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Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 1

by Xlins

 _____     _                    __ 
|_   _|_ _| | ___  ___    ___  / _|
  | |/ _` | |/ _ \/ __|  / _ \| |_ 
  | | (_| | |  __/\__ \ | (_) |  _|
  |_|\__,_|_|\___||___/  \___/|_|  
 __  __             _                ___     _                 _ 
|  \/  | ___  _ __ | | _____ _   _  |_ _|___| | __ _ _ __   __| |
| |\/| |/ _ \| '_ \| |/ / _ \ | | |  | |/ __| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |
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|_|  |_|\___/|_| |_|_|\_\___|\__, | |___|___/_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|
          ____ _                 _               ___             
         / ___| |__   __ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __   / _ \ _ __   ___ 
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|_____| | |___| | | | (_| | |_) | ||  __/ |    | |_| | | | |  __/
         \____|_| |_|\__,_| .__/ \__\___|_|     \___/|_| |_|\___|


1a. Introduction
1b. Controls

The Walkthrough
	2a. Prologue: Deep in the Caribbean
	2b. Flotsam Island
	2c. The Bar Brawl
	2d. Treasure Hunting
	2e. Capturing a Boat
	2f. Meeting Deep Gut
	2g. The Unbreakable Bottle
	2h. Taming the Hand
	2i. Where the Wind Blows
	2j. Opening the Portal
	2k. Wind Idols
	2l. Off to Sea

3a. Final Thoughts
4a. Contact me and other Gubbins

1a. Introduction

Welcome to my walkthrough for Tales of Monkey Island!

After getting stuck on more than a few occasions and finding no guide I decided
to write my own for those of us that have become so frustrated it probably
isn't good for our health.  Hopefully the guide will be helpful for anyone
using it beginning to end and for those that are dipping in to get past the odd

Above is the table of contents that lists all parts of my guide and I have
included a quick search function so you can find a specific part easier.  All
parts will have a code (i.e. 1a for the Introduction), which you can search for
(ctrl+f) and jump to that section.

I have split the guide into sections for each series of puzzles that lead to
an achievement.  By achievment I mean something like finding the treasure or
capturing a boat.  This should make finding the soloution to any puzzle easier.

I have also used the actual names of ingame items here.  So if you have the
"Club 41" membership card or "U Tube" and you don't know what to do with it you
will be able to do a search for the item and get a result.

Finally, if you have any comments or suggestions or if I have made a major
mistake and missed something vital feel free to send me an email (see Contact
me and other Gubbins)!  Any contributions will be noted within the actual

1b. Controls

It might just be me, but the mouse control for movement is rubbish and I
couldn't find a mention of key mapping in game, so for ease of use here are a
few buttons I've discovered.

WASD for movement.
Inventory � Tab key or middle mouse button.
F4 � Toggles the screen to highlight selectable objects.
Space � Pauses the game, even in dialog and cutscenes.

The Walkthrough

2a. Prologue: Deep in the Caribbean

So off we go.  This section acts as the tutorial and the game leads you by the 
hand with handy hints at the top left of the screen.

First we need to pick up the Voodoo Recipe from the mast and wouldn't you know, 
we need some Enchanted Root Beer to finish it off!  For some reason Elaine has 
been keeping it in the Monkey Coffin which is up the stairs on the bridge of
the ship.  Once you've picked it up open your inventory and examine the coffin
by either selecting the magnifying glass icon or by pressing the "E" key.

Now we have all the ingredients to enchant our cutlass, but the root beer is 
flat!  You'll notice there are already some items in your inventory, one of 
which is a packet of fizzy mints.  We need to combine these mints with the flat 
root beer and then the root beer with the cutlass.  

Trust Guybrush though, he can't keep things simple.  After combining the
cutlass and root beer a cutscene will trigger and he'll drop the bottle and
it'll smash.  Now we'll need to find or make some more.  As always a helpful
hint at the top left of the screen points the way.  Talk to Elaine and ask her
to throw you the rope.  Once aboard her ship we can get to work.  First we
need a root from Chuck the potted plant at the prow of the ship, so use your
cutlass on it to chop some off.  Next, near the hatch is a barrel of good old
grog.  Chuck the root into the barrel and then throw the mints in after it.
Now we have some enchanted root grog!  Use the cutlass on the barrel to
enchant it.  Don't go up to LeChuck straight away as he'll use some voodoo to
throw you back down the stairs.  Instead, stand where you can see him and
then use the enchanted cutlass on him.

BANG!  Now the adventure begins.

2b. Flotsam Island

After a night of drifting on the sea you'll wash up on Flotsam Island and be 
greeted by the local reporter Nipperkin.  After a little chat you'll discover 
there is only one boat in town, but it's next to useless due to the constant 
winds that won't allow any ship to sail away.  It's not all bad news though as 
it turns out a mysterious Deep Gut might just be able to help us out, but not 
before we help Nipperkin sell some newspapers.  To do this we'll have to cause 
some pirate-y mischief.

Once you've finished talking to Nipperkin walk up towards town.  Remember 
holding down F4 will dull the screen and highlight objects you can interact 
with.  You'll first come to Club 41 but as they aren't taking on new members
we won't be getting in here yet.  Keep walking and you'll pass Nipperkin's 
newsagents, you can stop and chat about what newsworthy shenanigans he'd like
to write about.  A good bar brawl, boat seizing and finding buried treasure
are the stories of the day.

2c. The Bar Brawl

Continue along the walkway until you reach the ship the Screaming Narwhal and 
talk to Van Winslow.  We are going to need a ship and it turns out we can have
this one if we can only knock Winslow off of it.  Once you've finished chatting
look for the clothesline that runs from the ship.  You'll notice Winslow has
some garments out to dry, the ones we need at the moment are the socks so jump
up and investigate them to find a hidden Club 41 membership card.

Make your way back towards town for your first headline.  As we have the Club
41 membership card we can now get into club to have a refreshing grog.  Use the
club's door to be let in and let the mayhem unfold!  You'll be chucked out soon
after along with a grogatini glass.  Walk towards the newsagents and pick up
the tiny Grogatini Sword.

2d. Treasure Hunting

Now head left towards the glassblowers shop and talk to Crimpdigit.  Ask him,
"What's this Alphabet Sale all about?"
"I think I'd like one of those free vowel tubes."

He'll then give you your very own U Tube...

Head left again and go up over the bridge to the doctors house.  We can't get
in here yet but take the Flower Pot from near the door.  Head back over the
bridge and towards the glassblowers shop and take the path that goes between
that and the courthouse.

Now we are in the jungle and things can get confusing!  Walk west and take the 
lower of the two paths to find a portly pirate playing with dolls.  As it  
happens he is in the area looking for a rare Porcelain Power Pirate called Dark
Ninja Dave and is in possession of a treasure map!  To get the map ask him,

"What kind of treasure do you hunt?"
"What are Porcelain Power Pirates?"
"How many Porcelain Power Pirates do you have left?"
"Mind if I take a look at that map?"

He'll hand the map over thinking it is a fake.  Before we finish talking to him
we need to borrow one of this pink dolls from the pile so distract him by 
"Look, it's Dark Ninja Dave!"

When his back is turned click the pile to pick up a doll.  Now head back to
town and to the newsagents, we are going to make a Dark Ninja Dave.

There is a vat of ink outside of the newsagents so dip the pink Action Figure 
in to it and then from the inventory combine the Ink-Stained Action Figure with
the Grogatini Sword.  We now have Dark Ninja Dave!  Head back to the jungle and
to D'Oro the portly pirate.  From here we'll go treasure hunting!

Open the map and it'll give you the directions you'll need to find the buried 
Dark Ninja Dave.  First stop is the wishing well.  From D'Oro take the North 
exit to find the well.  To start the puzzle you'll need to use the map on the 
well; the island will shake indicating that the hunt has begun.

If you look at the map again the directions are pictures of animals.  Each path
in the jungle will have a sound associated with it, for example bees buzzing, 
and these sounds are what you need to follow to find the treasure.  For each 
successful direction a nice tinkling sound like a wind chime will play.  If
you take a wrong turn it'll be a nasty clunking noise.  From the wishing well
the directions you need to take are:

East, East, North, South, South, North, West.

We'll arrive at our location, but someone has been here before us and Dark
Ninja Dave is gone... lucky for us we created our own Dark Ninja Dave back at
the newsagents!  Take the doll from your inventory and place it in the X Marks
the Spot hole.  The final stage is upon us.  Exit right and from the island map
go back to the Jungle Entrance and to D'Oro.  Talk to him and say,

"Good news!  Your map isn't a rip-off!"

Guybrush will then lead him to the buried doll and we'll have completed the
second news story for Nipperkin.  Now to get us a that ship!

2e. Capturing a Boat

First we need to gather one more item.  Go back to the Jungle Entrance and to 
where D'oro used to be.  Take the West exit and on the next screen go West 
again.  There will be a Pile of Bombs here.  Pick them up and use the handy 
button at the bottom left of the screen to return to the Jungle Entrance and 
from here go to the dock and then the boat.

Look at Winslow all secure up on his boat.  Time to take it from him!  First 
things first, we need to try and get up the boarding plank.  Guybrush gives it
a good effort but ends up sliding back down leaving a smear of grease.  Not one
to give up, look for the Anchor Chain that is near Winslow.  Click it to climb
up.  Winslow is prepared again and throws hot coals at you, but luckily for us
one of the coals bounces over the grease and creates a fire on the dock.  Use
a bomb on the Grease Fire and head towards the Clothesline.  We need to move
quickly as this bomb is on a timer.  Put the bomb in the pink frilly knickers
and then use the Clothesline, not the crank.  We need to get that bomb near
Winslow. Guybrush will attempt to climb along the line and Winslow, ever ready
as always,  uses a crank to send you back where you came, but this brings the
bomb up towards him where it explodes.

Bang!  We got ourselves a boat and Nipperkin is finally happy to give us 
directions to Deep Gut.  Yup, another wonderful map.

2f. Meeting Deep Gut

This is a nice simple map, from the Jungle Entrance again where D'Oro was go:

East, North, North, North.

Deep Gut's hut.  Use the door and the password, "Deadline"

After talking to the Voodoo lady you'll discover that the Pox of LeChuck is 
loose upon the seas and that your hand has been infected by it.  The only way
to remove the pox is by finding "La Esponja Grande" and that means getting off
this island.  After finishing the conversation look for the Parrot Skeleton in
the cage hanging from the ceiling near the Voodoo lady.  As is Guybrush's way
we manage to ruin her parrot and she discards it.  Walk over and pick it up,
you'll never know when it comes in handy.  To the left of the hut at the
foreground of the screen is an Interesting Bottle, go and pick this up too.
It contains a map that will help solve the mystery of the wind, but we'll need
to somehow open it.  Exit the hut.  On the sand is a Weather Vane that fell
down during the "LeChuck Episode" pick this up as well and head back to the

2g. The Unbreakable Bottle

The Pox of LeChuck has now consumed the island, time to get to work.  Head to 
the glassblower and talk to Crimpdigit and ask him,

"Know anything about "unbreakable� bottles?"

He'll show you that they are breakable with a special tool he has... we just
need to borrow it.

##### Bug Alert #####

It is possible to use the Unbreakable Bottle on the Unbreakable Bottle Breaker
while it is near Crimpdigit, but doing so will cause a game breaking bug later
on.  Using the bottle on the breaker here will break the bottle, but Crimpdigit
will catch you and take the breaker back off you.  You need the Unbreakable
Bottle Breaker in your inventory for a puzzle later on.

If you have already done this, worry not, you can still get the breaker in your

##### Bug Alert #####

We'll need to distract Crimpdigit to get at the breaker so make your way to
your ship.  After the chat with Winslow go down to the deck.  Near the hatch
is a Cheese Wheel and a cannon.  Fire the cannon and watch that cannon ball
fly!  Shame about the unicorns.  Before you leave the boat pick up the Cheese
Wheel.  Head back to Crimpdigit's shop and pick up the Unbreakable Bottle
Breaker.  The poxed hand doesn't want us breaking it so we'll have to work
around that, maybe the doctor can help.  Exit left from Crimpdigit's shop and
go over the bridge to the Doc's.

2h. Taming the Hand

Knock on the door and De Singe will invite you in to look at your hand.  Shame
he turns out to be a mad man!  He'll fasten you down and numb your hand giving
you control back.  We just need to free ourselves to open the bottle!

Turn right and incline your chair.  There is a key on the table here.  Pick it 
up with your feet and turn left then use the key on the monkey cage.  Still 
inclined turn left and use your feet on the bell.  The monkey will replace the 
projector card to one of the mouse powered electric machine.  Decline the chair
so you can reach the peddles and use the peddle at Guybrush's right foot.  A 
banana will drop and the monkey will look at the picture and jump over to the 
mouse.  Press the other pedal to get the mouse moving in the machine and shock 
the monkey.  His spasm will knock over another projector slide of Guybrush's 
hand onto the floor.  Turn left in the chair and pick up the slide then turn
right and incline and drop the slide into the box with the others.  Ring the
bell to get the monkey back over and then drop him a banana.  He'll look at the
picture then jump to the skeleton with the key.  Decline and use the Shock
Pedal so the key sticks to the monkey's tail.  Incline and ring the bell to
bring the monkey back and swap the slide.  Drop him a banana and he'll jump
onto your chair allowing you to take the key and unlock yourself.

Hurray!  Free at last and with a grogged-up hand too.  Time to combine the 
Unbreakable Bottle Breaker and Unbreakable Bottle to pop that thing open and
get to the map inside.

2i. Where the Wind Blows

The map is currently unreadable, but remember that the map used to belong to a
pirate on the island.  Make your way to the courthouse and you'll find a Crusty
Pirate sitting on its steps.  Have a chat with him,

�Can you help me with these crazy winds?"
�What a coincidence, I've got an indecipherable ancient scroll too!�

This will lead you to a choice of 4 dialog options and any you pick will have 
the same result; you'll be given an Eye of the Manatee eye glass.  Combine the 
eye glass with the Ancient Scroll and you'll have yourself a readable map!
Head for the good old jungle spot where D'Oro was and take the east exit to the 

Use the Ancient Scroll on the Altar to start off the puzzle.  This is similar
to the treasure hunting map, except this time we have to find the direction
of the wind in some areas.  To do this you use the Ancient Weather Vane we
picked up outside of the Voodoo lady's hut.  First we need to head:

South, West, North.

This will bring us to the wishing well.  Remember that pot of flowers we picked 
up so long ago from the Doc's house?  This is were we use them.  Take them from 
your inventory and use them on the well.  The island will shake again.  Now to 
follow the rest of the map.

East, West, West.

Now we are at the Calendar.  If you look at the map the calendar will have a
dotted line around it.  It took me a while to realise it meant walking around
it and not something to do with trying to make the wind go round it!  As you do
the circle it will chime and flash and when you've done a full circle it should
glow gold for a second and make a nice noise.  The last exit after this is

2j. Opening the Portal

We have arrived at an Ancient Portal and De Singe is here too!  What 
dastardly scheme is he up to.  Examine the Crystal Nose on the portal.  It 
doesn't seem to do much, but we have the bottle breaker in our inventory, use 
that on the nose.  Pop!  Pick up the Weird Door Face and in the Nasal Cavity we 
just created in the door place the Pyrite Parrot.  Now to confront the doctor.  
Head back to the dock.

De Singe is on his balcony watching the pox over the island.  Talk to him and 

"I've got PROOF that you're up to no good!"

Guybrush will pull out the Weird Door Face and you'll trick De Singe into
following you back to the Ancient Portal where he'll open the door for you to
sneak in.  After your confrontation you'll be left alone at the Wind Control

2k. Wind Idols

Near the statue is an open Clamshell.  Use the Ancient Tool that Guybrush
picked up earlier on it to start the next puzzle.  Four Mysterious Idols will
rise throughout the jungle and we must summon the wind gods by spinning the
wheels to make them resemble each of the gods.  Place the Ancient Weather Vane
on top of the first idol.  The wind will spin it and the wind god that we need
to resemble will be displayed.  Spin each of the wheels until they match the
weather vane then use the Ancient Tool on the Clamshell at the side of it.
One down three to go.

After De Singe has blown you away, make your way back to town, and more 
specifically, the jail that is next door to the courthouse.  Did you notice 
earlier that one of the idols was missing a wheel?  We better prepare for that.
At the jail there are carvings of eyes under the barred windows.  Use the
Cheese Wheel we took from the boat on these carvings.  We now have a
replacement idol wheel!  Now return  to the Jungle Entrance and.. you guessed
it, back to where D'Oro was.

From here take the West exit to our second idol.  Place the Cheese Wheel on the 
idol and then the weather vane so we know which god to copy.  De Singe will 
appear once more when we solve the idol and fire us back to the Jungle
Entrance. Handy, really.

For the third idol go:

North, East, West

And follow the same procedure.  The nose we need is missing on this one, but we
have a nose shaped plant pot in our pocket, so use it on this idol.  De Singe
doesn't appear once we complete this one so head back to the Jungle Entrance

To find the fourth idol go:

East and then East again.

De Singe will be waiting and we'll need to get past him, obviously.  He's a
trigger happy chappy so when the dialog options appear chose,

"Look, it's King Louis!"

This will distract him long enough for you to place the U Tube we were given by
the glassblower into De Singe's gun.  Fump!  Off he goes and lands himself in
our idol.  We can't use the weather vane on this one so we have to listen for
signs.  Start spinning, once you have the correct piece in place De Singe will
groan in pleasure rather than pain.  If you have difficulty the pieces you want

Three Eyes
Snotty Nose
Zig-Zag Mouth

And with that final idol the winds stop, De Singe storms off threatening
revenge and Guybrush sets sail!

2l. Off to Sea

It would never be that simple though.  Once out on the open seas Guybrush's 
poxed hand wakes up and does all it can to stop him getting to where he wants
to go.  If only we had some more grog!  Nevermind there is another way.

Head up to Winslow and take charge of the wheel.  The lurch of the boat sends
a barrel of tar flying across deck towards the cannon.  Run down and use the 
cannon.  The force knocks the cannon back and breaks the barrel against the
mast, spilling tar all over the deck.  Return to the stairs that lead up to
Winslow and use the map on the wall.  The poxed hand will attack Guybrush and
knock him back into the tar where it becomes stuck.  Now you are free to give
orders, so shout up to Winslow and off to Chapter 2 we go!

3a. Final Thoughts

Well that's it.  Did you love it as much as me?  I wasn't expecting it to be
great to be honest, but I loved every minute of it, so much so that I wrote a
guide and still want to play it again!  I could gush about how much I loved it
all day!  Roll on chapter 2 and here's to more hours of head scratching and
swearing at the monitor...

...and hopefully chapter 2 in my Tales of Monkey Island guide!

4a. Contact Me and other Gubbins

My email address is [email protected] if you want to drop me an email.  Please
put Monkey Island in the subject line so I can spy emails easily.

As for my guide it is free to use for non-commercial use so knock yourself out,
although if you do use it remember to credit me.