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Combo FAQ

by Rip4D

MegaMan StarForce 3: Black Ace/Red Joker 

Combo Guide

By Rip4D

Version 1  -----  �Rip4D 2009

|                                |
|       Table of Contents        |
|                                |
|Intro to Combos          [INTRO]|
|What it all means        [STUFF]|
|Cygnus Combos            [CYGNS]|
|Taurus Combos            [TAURS]|
|Virgo Combos             [VIRGO]|
|Crown Combos             [CROWN]|
|Wolf Combos              [WOLFC]|
|Libra Combos             [LIBRA]|
|Corvus Combos            [CORVS]|
|Cancer Combos            [CANCR]|
|Gemini Combos            [GEMNI]|
|Ophiuca Combos           [OPHCA]|
|Rogue Combos             [ROGUE]|
|Credits                  [CREDS]|
|Contact Me               [CNTCT]|

A quick note before beginning:
All combos will have a "Submitted by: [name here]" next to it if someone had 
submitted it in the thread i had made. If it doesn't, I had created it. 
(Or simply added it before anyone else could say anything :P)
Also, there may be some slight language usage in the submitted combos :P 
Nothing that couldn't be handled by a 10 year-old though.

Intro to Combos                      [INTRO]|
Combos. If you have played the previous installations of MegaMan Starforce,
 you will remember something called a Best Combo. These were combos performed 
on EX or higher bosses that could do large amounts of damage and were then 
saved to be used as a Legend Card. Now in MegaMan StarForce 3: Black Ace/
Red Joker, the Best Combo has been removed, however, you can still perform
them just as you would before. But now that you can clearly see the secondary 
type of battle cards (Break, Sword, and Wind), you can perform combos with 
more knowledge of what it will do. For example, freezing an opponent then 
using a breaking battle card will deal double the damage the breaking card 
would normally have done. If the break symbol wasn't there, you may not have 
known it has the break attribute! Also, with the addition of Noise Changes, 
you can take advantage of the Noise's abilities to benifet your combos. Any 
combos that work better for certain noises will be appropriately added under 
that Noise's section. If it works well with two noises, then it will be put 
under the best noise, but with mention of the other(s).

What it all Means                    [STUFF]|

Selection Difficulty: The difficulty of selecting it from the custom screen. 
This includes the chances of getting the cards and if it requires the need of 
a brother card.

Boss/Virus Difficulty: How hard the combo is to perform on viruses or a boss.

PvP Difficulty: How hard it is to use the combo on another player.

Best Version: The best version to use the combo in (Black Ace or Red Joker).

Cards needed: The cards required for the combo.

How to do it: How to perform the combo.

Total Damage No issues: How much damage the combo should do without anything 
going wrong.

Total Damage Best scenario: How much damage the combo should do using the 
best cards and strategy.

Effectiveness: How well it works, based on how it hits and damage.

Explanation: How it works.

Pros: The good things about it.

Cons: The bad things about it.

Best Noise: The best noise and possibly an explanation on why the noise was 
picked for that combo.

Cygnus Combos                        [CYGNS]|

Submitted by: Cervosi

Bad Air|
Selection Difficulty: Easy/Slightly Frustrating

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Effective on Bosses, Mediocre on Viruses

PvP Difficulty: Fantastically Easy

Best Version: Red Joker?

Cards Needed: All Poison, Poison Storm

How to do it: Lay down All Poison. Follow up with Poison Storm.

Total Damage No issues: 15 hits for 40= 600 damage

Total Damage Best scenario: 15 hits for 50 = 750 damage

Effectiveness: GREAT

Explanation: All Poison differs from other stage cards, in that rather than 
the 3x3 ahead, it makes the ENTIRE STAGE Poison. Thus, Poison storm gets 6 
more hits than the other storm cards would get.

Pros: Great damage, easy to boost, Dimming, so cannot be 'avoided' normally

Cons: Area Eating reduces effectiveness. Panel Alterings completely ruin 
strategy (Stage cards, Extimeteor, etc, though nobody runs panel format, 
soo...). Can be Shielded and Dim Countered with Invis Enemies hiding behind 
Obstacles will take less hits as the obstacles will take quite a few of the 
attacks. All Poison is not a white card, so is not nearly as fluid as other 
Storm Combos.

Best Noise: Cygnus gives all nonelemental cards +10. Poison storm is 
nonelemental, and thus, each hit does 50 damage each. Also, Auto-Float shoes 
avoids Poison damage from panels until Poison storm is used.

Submitted by: GreekGamer714
Meteoric Rampage|
Selection Diffuculty: Hard/Medium

Boss/Virus Difficulty:Good

PvP Difficulty: it RAPES

Best Version: eh...either works

Cards Needed: Double Eater, Extinction Meteor, Platinum Meteor

How to do it: Double Eater to take away 2 rows, Use Extinction Meteor, then 
Platinum meteor after they move around a bit

Total Damage No issues:490 + 810 = 1300

Total Damage Best scenario:490 + 900 = 1390

Effectiveness: in PvP battles, its awesome, in regular fights with viruses and 
bosses, its pretty good i'd say.

Explanation: Double Eater takes away 2 rows, Extinction meteor hits the last 
row(row 3) 10 times, then after they move around a bit,theyll have one space 
left since Extinction Meteor cracked the other 2 spots. Platinum Meteor seems 
to hit the very last square with all 9 meteors

Pros: Extinction Meteor cannot be blocked, leaves them only one space 
afterwards for a small amount of time. Cant really counter Platinum Meteor.

Cons: Opponent has time to do something while your waiting for them to move 2 
times. Float shoes and air shoes could screw you over.

Best Noise: Cygnus i guess cause it adds plus 10 to normal cards

Area Eater S program may be needed in case you cant get double eater in time
Submitted by: Axlmmz
You spin me right round baby right round|
Selection Difficulty: simple to difficult

Boss/Virus Difficulty: USE IT

PvP Difficulty: Varies

Best Version: Red Joker

Cards Needed: Whistle (at low noise)/Windy Attack (at high noise), Hurricane
Dances (Optional: Sword Fighter X, Attack Panel)

How to do it: If at low noise, use whistle to pull in, or at high noise use
windy attack to pull in, then follow up with any multi hit cards and/or wind
dances (preferably Hurricane Dances).

Total Damage No issues: With whistle and 1 hurricane dance no form = 240

Total Damage Best scenario: With high noise, wind white card set, 3 Hurricane
Dances, Cygnus noise, and Attack Panel (previous turn) = 200 + 330 + 220 + 
440 + 440 +440 = 2070 (math may be off)

Effectiveness: Pulling of the best scenario = lol

Explanation: Whistle/Windy Attack will pull opponents to one row in front of
you with aback status, which you follow up with Hurricane Dances and other 
multi hit cards for MASSIVE DAMAGE. The best scenario is quite difficult to
pull off, but anything in-between does good damage.

-Simple to use
-wind cards don't cause temporary invisible
-can c-c-c-c-c-combo break
-blows away auras and barriers
-easy noise boosting.

-Noise level can make this difficult to use.
-If you don't lock on in PvP, you don't raise noise.
-No Gravity prevents pulling/pushing.

Best Noise: Cygnus < cuz it's pro

Taurus Combos                        [TAURS]|

Death Upper|
Selection Diffuculty: Medium

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Easy/Medium

PvP Difficulty: Easy

Best Version: None

Cards Needed: Grass Stage*, Freeze Knuckle, Heat Upper X

How to do it: First off, use Grass Stage*. Afterwards, use Freeze Knuckle to 
freeze your opponent, and finally heat upper.

Total Damage No issues: 1080

Total Damage Best scenario: 1330

Effectiveness: Hugely effective

Explanation: With wood panels all over the field, fire cards will do 2x the 
normal damage. Since Freeze Knuckle will freeze the opponent, and heat upper 
is break attribute, thats a whopping 3x damage for heat upper. Using Taurus 
Noise, that can do 900 damage with the heat upper. If you are in Taurus/Corvus 
multi noise, the combo will be able to do 1170, heat upper dealing 990 damage.

~Very strong
~Fairly easy to perform

~Freeze Knuckle can be countered
~If opponent is Taurus or Corvus noise, Freeze Knuckle will only do the 180 
damage, no freeze.

Best Noise: Taurus, although Corvus could work with 80 less damage to the combo.
You could also go into Taurus/Ophiuca multi noise for the charge shot to spread
wood panels and still get the +50 bonus to fire cards.

*=Can be replaced with Wood Grenade, Green Ink, Acorn Bomb X.
Submitted by: bassyaura
Selection Diffuculty: Very Hard

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Easy

PvP Difficulty: Hard

Best Version: Red Joker

Cards Needed: Wood Grenade, Freeze Knuckle, KiloBomb, Mad Fire

How to do it: throw grenade, aback, freezeknuckle, kilobomb, light, watch the 

Total Damage No issues: 900

Total Damage Best scenario: 1140

Effectiveness: Hugely Effective

Explanation: wood grenade sets grass, fire 2x on grass but kilobomb also breaks
so it can get 3x if target is frozen and freeze knuckle removes nofreeze

Pros: high damage, breaks guard, screenwide explosion, Fire Element

Cons: setup required. difficult to pull grass, freeze, bomb, and light all in 
the same turn. may require several turns. freeze knuckle is slow

Best Noise: Taurus
Submitted by: XPhantomBlackX
SA begone|
Selection Diffuculty: Easy

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Backrow boss=Easy

PvP Difficulty: easy as heck

Best Version: either one works

Cards Needed: Big Genade and Heat Upper.

Throw grenade and the first response (if they aren't invis) is to guard. Come 
in for a heat upper if they guard and if they didn't, they get hit by the bomb.
No more SA. Rape?

Total Damage No issues: With highest chip form, 180/300

Total Damage Best scenario: 480

Effectiveness: excellent for flinch folder

Explanation: Big grenade and heat upper take off SA (super armor) so one way or
another it comes off.

Pros: Hard to fail.

Cons: Need to have those two chips and the combo is countered by invis.

Best Noise: Cygy, Ophy, Wolf... anything I guess (Most effective with Taurus)

Virgo Combos                         [VIRGO]|

Submitted by: ziyu
Surf Queen|
Selection Diffuculty: Needs some luck, but easy.

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Easy

PvP Difficulty: Easy or Hard

Best Version: None

Cards Needed: Ice Stage*,Double Eater,Area Eater,Plesio Surf X,Queen Virgo X

How to do it: Use Ice Stage*, Double Eater, then Area Eater. Now use Plesio 
Surf X, and Queen Virgo X in front of them.

Total Damage No issues: 920

Total Damage Best scenario: 1030

Effectiveness: Pretty Effective

Explanation: With the Area Eaters, you will be right in front of your opponent.
With Plesio Surf, your opponent will take some nice damage and be frozen. 
Queen Virgo will then hit them 4 times, all breaking, but dealing 600 damage: 
only 1 double damage hit. Total then becomes 920.

~Nice Damage
~Freezes then breaks

~Can be countered with invis and just fail right there.
~Vibrant Taurus and Corvus noise can stop the freeze.
~No Freeze ability or Virgo noise can stop the freeze, allowing only 800 to be
done if it even hits them.

Best Noise: Virgo Noise or Libra Noise.

Crown Combos                         [CROWN]|
Torrent Wing Break|
Selection Diffuculty:Hard/Very Hard

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Medium/Hard

PvP Difficulty: Hard/Very hard

Best Version: Black Ace

Cards Needed: Ice Stage*, Torrent Wave/GA, Wing Blade

How to do it: First use Ice stage*, then simply use Torrent Wave/GA and Wing 

Total Damage No issues: 1300/1330/1450

Total Damage Best scenario: 1410/1440/1560

Effectiveness: Incredible

Explanation: First of all, this is 3 cards, 2 of which being Giga class. You 
would need to be quite lucky for this combo to happen. You need to be able to 
get Ice stage (which is a white card, good in this case), Torrent Wave, and 
Wing Blade in the same turn (If without brothers, this requires GigaClass+1 
Ability). However, if you can get the GA for Torrent Wave (Piranha Kiss 2 x 3)
you can add some extra damage, along with Torrent Wave being a white card. The
downside to using the GA though is that you need the 3 Piranha Kiss 2's in the
same turn, some of which may even be dimmed. But overall, this combo is deadly,
and is really only ineffective against Wolf Noise and Black Ace finalized.

~Very Powerful
~Hard to avoid
~Typically hits everywhere

~Can be countered after Torrent Wave, causing this combo to be reduced by 450
~Counter may be invisible, and quickly after the Wing Blade, causing the RRL
combo to "miss" if you feel the need to enter it.
~Mu Barrier or simply a guard on Torrent wave can completely ruin the combo,
decreasing the overall power by a possible 880.
~Crown noise may be difficult to get in Black Ace.

* = Can be replaced with Ice Grenade or Blue Ink

Submitted by: DarkThundah
Sirius Paremeteor|
Selection Diffuculty: Easy/Medium

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Very Easy

PvP Difficulty: Very easy

Best Version: -

Cards Needed: Sirius, Earthunder and Plat. Meteor How to do it: No needs 

Total Damage No issues: 1570

Total Damage Best scenario: 1820

Effectiveness: Godly

Explanation: Use sirius, use earthunder, use meteors

Pros: 250 fix damage 

Cons:Area eater, air shoes, stage modifiers and invis minimitzes a lot of 

Wolf Combos                          [WOLFC]|

Super Vulcan Seed|
Selection Diffuculty: Easy/Medium

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Easy

PvP Difficulty:Easy-ish

Best Version: None

Cards Needed: Double eater, area eater, Vulcan Seed X, Wood + 30

How to do it: Simple as this, eat up the area, Vulcan Seed X + wood+30, let 
it loose. (In front of your opponent though, so lock on helps ^_^)

Total Damage No issues: 720 - 810

Total Damage Best scenario: 990

Effectiveness: Very effective

Explanation: Vulcan seed X Gives a knockback effect without the invis, meaning
it is great for a short effective attack. Locked on pretty much ensures its 

~Can be powered up a lot, making it potentially even more effective than 
Squall X
~No bad side effects for you.
~When multi noised with Wolf/Ophiuca, it can still do 80 per hit even without

~If you're not using Ophiuca noise atleast, Auras will end this combo
~Superarmor allows for the opponent to move after being hit.

Best Noise: Wolf. If you're wondering why not Ophiuca, its because of Wolf 
noise's Autolock for wood cards. Wolf/Ophiuca multi noise does great with this.

Libra Combos                         [LIBRA]|

Killer Heal|
Selection Diffuculty: Easy/Medium

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Easy

PvP Difficulty:Easy/Medium

Best Version: None

Cards Needed: Paralyze Stage, Poison Knuckle, Platinum Meteor

How to do it: Use Paralyze Stage, then hit the opponent with Poison Knuckle. 
After that use platinum meteor for some nice hits.

Total Damage No issues: 960

Total Damage Best scenario: 1050

Effectiveness: Very Effective

Explanation: Once you hit the opponent with Poison Knuckle on the paralyze 
panels, their hp will start draining, along with being stunned. Platium meteor
will keep hitting them on that same panel for 9 hits as it is the only normal 
panel. Powerful and effective :D

~Powerful, with over 900 damage
~Heals you for 10% (the whole point of this combo)
~Platinum Meteor is instant, so you can use a battle card such as 
Sword Fighter X while Platinum Meteor is still hitting.

~Super Armor can let the opponent move once Platinum meteor is used.
~No para can easily end this combo short.

Best Noise: Libra, although Cygnus hits higher with it. Libra/Cygnus multi 
noise is the best for this combo, as it is meant to heal you while it drains 
the opponent's health.

Submitted by: CanineV2
Unblockable Tsunami|
Selection Diffuculty:

Boss/Virus Difficulty:Hmmm..... Very hard. they move around too much

PvP Difficulty: Medium

Best Version:Either

Cards Needed: Double Stone, TimeBomb (any), Torrent Wave (GA or not)

How to do it:Use Double Stone's Down Command, Place a Bomb in the Center 
Column, and then Use Torrent wave for and unblockable attack and with more 
damage being done

Total Damage No issues: 400 (if you cant set the objects, this is why its 
hard to do on bosses/viruses, in PvP your lucky because they just stay in the
back row)

Total Damage Best scenario: 1000 (If the opponent is frozen beforehand, 
otherwise, its 800 damage)

Effectiveness: Very Good

Explanation:Seeing as Bombs dont violate the 2 object limit, you can simply 
set a third object (the bomb) and use torrent wave to see results, this works
in PvP well because not many lockon attacks are started in the middle row. 
(Besides Squall1,2,3,X)

Pros: Added damage to Torrent Wave. Unblockable (Except Invis, but even at 
100/200% noise this can be effective.)

Cons:When under 100/200% noise, this can easily be Time Stop Countered with a 
invis.... and it can still be timestop countered with a barrier type card too.

Best Noise:Well, I guess libra if a +10 boost mattered, but other than that, 
none in particular.

Corvus Combos                        [CORVS]|

Submitted by: ziyu
Good Bye Pharoh man|
Selection Diffuculty: Medium

Boss/Virus Difficulty:Super Effective/Just helpful not much else

PvP Difficulty: effective

Best Version:RedJoker

Cards Needed: All Poison(make sure you have float shoes), Poison Knuckle x2, 
Mirror's Edge if you're playing RJ

How to do it: Use All Poison then 2 Poison Knuckles. Use Mirror's Edge if you 
have it.

Total Damage No issues: 300+Poison

Total Damage Best scenario: 300+Poison+Mirror

Effectiveness: Good unless they have float shoes

Explanation:Poison from all poison+hp bug lv3 + hp drain from mirror

Pros: Will put enemy at a great disadvantage since their hp is being rapidly 

Cons: Float shoes will really do a number on this combo.

Best Noise: Corvus - free immunity to poison

Cancer Combos                        [CANCR]|

Bubble Break|
Selection Diffuculty: Pretty Hard

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Sorta Hard

PvP Difficulty: Rather Hard

Best Version: None

Cards Needed: Area Eater, Wide Wave X, Mal Wizard X, Freeze Knuckle, Giant Axe

How to do it: Use Area Eater, then Wide Wave X. Now that they are in a bubble,
use Mal Wizard X to stun, Freeze Knuckle to freeze, and Giant Axe to Finish 

Total Damage No issues: 1610

Total Damage Best scenario: 1670

Effectiveness: Incredibly Effective

Explanation: With Area Eater, there is only 4 rows. Wide Wave X will bubble 
your opponent, allowing you to use Mal Wizard X. It will stun and do double 
damage. total so far: 760. Now freeze them while they are stunned with Freeze 
Knuckle, and finish it with Giant Axe. New total: 1610. 

~Huge damage without any counterable timestops
~Gemini Noise can greatly aid in the combo, adding 60 damage and stunning with
Giant Axe.

~Taurus and Corvus noise can end it if vibrant
~Cancer and Virgo can't be bubbled, so it is innefective against them.
~No Para can stop the combo easy too.

Best Noise: Cancer Noise is the best. Cancer/Gemini multi noise works even 
better. Cancer/Virgo is good too, but the added damage from Gemini's Elec +30 
ability is more effective, as well as the stunning effect it will give Giant 

Gemini Combos                        [GEMNI]|

The Obvious One|
Selection Diffuculty: Quite Easy

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Easy

PvP Difficulty: Easy

Best Version: None

Cards Needed: Sword Fighter 3/X x 2, Freeze Knuckle, Giant Axe

How to do it: Use the two Sword Fighter cards to stun the opponent, then 
freeze, and finish with Giant Axe.

Total Damage No issues: 1320/1370

Total Damage Best scenario: 1520/1570

Effectiveness: Very

Explanation: The two Sword Fighters are used for several hits that will stun 
the opponent. The stun just keeps them still until you freeze them with Freeze
Knuckle. Then Giant Axe will Smash and Stun, causing 640 damage due to its 
breaking attribute.

~Hugely effective and powerful
~Causes the opponent much immobility
~Very smooth performance

~No Para and No Freeze badly damage this combo
~Virgos can't be frozen

Best Noise: Gemini, although with the Gemini/Wolf multi noise, the Sword 
Fighters effectiveness is greatly increased.

Ophiuca Combos                       [OPHCA]|

Submitted by: Cervosi

Ox Breaker|

Selection Diffuculty: Frustrating

Boss/Virus Difficulty: Deadly on bosses, Eh on Viruses

PvP Difficulty: Point and shoot.

Best Version: Red Joker

Cards Needed: Grass Stage, Freeze Knuckle, Ox Tackle

How to do it: Lay down Grass Stage. Hit with Freeze Knuckle (other cards may 
be used to make this easier, such as "reverse whistle". Point and Aim with Ox 
Tackle. x3 damage.

Total Damage No issues: 1650

Total Damage Best scenario: Repeat.

Effectiveness: Basically, if it works, the enemy is pretty much dead. Requires
some upkeep to work right.

Explanation: Not Much to explain. Grass Stage exploit's Ox Tackle's Fire 
Element, and Freezing, Ox Tackle's Break Attribute. However, should one not 
have much access to Ox Tackle due to being a Black Ace Player, Break Time Bomb
works. HOWEVER, it requires proper timing.

Pros: Massive Damage, impossible to avoid should the foe be frozen. Freeze 
Knuckle 'pierces' Freeze Body, both from ability and Virgo

Cons: Being a Giga using combo, this can clog up fluidity.

Best Noise: N/A, though Ophiuca can lay down Grass panels itself.
Submitted by: Navi_King
Selection Difficulty: Easy-Medium|
Boss/Virus Difficulty: Medium/Easy (although not effective)

PvP Difficulty: Usually easy

Best Version: I don't think it matters

Cards needed: GrassStage, ClubStrong X, JngleStorm

How to do it: Pretty much, you keep pressing A and it goes. Just make sure 
you don't accidentally time freeze counter and screw yourself up

Total Damage No issues: 980-1040

Total Damage Best scenario: 1640-1760

Effectiveness:Either very effective or almost completely ineffective

Explanation: GrassStage doubles the attack of Clubstrong X from 50 to 100.
It hits 8 times for 100 damage each time. Then Jungle storm will hit 6-8 
times (depending on how many grass panels are absorbed by the tornadoes) 
for 30 damage a hit.

Pros: Easy set up, only requires three chips, one of which is white. No 
aiming required. Since they're wind, it will also get rid of auras no matter

Cons: ClubStrong likes to miss, and if your opponent counters Clubstrong 
with a holy panel, then that pretty much screws up the whole thing. They 
could also be shielding at the time you use it, or hiding behind an object 
(although that would only screw up Jungle Storm). Double eater could also 
mess it up a little bit, but it might keep club strong from missing at the 
same time.

Best Noise:Ophiuca (the best scenario is multi noise wolf and ophiuca)

Rogue Combos                         [ROGUE]|

Body Break|
Selection Diffuculty:Easy

Boss/Virus Difficulty:Easy, not useful

PvP Difficulty:Easy

Best Version: None

Cards Needed: Freeze Knuckle, Destroy Upper

How to do it: Nothing hard really. Freeze knuckle to freeze the opponent, 
and Destroy upper. Simple, right?

Total Damage No issues: 460

Total Damage Best scenario: 460

Effectiveness: Rather Great

Explanation: Freeze Knuckle Freezes the opponent, not much explanation there. 
Then you use Destroy Upper, which breaks. Not only will it cause double damage,
but it will also get rid of body abilities such as Super Armor, No Gravity, 
No Para, etc.

~Very Effective
~Destroys opponent abilities
~Using Vibrant Rogue Noise can paralyze after Destroy Upper
~Only two cards, allowing for easy selection.

~Freeze Knuckle can be countered
~Can't be used if opponent is behind an object.

Best Noise: Rogue for its non elemental paralyzing ability, or Gemini for 
tagging Freeze Knuckle and Destroy Upper.

Submitted by: ziyu
Sword Rage|
Selection Diffuculty: Mildly Difficult for pvp, medium for non pvp

Boss/Virus Difficulty:Very effective/you don't even need this combo on viruses

PvP Difficulty: Super effective given the right situation

Best Version:Black Ace

Cards Needed: Destroy upper/Heat upper,double eater, area eater, 
sword fighter X x3

How to do it:For pvp, use double eater then area eater, if the opponent has 
Super armor or Status Guard use Heat Upper or Destroy Upper accordingly. Then 
use as many sword fighter X's as you can.

Total Damage No issues: 900

Total Damage Best scenario: 1800

Effectiveness: Very good considering the opponent doesn't have super armor or 
stun armor.

Explanation:The eaters will reduce the field to 2 rows. If they have Super 
armor or Status Guard you have to get rid of it. If they only have stun armor 
get rid of that with stun knuckle. You only need get rid of super armor or 
(or is the key word there) stun armor. Go right in front of your opponent and 
use Sword Fighter X x3 to unleash its maximum damage.

Pros: Can deal 900 or 1800 damage very easily.

Cons:If you fail to get rid of Super armor or Status Guard you're up the 
creek without a paddle.(Only in pvp. Won't matter in-game)

Best Noise:Rogue for its 50 damage sword boost.

Credits                              [CREDS]|

Capcom for making an awesome game
All contributors who had helped: GreekGamer714, Cervosi, ziyu, DarkThundah, 
bassyaura, XPhantomBlackX, CanineV2, Axlmmz, Navi_King

Sites with permission to use this guide:

Contact Me                           [CNTCT]|

Got a question? Found something wrong that has to be fixed? Want to add a 
combo to the list? Then email me! Contact me at:
[email protected]