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Card Force Guide

by Shadowlinkex

MM  MM      MM  MM MM  MM      MM  MM SS           FF
MM   MM    MM   MM MM   MM    MM   MM SS           FF
MM      MM      MM MM      MM      MM           SS FF
MM              MM MM              MM           SS FF
MM              MM MM              MM SSSSSSSSSSSS FF
MM              MM MM              MM SSSSSSSSSSSS FF

CCC                FFFFF
CCC                FFFFF
CCC                FFFFF
CCC                FFFFF
CCC                FFFFF

LL                                TTT
LL                                TTT   III
LL       OO   OO CC    AA   AA    TTT   III OO   OO NN   NN  SSSSSS

CCCCC        BB   BB
CC           BB   BB
CC           BBBBBB
CC           BB   BB
CCCCC        BB   BB

Shadowlinkex & YamatoIzuka
*Hold the applause folks*

Table Of Contents
1 - About Us

2 - FAQ History

3 - Card CheckList
  3s1 - Card CheckList(Standard)
  3m1 - Card CheckList(Mega)
  3g1 - Card CheckList(Giga)

4 - Card Force Info & Locations
  4s2 - Card Force Info & Locations(Standard)
  4m2 - Card Force Info & Locations(Mega)
     4mL2 - FM-iam/AM-iam Locations
  4g2 - Card Force Info & Locations(Giga)

5 - Best Combo Mini-Guide
  5a - What Is A Best Combo?
  5b - How Do I Create A Best Combo?
  5c - Where Can I Find "INSERT FM-IAM NAME HERE" To Create A Best Combo?
  5d - Any Tips On Creating Best Combos?

6 - Secrets/Unlockables/Exclusives

7 - End Of Faq
  7a - FAQ's
  7b - Contacting
  7c - Credits
  7d - "Farewell And Good Luck"

1 - About Us
Here's a bit of information about us. Don't worry, its not
long. Just some background information...

Shadowlinkex/Steven - Well, as you can see I'm the fellow
typing all this up. =P But of course this wouldn't be possible
without my friend. Anyways, I am a huge Megaman Fan. I've been
playing it since the X series. My favorite Megaman Series would
have to be the Battle Network Series. It is incredibly fun and
addicting. But of course, all good things must eventually end,
and Megaman Battle Network did end at its 6th installment.
Well, CAPCOM's got some back-up folks, so don't worry.
The StarForce Series is out andas BN, it will make history.
By far the first one(and currently only one outside of Japan)
was beyond good and has proven to be better than BN 1, 2, and 4.
Now let's see if if SF2 can beat 3, 5, and/or 6. Well as you all
know, I may not sound(or er, type) like an expert, but I am
indeed advanced in the MM Series. So, let me just give you a bit
of info as to why we(including my friend) even tried creating a
Card Force List FAQ. Well, I've veen seeing a lot of people having
trouble locating certaing Card Forces. So, today my friend asked
me about creating a FAQ that is based only on the Cards. But of 
course, I decided to add a Mini-Guide on Best Combos. Well, anyways,
now for my friend to say a little bit about himself... By the way,
I'm a Pegasus Lv. 100.

YamatoIzuka - Not much to say... I'm a Leo Lv.100. All my brother 
spots are filled up, so don't even ask. 

2 - FAQ History

February 19th - Well according to GameFaqs, the Faq was rejected due to
going way over the appropriate margin. And I do agree with them so, I'll
fix this little problem. But it will take quite a while...
February 16th - Ale-lu-ia. The Faq is done and ready to be contributed.
Good Luck to all you Card Hunters out there. ^_^
February 15th - The "6 - Secrets/Unlockables/Exclusives" and
the "End of Faq" sections were finally finished. Now all's we
need to do is a little bit of revising... just to make sure
there aren't many errors. Oh and we also added a "8 - Legit
Stuff" section.
February 14th - Although we are sure that many people already
know the secrets, unlockables, and exclusive features for each
version, we decided to add the "6 - Secrets/Unlockables/Exclusives"
section. We just need to check it over and edit it a bit now.
February 13th - Seeing as B. Combos are made by Standar Class
Cards, the "5 - Best Combo Mini-Guide" section was added and
was finished today.
February 12th - The "4 - Card Force Info and Locations" section
is finally complete! The rest should be a snap now...
February 11th - Finally added the "4s2 - Card Force Info &
Locations(Standard)" section. Now for the "4m2 - Card Force
Info & Locations(Mega)" and "4mL2 - FM-iam Locations" sections.
Let's hope I have enough time to finish the "4g2 - Card Force
Info & Locations(Giga)" section by tommorow.
February 10th - The "3 - Card ChechList" section is finally
complete. Horray!
February 9th - Here's to Valentine's Day. I(Or we, although
my friend barely does anything =P) edited parts of the "3 -
Card CheckList" section. Remember, if you find anything missing
or wrong information, then e-mail me(or us) so that I(we) may
make the corrections.
February 8th - Added the "3m1 - Card CheckList(Mega)" section
and the "3g1 - Card CheckList(Giga)" section as well.
February 7th - FAQ was officially created... Let's hope this
is a success folks! Started with the "1 - About Us" section
and the "3s1 - Card CheckList(Standard)" section was also added.

3 - Card CheckList
The Card Force Locatoins section is really long so I
won't want anyone to print out the whole inky Card Force
Location section. luckily, I thought a few steps ahead
and devised a checklist. Just print it out and then with
every card you obtain, just mark it down. Simple enough
huh? Don't worry, it won't require a lot of ink. Note:
For anyone that does not know(Although I really doubt it)
how to print out only the CheckLists, then simply follow 
these instructions. First highlight the CheckLists. Then
go and click print in the "File" option. Now "dot" the
"Selection" option and print. Your printer will then print
out only the highlighted parts.

3s1 - Card CheckList(Standard)
/ /1. Cannon
/ /2. PlusCannon
/ /3. HeavyCannon
/ /4. PlasmaGun1
/ /5. Plasma Gun2
/ /6. PlasmaGun3
/ /7. Gatling1
/ /8. Gatling2
/ /9. Gatling3
/ /10. AirSpread
/ /11. RadarMissle1
/ /12. RadarMissle2
/ /13. RadarMissle3
/ /14. HeatBall1
/ /15. HeatBall2
/ /16. HeatBall3 
/ /17. IceMeteor1
/ /18. IceMeteor2
/ /19. IceMeteor3
/ /20. StunKnuckle
/ /21. PoisonKnuckle
/ /22. FreezeKnuckle
/ /23. Sword
/ /24. WideSword
/ /25. LongSword
/ /26. BlazingEdge
/ /27. TidalEdge
/ /28. StrikeEdge
/ /29. ArboEdge
/ /30. BreakSabre
/ /31. GroundWave1
/ /32. GroundWave2
/ /33. GroundWave3
/ /34. JetAttack1
/ /35. JetAttack2
/ /36. JetAttack3
/ /37. PowerBomb1
/ /38. PowerBomb2
/ /39. PowerBomb3
/ /40. GhostPulse1
/ /41. GhostPulse2
/ /42. GhostPulse3
/ /43. FireRing1
/ /44. FireRing2
/ /45. FireRing3
/ /46. TimeBomb1
/ /47. TimeBomb2
/ /48. TimeBomb3
/ /49. FireBazooka1
/ /50. FireBazooka2
/ /51. FireBazooka3
/ /52. TailBurner1
/ /53. TailBurner2
/ /54. Tailburner3
/ /55. WideWave1
/ /56. WideWave2
/ /57. WideWave3
/ /58. ChainBubble1
/ /59. ChainBubble2
/ /60. ChainBubble3
/ /61. GreenInk
/ /62. BlueInk
/ /63. PurpleInk
/ /64. StickyRain1
/ /65. StickyRain2
/ /66. StickyRain3
/ /67. CloudShot1
/ /68. Cloudshot2
/ /69. CloudShot3
/ /70. ThunderBall1
/ /71. ThunderBall2
/ /72. ThunderBall3
/ /73. VolticEye1
/ /74. VolticEye2
/ /75. VolticEye3
/ /76. FlickerKicker1
/ /77. FlickerKicker2
/ /78. FlickerKicker3
/ /79. JumboHammer1
/ /80. JumboHammer2
/ /81. JumboHammer3
/ /82. MopLance1
/ /83. MopLance2
/ /84. MopLance3
/ /85. Fokx-Fu1
/ /86. Fokx-Fu2
/ /87. Fokx-Fu3
/ /88. VulcanSeed1
/ /89. VulcanSeed2
/ /90. VulcanSeed3
/ /91. BraveSword1
/ /92. BraveSword2
/ /93. BraveSword3
/ /94. JunkCube1
/ /95. JunkCube2
/ /96. JunkCube3
/ /97. SynchronizeHook1
/ /98. SynchronizeHook2
/ /99. SynchronizeHook3
/ /100. PowerSong
/ /101. QuakeSong
/ /102. TripSong
/ /103. MoaiFall1
/ /104. MoaiFall2
/ /105. MoaiFall3
/ /106. BigAxe1
/ /107. BigAxe2
/ /108. BigAxe3
/ /109. MagicCrystal1
/ /110. MagicCrystal2
/ /111. MagicCrystal3
/ /112. BlackHole1
/ /113. BlackHole2
/ /114. BlackHole3
/ /115. BerserkSword1
/ /116. BerserkSword2
/ /117. BerserkSword3
/ /118. GreenBurst
/ /119. IceBusrst
/ /120. PoisonBurst
/ /121. TyphoonDance
/ /122. JamminPunch
/ /123. JamMachGun
/ /124. Whistle
/ /125. Bombalizer
/ /126. Anti-Sword
/ /127. Recover10
/ /128. Recover30
/ /129. Recover50
/ /130. Recover80
/ /131. Recover120
/ /132. Recover150
/ /133. Recover200
/ /134. Recover300
/ /135. Barrier
/ /136. Barrier100
/ /137. Barrier200
/ /138. Aura
/ /139. Invisible
/ /140. SpiritFury
/ /141. PoisonApple
/ /142. DoubleCross
/ /143. GigaMine
/ /144. GrassStage
/ /145. IceStage
/ /146. GravityStage
/ /147. GNullStage
/ /148. HolyPanel
/ /149. ParalyzePlus
/ /150. Attack+10

3m1 - Card CheckList(Mega)(Last 3 MegaCards Depend On
      Version(Pegasus / Leo / Dragon))
/ /1. TaurusFire
/ /2. TaurosFireEX
/ /3. TaurosFireSP
/ /4. CygnusWing
/ /5. CygnusEX
/ /6. CygnusWingSP
/ /7. HarpNote
/ /8. HarpNoteEX
/ /9. HarpNoteSP
/ /10. LibraScale
/ /11.LibraScaleEX
/ /12. LibraScaleSP
/ /13. QueenOphiuca
/ /14. QueenOphiucaEX
/ /15. QueenOphiucaSP
/ /16. GeminiSpark
/ /17. GemeniSparkEx
/ /18. GemeniSparkSP
/ /19. CancerBubble
/ /20. CancerBubbleEX
/ /21. CancerBubbleSP
/ /22. WolfWoods
/ /23. WolfWoodsEX
/ /24. WolfWoodsSP
/ /25. CrownThuder
/ /26. CrownThunderEX
/ /27. CrownThudnerSP
/ /28. PegasusMagic / LeoKingdom / DragonSky
/ /29. PegasusMagicEX / LeoKingdomEX / DragonSkyEX
/ /30. PegasusMagicSP / LeoKingdomSP / DragonSkySP

3g1 - Card CheckList(Giga)(Depending On Version
      (Pegasus / Leo / Dragon))
/ /1. PegasusMagicGX / LeoKingdomGX / DragonSkyGX
/ /2. Aqua+50 / Fire+50 / Wood+50
/ /3. OxTackle / GeminiThunder / GorgonEye
/ /4. BerserkBomb / DarknessHole / DestroyMissle
/ /5. DarkSword / LifeAura / PoisonPharaoh

4 - Card Force Info And Locations
Obviously in this section, you will find the information
on the different types of card forces in MMSF. We'll note 
down their in-game discriptions. We'll also note down on
how exactly they function as sometimes certain cards don't
work for some reason(like in MMBN, some people were
complaining on how to use certain battlechips). But we
will only do this for certain cards.(Cards that are a bit
complicated to understand) But of course, I(We) will also
jot where the exactly location of the cards are. This means
that you'll have to defeat the viruses in order to get the
card forces you want. Well anyways, happy browsing.

*ATTACK POWER* - *Element*

4s2 - Card Force Info & Locations(Standard)
Cannon atk 1 emy.
40 - No Element
Location - Start of game.

Cannon atk 1 emy.Knock bck 1 sqr.
90 - No Element
Location - Job: Kid in GYM in Geo's School.

Cannon atk 1 emy.Knock bck 2 sqrs.
150 - No Element
Location - BMW in NACY'S Roof Stage EM WvRd

Atk and paralyze 1 enemy.
30 - Elec
Location - Start of game.

If atk hits, splt into V,paralyze.
50 - Elec
Location - BMW in ClassRoom 5-A EM WvRd.

If atk hits, splt into X, paralyze.
70 - Elec
Location - BMW in StationComp1.

4-shot atk. Knocks emy way back.
10 - No Element
Location - BMW in TruckComp1.

5-shot atk. Knocks emy way back.
20 - No Element
Location - BMW in ClassRoom 5-A EM WvRd.

6-shot atk. Knocks emy way back.
30 - No Element
Loaction - BMW in StationComp2.

3-shot atk. Spreads dmg to adj pnls.
10 - No Element
Location - Start of game.

Missile atk. Targts None elm. enmies.
100 - No Element
Location - BMW in SimComp3.

Missl atk if emy HP tens dgt is even.
130 - No Element
Location - BMW in DreamIslandDump's EM WvRd.

Missl atk if emy has a status.
200 - No Element
Location - BMW in StationComp2.

Lob a fire bomb at your enemy!
60 - Fire
Location - Start of game.

Lob a fire bomb at your enemy!
100 - Fire
Location - BMW in SchoolComp1.

Lob a fire bomb at your enemy!
180 - Fire
Location - BMW in SnakeComp1.

Shower nearest emy's row w/ ice!
50 - Aqua
Location - BMW in Mr.Borreal's Laboratory EM WvRd.

Shower nearest emy's row w/ ice!
90 - Aqua
Location - Job: Teacher in ClassRoom 1-A.

Shower nearest emy's row w/ ice!
130 - Aqua
Location - BMW in Underground EM WvRd.

Punch and paralyze emy in front!
130 - Elec
Location - BigWave Shop

Punch and HP bug emy in frnt of you!
150 - No Element
Location - Outside AMAKEN's EM WvRd Shop.

Punch and freez emy in frnt of you!
180 - Aqua
Location - Underground's EM WvRd Shop.

Cuts emy in frnt of you!
80 - No Element
Location - Start of game.

Cuts enmies in row in frnt of you!
80 - No Element
Location - Start of game.

Cuts emy in frnt of you. Rnge:2 sqrs.
80 - No Element
Location - Start of game.

Fire swrd cuts emy in row in frnt.
160 - Fire
Location - Big WaveShop.

Aqua swrd cuts emy in row in frnt.
190 - Aqua
Location - DreamIslandDump EM's WvRd Shop.

Elec swrd cut 'n prlyz emy in row.
150 - Elec
Location - ClassRoom 5-B's EM WvRd Shop.

Wood swrd cuts emy in row in frnt.
180 - Wood
Loaction - Underground's EM WvRd Shop.

Diag. saber atk. Cuts thru shield.
200 - No Element
Loaction - Jammer's Shop in DeepSpace2.

Piercing atk can change direc. once.
50 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in EchoRidge's EM WvRd.

Piercing atk can change direc. once.
100 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in Geo's School's EM WvRd.

Piercing atk can change direc. once.
150 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in DreamIslandDump's EM WvRd.

Piercing strght line rush atk.
100 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in SimComp1.

Piercing strght line rush atk.
150 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in NACY's Em WvRd.

Piercing strght line rush atk.
200 - No Element
Location -  Delete virus in SpaceStation1's EM WvRd.

If hits, sprd dmg to pnls in + shape.
80 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in EchoRidge's EM WvRd.

If hits, sprd dmg to pnls in X shape.
130 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in Geo's School's EM WvRd.

If hits, sprd dmg to all adj. pnls.
180 - No Element
Location - Delete birus in SpaceStation2's EM WvRd.

Radiating sound atk. Confu emy.
90 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in Mr.Borreal's Laboratory's
EM WvRd.

Radiating sound atk. Paralyzes.
100 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in Geo's School's GYM's EM

Radiating sound atk. Make HP bug.
120 - No Element
Location - Delere virus in SpaceStaion1's EM WvRd.

Far-reaching fire fing boomerang.
60 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in TruckComp1.

Far-reaching fire ring boomerang.
90 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in TimeSquare's EM WvRd.

Far-reaching fire ring boomerang.
120 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in StationComp2.

Set bomb 2 pnls ahead. 3 sec timer.
100 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in Luna's House's EM WvRd.

Set bomb 2 pnls ahead. 3 sec timer.
150 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in DreamIslandPark's EM WvRd.

Set bomb 2 pnls ahead. 3 sec timer.
220 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace3.

Hit emy or edg of scrn, dmg to row.
100 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in SchoolComp1.

Hit emy or edg of scrn, dmg to row.
130 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in the SunkenShipComp.

Hit emy or edg of scrn, dmg to row.
160 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation3's EM WvRd.

Atk 3 sqrs ahead with flamethrowr.
80 - Fire
Loaction - Delete virus in TruckComp1.

Atk 3 sqrs ahead with flamethrowr.
130 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in SchoolComp2.

Atk 3 sqrs ahead with flamethrowr.
180 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation3's EM WvRd.

Send out a wave a row wide!
70 - Aqua
Location - Delete virus in AMEKEN Foyer's EM WvRd.

Send out a wave a row wide!
90 - Aqua
Location - Delete virus in SchoolComp3.

Send out a wave a row wide!
120 - Aqua
Location - Delete virus in StationComp3.

Encase 3 rows of emy in bubbles.
40 - Aqua
Loaction - Delete virus in SchoolComp1.

Encase 3 rows of emy in bubbles.
60 - Aqua
Location - Delete virus in the SunkenShipComp.

Encase 3 rows of emy in bubbles.
80 - Aqua
Loaction - Delete virus in StationComp3.

If hit emy, adj pnls trn into grass.
90 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in Geo's School's EM WvRd.

If hit emy, adj pnls trn into ice.
110 - No Element
Loaction - Delete virus in DreamIslandPark's EM WvRd.

If hit emy, adj pnls trn into poison.
130 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in StationComp3.

Rain dmg where emy is standing.
20 - Aqua
Loaction - Delete virus in TimeSquare's EM WvRd.

Rain dmg where emy is standing.
25 - Aqua
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation4's EM WvRd.

Rain dmg where emy is standing.
30 - Aqua
Location - Delete virus in StationComp4.

Reach emy or edg of scrn, shock adj.
110 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in Geo's School's EM WvRd.

Reach emy or edg of scrn, shock adj.
140 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in DreamIsland's EM WvRd.

Reach emy or edg of scrn, shock adj.
170 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation3's EM WvRd.

Slow, targtng Elec atk. Paralyzes.
80 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in AMAKEN Museum's EM WvRd.

Slow, targtng Elec atk. Paralyzes.
120 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in Geo's School's EM WvRd.

Slow, targtng Elec atk. Paralyzes.
150 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in StationComp1.

A Button to stop cursor. 3-shot Elec.
40 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation1's EM WvRd.

A Button to stop cursor. 3-shot Elec.
50 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace1.

A Button to stop cursor. 3-shot Elec.
60 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace3.

Kck 3 times. Near enmies. Cause blind.
40 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in SnakeComp.

Kck 3 times. Near enmies. Cause blind.
50 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in ScrapYard's EM WvRd.

Kck 3 times. Near enmies. Cause blind.
60 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in StationComp4.

Giant hammer hits for 2 rows ahead.
130 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in SnakeComp1.

Giant hammer hits for 2 rows ahead.
160 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in the MoniterComp in

Giant hammer hits for 2 rows ahead.
190 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in StationComp4.

Spear attack 3 squares in front.
120 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in SnakeComp1.

Spear attack 3 squares in front.
140 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in the SpaceSuitComp in SpaceStation1.

Spear attack 3 squares in front.
160 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in StationComp4.

Counter w/ WideSword when a Fokx.
160 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in ScrapYardComp1.

Counter w/ WideSword when a Fokx.
180 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation4's EM WvRd.

Counter w/ WideSword when a Fokx.
200 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpaceComp1.

9-shot atk across 3 columns!
20 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in DreamIsland's EM WvRd,

9-shot atk across 3 columns!
30 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation1's EM WvRd.

9-shot atk across 3 columns!
40 - Wood
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace2.

Cut 2 sqrs frwd thru shields!
100 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in Mr.Borreal's Laboratory's
EM WvRd.

Cut 2 sqrs frwd thru shields!
130 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in TimeSquare's EM WvRd.

Cut 2 sqrs frwd thru shields!
160 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation1's EM WvRd.

Put jnk cube 2 sqrs ahed. Atk row/col.
150 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace3.

Put jnk cube 2 sqrs ahed. Atk row/col.
200 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace3.

Put jnk cube 2 sqrs ahed. Atk row/col.
250 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace3.

Lft hook all of the same type of emy.
120 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in EchoRidge's EM WvRd.

Lft hook all of the same type of emy.
150 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in the PianoComp in Geo's
School's GYM.

Lft hook all of the same type of emy.
180 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace1.

While Lu-Pelvis sings str goes up.
0 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in EchoRidge's EM WvRd.

While Lupi-Natra sings emy no move.
0 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in AMAKEN's Foyer's EM WvRd.

While Lupa-Donna sings emy confu.
0 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in the studio in Geo's School.

Moai fall rdmly onto emy heads!
120 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in TimeSquare's EM WvRd.

Moai fall rdmly onto emy heads!
160 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in the FridgeComp in DreamIsland.

Moai fall rdmly onto emy heads!
200 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in StationComp4.

Swing ax thru 3x2 sqrs.
150 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in ScrapYard1.

Swing ax thru 3x2 sqrs.
180 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation3's EM WvRd.

Swing ax thru 3x2 sqrs.
220 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace2.

Mgc crystal shoots fire at enemies.
30 - Fire
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation1's EM WvRd.

Mgc crystal shoots water at enemies.
40 - Aqua
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace1

Mgc crystal shoots elec. at enemies.
50 - Elec
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace3.

Emy w/ less than 100 HP are deleted.
0 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation4's EM WvRd.

Emy w/ less than 130 HP are deleted.
0 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace1.

Emy w/ less than 160 HP are deleted.
0 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace3.

Wild 3-slash sword attack.
60 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in SpaceStation2's EM WvRd.

Wild 3-slash sword attack.
70 - No Element
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace2.

Wild 3-slash sword attack.
80 - No Elemenet
Location - Delete virus in DeepSpace3.

Atk using grass pnls on field.
30 - Wood
Needs GrassField to be used.
Location - ClassRoom 5-B's EM WvRd Shop.

Atk using ice pnls on field.
40 - Aqua
Needs IceField to be used.
Location - DreamIslandDump's EM WvRd Shop.

Atk using poison pnls on field.
50 - No Element
Needs PoisonField to be used.
Location - Underground's EM WvRd Shop.

Spin twice, hit adj pnls with wind!
80 - No Element
Location - Underground's EM WvRd Shop.

Jammer come 1 sqr ahd of you to pnch!
260 - No Element
Location - GMW in DeepSpace1.

2 Jammer, 5-shots where you aren't!
30 - No Element
Jammer pop up in the two empty columns on your side
and use MachineGuns.
Location - GMW in DeepSpace1.

Call all enemies to you.
0 - No Element
All enemies/opponent come to the frontmost row.
Location - BMW in Zach's Room's EM WvRd.

Blow up all obstcls, dmg adj pnls.
200 - No Element
Blows up all obstacles and then a wave-like attack wil
be performed adjacent(around) the obstacle blown up.
Location - ClassRoom 5-B's EM WvRd Shop.

Matchs only. Use swrd crd trap sprngs!
120 - No Element
Location - BigWave Shop.

Recover 10 HP.
0 - No Element
Location - Start of game.

Recover 30 HP.
0 - No Element
Location - EchoRidge's EM WvRd Shop.

Recover 50 HP.
0 - No Element
Location - BMW in Geo's School's EM WvRd.

Recover 80 HP.
0 - No Element
Location - BigWave Shop.

Recover 120 HP.
0 - No Element
Location - ClassRooms 5-B's EM WvRd Shop.

Recover 150 HP.
0 - No Element
Location - DreamIslandDump's EM WvRd Shop.

Recover 200 HP.
0 - No Element
Location - BMW in ScrapYardComp2.

Recover 300 HP.
0 - No Element
Location - DeepSpace3.

Barrier absorbs 10 HP dmg.
0 - No Element
Location - Start of game.

Barrier absorbs 100 HP dmg.
0 - No Element
Similar to Barrier.
Location - ClassRoom 5-B's EM WvRd Shop.

Barrier absorbs 200 HP dmg.
0 - No Element
Similar to Barrier.
Location - BMW in DeepSpace1.

Absorbs all dmg less than 100.
0 - No Element
Similar to Barrier.
Location - BMW in StationComp1.

Temp invis. Most atks ineffective.
0 - No Element
Location - Start of game.

Matchs only. Use elem crd trap sprngs!
0 - No Element
When your opponent uses an element type card, a surprise
attack is landed on your opponent.
Location - Underground's EM WvRd Shop.

Matchs only. Use recv crd trap sprngs!
0 - No Element
If your opponent uses a Recovery-Type Card, you heal
instead of your opponent.
Location - DreamIslandDump's EM WvRd Shop.

Matchs only. Summon card, trap sprngs!
0 - No Element
During VS Mode, use this to negate your opponent from
using any Navi-Type Cards(Mega Cards)
and use them against your opponent.
Location - Jammer Merchant in DeepSpace2.

Matchs only. Use Giga crd trap sprngs!
0 - No Element
During VS Mode, use this to negate your opponent from
using any Giga Cards and use them against your opponent.
Location - Jammer Merchant in DeepSpace2.

Farthest 3x3 pnls change into grass.
0 - Wood
Location - BMW in EchoRidge's EM WvRd.

Farthest 3x3 pnls change into ice.
0 - Aqua
Location - BMW in SimComp2.

Farthest 3x3 pnls Gravi; emy no move.
0 - No Element
Location - BMW in Geo's School GYM's EM WvRd.

Enemy can't guard on far 3x3 panels.
0 - No Element
Location - Job: Woman in SpaceSim.

Current pnl becomes 1/2 dmg HolyPnl!
0 - No Element
Location - BMW in StationComp3.

If previous is atk card, add paralyz.
0 - No Element
Basically, select any attack-card and then select
this one to make it have a paralysis effect.
Location - Start of game.

If previous is atk card, +10 to atk.
0 - No Element
Basically, select any attack-type card(needs to
have an attack power) and then select this one to make
its attack power have 10 more added to it.
Location - Start of game.

4m2 - Card Force Info & Locations(Mega)
TaurusFire covers field in flames!
100 - Fire
Location - Defeat TaurosFireEX. You can also beat
the SP version of the FM-ian at a certain Rank and 
certain time in order to get the FM-ian's normal card.

TaurusFire covers field in flames!
140 -Fire
Location - Defeat TaurosSP at a reasonable Rank and

TaurusFire covers field in flames!
270 - Fire
Location - Defeat TaurosFireSP at an S-Rank and at a
reasonable time.

CygnusWing dances round field edge!
130 - No Element
Location - Defeat Defeat CygnusWingEX. You can also
beat the SP version of the FM-ian at a certain Rank
and certain time in order to get the FM-ian's normal card.

CygnusWing dances round field edge!
170 - No Element
Location - Defeat CygnusWingSP at a reasonable Rank
and Time.

CygnusWing dances round field edge!
300 - No Element
Location - Defeat CygnusWingSP at an S-Rank and at a
reasonable time.

5-shot if in frnt of emy. 3 if not.
20 - No Element
Location - Defeat HarpNoteEX. You can also beat the SP
version of the FM-ian at a certain Rank and certain time 
in order to get the FM-ian's normal card.

5-shot if in frnt of emy. 3 if not.
25 - No Element
Location - Defeat HarpNoteSP at a reasonable Rank and Time.

5-shot if in frnt of emy. 3 if not.
55 - No Element
Location - Defeat HarpNoteSP  at an S-Rank and at a
reasonable time.

2-hit Fire,Aqua on last and 1 st row.
70 - No Element
Location - Defeat LibraScalsEX. You can also beat the
SP version of the FM-ian at a certain Rank and certain
time in order to get the FM-ian's normal card.

2-hit Fire,Aqua on last and 1 st row.
90 - No Element
Location - Defeat LibraScalsSP at a reasonable Rank
and Time.

2-hit Fire,Aqua on last and 1 st row.
150 - No Element
Location - Defeat LibraScalsSP at an S-Rank and at
a reasonable time.

2 columns atk. Left 2 if frm cntr.
120 - Wood
Location - Defeat QnOphiucaEX. You can also beat the
SP version of the FM-ian at a certain Rank and certain
time in order to get the FM-ian's normal card.

2 columns atk. Left 2 if frm cntr.
140 - Wood
Location - Defeat QnOphiucaSP at a reasonable Rank and

2 columns atk. Left 2 if frm cntr.
260 - Wood
Location - Defeat QnOphiucaSP at an S-Rank and at a
reasonable time.

GeminiSpark tagteam pnch and slice!
70 - Elec
Location - Defeat GemnSpkEX. You can also beat the
SP version of the FM-ian at a certain Rank and certain
time in order to get the FM-ian's normal card.
GeminiSpark tagteam pnch and slice!
 80 - Elec
Location - Defeat GemnSpkSP at a reasonable Rank and

GeminiSpark tagteam pnch and slice!
190 - Elec
Location - Defeat GemenSpkSP  at an S-Rank and at
a reasonable time.

From nearest enemy, 3x2 tidal wave!
100 - Aqua
Location - Defeat CancrBublEX. You can also beat the
SP version of the FM-ian at a certain Rank and certain
time in order to get the FM-ian's normal card.

From nearest enemy, 3x2 tidal wave!
130 - Aqua
Location - Defeat CancrBublSP at a reasonable Rank and

From nearest enemy, 3x2 tidal wave!
200 - Aqua
Location - Defeat CancrBublSP at an S-Rank and at
a reasonable time.

Dart to emy, slice row, then upper!
80 - Wood
Location - Defeat WolfWoodsEX. You can also beat
the SP version of the FM-ian at a certain Rank and
certain time in order to get the FM-ian's normal card.

Dart to emy, slice row, then upper!
90 - Wood
Location - Defeat WolfWoodsSP at a reasonable Rank
and Time.

Dart to emy, slice row, then upper!
170 - Wood
Location - Defeat WolfWoodsSP at an S-Rank and
at a reasonable time.

2nd to last row center, X lingtng atk.
150 - Elec
Location - Defeat CrwnThundrEX. You can also beat
the SP version of the FM-ian at a certain Rank
and certain time in order to get the FM-ian's normal

2nd to last row center, X lingtng atk.
180 - Elec
Location - Defeat CrwnThundrSP at a reasonable Rank
and Time.

2nd to last row center, X lingtng atk.
330 - Elec
Location -  Defeat CrwnThundrSP at an S-Rank
and at a reasonable time.

Shoots Frost Missles dwn all columns./Set the far 3x2
panels on fire!/Flowring atk on centr col and bck row.
160/230/170 - Aqua/Fire/Wood
Location - Defeat PegasusMagic/LeoKingdom/DragonSky.
You can also beat the SP version of the admins at a
certain Rank and certain time in order to get the admins'
normal Cards.

Shoots Frost Missles dwn all columns./Set the far 3x2
panels on fire!/Flowring atk on centr col and bck row.
190/260/200 - Aqua/Fire/Wood
Location - Defeat PegasusMagicEX/LeoKingdomEX/DragonSkyEX.
You can also beat the SP version of the admins at a certain
Rank and certain time in order to get the admins' EX cards.

Shoots Frost Missles dwn all columns./Set the far 3x2 panels
on fire!/Flowring atk on centr col and bck row.
340/400/330 - Aqua/Fire/Wood
Location - Defeat PegasusMagicSP/LeoKingdomSP/DragonSkySP
at an S-Rank and at a reasonable time.

4mL2 - FM-iam/AM-ian Locations
Even though we did list out where to obtain the Mega Class
Cards, you might the information on where exactly the
FM-ian/AM-ian is, so we will list them out right here...

TaurosFire - Normal - StoryLine.
             EX - A dead end in EchoRidge EM
                  WveRd near Bud Bison's House.
             SP - Randomly found in EchoRidge EM WvRd.

CygnusWing - Normal - StoryLine.
             EX - A dead in Mr.Borreal's Laboratory
                  EM WvRd in the easternmost side.
             SP - Randomly found in Mr.Borreal's Laboratory
                  EM WvRd.

HarpNote - Normal - StoryLine.
           EX - A dead end in VistaPoint EM WvRd near the
                purple square where you pulse in.
           SP - Randomly found in VistaPoint EM WvRd.

LibraScals - Normal - Storyline.
             EX - A dead end in ClassRoom 5-A EM WvRd in
                  northwestern side.
             SP - Randomly found in ClassRoom 5-A Em WvRd.

QnOphiuca - Normal - StoryLine.
            EX - A dead end in TimeSquare EM WvRd in
                 northern side.
            SP - Randomly found in TimeSquare Em WvRd in
                 upper levels.

GemnSpk - Normal - StoryLine
          EX - A dead end in DreamIslandPark EM WvRd in
               the forked eastern side of where you pulse in.
          SP - Randomly found in DreamIslandPark EM WvRd.

CancrBubl - Normal - AMAKEN Foyer EM WvRd.
(First talk to EX - AMAKEN Foyer EM WvRd.
the short       SP - AMAKEN Foyer EM WvRd.
kid in Big
Wave Shop)

WolfWoods - Normal - NACY's RoofStage EM WvRd.
(First talk to   EX - NACY's RoofStage EM WvRd.
scary looking  SP - NACY's RoofStage EM WvRd.
guy in NACY's

CrwnThndr - Normal - DreamIslandDump EM WvRd.
(First talk      EX - DreamIslandDump EM WvRd.
to ghost in     SP - DreamIslandDump EM WvRd.
Dump2 )

PgsMgc/LeoKdm/DgnSky - Normal - DeepSpace3.
                       EX - A dead end in DeepSpace3
                            at a 3-war forked road.
                       SP - Randomlt found in DeepSpace3.

4g2 - Card Force Info & Locations(Giga)
Pegasus Giga Cards
1. PegasusMagicGX
Pegasus Freeze far 3x3 panels!
450 - Aqua
Location - Automatically obtained throughout the

2. Aqua+50
+5- atk pwr to Aua elm cards.
0 - No Element
Location - Once you unlock the S-Door in DeepSpace2, you
will recieve an email. The Giga Card will be attached to it.

3. OxTackle
OxTackle all enemies in 1 column.
420 - No Element
Location - In DeepSpace3, go to the 3-way forked road and
hug the southern part and go through the invisible path.
There should be a pink mystery wave. Required the unlocker
SubCard  in order to get it.

4. BerserkBomb
Set unblockable bmb atk 2 pnls ahd.
600 - Fire
Location - Buy from Ken in the BigWave Shop.

5. DarkSword
Cut frnt 3x2 pnls, become poisn pnls.
360 - No Element
Location - Buy from a Jammer Merchant in DeepSpace2. 

Leo Giga Cards
Leo Blazer far 3x3 panels!
40 - Fire
Location - Automatically obtained throughout the

+50 atk pwr to Fire elm cards.
0 - No Element
Location - Once you unlock the S-Door in DeepSpace2,
you will recieve an email. The Giga Cardwill be
attached to it.

Gemini Thunder centr colmn!
400 - Elec
Location - In DeepSpace3, go to the 3-way forked road
and hug the southern part and go through the invisible
path. There should be a pink mystery wave. Required the
unlocker SubCard in order to get it.

Below 250HP: virus, 500HP: boss.
0 - No Element
Location - Buy from Ken in the BigWave Shop.

Absorbs all dmg less than 200.
0 - No Element
Location - Buy from a Jammer Merchant in DeepSpace2. 

Dragon Giga Cards
DragonCyclone far 3x3 panels!
50 - Wood
Location - Automatically obtained throughout the

+50 atk pwr to Wood elm cards.
0 - No Element
Location - Once you unlock the S-Door in DeepSpace2, you
will recieve an email. The Giga Card will be attached to

Shoot a laser beam dwn a colmn.
550 - No Element
Location - In DeepSpace3, go to the 3-way forked road
and hug the southern part and go through the invisible
path. There should be a pink mystery wave. Required
the unlocker SubCard in order to get it.

Hit all enemies on normal pnls.
50 - No Element
Location - Buy from Ken in the BigWave Shop.

Put Phar 2 pnls ahd and poison all!
0 - No Element
Location - Buy from a Jammer Merchant in DeepSpace2.

5 - Best Combo Mini-Guide
Alright, you may have probably already noticed this but
CAPCOM has taken out the Program Advances from Megaman
Starforce.(For those of you who do not know what a
Program Advance(PA) is, please read this: PA's are made
out of a certain combination of chips. For example,
selecting a Sword L, then WideSword L. and finally LongSwordL,
you will combine them and create the LifeSword PA. It
does more damage than the three swords combined and has
a wider and longer range). But of course, CAPCOM never
fails to impress us. They put in a new system called the
Best Combos!

5a - What Is A Best Combo?
Best Combos are basically similar to PA's. But very,
very different. When you get your Star Force in your
game, your satellite admin will tell you about Best
Combos in an email. Best Combos are formed by doing
a chain of attacks.

5b - How Do I Create A Best Combo?
Best Combos are created by conducting a battle against
an EX or SP enemy. You have to perform a series of attacks
by only using Standard Cards. YOU CANNOT USE MEGA OR GIGA
chain of attacks must do at least 300 or more damage in
order to be judged as a B. Combo. Once you have a B. Combo,
you may equip it and go to AMAKEN's Roof and talk to the
guy in white. His name is th Legendary Master Shin and he
will covert your B. Combos intro real cards! BEWARE: You
may only use the B. Combo/Legend ForceCards once in a battle.
You also need 3,000 Zenny in order to make Legendary Master 
Shin covert your B. Combo into a B.Combo/Legend Force Card.

5c - Where Can I Find "INSERT FM-IAM NAME HERE" To
     Create A Best Combo?
I'm not going to go very in-depth on this but I suggest
going to these guys to assure your B. Combos... Note: You
have to talk to the human/ghost counterparts in order to
battle these guys.

CancerBubbleEX/SP - Found in the Ameken Foyer Wave Road.
(Human found in BigWave Shop)
WolfWoodsEX/SP - Found in the NACY's Roof Stage Wave Road.
(Human found in NACY's Roof)
CrownThunderEX/SP - Found in the DreamIslandDump Wave Road.
(Ghost found in ScrapYard1)

5d - Any Tips On Creating/Using Best Combos?
Well, the easiest way to create powerful B. Combo would
have to be a battle with CrownThunderEX/SP. He is very
powerful. In fact, his patterned attacks can do more
than 1,000 damage. Don't worry though, you will see him
hop every time he is about to conduct an attack. Now the
simplest thing to do is to make the series of cards you
want in your B. Combo set as your favorites, this will
allow them to be white and you will be allowed to select
them at any time. Now, the plan is to make a counter and 
get an extra card. To do this, just watch CrownThunderEX/SP
hop and then hit him with a card at the right moment. Its
fairly easy and you will eventually get a really powerful
B. Combo.

B. Combos are really beneficial because if you get
something like 2,500, you can S-Rank another EX/SP enemy
in a matter of seconds. This will also land you their SP
Cards at their fullest potential (Attack Powers differ
in SP Cards depending on the amount of time that it took
you to delete the corresponding SP enemy). Best of Luck!

6 - Secrets/Unlockables/Exclusives
Alright, besides the Card Forces, I'd like to take a moment
to share a few Secrets/Unlockables/Exclusives, or whatever
you may call it with you.

1. By defeating Andromeda, you will get the Megaman Icon.
It is found in the Intro Menu.
2. By obtaining every single Standard Card Forces, you will
get the S-Comp Icon. It is found in the Intro Menu.
3. By obtaining every single Mega Card Forces, you will get
the M-Comp Icon. It is found in the Intro Menu.
4. By obtaining every single Giga Card Forces, you will get
the G-Comp Icon. It is found in the Intro Menu.
5. By defeating PegasusMagic/LeoKingdom/DragonSky in DeepSpace3,
you will get the PgsMgc/LeoKnm/DgnSky Icon. it is found in the
Intro Menu.
6. By defeating every single SP FM-ian/AM-ian, you will get
the SP-Comp Icon. It is found in the Intro Menu.
7. By obtaining all 6 Icons, you will unlock AdromedaInfinity.
Note: Once you unlock AdromedaInfinity, it will always be
AndromedaInfinity. You cannot revert it back to normal Andromeda.
8. Depending on your Version, you will either get the IcePegasus,
FireLeo, or WoodDragon as your Star Force form. But you may
however become brotherbands with someone who has a different
version then your and get their StarForce.
9. Although you cannot obtain the Mega Cards for the admins
different from your version, you may however trade them with.
your friends and have the SP Mega Cards at maximum by becoming
10. If you insert a MMBN(Megaman Battle Network) game, you may
trigger a sidequest in the game. I won't spoil it, so do it on
your own.

7 - End Of Faq
Alas, we have reached the end of the Faq. How sad... but
fear not folks perhaps we will create another Card Locations
Faq. But this time, for Starforce 2. Hopefully it will be out
in America soon... Anyways, let's go through a few things
before actually officially ending the Faq...

7a - FAQ's
FAQ means Frequently Asked Questions, so what would a FAQ be
without em'? Let's go through some questions and answers...

Q1. Where is "INSERT CARD NAME HERE" located?
A1. Obviously not a real question. This Faq was made specifically
for finding cards so just use this Faq.

Q2. I'm having trouble finding the cards in the Faq I need.
Any ways to help me find it fast?
A2. Just press Ctrl and then F to open the Finder Box. Insert
he letters of the card's name and viola, you've found the card
you need.

Q3. The virus I deleted won't give me the card I need. Any
ways to make it a certain chance of getting the card?
A3. As a matter of fact, yes. You can equip the C. Finder,
which can be obtained in the SpaceSuitComp in Amaken Lab's
entrance. When equiped, the C. Finder will make it a 100% chance
outcome of getting a card force.
(Thanks to Mastria, from GameFaqs, for mentioning the C. Finder.)

Q4. What is the difference between Card Force and Card?
A4. There are no differences, I just randomly say Card 
Force or just Card.

Q5. How exactly do I get the other Star Forces?
A5. Let me explain this thoroughly. You must first
obtain your version's Star Force. After obtaining it, just
make a brotherband with someone that also has the Star Force
but has different version. For example, I have Pegasus. So
I can just form a brotherband with someone that has Dragon
and I will automatically get their Star Force.

Q6. How do I switch between Star Forces?
A6. Once you do the steps mentioned in Q5/A5, just equip
your Star Force and when you are in a battle, select your
Star Force and you will have the option of choosing between
IcePegasus, WoodDragon, or FireLeo, depending if you have
formed brotherbands with the corresponding version.

Q7 What the heck is a BrotherBand?
A7. Okay, you get to understand what BrotherBands are in the
very beggining of the game but let me explain here as well.
BrotherBands are like connections. You can use Wi-Fi Connection
to form BrotherBands with someone or you can Wireless battle
and after the battle, become BrotherBands. BrotherBands are
really important. I won't be very thorough with this, but I'll
just say what you can get out of it. You can actually obtain 4
in-game brothers. But you can always delete them(They're fairly
weak but you can for BrotherBands with them again by talking to
them). When you have brothers, you get they're Link Abilities.
For example, one of my Link Abilities is to fasten up the Custom
Gauge +1. This benefits you and your brother because they will
also get your ability. By forming BrotherBands with people who
have different versions from your version, you can get their
Star Forces, depending if you have already obtained your
version's Star Force(This also includes your brother getting
their version's Star

Q8. Can you form BrotherBands with me?
A8. Well, for me(Shadowlinkex) you can but for YamatoIzuka you
can't because he  doesn't exactly have any more spaces for
more brothers. Try to be at a decent level though. Around 50
would do, I(Shadowlinkex) don't mind 50's, 60's, 70', and 80's.

Q9. Are you going to be making another MMSF Faq?
A9. Most likely yes. Probably another Card Force Faq, but this
time it will be for SF2, which will hopefully be out in North
America soon.

Q10. What are the Luner Knights cards?
A10. Alright this is a bit complex, but anyways... they are
special cards which could only be obtained in the Japanese
versions of MMSF. They are side-quests involving some guy that
looks like a rip-off of Solar Boy, Django. The Lunar Knights
cards are not found in the US and European versions.

SpecialQ. Why are some of the cards silver while the others are
SpecialA. Well as you can see the only silver cards are the last
Standard Cards. They're silver because they are support cards.
They don't exactly do damage on your opponent but instead helps
you to the advantage of your cards. For example ParalyzePlus add
a paralysis effect for the previous card selected before
ParalyzePlus. Attack+10, likewise, adds +10 attack points to
your previous selected card. Bear in mind that although cards
like the Stage Cards(GravityStage, IceStage, etc.) may not look
like they are useful for combinations with your other standard
cards, they are in fact good for making combinations. For example,
using IceStage with turn your opponent's far 3x3 area into an ice
field. It may not look effective but if you use an Aqua Class
Card on your opponent when they are touching the ice field, they
will be frozen solid and that will be your chance to strike with
a poweful card! So, yea silver cards are beyond useful. Also,
when you select your favorite cards, they will also turn silver.
I don't know why but they do. Be happy about it as you cna also
select giga and mega class cards as your favorites.^_^

7b - Contacting
You may contact me(Shadowlinkex) or YamatoIzuka at these
addresses... But there are a few rules on what you can and
should not mention in an email.

You can email to us about these topic...
-The admins Mega Cards,a s it may be a it complicating on how
to get the others one' different from your version, even though
we did mention how to obtain them
-Huge Errors found in the Faq, like false card force locations
-About the B. Combos, as it is a bit hard to create a poweful
-The Star Forces, but just if you don't quite understand how
to get the one's different from your version
-Comments on the Faq

You may not email us about these topics...
-About the location of certain card forces. Obviously,
you will find the locations right in this Faq...
-About forming BrotherBands. We(Shadowlinkex and YamatoIzuka)
usually pop up now and then in the boards, so you may ask
us there
-Spamming is not accepeted!
-Small errors found in the Faq

Well, here are some ways to contact  us...
Shadowlinkex - Email - [email protected]
                         IM(MSN) - Shadowlinkex7
                         IM(AIM) - Shadowlinkex7

YamatoIzuka - Email - [email protected]
                        IM(AIM) - YamatoIzuka

7c - Credits
Besides me(Shadowlinkex) and YamatoIzuka, I would like
to thank these people for helping put this Faq up in
good shape.

Mastria,WillRiker, FullMetalMega  - Thank you all for
helping us with finding certain card lactation.  We couldn't
have made this possible without you fellas. ^_^

Oemnoc - Well he/she(Sorry, but I don't want to insult you
in gender differences...) may not know this but we actually
used a few discrptions on a few standard class cards. Were
sorry if you get mad. But we give you a lot of credit for it.
We are not very good at making remarks and self-discrptions
for cards. So were sorry. We hope you don't sue us=(...

CAPCOM - Thank you for, once again, creating such a wonderful
game. Like the Exe Series, long live the Starforce Series! =P

Original Creators - Thank you for creating this useful Faq. =P

7d - "Farewell And Good Luck"
This is the part I really hate. Looks like its the end of the
Faq... and well Good Luck to all of the people that are trying
to obtain all card forces. This Faq was created because of
the card locations. Since there were so many people asking
in the Boards where to find certain cards, we decided to
help people out. Thanks again to everyone who helped make
this Faq. And of course, thank you CAPCOM for making this

8 - Legit Stuff
Bear in mind that you are not allowed to claim that this
FAQ belongs to you and you are not allowed to put this FAQ
up in other websites.(Forums, Boards, etc.) You can however
provide links to this FAQ but please do not give yourself
credit. This FAQ is currently available only in,, and If you wish to put it up
in your website, then please contact us.

Copyright, 2008 All Rights Reserved