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FAQ/Strategy Guide

by ToiletPro

*                                                                             *
*                                   WE RULE                                   *
*                              FAQ/Strategy Guide                             *
*                             V1.00    by ToiletPro                           *
*                                                                             *

I have probably filled this guide with mistakes, completely by accident. I'd
appreciate it if you let me know by sending me an email, which is all in the
"Credits and Legal Info" section of the guide (at the end).

Also, if you have any suggestions or ideas that you'd like to be put into the
guide, please, let me know! I'd love to make this guide better.

If you'd like this guide in non-plain-text form, you can get it at my website.

   ###                                                                   ###
   ###                          TABLE OF CONTENTS                        ###
   ###                                                                   ###

I. Version history

II. Getting started
    A. What is We Rule?
    B. Downloading and Plus+
    C. The tutorial

III. Farming guide
     A. In general
     B. Crop chart

IV. Business guide
    A. Making your own businesses
    B. Ordering from others

V. Mojo guide
   A. What is Mojo?
   B. How do you get Mojo?
   C. Buying Mojo

VI. Realms guide

VII. Other stuff

VIII. Credits and legal info
      A. Credits
      B. Copyright info
      C. Contact info
      D. Conclusion

   ###                                                                   ###
   ###                        I. VERSION HISTORY                         ###
   ###                                                                   ###

* Version 0.50 - Submitted on 26 May, 2010.
                 This guide is about halfway finished; there's a good deal to
                 do. I still need to complete the Farming Guide, create Mojo
                 and Business guides, and more.

* Version 0.70 - Edited on 30 May, 2010.
                 Finished (?) the Farming guide and worked on a Mojo guide too.
                 Still a little more to do before 1.0.

* Version 0.72 - Edited on 20 June, 2010.
                 Fixed a small error; I had copy-pasted the Legal section from
                 another guide and remnants of it were still there. They are
                 no longer. I also added information about We Rule GOLD.

* Version 0.90 - Edited on 2 July, 2010.
                 Updated the Mojo guide for extra awesome; I think it's all
                 done now. I added a "Realms guide" section. I also did a bit
                 of cleaning up; moved a few sentences around, removed the
                 little bookmark things, and a little other housekeeping. The
                 final frontier is the hardest: the business guide.

* Version 1.00 - Edited on 7 July, 2010.
                 Done! Did the Business guide. Added information about Awards.
                 Removed some broken links. Put the guide on my personal
                 website so that it's not in plain text.

   ###                                                                   ###
   ###                      II. GETTING STARTED                          ###
   ###                                                                   ###

A. What is We Rule?

We Rule is a social kingdom game by developers ngmoco and Newtoy for iOS
devices. Players build and expand their kingdoms, making money with
businesses, farms, and help from other players.

B. Downloading and Plus+

Download We Rule from the iTunes App Store by simply searching for it, or by
downloading it from the links below:

* iPhone or iPod Touch
* iPad

Once you've downloaded We Rule, you need to log in to a Plus+ account. Plus+
is a social gaming network (similar to Xbox Live) created by ngmoco. If you
already have an account, log in. If not, create an account and you can begin.

C. The tutorial

Tap to enter your kingdom (it's on the left), and your tutorial will begin. Pay
attention to the tutorial -- this knowledge will be useful for the rest of the

Objective: Build a Farm

Welcome to your kingdom! It's rather sparse right now, but in a few minutes,
it'll be beautiful. I promise.

You need to build a farm to get the ball rolling. Click on the Build menu at
the bottom-right (it's a picture of a hammer). In the menu that pops up, click
on "Farm" and place it somewhere in your kingdom by clicking the green button.

When you complete this first objective, you'll get 25 XP.

Objective: Harvest

After your farm has been built, you need to grow some crops in it. Tap your
newly-built farm and select the only product you can grow: corn.

Wait 45 seconds for it to grow. When it does, click on it to harvest the corn.
Each product gives you a certain amount of coins and XP; in corn's case, you
will get 5 coins and 1 XP.

After harvesting some corn, you'll get 500 coins and 25 XP (but just this once,
not every time you harvest corn).

Objective: Build more Farms

Like you did before, go back into the Build menu and select Farm. This time,
however, build two farms. You can place them wherever you want.

After building two farms, you'll get 40 XP.

You should also level up to Level 2. You should now be able to harvest Wheat,
build one more farm, and use 3 Mojo (which we'll learn about in a bit).

Objective: Use your Mojo

Plant some Wheat in one of your farms. Wheat usually takes 5 minutes to
harvest, but we're going to use Mojo to speed it up. Click on the farm again
and click the blue "Use Mojo" button, and your crop will be harvested

You'll receive 100 coins and 50 XP for completing this objective.

Objective: Decorate

This next objective asks you to plant 5 pine trees. Go into the Build menu
and click on the green tree tab. The first item (and the only that isn't
locked) is the Pine Tree. Select it and build five of them anywhere in your

When you plant the trees, you'll get 50 XP.

You'll also level up, unlocking a number of things. Most notably, you'll now be
able to harvest onions and you'll also gain 4 Mojo.

Objective: Build a Cottage

This next objective will ask you to build a cottage. Unfortunately, you may not
have enough coins to do that (you need 100). To get that money, plant some
crops. If you're going to be actively playing for some time, Corn will yield
the most profit in the shortest time. However, if you're going to be away for
an hour, plant Onions. You could also plant Onions and use Mojo.

Once you have at least 100 coins, go into the Build menu and build an Orange
Cottage. Place it anywhere in your kingdom.

Building this cottage will give you 50 XP.

Objective: Collect Taxes

The cottage will need to be constructed, which takes two minutes. But after
that, the people in your cottage will be "out laboring" for 4 hours. When they
return, you can collect taxes.

Go do something else for 4 hours. If you want, plant some Onions, let them
grow, and then come back in an hour.

Collecting these taxes will give you 50 XP.

Objective: The Social Map

This objective will take you back to the "Social Map," where you can see the
kingdoms of all your We Rule friends.

If you don't have any friends, you can invite some or check the myriad "add me"
threads on various message boards (GameFAQs is one of them). To add someone,
go to the Social Map and click the Plus+ icon at the top. The Plus+ interface
will appear. Go to the Friends tab at the middle of the bottom. Click the + at
the top-right to add a friend.

Once you visit someone else's kingdom, come back to yours and you'll receive
100 XP.

Objective: Expand your Kingdom

If you've reached Level 4 (which you probably have), you can upgrade your
kingdom and your castle. This costs 750 coins. It'll take awhile, but you can
farm your way there. You may wish to buy another farm to speed up your farming.

When you have enough money, go to the Build menu and click on the gray castle
tab. Doing this will expand your kingdom by 30%, give you a prettier castle,
and 100 XP.

Objective: Hire your Friend

You'll need to go back to the Social Map for this one. Go look for a kingdom
that has an "Open" sign over it. In that kingdom, there should be a building
with the same sign. Click on that building and order their services.

Return to your kingdom and receive 1000 coins and 300 XP.

And that's the whole tutorial! You're done.

   ###                                                                   ###
   ###                         III. FARMING GUIDE                        ###
   ###                                                                   ###

Farming is a good way to make money and gain XP. You have a variety of crops to
choose from, with varying harvest times and profits to be made.

A. In general

Here are some general tips for making farming awesome:

* Always maximize the number of farms that you have.

* If you're playing actively, Corn gives the most coins. Wheat gives the most

* Try to have something growing at all times. If you're coming back in five
  minutes, grow Wheat. If you're going to sleep, grow Potatoes or Oats. Don't
  rework your real life around We Rule, though. Because that makes you too

* There's a great web app, accessible from a desktop computer, iPhone, iPod
  Touch, or iPad. It's called CropCalc, and it figures out the best crop to
  harvest based upon what level you're at and when you're available to play.
  Use it when deciding what crops to crow (if you're not sure).

B. Crop chart

Here is a list of crops and data about them. You can analyze this data, but
you could also just use CropCalc:

   | Crop name    | Lvl. | Cost | Time | Profit | XP  | Coins/hr | XP/hr |
   | Corn         | 1    | 0    | 45s  | 5      | 1   | 397      | 80    |
   | Wheat        | 2    | 5    | 5m   | 20     | 8   | 250      | 96    |
   | Onions       | 3    | 25   | 1h   | 100    | 40  | 100      | 40    |
   | Beans        | 4    | 85   | 1d   | 340    | 140 | 14       | 5.833 |
   | Squash       | 5    | 45   | 5h   | 180    | 75  | 36       | 15    |
   | Carrots      | 6    | 65   | 12h  | 260    | 105 | 22       | 8.75  |
   | Strawberries | 8    | 30   | 1.5h | 120    | 50  | 80       | 33.33 |
   | Pumpkins     | 9    | 40   | 3h   | 160    | 65  | 53       | 21.67 |
   | Potatoes     | 10   | 50   | 6h   | 200    | 80  | 33       | 13.33 |
   | Asparagus    | 11   | 500  | 1d   | 1250   | 350 | 52       | 14.58 |
   | Peas         | 12   | 20   | 30m  | 80     | 33  | 160      | 66    |
   | Watermelon   | 13   | 75   | 16h  | 300    | 125 | 19       | 7.813 |
   | Artichokes   | 14   | 80   | 18h  | 320    | 120 | 18       | 6.667 |
   | Rice         | 15   | 10   | 15m  | 55     | 22  | 220      | 88    |
   | Peppers      | 16   | 60   | 10h  | 255    | 105 | 26       | 10.5  |
   | Cauliflower  | 17   | 750  | 1d   | 2250   | 500 | 94       | 20.83 |
   | Broccoli     | 18   | 45   | 2h   | 130    | 58  | 65       | 29    |
   | Lettuce      | 19   | 55   | 4h   | 160    | 70  | 40       | 17.5  |
   | Eggplant     | 20   | 15   | 18m  | 60     | 25  | 180      | 83.33 |
   | Oats         | 21   | 60   | 8h   | 240    | 100 | 30       | 12.5  |
   | Cotton       | 22   | 100  | 1d   | 400    | 165 | 17       | 6.875 |
   | Pineapples   | 23   | 70   | 15h  | 305    | 130 | 20       | 8.667 |
   | Tomato       | 24   | 20   | 30m  | 95     | 35  | 190      | 70    |
   | Radishes     | 25   | 50   | 5h   | 200    | 85  | 40       | 17    |

We see that, in general, shorter times means more coins per hour and more XP
per hour. Wheat is best for XP, and Corn is best for money.

  ###                                                                   ###
  ###                         IV. BUSINESS GUIDE                        ###
  ###                                                                   ###

There are a variety of businesses available in We Rule, from Tailor Shops to
Windmills to Dragon's Lairs. Players can order services from other players,
giving both of them coins and XP.

A. Making your own businesses

Making your own businesses is fairly simple -- simply enter the Build menu and
make a business. After it's constructed, it's ready for action!

In general, it is best to create businesses that cost more. While they may set
you back a lot, they pay themselves back very quickly, especially when other
players order from you. The more expensive the business, the more money and XP
you can make.

After you make these businesses, make sure you've got some buddies on Plus+ to
order from you. You make much more money and XP when other players order from
you than if they don't (though you still do make some money and XP).

B. Ordering from others

Go to the Social map and look for other kingdoms that have an "Open" sign on
them. Order from their businesses. This benefits them and you -- do it!

It's always a good idea to order from businesses that give you the highest
coins and XP.

  ###                                                                   ###
  ###                           V. MOJO GUIDE                           ###
  ###                                                                   ###

A. What is Mojo?

Mojo is a magical liquid that speeds things up. Construction, business orders,
and crop-growing can take hours. If you use Mojo, it can be completed in

B. How do you get Mojo?

You can get Mojo in one of three ways:

1. Buying it from the Mojo Store (see section below) using real money.

2. Get it when you level up.

3. Get it from downloading "special offers" applications, which will be
   advertised on login. These apps are usually free, so if you'd like some
   Mojo, this is a great way to get it.

C. Buying Mojo

If you want to spend your real-life money on Mojo, go for it. In general, the
best value is the higher amounts of Mojo, though you may not want that much.

I've never spent a dime on Mojo, so don't feel like you have to. I don't often
use Mojo, so there's no need for me to buy it.

Here a chart showing the cost of Mojo, the amount you get, and the cost per
Mojo, in US Dollars:

                  | Name    | Amount | Cost   | $ per Mojo |
                  | Flask   | 30     | $4.99  | $0.17      |
                  | Bottle  | 75     | $9.99  | $0.13      |
                  | Carafe  | 165    | $19.99 | $0.12      |
                  | Case    | 300    | $29.99 | $0.10      |
                  | Vintage | 800    | $49.99 | $0.06      |

We see that the best deals are on the more expensive containers.

Once again, don't feel that you have to pay for it to do well in the game -- I
seldom USE Mojo, let alone buying it.

  ###                                                                   ###
  ###                          VI. REALMS GUIDE                         ###
  ###                                                                   ###

Realms are a rather new addition to We Rule. They allow the player to expand
their land into another, separate area. They are then accessed by clicking on
an arrow on the edge of your main realm.

The first realm (the South Realm) is unlocked at level 15, and is free. The
other compass directions are unlocked at levels 20, 25, and 30, and each cost
150,000 coins. You can later expand them for more coins.

Realms have the advantage that they give the player more land. They have the
disadvantage, however, that lazy neighbors won't go to your realm to order from
your businesses. I'd recommend putting your decorations and farms there, and
other things that don't require other players (such as Cottages).

At the moment, you cannot move buildings/etc from one realm to the other. It
was said in the following tweet from @WeRuleGame:

  " Currently things can't be moved from one Realm to another for all those "
                asking. You'll need to raise new structures!  

  ###                                                                   ###
  ###                          VII. OTHER STUFF                         ###
  ###                                                                   ###


There are a bunch of Awards that you can get in We Rule. You can see them by
going to the Plus+ menu at the top-right. Each award gives your Plus+ profile
more points, but that's all it does.

There are 500 points to be had in We Rule:

* Castle Builder I - 15 points
  Upgrade your castle and expand your kingdom. You'll need to be at level 4 and
  have 750 coins to get this.

* Castle Builder II - 25 points
  Upgrade your castle and expand your kingdom. You'll need to be at level 10
  with 3000 coins to get this.

* Castle Builder III - 35 points
  Upgrade your castle and expand your kingdom. This upgrade is available at
  level 15 for 15,000 coins.

* Social Butterfly I - 15 points
  Create a connection with 1 of your friends. Be ordered from or order from one

* Social Butterfly II - 25 points
  Create a connection with 5 of your friends. Be ordered from or order from
  five friends.

* Social Butterfly III - 35 points
  Create a connection with 10 of your friends. Order from or be ordered from 10

* City Builder I - 15 points
  Build a Tailor, a Schoolhouse, and a Mining Camp. You'll need 5000 coins to
  buy these three.

* City Builder II - 25 points
  Build a Lumber Mill, Windmill, and Guild Hall. You'll need 17,500 coins for

* City Builder III - 35 points
  Build a Bakery, a Butcher, and a Stables. This'll cost 44,000 coins.

* City Builder IV - 50 points
  Build a Tavern, a Magic Emporium, and a Candle Maker. This costs 95,000

* Forester I - 15 points
  Plant 20 trees. This costs 500 coins for the cheapest trees, but you may want
  to go for the following two awards before you plant the rest of them.

* Forester II - 25 points
  Plant 3 Weeping Willows. This costs 1200 coins.

* Forester III - 35 points
  Plant 3 Lightning Bug Trees. This costs 1800 coins.

* Tax Collector I - 15 points
  Build 5 cottages. This costs 500 coins.

* Tax Collector II - 25 points
  Build 10 cottages. This costs 1000 coins.

* Tax Collector III - 35 points
  Build 20 cottages. This costs 2000 coins.

* Banker I - 15 points
  Collect 2,000 coins.

* Banker II - 25 points
  Collect 10,000 coins.

* Banker III - 15 points
  Collect 100,000 coins.

Community resources

ngmoco has a Twitter page set up for We Rule. If you want to get short updates
or ask questions, follow @WeRuleGame on Twitter.


There are a number of forums in which players can exchange Plus+ usernames to
help out with businesses and discuss the game.

* Mojo-Farm Forum

* GetSatisfaction We Rule forum

* GameFAQs Message Boards for We Rule

Move the loading screen

On the loading screen, there will be a banner that appears a few moments after
the first one. You can flick it around and see that it's just an image overlay.

We Rule RED

We Rule RED is the exact same app as We Rule, but if you've already installed
"regular" We Rule, you'll be given 10 free Mojo. Go hunt for it on the app
store -- as of now, it's free.

We Rule GOLD

Like We Rule RED, We Rule GOLD is the exact same app as We Rule. If you already
have a We Rule kingdom, you'll be given 10 free Mojo. Go grab it on the app
store if you want it.

   ###                                                                   ###
   ###                    VIII. CREDITS AND LEGAL INFO                   ###
   ###                                                                   ###

A. Credits

* ngmoco and New Toy for making We Rule.

* Me, ToiletPro. I wrote this.

B. Copyright info

This FAQ was written by ToiletPro and is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Visit for more info:

When giving credit, I'd love it if you linked to
but you can just credit ToiletPro if you must.

C. Contact info

If you wish to contact me, please send me an email. And please don't spam me.
My email is below, but replace the "at" with @ and "dot" with a period.

toiletpro at gmail dot com

Visit my website.

D. Conclusion

And there's my guide to We Rule! I hope it's helped you have great success in
your kingdom!

- ToiletPro