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Walkthrough and Career Guide

by samsam90

            _______ _             _____ _                
           |__   __| |           / ____(_)               
              | |  | |__   ___  | (___  _ _ __ ___  ___    
              | |  | '_ \ / _ \  \___ \| | '_ ` _ \/ __|   
              | |  | | | |  __/  ____) | | | | | | \__ \  
              |_|  |_| |_|\___| |_____/|_|_| |_| |_|___/ 
                  ___  ____ __   _   _  __  __  ____
                 |   \ |  _|| | | | | | \ \/ /  |  _|
                 | |\ \| |_ | | | | | |  \  /   | |_
                 | |/  |  _|| | | | | |  /  \   |  _|
                 |    /| |_ | |_| |_| | / /\ \  | |_
                 |___/ |___||___|_____|/_/  \_\ |___|
               ____  ___   _  _______  _   __   __    _
               |  _||   \ | ||__   __|| | /  \ |  \  | |
               | |_ | |\ \| |   | |   | |/ /\ \|   \ | | 
               |  _|| |/  | |   | |   | |\ \/ /| |\ \| |
               | |_ |    /| |   | |   | | \  / | | \   |
               |___||___/ |_|   |_|   |_|  \/  |_|  \__|
                     Walkthrough & Career Guide
                             Sam Garner

Please e-mail all questions to:
[email protected]


NOTE: type the code in brackets under find (ctrl + f) and click find 
to jump to the section.

1. About the Sims (+01)

2. Getting Started (+02)

3. Careers (+03)
   I. Business (+03.1)
   II.Entertainment (+03.2)
   III.Law Enforcement (+03.3)
   IV.Life of Crime (+03.4)
   V. Medicine (+03.5)
   VI. Military (+03.6)

   VII. Politics (+03.7)

   VIII. Pro Athlete (+03.8)
   IX. Science (+03.9)
   X. X-Treme (+03.10)

   XI. Musician (+03.11)

   XII. Slacker (+03.12)
   XIII.Paranormal (+03.13)

   XIV. Journalism (+03.14)

   XV. Hacker (+03.15)

4. Relationships (+04)
   I. Making Friends (+04.1)
   II. Finding Love (+04.2)
   III. Marridge and Moving In (+04.3)

5. Expansion packs (+05)
   I. The Sims on Holiday (+05.1)
   II. The Sims Hot Date (+05.2)   
   III. The Sims Unleashed (+05.3)

6. Disasters (+06)

7. Cheats (+07)

8. Updates (+08)

+ (+01) About The Sims +

The Sims is an open-ended, unpredictable and insanely outrageous 
simulator in which you must create a family of Sims, Build or buy 
them a house, design what goes in it and then run their lives. There
are endless amounts of possibilities including raising a family, 
building up a sucessful career or just getting rich!! In This Guide 
I will explain th basics of the game and some of the more advanced 
features. Hope it helps!

+ (+02) Getting Started +

As you first begin the game you will see a neighbourhood with 4  
houses and 5 empty lots. the house with the arrow above it will 
teach you how to play the game (extremely useful if you are new 
to The Sims series. Also at the main screen there are 7 buttons 
across the top bar pluss a nuber with an arrow either side of it.
This lets you select different neighbourhoods. The other buttons
are as follows:-
        Create Family - Create a New Family.
	Import Family - Import a family from a File.
	Evict or Buldoze - Move a family out and/or destroy a house
	Switch to Downtown view - see chapter 5.2 (+05.2)
	Switch to Vacation Island - see chapter 5.1 (+05.1)  
        Quit - Return to operating system.
        View Web Pages - View information on all families on game.

+ +03 Careers +


+ (+04) Relationships +


+ (+05) Expansion Packs +


+ (+06) Disasters +


The toilet, sink and dishwasher can all break and start to flood, and 
that flood can turn into a big problem if you don't send your sims to 
clean it up and get those appliances fixed or replaced. Hiring a maid 
can help you with this problem.


Some of your clumsier Sims are none too swift wit a box of matches; 
even asking them too light a fire is a risk. Fires can be VERY serious,
so get those sims to extinguish it immediately (Adults Only). Buying a 
smoke alarm automatically summons the fire brigade so its a good investment


Even The Sims have shady characters lurking around, if you spot a burglar
coming into your house (usually at night) get a sim to call the police 
immediately. Buying a burglar alarm automatically brings the police to 
your house. Also Catching a burglar sometimes brings a reward.


Yes Sims can die but never from old age, (??!!??) only from accidents 
such as a fire, electrocution and hunger. When a Sim dies the grim reaper 
will appear and other family members may have the chance to plead for their 

+ (+07) Cheats +

Press ctrl + shift + C to open the cheat menu to access the cheat box 
then type exactly whats below:
	Rosebud !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!0
NOTE: The more !;!; you do the more money you get.
NOTE: If the cheat fails then switch rosebud for the word Klapaucius.
Now hold down enter and watch your money rise.

	Move_Objects on
Allows you to delete objects normall un deleteable e.g. mailbox.

With the move objects on cheat save your game then go to buy mode and 
delete your sim when you return to live mode click on your sims face
and they will return with full motives and maximum mood.(Great for 

+ (+08) Update List +

20th August:-  

Started walkthrough.  Title looks good.  Chapter 1 completed.  
Half of chapter 2 completed.  Cheats finished.  Disasters Finished.