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Armor / Weapons Guide

by Gundam4Fun

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      "Even the mightiest foe has a weakness." - Diana, Romancing Saga.


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                       ROMANCING SAGA: Minstrel Song
                          ARMOR and WEAPONS GUIDE
                       March 20, 2006 - Version 1.6
           Created by Carlos M. (Gundam4Fun - [email protected])

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS 

    DISCLAIMER                                                    [DISC]

    VERSION HYSTORY AND UPDATES                                   [VERS]

    INTRODUCTION                                                  [INTR]

    EQUIPMENT                                                     [EQ00]

    1. SHIELDS                                                    [SH00]

       1.01 - Great Shield                                        [SH01]
       1.02 - Scion's Shield                                      [SH02]
       1.03 - Knight's Shield                                     [SH03]
       1.04 - Buckler                                             [SH04]
       1.05 - Rosalian Shield                                     [SH05]
       1.06 - Targe                                               [SH06]
       1.07 - Mirror Shield                                       [SH07]
       1.08 - Earthenguard                                        [SH08]
       1.09 - Bafalian Targe                                      [SH09]
       1.10 - Tower Shield                                        [SH10]
       1.11 - Templar's Shield                                    [SH11]
       1.12 - Rondache                                            [SH12]
       1.13 - Garal Shield                                        [SH13]
       1.14 - Dragonscale Shield                                  [SH14]
       1.15 - Vernie Shield                                       [SH15]
       1.16 - Hand of Marda                                       [SH16]
       1.17 - Sterling Shield                                     [SH17]

    2. HELMS                                                      [HL00]

       2.01 - Headband                                            [HL01]
       2.02 - Avi's Feather                                       [HL02]
       2.03 - Aquamarine                                          [HL03]
       2.04 - Opal                                                [HL04]
       2.05 - Emerald                                             [HL05]
       2.06 - Cap                                                 [HL06]
       2.07 - Sailor's Bandana                                    [HL07]
       2.08 - Salty Bandana                                       [HL08]
       2.09 - Light Helm                                          [HL09]
       2.10 - Lovely Headdress                                    [HL10]
       2.11 - Ignigarde                                           [HL11]
       2.12 - Eule's Hat                                          [HL12]
       2.13 - Parade Helm                                         [HL13]
       2.14 - Enamel Bicorn Hat                                   [HL14]
       2.15 - Silver Mask                                         [HL15]
       2.16 - Vernie Helm                                         [HL16]
       2.17 - Beast's Helm                                        [HL17]
       2.18 - Faeries's Crown                                     [HL18]
       2.19 - Bird Helm                                           [HL19]
       2.20 - Mystic Stone Mask                                   [HL20]
       2.21 - Fashionable Helm                                    [HL21]
       2.22 - Garal Helm                                          [HL22]

    3. CHEST PIECE                                                [CP00]

       3.01 - Shirt                                               [CP01]
       3.02 - Fur Vest                                            [CP02]
       3.03 - Mage's Robe                                         [CP03]
       3.04 - Pelt                                                [CP04]
       3.05 - Cloth Armor                                         [CP05]
       3.06 - Devil Hide                                          [CP06]
       3.07 - Firebeast Hide                                      [CP07]
       3.08 - Sage's Robe                                         [CP08]
       3.09 - Leather Jerkin                                      [CP09]
       3.10 - Bone Breastplate                                    [CP10]
       3.11 - Shimmering Sand Robe                                [CP11]
       3.12 - Protector                                           [CP12]
       3.13 - Scarlet Robe                                        [CP13]
       3.14 - Black Robe                                          [CP14]
       3.15 - Gothic Armor                                        [CP15]
       3.16 - Live Silk                                           [CP16]
       3.17 - Shell Armor                                         [CP17]
       3.18 - Beast's Mail                                        [CP18]
       3.19 - Astral Coat                                         [CP19]
       3.20 - Alligator Armor                                     [CP20]
       3.21 - Vernie Mail                                         [CP21]
       3.22 - Rigid Leather                                       [CP22]
       3.23 - Stone Brigandine                                    [CP23]
       3.24 - Battle Mage Armor                                   [CP24]
       3.25 - Hydraskin Vest                                      [CP25]
       3.26 - Blue Elf                                            [CP26]
       3.27 - Vernie Armor                                        [CP27]
       3.28 - Chain Mail                                          [CP28]
       3.29 - Black Mail                                          [CP29]
       3.30 - Dragonscale Coat                                    [CP30]
       3.31 - Mirsa's Armor                                       [CP31]
       3.32 - Black Stone Mail                                    [CP32]
       3.33 - Field Plate                                         [CP33]
       3.34 - A'la Melviranna                                     [CP34]
       3.35 - Hauberk of Death                                    [CP35]
       3.36 - Garal Mail                                          [CP36]
       3.37 - Garal Armor                                         [CP37]

    4. GLOVES                                                     [GL00]

       4.01 - Topaz                                               [GL01]
       4.02 - Flameproof Gloves                                   [GL02]
       4.03 - Cyril's Bracers                                     [GL03]
       4.04 - Raincloud Armlet                                    [GL04]
       4.05 - Skull Mantis                                        [GL05]
       4.06 - Harmonia Bracer                                     [GL06]
       4.07 - Ogre Gauntlets                                      [GL07]
       4.08 - Devil Bone Bangle                                   [GL08]
       4.09 - Silver Bracers                                      [GL09]
       4.10 - Leather Gloves                                      [GL10]
       4.11 - Wondrous Bangle                                     [GL11]
       4.12 - Studded Gloves                                      [GL12]
       4.13 - Nymph's Bangle                                      [GL13]
       4.14 - Silver Snake                                        [GL14]
       4.15 - Beast's Bangle                                      [GL15]
       4.16 - Steel Gauntlets                                     [GL16]
       4.17 - Meti's Manifer                                      [GL17]
       4.18 - Vernie Gloves                                       [GL18]
       4.19 - Heavy Gauntlet                                      [GL19]
       4.20 - Vambrances                                          [GL20]
       4.21 - Conqueror Gloves                                    [GL21]
       4.22 - Garal Gloves                                        [GL22]

    5. LEG PIECES                                                 [LP00]

       5.01 - Silent Greaves                                      [LP01]
       5.02 - Leg Warmer                                          [LP02]
       5.03 - Socks                                               [LP03]
       5.04 - Kitten Socks                                        [LP04]
       5.05 - Rubber Soles                                        [LP05]
       5.06 - Chiral Clogs                                        [LP06]
       5.07 - Heeled Shoes                                        [LP07]
       5.08 - Leather Boots                                       [LP08]
       5.09 - Cyclone Shoes                                       [LP09]
       5.10 - Beast's Greaves                                     [LP10]
       5.11 - Long Boots                                          [LP11]
       5.12 - Vernie Shoes                                        [LP12]
       5.13 - Metal Greaves                                       [LP13]
       5.14 - Greaves of Titus                                    [LP14]
       5.15 - Stone Clogs                                         [LP15]
       5.16 - Leg Mail                                            [LP16]
       5.17 - Garal Shoes                                         [LP17]

    6. NECKLACES                                                  [NL00]

       6.01 - Fang Amulet                                         [NL01]
       6.02 - Wing Amulet                                         [NL02]
       6.03 - Bone Amulet                                         [NL03]
       6.04 - Fish Hook                                           [NL04]
       6.05 - Topaz                                               [NL05]
       6.06 - Amethyst                                            [NL06]
       6.07 - Last Leaf                                           [NL07]
       6.08 - Eres's Medallion                                    [NL08]
       6.09 - Amut's Medallion                                    [NL09]
       6.10 - Corpse's Pendant                                    [NL10]
       6.11 - Amber Maleate                                       [NL11]
       6.12 - Talisman                                            [NL12]
       6.13 - Mantra Scarf                                        [NL13]
       6.14 - Lei                                                 [NL14]
       6.15 - Peggy Heart                                         [NL15]
       6.16 - Old Wood Amulet                                     [NL16]
       6.17 - Commemorative Medal                                 [NL17]
       6.18 - Silver Chain                                        [NL18]
       6.19 - Ramox Medallion                                     [NL19]

    7. RINGS                                                      [RG00]

       7.01 - Glamourous Ring                                     [RG01]
       7.02 - Bejeweled Ring                                      [RG02]
       7.03 - Coral Ring                                          [RG03]
       7.04 - Evil Eye Talisman                                   [RG04]
       7.05 - Strom's Ring                                        [RG05]
       7.06 - Black Diamond                                       [RG06]
       7.07 - Diamond                                             [RG07]
       7.08 - Pocket Dragon                                       [RG08]
       7.09 - Silver Ring                                         [RG09]
       7.10 - Pearl Ring                                          [RG10]
       7.11 - Animal Coin                                         [RG11]
       7.12 - Gold Ring                                           [RG12]
       7.13 - Ruby                                                [RG13]
       7.14 - Candy Ring                                          [RG14]
       7.15 - Alabaster Ring                                      [RG15]
       7.16 - Wizard Ring                                         [RG16]
       7.17 - Raw Ore Ring                                        [RG17]
       7.18 - Dragon's Eye                                        [RG18]
       7.19 - Ring of Protection                                  [RG19]
       7.20 - Dragon's Eye (Fixed)                                [RG20]
       7.21 - Guardian's Ring                                     [RG21]

    WEAPONS                                                       [WE00]

    1. FOILS                                                      [FL00]

       1.01 - Fleuret                                             [FL01]
       1.02 - Fleuret +1                                          [FL02]
       1.03 - Dress Sword                                         [FL03]
       1.04 - Dress Sword +1                                      [FL04]
       1.05 - Blazing Sword                                       [FL05]
       1.06 - Silver Fleuret                                      [FL06]
       1.07 - Golden Blade                                        [FL07]
       1.08 - Rapier                                              [FL08]
       1.09 - Vernie Rapier                                       [FL09]
       1.10 - Sword of Earth                                      [FL10]
       1.11 - Espada Ropera                                       [FL11]

    2. SHORT SWORDS                                               [SS00]

       2.01 - Cutlass                                             [SS01]
       2.02 - Chicken Knife                                       [SS02]
       2.03 - Antique Dagger                                      [SS03]
       2.04 - Queen of Swords                                     [SS04]
       2.05 - Gladius                                             [SS05]
       2.06 - Steelgad                                            [SS06]
       2.07 - Hanger                                              [SS07]
       2.08 - Serpentbrand                                        [SS08]
       2.09 - Werewolf                                            [SS09]
       2.10 - Dragonscale Blade                                   [SS10]

    3. LONG SWORDS                                                [LS00]

       3.01 - Junk Sword                                          [LS01]
       3.02 - Single Sword                                        [LS02]
       3.03 - Defender                                            [LS03]
       3.04 - Walloon Sword                                       [LS04]
       3.05 - Minstrel's Sword                                    [LS05]
       3.06 - Back Sword                                          [LS06]
       3.07 - Town Sword                                          [LS07]
       3.08 - Garal Sword                                         [LS08]
       3.09 - Schiavona                                           [LS09]
       3.10 - Farangi                                             [LS10]
       3.11 - Main Gauche                                         [LS11]

    4. GREAT SWORDS                                               [GS00]

       4.01 - Bastard Sword                                       [GS01]
       4.02 - Bastard Sword +1                                    [GS02]
       4.03 - Ogre's Cleaver                                      [GS03]
       4.04 - Rosalian Saber                                      [GS04]
       4.05 - Raksha Sword                                        [GS05]
       4.06 - Blue Saber                                          [GS06]

    5. SCIMITARS                                                  [SC00]

       5.01 - Phantom Sword                                       [SC01]
       5.02 - Crescent Blade                                      [SC02]
       5.03 - Crescent Blade +1                                   [SC03]
       5.04 - Falchion                                            [SC04]
       5.05 - Falchion +1                                         [SC05]
       5.06 - Steelsong                                           [SC06]
       5.07 - Drachenbrand                                        [SC07]
       5.08 - Red Peacock                                         [SC08]
       5.09 - Darque's Sword                                      [SC09]

    6. HAND AXES                                                  [HA00]

       6.01 - Hand Axe                                            [HA01]
       6.02 - Gothic Axe                                          [HA02]
       6.03 - Gothic Axe +1                                       [HA03]
       6.04 - Stone Axe                                           [HA04]
       6.05 - Lady Hawk                                           [HA05]
       6.06 - Throwing Axe                                        [HA06]
       6.07 - Bilqis                                              [HA07]
       6.08 - Epic Hero                                           [HA08]
       6.09 - Cosmo Egg                                           [HA09]

    7. CLUBS                                                      [CL00]

       7.01 - Worthless Club                                      [CL01]
       7.02 - Mace                                                [CL02]
       7.03 - Silver Hammer                                       [CL03]
       7.04 - Warhammer                                           [CL04]
       7.05 - Warhammer +1                                        [CL05]
       7.06 - Cyclone Club                                        [CL06]
       7.07 - Donkey Bone                                         [CL07]
       7.08 - Amber Jack                                          [CL08]

    8. TWO-HANDED SWORDS                                          [TS00]

       8.01 - Zweihander                                          [TS01]
       8.02 - Gothic Sword                                        [TS02]
       8.03 - Flamberge                                           [TS03]
       8.04 - Vernie Sword                                        [TS04]
       8.05 - Morglay                                             [TS05]
       8.06 - Ice Sword                                           [TS06]
       8.07 - Ice Sword +1                                        [TS07]
       8.08 - Sword of Death                                      [TS08]

    9. KATANAS                                                    [KT00]

       9.01 - Rusty Falcata                                       [KT01]
       9.02 - Samurai Sword                                       [KT02]
       9.03 - Samurai Sword +1                                    [KT03]
       9.04 - Katana                                              [KT04]
       9.05 - Katana +1                                           [KT05]
       9.06 - Ogre's Eye                                          [KT06]
       9.07 - Crane Princess                                      [KT07]
       9.08 - Shooting Star                                       [KT08]
       9.09 - Demonbrand                                          [KT09]

   10. TWO-HANDED AXES                                            [TA00]

      10.01 - Broad Axe                                           [TA01]
      10.02 - Battle Axe                                          [TA02]
      10.03 - Axe of Kings                                        [TA03]
      10.04 - Garal Steel Axe                                     [TA04]
      10.05 - Great Axe                                           [TA05]
      10.06 - Vorpal Axe                                          [TA06]
      10.07 - Destroyer                                           [TA07]
      10.08 - Chaosbringer                                        [TA08]

   11. STAVES                                                     [ST00]

      11.01 - Novice's Staff                                      [ST01]
      11.02 - Eule's Staff                                        [ST02]
      11.03 - Holy Staff                                          [ST03]
      11.04 - Eternity Staff                                      [ST04]
      11.05 - Elemental Staff                                     [ST05]
      11.06 - Mage's Staff                                        [ST06]
      11.07 - Quarterstaff                                        [ST07]
      11.08 - Serpent Staff                                       [ST08]

   12. POLE ARMS                                                  [PA00]

      12.01 - Crowbar                                             [PA01]
      12.02 - Monk's Spire                                        [PA02]
      12.03 - Pike                                                [PA03]
      12.04 - Black Spear                                         [PA04]
      12.05 - Halberd                                             [PA05]
      12.06 - Halberd +1                                          [PA06]
      12.07 - Khellendros                                         [PA07]
      12.08 - Yucomb's Trident                                    [PA08]

   13. LANCES                                                     [LA00]

      13.01 - Harpoon                                             [LA01]
      13.02 - Harpoon +1                                          [LA02]
      13.03 - Spear                                               [LA03]
      13.04 - Spear +1                                            [LA04]
      13.05 - Military Fork                                       [LA05]
      13.06 - Garal Spear                                         [LA06]
      13.07 - Military Fork +1                                    [LA07]
      13.08 - Feather Spear                                       [LA08]
      13.09 - Scorpion                                            [LA09]
      13.10 - Malystrix                                           [LA10]

   14. BOWS                                                       [BW00]

      14.01 - Flimsy Bow                                          [BW01]
      14.02 - Hunting Bow                                         [BW02]
      14.03 - Long Bow                                            [BW03]
      14.04 - Long Bow +1                                         [BW04]
      14.05 - Composite Bow                                       [BW05]
      14.06 - Reinforced Bow                                      [BW06]
      14.07 - Vernie Bow                                          [BW07]
      14.08 - Battle Bow                                          [BW08]
      14.09 - Eres' Bow                                           [BW09]
      14.10 - Kjar Bow                                            [BW10]
      14.11 - Wisteria Bow                                        [BW11]

   15. SPECIAL WEAPONS                                            [SW00]

      15.01 - Chalice                                             [SW01]
      15.02 - Obsidian Sword                                      [SW02]

    TEMPERING MATERIALS                                           [TM00]

     1. Buy-able Tempering Materials                              [TM01]
     2. Blacksmith Tempering Materials                            [TM02]
     3. Tempering Materials Data                                  [TM03]
     4. Mining Tempering Materials                                [TM04]

    SOME ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                   [IF00]

     1. Event Rank (ER)                                           [IF01]
     2. Rank Point (RP) and  Battle Rank (BR)                     [IF02]
     3. Battle Rank 10 Monsters                                   [IF03]
     4. Characters Max LP, Initial BP and Max BP Recovery         [IF04]
     5. Mining Spots                                              [IF05]
     6. Brau and Sylvan Techs                                     [IF06]
     7. What's the factors to Deflect and Counter chance?         [IF07]
     8. Sorcery and Necromancy Spells Information                 [IF08]
     9. Treasure Map Items                                        [IF09]
    10. Hit or Miss - The Accuracy Facts                          [IF10]
    11. Weapons and Stats Growth                                  [IF11]
    12. Benedictions                                              [IF12]
    13. Myth or Reality: Gekkabijin                               [IF13]
    14. Unique Weapon Techs                                       [IF14]
    15. Summon a Dinosaur                                         [IF15]
    16. Elemental Lords                                           [IF16]

    SPECIAL THANKS                                                [SPTK]


                             DISCLAIMER [DISC]


    This FAQ is copyrighted (c) 2006 Carlos M. ([email protected]) 
and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, under any circumstances except 
for personal private use.

    It was written specifically for the following websites: WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM, 
WWW.NEOSEEKER.COM and WWW.IGN.COM. Those are the only Internet sites that have 
permission to post this guide and also those are the only 3 sites that I will
send updates.

    It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly 
without advance written permission. In another words, this document may not be
redistributed in any form unless you have obtained permission from the creator
(namely, me).

    Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display
is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

    If you find any mistakes or see any information that may be wrong or 
missing, contact me at [email protected].


                      VERSION HISTORY AND UPDATES [VERS]


   Version 1.0 - February 10, 2006.

   Weapon section is complete. All weapons available in the game are listed.
 Except for the Claymore, I still looking for one. Weapons are listed in
 attack power order, they have basic information, where to buy or find, 
 harmonious materials and blacksmithing steps.

   Version 1.1 - February 13, 2006.

   Start working in the Equipment Section:

   - Added Shields, Helms and Chest Pieces.
   - Added "Some Additional Information" Section 
     Contains information collected from different sources.

   Version 1.2 - February 16, 2006.

   - Added the correct information for using Garal in Armors, as it increase 
     the the weight of the Armor by 58% and not 40%.
   - Added Gloves to Equipment Section.
   - Added some new Information to Battle Rank 10 Monsters [IF03] drop list:
     Ghost Silver (Deep Fish), Ogre Gauntlets (Ogre Lord) and Chunk of Copper 
     (Grayish Slime).

   Version 1.3 - February 17, 2006.

   - Added Leg Pieces to Equipment Section.
   - Granted permission to post this FAQ in their site.

   Version 1.4 - February 22, 2006.

   - Added Necklaces to Equipment Section.

   - Added some additional information:

     - 6. Brau and Sylvan Techs
     - 7. What's the factors to Deflect and Counter chance?

   Version 1.5 - March 13, 2006.

   - Added some additional information:

     -  8. Sorcery and Necromancy Spells Information 
     -  9. Treasure Map Items     
     - 10. Hit or Miss - The Accuracy Facts 
     - 11. Weapons and Stats Growth 
     - 12. Benedictions          
     - 13. Myth or Reality: Gekkabijin 

   Version 1.6 - March 21, 2006.

   - Added Rings to EQUIPMENT Section.

   - Added Mining Tempering Materials to the TEMPERING MATERIALS Section.

   - Added some additional information:

     - 14. Unique Weapon Techs 
     - 15. Summon a Dinosaur 
     - 16. Elemental Lords



                           INTRODUCTION [INTR]


   First of all, Thanks for reading my guide. 

   I write this FAQ to help anyone that want to buy or find a Weapon, Piece 
 of Armor or Tempering Material and really don't know where it can be found.

   This is a guide for all the Weapons and Armors in the game. Not only there
 is the basic information like: Power, DP MOD and DP for weapons and PHY DEF 
 and MAG DEF for armors, but also where you can buy it and for how much or 
 where you can find, like Quest Rewards, Chests (Random, Treasure Map), 
 Monsters Drop, Recruitable Characters.

   For weapons there is also a list of all Harmonious Materials for the given
 weapon and all the steps necessary to upgrade the weapon

   For armors there are notes to what items can be tempered, also in some 
 items I did add how to get that item cheaper using tempering.

   The FAQ also have information on Tempering Materials (where to buy: Stores 
 or Blacksmiths; where to Find, Mine, Trade or Monster Drop).

   Hope everyone can find what they are looking for with this guide.

   Good Luck and Good Hunting!


                              EQUIPMENT [EQ00]



   - Shields are listed by Shield Performance (Blocking).


  Shield Name

  Blocking - Shield Performance (The higher, the better).

  Weight - Shield's Weight.

  EVA - Avoidable Attack types:
        Blunt Resist, Slash Resist, Projectile Resist, Fire Resist, 
        Cold Resist, Electric Resist, Energy Resist, Status Ailment Resist.

  Special: Any special characteristics of the shield.

  Where to obtain (will include one or several of the categories below):

  Buy: where it can be purchased, City (Gold).

  Find: where it can be found (Random Treasure Chest, Treasure Map Item or 
        Enemy Drop), also if the shield is obtained through a quest or if a 
        character starts with the shield.


   - Helms, Chest pieces, Gloves, Leg pieces, Necklace and Rings are listed 
     by Physical Defense (PHY DEF).


  Armor Name

  Stats: PHY DEF/MAG DEF/Weight

         - PHY DEF - Defense against physical attacks.

         - MAG DEF- Defense against magical attacks.

         - Weight - Item's Weight.
  Special: Any special characteristics of the item.

  Where to obtain (will include one or several of the categories below):

  Buy: where the item can be purchased, City (Gold).

  Find: where it can be found (Random Treasure Chest, Treasure Map Item or 
        Enemy Drop), also if the item is obtained through a quest or if a 
        character starts with the specific item.

                              1. SHIELDS [SH00]


   1.01 - Great Shield [SH01]

  Blocking: 10

  Weight: 8

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile.
  Buy: Crystal City (250), South Estamir (250), North Estamir (275),
       Bruelle (275), Eugenstadt (275).  

  Find: Frielei, Galahad, Raphael starting equipment.
        Treasure Cave Treasure Chest.
        Random Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.


   1.02 - Scion's Shield [SH02]

  Blocking: 11

  Weight: 9

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile.
  Buy: Eugenstadt (570). 


   1.03 - Knight's Shield [SH03]

  Blocking: 14

  Weight: 8

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile.
  Buy: Mirsaburg (1312), Eugenstadt (1375). 

  Find: Dominion Knight starting equipment.
        Mt. Scurve Treasure Chest.
        Abandoned Keep Treasure Chest.


   1.04 - Buckler [SH04]

  Blocking: 15

  Weight: 3

  EVA: Blunt, Slash.
  Buy: Bruelle (120), South Estamir (120), Godongo (114), Oapu (114),
       Loban - Crystal Cartel (126), Loban - Darconian Merchant (132). 

  Find: Albert, Hawke, Dowd, Amazon, Bafal Fighter, Pirate, Warrior starting


   1.05 - Rosalian Shield [SH05]

  Blocking: 15

  Weight: 9

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile.
  Buy: Crystal City (2497), Loban - Crystal Cartel (2497).


   1.06 - Targe [SH06]

  Blocking: 20

  Weight: 3

  EVA: Blunt, Slash. 
  Buy: Pirate Coast (304), Godongo (304), Bruelle (320), Aurefont (352).

  Find: Random Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.


   1.07 - Mirror Shield [SH07]

  Blocking: 20

  Weight: 6

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile, Fire, Cold, Electric, Energy.

  Special: Nullifies gaze.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.
        Enemy Drop (Turtle Dragon).


   1.08 - Earthenguard [SH08]

  Blocking: 20

  Weight: 3

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile, Electric.

  Buy: Random Treasure Chest.


   1.09 - Bafalian Targe [SH09]

  Blocking: 21

  Weight: 3

  EVA: Blunt, Slash.

  Buy: Melvir (703), Loban - Darconian Merchant (703).


   1.10 - Tower Shield [SH10]

  Blocking: 22

  Weight: 9

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile.

  Buy: Altours (3550), Crystal City (3727), Eugenstadt (3905).


   1.11 - Templar's Shield [SH11]

  Blocking: 24

  Weight: 8

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile.

  Special: COM +10; CHA +10.

  Find: Dragon Knight Quest Reward.


   1.12 - Rondache [SH12]

  Blocking: 25

  Weight: 4

  EVA: Blunt, Slash.

  Buy: Altours (950), North Estamir (950/1045), Bruelle (950), Melvir (1045).

  Find: Isthmus Treasure Chest.
        Random Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.


   1.13 - Garal Shield [SH13]

  Blocking: 25

  Weight: 14

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile.

  Buy: North Estamir (7695), Melvir (7695).


   1.14 - Dragonscale Shield [SH14]

  Blocking: 25

  Weight: 9

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile, Fire, Cold, Electric.

  Special: +10 Fire, Cold, Electric Resistance.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.


   1.15 - Vernie Shield [SH15]

  Blocking: 27

  Weight: 4

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile.

  Buy: North Estamir (2465), Crystal City (2465).


   1.16 - Hand of Mard [SH16]

  Blocking: 27

  Weight: 8

  EVA: Blunt, Slash, Projectile.

  Special: VIT +5.

  Find: Ettinham (4500).


   1.17 - Sterling Shield [SH17]

  Blocking: 30

  Weight: 4

  EVA: Blunt, Slash.

  Buy: Ettinham (4500).


                              2. HELMS [HL00]

   2.01 - Headband [HL01]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: WIL +1.

  Buy: Aurefont (95), Jelton (95), Northpoint (100), South Estamir (100),
       Tarmita (100).


   2.02 - Avi's Feather [HL02]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: CHA +1.

  Find: Test of Courage Quest Reward.


   2.03 - Aquamarine [HL03]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: All Stats +1; Grants Immunity to Pyrology Spells.

  Find: Crystal Lake, Aquamarine Cave D. Find the Aquamarine Quest Reward.
        Also can be acquired without the Find the Aquamarine Quest any time
        before ER 16, just have to unlock Crystal Lake.


   2.04 - Opal [HL04]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: All Stats +1; Grants Immunity to Terrology Spells.

  Find: Silver's Treasure Quest Reward.


   2.05 - Emerald [HL05]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: All Stats +1; Grants Immunity to Illusions Spells.

  Find: Isle of Evil Quest Reward.


   2.06 - Cap [HL06]

  Stats: 2/2/1

  Special: CHA +1; +4 Blunt Resist.

  Buy: Gato's Village (57), Weston (57), South Estamir (60).

  Find: Claudia, Jamil, Dowd starting equipment.


   2.07 - Sailor's Bandana [HL07]

  Stats: 2/2/1

  Special: AGI +1.

  Buy: Godongo (152), Pirate Coast (152), Northpoint (160).

  Find: Hawke starting equipment.
        Pirate Hideout Treasure Chest.


   2.08 - Salty Bandana [HL08]

  Stats: 2/2/0

  Special: STR +7; AGI +7; Grants Immunity to Cursing.

  Find: Enemy Drop (Butcher).


   2.09 - Light Helm [HL09]

  Stats: 3/3/4

  Special:  Grants Immunity to Darkness.

  Buy: Altours (100), North Estamir (100), Mirsaburg (100), Eugenstadt (100),
       Melvir (105).

  Find: Sif starting equipment.
        Enemy Drop.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   2.10 - Lovely Headdress [HL10]

  Stats: 3/3/4

  Special:  COM +9; Grants Immunity to Unconsciousness.

  Find: Return of the Vampires Quest Reward.


   2.11 - Ignigarde [HL11]

  Stats: 3/3/1

  Special:  +100 Fire Resistance.

  Buy: Ettinham (30000).

  Find: Ice Sword Quest Reward.


   2.12 - Eule's Hat [HL12]

  Stats: 4/4/1

  Special: WIL +3; CHA -1; Grants Immunity to Darkness.

  Find: Eule Gives a Hoot Quest Reward.


   2.13 - Parade Helm [HL13]

  Stats: 5/5/5

  Special: Grants Immunity to Darkness.

  Buy: Altours (240), Crystal City (240), Yeoville (252), North Estamir (264).

  Note: Can be tempered.


   2.14 - Enamel Bicorn Hat [HL14]

  Stats: 5/5/1

  Special:  CHA +3.

  Buy: Crystal City (2100), South Estamir (2100), Melvir (2205).


   2.15 - Silver Mask [HL15]

  Stats: 7/7/5

  Special: Grants Immunity to Poison.

  Find: Abandoned Keep Treasure Chest.
        Random Treasure Chest.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   2.16 - Vernie Helm [HL16]

  Stats: 7/13/6

  Special: Grants Immunity to Darkness.

  Buy: Godongo (2550), Crystal City (2775).

  Note: This is a Bird Helm based Helm tempered with Vernie.
        Using Tempering you can create a different version for this item 
        (same overall defense but with less weight) 1071 Gold.
        1. Buy the Bird Helm (9/9/5) in Northpoint for 900 Gold.
        2. Add Tree Crystal = Bird Helm (9/11/5) for 71 Gold.
        3. Increase MAG DEF (50 x2) = Bird Helm (7/13/5) for 100 Gold.
        4. Total Cost 1071 Gold.


   2.17 - Beast's Helm [HL17]

  Stats: 8/8/5

  Special: VIT +2.

  Find: Twinmoon Temple Treasure Chest.


   2.18 - Faeries's Crown [HL18]

  Stats: 8/8/1

  Special: CHA +2; Grants Immunity to Paralysis.

  Find: Faeries Groove Quest Reward.


   2.19 - Bird Helm [HL19]

  Stats: 9/9/5

  Special: Grants Immunity to Darkness.

  Buy: Northpoint (900), Tarmita (1000), Mirsaburg (1000), Eugenstadt (1100).

  Note: Can be tempered.


   2.20 - Mystic Stone Mask [HL20]

  Stats: 13/13/10

  Special: AGI +5; INT +5; Grants Immunity to Sleep.
           -12 Fire, Cold, Electric and Energy Resistance.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.
        Random Treasure Chest.


   2.21 - Fashionable Helm [HL21]

  Stats: 14/14/4

  Special: Grants Immunity to Darkness.

  Buy: Melvir (3960), Bruelle (3960), Loban - Crystal Cartel (3780), 
       Loban - Darconian Merchant (3960).

  Find: Neidhart starting equipment.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   2.22 - Garal Helm [HL22]

  Stats: 21/12/6

  Special: Grants Immunity to Darkness.

  Buy: Melvir (7790), North Estamir (7790).

  Note: This is a Fashionable Helm based Helm tempered with Garal.
        Using Tempering you can create a different version for this item 
        for 4200 Gold.
        Garal Helm has 33 overall defense and weight 6, a Fashionable Helm
        tempered with Tortoise Shell will have a 32 overall defense and 
        weight 4 (also Fashionable Helm only get one Blacksmith upgrade).

        1. Buy the Fashionable Helm (14/14/4) in Loban for 3780 Gold.
        2. Add Tortoise Shell = Fashionable Helm (16/15/4) for 240 Gold.
        3. Increase PHY DEF = Fashionable Helm (18/14/4) for 180 Gold.
        4. Total Cost 4200 Gold.


                            3. CHEST PIECE [CP00]

   3.01 - Shirt [CP01]

  Stats: 4/4/1

  Special: +10 Cold Resistance.

  Buy: Weston (28), Oapu (28), Crystal City (30/31), South Estamir (30).

  Find: Jamil, Barbara, Dowd starting equipment.
        Enemy Drop.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.02 - Fur Vest [CP02]

  Stats: 7/7/3

  Special: +20 Cold Resistance.

  Buy: Jelton (81), Northpoint (90), Taralian Camp (85).

  Find: Aisha, Sif, Hermann, Pirate, Valhallan Warrior starting equipment.
        Enemy Drop.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.03 - Mage's Robe [CP03]

  Stats: 8/8/3

  Special: INT +2; WIL +2; +10 Cold Resistance.

  Buy: South Estamir (480), Yeoville (480), Melvir (504).

  Find: Myriam, Sorcerer, Sorceress starting equipment.
        Enemy Drop.


   3.04 - Pelt [CP04]

  Stats: 8/8/4

  Special: +10 Cold Resistance.

  Buy: Godongo (1520, Gato's Village (152).

  Find: Brau, Sylvan starting equipment.
        Enemy Drop.


   3.05 - Cloth Armor [CP05]

  Stats: 9/9/4

  Special: +10 Cold Resistance.

  Buy: Melvir (120), Jelton (180), Pirate Coast (180), South Estamir (200),
       Crystal City (200).

  Find: Gray, Claudia, Darque, Minstrel, Patrick starting equipment.
        Random Treasure Chest.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.06 - Devil Hide [CP06]

  Stats: 9/9/2

  Special: +10 Fire, Cold, Electric Resistance.

  Find: Plains Hollow Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.07 - Firebeast Hide [CP07]

  Stats: 9/9/2

  Special: +50 Fire Resistance.

  Find: Mt. Tomae Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.08 - Sage's Robe [CP08]

  Stats: 10/10/3

  Special: INT +3; WIL +3; +10 Cold Resistance.

  Buy: Yeoville (1400), South Estamir (1400), Crystal City (1400), 
       Weiserheim (1400).

  Find: Desert Ruins Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.


   3.09 - Leather Jerkin [CP09]

  Stats: 13/13/5

  Special: +10 Blunt Resist.

  Buy: Oapu (570), Pirate Coast (570), Taralian Camp (570), Altours (600),
       Bruelle (600), South Estamir (630).

  Find: Albert, Hawke, Diana, Gian, Guella Ha, Amazon, Kjaraht Knight, 
        Warrior starting equipment.
        Geckling Cave Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.10 - Bone Breastplate [CP10]

  Stats: 13/13/4

  Special: +26 Blunt Resist; +26 Slash Resist; -12 Projectile Resist .

  Find: Kaklim Desert Treasure Chest.
        Desert Ruins Treasure Chest.
        Mt. Scurve Treasure Chest. 
        South Cave (2nd stage) Treasure Chest.
        Vampire's Den Treasure Chest.
        Random Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.


   3.11 - Shimmering Sand Robe [CP11]

  Stats: 13/13/6

  Special: INT +5; WIL +5; +10 Ailments Resistance.
           Grants Immunity to Darkness.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.


   3.12 - Protector [CP12]

  Stats: 15/15/4

  Special: +10 Blunt Resist.

  Find: Captain Silver's Cave Treasure Chest.
        Random Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.13 - Scarlet Robe [CP13]

  Stats: 16/16/6

  Special: INT +7; +30 Fire Resistance. Grants Immunity to Paralysis.

  Find: Tower of Flammar Treasure Chest (During Constance Kidnapped Quest).


   3.14 - Black Robe [CP14]

  Stats: 16/16/6

  Special: INT +7; CHA +7. Grants Immunity to Paralysis.

  Find: Shadow Palace Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop (Witch of Good Fortune - Purgatory 777th Floor).


   3.15 - Gothic Armor [CP15]

  Stats: 18/18/10

  Find: Galahad, Frielei, Dominion Knight, Soldier A/B starting equipment.
        West Cave Treasure Chest.
        Random Treasure Chest.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.16 - Live Silk [CP16]

  Stats: 18/18/8

  Special: CHA +10; +20 Fire, Cold, Electric, Energy, Status Resistance.
           Grants Immunity to Willpower Attacks.

  Find: Enemy Drop (Ifrit - Battle Rank 10).


   3.17 - Shell Armor [CP17]

  Stats: 18/28/7

  Special: +10 Blunt Resist.

  Buy: South Estamir (6120).

  Note: This is a Alligator Vest based Armor tempered with Tortoise Shell.
        Using Tempering you can create a different version for this item 
        for 4217 Gold.
        1. Buy the Alligator Vest (20/20/6) in Jelton for 1980 Gold.
        2. Add Vernie = Alligator Vest (22/24/7) for 544 Gold.
        3. Increase MAG DEF (110x2) = Alligator Vest (18/28/7) for 220 Gold.
        4. Total Cost 2744 Gold.


   3.18 - Beast's Mail [CP18]

  Stats: 20/20/8

  Special: VIT +5; +10 Slash Resist; +10 Projectile Resist.

  Find: Twinmoon Temple Treasure Chest.


   3.19 - Astral Coat [CP19]

  Stats: 20/20/1

  Special: +40 Slash Resist; +40 Blunt Resist; +40 Projectile Resist.
           -20 Fire, Cold, Electric, Energy Resistance.

  Find: Shadow Palace Treasure Chest.


   3.20 - Alligator Armor [CP20]

  Stats: 20/20/6

  Special: +10 Blunt Resist.

  Buy: Weston (1980), Jelton (1980), Oapu (2090).

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.21 - Vernie Mail [CP21]

  Stats: 23/43/19

  Special: -10 Projectile Resist; -10 Electric Resist.

  Buy: Crystal City (7585), Loban - Crystal Cartel (7585).

  Note: This is a Chain Mail based Armor tempered with Vernie.
        Using Tempering you can create a different version for this item 
        (same overall defense but with less weight) for 4217 Gold.
        1. Buy the Chain Mail (29/29/16) in Altours for 3600 Gold.
        2. Add Tree Crystal = Chain Mail (29/37/17) for 257 Gold.
        3. Increase MAG DEF (180x2) = Chain Mail (23/43/17) for 360 Gold.
        4. Total Cost 4217 Gold.


   3.22 - Rigid Leather [CP22]

  Stats: 24/24/8

  Special: +10 Blunt Resist.

  Buy: North Estamir (2880/3200), Gato's Village (3040), Tarmita (3200),
       Crystal City (3360), Yeoville (3360) Melvir (3520).

  Find: Pirate Hideout Treasure Chest.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.23 - Stone Brigandine [CP23]

  Stats: 24/24/12

  Special: +6 Slash Resist; +6 Projectile Resist.

  Find: Great Pit Treasure Chest.


   3.24 - Battle Mage Armor [CP24]

  Stats: 25/25/12

  Special: INT +2; WIL +2.

  Buy: Bruelle (6600), South Estamir (6600), Melvir (6930).

  Find: Water Dragon Rite Quest Reward, if the choice is "Armor".
        Enemy Drop.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.25 - Hydraskin Vest [CP25]

  Stats: 27/27/12

  Special: +10 Blunt Resist; +30 Fire, Cold Resistance.
           Grants Immunity to Poison.

  Find: Enemy Drop (Abyssal Marauder - Battle Rank 10)


   3.26 - Blue Elf [CP26]

  Stats: 28/28/9

  Special: -10 Projectile Resist; -10 Electric Resistance.
           Grants Immunity to Hydrology Spells.

  Find: Under Water Temple Treasure Chest.


   3.27 - Vernie Armor [CP27]

  Stats: 28/54/28

  Special: +10 Fire, Cold Resistance; -10 Electric Resistance.

  Buy: North Estamir (21250), Crystal City (23125).

  Note: This is a Field Plate based Armor tempered with Vernie.
        Using Tempering you can create a different version for this item 
        (same overall defense but with less weight) for 14657 Gold.
        1. Buy the Field Plate (36/36/24) in Crystal City for 12600 Gold.
        2. Add Tree Crystal = Field Plate (36/46/26) for 857 Gold.
        3. Increase MAG DEF (600x2) = Field Plate (28/54/26) for 1200 Gold.
        4. Total Cost 14657 Gold.


   3.28 - Chain Mail [CP28]

  Stats: 29/29/16

  Special: -10 Projectile Resist; -10 Electric Resistance.

  Buy: Altours (3600), Crystal City (3780), Loban - Crystal Cartel (3780),
       North Estamir (3960), Loban - Darconian Merchant (3960), 
       Eugenstadt (3960).

  Find: A Suspicious Demise Quest Reward, if the choice is "Armor".
        Silver starting equipment.
        Frosthold Fortress Treasure Chest.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.29 - Black Mail [CP29]

  Stats: 30/30/13

  Special: +20 Fire, Cold, Electric Resistance.

  Find: Neidhart's Armor (Always equipped).


   3.30 - Dragonscale Coat [CP30]

  Stats: 30/30/24

  Special: +40 Fire, Cold, Electric Resistance.

  Find: Dragon Knight's Armor (Always equipped).
        Treasure Map Item.


   3.31 - Mirsa's Armor [CP31]

  Stats: 32/32/18

  Special: STR +10; VIT +10; Grants Immunity to Life Attacks.

  Find: After completing "The Dragon Knight" Quest, return to Drachenvale, an
        event will occur, if you are successful and recruit the Dragon Knight
        you will receive this item.


   3.32 - Black Stone Mail [CP32]

  Stats: 34/34/28

  Special: +10 Slash Resist; +10 Projectile Resist.
           Grants Immunity to Petrification.
  Find: Treasure Map Item.
        Trade with crown enemy.


   3.33 - Field Plate [CP33]

  Stats: 36/36/24

  Special: +10 Fire, Cold Resistance; -10 Electric Resistance.

  Buy: Crystal City (12600), Mirsaburg (12600), Melvir (13200).

  Find: "Find the Aquamarine" Quest Reward, if the choice is "Armor".

  Note: Can be tempered.


   3.34 - A'la Melviranna [CP34]

  Stats: 40/40/25

  Special: +10 Fire, Cold Resistance; -10 Electric Resistance.

  Find: "Ailing Emperor" Quest Reward, if the choice is "Armor".


   3.35 - Hauberk of Death [CP35]

  Stats: 42/42/13

  Special: -60 Fire, Energy Resistance.
           Grants Immunity to Life Attacks.

  Find: You get this item, if you ask Death for a powerful Armor in exchange
        of the life of a party member.


   3.36 - Garal Mail [CP36]

  Stats: 46/23/25

  Special: -10 Projectile Resist; -10 Electric Resistance.

  Buy: Melvir (7790), Loban - Darconian Merchant (7790).


   3.37 - Garal Armor [CP37]

  Stats: 57/28/38

  Special: +10 Fire, Cold Resistance; -10 Electric Resistance.

  Buy: Melvir (23750).


                               4. GLOVES [GL00]

   4.01 - Topaz [GL01]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: All Stats +1; Grants Immunity to Aerology Spells.

  Find: Twinmoon Temple, during "Ailing Emperor" Quest.


   4.02 - Flameproof Gloves [GL02]

  Stats: 1/1/2

  Special: DEX -5; +40 Fire Resistance.

  Find: Pirate Hideout Treasure Chest.


   4.03 - Cyril's Bracers [GL03]

  Stats: 1/1/1

  Special: WIL +3; +10 Status Ailments Resistance.
           Grants Immunity to Curses.

  Buy: Crystal City (5000), South Estamir (5000), Loban (5000), Melvir (5250),
       Weiserheim (5000).

  Find: Auldburg Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.


   4.04 - Raincloud Armlet [GL04]

  Stats: 1/1/1

  Special: Grants Immunity to Hydrology Spells.

  Buy: Auldburg (30000).

  Find: "The Cyclone Shoes" Quest Reward.


   4.05 - Skull Mantis [GL05]

  Stats: 1/1/1

  Special: Dex +10; -10 Blunt, Slash, Projectile Resist; 
           -10 Fire, Cold Resistance. Grants Immunity to Curses.

  Find: Enemy Drop (Infernal Warrior / Revenant Swordsman).


   4.06 - Harmonia Bracer [GL06]

  Stats: 1/1/1

  Special: CHA +3; Grants Immunity to Sonic Waves.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.


   4.07 - Ogre Gauntlets [GL07]

  Stats: 1/1/1

  Special: STR +10; -10 Fire, Cold, Electric, Energy Resistance.

  Find: Enemy Drop (Ogre Champion).


   4.08 - Devil Bone Bangle [GL08]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: INT +7; -26 Energy Resistance.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.


   4.09 - Silver Bracers [GL09]

  Stats: 2/2/1

  Special: CHA +1.

  Buy: Aurefont (475), Crystal City (500), Tarmita (500).

  Find: Jamil early event.


   4.10 - Leather Gloves [GL10]

  Stats: 3/3/2

  Special: DEX -1; +6 Slash Resist.

  Buy: Gato's Village (28), Pirate Coast (28), Melvir (30), Yeoville (30),
       Northpoint (30), South Estamir (31).

  Find: Albert, Gray, Aisha, Hawke, Sif, Dowd, Raphael, Amazon, Pirate,
        Warrior, Valhallan Warrior starting equipment.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   4.11 - Wondrous Bangle [GL11]

  Stats: 3/3/1

  Special: +10 Projectile Resist.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.


   4.12 - Studded Gloves [GL12]

  Stats: 3/3/2

  Special: DEX -1; +6 Slash Resist.

  Buy: South Estamir (80), Tarmita (80), Bruelle (80), Altours (80), 
       Melvir (84), North Estamir (88).

  Find: Theodore starting equipment.
        Yassi Cavern Treasure Chest
        Estamir Tunnels Treasure Chest.
        Random Treasure Chest.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   4.13 - Nymph's Bangle [GL13]

  Stats: 4/4/1

  Special: COM +7; CHA +7.

  Find: "Under Water Temple" Quest Reward.


   4.14 - Silver Snake [GL14]

  Stats: 5/5/1

  Special: COM +3; CHA +3.

  Buy: Crystal City (10000), Tarmita (10000), Weiserheim (10000).


   4.15 - Beast's Bangle [GL15]

  Stats: 5/5/2

  Special: VIT +2.

  Find: Twinmoon Temple Treasure chest.


   4.16 - Steel Gauntlets [GL16]

  Stats: 6/6/4

  Special: DEX -2; +10 Slash Resist.

  Buy: Crystal City (380), Yeoville (380), Loban - Crystal Cartel (399), 
       Loban - Darconian Merchant (418).

  Find: Frielei starting equipment.
        Abandoned Keep Treasure Chest
        Mt. Scurve Treasure Chest.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   4.17 - Meti's Manifer [GL17]

  Stats: 7/7/1

  Special: STR +5; INT +5. Grants Immunity to Petrification.

  Find: Trials of Elore Treasure chest.


   4.18 - Vernie Gloves [GL18]

  Stats: 7/13/6

  Special: DEX -3; +10 Slash Resist.

  Buy: Godongo (2720), Crystal City (2960).

  Note: This item is a Vambrances based glove tempered with Vernie.
        Using Tempering you can create a different version for this item 
        (same overall defense but with less weight) 1288 Gold.
        1. Buy the Vambrances (9/9/5) in Mirsaburg for 1100 Gold.
        2. Add Tree Crystal = Vambrances (9/11/5) for 78 Gold.
        3. Increase MAG DEF (55x2) = Vambrances (7/13/5) for 110 Gold.
        4. Total Cost 1288 Gold.


   4.19 - Heavy Gauntlet [GL19]

  Stats: 8/8/16

  Special: DEX -5. -10 Eletric Resistance.

  Find: Enemy Drop.


   4.20 - Vambrances [GL20]

  Stats: 9/9/5

  Special: DEX -3. +10 Slash Resist.

  Buy: Mirsaburg (1100), Crystal City (1155), Eugenstadt (1210).

  Note: Can be Tempered.


   4.21 - Conqueror Gloves [GL21]

  Stats: 13/13/5

  Special: DEX -3. +10 Slash Resist.

  Buy: Mirsaburg (3150), Bruelle (3300).

  Find: Neidhart, Silver starting equipment.

  Note: Can be Tempered.


   4.22 - Garal Gloves [GL22]

  Stats: 14/7/8

  Special: DEX -3. +10 Slash Resist.

  Buy: Melvir (3040), Norht Estamir (3040).

  Note: This item is a Vambrances based glove tempered with Garal.
        Using Tempering you can create a different version for this item 
        for 1732 Gold.

        Garal Gloves has 21 overall defense and weight 8, Vambrances tempered
        with Vernie will have a 20 overall defense and weight 6.
        1. Buy the Vambrances (9/9/5) in Mirsaburg for 1100 Gold.
        2. Add Vernie = Vambrances (9/10/6) for 522 Gold.
        3. Increase PHY DEF (55x2) = Vambrances (11/9/6) for 110 Gold.
        4. Total Cost 1732 Gold.


                           5. LEG PIECES [LP00]

   5.01 - Silent Greaves [LP01]

  Stats: 1/1/1

  Special: DEX +7; AGI +7. -10 Slash, Blunt and Projectile Resist.
           -10 Fire, Cold, Electric, Energy Resistance.

  Find: Assassin Guild Treasure chest.
        Enemy Drop (Lizard Elite, Lizard Lord).


   5.02 - Leg Warmer [LP02]

  Stats: 2/2/1

  Special: +30 Cold Resistance.

  Find: Enemy Drop.


   5.03 - Socks [LP03]

  Stats: 2/2/2

  Special: +10 Cold Resistance.

  Buy: Gato's Village (9), Oapu (9), Crystal City (10), Melvir (10).

  Find: Dowd, Frielei, Myriam, Patrick starting equipment.


   5.04 - Kitten Socks [LP04]

  Stats: 2/2/1

  Special: +30 Cold Resistance. Grants Immunity to Stun.

  Find: Isthmus Keep Treasure Chest.


   5.05 - Rubber Soles [LP05]

  Stats: 3/3/1

  Special: AGI +5; +40 Electric Resistance.

  Find: Estamir Sewers Treasure Chest.
        Random Treasure Chest.


   5.06 - Chiral Clogs [LP06]

  Stats: 3/3/1

  Special: AGI +5; WIL +5; Grants Immunity to Snare.

  Find: Vampire's Den Treasure Chest.


   5.07 - Heeled Shoes [LP07]

  Stats: 3/3/1

  Special: AGI +1; CHA +1.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.


   5.08 - Leather Boots [LP08]

  Stats: 4/4/2

  Special: +10 Cold Resistance.

  Buy: Gato's Village (85), Oapu (85), Crystal City (90), Yeoville (90), 
       South Estamir (94), Aurefont (99).

  Find: Albert, Hawke, Gary, Aisha, Claudia, Sif, Barbara, Hermann, Rapahel,
        Amazon, Pirate, Warrior, Valhallan Warrior starting equipment.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   5.09 - Cyclone Shoes [LP09]

  Stats: 6/6/0

  Special: AGI +10.

  Buy: Ettinham (30000).

  Find: "The Ignigarde" Quest Reward.


   5.10 - Beast's Greaves [LP10]

  Stats: 6/6/3

  Special: VIT +2.

  Find: Twinmoon Temple Treasure Chest.


   5.11 - Long Boots [LP11]

  Stats: 7/7/2

  Special: +10 Cold Resistance.

  Buy: Northpoint (432), Gato's Village (456), Altours (480), Tarmita (480),
       Melvir (480).

  Find: Jamil starting equipment.
        Shiverland Treasure Chest.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   5.12 - Vernie Shoes [LP12]

  Stats: 8/15/6

  Special: AGI -1.

  Buy: Godongo (2380), Crystal City (2590).

  Note: This item is a Metal Greaves based Leg Piece tempered with Vernie.
        Using Tempering you can create a different version for this item 
        (same overall defense but with less weight) for 1054 Gold.
        1. Buy the Metal Greaves (10/10/5) in Crystal City for 900 Gold.
        2. Add Tree Crystal = Metal Greaves (10/13/5) for 64 Gold.
        3. Increase MAG DEF (45x2) = Metal Greaves (8/15/5) for 90 Gold.
        4. Total Cost 1054 Gold.


   5.13 - Metal Greaves [LP13]

  Stats: 10/10/5

  Special: AGI -1.

  Buy: Crystal City (900), Loban - Crystal Cartel (945), North Estamir (990),
       Loban - Darconian Merchant (990).

  Find: Silver starting equipment.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   5.14 - Greaves of Titus [LP14]

  Stats: 10/10/8

  Special: +20 Electric Resistance; Grants Immunity to Terrology Spells.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.


   5.15 - Stone Clogs [LP15]

  Stats: 13/13/20

  Special: AGI -10.

  Find: Captain Silver's Cave Treasure Chest.

  Note: Can be Tempered.


   5.16 - Leg Mail [LP16]

  Stats: 14/14/6

  Special: AGI -1.

  Buy: Bruelle (2900), Mirsaburg (3045), North Estamir (3190).

  Find: Neidhart starting equipment.

  Note: Can be tempered.


   5.17 - Garal Shoes [LP17]

  Stats: 16/8/8

  Special: AGI -1.

  Buy: Melvir (2660), North Estamir (2660).

  Note: This item is a Metal Greaves based Leg Piece tempered with Garal.
        Using tempering you can create a different version for this item 
        for 1054 Gold.

        Garal Shoes has 24 overall defense and weight 8, Metal Greaves 
        tempered with Tree Crystal will have a 23 overall defense and 
        weight 5.

        1. Buy the Metal Greaves (10/10/5) in Crystal City for 900 Gold.
        2. Add Tree Crystal = Metal Greaves (10/13/5) for 64 Gold.
        3. Increase PHY DEF (45x2) = Metal Greaves (12/11/5) for 90 Gold.
        4. Total Cost 1054 Gold.


                              6. NECKLACES [NL00]

   6.01 - Fang Amulet [NL01]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: STR +3.

  Buy: Gato's Village (475), Oapu (475), Pirate Coast (475), Tarmita (500),
       Northpoint (500), South Estamir (500).

  Find: Silver starting equipment.
        Plains Hollow Treasure Chest.
        Trade with enemy.
        Enemy Drop.


   6.02 - Wing Amulet [NL02]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: AGI +3.

  Buy: Jelton (450), Weston (475), Taralian Camp (475), Yeoville (500),
       Tarmita (500), Loban (500), South Estamir (500).

  Find: South Cave (Stage 1) Treasure Chest.
        Trade with enemy.
        Enemy Drop.


   6.03 - Bone Amulet [NL03]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: COM -5; CHA -5. Grants immunity to Life Attacks.

  Find: Yassi Cavern Treasure chest.
        Trade with enemy.
        Enemy Drop.


   6.04 - Fish Hook [NL04]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: +20 Status Ailments Resistance.

  Find: Trade with enemy.
        Enemy Drop.


   6.05 - Topaz [NL05]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: All Stats +1; Grants Immunity to Aerology Spells.

  Find: Nisa Cavern; see section 1.10 - Sword of Earth [FO10] for more
        information on how to get to Nisa Cavern.


   6.06 - Amethyst [NL06]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: All Stats +1; Grants Immunity to Demonology Spells.

  Find: If main character is Barbara, enter Weston pub at the start of the
        game. All other characters have to recruit Barbara to acquire this


   6.07 - Last Leaf [NL07]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: COM +7; Grants immunity to Life Attacks.

  Find: Lv 1 Treasure Map Item.


   6.08 - Eres's Medallion [NL08]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: CHA +3.

  Find: "Ancient Texts" Quest Reward.


   6.09 - Amut's Medallion [NL09]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: COM +3.

  Find: "Ancient Texts" Quest Reward.


   6.10 - Corpse's Pendant [NL10]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: CHA -1; COM -1.

  Find: "Creepy Butterfly" Quest Reward.


   6.11 - Amber Maleate [NL11]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: CHA +7; +10 Fire, Cold, Electric, Energy Resistance.

  Find: Lv 1 Treasure Map Item.


   6.12 - Talisman [NL12]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: Grants immunity to Unconsciousness / Instant Death.

  Find: Theodore's Madness Quest; Talk to Constance.


   6.13 - Mantra Scarf [NL13]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: STR +1; VIT +1; CHA -5

  Find: South Cave (Stage 3) Treasure Chest.


   6.14 - Lei [NL14]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: WIL +3 CHA +3; COM +3.

  Find: South Cave (Stage 3) Treasure Chest.


   6.15 - Peggy Heart [NL15]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: CHA +8; +60 Cold Resistance; -60 Electric Resistance.

  Find: Enemy Drop (Peggy Baron, Peggy Baroness, Peggy Striker)


   6.16 - Old Wood Amulet [NL16]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: CHA -1; +20 Electric Resistance.

  Find: Trade with enemy (Beast Group, Reptile Group).


   6.17 - Commemorative Medal [NL17]

  Stats: 1/1/1

  Special: CHA -1.

  Find: Melvir Inn, pay 1500 gold to sleep.


   6.18 - Silver Chain [NL18]

  Stats: 2/2/0

  Special: CHA +1.

  Buy: Aurefont (475), Crystal City (500), Tarmita (500), Loban (500).

  Find: Neidhart starting equipment.


   6.19 - Ramox Medallion [NL19]

  Stats: 3/3/0

  Special: VIT +3; WIL -3; COM -3; CHA -3.

  Find: Trade with enemy (Undead Group).


                              7. RINGS [RG00]

   7.01 - Glamourous Ring [RG01]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: INT +1; WIL +1.

  Buy: Crystal City (500), Yeovile (500), Weiserheim (500), S. Estamir (500),
       Melvir (525)

  Find: Barbara, Patrick starting equipment.
        Random Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.


   7.02 - Bejeweled Ring [RG02]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: INT +3; +10 Fire / Cold / Electricity / Energy Resistance.

  Buy: Crystal City (10000), Melvir (10000), Loban (10000)

  Find: Neidhart starting equipment.
        Enemy Drop (Jewel Beast).


   7.03 - Coral Ring [RG03]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: CHA +1.

  Find: Claudia starting equipment.


   7.04 - Evil Eye Talisman [RG04]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: INT -5; WIL -5; Grants Immunity to gaze.

  Find: Assassin's Guild Treasure Chest.
        Random Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.


   7.05 - Strom's Ring [RG05]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: INT +5. +20 Fire Resistance; -20 Electric Resistance.

  Find: During the "Water Dragon Rite" Quest.


   7.06 - Black Diamond [RG06]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: All Stats +1; Grants Immunity to Cosmology Spells.

  Find: "The Underwater Temple" Quest Reward.


   7.07 - Diamond [RG07]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: All Stats +1; Grants Immunity to Sorcery Spells.

  Find: "An Unlucky Woman" Quest Reward.


   7.08 - Pocket Dragon [RG08]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: STR +3; VIT +3; +20 Fire / Cold / Electricity Resistance.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.


   7.09 - Silver Ring [RG09]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: COM +1; +10 Energy Resistance.

  Find: Underwater Temple Treasure Chest.
        Treasure Map Sub-Item (Random).


   7.10 - Pearl Ring [RG10]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: COM +1; +10 Eletric Resistance.

  Find: Isthmus Keep Treasure Chest.
        Underwater Temple Treasure Chest.
        Treasure Map Sub-Item (Random).


   7.11 - Animal Coin [RG11]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: CHA -1; +20 Status Ailment Resistance.

  Find: Captain Silver's Cave Treasure Chest.


   7.12 - Gold Ring [RG12]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: COM +1; +10 Status Ailment Resistance.

  Find: Underwater Temple Treasure Chest.
        Treasure Map Sub-Item (Random).


   7.13 - Ruby [RG13]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: All Stats +1; Grants Immunity to Hydrology Spells.

  Find: "Theodore's Madness" Quest Reward.


   7.14 - Candy Ring [RG14]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: CHA -1.

  Find: Captain Silver's Cave Treasure Chest.


   7.15 - Alabaster Ring [RG15]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: INT +1; WIL +1; COM +1; CHA +1. Grants Immunity to Poison.

  Find: Treasure Map Item.


   7.16 - Wizard Ring [RG16]

  Stats: 1/1/0

  Special: INT +10; WIL +10; +20 Status Ailment Resistance.

  Find: Purgatory 1000th floor, during "Who am I" Quest, Aldora path.


   7.17 - Raw Ore Ring [RG17]

  Stats: 2/2/1

  Special: CHA -1.

  Find: Captain Silver's Cave Treasure Chest.


   7.18 - Dragon's Eye [RG18]

  Stats: 3/3/0

  Special: VIT +3; +6 Projectile Resist; +6 Fire, Cold, Electric Resistance.

  Find: "An Expeditionary Force" Quest Reward (Sif Only).


   7.19 - Ring of Protection [RG19]

  Stats: 5/5/0

  Buy: Crystal City (1000), Melvir (1000), South Estamir (1000), 
       Tarmita (1000), North Estamir (1100).

  Find: Jamil starting equipment.
        Twinmoon Temple Treasure Chest.
        Frosthold Fortress Treasure Chest.


   7.20 - Dragon's Eye (Fixed) [RG20]

  Stats: 9/9/0

  Special: VIT +9; +18 Projectile Resist; +18 Fire, Cold, Electric Resistance.
           Grants Immunity to Willpower attacks.

  Find: See 7.18 - Dragon's Eye.


   7.21 - Guardian's Ring [RG21]

  Stats: 10/10/0

  Special: +10 Status Ailments Resistance.

  Buy: Crystal City (5000), Loban (5000), Tarmita (5000), Melvir (5250)

  Find: Twinmoon Temple Treasure Chest.



                              WEAPONS [WE00]



  Weapons are listed by Attack Power.

  Weapon Name

  Stats: Power/DP MOD/DP/Weight

         - Power: Greatly affects damage dealt to opponent.
         - DP MODifier: A higher value means less DP consumption.
         - Durability Points. Certain actions may consume DP.

  Special: Special characteristics of the weapon.

  Where to obtain (will include one or several of the categories below):

  Buy: where it can be purchased, City (Gold).

  Find: where it is found (Random Treasure Chest, Treasure Map or Enemy Drop),
        also if the weapon is obtained through a quest or if a character 
        starts with the weapon.

  Weapon Evolution and Harmonious Materials: List of tempering materials that
        are harmonious (tempering material name change to RED) with a given
        weapon for each stage of the weapon's evolution.

  Blacksmithing: Show the different steps in a weapon evolution when using 
        Harmonious materials. After adding the harmonious material, you will
        have to use the weapon in battle until the tempering material is not 
        red anymore, that's called "break in" the material.

        You will know that you "break in" the material when the weapon change
        to weapon name +1, weapon name +2 and so on..


             Fleuret (6/0/30) + Rosalian Steel = Fleuret +1 (6/+1/30)

        The weapon will only change to +1 and have it's new stats, when 
        Rosalian Steel isn't red anymore.

        The stats for the weapons are just for reference, since does not 
        matter what path you take, the final form of the weapon will always 
        be the same. 

        In some steps the weapon will gain a different name when you add the 
        harmonious material, even so the weapon change it's name, you still
        have to "break in" the material, so the weapon can gain it's final 
        stats, like: 

             Cutlass +2 (14/+2/20) + Steel Thread = Steelgad (16/+1/40)

        Here the weapon change from Cutlass +2 to Steelgad as soon as you add
        the Steel Thread, but only will gain it's final stats when you 
        "break-in" the Steel Thread.

        A weapon get it's final form when no tempering materials get a red
        name, after the weapon get it's final form, you can temper the weapon
        with a material that will adjust the weapon stats (Vernie, Garal or
        Tree Crystal) or use the blacksmith services to adjust the weapon

        Adding a non-Harmonious material will change the weapon stats and 
        because the material is not harmonious you will not need to "break-in"
        the material.

        The two most interesting materials to be used as adjusters for a final
        weapon in my opinion are:

         1. Vernie                    DPMOD +1 / DP 20
         2. Tree Crystal              DPMOD +2 / DP 10

        For example, if your main character is not Gray, you can only upgrade
        the Rusty Falcata to Falcata +7 (48/-4/20).
        If you use the Blacksmith Services you can either get:

         1. Improve Durability: Falcata +7 (45/-3/20) or
         2. Increase Attack Power: Falcata +7 (50/-5/20)

        Well that does not make the Falcata +7 very useful for any character.
        But if you use tempering materials to adjust the weapon stats you will
        get this:

         1. Vernie                    Falcata +7 (43/+1/20)
         2. Tree Crystal              Falcata +7 (43/+2/10)

        The new DPMOD stats will let your characters use most techs at no DP
        cost. And after adding the any material to adjust the stats, like 
        Tree Crystal you still can use the blacksmith services to further
        upgrade the weapon stats.
        Using the Falcata +7 tempered with Tree Crystal you get:

         1. Improve Durability: Falcata +7 (40/+3/10) or
         2. Increase Attack Power: Falcata +7 (45/+1/10)

        The use of those materials to adjust a weapon stats and the Blacksmith
        services are completely optional, feel free to experiment.
        For this FAQ I did use Tree Crystal just because it gives DPMOD +2,
        an extremely useful stats if you are tempering channelling weapons.


           Step 1: Weapon ==> Weapon +1
           Step 2: Weapon +1 ==> Weapon +2 or Name Change
           Step 3: Weapon +2 ==> Weapon +3 or Name Change
           Tempering "Weapon Name" with Tree Crystal (Optional)

                              FOILS [FL00]

   1.01 - Fleuret [FL01]

 Power: 6 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Buy:  Yeoville (50), Aurefont (55), Melvir (52),
       Loban - Crystal Cartel (52), Loban - Darconian Merchant (55).

 Find: Hawke, Dowd and Gian starting weapon.
       Random Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Fleuret                        Rosalian Steel, Ligau Steel, Black Steel,
                                   Steel Thread

    Fleuret +1                     Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Fleuret +2                     Vernie

    Vernie Rapier                  Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Fleuret +3


 Step 1: Fleuret ==> Fleuret +1

                     Rosalian Steel = Fleuret +1 (6/+1/30)
  Fleuret (6/0/30) +           
                     Ligau Steel = Fleuret +1 (7/ 0/20)

                     Steel Thread = Fleuret +1 (6/+1/40)
  Fleuret (6/0/30) +                
                     Black Steel = Fleuret +1 (7/-1/40)

 Step 2: Fleuret +1 ==> Fleuret +2

  Fleuret +1 (6/+1/40) + Meteoric Iron = Fleuret +2 (8/-2/20)

  Fleuret +1 (7/ 0/20) + Marcasite = Fleuret +2 (8/-3/30)

 Step 3: Fleuret +2 ==> Vernie Rapier

  Fleuret +2 (8/-3/30)
                      + Vernie = Vernie Rapier (8/+1/20)
  Fleuret +2 (8/-2/20)

 Tempering Vernie Rapier with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Rapier (8/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Fleuret +3 (8/+2/10)


   1.02 - Fleuret +1 [FL02]

 Power: 6 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Buy:  Aurefont (80).

 Note: Fleuret untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and Tempering, 
       see section: 1.01 - Fleuret.


   1.03 - Dress Sword [FO03]

 Power: 12 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Buy:  Crystal City (300), Mirsaburg (300), Melvir (315), Eugenstadt (330).

 Find: Albert starting weapon.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Dress Sword                    Native Silver, Electrum, Pure Gold 

    Dress Sword +1                 Corundum 

    Dress Sword +2                 Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Dress Sword +2


 Step 1: Dress Sword ==> Dress Sword +1

                           Native Silver = Dress Sword +1 (12/+2/20)
  Dress Sword (12/0/30) + - Electrum = Dress Sword +1 (12/+3/20)
                           Pure Gold = Dress Sword +1 (10/+1/20)

 Step 2: Dress Sword +1 ==> Dress Sword +2

  Dress Sword +1 (12/+3/20) + Corundum = Dress Sword +2 (18/-3/20)

 Tempering Dress Sword +2 with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Dress Sword +2 (18/-3/20) + Tree Crystal = Dress Sword +2 (15/+2/10)


   1.04 - Dress Sword +1 [FL04]

 Power: 12 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Buy:  Melvir (465).
 Note: Dress Sword untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and 
       Tempering, see Section: 1.03 - Dress Sword.


   1.05 - Blazing Sword [FL05]

 Power: 15 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 2

 Special: Channels Pyrology Spells.

 Find: Treasure Map Item.
       Tower of Flammar Treasure Chest (During Constance Kidnapped Quest).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Blazing Sword                  Elemental Core, Peggy Crystal

    Blazing Sword +1               Vermillion

    Blazing Sword +2               Dark Crystal, Grim Crystal

    Darkrod / Grimrod              Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Blazing Sword +3


 Step 1: Blazing Sword ==> Blazing Sword +1

                            Elemental Core = Blazing Sword +1 (19/-2/LP)
  Blazing Sword (15/0/LP) +
                            Peggy Crystal = Blazing Sword +1 (16/+1/LP)

 Step 2: Blazing Sword +1 ==> Blazing Sword +2

  Blazing Sword +1 (19/-2/LP) 
                             + Vermillion = Blazing Sword +2 (18/-1/LP)
  Blazing Sword +1 (16/+1/LP)

 Step 3: Blazing Sword +2 ==> Darkrod / Grimrod 

                                Dark Crystal = Darkrod (25/-4/LP)
                               /                  (MAG RES: Cosmology)
  Blazing Sword +2 (18/-1/LP) +
                                Grim Crystal = Grimrod (25/-4/LP)
                                                  (MAG RES: Bewitchery)

 Tempering Grimrod / Darkrod with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Grimrod (25/-4/LP)
                    + Tree Crystal = Blazing Sword +3 (21/+2/LP)
  Darkrod (25/-4/LP)


   1.06 - Silver Fleuret [FL06]

 Power: 17 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Special: Can use Hunter's Fury Technique.

 Buy: Altours (5000), Melvir (5125).

 Find: A Suspicious Demise Quest Reward if you choose "WEAPON".
       Estamir Sewers Treasure Chest.
       Random Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Silver Fleuret                 Vermillion, Electrum

    Silver Fleuret +1              Native Silver

    Silver Fleuret +2              Ghost Silver

    Harmonious Fleuret             Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Silver Fleuret +3


 Step 1: Silver Fleuret ==> Silver Fleuret +1

                             Vermillion = Silver Fleuret +1 (18/-1/40)
  Silver Flueret (17/0/30) +
                             Electrum = Silver Fleuret +1 (17/+3/20)

 Step 2: Silver Fleuret +1 ==> Silver Fleuret +2

  Silver Fleuret +1 (18/-1/40)
                              + Native Silver = Silver Fleuret +2 (18/+2/20)
  Silver Fleuret +1 (17/+3/20)

 Step 3: Silver Fleuret +2 ==> Harmonious Fleuret

  Silver Fleuret +2 (18/+2/20) + Ghost Silver = Harmonious Fleuret (22/+1/10)
                                                    (AIL RES: Sonic Waves)

 Tempering Harmonious Fleuret with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Harmonious Fleuret (22/+1/10) + Tree Crystal = Silver Fleuret +3 (23/+2/10)


   1.07 - Golden Blade [FL07]

 Power: 18 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Special: CHA -1

 Find: Pirate Hideout (Melvir) Treasure Chest.
       Random Treasure Chest

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Golden Blade                   Native Silver, Electrum, Pure Gold

    Golden Blade +1                Corundum

    Golden Blade +2                Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Golden Blade +2


 Step 1: Golden Blade ==> Golden Blade +1

                            Native Silver = Golden Blade +1 (18/+2/20)
  Golden Blade (18/0/30) + - Electrum = Golden Blade +1 (18/+3/20)
                            Pure Gold = Golden Blade +1 (16/+1/20)

 Step 2: Golden Blade +1 ==> Golden Blade +2

  Golden Blade +1 (18/+2/20)
  Golden Blade +1 (18/+3/20) - + Corundum = Golden Blade +2 (27/-3/20)
  Golden Blade +1 (16/+1/20)

 Tempering Golden Blade +2 with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Golden Blade +2 (27/-3/20) + Tree Crystal = Golden Blade +2 (23/+2/10)


   1.08 - Rapier [FL08]

 Power: 21 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Buy: Pirate Coast (1800), Mirsaburg (2000), Melvir (2100).

 Find: Jamil starting weapon.
       Elizabeth Palace (Melvir) Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Rapier                         Rosalian Steel, Ligau Steel, Black Steel,
                                   Steel Thread

    Rapier +1                      Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Rapier +2                      Vernie

    Vernie Rapier                  Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Rapier +3


 Step 1: Rapier ==> Rapier +1

                     Rosalian Steel = Rapier +1 (23/+1/30)
  Rapier (21/0/30) + 
                     Ligau Steel = Rapier +1 (25/0/20)

                     Steel Thread = Rapier +1 (23/+1/40)
  Rapier (21/0/30) +
                     Black Steel = Rapier +1 (27/-1/40)

 Step 2: Rapier +1 ==> Rapier +2

  Rapier +1 (23/+1/40) + Marcasite = Rapier +2 (29/-3/30)

  Rapier +1 (27/-1/40) + Meteoric Iron = Rapier +2 (29/-2/20)

 Step 3: Rapier +2 ==> Vernie Rapier

  Rapier +2 (29/-2/20)
                      + Vernie = Vernie Rapier (29/+1/20)
  Rapier +2 (29/-3/30)

 (Optional) Tempering Vernie Rapier with Tree Crystal

  Vernie Rapier (29/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Rapier +3 (29/+2/10)


   1.09 - Rapier +1 [FL09]

 Power: 27 / DPM: +1 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Buy: Crystal City (4500), North Estamir (4125).

 Note: Vernie Rapier already tempered with Vernie (Harmonious), just
       "break-in" the Vernie to get Vernie Rapier (29/+1/20).
       Adding Tree Crystal will make the Rapier +3 (29/+2/10).


   1.10 - Sword of Earth [FO10]

 Power: 36 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 6

 Special: Channels Terrology Spells.

  ER 0-6: 
  Missing Taralians Quest, if Aisha is the Main Character.

    After you discover that the Taralians are missing, go and talk to Avi on
  top of Mt. Scurve. After that just open the Kaklin Desert, find the 
  entrance to the Desert Ruins.

    In the Desert Ruins find your way to the Nisa Cavern, find the Temple of
  Nisa inside the cavern, pray to Nisa, get the Topaz Fatestone, then talk
  to Jephtimith and he will give you the Sword of Earth.

  ER 7-22:

    If you don't have Aisha as the main character or in your party, just go to
  Uso, talk to the man or kid next to the entrance to open the Kaklin Desert,
  go to the Desert and find the entrance to the Desert Ruins.

    In the Desert Ruins find your way to the Nisa Cavern, find the Temple of
  Nisa inside the cavern, pray to Nisa, get the Topaz Fatestone, then talk
  to Jephtimith and he will give you the Sword of Earth.

 Note: Can't be tempered.


   1.11 - Espada Ropera [FL11]

 Power: 39 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 3

 Find: Ailing Emperor Quest Reward.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Espada Ropera                  Rosalian Steel, Ligau Steel, Black Steel,
                                   Steel Thread

    Espada Ropera +1               Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Espada Ropera +2               Vernie

    Vernie Rapier                  Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Espada Ropera +3


 Step 1: Espada Ropera ==> Espada Ropera +1

                            Rosalian Steel = Espada Ropera +1 (42/+1/30)
  Espada Ropera (39/0/30) + 
                            Ligau Steel = Espada Ropera +1 (46/0/20)

                            Steel Thread = Espada Ropera+1 (42/+1/40)
  Espada Ropera (39/0/30) +
                            Black Steel = Espada Ropera +1 (50/-1/40)

 Step 2: Espada Ropera +1 ==> Espada Ropera +2

  Espada Ropera +1 (42/+1/30) + Marcasite = Espada Ropera +2 (54/-3/40)

  Espada Ropera +1 (50/-1/40) + Meteoric Iron = Espada Ropera +2 (54/-2/20)

 Step 3: Espada Ropera +2 ==> Vernie Rapier

  Espada Ropera +2 (54/-3/40)
                             + Vernie = Vernie Rapier (54/+1/20)
  Espada Ropera +2 (54/-2/20)

 Tempering Vernie Rapier with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Rapier (54/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Espada Ropera +3 (54/+2/10)

                           2. SHORT SWORDS [SH00]

   2.01 - Cutlass [SS01]

 Power: 13 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 1

 Buy: Pirate Coast (405), Weston (427), Bruelle (450), Melvir (472), 
      Loban - Crystal Cartel (472), Loban - Draconian Merchant (495).

 Find: Random Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Cutlass                        Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)

    Cutlass +1                     Native Silver, Electrum

    Cutlass +2                     Marcasite, Steel Thread

    Cutlass +3 / Steelgad          Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Cutlass +3


 Step 1: Cutlass ==> Cutlass +1

                       Southern Iron = Cutlass +1 (14/-1/50)
  Cutlass (13/0/30) + - Mullock (1) = Cutlass +1 (10/0/50)
                       Mullock (5) = Cutlass +1 (15/-4/50)

 Step 2: Cutlass +1 ==> Cutlass +2

  Cutlass +1 (14/-1/50) + Native Silver = Cutlass +2 (14/+2/20)

  Cutlass +1 (15/-4/50) + Electrum = Cutlass +2 (14/+3/20)

 Step 3: Cutlass +2 ==> Cutlass +3 / Steelgad

                          Marcasite = Cutlass +3 (19/-3/30)
  Cutlass +2 (14/+2/20) + 
                          Steel Thread = Steelgad (16/+1/40)

 Tempering Cutlass +3 / Steelgad with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Cutlass +3 (19/-3/30)
                      + Tree Crystal = Cutlass +3 (18/+2/10)
  Steelgad (16/+1/40)


   2.02 - Chicken Knife [SS02]

 Power: 13 / DPM: -1 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 1

 Special: AGI +1

 Find:  Enemy Drop (Sea Kokar in the Underwater Temple Quest)

 Note:  This is a Werewolf tempered with Rock Salt. For Harmonious Materials
        and Tempering, see Section: 2.8 - Werewolf.


   2.03 - Antique Dagger [SS03]

 Power: 16 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 1

 Find:  Darque early equipment.
        Elizabeth Palace (Melvir) Treasure Chest.
        Enemy Drop.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Antique Dagger                 Native Silver, Electrum, Pure Gold

    Antique Dagger +1              Corundum
    Antique Dagger +2              Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Antique Dagger +2


 Step 1: Antique Dagger ==> Antique Dagger +1

                              Native Silver = Antique Dagger +1 (16/+2/30)
  Antique Dagger (16/0/30) + - Electrum = Antique Dagger +1 (16/+3/20)
                              Pure Gold = Antique Dagger +1 (14/+1/20)

 Step 2: Antique Dagger +1 ==> Antique Dagger +2

  Antique Dagger +1 (16/+2/30)
  Antique Dagger +1 (16/+3/20) - + Corundum = Antique Dagger +2 (24/-3/20)
  Antique Dagger +1 (14/+1/20)

 Tempering Antique Dagger +2 with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Antique Dagger +2 (24/-3/20) + T. Crystal = Antique Dagger +2 (24/-3/20)


   2.04 - Queen of Swords [SS04]

 Power: 18 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 1

 Special: CHA +5; +20 Resistance to Status Ailments.

 Find: Diana's Sword (Always equipped)

 Note: Can not be tempered.


   2.05 - Gladius [SS05]

 Power: 20 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Buy: Bruelle (1600), South Estamir (1600), North Estamir (1760).

 Find: Random Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Gladius                        Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)

    Gladius +1                     Native Silver, Electrum

    Gladius +2                     Marcasite, Steel Thread

    Gladius +3 / Steelgad          Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Gladius +3


 Step 1: Gladius ==> Gladius +1

                       Southern Iron = Gladius +1 (22/-1/50)
  Gladius (20/0/30) + - Mullock (1) = Gladius +1 (16/0/50)
                       Mullock (5) = Gladius +1 (24/-4/50)

 Step 2: Gladius +1 ==> Gladius +2

  Gladius +1 (22/-1/50) + Native Silver = Gladius +2 (22/+2/20)

  Gladius +1 (24/-4/50) + Electrum = Gladius +2 (22/+3/20)

 Step 3: Gladius +2 ==> Gladius +3 / Steelgad

                          Marcasite = Gladius +3 (30/-3/30)
  Gladius +2 (22/+2/20) + 
                          Steel Thread = Steelgad (26/+1/40)

 Tempering Gladius +3 / Steelgad with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Gladius +3 (30/-3/30)
                      + Tree Crystal = Gladius +3 (28/+2/10)
  Steelgad (26/+1/40)


   2.06 - Steelgad [SS06] 

 Power: 24 / DPM: +1 / DP: 40 / Wgt: 2

 Buy: Weston (4620), South Estamir (4900).

 Note: This is a Gladius based weapon, tempered with Steel Thread, after 
       "break-in" the Steel Thread it will be: Steelgad 26/+1/40.
       Adding Tree Crystal will make it a Gladius +3 (28/+2/10).


   2.07 - Hanger [SS07]

 Power: 25 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Buy: Bruelle (3100), Melvir (3410).

 Find: Random Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Hanger                         Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)

    Hanger +1                      Marcasite, Steel Thread

    Hanger +2 / Steelgad           Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Hanger +2


 Step 1: Hanger ==> Hanger +1

                      Southern Iron = Hanger +1 (27/-1/50)
  Hanger (25/0/30) + - Mullock (1) = Hanger +1 (20/0/50)
                      Mullock (5) = Hanger +1 (30/-4/50)

 Step 2: Hanger +1 ==> Hanger +2 / Steelgad

  Hanger +1 (30/-4/50) + Marcasite = Hanger +2 (35/-3/30)

  Hanger +1 (27/-1/50) + Steel Thread = Steelgad (30/+1/40)

 Tempering Hanger +2 / Steelgad with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Hanger +2 (35/-3/30)
                     + Tree Crystal = Hanger +2 (32/+2/10)
  Steelgad (30/+1/40)


   2.08 - Werewolf [SS08]

 Power: 27 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 1

 Special: AGI +1

 Find: Random Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Werewolf                       Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)

    Werewolf +1                    Beast Fang, Tortoise Shell,
                                   Reinforced Wing

    Werewolf +2 / Beowulf          Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Werewolf +2


 Step 1: Werewolf  ==> Werewolf +1

  Werewolf (27/0/30)          Southern Iron = Werewolf +1 (29/-1/50)
             or              /
  Chicken Knife (13/-1/30) + - Mullock (1) = Werewolf +1 (21/0/50)
                              Mullock (5) = Werewolf +1 (32/-4/50)

 Step 2: Werewolf +1 ==> Werewolf +2 / Beowulf

  Werewolf +1 (32/-4/50) + Beast Fang = Beowulf (37/-1/20)

  Werewolf +1 (29/-1/50) + Tortoise Shell = Werewolf +2 (35/+1/10)

 Tempering Beowulf / Werewolf +2 with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Werewolf +2 (35/+1/10)
                    + Tree Crystal = Werewolf +2 (35/+2/10)
  Beowulf (37/-1/20)


   2.09 - Serpentbrand [SS09]

 Power: 27 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 7

 Special: INT +5; Channels Hydrology Spells.
          Can use Flow of Water Technique.

 Find: Aquactic Ecology Quest Reward.

 Note: Can not be tempered.


   2.10 - Dragonscale Blade [SS10]

 Power: 37 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Special: +10 Resistance to Fire, Cold and Electricity.

 Find: Gold Dragon (Trials of Elore Only).
       Treasure Map Item.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Dragonscale Blade              Beast Fang, Tortoise Shell, 
                                   Reinforced Wing

    Dragonscale Blade +1           Elemental Core, Tree Crystal (Harmonious),

    D. Blade +2 / Wyrmbrand        Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Dragonscale Blade +2


 Step 1: Dragonscale Blade ==> Dragonscale Blade +1

                       Tortoise Shell = Dragonscale Blade +1 (44/+1/10)
  Dragonscale Blade + - Beast Fang = Dragonscale Blade +1 (48/-1/20)
     (37/0/30)        \
                       Reinforced Wing = Dragonscale Blade +1 (51/-3/10)

 Step 2: Dragonscale Blade +1 ==> Dragonscale Blade +2 / Wyrmbrand

  Dragonscale Blade +1 (51/-3/10) + Windshell = Wyrmbrand (48/-1/10)

                         Elemental Core = Dragonscale Blade +2 (51/-2/10)
  Dragonscale Blade +1 + 
    (44/+1/10)          \
                         Tree Crystal = Dragonscale Blade +2 (48/+2/10)

 Tempering Wyrmbrand / Dragonscale Blade +2 with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Dragonscale Blade +2 (51/-2/10)
                      + Tree Crystal = Dragonscale Blade +2 (48/+2/10)
  Wyrmbrand (48/-1/10)

                           3. LONG SWORDS [LS00]

   3.01 - Junk Sword [LS01]

 Power: 7 / DPM: -2 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Find: Enemy Drop (Junk Bird)

 Note: A version of the Single Sword tempered with Mullock. For Harmonious 
       Materials and Tempering, see Section: 3.02 - Single Sword.


   3.02 - Single Sword [LS02] 

 Power: 9 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Uso (95), Yeoville (105), North Estamir (110), South Estamir (100),
      Weston (90)

 Find: Gray, Barbara, Galahad and Dominion Knight starting weapon.
       Random Treasure Chests.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Single Sword                   Rosalian Steel, Ligau Steel, Black Steel
                                   Steel Thread

    Single Sword +1                Marcasite / Meteoric Iron

    Single Sword +2                Garal

    Garal Sword                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Single Sword +3


 Step 1: Single Sword ==> Single Sword +1

  Junk Sword (7/-2/30)    Rosalian Steel = Single Sword +1 (9/+1/30)
           or            /
  Single Sword (9/0/30) +
                          Ligau Steel = Single Sword +1 (10/0/20)

  Junk Sword (7/-2/30)    Black Steel = Single Sword +1 (11/-1/40)
           or            /
  Single Sword (9/0/30) +
                          Steel Thread = Single Sword +1 (9/+1/40)

 Step 2: Single Sword +1 ==> Single Sword +2

  Single Sword +1 (9/+1/40) + Marcasite = Single Sword +2 (12/-3/30)

  Single Sword +1 (11/-1/40) + Meteoric Iron = Single Sword +2 (12/-2/20)

 Step 3: Single Sword +2 ==> Garal Sword

  Single Sword +2 (12/-3/30)
                           + Garal = Garal Sword (11/+2/20)
  Single Sword +2 (12/-2/20)

 Tempering Garal Sword with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Sword (11/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Single Sword +3 (12/+2/10)


   3.03 - Defender [LS03]

 Power: 9 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Find: Raphael starting weapon.

 Note: This weapon is Single Sword in Defense Mode.


   3.04 - Walloon Sword [LS04]

 Power: 12 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Weston (324), Altours (360), Yeoville (378).

 Find: Amazon, Warrior starting weapon.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Walloon Sword                  Rosalian Steel, Ligau Steel, Black Steel
                                   Steel Thread

    Walloon Sword +1               Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Walloon Sword +2               Garal

    Garal Sword                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Walloon Sword +3


 Step 1: Walloon Sword ==> Walloon Sword +1

                            Rosalian Steel = Walloon Sword +1 (13/+1/30)
  Walloon Sword (12/0/30) +
                            Ligau Steel = Walloon Sword +1 (14/0/20)

                            Black Steel = Walloon Sword +1 (15/-1/40)
  Walloon Sword (12/0/30) +
                            Steel Thread = Walloon Sword +1 (13/+1/40)

 Step 2: Walloon Sword +1 ==> Walloon Sword +2

  Walloon Sword +1 (13/+1/40) + Marcasite = Walloon Sword +2 (16/-3/30)

  Walloon Sword +1 (15/-1/40) + Meteoric Iron = Walloon Sword +2 (16/-2/20)

 Step 3: Walloon Sword +2 ==> Garal Sword

  Walloon Sword +2 (16/-3/30)
                             + Garal = Garal Sword (15/+2/20)
  Walloon Sword +2 (16/-2/20)

 Tempering Garal Sword with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Sword (15/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Walloon Sword +3 (16/+2/10)


   3.05 - Minstrel Sword [LS05]

 Power: 18 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 6

 Special: Can use Fested'Arme Technique.

 Find: Minstrel's Sword (Always equipped)

 Note: Can not be tempered.


   3.06 - Back Sword [LS06]

 Power: 19 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Altours (1450), Yeoville (1522), Crystal City (1522).

 Find: Frielei starting weapon.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Back Sword                     Rosalian Steel, Ligau Steel, Black Steel
                                   Steel Thread

    Back Sword +1                  Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Back Sword +2                  Garal

    Garal Sword                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Back Sword +3


 Step 1: Back Sword ==> Back Sword +1

                         Rosalian Steel = Back Sword +1 (20/+1/30)
  Back Sword (19/0/30) +
                         Ligau Steel = Back Sword +1 (22/0/20)

                         Black Steel = Back Sword +1 (24/-1/40)
  Back Sword (19/0/30) +
                         Steel Thread = Back Sword +1 (20/+1/40)

 Step 2: Back Sword +1 ==> Back Sword +2

  Back Sword +1 (20/+1/30) + Marcasite = Back Sword +2 (26/-3/30)

  Back Sword +1 (22/0/20) + Meteoric Iron = Back Sword +2 (26/-2/20)

 Step 3: Back Sword +2 ==> Garal Sword

  Back Sword +2 (26/-3/30)
                           + Garal = Garal Sword (24/+2/20)
  Back Sword +2 (26/-2/20)

 Tempering Garal Sword with Tree Crystal (OPtional)

  Garal Sword (24/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Back Sword +3 (26/+2/10)


   3.07 - Town Sword [LS07]

 Power: 26 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Bruelle (3300), Yeoville (3465), Eugenstadt (3630).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Town Sword                     Rosalian Steel, Ligau Steel, Black Steel
                                   Steel Thread

    Town Sword +1                  Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Town Sword +2                  Garal

    Garal Sword                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Town Sword +3


 Step 1: Town Sword ==> Town Sword +1

                         Rosalian Steel = Town Sword +1 (28/+1/30)
  Town Sword (26/0/30) +
                         Ligau Steel = Town Sword +1 (31/0/20)

                         Black Steel = Town Sword +1 (33/-1/40)
  Town Sword (26/0/30) +
                         Steel Thread = Town Sword +1 (28/+1/40)

 Step 2: Town Sword +1 ==> Town Sword +2

  Town Sword +1 (31/0/20) + Meteoric Iron = Town Sword +2 (36/-2/20)

  Town Sword +1 (33/-1/40) + Marcasite = Town Sword +2 (36/-3/30)

 Step 3: Town Sword +2 ==> Garal Sword

  Town Sword +2 (36/-2/20)
                           + Garal = Garal Sword (33/+2/20)
  Town Sword +2 (36/-3/30)

 Tempering Garal Sword with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Sword (33/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Town Sword +3 (36/+2/10)


   3.08 - Garal Sword [LS08]

 Power: 31 / DPM: +2 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Bruelle (7030), North Estamir (7030).

 Note: This is a Town Sword based weapon, tempered with Garal, after 
       "break-in" the Garal it will be: Garal Sword (33/+2/20).
       Adding Tree Crystal will make it a Town Sword +3 (36/+2/10).


   3.09 - Schiavona [LS09]

 Power: 34 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Mirsaburg (9000), Yeoville (9450), Eugenstadt (9900).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Schiavona                      Rosalian Steel, Ligau Steel, Black Steel
                                   Steel Thread

    Schiavona +1                   Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Schiavona +2                   Garal

    Garal Sword                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Schiavona +3


 Step 1: Schiavona ==> Schiavona +1

                        Rosalian Steel = Schiavona +1 (37/+1/30)
  Schiavona (34/0/30) +
                        Ligau Steel = Schiavona +1 (40/0/40)

                        Black Steel = Schiavona +1 (44/-1/40)
  Schiavona (34/0/30) +
                        Steel Thread = Schiavona +1 (37/+1/40)

 Step 2: Schiavona +1 ==> Schiavona +2

  Schiavona +1 (37/+1/30) + Marcasite = Schiavona +2 (47/-3/30)

  Schiavona +1 (44/-1/40) + Meteoric Iron = Schiavona +2 (47/-2/20)

 Step 3: Schiavona +2 ==> Garal Sword

  Schiavona +2 (47/-3/30)
                          + Garal = Garal Sword (44/+2/20)
  Schiavona +2 (47/-2/20)

 Tempering Garal Sword with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Sword (44/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Schiavona +3 (47/+2/10)


   3.10 - Farangi [LS10]

 Power: 39 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Find: Treasure Map Item.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Farangi                        Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)
                                   Bismuth, Chunk of Copper

    Farangi +1                     Corundum, Steel Thread

    Farangi +2 / Steelrend         Tree Crystal (Optional)


 Step 1: Farangi ==> Farangi +1

                      Southern Iron = Farangi +1 (42/-1/50)
  Farangi (39/0/30) +
                      Chunk of Copper = Farangi +1 (35/-3/99)

                       Mullock (1) = Farangi +1 (31/0/50)
  Farangi (39/0/30) + - Bismuth = Farangi +1 (31/+1/60)
                       Mullock (5) = Farangi +1 (46/-4/50)

 Step 2: Farangi +1 ==> Farangi +2 / Steelrend

  Farangi +1 (42/-1/50) + Corundum = Farangi +2 (58/-3/20)

  Farangi +1 (35/-3/99) + Steel Thread = Steelrend (46/+1/40)

 Tempering Farangi +2 / Steelrend with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Farangi +2 (58/-3/20) 
                       + Tree Crystal = Farangi +2 (50/+2/10)
  Steelrend (46/+1/40)


   3.11 - Main Gauche [LS11]

 Power: 45 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 8

 Special: Can use Left Fork and Victor's Blade Techniques.

 Find: Trials of Elore Treasure Chest.

 Note: Can not be tempered.

                           4. GREAT SWORDS [GS00]

   4.01 - Bastard Sword [GS01]

 Power: 17 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Buy: Northpoint (900), North Estamir (900), Altours (1000), Mirsaburg (1050).

 Find: Bafal Fighter, Soldier A, Soldier B starting weapon.
       Random Treasure Chest. 

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Bastard Sword                  Southern Iron, Vermillion

    Bastard Sword  +1              Marcasite, Black Steel

    Bastard Sword  +2              Vernie

    Vernie Saber                   Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Bastard Sword +3


 Step 1: Bastard Sword ==> Bastard Sword +1

                            Southern Iron = Bastard Sword +1 (18/-1/50)
  Bastard Sword (17/0/30) +
                            Vermillion = Bastard Sword +1 (18/-1/40)

 Step 2: Bastard Sword +1 ==> Bastard Sword +2

  Bastard Sword +1 (18/-1/50) + Marcasite = Bastard Sword +2 (23/-3/30)

  Bastard Sword +1 (18/-1/40) + Black Steel = Bastard Sword +2 (23/-1/40)

 Step 3: Bastard Sword +2 ==> Vernie Saber
  Bastard Sword +2 (23/-3/30)
                             + Vernie = Vernie Saber (23/+1/20)
  Bastard Sword +2 (23/-1/40)

 Tempering Vernie Sabre with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Sabre (23/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Bastard Sword +3 (23/+2/10)

   4.02 - Bastard Sword +1 [GS02]

 Power: 18 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Buy: North Estamir (1400).

 Note: Bastard Sword untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and
       Tempering, see section: 4.1 - Bastard Sword.

   4.03 - Ogre's Clever [GS03]

 Power: 21 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 8

 Special: STR +3

 Find: Frosthold Fortress Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop.

 Note: Can not be tempered.

   4.04 - Rosalian Saber [GS04]

 Power: 24 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Buy: Altours (2800), Crystal City (2940), Yeoville (2940).

 Find: Mt. Scurve Treasure Chest.
       Neidhart starting weapon.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Rosalian Saber                 Southern Iron, Vermillion

    Rosalian Saber  +1             Marcasite, Black Steel

    Rosalian Saber  +2             Vernie

    Vernie Saber                   Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Rosalian Saber +3


 Step 1: Rosalian Saber ==> Rosalian Saber +1

                             Southern Iron = Rosalian Saber +1 (26/-1/50)
  Rosalian Saber (24/0/30) +
                             Vermillion = Rosalian Saber +1 (26/-1/40)

 Step 2: Rosalian Saber +1 ==> Rosalian Saber +2

  Rosalian Saber +1 (26/-1/50) + Black Steel = Rosalian Saber +2 (33/-1/40)

  Rosalian Saber +1 (26/-1/40) + Marcasite = Rosalian Saber +2 (33/-3/30)

 Step 3: Rosalian Saber +2 ==> Vernie Saber
  Rosalian Saber +2 (33/-1/40) 
                               + Vernie = Vernie Saber (33/+1/20)
  Rosalian Saber +2 (33/-3/30)

 Tempering Vernie Saber with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Sabre (33/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Rosalian Saber +3 (33/+2/10)

   4.05 - Raksha Sword [GS05]

 Power: 28 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 8

 Special: STR +3

 Find: Pagan Ruins Treasure Chest.
       Silver starting weapon.
       Enemy Drop.

 Note: Can not be tempered.

   4.06 - Blue Saber [GS06]

 Power: 35 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Special: +20 Status Ailment Resistance

 Find: Treasure Map Item - Lv 5.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Blue Saber                     Elemental Core, Deadstone

    Blue Saber  +1                 Native Silver, Electrum

    Blue Saber  +2                 Tree Crystal (Harmonious)

    Blue Saber  +3                 Dark Crystal

    Darkblade                      Grim Crystal

    Grimblade                      Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Blue Saber +5


 Step 1: Blue Saber ==> Blue Saber +1

                         Elemental Core = Blue Saber +1 (45/-2/10)
  Blue Saber (35/0/30) + 
                         Deadstone = Blue Saber +1 (49/-1/1)

 Step 2: Blue Saber +1 ==> Blue Saber +2

  Blue Saber +1 (49/-1/1) + Native Silver = Blue Saber +2 (38/+2/20)

  Blue Saber +1 (45/-2/10) + Electrum = Blue Saber +2 (38/+3/20)

 Step 3: Blue Saber +2 ==> Blue Saber +3

  Blue Saber +2 (38/+2/20)
                          + Tree Crystal = Blue Saber +3 (49/+2/10)
  Blue Saber +2 (38/+3/20)

 Step 4: Blue Saber +3 ==> Darkblade

  Blue Saber +3 (49/+2/10) + Dark Crystal = Darkblade (63/-4/10)
                                            (MAG RES: Cosmology)

 Step 5: Darkblade ==> Grimblade

  Darkblade (63/-4/10) + Grim Crystal = Grimblade (66/-4/10)
                                       (MAG RES: Bewitchery)

 Tempering Grimblade with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Grimblade (66/-4/10) + Tree Crystal = Blue Saber +5 (56/+2/10)

                           5. SCIMITARS [SC00]

   5.01 - Phantom Sword [SC01]

 Power: 13 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 8

 Special: STR +1; Can Cast Fire and Ice Illusions.
          Can Channel Illusions Magic.
 Find: Pagan Ruins Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Phantom Sword                     Beast Fang, Tortoise Shell
                                      Reinforced Wing

    Phantom Sword +1                  Elemental Core, Windshell
                                      Tree Crystal (Harmonious)* 

    Phantom Sword +2 / Ghostbrand


 Step 1: Phantom Sword ==> Phantom Sword +1

                              Beast Fang = Phantom Sword +1 (16/-1/LP)
  Phantom Sword  (13/0/LP) + - Tortoise Shell = Phantom Sword +1 (15/+1/LP)
                              Reinforced Wing = Phantom Sword +1 (18/-3/LP)

 Step 2: Phantom Sword +1 ==> Phantom Sword +2 / Ghostbrand

  Phantom Sword +1 (18/-3/LP) + Windshell = Ghostbrand (16/-1/LP)
                                              (AIL RES: Snare)

                                Elemental Core = Phantom Sword +2 (18/-2/LP)
  Phantom Sword +1 (15/+1/LP) + 
                                Tree Crystal = Phantom Sword +2 (16/+2/LP)*

    * Phantom Sword +2 (16/+2/LP) final evolution, not need to add the 
                    optional Tree Crystal.


   5.02 - Crescent Blade [SC02]

 Power: 15 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Northpoint (720), Pirate Coast (720), Taralian Camp (760),
      South Estamir (800).
 Find: Random Treasure Chest

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Crescent Blade                 Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)
    Crescent Blade +1              Bismuth, Chunk of Copper

    Crescent Blade +2              Corundum, Steel Thread

    Crescent Blade +3 / Steelsong  Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Crescent Blade +3


 Step 1: Crescent Blade ==> Crescent Blade +1

                              Mullock (1) = Crescent Blade +1 (12/0/50)
  Crescent Blade (15/0/30) + - Southern Iron = Crescent Blade +1 (16/-1/50)
                              Mullock (5) = Crescent Blade +1 (18/-4/50)

 Step 2: Crescent Blade +1 ==> Crescent Blade +2

  Crescent Blade +1 (16/-1/50) + Bismut = Crescent Blade +2 (13/+1/60)

  Crescent Blade +1 (12/0/50) + Chunk of Copper = Crescent Blade +2 (15/-3/99)

 Step 3: Crescent Blade +2 ==> Crescent Blade +3 / Steelsong

  Crescent Blade +2 (13/+1/60) + Steel Thread = Steelsong (19/+1/40)

  Crescent Blade +2 (15/-3/99) + Corundum = Crescent Blade +3 (24/-3/20)

 Tempering Crescent Blade +3 / Steelsong with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Crescent Blade +3 (24/-3/20) 
                       + Tree Crystal = Crescent Blade +3 (21/+2/10)
  Steelsong (19/+1/40)


   5.03 - Crescent Blade +1 [SC03]

 Power: 16 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Northpoint (1120).
 Note: Crescent Blade untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and 
       Tempering, see section: 5.02 - Crescent Blade.


   5.04 - Falchion [SC04]

 Power: 21 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Godongo (1710), Taralian Camp (1805), South Estamir (1900), Uso (1995).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Falchion                       Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)
    Falchion +1                    Bismuth, Chunk of Copper

    Falchion +2                    Corundum, Steel Thread

    Falchion +3 / Steelsong        Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Falchion +3


 Step 1: Falchion ==> Falchion +1

                        Mullock (1) = Falchion +1 (16/0/50)
  Falchion (21/0/30) + - Southern Iron = Falchion +1 (23/-1/50)
                        Mullock (5) = Falchion +1 (25/-4/50)

 Step 2: Falchion +1 ==> Falchion +2

  Falchion +1 (25/-4/50) + Bismuth = Falchion +2 (18/+1/60)

  Falchion +1 (23/-1/50) + Chunk of Copper = Falchion +2 (21/-3/99)

 Step 3: Falchion +2 ==> Falchion +3 / Steelsong

  Falchion +2 (18/+1/60) + Corundum = Falchion +3 (33/-3/20)

  Falchion +2 (21/-3/99) + Steel Thread = Steelsong (27/+1/40)

 Tempering Falchion +3 / Steelsong with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Falchion +3 (33/-3/20) 
                       + Tree Crystal = Falchion +3 (29/+2/10)
  Steelsong (27/+1/40)


   5.05 - Falchion +1 [SC05]

 Power: 23 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Uso (2945).
 Note: Falchion untempered version . For Harmonious Materials and Tempering,
       see section: 5.04 - Falchion.


   5.06 - Steelsong [SC06]

 Power: 25 / DPM: +1 / DP: 40 / Wgt: 4

 Buy: Weston (5115), South Estamir (5425).

 Note: This is a Falchion based weapon, tempered with Steel Thread, after 
       "break-in" the Steel Thread it will be: Steelsong (27/+1/40).
       Adding Tree Crystal will make it a Falchion +3 (29/+2/10).


   5.07 - Drachenbrand [SC07]

 Power: 33 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Buy: Yeoville (7500), South Estamir (7500).

 Find: Random Treasure chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Drachenbrand                   Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)
    Drachenbrand +1                Corundum, Steel Thread

    Drachenbrand +2, Steelsong     Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Drachenbrand +2


 Step 1: Drachenbrand ==> Drachenbrand +1

                            Southern Iron = Drachenbrand +1 (36/-1/50)
  Drachenbrand (33/0/30) + - Mullock (1) = Drachenbrand +1 (26/0/50)
                            Mullock (5) = Drachenbrand +1 (39/-4/50

 Step 2: Drachenbrand +1 ==> Drachenbrand +2 / Steelsong

  Drachenbrand +1 (39/-4/50) + Corundum = Drachenbrand +2 (49/-3/20)

  Drachenbrand +1 (36/-1/50) + Steel Thread = Steelsong (39/+1/40)

 Tempering Drachenbrand +2 / Steelsong with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Drachenbrand +2 (49/-3/20) 
                       + Tree Crystal = Drachenbrand +2 (42/+2/10)
  Steelsong (39/+1/40)


   5.08 - Red Peacock [SC08]

 Power: 40 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 1

 Special: DEX +3; CHA +3; AGI +3.

 Find:  Treasure Map Item - Lv5.

 Note:  Can not be tempered.


   5.09 - Darque's Sword [SC09]

 Power: 44 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Find: "Who am I" Quest Reward.
        If you choose to awake Darque the Assassin memories.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Darque's Sword                 Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)
    Darque's Sword +1              Bismuth, Chunk of Copper

    Darque's Sword +2              Corundum, Steel Thread

    D. Sword +3 / Sadalmelik       Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Darque's Sword +3


 Step 1: Darque's Sword ==> Darque's Sword +1

                              Mullock (1) = Darque's Sword +1 (35/0/50)
  Darque's Sword (44/0/30) + - Southern Iron = Darque's Sword +1 (48/-1/50)
                              Mullock (5) = Darque's Sword +1 (52/-4/50)

 Step 2: Darque's Sword +1 ==> Darque's Sword +2

  Darque's Sword +1 (35/0/50) + Bismuth = Darque's Sword +2 (39/+1/60)

  Darque's Sw. +1 (48/-1/50) + Chunk of Copper = Darque's Sword +2 (44/-3/99)

 Step 3: Darque's Sword +2 ==> Darque's Sword +3 / Sadalmelik

  Darque's Sword +2 (44/-3/99) + Steel Thread = Sadalmelik (57/+1/40)

  Darque's Sword +2 (39/+1/60) + Corundum = Darque's Sword +3 (70/-3/20)

 Tempering Darque's Sword +3 / Sadalmelik with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Darque's Sword +3 (70/-3/20) 
                       + Tree Crystal = Darque's Sword +3 (61/+2/10)
  Sadalmelik (57/+1/40)

                           6. HAND AXES [HA00]

   6.01 - Hand Axe [HA01]

 Power: 10 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Buy: Uso (76), Taralian Camp (76), Weston (76), Loban - Crystal Cartel (84),
      Loban - Draconian Merchant (88).

 Find: Hawke, Aisha, Sif starting weapon.
       Random Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop. 

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Hand Axe                       Bronze, Blancazure

    Hand Axe +1                    Southern Iron, Marcasite

    Hand Axe +2                    Garal

    Garal Hatchet                  Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Hand Axe +3


 Step 1: Hand Axe ==> Hand Axe +1

                       Bronze = Hand Axe +1 (8/+1/40)
  Hand Axe (10/0/30) + 
                       Blancazure = Hand Axe +1 (9/+2/30)

 Step 2: Hand Axe +1 ==> Hand Axe +2

  Hand Axe +1 (8/+1/40) + Southern Iron = Hand Axe +2 (12/-1/50)

  Hand Axe +1 (9/+2/30) + Marcasite = Hand Axe +2 (14/-3/30)

 Step 3: Hand Axe +2 ==> Garal Hatchet
  Hand Axe +2 (12/-1/50) 
                         + Garal = Garal Hatchet (13/+2/20)
  Hand Axe +2 (14/-3/30)

 Tempering Garal Hatchet with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Hatchet (13/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Hand Axe +3 (14/+2/10)


   6.02 - Gothic Axe [HA02]

 Power: 17 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 6

 Buy: Mirsaburg (630), Melvir (660), Eugenstadt (660), 
      Loban - Crystal Cartel (630), Loban - Draconian Merchant (660).

 Find: Pirate, Valhallan Warrior starting weapon.
       Melvir Sewers Treasure Chest.
       Pirate Hideout Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Gothic Axe                     Bronze, Blancazure

    Gothic Axe +1                  Southern Iron, Marcasite

    Gothic Axe +2                  Garal

    Garal Hatchet                  Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Gothic Axe +3


 Step 1: Gothic Axe ==> Gothic Axe +1

                         Bronze = Gothic Axe +1 (13/+1/40)
  Gothic Axe (17/0/30) +
                         Blancazure = Gothic Axe +1 (15/+2/30)

 Step 2: Gothic Axe +1 ==> Gothic Axe +2

  Gothic Axe +1 (15/+2/30) + Southern Iron = Gothic Axe +2 (20/-1/50)

  Gothic Axe +1 (13/+1/40) + Marcasite = Gothic Axe +2 (23/-3/30)

 Step 3: Gothic Axe +2 ==> Garal Hatchet
  Gothic Axe +2 (20/-1/50)
                           + Garal = Garal Hatchet (22/+2/20)
  Gothic Axe +2 (23/-3/30)

 Tempering Garal Hatchet with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Hatchet (22/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Gothic Axe +3 (23/+2/10)


   6.03 - Gothic Axe +1 [HA03]

 Power: 18 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 6

 Buy: Loban - Draconian Merchant (960).
 Note: Gothic Axe untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and Tempering,
       see section: 6.02 - Gothic Axe.


   6.04 - Stone Axe [HA04]

 Power: 22 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 12

 Find: Aquamarine Cave Treasure Chest.
       Random Treasure Chest.
       Trading and Enemy Drop.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Stone Axe                      Mullock (1), Mullock (2), Mullock (3)

    Stone Axe +1                   Mullock (4), Mullock (5)

    Stone Axe +2                   Mullock (6), Mullock (7)

    Stone Axe +3                   Corundum

    Tungsten Crescent              Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Stone Axe +4


 Step 1: Stone Axe ==> Stone Axe +1

                         Mullock (1) = Stone Axe +1 (17/ 0/50)
  Stone Axe (22/0/30) + - Mullock (2) = Stone Axe +1 (19/+2/20)
                         Mullock (3) = Stone Axe +1 (22/-1/40)

 Step 2: Stone Axe +1 ==> Stone Axe +2

  Stone Axe +1 (19/+2/20) + Mullock (4) = Stone Axe +2 (24/-2/40)

  Stone Axe +1 (22/-1/40) + Mullock (5) = Stone Axe +2 (28/-4/50)

 Step 3: Stone Axe +2 ==> Stone Axe +3
  Stone Axe +2 (24/-2/40) + Mullock (6) = Stone Axe +3 (33/-5/40)

  Stone Axe +2 (28/-4/50) + Mullock (7) = Stone Axe +3 (35/-4/20)

 Step 4: Stone Axe +3 ==> Tungsten Crescent

  Stone Axe +3 (33/-5/40)
                          + Corundum = Tungsten Crescent (37/-3/20)
  Stone Axe +3 (35/-4/20)

 Tempering Tungsten Crescent with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Tungsten Crescent (37/-3/20) + Tree Crystal = Stone Axe +4 (33/+2/10)


   6.05 - Lady Hawk [HA05]

 Power: 30 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 2

 Find: Treasure Map Item.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Lady Hawk                      Ligau Steel, Marcasite, Steel Thread

    Lady Hawk +1                   Reinforced Wing, Windshell

    Lady Hawk +2                   Aerodyne

    Falconwind                     Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Lady Hawk +3


 Step 1: Lady Hawk ==> Lady Hawk +1

                         Ligau Steel = Lady Hawk +1 (36/ 0/20)
  Lady Hawk (30/0/30) + - Marcasite = Lady Hawk +1 (39/-3/30)
                         Steel Thread = Lady Hawk +1 (33/+1/40)

 Step 2: Lady Hawk +1 ==> Lady Hawk +2

  Lady Hawk +1 (36/ 0/20) + Reinforced Wing = Lady Hawk +2 (45/-3/10)

  Lady Hawk +1 (39/-3/30) + Windshell = Lady Hawk +2 (39/-1/10)

 Step 3: Lady Hawk +2 ==> Falconwind
  Lady Hawk +2 (45/-3/10)
                          + Aerodyne = Falconwind (42/-1/20)
  Lady Hawk +2 (39/-1/10)

 Tempering Falconwind with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Falconwind (42/-1/20) + Tree Crystal = Lady Hawk +3 (42/+2/10)


   6.06 - Throwing Axe [HA06]

 Power: 31 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Buy: Pirate Coast (4410), Melvir (5390) Loban - Crystal Cartel (5154),
      Loban - Draconian Merchant (5390). 

 Find: Elizabeth Palace Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop (Butcher).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Throwing Axe                   Ligau Steel, Marcasite, Steel Thread

    Throwing Axe +1                Reinforced Wing, Windshell

    Throwing Axe +2                Aerodyne

    Falconwind                     Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Throwing Axe +3


 Step 1: Throwing Axe ==> Throwing Axe +1

                           Ligau Steel = Throwing Axe +1 (37/0/20)
  Throwing Axe (31/0/30) + - Marcasite = Throwing Axe +1 (40/-3/30)
                           Steel Thread = Throwing Axe +1 (34/+1/40)

 Step 2: Throwing Axe +1 ==> Throwing Axe +2

  Throwing Axe +1 (37/0/20) + Reinforced Wing = Throwing Axe +2 (46/-3/10)

  Throwing Axe +1 (40/-3/30) + Windshell = Throwing Axe +2 (40/-1/10)

 Step 3: Throwing Axe +2 ==> Falconwind
  Throwing Axe +2 (40/-1/10)
                            + Aerodyne = Falconwind (43/-1/20)
  Throwing Axe +2 (46/-3/10)

 Tempering Falconwind with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Falconwind (43/-1/20) + Tree Crystal = Throwing Axe +3 (43/+2/10)


   6.07 - Bilqis [HA07]

 Power: 33 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 4

 Special: COM +6; Can use Fury of Bel'kwinth technique.

 Find: Witch of Good Fortune (Purgatory 777th Floor) or Enemies with Crown.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.


   6.08 - Epic Hero [HA08]

 Power: 36 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 11

 Special: WIL +6; Can use Gate technique.

 Find: Complete Beast Ecology Quest once.
       In the next play go to Mt. Scurve after ER 18.
       You will meet Gigavi (Avi's Evil version).
       Defeat Gigavi to get this axe.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.


   6.09 - Cosmo Egg [HA09]

 Power: 47 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 11

 Special: VIT +6; Can use Xenophobic Blast technique.

 Find: Complete Plant Ecology Quest once.
       In the next play go to Mt. Tamoe after ER 18.
       You will meet Pyrocanis (Pyrix's Evil version).
       Defeat Pyrocanis to get this axe.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.

                           7. CLUBS [CL00]

   7.01 - Worthless Club [CL01]

 Power: 12 / DPM: -2 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 3

 Find:  Enemy Drop.

 Note:  This is Mace tempered with Mullock. For Harmonious Materials and 
        Tempering, see Section: 7.02 - Mace.


   7.02 - Mace [CL02]

 Power: 16 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 3

 Buy: Jelton (855), Altours (900), Mirsaburg (900), Yeoville (945).

 Find: Random Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop. 

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Mace                           Bronze, Blancazure

    Mace +1                        Native Silver, Electrum

    Mace +2                        Garal

    Garal Hammer                   Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Mace +3


 Step 1: Mace ==> Mace +1

  Mace (16/0/30)              Bronze = Mace +1 (12/+1/40)
          or                 /
  Worthless Club (12/-2/30) + 
                              Blancazure = Mace +1 (14/+2/30)

 Step 2: Mace +1 ==> Mace +2

  Mace +1 (12/+1/40) + Native Silver = Mace +2 (17/+2/20)

  Mace +1 (14/+2/30) + Electrum = Mace +2 (17/+3/20)

 Step 3: Mace +2 ==> Garal Hammer
  Mace +2 (17/+2/20) 
                     + Garal = Garal Hammer (20/+2/20)
  Mace +2 (17/+3/20)

 Tempering Garal Hammer with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Hammer (20/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Mace +3 (22/+2/10)


   7.03 - Silver Hammer [CL03]

 Power: 19 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 3

 Special: Can use Hunter's Fury Technique.

 Buy: Crystal City (12000), Mirsaburg (12000).

 Find: Captian Silver's Cave Treasure Chest.
       Random Treasure Chest. 

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Silver Hammer                  Vermillion, Electrum

    Silver Hammer +1               Native Silver

    Silver Hammer +2               Ghost Silver

    Harmonious Hammer              Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Silver Hammer +3


 Step 1: Silver Hammer ==> Silver Hammer +1

                            Vermillion = Silver Hammer +1 (20/-1/40)
  Silver Hammer (19/0/30) + 
                            Electrum = Silver Hammer +1 (19/+3/20)

 Step 2: Silver Hammer +1 ==> Silver Hammer +2

  Silver Hammer +1 (20/-1/40) 
                             + Native Silver = Silver Hammer +2 (20/+2/20)
  Silver Hammer +1 (19/+3/20)

 Step 3: Silver Hammer +2 ==> Harmonious Hammer
  Silver Hammer +2 (20/+2/20) + Ghost Silver = Harmonious Hammer (24/+1/10)
                                                   (MAG RES: Sonic Waves)

 Tempering Harmonious Hammer with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Harmonious Hammer (24/+1/10) + tree Crystal = Silver Hammer +3 (26/+2/10)


   7.04 - Warhammer [CL04]

 Power: 20 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 3

 Buy: Altours (1600), Mirsaburg (1600), Eugenstadt (1760).

 Find: Random Treasure Chest. 

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Warhammer                      Bronze, Blancazure

    Warhammer +1                   Native Silver, Electrum

    Warhammer +2                   Garal

    Garal Hammer                   Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Warhammer +3


 Step 1: Warhammer ==> Warhammer +1

                        Bronze = Warhammer +1 (16/+1/40)
  Warhammer (20/0/30) + 
                        Blancazure = Warhammer +1 (18/+2/30)

 Step 2: Warhammer +1 ==> Warhammer +2

  Warhammer +1 (16/+1/40) + Native Silver = Warhammer +2 (22/+2/20)

  Warhammer +1 (18/+2/30) + Electrum = Warhammer +2 (22/+3/20)

 Step 3: Warhammer +2 ==> Garal Hammer
  Warhammer +2 (22/+2/20) 
                          + Garal = Garal Hammer (26/+2/20)
  Warhammer +2 (22/+3/20)

 Tempering Garal Hammer with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Hammer (26/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Warhammer +3 (28/+2/10)


   7.05 - Warhammer +1 [CL05]

 Power: 22 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 3

 Buy: Altours (2400) - After the Ice Sword is sold.
 Note: Warhammer untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and Tempering, 
        see section: 7.04 - Warhammer.


   7.06 - Cyclone Club [CL06]

 Power: 27 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 3

 Buy: Crystal City (3900), Mirsaburg (3900).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Cyclone Club                   Bronze, Blancazure

    Cyclone Club +1                Native Silver, Electrum

    Cyclone Club +2                Garal

    Garal Hammer                   Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Cyclone Club +3


 Step 1: Cyclone Club ==> Cyclone Club +1

                           Bronze = Cyclone Club +1 (21/+1/40)
  Cyclone Club (27/0/30) + 
                           Blancazure = Cyclone Club +1 (24/+2/30)

 Step 2: Cyclone Club +1 ==> Cyclone Club +2

  Cyclone Club +1 (21/+1/40) + Native Silver = Cyclone Club +2 (29/+2/20)

  Cyclone Club +1 (24/+2/30) + Electrum = Cyclone Club +2 (29/+3/20)

 Step 3: Cyclone Club +2 ==> Garal Hammer
  Cyclone Club +2 (29/+3/20) 
                             + Garal = Garal Hammer (32/+2/20)
  Cyclone Club +2 (29/+2/20)

 Tempering Garal Hammer with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Hammer (32/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Cyclone Club +3 (37/+2/10)


   7.07 - Donkey Bone [CL07]

 Power: 32 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 4

 Special: STR +5; INT -5; WIL -5.

 Find: Mt. Scurve Treasure Chest.
       Auldburg Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Donkey Bone                    Deadstone, Peggy Crystal, Sticky String

    Donkey Bone +1                 Reinforced Wing, Aerodyne

    Donkey Bone +2                 Stonefish Scales

    Donkey Bone +3                 Toxic Talon

    Donkey Bone +4                 Chunk of Copper

    Donkey Bone +5                 Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Donkey Bone +5


 Step 1: Donkey Bone ==> Donkey Bone +1

                           Deadstone = Donkey Bone +1 (44/-1/1)
  Donkey Bone (32/0/30) + - Peggy Crystal = Donkey Bone +1 (35/+1/20)
                           Sticky String = Donkey Bone +1 (28/+3/30)

 Step 2: Donkey Bone +1 ==> Donkey Bone +2

  Donkey Bone +1 (28/+3/30) + Reinforced Wing = Donkey Bone +2 (48/-3/10)

  Donkey Bone +1 (44/-1/1) + Aerodyne = Donkey Bone +2 (41/-1/20)

 Step 3: Donkey Bone +2 ==> Donkey Bone +3 
  Donkey Bone +2 (48/-3/10) + Stonefish Scales = Donkey Bone +3 (41/+1/20)
                                                   (MAG RES: Hydrology)

 Step 4: Donkey Bone +3 ==> Donkey Bone +4 

  Donkey Bone +3 (41/+1/20) + Toxic Talon = Donkey Bone +4 (57/-3/10)
                                                (AIL RES: Poison)

 Step 5: Donkey Bone +4 ==> Donkey Bone +5 

  Donkey Bone +4 (57/-3/10) + Chunk of Copper = Donkey Bone +5 (41/-3/99)

 Tempering Donkey Bone +5 with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Donkey Bone +5 (41/-3/99) + Tree Crystal = Donkey Bone +5 (51/+2/10)

   7.08 - Amber Jack [CL08]

 Power: 38 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Find: Treasure Map Item.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.

                       8. TWO-HANDED SWORDS [TS00]

   8.01 - Zweihander [TS01]

 Power: 10 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 8

 Buy: Gato's Village (190), Mirsaburg (200), Bruelle (200), Eugenstadt (220).

 Find: Sif, Dominion Knight starting weapon.
       Random Treasure Chest. 

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Zweihander                     Southern Iron, Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Zweihander +1                  Mullock (6), Mullock (7), Black Steel

    Zweihander +2                  Vernie

    Vernie Sword                   Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Zweihander +3


 Step 1: Zweihander ==> Zweihander +1

                          Southern Iron = Zweihander +1 (11/-1/50)
  Zweihander (10/0/30) + - Marcasite = Zweihander +1 (13/-3/30)
                          Meteoric Iron = Zweihander +1 (13/-3/20)

 Step 2: Zweihander +1 ==> Zweihander +2

  Zweihander +1 (11/-1/50) + Mullock (6) = Zweihander +2 (14/-5/40)

  Zweihander +1 (13/-3/30) + Mullock (7) = Zweihander +2 (15/-4/20)

  Zweihander +1 (13/-3/20) + Black Steel = Zweihander +2 (14/-1/40)

 Step 3: Zweihander +2 ==> Vernie Sword
  Zweihander +2 (14/-5/40) 
  Zweihander +2 (15/-4/20) - + Vernie = Vernie Sword (14/+1/20)
  Zweihander +2 (14/-1/40)

 (Optional) Tempering Vernie Sword with Tree Crystal

  Vernie Sword (14/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Zweihander +3 (14/+2/10)


   8.02 - Gothic Sword [TS02]

 Power: 18 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 8

 Buy: Mirsaburg (1100), Bruelle (1100), Crystal City (1155).

 Find: Abandoner Keep Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Gothic Sword                   Southern Iron, Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Gothic Sword +1                Mullock (6), Mullock (7), Black Steel

    Gothic Sword +2                Vernie

    Vernie Sword                   Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Gothic Sword +3


 Step 1: Gothic Sword ==> Gothic Sword +1

                            Southern Iron = Gothic Sword +1 (19/-1/50)
  Gothic Sword (18/0/30) + - Marcasite = Gothic Sword +1 (23/-3/30)
                            Meteoric Iron = Gothic Sword +1 (23/-2/20)

 Step 2: Gothic Sword +1 ==> Gothic Sword +2

  Gothic Sword +1 (19/-1/50) + Mullock (6) = Gothic Sword +2 (25/-5/40)

  Gothic Sword +1 (23/-3/30) + Mullock (7) = Gothic Sword +2 (27/-4/20)

  Gothic Sword +1 (23/-2/20) + Black Steel = Gothic Sword +2 (25/-1/40)

 Step 3: Gothic Sword +2 ==> Vernie Sword
  Gothic Sword +2 (25/-5/40) 
  Gothic Sword +2 (27/-4/20) - + Vernie = Vernie Sword (25/+1/20)
  Gothic Sword +2 (25/-1/40)

 Tempering Vernie Sword with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Sword (25/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Gothic Sword +3 (25/+2/10)


   8.03 - Flamberge [TS03]

 Power: 20 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 14

 Special: INT -20; +20 Cold Resistance; Can channel Pyrology Spells.

 Find: Treasure Map Item.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Flamberge                      Elemental Core, Peggy Crystal

    Flamberge +1                   Vermillion

    Flamberge +2                   Dark Crystal, Grim Crystal

    Darkflame / Grimflame          Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Grimflame                      Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Flamberge +3


 Step 1: Flamberge ==> Flamberge +1

                        Elemental Core = Flamberge +1 (26/-2/LP)
  Flamberge (20/0/LP) + 
                        Peggy Crystal = Flamberge +1 (22/+1/LP)

 Step 2: Flamberge +1 ==> Flamberge +2

  Flamberge +1 (26/-2/LP) 
                          + Vermillion = Flamberge +2 (24/-1/LP)
  Flamberge +1 (22/+1/LP)

 Step 3: Flamberge +2 ==> Darkflame / Grimflame
                            Dark Crystal = Darkflame (34/-4/LP)
                           /               (MAG RES: Cosmology)
  Flamberge +2 (24/-1/LP) + 
                            Grim Crystal = Grimflame (34/-4/LP)
                                           (MAG RES: Bewitchery)

 Tempering Darkflame / Grimflame with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Darkflame (34/-4/LP) 
                       + Tree Crystal = Flamberge +3 (28/+2/LP)
  Grimflame (34/-4/LP)


   8.04 - Vernie Sword [TS04]

 Power: 23 / DPM: +1 / DP: 20 / Wgt: 8

 Buy: North Estamir (2640), Crystal City (2880).
 Note: This is a Gothic Sword based weapon, tempered with Vernie, after 
       "break-in" the Vernie it will be: Vernie Sword (25/+1/20).
       Adding Tree Crystal will make it a Gothic Sword +3 (25/+2/10).


   8.05 - Morglay [TS05]

 Power: 34 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 8

 Buy: Mirsaburg (7800), Eugenstadt (8580).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Morglay                        Southern Iron, Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Morglay +1                     Mullock (6), Mullock (7), Black Steel

    Morglay +2                     Vernie

    Vernie Sword                   Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Morglay +3


 Step 1: Morglay ==> Morglay +1

                       Southern Iron = Morglay +1 (37/-1/50)
  Morglay (34/0/30) + - Marcasite = Morglay +1 (44/-3/30)
                       Meteoric Iron = Morglay +1 (44/-2/20)

 Step 2: Morglay +1 ==> Morglay +2

  Morglay +1 (37/-1/50) + Mullock (6) = Morglay +2 (47/-5/40)

  Morglay +1 (44/-3/30) + Mullock (7) = Morglay +2 (51/-4/20)

  Morglay +1 (44/-2/20) + Black Steel = Morglay +2 (47/-1/40)

 Step 3: Morglay +2 ==> Vernie Sword
  Morglay +2 (51/-4/20) 
  Morglay +2 (47/-1/40) - + Vernie = Vernie Sword (47/+1/20)
  Morglay +2 (47/-5/40)

 Tempering Vernie Sword with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Sword (47/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Morglay +3 (47/+2/10)


   8.06 - Ice Sword [TS06]

 Power: 35 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 15

 Special: INT -20; +20 Fire Resistance; Can cast Snowstorm.
          Channels Aerology; Nullifies the effects of Self-Immolation.

 Buy: Altours (20000).

 Find: This item is necessary for the Ice Sword Quest.
       Here are some ways to get this sword:

       1. Recruit Galahad, collect 20000 gold, buy the sword.

       2. If you don't have Galahad in your group and collect the 20000 gold, 
          the sword is automatically sold to Galahad, now you have to find
          him, explain to him why you want the sword and then you can choose:
          you can recruit him, get the sword, keep the money and dismiss
          Galahad or you can try to steal the sword.

       3. If you want to get the sword, but don't to recruit Galahad, you can
          collect more or less 19500 Gold, save some items on your inventory.
          Go to the shop, the Ice Sword still in the list, just sell some 
          items until you get the 20000 gold, then buy the sword.

Note: Can not be tempered.

   8.07 - Ice Sword +1 [TS07]

 Power: 38 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 15

 Special: INT -20; +20 Fire Resistance; Can cast Snowstorm.
          Channels Aerology; Nullifies the effects of Self-Immolation.

 Buy: Ettinham (30000).

 Note: Can not be tempered.

   8.08 - Sword of Death [TS08]

 Power: 42 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 13

 Special: VIT -20; COM -20; -20 Status Ailments Resistance. 

 Find: You receive the Sword of Death, from Death in exchange for the soul of
       a member of your group.

 Note: Can not be tempered.

                         9. KATANAS [KT00]

   9.01 - Rusty Falcata [KT01]

 Power: 5 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 9

 Find: Treasure Cave, B3.
 Note: All characters have access to the Rusty Falcata and all characters can
       temper the Falcata to +7, but only Gray have access to the "Voice of
       the Sword" Quest, also only Gray will get the Demonbrand as reward for
       this quest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Rusty Falcata                  Bronze

    Falcata +1                     Rosalian Steel

    Falcata +2                     Southern Iron

    Falcata +3                     Marcasite

    Falcata +4                     Steel Thread

    Falcata +5                     Meteoric Iron

    Falcata +6                     Mulluck (7)

    Falcata +7                     Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Demonbrand                     Gray only; see section 9.09 - Demonbrand.


 Step 1: Rusty Falcata ==> Falcata +1

  Rusty Falcata (5/0/30) + Bronze = Falcata +1 (19/+1/40)

 Step 2: Falcata +1 ==> Falcata +2

  Falcata +1 (19/+1/40) + Rosalian Steel = Falcata +2 (28/+1/30)

 Step 3: Falcata +2 ==> Falcata +3 
  Falcata +2 (28/+1/30) + Southern Iron = Falcata +3 (31/-1/50)

 Step 4: Falcata +3 ==> Falcata +4 

  Falcata +3 (31/-1/50) + Marcasite = Falcata +4 (38/-3/30)

 Step 5: Falcata +4 ==> Falcata +5 

  Falcata +4 (38/-3/30) + Steel Thread = Falcata +5 (36/+1/40)

 Step 6: Falcata +5 ==> Falcata +6 

  Falcata +5 (36/+1/40) + Meteoric Iron = Falcata +6 (43/-2/20)

 Step 7: Falcata +6 ==> Falcata +7 

  Falcata +6 (43/-2/20) + Mullock (7) = Falcata +7 (48/-4/20)

 Tempering Falcata +7 with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Falcata +7 (48/-4/20) + Tree Crystal = Falcata +7 (43/+2/10)


   9.02 - Samurai Sword [KT02]

 Power: 17 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Buy: Jelton (1425), South Estamir (1500).

 Find: Random Treasure Chests.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Samurai Sword                  Southern Iron, Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Samurai Sword +1               Mullock (6), Mullock (7), Black Steel

    Samurai Sword +2               Vernie

    Vernie Katana                  Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Samurai Sword +3


 Step 1: Samurai Sword ==> Samurai Sword +1

                             Southern Iron = Samurai Sword +1 (18/-1/50)
  Samurai Sword (17/0/30) + - Marcasite = Samurai Sword +1 (22/-3/30)
                             Meteoric Iron = Samurai Sword +1 (22/-2/20)

 Step 2: Samurai Sword +1 ==> Samurai Sword +2

  Samurai Sword +1 (18/-1/50) + Mullock (6) = Samurai Sword +2 (23/-5/40)

  Samurai Sword +1 (22/-3/30) + Mullock (7) = Samurai Sword +2 (25/-4/20)

  Samurai Sword +1 (22/-2/20) + Black Steel = Samurai Sword +2 (23/-1/40)

 Step 3: Samurai Sword +2 ==> Vernie Katana
  Samurai Sword +2 (25/-4/20) 
  Samurai Sword +2 (23/-1/40) - + Vernie = Vernie Katana (23/+1/20)
  Samurai Sword +2 (23/-5/40)

 Tempering Vernie Katana with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Katana (23/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Samurai Sword +3 (23/+2/10)


   9.03 - Samurai Sword +1 [KT03]

 Power: 18 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Buy: Jelton (2100).
 Note:  Samurai Sword untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and
        Tempering, see section: 9.02 - Samurai Sword.


   9.04 - Katana [KT04]

 Power: 23 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Buy: Jelton (2945), South Estamir (3100).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Katana                         Southern Iron, Marcasite, Meteoric Iron

    Katana +1                      Mullock (6), Mullock (7), Black Steel

    Katana +2                      Vernie

    Vernie Katana                  Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Katana +3


 Step 1: Katana ==> Katana +1

                      Southern Iron = Katana +1 (25/-1/50)
  Katana (23/0/30) + - Marcasite = Katana +1 (29/-3/30)
                      Meteoric Iron = Katana +1 (29/-2/20)

 Step 2: Katana +1 ==> Katana +2

  Katana +1 (25/-1/50) + Mullock (6) = Katana +2 (32/-5/40)

  Katana +1 (29/-3/30) + Mullock (7) = Katana +2 (34/-4/20)

  Katana +1 (29/-2/20) + Black Steel = Katana +2 (32/-1/40)

 Step 3: Katana +2 ==> Vernie Katana
  Katana +2 (32/-5/40) 
  Katana +2 (34/-4/20) - + Vernie = Vernie Katana (32/+1/20)
  Katana +2 (32/-1/40)

 Tempering Vernie Katana with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Katana (32/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Katana +3 (32/+2/10)


   9.05 - Katana +1 [KT05]

 Power: 25 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Buy: Jelton (4340).
 Note: Katana untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and Tempering, 
        see section: 9.04 - Katana.


   9.06 - Ogre's Eye [KT06]

 Power: 28 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Find: Elizabeth Palace Treasure Chest.
       Random Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Ogre's Eye                     Southern Iron, Ligau Steel

    Ogre's Eye +1                  Black Steel

    Ogre's Eye +2                  Deadstone

    Ogre's Eye +3                  Meteoric Iron

    Devilmark                      Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Ogre's Eye +4


 Step 1: Ogre's Eye ==> Ogre's Eye +1

                         Southern Iron = Ogre's Eye +1 (30/-1/50)
  Ogre's Eye (28/0/30) + 
                         Ligau Steel = Ogre's Eye +1 (33/ 0/20)

 Step 2: Ogre's Eye +1 ==> Ogre's Eye +2

  Ogre's Eye +1 (30/-1/50)
                           + Black Steel = Ogre's Eye +2 (39/-1/40)
  Ogre's Eye +1 (33/ 0/20)

 Step 3: Ogre's Eye +2 ==> Ogre's Eye +3

  Ogre's Eye +2 (39/-1/40) + Deadstone = Ogre's Eye +3 (44/-1/1)

 Step 4: Ogre's Eye +3 ==> Devilmark
  Ogre's Eye +3 (44/-1/1) + Meteoric Iron = Devilmark (44/-2/20)

 Tempering Devilmark with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Devilmark (44/-2/20) + Tree Crystal = Ogre's Eye +4 (42/+2/10)


   9.07 - Crane Princess [KT07]

 Power: 37 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 6

 Find: Random Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop: Queen Clawbug - Desert Ruins (Battle Rank 10).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Crane Princess                 Southern Iron, Ligau Steel

    Crane Princess +1              Marcasite

    Crane Princess +2              Tree Crystal (Harmonious)

    Crane Princess +3              Meteoric Iron

    Noble Crane                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Crane Princess +4


 Step 1: Crane Princess ==> Crane Princess +1

                             Southern Iron = Crane Princess +1 (40/-1/50)
  Crane Princess (37/0/30) + 
                             Ligau Steel = Crane Princess +1 (44/0/20)

 Step 2: Crane Princess +1 ==> Crane Princess +2

  Crane Princess +1 (44/0/20)
                              + Marcasite = Crane Princess +2 (51/-3/30)
  Crane Princess +1 (40/-1/50)

 Step 3: Crane Princess +2 ==> Crane Princess +3

  Crane Princess +2 (51/-3/30) + Tree Crystal = Crane Princess +3 (51/+2/10)

 Step 4: Crane Princess +3 ==> Noble Crane
  Crane Princess +3 (51/+2/10) + Meteoric Iron = Noble Crane (59/-2/20)

 Tempering Noble Crane with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Noble Crane (59/-2/20) + Tree Crystal = Crane Princess +4 (55/+2/10)


   9.08 - Shooting Star [KT08]

 Power: 45 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Special: DEX +3; AGI +3; +30 Status Ailments Resistance. 

 Find: Treasure Map Item - Lv 3.

 Note: Can not be tempered.


   9.09 - Demonbrand [KT09]

 Power: 55 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 9

 Special: STR +10; Can restore DP by staying at an Inn.

 Find: Only as Gray as the main character.
       Follow all the steps to upgrade the Falcata up to +7, the next time 
       Gray enters a town, an event will occur, after this event you will 
       get the sword.

 Note: The Demonbrand is an untempered sword, that can't be tempered.

                        10. TWO-HANDED AXES [TA00]

   10.01 - Broad Axe [TA01]

 Power: 19 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 10

 Buy: Gato's Village (1235), Altours (1300), Uso (1365).

 Find: Random Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop. 

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Broad Axe                      Rosalian Steel, Southern Iron, Ligau Steel

    Broad Axe +1                   Marcasite, Steel Thread

    Broad Axe +2                   Garal

    Garal Steel Axe                Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Broad Axe +3


 Step 1: Broad Axe ==> Broad Axe +1

                         Rosalian Steel = Broad Axe +1 (20/+1/30)
  Broad Axe (19/0/30) + - Southern Iron = Broad Axe +1 (20/-1/50)
                         Ligau Steel + Broad Axe +1 (22/ 0/20)

 Step 2: Broad Axe +1 ==> Broad Axe +2

  Broad Axe +1 (22/ 0/20) + Marcasite = Broad Axe +2 (26/-3/30)

  Broad Axe +1 (20/-1/50) + Steel Thread = Broad Axe +2 (22/+1/40)

 Step 3: Broad Axe +2 ==> Garal Steel Axe
  Broad Axe +2 (26/-3/30) 
                          + Garal = Garal Steel Axe (24/+2/20)
  Broad Axe +2 (22/+1/40)

 Tempering Garal Steel Axe with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Steel Axe (24/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Broad Axe +3 (26/+2/10)


   10.02 - Battle Axe [TA02]

 Power: 26 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 10

 Buy: Gato's Village (3135), Altours (3300), Crystal City (3465).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Battle Axe                     Rosalian Steel, Southern Iron, Ligau Steel

    Battle Axe +1                  Marcasite, Steel Thread

    Battle Axe +2                  Garal

    Garal Steel Axe                Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Battle Axe +3


 Step 1: Battle Axe ==> Battle Axe +1

                          Rosalian Steel = Battle Axe +1 (28/+1/30)
  Battle Axe (26/0/30) + - Southern Iron = Battle Axe +1 (28/-1/50)
                          Ligau Steel + Battle Axe +1 (31/ 0/20)

 Step 2: Battle Axe +1 ==> Battle Axe +2

  Battle Axe +1 (28/-1/50) + Marcasite = Battle Axe +2 (36/-3/30)

  Battle Axe +1 (31/ 0/20) + Steel Thread = Battle Axe +2 (31/+1/40)

 Step 3: Battle Axe +2 ==> Garal Steel Axe
  Battle Axe +2 (31/+1/40) 
                           + Garal = Garal Steel Axe (33/+2/20)
  Battle Axe +2 (36/-3/30)

 (Optional) Tempering Garal Steel Axe with Tree Crystal

  Garal Steel Axe (33/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Battle Axe +3 (36/+2/10)


   10.03 - Axe of Kings [TA03]

 Power: 30 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 14

 Special: STR +5; Channels Pyrology Spells.
          Can use Flicker of Flame to summon Pyrix. 

 Find: Plant Ecology Quest Reward.

 Note: Can not be tempered.


   10.04 - Garal Steel Axe [TA04]

 Power: 31 / DPM: +2 / DP: 20 / Wgt: 10

 Buy:   Oapu (6460), Bruelle (7030).

 Note: This is a Battle Axe based weapon, tempered with Garal, after 
       "break-in" the Garal it will be: Garal Steel Axe (33/+2/20).
       Adding Tree Crystal will make it a Battle Axe +3 (36/+2/10).


   10.05 - Great Axe [TA05]

 Power: 36 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 10

 Buy: Gato's Village (9025), Bruelle (9500).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Great Axe                      Rosalian Steel, Southern Iron, Ligau Steel

    Great Axe +1                   Marcasite, Steel Thread

    Great Axe +2                   Garal

    Garal Steel Axe                Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Great Axe +3


 Step 1: Great Axe ==> Great Axe +1

                         Rosalian Steel = Great Axe +1 (39/+1/30)
  Great Axe (36/0/30) + - Southern Iron = Great Axe +1 (39/-1/50)
                         Ligau Steel + Great Axe +1 (43/ 0/20)

 Step 2: Great Axe +1 ==> Great Axe +2

  Great Axe +1 (39/-1/50) + Marcasite = Great Axe +2 (50/-3/30)

  Great Axe +1 (39/+1/30) + Steel Thread = Great Axe +2 (43/+1/40)

 Step 3: Great Axe +2 ==> Garal Steel Axe
  Great Axe +2 (43/+1/40) 
                          + Garal = Garal Steel Axe (46/+2/20)
  Great Axe +2 (50/-3/30)

 Tempering Garal Steel Axe with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Steel Axe (46/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Great Axe +3 (50/+2/10)


   10.06 - Vorpal Axe [TA06]

 Power: 40 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 10

 Find: Treasure Map Item.
       Random Treasure Chest (ER20+).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Vorpal Axe                     Beast Fang, Peggy Crystal, Deadstone

    Vorpal Axe +1                  Dinosaur Skin, Stonefish Scales

    Vorpal Axe +2                  Toxic Talon

    Executioner                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Vorpal Axe +3


 Step 1: Vorpal Axe ==> Vorpal Axe +1

                           Beast Fang = Vorpal Axe +1 (52/-1/20)
  Vorpal Axe (40/0/30)  + - Peggy Crystal = Vorpal Axe +1 (44/+1/20)
                           Deadstone = Vorpal Axe +1 (56/-1/1)

 Step 2: Vorpal Axe +1 ==> Vorpal Axe +2

  Vorpal Axe +1 (56/-1/1) + Dinosaur Skin = Vorpal Axe +2 (48/+2/20)

  Vorpal Axe +1 (52/-1/20) + Stonefish Scales = Vorpal Axe +2 (48/+1/20)
                                                  (MAG RES: Hydrology)

 Step 3: Vorpal Axe +2 ==> Executioner
  Vorpal Axe +2 (48/+1/20) 
                           + Toxic Talon = Executioner (68/-3/10)
                          /                   (AIL RES: Poison)
  Vorpal Axe +2 (48/+2/20)

 Tempering Executioner with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Executioner (68/-3/10) + Tree Crystal = Vorpal Axe +3 (56/+2/10)


   10.07 - Destroyer [TA07]

 Power: 42 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 16

 Special: INT +6; Can use Haunted Louse technique.

 Find: Complete Insect Ecology Quest once.
       In the next play go to Great Pit after ER 18.
       You will meet Kyllis (Adyllis' Evil version).
       Defeat Kyllis to get this axe.
 Note: Can't be tempered.

   10.08 - Chaosbringer [TA08]

 Power: 49 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 16

 Special: STR +6; Can use Malefic Eclipse technique.

 Find: Complete Aquatic Ecology Quest once.
       In the next play go to Water Dragon Temple after ER 18.
       You will meet Slask (Strom's Evil version).
       Defeat Slask to get this axe.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.

                         11. STAVES [ST00]

   11.01 - Novice's Staff [ST01]

 Power: 6 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 6

 Special: INT +1

 Buy: Yeoville (400), Weiserheim (400), South Estamir (400), Melvir (420).

 Find: Myriam starting weapon.
       Random Treasure Chests.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Novice's Staff                 Elemental Core, Peggy Crystal

    Novice's Staff +1              Windshell, Tree Crystal (Harmonious)

    Novice's Staff +2              Grim Crystal, Dark Crystal

    Grimrung / Darkrung            Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Novice's Staff +3


 Step 1: Novice's Staff ==> Novice's Staff  +1

                            Elemental Core = Novice's Staff +1 (7/-2/10)
  Novice's Staff (6/0/30) +
                            Peggy Crystal = Novice's Staff +1 (6/+1/20)

 Step 2: Novice's Staff +1 ==> Novice's Staff  +2

  Novice's Staff +1 (7/-2/10) + Tree Crystal = Novice's Staff +2 (7/+2/10)

  Novice's Staff +1 (6/+1/20) + Windshell = Novice's Staff +2 (7/-1/10)

 Step 3: Novice's Staff +2 ==> Grimrung / Darkrung 
  Novice's Staff +2 (7/+2/10) + Dark Crystal = Darkrung (10/-4/10)
                                               (MAG RES: Cosmology)

  Novice's Staff +2 (7/-1/10) + Grim Crystal = Grimrung (10/-4/10)
                                               (MAG RES: Bewitchery)

 Tempering Grimrung / Darkrung  with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Darkrung (10/-4/10) 
                      + Tree Crystal = Novice's Staff +3 (8/+2/10)
  Grimrung (10/-4/10)


   11.02 - Eule's Staff [ST02]

 Power: 10 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 10

 Special: INT +3; WIL +3; Channels Demonology.

 Find: Eule Gives a Hoot Quest (With Claudia in the party).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Eule's Staff                   Elemental Core, Peggy Crystal

    Eule's Staff +1                Windshell, Tree Crystal (Harmonious)

    Eule's Staff +2                Grim Crystal, Dark Crystal

    Grimrung / Darkrung            Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Eule's Staff +3


 Step 1: Eule's Staff ==> Eule's Staff  +1

                           Elemental Core = Eule's Staff +1 (13/-2/LP)
  Eule's Staff (10/0/LP) +
                           Peggy Crystal = Eule's Staff +1 (11/+1/LP)

 Step 2: Eule's Staff +1 ==> Eule's Staff  +2

  Eule's Staff +1 (13/-2/LP) + Tree Crystal = Eule's Staff +2 (13/+2/LP)

  Eule's Staff +1 (11/+1/LP) + Windshell = Eule's Staff +2 (13/-1/LP)

 Step 3: Eule's Staff +2 ==> Grimrung / Darkrung 
  Eule's Staff +2 (13/+2/LP) + Dark Crystal = Darkrung (17/-4/10)
                                             (MAG RES: Cosmology)

  Eule's Staff +2 (13/-1/LP) + Grim Crystal = Grimrung (17/-4/10)
                                             (MAG RES: Bewitchery)

 Tempering Grimrung / Darkrung  with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Grimrung (17/-4/10) 
                      + Tree Crystal = Eule's Staff +3 (14/+2/LP)
  Darkrung (17/-4/10)


   11.03 - Holy Staff [ST03]

 Power: 12 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 6

 Special: WIL +1.

 Buy: Yeoville (800), Weiserheim (400), Melvir (840).

 Find: Patrick starting weapon.
       Random Treasure Chests.
       Enemy Drop.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Holy Staff                     Elemental Core, Peggy Crystal

    Holy Staff +1                  Windshell, Tree Crystal (Harmonious)

    Holy Staff +2                  Grim Crystal, Dark Crystal

    Grimrung / Darkrung            Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Holy Staff +3


 Step 1: Holy Staff ==> Holy Staff  +1

                         Elemental Core = Holy Staff+1 (15/-2/10)
  Holy Staff (12/0/30) +
                         Peggy Crystal = Holy Staff +1 (13/+1/20)

 Step 2: Holy Staff +1 ==> Holy Staff  +2

  Holy Staff+1 (15/-2/10) + Tree Crystal = Holy Staff +2 (15/+2/10)

  Holy Staff +1 (13/+1/20) + Windshell = Holy Staff +2 (15/-1/10)

 Step 3: Holy Staff +2 ==> Grimrung / Darkrung 
  Holy Staff +2 (15/+2/10) + Dark Crystal = Darkrung (20/-4/10)
                                           (MAG RES: Cosmology)

  Holy Staff +2 (15/-1/10) + Grim Crystal = Grimrung (20/-4/10)
                                           (MAG RES: Bewitchery)

 Tempering Grimrung / Darkrung  with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Darkrung (20/-4/10) 
                      + Tree Crystal = Holy Staff +3 (16/+2/10)
  Grimrung (20/-4/10)


   11.04 - Eternity Staff [ST04]

 Power: 16 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 15

 Special: WIL +5; Channels Demonology.

 Find: Treasure Map Item.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Eternity Staff                   Elemental Core, Peggy Crystal

    Eternity Staff +1                Windshell, Tree Crystal (Harmonious)

    Eternity Staff +2                Grim Crystal, Dark Crystal

    Grimrung / Darkrung            Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Eternity Staff +3


 Step 1: Eternity Staff ==> Eternity Staff  +1

                             Elemental Core = Eternity Staff +1 (20/-2/LP)
  Eternity Staff (16/0/LP) +
                             Peggy Crystal = Eternity Staff +1 (17/+1/LP)

 Step 2: Eternity Staff +1 ==> Eternity Staff  +2

  Eternity Staff +1 (20/-2/LP) + Tree Crystal = Eternity Staff +2 (20/+2/LP)

  Eternity Staff +1 (17/+1/LP) + Windshell = Eternity Staff +2 (20/-1/LP)

 Step 3: Eternity Staff +2 ==> Grimrung / Darkrung 
  Eternity Staff +2 (20/+2/LP) + Dark Crystal = Darkrung (27/-4/10)
                                               (MAG RES: Cosmology)

  Eternity Staff +2 (20/-1/LP) + Grim Crystal = Grimrung (27/-4/10)
                                               (MAG RES: Bewitchery)

 Tempering Grimrung / Darkrung  with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Darkrung (27/-4/10) 
                      + Tree Crystal = Eternity Staff +3 (22/+2/LP)
  Grimrung (27/-4/10)


   11.05 - Elemental Staff [ST05]

 Power: 18 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 6

 Special: INT +1; WIL +1; +10 Fire / Cold / Electricity / Energy Resistance.
 Buy: Weiserheim (9200), Ettinham (9200).

 Find: Water Dragon Temple Treasure chest.
       Isle of Evil Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop: Spirit Tree.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.


   11.06 - Mage's Staff [ST06]

 Power: 20 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 4

 Special: INT +5; WIL +5; Channels Illusions spells.

 Find: Tower of Flammar Treasure Chest (During Constance Kidnapped Quest).
 Note:  Can't be tempered.


   11.07 - Quarterstaff [ST07]

 Power: 24 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Buy: Bruelle (2400), Eugenstadt (2400), Yeoville (2520).

 Find: Elizabeth Palace Treasure Chest.
       South Cave (2nd Stage) Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Quarterstaff                   Native Silver, Electrum

    Quarterstaff +1                Rosalian Steel, Steel Thread

    Quarterstaff +2                Marcasite

    War Staff                      Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Quarterstaff +3


 Step 1: Quarterstaff ==> Quarterstaff +1

                           Native Silver = Quarterstaff +1 (24/+2/20)
  Quarterstaff (24/0/30) +
                           Electrum = Quarterstaff +1 (24/+3/20)

 Step 2: Quarterstaff +1 ==> Eternity Staff +2

  Quarterstaff +1 (24/+2/20) + Steel Thread = Quarterstaff +2 (28/+1/40)

  Quarterstaff +1 (24/+3/20) + Rosalian Steel = Quarterstaff +2 (28/+1/30)

 Step 3: Quarterstaff +2 ==> War Staff 
  Quarterstaff +2 (28/+1/40)
                             + Marcasite = War Staff (36/-3/30)
  Quarterstaff +2 (28/+1/30)

 Tempering War Staff with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  War Staff (36/-3/30) + Tree Crystal = Quarterstaff +3 (33/+2/10)


   11.08 - Serpent Staff [ST08]

 Power: 28 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 12

 Special: COM +5; Channels Terrology spells.
          Can use Warmth of Earth Technique to summon Adyllis.

 Find: Insect Ecology Quest reward.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.

                         12. POLE ARMS [PA00]

   12.01 - Crowbar [PA01]

 Power: 14 / DPM: -2 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Find:  Enemy Drop.

 Note:  This is a Monk's Spire tempered with Mullock. For Harmonious Materials
        and Tempering, see Section: 12.02 - Monk's Spire.


   12.02 - Monk's Spire [PA02]

 Power: 18 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Buy: Northpoint (1170), Taralian Camp (1235), Eugenstadt (1300), Uso (1365).

 Find: Random Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Monk's Spire                   Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)
    Monk's Spire +1                Bismuth, Ligau Steel

    Monk's Spire +2                Steel Thread

    Monk's Spire +3                Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Monk's Spire +3 


 Step 1: Monk's Spire ==> Monk's Spire +1

  Crowbar (14/-2/30)        Southern Iron = Monk's Spire +1 (19/-1/50)
         or                /
  Monk's Spire (18/0/30) + - Mullock (1) = Monk's Spire +1 (14/ 0/50)
                            Mullock (5) = Monk's Spire +1 (21/-4/50)

 Step 2: Monk's Spire +1 ==> Monk's Spire +2

  Monk's Spire +1 (19/-1/50) + Bismuth = Monk's Spire +2 (16/+1/60)

  Monk's Spire +1 (14/ 0/50) + Ligau Steel = Monk's Spire +2 (23/ 0/20)

 Step 3: Monk's Spire +2 ==> Monk's Spire +3

  Monk's Spire +2 (16/+1/60) 
                            + Steel Tread = Monk's Spire +3 (23/+1/40)
  Monk's Spire +2 (23/ 0/20)

 Tempering Monk's Spire +3 with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Monk's Spire +3 (23/+1/40) + Tree Crystal = Monk's Spire +3 (25/+2/10)


   12.03 - Pike [PA03]

 Power: 24 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Buy: Jelton (2612), Eugenstadt (2750), Uso (2887).

 Find: Elizabeth Palace Treasure Chest.
       Mirsaburg Castle Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Pike                           Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (5)
    Pike +1                        Bismuth, Ligau Steel

    Pike +2                        Garal

    Garal Shaft                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Pike +3


 Step 1: Pike ==> Pike +1

                    Southern Iron = Pike +1 (26/-1/50)
  Pike (24/0/30) + - Mullock (1) = Pike +1 (19/ 0/50)
                    Mullock (5) = Pike +1 (28/-4/50)

 Step 2: Pike +1 ==> Pike +2

  Pike +1 (26/-1/50) + Bismuth = Pike +2 (21/+1/60)

  Pike +1 (28/-4/50) + Ligau Steel = Pike +2 (31/ 0/20)

 Step 3: Pike +2 ==> Garal Shaft

  Pike +2 (21/+1/60)
                    + Garal = Garal Shaft (31/+2/20)
  Pike +2 (31/ 0/20)

 Tempering Garal Shaft with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Shaft (31/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Pike +3 (33/+2/10)


   12.04 - Black Spear [PA04]

 Power: 28 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Find: Neidhart Weapon (always equipped).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Black Spear                    Bronze, Mullock (3), Mullock (4)
    Black Spear +1                 Rosalian Steel, Blancazure

    Black Spear +2                 Black Steel, Corundum                   

    Black Spear +3                 Garal

    Galar Kayakith                 Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Black Spear +4


 Step 1: Black Spear ==> Black Spear +1

                           Bronze = Black Spear +1 (22/+1/40)
  Black Spear (28/0/30) + - Mullock (3) = Black Spear +1 (28/-1/40)
                           Mullock (4) = Black Spear +1 (28/-2/20)

 Step 2: Black Spear +1 ==> Black Spear +2

  Black Spear +1 (22/+1/40) + Rosalian Steel = Black Spear +2 (33/+1/30)

  Black Spear +1 (28/-2/20) + Blancazure = Black Spear +2 (28/+2/30)

 Step 3: Black Spear +2 ==> Black Spear +3

  Black Spear +2 (33/+1/30) + Black Steel = Black Spear +3 (42/-1/40)

  Black Spear +2 (28/+2/30) + Corundum = Black Spear +3 (44/-3/20)

 Step 4: Black Spear +3 ==> Galar Kayakith

  Black Spear +3 (42/-1/40)
                           + Garal = Galar Kayakith (39/+2/20)
  Black Spear +3 (44/-3/20)

 Tempering Galar Kayakith with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Galar Kayakith (39/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Black Spear +4 (42/+2/10)


   12.05 - Halberd [PA05]

 Power: 35 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Buy: Eugenstadt (8600), Mirsaburg (9030).

 Find: The reward if you choose "WEAPON", when you give the Aquamarine to
       Neidhart in the Aquamarine Quest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Halberd                        Bismuth, Ligau Steel
    Halberd +1                     Marcasite, Steel Thread

    Halberd +2                     Garal

    Garal Shaft                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Halberd +3


 Step 1: Halberd ==> Halberd +1

                      Ligau Steel = Halberd +1 (42/ 0/20)
  Halberd (35/0/30) + 
                      Bismuth = Halbert +1 (28/+1/60)

 Step 2: Halberd +1 ==> Halberd +2

  Halberd +1 (28/+1/60) + Marcasite = Halberd +2 (49/-3/30)

  Halberd +1 (42/ 0/20) + Steel Thread = Halberd +2 (42/+1/40)

 Step 3: Halberd +2 ==> Garal Shaft

  Halberd +2 (49/-3/30)
                       + Garal = Garal Shaft (45/+2/20)
  Halberd +2 (42/+1/40)

 Tempering Garal Shaft with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Shaft (45/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Halberd +3 (49/+2/10)


   12.06 - Halberd +1 [PA06]

 Power: 38 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Buy: North Estamir (12900).
 Note:  Halberd untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and Tempering, 
        see section: 12.05 - Halberd.


   12.07 - Khellendros [PA07]

 Power: 38 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 15

 Special: INT -10; WIL -10; COM -10; +50 Electricity Resistance
          Can Channel Aerology Spells.

 Find: Treasure Map Item.
       Enemy Drop (Silver Dragon).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Khellendros                    Windshell
    Khellendros +1                 Grim Crystal, Toxic Talon

    Nether Khellendros             Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Khellendros +2


 Step 1: Khellendros ==> Khellendros +1

  Khellendros (38/0/LP) + Windshell = Khellendros +1 (45/-1/LP)

 Step 2: Khellendros ==> Nether Khellendros

                              Grim Crystal = Nether Khellendros (60/-4/LP)
                             /                   (MAG RES: Bewitchery)
  Khellendros +1 (45/-1/LP) + 
                              Toxic Talon = Nether Khellendros (60/-3/LP)
                                                 (AIL RES: Poison)

 Tempering Nether Khellendros with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Nether Khellendros (60/-3/LP)
                               + Tree Crystal = Khellendros +2 (49/+2/LP)
  Nether Khellendros (60/-4/LP)


   12.08 - Yucomb's Trident [PA08]

 Power: 40 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 18

 Special: Channels Hydrology spells. Can use Divine Lightning Technique.

 Find: Underwater Temple Treasure Chest.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.

                           13. LANCES [LA00]

   13.01 - Harpoon [LA01]

 Power: 17 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5

 Buy: Oapu (900), Godongo (950), North Estamir (1000).

 Find: Guella Ha starting weapon.
       Random Treasure Chests.
       Enemy Drop.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Harpoon                        Bronze, Mullock (3), Mullock (4)
    Harpoon +1                     Rosalian Steel, Blancazure

    Harpoon +2                     Black Steel, Corundum                   

    Harpoon +3                     Garal

    Garal Spear                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Harpoon +4


 Step 1: Harpoon ==> Harpoon +1

                       Bronze = Harpoon +1 (13/+1/40)
  Harpoon (17/0/30) + - Mullock (3) = Harpoon +1 (17/-1/40)
                       Mullock (4) = Harpoon +1 (17/-2/40)

 Step 2: Harpoon +1 ==> Harpoon +2

  Harpoon +1 (13/+1/40) + Rosalian Steel = Harpoon +2 (20/+1/30)

  Harpoon +1 (17/-2/40) + Blancazure = Harpoon +2 (17/+2/30)

 Step 3: Harpoon +2 ==> Harpoon +3

  Harpoon +2 (20/+1/30) + Corundum = Harpoon +3 (27/-3/20)

  Harpoon +2 (17/+2/30) + Black Steel = Harpoon +3 (25/-1/40)

 Step 4: Harpoon +3 ==> Garal Spear

  Harpoon +3 (27/-3/20)
                        + Garal = Garal Spear (23/+2/20)
  Harpoon +3 (25/-1/40)

 Tempering Garal Spear with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Spear (23/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Harpoon +4 (25/+2/10)


   13.02 - Harpoon +1 [LA02]

 Power: 18 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 5 

 Buy: Godongo (1400).
 Note: Harpoon untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and Tempering, 
        see section: 13.01 - Harpoon.


   13.03 - Spear [LA03]

 Power: 26 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 6

 Buy: North Estamir (3600/3960), Crystal City (3780), Yeoville (3780),
      Loban - Crystal Cartel (3780), Loban - Darconian Merchant (3960).

 Find: Mirsaburg Castle Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Spear                          Bronze, Mullock (3), Mullock (4)
    Spear +1                       Rosalian Steel, Blancazure

    Spear +2                       Black Steel, Corundum                   

    Spear +3                       Garal

    Garal Spear                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Spear +4


 Step 1: Spear ==> Spear +1

                     Bronze = Spear +1 (20/+1/40)
  Spear (26/0/30) + - Mullock (3) = Spear +1 (26/-1/40)
                     Mullock (4) = Spear +1 (26/-2/40)

 Step 2: Spear +1 ==> Spear +2

  Spear +1 (20/+1/40) + Rosalian Steel = Spear +2 (31/+1/30)

  Spear +1 (26/-1/40) + Blancazure = Spear +2 (26/+2/30)

 Step 3: Spear +2 ==> Spear +3

  Spear +2 (31/+1/30) + Black Steel = Spear +3 (39/-1/40)

  Spear +2 (26/+2/30)  + Corundum = Spear +3 (41/-3/20)

 Step 4: Spear +3 ==> Garal Spear

  Spear +3 (39/-1/40)
                      + Garal = Garal Spear (36/+2/20)
  Spear +3 (41/-3/20)

 Tempering Garal Spear with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Spear (36/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Spear +4 (39/+2/10)


   13.04 - Spear +1 [LA04]

 Power: 28 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 6 

 Buy: Loban - Crystal Cartel (5580).
 Note: Spear untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and Tempering, 
       see section: 13.03 - Spear.


   13.05 - Military Fork [LA05]

 Power: 32 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Buy: Uso (6390), North Estamir (7260).

 Find: Enemy Drop.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Military Fork                  Rosalian Steel, Blancazure

    Military Fork +1               Black Steel, Corundum                   

    Military Fork +2               Garal

    Garal Spear                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Military Fork +3


 Step 1: Military Fork ==> Military Fork +1

                            Rosalian Steel = Military Fork +1 (35/+1/30)
  Military Fork (32/0/30) + 
                            Blancazure = Military Fork +1 (28/+2/30)

 Step 2: Military Fork +1 ==> Military Fork +2

  Military Fork +1 (35/+1/30) + Black Steel = Military Fork +2 (44/-1/40)

  Military Fork +1 (28/+2/30) + Corundum = Military Fork +2 (48/-3/20)

 Step 3: Military Fork +2 ==> Garal Spear

  Military Fork +2 (48/-3/20)
                             + Garal = Garal Spear (41/+2/20)
  Military Fork +2 (44/-1/40)

 Tempering Garal Spear with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Garal Spear (41/+2/20) + Tree Crystal = Military Fork +3 (44/+2/10)


   13.06 - Garal Spear [LA06]

 Power: 33 / DPM: +2 / DP: 20 / Wgt: 6

 Buy: North Estamir (8610), Bruelle (8610).
 Note: This is a Spear based weapon, tempered with Garal, after "break-in" 
       the Garal it will be: Garal Spear (36/+2/20).
       Adding Tree Crystal will make it a Spear +4 (39/+2/10).


   13.07 - Military Fork +1 [LA07]

 Power: 35 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7 

 Buy: North Estamir (9900).
 Note: Military Fork untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and
       Tempering, see section: 13.05 - Military Fork.


   13.08 - Feather Spear [LA08]

 Power: 35 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 12

 Special: AGI +5; Channels Aerology spells.
          Can use Gust of Wind Technique to summon Avi.

 Find: Beast Ecology Quest reward.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.


   13.09 - Scorpion [LA09]

 Power: 37 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Find: Random Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Scorpion                       Sticky String, Steel Thread

    Scorpion +1                    Tortoise Shell                   

    Scorpion +2                    Reinforced Wing

    Cor Scorpii                    Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Scorpion +3


 Step 1: Scorpion ==> Scorpion +1

                       Sticky String = Scorpion +1 (33/+3/30)
  Scorpion (37/0/30) + 
                       Steel Thread = Scorpion +1 (40/+1/40)

 Step 2: Scorpion +1 ==> Scorpion +2

  Scorpion +1 (33/+3/30)
                         + Tortoise Shell = Scorpion +2 (48/+1/10)
  Scorpion +1 (40/+1/40)

 Step 3: Scorpion +2 ==> Cor Scorpii

  Scorpion +2 (48/+1/10) + Reinforced Wing = Cor Scorpii (59/-3/10)

 Tempering Cor Scorpii with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Cor Scorpii (59/-3/10) + Tree Crystal = Scorpion +3 (51/+2/10)


   13.10 - Malystrix [LA10]

 Power: 35 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 12

 Special: INT -10; WIL -10; COM -10; +50 Fire Resistance.
          Can Channel Pyrology Spells.

 Find: Treasure Map Item.
       Enemy Drop (Red Dragon).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Malystrix                      Dinosaur Skin
    Malystrix +1                   Dark Crystal, Toxic Talon

    Nether Malystrix               Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Malystrix +2


 Step 1: Malystrix ==> Malystrix +1

  Malystrix (40/0/LP) + Dinossaur Skin = Malystrix +1 (44/+2/LP)

 Step 2: Malystrix ==> Nether Malystrix

                            Dark Crystal = Nether Malystrix (64/-4/LP)
                           /                   (MAG RES: Cosmology)
  Malystrix +1 (44/+2/LP) + 
                            Toxic Talon = Nether Malystrix (64/-3/LP)
                                               (AIL RES: Poison)

 Tempering Nether Malystrix with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Nether Malystrix (64/-3/LP)
                              + Tree Crystal = Malystrix +2 (52/+2/LP)
  Nether Malystrix (64/-4/LP)

                             14. BOWS [BW00]

   14.01 - Flimsy Bow [BW01]

 Power: 8 / DPM: -2 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Find:  Enemy Drop.

 Note:  This is a hunting Bow tempered with Mullock. For Harmonious Materials
        and Tempering, see Section: 14.02 - Hunting Bow.


   14.02 - Hunting Bow [BW02]

 Power: 10 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 7

 Buy: Northpoint (180), Taralian Camp (190), Tarmita (200), S. Estamir (210).

 Find: Claudia, Sif, Dowd starting weapon.
       Melvir Sewers Treasure Chest.
       Random Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Hunting Bow                    Beast Fang, Tortoise Shell, 
                                   Reinforced Wing
    Hunting Bow +1                 Sticky Strin, Steel Thread

    Hunting Bow +2                 Vernie

    Vernie Bow                     Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Hunting Bow +3


 Step 1: Hunting Bow ==> Hunting Bow +1

  Flimsy Bow (8/-2/30)     Beast Fang = Hunting Bow +1 (13/-1/20)
         or               /
  Hunting Bow (10/0/30) + - Tortoise Shell = Hunting Bow +1 (12/+1/10)
                           Reinforced Wing = Hunting Bow +1 (14/-3/10)

 Step 2: Hunting Bow +1 ==> Hunting Bow +2

  Hunting Bow +1 (13/-1/20) + Sticky String = Hunting Bow +2 (10/+3/30)

  Hunting Bow +1 (12/+1/10) + Steel Thread = Hunting Bow +2 (12/+1/40)

 Step 3: Hunting Bow +2 ==> Vernie Bow

  Hunting Bow +2 (10/+3/30) 
                            + Vernie = Vernie Bow (14/+1/20)
  Hunting Bow +2 (12/+1/40)

 Tempering Vernie Bow with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Bow (14/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Hunting Bow +3 (14/+2/10)


   14.03 - Long Bow [BW03]

 Power: 19 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 9

 Buy: Pirate Coast (882), Jelton (931), Tarmita (980), Eugenstadt (980).

 Find: Treasure Cave Treasure Chest.
       Random Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Long Bow                       Beast Fang, Tortoise Shell, 
                                   Reinforced Wing
    Long Bow +1                    Sticky Strin, Steel Thread

    Long Bow +2                    Vernie

    Vernie Bow                     Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Long Bow +3


 Step 1: Long Bow ==> Long Bow +1

                        Beast Fang = Long Bow +1 (24/-1/20)
  Long Bow (19/0/30) + - Tortoise Shell = Long Bow +1 (22/+1/10)
                        Reinforced Wing = Long Bow +1 (26/-3/10)

 Step 2: Long Bow +1 ==> Long Bow +2

  Long Bow +1 (24/-1/20) + Steel Thread = Long Bow +2 (22/+1/40)

  Long Bow +1 (22/+1/10) + Sticky String = Long Bow +2 (19/+3/30)

 Step 3: Long Bow +2 ==> Vernie Bow

  Long Bow +2 (22/+1/40) 
                         + Vernie = Vernie Bow (26/+1/20)
  Long Bow +2 (19/+3/30)

 Tempering Vernie Bow with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Bow (26/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Long Bow +3 (26/+2/10)


   14.04 - Long Bow +1 [BW04]

 Power: 20 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 9 

 Buy: Godongo (1372).
 Note:  Long Bow untempered version. For Harmonious Materials and
        Tempering, see section: 14.03 - Long Bow.


   14.05 - Composite Bow [BO05]

 Power: 24 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 13

 Find: Great Pit Treasure Chest.
       Random Treasure Chest.
       Enemy Drop.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Composite Bow                  Beast Fang, Tortoise Shell, 
                                   Reinforced Wing
    Composite Bow +1               Sticky Strin, Steel Thread

    Composite Bow +2               Vernie

    Vernie Bow                     Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Composite Bow +3


 Step 1: Composite Bow ==> Composite Bow +1

                             Beast Fang = Composite Bow +1 (31/-1/20)
  Composite Bow (24/0/30) + - Tortoise Shell = Composite Bow +1 (28/+1/10)
                             Reinforced Wing = Composite Bow +1 (33/-3/10)

 Step 2: Composite Bow +1 ==> Composite Bow +2

  Composite Bow +1 (31/-1/20) + Sticky String = Composite Bow +2 (24/+3/30)

  Composite Bow +1 (33/-3/10) + Steel Thread = Composite Bow +2 (28/+1/40)

 Step 3: Composite Bow +2 ==> Vernie Bow

  Composite Bow +2 (24/+3/30) 
                             + Vernie = Vernie Bow (33/+1/20)
  Composite Bow +2 (28/+1/40)

 Tempering Vernie Bow with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Bow (33/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Composite Bow +3 (33/+2/10)


   14.06 - Reinforced Bow [BW06]

 Power: 28 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 9

 Buy: Altours (3500), Tarmita (3500), Crystal City (3650).

 Find: Mirsaburg Castle Treasure Chest.

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Reinforced Bow                 Rosalian Steel, Ligau Steel
    Reinforced Bow +1              Vernie

    Vernie Bow                     Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Reinforced Bow +2


 Step 1: Reinforced Bow ==> Reinforced Bow +1

                             Ligau Steel = Reinforced Bow +1 (33/ 0/20)
  Reinforced Bow (28/0/30) + 
                             Rosalian Steel = Reinforced Bow +1 (30/+1/30)

 Step 2: Reinforced Bow +1 ==> Vernie Bow

  Reinforced Bow +1 (33/ 0/20) 
                              + Vernie = Vernie Bow (36/+1/20)
  Reinforced Bow +1 (30/+1/30)

 Tempering Vernie Bow with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Bow (36/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Reinforced Bow +2 (36/+2/10)


   14.07 - Vernie Bow [BW07]

 Power: 33 / DPM: +1 / DP: 20 / Wgt: 9

 Buy: South Estamir (6200), Crystal City (6200).
 Note: This is a Reinforced Bow  based weapon, tempered with Vernie, after 
       "break-in" the Vernie it will be: Vernie Bow (36/+1/20).
        Adding Tree Crystal will make it a Reinforced Bow +2 (36/+2/10).


   14.08 - Battle Bow [BO08]

 Power: 34 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 9

 Buy: Tarmita (7800), North Estamir (8580).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Battle Bow                     Rosalian Steel, Ligau Steel
    Battle Bow +1                  Vernie

    Vernie Bow                     Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Battle Bow +2


 Step 1: Battle Bow ==> Battle Bow +1

                         Rosalian Steel = Battle Bow +1 (37/+1/30)
  Battle Bow (34/0/30) + 
                         Ligau Steel = Battle Bow +1 (40/ 0/20)

 Step 2: Battle Bow +1 ==> Vernie Bow

  Battle Bow +1 (37/+1/30) 
                           + Vernie = Vernie Bow (44/+1/20)
  Battle Bow +1 (40/ 0/20)

 Tempering Vernie Bow with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Vernie Bow (44/+1/20) + Tree Crystal = Battle Bow +2 (44/+2/10)


   14.09 - Eres' Bow [BW09]

 Power: 43 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 4

 Special: Can use Dream Shot Technique.

 Find: Trials of Elore Treasure Chest.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.


   14.10 - Kjar Bow [BW10]

 Power: 44 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 11

 Buy: Tarmita (19999), South Estamir (20998).

 |      Weapon Evolution        |           Tempering Materials              |

    Kjar Bow                       Beast Fang, Tortoise Shell, 
                                   Reinforced Wing
    Kjar Bow +1                    Steel Thread

    Kjar Arbalest                  Tree Crystal (Optional)

    Kjar Bow +2


 Step 1: Kjar Bow ==> Kjar Bow +1

                        Tortoise Shell = Kjar Bow +1 (52/+1/10)
  Kjar Bow (44/0/30) + - Beast Fang = Kjar Bow +1 (57/-1/20)
                        Reinforced Wing = Kjar Bow +1 (61/-3/10)

 Step 2: Kjar Bow +1 ==> Kjar Arbalest

  Kjar Bow +1 (57/-1/20) + Steel Thread = Kjar Arbalest (52/+1/40)

 Tempering Kjar Arbalest with Tree Crystal (Optional)

  Kjar Arbalest (52/+1/40) + Tree Crystal = Kjar Bow +2 (57/+2/10)


   14.11 - Wisteria Bow [BW11]

 Power: 49 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 12

 Find: Water Dragon Rite Quest Reward if you choose "Weapon".
       Treasure Map Item.
       Enemy Drop (Giant Tree).
 Note:  Can't be tempered.


                          15. SPECIAL WEAPONS [SW00]

   15.01 - Chalice [SW01]

 Power: 0 / DPM: 0 / DP: 10 / Wgt: 0

 Special: COM +5; Can Channel Hydrology Spells.

 Find: St. Agnes of Amut's tomb in the Catacombs, Estamir Tunnels, during 
       Return of the Vampires Quest.
 Note: Can't be tempered.
       The DP can be restore at the Temple of Nisa, under the Kaklin Desert.

 The Chalice have 2 special techs:

  - Holy Sparkle (0/1/AE) - Water that carries a holy Blessing.

  - Miracle Water (0/3/AA) - Instantly restore all comrades' BP to maximum.


   15.02 - Obsidian Sword (Fatestone) [SW02]

 Power: 42 / DPM: 0 / DP: LP / Wgt: 20

 Special: All Stats +1; +20 Resist to Blunt, Slash and Aerial Attacks.
          Nullifies Bewitchery Magic.
          Can switch between Attack, Defense and Trick modes.
          For each mode it becomes a different sword with an unique tech list.

          1. Attack Mode - Two-Handed Sword
                   - Sunder
                   - Double Vertical
                   - Smash
                   - Cross Beak
                   - Secret Three Step
                   - Charging Slash
                   - Vandalize
                   - Upper Smash

          2. Defense Mode - Foil
                   - Thrust
                   - Feint
                   - Spin Thrust
                   - Sword Bullet
                   - Resonance Edge
                   - Shimmering Slash
                   - Screwdriver

          3. Trick Mode - Scimitar
                   - New
                   - Time Lapse
                   - Artful Slash
                   - Jackal Blade
                   - Spinning Strike
                   - Deadly Spin
                   - Kaleidoscope

 Find: Frosthold Fortress Quest.
 Note:  Can't be tempered.



                          TEMPERING MATERIALS [TM00]


   1. Buy-able Tempering Materials [TM01]


      Material Name / Clout Lv / Gold 
       - Location - Town / Region

  Aerodyne / Lv 14 / 2400 
   - Cape Breeze Sundries - Northpoint / Dry Lands

  Beast Fang / Lv 4 / 620
   - Wilderness General Store - Uso / Dry Lands
   - Godongo General Store - Godongo / Walon Isle

  Bismuth / Lv 7 / 465
   - Aurefont General Store - Aurefont / Bafal Empire
   - Godongo General Store - Godongo / Walon Isle

  Blancazure / Lv 3 / 465
   - Aurefont General Store - Aurefont / Bafal Empire
   - Ligau Sword Store - Jelton / Ligau Isle
   - Oapu General Store - Oapu / Walon Isle

  Dinosaur Skin / Lv 21 / 9400
   - Pioneer General Store - Weston / Frontier

  Marcasite / Lv 15 / 1320
   - Mountain Pass Goods - Altours / Rosalia
   - Silver Mine - Aurefont / Bafal Empire

  Reinforced Wing / Lv 10 / 2340
   - General Store - Taralian Camp / Dry Lands
   - Seafarer General Goods - Pirate Coast / Coral Sea

  Steel Thread / Lv 12 / 2340
   - Silver Mine - Aurefont / Bafal Empire

  Tortoise Shell / Lv 12 / 2280
   - Maritime Imports - Weston / Frontier

  Tree Crystal / Lv 17 / 1290 
   - Godongo General Store - Godongo / Walon Isle

  Vermillion / Lv 5 / 465
   - Pioneer General Store - Weston / Frontier
   - Wilderness General Store - Uso / Dry Lands
   - Aurefont General Store - Aurefont / Bafal Empire


   2. Blacksmith Tempering Materials [TM02]


      Material Name 
       - Blacksmith - Town / Region

  ADD Your Tempering Materials
   - Crystal Cartel - Crystal City / Rosalia
   - Draconian Merchants - Bruelle / Bafal Empire
   - Kjaraht Metalworks - South Estamir / Kjaraht
   - Ligau Swordsmith - Jelton / Ligau Isle

   - Maritime Imports - Pirate Coast / Coral Sea
   - Burly Blacksmith - Mirsaburg / Knights Dominion
   - Draconian Merchants - Eugenstadt / Knights Dominion
   - Ligau Swordsmith - Jelton / Ligau Isle
   - Walon Weapons - Oapu / Walon Isle (After Quest #15: Free the Gecklings)

   - Maritime Imports - N. Estamir / Rosalia
   - Draconian Merchants - Bruelle / Bafal Empire

  Ligau Steel
   - Loban Molten Metal - Loban / Bafal Empire
   - Ligau Swordsmith - Jelton / Ligau Isle

  Native Silver
   - Crystal Cartel - Crystal City / Rosalia
   - Draconian Merchants - Bruelle / Bafal Empire
   - Burly Blacksmith - Mirsaburg / Knights Dominion
   - Walon Weapons - Oapu / Walon Isle (After Quest #15: Free the Gecklings)

  Rosalian Steel
   - Crystal Cartel - Crystal City / Rosalia
   - Kjaraht Metalworks - South Estamir / Kjaraht
   - Burly Blacksmith - Mirsaburg / Knights Dominion
   - Maritime Imports - N. Estamir / Rosalia

  Southern Iron
   - Loban Molten Metal - Loban / Bafal Empire
   - Kjaraht Metalworks - South Estamir / Kjaraht
   - Draconian Merchants - Bruelle / Bafal Empire
   - Draconian Merchants - Eugenstadt / Knights Dominion
   - Valhalland Blacksmith - Gato's Village / Valhalland

   - Crystal Cartel - Crystal City / Rosalia
   - Maritime Imports - N. Estamir / Rosalia


   3. Tempering Materials Data [TM03]


    ORE: Name of the Tempering Material

    WEAPON: How a material will change the Weapon Stats.
            (Power / Durability Mod / Durability Total)

    ARMOR: How a material will change the Armor Stats.
           (Physical Defense / Magical Defense / Weight)

 |----- ORE -----|  |------- WEAPON --------|   |-------- ARMOR --------|

  Bronze             (P-30% /DPM+1 /DP +33%)     (PD+10% /MD --% /W+16%)
  Southern Iron      (P --% /DPM-1 /DP +66%)     (PD+20% /MD-10% /W+30%)
  Native Silver      (P-10% /DPM+2 /DP -33%)     (PD --% /MD+20% /W+16%)
  Rosalian Steel     (P --% /DPM+1 /DP  --%)     (PD+20% /MD-20% /W+16%)
  Ligau Steel        (P+10% /DPM-- /DP -33%)     (PD+30% /MD-10% /W+30%)
  Vernie             (P+10% /DPM+1 /DP -33%)     (PD+10% /MD+20% /W+16%)
  Garal              (P --% /DPM+2 /DP -33%)     (PD+30% /MD+10% /W+58%)
  Mullock(1)         (P-30% /DPM-- /DP +66%)     (PD+10% /MD+10% /W+16%)
  Mullock(2)         (P-20% /DPM+2 /DP -33%)     (PD --% /MD+10% /W +8%)
  Mullock(3)         (P-10% /DPM-1 /DP +33%)     (PD-20% /MD+20% /W +8%)
  Mullock(4)         (P-10% /DPM-2 /DP +33%)     (PD-20% /MD+30% /W+16%)
  Mullock(5)         (P+10% /DPM-4 /DP +66%)     (PD-30% /MD+30% /W+16%)
  Mullock(6)         (P+20% /DPM-5 /DP +33%)     (PD-40% /MD+50% /W+30%)
  Mullock(7)         (P+30% /DPM-4 /DP -33%)     (PD-30% /MD+40% /W+16%)
  Elemental Core     (P+20% /DPM-2 /DP -66%)     (PD-30% /MD+30% /W --%)
  Blancazure         (P-20% /DPM+2 /DP  --%)     (PD+10% /MD --% /W+16%)
  Vermillion         (P --% /DPM-1 /DP +33%)     (PD+10% /MD+10% /W +8%)
  Bismuth            (P-30% /DPM+1 /DP+100%)     (PD+20% /MD --% /W+50%)
  Deadstone          (P+30% /DPM-1 /DP -99%)     (PD-40% /MD-40% /W --%)
  Pure Gold          (P-20% /DPM+1 /DP -33%)     (PD-20% /MD+30% /W+30%)
  Electrum           (P-10% /DPM+3 /DP -33%)     (PD-10% /MD+30% /W+16%)
  Marcasite          (P+20% /DPM-3 /DP  --%)     (PD+30% /MD-10% /W+16%)
  Tree Crystal       (P+10% /DPM+2 /DP -66%)     (PD --% /MD+30% /W +8%)
  Black Steel        (P+20% /DPM-1 /DP +33%)     (PD+40% /MD-30% /W+16%)
  Corundum           (P+30% /DPM-3 /DP -33%)     (PD-23% /MD+30% /W +8%)
  Meteoric Iron      (P+20% /DPM-2 /DP -33%)     (PD-10% /MD+20% /W+16%)
  Dark Crystal       (P+40% /DPM-4 /DP -66%)     (PD-50% /MD+20% /W +8%)
  Grim Crystal       (P+40% /DPM-4 /DP -66%)     (PD-50% /MD+20% /W +8%)
  Chunk of Copper    (P-20% /DPM-3 /DP+300%)     (PD+30% /MD-20% /W+80%)
  Devilsweed Seed    (P-10% /DPM+1 /DP +66%)     (PD+10% /MD --% /W +8%)
  Peggy Crystal      (P --% /DPM+1 /DP -33%)     (PD --% /MD+10% /W --%)
  Sticky String      (P-20% /DPM+3 /DP  --%)     (PD+20% /MD-10% /W --%)
  Beast Fang         (P+20% /DPM-1 /DP -33%)     (PD+10% /MD+10% /W +8%)
  Tortoise Shell     (P+10% /DPM+1 /DP -66%)     (PD+20% /MD+10% /W+16%)
  Reinforced Wind    (P+30% /DPM-3 /DP -66%)     (PD+20% /MD --% /W --%)
  Steel Thread       (P --% /DPM+1 /DP +33%)     (PD+30% /MD-20% /W +8%)
  Aerodyne           (P+10% /DPM-1 /DP -33%)     (PD --% /MD+10% /W --%)
  Windshell          (P+10% /DPM-1 /DP -66%)     (PD-10% /MD+20% /W --%)
  Dinosaur Skin      (P --% /DPM+2 /DP -33%)     (PD+40% /MD-20% /W+40%)
  Stonefish Scales   (P --% /DPM+1 /DP -33%)     (PD+20% /MD-10% /W +8%)
  Toxic Talon        (P+40% /DPM-3 /DP -66%)     (PD+10% /MD+20% /W+30%)
  Ghost Silver       (P --% /DPM+1 /DP -66%)     (PD+10% /MD+10% /W --%)

 Temperingh Metal Special Abilities:

  Meteoric Iron       Adds Ail Res Shock
  Dark Crystal        Adds Mag Res Cosmology
  Grim Crystal        Adds Mag Res Bewitchery
  Windshell           Adds Ail Res Snare
  Stonefish Scales    Adds Mag Res Hydrology
  Toxic Talon         Adds Ail Res Poison
  Ghost Silver        Adds Ail Res Sonic Waves

   Credit to Lothrandier's Romancing SaGa Item & Material Patch Code FAQ.


   4. Mining Tempering Materials [TM04]

   The types of ore you can find when using the Mine proficiency is determined 
 by the Battle Rank (the better items within the rank will be chosen more 
 easily if your associated proficiency level is high).

   Rank        Items (Randomly Decided)
 --------  --------------------------------------------

    1      Southern Iron, Native Silver, Mullock (1), Mullock (2), Blancazure,
           Vermillion, Bismuth, Deadstone

    2      Southern Iron, Mullock (1), Mullock (2), Blancazure, Vermillion,
           Bismuth, Deadstone, Electrum

    3      Native Silver, Mullock (2), Mullock (3), Blancazure, Vermillion,
           Bismuth, Deadstone, Electrum

    4      Mullock (2), Mullock (3), Blancazure, Vermillion, Bismuth,
           Deadstone, Electrum, Marcasite

    5      Native Silver, Mullock (3), Mullock (4), Mullock (5), Deadstone,
           Pure Gold, Electrum, Marcasite

    6      Mullock (4), Mullock (5), Mullock (6), Deadstone, Electrum,
           Marcasite, Tree Crystal, Meteoric Iron

    7      Mullock (6), Mullock (7), Pure Gold, Electrum, Marcasite,
           Tree Crystal, Black Steel, Meteoric Iron

    8      Mullock (5), Mullock (6), Mullock (7), Pure Gold, Tree Crystal,
           Black Steel, Corundum, Meteoric Iron

    9      Mullock (6), Mullock (7), Pure Gold, Corundum, Meteoric Iron, 
           Chunk of Copper

   10      Mullock (6), Mullock (7), Pure Gold, Corundum, Meteoric Iron, 
           Dark Crystal, Grim Crystal, Chunk of Copper

   Thanks to Ramtieger for the Information.
   Additional Information can be found in Romancing SaGa Game System FAQ.




   1. Event Rank (ER) [IF01]

   Talking to the Volunteer Brigade boys is a way to determinate your actual
Event Rank; choose "I Could Use Your Help" and your Event Rank is determinate
based in the topics available:

   Rank 1          What are Proficiencies?
   Rank 2          I want more money.
   Rank 3          How do I get more Jewels?
   Rank 4          School me in techniques and spells.
   Rank 5          There's a chest I can't reach.
   Rank 6          I want to learn even more advanced things.

       Further ranks are found under the option "I want to learn even more
       advanced things."

   Rank 7          Stuns, Shocks and Snares.
   Rank 8          Vendors
   Rank 9          Herbs and Ores.
   Rank 10         Classes
   Rank 11         Weapons and Shields
   Rank 12         Modes
   Rank 13         Blacksmithing II
   Rank 14         Concoctions II
   Rank 15         Snthesizing Spells
   Rank 16         Ambush
   Rank 17         Lurking and Moving Silently
   Rank 18         Trading
   Rank 19         Blacksmithing III
   Rank 20         Final Secrets

   Information taken from the Official Startegy Guide.

   2. Rank Point (RP) and Battle Rank (BR) [IF02]

    Rank Points are connected with both the 'Event Rank' and 'Battle Rank'
  parameters. The Event Rank determines what events you can unlock, and the
  Battle Rank determines how tough the enemies are. 

    None on these parameters are shown on the screen at any point though.

    How many Rank Points you have at the start of the game is different for 
  each main character (details below). As the game gets underway, you then
  gain Rank Points after each battle you've won. When you return to a town, 
  the amount of Rank Points you've racked up by fighting battles determines 
  how much the Event Rank goes up.

    The stronger enemy you kill, the more Rank Points you'll get. However, 
  when you exceed the limit which is 2304, there will be an automatic 
  decrease that will see your points drop somewhat (see formula further down 
  for details).

    Also, there are some cases that won't affect the Rank Points, such as 
  when enemies disappear from the map in various circumstances (details 
  further down).

    Things affected by Increased Rank Points:

    - New events can be unlocked, while other may close.
    - Stronger enemies will appear.
    - The amount of jewels earned from events will increase.

    Things that Don't Affect Rank Points:

    - Running from battle.
    - Losing to the enemy in battle.
    - Trading items with monsters.
    - Running over enemies with Barbara's wagon.

    Rank Point (RP)/Event Rank (ER) Relation

       Rank Point                  ER
      ------------                ----
         0 ~ 88                     0
        89 ~ 178                    1
       179 ~ 267                    2
       268 ~ 357                    3
       358 ~ 447                    4
       448 ~ 536                    5
       537 ~ 626                    6
       627 ~ 715                    7
       716 ~ 805                    8
       806 ~ 895                    9
       896 ~ 984                   10
       985 ~ 1074                  11
      1075 ~ 1163                  12
      1164 ~ 1253                  13
      1254 ~ 1343                  14
      1344 ~ 1432                  15
      1433 ~ 1522                  16
      1523 ~ 1611                  17
      1612 ~ 1701                  18
      1702 ~ 1791                  19
      1792 ~ 1880                  20
      1881 ~ 1970                  21
      1971 ~ 2304                  22

    Rank Point (RP)/Battle Rank (BR) Relation

       Rank Point                  BR
      ------------                ----

         0 ~ 255                    1
       256 ~ 511                    2
       512 ~ 767                    3
       768 ~ 1023                   4
      1024 ~ 1279                   5
      1280 ~ 1535                   6
      1536 ~ 1791                   7
      1792 ~ 2047                   8
      2048 ~ 2303                   9
      2304                         10

    Initial Rank Points (RP) for Main Characters

       Character                  RP
      -----------                ---- 
       Albert                     25
       Aisha                       0
       Gray                      100
       Claudia                   175
       Jamil                     100
       Sif                       150
       Hawke                     175
       Barbara                   150

    Rank Points Formula

    [1~54 per battle]

    - Higher Battle Rank (stronger monsters) = bigger increase. 
      But even under the same conditions, the increase is still somewhat 

    - If you get 2305 or more points, your Rank Points are lowered to a 
      randomly chosen number between 2048 ~ 2111.

    Thanks to Ramtieger for the information.
    Posted at GameFAQs RS Board, "How does weight affect a character in
    battle?" thread.


   3. Battle Rank 10 Monsters [IF03]

     Class                     Monster                   Drop Items
  -----------            ------------------        ---------------------

    Aquatics               Deep Fish                 Ghost Silver
    Avians                 Basilik
    Beasts                 Stone Beast
    Beastmen               Ogre Lord                 Ogre Gauntlets
    Demons                 Ifrit                     Live Silk
    Insects                Queen Clawbug             Crane Princess
    Plants                 Giant Tree                Wisteria
    Reptiles               Abyssal Marauder          Hydraskin Vest
    Undead                 Spectre
    Unknown                Slime (Grayish)           Chunk of Copper


   4. Characters Max LP, Inicial BP and BP Recovery [IF04]

    - Maximum BP Regen is +7.

    - The main character can take advantage of completing the Faerie's 
      Groove Quest, since it's reward is +1 BP Regen / +2 LP.

    - If Claudia already reached 50+ BP / +7 Regen, she will only get the
      +2 LP.

      Main                     Initial         Max BP        Growth Rate
    Characters         LP        BP%          Recovery         HP / BP
   ------------       ----    ---------      ----------     -------------

     Albert            12        30%             +6             C / C
     Aisha             10        30%             +6             D / B
     Gray              11        40%             +5             C / C
     Claudia           17        20%             +7             A / B
     Jamil             12        50%             +6             C / C
     Sif               12        40%             +5             C / C
     Hawke             14        50%             +5             B / C
     Barbara           12        40%             +6             C / C

     Brau              13        30%             +4             A / C
     Diana             11        30%             +5             D / C
     Darque            10        30%             +5             E / C
     Dowd              17        20%             +6             B / B
     Dragon Knight      5        40%             +4             E / D
     Frielei            8        40%             +4             E / D
     Farah             16        40%             +5             C / B 
     Galahad           18        40%             +4             A / D
     Gian              12        50%             +4             C / D
     Hermann           18        30%             +5             B / B
     Guella Ha         16        30%             +5             B / D
     Minstrel          16        40%             +5             B / C
     Myriam            13        30%             +5             D / C
     Patrick           12        50%             +4             E / D
     Neidhart          10        40%             +4             E / C
     Raphael           10        30%             +5             D / C
     Red Mage          19        20%             +4             A / D
     Sylvan            10        30%             +5             C / C
     Silver             7        40%             +4             E / C


     Amazon             3        50%             +4             B / D
     Dominion Knight    4        40%             +4             B / D
     Bafal Fighter      4        40%             +4             B / D
     Kjaraht Knight     4        40%             +4             B / D
     Pirate             4        40%             +4             B / D
     Soldier A          4        40%             +4             B / D
     Soldier B          4        40%             +4             B / D
     Sorcerer           3        50%             +4             E / D
     Sorceress          3        50%             +4             E / D
     Warrior            3        50%             +4             B / D
     Valhallan War.     4        40%             +4             B / D


     Theodore          17        60%             +3             A / C

   5. Mining Spots [IF05]

     Mining Spots can be found in the following locations:

     1. Crystal Lake Caves
     2. Bayre Plateau
     3. Plain Hallow Cave
     4. Mt. Tomae
     5. Saoki Cavern
     6. Geckling Cave
     7. Drachenvale
     8. Nisa Cavern*
     9. Aurefont Mine (During the Mine Assaulted Quest)

                  * Thanks for LazarusXXVI for the information.


   6. Brau and Sylvan Techs [IF06]

     Brau start with 3 techs and will spark 1 new tech; Sylvan start with 3 
  techs and will spark 2 more techs.


  - Tech Name (BP/LP) - Tech description.

  Brau - Claw


  - Bear Claw (0/0) - Maul your enemy with the claw of the bear (Basic).

  - Poison Claw (2/0) - Maul your enemy with a poisoned claw.

  - Paralizing Claw (5/1) - Maul your enemy with a paralizing claw.

  Will Learn:

  - Bear Hug (14/0) - Snap your enemy's spine in two by grasping him.

  Sylvan - Fang


  - Bite (0/0) - Ravage your enemy with razor-sharp fangs (Basic).

  - Bludgeon (3/1) - Gnaw at your enemy's arm to reduce his Strength (STR).

  - Daze (7/1) - Gnaw at your enemy's leg to reduce his Agility (AGI).

  Will Learn:

  - Jugular (13/0) - Puncture your enemy's Jugular. Sometimes inflicts 
                     instant death.

  - Rabid Bite (18/0) - An incredible technique that inflicts terrible bite 


   7. What's the factors to Deflect and Counter chance? [IF07]

  Deflect Factors:

  - Can only be triggered in a turn when certain weapons are used 
    (specified below).

  - Can trigger when you're being attacked and is using either of these 
    weapons in a turn: Foil, Short Sword, Scimitar, Club, Staff or Obsidian

  - Can trigger when you or your other party members are being attacked and 
    if you are using either of these weapons in a turn: Long Sword, Great 
    Sword, 2H-Sword, Pole Arm and Lance.

  - A higher skill level corresponding with the weapon you're using increases
    the chance to trigger it.

  - A higher DEX increases the chance to trigger it when you're being 
    attacked (AGI and COM stats when your other party members are being 

  - Having the DEF mode on your weapon increases the chance by 4x.

  - Using a DEF mode art increases the chance a little that turn.

  - Having the Castle Knight class increases the chance of triggering it when
    your other party members are being attacked.
      Lv1: -
      Lv2: 1.2
      Lv3: 1.3
      Lv4: 1.4
      Lv5: 1.5

  Counter Factors:

  - Can trigger in a turn when you use Martial Arts.

  - Can only trigger when you're attacked by a single enemy type attack that 
    makes contact.

  - A higher Martial Arts skill level increases the chance.

  - If you have the defense style for martial arts, the chance increases 
    by 4x.

  - If you use a DEF mode Martial Art, the chance increases a little that 

  - Having the Geckling Knight class increases the chance a little.

    Lv1: 1.1
    Lv2: 1.2
    Lv3: 1.3
    Lv4: 1.4
    Lv5: 1.5

    Thanks to Ramtieger for the information.
    Posted at GameFAQs RS Board, "How does weight affect a character in
    battle?" thread.


   8. Sorcery and Necromancy Spells Information [IF08]

    Sorcery and Necromancy spells are no available to buy at any point in
  the game, only Red Mage and enemies have those spells.

    Red Mage will start with the following Spells:

        Pyrology                     Aerology
       ----------                   ----------
       Hellfire                     Blades of Wind
       Self Immolation              Missile Shield

        Sorcery                      Necromancy
       ---------                    ------------
       Shadow Bolt                  Wracking
       Black Cloud                  Withering
       Dark Wash                    Whisper of Dread
       Abyss                        Drain Energy



     1E  -  One enemy
     AE  -  All enemies
     ALL -  Affects Allies and enemies.
     1*  -  Yellow LP (may not consume LP)


  - Shadow Bolt (4/0/1E) - Fire an arrow that hunts the enemy from his shadow.

  - Black Cloud (4/1*/AE) - Cover all enemies in a blanket of shadow.
                            Sometimes inflicts darkness.

  - Dark Wash (4/1*/1E) - Erase magical shields and enhancements from the 

  - Abyss (13/1/1E) - Open a pit beneath the enemy that swallows his soul.
                      Sometimes inflicts instant death.

  - Wave of Blacklight (13/1/AE) - Entrap all enemies in a shadow web. 
                                   Sometimes prevents movement.

  - Black Ice (13/1/ALL) - Setup a magical trap to counter the enemy's attack.

  Sorcery Synth Spells:

  - Maelstrom (13/1/All) - Summon a black vortex that swallows all magic 

  - Dark Nebula (21/1/AE) - Create a sphere of shadow that bombards all 
                            enemies with lethal damage.


  - Wracking (4/0/1E) - Unleash horrible pain upon your enemy. 
                        Sometimes Stuns.

  - Withering (4/1*/1E) - Decrease your enemy's Strength (STR).

  - Whisper of Dread (9/1*/1E) - Whisper words to foster wickedness. 
                                 Sometimes confuses.

  - Drain Energy (9/1/1E) - Absorb HP from an enemy.

  - Curse (13/1/1E) - Utter a curse on your enemy. Someyimes Curses.

  - Animate Dead (19/3/1E) - Control one who has fallen to attack. 
                             No effect if cast on the living.

  Necromancy Synth Spells:

  - Drain Life (20/1/1E) - Strike the lifeforce of an enemy and absorb his HP.

  - Rain of Death (20/1/AE) - Bathe all enemies in a lethal shower.


   9. Treasure Map Items [IF09]

   Treasures Maps can be acquired from enemies as a random drop.

      English Name            Rarity Lv        Item Type
     --------------          -----------      -----------

      Alabaster Ring             0             Ring
      Blazing Sword              0             Foil
      Pocket Dragon              0             Ring
      Amber Maleate              0             Necklace
      Last Leaf                  0             Neck
      Harmonia Bracer            0             Gloves
      Shimmering Sand Robe       1             Chest Piece
      Eternity Staff             1             Staff
      Mystic Stone Mask          1             Helm
      Flamberge                  1             2H Sword
      Devil Bone Bangle          1             Gloves
      Farangi                    2             Long Sword
      Amber Jack                 2             Club
      Shooting Star              2             Katana
      Wisteria                   2             Bow
      Greaves of Titus           2             Leg Piece
      Dragonscale Blade          3             Short Sword
      Lady Hawk                  3             Hand Axe
      Dragonscale Shield         3             Shield
      Vorpal Axe                 4             2H Axe
      Blue Saber                 4             Great Sword
      Dragonscale Coat           4             Chest Piece
      Red Peacock                4             Scimitar
      Khellendros                4             Pole Arm
      Malystrix                  4             Lance
      Mirror Shield              4             Shield
      Black Stone Mail           4             Body

   Search Level (Treasure Map level) = Rarity Lv + 1

   Also there is 5 Sub-items that can be acquired at random when you open a
Treasure Map Chest:

  - Heeled Shoes
  - Silver Ring
  - Gold Ring
  - Pearl Ring
  - Wondrous Bangle

  When you find a Treasure Map Chest the following may happen:

  1. You will gain a random amount of Gold
  2. You may or may not get a random amount of Jewels
  3. You will get the Treasure Item (according to the Treasure Map Level)
  4. You may or may not get a random Sub-Item. Sometimes you may even get 
     2-3 Sub-items.


   10. Hit or Miss - The Accuracy Facts [IF10]

   There are more factors when it comes to accuracy, so it doesn't 
  necessarily mean that you're going to miss a lot only because your STR is 
  not good enough. Here are the accuracy factors :

  * The difference between your (Dexterity) DEX and your opponent's Agility 
    (AGI). The higher your Strength (STR) versus the opponent's Agility (AGI),
    the better the accuracy.

  * The tech's accuracy. The higher the accuracy, the better chance to hit. 
    There are also techs that always hit.

  * Your Strength (STR) and the weight of your weapon. If your Strength (STR)
    is not 4 times the weight of the weapon you're attacking with, you're 
    going to miss more often.

  * Darkness effect. If you have this effect, you will miss twice as many 
    times as normal.

  * Your class. If you have the Hunter Class and use pierce type techs, your
    attacks will miss less often. 

      Lv1: -
      Lv2: 0.8
      Lv3: 0.7
      Lv4: 0.6
      Lv5: 0.5

  So there it is. I'm not sure what the biggest factor of these are, but I
  guess the techs accuracy and your Dexterity (DEX) will cancel most of the 
  miss factor of the hand weapon weight.

  Thanks to Ramtieger for the information.
  Posted at GameFAQs RS Board, "How does weight affect a character in
  battle?" thread.


   11. Weapons and Stats Growth [IF11]

     You can get your stats raised after you've won a battle. When you get a 
  stat raise, each stat can only increase by 1 each time (except for max HP 
  which is 3~12 HP). Whether or not you will get a stat increase is somewhat 
  random, although fighting tough enemies increases the chance.

     The things that affect what stats that are more likely to increase is 
  different for each character and is also determined by the last 5 actions 
  taken by the character in battle, which is a very big factor. 
  For example, if you use Pyrology continuously in a battle with a character 
  that hasn't got a good INT growth rate, you won't have any problems 
  increasing the INT stat even then.

     Since the stat increase comes after your party have won a battle, 
  characters not in the party will not get an increase (except for soldiers 
  you can hire). So because of this, the stat growth for the characters left
  out of the party for a while will be somewhat slow.

  What actions you take in battle decide what stats you level up:

  - Max HP: Long Sword, Great Sword, Hand Axe, 2H Sword, 2H Axe, Pole Arm.

  - Max BP: Foil, Short Sword , Scimitar, Lance, Martial Arts, Pyrology, 
            Demonology, Sorcery, Necromancy.

  - Strenghth (STR): Hand Axe, 2H Sword, 2H Axe.

  - Vitality (VIT): Great Sword, Hand Axe, 2H Sword, 2H Axe, Martial Arts.

  - Dexterity (DEX): Foil, Short Sword, Long Sword, Bow.

  - Agility (AGI): Short Sword, Martial Arts.

  - Inteligncy (INT): Pyrology, Aerology, Terrology, Illusions, Sorcery, 
                      Cosmology, Necromancy.

  - Willpower (WIL): Hydrology, Terrology, Demonology, Cosmology, Sorcery, 
                     Bewitchery, Necromancy.

  - Compassion (COM): Hydrology, Cosmology.

  - Charisma (CHA): Illusions, Cosmology, Sorcery, Necromancy.

     Notes: This chart only displays the actions that make it easier to 
  increase a certain stat; what actions you have to use to increase a 
  particular stat is not set in stone. Also, The Red Mage class is the only 
  one that can use the Sorcery and Necromancy magic.

    Thanks to Ramtieger for translating this information.
    Posted at GameFAQs RS Board, "How does weight affect a character in
    battle?" thread.


   12. Benedictions [IF12]

  Benedictions only occur when your favor with a particular god is very high,
  each god has a different benediction effect and once it triggers, your 
  favor with that god decreases, preventing an immediate repeat of this 

  - Grace of Elore
    Trigger: One party member has Max LP of 8 or more, with current LP of 3 
             or less.

    Effect: Half of this character's LP lost in battle is restored.

  - Affection of Nisa

    Trigger: Current total of party's HP is 30% or less than Max total of 
             party's HP.

    Effect: Each party member HP is healed by 700-999 HP.

  - Wrath of Yucomb

    Trigger: Current total of party's HP is 5% or less compared to enemy's
             current total HP.

    Effect: Causes two shots of large damage to all enemies.

  - Shelter of Cyril

    Trigger: Current total of party's HP is 10% or less compared to enemy's
             current total HP.

    Effect: Casts an effect increasing each party member's defense. Does not
            work on inactive party members.

  - Sign of Eres

    Trigger: Enemy must be all beasts in a fight where using retreat is 

    Effect: All enemies are immediately defeated.

  - Solace of Amut

    Trigger: Party members have a status effect other than "inactive".
    Effect: All party members heal 150-400 HP, and have the effect of Holy 
            Water used on them.

  - Fervor of Mirsa

    Trigger: Current total of party's HP is 5% or less compared to the 
             enemy's current total HP.

    Effect: All ally BP are increased by 10 plus 1/8 of the characters 
            Max BP, rounded down. Innactive members are not affected.

  - Hatred of Saruin

    Trigger: Cannot be used against Saruin or his minions.

    Effect: A great amount of damage is dealt to each enemy.

  - Blessing of Death

    Trigger: Cannot be used against Death or undead.

    Effect: 80% chance of instant death against all enemies.

  - Sneer of Shirach

    Trigger: Cannot be used against magic-user enemies.

    Effects: Enemy stats are reduced by 10 each.

   *Information taken from the Official Startegy Guide.


   13. Myth or Reality: Gekkabijin [IF13]

  Many wonder if the Katana Gekkabijin can be acquired during normal play.
  According to the information from various Japanese Message Boards, the
Gekkabijin is supposed to be associated to the Falcata either as a reward for
the "Voice of the Sword" Quest in the case Gray would loose the fight with
the Sword Demon or for the other 7 characters the Falcata would have another
tempering stage to get the Gekkabijin evolution.

  As for the Japanese players as it's for US players, losing the battle with
the Sword Demon, don't give anything (also is not game over), you just have 
to try again every time you enter a town to win the battle.

  Also, Falcata +7 is the last stage for all other 7 characters.

  The game code have the data for the weapon, but there is no way to acquire
this weapon during normal game play, except for using a cheat device like CB,

  IMO, the Gekkabijin is a cooler weapon than the Demonbrand, is a white
Katana, that looks like is made of ice with a water dripping effect.


     "A masterpiece katana imbued with a beauty beyond words."

  Power: 51 / DPM: 0 / DP: 30 / Wgt: 6

  Special: CHA +10.
  Note:  Can't be tempered.


   14. Unique Weapon Techs [IF14]

  Tech Name [Weapon] (BP/LP/Target) [Reference Stat] (Add. Eff.)

  Tech Description.


   Weapon - Name of the weapon that have the unique tech.

   BP     - BP Cost
   LP     - LP Cost


           1E - One Enemy
           AE - All Enemies
           AA - All Allies
           Al - ALL Allies and Enemies
           Se - Self

  Reference Stat - Refers to the Stat of the caster that is used to determine 
                   the strength and effectiveness of the spell or tech.

  Add. Eff. - Additional Effects.  

  Note: Weapon Skill Level will reduce BP/LP Cost for the following techs:

  - Hunter's Fury
  - Feste d'Arme
  - Victor's Blade
  - Left Fork                 
  - Dream Shot
  - Divine Lightning
  - Fury of Bel'kwinith
  - Gate
  - Xenophobic Blast
  - Malefic Eclipse
  - Haunted Louse

  Note(2): Weapon skill level will lower the BP cost, but not the LP cost for
           the following techs:

  - Flicker of Flame 
  - Warmth of Earth
  - Flow of Water
  - Gust of Wind

   1. Hunter's Fury [Silver Fleuret / Silver Hammer] (7/2/1E) [WIL]

      An effective strike against beastmen. 

   2. Feste d'Arme [Minstrel Sword] (16/4/AA) 

      Bring your comrades to a fever pitch. Raise all party members stats 
      by 10.

   3. Victor's Blade [Main Gauche] (16/4/AE) 

      Raise your sword to the heavens, intimidating the enemy to retreat.

   4. Left Fork [Main Gauche] (19/6/1E) [STR]

      Wield your sword in your left hand, and put your full weight behind 
      your slash.

   5. Dream Shot [Ere's Bow] (20/6/1E) [DEX]

      Close your eyes and meditate. Then shoot your target using only your 
      mind's eye. 

      Note: During battle the character will be in a meditate state, you can't
            control the character and he or she will use this tech every turn.

   6. Divine Lightning [Yucomb's Trident] (11/4/AE) [INT]

      Call for Yucomb's Aid. Lightning Attack.

   7. Holy Sparkle [Chalice] (0/1/AE) [COM]

      Water that carries a holy Blessing. Very effective against undead.

   8. Miracle Water [Chalice] (0/3/AA)

      Instantly restore all comrades' BP to maximum.

   9. Hatch of the Dinosaur [Dinosaur Egg] (Self/One use)  

      Something will hatch. Summon a Dinosaur.

  10. Flicker of Flame [Axe of Kings] (10/5/Self)

      Summons Pyrix.

  11. Warmth of Earth [Serpent Staff] (10/5/Self) 
      Summons Adyllis.

  12. Flow of Water [Serpentbrand] (10/5/Self)

      Summons Strom.

  13. Gust of Wind [Feather Spear] (10/5/Self)

      Summons Avi. 

  14. Fury of Bel'kwinith [Bilqis] (15/6/1E) [STR] (LP Attack)

      Chop up everything you touch into tiny pieces.

  15. Gate [Epic Hero] (13/8/1E) [WIL]

      Open the door to another dimension.

  16. Xenophobic Blast [Cosmo Egg] (20/8/1E) [WIL] (Phobia)

      Summon a terror from another world. 

  17. Malefic Eclipse [Destroyer] (13/4/AE) [WIL] (Instant Death)

      Cause all enemies to decay. Does not cause physical damage.

  18. Haunted Louse [Chaosbringer] (14/8/AL) [WIL] (LP Attack)

      An inhuman presence strikes the enemy. Does not cause physical damage.


   15. Summon a Dinosaur [IF15]

    Dinosaur Eggs can be found in Ligau Isle. Talking to the NPCs in Ligau 
  Isle will give clues to where to find the eggs. The first Dinosaur egg can 
  be found during "Plain Treasure" Quest, in the Dinosaur Nest Cave. 
    Later in the game, 6 more eggs can be found in the Plains Hollow Caves, 
  the eggs appear in certain parts of the caves depending on the total number 
  of victories the party have achieved in battle.

        Victories                  Dinosaur Egg Location
       -----------                -----------------------
        150 - 160                  PHC, Southwest Area
        200 - 210                  PHC, Central Area 1
        250 - 260                  PHC, Central Area 2
        330 - 340                  PHC, East Area
        380 - 390                  PHC, North Area
        430 - 440                  PHC, Northeast Area

                          *PHC - Plains Hallow Caves. 

    Dinosaur Eggs sell for a good amount of gold (7142 Gold).

    But Dinosaur Eggs acn also be used to summon a Dinosaur in battle to 
  fight in your stead for as long as his HP holds out.

  Dinosaur Egg - Consumable Item (Potion)

  An egg the size of a human. They are known to wobble on occasion.

  Hatch of the Dinosaur Tech - Something will hatch.


  HP  555/555
  LP    1/1
  BP   20/20: +BPR (BPR = Will be the character's BP Regen.)

   Dinosaur  BP 30

  (ATK) Scoop Throw (0/0/1E) - A ferocious shoulder slam. Sometimes stuns.

  (ATK) Trample (10/0/EL) - Trample the enemy.

  (DEF) Tail Swipe (0/0/EC) - A powerful tail whip.

   Key: 1E - One Enemy / EL - Enemy Line (large) / EC - Enemy Circle (small)

   Note(1): Lv5 Martial Arts or Lv5 Martial Artist Class will not lower the
            BP cost of Trample.

   Note(2): Scoop Throw and Trample can be used either in ATK or TRK mode.


   16. Elemental Lords [IF16]

  When you complete each of the Ecology quests, you will be rewarded with a 
  special weapon that will give you the ability to summon the one of the 
  Elemental Lords:

      - Serpentbrand: Flow of Water - Summons Strom.
      - Serpent Staff: Warmth of Earth - Summons Adyllis.
      - Axe of Kings: Flicker of Flame - Summons Pyrix.
      - Feather Spear: Gust of Wind - Summons Avi.

  Summoning the Elemental Lords costs a character 5 LP. Weapon Skill level 
  will reduce BP cost, but will not lower the LP cost.

  Elemental Lords techs also combo together, like: Liquid Cannon + Sonic Wave 
  or Wing Flap + Whip Flame.

  For each Elemental Lord you may use 2-4 random spells that will be available
  every time you summon an Elemental Lord to help you in battle.

  Also when Summoning a Elemental Lord, if you plan using their spells, make
  sure your character and the Elemental Lord are using the same Spell School,
  as your Spell Skill Level will reduce BP/LP cost for the spells available.

  If Aisha have Lv 5 Terrology and Summons Adyllis: 

     Pulverize (0/0)
     Camouflage (0/0)
     Earthen Grasp (2/0) 

  If Barbara don't have Terrology and Summons Adyllis: 

     Pulverize (5/0)
     Camouflage (5/0)
     Earthen Grasp (7/1)



    1E - One Enemy
    AE - All Enemies
    EC - Enemy Circle (large)
    1* - Yellow LP

   BPR - BP Regen for each Elemental Lord is based in the BP Regen for the 
         character summoning the Elemental Lord, like:

    If Barbara summons Adyllis, and she has 24/60 (+6), then Adyllis will
    have 30/30 (+6).


  HP 999/999
  LP   1/1
  BP  30/30 (BPR)

  Techs: Strom (BP/LP)

  (ATK) Solid Formation (4/0/1E) - Impale an enemy on your horn.

  (DEF) Aqua Smash (0/0/1E) - Strike an enemy with your fin.

  (DEF) Watery Descent (8/1*/AE) - Strike all enemies with a burst of water 
                                  that freezes instantly.

  (TRK) Liquid Cannon (0/0/1E) - Launch a massive ball of water into an enemy.
                                 Sometimes stuns.
  (TRK) Tidal Smash (6/0/1E) - Smash an enemy with your tailfin.

  Hydrology Spells: 2-4 random Hydrology spells will be available.


  HP 999/999
  LP   1/1
  BP  30/30 (BPR)

  Techs: Adyllis (BP/LP)

  (ATK) Bite (0/0/1E) - Strike an enemy with a fang of highly toxic venom.

  (DEF) Triple Breath (9/0/AE) - Attack all enemies with a breath of fire, 
                                 acid, and poison.

  (TRK) Sonic Blade (6/0/1E) - Strike your enemy with a powerful shock wave.

  Terrology Spells: 2-4 random Terrology spells will be available.


  HP 999/999
  LP   1/1
  BP  30/30 (BPR)

  Techs: Pyrocanis (BP/LP)

  (ATK) Fracturing Blast (11/0/1E) - Become a torrent of lava. Pyrix's most 
                                     powerful attack.

  (ATK) Pyro Blast (7/0/EC) - A burning implosion that torches all enemies 
                              within the area of effect. Sometimes decreases 
                              Defense (DEF).
  (DEF) Flame Whip (0/0/1E) - Strike your enemy with a fiery whip. 
                              Sometimes paralyzes.

  (TRK) Infernal Chariot (9/1*/AE) - Become a whirling wheel of fire to 
                                     strike all enemies.

  Pyrology Spells: : 2-4 random Pyrology spells will be available.


  HP 999/999
  LP   1/1
  BP  30/30 (BPR)

  Techs: Avi (BP/LP)

  (ATK) Beak (1/0/1E) - Stab your enemy with your great beak. Sometimes 
                        inflicts darkness.

  (ATK) Liver Peck (4/0/1E) - Gouge an enemy with your great beak.

  (ATK) Petrifying Beak (9/1*/1E) - Stab your enemy with your great beak. 
                                    Sometimes petrifies.

  (DEF) Wing Flap (0/0/1E) - Strike an enemy with your giant wings.

  (DEF) Shriek (4/0/AE) - A high-pitched shriek that intimidates all enemies.

  (TRK) Sonic Wave (7/0/1E) - Strike an enemy with an uncanny sonic wave. 
                              Sometimes decreases Intellect (INT).

  (TRK) Force of Nature (16/1*/AE) - Summon a massive storm to attack all 

  Aerology Spells: 2-4 random Aerology spells will be available.



                           SPECIAL THANKS [SPTK]


    I would like to give a special thanks to...

    ... Square Enix for making this game!

    ... my wife, for her support and help.

    ..., and, for accepting this FAQ.

    ... the GameFAQs Romancing Saga board, and all its people but especially
        to BladewindDraconus, Lothrandier, Ramtieger, DragoonKain33, Eleinia,
        Polygon, Joewoof for all the valuable information they have posted 
        and for the help and support they have provided.

    ..., for the ascii title.

    ..., for the ascii art.

          Copyrighted (c) 2006 Carlos M. ([email protected])