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by SLCDemos

This line is 79 characters long. Count them, theres 79 characters in this line

       sss              ttt
     sssssss            ttt
   ssss   ssss          ttt          
 ssss       ssss        ttt          
  ssss                  ttt            
    ssss            ttttttttttt       aaaaaa aaa    rrr rrrrrr 
      ssss          ttttttttttt     aaaa  aaaaaa    rrrrrrrrrrr   
        ssss            ttt        aaa      aaaa    rrrrr   rrr
          ssss          ttt        aaa       aaa    rrr     rrr 
 ssss       ssss        ttt        aaa       aaa    rrr      
   ssss   ssss          ttt        aaa      aaaa    rrr   
     sssssss            ttt ttt     aaaa  aaaaaa    rrr          
       sss               tttt         aaaaaa aaa    rrr  

            FFFFFFFFFFFFFF        ooooooo       xxxx        xxxx
            FFFFFFFFFFFFFF      oooo   oooo       xxxx    xxxx
            FFF                oooo     oooo        xxx  xxx
            FFF                ooo       ooo         xxxxxx
            FFF                ooo       ooo         xxxxxx
            FFF                oooo     oooo        xxx  xxx
            FFF                 oooo   oooo       xxxx    xxxx
            FFF                   ooooooo       xxxx        xxxx

Star Fox Command For Nintendo DS

A Faq/Walkthrough By Demos.
(now accepting submissions for better ASCII art than my little attempt)

1.) Table Of Contents [Toc]
As in most FAQ's, you can use Ctrl+F to search for the string in brackets.
That will bring you directly to the section. Searching will also be used in 
the walkthrough portion of this document.

1.) Table Of Contents [ToC]
2.) Version History [V.History]
3.) Controls [DS_Controls]
4.) General Mission Types and Tactics [GMT&T]
5.) The Characters [Chars]
6.) Walkthrough (with by-storyline pathing) [Walk]
7.) Endings Guide [end]
8.) Multiplayer [multi]
9.) Faq's [FAQ]
10.) Credits and Legal Stuff [thanks]
11.) Contact [contact]

Off we go on the first DS installment of the Star Fox Series!

2.) Version History [V.History]

v. 0.80 - Update with more completed missions, another completed storyline and
another one nearly finished. Began work on the Endings Guide. It's turning out
to be a lot more work than I expected on the endings guide, but I'll finish it
soon enough. Taking the weekend off for some college football, so there may
not be an update till Monday...sorry :( (9/8/06)

v. 0.70 - Update with another completed storyline and another five missions. 
Updated and fixed a few typos in other sections. Began planning a new part
where I will be providing a better system to look up storylines and their
respective missions.  Expect that soon.(9/7/06)

v. 0.60 - Update with all the second storyline completed.
A fairly large number of grammar errors and capitalization problems were 
fixed. Also clarified some points that were rather vague.
Added and to the sites list.(9/6/06)

V. 0.50 - Initial GameFAQs Release...contained first run of the story.(9/5/06)

V. 0.20 - Released a much more completed version for review by BDC. (9/5/06)

V. 0.10 - Released preliminary version to Blue Diamond Clan for review and
general constructive criticism. (8/30/06)

Next update planned for release on 9/11/06.

**Upcoming releases**
Complete Walkthroughs for the remaining endings (Target: 9/14/06 or earlier)
Rework the path splits in the walkthrough. and incorporate into the endings
guide that started on 9/8/06
More Multiplayer Info, including map descriptions
Possibly providing more details on random engagements
possibly an about the author section....maybe
3.) Controls [DS_Controls]

I will distinguish the game into four parts.
First, the menu.

Touch Screen - Select game mode.
Buttons DO NOT work here.
I hope I don't need to explain the difference between them.
Single player is for the story part of the game.  You play by yourself.
Multiplayer is for you to play with other people.
Options is for you to change something you don't like about the game.
(throwing through the car window is not an acceptable alternative for options)

Second, the Map view. (Single Player Only)
This is the "strategy game" part of SFC.
To move ships
-Tap the ship, then draw a line to where you want them to go.
To fire missiles (from the Great Fox)
-Tap the Great Fox and draw a line to the missle target.
To Remove Fog
-Touch the screen where you wish to remove the fog from. (note that fog will
be partially regenerated after the turn is over.)

Third, the Storyline. (Single Player Only)
This is what I call when the characters are talking to each other.  
To skip to the next dialogue
-tap the arrow at the bottom of the screen.
To skip the dialogue completely
-Tap the "skip" button at the top of the touch screen.

Finally, the flight controls.
This is the Third Person Flying part.
To move
- Move the stylus on the touch screen in the direction that you wish to go.
To shoot
- Press any button on the controller. This includes A B X Y L R and the D-Pad.
To Lock on/charge shot
- Hold any button on the controller. This only works if the ship you are 
flying has lock-on capabilities.
To Boost
- Double tap the top portion of the radar. Hold after the second tap to
prolong the boost.
To Brake
- Double tap the bottom portion of the radar. Hold after the second tap to
prolong the brake.

Advanced Flight and Combat controls.
To Drop a nova bomb.
- Drag the "B" icon from the right side of the display to the location on the
radar where you want the bomb.
To Do a U-Turn
- Tap the U-Turn button on the touch screen.
To Do a loop
- Tap the loop button on the touch screen.
To Do a Barrel Roll! (tap L or R twice!...nah...I wish slippy said that)
- The Manual and in game, it says to move the stylus back and forth, right and
left. If you're having trouble with this, try drawing a few quick flat circles
Its really easy and after an attempt or two , you'll have it down.
4.) General Mission Types and Tactics [GMT&T]
The object of each mission is to collect the number of stars in the top right
corner of the screen.  You do this by fighting in "engagements".

In the game, there are a few different engagement types, that are repeated
throughout the game.

First, the standard fight.  To enter this fight, all you need to do is be 
noticed by a group of enemy fighters.  Your only goal in this engagement is to
collect "X" number of stars.  For these missions, your two priorities should 
be speed and health.  Frequently, I would suggest against trying to kill 
everything that's on the map.  Instead, just focus on killing what will give
you the stars you  need to finish the engagement.  If you're wondering what
you should kill, its usually the enemies that are on the picture when you 
select the engagement. For winning this fight you gain the number of stars
that you collected.

Mothership Fights.  To enter a mothership fight, fly into an enemy occupied 
base These engagements open up with a goal to collect "X" stars from enemies,
(typically less than a standard fight).  After collecting the stars, you are
brought to a point where you have to fly through "Beacons" and do a barrel 
roll into the core of the mothership.  This is a very easy objective, with 
little to no practice at all.  To do this, fly through the first few beacons
normally, then begin to barrel roll with about three beacons left.  Just
remember that you still need to go through all of the beacons.  If you do
fail, however, it is an instant  death. After completing one of these matches,
you gain 2 extra turns in addition to the stars you collected.

Rocket Slipstreaming.  This is a very different fight than the other ones. To
enter a missle slipstreaming engagement, you need to end your turn near the 
end of an enemy missle's flight.  This begins by flying through beacons, 
getting progressively faster and faster. Once you see the "boss HP bar" on the 
side of the screen, lock on (if you can) and fire away at it. Remember to keep 
flying through the beacons too.  You can still fail by missing a beacon.
Failing one of these missions will not cost any shields or lives.
You earn one star for completing a missle mission.

ROB missile.  Although technically not an engagement, you still earn stars 
from this.  If an enemy fleet is getting close to the great fox, you can fire
at the ships with a missile.  This will instantly destroy the fleet, and you 
will earn the stars that you would have if it was a standard engagement.

There are also some special fights. These are typically your boss fights.
For example, there is missions that require you to take down all the enemy
ships or to destroy a boss creature.  There are prompts in-game that help you
know the weakness of the enemy.  In typical Star Fox fashion, the weaknesses
also flash a bright red.
These fights typically conclude certain missions.

Time limits are cumulative.  Be warned. If you're in a certain mission where
extra time bonuses will come easy, go ahead and earn these bonuses. Bonuses 
are awarded for deflecting shots, collecting coins (after every 100 kills, 
they appear on the map), colecting time items, and killing enemies. Pace 
yourself. Missions that have a lot of towers shooting the pink rings at you 
are perfect places to earn a lot of time bonuses, frequently resulting in 
having more time when the missions are finished.

Shields are cumulative. After finishing an engagement, you do not resupply 
with bombs or shields.  Instead, you have to use what you have left over from 
the previous engagement. You do heal between full missions, but not between 
the engagements within missions.

Know your ships and mission types. For example, as the game begins, Fox has
single lock, and single lasers. As soon as you get Slippy, you see that 
Slippy has Plasma lasers, but no lock on. Every character is different. Use 
their skills wisely.  If you failed a mission last time, maybe try having a 
different character try the engagement next time, depending on whether you 
prefer more health, more bombs, more damaging lasers, lock on abilities, 
boost, etc. Full details are in the following section.
5.) Characters [chars]
*Thanks to KopyKat of BDC for helping with this info*

Name:	Fox McCloud
Ship:	Arwing II
Laser: 	Single
Lock:	Single 		
Bombs:	2
Boost:	4 Bars
Notes:	Fox has made a few appearances in games outside the StarFox series.
	Most notably, Fox appeared in both released Super Smash Bros. Games.
	As far as this game, note that this is the only upgradable ship.

Name:	Falco Lombardi
Ship:	Sky Claw
Laser: 	Single
Lock:	Multi 		
Bombs:	1
Boost:	4 Bars
Notes:	Falco made an appearance in Super Smash Bros. Melee in 2001.
	He has also been a staple of the StarFox squadron since it began.

Name:	Krystal
Ship:	Cloud Runner
Laser: 	Twin
Lock:	Single 		
Bombs:	1
Boost:	3 Bars
Notes:	This is her StarFox Squadron ship.

Name:	Krystal
Ship:	Cornerian Fighter
Laser:	Twin
Lock:	None
Bombs:	2
Boost:	3 Bars
Notes:	This is her StarWolf and Cornerian Army ship.

Name:	Slippy Toad
Ship:	Bullfrog
Laser: 	Plasma
Lock:	none 		
Bombs:	3
Boost:	2 Bars
Notes:	Slippy is a legendary character in the StarFox series, most widely
	known for one phrase he said on StarFox 64.
	"Do a barrel Roll! Press Z or R twice!"
	Slippy is an original member of the StarFOx Squadron.

Name:	Wolf O'Donnell
Ship:	Red Fang
Laser: 	Twin
Lock:	Multi 		
Bombs:	1
Boost:	4 Bars

Name:	Leon Powalski
Ship:	Rainbow Delta
Laser: 	None
Lock:	Wide 		
Bombs:	2
Boost:	2 Bars
Notes:	Leon's Ship is unique in that it only fires in lock mode.

Name:	Panther Caroso
Ship:	Black Rose
Laser: 	Zapper
Lock:	None 		
Bombs:	1
Boost:	4 Bars

Name:	Lucy Hare
Ship:	Sky Bunny
Laser: 	Plasma
Lock:	Single 		
Bombs:	1
Boost:	3 Bars
Notes:	Lucy is Peppy Hare's daughter. For all of the people who were 
	wondering what happened to Peppy of the original StarFox, its in the 
	story so I won't spoil it for you.

Name:	Amanda
Ship:	Tadpole
Laser: 	Single
Lock:	Multi 		
Bombs:	1
Boost:	3 Bars
Notes:	Slippy's Girlfriend.

Name:	Peppy Hare
Ship:	Arwing
Laser: 	Twin
Lock:	Single 		
Bombs:	2
Boost:	4 Bars
Notes:	Someone tell me why Peppy is the one flying the original Arwing!
	Oh well. Everyone gets a chance I suppose.
	Peppy is an original member of the StarFox Squadron.

Name:	Dash Bowman
Ship:	Monkey Arrow
Laser: 	Twin
Lock:	Single 		
Bombs:	2
Boost:	3 Bars

Name:	Katt Monroe
Ship:	Cat's Paw MK 2
Laser: 	Curve
Lock:	Single 		
Bombs:	2
Boost:	3 Bars

Name:	Bill Grey
Ship:	Cornerian Fighter
Laser: 	Twin
Lock:	None 		
Bombs:	2
Boost:	3 Bars

Name:	James McCloud
Ship:	Arwing
Laser: 	Twin
Lock:	Single 		
Bombs:	2
Boost:	4 Bars
Notes:	Okay good, someone more deserving gets to fly the Arwing as well.
	James McCloud is Fox's father and the former leader of StarFox.

6.) Walkthrough [walk]
Because of the nature of this game, this walkthrough will be very unique.
I will point out at each path split what choices you have, and how to get to
the part of the walkthrough. I will be using the Find system to help you.
The storylines are abbreviated as follows
M - The main storyline.  This is the one you see the first time you play the
A - The Alternate storylines.

Anyways, that won't happen until a few missions into the game.
Lets get started

Training Mission Guide
Training Mission 1 - Basic flying. If this causes problems, well, I don't know
what to say. Fly through the rings. In any order you want. However fast or
slow you want to. I guess it does help you get the feel for the game, so yeah, 
its a great training mission, but it is training.

Training Mission 2 - Combat Techniques. It works, the game teaches you all the
importants, including the almighty barrel roll, shooting, bombs, etc. There is
30 very weak enemies here. I don't even think they attack. Just kill them and
collect the stars.

Training Mission 3 - Barrel Rolls. Theres turrets here that actually shoot
you. You will see plenty of turrets in the game, so you definitely want to 
master defeating these turrets. Its easy, but it is very very helpful. I 
actually recommend that you play this mission, even if you've played every 
StarFox game ever made. This is a great time to play around with advanced 
flight maneuvers.

Training Mission 4 - The Time System. The time system is a brand new concept
to StarFox Command. I recommend that everyone plays this one. Its nothing too
difficult, but it does show you how speed has its importances. This is the
closest training match to a standard encounter, so try to take as much from it
as possible.
End Training...Now for the real game...

Mission 1 {M01}
Title: The Adventue Begins!
Location: Corneria
Pilots: Fox
Stars: 10
Turns: 4
Starting Time:

This is an introductory mission.  In it, there are three groups of enemies 
for Fox to beat in 4 turns.  Just move Fox out to meet the ships and it 
shouldn't be a hard challenge. It does, however introduce yourself to the 
style of gameplay that can be expected through the rest of the single player 

Post Mission Engagement: None
Mission 1 {M01-alt}
Title: The Adventure Begins!
Location: Corneria
Pilots: Fox
Stars: 21
Turns: 4
Starting Time: 100 sec

This is the mission which happens every time you start the game AFTER you beat
the game the first time. It is very similar to the original one, just with a
few more stars to get and the possibility that the bases will launch missiles
and/or enemies. You probably don't need a guide for this, but if you do, then
here it is.
First turn, head to the top of the screen.  Attack the base in the top middle
of the screen on your next turn.  Next, turn three, attack the enemy that was
in the top right at the start of the misison, then on the last turn, attack
the base in the top right. Shouldn't be a challenge, especailly considering
that you have already beaten the game once to get here.

Post Mission Engagement: None
Path Split!
After the first mission, if this is not your first attempt in the game, you
are given a choice. To progress to the next part, search for the string next
to the mission name.
1.) Contact Slippy {M02}
2.) Attack Advance Guard {A02}
3.) Where is Falco?  {B02}
To use find, press [ctrl+f] and type in what's in the brackets.
Mission 2 {M02}
Title: Reunion with Slippy
Location: Corneria
Pilots: Fox, (Slippy arrives during turn 3)
Starting Time:

This mission introduces you to the missiles that can be fired from the Great
Fox.  To start, fly through the first two missiles on your first turn.  On 
the second turn, have Fox fly through the next two missiles as well as the 
time bonus.  Also, remember to shoot down the two closest ships to the Great 
Fox with your new missiles.  On the next turn, shoot the missles at the two 
ships closest to the Great Fox, and have Slippy engage the last enemy. 
Remember that Slippy cannot lock onto enemies, but he does have stronger 

Post Mission Engagement: None
Path Split!
If this is not your first attempt in the game, you are given a choice. To
progress to the next part, search for the string next to the mission name.
To use find, press [ctrl+f] and type in what's in the brackets.
1.) Set Course for Fichina {M03-alt}
Mission 3 {M03}
Title: Fog of War
Location: Fichina
Pilots: Fox, Slippy
Starting Time:

This mission is designed to introduce you to the "Fog of War" element in the
game. To erase fog of war (you can only remove a limited amount each turn, and
it does regenerate after your turn.) just touch the area with the stylus.
On your first turn, remove a little bit from the top cloud (enough to reveal a
missile), a little bit of the left center cloud (to reveal a time bonus) and
some of the bottom right cloud to reveal the main base.  Fly Fox to the time
bonus and send Slippy to the missile (he cannot quite reach it this turn.)
Likely, Fox will get in an engagement. Beat the 4 bird-like things to win.
On your next turn, have Slippy pick up the missile from last turn, and he will
likely be engaged. You have a choice here. You can either send Fox over to the
enemies to the left, or you can go towards the base. I recommend to the base
that you uncovered a little of on the first turn. Go ahead and reveal more if
you want/need to. Go ahead and win Slippy's engagement. (and Fox's if you
chose to have Fox fight them)
On the third turn, use the missile on the enemies if you sent Fox to the base.
Otherwise, just re-reveal the base and send Fox and/or Slippy to the base. I
believe that only Fox can make it this turn, and only if you decided to not
fight the enemies last turn.
There will be two fights here. The first one is a normal engagement.  The next
fight will be a mothership fight. Refer to the General Mission Types and
Tactics for more details. Since this is the first one, I will repeat it below.

Mothership Fights. To enter a mothership fight, fly into an enemy occupied 
base These engagements open up with a goal to collect "X" stars from enemies,
(typically less than a standard fight).  After collecting the stars, you are
brought to a point where you have to fly through "Beacons" and do a barrel
roll into the core of the mothership.  This is a very easy objective, with 
little to no practice at all.  If you do fail, however, it is an instant
death. After completing one of these matches, you gain 2 extra turns in 
addition to the stars you collected.

Post Mission Engagement: Star Wolf, and Friends (3 total)
This is a battle where you fight against 3 enemy ships. Choose whichever pilot
you're more comfortable with (and probably whichever has more shields).  Just
like you were fighting regular enemies, try to take these guys down one at a
time, use your bombs, and pick up any pickups that appear on the radar. For a
large number of people, the hardest problem with this fight is the time limit.
Try to lock on and deliver fully charged shots (if you're using Fox) or get
behind an enemy and unload on them (with Slippy).  Here, you need to begin to
use your U-Turn, Loop, and Barrel Roll to get Star Wolf and friends off your
tail as much as possible. This is the hardest fight you've had so far, so 
don't freak out if you fail it your first time.
**If this is your first time playing the game, skip this section and move to
the next mission.**

Mission 3 {M03-alt}
Title: Fog of War
Location: Fichina
Pilots: Fox, Slippy
Starting Time:

This is a replacement for the Fog of War run on your first run of the game.
There are some very significant changes, so for all the first run players, go
on to the next mission.
This time, its a lot messier than before. And theres fog. Start off by 
uncovering an enemy close to the left edge of the fog at the top of the
screen. Also try to uncover the two bases in this mission.  They are on the
top right and bottom right corners of the "random fogless square" in the 
upper right portion of the screen. I know, its not the best description in the
world, but you understood what I meant, didn't you?  Think you could say it
better? Then tell me (contact info at the bottom of the FAQ) and I'll give you
credit for it. Anyways, on with the mission.
Move Fox through the top gap between the no-fly zones and move Slippy through
the bottom gap. Both should run into some enemies.
After the engagements, send Slippy to the missile in the middle of the map.
The missile is in the bend of the sideways L-shaped no-fly zone.
Fox should be sent towards the top base (of the two you uncovered earlier) and
will likely be attacked this turn.  Don't forget to use your fog remover to
uncover any mentioned locations. Handle the engagments and the missiles, if
any have been launched.
Next turn, move Fox into the top base, and send Slippy around the corner to
another enemy (the last one on the map, assuming that the bases didn't launch
any). Use your fog remover to find it. It should be around the bottom of the
no-fly zone to the right of Slippy.
This last turn, send Fox to the remaining base (that was revealed on the first
turn...and should have been re-revealed each additional turn). If you want,
there's two extra time bonuses in the lower right portion of the map. One of
them may need to be revealed (and one should have been exposed at the very
beginning of the mission).  Again, it should not be too difficult, but it is a
much more annoying mission with the fog.

Post Mission Engagement: Star Wolf
Again...same as last time. Star Wolf never learns, does he? I mean, if I got
beaten by Star Fox once, I would have learned not to mess with the great
Fox McCloud.  But apparently he doesn't learn...So here it is, again.
Sorry if it looks repetitive, but it is.

This is a battle where you fight against 3 enemy ships. Choose whichever pilot
you're more comfortable with (and probably whichever has more shields).  Just
like you were fighting regular enemies, try to take these guys down one at a
time, use your bombs, and pick up any pickups that appear on the radar. For a
large number of people, the hardest problem with this fight is the time limit.
Try to lock on and deliver fully charged shots (if you're using Fox) or get
behind an enemy and unload on them (with Slippy).  Here, you need to begin to
use your U-Turn, Loop, and Barrel Roll to get Star Wolf and friends off your
tail as much as possible. This is the hardest fight you've had so far, so 
don't freak out if you fail it your first time.
Path Split!
If this is not your first attempt in the game, you are given a choice. To
progress to the next part, search for the string next to the mission name.
To use find, press [ctrl+f] and type in what's in the brackets.
1.) Go after Oikonny {M04}
Mission 4 {M04}
Title: Oikonny Strikes Back!
Location: Fichina
Pilots: Fox, Slippy, Lucy
Starting Time:

*This mission is the same in both the first run and all subsequent runs*

Begin by uncovering a missile to the right of Slippy, as well as uncovering a
base in the upper left corner (slightly below and to the left of the "no fly 
zone").  If you have some extra "fog remover", uncover a ship in the lower
right corner.  Send Lucy to the base at the top of the screen.  Send Fox so
that he's between the top and middle no-fly zones. Send Slippy towards the
missile to the right. Slippy might get into an engagement here, and Lucy will
attack the mothership. (see Mothership Fights in GMT&T)
On the next turn, uncover a base on the right side, between and to the right 
of the bottom and middle no-fly zones. Also, uncover a ship on the top above
the map, above and on the right side of the no-fly zone.  Move Slippy to the 
base on the right (although he might not be able to reach it this turn), and 
Lucy to the ships at the top of the screen.  Move Fox further towards the top
right corner. He will likely attract a ship on this turn. Handle the two 
engagments and the Mothership fight.
On this turn, uncover the top base again, and anything else you feel like.
If you need to, send Slippy the rest of the way to the base (if you didn't
make it to the base last turn) and finish sending Fox to the top right base.
Handle the two mothership fights here (should be beyond easy by now).
Anyways, try to finish with Slippy having as much health and bombs as
possible for this next part.

Post Mission Engagement: Oikonny - Death Crab.
Recommended Pilot: Slippy.  (assuming everyone at max health and bombs)
Choose the pilot with the most health and bombs.  Slippy is ideal here, as he
can have 3 bombs and the most shields of anyone at this time.
Have fun with this guy.
Its not too bad, if you know how to do it, and use bombs effectively.
First, use all your bombs...all three of them if you're flying with Slippy.
Next, shoot the pincers on the crab. It shouldn't take long until the crab
starts flying.
Next, Shoot off all the legs and pincers.  Here, you're going to get lit up
by ring lasers. You have two choices, dodge them (weak) or barrel roll (pro).
After the legs are gone, blast the face of the crab. And keep blasting. with
Slippy's plasma lasers, it should be fairly quick. After this, you finally get
the Mission Complete that you've been paitently waiting for.

Path Split!
If this is not your first attempt in the game, you are given a choice. To
progress to the next part, search for the string next to the mission name.
To use find, press [ctrl+f] and type in what's in the brackets.
1.) Check out Aquas {M05}
2.) Check out Corneria {C05}
Mission 5 {M05}
Title: Beneath the Waves
Location: Aquas
Pilots: Fox, Slippy, Falco, (Amanda arrives during turn 2)
Starting Time:

This mission is the "Rocket Slipstream" training mission. This mission will
either be easy or your worst nightmare (Until I figured out a trick to it,
they were very hard for me)
Anyways, here's the GMT&T entry for rocket slipstream missions.

Rocket Slipstreaming.  This is a very different fight than the other ones. To
enter a missle slipstreaming engagement, you need to end your turn near the 
end of an enemy missle's flight.  This begins by flying through beacons,
getting progressively faster and faster. Once you see the "boss HP bar" on the
side of the screen, lock on (if you can) and fire away at it. Remember to keep
flying through the beacons too.  You can still fail by missing a beacon.
Failing one of these missions will not cost any shields or lives.
You earn one star for completing a missle mission.

To begin this mission, uncover a base at the top of the screen (above the
no-fly zone in the middle). Also, try to uncover a base on the far right wall,
to the right of the 'C' shaped no fly zone on the right. If you still have 
more fog remover, try to uncovver a missile in the middle of the map. (Its 
almost directly above the small no-fly zone in the middle). If you happen to
still have some more fog remover, try to uncover a ship in the extreme top 
left of the screen.
Move Fox straight up. He might be engaged by the ships you would have 
uncovered at the very end. Move Falco towards the missile in the middle of 
the map, and send slippy towards where the missile is now (not where it will

Now, usually I don't say much about the individual engagements, but this one 
is an exception. Assuming that Fox engages the ships (most likely, this will 
happen), you'll hate this one. This is for 2 stars. Both stars are held by 
these weird spiney things.  (Technically, I know its called Giant Spindly 
Fish, but those people wouldn't be reading these FAQs now, would they?)
To get the stars, you have to shoot all 6 of the spines off before beginning
to unload on the fish itself. And oh yeah, they love to shoot excessive 
amounts of those annoying pink energy rings. Two choices here (as always). 
Dodge them, which is nearly impossible, or just do a barrel roll! Now, you 
can use a bomb on them, but a bomb will NOT kill them completely, or even 
destroy a single spine on them. But it should make it a lot easier to take 
down. Basically, just survive and finish the engagement.  Fortunately, Fox 
will not go into another combat mission for the rest of the time here, so do
not worry much about having a lot of shields or bombs left at the end of it.
You also can use a missile from the Great Fox if you have one left from 
previous missions and skip this fight altogether.

Next turn, uncover a little bit of the Time bonus to the right of where the
last fight was. Re-uncover the missile and have falco pick this up, then move
towards the top left corner. Move Slippy into position to intercept the
rocket. Re-uncover the base on the lower right part of the screen and send 
Amanda into the base. Now, there should be a rocket slipstream engagement for 
Slippy, a mothership engagement for Amanda, and likely another engagement for 
Slippy. These should all be relatively easy again, just check the rocket 
slipstreaming notes to make sure you do this one right.

On the next turn, move Falco into the base on the top of the screen (that was
revealed on your first turn, reveal it again to make sure.  Move Fox down near
where Slippy is. Fox and Slippy are only here to intercept any future missile
launches (which are believed to be random). Personally, I prefer to use Fox 
for the rocket slipstream missions because of the locked shot option.
Uncover the top right corner to find another enemy base. Move Amanda up
towards this base.

Finally, the last turn is just a matter of cleaning up. Move Amanda into the
base in the upper right corner. Have Falco get the time bonus (it's between
his current location and the city) and have Fox and/or Slippy take care of any
possible rocket launches. Nothing new here.

Post Mission Engagement: None
Mission 6 {M06}
Title: We Meet Again
Location: Sector Z
Pilots: Fox, Slippy, Falco, Krystal
Starting Time:

Horray!!! A Mission without that annoying fog. This mission is designed to
introduce you to asteroid fields. Unfortunately, you never have to touch it.
Or is that fortunately? whatever.

First turn, move Krystal to the enemies on the left, taking a detour to go
through the missile pickup along the way. Send Fox to the enemies on the 
right. Slippy should be sent towards the base to the top right corner. Falco 
should be sent to the enemy directly below him (going around the No-Fly zone,
of course). There should be 3 engagements this turn. 
If you need to, two bombs from Falco can easily win his engagement (his last
fight of the mission).  The others are pretty simple.

Next turn, have Krystal move towards the base in the bottom left corner (try
to get the attention of the enemies along the way). Move Falco back towards 
the Great Fox, engaging the missile coming from the bottom right. Send Fox 
towards the base in the bottom right (picking up the shield boost if needed).
Have Slippy attack the base in the top right corner. After this turn, Krystal 
should have an engagement and Falco should have a rocket slipstream mission. 
Fox may or may not be able to reash the base in the bottom right. It doesn't 
matter if its this turn or next turn.

On this, the third and final turn necessary, have Fox finish off the base, if
he didn't do that last turn, and have Krystal get the bottom left base.
If there are any missiles out there, have Falco and/or Slippy take care of the

Post Mission Engagement: None
Mission 7 {M07}
Title: Anglar
Location: Asteroid Belt
Pilots: Fox, Slippy, Falco, Krystal
Starting Time:

The last mission!!!!
Start off by defogging a base in the top right, and an enemy in the middle of
the screen (between the top two no-fly zones). If you have extra fog remover,
there is another enemy between the two bottom no-fly zones, a little bit 
deeper into the fog. Go ahead and try to uncover him as well.
First, send Falco up to the base in the top left corner. Send Fox towards the
enemy we uncovered between the top two zones. Send Slippy towards the bottom
enemy (between the lower two no-fly zones). Send Krystal to the base on the
bottom of the lowest no-fly zone. This should have you fighting with all four
characters once you end your turn. End the turn, fight the four engagements,
and move on. Fox can use two bombs to finish his engagement fast.
On your second turn, defog the base again, and the asteroid field in front of
the base. Move Falco in towards the middle of the screen, picking up the 
shield if necessary. Move Krystal to engahe the missile, and move Slippy 
there as well. Krystal should have an engagement with some ships. Have Fox 
pick up the time bonus and move towards the main base. Handle these 
relatively easy  fights. On the next turn send whoever you wish to up to 
attack the base on  the top right corner (using fog remover as necessary). 
Have any of the other three pilots take out any possible missiles.
After this motehrship fight, which is fairly simple like the others, you've
beaten the game...or have you.  Theres a little surprise waiting for you.

Post Mission Engagement: Anglar - Arrow Head

The final boss of the first path. Sadly, he's not a worthy final StarFox boss,
in my opinion. I'd recommend taking in someone with a few bombs. If Slippy has
a lot of health and all his bombs, he's the best choice.
Begin this fight by, well, dropping a few bombs in front of this guy. This 
will destroy most of the tail. Now, resort to the plasma lasers of Slippy and
shoot the head of this guy. As in the rest of the game, dodge the attacks (or
barrel roll when its laser-type attacks). Just keep shooting the boss in the
head and it will drop sooner than you know. I'm ashamed that this was 
considered a final boss in StarFox.

Fortunately the game is not over, it has simply just begun!!!
You recieve a key after the game, called the Key of Destiny. This allows you
to pick the other choices at the path splits.
=========================Alternate paths======================================
Mission 2 {A02}
Title: Decision Time
Location: Corneria
Pilots: Fox, (Dash appears on turn 2)
Stars: 34
Turns: 3
Starting time: 100 sec

To get this mission, choose "Attack Advance Guard" after Mission 1.

No Fog on this mission, so you should be able to see the enemy movements well.
Start off this first turn by having Fox fly a jagged route, first heading
through the nearby city, then the missile, then the time bonus, and then to
the left a little to attract the two enemies, in the bottom middle and in the
bottom right. Handle these engagements (fairly easy, as always).
On the next turn, Dash appears. For more on Dash Bowman, check the characters
section. He plays very similar to Fox, except with twin lasers. On this turn,
send Fox on another fun route, this time through the middle city, the shield
pickup, and then towards the base in the bottom left corner. You won't quite
make it to the base this turn, although you could attract an enemy. Send Dash
to the left, through the missile and pick up an enemy, if possible. Don't
worry too much if you don't attract them, because it should be very easy to on
your next turn. After any possible engagements, clean up on this last turn,
meaning send Fox the rest of the way to the base in the bottom left and having
Dash pick up any loose enemies. Handle the remaining engagements, and another
simple, straightforward mission is done.

Post Mission Engagement: None
Path Split!
You are given a choice. To progress to the next part, search for the string
next to the mission name.
To use find, press [ctrl+f] and type in what's in the brackets.
1.) Meet up as planned {A03}
2.) Go To Fichina instead
Mission 3 {A03}
Title: Meteorite Trap
Location: Asteroid Belt
Pilots: Fox, (Falco arrives on turn 3)
Stars: 24
Turns: 4
Starting Time: 100 sec

To get here, choose "Attack advance guard" and then "Meet up as Planned"

No fog here! I love no-fog missions...they're a lot easier to describe since
I don't have to tell you where you need to reveal. Anyways, on to the mission.

First turn, send Fox around the asteroids to the base in the middle of the
map. Handle another easy mothership engagement and move on.
The second turn, you're going to make a little loop, picking up the missile
and then the time bonus while trying to get the attention of both enemies.
Don't worry if you miss, theres always the missile launch from ROB to fix
that. Try to move towards the missile to end this turn.
Now, Falco appears. Go ahead and send Falco to the base and have Fox go after
the enemy missile.  If you can't quite make it (happens sometimes), just end
the turn and finish it off next turn. This should be another easy, straight
and to the point mission.  But it's not over yet!!!!

Post Mission Engagement: Biobrain
This boss, the first time I met it (with a half shield Fox and 2 bombs) did
kill me. I didn't realize how bad that was until the second time I faced him.
This is possibly the fastest boss fight ever, in history, in any game series!
That is, if it's done right.
The boss consists of this blob, and four rotating blocks.  Either shoot the
blocks to death, or use two bombs. Once all the blocks are gone, the core
blob will start dividing and shooting huge blobs at you. Barrel rolls will
deflect the blobs (the barrel roll is overpowered?!? so?!?).  Shoot at the
core, and it will die fast. Two lock-on shots (or maybe it was one, can't
remember cause it went too fast) will drop the core in record time.
Its another boss that's on the level, no wait, lower than Anglar - Arrow Head.
Procede to Mission 4, seen below
Mission 4 {A04}
Title: Octoman's Ruse
Location: Aquas
Pilots: Fox, Falco, (Amanda appears on turn 2)
Stars: 31
Turns: 4
Starting Time: 100 sec

Wow...look at that map.
It's crazy so I'm going to go with some naming conventions to help me explain
where everything is on this one.
We're going to base this off of the Great Fox, calling it the "planet" of the
area and each of the fog areas are rings. This means that the ring of fog 
closest to the Great Fox is going to be called Ring 1.  The middle ring will
be called Ring 2, and the outer ring will be called Ring 3.  This is only so I
can refer to them easily, and prevent this FAQ from becoming a monsterous
novel that would require me to put more paper in the copier twice to print
this off.

To start, you have Fox above the Great Fox and Falco to the left.
We will start by noticing that there is a TON of missiles on the map.
And guess what else? You probably also have a TON of missiles already on the
Great Fox.  Use them very liberally.  Basically, a missile means that you can
pass go for free and collect $200. So if you already have 3 missiles, you get
to fire five missiles this round, leaving only 2 enemies to actually have to
fight.  I like that thought more than having to do seven engagements as well
as the two rocket slipstream missions that you already have to do.
So, I recommend missiles, but the paths I will give you, with minimal changes,
can be used if you would like to take out all the enemies yourself, you little
overachiever you.
First turn, uncover a enemy right below the rightmost missile in Ring 1. Also
uncover an enemy between the two missiles on the bottom, also in Ring 1. Then,
stand up, shout "Say elo to my lil' friend" and blast them with a missile.
If you have a third, blast the enemy between the two missiles just outside of
Ring 1. You can do the quote thing if you want, but I'd recommend against it,
especially in a crowded social setting, like a classroom.
Have Fox and Falco both move through the missiles in front of them and towards
the missiles in the second layer (outside Ring 1).
Unfortunately, Falco might get attacked.  So handle the engagement. Its not
hard, its just that you have missiles, don't let them go to waste XD .

Next turn, our good friend Amanda joins the fight.  She appears outside of
Ring 3, so she will be useful in attacking from behind.
This turn, uncover any of the missile pickups that may have gotten buried, as
well as any potential buried enemies. Have Fox pick up the two missiles at the
top and outside of ring one. Have Falco pick up the lowest missile. Now, since
you're picking up three missiles this turn, better go ahead and use the two
you have right now (from last turn). Blast anything you can see.  Except the
enemy missiles, that doesn't quite work. You should be left with the two
rocket slipstream missions and an enemy hiding in Ring 3 (about the middle of
the ring).  Let Amanda handle the fight (its a little harder than most of the
engagements that you have fought this mission...well, the engagements you 
might have accidentally considered fighting this mision). Go ahead and clean
up, having Fox and Falco take down missiles while Amanda handles the one last
enemy. And thats it!...but if Amanda's here, where's Slippy?!?!?

Post Mission Engagement: Octopod

OH NOES!!! Well, this answers where Slippy went.  So, enough about Slippy,
since he didn't say "Do a Barrel Roll" I don't care about him, but he is
attacking you during this boss fight.  Fortunately, the AI Slippy is not
nearly as intelligent as a human.  So you can pretty much ignore him, and hope
that he goes away.
In this boss fight, you have to destroy Octopod. To do this, simply shoot him
when his shields aren't spinning. 
I love it, but be careful.  If you shoot him while his shield is spinning, the
shot is deflected back at you. You can charge up a shot while he is spinning,
and then let him eat it as soon as the shields stop.  Then Octopod will go run
and hide in one of the jars on the ground. Shoot a jar and maybe he will come
out.  If he doesn't, a turret thing will come out and shoot at you. 
Then repeat this until he's dead. Just remember to fly through the rings if
you need to get extra time and/or shields. He's harder than Biobrain, but not
by that much.  Another easy fight, but its not the end of the story yet!
Path Split!
If this is not your first attempt in the game, you are given a choice. To
progress to the next part, search for the string next to the mission name.
To use find, press [ctrl+f] and type in what's in the brackets.
1.) Bring Her Back {A05}
2.) Separate from Fox
Mission 5 {A05}
Title: Krystal
Location: Katina
Pilots: Fox, Panther, Krystal, Leon
Stars: 32
Turns: 4
Starting Time: 100

To get this mission, choose "Bring Her Back" after "Octoman's Ruse"

First, be happy. Fox gets upgraded to twin lasers here.
Second, you get to use 3 of the 4 pilots of Star Wolf.  And this misison is
fast, and short.
Also, note that all the Star Wolfpilots have very very important nuances.
Leon can only fire while locked on. Panther has a extremely powerful shot, but
no lock on or even a decent fire rate. Krystal is in a different ship here 
than when she's with Star Fox. This one has twin lasers, with no lock-on. 
Basically, none of them are great, but that might explain why they're usually
the bad guys.
TO start off, reveal a base in the top left corner and another one in the top
right corner. Ignore the fog in the lower right completely. There is nothing
in there. There is one missile pickup here, so if you have three already, feel
free to blast someone away with one of them.
Send one of the Star Wolf guys up, and another one to the middle of the map.
It's all based on which ship you prefer. I prefer Panther to the middle and
Krystal to the top, mainly because I can't stand Leon. Send Fox to the right
and have him engage the enemy, as well as the guy on the left side engaging an
enemy over there.  Next turn, send Fox to the top right base and your pilot of
choice to the base on the top left.  Have the other two pilots clean up the
missiles and the one remaining enemy (if you didn't introduce him to a rocket
last turn). If you need to, you do have extra turns to finish cleaning up and

Post Mission Engagement: None
Path Split!
1.) Go with Fox
2.) Leave without Fox {A06}
Mission 6 {A06}
Title: Star Wolf Returns
Location: Venom
Pilots: Wolf, Panther, Krystal, Leon (All of Star Wolf!)
Stars: 41
Turns: 4
Starting Time: 100 sec

Yay!!! You get to play as all four of Star Wolf this time...and I hated it.
They do have "unique" ships, especially Panther and Leon (who you played with
last mission, so you should be alright).
Of course the entire map is covered in fog, and a huge maze and everything, so
lets just get this over with.
There's three bases here, one in the top right corner, another on the right
edge, underneath the no-fly zone, and a third is on the other side of the
small no-fly zone in the top right from the first base.  Theres an enemy in
the top left corner that I like to reveal, and then shoot with a missile.
Send Wolf up the left side, as far as possible.  Send Panther in the next gap.
There is a missile in there to pick up.  Send Krystal along the bottom of the
screen, as far as possible as well.  Send Leon to, uh, well I hate Leon, but I
did kepe him around to pick up any random missiles or what you
want to with him.
Anyways, there should be a few engagements either here or on the next turn.
Uncover all three bases again on this turn, and send Krystal to the one along
the right wall. Send Wolf and Panther to the bases in the top right corner.
Again, do what you wish with Leon.  Krystal will have a lot of engagements
this turn (sometimes as many as 3) so try your best to keep her at the best
health possible.  There may be a few other engagements here as well, for Wolf
and Panther, since enemies can be somewhat unpredictable sometimes.
Next turn, uncover the two remaining bases, and send Panther and Wolf into
these two. Use Krystal and Leon to clean up anything that may remain.
If you need to, use another turn to clean up.  That should do it for this one.

Post Mission Engagement: 
Well, I intended to put this in here.  But since I forgot to plug in my DS
last night, this will have to be continued later. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mission 2 {B02}
Title: Falco to the Fore!
Location: Katina
Pilots: Falco, (Bill arrives on turn 3)
Starting Time:

To get this mission, choose "Where is Falco?" after Mission 1.

Fortunately, there is no fog here so this will be pretty simple to start with.
Everything is slightly harder now, since this is obviously not the first time
that you've played through the single player part of the game.
First turn, go ahead and move Falco to the missile immediately to the left of
Falco and then a little farther (not too much, you want to be able to reach
the base at the top of the screen next turn) to cause the enemies on the left
of Falco to attack him. This should be an easy engagement.
Next turn, try to go through both the missile and city (which will help your
fuel) to reach the top base in the right corner. This is a mothership fight,
but you should remember how to handle these very easily.
Next turn! We get Bill!  Send Bill on a little loop around to get the missile
and to attack the base there. Note that Bill does not have lock on lasers,
but he does have twin lasers. Go ahead and move Falco towards the enemies
still remaining on the left side of the screen.
Likely, you will need another turn to mop up all the enemies, but it can be
done in three turns (very very unlikely and unnecessary though). Go ahead and
mop up on turn 4 and get any remaining power-ups (there should be two time
bonuses sitting below Bill). That should do it for this mission.

Post Mission Engagement: None
Mission 3 {B03}
Title: Falco's Decision
Location: Asteroid Belt
Pilots: Falco, (Katt arrives on turn 3)
Starting Time:

Another no-fog mission!!! I could get used to these. Best not push our luck!

This mission isn't too bad, despite there being only one pilot initally.
Start this mission by sending Falco to the base immediately to the right of
him (picking up the missile en route). He should be engaged by one of the
ships as well. After cleaning up another easy engagement and mothership fight,
move Falco towards the ships over to the right, again, picking up the missile
on the way. Also note that you will need to shoot the enemies on the left side
of the screen with a missile.  Don't worry, you've been collecting plenty of
missiles, right?
Anyways, turn 3. Katt arrives. Basically, Katt will be cleaning up the stray
missiles and heading towards the bottom base. Have her move as necessary. Move
Falco to the base in the top right corner this turn. Falco should engage the
mothership, while Katt may or may not have a rocket slipstream mission.
(Remember that missile launches are random).
On this turn, have Falco clean up any missiles and powerups (there is a time
bonus nearby) before moving towards the Great Fox.  Move Katt to the base,
unless you need her to take down a missile. Don't be afraid to use a fifth
turn, if necessary.

Post Mission Engagement: None
Path Split!
Search for the string in the brackets using [ctrl+f]
1.) Rendezvous with Fox {M05} *Note: You return to the main line of the story*
2.) Search for Krystal  {B04}
Mission 4 {B04}
Title: Pigma's Revenge
Location: Sector X
Pilots: Falco, (Katt arrives on turn 3)
Starting Time:

This is the FINAL MISSION of this path. So feel free to waste all the missiles
here. It is Falco solo for a while so stay very close to the Great Fox.
On the first turn, grab the missile (not the asteroid belt one) and get in
front of the enemy between the asteroids (closest to Falco). Falco should
engage this one. I recommend using Falco's multilock in this fight.
On the next turn, fire some missiles. Hit the one that came from the top left
as well as the one that came from between the asteroid fields. Have Falco
retrieve the other missile and intercept one of the incoming missiles. The one
coming from the top is probably more of a threat so take that one out first.
Next turn, Falco finally gets some help from Katt again. Have Katt intercept
the missile from the right while you send Falco up to the last remaining
enemy. Use your bombs in this fight, as the bombs are unnecessary in the final
fight. After this, its time...the boss.

Post Mission Engagement: Pigma Dengar

A worthy StarFox boss. Much more difficult than Anglar from the first run.
Anyways, theres some strategy here.
You'll notice that Pigma is composed of four cubes and a central orb. In case
you've never played a video game in your life (which is who Nintendo wants to
play video games...) your goal is to destroy the central orb. Of course, you
cannot damage the orb right now, so first you need to expose the orb.
Each of the cubes will either be Red, Yellow, Green, or part of Pigma's face.
If you shoot the cube, it will change to the next color.  Your goal now is to
make all four cubes show Pigma's face. Once you do that, the cubes will reveal
the orb, which you are supposed to shoot. Eventually the cubes will go back,
so repeat this process.
Sounds easy, right? well, of course theres more to the fight than that.
Each cube will attack you, based upon what color it is. The Red cubes will
launch these pillars of flame.  Once you see it, you'll know what I mean.
Dodge these by just going around them.
The yellow cube will shoot fireballs at you. Dodge these as well.
The green cube will launch missiles. And not just one but 3 sets of missiles.
You can shoot the missiles down, or dodge these as well.
**Remember to use your boost and/or brake as well as loops to help dodge**
Only one more attack to remember here.  After turning all four cubes to show
the face of Pigma, you need to watch out! Before you start unloading on the
orb, remember to get out of the way of a huge laser he shoots at you.
Just keep dodging and shooting and eventually Pigma Dengar will go down.

This is what a StarFox boss is supposed to be like...thank you Nintendo!

Now enjoy your ending.
Mission 5 {C05}
Title: Father and Daughter
Location: Corneria
Pilots: Lucy
Starting Time:

Wow...Missile's galore.
Remember that the Great Fox can only hold 3 missiles, so use them or lose the
We'll start this one out easy.  Shoot all your missiles at whatever enemies
you can see.  Have Lucy go take the two missiles closest to the Great Fox, go
through the nearest city, and then take the missile right below the city. Stop
Next Turn, fire all your missiles at whatever enemies you can see. Now, have
Lucy move through the three missiles to the left of her, using the city for
extra fuel as needed.  Try to end where the enemy missile will be, so you can
take it out. Unfortunately, you will also likely be engaged by a few enemies
as well (couldn't missile the whole way through...darn).
Anyways, finish the misison off on this turn using missiles, and picking up
any extra missile pickups you can.  If you want, even delay the end of this
turn so that you can pick up another missile.  A lot of enemies, not a lot of
actual fighting.  My kind of!

Post Mission Engagement: None
Path Split!
Search for the string in the brackets using [ctrl+f]
1.) Head to Titania {D06}
2.) Say Farewell to Peppy {C06}
Mission 6 {C06}
Title: Lucy and Krystal
Location: Corneria
Pilots: Lucy, Katt, Krystal, Amanda
Starting Time:

Ah, the females get their own mission...and they deserve it too.  I wouldn't
want to run into any of these ladies if I was combat at least.

Anyways, lets get this going. Uncover a base just inside the fog on the top,
about in the middle, and uncover an enemy in the top left corner. Fire a
missile at that enemy. Now, uncover another base in the middle of the fog in
the lower right corner. Go ahead and have Lucy attack the top base, going
through the missile pickup.  Move Amanda to the time bonus in the lower left
part of the screen. She will be attacked by the enemy in the corner. Send
Krystal to the rocket, and send Katt to the bottom of the no-fly zone.
Wow, one turn and the mission's almost over already.
Next turn, re-uncover the base.  Send Katt there, and send Krystal to the
enemy that came out from the fog, going through the time bonus, of course.
Send Lucy and Amanda on item gathering, getting anything nearby that you want
or have them intercept a missile, if one happened to be launched.
End the turn, and the mission right here.

Post Mission Engagement: Splitter

Thought this was too easy right? So of course you get a boss fight after the
mission.  Splitter is a pretty interresting enemy that will fight you in
three parts.
First, he has a beam similar to the motherships (you haven't flown into one
yet, have you? they hurt...a lot)
He also will launch a ton of shots at you, that move slow as, well, slow...
Basically, the strategy is in typical StarFOx fashion.  Get behind Splitter
and introduce him to your lasers.  Charged shots work best.  Of course, since
this is StarFox, remember to shoot the part of the rear piece that is
flashing red and yellow.  Then, well, repeat the process for the other two
parts of Splitter.  Pretty simple, but it is a harder fight than some of the
other boss fights.  Just remember the magic of the barrel roll to deflect the
shots and it should go down very easily.

Now enjoy your ending.
Mission 6 {D06}
Title: Andross' Legacy
Location: Titania
Pilots: Fox, Falco, Slippy, Peppy (THE ORIGINALS!!!)
Starting Time:

They're back!!! The bad boys of the original StarFox, which I have played many
many times on my Super Nintendo are back for another run.
This mission can be completed in two short turns! Fortunately, this isn't the
end, yet.
On the first turn, uncover an enemy base in the top left corner of the map.
Uncover another one above the top no-fly zone, near the hole in the fog on the
right side. Uncover another base on the left side of the screen, in the gap
between the no-fly zone and the hole in the fog. Uncover the fourth base in
the middle of the four no-fly zones.
Send Fox to the base on the far left, going through the city right in front of
the Great Fox, and the city along the bottom of the map.  He should be able to
reach it. Send Peppy to the base in the middle of the 4 zones, going through
the city, of course.  Send Falco on a route through the city and then towards
the city at the top, to intercept the rocket.  Send Slippy through the city,
up to the city at the top, and to the base nearby, that was uncovered at the
start of the turn.  Handle the three mothership engagements and the rocket
slipstream mission to finish off this turn.
Next turn, uncover whatever remains (the top left base in particular) and send
Fox to the top left base. Send everyone else on routes to pick up the few
remaining stray missiles. Remember to use the cities to get extra flight
distance.  Also, there is a missile pickup in between the top and left zones,
very close to the top right city. Very very easy, and fast mission.

Post Mission Engagement: Grunner

Alright, here's an important thing to do here.  Choose a ship with a charged
shot.  Basically, anyone but Slippy. Obviously, choose someone with the most
health...bombs are not very useful here.
Now, grunner can only be hit in the back. So fly behind him, charge your shot,
and take him down.  His attack is a little weird.  He summons these pillars.
They shoot rocks at you. And they have electricity running between the two.
Ignoring the fact that electricity doesn't behave like that, just fly above
the electricity and avoid the rocks. Charge a shot and blast him. Then do it
again.  And again, until the mision is over. He's a respectable boss, well, 
compared to Anglar he is.
Mission 7 {C07}
Title: Goodbye Fox
Location: Venom
Pilots: Fox, Falco, Slippy, Peppy (THE ORIGINALS!!!)
Starting Time:

Oh great, another map covered in fog!  I hate the fog, not cause it makes the
game harder, but it makes writing a walkthrough harder. Gaaah!
Anyways, on with it.
Uncover a base in the top left corner, and another base on the other side of
the no-fly zone to the right.  Theres another base in the top right corner
and a fourth base in the middle of the map, off the lower right corner of the
square no-fly zone in the middle of the fog.
Now, uncoer anything else you want (if you have the remover...probably not).
Time to fly...send Fox to the base in the top left. Falco to the base in the
middle of the map, Slippy to the base on the top right, and Peppy to the
missile pickup in the middle, in front of the Great Fox.
Next turn, uncover the same stuff again, and send everyone along the rest of
the way to their base.  Have Peppy intercept the rocket coming from the left
side.  Now, win the three mothership missions and the rocket slipstreaming.
On this turn, just clean up the pieces. Any random missiles or enemies can be
taken care of this turn. And thats the mission, and the storyline...almost.

Post Mission Engagement: Arrow Head to Emperor Anglar

First, you get the pleasure of fighting Arrow Head again. He's got some new
moves now, so I should probably tell you what you need to know.
He's harder. You see the tubes on the floor/ceiling? He will occasionally fly
into those. That's a perfect time to bomb him, by the way.
Just attack the middle pieces first, then unload on the head after all the
pieces in the middle are destroyed.  Remember to dodge and barrel roll to
avoid and deflect his attacks. He's not hard, but its not over.

Emperor Anglar will emerge from the tubes.  Now this is a f'in boss fight.
First, barrel rolls deflect his shots, so use it! Now, unload on the orbs
surrounding him until they turn gray. Anglar will charge a shot, which you
need to deflect back at him using a barrel roll. Then, his antennae will be
red, so blast this as much as you can. (Its very similar to the fight 
against Gannondorf in LoZ:OoT...where you damage him by deflecting his shots
then unloading on him while he's "stunned")
At half health, he disappears...Oh noes! At least the orbs are still here.
Destroy the orbs.  And watch out for the huge beams that come across the
screen...they hurt.  After the three orbs are gone, he comes back, with a few
new tricks, of course. He does this breathing thing now. He will try to suck
you in, so use your brakes to stop him from eating you.  Then he'll blow out
a ton of debris.  It can all be deflected with the barrel roll.  While he's
blowing chunks, shoot his face.  He'll repeat this a few times, so just keep
shooting his face until he dies.

Now enjoy your ending

*will be continued soon...expect daily updates for the next week or so*

7.) Endings Guide [end]
Currently, there are four complete endings in this FAQ. Here's a pathline to
each one of them.

Standard Ending (First Run)
Mission 1 {M01}     - The Adventure Begins
Mission 2 {M02}     - Reunion with Slippy
Mission 3 {M03}     - Fog of War
Mission 4 {M04}     - Oikonny Strikes Back!
Mission 5 {M05}     - Beneath the Waves
Mission 6 {M06}     - We Meet Again
Mission 7 {M07}     - Anglar

Alternate Endings

Mission 1 {M01}     - The Adventure Begins
Mission 2 {B02}     - Falco to the Fore!
Mission 3 {B03}     - Falco's Decision
Mission 4 {B04}     - Pigma's Revenge
Mission 1 {M01}     - The Adventure Begins
Mission 2 {M02}     - Reunion with Slippy
Mission 3 {M03-alt} - Fog of War
Mission 4 {M04}     - Oikonny Strikes Back!
Mission 5 {C05}     - Father and Daughter
Mission 6 {C06}     - Andross's Legacy
Mission 7 {C07}     - Goodbye Fox

8.) Multiplayer [multi]
Ranks are alphabetic. The highest rank is A and the lowest rank is Z. Your 
rank will be shown as a letter and a percentage. That percentage is how close 
to the next rank you are. You do NOT lose any rating percentage for losing. 
Each rank is based off of wins as well as stars obtained. So don't D/C. I know
it was popular to disconnect if you were about to lose a race in Mario Kart or
a match in Metroid Prime:Hunters. That's because a loss hurt your ranks. Not
the case here. You still get some percentage points for just getting stars, 
even if you don't win. So for the love of quality DS wifi gaming, don't 

The powerups are rather important. Get them. Not only so you have more power
but get them so your opponents cannot get them.
Remember to use your bombs. And avoid enemy bombs. Seriously, bombs can make
or break your match, as I have frequently seen a single bomb kill 2 or 3
ships, or result in a game-breaking suicide. Learn how to use them well.

Pick these up!!! Should be obvious but a few times, people will forget to
grab the stars. If you don't score points, then you don't win.
Ninjaing stars (taking stars that someone else killed for) is highly
recommended. What's better than getting points? No one said you had to kill 
for them.

Friends/Rivals mode does not affect your rank. Only battle royales do.

9.) FAQs [faqs]
Q: I seem to have trouble controlling the ship. Is there an "inverted" option
or something like that? (from -Somera-)
A: YES! there is an option for inverted stylus in the "Options" tab of the
main menu. This is perfect for everyone who prefers inverted in Halo, 
Goldeneye and other shooter games.

Q: Why did Nintendo not let you use the D-Pad for movemet!!! (from Xtheo)
A: Because.  I don't work for Nintendo (yet...) so I don't know why. It would
likely handle like MP:H dual mode did, so it is do-able, but I guess that they
want people to remember their games as being innovative, and not another game
with the same gameplay with updated graphics.  Thank them for it.  Or don't.
I'm not you, so I don't really care that you think using a touch screen is
horrible. I like it.

Q: What's your favorite Final Fantasy game? (from anonymous)
A: WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT!?!?!?! Okay, I'll tell you. It's FF8.
Seven was good, yes, but 8 made it to a new level. Plus you can always play
some f'in cards. (quote by XeNo1686)

If you have a question, send it to rbontre(at)clemson(dot)edu
Also, you can post your questions on the Blue Diamond Clan forums, at
10.) Credits and Legal Stuff [thanks]
Legally, most every reference in here is to Nintendo, and Nintendo related
intellectual propetrty. I did not create star fox (although my dream is to be
working for a video game company designing games such as star fox) so every
reference to Fox, Falco, Slippy, Peppy, and all the other characters and Star
Fox related things are copyright of Nintendo, their subsidiaries, and other
related parties.

This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Demos, 2006.
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a 
violation of copyright. (from

The following sites have permission to use this work
Blue Diamond Clan

Any other site must ask for permission. Contact information is availiable in
the next section.

If you see this FAQ hosted anywhere else, TELL ME! I'll even say thanks XD.

If you post a link to this in a forum, I'd love to hear from you. Its things
like that that make me want to keep writing FAQs and Guides. I may even drop
by and answer any questions and comments with it.
As of now, I'd like to thank

Nintendo.  For believing that new games are supposed to be new and not just
the same game with updated graphics.  Also, for their philosophy that its 
about the feel of the game, and not necessarily the graphics.

CJayC - Never met you, never heard from you, just heard that you maintain the
GFaqs site, which in its own is good enough to get you a big thanks.

Every GameFAQs writer I've ever read the work of.
You all contributed something to my writing style. Either in something I want
to imitate or as something I want to avoid when I write.  Thanks

The entire Blue Diamond Clan.
They made this possible. Answered my questions that came up, and pretty much
have earned the title of Best WiFi clan out there.
Don't ask for anything special from me, I'm not an admin, or even a moderator.
I'm just one of the many regular people who agree that BDC is great.
And oh yeah, congrats on reaching 1000 members, yet everyone active still 
knows everyone else. Its beautiful.     *tear*

Work *undisclosed location*
Specifically the test development engineering team, for giving me a lot of 
free time to write this FAQ while i'm stuck at work.

For making me get a little ******.  It was worth it though.
Now stop "borrowing" mine and get your own!!!

You, for reading this FAQ and making me feel special.

11.) Contact [contact]
If you would like to host this FAQ on your site, please let me know.

No spam please.  Include something that would let me know that this is about
StarFox Command in the title line.

Any general questions can also be directed to the Blue Diamond Clan at
Questions answered here will also be put into this in the FAQ section or into
the walkthrough, wherever appropriate.

Corrections? Suggestions? Snide Remarks?
send them to 
rbontre(at)clemson(dot)edu and include something to the nature of StarFox in
the title. Thanks.

My FC is 267772-493214. If you want to play me, meet up on BDC, or e-mail and
I will provide messenger contact info.
---------------------------END OF GREAT STAR FOX GAME-------------------------