHEATS (the bold ones are my favorites)

OrderCostName you learn after you buy the cheat
==1   N/A   Win all trophies; you won?t have this until the end; FULLLIFE
==2   200   Drenched Sole (sound effect)
==3   300   Old Movie (visual effect)
==4   400   Feather Weight (Plants no longer eat you)
==5   400   Russell Heavyweight (Russell can use TT without climbing a ledge)
==6   500   Deterrent Power (Carl can take some enemies to flight)
==7   500   Momentos Detector (Carl beeps when close to collectible)
==8   600   Insecticide (Russell can repel red ants!)
==9   800   Prime of Life (Russell can push huge crates by himself!)
==ABC AVIATORGOGGLES; we don?t know IF we need these, but we put them on
==ABC BUTTERFLY; attracts butterflies to Russell
==ABC CARLHEAVYWEIGHT; teeter-totter only; NOT solo big crates
==ABC BALLOONPARTY; visual effect only; pretty cool, but somewhat distracting

The four ABC codes were actually already in the ?Cheats? section since May 09 
on site.


***Skip this paragraph if you are past the first obstacle in Chapter 1: ***
I think we fell into the trap in chapter 1 where you are not able to cross 
the very first obstacle at all because ?circle? is not given as an option at 
all.  This seems to happen if you previously left the game before 
successfully crossing the water; I answered this in Q&A, but if you make a 
new profile and don?t at least get across the water initially and you can NOT 
move forward at all because there is NO circle on the rocks now...  The 
answer here is to DELETE the broken profile and START OVER.  You have not 
really completed anything at this point, so this will just take a few minutes 
if you need to do this.  I can see how people can run into this and just stop 

*** Skip the paragraph if you are already past the Chapter 15: ***
While playing the game so far, I too, got stuck in Chapter 15 which is where 
it looks like a lot of people are struggling.  Thanks to solutions out there 
in Q&A, ?I have only seen further by standing on the shoulders of giants? ?
Sir Isaac Newton.

I think that the others that started to play this in summer of ?09 got stuck 
in Chapter 15 because that is where the Q&A questions seem to dead-end.  I am 
now through Chapter 15 (finally!) thanks to the clues from others...  (as of 
01/24/2010)  This Chapter is very hard; only start this if you have at least 
an hour on your hands if you?ve never completed the game before.  Ultimately, 
you have to do this in 11:30 minutes.

A Wilderness Explorer is always ready!  CAW! CAW! RAAR!

** Questions on the Q&A board when I started writing this FAQ.      **
** Only Chapter 15 had 2 useful pieces of info when I started this. **  

****  Question  **** 
Okay, I am having trouble in the part that Carl has to switch to Kevin to 
make Kevin move the boxes... Well, thats where I'm stuck. How do you move the 
boxes and in what order? Please explain.  Thanks and greatly appreciated, 

*********** Answer ********
From: liralenli 7/1 8:18PM 
The way my son and I did it was we had Kevin put a box on the leftmost spout. 
Then move the box on the right to the middle. That raises two platforms that 
Russell can cross with his rock. While Russell is standing on the middle 
platform, make Kevin go to the leftmost box, push at it from the back using 
the circle button and while still holding the circle button, make Kevin back 
up and pull the box. Then he can push that box to the right most spout and 
the right most platform 
should rise and Russell can go the rest of the way. Have Kevin go back to 
Carl and Carl can actually jump right to the middle platform.

****  Question  ****
I am stuck in the part where there are three bats flying around a hook (for 
Russell). There is also a seesaw, a wire task, a box visible in the vicinity. 
but I don't know how to go about this.. please help!

*********** Answer ********
bday_cs 6/11 8:29PM
Recharge Mr. F with the fruit, then have him go over to the see-saw. Have him 
on the right side. If you are over right enough, the bats don't seem to 
bother him. Recharge Russell with the fruit, have him also jump over by the 
seesaw on the far right. Then have him zap the bats away, and immediately 
have Russell jump on the left side. This will cause the see saw to tip so 
that Mr. F is on the high side. Now you can jump to the right, and climb up 
the ledge. You have to do this before the bats come back. Up there Mr. F can 
golf away the bats for good. After that you can have Mr. jump back onto the 
see saw with Russell on it to flip him over to the hook. Don't forget you'll 
need the fruits to stay healthy enough to climb / hang-on.  Good luck.

****  Question  **** 
Reyshin 7/6 12:56AM

*** Answer ***
Well... leave the rock on the ground first. There's a cliff with vines and a 
crate on it that can only be pushed by 2 people. Get Carl to go on top of the 
platform on the right of the see-saw. Have Russell stand on the left end of 
the see-saw, jump Carl off the platform to the right end of the see-saw, 
boosting Russell to the top of the cliff. Lower a rope down the cliff to 
Carl, have him climb it onwards to the top of the cliff.
Now both should be on top of the cliff, get both to the crate, push it down 
to the ravine. Now jump down to the ground. Carry the rock through the top of 
the crate you just dropped, and now you should be on the other side of the 
ravine WITH THE ROCK.  But the problem I haven't figured out is how to get 
Carl to the high platform on the right.
*** I answered rest of Chapter 15; see Chapter 15 ***