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The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction FAQ/Walkthrough

by Berserker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         _____ _  _ ___   ___ _  _  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _    ___ 
        |_   _| || | __| |_ _| \| |/ __| _ \ __|   \_ _| _ ) |  | __|
          | | | __ | _|   | || .` | (__|   / _|| |) | || _ \ |__| _| 
          |_| |_||_|___| |___|_|\_|\___|_|_\___|___/___|___/____|___|
                      __    __  __    __  __       __  ___ 
                    /|  | /|  ||  | /|  ||  |    /|  |/  / 
                   | |  |__|  ||  | ||  ||  |   | |  '  /  
                   | |   __   ||  | ||  ||  |   | |    <   
                   | |  | /|  ||  `--'  ||  `----.|  .  \  
                   | |__| ||__| \______/ |_______||__|\__\

                   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                   _   _ _  _____ ___ __  __   _ _____ ___ 
                  | | | | ||_   _|_ _|  \/  | /_\_   _| __|
                  | |_| | |__| |  | || |\/| |/ _ \| | | _| 
                   \___/|____|_| |___|_|  |_/_/ \_\_| |___|
            ___  ___ ___ _____ ___ _   _  ___ _____ ___ ___  _  _ 
           |   \| __/ __|_   _| _ \ | | |/ __|_   _|_ _/ _ \| \| |
           | |) | _|\__ \ | | |   / |_| | (__  | |  | | (_) | .` |
           |___/|___|___/ |_| |_|_\\___/ \___| |_| |___\___/|_|\_|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



System:     X-box
Written by: Berserker (aka. Berserker93, berserker_kev, or Kevin)
Started:    August 29, 2005
Email:      [email protected]

This document (c) 2005 Kevin Hall (Berserker)

Hulk interactive game (c) 2005 Universal Interactive Inc.

The Incredible Hulk character (c) 2005 Marvel Characters Inc.

                             - Version History -

Version 0.7 � (September 9, 2005) � I'm still missing a few comic and hint 
locations, and a bunch of the challenge missions, but the walkthrough portion 
for the story missions is complete!  I have made a note in some sections what 
I plan to do on future updates.  Email me at [email protected] if you 
have any questions, comments, suggestions, strategies, if there is anything 
you would like to add or if you find any mistakes.

Version 0.75 � (September 11, 2005) � The HINTS section is now finished.  I'm 
still lacking 5 comic icons and there are still many more challenge missions 
that will be added in the future.  There was also one minor correction that I 
had to make for the final battle.  Thanks to hardheart on the GameFAQs boards 
for that correction.  Again, email me at [email protected] if you have 
any questions, comments, suggestions, strategies, if there is anything you 
would like to add or if you find any mistakes.

Version 0.9 � (September 13, 2005) � The Comic Books section is finished.  I'm 
going to go back through and add numbers for each comic icon soon, and redo 
the location.  The city challenge missions are all up.  A few of them do not 
have the ranking stats or smash point bonuses.  Email me if you have them and 
I will give you credit for that.  All that I'm lacking is the challenge 
missions for the badlands, which should be up by the next update.

Version 1.0 � (September 15, 2005) � Everything is finished!  The comic books 
section and HINTS section will be redone by next update most likely for some 
better descriptions.  There are still a few rankings that I am missing for the 
Challenge Missions, which I will try to add soon as well.

Version 1.2 � (September 19, 2005) � The comic books section has been totally 
redone as promised.  The locations have been redone and numbers have been 
added as well as another listing in that section for each bonus item obtained.  
The Jump Marker locations have been redone as well.  The walkthrough has been 
touched up a bit also.  There are still a few more things that will be added 

Version 1.3 � (September 26, 2005) � Added some tables to the comics section.  
Added a trick for getting smash points quicker for those of you who are trying 
to get Savage Banner under the Unlockables and Codes Section (thanks to 
decepticondevil).  I also touched up the walkthrough section here and there.

---                                                                        ---
                     ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___  _  _ ___ 
                    / __| __/ __|_   _|_ _/ _ \| \| / __|
                    \__ \ _| (__  | |  | | (_) | .` \__ \
                    |___/___\___| |_| |___\___/|_|\_|___/

Section I:    Introduction

Section II:   Controls and Basics

Section III:  Move List and Upgrades

Section IV:   Walkthrough

     A:  Prologue

     B:  Chapter 1 - The Enemy Within

     C:  Chapter 2 - Dark Desert of the Soul

     D:  Chapter 3 - No Mercy

     E:  Chapter 4 - Cry Havok

     F:  Chapter 5 - Inner Sanctum

     G:  Chapter 6 - To the Devil His Due

     H:  Chapter 7 - The Garden of Good and Evil

Section V:    Challenge Missions

Section VI:   Comic Books

Section VII:  Hints

Section VIII: Jump Markers

Section IX:   Unlockables and Codes

Section X:    Copyright, Special Thanks, and Contact Info


                                  SECTION I

---                                                                        ---
         ___ _  _ _____ ___  ___  ___  _   _  ___ _____ ___ ___  _  _ 
        |_ _| \| |_   _| _ \/ _ \|   \| | | |/ __|_   _|_ _/ _ \| \| |
         | || .` | | | |   / (_) | |) | |_| | (__  | |  | | (_) | .` |
        |___|_|\_| |_| |_|_\\___/|___/ \___/ \___| |_| |___\___/|_|\_|

Wow!  When they said Ultimate Destruction, they weren't kidding.  I must say, 
I was impressed with the movie Hulk game that came out a few years ago, but 
this game takes those concepts and really expands upon them greatly.  Free 
roaming gameplay mixed with near unstoppable power has never felt so good, and 
it really makes you feel like you are the Incredible Hulk.  It's about time 
Hulk fans finally got a game that we can boast to Spiderman fans about how 
good it is. ;p

This FAQ is designed to help get you through each and every story mission as 
well as the challenge missions.  I have tried to make the FAQ as detailed as 
possible, outlining every little secret that I can find.  I have stayed away 
from anything dealing with the storyline or cutscenes to avoid spoilers, but I 
cannot guarantee that this FAQ is totally spoiler-free.  So be sure to use the 
FAQ as a last resort if you are playing through for the first time.  Any 
comments, suggestions, questions, etc. are always welcome.  Email me at 
([email protected]).  Also, if you find any errors in this FAQ, then 
please email me about it.


                                 SECTION II

---                                                                        ---
                   ___ ___  _  _ _____ ___  ___  _    ___ 
                  / __/ _ \| \| |_   _| _ \/ _ \| |  / __|
                 | (_| (_) | .` | | | |   / (_) | |__\__ \
                  \___\___/|_|\_| |_| |_|_\\___/|____|___/

                         (default controller setup)

| Left analog          | Moves Hulk                                          |
| D-pad                | N/A                                                 |
| Right analog         | Moves camera/Change target (when targeting)         |
| Start                | Pauses game, and displays pause menu                |
| L                    | Lock-on/Targeting                                   |
| R                    | Run/Ram/Run up wall                                 |
| Y                    | Special                                             |
| A                    | Jump                                                |
| X                    | Punch                                               |
| B                    | Grab/Grab onto wall                                 |
| Black                | Taunt                                               |
| White                | Taunt                                               |
| Right analog (click) | Reset camera                                        |
| Left analog (click)  | N/A                                                 |

---                                                                        ---
                 _____ _  _ ___   ___   _   ___ ___ ___ ___ 
                |_   _| || | __| | _ ) /_\ / __|_ _/ __/ __|
                  | | | __ | _|  | _ \/ _ \\__ \| | (__\__ \
                  |_| |_||_|___| |___/_/ \_\___/___\___|___/


Green Arrow Icon:  This will be the representation of Hulk on the map screen.

Red Dot:  This will be the representation of Hulk's enemies on the map.

Throughout each area hulk will find a few jumps points that will allow him to 
jump from one part of the area to the next very quickly, or go back to the 

Black Dot:  This will be the location of any jump point that Hulk has found in 
that specific area.

The game is set up with various Story Missions and Challenge Missions.  The 
Story Missions are used to further the main story and take you deeper into the 
actual game, while the Challenge Mission will give you an extra challenge 
which will provide you with some smash points depending on how well your 
performance is.

Missions will be identified on the map through these icons...

Orange Exclamation Point (!):  New Challenge Mission.

Orange Star:  Challenge Mission.

Green Star:  The next Story Mission required to proceed deeper into the game.


In order to proceed through the game, Hulk will be required to meet certain 
objectives, which will be outlined on the map through the following icons.

Red Fist:  These are objects that Hulk is required to smash.

Yellow Hand:  This represents objects that Hulk is supposed to pick up.

Blue Shield:  This represents objects that Hulk must protect.

Golden Arrow:  Marks the place where Hulk is supposed to leave an object.

Green House:  Indicates where Hulk can buy moves by entering the main menu.

Green Dot:  Indicates where Hulk is supposed to go to next.


During some parts of the game when Hulk nears an objective a cutscene will 
take place where Doc Samson will enter Hulks mind and show him an object and 
tell him what to do with it, usually through simple phrases.



Press and hold the run button and move the left analog to run.  While running 
Hulk will automatically knock any moveable object out of his way whether it be 
human or car.  When running up to a building, Hulk will scale up the building. 


Hulk will do a small hop whenever the jump button is pressed or the button can 
be charged to leap incredibly long distances.  Charge the jump button as Hulk 
is in the air and release the button once he has hit the ground to do a chain 
jump.  Tapping the jump button during jumps will cause Hulk to do continuous 
chain jumps as well.

Charge jumps will cause greater damage upon objects when Hulk lands compared 
to normal jumps.

Wall Running

Hold down the run button and run up to a building to make Hulk scale a 
building.  You can also jump next to a building and hold the run button to 
make him run along the side while in the air.


Press the grab button when facing a wall to make Hulk grab onto the wall.  He 
can also grab onto a wall while jumping - press and hold the grab button when 
nearing a wall anytime during a jump to have him grab on to the side.  He can 
then climb up the wall, jump further up the wall, or start to run up the wall.



Press the punch button to do a normal punch or charge the punch button to do a 
charged punch.  Mix up the punch button with the special button to do 
different types of combos, in which all parts can be charged.

Grabbing and Throwing Objects

Press the grab button to pick up any moveable object around the many different 
areas.  Use the punch or special button to swing the object as a weapon.  
Press the grab button again to throw the object.  The grab button can also be 
charged when throwing the object to increase the distance that it will be 

Enemies and innocent civilians can also be picked up.  Hulk's actions will 
differ when the punch or special button is pressed after grabbing a human 
depending on the type (civilian or enemy).  Also, he can perform different 
attacks on Hulk-sized enemies once he has grabbed one.


While holding certain objects an icon at the top of the screen will display 
"Weaponization" with the special button highlighted.  Press the special button 
when this happens to weaponize that object.  Hulk will make certain objects 
into steel fist, which will power up his normal punch attacks and he can make 
other objects into shields, which can protect him from enemy attacks.  Later 
more weaponizations will be available through the "Buy Menu".


Hold down the target button to lock-on to an enemy or object and use the right 
analog to switch targets.  While the enemy or object is locked-on, Hulk can 
strafe around it and more accurately attack it.


Whenever the Hulk has gained enough power in which the bottom bar below his 
normal power meter fills up a bit he has entered Critical Mass.  During 
Critical Mass, Hulk will have the ability to unleash even more devastating 
moves upon his foes.

Devastator Moves

When Hulk has reached Critical Mass, he will have access to a few ultra 
powerful moves, which can be purchased with smash points.  Doing these moves 
during Critical Mass will drain Hulk's power bar back down, but will totally 
wreck everything around him with an incredible force.

Adrenaline Surge

When Hulk loses a bunch of life and is almost near death, he will enter a mode 
known as Adrenaline Surge in which he can unleash a Devastator Move without 
taking any additional power from his power bar.  After the Devastator Move has 
been unleashed, however, he will go back to normal with extremely low life.


As Hulk wrecks any structure or object or completes a certain required task, 
he will gain smash points, which can be used to buy more moves or power him up 

Buying Moves

When Hulk has enough smash points, moves can be bought at the Church or 
through the main menu before starting a game.  It is essential to buy certain 
moves while progressing through the game.  At the end of each Chapter, more 
moves will become available for purchase.


Green Orbs

Replenishes Hulk's health.  Enemies that have been defeated usually leave 
these green orbs or they are sometimes scattered throughout the various levels 
or areas.


Power-ups are yellow orbs that are hidden throughout the game, and will 
provide you with additional smash points.  Usually 2,000 smash points.


In the shape of green question marks, which are hidden throughout the game, 
these icons will provide Hulk with hints as well as a few smash points.

Comic Books

These will be represented as a circular icon with a "C" logo in the middle and 
are hidden throughout the various areas of the game.  They will each give 
access to one of the sixty comic books in the main menu, as well as give you 
some other type of bonus.


                                 SECTION III

---                                                                        ---
                  __  __  _____   _____   _    ___ ___ _____ 
                 |  \/  |/ _ \ \ / / __| | |  |_ _/ __|_   _|
                 | |\/| | (_) \ V /| _|  | |__ | |\__ \ | |  
                 |_|  |_|\___/ \_/ |___| |____|___|___/ |_|  

|                              - PROLOGUE -                                  |
| Steel Fists              | Y (small objects only)                          |
|                              - CHAPTER 1 -                                 |
| Dashing Straight         | X (while running)                               |
| Air Recovery             | A (after being hit in the air or into the air)  |
| Running Grab             | B (while running)                               |
| Ground Smash             | X+Y                                             |
| Backhand Combo           | X, Y, X                                         |
| Punt Kick Combo          | X, X, Y                                         |
| Sonic Clap               | Y+B                                             |
| Air Stomp                | Y (in the air)                                  |
| Smash Express            | X or Y (run with two-handed weapon)             |
| Double Fist Toss         | B (while running with an object)                |
| Critical Atomic Slam     | X+Y (charged to max, in Critical Mass)          |
|                              - CHAPTER 2 -                                 |
| Slam Kick                | X, Y (with two-hand weapon)                     |
| Shield                   | Y (larger object only)                          |
| Shockwave Smash          | Y (charged to max)                              |
| Air Dash                 | R (in the air)                                  |
| Dashing Sonic Clap       | B+Y (while running)                             |
| Tornado Uppercut         | Y, Y (charged to max)                           |
| Tornado Frenzy           | X, Y (charged to max), X (in air), X (in air)   | 
| Rapid Punch Burst        | X, X, (pause) X, X, X, X                        |
| Critical Thunderclap     | Y+B (charged to max, during CM)                 |
| Club Smash               | X+Y (with a club)                               |
| Rising Upper             | Away + X (while targeting an enemy)             |
| Air Ground Slam          | X+Y (in the air)                                |
| Air Sonic Clap           | Y+B (in the air)                                |
| Missile Punchback        | any attack (against an incoming missile)        |
| Headbutt                 | X+B                                             |
| Air Critical Atomic Slam | X+Y (in the air, charged to max, during CM)     |
|                              - CHAPTER 3 -                                 |
| Air Enemy Grapple        | B (in the air)                                  |
| Spear Impale             | B (charged to max, while running with club      |
| Dashing Uppercut         | Y (while running)                               |
| Bowling                  | Y (for round objects)                           |
| Cyclone Skyjack          | A, then B (towards an aircraft)                 |
| Dashing Groundslam       | X+Y (while running)                             |
| Gamma Quake              | Y (charged, after grabbing Hulk-size foe)       |
| Elbow Drop               | Y (while wall running or climbing)              |
| Floor Kick               | Y (on downed enemy)                             |
| Shield Grind             | (create a shield) A then Y (in the air)         |
| Super Air Strike         | X (in the air)                                  |
| Shield Grind Kick        | X or Y (while Shield Grinding)                  |
| Hitchhike                | B (in the air, near large enemy (mech))         |
| Missile Catch            | B (as an incoming missile approaches)           |
| Super Air Dash           | R (in the air)                                  |
| Shockwave Smash Repeater | Y (max), Y, Y, Y, Y                             |
|                              - CHAPTER 4 -                                 |
| Air Critical Thunderclap | Y+B (charged to max, during CM)                 |
| Hammer Toss              | B (near tank barrel, rotate L analog clockwise) |
| Missile Pack Weaponize   | B (near a missile pack), Y                      |
| Ball and Chain           | Y (wrecking ball trucks)                        |
| Air Spike                | X, Y (charged to max, during an air combo)      |
| Target Kick              | Y (charged to max, while riding an aircraft)    |
| Gamma Grinder            | B (near Hulk-sized enemy), Y (charged to max)   |
| Critical Pain            | X+B (charged to max, during CM)                 |
| Double Air Dash          | R, R (in the air)                               |
| Running Club Ram         | X (while running with a club)                   |
| Gamma Bomb               | B (near Hulk-sized enemy), Y (in the air)       |
|                              - CHAPTER 5 -                                 |
| Air Cannonball           | X (charged to max, in the air)                  |
|                              - CHAPTER 6 -                                 |
| Super Shockwave Smash    | Y (max), Y, Y, Y, Y                             |
| Double Super Air Dash    | R, R (in the air)                               |

---                                                                        ---
                   _   _ ___  ___ ___    _   ___  ___ ___ 
                  | | | | _ \/ __| _ \  /_\ |   \| __/ __|
                  | |_| |  _/ (_ |   / / _ \| |) | _|\__ \
                   \___/|_|  \___|_|_\/_/ \_\___/|___|___/

|                              - CHAPTER 2 -                                 |
| Power Surge Level 1         | increases total power capacity               |
|                              - CHAPTER 3 -                                 |
| Critical Mass Surge Level 1 | increases the power of CM                    |
|                              - CHAPTER 4 -                                 |
| Power Surge Level 2         | increases total power capacity               |
|                              - CHAPTER 5 -                                 |
| Critical Mass Surge Level 2 | increases the power of CM                    |
|                              - CHAPTER 6 -                                 |
| Power Surge Level 3         | increases total power capacity               |

* (CM = Critical Mass)


                                 SECTION IV

---                                                                        ---
        __      ___   _    _  _______ _  _ ___  ___  _   _  ___ _  _ 
        \ \    / /_\ | |  | |/ /_   _| || | _ \/ _ \| | | |/ __| || |
         \ \/\/ / _ \| |__| ' <  | | | __ |   / (_) | |_| | (_ | __ |
          \_/\_/_/ \_\____|_|\_\ |_| |_||_|_|_\\___/ \___/ \___|_||_|

********************************* (Updated) **********************************

Updated slightly.  I'm going back through and mentioning each Blonsky File 
that is picked up after each stage.  Some of the boss strategies will be 
updated a bit in the future.



Story Mission 1 � Move Tutorial

-- Mission Objectives --

- Introduction to abilities

- Exercise 1: Jumping

- Exercise 2: Targeting

- Exercise 3: Wall Running and Climbing

Introduction to abilities

This entire stage is set up as a training mission.  Follow the instructions on 
screen to finish this part.  Soldiers will eventually arrive so you can test 
out hulks various attacks.  Eventually some stars will appear on the map, 
highlighting other training exercises.  Go up the hill to the side and head to 
the right.  Go up to each star and press the jump button for more objectives.  
Only one objective has to be completed to finish this area.  Walk to the end 
of the tunnel to end the stage.

Exercise 1: Jumping

Collect all the markers that appear above the buildings.  Charge jumps are a 

Reward - Comic Book #1

Exercise 2: Targeting and Throwing

Helicopters will now surround the base.  Grab any object off to the side, 
target a helicopter, and throw it at them in order to hit them.  Hold down the 
grab button to hit targets in the distance.  

Reward - Comic Book #3

Exercise 3: Wall Running and Climbing

Collect all the markers by climbing or running up the wall of the respected 

New Move gained - Weaponization

Grab one of the missile launchers to the side and press "Y" to make it useable 
as a projectile launcher.  Target the helicopters and throw missiles at them 
with the punch button.

Reward - Comic Book #2

New Weaponization gained (upon completion of all exercises) - Steel Fist

Inside the tunnel - Comic Book #4

Story Mission 2 � Banner's Hideout

-- Mission Objective --

- Get to the jump marker and use it to escape

Plow through the soldiers and make your way down the valley ahead.  Take care 
of the helicopter and tanks and continue following the path.  Ramming the 
tanks from the side to turn them over works wonders.  Hit them with any 
powered attack or use some steel fist to take them down quickly � use a 
charged special (Y) button attack to take them out quickly.  Be sure to smash 
everything you can to increase smash points.  A cutscene will eventually show 
you the marker.  Go up to it and press the jump button in the middle of it to 
complete this mission.

Reward � 200 smash points

                          Chapter 1 - The Enemy Within

Go up to the marker and press the jump button to jump to the city and receive 
the next objective.

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat the Police Resistance

Take out a few of the police on the streets below to complete this mission.  
After enough have been taken out then the mission objective will be complete.

Reward � 500 smash points

Story Mission 3 - Lightning Strike

-- Mission Objectives --

- Destroy power substation A

- Destroy power substation B

- Destroy power substation C

The police will be attacking the entire time during this mission.  Run and 
plow through all the police and you should be fine.  Each substation can be 
destroyed with a few punches after jumping over or destroying the electric 
fence that guards each one.  Grab an object and toss it at the electric fence 
to destroy it, and take out each substation with about three punches.

Destroy power substation A

>From the starting point go to the right and a cutscene should play that will 
show you the substation.

Reward � 200 smash points

Destroy power substation B

The center of the city.

Reward - 200 smash points

Destroy power substation C

In the northwestern part of the city.  A helicopter and some soldiers with 
rocket launchers will be guarding this one.

Reward � 200 smash points

Mission Complete Reward - 8,000 smash points

For the rest of the course of the game, you will now have the option to choose 
between story missions or challenge missions.

Helicopters and soldiers will assault you right after the mission so be ready!

Story Mission 4 - Need-To-Know

-- Mission Objectives --

- Reach Division Headquarters

- Locate mainframe computer

- Deliver mainframe computer safely to the Church

Reach Division Headquarters

Go toward the green dot on the map in the south.  You will run into a few 
armored guards and a tank along the way.  Try to pick up as many green orbs as 
you can to maximize your life since the last objective can get ugly.

Locate mainframe computer

Run up the building and destroy the blue crates at the top to find the 
mainframe computer.  The computer is on the one of the crates on the left side 
of the building.

Reward � 300 smash points

Deliver mainframe computer safely to the Church

Pick up the computer and head towards the nearest Jump Marker, which should be 
the Midtown Tower (depending on whether you have found it or not).  Soldiers 
and helicopters with missiles will be on your tail the entire time so never 
let go of the run button and use plenty of jumps along the way and you'll be 
fine.  Once you make it to a jump point just jump to the Church and place the 
computer in the glowing yellow field to end the mission.

Mission Complete Reward - 5,000 smash points

After this mission and for the remainder of the game, whenever you're in the 
city the ERS meter on the top right of the screen will fill up depending on 
how bad the destruction is that you have caused.  

Story Mission 5 � Protect and Serve

-- Mission Objective --

- Defend the bio-research center until the data download expires

Three words.  Charged Steel Fist.

>From the start of this mission a cutscene will show you the building that you 
need to guard.  You have to defend this building for the entire three minutes 
and thirty seconds that is shown on the timer.  Grab a car before the tanks 
arrive and make some steel fist.  The tank from the east is usually the first 
to come, so you can go take care of it first.  Two or three charged steel fist 
punches are enough to take down each tank.  Use the special (Y) button for the 
best results � during Critical Mass, it will only take two hit per tank.  Once 
the steel fists are destroyed charge throw the remnants of the tanks at the 
other tanks or make some more steel fist.  Use a super overhead smash if you 
have bought it and things get too hectic, but be forewarned about the major 
delay in using this move, which could cost you the mission.

Reward - 9,000 smash points

New Blonsky Files are now available (Samson, Ross, Banner, Hulk, and 
Division). Go to the main menu to access them. 

Story Mission 6 � Fire Sale

-- Mission Objectives --

- Retrieve a CAT scan imager

- Retrieve a hydraulic lifter from inside the warehouse

- Retrieve a substation generator

This mission is a breeze if you found all the Jump Markers prior to starting - 
you can make some extremely quick retrievals by doing so.

Retrieve a CAT scan imager

The CAT scanner is in the northwest part of the city in a crate yard.  Punch 
the blue boxes to find it.  Just like before with the item retrieval, after 
you find the scanner, you must pick it up and carry it back to the nearest 
Jump Marker.  Go to the Church and place it in the yellow area, then go back 
to the city.

Reward - 500 smash points

Retrieve a hydraulic lifter from inside the warehouse

The hydraulic lifter is in the east part of the city inside of a warehouse.  A 
cutscene will play once you get near it to show you exactly which warehouse.  
Destroy the warehouse and then destroy the structure surrounding the hydraulic 
lifter.  Tanks will be all over you at this point, so grab the lifter and make 
haste to a Jump Marker.

Reward - 500 smash points

Retrieve a substation generator

The substation generator is in the middle of the city.  A shield generator 
will set up a shield to help guard the generator.  To destroy the shield 
generator you must grab about three things off to the side, target the 
generator inside the shield, and charge throw the objects at it.  After you 
get the substation generator head back to a jump point and then the Church.

Reward - 500 smash points

Mission Complete Reward - 10,000 smash points

A new Blonsky File is now available in the main menu (City Tactical 

Story Mission 7 - Nemesis

-- Mission Objective --

- Investigate distress call

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

== = = = = = = = = = = = = =
== = = = = = = = = = = = = =

New Objective: Defeat Abomination

Try to keep this boss targeted at all times because his attacks can be pretty 
quick, and you have to charge jump to avoid them.  He has two types of 
attacks.  For one of his attacks, he will charge toward you and grab you, then 
slam you against the ground - he usually does this attack when he is on the 
other side of the screen, away from you.  He also has a ram attack, which he 
usually does at close range.  During both attacks he will rush across the 
screen at you, in which you should charge jump to avoid them.  Punches work 
well against him for a while, until he starts blocking.  The small canisters 
lying along the ground basically only serve to get you hit if you stop to grab 

At the beginning of the battle target him and use the X, X, Y combo to knock 
him into one of the back containers to make debris rain down on him and take a 
full bar away.  For the remainder of the battle lead him next to one of the 
large canisters against the sidewalls and punch the canister until it 
explodes, make him plow into a canister while he does his ram, or target a 
canister next to him and throw an object at it.  Quickly get out of the way if 
you are next to the canister, and debris will rain down upon him some more.  
This takes a full bar of his life each time, and about four of these attacks 
should finish him off.  Usually the combo will not work again to knock him 
back since he will block your hits from now on.  After you get him down about 
halfway he will jump over to the area across from you and throw canisters at 
you.  Charge jump to avoid them.

If he begins to "undergo a transformation" during the battle (he will start to 
glow a yellowish color), then grab him and target a canister in the back, and 
throw him toward it.  Sometimes this transformation will not occur during the 

Reward - 20,000 smash points

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New Blonsky files are now added to the main menu (Neural Interface, Gamma 
Satellites, Supply/Resupply).

New moves are added to the buy menu.  

Make sure to upgrade Hulks power gauge and buy all the moves that have 
tutorials when new moves are added to the buy menu, since these are the most 
important.  For the next chapter buy shield, rocket punch...etc.

                      Chapter 2 - Dark Desert of the Soul

Story Mission 8 - Eye in the Sky

-- Mission Objectives --

- Destroy satellite uplink A

- Destroy satellite uplink B

- Destroy satellite uplink C

- Destroy satellite uplink D

Destroy satellite uplink A

The first satellite is located in the town in front of where you first start.  
Make some steel fist along the way to take it out quicker.

Reward - 400 smash points

Destroy satellite uplink B

Running and staying airborne will greatly improve your chances of success for 
getting to the remaining satellite uplinks.  Go back the way you came, make a 
shield, and go down the path to the far right, outside of the town.  Satellite 
uplink B will be on the right side at the end of the intersection of the 
valley.  Soldiers with rocket launchers and plenty of helicopters will be 
guarding it.

Reward - 400 smash points


Destroy satellite uplink C

Satellite uplink C is on the left side up ahead.

Reward - 400 smash points

Destroy satellite uplink D

Turn right from satellite uplink C and go down the valley ahead.  Satellite 
uplink D will be in the back of the base up ahead.  Tanks will be guarding it.  
Concentrate all your attacks on it since it's all that is standing between you 
and the end of this mission.

Reward - 400 smash points

Mission Complete Reward - 15,000 smash points

A new Blonsky File is added to the main menu after this mission (Hulkbuster 

Story Mission 9 - Get Yourself a Convoy

-- Mission Objectives --

- Destroy all trucks in convoy A

- Destroy all trucks in convoy B

- Destroy all trucks in convoy C

For this mission you will need to destroy all the convoy trucks before the 
chase indicator above the mini-map reaches the end of the bar.  The chase 
indicator will only start up as you get close to each convoy.  Use the green 
dot on the mini-map to find the location of each convoy.  In this mission it 
is vital and crucial to have a shield with you the whole time, and keep 
jumping and running. Find the nearest tank and destroy it if you need a quick 
shield.  Make sure to collect plenty of green orbs along the way, because you 
will need them.  If you find yourself surrounded by helicopters at any point 
in this mission, it is best to stop and take care of them because they will 
follow you no matter what until they are destroyed.

Destroy all trucks in convoy A

The first convoy will be to the South.  Try to grab a large object to the side 
and make a shield out of it because you will definitely need it.  Once you 
start to catch up to the convoy, tanks will be all over you firing missiles 
galore so make sure to keep running and stay in the air through chain jumping.  
Once you've caught up to the convoy, destroy it quickly and take care of the 
surrounding tanks or run, then follow the green dot to the next convoy.

Reward - 500 smash points

Destroy all trucks in convoy B

The second convoy will have two trucks that you must destroy.  Like the first, 
make sure you have a shield.  Throw the shield like a boomerang once you come 
upon the trucks to make quick work of each of them, and then make your way to 
the next convoy, which is back at the beginning of the town.

Reward - 500 smash points

Destroy all trucks in convoy C

This convoy is fast, and a group of two Hulkbusters will ambush you while you 
chase the convoy.  Ignore the Hulkbusters and concentrate on the trucks.  If 
you throw your shield like a boomerang it is possible to take out both trucks 
with one hit.

Reward - 500 smash points

Mission Complete Reward - 5,000 smash points

A new Blonsky File is now available in the main menu (Mission Directive).

Story Mission 10 � Headhunter

-- Mission Objectives --

- Get to the Hulkbuster demonstration area

- Retrieve Hulkbuster neural interface module

- Deliver Neural Interface Module to the Church

Get to the Hulkbuster demonstration area

Take care of the two Hulkbusters and go down the path ahead.  Once you arrive 
at the base, a few more Hulkbusters and some soldiers will ambush you.  Steel 
Fists work really good for Hulkbusters whenever vehicles are available.  Go 
through the tunnel, and down into the gorge with the two Hulkbusters at the 
end of the base ahead.

Retrieve Hulkbuster neural interface module

Destroy the Hulkbusters and walk up to the prototype Hulkbuster.  A cutscene 
will play.

Reward � 500 smash points

Deliver Neural Interface Module to the Church

Now make your way back to the nearest Jump Marker, which should be the 
Restricted Area 102 Jump Marker.  This is by far the hardest objective of this 
mission because whenever you are hit the module will fall out of Hulk's hands 
and you will be forced to pick it back up.  It can also suffer much damage 
when it is not in your hands.  Run and jump as much as you can to try to get 
back to the Jump Marker as soon as possible.  Air Recover frequently when hit.  
The Hulkbusters are the main concerns because of how agile they are.  Once a 
Hulkbuster knocks you down it is very hard to get away with the module without 
destroying the Hulkbuster first, but you run the chance of the module being 
destroyed if you choose to fight.

Set the module down in the yellow field near the church as usual to complete 
the mission.

Mission Complete Reward � 10,000 smash points

A new Blonsky file is now available in the main menu (Vault).

Story Mission 11 - Proving Grounds

-- Mission Objectives --

- Destroy the Hulkbuster Destroyer prototype

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He's not really as hard as you would think.  There are some satellites to the 
side that will call out a group of three Hulkbusters at a time, which will 
join the Destroyer prototype throughout the battle.  The satellites can be 
taken out at any time to avoid any more Hulkbusters from coming out of the 
base.  There are four satellites altogether.  It's best to take them out as 
soon as possible.

The prototype itself has quite a few moves, which you can slightly limit.  
First it will send out a wave of heat seeking missiles toward you.  The best 
way to avoid this is to make a shield to block them.  Target the Destroyer 
prototype with the target button and use the right analog to select the 
missile launchers on its side and throw a few objects at them.  After both of 
his missile launchers are gone the only move that you will really have to 
watch out for is his lasers.  He will shoot out lasers very often upon landing 
once his missile launchers have been taken out.  To avoid the laser, make sure 
that you are either on the ground above him or beneath him � as long as you 
are not level with him there is no way he can hit you with the lasers.  Near 
the end of the battle it is best to play a simple game of cat and mouse in 
which you just run from him and charge throw any object you come across.

Whatever you do, DO NOT try to take him head on or he will pulverize you.  One 
of his attacks up close is a piledriver, which takes quite a bit from your 
power bar.  Make sure to stay away from him as he lands also since the landing 
will hurt you.  Once he nears his last bar of life you might have to actually 
take him head on, since you will, more than likely, start to run out of 
objects to throw at him.  When this happens try to do an air charge punch at 
him when he is flying through the air.

Reward - 25,000 smash points

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New Moves will now be available through the main menu at the Church.

A new Blonsky file is now available in the main menu (Mercy).

Again, be sure to purchase Critical Mass Surge and all the moves with the 
tutorials first, since they will be the most needed (especially Spear Impale 
and Cyclone Skyjack).  Air Enemy Grapple, Super Air Strike, and Gamma Quake 
will help out a bunch for Hulkbusters.  Elbow Drop may help also since it is 
highly damaging.

                            Chapter 3 � No Mercy

Story Mission 12 � Authority Issues

-- Mission Objectives --

- Destroy Chief Combat Warden

- Retrieve Chief Warden's memory module from the wreckage

Destroy Chief Combat Warden

Go toward the green dot on the mini-map and take out all the tanks at the 
beginning.  An Objective Complete message will come up shortly.  After that 
make your way to the next green dot on the mini-map.  Make a shield along the 
way because you will definitely need it.  Once the green dot is reached, some 
extremely aggressive Hulkbusters will attack.  Use the shield to block their 
attacks and take them down quickly and be sure to grab the green orbs upon 
their defeat.  After about eight of them have been destroyed a cutscene will 
show you where the Combat Warden is.  First things first, grab a shield!  Get 
to the top of the building shown in the cutscene (follow the red X) and 
confront the Chief Combat Warden.

This guy can be extremely tough if you do not have a shield.  Use a charged 
punch attack to eat away at his life gauge.  If you lose your shield at any 
time, then run and get another.  You will not last long without one.  Spear 
Impale works well against him also, but a shield is much safer.  When his life 
gauge gets extremely low he will run for backup.  Jump along the building and 
follow him.

He will eventually arrive at an open area with a bunch of tanks.  His life 
recharges by about two bars for this fight so you will have to chip away at 
his gauge some more.  Make sure to grab a shield.  

Reward � 3,000 smash points

Retrieve Chief Warden's memory module from the wreckage

After he is destroyed, grab the memory module that he leaves behind and get to 
the nearest Jump Marker as quick as you can.  The nearest one should be The 
Dayne.  Hulkbusters, tanks, and soldiers with rocket launchers will be all 
around you on the way to the Jump Marker.  Place the object by the Church to 
end the mission.

Reward � 25,000 smash points

New Blonsky files are now available in the main menu (Combat Warden Hulkbuster 
Mechs, Mutant Gender Studies).

Story Mission 13 � Frantic Recovery

-- Mission Objectives --

- Locate Division transport vehicle

- Retrieve Division transport vehicle

Locate Division transport vehicle

First of all you need to catch up to the vehicle on the map.  It will be 
represented by a red X on the mini-map.  After you've caught up with it, throw 
anything you can find at it while chasing it.  It has to be destroyed by 
throwing objects at it.  A shield works really well at this part since a 
helicopter and some tanks will be your tail, shooting at you, the entire time.  
Hulkbusters will soon join the other enemies also.

Reward - 2,000 smash points

Retrieve Division transport vehicle

The second part of this mission can be quite chaotic with the aggression of 
the helicopters; just don't stop moving, whatever you do.  When the vehicle's 
power bar gets low it will have a yellow icon over it.  At this point, catch 
up to it and grab it with the grab/throw button.  Hurry to the nearest jump 
marker with the truck and jump to the Church and place it there to end the 

Reward - 35,000 smash points

Story Mission 14 - Mercy

-- Mission Objectives --

- Retrieve Fuel Rods

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New Objective: Defeat Mercy

The only way to actually hurt this boss is to physically attack her with your 
fist attacks or by picking up and object and hitting her with it.  If you 
throw an object she will usually dodge it.  Try to be in Critical Mass when 
you go after her, since you will take off more damage then.  She constantly 
teleports around the room during the battle, so stay on the move.  Her attacks 
range from an electric beam, which can be easily avoided by running, and an 
electric ball attack.  If the electric ball hits you then it will trap you and 
allow her to get quite a few hits and take about 25% percent of your total 
power.  Be sure to watch out for this move.  Also, make note of the many green 
orbs around the room.  Collect them sparingly since you will probably need 
them for the second part of this battle.

Once she has been taken down halfway, she will power up more, and her attacks 
will be more extreme.  She will fire out 3 electric beams instead of one, and 
the electric ball attack will take more power.  She also gains a new attack in 
which she will surround herself with canisters and charge toward you with them 
rotating around her.  The same methods of attacking her still apply to this 
second part of the battle as well.  Try to take her out as quickly as possible 
by staying right on top of her and punching because the more you drag out the 
battle the more of her attacks you will have to avoid, and by the second part 
of the battle they are very hard to avoid.

Reward - 50,000 smash points

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New Moves will now be available through the main menu at the Church.

As usual, be sure to purchase Power Surge and all the moves with the tutorials 
first, since they will be the most needed (especially Missile Pack Weaponize, 
Hammer Toss, and Ball and Chain).  Target Kick is extremely useful also for 

                            Chapter 4 � Cry Havok

Story Mission 15 � Clean Sweep

-- Mission Objectives --

- Locate military gas pods

- Safely dispose of gas pods

Keep in mind that after you pick up each gas pod the gas inside will go off 
and you will only have a few minutes to dispose of it.  The more damage it 
takes the shorter time limit you will have.  Be sure to use Jump Markers 
during this mission to make it much easier, and you will actually lose some of 
the mechs and other enemies that will follow you if do this.

Gas pod A

The mechs aren't too much of a problem at the beginning; they can be easily 
outrun by running and chain jumping from rooftop to rooftop.  The first gas 
pod is pretty close to the area that you start out from.  Follow the Yellow X 
on the mini-map and grab the gas pod.  Go toward the ocean and toss it in to 
get rid of it.  You can stand away from the ocean and press the special button 
and twirl the left analog clockwise then release the canister for a bigger 
throw, but this takes way too much time; it's best to just go to the river and 
throw it in with the throw button.

Reward � 7,000 smash points

Gas Pod B

The next gas pod is all the way on the west side of the city, and now 
helicopters will be chasing you as well as mechs.  If you have trouble dodging 
the helicopter fire, then it is advised to take out the helicopters, but for 
the mechs, they can be easily dodged if you're fast enough.  If you do take on 
the mechs, make sure to use missiles to take them out in about three hits.  
Make your way to the second gas pod and throw it in the ocean like the first.  
The gas pod will be guarded by two mechs, but just run right by them and grab 

Reward � 7,000 smash points

Gas Pod C

The final gas pod is on the island in the east.  This one is not too bad at 
all to get rid of, but the problem is getting there.  Along the way, tanks 
will ambush you and fire rockets like mad.  Don't stop at all, and keep 
jumping.  The bridge is probably the most difficult to part to get across 
since you have little area to move around when a missile is on your tail.  The 
gas pod will be out in the middle of the street and will be guarded by a mech.  
Grab the gas pod quickly and make one jump toward the ocean and chunk it in 
really quick to end the mission.

Reward � 7,000 smash points

Mission Complete Reward � 40,000 smash points

A new Blonsky file is now available in the main menu (Martial Law).

Story Mission 16 � A Bird in the Hand 

-- Mission Objectives --

- Run to intercept the transport helicopter

- Destroy the transport helicopter

- Deliver the uranium-235 safely to the Church

Run to intercept the transport helicopter

This first part is timed, but you have plenty of time (50 seconds) to get to 
the helicopter.  You can actually use the Midtown Tower Jump Marker to go to 
the Hotel Jump Marker if you want to speed things up.  Go toward the green dot 
in the southeast.

Destroy the transport helicopter

This helicopter is extremely hard to catch when following it before it makes a 
stop.  Make sure to keep up with it because if it gets too far ahead of you 
then the mission is over.  Don't get in a fight with the jets because this may 
allow the helicopter to get away.  It will eventually stop near a rooftop and 
a cutscene will play where Hulkbusters will ambush you.  Pay no attention to 
the Hulkbusters and continue to follow the helicopter.  It will fly lower to 
the ground now so you should be able to catch it with ease.  Do a charged jump 
punch into it then grab it and punch it.  It should only take about three hits 
then the uranium will fall.

Deliver the uranium-235 safely to the Church

Grab the uranium and make haste to the nearest Jump Marker to get to the 
Church.  Place the item in front of the Church to end the mission.

Reward � 15,000 smash points

A new Blonsky file is now available in the main menu (Lockdown).

Story Mission 17 - Lockdown

-- Mission Objectives --

- Protect Samson

- Destroy all roadblocks in Samson's path

Protect Samson

Plow through the guards and keep up with Samson's car (the red car).  He will 
wait up for you if you fall behind.  Once on the bridge some helicopters will 
attack you.  Take them out as you normally do, preferably by latching onto 
them and punching or kicking.  Go up ahead of Samson's car as he stops.

Destroy all roadblocks in Samson's path

If Samson's car ever stops during this mission make sure that you have 
destroyed everything in the area, including any roadblocks.

Break down the structure up ahead and destroy the tanks.  Throw them in the 
ocean or into each other if you have the hammer toss.  After that, follow 
Samson's car once again.  There will be plenty of tanks and helicopters along 
the way.  It's best to stay a little ahead of Samson so the enemies will 
target Hulk instead of him.  The helicopters and soldiers pose the biggest 
threat since they are the main ones that will target the car.  The tanks will 
usually target Hulk.  Once you reach the middle of the map, it will trigger a 
checkpoint, which you will start back at if you fail.


The final area has tons of tanks and helicopters.  Swing the tanks around and 
target the helicopters and immediately grab the green health items that they 
drop to stay alive.  The helicopters are the main annoyance at the end since 
there will be about three on the screen at a time usually, and they will all 
be gunning you down.  Eventually, a cutscene will start that shows Samson 
driving off to end the mission.

Reward � 25,000 smash points

A new Blonsky file is now available in the main menu (Evacuation Procedure).

Story Mission 18 - My Other Voice

This Story Mission is split up into three separate parts.

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat division forces

- Destroy Division fuel depot

Defeat division forces

Head toward the west.  Eventually tanks, Hulkbusters, and Helicopters will 
surround you.  Take them out and then continue to the west.  Destroy the 
electric fence once you reach the fuel depot and then destroy the sets of fuel 

Reward - 10,000 smash points

-- Mission Objectives --

- Destroy Division intelligence facility

- Destroy all Hulkbuster Destroyers

Head to the southwest.  Along the way, Hulkbusters will ambush you - they 
shouldn't be much of a problem by now, so use this time to get rid of some of 
them.  Go deeper southwest and a mech will be waiting for you.  Throw anything 
you can get your hands on at the mech to try to take it out as soon as you 
can, and accomplish part of the objective in doing so.  After the mech is 
destroyed head to southwest some more and destroy the intelligence facility.  
A cutscene will show it to you.  Don't bother with the Hulkbusters unless you 
need life, because they come nonstop.  Focus your attacks on the facility to 
destroy it and end the mission.

-- Mission Objectives --

- Destroy Division Armory

- Destroy all Hulkbuster Destroyers

Head Southeast.  You will need to destroy the Division Armory and take out two 
mechs to finish this part of the mission.  There are some cranes right next to 
the Division Armory that will make destroying the mechs much easier if you 
bought the crane weaponization.  Be sure to stay running and jumping once the 
two mechs enter the scene since they can take you down extremely quick with 
their missile attacks.

Reward � 25,000 smash points

Now find the nearest Jump Marker and head back to the Church. 

Story Mission 19 � Turning Point

-- Mission Objectives --

- Retrieve classified material from the military test site

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First of all make sure to have the tank throw move (Hammer Toss) for this 
battle.  This battle can be over with incredibly fast if you have this move.

General Ross has many attacks, but most of them can be avoided by just running 
and jumping.  The only attack you mainly have to watch out for is the laser 
attack that he will do.  Target the guns on the side of his mech and throw 
objects at them to stop his laser attacks.  Don't be afraid to run out into 
the city because this battle can get pretty hectic.  If you get close to him 
he will either try to physically hit you with the mech or send out a force 
field - there is no need to get next to him however.  

After a while, tanks will show up on the streets around the side - this what 
makes the battle so easy.  Pick up a tank and target General Ross' mech.  
Rotate the analog clockwise and toss the tank at him to take a whole bar of 
his life.  Tanks show up, ever so conveniently, throughout the battle so just 
find the nearest tank and toss it at him.  Try to make sure that he is not 
right on top of you though.

Reward � 80,000 smash points

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New moves are now available at the menu

A new Blonsky file is now available at the menu.

                          Chapter 5 � Inner Sanctum

Story Mission 20 � Without Parole

-- Mission Objectives --

- Follow Blonsky and escape from The Vault

- Defeat the Capture Warden

- Smash your way through The Vault's defenses and leap to freedom

Follow Blonsky and escape from The Vault

Take care of the guards then pound through the next four doors while fighting 
a few Hulkbusters along the way.  The fourth room will have three Hulkbusters.  
A critical mass attack works well for this group or you can just grab them and 
throw them at each other.  Go down the hall ahead and outside the door.

Defeat the Capture Warden

This battle is a total slap in the face compared to any other mech fights that 
you have had so far.  The Capture Warden is extremely aggressive and should 
remain targeted at all times when he is the only enemy on the screen to make 
sure that his attacks are avoided.  He has a variety of attacks ranging from 
missile blast, grabbing, and a punch and kick combo, which can usually be 
avoided by running and jumping.  His ram attack, however, needs to be avoided 
by a lengthy charge jump.  This is also the best time to hit him.  While up in 
the air do a charge punch directly toward him as he is recovering from his ram 
attack.  Grabbing objects and throwing them at him works pretty well also.

After his life is taken down halfway, two Hulkbusters will come down the 
elevator and join the fight.  Take them out quick or use them as objects to 
throw at the Capture Warden.  The Capture Warden will not be as aggressive 
when both Hulkbusters are on the screen, but once one has been taken out, he 
will return to an all out pursuit.  The most important aspect of this battle 
is making sure that you dodge that ram attack, since it seems to come out of 
nowhere half the time, and it is extremely quick.

Get to the Jump Marker and use it to escape

After the battle, jump out using the Jump Marker to end the mission.

Reward � 10,000 smash points

Story Mission 21 - Topside

-- Mission Objectives --

- Escape Vault Exterior

- Escape Inner Base

- Escape Outer Base

- Return to the Church

Escape Vault Exterior

It doesn't do any good to stay and fight off the enemies in this area since 
they just keep pouring in by the dozens.  It's a good idea to take out the 
helicopters though since they will not respawn.  Go toward the exit and toss 
an object through the force field to hit the two force field projectors behind 
it.  Use tank parts if you have to.  Go into the next area and take out the 
annoying helicopters.  For the next force field there are four projectors that 
have to be destroyed - two are behind the force field and the other two are on 
columns along the sides of the walls around the entrance to the base.  Look 


Escape Inner Base

Go down the walls of the canyon ahead and take down the annoying jets that 
will attack.  Head into the base and go toward the exit.  Get on top of the 
mountain above the exit and toss objects at the force field projectors.  You 
cannot hit the projectors from inside the tunnel.

Escape Outer Base

Head through the tunnel and into the next base.  There is a force field 
blocking your way to the right.  There are only two force field projectors 
behind it.

Return to the Church

Once the force field has been taken down, head down the canyon and use the 
Jump Marker to exit the mission.  Helicopters and missile tanks will be all 
over you once the jump marker is reached.

Reward � 30,000 smash points

New moves are now available at the menu

A new Blonsky file is now available at the menu.

                       Chapter 6 � To the Devil His Due

Story Mission 22 � Strange Cargo

-- Mission Objectives --

- Retrieve an intact military transport truck

- Retrieve power control module

- Retrieve power regulator

Retrieve an intact military transport truck

Head east, and fight off the two Hulkbusters that come after you.  After they 
are destroyed, continue to head east and grab the truck with the yellow icon 
over it.  There are two of them, but just choose one.  Take the truck to the 
military base in the south.  Take the middle canyon right out of town to go 
straight to it.  Hulkbusters and helicopters will impede your path � stop and 
fight them if they catch up to you and knock you down.  Right before you get 
to the base in the south there will be a glowing yellow point where you can 
"disguise" yourself.  Press the special button to use the disguise.  Now, head 
south to the base, as the truck.  No one will notice your disguise because it 
is apparently way too stealthy to be spotted...seriously.  Go through the 
force field in the back of the base and place the truck in the center of the 
glowing yellow point up ahead.  Now press the special button to break the 

Retrieve power control module

A cutscene will show the power control module on a tower right next to you. 
Take out the many Hulkbusters and the helicopter to make things much easier 
for this objective.  First of all, before picking up the power control module 
head back to the north base entrance and destroy the force field projectors.  
This will make things a bit easier for the insanity that breaks out after you 
get the module.  Grab the power control module and head to the nearest Jump 
Marker.  This part can get extremely insane because once you go through the 
tunnel, to the base ahead, you will have about seven Hulkbusters, four missile 
tanks, and three helicopters to run from at a time.  There is no point in 
trying fight because they just keep coming.  The best thing to do is to run as 
fast as you can through the base.  Run back and pick back up the module if 
they make you drop it.  Whatever you do, do NOT stop moving.  Once the canyon 
is reached a bunch of the pressure will be taken off since only the 
Hulkbusters will follow, but there are still some missile tanks waiting near 
the Jump Marker at the end.  Get to the Jump Marker and drop the control 
module off at the Church.

Reward - 2,000 smash points 


Retrieve power regulator

Go back to the badlands and jump into the Last Chance Caf� area.  Trust me on 
this, grab an object...preferably a big object, and head to the east.  Collect 
any green health pick-ups along the way because you want to be at full life 
for this part.  Go toward the surprisingly-unguarded-possibly-a-trap-regulator 
that is lying in the middle of the huge open area all alone as if it has a 
sign pointing at it saying, "Take me!"  Grab it and - woah, it's a trap?!  
Didn't see that coming!  Anyway, a force field will trap you in this small 
area with about five Hulkbusters.  Throw the big object that I told you to get 
earlier at one of the projectors outside the force field to possibly take one 
out.  In order to get out now, you will have to break the outside force field 
projectors by throwing a Hulkbuster at them.  There are four altogether and 
each one takes two throws to destroy.  Critical Mass moves work wonders too 
for taking out the projectors.

Once the force field is down grab the power regulator and get back to the Caf� 
Jump Marker.  A bit like the last objective, Hulkbusters and helicopters will 
be all over you firing missiles galore.  It really does no good to stop and 
fight unless you are running terribly low in life and need some health from 
the enemies, because they will keep coming no matter what.  Once you've 
reached the Jump Marker go to the Church and do the usual, and that will be 
the end of this insane mission.

Reward � 40,000 smash points

A new Blonsky file is now available at the menu.

Story Mission 23 - Freedom's Swansong

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defend the Church while Samson finishes the machine

The first thing to do is to take care of the two jets.  Use the jump punch 
followed by an air grab to latch onto them and pull them out of the sky.  
After the jets are gone, a few tanks and a Hulkbuster will crash the party.  
Toss the tanks around and that should dispose of everything quickly.  A giant 
mech comes down the path next, from the back of the Church.  Throw a tank at 
him if one is still available.  If not, then throw anything you can get your 
hands on, and take him out quickly before he reaches the Church.  He will not 
attack you usually until he gets next to the Church.  The key to taking out 
the mechs in this fight is to always throw tanks if one is available, since 
they do tremendous damage.  After the mech is gone some more Hulkbusters and 
tanks will try to take down the church.  Grab the tanks and swing'em at the 
Hulkbusters.  Another mech will come down the road towards the end of the 
mission, with plenty of tanks with him, so pick up a tank and target him with 
each swing.

Reward � 70,000 smash points

A New Blonsky file is now available at the menu.

Story Mission 24 - Crossroads

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat the emerging Devil Hulk

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He's really not as hard as he appears.  Try to pound away on him as best you 
can at the beginning before he goes over to hole in the middle of the ground.  
Charged jump punches or cannonballs work well.  Soon some egg-shaped objects 
will rise up from the ground around the hole in the middle and he will make 
his way towards the hole.  Pick one egg-shaped object out of the bunch, as he 
is getting situated in the pit, and pound away on it with combos until it is 
destroyed.  By that time, he should be readying one of his attacks.  Jump away 
and target another egg-shaped object.  Jump and cannonball or jump punch 
toward it, and pound away at it.  If he manages to catch you in his mouth 
during this process then tap away at the punch button to break free.  If you 
don't, you will suffer tons of damage.  He will try to slap you or throw you 
away from the egg-shaped objects throughout this part of the battle.  Plow 
through the stalagmites as they come up from the ground, if they are around 
one of the egg-shaped objects.  Keep running and jump punching the objects 
until all three of them are destroyed.  The egg-shaped objects will 
conveniently leave you plenty of health pickups.

Once he crawls out of the pit hit him with charged jump punches or a few 
critical mass moves, since you can get your life back from the egg-shaped 
objects later.  Try to stay away from him, and only hit him sparingly, since 
most of his moves are close attacks.  He has one grab that takes tons of your 
life when he is outside the pit in which he will throw you to the ground and 
do a sumo dive on your tiny body.  He will eventually go back into the hole 
after he has sustained enough damage and the egg-shaped objects will appear 
again.  After using a critical mass on him, when he is out and about, he will 
usually retreat back into the pit almost instantly.  Rinse and repeat the 
process a few more times, and he should be dead soon.  

Reward � 150,000 smash points

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A new Blonsky file is now available at the menu.

                   Chapter 7 - The Garden of Good and Evil

Story Mission 25 � Intercept

-- Mission Objectives --

- Get to the Vault Entrance

- Defeat the Capture Warden

Get to the Vault Entrance

The Vault is all the way to the south past the two bases.  Plenty of tanks, 
missile tanks and helicopters will ambush you along the way.  Once you make it 
to the vault you will have to fight a Capture Warden.  

Defeat the Capture Warden

This fight is much like the first fight earlier only this time there is more 
room and no Hulkbusters show up.  Use the objects to the side along with jump 
punches to hit him when he is open, which is usually after he does his ram 
attack.  Go into the Vault Entrance after the fight.

Reward � 30,000 smash points

Story Mission 26 � Hell Hath No Fury

-- Mission Objectives --

- Pursue and attack Abomination

Follow the Abomination.  Do not worry about trying to hit him just yet, just 
try to keep up with him.  Once he reaches the base he will turn around and try 
to fight both you and the pursuing army forces.  The main concern in this 
battle should be just basically staying alive since you will have to look out 
for both the Abomination's attacks and the army forces attacks, so always make 
sure to grab some green orbs when your health starts to deteriorate by 
destroying enemies or just finding them scattered along the side.  Be sure to 
watch out for the Abomination's ram attack and particularly his grab attack, 
which takes a good chunk of your life.  Every hit the Abomination sustains 
takes very little from him.  Try to hit him with any available object or 
weapon that you can find.  Once his life has been taken down enough he will 
flee again.

Follow right behind him when he runs off.  The army forces seem to like to 
stay right on top of Hulk and will not go after the Abomination unless Hulk is 
very near to him, so try to stay close and the Abomination will eventually 
have to stop again.  Target and throw whatever you can at him or do a charged 
jump punch toward him when he stops to fight and he will eventually escape 
from the area by jumping, which will end the mission.

Reward � 100,000 smash points

Story Mission 27 - Endgame

-- Mission Objectives --

- Do not allow Abomination to destroy the dam before the evacuation is 

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At the beginning of the battle he will introduce you to his new ground pound 
move, which will send shockwaves toward you along the ground.  Target him, run 
to the side and charge jump to avoid this.  He usually does it three times in 
a row.  Whatever you do, do not try to take him head on � his grabs will 
murder you in seconds.  Keep the Abomination targeted at all times because he 
has a ram attack which is very similar to the Capture Warden's in which he 
will charge across the screen at you.  Try to stay away from him and throw 
objects at him.  The jets will be damaging him also this entire battle.  If 
you ever need some extra health, then target a jet and destroy it to get a big 
health power-up.  

After a while he will go for one of the four generators on the side of the dam 
wall.  Once he starts moving toward it, follow right behind him and combo him.  
While he has his back turned, while he is attacking the generator, do not let 
up on your attacks, but whenever he does eventually turn around be sure to 
move or jump away, because he will try to grab you and slam you against the 
generator.  He usually turns around about twice per generator.  If you keep 
attacking he will eventually fall against the generator and get shocked which 
will take off about a full life bar from his health gauge.

If you do not hit him enough, then he will grab the generator and rip it out 
and throw into the area in the middle, which will create a huge explosion that 
will take about 25% of your power meter.  The screen will switch to a slow 
motion timing once the explosion occurs, much like your Critical Mass moves.

Rinse and repeat this method for the rest of the battle and by the third or 
fourth generator he should be near death.

Reward � 200,000 smash points

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You have completed the game!  Congrats to you and don't forget to save!


                                 SECTION V

---                                                                        ---
                 ___ _  _   _   _    _    ___ _  _  ___ ___ 
                / __| || | /_\ | |  | |  | __| \| |/ __| __|
               | (__| __ |/ _ \| |__| |__| _|| .` | (_ | _| 
                \___|_||_/_/ \_\____|____|___|_|\_|\___|___|

                   __  __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  _  _ ___ 
                  |  \/  |_ _/ __/ __|_ _/ _ \| \| / __|
                  | |\/| || |\__ \__ \| | (_) | .` \__ \
                  |_|  |_|___|___/___/___\___/|_|\_|___/

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                         City Challenge Missions
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Challenge Mission - Fare Play

-- Mission Objectives --

- Find the nearest yellow cab and pick it up

- Take the yellow cab to the location marked on your HUD

Hulk's version of Crazy Taxi.

In this mission you have to pick up any cab around the area, and then take it 
to the location specified on the map.  It doesn't matter what condition the 
cab is in, any of them will work, even if they catch on fire.  Make sure to 
use the run button along with a series of jumps to speed things up.  The only 
way you can damage the cab and fail the mission is by throwing it, swinging 
it, or making steel fist out of it.

Bronze Medal � 5 cabs (400 smash points)

Silver Medal - ? cabs (? smash points)

Gold Medal - ? cabs (? smash points)

Challenge Mission - Rooftop Jumping 1, 2

** Rooftop Jumping - 1 **

-- Mission Objectives --

- Stay on the rooftops and travel as far as possible

- Do not run on the walls

- Do not climb 

- Do not touch the ground

In order to pass this mission you must utilize Hulk's jump and have some good 
timing.  Like the objectives suggest, only jumping from rooftop to rooftop is 
allowed.  Make full use of holding back and pressing forward to align yourself 
with each building upon falling from a jump.  When running on the rooftop the 
yard meter will not show you how far along you are until the next jump.  Jump 
in place if you're ever curious about the distance.  Remember, the slightest 
wall run will end the mission, so be careful about holding forward when 
jumping next to a wall.

Gold Medal � ? yards or more (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 500 yards or more (700 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 200 yards or more (400 smash points)

** Rooftop Jumping - 2 **

-- Mission Objectives --

- Stay on the rooftops and travel as far as possible

- Do not touch the ground

For the second jumping exercise you can use wall running and climbing, but you 
only have one minute and thirty seconds to get as far as you can.  The key to 
this mission, in order to get a gold ranking, is to travel to the northeast.

Gold Medal � 1,100 yards or more (1,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 500 yards or more (500 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 200 yards or more (400 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Urban Gold

-- Mission Objectives --

- Get the ball to the flags with as few swings as possible

For this mission you will play as Mr. Fixit, and have to hit the giant golf 
ball using Hulk's "golf club" into the middle of the flares marked by the 
green dot on the map.  There are 3 different courses that you will have to 
complete.  Right from the beginning hit the ball with a charged special button 
(Y) swing for the best results.  As you get closer to the goal, use the punch 
button to swing the club.  Be sure to knock any obstacles out of your way � as 
long as you do not hit the ball, it will not count as a swing.

Gold Medal � 10 swings or less (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 20 swings or less (2,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal - 30 swings or less (? smash points)

(thanks to BlackRiderRazel from the Arctic Nightfall boards for the info on 
the gold medal)

Challenge Mission - Kick the Can

-- Mission Objectives --

- Hit the car into the ring of flares as fast possible

On this mission you will start on a building with a car next to you.  The goal 
is to knock the car all the way to the ring of flare on the map using any of 
your attacks.  The car cannot be picked up.  A rushing straight punch or punt 
kick (Away+Y) are the best ways that I have found to knock the car around the 
city.  Be sure to keep the car targeted and try to avoid the streets since 
there will tons of traffic that will slow you down.

Gold Medal -  ? minutes or under (? smash points)

Silver Medal - ? minutes or under (? smash points)

Bronze Medal � 3 minutes or under (400 smash points)

Challenge Mission � To the Rescue

-- Mission Objectives --

- Rescue civilians from the burning building

For this mission you will have three minutes to scale up a building to the 
left (marked by the green dot), and rescue civilians by grabbing them and 
taking them to either of the yellow markers.  Use the special attack button to 
lay them down.  The civilians are usually right by the flames in groups on top 
of the burning building.  When you carry each one down try to look for the 
location of the next closest civilian on the way down the building so you'll 
have an idea of where to go on next retrieval. Try to not land on them or plow 
through them on your way up or away from the building.  If you do knock one 
down, you can always grab that civilian off the ground immediately and take 
him or her to the yellow marker and still get credit for a rescue.

Gold Medal � 15 or more civilians (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 10 or more civilians (2,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 5 or more civilians (400 smash points)

Challenge Missions - Fast Mover 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

-- Mission Objectives --

- Race through the course as fast as possible

Run through the markers as fast as possible.  The markers will light up with a 
blue color in the order that you should run through them.  Make sure to wait 
until they start to appear before you start running.  Try to avoid any 
obstacle and keep your finger on the run button the entire time if you want a 
good ranking.  The hardest part about this is fighting the camera during 
turns, jumps, or when running up buildings.

** Fast Mover � 1 **

Gold Medal � 30 seconds or less (1,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 50 seconds or less (700 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 1 minute or less (400 smash points)

** Fast Mover � 2 **

Gold Medal �  1 minute or less ? (? smash points)

Silver Medal �  1 minute and 30 seconds or less (900 smash points)

Bronze Medal �  2 minutes and 30 seconds or less (500 smash points)

** Fast Mover � 3 **

Gold Medal � less than ? seconds (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 1 minute and 30 seconds or less (1000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 3 minutes or less (500 smash points)

** Fast Mover � 4 **

Gold Medal � ? minutes or less (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 2 minutes and 30 seconds or less (1,500 smash points)

Bronze Medal � ? minutes or less (900 smash points)

** Fast Move � 5 **

Gold Medal �  ? minutes or less (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 3 minutes or less (2,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 4 minutes or less (900 smash points)

** Fast Mover � 6 **

Gold Medal � 22 seconds or less (1000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 30 seconds or less (700 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 1 minute or less (400 smash points)

Challenge Missions � Hulk Float!, Hulk Float! Again!

-- Mission Objectives --

- Land inside the ring of flares

In these two missions you have to float using the inflatable blue ape and make 
it all the way to the ring of flares and land in the middle of them.  Be sure 
to do a full charged jump to start things off whether that is running or not, 
depends on you.  The ring of flares will be indicated by the green dot on the 
mini-map.  The closer you land to the center of the ring the higher ranking 
you will get.

** Hulk Float! **

Gold Medal � ? yards or less (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 8 yards or less from center (900 smash points)

Bronze Medal � in the ring (500 smash points)

** Hulk Float! Again! **

Gold Medal � ? yards or less (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 5 yards or less from center (2,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � in the ring (800 smash points)

Challenge Mission � House of Cars

-- Mission Objectives --

- Get as many vehicles as high up the building as possible before the timer 

On this mission you have two minutes to grab a car and scale up the building 
ahead of you (marked by the green dot), and place cars at any level of the 
building for various amounts of points depending on the level.  Place the cars 
on the building with the grab button.  If the cars falls off the building the 
points for that car will be lost; if it falls to a lower level then you will 
only get the points for that particular level.  Large vehicles start at 
delivery trucks and go to anything bigger than that (even buses).  It is best 
to start at the top and work your way down while placing the cars to keep from 
knocking them off.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Level 1 � Large Vehicle (100 points), Small Vehicle (50 points)

Level 2 (up each step, respectively) � Large Vehicle (120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 
220, 240 points), Small Vehicle (60, 70, 80, 100, 110, 120, 180 points)

Level 3 � Large Vehicle (300 points), Small Vehicle (150 points)

Level 4 � Large Vehicle (400 points), Small Vehicle (200 points)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gold Medal - ? points or more (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 700 points or more (700 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 300 points or more (400 smash points)

Challenge Mission - Soldier Seeker

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat all the enemies before the time expires

In this mission look on the map for the red dots, which represent each enemy, 
scale the buildings and take them out.  There are helicopters and soldiers (8 
enemies total) and all of them must be taken out in order to succeed.

Gold Medal - 1 minute and 30 seconds or less (1,500 smash points)

Silver Medal � 2 minutes or less (900 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 3 minutes or less (500 smash points)

Challenge Mission - Hulk Juggle!

-- Mission Objectives --

- Juggle the soldier as many times as possible

Soldiers will fall from the air and land into the middle of the blue rings.  
For this mission you must knock a soldier into the air and keep him there by 
juggling him as long as possible.  The best way to start off the juggle is to 
target the soldier and hit him with a charged Away+Punch(X).  Follow him up 
into the air (with a charge jump) and hit him with an X, X, X, X, combo (do 
NOT do the fifth hit), then land � jump again (make this jump slightly 
charged), and do the same thing, followed by another.  Only do four hits each 
time while keeping him targeted the whole time and the soldier will remain in 
the air.  If he gets next to a building try to move a little so that you are 
not punching him toward the building because this will screw everything up.  
As long as the soldier is still in the air after time has run out, the mission 
will not end.  Have fun! (High Score: 81 so far :D )

Gold Medal � 25 or more hits in the air (4,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 12 or more hits in the air (2,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 5 or more hits in the air (900 smash points)

Challenge Mission - Lights Out

-- Mission Objectives --

- Destroy as many spotlights as possible before the timer expires

In this mission you have three minutes to destroy as many spotlights as you 
can find.  Use the camera to search around for them and try to scale some of 
the taller buildings to see them throughout the city.  Target them, dash at 
each one, then do a punch to speed up the process.  They can also be destroyed 
by Hulk's jumps or rams.

Gold Medal -  ? or more spotlights (? smash points)

Silver Medal - 12 or more spotlights (700 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 6 or more spotlights (400 smash points)

Challenge Mission - Hulk's Rooftop! Hulk's!

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defend the rooftop as long as possible

- Do not leave the rooftop

During this mission Hulkbusters, helicopters and soldiers with rocket 
launchers will be trying to knock you off the roof as you struggle to stay on.  
As long as you do not touch the ground in any way, you will be fine.  You can 
jump to the different rooftops of the connecting buildings and even scale the 
buildings, but DO NOT touch the ground at the bottom of the buildings or jump 
to a building that is not connected to the current one.  Air Recovery is a 
near must, and air dashing helps out a lot.  Target the Hulkbusters and avoid 
or attack them since their attacks are the worst at knocking you long 
distances.  More Hulkbusters will show up as each medal is achieved.  By the 
time silver ranking is reached it is best not to target the Hulkbusters and 
just jump around randomly on the rooftop.  Jump off the building to the ground 
below to end the mission.

Gold Medal � 2 minutes and 30 seconds or more (5,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 1 minute and 30 seconds or more (3,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 30 seconds or more (1,000 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Smashing Spree

-- Mission Objectives --

- Destroy 8 cars

- Destroy 4 delivery trucks

- Destroy 8 trees

- Destroy 4 water towers

Destroy the objects described.  The water towers are located on top of smaller 
buildings.  From right where you start there is small building to the 
northeast with three water towers right next to another building with one 
water tower, so this objective can be completed right then and there.  Trees 
are found throughout the city, and there is whole bunch of them southwest of 
where you start this mission.  When destroying cars, pick up and throw the 
cars at each other and try to find an area with a bunch of vehicles to 
complete the objective faster.  Only small cars will count.  Delivery trucks 
are usually found along the streets in the traffic.  Throwing a car or 
delivery truck into the ocean will count as destroying it.

Gold Medal � 2 minutes and 30 seconds or less (3,500 smash points)

Silver Medal � 3 minutes or less (2,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 4 minutes or less (900 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Batter Up!

-- Mission Objectives --

- Hit soldiers as far as possible

For this mission you have 2 minutes to hit soldiers, which will be constantly 
jumping out of the helicopter, as far as possible.  Use the special button 
swing to knock them far out into the distance.  To achieve a gold ranking, you 
will need to charge the button right before the soldier jumps, and let up on 
the button right before you reach maximum charge.  A full charged hit will not 
yield a gold ranking.  Timing is everything for this mission.

Gold Medal � 400 yards or more (1,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 350 yards or more (700 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 250 yards or more (400 smash points)

(thanks to SammaeL for the tip on gold ranking)

Challenge Mission � Air Supremacy

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat as many strike fighters as possible before the timer expires

I love this mission!  For this mission you have 2 minutes and 30 seconds to 
stay on top of the building and destroy as many fighters as you can without 
touching the ground or another building.  You can still scale back up the 
building if you fall, but if you touch the ground or another building in any 
way, the mission is over.  Target each fighter, charge jump, charge punch, and 
then grab them.  Use the target kick if you have it to possibly take out two 
of them at a time.  Use Critical Mass moves if you gain enough extra life.   
Double air dash helps out a bunch here.  If you reach the end of the building 
and have already used both air dashes, then don't forget about grabbing onto 
the side with the grab button to continue to stay on.

Gold Medal � 15 fighters or more (10,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 10 fighters or more (6,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 5 fighters or more (3,000 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Hulk Smash City!

-- Mission Objectives --

- Smash and destroy as much as possible before the timer expires

In this mission you have three minutes to smash and destroy everything in your 
path.  Plow through trees and lights along the streets and pick up cars and 
throw them at each other to quickly destroy as much as possible.  In order to 
get high scores you need to have explosions, and tons of them. Try to find 
grouped vehicles and destroy them all together.  A club-type object works well 
for this mission because of its range.  Critical Mass super moves don't work 
as well as you would expect, mainly because of the delay in using them.

Gold Medal - ? or more points (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 400 or more points (700 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 100 or more points (400 smash points)

Challenge Mission - Casualty

-- Mission Objectives --

- Deliver ambulance to the hospital undamaged

- Get to the hospital before the timer expires

For this mission you have one minute and 45 seconds to get to the hospital 
with the ambulance.  Dash up to the ambulance at the start, and grab it, then 
head toward the green dot on the map.  

Gold Medal � ? seconds or less (? smash points)

Silver Medal - 30 seconds or more remaining (700 smash points)

Bronze Medal � make it to the hospital below Silver Ranking (400 smash points)

Challenge Mission � S.W.A.T.

-- Mission Objectives --

- Hit as many soldiers as possible

Another one of my favorites!  In this mission you will have two minutes to hit 
as many soldiers as you can as they drop out of each of the four helicopters.  
The first thing to do is to smack the vents off of the building, since they 
will get in your way if you don't.  Pay attention to the red markers that will 
appear over the helicopters.  This will tell you how many soldiers are about 
to jump out and which helicopter they will jump from.  Dash to each helicopter 
and hit the soldiers with the punch button.  Try to time your hits 
appropriately.  If there are three soldiers then it may take two swings, but 
usually one swing is enough.  If you are across the screen and can't make it 
in time, then try throwing the club at the soldier if you must.

Gold Medal - 50 or more soldiers (5,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 25 or more soldiers (2,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 10 or more soldiers (800 smash points)

Challenge Mission - Point Defense

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat as many tanks as possible until the timer expires

- Stay between the bridge supports

In this mission you have three minutes to destroy as many tanks as possible.  
To get a high score you will need the hammer toss, so you can easily dispose 
of two tanks at once very quickly.  If you don't have the hammer toss, then 
make some steel fists and use the special button attack (Y) to take them out 
in about two hits.  Critical Mass super moves work well as usual.

Gold Medal � 25 tanks or more (5,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 12 tanks or more (2,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 3 tanks or more (900 smash points)

Challenge Mission � My Car!

-- Mission Objectives --

- Race through the course as fast as possible

- Do not hit white cars

For this mission you have to race through the course and hit the markers as 
fast as possible while avoiding the white cars.  If the white cars are hit in 
any way (even touched), then the mission is failed.  Be careful when you run!  
In order to get a gold ranking it is not required to run all the time � just a 
few dashes will suffice.

Gold Medal � 2 minutes or less (1,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 2 minutes and 20 seconds or less (700 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 3 minutes or less (400 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Downtown Dogfight

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat as many aircraft as possible before the timer expires.

In this mission you have three minutes to take down as many jets and 
helicopters as you can.  If you have the cyclone skyjack (aircraft grab) and 
the target kick then this mission is a breeze.  Grab the nearest enemy, then 
target another enemy and target kick.  If not, then take advantage of the 
Critical Mass super thunderclap often, and target and throw a bunch of cars at 
the enemies.

Gold Medal � 18 enemies or more (10,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 9 enemies or more (6,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 3 enemies or more (3,000 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Surf City

-- Mission Objectives --

- Use the Shield Grind to collect as many waypoint markers as possible

Pick up the truck, make a shield out of it, and grind to collect the markers.  
As soon as you start to grind you will have two minutes to collect as many 
markers as you can.  There are a total of 60.  You must be grinding or jumping 
from a grind in order to collect the makers.  A wall run from a grind is 
acceptable also, for lighting up the markers.  Shortly after a grind the 
markers will stay lit up briefly, but then change back to red after a while.

Gold Medal � all 60 markers (7,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 50 or more markers (4,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 35 or more markers (2,000 smash points)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
                         Badlands Challenge Missions
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Challenge Mission � Gamma Golf

-- Mission Objectives --

- Get the ball to the flags with as few swings as possible

Basically the same as the Urban Gold mission in the city, but this time there 
are no skyscrapers in the way thankfully.  For the last course, be sure to 
destroy all the rock pillars and trees in your way before hitting the ball 
toward the goal.

Gold Medal � 10 or less hits (? smash points)

Silver Medal � 20 or less hits (1,500 smash points)

Gold Medal � 30 or less hits (? smash points)

Challenge Mission � Wide Right

-- Mission Objectives --

- Hit as many vehicles as possible through the goal posts

In this mission you have two minutes to hit as many cars through the goal post 
as you are able to.  This mission is all about lining the camera up properly 
and positioning Hulk so he will make a perfect kick.  Use Away+Y(Special 
Button) to do a kick.  It only takes about a half a charge to get the vehicle 
through the goal and this will help save some time as well.  Don't spend too 
much time positioning Hulk, as the vehicles keep respawning, so you will have 
many chances.

Gold Medal � 13 or more vehicles (1,500 smash points)

Silver Medal � 7 or more vehicles (1,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 3 or more vehicles (800 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Hulk Smash Badlands!

-- Mission Objectives --

- Smash and destroy as much as possible before the time expires

Similar to the city melee, in this mission Hulk will have three minutes to 
tear up as much of the badlands as he can.  Make sure to find grouped cars so 
you can throw objects that will cause explosions to really rack up the score.  
Grab propane tanks whenever possible since the explosions they cause will 
greatly improve the damage to the area targeted.  Critical Thunderclaps will 
help out a lot in this mission.  Make a visit to the gas station and the motel 
as well as the warehouse at the end of town near the end of the mission since 
there are plenty of parked vehicles in those locations.

Gold Medal � 800 points or more (1,200 smash points)

Silver Medal � 400 points or more (900 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 100 points or more (500 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Fast Mover 7

-- Mission Objectives --

- Rave through the course as fast as possible

Basically the same as the city fast mover challenge missions except this one 
is in the badlands.  The best thing to remember if you want to get through the 
course faster is to charge jump up buildings instead of running up them.

Gold Medal � 50 seconds or less (1,500 smash points)

Silver Medal � 1 minute and 20 seconds or less (1,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 2 minutes and 40 seconds or less (500 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Puny Humans

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat as many soldiers as possible before the timer expires

- Stay within the area marked by flares

For this mission you have two minutes to strike down as many soldiers as you 
can reach.  Do not go outside the ring of flares or the mission will end.  The 
best tactic for this mission is to grab the soldiers and throw them at each 
other or grab an object and toss it past the flares.  Do not charge throw, 
since a normal throw will easily take out each soldier and save some time.  
Toward the end of the battle use the Critical Ground Smash during Critical 
Mass to take out about five soldiers per smash.

Gold Medal � 40 or more soldiers (1,200 smash points)

Silver Medal � 20 or more soldiers (900 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 10 or more soldiers (500 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Gamma Field Goal

-- Mission Objectives --

- Hit as many vehicles as possible through the goal posts

This is much like the last field goal mission except now the goal is moving.  
They still give you two minutes total, but this time you actually need to use 
more careful aiming.  If you can get the timing down just right you should be 
able to make the goal every other kick.  Try to kick the car whichever way the 
goal is moving.

Gold Medal � 8 or more vehicles (7,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 4 or more vehicles (4,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 2 or more vehicles (2,000 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Long Bomb

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat as many helicopters as possible by using missiles

As the objective says, in this mission you will have two minutes to destroy as 
many helicopters as possible by either punching their missiles back at them or 
grabbing their missiles and throwing them back at the helicopters.  The 
missiles will come from the two enemy lookouts on the right and left.  The 
right lookout is always the first to start.  At the beginning of the mission 
you can easily just grab a missile and target each helicopter to take them out 
quickly, but by the end you will have to resort to the missile punchback since 
the soldiers will start to fire the missiles out faster.  Be sure to target 
each helicopter just before punching the missile back.  If you time it just 
right, a charge punch will work better for deflecting the missiles.  Be sure 
to not leave the ring of flares � it's very easy to accidentally do this in 
this mission.

Gold Medal � 20 or more helicopters (7,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 12 or more helicopters (4,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal - 6 or more helicopters (2,000 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Blonsky Don't Surf

-- Mission Objectives --

- Use the Shield Grind to collect as many waypoint markers as possible

This mission plays out exactly like Surf City in the city area.  Use the truck 
to make a shield then grind and collect the markers before the three-minute 
time limit expires.  Once again, the time limit will start as you start to 
grind.  All the same rules still apply that were in Surf City.  There are 75 
markers altogether.

Gold Medal � all markers before time expires (7,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 65 or more markers before time expires (4,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 50 or more markers before time expires (2,000 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Unfriendly Fire

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat as many enemies as possible using friendly fire

In this mission you have two minutes to destroy as many enemies as possible 
through the means of "friendly fire" only, which means that the enemies must 
kill each other.  The hardest part of this mission is surviving, since you 
cannot grab a shield.  Attacks cannot be used, neither can grabs, so you must 
avoid everything and try to hide behind enemies or jump out of the way of 
attacks.  All you really have to do is get behind tanks and let them shoot at 
each other or just get behind an explosive object when a tank is close to it.  
This mission is really easy just as long as you make sure to collect health 
power-ups often.  There are plenty of green orbs along the mountainside.

Gold Medal � 8 enemies or more (2,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 5 enemies or more (1,500 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 2 enemies or more (800 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Hulk Soccer

-- Mission Objectives --

- Score as many goals as possible

A very interesting mission!  For this mission you have three minutes to get 
vehicles into the tunnel while avoiding or fighting against the capture warden 
that will be playing goalie.  Dashing punches and Punt Kicks (Away+Y) work 
really good, as do charged punch swings with a club.  Always target the 
vehicle before you hit it.  Punch the capture warden out of the way if you 
must.  Be careful, because if he hits the vehicle too much then it will 
explode.  If you Punt Kick the vehicle just right then you can actually hit it 
over the tunnel and punch it in from the other side.  Good luck and play 

Gold Medal � 8 or more goals (7,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 5 or more goals (4,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 2 or more goals (2,000 smash points)

Challenge Mission � Desert Dogfight

-- Mission Objectives --

- Defeat as many aircraft as possible before the timer expires

Just like the other aircraft missions if you have Cyclone Skyjack and Target 
Kick then this should be a breeze.  You have three minutes to take down as 
many helicopters and jets as you can.  The helicopters seem a bit more 
aggressive than the usual helicopters, but shouldn't be too much of a problem.  
If you do not have the moves described earlier than just target and throw a 
bunch of objects at the aircraft.

Gold Medal � 25 or more aircraft (12,000 smash points)

Silver Medal � 12 or more aircraft (8,000 smash points)

Bronze Medal � 6 or more aircraft (4,000 smash points)


                                 SECTION VI

---                                                                        ---
             ___ ___  __  __ ___ ___   ___  ___   ___  _  _____ 
            / __/ _ \|  \/  |_ _/ __| | _ )/ _ \ / _ \| |/ / __|
           | (_| (_) | |\/| || | (__  | _ \ (_) | (_) | ' <\__ \
            \___\___/|_|  |_|___\___| |___/\___/ \___/|_|\_\___/

********************************* (Updated) **********************************

Comic Book tables have been added.


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- Comic Book Gallery #1 -

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|   01   |   02   |   03   |   04   |   05   |
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Comic Book #1 + Character Render Gallery item � Given as a reward at the 
beginning for completing the jumping (first) exercise.

Unlocks: Character Render Gallery 1

Area: Move Tutorial

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #2 + Cheat Code "OCANADA" � Given as a reward at the beginning for 
completing the wall running and climbing (third) exercise.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "OCANADA"

Area: Move Tutorial

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #3 + Environment Gallery item - Given as a reward at the beginning 
for completing the targeting and throwing (second) exercise.

Unlocks: Environment Gallery 4

Area: Movement Tutorial

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #4 + Movie Gallery item � In the tunnel at the end of the training 
course at the beginning of the game.

Unlocks: Making of "The Strongest One There Is"

Area: Move Tutorial

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #5 + 10,000 smash points - On top of a building in between two 
billboards on the west side of the city.  Go to The Dayne Jump Marker and turn 
east.  Jump to the very top of the building to the east and you should see the 
comic icon next to a Dlablo billboard across from you on the next building 
across the street.  There are two billboards on this building.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #6 + Enemy Gallery item - In the furthest northeast section of the 
city by the ocean look behind a Dlablo billboard on top of a building.  This 
is to northeast of the Mandarin Gate Jump Marker.

Unlocks: Enemy Gallery 1

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #7 + Cheat Code "SUITFIT" � Available only after or during the "My 
Other Voice" Story Mission.  When the Division Armory in the southeast of the 
city is destroyed at the end of this mission this comic icon will be laying in 
the middle of the rubble.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "SUITFIT"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #8 + Character Gallery item � From the Coliseum Terrace Jump Marker 
go to the east end of that building and hop over the intersection, and jump 
along the buildings up ahead going straight east until you get to the building 
right before the next intersection.  Stand on the east edge of that building 
and look to the southeast to see the icon floating in the air next to a tall 
building that is next to a small grocery building.

Unlocks: Character Gallery 1

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #9 + Movie Gallery item � Go to the Jarella Point Jump Marker, turn 
southwest and hop across onto the side of the building in that direction.  
Fall down the southwest portion of the building and look over to the left and 
the comic icon will be hidden in a space around the building up ahead.  Break 
through the fence.

Unlocks: Making of "Marvel Collaboration"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #10 + 10,000 smash points � Go to the Coliseum Terrace Jump Marker 
and look to the southeast and the icon will be on top of a building.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Comic Book Gallery #2 -

|        |        |        |        |        |
|   11   |   12   |   13   |   14   |   15   |
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|   16   |   17   |   18   |   19   |   20   |
|        |        |        |        |        |

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Comic Book #11 + 10,000 smash points � Southeast of the Mandarin Gate Jump 
Marker between a group of buildings in the city.  This icon is in a very small 
space that is surrounded by buildings on all sides and must be gotten to 
through the roof.  The buildings are a hotel, seafood restaurant, and a 
bakery.  For a more detailed description go to the Mandarin Gate Jump Marker 
and punch through the billboard to the east, and jump out onto the street.  Go 
southeast and pass through the first three intersections and jump on top of 
the buildings to the right just past the third intersection.  Go to the middle 
to collect the icon.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #12 + Enemy Render Gallery item � Go to the Caf� Jump Marker and 
head to the southwest.  Go past the group of rock pillars off to the left, and 
go towards the giant rock pillar in the back.  Before you reach the rock 
pillar, look off the right and you should see an alley that leads into the 
town.  Bash through the stone markers and go a little ways into the alley, and 
look off to the right side to see the comic icon next to the wall of a 

Unlocks: Enemy Render Gallery 1

Area: Badlands

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Comic Book #13 + 10,000 smash points � Go to the Midtown Tower Jump Marker and 
fall off the west end of the building and follow the street to the southwest.  
Go past the two intersections and go through the space in between the two tall 
buildings.  Once through the space, climb up the building to the left (the one 
with many spotlights), and the comic icon will be near the top portion, on the 
side, above some air vents.  Use the camera to see it.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #14 + Movie Gallery item - Found in the center of the city on the 
right side of the rooftop of the town hall.  Go to the Caf� Jump Marker, and 
get on the street to the side and head west past the first four intersections.  
Right before you get to the fifth intersection rotate the camera and look 
toward the building with the clock on the top, which is the town hall 
building.  The icon is on the south part of this building.

Unlocks: Making of "Entering Production"

Area: Badlands

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Comic Book #15 + Cheat Code "BRINGIT" � Found in the western part of the town 
at the bus terminal in the badlands.  Go to the Caf� Jump Marker and get on 
the road to the side and head west past the next six intersections.  Once you 
make it to the seventh intersection look off the left and comic icon will be 
in front of the Bus Terminal.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "BRINGIT"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #16 + 10,000 smash points - In the far west part of the badlands on 
a road.  Go to the Caf� Jump Marker and jump directly west until you come 
across a set of roads that lead out of town.  Go past the gas station and the 
icon will be on the right road.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: Badlands

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Comic Book #17 + Movie Gallery item � When you arrive in the first part of the 
base area in the badlands (south of the Restricted Area Jump Marker), go 
toward the mountain path on the east side of the map.  Go past the Challenge 
Mission Marker and turn right on the path to see the comic icon.

Unlocks: Making of "Building the Game"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #18 + Enemy Gallery item - In the northeast section of the town, in 
an alley, behind a small building, next to a roadblock in the badlands.  For a 
more detailed description, go to the Caf� Jump Marker and jump to the 
northwest past the first three sets of rock pillars (you will eventually be 
forced to go west).  Go up to the giant rock pillar in the west.  Look toward 
the southeast and you should see a stone marker blocking the alley ahead.  Go 
past the stone marker into the alley and the comic icon will be on the right 

Unlocks: Enemy Gallery 2

Area: Badlands

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Comic Book #19 + 10,000 smash points � Go to the Goliath's Bluff Jump Marker 
and look off to the southwest.  You should see a giant rock pillar on a hill 
in the background up ahead (it's pretty far in the distance, so look closely).  
Jump all the way southwest through the canyon and onto the hill until you 
reach this pillar and the comic icon will be to the right of this pillar and 
to the left of a smaller rock pillar.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: Badlands

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Comic Book #20 + Movie Gallery item - Go to the Restricted Area Jump Marker 
and head exactly east until you make it past the enemy lookout.  Turn 
southeast and head toward the side of the mountain ahead.  Go up the side of 
the mountain, and the comic icon will be there.

Unlocks: Making of "Game Development"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Comic Book Gallery #3 -

|        |        |        |        |        |
|   21   |   22   |   23   |   24   |   25   |
|        |        |        |        |        |
|        |        |        |        |        |
|   26   |   27   |   28   |   29   |   30   |
|        |        |        |        |        |

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Comic Book #21 + Environment Gallery item - Found in the north most part of 
the badlands next to a group of oil pumps and explosive drums.  For a more 
detailed description, Go to the Caf� Jump Marker and head exactly north until 
you reach the very end and there will be a comic icon in the top north space 
of the map.

Unlocks: Environment Gallery 2

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #22 + Cheat Code "KINGKNG" - Found in the northeast part of the 
badlands outside the town, on top of a storage tank next to the "Get Yourself 
a Convoy" Story Mission.  For a more detailed description go to the Caf� Jump 
Marker and turn and head northeast.  You will eventually find this storage 
tank, and the icon will be on top.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "KINGKNG"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #23 + Cheat Code "RETRO" � Destroy the first rock pillar east of 
the Verdugo's Pass Jump Marker, and the comic icon will be floating in midair 
above the debris.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "RETRO"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #24 + Movie Gallery item � Available only after of during the 
Headhunter Story Mission.  Go into the second part of the base in the badlands 
and cut off to the right side as you enter the base.  There will be a path 
that will lead up to the trail that goes along the side of the mountain.  Go 
up this path and turn left and you will eventually come across the icon at the 
very end of the path next to a rock pillar in the northeast of this area. 

Unlocks: Making of "Sound"

Area: Badlands

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Comic Book #25 + 10,000 smash points � Go to the Goliath's Bluff Jump Marker, 
turn to the north.  There is a bridge right in front of you to the north, and 
there is a lone rock pillar to the south of the bridge on the edge of the 
mountain trail.  Destroy the lone rock pillar to reveal this comic.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #26 + Cheat Code "HISTORY" � Available only after or during the 
Headhunter Story Mission.  Go to the southeast most point of the badlands, to 
the heliport, and the comic icon will be found on top of the right building as 
you enter the heliport.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "HISTORY"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #27 + 10,000 smash points � Go to the Grand Hotel Jump Marker and 
fall off the building on the southwest side to the street below.  Head 
northwest along the street and make a right at the first intersection ahead.  
You should be going northeast now.  Follow the street past the next 
intersection and right before you get to the second intersection ahead turn 
off to the right, and you will see a building with a bunch of glass windows on 
the front.  Destroy the front of the building and the comic icon will be 
inside against the top of the wall in a corner.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #28 + Cheat Code "FURAGGU" - Go to the Jarella Point Jump Marker 
and fall down to the street on the northeast side.  Follow this street to the 
southeast and go past the first three intersections and turn left at the 
fourth.  Jump on top of the second building on the left, and you should see 
the icon in an alcove along the roof.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "FURAGGU"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #29 + Cheat Code "FSHNCHP" - On top of a dome-shaped building on 
the west side of the city.  Go to the Infinity Cove Jump Marker and jump down 
the street on the southwest side of the building.  Head northwest past the 
first intersection and turn left at the second intersection.  Follow the 
street straight ahead and the comic icon will be at the very top of the dome-
shaped building.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "FNSHNCHP"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #30 + Cheat Code "AMERICA" � Go to the Gunnery Island Jump Marker 
and get to the bridge on the east side of the island, and the icon will be on 
top of the first arch.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "AMERICA"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Comic Book Gallery #4 -

|        |        |        |        |        |
|   31   |   32   |   33   |   34   |   35   |
|        |        |        |        |        |
|        |        |        |        |        |
|   36   |   37   |   38   |   39   |   40   |
|        |        |        |        |        |

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #31 + Movie Gallery item - Go to the Grand Hotel Jump Marker and 
fall to the street in the back of the building with the Jump Marker (to the 
south).  Head west and follow the street until you get to the third 
intersection.  Destroy the Division Corp Building off the left to find this 
comic icon in the fire, along with 10,000 smash points.

Unlocks: Making of "Music"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #32 + 10,000 smash points � Go to The Dayne Jump Marker and fall 
off the building on the south side to the street below.  Head east and go past 
the first four intersections.  After you get down the street about halfway 
after the fourth intersection there will be a Hardcover Books building up 
ahead.  Scale to the very top of this building to get the comic icon.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #33 + Cheat Code "MUTANDA" - Go to the Midtown Tower Jump Marker 
and fall off the west side onto the street below.  Go north past the first two 
intersections and look off to the right for a small building in between two 
large Lummer Disposal buildings as you pass through the second intersection.  
The icon is on the smaller building.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "MUTANDA"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #34 + 10,000 smash points - At the very top of a skyscraper next to 
Wilkinson & Co. in the deep south of the city.  Charge jump once you reach the 
top to collect it.  For a more detailed way of getting there, go to the 
Infinity Cove Jump Marker and drop down to the street on the southwest of the 
building.  Go southeast on this street and go through the first five 
intersections until you come along the sixth, then make a right and head south 
to the second building on the left.  Scale the building all the way and the 
icon will be at the very top.  This is the same type of skyscraper used in the 
House of Cars Challenge Mission.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #35 + Environment Gallery item � Go to the Coliseum Terrace Jump 
Marker then head all the way north until you come to the ocean.  Go to the 
west a little ways and there will be a car dealership off to the left.  The 
icon will be to the left of the blue inflatable ape on the roof of the car 

Unlocks: Environment Gallery 3

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #36 + 10,000 smash points � Go to the Grand Hotel Jump Marker and 
fall down the set of buildings and get to the street on the east side.  Follow 
this road to the north past two intersections and turn left at the third 
intersection.  On this street you will find an alley with the comic icon 
inside.  The buildings it will be in between are marked "City CGA Academy" and 
"Division Financial Center".  This is all to the northeast of the Grand Hotel 
Jump Marker.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #37 + Character Render Gallery item � Go to the Midtown Jump Marker 
and go to the first bridge in the southeast that leads to the island.  Destroy 
the walkway at the entrance of the bridge to reveal this comic icon.

Unlocks: Character Render Gallery 2

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #38 + Cheat Code "FROGGIE" � Northeast of the Infinity Cove Jump 
Marker in between the extension of a building and the actual building.  From 
the Infinity Cove Jump Marker, jump to the first smaller building to the 
northeast, then get on the taller building to the northeast and walk to the 
east end and you should see it on the extension of the building up ahead.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "FROGGIE"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #39 + 10,000 smash points � In short, on the roof of the Dingo 
Burger and Shakes building in the northeast section of the city.  For a more 
detailed way to get there, go to the Coliseum Jump Marker and take the closest 
street to the southeast all the way north and turn right at the fourth 
intersection (which should be near the ocean).  Follow this street until you 
reach the first intersection and the Dingo Burger restaurant will be on the 
right at the intersection.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #40 + Character Gallery item � Go to the Mandarin Gate Jump Marker 
and face south.  Jump to the first street to the south and follow it south, 
and go just a bit past the first intersection, turn left and jump on top of 
the Hair Salon building.  Go to the back alley and the comic icon will be 
right behind the group of buildings.

Unlocks: Character Gallery 2

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Comic Book Gallery #5 -

|        |        |        |        |        |
|   41   |   42   |   43   |   44   |   45   |
|        |        |        |        |        |
|        |        |        |        |        |
|   46   |   47   |   48   |   49   |   50   |
|        |        |        |        |        |

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #41 + Environment Gallery Item � In the far southwest of the town 
area in the badlands, on the side of a mountain above the mountain trail.  
This is to the far southwest of the Caf� Jump Marker.  If you have problems 
then go to the Caf� Jump Marker and jump toward the southwest until you reach 
the mountain at the far end.

Unlocks: Environment Gallery 1

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic book #42 + 10,000 smash points � Go to the Jarella Point Jump Marker in 
the city and drop down to the street on the north side.  Head west along the 
street through the first four intersections and turn left at the fifth 
intersection.  Follow the next street until the next intersection is reached.  
On the left there will be a Division Corp Building that can be destroyed.  
10,000 smash points will be in the back and the comic icon will be in the left 
flame of the rubble.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #43 + 10,000 smash points � From the Verdugo's Pass Jump Marker 
head to the east until you come across a giant rock pillar by itself.  Look to 
the right of that rock pillar to see three smaller rock pillars.  Destroy the 
small rock pillar furthest back to uncover the comic icon.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #44 + Cheat Code "DRAPEAU" � On top of the JPS Courier Services 
skyscraper all the way directly north of the Dayne Jump Marker in the city.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "DRAPEAU"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #45 + Cheat Code "DEUTSCH" - Go to the Jarella Point Jump Marker 
and fall down to the street on the northeast side.  Follow this street to the 
southeast and go past the first two intersections and turn left at the third.  
Follow this street and look off to the side to see a hospital.  The icon is 
off on the right side of the hospital.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "DEUTSCH"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #46 + 10,000 smash points - Go to The Dayne Jump Marker and fall 
off the west end of the building to the street below.  Follow this street to 
the North past the next six intersections, turning appropriately to stay on 
the same street.  Once you get to the sixth intersection, get on top of the 
car dealership building and the icon will be below the inflatable blue ape.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #47 + Cheat Code "SMASH10" � From the Infinity Cove Jump Marker, 
jump to the small set of buildings to the southeast, go to the southeast end 
of the buildings and jump to the next building with the burger billboard.  Get 
all the way to the top, and jump to the next skyscraper to the southeast and 
reach the top to get the comic icon.  The name of the skyscraper is Royal 
Highland Hotel and you will need to charge jump to get it even after making it 
to the top of the skyscraper.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "SMASH10"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #48 + Movie Gallery item - Southeast of the Verdugo's Pass Jump 
Marker in the badlands above a bridge.  You will need to charge jump to get 
it.  For a more detailed description, go to the Verdugo's Pass Jump Marker and 
head down the canyon to the southeast.  You will eventually reach three rock 
pillars and the bridge with the icon above it will be to the south of these 
rock pillars.

Unlocks: Making of "The Talent"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #49 + Character Gallery item � Available only after or during the 
Headhunter Story Mission.  Go to the second part of the base in the south part 
of the badlands.  Go even further south, past the base, down the canyon and 
you will come upon a dark gray wall right before the entrance to the heliport.  
On the right side the comic icon will be floating on a platform.

Unlocks: Character Gallery 4

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #50 + Cheat Code "BANDERA" � In the extreme west part of the town 
area in the badlands on the side of the mountain.  Go to the Caf� Jump Marker 
and jump directly west until you come across a set of roads that lead out of 
town.  Follow the set of roads past the gas station.  When you get to the 
tunnel go off to the right path and the comic icon will be on the left side of 
the mountain near the top.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "BANDERA"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Comic Book Gallery #6 -

|        |        |        |        |        |
|   51   |   52   |   53   |   54   |   55   |
|        |        |        |        |        |
|        |        |        |        |        |
|   56   |   57   |   58   |   59   |   60   |
|        |        |        |        |        |

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #51 + 10,000 smash points � Go to the Restricted Area Jump Marker, 
and turn to face the northeast.  There are two enemy watchtowers in front of 
you.  Go to the enemy watchtower further back and go a little ways past it and 
look down upon the side of the hill up ahead to see this icon along the hill 

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #52 + Cheat Code "SMASH15" - Go to the Caf� Jump Marker and get on 
the road beside the marker.  Head east along the road, and go past the 
barriers that block off the road at the end.  Keep heading east until you see 
a bridge made out of rock up ahead.  Get on top of the bridge to find the 
comic icon, which will be right in the middle.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "SMASH15"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #53 + Cheat Code "SMASH5" � Available only after or during the 
Headhunter Story Mission.  Found in the south part of the badlands on top of 
an enemy lookout at a base.  Go to the Restricted Area Jump Marker and go down 
the valley to the south and go into the base.  Head west through the tunnel 
that leads to the second part of the base, and near the middle you will see 
three enemy watchtowers.  The comic icon will be at the top of the right 

Unlocks: Cheat Code "SMASH5"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #54 + Cheat Code "CHZGUN" � Go to the Coliseum Terrace Jump Marker 
and jump along the rooftops of the buildings in the north/northeast direction 
of the Jump Marker.  This icon will be in between two building up ahead.  One 
of the buildings has Youngs Arcade on the side of it.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "CHZGUN"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #55 + Cheat Code "TRANSIT" - Found at the Badland Penitentiary in 
the northeast corner.  Go to the Caf� Jump Marker and get on the road to the 
side and head to the east until you come across the Badland Penitentiary on 
the right.  Go inside and the comic icon will on the left side of the building 
off to the right.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "TRANSIT"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #56 + Cheat Code "DESTROY" � Go to the northwestern part of the 
city, next to the ocean, and look toward the northeast to see a lighthouse in 
the distance.  Grab an inflatable blue ape from off the roof of the car 
dealership, which is to the east a little ways, and scale the tallest building 
across from the lighthouse.  Leap and float toward the lighthouse out in the 
water.  The comic book icon will be along the side with green orbs trailing up 
to it.  If you have problems finding the inflatable blue ape see the 
description for how to get to Comic Book #46.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "DESTROY"

Area: City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #57 + 10,000 smash points - Available only after or during the 
Headhunter Story Mission.  Go to the southeast most point of the badlands, to 
the heliport, and the comic icon will be found on top of the left building as 
you enter the heliport.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #58 + 10,000 smash points � Go to the Caf� Jump Marker and head to 
the northwest area outside of the town.  Go past the first two sets of grouped 
rock pillars and go to the third set.  There is one rock pillar in the back of 
the third set with a big green orb above it.  Destroy this rock pillar to find 
the comic icon.

Unlocks: Bonus smash points

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #59 + Character Gallery item - Near the very center of the east 
canyon that leads out of the town in the badlands, on a mountain path to the 
far east.  For a more detailed description go to the Caf� Jump Marker and head 
east along the road, past the bridge made out rock, and go down that canyon, 
which should be the east canyon, leading out of the town.  Once you get 
further into the canyon look off to left side to see a ramp where a mountain 
trail begins.  Get on the mountain trail and follow it.  When you come up to a 
bridge turn left and the icon will be on the far east side next to the 
mountain wall.

Unlocks: Character Gallery 3

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comic Book #60 + Cheat Code "PILLOWS" � Go to the Restricted Area Jump Marker.  
Face to the southwest and you should see an enemy lookout tower in the back.  
Destroy that tower and the comic icon will be in the rubble.

Unlocks: Cheat Code "PILLOWS"

Area: Badlands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Comic Book #01 - Character Render Gallery 1

Comic Book #37 - Character Render Gallery 2


Comic Book #08 - Character Gallery 1

Comic Book #40 - Character Gallery 2

Comic Book #49 - Character Gallery 4

Comic Book #59 - Character Gallery 3


Comic Book #02 - "OCANADA"

Comic Book #07 - "SUITFIT"

Comic Book #15 - "BRINGIT"

Comic Book #22 - "KINGKNG"

Comic Book #23 - "RETRO"

Comic Book #26 - "HISTORY"

Comic Book #28 - "FURAGGU"

Comic Book #29 - "FSHNCHP"

Comic Book #30 - "AMERICA"

Comic Book #33 - "MUTANDA"

Comic Book #38 - "FROGGIE"

Comic Book #44 - "DRAPEAU"

Comic Book #45 - "DEUTSCH"

Comic Book #47 - "SMASH10"

Comic Book #50 - "BANDERA"

Comic Book #52 - "SMASH15"

Comic Book #53 - "SMASH5"

Comic Book #54 - "CHZGUN"

Comic Book #55 - "TRANSIT"

Comic Book #56 - "DESTROY"

Comic Book #60 - "PILLOWS"


Comic Book #06 - Enemy Gallery 1

Comic Book #18 - Enemy Gallery 2


Comic Book #12 - Enemy Render Gallery 1


Comic Book #03 - Environment Gallery 4

Comic Book #21 - Environment Gallery 2

Comic Book #35 - Environment Gallery 3

Comic Book #41 - Environment Gallery 1


Comic Book #04 � Making of "The Strongest One There Is"

Comic Book #09 � Making of "Marvel Collaboration"

Comic Book #14 � Making of "Entering Production"

Comic Book #17 � Making of "Building the Game"

Comic Book #20 � Making of "Game Development"

Comic Book #24 � Making of "Sound"

Comic Book #31 � Making of "Music"

Comic Book #48 � Making of "The Talent"


Comic Book #05 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #10 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #11 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #13 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #16 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #19 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #25 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #27 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #32 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #34 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #36 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #39 - 10,000 smash points

Comic book #42 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #43 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #46 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #51 - 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #57 � 10,000 smash points

Comic Book #58 � 10,000 smash points


                                SECTION VII

---                                                                        ---
                          _  _ ___ _  _ _____ ___ 
                         | || |_ _| \| |_   _/ __|
                         | __ || || .` | | | \__ \
                         |_||_|___|_|\_| |_| |___/

---------------------------------- TOTALS ------------------------------------

SMASH POINTS & GAME TIPS HINTS -------------------------------------------> 14

COMBAT -------------------------------------------------------------------> 16

ADVANCED COMBAT ----------------------------------------------------------> 10

TARGETING & CAMERAS ------------------------------------------------------> 11

MOVEMENT & NAVIGATION ----------------------------------------------------> 10

TOTAL HINTS ==============================================================> 61


-- HINT 1 --

Location: East of the Hotel Jump Marker in a very small alley in between two 
buildings in the city.

Area: City

(You get Smash Points for every enemy you defeat)

-- HINT 2 --

Location: Southeast of the Mandarin Gate Jump Marker on a building beside the 
Wonton House right before you get to the bridge that leads to the island.

Area: City

(You get Smash Points for every object you smash.  The bigger the objects, the 
more you get)

-- HINT 3 --

Location: In the middle of the center bridge leading away from the island.

Area: City

(You get Smash Points for every Smash Point collectible you pick up)

-- HINT 4 --

Location: On top of the Park building in the center of the town in the 

Area: Badlands

(You get smash points for defeating enemies, destroying objects, or for 
picking up certain collectibles.  Smash points can be used later to buy new 

-- HINT 5 --

Location: On top of the building at the first jump point (Grand Hotel) you use 
to enter the city near the beginning of the game.

Area: City

(Collecting comic book covers will unlock special features.  Can you find them 

-- HINT 6 --

Location: In the southeast of the Challenge Mission "Batter Up!" near the 
southern center of the map across the street from Harborhill Inn in an open 

Area: City

(These Hint icons are place throughout the world to help Hulk out.  Keep an 
eye out for them)

-- HINT 7 --

Location: In the middle of a four lane intersection in the southern area of 
the city next to the bridge that leads to the island.

Area: City

(If you can find all these hints you will unlock a special prize)

-- HINT 8 --

Location: In an open area with a bunch of trees in the northwest part of the 
city (northeast of The Dayne Jump Marker) right next to the "Fast Mover � 6" 
Challenge Mission.

Area: City

(Challenge Missions are a great way to earn some extra Smash Points to unlock 
new moves)

-- HINT 9 --

Location: In the extreme northwest of the city next to the ocean, by the "To 
the Rescue" Challenge Mission.

Area: City

(Challenge Missions are available between Story Missions)

-- HINT 10 --

Location: On the east side just outside of the town in the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(Challenge Missions have different levels of rewards.  Try revising them after 
purchasing new moves to get a better score and more Smash Points)

-- HINT 11 --

Location: To the east, right at the entrance to the first base on a trail on 
the side of the mountain in the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(You can use your Map in the Pause menu to find locations for Challenge 

-- HINT 12 --

Location: On top of the Barristers and Solicitors building in the northern 
part of the town in the badlands. 

Area: Badlands

(Don't forget to visit your Map in the Pause menu from time to time to find 
the Challenge Missions.  New Challenge Missions are marked by the (!) icon)

-- HINT 13 --

Location: South of the Mandarin Gate Jump Marker on top of a Hotel building.

Area: City

(It is important that The Hulk return to the Church on a regular basis.  
Through the interface available at the Church, you can access important 
functions like buying new moves and saving your progress in the game.

The entrance to the Church is through the door of the back of the building)

-- HINT 14 --

Location: To the far west center of the map on top of a building to the 
southeast of the Dayne Jump Marker.

Area: City

(Blonsky files are Emil Blonsky's personal data files decrypted from his 
stolen mainframe.  After certain Story Mode mission completions you will be 
rewarded with more Blonsky Files.  Return to the Church to access them)


-- HINT 1 --

Location: To the northwest of the town in the badlands between the two water 

Area: Badlands

(With the Missile Catch upgrade, you can grab missiles that are coming at you 
and throw them at an enemy.  This is a great way to combat ranged enemies)

-- HINT 2 --

Location: In the far east of the city, at the corner of a Diesel 66 station.

Area: City

(Enemies can be damaged by nearby explosions.  Keep an eye out for explosive 
objects adjacent to enemies)

-- HINT 3 --

Location: North of the Mandarin Gate Jump Marker, at the entrance of a Chinese 

Area: City

(Many moves can be charged for further effect by holding down the button 
longer before releasing it.  As an example, when you hold down X for a full 
second rather than simply tapping it, Hulk's attack will do considerably more 

-- HINT 4 --

Location: Near the end of the east canyon that leads out of the town on the 
east side on the mountain trail.

Area: Badlands

(Charging a move can be done while moving or even in the air)

-- HINT 5 --

Location: Northeast of the Verdugo's Pass Jump Marker on the same mountain 
trail.  In the northwest section of the central part of the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(Purchase the Air Enemy Grapple move to combat aerial enemies effectively.  
When Hulk is close enough to a flying enemy using "B" will allow Hulk to grab 
onto that enemy.  Hulk can then use "Y" to perform an attack against the 
grappled enemy)

-- HINT 6 --

Location: On the side of the mountain at the south most point of the badlands.  
Run along the mountains to reach it.

Area: Badlands

(With the Missile Punchback upgrade, when timed correctly, X can deflect a 
missile back at the attacker).

-- HINT 7 --

Location: On top of the mountain path outside the town to the southwest of the 

Area: Badlands

(Swing objects like a club to quickly take out large groups of enemies)

-- HINT 8 --

Location: At the center of where the east and center path meet that lead out 
of the town in the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(If the enemies are overwhelming you, try to stun them with a special attack 
and move to a better fighting area)

-- HINT 9 --

Location: On a mountain path in the near the center of the badlands in the 
southeast.  It will be to the right as you go south.

Area: Badlands

(Use objects around you either as cover or as long-ranged weapons)

-- HINT 10 --

Location: On the far west side of the second base next to the side of the 
mountain in the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(Using a targeted Air Strike is a great way to set yourself up to grab onto 
flying enemies)

-- HINT 11 --

Location: To the northeast just outside the town around some cattle in the 

Area: Badlands

(When the Hulk is hit by a powerful attack he can get thrown into the air.  
While the Hulk is in the air he will be unable to do any attacks or defend 
himself.  One of the moves Hulk can purchase is Air Recovery.  This handy 
ability will allow Hulk to use "A" to flip himself over in the air and land on 
his feet ready for action)

-- HINT 12 --

Location: In the northern west part of the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(The Target Kick ability allows you to take out two targets at once!  When 
grappling a flying enemy, select a target by pulling and holding L and then 
hold and release Y to send the enemy flying towards your chosen target)

-- HINT 13 --

Location: South of the town area near the beginning of the west most canyon 
that leads out of the town in the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(Certain objects can be weaponized by Hulk into a shield with the Shield 
upgrade.  These shields can be used to deflect incoming projectiles

If Hulk is standing still he will spin to deflect projectiles from any 
direction.  If he is moving then he will only deflect projectiles that he is 

-- HINT 14 --

Location: In the northern west part of the badlands.  A little further west 
than the above hint, almost in the town.

Area: Badlands

(Crusher moves are techniques that are especially effective against specific 
types of enemies.  Experiment with the Hulk's moves against different enemies 
and try to find all the Crusher Moves!)

-- HINT 15 --

Location: Southeast of the Infinity Cove Jump Marker a few buildings down on 
the roof of the Internet Lounge.

Area: City

(Any pole-like object like a lamp post or a telephone pole can be turned into 
a club.  Clubs can be used to beat your enemies for more damage than would be 
caused by your fists.  You can also throw your club like a javelin for a 
devastating ranged attack)

-- HINT 16 --

Location: To the direct south of the Hotel Jump Marker in an area surrounded 
by trees.  This is not all the way south.

Area: City

(Flying enemies like helicopters have a harder time avoiding your ranged 
attacks if they are coming towards you and are reasonably close.  This gives 
them less time to react.  It also helps if the missile is traveling faster � 
charge your throws for best effect)


-- HINT 1 --

Location: On top of the bus terminal building in the center of the town of the 

Area: Badlands

(Look for different objects in the world that you can weaponize.  They can 
help turn the tide in battle)

-- HINT 2 --

Location: In the northwestern part of the city near an intersection where a 
Diesel 66 station is.

Area: City

(Many objects in the world can be weaponized, if you have the right move 
purchased.  Purchase Bowling to weaponize the sign)

-- HINT 3 --

Location: From the Grand Hotel Jump Marker head all the way north until you 
come to the ocean, then turn and go west, and you find it very shortly next to 
the ocean.  West of the Jarella Point Jump Marker next to the ocean.

Area: City

(The Hulk does much more damage as his power increases)

-- HINT 4 --

Location: Southwest of the Gunnery Island Jump Marker next to the ocean.

Area: City

(The Hulk's power is fed by combat or destruction.  If you build the Hulk's 
power up sufficiently he will achieve Critical Mass)

-- HINT 5 --

Location: Extremely close to the Coliseum Terrace Jump Marker (to the west of 
it) near the center of the city on a building. 

Area: City

(When the Hulk's power reaches Critical Mass he does additional damage on his 
attacks, and gets access to special attacks

These special attacks are available in the Buy Moves menu in the Church)

-- HINT 6 --

Location: In the center of the city, very close to the Hotel Jump Marker on a 
small building.

Area: City

(Hulk's health regenerates quickly.  If you can manage to keep Hulk from 
taking damage for a few seconds, he will recover most of his power)

-- HINT 7 --

Location: In the exact center portion of the map for the badlands area.

Area: Badlands

(Vary the timing of your button presses for different combos.  Insert delays 
after a press, or hold the buttons to unleash different moves!)

-- HINT 8 --

Location: In the southwest of the center section of the map in the badlands.  
Southeast of Vedugo's Pass on trail on the side of the mountain near a bridge.

Area: Badlands

(Experiment with different combinations of using X and Y in order to discover 
new combos.  Some combos allow Hulk to do much more damage)

-- HINT 9 --

Location: In the far south of the of the west canyon that leads out of the 
town area of the badlands on a mountain trail.  Near the center of the map.

Area: Badlands

(Be familiar with all of Hulk's moves.  Certain moves can be more effective 
than other in certain situations)

-- HINT 10 --

Location: In the southwestern most point of the map, down a ramp in a parking 

Area: City

(Some moves are not available to you immediately; as you complete levels you 
will unlock new techniques)


-- HINT 1 --

Location: To the east of the Coliseum Terrace Jump Marker between some 
apartment buildings.

Area: City

(You can move the camera manually using the R stick)

-- HINT 2 --

Location: In the far east corner of the city next to the ocean.  Just a little 
ways northeast.

Area: City

(Clicking Right Stick will reset the camera to the default position)

-- HINT 3 --

Location: In the northern center area of the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(If you target enemies the camera will try to keep them in view)

-- HINT 4 --

Location: Near the middle of the east canyon that leads out of the town in the 
badlands on a mountain trail on the right side on the mountain trail as you 
are leaving the town

Area: Badlands

(You can invert your camera controls in the Camera Options menu)

-- HINT 5 --

Location: In the center portion of the map for the badlands area to the west a 

Area: Badlands

(Thrown objects will go towards a targeted enemy)

-- HINT 6 --

Location: In the northeastern most point, outside the town, of the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(Targeted enemies will be represented by a red indicator if they go off-

-- HINT 7 --

Location: South of the center canyon that leads out of town, to the northeast 
of the Restricted Area 102 Jump Marker in the middle of a plateau in the 

Area: Badlands

(Using the target button will keep the enemies in sight.  Useful for flying 

-- HINT 8 --

Location: Right before you enter the far east canyon that leads out of the 
town go to the far east and it will be on the mountain trail along the 

Location: Badlands

(Use the targeting button to aim your throws for maximum efficiency)

-- HINT 9 --

Location: On the right side of the middle canyon that leads out of the town 
area.  Go up the side of the mountain.

Area: Badlands

(Targeting mode can be switched between Hold and Toggle in the options menu.

Setting it to Hold means you have to keep L held to maintain a target lock.  
Toggle means you can pull and release L and it will keep your target locked 
until you press it again or the target dies)

-- HINT 10 --

Location: At the end of the east path that leads out of the town (just a 
little past the end) in the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(While charging a throw, the targeting cursor will change when you've charged 
up enough to hit the target)

-- HINT 11 --

Location: Near the beginning of the east canyon that leads out of the town in 
the badlands on a mountain trail on the left side as you are leaving the town.

Area: Badlands

(When Hulk throws and object or does a targeted attack at an enemy, he will 
automatically choose a target.

You can control the target Hulk chooses by pulling and holding L to show the 
currently selected target and using R stick to cycle to the next available 


-- HINT 1 --

Location: On top of the mountain path outside the town to the southeast of the 

Area: Badlands

(Actions like jumps or throws can be charged up while you are doing something 
else like running or climbing)

-- HINT 2 --

Location: On top of a tall building next to the bridge in the south of the 
city that leads to the island.

Area: City

(You can sometimes get past overhangs in buildings by jumping across from 
another surface)

-- HINT 3 --

Location: At the top center of the city on a building, which is next to some 
white DVS fuel tanks.

Area: City

(Holding down A for a second before releasing it will charge your jump so that 
you may reach greater heights)

-- HINT 4 --

Location: To the east of the Jarella Point Jump Marker across the street from 
the Veterinarian Hospital in between some apartment buildings. 

Area: City

(The fastest way for the Hulk to travel is by chaining long jumps.  If you 
hold down "A" during a jump and release it just as Hulk lands, he will 
immediately launch himself into another jump)

-- HINT 5 --

Location: At the southern western edge right below the Coliseum Terrace Jump 
Marker near the middle of the map.

Area: City

(The map can be a useful tool to help navigate around, pay attention to it)

-- HINT 6 --

Location: In the center southern portion of the badlands on the east mountain 

Area: Badlands

(Find additional jump markers so you can use them as shortcuts to cross 
distances quickly)

-- HINT 7 --

Location: At the end of the middle center path that leads away from the town 
in the badlands.

Area: Badlands

(Jump markers can be used to escape and regroup during a fight)

-- HINT 8 --

Location: To the west of the Soldier Seeker and Lights Out Challenge Missions 
on top of a tall building across from Division Corp.  This is near the center 
portion of the map.

Area: City

(Check the radar for the location of your objective)

-- HINT 9 --

Location: All the way directly south of the Dayne Jump Marker in the east on a 
tall building known as The Internet Lounge. 

Area: City

(The (Black Icon) icon in your Map in the Pause menu indicate known jump 
markers.  Try to find all the jump markers you can in the world)

-- HINT 10 --

Location: In the far east of the city, between some Chinatown Imports 

Area: City

(Use your full screen map to determine the best route to take)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Reward for finding all HINTS - 50,000 smash points
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                               SECTION VIII

---                                                                        ---
            _ _   _ __  __ ___   __  __   _   ___ _  _____ ___  ___ 
         _ | | | | |  \/  | _ \ |  \/  | /_\ | _ \ |/ / __| _ \/ __|
        | || | |_| | |\/| |  _/ | |\/| |/ _ \|   / ' <| _||   /\__ \
         \__/ \___/|_|  |_|_|   |_|  |_/_/ \_\_|_\_|\_\___|_|_\|___/

* Each Jump Marker is worth 1,000 smash points.

- CITY -

-- Tibodt Grand Hotel --

In the center of the map on a building.  This is the first Jump Marker that is 
used to enter the city.

-- Infinity Cove --

In the southwestern area of the city (southwest of the Grand Hotel Jump 
Marker) on the Bagri King building.

-- Mandarin Gate Mews --

In the east on top of the Chinatown Art Gallery Building.  This is southeast 
of the Coliseum Terrace Jump Marker and east (across the ocean) of the Grand 
Hotel Jump Marker.  There is a dps billboard on the east side of this 

-- Jarella Point --

To the far north of the Tidbodt Grand Hotel Jump Marker on small 24 hour pizza 

-- Midtown Tower --

Southeast of the Grand Hotel Jump Marker.  Very close to the Lightning Strike 
Story Mission.  Across the street from a Division Corp Building.

-- Coliseum Terrace --

Northeast of the Hotel Jump Marker on top of an apartment building.  There is 
a HINT on the west building and Comic Book #10 on a southeast building.

-- Gunnery Island Jump Marker --

On top of a building in the east section of the little island with bridges on 
both sides.  This is in the southeast section of the entire map for the city.

-- The Dayne Jump Marker --

In the far western portion of the city on top of a small building.  This is 
almost exactly to the far west of the Grand Hotel Jump Marker.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Reward for finding all Jump Markers in the City - 20,000 smash points
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


-- Last Change Caf� Jump Marker --

In the top center of the town area.

-- Restricted Area 102 --

On top of a hill that is at the end of the valley, which points right at the 
canyon that leads to the first part of the base.  This is in the very center 
of the map in the badlands.

-- Verdugo's Pass Jump Marker --

On a mountain trail at the southeast end of the west canyon that leads out of 
the town.

-- Goliath Bluff Jump Marker --

At the southeast end of the middle canyon that leads out of town on a trail 
along the mountain in between three rock pillars.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
* Reward for finding all Jump Markers in the Badlands - 15,000 smash points
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                                 SECTION IX

********************************* (Updated) **********************************

A trick for gaining more smash points quicker has been added below CODES.


---                                                                        ---
           _   _ _  _ _    ___   ___ _  __   _   ___ _    ___ ___ 
          | | | | \| | |  / _ \ / __| |/ /  /_\ | _ ) |  | __/ __|
          | |_| | .` | |_| (_) | (__| ' <  / _ \| _ \ |__| _|\__ \
           \___/|_|\_|____\___/ \___|_|\_\/_/ \_\___/____|___|___/

|    UNLOCKABLE   |                     HOW TO UNLOCK                        |
|                 |                                                          |
| Hard Difficulty | Beat Story Mode                                          |
| Replay Story    | Beat Story Mode                                          |
| Savage Banner   | Beat Story Mode (available in buy menu for 1,000,000 SP) |

---                                                                        ---
                           ___ ___  ___  ___ ___ 
                          / __/ _ \|   \| __/ __|
                         | (_| (_) | |) | _|\__ \

|  CODE   |           DESCRIPTION             |        HOW TO GET IT         |
|         |                                   |                              |
| AMERICA | American Shorts                   | Comic Book                   |
| BANDERA | Spanish Flag Shorts               | Comic Book                   |
| BRINGIT | Double Value of Health Pickups    | Comic Book                   |
| CABBIES | All Vehicles Become Taxis         | Found on the Demo            |
| CHZGUN  | Cow missiles                      | Comic Book                   |
| CLASSIC | Grey Hulk                         | Find all 60 Comic Books      |
| DESTROY | Double Hulk's damage abilities    | Comic Book                   |
| DEUTSCH | German Flag Shorts                | Comic Book                   |
| DRAPEAU | French Flag Shorts                | Comic Book                   |
| FROGGIE | Wild traffic                      | Comic Book                   |
| FSHNCHP | UK Flag Shorts                    | Comic Book                   |
| FURAGGU | Japanese Flag Shorts              | Comic Book                   |
| HISTORY | Sepia mode                        | Comic Book                   |
| KINGKNG | Ape Invasion Mode                 | Comic Book                   |
| MUTANDA | Italian Flag Shorts               | Comic Book                   |
| OCANADA | Canadian Flag Shorts              | Comic Book                   |
| PILLOWS | Low Gravity                       | Comic Book                   |
| RETRO   | Black and White Graphics          | Comic Book                   |
| SMASH5  | Get 5,000 Smash Points            | Comic Book                   |
| SMASH10 | Get 10,000 Smash Points           | Comic Book                   |
| SMASH15 | Get 15,000 Smash Points           | Comic Book                   |
| SUITFIT | Grey Hulk Mr. Fix it              | Comic Book                   |
| TRANSIT | Mass Transit On/Off               | Comic Book                   |
| VILLAIN | Play as Abomination               | Complete Story Mode          |

(special thanks to getLifted, Oedipus Complex, DrDoomsday, BlueSunRider, 
Wolverain, pdg3, scarepro, Jay FNG Philbrook from the GameFAQs boards)

- Smash Point Trick -

Taken directly from a thread on GameFAQs:

"This works best with the cheat for double power-ups, but might still work if 
you haven't got that one yet.

Go to the badlands. Max out your "Critical Mass" meters (it's ideal to have 
all 3 at this point). Go into the middle of the small town to the north, close 
to a medium-sized health pickup. Do a critical thunderclap. This will max out 
your alert meter, and planes and helicopters will come for you. Keep doing 
critical thunderclaps until your critical mass drops. Grab the health, maybe 
two... and keep doing the thunderclaps. The ideal way to do it is to leave one 
helicopter or plane, and destroy that one by hand so that a large health
Power-up falls. If you can manage that, you can go find health, max out your 
critical mass, and go back next to the large health, so that for the next 
round you just have to grab the large one when your critical mass drops, and 
you can refill easily.

Each time you destroy the threat team, you end up earning around 20-30,000 
points. I went from about 500,00 to the full 1,000,000 in somewhere around an 
hour, maybe less.  It's also funny to see all the wrecked aircraft laying all 
over town after a while."

(thanks to decepticondevil)


                                 SECTION X

---                                                                        ---
                  ___ ___  _____   _____ ___ ___ _  _ _____ 
                 / __/ _ \| _ \ \ / / _ \_ _/ __| || |_   _|
                | (_| (_) |  _/\ V /|   /| | (_ | __ | | |  
                 \___\___/|_|   |_| |_|_\___\___|_||_| |_|  

This document (c) 2005 Kevin Hall (Berserker)

Hulk interactive game (c) 2005 Universal Interactive Inc.

The Incredible Hulk character (c) 2005 Marvel Characters Inc.

This document is for private and personal use only!

Do not try to sell this document for profit!  This is a free document and 
should remain free.

Do not try to reproduce this document in any way, shape, or form.

Do not alter this FAQ in any way!

If you want to use this document on your site then contact me, 
([email protected]) and ask for permission.  Do NOT post this FAQ up on 
your website without permission - if you do then I will weaponize my Dreamcast 
and Gamecube into a set of plastic Hulk hands, and I will proceed to beat you 
to death with two of the most underrated consoles ever.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

This FAQ can be found on the following sites:

Cheat Happens (
GameFAQs  (
Neoseeker (
SuperCheats (

If you see this FAQ on any site not listed above, then please contact me! 
([email protected])

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

---                                                                        ---
       ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   _   _      _____ _  _   _   _  _ _  _____ 
      / __| _ \ __/ __|_ _| /_\ | |    |_   _| || | /_\ | \| | |/ / __|
      \__ \  _/ _| (__ | | / _ \| |__    | | | __ |/ _ \| .` | ' <\__ \
      |___/_| |___\___|___/_/ \_\____|   |_| |_||_/_/ \_\_|\_|_|\_\___/

- my parents.

- the readers.

- Stan Lee.

- The developers of Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction for proving that a 
Hulk game can be more than just mediocre.

- Icefall and the users on the Arctic Nightfall message boards, one place 
where I always feel at home on the net when I'm in the mood to discuss 
videogames or anime.

- all the sites that posted this FAQ.

- all the other FAQ writers that wrote a FAQ for Incredible Hulk: Ultimate 
Destruction.  Nice stuff guys!

- for most of the ASCII art.

- decepticondevil for the smash point trick.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

---                                                                        ---
            ___ ___  _  _ _____ _   ___ _____   ___ _  _ ___ ___  
           / __/ _ \| \| |_   _/_\ / __|_   _| |_ _| \| | __/ _ \ 
          | (_| (_) | .` | | |/ _ \ (__  | |    | || .` | _| (_) |
           \___\___/|_|\_| |_/_/ \_\___| |_|   |___|_|\_|_| \___/

I can be reached at my email address, which is > [email protected] <, so 
please contact me if you have any questions, comments, etc.  I don't mind 
receiving emails at all.  All I ask is for you to try to make the email 
decent.  I realize that some people do not speak perfect English or cannot 
type that well, so that doesn't really matter to me, but all that I ask is 
that you try to make it readable.

I would prefer you not too add me to your messenger, but if you do, at least 
tell me a bit about yourself and why, or if I know you, tell me who you are.  
One of my pet peeves is when people just add me to their messenger without 
saying anything.  I usually just deny their request.

Last but not least, do not send me any viruses or spam mail please.

Want to learn a bit more about me?  See my FAQ Writer of the Month interview 
at IGN...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


* Advent Rising (Xbox)

* Advent Rising Game Script (Xbox)

* Eve of Extinction [EOE] (PS2)

* Hulk (GC)

* Metal Gear Solid 3 Secrets/Easter Eggs FAQ (PS2)

* Psi-Ops (Xbox)

* Resident Evil 4 Treasure & Money Guide (GC)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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------------------------------- > BERSERKER < --------------------------------