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by arkrex

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				 Nintendo DS

	                    | FAQ / WALKTHROUGH |

	        Author: Kelvin Tay -> AKA Arkrex/Torte/Smooth
	                 Version: 3.0 Final (06/05/07)



28/10/06 - 0.5 - first submission of my new project; I've detailed everything 
up to Munitions Forge and will continue to update until everything is covered.
In the end, I hope to have sections on controls, abilities, enemies, puzzles 
and everything else in between as well to make this the most complete FAQ for 
this version of this quasi-dungeon crawler.  A full game script should be up 
soon too so look out for that.

05/11/06 - 1.0 - Finally got the time and motivation to finish of the main 
walkthrough!  Everything is covered and you should be able to get through the 
whole game alright.  I plan to add more detailed boss strategies in the future,
along with a comprehensive move list, bestiary, and possibly solutions for some
of the more tougher puzzles featured within.  Look out for the next update, 
definitely sometime this year!

18/11/06 - 2.0 - Major overhaul.  Added in a full bestiary including my own 
tips on defeating the enemies, the full moveset for Spyro, and gave everything 
a spiffy re-presentation.  Hope everyone likes it.  This will probably my last 
update for this year.  If anyone would like to add anything else, do try to 
contact me over my summer holiday period and I will add to it next year.  In 
particular I'm looking for the locations of the 2 crystal puzzle locations I 
missed on my re-run.  Thanks!

06/05/07 - 3.0F - All loose ends have been tied up.  This is the final revision
and updates have been provided for the following: Crash easter egg; first 
puzzle-device activation; first boss detailed strategy; and a few other small 
spots that needed some polishing up.  Thanks to all those that helped make 
this guide complete (see section C. Conclusion).  'Til next time..


This FAQ is for personal use only.  It may not be used for any commercial or 
personal gain.  If you would like to host this FAQ, ask for my permission first
(contact me at [email protected] with "Spyro" as the subject line).

Spyro the Dragon and all related properties are copyrighted to to their 
respective owners.


			      | INTRODUCTION |

Hello everybody!  Spyro has always held a place in my heart after his fun lil'
romps on the early PS1.  He has changed over the last few years with mixed 
results.  This latest 'redone' Spyro has a focus on battling over platforming 
across all major console systems.  While I only rated it a 6.5/10 at GameFAQs, 
that means it is fairly good, only hindered by specific flaws such as the lack 
of zoom and relatively broken balance of attacks.  But that doesn't mean it 
isn't any good.  The DS version provides light relief, incorporating some 
unique touch screen elements into the first chapter of this purple dragon's 
story.  The highlights are the full-3D boss battles that await you at the end 
of each gruelling world.  Plus there are excellent puzzles involving light 
beams to keep you occupied as well.  I hope you find this guide beneficial to 
you playing experience.  Now let's get it on!



I. Introduction


1. The Legend of Spyro Begins!				#1
2. Dante's Freezer					#2
3. The Tall Plains					#3
4. Munitions Forge					#4
5. Cynder's Lair					#5
6. Convexity						#6

7. MOVELIST						#7

8. BESTIARY						#8

9. BONUS TIPS						#9

10. General Queries					#10

C. Conclusion						#11				


|1. The Legend of Spyro Begins!|  (#1)


Make your up the winding path utilising your jumping skills.  When you reach 
the giant skull, follow Sparx's instructions and tap the barrier a few times to
make it collapse.  Keep going and destroy you first enemy, a frogweed!  Move on
and you will encounter a more dangerous foe, the firebeetle.  This one won't 
attack you so just go ahead and tap it to destroy it, but later swarms of these
bugs will home in on you and deal out a lot of damage if you are too slow to 
swat them before they reach you.  Keep following the path and more firebugs 
will appear, and as I just mentioned, these ones will attack you so tap them 
out quick.  Keep following the path and another bunch will spawn it too.  Exit 
the area.

Move towards the save crystal and Sparx will tell you how to use it.  Simply 
tap the crystal to instantly save.  At the beginning of each new area, there is
always a save crystal; be sure to activate them ASAP to decrease frustrating 
retracking should Spyro be defeated.  Save here if you want, then follow the 
path beating up the frogweeds if you wish.  You'll reach a clearing where a 
cutscene will activate and Spyro will gain the fire breath.  Use it to beat the
2 soldiers.  Some long dialogue with Spyro's parents now, and then you are off 
on your adventure!  Beat up 2 more soldiers and head to the left end of this 
clearing.  Jump up the step and continue following the path beating the other 
soldiers that spawn.  Exit the area.

As you move forward a dark shadow crosses you as a large dragon flies overhead.
After the dialogue, move on.  As you pass the save crystal, an energy barrier 
will erect behind you.  Some dialogue, and then defeat the soldier.  Move 
forward into the large area and defeat a few soldiers that spawn.  When you are
done the barrier in front will drop, so after the dialogue head up that way.  
You'll be stopped soon enough by another barrier.  Defeat the soldiers that 
appear and the new enemy, the leader, too.  (Refer to the bestiary for info on 
all your enemy needs!)  When the barrier drops continue on left and double jump
up the steps to higher ground where you'll find another leader-type.  Move on 
right and Sparx will tell you how to glide.  Glide across the gap and keep 
going right until some barriers block your way again and defeat the soldiers to
move on and out.

Glide your way across the gaps to the end where a barrier will block your way.
Now glide back to the previous 2 platforms and dispose of the leaders on each.
If you fall off you can make your way back to high ground via steps to the 
left.  Once done head back to the right again through the opened way.  Some 
dialogue, and Sparx will leave you briefly.  Continue on down and destroy the 
firebugs that approach.  You'll eventually be blocked off by some barriers and 
a bunch of soldiers will spawn.  Beat them to move on.  You'll come across the 
entrance to some ruins.  A red dragon, Ignitus, emerges to talk to you.  After 
a very long dialogue sequence, follow Ignitus up to the entrance to the temple 

There is a contraption to the left of the entrance.  Tap it once and a golden 
hook will appear.  Touch it with your stylus and then carefully draw a full 
circle to activate the switch.  A lot of people have trouble with this part; 
if you fail to do it a couple of times, be sure to tap the device again to 
bring up the hook before you continue trying to complete the revolution.

Solve the puzzle [1] to open the door, head inside and past Ignitus to the 
right side.  A barrier will block you way and some enemies will appear.  After 
the dialogue start to beat the soldiers up.  Ignitus will give you some advice 
during your battle; use the tail sweep to knock surronding enemies away from 
you.  Defeat all the enemies!  After Iginitus congratulates you on your 
victory, follow him to the next chamber to the right. A cutscene of a giant 
dragon statue in this beautiful temple will show along the way.  Once you reach
the room with the statue and a green portal on the ground, head towards the 
upper left path to find Ignitus.  Here he will explain the situation at hand 
before leading you back to the main chamber to begin your training.  Practice 
the new techniques he teaches you... or not; it doesn't matter what attacks you
use to defeat the dummies, you'll move on anyway!  Once your training is 
complete, follow Ignitus back to the main chamber.

|2. Dante's Freezer|  (#2)

Head left for your first encounter with a troll.  Once you defeat him head up 
to the next area and destroy all the soldiers and trolls that spawn.  Once done
you will view a cutscene whereby you gain the electric breath.  Now head over 
to the catapult device and use the touchscreen to activate it and destroy the 
barricade.  Before you leave there is a puzzle to solve here [2].  Head right 
through the opened path.  In this area you will meet another new enemy, the 
disciple.  Defeat all the enemies and activate another catapult to open the way
north.  There's also another puzzle around here [3].  Head up to exit this area.

Defeat all the enemies.  Head to the upper left for a puzzle [4], and then head
right and defeat another bunch of hired goons.  Once done you will encounter
yet another new enemy, the ghost, so go ahead and defeat it.  Solve the puzzle 
[5] to move right into the next area.  Defeat the 2 leaders and then activate 
the catapult to open the way north into the next scene.

Defeat all the enemies and then move on.  Defeat some more and move on again 
(see the pattern here?).  Defeat a last bunch, solve the puzzle [6] to drop the
barrier, and exit right out of this pretty uneventful area.

There is a puzzle right up ahead [7].  Defeat all the enemies and a new enemy, 
the angler fish, will appear.  Defeat it fast; I really hate these fishes since
they can deal good damage to you and are quite difficult to target due to their
jerky movements.  Move up the zig-zagging path and defeat the enemies along the
way.  Once done watch out as some firebugs will appear.  Poke them all before 
proceeding through the path to scene 5.

Head down the path and defeat all that appear.  Head right over the bridge and 
defeat some more.  Head into the small area south to find puzzle [8] before 
leaving the scene up north.

Defeat all the enemies and watch for more firebugs.  Head up the stairs 
dispatching more along the way.  At the top, to the right of the gate, is a 
puzzle [9].  Lift up the gate using the touchscreen and head on through to the 
first boss of the game.

2-Boss 1: ICE KING
First boss battle!  Spyro will fly in to gain a good offensive position.  As 
Spyro circles the Ice King target his shield to destroy it, then focus on his 
shoulder plates.  Once you have damaged one enough it will shatter, and he will
run away into his fortress.  Destroy his other shoulder plate and he will move 
up onto a tower.  Target his helmet to destroy it and you will finally be able 
to shoot him right in the chest.  More hits and he's done for.

If you are having trouble dodging his hits, The Ambassador has some advice:

"Stage 1:
HE hits right. Then either he will attack again within about 3 
seconds (hits left) or he will wait a longer amount of time 
and reset (hit right, then left if within 3 seconds, reset if 
not, and so on). 
His other attack is a left strike if you are extremely close 
to him.

Stage 2:
He hits Right then Up (a double strike) three times. Then he 
hits Left and Down (another double strike) once. Then he 

Stage 3:
Just stay on the right. He ONLY hits on the left. 

Once you rescue Volteer, you will be back at the Temple.  After some dialogue 
Volteer will let you practice some electricity-based techniques.  Destroy all 
the training dummies as before complete this session.  Note that when told to 
perform the finishing move, you have to perform it correctly to move on.  You 
may have have to button mash a bit to get it out, but you'll get there.  Some 
more dialogue will show and you will soon be whisked off into the next world."

|3. The Tall Plains|  (#3)

Ahh, the bog-standard grassy plains!  First drop off to the ground below to 
find a puzzle [10].  Double jump your way back up to the start and then glide 
over to the next platform on the right.  You will be greeted by a couple of 
enemies here.  Defeat them to drop the barrier and glide over to the mainland 
on the right.  A new enemy appears here, the armadillo.  Defeat it and then the
following enemies that appear too.  Head across the wooden bridge and some 
dialogue will ensue as you discover a captive up ahead.  Once done, continue on
and defeat all enemies.  Touch to tap the ropes binding the prisoner to free 
him.  More dialogue, and then once Kane leaves, you will have to deal with some
more enemies, as well as those darn firebugs.  Move on right to the next scene.

Defeat all the enemies.  Move on down to view a cutscene of Kane.  Spyro will 
gain the water breath ability here.  Defeat some enemies and head to the left 
to defeat some more.  There is a puzzle [11] in the bottom right corner.  Move 
on left to find more enemies to defeat.  Now a rather large new enemy will show
itself, the spider tank.  Defeat it (easily with strong water blasts) and move 
on up to Scene 3.

As you make your way across the bridge watch out for the firebug ambush that 
can seriously drain your health to nothing real fast if you are too slow in 
exterminating them.  Solve the blatantly obvious puzzle [12] to drop the 
barrier.  Past the bridge there will be another new enemy introduced, the rock 
brute.  Beat it along with the following spawning enemies.  Head up through the
fallen tree trunk to another patch and defeat all here.  Once done head across 
the bridge to the left making sure you are well prepared for another firebug 
onslaught.  Head north and your way will be blocked off by an energy barrier.  
Prepare to fight off a tough mix of enemies now.  Move on up and out of here.

Slide the door open and go through.  You'll meet up with Kane again for a chat.
Once done, dispatch the spawning enemies, and again watch for the firebugs at 
the end.  Make your way up the spiralling path defeating all enemies along the 
way to drop the many barriers that you will encounter.  At the end is a 
compulsory puzzle [13] to solve in order to drop the final barrier and exit.

Head right to a dead end and destroy the enemies that spawn.  Once done, 
continue back to the fork and then head down the left path.  Defeat the enemies
while making your way along the path.  At the end, solve the puzzle [14] to 
disengage the barrier and move onto Scene 6.

Defeat all enemies at the start before making your way up.  Defeat the enemies 
here and before leaving to the right, there is a puzzle [15] at the top end of 
the meadow.  No sooner than crossing the downed barrier, you will come across 
another.  Head down into a dead end and beat all the enemies here.  Now you can
continue on right.  Defeat more enemies and Kane will talk you again, followed 
by a brief cutscene of Cynder flying away with a stolen crystal.  When you can 
move again, slide open the door and go on through to meet the 2nd boss.

This guy stands atop his pyramid the whole time.  Shoot at his hands to inflict
damage to him.  He will toss 2 boulders at you at a time so target and shoot 
them to avoid damage; 2 direct hits each will destroy them.  Once you destroy 
one hand, he will start tossing a single, larger rock which will take 5 hits to
shatter.  Keep targeting him whilst minimising damage to youself and you will 
soon defeat this rather simple boss.

You will be back at the temple again where you will do some training with 
water-based attacks.  Just like before, follow all the prompts, destroy all the
training dummies, and you will soon be onto the next part of the game.

|4. Munitions Forge|  (#4)

Head up from the start and you'll encounter your first new enemy of the level, 
the magma worm.  Defeat it and the other enemies that spawn.  Don't forget the 
puzzle [16] before continuing onto the right.  Watch for firebugs as you make 
your way down and defeat the strong bunch of enemies that spawn.  Make your way
up the tracks defeating some more enemies including those annoying angler fish.
Exit through the tunnel.

A brief scene will show you a peculiar character standing before a wall.  
Defeat the enemies that suddenly warp in.  When the barrier drops continue on a
bit and defeat even more goons.  Once done you'll get some dialogue with the 
strange character, Mole-Yair, who was shown at the start.  Your objective now 
is to rescue his people - the miners scattered around the place.  First walk 
right and defeat the Spider Tank to initiate more dialogue, then rescue all the
miners in the area by tapping them.  There is 1 northwest, 2 down south, 1 
right of the bridge, and 1 to the east.  Once you rescue them all (actually 4/5
will suffice) the barrier to the next area will drop.  Don't forget the puzzle 
[17] near the northwest miner before you leave!

Defeat the enemies here and rescue the miner to the left.  There's also a 
puzzle [18] at the top to solve.  Once all enemies are eliminated you'll get a 
brief cutscene whereby Spyro learns the earth breath ability.  Continue to the 
top of this area and jump along the pipes to the right.  Once across be 
prepared for a firebug onslaught and defeat the enemies that spawn there.  Save
the miner at the bottom and then continue on up.  Defeat the enemies here and 
then save the 2 miners, 1 left, 1 right to open the way forward.  Don't forget 
another puzzle [19] northeast before leaving through the stylus-activated door.

Save the miner right in front of you as you enter before going for the enemies 
here.  When the barrier is dropped go meet up with Mole-Yair's brother, Exhumor
for a brief chat.  Once he lets you continue, save the miner there and then 
solve the puzzle [20] next to the barrier to drop the latter down.  It is time 
for another new enemy creature, the leech!  Beat it and then all the other 
spawning enemies in this large area.  Save the miner to the right and another 
at the top.  There's also a puzzle [21] to the right of this area above the 
miner.  Open the stylus-rotated door to leave.

More enemies again, and 3 barriers stand in your way too.  Save the miner at 
the bottom and then beat the enemies to drop the barriers to the left.  Move on
and some firebugs will spawn, shortly followed by more enemies.  Defeat them to
gain access to the left end of the cavern and save the miner here and solve the
puzzle [22] to drop the last barrier north to the entrance of this area.  Make 
your way back defeating some more spawning angler fishes and head up to defeat 
some ghosts.  A new enemy will appear, and this one is quite deadly, the 
nataloid.  Defeat it ASAP and the 2 spider tanks that follow.  Save the miner 
and solve the puzzle [23] to drop the barrier.  Continue onwards, open the door 
with your magic wand, er stylus, and go on through.

Defeat the enemies that head straight towards you and the following spawners 
too.  Continue on and save the miner and solve the puzzle [24] at the end.  
Glide across to the right side and save the miner there.  Make your way to 
another large area and defeat everyone.  Save the 2 miners at the top right and
the right end, and solve the puzzle next to the latter too [25].  Head towards 
the open doorway to confront the big boss character of this boiling hot world.

4-Boss 3: STEAM
Yes you are fighting against a steam locomotive gone loco!  He will begin by 
shooting out energy balls at you.  It will take 4 direct hits from Spyro's 
breath them.  In between his attacks, loose some of your own fire to target his
back carriage.  Once his energy has been about 1/4 depleted, Steam will lose 
the back carriage.  Now target the main carraige; he will shift his attack to 
shooting a fireball upwards which splits into 3.  Tap quickly to destroy them 
before they home in on you and cause major damage.  Once his life is 2/3 
depleted, begin to target the steam pipe of the train.  When he is nearly dead,
you can now target the main engine again, but since he cannot attack any more, 
just wait a while and he will fall off the track automatically into a slow and 
easy burning demise!

You will be back at the temple again where you will do some training with 
earth-based attacks.  Just like before, follow all the prompts, destroy all the
training dummies, and you will soon be onto the next part of the game.

|5. Cynder's Lair|  (#5)

There's a puzzle [26] right at the start to solve.  Destroy the leeches and the
following enemies and firebugs that spawn.  Move on up dispatching a few more 
firebugs and enemies.  Keep heading up to find another puzzle [27] and follow 
the path left until the shadow of Cynder flying overhead presents itself 
(does this scene look familiar?)  After Sparx expresses his fear, continue on 
dispatching the enemies and firebugs that appear.  Exit up.

Slide the door open with your stylus.  Enter the chamber and defeat the enemies
here and then prepare for a firebug ambush.  More enemies will spawn after so 
dispose of them while exiting the chamber and moving on along.  Once clear, 
move on right and up the staircase and slide open another door.  Enter the room
and solve the puzzle to drop the barrier [28]  Move on through to a long 
battle now.  Take down the firebugs quickly here before turning your attention 
to the other enemies.  Be sure to take out the disciple on the other side of 
the barrier with projectile fire so that he doesn't heal the enemies on your 
side.  Once you defeat the initial wave, more firebugs appear (gah!), finally 
ending with a spider tank appearance.  Move past the dropped barrier and solve 
the puzzle [29] to drop the next one.  Move on and Cynder will fly overhead 
again.  Defeat a whole bunch of pesky armadillos and then move on up.

Move on up defeating all the enemies along the way.  Watch out for firebugs 
that will approach from the rear first, and then later all around you.  Move to
the right area to clear all the enemies and then solve the puzzle that was at 
the staircase intersection [30] to open the way to the left.  There are only a 
few enemies here.  The barriers won't drop once you're done so head back to the
right area to defeat the 'leftovers'.  Once done, head back left and finsh off 
the last few spawners.  The lower barrier will finally drop so head that way.  
Defeat all the enemies on the platform and then solve the puzzle [31] to drop 
the upper barrier you saw before.  Defeat the enemies that spawn now, and then 
head back and up your new path.  Beat all the enemies and a large amount of 
firebugs at the end and then head through the open doorway to see another 
shadow and exit the area.

Head up the disco like stairs and destroy the enemies on the dancefloor.. er I 
mean on the generic platform :P.  Continue on left up some more stairs and 
beat the spider tank.  Another massive firebug ambush will ensue so watch out. 
Keep going, defeating the rest of the spawners.  Solve the puzzle [32] to drop 
the barrier and continue on defeating just a few more.  Head down the stairs 
and solve another mandatory puzzle [33] to move on.  4th shadow now.  Keep 
going after Sparx's brief line, and defeat the spawning soldiers and leaders to
move on down and out.

Defeat the enemies to move on down the stairs, and then some more to move on up
the contralateral stairs.  Firebug warning!  Then there will be some enemies to
beat and move on.  Defeat the lone spider tank, then solve the puzzle here [34]
to drop another barrier blocking the stairs.  Defeating all the enemies up here
will drop the right barrier so head that way when you are done.  On this large 
platform beat a whole bunch of enemies to drop the upper barrier you saw 
previously.  Now head back, and then up that way.  Defeat the enemies here to 
drop the barrier to the right and then solve the puzzle [35] to open the upper 
barrier.  Note that you can solve the puzzle without dropping the barrier (your 
stylus transcends all barriers remember?), but you still have to beat all the 
enemies before you can move on.  Head up and out.

Getting a bit of a drag now isn't it?  Well it is the last area of this world 
so just persevere.  Head up the stairs and beat the enemies up there.  Once 
you have knuckled up enough, the left barrier will drop allowing access to a 
puzzle [36].  However keep alert as enemies will still keep spawning.  Beat a 
whole lot more and soon the right barrier will drop, but the spawners will 
nevertheless come incessantly.   Be sure to make good use of the stock ice 
crystals to replenish your health or breath.  Once you have defeated the 
seemingly never-ending army, head up the stairs to defeat the ghost and some 
firebugs that appear soon after.  The barrier will drop now, but then so will 
another bunch of enemies approach you.  Another intersection area again; same 
deal as before, beat all the ridiculous numbers of enemies (nearly every single
foe yet!)  This time a puzzle is on the right side [37]  Some time later.......
........... move on up, and you are finally done!

5-Boss 4: CYNDER
Cynder has multiple attack patterns here.  She will randomly switch between 
them, so if you're lucky, she will hopefully avoid using the fireballs too many
times which can be quite difficult to escape unscathed.

1. Cynder shoots 2 fireballs at a time.  Shoot her in short bursts (3 shots at 
a time is the ideal max) so that you have spare breath to quickly destroy the 
fireballs as she releases them.  Alternatively, wait until she finishes 
attacking and retaliate when you have an opening.
2. Cynder flies away and you give chase.  Attack as much as you can during the 
first phase.  Soon the tables will turn and she will chase you!  Dodge up and 
down to avoid her beams; mid-down for the first beam, up for next 2, down for 
last 2 - works every time!
3. Cynder swipes at you once, and then twice.  Try your best to avoid her 
claws.  I forgot where are the safe areas for this part.

Once you bring her down to 1/4 health, she will make her escape through the 
roof and you will have beaten her, this time.

Ignitus will reveal the true origins of Cynder and prepare you for the final 
showdown.  You are nearly at the end now, so let's finish this!

|6. Convexity|  (#6)

Cynder will fly overhead as you approach the save crystal.  Glide over to the 
right platform and you will be met by some soldiers and firebugs.  After those 
guys, you will face some rock brutes and finally end with some oddly misplaced 
disciples.  Move on and double jump to the next platform.  A puzzle [38] is 
situated here.  Defeat the enemies to move on down.  More enemies and firebugs 
from the rear will appear.  Double jump left to the next platform for more 
enemies and firebugs.  Keep going left and glide to another platform.  More 
enemies here.  Once done with them you will have to deal with a final spider 
tank while an onslaught of firebugs surrounds you.  Be quick to tap them off 
since you can easily lose a large chunk of health here.  There is a puzzle [39]
here too so check it out before you move on down.

Defeat the enemies as you move on down and along the path.  Be careful of the 
annoying fishes and firebugs too.  Keep going and double jump to the next 
platform.  Defeat enemies here and then move up the opened way.  It's a trap!  
Defeat all the enemies in this small area to open the way back as well as the 
path you saw before leading right.  Solve the puzzle [40] before you go though.
Now go right and double jump to the next platform.  Move on down and clear the 
entire stretch of all enemires (move back and forth to keep them spawning).  
Head left and defeat the enemies; some firebugs will appear in the last few 
moments.  Keep going left and glide to the next platform.  Big area here, but 
there are no more enemies - yes!  Head towards the energy-emanating structure 
for a cutscene, before entering the final battle with Cynder.

6-Final Boss: CYNDER 2

She has a couple new tricks up her wing this time, and her previous fireball 
attack is back with a vicious vengeance!  Again, she will randomly switch 
between them, so just try your best and keep your fingers crossed!

1. 4 fireballs this time!  Destroy them before attempting to retaliate back.  
It is a hard attack to avoid fully; just tap like mad before she even starts 
letting loose and hope for the best.
2. Energy rods.  You can easily avoid these by moving down, up, down, and then 
up once more.
3. Lasers and flying shields.  Head in the direction of the shields to dodge 
the lasers.  In other words, head to the bottom left to dodge the first attack,
 and then to the right to escape the second.  I think if you try shooting her, 
and hit the shields instead, your fire will reflect back at you and cause 
damage.  Wait it out to be on the safe side.

Once down to about 1/6 of a bar, Cynder will fly away.  Spyro will quickly give
chase and then the tables will be turned and she'll chase Spyro just like in 
the previous battle.  Do not fear though, there are NO attacks!  Once in open 
space again, you can target her once more.  Sparx will then tell you to use 
your Fury attack to finish her off.  So do so!  'X+A' FTW! (If you delay for 
whatever reason, the whole fly away & chase sequence will repeat, again with 
no attacking.)

Once you deliver the final blow, enjoy the final cutscene and give yourself a 
pat on the back for finishing such a gruelling adventure game.  After the 
credits show, you will be given the opportunity to start a new game with all 
your current upgrades, and you will gain access to the arcade mode (time attack
with full powers).  If you have collected the required amount of gems, you can 
also unlock the 2 sets of 20 puzzles under the bonus menu.  By finishing the 
second 20 you will gain the last few crystals required to unlock the special 

				  THE END!


			        | MOVELIST |  (#7)


D-pad	- Move
B	- Jump
Y	- Melee attack
A	- Weak breath (spread)
X	- Strong breath (ball)
L	- Cycle between targets
R	- Hold to bring up the breath menu; select power using the d-pad
Screen	- Fury power targeting, manual enemy targeting, interact with objects
Start	- Pause menu
Select	- Upgrade menu (levels 1,2,3)


Double Jump	- B,B
Glide		- B,B (hold)
3-hit combo	- Y,Y,Y
Tail Sweep	- B+Y
Shield		- B,A
Fury Attack	- Hold X+A, quickly tap the targets in succession
Breath Finisher - Y,Y,Y,B+A (you can then grab the target with your stylus or 
		  finger and move it around to obstruct other enemies


Fire Breath	- hold to breath out some flaming goodness
Fireball	- a quick fireball following a straight path
Flame Shield	- damages enemies who contact it

Shock Beam	- a damaging electric beam
Electric Arc	- 2 sparks home in on the targeted enemy;
		  holding X will let you target 2 enemies simultaneously
Electric Shield - protects Spyro from damage

Ice Vapor	- breathe out a spurt of water
Ice Bullet	- shoot out jets of water which can ricochet off walls
Ice Shield	- freezes enemies which touch it; shatter them for a 1-hit KO!

Earth Blast	- shoot out a 4 beam spread
Earth Rocket	- earth variety of fireballs;
		  holding X will charge for a more powerful shot
Earth Shield	- gives Spyro unlimited breath energy while it is in effect!

Don't forget to upgrade your powers with the gems you collect along the way!


			      | BESTIARY |  (#8)

In order of appearance


* Frogweed - stationary.  Weakness: Fire
Attacks with a long tongue.  Beat it with your combo, or toast it with fire.


* Soldier - easy to kill but there are lots of them
Whack them before they whack you; breath powers are always the best option 
against all enemy types!

* Troll - watch out for his long axe!  Weakness: Electric
Avoid his long axe slam and then counter attack.

* Disciple - heals enemies
These big guys don't attack you, but take them out so that they don't heal the 
enemies that ARE giving you a hard time.

* Leader - watch out for his bombs.  Touch his shield.
Watch for his swing attack - if he gets you cornered, he will continuosly 
spin-attack you.  At a distance he will throw bombs which detonate within a few
seconds.  Don't forget to knock his shield off to make him vulnerable first!

* Ghost - teleports around.  Weakness: Electric
Attack it as soon as it appears, or else avoid the thrown axe and wait until it
reappears again

* Angler Fish - erratic movement.  Weakness: Electric
Kill this one quick since it can get irritating.  Sidestep the water blasts and
counter with electric projectiles.

** Ice King - Destroy his shield to damage his armor.
First boss battle!  Spyro will fly in to gain a good offensive position.  As 
Spyro circles the Ice King target his shield to destroy it, then focus on his 
shoulder plates.  Once you have damaged one enough it will shatter, and he will
run away into his fortress.  Destroy his other shoulder plate and he will move 
up onto a tower.  Target his helmet to destroy it and you will finally be able 
to shoot him right in the chest.  More hits and he's done for.
You will have to try and avoid his slices; it is hard to predict what he will 
do, but on repeat attempts he will ALWAYS use the same pattern - learn it.


* Training Dummy - Not terribly intelligent or mobile.
Sweet as.


* Armadillo - touch to stun him.  Weakness: Fire
These enemies are invincible when covered by their shell.  Watch out as they 
roll at you.  Touch them to flip them onto their backs and then attack them.

* Spider Tank - slow but tough to kill.  Weakness: Ice
Looks menacing, but quickly use some ice power to dispatch it.  Hunt for gems.

* Rock Brute - stay away from his pound attack.  Weakness: Ice
Attack from afar and watch out for his ground pound which will send out 
damaging shockwaves; time your jump to avoid them.

** Stone Sentinel - Shoot the boulders he throws.
This guy stands atop his pyramid the whole time.  Shoot at his hands to inflict
damage to him.  He will toss 2 boulders at you at a time so target and shoot 
them to avoid damage; 2 direct hits each will destroy them.  Once you destroy 
one hand, he will start tossing a single, larger rock which will take 5 hits to
shatter.  Keep targeting him whilst minimising damage to youself and you will 
soon defeat this rather simple boss.


* Magma Worm - tough combo attck.  Weakness: Ice
Does a 2 hit slap attack.  Stay away and attack.  Watch out and avoid stepping
on the lava trail they leaves behind.

* Leech - can drain your fury energy.  Weakness: Earth
This enemy will slither towards you and use a tractor beam to absorb your fury 
energy (purple bar).  By doing this it will grow in size.  It doesn't actually 
attack you in any away, but dispose of them quick if you are one of those 
players who use fury powers frequently (and you should be if not!)

* Nataloid - dodge his rapid fire.  Weakness: Earth
This stationary enemy sure packs wallop!  Be sure to destroy it ASAP with 
strong earth projectiles.

** Steam - Watch out for his fireballs and dodge obstacles.
Yes you are fighting against a steam locomotive gone loco!  He will begin by 
shooting out energy balls at you.  It will take 4 direct hits from Spyro's 
breath them.  In between his attacks, loose some of your own fire to target his
back carriage.  Once his energy has been about 1/4 depleted, Steam will lose 
the back carriage.  Now target the main carraige; he will shift his attack to 
shooting a fireball upwards which splits into 3.  Tap quickly to destroy them 
before they home in on you and cause major damage.  Once his life is 2/3 
depleted, begin to target the steam pipe of the train.  When he is nearly dead,
you can now target the main engine again, but since he cannot attack any more, 
just wait a while and he will fall off the track automatically into a slow and 
easy burning demise!


** Cynder - Defeat her to free Ignitus!
Cynder has multiple attack patterns here.  She will randomly switch between 
them, so if you're lucky, she will hopefully avoid using the fireballs too many
times which can be quite difficult to escape unscathed.

1. Cynder shoots 2 fireballs at a time.  Shoot her in short bursts (3 shots at 
a time is the ideal max) so that you have spare breath to quickly destroy the 
fireballs as she releases them.  Alternatively, wait until she finishes 
attacking and retaliate when you have an opening.
2. Cynder flies away and you give chase.  Attack as much as you can during the 
first phase.  Soon the tables will turn and she will chase you!  Dodge up and 
down to avoid her beams; mid-down for the first beam, up for next 2, down for 
last 2 - works every time!
3. Cynder swipes at you once, and then twice.  Try your best to avoid her 
claws.  I forgot where are the safe areas for this part.

The battle ends prematurely once you bring her down to 1/4 health.


** Cynder - Defeat her to close the portal and save the world!
She has a couple new tricks up her wing this time, and her previous fireball 
attack is back with a vicious vengeance!  Again, she will randomly switch 
between them, so just try your best and keep your fingers crossed!

1. 4 fireballs this time!  Destroy them before attempting to retaliate back.  
It is a hard attack to avoid fully; just tap like mad before she even starts 
letting loose and hope for the best.
2. Energy rods.  You can easily avoid these by moving down, up, down, and then 
up once more.
3. Lasers and flying shields.  Head in the direction of the shields to dodge 
the lasers.  In other words, head to the bottom left to dodge the first attack,
 and then to the right to escape the second.  I think if you try shooting her, 
and hit the shields instead, your fire will reflect back at you and cause 
damage.  Wait it out to be on the safe side.

Once down to about 1/6 of a bar, Cynder will fly away.  Spyro will quickly give
chase and then the tables will be turned and she'll chase Spyro just like in 
the previous battle.  Do not fear though, there are NO attacks!  Once in open 
space again, you can target her once more.  Sparx will then tell you to use 
your Fury attack to finish her off.  So do so!  'X+A' FTW! (If you delay for 
whatever reason, the whole fly away & chase sequence will repeat, again with 
no attacking.)

Finish her!!


			      | BONUS TIPS | (#9)

1.	Always save upon entering each new area.  This refills your health and 
	energy bars, and will save you the frustration of having to redo long 
	segments due to unforeseen deaths.

2.	In order to drop some barriers, you will have to wait until all the 
	enemies have spawned up.  Be patient.  Or else move back and forth to 
	encourage spawning.

3.	Rocks, trees, and other assorted interactive objects can be broken at 
	your touch.  This will release gems.  Tap them to have Sparx pick them 
	up no matter where Spyro may be.  Gems do not disappear so be sure to 
	leave some for back-up restoration in those longer, tougher battles.

4.	Firebugs are a pain in the butt.  Tap them out as soon as you can.  
	Refer to my main guide which will warn you whenever an onslaught is 

5.	Need help with the Power Crystal Shut Down puzzles?  Look no further 
	than dark52's great image files at GameFAQs


			    | GENERAL QUERIES |  (#10)

If you have any major questions you would like addressed, I am unfortunately 
no longer available to help.  Everything you need to know should be covered in 
this, Ambassador's FAQ, dark52's image files and my own game script combined.

If you have trouble solving a puzzle and would like some help, as I stated in 
the Bonus Tips section above, go check out dark52's efforts for all your 
puzzling dilemmas

Amongst other tips, go check out Ambassador's FAQ

Info on the story and everything else in between not directly related to play

This is the final version of this FAQ.  Nothing more will be added..

Since version 1.0 it's nice to see that some people have found this work 
useful.  It's been nearly a year now and it's time to leave this FAQ in the 
history books.  I'm focusing my efforts more on game reviews and top 10 lists 
now so look out for them as they keep coming at:
amongst some other places:


			      | CONCLUSION |  (#11)

Finally done!  Thanks for reading this walkthrough for the second (better) 
Spyro game for the Nintendo DS, my favourite portable console ever!  I hope my 
efforts have helped you to master this game and I hope you enjoyed reading it. 
My complete script can probably also be found where ever you found this FAQ.  
It is definitely up at GameFAQs so if you want to know the story of Spyro's 
beginning as portrayed in this iteration, go check it out!

Thanks to all my friends and family who support me all the way in my weird and 
wacky endeavors.  Thanks to all the genuinely nice people from all over the 
globe whoe I have been acquainted with over the internet.  And finally thanks 
be to having the opportunity to lead a great life: to work, to play, to relax, 
to breathe, to live.

Also thanks to the following who have helped to make this FAQ complete:

* Bev Wooff - for helping me locate 2 puzzle locations that I missed before
* The Ambassador - for allowing me put his boss strategy for Ice King in here

Places that can host this guide:

- GameFAQs
- Cheat CC
- HonestGamers
- Neoseeker
- Supercheats

If you find it anywhere else (like Wonderdogs) those people are crooks!
Get it for free and legally at the above sites!

This document is copyrighted 2006-2007.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

