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by Fallen Wings

   __                        _                      _____
  / /  __ _ _ __   __ _ _ __(_)___ ___  ___ _ __    \_   \/\   /\   /\   /\
 / /  / _` | '_ \ / _` | '__| / __/ __|/ _ \ '__|    / /\/\ \ / /   \ \ / /
/ /__| (_| | | | | (_| | |  | \__ \__ \  __/ |    /\/ /_   \ V /     \ V /
\____/\__,_|_| |_|\__, |_|  |_|___/___/\___|_|    \____/    \_/       \_/

         Langrisser IV&V (Play Station) FAQ & Walkthrough     Version 2.3
                           By Fallen Wings                    10-24-2009

                      T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S

---------------------------------LANGRISSER IV----------------------------------
          Character Creation....................................[CHAC1]
          Flow Chart............................................[FLOW1]
          Love Index and Ending.................................[LOVE1]
          Class Growth..........................................[CLAG1]
          Class List............................................[CLAS1]
          Mercenaries List......................................[MERC1]
          Skill List............................................[SKIL1]
          Magic List............................................[MAGI1]
          Summon List...........................................[SUMM1]
---------------------------------LANGRISSER V-----------------------------------
          Character Creation....................................[CHAC2]
          Love Index and Ending.................................[LOVE2]
          Class Growth..........................................[CLAG2]
          Class List............................................[CLAS2]
          Mercenaries List......................................[MERC2]
          Skill List............................................[SKIL2]
          Magic List............................................[MAGI2]
          Summon List...........................................[SUMM2]
          Copyright Information.................................[COPY1]

   __                        _                      _____
  / /  __ _ _ __   __ _ _ __(_)___ ___  ___ _ __    \_   \/\   /\
 / /  / _` | '_ \ / _` | '__| / __/ __|/ _ \ '__|    / /\/\ \ / /
/ /__| (_| | | | | (_| | |  | \__ \__ \  __/ |    /\/ /_   \ V /
\____/\__,_|_| |_|\__, |_|  |_|___/___/\___|_|    \____/    \_/

Introduction                                                             [INTR1]
Welcome to my Langrisser IV FAQ. There is a huge changes between Langrisser II
and Langrisser IV. Langrisser IV introduced a new system, Time Counter. It is
still a turn based strategy game but the movement of the character is somehow
like Tactics Ogre. Unit with high judgement move more frequent.

The story of Langrisser is Langrisser and Alhazard are sealed within a crystal.
A general attack Landius's village in order to obtain the crystal because the
crystal has high magical powers. Landius swears to take revenge on the general
who attacked his village.....

LI  = Love Index                Gr = Ground
JD  = Judgement                 Hr = Horse
AT  = Attack                    Sm = Summoner
DF  = Defend                    Hl = Holy
A   = Merc's attack             Mg = Magician
D   = Merc's defend             Ar = Air
M   = Merc's magic resistance   Ns = Normal Sea
INT = Intelligent               Sp = Spear
HP  = Hit Points                St = Spirit
MP  = Mana Points               Sh = Special Horse
MC  = Mercenaries Count         Tt = Theft
MV  = Movement                  Gl = Gel
V   = Merc's movement           Bs = Bishop
CR  = Command Range             Dm = Demon
FR  = Fire                      RA = Resist All
GR  = Ground                    RF = Resist Fire
TH  = Thunder                   RG = Resist Ground
DR  = Dark                      RT = Resist Thunder
IC  = Ice                       RD = Resist Dark
WD  = Wind                      RI = Resist Ice
HL  = Holy                      RW = Resist Wind
PH  = Physical                  RH = Resist Holy

Character Creation                                                       [CHAC1]
A few notes before we start. The result written below is merely my suggestion,
you may go for the secret class of Landius, which is Hero if you want to. Since
I make Landius into a magician, I give up the secret class of Landius. The
choice is yours.

1) From four cards, choose two.
Ace                         Horse class can promote to secret class ->Question 2
Jack                        Path A can promote to secret class      ->Question 2
Queen                       Path B can promote to secret class      ->Question 2
King                        Path C can promote to secret class      ->Question 2

2) Choose your favorite place accordingly.
Green Summer Highland       Ground Class                            ->Question 3
Blue Summer Sky             Air Class                               ->Question 3
Harmony Room                Magician Class                          ->Question 3
Beautiful foggy mountain    Holy Class                              ->Question 3

3) From these three, what is the most important value for a hero to have?
Gentle                      All love index+1, Alignment-2           ->Question 4
Courage                     Judgement+1, A +1                       ->Question 5
Power                       AT+2, DF+1                              ->Question 6

4) The night before battle, what will you tell your love one before you leave?
Tell her not to worry       INT+2, MP+2                             ->Question 7
Hug her                     Magic:Force Heal1, MP+1                 ->Question 8
Do not say anything         Rachel Love Index-1, Resist All+3       ->Question 9

5) Where do you think courage is from?
Love                        All Love Index+1,Alignment-1            ->Question 8
Strong will                 Resist All+2, M+2. INT+1                ->Question 9
self sacrifice              DF+2, Alignment-1                       ->Question10

6) What do you think power is?
Smart                       INT+4, MP+2                             ->Question 7
Strength                    A+1, D+1                                ->Question10
Spirit                      Resist All+2, M+2, MP+1                 ->Question 9

7) Choose the one that you think is interesting.
Wealth and authority        Gold+50, Alignment+1, Item: Long Sword  ->Question11
Eternal beauty              All Love Index+1                        ->Question11
Lost knowledge              INT+1, MP+3, Magic:Zone                 ->Question11
Conqueror tactics           A+1, D+1                                ->Question11

8) Then, what do you think love is?
Gifts to each other         Magic:Fain, MP+1, Rachel Angelina+1     ->Question11
Something to give           AT+1, DF+1, Resist Dark+2, Alignment+1  ->Question11
Something to receive        DF+1, Shelfanil Selena+1, INT+4         ->Question11
Deception                   Rachel Shelfanil -1                     ->Question11

9) You met a monster, what behavior do you think the monster may have?
Hostile                     AT+2, Alignment-1, Ristil-1             ->Question11
Fear                        A+2                                     ->Question11
Friendly                    Ristil+1, Alignment+1                   ->Question11
Cautions                    D+1,M+1                                 ->Question11

10) What do you think man is?
Lover                       All Love Index+1, Alignment-1           ->Question11
Burning own life            Judgement+1, Resist Fire dark holy phy+1->Question11
Body of Steel               DF+1, Skill:Armor Equip                 ->Question11
Proof of man                AT+2, Skill:Sword Equip                 ->Question11

11) Which one is your strength?
Judgement                   Judgement+2, Command Range+1            ->Question12
Justice                     Mercenaries+1, D+1, Alignment-1         ->Question13
Battle Ability              AT+1, DF+1, AT+1                        ->Question14
Knowledge                   INT+3, MP+3, M+2                        ->Question15
Which one is your weakness?
Judgement                   Judgement-2
Justice                     D+1, Alignment+1
Battle Ability              AT-1, DF-1
Knowledge                   INT-3, M-2

12) You are a commander, what will you do when you are ambushed?
Retreat and Regroup         MV+1, V+1                               ->Question16
Fight back immediately      AT+2, A+1                               ->Question16
Stay defensive then regroup Magic:Heal1, MP+2                       ->Question16
Waste some time to recon    Judgement+1, INT+2, MP+1                ->Question16

13) Where do you think the God is?
Heaven                      Magic:Cure,Resist H+1,INT+2,Alignment+1 ->Question16
Does not exist     AT+1,DF+1,A+1,Resist P+1,Rachel Selena-1 Ristil+1->Question16
Inside living animals       INT+3,MP+3                              ->Question16
I am God            AT+2,DF+2,A+1,INT-2,Alignment+2,Ristil+2 other-1->Question16

14) What will you do if you have great power?
Unite all continents         AT+1 A+1,Alignment+1, Gold+20,Ristil+1 ->Question16
Make this world peace     Item:Amulet,Alignment-1, Angelina Selena+1->Question16
Live freely                  INT+4, Gold+30, Shelfanil+1            ->Question16
Nothing special              Judgement+1, DF+1, Rachel+1            ->Question16

15) Which book will you read?
God                Magic:HolyBlaze,Resist H+3,INT+1,MP+1,Alignment-1->Question16
Love                        All Love Index+1                        ->Question16
War                         A+1, D+1, Command Range+1               ->Question16

16) Which military strength do you think is the best?
Small elite force           Mercenaries-1,M+1,A+1,D+1               ->Question17
weak but large group        Mercenaries+2                           ->Question17
Strong Commander            AT+2,DF+1,Resist All+2                  ->Question18
Loyalty                     Magic:Attack1,Protection1,MP+2          ->Question18

17) What is needed to create strongest army?
High morale                 A+2, D+2, M+2                           ->Question19
Great movement              Command Range+2, V+1, D-2               ->Question19
Great defense               Magic:Resist, D+2, M+4                  ->Question19
Destructive Power           A+2, V+1                                ->Question19

18) What do you think is needed when war occurs?
Strategy                    INT+3, MP+2, Magic:Sleep                ->Question19
Judgement                   Judgement+3, MV+1                       ->Question19
Battle Ability              AT+3, DF+1, Resist All+4                ->Question19

19) Whih type of girl do you like?
Childish                    Rachel+2, other-1                       ->Question20
Strong but lonely           Angelina+2, other-1                     ->Question20
Older and gentle            Selena+2, other-1                       ->Question20
You want to protect         Shelfanil+2, other-1                    ->Question20
Reliable                    Ristil+2, other-1                       ->Question20

20) Finally, what do you fight for?
Get what you want           AT+2, DF+1, A+1                         ->End
Protect something important Magic:Heal1, All Lova Index+1           ->End
Revenge                     AT+3, A+2, Alignment+1                  ->End
Not because of self defense DF+1, D+1, Resist All+1, M+2,Alignment-1->End

Recommeded path
Jack Queen
Harmony Beautiful Green
Self sacrifice
Body of Steel
Battle Ability
Retreat and Regroup
Strong Commander
Your own choice. I can't tell which type of girls is for you.
Not because of self defense

Get Magician, Holy and Ground as your classes
Can access to Avatar and Hermit
Judgement+6 Alignment-2 Command Range+1 Resist All+3
AT+1 DF+4 A+1 D+1 M+2 MV+2 V+1

Walkthrough                                                              [WALK1]
Scenario 1
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius
2. Death of Ricky, Elder

After enemy reinforcements show up:
Winning Condition:
1. Landius and Ricky reach south of the map

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius or Ricky

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        1 Gr 20 17 00  5  0  0  0 12 50 55        Soldier*2   20 14 12 50
Fighter        1 Gr 20 17 00  5  0  0  0 12 50 55        Soldier*2   20 14 12 50

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Brave Knight   3 Hr 31 25  4  8 10  6  4 19 41 70        Trooper*3   20 18 16 49
Silver Knight  1 Hr 24 20  1  7  2  3  1 19 40 55        Trooper*2   20 18 16 46
General        3 Gr 29 25  4  7  7  9  4 11 52 75        Pike*3      18 18 12 54
Summoner       3 Sm 27 24 24  6  7  6  6 10 61 80D90     Soldier*2   20 14 12 56
Wizard         6 Sm 35 33 47  6 13 11 17 10 62 100D99H95 None
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe
Fighter        1 Gr 20 18  0  5  0  0  0 12 50 55        Soldier*2   20 14 12 50

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Healer         1 Hl 19 17  9  4  0  1  5 10 62 70D85H+1  None
Woman          1 Gr 20 18  0  4  0  1  0 10 45 30        Civilians*2  0  8 11 30
Fighter        1 Gr 20 16  0  5  0  1  0 12 50 55        None
Fighter        1 Gr 20 16  0  5  0  1  0 12 50 55        None
Sorcerer       1 Mg 22 21  5  5  3  2  2 10 60 72D82     Soldier*4   20 14 10 52

Knife                 30P  AT+1
Clothes               40P  DF+1

Secret Item:
Bucket left of the house below Landius
1) Max MP +1
2) Knife
3) Nothing

Cave on southeast of the map
1) Fire Orb
2) AT +2
3) Speed Boots
4) Nothing

Love Index:
After battle, Ricky asks you what to do.
1) Run away                     - No change
2) Observe the situation first  - Rachel -1
3) Rescue Rachel                - Rachel +1

Knife and Clothes cannot help much since they are almost useless. What you can
do in this scenario is rush to both secret items. You could care less about the
villagers. Then, After killing both Fighters, enemy reinforcements will show up
on northeast corner and two Fighters at south of the map. You can try to take a
one or two. Just remember to leave when you are in danger.

Scenario 2
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Silver Knight  1 Hr 27 22  1  7  2  3  1 19 40 55        Trooper*2   20 18 16 46
              EQUIP: Long Sword, Hard Leather
Fighter        3 Gr 21 18  0  5  1  1  0 12 50 55        Pike*3      18 18 12 50
Fighter        3 Gr 21 18  0  5  1  1  0 12 50 55        Soldier*3   20 14 12 50
Fighter        3 Gr 21 18  0  5  1  1  0 12 50 55        Soldier*3   20 14 12 50

Enemy Reinforcement 1:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        2 Gr 21 18  0  5  0  2  0 12 50 55        Pike*3      18 18 12 50

Enemy Reinforcement 2:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        2 Gr 21 18  0  5  0  2  0 12 50 55        Soldier*3   20 14 12 50

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        3 Gr 21 19  0  5  2  1  0 12 50 85        Pike*3      18 18 12 50

Knife                 30P  AT+1
Clothes               40P  DF+1
Leg Guarder           40P  DF+1

Secret Item:
South of the map. The bottom line, there is a star shape grass a few square
left of the river. It gives you hint about the secret item.
Northwest. On the mountain coordinate (2,4)(northwest corner is 1,1)
1) Star Piece
2) Nothing.

Love Index:

Let Ricky take care of the Pike north of starting point. When Ricky engage the
enemy, Enemy Reinforcement 1 show up on the north of the map, on the mountain.
Let Landius stay at starting point and kill the soldiers. When Landius destroy
one group, Enemy Reinforcement 2 show up on southeast of the map, inside the
forest. On Turn 5, McLaine will show up as NPC to help you. Let McLaine take
care of the Silver Knight, it is a sitting duck anyway. Now, moves Ricky to
the north and get the secret item.

Scenario 3
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius
2. Death of NPC

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        5 Gr 22 19  1  5  1  3  1 12 50 55        Pike*3      18 18 12 51
Knight         6 Hr 22 19  1  6  2  2  1 19 40 50        Lancer*3    24 15 16 51
Fighter        5 Gr 22 19  1  5  1  3  1 12 50 75        Soldier*2   20 14 12 71
              EQUIP: Amulet
Gladiator      1 Gr 25 22  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*3   20 14 12 51
              EQUIP:Gladius Hard Leather
Fighter        3 Gr 21 19  0  5  1  2  0 12 50 55        Soldier*1   20 14 12 50
Knight         5 Hr 22 19  1  6  2  2  1 19 40 50        Lancer*3    24 15 16 51

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
PengasusKnight 6 Ar 25 16  1  7  4  2  1 21 30 55Gr--Wd35Hippogriff*220 13 15M56
Warlock        6 Mg 22 17 13  4  3  1  1 10 60 71Dr81    Soldier*1   20 14 12 51
Marshal        1 Gr 19 16  9  8  0  1  7 11 55 82        Pike*2      18 18 12 57
              EQUIP: Knife Robe

Knife                 30P   AT+1
Gladius              200P   AT+2
Hand Axe             160P   AT+2
Clothes               40P   DF+1
Robe                  50P   DF+1 Resist All+2
Leg Guarder           40P   DF+1

Secret Item:

Love Index:

Ignore the Knight in the forest and rush to NPC via the C-shape path. You will
meet both Pike and Lancer at the same time. So, plan your move carefully. If you
are not strong enough to take them all out, just attack the commanders. The
enemies in this scenario will be stupid since most of them will come to you
rather than the NPC. Only 2 groups of weakling will go after the NPC. Then, the
Gladiator will not move. After defeating most of the troops, McLaine along with
his Pike Troops should go back to kill the Knight from the forest. Next, Landius
should meet with the NPC as soon as possible from the south entrance so Willa
and Shelfanil will escape from the fortress. Then, use Ricky or Landius to climb
the mountain and kill the last group of enemy.

Scenario 4
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Magician Lith

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius
2. Magician Lith reached the top of the map

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        6 Gr 22 19  1  5  1  3  1 12 50 55        Soldier*4   20 14 12 51
Fighter        7 Gr 22 19  1  5  1  3  1 12 50 55        Pike*4      18 18 12 51
Fighter        7 Gr 22 19  1  5  1  3  1 12 50 55        Pike*4      18 18 12 51
Knight         6 Hr 22 19  1  6  2  2  1 19 40 50        Lancer*4    24 15 16 51

Enemy Reinforcement 1:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Sorcerer       1 Mg 23 22  5  5  3  2  2 10 60 74D84     Archer*3    14  8 13 47
Staff Robe

Enemy Reinforcement 2:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Knight         3 Hr 21 19  0  6  1  2  0 19 40 50        Lancer*4    24 15 16 50
Fighter        3 Gr 21 19  0  5  1  2  0 12 50 55        Soldier*4   20 14 12 50

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Marshal        1 Gr 18 15  9  8  0  1  7 11 55 80        Pike*3      18 18 12 57
Healer         7 Hl 21 18 12  4  1  3  7 10 60 70D85H+1  None

Knife                 30P   AT+1
Gladius              200P   AT+2
Staff                150P   AT+1, Magic Range+2 Magic Damage+1
Wand                 800P   Magic Range+4, Magic Damage+1
Clothes               40P   DF+1
Robe                  50P   DF+1 Resist All+2
Leg Guarder           40P   DF+1

Secret Item:
Can choose only one from these two boxes
Bottom row of the map. one square left of Willa pike troops.
1) Necklace
2) 100P
3) Nothing
Top row of the map. The tile with yellow stone
1) Wand
2) 400P
3) Nothing
Northwest corner in the forest where a huge rock is.
1) Nothing
2) INT+1
3) Nothing

Love Index:
During battle, Willa is under attack
1) Let him fight                - Angelina-1
2) Safe him                     - No change

During battle, Rachel asks you did you come for her
1) Yes                          - Rachel +1
2) Ricky wants you to           - Rachel -1
3) Please wait a for a while    - Rachel +1

After battle, Willa asks you for help
1) Help him                     - Shelfanil Angelina (Rachel) +1
2) Do not help him              - Shelfanil Angelina (Rachel) -1

Let Landius take the left path and go straight to the back of the house. The
rest of the team should go into the house  to gain some experience. In this
scenario, only Angelina and Landius are fast enough to catch up with Lith. One
thing, you should just attack all the commanders in order to catch up with Lith
faster or else she will escape and game over. After Lith corssed the bridge,
enemy reinforcement will show up. You should just pass through them and focus on
Lith. you should becareful when you are chasing Lith since she hired Archer
which can attack from far.

Scenario 5
Winning Condition:
1. kill all enemies.

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius.
2. Enemies escaped.

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SilverKnight   1 Hr 23 20  1  7  3  3  1 19 40 55        Lancer*3    24 15 16 51
                                                         Soldier*2   20 14 13 51
Knight         8 Hr 23 20  1  6  3  3  1 19 40 50        Lancer*2    24 15 16 51
SilverKnight   4 Hr 28 23  2  7  5  4  2 19 40 55        Trooper*4   20 18 16 47
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather             Soldier*2   20 14 14 52
Gladiator      3 Gr 26 22  2  6  3  5  2 12 50 65        Pike*4      18 18 12 52
              EQUIP: Gladius Clothes
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Pike*3      18 18 12 51
                                                         Lancer*2    24 15 17 51
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*3   20 14 12 51
                                                         Pike*2      18 18 13 51

Gladius              200P  AT+2
Main Gauche          350P  AT+2 DF+1
Staff                150P  Magic Range+2 Magic Damage+1 AT+1
Hard Leather         450P  DF+2
Robe                  50P  DF+1 Resist ALL+1
Leg Guarder           40P  DF+1
Cross                200P  D+1 Resist Fire Resist Holy+5 Resist All+2

Secret Item:
Northwest corner where there is a sharp stone in the water.
1) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) Nothing
4) RuneStone

Love Index:
Before battle, Rachel asks you about the Federation movement
1) They wait for the great timing - Rachel +1
2) They don't know what to do - Rachel -1
3) They wait for orders - No change

After battle, Willa thanks you.
1) I win easily                 - Rachel +1
2) You are welcome              - Shelfanil Angelina +1
3) It was hard                  - Shelfanil Angelina Rachel -1

Put Angelina on east and let her chase after the Knight with Lancer since he
will try to escape from north, which is very troublesome. Then, Both enemies
with equipments will not move until Turn 5, they will randomly choose a
direction to run away then. Most of the time, they run west. There rare to see
they go east, so you can put your weaker units east then put stronger units at
west. Most enemies focus on running away, you just have to kill the commander
if you can't stop them.

Scenario 6
Winning Condition:
1. Kil all enemies.

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius.

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Warlock        6 Mg 21 21  3  4  2  2  1 10 60 67Dr77    Soldier*2   20 14 12 51
              EQUIP: Robe
Warlock        6 Mg 21 21  3  4  2  2  1 10 60 67Dr77    Soldier*2   20 14 12 51
              EQUIP: Robe
Sorcerer       1 Mg 23 22  5  5  3  2  2 10 60 74Dr84    Archer*2    14  8 13 47
              EQUIP: Staff Robe
Sorcerer       1 Mg 23 22  5  5  3  2  2 10 60 74Dr84    Archer*2    14  8 13 47
              EQUIP: Staff Robe
Gladiator      5 Gr 27 24  2  8  4  7  2 12 50 65        Pike*6      18 18 12 52
              EQUIP: Gladius Hard Leather Necklace
Pirate         3 Ns 25 17  5  5  2  1  0 15 45 45        Merman*4    22 13 14 60

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
General        1 Gr 35 26  3  7  6  8  3 11 54 75        Pike*3      18 18 12 53
              EQUIP: Flail Hard Leather
SilverKnight   7 Hr 30 25  2  7  7  4  2 19 40 55        Trooper*3   20 18 16 47
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather

Main Gauche          350P  AT+2 DF+1
Kris                 650P  AT+3 Critical
Long Sword           750P  AT+3
Staff                150P  Magic Range+2 Magic Damage+1
Hard Leather         450P  DF+2
Leg Guarder           40P  DF+1
Greave               400P  DF+2
Necklace             600P  D+1 Command Range+2

Secret Item:
Large Island with 4 stones
1) 4 more options
   A) Main Gauche
   B) 100P
   C) M+2
   D) Nothing
2) Resist All+1 Except Dr
3) Speed Boots

Northwest corner with a large rock
1) 3 more options
   A) Resist Fire+2
   B) Resist Thunder+2
   C) Resist Ice+2
2) Dagda Kon Stick

Northeast pool, GAIN ACCESS TO SCENARIO ?1
1) Move Landius to the pool.
2) Move McLaine to the pool and choose first option.
3) Move all characters near to the pool. (Each character will have conversation)
4) All members must survive in battle.

Love Index:

All the enemies will not move except Pirate. All the enemies are defensive, they
just keep on casting magic and take you down with their archers. The sorcerers
are annoying since they like to cast Thunder. You have to prepare troops with
high defense and magic defense in order to survive. Try to kill them before they
manage to cast magic and do serious damage to your troops. After defeating most
of the troops. Enemy reinforcement arrive. Now, it is your turn to stay
defensive and cast magic on them.

Scenario ?1
Winning Condition:
1. Go to Northeast corner

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius, Ricky or McLaine

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
StoneGolem     3 Sp 24 22  0  8  4  4  2 13 40  0        Puppet*5    17 21 11 62
Ralva          3 St 24 21  6  6  3  4  2  8 64 75F45G0D--Phantom*5   18 12 11 72
SaberTiger     1 Sh 23 15  0  8  1  0  1 19 41 65Dr75    HellHound*5 23 14 16 50
WildBoar       3 Gr 24 22  0  7  4  4  1 12 50 55Dr65    WolfMan*5   20 14 13 51

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Builder       10 Gr 41 41 16  8 12 18 12 12 51 90        None
Woman          1 Gr 20 18  0  4  0  1  0 10 45 30        None
Woman          1 Gr 20 18  0  4  0  1  0 10 45 30        None
Woman          1 Gr 20 18  0  4  0  1  0 10 45 30        None
Gladiator      2 Gr 24 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*2   20 14 12 51
Gladiator      2 Gr 24 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*3   20 14 12 51
Gladiator      2 Gr 24 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*3   20 14 12 51

Robe                  50P  DF+2 Resist All+2

Secret Item:
Flower in the middle of the forest.
1) 4 more options.
   A) AT-1
   B) Nothing
   C) Judgement+1
   D) Nothing
2) Nothing

Male bathroom cargo. A small bucket on northeast of starting room
1) 3 more options
  A) Vaseline
  B) Nothing
  C) Nothing
2) Nothing

Love Index:

I don't know if there is any secret in scenario. Your objectives here is reach
northeast corner without being detected by soldiers. Enemies will arrive when
you reach the forest. When you go out of the building, straight away head north.
When you about to reach the forest. Go diagonally towards the flower and
approach the destination slowly. There are 2 questions asked before this
scenario. Choose second option for first question. For second question, if you
choose first option, three of them will travel together. If you choose the
other, Landius will go alone When the girls detects Landius, they will ask a
question as well. Choose second option to prevent a Meteor from Shelfanil.

Scenario 7
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Losing Condition:
1. Mirror stolen and enemy escaped
2. Death of Landius

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Assassin       1 Tt 30 24  0  8  6  6  3 11 56 65        Log*2       20 13 13 53
              EQUIP: Hand Axe Hard Leather Necklace      Archer*3    14  8 14 48
Bandit         8 Tt 23 19  0  4  2  2  1 11 55 45        Begger*3    20 11 13 41
Chief          4 Tt 26 22  0  5  3  3  2 11 55 50        Log*2       20 13 13 52
              EQUIP: Knife Hard Leather                  Slinger*2   16 10 12 47
Chief          4 Tt 26 22  0  5  3  3  2 11 55 50        Log*4       20 13 13 52
              EQUIP: Knife Hard Leather
Bandit         8 Tt 23 19  0  4  2  2  1 11 55 45        Begger*3    20 11 13 41
Bandit         8 Tt 23 19  0  4  2  2  1 11 55 45        Begger*3    20 11 13 41
SilverKnight   1 Hr 23 20  1  7  3  3  1 19 40 55        Lancer*5    24 15 16 51
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Pike*5      18 18 12 51
GelGazer       1 Gl 22 22  0  5  2  5  1 12 45 45Fr25Dr--Gel*4       18 20 11 41

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SilverKnight   7 Hr 30 25  2  7  7  4  2 19 40 55        Trooper*5   20 18 16 47
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather
General        1 Gr 36 26  3  9  6  9  3 10 75 75        Pike*2      18 18 12 53
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Hard Leather Necklace    Elf*2       16  6 14 78

Kris                 650P AT+3 Critical
Long Sword           750P AT+3
Flail                750P AT+2 Action+2 Penalty
Lance               1100P AT+4 Action+3 Penalty
Staff                150P AT+1 Magic Range+2 Magic Damage+1
Wand                 800P Magic Range+4 Magic Damage+1
Hard Leather         450P DF+2
Greave               400P DF+2

Secret Item:
Southeast Treasure Box - 500P
Left Treasure Box      - Kris
Northeast Treasure Box - Saint King Charm
Northwest Treasure Box - Magical Bikini
Northeast Treasure Box - Rune Stone
Middle Treasure Box    - Mirror

Love Index:
Before battle, Rachel said she is tired.
1) Carry her                    - Rachel+1 Shelfanil Angelina -1
2) Ask her to hold on           - No change
3) Ask her to stop whining      - Rachel -1 Shelfanil Angelina +1
4) I am tired as well           - Rachel Shelfanil Angelina -1

After battle, Willa asks you to join the next battle
1) No                           - Rachel+1 Shelfanil Angelina Selena -1
2) No other choice              - Shelfanil Angelina Selena +1
3) I don't mind                 - Rachel Shelfanil Angelina Selena +1

Use High mobility units to chase after the bandits. All magicians should just
focus on taking the southeast and southwest Treasure Box, let enemy get the
treasure, then you block the entrance and kill them to take the treasure. Let
Angelina go for the treasure surrounded with water since she can fly. McLaine
should go to the right and Landius should go for the bandit's leader. Enemy
reinforced on Turn 11. Just stay defensive and throw your magic on them and then
kill them with any units.

Scenario 8
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Aldan in 20 Turns

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Losing Condition:
1. Turn Over
2. Death of Landius

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SilverKnight   6 Hr 26 22  2  7  6  4  2 19 40 55        Lancer*4    24 15 16 52
Gladiator      6 Gr 26 22  2  6  4  6  2 12 50 65        Soldier*4   20 14 12 52
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 26  3  8  9  5  3 19 41 70        Trooper*3   20 18 16 48
              EQUIP:Long Sword Hard Leather              Soldier*2   20 14 13 53
General        2 Gr 31 25  4  7  4  6  0 11 52 75Fr87Ic80Phalanx*3   23 24 12 75
              EQUIP:Mithril Sword Dragon Scale           Elf*2       16  6 14 75
DragonKnight   1 Ar 32 23  4  9  8  6  3 21 31 70FI85Wd55Hablok*3    19 10 17 83
              EQUIP:Long Sword Hard Leather              Sky Archer*219 10 17 83
Mage           1 Mg 27 25 16  6  7  5  5 10 61 90Dr95    High Elf*3  21 10 13 X5
              EQUIP:Wand Mirage Robe
Gladiator      6 Gr 26 22  2  6  4  6  2 12 50 65        Soldier*5   20 14 12 52
SilverKnight   6 Hr 26 22  2  7  6  4  2 19 40 55        Lancer*4    24 15 16 52

Long Sword           750P  AT+3
Great Sword         1000P  AT+4
Flail                750P  AT+4 Action+2 Penalty
Lance               1100P  AT+4 Action+3 Penalty
Wand                 800P  Magic Range+4 Magic Damage+1
Chain Mail          1000P  DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P  DF+2
Greave               400P  DF+2
Necklace             650P  D+1 Command Range+2 Mercenaries+1
Fairy Stone Ring     800P  MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy and Physic

Secret Item:
Northwest corner cave
1) 3 more options
  A) Mjollnjr
  B) RuneStone
  C) Nothing
2) Nothing

Love Index:
During battle, whom to talk to.
1) Shelfanil                    - Shelfanil +1
2) Angelina                     - Angelina +1
3) Rachel                       - Rachel +1
4) Someone else                 - No change

From the start, only 4 to 5 groups enemies will approach you on both side. The
Horse unit will reach you first since they are fast. Next, the Ground unit will
reach you. After a few turns, Air unit and the Magician will travel south, so
remember to prepare your wind magic and Bow unit before they reach you. The mage
has wind magic and some bow units with her which is quite troublesome. You need
to have your high defense unit to apporach and then destroy her. You may need
Rachel to back up the unit as well. Then, Aldan and the remaining soldier will
travel west. Aldan knows heal1 which which means he is a bit hard to kill.
Anyway, you have to dispatch his bow unit first to make things easier.

Scenario 9
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Emily

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonKnight   1 Ar 32 23  4  9  8  6  3 21 31 70FI85Wd55Angel*4     18 19 15 93
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather             Hablok*2    19 10 19 83
HawkLord       3 Ar 24 20  2  8  4  4  2 21 30 50Wd35Gr--Hippogriff*420 13 15 57
Gladiator      6 Gr 26 22  2  6  4  6  2 12 50 65        Pike*5      18 18 12 52
Gladiator      7 Gr 26 23  2  6  5  7  2 12 50 65        Soldier*5   20 14 12 52
Sorcerer       6 Mg 25 22 11  5  5  4  4 10 60 72Dr80    Elf*2       16  6 13 79
BraveKnight    5 Hr 35 29  4  8 12  7  8 18 41 93        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 X3
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail Amulet
HawkLord       3 Ar 24 20  2  8  4  4  2 21 30 50Wd35Gr--Hippogriff*420 13 15 57
Mage           1 Mg 28 24 16  8  7  6  5 10 61 87        Infantry*2  16 17 15 65
              EQUIP: Staff Robe Necklace                 Eagle*2     18  3 11 45

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Lord           1 Gr 20 18  0  5  0  1  0 12 25 50        Soldier*4   20 14 12 50

Long Sword           750P  AT+3
Great Sword         1000P  AT+4
Flail                750P  AT+4 Action+2 Penalty
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Wand                 800P  Magic Range+4 Magic Damage+1
Chain Mail          1000P  DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P  DF+2
Greave               400P  DF+2
Necklace             650P  D+1 Command Range+1
Fiary Stone Ring     800P  Resist All+10 except Holy and Physic
Crystal Ank          850P  DF+1 D+1 Resist All+5, Resist Holy Dark+8

Secret Item:
Northwest Goddess Statue. Only Landius can get it.
1) Saint King Charm
2) Resist Holy+10
3) 4 other options - refer to love index
4) nothing

Northeast Goddess Statue
1) Tiara
2) M+1
3) Resist Holy+10
4) Nothing

Can only choose one of the Goddess

North of the map, A crest on the carpet. Only McLaine can get it.
Choose first option to get Special Ticket.

Love Index:
During battle, hidden item location. Which person do you want?
1) Shelfanil                    - Shelfanil +1
2) Angelina                     - Angelina +1
3) Rachel                       - Rachel +1
4) Selena                       - Selena +1

First of all, Caconsis King sucks. Well, all enemies Air units will just travel
north straight away. It is good to put your archers on both side near the main
entrance to take down any enemy troops. Then, there is a time when some enemies
will gather at the middle of the map. Take this chance to cast all your magic
on them. Remember to guard the west and east entrance as well. On Turn 6, Emily
will start moving. It is not wise to go head on with Emily since she is quite
strong. You have to use your archer to weaken her before attacking her or you
will be wasted for sure. After the battle, Caconsis King gives you 100P as

Scenario 10
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Emily in 20 Turns

Losing Condition:
1. Turn Over.
2. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Gladiator      4 Gr 25 21  2  6  3  5  2 12 50 65        Pike*4      18 18 12 52
SilverKnight   7 Hr 30 25  2  9  7  5  2 19 40 55        Trooper*4   20 18 16 47
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather Necklace    Centaurus   19  8 18 42
Gladiator      4 Gr 25 21  2  6  3  5  2 12 50 65        Pike*4      18 18 12 52
HawkLord       7 Ar 30 22  3 10  6  6  2 21 30 50Wd35Gr--Hablok*4    19 10 17 82
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather Necklace    Sky Archer  16  5 17 37
Sorcerer       5 Mg 24 22 10  5  5  4  4 10 60 72Dr82    Elf*2       16  6 13 79
Mage           2 Mg 28 24 18  6  8  5  5 10 61 87Dr97    Sniper*2    20  3 11 45
              EQUIP: Wand Robe
BattleMaster   1 Gr 31 26  3  7  6  8  3 12 75 75        Infantry*4  16 17 14 63
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather             Pike*2      18 18 14 53
BraveKnight    6 Hr 36 29  4 10 12  8  8 18 41 73        Dragoon*3   29 20 16 83
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail Necklace

Great Sword         1000P  AT+4
Battle Axe          1600P  AT+5 MV-1 Action+3 Penalty
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Lance               1100P  AT+4 Action+3 Penalty
Crystal Rod         1200P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1
Chain Mail          1000P  DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P  DF+2
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Necklace             650P  D+1 Command Range+2 Mercenaries+1
Orb                 1350P  MP+50%

Secret Item:
On Turn 20, let McLaine move to southeast corner stairs. Command McLaine to
stay at that tile to trigger another dialog.
McLaine must survive during the battle and say yes after the battle.
- Access to Scenario ?2

Love Index:
During battle, the girls talk about the fort.
1) How nolstalgic               - Rachel -1
2) If wars did not occured      - Rachel Shelfanil Angelina Selena +1
3) I want to try your cooking   - Shelfanil +1 Angelina -1
4) I did not ask about this     - Shelfanil -1 Angelina +1

This is pretty simple. The troops inside the fort will not move. Just focus on
taking down on the troops outside. The hore unit will travel south anyway. After
that, mages in the fort can cast Thunder and Tornado. Get Rachel to Heal or you
will be wasted for sure. Then, the mage at the lower level can only be killed
with bow unit or air unit. So, remember to hire some bow units to take them
down. For Emily, she will nor move, you can just shower her with arrows until
she is done.

Scenario ?2
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat 3 brothers

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Mage           3 Mg 28 24 19  6  8  6  6 10 61 85Dr95    Arbalest*3  20  7  8 46
BraveKnight    2 Hr 30 24  3  8 10  5  4 19 41 70        Lancer*3    24 15 16 54
Mage           3 Mg 28 24 19  6  8  6  6 10 61 85Dr95    Arbalest*3  20  7  8 46
General        2 Gr 29 25  4  7  6  9  3 11 52 75        Pike*4      18 18 12 53
BattleMaster   2 Gr 29 25  4  7  7  8  4 12 51 75        Soldier*4   20 14 12 54
BraveKnight    2 Hr 30 24  3  8 10  5  4 19 41 70        Lancer*3    24 15 16 54
Paladin        3 Hl 26 24 18  6  5  9  9 10 61 87Dr97H+10Elf*3       16  6 13 84
DragonKnight   3 Ar 30 22  5  9  9  7  4 21 31 70FI85Wd55Hablok*4    19 10 17 84
Builder        6 Gr 30 25 15  8 12 10 12 12 51 90        Seaman*4    24 18 15+22
Builder        7 Gr 35 30 15  8 12 10 12 12 51 90        Seaman*4    30 19 11 42
Builder        5 Gr 25 28 15  8 12 10 12 12 51 90        Seaman*4    14 30 13+62

Knife                 30P  AT+1

Secret Item:
Directly east of (Monster4)BraveKnight, a square beside border of the east. It
is a empty space above forest.
1) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) Dubthach

Christmas Tree on the north of the map near the top border.
1) Iron Array
2) Magical Bikini
3) 50P
4) Random (Iron Array, Magical Bikini, Amulet, Crystal Ank)

A different color seaman in the middle of the map.
1) Blue Air AT24 DF18 MV15 450P Fire ice Thunder Physical+10 Wind100 Holy50
        Skill CurePoison Healing
2) Yellow Air AT14 DF30 MV13 450P All Absorb50 Skill CurePoison Healing
3) Pink Air AT28 DF4 MV18 450P Fire Thunder Holy Physical Absorb 10 wind 100
        ice50 ground dark-- Skill CurePoison Healing
4) Black Air AT30 DF19 MV11 450P Resist all30 Skill CurePoison Healing

Love Index:
During battle
1) We are always serious        - Shelfanil +1 Angelina Rachel -1
2) It is a small joke           - Angelina Rachel +1 Shelfanil -1
3) Accompany                    - Selena +1 Shelfanil Angelina Rachel -1

The turth is, there is a turn limit of 25. You can still make it in time though.
Do no travel north through the small road unless you had taken care of all the
ballista or you want to get toasted. Travel east and go around the map. When you
get close to the mages, cast magic to take out all the ballista first before
doing any close combat. Finally, those 3 brothers are very stong and they have
great mercenaries(Seaman) as well. You should cast magic and use range attack on
them before killing them, killing their mercenaries will be tough, so you may
need to focus your fire power on the commander. After the battle, you receive
110P from the king. What a nice joke.

Scenario 11
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Kruger

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Captain        4 NW 28 18  7  9  7  4  2 15 45 50        Merman*4    22 13 14 62
              EQUIP: Hand Axe Necklace                   Hippogriff*220 13 17 57
Gladiator      6 Gr 26 22  2  6  4  6  2 12 50 65        Pike*3      18 18 12 52
                                                         Soldier*2   20 14 13 52
Summoner       5 Sm 31 27 40  6  7  6  7 10 61 85Hl80Dr90Dragoon*4   29 20 16 82
              EQUIP: Kris Mirage Robe Orb                Angel*2     18 19 17 97
Gladiator      6 Gr 26 22  2  6  4  6  2 12 50 65        Pike*3      18 18 12 52
                                                         Soldier*2   20 14 13 52
Cleric         5 Bs 24 21 12  5  2  6  5 10 59 75        Eagle*4     18  3 11 45
Captain        4 NW 28 18  7  9  7  4  2 15 45 50        Merman*4    22 13 14 62
              EQUIP: Hand Axe Necklace                   Hippogriff*220 13 17 57

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
HawkLord       2 Ar 24 19  2 10  4  5  1 21 30 50Gr--Wd35Hablok*4    19 10 17 81
              EQUIP: Necklace                            Angel*2     18 19 17 91
Captain        2 NW 25 18  6  9  6  4  1 15 45 50        LizardMan*4 23 12 14 41
              EQUIP: Necklace                            Merman*2    22 13 16 61

Great Sword         1000P  AT+4
Battle Axe          1600P  AT+5 MV-1 Action+3 Penalty
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Lance               1100P  AT+4 Action+3 Penalty
Crystal Rod         1200P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1
Chain Mail          1000P  DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P  DF+2
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Necklace             650P  D+1 Command Range+2 Mercenaries+1
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Orb                 1350P  MP+50%
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Dark+5 Resist Holy+5

Secret Item:
Angel sign's head on your ship
1) 200P
2) Angel Feather Garb
3) Crystal Ank

Love Index:
During battle, Angelina asks you what to do
1) Target Kruger                - Shelfanil +1
2) Kill enemy reinforcement     - Rachel +1
3) Lure them to the ship        - Angelina +1

Do not rush towards Kruger blindly or you will be hit by his ThunderStorm. Cast
magic to hurt and take down Vega first since their range attack is annoying.
Rachel should be put on the south as well to heal the troops who is trying to
cross the bridge. Both Captain take long time to reach you, they should not be
a big problem. You can even lure them onboard then kill them.

Scenario 12
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
General        8 Gr 40 31  8  7  8 11  6 10 54 75        Phalanx*2   23 24 12 81
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Hard Leather
BattleMaster   1 Gr 28 24  3  7  6  8  3 12 51 75        Infantry*4  16 17 14 63
                                                         Pike*2      18 18 14 53
BraveKnight    1 Hr 29 24  3  8  9  5  3 19 41 70        Trooper*4   20 18 16 48
                                                         Soldier*2   20 14 14 53
Gladiator      5 Gr 25 22  2  6  4  6  2 12 50 65        Pike*5      18 18 12 52
BraveKnight    3 Hr 34 27  4 10 19  7  4 19 41 70        HeavyLancer422 21 15 59
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather Necklace    Soldier*2   20 14 14 54
Silver Knight  6 Hr 26 22  2  7  6  4  2 19 40 55        Heavylancer422 21 15 57
                                                         Soldier*2   20 14 13 52
Gladiator      6 Gr 26 22  2  6  3  6  2 12 50 65        Soldier*3   20 14 12 52
                                                         Pike*2      18 18 13 52

Enemy Reinforcement 1:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
BraveKnight    5 Hr 36 29  4  8 12  7  8 18 41 93        Dragoon*3   29 20 16 X3
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail Amulet

Enemy Reinforcement 2:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Knight Master  5 Hr 45 35  7  9 16 10  9 20 46 107       Dragoon*2   29 20 17 X3

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
General        5 Gr 30 27  7  7  7 11  5 12 54 75        Pike*4      18 18 12 55
Marshal        3 Gr 19 16 10  8  0  2  8 11 55 80        Pike*4      18 18 12 58

Great Sword         1000P  AT+4
Battle Axe          1600P  AT+5 MV-1 Action+3 Penalty
Mithril Axe         2100P  AT+5 Action+1 Penalty
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Crystal Rod         1200P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1
Chain Mail          1000P  DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P  DF+2
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Dark
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Orb                 1350P  MP+50%
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Dark+5 Resist Holy+5

Secret Item:
East of the map. There is a stick in the river.
1) 2 more options
   A) MV+1
   B) V+1
2) Nothing
3) Nothing

North of the map. Strange stone surrounded by mountain.
Quiz Answer: Yes, No, No, Yes.
Answer all questions correctly    - Gaia Armor
Answer 2 to 3 questions correctly - Rune Stone
Answer 0 to 1 question correcly   - Nothing

Love Index:
Before battle, Angelina says something
1) We must on guard             - Shelfanil Angelina +1 Sadness -1
2) It is the truth              - Rachel +1
3) It will be an easy win       - Shelfanil+1 Angelina -1

Before battle, Angelina ask about lost woods
1) I don't remember             - No change
2) No such thing                - No change
3) How do you know              - Trigger Lost Woods
Angelina is crying
1) I am with you                - No change
2) Stop crying or don't help    - Angelina -1
3) Finds exit together          - Angelina +1
Go for which direction
1) North                        - Angelina -1
2) East                         - Angelina -1
3) South                        - Angelina -1
4) West                         - Angelina +2

      Angelina must fight with Emily at least once from scenario 12 to 15.

Most enemies will try to escape via north, use your fast unit to pursue them.
Balrog will be easy to kill since he has only 2 Phalanx. What you need to worry
is most of the enemies has two type of troops which is quite troublesome. Use
attack commander technique to stay safe. A few turns later, Emily will show up
at northeast corner. Place your Phalanx there to greet her. After a few turns
Lanford will show up. You can just ignore him since he will retreat after Willa
and Selena come to help you.

Scenario 13
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies.

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius.
2. Fail to defeat Kruger in 20 Turns.

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
HawkLord       8 Ar 28 21  4  8  7  6  3 21 30 50Gr--Wd35Angel*4     18 19 15 93
                                                         Hablok*2    19 10 19 83
Sorcerer       5 Mg 24 23 10  5  5  4  4 10 60 74Dr84    Eagle*3     18  3 11 44
              EQUIP: Wand Robe
BraveKnight    1 Hr 29 24  3 10  9  6  3 19 41 70        Trooper*4   20 18 16 48
              EQUIP: Necklace                            Centaurus   19  8 18 43
Summoner       7 Sm 32 27 30  6  7  6  8 10 61 X5DrXX    Legion*4    25 19 12 93
              EQUIP: Kris Mirage Robe Amulet             Arbalest*2  20  7 10 68
Gladiator     10 Gr 28 24  3  6  6  8  3 12 50 65        Pike*5      18 18 12 53
Sorcerer       5 Mg 24 23 10  5  5  4  4 10 60 74Dr84    Arbalest*3  20  7  8 44
              EQUIP: Wand Robe
HawkLord       8 Ar 28 21  4  8  7  6  3 21 30 50Gr--Wd35Angel*4     18 19 15 93
                                                         Sky Archer*216  5 17 38

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SilverKnight   6 Hr 26 22  2  7  6  4  2 19 40 55        Trooper*5   20 18 16 47
HawkLord       6 Ar 26 20  3  8  6  5  2 21 30 50Gr--Wd35Hippogriff*320 13 15 57
                                                         hablok*2    19 10 18 52

Mithril Sword       2300P  AT+5
Mithril Axe         2100P  AT+5 Action+1 Penalty
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Mithril Lance       2250P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Crystal Rod         1200P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1
Chain Mail          1000P  DF+3 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Dark
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Orb                 1350P  MP+50%
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Dark+5 Resist Holy+5
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20
Saint King Charm    2300P  INT+15 D+3 Resist Holy Dark+10

Secret Item:
Southwest corner where there is a stick near the east edge of the lower cliff.
1) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) Rune Stone

Northeast where there is a trap door with "+" symbol.
1) Tiara (Shelfanil, Angelina)
   Amulet (Rachel)
   Knife (Other Commander)
2) 1000P
3) Nothing

Love Index:
Before battle, say something to someone
1) Becareful, Shelfanil         - Shelfanil +1
2) I depend on you, Angelina    - Angelina +1
3) Are you scare, Rachel?       - Rachel +1

During battle, Ricky says the bridge will fall
1) Stop saying that, Ricky      - Selfanil Angelina +1 Sadness -1
2) Are you scare, Rachel?       - Rachel +1

During battle, Kruger says something
1) We will not stay silent      - No change
2) Retreat for now              - Shelfanil Angelina Rachel -1
3) Show our power to them       - Shelfanil Angelina Rachel +1

During battle, after defeating Kruger, you say
1) Are you alright, Shelfanil?  - Shelfanil +2
2) Are you alright, Angelina?   - Angelina +2
3) Are you alright, Rachel?     - Rachel +2

NOTE: Let Angelina fights Emily to achieve ROAD C requirement.

Depends on how you train your character. Put Ricky or Landius at the front,
depending on who is the tanker. Then, All magician should hire High Elf or other
long range type mercenaries and stay behind the tanker. McLaine and Angelina
should stay at the back. When you reach the half of the bridge, start to cast
all the magics you have. Make sure to kill all enemy long range mercenaries.
Rachel should focus on healing the tanker. The magician with Arbalest on south
of the map can be ignored. Now, just concentrate your fire power on Kruger and
kick his ass as hard as you can. Enemy reinforcement will show up if you attack
Kruger but they are too far away and can be ignored as well. Magician on the
north can be taken down with Sniper.

Scenario 14
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Balrog and Emily

Losing Condition:
1. Death of landius
2. Death of Caconsis, Willa, Selena

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
BraveKnight    2 Hr 30 24  3  8 10  5  4 19 41 70        Trooper*4   20 18 16 49
                                                         Centaurus*2 19  8 18 44
Marshal        1 Gr 38 33  9  8  8 11  7 10 54 87        Archer*4    14  8 14 52
              EQUIP: Hand Axe Chain Mail                 Phalanx*2   23 24 12 82
BattleMaster   2 Gr 29 25  4  7  7  8  4 12 51 75        Legion*4    25 19 12 69
                                                         Phalanx*2   18 18 14 54
Mage           1 Mg 28 23 16  6  7  5  5 10 62 85Dr95    Arbalest*3  20  7  8 45
              EQUIP: Staff
Gladiator      8 Gr 29 25  3  6  5  7  3 12 50 65        Soldier*3   20 14 12 53
              EQUIP: Gladius Hard Leather                Pike*3      18 18 13 53
Mage           2 Mg 29 23 18  6  8  5  5 10 61 85Dr95    Elf*3       16  6 13 80
              EQUIP: Staff
KnightMaster   1 Hr 39 31  5  9 13  8  9 19 41 X5        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 X4
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail Amulet        Soldier*2   20 14 14 79

Enemy Reinforcement 1:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SerpentKnght   1 NW 30 20  8  9 10  5  3 16 46 70        Merman*4    22 13 14 63
                                                         Lord Lizard226 17 17 73
Enemy Reinforcement 2:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
RoyalGuard     1 Hr 50 39  8 10 20 12 10 20 46 119       Dragoon*4   29 20 17 X5
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail Amulet

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
General        6 Gr 33 30  8  7  7 11  5 12 53 95        Pike*4      18 18 12 75
              EQUIP: Gladius Hard Leather Amulet
Marshal        4 Gr 19 20 11  8  0  2  8 10 55 110       Soldier*4   20 14 12 78
              EQUIP: Chain Mail Amulet
Lord           1 Gr 23 20  0  5  0  1  0 12 25 75Dr70Hl70
              EQUIP: Kon Stick Mirage Robe Amulet        Soldier*4   20 14 12 70

Mithril Sword       2300P  AT+5
Devil Axe           2350P  AT+8 DF-4 Action+4 Penalty Resist Holy-15
Mithril Lance       2250P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Crystal Rod         1200P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Chain Mail          1000P  DF+3 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Dark
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Orb                 1350P  MP+50%
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Dark+5 Resist Holy+5
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20
Saint King Charm    2300P  INT+15 D+3 Resist Holy Dark+10

Secret Item:
The tile with a symbol inside the building south of the map
- Gain access to Scenario?3
Examine the secret tile with any character.
Someone must defeat Lanford to get crystal key.
Teleport the commander who defeated Lanford to the secret tile.

Love Index:
Before battle, Angelina says something, then you reply
1) Willa is with him            - Shelfanil Angelina Rachel +1
2) Iva is with him              - Shelfanil Angelina Rachel -1
3) Selene is with him           - Selena +1

Before battle, Ricky and McLaine was wondering about Bruno's troop
1) He went for wrong road       - Shelfanil Angelina Rachel -1 Sadness +1
2) We are just faster           - Shelfanil Angelina Rachel +1

Before battle, Landius's Dream

Spade Angelina Door

Angelina Love Index is 111 and above
Angelina is scared.
1) What's wrong                 - No change
2) Sorry for scaring you        - Counter +1
3) You scared                   - No change
Angelina is worry about something
1) You should talk to someone   - No Change
2) You should talk to me        - Counter +1
3) It is just not like you      - No change
Angelina asks about men who like gentle and mannered girl.
1) Yes                          - No change
2) No                           - Counter +1
3) Depends                      - No change
Angelina talk about meeting someone in life is fate.
1) Believe                      - Counter +1
2) Do not believe               - No change
3) Depends                      - No change
Counter +0. Angelina Love Index -1
Counter +1. No change
Counter +2. No change
Counter +3. Angelina Love Index +1
Counter +4. Angelina Love Index +1

Angelina Love Index is 110 or below
Angelina is angry.
1) Talk to her                  - Counter +1
2) Sneak away                   - No change
3) Hide                         - No change
Angelina says you laugh at people
1) Deny                         - Counter +1
2) Admit                        - No change
3) I just tell the truth        - No change
Angelina insist you laugh at people
1) Argue                        - No change
2) Admit                        - No change
3) Silent                       - Counter +1
I am a
1) Authentic man                - No change
2) Speculative man              - No change
3) Agitate man                  - No change
4) person how people judge me   - Counter +1
Counter +0. Angelina Love Index -1
Counter +1. No change
Counter +2. No change
Counter +3. Angelina Love Index +1
Counter +4. Angelina Love Index +1

Heart Rachel Door

Rachel Love Index is 111 and above
Rachel is waiting for you
1) I am happy                   - Counter +1
2) Nothing special              - No change
3) What's wrong with you        - No change
Rachel asks if she is fat
1) Yes                          - Rachel -1
2) No                           - No change
3) Even you care about it       - No change
4) Is is important              - Counter +1
Rachel ask who is your lover
1) Shelfanil                    - No change
2) Angelina                     - No change
3) Rachel                       - Counter +1
4) Selena                       - No change
Rachel ask how you want to confess
1) Watching sunset              - Counter +1
2) Watching stars               - Counter +1
3) About to die                 - No change
4) Never                        - No change
Counter +0. Rachel Love Index -1
Counter +1. No change
Counter +2. No change
Counter +3. Rachel Love Index +1
Counter +4. Rachel Love Index +1

Rachel Love Index is 110 or below
Rachel asks what are you doing
1) Come to see you               - Counter +1
2) Dreaming                      - No change
3) Don't answer                  - No change
Rachel ask do you ahve anything to say
1) Borrow some money
   Yes                           - Rachel -1
   No                            - No change
2) I am sorry
   After thinking of it          - No change
   Apologize                     - No change
   Apologize sincerely           - Counter +1
3) Say nothing                   - Rachel -1
You ask
1) The reason of angry           - Counter +1
2) Whether she loves you         - Rachel -1
3) Ricky's type                  - No change
Counter +0. Rachel Love Index -1
Counter +1. No change
Counter +2. Rachel Love Index +1
Counter +3. Rachel Love Index +1

Clover Selena Door

Meets Salena
1) Yelling at her                - No change
2) Talk clearly                  - Counter +1
3) Talk softly                   - No change
4) Whispering                    - No change
She looks
1) Stunned                       - No change
2) Sorrow                        - Counter +1
3) Scatty                        - No change
You ask
1) What are you thinking?        - No change
2) Is it about military?         - No change
3) Is it about Willa
    You turn red                 - No change
    I am sorry                   - Counter +1
    I was right                  - No change
Selena asks if man likes to fight
1) Yes                           - Counter +1
2) Man's desire                  - No change
3) No                            - No change
Selena asks if you like girls who fight
1) Princesses also fights        - No change
2) Ability doesn't matter        - Counter +1
3) Power isn't important         - No change
Counter +0. Rachel Love Index -1
Counter +1. No change
Counter +2. Selena Love Index +1
Counter +3. Selena Love Index +1
Counter +4. Selena Love Index +2
Counter +5. Selena Love Index +3

Diamond Shelfanil Door

Shelfanil Love Index is 111 and above
Shlfanil says today has nice weather
1) Yes                            - Counter +1
2) Is it                          - No change
3) Looks like it                  - No change
Shelfanil asks about battlefield
1) Bruno is missing               - No change
2) Enemy knows our moves          - Counter +1
3) Don't ask me                   - No change
Shelfanil asks about her life
1) Agree with her
   Yes                            - No change
   Well                           - Counter +1
2) Disagree with her              - Counter +1
3) Who says that                  - No change
Shelfanil asks about your type
1) Cute girl
   Rachel                         - No change
   You                            - Counter +1
2) Quiet girl
   Yes                            - No change
   You                            - Counter +1
3) Energetic girl
   Yes                            - No change
   Angelina                       - Angelina +1
4) Mature woman
   No                             - No change
   She is great                   - No change
Counter 0. Shelfanil Love Index -1
Counter 1. No change
Counter 2. No change
Counter 3. Shelfanil Love Index +1
Counter 4. Shelfanil Love Index +1

Shelfanil Love Index is 110 and below
Shelfanil says you like rachel
1) Yes                            - No change
2) No                             - Counter +1
Shelfanil asks you whether to fight for kingdom
1) Yes                            - No change
2) No                             - Next Question
Shelfanil asks you whether to fight to your death
1) Yes                            - No change
2) No                             - Counter +1
Shelfanil asks you whether you want to conquer the world
1) Yes                            - No change
2) No                             - Counter +1
Shelfanil asks will you stop someone from destroying the world
1) Yes                            - Counter +1
2) No                             - No change
Shelfanil asks whether you like Angelina
1) Yes                            - Sad +1
2) No                             - Next Question
Shelfanil asks you whether you are lying
1) Yes                            - No change
2) No                             - Counter +1
Counter 0. Shelfanil Love Index -1
Counter 1. No change
Counter 2. No change
Counter 3. Shelfanil Love Index +1
Counter 4. Shelfanil Love Index +2

During battle, Shelfanil asks you to hurry up
1) Hurry up to safe them          - Angelina +1
2) I don't want to                - Angelina Shelfanil -1
3) Leave it to me                 - Shelfanil +1

During battle, Landius gets close to Selena
1) Glad to see you alright        - No change
2) Please calm down               - No change
3) I can't leave a beautiful woman- Selena +1

NOTE: Let Angelina fights Emily to achieve ROAD C requirement.

Divide your troops into two. But remember to get a magician to backup the one
who go against Emily. Caconsis and Willa suck, as usual. Selena can hold the
enemy off for awhile but she can't hold it for long with her berserker attitude.
What you really need to do is rush to the NPC until you draw their attention.
Just try to stay on the left of the bridge when crossing it to avoid great
damage from the Sea Troops. Emily is really strong and should be weaken with
magic first before attacking her. After that, Lanford will show up at the north
of the map but Willa will destroy the bridge to stop him. Now you just have to
focus on defeating Balrog.

Scenario ?3
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius or Civilian

Player Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Villager      10 Gr 24 22  0  5  4  3  0 13 50 35        Civilian*4  0  8  11 30
              EQUIP: Long Sword OR Hard Leather OR Amulet

Player Reinforcement:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel Selena

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SwordMaster    1 Gr 34 29  6  8  9 10  6 12 51 87        Legion*4    25 19 12 71
KnightMaster   1 Hr 36 28  5  9 12  7  6 20 41 82        HeavyLancer422 21 15 61
BattleMaster   8 Gr 33 28  6  7  9 10  6 12 51 75        Soldier*3   20 14 12 56
General        8 Gr 32 29  8  7  8 11  6 11 52 75        Pike*3      18 18 12 56
BraveKnight    8 Hr 34 27  5  8 12  7  6 19 41 70        Lancer*3    24 15 16 56
Mage           8 Mg 31 26 27  6 10  7  8 10 61 85Dr95    Elf*3       16  6 13 83
HawkKnight     8 Ar 23 19  1  7  3  3  1 21 30 45Wd30Gr--Hippogriff3 20 13 15 56

NPC Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel Selena

Long Sword           750P  AT+3
Flail                750P  AT+4 Action+2 Penalty
Wand                 800P  Magic Range+4 Magic Damage+1
Plate Armor         3800P  DF+5 MV-3
Chain Mail          1000P  DF+3 MV-1

Secret Item:

Love Index:

This scenario is strange. First of all, all your characters are sealed. You will
then take control of a group of civilians. Your main objectives is move the
civilian to the side of your character to remove the seal. After removing the
seal, you have to use your character to kill all enemies. The enemies will not
attack your character while they are NPC. The civilians you controlled cannot
fight, so you must avoid any battle or you will be doomed for sure. Before the
battle start, the enemy leader will ask you where you want to place the
civilians and later ask you to choose an equipment from Long Sword, Hard Leather
or Amulet. The easiest way is start at right and choose Hard Leather as your
equipment. The equipment will not be much help though. When you start, at the
first junction, move west. Then move all the way NORTH till you reach one of
your character. Please put a strong character here because the character will be
surrounded once you get controlled of it. Then movce the civilians to the next
character which is just southeast of your current location. Later, move the
civilian to free the character on northeast seal. Next, do whatever you want
to clear this scenario.

Scenario 15
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius
2. Death of Caconsis King or Willa.

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel Selena

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
BraveKnight    2 Hr 34 27  3  8 10  5  4 18 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 79
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail                    Centaurus*2 19  8 18 44
Mage           1 Mg 27 23 16  6  7  5  5 10 61 85Dr95    Eagle*2     18  3 11 45
DragonKnight   2 Ar 34 24  4 11  9  7  4 21 31 70FI85Wd55Angel*4     18 19 15 94
              EQUIP: Lance hard Leather Necklace         Hablok*2    19 10 19 84
SilverKnight   8 Hr 28 23  3  7  8  5  3 19 40 55        Trooper*5   20 18 16 48
SilverKnight   8 Hr 28 23  3  7  8  5  3 19 40 55        Trooper*5   20 18 16 48
KnightMaster   2 Hr 41 32  6  9 14  8  9 19 41 85        Dragoon*4   29 20 14  8
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail                    Angel*2     23 21 17 X4
RoyalGuard     1 Hr 52 41  8 10 20 12 10 19 46 119       RoyalLancer430 22 16115
              EQUIP: Flame Lance Knight Plate Amulet
SilverKnight   8 Hr 28 23  3  7  8  5  3 19 40 55        Trooper*5   20 18 16 48
Mage           1 Mg 27 23 16  6  7  5  5 10 61 85Dr95    Eagle*2     18  3 11 4
BraveKnight    2 Hr 34 27  3  8 10  5  4 18 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 79
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail                    Centaurus*2 19  8 18 44
DragonKnight   2 Ar 34 24  4 11  9  7  4 21 31 70FI85Wd55Angel*4     18 19 15 94
              EQUIP: Lance hard Leather Necklace         Hablok*2    19 10 19 84

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
HawkLord       9 Ar 31 23  4  8  7  6  8 21 30 50        Hippogriff*520 13 15 58
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Marshal        4 Gr 19 20 11  8  0  2  8 10 55 X0        Soldier*3   20 14 12 78
              EQUIP: Chain Mail Amulet
Lord           1 Gr 23 20  0  5  0  1  0 12 25 75HlDr70  Soldier*3   20 14 12 70
              EQUIP: Kon Stick Mirage robe Amulet

Thunder God Sword   4000P  AT+5 Resist Thunder+10
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action Penalty+2
Mithril Lance       2250P  AT+5 Action Penalty+2 Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Short Bow           3000P  Indirect 7 tiles Action10 Penalty DF-1 MV-2
Chain Mail          1000P  DF+3 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Holy Dark
Fairy Stone Ring     800P  MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark
Conqueror Wristband 3750P  A+2 D+2 Mercenaries+1
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Holy Dark+5
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20
Saint King Charm    2300P  INT+15 D+3 Resist Holy Dark+10

Secret Item:
South of the map. There is a flower biside the swamp.
1) -500P
2) Robe
3) AT-1
4) Nothing

Love Index:
After the battle, Caconsis demands something.
1) It can't be helped             - Shelfanil+1
2) It is not just started         - Sadness-1
3) It is an eyesore               - Shelfanil-1
(I really want to choose 3 here but since I don't want to decrese Shelfanil's
love index, I have to choose 1 T_T)

This stage is very tough. All enemies will rush towards you including Lanford
and Emily. What you really need to hire is Phalanx since Phalanx has good
defense and most of the enemies are horse unit. Do not even try to attack all
the enemies mercenaries or you are doomed for sure since both Lanford and Emily
are strong. Just hire a lot of Phalanx to hold them off and Rachel, Selena
should keep on healing. You can hire some sniper to stay behind Phalanx if you
want to but it will not be much help. Both enemeis mages will cast Zone every
turn. Just pray that you will not be affected or you may need to load your game
if the situation get worse. Anyway, Lanford will leave on Turn 4, so do not
need to worry too much about him, just hold him off for 4 turns and he will be

Scenario 16
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Caconsis or Willa
2. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel Selena

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Marshal        3 Gr 42 34 10  8  9 12  8 10 54 87        Ballista*4  25  5  8 43
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Hard Leather             Phalanx*2   23 24 14 83
ArchMage       1 Mg 32 29 30  7 10  7  9 10 61 99Dr98Hl94Arbalest*3  20  7  8 49
              EQUIP: Wand Mirage Robe
SerpentKnight  4 NW 36 24  9  9 11  6  4 16 46 90        LordLizard*426 17 15 94
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather Amulet      Nixie*2     21  9 15114
SerpentKnight  4 NW 36 24  9  9 11  6  4 16 46 90        LordLizard*426 17 15 94
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather Amulet      Nixie*2     21  9 15114
SerpentKnight  2 NW 35 23  8 11 11  6  4 16 46 70        MermanLord*426 16 15 74
              EQUIP: Lance Hard Leather Necklace         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 39
SerpentKnight  2 NW 35 23  8 11 11  6  4 16 46 70        MermanLord*426 16 15 74
              EQUIP: Lance Hard Leather Necklace         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 39
HawkLord       9 Ar 28 21  4  8  7  6  3 21 30 50        Hippogriff*320 13 15 58
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 16 38
HawkLord       9 Ar 28 21  4  8  7  6  3 21 30 50        Hippogriff*320 13 15 58
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 16 38

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Lord           1 Gr 23 20  0  5  0  1  0 12 25 75Dr70Hl70Soldier*4   20 14 12 70
              EQUIP: Kon Stick Mirage Robe Amulet
Marshal        4 Gr 20 20 11  8  0  2  8 10 55 X0        Soldier*4   20 14 12 78
              EQUIP: Knife Chain Mail Amulet

NPC Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DarkMaster    10 Sm 45 36 65 10 22 15 19 10 62125        
ArchDemon      7 Dm 33 26 17  7 10  7 12 10 63 85Dr30Hl50LesserDemon425 22 11 X7
SeaSerpent     4 OW 36 25  7  9 12  7  5 16 48 65Dr75    Shark*4     27 14 15 55

Ice Blade           4000P  AT+5 Resist Ice+10
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Mithril Lance       2250P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Dragon Scale        2700P  DF+3 Resist Fire+12
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Dark and Holy
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Conqueror Wristband 3750P  A+2 D+2 Mercenaries+1
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:

Love Index:
After Battle, you say something to Rachel

Rachel Love Index is 115 or above
1) You are good girl              - Rachel+1
2) I had fun                      - Rachel+2 Shelfanil Angelina-1

Rachel Love Index is below 115
1) Get some rest                  - No Change
2) You did great                  - Rachel+1

Put unit with high defense on southwest and southeast ship. Then put your water
unit or air unit on south ship. For northeast and northwest ship, put your long
range unit so you can straight away destroy some enemies when battle starts. Put
a magician on top of the middle ship to destroy enemy long range units to
prevent any trouble they may cause. A few turns later, Bozel will come to assist
you but their help is not necessary though since you can take all the enemies
down by yourself.

Scenario [17A || 17C]
Choose Agree, first option to go Road A (Light Road)
Choose Disagree, second option to go Road C (Independent Road)

Road A requirement
- Alignment is 95 or above
- Both Angelina and Shelfanil Love Index is less than 110

Road C requirement
- Scenario 12, trigger Lost Wood Event
- From Scenario 13 to Scenario 15, let Angelina and Emily fight at least once
- Both Angelina and Shelfanil Love Index is 110 or above

If you just fulfill requirment for one of the road, you will have no choice but
to go for the road which you have the requirement fulfilled. Otherwise, you will
be given a chance to choose Road.

The best way to solve this problem is fulfill the requirment of Road A but have
Angelina and Shelfanil Love Index more than 110. So, make sure you read all the
love index choices carefully.

Scenario 17A
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Kruger

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Fearad
2. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel Selena

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonKnight   6 Ar 36 26  6  9 10  7  5 21 31 90FI105W75Hablok*4    19 10 17105
              EQUIP: Lance Hard Leather Amulet           ArchAngel*2 23 21 17127
General        6 Gr 34 31  6  7  7 10  5 11 52 75        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 80
              EQUIP: Kris Hard Leather Greave            Trooper*2   20 18 18 50
BraveKnight    1 Hr 33 27  3  3  9  5  3 18 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 78
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail                    Infantry*2  16 17 16 63
SerpentKnight  6 NS 37 25 10  9 12  6  5 16 46 70        Nixie*4     21  9 13 95
              EQUIP: Long Sword Hard Leather             LordLizard*226 17 17 75
BraveKnight    7 Hr 37 30  4  8 11  6  5 18 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 80
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail                    Infantry*2  16 17 16 65
BattleMaster   4 Gr 33 30  4  7  7  9  4 12 51 75        Legion*4    25 19 12 69
              EQUIP: Kris Hard Leather Greave            Pike*2      18 18 14 54
General        3 Gr 32 29  4  7  7  9  4 11 52 75        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 79
              EQUIP: Kris Hard Leather Greave            Elf*2       16  6 15 79
Wizard         1 Sm 31 28 35  6  8  7  9 10 61 115H110   HighElf*4   21 10 13127
              EQUIP: Wand Mirage Robe Amulet             Legion*2    25 19 14 94
Saint          1 Hl 30 29 23  7  6 11 14 10 61 98H+52D103Exorcist*6  21 16 13 89
              EQUIp: Wand Robe
KnightMaster   1 Hr 39 31  5  9 12  7  6 19 41 102       Dragoon*4   29 20 16101
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail Amulet        Elf*2       16  6 15101

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
ArchDemon      9 Dm 34 29 20  7 11  8 13 10 63 110H70D+50Lilim*4     23 13 11108
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Amulet
SeaSerpent     9 WS 45 30  7  9 15  9  8 16 48 87D97     Wolfman*4   20 14 13 78
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield Amulet       BoneGolem*2 19 19 13 93
DarkMaster     8 Sm 44 37 63 10 20 14 18 10 62 127H120D--Troll*3     26 20 11103
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Amulet

Thunder God Sword   4000P  AT+5 Resist Thunder+10
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Plate Ammor         3800P  DF+5 MV-3
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Dragon Scale        2700P  DF+3 Resist Fire+12
Fairy Stone Ring     800P  MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Holy Dark+5
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20
Saint King Charm    2300P  INT+15 D+3 Resist Holy Dark+10

Secret Item:
Southwest of the map, in the middle of 4 pillars in a lake.(Landius Only)
- Excalibur

Love Index:
After Battle, Selena and caterpillar incident
1) Hug her
   - Selena Love Index 105 or above - Selena+2
   - Selena Love Index 104 or below - Selena-2
2) Stare at her
   - Selena Love Index 105 or above - Selena+1
   - Selena Love Index 104 or below - No change
3) Do nothing
   - Selena Love Index 105 or above - Selena-1
   - Selena Love Index 104 or below - No change

Your first priority is save Fearad, Bozel as fast as possible since he won't be
able to last long. Just focus your fire power on the commanders to prevent any
innecessary casualties. Use your sea units to fight Nixie groups and any other
troops near water. Magic don't really work well here. You can have your weak
character to cast quick on strong character in order to move faster. Have your
sea units to draw some troops away from the bridge if you can in order to move
actoss the bridge faster. Later, Bruno helps you to kill Caconsis King with two
WindCutter, yeah. Finally he helps you to get rid of the junk.

Scenario 18A
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Bruno

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius
2. Death of Willa

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Rachel Selena

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DeathKnight    1 UH 33 27  3  8  9  5  3 18 41 80H55D+30ZombieKnight421 16 16 63
              EQUIP: lance Chain Mail                    Phantom*2   18 12 13 73
GelGazer      10 Gl 22 22  0  5  2  5  1 12 45 45F25D--  Gel*5       18 20 11 41
Vampire        1 UG 37 29 21  8 10  8  9 12 51 100H80D-- Skeleton*4  21 16 11 69
              EQUIP: Kris Mirage Robe                    Phantom*2   18 12 13 79
Death          2 St 34 27 24  8 12  8 12  8 65 94H75P94  Phantom*4   18 12 11 82
              EQUIP: Wand
Cerberus       3 SH 39 29  4  9 14  8  8 20 41 82H65F+80 HellHound*4 23 14 16 58
                                                         Basilisk*2  28 18 16 48
MithrilGolem   3 Sp 34 37  0 10 10 14  7 13 41 97T85P95  BoneGolem*4 19 19 11 72
                                                         Basilisk*2  28 18 16 47
ChaosDragon    3 Dr 40 32  9 11 14 12 10 14 32 97F78WD-- RedDragon*6 23 15 10 90
DarkSaint      7 Hl 40 36 48  7 11 14 20  9 62 104H83F124Witch*4     18  1 11118
              EQUIP: Flail Chain Mail Fire Orb           Shade*2     21 20 14100

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Marshal        4 Gr 20 19 11  8  0  2  8 11 55 80        Pike*4      18 18 12 58
              EQUIP: Knife Hard Leather

Ice Blade           4000P  AT+5 Resist Ice+10
Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Long Bow            4500P  Indirect 10 tiles Action16 Penalty DF-3 MV-3
Plate Armor         3800P  DF+5 MV-3
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Conqueror Wristband 3750P  A+2 D+2 Mercenaries+1
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Holy Dark+5
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
West of the map where there is a stick in the middle of forest below the wall
Note: Must get secret item on Scenario 12 in order to trigger this
1) Nothing
2) 3 more options
   A) Hedin
   B) Nothing
   C) Nothing
3) Nothing

Love Index:
Before Battle, Ricky asks you which girls do you like
1) Answer honestly
   A) Shelfanil - Shelfanil+3, Angelina Rachel Selena-1, make Ricky your "RIVAL"
   B) Angelina - Angelina+3, Shelfanil Rachel Selena-1
   C) Rachel - Rachel+3, Shelfanil Angelina Selena-1
   D) Selena - Selena+3, Shelfanil Angelina Rachel-1
2) Lie
   A) Shelfanil - Sadness+2, Shelfanil-1
   B) Angelina - Angelina-1
   C) Rachel - Rachel-1
   D) Selena - Selena-1
3) Nobody - Sadness+1, Shelfanil Angelina Rachel Selena-1

During Battle, Angelina attacks Bruno - Angelina+1

During Battle, Shelfanil attacks Bruno - Shelfanil+1

During Battle, Selena attacks Bruno - Selena+1

After battle, if you make Ricky your rival and when Shelfanil becomes queen,
1) You should be alright - No change
2) You must have confident - Shelfanil+1
3) Hand it to Willa - Selena-1
4) Hand it to me - Rachel-1

Like previous scenario, you need to move fast here. Just make sure that your
units are inside your command range when you are moving or your troops will be
wiped out for sure. Quick works well here to block enemy from chasing the
weakling Willa. Willa will move to the catheral, so it is best to block enemy
from reaching him or he will be wasted. It is better to put your slow units on
top, cast quick on it and have it block the enemy from reaching Willa, other
character should move fast as well to give support to the character who blocks
the enemy. There are many enemy weak against magic here, check their magic
properties properly before casting any magic. Holy units work quite well against
demon and undead units, use this to your advantage.

Scenario 19A
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Iva

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

When monster shows up
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Iva and all monsters

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Selena Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Mage           7 Mg 30 28 37  6  9  6  8 10 61 90H85D95  Arbalest*3  20  7  8 48
              EQUIP: Wand Mirage Robe Orb
BraveKnight    5 Hr 32 26  4  8 11  6  5 19 41 70        Lancer*4    24 15 16 55
General        5 Gr 30 26  5  7  7 10  5 11 52 75        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 80
Mage           7 Mg 30 28 37  6  9  6  8 10 61 90H85D95  Arbalest*3  20  7  8 48
              EQUIP: Wand Mirage Robe Orb
SwordMaster    1 Gr 38 31  6  8  9 10  6 12 51 107       Legion*4    25 19 12 91
              EQUIP: Great Sword Hard Leather Amulet     Phalanx*2   23 24 14101
ArchMage       1 Mg 32 29 45  7 10  7  9 10 61 99H94F119 Ballista*3  25  5  8 44
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Fire Orb
Marshal        1 Gr 37 32  9  8  8 11  7 11 52 107       Phalanx*4   23 24 12102
              EQUIP: Great Sword Hard Leather Amulet     HighElf     21 10 15127
KnightMaster   1 Hr 40 31  5 11 12  8  6 19 41 82        BowKnight*4 22 13 16 56
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail Necklace           Infantry*2  16 17 16 66
ArchMage       1 Mg 33 28 94  9 10  8  9 10 61 94D98     Slinger*4   16 10 11 54
              EQUIP: Staff Clothes Necklace              Begger*2    20 11 15 49

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Raise          8 St 32 25 21  9 11  8 10  8 65 80H50FD-- Specter*3   17 14 11 80
              EQUIP: Wand Necklace                       Nightmare*3 22 15 12 85
Thunder God Sword   4000P  AT+5 Resist Thunder+10
Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Long Bow            4500P  Indirect 10 tiles Action16 Penalty DF-3 MV-3
Plate Armor         3800P  DF+5 MV-3
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Fairy Stone Ring     800P  MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Conqueror Wristband 3750P  A+2 D+2 Mercenaries+1
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Holy Dark+5
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
Southwest corner where there is a hidden path
1) INT+4
2) Mjollnjr
3) Resist Thunder+5

Love Index:
When Rachel disappeared, Landius says
1) Don't worry, she will be alright - No change
2) She is not a kid, she will be alright - Rachel+1
3) She is still a kid - Rachel-1

When inside the cave, Angelina freak out. Landius says
1) Don't think you are the type to get scared - Angelina+1
2) It is strange to see you get scared - No change
3) Rachel will be scared even more - Rachel+1 Shelfanil Angelina-1

All the mages here can cast annoying magics. It is best to waste them first.
Remember to hire mercenaries with high magic defense or you will be wasted in
no time. The archmage in the middle of the map is very annoying as well since
she can cast meteor. Have your high magic defense troops approach her and kill
her as soon as possible. Later, Monster will show up and Iva will try to escape
after a few turns. So, you have to focus your firepower on Iva first beacause
I would not like to let him escape no matter what. Finally, just waste the
monster to clear this scenario.

Scenario 20A
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Gizarov and Kruger

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Selena Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
BattleMaster   7 Gr 32 27  5  7  8  9  5 12 51 75        Legion*4    25 19 12 70
                                                         Phalanx*2   23 24 14 80
BraveKnight    8 Hr 34 27  5  8 12  7  6 19 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 81
                                                         infantry*2  16 17 16 66
Mage           7 Mg 31 27 25  6  9  6  8 10 61 87D97     Arbalest*3  20  7  8 48
               EQUIP: Staff Robe
Saint          5 Hl 33 31 27  7  8 13 17 10 61 96H+50D101Crusader*4  22 18 13 87
DarkMaster     4 Sm 42 37 84 10 21 14 21 10 63 127H95D-- Ballista*4  25  5  8 56
               EQUIP: Wand Mirage Robe Fire Orb          Legion*2    25 19 14 86
Wizard         3 Sm 33 29 57  6  9  8 10 10 61 95H90D94  HighElf*4   21 10 13110
               EQUIP: Wand Mirage Robe Orb               Dragoon*2   29 20 18 85
Marshal        2 Gr 39 33 10  8  9 12  7 10 52 87        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 82
               EQUIP: Battle Axe Hard Leather            Legion*2    25 19 14 72
Mage           7 Mg 31 27 25  6  9  6  8 10 61 87D97     Arbalest*3  20  7  8 48
               EQUIP: Staff Robe
General        7 Gr 31 28  7  7  7 10  6 11 52 75        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 81
                                                         Sniper*2    20  3 13 46
BraveKnight    8 Hr 34 27  5  8 12  7  6 19 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 81
                                                         infantry*2  16 17 16 66
Saint          5 Hl 33 31 27  7  8 13 17 10 61 96H+50D101Crusader*4  22 18 13 87

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
BattleMaster   3 Gr 29 25  4  7  7  9  4 12 51 75        Legion*4    25 19 12 69
                                                         Pike*2      18 18 14 54
Ice Blade           4000P  AT+5 Resist Ice+10
Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Long Bow            4500P  Indirect 10 tiles Action16 Penalty DF-3 MV-3
Plate Armor         3800P  DF+5 MV-3
Mithril Armor       4200P  DF+5 MV-2
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Dark and Holy
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
Broken Pillar on northeast of the map.
1) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) RuneStone

Left Goddess statue near throne
1) Star Piece
2) Tiara
3) Nothing
4) Hear about right statue

Right Goddess statue near throne
1) Dragoon Spear
2) Bloody Lance
3) Nothing
4) Hear about left statue

Can only choose one of the statue

Love Index:
During Battle, Selena is worried when enemy reinforcement arrived.
1) Make her calm - Selena+1
2) Ask her not to worry - Selena+1
3) Tell her to stay alert - Selena-1

After Battle, Lanford asks about Rachel
1) She is a kid - Rachel-1 Selena+1
2) Oh, I am worried - Shelfanil Angelina+1
3) Oh, Rachel - Rachel+1 Shelfanil Angelina Selena-1

Use any of your units to destroy enemy front line ground units. After that, move
your phalanx inside and have healer back up them. After defeating all the horse
units, use Phalanxs to go after the mages. Enemy reinforcement arrive at bottom
of the map but he is so weak though. After that, have your units go after the
saints on both side first. Kruger and Gizarov can cast annoying magic, keep that
in mind. Gizarov's Ballista can be destroyed easily using magic but Kruger's
highelf will be troublesome, if you are confident with your defense, cast quick,
protection2 on your phalanx and go after the highelfs along with Kruger or you
may just waste Kruger. After that kill Gizarov to clear this scenario.

Scenario [21A || 21B]
Choose to belive in Jessica, first option stay on Road A (Light Road)
Choose to believe in Bozel, second option to get a chance to go Road B(DarkRoad)

Later you will be given 3 choices
1 - I am happy with this world
2 - This world is growing
3 - Not growing is bad

Choose I am happy with this world will stay on Road A.
Choose This world is growing will also stay on Road A.
Choose Not growing is bad will go Road B.

Road A requirement
- Alignment is less than 105

Road B requirement
- Alignment is more than 112

Can choose between Road A and Road B
- Alignment is between 105 and 112.

In order to get a chance to choose your own road, you should increase your
alignment as high as you can. Then, if you want to stay on Road A, you just have
to choose believe in Jessica. Otherwise, if you want to go to Road B, you need
to choose to Believe in Bozel. Then, choose Not growing is bad and you will be
on Road B.

If you play previous Langrisser series, you knew that Jessica is 1000++
years old and she is another form of Lushiris, the goddess of Light. On the
other hand, Bozel is prince of Darkness who serves Chaos, The God of Darkness.
But if you just play this game but not other Langrisser series, you may be
believe in Bozel since he helped you during previous mission and Jessica helped
Gizarov with his evil plan. Thing is twisted here... So, you should know who is
the bad guy.

Scenario 21A
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Iva

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

When all enemies defeated except Iva
Losing Condition:
1. Iva escaped
2. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Selena Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Lamia          1 Mg 31 26 30  7  8  8  8 10 61 90D105    Ballista*2  25  5  8 43
ChaosDragon    5 Dr 43 33 10 11 15 13 11 14 32 97W78H85  BlackDragon427 15 10 91
                                                         WhiteDragon228 20 12 91
Lamia          1 Mg 31 26 30  7  8  8  8 10 61 90D105    Ballista*2  25  5  8 43
ChaosDragon    5 Dr 43 33 10 11 15 13 11 14 32 97W78H85  BlackDragon427 15 10 91
                                                         WhiteDragon228 20 12 91
DarkSaint      2 Hl 33 30 24  7  7 11 17 10 61 96H75D101 BoneGolem*6 19 19 11 82
DarkPrincess   2 Hl 41 39 49  8 12 15 26  9 62 98H85D--  Witch*4     18  1 11124
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Chain Mail Orb          DarkGuard*2 26 22 14111
VampireLord    1 UG 46 36 33 10 14 12 16 13 47 105H90F95 Witch*4     18  1 11114
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Necklace  ZombieFighter225 22 13 96
Cerberus       3 SH 39 29  4  9 14  8  8 20 41 82H65F+80 Ortros*4    30 18 16 68
                                                         Troll*2     26 20 13 73
Death          3 St 35 27 25  8 12  8 13  8 65 94H75D--  Shade*4     21 20 12 93
ArchMage      10 Mg 41 33 45  7 15 10 14 10 61 96D100    Slinger*4   16 10 11 59
              EQUIP: Staff Robe                          Log*2       20 13 15 64

Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Mithril Armor       4200P  DF+5 MV-2
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Fairy Stone Ring     800P  MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:

Love Index:
During Battle, Selena tells you about Lamia
1) Understand - Selena+1
2) Why - No change
3) I know - Selena-1

Make sure you hire units with high magic defense here because you will be hit
by Meteor spells a lot in this scenario. First of all, use magic to kill all
the Ballista. Have your long range unit like Nixie to kill Lamia since they hide
at very good location. Dragons can be killed with Decline and wind magic. The
enemy on north is capable of casting Meteor spell as well, so your low physical
magic defense unit should stay away or they will be wipe out in a blink. Nixie
works well here since enemy witches is protected by the wall and witches cannot
be killed with magic. So, you need to use Nixie to attack Null and Ristil
directly to get rid of them. Then, have your troops focus fire power on Iva
since he will try to escape once most of his troops are wasted. After that,
Jessica will teleports in and join your party.

Scenario 22A
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Selena Lanford Jessica

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Giant          1 Gr 37 32  0  9 12 10  5 11 51 90D95     Troll*4     26 20 11 70
                                                         Puppet*2    17 21 13 65
Cerberus       1 SH 37 28  3  9 13  7  7 20 41 82H65D85  Ortros*4    30 18 16 67
                                                         Basilisk*2  28 18 16 47
Lamia          1 Mg 31 26 30  7  8  8  8 10 61 90D105    Ballista*4  25  5  8 43

VampireLord    1 UG 54 33 33 10 14 12 16 10 47 100H75F90 LesserDemon425 22 11111
              EQUIP: Devil Axe Chain Mail Necklace      ZombieKnight221 16 18 76
DarkPrincess   2 Hl 41 38 49  8 12 15 26 10 62 103Hl85  DarkDisciple424 17 12118
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Orb         LesserDemon225 22 13121
DemonLord      1 Dm 34 27 21  8 10  8 10 11 56 97H78GD-- LesserDemon425 22 11105
DemonLord      1 Dm 34 27 21  8 10  8 10 11 56 97H78GD-- LesserDemon425 22 11105
Giant          1 Gr 37 32  0  9 12 10  5 11 51 90D95     Troll*6     26 20 11 70
Cerberus       1 SH 37 28  3  9 13  7  7 20 41 82H65D85  Ortros*6    30 18 16 67
MithrilGolem   1 Sp 33 34  0 10  9 12  6 13 41 97T85P95  MudGolem*6  23 23 11 86
Death          2 St 34 27 24  8 12  8 12  8 65 94H75D--  Shade*4     21 20 12 92
                                                         Witch*2     18  1 13110
Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Long Bow            4500P  Indirect 10 tiles Action16 Penalty DF-3 MV-3
Mithril Armor       4200P  DF+5 MV-2
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Dark and Holy
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Conqueror Wristband 3750P  A+2 D+2 Mercenaries+1
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Holy Dark+5
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20
Saint King Charm    2300P  INT+15 D+3 Resist Holy Dark+10

Secret Item:
Northwest rooms with treasure chest
Left chest - Crown
Right Chest - Aeneas Armor

can only choose one of the chest

Love Index:

This scenario is quite hard since you need to divide your troops into two.
You must hire mercenaries with high magic defense, again since magic defense is
the most important thing near the end of the game. Remember to put healer on
both side or you will be toasted. Units on the left should rush to rendezvous
with units on the right, that means you need to kill enemies in your way by just
attacking the commander. You will be hit by Meteor many times in this scenario,
put on something like necklace will help to reduce casualties. Units on the
right should just attack the mosnter nearby and should not go after Ristil or
Death. Later, focus your fire power on Null and take him down. Next, kill Death
who hide at the bottom of the map and finally deal with Ristil and both

Scenario 23A
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Chaos and Bozel

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Selena Lanford Jessica

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Cerberus       2 SH 38 29  3  9 14  8  8 20 41 82F+80H62 Crawler*4   21 16 16 48
                                                         Scorpion*2  27 10 17 48
Death          1 St 33 26 34  8 11  7 11  8 65 94H75D--  Shade*4     21 20 12 91
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Orb
MithrilGolem   3 Sp 34 37  0 10 10 14  7 13 41 97T85D--  MudGolem*4  23 23 11 87
                                                         BlackGel*2  20 26 13 87
Death          3 St 35 27 37  8 12  8 13  8 65 94H75D--  Shade*4     21 20 12 93
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Orb
Death          3 St 35 27 37  8 12  8 13  8 65 94H75D--  Shade*4     21 20 12 93
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Orb
MithrilGolem   3 Sp 34 37  0 10 10 14  7 13 41 97T85D--  MudGolem*4  23 23 11 87
                                                         BlackGel*2  20 26 13 87
Death          1 St 33 26 23  8 11  7 11  8 65 94H75D--  Shade*4     21 20 12 91
Cerberus       2 SH 38 29  3  9 14  8  8 20 41 82F+80H62 Crawler*4   21 16 16 48
                                                         Scorpion*2  27 10 17 48
ChaosKing      3 Dm 50 40 45 10 19 16 28 12 47 --H125D+98LesserDemon426 23 11126
Death          3 St 35 27 25  8 12  8 13  8 65 94H75D--  Shade*4     21 20 12 93
Death          2 St 34 27 24  8 12  8 12  8 65 94H75D--  Shade*4     21 20 12 92
DarkMaster     3 Sm 50 37 57 12 19 13 15 10 62 127H65D-- DarkGuard*4 26 22 12110
              EQUIP: Alhazard Dark Robe Necklace         Witch*2     18  1 13123

Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P  AT+7 Resist Wind+10 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Elfen Bow           6500P  Indirect 14 tiles Action 20 Penalty DF-5 MV-1 
Knight Plate        5500P  DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 include mercenaries
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Dark and Holy
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C

Secret Item:
Use a commander to stand on small magma pool on southwest, middle and east.
- Burning Staff (For air unit only)

Access to Scenario ?4
TO gain access to Scenario ?4, have one of your character stand on the middle
of the magic seal on the west. Then defeat Chaos with one of your character
other than Landius. Chaos will resurrect and trigger another switch.

Love Index:

Equip your characters with Necklace because Bozel can cast many nasty magics.
Characters with Holy magic works well. Turn Undead is very useful since there
are many Undead enemies in this scenario. You can attack the enemies beside you
with Ballista as well. Death will always cast Attack2 to support his allies or
himself. Just make sure you finish off the enemies at the bottom first before
you try to do anything. Chaos is moving around the map and this is the main
reason why this scenario is hard. Chaos will cast magic when he has chance and
his range is pretty far as well. So, after wasting all the monsters outside,
move all your troops south and make Chaos to chase after your troops. Make sure
you stay away from Bozel as well. Then, have your high defense troops keep Chaos
company. Just put healer to backup the high defense troops. Then, use Landius
and any other of your strong units to go after Bozel. Bozel is very tough as
well, make sure all your units are in high HP when you battling him or you will
be wasted. After defeating Bozel, Go to get the Langrisser which is sealed
inside crystal behind Bozel. Now, You must weaken Chaos and kill him with
Landius or he will be resurrected. 

Scenario ?4
Winning Condition:
1. Landius reaches the teleporter
2. Defeat Hein

Losing Condition:
1. Hein reaches the teleporter
2. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Selena Lanford Jessica

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonLord     2 Ar 35 27  9 10 12  9  6 22 31 87FI90W60 Angel*4     18 19 15 96
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 41
DragonLord     2 Ar 35 27  9 10 12  9  6 22 31 87FI90W60 Angel*4     18 19 15 96
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 41
SerpentLord    3 NS 39 27 13 10 14  8  7 17 46 82        Nixie*6     21  9 13 97
SerpentLord    3 NS 39 27 13 10 14  8  7 17 46 82        LordLizard*626 17 15 77
Builder        4 Gr 40 40 15  8 11 17 11 12 51 90        Seaman*6    24 18 15+21
Builder        3 Gr 40 40 15  8 11 17 11 12 51 90        Seaman*6    14 30 13+61
ArchMage       3 Mg 34 28 33  7 11  8 10 10 61 94        Ballista*3  25  5  8 45
ArchMage       3 Mg 34 28 33  7 11  8 10 10 61 94        Ballista*3  25  5  8 45
Marshal        3 Gr 34 32 10  8  9 12  8 11 52 87        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 83
                                                         Legion*2    25 19 14 73
Hermit         5 Mg 41 35 56 10 16 12 15 10 62 109H104   HighElf*4   21 10 13115
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Necklace

Knife                 30P  AT+1

Secret Item:
The meat floating at northwest corner
1) AT+2
2) Nothing
3) Nothing

The meat floating at northeast corner
1) Nothing
2) DF+2
3) Nothing

In the middle of the map, where there is a small word inside a blanket.
Landius only. When you back to real world.
1) Nothing
2) Two more choices
   a) McLaine search for Jessica.. More story??
   b) Langrisser Quiz
   c) Show Love Index
3) Words from Creator?

Love Index:
Path A:                                Path C:
Angelina   - 120                       Angelina   - 125
Shelfanil  - 120                       Shelfanil  - 122
Rachel     - 120                       Rachel     - 120
Selena     - 115                       Ristil     - 107

If you played Langrisser 1 & 2, you should know this scenario very well. This is
the scenario where you need to take Langrisser Sword before your enemy do. Hein
is originally from Langrisser 2 as well. He is one of the main character since
you can use him in every scenarios in Langrisser 2. The objectives in this
scenario is still the same but now you need to go for the teleporter, not
Langrisser. Only Hein will travel north. The rest of the troops will go east
and attack you. Have your fast moving units travel north to handle Hein and two
Dragon Lord. You have to put most of your forces south of the map. As usual,
put unit with better defense to guard your magician. Your magicians should cast
Meteor or any other magics to wipe out the enemies before they reach you. Put
McLaine or Ricky near water so they can kill Nixie as soon as possible. Both
the builders have nice troops since magics don't work. You could just attack
the commanders. After the scenario, you will be given a chance to confess to the
girl you love. If you choose Jessica, Landius will just say some crap but
nothing else.
1 - Shelfaniel             1 - Rachel
2 - Angelina               2 - Jessica
3 - Selena                 3 - Back to previous
4 - Some other person

Scenario 24A
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Bruno

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Selena Lanford Jessica

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DarkSaint      7 Hl 36 36 32  7 13 16 20 10 62 109ID114  Witch*4     18  1 11118
       EQUIP: Wizard Rod Dragon Scale Conqueror WristbandDarkGuard*4 26 22 14105
Vampire        6 UG 39 30 28  8 12 10 13 12 51 95H80D--ZombieFighter425 22 11 93
                                                        ZombieKnight221 16 18 73
ChaosDragon    5 Dr 43 33 10 11 15 13 11 14 32 97GD--W78 BlackDragon427 15 10 91
                                                         Gremlin*2   20  9 19 86
Cerberus       2 SH 38 29  3  9 14  8  8 20 41 82F+80H65 Ortros*4    30 18 16 68
                                                         Troll*2     26 20 13 73
Cerberus       2 SH 38 29  3  9 14  8  8 20 41 82F+80H65 Ortros*4    30 18 16 68
                                                         Troll*2     26 20 13 73
Sphinx         3 Ar 38 27  6 10 13 10  8 22 31 94W70G--  Gargoyle*4  25 20 15 88
                                                         Gremlin*2   20  9 19 83
Giant          2 Gr 38 33  0  9 13 10  5 11 51 90D95     Troll*4     26 20 11 70
                                                         Ortros*2    30 18 16 65
MithrilGolem   1 Sp 33 34  0 10  9 12  6 13 41 97T85D--  MudGolem*4  23 23 11 86
                                                         Ortros*2    30 18 18 66
MithrilGolem   1 Sp 33 34  0 10  9 12  6 13 41 97T85D--  MudGolem*4  23 23 11 86
                                                         Ortros*2    30 18 18 66
ArchDemon      4 Dm 31 24 14  7  8  7  7 10 62 85H50D+30 Ballista*4  25  5  8 42
ArchDemon      4 Dm 31 24 14  7  8  7  7 10 62 85H50D+30 Ballista*4  25  5  8 42
Death          4 St 36 28 26 10 13  9 14  8 65 94F75D--  Shade*4     21 20 12 94
              EQUIP: Necklace
Death          4 St 36 28 26 10 13  9 14  8 65 94F75D--  Shade*4     21 20 12 94
              EQUIP: Necklace

Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P  AT+7 Resist Wind+10 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Miracle Staff      12500P  Magic Range+7 Magic Area+2 Magic Damage+1
Elfen Bow           6500P  Indirect 14 tiles Action 20 Penalty DF-5 MV-1
Knight Plate        5500P  DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 include mercenaries
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
Inside the stronghold, where there is a small stones at the middle of east lake.
- Bloody Contract (McLaine only)
For other characters, there will be a few choices
1) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) 3 more choices
   a) Nothing
   b) Nothing
   c) Blood Contract

Love Index:
During Battle, Angelina attacks Bruno - Angelina+1

During Battle, Shelfanil attacks Bruno - Shelfanil+1

During Battle, Angelina defeats Bruno - Angelina+1

During Battle, Shelfanil defeats Bruno - Shelfanil+1

Use magic to wipe out all Ballista first. You may need to cast decline on the
monsters who guard the gate and then kill them with either Holy Blaze or other
offensive magic. After that, use your air units or ground units to go through
the gate and touch the device west of the gate. The gate will be opened. Now,
most of the enemies will be offensive and rush towards you except Bruno and
2 commanders south of him. Now, get your decline magic and other offensive magic
ready and bombard all the enemies. After killing all the monsters come towards
you, you can now get ready to kill Bruno. Use Decline and Holy Blaze on him is
quite effective though. Bruno can cast Holy Blaze as well, keep that in mind.

Scenario 25A
Winning Condition:
1. Kill Gizarov and Kruger

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Shelfanil Angelina Selena Lanford Jessica

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
EvilGod       10 Dm 47 42 45 10 26 21 24 11 48 113D+103  HighElf*4   21 10 13124
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Rune Force Talisman   Grenadia*2  26 21 14 99
Wizard        10 Sm 38 34 75  6 12 10 14 10 61 105       Dragoon*4   29 20 16 99
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Dark Robe Fire Orb       HighElf*2   21 10 12 10
Bell Zephtr   10 Dm 28 22 40 -- 12 10 14 11 -- 124
ArchDemon      8 Dm 33 29 19  7 10  8  9 10 62 110F122H75LesserDemon625 22 11124
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Dragon Scale Amulet
ArchDemon      8 Dm 33 29 19  7 10  8  9 10 62 110F122H75LesserDemon625 22 11124
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Dragon Scale Amulet
DragonLord     5 Ar 40 31 10 10 13 10  8 22 31 107W80F122Angel*4     18 19 15118
              EQUIP: Long Sword Dragon Scale Amulet      Hablok*4    19 10 19108
Death          5 St 36 30 28 10 13 10 14  8 65 104H80D-- Shade*4     21 20 12 94
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Necklace
Death          5 St 36 30 28 10 13 10 14  8 65 104H80D-- Shade*4     21 20 12 94
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Necklace
ArchMage       5 Mg 35 31 42  7 12  9 11 10 61 114H99P104Ballista*4  25  5  8 56
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Fairy Stone Ring
ArchMage       5 Mg 35 31 42  7 12  9 11 10 61 114H99P104Ballista*4  25  5  8 56
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Fairy Stone Ring
Vampire        5 UG 38 31 40  8 12 10 12 12 51 105F125H85Witch*4     18  1 11110
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Fire Orb
Vampire        5 UG 38 31 40  8 12 10 12 12 51 105F125H85Witch*4     18  1 11110
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Fire Orb

Gram                7500P  AT+6 Effective against Dragon
Force Hammer        9800P  AT+2 MP-2 everytime you attack.
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P  AT+7 Resist Wind+10 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Miracle Staff      12500P  Magic Range+7 Magic Area+2 Magic Damage+1
Elfen Bow           6500P  Indirect 14 tiles Action 20 Penalty DF-5 MV-1
Knight Plate        5500P  DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 include mercenaries
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C

Secret Item:

Love Index:

Spend all your money here since this is the final battle. Magic defense is very
important here, make sure all the troops you hired have high magic defense.
Nixie and HighElf are very useful since they can withstand magic damage and have
range attack. Your first priority here is kill all the ballista at the middle
of the map with your offensive magic. After that, kill the commanders using
HighElf or Nixie. Then, use your high defense units fighters to go after both
Vampire on Both sides. After killing all the mages and Vampires, go for Death
on both sides. Cast Decline and Holy Blaze to kill them quickly. Now, approach
Kruger slowly using HighElf and then take him down with HighElf ignoring all his
troops. Now, ArchDemon on both sides will start moving. Use Decline and Holy
Blaze combo on them as well to weaken and then kill them. Now, this is time to
kill Gizarov. Stay out of his High Elf attack range because the High Elf is
strong as heck. Use Decline and Holy Blaze on him. When he is weaken, cast
Attack2 and Protection2 on Landius and let him kill Gizarov.

Scenario 21B
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Rachel

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Iva

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
GaiFrame       1 MS 61 46  0  8 20 14  7 12 42 120D--    Gargoyle*4  25 20 15 87
              EQUIP: Saber Claw
DragonLord     1 Ar 38 28  8 10 13  8  6 22 31 87FI90W60 Hablok*4    19 10 17 86
              EQUIP: Lance Hard Leather                  Angel*2     18 19 17 96
KnightMaster   1 Hr 40 31  5  9 14  7  6 19 41 82        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 81
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail                    BowKnight*2 22 13 18 56
DragonLord     1 Ar 38 28  8 10 13  8  6 22 31 87FI90W60 ArchAngel*4 23 21 15101
              EQUIP: Lance Hard Leather                  Hablok*2    19 10 19 86
KnightMaster   1 Hr 40 31  5  9 14  7  6 19 41 82        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 81
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail                    Infantry*2  16 17 16 66
SwordMaster    2 Gr 39 32  6  8 12 10  6 12 51 87        Legion*4    25 19 12 71
              EQUIP: Great Sword Hard Leather            Phalanx*2   23 24 14 81
ArchMage       1 Mg 32 29 45  7 12  7  9 10 61 99D98H94  Elf*4       16  6 13 84
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Orb

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
ArchMage       1 Mg 32 29 45  7 12  7  9 10 61 99D98H94  Eagle*3     18  3 11 49
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Orb
ArchMage       1 Mg 32 29 45  7 12  7  9 10 61 99D98H94  Eagle*3     18  3 11 49
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Orb

Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Long Bow            4500P  Indirect 10 tiles Action16 Penalty DF-3 MV-3
Elfen Bow           6500P  Indirect 14 tiles Action 20 Penalty DF-5 MV-1 
Mithril Armor       4200P  DF+5 MV-2
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Dark and Holy
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Fairy Stone Ring     800P  MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
Southeast corner where there are 4 stones near the east most starting point.
Choose 2,3,1 to get Killer Claw

Love Index:

You will be surrounded by enemies. Just stay defensive and slay enemies who rush
towards you. Beware of the range of the Bow type enemies as well. Since all your
troops are near to each other, Heal1 and Heal2 spells are very useful here.
After destroying all the enemies except Rachel, approach her slowly. Turn5 enemy
reinforcement will arrive at northeast corner and north of Rachel. Rachel will
now start moving. Use Decline and any other offensive spells to waste those
mages as soon as possible. Then, use the same tactics on Rachel to weaken her.
Rachel is very strong and you should not approach her if you before casting
Attack2 and Protection2 on your strong fighters.

Scenario 22B
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Gizarov

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Iva Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DarkMaster     3 Sm 41 37 82 10 22 13 20 10 63 127H95    HighElf*4   21 10 13120
              EQUIP: Life Staff Mirage Robe Fire Orb
ArchMage       3 Mg 34 29 33  9 13  9 10 10 61 96D100    Arbalest*3  20  7  8 50
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Robe Necklace
Saint          3 Hl 32 31 25  9  9 13 16 10 61 98D103H+52Arbalest*3  20  7  8 56
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Robe Necklace
Wizard         1 Sm 31 28 52  6 10  7  9 10 61 100F120H95HighElf*4   21 10 13109
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe fire Orb
Marshal        3 Gr 39 35 10  8 11 12  8  9 52 107       Phalanx*6   23 24 12103
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Chain Mail Amulet
KnightMaster   3 Hr 43 34  6  9 15  8  7 17 41 102       Dragoon*6   29 20 16102
              EQUIP: Mithril Lance Plate Armor Amulet
Saint          3 Hl 32 31 25  7 12 13 16 10 61 98D108H+57Exorcist*6  21 16 13 91
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Robe Talisman
SwordMaster    3 Gr 40 33  7  8 12 11  7 15 51 87        Legion*6    25 19 16 72
              EQUIP: Great Sword Chain Mail Speed Boots
Mage           7 Mg 30 27 37  6 11  6  8 10 61 87D97     Ballista*3  25  5  8 43
              EQUIP: Wand Robe Orb
HighPriest     3 Bs 30 28 45  6  8 11 13 10 60 96D101H+52Sniper*4    20  3 11 53
              EQUIP: Wand Robe Orb
Mage           7 Mg 30 27 37  6 11  6  8 10 61 87D97     Sniper*3    20  3 11 48
              EQUIP: Wand Robe Orb
Mage           7 Mg 30 27 37  6 11  6  8 10 61 87D97     Sniper*3    20  3 11 48
              EQUIP: Wand Robe Orb
Mage           7 Mg 30 27 37  6 11  6  8 10 61 87D97     Ballista*3  25  5  8 43
              EQUIP: Wand Robe Orb
HighPriest     3 Bs 30 28 45  6  8 11 13 10 60 96D101H+52Sniper*4    20  3 11 53
              EQUIP: Wand Robe Orb
Saint          3 Hl 32 31 25  7 12 13 16 10 61 98D108H+57Sniper*3    20  3 11 56
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Robe Talisman

Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Long Bow            4500P  Indirect 10 tiles Action16 Penalty DF-3 MV-3
Elfen Bow           6500P  Indirect 14 tiles Action 20 Penalty DF-5 MV-1
Mithril Armor       4200P  DF+5 MV-2
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Dark and Holy
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3

Secret Item:
Inside the stronghold, where there is a small stones at the middle of east lake.
- Bloody Contract (McLaine only)
For other characters, there will be a few choices
1) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) 3 more choices
   a) Nothing
   b) Nothing
   c) Blood Contract

Love Index:

Kruger will leave on Turn 4, so do not need to worry about him. As usual, use
your magics and Decline to kill all enemies near to you before entering the
stronghold. The units u put on both sides must be strong enough or they will be
wiped out by the enemies in no time. After killing all the front line enemies,
use your units with Phalanx to open the gate. Now, most of the enemies units
will rush towards you. use Decline and Offensive Magic combo again to waste
them. Just remember to check the action list so enemies do not have enough time
to cast Fain on the Declined units. Finally, use magics to kill the ballista
on north of the map and then kick Gizarov to hell. Decline and Holy Blaze work
on Gizarov, keep that in mind. Always remember to cast Attack2 and Protection2
when you deal with Boss.

Scenario 23B
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Willa, Lanford, Balrog and Selena, Emily

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Iva Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
RoyalGuard     5 Hr 55 42  8 10 23 14 10 19 46 119W127   RoyalLancer430 22 16115
              EQUIP: Dragoon Spear Knight Plate Amulet   Legion*2    25 19 14 95
Marshal        3 Gr 22 18 10  8  0  2  8 10 55 100G112   Pike*4      18 18 12 78
              EQUIP: Kris Gaia Armor Amulet
ArchMage       6 Mg 36 32 57  7 15  9 12 10 61 104H99D103Sniper*3    20  3 11 52
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Orb
Marshal        6 Gr 47 35 12  8 12 14  9  8 54 107H92    Phalanx*4   23 24 12104
              EQUIP: Devil Axe Breast Plate Amulet       Legion*2    25 19 14 94
Marshal        5 Gr 40 37 11  8 12 13  9  9 52 107       Phalanx*4   23 24 12104
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Chain Mail Amulet        HighElf*2   21 10 15127
SwordMaster    5 Gr 42 33  8 10 13 13  8  8 51 87        Legion*4    25 19 12 73
              EQUIP: Great Sword hard Leather Necklace   Phalanx*2   23 24 14 83
KnightMaster   5 Hr 46 33  7 11 16 10  8 19 41 82        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 83
              EQUIP: Mithril Lance Chain Mail Necklace   BowKnight*2 22 13 18 58
Marshal        5 Gr 40 37 11  8 12 13  9  9 52 107       Phalanx*4   23 24 12104
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Chain Mail Amulet        HighElf*2   21 10 14127
ArchMage       5 Mg 35 31 54  7 14  9 11 10 61 104H99D103Ballista*3  25  5  8 46
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Orb

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonLord     1 Ar 39 28  8 12 13  9  6 22 31 87FI90W60 Hablok*6    19 10 17 86
              EQUIP: Mithril Lance Hard Leather Necklace
SerpentLord    3 NS 44 29 13 12 16  9  7 17 46 82        Nixie*4     21  9 13 97
              EQUIP: Mithril Lance Hard Leather Necklace LordLizard*226 17 17 77
SerpentLord    3 NS 44 29 13 12 16  9  7 17 46 82        Nixie*4     21  9 13 97
              EQUIP: Mithril Lance Hard Leather Necklace LordLizard*226 17 17 77

Enemy Reinforcement 2:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Queen          5 Gr 51 40 14  8 17 15 10 14 53 112F124   Grenadia*4  26 21 12105
              EQUIP: Gram Dragon Scale Amulet            Phalanx*2   23 24 14105
KnightMaster   8 Hr 50 36  8  9 18 11 12 20 41 105F127   Dragoon*4   29 20 16107
              EQUIP: Flame Lance Dragon Scale Amulet     ArchAngel*2 23 21 17127

Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Force Hammer        9800P  AT+2 MP-2 everytime you attack.
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P  AT+7 Resist Wind+10 Action+2 Penalty Critic
Miracle Staff      12500P  Magic Range+7 Magic Area+2 Magic Damage+1
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Elfen Bow           6500P  Indirect 14 tiles Action 20 Penalty DF-5 MV-1
Knight Plate        5500P  DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 include mercenaries
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Conqueror Wristband 3750P  A+2 D+2 Mercenaries+1

Secret Item:
southwest corner of the map where there is a bird shadow in water.
1) Nothing
2) RuneForce
3) Nothing

Love Index:

If you check the enemy list, you will notice that there are less enmies in this
scenario compare to the last scenario, it means there will be enemy
reinforcement. Enemies in this scenario has high status as well, so you really
need to plan your move carefully. Anyway, kill the Mage on the island with
Decline and offensive magics. Then, kill the marshal with your units. After
crossing the second bridge, you have to travel slowly and lure both KnightMaster
and SwordMaster to you and kill them. When you reach the middle of the map,
Willa will call in the ambush units. One SerpentLord in the water between two
bridges. Another SerpentLord at south of the northeast island. A DragonLord at
northwest of the northeast island. Now, get your units on the bridge to kill
the SerpentLord between two bridges as soon as possible. All other magicians
should start casting offensive magic and try to kill the DragonLord and Serpent
Lord on northeast corner. Nixie is dangerous if it is in the water, you need to
waste them quickly or just waste the commander. After that, follow the path to
northeast. After killing the Marshal at northwest corner, Selena and Emily will
show up. They are pretty strong as well. Now, the real challenge comes, you need
to kill all the enemy commanders. Enemy becomes offensive and rush towards you.
Put on a defensive line at northwest and use Decline and offensive magic to kill
the mage first. Then, use your sea units to kill the enemy who try to get
through the defensive line. Mages should stay back and provide support and
Decline, offensive spell combo.

Scenario 24B
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies
2. Defend Bozel for 20 turns

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Bozel
2. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Iva Rachel

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
KnightMaster  10 Hr 55 37  8  9 22 11 10 19 41 82        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 85
              EQUIP: Mithril Sword Chain Mail Power Ring Legion*2    25 19 14 75
Marshal       10 Gr 48 42 14  8 15 17 11  9 52 87        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 86
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Chain Mail Power Ring    Sniper*2    20  3 13 51
Marshal       10 Gr 48 42 14  8 15 17 11  9 52 87        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 86
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Chain Mail Power Ring    Sniper*2    20  3 13 51
SwordMaster   10 Gr 52 37 10  8 18 14 10 12 51 87        Legion*4    25 19 12 75
             EQUIP: Mithril Sword Hard Leather Power RingPhalanx*2   23 24 14 85
DragonLord    10 Ar 51 35 14 10 20 11 10 22 31 97W60F102 Hablok*4    19 10 17 90
             EQUIP: Mithril Lance Dragon Scale Power RingArchAngel*2 23 21 17105
Avatar        10 Hl 39 37 44  7 16 17 23 10 63 103H+85   SaintPerson423 18 12108
              EQUIP: Miracle Staff Mirage Robe Talisman  HighElf*2   21 10 15123
RoyalGuard    10 Hr 56 42  8 10 22 16 10 19 43 104W114   RoyalLancer430 22 16100
           EQUIP: Dragoon Spear Mithril Armor Crystal AnkLegion*2    25 19 14 80
Princess      10 Hl 40 37 41  8 14 16 22 14 62 105       Grenadia*4  26 21 16 97
              EQUIP: Life Staff Mirage Robe Speed Boots  ballista*2  25  5 14 57

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
EvilGod       10 Dm 50 40 42 10 24 20 27 11 47 127D+125  DarkGuard*4 26 22 12127
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Dark Robe Amulet      Witch*2     18  1 13127
Cerberus      10 SH 56 37  7  9 22 10 13 20 41 84F+82H67 Ortros*4    30 18 16 73
              EQUIP: Killer Claw Aura Shield Power Ring  Basilisk*2  28 18 16 53
MithrilGolem  10 Sp 45 48  0 12 14 21 11 13 41 99T87P97  MudGolem*6  23 23 11 91
              EQUIP: Killer Claw Aura Shield Necklace
Cerberus      10 SH 56 37  7  9 22 10 13 20 41 84F+82H67 Ortros*4    30 18 16 73
              EQUIP: Killer Claw Aura Shield Power Ring  Basilisk*2  28 18 16 53
Lamia         10 Mg 40 32 67  7 15 11 13 10 61 100H95    Witch*3     18  1 11111
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod mirage Robe Orb
Lamia         10 Mg 40 32 67  7 15 11 13 10 61 100H95    Witch*3     18  1 11111
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod mirage Robe Orb

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DemonLord     10 Dm 47 35 32  8 17 12 17 11 56 102H78    LesserDemon625 22 11112
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Mirage Robe
DemonLord     10 Dm 47 35 32  8 17 12 17 11 56 102H78    LesserDemon625 22 11112
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Mirage Robe              
DarkMaster    10 Sm 54 40 65 10 27 16 19 10 62 127H85    DarkGuard*4 26 22 12127
              EQUIP: Alhazard Dark Robe Amulet           Witch*2     18  1 13127

Gram                7500P  AT+6 Effective against Dragon
Force Hammer        9800P  AT+2 MP-2 everytime you attack.
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P  AT+7 Resist Wind+10 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Miracle Staff      12500P  Magic Range+7 Magic Area+2 Magic Damage+1
Killer Claw         4000P  AT+6
Elfen Bow           6500P  Indirect 14 tiles Action 20 Penalty DF-5 MV-1
Knight Plate        5500P  DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 include mercenaries
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C

Secret Item:

Love Index:

Look at enemy status, you will regret for choosing this evil path. You start
at south of the map and Bozel is at north of the map. You don't have much choice
but to rush to Bozel. When you reach the middle of the map, Kruger will show up
along with his monsters. Ignore them and let them fight with Shelfanil's troops.
On Turn 10, Rachel will back to normal and asking why Landius work with Demon.
Then, Rachel and Ricky will become enemy and make this battle a hell. To prevent
Ricky and Rachel become enemy, just let Rachel die before the event take place.
Then, you just have to defend Bozel for 20 turns in order to win. Don't try to
kill all enemies since it is damn hard and is consider near impossible. Kruger
will resurrect his monsters after you destroyed them. So, you need to kill
Kruger to prevent him from resurrecting his monsters. But since your main
objective is guard Bozel, you can ignore him. 

Scenario 17C
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Ristil and Null

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DemonLord      1 Dm 37 29 21  8 13  8 13 11 57 122Hl98   LesserDemon525 22 11127
              EQUIP: Gladius Mirage Robe Amulet
Wyvern         5 Ar 36 26  4  9 11  8  5 21 31 72Dr67Wd57Gremlin*4   20  9 17 80
              EQUIP:Saber Claw Aura Shield               Gargoyle*2  25 20 17 85
Minotaurus     5 Gr 40 27  0  8 11  9  4  8 51 65Dr75Hl50Ogre*4      25 18 11 59
              EQUIP: Devil Axe Chain Mail                BoneGolem*2 19 19 13 69
IronGolem      5 Sp 30 30  0  9  6  8  4 13 41 92Dr--    MudGolem*4  23 23 11 84
              EQUIP: Flail Aura Shield                   DarkElf*2   16  7 15 81
SaberTiger     5 SH 30 20  0  8  4  1  2 19 41 67Dr77    HellHound*4 23 14 16 52
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield              Scorpion*2  27 10 17 42
SeaSerpent     6 WS 42 29  7  9 15  8  6 16 48 67Dr77    SeaWorm*4   27 15 15 66
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield            KillerOctopus224 13 15 46

Thunder God Sword   4000P  AT+5 Resist Thunder+10
Devil Axe           2350P  AT+8 DF-4 Action+4 Penalty Resist Holy-15
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Mithril Lance       2250P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Fairy Stone Ring     800P  MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark
Conqueror Wristband 3750P  A+2 D+2 Mercenaries+1

Secret Item:
Cross on northwest small island
- Magical Bikini

Love Index:
During Battle, when Landius is close to Ristil
1) Something like that?           - No change
2) Hate Demon                     - Ristil-1
3) My instinct                    - Ristil+1
4) Do not like you                - Ristil-2

During Battle, when Ristil offer to join
1) Good for you                   - Ristil-2
2) Do what you want               - Ristil+1

You really lack of man power in this scenario. Hopefully you have Ricky or
McLaine turned to Serpent Master or you will suffer. If you are not strong
enough, it is better to rush to north and kill Ristil first, you just have to
beware of her magic. Dealing with Null in water is tough so it is recommended
to kill Ristil first and then lure Null out of the water. One more thing, the
SaberTiger is quite fast and place your Phalanx troops at the back for safety.
The IronGolem is slow and can be ignored completely.

Scenario 18C
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Iva

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
General        6 Gr 35 30  6  7  8 10  5 14 52 75        Phalanx*4   23 24 16 80
              EQUIP: Flail Chain Mail Speed Boots        Infantry*2  16 17 20 65
Mage           4 Mg 29 26 21  6  9  6  6 10 61 110Dr115  Arbalest*3  20  7  8 66
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Amulet
KnightMaster   1 Hr 41 31  5  9 13  8  6 19 41 84Dr87Hl87Dragoon*4   29 20 16 83
              EQUIP: Mithril Lance Chain Mail Cross      Hablok*2    19 10 19 88
General        6 Gr 35 30  6  7  8 10  5 14 52 75        Phalanx*4   23 24 16 80
              EQUIP: Flail Chain Mail Speed Boots        Infantry*2  16 17 20 65
Mage           4 Mg 29 26 21  6  9  6  6 10 61 110Dr115  Arbalest*3  20  7  8 66
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Amulet
HighPriest     1 Bs 29 29 27  6  6 10 12  9 60 114Dr119  Exorcist*4  21 16 13107
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Chain Mail Amulet       HighElf*2   21 10 15127
ArchMage       1 Mg 33 28 30  9 11  8  9 10 61 96        Ballista*44 25  5  8 44
              EQUIP: Staff Robe Necklace

Ice Blade           4000P  AT+5 Resist Ice+10
Devil Axe           2350P  AT+8 DF-4 Action+4 Penalty Resist Holy-15
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Mithril Lance       2250P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Short Bow           3000P  Indirect 7 tiles Action10 Penalty DF-1 MV-2
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Dragon Scale        2700P  DF+3 Resist Fire+12
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Mirage Robe          550P  DF+2 Resist All+5 except Dark and Holy
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Conqueror Wristband 3750P  A+2 D+2 Mercenaries+1
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
Broken Pillar on northeast of the map.
1) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) RuneStone

Left Goddess statue near throne
1) Star Piece
2) Tiara
3) Nothing
4) Hear about right statue

Right Goddess statue near throne
1) Dragoon Spear
2) Bloody Lance
3) Nothing
4) Hear about left statue

Can only choose one of the statue

Love Index:
Before Battle, Angelina chat with Rachel
1) Negative emotion in battle     - Angelina Rachel-1
2) Someone take care of flower    - Rachel+1
3) Moon shines because of Sun     - Rachel+2 Angelina+1

During Battle, Ristil talks about Iva
1) He is useless                  - Ristil+1
2) He is what he appears to be    - No change
3) He is strong                   - Ristil-1

All the enemies are defensive. Do not put Null or Ristil at front because they
are too weak to handle the enemies. Use magic to kill all the Arbalest first.
Then use Ricky, McLaine or Landius or take down the enemies on both side. Ristil
and Null should stay back and take down any weaken enemies for experience. If
you have heal magic, just let all the mages to cast the magic until they out of
MP and then take them down without pain. After you destroyed the mages, the
KnightMaster will start to move. He is not strong at all, just waste him. After
that, HighPriest will summon Jinn. Beware of the Iva, Archmage since he can cast
Meteor and any Demon type should stay away from HighPriest as well. Use magic to
Bombard her and Iva troops first before doing any moves, as usual Decline magic
is useful here.

Scenario 19C
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Shelfanil and Selena

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null

Player Reinforcement:

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Mage           5 Mg 29 27 33  6 10  6  7 10 61 90Hl85Dr95Ballista*3  25  5  8 42
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Orb
BraveKnight    8 Hr 38 30  5 10 13  8  6 18 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 81
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail Necklace           Infantry*2  16 17 16 66
BattleMaster   8 Gr 36 31  6  9 10 11  6 11 51 75        Legion*4    25 19 12 71
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail Necklace      Pike*2      18 18 14 56
General        8 Gr 37 32  8  7  9 11  6  9 52 95        Phalanx*4   23 24 12101
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Chain Mail Amulet        Trooper*2   20 18 18 71
BraveKnight    7 Hr 37 30  4 10 12  7  5 18 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 80
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail Necklace           Infantry    16 17 16 65
Paladin        5 Hl 31 28 19  6  9 11 10  9 61 87DrX2Hl25SaintPerson523 18 12 95
              EQUIP: Flail Chain Mail Talisman
Mage           5 Mg 29 27 33  6 10  6  7 10 61 90Hl85Dr95Ballista*3  25  5  8 42
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Orb
Marshal        2 Gr 38 35 12  8 11 13  7 11 54 107       Phalanx*4   23 24 12102
              EQUIP: Great Sword Chain Mail Amulet       Infantry*2  16 17 16 87
ArchMage       2 Mg 33 30 37  7 13  8 10 10 62 127D126   Sniper*3    20  3 11 70
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Amulet

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonKnight   8 AR 33 27  7  9 14  9  6 22 33 90FIX5Wd75ArchAngel*6 23 21 16127
              EQUIP: Hard Leather Amulet

Thunder God Sword   4000P  AT+5 Resist Thunder+10
Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Dragon Scale        2700P  DF+3 Resist Fire+12
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Fairy Stone Ring     800P  MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Holy Dark+5
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20
Saint King Charm    2300P  INT+15 D+3 Resist Holy Dark+10

Secret Item:
southwest corner of the map where there is a bird shadow in water.
1) Nothing
2) Rune Force
3) Nothing

Love Index:
During Battle, Ristil asks about Rachel
1) She is important               - No change
2) You demon....                  - Ristil-1
3) Don't think relative important?- Ristil+1

Shelfanil and Selena will give you a warm welcome here. You need to take out
the mages first since they are so annoying. If you have sea units or air unit,
you can ambush them without pain. Otherwise, do it with Decline and attack magic
combo. You may do this slowly since there is no time limit. When you reach the
first bridge Angelina will show up and wished to stop her sister Shelfanil but
failed. After a few turns Shelfanil will treat Angelina as enemy and attack her.
Then you can control Angelina again. Selena is strong, so you have to make sure
you had cleared every enemy on the map first before dealing with her. Attack2,
Protection2, Decline, use what you have here before dealing with her or you are
just digging your own grave.

Scenario 20C
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Shelfanil and Selena

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Angelina

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
General        8 Gr 37 32  8  7 10 11  6  9 52 95        Phalanx*6   23 24 12101
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Chain Mail Amulet
SwordMaster    1 Gr 38 32  6 10 11 11  6 11 51 87        Legion*6    25 19 12 71
              EQUIP: Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace
UnicornKnight  8 SH 37 29  9  8 14  8  6 19 42 87D+15Hl90Baron*6     25 19 16 98
              EQUIP: Lance Hard Leather Cross
SwordMaster    1 Gr 38 32  6 10 11 11  6 11 51 87        Legion*6    25 19 12 71
              EQUIP: Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace
UnicornKnight  8 SH 37 29  9  8 14  8  6 19 42 87D+15Hl90Baron*4     25 19 16 98
              EQUIP: Lance Hard Leather Cross            HighElf*2   21 10 15108
Marshal        3 Gr 39 36 12  8 11 13  8 11 54 107Th117  Phalanx*4   23 24 12103
              EQUIP: Thunder God Sword Chain Mail Amulet Legion*2    25 19 14 93
ArchMage       3 Mg 34 30 38  9 13  9 10 10 62 107Dr106  HighElf*3   21 10 13110
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Necklace
DragonLord     1 Ar 38 29  8 10 11  8  6 21 31 107FI110  Hablok*4    19 10 17106
              EQUIP: Lance Chain Mail Amulet             ArchAngel*2 23 21 17121

Ice Blade           4000P  AT+5 Resist Ice+10
Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Morning Star        1100P  AT+5 Action+2 Penalty
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Long Bow            4500P  Indirect 10 tiles Action16 Penalty DF-3 MV-3
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Greave               400P  DF+2
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Conqueror Wristband 3750P  A+2 D+2 Mercenaries+1
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Holy Dark+5
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
Southwest of the map, in the middle of 4 pillars in a lake.(Landius Only)
- Excalibur

Love Index:
During Battle, Ristil asks something
1) This is not good               - Ristil+1
2) Depends on situation           - No change
3) Caconsis King is Demon         - Ristil-1

During Battle, Angelina asks something
1) It is doom                     - Angelina-1
2) We must work harder            - Angelina+1
3) Willa is alright               - No change
4) Shelfanil will be alright      - Shelfanil+1

Put a Spear and Horse units on top to kill both commanders first. For the south
part, you should hire Phalanx and stay defensive. Have a mage on a bridge and
cast decline, offensive magics on enemy who rush to you blindly. All long range
units should stay on bridge as well to kill all enemies who came close.
Shelfanil and Selena will start to move a few turns later. Just make sure to
finish off most of the enemy before they move or you will be in trouble. Selena
is strong, so it is recommended to weaken her with decline and offensive magic
before battling with her. Shelfanil has HighElf which is hard to deal with. The
simple way is cast protection on your troops and then rush to her like hell to
take down the HighElf in one shot. After you had defeated Shelfanil, she will
ask why you object the alliance with Demon since you have Demons, Ristil in your
party. She doesn't like Landius to flirt other female, perhaps. ^_^ Shelfanil
goes back and tell her father about Bruno but that idiot refuse to believe.
Finally, Bruno kills the fat, ugly useless junk for you. YEAH.. This is the best
part of the story, I want to kill that idiot since the I first saw him.

Scenario 21C
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Bruno

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Shelfanil or Selena
2. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Angelina

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Lamia          1 Mg 31 28 45  7  8  8  8 10 61 95D105H90 Witch*3     18  1 11106
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe Orb
Cerberus       2 SH 42 32  3  9 14  8  8 20 41 84F+82H67 Ortros*6    30 18 16 68
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield
Death          1 St 33 29 34  8 11  7 11  8 65 96Dr--Hl77Shade*4     21 20 12 91
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Aura Shield Orb
Sphinx         2 Ar 41 30  5 10 13 10  8 22 31 96Wd72D101Gargoyle*6  25 20 15 88
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield
DarkSaint      8 Hl 37 36 33  7 14 14 21 10 62 127Hl108  Witch*4     18  1 11127
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Amulet       DarkGuard*2 26 22 14127
Death          1 St 33 29 34  8 11  7 11  8 65 96Dr--Hl77Shade*4     21 20 12 91
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Aura Shield Orb
MithrilGolem   1 Sp 41 33  0 10  9 12  6 11 41 99Hl84Dr--MudGolem*6  23 23 11 86
              EQUIP: Devil Axe Aura Shield
Giant          1 Gr 42 35  0  9 12 10  5 10 51 90Dr95    Troll*4     26 20 11 70
              EQUIP: Morning Star Chain Main             MudGolem*2  23 23 13 85

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SuperGazer     5 Gl 28 31  0  8  7 12  5 13 46 +95F50IC80BlackGel*6  20 26 11 85

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Shelfanil                                                HighElf*4   21 10 13119
Marshal        3 Gr 37 36 12  8  9 13  8 11 54 107       Phalanx*5   23 24 12103
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail Amulet

Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P  Magic Range+8 Magic Area+1 Magic Damage+1 ResistAll+5
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Long Bow            4500P  Indirect 10 tiles Action16 Penalty DF-3 MV-3
Mithril Armor       4200P  DF+5 MV-2
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Fairy Stone Ring     800P  MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
West of the map where there is a stick in the middle of forest below the wall
Note: Must get secret item on Scenario 12 in order to trigger this
1) Nothing
2) 3 more options
   A) Hedin
   B) Nothing
   C) Nothing
3) Nothing

Love Index:
During Battle, response to Ristil when you saw Bruno is a demon
1) We have to believe it - Ristil-1
2) I partially believe - Ristil+1
3) No, still do not know for sure - Ristil-1

During Battle, Shelfanil say something and you reply
1) Don't say that I don't want to help - Shelfanil-1
2) Leave it to us - Shelfanil+1
3) Why you hate us so? - No change

During Battle, Angelina attacks Bruno - Angelina+1

During Battle, Shelfanil attacks Bruno - Shelfanil+1

Put a holy class character behind because enemy reinforcement will show up
later. So, use your fastest troops to renderzvous with Shelfanil and Selena as
soon as you can or their troops will be wiped out. Bruno will be very agreesive
here so it is easy to kill him to end this scenario but you will not gain
experience then. When you meet up with Shelfanil, you will be given a choice to
either let her fight or ask her to escape. you should let her fight since we
need her magic. Just remember to use strong character to guard Shelfanil or she
will be wasted for sure. After killing enough enemy, defeat Bruno to end this

Scenario 22C
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Bruno

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

After Bruno take hostage:
Losing Condition:
1. Death of Caconsis Queen, Angelina or Shelfanil
2. Death of Landius

After Jessica shows up:
Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius, Jessica or Caconsis Queen.

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Angelina Shelfanil

Player Reinforcement:
Angelina Shelfanil

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DarkSaint     10 Hl 39 38 35  7 15 15 23 10 62 127Hl103  Ballista*4  25  5  8 78
              EQUIP: Miracle Staff Mirage Robe Amulet    DarkGuard*2 26 22 14127
ArchDemon      6 Dm 37 28 16  7 13  8  8 10 62 85D+35H55 LesserDemon625 22 11103
              EQUIP: Thunder God Sword Dragon Scale Talisman
Lamia          6 Mg 36 30 57  7 12 10 11 10 61 100H95F120Witch*4     18  1 11109
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Fire Orb
MithrilGolem   2 Sp 38 38  0 10 11 13  7 13 41 119D--T107Ortros*5    30 18 18 87
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield Amulet
Death          2 St 34 30 36  8 13  8 12  8 65 101H82D-- Shade*6     21 20 12 92
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Aura Shield Orb
Lamia          2 Mg 32 28 48  7 10  9  9 10 61 100D110H95Ballista*3  25  5  8 44
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Orb
Vampire        2 UG 35 32 34  8 11  9 10 11 51 95H80D--  Witch*4     18  1 11108
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Breast Plate Orb   ZombieFighter*225 22 13 90
Giant          2 Gr 38 33  0  9 14 10  5 11 51 90D95     Troll*4     26 20 11 70
                                                         MudGolem*2  23 23 13 85
Vampire        2 UG 35 32 34  8 11  9 10 11 51 95H80D--  Witch*4     18  1 11108
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Breast Plate Orb   ZombieFighter*225 22 13 90
Lamia          2 Mg 32 28 48  7 10  9  9 10 61 100D110H95Ballista*3  25  5  8 44
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Orb
Death          2 St 34 30 36  8 13  8 12  8 65 101H82D-- Shade*6     21 20 12 92
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Aura Shield Orb

Enemy Reinforcement:
Shelfanil Angelina

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Healer        10 Hl 22 19  9  4  1  4  3 10 60 70H+1D85

NPC Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
HighPriest     6 Bs 32 31 60  6  7 12 15 10 62 104Hl+55  SaintPerson523 18 12100
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Orb

Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Long Bow            4500P  Indirect 10 tiles Action16 Penalty DF-3 MV-3
Mithril Armor       4200P  DF+5 MV-2
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Conqueror Wristband 3750P  A+2 D+2 Mercenaries+1
Talisman            1600P  A+3 D+1 Resist Holy Dark+5
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
NOTE: Only Scenario 9 has the secret ticket.
Northwest Goddess Statue. Only Landius can get it.
1) Saint King Charm
2) Resist Holy+10
3) 4 other options - refer to love index
4) nothing

Northeast Goddess Statue
1) Tiara
2) M+1
3) Resist Holy+10
4) Nothing

Can only choose one of the Goddess

Love Index:
During Battle, Angelina get close to Caconsis Queen - Angelina+1

During Battle, Shelfanil get close to Caconsis Queen - Shelfanil+1

During Battle, Battle with Angelina when she is enemy - Angelina-1

During Battle, Battle with Shelfanil when she is enemy - Shelfanil-1

During Battle, Angelina attacks Bruno - Angelina+1

During Battle, Shelfanil attacks Bruno - Shelfanil+1

During Battle, Ristil attacks Bruno - Ristil+1

After Battle, when Shelfanil become Queen, you say
1) Have confident - Shelfanil+1
2) Angelina will help you - Angelina+1
3) I am worry - Angelina Shelfanil-1

This scenaio will be very annoying if you play the first time and assume you do
not know trump card of the enemy. You should stay defensive and have a magic war
with all the mages on the front. Decline and offensive magic is what you need.
Any long range units might help but you need to beware since they all weak
against magic. After destroying all the mages, put Angelina and Shelfanil far
awy from your other unit. Put them at the corner of the map or you will regret
later. Then, let your holy deal with the death and send them back to hell again.
Now move all your troops into the castle quickly except Angelina and Shelfanil.
After that, Bruno will take Caconsis Queen as hostage and ask Shelfanil and
Angelina to attack you. If you teleport Caconsis Queen away, Bruno will cast
Thunder to kill her. Why suddenly Bruno has thunder which can hit the whole map
and he doesn;t want to use it on you? This is the fault of the stupid
programmer. If you kill Bruno, the same thing will happen. There is something
special about this Bruno. He can still cast magic even he has 0 MP, or 0 HP. So,
waste all his troops and other commanders first. After Jessica show up to help
you, you can now waste Bruno to hell.

Scenario 23C
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Bruno

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

When Iva shows up:
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Bruno and Iva

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Angelina Shelfanil

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonLord     3 Ar 45 30  9 10 15  9  7 22 31 87D102W60 ArchAngel*4 23 21 15102
             EQUIP: Mithril Lance Dragon Scale Power RingHablok*2    19 10 19 87
DragonLord     3 Ar 45 30  9 10 15  9  7 22 31 87D102W60 ArchAngel*4 23 21 15102
             EQUIP: Mithril Lance Dragon Scale Power RingSkyArcher*2 16  5 17 42
DarkSaint     10 Hl 39 38 35  9 15 16 23 10 62 114Hl88   HighElf*4   21 10 13123
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Necklace
ArchMage       3 Mg 34 30 49  7 12  8 10 10 61 104H99F124Ballista*3  25  5  8 45
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Fire Orb
Wizard        10 Sm 38 33 50  6 15 10 14 10 61 115H110D114Dragoon*4  29 20 16109
              EQUIP: Life Staff Mirage Robe Amulet       Hablok*2    19 10 19114
Saint          3 Hl 32 32 37  7  8 12 16 10 61 106F126H55SaintPerson423 18 12101
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Fire Orb     Phalanx*2   23 24 14 91
Marshal        3 Gr 43 35 10  8 12 12  8 10 52 87F99I92  Phalanx*4   23 24 12 83
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Dragon Scale Power Ring  Legion*2    25 19 14 73
KnightMaster   3 Hr 43 37  6  9 14 10  7 19 41 82        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 82
             EQUIP: Mithril Lance Breast Plate Protect RingBowKnight222 13 18 57
Marshal        3 Gr 43 35 10  8 12 12  8 10 52 87F99I92  Phalanx*4   23 24 12 83
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Dragon Scale Power Ring  Legion*2    25 19 14 73

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Orochi         2 SS 44 31  7 10 17 10  9 17 46 87F79D97  DarkNixie*4 22  8 13101
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield              PiosonToad*222 10 15 49
ArchMage       6 Mg 37 31 38  7 14  9 12 10 61 96Dr100   Basilisk*4  28 18 14 52
              EQYUIP: Staff Robe                         Slinger*2   16 10 13 57

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Marshal       10 Gr 44 44 16  8 14 18 11 11 54 107Ic117  Phalanx*6   23 24 12106
              EQUIP: Ice Blade Breast Plate Amulet

Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Flame Lance         5000P  AT+6 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Dragoon Spear       8800P  AT+7 Resist Wind+10 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Knight Plate        5500P  DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 include mercenaries
Breast Plate        4000P  DF+4 MV-1
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
Left of the stronghold where there is a angel like below enemy DragonLord.
1) MP+2
2) DF+1
3) Angel Feather

Love Index:
During Battle, Ristil is wondering about something
1) What is wrong - Ristil+1
2) What are you doing - No change
3) Stop dreaming - Ristil-1

Just put your Air units on the left. Any horse or slow units must be put on the
right or they will not be able to climb the mountain. Later Iva will show up on
east of the map, prepare some troops to welcome him. All sea units especially
Nixie or DarkNixie work well here. Just put them in the river and kill all
enemies within range. You should just stay defensive in the beginning of this
scenario. Put High defense unit at front and archer at the back to kill enemies
effectively. When you amost kill all of the enemies approach you blindly, move
some strong troops across the river to the east. Then, Iva will show up when you
kill all the enemies who approach you earlier. Just focus your fire power on
them. It is recommended to kill the Orochi first for experience. After defeating
Iva, he will run away again. Then, Selena will show up. You just need to ask her
to stay back or she will rob away your experience. Now, go all out and approach
Bruno. It is recommended to kill Ballista with magic first since it is damn
annoying. Horse unit will have trouble to climb the stronghold. So, have your
air or other ground base units to climb the stronghold and kill Bruno. If you
have HighElf, you can use them to kill Mage and Saint without pain.

Scenario 24C
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Balrog

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Angelina Shelfanil

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
KnightMaster   2 Hr 42 36  6  9 14  9  6 19 41 82        Dragoon*6   29 20 16 81
              EQUIP: Mithril Lance Chain Mail Protect Ring
SwordMaster    2 Gr 43 33  6  8 13 10  6 12 51 87Fi99Ic92Legion*6    25 19 12 71
              EQUIP: Great Sword Dragon Scale Power Ring
Marshal        2 Gr 43 34 10  8 12 12  7 10 52 87Fi99Ic92Phalanx*6   23 24 12 82
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Dragon Scale Power Ring
SerpentMaster  2 NS 51 38 16 11 21 12 10 17 46 90Fi100   Nixie*4     21  9 13100
              EQUIP: Flame Lance Hard Leather Protect RingArchAngel*223 21 17105
Marshal        3 Gr 43 35 10  8 12 12  8 10 52 87        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 83
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Dragon Scale Power Ring
HighPriest     3 Bs 30 29 45  6  7 11 13 10 60 104Hl+55 HeavyDragoon427 21 15 93
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Orb          SaintPerson223 18 14 98
Sword Master   3 Gr 44 33  7  8 13 11  7 12 87 87Fi99Ic92Legion*4    25 19 12 72
              EQUIP: Great Sword Dragon Scale Power Ring Sniper*2    20  3 13 47
ArchMage       5 Mg 35 31 54  7 13  9 11 10 61 104H99D103Ballista*3  25  5  8 46
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Orb
Marshal        7 Gr 45 39 12 10 13 16 10 10 54 87        HihElf*4    21 10 13110
              EQUIP: Mithril Axe Chain Mail Necklace

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Cerberus       1 SH 41 31  3 11 14  8  7 20 41 85F+82H67 Ortros      30 18 16 67
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield Necklace
ArchMage       6 Mg 37 31 38  9 14 10 12 10 61 96Dr100   BlackGel*4  20 26 11 92
              EQUIP: Staff Robe Necklace                 Slinger*2   16 10 13 57
DarkSaint      1 Hl 36 32 23  7 11 12 16  9 61 96H80D106DarkDisciple424 17 12108
              EQUIP: Flail Chain Mail Talisman           Witch*2     18  1 13114
Sphinx         1 Ar 40 29  4 12 13 10  7 22 31 96W72D--  Gremlin*6   20  9 17 82
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield Necklace
Orochi         1 SS 43 30  7 12 16 10  8 17 46 87F79D97  SeaWorm*6   27 15 15 68
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield Necklace

Hrunting           5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P  AT+7 Resist Wind+10 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Elfen Bow           6500P  Indirect 14 tiles Action 20 Penalty DF-5 MV-1 
Knight Plate        5500P  DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 include mercenaries
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3

Secret Item:
southwest corner where there is a small stone
1) 3 more options
   A) Dragon King Crown
   B) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) Nothing

East of the map, where there is a cross on a hill
1) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) Holy Ring

Clear Scenario 24C once and then play Scenario 24C again. When Iva try to
escape to the direction with purple butterfly, kill Iva to save the butterfly.

Love Index:
During Battle, what you want to do when you see a stronghold.
1) We should fight - Angelina+1
2) We should ignore it - Angelina-1
3) What do we need to do? - Shelfanil Angelina Ristil-1

During Battle, Ristil wants to fight, you say
1) You look happy - No change
2) Is this fun? - Ristil+1
3) Do not do something not necessary - Ristil-1

Just move your unit north to engage the enemies. You may need to wait for
DarkNixie to move out of water in order to waste them faster and easier. When
you almost waste all the enemies outside, start to move your units to the east
beacause Iva will show up there once you defeated all the enemies outside the
stronghold. Iva will run away if you hurt him or waste too much time. Since Iva
is very annoying and stupid, it is strongly recommended to kill him before he
tries to escape via east. Do not hesitate to give him your best shot so you do
not need to see his face ever again. ^_^ After that, use decline and offensive
magic combo to take down the long range unit inside the stronghold and kill
Balrog when he is out of troops.

Scenario ?5
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of any Ally

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Angelina Shelfanil

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
RoyalGuard    10 Hr 87 73 16 13 55 47 30 19 46 99        RoyalLancer430 22 16115
              EQUIP: Dubthach Knight Plate Crown         Grenadia*2  26 21 14105
Marshal       10 Gr 80 70 24 11 44 49 31  7 54 87H72     Phalanx*4   23 24 12106
              EQUIP: Devil Axe Knight Plate Crown        Legion*2    25 19 14 96
KnightMaster  10 Hr 76 64 18  9 49 42 33 20 41 85        RoyalLancer430 22 15118
                                                         Grenadia*2  26 21 14108
Lord          10 Gr 25 22  1  7  2  5  1 12 25 52        Ballista*4  25  5  8 36
              EQUIP: Kon Stick Robe Necklace
GaiFrame      10 MS 94 79 12 10 53 48 31 12 42 123D---   Witch*3     18  1 11127
              EQUIP: Killer Claw Rune Force Necklace
DarkSaint     10 Hl 59 58 97  7 32 35 53 10 62 109F127H83MudGolem*4  23 23 11127
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Mirage Robe Fire Orb  DarkGuard*2 26 22 14127
EvilGod       10 Dm 80 70 78 10 52 50 47 11 47 120D+105  LesserDemon625 22 11127
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Dark Robe Fire Orb
Hermit        10 Mg 62 55 96  8 38 31 51 10 63 122FHD127 SaintPerson223 18 14127
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Goddess Dress Holy RingHighElf*4  21 10 13127
DarkMaster    10 Sm 65 61 93 10 49 39 54 10 63 127H65D-- Shade*4     21 10 12127
         EQUIP: Dragon King Staff Dark Robe Blood ContractWitch*2    18  1 13127
Wizard        10 Sm 58 54 80  6 36 32 44 10 61 120F127H60Ballista*4  25  5  8109
            EQUIP: Burning Staff Dark Robe Blood ContractDarkGuard*2 26 22 14127
ArchMage      10 Mg 51 44 82  7 25 20 24 10 61 99H94     Witch*6     18  1 11122
              EQUIP: Staff Mirage Robe Orb
DarkMaster    10 Sm 65 59 X2 10 42 35 49 10 62 127H85D-- DarkGuard*4 26 22 12127
              EQUIP: Fire Staff Dark Robe Fire Orb       Witch*2     18  1 13127
ChaosKing     10 Dm 87 79 85 10 59 55 63 12 47 --H95D+127LesserDemon626 23 11127
              EQUIP: Dragon King Staff Dark Robe Blood Contract

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DemonGod      10 Dm 65 58 L7  9 36 35 49 12 59 127H75    LesserDemon625 22 11127
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Dark Robe Fire Orb

Bloody Lance        3000P  AT+3 RH-10 Action+4Penalty Element:Dark Magic:HPDrain
Burning Staff       7000P  INT+8 MR+5 RF+10 Magic:Fire FireBall
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Rune Stone         15000P  Return to class 1
Saint King Charm    2300P  INT+15 D+3 Resist Holy Dark+10

Secret Item:
Southwest corner where there is a patch between 2 mountain. West of Lanford.
Goddess Dress

Turns you took to finish this scenario:
1-5 Assault Suit
6   Excalibur
7   Artemis Bow
8   Rune Stone
9   Dubthach
10  Dragon King Staff
11  Aura Plate
12  Dark Robe
13  Goddess Dress
14  Amulet
15+ Nothing

Love Index:

Don't really have any strategy here. If you can come to this scneario, that
means you use Scenario Select Cheat and your character must be strong. You start
with Ricky and Landius. Other character will are inside their own cell. You need
to kill certain enemy to free your ally.

Kill Caconsis King to free Ristil
Kill Gendracil to free McLaine
Kill Bruno to free Null
Kill Kruger to free Angelina
Kill Gizarov to free Shelfanil

Scenario 25C
Winning Condition:
1. Kill Chaos and Bozel

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Angelina Shelfanil

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Vampire        6 UG 39 33 42  8 13 10 13 12 51 97F127D-ZombieFighter425 22 11 93
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Aura Shield Fire Orb ZombieKnight221 16 18 73
Cerberus       6 SH 46 34  5  9 17  9 10 20 41 84F+82H67 Ortros*4    30 18 16 70
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield              Scorpion*2  27 10 17 50
MithrilGolem   6 Sp 40 43  0 10 12 16  9 13 41 99T87D-P97MudGolem*6  23 23 11 89
              EQUIp: Saber Claw Aura Shield
Vampire        6 UG 39 33 42  8 13 10 13 12 51 97F127H82 Shade*6     21 20 12 93
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Aura Shield Fire Orb
MithrilGolem   6 Sp 40 43  0 10 12 16  9 13 41 99T87D-P97MudGolem*6  23 23 11 89
              EQUIp: Saber Claw Aura Shield
Cerberus       6 SH 46 34  5  9 17  9 10 20 41 84F+82H67 Ortros*4    30 18 16 70
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield              Scorpion*2  27 10 17 50
Vampire        6 UG 39 33 42  8 13 10 13 12 51 97F127H82 Shade*6     21 20 12 93
              EQUIP: Burning Staff Aura Shield Fire Orb
Lamia          6 Mg 36 30 57  7 12 10 11 10 61 100Hl95   Ballista*3  25  5  8 46
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Orb
DarkMaster     3 Sm 50 37 57 12 21 13 15 10 62 127Hl65D--DarkGuard*4 26 22 12110
              EQUIP: Alhazard Dark Robe Necklace
ChaosKing      5 Dm 50 42 72 10 21 17 29 12 46 -H120D+113LesserDemon426 23 11127

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Death          4 St 36 31 39  8 14  8 14  8 65 101       Shade*6     21 20 12 94
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Aura Shield Orb
Death          4 St 36 31 39  8 14  8 14  8 65 101       Shade*6     21 20 12 94
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Aura Shield Orb

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Avatar         3 Hl 38 35 39  7 11 15 22 10 63 98D103H+80HighElf*3   21 10 13122

Hrunting            5000P  AT+6 PoisonAttack4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P  AT+7 Resist Wind+10 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Life Staff         10000P  Magic Range+5 Magic Damage+1 Regenerate
Miracle Staff      12500P  Magic Range+7 Magic Area+2 Magic Damage+1
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Elfen Bow           6500P  Indirect 14 tiles Action 20 Penalty DF-5 MV-1
Knight Plate        5500P  DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 include mercenaries
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
Use a commander to stand on small magma pool on southwest, middle and east.
- Burning Staff (For air unit only)

Love Index:
After Battle, Willa asks you to do something
1) Silent - Shelfanil-1
2) Listil,
   A) I am counting on you - Ristil+1
   B) You are going along - Ristil-1
3) Give us the mission

This Scenario is very tough, make sure you have high magic defense since all
enemy commanders can cast magic. Your starting point is quite close to the
enemy, so you really need to rush towards them and kill them quickly. On turn 4,
enemy reinforcement will show up on south of the map, make sure you put your
unit out of their attack range. Chaos is moving around the map and this is the
main reason why this scenario is hard. Chaos will cast magic when he has chance
and his range is pretty far as well. So, after wasting all the monsters outside,
move all your troops south and make Chaos to chase after your troops. Make sure
you stay away from Bozel as well. Then, have your high defense troops keep Chaos
company. Just put healer to backup the high defense troops. Then, use Landius
and any other of your strong units to go after Bozel. Bozel is very tough as
well, make sure all your units are in high HP when you battling him or you will
be wasted. After defeating Bozel, Go to get the Langrisser which is sealed
inside crystal behind Bozel. Now, You must weaken Chaos and kill him with
Landius orhe will be resurrected. For Jessica, you may just ignore her since she
can't really help much.

Scenario 26C
Winning Condition:
1. Save Emily and kill all monsters

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Emily or Lanford.
2. Death of Landius

After saving Emily:
Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Angelina Shelfanil

Player Reinforcement:

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Sphinx         5 Ar 43 31  7 10 15 11  9 22 31 96W72D101 SkyArcher*4 16  5 15 44
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield              Gargoyle*2  25 20 17 89
Giant          6 Gr 47 38  0  9 16 12  6 10 51 110D115   Troll*4     26 20 11 91
              EQUIP: Flail Chain Mail Amulet             MudGolem*2  23 23 13106
Cerberus       5 SH 45 33  5  9 16  9  9 20 41 84F+82H67 Ortros*6    30 18 16 69
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield
Mitlril Golem  5 Sp 43 39  0 10 12 15  8 10 41 97H82T85  MudGolem*6  23 23 11 88
              EQUIP: Devil Axe Breast Plate
Giant          5 Gr 46 37  0  9 15 12  6 10 51 90D95     Troll*6     26 20 11 71
              EQUIP: Flail Chain Mail
Cerberus       6 SH 46 34  5 11 17 10 10 20 41 84F+82H67 Ortros*4    30 18 16 70
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield Necklace     BowKnight*2 22 13 18 60
Lamia          6 Mg 36 30 38  9 12 11 11 10 61 100H95D110Ballista*4  25  5  8 46
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Necklace
ChaosDragon    6 Dr 52 37 11 11 19 13 12 14 32 99W80H87  BlackDragon627 15 10 92
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield Power Ring
KnightMaster   4 Hr 45 33  9  9 15  9 10 19 41 85F95     Dragoon*6   29 20 16 85
              EQUIP: Flame Lance Chain Mail Orb
DemonLord      6 Dm 39 33 27  8 14 10 14 10 56 122H103W--Witch*4     18  1 11127
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Chain Mail Amulet       DarkDisciple224 17 14126
Mithril Golem  6 Sp 48 40  0 10 14 16  9 10 41 97H82T85  MudGolem*4  23 23 11 89
              EQUIP: Devil Axe Breast Plate Power Ring   Ortros*2    30 18 18 69

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DemonGod       5 Dm 50 37 66  9 17 14 18 11 59 120D+95H85LesserDemon625 22 11113
              EQUIP: Fire Lance Chain Mail Orb

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
RoyalGuard     1 Hr 52 42  8 10 21 13 10 19 41 94F104    Dragoon*6   29 20 16 85
              EQUIP: Flame Lance Breast Plate Protect Ring
SwordMaster    3 Gr 39 33  7 10 12 12  7 11 51 87        Grenadier*6 26 21 12 82
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail Necklace
Marshal        3 Gr 37 35 10 10 11 13  8 10 52 87        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 83
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail Necklace

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
KnightMaster   4 Hr 45 33  9  9 15  9 10 19 41 85F95     Dragoon*6   29 20 16 85
              EQUIP: Flame Lance Chain Mail Orb

Gram                7500P  AT+6 Effective against Dragon
Force Hammer        9800P  AT+2 MP-2 everytime you attack.
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P  AT+7 Resist Wind+10 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Miracle Staff      12500P  Magic Range+7 Magic Area+2 Magic Damage+1
Saber Claw           900P  AT+4
Elfen Bow           6500P  Indirect 14 tiles Action 20 Penalty DF-5 MV-1
Knight Plate        5500P  DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 include mercenaries
Aura Shield         1750P  DF+3 Resist All+2
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C
Fire Orb            2100P  Magic Range+1 MP+50% Resist Fire+20

Secret Item:
Southeast corner where there are 4 stones near the east most starting point.
Choose 2,3,1 to get Killer Claw

Love Index:
During Battle, Lanford thanks you. You say
1) Human will do this - Risitil+1 (Ristil is alive)
2) I can't forgive Gizarov - Rachel+1 (Ricky is alive)
3) Graz killed Caconsis King - Angelina+1 Shelfanil+1 (Both of them still alive)

Path A:                                Path C:
Angelina   - 120                       Angelina   - 125
Shelfanil  - 120                       Shelfanil  - 122
Rachel     - 120                       Rachel     - 120
Selena     - 115                       Ristil     - 107

If you have Teleport spell, this scnario will be a lot easier. Just assume you
don't have the spell, all magicians should be put near the enemies. Have one of
your character cast Decline on Dragon and then other character should cast wind
magic to kill both Dragon and Lamia. Landius should focus on getting near to
Emily. You should not waste too much time or Lanford and his troops will be
wasted. Lanford should go and rendezvous with Landius troops and Emily should
stay with Lanford. Have Landius waste Graz as soon as possible and then kill
enemies on northeast of the map with support from your main troops. You can
leave other NPC commander and let them die. After that, kill all the enemies
on southwest corner to clear this scenario. Later you have chance to confess to
a girl you like. You will see portrait of the girl you like as well, hehe...
1 - Shelfanil
2 - Angelina
3 - Ristil
4 - Rachel

Scenario 27C
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Gizarov

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Landius

Player Strength:
Landius Ricky McLaine Ristil Null Angelina Shelfanil Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DemonLord      4 Dm 41 32 25  8 15  9 13 11 56 97WD--F109LesserDemon625 22 11108
              EQUIP: Mirale Staff Dragon Scale Power Ring
DemonLord      4 Dm 41 32 25  8 15  9 13 11 56 97WD--F109LesserDemon625 22 11108
              EQUIP: Mirale Staff Dragon Scale Power Ring
DarkMaster     7 Sm 56 41 60 10 28 16 22 10 63 127Hl65   DarkGuard*4 26 22 12117
              EQUIP: Alhazard Dark Robe Power Ring       Witch*2     18  1 13127
GaiFrame       6 MS 62 41  1  8 25 16  9  8 40 120H105D--HighElf*3   21 10 13109
              EQUIP: Devil Axe Knight Plate Power Ring
ArchMage       8 Mg 38 33 63  7 15 10 13 10 61 99H94F119 HighElf*4   21 10 13113
              EQUIP: Life Staff Mirage Robe Fire Orb
Cerberus       8 SH 48 36  6  9 18 10 12 20 41 104H87D107Ortros*6    30 18 16 92
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield Amulet
Cerberus       8 SH 48 36  6  9 18 10 12 20 41 104H87D107Ortros*6    30 18 16 92
              EQUIP: Saber Claw Aura Shield Amulet
DarkSaint      8 Hl 37 37 31  7 11 14 21 10 61 116H95F127Phalanx*6   23 24 12116
              EQUIP: Life Staff Dragon Scale Amulet
DarkSaint      8 Hl 37 37 31  7 11 14 21 10 61 116H95F127Phalanx*6   23 24 12116
              EQUIP: Life Staff Dragon Scale Amulet
VampireLord    2 UG 43 36 51  8 15 11 16 13 45 100H92F122Witch*6     18  1 11114
              EQUIP: Miracle Staff Dragon Scale Fire Orb
VampireLord    2 UG 43 36 51  8 15 11 16 13 45 100H92F122Witch*6     18  1 11114
              EQUIP: Miracle Staff Dragon Scale Fire Orb
DeathLord      1 St 41 33 33  8 17 10 18  8 65 122H98D--Shade*6      21 20 12118
              EQUIP: Life Staff Mirage Robe Amulet
DeathLord      1 St 41 33 33  8 17 10 18  8 65 122H98D--Shade*6      21 20 12118
              EQUIP: Life Staff Mirage Robe Amulet
VampireLord    2 UG 43 36 51  8 15 11 16 13 45 100H92F122Ballista*4  25  5  8 51
              EQUIP: Miracle Staff Dragon Scale Fire Orb
ArchMage       8 Mg 38 33 63  7 15 10 13 10 61 99H94F119 HighElf*4   21 10 13113
              EQUIP: Life Staff Mirage Robe Fire Orb

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonMaster   4 Ar 50 38 14 11 17 12 10 20 31 114FI120  Hablok*4    19 10 17110
              EQUIP: Dragoon Spear Knight Plate Amulet
DragonMaster   4 Ar 50 38 14 11 17 12 10 20 31 114FI120  Hablok*4    19 10 17110
              EQUIP: Dragoon Spear Knight Plate Amulet

Excalibur          11000P  AT+7 DF+1 Resist Holy+10 Holy Blaze Holy Effect
Force Hammer        9800P  AT+2 MP-2 everytime you attack.
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P  AT+7 MV-2 Action+4 Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P  AT+7 Resist Wind+10 Action+2 Penalty Critical
Miracle Staff      12500P  Magic Range+7 Magic Area+2 Magic Damage+1
Killer Claw         4000P  AT+6
Hedin               8500P  DF-7 Indirect 14 tiles Action22 Penalty
Knight Plate        5500P  DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 include mercenaries
Gaia Armor          4000P  DF+2 MV-1
Speed Boots         2700P  MV+4
Amulet               700P  Resist All+20
Protect Ring        5000P  DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P  AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P  MP+12 INT+5 Magic Range+4 Magic Area+3
Crown               4600P  A+3 D+2 CR+3 Action-3 inclide mercenaries
Star Piece          4000P  MP Consume 3/4 Magic Range+1 Magic Standby-3C

Secret Item:

Love Index:

DO NOT KILL RACHEL or you will get bad ending. If you have teleport, you can
just teleport Landius to the north and kill Gizarov with High Elf, simple. If
you don't have teleport, place your air troops or range troops near enemy range
troops. What you need to do is waste all enemy range commander once you have the
chance since EXP is not important anymore. Turn 7, enemy reinforcement arrive
at south of the map. After killing those bastards and other enemy commanders,
focus your fire power on Gizarov and IGNORE Rachel. After you had killed
Gizarov, enjoy the ending.

A few notes about the ending. Each character must have 0 retreat count and high
action count in order to get "Good Ending" for each character. For example, if
Angelina have low action count, her ending will be ambushed by bandits and die.
If she has high action count, she will save a prince from bandit and then get
married with the prince.

FLOW CHART                                                               [FLOW1]

|Scenario  |                               START                               |
|Scenario 1|There is nothing important from scenario 1 to scenario 11. So, I   |
|Scenario 2|made the Flowchart here.                                           |
|Scenario 3|                                                                   |
|Scenario 4|                ___Path A____Path A__END                           |
|Scenario 5|               /         \___Path B__END                           |
|Scenario 6|   Scenario1-11                                                    |
|Scenario 7|               \___Path C____________END                           |
|Scenario 8|                                                                   |
|Scenario 9|                                                                   |
|Scenario10|                                                                   |
|Scenario11|                                                                   |
|Split     |              Path A             |              Path C             |
|Scenario12|                                 |Choose third option to trigger   |
|          |                                 |Lost Woods                       |
|Scenario13|                                 |Let Angelina fights Emily        |
|Scenario14|                                 |Let Angelina fights Emily        |
|Scenario15|                                 |Let Angelina fights Emily        |
|Scenario16|                                 |                                 |
|Scenario17|Shelfanil Love Index <110        |Shelfanil Love Index >=110       |
|          |Angelina Love Index <110         |Angelina Love Index >=110        |
|          |Alignment >95                    |Alignment <= 95                  |
|          |Choose first choice to ally      |Choose second choice to decline  |
|Scenario18|                                 |                                 |
|Scenario19|                                 |                                 |
|Split     |         Path A       |         Path B       |        Path C       |
|Scenario20|Choose first option to|Choose second option  |                     |
|          |believe Jessisca      |to believe Bozel      |                     |
|          |OR                    |THEN                  |                     |
|          |Alignment <105        |Alignment >112        |                     |
|          |Choose first or second|Choose third option   |                     |
|          |option                |                      |                     |
|Scenario22|                      |                      |                     |
|Scenario23|                      |                      |                     |
|Scenario24|                      |                      |                     |
|Scenario25|                      |                      |                     |
|Scenario26|                      |                      |                     |
|Scenario27|                      |                      |                     |

Love Index and Ending                                                    [LOVE1]

Path A:                                Path C:
Angelina   - 120                       Angelina   - 125
Shelfanil  - 120                       Shelfanil  - 122
Rachel     - 120                       Rachel     - 120
Selena     - 115                       Ristil     - 107

Path A: Light
Path B: Dark
Path C: Independent

A few notes about the ending. Each character must have 0 retreat count and high
action count in order to get "Good Ending" for each character. For example, if
Angelina have low action count, her ending will be ambushed by bandits and died.
If she has high action count, she will save a prince from bandit and then get
married with the prince.

Class Growth                                                             [CLAG1]

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |PathB(optional)|PathB(Queen)  |
|               |               |PathB(optional)|               |              |
|               |SilverKnight   |               |KnightMaster   |RoyalGuard(Ace)
|Knight         |               |BraveKnight    |               |              |
|               |PathA(optional)|               |PathA(optional)|PathA(Jack)   |
|               |               |PathA(optional)|               |              |
|               |               |               |PathC(optional)|PathC(King)   |

About Qeen, Ace, Jack and King, please refer to Rachel question 1.  You can
choose 2 cards out of four. The choice you made will determine which path can
access to Level 5 class.

For path A, Path B and Path C, please refer to Rachel question 2. The order of
choices affect the class you can get here. Look at the table below for more

|Level \ Set    |Set A Class    |Set B Class    |Set C Class    |Set D Class   |
|Level 2 Class  |Gladiator      |HawkLord       |Sorcerer       |Equanil       |
|Level 3 Class  |BattleMaster   |DragonKnight   |Mage           |Paladin       |
|Level 4 Class  |SwordMaster    |DragonLord     |ArchMage       |Saint         |
|Level 5 Class  |Hero           |DragonMaster   |Hermit         |Avatar        |

My choice
|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |Saint          |Avatar        |
|               |               |Paladin        |               |              |
|               |SilverKnight   |               |KnightMaster   |RoyalGuard(Ace)
|Knight         |               |BraveKnight    |               |              |
|               |Sorcerer       |               |ArchMage       |Hermit(Jack)  |
|               |               |Mage           |               |              |
|               |               |               |SwordMaster    |Hero(King)    |

Recommended path: Knight>Sorcerer>Mage>ArchMage>Hermit

I admit, it is rare to turn Langrisser main character into magician. Look at
previous Langrisser series, Ledin, Elwyn, Diharto are all great fighters. But,
this episode of Langrisser comes with new system call Judgement which determine
when to move in one turn. With higher Judgemnet, you can take your move at a
suitable time to kill your opponents.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |SwordMaster    |              |
|               |               |BattleMaster   |               |              |
|               |Gladiator      |               |SerpentLord    |SerpentMaster |
|Fighter        |               |General        |               |              |
|               |Sorcerer       |               |Marshal        |              |
|               |               |Mage           |               |              |
|               |               |               |ArchMage       |Hermit        |

Recommended path: Fighter>Sorcerer>General>SerpentLord>SerpentMaster

Since Landius is a Magician, you should turn Ricky into a fighter. If if make
Landius a fighter, you should turn Ricky into Magician then. Why? It is simply
because Ricky is available on all path and you will be using him for a long

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |SerpentLord    |SerpentMaster |
|               |               |SerpentKnight  |               |              |
|               |Captain        |               |SwordMaster    |              |
|Fighter        |               |General        |               |              |
|               |Gladiator      |               |Marshal        |              |
|               |               |Assassin       |               |              |
|               |               |               |Ninja          |NinjaMaster   |
+15 Resistance

Recommended path: Fighter>Captain>SerpentKnight>SerpentLord>SerpentMaster

Two secret class here but NinjaMaster is the worst since he has a very small
command range. So, there isn't much choice left for McLaine except SerpentMaster

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |Wizard         |              |
|               |               |Summoner       |               |              |
|               |Shaman         |               |SwordMaster    |Princess      |
|Warlock        |               |Mage           |               |              |
|               |Sorcerer       |               |ArchMage       |Hermit        |
|               |               |UnicornKnight  |               |              |
|               |               |               |UnicornLord    |              |

Recommended path: Warlock>Sorcerer>Mage>SwordMaster>Princess

It is either Hermit or Princess. I personally go for Princess since Princess
has Teleport Spell which may come in handy in later part of the game.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |UnicordLord    |RoyalGuard    |
|               |               |UnicornKnight  |               |              |
|               |PengasusLord   |               |DragonLord     |DragonMaster  |
|PengasusKnight |               |DragonKnight   |               |              |
|               |Gladiator      |               |Ranger         |              |
|               |               |BattleMaster   |               |              |
|               |               |               |SwordMaster    |              |

Recommended path:PengasusKnight>PengasusLord>DragonKnight>DragonLord>DragonMaste

Angelina is the only Air unit in this game. DragonMaster has very low Judgement
and Magic Defense but they can be deadly when they attack. RoyalGuard has a
weakness as well since horse unit cannot move very fast in certain area like
mountain and inside building.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |Saint          |              |
|               |               |Paladin        |               |              |
|               |Cleric         |               |HighPriest     |              |
|Healer         |               |Priest         |               |              |
|               |Shaman         |               |ArchMage       |Hermit        |
|               |               |Summoner       |               |              |
|               |               |               |Wizard         |              |

Recommended path: Healer>Cleric>Priest>ArchMage>Hermit

She serves as a healer no matter what. When you get her in the later part of
the game, she is already too weak to do direct battle with any enemy. So, it is
best to let her stay behind and cast supporting magic.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |KnightMaster   |              |
|               |               |General        |               |              |
|               |Gladiator      |               |Marshal        |Queen         |
|Fighter        |               |Paladin        |               |              |
|               |Equanil        |               |Saint          |              |
|               |               |Priest         |               |              |
|               |               |               |HighPriest     |              |

Recommended path: Fighter>Equanil>Paladin>Marshal>Queen

Selena is good since she can heal and fight very well. She is probably your
frontline army if you trained her well. Queen is a nice class as well with
Royal Lancer as her mercenaries.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |Marshal        |              |
|               |               |BattleMaster   |               |              |
|               |Gladiator      |               |SwordMaster    |SwordSaint    |
|Knight         |               |BraveKnight    |               |              |
|               |SilverKnight   |               |KnightMaster   |RoyalGuard    |
|               |               |DragonKnight   |               |              |
|               |               |               |DragonLord     |              |

Recommended path: Knight>SilverKnight>BraveKnight>SwordMaster>SwordSaint

Lanford is a pure fighter and probably serve as your frontline army as well.
SwordSaint class is probably better than RoyalGuard since he has nice skill
and good mercenaries, Grenadier.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |SwordMaster    |              |
|               |               |BattleMaster   |               |              |
|               |Shaman         |               |Wizard         |              |
|Warlock        |               |Summoner       |               |              |
|               |Cleric         |               |HighPriest     |              |
|               |               |Priest         |               |              |
|               |               |               |Saint          |Avatar        |

Recommended path: Warlock>Cleric>Priest>Saint>Avatar

You don't really has a choice here since Avatar is her only secret class. Saint
is a nice class as well since she will learn HolyBlaze which is an offensive
holy spell which work well on every boss.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |MithrilGolem   |              |
|               |               |DarkPaladin    |               |              |
|               |Succubus       |               |DarkSaint      |DarkPrincess  |
|WereCat        |               |ArchDemon      |               |              |
|               |AluraUne       |               |DemonLord      |DemonGod      |
|               |               |Catsy          |               |              |
|               |               |               |Lamia          |              |


Compare DarkPrincess with DemonGod. DarkPrincess is more likely a supportive
class and DemonGod is offensive class. DemonGod has higher magic defense though
which make it more useful.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |Orochi         |              |
|               |               |SeaSerpent     |               |              |
|               |Scylla         |               |ChaosDragon    |              |
|Incubus        |               |LivingArmor    |               |              |
|               |Larva          |               |Vampire        |VampireLord   |
|               |               |Raise          |               |              |
|               |               |               |Death          |DeathLord     |

Recommended path: Incubus>Scylla>LivingArmor>Vampire>VampireLord

Compare VampireLord and DeathLord. You will definitely know that VampireLord is
far more better than DeathLord since DeathLord is weak against holy magic. You
are done for sure if your enemy cast HolyBlaze on your DeathLord. All in all,
VampireLord rocks.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |SerpentLord    |              |
|               |               |SerpentKnight  |               |              |
|               |Sorcerer       |               |ArchMage       |              |
|Warlock        |               |Mage           |               |              |
|               |Chief          |               |Marshal        |              |
|               |               |Assassin       |               |              |
|               |               |               |Ranger         |              |

Recommended path: Warlock>Sorcerer>Mage>ArchMage

Iva is weak. The only thing he is good at is magic. Don't even try to make him
into a fighter or you will regret it for the rest of the game.

Class List                                                              [CLAS1]

Level 1 Class
Class         |AT|DF|MP|A+|D+|M+|JD|MV|CR|IN|Mercenaries |Magic/Summon|Character
Type          |Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|MC|  |            |Skill       |
Knight        | 3| 2| 1| 3| 2| 1|42|19| 6| 3|Lancer      |None        |Landius
Horse         |50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50| ?|  |            |            |
Fighter       | 3| 2| 1| 2| 3| 1|50|12| 5| 3|Soldier     |None        |Ricky
Ground        |55|55|55|55|55|55|55|55| ?|  *Pike        |            |McLaine
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Selena
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Lanford
Warlock       | 2| 3| 5| 3| 1| 2|60|10| 4| 7|Soldier     |Fire        |Shelfanil
Magician      |68|68|68|78|68|68|68|68| ?|  |            |WindCutter  |Jessica
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack1     |Iva
PengasusKnight| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?|30|21| 7| ?|Hippogriff  |None        |Angelina
Air           |55|--|55|55|35|55|55|55| ?|  |            |            |
Healer        | ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?|60|10| 4| ?|Monk        |Heal1       |Rachel
Holy          |70|70|70|85|70|70|+1|70| ?|  |            |Fain        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Protection1 |
WereCat       | ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?|WolfMan     |None        |Ristil
?             | ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?|  |            |            |
Incubus       | ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?|Nightmare   |Confuse     |Null
?             | ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?|  |            |Fain        |

Level 2 Class
Class         |AT|DF|MP|A+|D+|M+|JD|MV|CR|IN|Mercenaries |Magic/Summon|Character
Type          |Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|MC|  |            |Skill       |
SilverKnight  | 6| 4| 2| 6| 2| 2|40|19| 7| 4|Lancer      |MixTroops   |Landius
Horse         |55|55|55|55|55|55|55|55|+1|  |Centaurus   |            |Lanford
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |HeavyLancer |            |
Sorcerer      | 5| 2|11| 4| 3| 3|60|10| 5|10|Soldier     |FireBall    |Landius
Magician      |72|72|72|82|72|72|72|72|+0|  |Elf         |Thunder     |Ricky
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Mute        |Shelfanil
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Decline     |Iva
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack1     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MPDrain     |
Gladiator     | 5| 4| 2| 4| 4| 2|50|12| 6| 4|Soldier     |MixTroops   |Landius
Ground        |65|65|65|65|65|65|65|65|+1|  |Pike        |            |Ricky
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |McLaine
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Angelina
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Selena
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Lanford
HawkLord      | 6| 2| 0| 5| 3| 2|30|21| 8| 4|Hippogriff  |MixTroops   |Landius
Air           |50|--|50|50|50|35|50|50|+1|  |Hablok      |            |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |SkyArcher   |            |
Equanil       | 3| 4| 7| 3| 4| 5|60|10| 5| 8|Monk        |Heal1       |Landius
Holy          |77|77|77|92|77|77+10|77|+0|  |Crusader    |ForceHeal1  |Selena
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Elf         |Faint       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Protection1 |
Captain       | 6| 3| 2| 5| 3| 2|45|15| 7| 4|LizardMan   |MixTroops   |McLaine
NormalSea     |50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|+1|  |Merman      |            |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pike        |            |
Shaman        | 4| 2|12| 3| 3| 3|59|10| 5|11|Soldier     |Thunder     |Shelfanil
Summoner      |70|70|70|80|70|70|70|70|-1|  |            |Mute        |Rachel
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Slow        |Jessica
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon4     |
PengasusLord  | 5| 3| 5| 4| 4| 3|30|21| 8| 7|SkyArcher   |MixTroops   |Angelina
Air           |60|--|60|60|60|40|60|60|+1|  |Hablok      |            |
Cleric        | 3| 3| 8| 2| 4| 4|59|10| 5| 9|Monk        |Fain        |Rachel
Bishop        |75|75|75|90|75|75|+5|75|-1|  |Crusader    |Heal1       |Jessica
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Protection1 |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Decline     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon1     |
Succubus      | 6| 3| 6| 5| 3| 5|55|10| 6| 9|Nightmare   |Freeze      |Ristil
Demon         |80|--|80|--|80|80|45|80|+0|  |            |Confuse     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Heal1       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Fain        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Poison1     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MixTroops   |
AluraUne      | 4| 3|12| 4| 3| 3|60|10| 5| 9|DarkElf     |Blizzard    |Ristil
Magician      |50|72|72|82|72|72|72|72|+0|  |            |Thunder     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Mute        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Confuse     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack1     |
Scylla        | 6| 5| 1| 6| 4| 3|45|16| 7| 3|DarkLizard  |MixTroops   |Null
SeaSurface    |45|45|45|55|45|45|45|45|+1|  |Archeron    |            |
Larva         | 5| 2|10| 6| 2| 5|64| 8| 6|10|Specter     |Sleep       |Null
Spirit        |60|--|75|--|75|75|45|75|+0|  |            |Mute        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack1     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Fain        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Paralyze1   |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MixTroops   |
Chief         | 5| 3| 0| 4| 3| 2|55|11| 5| ?|Log         |Critical    |Iva
Theft         |50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|+0|  |            |MixTroops   |

Level 3 Class
Class         |AT|DF|MP|A+|D+|M+|JD|MV|CR|IN|Mercenaries |Magic/Summon|Character
Type          |Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|MC|  |            |Skill       |
BraveKnight   | 7| 4| 2| 3| 3| 2|41|19| 8| 5|Dragoon     |MixTroops   |Landius
Horse         |70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|+1|  |Heavylancer |            |Lanford
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Centaurus   |            |
BattleMaster  | 6| 5| 3| 3| 2| 3|51|12| 7| 5|Legion      |SwordEquip  |Landius
Ground        |75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|+1|  |Pike        |MixTroops   |Ricky
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Elf         |            |Angelina
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Lanford
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Jessica
DragonKnight  | 5| 5| 4| 3| 2| 3|31|21| 9| 5|ArchAngel   |MixTroops   |Landius
Air           |85|--|85|70|70|55|70|70|+1|  |Hablok      |            |Angelina
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |SkyArcher   |            |Lanford
Mage          | 5| 4|14| 3| 2| 4|61|10| 6|10|Elf         |Tornado     |Landius
Magician      |85|85|85|95|85|85|85|85|+1|  |Sniper      |ThunderStorm|Ricky
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Sleep       |Shelfanil
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Zone        |Iva
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MPDrain     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MagicEquip  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |--MixTroops |
Paladin       | 5| 5| 7| 2| 3| 6|61|10| 6| 8|SaintPerson |HolyBlaze   |Landius
Holy          |87|87|87|97|87|87+20|87|+1|  |Exorcist    |ForceHeal1  |Rachel
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Elf         |Heal2       |Selena
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pike        |TurnUndead  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Quick       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Protection2 |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Resist      |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MagicEquip  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MixTroops   |
General       | 5| 6| 6| 2| 3| 4|52|11| 7| 5|Pike        |Heal1       |Ricky
Ground        |75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|+1|  |Phalanx     |ArmorEquip  |McLaine
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Elf         |MixTroops   |Selena
Assassin      | 7| 3| 2| 3| 2| 2|56|11| 6| 6|Martial     |Critical    |McLaine
Theft         |75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|+0|  |Log         |MixTroops   |Iva
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sniper      |            |
SerpentKnight | 7| 5| 4| 3| 2| 3|46|16| 9| 5|MermanLord  |Critical    |McLaine
NormalSea     |70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|+1|  |LordLizard  |MixTroops   |Iva
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Phalanx     |            |
Summoner      | 5| 3|14| 2| 2| 4|60|10| 6|12|Sniper      |Confuse     |Shelfanil
Summoner      |80|80|80|90|89|80|80|80|+0|  |            |ThunderStorm|Rachel
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MPDrain     |Jessica
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Decline     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon5     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MixTroops   |
UnicornKnight | 5| 4| 8| 3| 2| 3|42|19| 8| 8|Unicorn     |Mute        |Shelfanil
SpecialHorse  |85|85|85+10|85|85|85|85|+1|  |Dragoon     |Quick       |Angelina
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |BowKnight   |Fire        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MixTroops   |
Priest        | 4| 4|10| 2| 2| 5|60|10| 6| 9|Monk        |Fain        |Rachel
Bishop        |85|85|85|95|85|85+15|85|+0|  |Crusader    |ForceHeal1  |Selena
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Protection1 |Jessica
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Zone        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Resist      |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Quick       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |--MixTroops |
DarkPaladin   | 5| 5| 7| 2| 3| 6|61|10| 6| 9|DarkDisciple|HolyBlaze   |Ristil
Holy          |89|89|89|97|89|89|70|89|+1|  |Missionaries|ForceHeal1  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |DarkElf     |Heal2       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pike        |TurnUndead  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Quick       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Protection2 |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Resist      |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |--MixTroops |
ArchDemon     | 5| 4|11| 3| 2| 4|62|10| 7|10|LesserDemon |FireBall    |Ristil
Demon         |85|--|85+30|85|85|50|85|+0|  |Nightmare   |MPDrain     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |DarkElf     |Sleep       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Specter     |Decline     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MagicEquip  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MixTroops   |
Catsy         | 4| 3|14| 2| 2| 4|61|10| 6|11|DarkElf     |Tornado     |Ristil
Magician      |85|85|85|95|85|85|85|85|+1|  |Witch       |ThunderStorm|
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Sleep       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Zone        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MagicEquip  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MixTroops   |
SeaSerpent    | 9| 5| 0| 4| 3| 4|46|16| 9| 3|DarkLizard  |Poison2     |Null
SeaSurface    |65|65|65|75|65|65|65|65|+1|  |SeaWorm     |MixTroops   |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |DarkNixie   |            |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |MudGolem    |            |
LivingArmor   | 6| 5| 7| 2| 3| 3|51|12| 8| 5|ZombieFighterCurePoison  |Null
UndeadGround  |60|75|75|95|75|75|60|75|+1|  |ZombieKnight|MixTroops   |
Raise         | 5| 4| 9| 3| 2| 5|65| 8| 7| 8|Specter     |Blizzard    |Null
Spirit        |80|--|80|--|80|80|50|80|+0|  |Shade       |Zone        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |DarkElf     |Attack2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Slow        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Paralyze2   |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MixTroops   |

Level 4 Class
Class         |AT|DF|MP|A+|D+|M+|JD|MV|CR|IN|Mercenaries |Magic/Summon|Character
Type          |Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|MC|  |            |Skill       |
KnightMaster  |10| 6| 3| 6| 4| 4|41|20| 9| 6|Dragoon     |Attack1     |Landius
Horse         |82|82|82|82|82|82|82|82|+1|  |Sniper      |            |Selena
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Hablok      |            |Lanford
SwordMaster   | 9| 6| 4| 5| 4| 4|51|12| 8| 6|Legion      |Quick       |Landius
Ground        |87|87|87|87|87|87|87|87|+1|  |Phalanx     |SwordEquip  |Ricky
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |HighElf     |            |McLaine
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Hablok      |            |Shelfanil
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Angelina
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Lanford
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Jessica
DragonLord    | 8| 6| 6| 5| 3| 4|31|22|10| 8|ArchAngel   |Fire        |Landius
Air           |90|--|87|87|90|60|87|87|+1|  |Hablok      |            |Angelina
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Dragoon     |            |Lanford
ArchMage      | 8| 5|15| 5| 3| 5|61|10| 7|13|HighElf     |Slow        |Landius
Magician      |94|94|94|98|94|94|94|94|+0|  |Ballista    |Meteor      |Ricky
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Blast       |Shelfanil
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Sleep       |Rachel
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Zone        |Iva
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MagicEquip  |
Saint         | 7| 7| 9| 4| 4| 7|61|10| 7|10|SaintPerson |HolyBlaze   |Landius
Holy          |96|96|96101|96|96+50|96|+0|  |HighElf     |Zone        |Rachel
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Exorcist    |Decline     |Selena
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Legion      |Heal2       |Jessica
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |ForceHeal2  |
Marshal       | 6| 9| 5| 3| 6| 4|52|11| 8| 8|Pike        |Heal1       |Ricky
Ground        |87|87|87|87|87|87|87|87|+1|  |Phalanx     |Fain        |McLaine
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Legion      |ArmorEquip  |Selena
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |HighElf     |            |Lanford
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Iva
SerpentLord   | 8| 7| 3| 6| 3| 4|46|17|10| 6|LordLizard  |Attack1     |Ricky
NormalSea     |82|82|82|82|82|82|82|82|+1|  |Nixie       |SwordEquip  |McLaine
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |MermanLord  |            |Iva
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Phalanx     |            |
Ninja         | 9| 5| 9| 6| 3| 4|54|11| 3|12|LowNinja    |Sleep       |McLaine
Ambush        |75|75|75|87|75|75|75|75|-1|  |Martial     |Confuse     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Mute        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Quick       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Paralyze1   |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |LightStep   |
Wizard        | 7| 5|15| 4| 3| 5|60|10| 6|14|Ballista    |Blast       |Shelfanil
Summoner      |90|90|90|94|90|90|90|90|-1|  |            |Attack2     |Rachel
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Zone        |Jessica
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon6     |
UnicornLord   | 8| 6|13| 5| 3| 5|42|20| 9| 8|Baron       |Heal2       |Shelfanil
SpecialHorse  |90|90|90100|90|90100|90|+1|  |Dragoon     |Fain        |Angelina
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |HighElf     |Teleport    |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Phalanx     |CurePoison  |
Ranger        | 9| 6|12| 5| 4| 4|56|11| 3|10|Martial     |EarthQuake  |Angelina
Ambush        |80|80|80|80|80|80|80|80|-1|  |Warrior     |Bind        |Iva
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Log         |Critical    |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sniper      |LightStep   |
HighPriest    | 6| 6|13| 3| 4| 6|60|19| 6|12|Exorcist    |TurnUndead  |Rachel
Bishop        |94|94|94|99|94|94+50|94|-1|  |SaintPerson |Protection2 |Selena
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Heal2       |Jessica
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |ForceHeal2  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Fain        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon3     |
DemonLord     | 9| 6|11| 5| 4| 7|56|11| 8|10|Lilim       |MPDrain     |Ristil
Demon         |97|--|97|--|97|97|78|97|+1|  |LesserDemon |Meteor      |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |BoneGolem   |Attack2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Witch       |Resist      |
Lamia         | 9| 4|15| 5| 3| 5|61|10| 7|13|Witch       |Tornado     |Ristil
Magician      |90|90|90105|90|90|90|90|+0|  |Ballista    |Meteor      |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ogre        |Sleep       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Confuse     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Poison2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MagicEquip  |
MithrilGolem  | 6|11| 0| 3| 8| 5|41|13|10| 3|BoneGolem   |Regenerate  |Ristil
Spear         |97|97|85|--|97|97|97|95|+1|  |MudGolem    |CurePosion  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Troll       |            |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Witch       |            |
DarkSaint     | 7| 7|10| 4| 4| 7|61|10| 7|11|DarkDisciple|HolyBlaze   |Ristil
Holy          |96|96|96101|96|96|75|96|+0|  |Witch       |Zone        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Missionaries|Decline     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ogre        |Heal2       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |ForceHeal2  |
Orochi        |10| 7| 4| 7| 3| 5|46|17|10| 3|SeaWorm     |Fire        |Null
SeaSurface    |77|85|85|95|85|85|85|85|+1|  |Shark       |Regenerate  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |MudGolem    |Poison4     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gargoyle    |            |
ChaosDragon   |12| 6| 7| 7| 4| 8|32|14|11| 6|BlackDragon |FireBall    |Null
Dragon        |97|--|97|--|97|78|85|97|+1|  |RedDragon   |Poison2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |WhiteDragon |            |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Gremlin     |            |
Vampire       | 9| 6|12| 4| 3| 7|51|12| 8| 9|ZombieFighterConfuse     |Null
UndeadGround  |95|95|95|--|95|95|80|95|+1|  |ZombieKnight|Resist      |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ballista    |Decline     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |MudGolem    |            |
Death         | 8| 5|10| 5| 3| 7|65| 8| 8| 7|Shade       |MPDrain     |Null
Spirit        |94|94|94|--|94|94|75|94|+1|  |Witch       |Blast       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Troll       |Attack2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Ballista    |            |

Level 5 Class
Class         |AT|DF|MP|A+|D+|M+|JD|MV|CR|IN|Mercenaries |Magic/Summon|Character
Type          |Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|MC|  |            |Skill       |
RoyalGuard    | 3| 2| 0| 2| 3| 0|41|20|10| 0|ArchAngel   |None        |Landius
Horse         |94|94|94|94|94|94|94|94|+1|  |RoyalLancer |            |Angelina
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Lanford
Hero          | 3| 2| 3| 2| 0| 1|51|13| 9| 2|Grenadia    |Attack1     |Landius
Ground        |94|94|94|94|94|94|94|94|+1|  |ArchAngel   |Quick       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |LightStep   |
DragonMaster  | 2| 2| 1| 1| 3| 0|31|22|11| 0|None        |FireBall    |Landius
Air           100|--|94|94100|75|94|94|+1|  |            |            |Angelina
Hermit        | 2| 1| 7| 1| 1| 2|61|10| 8| 8|Legion      |Teleport    |Landius
Magician      |99|99|99105|99|99|99|99|+0|  |            |Again       |Ricky
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Rachel
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Shelfanil
Avatar        | 2| 0| 6| 1| 1| 2|61|10| 7| 6|Ballista    |EarthQuake  |Landius
Holy          |98|98|98103|98|98+80|98|+0|  |            |Protection2 |Jessica
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Again       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Healing     |
SerpentMaster | 4| 1| 3| 3| 2| 0|46|17|11| 0|Ballista    |Critical    |Ricky
NormalSea     |90|90|90|90|90|90|90|90|+1|  |            |            |McLaine
NinjaMaster   | 2| 2| 3| 1| 1| 2|56|11| 0| 3|Kuno        |FireBall    |McLaine
Ambush        |92|92|92100|92|92|92|92|+0|  |Phalanx     |EarthQuake  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Teleport    |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |NinjaSkill  |
Princess      | 3| 0| 4| 2| 1| 1|61|10| 8| 4|Ballista    |Meteor      |Shelfanil
Holy          |97|97|97102|97|97+50|97|+0|  |            |Teleport    |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Regenerate  |
Queen         | 4| 1| 5| 2| 0| 0|51|13| 8| 1|Ballista    |ThunderStorm|Selena
Ground        |92|92|92|92|92|92|92|92|+0|  |RoyalLancer |EarthQuake  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Again       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Blast       |
DarkPrincess  | 3| 0| 4| 2| 1| 1|61|10| 8| 4|DarkGuard   |Meteor      |Ristil
Holy          |98|98|98|--|98|98|85|98|+1|  |            |Teleport    |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Again       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Regenerate  |
DemonGod      | 1| 2| 5| 0| 2| 1|58|12| 9| 3|Gargoyle    |MPDrain     |Ristil
Demon         120|--120+95120120+85120|+1|  |BlackDragon |Sleep       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Decline     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Slow        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon6     |
VampireLord   | 2| 2| 3| 2| 2| 1|45|13| 8| 4|None        |Meteor      |Null
UndeadGround  |90100100|--100100|90100|+1|  |            |Heal1       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Paralyze3   |
DeathLord     | 1| 2| 5| 1| 2| 2|65| 8| 8| 3|None        |Meteor      |Null
Spirit        |97|97|97|--|97|97|78|97|+0|  |            |            |
SwordSaint    | 4| 1| 0| 2| 1| 1|51|12| 8| 0|Grenadier   |Quick       |Lanford
Ground        |90|90|90|90|90|90|90|90|+1|  |            |Again       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |JudgementUp |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |ArmorEquip  |

Equipment                                                                [EQUI1]

Knife  : Ground Magician Sea Theft Ambush Demon Undead
Sword  : Ground Horse SpecialHorse Air Sea Theft Ambush Demon Undead SwordEquip
Axe    : Ground Spear Sea Demon Undead
Hammer : Ground Bishop Spear Horse SpecialHorse Sea Demon Undead
Spear  : Horse SpecialHorse Air Sea
Staff  : Magician Bishop Sea Theft Demon Spirit Undead
Claw   : SpecialSea Demon Spirit Undead Dragon
Bow    : Ambush

Weapon            |Price |Effect
Knife             |   30P|AT+1
Gladius           |  200P|AT+2
Main Gauche       |  350P|AT+1,DF+1
Kris              |  650P|AT+3,Skill:Critical
Wind Cutter Dagger|15000P|AT-2,DF-1,Attack Rate+4
Messiah Sword     | 1750P|AT-4 DF-2 A-2 EXP*2
Long Sword        |  750P|AT+3
Great Sword       | 1000P|AT+4
Mithril Sword     | 2300P|AT+5
Ice Blade         | 4000P|AT+5 RI+10. Magic:Freeze,Blizzard
Thunder God Sword | 4000P|AT+5 RT+10. Magic:Thunder,ThunderStorm
Hrunting          | 5000P|AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Gram              | 7500P|AT+6 (AT+12 against Dragon)
Excalibur         |11000P|AT+7DF+1,RH+10 Element:Holy Magic:HolyBlaze
Strike Beam Sword |    0P|AT+3 AR+2 (Range7, once per turn)
Alhazard          |    0P|AT+9 DF+1 A+2 D+1 RH-30 RA+10 Action-5 Skill:Critical
Langrisser        |    0P|AT+8 DF+1 A+1 D+1 RA+10
Hand Axe          |  160P|AT+2
Battle Axe        | 1600P|AT+5 MV-2 Action+3Penalty
Mithril Axe       | 2100P|AT+5 Action+1Penalty
Devil Axe         | 2350P|AT+8 DF-4 MV-4 RH-15 Action+4Penalty
Rune Axe          |10500P|AT+8 MV-2 RA+5 Action+2Penalty 25%MuteEnemy
Iron Array        |   50P|AT+1 MV-4 Summon:Builder
Kon Stick         |  150P|AT+3 Action+3Penalty Critical
Flail             |  750P|AT+4 Action+2Penalty Critical
Morning Star      | 1100P|AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Force Hammer      | 9800P|AT+20%(-2MP) (AT-20% if no MP consumed)
Dagda Kon Stick   | 6500P|AT+7 MV-4 Action+4Penalty
Mjollnjr          | 8000P|AT+7 RT+15 Action+2Penalty Element:Thunder
                  |      |Skill:Critical Magic:Thunder ThunderStorm Summon:Thor
Lance             | 1100P|AT+4 Action+3Penalty Skill:Critical
Mithril Lance     | 2250P|AT+5 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Bloody Lance      | 3000P|AT+3 RH-10 Action+4Penalty Element:Dark
                  |      |25% cast HPDrain after battle
Flame Lance       | 5000P|AT+6 RF+10 Action+3Penalty Element:Fire Skill:Critical
                  |      |Magic:Fire FireBall
Dragoon Spear     | 8800P|AT+7 RW+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Wind Skill:Critical
                  |      |Magic: WindCutter Tornado
Dubthach          | 9800P|AT+8 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Staff             |  150P|AT+1 MR+2
Wand              |  800P|INT+5 MR+4
Crystal Rod       | 1200P|INT+5 MR+5
Wizard Rod        | 2000P|INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5
Burning Staff     | 7000P|INT+8 MR+5 RF+10 MD+1 Magic:Fire FireBall
                  |      |Summon:BellZephyr
Life Staff        |10000P|INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate 
                  |      |Magic:Heal1.2 ForceHeal1.2
Miracle Staff     |12500P|INT+10 MR+7 MA+2 MD+1 Magic:Meteor EarthQuake
Dragon King Staff |14000P|INT+10 MR+6 MA+2 MD+1 CastTime-5C Standby-5C
                  |      |Summon:Holy Dragon
Saber Claw        |  900P|AT+4
Killer Claw       | 4000P|AT+6
Short Bow         | 3000P|DF-1 MV-4 Range7 Action+10Penalty
Long Bow          | 4500P|DF-3 MV-6 Range10 Action+16Penalty
Elfen Bow         | 6500P|DF-5 MV-2 Range14 Action+20Penalty
Hedin             | 8500P|DF-7 Range14 Action+22Penalty
Artemis Bow       |11000P|DF-10 MV-6 Range18 Action+30Penalty
                  |      |25%ConfuseEnemyCommander

Heavy Armor:Ground Spear Bishop Horse Undead
Light Armor:Ground Bishop Spear Horse SpecialHorse Air Theft Ambush Demon Undead
Monster Aura:SpecialSea Spirit Dragon
Leat:Ground Magician Bishop Horse SpecialHorse Air Sea Theft Ambush Demon Undead
Robe:Ground Magician Bishop Horse SpecialHorse Air Sea Theft Ambush Demon Undead
Boots:Ground Magician Bishop Spear Theft Ambush
Magical Item:Magician Bishop Demon Spirit Undead MagicEquip

Armor              |Price |Effect
-----------------------------------HEAVY ARMOR----------------------------------
Plate Armor        | 3800P|DF+5 MV-3
Mithril Armor      | 4200P|DF+5 MV-2 RA+5
Knight Plate       | 5500P|DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 (Include Mercenaries)
Aura Plate         | 6000P|DF+5
Assault Suit       |80000P|AT+10 DF+10
-----------------------------------LIGHT ARMOR----------------------------------
Gaia Armor         | 4000P|DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Chain Mail         | 1000P|DF+3 MV-1
Breast Plate       | 4000P|DF+4 MV-1
Dragon Scale       | 2700P|DF+3 RF+12 RI+5
Aeneas Armor       | 4800P|DF+4 Action-3 (Include Mercenaries)
----------------------------------MONSTER AURA----------------------------------
Aura Shield        | 1750P|DF+3 Resist All+2
Rune Force         | 4300P|DF+4 Resist All+3
Hard Leather       |  450P|DF+2
Vaselin            |   20P|RF-5 Transform:Aniki(Lang 5) Summon:Builder
Apron Dress        |  150P|DF+1 Transform:Maid(Lang 5) Female
Clothes            |   40P|DF+1
Robe               |   50P|DF+1 RA+2
Megin Gjord        |  500P|AT+5% Summon:Thor
Magical Bikini     |  300P|DF+1 RA+10 Female
Mirage Robe        |  550P|DF+2 RA+10(except Holy and Dark)
Angel Feather Garb |  600P|DF+2 RA+8 Summon:Seraphim Female
Dark Robe          | 7000P|DF+3 M+10(Holy-10) RH-10 RA+10(RH-10)
                   |      |Summon:Chaos King
Goddess Dress      | 7500P|DF+2 RA+8 M+8 Skill:CurePoison Summon:Light Goddess
Leg Guarder        |   40P|DF+1
Greave             |  400P|DF+2
Speed Boots        | 2700P|MV+4 V+4
Cross              |  200P|D+1 [M+2 RA+2(RH+5 and RD+5)]
Necklace           |  650P|D+1 CR+2 MC+1
Amulet             |  700P|M+20 RA+20
Fairy Stone Ring   |  800P|MP+6 INT+5 [M+10 RA+10(except Holy Physic)]
Crystal Ank        |  850P|DF+1 D+1 [M+5 RA+5(RH+8 and RD+8)]
Protect Ring       | 5000P|DF+4 D+2
Power Ring         | 5000P|AT+4 A+2
Tiara              | 3000P|MP+12 INT+5 MR+4 MA+3 Female
Crown              | 4600P|A+3 D+2 CR+3 Action-3(Include Mercenaries)
Star Piece         | 4000P|MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Light Veil         | 9500P|INT+5 CastTime-15C Standby-10C Regenerate1MP per turn
                   |      |Female
Conqueror Wristband| 3750P|A+2 D+2 MC=6
Dragon King Crown  | 4800P|A+5 D+2 INT+5 RF+8 RI+8 Summon:HolyDragon
Sonic Band         |  980P|Action-15(Include Mercenaries)
Rune Stone         |15000P|Return to class 1
----------------------------------MAGICAL ITEM----------------------------------
Orb                | 1350P|MP+50%
Talisman           | 1600P|A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb           | 2100P|MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm   | 2300P|INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10
Angel Feather      | 5000P|A+3 D+2 M+15 RA+15 Summon:Seraphim
Holy Ring          | 7500P|MP+10 A+2 M+15(Holy+20) MR+3 MA+2 RH+20 RA+15
                   |      |Summon:Light Goddess
Blood Contract     | 8000P|A+4 D+2 INT+8 M+20(Holy-20) RH-20 RA+20
                   |      |Summon:ChaosKing

Mercenaries List                                                         [MERC1]
Battle effeciency:
Each type of units has their own weakness and strength. Check the list below.
Bow is strong agaist Air
Spear is strong against Horse
Horse is strong against Ground
Ground is strong against Spear
Holy and AntiDemon are strong against Demon and Undead

Name         |Type     |Pric|AT|DF|MV|Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|Skill
Hippogriff   |Air      | 70P|20|13|15|45|--|55|55|55|40|55|55|None
Gargoyle     |Air      |300P|25|20|15|80|--|80|95|80|65|65|80|None
ArchAngel    |Air      |400P|23|21|15110|--|95105110|85+95|95|CurePoison Healing
SeaMan BLUE  |Air      |450P|24|18|15+10|--+10+10+10100|50|--|CurePoison Healing
SeaMan YELLOW|Air      |450P|14|30|13+50+50+50+50+50+50+50+50|CurePoison Healing
SeaMan PINK  |Air      |450P|28| 4|18+10|--+10+10|50100+10|--|CurePoison Healing
SeaMan BLACK |Air      |450P|30|19|11|30|30|30|30|30|30|30|30|CurePoison Healing
Gremlin      |AntiAir  | 50P|20| 9|17|75|--|75|75|75|55|75|70|None
Hablok       |AntiAir  |190P|19|10|17|70|--|80|80|80|65|80|80|None
BlackDragon  |Dragon   |450P|27|14|15|80|--|80|80|80|60|80|80|Ice
RedDragon    |Dragon   |370P|23|15|10+95|--|80|80|70|60|80|80|CurePoison Fire
WhiteDragon  |Dragon   |620P|28|20|10|60|--|80|80+95|60|80|80|Ice
SeaWorm      |NormalSea|300P|27|15|15|60|60|60|50|60|60|60|60|Paralyze2
Archeron     |SeaSurface 70P|23|12|14|45|45|45|40|45|45|45|45|None
Merman       |SeaSurface 70P|22|13|14|60|60|60|60|60|60|60|60|None
Shark        |SeaSurface220P|27|14|15|50|50|50|40|50|50|50|50|None
MermanLord   |SeaSurface350P|26|16|15|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|None
DarkLizard   |Land     | 60P|24|11|14|42|42|42|57|42|42|35|42|Poison1
LizardMan    |Land     | 60P|23|12|14|40|40|40|35|40|40|40|40|None
LordLizard   |Land     |360P|26|17|15|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|None
BoneGolem    |Spear    | 30P|19|19|11|65|65|65|--|65|65|65|65|CurePoison
Pike         |Spear    | 60P|18|18|12|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|None
MudGolem     |Spear    |280P|23|23|11|80+50|80|--|80|80|80|80|CurePoison Healing
Phalanx      |Spear    |340P|23|24|12|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|None
Centaurus    |BowHorse |100P|19| 8|16|40|40|40|40|40|40|40|40|Range:7
BowKnight    |BowHorse |200P|22|13|16|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|Range:7
SkyArcher    |AirBow   |150P|16| 5|15|35|--|35|35|35|25|35|35|Range:7
Elf          |Bow      |140P|16| 6|13|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|Range:10CurePoison
DarkElf      |Bow      |160P|16| 7|13|77|77|77|92|77|77|60|77|Range:10CurePoison
HighElf      |Bow      |440P|21|10|13100100100100100100100100|Range:10CurePoison
DarkNixie    |SSBow    |510P|22| 8|13|92|92|92|97|92|92|80|92|Range:14
Nixie        |SSBow    |660P|21| 9|13|90|90|90|90|90|90|90|90|Range:14
Sniper       |LongBow  |300P|20| 3|11|40|40|40|40|40|40|40|40|Range:14 Critical
Witch        |LongBow  |330P|18| 1|11|98|98|98103|98|98|85|98|Range:14 Healing
Ballista     |MachineBow680P|25| 5| 8|35|35|35|35|35|35|35|35|Range:18
Crusader     |Holy     |170P|22|18|13|70|70|70|85|70|70120|70|None
Missionaries |Holy     |170P|23|17|13|72|72|72|72|72|72|50|72|None
Exorcist     |AntiDemon|230P|21|16|13|75|75|75|--|75|75+50|75|None
Monk         |Bishop   | 40P|19|13|12|63|63|63|83|64|64|93|63|None
SaintPerson  |Bishop   |310P|23|18|12|85|85|85|95|85|85+80|85|CurePoison
DarkDisciple |Bishop   |310P|24|17|12|92|92|92|92|92|92|75|92|CurePoison
LowNinja     |Ambush   |120P|20|12|14|60|60|60|70|60|60|60|60|CriticalNinjaSkill
Kuno         |Ambush   |250P|23|16|14|75|75|75|85|75|75|75|75|CriticalNinjaSkill
Log          |Theft    | 30P|20|13|13|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|Critical
Warrior      |Theft    | 50P|22|14|12|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|Critical
Martial      |Theft    |230P|26|15|13|45|45|45|80|45|45|45|70|Critical
Soldier      |Ground   | 50P|20|14|12|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|None
Wolfman      |Ground   | 70P|20|14|13|50|50|50|60|50|50|40|50|Paralyze1
Ogre         |Ground   | 90P|25|18|11|55|55|55|65|55|55|55|55|None
Troll        |Ground   |220P|26|20|11|65|65|65|75|65|65|65|65|Healing
Legion       |Ground   |320P|25|19|12|65|65|65|65|65|65|65|65|None
DarkGuard    |Ground   |500P|26|22|12|85|85|85|90|85|85|75|85|CurePoison
Grenadier    |Ground   |550P|26|21|12|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|None
ZombieFighter|UndeadGro|300P|25|22|11|55|80|80|--|80|80|50|80|CurePoison Po1 Pa2
ZombieKnight |UndeadHor| 50P|21|16|16|45|60|60|--|60|60|35|60|CurePoison
Lancer       |Horse    | 70P|24|15|16|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|None
Dragoon      |Horse    |390P|29|20|16|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|None
Unicorn      |SpecHorse| 90P|24|15|16|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|CurePoison
Baron        |SpecHorse|250P|25|19|16|90|90|90|90|90|90|90|90|None
HeavyLancer  |HeavyHorse120P|22|21|15|55|55|55|55|55|55|55|55|None
RoyalLancer  |HeavyHorse670P|30|22|15|85|85|85|85|85|85|85|85|None
Specter      |Spirit   | 90P|17|14|11|55|--|70|--|70|70|40|70|CurePoisonParalyz1
Shade        |Spirit   |460P|21|20|12|65|--|80|--|80|80|50|80|CurePoisonparalyz3
Nightmare    |Demon    |190P|22|15|11|75|--|75|--|75|75|40|75|CurePoison
Lilim        |Demon    |170P|23|13|11|75|--|75|--|75|75|40|75|CurePoison
LesserDemon  |Demon    |580P|25|22|11|95|--|95|--|95|95|80|95|CurePoison

Skill List                                                               [SKIL1]
Name       |Target|Effect
SwordEquip |Self  |Able to equip all sword regardless of class.
ArmorEquip |Self  |Able to equip all armor regardless of class.
MagicEquip |Self  |Able to equip all staff regardless of class.
NinjaSkill |Team  |Walk through obstacles.
Critical   |Self  |Increase critical rate. Accumulate for 3 turns.
Regenerate |Team  |Recover 1 HP for mercenaries every turn.
Healing    |Self  |Recover 1 HP for commander every turn.
JudgementUp|Self  |Judgement+3.
LightStep  |Team  |MV+2 V+2.
CurePoison |Team  |Resist status ailment.
Poison1    |Enemy |2% chance inflict poison status to enemy after battle.
Poison2    |Enemy |4% chance inflict poison status to enemy after battle.
Poison3    |Enemy |6% chance inflict poison status to enemy after battle.
Poison4    |Enemy |8% chance inflict poison status to enemy after battle.
Paralyze1  |Enemy |2% chance inflict paralyze status to enemy after battle.
Paralyze2  |Enemy |4% chance inflict paralyze status to enemy after battle.
Paralyze3  |Enemy |6% chance inflict paralyze status to enemy after battle.
Paralyze4  |Enemy |8% chance inflict paralyze status to enemy after battle.
Petrify1   |Enemy |2% chance inflict petrify status to enemy after battle.
Petrify2   |Enemy |4% chance inflict petrify status to enemy after battle.
Petrify3   |Enemy |6% chance inflict petrify status to enemy after battle.
Petrify4   |Enemy |8% chance inflict petrify status to enemy after battle.
MixTroops  |Self  |Able to hire two types of mercenaries.
CommandUp  |Self  |Merceneries Judgement+3

Magic List                                                               [MAGI1]
Name        |MP|Element|Target     |Cure/Effect
Fire        | 1|Fire   |Enemy 1Unit|
FireBall    | 3|Fire   |Enemy Area |
Freeze      | 4|Ice    |Enemy 1Team|
Blizzard    | 7|Ice    |Enemy Area |
Thunder     | 5|Thunder|Enemy 1Team|Stronger on water
ThunderStorm| 7|Thunder|Enemy Area |Stronger on water
WindCutter  | 2|Wind   |Enemy 1Unit|Strong against Fly Unit
Tornado     | 9|Wind   |Enemy Area |Strong against Fly Unit
EarthQuake  |16|Ground |Enemy Area |
Meteor      |14|Physic |Enemy Area |
HolyBlaze   | 6|Holy   |Enemy Area |Strong against Demon
TurnUndead  | 7|Holy   |Enemy Area |Kill mercenaries only
MPDrain     | 1|Dark   |Enemy 1Unit|
Blast       |12|Physic |Enemy 1Unit|
Sleep       | 6|Dark   |Enemy Area |Fain Cannot move till the unit is hit
Confuse     | 3|Dark   |Enemy 1Team|Fain Attack nearest target regardless
Zone        | 5|Dark   |Enemy 1Team|Fain A+ D+ M+ cut by half
Mute        | 3|Dark   |Enemy Area |Fain Cannot cast magic
Declice     | 4|Dark   |Enemy 1Team|Resist Fain Resist All-30
Slow        | 6|Dark   |Enemy 1Team|Fain Counter +1Turn(Resist=Counter +20point)
Bind        | 2|Dark   |Enemy 1Team|Quick Fain Move=0
Protection1 | 2|------ |Ally  1Team|DF+3
Protection2 | 4|------ |Ally  1Team|DF+5
Attack1     | 1|------ |Ally  1Team|AT+3
Attack2     | 4|------ |Ally  1Team|AT+5
Quick       | 1|------ |Ally  1Team|Bind MV+5
Resist      | 3|------ |Ally  1Team|Decline Resist All+30
Heal1       | 2|------ |Ally  Area |HP maximum recover 3 points
Heal2       | 6|------ |Ally  Area |HP fully recover
ForceHeal1  | 3|------ |Ally  1Team|HP recover 3 points
ForceHeal2  | 5|------ |Ally  1Team|HP fully recover
Fain        | 3|------ |Ally  Area |Cure status ailment
Again       | 4|------ |Ally  1Team|Able to move again
Teleport    | 8|------ |Ally  1Team|Move to a location instantly
Quiet       |20|------ |All   Map  |Cannot use magic or summon for 500 counter
Bless       |15|------ |All   Ally |+1HP to all units every turn for 500 counter
Laser       | 0|------ |All   Line |Secret
Explosive   | 0|------ |All   Area |Secret

Summon List                                                              [SUMM1]
Name         |MP|Type        |AT|DF|MP|MV|IN|Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|Magic Skill
Sleipnir     | 7|SpecialHorse|27|18| 0|18|18|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|None
Summon1      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Pixy         | 7|Air         |18|16|14|16|40110|--110|95110|--|95|95|Mute
Summon1      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sleep
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal1
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |CurePoison
Valkyrie     |14|Ground      |24|19|32|18|62|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75ThunderStorm
Summon2      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Quick
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Attack2
Jinn         |14|JinnSpirit  |25|22|25|15|40|70|--|70|70|70+99|70|70|WindCutter
Summon2      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Tornado
Phoenix      |20|AntiAirAir  |29|22|20|16|35+99|--120|--|70|70|--120|Fire
Summon3      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |FireBall
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |CurePoison
Freya        |20|Air         |26|24|40|16|75120|--120|--120|90+99120|HolyBlaze
Summon3      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |ForceHeal2
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sleep
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |CurePoison
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Attack2
Spider       | 8|SpecialHorse|25|15| 0|16|13|30|40|40|50|30|40|40|40|Paralyze4
Summon4      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Poison3
Haunt        | 8|Spirit      |22|13|15|11|26|55|--|70|--|70|70|40|70|MPDrain
Summon4      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Paralyze2
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Freeze
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |CurePoison
Medusa       |17|Ground      |27|18|15|12|28|60|60|60|70|60|60|50|60|Zone
Summon5      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Decline
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Petrify4
Lilith       |17|Demon       |26|18|35|11|45|80|80|80100|80|80|60|80|FireBall
Summon5      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal1
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sleep
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Resist
Ailment Guard|24|SeaSurface  |32|25| 0|14|20|90|90|90|95|90|90|90|90|Poison4
Summon6      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Fenrir       |24|SpecialHorse|33|23| 0|16|25|90|90|90|97|90|90|90|90|None
Summon6      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Seraphim     |35|Air         |24|21|50|15|??120|--120|--120|90+99120|Meteor
Summon1,2,3  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Protection2
Angel Feather OR|            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal1
Angel Feather Garb           |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Again
Thor         |35|Ground      |32|24|15|12|??|90|90+99|90|90|90|90|90|Thunder
Summon1,2,3  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  ThunderStorm
Mjollnjr OR  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Megin Gjord  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Builder      |38|Ground      |33|28|12|11|??|80|80|70|80|80|80|80|80|Blast
Summon1,2,3  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Decline
Iron Array OR|  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal1
Vaselin      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Bell Zephyr  |30|Demon       |28|22|40|11|??|95|95|95|--|95|95|70|95|EarthQuake
Summon1,2,3  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Meteor
Burning Staff|  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Attack2
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Teleport
Holy Dragon  |35|Dragon      |31|25|25|11|??100|--100|--100100+99100|HolyBlaze
Summon123456 |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |TurnUndead
Dragon Staff AND|            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal2
Dragon Crown |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Fain
Chaos King   |40|Demon       |32|28|40|11|??|--|--|--|--|--|--125|--|Meteor
Summon4,5,6  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sleep
Dark Robe AND|  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Zone
Blood Contract  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Again
Light Goddess|40|Air         |29|28|55|13|??|--|--|--|--|--|--+99|--|EarthQuake
Summon1,2,3  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Protection2
Goddess Dress AND            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal2
Holy Ring    |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Teleport

Cheat                                                                    [CHEA1]
-------------------------------Scenario Select----------------------------------
At load Screen. Highlight a save file. Press Square, Up, R1, Triangle, Down
Select, Circle. Play cleared scenario.

At load Screen. Highlight a save file. Left, Square, Triangle, Select, L1, Right
R1, Triangle, X. Play all scenario.

---------------------------------Secret Shop------------------------------------
Go into Shop. Highlight buy. Press R1, Down, L1, Up, Square, X. Able to buy all
items except 3 secret equipments.

--------------------------------Ultimate Shop-----------------------------------
Go into Shop. Highlight buy. Press R1, Up, Left, L1, Up, L1, Square, X. Able to
buy all items include 3 secret equipments, Money increased by 50000P.

------------------------------All Magic Unlocked--------------------------------
Highlight a character. Press Select, Select, X, X, Square, Square, X, Triangle.

--------------------------------All Mercenaries---------------------------------
Go to Mercenaries page. Press L1, Triangle, Down, Down Triangle, Square, X.

--------------------------------Character Voice---------------------------------
At Start menu. Press L1, R1, L2, R2, Up, Right, Square, X. Config Menu.

-----------------------------------All Status-----------------------------------
Highlight a character. Press R1, L1, Up, Triangle, Square, X

At Load Data. Press R1. R1. L1. L1, Square, Left, Triangle, Circle, Right,
Square, Square, L1, R1, Left, L2, R2, Triangle, X.

------------------------------------Other Info----------------------------------
At Load Data. Press Square, Up R1, Triangle, Down, Select Circle for Normal Mode
Press R1, R1, L1, L1, Square, Left, Triangle, Circle for Hard Mode.

   __                        _
  / /  __ _ _ __   __ _ _ __(_)___ ___  ___ _ __  /\   /\
 / /  / _` | '_ \ / _` | '__| / __/ __|/ _ \ '__| \ \ / /
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\____/\__,_|_| |_|\__, |_|  |_|___/___/\___|_|      \_/
Introduction                                                             [INTR2]
The story continues from Langrisser IV. This is the last episode of Langrisser
series. However,the main character for Langrisser V is Sigma. That means you
to train him start from level 1. You will see Landius and his party in this
game but you can't use them. Then, there will be no branch in this story though.

Character Creation                                                       [CHAC2]
This is the only chance we have to customize our main character. So, we should
focus on the status which the character cannot acquire via level up. The status
you should focus on include Action Point, Moving Speed, Resistance, Judgement.

1) From four materials, discard one.
Gold                        Cannot access to Hero class             ->Question 2
Silver                      Cannot access to Path A secret class    ->Question 2
Bronze                      Cannot access to Path B secret class    ->Question 2
Iron                        Cannot access to Path C secret class    ->Question 2

2) Choose a spirit which affect your growth the most.
Gnome      - Ground         Horse class                             ->Question 3
Undine     - Water          Sea class                               ->Question 3
Salamander - Fire           Magician class                          ->Question 3
Slyph      - Wind           Air class                               ->Question 3

3) Choose a Horoscope to craft on your gemstone.
Capricorn    - Ground       D+2 DF+2 MC-1                           ->Question 4
Aquarius     - Wind         AT+1 INT+6 RD+7 MC-1                    ->Question 4
Pisces       - Water        INT+2 MP+2 LI+2 DF-1 D-1 A+2            ->Question 4
Aries        - Fire         AT+1 JD+3 DF-1                          ->Question 4
Taurus       - Ground       D+1 RA+3 INT-4                          ->Question 4
Gemini       - Fire         INT+7 MP+4 RA-3                         ->Question 4
Cancer       - Water        MC+1 M+4 DF-1                           ->Question 4
Leo          - Fire         AT+1 DF+1 A+1 INT-3                     ->Question 4
Virgo        - Ground       D+1 RA+4 A-1                            ->Question 4
Libra        - Wind         M+3 MC+1 INT-4                          ->Question 4
Scorpio      - Water        AT+2 DF+2 INT+4 D-1                     ->Question 4
Sagittaurius - Fire         MV+2 AT+1 DF+1 RA-6                     ->Question 4

4) Choose a gemstone. (Affect Lambda's status)
Onyx     -Capricorn Aquarius HolyBlaze LI-1                         ->Question 5
Amethyst -Pisces Sagittarius INT+3 LI+3                             ->Question 5
Ruby     -Aries Scorpio Leo  Regenerate RA-8 M-8                    ->Question 5
Emerald  -Taurus Libra       Match with question 9c to gain bonus   ->Question 5
Topaz    -Gemini Leo Virgo   Regenerate AT-2 DF-2                   ->Question 5
Aquamarine -Cancer           RI+15 LI+2                             ->Question 5
Obsidian -Capricorn Aquarius Critical JudgementUP AT+1              ->Question 5
Sugilite -Pisces Sagittarius Teleport                               ->Question 5
Garnet   -Aries Scorpio      DF+1 (3 random party members)          ->Question 5
Malachite -Taurus Libra      CurePoison                             ->Question 5
Argent   -Gemini Virgo       Critical RD+15                         ->Question 5
Sapphire -Cancer             RH+5 ArchAngel                         ->Question 5
**If the answer for question 2 and question 3 does not match, you will receive
penalty. If the answer for question 3 and 4 match, you will receive the
following bonus
1. AT DF A D Action Point Merc MC. One of the status will +1 or -1
2. INT M Action Point Judgement MP. One of the status will +2 or -2
3. Resist All +6 or -6

5) Choose your Temperament.
Nice                         LI+2 DF+1                              ->Question6A
Decisive                     Action Point+2 Action Point Merc+1     ->Question6B
Courage                      AT+1 INT+2 MP+3                        ->Question6C
Powerful                     AT+2 DF+1                              ->Question6D

6A) What will he do when he crushed on someone?
Active                       INT+6 A+1 Lambda Brenda Love Index+1   ->Question7B
Passive                      INT+4 D+1 Claret Love Index+2          ->Question7A
Doubt                        INT+3 RD+12 MP+5 MPAbsorb LI-2         ->Question7C
No respond                   INT+2 MP+4 Slow Bind LI-1              ->Question7D

6B) What can save him from despair?
Consciousness                INT+2 RA+2 V+2                         ->Question7C
Lover and friends            Match with question 7B to receive bonus->Question7B
Time flow                    Gold+770P                              ->Question7D
Miracle                      Critical RH+15 Cross Gold+70P          ->Question7A

6C) Which emotion is core of courage?
Friendship and Love          Fain LI+2                              ->Question7B
Fighting Spirit              INT+2 RA+2 M+2                         ->Question7C
Fair Heart                   DF+2 RA+1                              ->Question7A
Strong Hatred                AT+2 A+1                               ->Question7D

6D) What is the meaning of power?
Smart                        INT+5 MP+3                             ->Question7D
Battle Ability               A+1 D+1                                ->Question7C
Strong Spirit                Resist All+5                           ->Question7A
Command Ability              Match with question7B to receive bonus ->Question7B

7A) What do you think of Lushiris(Goddess of Light) and Chaos
Pledge to Lushiris           RH+15 RD-5 M+3                         ->Question8A
Pledge to Chaos              AT+1 RD+30 RH-10                       ->Question8D
Do not pledge to both        A+1 D+1                                ->Question8C
Rely on self-consciousness   Match with question8A to receive bonus ->Question8A

7B) Choose your favorite color
Violet Lambda AT+1 LI+2 RA+2 *Bonus From6B Action Point+2 A+1 D+1   ->Question8A
White  Claret AT+1 LI+2 RA+2 *Bonus From6B Action Point+2 A+1 D+1   ->Question8C
Yellow Brenda AT+1 LI+2 RA+2 *Bonus From6B Action Point+2 A+1 D+1   ->Question8D
Red    A+1 D+1 AT+1 DF+1 RA+2*Bonus From6B Alfred+Lanford AP+1 A+1  ->Question8B
**If the previous question was question 6B or question 6D, you will receive
bonus. The bonus points adds to the corresponding character, not Sigma.

7C) Choose an animal instinct to add into the battle program
Tiger                        AT+4 DF+2 A-1 D-1                      ->Question8A
Wolf                         AT-1 DF-1 A+2 Action Point Merc+2      ->Question8B
Horse                        MV+2 V+2                               ->Question8C
Eagle                        A+2 MV+2                               ->Question8D

7D) What is your interest?
Wealth and Authority         Gold +50P Necklace                     ->Question8C
Eternal beauty               INT+3 LI+2                             ->Question8B
Lost knowledge               INT+6 MP+4 Zone                        ->Question8A
Conqueror Strategy           D+1 All characters Merc Count+1        ->Question8D

8A) What will you use your power for?
Domination             INT+1 MC+1 SwordEquip *Bonus from7A A+1 APM+1->Question9A
God                    AP+4 *Bonus from7A AT+1 MV+2                 ->Question9D
Peace                  INT+4 DF+1 *Bonus from7A DF+1 D+1 RA+1 M+1   ->Question9B
Happiness              M+2 LI+2 *Bonus from7A all characters M+1    ->Question9C
** You will receive bonus by answering "domination" if you had answered "Rely on
self-consciousness" for quesiton 7A

8B) What do you think of a man?
Burning Soul                 MP+2 Heal1                             ->Question9D
Steel Body                   DF+1 RA+2                              ->Question9C
Love to fight                A+2                                    ->Question9B
Justice                      D+1 M+1                                ->Question9A

8C) What do you feel before battle?
Fight with instinct          AT+2 A+2 INT-2 M-2 RA-2                ->Question9D
Fight with hatred            AT+2 DF-1 INT+4                        ->Question9C
Self-sacrifice               AT-1 DF-1 INT-2 RA-2 A+1 D+1 M+2       ->Question9A
Self-defense                 INT+4 Heal1                            ->Question9B

8D) Which type of battle do you like the most
Ambush                       MV+2 V+2 Critical AT-1 DF-1 A-1 D-1    ->Question9C
Amount                       MC+1, Lambda MC+1                      ->Question9B
Information                  INT+2 AP+2 A+2 AT-1 DF-1               ->Question9A
Psychology                   INT+2 MP+6                             ->Question9D

9A) Which group of troops you like the most
Small elite force            MC-1 A+1 D+1 M+1                       ->Question10
Weak but large group         MC+2 A-1 D-1 M-2                       ->Question10
Strong commander             AT+2 DF+2 RA+3 A-1 D-1 M-2             ->Question10
Loyal troops                 APM+2 V+2                              ->Question10

9B) You was ambushed by the enemy, what will you do?
Retreat                        MV+2 V+2                             ->Question10
Counterattack                  Attack1 A+1 APM+1                    ->Question10
Defend                         Protection1 D+1 M+2                  ->Question10
Buy some time to examine enemy Heal1 INT+3 MP+4                     ->Question10

9C) Choose one of the following to strengthen yourself
Battle skill            AT+2 DF+1 *Bonus from4 AT+2 DF+1            ->Question10
Knowledge               INT+5 MP+5 RA+3 *Bonus from4 INT+5 MP+5 RA+3->Question10
Command ability         AP+2 APM+2 *Bonus from4 AP+2 APM+2          ->Question10
Charisma                LI+3 MC+1 *Bonus from5 LI+3 MC+1            ->Question10
**If you answered "Emerald" for question4, and your previous question was
question 8A, question 8B,question 8C or question 8D, you will receive bonus.

9D) Which instinct do you want to enhance?
Hunt                    DF+2                                        ->Question10
Sleep                   INT+2 MP+3 Sleep                            ->Question10
Attack                  AT+2 AP+1                                   ->Question10
Sex                     LI+3 Confuse                                ->Question10

10) What do you search for in battle
All comrades died but you are alive AT+4 DF+5 RA+10 All char DF-1   ->Question11
Comrades alive but you died         AT+2 DF-2 All char DF+1         ->Question11
Keep secret and killyour comrade    AT+5 DF+2 LI+3                  ->Question11
Ignore orders and care for others   DF+1 D+2 M+3 LI+1               ->Question11
**1) you did not answered "Emerald" for quesition 4
  2) you answered "Emerald" for question 4, but your previous question was 9C
 you will be asked Question 11 after this question. 
On the other hand, if you
1) Answered "Emerald" for question 4
2) your previous quesiton was not question 9C
you will be asked question 9C after this question.

11) Which skill do you think is important?
Theology                D+1 Heal1 Resist INT+4 MP+2                 ->END
Magic                   A+1 FireBall Freeze INT+4 MP+4              ->END
Defensive skill         Protection1 AT+2 M+2 DF+1 D+1               ->END
Offensive skill         Attack1 AT+3 A+2                            ->END

Recommeded path
Salamander, Gnome, Sylph
Information War
Loyal to commander
All comrades died but you are alive

����m (hakuyoukyu) = Aries ("white sheep constellation")
��ţ�m (kingyuukyuu) = Taurus ("gold cow constellation")
˫���m (soujikyuu) = Gemini ("pair child constellation")
��з�m (kyokaikyuu) = Cancer ("great crab constellation")
�{�ӌm (shishikyuu) = Leo ("lion constellation")
�I�m (shojokyuu) = Virgo ("condemned woman constellation")
��ӌm (tembinkyuu) = Libra ("heavenly scales constellation")
��ϐ�m (tenkatsukyuu) = Scorpio ("heavenly scorpion constellation")
���R�m (jimbakyuu) = Sagittarius ("person horse constellation")
ĥ�Ɍm (makatsukyuu) = Capricorn ("improved barbarian constellation")
��ƿ�m (houheikyuu) = Aquarius ("treasure jar constellation")
˫�~�m (sougyokyuu) = Pisces ("pair fish constellation")

Discard secret class, DragonMaster
Choose Magician, Horse, Air as your classes
AT+4 JD+3 DF+3 INT+8 RA+12 MP+2 AP+4
V+2 A+4 MV+2 D+1 APM+3
DF+1 (3 random party members)
All characters DF-1
Heal1 Resist

Lambda status
1. AT DF A D Action Point Merc MC. One of the status will +1
2. INT M Action Point Judgement MP. One of the status will +2
3. Resist All +6

Walkthrough                                                              [WALK2]
Scenario 1
Winning Condition:
1. Sigma and Lambda escape to northwest corner
2. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma or Lambda

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Omega          1 Am 38 27  2  3 10  7  5 13 59 90

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        1 Gr 20 16  0  5  0  1  0 12 50 40
Fighter        1 Gr 20 16  0  5  0  1  0 12 50 40
SwordMaster    5 Gr 46 37 11  8 14 14 16 14 53 95F107I100
              EQUIP: Mithril Sword Dragon Scale Greave
BattleMaster   1 Gr 30 25  3  7  8  9  3 12 53 75


Secret Item:
You will notice that there are 3 small boxes around the map. One is at the west,
which is just above enemy ground unit. The other is at north of Sigma and
Lambda. The last one is at the left of Omega.
Wand - Travel to west box, east box and finally north box.
Dark Robe - Travel to east box, then west box and finally north box.
*You must use air unit to obtain these secret items.

Love Index:
During Battle, Sigma reach the exit first
1) A bit worry - Lambda+1
2) Go faster   - Lambda-1
3) Accuse      - No change

After Battle, Lambda asks Sigma to go first
1) Follow her orders - Lambda+1
2) Ignore her orders - Lambda-1

This scenario is easy since both you and your enemy cannot hire any mercenaries.
First, move Lambda and Sigma to west. Then, have Lambda cast Fire to weaken
any enemy who comes near your party. Next, use Sigma to defeat the weaken
enemies. Finally just go northwest to clear this scenario. Please note that you
always have to run in the first scenario, it happens all the time from
langrisser 1 to Langrisser 5. Don't try to attack RainForest and Aizel. Omega
will show up on turn 2 but he won't be much help. So, it is better that you stay
away from those strong enemies.

Scenario 2
Winning Condition:
1. Sigma and Lambda escape via west
2. Defeat Aizel

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma or Lambda

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
KnightMaster   1 Hr 39 26  7  9 15  7  6 21 43 82        Dragoon*2   29 20 16 81
Marshal        1 Gr 18 15  9  8  0  1  7 11 55 80        Phalanx*2   23 24 12 82

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        1 Gr 20 16  0  5  0  0  0 12 50 45        Soldier*2   20 14 12 50
Fighter        1 Gr 20 16  0  5  0  0  0 12 50 45        Soldier*2   20 14 12 50
BattleMaster   6 Gr 33 28  5  7 10 10  5 12 53 75        Grenadier*2 26 21 12 80

Knife                 30P   AT+1
Robe                  50P   DF+1 Resist All+2

Secret Item:
In the river at the middle of the map. Go to the small stone in the middle of
the river. It is between 2 bridges.
1) 50P
2) AT+1
3) Nothing

Love Index:
During Battle, Sigma reach the exit first
1) A bit worry - Lambda+1
2) Go faster   - Lambda-1
3) Keep quiet  - No change

Let Sigma go southwest and Lambda go northwest. They should be able to take on
their own opponents without any problem. Then, have Sigma travel west and stay
away from Aizel if your character is not strong enough. Later, Selena and Willa
from Langrisser IV will show up to help you. Let Selena deal with Aizel while
you can take this chance to escape.

Scenario 3
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Goldory

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Alfred
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred(later)

NPC Strength:
Alfred Claret
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
PengasusKnight 8 Ar 25 15  2  7  4  2  2 21 30 55        Hippogriff*420 13 15 57

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        1 Gr 20 18  0  5  0  1  0 12 50 55        Soldier*2   20 14 12 50
Fighter        1 Gr 20 18  0  5  0  1  0 12 50 55        Pike*2      18 18 12 50
Knight         4 Hr 25 15  0  6  3  0  0 19 35 50        Lancer*3    24 15 16 50

Knife                 30P   AT+1
Staff                150P   AT+1 MR+2 MD+1
Robe                  50P   DF+1 Resist All+2

Secret Item:
West of the map where there is a small hole in the middle of the forest
1) 2 more options
   a) All Love Index+1, get Kon Stick
   b) Brenda, Claret Love Index+1, get Megin Gjord
2) Nothing
3) Nothing

Get 450P after the battle.

Love Index:

Claret will escape from battlefield. So, you can just ignore her. Alfred will
move to the forest on the east of the map. Send Sigma and Lambda east to kill
the Pike group first. Then, have Sigma travel north to kill another group of
soldier. Finally, let Lambda rendezvous with Alfred and let Alfred kill Goldory.

Scenario 4
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Willa and reach the north exit in 20 turns
2. Defeat all enemies in 20 turns

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma
2. Willa escaped via north
3. Turn over

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred

NPC Strength:
Civilian1 Civilian2 Civilian3
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Woman          1 Gr 20 18  0  4  0  1  0 10 45 30        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30
Woman          1 Gr 20 18  0  4  0  1  0 10 45 30        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30
Man            1 Gr 22 20  0  5  2  2  0 12 45 35        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        1 Gr 20 18  0  5  0  1  0 12 50 55        Soldier*2   20 14 12 50
Knight         4 Hr 25 15  0  6  3  0  0 19 35 50        lancer*2    24 15 16 50
Knight         6 Hr 25 16  1  6  3  1  1 19 40 50        Lancer*2    24 15 16 51
Marshal        1 Gr 18 15  9  8  0  1  7 11 58 80        Pike*1      18 18 12 57

Enemy Reinforcement: (Defeat Goldani or Turn 5)
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        1 Gr 20 18  0  5  0  1  0 12 50 55        Pike*2      18 18 12 50

Knife                 30P   AT+1
Gladius              200P   AT+2
Hand Axe             160P   AT+2
Staff                150P   AT+1 MR+2 MD+1
Clothes               40P   DF+1
Robe                  50P   DF+1 Resist All+2

Secret Item:
Middle of the map. The barrel inside the building where Willa was.
1) Learn Attack1
2) Nothing

Love Index:

Let Lambda and Alfred handle the enemies on the south of the map. They should
hold their position (Lambda on the left and Alfred on the right) and let the
enemies rush towards them. Sigma should just travel a bit north but he should
keep a distance with Willa or he will be attacked by the knight. Most of the
time, Willa will go west after he got out from the building. After defeating
both enemies on the south, enemy reinforcement will arrive. Lambda and Alfred
should travel north as fast as possible to rendezvous with Sigma. Then, use
Alfred to kill the knight. Willa is trying to escape but he is slow, you
should be able to catch up with him. Finally, defeat Willa to clear this

Scenario 5
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred

NPC Strength:
Brenda Mercenary Mercenary(Normal)
Brenda Mercenary(Hard)
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Knight         8 Hr 26 17  1  6  4  2  1 19 40 50      HeavyLancer*4 22 21 15 56
Knight         8 Hr 26 17  1  6  4  2  1 19 40 50      HeavyLancer*4 22 21 15 56

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
BattleMaster   1 Gr 30 25  3  7  8  9  3 12 53 75        Soldier*2   20 14 12 53
Fighter        2 Gr 21 18  0  5  0  2  0 12 50 55        Pike*3      18 18 12 50
Fighter        2 Gr 21 18  0  5  0  2  0 12 50 55        Pike*3      18 18 12 50
Knight         1 Hr 23 15  0  6  1  0  0 19 40 50        Lancer*2    24 15 16 50
Knight         6 Hr 26 15  1  6  4  0  0 19 35 50        Lancer*3    24 15 16 50

Gladius              200P   AT+2
Hand Axe             160P   AT+2
Kon Stick            150P   AT+3 Action+3Penalty Critical
Staff                150P   AT+1 MR+2 MD+1
Robe                  50P   DF+1 Resist All+2
Leg Guarder           40P   DF+1

Secret Item:
Northeast corner of the map. It looks like a small mountain between the river
and ruined house.
1) MP+3
2) MP+2, Resist Holy+2 
3) MP+1, Resist Holy+2, Resist Dark+2
4) Nothing

Love Index:
After battle, when Brenda says she wants to join your party.
1) Brenda should be fine              - Brenda+1
2) Looks like you really want to join - Brenda-1(defeated)OR -2(not defeated)
3) Are you a strong comrade?          - Brenda-1(defeated)OR -2(not defeated)

Let Alfred travel northeast and kill the Horse units. Lambda and Sigma should
stick together. Have Lambda cast Fire to hurt the enemy and then kill them with
Sigma. Then cast Attack1 on Sigma and send him to kill Aizel. Brenda will show
up with her mercenaries once you defeated Goldory, she can defeat Aizel easily.
So, you need to get to Aizel as soon as possible to prevent her from robbing
your EXP.

Scenario 6
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Elvis

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Alfred
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Brenda Alfred(later)

NPC Strength:

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Knight         1 Hr 23 15  0  6  1  0  0 19 40 50        Lancer*2    24 15 16 50
Fighter        1 Gr 20 18  0  5  0  1  0 12 50 55        Pike*2      18 18 12 50
Fighter        2 Gr 21 18  0  5  0  2  0 12 50 55        Pike*3      18 18 12 50
Gladiator      1 Gr 25 22  1  6  3  5  1 12 52 65        Soldier*4   20 14 12 51
Fighter        2 Gr 21 18  0  5  0  2  0 12 50 55        Soldier*3   20 14 12 50
Knight         1 Hr 23 15  0  6  1  0  0 19 40 50        Lancer*2    24 15 16 50

Gladius              200P   AT+2
Main Gauche          350P   AT+1,DF+1
Hand Axe             160P   AT+2
Kon Stick            150P   AT+3 Action+3Penalty Critical
Lance               1100P   AT+4 Action+3Penalty
Staff                150P   AT+1 MR+2 MD+1
Robe                  50P   DF+1 RA+2
Leg Guarder           40P   DF+1
Cross                200P   D+1 [M+2 RA+2(RH+5 and RD+5)]

Secret Item:
West of the map. East of Alfred, where there is a stick in the middle of the sea
1) Nothing happened
2) Mercenaries+1

Love Index:
During battle, when Sigma knows Alfred killed his father
1) Is it true?                        - Claret+2
2) You don't have the guts to do that - Brenda-1 Claret-1 Lambda+1
3) How can that be?                   - Lambda+1 Claret+1
4) err....                            - Lambda+2

The first thing you need to do is rush to Alfred. Use Brenda to ambush enemy
Horse unit. Then Sigma and Lambda should take care of the other group of enemy.
Then, when you are about to reach Alfred, you can gain control of him. Send him
to press the switch and rush to the back of your main force. You need to use him
to dispatch the horse who is travelling inside the forest. Then, use Sigma to
dispatch the Pike enemy who is chasing Alfred. Lambda should keep on casting
her magic to weaken the enemies. Then, use Brenda to kill all the remaining
ground units.

After the battle, you will see Landius, Langrisser IV main character. He killed
Bozel and Gizarov. You should thank the programmer since you never meet him on
battlefield or you will be wiped out for sure.

Scenario 7
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Aizel

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Warlock        4 Mg 22 16  7  4  2  0  1 10 60 65Dr75    Elf*2       16  6 13 76
Fighter        3 Gr 21 19  0  5  1  2  0 12 50 55        Pike*2      18 18 12 50
Healer         4 Hl 20 18  6  4  0  2  1 10 60 70H+1D85  Elf*2       16  6 13 76
Knight         3 Hr 24 16  0  6  2  1  0 19 40 50        Lancer*2    24 15 16 50
BattleMaster   1 Gr 30 25  3  7  8  9  3 12 53 7         Soldier*2   20 14 12 53

Gladius              200P   AT+2
Main Gauche          350P   AT+1,DF+1
Staff                150P   AT+1 MR+2 MD+1
Wand                 800P   INT+5 MR+4 MD+1
Robe                  50P   DF+1 RA+2
Leg Guarder           40P   DF+1
Cross                200P   D+1 [M+2 RA+2(RH+5 and RD+5)]

Secret Item:
Northwest of the map. There is a rock north of westmost starting point
1) Learn Heal1
2) Learn MPDrain
*Air unit only

Top of southwest stairs, where you can see something shiny.
1) Nothing
2) 500P
3) Nothing

Love Index:
What do you want to do from now onwards
1) Ask Lambda              - Lambda-1
2) Ask Brenda              - Brenda+2
3) Think about it yourself - All Love Index+1

Rush out of the poisonous smoke as fast as you can since it can drain your HP
every turn. All mercenaries need to stay close to their commander to regenerate
HP. You should put Sigma at front followed by Alfred. Horse cannot travel fast
in this scenario because of terrain cost. Plan your move carefully and ambush
the Pike group with Sigma once you get out of the smoke area. Now the enemy will
start attacking. use Sigma to kill the Warlock on the right. Then, Use Alfred
to kill the Warlock who goes after Sigma. Then, Alfred should attack the Horse
group and Brenda should take on Aizel. Sigma should be able to heal if you
followed my instruction. As for Lambda, she is always work as support unit who
cast magic like Attack1 or elemental magic. Just remember to cast Attack1 on
Brenda before she attacks Aizel.

Scenario 8
Winning Condition:
1. All party mambers reach southwest bridge
2. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        7 Gr 22 19  1  5  1  3  1 12 50 55        Pike*3      18 18 12 51
Knight         7 Hr 25 16  1  6  3  1  1 19 40 50        Lancer*3    24 15 16 51
Fighter        7 Gr 22 19  1  5  1  3  1 12 50 55        Soldier*3   20 14 12 51
Fighter        7 Gr 22 19  1  5  1  3  1 12 50 55        Pike*4      18 18 12 51

Enemy Reinforcement:(1 Turn after defeating 3 commanders or Defeat 4 commanders
or reach the middle of the map or Turn 9)
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
KnightMaster   1 Hr 42 30  5  9 14  7  9 17 41 85        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 84
              EQUIP: Long Sword Great Armor

Gladius              200P   AT+2
Main Gauche          350P   AT+1,DF+1
Staff                150P   AT+1 MR+2 MD+1
Wand                 800P   INT+5 MR+4 MD+1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Robe                  50P   DF+1 RA+2
Leg Guarder           40P   DF+1
Cross                200P   D+1 [M+2 RA+2(RH+5 and RD+5)]

Secret Item:
Southeast of the map, where there is a tree in black color.
1) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) Two more options
   a) Unlock secret below
   b) Nothing
South of the map, there is a tree at the edge of hill.
1) Get secret ticket to access Scenario ?1
2) Nothing

Love Index:
Before battle, when Lambda says they should travel faster
1) worry about Alfred  - Brenda+1 Lambda-1
2) Scold Alfred        - Brenda-1 Lambda-1
3) Continue travelling - Brenda-1 Lambda+1

Before battle, whether Sigma trusts Lambda or not
1) I believe you                          - Lambda+3
2) Speak with the tree, it's unbelievable - Lambda-2
3) What do you mean?                      - Lambda+1

Send Alfred to kill the Horse group while Sigma kill the Pike group. Brenda and
Lambda should travel east and kill the Ground units. Then, Alfred and Sigma
should go faster and rendezvous with Lambda and Brenda because Emily from
Langrisser IV will show up at northeast corner of the map after you killed 3
groups of enemies. She is so strong that youshouldn't even think of defeating
her. Once she shows up, you should hurry to the bridge at the southwest corner
of the map to clear this scenario.  Emily is pretty fast. If you think that
Emily can catch up with you, you should ignore the enemies nearby when this
scenario starts and travel south. Then, you can deal with them inside the
forest. In this way, Emily will never catch up with you.

Scenario ?1
Winning Condition:
1. Buy all items at the shop.

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
MaidLeader     1 Gr 20 18  0  4  0  1  0 12 45 35
MaidLeader     1 Gr 20 18  0  4  0  1  0 12 45 35        Maid*4       0  6 11 30

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Builder        1 Gr 27 25 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90
Builder        1 Gr 27 25 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90
Builder        1 Gr 27 25 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90

Enemy Reinforcement:(Turn 3)
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Woman         10 Gr 37 25  0  6  6  5  0 12 45 50        Crawler*1   21 16 18 40
              EQUIP: Necklace
Woman         10 Gr 37 25  0  6  6  5  0 12 45 50        Gel*1       18 20 13 40
              EQUIP: Necklace
Woman         10 Gr 37 25  0  6  6  5  0 12 45 50        Ortros*1    30 18 18 60
              EQUIP: Necklace
Woman         10 Gr 37 25  0  6  6  5  0 12 45 50        PoisonTodd*122 10 15 40
              EQUIP: Necklace
Main Gauche          350P   AT+1,DF+1
Kris                 650P   AT+3,Skill:Critical
Long Sword           750P   AT+3
Wand                 800P   INT+5 MR+4 MD+1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Greave               400P   DF+2
Necklace             650P   D+1 CR+2 MC+1

Secret Item:

Love Index:

You cannot hire any Mercenaries in this Scenario. All you have to do is let all
your characters reach the bottom of the map and buy all 4 items. Each person can
only buy once. Builder would not attack you, so you do not have to worry. On
Turn 3, more enemies will show up. They have high stats and they will attack you
like hell. So, you have to stay away from them and get to the bottom as soon as
possible. You can kill the builder if you want extra EXP.

Here is the list of what the character should buy. You can only get those items
once, Scenario Select cheat will not replenish the items
Sigma  - Apron Dress. Sigma can learn again and Critical via class change.
Lambda - Maid Contract. Lambda doesn't need Critical and she can learn Again.
Brenda - Critical Book. Brenda needs to learn Critical because she is a fighter.
Alfred - Time Book. Alfred needs to learn Again because all other characters can
         learn this magic via class change.

Scenario 9
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Jessica or Claret
2. Death of all civilians
3. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda

NPC Strength:
Claret Jessica Civilian Civilian Civilian
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Woman          6 Gr 21 19  0  4  1  2  0 10 45 30        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30
Man            3 Gr 23 21  0  5  3  2  0 12 45 35        Civilian*6   0  8 11 30
Woman          6 Gr 21 19  0  4  1  2  0 10 45 30        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30
Summoner       1 Sm 27 20 32  6  8  4  6 10 60 80D90     Soldier*2   20 14 12 56
PengasusKnight 9 Ar 27 16  4  7  4  2  2 23 33 55W35G--  Hippogriff*420 13 17 57

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
GelGazer       3 Gl 20 20  0  5  1  1  0 12 45 45F25D--  Gel*4       18 20 11 40
KillerTiger    1 SH 26 17  1  7  4  2  1 19 40 55D65     Scorpion*4  27 10 15 41
StoneGolem     7 Sp 21 21  0  6  1  3  1 13 40 70D--     BoneGolem*4 19 19 11 66
Scylla         1 SS 24 21  1  7  3  5  4 16 45 45D55     DarkMerman*423 12 14 49
DarkFighter    7 Gr 23 20  1  5  2  4  3 12 50 45D65     Wolfman*4   20 14 13 53
DarkMaster     2 Sm 46 31 55 10 19 12 18 10 61 127H99D-- DarkGuard*6 26 22 12103

Main Gauche          350P   AT+1,DF+1
Kris                 650P   AT+3,Skill:Critical
Long Sword           750P   AT+3
Wand                 800P   INT+5 MR+4 MD+1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Greave               400P   DF+2
Necklace             650P   D+1 CR+2 MC+1

Secret Item:
Northeast of the map. Barrel at the end of alley between 2 shops
Devil Axe

The barrel in front of northeast shop
1) Gaia Armor
2) Fire Orb
*Air unit only
can only choose one from these 3 items

All civilians are safe
Mirage Robe

Love Index:
All civilians are safe - All Love Index+2

Only one civilian is killed - All Love Index+1

After the battle, Lambda is getting away
1) No, it is better for me to stay here - No change
2) Alright, I will go                   - Lambda+5

Gale from Langrisser III? will leave once the battle had started. Put Lambda
at northmost starting point followed by Brenda. Alfred and Sigma should be put
at the south starting points. Lambda should straight away cast Fire on Gel.
Brenda should team up with Lambda and rush towards Jessica. On the other hand,
Sigma and Alfred should travel to the east via ship. Attack Scylla only when
she aboard the ship or you will be wiped out. Since Claret can protect the south
civilians very well, you have to focus on Jessica's side since she has only 2
soldiers and she cast cast limited magic. Lambda should cast magic once the 
enemy Special Horse unit is in her range or the civilians will be wiped out.

Scenario 10
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Winning Condition: (When Clade shows up)
1. Defeat Clade

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Claret or Jessica
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda

NPC Strength:
Claret Jessica
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Summoner       2 Sm 28 21 34  6  8  4  6 10 60 80D90     Soldier*4   20 14 12 56
PengasusKnight 9 Ar 27 16  4  7  4  2  2 23 33 55W35G--  Hippogriff*420 13 17 57

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SilverKnight   2 Hr 27 17  1  7  5  2  1 19 40 55        Lancer*4    24 15 16 51
Gladiator      2 Hr 24 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*4   20 14 12 51
Gladiator      2 Hr 24 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Pike*4      18 18 12 51
SilverKnight   2 Hr 27 17  1  7  5  2  1 19 40 55        Lancer*4    24 15 16 51

Enemy Reinforcement:(Defeat 3 commanders or Turn 10)
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
BraveKnight    1 Hr 35 23  3  8 10  4  5 19 41 70        Lancer*4    24 15 16 55

Kris                 650P   AT+3,Skill:Critical
Long Sword           750P   AT+3
Flail                750P   AT+4 Action+2Penalty Critical
Lance               1100P   AT+4 Action+3Penalty
Wand                 800P   INT+5 MR+4 MD+1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Greave               400P   DF+2
Necklace             650P   D+1 CR+2 MC+1

Secret Item:
Northeast of the map, where there is a crack on the floor northeast of Jessica
1) CurePoison skill
2) Petrify4

Love Index:
During Battle, lambda suspects Sigma in assisting in the assasination.
1) I have come to this continent? - Lambda+1
2) I killed the emporer?          - Lambda-1
3) Isn't it nonsense?             - Lambda-1

Finally, The main character has chance to visit the new continent and Lambda
is actually McLaine's sister.

This scenario is quite tough since enemies will focus their fire power on Claret
and Jessica. Alfred should hire Pike and handle the horse unit on northwest
corner. If Sigma can hire Pike, do so and let him handle another horse unit at
southeast corner. Lambda should travel northeast via the middle road while
Brenda should take the north raod. Later, you will be given chance to command
Jessica and Claret. It is best to let them flee via west. Lambda should cast
magic once the enemies are in her range. Brenda should just attack Pike
commander or the soldier group. Just remember to move Sigma and Alfred before
defeating 3 groups or Turn 10. Once enemy reinforcement arrived at northeast
corner, let Sigma or Alfred give Clade a warm welcome and stab them to death.

1) Both of them hold position
2) Claret flees but Jessica stay there to fight
3) Jessica flees but Claret stay there to fight
4) Both flee

if you choose 2, 3 or 4, you have to choose an escape road for them
1) east
2) middle
3) west

Scenario 11
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of all civilians
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda Claret

NPC Strength:
Civilian Civilian Civilian
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Man            1 Gr 22 20  0  5  2  2  0 12 45 35        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30
Man            1 Gr 22 20  0  5  2  2  0 12 45 35        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30
Woman          1 Gr 21 19  0  4  1  2  0 10 45 30        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Pike*3      18 18 12 51
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*3   20 14 12 51
Warlock        4 Mg 22 16  7  4  2  0  1 10 60 65D75     Elf*2       16  6 13 76
Warlock        4 Mg 22 16  7  4  2  0  1 10 60 65D75     Elf*2       16  6 13 76

Enemy Reinforcement 1:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
HawkLord       1 Ar 25 15  1  8  4  2  1 21 30 50Wd35Gr--Hippogriff*320 13 15 56

Enemy Reinforcement 2:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
HawkLord       1 Ar 25 15  1  8  4  2  1 21 30 50Wd35Gr--Hippogriff*420 13 15 56
BraveKnight    1 Hr 35 23  3  8 10  4  5 19 41 70        Lancer*3    24 15 16 55

Kris                 650P   AT+3,Skill:Critical
Long Sword           750P   AT+3
Flail                750P   AT+4 Action+2Penalty Critical
Lance               1100P   AT+4 Action+3Penalty
Wand                 800P   INT+5 MR+4 MD+1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Greave               400P   DF+2
Necklace             650P   D+1 CR+2 MC+1
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark

Secret Item:
Southwest of the map. There is a flower at the middle of the cliff
1) Nothing
2) MP+2
3) Nothing

Middle of the map. Inside the stronghold, there are 3 monuments. Check the bird
statue below the middle monument.
1) Resist Wind+2
2) Angel Feather
3) Nothing
4) Nothing
*need air unit or Ninja Skill

Love Index:
I hope we can get help
1) I hope so            - Claret+2
2) Will it go smoothly? - Brenda+1 Lambda+1
3) Did not answer       - Claret-2

When the battle start, you will be given a chance to order the civilians. You
can either ask them to go inside the stronghold or circle around it. It is
better to ask them to circle around the stronghold since they will be blocking
your way if you let them move into the stronghold. The left bridge to go into
the stronghold is locked. You need to use air unit to unlock it. Before that,
you need to take care of the enemies who are guarding the bridge. When civilians
reach the middle of the map or during Turn 8, enemy reinforcement 1 will show
up, you should put your units there to ambush them. 2 Turns later, enemy
reinforcement 2 will show up. If you didn't unlock the bridge, enemy HawkLord
will do it for you. Clade will just stay there before the bridge is unlocked.
Kill the HawkLord first since he can reach you faster than Clade. Then, use
Lambda to cast magic on Clade to weaken him. Finally just use Sigma or Alfred
to kill Clade.

Scenario 12
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda Claret

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Woman          1 Gr 21 19  0  4  1  2  0 10 45 30        Civilian*3   0  8 11 30
Fighter        5 Gr 22 19  1  5  1  3  1 12 50 55        Civilian*5   0  8 11 31
Man            3 Gr 23 21  0  5  3  2  0 12 45 35

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Transporter410 13  9 31
                                                         Pike*2      18 18 14 51
SilverKnight   1 Hr 26 17  1  7  4  2  1 19 55 55        Transporter410 13  9 31
                                                         HeavyLancer222 21 17 56
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Transporter410 13  9 31
                                                         Soldier*2   20 14 14 51
SilverKnight   1 Hr 26 17  1  7  4  2  1 19 55 55        Transporter410 13  9 31
                                                         HeavyLancer222 21 17 56
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Pike*5      18 18 12 51
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*4   20 14 14 51

Long Sword           750P   AT+3
Great Sword         1000P   AT+4
Flail                750P   AT+4 Action+2Penalty Critical
Lance               1100P   AT+4 Action+3Penalty
Wand                 800P   INT+5 MR+4 MD+1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Greave               400P   DF+2
Necklace             650P   D+1 CR+2 MC+1
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark

Secret Item:
Two flowers on northwest cliff. It is just a bit southeast of starting point.
1) Teleport
2) Second Question

Second Question
1) Regenerate
2) Nothing
*Air units only

Bird nest at the middle of the pillar on center of the map.
1) Nothing
2) Nothing
3) Able to hire SnowDragon after Scenario 20.
*Air units only

Love Index:
After the battle, Sigma will have a conversation with Claret
1) Say nothing    - No change
2) Tell the truth - Claret+4

All the enemy commanders with transporter will try to escape via southeast. You
have to send your horse and air units to go after them. The rest of your troops
should go south and kill the rest of the enemies. The transporter will reach the
southeast corner and escape around turn 8, you need to act fast! Fortunately
the enemies are quite weak, you should not have any trouble killing them.

Scenario 13
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all guards

Winning Condition: (When Clade shows up)
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Guard escaped
2. Death of Sigma

Losing Condition: (When Clade shows up)
1. Death of Liberalist
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda Claret

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Man            8 Gr 24 22  0  5  4  3  0 12 45 35
Man            8 Gr 24 22  0  5  4  3  0 12 45 35
Man            8 Gr 24 22  0  5  4  3  0 12 45 35
Man            8 Gr 24 22  0  5  4  3  0 12 45 35
Man            8 Gr 24 22  0  5  4  3  0 12 45 35

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        9 Gr 23 20  1  5  2  4  1 12 50 55        Pike*4      18 18 12 51
Knight         9 Hr 26 17  1  6  4  2  1 19 40 50        Lancer*3    24 15 16 51
Fighter        9 Gr 23 20  1  5  2  4  1 12 50 55        Soldier*4   18 18 12 51

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
HawkKnight     8 Ar 25 15  1  7  4  2  1 21 30 45Wd30Gr--Hippogriff*420 13 15 56
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Pike*4      18 18 12 51
Equanil        1 Hl 22 19  9  5  1  4  3 10 60 77H+10D92 Monk*2      19 13 12 66
BraveKnight    1 Hr 35 23  3  8 10  5  4 19 41 70        Lancer*5    24 15 16 55
Gladiator      2 Gr 24 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*4   20 14 12 51

Long Sword           750P   AT+3
Great Sword         1000P   AT+4
Flail                750P   AT+4 Action+2Penalty Critical
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Wand                 800P   INT+5 MR+4 MD+1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Greave               400P   DF+2
Necklace             650P   D+1 CR+2 MC+1
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark
Crystal Ank          850P   DF+1 D+1 [M+5 RA+5(RH+8 and RD+8)]

Secret Item:
Northwest of the map, there is a rock in the water which is surrounded by 3trees
- Angel Feather Garb

Love Index:
Before the battle, Brenda asks Sigma a question
1) Leave it to me     - Claret+1 Brenda+1
2) For your sake      - Brenda+2
3) I am the strongest - Lambda+1

Put your high mobility troops on both side of starting point. Then, move quickly
to prevent enemies from escaping from the building. After you killed some
enemies, enemy reinforcement will show up, air units on west, Gladiator and
Equanil on south, the rest on east. Then, you have chance to give command to
the prisoners. Just choose the second option and let them stay in their own
cell. Brenda and Sigma should take care of the enemies on west and south while
Alfred and Lambda should take care of the enemies on the east. Lambda should
stay at the middle of the building and cast magic to support your units.

After Clade shows up, you are given a chance to command the prisoners.
1) Wait inside their own cells
2) Escaped from cell

Scenario 14
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda Claret

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonKnight   1 Ar 32 17  4  9 10  5  3 21 31 70FI85Wd55Hippogriff*420 13 15 58

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
HawkLord       1 Ar 25 15  1  8  4  2  1 21 30 50Wd35Gr--Hippogriff*520 13 15 56
DragonKnight   2 Ar 34 18  4  9 13  7  6 21 32 70FI85Wd55Hippogriff*420 13 15 61
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 41
DragonKnight   1 Ar 32 17  4  9 10  5  3 21 31 70FI85Wd55Hippogriff*420 13 15 58
HawkLord       1 Ar 25 15  1  8  4  2  1 21 30 50Wd35Gr--Hippogriff*520 13 15 56
HawkLord       1 Ar 25 15  1  8  4  2  1 21 30 50Wd35Gr--Hablok*4    19 10 17 81
HawkLord       1 Ar 25 15  1  8  4  2  1 21 30 50Wd35Gr--SkyArcher*4 16  5 15 36

Long Sword           750P   AT+3
Great Sword         1000P   AT+4
Battle Axe          1600P   AT+5 MV-1 Action+3Penalty
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Wand                 800P   INT+5 MR+4 MD+1
Crystal Rod         1200P   INT+5 MR+5 MD+1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Greave               400P   DF+2
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 Resist All+10 except Holy Dark
Crystal Ank          850P   DF+1 D+1 [M+5 RA+5(RH+8 and RD+8)]

Secret Item:
There is a switch at the north of the plane.
- CurePoison Skill

Love Index:
Before the battle, When your party discuss about Brenda
1) It is not true       - No Change
2) I don't know         - Claret-1 Brenda-1
3) I believe in Brenda  - Brenda+1

During the battle, Claret convinces Eric within 4 turns - Claret+2
Claret attacks Eric                                     - Claret-4
Eric attacks Claret                                     - Claret-2
Eric is defeated                                        - Claret-4

You should stay defensive in this scenario. Let your characters deploy anti-air,
Spear Type or Bow type units. Put Sigma and Brenda at southwest and southeast
starting point and let them deal with the enemies on southern part of the map.
Claret should go to convice Eric. She can convince Eric automatically when they
are close to each other. Let Claret anti-air units deal with enemy commander
since he is stronger.

Scenario 15
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda Claret

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Equanil        1 Hl 22 19  9  5  1  4  3 10 60 77H+10D92 Monk*4      19 13 12 66
General        1 Gr 28 24  3  7  6  8  3 11 52 75        Soldier*4   20 14 12 53
                                                         Pike*2      18 18 14 53
SilverKnight   1 Hr 26 17  1  7  4  2  1 19 40 55        Lancer*5    24 15 16 51
Sorcerer       1 Mg 23 18 10  5  4  1  2 10 60 72        Elf*3       16  6 13 77
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Pike*4      18 18 12 51

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonKnight   4 Ar 35 19  5  9 13  8  6 21 32 70        Hippogriff*420 13 15 61
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 41
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  3 19 41 70        HeavyLancer322 21 15 58
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  3 19 41 70        HeavyLancer322 21 15 58
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  3 19 41 70        HeavyLancer322 21 15 58
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  3 19 41 70        HeavyLancer322 21 15 58

Great Sword         1000P   AT+4
Battle Axe          1600P   AT+5 MV-1 Action+3Penalty
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Crystal Rod         1200P   INT+5 MR+5 MD+1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Orb                 1350P   MP+50%

Secret Item:
There are 5 switches in the building near enemies starting point. Step on all
of them. You can activate all switches in any other but the middle switch
should be activated last.
- Choose the second option to gain access to Scenario ?2

South of the map, there is a tile with 40% bonus on the outer wall of the
1) Nothing
2) Go to second question with 3 more options
3) Nothing

second questions
1) Able to hire Shade
2) Nothing
3) Nothing

Love Index:
After the battle, what fo you think about Brenda?
1) She is nice       - Brenda+2 Claret+1
2) She is suspicious - Lambda+1 Claret-1
3) She is wicked     - Claret-1 Brenda-2
*If you activated Scenario ?2, this question will be asked after you cleared
Scenario ?2.

Divide your troops wisely. Alfred and Lambda should attack from the east while
Sigma, Claret and Brenda attack from the west. Enemies will not move until you
reach the bridge, use this to your advantage. The sorcerer is quite danger since
she can cast Thunder. You can either wait for her to use up all her MP or rush
quickly to finish her off in one turn. Enemy reinforcement will arrive on Turn
15 or when you kill the enemy commander. The enemy reinforcements are strong,
you have to make sure you are in good condition before you kill the enemy
commander. If you don't want to fight, you can just escape to the edge of the
map to leave the battlefield. If you chose to fight, make sure you have Spear
units to guard both entrance. The enemy commander who attacks from north is
a threat. You should eliminate him as soon as possible. All magicians should
stay in the south of the building and cast spells to support your units.

Scenario ?2
Winning Condition:
1. Each character must sing a song within 30 turns.

Losing Condition:
1. All enemies finished singing their songs.
2. Turn Over

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda Claret

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Woman          5 Gr 21 19  0  4  1  2  0 10 45 30        Civilian*3   0  8 11 30
Woman          5 Gr 21 19  0  4  1  2  0 10 45 30        Civilian*3   0  8 11 30
Maid Lead      1 Gr 20 18  0  4  0  1  0 12 45 35
Man            2 Gr 22 20  0  5  2  2  0 12 45 35        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30
Man            2 Gr 22 20  0  5  2  2  0 12 45 35        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Builder        1 Gr 28 26 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90
Builder        1 Gr 27 25 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90
Builder        1 Gr 26 26 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90

Enemy power up:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Builder        1 Gr 31 29 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90
Builder        1 Gr 30 28 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90
Builder        1 Gr 29 29 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90

Enemy power up 2:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Builder        1 Gr 37 34 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90
Builder        1 Gr 36 35 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90
Builder        1 Gr 35 35 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90

Enemy power up 3:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Builder        1 Gr 43 41 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90
Builder        1 Gr 42 40 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90
Builder        1 Gr 41 41 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90

Great Sword         1000P   AT+4
Battle Axe          1600P   AT+5 MV-1 Action+3Penalty
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Crystal Rod         1200P   INT+5 MR+5 MD+1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Orb                 1350P   MP+50%
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5

Secret Item:

Love Index:

The enemies are strong and you can't hire any unit in this Scenario. Use Sigma,
Brenda and Alfred to kill both builders who blocked your way. Then, kill the
other builder inside the house to get mic. Move the character with mic to the
stage(which is just below the television) and let the character sing a song. On
the next turn, move the character with mic to any other character in your party.
Repeat the process until all your characters sing a song and cleared this
scenario. You have to beware of the builders. If you killed them many times,
they will power up and make this scenario harder. It is better to clear this
scenario as soon as you can since the enemies will always respawn after you
killed them.

Scenario 16
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Enemy took the hostage away
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda Claret

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Cleric         5 Bs 24 21 12  5  2  6  5 10 59 75D90H+5

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
General        1 Gr 28 24  3  7  6  8  3 11 52 75        Pike*2      18 18 12 53
                                                         Elf*2       16  6 14 78
SilverKnight   1 Hr 26 17  1  7  4  2  1 19 40 55        Lancer*4    24 15 16 51
HawkLord       1 Ar 25 15  1  8  4  2  1 21 30 50Wd35Gr--SkyArcher*4 16  5 15 36
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*4   20 14 12 51
SilverKnight   4 Hr 28 18  2  7  6  3  2 19 40 55        Lancer*5    24 15 16 52
Gladiator      4 Gr 25 21  2  6  3  5  2 12 50 65        Soldier*3   20 14 12 52
                                                         Pike*2      18 18 13 52

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
BraveKnight    1 Hr 35 23  3  8 10  4  5 19 41 70        HeavyLancer422 21 15 60
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Pike*4      18 18 12 51
Gladiator      1 Gr 23 20  1  6  2  4  1 12 50 65        Soldier*4   20 14 12 51

Great Sword         1000P   AT+4
Battle Axe          1600P   AT+5 MV-1 Action+3Penalty
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Crystal Rod         1200P   INT+5 MR+5 MD+1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Orb                 1350P   MP+50%
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5

Secret Item:
There are two switches beside the top of the cylinder. Step on the left switch
then the right. If you go to the island a bit north of the starting point on the
west, you will get the hint about this secret item but this is not necessary.
- Hedin

Love Index:
During the battle, choose a party member to save the hostage
Lambda saves the hostage - Lambda+2
Alfred saves the hostage - No Change
Brenda saves the hostage - Brenda+2
Claret saves the hostage - Claret+2

You have to choose a party member to save the hostage from the back before the
battle. So, put the party member you are going to choose at the furthest spot.
The party member you chose will not be able to participate the battle until Turn
7. Put Spear and Ground units nearest to the bridge and rush through the bridge.
Spear units should take care of the horse and air units on the west while Sigma
should take care of the enemies on the east. After you killed all the enemies
except the commander, he will backtrack to get the hostage. You should act fast
and prevent him from reaching the hostage. When enemy reinforcement shows up,
use your Spear units to guard the bridge and put the magician behind to bombard
all the units who rush to you.

Scenario 17
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Clade and Clufield

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda Claret

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Gladiator      3 Gr 24 21  2  6  3  5  2 12 50 65        Soldier*5   20 14 12 52
Gladiator      3 Gr 24 21  2  6  3  5  2 12 50 65        Pike*5      18 18 12 52
Sorcerer       1 Mg 23 18 10  5  4  1  2 10 60 72Dr82    Elf*3       16  6 13 77
BraveKnight    1 Hr 35 23  3  8 10  4  5 19 41 70        HeavyLancer422 21 15 60
                                                         Soldier*1   20 14 14 55
DragonKnight   1 Ar 33 17  4  9 12  7  5 21 32 70FI85Wd55Hippogriff*420 13 15 60
                                                         SkyArcher*1 16  5 17 40
Equanil        1 Hl 22 19  9  5  1  4  3 10 60 77H+10Dr92Monk*3      19 13 12 66
Gladiator      3 Gr 24 21  2  6  3  5  2 12 50 65        Soldier*5   20 14 12 52
Sorcerer       1 Mg 23 18 10  5  4  1  2 10 60 72Dr82    Elf*3       16  6 13 77

Great Sword         1000P   AT+4
Battle Axe          1600P   AT+5 MV-1 Action+3Penalty
Mithril Axe         2100P   AT+5 Action+1Penalty
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Crystal Rod         1200P   INT+5 MR+5 MD+1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Orb                 1350P   MP+50%
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5

Secret Item:
There are 3 sticks in the river. The first stick is situated below the Equanil.
The second stick is above the second starting point from the left. The third
stick is at the west, near the edge of map. Go to each stick in order.
Go to the first stick and choose the first option to get Red Jewel
Go to the second stick and choose the first option to get Blue Jewel
Go to the last stick and choose the second option and then the choose the first
option for second question to learn Healing.

Love Index:

Gather your troops to the east, then use one of your unit to travel north
through the small bridge. Then, Clade will command the units on the right to
attack you. Your unit should backtrack south and kill all the enemies who
rush toward you. After that, repeat the process to lure the units on the west.
Finally, use spear unit to travel through the middle bridge and lure Clade.
After you killed Clade, Clufield will start moving. Just go all out to kill him
along with the sorcerer and Equanil.

Scenario 18
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Gilmore

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Lambda Alfred Brenda Claret

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SwordMaster    1 Gr 35 29  6  8 10 11  6 12 51 102       Phalanx*4   23 24 12 81
Wizard         1 Sm 32 23 46  6 10  6 10 10 60 90Dr94    Grenadier*4 26 21 12 85

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Wizard         1 Sm 32 23 46  6 10  6 14 10 62 95        Ballista*2  25  5  8 49
                                                         Pike*2      18 18 13 64
SilverKnight   3 Hr 27 18  2  7  5  3  2 19 40 55        Lancer*4    24 15 16 52
SilverKnight   3 Hr 27 18  2  7  5  3  2 19 40 55        Lancer*4    24 15 16 52
Equanil        4 Hl 23 20 12  5  2  5  5 10 60 77H+10Dr92Monk*4      19 13 12 68
Gladiator      4 Gr 25 21  2  6  3  5  2 12 50 65        Pike*3      18 18 12 52
                                                         Soldier*2   20 14 13 52
Gladiator      4 Gr 25 21  2  6  3  5  2 12 50 65        Pike*3      18 18 12 52
                                                         Soldier*2   20 14 13 52
Sorcerer       4 Mg 25 19 14  5  5  2  3 10 60 72Dr82    Sniper*3    20  3 11 43
SilverKnight   3 Hr 27 18  2  7  5  3  2 19 40 55        Lancer*4    24 15 16 52
SilverKnight   3 Hr 27 18  2  7  5  3  2 19 40 55        Lancer*4    24 15 16 52

Great Sword         1000P   AT+4
Mithril Sword       2300P   AT+5
Mithril Axe         2100P   AT+5 Action+1Penalty
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Crystal Rod         1200P   INT+5 MR+5 MD+1
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Hard Leather         450P   DF+2
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Orb                 1350P   MP+50%
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5

Secret Item:

Love Index:

There is no enemy reinforcement in this scenario as well. First, you need to
kill the sorcerer. Cast magic to kill her troops and then use any units to kill
her as soon as possible. The enemy will not attack before you reach the stairs
on both side. Use this to your advantage. You can use magic and bow units to
kill both SilverKnights. Then, when you move on to the stairs, Gilmore will
command Gladiators on both side to attack you. If you have Bow and magic units,
you can finish them off quickly. Then, divide your troops into two and use Spear
unit to engage SilverKnights on both side. Enemy will cast Attack2 and
Protection1, make sure you have magicians to backup your units. Then, McLaine
and Jessica will show up to help you. Cast magic to destroy Ballista units as
soon as possible since they are dangerous. Then, kill the Equanil. Finally, use
magic to damage Gilmore and then kill him with your fighters.

Scenario 19
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Glob

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Gladiator      7 Gr 28 25  2  6  5  7  2 12 50 65        Soldier*4   20 14 12 52
              EQUIP: Hand Axe Hard Leather
Warlock        8 Mg 24 18  9  4  4  1  2 10 60 65Dr75    Civilian*4   0  8 11 32
              EQUIP: Staff
Warlock        8 Mg 24 18  9  4  4  1  2 10 60 65Dr75    Civilian*4   0  8 11 32
              EQUIP: Staff
Healer         9 Hl 23 19  9  4  1  4  3 10 60 70Hl+1Dr85Monk*4      19 13 12 66

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DarkSummoner   6 Sm 33 23 29  6 11  6  7 10 60 80Dr90    Cockatrice*428 16 15 47
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
LivingArmor    1 Ud 28 20 20  8 10  4  9 12 51 75        Skeleton*4  21 16 11 69
Raise          1 St 28 20 20  7 10  4  9  8 65 80H50WD-- Specter*3   17 14 11 79
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74
Larva          1 St 23 18  7  6  4  2  4  8 64 75WdD--F60Specter*2   17 14 11 74

Mithril Sword       2300P   AT+5
Mithril Axe         2100P   AT+5 Action+1Penalty
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Mithril Lance       2250P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Crystal Rod         1200P   INT+5 MR+5 MD+1
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Orb                 1350P   MP+50%
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:
Northeast corner of the map, go to the statue inside the church. All NPC must
survive though.
- Gain access to Scenario ?3
* for air units or NinjaSkill only

All NPC survive
- Mithril Sword

Love Index:
Let Claret attack Glob - Claret+2

Claret will give Sigma Strike Beam Sword before the battle. Ground units are
useless in this scenario since they are ineffective against undead enemies.
Holy units and Bow units are very useful here. High mobility unit is a must
since you need to protect the villagers as soon as possible. The villagers can
cast magic and fight, cool. Your first priority is protect the villagers. Then,
when things are under control, divide your troops. Let Claret, Alfred and Brenda
go after Glob while Lambda and Sigma should guard the south part of the village.
Glob will summon monsters several times. This is a good time to level up your
weak characters. After Turn 15, Glob can't summon monsters anymore. Then, use
magic to damage and kill him.

Scenario ?3
Winning Condition:
1. Win 5 games.

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SerpentKnight  4 NS 33 25  4  9 11  6  4 16 46 90        MermanLord*226 16 15 94
              EQUIP: Amulet                              Nixie*2     21  9 14114
Mage           6 Mg 31 22 43  6 10  5  7 10 61 85F105Dr95Pike*2      18 18 13 57
              EQUIP: Fire Orb                            Elf*2       16  6 13 82
Succubus       1 Dm 29 21 16  7  9  5  9 10 5685GD--H50  LesserDemon425 22 11104
SilverKnight   5 Hr 28 19  2  7  6  3  2 19 40 55        Lancer*2    24 15 16 52
                                                         Pike*2      18 18 13 52
Assassin       8 Tt 34 24  2  6 10  6  2 11 51 65        Dragoon*2   29 20 17 77
                                                         Log*2       20 13 12 52

Ice Blade           4000P   AT+5 RI+10. Magic:Freeze,Blizzard
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Mithril Lance       2250P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Short Bow           3000P   DF-1 MV-2 Range7 Action+10Penalty
Gaia Armor          4000P   DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 INT+5 [M+10 RA+10(except Holy Physic)]
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:

Love Index:

Time limit: 1 battle 300 counter, 1 turn 50 counter, 6 turn 1 battle.
Enemies will come out one by one. Bow units work well here since the map is
small. There is no strategy here, just arrange your commanders in any order and
defeat the enemy. There is a stronghold with 40% bonus in the map, make full use
of it. Goldory will always be the last to show up. He will cast fireball to
destroy the arcade machine after you attack him, he is a chicken.

Scenario 20
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of 3 supply units
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Fighter        9 Gr 23 20  1  5  2  4  1 12 50 55        Transporter510 13  9 31
Fighter        9 Gr 23 20  1  5  2  4  1 12 50 55        Transporter510 13  9 31
Fighter        9 Gr 23 20  1  5  2  4  1 12 50 55        Transporter510 13  9 31
Fighter        9 Gr 23 20  1  5  2  4  1 12 50 55        Transporter510 13  9 31
Fighter        9 Gr 23 20  1  5  2  4  1 12 50 55        Transporter510 13  9 31

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
KillerTiger    2 SH 27 18  1  7  5  3  2 19 40 55Dr65    Crawler*4   21 16 16 42
BronzeGolem    2 Sp 23 23  0  8  1  5  2 13 40 75Dr--    BoneGolem*4 19 19 11 67
werebear       2 Gr 25 22  1  7  4  6  4 12 50 55Dr65    Wolfman*5   20 14 13 54
AluraUne       2 Mg 21 16  6  4  2  0  0 10 60 65Dr75    DarkElf*3   16  7 13 77
Scylla         2 WS 25 22  1  7  4  5  5 16 45 45Dr55    DarkMerman*323 12 14 50
                                                         DarkLizard*224 11 15 47
BronzeGolem    2 Sp 23 23  0  8  1  5  2 13 40 75Dr--    BoneGolem*4 19 19 11 67
Larva          2 St 24 18 11  6  5  2  5  8 64 75        Specter*5   17 14 11 75
KillerTiger    2 SH 27 18  1  7  5  3  2 19 40 55Dr65    Crawler*4   21 16 16 42

Mithril Sword       2300P   AT+5
Devil Axe           2350P   AT+8 DF-4 MV-4 RH-15 Action+4Penalty
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Mithril Lance       2250P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Orb                 1350P   MP+50%
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:
Northwest of the map, there is a lotus below the second tall pillar.
- Excalibur

Love Index:
All NPC survive   - All love index+1
All units survive - Claret+2

The NPCs are giving me headache. You can wait for the NPCs to cross the bridge
and then destroy the bridge. It is better to cast magic to slow down the enemies
who are chasing the NPCs. Air units should cross the bridge as soon as possible
and protect the NPCs. You should kill Larva on the east of the map since he can
cast magic and give you a lot of trouble. It is almost impossible to keep all
NPCs alive though.

Scenario 21
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Ranger         1 Am 38 27  2  3 10  7  5 13 59 90        Warrior*2   24 17 14 80
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  3 19 41 70        Dragoon*3   29 20 16 78
                                                         Centaurus*3 19  8 17 43
Sorcerer       4 Mg 25 19 14  5  5  2  3 10 60 72Dr82    Elf*2       16  6 14 78
                                                         Soldier*2   20 14 12 53
SilverKnight   7 Hr 30 20  2  7  8  3  2 19 40 55        HeavyLancer522 21 15 57
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  3 19 41 70        Dragoon*3   29 20 16 78
                                                         Centaurus*3 19  8 17 43
Sorcerer       4 Mg 25 19 14  5  5  2  3 10 60 72Dr82    Elf*2       16  6 14 78
                                                         Soldier*2   20 14 12 53
SilverKnight   7 Hr 30 20  2  7  8  3  2 19 40 55        HeavyLancer522 21 15 57

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
HawkLord       7 Ar 29 16  3  8  7  4  2 21 30 50        Hippogriff*420 13 15 57

Thunder God Sword   4000P   AT+5 RT+10. Magic:Thunder,ThunderStorm
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Mithril Lance       2250P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Short Bow           3000P   DF-1 MV-2 Range7 Action+10Penalty
Chain Mail          1000P   DF+3 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 INT+5 [M+10 RA+10(except Holy Physic)]
Conqueror Wristband 3750P   A+2 D+2 MC=6
Orb                 1350P   MP+50%
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:

Love Index:
During the battle, Omega has a conversation with Sigma
1) I am sorry        - No change
2) I will stop Omega - Mariandel+3
3) I forgot          - Mariandel-2

This scenario is really simple, you need to check enemies attack range and stay
out of their range. Once they come close to you, ambush them. Beware of enemies
reinforcement who appears later at the south of the bridge though.

Scenario 22
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Glob

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
KillerTiger    2 SH 27 18  1  7  5  3  2 19 40 55Dr65    Crawler*3   21 16 16 42
Raise          1 St 28 20 20  9 10  5  9  8 65 80GD--Hl50Shade*2     21 20 12 89
              EQUIP: Necklace
BronzeGolem    6 Sp 25 26  0  8  3  7  3 13 40 75Dr--    BoneGolem*5 19 19 11 68
Incubus        6 Dm 26 20 13  6  7  4  7 10 55 80GD--Hl45Nightmare*5 22 15 11 82
KillerTiger    2 SH 27 18  1  7  5  3  2 19 40 55Dr65    Crawler*3   21 16 16 42
Raise          1 St 28 20 20  9 10  5  9  8 65 80GD--Hl50Shade*2     21 20 12 89
              EQUIP: Necklace
WereBear       2 Gr 25 22  1  7  4  6  4 12 50 55Dr65    Wolfman*3   20 14 13 54
WereBear       2 Gr 25 22  1  7  4  6  4 12 50 55Dr65    Wolfman*3   20 14 13 54
DeathLord      1 St 43 31 44  8 22 12 24  8 65 97Dr--Hl78Shade*2     21 20 12104
Succubus       1 Dm 29 21 16  7  9  5  9 10 56 85GD--Hl50LesserDemon425 22 11104
Succubus       1 Dm 29 21 16  7  9  5  9 10 56 85GD--Hl50LesserDemon425 22 11104
DarkWizard     1 Sm 35 24 35  8 12  7  9 10 61 92Hl87    DarkGuard*4 26 22 12 94
                                                         Witch*2     18  1 13107
Ice Blade           4000P   AT+5 RI+10. Magic:Freeze,Blizzard
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Mithril Lance       2250P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Short Bow           3000P   DF-1 MV-2 Range7 Action+10Penalty
Gaia Armor          4000P   DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 INT+5 [M+10 RA+10(except Holy Physic)]
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:

Love Index:
During the battle, let Claret attack Glob
- Claret+2

During the battle, about "revenge sign"
Give it to Mariandel  - Mariandel-2
Give it to Brenda     - Brenda-2
Give it to Claret     - Claret-2
Get it from Mariandel - Mariandel+1
Get it from Brenda    - Brenda+1
Get it from Claret    - Claret+1

Divide your troops into 3 groups. Let Brenda and Claret to take either left or
right. Sigma, Mariandel and Alfred should take the middle road. You should be
very careful since the enemies will always cast supportive spell like Attack2.
You need to keep a distance with DeathLord as well since he is really strong.
It is better to cast Attack1 or Attack2 on your Bow units before killing him.
After you defeated 5 teams of enemies, Glob will revive them. Hold your position
and kill all the enemies who come to you. Finally, just kill Glob and two
Succubus beside him.

Scenario 23
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Gilmore and Magical Machine

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Wizard         1 Sm 32 25 46  6 10  6 14 10 62100Hl95Dr99Ballista*4  25  5  8 49
              EQUIP: Wand Mirage Robe                    Legion*2    25 19 14 79
Equanil        4 Hl 23 20 12  5  2  5  5 10 60 77H+10Dr92HighElf*3   21 10 13105
                                                         Crusader*2  22 18 14 75
Equanil        4 Hl 23 20 12  5  2  5  5 10 60 77H+10Dr92HighElf*3   21 10 13105
                                                         Crusader*2  22 18 14 75
Galsock        1 MM 41 37  1  0 10 15 10 12 35 90Th80Dr--
General        1 Gr 28 24  3  7  6  8  3 11 52 75        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 78
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  2 19 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 78
                                                         Centaurus*2 19  8 18 43
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  2 19 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 78
                                                         Centaurus*2 19  8 18 43

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonLord     1 Ar 38 22  8 10 15  9  8 22 32 87FI90Wd60Hippogriff*420 13 15 63
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 43

Thunder God Sword   4000P   AT+5 RT+10. Magic:Thunder,ThunderStorm
Devil Axe           2350P   AT+8 DF-4 MV-4 RH-15 Action+4Penalty
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Mithril Lance       2250P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Gaia Armor          4000P   DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 INT+5 [M+10 RA+10(except Holy Physic)]
Conqueror Wristband 3750P   A+2 D+2 MC=6
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:
Northeast corner of the map where there is a small stone
- Bloody Lance

Love Index:
During the battle, let Claret attack Gilmore - Claret+1

You should hire mercs with high magic defense. All your commanders should be
equiped with item like Fire Orb to increase their resistance against fire. The
good news is the Fire cast by Magic Machine hurt enemies as well. You should
focus on killing the horse units on both side. Then, CLufield will show up. You
need to send him to his grave as well. Have high defense units be the front line
troops and attack the enemies inside the stronghold. Your mages or any other
commander should cast heal on your units. After defeating Machine, cast magic
to destroy the Ballista units. Then, dash inside to kill 2 Equanil. You can use
Air units to ambush the enemies inside the stronghold as well.

Scenario 24
Winning Condition:
1. Langrisser holder reaches south of the map
2. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Langrisser stolen and the enemy escaped via north of the map
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Dragon Knight  1 Ar 31 17  4  9  9  5  3 21 31 70FI85Wd55ArchAngel*4 23 21 15 98
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 38
Mage           1 Mg 28 20 21  6  8  4  5 10 61 85Dr95    Sniper*3    20  3 11 45
General        1 Gr 28 24  3  7  6  8  3 11 52 75        Phalanx*3   23 24 12 78
                                                         Soldier*1   20 14 13 53
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  3 19 41 70        Dragoon*3   29 20 16 78
                                                         Soldier*1   20 14 13 53
BattleMaster   1 Gr 28 24  3  7  6  8  3 12 51 75        Legion*3    25 19 12 68
                                                         Elf*1       16  6 14 78
BattleMaster   1 Gr 28 24  3  7  6  8  3 12 51 75        Legion*3    25 19 12 68
                                                         Elf*1       16  6 14 78
HighMaster     1 Am 47 35 14  2 15 12  9 12 59102Gr114   Warrior*2   24 17 14 84
              EQUIP: Gaia Armor Necklace
Dragon Knight  1 Ar 31 17  4  9  9  5  3 21 31 70FI85Wd55ArchAngel*4 23 21 15 98
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 38
Equanil        7 Hl 24 22 13  5  3  7  6 10 60 77H+10Dr92HighElf*4   21 10 13106
General        1 Gr 28 24  3  7  6  8  3 11 52 75        Phalanx*3   23 24 12 78
                                                         Soldier*1   20 14 13 53
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  3 19 41 70        Dragoon*3   29 20 16 78
                                                         Soldier*1   20 14 13 53

Ice Blade           4000P   AT+5 RI+10. Magic:Freeze,Blizzard
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Mithril Lance       2250P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Gaia Armor          4000P   DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Dragon Scale        2700P   DF+3 RF+12 RI+5
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Conqueror Wristband 3750P   A+2 D+2 MC=6
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20

Secret Item:
 ___     ___
|   |   | T | The room marked with T contains Tiara
|___|   |___| The room marked with R contains Rune Stone
| ? |   | ? | The room marked with ? contains Langrisser, Crown or Sonic Band
|___|   |___|
|   |   | ? |
|___|   |___|
| R |   |   |
|___|   |___|

Love Index:

Try to get Langrisser first. If enemy got it first, pursue him and get the sword
back at all cost. Once you get the Langrisser, all the enemies will focus their
fire power on the one who holds it, you can use this to your advantage and lure
all the enemies then kill them with magic.

Scenario 25
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Goldory in 20 turns

Losing Condition:
1. Turn Over
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret

NPC Strength:
Landius Lanford
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SwordMaster    1 Gr 34 29  6  8  9 10  6 12 51 87        Legion*3    25 19 12 71
BraveKnight    8 Hr 44 39  6  8 16  9  9 19 42 75HD78    Dragoon*4   29 20 17 89
              EQUIP: Mithril Lance Breast Plate Crystal Ank

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Dragon Knight  1 Ar 31 17  4  9  9  5  3 21 31 70FI85Wd55ArchAngel*4 23 21 15 98
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 38
General        4 Gr 30 26  5  7  7  9  4 11 52 75        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 79
Assassin      10 Tt 38 26  2  8 10  7  2 11 51 65        Log*4       20 13 12 52
              EQUIP: Gladius Hard Leather Necklace       Sniper*2    20  3 13 42
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  3 19 41 70        Dragoon*6   29 20 16 78
BraveKnight    1 Hr 32 21  3  8 10  4  3 19 41 70        Dragoon*6   29 20 16 78
General        1 Gr 28 24  3  7  6  8  3 11 52 75        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 78
Mage           1 Mg 28 20 21  6  8  4  5 10 61 85Dr95    Sniper*3    20  3 11 45
BattleMaster   1 Gr 28 24  3  7  6  8  3 12 51 75        Legion*6    25 19 12 68
Mage           1 Mg 28 20 21  6  8  4  5 10 61 85Dr95    Sniper*3    20  3 11 45

Thunder God Sword   4000P   AT+5 RT+10. Magic:Thunder,ThunderStorm
Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Flame Lance         5000P   AT+6 RF+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Fire
                            Skill:Critical Magic:Fire FireBall
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Plate Armor         3800P   DF+5 MV-3
Breast Plate        4000P   DF+4 MV-1
Dragon Scale        2700P   DF+3 RF+12 RI+5
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 INT+5 [M+10 RA+10(except Holy Physic)]
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:

Love Index:
During the battle, what you want to say to comfort Alfred
1) Don't worry             - Mariandel+2
2) The opponent is Goldory - Brenda+2
3) Don't let him get away  - Claret+2

Let Brenda and Alfred go west and rendezvous with Landius and Lanford. Landius
and Lanford are strong enough to deal with the enemies, you don't have to worry
about them. Sigma should travel north and have Claret and Mariandel to support
him. Fianlly, just use magic to kill the snipers and then attack Goldory with
your troops.

Scenario 26
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Elvis

Winning Condition (After Elvis burnt his house):
1. Defeat Elvis and escape via the middle of the map

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Losing Condition (After Elvis burnt his house):
1. Elvis escaped
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SwordMaster    1 Gr 41 36  6  8 10 11  6 11 53 87        Phalanx*3   23 24 14 81
              EQUIP: Mithril Sword Chain Mail Greave     Legion*3    25 19 12 71
Mage           2 Mg 29 20 23  6  9  4  5 10 61 85Dr95    Sniper*3    20  9 11 45
Paladin        2 Hl 26 24 17  6  4  9  9 10 61 87H+20Dr97HighElf*3   21 10 13109
General        2 Gr 29 25  4  7  6  9  3 11 52 75        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 78
BraveKnight    2 Hr 33 21  3  8 11  4  4 19 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 79
                                                         Centaurus*2 19  8 18 44
General        2 Gr 29 25  4  7  6  9  3 11 52 75        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 78
BraveKnight    2 Hr 33 21  3  8 11  4  4 19 41 70        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 79
                                                         Centaurus*2 19  8 18 44

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
BronzeGolem    8 Sp 27 28  0  8  4  9  4 13 40 75Dr--    MudGolem*4  23 23 11 84
                                                         LesserDemon225 22 13 99
IronGolem      1 Sp 28 30  0  9  5 10  4 13 41 90Th80Dr--LesserDemon425 22 11 99
                                                         MudGolem*2  23 23 13 84
BronzeGolem    8 Sp 27 28  0  8  4  9  4 13 40 75Dr--    MudGolem*4  23 23 11 84
                                                         LesserDemon225 22 13 99

Ice Blade           4000P   AT+5 RI+10. Magic:Freeze,Blizzard
Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Morning Star        1100P   AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Flame Lance         5000P   AT+6 RF+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Fire
                            Skill:Critical Magic:Fire FireBall
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Long Bow            4500P   DF-3 MV-3 Range10 Action+16Penalty
Plate Armor         3800P   DF+5 MV-3
Gaia Armor          4000P   DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Breast Plate        4000P   DF+4 MV-1
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Conqueror Wristband 3750P   A+2 D+2 MC=6
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:
Northwest of the map, there is a treasure chest
- Bloody Lance

Northeast of the map, there is a treasure chest
- Aeneas Armor

After you collected Aeneas Armor, move Alfred to the treasure chest again
- Gain access to Scenario ?4

Love Index:
Before the battle, Sigma has a conversation with Brenda
1) What are you looking at          - No change
2) It is late, lets go back         - Brenda-2
3) I want to hear about the village - Brenda+2

Before the battle, after the scene with Goldory
1) I want to protect Brenda - Brenda+4
2) I am invincible          - No change
3) I thought I will die     - Brenda-2

During the battle, any female burnt by fire and retreats
-1 love index to the female who retreated from battle

After destroying 2 Generals and 2 SilverKnights, move your low mobility units
to the south of the map. Then, have only two groups with high mobility pursue
Elvis from both side. Once you attack the Paladin or the mage, the statues will
become alive and attack your party. Elvis will swt on fire and lower down the
wall in the middle of the map. Then, he will try to escape via the stairs at
the middle of the map. Now, two high mobility units should keep on chasing
Elvis while units with low mobility should travel up and block the escaped
route. Then, just cast magic to hurt Elvis and then have the other units to take
him down.

Scenario ?4
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all imposters

Losing Condition:
1. All three heroes are tricked by imposters
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Alfred Lanford

NPC Strength:
Mariandel Brenda Claret
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
MaidLead      10 Gr 22 21  0  4  2  2  0 12 45 35        Maid*4       0  6 11 30
              EQUIP: Clothes

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
General        3 Gr 29 25  4  7  7  9  4 11 52 75
BattleMaster   7 Gr 32 27  5  7  8  9  5 12 51 75
BraveKnight    6 Hr 36 23  4  8 12  5  5 19 41 70
MaidLead      10 Gr 22 21  0  4  2  2  0 12 45 35        Maid*6       0  6 11 30

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Builder        1 Gr 39 39 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90        SeaMan*3    14 30 13+61
Builder        2 Gr 39 39 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90        SeaMan*3    24 18 15+21
Builder        1 Gr 39 39 14  8 11 17 11 12 51 90        SeaMan*3    28  4 13+21

Thunder God Sword   4000P   AT+5 RT+10. Magic:Thunder,ThunderStorm
Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Flame Lance         5000P   AT+6 RF+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Fire
                            Skill:Critical Magic:Fire FireBall
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Long Bow            4500P   DF-3 MV-3 Range10 Action+16Penalty
Plate Armor         3800P   DF+5 MV-3
Breast Plate        4000P   DF+4 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 INT+5 [M+10 RA+10(except Holy Physic)]
Power Ring          5000P   AT+4 A+2
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Conqueror Wristband 3750P   A+2 D+2 MC=6
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:
Let NPC Mariandel reach SeaMan shop on Turn 9
- Able to hire SeaMan.

1) SeaMan Normal
2) Invincible SeaMan
3) Seaman Attacker
4) High Speed Seaman

Love Index:

It is better to equip SpeedBoots to all your characters. Divide your troops and
let your male characters to chase after the female characters. When the female
characters are close to the enemies, they will be tricked and become your enemy.
you have to move your character close to them in order to turn them back to
normal. After you defeated the imposters, they will show their real identity
and you need to kill them as well. their mercenaries are strong, you can just
kill the commanders if you want to.

Scenario 27
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Butler Master Shawn

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
BattleMaster   2 Gr 29 25  4  7  7  8  4 12 51 75        Legion*6    25 19 12 69
SwordMaster    1 Gr 38 33  6  8  9  8  6 11 51 107       Legion*6    25 19 12 91
              EQUIP: Great Sword Breast Plate Amulet
BattleMaster   2 Gr 29 25  4  7  7  8  4 12 51 75        Legion*6    25 19 12 69
Mage           2 Mg 29 20 23  6  9  4  5 10 61 85Dr95    Sniper*3    20  3 11 45
General        2 Gr 29 25  4  7  6  9  3 11 52 75        Phalanx*5   23 24 12 78
General        2 Gr 29 25  4  7  6  9  3 11 52 75        Phalanx*5   23 24 12 78
General        2 Gr 29 25  4  7  6  9  3 11 52 75        Phalanx*5   23 24 12 78
BraveKnight    2 Hr 33 21  3  8 11  4  4 19 41 70        Dragoon*5   29 20 16 79
BraveKnight    2 Hr 33 21  3  8 11  4  4 19 41 70        Dragoon*5   29 20 16 79
KnightMaster   1 Hr 44 29  5  9 15  8  9 19 41 102       Dragoon*4   29 20 16104
              EQUIP: Mithril Lance Breast Plate Amulet   Legion*2    25 19 14 94
Thunder God Sword   4000P   AT+5 RT+10. Magic:Thunder,ThunderStorm
Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Flame Lance         5000P   AT+6 RF+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Fire
                            Skill:Critical Magic:Fire FireBall
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Long Bow            4500P   DF-3 MV-3 Range10 Action+16Penalty
Plate Armor         3800P   DF+5 MV-3
Breast Plate        4000P   DF+4 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 INT+5 [M+10 RA+10(except Holy Physic)]
Power Ring          5000P   AT+4 A+2
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Conqueror Wristband 3750P   A+2 D+2 MC=6
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:
Northeast corner of the map. It looks like a diamond in a bird nest.
1) Resist Physical+2
2) MP+4
3) Goddess Dress

Love Index:

It is important to hire Horse, Spear and Ground in this scenario. Put horses as
front line and have your magicians to support them. You need to stay defensive
all the time. After you had destroyed the all the Ground groups, you have two
choices, the first one is use your horse to attack the Generals and ignore all
their mercenaries. The second is move your horse troops south and let your
ground units to take over. Kill the enemies as soon as you can and then move
your spear units to the front. Master Shawn is strong, it is better to cast
Attack and Protection before you attack him.

Scenario 28
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Ferakia

Losing Condition:
1. Crystal destroyed by Ferakia
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
IronGolem      5 Sp 30 33  0  9  7 12  6 13 41 90Th80Dr--MudGolem*6  23 23 11 86
Succubus       5 Dm 31 23 21  7 11  6 11 10 56 85WD--Hl50LesserDemon425 22 11106
                                                         Specter*2   17 14 13 81
SaberTiger     5 SH 36 25  3  8 12  6  6 19 41 65Dr75    Ortros*6    30 18 16 66
DarkSaint      7 Hl 38 35 36  7 11 15 24 10 61 98Hl77D103DarkGuard*4 26 22 12109
                                                         Gremlin*2   20  9 19 99
SaberTiger     5 SH 36 25  3  8 12  6  6 19 41 65Dr75    Ortros*6    30 18 16 66
Succubus       5 Dm 31 23 21  7 11  6 11 10 56 85WD--Hl50LesserDemon425 22 11106
                                                         Harpy*2     21 12 17 61
Succubus       5 Dm 31 23 21  7 11  6 11 10 56 85WD--Hl50LesserDemon425 22 11106
                                                         Shade*2     21 20 14 91

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SeaSerpent     5 SS 34 28  2  9 11 11  9 16 46 65Dr75    SeaWorm*4   27 15 15 69
                                                         PoisonToad*222 10 15 49

Ice Blade           4000P   AT+5 RI+10. Magic:Freeze,Blizzard
Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Flame Lance         5000P   AT+6 RF+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Fire
                            Skill:Critical Magic:Fire FireBall
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Long Bow            4500P   DF-3 MV-3 Range10 Action+16Penalty
Plate Armor         3800P   DF+5 MV-3
Mithril Armor       4200P   DF+5 MV-2 RA+5
Gaia Armor          4000P   DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Breast Plate        4000P   DF+4 MV-1
Mirage Robe          550P   DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Power Ring          5000P   AT+4 A+2
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20

Secret Item:
Southwest of the map, directly left of the top row starting points
- Sonic Band or Crown or Nothing. It is totally random

North of the map, there is a treasure chest beside the crystal
- Get Magical Bikini

Love Index:
During the battle, let Lanford attack Ferakia - All love index+1

During the battle, if Lanford retreats - All love index-1

Ferakia is slow, just let Sigma or Lanford to go after her. The rest of your
troops should take care of the enemies on southeast of the map. It is important
to hire more Spear units. Enemy reinforcement will show up at the middle of the
pond. Wait for it to go on land and then finish it off. Defeat Ferakia as soon
as you can to clear this scenario.

Scenario 29
Winning Condition:
1. All characters escaped from the map
2. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of all civilians
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SwordMaster    8 Gr 42 34  9  8 14 14  9 12 51 102       Phalanx*4   23 24 12 84
Woman         10 Gr 22 20  0  4  2  2  0 10 45 30        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30
Man            8 Gr 23 22  0  5  4  3  0 12 45 35        Civilian*6   0  8 11 30
Woman         10 Gr 22 20  0  4  2  2  0 10 45 30        Civilian*4   0  8 11 30

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
General        8 Gr 32 29  8  7  8 11  6 11 52 75        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 81
BattleMaster   8 Gr 33 28  6  7  9 10  6 12 51 75        Legion*6    25 19 12 71
DragonMaster   1 Ar 46 29 14 11 19 11 13 23 32 97FI103W78ArchAngel*4 23 21 16108
HighMaster     2 Am 47 33 15  2 15 12  9  9 59 102       Warrior*4   24 17 14 84
              EQUIP: Long Bow Chain Mail Necklace
RoyalGuard     1 Hr 51 32  8 10 21 11 13 21 42 97        Dragoon*4   29 20 17 88
HighMaster     2 Am 48 33 15  2 16 13 12 10 59 107Dr115  Warrior*4   24 17 15 87
(power up)    EQUIP: Long Bow Chain Mail Necklace

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
General        5 Gr 30 26  5  7  7 10  5 11 52 75        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 80

Enemy Reinforcement 2:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
RoyalGuard     4 Hr 52 33  8 10 22 12 42 21 42 97        RoyalLancer630 22 16 98
Emperor        6 Gr 50 49 18 12 15 22 20 14 57 102F114   Grenadier*4 26 21 14 95
              EQUIP: Excalibur Dragon Scale Protect Ring RoyalLancer230 22 17105

Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Flame Lance         5000P   AT+6 RF+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Fire
                            Skill:Critical Magic:Fire FireBall
Wizard Rod          2000P   INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Life Staff         10000P   INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate Magic:Heal1.2
Mithril Armor       4200P   DF+5 MV-2 RA+5
Breast Plate        4000P   DF+4 MV-1
Fairy Stone Ring     800P   MP+6 INT+5 [M+10 RA+10(except Holy Physic)]
Protect Ring        5000P   DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P   AT+4 A+2
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20

Secret Item:

Love Index:
During the battle, Mariandel worries about her parents
1) Wake up, Mary              - No change
2) You will meet your parents - Mariandel+2
3) We are battling            - Mariandel-2

During the battle, let Sigma fight Omega after Omega power up
- All love index+1

During the battle, let Brenda attack Rainforest
- Brenda+2

During the battle, let Rainforest attack Brenda
- Brenda+1

McLaine is still alive after the battle
- Mariandel+1

Let the civilians to flee via north, send a group of ground units to protect
them from the enemy Spear units though. Put a group of ground units at starting
point to take care of enemy reinforcement1. The rest of the party members should
guard two bridges to prevent the enemies from entering. Later, Rainforest will
show up at southwest corner. If you think you can defeat him, go ahead and do
it. Otherwise, just flee from the battlefield.

When you can give command to McLaine
1) Go north
2) Go northeast
3) Go east
4) Act on himself

When you can give command to Civilian
1) Go north
2) Go northeast
3) Go east
4) Don't move

Scenario 30
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Gladiator      6 Gr 26 22  2  6  4  6  2 12 50 65        Soldier*6   20 14 12 52

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DragonMaster   1 Ar 46 29 14 11 19 11 13 23 32 97FI103W78ArchAngel*4 23 21 16108
HighMaster     2 Am 47 31 15  2 15 12  9 11 59 102Dr110  Warrior*4   24 17 14 84
              EQUIP: Elfen Bow Chain Mail Necklace
RoyalGuard     1 Hr 51 32  8 10 21 11 13 21 42 97        Dragoon*4   29 20 17 88
General        7 Gr 31 28  7  7  7 10  6 11 52 75        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 81
General        7 Gr 31 28  7  7  7 10  6 11 52 75        Phalanx*6   23 24 12 81
BattleMaster   7 Gr 32 27  5  7  8  9  5 12 51 75        Legion*6    25 19 12 70
DragonKnight   7 Ar 34 20  7  9 11  6  5 21 31 70FI55Wd55ArchAngel*4 23 21 15100
                                                         SkyArcher*2 16  5 17 40
Mage           7 Mg 21 23 30  6 10  5  8 10 61 85Dr95    Sniper*3    20  3 11 48
HighMaster     2 Am 48 31 15  2 16 13 12 12 59 107Dr115  Warrior*4   24 17 15 87
(power up)     EQUIP: Elfen Bow Chain Mail Necklace

Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P   AT+7 MV-2 Action+4Penalty
Flame Lance         5000P   AT+6 RF+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Fire
                            Skill:Critical Magic:Fire FireBall
Life Staff         10000P   INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate Magic:Heal1.2
Mithril Armor       4200P   DF+5 MV-2 RA+5
Gaia Armor          4000P   DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Breast Plate        4000P   DF+4 MV-1
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Protect Ring        5000P   DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P   AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P   MP+12 INT+5 MR+4 MA+3 Female
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Conqueror Wristband 3750P   A+2 D+2 MC=6
Talisman            1600P   A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm    2300P   INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10

Secret Item:
Northwest of the map, there is a sign board.
1) Nothing
2) Hit by Thunder spell
  i) If the character is alive, get Mjollnjr
 ii) If the character is dead, Resist Thunder+2

Love Index:

Before the battle, you will be asked to take one of the party member with you.
Other party member

It is recommended to choose a supportive character, I choose Mariandel.

Hire Bow units. First, move all your units to the east and attack the guard
from the east. When enemy reinforcements show up, kill the general nearest to
you and move into his house. Stay defensive and kill any enemy who comes into
your range. 8 turns later, all your party members will show up. Quickly send
your units to backup Sigma and Mariandel. Omega has Elfen Bow, and he is immune
to magic if you don't cast Decline on him. You need to send horse unit to defeat

Scenario 31
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Winning Condition (After you killed all enemies):
1. Stop the device

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
MithrilGolem   1 Sp 34 37  0 10  8 14  7 13 41 97Th85Ph95MudGolem*4  23 23 11 87
                                                         LesserDemon225 22 13102
MithrilGolem   1 Sp 34 37  0 10  8 14  7 13 41 97Th85Ph95MudGolem*4  23 23 11 87
                                                         LesserDemon225 22 13102
BattleMaster   8 Gr 33 28  6  7  9 10  6 12 51 75        Legion*6    25 19 12 71
BraveKnight    8 Hr 37 24  5  8 13  8  6 19 41 70        Dragoon*6   29 20 16 81
Mage           8 Mg 32 23 32  6 11  6  8 10 61 85Dr95    Sniper*3    20  3 11 48

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
RoyalGuard     2 Hr 52 32  8 10 21 12 13 21 42 97        Dragoon*4   29 20 17 88
SwordSaint     2 Gr 45 36 10  8 16 15 13 13 55 93        Legion*4    25 19 13 78
ArchMage       1 Mg 33 24 35  7 11  6  9 10 61 94Dr98    Ballista*3  25  5  8 44
SwordSaint     3 Gr 46 36 10  8 17 15 10 12 56 90        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 85
                                                         Grenadier*2 26 21 14 85

Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P   AT+7 MV-2 Action+4Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P   AT+7 RW+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Wind 
                            Skill:Critical Magic: WindCutter Tornado
Life Staff         10000P   INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate Magic:Heal1.2
Knight Plate        5500P   DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 (Include Mercenaries)
Breast Plate        4000P   DF+4 MV-1
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Protect Ring        5000P   DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P   AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P   MP+12 INT+5 MR+4 MA+3 Female
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20

Secret Item:
In the middle of the map, there are two statues situated at both side of the map
Go to the statue on the left - Excalibur
GO to the statue on the right - Aeneas Armor
* can only get one of these
* need air units or ninja skill

Love Index:
During the battle, let Brenda attack Aizel
- Brenda+2

During the battle, let Aizel attack Brenda
- Brenda+1

Let two guardians come close to you and then kill them. Now, use two high
mobility units to travel north and try to reach both of the switches. The rest
of the units should stay at the starting point and wait for the enemy
reinforcement. Later when Aizel show up, just ambush them with your units to
clear this scenario.

Scenario 32
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Rainforest

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

NPC Strength:
Landius Emily
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Hero           1 Gr 43 35 10  9 14 14 10 14 51 94        Grenadier*4 26 21 13 85
KnightMaster   8 Hr 47 30  8  9 18  9  9 20 41 82        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 84

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Emperor        7 Gr 50 47 18 12 15 20 20 12 57 102Hl112  Grenadier*3 26 21 14 95
              EQUIP: Excalibur Knight Plate Sonic Band   Ballista*2  25  5  9 55
RoyalGuard     3 Hr 57 37  8 10 22 12 13 20 42 97        RoyalLancer430 22 16 98
              EQUIP: Mithril Sword Breast Plate          Legion*2    25 19 14 78
DragonMaster   3 Ar 52 34 14 11 19 12 13 22 32 97FI103W78ArchAngel*4 23 21 16108
              EQUIP: Mithril Sword Breast Plate          Phalanx*2   23 24 14 88
DragonLord     2 Ar 37 23  9 10 13  8  6 22 31 87FI90Wd60ArchAngel*6 23 21 15101
ArchMage       1 Mg 33 24 35  7 11  6  9 10 61 94Dr98    Ballista*2  25  5  8 44
ArchMage       1 Mg 33 24 35  7 11  6  9 10 61 94Dr98    Ballista*2  25  5  8 44
Marshal        2 Gr 34 31 10  8  9 12  7 11 52 87        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 82
                                                         HighElf*1   21 10 15107
Marshal        2 Gr 34 31 10  8  9 12  7 11 52 87        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 82
                                                         HighElf*1   21 10 15107
KnightMaster   2 Hr 40 26  6  9 14  6  6 20 41 82        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 81
                                                         Legion*2    25 19 14 71
KnightMaster   2 Hr 40 26  6  9 14  6  6 20 41 82        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 81
                                                         Legion*2    25 19 14 71

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA

Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P   AT+7 MV-2 Action+4Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P   AT+7 RW+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Wind 
                            Skill:Critical Magic: WindCutter Tornado
Life Staff         10000P   INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate Magic:Heal1.2
Elfen Bow           6500P   DF-5 MV-1 Range14 Action+20Penalty
Knight Plate        5500P   DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 (Include Mercenaries)
Gaia Armor          4000P   DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Protect Ring        5000P   DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P   AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P   MP+12 INT+5 MR+4 MA+3 Female
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20

Secret Item:

Love Index:
During the battle, let Brenda stay close to Rainforest
- Brenda+2

You should hire some archers for each team. When the battle begins, you should
cast magic to destroy the Ballista as soon as possible. Then, use your team
with snipers to take down both mages as soon as you can. Then, just kill the
enemies on both side. Next, Landius and his sister, Emily will show up to help
you. Now, it is the time to attack Rainforest and his Crimson Knights. Kill
Rainforest Ballista first, then divide your troops into two and take care of
two Crimson Knights. Finally, just defeat Rainforest with your troops.

Scenario 33
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Glob
2. Activate the device in 20 turns

Losing Condition:
1. Failed to activate the device in 20 turns
2. Death of Technician
3. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

NPC Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Man           10 Gr 24 22  0  5  4  3  0 16 45 35
              EQUIP: Speed Boots

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
SaberTiger     4 SH 36 24  3  8 11  6  5 19 41 65Dr75    Ortros*4    30 18 16 65
                                                         Cockatrice*228 16 17 45
IronGolem      4 Sp 30 33  0  9  6 11  5 13 41 90Th80Dr--MudGolem*6  23 23 11 85
SeaSerpent     4 SS 33 28  2  9 10 10  8 16 46 65Dr75    SeaWorm*4   27 15 15 68
                                                         DarkNixie*2 22  8 15100
Minotaurus     4 Gr 33 28  1  8  9 11  6 11 51 65Dr75    Ogre*6      25 18 11 61
SuperGazer     4 Gl 27 29  0  8  5  9  4 13 46 +95F50IH80BlackGel*6  20 26 11 84
GreatDragon    4 Dr 31 32  2  9  6 11  6 14 32 85FI90Wd65SnowDragon*428 20 10 86
                                                         FireDragon*223 15 12 86
Wyvern         4 Ar 34 19  4  9 10  6  4 21 31 70Wd55Dr65Gargoyle*4  25 20 15 84
                                                         Gremlin*2   20  9 19 79
MasterZombie   1 UG 49 36 44  8 19 12 25 12 46 100FH90D--ZombieFight425 22 11105
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail               Shade*2     21 20 14105
MasterZombie   1 UG 53 37 42  8 18 12 22 11 47 100FH90D--ZombieFight425 22 11102
              EQUIP: Battle Axe Chain Mail               Shade*2     21 20 14102
DarkMaster     4 Sm 45 33 53 10 21 12 16 10 61 127H95D-- LesserDemon425 22 11111
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe             Witch*2     18  1 13114

Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P   AT+7 MV-2 Action+4Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P   AT+7 RW+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Wind 
                            Skill:Critical Magic: WindCutter Tornado
Life Staff         10000P   INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate Magic:Heal1.2
Miracle Staff      12500P   INT+10 MR+7 MA+2 MD+1 Magic:Meteor EarthQuake
Elfen Bow           6500P   DF-5 MV-1 Range14 Action+20Penalty
Knight Plate        5500P   DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 (Include Mercenaries)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Protect Ring        5000P   DF+4 D+2
Power Ring          5000P   AT+4 A+2
Tiara               3000P   MP+12 INT+5 MR+4 MA+3 Female
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Fire Orb            2100P   MP+50% MR+1 RF+20

Secret Item:
Northeast of the map, snow above the huge rock.
- Burning Staff

Love Index:
During the battle, let Claret attack Glob
- Claret+1

During the battle, let Alfred defeat Rockwell
- All love index+1

During the battle, let Lanford defeat Balrog
- All love index+1

Not much to say. This scenario is quite simple, all you need to do is rush to
the north of the map and defeat all the enemies on your way up. Glob will
revive the monsters you killed every 2 turns. This is your last chance to train
your units. If Claret and Mariandel still haven't learn Teleport, I strongly
suggest you train let and let them learn Teleport right now. Place your
troops at the top of the map and wait for Glob to revive the enemies, just
remember to kill Glob before Turn 20.

Scenario 34
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Glob

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DarkMaster     6 Sm 46 34 56 10 22 13 17 10 61 127Hl95D--DarkGuard*4 26 22 12102
              EQUIP: Crystal Rod Mirage Robe             Ballista*2  25  5 10 52
MithrilGolem   3 Sp 36 40  1 10  9 16  9 13 41 97Th85Dr--MudGolem*4  23 23 11 89
                                                         Gargoyle*2  25 20 17 89
DarkSaint      3 Hl 34 31 26  7  8 12 18 10 61 96Hl75D101Witch*4     18  1 11116
Cerberus       3 SH 44 29  4  9 16  8 10 20 41 82        Ortros*4    30 18 16 70
                                                         Ogre*2      25 18 13 65
Orochi         3 WS 42 33  3 10 15 13 13 17 46 85Fi77Dr95DarkNixie*4 22  8 13105
                                                         SeaWorm*2   27 15 17 73
Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
Orochi         3 WS 42 33  3 10 15 13 13 17 46 85Fi77Dr95DarkNixie*4 22  8 13105
                                                         SeaWorm*2   27 15 17 73
Enemy Reinforcement2:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
MasterZombie   1 UG 45 33 47  8 18 12 24 13 45 102FH77D--ZombieFight425 22 11104
Vampire        2 UG 35 29 29  8 13  8 13 12 51 95Hl80Dr90ZombieFight425 22 11 93
Death          2 St 34 25 31  8 14  7 15  8 65 94Hl75Dr--Shade*2     21 20 12 95

Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Force Hammer        9800P   AT+20%(-2MP) (AT-20% if no MP consumed)
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P   AT+7 MV-2 Action+4Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P   AT+7 RW+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Wind 
                            Skill:Critical Magic: WindCutter Tornado
Life Staff         10000P   INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate Magic:Heal1.2
Miracle Staff      12500P   INT+10 MR+7 MA+2 MD+1 Magic:Meteor EarthQuake
Elfen Bow           6500P   DF-5 MV-1 Range14 Action+20Penalty
Knight Plate        5500P   DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 (Include Mercenaries)
Gaia Armor          4000P   DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Tiara               3000P   MP+12 INT+5 MR+4 MA+3 Female
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%

Secret Item:
Northeast corner of the map. There is a stairs.
- After scenario 35, use stage select cheat to get back to scenario 34 and visit
that spot again. After you cleared this scenario again, you gain access to
Scenario ?5.

Love Index:
During the battle, let Claret attack Glob
- Claret+2

You should have Teleport by now. When you reach half of the bridge, Glob will
cast Meteor to destroy the bridge. All you need to do is use Teleport and move
your troops to the other side. There are enemy reinforcements 3 turns after
Glob destroyed the bridge. Put some of our troops at south of the map to ambush
them. Finally, just kill Glob to finish this scenario.

Scenario 35
Winning Condition:
1. Defeat Gale in 20 turns

Losing Condition:
1. 20 turns over
2. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DarkMaster     7 Sm 57 37 91 10 24 15 20 61 61 127Hl75   LesserDemon625 22 11115
              EQUIP: Alhazard Mirage Robe Fire Orb
ChaosDragon    9 Dr 50 39 14 11 20 18 22 14 32 97Wd78WD--SnowDragon*628 20 10102
Death          8 St 41 29 41  8 20 11 22  8 65 94Hl75Dr--Shade*6     21 20 12102
Giant          8 Gr 48 38  1  9 18 17 11 11 51 90Dr95    Troll*6     26 20 11 76
Cerberus       8 SH 50 33  8  9 20 11 15 41 41 82Hl65F+80Ortros*6    30 18 16 75
Lamia          8 Mg 41 29 44  7 15 11 17 10 61 90Dr105   Witch*4     18  1 11115
MithrilGolem   8 Sp 40 47  2 10 13 21 15 13 41 97Th85Dr--MudGolem*6  23 23 11 95
Sphinx         8 Ar 46 28 13 10 18 12 14 22 31 94Wd70Gr--Gargoyle*4  25 20 15 94
                                                         Cockatrice*228 16 17 54

Gram                7500P   AT+6 (AT+12 against Dragon)
Force Hammer        9800P   AT+20%(-2MP) (AT-20% if no MP consumed)
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P   AT+7 MV-2 Action+4Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P   AT+7 RW+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Wind 
                            Skill:Critical Magic: WindCutter Tornado
Life Staff         10000P   INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate Magic:Heal1.2
Miracle Staff      12500P   INT+10 MR+7 MA+2 MD+1 Magic:Meteor EarthQuake
Elfen Bow           6500P   DF-5 MV-1 Range14 Action+20Penalty
Knight Plate        5500P   DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 (Include Mercenaries)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Tiara               3000P   MP+12 INT+5 MR+4 MA+3 Female
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%

Secret Item:
Northwest of the map. There is a hole near 6 rocks.
Choose 1, 2, 2, 1 to get Dragon Staff
Love Index:

Two groups of your units on the left should hire ground and spear. Two groups
on the right should be able to move quickly on water or must be a mage who knows
Teleport. Lamia can cast Meteor, you should be careful. Gale can cast Meteor as
well, make sure you are well prepared before you attack him.
Scenario ?5
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
DarkMaster    10 Sm 68 56 80 12 45 36 39 10 61 127Hl100  LesserDemon625 22 11127
              EQUIP: Wizard Rod Mirage Robe Necklace
Emperor       10 Gr 86 83 54 12 50 55 55 14 57 102Hl112  Grenadier*4 26 21 14127
              EQUIP: Excalibur Aura Plate Sonic Band     Ballista*2  25  5 10 90
Galsock       10 MG 69 64 26  2 36 40 34 12 35 90Th80P100Phalanx*6   23 24 12109
              EQUIP: Necklace

Enemy Reinforcement:
Gale Omega Gilmore Goldory Elvis Ferakia Aizel
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA

Gram                7500P   AT+6 (AT+12 against Dragon)
Force Hammer        9800P   AT+20%(-2MP) (AT-20% if no MP consumed)
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P   AT+7 MV-2 Action+4Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P   AT+7 RW+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Wind 
                            Skill:Critical Magic: WindCutter Tornado
Life Staff         10000P   INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate Magic:Heal1.2
Miracle Staff      12500P   INT+10 MR+7 MA+2 MD+1 Magic:Meteor EarthQuake
Elfen Bow           6500P   DF-5 MV-1 Range14 Action+20Penalty
Knight Plate        5500P   DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 (Include Mercenaries)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Tiara               3000P   MP+12 INT+5 MR+4 MA+3 Female
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%

Secret Item:
Inside northeast room of North house
- Megin Gjord

Inside northeast room of West house
Learn LightStep, Petrify4, CurePoison, MagicEquip. (Only get one of these)

Defeat Gale to get Alhazard

Love Index:

Just train your characters over and over again using the stage select cheat
before you attempt this scenario. Kill Glob first before you try anything since
he can revive dead character every turn. Glob will teleport away if you attacked
him, so it is best to finish him off as soon as you can.

10 turns: Assault Suit
11 Turns: Skill: Healing
12 Turns: Excalibur
13 Turns: Mjollnjr
14 Turns: Dragon King Staff
15 Turns: Dragon King Crown
16 Turns: Burning Staff
17 Turns: Dark Robe
18 Turns: Goddess Dress
19 Turns: Holy Ring
20 Turns: Blood Contract
21 Turns: Angel Feather

Scenario 36
Winning Condition:
1. Kill all enemies

Losing Condition:
1. Death of Sigma

Player Strength:
Sigma Mariandel Alfred Brenda Claret Lanford

Enemy Strength:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
ArchDemon     10 Dm 46 34 41  8 20 13 23 11 56 97Hl78WD--LesserDemon625 22 11118
ArchDemon     10 Dm 46 34 41  8 20 13 23 11 56 97Hl78WD--LesserDemon625 22 11118
MagicalGiant  10 MG 47 45  3 10 15 18 14 10 35 120Dr--   MudGolem*2  23 23 11 94
MagicalGiant  10 MG 47 45  3 10 15 18 14 10 35 120Dr--   MudGolem*6  23 23 11 94
MagicalGiant  10 MG 47 45  3 10 15 18 14 10 35 120Dr--   MudGolem*2  23 23 11 94

Enemy Reinforcement:
Class         LV TY AT DF MP CR A+ D+ M+ MV Jd RA        Mercenaries AT DF MV RA
HighMaster    10 Am 50 32 17  2 17 14 14 14 59 107Dr115  Warrior*4   24 17 15 89
              EQUIP: Hedin Aeneas Armor Necklace         Sniper*2    20  3 14 49
KnightMaster  10 Hr 52 34  8  9 19 10 10 19 41 82        Dragoon*4   29 20 16 85
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail               Legion*2    25 19 14 75
Marshal       10 Gr 42 42 14  8 11 17 11 10 52 87        Phalanx*4   23 24 12 86
              EQUIP: Long Sword Chain Mail               ArchAngel*2 23 21 17106

Hrunting            5000P   AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Force Hammer        9800P   AT+20%(-2MP) (AT-20% if no MP consumed)
Dagda Kon Stick     6500P   AT+7 MV-2 Action+4Penalty
Dragoon Spear       8800P   AT+7 RW+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Wind 
                            Skill:Critical Magic: WindCutter Tornado
Life Staff         10000P   INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate Magic:Heal1.2
Miracle Staff      12500P   INT+10 MR+7 MA+2 MD+1 Magic:Meteor EarthQuake
Hedin               8500P   DF-7 Range14 Action+22Penalty
Knight Plate        5500P   DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 (Include Mercenaries)
Speed Boots         2700P   MV+4 V+4
Amulet               700P   M+20 RA+20
Tiara               3000P   MP+12 INT+5 MR+4 MA+3 Female
Star Piece          4000P   MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Sonic Band           980P   Action-15(Include Mercenaries)

Secret Item:

Love Index:
Before the battle starts, you have a chance to confess to one of the female
you like.
1. Mariandel
2. Brenda
3. Claret
4. Second page

1. Alfred
2. Lanford

All your party members are captured. Place all the commanders with high mobility
or mages who know teleport close to Sigma so you can free them as soon as
possible. After you free 3 commanders, Omega will show up but they will be
attacked by the guardians as well. Just focus on the enemies on the north first
since Omega will be busy dealing with the Magical Giant. Finally, just kill
Omega and his minions.

Love Index and Ending                                                    [LOVE2]
Lambda(Mariandel) - 124
Brenda            - 122
Claret            - 120

All female love index start at 100. Decrease 1 affection for the female who
retreat from any battle. Always remember that all characters must have high
kill count and 0 retreat in order to get their own good ending.

Class Growth                                                             [CLAG2]

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               |PathB(optional)|Bronze        |
|               |               |PathB(optional)|               |              |
|               |Gladiator      |               |SwordMaster    |Hero(Gold)    |
|Fighter        |               |BattleMaster   |               |              |
|               |PathA(optional)|               |PathA(optional)|Silver        |
|               |               |PathA(optional)|               |              |
|               |               |               |PathC(optional)|Iron          |

About Bronze, Gold, Silver, Metal. The material you chose during the character
creation quiz will cancel the corresponding level 5 class.

For the class set, please refers to chracter creation quiz question 2.

|Level \ Set    |Set A Class    |Set B Class    |Set C Class    |Set D Class   |
|Level 2 Class  |SilverKnight   |Captain        |Sorcerer       |HawkLord      |
|Level 3 Class  |BraveKnight    |SerpentKnight  |Mage           |DragonKnight  |
|Level 4 Class  |KnightMaster   |SerpentLord    |ArchMage       |DragonLord    |
|Level 5 Class  |RoyalGuard     |SerpentMaster  |Hermit         |DragonMaster  |

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               XKnightMaster   XRoyalGuard    |
|               |               XBraveKnight    |               |              |
|               XGladiator      |               |SwordMaster    |Hero          |
XFighter        |               XBattleMaster   |               |              |
|               XSorcerer       |               XArchMage       |Hermit        |
|               |               XMage           |               |              |
|               |               |               XDragonLord     XDragonMaster  |

Recommended path: Fighter>Gladiator>BattleMaster>SwordMaster>Hero

Hero is a nice class and Sigma, himself is a great fighter as well. You should
go ahead for the Hero class ignoring all the other classes. If you want to use
RuneStone later, you just have to turn him into a Hermit.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               OWizard         |              |
|               |               XSummoner       |               |              |
|               XShaman         |               |ArchMage       |Hermit        |
XWarlock        |               |Mage           |               |              |
|               OCleric         |               |Saint          |Avatar        |
|               |               OPriest         |               |              |
|               |               |               OHighPriest     |              |

Recommended path: Warlock>Shaman>Mage>ArchMage>Hermit

Solid mage class character. You can turn her to an avatar if you want her to
be a healer but I personally like a character with more offensive spells like

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               XRanger         XHighMaster    |
|               |               XGeneral        |               |              |
|               XGladiator      |               XMarshal        |              |
XFighter        |               XSerpentKnight  |               |              |
|               XCaptain        |               |SerpentLord    |SerpentMaster |
|               |               |BraveKnight    |               |              |
|               |               |               |KnightMaster   |              |

Recommended path: Fighter>Captain>BraveKnight>SerpentLord>SerpentMaster

He is your only Sea unit in this game. Not much to say here since SerpentMaster
is definitely better than HighMaster since HighMaster cannot command his troops
very well.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               XArchMage       XHermit        |
|               |               XSummoner       |               |              |
|               XSorcerer       |               XWizard         |              |
XKnight         |               XBraveKnight    |               |              |
|               XSilverKnight   |               |KnightMaster   |RoyalGuard    |
|               |               |General        |               |              |
|               |               |               |Marshal        |Queen         |

Recommended path: Knight>SilverKnight>General>Marshal>Queen

She is another fighter after Sigma. The only great thing about her is she can
fight well and cast heal spell. Without question, she should be your front line
troop. She has two special spells. She will learn Quiet when she reached second
class and she can learn Bless when she reached third class.

|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               OHighPriest     |              |
|               |               XPriest         |               |              |
|               XCleric         |               |Saint          |Princess      |
XPengasusKnight |               |Paladin        |               |              |
|               XPengasusLord   |               |DragonLord     |DragonMaster  |
|               |               XDragonKnight   |               |              |
|               |               |               XRanger         XHighMaster    |

Recommended path: PengasusKnight>Cleric>Paladin>Saint>Princess

She is more likely a holy character who deal with demon and heal your party.
Promote her to a Princess to get an extra advantage, Teleport.
|Level 1 Class  |Level 2 Class  |Level 3 Class  |Level 4 Class  |Level 5 Class |
|               |               |               XSwordMaster    |              |
|               |               XBattleMaster   |               |              |
|               XGladiator      |               |Marshal        |              |
XKnight         |               |General        |               |              |
|               XSilverKnight   |               |KnightMaster   |RoyalGuard    |
|               |               |BraveKnight    |               |              |
|               |               |               |DragonLord     |DragonMaster  |

Recommended path: Knight>SilverKnight>General>KnightMaster>RoyalGuard

Solid fighter. Royal Guard is simply better than DragonMaster since RoyalGuard
has higher judgement. Turning him to a General in the middle to the class
growth to get heal spell which can useful in emergency.

Class List                                                               [CLAS2]

Level 1 Class
Class         |AT|DF|MP|A+|D+|M+|JD|MV|CR|IN|Mercenaries |Magic/Summon|Character
Type          |Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|MC|  |            |Skill       |
Fighter       | 3| 2| 1| 2| 3| 1|53|13| 5| 3|Soldier     |None        |Sigma
Ground        |50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50| 0|  |Pike        |            |Alfred
Warlock       | 2| 3| 5| 3| 1| 2|60|10| 4| 7|Soldier     |Fire        |Lambda
Magician      |68|68|68|68|68|68|68|68| 0|  |            |WindCutter  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack1     |
Knight        | 3| 2| 1| 3| 2| 1|42|19| 6| 3|Lancer      |None        |Brenda
Horse         |50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50| ?|  |            |            |Lanford
PengasusKnight| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?| ?|30|21| 7| ?|Hippogriff  |None        |Claret
Air           |55|--|55|55|35|55|55|55| ?|  |            |            |

Level 2 Class
Class         |AT|DF|MP|A+|D+|M+|JD|MV|CR|IN|Mercenaries |Magic/Summon|Character
Type          |Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|MC|  |            |Skill       |
Gladiator     | 5| 4| 2| 4| 4| 2|50|12| 6| 4|Soldier     |MixTroops   |Sigma
Ground        |65|65|65|65|65|65|65|65|+1|  |Pike        |            |Alfred
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Lanford
Sorcerer      | 5| 2|11| 4| 3| 3|60|10| 5|10|Soldier     |FireBall    |Sigma
Magician      |72|72|72|82|72|72|72|72|+0|  |Elf         |Thunder     |Brenda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Mute        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Decline     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack1     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MPDrain     |
Shaman        | 4| 2|12| 3| 3| 3|59|10| 5|11|Soldier     |Thunder     |Lambda
Summoner      |70|70|70|80|70|70|70|70|-1|  |            |Mute        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Slow        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon4     |
Cleric        | 3| 3| 8| 2| 4| 4|59|10| 5|  |Monk        |Fain        |Lambda
Bishop        |75|75|75|90|75|75|+5|75|-1|  |Crusader    |Heal1       |Claret
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Protection1 |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Decline     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon1     |
SilverKnight  | 6| 4| 2| 6| 2| 2|40|19| 7| 4|Lancer      |MixTroops   |Sigma
Horse         |55|55|55|55|55|55|55|55|+1|  |Centaurus   |            |Brenda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |HeavyLancer |            |Lanford
HawkLord      | 6| 2| 0| 5| 3| 2|30|21| 8| 4|Hippogriff  |MixTroops   |Sigma
Air           |50|--|50|50|50|35|50|50|+1|  |Hablok      |            |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |SkyArcher   |            |
Captain       | 6| 3| 2| 5| 3| 2|45|15| 7| 4|LizardMan   |MixTroops   |Sigma
NormalSea     |50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|+1|  |Merman      |            |Alfred
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pike        |            |
PengasusLord  | 5| 3| 5| 4| 4| 3|30|21| 8| 7|SkyArcher   |MixTroops   |Claret
Air           |60|--|60|60|60|40|60|60|+1|  |Hablok      |            |

Level 3 Class
Class         |AT|DF|MP|A+|D+|M+|JD|MV|CR|IN|Mercenaries |Magic/Summon|Character
Type          |Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|MC|  |            |Skill       |
BraveKnight   | 7| 4| 2| 3| 2| 3|41|19| 8| 5|Dragoon     |MixTroops   |Sigma
Horse         |70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|+1|  |HeavyLancer |            |Alfred
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Centaurus   |            |Brenda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Lanford
BattleMaster  | 6| 5| 3| 3| 2| 3|51|12| 7| 5|Legion      |SwordEquip  |Sigma
Ground        |75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|+1|  |Pike        |MixTroops   |Lanford
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Elf         |            |
Mage          | 5| 4|14| 3| 2| 4|61|10| 6|10|Elf         |Tornado     |Sigma
Magician      |85|85|85|95|85|85|85|85|+1|  |Sniper      |ThunderStorm|Lambda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Sleep       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Zone        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MPDrain     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MagicEquip  |
Summoner      | 5| 3|14| 2| 2| 4|60|10| 6|12|Sniper      |Confuse     |Lambda
Summoner      |80|80|80|90|80|80|80|80|+0|  |            |ThunderStorm|Brenda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MPDrain     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Decline     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon5     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MixTroops   |
SerpentKnight | 7| 5| 4| 3| 2| 3|46|16| 9| 5|MermanLord  |Critical    |Sigma
NormalSea     |70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|+1|  |LordLizard  |MixTroops   |Alfred
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Phalanx     |            |
DragonKnight  | 5| 5| 4| 3| 2| 3|31|21| 9| 5|ArchAngel   |MixTroops   |Sigma
Air           |85|--|85|70|70|55|70|70|+1|  |Hablok      |            |Claret
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |SkyArcher   |            |
Priest        | 4| 4|10| 2| 2| 5|60|10| 6| 9|Monk        |Fain        |Lambda
Bishop        |85|85|85|95|85|85+15|85|+0|  |Crusader    |ForceHeal1  |Claret
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Protection1 |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Zone        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Resist      |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Quick       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |--MixTroops |
General       | 5| 6| 6| 2| 3| 4|52|11| 7| 5|Pike        |Heal1       |Alfred
Ground        |75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|+1|  |Phalanx     |ArmorEquip  |Brenda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Elf         |MixTroops   |Lanford
Paladin       | 5| 5| 7| 2| 3| 6|61|10| 6| 8|SaintPerson |HolyBlaze   |Claret
Holy          |87|87|87|97|87|87+20|87|+1|  |Exorcist    |ForceHeal1  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Elf         |Heal2       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Pike        |TurnUndead  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Quick       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Protection2 |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Resist      |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MagicEquip  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MixTroops   |

Level 4 Class
Class         |AT|DF|MP|A+|D+|M+|JD|MV|CR|IN|Mercenaries |Magic/Summon|Character
Type          |Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|MC|  |            |Skill       |
KnightMaster  |10| 6| 3| 6| 4| 4|41|20| 9| 6|Dragoon     |Attack1     |Sigma
Horse         |82|82|82|82|82|82|82|82|+1|  |Sniper      |            |Alfred
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Hablok      |            |Brenda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Lanford
SwordMaster   | 9| 6| 4| 5| 4| 4|51|12| 8| 6|Legion      |SwordEquip  |Sigma
Ground        |87|87|87|87|87|87|87|87|+1|  |Phalanx     |            |Lanford
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |HighElf     |            |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Hablok      |            |
ArchMage      | 8| 5|15| 5| 3| 5|61|10| 7|13|HighElf     |Meteor      |Sigma
Magician      |94|94|94|98|94|94|94|94|+0|  |Ballista    |Blast       |Lambda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Sleep       |Brenda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Zone        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Attack2     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Slow        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |MagicEquip  |
DragonLord    | 8| 6| 6| 5| 3| 4|31|22|10| 8|Hablok      |Fire        |Sigma
Air           |90|--|87|87|90|60|87|87|+1|  |ArchAngel   |            |Claret
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Dragoon     |            |Lanford
Wizard        | 7| 5|15| 4| 3| 5|60|10| 6|14|Ballista    |Blast       |Lambda
Summoner      |90|90|90|94|90|90|90|90|-1|  |            |Attack2     |Brenda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Zone        |
SerpentLord   | 8| 7| 3| 6| 3| 4|46|17|10| 6|LordLizard  |Attack1     |Sigma
NormalSea     |82|82|82|82|82|82|82|82|+1|  |Nixie       |SwordEquip  |Alfred
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |MermanLord  |            |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Phalanx     |            |
Saint         | 7| 7| 9| 4| 4| 7|61|10| 7|10|SaintPerson |HolyBlaze   |Lambda
Holy          |96|96|96101|96|96+50|96|+0|  |HighElf     |Zone        |Claret
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Exorcist    |Decline     |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Legion      |Heal2       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |ForceHeal2  |
HighPriest    | 6| 6|13| 3| 4| 6|60|19| 6|12|Exorcist    |TurnUndead  |Lambda
Bishop        |94|94|94|99|94|94+50|94|-1|  |SaintPerson |Protection2 |Claret
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Heal2       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |ForceHeal2  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Fain        |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Summon3     |
Ranger        | 9| 6|12| 5| 4| 4|56|11| 3|10|Sniper      |EarthQuake  |Alfred
Ambush        |80|80|80|80|80|80|80|80|-1|  |Warrior     |Bind        |Claret
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Log         |Critical    |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |LightStep   |
Marshal       | 6| 9| 5| 3| 6| 4|52|11| 8| 8|Pike        |Heal1       |Alfred
Ground        |87|87|87|87|87|87|87|87|+1|  |Phalanx     |Fain        |Brenda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Legion      |ArmorEquip  |Lanford
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |HighElf     |            |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |

Level 5 Class
Class         |AT|DF|MP|A+|D+|M+|JD|MV|CR|IN|Mercenaries |Magic/Summon|Character
Type          |Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|MC|  |            |Skill       |
RoyalGuard    | 3| 2| 0| 2| 3| 0|41|20|10| 0|RoyalLancer |None        |Sigma
Horse         |94|94|94|94|94|94|94|94|+1|  |ArchAngel   |            |Brenda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Lanford
Hero          | 3| 2| 3| 2| 0| 1|51|13| 9| 2|Grenadia    |Attack1     |Sigma
Ground        |94|94|94|94|94|94|94|94|+1|  |ArchAngel   |Quick       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |LightStep   |
Hermit        | 2| 1| 7| 1| 1| 2|61|10| 8| 8|Legion      |Teleport    |Sigma
Magician      |99|99|99105|99|99|99|99|+0|  |            |Again       |Lambda
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Brenda
SerpentMaster | 4| 1| 3| 3| 2| 0|46|17|11| 0|Ballista    |Critical    |Sigma
NormalSea     |90|90|90|90|90|90|90|90|+1|  |            |            |Alfred
DragonMaster  | 2| 2| 1| 1| 3| 0|31|22|11| 0|None        |FireBall    |Sigma
Air           100|--|94|94100|75|94|94|+1|  |            |            |Claret
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |            |Lanford
Avatar        | 2| 0| 6| 1| 1| 2|61|10| 7| 6|Ballista    |EarthQuake  |Lambda
Holy          |98|98|98103|98|98+80|98|+0|  |            |Protection2 |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Again       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Healing     |
Princess      | 3| 0| 4| 2| 1| 1|61|10| 8| 4|Ballista    |Meteor      |Claret
Holy          |97|97|97102|97|97+50|97|+0|  |            |Teleport    |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Regenerate  |
Queen         | 4| 1| 5| 2| 0| 0|51|13| 8| 1|Ballista    |ThunderStorm|Brenda
Ground        |92|92|92|92|92|92|92|92|+0|  |RoyalLancer |EarthQuake  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Again       |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Blast       |
HighMaster    | 2| 2| 3| 1| 1| 2|56|11| 0| 0|Phalanx     |Teleport    |Alfred
Ambush        |92|92|92100|92|92|92|92|+0|  |            |NinjaSkill  |Claret
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            |Critical    |

Equipment                                                                [EQUI2]

Knife  : Ground Magician Sea Theft Ambush Demon Undead
Sword  : Ground Horse SpecialHorse Air Sea Theft Ambush Demon Undead SwordEquip
Axe    : Ground Spear Sea Demon Undead
Hammer : Ground Bishop Spear Horse SpecialHorse Sea Demon Undead
Spear  : Horse SpecialHorse Air Sea
Staff  : Magician Bishop Sea Theft Demon Spirit Undead
Bow    : Ambush

Weapon            |Price |Effect
Knife             |   30P|AT+1
Gladius           |  200P|AT+2
Main Gauche       |  350P|AT+1,DF+1
Kris              |  650P|AT+3,Skill:Critical
Wind Cutter Dagger|15000P|AT-2,DF-1,Attack Rate+4
Messiah Sword     | 1750P|AT-4 DF-2 A-2 EXP*2
Long Sword        |  750P|AT+3
Great Sword       | 1000P|AT+4
Mithril Sword     | 2300P|AT+5
Ice Blade         | 4000P|AT+5 RI+10. Magic:Freeze,Blizzard
Thunder God Sword | 4000P|AT+5 RT+10. Magic:Thunder,ThunderStorm
Hrunting          | 5000P|AT+6 Skill:Poison4
Gram              | 7500P|AT+6 (AT+12 against Dragon)
Excalibur         |11000P|AT+7 DF+1 RH+10 Element:Holy Magic:HolyBlaze
Strike Beam Sword |    0P|AT+3 AR+2 (Range7, once per turn)
Alhazard          |    0P|AT+9 DF+1 A+2 D+1 RH-20 RA+10 Action-5 Skill:Critical
Langrisser        |    0P|AT+8 DF+1 A+1 D+1 RA+10 RH+20 Action-5
Hand Axe          |  160P|AT+2
Battle Axe        | 1600P|AT+5 MV-1 Action+3Penalty
Mithril Axe       | 2100P|AT+5 Action+1Penalty
Devil Axe         | 2350P|AT+8 DF-4 MV-4 RH-15 Action+4Penalty
Rune Axe          |10500P|AT+8 MV-1 RA+5 Action+2Penalty 25%MuteEnemy
Iron Array        |   50P|AT+1 MV-2 Summon:Builder
Kon Stick         |  150P|AT+3 Action+3Penalty Critical
Flail             |  750P|AT+4 Action+2Penalty Critical
Morning Star      | 1100P|AT+5 Action+2Penalty Critical
Force Hammer      | 9800P|AT+20%(-2MP) (AT-20% if no MP consumed)
Dagda Kon Stick   | 6500P|AT+7 MV-2 Action+4Penalty
Mjollnjr          | 8000P|AT+7 RT+15 Action+2Penalty Element:Thunder
                  |      |Skill:Critical Magic:Thunder ThunderStorm Summon:Thor
Lance             | 1100P|AT+4 Action+3Penalty
Mithril Lance     | 2250P|AT+5 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Bloody Lance      | 3000P|AT+3 RH-10 Action+4Penalty Element:Dark 
                  |      |25% cast HPDrain after battle
Flame Lance       | 5000P|AT+6 RF+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Fire Skill:Critical
                  |      |Magic:Fire FireBall
Dragoon Spear     | 8800P|AT+7 RW+10 Action+2Penalty Element:Wind Skill:Critical
                  |      |Magic: WindCutter Tornado
Dubthach          | 9800P|AT+8 Action+2Penalty Skill:Critical
Staff             |  150P|AT+1 MR+2 MD+1
Wand              |  800P|INT+5 MR+4 MD+1
Crystal Rod       | 1200P|INT+5 MR+5 MD+1
Wizard Rod        | 2000P|INT+5 MR+8 MA+1 RA+5 MD+1
Burning Staff     | 7000P|INT+8 MR+5 RF+10 MD+1 Magic:Fire FireBall
                  |      |Summon:BellZephyr
Life Staff        |10000P|INT+8 MR+5 MD+1 Skill:Regenerate
                  |      |Magic:Heal1.2 ForceHeal1.2
Miracle Staff     |12500P|INT+10 MR+7 MA+2 MD+1 Magic:Meteor EarthQuake
Dragon King Staff |14000P|INT+10 MR+6 MA+2 MD+1 CastTime-5C Standby-5C
                  |      |Summon:Holy Dragon
Short Bow         | 3000P|DF-1 MV-2 Range7 Action+10Penalty
Long Bow          | 4500P|DF-3 MV-3 Range10 Action+16Penalty
Elfen Bow         | 6500P|DF-5 MV-1 Range14 Action+20Penalty
Hedin             | 8500P|DF-7 Range14 Action+22Penalty
Artemis Bow       |11000P|DF-10 MV-3 Range18 Action+30Penalty
                  |      |25%ConfuseEnemyCommander

Heavy Armor:Ground Spear Bishop Horse Undead
Light Armor:Ground Bishop Spear Horse SpecialHorse Air Theft Ambush Demon Undead
Leat:Ground Magician Bishop Horse SpecialHorse Air Sea Theft Ambush Demon Undead
Robe:Ground Magician Bishop Horse SpecialHorse Air Sea Theft Ambush Demon Undead
Boots:Ground Magician Bishop Spear Theft Ambush
Magical Item:Magician Bishop Demon Spirit Undead MagicEquip

Armor              |Price |Effect
-----------------------------------HEAVY ARMOR----------------------------------
Plate Armor        | 3800P|DF+5 MV-3
Mithril Armor      | 4200P|DF+5 MV-2 RA+5
Knight Plate       | 5500P|DF+5 MV-2 Action-5 (Include Mercenaries)
Aura Plate         | 6000P|DF+5
Assault Suit       |80000P|AT+10 DF+10
-----------------------------------LIGHT ARMOR----------------------------------
Gaia Armor         | 4000P|DF+2 MV-1 RG+12 RI+8 10%CastForceHeal1
Chain Mail         | 1000P|DF+3 MV-1
Breast Plate       | 4000P|DF+4 MV-1
Dragon Scale       | 2700P|DF+3 RF+12 RI+5
Aeneas Armor       | 4800P|DF+4 Action-3 (Include Mercenaries)
Hard Leather       |  450P|DF+2
Vaselin            |   20P|RF-5 Transform:Aniki(Lang 5) Summon:Builder
Apron Dress        |  150P|DF+1 Transform:Maid(Lang 5) Female
Clothes            |   40P|DF+1
Robe               |   50P|DF+1 RA+2
Megin Gjord        |  500P|AT+5% Summon:Thor
Magical Bikini     |  300P|DF+1 RA+10 Female
Mirage Robe        |  550P|DF+2 RA+5(except Holy and Dark)
Angel Feather Garb |  600P|DF+2 RA+8 Summon:Seraphim Female
Dark Robe          | 7000P|DF+3 M+10(Holy-10) RH-10 RA+10(RH-10)
                   |      |Summon:Chaos King
Goddess Dress      | 7500P|DF+2 RA+8 M+8 Skill:CurePoison Summon:Light Goddess
Leg Guarder        |   40P|DF+1
Greave             |  400P|DF+2
Speed Boots        | 2700P|MV+4 V+4
Cross              |  200P|D+1 [M+2 RA+2(RH+5 and RD+5)]
Necklace           |  650P|D+1 CR+2 MC+1
Amulet             |  700P|M+20 RA+20
Fairy Stone Ring   |  800P|MP+6 INT+5 [M+10 RA+10(except Holy Physic)]
Crystal Ank        |  850P|DF+1 D+1 [M+5 RA+5(RH+8 and RD+8)]
Protect Ring       | 5000P|DF+4 D+2
Power Ring         | 5000P|AT+4 A+2
Tiara              | 3000P|MP+12 INT+5 MR+4 MA+3 Female
Crown              | 4600P|A+3 D+2 CR+3 Action-3(Include Mercenaries)
Star Piece         | 4000P|MA+1 Standby-3C MPconsume75%
Light Veil         | 9500P|INT+5 CastTime-15C Standby-10C Regenerate1MP per turn
                   |      |Female
Conqueror Wristband| 3750P|A+2 D+2 MC=6
Dragon King Crown  | 4800P|A+5 D+2 INT+5 RF+8 RI+8 Summon:HolyDragon
Sonic Band         |  980P|Action-15(Include Mercenaries)
Rune Stone         |15000P|Return to class 1
----------------------------------MAGICAL ITEM----------------------------------
Orb                | 1350P|MP+50%
Talisman           | 1600P|A+3 D+1 RH+5 RD+5
Fire Orb           | 2100P|MP+50% MR+1 RF+20
Saint King Charm   | 2300P|INT+15 D+3 M+10(Holy and Dark only) RH+10 RD+10
Angel Feather      | 5000P|A+3 D+2 M+15 RA+15 Summon:Seraphim
Holy Ring          | 7500P|MP+10 A+2 M+15(Holy+20) MR+3 MA+2 RH+20 RA+15
                   |      |Summon:Light Goddess
Blood Contract     | 8000P|A+4 D+2 INT+8 M+20(Holy-20) RH-20 RA+20
                   |      |Summon:ChaosKing
Apron Dress        |  150P|DF+1, transform into a Maid
Critical Book      |  500P|Learn Critical
Time Book          |  800P|Learn Again
Maid Contract      | 1000P|Able to hire Maid

Mercenaries List                                                         [MERC2]
Battle effeciency:
Each type of units has their own weakness and strength. Check the list below.
Bow is strong agaist Air
Spear is strong against Horse
Horse is strong against Ground
Ground is strong against Spear
Holy and AntiDemon are strong against Demon and Undead

Name         |Type     |Pric|AT|DF|MV|Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|Skill
Hippogriff   |Air      | 70P|20|13|15|45|--|55|55|55|40|55|55|None
ArchAngel    |Air      |400P|23|21|15110|--|95105110|85+95|95|CurePoison Healing
SeaMan BLUE  |Air      |450P|24|18|15+10|--+10+10+10100|50|--|CurePoison Healing
SeaMan YELLOW|Air      |450P|14|30|13+50+50+50+50+50+50+50+50|CurePoison Healing
SeaMan PINK  |Air      |450P|28| 4|18+10|--+10+10|50100+10|--|CurePoison Healing
SeaMan BLACK |Air      |450P|30|19|11|30|30|30|30|30|30|30|30|CurePoison Healing
Hablok       |AntiAir  |190P|19|10|17|70|--|80|80|80|65|80|80|None
Merman       |SeaSurface 70P|22|13|14|60|60|60|60|60|60|60|60|None
MermanLord   |SeaSurface350P|26|16|15|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|None
LizardMan    |Land     | 60P|23|12|14|40|40|40|35|40|40|40|40|None
LordLizard   |Land     |360P|26|17|15|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|None
Pike         |Spear    | 60P|18|18|12|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|None
Phalanx      |Spear    |340P|23|24|12|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|None
Centaurus    |BowHorse |100P|19| 8|16|40|40|40|40|40|40|40|40|Range:7
SkyArcher    |AirBow   |150P|16| 5|15|35|--|35|35|35|25|35|35|Range:7
Elf          |Bow      |140P|16| 6|13|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|Range:10CurePoison
HighElf      |Bow      |440P|21|10|13100100100100100100100100|Range:10CurePoison
Nixie        |SSBow    |660P|21| 9|13|90|90|90|90|90|90|90|90|Range:14
Sniper       |LongBow  |300P|20| 3|11|40|40|40|40|40|40|40|40|Range:14 Critical
Ballista     |MachineBow680P|25| 5| 8|35|35|35|35|35|35|35|35|Range:18
Crusader     |Holy     |170P|22|18|13|70|70|70|85|70|70120|70|None
Exorcist     |AntiDemon|230P|21|16|13|75|75|75|--|75|75+50|75|None
Monk         |Bishop   | 40P|19|13|12|63|63|63|83|64|64|93|63|None
SaintPerson  |Bishop   |310P|23|18|12|85|85|85|95|85|85+80|85|CurePoison
Log          |Theft    | 30P|20|13|13|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|Critical
Warrior      |Theft    |350P|24|17|12|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|Critical
Maid         |Ground   | 20P| 0| 6|11|30|30|30|30|30|30|30|30|None
Soldier      |Ground   | 50P|20|14|12|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|None
Legion       |Ground   |320P|25|19|12|65|65|65|65|65|65|65|65|None
Grenadier    |Ground   |550P|26|21|12|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|None
Lancer       |Horse    | 70P|24|15|16|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|50|None
Dragoon      |Horse    |390P|29|20|16|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|None
HeavyLancer  |HeavyHorse120P|22|21|15|55|55|55|55|55|55|55|55|None
RoyalLancer  |HeavyHorse670P|30|22|15|85|85|85|85|85|85|85|85|None
Shade        |Spirit   |460P|21|20|12|65|--|80|--|80|80|50|80|CurePoisonparalyz3
SnowDragon   |Dragon   |620P|28|20|10|60|--|80|80+95|60|80|80|Colddmg CurePoison

Skill List                                                               [SKIL2]
Name       |Target|Effect
SwordEquip |Self  |Able to equip all sword regardless of class.
ArmorEquip |Self  |Able to equip all armor regardless of class.
MagicEquip |Self  |Able to equip all staff regardless of class.
NinjaSkill |Team  |Walk through obstacles.
Critical   |Self  |Increase critical rate. Accumulate for 3 turns.
Regenerate |Team  |Recover 1 HP for mercenaries every turn.
Healing    |Self  |Recover 1 HP for commander every turn.
JudgementUp|Self  |Judgement+3.
LightStep  |Team  |MV+2 V+2.
CurePoison |Team  |Resist status ailment.
Poison1    |Enemy |2% chance inflict poison status to enemy after battle.
Poison2    |Enemy |4% chance inflict poison status to enemy after battle.
Poison3    |Enemy |6% chance inflict poison status to enemy after battle.
Poison4    |Enemy |8% chance inflict poison status to enemy after battle.
Paralyze1  |Enemy |2% chance inflict paralyze status to enemy after battle.
Paralyze2  |Enemy |4% chance inflict paralyze status to enemy after battle.
Paralyze3  |Enemy |6% chance inflict paralyze status to enemy after battle.
Paralyze4  |Enemy |8% chance inflict paralyze status to enemy after battle.
Petrify1   |Enemy |2% chance inflict petrify status to enemy after battle.
Petrify2   |Enemy |4% chance inflict petrify status to enemy after battle.
Petrify3   |Enemy |6% chance inflict petrify status to enemy after battle.
Petrify4   |Enemy |8% chance inflict petrify status to enemy after battle.
MixTroops  |Self  |Able to hire two types of mercenaries.
CommandUp  |Self  |Merceneries Judgement+3

Magic List                                                               [MAGI2]
Name        |MP|Element|Target     |Cure/Effect
Fire        | 1|Fire   |Enemy 1Unit|
FireBall    | 3|Fire   |Enemy Area |
Freeze      | 4|Ice    |Enemy 1Team|
Blizzard    | 7|Ice    |Enemy Area |
Thunder     | 5|Thunder|Enemy 1Team|Stronger on water
ThunderStorm| 7|Thunder|Enemy Area |Stronger on water
WindCutter  | 2|Wind   |Enemy 1Unit|Strong against Fly Unit
Tornado     | 9|Wind   |Enemy Area |Strong against Fly Unit
EarthQuake  |16|Ground |Enemy Area |
Meteor      |14|Physic |Enemy Area |
HolyBlaze   | 6|Holy   |Enemy Area |Strong against Demon
TurnUndead  | 7|Holy   |Enemy Area |Kill mercenaries only
MPDrain     | 1|Dark   |Enemy 1Unit|
Blast       |12|Physic |Enemy 1Unit|
Sleep       | 6|Dark   |Enemy Area |Fain Cannot move till the unit is hit
Confuse     | 3|Dark   |Enemy 1Team|Fain Attack nearest target regardless
Zone        | 5|Dark   |Enemy 1Team|Fain A+ D+ M+ cut by half
Mute        | 3|Dark   |Enemy Area |Fain Cannot cast magic
Declice     | 4|Dark   |Enemy 1Team|Resist Fain Resist All-30
Slow        | 6|Dark   |Enemy 1Team|Fain Counter +1Turn(Resist=Counter +20point)
Bind        | 2|Dark   |Enemy 1Team|Quick Fain Move=0
Protection1 | 2|------ |Ally  1Team|DF+3
Protection2 | 4|------ |Ally  1Team|DF+5
Attack1     | 1|------ |Ally  1Team|AT+3
Attack2     | 4|------ |Ally  1Team|AT+5
Quick       | 1|------ |Ally  1Team|Bind MV+5
Resist      | 3|------ |Ally  1Team|Decline Resist All+30
Heal1       | 2|------ |Ally  Area |HP maximum recover 3 points
Heal2       | 6|------ |Ally  Area |HP fully recover
ForceHeal1  | 3|------ |Ally  1Team|HP recover 3 points
ForceHeal2  | 5|------ |Ally  1Team|HP fully recover
Fain        | 3|------ |Ally  Area |Cure status ailment
Again       | 4|------ |Ally  1Team|Able to move again
Teleport    | 8|------ |Ally  1Team|Move to a location instantly
Quiet       |20|------ |All   Map  |Cannot use magic or summon for 500 counter
Bless       |15|------ |All   Ally |+1HP to all units every turn for 500 counter
Laser       | 0|------ |All   Line |Secret
Explosive   | 0|------ |All   Area |Secret

Summon List                                                              [SUMM2]
Name         |MP|Type        |AT|DF|MP|MV|IN|Fr|Gr|Th|Dr|Ic|Wd|Hl|Ph|Magic Skill
Sleipnir     | 7|SpecialHorse|27|18| 0|18|18|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|70|None
Summon1      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Pixy         | 7|Air         |18|16|14|16|40110|--110|95110|--|95|95|Mute
Summon1      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sleep
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal1
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |CurePoison
Valkyrie     |14|Ground      |24|19|32|18|62|75|75|75|75|75|75|75|75ThunderStorm
Summon2      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Quick
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Attack2
Jinn         |14|JinnSpirit  |25|22|25|15|40|70|--|70|70|70+99|70|70|WindCutter
Summon2      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Tornado
Phoenix      |20|AntiAirAir  |29|22|20|16|35+99|--120|--|70|70|--120|Fire
Summon3      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |FireBall
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |CurePoison
Freya        |20|Air         |26|24|40|16|75120|--120|--120|90+99120|HolyBlaze
Summon3      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |ForceHeal2
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sleep
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |CurePoison
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Attack2
Spider       | 8|SpecialHorse|25|15| 0|16|13|30|40|40|50|30|40|40|40|Paralyze4
Summon4      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Poison3
Haunt        | 8|Spirit      |22|13|15|11|26|55|--|70|--|70|70|40|70|MPDrain
Summon4      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sleep
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |CurePoison
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Paralyze2
Medusa       |17|Ground      |27|18|15|12|28|60|60|60|70|60|60|50|60|Zone
Summon5      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Decline
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Petrify4
Lilith       |17|Demon       |26|18|35|11|45|80|80|60100|80|80|60|80|FireBall
Summon5      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sleep
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Resist
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal1
AilmentGuard |24|SeaSurface  |32|25| 0|14|20|90|90|90|95|90|90|90|90|Poison4
Summon6      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Fenrir       |24|SpecialHorse|33|21| 0|16|25|90|90|90|97|90|90|90|90|None
Summon6      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Seraphim     |35|Air         |24|21|50|15|??120|--120|--120|90+99120|Meteor
Summon1,2,3  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Protection2
Angel Feather OR|            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal1
Angel Feather Garb           |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Again
Thor         |35|Ground      |32|24|15|12|??|90|90+99|90|90|90|90|90|Thunder
Summon1,2,3  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  ThunderStorm
Mjollnjr OR  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Megin Gjord  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Builder      |38|Ground      |33|28|12|11|??|80|80|70|80|80|80|80|80|Blast
Summon1,2,3  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Decline
Iron Array OR|  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal1
Vaselin      |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Bell Zephyr  |30|Demon       |28|22|40|11|??|95|95|95|--|95|95|70|95|EarthQuake
Summon1,2,3  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Meteor
Burning Staff|  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Attack2
             |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Teleport
Holy Dragon  |35|Dragon      |31|25|25|11|??100|--100|--100100+99100|HolyBlaze
Summon123456 |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |TurnUndead
Dragon Staff AND|            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal2
Dragon Crown |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Fain
Chaos King   |40|Demon       |32|28|40|11|??|--|--|--|--|--|--125|--|Meteor
Summon4,5,6  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Sleep
Dark Robe AND|  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Zone
Blood Contract  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Again
Light Goddess|40|Air         |29|28|55|13|??|--|--|--|--|--|--+99|--|EarthQuake
Summon1,2,3  |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Protection2
Goddess Dress AND            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Heal2
Holy Ring    |  |            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |Teleport

Cheat                                                                    [CHEA2]
-------------------------------Scenario Select----------------------------------
At load Screen. Highlight a save file. Press Square, Up, R1, Triangle, Down
Select, Circle. Play cleared scenario.

At load Screen. Highlight a save file. Left, Square, Triangle, Select, L1, Right
R1, Triangle, X. Play all scenario.

---------------------------------Secret Shop------------------------------------
Go into Shop. Highlight buy. Press R1, Down, L1, Up, Square, X. Able to buy all
items except 3 secret equipments.

--------------------------------Ultimate Shop-----------------------------------
Go into Shop. Highlight buy. Press R1, Up, Left, L1, Up, L1, Square, X. Able to
buy all items include 3 secret equipments, Money increased by 50000P.

------------------------------All Magic Unlocked--------------------------------
Highlight a character. Press Select, Select, X, X, Square, Square, X, Triangle.

--------------------------------All Mercenaries---------------------------------
Go to Mercenaries page. Press L1, Triangle, Down, Down Triangle, Square, X.

--------------------------------Character Voice---------------------------------
At Start menu. Press L1, R1, L2, R2, Up, Right, Square, X.

--------------------------------Character Voice2--------------------------------
At Start menu. Press R2, R2, L2, L2, Up, Left, Triangle, Square. Config Menu

--------------------------------Character Voice3--------------------------------
At Start menu. Press L2, L2, L1, L1, R2, R2, Triangle, Up. Config Menu

-----------------------------------All Status-----------------------------------
Highlight a character. Press R1, L1, Up, Triangle, Square, X

At Load Data. Press R1. R1. L1. L1, Square, Left, Triangle, Circle, Right,
Square, Square, L1, R1, Left, L2, R2, Triangle, X.

------------------------------------Other Info----------------------------------
At Load Data. Press Square, Up R1, Triangle, Down, Select Circle for Normal Mode
Press R1, R1, L1, L1, Square, Left, Triangle, Circle for Hard Mode.

Copyright Information                                                    [COPY1]

This entire document is (C) 2009 FallenWings. All trademarks are property of
their respective owners. No section of this guide can be used without my
permission. This includes, but is not limited to posting on your website, making
links to my guide, including parts of my guide in your own, or making reference
to any material contained within.

All the sites mentioned below have permission to do the above. Please email me
at FallenWings at GMAIL dot COM to enquire about gaining permission to use this
Credits                                                                  [CRED1]
Thanks to Michael Sarich for the Copyright section

Thanks to John for pointing out several errors in Character creation section and
suggestions on Alfred Class.
- Great ASCII Art
These websites provide many useful information. You have to pay them a visit
if and only if you can read Japanese and Chinese.

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