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by niceboy23

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                 \/action 2012

Rogue Trip FAQ/Walkthrough
Written by 2003-2004 Chase S.
Version 0.7 (12/19/04)
E-mail: spikeddeath (at) gmail (dot) com

CONTENTS                                                              CNT4
|Contents    | CNT4  |
|Versions    | VER4  |
|Intro       | INT4  |
|Characters  | CHR4  |
|Weapons     | WEP4  |
|Basics      | BSC4  |
VERSIONS                                                              VER4

0.7- Got all the way up to the basics... I will get a lot further next

INTRO                                                                 INT4

This will provide you with the info you need to beat "Rogue Trip: Vacation
2012".  I will go over the secrets of the levels, enemies, and characters.
This game is about auto-mercenaries who try to get in to the criminal base
of 'Big Daddy' the owner of a greedy vacation company.  In this time the
Earth is in poverty and chaos, many people have died and 'Big Daddy' wants
to rule the Earth.  You have to beat out the other auto-mercs and kill
'Big Daddy'.

CHARACTERS                                                            CHR4

Car       - Meat Wagon
Driver    - Richard 'Dick' Biggs
Special   - Weenie Whacker
Bio       - Don't be fooled by size. In Biggs' case a little goes a LONG
           way. He stands up against the toughest adversaries.  If you
           think he's easily taken out- well, you don't know dick.
Top Speed - 6/10
Handling  - 7/10
Armor     - 6/10
Mass      - 8/10


Car       - Destroying Angel
Driver    - Sister Mary Lasivious
Special   - Torched By An Angel
Bio       - She's one mean sister with a very nasty habit. Mary has a
           penchant for discipline and her own cult following.  Her divine
           missle guidance will have you begging for mercy.
Top Speed - 5/10
Handling  - 6/10
Armor     - 7/10
Mass      - 10/10


Car       - Pyro
Driver    - Necrobot
Special   - Vapor Cloud
Bio       - This fugitive from the junk heap was a one track...uh...
           processor. If it's flammable or explosive, this guy is into it.
Top Speed - 4/10
Handling  - 5/10
Armor     - 8/10
Mass      - 8/10


Car       - Biohazard
Driver    - Agent Orange
Special   - Zoomy Rockets
Bio       - He escaped chemical warfare duty in his top- secret tank. A
           mysterious man with a unigue 'aura' about him. He's never
           without a gas mask, elbow-length gloves and a fallout suit.
Top Speed - 4/10
Handling  - 5/10
Armor     - 10/10
Mass      - 10/10


Car       - Intruder
Driver    - Ratman
Special   - The Ripper
Bio       - This little weasle has a real nose for crime. Ratman's motto:
           'Man by day, rat by night, saving others, from their plight.'
Top Speed - 8/10
Handling  - 7/10
Armor     - 7/10
Mass      - 6/10


Car       - Ozone
Driver    - Schiz O' Manic
Special   - Shock Treatment
Bio       - This wigged-out nutcase have a shock treatment hairdo and an
           ear-to-ear grin. Still wearing the straight jacket he escaped
           in, Schizo drives with his bare feet.
Top Speed - 6/10
Handling  - 6/10
Armor     - 6/10
Mass      - 7/10


Car       - Bitchin' Wheels
Driver    - Bunny
Special   - Poodle Power
Bio       - This big-haired former beauty queen has traded her scepter for
           a sawed-off. She can forget about winning 'Miss Congeniality'
           this time.
Top Speed - 8/10
Handling  - 7/10
Armor     - 6/10
Mass      - 5/10


Car       - Rock N' Rule
Driver    - Elvis D. Kang
Special   - Glitter Rocket
Bio       - D. Kang strikes a cruel chord with an arsenal that can only be
           measured in megatons.  This jumpsuited throwback really knows
           how to rock your world.
Top Speed - 7/10
Handling  - 7/10
Armor     - 5/10
Mass      - 5/10


Car       - Gator Bait
Driver    - Daisy June McCoy
Special   - Chicken Lickin'
Bio       - Once a stup-jumpin' bayou racer, Daisy June have converted her
           airboat into a prop-driven instrument of destruction
           Guar-On-Teed to slit your chitlins.
Top Speed - 7/10
Handling  - 9/10
Armor     - 3/10
Mass      - 4/10


Car       - Sidewinder
Driver    - Snake Eye Shaddock
Special   - Exploding Arrow
Bio       - This cyber-cowboy is a hard-driving, hard-case with a
           mechanical arm and a monocular laser sight from which he takes
           his name.
Top Speed - 8/10
Handling  - 8/10
Armor     - 5/10
Mass      - 4/10


Car       - Vermin
Driver    - Francis 'Legs' McGee
Special   - Disrupt-O-Ray
Bio       - This former pro-wrestler is a sensitive guy who knows how to
           hurt. He prefers to run away then prance, er... PONCE, when you
           least expect it.
Top Speed - 10/10
Handling  - 8/10
Armor     - 4/10
Mass      - 3/10

WEAPONS                                                               WEP4

There are nine upgradable weapons in this game, some are short range, some
are long range.  You will generate a liking for certain weapons the more
you play, you will also notice some have better homing or some do more
damage. These are just my findings and what I notice, not the official
damage calculations.

The special of the character, may be short, medium, or long range... it
depends on the character but most of the times it will do the most damage
of all the weapons for the character.

Aim you car towards some car about 10 feet away from you and launch this
to have 3-6 meteors crash down on the opponents car.  These meteors do
a total of 1 to 2 bars of damage.

One of my personal favorites, does about 1-2 with no upgrades and 2-3 with
upgrades.  These are homing missles that when you aim your car towards
another car these missles will follow until they run into something.

Fire this straight glitter to the tourist carring car and eject that
tourist right out, the only problem with this is that you will have to
get close to hit the car. If you are not close you may experience missing

One of the few weapons that I don't like, this is because it only does 1-2
and 2 is if your lucky. The thing that I really don't like is that this
can only fire straight. Use this weapon at close range.

The good ol' manual guided missle, you leave the car and you turn into the
missle.  Of course your car is still in park but this is very accurate and
can do about 2 damage, 1 if you miss by a little bit.

Bombs, TNT, Dynamite, this is just launch and explode, does 1 with no
upgrades, but 2-3 with.

It's a stinger with less aim, not much to say here, same damage.

Your basic flamethrower, doesn't go far, I reccomend using something
esle, I would use a Blaster.

BASICS                                                                BSC4

Coming Soon.... Very Soon.