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FAQ/Strategy Guide

by ToiletPro

*                                                                             *
*                             ELIMINATE: GUN RANGE                            *
*                              FAQ/Strategy Guide                             *
*                                 Version 1.00                                *
*                                 by ToiletPro                                *
*                                                                             *

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

I. Introduction
II. Getting started
III. Strategy
IV. Levels
V. Weapons
VI. Other stuff
VII. Guide info

                                I. INTRODUCTION

Eliminate: Gun Range is a title developed by ngmoco for iOS devices (iPhone and
iPod Touch). The name of the game is to shoot targets in a variety of 3D levels
and with a variety of weapons.

Eliminate: Gun Range was originally developed for the iPhone 4 to demo its
gyroscopic controls, but was later updated to support any iOS device, and is
playable with touch controls. It has a paid version for $0.99 with no ads and a
free version that's ad-supported.

* $0.99 ad-free version

* Free version

                             II. GETTING STARTED


When you first log in, you may be asked to link your game with Plus+, a social
games network. It's optional, but if you link it with an account, you get
access to awards (achievements) and leaderboards.

Create an account if you don't have one, or log into an existing one if you do.
Or don't do any of it -- Gun Range doesn't require it.

Choosing a weapon

At the main menu, you'll be shown a gun. Swipe to the left and right to see
other guns in your arsenal.

There will be a locked symbol on many of the guns. You must spend credits to
unlock them, and then you can use them.

Once you pick a challenge, you'll be dropped into one of three areas: a
warehouse-like gun range, a yellowed base range, and a gun range full of brick
buildings. Each area has four challenges, totaling 12.

In these challenges, you'll need to shoot a number of targets, which are red
with a white silhouette of a person. Some will be close and some will be far.
In later levels, the targets change to stronger, smaller ones, or even ragdolls.

If you're on an iPhone 4 with a gyroscope, aim the cursor by moving the device
and then clicking the screen to shoot.

If you're on another device (or wish to change the controls to another method
on the iPhone 4), use your right thumb to aim and your left to click the "fire"
button. If you're a lefty, go into the Options menu and select "left-handed".


After each challenge, you'll be shown how many you cleared out of how many
there were. A perfect score yields one medal and full credits. A nearly-perfect
score gives a lesser medal and fewer credits. There's one more medal down that
gives the least credits.

The credits are only awarded that much on your first try and are then awarded
the rest after. So, for example: the max score for this level is 100. On your
first try, you only got 30 credits. On your next try, you got a perfect score;
you'll get the remaining 70 credits, not the full 100.

If you get a medal of any kind, you can then advance to the next challenge.
Credits are used to unlock more guns. You don't need to get a perfect score on
every challenge to unlock all the guns, but perfect scores help you get there

                                 III. STRATEGY

* Look around constantly. Scanning the entire area will let you see targets
  that you might have missed by just staring forward.

* Reload in "quiet" periods. Many guns don't have enough bullets to complete a
  challenge without reloading, or it's difficult to do so. When you get low on
  bullets, waste them all during a "quiet" part so that you can reload with
  full ammo by the time the targets continue.

* Guns aren't that inaccurate. Some guns list their stats and say their
  accuracy is awful. It usually is worse than other guns, but not awful at

* Up your brightness. If you have trouble seeing the screen, it'll be harder to
  see the targets, especially on the red brick level.

* Higher sensitivity makes things better. Go into the options menu and put your
  sensitivity fairly high (mine is about 75%). You'll be able to look around
  more easily.

* Restart as soon as you miss a target (if you're going for a perfect score).
  If you're trying to get the best medal, don't continue playing if you've
  missed even a single target. Restart the game to save yourself some time.

* Unlock more expensive weapons first. Save up your credits and buy more
  expensive weapons first. They yield, in some cases, 10 times the amount of
  lesser weapons. You can then use these to buy cheaper weapons.

                                 IV. LEVELS

There are 12 levels (AKA challenges) for each gun. They're all the same for
every weapon, though the kind of target may change depending on the weapon.
Each challenge takes place in one of three areas, and they vary with target

Area 1: Gray shooting range

The first area is the easiest of the three. There is almost no looking up nor
down. The targets appear from fairly predictable spots, and if you play a few
challenges for this area, you'll know all the possible locations.

There are two ways targets can sneak past you. The first is to the left and
right, very close to where you are. The second is behind other targets; if you
shoot a target and look away, you may miss the one behind it.

Area 2: Beige shooting range

This area also has very little up-down aiming, but it does have a bit more left
to right. The targets tend to appear between the middle of the area and the
right, but there are a few that appear on the left too.

The hard part about this one is the far targets in the middle of the level.
There is one behind the top wall and one in the center doorway directly in
front of you.

Area 3: Red brick shooting range

This one is the hardest of the three. Targets are near and far, left and right,
up and down, and blend in with the brick buildings. Look around in circles to
make sure you don't miss anything.

The one that I always miss is up and to the right; it's pretty well-hidden and
appears with very little regularity.

                                   V. WEAPONS

Here is the list of the twelve weapons, their stats, and some strategy for
using them.

Unlocked at start
Damage: Low
Rate of fire: Low
Reload: Low
Accuracy: Low
Magazine: High
Strategy: Because the accuracy is fine and the magazine is huge, you need not
conserve your bullets too much.

Unlock for 250 credits
Damage: Medium
Rate of fire: Medium
Reload: Medium
Accuracy: High
Magazine: Medium
Strategy: Although it's accurate, don't be afraid to waste a few bullets. This
gun has a reasonably-sized clip and fast reload.

Unlock for 500 credits
Damage: Low
Rate of fire: Very high
Reload: Very high
Accuracy: Low
Magazine: Low
Strategy: Use multiple bullets on the target. Though the magazine is small,
reloading is barely an interruption.

Unlock for 750 credits
Damage: Medium
Rate of fire: Low
Reload: High
Accuracy: High
Magazine: Low
Strategy: This gun shoots 3-shot bursts. Use a spread if you can. Empty the
clip during dull periods because it's got a small magazine.

Unlock for 1000 credits
Damage: Medium
Rate of fire: Low
Reload: Low
Accuracy: Low
Magazine: High
Strategy: Though it has a big magazine, it's slow and inaccurate enough that
you should aim carefully.

Unlock for 1250 credits
Damage: Medium
Rate of fire: Medium
Reload: Very high
Accuracy: Medium
Magazine: Low
Strategy: Use multiple bullets on the target. Though the magazine is small,
reloading is barely an interruption.

Unlock for 1500 credits
Damage: Medium
Rate of fire: Low
Reload: Medium
Accuracy: Low
Magazine: Middle
Strategy: My least favorite. Most challenges need two shots per target. Don't
be afraid to use multiple clips, but don't be too wasteful either.

Unlock for 1750 credits
Damage: Low
Rate of fire: Very high
Reload: Very high
Accuracy: Low
Magazine: Low
Strategy: Use multiple bullets on the target. Though the magazine is small,
reloading is barely an interruption.

Steyr Aug A3
Unlock for 2000 credits
Damage: High
Rate of fire: High
Reload: Medium
Accuracy: High
Magazine: Medium
Strategy: Most of the challenges require two shots, and you don't have a large
magazine, so try not to waste a single bullet.

M240 Bravo
Unlock for 2500 credits
Damage: Very high
Rate of fire: High
Reload: Very low
Accuracy: Very low
Magazine: Very high
Strategy: My personal favorite. Because the accuracy is fine and the magazine
is huge, you need not conserve your bullets too much. Open fire when your
crosshairs get even near the target and keep shooting until it's gone.

Unlock for 3000 credits
Damage: High
Rate of fire: Very high
Reload: Very high
Accuracy: High
Magazine: Medium
Strategy: Use multiple bullets on the target. Though the magazine is small,
reloading is barely an interruption.

Unlock for 3500 credits
Damage: Very high
Rate of fire: Very low
Reload: Medium
Accuracy: Very high
Magazine: Low
Strategy: Holding "fire" won't work with the SCAR; it's a semiautomatic weapon.
Most of the challenges require two shots, and you don't have a large magazine,
so try not to waste a single bullet.

                                VI. OTHER STUFF


There are a variety of Plus+ awards (which are just like achievements) for
Eliminate: Gun Range. You can access them by clicking the Plus+ icon in the
main menu.

All of these awards are given for perfect scores on all challenges for a given

* M60 - All Gold (10 points)
* M4 - All Gold (20 points)
* MP7 - All Gold (30 points)
* FAMAS - All Gold (40 points)
* PKM - All Gold (50 points)
* AK47su - All Gold (60 points)
* AK47 - All Gold (70 points)
* MP5 - All Gold (80 points)
* Steyr Aug - All Gold (90 points)
* M240 - All Gold (100 points)
* P90 - All Gold (100 points)
* SCAR - All Gold (100 points)
* UMP45 - All Gold (100 points)
* M249 - All Gold (100 points)


ngmoco occasionally releases DLC for their games. New weapons or areas might be
introduced that aren't covered in this guide. Let me know if my guide is

Why "Eliminate: Gun Range" instead of just "Gun Range"?

ngmoco is the developer of another, more fully-featured first person shooter
called Eliminate Pro. This is a "spinoff" of that title.


I can't imagine that you'll need support (ngmoco has claimed to have fixed
problems), but if you need help, here are some resources.

* Official support forums (GetSatisfaction)

* Official support email address
  [email protected]

* Official ngmoco Twitter

                                 VII. GUIDE INFO

Version history

* Version 0.90 - Finished 9 August 2010.
  Finished this guide on my iPhone entirely. When I get back to a PC, I'll
  format this, but all the content here was written on an iPhone. Still to do:
  New weapons from version 1.3, finish "unlock for ? credits".

* Version 1.00 - Updated 10 August 2010.
  Finished the guide.

Other formats

This guide is available on my website in HTML if you'd like.


* ngmoco for creating Eliminate: Gun Range.

* Me, ToiletPro. I'm the author of this guide.


If you wish to contact me, please send me an email. And please don't spam me.
My email is below, but replace the "at" with @ and "dot" with a period.

toiletpro at gmail dot com

Visit my website.

Legal info
This FAQ was written by ToiletPro and is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Visit for more info:

When giving credit, I'd love it if you linked to http:/
but you can just credit ToiletPro if you must.


Thanks for reading my guide to Eliminate: Gun Range. I hope it helped!