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Gem/Ring FAQ

by Ebony Ivory

Gem/Ring FAQ
Author: Oscar Roberts aka Ebony Ivory
Date Created: 2/14/05
Last Updated: 2/15/05
[email protected]

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This FAQ is designed to give information about Rings, Gems, Armor, and Items
in Growlanser Generations.  Anyone needing help which IS NOT covered in this
FAQ or Alex Eaglesons very thorough FAQ can email me at: [email protected].
Pleases do not spam me or send me viruses(someone has been having fun at my
expense lately).

You can email me with suggestions/corrections and I will credit you

A site can use this FAQ provided that they request my permission first.

Permission to use this FAQ:

2/14/05 -v0.5
Added all ring info. Finished Lv.1-6 Gems(need to research the higher lv gems
more). Started the template for the layout.

2/15/05 -v0.7
Finished Lv.7 and Lv.8 Gems. Revised bits of the layout

2/16/05 -v1.0
Finished Lv.9 gems, Gem Combinations, and Gem Related Tips.  Added ASCII art.
Fixed table problems.
                               | TABLE OF CONTENTS |

I. RINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*GGRNG*
  1. Gem Control Levels-----------------------------------------------*GGGCL*
   2. Stat Boosts-----------------------------------------------------*GGSTB*
    3. Ring Names-----------------------------------------------------*GGRNA*
     4. Ring Related Tips---------------------------------------------*GGRRT*

II. GEMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*GGGEM*
  1. Useful Gem Combinations------------------------------------------*GGUSE*
   2. Gem Related Tips------------------------------------------------*GGGRT*

III. THANKS/Legal Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*GGTHA*



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Rings are the main weapons in the Growlanser series.  Characters(called Ring
Masters) manifest their form of weapon differently(ex. Wein - scythe, Yayoi -
bow).  Growlanser 2 and 3 differ from most RPG series in that the weapons
aren't bought in shops but rather the different rings are found by stealing 
from enemies or defeating them.


                          | I-1.Gem Control Levels |

All rings have 3 slots with different gem control levels numbered 0-9.  The 
gem control levels are just as important if not more than the stat increases.
Each slot can only be equipped with a gem whose level does not exceed that of
the slot's gem control level(ex. you cannot put a lv.9 Mage'sAria into a level
6 slot).  However, a slot can handle lower level gems.  Any slot with a gem 
control level of 0 cannot be equipped with any gems.


                             | I-2. Stat Boosts |

All rings affect 1-7 of the 10 possible stats.  Keep in mind that STR, INT,
and DEX also have secondary effects.  STR increases MHP, ATK, and DEF.  INT
increases MMP.  DEX increases MOV(maybe HIT).


                             | I-3. Ring Names |

The name of a ring determines the stat increases that the ring provides.  Each
ring name is consisted of three parts.

First name - ONLY affects MHP, STR, ATK, HIT, and ATW

First names listed best to worst with stat increases - 

God       40| 18| 26| 45| 18
Holy      35| 16| 22| 40| 16
Arch      30| 14| 18| 35| 14
Grand     25| 12| 14| 30| 12
Noble     20| 10| 10| 25| 10
Able      15|  8|  8| 20|  8
Clever    10|  6|  6| 15|  6
Lucky      5|  4|  4| 10|  4
"blank"    2|  2|  2|  5|  2

Second name - ONLY affects MMP, INT, DEX, DEF, and MOV

Second names listed best to worst with stat increases -

Hero       20| 18| 18| 26| 30
King       17| 16| 16| 22| 25
Duke       14| 14| 14| 18| 20
Earl       12| 12| 12| 14| 15
Count      10| 10| 10| 10| 10
Lord        8|  8|  8|  8|  8
Baron       6|  6|  6|  6|  6
Knight      4|  4|  4|  4|  4
Guard       2|  2|  2|  2|  2

Last names - Last names are a little more complicated than the first two. They
             decide which stats the ring can have/which stats are affected by
             the first two names.

Example - With a God Hero Gris, the only stat that 'Gris' carries is STR, so
          the other effects of 'God' and all the effects of Hero mean nothing.
This is the reason why 'Alfeil' and 'Reslam' are so much better than the other
rings depending on the character.

Last names listed along with which stat they affect

Alfeil        X | X |   |   |   | X | X | X | X | X
Reslam          |   | X | X | X |   |   |   |   | X
Reius           |   | X | X | X |   |   |   |   |
Fredram       X | X |   |   |   |   |   | X |   | X
Freed         X | X |   |   |   |   |   | X |   |
Waldom          |   |   |   |   | X | X |   | X | X
Warien          |   |   |   |   | X | X |   | X |
Ardo           X|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Bardo           | X |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Gris            |   | X |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Haars           |   |   | X |   |   |   |   |   |
Luas            |   |   |   | X |   |   |   |   |
Lyon            |   |   |   |   | X |   |   |   |
Raun            |   |   |   |   |   | X |   |   |
Vido            |   |   |   |   |   |   | X |   |
Graun           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | X |
Rumm            |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | X


                           | I-4. Ring Related Tips |

- In most cases it is better to sacrifice stat boosts for gem control levels
  rather than vice versa(depending on your gems of course) once you get past
  the early stages of the game.

- In GL2 work your way through the arena to get to the Bonus Battle(equipping
  Memory of Alviis for Invisibility will make this much easier).  Equip Memory
  of Alviis and use Meteor which can make golden jelly out of all the Gold
  Slimes.  Equip a Lv.9 Double Rings with a Lv.5 Empower while doing this to
  mass collect rings and experience.  You may need a Lv.6/8/9 Magic Might in
  place of Empower if the character can't do 8-9 damage with Meteor.

- In GL3 make sure you kill at least on of the golden Lv.44 'soul' monsters as
  you make your way through the Lake Bottom Tunnel.  Afterward the Bonus Battle
  -Soul Smash will open up in the arena.  Once again equip Double Rings when
  doing this battle.  One Lv.4 Blizzard should be enough to clean the slate.
  This battle will get you VAST amounts of experience, but costs 30,000 elm to
  enter.  W/ Double Rings you should get enough rings to get your money back
  after every battle.

  - Killing Soul Monsters in Lake Bottom Tunnel

    These monsters have a lv.3 resistance to Wind, Thunder, and Ice/Water
    Magic.  They have a lv.6 resistance to all other magic.  Attacking them
    physically will almost never work(I tried using ATK 18 times with Slayn
    equipped w/ Lv.9 Hyper-Attack and didn't hit it once).  The easiest way
    to cause damage is Wind Cutter, Ice Barrage, or Blizzard.  Keep in mind
    that if you take too long to kill one it will sometimes retreat.

- Art of Thievery may be your best friend on your first playthrough in either
  game.  Make sure whoever has this equipped attacks the highest level monster
  or boss first so you steal the best possible item.  This is how I got a lot
  of my really good rings early.

- God Hero Alfeil is the best all around ring while God Hero Reslam is the best
  ring for mages(with three lv.9 slots of course)


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In these games Gems are equipped into the slots on rings to give your 
characters special abilies or attributes.  Having good gems can offset subpar
armor or skills(sometimes).

(GL2) or (GL3) means that these Gems can't be found in the other game

Lv.1 Gems

Dark Shield - Increases tolerance to dark attacks by 2, weakening dark attack

Flame Shield - Increases tolerance to fire attacks by 2, weakening fire attack

Ground Shield - Increases tolerance to ground attacks by 2, weakening ground 
                attack effectiveness

Holy Shield - Increases tolerance to holy attacks by 2, weakening dark attack

Spirit Shield - Increases tolerance to spirit attacks by 2, weakening spirit 
                attack effectiveness

Thunder Shield - Increases tolerance to thunder attacks by 2, weakening thunder
                 attack effectiveness

Water Shield - Increases tolerance to water attacks by 2, weakening water 
             attack effectiveness

Wind Shield - Increases tolerance to wind attacks by 2, weakening wind attack

Gather Enemy - Increases probability of monster encounters when traveling the 

HP Recovery - During battles, recovers 3 HP per round

Skill Level - Increases the level of mastered skills by 1.  However, the normal
              maximum cannot be exceeded

Mage's Focus(GL3) - Increases INT more than normal when leveling(by 1)

Thieve's Deftness(GL3) - Increases DEX more than normal when leveling(by 1)

Fighter's Fist(GL3) - Increases STR more than normal when leveling(by 1)

Lv.2 Gems

Blood Blade - User recovers 10% of damage inflicted on an enemy by an arms
              attack as HP

Blood Magic - User recovers 10% of damage inflicted on an enemy by a magic
              attack as HP

Deft Wind - ATW, item use, and equipment change times are all reduced by 5%

Indirect Range - The range for distance attacks is increased(bow, throwing

Logical Armor(GL3) - Reduces damage by 10% from weapon attacks, uses 2 MP per 
                     attack.  Damage is increased by 10% if the user has 2MP or 

Logical Blade(GL3) - Raises weapon damage 10%, uses 2 MP per attack.  Lowers 
                     damage if user has 2 MP or less

Luck(GL3) - Increases likelihood of enemy drops

Magic Lv - Increases the level of all mastered magic by 1(cannot exceed max)

Magic Range - Increases the area for ranged magic(distance from caster)

Pharmakis' Wisdom(GL3) - Doubles the HP recovery rate during battle

Poison Attack - Whoever has this equipped, is a master of the Poison Attack 

Skill Effect - Increases the level of all mastered skills by 1

Sonic Blade - Direct attack range increases

'Weapon' gems are more effective if combined with a Holy Weapon gem

Dark Weapon - Gives ring the Dark attribute

Fire Weapon - Gives ring the Fire attribute

Ground Weapon - Gives ring the Ground attribute

Holy Weapon - Gives ring the Holy attribute

Spirit Weapon - Gives ring the Spirit attribute

Thunder Weapon - Gives ring the Thunder attribute

Water Weapon - Gives ring the Water/Ice attribute

Wind Weapon - Gives ring the Wind attribute

Lv.3 Gems

Angel's Hand - Revives character with full HP 30% of the time

Critical Hit - Increases critical hit probability by 15%

Dispel Magic - Nullifies Magic 25% of the time. User will have 0 MP

Invisibility(GL3) - Allows use of Invisibility magic
Location: battle at James' castle(useable on New Game+)

HP Recovery - Recovers 7 HP per round in battle

Knock Out - May make an enemy faint from an Arms attack

MP Recovery - Recovers 2 MP per round in battle

MP Conservation - Reduces MP usage by 25%

Magic Might - Increases power of attack and recovery magic

Magic Mirror(GL3) - 15% chance of re-casting magic if target still exists

Quickness - Increases MOV by 25%

Sandman - Increases the chance to put an enemy to sleep by 12% with an Arms
          attack.  Doesn't work on bosses or anyone with Spirit resistance
          over 5

Secret Step - Decreases chance of random enemy encounters

Soul Smasher - Deals damage to an enemies MP equal to 10% of HP damage done by 
               an Arms attack

Technique Lv - Increases Lv of all mastered Techs by 1(can't exceed max)

Vampire - Recovers 10% of damage done by Arms or Magic as HP

Lv.4 Gems

All Attribute Def - Increases resistance to all Attributes by 1

Arms Might - Increases Arms attack damage by 10%

Assassination(GL3) - 6% chance of instant death with an Arms attack.  Doesn't 
                     work on bosses

Dispel - Prevents all magic from being cast on the user

Faint Guard - Protects user from fainting

HP Recovery Seal - Blocks enemies' HP Recovery skills

Magic Lv - Raises Lv of mastered Magic by 2

Magic Range - Signifcantly increases the area for ranged magic(distance from

Quickness - Increass MOV by 40%

Parry - Decreases damage received from Arms attacks by 10%

Skill Lv - Increases Lv of mastered skills by 2

Venom - Wearer has the Venom Attack skill

Flame's Darkness - Nullifies Dark attacks

Flane's Fire - Nullifies Fire attacks

Flame's Ground - Nullifies Ground attacks

Flame's Holiness - Nullifies Holy attacks

Flame's Spirit - Nullifies Spirit attacks

Flame's Thunder - Nullifies Thunder attacks

Flame's Water - Nullifies Water/Ice attacks

Flame's Wind - Nullifies Wind attacks

Lv.5 Gems

Art of Evasion - doubles chances of 'Doppleganger' being used

Art of Thievery(GL2) - Will steal on item on first Armed attack.  More than
                       one can be used for successive steals

Dash(GL3) - When equipped and charged, this gem can be used as an item that 
          executes the Dash technique.  Charge the gem by sleeping while it's

ELM Bounty(GL3) - Increases money earned after battle by 25%

Empower - Increases Gem Control Level of all slots on received rings by 1.
          Not to exceed 9.

Epiphany - Increases Armed attack damage by 50%.  10% is given back to user

Logical Armor(GL3) - Reduces damage by 20% from Armed attacks, uses 4 MP per
                     attack.  Damage is increased by 20% if user has less than
                     4 MP.

Logical Blade(GL3) - Increases Arms damage by 30% and consumes 4 MP per attack.
                Reduces damage by 30% if user has less than 4 MP.

Light's Destruction - In battle gives 10% chance of automatically casting Lv.1
                      Attack Up.  Doesn't affect MP or WAIT meter.

Light's Resistance - In battle gives 10% chance of automatically casting Lv.1
                     Resistance.  Doesn't affect MP or WAIT meter.

Light's Shield - In battle gives 10% chance of automatically casting Lv.1
                 Shield.  Doesn't affect MP or WAIT meter.

Luck(GL3) - Significantly increases the chance of enemy drops

Magic Shield - Decreases damage from ALL attacks by 10%

MP Recovery - Recover 4 MP per round in battle

Mind Growth - Gives up to 3 extra INT upon leveling

Muscular Growth - Gives up to 3 extra STR upon leveling

Nerve Growth - Gives up to 3 extra DEX upon leveling

Soul Blizzard - Gives ring the Wind and Water attributes

Soul Moonlight - Gives ring the Darkness and Spirit attributes

Soul Thunderclap - Gives ring the Thunder and Holy attributes

Soul Wildfire - Gives ring the Fire and Ground attributes

Technique Lv - Increases Lv of mastered Techs by 2

Lv.6 Gems

Angel's Secret - Revives a character with full HP.  Works once per battle

Arms Might - Increases Armed attack damage by 20%

Art of Thievery(GL3) - Will steal on item on first Armed attack.  More than
                       one can be used for successive steals

Blood Blade - User recovers 20% of damage inflicted on an enemy by an Arms
              attack as HP

Blood Magic - User recovers 20% of damage inflicted on an enemy by a Magic
              attack as HP

Counter Swing - 10% chance of Perimeter attack when at least 2 enemies are
                in range

Critical Blow(GL3) - When equipped and charged, this gem can be used as an item
                     that executes the Critical Blow technique.  Charge the gem
                     by sleeping while it's equipped.

Deft Wind - ATW, item use, and equipment change times are all reduced by 10%

Destroy Balance - Adds ATW time to all enemies

Gem Replica(GL3) - Other currently equipped gems will be replicated after
                   defeating a number of enemies(level of gem to be replicated
                   X 5)

Healing Secret - User can cast Cure, Healing, Refine, and Raise

Hyper-Attack - User gets 1 extra attack per turn.  Each attack does less damage
               than the previous.

Mage's Aria - Shortens Aria time.  Not cumulative

Magic Might - Significantly increases power of Magic

Magic Mirror(GL3) - 15% chance of re-casting magic if target still exists

Magic Range - Increases targeting area of ranged magic to their max

New Horizons(GL2) - Infinte range for distance attacks

Paralysis Attack - User has mastery of 'Paralysis'

Parry - Reduces Armed attack damage by 20%

Quickness - Increases MOV by 60%

Quick Study(GL3) - Increases gained exp. by 25%

Ring Replica(GL3) - Equipped ring will be replicated after 25 battles

Soul Focus - Causes no damage penalty when hit during an Aria Chant.  Aria
             Disturbances will be less effective

Sun Flame - Increases EVA by 15%

Thrust Away - 25% chance of Knock Back being used during an Armed attack

Warrior's Skill - ATK is increased with each defeated enemy.  The maximum
                  increase per gem is 50.

Wind Shield - EVA for Indirect/distance attacks is raised 75%

Lv.7 Gems

All Attribute Def - Increases resistance to all Magic by 2

Arms Might - Increases Armed attack damage by 30%

Bellow Collection - ATK is increased at regular intervals throughout the battle.
                    The maximum increase per gem is 100

Dark Curse - Gives wearer mastery of Poison Attack, Venom Attack, Paralysis,
             and Petrification skills

Epiphany - Increases Armed attack damage by 100%.  20% is given back to user

HP Recovery - Recovers 12 HP per round in battle

Light Miracle - 10% chance of automatically casting Lv.1 Attack Up, Shield, or
                Resistance.  Doesn't affect MP or WAIT meter

Mage Slaughter - Does high damage on enemies with high INT.  Doesn't affect
                 non-mages very much.

Magic Barrier - Reduces damage received from Magic by 30%

Magic Lv - Increases Lv of all mastered Magic by 3.  Can't exceed max

Magic Shield - Reduces all damage received by 20%

Metal Killer - Does high damage on enemies with high STR.  Doesn't affect non-
               fighters very much.

Mental Fortitude - Gives 1 extra Master Point at every level up

Miracle Trainee(GL2) - Lowers users level by 10 at start of battle. Stats
                       remain the same

Perimeter Pulse(GL3) - When equipped and charged, this gem can be used as an
                       item that executes the Perimeter Pulse technique. Charge
                       the gem by sleeping while it's equipped.

Penetration Attack(GL3) - When equipped and charged, this gem can be used as an
                          item that executes the Dash technique.  Charge the
                          gem by sleeping while it's equipped.

Skill Lv - Increases Lv of all mastered Skills by 3.  Can't exceed max

Skill Effect - Increases effectiveness of all skills by 15%

Technique Lv - Increases Lv of all mastered Techs by 3.  Can't exceed max

Teriaka - Prevents all negative status

Vampire - Recovers 30% of damage done by Arms or Magic as HP

Wizard's Secret - Allows access to every attack Magic

Lv.8 Gems

Deft Wind - Reduces ATW, item use, and equip change time by 15%

Destroy Balance - Adds significant ATW time to all enemies

Expert Trial - ATK is increased with each defeated enemy.  The maximum increase
               per gem is 100.

Hyper-Attack - Adds 2 extra attacks per turn

Interceptor - 25% chance to counter direct Armed attacks

Logical Armor(GL3) - Reduced damage by 30% from weapon attacks, but consumes 4
                     MP.  Damage is increased by 30% if the required MP is

Logical Blade(GL3) - Inflicts 50% more damage for weapon attacks, but consumes
                     4 MP.  Damage is reduced by 50% if the required MP is

Luck(GL3) - Greatly increases enemy drops

MP Recover - Recovers 6 MP per round in battle

Mage's Aria - Significantly shortens Aria time.  Not cumulative

Magic Awakening - Reduces MP cost by 20.  Minimum is 1

Memory of Alviis/Arvis - User can cast all magic except Teleport.

New Horizons(GL3) - Infinte range for distance attacks

Petrifacation - User has mastery of 'Petrification'

Return Blade - During an armed attack, 20% of the damage received is returned
               to the enemy

Dexterity Increase - Gives up to 6 extra DEX upon leveling

Intellect Increase - Gives up to 6 extra INT upon leveling

Strength Increases - Gives up to 6 extra STR upon leveling

Fire Dischord(GL3) - Reduces the Fire resistance of all enemies by 2.
                     Ineffective against Bosses and anyone with a Fire
                     resistance above 5.

Wind Dischord(GL3) - Reduces the Wind resistance of all enemies by 2.
                     Ineffective against Bosses and anyone with a Wind
                     resistance above 5.

Thunder Dischord(GL3) - Reduces the Thunder resistance of all enemies by 2.
                        Ineffective against Bosses and anyone with a Thunder
                        resistance above 5.

Water Dischord(GL3) - Reduces the Water resistance of all enemies by 2.
                      Ineffective against Bosses and anyone with a Water
                      resistance above 5.

Ground Dischord(GL3) - Reduces the Ground resistance of all enemies by 2.
                       Ineffective against Bosses and anyone with a Ground
                       resistance above 5.

Holy Dischord(GL3) - Reduces the Holy resistance of all enemies by 2.
                     Ineffective against Bosses and anyone with a Holy 
                     resistance above 5.

Dark Dischord(GL3) - Reduces the Dark resistance of all enemies by 2.
                     Ineffective against Bosses and anyone with a Dark
                     resistance above 5.

Spirit Dischord(GL3) - Reduces the Spirit resistance of all enemies by 2.
                       Ineffective against Bosses and anyone with a Spirit
                       resistance above 5.

Physical Dischord(GL3) - Reduces the Physical resistance of all enemies by 2.
                        Ineffective against Bosses and anyone with a Physical
                        resistance above 5.

Lv.9 Gems

All Attribute Def - Increases resistance to all Magic by 3

Armor Breaker(GL3) - Lower's enemy DEF by 40 each time they're hit by an Armed
                     attack.  Non-bosses

Bellow Store - ATK is increased at regular intervals throughout the battle.
               The maximum increase per gem is 255

Double Rings - Doubles the number of rings collected when defeating an enemy.

Knock Out - Significant chance of making an enemy faint with an Armed attack

Holy Amulet - Whenever Attack Up, Shield, or Resistance is cast, the other two 
              will automatically be cast at the same time, without expending
              any extra MP

Holy Judgment - When either Rust, Fear, or Atrophy is cast, the other two will
                automatically be cast as well, without expending any extra MP

Hyper-Attack - Adds 3 extra attacks per turn

Mage's Aria - Greatly shortens Aria time.  Not cumulative

Magic Might - Greatly increases power of Magic

Rainbow's End - Gives ring every Magic attribute at once

Sealing Rings(GL3) - An enemy's ATK ability is reduced by 20 each time
                     they're hit with an Armed attack.  Ineffective against

Shadow Way(GL3) - An enemy's EVA ability is reduced by 20 each time they're
                  hit with an Armed attack.  Ineffective against Bosses

Transport Wings - Infinite range for distance attacks.  No terrain restrictions


                       | I-1. Useful Gem Combinations |

Lv.9/8 Hyper-Attack
Lv.9 Bellow Store
Lv.7 Vampire/Lv.9 Knock Out/Lv.7 Teriaka(Arena)

This setup might make some battles ridiculously easy.  This is what I always
use in the Arena.  Knock Out may be a better choice if the character has a lot
of HP.  i.e. Annette, Xenos

Lv.9/8 Hyper-Attack
Lv.9 Rainbow's End/Lv.5 Soul Thunderclap
Lv.7 Metal Killer

This will make scrap out of those Neural Armors and most armored enemies in GL3

Lv.7 Epiphany
Lv.7 Vampire
Lv.9 Bellow Store

This setup is useful against those high HP enemies.  You may do 400+ points of
damage with each attack.

Lv.9 Transport Wings
Lv.8 Deft Wind
Lv.8 Destroy Balance/Lv.8 Deft Wind


Lv.8 Memory of Alviis/Arvis or Lv.9 Magic Might
Lv.8 Magic Awakening/Lv.3 MP Conservation
Lv.9 Mage's Aria

Good all around combination.  The Mage's Aria gem is one of the top 5 IMO.
Combined with Cycle Up and your Mages will be unstoppable(in GL3).

Lv.6 Magic Range
Lv.9 Magic Might
Lv.6 Magic Mirror/Magic Awakening

Useful against those armors b/c of Thunder's short range and their high HP.

Specific Use (email with suggestions)

In GL2 for Firefly use:
Lv.8 Memory of Alviis
Lv.6 Quickness
lv.6 Quickness


Lv.9 Bellow Store(on New Game+)
Lv.8 Memory of Alviis
Lv.7 Vampire

For the first setup, just use Invisibility then Dash and you can get the 
Mission finished quickly.  For the second, wait out of view of the guards and
let the Bellow Store get to the max.  Then Dash and set two fires, destroying
guards along the way.  Use Magic Shell when the Mages come.


                          | I-2. Gem Related Tips |

-All distance attackers/non-Mages should always have Lv.9 Transport Wings and
 maybe Lv.8/9 Hyper-Attack

-Art of Thievery can be equipped of more than one slot to steal from multiple

-Wizard's Secret is useless once you get a Memory of Alviis

-If you import someone into GL3 with Miracle Trainee equipped, it will turn
 into a Blessing Bell



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                    |_| |_| |_/_/__ \_\_| \_|_|\_\____/_/
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This guide may not be reproduced or used in any way, shape, or form without
my permission.  All information contained herein is based solely on my
and other players' experiences going through these games.  This information
is not considered 'official', so there may be some mistakes.  If you wish to
obtain permission to use this guide, then email me with a link to your site
and I will check it out and respond.

First of all Thanks go to Career Soft for producing this game and Working
Designs for bringing it to the U.S.

Thanks to CJayC for running the site for all these years

Thanks go to Kiah for A LOT of information on rings without which wouldn't
have been able to make this guide

As always thanks to the gamers on GameFAQs for providing helpful information

And to Alex Eagleson, from whose FAQ I learned of a few missing gems from

This guide Copyright (c)2005 Oscar Roberts aka Ebony Ivory

Permission to use:
